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Jin Runcandel is the youngest son of the greatest Swordmaster. After he

gets himself kicked out of their clan, he meets a tragic fate…but before he
dies, a God gives him a second chance. Now he must use his new power for

Will Jin become the world's strongest Swordmaster and live up to his
greatest potential?

Jin Runcandel is the youngest son of the greatest Swordmaster. After he

gets himself kicked out of their clan, he meets a tragic fate…but before he
dies, a God gives him a second chance. Now he must use his new power for

Will Jin become the world's strongest Swordmaster and live up to his
greatest potential?
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 0

Jin Runcandel often had this thought.

Am I destined for failure?

This young man full of potential had yet to reach his thirties. He didn't
always have this belief in mind while he was growing up. There was a time
when he had ambitious goals and grand dreams like anyone else.

For example, one such instance was the day he first held a sword as the
youngest child of the Runcandel Clan.

During his childhood, Jin believed that his future held great success, honor,
and fame, just like his father and siblings.

However, Jin had no talent.

For generations, members of the Runcandel Clan became 1-star knights by

the age of 13. In the long history of the family that exceeded 1000 years,
there was not a single child that had failed to become a 1-star knight before
turning 14.

An average Runcandel would become a 3-star knight by the age of 16, and
would later travel the world after becoming a 5-star knight before turning

But Jin was 25 by the time he became a 1-star knight.

Even a clown with absolutely no talent at all could accomplish this feat, as
long as he put in a sufficient amount of effort.
Because they had seen Jin's noteworthy efforts, his siblings banished him
without killing him.

'But it wasn't that I had no talent. It wasn't that at all…'

After leaving his family, Jin was surprised to learn that his talent lay within
a field other than the sword.


Jin was extremely talented in magic.

While he was wandering aimlessly, he accidentally became a magician's

disciple, and within 3 years of training, the God of Shadows offered him a

He was on a solid path to becoming the grand magician of his era. The God
of Shadows 'Solderet' was a being that all magicians yearned for.

Furthermore, Jin learned that he was also gifted with the sword from

[Contractor, it seems that someone bore a grudge against you since your
childhood. You haven't been able to use your full potential due to a trivial
curse. That might've been the reason why I was so captivated by you.]


That was how Solderet described the curse that had been suppressing Jin's
talents. A 9-star magician was the cause of the curse in question, which was
called the 'Bladed Illusion'.

Needless to say, Jin was unaware that he had been cursed until Solderet
informed him.

Solderet easily dispelled the curse that had been tormenting Jin. The blood-
red chains hidden inside Jin's body were absorbed by the shadows.
[You can now become an unparalleled magic swordsman, Contractor. I'll be
watching over you with excitement.]

It was true.

Following Solderet's words, Jin picked up the sword he had once thrown
away. With every swing, he was reaching new levels of mastery. The
greatest failure of Runcandel's history, Jin Runcandel, was no more.

In one hand, magic.

In the other, a sword.

Within 10 years, he would become so powerful that he wouldn't have to

hide from his clan, the family that had thrown him aside. All that was left to
do was to become history's strongest magic swordsman and to rule over the

'Seems like I truly am destined for failure.'


Jin spat out a mouthful of blood. He was bleeding everywhere, including

his eyes, nose, and ears.

Death was looming over him.

He hadn't even had the chance to use his magic or Solderet's power.

Three 9-star knights had attacked the Akin Kingdom's capital out of the
blue, and Jin had received a fatal wound during their rampage in his sleep.

…… In his sleep.

A single 9-star knight could raze a nation the size of the Akin Kingdom
within half a day. And since three of them had raided the capital city, there
was nothing Jin could've done.
He couldn't even react because he had just finished training and had fallen
asleep from exhaustion.

What a ridiculous death he had. He wanted to cry out in madness due to the
absurdity, but all that escaped his blood-filled mouth was delirious laughter.

He was on death's door, and nobody was by his side.

Not his teacher who cared for him, not his siblings and family who had cast
him aside, not a single person.

Even Solderet showed no response.

'Why… Why did the heavens bother giving me an opportunity just to take it
away immediately?'

And so, Jin Runcandel closed his eyes.

While he held no lingering feelings, he had many regrets about his life.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 1

Waaah, uwaaah.

'Is it normal to hear a baby's cries as you die…?'

Jin thought to himself.

Was he having auditory hallucinations from the blood loss? Or was the
neighbor's child crying from the 9-star knights' attack?

If it were the latter, then it was unfortunate. The Akin Kingdom would fall
today, so there was no way a newborn could survive the destruction.

'I'd love to save it, but I'm in no condition to help others. My body was cut
in half. I hope I'll be reborn in a blissful world instead of a miserable one.'


The wail was getting louder and louder. It wouldn't surprise him if the baby
died of asphyxiation from crying at the top of its lungs.

'What a pathetic death. I couldn't even save a baby in front of me.'

His vision was filled with darkness.

There was no sign of the baby stopping. As he endured the shame and
listened helplessly, Jin wondered why he wasn't dead yet.

Not only had he received countless fatal wounds, his body had been sliced
in two at the waist. There was no way he could've survived for another 10
seconds. Nonetheless, the wailing never stopped…

'Wait, the sound is coming from my body!'

He couldn't understand what was happening.

Jin was the one letting out those cries.

Today was September 9th, 1780.

The youngest son of the clan of swordmasters, Jin Runcandel, was born.

100 days have passed since his rebirth.

Jin could now skillfully crawl around, and he had no choice but to accept
the truth unfolding before him.

He had been reborn after his death. There was no other explanation. And
there was no way he could explain it to others, as he could barely form any

'And even if I tell people after I become 5 years old, no one would believe
that I have 28 years' worth of memories in my head.'

They would just dismiss it as a child's joke or delusion.

If he were to mention the detailed history or secrets of the family, then some
people could potentially believe him. However, the chances of him being
treated as a cursed child were extremely high.

Therefore, Jin was once again destined to live as the youngest son of the
dreadful Runcandel Clan.

The youngest child of the Runcandel Clan!

It was an incredible privilege.

Most people living in the world would consider being born as the
Runcandels' youngest an extraordinary blessing.
However, Jin was at a loss.

'I would've preferred being reborn in an ordinary family.'

In that scenario, it wouldn't have taken him 100 days to accept the truth
about his situation.

He was reborn in the same family, as the same child, on the same day as his
past life. In other words, he was most likely gifted with the same talents as
his previous life.

Swordsmanship and magic.

However, the Runcandels hated magic. The Zipfel Clan, the clan of
magicians, was the Runcandel's greatest enemy.

'The youngest child of the Runcandel again. I wonder if the curse that
Solderet dispelled is still on me. How should I run away from this family
and learn magic this time?'

There was no way he could learn magic without leaving the Runcandel

If the curse that Solderet had dispelled was affecting him again, then he
wouldn't be able to learn swordsmanship either.

As he pondered deeply, Jin's eyes slowly began to shut.

His body couldn't obey his mind and resist its natural needs. And so, he fell
into a deep sleep.

1 year has passed since his rebirth.

Time was trickling slowly, one day at a time.

Jin was sick of coming up with plans for the future now. His body could
never resist the temptation of a snooze, and he was bored to death of living
as an inarticulate baby.
'I want to grow up faster! This is so frustrating! I can't do anything as I am
right now!'

All he could do was drink milk from a bottle and fall asleep when the time
came. And whenever he relieved himself in his diapers, Gilly, his nanny,
would come replace them. It was an extremely shameful experience for Jin,
who had the mind of an adult man.

That was all his daily schedule had entailed during the entire year.

Step, step.

A certain woman entered Jin's room. She was the mistress of the house,
Rosa Runcandel.

She had ebony hair and a sharp gaze decorating her straight, pointy nose.
Despite her alluring charm, she appeared quite shrewd and overpowering,
which earned her the nickname 'Black Panther' from others.

“Are the preparations over, Gilly?”

“Of course, ma'am. Today's the day the young master 'selects', so I've paid
special attention to everything.”

“Good. Then let's go immediately.”

Jin realized that today was his birthday from their conversation.

The children of the Runcandel family go through a certain ritual called

'Selection' on their first birthday.

It was a ritual where the adults laid around dozens of items on the floor, and
made the baby crawl towards one of them and grab the item.

There was a superstition that when the child 'selected' an item, the item
would be a representation of the child's future and destiny. Strangely
enough, the Runcandels were obsessed with this superstition.

Rosa picked up Jin and moved to the castle's central hall.

At the hall's center stood a man, arms crossed.

He was Jin's father, the strongest knight of the present era, Cyron


It was Jin's first time seeing his father after his rebirth. Having reached the
demigod realm, Cyron was very rarely present at the castle.

He was always away fighting wars or training in some remote location.

'And my siblings…'

His 12 siblings were also present.

While they had treated Jin like a weakling and a useless insect in his past
life, they hadn't committed such acts as of yet. They were all waiting for Jin
with wide smiles on their faces.

As he remembered the suffering he had gone through because of them, his

chest began to feel stuffy.

“Rosa, put Jin down.”

His mother followed his father's instructions. As his limbs reached the cold
marble floor, a slight shiver shook his body.

Two meters away from him lay the items for the Selection ritual.

He could see a book, two coins, a single grain of rice, along with over
twenty different types of swords impaling the hall floor.

Jin just had to choose one item among all these.

'This is crazy. I couldn't remember the ritual from my past life because I
was too young back then, but now that I see it in person, it's insane. Do they
actually plan on making a baby crawl through countless swords and grab
one by the blade?'
In his past life, Jin had selected a sword. Since the book, coins and grain of
rice were hidden amongst the countless swords, it was no surprise that all
the Runcandel children had selected the weapons.

“Now, choose one of them, son.”

The members of the Runcandel family watched Jin crawl with great

They were all curious to see which sword the youngest child would select.
Whether it would be twinswords, a greatsword, a longsword, or a
completely different one.

As the tense gazes focused on Jin, he began to crawl towards the sword he
had selected previously.

The people around the world probably had no idea that the renowned
Runcandels made their children go through such a ridiculous ritual every


Jin was frustrated that he couldn't advance faster. Crawling was taking so
long and so much energy.

'The sword I subconsciously chose in the past was quite an inconvenience,

but this time, I'll intentionally select that same sword.'

Badump. Badump.

He could feel his tiny heart beating with power.

The weapons were planted in a circle. The item Jin wanted was in the

As he rolled and crawled around, Jin passed by the sword closest to him.
The eyes of all the observers in the hall went wide.
Even if the child were from the renowned clan of swordmasters, babies
would almost always select the item closest to them.

However, Jin was zigzagging through the forest of swords, and the others
couldn't help but gulp with each of his movements.

They were all thinking the same thing.

'Could he be… going for that sword?'

Jin continued swerving through the blades as the eyebrows on Cyron and
Rosa's frozen faces began twitching in response to each sword he grazed.

“Gah gah!”

Jin had finally selected his sword. Blood began dripping down the fingers
touching the blade.

Everyone's gazes slowly moved from the baby towards the sword in
question, and the siblings' jaws instantly dropped.

They all believed that Jin had coincidentally selected that sword, but the
truth couldn't be more different. He had crawled like a madman to reach
this specific weapon. He ended up depleting all his energy, as controlling a
1-year-old's body wasn't simple, even with the mind of an adult.

'Crawling all the way here intentionally was so exhausting, so how on earth
did I accidentally select this sword in my previous life…?'

His hand was touching Barisada.

It was the sword's name, and was the clan's emblem.

For many generations, this sword could only be wielded by the Runcandel
patriarchs. To be more specific, the patriarchs that had been recognized and
acknowledged by all the members of the Runcandel Clan.

The number of times Barisada had been 'selected' during the ritual in
Runcandel history could be counted on one hand.
And every single child that had selected Barisada grew up to become the
patriarch of the Runcandel House. Every single child except for Jin
Runcandel from his first life.

“Jin chose the Founder's sword.”

Cyron spoke in a solemn tone.

A few people were cheering in joy, and a few others were trying their best
to hide their displeasure.

This was what the Runcandel superstition was about.

“The ritual is over. And bring Jin to the Storm Castle.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 2

6 years have passed since the day Jin selected Barisada.

He no longer had to experience the shame of having his nanny replace his
diapers, but it was still difficult for him to imitate the attitude of a child.

'I want to escape from this Storm Castle already.'

The Storm Castle.

A castle detached from the Runcandel Clan's main castle. Every Runcandel
child cannot take a single footstep outside the Storm Castle until they turn
ten, to protect them from assassination attempts.

'What kind of madman would try to assassinate the Runcandel children?

Even their worst enemies, the Zipfels, wouldn't dare to.'

In actuality, there was a certain case around 200 years ago when someone
had attempted it.

The Kungen Clan, another clan of swordmasters, had attacked the

Runcandels, and 9 young children of the Runcandel Clan ended up getting

However, the very next day the entire Kungen Clan was annihilated,
including every family member and the extended families of the servants,
and disappeared into the annals of history.

Ever since then, it had been a tradition and rule within the Runcandel
household to have every child remain within the Storm Castle after their
'Selection' rituals until they became 10 years of age.

'I'm so bored.'

The atmosphere in the Storm Castle was indeed worthy of its name.

It was located at the peak of Mt. Murakan, which was presumed to be the
tallest mountain in the world. As its name suggested, a tempest was
surrounding the castle at all times, during all four seasons. The rain, gales,
and lightning constantly affected the mountaintop.

'This place isn't suitable for a child's emotional growth. No wonder my

brothers ended up becoming so violent and brutal… It's because of this
goddamn place.'

There were only two other Runcandel children residing in the castle with
Jin. His 10 other siblings had all exceeded the age of ten.

Jin and his two brothers, the 5 elite knights protecting them, their nannies,
and the 10-ish servants were the only people occupying the Storm Castle.


As soon as he heard the voice calling him, Jin's frustration and irritation
increased exponentially.

The boy calling for him with that annoying voice was Daytona Runcandel.
He was older than Jin by two years.

“Why are you alone without your incredible Barisada? Did you lose it?

And the other brother who was mocking him was Haytona Runcandel. As
their names implied, the two were identical twins.

The Tona twins of the Runcandel Clan.

During his first life, everyone who had dealt with these twins unanimously
agreed on one statement.
That they were the Devil's Spawn.

'These annoying brats.'

Jin turned around to face them.

He had not a single good memory about the Tona twins.

They had bullied him from an early age solely for selecting Barisada during
his ritual.

And one would be severely mistaken to underestimate the 9-year-old brats

and their harassments.

The first thing these brothers did when they left the Storm Castle at the age
of 10 in his previous life was to assassinate someone. That was how messed
up they were by nature.

As Jin didn't react to their mockery, the Tona twins continued to harass him.

Gilly, Jin's nanny, had temporarily left the Storm Castle today. The twins
had been eagerly waiting for this day to come, and had no intention to let
Jin spend the day in peace.

“Oi, we're talking to you. Where is Barisada?”

The Tona twins had begun to torment him one year ago in this life.

It had started off as some light harassment that Gilly wouldn't notice. Some
examples were locking the door when Jin went to the bathroom, or pouring
a bunch of salt in his soup.

But afterwards, it began to escalate. They tied a dead bird on the door
handle to Jin's room, and secretly released a venomous scorpion from the
Storm Castle's garden onto Jin's bed.

Nonetheless, Jin had endured the harassment in silence.

The twins approached their younger brother with large strides.

As he watched them indifferently, a smirk began to form on Jin's face.

“Hm, I'm not sure where I put it. Oh, maybe I stuffed it up your asshole?”


The twins froze, and stared back and forth between each other and their
youngest brother. That wasn't the reaction they had been expecting from


Despite being innate murderers, the Tona twins were still 9-year-old
children. It was an aggressive term for the two of them. When they realized
the offensive nature of the expression, the Tonas' faces began boiling in

“What did you just… Did you lose your mind, Jin?”

“Wake up already. Your nanny isn't here to protect you today.”


Jin let out a small sneer, and took a step towards his brothers.

The Tona twins weren't the only ones waiting for his nanny's absence.
Rather, Jin had been waiting for this day to come far more ardently than

He couldn't wait to beat these little demons into submission.

'My past 7-year-old self could never even have thought of standing up
against the Tona twins.'

But he was different now.

Even if the two brothers before him were a decade older, Jin was confident
he could kill at least one of them.
Not having realized the urgency of their situation, the Tona twins boldly
continued glaring at Jin.

“If you beg for forgiveness right now, we'll let you off by just breaking your

“Otherwise, we'll make sure you're in a state far worse than the bird on your
door yesterday.”

Approximately 5 steps for a 7-year-old. That was the distance between Jin
and his brothers in the Storm Castle's hallway.


Suddenly, Haytona yelped as he crouched on the floor. The startled Daytona

looked around to check their surroundings, only to realize that his twin
brother's back was being squashed by Jin underfoot.

Jin had instantaneously narrowed the distance between them and had
planted his fist in Haytona's stomach.



Eventually, Daytona took a punch to the jaw and collapsed on the floor. It
was their first time being hit in this manner. Moreover, their 7-year-old
brother's fist felt like a chunk of ice. Cold and hard.

'WhWhat was that?'

The instant he got hit, Daytona caught sight of a dark aura surrounding Jin's

But he didn't have time to dwell on it. As he began to return to his senses,
another punch came flying at him.


His painful cry couldn't escape from his mouth, as if his throat were
blocked by something. All he could do was rack his brains and figure out
where everything had gone wrong as throbbing tears ran down his face.

No one else was in the hallway.

They had chosen this location specifically to harass Jin, but the Tona twins
could never have imagined that their decision would come back to bite

“About that pitiful bird you two trampled to death, I gave it a proper

Thud, thud, thwack.

Jin continued straddling the two unconscious twins and swung his fists as
he spoke in a monotonous voice.

'Am I going too far? They are technically still kids.'

A sudden hesitation came over him, but ended up disappearing as quickly

as it had come. The previous versions of the 9-year-old Tona brothers were
far worse than the current him. They even made him swallow horse shit.

If Jin were to hold back today, the twins would most likely try to commit
similar acts again.


Twitch, twitch!

After a long beating, the bodies of the two unconscious twins began
convulsing. Their youngest brother finally stood up and looked down on
them indifferently.

“You two better do your best not to catch my attention from now on. As
long as you want to live, that is.”
“Young master!”

Having sensed the unusual atmosphere in the castle, a knight in charge of

their protection came running down the hallway.

He was a top-class guardian knight, and normally wouldn't have been

shocked by a fistfight between kids, even if they were from the Runcandel

However, even he couldn't help but stare in disbelief at Jin who was looking
down indifferently towards the unconscious twins lying on the ground.

'The 7-year-old young master pummelled his older brothers?'

He couldn't believe it. Normally, there should've been a large difference in

physique between a 7-year-old and a 9-year-old. Moreover, the Tona twins
had been learning the Runcandel Martial Arts recently.

On the other hand, Jin had yet to start learning martial arts. In fact, he hadn't
begun to learn anything at all. At least, that's what the guardian knight had
been told.


“Young Master Jin, what just…”

The knight asked him as Daytona let out a barely audible moan.

“They started fighting each other out of nowhere.”

“Excuse me?”

“They fought each other.”

The knight realized immediately that Jin was lying, but he couldn't pursue
the matter anymore. He could see Jin smirking, as if everything had gone
according to his plan.
While the guardian knight's duty was to protect the children, he was still an
outsider to this family. He was not in a position where he could argue with
the young masters of the Storm Castle.

'I already knew that the children of the Runcandel Clan were violent and
brutal, but this just confirms my beliefs… I should just report to the
patriarch and stay out of this.'

The knight courteously bowed to Jin. He may be a 7-year-old, but he was

still a bona fide Runcandel by blood.

“I understand. Then I shall take the Tona young masters to the doctor.”

“No need. There's somewhere else my brothers need to go.”

“Somewhere else? Where is that?”

“The grave.”

“The… grave?”

“Carry them for me.”

As the light in Jin's eyes changed, the knight had no choice but to pick up
the unconscious boys on his shoulders.

“Let's go.”

He awkwardly followed the young boy before him. Jin was headed towards
the small mound in the Storm Castle's backyard, where a heavy rainstorm
was crashing down.

It was the bird's grave. The bird the Tona twins had killed.

The small mound hadn't been destroyed by the downpour yet.

“Put them down.”

“But Young Master, the storm…”

The fierce rainstorm was about to swallow up the knight and Jin, not to
mention the two unconscious boys.

Jin didn't reply and merely stared at him dead in the eye.

The knight soon realized that it was a command. He could see it from Jin's
attitude. It was the attitude of a Runcandel who was giving a serious order.

He could never have imagined that a 7-year-old could have such an

imposing and kingly aura.

The knight had no right to refuse. Even if the command would harm
another Runcandel, he still couldn't refuse it. In the first place, the Tona
twins weren't awake to order him to refuse right now.

All he could do was follow the command of the Runcandel before him.

It wasn't up to him to consider the consequences of these orders, it was up

to the patriarch and the elders. Even if the Tona twins were to die of
hypothermia, the Runcandel Clan wouldn't put the blame on the knight.

Familial disputes and quarrels were common within the clan.

“I shall comply, Young Master.”

He put the twins down in front of the grave. The two boys were still
motionless, except for a few occasional twitches.

The Tona twins were rescued two hours later by Gilly, who was returning
from her outing.

The two of them had acute pneumonia for a few days, and didn't dare to
look Jin in the eyes until the day they left the Storm Castle.

The continent's eastern region, the unprotected area. Also known as the
Black Sea.

Cyron had been meditating in this monster-infested land for a few days
He was merely sitting on the ground, but the nearby monsters wouldn't dare
approach him, even the ones the size of buildings.

Soon, a man covered in the blood of countless monsters walked towards


“Greetings to the patriarch. This is Khan.”

It was the guardian knight who had obeyed Jin's orders and left the Tona
twins out in the rainstorm ten days ago.

“Is something the matter?”

Cyron asked as he carefully opened his eyes.

“I have come to report about a dispute between the young masters at the
Storm Castle.”

“There's no way you'd disturb my training just because of a dispute between

children. Speak freely.”

Khan explained the details of the incident, and a smile grew on Cyron's

“So, did the twins die?”

“They did get acute pneumonia, but their lives aren't in danger.”

“Then they must've learnt an important lesson. I see. You may return.”


Khan had desperately struggled against countless monsters for three whole
days just to make this short report, but he didn't hold any resentment against
the patriarch or the young master. He silently returned to the direction of the
Storm Castle.

'I should go see the youngest for myself.'

And so, Cyron made an appearance at the Storm Castle one month later.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 3

When Cyron left the Black Sea, the Runcandels living outside the Storm
Castle became busy. They had to welcome back the patriarch who was
returning from his outing for the first time in 5 years.

“Every Runcandel flag-bearer must gather at the Storm Castle, except for
those working on imperial requests.”

The Black Panther Rosa Runcandel's command spread around the world
like a pulse. The flag-bearers of the clan working in the Vermont Empire,
Akin Kingdom, Zhan Kingdom, Curano Dukedom, etc. all promptly
gathered at the Storm Castle.

“What is going on? Our youngest brother's Selection ritual ended years ago,
so why is father coming to the Storm Castle?”

Cyron's third son, Ran Runcandel, had returned from the continent's
northern region, where he had been mowing down monsters.

“Did the guardian knights stationed at the Storm Castle mention anything?”

Cyron's fourth son, Vigo Runcandel. He had to suspend his assassination

task commissioned by a big shot of the Curano Dukedom in order to return.

His client would most definitely be displeased, but he had no other choice.
Unfortunately for him, the Runcandel Clan wouldn't compensate its agents
for discontinuing their ongoing missions in order to answer their summons.

“Nothing at all. Seems like it's a confidential matter. Well, I'm not surprised.
Even father is personally coming…”
Cyron's third daughter, Mary Runcandel. She had been duelling and
defeating powerful warriors in the southern region.

And so, seven of Cyron's children assembled at the Storm Castle, along
with a total of more than 200 knights and aides who had been assisting

With this many members, they could destroy an average city in a mere 30
minutes, and an average country in a single day.

When the news that Cyron had begun to move spread around the world,
various rumors began to spread within the ruling class.

'Why is Cyron making a move? Didn't he say he wouldn't leave the Black
Sea for another 10 years?'

'Are the Runcandels finally planning to dominate the world?'

'Did the Zipfel Clan show any reaction to this?'

The world's one and only Genesis Knight, Cyron.

Cyron's offsprings, the Runcandels.

The ripple effect of these names was huge.

Cyron's children and the clan's guardian knights were standing in two rows
on both sides of the stairs leading up to the Storm Castle. Under the heavy
rainstorm, the look in everyone's eyes was serious. They all appeared
determined, as if they were about to go to war.

“Greetings to the patriarch!”

“Greetings to the patriarch!”

As Cyron arrived at the Storm Castle's entrance, they simultaneously raised

their swords in the air. The mountaintop shook with their resonating voices,
as if landslides would occur everywhere.

With a slight nod, Cyron began ascending the stairs.

'Father's mood is odd. Is something extremely important about to happen?'

The Runcandel children exchanged glances, sharing their thoughts without

any words. As Cyron passed by them, they slowly followed his footsteps
with serious expressions. The guardian knights remained behind and
guarded the Storm Castle gates.

However, none of them were aware of the truth.

The reason Cyron had come to the Storm Castle was simply to see his
youngest child.

“Daytona, Haytona.”

“Yes, father.”

Cyron summoned the Tona twins first. The sick brothers knelt before their
father as their runny noses caused snuffles to resound in the throne room.

“Tell me what mistake the two of you made.”

Jin was waiting inside his room with Gilly, so he couldn't hear the

The Tona twins hesitated to answer. As seconds passed, Cyron's eyebrow

twitched slightly.

“I asked you to tell me what mistake you made.”


In Jin's previous life, the Tona twins had committed their first murder right
after leaving the Storm Castle, at the age of 10. And as they grew older,
they killed an average of 50 people every year. They were, quite literally,
homicidal maniacs.
However, as of right now, they were just 9-year-old brats.

They were at the age when their strict father terrified them. Moreover, the
word 'strict' couldn't do their father justice.

Not only that, their father had asked for their mistake.

They had gotten pummelled by their younger brother. If they had to blame
something or someone, it was Jin.

The twins seemed to have forgotten how they had harassed their brother

As they reached this conclusion, the Tona twins made up their minds.

“We haven't made any mistakes.”

Daytona gathered his courage and answered. Cyron propped his chin on his
hand, as if he were waiting for his son to finish speaking.

“Jin used some unknown power to punch Haytona and me.”

“That's right. He used a power that wasn't aura!”

Haytona intervened as he accentuated the second half of his sentence.

'A power that wasn't aura'. In this world, there could only be one answer
when it came to a power that wasn't aura.


If the 7-year-old Jin had used aura in order to beat them, he would've been
praised by the others. However, it was an entirely different case if it were

A child with Runcandel blood using magic was blasphemy.

Therefore, the Tona twins were trying to convey the fact that Jin had used
magic to defeat them.
“My sons.”

A gentle tone resounded.

“Yes, father!”

The twins answered brightly, as if they were criminals who had found a
loophole to take advantage of. Realizing that their father's voice was gentle,
they believed that they had a chance to seize victory.

However, Cyron completely ignored the Tona twins' excuse and spoke in a
mellow voice.

“I shall give you two a piece of advice that you should engrave in your
hearts. If you keep behaving like this… you will never survive within the
Runcandel Clan.”


“W-We apologize, father.”

“Go call Jin for me.”

As he walked down the hallway, Jin thought about the Tona twins who had
come to fetch him.

They were completely shrivelled up and looked close to collapsing, as if

they had fallen into a beast's cage and had barely escaped with their lives.

'I used to wear the same expression in my previous life whenever I met up
with father. I can imagine what those two went through.'

Jin hadn't heard the conversation between the twins and Cyron, but he had
an idea about what had been discussed.

'Father most likely asked them a question, and the twins weren't able to give
him a satisfying answer. Well, it's understandable since they're still kids.'

That was how Cyron educated his children.

No, it couldn't even qualify as education. Despite having 13 children, Cyron
never raised a single child himself.

The people who raised the children within the Runcandel Clan were the

All Cyron and Rosa did was observe their children. They observed how
their children grew up, and tried to determine which one of them was most
worthy of leading the clan after their father.

Furthermore, they would slowly get involved with their children only after
they grew into adults and showed results exceeding the 'Runcandel

Therefore, Cyron's arrival at the Storm Castle had become a huge deal.

The other siblings waiting in the lobby were dying to know what was
occurring inside the throne room.

Step, step.

Jin could finally see the throne. His father was seated, waiting for him to
arrive. He carefully walked towards Cyron as the events in his past life
flashed through his head.

'My father. The strongest person I've ever seen, yet also the cruelest I've

His mother, Rosa Runcandel, somewhat had a humane aspect to her. When
Jin was kicked out of the clan, the news that she refused to eat anything for
two days had spread around the world.

Nonetheless, she ended up erasing the existence known as 'Jin' from her
heart entirely after a few days.

However, Cyron was different.

He still had some human aspects to him, such as twitching his brows when
he got angry or slightly smiling when he found something entertaining.
Jin had also heard that when Cyron was younger and hadn't become the
patriarch yet, he could get frustrated, happy, and also struggled for his life.

However, when he reached the demigod realm and became the Genesis
Knight, those emotions slowly faded away. All that was left within him was
an unconditional concern for the clan.

'It's a funny story. Even though he's reached the demigod realm, he's still
protecting the clan as Eldest Brother hasn't taken over.'

Jin was clenching his teeth so hard he could hear them grinding.

He had lived a miserable life in the clan until he got banished. Even when
they ate at the same dinner table, the other clan members treated him like

However, he couldn't continue acting like this. Cyron would definitely

notice it. There's no way he wouldn't realize his youngest son was grinding
his teeth as soon as he saw him.

'He may be my father, but I'll make sure he can't look down on me in this

Jin knelt before Cyron as he vowed this to himself, and greeted him.

“Greetings to the patriarch.”

He was behaving like the adults of the clan who had long since departed the
Storm Castle. He was welcoming Cyron not as his youngest son, but as a
member of the clan.

Cyron nodded in satisfaction and spoke to his son.

“Why did you call me 'patriarch' instead of 'father'?”

Jin pretended to ponder for a while. He had already predicted Cyron's

reaction to his greeting.
“My elder brothers, elder sisters, and the guardian knights numbering over
100 returned to this castle to welcome you. So I inferred that the patriarch's
visit to the castle was a formal one.”

Cyron's eyes widened.


Jin didn't respond to his father's exclamation and slightly lowered his head
to show his gratitude.

While it was unthinkable for a 7-year-old to show such impressive manners,

Cyron didn't suspect anything. He merely believed that Gilly had educated
Jin properly and that his son had a keen insight, just like how he had
selected Barisada during the ritual.

However, Jin wasn't a genuine 7-year-old. He had the mind of an adult from
his past life. Cyron was unaware of that fact, despite having reached the
demigod realm.

As he gazed at his son vacantly, Cyron spoke once again.

“Just now, I asked your brothers what mistake they had made. They weren't
able to answer my question.”

“Yes, patriarch.”

“However, I feel like I should try asking you that same question. So, what
mistake did Daytona and Haytona make?”

Once again, Jin pretended to think to himself. He had somewhat foreseen

the conversation developing in this direction.

No. In fact, he had completely predicted this outcome because Cyron

Runcandel would not hesitate to treat his sick children like war veterans
who had been through countless hardships.

The answer Cyron wanted to hear had already been decided from the
“It's revenge.”


Cyron's wide eyes glinted in astonishment. As he sat quietly for a few

seconds, Jin explained his previous answer.

“My brothers should've tried to get revenge on me. A Runcandel must

always repay one's dues to another, whether it be a favor or a grudge.”

Silence ensued.

Jin was certain that this lack of reaction from his father was synonymous to

However, he now had to show a childish attitude to eliminate any

suspicions Cyron could have. He raised his head ever so slightly with a
worried gaze, and asked his father.

“Was my answer incorrect?”

“No. On the contrary, it was extremely satisfactory.”

“Thank you, patriarch.”

At his son's words, Cyron showed hints of sadness in his eyes.

“You may call me 'father' for now. Our clan members may have gathered at
this castle to welcome me, but my visit here is purely for personal reasons.”

“Yes, father.”

Cyron faintly smiled as he looked down at his son.

In the blink of an eye, all signs of contentment disappeared from his face.
As his aloof and indifferent expression returned, Cyron asked his son
another question.

“What is this special power you used to defeat your brothers?”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 4

“I do not know either.”

Jin responded in a calm tone.

“You don't know?”

Cyron raised his head. He hadn't expected this reply from his clever son,
who had been giving satisfactory answers all this time.

“Yes, father. This power isn't aura, so I'm not sure what I should call it.”

Once again, the flow of the conversation had been predicted by Jin. He had
shown a child-like innocence on purpose, just like he had done earlier.


The sound of flames swirling resounded. Jin had generated a handful of

dark energy atop his palm. It was the power he had used to pummel the
Tona twins.

He had gained this power, Spiritual Power, through his contract with
Solderet, the God of Shadows. Despite acting like an ignorant child, Jin
knew better than anyone what this power was.

He also knew that Cyron would recognize this power.

“May I request father to give this power a name?”

Jin looked up to Cyron with twinkling eyes.

Cyron's jaw dropped for the first time since he reached the demigod realm
and became a Genesis Knight…

'Lord Solderet…'

He finally managed to shut his mouth. As he stared at his son's palm, Cyron

Could it be that this child was the reincarnation of the clan's founder and
first patriarch? Such questions went through his mind as Cyron thought to

Solderet. The God of Shadows. A being that all the magicians of the world
yearn for.

However, Cyron and Jin were both aware of a different truth.

Originally, Solderet didn't specialize in magic, but was something akin to a

God of Swords. Moreover, 1000 years ago, he had made a contract with the
clan's founder and had protected the Runcandels for years.

'I thought that he had abandoned the clan ever since the founder passed
away, but it seems that he has taken an interest in my youngest child.'

Could this be a sign that the Runcandels could once again rise and prosper
in the future?

No, it was also possible that the god who had once abandoned them had
returned on a whim, and would soon leave again. Cyron began to calculate
the possibilities as he watched the shadows dance upon Jin's palm.

'I'm certain that he hasn't made a contract with the god yet. If he had gained
this power through the contract, there's no way he wouldn't know what
power this is.'

Jin could easily guess the thoughts passing through his father's mind.

He started getting somewhat nervous as everything had gone according to

his plan. It was far too easy. He believed that Cyron would show some
suspicions at some moment, but that moment never came. Maybe it was
because of his young age and childish appearance.

7 years of age was an excellent period to lie and trick people.

“My son.”

Cyron had finished sorting out his thoughts.

“Yes, father.”

“That is the power of a god named Solderet. Therefore, I cannot name it.
Lord Solderet is one of the secrets our clan has kept hidden for a long


“It is the being who brought about shadows in this world. You may be a
clever child, but you're still too young to understand this.”

“Is he…”

When Jin paused, Cyron nodded to urge him to continue.

“Is God Solderet stronger than father?”


Cyron let out an awkward laugh signifying his defeat. He had never laughed
like this ever since becoming a demigod.

Having devoted his time and energy to his training for countless years now,
his emotions and spirit had been stirred for the first time in a long time.

“I wonder… Your father has never attempted to challenge gods, so I cannot


Truly a prideful reply. Not knowing the answer for never having battled
Nonetheless, Jin shuddered as he listened to his father's reply. The person in
question was Cyron Runcandel.

The strongest man on the continent.

Even the clanmaster of the Zipfel Clan, Kelliark Zipfel, could not hold a
candle to this man.


Cyron showed a toothy grin.

“I've truly made the correct decision to come and meet you today. Your
naive question has become a great topic of interest for me. Thank you, my
son. Come closer.”

Could he win against a god? Cyron had called this question a 'topic of

Once Jin walked up to him, his father lightly patted his head. The handful
of shadow was still swirling on Jin's palm right now.

“How do you want to use this power?”

“I want to use it for the clan, father.”

I want to use it for myself.

There was no need for him to answer honestly. The only things the clan had
given Jin in his past life was scorn and contempt.

He had never felt the warmth called 'family' again after turning 7 years old.
Therefore, Jin had absolutely no intention of using his life to serve the clan,
unless he somehow became the patriarch of the family. However, in order to
do that, he would have to defeat his monstrously powerful siblings.

Cyron suddenly burst into laughter. The echoes resounded throughout the
entire Storm Castle and shook the ground.

The siblings waiting outside the throne room all jolted in surprise. They had
never heard their father laugh so vigorously in recent years.

After a while, the laughter subsided and Cyron turned expressionless as

usual. He bent down and brought his face up close to Jin's.

“What an amusing lie. You can be more honest with your father, you

Jin hadn't expected this situation. Nevertheless, he suppressed his shock and
slowly spoke.

“…for me.”


“I want to use it for myself.”

“Right. After having pummelled your brothers and leaving them out in the
storm, there's no way you'd use your power for the clan. I'll be watching
over you from here on out.”

Cyron walked past Jin and left the room. After his father's footsteps
disappeared into the distance, Jin finally noticed the cold sweat running
down his face and back.

A mixture of disbelief and relief painted across his face.


He let out a large breath of air and wiped his sweat with his sleeve. He had
never faced his father in such a bold manner during his past 28 years of life.

'I did it. I made it!'

As the adrenaline rush subsided, he could finally hear his heart beating like

Through today's conversation with his father, Jin had obtained Cyron's
approval to use Solderet's power freely, and his father's expectations of him
were high.

'In my first life, I ended up dying without getting the chance to properly use
Solderet's power, and I never would've thought that father would hold
expectations for me back then.'

Even after getting banished from the clan, Jin did not have the liberty of
using Solderet's power freely.

The clan wouldn't allow a banished Runcandel to gain power and

potentially use it against them.

Therefore, Jin had to hide in the Akin Kingdom and train in secrecy. The
Akin Kingdom was affiliated to the Lutero Magic Federation, which was
under the Zipfel Clan's influence. It was the perfect place for Jin to hide, as
he was technically a magician back then.

The Runcandel Clan's long-time secret: the founder's contract with Solderet.

Jin was already aware of this undisclosed information before his rebirth.
Cyron had called it a secret the clan had 'kept hidden for a long time', but
Jin was more knowledgeable about the details of the founder's relation with
Solderet than his father.

Solderet had told Jin about his history with the Runcandel Clan personally
after their contract was made. At that time, Solderet and Jin would chat
amicably like two close friends.

'But he never told me why he left the Runcandels and became a god of
magic instead of the god of swords. He didn't get involved during my death

Moreover, ever since his rebirth, Solderet hadn't spoken to him once.
Jin speculated that his rebirth was a phenomenon that had transpired due to
Solderet's power and authority, but that was merely a hypothesis.

When Jin was one year old, he realized that the power he had obtained
through the contract was still available to him.

'It became usable immediately after I 'selected' Barisada.'

On his 'Selection' day, during the night after the ritual was over, a 9-star
magician's curse, the 'Bladed Illusion', was cast on Jin. It was the same
curse as his past life. The incident was repeating itself.

[Contractor, it seems that someone bore a grudge against you since your
childhood. You haven't been able to use your full potential due to a trivial
curse. That might've been the reason why I was so captivated by you.]

Those were Solderet's words right after they had made their contract.

As Jin remembered that conversation, he watched the curse's chains slowly

crawl into his cradle. While he was fully conscious, he couldn't resist or
block the curse with the body of a 1-year-old.

He began blaming his newborn body for his powerlessness. He could

neither resist the curse slithering towards him, nor call out for help.

Suddenly, Solderet's power manifested itself.

The chains never managed to reach Jin, and disappeared into his shadow.

Curses of this level could not affect Solderet's contractor. Using his past
life's magic teacher's expression, it was an 'extremely cheat-like' effect.

'Just you wait. I don't know who cast this curse on me, but once I've grown
up, I will find you. And I will kill you.'

The power to control shadows; his knowledge of magic he gained in his

past life; and, despite having unlocked and practiced it belatedly, his skills
and talent with the sword. Jin had retained all these qualities through the
He would not face the same fate as last time. The clan would not banish
him for not having any talents this time. An entirely different future was
awaiting him.

“Young Master.”

“Yes, Nanny Gilly?”

As he turned around, Gilly was waiting for him at the entrance.

“The patriarch has announced his departure. You must come to see him


“But… are you alright?”

Gilly asked in concern.

She had seen the Tona twins returning to their rooms with ashen-white faces
and expressions of terror, therefore she couldn't hide her worries for Jin.

“I'm okay. Are my elder brothers and sisters leaving as well?”

“Yes. They only came here to greet the patriarch. Ah! But Lady Mary has
left behind a gift for you, Young Master.”

“I'll open the gift later. I should go see father off first.”

There were over 200 guardian knights who had turned up at the Storm
Castle, accompanying their respective Runcandel flag-bearers.

As Cyron was preparing to leave again, the others had no reason to stay.
Once they would leave, Jin could ignore the Tona twins and spend his days
quietly at the Storm Castle here on out.

Spend his days quietly gaining strength without anyone noticing, in fact.

“All hail!”
“All hail!”

The knights raised their swords to the sky as Cyron exited the gates. Jin and
the Tona twins stood next to them and bowed their heads as well.

'The next time I see father will be at the main house instead of the Storm

Cyron returned to the direction of the Black Sea.

The people who were expecting Cyron to lead them to a bloody battle
against the Zipfel clan all hid their disappointment deep in their hearts. The
Runcandel flag-bearers each returned to their original whereabouts,
followed by their guardian knights.

Cyron never returned to the Storm Castle again until Jin turned 10 and left.
However, the guardian knight called Khan would occasionally leave for the
Black Sea in order to inform the patriarch about Jin's recent actions.

'Elder sister Mary isn't in her right mind. I'm still only 7 years old…
Hahaha. To think she'd give me such an amazing present!'

Jin shouted out in his mind as he opened the gift in his room. Gilly's eyes
also turned wide as she checked the item left behind by Jin's third sister,

Before their eyes was the heart of a beast summoned by a magician from
the Zipfel Clan. Mary had personally killed the summoned beast in the
continent's southern region.

A Phoenix Heart.

A rare and precious gift Jin never received in his previous life.

Mary was wishing for his well-being and wanted her youngest brother to
grow up strong and healthy.

Jin could now decoct the heart and consume it.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 5

Jin's third sister, Mary Runcandel.

Currently aged 19, she is known around the world as 'Stormwind Mary'.

In the Runcandel Clan's thousand-year-old history, not a single child failed

to become a 1-star knight before reaching 14. By 16, most would be 3-star
knights, and the average would become a 5-star before the age of 20.

Mary's case was the complete opposite of the past Jin.

She exceeded the Runcandel Clan's norm. While Jin became a 1-star knight
at 25 years old, she achieved the same feat at 12 and was already a 5-star
knight at 16.

Moreover, she was currently a 6-star knight.

Despite not being 20 yet, she reached a stage that most people around the
world could only dream of attaining.

By exceeding the Runcandel norm, the word 'genius' that applied to all
Runcandels could no longer do justice to her and her achievements.

Regardless of her talents, Mary was one of the few people who had shown
goodwill and compassion towards Jin in his previous life.

'She may have a screw or two loose in her head, but she's given me an
incredible gift. I was just starting to get frustrated by my slow growth
One month has passed since Cyron left the Storm Castle.

During that time, the smell of the Phoenix Heart being decocted in the
kitchen had spread throughout the entire castle. Moreover, several corridors
and halls near the kitchen were scorching due to the special heat released by
the Phoenix Heart.

Despite all this havoc, Mary had returned to the southern region as if the
heart was insignificant to her.

Normally speaking, a Phoenix Heart was… a rarity similar to an elixir that

even kings and queens couldn't eat often.

The meat was tender and softer than veal, it had a richer fragrance than
truffles, and its effects were far more potent than herbal tonics.

“Young Master, within a couple of hours, you'll finally be able to eat the
heart. Good job waiting patiently until now.”

Jin nodded excitedly as his eyes glimmered.

It had taken Mary's gift a month to be fully cooked. Gilly hadn't been able
to sleep properly during this entire month because she was busy simmering
the Phoenix Heart for her young master.

Nevertheless, she was ecstatic. Jin's happiness was her happiness. A nanny
within this clan was responsible for a Runcandel child's growth, and their
future depended greatly on how strong and dependable the child became.

Due to this tradition, Jin felt guilt-ridden towards Gilly. In his previous life,
his nanny's life had taken a turn for the worse after his banishment from the
clan. Her future was bleak and her lifestyle had completely crumbled.

“You may not be aware, Young Master, but the Phoenix Heart is an elixir
that is especially effective on children. You can increase your tolerance
against flames only by eating it at a young age. Lady Mary has given you a
truly priceless gift.”

Jin was far more knowledgeable about the heart than Gilly, but he pretended
to be interested by her explanation.

He had studied about the Phoenix Heart endlessly during the years when he
was training his magic.

'However, I didn't do research on it back then because I wanted to eat one,

but because I wanted to learn the traits of a phoenix as a magician.'

Summoning a phoenix was every magician's dream. But Jin had died right
before becoming a 6-star magician, the stage at which one can finally
summon the bird in question.

“Of course! I hid your eyes when I first saw the puddle of blood inside the
box, but once I realized it was the priceless product that even the Vermont
imperial family couldn't easily obtain…”

As Gilly continued her lengthy commentary, Jin began to think about


He couldn't wait until he could finally summon one during this life.
Learning magic as a Runcandel was strictly prohibited, but Jin had no
intentions of giving up on it.

As long as he didn't get caught, everything would work out.

Moreover, if he gained unparalleled power or influence, or if he had a good

enough justification, then it wouldn't matter even if he did get discovered.

Martial arts and magic.

A lifestyle and path that encompassed both of those aspects: the Magic
Swordsman. In order to become a magic swordsman, Jin was prepared to
shoulder any hardships.

'If it were me… I would never have let my enemies steal and eat my
phoenix's heart.'
Phoenixes were immortal beings that would be reborn even after death.
Even if one were killed by an enemy and had its heart stolen, it would
revive 100 years later in nature.

Nevertheless, 100 years was a long period of time. The phoenix's original
summoner would've died by then.

“You mustn't forget to thank Lady Mary the next time you see her, Young

“Yeah, I won't.”

The Phoenix Heart was ready. A strong and rich fragrance began to spread
throughout the castle.

“I must go prepare your meal, so come down in a little while, Young


Gilly exited the room, humming and skipping in joy as the door remained
ajar. Once she left his field of vision, a deep sigh escaped Jin's mouth.

“Stop loitering around me. It's annoying.”

“Ah, o-okay.”


The Tona twins had been dawdling outside the room since a while ago.
Once Gilly had left, they stood by the entrance, close to the door, and shot
glances towards their youngest brother.

Jin let out a light snicker when he noticed the twins drooling from the smell.

'Geez, look at these cute, little brats…'

When he gestured them to get closer with his finger, the Tona twins dashed
inside the room.

“Why are you here?”

Jin asked them coldly despite knowing full well that they were here for the
Phoenix Heart. The Tona twins were squirming awkwardly, as if they
desperately needed to head to the bathroom.

They wanted to ask Jin to share some of the Phoenix Heart, but were too
afraid to do so. The beating from last month and their father's scolding had
traumatized them.

Jin found this situation quite entertaining. In his previous life, the Tona
twins would always steal something from him or beat him up if he bumped
into them in the hallways. He could never have imagined that they'd be the
ones being cautious of him now.

'They were probably ordered by Emma to convince me to share some

Phoenix Heart with them.'

Emma Niltro.

Just like Gilly, she was a nanny living in the Storm Castle. She was in
charge of the Tona twins' growth. However, unlike Gilly who had died a
gruesome death during Jin's first life, Emma had been living lavishly thanks
to the well-off Tona twins.

Despite becoming crazed murderers, Daytona and Haytona never forgot

about Emma and took good care of her. But that was all part of her plan.

If Gilly was the type to raise children with love and affection, Emma was
the type to raise them using the carrot and stick approach. She never taught
the Tona twins concepts such as selflessness or morality.

Truth be told, both of those concepts weren't very useful in the Runcandel
Clan, as one's enemies could take advantage of them. But Jin still believed
that Emma's teachings were distorted.

She was the biggest influence upon the Tona twins' upbringing, and was the
cause of their twisted characters.

“Um… you see… the Phoenix…”

“That… isn't there… a bit too much to eat… on your own?”

“What was that? I can't hear you.”

“The Phoenix Heart soup. Could you share a bowl with us? Otherwise, we'll
get scolded by Emma.”

“Do us a favor, brother.”

'Seems like they're more afraid of Emma than me.'

Jin snickered as he thought to himself.

“I don't want to.”

“Ah, please…”

“We're begging you!”

The Tona twins were on the verge of crying, but Jin had not a speck of
sympathy for them within his heart.

Jin already knew that the Tonas were used to the carrot and stick approach,
so he planned on making them do some physically exhausting work in
return for the Phoenix Heart soup.

“If you're willing to go that far, then I won't refuse. But I have a condition.”

“Oh, what is it? What is it?”

“Remember that grave I made?”

The Tona twins shuddered and turned pale at the word 'grave'. The
memories of being pummelled and left out in the rainstorm in front of the
grave had resurfaced.

“If you look carefully, there's a small hole behind that grave.”

“A hole?”
“Yeah. Like a burrow. I want you two to dig into that hole and make it
deeper. You have until nightfall. Of course, you can't rest at all.”

The task Jin had given to his 9-year-old brothers was, quite literally, a waste
of time.

“Why… do we need to dig there?”

“I want to bury the bird you two killed in a deeper hole and give it a better

The twins lost strength in their legs and felt them wobble.

However, if they didn't have to face their terrifying brother in another fight,
and could eat the Phoenix Heart soup with such a trifling task, then they had
no complaints.

“How deep do we need to dig?”

“I told you to dig until nightfall with no rest, didn't I?”

“Alright. So if we dig until then, you'll share some Phoenix Heart soup with

“Of course I will. But you need to do your best. If I'm not satisfied by the
depth of the hole, this agreement is invalid. Oh, by the way, there are plenty
of shovels in the warehouse. You should use those.”


“And this is pretty obvious, but you can't order someone else to dig for you,

The twins nodded vigorously and immediately departed to begin their work.

While the Tona twins were shovelling in the backyard, Jin was eating the
Phoenix Heart soup at the dinner table.

“Is it that tasty, Young Master?”

Gilly asked as she watched Jin gleefully slurping down the meal. She
thought that Jin was joyful because of the delicious soup.

“Yeah, it's so tasty!”

“There's more than enough to last you for 3 days, so don't hesitate to ask if
you want another serving.”

With each spoonful going down his throat, Jin could feel his bones and skin
becoming sturdy. If he ate the soup for 3 days, his affinity and resistance
against fire would increase substantially.

However, Jin wasn't smiling from ear to ear because of the Phoenix Heart.

'Within a few days, I'll have access to the secret tomes…!'

The spot where the Tona twins were digging, behind the bird's grave.

Despite being only 9 years old, the twins' physical abilities were still far
above the world's average as they were of the Runcandel bloodline.

The Runcandels had special bodies as if they had been blessed by the

So if the twins continued digging until nightfall using their blessed bodies,
the hole would reach the 'underground wall'.

'They won't be able to tell if it's a wall or just a hard boulder, though.'

Below the Storm Castle was a secret underground area where some of the
Runcandel Clan's 'wrongdoings' were hidden.

The secret tomes of other clans.

The Runcandels had subdued and destroyed other clans throughout their
history. During these wars, they would steal their enemies' secret books,
scrolls, and records.
It goes without saying that Jin wouldn't be able to easily infiltrate the
underground area just because the Tona twins dug until the wall. He would
have to deal with the two protective installations that repelled outsiders

But Jin already knew how to disable them. He had technically lived in the
Runcandel Clan for 25 years during his previous life, despite being treated
worse than bugs. He had picked up some information and a few tricks here
and there within the clan.

'I'll just study those books until the day I leave the Storm Castle.'

Jin had emptied two bowls of soup for dinner.

“Nanny Gilly.”

“Yes, Young Master?”

“Could you share some of the Phoenix Heart soup with the twins when
night falls?”

“Ah, how much should I give them?”

“One spoonful each.”

“O-One… spoonful? Why bother sharing some with them in that case? You
should eat it all on your own instead.”

“I must keep my promise. If they complain about it and ask for more, tell
them I said this: 'I'll show you how kind and gentle Emma is compared to

Gilly smiled awkwardly as she bowed to him.

'Young Master Jin… Has the ruthlessness of the clan already started to
affect him? He's still too young to be acting like this.'

As her wry smile turned into a bitter expression, Jin cuddled into Gilly's
“Elder sister Mary gave me the heart for my sake, and Gilly carefully
prepared the soup for an entire month with dozens of sleepless nights. I
don't want to share such a precious meal with those idiots.”

“Young master…”

Shcrrt, shcrrt.

Despite being drenched from the rain, the twins continued shovelling the

They reached the underground wall around midnight, which was when they
finally stopped digging.

“One spoon?!”

“One spoonful only? That's just unfair! We dug the ground for the entire

The Tona twins belatedly realized that they hadn't decided upon a proper
'amount' during their agreement with Jin, and were enraged by their so-
called 'reward'.

However, they couldn't voice out their frustrations for too long, as Jin
glared at them, as if to tell them to savour the spoonful gratefully.

'You brats… If one could earn a spoonful of Phoenix Heart soup with one
day of shovelling, most people around the world would come running to

Jin truly believed that the twins should be extremely grateful to receive a
spoonful of the soup from him.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 6

The next morning, Jin went to the hole the Tona twins had dug.

It appeared that the twins hadn't resorted to petty tricks. They had dug the
hole quite seriously. Inside the deep hole, Jin could see a goldish stone wall
on the side at the bottom.

Currently, there were 7 guardian knights, 2 nannies and a dozen servants at

the castle. Of course, the Tona twins were here as well.

Nobody would come here looking for Jin or suspect him of scheming

'Telling them that I wanted to come here to pray for the dead bird was a
pretty good excuse.'

Recently, the members of the Runcandel Clan residing at the Storm Castle
were wary of Jin. The youngest child of the patriarch did not behave like a
young child, and was eerily mature.

In fact, some were more than just wary. Many were afraid of the 7-year-old
boy. The servants gossiped about him, saying that he was a perfect copy of
his cold-hearted father, and the guardian knights obeyed him as if he were
their superior.

But when Jin said that he would go pray for the bird, they were all relieved.
They thought that despite being Cyron Runcandel's son, a child is still a

'I pray that you'll find happiness in your next life.'

Jin hadn't lied when he said he would pray for the bird. He truly did pity it.

Once he finished moving the bird's grave to the bottom of the deep hole the
twins had dug, Jin approached the stone wall on the side. There were
scratches made by the shovels on its surface.

The wall itself wasn't very solid. There weren't any metal bars or wires
inside to increase its durability, so Jin could easily destroy it with a punch
wrapped in shadows.

However, breaking it like that would definitely create a loud explosion.

The constant rain outside would somewhat muffle the sound, but the 7-star
knights in the castle would most likely catch the noise.


Jin suddenly laughed as he couldn't hold himself back. He then spread out
his arms and placed his hands against the wall. Immediately, the stone wall
began to vibrate ever so slightly.


It was the 1-star earth magic spell, 'Earth Resonance'.

Earth Resonance was a spell that magicians often used while camping
outside or exploring the wild, but its lethality was nigh-zero.

“I've been dying to use magic!”

The practicality and pleasure of using magic!

He hadn't felt this liberating sensation for the past 7 years. Because he had
retained his memories and knowledge from his past life, being unable to use
magic since he was born was like a punishment to Jin.

Magic, a magician's strength.

When he first realized he had been reborn, Jin wondered how he should
start learning magic and store mana again…

However, his worries were unfounded. Just like how Solderet's power was
still available to him, the mana he had amassed during his previous life was
also accessible in this new life.

'The only issue is that there's a limit to the amount of mana I can use right
now because of my immature body. But it's better than nothing!'

In his past life, Jin was about to reach the 6-star realm in magic after
training for 3 years.

Currently, the amount of mana Jin could utilize was equivalent to that of a
1-star magician, but it would increase over time as he grew up.

Everytime he aged by another year, he could feel more mana generating

within him. Moreover, it was a natural occurrence. Jin hadn't been training
to increase his mana or anything.

Therefore, he came to the conclusion that the mana he had accumulated in

his past life was slowly returning to him over the years.

'The mana of a 1-star magician at 7 years old! I'm certain that no one else in
history managed to achieve this feat. At this pace, I'll reach 6-star before I
turn 20 at the latest.'

His second life was incomparably preferable and advantageous compared to

his first one.

He was ecstatic and overjoyed right now. At the young age of 7, Jin could
utilize both spiritual power and mana, along with the knowledge and
expertise in 3-star swordsmanship and 5-star magic.

Furthermore, he could now study the secret tomes of countless martial clans
around the world that the Runcandel Clan plundered from! His motivation
was at its peak currently, and it would not die down for a long while.
'Heh, I truly am a magician down to the core. I never thought I'd be so
delighted to use a simple spell like Earth Resonance.'

The times he could use magic within the Runcandel Clan was extremely

One could even say that until this moment, Jin had no other opportunities to
use magic. There were almost no instances when Jin was on his own
without anyone accompanying him.

Gilly would always be with him, and in the rare cases when she wasn't
present, the guardian knights and servants would be by his side. And if, by
some miracle, none of them were next to Jin, the Tona twins would come
bother him.

Therefore, Jin never had the chance to use magic. There were also no
moments when he would have no other choice but to resort to magic.

Even though Jin could now push the twins around like his servants, he
could not afford to use magic and get busted by them.

If word spread to his parents or older siblings that Jin had used magic… his
pleasant new life would immediately come to a close at that exact moment.

'I should seal away my magic for a while after today. Can't afford to get
caught. But one day, I'll find a way to use as much magic as I want. Just you

As he licked his lips in anticipation, Jin once again focused on his hands
placed against the wall. The sensation of having mana flow through his
hands and fingers, and spread throughout the wall sent shivers down his


And so, 10 minutes passed by quietly. Earth Resonance's vibrations silently

created dozens of cracks and fissures on the wall. Dirt and dust fell down
heavily, as if the stone wall would soon collapse.

As a matter of fact, the center of the wall where Jin's hands were located
crumbled into fine particles. A small hole appeared, where Jin could barely
squeeze his body through. The child stared into the sight beyond the wall
for a short instance.

There was an old, long hallway—as if he were in some ancient ruins—

along with a large steel gate in the distance.

It would be a mistake to think that the Runcandel Clan's secret underground

room could be so easily broken into.

The 'Storm Castle' was a fortress that even the Zipfel Clan's elite troops
wouldn't be able to easily conquer. Jin was just lucky as he was a member
of the Runcandel Clan who was residing within the said castle.

'So this is the secret underground sector that only the Runcandel flag-
bearers can enter… Interesting layout.'


They were the clan's representatives who stood on the front lines, waving
the clan's emblem.

All the children of the Runcandel Clan became flag-bearers when they
reached a certain level, barring the few exceptions like the previous Jin who
was deemed incompetent.

Jin had heard countless stories about this underground room from his
siblings. He, who could only imagine the wonders hiding inside, could
finally see it with his own eyes.

Jin slightly choked up, as if something deep within his heart had surfaced.

'I didn't think it would affect me this much, but seeing it for myself, my
emotions reacted subconsciously.'

After exhaling and calming down, Jin squeezed himself into the hole.

Back in the pit the twins had dug, he could hear the constant downpour
crashing onto the ground, but as soon as he entered the underground
corridor, the noise completely disappeared. With a solemn heart, Jin
removed his shoes.

He couldn't leave behind traces of mud in the corridor.

The path was dimly lit by a few torches on the walls, where oil dripped

Jin was about to create a flame with magic to illuminate the place, but
decided to grab one of the torches instead. Walking down a worn down
corridor barefoot with a torch in hand, he felt like he had become a monk.

'Mother used to tell me that before reaching that door, the Runcandel
children need to prove that they're part of the bloodline.'

Jin remembered hearing that when he was around 16.

Back then, Rosa still believed that her youngest child would one day
become a respectable member of the clan.

She could not accept the fact that her child was untalented, and held
distorted expectations towards him.

Rosa had secretly broken the clan rules in order to give Jin confidential
information, despite the fact that he wasn't a genius like his siblings.

She wanted to believe that Jin would one day become a 6-star knight and
receive the qualifications of a flag-bearer.

Rosa Runcandel, the Black Panther, was one of the strongest people in the
clan and the world. However, the reason why she couldn't have an objective
view and judgement towards Jin was simply because she was a mother.

His mother.
'Even so, she ended up facing and accepting the reality later on.'

Jin stopped reminiscing about the past and paused his walk towards the
metal door.

He was at the center of the corridor. There were still around 50 steps left
until he reached the gate.

'Runcandels and magic…?'


Jin couldn't help but chuckle when he noticed the magic circle on the floor.

It was a large magic circle, but even apprentice magicians could easily
analyze it.

The Magic Circle of Blood and Barrier.

It was a popular magic circle one could often find at the entrances to
kingdoms, or inside a businessman's warehouse, or at a famous mercenary
group's headquarters.

Despite its impressive and grand name, it was a basic circle.

It was no different to a simple security device. All it could do was

determine whether someone would pose a threat through one's blood.

'Those magic-hating clan members actually laid down a magic circle in

front of the clan's secret chamber? Not only that, it's such a flimsy circle!'

Jin bit down on the inside of his cheek. A trail of blood seeped out of his
mouth and ran down his chin. Before it could drop on the floor, Jin caught
the blood with his hand.

Drip, drip…

All he needed was a few drops in order to activate the Magic Circle of
Blood and Barrier. As he shook off the blood on his hands onto the circle, a
blue aura began to fill the air from all four directions.

'Proof that we're part of the bloodline? What a joke.'

Jin was curious to know which of his ancestors was stupid enough to place
this magic circle here.

This magic circle wasn't elaborate enough to be able to verify someone's

bloodline and lineage. In fact, Jin wasn't sure if such magic existed in the
first place.

There were only 3 things this magic circle could determine.

It could detect whether the blood was that of a monster, a human, or a

plague-stricken human.

In other words, as long as they're able to reach this underground corridor,

any healthy human is able to activate this magic circle safely.

The magic circle was completely useless, except for how it added an air of
mystery to this ancient, hidden chamber.

'They believe in that weird superstition called the Selection ritual. They also
believe that this magic circle is able to recognize a pure-blooded
Runcandel. This clan is quite… peculiar. Very peculiar.'

Clang! Clang! Creaaaak….!

With the circle's activation, Jin could hear gears and metallic parts grinding
and moving beneath the floor.

The circle was stopping the traps' operation—the traps that would've
attacked Jin if he didn't activate the magic circle. He silently stood still and
waited for the noise to subside.

'There are quite a lot of traps. I don't know the specifics, but the traps here
are more elaborate than those found in a royal palace.'
The magic circle soon began to dim down, and lost its lustre. The traps had
all been disabled. Jin resumed his march and headed towards the door.

He had safely dealt with one of the security systems of the Storm Castle's
secret chamber. The remaining one was to safely open the door.

But that was even easier to do than activating the magic circle.

“Runcandel's descendant has come to solace Murakan.”


The gate began to slide open as soon as Jin uttered the password.

It was another type of 'barrier magic' similar to the magic circle just now,
but was on a completely different level. It was a spell cast by a great
dragon, who has since fallen into a deep slumber.

The password deactivates the spell, but without the correct words, the door
will never budge open. That was the potency of this barrier magic.

One would have to be at least a 9-star knight in order to break the door

'I heard the password from my second brother before my rebirth, though he
was being sarcastic, saying that it would never be of use to me.'

The Storm Castle's location: Mt. Murakan's summit.

The name 'Murakan' did not signify the mountain in the first place. It was
the name of the Black Dragon who once reigned over this region.

Murakan was defeated 1000 years ago by the first Runcandel patriarch, and
went into a deep slumber after handing over the Storm Castle.

This story was the most popular legend of the Runcandel Clan, known to
everyone around the world.
The first thing Jin saw when the door opened wasn't a shelf with countless
books, but a glass coffin.

Inside the glass coffin was a human body. It was Murakan who had
transformed into a human before entering a deep slumber.

'Nobody told me about this…'

Bdump, Bdump.

Having come across an unexpected sight, Jin's body froze in surprise and

He then slowly began approaching the glass coffin.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 7

'I remember hearing the story that the Black Dragon Murakan was defeated
by the first patriarch and fell into a deep slumber… So he was sleeping

Jin didn't know a lot about Murakan. The legends and myths of the clan
rarely mentioned him.

They just didn't care much about a dragon that had long since disappeared
into the annals of history. The currently active dragons were more
worrisome and troubling.

The glass coffin was sparkling clean, without a single speck of dust on its
surface. But it wasn't being cleaned every day by a maid. The spotlessness
was due to the mana surrounding the coffin.

Jin touched the mana with one hand, and chills immediately ran down his
spine. As he swallowed his saliva, Jin took another step forward.

'That was an interesting sight.'

There was nothing Jin could learn from Murakan. If it were an awake and
active dragon, things would've been different. But Murakan was a
hibernating dragon inside a coffin, so Jin was more interested in finding the
secret tomes.

'This place is bigger than I thought.'

The underground chamber seemed larger than the central hall at the Storm
Castle. However, it felt empty as there were no decorations furbishing the
place. Jin quickly began searching for the tomes.


He pushed open the sliding door and located the library. Actually, it was far
too shabby to be called a library. The Runcandel Secret 'Library' only
contained one bookshelf and a few chairs. However, that was more than
enough space to house the secret tomes.

There could only be so many books written by other martial clans around
the world. The library would have no use of extra shelves.

'The tomes!'

On the 1.50 meter-wide shelf were dusty books arranged neatly. These
books had once been written and used by martial clans around the world,
and tried to protect them with their lives on the line.

These were the essence of the martial clans that only the flag-bearers could

Jin calmed down his trembling heart and began checking the names on each
of the books on the shelf.

'The hand-to-hand combat techniques of the Meyer Clan and Typhen Clan,
spear techniques of the Euron Clan and Shagal Clan, swordsmanship from
the Attila Clan, etc.… There are so many of them.'

Jin also found a few books from the Kungen Clan, the clan of swordsmen
that had attacked the Storm Castle around 200 years ago. Jin's hands were
trembling ever so slightly as he checked the tomes one by one.

His excitement was overflowing.

In his first life, he had always wished to become a flag-bearer and come
down here to read the secret tomes. Now that he was finally here, the
memories of his hardships and despair flashed through his mind.
Of course, he hadn't come down to the underground chamber as a flag-
bearer this time. Despite having the 'Runcandel' family name, he was no
different to a thief who had infiltrated the library.

However, Jin didn't care about those small details.

Using whatever methods at hand was part of the Runcandels' virtue.

Moreover, he was planning on officially coming to this underground
chamber in a few years after becoming a true flag-bearer.

'Which one should I start with?'

What a first world problem. He was spoiled for choice. Jin wondered
whether his older brothers felt this way when they were secretly reading
porn books when their nannies were away. Jin chuckled as he scanned the
books before him.

He didn't have a lot of time to remain down here.

2 hours.

The free time he had obtained through the excuse of wanting to pray for the
bird was a mere 2 hours. After this amount of time, Gilly would most
probably come to the castle's backyard in order to look for him.

It was as if Jin had a mountain of food before him, but could only eat for a
few minutes.

'But I'll have another opportunity. I can come back here another day if I tell
them I want to pray for the bird again or that I want to meditate.'


He pulled out a book from the shelf. Jin's first secret tome was the Kungen
Clan's book of swordsmanship.

'Third Brother once told me that there is a lot to learn from this tome…
Let's start with this.'
There were a total of 3 volumes of the Kungen Clan's secret tomes. Jin also
picked out the remaining two volumes and sat on a chair.

Originally, the Kungen Clan's secret tomes numbered over 10. But when the
Runcandels destroyed the clan 200 years ago, most of them were lost during
the conflict.

The Runcandel Clan had destroyed them intentionally.

However, the three volumes in his hands were left untouched. These tomes
summarized the essence of the Kungen Swordsmanship's greatest

Flutter, flutter.

The sound of pages turning accelerated. Despite being a secret tome, the
first few pages of volume 1 only talked about the base and foundation of the
swordsmanship, as well as the behaviour of the Kungen knights.

The flutter of pages stopped once Jin arrived at the middle of the book. His
gaze deepened as his mind tried to absorb the words on the page.

The book that had only been describing the bases suddenly broached upon a
difficult subject that Jin couldn't comprehend at all.

'I see… No wonder they're called secret tomes. It's not as easy as I thought.'

Despite being written in the continent's common language, Jin couldn't

understand most of its contents due to his lacking skills and knowledge in

Before his sudden death in the Akin Kingdom, the 28-year-old Jin had
attained the 3-star realm in swordsmanship.

Not only was he slower to reach that stage than 'slightly skilled' people in
general, he could be considered 'defective' compared to the average
However, it had only taken him half a year to reach that stage after his
contract with Solderet, which could be considered an incredible feat.

Nonetheless, the Kungen book was far too difficult for him to understand
with his 3-star skills and knowledge in swordsmanship.

Be that as it may, Jin had expected this outcome.

He took out a notebook and pencil he had brought with him.

Jin then began to copy the contents of the tome into his notebook. It was a
transcription. In roughly 2 hours, he could copy around 10 pages of the

Back in his days as a magician, he had transcribed so many books that the
fingerprints on his fingers holding the pencil had begun to fade away.

10 pages per day.

There were 3 years left until Jin would have to leave the Storm Castle. If he
transcribed 10 pages every day during those 3 years, he could easily copy
all the books here.

'And as I continue studying these, I'll slowly begin to understand the

content over time. I'm sure there will be some tomes I won't have to

Scrt, scrt…

The sound of a pencil scratching paper resonated in the silent underground

room. Jin took exactly 1 hour to copy 10 pages. He then retraced his steps
and left the library.

He plugged the hole in the wall with earth magic and the dirt around him.

And so, 2 months went by. During that time, Jin had fully transcribed the 3
volumes from the Kungen Clan, as well as 2 tomes about the Meyer Clan's
hand-to-hand combat techniques.
As the days went by, Jin felt more and more energetic and enthusiastic. He
had never felt happier to get out of bed in the mornings before.

'What excuse should I use to go down there today? Praying? Meditating?

No… I used those yesterday and the day before that already.'

There was a rumour going around the castle, where the servants believed
that the spirit of the dead bird had possessed Jin.

He continuously went to its grave for 2 months in order to pray and

meditate, so their confusion was understandable. Moreover, having heard
this odd rumour, the Tona twins began to fear Jin to a far greater extent.

'Should I come up with an excuse… that will let me go there every day
without raising suspicion?'

After pondering for a while, Jin couldn't think of anything. How could he
possibly convince everyone to let him go to the grave every day?

Therefore, Jin began to change his train of thought.

'There's no need to convince them. If I tell them I'll go there every day, who
would dare stand against me? This is the Storm Castle, not the clan's main

The guardian knights living here already served Jin as a 'true Runcandel'
instead of treating him like a child, and the servants had no right to disprove
his decisions from the start. The Tona twins were terrified of Jin, so he had
no reason to worry about them.

The only problem was Gilly.

A nanny's role was different to that of a knight or a servant. They were

people who supervised and guided the children they were in charge of.

“Nanny Gilly.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

“I want to go there again.”


Gilly's gaze was filled with concern.


