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My Activities During Covid-19

Hi !! My name is Dinda Rizqiatus Saadah, I am a student at Nahdlatululama University in

Surabaya, I am studying at the University in the undergraduate nursing study program, I am
taking this education because I am interested in the health sector, such as in 2020 when the
Covid-19 outbreak occurred. started to attack and entered Indonesia, at that time I, who was
studying at high school, precisely in the city of Jombang, decided to take part in becoming a
health team to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus, there I learned how to do the first
treatment when someone is infected with the virus, Not only that, I also took part in preparing
useful activities to increase immunity when the government implemented the PSBB policy. At
that time, it was a fever, then after the fever, other symptoms appeared, namely a lack of ability
to smell and taste. When I was infected with the Covid-19 virus, I self-quarantined for
approximately two weeks, I locked myself in my room and the things I needed were provided by
my family.

When I was in self-quarantine, I took several actions to increase my immunity, namely

sports that can be done indoors, such as gymnastics. Not only that, I also ensure that the nutrition
that enters my body is nutritious and good for increasing immunity. I also take vitamins
regularly. On the seventh day of quarantine my condition had improved but I continued to carry
out self-quarantine until the time recommended by the government, namely 14 days or 2 weeks, I
did this to ensure my condition had really improved and to ensure my family was safe from
exposure to the virus. When I completely recovered from the Covid-19 virus, I started carrying
out my daily activities normally. However, I still follow health protocols, for example always
wearing a mask, keeping my distance, using proper sneezing etiquette, washing my hands
frequently and much more. I also pay attention to the nutrition that goes into my body, this is to
maintain my body's immunity so that I don't get infected with the virus a second time. When the
Covid-19 virus subsided, I started to focus on taking exams and preparing to enter the university
I was going to. Even though some activities are still carried out online, life on earth is starting to
improve over time. The use of masks is still used as personal protection and to prevent the virus
from attacking again. With this virus, the experience in health that I am interested in can be
further developed. Not only that, the sense of caring between fellow humans is also more
pronounced. This outbreak can remind people to always be careful, always take care of
themselves and protect the environment. Love yourself, love the earth

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