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om Mocile - 6 50 t Flenible€ Cash Budget iP flenibhe Bucket Ax sot, Wh anol 100 °L, & ney eocerunit) 80% Capocidy lob *h ¢ | ace 50% Spacidy | | ae unidy) Cosoousats) bases | | fade Poa ie anil) 96 der 1 a, ka aed | todad Veet wedtesials! 30 | 1, 57000 36 (240000 36 (fee unit x anit) | | | j Si pactd aseges | 20 |1001000| 20 140,00 20 | 2bbeey > | 300000 | Spisect expertes| (0 | 50.000 | to 30.000 to too09 fame Cost 60 | 3.001000, &p 4 ot | £0 inno ® | | | { | h fact overhead) | | x ([sinenso%) Fi» wed | y 20000 2.5 | 20000) 2° | 2eveto | wren) Vootoble. 4 | 200000) 4 32000 | 4 | 400 (2.01000/5000)— —— «| 6g [3401000 | 6.5 clazaty 68 |b ,601000 lworks Cosd ! < ddninisf ea dve | | | = Ca persed : | a } iortygiorvotle th2 \S000 | "+2 | 29600 | M2 | 12000 5, | 1 we * (eeu /o00) | oases Y Fix aS 48 24.060 | 3 | est02 | 4,000 : " (000% 0%) eee > 261 » perducchon 94 |4 20 006 | eran FI _ _ | —— — (& scanned with OKEN Scanner a) Plevible Ludyst fos Rerdicelans Nariable expensed! Meaderiol Lobe Otfoers Naniable expenses (4) | Fis edt expertes : { j Salaries 660,000 | ¢, 001000 | 6:0D.000 | & bolts Renl ard drres groorc00 | 3100,d00 | 3 (001000 | 3th De ie bon 5,000. | | 5,00:000 S.00.000 | | | Seaton Cee | bs , 0. 001000 | | 9100.06 260,009 Adrainistaadive- enpenies $0010 0 Lid Gi es penses (8) Semi- vase ble expenses: Repaixs (direct Lobousr Others ent) ' Salary hess: Todol erpenses CAt Bid 50%, iG 8 75% & Det Gprey Bon | OG (2 ‘4 | ony x copesidy capacity eet | arcound_, Hover Len ote “(01001000 LD00D 1400/00 8a 400,000. /7,60,000 (2001000 | I-40, 1,601000 |. 21000 | 2, 0.000 2Bhiny 000 | 23,52, 600 2% 401000 35:28] pa eo Ry 22001006 wnt 220 0,000, 221001000 san = + \3,001000 | 3:00 000 51301000" Blow A, 501000 j 4,50 000 4,95 ,000 40100 izeneoe 2a | conte | 72,0000 “ano | Troncne 5130800) 54, (22,000 a | 67.72,00 1 _—] 4.10 -000 |17,78 1000 29,03,000 [40 2nd (& scanned with OKEN Scanner | (5000 uUnds | 261000 unls trata [om nodah |P&4,| toda aan aS Ky earls | 50 20 i 010 “17,56000 50 [1000000 | ppbou 25 (250.00 26 |3,76000. 25 [5,000 iy, | i pouableenperse, 12. le 500000 | 5 |p, 251000) 15 | 3,0h000 ye 25100} IS | rE pare cost 10 (100.000 40 _|1 3.501000 | 9b 191001000 ee | [ 1 1 tn ¢ | 12 11,20,000 g |t.20,000| 2 | 420/000 » | fin Ey | | | we | variable — | LO | 1.00/000| £0 _| [561006 | 40 12001000 im: | works Cost NZ |ti20000 | 108 |'42.0000 | 106 | 2 (20000 } | ] | (Na, Adpinisdacctive | | | | eoperse4 25 250,000 | (867 agBO00 (25 | 2 500000 | Ju tosd cl of penta (27 [13 70d 24.4 (9 THAD FS (23 T000 | | | wet i nerhaeel 6 | 60,000 4 60000 | 3 | 60000 % 2006015) | | | nl (50000% 40%.) | | a onao'd) | | tb Variable § 9 | 90000 | 9 |13.5000 | 7 | 190/20 wf bn 60°), | ys 'sthibudio 4 is itt in expen | 4 Eined | 2 | 20000 | 1-33 | 20,000 2.01000 30000 » 26%) f I4)Voxable 4 _|b01000 | ¢ | 26000 | 6 |h20000 bs) oP te cucdyn ob | 16.00000 | 145 |21,750000 (325 5 127, 601000 | (& scanned with OKEN Scanner . Procluedion bualyt foa he. ye! Cunids) Radicbaons a Ox Qs a, Sales 108000 | 1.200800 1,32, 40 