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Grade 7

Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)

Name: ______________________ Class: __________ Date: _________________

Section One: Reading Comprehension( /3M)

Social Media: Then & Now

(1) Shocking as it may be, social media has been around for a long time. In 1997, the first recognized
social media website was considered to be a website called Six Degrees. After a few years, social media evolved
again and a new social networking site called “hi5” was created in 2003. This was followed by the largely popular
“MySpace” that came out later that year. Not long after, Facebook emerged.
(2) In the early 2000s, as social media sites began To pop up, not many people used these sites or were
even aware of them. Blogging was not an activity many participated in, let alone blogging online or on a website
that you could share with friends and family. Social media was not something people checked regularly or had in
the palm of their hands.
(3) Social media sites didn't originally have instant messaging. Instant messaging wasn't around until the
1990s, when AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was created. AIM sites were online chatrooms where you could
communicate and engage with friends and family. MySpace didn’t even have an instant messaging feature until
2006. Similarly, when Facebook was originally created, it was intended to be a social media site for students
attending Harvard University. Some of These social media sites have expanded over Time, but many of Them
have been shut down or are no longer used due to inactivity or bigger and better social media sites Taking Their
(4) YouTube was launched in 2005 and Twitter quickly gained popularity in 2007. It is interesting to
note that 2007 was the same year the first iPhone came out. This began the evolution of social media being in the
palm of your hand — all thanks to an app on your phone. Instagram began in 2010 and became the first photo
editing and sharing app. This was soon followed by Snapchat and Vine. Vine was around for a few years before it
was shut down in 2017.
(5) In 2018, TikTok grew to be one of the most popular social media apps and had been downloaded
more than 18 million times. It has over two billion monthly active users and has surpassed active Snapchat users.
(6) As of 2019, Facebook is considered the most popular social media site. Worldwide, 85 % of Internet
users have a Facebook account. YouTube is the second most popular and most active social media site behind
Facebook. This is followed by Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter.
(7) Social media has evolved over time and looks very different today than it did even a few years ago.
Social media continues to be innovative and is constantly changing.

A. Why was Facebook originally created? ( /1M)


B. What was the most popular social media account of 2018? ( /1M)
Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)
C. Respond to the text. ( /1M)

Literature (
 From
(Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien Planets):
.Identify the choice that best answers the question
1. According to of “Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien Planets”
which of the following specific ideas is the 100-Year Starship program looking at closely? Choose two
options. ( /0.5M)

A) ways to lower the cost of space travel

B) ways to enable spaceships to travel more rapidly
C) ways to shrink the amount of time space travel takes
D) ways to adapt spaceships for public transportation on Earth
E) ways to improve the human body to help it endure long space trips
2. According to “Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien Planets”, what are the
main purposes of the 100-Year Starship
project? Choose two options. ( /0.5M)
A) to generate support for NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft
B) to enable human beings to establish colonies on Mars
C) to help humanity overcome its problems with political instability
D) to encourage public enthusiasm for travel beyond our solar system
E) to develop the new technology needed to travel beyond our solar system
3. Without the development of a method to warp or shrink space-time, or a new propulsion system—both
ideas that the 100-Year Starship program is exploring—humanity would need to find a way to overcome
some of its instability problems According to this paragraph, what is most likely to happen to space
exploration if political instability continues? ( /0.5M)
Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)
A) New technologies for space travel will not be developed.
.B) Lengthy journeys through space will be threatened by a lack of cooperation
C) There will be no lasting economic benefits from space travel.

 From (The Last Dog):

DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. Then, answer each question below. ( /1M)
Michael and Eric are mountain climbers trying to reach the peak of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the
world. They struggle through the bitter cold and gasp for air in the high altitude. Suddenly, the show under
Michael’s feet gives way, and he falls into a deep, narrow pit. Eric wants to save his friend, but he has always been
terrified of being trapped in narrow spaces. Finally, though, he overcomes his fear, rescues Michael, and brings
him home safely.

1. What is the external conflict in the passage?

2. What is the internal conflict in the passage?
3. How is the internal conflict in the passage resolved?

Section Three: Grammar ( /3M)

1- Underline each participial phrase in the following sentences, and draw an arrow from it
to the noun or pronoun it modifies. ( /1 M)
a) It was a mystery series featuring a different story and different actors each week.
b) Hitchcock’s films, criticized by some, maintained a dramatic flair.

2- Underline once the participles and participial phrases used as adjectives in the following
sentences. Then, underline twice the word or words each participle or participial phrase
modifies. ( /1 M)
- The woman wandering down the street was wearing a red hat.
- The wooded site was a perfect place to camp for the night.

3- For each of the following sentences, underline the infinitive phrase.

( /1 M)
- The yoga positions to practice first can be learned from a book or video.
- For now, I’ve chosen to learn a routine that increases flexibility.
Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)

Section Four: Vocabulary And Spelling: ( /3M)

• Complete the sentences using the words from the word list:-
enterprising– avowed – detriment – glut – frugal –
1. Isn't it strange for a(n) _______________ music lover to show no interest in our school
2. What a change from the _______________ streets of the inner city to the wide-open
spaces of the Great Plains!
3. We admired the _______________ immigrant who set up a small shop and developed it
into a large and prosperous business.
4. His income was small, but his _______________ living habits enabled him to save a large
sum of money over the years.
5. We desperately needed every bit of help we could find, but what we got was a(n)
______________ of advice and scarcity of cold cash.
6. An inability to get along smoothly and effectively with other people will be a great
________________ to you in any career you may choose.

Section Five: Writing: ( /3M)

There’s nothing like a day of shopping to make you feel good. Whether you’re buying
something for yourself or for someone else, the sense of satisfaction you get from finding
the perfect item is hard to beat. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts between
shopping online and shopping in person.
Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)

Section Six: Bonus Questions: ( /2.5M)

1. According to Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien planets the
100-Year Starship project includes artists and science fiction writers, as well as scientists
and engineers. What is the main reason for including people from the arts?
( /0.5M)
a-Artists and science fiction writers are great supporters of space travel, and they are
willing to lend their time and effort to the project.
b-The skills of artists and science fiction writers can help in the program’s aim of
increasing public enthusiasm for space exploration.
c-The program is so experimental that artists and science fiction writers understand it
better than scientists and engineers do.

2. We should be willing to share our (bountiful – detriment) food supplies with less fortunate
people in other parts of the world. ( /0.5M)

3. On the line provided, write a sentence using the following infinitive phrase.
( /0.5M)
- to succeed in my goals
4. The text of science fiction is written in the future.
( /0.5M)
a. True
b. False
5. Mention two features of a compare and contrast text. ( /0.5M)

!Best of luck

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