She let out a deep sigh and patted Jin on the head.

“Young Master. It's unfortunate, but the bird has already passed away. It's
been 2 months now. This nanny of yours is so concerned about you that she
can't sleep properly at night.”

“I've forgotten about the bird already. Honestly, I'm only going there
everyday because I like it there.”

“Y-You like it there? Young Master. You mustn't enjoy being near a grave.
Misfortune will befall upon you!”

“What kind of misfortune?”

“Graves are the home of the deceased. Nothing good will happen by staying
close to one. You must steer clear from those places to be blessed with good
fortune, Young Master.”

Apparently, the nannies of the Runcandel Clan had a tendency to believe in

superstitions as well. Jin was sighing and shaking his head in his mind.

“No, I'll keep liking graves from now on.”

“Young Master!”

“Nanny. Think about it. I'm the youngest child of the Runcandel Clan.”

Once Jin took on a serious tone, Gilly's eyes widened.

“Why are you suddenly talking about…”

“How many graves do you think I'll have to make as I live in this world as a
Runcandel? To tell the truth, I'm trying my best to understand what 'death' is
these days. So I'm going to that grave every day in order to get used to it.”


Gilly let out a mumble and stood there wordlessly.

She stared blankly at her young master as if her thoughts had come to a
sudden stop.

Her 7-year-old young master, who was born as a 'predator' amongst the
Runcandels, was trying to face the concept of fate and destiny already.

Needless to say, that was all her own misunderstanding.

Jin was just tricking his nanny—who was younger than him in his first life
—to do his bidding.

To be frank, no actual 7-year-old would talk about such topics, even if they
were geniuses born in the dreadful Runcandel Clan.

Nevertheless, Gilly and the others at the Storm Castle had no reason to
doubt Jin's words and actions. No one would imagine that he had retained
the memories from his first life.

'Something has definitely changed about the young master ever since he
met the patriarch. The patriarch must've told him something crucial.'

Gilly fixed her expression and bowed down.

“…In that case, I will not stop you. I believe that the young master will one
day become a remarkable knight who will lead the clan. And having
listened to your honest opinion, I must say that I'm extremely proud of you,
Young Master.”

“Thanks, Gilly. Until I leave the Storm Castle, I'll be spending time at the
grave for 1 to 2 hours every day.”
“Yes, Young Master.”

“And while I'm over there, I don't want to be disturbed in any way. Do you

“I shall inform the knights about that. Also, Young Master?”


“If I were to say something as your nanny and as an adult… it's not always
a good thing to think too deeply about such topics at a young age. Please
enjoy yourself doing fun activities from time to time.”

“Alright, Gilly. In that case… hmm… I want a strawberry pie as a snack

later. With lots of honey on it.”

Gilly's stiff expression finally loosened as color returned to her face.

“I'll bake the best strawberry pie in the world. Have a good time.”

Jin smiled brightly and immediately left the room.

'I did it! Now I can concentrate on transcribing without having to worry
about anything.'

During the past 2 months, Jin was always nervous when he entered the
underground chamber. If the knights or Gilly came looking for him and
discovered the hole, chaos would descend upon the clan.

'Since I managed to catch father's interest, they probably won't execute me

even if they find out about this. But it would still be extremely troublesome
and unnerving.'

A humming sound escaped his nose unconsciously. Even the Earth

Resonance spell felt like it was creating a rhythm as it destroyed the
underground wall he had resealed the previous day.

He was planning on transcribing the final volume of the Meyer Clan's

tomes on hand-to-hand combat techniques.
Scribble, scribble!

As he rejoiced at how his remaining 3 years at the castle would be peaceful,

he copied the contents of the page.

His reincarnation was truly a blessing to him.

'The Meyer Clan's hand-to-hand combat technique doesn't seem as difficult

to understand as the Kungen Clan's swordsmanship. But this passage about
merging one's physical body with aura… I don't get it. Oh well, I'm sure it'll
become clear with time.'

An hour went by inside the underground library.

Having transcribed several pages without rest, Jin's thin and soft fingers
were throbbing. As he decided to take a 3-minute break,


He heard a noise behind the sliding door. Jin immediately stood up in

surprise and focused his senses.

It was the sound of the glass coffin opening.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 8

During the past 2 months he had spent transcribing the books underground,
the only sounds that resounded down there were that of his pencil scribbling
on paper and the occasional wind blowing.

Therefore, despite being separated by the sliding door, Jin instinctively

knew that Murakan's glass coffin was opening. Anyone else in Jin's
situation would've come to the same conclusion.

'Goddammit. Why is Murakan waking up now of all times?!'

Badump! Badump!

His heart accelerated like crazy as if it had lost complete control over itself.

The calm and safe Storm Castle's underground area had suddenly become
menacing and hazardous. A chill ran up his spine as cold sweat slid down
his face.

'Could it be… that I misheard it?'

As silence ensued, Jin began to doubt his ears. The previous sound could've
been something else, or Jin might've imagined it from the beginning.

However, his hopes were destroyed, as another click rang beyond the
sliding door.

As a matter of fact, that wasn't the only noise this time. He could hear
clothes brushing against the glass coffin, along with the sound of someone's
feet touching the ground.
There was no way the dragon who had been sleeping for 1000 years was
suddenly sleepwalking. It could only have woken up for a clear reason and

Or it could be that its slumber was finally over, and that the timing was a
complete coincidence.

'Calm down, calm down. I've never offended Murakan before. It shouldn't
be hostile towards me…'

He didn't remember Murakan waking up in his past life.

There's no way Jin couldn't have heard of the news of Murakan's

awakening, especially since he was still living in the Storm Castle back then
as well.

'In that case, this incident is because of my return in time. My guess is that
Murakan woke up because of my constant appearance here.'

There was a famous story around the continent. It said that one shouldn't
disturb a sleeping dragon. Otherwise, one's life would be forfeited.

Needless to say, despite being a famous story, people rarely came across
dragons in real life.

In any case, the moral of the story was that…

Dragons have terrible personalities.



A low and deep voice reached Jin from behind the door. Jin was still
pondering on how to survive this situation.

A few chaotic seconds went by. He made up his mind on how to behave
towards Murakan.
'Be respectful yet brazen. Even if Murakan tries to attack me… I just need
to buy time until the knights arrive.'

But that was only for the worst case scenario.

And even if the worst case scenario were to occur, Jin was confident that he
could survive with his life intact at the very least. He could easily buy time
with Solderet's spiritual power, his own magic, and his silver tongue.

It was unlikely that he would die.

As soon as he reached that conclusion, the stress weighing down on his

shoulders eased up. Murakan could also be different from what he
imagined. The dragon could be friendly with him instead of being hostile.


Jin stood up and slid the door open to face Murakan.

The black-haired handsome young man he saw every day in the coffin was
now standing straight before him. The dragon's human body was toned, and
one would never believe that he had been asleep for over 1000 years.

“R-Runcandel's descendent… greets the clan's guardian.”

Jin deliberately stuttered and spoke nervously.

He believed that he should act like a child who was afraid of the thousand-
year-old dragon. Moreover, the Runcandels used to call Murakan their
'guardian', so Jin decided to emphasize that word.


Murakan snorted.

“Guardiannnn? Guardian? Did you just say 'guardian'? Huh?”

All he had done was speak out loud, but the mana inside the room began to
tremble and spin around like a vortex.

“Say that again, you shitty brat. Did you just say that I'm your clan's

Murakan's body disappeared into a handful of black smoke, only to

materialize right before his eyes.

“Are you not Lord Murakan? I've been told that the Black Dragon Murakan
is the Runcandel Clan's guardian.”

When Jin answered properly, Murakan stared at him and blinked several
times. He felt like there was no need to stutter and act scared anymore.

“Sigh, I see. Those damned Runcandel bastards… So that's what you told
your descendants. Haha! And it's not like I can take out my anger on this
chestnut-sized kid. This is driving me crazy!”

Jin was relieved after hearing the dragon's reply.

'Looks like he's not completely merciless against children.'

Nevertheless, the murderous intent within the dragon's black irides were an
indication of his character.

If Jin were in his original 28-year-old body, Murakan would've broken a

limb or two without hesitation before continuing the conversation.

'But why on earth did the black dragon wake up now? It doesn't seem to be
because I've been coming down here every day. Could there be some other
reason…? Ah, maybe it's because of Solderet's power?'

Spiritual power.

The power of shadows.

That was the only thing Jin could think of as the reason behind Murakan's
awakening from his thousand-year slumber.
Jin didn't use spiritual power outside of special circumstances. But there
was always a subtle amount of spiritual energy swirling around him, an
amount that humans wouldn't be able to detect.

'Come to think of it, the contractors of gods generally have a guardian

dragon by their sides, other than certain exceptional cases…'

Contractors of the God of Flames Sheenu received the favour of fire

dragons, while contractors of the God of Wind Melzeyer are favoured by
wind dragons.

That was the reason why the Zipfel Clan was slightly more advanced than
the Runcandel Clan. Officially speaking, the Zipfel Clan has more than 100
dragons under their command. Who knows how many more they have
behind the scenes?

While this was just Jin's hypothesis, depending on the outcome, this
encounter between Jin and Murakan may be a once-in-lifetime opportunity.

'The only problem is that my theory may be wrong. Moreover, I've never
heard of a dragon whose attribute is similar to 'shadows'…'

The current patriarch of the Zipfel Clan is Kelliark Zipfel, the contractor of
the God of Flames Sheenu. They say that he is very close with the fire
dragon 'Kadun'.

The contractor of the God of Wind Melzeyer is the current second-in-

command of the Zipfel Clan, and is famous for handling a wind dragon.

According to these two examples, dragons try to look for contractors who
have a similar attribute as them.

However, Jin had never heard of a story associating Solderet with a dragon.

Even during his conversations with Solderet in his first life, the topic of
Murakan was never brought up.

'Let's test it out for now. Thankfully, this isn't the worst case scenario.'
If Murakan had truly woken up due to Jin's spiritual energy, then there was
nothing for him to be afraid of.



Murakan suddenly took in a deep breath, just like a dog who got a whiff of
something delicious, or a heavy smoker who finally managed to light a

“Ha… Anyways. This child isn't to blame for any of that. Hmm… This
energy smells nice. For some reason, it makes me feel great! What's your
name, kid?”

“It's Jin Runcandel, Lord Murakan.”

“Good, good. Jin, you say? Honestly, I couldn't care less about your name.
You're a Runcandel, right? Then lead me to Solderet's contractor right

“Solderet's contractor?”

“That's right! This deep energy… Only the contractor could have such
strong spiritual energy. I just hope this contractor isn't as rude as Temar, that
son of a bitch.”

Temar Runcandel.

The name of the first patriarch.

Jin almost accidentally cried out in joy.

It seemed his second life was going to be smooth sailing. To think that his
earlier questions and concerns would be answered and resolved so quickly!

'It's certain now. He woke up because of the spiritual energy! Moreover, his
reaction… It means that I'm the one in power in this relationship!'
Sniff, sniff. Sniff!

Murakan was now completely ignoring Jin. He closed his eyes and focused
on sensing the energy.

Meanwhile, Jin pondered for a moment.

'Should I tell him I'm the contractor? Or should I say that I don't know what
he's talking about?'

The first option would be preferable. With the first option, Jin would be
able to order Murakan around like a servant in the future.

The second option would be a lot more troublesome. If Jin acted ignorant,
the dragon would tell him to bring an adult of the clan. And if Jin did bring
an adult down here, he would have to explain how this situation occurred in
the first place.

In that scenario, he would have to kiss these peaceful days goodbye. He

wouldn't be able to transcribe any more books. Moreover, his fateful
encounter with Murakan would have amounted to nothing.


A small ball of energy that danced like flames appeared on Jin's palm.

“Sniff! Hm! Oooh! It's like my mind is getting clearer… Huh?”

Murakan savoured the energy's scent before opening his eyes. Immediately,
he couldn't hide his surprise.

“It seems that I'm the contractor you're looking for, Lord Murakan.”

“Y-Y-Y-Y-You? Impossible. This is madness! Solderet made a contract with

a kid like you?”

Murakan began to retreat in fear. He almost fell down from tripping on his
own feet, as the panic in him began to grow.
“This is crazy. Unacceptable. Oi, Solderet! You're listening, right? Did you
finally go batshit? Explain yourself!”

While Murakan was freaking out, Jin created a second cluster of shadows
on his other hand.

“My father told me that this power was given to me by the being who
brought shadows into this world.”



Murakan fell on his behind and looked up at Jin.

Silence ensued. Jin wanted to continue their conversation, but the mood
wasn't right. He couldn't bring himself to do so when he saw Murakan's
composure fall apart in real time.

Denial. Anger. Doubt. Fear. Surrender.

His expressions were changing in that exact order.

“Oi… Solderet. This is a joke, right? This isn't right. Say something. Why
is the promised contractor of a thousand years this kid……?”

Solderet never showed himself.

His silence was also one of Jin's concerns.

Back when they had made their contract, the two used to chat like good
friends. But ever since right before his death, Solderet never spoke to Jin
again to this day.

In any case, it seemed Murakan needed some time to accept this reality.

However, he was a dragon.

Despite his short temper and wicked personality, he was still a dragon who
had lived for thousands of years. He had a keen insight, along with an
indomitable spirit that wouldn't despair at unexpected situations.

Murakan soon ended up accepting this absurd situation. That was the most
he could do right now.

“Sigh… Kid.”


“It seems that you're the individual with whom I must adjust my breath, as
according to my promise with Solderet.”

A dragon's breath!

A dragon had personally declared as such to Jin. And it was Murakan, the
black dragon the first patriarch had defeated, to boot!

Back when he was a magician, his heart used to beat so loudly whenever he
heard rumours of magicians fighting side by side with a dragon.

Jin's nose began to itch as his emotions intensified. He couldn't control the
heat rising to his face in excitement, so he ended up lowering his head.

“Um, by adjusting your breath, you mean…?”

“Sigh… You're still too young to understand the details. And I'm not in the
right mind to explain it to you right now.”

Jin silently nodded at his answer.

“First and foremost, as a friend of Solderet's, allow me to formally

introduce myself to Solderet's contractor.”


A heavy wind blew in the room. A dark energy began to form in the air and
swirled around Murakan's body.
He was transforming into his dragon form. The dark energy covering
Murakan expanded like a cloud, and a huge black dragon that completely
filled up the underground room entered Jin's vision.

[I am Murakan. Solderet's proxy as well as his friend. The last descendant

of the first being to be created from shadows. Following the thousand-year
promise, I shall be your life-long partner from today onwards. State your

A grandiose voice shook the room. The hot-tempered attitude from earlier
was nowhere to be found.

“I am Jin Runcandel. Thirteenth and final child of the Runcandels.”

Jin answered as he barely repressed his trembling heart.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 9


Every day is so fun.

It's been about 6 months since the encounter with Murakan. Jin turned 8
years old and transcribed a total of 50 secret tomes.

Today is the day the Tona twins leave the Storm Castle.

'Now no one will be bothering me for the next 2 years.'

Jin thought as he stared out the window, watching the servants pack the
twins' luggage in the carriage.

Ever since the day he pummelled them in the hallway and left them out by
the bird's grave, the Tona twins never bothered him again. The servants
delightfully call that incident the 'Revenge of the Bird', as they weren't very
fond of the twins either. Jin wasn't the only one who was harassed by them
in the past.

But ever since that day, Jin's older brothers were obedient and would listen
to his every word. He could order them around and treat them like servants,
which was quite practical.

However, the existence of their nanny 'Emma' was disturbing. She would
outright monitor Jin while pretending to be friendly with him.

'Within another few months, that shrewd woman would've tried to follow
me when I'd go 'meditate' at the grave. I can't have her discover that I've
been going underground, so it's perfect that she's leaving now.'

To this day, Jin viciously ignored Emma and cut her off whenever she tried
to approach him. Her true intentions were as clear as day.

On the outside, she wanted him to get along with the Tona twins.

But deep down, she was hoping for Jin to fall from grace and be trampled
on by the twins.

'Emma's disturbing gaze will finally be no more. If something like this

happens again in the future, I'll have to take action and deal with her.'

Until this day, Emma hadn't bared her fangs or backstabbed Jin openly.

Despite that, Jin decided to give Emma a farewell gift that would haunt her
for the rest of her life.

“Young Master, you must go bid farewell to your brothers now.”

“Alright, Gilly. Let's go.”

The two of them descended to the Storm Castle's courtyard.

Under the constant downpour, the knights who had come to escort the Tona
twins to the main house were standing in silence.

One 7-star guardian knight, and five 6-star guardian knights. They were all
part of the Runcandel's main house.

The twins were at the center, wearing relieved smiles as they would finally
be distanced from their devilish brother.

“Elder brothers.”

“Ah, yeah, Jin.”

As Jin spoke to them with a large grin, his brothers tensed up.

“Why are you so surprised? I'm just here to see you off.”


“Thanks… Jin!”

“I guess I won't be seeing you for another two years. That's too bad, isn't

Despite not agreeing with him, the Tona twins furiously nodded their heads.

After patting them on the shoulders, Jin then turned to Emma.

“Stay safe too, Nanny Emma.”

“Thank you very much, Young Master.”

“Could you bend down for a bit?”

Emma lowered herself to match Jin's eye level. He then approached her ear
and whispered.

'Emma. I hope you act with a bit more caution at the main house.'

As soon as her brain processed the meaning behind his words, Emma's face
paled into a deathly white hue.

When she realized that this 8-year-old child had fully noticed her actions
and hidden intentions, a jolting chill ran down her spine.

Her throat squeezed up, and she couldn't respond to him. Nevertheless,
Emma somehow forced her body to move and bowed to Jin, while trying to
conceal her trembling.

“We must depart now. Young Master Jin, I shall await with impatience to
see your dignified appearance in 2 years!”
“Very well.”

The knights raised their swords to salute Jin before departing.

They then got on the carriage waiting at the bottom of Mt. Murakan and
headed to the Runcandel main house, the 'Garden of Swords'.

Jin would also head there in another 2 years.

“Blasted kid! Explain yourself already. An explanation that I can


The Storm Castle's underground area.

Murakan expressed his frustrations to Jin as he grabbed the basket Jin had
brought. The 8-year-old boy lightly brushed off his words and moved to the

“How… How can this be… Why is there only one strawberry pie in the
basket? Are you looking down on the Great Murakan?”

Murakan was angry… because of a strawberry pie.

“Ah, geez. Be thankful you at least have one pie. I had to save some of my

“Do you truly believe a dragon would feel full from a single measly pie?!”

'Well, I didn't believe dragons could become furious because of strawberry

pies… but now I do.'

The 'strawberry pie' was the first gourmet food Murakan had eaten in a
thousand years.

It was also the only food that could satiate his stomach, tongue, and mind in
this underground chamber since he was still 'trapped down here'.

“Don't you feel full even without food thanks to my spiritual energy?
Enough with that nonsense of yours.”
“You… you heartless brat! Don't you know that dragons are very picky
gourmets? And not only am I unable to leave this stuffy place because of
your circumstances, now you won't give me extra strawberry pies?”

Murakan hadn't left the underground chamber ever since his awakening.

It was all for Jin. He needed to hide his connection with Murakan until he
was strong enough, and Murakan also believed that was the correct choice.

The underground chamber was only accessible to the 'flag-bearers'.

If the clan learned that Jin had been sneaking down here in order to copy
the secret tomes, Cyron would most probably ask Murakan to take
responsibility as well—even if he were the clan's guardian deity who had
awoken from a thousand-year slumber.

In other words, Jin and Murakan were accomplices of the same crime.

“Ha! You and that gourmet tongue of yours! You're the one who said you
didn't like any of the food I brought other than the pie. Do you think it's so
easy to airlift strawberries to this Storm Castle?”

Jin also wanted to give a piece of his mind about this topic.

Not only was there a constant downpour at the castle regardless of seasons,
it was also located at the peak of Mt. Murakan. It wasn't a simple task to
supply the castle with fresh strawberries.

Moreover, this gourmet black dragon said that all the other food at the
Storm Castle was… trash, and only asked for Gilly's strawberry pie.

“Goddammit… Is this an era where people can't even eat strawberry pies

“There are only 2 years left of this 'era' you speak of, so finish eating that
already. Let's begin training.”

“It also seems to be an era where rude kids mess around with powerful
black dragons.”

In the end, Murakan yielded. It wasn't as if a non-existing strawberry pie

would appear out of thin air just because he got mad at the kid.

“Delicious… Damn, this is crazy delicious. Did you say your nanny cooked
it? You must definitely introduce me to her when I get out of here.”

“Yeah, yeah, you already said that dozens of times.”

Jin replied as he shook his head in exasperation.

During the past 6 months, Jin's vision of dragons was completely destroyed
by the slob before him.

The legendary dragons he had imagined during his days as a magician…

The wise, majestic, mysterious yet powerful beings…

But the dragon before him was childish, extremely whimsical, and a
complete slob. He would always be lying down, scratching his groins as he
complained about something.

Scratch, scratch.

Having devoured the strawberry pie in an instant, Murakan was once again
scratching an… odd place.

'The only thing that my imagination was correct about is… how powerful
dragons are, maybe…?'

Ever since the day after their first encounter, Murakan began to teach Jin
how to manipulate spiritual power along with several types of martial arts.

Despite having never fought him in person, Jin could sense how strong
Murakan was through his teachings and guidance.

However, most of Murakan's strength was currently sealed because Jin's

'spiritual energy' was still too weak. Spiritual energy was a necessity to
Murakan's strength and survival, just like how the sun was necessary to
plants, and how aquatic life forms needed the sea to survive.

In other words, Jin was like the sun to Murakan. An irreplaceable existence.

However, it was a sun that needed to grow stronger. In order for Murakan's
full strength to return, Jin had to grow older and become more powerful.

“Do that transcription thing for 30 minutes, then come to the hallway.”


After finishing the transcription, Jin left and entered the hallway to face

“What did you copy today?”

“The Attila Clan's book of swordsmanship.”

“Oh! Attila. Their swordsmanship was pretty decent. Reminds me of how I

sunk my teeth into their patriarch and killed him about 1500 years ago. Did
you understand some of it?”

“About 30% of the content. I didn't quite get the rest of it.”

“Don't be discouraged. It's still incredible that you understood 30% of it at

your age.”

Having comprehended about 30% of the Attila Clan's secret book at the
tender age of 8 was an enormous feat.

However, Jin was craving for more. The 'enormous feat' was according to
the Runcandel standards. But with this being his second life, Jin wanted to
achieve far more than just that.

If he couldn't exceed the normal genius standard, he would once again be

unable to overpower his 12 genius siblings.
“How much of this book would the first patriarch have understood at my

“Kuhaha. Right, right. You did say that you chose Temar's sword during the
Selection Ritual. Is that why you keep comparing yourself to him?”

“No, it's because I've heard people endlessly say that the first patriarch was
the 'strongest man in history'. So much that the phrase is engraved in my
mind now. That's why I'm comparing myself to him.”

“The strongest man in history, you say… Fair enough. Temar truly was
incredibly strong. Even your father, who's called the Genesis Knight, is
probably one level weaker than Temar.”

That was a realm of strength that Jin couldn't even imagine.

Despite Jin's rapid growth speed during his final 3 years of life after making
a contract with Solderet, he still had a long way to go to reach the Genesis
Knight realm. Even if he became an 'unparalleled magic swordsman' like
Solderet had said, Jin still wasn't sure if he could defeat his father.

“Hm, sure. Alright. I guess it would be best to make it clear.”

“Make what clear?”

“The difference between you and Temar.”

Jin nodded as he focused on Murakan's next words.

“At the age of 8, Temar would not have been able to understand a single
sentence in that book.”

A short pause followed, before Murakan continued speaking.

“But one's talents cannot always be measured by one's knowledge and

understanding of swordsmanship. From what I've seen, you are quite gifted.
In fact, you're like a genius that's born once every hundreds of years…
However, you still can't compare to Temar.”
“Hm, that's somewhat disheartening.”

“I'm sure that your Genesis Knight father is far more gifted than you are.”

“Then, will I never be able to overpower my father because of the disparity

in our talents?”

To overpower his father.

That was the reborn Jin's biggest and most ambitious goal. If he couldn't
win against Cyron, Jin would have no choice but to live while trying not to
stand out again, so that he doesn't incur the Runcandels' wrath.

The pathetic death in his first life.

Three 9-star knights who had attacked the Akin Kingdom. Jin's hypothesis
was that Cyron had secretly dispatched those three, even though he strongly
wished it were false.

“Indeed, you won't win against your father if it purely comes to


“If it purely comes to swordsmanship?”

“That's right, you brat. Don't think that the world solely revolves around
swordsmanship. You also have spiritual power and magic at your disposal.”

“True enough.”

“If you master magic and spiritual power to the extreme limits, it may be
possible to become stronger than Temar, let alone your father. So don't be

“I'm not impatient. I just wanted to know my limits.”

“Ha! You're still thinking about your 'limits' even after gaining Solderet's
spiritual power? Maybe it's because you're still a kid. You're just too
unaware. Solderet's nickname amongst the gods is… 'the Infinite'.”

“That's right, infinite. The potential you have is far greater than anyone else
in the world. It's infinite. Limitless. That's why, just focus on growing up
for now. You have to leave this suffocating place and explore the world in
order to experience life.”

“In that case, what's today's training about?”

“Releasing your spiritual energy. You can always learn the basics of martial
arts later on. So from today onwards, till the day you leave the Storm
Castle, you will only train your spiritual powers.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 10

Aside from aura and mana, there are some people in this world who wield
other special powers—although they are few and far between. Amongst
these 'special powers', spiritual power is the rarest of them all.

And the beings who control spiritual power can be separated into two

Those who were born from Solderet, just like Murakan, and people who
made a contract with the god, just like Jin.

During his prime, Murakan could use spiritual power to fend off five 9-star
magicians simultaneously without having to escape. Jin couldn't even
picture the dragon's full power.

In other words, now that Solderet was refusing to show himself, Murakan
was the perfect teacher for Jin.

“People like you and me who can use spiritual power can release spiritual
energy. It's the first and last technique we need to know.”

“First and last?”

“It's a basic technique yet also a lethal move. The principle is easy. It's
similar to how a magician uses mana.”

When magicians reached the 3-star stage, they could release mana.

In other words, if someone could release mana, they had reached the 3-star
stage. Since Jin was a 5-star magician in his past life, releasing mana was a
piece of cake for him.

However, while Murakan knew that Jin had 'mana' within him, he didn't
know that the child had the 'knowledge and skills of a 5-star magician'.

Jin had yet to tell the dragon about his rebirth, and he wasn't planning on
telling anyone from here on out.

“But as far as I know, magicians don't use mana release as a lethal move…
do they?”

“Just because they both use the word 'release' and are similar in style
doesn't mean mana release is on the same level as releasing spiritual


“In any case, before you learn how to release spiritual energy, you must
learn how to release mana first.”

“How come?”

At Jin's question, Murakan simply shrugged.

“You need to begin with learning the easier techniques. Would you try to
learn how to swing a steel sword when you can't even lift a wooden one?”


Jin nodded as he grasped the meaning, despite his reluctance. He had

already mastered how to release mana in his previous life, so he was feeling

'Oh well, I should just think of this as a revision. I haven't tried to release
mana ever since my regression either, so this is a good opportunity.'

Once Murakan sat straight before Jin, he suddenly burst out in laughter.
“Pffft hahaha… How amusing. I never would've thought I'd teach magic to
a Runcandel child. If your father ever finds out about this, you and I are
both as good as dead.”

Learning magic as a Runcandel signified treason.

Most martial clans disliked magic, but not many of them despised the very
thought of magic as much as the Runcandel Clan. Ever since the death of
the first patriarch, the Runcandels considered magic and its usage a taboo
within the clan.

The clan members' thought process was that if one learned magic, one
wouldn't be able to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship. In actuality,
several magic swordsmen had appeared throughout history, but none of
them achieved incredible feats. They slowly disappeared and all traces of
them vanished.

It was the same for the magic clans.

While magic clans didn't ban martial arts, they highly looked down upon
the usage of 'aura'. It was believed that aura would dirty and muddy the
purity of mana.

However, these beliefs were flawed.

The true reason why the Runcandels had banned magic was due to a
humiliating and disgraceful pledge made with the Zipfels a thousand years

During the era when Temar was still alive, the Runcandels were a clan of
'magic swordsmen'.

Back then, the Runcandel Clan wasn't as famous as it was today, and history
wasn't as distorted and fabricated.

The only ones who were aware of this truth were Jin—the regressor and
Solderet's contractor—and Murakan, along with some key figures of the
Runcandel and Zipfel Clans.
“My father will kill us when he realizes I learned magic from you? Not if he
kills me before that for secretly coming down here without authorization.”

“Indeed. If what you've told me about your father is true, then I have no
doubt he'd kill you. Since we are accomplices, let me tell you a secret
before we begin training. The people around the world believe that despite
being rare, 'magic swordsmen' can never become truly powerful, right?”

“They certainly do, oddly enough.”

Jin pretended to be ignorant, to which Murakan chuckled.

“That's all bullshit! It's a lie made up by those Zipfel morons who are far
more evil than the Runcandels. While you need a precondition to achieve it,
magic swordsmen are the ultimate powerhouses. Your clan was once a
venerable and respected clan of magic swordsmen.”

“Really? First time hearing this story.”

“…Are you not surprised?”

Murakan asked in a disappointed voice. Albeit belatedly, Jin let out a gasp
and wowed at the dragon, who just shook his head at the child's terrible

“Haha, nothing could ever top the surprise I felt the day I met you.
Anyways, you said something about a precondition?”

“Geez, you really aren't cute at all, kid. So, you need to have a great affinity
with mana, sensitivity to aura, and an excellent physical body. Oh, and a
contract with a god.”

“So I already cleared the conditions.”

“Now that you understand, there's no need to be afraid of learning magic

from here on out. But promise me one thing, kid. You must never reveal
your magic to the clan until you're strong enough.”
“There's no need to make me promise that. I already know of the potential
consequences. I've only just turned eight, and I don't plan on biting the dust
anytime soon.”

“Good, good. Then from now on, your objective in life is to stand at the
summit—stronger than anyone else—in order to let me live comfortably
and in luxury. Let's begin training now. First, let's try to stimulate and
awaken your mana. Hm, in order to do that, you need to…”


Jin created a mana sphere the size of a walnut on top of his palm, and
Murakan could only stare in disbelief.

“This crazy twat… What in the world? How could you do that in a second?
You didn't even let me finish explaining!”

Jin also couldn't hide his surprise.

He was planning on holding back and showing the dragon only the bare
minimum in order to satisfy him, but had created the mana sphere
subconsciously. It was more difficult to minutiously control the body of an
8-year-old compared to that of a 28-year-old.

Moreover, he hadn't used magic in a long time, which was another cause of
this mistake.

Before Jin could come up with an excuse, Murakan clenched his fists
tightly and stood up.

“I see, Solderet! I finally understand why you chose him as your contractor
after a thousand years! Kuhaha, he's really something. He's truly
unbelievable! Kid, you make my heart beat so fast in excitement!”

The mistake seemed to have benefited Jin.

In order to continue his childish act, Jin scratched the back of his head and
wore an awkward smile.
“Is this something that impressive?”

“Is that even a question? I've only ever seen three people succeed in
creating a mana sphere so early in their childhood! The first time was with
the Zipfel Clan's first patriarch, the second was with the fourth patriarch.
And finally, you!”

Murakan began to recount the story of how the first and fourth Zipfel
patriarchs had achieved this feat at the tender ages of 5 and 7, respectively.
However, Jin wasn't very inspired by the story.

Because he was the same as them.

Jin, along with those two patriarchs, were all 'magic geniuses' in its truest

Before his regression, Jin had become a 5-star magician within 3 years. And
since he had managed to make a contract with Solderet, Jin was potentially
even more talented than those two acclaimed magicians.

'If I were born in the Zipfel Clan during my first life, I would've reached the
8-star stage, at the very least, by 28 years old. Maybe even the 9-star stage.'

Murakan finally ended his maniacal laughter.

“Kid. Honestly, I thought it would take you at least a few years in order to
learn how to release spiritual energy. But at this rate, you might be able to
succeed before you leave the Storm Castle. Let's move onto the next phase

The next lesson was on mana transfer. It was a basic technique which
required one to extinguish the mana on one hand, and move it to the other
with pinpoint accuracy.

Learning this technique was a piece of cake for Jin once again, but he had
to control himself and hold back this time.

Now that Murakan held high expectations towards Jin, there was no need to
increase it even further. Otherwise, Murakan's overwhelming yet
unbearable expectations would become a burden to Jin, and could come
back to bite him later on in life.

Additionally, even though his earlier mistake benefited Jin this time, the
fact that he made the mistake was important and alarming. In order to gain
the skills and techniques to control mana as proficient as his previous life,
he had to train repeatedly, even for the basic techniques.

Jin listened to Murakan's explanation and attempted to transfer the mana on

his right hand to his left.

'Hm… I should fail on purpose for a while before succeeding. 10 minutes

should be enough.'

10 minutes later, Jin successfully transferred the mana on his right hand to
his left accurately. Murakan then grinned widely.

Droplets of sweat began forming on Jin's forehead. It was actually more

difficult for him to purposefully perform an easy technique a lot slower, just
like how lifting a heavy object slowly was more taxing compared to lifting
it quickly.

“Good. Excellent work. If you manage to complete this procedure within 5

seconds, you should be able to release mana. In other words, you'll have
become a 3-star magician.”

“How long do you think it will take me to achieve that?”

Jin asked as he wiped his sweat away.

“2 years.”

Hearing the answer, Jin decided that achieving it in 1 year would be

convincing enough.

Having finished the calculations in his mind, Jin nodded to the dragon.

“Good. Then practice mana transfer for a bit more and then head back up
for today. And just in case, don't practice within the castle when I'm not
with you.”


After training for another hour, it was time for Jin to return to the surface.
As he packed up his notebooks and the basket, Murakan lied back down on
the floor, scratching his groins.

“Oh also, kid. When you come by tomorrow, make sure to fill that basket to
the brim with strawberry pies. Otherwise, I'll make sure you know of the

Murakan warned Jin as he began walking away.

“The strawberry pie you ate earlier was the last of it. Do you have any idea
how many strawberries you ate during the past 6 months?”

“Goddammit, then bring me another type of pie your nanny bakes!”

“Then what about a rat pie?”

“You wretched brat, come here and have a taste of my fist… Hey, hey!


Jin dashed out the hole connected to the underground corridor.

“Something other than rats! Please! I'm begging you!”

When Jin returned the next day, his basket was full of apple pies instead.

Murakan was satisfied and stroked the child's head.

A year went by. Today was September 9th, 1789. Jin's ninth birthday.

Spending their birthdays at the Storm Castle—which was stormy and wet
all year round—wasn't good for children's mental and emotional growth.
As a dozen servants and Gilly, along with 5 knights, placed candles on the
cake, the fierce gale outside was smashing into the castle windows.

“Happy birthday, Young Master Jin.”

“Happy birthday!”

“Thank you, everyone.”

As the 9-year-old blew on the candle flames, everyone gathered around him
and clapped.

Clang, clang, clang, clang.

Since the knights were wearing gauntlets, their powerful 'clapping' noises
overpowered everyone else's. The birthday party was bleak and desolate, as
if they were mere commoners who couldn't afford a lavishing meal.

Despite this, Jin was still overjoyed and felt blessed. In his previous life, he
hadn't even received greetings from the people living in the castle for his
birthday, other than his nanny.

As Gilly sliced the cake and gave everyone a piece, the lone knight who
was guarding the Storm Castle's main entrance suddenly barged in the

“Young Master Jin!”

It was the guardian knight called Khan.


There weren't many situations in which Khan would dare to run within the
castle hallways.

Jin's intuition told him that someone from the clan's main house had come
to visit.

“The eldest lady has come to visit!”

“Elder sister Luna…?”

Jin exclaimed as he stood up.

Jin's eldest sister, Luna Runcandel.

The firstborn of Cyron Runcandel's 13 children. It was a well-established

fact that she was the strongest out of all the siblings. At her current age of
28, she became a 9-star knight, which proved the previous assumption.

However, despite her strength and fame, she never participated in the
Runcandel's 'War of Succession'—a hideous and unsightly competition for
the throne—in Jin's first life, and always moved on her own.

'She's not the type of person to come congratulate her younger sibling on
his birthday. Why is she here…?'

Jin ran to the window and looked outside. Luna was taking large strides as
she walked up the stairs leading to the Storm Castle.

On her back was her emblematic sword: the enormous axe-sword, 'Crantel'.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 11

Luna and Jin had an age gap of 19 years, which was to no surprise as they
were respectively Cyron and Rosa's first and last children.

With such a large age gap, there are many cases where the older sibling
dotes on the younger one… But that wasn't the case for Jin in his first life.

And so, with Luna's sudden visit, Jin was more panicked than joyful.

'This is somewhat concerning. Has my eldest sister ever shown interest in

our other siblings as well?'

Despite rummaging through his memories, Jin couldn't remember a similar

event in the past.

The nickname the public used to call Luna was the 'White Whale'.

She was aloof, distant, and hard to get in touch with just like the 'White
Whale' in the myths. And since there was only a single white whale in the
world, the nickname also reflected her anti-social tendencies.

“Greetings to the eldest lady!”

“Greetings to the eldest lady!”

The knights who were gathered for Jin's birthday all ran outside and
shouted in unison.

Even though she had yet to enter the castle, the servants in the dining room
also began to bow in advance.
“Let's head downstairs to welcome my sister, Nanny.”

Gilly was dumbfounded and staring into nothingness. Having the

opportunity to meet the clan's eldest child was rare, yet extremely nerve-

“Ah, yes, Young Master.”

Jin and Luna came face to face in the central hall. It was the child's first
time seeing his eldest sister ever since the Selection Ritual.

Dazzling silver hair, porcelain-like skin, and… deep eyes that appeared to
pierce through everything in their vision.

Luna's deep gaze contained an inexplicable sense of danger and menace.

Those were the eyes of someone who had slain myriads of powerful
warriors around the world as she slowly approached the realm of a sword

As they made eye contact, Jin's heart began beating furiously.

'So this is the gaze of someone who's close to being the world's strongest…'

However, Jin hadn't the leisure to admire her forever. He couldn't put aside
the possibility that she had come all this way as she had somehow sensed
Murakan's awakening.

If that were the case, Jin had to come up with a solution to his pinch.

As he racked his brain, Luna appeased the knights around them by speaking
out first.

“You've grown a lot.”

A cold and dry voice. It wasn't a tone suitable to address a sibling she hadn't
seen in 8 years.

However, Jin sensed a faint amount of goodwill within that dry voice.
Nonetheless, it was far too early for him to let down his guard.
“Thank you for coming all this way. We would've prepared a far more
suitable feast had you notified us in advance, Elder Sister.”

“That's cute. But there's no need for such hospitality when I'm simply
visiting my younger brother.”

Luna replied as she patted her brother's head.

To think that his eldest sister—with whom he had barely talked to in his
past life—was patting him… Jin couldn't understand what was happening.

'Just why? Why? Why is she acting like this?'

The same question kept repeating itself in his mind.

When Cyron had come to visit, everything occurred as he had predicted, but
he just simply couldn't read through Luna's true intentions.

However, just because it was difficult didn't mean he had to stop trying. No
matter how incredible of a fighter she was, Luna was still a 28-year-old

As for Jin, this was his 37th year alive in total, so there was no need to feel

“That's true. There's no need for you to do that when you're merely
travelling within Runcandel territory, Elder Sister. But honestly speaking…
since I don't know you well enough, I was subconsciously feeling nervous
and on edge.”

The hand that was stroking Jin's head froze. Gilly was bewildered by Jin's
honest statement and made a dry cough. Even the knights around them were
staring in disbelief.

Silence ensued. The surrounding people were sweating buckets as they

watched the siblings stare at each other.

“You were… nervous?”

“Yes, Sister.”

“Should I interpret that as you being uncomfortable around me?”

“I'm not uncomfortable. It's just that since this is basically my first time
meeting you…”

Another round of silence.

The atmosphere around Luna was ambiguous.

The knights and Gilly all thought that she would be furious, but it was the
opposite. They could never have predicted the emotions they saw in the
woman's deep ocean eyes.

Sorrow, regret, and bitterness.

Those were the emotions surfacing on Luna's face.

“…You're right, I was being inconsiderate. You may be young, but you're
still a Runcandel. How could I forget that… I'm sorry.”

Even Jin was taken by surprise by her reaction.


This large clan of swordmasters wasn't a family where siblings would

support and love each other, and sacrifice oneself for a brother or sister.

Monitoring each other, stealing from each other, and dragging another down
were the family traditions. Therefore, having heard Jin's explanation, Luna
believed that the young child thought of her as an 'obstacle' and a

That was the reason behind her sorrowful gaze.

“Everyone, give us some space… Actually, nevermind. Can I ask your

knights and nanny to leave the hall, Jin?”
Luna bent down and matched her eye-level with her brother's. Once Jin
nodded, the knights and Gilly emptied the place.

While he still couldn't read her true intentions, Jin believed that Luna didn't
mean him any harm.

“My youngest sibling.”

“Yes, Sister.”

“The reason I came looking for you so suddenly is because… I have

something I must tell you. And today happened to be your birthday as

Jin let down his guard visibly.

“Something to tell me…?”

“Due to Father's interest in you, all of our siblings are keeping an eye on
you. And seeing your attitude today, it seems I don't need to explain what
that signifies.”

Every Runcandel was paying great attention to Jin.

And it was to no surprise. It was widely known that Cyron had come all the
way to the Storm Castle last year in order to see his youngest child.

Moreover, Jin had chosen Barisada during his Selection Ritual, so it would
be weirder if they weren't keeping an eye on him.

“Yes, I am aware. You mean that once I leave the Storm Castle, our siblings
will try to keep me in check, right?”

Luna removed the axe-sword Crantel from her back and placed it on the

Despite her best attempt at being quiet, it still ended up creating a large
echo in the hall.

“That's right. So you know already. You must've been on guard against me
for that same reason as well.”

Jin didn't answer and stared back into Luna's deep blue eyes.

“But this is what I wanted to tell you. I truly hope—from the bottom of my
heart—that you won't take part in this dirty family feud and let your
happiness slip away from your grasp.”

Her words came crashing down on Jin's mind.

'Is this what Eldest Sister has been thinking all this time? Is this why… she
didn't participate in the bloody succession war in my past life?'

Being the strongest of the siblings, Luna could easily take the throne from
their other siblings.

However, Jin didn't find her true intentions absurd or hard to believe. Luna
did indeed steer away from the bloody succession war before, so there was
a speck of credibility in her words. He was simply surprised from hearing
those words from the person herself.

But Jin still felt some revulsion towards her mindset.

'If you don't want to see me be sacrificed by our other siblings during the
succession war, then why didn't you say anything back in my first life?'

Was it because he held no value at all back then, that she didn't bother
warning him?

Or was it because their other siblings didn't even consider Jin a dangerous
opponent in the succession war?

Such questions popped up in his mind, but they were not relevant in the
situation at hand.
“Elder Sister Luna.”

“What is it?”

“I am very grateful for those words, but I do not intend on dropping out of
the conflict.”

A polite yet resolute tone.

“I'm being genuine here. I'm not saying this because I fear you could
surpass me, Jin.”

“I am also aware of that, Elder Sister. I can see your pure intentions, and I
am very grateful for that. I never expected a sibling of mine to be worried
about me. But I don't plan on changing my mind.”

“…Then could I ask the reason behind your decision?”

“You may not know about this, but…”

Jin took in a deep breath before continuing his story.

“There has already been an assassination attempt against me. I've never
talked about it to anyone else. Not even Gilly. And due to that incident, my
fight has already begun.”

Technically speaking, it wasn't an assassination attempt but rather a curse.

However, the 'Bladed Illusion' curse was no different to a death sentence for
a child living in the Runcandel Clan.

“Who dared to!”


At her shout, aura began to pour out of Luna's body, expanding in the empty
hall. A rumbling shook the closed space as the aura swirled around in a
“A sibling of ours dared to attempt to kill you inside the Storm Castle?!
Who was it? Was it the Tona twins?”

“That, I cannot tell you.”

Despite his dry response, Jin's heart and chest felt warm and content from
seeing Luna get enraged for his sake.

“But rather than being unwilling to tell you, I am incapable of answering

that question, as there are many things I'm unaware of as well.”


There was no need to continue this conversation.

Luna could only accept the fact that her youngest brother was already far
too involved in the family feud to break free now.

As Luna tried to sort out her mixed feelings, Jin carefully approached her
and hugged her around the neck.

“But I am extremely happy to have learned that not all of my siblings

despise me and are after my life, Elder Sister.”

“Jin. My brother. This saddens me so deeply.”

Who could've thought that the famous White Whale was such a sweet and
tender sister.

Jin no longer thought of her as a terrifying 9-star knight, but instead

considered her a mere human being who was suffering within this messed
up family.

“Please don't be so dejected.”

After their conversation inside the hall, Luna stayed at the castle for another
2 hours before leaving. Jin's bleak and desolate birthday was brightened by
his sister's presence.
'I never knew there was such a kind side to my eldest sister.'

Jin thought to himself as he touched the pendant around his neck.

It was Luna's birthday present for him.

'She told me to break the gem on the pendant when I'm in a critical situation
I can't deal with.'

If he broke the deep blue gem on the pendant, Luna would be sent to Jin's
location just once. She had obtained this artifact after killing a demon a
while ago.

“Oh, kid! That thing around your neck! Isn't that Demonic Beast King
Orgal's pendant? It is! Dayum, you got yourself a priceless birthday present.
Dozens of monarchs and rulers lost their lives trying to obtain that pendant
a thousand years ago.”

“Demonic Beast King Orgal? Who's that?”

“An incredible demon from back in the days. I could recognize that at a
glance. I imagine you received it from the person with the powerful aura I
sensed earlier. Damn, you basically have an extra life now. Congrats, kid.”

Murakan was aware of the pendant's effects.

“I can see that it's an amazing artifact. But Murakan, did you say 'powerful
aura'? You felt that from down here?”

“Of course I did, brat. I may have lost a lot of my strength, but I'm still a
dragon. Who was it? I first thought it was your father, but seeing how they
noticed me and still left without making a fuss, I imagine it was someone

“What? Wait a second. My eldest sister noticed you?”

The bewildered Jin asked back.

“Haha, so that aura's owner was your sister? I see that this clan is still as
crazy powerful as ever. I was even thinking of grabbing you and running
away if things went south.”


“Well, seeing how she gave you Orgal's pendant, I don't think your sister
will tell the other clan members about us. Today was a great day.”

“So you think my sister will just let it pass?”

“I bet a hundred apple pies on that. If she were narrow-minded, she would
never have given you that pendant in the first place. You have a great sister.
Ugh, I'm so jealous of you, kid. Whereas my sister is…”

As Murakan began describing his elder sister, Jin pondered on what to do if

—in the one in a million chance—Luna decided to tell the clan about
Murakan's existence.

However, he soon remembered Luna's last words before leaving, and soon
calmed down.

'I just want you to remember this, Jin. My brother. No matter what you do,
no matter what you become, I will always be rooting for you.'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 12

And so, another 6 months went by.

March 12th, 1790. In the Mitel Kingdom—located south of the Storm

Castle—spring was finally here. In another half a year, Jin would turn 10
years old and leave the Storm Castle.

In the end, Luna never informed the clan about Murakan's existence, just as
he had bet 100 apple pies on it.

However, he didn't get a single apple pie for winning that bet as Jin also
ended up betting that she wouldn't betray them. So technically, Jin had also
won the wager.

The past 6 months were a period of peace and boredom for the knights and
servants working at the Storm Castle. On the other hand, it was a period of
growth and development for Jin, for whom time went by in a flash.

“I'm sick of this. I'm so freaking sick of this.”

Murakan spoke as he stared blankly at the soon-to-be 10-year-old.

“Not only did you manage to reduce the time it takes you to transfer mana
from 10 minutes to 5 seconds in a single year, you also learned how to
release mana in half a year. And you act as if it's so easy for you! I can't
believe my eyes.”

Just as Jin had planned, he mastered mana transfer in 1 year instead of the 2
years Murakan had predicted, and mastered mana release within the 6
months after Luna's visit.
Jin successfully held himself back and learned how to fine-tune his control
over mana. And that wasn't the only favourable result.

In his past life, he rushed to quickly reach the 5-star stage within a mere 3
years, so he had no time to train and practice the basic techniques. Since he
was already 25 years old by the time he began learning magic, he didn't
have the leeway to take his time learning the basics.

However, now that he had repeatedly practiced mana transfer while making
sure he had full control over his speed, Jin felt like he had attained a new
realm of magic. It was like the difference between sprinting and taking a
slow stroll. The scenery one sees during those two instances are completely

“I've always behaved the same way ever since I met you, so no need to
overreact now.”

In addition, after Luna's visit, Jin began to train mana release.

Just like mana transfer, it was an easy task for the regressor, but he still
practiced seriously for 6 months. And through this training, he realized that
his past life's basics were sloppy.

“Be grateful that you're currently living in the Storm Castle, kid. If this
were the Vermont Empire's academy, the others would've alienated you for
your talent.”

Jin had heard the exact same words dozens of times from his past life's

'I wonder what Master is doing right now. I suppose he's just a shitty brat
whose nose keeps dripping or something.'

The boy recalled his master's face. The magician who had informed Jin
about his talent in magic and taught him everything was, in fact, 2 years
younger than him.
'Despite that, he was a 7-star magician back then. Actually, he was almost at
the 8-star stage. Geez, there are far too many geniuses in this world. I can't
let myself be pushed around by them. I need to devote myself to my studies
and training.'

Jin shrugged with a smirk forming on his face.

“Then, will you teach me how to release spiritual energy starting today?”

“That's right. Tell me when you're done transcribing those books.”

“Murakan, do you care that little about me? I already finished transcribing
all the books a week ago.”

Except for the ones Jin didn't need, he had fully copied the contents of all
the secret tomes that were only available to the clan's flag-bearers.

He still couldn't understand every notion and idea explored in the books, but
Jin would slowly realize their meanings in the future as his swordsmanship
got better.

All that was left for him to do before leaving the Storm Castle was to learn
how to release spiritual energy.

When Murakan first mentioned this technique, he never imagined Jin would
be skilled enough to start learning it before leaving the castle.

The dragon had only told Jin about the technique in order to motivate him
to train harder, but it seemed that Murakan had underestimated the child.

He would be at Jin's mercy until they left the castle.

“Oh right, that's true. It's not that I don't care about you, it just slipped my
mind. Well then, let's begin now.”

With a serious tone, Murakan sat down with his back straight, and Jin
followed suit.
“I'm warning you in advance, but releasing spiritual energy isn't a technique
you can quickly master. It'll take longer than it did for mana transfer and

“I know.”

“So don't be impatient. Just like I said before, it's both a basic and lethal
technique. Let me show you.”


Even before he finished talking, a dark energy materialized like smoke and
burst out of Murakan.

It was spiritual energy. If Jin's spiritual energy was like a light fog that
blurred one's vision, Murakan's spiritual energy was like the deep abyss that
could swallow light and extinguish it.

It was Jin's second time ever seeing the dragon's power—the first being the
day Murakan woke up.

'It's a lot denser and heavier than my energy.'


Jin observed the dancing energy that swirled around.

It felt as if the energy was waving at him, telling him to approach it. Jin
caught himself about to reach out to the dark smoke.

“The energy's colour is different, but overall, it looks similar to mana

release, right?”

“Yeah, but it does feel a lot more mysterious.”

“For magicians, mana release is the act of connecting the mana inside their
body with the mana in the environment. What's the intention behind that
technique, Jin?”
“It's for mana recovery and strengthening.”

“That's right. By releasing mana, the body is open to accepting the outside
mana. Then, you can use the outside mana in order to recover your own, or
to strengthen the magic spell you're about to cast. Releasing spiritual energy
is more or less the same, but there are a few differences.”

“What are they?”

“Releasing spiritual energy isn't connecting your energy to the energy in

your surroundings. It's connecting the natural energy around you to your
inner energy.”

“So… it's the other way around?”

It was somewhat difficult to understand this notion.

The aura and magic inside humans behave like rivers.

The water in rivers always flows towards the open sea. Rivers are never
bigger than seas or oceans. They're offshoots of the sea that branch out into
the land.

However, it was the opposite for spiritual energy.


Murakan spoke out as he waved his hand to disperse the smoke covering
half of his appearance.

“Spiritual power is derived from shadows. In that case, where do shadows

come from?”

It was a simple and short question. Yet, it was full of divine subtlety.

“I imagine that they come from Solderet.”

“It's not 'I imagine'. All shadows in this world unambiguously originate
from Solderet. He's the master of all shadows around the world, and you are
his one and only contractor.”

Murakan voiced powerfully as he continued.

“In other words, you can also become the master of all shadows around the

The countless offshoots around the world called 'shadows' would gather to a
singular point. To the 'sea'. To Jin Runcandel.

That was the theory behind spiritual energy release.

Murakan's spiritual energy began to swirl in countless tiny vortices, no

bigger than plums. They then suddenly fused and created a bright and
colourful pattern.

“Pay close attention to what's about to happen.”

Jin focused all his senses and observed his surroundings. It felt like time
had slowed to the speed of a crawl as he tried to see what change the energy
release would bring.

'What on earth!'

Jin could only gasp in shock when he noticed a big change.

Near the glass coffin behind Murakan were several candlesticks and

The shadows of these light sources in the underground chamber extended

like long streams of water, and began flowing towards Murakan's energy
whirlpool. Jin turned back to observe the other objects in the room, and the
same phenomenon was affecting the bookshelf's shadow.

Soon, a sudden dizziness struck the child.

A powerful sense of dissociation encroached upon him. He could feel the

damp sweat in his tightly clenched fist. An urge to take several steps
backwards rose in him.
'Is this an illusion?'

As soon as such thoughts came to mind, Jin shook his head to clear his
mind. However, the phenomenon occurring before him was no illusion. The
shadows of the objects in their surroundings were indeed gathering towards

It looked like a supernatural spectacle.

The overwhelmingly menacing aura around Murakan made Jin's hair stand
on end.

It was as if… not a single existence in this world could ever kill the being
before Jin.

And Jin instinctively realized that he couldn't let this threatening aura crush
his spirit. According to Murakan, the ones who should be trembling in fear
were the shadows.

Because one day, Jin would be the one wielding that dark and terrifying

Murakan smirked at the sight of fear dissipating from the child's eyes.

“Good. That should be the attitude of the promised contractor of a thousand



The shadow vortex soon halted its movement, and the rivers of shadows
returned to their respective positions.

Having gone through an intense experience about the extent of this power,
the usual peaceful and calm scenery around him somewhat felt pleasing,
unlike before.

It was like the night had passed. Or maybe like a festival had finally ended.
The last stream of shadow reached its original object, and the oppressive
atmosphere had completely vanished.

Jin was sweating buckets, but wore a refreshing smile as he pulled his
drenched shirt away from his chest.

“How was it?”


“Is that all? You do realize that was the Great Murakan's killer blow, right?”

“It was like you had complete control over day and night inside this room.”

Murakan nodded, seemingly satisfied by Jin's spontaneous comment.

“Day and night… I haven't heard that expression in a long while. People
love associating users of spiritual power with those kinds of words and
expressions since ancient times. Things like 'Ruler of the Night', or 'Creator
of Darkness in Daylight'. They're pretty childish, honestly.”

“Yeah, that's so embarrassing.”

“I know, right? And 'Ruler of the Night' is a nickname that holds so many
misconceptions and prejudices… For your information, people used to call
me that around two thousand years ago. Actually, it's technically not wrong
to call me that. Bwahahaha!”

'Is this dragon seriously saying such cheap jokes in front of a child?'

Jin swallowed his comeback and giggled.

“Hm, in any case, do you understand what spiritual energy release is?
Technically, it's just like a different version of mana release, so I assume
you understand the principle behind it.”

“I've got a good grasp over it. Just give me one hour. I think I'll be able to
do it.”
“Get off your high horse, kid. Like I said earlier, releasing spiritual energy
isn't something you can master in a short period of time…”

“I know that. I didn't mean I could master the technique with your level of
proficiency in an hour, but I think I could at least manage a small energy
release. You know, like how the simplest of sword slashes performed by a
novice and a swordmaster can be completely different.”

“Exactly! That's why I said that spiritual energy release is both a basic and
lethal move.”

“Then, what level of mastery was the technique you showed me just now?”

“Around intermediate level. Maybe a bit above intermediate.”


Jin was sure of himself. Even if a grand magician from the Zipfel Clan were
to perform a 9-star magic spell, it wouldn't be any stronger than the energy
release he had observed just now.

Murakan hadn't used the spiritual energy to destroy anything in order to

show its strength, so Jin had no concrete proof to back his opinion.
However, even if he didn't see its destructive power with his own eyes, he
could accurately sense the spiritual power's superiority over 9-star magic.

“If you fully master this technique, you could even completely annihilate an
army of one million in an instant. Having the shadow taken away from a
lifeform is synonymous to death.”


A couple of torches placed in the corridor suddenly broke apart and fell to
the floor.

“And having the shadow taken away from an object is synonymous to


Jin couldn't hide his shock, and blankly stared at the broken torches.
“…Still, dammit! I did my best to hold back so that nothing would get
destroyed, so why did those torches break?! We'll have to fix those before
leaving the castle. What a pain in the ass.”

Crack, crack!

The torches weren't the only things that broke down. The stone parts of the
glass coffin Murakan was slumbering inside of had large fissures across


A deep sigh escaped the dragon's mouth as he frowned. He now had small
chores to do while waiting for Jin from here on out.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 13

Orgal's Pendant.

The Phoenix Heart.

And the manuscript of the secret tomes.

These were the physical gains Jin had obtained during his stay in the Storm

And according to Murakan's explanation, Jin could use the pendant to

summon Luna once. Moreover, the artifact's effect also provided him a
powerful immunity against 5-star or lower attack spells.

Additionally, the pendant could amplify the effects of magic buffs cast on
its user.

Two years have already passed since Jin ate the Phoenix Heart, but it had
yet to be fully absorbed by his body.

One month after he ate the heart, Jin tested how much his body had
absorbed its effects every day by placing his finger on a candle flame.

“Lady Mary would be very proud of you if she were here, Young Master.”

And sure enough, Jin placed his index finger above a candle flame today as

The flame that touched the tip of his finger had absolutely no effect on it.
Jin felt no burning sensation—it was as if he had placed his finger in warm

Gilly was thrilled by this sight and slowly approached the young boy.


“It's also my first time seeing the effects of the Phoenix Heart. And as your
nanny, I'm overjoyed to know that the beneficiary of the heart is you, Young
Master Jin.”

A wide smile drew on Gilly's face. Jin truly believed that amongst the
nannies working for the Runcandel Clan, she was the most honest and

'If my knowledge from when I was a magician doesn't betray me, I seem to
have absorbed around 50% of the heart.'

Should he absorb 100% of the heart, Jin would be able to withstand a

fearsome firestorm that could burn down an entire castle—let alone a
candle flame. In other words, Jin would be near-perfectly resistant to all
flames that don't contain mana.

To put it another way, Jin wouldn't be fully resistant against flames

generated with magic.

Needless to say, unless it's a high-rank fire magic spell cast by a 6-star or
higher magician, they wouldn't be able to break through the heart's flame
resistance effects. However, there is another reason why the Phoenix Heart
is considered such a crucial item amongst magicians.

'If I fully absorb the heart, I won't be restricted when I summon a phoenix in
a few years.'

The flames that are constantly swirling around the mystical beasts known as
phoenixes generally have the force of 5-star spells. So whenever a phoenix
flaps its wings, it's no different from having 5-star fire magic being shot out
And unfortunately, these flames can also injure the magician who
summoned the phoenix. So even if someone were to become a 6-star
magician, it would be difficult to summon and use a phoenix unless they
have a high resistance against flames.

In other words, one had to eat a Phoenix Heart to have complete control
over a phoenix familiar and make full use of it.

'I can't wait.'

To this day, Jin was far more interested in magic than in swordsmanship.
Before his regression, the last three years of his 28 years of life were far
more enjoyable than the initial 25.

“You seem to be quite loved by your sisters, Young Master. There's Lady
Luna as well as Lady Mary. I wonder how you will repay their affection,

Jin nearly snorted from hearing Gilly's words.

He couldn't help but laugh to himself when he remembered the stories about
'Mary Runcandel' from his past life, along with her unique personality.

'I'm sure that Mary gave me the Phoenix Heart to speed up my growth, so
that I can challenge her later on in life.'

That was how Jin's third sister's mind functioned.

She was a battle-crazed, muscle-brained maniac. Moreover, she loved

fighting against other Runcandels or enemies from the Zipfel Clan.

That was why she became a 6-star knight and roamed around the continent
—challenging powerful opponents despite not being 20 yet. She stirred
trouble everywhere she went, which earned her the nickname 'Stormwind

Initially, it was 'The Southern Region's Madwoman'. However, Mary

slaughtered everyone who called her that, so she received a cooler sounding
'Not only does she want me to challenge her after I become powerful, she
also gave the heart away because she believes that she doesn't need it. So it
was a gift that originated from her pride and self-confidence. Mary's one
helluva prideful nutcase.'

Jin grinned as his thoughts reached a conclusion.

“I should repay them the way they want me to.”

Luna wanted Jin to grow up strong and healthy, and to survive the family's
deadly feud.

Mary wanted Jin to grow up strong and healthy, and attempt to cleanly slice
off her head with his sword.

Therefore, Jin had to repay them by doing exactly what they expected of


Someone was behind the door to Jin's room.

“This is Khan, Young Master Jin. It's time for your training.”

“Oh, so it's already time. I'll be there.”

Currently, Jin was training two skills simultaneously.

He was learning spirit energy release from Murakan in the underground

chamber, and was being taught the Runcandel martial arts by Khan, a
knight at the castle. As a result, Jin had no time to rest on a daily basis.

When he opened the door and exited his room, Khan politely bowed.

“What will today's lesson be about, Khan?”

“In the morning, we'll study combat footwork. Around noon, it will be the
different striking techniques using both punches and kicks. Then, we'll
tackle joint lock techniques in the evening together with some general
physical training.”

It was a busy schedule, but Jin nodded in satisfaction. He was emanating an

aura of dignity and majesty like a ruler who had received a report from a

Khan tensed up as he observed Jin's behaviour.

As a guardian knight of the Runcandel Clan and the young master's martial
arts instructor, he should've been extremely proud of the child's growth.

However, Khan was on edge and nervous whenever he trained the young

'I mustn't slack off and idle around while teaching Young Master Jin.'

Khan had taught the clan's combat techniques to a total of six Runcandel
children in the Storm Castle.

The Tona twins, who had left two years ago; Jin's sixth sister, Yona; his fifth
sister, Anne; his fourth sister, Myu; and finally, Jin himself.

Except for the twins, the other three had already left the Storm Castle when
Jin was still a baby.

'I've never felt like this when I was teaching the others. They were all busy
keeping up with the training program, and all I had to do was evaluate their
growth. But for Young Master Jin… He's the one evaluating me. There's
something different about him.'


Normally, the instructor is the only one with the right to evaluate his student
—similar to the relationship between a boss and a subordinate.

But Khan could sense that Jin was inversely evaluating his 'teaching skills'.
And it happened on a daily basis during their training sessions ever since
their first lesson.
During the exhausting physical training when Jin would sweat buckets,
during the exercises where he'd get bruised and his youthful skin would tear
and burst, even during the spars when he'd get thrown onto the floor.

Jin would always be closely observing Khan's teaching skills.

This was a first for Khan.

However, he didn't find it unpleasant or uncomfortable. On the contrary,

Khan believed that Jin possessed all the virtues a pure-blooded Runcandel
should have.

'No wonder the patriarch shows great interest in him. I mustn't let down my
guard today as well.'

Khan focused his attention as a flame of enthusiasm sparked in his eyes. He

and Jin then moved to the training grounds inside the castle.

“Young Master Jin.”

“Speak freely, Khan.”

“It's a great honour to be able to instruct you, Young Master. I promise to

provide you the best possible training regime and guide you to the best of
my abilities in the next few months, until your 10th birthday.”

“I appreciate your thoughts. I'll be in your care until then.”

It was only after the combat training session had ended that Jin could go
visit Murakan, despite his complete exhaustion.

He then practiced the spirit energy release technique under the dragon's

Today was a gruelling and demanding day, but still a joyous one.


Murakan let out a cry of excitement and amazement.

Jin wondered how many times Murakan had been astonished already.
According to a quick calculation, it was over 20 times during the past hour.

“Are you that happy, Murakan?”

Murakan turned his head back and stared at Jin.

“Is that even a question, kid? I can finally get out of this boring and stuffy
place! And it's tomorrow!”

Two years have passed since the Tona twins left the castle. But for Jin, the
two years went by in a flash. He had countless more things he wanted to
learn and practice, so he would've loved to stay for a few more years.

'He's right. Up until the day I met him down here, I also found every day
boring as hell in this castle.'

He had graduated from Khan's combat lessons 10 days ago with his
instructor's recognition, and he had achieved double the progress Murakan
had expected Jin to accomplish when it came to spiritual energy release.

In the clan's history, there was not a single Runcandel who had achieved as
many feats as Jin during their stay in the Storm Castle. Normally, the only
training the Runcandel children could receive at the castle was combat
training. Thus, it was to no surprise that Jin was the highest achiever ever.

However, the boy in question was still not satisfied.

'I wanted to reach 5-star in mana and 2-star in spiritual energy before
leaving the castle… Oh well, I guess I was being too impatient.'

He was, indeed, being impatient. Even in the entire world's history, there
was not a single individual who had gained such powers at the age of ten.

'Stay calm. Don't rush. My achievements so far are already impressive

enough. If the world knew about my powers, everyone would treat me like
an unprecedented genius.'

Today was October 30th, 1790.

Tomorrow, the Runcandel Clan's guardian knights would arrive to escort Jin
back to the clan's main house, the 'Garden of Swords'.

“By the way, if you leave this place, what do we do about your empty
coffin, Murakan?”

“It'll be fine. Those who come down here will just read those books and
won't notice that I'm not inside.”

“How will they not notice it? Even though you fixed that glass coffin, the
insides are still empty.”

“Kuhaha. Your knowledge in magic is still lacking if you're worrying about

such things, kid.”

“Sheesh, fine. Then tell me what your fail-safe plan is.”

“I just need to create an illusion of myself lying down inside the coffin
using Draconic Magic.”

'Holy cow, you can do that?'

Jin almost spontaneously shouted that out, but barely held himself back.
According to his knowledge, illusion magic couldn't recreate elaborate

“Who do you think I am? I'm a dragon. Moreover, the Shadow Dragon.
Creating an illusion like that is as easy as blowing my nose into your shirt.”

“Amazing. Is it possible to maintain the illusion over a long period of


“Hm… That might be harder, even for me. Oh well, what other choice do
we have? I'll just do my best to sustain it for as long as possible until you
grow old enough to protect yourself. So be grateful, alright? Respect and
revere me, alright kid?”

“That's exactly why I brought you a little special something today.”

As Jin opened up the basket, stars shone in Murakan's eyes. The basket was
filled to the brim with strawberry pies. Gilly had made them using the Mitel
Kingdom's first harvest.

“S-Strawberry pies……! My strawberry pies!”

Jin grinned as he watched Murakan wolf down the pies before him. He then
took out a few bottles from the cloth bag that usually held his notebooks.

“Those bottles! Don't tell me…! Is that alcohol?”

“Yep. Since today's our last day here, I stole some without letting my nanny

“So you do have some humanity left in you, kid! My time spent educating
you was worth it. Hahaha!!”

He was such an easy dragon to manipulate.

The next day, around lunchtime, two knights from the Runcandel main
house came to the castle.

There were fewer escorts compared to the time the Tona twins left the
castle, but both escorts were 7-star knights this time around.

“Young Master, you must steel yourself now. From here on out, your every
desire won't be fulfilled. It will be difficult for me to bake you strawberry
pies all the time too…”

Gilly spoke in a solemn tone as she stared directly into Jin's eyes.

“The main house won't be as tranquil and peaceful as our days here. You
must keep that in mind.”

Jin's days at the Storm Castle were rarely tranquil and peaceful due to his
constant training sessions, but he adjusted his attitude to the serious

“I know. Don't worry, Gilly. I'll keep that in mind.”

“I will faithfully assist you to the best of my abilities out there, Young
Master. Well then, let us go.”

“Guardian Knights Jerome and Holtz greet Young Master Jin. The two of us
will safely escort you to the Garden of Swords.”

The knights from the main house politely saluted the young boy.

A steel, horse-drawn carriage was waiting for them at the bottom of the

Later, during the night.

A group of unidentified assailants attacked the steel carriage belonging to

the Runcandel Clan.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 14

Jin's days at the Storm Castle were accompanied by constant rain. However,
once they descended the mountain and reached the bottom, the scenery was

It was the Mitel Kingdom's first snowfall. Moreover, a heavy snowfall.

Within hours, the snow had piled up to knee-level.

Due to this pure white landscape, the carriage had to slow down its pace.
The knights Jerome and Holtz got off and began to sweep the snow in their
way with their swords.

“We should take refuge in a village nearby and wait for it to stop snowing,
Young Master. Even if we were to reach the capital without stopping, we
wouldn't be able to use the transfer gate due to the snow.”

“You're right. We've got no choice.”

Although this was Jin's first time seeing snow in a long while, he wasn't
particularly excited about it due to their grave circumstances.

A carriage advancing slowly, and a snowfall that seems to be attempting to

swallow the entire world whole. Jin was flipping through his notes—the
transcripts of the secret tomes at the Storm Castle—in order to kill time.

But in the middle of the night…


Suddenly, the two horses pulling the carriage screamed out in horror.

The 3-star magic spell 'Icicle Shot' had pierced the horses' flanks. The
carriage shook as if it were about to flip over, and in the next second, the
coachman was killed by the same spell.

“We're being attacked! Please stay inside the carriage, Young Master!”

“It's an attack!”

Jerome and Holtz shouted out loud. Immediately, Gilly covered Jin with her
body and observed the situation outside.

The usual gentle and kind gaze was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes appeared
to be burning with rage as she showed fierce killing intent.

“We'll be alright, Young Master. You have me and two 7-star guardian
knights to protect you. No need to worry.”

A calm and relaxed voice. Jin had seen Gilly behave like this a couple of
times in his past life. It would happen everytime the Runcandels got
attacked and Jin was in danger.

“There are around 20 assassins. They seem to be composed of magicians

and warriors, but we cannot eliminate the possibility that they have archers
with them. I have yet to determine whether there are 7-star or higher

Gilly reported her own observations of the situation.

The Runcandel nannies were all 7-star or higher warriors. Before long,
Gilly's weapon—a claw—revealed itself from within her sleeve and gave
off a sharp glow.

'What a mess. An attack as soon as we left the Storm Castle? Who are

Although Gilly was trying to reassure Jin, he was far more composed than
the nanny was.
Fear due to the sudden attack?

There was no way that was possible. He had three 7-star combatants by his
side protecting him. And if the worst was to come, he could use Orgal's

As long as the pendant was with him, he could definitely survive any threat
a single time.

'If they're willing to attack a Runcandel carriage, these attackers aren't

nobodies. Since the knights couldn't detect them beforehand, there must be
at least a 6-star magician amongst them.'

