Test 2 Socy 301

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Gender based violence is violence that happened because of gender and man and women

experience this type of violence but it happened the most in gals. This is based on inequality
that happened between these genders, women a most affected in this as men’s are the ones
who violate women like hitting a woman, raping young gals and men were the one who
wants everything to be head by them. But in nowadays there are also some women who abuse
man. Patriarch it at when women are discriminated in workplaces, women receive small
amount than man in workplace even if they do the same job and when it comes to positions in
workplace women were not allowed to have position above any man. Man wanted their wives
to stay at home and rase their children do housework only, if they want to work had to do
domestic work or sell food from gardens to earn money. Women were not had to go to school
for long if they know how to write their name it done and finding a woman in a position it
still shocking these days. Femicide at when the killing of women and gals are done by men
and related family. The killing of women is in a high rate especially the ones who are dating
to find that a man killed a wife because man found out she is cheating, or others find that
child does not belong to him. Some rape women become scared to be in jail and try to hide
information by killing a woman, other man kill because they see that a woman is better than
him or in a higher position and thing to solve his jealousy and to win the position is to kill
that woman.

To resolve all this ensures women have to report a first hit done by a man not to wait for so
long as when this man is continue doing it over again will then lead to dead, and the police
won’t be involved in so much to it about this issue as the women will have no people who
will stand to agree that he was beating her. Police need work with people in the community
and listen to them when they came to report issues and gender base violence against man as
some then just laugh at them and in women had to also be serious not to try to defend their
brothers about the crime they do or accepting bribe to them is not good. Allowing of women
to also have positions at work need to be taken serious as not doubting a power of a women,
they should let them do their things let them speak for themselves, let everyone earn money
the same without discrimination in work and even in house they should make rules also
which will lead with respect at home and worm. Respecting each other and knowing a person
can lead a better country not to find people killed because some of this ensure come on not
listening to each other and not respecting someone’s decision. When it comes to love a
person can show you so many times that the is no love here to feel safe for your self you need
to leave until you become heartless and that goanna lead you to do crazy things without

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