Ite Adel: clos 20000 22,000 26,006 231t05| a of Ao ((131200) 201000) (22008), (2c Peaductn On wnihs 36:00 53,n9 + Produokeas adler (nds) « C 1101800 | 1221006 Il sbdock » Oplstoet l cheng Stock = Yet of ee 5) Preducdior coat bi Gee _2020 a : andi cule oe ete oF Fa wea (awamas) (00) |t-26eN0 | | 47005 in Lo [39.00 vanioble aa eras 00d p*tened) | 15000 (& scanned with OKEN Scanner cost of fare modeniotl (ww) go 000 = 133 SOOO t (pcacat]e 0086 %) hr Of e° ok pat 0 OOO [26,000 . > 5.640 Low rrvcberial toaf L346 > se 1600 = ly 2580 OR yo (90,000 105 1, 26,660 6021000 100 SS wed es (WA- 2) (301000 0,006 x "2 23 © 7005 60600 Tn 100 eee $6,000 © scanned with OKEN Scanner — a 9 cask budget fa Mpeil = Tone r01y : | Apsil | Mey | June one : | G,00 1000 (54, 000) 226 265) Collection few “sebdpes | £00,000 7.201600 P120100, ee 4) —__ Reerdicetases | 15 00,000 | Total, © [100,00 24i66.000 $7200 Vitor Choong belorce. (0/0) Gaon B.r6.o0e ————— | _|2,22,000 | | cee ean mend: | | | | Metals 500.000 5: bbs 000 | bs2emy | - 1124000 |1130,000) L009 oun dlead 66 1000 | “10.000 | 80,000 ' Dales Commpiosion, 64,000 | 80,000. 84.00 | y Raxchose f Mace hire 1o.c0000|_| } 4 Wal 154.000 |!8;40:000 1, 24.00 kK f | a _ Golleedion. cava dlebdpas = a] Apxil Meet : June | et 230,00) t Manck 31201000 |3 20.000 | 44,00 .000| 44006006 - - 41126 000 61001660 | 7,20,000 pal (& scanned with OKEN Scanner ll —_— 4 frepars a Cash kolaet of Alphe ; ) dpe db Jere 2019 or he oe ie fe auieiae Labs: a a) Sales. | gel - Ba BE 25:00:00 pranelS 2014 - 25:2000.000 ofp sil & June 201% (2+ 30:00:000 (Pe bas Hel te sales ane. fa ake 96. - \ tol! ane Colle teak in pe moorte Gilg yh the monte Sales fre bekance Me mortl § = 4 por cask & b) Eenids are all cbiseabbed of Bb: 1, avail of th ee “tne purchase bude! & Apa Md | }S 151060 hou keds morth. Q &3- loo” per basket aloes fa he cecenal Querte 1! 9S 5 ded ad pi 50.000 Pe morte l ae sed budget fe Apzil de a | ; i | \ dW) ether are we! ones ee eee Wo nod in coh ee ; Sell en Adair’ Jradive <* Misc. experses — Qs: (& scanned with OKEN Scanner | | Mn rap bealget fox spl Jone 2010 ——._ eiplass | Apail en Opening balance - | 0,00,000 24,25 | Cas id sales 15,0000 | 15 100/600 Sty Clleadion fen Aebdord | toy25,000 Hy, 50,006 ne | Todo 265,25:000 31, 501000 | Pasay | Cash poy ent ! | Punckase HH, 25.000 | 2.51000, Mere se (16:000~ 109% 95" jos |, 50.000; 50,000 | 5000p Bolted cael Sel ral expenses 20000 | 261600) Admbisdaadve enprses | o4,000 | 20,000 | Mise. expend L1o000 | 10.060 | : Tote! 1G. 25 1000 |'5,25,000 | Soren i es ee chasing balance 101001000 |24,2.5,00b 93.1% 000 Februar ¢ rene yy” “hu) (on eal 14f,9)| e000} 1,00 000 Apail (so,onoeonsogemy bbe Setee-|(50,000 | 1,580? May (30,00,000%50 710964 13,5040 L | Sreeeeey —__Glleedin eam debdos 110128000 | (450,000 ean (& scanned with OKEN Scanner ay ce §) Prepare oe Cask bedged fox Me Teg Meu eJane cand. Joly” 2023.0n he basis of che Goer: tre foamatiod : Sebi a Sh Edi mnfy offer" More nage erp. expenses eal Pancha Cup erty ch 0,000 ae mor 36,000 9000 4.0009 ,000 41000 Apel 621000 39,000 8,000 3,000 500 