Jin was calmly evaluating the situation outside.

'The carriage wasn't attacked after those first few spells, and I can hear
weapons clashing in the distance. In other words, the enemies were hiding
in the distance, and Jerome and Holtz went after them to counter… attack?'

As his thought process reached that conclusion, Jin realized that something
was wrong.


“Yes, Young Master?”

“Jerome and Holtz. Those two weren't sent by the clan. That, or they're

“Young Master, what are you talking about…? Everyone at the Storm
Castle knows of their faces, including me. They're definitely Jerome and
Holtz of the clan.”

Even Jin knew of their faces. He had come across them a few times in his
past life.

Nevertheless, Jin had his reasons for treating them as impostors or traitors.
“Gilly. The guardian knights of the clan never leave the Runcandel children
unattended like this, even if the nannies are with them.”


“One of those two should've stayed next to the carriage. But Jerome and
Holtz both went out to engage the enemies. They're either traitors or

Gilly checked the situation outside through the window. Just as Jin had
remarked, Jerome and Holtz had left their positions as soon as the attack


Gilly's face distorted in fury as she grinded her teeth. The anger was
directed towards the two traitors, as well as to herself for noticing the
situation only after Jin had pointed it out.

“…I apologize, Young Master. I will make sure to receive severe

punishment for this oversight of mine once we return to the clan.

“As of right now, Gilly McRolan will protect Young Master Jin as a
member of the Runcandel Clan. Please be patient and lenient even if my
protection ends up being somewhat drastic and violent.”

“While it's important to get us out of danger, it's also crucial to learn who
these assassins are, since they may be allies who are here to rescue us from
those two traitors.”

“Yes, Young Master. I will not bring dishonor to the clan.”


Gilly suddenly swung her claw diagonally while still being seated. The steel
carriage was cleanly bisected and easily fell apart. Jin could now see the
sky from inside(?) the carriage.
She then immediately carried her young master and jumped out of the
metal, running like an arrow flying with the wind. Since the traitors had
prepared the carriage, there could've been hidden features to prevent them
from escaping. Therefore, the nanny had to be quick in order to avoid all
the potential traps.

Due to the darkness of the night and the heavy snow, their visibility wasn't
any better outside. All they could see was some flashes and sparks about
200 meters away from them.

'Since the both of them left to fight the attackers as soon as the battle began,
they must've judged that they couldn't stop the enemies alone.'

If the opponents that Jerome and Holtz were fighting against were Jin's
allies, then the boy and the nanny were about to be saved.

But Jin couldn't discard the possibility that the attackers were, in fact, other
enemies who had different goals than the two traitors. Nevertheless, Gilly
carried the boy and ran towards the battlefield.

“Find Jin Runcandel!”

“Team 3! Block the one on the left!”

The voices of those who had attacked the carriage. At a closer look, Jerome
and Holtz were fighting on equal grounds against 20 or so opponents.

“Young Master, why did you leave the carriage!”

“This place is dangerous. Please return to the carriage for now!”

Jerome and Holtz shouted towards Jin when they noticed him.

“Shut it, you dirty treacherous bastards. On whose orders are you two here?
How dare you attempt to kidnap the young master……!”

Gilly wrapped aura around her claw and glared furiously. The face of the
two traitors distorted visibly, and smiles began forming on the attackers'
faces who had surrounded the 7-star knights.
“That woman is Gilly McRolan! Jin Runcandel's presence has been

“All men, prioritize the protection of Jin Runcandel!”

The attackers were indeed the boy and nanny's allies.

Jin felt somewhat relieved. If Gilly joined forces with them, he wouldn't
have to break Orgal's Pendant in order to activate it.

The battle came to a sudden standstill with Jin's arrival. During this short
moment in time, the boy scanned the armors and robes of his presumed

'A leaf and a black grebe. It's the Yuta Clan and the Black King

The Yuta Clan was a clan of magicians in the Mitel Kingdom, whereas the
Black King was a group of mercenaries that could be considered one of the
strongest mercenary groups out there. Since there was only a single black
grebe on their crest, it seemed that it wasn't their most elite troops.

Nonetheless, each mercenary was in the 5-star realm, and the Yuta
magicians seemed to be masters of their craft.

'So they aren't traitors but impostors. The horses and coachman were killed
with the Icicle Shots… due to a failed preemptive attack.'

Having surveyed his allies and observed their strength and numbers, Jin
came to a sound conclusion.

If Jerome and Holtz were truly 7-star knights, they could've easily
decimated the twenty 5-star attackers—particularly in the darkness and
heavy snowfall where everyone's vision is restricted.

However, despite the battle having lasted for a long while, there were no
visible casualties amongst the assailants. In other words, Jerome and Holtz
weren't true 7-star knights from the Runcandel Clan.
“I am Murka, Vice-captain of the Black King Mercenaries' 3rd Corps!
Having received a commission from the Runcandel Clan, we joined forces
with the Yuta Clan of the Mitel Kingdom in order to rescue Jin Runcandel!”

“Pfft hahaha…”

Suddenly, the fake Jerome let out a small chuckle.

The odd laughter lasted for a long time. Due to the strange sense of
incongruity, the Yuta magicians and Black King mercenaries readied their
weapons as a chill ran down their spines.

Gilly stood before Jin and spoke.

“Who are you two?”

She had also realized that the two knights were not the Runcandel knights
she knew of. Just like Jin, she was aware of the might and strength that true
7-star knights held.

“Kek, what a stupid question, Gilly McRolan… We have nothing to say to a

mutt who licks the boots of the Runcandels.”

The fake Holtz also let out a sickening chuckle and repositioned himself.
They didn't seem to be willing to give more information.

“…What should I do, Young Master?”

Jin answered Gilly's questions without an ounce of hesitation.

“Kill one of them and cut the arms of the other before you bring him to

“Your wish is my command.”

“You may be powerful, Gilly McRolan, but you shouldn't underestimate

“Murka of the Black King Mercenaries. I shall leave the Young Master in
your care for 30 seconds.”

Gilly ignored the fake Jerome's retort and addressed Murka. The vice-
captain immediately ran before Jin with his men, and formed a line of

'I haven't seen a 7-star knight's battle in a long while.'

As Jin thought to himself, Gilly had already shot towards the two
impostors. As she flashed across the snow-filled landscape, the air tore as a
sonic boom blasted.

She was a speeding arrow. The mercenaries and magicians couldn't believe
that one could reach such speeds by running on this thick layer of soft snow.


The three-pronged claw tore through the fake Jerome's neck.

The impostor couldn't even react to the nanny's speed. He only noticed his
incoming death when his head touched the snow.

The fake Holtz who was next to Jerome turned around in order to find
Gilly's figure, who had shot past them.

However, he couldn't follow her movements with his untrained eyes. As he

tried to retaliate by swinging the sword in his hand…


The sound of his right arm and sword falling into the snow reached his ears.



The fake Holtz somehow managed to avoid Gilly's follow-up dance of fury
a couple of times.

However, that was his limit. Without his right arm, his unbalanced body
couldn't properly follow his mind's orders. Before long, Gilly's claw cleanly
cut off her enemy's left arm.

Seven seconds.

Barely seven seconds had passed since her involvement in the battle. Gilly
used the remaining 23 seconds to stop the blood pouring out of the victim's
wounds. She cut off the dead Jerome(?)'s long hair to tie up Holtz(?)'s
armless stumps.

The mercenaries and magicians couldn't help but watch the phenomenon
occurring before them in astonishment.

'S-Such a powerful woman is merely a nanny?'

'She's in a whole different realm compared to us…!'

On the other hand, Jin was wearing a satisfied smile.

“I have carried out your command, Young Master.”

Gilly dragged the fake Holtz behind her and walked towards the boy. As
snow kept entering his mouth, the armless victim couldn't even scream in
pain properly.


Upon her arrival, she grabbed the impostor's head and anchored it firmly
before Jin's feet.

“It seems like the one who was underestimating their opponent wasn't Gilly,
but you two. If you were attempting to assassinate the Runcandels' youngest
child, you should've sent three or four 8-star knights instead.”

As Jin spoke in a cold tone, the fake Holtz spat out.

“Keuk, Kuhuhu… This is merely a warning. The Era of the Runcandels is,
urgh… coming to an end.”

“That's actually something I look forward to.”

Jin's statement sparked surprise and confusion amongst the mercenaries and

“Because the Era of the Runcandels will end, and the Era of Jin Runcandel
is about to begin.”

“Glory to the Zipfels!”

“Oh, so you're a follower of the Zipfels. I guess there's no need to take you
back to the clan and torture information out of you anymore.”


Jin covered his fist in aura and slammed it down next to the impostor's
head. He had learned how to wield aura through his martial arts classes with

“Release him.”

“Men, kill him!”

“No, I didn't mean it like that. Try your best to survive and return to your
base in that state, Mr. Impostor. It'll teach your comrades a lesson. Well, this
was a waste of time. Gilly, throw away this little piece of junk somewhere.”

“Understood, Young Master.”

Gilly picked up the armless man and threw him away in the distant

Jin thought to himself as he watched the fake Holtz coughing in the snow.

'Geez, what naive lunatics. Did they think the Zipfels would be thankful to
them for doing something like this?'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 15

A tense mood filled the air.

Sweat could be seen dripping down people's necks.

Having dealt with the impostors, the Black King Mercenaries ended up
becoming Jin's new escorts. However, the escorts couldn't help but hold
their breaths around their client. Now that the Yuta magicians had returned
on their own, the mercenaries were the only ones left to take care of the
terrifying kid.

'What kind of a 10-year-old boy acts like this?'

The vice-captain of the Black King Mercenaries' 3rd Corps asked himself—
a question that all his men were also thinking.

The Black King Mercenaries! They are veteran warriors who can turn the
tables on the battlefield. Bloodshed, broken bones, burnt skin! Nothing can
stop these battle-scarred soldiers.

The sight of prisoners being mercilessly tortured and murdered is a daily

occurrence to these men. Watching Jin order Gilly to kill the fake Jerome
and Holtz in a bloody manner was nothing new to them.

Nevertheless, these vicious mercenaries were wary of Jin due to his age.

Where else would they ever find a 10-year-old behaving this way towards
their assassin? Even though he was a Runcandel, he was merely a kid who
had just left the Storm Castle and entered the world.
In fact, their senses were warning them to be extremely careful with Jin
when they saw him give Gilly orders. His speech and behaviour weren't
those of a child, not to mention his method of disposal of the surviving

The mercenaries could only see Jin as a Runcandel overlord—who just

happened to be somewhat short in height.

“We mustn't make the slightest mistake until we successfully escort him to
the transfer gate. Any frivolous or superficial behaviour is absolutely
prohibited, do you understand?”

“Yes, Vice-captain Murka.”

The Black King Mercenaries—known for their rough and boorish

behaviour—were acting like dignified gentlemen. They were all standing
stiff and nervous, as if they were wearing tight, uncomfortable clothes.

However, they weren't acting like this solely due to their fear of the child
known as Jin Runcandel. There was also a hint of admiration and
fascination in their eyes towards this dangerous boy.

“Young Master.”

While Jin was kicking the snow away as he walked, Gilly called out to him.
She was wearing a calm expression and tone, but the boy caught the slight
melancholic look that lasted for an instant.

“We'll reach the village in about two hours. Once we arrive, it would be best
to wait for the snowfall to die down before continuing our journey.”

“Let's do that.”

Jin brushed off the snow piling on his shoulder.

“Oh, Gilly?”

“Yes, Young Master?”

“Don't worry about what happened. It wasn't your fault.”

Jin truly believed so in his heart. Even Khan hadn't noticed that Jerome and
Holtz were impostors back at the Storm Castle, so there was no way Gilly

In addition, the fact that Jin knew better about the guardian knights' rules
than his nanny wasn't much of a problem either. At the very least, Jin didn't
think so. Yet, Gilly was still dwelling on this incident.

“I apologize.”

Once he heard her reply, Jin wore a bitter smile as he recalled some

Gilly never makes excuses.

She never brings up justifications such as 'I've lost my touch from spending
ten peaceful years at the Storm Castle' or 'I was feeling under the weather,
which dulled my senses'.

'In my first life… Gilly was the same, always apologizing for something
that wasn't her fault. Made me feel sorry for her. All the torment she
must've gone through…'

Before his regression, the only person within the clan who unconditionally
cared for Jin was Gilly. When Jin was banished, her life took a terrible turn
and she became miserable. Nevertheless, Gilly never blamed her Young

Even when her 7-star aura was sealed and she was kicked out of the clan
with Jin, she repeated the same sentence as today.

'I apologize'.

“Once we return to the main house, I shall accept any punishment for…”

“Enough. I told you not to worry about it, didn't I? It's an order.”
Gilly lowered her head.

“I understand.”

“You may be my nanny, but you're also my lone guardian knight right now.
If you continue brooding over a minor mistake which doesn't bother me,
you won't be able to protect me to the fullest extent. I hope I won't have to
repeat myself.”

Jin didn't want to talk to Gilly in such an overbearing manner, but it was the
only way to get her to listen.

In this life, it was his turn to protect his nanny. Even if Jin had to act cold-
blooded at times, he had to make sure the harsh reality wouldn't crush her
kind and warm heart. It was the boy's turn to lead his nanny to a better life.

“Your wish is my command, Young Master.”

Gilly answered as she bit her lower lip. She was aware that Jin's indifferent
tone was due to his goodwill towards her.

'Why did such a bright and intelligent young master have to get stuck with a
dull and slow nanny like me? I should come to my senses and make sure no
other troublesome matters bother the young master today.'

Becoming a person worthy of the young master!

As she made a pledge to herself, Gilly tightened her fist and raised her
head. Feeling relieved by her resolute face, Jin began to think about the

The fake Jerome and Holtz.

They were part of a radical group of Zipfel followers and had perfectly
disguised themselves, fooling everyone at the Storm Castle.

It was impossible to create such a perfect disguise with magic.

'Transformation' was a special privilege granted only to dragons, and even
with that power, it was impossible to perfectly replicate and imitate another

In that case, how did the assassins recreate the knights' appearance without
any imperfections?

Once they verified the deaths of the real Jerome and Holtz, the Runcandel
main house immediately dispatched the Black King Mercenaries who were
on standby in the Mitel Kingdom, and began to investigate the identities of
the impostors.

However, Jin didn't expect them to discover anything. The entire world was
crawling with followers of the Zipfel Clan. Blaming and executing them all
would be impossible to achieve, both practically and politically.

Moreover, revealing the assassination attempt on Jin and arranging a search

warrant around the world would be unfavourable to the Runcandels.

Therefore, the Runcandels will definitely do as usual. They'll find a random

group of Zipfel followers and punish them to make an example out of them,
and instill fear in the others.

However, Jin already knew who the mastermind was.

'Bouvard Gaston.'

Technically speaking, he wasn't the mastermind… but the culprit behind the
excellent disguises.

According to Jin's knowledge, Bouvard Gaston was the only person in this
world who could successfully create a 'perfect transformation'.

By the time Jin turned 20, Bouvard's identity was revealed to the world. The
Vermont Empire had dispatched a group of special forces in order to track
down the unknown criminal behind the 'transformation crimes', and finally
captured him after a 10-year pursuit.

Jin still remembered how the news about the transformation criminal
Bouvard spread around the entire world in his first life.
In the future, people would come to learn about Bouvard. However, Jin was
the only person who knew about him in his current life.

'His perfect transformations would be quite useful to have. If I win Bouvard

over and make use of his skills…'

But Jin then shook his head.

'He's a complete lunatic. When Bouvard was imprisoned in Vermont, he

wouldn't stop proclaiming that he's an artist and no criminal. It would be
best to get rid of him instead. At this point, he's already raised his blade
against me.'

Bouvard was an existence that only created chaos in the world. Chaos for
the sake of chaos. That was his inspiration and 'artstyle'.

Now that he had remembered everything terrible about this lunatic, Jin was
starting to get a headache.

Fortunately, there was no need for Jin to spend years searching for Bouvard.
He already knew that Bouvard was pretending to be an ordinary citizen, and
remembered the location of the 'fragmented workshop' the artist was

“We will arrive soon. If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to
tell my subordinates.”

As soon as one of Jin's escorts spoke to him, the morning sun began to rise.

Jin had a simple meal composed of soup and eggs at the inn, before taking a
rest in his room. Despite having trained his magic, spiritual arts, and martial
arts at the Storm Castle, walking under heavy snowfall for several hours
was still an exhausting task for a child's body.



November 2nd, 1790. 3 PM.

The heavy snowfall lasted until noon, but completely vanished soon
afterwards as if it had never existed. Now, a certain black cat was meowing.

The cat was outside the 3rd floor window of an inn. Inside, it could see a
certain boy quietly sleeping on the bed.

The adorable little feline raised its front paw and began tapping on the
window. It didn't look any different from your ordinary cheerful cat.


Now awake, Jin sat up and rubbed his eyes. Having slept for several hours,
his body now felt as light as a feather.

“Meow~ Meow!”

Noticing the change, the cat was now violently scratching the glass with
both its front paws, as if it wanted to desperately get inside.


Seeing the cat's behaviour, a short snicker escaped the boy's mouth. Who
would ever imagine that this ultradorable cat was actually the Great Black
Dragon Murakan?

'Damn… so cute. Should I tease him a bit?'

Jin's playfulness had activated. He feigned ignorance and grabbed the cup
of warm water next to his bed, when suddenly…

Hissss! Hiiissssss!

Murakan began to get impatient and irritated. Jin realized that if he

continued, it would soon be a bother to pacify the angry cat. He then
stopped his taunt and opened the window.

“I-I get it. I get it. I was just joking around, no need to get so mad…”

Murakan instantly transformed back into a human and did a faceplant on

the floor.


A heavy sound shook the room, and the nanny—who was on standby next
to the door—immediately rushed inside.

“Young Master!”


As soon as the unknown human on the floor entered her vision, she swiftly
took out her claw. It was already covered in a layer of abyssal blue, ready to
engage the enemy.

'We fucked up. God, why…'

It was all over. An unexpected situation had completely foiled his plans,
and put him between a rock and a hard place…

Before Jin and Murakan could utter any word, Gilly shot towards the man
lying on the floor and pressed her claw against his nape.

“Who sent you?! Speak before I tear you to shreds and slice you into a
thousand pieces…!”

She mistakenly believed that Murakan was an assassin. There was not a
single speck of hesitation in her mind.

As he stood agape, Jin could feel something slowly escape his mouth. It
was most probably his soul and his hope for the future…


“Please stay back, Young Master! He is an extremely skilled assassin. To

think he sneaked into your room without a single trace of his presence…!”
It was not surprising that Gilly hadn't sensed Murakan's presence despite
standing guard in front of the room the entire time Jin was sleeping.
Because moments ago, Murakan was… merely a small cat.

In an instant, Jin came up with dozens of excuses he could use in order to

deal with this unplanned situation peacefully.

…None of them were good excuses.

'It's impossible. There's no way to handle this situation without telling her
the truth.'


Jin took in a deep breath before opening his mouth.

“Gilly, that man isn't an assassin. Retract your claw.”

The nanny's eyes opened wide. She then swiftly stood up and took a few
steps back. Murakan, who had his arm twisted backwards until a few
moments ago, was now coughing and writhing on the floor.

“Young Master, who is…”

“Once you've apologized properly, greet him with respect. He is the clan's
guardian, Black Dragon Murakan.”

Gilly couldn't believe her own ears.

This shabby-looking pathetic man—who was still grunting on the floor—

was the Great Black Dragon Murakan? This man, who was still agonizing
due to that small arm twist, was the clan's guardian?

The reason Murakan was in so much pain wasn't due to Gilly's

overwhelming strength, but because of the side effects of his
transformation. But there was no way Gilly would know that. In fact, even
Jin wasn't told about these side effects.

After observing Jin's expression, Gilly obediently followed his order.

“As a lowly member of the Runcandel Clan, I have shown great disrespect
to the clan's guardian. Please have mercy on me.”


Murakan flipped around and stared blankly at Gilly.

“I forgive you… my strawberry pie.”

Strawberry pie!

As soon as she heard those words, Gilly finally realized the truth.

The reason why Jin was always craving for strawberry pies. The reason he'd
always go down the burrow in the Storm Castle's backyard, and why he'd
always take those pies with him.

She had no definite proof, but her intuition had already come to a


A gust of cold wind blew from the window. In the quiet winter air, the three
individuals only exchanged awkward glances and stares.


“Yes… Young Master.”

“I'll tell you the entire truth, so could you close the door?”


Once the deed was done, Jin began recounting and explaining his recent
years spent at the Storm Castle. Although he didn't mention his regression,
he did tell her about his transcription of the secret tomes and about his
status as Solderet's contractor.
Surprisingly, Gilly stayed calm and composed during Jin's story. She did,
however, nod intensely during the entire time.

“So now, you're also an accomplice. I cannot let the clan know about
Murakan's awakening, nor about my connection with him yet.”

“I'll be in your care from now on, Strawberry Pie.”

It was at this moment the informal group of three Runcandels—composed

of a nanny, a child, and a dragon—was formed.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 16

“I mean, why didn't you tell me about the side effects of the transformation

One hour had passed since the creation of the informal group of three

Outside the inn, the Black King Mercenaries were busy preparing to depart.
Meanwhile, the three members of the new group were sitting in a circle in
Jin's room, having a friendly conversation.

“Kid, try sleeping for a thousand years yourself. When you finally wake up,
your mind doesn't function properly, alright? Anyways, I totally forgot to
tell you about it. Not only that, it's been so long that it's hard to maintain a

“You crazy dragon. You almost ended up staying in the form of a cat for

A special privilege given to dragons only: transformation.

While it's a privilege, it's by no means an ability that can be called a

'blessing'. In fact, there are a few crucial and fatal restrictions to this ability.

Firstly, a dragon in a transformed state is extremely weak.

If one transforms into a cat, they only have the fighting prowess of a cat.
The same would happen if one transforms into a lion, fish, bird, or any
other animal.
Secondly, if the transformation exceeds a time limit, the dragon becomes
incapable of returning to its original form on its own.

Once they reach that point, the dragon begins to lose its ego and
consciousness as the mighty beast, and will end up gaining the mind of the
animal they transformed into.

“That was close. Too close. I was freaking out. In the past, I once saw a
dragon transform into a fish and enjoy a leisurely life, but they ended up
getting caught by a fisherman. I laughed for around 200 years because of
that~ But damn, I almost ended up having the same fate…”

“Hahaha! I can't believe there are actually such stupid dragons out th—

After accidentally letting her inner thoughts escape, Gilly immediately

fixed her expression and attitude.

“Apologies, Young Master, Lord Murakan.”

“Why are you apologizing, Strawberry Pie?”

“It was unmannerly of me to laugh out loud while on duty.”

“Geez, are you some sort of golem, Strawberry Pie? Every human should
be allowed to laugh, no? Oi, kid! Did you not even allow your nanny to
laugh thus far?”

“L-Lord Murakan, the young master isn't at fault. He treats me very well all
the time.”

“If he treats you badly from now on, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll teach him
a lesson.”

'They're getting along pretty well…'

Jin lightly chuckled to himself. He hadn't seen Gilly be so lively in a long

“By the way, Murakan, do the restrictions not apply when you're
transformed as a human?”

“Yeah. There aren't any huge limitations when it comes to transforming into
a human. In fact, it's more comfortable being a human. When we're in our
original forms, we continuously consume mana. It takes a lot of energy to
maintain such a large body.”

“Why are there no restrictions for human transformations?”

“The gods were being considerate to us dragons. When we're born, we look
the same as humans, you know? In our dragon forms, it's difficult to
propagate as a species and satisfy our various desires, so…”

“Yeah, that's already too much information.”

For some reason, Murakan was cracking up on his own as if he had heard a
hilarious joke. Surprisingly, the corners of Gilly's mouth were trembling as
she tried her hardest to hold back her laughter.

'I'm so done with them.'

Although that thought came to Jin's mind, he didn't really mean it. Even
though this team was formed on the spur of the moment, Jin didn't dislike
their strange interactions and atmosphere.

In fact, he quite enjoyed being with them. Having trustworthy comrades he

could share his secrets with was convenient and pleasant.

“Anyways, we'll be leaving soon. Transform into a cat again.”

Murakan grumbled as he became an adorable black cat again. He would

have to continue doing this until Jin became strong enough.

For the next two days, the Black King Mercenaries properly escorted Jin
and company to the Mitel Kingdom's capital. It wouldn't be an exaggeration
to compare the mercenaries to actual knights for their surprising dignity and
the courtesy they showed to their clients.
However, they never understood why their client picked up a black cat
halfway through their journey.

The Black King Mercenaries just came to the conclusion that the tiny yet
merciless overlord called Jin also had a childish aspect to him.

“Thank you for your work, Vice-Captain Murka of the Black King
Mercenaries' 3rd Corps. The Runcandel Clan's main house will properly
reward you for escorting us—which wasn't part of the original commission
—on a later date.”

“This mission was also a good experience for us, Gilly. I can't wait to see
the future of the young Runcandel you serve.”

Gilly and Murka exchanged their farewells while Jin watched from a
distance with a cat on his shoulder.

“By the way, Gilly McRolan.”

“What is it, Murka?”

“I may be overstepping my boundaries, but I've come to admire you after

seeing you in battle. Therefore, as a warrior who makes a living by fighting,
I must ask you. Why did the McRolan Clan do such a thing to y—”

Gilly's expression immediately darkened. Murka swiftly shook his hand and
coughed loudly.

“I apologize. I shouldn't have. If only I could punch myself from 10 seconds


“It's fine. Well then, I wish you the best.”

As soon as the Black King Mercenaries took their leave, Gilly sighed
deeply. Once she fixed her appearance, she joined Jin and Murakan, and
they went to the administrative office of the Mitel Kingdom's transfer gate.

“Welcome to the Mitel Transfer Gate. Do you have any identification?”

Gilly presented a dagger with the Runcandel emblem, the 'Black Sword',
engraved on it.

“Oh! So you belong to the Runcandel Clan. It's an honour to meet you. Are
you headed to the Huphester Alliance's Karlon City?”

Karlon is the city where the Runcandel main house, 'Garden of Swords', is
located. In addition, the Huphester Alliance was a group of nations under
the rule of the Runcandels.


“Please come this way. I will lead you to the first-class seats.”

Since the Mitel Kingdom was part of the Huphester Alliance, it was
basically part of the Runcandel Clan's territory. The manager of the transfer
gate guided Jin and his companions with a beaming smile, as if it was the
greatest thing to happen in his life.

“We will depart in two hours and arrive in the blink of an eye. I hope you
have a comfortable journey.”

The Mitel Special Transfer Gate had a waiting room which was as luxurious
as a rich noble's living room. There was no other client using the first-class
waiting room.

Jin leaped onto a soft sofa and took out his notebook as his body sank in it.
He had gained the habit of using any free time to study from his days as a
magician in his past life.

“Sigh, Young Master.”


“If I were to be fully honest, I'm quite worried. We could somehow find a
way to explain your contract with a god and Lord Murakan's true identity if
the clan were to find out, but…”

“My magic is the problem, right?”

“Yes. That is the one thing the Runcandels will never tolerate and approve

“Don't worry. I'll make sure to keep it a secr—”

Suddenly, the door to the first-class waiting room was swung open.

It was a young boy who appeared to be from a noble family. He had light
brown skin, and seemed taller than Jin by 20 centimeters. He was
accompanied by two escorts.

As soon as they stepped inside the room, the atmosphere changed. Tension
grew in the air as Gilly and the noble boy's escorts glared at each other.

This situation was inevitable, as Runcandels and Zipfels had come face to
face in person.

'Members of the Zipfel Clan? Who exactly are these assholes?'

Jin calmly observed the Zipfel boy's face and pondered. His face seemed
somewhat familiar, but Jin couldn't quite remember who that was. He hadn't
seen many Zipfels from close up in his past life.

“No wonder I didn't want to come to Huphester. My instincts were warning

me that I'd come across these cocksuckers.”

The Zipfel boy, who was still by the entrance and distant from Jin's
position, muttered audibly. His escorts were now also quietly observing Jin
once they were done scrutinizing Gilly.

It was just a childish provocation.

The veins on Gilly's neck began popping out, but since Jin remained silent
and was observing the situation, she didn't step forward.


Murakan was walking in circles between the opposing groups, meowing as

if he found the situation entertaining.
“Oh, at least the cat they're raising is cute. Those cowards don't deserve to
raise such a cute pet. Come over here, kitty~”


The tiny Murakan leaped into the Zipfel boy's arms. He let the boy stroke
him for a moment, until…


The cat brandished its claws and scratched the boy's nose before quickly
escaping his grasp.


Seeing this spectacle, Jin couldn't help but burst out in laughter.


“8th Young Master!”

As the escorts attempted to draw their swords on their waists, the boy raised
his hands to stop them.

“I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just a light scratch. No need to overreact because of a
cat. I guess I deserved it for provoking them.”

(T/N: Good, I like this kid. No one should hurt pets, especially cats. Cats
are the bestest~~!)

As he wiped the blood on the bridge of his nose, the boy continued

“…And above all, drawing your swords before Runcandels is a foolish act.”

The boy shrugged and directed his gaze to Jin.

'I was mistaken. He's not a coward, he's calmly watching us. No, maybe he
just doesn't care about us?'
The boy had intentionally provoked Jin as soon as he entered the waiting
room in order to check Jin's reaction.

He wanted to know whether the youngest child of the Runcandels—who

had just left the Storm Castle—was promising and showed potential or not.
The boy promptly made his mind about the Runcandel before him.

“Well, aren't you an interesting one, Jin Runcandel?”

The boy approached Jin and extended his hand.

“I'm Beradin Zipfel. I only provoked you to test you, but allow me to
apologize properly.”

Beradin Zipfel!

As soon as he heard the name, Jin finally remembered why the boy before
him looked so familiar.

In his past life, Beradin became a 9-star magician by the age of 30, and was
near-unanimously chosen to become the next Zipfel patriarch. As he was a
famous and influential figure, Jin had often seen his face in the newspaper
along with news of his achievements.

Having equally great skills and personality, he was highly popular and
idolized by young magicians around the world.

Jin—who had just become a 5-star magician—also looked up to Beradin

and considered him a goal he could never catch up to.

“Is that so? I was also quietly observing you to see what kind of a person
you are, so it's a relief to see you're not a complete moron.”

“Oho, why did you make such a judgement?”

“Even if it was just a joke, had you allowed your subordinates to draw their
swords, you would've had to travel around Huphester without any
attendants. You would've also lost a couple fingers.”
“Haha, what an entertaining joke.”

“Do I sound like I'm joking?”

As Beradin received Jin's cold gaze upfront, he flinched and pursed his lips.

“…Well, fine. You're a confident one. But let me give you some advice as
someone who's in similar circumstances as you. Next time you meet a rude
Zipfel who does something offensive, don't recklessly cut off their fingers.
It would stir trouble in both our clans, don't you think?”

Beradin was warning Jin not to carelessly start a war between the two clans.

It was actual serious advice coming from a member of the enemy clan.

“Now that's what a real joke sounds like, Beradin Zipfel.”

“Hm? Why do you say so? If the Zipfels and Runcandels fought to the
death for every trivial issue we faced, the world wouldn't be able to
withstand the bloody battles. I'm telling you to keep in mind the potential
disasters and chaos the innocent civilians would face because of us.”

“My father, Cyron Runcandel, and your father, Kelliark Zipfel.”

Jin smirked before continuing his words.

“Do you really think they would mobilize their entire clans due to a trivial
quarrel between kids?”

Beradin's eyes opened wide, as if he had nothing to say to Jin's words.

“Even if I were to cut off your fingers today, the Runcandels and Zipfels
wouldn't go to war. We'd just have to pay a few thousand gold bars or

Beradin stared dumbfounded and blinked several times before nodding his
“That was surprisingly enlightening and informative. I shall definitely repay
this debt to you in the future.”

“Forget about the future. Repay it now.”


“Just wait silently until the transfer gate activates. Don't disturb my quiet
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 17

Beradin Zipfel returned the favour just as Jin demanded.

He didn't utter a single word until the transfer gate activated. He did glance
at Jin from time to time to check what the Runcandel boy was doing.

'Jin Runcandel… I'm certain he'll shake the world and spread his name
within a few years. Ugh, I'm so curious! I wanna talk with him a bit more,
but he doesn't want me to.'

Beradin's eyes were gleaming with curiosity as he kept glancing at the 10-
year-old. They had only shared a short conversation, but their encounter
was a refreshing and exciting one.

Hence, there was a certain amount of goodwill within Beradin's curious


'If he weren't a Runcandel, we could've been good friends… Oh well, let's

be satisfied with the fact that I discovered a worthy enemy. In fact, he might
become my lifelong rival!'

Beradin quietly chuckled as he let his imagination fly to the skies. In the
meantime, Jin also thought to himself.

'Whether he was a celebrity amongst magicians before my regression or

not, he's somewhat of a pain in the ass.'

As a matter of fact, whenever Beradin stared at Jin and they made eye
contact, the Zipfel boy would turn his head away with a blush.
(T/N: Is this a BL ship??? Or is he a reverse trap????)

(PR/N: Ohoho~? Fujoshi senses are tingling—)

'That red face and that gaze… He's definitely some sort of lunatic. Sigh,
should I really cut off a couple of fingers to set his head straight?'

There was no way Jin could concentrate when such a disturbing gaze was
directed towards him. In the end, he just closed his notebook and put it
away. As they waited for the transfer gate to activate, Jin just petted the cat

“Thank you for your patience. You shall be teleported in a few moments.
There may be side effects from the teleportation, such as headaches or
nausea, so please be seated as we…”


Blue mana began to dye the special waiting room. It then softly covered the
members inside.

“I had fun. Let's meet again, Jin Runcandel!”

Beradin shouted with an excited voice. Since their destinations were

different, this was the only opportunity he had to bid Jin farewell.

“Yeah, whatever.”

But Beradin couldn't hear Jin's reply.

He was sent to his destination and had to deal with formalities for his entry
in the country, whereas Jin and his companions were directly sent to another
first-class waiting room.

The Runcandel Clan held absolute power within the Huphester Alliance
along with a great reputation. On the other hand, the Zipfels were
absolutely detested, which led to some discrimination in their treatments.
Most places in the world loved one clan and hated the other, and vice versa.
There weren't many nations which were free from the two clans' influence.

“Blaargh, urrggh…!”

Pat, pat.

Gilly was awkwardly patting Murakan's back, unable to do anything else to


“Geez, you're one pathetic dragon…”

“Blargh, urgh, keuk! We didn't have these kinds of devices in my era. Urgh,
it's like my organs were flipped around.”

It had only been a hundred years since magicians had developed transfer

But since the gates were invented based on humans, it wasn't quite suitable
for dragons. After retching for a while, Murakan exhaled deeply as if he
could finally breathe properly.

“Are you alright, Lord Murakan?”

“I'm fine. It's been a thousand years since I last threw up. In the past, there
were even some morons who'd use dragon puke as ingredients for

“They still do that today. If you gather what you just puked and take it to
some nobles, they'd instantly buy it with gold coins.”

“Oh, they still do it today? Is there anything you want, Strawberry Pie? I
could go sell this and…”

“Enough talking. Just throw it in the incinerator over there. Our clansmen
are probably waiting outside right now.”

Once they exited the waiting room, they were welcomed by the quiet
scenery of the Huphester Alliance's transfer gate.
Generally speaking, there would be countless people in the area, but since
the Runcandel youngest child was coming today, the administration had set
up severe regulations.

Clang, clang!

A group of knights approached Jin and his crew. They were Runcandel
guardian knights.

“We have been expecting you, Young Master. Pleased to meet you. I am
Petro, the second butler of the house.”

The middle-aged man at the center of the knights spoke up.

Jin and the others got on the steel carriage prepared in advance and headed
to the Garden of Swords.

Garden of Swords.

The place that symbolized and represented the Runcandels.

As the name suggested, the wide and vast garden had more swords planted
in the ground than flowers or trees.

The thousands of swords belonged to deceased Runcandels and clansmen,

but not just any clansmen. One didn't obtain the right to have their swords
planted in the garden just because they were a member of the clan.

It was a special right only granted to clansmen who had contributed to the
clan's growth and prosperity.

Once they entered the Garden of Swords, the steel carriage began to slow
down. Jin watched the countless swords pass by outside the window, and
mulled over the past.

'It was once my greatest wish in life to have my sword planted in this

Why was he so naive and foolish back then?

Had he accepted the reality of his situation earlier, Jin would've left the clan
sooner than he did in his first life. The clan would never allow the 'clan's
disgrace'—who became a 1-star knight at the age of 25—to plant his sword
in the garden.

'Why… Why was I so naive and foolish?'

Jin asked himself a second time. He already knew the answer to his
question. The boy only asked himself again to remind himself of his past
mistakes, and to steel himself now that he had returned to the clan's main

'I was weak. A weak person can only survive and thrive by being smart and
cunning, but that wasn't the case for me either.'

Jin smirked and closed his eyes.

His gift with the sword he regained after contracting Solderet, his gift with
magic he'd always had, the tricks he learned over 38 years of life and his
maturity, the recklessness and guts one can only obtain by dying once, the
knowledge about the future only a regressor can acquire.

Finally, Gilly and Murakan. Powerful allies he could share his secrets with.
Moreover, one of them was the legendary Black Dragon.

'Right. This time, I'll survive and thrive in this shitty hellhole.'

This was only the beginning.

Jin believed that he would be nervous on his way to the Garden of Swords,
but it was the opposite. In fact, the sight of the swords planted in the garden
made him gain confidence and mental fortitude.

“All hail!”

“All hail!”

The carriage came to a stop at the center of the garden. The guardian
knights who were on duty raised their blades and gave a sword salute.
Standing before them were Jin's 12 siblings and… his parents.

The Runcandel Clan masters and all the potential successors to the throne
were gathered in one place. Having every single direct descendant of the
Runcandel bloodline together was an extremely rare occasion.


The butler Petro opened the carriage door. Jin gently descended with Gilly
and Murakan in his arms. As soon as she got down, Gilly bowed deeply
before Cyron and Jin lowered his head.

“It's been a long time, my child.”

Jin's mother, Rosa Runcandel was the first to speak.

“Yes, mother.”

Step, step.

Jin slowly walked towards his parents. As he tread forwards, Jin could feel
the gazes of his siblings who were standing in line on both sides.

Murakan was the cause of this. Their youngest sibling—who had caught
their father's attention—was lovingly caring for a cat. They showed a
mixture of surprise, amazement, and ridicule.

As Cyron frowned, he asked Jin.

“Did you pick it up?”

Again, it was about Murakan.

Jin had expected his father to ask this question first before any greeting.
And he also knew what to answer in order to satisfy this nitpicky man, who
happened to be the world's strongest.

“I acquired it, father.”

“You didn't pick it up, but acquired it…?”

The corners of Cyron's mouth rose to shape a light grin.

“A bold and confident answer. I like it. That's right. It's only proper for a
Runcandel to have such an attitude when they obtain something.”

Some of his siblings' expressions turned grim. Probably because they had
been severely punished by their father before when they picked up a cute

Or maybe some of them just didn't like Jin.

The 10-year-old turned his head to observe each of his siblings.

'Among them… is the one who cursed me.'

Who could it be?

Ever since the day he saw the curse with his own two eyes inside his cradle
nine years ago, Jin asked himself this question on a daily basis.

And why did they curse him?

Why curse their 1-year-old sibling who hadn't done anything? Why did they
attempt to curse him—a curse that would give him a fate far worse than
death as a Runcandel?

'Is it just because I chose Barisada on my Selection Ritual? Or are they

trying to get rid of every competitor for the throne, and I just happened to
be an easy target?'

Jin wanted to question all his siblings immediately, but this wasn't the right

None of his 12 siblings were weaker than the current Jin. Even the Tona
twins—the idiots he used to boss around at the Storm Castle—had trained
their swordsmanship for two years, so they were most likely stronger than
'Moreover, today is a joyous day where the entire family has finally
reunited, isn't it?'

The days filled with bloodshed were about to begin.

As he smiled with somewhat malicious intent, Jin put Murakan down.


The cat leaped into Rosa's arms. Surprisingly, she simply caught it and
began calmly stroking its fur.

“Son, what is this child's name?”

“His name is Nabi Runcandel, mother.”

(T/N: 'Nabi' means 'butterfly' in Korean.)


Rosa couldn't hold back her laughter, and most of his siblings wore a
sinister look. Cyron stared at Jin in silence.

“Father, mother! No matter how young he is, this is unacceptable.”

“How dare he give the Runcandel family name to such a lowly beast! I also
agree with Fourth Brother's opinion.”

“Gilly! You wench, how on earth did you educate the youngest? How could
you let him call a mere cat such a name…!”

There was a hurl of complaints. But as soon as Cyron opened his mouth,
everyone immediately shut up.

“Why did you give it the Runcandel family name?”

Jin made eye contact with Cyron and answered.

“It was to give myself a sense of responsibility. He may be a mere cat, but
he is the first living being I've acquired. I thought that I should give him a
name with meaning and weight.”

The gaze of the silent siblings were dyed with shock, and Cyron calmly

“How amusing. But son… Do you truly realize how much weight the
Runcandel name actually bears?”

It was a tricky question, but Jin nodded without hesitation.

“I am aware of the weight it has. It signifies that if someone were to attempt

to hurt Nabi, I would have to make them pay the price personally.”

The death stares directed by the Tona twins promptly changed into shock.

They believed that they wouldn't have to be afraid of Jin anymore, but
seeing his current attitude, their trauma from the Storm Castle resurfaced.

“You seem to be gifted at making enemies, son. Your siblings are glaring at
you so intensely, don't you think?”

This was a warning.

Not towards Jin—who had caused a ruckus as soon as he arrived at the

main house—but towards the others. A warning to them for daring to show
killing intent in front of the patriarch.

The siblings immediately adjusted their expressions and stances.

“It appears so. But I believe I'm also gifted at killing my enemies, father.”

“Kuhaha… Then you all should be mindful of that when dealing with your
strong-willed little brother.”

Cyron's children, with the exception of Jin, all lowered their heads in
response to their father's statement.
Soon afterwards, every Runcandel gathered today entered the mansion, and
the banquet celebrating Jin's arrival began.

During the entire meal, most of the siblings stared at their ludicrous
youngest brother with complex feelings.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 18

It is the beginning of summer, 1794.

Four years have passed since Jin returned to the main house.

“We will end the training with this. Good work today, Young Master.”

“Phew, is it already time, Garon?”

Garon Altemiro.

This young 7-star knight teaches the basics and foundations of

swordsmanship at the Garden of Swords.

His pupils include Runcandel children when they first arrive at the main
house, and clansmen who are training to become guardian knights. Every
Runcandel has to learn the basics under Garon.

“Haha, surely you jest. Please take a look at the guardian cadets around
you, Young Master. They are all on death's door.”

Jin took a look around him. There were young boys and girls around his
age. Just as Garon stated, they were all sweating profusely, panting and
wheezing to catch their breaths.

'I guess he's right. I would've been in the same state as them.'

Two years ago, when Garon was assigned this job, his training regimen
quickly gained the reputation of being harsh and intense.
Guardian cadets are young elite trainees who stood out amongst other
trainees and were selected to become future guardian knights. The
competition to become a guardian cadet is high, and trainees have to
undergo difficult training in order to gain that rank.

However, despite their expertise and experience, many guardian cadets

dropped out due to being unable to endure Garon's severe training.

Jin did the same in his past life. He couldn't continue Garon's training
regimen, and instead received individual lessons from his siblings. It may
appear like preferential treatment, but for Runcandels, there is no greater

Even though other children are able to withstand Garon's lessons, a

Runcandel child dropping out and being taught by his siblings is
unacceptable. Not to mention that Jin couldn't endure his siblings' lessons
either, and ended up being neglected by everyone.

Having recalled the past, Jin shook his head to stop thinking about it.

“Moreover, you will have to attend Lady Luna's training session in the

Jin nodded to Garon's point.

These days, Jin trains under Garon as well his eldest sister, Luna “White
Whale” Runcandel.

However, unlike his first life, it wasn't a disgraceful individual lesson.

Having noticed Jin's terrifying growth speed, Luna volunteered to teach him
herself. Thus, it was an achievement instead of a disgrace.

However, it brought Jin both the admiration from the guardian cadets and
the jealousy from his other siblings.

“That's true. Then I should go get lunch now.”

“Will you partake with the other cadets today as well? Dame Rosa appears
to be dejected for being unable to eat with you every time…”
“I'd rather eat with these cadets with whom I train every day, not my
siblings who seem displeased about my very existence.”

“I understand, Young Master.”

Servants began to bring their meals to the training ground.

There was an enormous pot with rice, vegetables and meat. It was a simple
and crude meal, but the ingredients were top-class.

The guardian cadets stood in line, waiting for the food to be distributed. Jin
didn't follow them since 'Bellop' was in charge of getting his food.


“Not at all, Young Master.”

“As if. Sit down, let's eat.”

Bellop Schmitz. A 13-year-old commoner boy, one year younger than Jin.

He was destined to fall behind in Garon's training and lose his qualifications
as a guardian cadet, getting kicked out of the Garden of Swords.

At least, that was before Jin's regression.

“Is it good?”

“It's delicious. I am always grateful to the clan for allowing me to eat such
good meat, as well as to the 13th Young Master for sharing his portion of
meat with me…”

“Enough, enough. Sigh, how do you give the same answer every single time
without a single mistake? Did you memorize the phrase by heart or

Bellop coughed and blushed in embarrassment.

“You need to learn how to speak simply and concisely, Bellop. The others
are ignoring you because you keep giving a speech every time you open
your mouth, you know?”

“I-Is that so…”

“Shoulders straight! Have some more pride. You're a Runcandel guardian


“But my grades are the lowest, and I have yet to become a 1-star knight…”

“Geez, do you think anyone can become a Runcandel cadet? You've already
achieved a lot by reaching where you are currently.”

He's quite timid, and has little to no self-confidence. He's as innocent and
naive as one can be.

That's why Jin was still confused.

'I can see why the clan kicked him out. But I still can't figure out how such
an innocent boy grew up to become the Vermont Empire's notorious
imperial guard.'

Before his regression, Bellop's life ended up having an amazing reversal

after getting kicked out of the Runcandel Clan.

After barely passing the exam to become a guardian cadet, Bellop Schmitz
always stayed amongst the worst of the cadets, before having to leave…
But afterwards, he caught the eye of another clan of swordsmen, the Hairan

The Hairan Clan is the empire's greatest clan of swordsmen, and one of the
biggest noble families.

Bellop's talent with the sword bloomed belatedly in the Hairan Clan. He
then became an imperial guard and received the nickname “Vermont's
Loyal Hound”.

Vermont's Loyal Hound.

Jin had no idea what Bellop experienced at the Hairan Clan for him to
change so much.

When Bellop received that nickname, he was no longer the naive and gentle
Bellop Jin now knows. He followed the emperor's orders, led the imperial
guards to battle, and slaughtered countless people without mercy.

But one year before Jin's death, Bellop ended his unfortunate life filled with
bloodshed himself, leaving behind a will with a message of repentance.

'I was shocked to hear he became the imperial guard, and felt vexed when
the news of his suicide reached me.'

Jin glanced at his surroundings. After making sure no one else was looking
in their direction, he quickly passed his remaining pieces of meat to Bellop.

“Eh, Young Master?”

“Shush. I'm not feeling hungry.”

Jin pretended to eat until lunchtime ended as he vacantly watched Bellop.

'Bellop Schmitz… This time, I'll take care of you so that you don't fall
behind and get kicked out.'

It wasn't just because Jin wanted to keep this diamond in the rough within
the clan.

He also felt somewhat empathetic towards this boy. Both had discovered
their true talents belatedly, and had miserable deaths.

'If he has the potential to become an imperial guard, it would also be

beneficial to keep him by my side. I'll have to keep guardian knights around
me and command them in the future, anyways.'

Instead of becoming a murder puppet of the Vermont Empire, it was

favourable for both Bellop and Jin to raise him as a Runcandel guardian
Once lunch ended, Jin stood up and Garon approached him.

“I shall see you tomorrow, Young Master. Oh, tomorrow we'll be having
spars during training.”

“Alright. Good work today, Garon.”

“Thank you, Young Master.”

Once Jin returned to his room, there stood Gilly with a change of clothes in
her arms and a hot bath behind her.

“Good work during training, Young Master. The eldest lady's lesson will
begin in three hours.”

“Alright. Thanks, Strawberry P—”

Catching himself saying something unexpected, Jin suddenly stopped dead

in his tracks.

“Geez, Murakan calls you Strawberry Pie so often that even I'm getting
confused now…!”

“Oh, you're here, kid?”

Jin turned his head and saw Murakan lazily flipping through an erotic
drawing magazine on the sofa.

“You crazy dragon, what on earth are you reading in broad daylight?”

“This? A limited edition erotic magazine. I had a hard time getting this.
Haha, don't hesitate to tell me if you want one too. Fourteen is the age when
you begin to get horn…”

“Also. Didn't. I. Tell. You. To. Stay. In. Cat. Form. As. Much. As. Possible.
At. Home? What if someone sees you?”

“I won't get caught, don't worry. I also have the right to be free, no? Just
come over and look at this. Should I kidnap the guy who drew this?”
Seeing him snicker and return to his erotic magazine, Jin suddenly gained
the urge to punch the dragon in the face.

However, punching a dragon who had lived for thousands of years was
unreasonable. Jin gave a deep sigh and sat beside Murakan.

“I guess it's not bad. How much did you buy it for?”

“About 100 gold coins, I think…?”

“Oh, izzat so? A hundred gold coins, you say? A hundred… gold coins.
Where on earth did you find that money?”

“I borrowed from Strawberry Pie. Gosh, the Runcandel nannies' salary is no


Jin turned his gaze to Gilly, who only gave a dry cough.

“Sigh, just tell me if you need money from now on. Don't bother Gilly.”

“Really? Then 1000 gold coins please~”

“I'll give you 1000 gold coins if you write a report which explains why you
need that money. And please prepare a simple meal for me, Gilly.”

Murakan closed and put away the magazine at the speed of light and began
writing a report. He even started mumbling to himself. This disturbing sight
of extreme tenacity made Jin speechless.

“Did you not have lunch outside already?”

“I did, but I'm at the age where I'm growing.”

“What would you like to have?”

“Just a simple sandwich.”

“Strawberry Pie, I'd like a strawberry pie.”

An hour had passed by the time Jin finished eating.

During the two hours until Luna's lesson, Jin sat in his room and practiced
releasing his spiritual energy.

'I'm about to reach 2-star in spiritual release… 4-star in mana and 2-star in

These were the results of four years of training after leaving the Storm

His growth speed in spiritual release was far beyond what Murakan was
expecting. However, the growth of his mana was far too slow according to
Jin's standards. But it wasn't exactly a surprise since he couldn't use magic
within the Garden of Swords.

Still, reaching the 4-star stage at the age of fourteen was an incredible
achievement that was comparable to the geniuses at the Zipfel Clan.

His swordsmanship would also reach 3-star by the age of sixteen, which
was one year earlier than the 'Runcandel average'.

Jin's growth was progressing favourably.

Feeling himself getting stronger by the day was the best feeling there could
ever be.

There was Garon's intense training regimen, Jin's notebook which he

studied every day, and his spiritual energy he would strengthen whenever he
had time.

All these activities were far more enjoyable than resting for the 14-year-old

However, Luna's training was… pure drudgery, even for the workaholic Jin.

'Even our other siblings who envy me for receiving her guidance would
immediately change their minds if they were in my shoes.'
Jin smiled bitterly in his heart before looking up at Luna.

“My dearest brother.”

“Yes, sister?”

“Today's training will be the same as yesterday.”

“I am aware.”

“But you will have to change your approach and methods every day during
this repetitive training.”


Luna walked towards Jin and closed her eyes. Jin copied her and also
closed his.

Then, the same line he had heard over and over during the past month

“Brother. The eye of the mind… Use the eye of the mind to observe…”

This was the drudgery in question.

Luna's lessons weren't methodical, intuitive and physically painful like

Garon's lessons.

It was always about… the eye of the mind!

She would just repeat that.

'This is driving me crazy.'

Jin had often heard the 8-star and above knights mention the 'Mind's Blade'

But normally speaking, one would start training the Mind's Blade after
reaching the 7-star stage. And it wouldn't be through silent lessons like this,
but… by trying to scatter aura in all directions naturally.

'Why doesn't Eldest Sister do or say anything else? She always stands still,
telling me to open the eye of the mind.'

He had never heard of a training like this.

“For people who wield blades to advance in life, gaining the Mind's Eye is
the most important thing of all. Never open your physical eyes during our

Nevertheless, Jin obeyed his eldest sister's guidance and kept his eyes
closed because he knew her personality. Moreover, she was widely known
as the strongest among the 13 Runcandel children.

If any other sibling were to teach Jin like Luna was currently doing, he
would've thought that they were trying to obstruct Jin's growth with some
bullshit. Or maybe that they had become a fanatic of some pseudo-religion.

'I'm sure the day will come when I finally understand Eldest Sister's

The two of them stood facing each other, eyes closed, until evening came.
Once their lesson ended, Luna wore a refreshing smile.

“You did good today. You can head back now, brother.”

Jin had absolutely no idea what he had done well, but he could only nod to
her statement.

Jin began walking away and Luna pondered as she watched his back.

'The incredible concentration he shows when he closes his eyes, and the
tenacity to maintain that posture for several hours… With Jin's potential, he
should realize it within a few years. Keep growing like this, Jin.'

Luna wore a satisfied smile and closed her eyes once again.
Even as a 9-star knight, she had yet to have the second enlightenment
necessary to reach the Mind's Eye realm.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 19

What even is the eye of the mind?

Whenever his training with Luna ended, Jin never failed to ask himself this
question. He continued pondering about this for days and weeks since the
start of the training, due to which his head hurt and frustration grew inside.

This time, his concern lasted until the very next day.

Luna's training most definitely had some sort of effect and aim. There was
no way the famous 'genius among geniuses' would make him practice so
much for no reason.

'Hm, my body feels heavy. Must be because I spent the entire night asking
myself that question. Let's cool my head down during morning training and
stop worrying for a while.'

Did Eldest Sister Luna also do the same training as what she was ordering
Jin to do when she was 14 years old? As he proceeded to Garon's training
ground, Jin thought about his 1st sister's past.

As they were 19 years apart, he hadn't seen her growth and development.
But he had heard that during her puberty, she was quite the problem child.

'Either way, Eldest Sister must be making me do this training because she
believes I can figure out the meaning and goal behind it.'

7 AM.
The guardian cadets were gathering at the training ground. They would be
sparring today, so there was a bizarre mood between everyone.

The results of the spars were quite important to their overall scores and

And having higher scores would grant them greater salaries and the
possibility of becoming a guardian knight with special treatment. It was to
no surprise the cadets were all on edge.

'What a heavy and competitive atmosphere. Their gazes show that they
wouldn't hesitate to beat any opponent half dead. As for Bellop… Sigh.'

Jin turned his attention to the corner, where Bellop was crouching down.

As one would expect, the cowardly boy was looking at his surroundings
with nervous eyes. He reminded Jin of a small prey having barely escaped
its predator and hiding in a small hole.

'What on earth is wrong with him? Actually, how on earth did he pass the
exam to become a guardian cadet?'

After passing the exam, Bellop must've probably been called a 'genius' by
many outside the Garden of Swords. So Jin couldn't understand the reason
behind his shyness.

'Hm… It might be that he once believed he was a genius, but found out that
there were far better and stronger geniuses than him here, which made him
lose confidence. Or was he just born this way…?'

As his thoughts reached that point, Jin shook his head.

'I'm already busy enough thinking about the meaning behind Eldest Sister's
training. I don't have the time and energy to figure out what his deal is. I
just need to make it so that he doesn't get kicked out, which should be more
than enough!'

Garon arrived at the training ground, and the cadets immediately stood in
line. After a simple warm-up and physical exercise, Garon announced the
order of the spars and the schedule.

“There will be three rounds of spars! You will be changing opponents each
time. And the ten most notable winners will be able to challenge Young
Master Jin one at a time.”

“Yes, Instructor!”

There was not a single cadet in Garon's class who could defeat Jin.
Therefore, whenever there was a sparring session, Jin would be fighting
several duels more than the others.

“Garon, when will I be able to move up to the intermediate training class?”

Starting from the intermediate training class, the instructor was a veteran
knight of the clan instead of a guest instructor like Garon. Moreover, during
the lessons, the students were allowed to use aura and real swords, which
was still prohibited in the beginner class.

Jin now wanted to move up to the next stage.

“Madame Rosa stated that if Young Master Jin wins against ten opponents
today, you will be allowed to join the intermediate class at the start of next

“Is that true?”

While the story so far had belittled them, they were still guardian cadets of
the Runcandel Clan.

They were the top ten cadets who won their other spars to boot. Facing all
ten of them consecutively wouldn't be so easy for Jin.

Runcandel cadets were on a whole other level compared to the cadets of

other nations' swordsmanship academies and mercenary trainees.

“Edington, Mark! You're up first. Get ready!”

Two boys with resolute expressions faced each other in the center of the
training ground. Once Garon's signal arrived, the spar began. Jin observed
their movements without much concern.

'Everyone's doing pretty well.'

Their movements were flexible and agile, yet powerful. Despite looking
nervous, they were calmly calculating their actions and scanning their
opponents. They weren't Runcandel cadets for nothing.

Swoosh, swoosh!

Although they were wielding wooden swords, each swing was slicing the
wind. Even with the lack of sharp edges, a clean blow would completely
smash an ordinary human's head.



The boy called Edington's wooden sword landed on his opponent's flank.
As the sound of a rib breaking resounded, Mark crouched on the spot and
trembled in pain.

The Runcandel's medical team—which was waiting on one side of the

training ground—laid the injured boy on a stretcher.

“Winner, Edington. Take a break over there and stay on standby. Next up
are Phils and Sierra…”

And so, nine matches followed. The tenth was between Bellop and a girl
called Mesa Milkano.

Jin paid close attention to Bellop's spar.

'Bellop seems to be focused on defense as usual.'

On the other side, Mesa was ruthlessly attacking him. As one of the top
cadets of the beginner training class, her strength was evident.
But Jin was used to this sight. It wasn't his first time watching one of
Bellop's spars.

“Fight me, Bellop Schmitz! Stop running and fight me like a man!”

Mesa was hurling provocations while wildly swinging her wooden sword.

Suddenly, Jin noticed that Bellop's movements were 'better than expected'…
He then realized that it was the result of the development of his 'eyes'.

'Bellop, that prick. He's not just getting pushed back. He's going easy on

Jin instinctively got up.

It looked like Bellop was barely blocking Mesa's attacks at the last moment,
but Jin could see that Bellop's movements were somewhat easygoing.

'During this exchange—where their swords clashed twenty times—Bellop

had the chance to counterattack three times. They weren't by chance either.
Bellop guided her movements to create those opportunities himself. So

Why won't he fight back?

While Jin was racking his brain, the other cadets were just waiting for Mesa
to deal the finishing blow.

They didn't think there was anything to learn from such a one-sided battle,
especially since it was Bellop on the receiving side.

'…Could it be…?'

Jin carefully observed Bellop again. He scanned how Bellop avoided and
parried the attacks, along with his expression.

Overall, he wasn't looking good. His nervous eyes were showing pain and
his clenched jaw showed how he wanted to get out of this situation as soon
as possible.
However, his movements were far better than Mesa's. While it appeared as
if he was getting pushed back, his actions were carefree at times. As long as
he wished for it, he could turn the tables on her at any time.

Nevertheless, he didn't counterattack, a discrepancy which confused Jin.

Other than the Runcandel boy, the others were completely oblivious to
Bellop's actions.

Soon, Jin figured out the origin of this discrepancy.

'He's not scared of getting hit or feeling pain.'

There was no reason for a human to feel fear due to another being that was
obviously 'weaker' than them. And from Jin's perspective, Bellop was
stronger than Mesa.

'He's worried about hurting his opponent. That's why he's being so passive
in this fight.'

Other than that, there was no other way of explaining this odd spar.

'Knowing his personality, he's not being overconfident in his skills and
going easy on her on purpose. He just doesn't know what to do, and can
only defend without attacking, which ended up looking like he's going easy
on her.'

As Jin's thoughts came to a conclusion, Bellop's wooden sword was stabbed

in the ground. Mesa immediately flew forward and slammed him in the chin
with her knee.

“Stop. Winner, Mesa. Wait over there.”

“Yes, Instructor.”

These spars continued for another two hours, and it was finally Jin's turn.
Amongst the 24 winners, Garon selected the top 10.

“Please get ready, Young Master.”


As Jin stood at the center of the training ground, the eyes of the cadets
shone. He was the youngest child of the Runcandels they would have to
serve, and an extremely skilled monster.

According to the cadets, being able to witness Jin's skills was the highlight
of the sparring sessions.

“Edington, Sierra, David, Mesa… You will be facing Young Master Jin in
that order.”

Jin grabbed his wooden sword and faced his first opponent.

'Hm, so I need to defeat ten cadets.'

His highest score so far was eight.

By increasing that number by two, he would be allowed to attend the

intermediate classes his siblings were taking by next year.

If this were a real battle to the death instead of a spar, he could easily take
down twenty of them without question… But during a spar, he couldn't use
spiritual power and magic.

He could only use pure swordsmanship in order to win. Moreover, he

couldn't kill his opponents.

'Even the Tona morons entered the intermediate class last year.'

It goes without saying that the twins entered the intermediate class faster
than Jin not because they were more skilled than him.

While they could overpower Jin when he first arrived at the Garden of
Swords, their younger brother could easily turn them into rags during spars
one year later. However, they went out with their other siblings on
'commissions' and made achievements, which allowed them to advance to
the intermediate class.
Furthermore, Jin believed that there were still a few more things he could
learn from the beginner class until recently. And having seen through
Bellop's movements today, Jin realized that he had made the correct
decision to stay behind a little longer.

“If you shall allow me, Young Master Jin.”

“Yes, Edington. I'll be in your care.”


Edington darted towards Jin and wielded his wooden sword. A surprise
attack. He had calculated that if he didn't seize control of the duel from the
start, he would never win against Jin.

However, that was a bad move.

As he watched the wooden sword fly towards his chest, Jin pushed himself
forward instead of dodging. But at the last moment, he sidestepped,
trampled on Edington's foot, and swung his sword towards his opponent's

Be that as it may, Edington hadn't become a Runcandel guardian cadet

through pure luck. He twisted his body out of reflex and avoided Jin's


But it wasn't a perfect evasion. Jin's sword hit Edington's ear instead of his
neck before slashing the air behind.

'I missed, but it wasn't bad.'

After having put some distance between them, Edington gripped his sword
tightly. But because of the injury, his eardrums were ringing and his sense
of balance took a turn for the worse for a short while.

If Jin were facing only a single opponent, he could've waited to let Edington
But he had another nine spars to fight. Jin suddenly appeared before
Edington and ended the first duel.

Since he had lost his sense of balance, Jin could easily defeat Edington
without hurting him too badly.

“…It's my loss, Young Master.”

“Good game, Edington Wez. Go have the medical team check your ear.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

“Next up, Sierra! Begin the spar immediately.”

With Garon's shout, the second duel was initiated.

“I'll be in your care, Young Master Jin.”

“Likewise, Sierra Camaro.”

The second fight didn't end as quickly as it did with Edington. The ten
winners Garon had chosen were ordered from the weakest to the strongest.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 20

Sierra Camaro lasted about one minute longer than Edington, but still didn't
manage to injure or wear out Jin.

After her was David McChi, but Jin's spar against him ended in a similar
way as his two previous ones. However, David was somewhat more
tenacious than Sierra and Jin had to exert more strength than before, due to
which his opponent ended up with a broken rib.

A simple fracture can easily be dealt with by the Runcandel medical team.
As long as the injuries aren't fatal—such as amputated limbs or damaged
vital organs—the medical team can fully heal the victim in an instant.

“Urgh, that was enlightening, Young Master. Thank you for your guidance!

Jin flinched when he saw David lose consciousness and fall over, all the
while keeping a smile on his face and a thumbs up.

Just… how many more of these muscle-brained lunatics are there in this
crazy clan?? Even if Jin was David's superior, no sane person would smile
and show gratitude to the man who just destroyed one of their ribs.

Moreover, it wasn't a forced statement. David was truly grateful from the
bottom of his heart. Jin hid his discomfort and lightly nodded back.

'Well, come to think of it, I used to behave the same way while learning and
training magic under my master before my regression. I shouldn't be
judging David right now.'
Jin's master—who was two years younger than him—wasn't your ordinary

They once scorched Jin with lightning for hours on end to 'teach him
lightning magic', and also sent him flying in the air for an entire day to
'teach him wind magic'. And they were laughing the entire time.

Each time something like this happened during his training, Jin would be
thanking his master with a smile on his face like the current David. The
desire to 'become stronger' can sometimes turn humans into muscle-brained

'I really wasn't thinking straight back then, was I?'

Swoosh, swoosh.

Jin lightly swung his wooden sword around, waiting for his next opponent.

“I am Mesa Milkano, Young Master.”

“I am aware of your name. You're the second daughter of the Milkano


“It's an honor to have you remember me. I won't be as easy to deal with as
the other cadets you faced before me. Today, I will definitely defeat you,
Young Master.”

“I look forward to it.”

Mesa positioned herself and prepared for battle. She then calmly began
circling Jin without showing any openings. No wonder she was the
strongest of Garon's beginner class cadets.

She wasn't behaving the same way as when she was mercilessly attacking

Mesa was looking down on Bellop and attacking without considering the
consequences. However, Jin was a completely different opponent compared
to Bellop, so she completely changed her attitude and approach to the duel.
'Mesa Milkano. I remember that in my first life, she passed all the exams
and qualifications required to graduate as a cadet, and was quickly deployed
to the main house as a guardian knight. I never interacted with her
personally, though, so I don't quite remember the details of her life.'

She was the perfect example of an elite.

Even though she hadn't seen through Bellop's true strength, Mesa was still
an extremely gifted fighter.

Jin had sparred against Mesa a total of seven times until now. He had lost
the first two times, and won the remaining five. And each time, the
difference in their skills and strength was getting wider and wider.

And through his duels against talented individuals like Mesa, Jin realized
how impressive his gift with the sword was—a gift he never got to use and
experience to the full extent in his first life due to the Bladed Illusion curse.

'I still need to face six more opponents after Mesa. But holding back my
strength and energy while facing Mesa is a bad idea. I need to defeat her in
a direct confrontation in order to plant fear in my next opponents' heads.'

His spars against Edington, Sierra and David were merely appetizers.

The duels against the real elites of the beginner training class started with
Mesa. And for the 14-year-old Jin, defeating them all head-on in succession
would be demanding and strenuous.

Therefore, Jin was planning on planting a 'misconception' in the other

cadets' minds during his duel against Mesa: that they would never be able to
win against Jin in a head-on battle.

'Having a frontal clash, while still looking relaxed and calm the entire time.
Those are the two key points I need to keep in mind during this spar.'

This time, Jin was the first to make a move.

His attacks consisted of the most basic of stabs and slashes. Not a single
irregular or odd movement was added. Mesa easily parried and avoided his
attacks, but as the offensive continued, her thoughts got complicated and

'Why is the young master only using such basic attacks?'

While they were your standard attacks, each move was heavy and sharp.
Mesa's hands and wrists were going numb from parrying all of them.

However, that wasn't the reason why her mind was boggled.

'When will he start going all out?'

'He had the opportunity to send my sword flying just now, but he didn't.'

'He's definitely doing this on purpose. But why…'

While Mesa racked her brain, Jin continued swinging his wooden sword
with a composed expression. Even when Mesa twisted her body in order to
escape his sequence of basic attacks, he still adhered to the fundamentals.

'Is he looking down on me?'


Mesa ground her teeth and stomped on the ground in order to stabilize her

“Fine, allow me to entertain you, Young Master!”

Once Mesa fixed her posture and gripped her wooden sword tightly, her
worries vanished. She also began using only the most basic of attacks in
order to face Jin.

Soon, all the fancy techniques and complex movements completely

disappeared from their duel. They were each taking turns attacking and
defending. It had become an extremely simple fight.

A simple battle of brute strength.

Mesa was quite confident and proud of her physical strength. She wasn't
being conceited, as she had learned the basics of aura manipulation back at
the Milkano castle before coming to the Runcandel Clan.

Bang, skrrrt! Boom!

Explosive sounds echoed throughout the training ground as the two fighters'
wooden swords hit each other. This battle of brute strength had already
lasted for over five minutes. The other cadets could only watch the duel
with wide eyes.

Huff, huff.

Someone was now out of breath. It was the sound of Mesa panting.

'I'm… being pushed back in terms of physical strength?'

Even Mesa knew that she couldn't win against Jin in this spar.

But she believed that her physical strength surpassed his, if not equal. Mesa
couldn't accept that she would get pushed back by someone younger than

She was still not aware of the gap between ordinary people and people of
Runcandel descent—who own blessed bodies.


Mesa suddenly shouted loudly as she swung down her wooden sword. She
was attempting to regain full control of her emotions, but it ended up being
the cause of her defeat.

Jin didn't avoid the strike containing the entirety of Mesa's strength, and
received it head-on.

Mesa had expected him to step back in order to dodge her attack, so she
was planning on swiftly dashing forward to deal the final blow after her
But even if Jin received her frontal attack head-on, Mesa had a backup plan.
She would let go of her sword at the last moment, grab his sword arm,
swing her legs upwards and catch his neck and shoulders in a front triangle

In other words, this was Mesa's trump card. Even Garon judged that her
plan was reasonable.

However, the situation didn't develop the way Mesa had been expecting.



The wooden sword she was swinging downwards with all her strength
shattered as Jin's sword hit it in an upwards swing.

'How come? It's not like Young Master Jin used aura just now…'

As Mesa asked herself the question subconsciously, Jin's wooden sword had
already reached her neck, waiting a few millimeters away from her skin.


Jin exhaled deeply and fixed his breath.

“…It's my loss, Young Master.”

“That was a great duel, Mesa Milkano.”

While he replied calmly, Jin's forehead was drenched in sweat.

Mesa then shifted her gaze down to her broken sword. This was neither a
trick nor an illusion. Jin hadn't used aura either. So why was her wooden
sword the only one that broke?

As she watched Jin head to one side of the training ground to get a new
wooden sword, Mesa finally realized the reason behind this phenomenon.

“I can't use this one anymore.”

Every onlooker believed that the duel between Jin and Mesa was one of
brute strength with no intricacy or elaborate techniques.

However, there was one hidden truth within the battle.

While Jin and Mesa were exchanging blows one after another, the boy had
aimed for the center of Mesa's blade each time.

On the other hand, Mesa's attacks had affected the entire surface of Jin's
wooden blade.

Jin's resolve to break Mesa's sword, versus Mesa's resolve to face him in a
head-on battle. Mesa's wooden sword breaking was by no means a

She had believed that this was a battle of 'brute strength', but in reality, it
was a battle of 'accuracy'.

There wasn't a big difference in their strength and stamina. However, the
cause of her loss was the difference in their accuracy and persistence.

'Is this even humanly possible?'

Mesa asked herself as she bit her lower lip.

A few seconds later, she came to the conclusion that it was indeed possible
to achieve such a feat. As long as one was more skilled than their opponent
and predicted the development of the battle, it would be easy to achieve.

