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Dragi colegi,

Programul nostru Star for You se bucura de un mare succes de cand a fost lansat in anul
2017. Programul este menit sa recunoasca colegii care respecta cele patru valori LIFE și
sa impartaseasca comportamentele lor cu ceilalți. Programul este o modalitate prin care
angajatii isi pot exprima aprecierea fata de colegii care fac diferenta in viata de zi cu zi.
Recunoasterea este mai mult decat un premiu financiar.

Cu toate acestea, lunile trecute am observat ca in multe cazuri programul de recunoastere

a colegilor nu mai este utilizat asa cum a fost initial conceput:

- colegii cu cele mai multe nominalizari/premii sunt aproximativ aceiasi in fiecare luna;
- nominalizarile nu sunt bine argumentate asa cum prevede politica Star for You;
- nominalizari repetitive pentru una si aceeasi situatie/caz.

In urma acestei situatii, premiile Star for You nu vor mai fi platite si vom lucra la o noua
schema de recompensare pentru a ne asigura ca programul isi serveste scopul. Star for
You ramane deschis si puteti continua sa recunoasteti colegii si sa le multumiti pentru cele
patru valori Bayer: leadership, integritate, flexibilitate si eficienta.

Dear colleagues,

Our Star for You program enjoys great success since it was rolled out in 2017. The
program is meant to recognize role models in our four LIFE values and share on their role
model behaviours with others. The program is a way for employees to express appreciation
for their co-workers who make a difference in everyday work life. Recognition is more than
a financial award.

However, last months we noticed that in many cases the peer recognition program is not
used the way it was targeted

- the colleagues with most stars are almost the same each month

- the nominations are not concreted, as required by the Star for You policy

- repetitive nominations for one and the same situation/case

Following this situation, we stop the financial award on the program and we will work to
redesign the reward scheme on the program to ensure it serves its purpose. The program
stays open and you can continue to recognize colleagues and thank them for their
Leadership, Integrity, Flexibility, Efficiency.

Best Regards


Freundliche Grüße / Best regards,

Lyuba Paounova
Country Group Head of HR Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova



Bayer Bulgaria EOOD

Human Resources
Rezbarska St. 5
BG-1510 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 4247-271

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