G ,006 ey 64.000 33,000 © 101000 4,500 250 4,500 Je 52000 35,000 1500 358 2.000 5,500 4 B.000 39,000 500 40D 1.000 4,800 0 3000 11500 4.500 sfugus| 661000 3etc000 70° | t p (1) cosh bollamce on may 2024 is expected be. @8- 81000 + ' Gi) Plant Coad 23 lb,006 ts due: fos debug | 12 dune Gly payable (0'L on aaa fw balan e fle 3 monty. Li) Advance dan H R- 8,000 wack is Payable ie mane! L Jane | Civ) Perioal A Credlit allowed by Sapplter— 2 mordes | ordude custmeci- (nrenth, | Cy) in peyrnt ot wrens fk ning pense | -“]_ month | Cvi) ‘<4 ine pearl of ote anol sling penses— ( mo | ee Yo od Rpxi (4 Yoo CC v) adfutbrent (& scanned with OKEN Scanner TT — An Cast bu of fos_ Mau be Foly-t025) lec, —___ feasidjet 2h iMag ise deel — 13,750 wee pen ou ce F, 060 1250 Colleton for dele |g 2.000 64.000 SF Todo — | 10800 11750 Tovasy Pass sent do Sapplies | 6,000 | 39,000 33 ves, — | 10,000 $,560 % 500 | i Mia capenses | Br PSO 11060 3,75 . ] oO . i fbce expenses \\, 500 21560 | 2.000 Selling exoperse 5,000 KS 500 3,00 3,000 | Plant puxckas el | | 1,600 tolal” | 66,260 65,500 53.559 [ rid belance | 13,750 (2,250 (6,900 Advance dan | 3 a | | (& scanned with OKEN Scanner wr 4 — Llenible budeet 5 teabualane 8 Gueet motertals (»3) ect usages (x2. | ie Sy | (Labo a sone (2-2 1,40 000) lndorect Jobou> (1.25% 1,440,000) Ins pection (0-15% (40000) Prine cost overhead 2. Meirlenance Supesvision on Plat Legerprrert | Servic ae a4 ine “a orks Cost « aalrainis| codon OH col ond. wed poiab fC») cost/eanid » 24) \4 feaeeon | lochizd moterral | |2. ee (\2.0,000 ro unily | (40,000 20 ewil 150,000 unis | 8,40.000 | qéenoe ‘10,50.000 |G, 60,000 \é 00600 436,000 15461000 (6,56,000 { | ) 309,000 | 3.30000 \ | 1 | 501000 | 75,000 [8% 500, 4 | | | (10.00 05.000 (Lote 500 | \ | B44 000 | 16100 Ih 02, 500 if {ln 43.000 \2,22,000 ere f {0,000 | %0,000 | %0: 000 i \ 14000 | 14000 | * F000 22,90,000| 26, '0,400 28, 0/500 85,000 | €5,000\ 95000 \ 120,000 | 1, 40,000 iso00o | 24,95,000\2n.36,200 186,35 % | aa | Cosh f peoluctton _| (& scanned with OKEN Scanner lnoliaced metleatal ‘ 3 30,060 BiG4 1000 20h a Cost - — £61000 Pox unl = $6000 29 5 301000 == Todal cost of inelixent | (2-20 1,2. 61600 = 2, 4.000) 100° vanich le (ir enarcee (021 500 £4,000 D coef (8, 500 A beoutpat = [,50:000~ |, 20,000 = 20.000 vie ve [uni] = 2 coat 3 outed By ete eal 36.60 = fee 7TC- Ve 2.0000 14, 00) Ve 2 feztet06 0 0.6 bs “EERE Te: S44 000 74000 A Ete 841 ,000-28e82@- (0.000 (& scanned with OKEN Scanner ie... 4 7 AC ME __ q oudpet Mairrtercrcee—losf (20,000 11401000 I Bbid00 FC (0,000 0.000 (0,006 uc (0-6 ; Ge ae) Bette 94,400 12,500 14.000 4 “Cc oo j a wey .00p 00 102560 : J ih; Sepervision " , | 2134 000 (98.000 tr 2 cosd 36,000 i ; a outpitt - 1, $0,000 - 201000 = 30.000 we —=. a | ; B Cos = 3b (0 hd velunt + A Cogf . = 361000 jp i 3 Oudjout 301000 ——— 4 no Be TC-Vve is Vee 20/000 02> 14000 i i = Mi Tes 48,000 1 + PCs 600 — (744.000 2 24,000 3 epee (98.00 a i eS 1,40.000 (30.000 . cape (20.000 ¢ am it Ec 54.000 S44 c00 wee Cara) eed Lb £89000 1,28 (000 2,344,000 Superv ISI = Nt Fiat 1000 ! sil (& scanned