However, she had never thought it would be possible to pull it off right
here, right now. Despite being in the renowned Runcandel Clan's training
class, it was still the 'beginner' training class. No one was supposed to be
skilled enough to pull this off.
'So, is this what it means to be a Runcandel? I'll have to devote myself to
my training, and next time, I'll definitely…!'

Mesa returned to her seat.

Even if one was expecting to lose, actually experiencing the defeat always
left a bitter taste in the mouth. Mesa's heart was filled with pain from the
defeat, but also gratitude for having learned an important lesson from Jin.

Following his duel with Mesa, Jin faced the remaining six cadets. However,
he was able to win without much difficulty. No one else faced him head-on
like Mesa. Therefore, none of them could steal control over the flow of the
battle from Jin.

When the final opponent fell before Jin, the other cadets all gulped audibly.

In their eyes, Jin had easily defeated all the challengers after Mesa.

However, it wasn't as easy as it appeared to be.

Having faced ten extremely talented cadets one after another, Jin was
somewhat out of breath after his final battle.

'Great, I still have some energy left.'

Jin hadn't made an example out of Mesa just to save his energy as much as
possible because he feared he couldn't defeat all ten cadets.

Even if he hadn't planted a misconception in the other challengers' minds by

breaking Mesa's sword, he could've still defeated them all.

“Excellent work, Young Master. With this, you shall be permitted to attend
the intermediate training class starting next year. Congratulations.”

“Huff, huff… Thanks, Garon. I'll be in your care until next year.”

“Should we end the morning training session now? It's almost time for
“How long until lunchtime?”

“There's about ten minutes left. Is something the matter?”

“There's one more person I want to face.”

Garon froze at Jin's words, and stared at the boy's eyes.

“Who do you have in mind?”

Jin slowly turned his gaze to the cadets.

In one corner of the group was a boy sitting with a blank expression,
scratching his head.

“Bellop. Bellop Schmitz.”

All the cadets' gazes turned to Bellop in an instant.

Garon's eyes opened wide as the name escaped Jin's mouth.

'…Has the young master seen through Bellop's hidden talent?'

The person in question was looking around, dumbfounded. He and the other
cadets had no idea why Jin had chosen him.

“Get up. Come on over and fight me.”

Jin lightly threw a wooden sword towards the startled boy.

“Y-Young Master? I… Um, I'm—”

“Bellop Schmitz!”

Jin suddenly yelled his name, to which Bellop instinctively stood up.

“You cannot survive within this clan if you continue acting like that. Get
over here. I'll knock your sleepy head awake.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 21

Bellop stood before Jin, squeezing his wooden sword's handle as cold sweat
ran down his face. His eyes kept darting around as he wiped his forehead
with his sleeve.

He hadn't received so much attention ever since becoming a guardian cadet,

which explained his restlessness.

The other spectating cadets could see Bellop's soul escaping through his
mouth already as the staredown with Jin continued.

Everyone couldn't help but think back on the words the Runcandel boy had
told the coward.

You cannot survive within this clan if you continue acting like that.

'Why did the Young Master tell me such things…?'

Is it because I'm too weak? Or because I'm too timid? Such questions went
through Bellop's mind.

'Is Young Master Jin trying to humiliate Bellop since he gets on the Young
Master's nerves?'

'Is he warning Bellop that he won't survive in the Runcandel Clan because
he's such a weakling?'

'Young Master Jin is crueler than I thought…'

The cadets were all in agreement.

Nevertheless, Jin's eyes were fixated on Bellop, and he tightened his grip on
the sword.


“Oh! Y-Yes, Young Master.”

Snicker, snicker.

Some suppressed scornful laughs echoed amongst the spectators. But the
cadets who reacted immediately corrected their expressions and attitude, as
they feared Garon would chastise them.

However, nevermind Garon, even Jin didn't give them a glance and kept his
eyes on Bellop.

“I've already lost a lot of stamina from sparring against ten cadets.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Having barely come to his senses, Bellop answered respectfully.

“And you are still unscathed.”


“In spite of that,”

Jin began walking towards Bellop before continuing his sentence.

“I am probably stronger than you right now. Excluding Garon, I would most
likely win against anyone here in one last duel.”

Bellop didn't know how to reply to that, so he simply nodded quietly.

“That is the reason why I want to fight you right now.”

“Young Master, I still do not understand what you… Urgh!”


Jin instantly reduced the distance between the two. His wooden sword flew
towards Bellop's shoulder, but the latter somehow managed to avoid the
blow at the last second, despite his panicked footwork.

Following that, the attacks continued nonstop, like an endlessly flowing

river. Bellop parried and avoided the sword while retreating.

“Good moves.”

“Thank you very mu— Urgh!”


Jin suddenly grabbed a handful of sand on the training ground and scattered
it in Bellop's face. As Bellop tried to resist the urge to close and rub his
eyes, he tightened his hold on his wooden sword and stood strong.

“Y-Young Master…?!”

But Jin didn't answer and darted towards Bellop again, grabbed his shirt,
and slammed his shin into his opponent's thigh. As the impact resounded,
Bellop let out a deep groan and collapsed to the ground.

“I didn't call you here to have a spar. As I said, I want to 'fight' you.”

Jin approached the seated Bellop, who could barely open his irritated eyes
and look up to the Runcandel boy.

“I also said that I would 'most likely' win. That I would 'most likely win
against anyone here in one last duel'. That means that I'm not 100% certain
about it. Wipe your face.”

Bellop used his shirt to wipe off the sand on his face and eyes.

“…Does that mean that the opponent you're not certain of winning against
is me, Young Master?”
“Finally, we're on the same page. This isn't a spar, this is a real fight. So it's
time you wipe off that incredulous expression and face me seriously. I could
have killed you countless times while you were on the ground.”

“Young Master.”

“But the only reason I didn't deal the final blow yet is because I'm showing
mercy, for you are incapable of comprehending my intentions. Stand up. I
won't go easy on you again.”

His tone was far too dreary for this to be considered a prank of bad taste.

Jin turned around and began to widen the space between them once again.
Bellop lowered his face and let out a deep sigh, before lifting himself up
and wielding his wooden sword.

The cadets who were spectating so far began to wonder whether Jin was
actually deranged.

No matter how foolish and cowardly Bellop was, the Young Master was
going too far… or so thought some of the observers.

Some even expected Garon to intervene and stop the bloodbath that was
about to begin.

Nevertheless, the instructor only stood on the side, carefully watching the
scene before his eyes.

Seeing his lack of mediation, frustration grew in the cadets' hearts as they
became disheartened. Simultaneously, anger sparked in their eyes. The 7-
star knight—who also happened to be a swordsmanship instructor of the
clan—couldn't stop Jin Runcandel.

So what on earth could the lowly cadets even do on their own? Nothing at

Yet, they couldn't stop anger from forming. Anger and dissatisfaction that
the training class's strongest—Jin Runcandel—could allow himself to bully
the weakest of the class, Bellop.
Where had the dignity and honor of the Runcandels gone?! Was the act of
throwing sand at a cadet far weaker than oneself also part of the
Runcandels' glory?!

All the spectators' faces twisted in fury and despair as they watched the two
extremes face each other.

However, the next moment, all their expressions collapsed into shock and


Bellop's wooden sword was shining with aura. It was pale and dim, but true
aura nonetheless. Even with that little amount of aura, a swordsman's
slashing power would increase exponentially and become fatal.


The weakest of the class, the eternal loser. That boy was suddenly wielding
aura, so the cadets were shocked and confused.

At this rate, one of the two fighters could potentially perish during this duel.

“Instructor! We must stop them! This is a training class, not a battlefield!”

“Instructor Gar…”

“Swordsmanship Instructor, Garon Altemiro!”

Jin turned to Garon and yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Yes, Young Master.”

“You must keep what you see today a secret and take it to your grave. You
cannot inform any other Runcandel of this incident.”

“I understand.”

In the meantime, Bellop put out the aura covering his wooden sword.
However, his face wasn't dyed in fear anymore. He seemed dispirited yet

“Is this what you truly wish to happen, Young Master?”

“So you are able to use aura. In that case, you shouldn't hold back and make
the most of it.”

Jin versus Bellop.

The two of them had a short staredown. The cadets who were complaining
all shut their mouths and watched the inevitable clash as cold sweat ran
down their cheeks.

Bellop was the first to make a move. He instantly zoomed across the field
and appeared before Jin with surprisingly agile movements.


Jin blocked Bellop's heavy wooden blow.

As their swords got tangled, the battle came to a standstill as it became one
of strength. The veins on their arms bulged as their muscles contracted, and
the wooden swords trembled under the equal pushing forces.

“If you wanted to duel me, you've made a grave mistake, Young Master.”


Jin's wooden sword began slipping and cracking as Bellop coated his sword
in aura once again.

“You should've challenged me… before dueling the others!”


Jin's sword broke under the pressure. Immediately, time slowed down for
Bellop and the other cadets during the short instant when Bellop's shining
wooden sword dug into Jin's shoulder.
The wooden sword had completely cut through the shoulder and was about
to reach Jin's heart. As he saw the blade dig deeper and deeper, Jin caught
sight of Bellop's expression twisting into despair.

Despair for having gotten on the wrong side of the youngest Runcandel.

In addition, despair for cutting down Young Master Jin who had taken good
care of him for so long. Bellop's innocent eyes were filled with such
hopeless thoughts.

“As if I'd let you!”


A sudden heavy blow hit the side of Bellop's sword. The Runcandel Hand-
to-Hand Combat Technique, Deflect Strike. It was Jin's strong palm.

As the sword flew away, the recoil shook Bellop's body. Having lost his
balance and footing, Jin swiftly grabbed him from behind and choked him.


The other cadets didn't realize what had happened in that short moment,
omitting a few top-class cadets like Mesa Milkano.

'The fuck?! Are you for real? He's nuts!'

Mesa couldn't believe what she saw. Although her spar with Jin had
astonished her earlier, it couldn't compare to the shock she received from
seeing Jin's current superhuman movements.


Bellop couldn't do anything but struggle for air as he got choked from
behind. As the other cadets stood up to stop him, Jin released his arms on
his own.

As he coughed and gasped for air, Bellop turned around to face Jin with a
displeased look.
“Why did you stop? You said you wouldn't go easy again. Don't stop,
Young Master! You won this fight, have you not?! Are you satisfied now?
Is it fun messing around with others, huh?!”

Bellop's pent-up anger all burst out.

Jin shook his head.

“It's not.”

“If it's not fun, then why…!”

“Having to push you beyond your limits is also unbearable for me.
Unbearable and agonizing.”

“What do you even know about me! Why do you torment me like so?”

“I don't know much about you. But there's one thing I know. Being
considerate… is something you can only afford once you've become an
extremely powerful figure.”

Bellop froze. He then recalled the words Jin had told him before the start of
the fight.

You cannot survive within this clan if you continue acting like that.

“You've probably realized just now, but you're weaker than me. You're also
kinder than me. I like that aspect of you. But you cannot survive in this
hellhole by being a bootlicker.”

As Jin spoke, the other cadets couldn't even utter a sound.

In consequence, Bellop's weeping and tearful sobs echoed around.

“Bellop. Bellop Schmitz. Look at me. Lift your head and look into my

He raised his head and their eyes met.

“I truly wish from the bottom of my heart that…”

Jin paused and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

“You gain enough power and strength to protect that good-natured and kind
heart of yours, along with the others here. Lastly, I'm sorry.”

Bellop nodded at his words. Actually, it looked more like he was shaking
his head. No, nevermind. It was a mix of both movements.

Thus, Jin couldn't figure out whether it was an affirmation or a denial. The
boy with tears running down his face walked towards the other cadets.

Suddenly, the servants carrying large pots of crude dishes appeared at the
training ground.

“Eh…? The atmosphere seems a bit… Should we come back later,

Instructor Garon? Young Master Jin?”

As the servants hesitated on what to do, Bellop spoke up.

“Please go get your serving on your own today, Young Master.”

Jin chuckled awkwardly.

“Alright. In fact, I'll bring your portion too today.”

As lunchtime came to an end, Garon quietly approached Jin before the

afternoon training session began.

“So, you've awakened Bellop Schmitz. The boy has outstanding talents, but
his heart and mind were a bit weak, so I wasn't sure what to do… I am
grateful to you, Young Master. It must've been a great stimulus for him.”


“Don't run your mouth thoughtlessly. Awakened him? His heart and mind?
No matter what my intentions were, it must've been a traumatic experience
for Bellop.”

“Your actions and behaviour today were befitting of a Runcandel. Please do

not worry too much about that. He is but a guardian cadet. He is not worthy
of your pity, his soon-to-be master.”

Jin stared at Garon, before letting out a small sneer.

“Swordsmanship Instructor of the Guardian Cadets, Garon Altemiro. The

only field you are allowed to judge and evaluate me in is swordsmanship.
Do not overstep your boundaries and keep those impertinent opinions to

Garon felt his stomach drop as Jin stated his point.

'The Black King Mercenaries I met before once described him as a young
overlord… and sure enough, he's one terrifying predator.'

Garon smirked and immediately lowered his head.

“My sincere apologies, Young Master. As you have ordered, I shall take
today's events to the grave.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 22

The unique Genesis Knight in the world, Cyron Runcandel.

After he welcomed his youngest son at the Garden of Swords four years
ago, he immediately left for the Black Sea again. The question the boy had
asked before was still weighing on his mind.

Is God Solderet stronger than father?

'I can be stronger than a god.'

The monsters at the Black Sea didn't attack Cyron. They didn't even
approach the center of the Black Sea where Cyron was currently sitting. It
was their method of conserving the natural ecosystem.

To eat and be eaten.

Cyron quite liked the simplicity of this system, which was why he came to
the Black Sea so often.

A few days ago, a knight came looking for him at the Black Sea. The knight
in question had fought and killed countless monsters and bathed in their
blood in order to see Cyron.

“This is Khan, Patriarch.”

Cyron didn't turn around to face him and simply opened his eyes. He was
sitting cross-legged, but his body was levitating above the ground by a hand
“Speak freely, Khan.”

Khan approached him while wiping off the blood on his armor.

He then gave his report with a stiff face, and Cyron waited for Khan to
finish speaking with a composed look.

However, halfway through the report, the corners of Cyron's lips rose to
form a grin.

“…That is all.”

The floating body slowly began its descent onto the ground.

“So, that's what… the youngest did?”

“Indeed, Patriarch.”

The content of Khan's report was the details of the uproar at the beginner
training class caused by Jin's recent actions.

Although Garon had said that he wouldn't disclose the details of the
incident to other Runcandels, he couldn't keep it a secret from the
Runcandel patriarch. Therefore, he informed Khan—Cyron's right-hand
man—about the incident.

He didn't tell other individuals, however. Garon wasn't afraid of the current
Jin, but he did fear the future Jin.


Cyron suddenly threw his head back and laughed out loud.

“So those are the principles the youngest believes in. He'll use
overwhelming force to dominate others, while also embracing and caring
for the weaker humans at times.”

Khan didn't answer and simply lowered his head.


A wide grin formed on Cyron's face. In recent years, he was laughing so

much, far more than he had ever laughed after reaching the demigod realm.

“Then we'll need to check whether those principles of his hold any value or

“Yes, Patriarch.”

“Return and tell this to Garon. Before he moves up to the intermediate

training class, have the youngest do a…”

In consequence, Khan had to spend another several days getting out of the
Black Sea and fighting monsters in order to relay the command to Garon.

January 1795.

Jin—now 15 years old—was acknowledged as a 3-star knight and was

enjoying the final break of the beginner training class.

Every year, cadets receive a two-week vacation during the first month. It
was their one and only break, as the cadets trained every single day the rest
of the year.

It was more or less a vacation.

Most cadets return to their hometowns during this period. Competent cadets
train on their own and inspect their equipment, whereas outstanding cadets
roam around the Huphester Alliance's smithies and order custom-made

Why do they order swords, you ask?

The reason is that they're aware of how they're the most likely candidates to
advance to the next class. The results and nominees are announced only
after the end of the two-week break, but most of the time, it's quite easy to
predict who will advance to the intermediate class.
Starting from the intermediate training class, the cadets no longer use
wooden swords. They will have to use personal swords tailor-made for

The excelling cadets of the beginner class—such as Mesa Milkano—all

temporarily left the Garden of Swords in order to acquire their weapons.
Even though the results weren't revealed yet, these cadets all knew they
would definitely be chosen.

“Jin, my brother.”

“Yes, Eldest Sister.”

Needless to say, the top ranker of the beginner class this year was Jin.

If Jin were a cadet like Mesa and the others, he would've been roaming
around the smithies and forges in Huphester.

However, he was a Runcandel.

He was the youngest son of the distinguished clan of swordmasters, which

had far too many invaluable and top-notch swords. Therefore, he only had
to grab a random sword in the clan's armory.

He didn't need a tailor-made weapon. Amongst the thousands of swords

sitting in the armory, a couple of them should fit in his hands perfectly at
the very least.

“It was quite troublesome finding a sword that suited you, you know?”

However, Jin couldn't choose his sword himself. Luna said that she wanted
to gift him his sword and spent an entire month going through the armory.

In any case, Luna was far better at spotting good swords compared to the
current Jin, so he had nothing to lose by accepting her suggestion.

“I look forward to it, Eldest Sister.”

Luna removed the enormous axe-sword on her back and laid it on the floor.
It was a different sword compared to her beloved 'Crantel'.

Jin couldn't help but make a confused face. The axe-sword Luna had laid
seemed even bigger than himself.

On the other hand, Luna's eyes were glittering with impatience.

“This sword was once called the 'Bayles Slaughterer'. It's the weapon I
enjoyed using back in my teens.”

What is an axe-sword, you ask?

Just as its name implies, it's a sword with an axe blade attached to the tip.
It's massive, heavy and bulky. The history of axe-swords is… not very long.

It's a weapon that Luna Runcandel personally invented at the age of fifteen.
Until then, no one had used a weapon like this.

In other words, the name 'Bayles Slaughterer' originated from Luna's own…
chaotic, wild, and unstable period of adolescence.

“So? Do you like it?”

Luna spoke with innocent eyes full of hopes and expectations. Chills ran up
Jin's spine as he coughed awkwardly.

“I… don't quite think this one is… suitable.”

Luna's joyful and hopeful mood immediately crashed down on her. She
wore a sullen smile as a glum atmosphere formed around her.

“Haha, I was just joking. Just joking…”

'It didn't seem like a joke, though…'

Jin barely stopped himself from saying that out loud, and just chuckled
For a few more seconds, Luna held onto the pipe dream that Jin would take
the axe-sword. However she soon gave up and sighed deeply before taking
out another sword.

“It can't be helped… What about this one, then…?”

The sword Luna showed next was inside a neat, black scabbard without a
single ornament or decoration.

It appeared ordinary, but when Jin received the sword from Luna, his eyes
began to tremble.

“…Since you chose Barisada during the Selection Ritual, it's only fitting
that you get this blade. It also suits your swordsmanship style.”


As he grabbed the handle and pulled, a snow-white blade entered his sight.


Jin admired the pure, undyed sword as he shouted the weapon's name in his
mind. He gazed at the multicoloured reflection that shone like a stellar
diamond, as if he had fallen head over heels for it.


It is the brother of Barisada, the blade once used by the First Patriarch
Temar Runcandel. Excluding Barisada, there were very few swords that
outperformed Bradamante in the Runcandel armory.

Before forging Barisada, the legendary blacksmith 'Picon Minche' created

Bradamante as a prototype, which is now known as one of the finest swords
around the world.

“You seem to like it.”

“Of course, Eldest Sister. It's one of the greatest weapons even amongst the
swords we have in the clan. Thank you very much.”
Jin's tone was composed, but he was so happy he wanted to jump around in
joy right now.

'If it weren't for Luna, it would've been practically impossible for me to take
Bradamante from the armory. The clan wouldn't have allowed it. Still, to
think she'd give me Bradamante… It's the sword Murakan told me to obtain
in the future!'

Since Bradamante was an excellent sword, many of Jin's siblings were

aiming for it.

But there was a reason why this sword was special to Jin.

Spiritual energy.

When Barisada and Bradamante absorb spiritual energy, they reveal their
true worth.

But this was a feature only accessible by those who control shadows.

“Even though many of our siblings yearn for Bradamante… How can I ever
repay you for this, Eldest Sister?”

“Repay… It seems you're still uncomfortable when around me. How


“That's not what I meant, Sister.”

“In order to soothe my sorrow, I'll have to bully you. Close your eyes right
now, Brother. Let's begin our lesson.”


Luna grinned mischievously as she rubbed Jin's head and messed up his

“Today again, I will be telling you to observe using the eye of the mind.”

“I am aware.”
“But unlike before, I will tell you something else you need to know about
the eye of the mind.”

“What is it, Sister?”

Luna crouched down and held Jin's hands.

“Know that within our family, where siblings are busy trampling over each
other, there is at least one person who loves you unconditionally without
expecting something in return. So don't sadden your sister any more than

“I'm sorry, Sister.”

“Before you were born, I was spending my days in loneliness inside this
family. But one victim is more than enough. There is no need for you to go
through that too.”

Jin decided not to question Luna's goodwill and love from here on out.

It was true that this kind-hearted sister had turned a blind eye to Jin and his
misery in his first life. But Jin was willing to turn the page and forget her
past disregard towards him.

'I don't even know everything about her from that life. Maybe she was
going through difficult times. I shouldn't judge with incomplete

“It's too soon.”


“Your control over spiritual energy is still imperfect in order to awaken

Bradamante. You need to reach at least 3-star spiritual release in order to
attempt awakening the sword.”

“3-star? I think I'll reach that soon enough. I should be able to use the sword

Murakan closed the erotic magazine in his hands with force and stared at

“Listen carefully, kid. Barisada and Bradamante. Those two spirit swords
are dangerous weapons that mustn't be awakened carelessly. 3-star is the
bare minimum requirement. But use Bradamante as an ordinary sword until
you reach 5-star, understood?”

“But I don't have a lot of patience… I guess I'll have to reach 5-star within
the next year.”

“Yeah right. Even if you're the best spirit controller in his teens and you eat
spiritual energy every meal instead of real food, that's still impossible.
Enough with the nonsense. Even a street dog would stop on its path to laugh
at you right now.”

How immature. Jin couldn't believe the individual in front of him was really
a dragon who has existed for over 3,000 years.

Jin frowned visibly and snatched away the magazine in Murakan's hands.

“What was that? Huh? Something about a street dog? Say that again, I
didn't hear you.”

“Give my magazine back. Give it back, you brat. Do you know how hard it
was to…”

“Young Master!”

The bickering duo paused and turned to Gilly, who was running towards
them. She seemed to be in a hurry.

“What's the matter, Gilly?”

“Instructor Garon is asking for you, Young Master.”

“Why would Garon want to see me during the break? If he has something to
say, tell him to come find me personally.”


As her eyes shook in worry, Gilly approached Jin and spoke quietly.

“He says he needs to give a rundown of the operation to you using the map,
Young Master.”


“Yes, Instructor Garon has assigned you your first 'mission'. And
apparently, you'll need to depart as soon as the break ends.”

Jin put down the magazine in his hand.

'A mission… True, now that I'm a 3-star knight, it's about time I was given
my first assignment. But leaving as soon as the break ends?'

Something was fishy.

'Missions' were given starting from the intermediate training class. As

missions usually concerned assassination, combat, monster subjugation,
etc., the beginner class wasn't involved with them.

Moreover, the advancement to the intermediate class happened one month

after the break for Runcandel cadets, so it was odd to be assigned a mission
right after the break.

'Well, I guess I could technically be considered a member of the

intermediate class since my advancement was confirmed a few months ago.
Maybe they judged that it wouldn't matter to give me an assignment.'

Once Jin sorted out his thoughts and nodded, Gilly gave him additional

“And the participants of this mission are… ten members of the beginner
training class including you, Young Master. Something is amiss. You should
quickly go talk to Instructor Garon.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 23

There were already three cadets inside Garon's office. They were standing
stiffly and nervously from the sudden summons. Garon was explaining the
mission while looking at the map on the wall.

“Due to the excellent results of this year's beginner class, this mission was
specially assigned to… Ah, you've arrived, Young Master.”

With Jin's arrival, Garon wore a faint smile and bowed.

While the beginner class normally doesn't receive missions, this case wasn't
the first time it had happened. If the beginner class's cadets showed
outstanding performance and results, they were issued missions on rare

The current batch of beginner class cadets could only show so much growth
worthy of being sent on a mission due to Jin's influence.

During Jin and Bellop's duel last year, the latter wasn't the only individual
to be awakened. While it wasn't Jin's intention or plan, the battle from that
fateful day had greatly impacted the other spectating cadets.

“We were given a mission, Garon?”

“Yes, Young Master. This mission involves ten beginner class cadets
including you.”

Jin turned his attention to the world map behind Garon.

'The red symbol must be the mission's destination. That location is…
someplace near the Zhan Kingdom.'

The Zhan Kingdom was in proximity to the 'Land of the Beastmen'. In fact,
it was adjacent to the headquarters of the most dangerous race—the White
Wolf Tribe. Travelers avoid that area, adventurers flock to it, and
mercenaries detest it.

“I've also contacted the cadets who have temporarily left the Garden of
Swords. There are ten participants including you, Young Master. You will
have to carry out the mission in two different groups.”

“You'll divide the ten participants of the beginner class into two groups?”

“Indeed. You will be the leader of Group 1, Young Master. Group 2 will be
led by Scott Limon.”

Scott Limon. While the results hadn't been announced yet, everyone
predicted that Mesa or Scott would be the runner-up cadet of the beginner
class, behind Jin.

'Even so, Scott is only at the level of a 2-star knight. If it's a mission near
the Zhan Kingdom, it's highly probable that it'll involve beastmen…'

Something was off.

Even if they were Runcandel cadets, they were merely rookies between the
age of 14 to 16. They weren't the appropriate participants to carry out a
mission dealing with beastmen.

'Did one of my siblings bribe Garon to assign us on a difficult mission?

No… Seeing Garon's confident face, I'm pretty sure Father personally
instructed him to do so.'

But why would Cyron do that? Jin calmly thought to himself.

'I highly doubt it's simply because I'm connected to Solderet or because of
my high scores. In that case… the incident with Bellop was probably
relayed to Father. I see. I'm starting to see the full picture now.'
Jin calmly nodded.

“Then one group must be composed of five members. Who will I be

working with?”

“Yes. Group 1 is composed of Bellop, Phils, Edington, Sierra and you,

Young Master. Scott's group is composed of Mesa, Kiko, Taimont and

Having heard the formation of the groups, Jin immediately saw through
Cyron's intentions.

The four cadets of his group were all middle- to low-ranked within the
beginner class, with the exception of Bellop. Having 'awakened' with the
duel against Jin, Bellop was now part of the mid-upper ranks.

On the other hand, Scott's team was composed of top-rank cadets. There
was only one explanation behind this uneven formation of groups.

'Father wants to test me. He wants to check if my principles of leading those

weaker than me won't change during this mission.'

In that case, this mission was certain to be troublesome.

As Jin's intuition told him so, he spoke up again.

“Give me a rundown of the mission and operation.”

“The mission is to scout the vicinity of the Zhan Kingdom's southern

border. It seems a certain tycoon's son went missing in that area. The groups
will be in charge of separate areas, and as soon as you find the missing
person or clues, you must report back to me.”

The cadets in the office all calmed down when they learned that the mission
was simply a search-and-report task.

“And after having reported?”

“If the victim's survival is confirmed, we will dispatch guardian knights in
order to perform a rescue operation. In the meantime, Groups 1 and 2 will
return to base. But if the victim is reported dead, the mission will come to
an end as long as there aren't additional requests from the client.”

“Sounds simple enough.”

“Yes. However, you must move with prudence as the chances of

encountering beastmen are high.”

“I assume so. And since the Zhan Kingdom's southern border is where the
White Wolf Tribe is most active, we'll have to be extra careful.”

The White Wolf Tribe. Just as their name implies, they are a race of
beastmen who look like wolves with white fur. They're famous for being the
most talented and skilled amongst beastmen in combat.

“Young Master, if you encounter White Wolf beastmen during the mission,
you are to abandon the mission and retreat immediately. That goes for
everyone else too.”

“I also know that. No matter how outstanding this year's batch of cadets are,
we're no match to the White Wolf warriors. No need to worry.”

Garon smiled at his words.

“I am not concerned. I've personally witnessed how much this year's cadets
have grown—including you, Young Master. However, one never knows
what kinds of unpredictable dangers are lurking around oneself.”

Jin stared straight back at Garon and also smirked.

“You talk as if a dangerous incident will definitely occur during the

mission, Garon.”

“You've caught me. Personally, I can't wait to witness your marvelous

figure as you overcome the situation, Young Master.”
“You're a good teacher. Inform me when the cadets who aren't at the Garden
have all returned.”


Three days later, the cadets' break ended. Without further ado, the beginner
class's mission began.

Jin and nine other cadets went to the transfer gate in order to depart to the
Zhan Kingdom.

“It's an honor to be able to carry out our very first mission with you, Young
Master. Group 2 will do our best not to inconvenience you.”

Scott approached Jin and spoke as they waited for the transfer gate to open.

“Haha, are you putting pressure on me, Scott Limon?”

“That's absolutely not the case! I am simply showing my gratitude towards

the Young Master for giving us the opportunity to carry out our first mission
while still in the beginner class.”

“I'm just kidding.”

Scott was extremely loyal towards the Runcandels, and his admiration and
respect towards Jin were immense as well.

However, Scott wasn't the only one to hold Jin in high esteem.

“Hey, Group 1. Make sure you don't get in Young Master Jin's way, and
assist him to the best of your abilities.”

As Mesa sharply declared, the cadets of Group 1 all nodded in sync.

“Moreover, if we successfully carry out this mission, you may be given a

chance to advance to the intermediate class despite your low scores. Do you

“We understand, Mesa. We'll do our best.”

Jin smiled to himself as he watched their interactions.

It may seem like Mesa was being rude to them, but she truly hoped from the
bottom of her heart that all the members of Group 1 would advance to the
next class with her.

She behaved like the disciplinarian of the class (it seems she has an aptitude
for it), but in truth, she was a big-hearted cadet—one who cared most about
her comrades.

There certainly was something special about this year's batch of beginner
class cadets. They all had developed strong bonds centered around Jin.

This was a rare case within the competitive system of the Runcandel Clan.
Moreover, in most cases where strong bonds formed between cadets, they
excluded the 'Young Masters' and 'Ladies' from the group.

However, during the past few years, Jin had completely made these cadets
his subjects.

“Quiet, everyone. As the transfer gate will soon open, I shall issue a


The cadets gathered around Jin in a circle.

“As soon as we arrive at the southern border, we will set camp at the center
of the area. Once everyone's done preparing the campsite, Groups 1 and 2
will go their separate ways and begin surveying the area in earnest.”

Jin pointed at the map before continuing his speech.

“The camp's use is for sharing information between us and reporting

casualties. Each group will send a member to the campsite in order to share
information once a day at a prearranged time.”

“Understood, Young Master.”

“You shall refer to me as Captain and not Young Master during the mission.
And members other than casualties are not to rest at the campsite. However,
each group may take breaks at their own discretion. Any questions?”

“None, Captain!”

“That is all. Let us hope that our target is alive and well.”

A few moments later, the transfer gate activated and everyone's bodies were
surrounded by glowing mana.

Once the teleportation was completed, the cadets and Jin found themselves
at the transfer gate in the central-southern region of the Zhan Kingdom.

Normally speaking, they would've had to go through all the administrative

procedures after arriving, but as soon as the employees saw the robes the
cadets were wearing, they skipped all the procedures. The robes had the
Runcandel's 'Black Sword' emblem on it.

Three days have passed since they arrived in the southern region of the
Zhan Kingdom.

The cadets had constructed the campsite and were surveying the area, but to
no avail.

The Zhan Kingdom's southern region was a land composed of grassy plains
and forests. They were thoroughly searching through the open, grassy
fields, but finding traces of a single missing human wasn't a simple task.

“It seems we'll have to focus our search inside the forest. There isn't a
single clue in the grasslands.”

“Captain, Edington says he saw Watertail beastmen earlier.”

“Watertail beastmen? If they're here, it's unlikely we'll encounter White

Wolf beastmen.”

Watertail Tribe beastmen are a docile and gentle tribe that catch fish in
rivers or seas using their harpoon-shaped tails.
They aren't found in areas where White Wolf beastmen or Red Tiger
beastmen reside. Watertail beastmen always avoid predators when building
their villages.

“The one who'll return to camp and meet Group 2 today is Bellop, right?”

“That is correct.”

“Bellop, depart for the campsite two hours earlier than usual today. You'll
be slowed down by the sleet. And once you're done exchanging info, go to
Area 13 instead of here. We'll be surveying that zone.”

“Understood, Captain.”

Groups 1 and 2 were meeting up at 9 PM every evening at the camp in

order to exchange information.

Once Bellop left the group, the other members also began moving towards
Area 13. 'Area 13' was a woodland that hadn't been surveyed yet.

'Something's off. Even though Father personally gave us this mission,

nothing has happened so far. Was I mistaken thinking that he was trying to
test me?'

No incidents happened at Area 13 either, and they couldn't find any clues
about the missing person.

The only special incident that occurred was that they were gifted roasted
fish from the Watertail Tribe village they found by coincidence.

“Missing human? We, not know. Watertail Tribe, nice. You all, miserable
look. Fish, take. Gift.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Thanks. They're well-cooked. We'll repay you next
time we come over.”

Having searched the area well past midnight, the members of Group 1 were
now waiting for Bellop to return in the rain as they wiped their wet swords.
As the sleet continued, they found it meaningless to continue the search in
the darkness in this weather.

'Since we didn't find anything even after surveying Area 13, we'll have to
approach the beastmen's territory in order to continue the mission…'

However, surveying the beastmen's territory wasn't a mission a beginner

class cadet could do.

'There's no need to do such an unreasonable thing just to obtain good

results. It's foolish to go so far. We should spend the remaining three days
checking the surveyed areas again, before ending the mission.'

Bellop finally returned from the camp as the watches neared 2 AM.

“Young Master! Young Master Jin!”

He was in such a hurry that he had completely forgotten about calling him
Captain. The cadets on standby stood up and rushed to Bellop as well.

“What's the matter, Bellop?”

“Group 2 was attacked! Even Kiko—who was sent to the camp by them—
had minor injuries.”

“Everyone, prepare to move. Was it beastmen?”

The cadets immediately stood in line, ready to start running at any moment.

“No, they say it was humans. Group 2 cannot use their flares as they have
gone into hiding, so we must hurry to them!”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 24

“Their numbers?”

“They've confirmed three individuals.”

“There's no way a mere three idiots would attack Runcandel cadets. There
are definitely more of them somewhere. Edington, David! Once we get near
the campsite, search for the assailants.”


“If you find them, do not engage. Report back to me as fast as possible.”

Jin hadn't expected the cadets to be attacked by humans instead of


'If they still attacked us despite our Runcandel robes… Are they radical
Zipfel followers?'

As they urgently ran, Jin continued to listen to Bellop's report.

“The assailants were all wearing masks, so Group 2 couldn't identify them.
But they did mention that the attackers were using the most widespread and
common long swords in the Zhan Kingdom.”

In that case, it was likely this was the work of insiders from the Zhan

But he still couldn't put aside the possibility that Zipfel followers were
behind this attack. It was possible that they had purposefully used weapons
manufactured in Zhan in order to confuse us.

'If Group 2 managed to escape after the battle, the enemies mustn't be 5-star
knights or higher. The problem is that we don't know who they are…'

Why had they attacked Group 2?

If they were indeed radical Zipfel followers, and if they had come here after
hearing that 'Runcandel cadets were carrying out a mission in this area',
then they would've targeted Group 1 first, as Jin was part of it.

After running non-stop for three hours, the campsite was finally in sight.
They would've arrived faster if they had travelled through the grasslands
instead of the woodlands, but they couldn't afford to get discovered by the

Edington and David separated from the group in order to search for the
attackers. The only ones remaining near the camp were Jin, Bellop and

5 AM.

If they headed towards Group 2's hiding place now, dawn would arrive.
Since they still didn't know the number of enemies and their forces, the
cadets and Jin would be at a disadvantage if light returned.

'I hope Group 2 hid themselves properly. They're all skilled kids, so I
shouldn't have to worry too much…'

The remaining three members of Group 1 began to move again. They

planned on joining Group 2 at their hideout and waiting for Edington and
David to return with details on the assailants.

Jin and the others swiftly arrived at the hideout, but Group 2 was no longer
there. All that was left was a letter at the entrance to the cave and puddles of
blood on the ground.

“Y-Young Master. This…”

“Looks like they got found already.”

Jin clenched and ground his teeth at this sight.

'These motherfu… I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and I will
kill you all.'

Jin hadn't felt anger in a long time. Even during his sudden death in his first
life, he felt more despair than rage. And after his regression, he was busy
making the most of his new life every day and had no time to think about
his emotions.

But this time, his head heated up with rage in an instant.

The bloodstains around the cave all came from children in their teens.
Moreover, those children were his subordinates who were following him.

Jin closed his eyes and composed himself before acting rashly. He had to
keep a cool head in order to find the enemies and avenge the cadets.

“Calm down, Bellop. The blood hasn't fully dried yet. It hasn't been long
since they were found.”

Jin spoke to Bellop—who was gasping heavily. There was so much blood
that he thought Group 2 had all been killed.

“There's a lot of blood, but no pieces of flesh or bones. And there aren't any
traces of bodies falling onto the grass. Group 2 managed to escape during
the battle. There are many footprints here. But looking at the sizes, it seems
there were only a couple of enemies who were searching this area when
they were discovered.”

Sierra calmly nodded to Jin's observations. She was already tracing down
Group 2's movements by examining the footprints and bloodstains.

“They seem to have gone west, Young Master. And there's a piece of
bandage here.”

Jin quickly joined Sierra's side and observed the strip of bandage. It was
most definitely manufactured in Huphester.

“There was one attacker. He must've wounded Group 2 before escaping

first. Group 2 seems to have stayed here for a moment in order to tend to
their wounds but had to escape as they predicted the attackers would

Looking west, Jin would see a long path of grass being stepped on. Since
there were no traces of horse hoof prints and only human footprints along
with bloodstains, there was no reason for Jin to hesitate.

“Sierra, hide in this area and wait for Edington and David to return. Then
come rejoin us. We'll go after them, Bellop.”

They were puffing and blowing as they ran at full speed. As none of them
had slept a wink and spent the entire night running and searching, their
stamina was nearing its limits.

Bellop was exhausted just from keeping up with Jin, but the latter wasn't
too worried right now. As long as there were five or less 4-star warriors to
face, Jin could easily deal with them all.

In fact, the one thing that concerned him was how he'd use mana and
spiritual power without the cadets noticing, but he didn't drown himself in
those worries.

He cared more about saving the cadets than keeping his secret hidden.

'Metallic sounds! The cadets are fighting people!'

Jin and Bellop's rushed pursuit was fruitful. After around 30 minutes of
chase, they could hear noises in the distance. Bellop also noticed the
sounds. They both stopped on their tracks to find the source.

Jin stopped his breath and scanned his surroundings, checking if any
enemies had followed them as well.

'We will move undercover from now on, Bellop.'

'But Group 2 is fighting the enemies right now, Young Master.'

'We're in a forest right now. Instead of announcing our arrival to everyone,

it's better to sneak behind the attackers and strike them in surprise. If there
aren't many enemies, we can end this within a few seconds.'

As the two covertly travelled between the trees and approached the source
of the noises, they could finally check on the cadets of Group 2.

They were in the middle of combat in the center of the forest. None of them
had received fatal wounds such as amputations, but everyone had minor
injuries such as small cuts around their bodies.

'Scott, Kiko, Zhushen… Where's Mesa?'

He could only see three cadets.

(T/N & PR/N: #JusticeForTaimont!)

The masked enemies numbered two. Seeing their movements, Jin came to
the conclusion that they were indeed 4-star warriors.

'We'll strike them from behind simultaneously at my signal. I'll take the left,
you take the right… Wait, no. Do you have a dagger with you?'

Bellop took out a dagger stored in his chest strap.

'Close your eyes.'

Why was Jin telling him to close his eyes in a situation like this?

Bellop wasn't the type of person to ask himself such questions. If the Young
Master ordered him to close his eyes, he would close his eyes. Once Bellop
did so, Jin covered the dagger in spiritual energy.

Spiritual power could enhance the cutting and destructive power of a

weapon like aura.
However, it had one more effect. When a weapon is covered in spiritual
energy, the object's existence and presence thins out. Therefore, it could
greatly increase the chances of success of a surprise attack, especially if one
accurately threw the dagger without making a sound.

'Listen carefully, Bellop. As soon as I'm done talking, wait for two more
seconds and go attack the enemy on the left.'


As soon as he finished whispering, Jin threw the darkened dagger. The

blade cut the wind as it zoomed across the forest, and lodged itself in the
back of the rightmost enemy's head.


The attacker that was swinging his sword around immediately stopped
moving. But before his ally on the left could even turn his head to check on
him, Bellop ran up to him from behind and swung his sword down the
surviving enemy's back.

The assailant quickly noticed the attack and turned around to parry Bellop's
sword, but had his Achilles tendon cut by Jin's follow-up surprise attack.


Thud! Thump!

Jin didn't reap the attacker's life immediately, and striked the back of his
head and his temple with the pommel of his sword. And as the enemy fell to
the ground half-unconscious, Jin pressed his knee onto his nape and
completely suppressed him.

“Young Master!”

The Group 2 cadets ran up to Jin. Their faces were painted with relief and
hope for their survival, but was soon followed by the despair of having
ruined the young master's very first mission.
“Is everyone alright? Do you know who sent this bastard?”

Jin slammed his fist down on the attacker's calf as he kept groaning and
wheezing. He also put more strength in his knee to dunk the assailant's head
in the mud.

“We're okay. But Mesa was… captured by them.”

“We have failed you, Young Master.”


Jin exhaled deeply and grabbed the surviving assailant by the hair and
removed his mask. It was the face of a 30-something-year-old man he had
never seen before.

“The ones who've failed are him and his boss. You guys take care of your
injuries for now. Scott seems to have been wounded the most.”

“S-Spare me…”

“You want me to spare you?”

Jin couldn't help but let out a sarcastic chuckle at the assailant's words.

'Doesn't seem to be a Zipfel follower since he cares for his life.'

'Spare me' aren't the first words a bold and reckless person would say after
daring to attack Runcandel cadets.

“You should've said that before attacking my subordinates. You have two
choices right now. Either you tell us your affiliation and why you attacked
us along with where your headquarters are, and we'll kill you—and only

Smack, smack.

Jin spoke as he slapped the assailant's cheeks from side to side.

“Or you keep your mouth shut, and the Runcandel Clan will kill anyone and
everyone related to you in the most painful manner that exists. Choose

The attacker's eyes trembled as he listened to Jin's cold voice.

“You don't have a lot of time to think. Make a choice already.”

“Will… Will you really kill… only me if I talk? I know that… the revenge
of the Runcandels… is never this merciful…”

“That's usually the case. But I am someone who keeps my promises. My

name is Jin Runcandel. If you talk, your family and friends won't be put in
harm's way. I put my honor and the clan's honor on the line.”

The attacker turned his gaze to observe the cadets. They simply stood
quietly and nodded.

“I will talk.”

“A wise choice.”

“I am from a revolutionary group called 'Kinzelo'.”


As soon as he heard the name, Jin remembered an incident which created an

uproar and shook the Zhan Kingdom in his first life. It was the large-scale
terror attack committed by the self-proclaimed 'revolutionary group'

Kinzelo was different compared to the radical followers of the Zipfel Clan.

The Zipfel followers only targeted the Runcandels when performing terror
attacks, but Kinzelo's area of activity was all around the world. They were
crazy lunatics who believed that their king had to become the king of the
world in order for their 'revolution' to be complete.
'Kinzelo had ties with the beastmen and caused so much chaos. They
became famous for assassinating the King of Zhan and massacring so many

However, Jin didn't know what happened to Kinzelo afterwards. He only

knew that they were still active and thriving around the time he died.

“A revolutionary group… I see now. You planned on attacking Runcandel

cadets, causing disorder in the Zhan Kingdom, right?”

“I'm only a low-ranked member, so I don't know that much. I also don't
know the location of our headquarters, but the branch I was part of is
located at the entrance of the beastmen's territory. There are around 20
members in that branch.”

“I see. I'll ask one last question. Why did you capture Mesa?”

The attacker shook his head and sighed.

“For propaganda. Apparently, the superiors ordered us to capture the female

cadets alive if possible in order to use them for propaganda and publicity
for the revolution…”

“What a foul story.”


Jin pulled Bradamante out of its scabbard, and the attacker closed his eyes.


“With this, I have kept my promise.”

A head fell to the ground, and Jin swung his sword one last time to remove
the blood on his blade.

'The situation is dire. We don't have time to ask for reinforcements from the
clan. I'll have to go on my own.'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 25

Jin couldn't have predicted that they were dealing with the terrorist group
from his past life—a group he had only heard about from rumors.
Moreover, they weren't satisfied with just attacking the Runcandel cadets.
They also planned on kidnapping the girls.

“How long has it been since Mesa was captured?”

“It hasn't been an hour yet.”

“Then they must still be on their way to the beastmen's territory's entrance.”

Jin approached the dead body with the dagger in the head and pulled it out.
He then received two more daggers from the cadets and stored them in his
boots and inside his robe.

“We will also prepare to pursue them, Young Master.”

“No, I'll go rescue Mesa on my own. You stay here and finish treating your
wounds. Once you're done, reunite with Group 1 and request for assistance
from the clan.”


The cadets all showed surprised expressions.

“The attackers we faced were all about 4-star warriors. How could we send
you alone when there are twenty of them?!”

“You mustn't, Young Master. Please take us with you.”

“Rescuing Mesa is important, but your safety is our utmost priority, Young
Master. In fact, it's far too dangerous for you to pursue them. Let's return
and ask for reinforcements from the clan together…”

The cadets all raised their voices in disapproval.

According to the now-dead assailant, there were a total of twenty members

in their branch.

The cadets were right. Chasing them to rescue Mesa was foolhardy.
Especially if he were to go alone.

“And he might've been lying when he said there were twenty of them. If we
all die—including you, Young Master—the promise you made with him
would be voided. Please make a careful judgement.”

“Mesa is a comrade we all care about, but deaths happen regularly on

missions. And if we immediately ask for reinforcements from the clan, she
could be safely rescued…”


“Yes, Young Master.”

“As you say, deaths happen regularly on missions. But how can a legitimate
Runcandel child sit by and not do anything when a cadet was captured?”

Jin calmly looked around, making eye contact with each cadet.

“I am stronger than you all think I am. So stand up straight and follow my
orders. Any other objections will be considered insubordination.”

The cadets all erased their distressed expressions. They couldn't say
anything else due to Jin's powerful tone and gaze.

“I await with impatience for all of you to grow stronger so that we can fight
side by side in the future. I will get going now. Oh, and Bellop.”

“Since everyone from Group 2 has been wounded, you are the strongest
person after me now. Do you understand? You mustn't hesitate anymore.”

“I shall bear that in mind.”

Now that all was said, Jin sprinted away as time was of the utmost

All the cadets bowed in his direction until he was out of view.

Currently, Jin has reached 3-star spiritual release, 3-star swordsmanship and
4-star mana.

Nobody would believe it if someone said these were the abilities and
strengths of a 15-year-old boy. However, it was still reckless to face twenty
4-star warriors simultaneously with these abilities.

Furthermore, if the low-ranked lackeys were 4-star warriors, it was likely

that the superiors were 5-star or stronger.

However, Jin was confident enough to go face them all alone, as the
enemies weren't aware of his 'spiritual power' and 'magic'.

Moreover, although his swordsmanship was 3-star only, he had gained the
knowledge of the secret tomes of countless martial clans. His chances of
winning were not that low.

'I won't have to fight against twenty opponents at the same time. They've all
scattered around, looking for the cadets, so I just need to deal with one
small group at a time while searching for Mesa.'

Jin judged that there was enough distance between him and the cadets as he
came to a halt.

As he calmed his breath, Jin created a ball of mana on his right palm. He
planned on using mana to search for the enemies.

'Seismic Sense.'
Seismic Sense was a 3-star earth magic spell. As its name implies, it is a
spell that senses the state of the ground, and is often used to detect
earthquakes or other natural disasters.

In other words, it wasn't the appropriate spell to use to track down enemies.

However, depending on its application and links, magic has an infinite

amount of possibilities and usages. Be that as it may, ordinary magicians
require cooperation with another when trying to make use of the application
and link tricks.


As the ball of mana on Jin's right hand gradually permeated the ground, Jin
created a second ball of mana on his left hand. This one was partially
transparent as it was of the wind attribute.


This was a skill that most magicians around the world could only dream of
mastering. Without an aptitude for it, even 7-star magicians are unable to
use this crucial skill.

Jin could use multicasting since his past life, as soon as he became his
magic teacher's pupil.

'Wind Pursuit.'

As he finished casting the second spell, wind began to gather around the
transparent mana. After the wind blew around Jin for a few seconds, it
detected the slight reaction from Seismic Sense and began flowing in that

The wind was following the information given to it by Seismic Sense.

'I'm lucky they're moving in the grasslands. If they were in the woods, it
would've been hard to track them even with these two spells.'
If the members of Kinzelo had gone through the forest, the trees and
lifeforms in there would've disturbed the detection, making it nigh-
impossible to find them.

Jin cancelled his magic.

Multicasting consumed an extreme amount of mana, and if there was a

magician amongst the enemies, they could find out that they were being

'They haven't gone very far.'

After running for around an hour, Jin could finally see physical traces of the
terrorists around him, such as footprints or flattened grass.

As he was about to start running again, Jin flinched and immediately

stopped all movements.

When he checked the footprints again, the number of pairs had gone down.


An arrow came flying at him through the high grass. Jin effortlessly
avoided it and aimed his sword in the direction it had come from.

There was a ditch.

The attackers had expected the cadets to follow them, and had dug a hole in

“As I thought, a Runcandel cadet! Your movements are good. I can see why
Chaph had such a hard time earlier.”

“The kid dodged the arrow, Clark. Give me a gold coin!”

Three men wearing masks came out of the burrow and giggled amongst
It seemed they had made a bet when they saw Jin: whether he would be able
to avoid the surprise attack or not.

The man they called Clark took out a gold coin and tossed it.

“You made money thanks to that fucking brat. Good for you.”

The winner of the bet caught the coin and smirked as he took out his sword.
Jin was still silently observing his opponents.

They were composed of one magician and two warriors.

'Their aura and mana aren't that strong. They must all be around the 4-star

While Jin carefully judged his enemies' strengths, the people in question
thought the boy was frozen in fear.

“Don't worry too much, kid. I don't have a habit of torturing people to death
on purpose. We'll end this asap.”

“But why is he alone? Where are all the other brats?”

“They must've all been killed by Chaph and Greg, kekek.”

“About this Chaph and Greg, does one have a scar on his left cheek and is
the other bald?”

When Jin spoke up for the first time, two of the men burst out in laughter.

“Bwahaha, scar on his cheek, bald!!”

“It's gonna be hilarious when we tell them about this, hahaha!”

However, one of them wasn't laughing. The magician.

“You, how do you know about Chaph and Greg's appearances?”

“Isn't it obvious? I took off their masks to check after killing them. They
were fighting against my subordinates, you know?”

The glee in their eyes immediately disappeared. Jin was still holding his
sword casually with an indifferent expression.

“Stop bluffing. Those two are 4-star knights. They're not people some
Runcandel beginner class cadets can defea—”

“Do you guys actually call assholes who gang up on kids 'knights' in
Kinzelo? Your group seems vastly different compared to the Runcandel

“Clark, Mills. Check our surroundings. It seems there weren't just children
on this mission. This brat isn't a cadet. There must be a guardian knight

The men didn't seem to think that Jin could've killed Chaph and Greg. Even
if he was a pure-blooded Runcandel, they couldn't imagine that a child who
had yet to fully develop had killed two 4-star knights.

Thus, the three of them immediately steeled themselves. Death could arrive
at any moment for them. Before joining Kinzelo, they were either
mercenaries or knights. And during those days, they had heard plenty about
the strength of Runcandel guardian knights.

Pfft hahaha…

Jin let out a chuckle.

“Even though you guys fear the Runcandels, you didn't think twice about
attacking our cadets? There are no guardian knights here. I came alone.”


“If I had a guardian knight with me, you guys wouldn't have been able to
chat leisurely like this. And if I had one with me, where could they be
hiding in these plains? Also, there's no way our knights would need to hide
in front of three baboons like you.”
The nervous men controlled their breaths as they observed their
surroundings. Jin's words weren't wrong. There was nowhere to hide in this
open area.

And so, the men returned to their threatening and arrogant attitude.

They were embarrassed and felt humiliated for being afraid of a kid like Jin
—a brat who seemed 20 years younger than them.

“You really came alone… I thought you were an arrogant kid who trusted
his clan's knights, but you're just an ignorant brat who doesn't know when
to fear for his life.”

“You think so? It would've been better for you guys…”

Before letting Jin finish, Clark dashed to him and swung his sword at the
boy's neck.

“If I were merely an arrogant kid who trusted his clan's knights.”


Clark suddenly fell flat on his face with a groan even though he was just
about to kill Jin. One of his legs had been cleanly sliced off without

'Good thing I bought time.'

The cause of Clark's amputation was a spell called 'Wind Blade'. It was one
of the hardest spells to use amongst the 4-star wind magic spells.

Jin had secretly prepared the spell while chatting with them.

“Clark! What kind of Runcandel uses magic…?!”

The magician began to cast a spell to counterattack while Mills sprinted

towards Jin in a fury as he wielded his sword.

“You bastard!”

Jin took a stance as he parried Mill's downward swing. The aurcovered

attack felt heavy to Jin due to his immature body.

Nevertheless, a single 4-star knight was no problem for him.

As Jin pivoted and aimed for Mill's flank with his sword, the magician

“Mills, fall back!”


A huge flame had formed on the magician's palm. He then launched his
spell, swinging his arm, and the flame streaked towards the boy like a rope.

A 4-star fire spell, Flame Whip. It was the strongest spell the Kinzelo
magician could cast right now.

Jin didn't avoid the attack and received it with his body. The corner of the
magician's lips rose as he saw his spell hit. Jin then used the fact that his
body was hidden by the flames to stab Mills in the neck with Bradamante.


With a blade in his neck, Mills couldn't even cry out in pain and fell into
death's embrace. The magician stepped back in shock as he couldn't believe
his eyes. The final member, Clark, was still on the floor, crying in pain as
he held his stump of a leg.

Jin grabbed the Flame Whip clinging to his robe with his hand and
extinguished it. Sparks scattered around as the mana in the spell
disappeared in the wind like ashes.

As he had fully absorbed the Phoenix Heart, all fire spells of 6-star or lower
rank couldn't inflict damage on Jin anymore.

The magician began casting a new spell when he realized Jin had high
resistance against fire magic. Icicle Shot. The same spell that had attacked
Jin's carriage on his way to the Garden of Swords.

“Don't approach me!”

The Icicle Shot flew towards Jin, but this time, it broke apart and fell to the
ground before even reaching him.

Beast King Orgal's Pendant. The artifact's mana had protected Jin.
Penetrating the pendant's mana with spells of 5-star or lower was going to
be difficult for the magician.

“H-How…! Uwack!”

Bradamante drew a parabola as it slashed the magician in the waist. When

Jin twisted the blade inside the man's body, the trembling magician bit the

“I have a nice sister, that's how.”

After finishing off Clark who was going into shock, Jin began running
across the grasslands again.

Obviously, he made sure to disguise Clark's injury as a sword cut instead of

a magic attack before leaving.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 26

'They weren't lying in ambush for long. The ones who captured Mesa aren't
far from here.'

Jin's entire body was soaking in sweat as he ran across the plains.

Since yesterday morning to now, he had been awake for over 24 hours
searching for clues and pursuing the enemies. And since he had also
engaged them in combat, his stamina was starting to reach its limits.

In fact, the use of Multicasting and 'Wind Blade' were the decisive factors
behind his stamina's depletion.

There were still 15 enemies left.

In the worst case scenario, he would have to face them all simultaneously,
but if he is lucky, he would face them in small groups of two or three.

'Having a child's body is such a pain. I'm still too young. If I had my past
life's combat abilities, I could've easily decimated those morons from earlier
without having to strategize everything.'

During his chase, Jin realized that the attackers from Kinzelo were all
shabby and unskilled.

They were all ex-mercenaries or knights, but it bugged Jin how they didn't
even bother erasing their tracks while moving.

'It's probably because they're underestimating us.'

Jin was on point. Kinzelo was looking down on the Runcandel cadets.
While the cadets were part of the Runcandel Clan, they were all rookies
who had yet to experience a real battlefield in their lives.

Kinzelo's lack of caution was also evident in how they only left behind two
members to finish off Group 2 after they captured Mesa. They had also
placed just one magician and two warriors in that ditch to deal with
potential survivors and pursuers.

'Keep underestimating us. I'll make sure you regret it later, though.'

Jin's greatest weapon right now was the fact that they were underestimating
him. That was why he wasn't afraid of facing them all in battle despite his
low stamina.

He ran for another hour. This time, he was keeping an eye out for
ambushes, but the footprints remained unchanged.

In fact, he could now see the wheel tracks of a carriage in addition. Jin
stopped for a moment in order to inspect those tracks.

'The ones who captured Mesa reunited with another group here. They
probably locked her in the carriage.'

Now that a carriage was involved, it would be much easier for Jin to catch
up to them. The ground was uneven due to the sleet from the previous
night, so they wouldn't be able to advance quickly.

As he followed the wheel tracks for a while, Jin came across an unknown
path that continued into a forest.

It was a road that led to the beastmen's territory.

After recollecting himself and his breath, Jin entered the forest. The wheel
tracks continued along the unique path into the depth of the trees.

'Well then, how should I plan it out?'

Jin was in the middle of the Cadet Rescue Operation. An unexpected
situation had arisen during their mission, so his current operation had
changed from scouting to rescuing. The search mission for the tycoon's
missing son wasn't the priority anymore.

In that case, what was the most important aspect of a rescue mission?

The answer was obvious: the protection and safety of the target.

'Killing all my enemies isn't the priority. I need to make sure Mesa doesn't
get hurt.'

Currently, three hours have passed since Mesa's kidnapping.

Three hours. Too much time had passed. The dishonorable and immoral
kidnappers could've started using Mesa as a plaything during this timespan.

However, Jin still believed that Mesa was safe. If they were humiliating
Mesa, Jin would've caught up to them already.

The only information about Kinzelo Jin had was from the newspapers in his
past life.

They were a criminal armed group of radicals, who followed a strict

hierarchy on the inside. That was how Jin viewed Kinzelo.

A strict hierarchy.

That was the aspect Jin was focusing on. It was highly likely that Kinzelo's
members enjoyed their 'spoils of war' in an order of privilege amongst
them, and hence Jin believed Mesa was still safe.

'I should reach their branch headquarters soon if I continue along this path.
And it hasn't been long since Mesa and her kidnappers arrived there.'

About thirty minutes ago? One hour?

It was probably something between that. The kidnappers were most likely
handing Mesa over to their superiors right now.
Therefore, this was the last chance he could rescue Mesa safely. Every
minute, every second was crucial now. Thus, he had to attack them head-on
in order to save time.

However, if he did such a frontal assault at their branch headquarters,

several problems would arise.

If all the surviving members of the group were gathered there, Jin would
have to face dozens of enemies on his own. And even if he could kill them
all, they would probably use Mesa as a hostage.

After thinking for a few seconds, Jin nodded to himself.

'First, I need to create confusion and chaos amongst them, so that they
wouldn't even think of using Mesa. Fortunately, we're inside a forest right

Two balls of crimson mana formed on Jin's hands. They were the same spell
the enemy magician had used earlier: the 4-star fire spell, Flame Whip.

'Good thing I reached 4-star in magic before this mission. It would've been
difficult to burn down a damp forest with just the firepower of a 3-star


Jin swung his two Flame Whips in all four directions. The spell has decent
firepower, but its real advantage is that once it hits a target, it doesn't get
detached so easily from it.

In other words, there was no better spell than this to burn down a drenched
forest. Jin cast the same spells over and over again.

Magical arson was a serious felony in this world.

However, such restrictions didn't matter to Jin Runcandel. Once the area
was ablaze, Jin then conjured wind mana.

'Wind Wave.'
Another 4-star spell. Once he finished casting it, a blueish wind filled with
mana began blowing the blaze forward. Just like the name implied, it was a
spell that created a huge gust of wind that undulated forward like a wave.

The blaze encroached onto the forest. Initially, it was unable to burn the
damp trees, but once the flames grew large enough, it began swallowing
everything in its path, wet or not.

And so, Jin advanced through the forest as he burned it down. He concealed
his body behind the flames, taking advantage of his resistance provided by
the Phoenix Heart.

His mana had greatly diminished due to blindly casting 4-star spells, but his
plan was extremely successful.

Now, he could see a building in the distance. It was Kinzelo's branch

headquarters. People were exiting the building in panic one by one.

“Fire! The forest is burning!”

“Report to the captain! And gather the magicians!”

“Water! We need water!”

“Why is there a fire…?!”

Kinzelo's members were running around chaotically. As the fire hadn't

reached the headquarters yet, they planned on extinguishing it beforehand.

'I don't know who their leader is, but he's probably not crazy enough to
enjoy the spoils of war during a forest fire.'

Now, he just had to kill them one by one and rescue Mesa. Jin removed the
two daggers in his boots and covered them in spiritual energy.

In the meantime, Kinzelo had no idea someone was aiming for their lives.
People usually can't think rationally while in a state of panic during a
sudden disaster.
If there were a single cool-headed individual amongst them, they would've
realized this forest fire was created artificially.

However, the warriors were hastily pouring water on the fire, whereas the
magicians were busy casting water or ice spells.

Jin easily managed to get near them as he was hidden amongst the flames.


A shadowy dagger flew and stabbed a magician in the neck. The victim let
out a yelp, but it was camouflaged by the sound of crackling branches and
the panicked shouts of the others.

'That's one down.'

Jin threw the corpse into the blaze and set his eyes on his next prey: an out-
of-breath warrior holding buckets of water. He perished the same way as the

Detecting the dark blade flying through the flames was difficult for mere 4-
star warriors.

Jin retrieved one of the daggers he threw. Including the one in his robe, he
still had two remaining.

'It would be so satisfying if I killed them all like this, but even these morons
would notice something if people keep disappearing like this.'

Jin lowered himself and observed the situation amongst the enemies. A man
who appeared higher-ranked than the others seemed to have noticed
something. He began leading the others and giving out orders.

'I should kill him first.'

As the man yelled something that was inaudible to Jin, the men around him
all took out their weapons. They then scattered around the building.
'He had two magicians and warriors stay to put out the fire and had the
others stay on alert around the building. Not a bad decision.'

Well, it would've been a great decision if Jin weren't within the fire.

Jin flew towards the commander—who was left alone—like a whistling

arrow. He hadn't removed Bradamante from its scabbard yet on purpose.
The metallic sound and Bradamante's white blade would've ruined his
surprise attack.


As Jin suddenly appeared from within the fire, the commander swung his
sword around in shock and panic. The boy bent down to avoid the blade,
but he couldn't dodge the kick that followed.


As Jin rolled on the ground, the man continued his flurry of attacks.

“You rat! So you're the one who set the forest on fire!”

Stab! Slash!

The man kept aiming for the boy on the ground, and Jin rolled his body to
avoid the attacks without a moment to rest. The man then threw his sword
away and jumped onto Jin, seizing him.

“You fucking brat! I'll definitely kill y—”

But Jin had allowed himself to get captured on purpose. He had also
initiated this hand-to-hand fight on purpose by leaving Bradamante

Despite the man's entire body weight pushing down on Jin's body, he
wriggled around like a flexible snake. Before the man could realize what
was happening, Jin had already snapped his neck after deforming his body
into an unnatural position.

With the sound of the neck bones snapping, the man flopped onto the
ground as saliva dripped out of his mouth.

'It was my first time using the Meyer-style martial arts. Fuck, it hurts.'

Jin could only deform his body beyond its limits to kill the man thanks to
the Meyer Clan's martial arts.

He dislocated his own shoulder in mere instants and passed his legs in
between their bodies to twist the enemy's neck. It was one of the techniques
written in the Meyer Clan's secret tomes: the 'Revenant's Assassination'.

He had killed the man who appeared to be the leader.

All he had to do now was deal with the underlings who were mindlessly
running around the blaze and the morons who were nervously guarding the
building's surroundings.

After fixing his shoulder, Jin set his gaze on Kinzelo's branch headquarters.
The old stone building was slightly smaller than the residence of middle-
class nobles. Jin speculated that there weren't many enemies left inside.

'He also had all the keys.'

After going through the leader-like man's corpse, Jin found a keyring and
some gold coins. He threw the body and the coins into the fire and
approached the building's front gate.


As he opened the rusty iron door, the first thing he saw were candles. And
on the walls were bizarre drawings he couldn't understand the meaning
behind. They were Kinzelo's symbols.

'What an unpleasant bunch of people.'

He stuck to the wall and walked down the corridor. Not long after, Jin
realized that he couldn't sense anyone in the area. At the very least, there
wasn't anyone on his floor.

And after using the keys to open every room he came across, there was a
single key left untouched.

'Is it a key that leads to the basement?'

As the building's structure was fairly simple, Jin quickly found the entrance
to the basement.

The remaining key fit perfectly inside the keyhole. Once he descended the
stairs, he saw Mesa chained to the wall.


As soon as he saw her, Jin felt relieved.

She hadn't experienced anything concerning yet. She was still wearing the
cadets' uniform. However, her face was bruised all over from being
seemingly beaten.

Clang! Clang!

Jin imbued aura into Bradamante and cut the chains tying her against the

“It's… dangerous, Young Master… Why are you…”

When he heard the very first words she spoke to him, Jin couldn't help but
clench his fist and grind his teeth.

“This isn't the moment to worry about me, Mesa Milkano. Can you walk?”

“I don't think I can run.”

“I see. For now I'll support you, so let's—”


The two of them flinched and raised their heads. With that sudden explosive
sound, the entire building began trembling.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 27

'Shit, what's going on now?'

After propping one of Mesa's arms over his shoulders, Jin was about to get

Boom! Boom!

But due to the sudden explosions, they had to stay crouching. The Kinzelo
branch headquarters shook as if it were about to collapse on itself.

An earthquake?

Or did someone upstairs accidentally blow up some explosives?

Jin stared at the ceiling and sharpened his senses. He had a bad feeling, but
kept his composure.

“Young Master, please escape first!”

“Silence, Mesa.”

“Please promise me one thing.”

Mesa spoke as she stared directly into Jin's eyes.

“If we're confronted with a life-threatening situation, you must abandon me.
You cannot lay down your life here.”

Jin nodded silently.

But that didn't mean he agreed with Mesa. If he actually agreed with her, he
wouldn't have come to rescue her on his own in the first place. However, he
judged that pretending to agree with her was the best way to calm her down
in this situation.

“We need to figure out what's happening up there first.”

“Could it be magicians attacking the building? It feels like it'll collapse at

any moment.”

“The magicians here don't have this much power.”

The reverberations and explosions continued throughout their conversation.

“We're going up. Unfortunately, I won't be able to support you. Concentrate

and stay right behind me.”

The two of them sneaked up the stairs.

The impacts were happening on the outside, but the walls inside the
building already had fissures and cracks all over them. The murals with
Kinzelo's symbols were destroyed as pieces fell to the floor.

However, oddly enough, despite the critical situation on the inside, not a
single member of Kinzelo had entered to check up on the building.

'They're either still outside trying to figure out what's happening, or they're
already dead.'

Jin exited the headquarters accompanied by Mesa. Once they were outside,
he finally understood what was going on.

It was the latter. When he opened the iron gates, he was greeted by the
corpses of the Kinzelo members. They appeared to have been slashed by
large claws, as their bodies were covered in scratches and lacerations.

'They were killed while trying to return to the building. And this… is the
work of beastmen.'
They ended up encountering the one group of foes he wanted to see the
least. Jin felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

The outside was synonymous to hell.

The blaze Jin had caused had already reached the building, and the small
paths that weren't burning between the flames were covered in corpses in
hideous states.



“It's the beastmen. Looking at the corpses, it's a tribe that fights with their
claws. Shush, don't say anything. Follow that path and keep walking. I'm
sure you can avoid the flames yours—shit.”

Having stopped midway through his sentence, Jin unsheathed Bradamante

and raised it. Something was slowly walking out of the inferno not too far
from them.

His fur was far too white to belong to someone who had just stepped out of
the fire behind them. A height that exceeded two meters and eyes that shone

The White Wolf Tribe.

Their opponent held an enormous hammer in his right hand, and that
weapon was the cause of the tremors so far that shook the entire building.

With his herculean strength—a characteristic that belonged to their tribe

specializing in combat—he had smashed the hammer around the building
the entire time, as if to get some cornered mice to reveal themselves.

“Huh? I was wondering who subdued these pieces of shit, but it's just a

Their opponent stopped on his tracks and began swinging his hammer.
Meanwhile, Mesa was struck with fear. Not because of her impending
death, but because of the Young Master's.

“…Young Master, it's the White Wolf Tribe. I will buy you some time.
Please keep your promise.”


Jin exhaled deeply. He then turned around and karate-chopped Mesa in the
back of the neck. Her trembling body flopped as she fell unconscious before
she could say anything else.

The beastman shrugged and grinned as if they found the situation amusing.

“Geez, what a tearful scene. Such a shame I'm the only one here to see it. Is
this… y'know, that thing you humans talk about. That thing, um… Ah,
right! Love! Are you two lovers? Hm?”

He spoke like some crude, backstreet gangster, but the White Wolf tribe
couldn't be compared to such weaklings.

When compared to a knight, White Wolf beastmen were at least 6-star. And
that was for your average adult beastman. In other words, they were a race
born and raised solely for combat.

Therefore, if Jin faced him in battle right now, his chances of survival were
close to zero.

“I am Jin Runcandel, legitimate son of Cyron Runcandel. Reveal your

name, beastman.”


The smile on the beastman's face vanished. In these situations, there are
only two reasons why an individual's smile disappears after hearing the
Runcandel name.

Either they fear the Runcandels…

“Looks like among the prey I've killed so far in life, today's prey takes the
win as the most pricey one… Come to think of it, your robes do have the
Black Sword on it. My name is Quazito Truka, warrior of the Truka Tribe.”

Or they loathe the Runcandels.

And the White Wolf beastmen's case is the latter. Back in the day, it was the
Runcandel Clan's first patriarch who killed 'Javier', a White Wolf beastman
the tribe worshipped as a god.

“Today I will offer you to Javier at the altar to soothe his grudge and
sorrows! Jin Runcandel! Make a choice. Will you have an honorable duel
with me, or will you attempt to run away like a coward before being torn to
thousands of pieces?”

Jin imbued aura into his sword.

“I shall have an honorable duel.”

Jin made that decision after taking the White Wolf beastmen's
characteristics into account.

Generally, they considered humans as mere preys or toys they could mess
around with. They never showed honor or dignity, and cruelly killed their

However, there are specific situations in which they put their honor on the
line to battle the enemy. It happens when they consider their enemy to be
strong enough, or when they're a Runcandel.

