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Channeled Sigil Introduction

by Goddess Arachneia
from The Dark Womb of Arachne on etsy

An intro

All sigils that I create are channeled & consecrated in rituals, often have written down
documents that regulate their influence, process and provide stability of the work.

No matter what kind of sigil you had ordered from me - know it was created and refined
profoundly by the entity with which I was co-working on that. That means few things about
protection and few things about quality of the work and its properties.

Let’s start with protection.

First - the sigil is protected by my own energy, residing deeply in it in its neutralized and well
hidden form. My whole energy is heavily warded and protected through a complex,
multifaceted and living system. If a drop of my energy is in such working - it is protected by
that system and so are my workings. Every single work I release for the people consists of
an adjusted to it mirror-copy of warding system that I have. It evolves while you work with it,
when you receive my work it is already pre-personalised according to your energy signature.

Second - the sigil is co-created by a powerful deity, with whom often I have a lifelong
contract or other connection of this type. That means few things:

● This work is protected by their essence, in similar way that it is protected by mine
(but obviously on much higher level and profound depths). You can say that this sigil
is divinely protected.
● Deities that co-create with me agree before our work to be a patron/matron over the
sigil and through that if something is about to blow up - they will come and help you.
We can imagine it that way: they will get an alert notification and they agreed to take
responsibility for our work (same as me, for my part) and act if there is a necessity
(sigil override, malicious usage etc).

Third - That doesn’t mean further protection on your side isn’t needed. Everytime you work
with anything spiritual, occult you should protect yourself, same as you put your seatbelt on
everytime you are going to drive a car. I took care about the car to be safe to drive, the deity
provides quality fuel and motion of it. But that doesn’t mean the road will be safe or other
drivers won’t hit your car, sometimes on purpose. It's general advice - your protection should
consider your path and people that might try to walk over you on the way - with various
reasons in their minds.

Aside from protection there is also one more thing that co-creation engenders here. If
you work on the sigil yourself, using various methods, attuning yourself - you will discover
that it has many layers put there by the deity I worked with on it. It is a wonderful gift from

Your sigil will evolve with time, becoming more personalized to your changing needs and
evolution of self. It also will rise in power every time you use it.

How to use his sigil?

Sigils are tools and tools can be used in many ways. I will give you some inspiration only and
the rest is dependable on your imagination, openness and creative flow of energy.

Important note: Mind that if I sent you a personal note on sigil usage - it has
higher priority than this manual. If I wrote in a personal message that you
should not burn the sigil before your work with it but after or I advised you to
not put the sigil to be reached by the sunlight (for example because it’s
essence is darkness) - this is above this manual instructions and advice.

The foundation of sigil working: Draw sigil with an intention. Release its energy.

The most common use of a sigil is to draw it, give it your energy and intention, then release it
by dismantling the sigil (burning it, burying it, letting it go with water or air, tearing it).

Let’s start with recreation of the sigil in some way.

You can draw it simply by pen, write an intention on the other side, fold the paper, hold it
while charging with additional energy and visualization of the effects - then burn it. You can
extend this process, take a chalice of water and bathe it in the smoke coming from burned
sigil, than drink it (if its purpose is to influence you or empower you in situations, create an
You can throw ashes into the wind so it would carry your intentions to the place that have
what you desire and bring it back to you, in form of manifested vision.
You can throw it into the river if you prefer water to be a conduit of your manifestation.
Or bury it in dirt, under the tree that you love if you want this to grow and have stable

You can charge the sigil before releasing its energy in many ways. Depending on your
preferences and abilities:

● You can channel the energy of your rage into it, focusing on your desires. If you
practice, you will be able to neutralize the rage while channeling it so it will be
powerful charging without a backlash.
● You can channel every energy coming from emotions - remember to focus on what
you desire.
● You can channel your energy into it by visualization - imagine that you are drawing
energy from yourself and pushing it into the sigil.
● You can also take a universal crystal providing energies, hold it in one hand and
place the other hand over the sigil, to become the channel between those two
● You can touch the sigil and channel energy of your orgasm into it - this is as powerful
as rage outburst (in my opinion - same energy, different interpretation of the mind).
● You can do a bit of bloodletting as blood is a carrier of our life energy (wash your
hands, disinfect skin, use sterile needles, diabetics needle-pen is a great way if you
want to use your blood for sigil work).
● You can charge sigil with intention by any activity specifically dedicated to charging
the sigil: dance, exercise, shouting, walking, painting, sculpting, hiking. Imagine the
string coming from your body to the physical representation of the sigil. Cut the string
when you are done. While performing activity - you can visualize the effects that you
want. You can draw sigil on your skin and dedicate activity to charge it.
● You can make an art piece with sigil drawn on the back, under the layers or being the
center of an art piece.
● You can place it under the moonlight (phase depends on direction of the sigil) or
sunlight (if not said otherwise).
● You can charge it with elements but if it’s a fire based sigil, refrain from using water
to charge it.
● …. Here is the place for your own ideas and many techniques that are already written
down somewhere in books and articles.

In some techniques that I present below - you don’t need to dismantle sigil right away or at
all to release its energy. That depends on how you want to manifest and how you feel it is
best for you. Not dismantled sigil will still emanate energy, releasing it slowly, into the
environment or your spirit if you intend it to.

Making an art piece - you probably don’t want to release its energy by destroying it! You
can let it release it gradually with time and intent the art piece to reflect slightly how sigil
works for you. You can make it so it will wear off with time or other way - will become more
dear and beautiful with time. The first way - expect it to destroy itself in some way, when it
has done what it was enchanted for. The second - with time you will become an owner of a
truly magickal object. How to make an art piece work that way? Imprint your will energetically
while creating. You tell this creation what it is supposed to do, with every brush stroke and
every phase of creation. Meditate with this art piece, let it transform you through your
openness to its energy.

Activities dedicated to charging sigil will cost more energy than usually :)

You do not have to charge sigils, you can only give them your intention and dismantle
them to release energy - that will work just fine, as I previously mentioned that they are
consecrated and imbued with deity’s energy.


● Stare at the sigil, blinking as little as you can to imprint it in your mind, so you will see
it even when you close your eyes. There you go, it is working.
● Draw sigil (make an art piece if you wish), charge it with intention and energy (if you
wish). Hold it and open your mind, letting your subconscious merge with energy and
show you the process. Let it stare back and transform you.
● Carry the sigil with you and observe what is happening.
● Put it under the pillow and intend to enter its energy through dream gates or let it
enter your dreams (it might take a few nights for it to happen, routine with setting an
intention and holding a sigil before sleep should aid).

Empowering an object

You can empower object with sigil magick very easily. Put sigil on the object in some way.
You can draw it with your finger, water, blood or draw energy from the sigil to the object. You
can empower candle, incense, giving them properties of the sigil. You can put it anywhere
and expect it to emanate energy, influencing its environment or your spirit, mind,
subconscious, awareness etc.

Empowering your aura

You can give yourself an additional layer of energy over your aura or in the auric field
(depending on the purpose). How to do it? Few ideas:

● Draw sigil over your photo and burn it to imprint sigil on your auric field, intending it to
wear off with time. You can also intend it to become a permanent mark on your spirit
but I recommend to first learn how to work on your spirit and reverse such “tattoos”.
● You can tattoo some sigils. Best - ask me if that’s a good idea, giving your order
number so I can check it with co-creator deity.
● Burn the sigil, bathe glass of water in smoke and drink it to empower yourself from
the inside and radiate sigils energy.
● Put a glass of water over the sigil and leave it for the night. Drink it.
● Carry the sigil with you to influence your aura.

Now - I could elaborate into infinity about how to use your sigil. But that depends on
many things, especially on how you feel that you want to use it. This is only an introduction
to sigil work, there are a lot of resources that present many, many methods.

In a private message I described the energy, purpose and if there is any specific advice to
use the sigil a certain way - there you will have it written down. If not - message me, maybe I

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