Division of Philosophy

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Division of philosophy • According to the idea of Parmenides, REASON is 3.

Prisoner- ordinary people, taking sensible world

A. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY (PRE-SOCRATIC PERIOD) the basic stuff of everything. as real world
1. Thales • This principle speculated that everything came 4. Escaped Prisoner- philosopher, who seen light,
• Metaphysics and Epistemology tries to answer the from reason. true reality
question, what is the basic stuff of everthing? Example: c. The Theory of Love- define love as longing and
• According to the idea of Thales, WATER is the * the first “priori” belonging, striving for to attain the object.
basic stuff of everything. * principle of reason
• This principle speculated that everything came * you cannot create something out of nothing 3. Aristotle
from water. 7. Empedocles “What is it to be”
Example: • According to the idea of Empedocles, ILLUSION is To be – is a particular thing/object.
* a piece of wood the basic stuff of everything. Example: a PARTICULAR statue, stuff.
• This principle speculated that everything came What is the Actuality and Possibility?
2. Anaximander from illusion.
• According to the idea of Anaximander, FIRE is the Example: a. The Theory of Forms
basic stuff of everything. * change is a mere illusion Form is a universal, something that more
• This principle speculated that everything came * everything came from imagination than universal form.
from fire. 8. Anaxagoras Therefore, Form and Matter cannot be
Example: • According to the idea of Anaxagoras, MIND is the separated
* the world surrounded by fire basic stuff of everything. b. Theory of Knowledge
* star/ heavenly bodies • This principle speculated that everything came -comes into our perfect INTUITION
* the can be change according to seasons from mind. - Even the existence of God come from
3. Anaximenes Example: INTUITION.
• According to the idea of Anaximenes, AIR is the * nous
basic stuff of everything. * intelligence C. MODERN PHILOSOPHY
• This principle speculated that everything came * knowledge RISE OF CHRISTIANITY
from air. a. St. Augustine
Example: Faith is the Ultimate source of Everything.
* the world float on air B. MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY (THE DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS) 1. Faith can be adopted
* the idea of evaporation 2. Plato 2. Faith can be ammended
4. Pythagoras a. The Theory of Forms (separation between the Christianity remains strong because of the Foundation-
• According to the idea of Pythagoras, NUMBER is Matter and Form) Faith.
the basic stuff of everything. - the true/real object the we perceive in reality is Augustine says: “Creation Ex Nihilo”- God Created the world
• This principle speculated that everything came NOT true/real, but it is only a FORM out of nothing.
from number. Explanation:
Example: - the one that makes the existence of everything is B. St. Thomas Aquinas
* everything can be enumerated, countable and the form. When the form separated into matter, Tries to seek the boundaries of these two fields:
measurable. the matter no longer exist. Philosophy- based into the precepts of reason
5. Heraclitus Ex. Chair and a wood/metal/plastic Theology- based into the truths of revelation true faith
• According to the idea of Heraclitus, CHANGE is the b. The Theory of Knowledge- it is not just a mere
basic stuff of everything. perception but more than perception. # He was convinced that there’s a real external world
• This principle speculated that everything came Example: ordered by law.
from change. “The Myth of the Cave” # He claims that we have knowledge into the natural world
Example: Characters: but insufficient bec. Human being does not really know the
* everything will change 1. Cave- the world/ experience thru our senses natural truths, God is inaccesible for us human being to
* there’s only one permanent- change 2. Sunlight- realm of forms know
6. Parmenides

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