In these cases, they attempt to have an honorable duel with their opponent.
They will put aside all underhanded methods and face their adversary with

Since those who die through this duel don't experience 'unfairness or
corruption', they can be offered to Javier at the altar.

“Quazito Truka, I would like to make a suggestion before the duel begins.”
“Speak, Little Runcandel.”

“During the duel, you cannot harm the unconscious human behind me.”

Quazito nodded in agreement.

“Alright. But if I win, that lass is mine to kill as well.”


Jin moved to the empty area in front of the building. By doing that, he
walked past Quazito. Nevertheless, the beastman didn't attack the boy who
had shown his back to him. It was due to the White Wolf tribe's laws about
honor and duels.

“This seems like a good place. That way, you can keep your promise during
the duel.”

“Good idea. It seems you're knowledgeable about our laws. But keep this in
mind, Little Runcandel. If you take advantage of our laws to double-cross

“You'll tear me to pieces, whether or not that 'corrupts' me. I don't plan on
doing that.”

“Kuhaha! It seems there are some honorable humans even among the

Jin smiled as he listened to the beastman's words.

This Quazito seemed to have met a Runcandel for the first time ever. If he
had encountered one of Jin's siblings instead of himself, there was no way
he would've survived and talked for so long like this.

Jin and Quazito faced each other with around ten steps between them.

“Let's begin!”
Quazito lifted his hammer and took a stance. He planned on making the
first move.


Quazito darted forward as he wielded his hammer. He was unbelievably fast

that no one would think his speed came from someone with over 200
kilograms of pure muscle mass.

Jin avoided the blow by stepping backwards with skilled footwork and
thrusted Bradamante towards the beastman's chest.

However, a White Wolf beastman wasn't about to get injured from Jin's
swordsmanship. Quazito adeptly changed his attack patterns as he
overwhelmed the boy. Jin could only helplessly get pushed around by the
giant enemy.


During these few seconds of exchange, their weapons only made contact
once. But that single blow was enough to make Jin feel like his wrists were
about to fall off.

No, it wasn't just his wrists. His entire body was stinging and in pain, from
his head to the tip of his toes. Jin judged that he could only parry ten blows
from this beast at most, before his body collapsed.

'I'll only get one chance.'

If he had no chances at winning at all, Jin would've immediately broken

Orgal's Pendant to summon Luna. And if his eldest sister were here, a
weakling like Quazito wouldn't have lasted a single second against her.

But this crisis wasn't life-threatening enough that he'd break the pendant.

Moreover, if he couldn't overcome a simple crisis like this, he wouldn't have

the right or qualification to become the world's most powerful magic
swordsman in the future. All the powerful and mighty individuals Jin knew
overcame deadly crises in their lives and became symbols of strength.
In cases like this, having a weapon that the opponent wasn't aware of was
always an advantage.

There were two crucial things Quazito didn't know about Jin. The fact that
he could use both spiritual power and magic.

'I can't use magic, though.'

Magic was out of the question. If he missed the opportunity and failed to
kill Quazito, he would have to break the pendant to summon Luna.

If Luna noticed the traces of magic and Quazito blabbed about it, Jin's life
would take a turn for the worse.

Furthermore, 4-star magic spells wouldn't be strong enough to pierce

through the White Wolf beastman's thick coat.

In other words, he only had one choice: spiritual power. And Jin had
already made up his mind on how to use it to overpower his opponent.

'I'll awaken the sword.'

Awakening Bradamante.

The exclusive function that was only available to a contractor that

controlled spiritual energy. The function Murakan told Jin not to dream of
using until he reached 5-star in spiritual release.

The day Jin received the sword from Luna, he actually attempted to awaken
Bradamante that evening.

When he awakened the sword, Jin felt a surge of power overflowing within
and coiling around him. However, Murakan intervened and pummeled him,
so Jin couldn't complete the awakening.

—Are you trying to kill yourself, Jin Runcandel?! You're the unique
contractor! If something happens to you…!
That was the first time Jin saw Murakan get genuinely angry and furiously
yell like that. In order to make up for that, Jin had to buy countless types of
erotic magazines for the perverted dragon…

And now, Jin was waiting for an opportunity to experience that surge of
power again.


Jin groaned loudly as he blocked a heavy blow from Quazito's hammer.

Despite Bradamante's perfect shielding, the boy's body was nearing its
breaking point.

“That's a good sword, Little Runcandel. It doesn't have a single nick even
after receiving my hammer's attacks.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“But it doesn't match well with your symbol, the Black Sword. It's too
white and dazzling.”


Another blow came at him. This time, Jin was sent flying all the way to the
Kinzelo building's wall.


Feeling the hard stone wall in his back, Jin felt like his skull and spine
would shatter. But he somehow managed to hold onto his consciousness
and stay awake.

Haaaa. Cough! Haaaa…

As he panted while coughing up blood, Jin could see two Quazitos

approaching him, his vision doubling due to the concussion.

“It's over now. I'll offer that sword along with you to Javier. That was a
good duel.”
Quazito raised his hammer up high. If that boulder-esque weapon fell on
Jin, he would perish without a doubt.


The moment he was about to deal the finishing blow, Quazito felt his vision
suddenly go dark. It was only for an instant, but for some reason, he felt
like several hours had gone by.

Quazito couldn't swing the hammer.

Time had stopped momentarily for him.

When he regained consciousness and looked down, his now-clear eyes saw
a black blade impaling his body.

A black blade that seemed to have been dyed by the shadows within the

And on the other end of the sword was Jin, whose hair was swaying in the
air like a blazing fire being fueled by a warm wind.

“Just… when…”

“I didn't know why a black sword was the clan's emblem either until

Quazito coughed and red blood splattered on the ground. But suddenly, Jin
let out a horrible shriek.

Once he calmed down, he spoke in a voice that was completely different

than usual. A coarse, rough and unsettling voice.

“That was a good duel.”


The dead Quazito's shadow. Mesa's shadow in the distance. The shadows of
the burning trees.
They all flew towards Jin before getting absorbed by him.

The shadows moved as if they were avoiding the light and taking cover
inside the boy.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 28

Fortunately, Jin successfully awakened Bradamante.

Unfortunately, as all the shadows in the area were sucked into him, Jin felt
the searing pain of his body tearing into thousands of pieces.

His mouth was screaming on its own volition, and his limbs were
subconsciously twisting around. Whether he opened or closed his eyes, he
still saw the same muddled and dizzying darkness. Jin wondered whether
this was going to be the end of him.

It was a miracle he hadn't fainted yet.

Jin realized this was the 'spiritual energy congestion' Murakan had warned
him about.

When the boy first attempted to awaken Bradamante and Murakan became
infuriated, the dragon later sat down and calmly explained the dangers of
the sword.

When individuals with insufficient spiritual energy try to awaken the sword
recklessly, they pay the price for it. If one experiences spiritual energy
congestion, nine in ten people immediately perish.

It wasn't as if Jin had forgotten about the energy congestion when

awakening Bradamante during the fight.

He simply didn't have any other solution to win and survive, other than
Orgal's Pendant. But Jin didn't want to break it yet, as it could only be used
once in his lifetime.
The sudden mission issued to the beginner class cadets. The appearance of
Kinzelo and a White Wolf beastman.

Jin believed that while Cyron hadn't predicted Mesa's kidnapping, his father
had planned for this unexpected incident to occur to examine Jin's handling
of the situation.

This mission wasn't to test the cadets. It's true objective was to evaluate Jin,
and Jin only.

'If I had used the pendant to survive the life-threatening situation, Father
would've given me the worst possible score.'

Jin's father, Cyron Runcandel, was an extremely cold-hearted person.

The patriarch was only showing interest in Jin because the boy was
connected to Solderet and because of his prominent results and skills in

However, if Jin disappointed his father a single time, Cyron would

ruthlessly abandon all hopes and interests in his youngest son immediately.

In truth, Jin was hoping for that to happen. As long as Cyron's interest in
him persisted, the boy would have a harder time to act covertly and train his
magic. Jin didn't really hold any attachments towards the clan and his
reputation in the first place.

However, today wasn't the right day to disappoint his father. Jin still had a
lot to learn and receive from the Runcandel Clan.


Jin cried out in agony again as he bent his back on the wrong side. Each
time a shadow got absorbed in his body, Jin thought that death wouldn't be a
bad solution to escape this pain.

If there truly were punishments waiting for sinners in hell, would it feel like
The boy was experiencing the sensation of being burned alive as well as
having his organs frozen at the same time.

'I can't lose consciousness. If I do, it's over for me. Stay focused…!'

He had never experienced such pain even in his first life. The suffering
wasn't as bad as this back when his teacher struck lightning at him for
several hours to make him understand the essence behind lightning magic.

Jin had no idea whether time was flowing or not. He wasn't sure whether a
couple of minutes or several hours had passed since the agony began.

He couldn't resist this forever. Jin had to do something in order to overcome

this crisis.

And the answer to this 'something' was obvious.

'Spiritual release.'

The boy barely managed to sit cross-legged on the ground and began
gathering the spiritual energy inside his body to one location.

Dark red blood poured out between his trembling lips, and his eyes had
completely rolled back, unable to return to their original positions.

He constantly coughed and gasped for air. Jin could feel that he was
walking on a thin line between life and death right now.

However, he couldn't control the violent and chaotic spiritual energy inside
him merely with 3-star spiritual release, a stage he had just recently
reached. Having started the spiritual release, Jin spat out a clot of dark
blood and fell forward.

'Again, again… Again. Keep your cool.'

A strong dizziness took over him as he began to hear auditory

Most of the hallucinations were related to the events in Jin's past life. Stuff
like 'You're the disgrace of the clan' or 'A failure like you shouldn't have
been born in our clan'. Those kinds of auditory hallucinations kept
constantly bothering him.

However, such words and slander had no effect on the current Jin. He
completely ignored what his ears were telling him, and concentrated on the
spiritual energy inside him.

Hot energy on one side, cold energy on the other.

Jin instinctively separated the spiritual energy inside his body to the right
and left according to their properties, as if he were sorting out pebbles on
the ground according to their colours.

The violent pain rooted in his brain slowly started to dissipate.

His eyes rolled back to their normal positions and light returned to his
vision. Jin's intuition was telling him that he was about to successfully gain
control over the spiritual energy congestion inside him. As the agony
diminished, Jin slowly inspected his surroundings.

The shadows Jin had absorbed had returned to their original positions.
However, unlike what Murakan had shown him in the Storm Castle's
underground chamber, the objects that had their shadows stolen from them
didn't get damaged or broken.

The more the pain disappeared, the better Jin could think with a clear mind.
Soon enough, Jin fully separated the two types of spiritual energy remaining
inside him.

His surroundings regained their original colours. The blaze died down
under the influence of the spiritual energy, and the burnt forest smelled of


As he exhaled deeply, the disciplined spiritual energy came to a standstill.

The energy no longer harmed Jin in any way.

'Did it work? The pain disappeared unnaturally quickly that it's making me
nervous now.'

Jin stood up and started stretching his body. He felt nothing out of place. In
fact, everything was as usual.

However, the one difference compared to before was the abundant spiritual
energy inside him. It felt like it was about to leak even if Jin stood still,
doing nothing.

'In any case, I don't think I'll have any problems moving around now. I
should quickly head back with Mesa.'

Mesa was still unconscious in front of the Kinzelo building. In order words,
not much time had passed since the beginning of his battle against Quazito.

As he passed Mesa's arms over his shoulders, Jin suddenly turned around to
face the building again.

“Who's there?!”

He had detected someone. Someone was walking down the corridor inside
the building towards the front door.

However, unlike the Kinzelo members he had fought against earlier, this
person didn't feel like a trained fighter. The unknown individual was
walking carelessly as Jin heard their ragged breath.

“P-Please save me!”

As Jin ripped the door open, he saw a terrified young man raise both his
hands in defense. He looked delicate and weak, as if he hadn't faced any
hardships in life. Jin couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion.

“Who're you? Another Kinzelo member?”

“No! Absolutely not! I am Cember Bill, from the Bill Clan of the Zhan

“Ah, so it's you. I almost missed you. Nice to meet you.”

Jin grinned as he spoke.

Cember Bill. He was the heir of the 'Bill' Merchant Clan of the Zhan
Kingdom. He was the missing individual the cadets were searching for.

“Y-You are?”

“Jin Runcandel. I was looking for you after receiving a request from your

“Runcandel?! Thank the heavens!”

As soon as Cember heard Jin's name, his eyes began to glisten in tears.

“You have saved my life. I, Cember Bill, will never forget this favour, Lord
Jin. Thank you very much!”

As he received the heartfelt gratitude, Jin could only stand awkwardly and
feel guilty.

Ever since the Kinzelo members had attacked the cadets, he had completely
forgotten about Cember's existence and their mission to search for him.

“There's no favour to repay. We received this mission after being

remunerated. Now, stop crying. It's time to go home.”

“Sob, sob. Sniff. Yes.”

And so, Jin and Cember left the ashen forest as the former carried Mesa on
his back. Cember only recovered his senses a while after they had left the

“Come to think of it, how did you get captured by them, Cember? We only
heard that you had disappeared in this area.”

“If it's difficult to talk about, you don't have to.”

“Not at all. In truth, it was because of my lover. But I'm not sure whether
Lord Jin will believe me.”

“Why wouldn't I believe you? Did you elope with her or something?”

“…No. I came to the southern border because I was following my lover,

who passed away two years ago.”

Jin stopped nodding along and froze in his footsteps.

“You followed your deceased lover here? What do you mean?”

Had he lost his mind from the shock of being kidnapped? Jin thought to
himself as he observed Cember's gaze. However, his eyes seemed clear and

“I'm also wondering whether I saw a ghost or not. But it was definitely her.
She had the exact same face, and also had the two moles on her wrist. She
gave me a note that told me to come here. And you know what happened

Cember awkwardly turned to Jin.

“Haha. As I thought, you don't believe me. I'm also not sure whether I
should tell my clansmen about this or not once I'm home.”

“No, keep talking. The woman who gave you the note… Was it really your

“That's what I've been saying. There's no way I wouldn't recognize her. Her
face, voice, her gaze as she looked at me. Everything was exactly the same
as before.”

At those words, Jin thought of a single name.

'Bouvard Gaston. This seems to be that transformation master's handiwork.'

The transformation crimes.

A series of uncommon crimes that shook the world in his past life. When
the Vermont Empire's special forces revealed Bouvard Gaston's crimes to
the public after capturing him, a majority of them were kidnapping cases.

And there was only one reason why he would kidnap a rich tycoon's son.

'He was planning on demanding a ransom. What is the relation between

Bouvard and Kinzelo?'

Jin couldn't find the answer to that right now. The boy decided that it was
about time he went to find Bouvard himself.

Ever since the Zipfel followers tried to kidnap Jin when he left the Storm
Castle, he and Bouvard were fated to meet one day. However, Jin hadn't
gone to find the criminal until now as he was still growing and had no

'The “fragmented workshop” he manages is located in the Curano

Dukedom's capital. I should find an opportunity to go see him while I'm in
the intermediate training class.'

Jin felt a sense of incongruity whenever he thought of Bouvard.

If the criminal was truly connected to Kinzelo and the radical Zipfel
followers, Jin couldn't recklessly stir trouble with Bouvard as the backlash
would be immense.

'I need to meet him face to face and find out what kind of person he is. It
would also be a good idea to obtain more information about him that wasn't
written in the newspapers in my past life.'

Having finished recounting his story, Cember smiled bashfully.

“Thank you for taking me seriously, Lord Jin. In truth, I thought no one
would believe me if I went back home, which was giving me a heavy heart.
But seeing you listen earnestly is a breath of fresh air.”

“That's a relief to know.”

After walking for another two hours, Jin took out a flare from his chest
pocket and shot it in the sky.

“The main house must've sent some reinforcements by now. Let us wait for
them to arrive here.”

“Huh? Lord Jin, did you actually call for Runcandel guardian knights just to
rescue me?”

Cember was moved by Jin's sincerity(?) and appeared as if he would

willingly pay several golden crowns to Jin if the latter asked for it. Jin didn't
have the heart to say that it was all for Mesa, so he only nodded awkwardly.

Ignorance is bliss.

“I will never forget today, Lord Jin. If you ever need my help in some way,
please don't hesitate to come to me.”

Cember Bill spoke as he extended his hand.

Jin didn't think the Runcandels would ever need the help of a mere clan of
merchants, but again, he didn't say that out loud.

Jin replied positively as he shook Cember's hand.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 29

As soon as the beginner class cadets finished reporting the results of their
mission, chaos descended upon the Garden of Swords.

As Garon announced the mission's flawless completion to Rosa, she wore a

satisfied smile.

The other Runcandels who were waiting at the main house couldn't hide
their shock and disbelief.

“What? Jin fought against a White Wolf warrior beastman and won?!”

“Impossible. Must've been some bandit wearing wolf fur or something.

How could a brat who just became a 3-star knight kill a White Wolf

The fourth daughter Myu Runcandel and fifth daughter Anne Runcandel
were chatting amongst themselves. They were respectively ten and nine
years older than Jin and were both currently 7-star knights.

A powerful White Wolf warrior beastman would be a difficult opponent

even for knights who recently reached the 7-star stage. It was to no surprise
that Myu and Anne couldn't believe Jin's achievement.

“Even if the youngest faced a beastman that was extremely weak compared
to their tribe's average, a 3-star still can't defeat a White Wolf beastman.”

“Yeah, yeah. But are you telling me Mother seriously believed what the
report said?”
The two disgruntled ladies shook their heads. Meanwhile, two young men
were as white as a sheet.

Needless to say, they were Daytona and Haytona.

Ever since the beginning of their ill-fated relationship with Jin back at the
Storm Castle, the twins couldn't see Jin as a little brother. To them, Jin was
a monster.

“D-Do you think that… Jin actually killed the beastman?”

Haytona spoke as he grabbed his twin's shoulder. His hand was visibly
shaking in fear.

“No matter how strong that monster is, a White Wolf beastman is
impossible for him.”

“I thought so…”

A relieved smile grew on Haytona's face. But Daytona turned to his brother
and stared at him in the eyes.

“But it's not important whether he actually killed a White Wolf beastman or
not, Haytona. What's more urgent is that we're done for if he advances to
the intermediate class!”

Despair rooted itself in the Tona twins' eyes as they visibly lost their will to

In truth, the twins were hoping deep down that Jin would fail his mission
miserably. They were expecting for his advancement to be postponed due to
his failure, and in the meantime, the twins would train harder than ever to
grow stronger. And once Jin finally advanced to the intermediate class, they
wouldn't have to quiver in fear of their little brother.

However, it was all over for them. Not only did Jin successfully rescue the
missing individual, he also defeated a White Wolf beastman. In fact, Jin
was considered a hero amongst the cadets in the beginner class.
'Fuck, fuck, fuck! Sure, he could've been stronger than us back at the Storm
Castle since we were also young, but really? Even now?? We shouldn't have
messed with him back when he first joined the beginner training class…!'

Daytona sighed deeply as he recalled past events.

Back when the Tona twins were in their 2nd year of the beginner class,
there was a period of time when they fervently bullied Jin. As they had
started learning proper swordsmanship two years earlier than Jin, the twins
were stronger than their brother for a short while.

Those first few months were full of delight and exhilaration.

They could use the spars as a pretext to beat up their brother—who used to
boss the twins around back at the Storm Castle. It wouldn't be wrong to say
that those months were the best days of their lives.

However, their happiness didn't last long. A few months after Jin joined the
training class, the twins got clobbered and thrashed by their little brother in
front of the cadets almost everyday.

And now, that nightmare was about to start over again as their devil of a
brother would soon join the intermediate training class!

“This is depressing…”

Haytona spoke as he recalled the same events as his twin. His voice was
weak and feeble, as if his soul was escaping through his mouth.

“Wait, no. No! It might be alright. We might be able to win against him!
Our hard work so far in the intermediate class won't go to waste!”

Haytona spoke with hope as he changed his mind.

“…No. We can't win against him. Honestly, I can't believe that he defeated
a White Wolf beastman. But I'm sure that story has some level of truth
behind it.”

The twins lowered their heads once again and sighed. They were fully
aware that they were 'below' Jin in the food chain.

While the Tona brothers stood in dismay, Myu and Anne snorted and

“Right, I forgot we had these morons within the family. Sheesh!”

“Are you actually terrified that the youngest is advancing to the

intermediate class? Kyahaha!”


The twins glared back at them with tomato-red faces, but that only lasted
for two seconds. Since they were in the middle of the 3-star stage, they
wouldn't dare anger their 7-star elder sisters.

“Daytona, you just went hiik and squealed like a pig, right?”

“Want me to break your arm and put you in the pigpen?”

“That's… not it!”

“Oh? Aren't you missing something there?”

“…That's not it, Elder Sister…”

The sisters laughed as they watched the Tona twins. After a while, Myu and
Anne grabbed one Tona each and kissed them on the forehead.

“Geez, we're just kidding! Our little brothers are just so cute~”

“I know, right? They're so sweet that sometimes, I want to bite them and
crush them into little pieces, you know?”

The brothers trembled as they watched their sisters express their excessive
love(?) for them. Then, Myu suddenly smacked her lips and grinned.

“Hm, so… Our dear little brothers are scared of Jin?”

“As if we'd fear the youngest, Elder Sister. Haha… There's no way that's—”

“Shush! You can be honest, you know? Keep in mind that I absolutely
detest liars.”

“…We're scared of him.”

This time, Anne wore an evil grin as she nodded. Myu and Anne were a
great sister duo that got along very well, just like the twins.

“Then do you want us to help you out?”


“When there's a will, there's a way. And he's just about to get in the
intermediate class, right?”

The Runcandel's intermediate training class.

It was on a completely different scale compared to the beginner class. The

weaker cadets were at the 3-star stage, while the stronger ones were around
the 5-star stage.

There were far more members compared to the beginner class. The
intermediate class was no different to a wild savanna or jungle: a place
where the law of the survival of the fittest applied.

In this setting, 3-star knights are herbivores, 4-stars are strong herbivores,
and 5-star knights are savage predators.

It was a completely different environment and atmosphere compared to the

current beginner class, where the cadets considered each other as 'comrades'
and helped each other out.

As the spectrum of cadets was quite wide—from 3-star to 5-star—there

were several cadets who had remained within the intermediate class for
over ten years. Myu and Anne were using these 'senior intermediate cadets'
as slaves and pushing them around.
“I'll tell our slaves in the intermediate class about you two. Use them to
trample on the youngest.”

“They may be untalented pieces of crap who couldn't even graduate from
the intermediate class, but they're still 5-star knights. They should be
somewhat useful. Do you understand?”

“Oh, oooooh…!”

The Tona twins' eyes glittered.

“Are you handing over your faction within the intermediate class to us,
Elder Sisters? For real?”

As there were 13 siblings, there were obviously factions within the

Runcandel Clan.

Even the Tona twins had somewhat created their own faction within the
intermediate class. In fact, one could consider the current beginner class
cadets to be part of Jin's faction.

“Hahaha, we're just lending them to you, you foolish boys. I don't like how
the youngest is growing rapidly either. He makes me uncomfortable.”

“If you use our slaves and fail to trample on Jin, then you two better prepare
yourselves, my adorable brothers.”

The Tona twins squeezed their fists tightly and nodded.

If they used their sisters' 5-star cadets, then destroying Jin wasn't just a pipe

'Is someone talking about me?'

Jin thought as he scratched his ear after finishing his report.

(T/N: In Korea, there's this superstition where people believe that if their
ears are itchy, it means someone is talking about them behind their back.)
“I hear you successfully completed your first mission. Congratulations,
Young Master. Your nanny is so proud of you…!”

“Thanks, Gilly. Can you prepare the warm water? I want to take a bath.”

“Everything's already been prepared.”

“You're the best.”

Yes, and being at home was the best as well. Jin began humming to himself.
As he had been camping outside for an entire week, he missed taking a
warm bath with pleasing soap scents.

“Oi, kid.”

But before Jin could enter the bathroom… an angry Murakan stood in his

“Oh, my dearest Nabi Runcandel. I missed you so mu—”

“Did you lose your freaking mind?”

“I don't see what you're talking about.”

Jin flinched and avoided making eye contact with Murakan.

“How. Many. Times. Did. I. Tell. You. NOT. To. Awaken. The. Sword?!
You could die if things go wrong, alright? Are your ears the problem here or
is it your head? Answer me. I'll get rid of one of those two for you.”

“Haha… Why would the Great Black Dragon talk of such grim stuff? There
were some circumstan—”

“Huuuh? Some circumstancessss?? So, those circumstances were more

important than your own life??? Where in the world are there circumstances
that are more important than Solderet's ONE AND ONLY contractor,
“Lord Murakan, please calm down for now. The young master only just
came back from…”

“Stay out of this, Strawberry Pie. This is a serious conversation between us



“Wait, Murakan. You see, I didn't do it intentionally. My cadet was

kidnapped right in front of me, so how could I let them be? And I almost
ended up becoming minced meat under the hands of the White Wolf

“The pendant! Is Orgal's Pendant around your neck just for decoration? You
could've summoned your sister using that!”

“That would've been a waste! You never know who I'll fight against in the
future, so how could I use it now?”

“A waste? Do you value that pendant more than your own life? Ah, my
head hurts from talking with you. Ugh!”

Murakan held his head with his hands and fell. A flustered Gilly quickly ran
and caught him.

“Are you okay, Lord Murakan?”

“Hey, you alright? Don't faint for something like this.”

“…Whatever. Fuck, what's done is done. It's a waste of time for me to get
angry now. It just overheats my head and makes me collapse.”

However, as Gilly supported him, Murakan grinned from ear to ear. It was
such a satisfied smile that Jin wondered whether he was actually mad at
him, or whether he was just acting to get some skinship with Gilly.


“Hm, by the way, Murakan. How did you know I awakened the sword?”
“Your spiritual energy suddenly spiked up to the 4-star middle stage, so
how could I not know? You blasted kid. Do you think the promised
contractor of a thousand years can just jump up a rank after a simple week-
long outing like that?”

“I did feel stronger than before after experiencing the spiritual energy
congestion, but I didn't know it was by a whole rank.”

Jin could only scream in delight on the inside. In truth, he was secretly
concerned as his spiritual energy had suddenly increased, but seeing
Murakan's reaction, it seemed there were no side effects to worry about.

“Be thankful to Solderet for being interested in you. I've seen ten people
experience spiritual energy congestion in my lifetime, and nine out of ten
died from it. No, I guess it's nine out of eleven now.”

“Who's the other person who survived? The first patriarch?”

“No, it was me. Temar would've died from it too.”


Murakan and Jin chuckled simultaneously.

“Anyways, I dare you to attempt to awaken the sword again. Aren't you
happy that you've jumped to 4-star in mere instants? Well, that's the reward
for putting your life on the line. So I dare you to try awakening the sword
again before reaching 5-star. Because you'll definitely die this time around.”

“I don't want to go through that painful experience a second time either.

Anyways, are you finished scolding me? I'm gonna take a bath now.”

Jin darted away and ran to the bathroom.

“Strawberry Pie, don't give him dinner today. We need to starve him for at
least two days in order to set his mind straight. Understand?”

Murakan spoke as he saw Jin scurrying away.

“That's… I apologize, Lord Murakan. I cannot ignore my duties of serving
the Young Master.”

“Geez, I'm so jealous of him. It's driving me crazy. That kid was born with
such good fortune that he's overflowing with luck now.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 30

As he relaxed in the warm bath, Jin thought about the fruits of his latest

He had strengthened the cadets' admiration and faith towards him. Where
else would someone find a Runcandel who would willingly put their life on
the line to rescue a mere cadet? Normally speaking, a hundred cadets would
be forced to risk their lives to save a single Runcandel.

Many of the beginner cadets held great potential. Mesa and Bellop were
obviously very promising, but most of the cadets who participated in the
mission were also very gifted.

None of them would ever forget Jin's valour when rescuing Mesa in their

'I didn't necessarily act like I did to gain their trust or admiration, but it
doesn't hurt to have those.'

Rescuing Mesa wasn't a calculated scheme.

Jin has lived for 43 years if you include his past life. So as a skilled, strong,
and mature human being, he couldn't sit by and do nothing as a young girl
got kidnapped and almost had terrible things done to her.

If Jin hadn't saved Mesa during this mission, he would've been plagued by a
sense of guilt and shame for a long while. And he hadn't regressed to relive
a life of such disgrace.
He had experienced more than enough feelings of helplessness in his first

It was now time for him to live a different lifestyle.



A black ball of energy formed on top of his wet, soapy palm.

'So this is 4-star spiritual energy…'

It didn't appear different on the outside from back when it was 3-star.
However, the weight was different. The ball of spiritual energy pulsating on
his hand felt substantially heavier than before.

4-star spiritual energy had as much destructive power as 6-star aura and

It was on a different level compared to ordinary forces. In fact, due to his

spiritual energy, the current Jin was stronger than he ever was in his past
life in terms of pure destructive power.

'But since my swordsmanship is still 3-star, I can't make full use of the
spiritual energy.'

Spiritual power is most effective when used with a sword. Moreover, its
effect is maximized when used with 'Bradamante' or 'Barisada', swords that
were specially crafted to channel spiritual energy.

Solderet is the God of Shadows as well as the God of Swords.

Therefore, it was to no surprise that spiritual power and magic weren't a

good match. Although magicians yearn for Solderet, they are only
interested in the superior strength of spiritual power.

'But just because they're not a good match doesn't mean they're useless with
one another.'
It was all a question of efficiency.

And now, Jin had the freedom of choice to select the most efficient methods
at all times, as he could also combine magic with swordsmanship if he

'I should reach 6-star swordsmanship in the next five years.'

6-star swordsmanship.

It is commonly known that 1-star to 2-star are considered novice knights, 3

to 4-star are common knights, 5-stars are superior knights, and finally, 6-
stars are elite knights. The rankings for magicians are more or less the same
as for knights.

7-star onwards are 'master' knights.

However, there are countless masters around the world, which comes to no
surprise as the continent has a population of two billion people.

7-star is only considered a transcendental realm amongst ordinary people.

However, amongst warriors, the 8-star stage and onwards is truly
considered 'exceptional'.

There are noticeably less people who have reached 8-star around the world.

As for the 9-star stage, there probably exist less than one hundred, even if
one were to find every single eccentric hermit training in seclusion.
Needless to say, there are far less than that at 10-star.

Finally, the stage where there exists only one person.

The unique realm, Genesis. That is the realm where one has transcended the
limitations of humanity and has become a demigod.

(T/N: The Korean word the author uses for “Genesis” has several
meanings, and they didn't specify which one. Previously, the same Korean
word was used for Cyron Runcandel's title “True Holy Knight”. So
technically, we should've translated it as “True Holy”. But according to the
context here, we decided that “true holy” wasn't the right one, and changed
it to “Genesis”. So from now on, Cyron will be called the “Genesis

'I'll definitely reach that realm in this life. No, I'll surpass that realm.'

In order to do that, Jin first had to successfully deal with his siblings'
schemes and ruses once he advanced to the intermediate training class.

Although Myu, Anne, and the Tona twins were conversing in a secluded
area earlier, Jin could already predict the twins' movements. He was already
anticipating all their possible plans of action.

As someone who had lived at the bottom of the Runcandel food chain for
25 years in his past life, there was no way Jin didn't know about their

Jin had never experienced the intermediate training class in his first life due
to dropping out of the beginner class. But he was more than aware that the
intermediate class was like the wilderness, a place where only the strongest

In other words, logic and reason were unnecessary in the intermediate

training class.

It was the same in the jungles around the continent. Although there are
some smart and cunning animals at times who use their brains to survive,
most of them are in the middle or bottom of the food chain.

In that case, which animals live peacefully in the jungle without being

'I'll dominate the intermediate class with pure power.'

The ferocious predators that hold absolute strength.

[Translator – KokoonutMoth

[Proofreader – herc-yuki-s(?) beetle]

February 1795.

The cadets' results and scores have been announced.

All the members who accompanied Jin on the mission have advanced to the
intermediate class. As the valedictorian of the beginner training class, Jin
received a medal and the encouragement of the Runcandel Clan's elders. All
the cadets that advanced have now moved to their new dormitories.

Jin also received an offer from the second butler, Petro, to change rooms.
Rosa had prepared a large room at the center of the mansion for her
youngest son.

The room was previously used by 'Joshua Runcandel' in his youth, Jin's
eldest brother. After Joshua stopped using the room, no one was allowed to
use it ever since.

“Petro, tell my mother that I'm fine where I am right now. I'd like to
continue using this room.”

“Young Master Jin, the room Young Master Joshua used to use is the best in
the Garden of Swords and holds great significance. It is the room that was
only bestowed to the clan's eldest son.”

“I know that much. But tell Mother that I just prefer it here so that she
doesn't get upset. Understood?”

Petro had gained a good understanding of Jin's personality over the past few
years. The 13th young master he knew had never changed his mind after
making a decision.

That's why it was such a pity.

The room symbolizing the eldest son had been offered to him, so why was
he refusing it? Jin's other siblings could only suck their thumbs while
secretly wishing they'd receive the room for themselves!

“Young Master, please reconsider one more time.”

“I'm thankful for your concern, but I already said I didn't need it. And if you
think it's a pity, use the room for yourself.”

“Young Master!”

“Haha, in the end it's just a room. You may take your leave. I don't really
enjoy using such big and burdensome rooms.”

Petro lowered his head in response as if he had gotten a wind of Jin's


The butler couldn't believe that the 13th young master—a 15-year-old boy
—had such deep insight.

'He noticed that the Madame offered the room to him as a test instead of a

Petro then returned to Rosa and informed her of Jin's decision.

“Jin refused?”

“Yes, Madame.”

Rosa listened as she rested her chin on one hand and hummed softly. She
was content with Jin's refusal of receiving Joshua's room.

'Jin. I sometimes can't distinguish if our youngest son has no desires or has
too many of them.'

The room Jin had refused was none other than the Great Runcandel Clan's
eldest son's room.

It remained empty ever since Joshua moved out of it. In other words, it
implied that the room was only bestowed to the child who would be
'responsible for the clan in the future'. As soon as they took a step inside the
room, they'd get the full backing from the clan.

And Jin had immediately realized that this beautiful offer was sweet bait
connected to a terrifying fishing line. As soon as he moved into that room,
Jin would've been targeted by all his siblings.

'Mother is annoyingly insistent.'


Jin left his room with Bradamante on his hip.

He was going out to check on the cadets he'd train with starting tomorrow at
the intermediate training class.

“Good morning, Young Master!”

“Scott, gather all the cadets who advanced to the intermediate class.”


A total of nine cadets gathered in Scott's room, including Mesa and Bellop.
Although they pretended to be fine, you could see the stress and unease in
their eyes.

“We'll be in the intermediate class starting tomorrow. Have you all resolved


“As you may know, the intermediate class is divided into several forces
under the name of 'factions'.”

The cadets all nodded in unison. They knew better than anyone else that
they were the only people in Jin's faction.

The cadets also knew they'd be the targets of harassment, threats, and
coercion due to that.

It was a natural occurrence. While the other cadets couldn't torment a pure-
blooded Runcandel, they could still target his faction.

“There's no need to be afraid. I called you all here to say that.”


The cadets answered with determined faces. Jin found their behaviour
adorable and endearing.

It was obvious who would be the first to aim at these kids starting

'First off, the Tona twins.'

Although the twins were probably still afraid of Jin right now, he was
certain that they were scheming something.

'And someone else who'll help the Tona twins to keep me in check. It's
highly likely to be Elder Sisters Myu or Anne. It could also be Elder
Brother Vigo.'

Whoever the Tona twins' backer was, Jin was planning on outsmarting

“I'll see you all tomorrow. Oh, and during hours outside of training sessions,
make sure you move around in groups of three minimum. You are forbidden
from acting individually until I completely conquer the intermediate class.”


Starting from the intermediate training class, the cadets aren't taught by a
guest instructor from outside the clan like Garon Altemiro. It's an elder of
the Runcandel Clan who is in charge of the cadets.

The elders of the clan who used to be 8-star or higher knights in their youth
take turns teaching the class. They also used to be flag-bearers of the clan
who failed to become the patriarch.

Currently, there are around 150 cadets in the intermediate class. The elder
who has been in charge of instructing them the past few years is 'Zed
Runcandel'. He—who was once famed for being an 8-star knight—was
Cyron's younger brother.


The cadets repeated Zed's command as they stood at the training ground.

“This year, we have ten new cadets amongst us, while 27 dropped out.”

Zed spoke with a displeased look as he stood on the platform. He was

dissatisfied by how there were more dropouts than newcomers.

“Newbies, learn from your seniors how an intermediate cadet's lifestyle is.
My role is only to teach swordsmanship and evaluate everyone. As long as
there are no deaths, just deal with all your internal problems between


“I ask the seniors. What is it that I always emphasize?”

“““The Runcandels have no need for weaklings!”””

“““The Runcandels have no need for weaklings!”””

The intermediate cadets suddenly yelled in unison and continued chanting

the motto as they stared at the newcomers. Moreover, there was obvious
malice in their gazes.

Jin's cadets were pressured by their stares and shouts that they had a hard
time keeping their heads up.

Anyone around the world would also feel oppressed by a sudden ceremony
where their seniors preyed on them with a morbid warning.

Amongst the group of people shouting the motto were the Tona twins.
Standing around them were several 4 and 5-star knights, who were all part
of Myu and Anne's factions.
'How noisy. Anyways, the Tona twins are over there… There are a few
people around them with deep frowns. Ah, they're from Elder Sister Anne's

The Runcandels have no need for weaklings!

The Runcandels have no need for weaklings!

The chanting continued endlessly. The intermediate cadets seemed to be

planning on shouting the warning until the newcomers all lowered their

Suddenly, Jin stepped forward and approached the twins. His steps were
light and relaxed as if he were taking a mere walk.

'Wh-Why is he coming over here?'

'Don't be afraid! Just think of destroying him starting from today!'

The Tona twins communicated with their gazes and began yelling louder
than ever. Zed watched Jin with great interest as he stroked his beard.

Jin's pace didn't slow down. It appeared like he wouldn't stop until he stood
centimeters away from the twins. The other intermediate cadets shifted their
gazes from the newcomers to the Runcandel boy.

Skrrrt! Slash!

Jin unsheathed Bradamante out of nowhere and cut something.


The cadets' deafening chanting ended instantly. Their jaws dropped as they
watched the astonishing scene before them in shock.

The Tona twins were petrified like stone statues. Zed's hand also froze
halfway down his beard.
Jin had sliced off a forearm. The forearm that belonged to one of the cadets
standing around the twins.

As a member of Anne's faction, he was a 5-star knight. In other words, he

was at the top of the food chain in the intermediate class. Until now.

There was no way the cadet could have predicted or defended himself from
that surprise attack.

Even if one were a pure-blooded Runcandel, who in their right mind would
brandish their sword on their first day in the intermediate class? During the
warning welcoming ceremony organized by Zed Runcandel, to boot?

As blood gushed out of the cadet's wound, the Tona twins couldn't do
anything as they panicked. The heat and excitement that was overwhelming
the training ground moments ago had completely vanished.

The 150 pairs of gazes were all concentrated on Jin. But the boy in question
didn't give any explanation for his actions and simply sheathed his sword.

Instead, he spoke with a composed tone.

“Call the medical team.”

Jin thought to himself:

The ones that needed a warning weren't him and his cadets. It was their
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 31

“Kugh. Argh!”

Everyone stood quietly in shock as the amputated cadet's groans echoed in

the training ground. The other cadets just couldn't believe what they were
witnessing that they doubted their eyes and ears.


“Wh-What do you think you're doing?!”

“Stop wasting time! Go call the medical team!”

The Tona twins raised their voices, although it was one step too late. Jin
was still standing before them with an indifferent look.

“Jin! You bastard…! Did you lose your mind?”

“Why did you swing your sword without warning?!”

Although the twins objected to Jin's actions, their eyes were trembling in

'Did he already notice that we borrowed our elder sisters' lackeys?'

'But how could he pinpoint them so accurately and cut one's arm?!'

All the twins could think of right now was dealing with this problem no
matter what.
Otherwise, they'd have to handle two catastrophes.

Firstly, they had let one of their elder sisters' lackeys get injured on their
very first day. At this rate, their sisters would reprimand them to death.

Secondly, if they didn't avenge the cadet immediately and acted against Jin,
their dignity would hit rock bottom.

The news that the Tona twins had been humiliated by their youngest brother
in front of all the other intermediate cadets would instantly spread within
the clan. Shivers ran down their spine as they stared at the composed Jin in
the eyes, but they couldn't allow themselves to shrink back in fear.

How would they explain themselves to their sisters? 'We're terribly sorry.
We were terrified of the youngest even though we had your lackeys with
us.' … As if they could say something like that.


In the end, the Tona twins unsheathed their swords simultaneously.

“I'll kill you!”

“That's it! Stop trying to crawl your way up the ranks!”


Jin completely ignored the Tona twins and turned to the cadet holding his
bloody arm(?). The cadet raised his head and stared at Jin.

“What is your name?”

“…Kajin Romello.”

“Do you know why I cut your arm?”

“Urgh, I do not. Why did you do such a thing?”

“Hey, Jin! Are you ignoring us? Unsheathe your weapon again, bastard! It's
time we brought this conflict to an en—”

“Elder Brothers.”

Jin slightly tilted his head to make eye contact with the twins.

“I am talking with Kajin right now.”

“Wh-What was that?”

“Please be quiet. If you wish to battle me, I will indulge on a later date.”

“How dare you! After attacking our cadet—!”

“Your cadet?”

Haytona almost instinctively blocked his own mouth with his hand.

“Was this individual a part of your clique? I only slashed him as he was
directing killing intent towards me.”

Silence descended upon the training ground once again. The Tona twins
could only stare in astonishment with their mouths and eyes wide open.

They were planning on confronting Jin, but got wrapped up in his pace.
With the exchange just now, Kajin Romello was established as part of the
“Tona twins' faction”.

In other words, Jin's actions just now weren't a simple rebellious outbreak,
but rather, a part of a long-lasting tradition within the Runcandel Clan.

It was a part of their 'battle for dominance'.

The Runcandel's familial conflict was always a source of inspiration for

travelling bards and minstrels. It was also great gossip material for drunk
customers in bars.
In general, there were no stories more exhilarating than the story of siblings
having a bloody battle to trample on each other.

“The medical team has arrived!”

As a yell resounded from behind the rank of cadets, the crowd split in half
to create a passage. The medical team behaved as usual, unlike the Tona
twins or the other cadets. They had gotten used to seeing blood and wounds
on a daily basis in the clan.

Due to the medical team's natural movements as they settled around Kajin,
the twins also had to get out of their way. Although they were pure-blooded
Runcandels, they still couldn't disturb an emergency medical operation.

“Listen carefully, Kajin. That also goes for all the cadets here!”

Jin suddenly cried out as he lifted his head.

“I am Jin Runcandel. From now on, I do not mind if any of you behave like
I just did towards Kajin. You can surprise attack me with your swords, or
strike me from behind when I've let my guard down.”

The dumbfounded cadets stared at Jin with mouths agape.

“But keep this in mind. If I sense anyone directing even the slightest
amount of murderous intent towards me, I will not hesitate to cut you down
as well. Just like what I did moments ago.”

After saying what he had to say, Jin casually returned to his original
position. The cadets in the area could only gulp as Jin passed by them.

He had caused such chaos, even as Zed Runcandel watched him with wide
eyes from the stage.

However, Jin didn't even bother apologizing to Zed. The boy knew that,
according to the Zed he knew, his uncle would praise him instead of
punishing him.
'He loves familial conflict and bold people more than anyone else in this
clan. More than father, in fact.'

The medical team left the training ground with Kajin on a stretcher. The
cadets all watched with impatience to see how Zed would penalize Jin.

They all expected the boy to be reproached by the instructor. The Tona
twins especially hoped that their uncle would severely punish their brother.

“Jin Runcandel. The patriarch's 13th child.”

“Yes, Elder.”

Jin didn't call him uncle on purpose. His father and uncle were similar. It
seemed that the elders of the clan all preferred to be shown respect
according to their ranks.

“You've done something quite dreadful. You dare… do such a thing in my


Colour returned to the Tona twins' faces as they stood frozen.

Zed Runcandel, their awe-inspiring uncle! Zed's thunderous roars could

make anyone shrink back in fear, even their monstrous younger brother.

“That is correct.”

“How insolent. Why did you do so?”

“I didn't challenge my brothers just now. I was challenging you, Elder.”

Not only had he cut Kajin, Jin also made an offensive remark.

At this point, even the Tona twins could only hold their breath in shock,
despite their wish to see Jin getting demolished.

'Did he actually lose his mind? Goodness. How can he act like this?'

The twins were having the same thoughts as the other cadets.
“You? Challenging me? What a very, very interesting story. What made you
do that?”


A white sword took shape in Zed's hand. Forming a sword of pure aura was
something that only outstanding 8-star knights could do.

“Speak. Depending on your answer, I may cut your head off immediately.”

“Despite the fact that I was amongst the new cadets, you organized a special
intermediate class welcoming ceremony. I perceived that as a challenge and
attack from you, Elder.”

Swoosh, slit!

Zed lightly swung his sword and a small gash appeared on Jin's left cheek.
But the boy stood still and waited for a reply from his uncle.

“So, you were offended by the ceremony I organized and caused all this
confusion and chaos? You thought I was challenging and attacking you?”

“While I was not offended, that is exactly it.”

“In that case, why did you attack a cadet instead of me?”

“Because I cannot win against the elder yet. Had I had a real chance of
winning, I would've slashed you instead of Kajin or my brothers, Elder.”

“You don't seem to care about your life. Or maybe you trust your position
as the patriarch's son too much.”

“Just because my opponent is stronger than me does not mean I should sit
back and get abused by them. I merely believe such thoughts aren't a part of
the Runcandels' virtues and standards.”

The legs of the cadets nearby were on the brink of trembling. They had no
idea on what basis this 15-year-old rookie could stand his ground and run
his mouth as such.
Zed only spoke again after thinking to himself for a few minutes.

“So you mean that one's life may only be temporary, but one's honor lasts
forever? How foolish.”

The sword-shaped aura on his hand dispersed and scattered away.

“But this uncle of yours quite likes your foolish audacity. Good, I shall
admit it. You are worthy of surviving amongst the Runcandels.”


Zed suddenly burst out in laughter.

“Remember this day, cadets. Today, you have witnessed the very essence of
the Runcandels. This rookie's attitude is the core of our identities as


“Every day is a battle. You are dismissed! Daytona and Haytona will stay
behind. The rest of you may return. Training starts tomorrow.”

The cadets began to exit the training ground in an orderly fashion. The Tona
twins felt like their blood was being drained from their bodies. As Jin
passed by them, he spoke.

“As your little brother, I'd like to give you some advice.”

The twins turned their heads to face him with blank expressions.

“Always think about the future. You may be more afraid of our older
siblings than me right now, but that may change later on. Don't you think

The Tona twins couldn't even answer Jin as he smiled gently.

“Woah, I gotta say… His drive and willpower were amazing. Were we
dreaming just now? I still can't believe that happened.”
“Do you think the rumours that he killed the White Wolf warrior are true?
Putting how we could join his faction aside, we definitely shouldn't have
him as an enemy.”

“But he's still the 13th amongst the 13 Runcandel children. We don't want
to ruin our entire lives by joining the wrong faction. The other Runcandels
are all already distinguished…”

“That's not wrong. But still, he was quite the sight to behold. Just who
would ever be brave enough to act like that in front of Elder Zed?”

“And have you heard? They say that Young Master Jin may one day be the
successor of the clan. It's an open secret that the patriarch has been
dissatisfied by Lord Joshua, so…”

“Shush! What if someone hears us? You're gonna get us all in trouble!”

The recent incident in the intermediate training class immediately spread

amongst the cadets. Every single intermediate cadet in the dormitory was
talking about Jin's behaviour today.

Meanwhile, Scott, Mesa, Bellop and the other cadets who had advanced
with Jin this year were already being called the 'Youngest Division'. In other
words, they were the object of their seniors' sharp and pressuring gazes.

The new intermediate cadets were moving around in groups at all times,
just as Jin had told them to.

“Since Young Master Jin cut Kajin's arm, they may retaliate to get revenge
within the day. Keep an eye on your surroundings at all times and stay

Mesa—the unofficial leader of the group—gave out orders to the rest of

them. And around an hour later, a group of intermediate cadets came to the
room where the Youngest Division was gathered.

The Youngest Division members exchanged nervous gazes and took their
stances as one of them carefully opened the door.
Just like what Young Master Jin had done in class today, they were prepared
to swing their fists as soon as they detected the slightest bit of murderous

“Nice to meet you, juniors.”

However, the intermediate cadets standing before the door were holding
cigarettes, alcohol, and all kinds of food and snacks.

It was as if an enemy nation had sent an ambassador in order to build a

friendly relationship between the two countries.

The Youngest Division was in shock, and couldn't help but receive the
basket of food with blank expressions.

In truth, after experiencing the welcoming ceremony earlier today, the

newbies were extremely nervous about the chaos and violence that would
ensue in their dormitories.

They weren't afraid of being beaten by their seniors. In fact, they couldn't
care less about themselves.

Instead, they were worried that if they got beaten down by their seniors
every day, it would sully Young Master Jin's dignity and reputation.

“We didn't know what you like, so we just got a bunch of different stuff.
The cigarettes were made in Milla, and the alcohol is from a famous brand
in the Curano Dukedom. They were expensive, you know? We didn't put
poison or anything in them, so we'd be grateful if you accepted these.”

“Why are you suddenly giving us such things?”

“Why, you ask? Because we're currying favour with you. We're not
affiliated with any faction, so while we can't participate in the family
dispute, we do want to root for Young Master Jin.”

In the Runcandel Clan, being unaffiliated to any faction meant that the
cadets were not skilled enough.
And despite being in this non-committal situation, these cadets had come
looking for the Youngest Division because of the Tona twins.

These cadets had experienced all kinds of torment and bullying ever since
the Tona twins had advanced to the intermediate class one year ago.
Therefore, they wanted to express their gratitude to Jin.

The Tona twins only behaved like obedient sheep in front of Jin or other
Runcandel children, but most of the time, they were tyrannical madmen.

They weren't known as the Nefarious Homicidal Maniacs for nothing in

Jin's first life.

“Well then, we'll be going. I hope that your future is brighter and more
promising than ours.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 32


Having returned to his room, Jin let out a long sigh. He shut the door and
leaned against the wall as the tension left him.

In fact, he was glad he could finally express his stress and nervousness ever
since the beginning of class.

'Sheesh, I thought my heart would explode.'

As he recalled his conversation with his uncle, Zed Runcandel, Jin could
only stare at the ceiling in astonishment.

Thanks to his regression, Jin was aware of his uncle's personality and
thought process, so he knew what to say exactly to satisfy the instructor.
However, knowing what to say and actually having to say it in front of his
uncle were completely different problems.

Had Jin shown even the slightest hint of fear on his expression before Zed,
one of his limbs would've been sent flying immediately. In fact, his uncle
might've even cleanly sliced Jin's head off like he had said.

However, Jin had successfully resolved the situation. He had planted a

powerful and intense image of himself inside Zed and the other cadets'
minds. Moreover, Jin had already declared war on the Tona twins' faction
over the hegemony of the intermediate class.

Although the benefits Jin received seemed far too little compared to how he
had risked his life to confront Zed, the boy knew it was worth it.
Jin knew better than anyone else that one could very easily lose their life in
the Runcandel Clan for the smallest of issues, and that one couldn't earn
anything unless they used all their forces and strength.

'Fight, win, and enjoy the benefits… I'm sure that even if everyone were a
regressor, they wouldn't be able to act and behave like me.'

The three great virtues of the Runcandel Clan he once hated in his first life.

The current Jin was closer than anyone else to attaining these virtues.


“Yes, Young Master.”

“I've officially declared war on the Tona elder brothers. But it seems that
Elder Sisters Anne and Myu are secretly backing them.”

Gilly instantly froze. The hand that was wiping the tea cup stopped dead in
its tracks.

She had been expecting Jin and the Tona twins to fight over the hegemony
when the youngest boy advanced classes. It was an inevitable conflict as
long as they were all standing inside the same enclosure called the
intermediate class.

However, Gilly hadn't expected the Tona twins to have a backer. Soon, her
gaze darkened and deepened.

“Ladies Anne and Myu… Are you certain?”

“Yeah. Today, I cut down a cadet who was alongside Elder Brothers, and
after looking into it, he was a part of Elder Sisters Anne and Myu's faction.
In fact, there's no way the Tona Elder Brothers would already have a 5-star
knight in their faction.”

Even if someone is a part of the Runcandel direct lineage, a knight of the

clan won't be willing to subordinate themselves to someone weaker than
them. However, the Tona twins were still only at the 3-star stage.
“Haa, I didn't expect them to already start trying to keep you in check,
Young Master, since they're already active flag-bearers.”

Myu and Anne were 7-star knights who had already fought on many
battlefields. Due to their numerous contributions, they received the flag-
bearer qualification from the clan.

Amongst Cyron Runcandel's 13 children, only four had yet to become flag-

Jin, the Tona twins, and Cyron's youngest daughter, Yona.

Gilly fiddled with the dry tea towel with complicated feelings.

“It's actually good news that my elder sisters are trying to keep me in check
already. It means that they're already concerned by me despite our age gap.”

“Even so, it's unreasonable. You're only 15 years old, Young Master. And
it's an unwritten rule that flag-bearers should only fight between themselves
and not get involved with their youngest siblings!”

Gilly bursted out in fury.

“It's fine. I just have to change things so that my elder sisters don't just feel
concerned by me, but also fear me.”


The sunbathing cat lying next to the window suddenly turned around and
transformed into a human.

“What's going on? What are you talking about? Lemme in on it as well.”

Gilly explained the situation in simple terms to Murakan, who then sighed

“It's such a pity I can't reveal my identity yet. I could easily beat up two 7-
star knights with the flick of a finger. Why do your siblings obsess with
trampling on you even though you're the clan's only hope of defeating the
Zipfels in the future?”

The clan's only hope of defeating the Zipfels in the future.

Murakan's words were accurate. If Jin mastered Solderet's power and stayed
within the clan, the Runcandels could trample on the Zipfels and take over
the world in the future.

Currently, the Zipfels had the upper hand. If the Runcandels and Zipfels
were to start an all out war today, the clan of magicians would come out
victorious in the end.

But the Zipfel Clan hadn't declared war on the Runcandels yet for two

The conflict would cause irreparable damage to the Zipfels, and the
existence of Cyron Runcandel.

However, there was one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial, little tiny detail
the Zipfels weren't aware of. The god they were desperately yearning for—
Solderet—was currently contracted to Jin.

“Are your siblings acting like this because they don't know you're Solderet's

“No, they just try to keep anyone who shows potential in check. In fact, if
they knew I was Solderet's contractor, they would've been ten times more
motivated to trample me down. It would've been a miracle if I survived till
the age of 15.”

“Even so, the clan is still as fucked up as it was a thousand years ago. In
fact, things might've been better back then. Your first patriarch was rude
and insolent, but he still had compassion and heart.”

“…Then what do you plan on doing from now on, Young Master?”

“I've got no reason to hesitate. I've already dealt my sisters a heavy blow.
Not only did I cut down their strongest intermediate-class subordinate on
my first day, I also shifted his official affiliation to the Tona faction instead
of my sisters'.”

Jin explained the incident at the training ground to the other two in detail.

Officially speaking, Kajin was not a member of Anne and Myu's faction
anymore, as the Tona twins had called him 'our cadet'.

“I'm sure my elder brothers will get beaten to death by our sisters. They'll
definitely come to the training ground tomorrow with bruised and swollen
faces. It'll be hard for them to try to oppress me with their intermediate-
class subordinates now.”

If a king bestowed his strongest army to a general and the general returned
after getting the entire army decimated, the king wouldn't give them a
second chance.

That was the situation between Myu, Anne, and the Tona twins.

“And since they're already flag-bearers, my elder sisters can't personally

come to the intermediate class to beat me to death. In that case, there's just
one last method they can use to attempt to oppress me.”

Gilly gasped as she realized what Jin was talking about.

“Through missions!”

“That's right. They'll most likely manipulate the missions I receive with
their authority as flag-bearers. I'm sure they'll specifically choose to assign
me disgustingly difficult missions and earnestly wait for me to die on duty
or to return with a severe injury.”

“I will try to discuss it with the ladies' nannies. I cannot let such a thing
happen to you, Young Master.”

The kind and naive Gilly didn't know how to think in a cunning and sly
“You mustn't, Gilly. If they find out, Elder Sisters will accuse me of trying
to abuse my power and will take disciplinary action against me. And the
supervision of missions is part of the flag-bearers' jurisdiction, so if we have
no real explanation, we cannot stop them from manipulating my schedule of

“Shit! God-fucking-dammit! Ack, apologies, Young Master. That came out

on the spur of the moment…”

“It's fine, Strawberry Pie.”

Murakan replied in Jin's stead. The boy also smiled gently and continued
his words.

“But there's one thing my elder sisters aren't aware of. Most of the difficult
missions are one-man tasks… But if I'm assigned one-man missions, I won't
have to hold back and hide my true abilities, don't you think?”

Unlike group missions, Jin would be able to use magic and spiritual power
when carrying out solo missions.

He could use magic, spiritual power, and the combat techniques written in
the secret tomes of the various martial clans as long as there was no one
around or he killed all the witnesses.

“So solo missions are actually a great opportunity for me. If my elder sisters
send me on solo missions, I'd be infinitely grateful. It's suffocating having
to limit myself with just swordsmanship. I'll just go on the missions, use my
hidden abilities to wipe out my enemies, and gain some achievements.”

Achievements on missions. That was the absolute criterion the instructors

used to evaluate the cadets in the intermediate class.

There were cases where a cadet had excellent swordsmanship but fell
behind on missions, and vice versa. Needless to say, the more important
criterion was the missions.
Moreover, solo missions with high difficulties were the best missions to
carry out in order to gain the most points. Solo missions usually consisted
of assassinations and espionage, so they were the most dangerous tasks.

“That's a great plan, kid!”

“…If you were to use all your hidden abilities, you should be able to rival
the weaker advanced-class cadets, Young Master.”

Murakan and Gilly were well aware of Jin's true combat capabilities. Since
Jin's swordsmanship was developing at a quick pace, he would probably
reach the 4-star stage before being sent on his first mission.

“And if one of the missions appears to be too difficult for you, I could
accompany you to help out. Even if it's a solo mission, they should allow
you to take a mere cat along, no?”

“They would. But I need you to do something else for me.”

“What is it?”

“I'll tell you later. Since we've discussed the most important stuff, I should
head over to Elder Sister Luna's training session now. Behave yourself
while I'm gone and don't cause any problems.”

The intermediate class began its training in earnest.

Compared to the beginner training class, there were no particular

differences in the regimen other than the fact that the cadets used real
swords and that the difficulty was higher.

However, when the afternoon classes began, Jin and the Tona twins were
led to a hidden area inside the training ground and were taught the
'Runcandel Swordsmanship'. This was a privilege only available to direct
Runcandel descendants.

“Our clan's swordsmanship is, in simple terms, overpowering. It's

destructive and unwavering. The clan's personality and virtues are perfectly
embodied in our swordsmanship.”
The three boys sitting cross-legged on the floor nodded in sync.

The Tona twins' faces were bruised and swollen just as Jin had predicted.
They had been pummelled and beaten by their sisters all night long.

However, Zed didn't even bother asking why the twins were in such pitiable
states. He didn't care. He already knew that the Tona twins didn't have great
potential since before Jin joined the intermediate class.

'I never thought the day would ever come when I'd feel pity for the Tona
twins. Still, they reap what they sow.'

They were crazy homicidal maniacs in Jin's past life and were growing up
to become the same homicidal maniacs right now.

However, the twins were treated as outstanding, genius kids in the outside
world. Yet, they fell short in Zed's eyes, and their uncle couldn't care less
about them now.

Moreover, the twins had gotten humiliated by their little brother yesterday,
so Zed couldn't be more displeased with them.

However, it wasn't as if Zed held absolutely no sense of affection towards


Do not confront the youngest until you two are strong enough. That is, if
you wish to live long. That child isn't someone you two can rival.

Yesterday, after telling the twins to stay behind after class, Zed warned Jin's
older brothers as so.

“You three must already be aware, but our clan's swordsmanship doesn't
have a single style or form. While we do have secret techniques and
decisive killing moves, those are only taught once you become flag-

The swordsmanship that is taught to the direct Runcandel descendants is a

formless style of swordsmanship. It was different compared to the style
taught to the cadets.
There were no patterns, no footwork, and no real shape or form. This was
the biggest difference between the Runcandel Clan and other martial clans.

“Do you know why our clan's swordsmanship is formless?”

“It is due to the special physical capabilities and sensory faculties that the
Runcandel bloodline possesses.”

“Correct. The Runcandel lineage possesses blessed bodies. We hold special

sensory faculties towards our own bodies and the sword that no ordinary
human could understand. No one else! Not a single person out of thousands
or tens of thousands.”

The timing at which the bloodline's blessing blooms and the overall effect
on one's talents were different for each individual. However, the blessing
did indeed bloom in every single Runcandel since a thousand years ago. No
one was exempted from it.

However, the bloodline's affinity with magic was incredibly low. Jin was an
extremely rare exception to the rule amongst the Runcandels.

Zed continued his words and finished his explanation.

“And so, what I'm about to teach you three is extremely simple and
unsophisticated. Get up.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 33

Zed pointed next to the three kids.

Over there were roundish balls of metal piled up like mountains, and
several tables standing next to those piles.

“Bring those tables and steel balls here.”

“How many of them should we move?”

Zed smirked maliciously at Haytona's question.

“Four tables, and as many steel balls as you can.”

The three boys began moving the tables and balls towards the center of the
hidden area. The steel balls were heavier than your average person.
Moreover, when they picked one up, they felt something dense moving
around inside.

'What are these?'

As he moved the steel balls, Jin scanned through his memories, and
confirmed that he had never seen these objects in his past life.

Yet, he wasn't surprised about that. From what he had deduced, these steel
balls were used to teach the direct Runcandel descendants the clan's
swordsmanship. However, Jin wasn't talented enough to enter the
intermediate class and train with his uncle in his first life.

Thud, thud.
Each time they dropped a ball to the floor, it left dents on the hard ground.

Zed only told them to stop after the three boys moved around fifty of those
steel balls.

“Do you know what these balls are?”

He asked as he placed one of them on a table. The ball was now sitting
slightly below the height of Zed's waist.

“No, sir.”

“These steel balls are called Clear Stones, because you can hear a clear
echo resounding when you hit them.”

The Tona twins tilted their heads in confusion. They couldn't understand
why they needed these stones in order to train their swordsmanship.
Meanwhile, Jin didn't show his emotions, but he was curious to know how
they'd end up using these Clear Stones.

Zed slowly unsheathed the sword attached to his waist and placed it against
the Clear Stone.

“I will swing my blade down onto this ball a total of three times. Try
comparing the sounds that are created.”

The first swing. Zed didn't put much force behind his sword and simply
lowered his blade onto the ball lightly.


A rather thick and murky sound echoed in the room. It felt as if one would
feel nauseous by listening to it for an extended period of time.

“Not a pleasant sound, isn't it?”

Soon enough, Zed striked the ball again. This time, his swing contained far
more strength and speed than before.

This time, a pure and elegant sound worthy of the Clear Stone's name
resonated in the room. It felt like the sound entered their ears and soothed
their entire bodies from the inside.


The twins exclaimed simultaneously. Jin's eyes also widened as he stared at

the Clear Stone.

“Hm, it's also quite pleasant for me to listen to. It's been a while since I last
heard this sound. As you have seen, the Clear Stone emits a thick and
murky sound when you hit it weakly, but creates a beautiful sound when hit
with the perfect amount of strength.”

It was a simple principle.

But Jin was concerned about how Zed didn't tell them what this 'perfect
amount of strength' was exactly. Thus, he soon realized the purpose behind
this training method.

'The goal of this exercise is to create that beautiful sound every single time
you strike the Clear Stone.'

Striking it with the perfect amount of force and speed once would be easy
to achieve. But after observing Zed's behaviour, it seemed that achieving it
every single time was a much harder exercise.

They would have to strike the ball countless times until they found the
perfect strength. However, the boys would most likely be distracted by the
unpleasant sounds created by their imperfect strikes every time.

Even so, just because their concentration has been disturbed doesn't mean
they could abandon this exercise. In other words, this exercise was also to
train their willpower and mental strength.

'But why did he say he'd strike it three times?'

The first and second swings were to show the importance of fine control
over one's strength.

The third swing would most probably be for the same objective. Jin couldn't
see another reason behind hitting the Clear Stone.

'We're doing this exercise since it fits the Runcandels' physical capabilities
quite well. Uncle said that this training was simple and unsophisticated.
However, there's far too few dangerous hazards in this exercise.'

The Runcandel-style swordsmanship was all about overpowering another

and ruling by force. In other words, their techniques were powerful enough
that it could potentially harm its user. Thus, there was no way the training
exercise that was only accessible to pure-blooded Runcandels would be so
safe and risk-free.

'There was definitely something shaking around inside the Clear Stones
when I picked them up. It felt and sounded like some piece of metal…'


Jin found the answer to his question as Zed raised his sword one last time.
He then immediately grabbed the back of the Tona twins' necks standing on
both of his sides and pushed.

“And now, the third strike.”

“Get down!”

Jin shouted as he shoved them forward. The surprised twins fell to the
ground along with their little brother due to his strength.

As soon as they touched the floor, the twins were about to hurl curses at Jin,
but could only blink their eyes in shock as they watched the situation


With Zed's final swing, the Clear Stone exploded with a deafening roar.
And from within it came hurling out dozens of steel marbles. They flew in
all directions like arrows. An average person would've easily died from
being pierced by all these powerful projectiles.

“Eh… Huh?”


The astonished twins stared at their surroundings. They felt their heart drop
as the marbles rolled around on the ground.

“The youngest has great instincts. These Clear Stones have been designed
to explode if they sustain too great of an impact.”

Zed spoke with a pleased smile on his face.

Jin got up and dusted himself off. It seemed that his uncle wasn't in his right
mind either. He had put his nephews in life-threatening danger without a
word of warning beforehand.

Was anyone in this clan actually sane?

In any case, Jin began to ponder.

'Every Runcandel has gone through this training. Since most of my siblings
have been taught by Uncle Zed as well, they somehow survived this
hazardous demonstration.'

In Jin's case, he had survived the explosion by getting on the ground in time
thanks to his instincts. The Tona twins had survived thanks to their brother.

Then what about all the others?

“You three are the first ones not to get injured during the Clear Stone's
demonstration session since Luna. Other than her and you boys, all your
other siblings were gravely wounded by the steel marbles. You can think of
this as a rite of passage.”
As they watched Zed laughing out loud, the Tona twins once again realized
that their upcoming adventures in the intermediate class were full of pain,
agony and struggles.

Meanwhile, Jin felt proud by the fact that they were the first ones to be
unscathed after Luna.

“Uncle, may I ask you how Eldest Sister Luna avoided these steel

“Hm, you'll get upset if you hear about it. At least, all your other siblings
got upset when they heard what she did.”

“I do not mind.”

“Technically speaking, Luna couldn't avoid the marbles like you. In fact,
none of your siblings managed to avoid them all. She just received them
head-on, but didn't get injured. She was just that robust and strong…”

Just as Zed had warned them, it was a somewhat disheartening story.

Even so, Jin was quite satisfied. Had one of his siblings avoided all the
pellets while being ignorant of the dangers of this demonstration, it
would've meant that they were more gifted and talented than Jin himself.

“In any case, I assume that you three have understood the content of this
exercise. From today onwards, you boys will spend your afternoons
swinging your swords onto the steel balls every day. You'll only stop when
you're able to strike the Clear Stones in any circumstances and successfully
create a clear and beautiful sound each time.”

Luna's room.

The woman in question was spending a peaceful and relaxing time inside,
sipping on a cup of tea with her nanny.

'It's about time the youngest starts to show some results from our Mind's
Eye training sessions. It'll hurt if he gets hit by the Clear Stone's projectiles,
but I'm sure he'll manage to do something about it. It's so gratifying to
watch him grow up and get stronger.'


“Lady Luna.”

“Yes, Nanny?”

“I believe that Lady Anne and Myu are quite suspicious. There was the
incident where they tried to keep Young Master Jin in check to take into

The two of them were conversing about the potential suspects behind the
'assassination attempt' on Jin when he was merely a year old.

There has already been an assassination attempt against me. I've never
talked about it to anyone else. Not even Gilly. And due to that incident, my
fight has already begun.

Ever since Luna first heard Jin's words when she visited him at the Storm
Castle, she has been searching for the culprit to this day. She hadn't given
up even after five whole years.

It was because she greatly cared about her youngest brother, but that wasn't
the only reason.

It was a long-established and traditional taboo within the clan for a pure-
blooded Runcandel residing in the main house to aim for the life of a family
member that had yet to leave the Storm Castle.

If Luna informed Cyron about this incident, it would cause great chaos
within the clan. However, she judged that doing so wouldn't benefit Jin, so
Luna decided against reporting to her father.

Moreover, they had no evidence to show Cyron about this attempted

“Hm, it's true that those two are very domineering and tend to step over
their boundaries, but I don't think so. Would they be crazy enough to
attempt to assassinate someone inside the Storm Castle?”

Technically speaking, Jin hadn't been the target of an assassination attempt,

but rather the target of the 'Bladed Illusion' curse. However, Luna wasn't
aware of this truth yet.

“To be truthful, I believe that there's the possibility of Young Master Jin
having lied to you. He was only 10 years old back then, so isn't it highly
likely? We haven't found out anything after all these years.”

“I don't think Jin lied to me. Back then, he was wary of me. Not because he
found it awkward to interact with me for the first time ever, but because he
was on guard. His gaze… It was the gaze of someone whose life was being

“Then should we investigate Lady Myu and Anne for the time being?”

“Yeah, I'll leave it in your care. I'm more concerned by the fact that we
haven't discovered anything so far. Something's wrong… I have an ominous

“I feel the same way. But I'm more concerned for you, Lady Luna. I'm
worried your siblings will break your heart again.”

“Haha, I'm already in my thirties, Nanny.”

Luna hid her bitter smile with her teacup.

And so, a day went by.

Jin and the Tona twins had yet to create a beautiful sound by striking the
Clear Stones. Fortunately, there were still no incidents where someone
accidentally burst the steel balls.


The unpleasant noises have been echoing inside the hidden training room
for four hours straight.

'I can declare with certainty that amongst all the training I've done in my
life, this is by far the nastiest.'

These abominable sounds had been disturbing his concentration. The twins
had already vomited on the ground a couple of times. In the meantime, Jin
was sweating buckets, but somehow managed not to let go of his sword and
drop to the ground.

In the morning, he had experienced the intermediate class's hellish training,

and in the afternoon, he was constantly hitting the Clear Stones; Jin was on
the verge of death. He couldn't get used to these unpleasant sounds and
echoes no matter how hard he tried to.

“Take a five-minute break.”

As soon as the words left Zed's mouth, the three boys sat cross-legged on
the floor. However, the Tona twins' posture was terrible as they were
exhausted both mentally and physically.

In fact, the five-minute break wasn't quite a 'break'.

According to Zed's training regime, the boys had to hold their swords
straight and cover them in aura while sitting upright and maintain that
position during the so-called 'break'. So the break was, in other words, an
exercise where they were training their aura.