with OKEN Scanner 6) Plexeble. baged - Posrdicwlar? _ Medexal cost Labor Pousek Repeics Shires lnspeedion Depreciadion Adminisdeative expensed Seliog Xperses Cost o producdon ae Col peer unit (ohudpad) b's FOC bby 3,20:000 Y1061000 tay 1,.92,000 2140009 222.0% 16,400 | 20 1000 23, lop 24,520 32,000 4,40 12,206 61600 14,200 | 7360 #000 | 8640 [460.600 | 180,000 160,000 [| 761000 | $0,000 247 | 34,00 >“ | 141000 (33, ie L ie 54,320 (0400 1153 5 hi | (21358 | 20. 8 jiaeer —— => — (& scanned with OKEN Scanner poo gheg nthe: prodericl. 4.001000 5, 49 . 3,to000 56 ——= = 400,006 w060 > 4,80,000 oe 50 ————— habocun = 2)40.000 0 40 —« /;12:800 | Be =—— . = 2,40,000% 60 2, 801000 = 2,4oanon 6. AEE ! 50 | Pouser = 20,000 | a 9 25% Capac e _ 26.000 - (00 ops Nasiable= a | Lived: 20 000 — (81000 = 2.000 | ‘ 40% : Power Quis Copal \ | cpbles (21002 wea. 141 400 ; Nase cp Maso) | Pineal > 2.000" | +, Power cosd (6,400 _ (vered i fewer cot 60°C tapes 1 2,000 * . £2. 21 600 oS "PC = 231600 ——— (& scanned with OKEN Scanner a Partie moeunteronce Ca to varind ) Repoins 4 “ : 2 32,000" . 4704 varwableQ 56% Capacidy ® 32000777 - rH [ew eols 3 /000~ 22eeee Fe RAMA YOY, Capacity Naniable + 22,400. ay. (1,420 50 & . Rim cit: 2 970 RAMA 60% aaa Vaniable = 22400 _ 4g, 26,800 So RL meg Cost. 36,490 to res. te Ug'l - {6.000% 0 12,800 Bo — . 60 bb'be= om e binzee © scanned with OKEN Scanner - font psec C40 Vaours ) yortoble @ fot Capaidy % 00% 10 2200 PCs Heo _ [nspection @ 40% cape cé Vos B 1200840 2360 ti ee eee I - 1360 ; 1c Qe 661 { Ver Broun 0 ~ 3840 sad SS } Tez 8640 \ == ‘ ANdrinrtsdaotive mperred® (2s varging i vooiable @ Sb *L Copasitys ee 22 aun 1400 hi bivea= $0,000 — 20,000 = 60.000 iy Q40 tiara 20,000* 0 i goo so orc = Tht Rbo% copeciy B4.000 : = pee 20,000>0 60 _ ahyovo oe caeeed ah —" a (& scanned with OKEN Scanner “hea cepenes! (40 ia venging) Variable @ 50%. 43.000» © — 9p, 200 eae —————— 100 Cived- £49,000 - 2819002 L200 > Variable @ 40% - 20, 000 0 40> 23,640 50 “TC 242:240 — Fi & > variable @ 60% = 2280 % 8? ay), czy Bo ——— Tbs 93,10 aires eee eee oudput = 16 _ ask Jean Compr mg copacidy = ccna 400 5o ——— taba r009 = S000 Units B Sth 200% ~ S:000% 6 bot opacity = - 6000 © scanned with OKEN Scanner 4 Production = wb Gale 4t charg sdock) ~ Peck y Sales = 50.000 CL sSdeck = U,000 Op stock ~ 1500 5 Producten = (§0.0008 (o00) - hie _ 4¢,.c00_ units 2 —— 1,15:000 bg Susi 4 | 46000 24008 | 41.099 | 28000 tek > | Ong: 130/800 61060 | 29,69 \ 2,27.400 (& scanned with OKEN Scanner dlaetad Vooviable Coot 98 pecan) cost pu~ Elemende o of. cost caleulodions uni} Dised modeaical: @ (2-5xt2) | 3 & 5 x02) (4s (tag Lo? “4 | ) 5-3 Direcf bata (5/0"9 0.15 td, | 0-45 Nas le | \ 650 _ rigs cos cost | ee ek ed income: — ee 4 cleo / Per. Rea unid | total [ 1 ~ soles ( 50000 ants) | 7 um "” Less. vosinble mf. cosd \ &5 G.25a0) Less: Selina & adrinishadin | Pred | aa Cau) (a5 4) variable ous (22506) | eG refactoring toot | og | 300. | ners Creed. monnfac - LL | 49,600 | wel perfit income | — I (& scanned with OKEN Scanner

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