Jin's hands were trembling as they squeezed the sword's handle, whereas the
Tona twins couldn't even hold onto theirs properly.

While it was the nastiest training Jin had ever experienced, it wasn't the
most difficult one.

In his past life, Jin had trained several dozens of times more than others in
order to become a 1-star knight by the age of 25. Compared to his
despairing and miserable days back then, this exercise with the Clear Stones
was somewhat bearable.

'The purpose of this training was to increase our aura's destructive power in
the first place.'

Zed had destroyed the Clear Stone without using any aura, but that was
only possible because he was an 8-star knight. The three boys first had to
train and develop their auras in order to strike the Clear Stones with enough
force to make a beautiful sound, let alone make them explode.

“Daytona, Haytona. Sit straight. If you can't endure this, you won't be able
to survive within the clan.”

As Zed spoke calmly, the twins fixed their postures with tears in their eyes.
It was tear-jerkingly difficult for them, but Jin knew that they would
successfully become flag-bearers of the clan thanks to his past life's

'Even my stupid brothers managed to become flag-bearers in the past, so

there's no way I won't be able to do it.'

Therefore, there was no need for Jin to feel impatient.

The boy closed his eyes and focused his senses on the aura covering his

Thooomp, Thooooomp.

Even though he could hear the residual auditory hallucinations from the
echoes earlier, Jin kept his eyes closed and concentrated. He was quite good
at erasing all distracting thoughts and keeping his eyes closed.

'I noticed it the first day as well, but that kid… he's quite something. The
Tona twins aren't doing so badly either, but this one… He might even break
Luna's record.'

Zed praised Jin in his mind but didn't express it out loud.
He could always praise the boy when he broke Luna's record.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 34

The Clear Stone training session only ended at 9 PM, after the Tona twins
collapsed side by side.

They had completely exhausted their physical and mental strength that they
ended up falling unconscious.


Zed clicked his tongue and called the medical team. Meanwhile, Jin didn't
fully agree with his uncle's statement.

'It's quite impressive they've lasted this long in the first place.'

Jin was still standing on both feet. His legs were trembling like crazy and
the unpleasant ringing was still echoing in his mind, but he was standing.

The attitude and dedication the twins had shown today were praiseworthy.
In all honesty, even Jin was on the verge of collapsing. If the training had
continued for another thirty minutes, he would've surely flopped onto the

The medical team placed the twins on stretchers and took them out.

“Make sure you tell your brothers that if they plan on fainting during
tomorrow's training as well, they shouldn't come to class in the first place.”

“I understand.”
Jin exited the hidden training room and pondered to himself as he walked
back to his dorm.

'Seeing Uncle's reaction, I was close to disappointing him as well. Had the
training been slightly longer, I would've fainted. And Uncle would've
considered me a failure as well… I should be more careful tomorrow.'

However, Zed was having different thoughts than what Jin was predicting.
He stayed behind in the hidden room, staring at the spots where his three
nephews had been standing until moments ago.

'The Tona twins ended up collapsing far later than what I was initially
expecting. Kekek, they're Runcandels alright. But the youngest…'

Despite being two years younger than the twins, he had managed to endure
the training today without falling unconscious. It was an incredible feat,
considering his body hadn't developed as much as theirs.

'A shame. Such a shame! Why did he have to be born as the youngest?!'

According to what Zed had witnessed today, Jin was the most talented child
amongst Cyron's 13 children. While it was debatable whether or not he was
better than Luna, he was far more gifted than Joshua, the soon-to-be

However, he was too young.

Jin was only 15 years old.

Even if he trained seriously and became a 9-star knight by the age of 30,
Joshua would already be leading the clan by then.

These days, the patriarch's authority and power were slowly beginning to be
transferred over to Joshua already. Very slowly, but steadily.

'If only he were born ten years earlier, he would've had the Runcandel Clan
in his grasp…!'
Currently, Jin's talents and growth speed were… seeds that would sow
chaos and havoc in the clan.

If Jin were to become the strongest person in the clan in ten or fifteen years
and aimed for the throne… how much damage would he cause to Joshua's
rule? To the Runcandel Clan?

And what if the clan's enemies—such as the Zipfels—took advantage of the

inner conflict to attack the clan?

As his thoughts reached that conclusion, Zed let out a deep sigh.

'Let's keep watch for now. Seeing how Luna cares for him, Jin might grow
up to resemble her. He might become a Shadow that protects the clan just
like that child.'

Countless variables that could affect Jin's 'future' and 'growth' existed. The
boy could die during a mission or could suddenly decide to leave the clan
one day and become a wanderer.

Children go through many different experiences and incidents as they grow

up, so Zed couldn't predict Jin and the clan's future as of yet.

March 1795. A month had gone by.

Jin and the Tona twins were in open warfare for hegemony from day one,
but since they were stuck in the Clear Stone training room the entire
afternoon, there were no real fights between them.

Ever since Kajin Romello was cut down by Jin, the other cadets didn't dare
lay a finger on the Youngest Division even when the young master was
away. They had also been ordered by Myu and Anne not to do so.

Jin's two older sisters had decided not to interfere with the happenings
within the intermediate training class, just as he had predicted.

They had no more expectations for the Tona twins. The idiots had borrowed
their best intermediate-class cadet and had returned him defective, so they
had no reason to support the twins anymore.
“…It's so peaceful that it's concerning.”

Mesa spoke as she dusted the dirt off her clothes, which were in terrible
condition as they had just finished their morning training session. The
cadets around her were in the same condition as her.

“Do you think the young master is doing okay in the afternoons? We don't
even know what they're being taught.”

Bellop asked with a worried tone, but Mesa snorted.

“We aren't at the level where we can worry about the young master.”

“But from time to time, I hear explosions inside the hidden training room
along with people screaming… The medical team always seems to be in a
hurry to head inside when that happens. The Tona young masters were even
brought out on stretchers before the training session had ended two days

“Stop worrying and focus on your own training. Don't you remember what
the young master told us? We'll be assigned missions soon enough.
Disgustingly difficult missions, according to the young master.”

Except for Mesa, Scott, Zhushen, Taimont and Kiko, the other members of
the Youngest Division didn't reach the average level of intermediate-class

In other words, Edington, Sierra, Phils and Bellop weren't supposed to be

sent out on missions yet. Well, technically speaking, Bellop was skilled
enough. He just hadn't recovered a good enough mental strength yet in
order to utilize his abilities to the maximum.

“I do not wish to be a hindrance to the young master from now on. So we

should focus on our own problems right now. We all need to reach 3-star at
the very least before we're given our first missions.”

“She's right. And it's thanks to Young Master Jin that we're not being
harassed or persecuted during this faction war.”
The cadets nodded with resolute expressions.


The intermediate training class's assistant instructor, 'Mael Trasil', yelled

out loud. There were a total of three assistant instructors in the intermediate
class, and they were all guardian knights of the Runcandel Clan. Mael was
the main assistant instructor.

“The first missions of this year's intermediate class have been issued. There
are a total of five missions. I will now call out names. The cadets who have
their names called must step forward. There are a total of 60 cadets who
will be dispatched this time.”

The cadets who had spent several years in the intermediate class didn't
show any particular reactions. However, those who were in their 3rd year or
less were showing tense expressions.

“The first is a monster subjugation mission. The subjugation targets are

goblins. You shall hear the details of the mission from Petro, the second
butler. The cadets involved are Denkello, Atan, John…”

“The second is a bodyguard mission. The commissioners that need

protection are the rookies within the Minche Smithy Association. It would
be beneficial to some of you if you get friendly with them. Those involved
are Houston, Bading…”

“The third mission is another monster subjugation. The targets are orcs this
time. The area of operations is an unprotected zone as well. The cadets
involved are, um…”

Mael's hands stopped once he flipped the page. He frowned before making
sure he had read the names right on the document.

'The area of operations is an unprotected area, but all the cadets are
newcomers… Young Master Jin will be displeased by this. It'll be difficult
for everyone to return alive. But it's not like we can complain to the flag-
Mael coughed awkwardly before finishing his sentence.

“Mesa, Scott, Taimont, Kiko, Zhushen, Edington, Sierra, Phils, and David.
Petro will inform you about the details as well. I bid you all godspeed…”

A ruckus began amongst the intermediate cadets. Not only were the targets
orcs, but they were to enter an unprotected zone. Half or more of the
Youngest Division would certainly die during this mission.

However, there wasn't a single word of protest addressed to the assistant


Since the flag-bearers had chosen this lineup, they had no say in this. If
someone were to object to this, it had to be the faction's leader, Jin himself.

If Jin were to go find the flag-bearers personally in order to complain, he

could easily change the members of the 3rd mission. He could either make
a deal or make use of Luna's authority and influence.

However, that would end up biting him back later on.

He would be publicly admitting that his faction's members weren't skilled

enough to be sent on official missions. And if he made use of Luna's
authority, Jin would be proving that he himself had no power or

In this case, Jin would checkmate himself. Thus, the Youngest Division had
no choice but to go along with it and carry out the mission.

“Instructor, what are the 4th and 5th missions?”

“Those were assigned to the young masters. You need not concern
yourselves. Dismissed! Once you've had lunch, the cadets who were
assigned missions may take a break from class until they depart. You will
be dispatched in two days.”

Once the assistant instructors made their leave, a commotion began within
the cadets.
“Damn, good luck to those kids.”

“There's gonna be at least four or five deaths…”

“It would've been better for them to not be a part of any faction.”

“Didn't I say so? If you join the wrong faction, you'll only see a sea of

“The poor kids.”

The cadets who were part of Myu and Anne's faction, like Kajin, all wore
suspicious grins as they nodded between themselves.

“We'll have to prepare some coffins. Kekek.”

“We should have a proper funeral for them. Since they have two days left,
let's have someone paint their portraits in advance. Oh, and they shouldn't
forget to write a will.”

“Bwahaha! Have a good trip, you cutie-pies! Otherwise, you could ask
Young Master Jin for some help. 'Please save us! Please save us!' Kekekek.”

The cadets in Myu and Anne's faction giggled between themselves as they
stared at the Youngest Division. Taimont was about to stand up and face
them, but Mesa grabbed him by the shoulder and held him back.

“Endure it. We still can't win against them, and starting a fight right before
we leave on a mission will do us no good.”

“But those bastards were…!”

“Shut up and sit down, Taimont. You don't want to cause problems for the
young master, do you? Do I really have to spell it out to you?”

A fuming Taimont sat back down.

“…What do we do?”
Sierra sighed deeply. The other members of the Youngest Division were
also wearing distressed expressions.

“Is that a question? This is the Runcandel Clan. If they want us to go out
and fight, we go and fight. We'll do whatever we can to accomplish the
mission successfully and return alive. That's the one and only way we can
trample on those bastards' pride and humiliate them.”

Mesa spoke as she ground her teeth. Despite her confident front, her hands
were trembling lightly.

No, she wasn't afraid of death. She was simply disappointed in herself that
she could only be a hindrance to Young Master Jin and cause him problems.





Haytona's Clear Stone had exploded. This was already his third stone today.
The steel marbles grazed Daytona and headed towards Jin, who was
concentrating on his own sword and steel ball.

Haytona was hit in the chest, and Jin in the flank. Had it been his own steel
ball exploding, Jin would have avoided the projectiles. But someone else's
ball exploding and marbles flying at him from the side? Even that was
unavoidable for him.

Zed was sitting in the corner, calmly reading the mission documents as if he
didn't care what was happening to them.

“Urgh, fuck!”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine, Daytona. Um… sorry, Jin. Uh, I didn't do that on

Haytona fearfully approached Jin. Daytona followed suit as he scratched the

back of his head.

As he watched their actions, Jin began to wonder if they were truly the
same Nefarious Homicidal Maniacs from his first life.

“I'm fine. But from now on, I want you two to practice in that corner over


The Tona twins grunted as they pushed their tables towards the corner.

There was a reason why the twins were so obedient to their little brother.
After having spent time training together for an entire month, they soon
realized that their uncle's words were correct.

Do not confront the youngest until you two are strong enough. That is, if
you wish to live long.

The Jin they had witnessed so far was a beast. Today, the Tona twins had
finally gained enough strength to make the Clear Stones blow up three to
four times per session. However, Jin had already been blowing the Stones
up since a couple of days ago, creating five to six explosions every session.

'Today, I will definitely create a clear sound. Definitely.'

His flank was throbbing from the pain. He didn't feel his ribs cracking, so
he was physically fine. However, his breath was completely erratic now.

Phew… Phew…

Jin closed his eyes and regulated his breathing. He could subconsciously
see the Clear Stone's surface, its rigidity, and its weight in his mind, despite
the darkness.
As the pain in his flank kept disturbing his focus, Jin felt a sudden change.


A strange sensation overtook his senses. For some reason, he could

precisely see the direction the steel marble had flown to hit him despite his
closed eyes. It was being drawn in his mind.

'What is this? Why do I suddenly feel like…'

As he was about to open his eyes and verify the marble's actual trajectory,
Zed suddenly stood up. Jin and the Tona twins immediately ran before him
and corrected their stances.

“The details of your missions have been delivered.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 35

The Tona twins' mission was to attend a ceremony.

They were being ordered to attend several events and parties organized by
the Vermont emperor and the empire's dukes to curry favours with them.

In truth, calling this invitation to parties a 'mission' was an embarrassment.

There was absolutely no risk of them seeing any blood or conflict during
this mission. All they had to do was eat the excellent dishes prepared at the
parties and have fun in the empire.


“A ceremony?! In the Vermont Empire at that…”

However, the Tona twins' faces crumpled once they heard the details of
their mission.

'Attending ceremonies' was a type of mission that was only assigned to

direct members of the Runcandel lineage.

The clan could ignore invitations and the like from your average nation, but
the empire's invitation was a different story. The Runcandels couldn't refuse
them so easily.

Thus, one of the Runcandel children had to accept the invitation and attend
the events.

So whenever an invitation arrived from the Vermont Empire, the Runcandel

children prayed to avoid being chosen.
None of them wanted to attend those sickening and boring parties.

“My condolences, boys. Thanks to your sacrifices, your siblings won't have
to go to the empire and dance around aimlessly.”


“Is that a sigh I hear? Although it's an invitation to parties, this is a bona
fide mission. If you show this sort of attitude again, I'll beat you two up so
badly you'll beg me to kill you.”

The Tona twins nodded as they hid away their disgusted expressions.

This mission was more or less a 'punishment' for them. Their elder sisters
were punishing them, as they had failed to trample on their youngest sibling
even after borrowing a 5-star cadet from their faction.

Attending parties was a drudgery for the twins, as they didn't have an ounce
of oratory skills and hadn't learnt the subtle art of surviving in social

'Geez, Elder Sister Myu and Anne are so ill-natured.'

Jin laughed to himself.

“It's a mission someone has to accomplish. And when you arrive on site,
you will see dozens of powerful people, whether it be in their combat
prowess or their authority and influence. Make sure you observe them

“Understood, Uncle…”

“And you, Jin.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

“The mission you've been assigned is…”

Zed stopped halfway through the sentence. The Tona twins paid close
attention to his next words.

They were curious to know how crazy of a mission their sisters had
assigned to their youngest sibling.

Hopefully, it was something that would break Jin physically and mentally.
In fact, the best case scenario would be that Jin wouldn't return at all from
the mission.

“An assassination task. Your target is the Master of the Hidden Palace
Talaris's plaything. Hm… You basically need to kill a loafer.”

The Master of the Hidden Palace.

That is the title given to the owner of the 'Hidden Palace', an enormous
tower standing in the middle of the west sea. The 51st master is Talaris,
nicknamed the 'Abyssal Spider'.

The Hidden Palace is an independent force that is influenced by neither the

Runcandels nor the Zipfels.

“Uncle, by 'plaything', you mean…”

“The Abyssal Spider's plaything? It's that woman's lover.”

Jin's assassination target was the master's plaything.

In other words, her paramour. Jin had to kill one of the countless young
men Talaris was playing around with.

“Oh snap.”

The Tona twins unintentionally let out words of shock.

They didn't believe that Jin would be able to kill the Master of the Hidden
Palace's lover and return alive.
Talaris's notoriety was known around the world, even to the country
bumpkins living in some corner of the Mitel Kingdom. She was especially
known for being merciless to the people who laid a finger on her lovers.

“Your target is currently residing in the lawless zone of Mamit under the
protection of members of the Hidden Palace.”


“Holy smokes!”

The twins exclaimed out loud once again.

Missions in the Mamit Lawless Zone were generally assigned to guardian

knights. It wasn't a mission that a mere intermediate-class cadet like Jin was
supposed to undertake.

Killing the Master of the Hidden Palace's lover in Mamit.

You could easily summarize the mission with that sentence. The Tona twins
already believed that Jin would never return alive from this mission.

“There is one question I'd like to ask, Uncle.”

“What is it?”

“Who is our client?”

As Jin asked in a confident tone, Zed's lips rose into a soft smirk.

'This kid… He should know who the Master of the Hidden Palace and
where Mamit is, but he's going to accept the mission immediately? If he
claimed the mission was irrational, I would've been willing to go say a word
to the flag-bearers myself.'

Zed was somewhat hoping Jin would be shocked and vexed.

Recently, the elder's greatest enjoyment was watching his youngest nephew
grow. Even the unsympathetic Zed didn't appreciate sending a yet-to-be-
fully-forged sword on a dangerous mission like this where it would most
certainly break.

However, Jin didn't show an ounce of shock or vexation.

Since the cadet in question was planning on accepting the mission, Zed had
no reason to intervene.

“The Tzendler Clan. Your target—the loafer—is called Alkaro Tzendler, the
disgrace of the clan.”

“I see now. They're worried that the child who left the clan will spill the
clan's secrets to the Master of the Hidden Palace.”

“Exactly. It seems the Tzendler Clan tried to solve this issue on their own,
but gave up and came to us instead. Looks like the child in question doesn't
have a good reputation in the first place… Hm, can you do it?”

Zed asked with great anticipation.

He was deeply hoping the words 'this mission should be assigned to

guardian knights instead' would leave Jin's mouth.

“I will do it.”

“Why are you so… No, nevermind. Haaa, it's good to be decisive.”

Zed coughed awkwardly before handing over the documents to his


“You will all depart in two days. You are excused from the afternoon
training sessions until then. In the meantime, make sure to train on your
own, but only to the extent that it doesn't hinder your mission.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

Zed exited the hidden training room first.

The Tona twins stood around Jin awkwardly for a while.

While they felt ecstatic by the fact that their brother was about to die, they
were also disgruntled by it, as if there was a bitter taste in their mouths. The
twins didn't know that they had a strong bond of love and hatred with their
little brother.


“No, um… Good luck. Come back safely.”

“Yeah. It's not like you're gonna die, right? If something goes wrong, just
reveal that you're a Runcandel! Then no one will be able to lay a finger on

“Haha, geez. Are you worried about me? I didn't know you two had such
adorable sides to you.”

“W-We're not worried! We—”

“Before I return…”

Jin interrupted Daytona and unsheathed Bradamante, covering it in aura.

The twins froze as their brother had suddenly pulled out his weapon.


Before they could even ask what he was doing, Jin swung his sword, aiming
it at the Clear Stone sitting behind them.


A beautiful metallic sound resonated, bouncing off the arched ceiling and
echoing in the room.

Jin smiled in satisfaction.

He had suddenly felt like he would definitely succeed if he struck the Clear
Stone right now, and that feeling turned into reality within a few instants.

One month had passed since they began training with the Clear Stones.
Jin had no idea how inconceivable this record was.

“You two should make a choice, Elder Brothers. Whether you prefer our
elder sisters… or me.”

The Tona twins gulped audibly before clumsily nodding.

Jin then exited the room, leaving the two of them behind in silence.

“…What do we do?”

“I don't know. Elder Sisters are out of their minds, while our younger
brother is not in his right mind. Seriously… But I think that the youngest is
scarier than Elder Sisters…”

“I agree.”

The twins sighed in dejection.

Having made his way outside, Jin wasn't concerned about his mission.
Rather than the dangerous task, his mind was far more interested in another

'What was that sensation earlier?'

The steel marble that had come flying out of the Clear Stone Haytona had
blown up.

After getting hit by it, Jin suddenly pictured the marble's detailed trajectory
in his mind for no reason. It also felt like if another marble came hurling at
him from the same direction, he would be able to avoid it.

'I should ask Elder Sister Luna about this once I return from my mission.
This sensation might be related to the training I had been doing with her.'

Two days went by in a flash.

Those who had been assigned a mission had finished their preparations
yesterday. All that was left to do was to go to the Huphester Transfer Gate
and teleport to their respective destinations.

“Phew… Young Master.”

Before he got on the steel carriage, the members of the Youngest Division
called out to him.

They were all wearing somber expressions, as if they were a herd of cows
being led to a slaughterhouse. No one could guess how many of them
would die in their upcoming mission.

However, that wasn't the only reason they were dejected.

“We heard you're going to the Mamit Lawless Zone.”

“Indeed. I need to go to the transfer gate separately since I was tasked with
an assassination mission. I also need to go through all the administrative
procedures properly. How annoying.”

“…We've come to bid you farewell before departing.”

The reason why the Youngest Division had come to salute him was quite

This could be the final time they would see the young master. Not only was
it likely that some of them would die during their mission in the unprotected
area, Young Master Jin himself was tasked with a mission in which he had
an 80% chance of dying.

Other than Jin, everyone else in the intermediate class thought he was
headed to his death.

“No need to. Why, do you think we'll never see each other again?”

Jin said in a playful tone, to which Mesa sighed deeply. The other cadets
couldn't even lift their heads up properly to face the young master.

“Well, it's true that life doesn't always go the way one expects it to. Some of
us may die on our mission if we're ill-fortuned.”
“We'll be okay. But the mission you were assigned is…”

“Geez, no need to worry about me, you brats. Focus on your own mission
only, alright?”


“Get going, then. We'll see each other when we're back.”

The Youngest Division hesitantly stood around before going down the

“Such endearing kids. Keep them safe, Murakan.”


“I've said this already, but make sure you don't get seen, alright?”


The black cat raised its front paw and waved it, as if he were saying 'worry
more about yourself, kid'.

“I'll be lonely for a while since both of you are leaving, Young Master, Lord

“Think of it as a break, Gilly. Do you want some souvenirs from Mamit?”

“I know that you're stronger than intermediate-class cadets, Young Master,

but please be careful. Mamit is a dangerous place. To think that you have to
assassinate the Master of the Hidden Palace's paramour… Please take good
care of yourself.”

“Yes. I'll see you soon!”

Jin didn't get on the steel carriage, but rather on horseback. He had already
dyed his hair brown yesterday and was currently dressed like an ordinary
The boy had Bradamante with him, but he had covered the blade in a layer
of metallic coating to conceal its normal colour. With such a disguise, no
one would ever think of him as a Runcandel.

This was his second mission but his first solo mission.

As Gilly had stated, the current Jin was quite a force to be reckoned with if
you took all his abilities into account. Even so, the mission was a dangerous
one where he could lose his life.

Nevertheless, Jin was fearless. In fact, he was excited about how he'd be
able to use spiritual power and magic as much as possible.

'I've always wanted to visit Mamit since my past life.'

Before his regression, Jin's magic teacher had mentioned that Mamit was
more of a 'romantic city' than he had expected.

Having spent two years in Mamit, his master would tell fond stories about
the city. Within those stories were countless details about the city and its

'I remember Master saying that the pubs in the center of the city are
locations where informers and spies often go. And if I want to buy high-
class information, I need to head to the underground black market…'

To think that his master's boring stories would come in handy like this. Of
course, there was a difference in time period, so some of the information
may be inaccurate for now. But the system and order within the city was
unlikely to have changed.

With a feeling of gratitude towards his master in his heart, Jin pulled on the
horse's reins and began his journey.

A refreshing sense of liberty rushed through him as he departed the Garden

of Swords on his own.

Translator's Section:
Jin's off on his first solo journey~!! Can't wait to see what happens~

Also, the moron twins are starting to grow on me. They're like cute little
idiots hahaha. I hope they get redeemed and become allies Jin can trust.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 36

The Mamit Lawless Zone was a region where all kinds of criminals and
offenders gathered.

There were even rumours around the world that due to the evil energy these
lawbreakers emitted, this criminal-infested land was so desolate that no
plants could grow on it.

But it was no rumour. Mamit was, in actual fact, a barren wasteland where
not a single strand of grass grew.

The scorching sun that glared down on the area.

The criminals that crawled around in the small city like disgusting insects.

There was no gateway to enter the city. There was only a broken signpost
surrounded by rubbish. And once you walked past that signpost, you were
inside Mamit.

“Here comes a newcomer, you sons of bitches!”

A hulking man shouted as he barged inside one of the pubs in the center of
the city. He was carrying an equally large and terrifying iron mace on his

“Bwahaha! Newcomer my ass. I bet you're back cuz you were put on the
wanted list again. Freaking hell, are you a salmon or something? Stop
coming back all the time!”
The people inside the pub cheered joyfully as they all recognized the
hulking man. Mocking someone until one loses their voice, pointing
fingers, and throwing entire mugs of beer are Mamit's traditional yet
peculiar ways of greeting others.

Crash! Smash! Clang!

The thick mugs smashed into the 'newcomer's head and chest. The glass
fragments covered the floor along with a sea of beer. Nevertheless, the
barman didn't even bother glancing at the mess, let alone clean it up.

The hulking man that was hit by countless cups smiled delightfully and
grabbed one of the glass shards on the floor.


Soon enough, a sight that one could normally only see in a circus occurred.
The man chewed on the piece of glass and swallowed it.

“That's right! I'm a salmon. The Great Thonk's true birthplace is right here,
in Mamit! Drink up, everyone! The drinks are on me today!”

“Geez, Thonk. What did you do this time that you had to run away and
come back here? C'mon, speak up. Let's hear the story.”

“Kuhaha! I, the Great Thonk, had some fun with a high-class bitch in the
Ekan Kingdom.”

“Oooh! Who was it?”

“No idea, just some girl from a noble family. And I killed the five guards
who came to arrest me. Geez, do they seriously think they can capture me
with ordinary guards? They kept sending them as well.”

“Kuhaha, those fucking morons.”

“Yep, yep. That's why I smashed them up like mashed potatoes. About fifty
of them? While I was destroying them, I subconsciously headed towards
Mamit, and found myself here before I realized it…”
“To Thonk's massacre! Cheers!”

“Cheers! Welcome back home! It's good to see you again!”

Gulp, gulp, gulp!

The men were emptying their glasses.

The rowdy craze calmed down as everyone was busy finishing their beers.
But in the meantime…


One boy entered the bar covered up in a tattered robe.

It was Jin.


“Looks like there's a real newcomer this time.”

Thonk and the other men exchanged glances, asking each other if anyone
knew who this was. But everyone shook their heads.

Thud, thud.

A thick noise echoed every time Jin took a step with his old, ragged boots.
He silently crossed the room and sat down next to Thonk.

“One glass of cold water. And some simple snacks.”

Jin took out one silver coin from his chest pocket and flicked it to the


The barman caught the coin and snorted as if he couldn't believe what was
happening. Soon enough, the entire pub roared in laughter.

“Wow, I thought I was watching the protagonist of an action novel or

something. Look at him. He's a natural at acting cool!”

“So? Who are you, hm? Some 9-star knight?”

“Can't you see? He's gotta be a legendary swordsman! Pfffft!”

The men spouting sarcastic comments all simultaneously changed their

expressions. They swiftly stood up and surrounded Jin with menacing grins
and chuckles.

“Hey, Mr. Newcomer. I, the Great Thonk, am in a good mood today. So let's
not get on each others' nerves, alright? If you get on your knees and suck on
everyone's toes right now, I will forgive y—kurgh!”

Thonk was interrupted before he could even finish his sentence. In fact, he
would never be able to finish his sentence ever again because the tip of the
dagger Jin had taken out was lodged in Thonk's neck.

The hulking man was standing too close to Jin without keeping his guard
up, so he didn't even have the time to react to the boy's attack. No one had
expected this young brat to stab a giant like Thonk in the neck without a
speck of hesitation.

“Keuk, grrr…”

Once Jin retracted his dagger, blood gushed out of Thonk's wound as he fell
to the floor.

A long moment of silence followed. No one uttered a single sound. Jin

silently waved his finger at the barman, urging him to bring his cold water
and snacks.

“He's gone!”

“Thonk's gone!”
“I knew this would happen one day, pffft.”

Soon enough, the men surrounding Jin scattered around.

They behaved as if the friendly exchanges they had with Thonk until not
long ago were a sham and returned to their respective tables, downing beer
in their original groups.

This was a common occurrence. No matter how friendly they acted with
Thonk, there was no true friendship between them.

'Just as Master used to say, this place is filled with lunatics.'

The reason they had shown interest in Jin was because he appeared weak.
They were curious to know why a boy—who seemed to have yet to grow
any hair down there—had entered a den of criminals like it was nothing.

However, their questions had found an answer.

Jin killed Thonk with a dagger and, by doing so, gained the approval of the
criminals inside the pub. This was how the residents of Mamit 'truly
welcomed' a newcomer.

'I always seem to be in your debt. You've been a great help to me, both in
my past and present life. I hope the day comes when I get an opportunity to
repay you, Master.'


The barman placed a glass cup on Jin's table. A cup of cold water.

“I didn't put in any poison.”

“Even I know that killing people with poison is a taboo here.”

“You seem to know a great deal about Mamit despite your youth. Are your
parents or siblings familiar with this place?”

“None of your business.”


This time, Jin flicked a gold coin to the barman, who just shrugged in

“What do you want? Drugs? There's one product that's been the craze in
Mamit recently. Or are you looking for someone?”

“The latter. Is that enough to cover the fee?”

The barman rubbed the coin with a handkerchief and calmly weighed it
with his hand. The substantial weight proved that it was a genuine gold

“Depends on who you're looking for.”

“Is there someone who goes by Hister in this area?”

“No. That, I'm certain of.”

Jin clicked his tongue as if he were disappointed.

“I see. Then just bring over my snacks. And if you could, recommend some
inn to stay at tonight. Preferably a place without any bugs.”

'A place without any bugs' signified the safest inn in Mamit.

“Then I know just the place. There's an inn called the Moonlit Well west of
the city. The Kings of Mamit reside there, so no need to cause a fuss when
you enter.”


Jin emptied his plate of rough bread and dry bacon before leaving the pub.

The atmosphere inside the 'Moonlit Well' was vastly different from the pub,
since the most influential people of Mamit resided in it. It was surprisingly
clean and orderly, just like an ordinary inn outside of Mamit.
It wasn't comparable to a high-class inn in a big city. But at the very least,
the clients wouldn't come across lowly criminals who behaved like wild

'Even if he's the Master of the Hidden Palace's lover, he's just the disgrace
of the Tzendler Clan. This is the only place where Alkaro Tzendler could
stay in the city.'

There was no real need to go down to the underground black market to buy
more information on Alkaro.

According to the documents and information sent by the Tzendler Clan to

the Runcandels, Alkaro wasn't someone who would be willing to spend the
night in a dirty and damp inn. He was a conceited rich brat who hadn't
experienced any hardships in life.

Alkaro Tzendler acts obedient to powerful people and overbearing to the

weak. He only wants premium goods and services and is obsessed with
hedonistic pleasures. The only qualities he has are his good looks and his

There was only one reason why this fancy-pants was residing in this
dangerous city.

It was a superficial scheme trying to regain the Master of the Hidden

Palace's attention, as she was recently engrossed in another paramour.

A childish tantrum along the lines of 'will you really not show any attention
to me when I'm in such a dangerous place?'

But if the Master of the Hidden Palace genuinely paid attention to him and
came to Mamit to check on Alkaro now, Jin wouldn't have another
opportunity to kill him for a long time. If the Master herself protected
Alkaro personally, even Luna wouldn't be able to assassinate him.

That was why the Tzendler Clan had urgently commissioned the
Runcandels using this opportunity.
'For now, rumours about me will spread around Mamit. Things like “some
kid killed Thonk as soon as he arrived, and he's looking for someone called
Hister,” should spread to everyone.'

Jin had wreaked havoc in the pub for a reason.

After causing a ruckus in a location where low-ranking informants

gathered, he had spread false information, saying that he was looking for
Hister. That he had come this far in search of this specific person.

And this rumour would reach the Hidden Palace bodyguards protecting
Alkaro within the day. Jin had done this because the bodyguards were most
likely checking every customer's identity.

In consequence, Jin would naturally be excluded from their prioritized

surveillance target. If someone were to come with the goal of assassinating
Alkaro, they wouldn't suspect a boy like Jin who wasn't hiding his presence
and clumsily trudging along in the city.

'The people who had come to assassinate Alkaro so far were all skilled,
hired mercenaries. But since I look a lot sloppier, it's unlikely they'll suspect
me much.'

Alkaro's bodyguards wouldn't focus on people like Jin who had a clear

In fact, they would be more wary of someone like Thonk—a criminal who
was familiar with the city—who recently returned to Mamit for no apparent

An assassin wants to blend in with the residents and mingle with them,
trying not to attract attention. But with how Jin was doing it, he was
standing out to be forgotten. As they say, it is darkest under the lamp.

In fact, his strategy worked like magic.

The men who were observing Jin inside the Moonlit Well during the day
visibly let down their guards once night fell.
'It seems that those three are the Hidden Palace guards protecting Alkaro…
They appear to be 6-star or stronger. If I face them head-on, I have a very
low chance of winning.'

If he fully utilized both magic and spiritual power, Jin could somehow deal
with one of them. But two or more were impossible.

An entire day went by, but Alkaro was nowhere to be seen. Jin came to the
conclusion that Alkaro was constantly staying inside his room, eating the
food that his bodyguards were bringing him.

'It's impossible to assassinate him by entering his room. There are probably
more men standing guard inside at all times. In that case, I need to wait for
him to come out.'

Jin recalled Alkaro's personality as it was written in the documents sent by

the Tzendler Clan.

'Alkaro Tzendler is obsessed with hedonistic pleasures.'

Suddenly, Jin remembered something the barman had told him the day
before at the pub.

What do you want? Drugs? There's one product that's been the craze in
Mamit recently.

It was very likely that Alkaro was stuck in his room doing drugs.

Once his thoughts reached that conclusion, Jin wiped his forehead and
headed downstairs to the lobby. He was planning on cracking open a cold
one and getting to know the others in the lobby.

But once he arrived, he had to prevent his shock and surprise from
appearing on his face.

“Just why?! Why can't you do it?! You were getting it fine until yesterday!”

“I cannot do it anymore.”
“Goddammit! Go get some more, I'm telling you!”

The young man having a temper tantrum at the center of the lobby was
Alkaro Tzendler himself. Jin had memorized his target's face in advance, so
he recognized him immediately. It appeared that he was enraged as one of
his bodyguards wouldn't get him more of the drugs.

'Ah… Your typical lowlife douchebag.'

Jin smiled maliciously in his mind.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 37

Before Jin's regression—back when he had just been banished from the
Garden of Swords—there was a period when he roamed from country to
country, sleeping out in the open.

He had lost his lifelong goal after being banished from his clan and was
surviving like a cripple on the streets. But everything changed when he met
his magic teacher.

Nevertheless, until the day he met his master, Jin had seen and experienced
countless types of criminals and scoundrels in the dark alleyways where no
one entered.

Petty thieves, robbers, beggars, alcoholics, etc. Those people lived like no
tomorrow, and were only loyal to their desires.

'The most notable scumbags amongst them were druggies.'

Drug addicts.

Those people couldn't survive for another day without their drugs. Without
their 'medicine', they would sit lifelessly with hollow eyes and foam in their
mouths. But if someone were to offer them the drugs, it was second nature
for them to be willing to carve out their hearts to pay.

Ten times out of ten. A hundred out of a hundred. A thousand out of a


Every single drug addict Jin had seen was the same, without a single
There were some rare people who had managed to stop their addiction with
their superhuman willpower and returned to an ordinary lifestyle, but
obviously enough, they were one in a million.

In any case, according to Jin's observations and the documents he had read,
Alkaro Tzendler wasn't someone with such strong willpower.

“Fuck! Please, do me a favour, alright? I don't think I can survive for

another hour without it. Please, I'm begging you…”

Alkaro flopped onto the floor and put his hands together, begging his

The Hidden Palace guards were all wearing composed looks, but Jin
noticed the slight disgust in their gazes that appeared momentarily.

“As I've said before, it cannot be done. Our task is to prioritize your safety,
Young Master. Please keep in mind that we're not here to babysit you. If
you continue to have a temper tantrum, we will have to—”

“Aaaaargh! I don't care! Shut up! If you won't get me the drugs, then I'll do
something myself! Fucking hell, just you wait. Once my sweetheart returns,
you're all losing your heads! Your heads, do you hear that?! I'll make sure
you're all executed!”


“Huh? Did you just sigh? Am I a joke to you? You lowly guards! You
insignificant pleb bastards! I'm from the Tzend—”


One guard suddenly punched Alkaro in the abdomen. The arrogant druggy
trembled on the spot for a few seconds before fainting.

“Goddammit. How much longer do we have to protect this piece of crap?”

“I wish he'd just die from an overdose or something. Just why is the master
keeping this piece of shit alive…?”
“Silence. We just need to fulfill the mission we've been assigned. You
mustn't get your personal feelings involved.”

The guards carried the unconscious Alkaro back to the room.

Having witnessed the entire scene, Jin felt like he had discovered a treasure
chest full of gold.

'Alkaro's relationship with his bodyguards is the worst. And it seems like
he'd be willing to do anything to get drugs once he wakes up.'


As he drank the beer the inn's employee brought him, Jin pondered to
himself. Assassinating Alkaro would not be such a difficult task in the end.

The druggy young master's tantrums would get worse and worse as the days
went by. And if his outbursts repeated enough times, Jin would have more
opportunities to assassinate him throughout the next few days.

Whether he used magic, spiritual power, or a plain old dagger, killing

Alkaro was going to be a piece of cake.

'But the problem is the aftermath. I need to find a way to avoid the guards
and return home safely after I've killed him.'

That was the most difficult aspect of this mission.

It was impossible to kill him in broad daylight inside the inn and escape
alive. The 6-star or higher bodyguards were far more physically capable
than Jin and could catch up to him in no time.

Poison wouldn't work either. If Jin baited Alkaro with drugs and killed him
using poison, the entirety of Mamit would be in an uproar.

The greatest unwritten taboo in the lawless city is the usage of poison.

Jin's head began aching as he tried to come up with a plan. Assassinating

Alkaro inside the Moonlit Well using traditional methods was impossible.

Having chugged down his beer, Jin placed the mug back on the table with

'I've made up my mind.'

Jin had come up with a strategy.

He would do a terror attack on the Moonlit Well using magic from inside
his room.

The Moonlit Well was the inn where the kings of Mamit resided.

A building where the most notorious and prominent figures amongst the
worst criminals of Mamit were gathered. As soon as the terror attack
begins, these 'kings' of Mamit would counterattack and track down the

Moreover, their main suspect would be a '6-star or higher magician'.

'If I cast a 4-star spell and enhance its effects with spiritual energy, it should
be as powerful as a 6-star spell. The most effective way would be to use the
lightning spell 'Summon Lightning' and amplify its firepower.'

Who in the world would ever believe that a 15-year-old kid was a 6-star

No one. Not a single soul.

Even Beradin Zipfel—a candidate to become the next Zipfel patriarch—had

just become a 6-star magician at the age of 18, shaking the entire world
with his genius.

Blindly casting 6-star spells at the age of 15 was impossible to do, even for
geniuses from the Zipfel Clan.

'No need to overthink this. I'll fill my room with spiritual energy to cover up
the traces of magic being cast.'
When something gets covered in spiritual energy, its existence and presence
becomes faint, no matter what it is.

Jin had once thrown a dagger covered in spiritual energy and easily
managed to kill a 4-star warrior. Mana and aura weren't an exception to this
rule either. Jin was confident that he could effortlessly conceal 4-star spells
with his spiritual energy.

Thus, the guests residing in the Moonlit Well would believe that the terror
attack had originated from outside.

There was no way the powerful kings of Mamit wouldn't notice mana
suddenly being generated inside the inn. Therefore, they'd trust their senses
and believe that the culprit was outside.

'I'll amplify the Summon Lightning spell and drop it on the Moonlit Well.
I'll probably be injured as well, but I should be fine since I have Orgal's
Pendant with me.'

Orgal's Pendant could nullify most of the effects of 5-star or lower magic
spells. 6-star and onwards were a bit more dangerous, but the pendant's
nullifying powers weren't completely useless.

'With my current mana and spiritual energy, I think I can use the amplified
Summon Lightning spell a total of four times. If I cast the spell four times
on different areas of the inn, it should start an uproar amongst the guests.'

In the meantime, Jin would pretend to be injured and walk around the inn.
And once he found Alkaro, he'd kill him and complete his task.

It would be even better if Alkaro unluckily got hit directly by one of the
lightning spells and died immediately.

'I've always felt annoyed by how young I am, but it's pretty helpful at

Just as its name implies, Summon Lightning is a spell that attacks someone
with a sudden streak of lightning falling from the sky. It only lasts for an
instant; thus, it would be hard for people to notice that there was spiritual
energy mixed in with the spell.

And even if someone did discern some dark energy within the streak of
lightning, it was likely that they'd just think of it as some unknown variant
of the normal spell. Spiritual power wasn't very well-known around the
world, whereas all kinds of magic variants existed throughout the continent.

Jin's regression, his spiritual power, along with his innate talent with magic.

Had he been missing one of these, he wouldn't have even thought of

attempting a terror attack on the Moonlit Well.

'There's no need to wait a few more days. We never know what that drug
addict might attempt to do if I wait for too long. I'll initiate the plan at noon

Instead of attacking during the evening or the middle of the night when
most people were asleep, it would be far more efficient to attack in broad

The more people witnessed the 6-star Summon Lightning spell with their
own eyes, the more beneficial it was for Jin.

[Translator – Koko's muscles are sore from bouldering

[Proofreader – yuki's brain is sore from thinking]

10:30 AM.

Jin descended to the lobby and ordered a late breakfast. He was served
freshly baked bread, boiled eggs, and soup.

This was all part of his plan. He had to behave like every other guest
staying at the Moonlit Well and start his morning as a normal human being.

Five of Mamit's kings were at the lobby eating breakfast as well. They
smirked as they sensed the weak aura exuding from Jin.
“Kid. You seem to be quite talented for your age, but you shouldn't stay for
too long in this city with that level of skills. You'll just be at a disadvantage
if you stir up trouble.”

One of the five spoke to the boy.

“Thank you for the advice. But there is someone I must find. I will make
sure I don't cause any trouble for the people residing here.”

“Haha, what a docile lamb. Even though you were a ferocious wolf who
killed someone with a dagger in mere instants not long ago.”

“You are on a completely different level compared to those drunkards. I

know my place and know when not to cross the line.”

“Your manners are adequate. Good, I shall allow you to stay here for a few
more days.”

“Thank you very much. I shall never forget how the kings of Mamit took
care of me even after I leave the city.”

Jin slightly lowered his head and left his seat, returning to his room. The
kings of Mamit found his attitude endearing and began chatting amongst
each other.

“Mamit is done for. Look, even brats like him are coming and going as they
please now.”

“Well, I'm sure he'll leave after a few days. If not, he'll probably get killed
by some random lowlifes in the area.”

“Still, he seemed like quite the decent kid. Maybe I should recruit him into
our organization as a rookie.”

“Don't. He'll probably end up a cripple if you let your men loose around
him due to his good looks.”

The kings of Mamit all burst out in laughter.

'My manners are adequate? What laughable pieces of trash.'

Having returned to his room, Jin also exploded in laughter. He found it

hilarious that the scoundrels who had committed some of the worst crimes
in the city were being advocates of manners and courtesy. He couldn't wait
to drop some thunderbolts on their heads.

Jin sat down cross-legged in the middle of the room.

He closed his eyes and released spiritual energy. Soon enough, dark smoky
energy began seeping out of his entire body. In order to start the attack at
noon, he had to diligently prepare the smaller details early on.

'I'll fill up the entire room with spiritual energy so that no one can sense
anything from outside.'

As his room was tiny, he could cover up and fill in every little crack within
an hour.

This single hour was the most important step of the plan. If someone came
to his room during this time, his plan would be in shambles.

He could constantly hear footsteps outside his room, in the corridor. It was
the sound of the employees cleaning the place, and guests leaving and
entering their rooms.

'Well, I have to take a risk. Otherwise, I won't be able to accomplish


Jin properly began the spiritual release. As the room filled up with more
and more dark energy, the sounds from beyond his door got fainter and
fainter. This gave Jin a sense of security and calm.

The hour went by. The room was filled with spiritual energy, as if ink had
permeated into every surface and into the air. One couldn't discern the
outline of the furniture. It was basically synonymous to total darkness.
The only entity that had retained colour inside the room was Jin.

'I gotta say, quite the perfect work, Jin.'


Jin regained control over his breathing and wiped off the sweat on his
forehead. All that was left to do was generating mana and preparing to cast
Summon Lightning.

'I'll make the spiritual energy inside the room disappear by infusing it inside
the final Summon Lightning spell. Afterwards, all that's left to do is scream
and run out of the room, pretending to be injured, and to check whether
Alkaro's alive or not…'

A simple, yet effective strategy.

As Jin praised himself and his plan, he began gathering mana in both his

Crackle! Crack!

Blue electricity ran down his arms to his hands as they generated a lot of
noise. However, not a single soul could hear sounds outside the room, just
as Jin had planned.

Next, string-like strands of spiritual energy were mixed into the electricity.

'Summon Lightning.'


The first bolt of lightning fell onto the Moonlit Well, destroying half the
building's roof.


Before the casualties could cry out in pain, before the uninjured could raise
their heads to look at the sky…
A second streak of dark-blue lightning struck down on the Moonlit Well. It
was the second attack.

People began running out of the ashen and destroyed guest rooms,
screaming for their lives.

“What the… Looks like I chose the wrong day to come here.”

And a certain girl—who was about to set foot inside the Moonlit Well—
tilted her head in confusion as she watched this spectacle.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 38

“It seems that a high-ranking magician bears a grudge against one of the
guests residing in the Moonlit Well, Milady.”

“I shall go locate the magician. You stay here and protect milady.”

The two men standing beside the girl spoke in turn.

However, she just snorted and spoke in a mocking tone.

“Do you think I'm some powerless idiot who can't even protect herself?
There are six of our guards inside the inn already. In other words, this may
be a terror attack against the Hidden Palace. Ryu, go search for the
magician. Hiten, come check on the guards inside with me.”

Ryu and Hiten lowered their heads in respect to the lady.

The girl who had commanded them was Syris Endorma.

She was the Master of the Hidden Palace Talaris Endorma's daughter.

“We can kill someone like Alkaro whenever we want. So instead of him,
make it your top priority to check on our guards' safety and well-being.”

“Understood, Milady.”

Ryu leaped in the air to track down the magician. Meanwhile, Syris and
Hiten entered the inn.

The third bolt of lightning fell onto the Moonlit Well. This time, an entire
floor was destroyed, and the Kings of Mamit shouted their frustrations at
the top of their lungs.

Even Syris and Hiten stopped in their tracks. Now that they were seeing it
from up close, the lightning bolt's power was far greater than they had

“Fucking hell! Just which son of a bitch is it?!”

“Menka, you bastard! Didn't you say you killed a few magicians from the
Zipfel Clan not long ago? Aren't they back to get revenge on you?”

“I was bluffing! It never happened!”

The customers ran out of the inn and bickered amongst each other.

But not all of them were doing so. As they were called the Kings of Mamit,
some of them were getting ready for battle, while the others were trying to
find the source of the magic spells.

Immediately, the final lightning bolt struck the inn.

The fourth bolt was far stronger than the initial three as Jin had amplified
the spell using all the spiritual energy in his room; this, in turn, erased all
traces of dark energy in it.

Boooom! Craaaash!

The streak of electricity struck the inn in the center, and the building was
split in half. The divided inn was on the verge of collapsing on either side.



More guests covered in soot and ashes escaped from the dust and joined the
Barely thirty seconds had passed since the beginning of this pandemonium.
The people had no idea who had attacked the Moonlit Well.

“…Looks like the attacks have ceased.”

“Yes, Milady.”

As Syris and Hiten entered the remains of the building, Jin came falling
down from the 2nd floor.



Falling from the 2nd floor wasn't that painful, but Jin had dropped the final
bolt near his guestroom.

(TL/N: In Korea, you start counting floors from 1st, 2nd. So there's no
ground floor/floor zero. So he didn't fall from that high up.)

'That last one was closer to the level of a 7-star spell… Maybe because I
infused all the spiritual energy in the room with the spell.'

Had it not been for Orgal's Pendant around his neck, Jin would've received
a fatal injury. But as of right now, he had gotten away with a burnt robe and
some veins popping here and there in his body.

The boy looked at his surroundings, acting as naturally as possible.

He had to check whether Alkaro was still alive or not. While he didn't see
his assassination target, Jin did catch the bodyguards running around in a

There was still smoke filling up the air in the lobby. If Alkaro had survived
the extremely powerful lightning spells, Jin had to find him now and kill
him. This was his only chance.

Jin was about to take out his dagger, but froze. He looked up and saw an
unknown girl looking down at him.
“Oh? I never thought I'd find a boy around my age here in Mamit. Hey, are
you alright? You should head outside to safety for now.”

“Milady, our men seem to be gathered over there. All six of them are safe
and sound.”

“That's a relief. For now, tell them to assemble. And if they're still
protecting Alkaro, just order them to kill him.”


“And once Ryu finds the magician, go capture him with our men. Since the
spells all looked similar, it must be a single magician behind this attack.”


The boy on the floor immediately came to a realization as he listened to

their exchange.

'She's the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter! From her attitude, she
came all this way to deal with Alkaro.'

An unexpected encounter.

But Jin thought of this meeting as a blessing rather than misfortune.

'According to what she said, even if Alkaro survived the spells, they'll kill
him anyway. So there's no need for me to check on him and kill him myself.
Moreover, the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter thinks this attack was
caused by a magician and doesn't suspect me.'

From now on, the person holding the highest authority here in the inn
would be the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter.

Even if the Kings of Mamit were revered by the city and treated as royals
here, they didn't stand a chance against her.

'It's highly likely that she'll suspect this was a terror attack against the
Hidden Palace. Then all I need to do is pretend to be terrified and escape
from this place.'

It wasn't just the girl. The rest of the customers residing in the Moonlit Well
were thinking a magician had attacked them.

Thus, the chances of Jin being accused as the culprit were extremely low.

However, there was one problem.

'If the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter sees my face, things can get
complicated later on in life.'

It didn't matter much if the leaders of Mamit or the small fry of the city saw
his face. They would never meet again in Jin's life, and even if it ended up
becoming problematic, he could just silence them in the future.

But the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter was a completely different

She was someone Jin inevitably had to meet if he stayed at the Garden of


“Is everyone alright? Where's Alkaro?”

“Ah, that's… We have no excuses. Alkaro has perished from the attacks just
now. We have failed to protect him.”

“Is that so? That's perfect. No need to be ashamed. Good work enduring
that moron's irritating behaviour so far. I came all this way to deal with him
in the first place.”

While the girl conversed with her men, Jin grabbed a handful of soot and
rubbed it all over his face. This was better than nothing to hide his face.


Syris unsheathed a pure-white sword and raised it in the air.

“The Hidden Palace shall now take control over this inn! I am Syris
Endorma, daughter of the Master of the Hidden Palace Talaris Endorma,
captain of the Hidden Palace's Seven Swords. All those who oppose will be
considered enemies of the Hidden Palace from now on.

“Hiten, order our men to block and regulate all movement and activity in a
radius of five hundred meters. Make sure nobody can move until Ryu has
found the magician. Understood?”

“Yes, Milady.”

“Ah, um. Did you say you're the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter?
Still, this place is Mamit. So as the Kings of Mamit, it's a bit irritating if
you try to take control of the situation despite our very obvious presence.
Also, isn't it highly possible that we were attacked because of the Hidden
Palace in the first place?”

The one who spoke up was the King of Mamit who had mentioned about
'manners' this morning to Jin. Once he finished stating his point, the other
kings around him nodded in agreement.



“Bring me his head.”

As those terrifying words echoed, Hiten vanished from his spot without a


The guard appeared behind the opposer out of nowhere, and a metallic
linear flash was reflected in everyone's eyes. Hiten brought the head of the
dead man—who still had his eyes open—and politely laid it at Syris's feet.

“I mentioned that all those who oppose would be considered enemies, didn't
I? And 'Kings of Mamit'? Have you been playing royals in this rubbish heap
of a city for so long that you've forgotten your places? Is the Hidden Palace
a joke to you 'kings'?”

The Kings of Mamit all averted their gazes, some coughing awkwardly.

They weren't weak in any way. If the Kings of Mamit all united their forces,
they could even stand a chance against Syris's subordinates. However, none
of them wanted to have the Hidden Palace as their enemy.

“Ehem. We don't want to have you people as our enemies either. But at the
very least, do respect us and be mindful of our positions. The one who just
died wasn't completely wrong either, was he?”

“If it's revealed that the attack was aimed at the guards of the Hidden
Palace, we will compensate you for the damages. But what if it's the other
way around? What if our men were innocent bystanders of an attack that
was aimed at one of you people?”

Syris sharply retorted, to which the Kings of Mamit couldn't refute.

“Sigh, alright. Do as you wish. We didn't know that the guards who were
protecting that druggy were part of the Hidden Palace. We shall leave you
in charge. We also wish to find the magician and kill him, so our goals are

“Good. For now, have all the survivors gather here. Currently, one of the
Hidden Palace's Seven Swords is searching for the magician out there. But
it's still possible that the culprit is someone amongst you.”

“That's unlikely. None of us are magicians.”

“I don't doubt that. But it's possible that one of you recently got on the bad
side of this magician in question. Pieces of trash like you cause all kinds of
trouble wherever you go, am I right? In any case, have everyone gather

The Kings of Mamit all sighed as they descended the stairs along with the
other survivors. Meanwhile, Syris lowered her gaze.
“Why are you still dilly-dallying here? Didn't I tell you to head outside to
safety about three minutes ago?”

Unlike her conversation with the Kings of Mamit, Syris was using a much
softer and tender tone when addressing Jin. The boy curled up in order to
hide his face as much as possible.

“ThThat's… Because it's terrifying. And I hurt my leg earlier. I'm sorry…”

“Ahahaha, you're quite fearful for a young man, even though you've got a
sword at your belt. How cute. Now, get moving. And forget everything you
saw today. Oh, and put this on your leg before leaving.”

“Thank you very much.”

Syris took out an ointment that was brewed using healing mana. Jin was
about to receive it with his sooty hands, but Syris smiled and shook her

“Look at your dirty hands. Just let me put it on you. Pull back your pant leg.
Still, aren't you quite the lucky one? Not only did you survive a terror
attack, I, Syris Endorma, am personally putting ointment on your leg. You
should feel honoured.”

Jin clumsily pulled back his pant leg. Syris crouched down and rubbed
some ointment on the boy's shin. In the middle of his shin was a deep and
long gash.

'Why is she so kind? The Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter was
infamous in my first life for being crazed and out of her mind. Were the
rumours completely unfounded?'

Once she finished putting on the ointment, Syris and Jin's gazes met each

The girl had not a single ounce of suspicion towards the boy. Furthermore,
she was happy to finally meet someone of her age group in this desolate
city and felt like helping him out.
“There, all done. Hiten! Why is Ryu taking so long? Don't tell me he can't
find the magician? That Ryu?”

“He is somewhat late indeed. Should I head out there and search for the
culprit as well?”

“Hm, forget it. The magician seems to be skilled at concealing themselves.

Even so, they must be inside the city, so it's only a question of time. I doubt
Ryu won't be able to find his target. It's just a measly magician after all.”

“I concur.”

After straightening his pant leg, Jin stood up and bowed deeply.

“Um, how can I return this favour?”

As he asked her, Jin had to hold back the smile that was about to creep up
on his face. After completing the terror attack, if the Kings of Mamit held
him back for some reason, things could've gotten complicated for him.
However, the situation had unfolded so easily.

Moreover, Syris wasn't trying to check Jin's face properly either. She was
simply showing him kindness and sending him on his way.

“How could you ever repay a debt to someone like me? Just think of this as
a nice memory. And if you remember me from time to time, just bow in the
direction of the Hidden Palace whenever you can. Well then, bye!”

Having left the Moonlit Well inn, Jin followed the streets and left Mamit.

While he had gotten some help from Syris, Alkaro had still died from Jin's
own magic, so he had no reason to feel guilty or ashamed about the
completion of his mission.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 39

In the meantime, the Youngest Division was on their own mission.

And contrary to the expectations of all members of the intermediate class,

the members of Jin's faction were faring quite well against the orcs. They
had already subjugated 17 of the 25 orcs they were assigned to defeat.

“This makes 18! At this rate, we might all actually return alive with no

Scott and Taimont extracted their swords from the orc's corpse.

“Let's return safely and destroy all of those bastards' pride and ego. I was
worried we'd ruin the Young Master's reputation, but if this goes on, it
might be the opposite instead.”

“There are still seven orcs left. We mustn't let down our guards until we
subjugate them all.”

While Mesa burst their little bubble of excitement, she was actually smiling
deep inside.

'It's almost as if we were blessed by the gods. No, it might be Young Master
Jin who was blessed by the gods, and his good fortune rubbed off on us as

All the members of Jin's division were of the same opinion.

Normally, orcs moved in groups. However, for some reason, these orcs
were appearing one at a time, as if they were asking to be killed. Moreover,
they were never in a hurry, and attacked the cadets sluggishly.

No wonder they thought they were extremely lucky.

“Resume scouting the area! Make sure you stay vigilant, everyone!”

The Jin Division cut and stored the dead orc's ear in a bag and returned to
their respective positions in the formation.

As they moved through the forest, one man observed the cadets from
behind, hidden in the dense, tall grass.

'Once they defeat the remaining seven orcs, I can finally go back home as

The man wearing a bored and dull face was Murakan.

Mesa thought that the gods' blessing was protecting them, but it was in fact
the Black Dragon Murakan who was acting as their guardian angel.

Murakan had arrived here, in the unprotected zone of the Curano Dukedom,
before the Jin Division and had assembled the orcs.

Afterwards, he told them as such:

—Listen carefully, you stinking pigs. I won't say this twice. From today
onwards, you all need to move around alone. If I see a single one of you
trying to build a group and gather other orcs, I will personally annihilate
you all. Do you understand?

Lowly orcs couldn't go against the orders of the Great Black Dragon.

Moreover, he had spoken to them in 'Dragon-Tongue', the language that

represented the authority of the dragons. Dominating the minds of low-class
monsters with Dragon-Tongue was as easy as breathing to Murakan.

He was the only reason the Jin Division could safely defeat the orcs one by
one so far. Needless to say, the cadets had no idea about this truth.
'Still, it seems like Jin, that kid… he's planning on continuously sending me
on these trivial missions. Geez, do you think being the promised contractor
of a thousand years makes you the boss of me? Fuck, it does! Dammit! That
son of a—!'

The members of the Jin Division managed to subjugate the remaining seven
orcs the next day in the middle of the night.

“We did it!”

“We really made it alive!”

This time around, even Mesa couldn't hide her joy and glee, and cheered
along with her teammates. They had completed the mission one day earlier
than what they had expected.

“We'll take turns resting and keeping watch until the afternoon. Once
everyone has gotten some sleep, we're returning to the Garden of Swords!
We switch the members on night watch duty every 45 minutes. The one on
food duty will prepare breakfast.”

And so began their late-night/early morning camp.

Murakan also lied down amongst the tall grass near the campsite. He was
planning on spending time until afternoon came by reading the erotic
magazines he had brought with him.

As he read the magazines, his annoyance and irritation slowly disappeared.

He hadn't been able to spend time reading them until now as he had to keep
an eye on the human brats—kids who weren't even involved in his destiny.

'Once we're back, I'm definitely telling the kid to get me several limited
edition magazines in return for this favour. Hehe, thinking of it like that,
helping these brats on their mission is quite profitable for me as well—'


Murakan suddenly closed the magazine he was reading and sighed.

He could sense a dangerous presence in the distance slowly approaching the
campsite where the Jin Division was staying. He didn't know who this
presence belonged to or what their objective was, but Murakan was certain
about two things:

One, the individual was slowly approaching the cadets' campsite.

And two, the individual had considerable power.

'Seems like fate isn't on our side. At this rate, the effort I put in this mission
won't match the profit I'll make. Where did this bastard suddenly pop out


Murakan clicked his tongue bitterly and stood up.

Fortunately, the cadets of the Jin Division were only at the 3-star level.
Thus, Murakan could erect a large barrier around the campsite, and the kids
wouldn't be able to differentiate the darkness of the night from the shadowy
hemisphere protecting them.


A handful of shadows gathered in both of his palms.

This was on a completely different scale compared to the demonstration he

had done in the underground chamber of the Storm Castle. As Murakan
lived alongside Jin on the surface of the continent, he was slowly breathing
in some of the abundant shadows around him on a daily basis. Therefore, he
had regained some of his strength from the era when he was known as the
Black Dragon that shook the world.


As Murakan covered the campsite in a barrier of spiritual energy, Bellop—

who was on night watch duty—tilted his head in confusion.
He felt like his surroundings had suddenly gotten darker than before.
However, he didn't think much of it. The boy merely believed they were
deeper into the night, and didn't notice the barrier.

As a gust of heavy wind shook the trees, Murakan covered his entire body
in spiritual energy as well. Soon, what emerged from his original position
was an enormous black dragon. It was Murakan's original form.


His gigantic pair of wings covered the moon. All the monsters, alongside
the animals and other living creatures in the area, began to tremble in
instinctive fear and subconscious terror.

Unsurprisingly, the powerful entity that was approaching the campsite also
stopped in its tracks; it had detected Murakan.

[Who dares to leak their energy in my presence without my permission?]

Murakan flew into the sky and covered the moon and stars. The black
dragon blocking the moonlight exuded a dangerous air that no one would
doubt it of being an agent of the gods.

However, there was no answer.

Unfortunately, Murakan wasn't as merciful as usual when in his original


Swooooosh! Swooooosh!

With each flap of a wing, a dark storm swept through the area.

A storm of shadows. As the tempest raged in the forest, it snapped large

trees like twigs and swirled around the source of this spiritual energy.

Only then did the individual lying down in the distance finally stand up to
reveal themselves. Having verified the response from this 'entity', Murakan
stopped flapping his wings.
Its gigantic body that could be compared to a fortress was covered in rocks.
Beneath the large helmet moulded with ancient magic were two bright-red
eyes, glaring at the dragon.

Finally, there was an immense spear and shield in both of its hands.

It was a being called a 'Cemetery Giant'.

[…Oho, I see. It wasn't a living being, but rather an outdated relic from the
old ages.]

Murakan was surprised by the appearance of this Cemetery Giant.

The Cemetery Giants had already disappeared without a trace around two
thousand years ago. They were tasked with protecting the graves of the
deceased gods, but the dragon race had exterminated them.

In other words, this giant wasn't supposed to exist in modern times

anymore, let alone appear before Murakan.

As the dragon calmly landed on the ground, the Cemetery Giant raised its
shield. For a short while, Murakan looked down at his enemy and felt
something was wrong with this situation.

[But I'm not pleased to see you.]


The Cemetery Giant let out a disgusting groan and lowered its stance.
Murakan tightened his scales as he recalled the ancient war between both

He was preparing to release his breath. While it would leave behind traces,
he had to finish this fight as quickly as possible.

Murakan opened his jaw and darkness gathered in a dangerous sphere.

After a few seconds, he had amassed enough spiritual energy to completely
raze an entire mountain range to the ground.

As he fired his breath, the surrounding area was suddenly submerged in

total darkness. The Cemetery Giant lowered one leg and hid its body behind
its shield, but it couldn't withstand Murakan's strength.


All it could do was yell one last groan upon death's door, just as the rest of
the Cemetery Giants had done two thousand years ago when facing the


As it breathed its last, the Cemetery Giant fell apart into small pieces, and a
rain of rubble came down where it was previously standing.

“Huff, huff…!”

After the end of the battle, Murakan returned to his human form and panted
intensely. His entire body felt like it was breaking apart as he had used too
much power for the first time in a long period.

'There's no way one Cemetery Giant just randomly survived the war until
today and stayed undetected. Fuck, I'm sure that the Zipfels are somehow
related to this incident. What on earth is happening around the world right

After pondering for a short moment, Murakan shook his head.

'For now, I shouldn't tell Jin about this. No matter what happens, I just need
to protect him. As long as the kid grows steadily for another ten years…
he'll be strong enough to face the Zipfels.'

The next day, in Bouvard Gaston's Fragmented Workshop's underground


Bouvard was walking in circles and dragging his fat body around; he was
anxious enough that he couldn't stop biting on his thumbnail.

One man entered the room. With a slick coat and a fierce gaze, this stern
individual was Vishukel Yvliano.

He was the vice-leader of the revolutionary group 'Kinzelo'.

“L-Lord Vishukel! A problem has occurred! My work of art… My

masterful work of art was…!”

“…I've already been told about it. The Cemetery Giant was destroyed last
night, wasn't it?”

“Indeed! Urgh, just who would do such an atrocious act…?! How dare they
treat my artwork in such a way! Are they looking down on the soul of an

Vishukel sighed deeply.

In order to achieve Kinzelo's grand objective, this moron who preached

about the 'soul of an artisan' was indispensable, and Vishukel found that
truth to be unfortunate.

“Bouvard. Your artisan's soul isn't what's important right now. The
Cemetery Giant was destroyed by a dragon last night.”

“A dragon?”

“That's right. In fact, it was a dragon that controls shadows. I confirmed it

with my own eyes before coming here.”

Vishukel was extremely anxious and on edge that he was about to go crazy.

Kinzelo had prepared their grand masterplan since five hundred years ago.

They were finally putting their plan in action, but this incident had suddenly
hindered them. Moreover, most active dragons these days were working for
the 'Zipfels'.
Bouvard stopped making a fuss and stared at Vishukel silently.

“…That can't be. Are you saying the dragons have already noticed our
movements and plans? Not only that, it was a shadow dragon?”

“Nothing's certain for now, but that was definitely a warning from them. I'll
try to have a meeting with the Zipfels sometime soon. In the meantime,
make sure you keep an eye on everything that happens in this area. I'll lend
you some useful men to work with.”

“Understood. Urgh, I can't believe this… Ah, speaking of which, Lord

Vishukel, have you had breakfast yet? I'd like to have a sweet potato

Vishukel endured the boiling rage inside him and barely answered back.

“…Sure, I'll go buy some, so let's eat together.”

“Hehe, that sounds good. I'd like some fresh milk as well.”

He also vowed to himself that he'd murder this sickening fatass with his
own hands one day.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 40

Jin and the Youngest Division's successful return from their respective
missions were the hottest topics within the intermediate class.

Nobody had predicted this outcome. Most people believed that while some
members of the Youngest Division would return alive, many of them would
perish during the mission.

However, Jin was the biggest surprise. He had to assassinate the Master of
the Hidden Palace's lover in Mamit, and no one thought it was achievable.

They all thought that Jin would return without completing the mission. No
one in the world wants to die at the tender age of 15.

“Kuhahaha, the flag-bearers who assigned you this mission must be taken
aback. I bet they're fuming right now.”

Even Zed was surprised by the success of the mission.

He praised Jin in front of the other cadets several times and showed his
satisfaction and delight. Every time it happened, the Tona twins shrank back
in fear, and the other cadets accepted that Jin had become the new trend of
the intermediate class.

Yes, the new trend.

The members of the Youngest Division were the target of envy from the
others. More and more cadets were hoping to join the Youngest Division
instead of Myu, Anne, or the Tona twins' factions.
But there was one group of cadets who were grinding their teeth in irritation
as they watched this new trend.

“From what I've heard, some random magician happened to attack the inn
where the assassination target was residing on the same day. The damned
Young Master Jin has such good luck.”

“What an unfair world. Not only was he born a Runcandel, he's also blessed
with good fortune? Some of us are only intermediate-class cadets even
though we used up all the luck in our lives… Tch.”

They were the cadets from Myu and Anne's faction, including Kajin
Romello, sitting on the ground and complaining together.

Previously, they were at the top of the food chain in this jungle-like
intermediate class, but recently, their authority and power had taken a

The lowly cadets who once used to be wary of them were now sucking up
to the Youngest Division, and that annoyed them to death.

“If Young Master Jin or the other brats were exceptionally strong, I'd accept
this outcome. But Young Master Jin is only a 4-star knight, and the others
are 3-stars! Kajin, are we seriously letting them do as they please?”

Kajin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“What would happen to us if we attempted something? He may be

irritating, but Young Master Jin is still a pure-blooded Runcandel. There's
nothing we can do until Ladies Myu and Anne give us ord—”

Kajin suddenly stopped talking.

He noticed that Jin—who was sitting on the other side of the training
ground—was suddenly approaching them.

“…Why is he—? Did he hear us?”

“He didn't. It's impossible with this distance.”

“Unfortunately, I heard everything, my friends.”

Jin shrugged and spoke as he joined the group. Kajin and the others'
expressions visibly darkened. Despite his shock and surprise, Kajin changed
his attitude and let out a soft chuckle.

“My apologies, Young Master Jin. Lowly weaklings like us are only able to
rival your mighty strength by talking behind your back like this. Please
forgive us for this blunder.”

Kajin's sarcastic and arrogant tone surprised his own associates. Even the
other cadets in the area who were having their own conversations stopped
talking and turned to them, eyes wide open.

But the boy in question didn't think much of Kajin's words.

“I mean, there's nothing to forgive. I'm not a flag-bearer yet, so strictly

speaking, it's not up to me.”

“You may say that, but can't you use your authority as a Runcandel to have
a lowly cadet like me be whipped as punishment? I shall humbly accept any
punishment you are to give me.”

The situation had turned sour, but Kajin hadn't forgotten that Myu and Anne
—who were backing him—had far more authority than Jin.

“Why do you believe that I'd do such a thing?”

“Because of my insolent and disrespectful attitude.”

The other cadets began to gather around them, whispering to each other.
Class had ended for the day already, so Zed and the assistant instructors had
already left.

“Hey! Kajin! Watch your tongue when talking to the young master!”

“Are you crazy? He's already overlooked your offense. Don't push your
“You guys are the ones who shouldn't push their luck. I'm the one who'll get
punished, not you bastards. Geez, all of you have grown so much in such a
short while. You couldn't even look me in the eyes until not long ago.
Should I consider you guys as part of Young Master Jin's faction now?”

Kajin glared at the spectators and they avoided his gaze.

He was the apex predator of the intermediate class until Jin arrived.

He was one of the most skilled 5-star knights in the class and had the
support of Myu and Anne Runcandel. Even the Tona twins couldn't
carelessly talk to Kajin.

“What a distasteful sight, Kajin.”

“Yes, I bet it must be distasteful to you, Young Master. But I find it equally
unpleasant to watch others respect you for a mission you didn't accomplish
with your own strength. It's only because you're a pure-blooded Runcandel
that they're wagging their tails at you.”

“This crazy bastard! Who do you think you're talking to…!”


The onlooking Mesa stepped forward and unsheathed her sword. She was
about to leap at Kajin to murder him, but Jin raised his hand and stopped

“Young Master! I must kill that insolent bastard today. Even if I die trying, I
will definitely cut off an arm at the very least!”


Mesa hesitated for a moment before putting away her blade.

“It seems you've misunderstood me, Kajin. When I said it was a distasteful
sight, I wasn't talking about your sarcastic comments to the others or your
insolent attitude towards me.”
“Ha! Then what is it that you found so distasteful, Young Master?”

“As a 5-star knight, you are one of, if not the most skilled cadet in the
intermediate class. You may even be stronger than me. So why do you
resort to simple badmouthing behind my back?”


This time, Jin unsheathed his sword and aimed it at Kajin.

“You could just slander me right in my face. Was it because you weren't
courageous enough to face me in a fight? I'm pretty certain I said anyone
could attack me if they wanted to on my first day here.”

Kajin raised his head and silently stared at Jin's eyes.

“…Are you certain about this?”

“Indeed. Stand up and ready your sword.”

Jin took a few steps back and prepared his stance. Kajin only stared
dumbfounded and the other cadets couldn't hide their shock and tension.

Just why was Young Master Jin doing this?

Everyone was asking the same question. While Jin was strong, they all
believed that he was still lacking compared to Kajin and that he could never
win against the 5-star knight.

“No need to go easy on me. Let's take this seriously.”

“That sounds like you want me to go all out and even use aura.”

Kajin stood up and unsheathed his own sword.


“You will regret this, Young Master. Don't think that you'll be able to take
me by surprise and cut my arm off so easily like last time. You will need to
go all out in order to even dream of facing me.”

“If I were to go all out, you would never be able to win against me, even in
a thousand years.”

“What an empty bluff!”


Kajin was the one to make the first move.

He shortened the distance between them in an instant and made use of his
superior build to overpower his opponent in a frontal attack. Each sharp
swing created deep reverberations which made Jin stagger.

'His attacks are all so heavy.'

Kajin Romello, 24 years old, 5-star knight.

He was only an intermediate cadet in the Runcandel Clan, but in the outside
world, he was strong enough that every group and organization around the
world would try to recruit him. Even if he left the clan right now, he could
easily find a job as a knight and be revered by the public as a respected

Amongst all the people Jin had faced in a duel of swordsmanship, Kajin
was the strongest opponent so far, even if you included Jin's adversaries
from his past life.

'But compared to the people I'll be fighting from here on out, this is

Clang! Clang!

As the battle continued, Jin kept retreating as Kajin chased him like a
predator. One could easily notice the overflowing malice in Kajin's eyes as
he swung his sword.

“Are you giving up already? Do you finally have a grasp of reality now?
You aren't skilled enough to pick a fight with me, Young Master!”

Kajin instantly changed his stance and grabbed his sword with both hands.
He then enveloped it with aura and swung it with all his might.

It was as if he were wielding a warhammer instead of a sword. He had even

tilted his sword to strike with the flat of his blade.

He was trying to destroy Jin's guard.


Even though Jin parried the blow, an explosion resonated in the area and Jin
barely managed to hold onto his sword.

However, his posture was disrupted. It was the same for Kajin, but that was
his intention from the start; Kajin had swung with all his might expecting to
ruin his stance.

Making use of the recoil from his extreme swing, Kajin roundhouse kicked
his opponent in the thigh. The shin guards he was wearing amplified the
total force and damage.

Jin ground his teeth as his thigh throbbed in agony. He didn't have the time
to groan out loud. Kajin had already regained his balance and was making a
flurry of attacks.


Kajin's blade grazed Jin's forehead, cutting off some of his front hair. Had
Jin not leaned his head backwards, his brain would be visible to everyone
by now.

At that moment, Taimont stood up in a hurry. He was planning on stopping

the fight as he feared for the Young Master's life. However, Mesa stopped

“Do you think the Young Master will lose?”

The convinced Taimont scratched the back of his head awkwardly and sat
back down.

By now, all the spectating cadets believed the battle was completely one-
sided. Compared to the breathless Jin, Kajin was still swiftly swinging his
sword covered in powerful and glaring aura.

However, Jin wasn't retreating out of fear.

He was trying to concentrate his mind on a certain sensation.

'Just like when I got hit by Haytona's steel marble… I can slowly start
seeing the trajectories of Kajin's attacks.'

The strange sensation he had felt when he trained with the Clear Stones
with his brothers.

There are an infinite number of paths a single blade can take when gliding
through the air. But for a 5-star knight, there are only so many trajectories
they can take with their level of skill.

That was especially the case for opponents like Kajin, who was letting rage
control his mind and body. Thus, Jin decided to end the fight with the next
three moves.

He had to provoke Kajin even more to make him use his hidden skills and
techniques in case there were any.

“I've gotten a good grasp of your attacks now. You won't be able to win
against me.”

“I see that you'll continue bluffing to the end, Young Master.”

Jin only had to dodge the attacks two more times.

He believed that Kajin was going to adhere to the attack patterns he had
used so far.
There was no need to change plans or tactics when it had been useful so far.
In fact, now that Jin had provoked him by saying he could read Kajin's
moves, the 5-star knight was never going to change his approach due to his
fury and arrogance.

But if Jin avoided Kajin's attacks perfectly two more times, Kajin would
have to make a choice.

Either he changed tactics with a calm mind, or he used his most powerful
attack that Jin wouldn't be able to evade or block even if he saw it coming.

And needless to say, the fight progressed just as Jin had predicted.

One left swing followed by an irregular upward slash. Jin didn't parry those
attacks and dodged them perfectly. He spread his feet apart and crouched to
avoid the first move, and side-stepped in advance to dodge the second one.

During this short exchange, Kajin's mind was in turmoil. He admitted that
Jin could've evaded the first left swing. But the boy had dodged the
unpredictable upward swing even before Kajin had begun to raise his


Thus, Kajin released all the aura he had to power-up his third attack.
Whether Jin had evaded his attacks by reading his moves or through pure
coincidence, the boy wouldn't be able to dodge this one. The human body
wasn't as free and flexible as water.

And in the slight chance that Jin did manage to avoid it, his stance would be
completely ruined, creating a great opening for Kajin to take advantage of.
Therefore, Kajin decided to release a large amount of aura so powerful that
no 4-star knight could ever defend from.

“This is—!”

The end!

But Kajin couldn't finish his sentence. Something unexpected had occurred.
Jin didn't try to evade the powerful attack. Instead, he covered his own
sword with aura as well and swung it with all his might, receiving the attack


When the two blades met each other, the one who was pushed back was,
surprisingly, Kajin. The 5-star knight had lost to the 4-star.

He had been pushed back in a battle of strength. Until seconds ago, he had
been overpowering Jin with his bigger build, but Kajin had been
overwhelmed this time around.

His eyes trembled as he couldn't hide his shock. The aura covering
Bradamante had a colour and glint that was far deeper than that of a 4-star

“I also thought it would take me a few more years to reach 5-star.”


Jin made use of Kajin's disarray and bolted before him.

Anyone would be in a predicament when facing an opponent who was far

stronger than what they had initially expected.

Kajin finally realized he had let his guard down when Bradamante's blade
reached his neck.

And so, the victor was decided.

“Did you… trick me? To think you were 5-star already… haha.”

Kajin spoke in a disheartened voice as his sword fell to the ground.

“No, you just don't know me well enough. I never fight a battle where I'm
not confident of winning.”

“Wh-What's going on here?!”

Two individuals came running belatedly to the training grounds; they were
the Tona twins, who had heard the news of this fight moments ago.

The twins couldn't hide their astonishment as they saw the two figures
standing at the center of the crowd.

'H-He defeated Kajin? The youngest actually beat him?!'

Jin turned around and sheathed his sword. As he passed by his older
brothers with a slow pace, he calmly said,

“Nothing important.”

The twins felt chills run down their spines and got goosebumps from their
little brother's words.

Translator's Section:

So… nice fight, right?

Also, anyone else confused on how Kajin got his arm back? xD

The author didn't give any details, but he did somehow get it back.

But after the PR and I check back on the older chapters, in chapter 20 they
say: “As long as the injuries aren't fatal—such as amputated limbs or
damaged vital organs—the medical team can fully heal the victim in an

So… we assume that the medical team just can't heal amputations in an
instant. In other words, it's possible that they reattached it properly, but it
just took longer than… “an instant”…

Author, please be more clear with things like this xDDD

Anyways, I'll see you all on Wednesday~!

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 41

A 5-star knight.

Jin had predicted that he would take at least three years and five at most in
order to reach that stage. In fact, the average Runcandel reached the 5-star
stage by the age of 20.

However, Jin had defeated the 5-star knight Kajin at the age of 15.

While it was true that Kajin had underestimated Jin and had let down his
guard, the boy would still win even if they had another duel.

“You… lost against the youngest?”

“Haa, are you seriously going to lie to us? Does that even make sense? The
youngest was only a 3-star knight until not long ago. No matter how much
of a moron you are, this is just impossible.”

Myu and Anne couldn't believe what they heard from Kajin's report.

This wasn't a surprising reaction. Jin hadn't done a surprise attack and Kajin
hadn't given himself a handicap. The 5-star knight had far more experience
and physical strength than the Runcandel boy.

“I have no excuses.”

“Or did you go easy on him since he's a pure-blooded Runcandel?”

“Or did you get bribed by him?”

“…That is definitely not the case, Miladies.”

“Then what is it? Are you seriously telling me the youngest reached the 5-
star stage in such a short amount of time? Do you seriously want us to
believe that?”

“Everyone else at the training ground can testify for me. His aura was that
of a 5-star knight at least.”


Myu frowned deeply and Anne sneered.

“Forget it. It's my fault for having high expectations for someone like you.
Get out of my sight.”

As soon as Kajin left the room, the two women stared at each other.

“The youngest is officially baring his fangs against us, isn't he?”

Anne asked her sister.

“No, it's not just to us. He's baring his fangs against everyone in the clan.
We'll have to assign him a mission that's certain to kill him next time… by
sending some of our men as well.”

The Garden of Swords was suddenly in an uproar.

The rumour that Jin had defeated Kajin and had officially become the
strongest cadet in the intermediate class had spread amongst the servants.
However, many amongst them couldn't believe this story, just like Myu and

That was how unbelievably fast Jin had grown. If you counted all the
Runcandels who had become 5-star knights before the age of 16 in the
clan's thousand-year history, there were only three: the first patriarch Temar,
Cyron, and Luna.

However, the clansmen only knew of his growth in swordsmanship.

'5-star in swordsmanship, 4-star in magic, and 4-star in spiritual power.'

The person in question hadn't expected to reach the 5-star stage so quickly

He was simply training with the Clear Stones ever since returning from
Mamit, but his aura reached 5-star in no time.

During the breaks from the Clear Stone training sessions, he would cover
his sword with aura and maintain it as such. And every time, he could sense
aura amassing inside his body at an incredible speed.

This phenomenon wasn't happening solely because of Jin's natural talent for

It was due to the synergy.

The synergy between the three powers flowing in his body: spiritual energy,
mana, and aura.

Ordinary people have never had the chance of using all three types of
energies, so they're unaware of this fact, but Jin noticed that the energies
interacted with each other.

If one of the powers gets stronger, it influences and strengthens the other
two as well. Moreover, the most influential energy amongst the three is
spiritual energy.

Therefore, due to the 'spiritual energy congestion' Jin had experienced last
time, his spiritual energy had increased, strengthening his two other powers
as well.

In consequence, the channels through which aura and mana flow in his
body had increased in number. It was as if Jin had won the lottery without
doing a single thing.

'Now that I've publicly revealed having reached 5-star at the age of 15, my
siblings will start getting properly nervous here on out.'
Jin had made an incredible accomplishment.

However, he wasn't strong enough to face his siblings yet. Excluding the
Tona twins, the other flag-bearers of the clan could easily trample on Jin if
they ever had the chance to.

It wasn't just Myu and Anne.

There was Joshua, Cyron's most likely successor, along with Jin's other
older siblings who were aiming to take that position for themselves as well.
They now had no choice but to keep an eye on Jin and his growth.

The youngest was a thorn in the side of those who were aiming for the
position of patriarch.

Choosing Barisada during the Selection Ritual could be considered a

coincidence. But revealing his true talents and gaining prominence was a
completely different story.

'It might've been a good idea to stay low and hide my talents for now, but

Had he revealed his abilities when he was 18, the candidates for the throne
would've been less wary of him.

However, Jin believed that he had benefited far more by doing the reveal

'From today onwards, people outside of the Runcandel Clan will learn of
me—of how I became a 5-star knight at the age of 15. Countless clans and
alliances will come and take a look at me out of curiosity and wariness. My
siblings won't be able to move or aim for my life recklessly due to the
observant eyes on me.'

Moreover, his father—Cyron Runcandel—would most definitely return to

the Garden of Swords.

He was currently thinking of having someone other than Joshua take over
the clan, and was keeping an eye on all his children in the hopes of finding
a better successor. Yet, all his children after Luna hadn't been able to satisfy
him a single time.

However, the only child whom he was content with—Luna—wasn't

interested in the throne. In fact, she said that she didn't like this familial
conflict and wished to simply observe from the sidelines.

Therefore, no matter how strong she was, Cyron judged that Luna wasn't
suited to rule and lead the clan.

He then designated his second child Joshua as his provisional successor, as

he was the best alternative after Luna. Joshua was suited to lead the clan
personality-wise. While he wasn't extremely satisfactory, he was decisive,
level-headed, sharp like a blade, and had a powerful drive.

Alternatively, if something ever happened to Joshua, Cyron still had a third


Cyron's second son Dipus, his second daughter Luntia, or even his third
daughter Mary were decent candidates for the throne as well.

That was the order amongst the candidates for the Runcandel throne, which
solidified over the years as no one stood out particularly.

'But now, there's me.'

With Jin's arrival, the battlefield for the throne had an upheaval. Cyron was
someone who didn't care about age and gave opportunities to his children
according to their accomplishments.

'Just like when he sent me on the special mission when I was still in the
beginner class, my growth and achievement this time will definitely be
reported to father… And he'll issue some orders.'

Jin predicted that whatever Cyron's orders were going to be, they would
include two things:

First was a trial.

Cyron would test Jin with the intention of checking whether the boy was
able to overcome his age difference with his older siblings who were
already candidates for the throne.

Second was protection.

Having revealed his true abilities, it was inevitable that Jin's older siblings
would start attacking him personally. However, Cyron didn't want Jin to be
trampled on by his siblings before he could even test his youngest child.

Jin was a special case. He was just far too young compared to his other
siblings, which was why Cyron would exceptionally intervene in his
children's conflict.


“Yes, Young Master.”

“In the near future, many important clans and organizations will request a
meeting with the Runcandel Clan. They will want to see the new 15-year-
old 5-star knight with their own eyes since rumours of the youngest child of
the Runcandels will spread throughout the world.”

The Yvliano Clan of swordsmanship, the Ken Clan of spearmanship, the

Tuko Clan of hand-to-hand combat, and all the other martial clans would
want to see Jin.

Even national organizations like the Vermont Empire's Imperial Guards and
Special Forces as well as the Dragon King Knights would send some men.
It was the same case for the armed forces around the world like the Hidden
Palace, the Black King Mercenaries, and the Ghost Mercenaries.

“Geez, look at you, bragging with such a smug face, kid. Do you think
they've got nothing else to do but to come visit you?”

“To those people, figuring out the changes and trends in the Runcandel Clan
is of the utmost importance. They're all expecting my achievements to bring
change to the current hierarchy amongst the candidates for the throne. So
they all need to come personally to check on me.”

Jin was certain about his predictions not only because he was good at
reading the political changes in the clan, but also because of a story he had
heard from his past life.

He had heard that when Luna became a 5-star knight at the age of 15 as
well, countless people had gathered at the clan in order to see her. It was
like a legend amongst his siblings.

“Geez, good for you. Nobody ever cares about a lowly black dragon like

“Yep. That's exactly right. Anyways, once the official requests to visit the
clan arrive, father will return to the Garden of Swords. He'll probably start a
banquet as well.”

“I see. The patriarch will vacate the Black Sea once again. I shall make
preparations in advance.”

“I'll leave that in your care, Gilly. And make sure to keep Murakan hidden
away from the public. If he transforms into a human and sneaks into the
banquet, we're done for. Do you understand?”

“I'm not a kid. I can take care of myse—”

“I will bear that in mind.”

Murakan glared at Gilly, but the nanny simply avoided making eye contact
and looked away.

Two days later, the clan began receiving letters regarding the Runcandels'
youngest child just as Jin had predicted.

As Jin had never shown himself to the public outside of the clan, the
reporters and envoys were desperate to get more information about him.
In fact, all that was known about him outside the clan was his age and his 5-
star rank.

The rich reporters and journalists bribed the servants of the Garden of
Swords in order to get some insider information, whereas the skilled ones
went to find the receptionist at the Mitel Kingdom's Transfer Gate and the
Black King Mercenaries' 3rd Corps.

Those two were the only group of people around the world who had met Jin
in person. However, the receptionist was someone who cared for her life
and didn't reveal her clients' information, while the Black King Mercenaries
absolutely detested journalists.

Meanwhile, the less skilled reporters—in other words, the naive ones who
didn't know much about the world—thought that the Runcandels had spread
a fake rumour in order to gain some attention.

“Just what kind of person is Jin Runcandel?”

The reporters were all sighing and groaning to each other.

The Garden of Swords wasn't a place mere reporters could set their foot
into. All they could do was wait impatiently as they tried to make use of
their connections with other clans; those that had enough influence to enter
the Garden of Swords as visitors.

And so, another week went by. It was now May 1795.

Countless demands and requests to visit the Garden of Swords came

rushing to the clan like a broken dam. Everything was going as Jin had

“It seems the butlers are extremely busy writing replies to all the requests
these days, Young Master. When I asked Petro, he mentioned that even the
Vermont Imperial Family sent an official letter.”

“The Imperial Family? I didn't expect that. Those mystics couldn't hold
back their curiosity either, it seems.”
“I find it more mystical that you managed to predict the future so
accurately, Young Master Jin.”

Gilly smiled as she felt proud of the boy and continued speaking.

“Also, Guardian Knight Khan returned to the main house today and
announced the patriarch's decision. He will return in one month. The clan is
now matching the timing of the visitors with the patriarch's return.”

The clan was in an uproar both on the inside and outside due to Jin.

However, there were no movements or odd actions from his siblings as of

yet. They were simply going on missions or training as usual, and it was the
same for Jin.

But this wasn't a surprising outcome. Trying to attack or keep Jin in check
while the entire clan's attention was on him was a stupid move.

The moment they would try to keep him in check, they would be
announcing to the world that they feared and/or detested their youngest
sibling. It would cause great damage to their reputation.

But it wasn't as if all his siblings weren't willing to make this stupid move.

“Y-Young Master!”

The man who came running to Jin with a distressed expression was Petro,
the 2nd butler.

As soon as he saw the butler's face, Jin knew the time had finally come.

'Elder Sisters Myu and Anne must've schemed something again.'

Petro's entire body was drenched in sweat. It appeared he had run across the
enormous Garden of Swords to tell Jin of this urgent news.

“Take your time to catch your breath, Petro.”

“Haaa, haaa… Thank you very much. Phew… You have been assigned a
new mission, Young Master. But the place you'll be dispatched to is…”

“Where is it?”

“The Kollon Ruins.”

“Ha! The Kollon Ruins? Young Master, the flag-bearers have gone too far
this time. The Kollon Ruins are in Zipfel territory!”

“That is correct… The flag-bearers have gone too far. Thus, Madame Rosa
has become enraged. She has already summoned the flag-bearers to
admonish them. I believe Young Master Jin should go see Madame Rosa as

Jin calmly nodded and began making his way to the main building.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 42

There were a total of five flag-bearers who came running to the main
building with Rosa's summons.

They were the third son Ran, the fourth son Vigo, the fourth daughter Myu,
the fifth daughter Anne, and finally, the second daughter Luntia.

Rosa made them stand straight in a single file and glared at them with a
dark, heavy gaze. The flurry of shouts and reprimands she had been hurling
at them had calmed down a bit.

But once Jin entered the room, she raised her voice again.

“How can you people who call themselves 'flag-bearers' mess up so


As Rosa let out a thunderous roar, the documents and pen holder on her
table went flying in all four directions. In fact, the pen holder cracked and
broke apart due to the energy in her voice.


She let out a deep sigh and turned to Jin.

“…You've arrived.”

“Yes, Mother.”

His siblings' attention turned to him as well.

Ran and Vigo's gazes were dyed in annoyance and irritation. Their reactions
were natural as they weren't involved in the issuing of his mission.

Myu and Anne were openly showing their animosity towards Jin.

Their lips were curled upwards, but their pupils were dyed red in
bloodthirst, as if they were warning him they'd kill him if they ever had the

Meanwhile, Luntia had a calm bearing. She was merely curious to know if
her youngest sibling—whom she hadn't seen in a long while—was truly a
5-star knight as the rumours said.

“Have you heard of the news? Your next mission will be at the Kollon

“Yes, I've been told.”

“I'm cancelling that mission. You won't be going to Kollon.”


Myu and Anne raised their voices simultaneously and took a couple of steps

“You wenches only care about killing the youngest, don't you? Did gaining
the petty authority and power of a flag-bearer grant you nonexistent balls to
stand against your mother?”

Rosa looked down at her daughters with ice-cold eyes.

However, the two daughters didn't let themselves get intimidated.

“Mother, is it really so strange that we're trying to kill the youngest?”


“To be honest, I cannot understand why you try to protect the youngest so
Myu stared at her mother in the eyes.

“Go on, I dare you to continue yapping with that piehole. Have you lost
your mind?”

“Ever since we were born, you have merely watched us from the sidelines
with father and even encouraged us to fight amongst each other, Mother.
Was that not because competition is a necessity in our family?”

“She's right, Mother. In fact, you must know how much everyone here has
been oppressed and pressured by our older siblings while growing up. Back
when I was in the intermediate class, I was also sent on highly difficult
missions assigned to me by my older siblings! Dozens of times!”

A moment of silence followed.

Myu and Anne weren't completely in the wrong. Conflict and secret
harassment between siblings in the Runcandel Clan was inevitable. In fact,
it was the fate of all Runcandel children. Moreover, Cyron and Rosa never
intervened to stop the bloodbath occurring amongst their children.

“Indeed, you two aren't wrong. Competition is necessary, and you can use
whatever means at your disposal to come out on top.”

Rosa spoke with a soft smile. Myu and Anne understood their mother's

“Be that as it may, did you two reach the 5-star stage by the age of 15?”


“You two are different compared to the youngest. Had you two made the
same achievements as him in your teenage years, I would've protected you
as well. However, you didn't.”

Rosa openly revealed that she was giving Jin preferential treatment.

“In other words, you two weren't worthy of my protection and care. As a
matter of fact, seeing how you two are now insolently talking back to me
after becoming flag-bearers, I don't regret never having protected you two.”

Myu and Anne's faces distorted as they blinked, dumbfounded.

No matter how harsh of an environment the clan was and how cruel one's
siblings were, every child in the world would be hurt after hearing such
heart-wrenching words from their parents.

“…Haa, you are correct, Mother. I was being insensible and naive.”

“Thank you for your guidance, Mother.”

The two girls lowered their heads and turned around, exiting the room.
Despite having turned their backs to Jin, their burning rage and hatred
towards their youngest sibling could be distinguished more than ever.

“Luntia, Ran, Vigo.”

“““Yes, Mother.”””

“As Myu and Anne's fellow flag-bearers, you three aren't guilt-free either.
Especially you, Luntia. I'm very disappointed in you. You will need to
reflect on your oversight for a while. Ran and Vigo, return one of your
swords each.”

Luntia merely shrugged and went along with it, whereas Ran and Vigo

“M-Mother? Y-You want us to return a sword?”

“Are you dissatisfied? You should be glad it's only one sword. I personally
would've preferred confiscating all the invaluable swords you two took
from the clan's armory, so be grateful I didn't do that.”

The brothers couldn't say anything in return and lowered their heads. Ran
and Vigo felt like they were being framed for a crime they hadn't
committed, and obviously enough, their frustration and anger diverted to
'Our family is so messed up. Things are getting troublesome.'

Jin discreetly clicked his tongue and thought to himself.

Rosa Runcandel.

Was she truly rebuking the flag-bearers out of love for Jin?

Jin was certain that it wasn't the case.

'Mother… wants me to clash with my siblings far more fiercely and

violently. She purposefully summoned Elder Sister Luntia and Elder
Brothers Ran and Vigo—even though they're unrelated to this incident—in
order to have them develop animosity towards me.'


Rosa had summoned three other flag-bearers in addition to Myu and Anne
in order to test Jin.

To be more precise, she was testing every single child in this room.

She wanted to see how far she could push her children, and whether they'd
persistently try to tear each other apart.

'I wonder how the youngest will pull through this situation. He's a smart
boy, so I'm sure he won't act conceited from here on out just because he
thinks I'm favouring him… So what will he do?'

Rosa asked herself. She was excited and curious, but made sure to maintain
the furious expression on her face.

Would he pretend to defend his siblings and tell her to punish him instead?

If he simply stood there with a content smile for having his mother on his
side, then that was the end of it. While Jin was a rare genius for reaching 5-
star at 15 years old, if that was the extent of his reaction and intelligence,
then Rosa was planning on erasing all her interest in her youngest son
Needless to say, even if she were disappointed, he would still be her
beloved youngest son. He would just be eliminated from the list of
candidates for the succession.

If Jin did nothing when she gave him an advantage, Rosa would judge that
he wasn't suited to lead the Runcandel clan.


“Speak freely, Jin.”

Rosa spoke in a low tone, hiding her excitement.

“I quite like the mission Elder Sisters assigned to me.”

“Do you even know where the Kollon Ruins are?”

Rosa sneered.

“Yes. It's in Zipfel territory, and the Runcandels once tried to invade and
capture it, but failed to do so. It happened long before I was born, though.”

“So you are aware. Back then, Elder Tellot went to battle with thirty
guardian knights but faced a predicament. It's now a tourist spot, but the
Zipfels are still greatly involved with it. You won't be able to do anything
even if you go there.”

The mission that was assigned to Jin was 'theft'.

He had to steal some of the ancient relics the Zipfels were excavating from
the Kollon Ruins. Jin hadn't checked the list of items he had to steal yet, but
there were probably at least three relics on it.

“We can't verify that if I don't head there. While it's a dangerous place, I do
not believe it's an unreasonable mission. Don't you think Elder Sisters
assigned this mission to me as they believed I was skilled enough for it?”

“What reckless bravado. That, or you're trying to test your mother.”

Reckless bravado.

It wasn't a bad reaction, but it wasn't what Rosa was hoping for.

“Moreover, if we suddenly change the issuing of the mission, we will be

showing our clansmen how lax and careless our clan's system is.”

“No clansmen would question the Runcandels just because of something

like that. Your sisters were simply trying to harm you. And since they
couldn't attack you physically, they took advantage of their authority as

“That is exactly what I mean, Mother.”

Jin grinned brightly.

“I do not plan on backing away from this fight. If I were to duel Elder
Sisters right here, right now, I will definitely lose miserably. However, if I
successfully accomplish my mission, I would be able to deal them a
powerful blow.”

Rosa's eyes glittered.

“In other words, I have a slight chance of winning this fight. I know it
would be wiser for me to back away now, develop my strength, and defeat
them in a duel in a few years… But I simply cannot wait that long, as Elder
Sisters are getting on my nerves.”

“You could easily die at the Kollon Ruins with the smallest of mistakes. Are
you really confident in yourself?”

“Yes. And if I return successfully from the mission, I'd like to be awarded
the swords that were confiscated from Elder Brothers. Since you judged this
mission to be extremely dangerous, Mother, I wish to be rewarded
according to the amount of risk I took.”

““What was that?””

Ran and Vigo spontaneously glared at Jin, whereas Rosa hid her delighted

The youngest was provoking his older siblings just as she had hoped for, as
if he had read her mind.

“Brother, why are you saying you'd like to take the swords we're returning

“Good. I'll allow it.”

Rosa interrupted Vigo's remark.

Nevertheless, Ran sighed deeply before giving a piece of his own mind.

“If you desire to gain some top-notch swords, I can simply give you one of
the weapons I own. But give up on this mission. Your achievements have
spread around the world already, so you must remain alive until father
returns to the Garden.”

If Cyron returned to the Garden of Swords in one month and Jin wasn't
present, then all the guests who came to visit the Runcandel Clan would be

Thus, people would raise suspicions and say that the 5-star 15-year-old
knight was a false rumour started by the Runcandels. Some would even
believe that the clan tried to cover up the false rumour by saying the child
had died on a mission right before the visit.

Ran acted as if he were worried about this outcome, but Jin tilted his head
in confusion.

“You're being hypocritical, Elder Brother Ran. If that were such an

important problem you were wary of, you should've stopped Elder Sisters
from assigning this mission to me in the first place.”

Ran was pretending to be generous and kind-hearted, but Jin didn't buy it.
Ran and Vigo hadn't opposed Myu and Anne when they decided to assign
the Kollon Ruins mission to Jin.
Jin could see that Ran was blatantly acting broad-minded in order to gain
their mother's approval.

“Hahaha… That must be quite humiliating, Ran. You should've stayed

silent like your elder sister instead.”

Ran couldn't stop his ears from turning bright red as their mother laughed.

“I'm quite curious to know whether the youngest will be able to steal his
brothers' swords now. I'll be watching carefully to see whether it was just an
empty provocation, or whether he'll be able to make it a reality. You may all
take your leave now.”

Once all her children left the room, Rosa propped her chin on her hand.

'…I trampled on the others' pride so that the youngest doesn't turn out like
Luna, but it seems that was unnecessary.'

The youngest seemed to be famished for conflict. Today, it was a verbal

battle and not a physical one, but he had completely dominated the flow of
the conversation, overwhelming his siblings who were several years older
than him.

'Cyron will be happy to see the youngest's growth so far when he's back.'

Of course, such a thing wouldn't happen if Jin didn't return alive from the
Kollon Ruins.

As soon as they exited the building, Ran and Vigo immediately returned to
their rooms. Luntia hesitated to talk with the youngest for a bit, but simply
returned to her room as if she couldn't be bothered to do so.

“Do you actually think you'll be so lucky this time around as well?”

Myu spoke up without even looking her brother in the eyes. She and Anne
were standing against the wall, waiting for him to come out.

“Who knows? Elder Sisters might not know this well, but I'm actually
pretty unlucky in life.”
“This is the last time you'll ever act so easygoing. The mission isn't a solo
mission. You won't be feeling so lonely on your way to your destination.”

“Haha, thank you for your concern, Elder Sisters. Well then, I shall see you
another time.”

The two women glared at the boy's back as he strided away until he
disappeared from their sights.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 43

There were three other cadets who were assigned the Kollon Ruins mission
alongside Jin.

Kajin Romello, Mayl Hass, and Rima Hass. All three were part of Myu and
Anne's faction. The Hass brothers were slightly weaker than Kajin, but were
still bona fide 5-star knights.

“Young Master. Allow me to apologize for my transgression a few days

ago. I will make sure not to disappoint you anymore during the upcoming

“It is an honour to be given the chance to work alongside Young Master


The day before their departure, Kajin and the Hass brothers came to find

Their behaviour had made a full 180 compared to a few days ago. Their
sarcastic remarks had completely vanished and had been replaced by
courteous and submissive attitudes.

Jin wore a wide smile to show his satisfaction.

“Indeed, the past is in the past. Let's turn the page now. I'll be in your care
from here on out.”

“Thank you very much, Young Master.”

“Thank you very much!”

Once the three of them left the room, Murakan leaped onto Jin's lap.

“It's because they kept talking behind my back without having the courage
to confront me that they were abandoned by Elder Sisters. Sending those
three to the Kollon Ruins is basically being sent to die… Backstabbing me
during the mission must be their desperate last-ditch effort.”

Jin was sure of himself.

Myu and Anne. Those sly foxes must've ordered their lackeys to kill Jin
during the mission. He was also certain that his sisters had promised to look
after their family if they successfully killed Jin and also died bravely on the

The boy had witnessed Myu and Anne deal with people using this exact
same method in his past life countless times.


The cat sitting on his lap laughed out loud.

They had to use a transfer gate and travel on land to reach the Kollon Ruins.

The Kollon Ruins originally had around a couple of thousands of natives

living in villages. However, the Zipfels discovered the land several
hundreds of years ago and took control of the area, so the ruins became a
part of the Peylon Kingdom.

Afterwards, most of the natives were slaughtered and the survivors were
enslaved. The descendants of the natives who are still living in Kollon to
this day appear to be respected by the Zipfels, but they gnash their teeth at
the clan of magicians.

However, there was nothing the descendants could do.

While they appeared respected, they were still slaves. Moreover, the rest of
the world didn't really care about the lives and rights of the Kollon natives.
The Zipfels spared the descendents and allowed them to remain in Kollon
with the excuse of preserving the land in its original state. However, it was
all an act where they were trying to redeem themselves from their horrible
past deeds.

As he thought about this sad truth, Jin frowned deeply.

'The weak being trampled on by the strong is a common occurrence around

the world, but the Zipfels really went too far back then.'

Originally, the Zipfels weren't the type to commit such massacres.

They normally prefer to conquer new lands peacefully and reasonably,

while trying to gain the natural respect and loyalty of the conquered. The
Zipfels were far more advanced in terms of their public image and relations
compared to the Runcandels.

In fact, ruling by force was the Runcandels' style.

If so, why did the Zipfels suppress the Kollon natives in such a violent and
cruel way back then?

Jin knew the answer to this question.

'It was because of the mirror-like artifact the natives hid away. The Zipfels
had some vague knowledge of this artifact when they discovered the island.
So they trampled on the natives in order to find it.'

Currently, the existence of this 'ancient mirror' was top secret information
that hadn't spread outside of the Zipfel Clan.

However, before Jin's regression, the entire world came to know of this
mirror by the time he was 27. One brave journalist wrote an article about
this ancient artifact the Zipfels had recently found.

The journalist even recorded the details of the artifact's excavation site. The
natives who bore a grudge against the Zipfels informed the journalist about
how the clan had robbed them of their divine artifact and the history of the
'Later on, people started calling that mirror the Fountain of Mana.'

The mirror artifact—the Fountain of Mana—had a simple yet terrifying


It could increase your mana just by staring into it. Needless to say, there
were some extreme side effects, but the artifact's value and benefits were
still considerable even when taking those into account.

The limit of the increase in mana using the Fountain was up to 7-star.

Thanks to the item, the Zipfels were able to nurture and develop countless
7-star magicians as if they were a factory. And once these 'mass-produced
magicians' made their appearance in the world, numerous aspirants aiming
to become magicians joined their clan.

Thus, the already-powerful Zipfel Clan began leaving the Runcandels

behind in the dust and solidified their standing on the continent while
putting pressure on their enemy clan of swordsmen.

'This time, I won't let those Zipfel bastards get the mirror in their hands.'

As one would expect, he wasn't planning on stealing the artifact while

oppressing the natives like the Zipfels had done. However, for the price of
suppressing the natives for several hundreds of years, he was planning on
stopping the Zipfels from gaining more power using the Fountain.

There was no need to hurry. According to his knowledge from his past life,
the Zipfels needed another ten years or more in order to find the mirror.
Thus, Jin only needed to steal it before that day came.

“We will arrive soon, Young Master.”

Jin's strides came to a halt. They were walking down a mountainous road in
disguises and masks.

“This place is the Zipfel magicians' lodgings. This one is for independent
magicians. And the relics we must find are here, in the third warehouse.”
Kajin spread open a map of the Kollon Ruins and pointed at each vital

“Are you certain that the items are in the 3rd warehouse?”

“We must hope so. If it isn't the case, then our chances at succeeding this
mission will drop to zero.”

There were a total of four relics they had to steal: three slabs of stones the
size of their palms, and one bronze bowl.

They were worthless items for most people, but for historians, these items
were far more valuable than gold.

The cadets had to sneak inside the warehouse, steal the relics, and return to
the clan.

Sneaking inside the warehouse wasn't such a difficult task. The 3rd
warehouse didn't contain precious artifacts, so the security was lax. In fact,
the warehouse was open to visitors during the day.

However, the problem was returning safely to the clan.

'No matter how worthless the items in the warehouse are, I'm certain there'll
be several layers of protective barriers around the building. It's almost
impossible to enter the warehouse without getting detected with our current

The Zipfel magicians weren't pushovers. If the 3rd warehouse was attacked,
they'd be dispatched and would arrive within five minutes. Obviously,
they'd also capture and punish all intruders.

“Due to the rich and curious historians making a request to the clan, it
seems the four of us may die tonight trying to complete our tasks.”

“No matter what happens, the three of us will lay our lives down to protect
you, Young Master.”
Kajin spoke with resolute eyes and the Hass brothers nodded with
determined looks.

Their acting was pitiful. As he chuckled in his mind, Jin took out some beef
jerky from his pocket.

“Laying your lives down to protect me… That's good to hear. Have some
jerky and rest for a bit. We'll commence the operation in an hour.”


The three cadets eagerly received the jerky.

Chomp, munch, nibble, chew, gulp.

As soon as he saw them swallow their food, Jin immediately spat out the
jerky he was chewing on.

“Young Master? Eh? Huhh…”

The three of them realized that something was wrong, but it was already too

The jerky was coated with a sleep-inducing drug that could make even a 7-
star knight fall asleep in a couple of seconds. Kajin and the Hass brothers
were already feeling drowsy and were barely staying standing.

“Don't worry. It wasn't poisoned.”

“Wh-What are youuuuu…”

“You c-cannn't…”

Thump, flop, thud.

All three fell over, entering the dreamland. Jin dug a hole in the ground and
pushed them inside, and proceeded to cover up the hole with leaves.
They were unlikely to wake up for another 24 hours. And when they did,
the mission would already be finished.

“'You c-cannn't', he said. As if I could keep traitors who were planning on

backstabbing me by my side when entering enemy territory.”

In fact, had they not acted so polite, Jin would've been less suspicious of

However, during their entire trip here, the three cadets were constantly
currying favours with Jin. They were planning on having Jin let down his
guard, and when the opportunity arose, they'd slice his throat with no

But Jin had seen through their utterly predictable strategy.

It wasn't as if he couldn't understand and sympathize with those three. It

was normal for a dog to follow its owner's orders, especially when they
were facing a crisis after having made several mistakes.

However, they had chosen the worst opponent. As he was living in the
Runcandel Clan for the second time, Jin could not be tricked by his elder
sisters' sloppy schemes.

'Moreover, I can't use magic or spiritual power while these three are
watching me.'

Brazenly attacking the warehouse while being fully aware of the magic
barrier protecting it was suicide if Jin didn't use magic or spiritual power.

If the four of them tried to infiltrate the warehouse, the spell would
definitely detect them. However, it was a different story if Jin sneaked in

'Well then, shall we get going?'

Jin wore his mask properly and headed down the mountain road. The
evening breeze blowing between the trees and branches was refreshing.
The Kollon Ruins were shaped like an enormous ellipse.

The important excavation site was located at the center, whereas the 3rd
warehouse was on the outskirts. It was now 6 PM, and the ruins had closed.
The path to the warehouse's entrance was quiet and dull.

Jin lay down on the grass in the forest from where he could see the 3rd
warehouse. As he observed the area, he noticed people walking by from
time to time. They were magicians dispatched here to investigate the ruins.
Fortunately, Jin couldn't see anyone at the 5-star stage or above.

Additionally, the guards standing by the warehouse's main and back

entrances weren't magicians, just as Jin had predicted. They seemed to be 1-
star or 2-star warriors at best.

This didn't come as a surprise. They had no need to assign magicians—

expensive and valuable manpower—just to guard a warehouse of little

The guards seemed bored and kept yawning as they waited for time to pass.
They even joked between each other at times, laughing and chuckling.

Once the magicians in the area were at a proper distance, Jin dashed
towards the warehouse's main entrance.

“So remember that girl I met last night?”

“Oh yeah, how far did you two go? Hm? C'mon, spill the beans!”

“Geez, should I really say it? You might punch me out of jealousy, lmao.
Oh well, so what happened is—”


One mercenary fainted after taking Jin's punch to the chin. The other guard
who was waiting for the rest of the story immediately thrust his spear
towards the intruder.
Jin swiftly turned around and avoided the spearhead, and used his
momentum to jab his opponent in the throat with his elbow. The second
mercenary's eyes lost their focus and flopped onto the ground.

'Maybe I should've waited for him to end the story before attacking them…'

Jin chuckled before picking up the two unconscious bodies, got them on
their feet, and leaned them against the wall. By sticking the spears between
their legs, they could somehow stay upright. This way, they appeared to be
properly standing guard from afar.

Jin rummaged through their pockets and found the keys to the warehouse
door. The lock on the door was an ordinary one without any spells
protecting it. That was how much the Zipfels didn't care about the 3rd

'No wonder the historians fearlessly requested the Runcandels to rob these


There was no way of repressing the sound of the metal door grinding open.
Jin hesitated to use some noise-cancelling or noise-reduction magic spells,
but decided not to. If there were a magician nearby, the chances of his mana
getting detected were high.

Before entering the warehouse, Jin observed the interior. After a short
while, he noticed a certain familiar magic circle on the floor right in front of
the door.

'Isn't this the Magic Circle of Blood and Barrier?'

It was the same magic circle as the one he had seen several years ago, when
he first sneaked inside the underground chambers beneath the Storm Castle.
By dropping a few droplets of human blood on it, he could easily neutralize
the effects of the circle.
The defensive magic circle protecting an unimportant Zipfel warehouse was
the same as the one protecting a secret chamber only the Runcandel flag-
bearers could enter. If the public ever came to learn of this truth, the clan of
swordsmen would become a laughingstock.

The Magic Circle of Blood and Barrier can recognize the blood of a human,
a monster, or a plague-stricken human. As long as it was someone healthy,
the blood of any human was enough to neutralize it.

Jin approached the unconscious yet standing mercenaries again. He then

used his dagger to lightly cut the tip of one's finger and caught a few drops
of blood with his palm. Afterwards, he sprinkled the blood onto the magic

Jin had used the mercenary's blood in order to avoid getting caught after he
accomplished his mission. If the Zipfels came to investigate the intrusion,
they might believe that the magic circle had been neutralized due to the
mercenaries' mistake.

'The first protective spell was easily dealt with. Let's search for the relics


Suddenly, the magic circle glowed bright red and let out a sharp squeal. The
flustered Jin flinched in panic, but soon calmed down and looked back at
the bloodstain on his palm.

The stain had been made using the unconscious mercenary's blood. In other
words, it was definitely human blood.

Nevertheless, the Magic Circle of Blood and Barrier had reacted to it. In
other words, either the mercenary was currently afflicted by the plague…


Or the mercenary… wasn't a human.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 44

'What the fu—!'

Jin abruptly turned around and unsheathed his dagger.

The unconscious mercenaries were regaining control over their body.

'Their eyes are red?'

Moreover, the two of them were growling like beasts and breathing heavily
inconsistently. It sounded almost like the breathing pattern of an orc or a

Jin had no time to ask himself how this had happened.

The steel armours of these ex-human mercenaries were inflating. The

rapidly swelling muscles on the inside were tearing the metal apart.


The moment the armour tore apart, Jin reflexively cast a spell.

'Silent Wind!'

A gust of mana instantly engulfed the inside of the warehouse and formed a
thin hemispherical layer.

It was a 4-star spell that reduced all noises in a radius of 15 meters. Jin had
decided not to use magic earlier as he didn't want to risk getting detected by
the magicians in the area, but the situation had changed.
He couldn't avoid fighting the mercenaries who had transformed into
monsters. They were already reaching their hands out towards Jin. Their
fingers had grown sharp and long claws, just like those of the Red Tiger

'I can only hope the magicians out there don't notice us.'


His two enemies were already pouncing towards him simultaneously.

Jin didn't even have time to unsheathe Bradamante. The monsters were
swinging their arms one after another, taking turns so that their target had
no time to breathe.


The claws sharply tore the air as they drew arcs. Jin narrowly dodged the
attacks by crouching down, and stabbed one of the monsters in the ribs with
his dagger.

He had aimed at the heart, but the monster had barely managed to avoid
getting killed by twisting its body. However, Jin definitely felt the sensation
of flesh being torn and bones breaking.


The monster let out a horrible shriek.

It didn't appear to be a fatal injury. The monster didn't bother removing the
dagger in its torso and continued swinging its claws.

Fortunately, Jin made use of this short breather to create some distance
between them and unsheathed Bradamante. As he hurriedly enveloped the
blade in aura, the dark warehouse was brightened up a little.

The monsters seemed to have sensed that aura was a dangerous power. As
Jin adjusted the distance between them while keeping his sword straight,
the black fur covering the monsters' bodies stood on end.


The wounded monster belatedly removed the dagger in its chest.

Seeing what happened afterwards, Jin couldn't help but let his face show his

'They can even regenerate?'

The monster's deep gash in its chest was rapidly healing and closing. The
dark red blood quickly stopped gushing out after a couple of seconds.

This sort of high-speed regeneration could only be seen in high-ranking and

powerful monsters.

However, Jin's opponents weren't your typical, naturally born monsters.

These enemies were undoubtedly humans even a minute ago.

With every passing second, all sorts of thoughts and hypotheses passed
through Jin's mind. However, he didn't have the necessary knowledge to
understand exactly how this mysterious and freaky incident had happened.

He had never seen anything like this in his total 43 years of life.

Fortunately, while he couldn't understand how it had happened, Jin could

somewhat grasp the fundamentals behind it, thanks to his life as a magician
in his past life.

'It's highly likely these are living golems created through forbidden magic.
Those Zipfel bastards… Are they using the Kollon Ruins as an
experimental facility for forbidden magic?'


The monsters resumed their flurry of attacks.

Jin could only narrowly evade the attacks earlier as he was taken by
surprise, but now that he had regained his calm, his enemies' movements
appeared clumsy. They had the strength and speed of low-leveled 4-star

However, there was a vast difference between a trained 4-star knight and
monsters that only had 4-star physical abilities. Jin easily parried and
dodged the monsters' claws and counterattacked.

'It's not too difficult facing them.'

Whenever Jin made a feint or moved irregularly, the monsters fell for it
each time. He could see their feet getting tangled up, resulting in the
monsters losing their balance.

'There are three places the core could be located: the heart, head, or lower

When it comes to these magical weapons called golems, they never stop
moving no matter how much they get wrecked. In fact, Jin had sliced one of
the monsters' wrist and shoulder, yet there was no change in its behaviour.

On the other hand, if their cores get destroyed, it's over for them. This was
the case even for these living golems that were made with forbidden magic.


Jin backstepped and changed his attack pattern, easily piercing one in the
head. The aura surrounding his sword was spinning rapidly, so there was a
large hole the size of a fist in the monster's head.

'So it's not the head.'

Had Jin fought like he was facing humans, he would've been in a

predicament just now. After inflicting a deadly blow to one of the enemies,
most fighters would have shifted their focus on the remaining foe.

However, the golem with a hole in its head continued swiping its claws. Its
speed and power hadn't been affected a single bit. Rather, it became more
violent and aggressive.

Jin spun around to dodge the attacks and thrust his sword again, this time in
the lower abdomen.

But this time, he raised his arm with the blade until he reached the heart.
This sort of attack would've been nigh-impossible for ordinary people. It
was at times like this when Jin was grateful for his Runcandel bloodline for
giving him a blessed body with superhuman strength.


The disgusting sound of the monster's flesh ripping apart and its rib cage
shattering echoed. Once he retracted his blade, Jin realized that the core was
located at the heart.

Instead of an actual beating heart, there was a ball of blue mana at the
center of the chest.

However, it was a completely different-looking core than what Jin was

familiar with. Instead of mana, it almost looked like a big glass marble
filled with some blue liquid.

Moreover, it was incomparably harder than what a normal human's heart

was supposed to be. Through the recoil Jin felt when cutting the core apart,
he realized that he had barely managed to break it despite the 5-star aura
covering his sword.


The solid-looking ball of mana burst and a terrible stench spread in the air.

The dead monster was now slowly… slowly transforming back into a
human. It couldn't turn back into its previous form perfectly, as the swollen
skin and ripped muscles were irreversible.

Nevertheless, the shrivelled up corpse on the ground was undoubtedly that

of a human.
As soon as he saw that, a complicated sentiment grew within Jin, and rage
suddenly began boiling in his heart.

'How dare they do something like this to a fellow human being…'

Rage towards the Zipfels.

The remaining monster pounced on Jin as if in response to the boy's anger.

Jin had yet to fix his posture after finishing off the first foe.


Its claws slammed and scratched against Bradamante, creating an

unpleasant sound. Jin placed his right foot back and pushed with all his
strength to stand his ground.

His foe's claws weren't as tough as Bradamante's blade. While it seemed

stronger than ordinary steel, it couldn't compare to the blade of a powerful,
ancient sword from thousands of years ago.


As the two opponents clashed, five claws broke away, disrupting the power
balance. The monster lost its footing and fell face-first to the floor.

Jin stamped on the back of its head and stabbed it in the heart from above.

He felt the solid ball of mana break at the tip of his sword. The fallen
monster's body trembled, and soon enough, it returned to its human form as


Only then could Jin finally sigh and relax. He looked at his surroundings
and saw that the floor was drenched in the monsters' dark red blood. The
Silent Wind spell he had cast earlier was still present.

Fortunately, it seemed the magicians in the area hadn't sensed the usage of

Jin suddenly heard a voice. It came from the fallen monster… no, from the
human writhing on the floor.

“Kill… me…”

He hurriedly crouched down and examined the second victim. Surprisingly,

he was still breathing. Barely, but breathing. However, he still had a
somewhat inhuman appearance.

It was obvious their entire bodies had swollen and torn beyond their limits.
Jin soon came to the conclusion that he couldn't be saved.

He had countless questions to ask. How and why had they become living
golems, who was behind this, how they had become the Zipfels'
experimental subjects.

However, the mercenary had no strength left to speak. All Jin could do was
liberate him from the pain and agony.


Jin pierced the man in his disturbingly skinny neck, and the victim closed
his eyes peacefully.

Jin also closed his eyes for a moment and lifted his head.

He did not know of their circumstances, but no human in the world wished
to become a living golem willingly.

Especially if they were made to transform into monsters and were treated as

A flame burned in Jin's eyes as he ground his teeth.

But this wasn't the moment to lose his cool.

An unexpected incident had occurred, through which Jin witnessed the
horrible acts committed by the Zipfels behind the scenes. And now, Jin was
suspicious of his elder sisters, wondering if they were aware of this truth
when sending him on this mission.

However, he still had a task to complete.

He couldn't just go back home and tell his siblings 'I couldn't finish the
mission because a monster attacked me'. Otherwise, his entire clan would
mock him.

And even if the Runcandels decided to bear the disgrace and publicized the
details of this mission—about the horrible experiments being secretly
performed in the Zipfel Clan—nothing would change. The Runcandels
could demand the Vermont Empire to perform an official investigation of
the Zipfels, but the clan of magicians would never admit to having used
forbidden magic.

Creating living golems was a terrible crime. Simply finding signs of living
golems was more than enough to pressure the empire to do a formal
investigation. However, the Zipfels could just feign innocence even if
conclusive evidence were to be found.

In that case, no one would be able to hold them responsible for this crime.
That was how much power and authority the Zipfels wielded.

'First, I should take some broken shards of the ball of mana and quickly
finish my mission.'

After a while, Jin regained his composure and picked up a few pieces of the
lump of mana. He then walked to the warehouse entrance and checked the
situation outside.

'…The magicians aren't making any moves. In other words, most of the
magicians here don't know of these living golems and were just told that the
warehouse was just an ordinary one.'
If the magicians knew that living golems were placed as guards outside this
building, the security here wouldn't be so lax. There would be at least
twenty 7-star magicians constantly keeping an eye on this place.

In other words, not every personnel stationed at the Kollon Ruins were
involved with the use of forbidden magic in the clan.

'I just need to steal the relics and escape as originally planned.'

Jin carefully dispelled the Silent Wind spell he had cast and searched
around the warehouse.

Finding three slabs of stone was a piece of cake.

They were all stored away on the first floor of the warehouse. He also found
the bronze bowl very quickly.

(TL/N: Final reminder to people living in countries where you have a

'ground floor': Korea calls the lowest floor the 'first floor' like the USA.
Keep it in mind when you see another “X floor” in the future in this novel.)

However, unlike the slabs of stone, the bronze bowl was protected by a
complex spell. It was set to activate when the bowl was removed from its
display case.

This entire protective spell was the reason why the mission's difficulty was
so high.

'The standard procedure would be to spend several hours trying to dispel the
magic like untying a string knot, but…'


Jin sheathed his sword and gathered mana in both his hands.

'I'll steal it using a more extreme method. Since there are already two living
golems lying here as corpses, no matter what crazy thing I do in this
building today…'

The mana in his hands gained a fire attribute.

But Jin then infused the mana with spiritual energy. The flame mixed with
darkness projected large shadows in the room.

'The Zipfels will have no choice but to sweep it under the rug.'

The ancient relics he had to steal were merely stone slabs and one bronze
bowl. Even if those were stolen, the Zipfels had nothing to worry about.

Nevertheless, the Zipfels would normally do their utmost when trying to

find the culprit as the clan's dignity was on the line.

However, the situation was different if you added living golems created
with forbidden magic into the equation. They would have to conceal the
incident and let no rumours spread at all costs.

'Flame Explosion.'

Therefore, causing a commotion would actually benefit Jin when escaping.

He planned on lighting a fire that engulfed the entire building and escaping
while hiding his body inside the flames.


The burning balls of mana in his hands floated in the air. They glowed
bright scarlet as spiritual energy had amplified them.

Once the preparations were done, the two balls of mana exploded.


The inside of the warehouse was engulfed in flames in mere instants, and
the ceiling collapsed due to the explosion.

Kiiiing! Kiiiing!
The protection spells cast on all the items and relics' display cases activated
simultaneously. The shrilling noises resounded everywhere in the
warehouse. However, Jin ignored the spells and simply grabbed the bronze
bowl and quickly left the front door.

The Zipfels were probably going to disguise this incident as an accidental

fire outbreak.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 45

“Just what on earth do you two think you're doing?!”


Luna aggressively slapped two women. The strength of a 9-star knight was
nothing to scoff at, even if it were a simple slap. The two victims let out
short groans which were barely audible due to the loud smack. In fact, they
were sent back flying from the overwhelming force.


The two women slammed into the wall behind them and trembled.

They were Myu and Anne. The instant they got slapped, they protected
their bodies with aura. However, the shock was so strong that they couldn't
avoid coughing up blood.

“You sent him to Zipfel territory? Myu, he's ten years younger than you!
Have you lost your mind?”

Luna had just returned to the Garden of Swords after leaving to deal with
some personal issues. As soon as she arrived home, she summoned her two
little sisters who had assigned Jin his most recent mission.

The girls couldn't even look their sister in the eyes.

Luna wasn't just their eldest sibling to them. She was an existence they
feared more than their father at times.
“Get up.”

The sisters stood up with unsteady steps. These two were also Luna's
youngest siblings like Jin. Her own flesh and blood. Seeing their lowered
gazes and trembling, Luna pitied them a little, but she had decided to give
them a stern warning today no matter what.

“Why did you do it?”

Myu and Anne didn't answer for a while and kept their heads down.

It wasn't because they had nothing to say. They were feeling bitter towards
their eldest sister because she already knew the answer to that question.
That it was because of the traditional familial conflict—the battle for
hegemony—where children fought between each other for a higher standing
in the clan.

“…Elder Sister Luna, are you seriously asking that question because you
don't know the answer?”

Myu spoke up with difficulty to which Luna snickered.

“So what if I really didn't know the answer? You're not saying that a flag-
bearer of the clan is now waging war against their youngest brother who's
still in the intermediate class, are you?”

The two sisters couldn't say anything in return and trembled.

They felt embarrassed. While the battle for hegemony was a long-lasting
tradition in the Runcandel Clan, a flag-bearer confronting a yet-to-be flag-
bearer was a complete mismatch.

Flag-bearers fighting other flag-bearers, and cadets fighting other cadets.

That was the unwritten rule of the battle for hegemony in the Runcandel
Clan. While the children didn't have to follow the rule at all times, Myu and
Anne had taken it one step too far with their recent actions.
Luna looked down at her siblings for a moment before opening her mouth.
Before one could react, her look of disdain had changed into that of
murderous intent.

“Learn to be ashamed. The fact that you two are flag-bearers of this clan is
a disgrace. It's humiliating for me.”

““Elder Sister!””

The younger sisters raised their voices at the same time. However, Luna
paid no heed to that and smirked.

“What? Do you think I'm exaggerating? Is it unpleasant getting mocked by

me? Did I hurt your pride as flag-bearers?”

“You've never gotten involved in the conflicts of the clan, so what right do
you have to say all thi—”

“Had you confronted the youngest and won, I wouldn't have gone this far.”

“…What do you mean?”

Myu and Anne's eyes widened.

“You've already lost against him. The youngest returned from the Kollon
Ruins after completing his mission. Jin arrived not long ago and went to
report to Mother. I ran into him on my way home and verified his success
with my own two eyes.”

The two girls bit down on their lips.

“Do you understand why I told you to be ashamed now? You two ended up
attaching wings on the youngest's back while trying to trample on him. I
wonder whether there's ever been any flag-bearer in history who lost this
miserably after confronting their youngest sibling…”

Luna continued talking sarcastically and her younger sisters' ears turned
bright red. On one hand, they couldn't handle this humiliation. On the other,
they were also terrified.
Myu and Anne wouldn't be able to lay a finger on Jin for a while. Their plan
of destroying the youngest before he could fully develop had gone up in

The sisters weren't confident that they'd be able to defeat Jin after he fully

In a few years, the youngest would start getting his revenge against them.
As they feared the future, a freezing chill ran down their spines.

They could only stare into the emptiness in stupefaction as they turned
around to exit Luna's room.

Luna spoke up one final time before they could leave.

“From what I've observed so far, the youngest isn't a merciful child. You
two should be careful from here on out.”

“…Do you still have more mockery left to throw at us, Elder Sister?”

Luna wore a bitter smile on her face.

“No, I'm saying this because I'm truly concerned for you. Our relationship
may have gone astray sometime in the past, but you two are still my little

Myu and Anne left without saying anything. Luna stared at the door for a
while after their exit and sighed deeply.


As she sat back down at her desk, a teacup was placed in front of her.
Taimyun—her nanny who was waiting in the room next door—had returned
to Luna's room.

“Ah, thanks, Nanny.”

“Hoho, I thought that you had relapsed into your period of adolescence
when you came home and immediately pummelled your siblings, Milady.”
“Adolescence? At my age? As if…”

“It's because your teenage years were quite memorable. Sigh… Still, I'm
worried about Ladies Myu and Anne. Considering the 13th young master's
personality, I'm sure he won't forget what happened even in the distant

“Do you also think that they won't be able to compete with Jin, Nanny?”

“Hm, I believe that in another five years, they won't be able to rival Young
Master Jin even in a formal duel. Considering that, Ladies Myu and Anne
have less than five years left to live.”

“Don't talk about such gruesome things. They're still our flesh and blood. If
the youngest kills them once he's older… It gives me shivers just thinking
of it. Speaking of which, have you looked into what we were talking about
last time, Nanny?”

By 'what we were talking about last time', Luna meant the incident when
someone attempted to assassinate Jin in the Storm Castle. She had asked her
nanny to look into their other siblings to find out who was the culprit
behind the attempt.

Technically speaking, it was a curse instead of an assassination attempt, but

Luna didn't know about that.

Moreover, she had misunderstood the situation. When Jin brought it up, she
believed that he was around 5 or 6 years old. However, he was actually a 1-
year-old baby when someone had attempted to cast the Bladed Illusion
curse on him.

This was because Jin hadn't mentioned that he still remembered everything
from back when he was an infant.

“Yes. First of all, the culprits aren't Ladies Myu and Anne whom you
pummelled earlier. Back then, they were still in the intermediate class, so it
wasn't difficult to dig up information about them.”
“Hm… That makes sense. I'm pretty certain it's not Mary or Yona either.
Same with the Tona twins.”

“Then the remaining suspects are Young Masters Joshua, Dipus, Ran, Vigo,
and Lady Luntia. Except for Young Masters Ran and Vigo, I cannot
carelessly investigate the others.”

“Right. Joshua, Dipus, and Luntia's standings are already established and
stable. Things can get troublesome if we investigate them recklessly.”

“Then should I begin with Young Masters Ran and Vigo for now?”

Luna pondered for a moment and tapped on the table with her finger.

“No. Let's just keep an eye on everyone for now. If we keep poking our
heads in everyone's affairs, you might get in danger, Nanny.”

“A wise decision. Although there was an assassination attempt back in the

Storm Castle, Young Master Jin is growing properly, so I believe there is no
need to worry too much now.”

“No matter who the culprit is, they must know that I'm looking after Jin
now. They won't make a move carelessly anymore. Anyways, thank you for
your help so far, Nanny.”

“It was my pleasure. Should I prepare your meal now?”

“Yeah. Some alcohol as well. The usual.”

Rosa had myriads of questions she wanted to ask her youngest son when he
returned after accomplishing his mission. However, she didn't express them
out loud.

Mamit and the Kollon Ruins. Everyone had expected him to fail, but each
time, he returned triumphant and proud.

Was he blessed by the heavens? Or did he receive the help of a third party
each time? Nobody knew the answer.
But with this mission, Rosa was certain that it was the latter.

'There's an exceptional expert supporting the youngest from the shadows.

And the youngest is using that to his advantage to complete his missions.'

Accomplishing one's missions with the help of another went against the
unwritten rule of the clan. The only help one could ask for during a difficult
mission was reinforcements from the clan.

However, Rosa decided not to question her son nor to blame him.

Soon, countless influential envoys from all around the world would come
visit the Garden of Swords just to have a look at the youngest. Cyron would
host a banquet, and the star of the show would be Jin.

Even if he had gotten the help of a third party from outside the clan without
informing them, the most important fact was that he had returned alive from
the mission.

Rosa could always reprimand her son on a later date at an appropriate

moment after having gathered enough evidence.

“Good work. No need to go report to the flag-bearers. Go take a good rest

for today. I'll inform them about your return.”

“Thank you very much, Mother.”

As soon as he exited the main building where Rosa's office was located, Jin
sensed gazes on him. Cadets showed admiration in their eyes, guardian
knights wore looks of astonishment, whereas flag-bearers had looks of
contempt and disgust.

'Mother and my siblings must think I received the help of someone else to
complete my missions.'

Well, that wasn't his problem.

Jin didn't plan on resolving this misunderstanding for now. Everything

would be uncovered in the future when he reveals his true powers and
declares himself a magic swordsman who had contracted with Solderet.

As soon as Jin entered his room, Gilly ran up to him and hugged him
tightly. When he felt her tears on his cheek, Jin realized how worried Gilly
had been for him.

“I'm alright, Gilly. I'm strong now. I might even win against you in a duel in
the near future if I went all out.”

“If something terrible had happened to you, I would've done everything to

get revenge on the ladies at the expense of my own life, Young Master.”

“Geez, don't talk about such scary things, Strawberry Pie. You're too hot-
blooded. Isn't it good now that he's back with us safe and sound?”

“Give me a minute, Gilly. Murakan, take a look at this.”

Jin took out the glass bottle in which he had put the shards of the living
golem's core.

“It's the heart of a living golem. You were lucky, kid. Seeing how you're
unscathed, this one must've been a failure. Did you find it at the Kollon

“The two guards positioned outside the warehouse suddenly transformed

into monsters and attacked me. They regenerated no matter where I cut
them. But I managed to kill them by destroying the cores in their chests.”

As Jin explained the situation, Gilly's face turned pale. Murakan calmly
explained what forbidden magic and living golems were to her.

'Last time, it was a cemetary giant, and now it's a living golem? Those
Zipfel bastards are getting on my nerves…'

What on earth were they scheming?

Murakan shook his head and spoke to the other two.

“In any case, this must be the Zipfels' handiwork as you said, since the
Kollon Ruins are in Zipfel territory.”

“That's right.”

“You and I need to make some time and visit that area again in the future. I
need to go take a look and ask them what they're scheming personally.”

Jin was somewhat nervous about having to return to the ruins due to the
living golems, but since Murakan was going with him, it would be a much
safer trip than his recent mission.

'And if we're lucky enough, we could even try searching for the mirror, the
Fountain of Mana. Even if we wreak havoc, the Zipfels will have no choice
but to sweep it under the rug due to their usage of forbidden magic.'

Jin nodded to the dragon.

Translator's Corner:

That's it for this week! comes out on Wednesday!! It's the beginning of the
Banquet Arc (maybe my favourite arc so far)!!
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 46

[Translakoko – Tor]

[yukireader – Proof]

Three weeks have passed since Jin returned to the clan.

He had left Kajin and the Hass brothers down in the hole on the
mountainous road on his way back. Fortunately, the three of them woke up
the next day and returned safely to the Garden of Swords afterwards.

However, this time around, Myu and Anne abandoned them for good and
cast them aside. In fact, it wasn't just those three, but all the members of
their faction within the intermediate class.

Additionally, Kajin and the Hass brothers were stripped of their titles and
qualifications as Runcandel cadets.

These appeared to be extreme punishments to others, especially considering

those three had, officially speaking, accomplished the mission at the Kollon
Ruins with Jin.

However, all the other cadets knew of the truth. Kajin and the Hass brothers
were being banished from the Runcandel Clan due to their mistake; the
mistake of joining the wrong faction.

“You must find me foolish and laughable.”

Before leaving the Garden of Swords, Kajin shouted to the intermediate

cadets. He looked around the crowd, but then stopped his gaze on the leader
of the Youngest Division, Mesa Milkano.

“But soon enough, you all will be in the same situation as me. We're
different from purebloods. No matter how much effort we put into the clan,
we're mere mutts being bred by the Runcandels… And in the end, you get
cast aside like trash… Kekeke, I wish you all the best.”

Nevertheless, not a single cadet shared sympathy towards Kajin Romello.

No one had forgotten his tyrannical rule and terrible deeds from back when
he was the intermediate class's dictator.

“Whatever, you retarded dog.”

Mesa snorted and waved her hand towards Kajin, shooing him away as if he
were a street dog.



Every time Jin swung down on the Clear Stone, a beautiful sound resonated
inside the hidden training area.

“That's enough. Your training with the Clear Stones ends today. Tomorrow
onwards, the Tona twins will be the only ones who have to attend.”

Although he spoke with a composed tone, Zed was actually having a

difficult time hiding his shock. Jin was the first Runcandel child he had
trained to complete the Clear Stone training within half a year.

'Moreover, he perfectly completed the mission at the Kollon Ruins.

Whether he's been blessed with great fortune since his mission at Mamit, or
whether he's accomplished his tasks with his own capabilities, I guess we'll
never know… But whatever the answer is, my elder brother won't leave him
to stagnate amongst the cadets here on out.'

Zed was somewhat suspicious of the incidents that had occurred every time
Jin was dispatched on a mission. There was the magician's terror attack at
Mamit, and now there was a fire at the Kollon Ruins.

However, he didn't find it to be particularly problematic. He didn't care how

Jin had accomplished the missions. What mattered most was that he had
skillfully and neatly completed all his tasks using whatever method he had
planned in advance.

After Jin escaped from the Kollon Ruins, the Zipfels reported the incident
as an accidental fire at the warehouse, just as he had predicted.

There was neither a single bit of information about the robbery of ancient
relics nor about the living golems and usage of forbidden magic.

Jin didn't inform the clan about the Zipfels' illegal experiments, though.


“Yes, Uncle.”

“You won't need to attend the morning classes with the cadets anymore
either. Next week, the patriarch will make you take an oath.”

The Tona twins' ears perked up.

Although they were usually dense and dull-witted, they could still
understand what Zed was implying with his words.

'Will Father grant the position of provisional flag-bearer to Jin…?'


The minimum qualification necessary to become a Runcandel flag-bearer

was being a 6-star knight. Jin was still at 5-star, so he didn't meet the
requirements. However, his age was a game changer. He was a 5-star knight
at such a young age that he had caught Cyron's attention.

But that young age was the entire reason why he was at the bottom of the
hierarchy in the family, so his youth had its merits and demerits.
“Do you understand what I mean? No matter what the patriarch demands of
you, I believe that you will be successful henceforth.”

Since Zed was going as far as saying so, it was almost certain that Jin
would become a provisional flag-bearer.

The Runcandels' provisional flag-bearers were given one command: to

accumulate achievements and gain honour. It was a trial.

Honour wasn't something one could suddenly obtain one day. Therefore,
provisional flag-bearers often left the clan for a long period of time and
ventured out into the world on their own.

Jin was a super rookie amongst the cadets, but no one outside the clan
would recognize him. Someone like Mary Runcandel—Jin's third sister—
had to leave to the south and earn the nicknames 'The Southern Region's
Madwoman' and 'Stormwind Mary' in order to become a fully-fledged flag-

Thus, one had to gain reputation about their battle prowess and have
everyone recognize their glory to become a true flag-bearer. Needless to
say, the provisional flag-bearers weren't allowed to get any help or support
from the clan during this entire trial.

“Yes, Uncle! Thank you very much!”

For once, Jin didn't hide his emotions and expressed his joy.

So far, his life at the Storm Castle and the Garden of Swords was filled with
restrictions. He could only train his swordsmanship openly and not his
magic or spiritual power.

The other two had to be practiced in secret, away from the public's eyes as
if he were a criminal. However, if he gained the opportunity to spend a long
period of time outside the Runcandel Clan…

'I can train my powers as much as I want, without having to be wary of

Obviously speaking, he would have to return to the Garden of Swords after
having gained great fame and hide his abilities again. But there was no need
to complain as he would finally gain the proper authority and power of a
true flag-bearer.

Because when that day arrives, he would create an enormous fissure in the
succession, where the positions and standings of the candidates for the
throne would be flipped around.

[Translakoko – Tor]

[yukireader – Proof]

June 1795.

The atmosphere at the Garden of Swords was greatly tense and agitated. All
kinds of renowned celebrities and envoys were about to visit the Runcandel
Clan to see the youngest child, so everything had to be prepared carefully
and be absolutely perfect.

Moreover, the world's one-and-only Genesis Knight—their patriarch—was

returning to the main house.

Cyron was on his way to the Garden of Swords. Not only was it an official
visit, he was organizing a large banquet with all the guests.

Currently, there were over five hundred guardian knights escorting Cyron
from the Black Sea as a formality. Cyron had departed the Black Sea two
weeks ago. While he could've used transfer gates to arrive faster, he insisted
on walking his way back home.

Travelling from the Black Sea to the main house on foot and by sea would
take them at least two weeks to arrive.

During the entire two weeks, the five-hundred-plus guardian knights would
be travelling alongside the patriarch, so the necessary expenses were
astronomical. Moreover, since over five hundred guardian knights had
emptied their positions at the main house, the others had to fill in the empty
spots and work a lot harder than usual.

Nevertheless, Cyron insisted on travelling by foot in order to show the

entire world the Runcandels' dignity.

During the past two weeks, the outside world was constantly talking about
how Cyron was doing a magnificent parade across the continent to return

Whenever Cyron and the guardian knights marched through cities and
towns, the inhabitants stood on the side to watch the incredible spectacle
and bowed when the Genesis Knight passed in front of them.

“Lord Patriarch, we will be arriving at the Garden of Swords in two hours.”

“My youngest child seems to enjoy constantly disturbing my training. I was

planning on staying at the Black Sea for at least ten years. How many times
have I left the Black Sea to return to the clan just because of him?”

Although he appeared to be irritated, Cyron had a soft grin on his face.

“I noticed that Young Master Jin was out of the ordinary since his days at
the Storm Castle, but… to be honest, I never thought he'd be this
outstanding. His behaviour and achievements at the Garden of Swords are
really astonishing.”

“His fighting spirit and audacity are quite exceptional. That little kid's gaze
has always shown great ambition and drive ever since I went to visit the
Storm Castle. He thinks he kept it properly hidden and that I hadn't noticed
it though… Haha.”

Jin Runcandel. His 13th child. Even Cyron could see that his youngest son
was greatly different compared to his other children.

It wasn't just a question of being able to use a bit of spiritual power due to
having gained Solderet's interest. Cyron had been keeping an eye on Jin
because of the fighting spirit and resolve he had seen in the boy's eyes many
years ago.

Although no one had specifically taught him, the youngest already knew
how to properly destroy and tear someone down back then.

Even if one assumed that he was able to defeat and oppress the Tona twins
back at the Storm Castle thanks to his spiritual power, Cyron was still
unable to forget Jin's silhouette as he provoked his other siblings as soon as
he had arrived at the Garden of Swords.

“I already have plenty of children who are eloquent and have a way with
words. I wasn't very surprised when the youngest came to the Garden and
immediately provoked the others, but I still had some interest in him. And
look at how far he's come now. He's returned alive every time his siblings
sent him out to die and even became a 5-star knight.”

“I'm still more amazed by the results of his very first mission—the one you
assigned to him, Lord Patriarch—rather than his achievements at Mamit
and the Kollon Ruins. While Mesa Milkano getting kidnapped was outside
our expectations, we could never have imagined the young master would
fight and kill the white wolf warrior.”

“It was quite an odd incident. I was hoping the youngest would use his
companions as meat shields in order to kill the white wolf warrior; never in
my wildest dreams did I think he'd defeat the warrior on his own. He even
rescued the kidnapped cadet. It seems he proved to us the weight of his
principles and beliefs.”

As he reminisced about the past, Cyron nodded to himself in satisfaction.

“Do you truly believe that the young master defeated the white wolf warrior
on his own?”

“I do. Oh, technically speaking, I guess it's not quite 'on his own'. In any
case, he's quite the interesting brat. I'll ask him some questions about that
incident when I see him this time.”
Cyron was thinking that Jin had used spiritual power to kill the white wolf

The parade reached the Garden of Swords at noon.

The guardian knights who were at the Garden of Swords had already
finished lining up at the gate three hours before Cyron's arrival.

The knights wearing shining armours all raised their swords in


“““All hail!”””

“““All hail!”””

Cyron stood silently and stared at everyone, and nodded in satisfaction after
a while. Immediately, all the swords returned to their original positions, by
the knights' sides.

Soon enough, Rosa and the clan's flag-bearers appeared from behind the
guardian knights. The pure-blooded Runcandels who had yet to become
flag-bearers were standing behind them.

Jin was the youngest Runcandel pureblood—even when including all his
cousins—thus, he was standing at the very back.

“We've been expecting you, Lord Patriarch.”

“Rosa. It must've been quite exhausting preparing all this.”

“Not at all. Our reliable children were the ones who arranged this, so I had
nothing to do with it.”

As she replied, Rosa's gaze discreetly moved towards Joshua.

She truly believed that the infighting and competition amongst the
Runcandels was the virtue of the clan. Moreover, she had recently started to
hold great expectations towards her youngest child—who had started
showing his prominence and potential.
Nevertheless, she still hoped for Joshua to become the next patriarch. The
expectations she had towards her second daughter Luntia, second son
Dipus, third daughter Mary, and youngest son Jin were all as candidates for
the throne after Joshua.

Cyron could clearly read Rosa's intentions, but didn't react to them.

However, there was one thing he found unpleasant: the imposing and
confident expression on his eldest son's face.

Ever since Luna renounced her right for the throne, Joshua was convinced
he'd become the next patriarch. He considered this 'battle for hegemony' a
walk in the park and believed the throne was guaranteed to be his.

Cyron actually thought that his second son Dipus or third daughter Mary
were more suited for the throne, despite the fact that they weren't perfectly
satisfactory either.

“If our children were truly so reliable, I wouldn't have needed to leave the
Black Sea. The guests visiting today are only coming here to stay on my
good side, not out of fear of our children.”

Cyron put emphasis on the word 'children'.

“You are indeed correct. Let us head inside. I've personally prepared your
favourite dishes for the first time in a while.”

“Now that must've been quite strenuous. I have great expectations for
today's lunch.”

Cyron walked past Joshua and didn't even glance at his eldest son. Strictly
speaking, he didn't glance at his other children either as he continued
walking. However, it must've felt like a humiliation to Joshua as they were
standing before the entire clan.

Cyron continued making his way but came to a halt just a single time and
spoke out loud.

“Ran, Vigo.”
“Yes, Father.”

“Did you gift your swords to the youngest? The swords I gave you special
permission to take from the clan's armory?”

Cyron finally turned his gaze and stared at the two swords hanging by Jin's

It was a somewhat reprimanding tone. Cyron was implying his

dissatisfaction at his sons for giving away the precious swords he had lent
them without his permission, and that they shouldn't expect to be allowed to
borrow any other item from the clan in the future.

Ran and Vigo were about to lose their minds.

If they had indeed gifted those swords, they could somehow appease their
father's anger in the future. But if they told him they had lost the weapons to
the youngest, they were doomed.

Yet, that was their only choice. They could only answer honestly.

“…The youngest took them away from us.”

“What? Are you telling me you two lost against the youngest?”

“Ah, that's not the case. We promised to give them to the youngest if he
accomplished his mission at the Kollon Ruins, so…”

Ran and Vigo wanted to dig a hole on the spot and hide. The humiliation
was horrible, and they couldn't bear the thought of their father being
disappointed and losing all interest in them.


However, Cyron simply laughed out loud and patted his sons on the

“I see, I see. Then next time, make sure you get the swords back from him.
The youngest is always so shrewd. I sometimes wonder whether it really
comes from my blood. Haha!”

Ran and Vigo sighed in relief. Not only had they avoided their father's fury,
he had also cracked a joke, which washed away all their worries.

However, they didn't know one important fact.

When Cyron said 'I sometimes wonder whether it really comes from my
blood', he wasn't talking about Jin's shrewdness.

He was talking about Ran and Vigo's uselessness.

Proofreader's Corner:

PFFFFFAHAHAHAHA what a great way to end a chapter. Imagine your

parents calling you useless—wait, that hits too close to home… WELP.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ Can't wait to see how the banquet will
go. Will someone attempt to do something to Jin? Are the Runcandel
siblings going to pull something? Will Murakan suddenly barge in?!?! Tune
in next time! But before that—

“Joshua was convinced he'd become the next patriarch.”

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT just look at this dude. Who's gonna tell him??

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 47

Since the master of the clan had arrived, the guests began entering the
Garden of Swords.

There were delegates from every nation, including the Vermont Empire;
The Imperial Guards, Special Forces, Dragon King Knights, the Yvliano
Clan, the Tuko Clan, the Ken Clan, the Black King Mercenaries, the Ghost
Mercenaries, etc.

Each and every one of them were people with great power from highly
influential clans or organizations. As they entered the Garden one after
another, it appeared as if the Garden’s mansion stood with pride, looming
over them like a monarch on the throne.

It was like the building was commanding the guests to show the minimum
courtesy and manners when in its presence.

Additionally, there were the several thousands of swords planted in the

ground around the Garden of Swords, and the myriads of highly important
visitors walked through this metal forest.

It was a majestic sight. In fact, the Vermont Emperor’s coronation

ceremony wasn’t as luxurious or radiant as this spectacle. The thousand
guests who had come to the clan today represented the Runcandels’
prestige, authority, and power.

The guardian knights and servants of the clan were intoxicated with this
feeling of importance as they all stood with imposing expressions. They had
to show that the Runcandel Clan’s guardian knights and servants weren’t
ordinary people either, that they shared the glory of the clan as well.

Except the Zipfels, there wasn’t a single other clan that could rival the
Runcandels. And since the Zipfels hadn’t sent an official request to visit the
clan today, the Runcandel clansmen could stand straight with their chests
puffed out without fearing anything.

Meanwhile, Jin was witnessing this incredible sight alongside Cyron. They
stood on the balcony looking down at the courtyard. Cyron waved his hand
towards the guests from time to time, while Jin lowered his head in

“This must be your first banquet.”

“Yes, Father.”

Jin had actually attended a few banquets in his past life thanks to his magic
teacher, but this was his first time taking part in a banquet hosted by the
Runcandels, even if he took his past life into account.

Back then, whenever the clan organized a banquet, he wasn’t allowed to

attend and had to keep himself out of sight like a criminal. A pure-blooded
Runcandel becoming a 1-star knight at the age of 25 was an embodiment of
the clan’s disgrace.

‘But now, I’m standing next to Father during the banquet as one of the main
stars of the night… To think I’d finally reach this place after dying once.’

Jin felt proud yet bitter at the same time. In fact, if you took a deeper look
into his emotions, the bitterness overwhelmed the feeling of pride and joy.

However, Jin didn’t express his feelings and simply waited for his father’s
next words.

“As you may know, our clan seldom hosts banquets.”

“We only organize one when there’s something truly worth celebrating. In
other words, the feats you’ve achieved so far are that impressive.”

“Thank you very much, Father.”

Cyron softly stroked Jin on the head. Jin was initially scared out of his wits,
but managed to keep his shock hidden.

“How many guests do you think there are today?”

“My rough estimate would be a thousand, Father.”

“Right, I received a report that it was about a thousand. There are around
two hundred more guests today compared to the banquet we organized
seven years ago. Do you understand what that signifies?”

Jin didn’t need to think about the answer.

“It means that during the past seven years, our clan’s authority and power
has increased.”

Cyron had a satisfied smile.

“Exactly. Other clans could easily have a thousand guests come to their
banquet as well… But all the visitors today are prominent and distinguished
figures. We don’t let small fry or worthless people attend our banquets.”

Jin nodded to his father’s words.

Just as Cyron had said, the thousand guests today were all stars and
celebrities. They were the leaders standing at the steering wheel of the
world, ruling over the billions of people inhabiting this continent.

But even amongst all these rulers, the one standing at the summit was
Cyron Runcandel.

“All I’ve done during the past seven years was killing monsters in the Black
Sea and training in seclusion. Yet, our clan’s prestige has increased over the
years, and the only reason behind it is that I’m the only Genesis Knight of
this era.”

Jin politely waited for Cyron to continue his speech.

“In other words… Once I disappear, most of the people gathered here today
may turn their backs on the Runcandel Clan.”

Jin was aware of this truth better than anyone else.

Without his father, Cyron Runcandel, the clan would never have been able
to amass so much power and influence. The Runcandels were one of the
two major clans on this continent alongside the Zipfels. But if Cyron were
to be taken out of the equation, the gap in power and military strength
between the Zipfels and the Runcandels would only grow larger and larger.

Thus, the world would head towards a system where the Zipfels held total
power over the continent. The Vermont Empire—which was currently
acting as the mediator between the two clans—would most definitely side
with the clan of magicians if things took such a drastic turn.

‘I wonder what the youngest has to say about this.’

Cyron has had this conversation with all his children so far.

He had asked them similar questions along the lines of ‘If I disappear,
people will turn their backs on the Runcandels. What do you think of this?’

Most of the time, his children gave similar answers, such as ‘That won’t
happen, Father!’ or ‘Why would you ever disappear, Father!’ Some of them
would even foolishly declare that they’d become the next Genesis Knight.


After a long silence, Jin called out to his father.

“Speak freely, Son.”

“If you were to disappear one day, and all these guests truly turned their
backs on the Runcandels… And in consequence, the Zipfels mobilized all
their forces to suppress us, and the clan were to be at the point of no

Jin paused for a moment and made eye contact with Cyron.

“I would leave the clan.”

Having heard the answer, Cyron glared at Jin with bloodshot eyes.

“What? Did you say you’d leave the clan?”

“Yes. If the Runcandel Clan were to collapse just because you aren’t
present, Father, then it would be due to the succeeding clan leader’s
incompetence. I do not plan on dying a dog’s death under an incompetent
patriarch or matriarch.”

It was a shocking and absurd answer. Cyron was angered by the youngest’s
insolent attitude for a short while, but it was soon replaced with great

“Keep talking.”

Jin let out a deep breath before continuing his words.

“How many of those guests’ weaknesses do we, as a clan, have in our



“Yes. Allow me to take Duke Bern over there as an example. The Bern
Clan’s head tricked the Emperor and embezzled some of the empire’s
treasures. Nevertheless, he’s confidently attending our banquet, all thanks to
our help and the debt he owes us.

“There is also the man smoking towards the left of the courtyard. He is
Lance Cleaver, am I correct? It’s a bit difficult to recognize people just from
the portraits I’ve seen before. In any case, Lance—the Cleaver Clan’s
greatest warrior—once requested us to kill three Zipfel magicians for him.

“Over there is Miss Charlotte Herald, who once sold her family’s heirloom
due to her terrible gambling addiction. She then requested us to recover it
for her, and the Herald Clan has yet to repay us that debt in full to this day.

“And the woman behind Miss Charlotte is Lord Bellard’s mistress. She was
originally an illegitimate daughter of the Vermont Imperial Family. But due
to her talent as a genius magician, she was oppressed by the legitimate
children and was later banished. Lord Bellard has been commissioning us to
protect her for several years already.

“And the person over at the…”


Cyron lightly shook his hand.

“It seems you’ve read through the clan’s commission contracts. But that’s
normally only allowed to flag-bearers. Did Luna show them to you? I won’t
punish you, so speak truthfully.”

“No. I asked Elder Brother Vigo to show them to me in exchange for

returning his sword, since I had no use for that weapon.”

“Kuhaha, you really are remarkable.”

“Just by skimming through those documents, one can find all these
weapons that aren’t swords the clan could make use of. I imagine that the
classified documents that only Father and Mother are allowed to read must
hold even greater and numerous weapons.”

“So, are you saying that one could use those to protect the clan even when
I’m not here?”

“It all depends on the next clan leader’s negotiation skills. In your case,
Father, you have no use of negotiation skills as you are the strongest knight
in existence. However, the circumstances are different for future patriarchs
and matriarchs who aren’t Genesis Knights.”

Cyron slowly and calmly nodded and smiled.

“You are correct. But we aren’t the only ones who have a grasp on others’
weaknesses, Son. The Zipfels also have a hold on their weaknesses as much
as we do.”

“I assume so. However, the Zipfels don’t have an adequate justification to

thoughtlessly take advantage of those weaknesses.”

“They don’t have a justification? Why so?”

“Because the role of the villain belongs to us Runcandels. In any case, if the
next patriarch is unable to protect the clan even with all these weapons at
his disposal, I will leave the clan without a speck of hesitation. I will depart
and prepare my revenge against those who brought us to ruin.”

Whether they secretly performed experiments with forbidden magic at the

Kollon Ruins, whether they found the Fountain of Mana and used it to print
out 7-star magicians like a factory, the Zipfels were still the clan that
symbolized good and justice to the public.

They couldn’t openly commit evil deeds like the Runcandels.

“Haha, revenge you say… I see, one can only get revenge if they’re still
alive. I see your point. It’s not bad.”

Jin silently lowered his head in response to his father’s approval. He was
still somewhat disappointed by Cyron’s strict assessment.

‘Well, I guess I’ve put up a good defense nonetheless. Father is usually far
more stern and uncompromising.’

—It’s not bad.

Although he had said so, Cyron was actually quite content with Jin’s
answer. Cyron believed that the youngest was pragmatic enough and had
come up with an effective plan.

It wasn’t as if his other children hadn’t come up with similar ideas in their

But their problem was that they didn’t dare to assume the ‘Runcandel Clan
would be destroyed’ and say it out loud to their father. Meanwhile, Jin’s
honest and confident beliefs were quite a breath of fresh air to Cyron.

The boy wasn’t being conceited and getting ahead of himself. Calculating
wasn’t quite the right word to describe him right now; cool-headed was a
better choice. And that collected attitude of his was what Cyron was highly
satisfied with in Jin.

‘It’s such a pity this child was born so late. It’s as if Luna’s talent, Mary’s
wild nature, and Dipus’s competitive spirit were collected into one single

Ten years at the shortest, and fifteen at the longest. That was Cyron’s
prediction on how long he could protect his position as patriarch.

He was now curious to know whether the youngest would be able to turn
around the current successor candidate hierarchy in that period of time.
Watching over Jin would be his new entertainment and hobby now.

“The guests have almost reached the mansion. Let’s head back inside.”

Under the dark evening sky, countless lights illuminated the plains beyond
the Garden of Swords’s front gate. Those lights belonged to the campsites
that were created outside the Runcandel main house, where the attendants
of today’s visitors remained at.

These people would have to wait under the tents for three days until the
banquet ended.

“Yes, Father.”

“Oh, and after the banquet ends, I need to have a word with you. Stay on
standby in the house until I summon you.”
Jin’s promotion to a provisional flag-bearer!

That was what this was about. As he had already heard about it from his
uncle, Jin wasn’t quite surprised. However, hearing about it from his
father’s mouth directly was a completely different feeling.

‘So once the banquet ends, I’ll have to set out and travel for a long time.’

One thing that was necessary to become a true flag-bearer was honour and

Jin would have to wander around the world after the banquet in order to
build up his honour.

During that time, he would not be restricted by the clan in any way, so he
could use his magic and spiritual power alongside his swordsmanship as
much as he wanted.

Using his past life’s knowledge, he could even find great opportunities for
himself and search for artifacts or divine objects. His memories would be a
great advantage for him.

‘The next three days will feel like an eternity. I can’t wait to depart already.’

Cyron and Jin left the balcony and entered the central hall. The gigantic
chandelier hanging on the ceiling illuminated their faces as they took a step

The two headed up the second floor and waited for the guests to arrive and
greet them, when suddenly, three butlers came rushing towards Cyron.

“Lord Patriarch, guests who hadn’t sent a formal request to visit have
arrived. What should we do?”

Guests who hadn’t sent a formal request.

The Zipfels had come.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 48

The butlers continued reporting to the patriarch with concerned looks.

“There are five of them. Andrei Zipfel came personally with other family

Andrei Zipfel, the Zipfel Clan's second-in-command.

He was given the title of 'Wind King' due to his contract with the God of
Wind Melzeyer and the blessing he received from the Wind Dragon

He was the man with the highest authority in the clan after Kelliark Zipfel,
the patriarch. He was a 9-star magician who could annihilate a couple of
small nations within a morning if he felt like it.

Such a powerful man had suddenly come to the Runcandel Clan without
any forewarning.

'Andrei Zipfel…?'

Just like Beradin Zipfel, he was someone Jin envied and idolized in his past
life as a rookie magician.

If it were the Jin from before his death, his heart would be racing like crazy
right now from excitement of meeting his idol, a grand magician even his
master had acknowledged.

'But it seems like he's someone without any manners.'

Right now, he was merely an impudent and rude guest who had come

Whether he was a grand magician or a grand magician's grandfather, one

had to show the proper courtesy and manners when visiting the Runcandels'
venerated Garden.

Even Kelliark Zipfel—the patriarch—had shown the proper respect when

visiting the clan twenty years ago, and the Vermont Emperor had done the
same twelve years ago.

Jin discreetly turned his head to check his father, and Cyron appeared to be
of the same opinion as his son.

“What an impertinent prick.”

The visitors who were looking up at Cyron from the first floor didn't know
what was going on, but the sharp ones amongst them noticed the change in
facial expression on Cyron's face. Soon enough, a tense atmosphere took
over the hall.

The butlers kept their heads lowered and waited for Cyron to respond.


The first-class butler in the middle with clean, white hair approached

“Yes, Lord Patriarch.”

“Inform Andrei Zipfel to get lost, but let the other Zipfel clansmen with him
inside. And don't do it yourself. Tell the servants to do it.”

Jin almost choked on his saliva as he listened from the side.

Although Andrei had been rude to come uninvited, to send him away at the
gate like this would be a terrible insult… Only a true monarch would be
allowed to refuse and humiliate Andrei like this.

Heinz replied with a composed tone.

Once the butlers took their leave, Cyron turned to Jin with a softened look.

“Do you think that my decision was a bit extreme?”

“I found it quite gratifying. This should embarrass Andrei Zipfel quite a bit
and put him in a tough spot.”

“Why do you think it'll put him in a tough spot?”

“Father ordered to 'let the other Zipfel clansmen inside'. In other words, if
Andrei Zipfel takes his leave with the other clansmen out of
embarrassment, he'll have ignored the Runcandel patriarch's permission.
But such a thing is not permitted in the Garden of Swords.”

“Haha, I didn't think you'd have deduced it that far. Indeed, Andrei will
follow my orders. If he doesn't, he'll have to crawl his way back to the
Zipfels without his two legs.”

Had Andrei arrived uninvited at a banquet hosted by another clan, the head
would've had to allow him inside despite the discomfort.

However, no matter how influential and powerful he was as a grand

magician, he was merely a human compared to Cyron, who had entered the
realm of demigods. A slightly powerful human, but a human nonetheless.

And even if Cyron turned Andrei into a cripple, the Zipfels wouldn't begin
an all-out war against the Runcandels. However, they would retaliate once
Cyron passed away.

Around twenty minutes later, four people entered the banquet hall. They
were the Zipfel purebloods who had come with Andrei. The grand magician
himself didn't join the venue though, just as the father and son had
Three of the four Zipfels were anxiously looking around the hall, carefully
keeping an eye on their surroundings. They appeared to be between 15 and
20 years of age.

Cyron smiled in satisfaction at the sight, stood up, and clapped a single


It sounded more like a deep and powerful drum than that of a clap. As the
echo resonated in the hall, the guests chatting on the first floor stopped
talking and raised their heads to the second floor where Cyron was waiting.

The boys and girls from the Zipfel Clan were concerned that Cyron would
rebuke them in public. Needless to say, the Genesis Knight had already
turned the page and held no more interest in them.

Amidst the silence, Cyron looked down at the guests and spoke out loud.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming all this way to the Garden of
Swords. I am Cyron, patriarch of the Runcandel Clan. It seems I've gotten
myself quite a decent son in my latter years. Thanks to him, I have another
opportunity to reunite with all these familiar faces and spend a good time.
So, a round of applause to Jin Runcandel.”


Cheers and applause ensued like every formal banquet.

However, the banquets hosted by the Runcandels were known for being
quite peculiar—where the greetings were short, and the hosts didn't accept

“As you all may know, there are just two simple rules you need to follow at
Runcandel banquets. First, if a fight breaks out during the merrymaking, the
people involved will be escorted to the duelling arena by the guardian
knights. Second, the loser must accept their defeat, and the winner must
show mercy. Don't forget that this is a celebration.”
The public call the Runcandel banquets a 'single-log bridge party'.

The principle behind a single-log bridge is that if two people come face to
face on the bridge, it will be followed by confrontation and dispute until
one person admits defeat and goes back the way they came.

And that was exactly the case at Runcandel banquets.

A thousand influential and powerful figures from around the world had
gathered in one place. Many of them held grudges against other guests, so
confrontation and disputes were inevitable since the guests would've gotten
drunk from the available alcohol.

In normal banquets, the two parties with animosity would just stare at each
other from afar or would simply have light verbal disputes. But the
banquets hosted by the Runcandels were different.

If two drunk archenemies made eye contact, they just had to head to the
arena without making a fuss.

The only rules were no killing, and accepting the results of the duels.

Some would find it a shame, not being able to kill their nemesis, but it was
still quite enjoyable for the winner to pummel and clobber their opponent to
the ground. The loser would even have to admit being weaker and inferior
to them, which was very satisfying.

“Well then, I hope you all have a great time before you return.”


More cheers followed, and Jin trembled as he watched the flushed and
joyful faces downstairs. A refreshing and thrilling chill ran down his spine
and spread around his body.

'Seriously… this is one hell of a crazy clan.'

And unfortunately, he was a part of this crazy clan.

“You can also head downstairs and enjoy yourself. And if someone piques
your interest, you can take them to the arena. But it can't be someone who
looks weaker than you, unless they insulted you and the clan.”

“Yes, Father. And I assume I'm not allowed to lose either.”

“Obviously. If you do, I will take away everything I've given you so far.
Bradamante and your nanny included.”

“I shall keep that in mind.”

Cyron went downstairs first and mingled with the guests. Although he had
organized this banquet for Jin, he didn't plan on bringing his son
everywhere with him and bragging to the guests.

Jin chuckled as he watched his father's back. He then turned around and
went down the stairs on the other side.

'…Come to think of it, it's the first time I've chatted with my father like

Back in his past life, he could never have imagined a day like this would
come; the day he and his father would chat like a typical father-son

Suddenly, a surge of emotions took over him and a lump formed in his
throat. But Jin then took a deep breath and erased these feelings.

Having a good father-son relationship or making his father proud weren't

part of his objectives for his new life.

'What matters most is for me to surpass you, Father.'

In truth, that was what Cyron wished for the most from his children. But Jin
had no way of knowing that fact.

As soon as Jin arrived on the first floor, he immediately sensed countless

gazes on him, scrutinizing him. Some of them came from large groups of
people who stared at him openly, while others were far more discreet.
They were all surprised yet interested.

Was this delicate and childish-looking boy really a 5-star knight? The
guests asked each other with eyes filled with curiosity.

What should Jin do now?

Should he confidently walk towards the crowd with an imposing expression

like a lion? Or should he act like an innocent child and approach the guests,
thanking them for coming today?

Jin grinned to himself as he realized he had come up with ridiculous ideas

he'd never even carry out.

He planned on walking to the center of the hall and standing still with a
composed look, as if he had little to no regard for the guests. His position
tonight would be at the center of everything, and this would continue being
the case for the rest of his life.

The future owner of the house merely had to stay still at his position.

The ones who had to make an effort to come talk to him were the guests.

Jin grabbed a glass of wine from one of the busy servants' tray. The
expensive and famed wine that even a rich aristocrat only opened on special
days was being handed out like cheap water.

“Ha, haha… Congratulations, Brother.”

“Can we stay by your side for a while?”

The first ones to come talk to Jin were none other than the Tona twins. Jin
stared at his brothers standing side by side and smiled.

“Of course. How is your Clear Stone training going these days?”

As Jin happily welcomed them, colour returned to the twins' faces.

Amidst all these guests, they wanted to use Jin's fame to increase their own
standing and reputation. Something along the lines of 'We're close to him,

Not to mention that Emma had told them to do so.

Now that Myu and Anne had given up on them, their nanny had told the
twins to get on Jin's good side. Needless to say, Jin had already predicted all
this, and he decided to turn the page and put aside his previous enmity
towards Emma.

That woman was quite unpleasant to be around, but she seemed to be one of
the more perceptive and sharper people of the Runcandel Clan.

“It's getting better these days. We changed our main weapons to a

greatsword and a chainsword as advised by Uncle Zed, and it's so much
better now.”

“Really? That's great. I'm always cheering for you two, Elder Brothers. You
know that, right?”

“O-Of course! Of course we do. It's so reassuring to know you have our

As he awkwardly replied, Daytona mustered all the courage inside him and
placed his arm on Jin's shoulders.

Meanwhile, Jin found the twins' fidgeting and their desperate attempts quite
endearing and let his brother do as he pleased.

Instead, he quietly whispered in Daytona's ear.

'Once you've done enough acting and are satisfied, get moving. And tell
Emma to keep making good use of her sharp wit in the future.'

Daytona barely managed to prevent his face from showing his terror and
nodded discreetly. Afterwards, the Tona twins stayed for another five
minutes making small talk with Jin before taking their leave.
The twins' withdrawal was like the breaking of a dam. Once they had
emptied the spot, the guests who had been glancing at the star of the night
began approaching him one after another.

Thanks to the Tona twins, the guests had learned that Jin wasn't as irritable
or ill-tempered as Luna from the past. Most of the guests tonight had also
attended the banquet from nineteen years ago to congratulate Luna for
becoming a 5-star knight at the age of 15.

And back then, they had all learned of how bad-tempered and cold-hearted
Luna was… There was no way anyone could ever forget.

“Nice to meet you. I am Julard Ken from the Ken Clan.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Sir Julard Ken. Does the food prepared by the
Runcandel Clan suit your tastes?”

“Nice to meet you. I am Seager Ken, also from the Ken Clan.”

“Likewise. I am Jin Runcandel. I've always wanted to meet people from the
Ken Clan who are renowned for their spearmanship.”

“Haha, we came running here as fast as possible when we heard the young
master of the Runcandel Clan had become a 5-star knight. Pleasure to meet
you! I am Jonsina Perral of the Dragon King Knights.”

“Oh, so you are Sir Jonsina! My nanny has often told me stories of your
heroic exploits when I was younger. It's an honour to finally meet you.”

And so, the guests formally yet warmly greeted Jin one after another.
Suddenly, one titanic man loomed over Jin, rumpled his hair and spoke
loudly in a casual and friendly manner.

“Haha, so you're Jin Runcandel! I was so curious to know what brat had
reached the 5-star stage at 15 years old. Ha, you really are just a little brat
ten years younger than me. Good to meet you! The name's Huger.”

Huger didn't reveal his family name as he believed Jin would recognize him
—and recognize, he did. He was a talented, strong, and promising warrior
from the Tuko Clan.

Maybe it was because he was respected and looked up to in his clan, but
Huger seemed to have forgotten that he was at the Garden of Swords—the
Runcandel Clan's main house—and that he had to show proper manners.

And so, Jin gently smiled and replied.

“Oh, yeah, good to meet you, Huger.”

The air surrounding them immediately became heavy. Tension spread

amongst the guests who were watching their interaction.

[Translator – okoK

[Proofreader – iyuk]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 49

Huger's vigorous laughter and excitement disappeared, and his face


One second… two seconds… three seconds… four seconds… five


Jin waited for Huger to make up for his mistake, while Huger's expression
slowly began showing displeasure.

This wasn't some complicated issue. Even Jonsina Perral—who was

entering his fifties this year—was showing proper respect to a boy decades
younger than him. So Huger—who had yet to turn thirty—had no right to
speak informally to Jin.

“Ah, I'm not sure the food we've prepared will suit that tactless and rude
cakehole of yours, Huger.”

Jin followed up and spoke softly, to which Huger's ears turned bright red.
Many guests were watching the two of them. The anger and slander made
Huger's blood boil and pump faster through his veins.

“Oi, Mr. Outstanding Brat. Are you trying to embarrass me just because I
spoke a bit casually? You may be a Runcandel, but in the world of warriors
and martial artists, I'm your senior by far. I was just being friendly since
you're an impressive rookie, so don't get ahead of yourself!”

Huger spoke as if he couldn't believe the absurdity of the boy.

But Jin realized he had to explain the current situation in great detail to get
across the moron's empty head.

“Listen carefully, Huger of the Tuko Clan. Your behaviour was an insult not
just to me, but also to all the guests who have shown proper courtesy to me.
If you really care about senior-junior relations, then you should've been far
more careful than usual.”


“The first and second flag-bearers of the Ken Clan, Sir Jonsina Perral of the
Dragon King Knights, and everyone else. Aren't they all your seniors? If
you have proper eyes and earholes, you should've noticed how they have
behaved towards me so far.”

Julard and Seager Ken nodded in affirmation, while Jonsina watched with
shining eyes as he found the situation interesting.

The other onlookers either sighed or whispered to each other.

“If you behave like that, then what does that make of the others—your
seniors? Acknowledge your blunder and apologize. I'll turn a blind eye to
this incident if you do, since I've already said my piece.”

Huger was about to explode in rage, but…


The spectators let out sounds of admiration and awe, while some of them
even whistled out loud.

“He's got you this time, Huger!”

“Kuhaha, see? I've always told you to be more careful in front of others,
Huger. My friend, it seems you've been taught an important life lesson by
the Runcandel young master.”

“The youngest master has saved your life, you know? I'm sure you
would've gotten in deep trouble later on in life due to your yapping trap.
Haha, listen to the young master's teachings.”

“Don't tell us you're gonna challenge him to a duel due to your

embarrassment. I'd like to think you aren't such a narrow-minded person.”

The other guests naturally approached Huger and patted him on the back
and shoulders to lighten the atmosphere. They were all senior martial artists
who were close with Huger.

Moreover, Huger was a very simple-minded man. Soon enough, his anger
disappeared and he spoke with a light-hearted tone.

“Hm-hm, since my seniors are saying as such… Geez, it seems I've

blundered. I hope you will forgive your foolish junior for his mistake,
Seniors and Elders. I'd be grateful if Young Master Jin were to forgive me
as well.”

“Of course, Sir Huger.”

A situation that could've escalated terribly had concluded itself in a warm

and friendly manner.

The slightly shy Huger laughed out loud to wash away his embarrassment
and walked away towards his clansmen.

After a while, the guests around Jin slowly returned to their original groups.
Soon, Luna—who was watching this spectacle from the other side of the
banquet hall—slowly approached Jin.

“Elder Sister Luna.”

“Haha, you really do have an innate talent at making enemies, don't you?
You can behave more like a cute and ordinary child from time to time if you


The two of them lightly clinked their glasses together.

“If there weren't so many guests watching us, I would've shrugged it off and
moved on as well. But just now, I was no different to a representative of the
Runcandel Clan, so I had to force myself to become a strict and
uncompromising figure of authority.”

“You're right. But what would you have done had Huger challenged you to
a duel? He is still stronger than you. I think he's around the 6-star stage?”

“I believed that it was unlikely. And if he truly challenged me to a duel, the

Tuko Clan's patriarch and elders who were watching nervously from the
table over there would've come running at full speed to take Huger away
from me.”

Jin discreetly directed his gaze, and Luna turned her attention towards the
Tuko Clan's table. The Tuko Clan's patriarch was personally scolding Huger
for his behaviour.

“…Goodness. Did you actually take them into account and calculated the
entire situation as it happened?”

“Yes. Moreover, the Tuko Clan's patriarch was already frowning when
Huger spoke to me informally. He had already realized that his clan
member had committed a blunder.”

“Did you learn how to deal with conflicts and how to conduct yourself
appropriately from an aristocrat or something?”

“If there really is someone who teaches such life lessons, it wouldn't be
such a bad idea to keep them by my side. The only thing I'm taught here at
the Garden of Swords is swordsmanship after all.”

“That's more than enough, no…? What else do you need to learn?”

“Oh, no, someone like Elder Sister doesn't need to learn anything else. But
youngest-born children who are hated by their siblings like me need to learn
countless things in order to ensure their survival.”

“Is that so…?”

Luna adorably tilted her head with naivety, as if she truly had no idea what
Jin was talking about. She was born as a predator and had no need to be
wary of others during her entire life. So it wasn't surprising that Luna found
Jin intriguing.

On the other hand, Jin was watching his elder sister with amazement and

Meanwhile, Luna thought to herself.

'He is as gifted, if not more gifted than I am, but he also has a good head on
his shoulders. No wonder someone tried to kill him back at the Storm
Castle… Just which of our siblings noticed Jin's potential so many years

As the guests watched the two siblings have a friendly chat, they wondered
whether Luna was truly the terrifying 'White Whale'.

Ever since the banquet celebrating her reaching the 5-star stage when she
was 15 years old, Luna hadn't participated in any other parties. Moreover,
during her own banquet, she took everyone who approached her to the
duelling arena and killed about half of her opponents.

People believed that Luna hated parties and being around people like the
White Whale from the myths. However, they couldn't be more wrong. In
fact, Luna loved social events more than anyone.

To be more precise, she loved hiding her identity and going to pubs down
the street to attend their small parties and dance with others.

“Anyways, I came to this banquet to congratulate you, but as I thought, this

type of event isn't my cup of tea. I'll be heading over to another, more
enjoyable place now.”

“Are you leaving already?”

“Yeah. You're still a bit too short to dance with me right now. Once you've
grown enough, I'll take you to a fun little place I know of.”
The brother and sister stared at each other and grinned joyfully.

“I'll be waiting for that day to arrive, Elder Sister.”

“Oh, before I go, I should leave behind a message to the guests here like
you do.”

Luna got up from her chair and walked behind Jin. Then, she gave him a
big and deep hug from behind.

'Geez, why are you doing this? I almost got a heart attack.'

Indeed, Jin almost got a heart attack from her sudden actions.

'With this, everyone gathered here today will realize that I deeply care for
you, won't they? Then they'll be less likely to make mistakes and behave
rudely towards you out of fear of me. I'll see you later.'

Just as Luna had whispered, the guests witnessing this scene barely
managed to stop their astonishment and shock from appearing in their

The White Whale—who was known for being awkward around her siblings
—was openly and proudly showing her love and affection towards the

Moreover, the men who secretly had a crush on Luna were divided into two
groups. One group realized they had to get on Jin's good side and use the
boy to get an opportunity to meet and converse with Luna. Meanwhile, the
other group of people were…

“Urgh… I'm so jealous! Fuck! I also want to hug Lady Luna like that, Lord
Vishukel! Uuuuugh, that brat is so lucky!”

Crazy jealous. And one man in particular was expressing his displeasure.
He—who considered himself Luna's greatest fan—was Bouvard Gaston.

“Ah! Lord Vishukel, I will definitely write a poem about her tonight. Haaa,
even with my perfect transformation skills, I will never be able to make
someone as beautiful and stunning as her…”

Meanwhile, Vishukel Yvliano's head was about to explode out of irritation.

He had come to attend this banquet using his position as the Yvliano Clan's
next patriarch, but his true objective was to observe the movements and
actions of the Runcandel Clan for Kinzelo.

He was originally planning on coming alone, but Bouvard begged him to

bring him along as Vishukel's attendant, and threw a fit until the vice-leader
of Kinzelo agreed to it.

This decision had created so many problems and issues.

But the main problem was that 'attendants' of guests weren't allowed to join
the Runcandel banquets. Thus, Vishukel had to beg the Garden to allow
Bouvard inside. He even had to convince his little sister to come and used
her handicapped legs as an excuse to let the fat-ass inside.

However, the only reason behind Bouvard's wish to attend the banquet…
was to see Luna Runcandel. Vishukel hid his trembling fist that couldn't
wait to punch Bouvard inside his coat pocket.

“Aaaah, Lord Vishukel. Tonight, I'll write a poem for Lady Luna and sing it
for the entire night. The entire night!”

“Just… shut up for a minute, Bouvard Gaston.”

“Please don't be like that, Elder Brother. This may be an important issue for
Mr. Bouvard. And thanks to Mr. Bouvard, I'm able to attend and observe the
Runcandels' famous banquet called the 'single-log bridge' party.”

A woman with beaming eyes spoke to her brother from the wheelchair
Bouvard was pushing.

Vishukel's one and only little sister, Margiela Yvliano.

“Lady Margiela is such an understanding and kind lady. Sniff, sniff… I,

Bouvard Gaston, will explore every nook and cranny of this banquet hall
for you, Milady!”

“Thank you, Bouvard.”

The group of three was quite conspicuous due to the wheelchair. In fact,
Jin's attention was caught by them and he was calmly watching them, but he
didn't recognize Vishukel or Bouvard.

He didn't know Vishukel was Kinzelo's vice-leader in his past life either,
while Bouvard had changed his appearance with his transformation skills.

After a while, Jin shifted his gaze away from them. People were once again
coming to make small talk with him, so he didn't have the leeway to
continue observing them.

'It's tiresome, being the star of the night. In any case, where did those
Zipfels go…?'

Jin had been searching for the Zipfel visitors who had arrived at the last
moment. They were, quite obviously, the guests Jin was most wary of.

However, Jin couldn't find the Zipfel boys and girls amidst the thousand
guests in the hall. Maybe they were hiding in one corner of the room, trying
not to catch anyone's attention.

'Hm, it's a bit annoying, but let's try walking around the hall to look for

Jin was about to get off his chair, when suddenly…


Someone laid down their wine glass on Jin's table and sat down next to him.

“May I dare ask the Runcandels' rising star for a glass?”

Although her words were polite, her tone wasn't the same. It was the voice
of a young woman who sounded like she was challenging him.
Jin raised his head and made eye contact with the girl. He then couldn't stop
himself from chuckling softly.

“Ah, you are…”

“I am Syris Endorma of the Hidden Palace. It's an honour to meet you.”

Syris smiled thinly with squinted eyes.

Translator's Corner:

Aaaah! What a cliffhanger!!!! I hate you for this, author!!! Now I gotta
translate the immediately!!!

Proofreader's Corner:

Oooooh ya boi got caught~! Are they gonna fight? Are they?? ARE

Translator's Corner 2:


Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 50

'Of course the Hidden Palace sent an envoy to the Runcandel banquet.'

Jin had somewhat expected this reunion.

He stared at Syris for a few seconds before grabbing the wine bottle. He
then calmly poured her a glass.

“So you are the Master of the Hidden Palace's daughter. Likewise, it's an
honour to meet you.”

Jin handed her glass back as he stayed wary of her.

—How could you ever repay a debt to someone like me? Just think of this as
a nice memory. And if you remember me from time to time, just bow in the
direction of the Hidden Palace whenever you can. Well then, bye!

Those were Syris's words back at Mamit.

Back then, she was oddly kind to Jin. Not only had she immediately
removed Jin from the list of suspects for the terror attack on the Moonlit
Well, she had even rubbed some ointment on his injured shin.

She seemed very different from the rumours Jin had heard about her in his
past life.

Nevertheless, Jin didn't think much about her show of kindness.

'She was probably nice to me on a whim as someone with more power than
That was how Jin understood Syris Endorma as a person. Needless to say,
this didn't mean Syris was actually stronger than Jin. She just believed
herself to be stronger than him back at Mamit.

“I am quite jealous of you for growing so strong so quickly, even though we

are the same age. How envious I am of your blessed Runcandel blood and

Although she was expressing her envy, Syris herself was no ordinary girl
either. She was already in the middle phase of the 4-star stage and was still
growing at an incredible speed.

“Indeed, we Runcandels are fortunate to have these blessed bodies.

However, the Hidden Palace's bloodline can also be considered blessed, no?
I cannot even imagine how much the Master of the Hidden Palace must
cherish Milady.”

“Yes, unlike you, I am an only child. Thus, it is true that I receive a lot of
love and attention. Ah, is it considered discourteous to bring up such a

Syris's gaze softened a little. Her silver hair was naturally swaying, as if to
accentuate her beauty.

“Not at all. Everyone around the world knows the fact that I'm the
youngest-born child of the Runcandels already. In fact, I should be the one
envious of you, Lady Syris. It's quite troublesome having numerous

“Oh my, you speak of such things so casually despite all these eyes and ears
watching and listening to us. What if your siblings interrogate you about
this later on?”

“Is it not considered the youngest child's privilege to be able to complain

whenever and wherever they want? Hahaha. In any case, I would love to
visit the Hidden Palace one day. And it may not be a pipe dream if I
maintain close relations with Lady Syris from now on.”
“Haha, I never expected someone from the Garden of Swords to wish to
visit the Hidden Palace… Alright, we shall send you an invitation in the
near future.”

Before Jin could respond, Syris grabbed the wine bottle and poured Jin a
glass as well. His attention moved towards the glass, which was now being
filled with colour once more. A few minutes went by where the two 15-
year-olds didn't share a word.

'I'm quite certain she recognized me. Isn't it about time for her to bring up
that incident?'

It wasn't as if soot could completely hide someone's face, and he couldn't

change his voice either. Jin was confident Syris had recognized him today.

'And if the Hidden Palace's successor did in fact fail to recognize me, then
I'd be greatly disappointed in her.'

Syris suddenly leaned closer to Jin.

“There is one thing I'd like to ask you, Young Master Jin Runcandel.”

“Yes, Lady Syris. Ask away.”

“Has the wound on your shin healed already?”

Finally, the real conversation was about to begin.

Jin smiled and shrugged lightly.

“Yes, it has, all thanks to a certain outstanding lady—to whom a lowly boy
like me will never be able to repay his debt—who rubbed some ointment on
it with her own hands.”

He answered in an offhand manner, to which Syris frowned.

“You're a lot more shameless than you look, Young Master Jin. In this case,
you will need to explain to me why you were present at the Moonlit Well in
Mamit that day.”
“And why must I do that?”

“On that day, my subordinate—Ryu of the Hidden Palace's Seven Swords—

didn't manage to find the culprit behind the magic attack. It was quite a
disgraceful incident for all of us. Later on, I even wondered whether the
young boy I had released was in fact the culprit.”


Syris dragged her chair closer to Jin. The two of them were now sitting side
by side but staring in each others' eyes, face to face. There was merely the
length of a handspan between their noses.

“I see. That is understandable. But magic, you say? As you can see, I am a
Runcandel. Do you believe I'd be the culprit? My hand has only ever held a
sword since birth, never a magician's staff.”

“Of course, I am of the same opinion. However, I assume that you were at
Mamit that day on a mission for the Runcandel Clan. So it is possible that
you found the task difficult to achieve alone and hired a magician to help
you out.”

Syris ground her teeth and continued talking.

“Moreover, no matter how much I think about it, the only people worthy of
being assassination targets of the Runcandel Clan on that day at the Moonlit
Well were our guards from the Hidden Palace. Thus, as the Captain of the
Hidden Palace's Seven Swords, this isn't an issue I can simply forget

Although she was speaking softly and calmly, there was a hint of killing
intent in her voice.

The moment she had seen Jin's face in the banquet hall, she was absolutely
certain that Jin had been sent to Mamit to assassinate one or more of the
Hidden Palace guards.
Moreover, she was disappointed in herself for having failed to recognize the
culprit behind the attack on her subordinates and for foolishly showing
good will to the boy.

'She thinks that I attacked the Moonlit Well because my targets were the
Hidden Palace guards. Well, I guess she's half-right since I did end up
injuring some of the guards while trying to kill Alkaro.'

Having read through Syris's intentions, Jin continued feigning ignorance.

“Hm, I thought we were getting along quite well, so I don't understand why
you're acting like this, Lady Syris.”

“Hmph! So you plan on pleading innocent until the end. Alright, then. If
that's how you're going to be, I have an idea of my own.”

“May I ask what this plan of yours is?”

“I'll drag you to the duelling arena and beat you up like a sandbag! Once
I'm done, I'll spit on that contemptible smug face of yours. I challenge you
to a duel, Jin Runcandel.”


Jin urgently checked his surroundings to see if anyone had heard Syris's

Fortunately, no one appeared to have heard her as she was whispering to

him from up close.

“Should I say it louder? Let's go. You need to pay for ridiculing me back

At this rate, Jin wouldn't be able to avoid fighting her.

'Syris would be the perfect opponent for me to test my current swordplay

skills on. But…'
The Master of the Hidden Palace's only child, Syris Endorma. She was
definitely strong and talented for her age, but… Jin remembered his father's

“Lady Syris. I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot accept your challenge.”

“Is it because you're not confident in yourself?”

“Ah, the thing is… My father gave me a stern warning not to duel anyone
weaker than myself.”


The wine glass Syris was holding with two fingers broke at the stem. Her
now-clenched fist was trembling like crazy.

“What… did you just say?”

“Please don't misunderstand. I would love to duel you, Lady Syris.

However, I cannot go against my father's orders.”

“You little…! Haaaaa…!”

Syris glared at Jin with bloodshot eyes, but soon sighed deeply to compose
herself. As she regained her calm, Syris carefully placed the pieces of
broken glass in her hand onto the table.

“You seem to enjoy messing with me, Young Master Jin. Then, should I
give you a taste of your own medicine?”

Syris suddenly grabbed Jin's hand and placed it on her thigh.

“Now, if I were to shout out 'Kyaa, where do you think you're touching?!'
and shoved you away…”

Jin hurriedly blocked her mouth with his other hand. He then chuckled to
himself and nodded in defeat.
“If you're willing to go that far, then I guess I have no choice. Let us make
our leave quietly.”

“You should've said so earlier.”

The two of them stood up simultaneously and made their way to the door.

However, the few people who had been observing them couldn't help but

“How immoral… Depraved… Did you see that, Mary? The youngest put
his hand on her thigh… And I think they even kissed. Do kids these days
actually behave like that the moment they make eye contact with a
stranger? Unbelievable. Where do they think they're going?”

At the table on the other side was Dipus Runcandel gulping down wine with
his sister Mary. From their position, it almost looked like Jin had kissed
Syris when he blocked her mouth with his hand.

“We've got countless empty rooms nearby, so I'm sure they'll just go to one
of those. Stop thinking about them, Elder Brother. They're all grown up
already. They're fifteen.”

“Goodness gracious. Are you telling me you also behaved like that when
you were fifteen?”

“That's none of your business. Or do you think you can handle the truth?”

“Forget it…”

“Just drink some more wine. Whether it be the Master of the Hidden
Palace's daughter or our youngest sibling, they won't be able to date others
freely in a couple of years. So let them have their fun while they still can.”

The duelling arena was still quiet.

The combatants and spectators would begin gathering here once midnight
passed. It appeared Jin and Syris would do the honour of having the first
duel of this banquet.
Jin actually preferred this silence. Defeating Syris in front of countless
guests would've been far too cruel to the girl.

Once they entered the arena, the guardian knights stationed inside raised
their blades in salutation.

“Have you come to duel, Young Master?”

“That's right. Other than the medic, you may all take a break outside. Oh,
and bring us two decent swords to use.”

“Yes. We shall seal off the arena until your duel is over.”

The sharp-witted guardian knight replied to Jin, and the boy nodded in

“That would be perfect.”

The medic also read the room and left Jin and Syris alone. He would remain
in the waiting room until the battle ended.

Now, there were only two people standing inside the wide, round arena. Not
long afterwards, the guardian knight returned with two swords. Jin told
Syris to choose her weapon first.

“Please choose the one that best fits in your hand, Lady Syris.”

“Jin Runcandel. Your arrogance pierces through the skies, even though
you're just an ordinary 5-star knight.”

Syris didn't bother comparing the blades and simply grabbed the one closest
to her.

Once she got in her stance and raised her weapon, the air around her
changed completely. The burning anger in her eyes was replaced with icy-
cold concentration, and the sword she held diagonally didn't show any
visible trembling.
'So this is how I get to experience the famous Hidden Palace's
swordsmanship from the rumours.'

An ordinary 5-star knight.

That was how Syris had described Jin. And she wasn't wrong. Syris knew
that Jin had yet to learn the Runcandels' secret techniques and decisive
killing moves.

On the other hand, while Syris was still at 4-star, she was the Hidden
Palace's only successor. That was why she could openly look down on Jin,
who had reached a higher stage than her.

“Before we begin, I want you to promise me something.”

“What is it?”

“If I win, you must tell me everything related to the incident at Mamit. Not
a single piece of information left out, do you understand?”

“I understand. In that case, if I win, Lady Syris will have to forget our
coincidental encounter that day. You will never have seen me that day.
Today is the first time you will have met me.”

“Looks like you truly were doing something fishy. Come at me!”

As soon as she finished talking, Jin dashed and reduced the distance
between them. He was planning on overpowering her with the vast
difference in their physical capabilities.


Suddenly, a strange cold energy swirled around Syris's sword and froze her

It was the main reason why the Hidden Palace could stand tall in the middle
of the West Sea, as well as the power that symbolized the Endorma
The 'Myriad Iceblades'.

Translator's Corner:

AAAAAH! Another cliffhanger!!!! The author just loves torturing their


This is by far my favourite chapter in this novel as of now! Loved Jin's

interactions with Syris and his siblings' reaction to their “immoral”
behaviour lmao

Welp, it's the end of volume 2!!!! I'll see you all on Wednesday for the
beginning of volume 3!!!
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 51

Sharp and hard crystals of ice were swirling around Syris's blade.

Although it was the innate power of the Endorma bloodline used to kill
their opponents, Jin couldn't help but find her figure beautiful and
breathtaking, shining under the crystal lights.

Every time she thrust her sword, the small crystals broke apart and reflected
the moonlight.

The cold energy's crystals were spread apart densely like a net and shone
brilliantly. And while it gave Jin the urge to touch these beautiful floating
shards, they were lethal weapons that would tear him apart.


The two blades collided, and the sound of ice breaking echoed in the arena.
Had Jin not covered his sword with aura instinctively, his weapon would've
shattered into bits and pieces.

'So this is the rumoured Myriad Iceblades.'

Most people would've been bewildered when suddenly facing the Myriad
Iceblades, but Jin didn't show any change in his expression.

“It's still too early to be surprised, Jin Runcandel!”

'Um, I'm not really surprised…' or so Jin would've liked to reply, but his
opponent had such an elated and triumphant face that he didn't want to spoil
her mood.
So he didn't say anything and calmly dodged her attack with nimble
footwork. Although Jin had some time and room to spare, Syris believed he
had narrowly avoided her blade.

As Jin adjusted the distance between them and continued retreating, a wide
grin grew on Syris's face.

“You will tell me everything related to that day.”

“I wouldn't be so sure. I could've cut you down just now if I wished for it.”

Indeed, it would've been possible had he used spiritual power, so Jin was
technically telling the truth.

“Looks like your bluffs are 5-star like your swordsmanship!”

Syris swung her sword with full power once again.

There are many cases where a 4-star defeats a 5-star in a duel of pure
swordsmanship. Thus, if you added the Myriad Iceblades and Syris's
abundant fighting experience into the equation, it was beyond doubt that
she would win this duel. At least, that's what Syris was thinking.

Shhhrk! Shrrrrk!

Every time her sword was swung, the air around the blade froze.

It was a highly dangerous power. In fact, the rumours say that an Endorma
who masters the Myriad Iceblades can freeze an entire ocean.

“I didn't think you'd use your secret technique right off the bat, Syris. As the
youngest child who has yet to learn the clan's secret techniques, it's quite
disheartening to watch.”

“That's not my problem!”

Jin didn't counterattack and simply continued concentrating on his defense.

Thus, Syris believed that her victory was guaranteed.
A horizontal slash. Lower slash. Now a diagonal.

Syris's swordplay was fierce yet drew flexible trajectories. Jin threw his
body around to dodge and fend off her attacks.

Although it appeared as if he was being pushed back, Jin was waiting for an
opening. Moreover, the fact that he was able to ward off her sword every
time proved his swordsmanship's superiority to Syris's.

Soon enough, Syris realized that her opponent was more composed than she
had expected.

'I guess a 5-star is still a 5-star. He was narrowly dodging and parrying my
attacks earlier, but as we continue fighting, his true character and skills are

It took a genius to know another genius.

Syris admitted the fact that she had underestimated Jin. His swordsmanship
was clearly far more advanced than hers.

'But that's the extent of it. The Myriad Iceblades 3rd Form can easily make
up for the difference.'

The Myriad Iceblades 3rd Form. It was a technique that the Endormas
called 'Avalanche'. Syris could only use this technique a single time. Its
consumption of aura and cold energy was severe, so it was a last resort she
could only use at a decisive moment in a duel.

'His strength and stamina are superior to mine, so there's no need to drag
out this fight. When he finishes reading my attack pattern and finally
counterattacks, I'll turn the tables on him and finish this once and for all!'

Clang! Clang! Skrrrt!

Their messy and chaotic duel slowly but gradually came to a stalemate. As
time passed, both of them were getting used to each other's movements.

But there was no reason to let the fight drag out.

And Syris wasn't the only one thinking that. Jin was slowly changing to a
footwork that put him on the offensive, and he had the same thoughts as his

'Syris should have recognized the difference in our skills by now, and she
must be preparing to deal a decisive blow to end the fight. I'm sure she'll
use some secret technique, but the question is: how powerful is it going to

Jin couldn't quite estimate the strength of her secret technique as he had
never confronted someone using the Myriad Iceblades.

Therefore, Jin decided to use the most powerful 'secret technique' he

himself knew.

Back when he was at the Storm Castle, he wasn't just reading the secret
tomes underground in order to kill time. Needless to say, Syris didn't know
that Jin already knew several secret techniques of various martial clans
from history.

Before Jin could decide on his countermeasure, Syris boldly charged at him.
She yelled loudly and swung her sword down, aimed at Jin's shoulder. A
few strands of her long, silver hair got in the way of her blade and were
sliced off.

“It's over, Jin!”


Suddenly, a violent blizzard materialized in the arena, swirling around in a

circle with Syris at the center. But unlike the blizzards that form naturally,
when the icy winds reached Jin, he received small gashes on his forehead.

The sharp winds were slicing away at his clothes, and the cold air was
making his neck and joints stiff.

Myriad Iceblades 3rd Form, Avalanche!

Once Syris finished generating this snowstorm, the arena was completely
dyed white. Crystals of ice formed and exploded with dull sounds, and
pure-white aura crashed into the obstacles like an avalanche.

The scenery had unexpectedly changed to that of a snowy mountain peak in

winter. The snow/aura blocked Jin's vision, and the wave of cold energy
made it impossible to breathe.

At the center was Syris with an enthusiastic expression showing her

confidence in her victory.

But she then saw Jin wearing the same look on his face. It was the glow and
grin of a human who knew they had already defeated their opponent.

'How come?'

The avalanche-esque snowstorm was already rampaging in the arena, so

even if he was a 5-star genius swordsman, he wouldn't be able to overcome
the Hidden Palace's secret technique.

Although she felt uneasy for a short moment, Syris didn't pay it much heed.
The main force which prevented the world's two superpowers—the
Runcandels and Zipfels—from conquering the Hidden Palace was this


Syris stumbled as she had used up all the energy and aura within her. Since
she had avoided hitting Jin in the vital areas, he would most likely survive
this ordeal. But at the very least, the Runcandels' youngest child would fear
her from today onwards.

However, Syris couldn't savour the taste of victory yet.

Akin to an ice pick, a single handle-less blade pierced through the thick
layer of white, snowy energy that blocked their vision.

'What? How did he—!'

Syris hastily fixed her posture… At least, she tried to. The will wasn't
enough on its own. Her body's lack of strength from using the secret
technique prevented it from following her brain's orders. She could only
wait for the next sequence of events to occur in her bad posture.


A single flash of light streaked through the snowstorm.

The blade didn't contain a god's power like Syris's sword—in which she had
injected her cold energy. In fact, the blade wasn't even covered in aura, the
universal and basic power that every knight used.

It merely appeared to be an ordinary steel edge without a handle.

Syris couldn't accept the fact that such an unremarkable weapon was tearing
through her Avalanche.

“This can't—”


She couldn't even finish her sentence, because the annoyingly persistent
blade coming at her was about to explode.



Syris clearly witnessed the steel crumbling on itself as dents formed on it,
along with a bright and dangerous glow escaping through the cracks on the
metal. Before she could even realize what was happening, a loud and urgent
yell pierced her ears.

“Get down!”

It was the boy whom she had been fighting until now.
Syris didn't plan on listening to him. Even if she was in great peril and
could lose her life, accepting her opponent's mercy in order to avoid the
danger was a greater humiliation than being defeated.


Jin's steel blade that had been compressed to the size of a knuckle exploded.

Tiny steel shards flew forward. Each little fragment was shining with aura.

Although the weapon that tore through the storm wasn't covered in aura, its
blade was filled to the brim with energy.

It was the decisive and killing move called 'Blade Storm' of the ancient and
ruined clan of swordsmen—the Attila Clan. Since they had been destroyed
by the Runcandels, there were barely any records left of their swordplay
and techniques. In other words, this move was quite literally Jin's secret

This was the strongest technique Jin had mastered amongst all the ones he
had learned from the secret tomes beneath the Storm Castle. Even if she
was a user of the Myriad Iceblades, Syris wouldn't be able to handle the
Blade Storm's firepower as a 4-star knight.


Either Jin had overestimated the power of the Myriad Iceblades, or the
Attila Clan's secret technique was far more powerful than he had expected.

Whatever the answer was, Jin was regretting having used the Blade Storm.
If she didn't dodge it, Syris would definitely die. If not, she would at least
be crippled for life.

Jin's heart was beating rapidly in worry of her possible death.

Meanwhile, Syris clenched her teeth to suppress her instincts of wanting to

save herself by crouching, since she didn't want to be humiliated.

And so, a second went by.



Once the Blade Storm subsided, the two fighters exclaimed to themselves.

One had a sense of relief, while the other groaned in mortification.

Syris had crouched just as Jin had shouted.

“Are you alright?”

Jin threw away the sword handle that was remaining in his hand and
grabbed Syris by the shoulders. She was just staring into the emptiness with
wide eyes due to the big shock.

This was her first ever defeat since the first time she grabbed a sword in her

'I… crouched because… I was afraid of dying or getting hurt? I, Syris

Endorma, was afraid?'

When victory was within hand's reach but the Blade Storm turned the
tables, Syris had made up her mind not to avoid the blow. She believed that
she wasn't a weak human who needed to rely on her enemies' mercy and

However, no matter how strong her pride was, no matter how important her
honour was compared to her life, no matter how iron-willed she was, she
was still a 15-year-old girl. She was too young to willingly and forcibly
suppress her survival instincts and desire to live.

“Phew, things could've taken a dangerous turn just now. I deeply apologize
for that.”

Once he made sure Syris was unscathed, Jin sighed and put a hand on his
He could tell what the silent Syris was thinking. No matter what he says to
cheer her up, she would still be crushed by this sense of defeat.

'Geez, I'm so… I should've held myself back and narrowly lost to her…
She's just a kid.'

If one counted the total number of years Jin had lived, he was already in his
forties. When he realized that he was almost the cause of death of a young
15-year-old girl, he was crushed by a sense of guilt.

Moreover, she could either become a rival or a friendly associate in the

future, yet he was about to kill her.

Jin stared at Syris for a short moment as he sorted out his thoughts on what
to tell her. But he didn't need a lot of time to ponder.

“If I were in the same situation, I would have avoided the blow as well. And
you also would've yelled at me to get down. So I won't say any more about
this incident.”

He knew that he wouldn't be able to cheer her up. And he didn't plan on
forcing himself to try to console her.

So once he said his piece, Jin merely turned around and walked away. It
was best to just leave her alone in times like this.

“Jin Runcandel.”

But before he could leave, Syris called out to him and stared into his eyes.
Light had returned in her gaze. In fact, her gaze was brighter and deeper
than before, as if she had been enlightened and changed on the inside.

“You're still bleeding from the forehead from when I cut you earlier.”

She took a few steps towards Jin and took out a handkerchief from her inner

She then silently wiped his wound and even rubbed some of the healing
ointment on it. It was the same ointment as the one she had rubbed on his
shin in Mamit.

“With this, I've repaid you for saving my life.”

“Aren't you considering the value of your life a bit too cheaply? I don't
think the Hidden Palace's successor's life can be repaid with some ointment
on a graze.”

“That's why I rubbed the ointment extremely carefully since you just saved
me out of pity. From now on, I'll be an invaluable and distinguished person
again, so in the future, I hope I can get an opportunity to save you.”

They both moved towards the arena's exit. Once they took a step outside,
Syris added one final comment.

“Oh, and from now on, today's the first time we've ever met.”

“Indeed, it seems I've won the bet. I'll see you tomorrow.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 52

Jin attended the banquet the following day as well.

Fortunately, not many people were aware of his duel with Syris. In fact,
many were misunderstanding their relationship just like Dipus Runcandel,
and their beliefs were reinforced today.

Had they actually duelled, the winner would've been bragging about their
victory to others at the banquet. Nevertheless, Jin and Syris remained silent
and didn't bring up the topic, so people naturally came to the conclusion
that they had had a secret love affair last night.

The banquet continued in a similar fashion as the day before.

Jin stayed seated in one location, and the guests came introducing
themselves to him. However, there were less people crowding around him.
Since the secret and veiled child of the Runcandels had already revealed
himself last night, the guests were busier dealing with their own favours and
grudges amongst themselves.

Ever since Jin and Syris had left the arena last night, countless other duels
have been occurring nonstop until now.

And since people were allowed to spectate the fight, there were more guests
gathered at the arena than the banquet hall.

The 'single-log bridge' party had begun for real.

Nevertheless, Jin was sitting at the center of the hall, sipping on his wine as
he looked around in glee.
'I should be able to meet those Zipfels today.'

Jin was curious to know how high their mastery of magic was. Since he had
heard that the four Zipfel guests were between 15 and 20 years of age, they
were the best magicians he could compare himself to.

Moreover, if he got the chance, he wanted to ask them about the Kollon
Ruins. But Jin changed his mind as it was probably a bad idea.

'I'll get a lot of free time once I become a provisional flag-bearer. I can just
go investigate the Kollon Ruins with Murakan whenever I want in the near

And if he received Murakan's help, Jin could easily find and take the mirror
artifact called the 'Fountain of Mana' for himself.

'I'll make sure the Zipfels can't mass-produce 7-star magicians like a factory
this time around.'

Once his thoughts reached that conclusion, Jin laid his glass on the table
and exhaled deeply.



He suddenly noticed a black cat naively walking around the banquet hall.
The guests were surprised by the presence of a small cat at the Runcandel
main house, so they couldn't help but stare at it.

'That stupid…!'

Jin was certain Murakan had sneaked inside without Gilly's knowledge. The
boy wasn't sure whether the dragon had noticed his gaze on him, but
Murakan raised his tail straight and catwalked to the center of the hall.

He then safely arrived at his destination: on top of Syris's lap.

The girl was satisfied by the cute pet's affection towards her and she started
stroking it. After a short while, she looked at the nametag on the cat's collar
and burst out in laughter.

—Nabi Runcandel

That was the name written on the tag. Syris laughed out loud for a long
time, before composing herself and wiping her tears. She then got up and
approached Jin.

“Did you come up with his name, Young Master Jin?”

She was speaking in a soft tone, a complete 180 compared to her attitude
back at the arena.

The way she skillfully carried him showed her abundant experience with
animals. Jin smiled awkwardly and nodded.


“Before coming here, I imagined you to be a battle maniac obsessed with

swords, but you have quite a few surprising sides to yourself. May I play
with him for a short while?”

“Feel free to.”

After receiving his approval, Syris bowed and left the hall.

'Did she really come to me just to ask that?'

Jin found her quite peculiar but somewhat likeable. Then, someone else
unexpectedly sat next to him.

“Oh! So we finally meet again, Jin Runcandel! You have no idea how
difficult it was finding you, haha.”

A young man wearing a genuinely friendly smile spoke to Jin

Jin knew this boy, as well as all the feats and accomplishments he'd achieve
in the future.

However, he didn't want to act familiar with him, even though he was a
Zipfel Jin had been looking forward to seeing.

“Who… are you?”

“Goodness! To think I'd hear such a disheartening greeting from you at our
reunion! How could you forget about me? I've been thinking about you
every day all this time.”

“So who on earth are you?”

“C'mon, try guessing. The first two letters of my name are 'Be'. Haha, do
you remember now?”


“Dammit! We first met each other at the Mitel Kingdom's transfer gate.
Does it not ring a bell?”

“Nope, no bells ringing at all.”

At this point, Jin found their interaction amusing, so he continued feigning


“Hahaha… To think that you don't remember even with all these clues…
Jin, I think you have the memory of a goldfish. Listen carefully. My name is

“Beradin Zipfel. You're still as oblivious as ever. I was indirectly saying that
I didn't want to act like your acquaintance. Yet you didn't get the hint and
continued bringing up the topic. How tiresome.”

“Oh, is that what it was…?”

To think that this boy would actually become a 9-star magician by 30 years
old and get selected as the succeeding patriarch. Jin had also realized how
clueless Beradin was on their first encounter, but this was just on another
level. He was speechless at how ridiculous the situation was.

Even though Jin had bluntly said how tiresome Beradin was, the Zipfel boy
didn't let it bother him for too long. He wore a gloomy expression for a
short while, but soon resumed the conversation.

“You have no idea how much I was looking for you since yesterday. Geez,
the Runcandels' banquet hall is enormous. No matter how much I walked
around, I just couldn't find you. I think I roamed the hall for two hours or

“Gosh, no matter how large this hall is, it's just a banquet hall. Are you
seriously telling me you didn't find me after searching for two hours?”

Jin spoke as he recalled the previous day.

He was the center of attention and guests continued approaching him. He

was also located at the center of the hall, so even if someone didn't want to
see him, they'd inevitably notice the boy at least once during the evening.

“Yeah, I'm serious. Had I used magic, I could've found you in ten seconds,
but isn't it banned to use magic at the Runcandel estate? I just kept walking
around, but always saw the same faces around me.”

“Is that so.”

“Anyways, it's so good to see you again, Jin. Has it been five years already?
To think you're already a 5-star. I knew you'd be the cause of some big
event the last time I saw you, haha. But I haven't been lazing around all this
time either. I've already reached the…”

The directionally-challenged boy paused to add a dramatic effect.

“6-star stage! Kuhahaha, I'm already a 6-star magician. In other words, I'm
one level higher than your swordsmanship!”

Beradin was three years older than Jin, so he was a 6-star magician by the
age of 18. This was quite the achievement. It was worthy of being
celebrated just like Jin's exceptional growth. However…

'He's only 6-star?'

Jin was greatly surprised as Beradin's level was far lower than he had
expected. Putting aside the foolish act of revealing his abilities in enemy
territory, Jin was shocked that the most talented pureblood of the Zipfel
Clan was only a 6-star magician.

'I feel like my mana will be about 7-star in three years, though…'

Had he overestimated Beradin due to his achievements in Jin's past life? Or

was he lying about his own growth to trick the Runcandels?

“Seeing your shocked face makes the time I spent searching for you totally
worth it, Jin. I'm looking forward to the day I finally get to fight you. I was
greatly enlightened by our last encounter and trained like crazy. Try your
best catching up to me, Jin. Now, let's have a toast.”

Jin didn't bother revealing the true reason behind his shock and raised his
glass of wine with a bewildered face.

As the cups hit each other, Jin barely suppressed the smile that was about to
grow on his face.

'If Beradin was only able to reach 6-star by 18 years old… the next person
to reach the peak of magic after Kelliark Zipfel will be me. I'm sure of it.'

Jin was reevaluating his own potential objectively. Meanwhile, the unaware
Beradin was standing with his chest puffed out as he thought Jin had
acknowledged him.

“You should care more about me from now on. I have no doubts that you'll
become the succeeding Runcandel patriarch. So in the future, the
Runcandels under your rule will be fighting the Zipfels under mine. Just
think about it. Doesn't that get your blood pumping?”

Jin smiled softly.

“Beradin Zipfel. It seems I need to give you another piece of advice just
like five years ago.”

“Oh, what is it?”

“You should learn to hold your tongue.”

“Haha, you say the same thing as my father.”

“Anyone would say that after knowing you for more than a minute.
Anyways, why did the Zipfels come to the banquet without sending a
formal request?”

They had come at the last minute, resulting in their second-in-command

getting humiliated.

Jin silently waited for Beradin's answer.

“Oh, that's because of me. I pestered Uncle Andrei to let me come, saying
that I absolutely had to see you.”


“We just happened to be in Huphester when I heard the news of a banquet

celebrating your achievement, so I thought, 'This is fate! Fate is letting me
see him once again!', and so I came here.”

“Is that it?”

“Yep, that's it.”

Jin was at a loss for words.

'Andrei Zipfel—the clan's second-in-command—actually listened to a kid's

tantrum and came to enemy territory without any preparation?'

Jin just couldn't comprehend Andrei's thought process using common sense.
However, as he dwelled on it a bit longer, he realized how much love,
affection, and attention the boy known as 'Beradin Zipfel' was receiving in
the clan of magicians.

Beradin was already being treated like the next patriarch of the clan.

The Zipfel clan was a place where geniuses in magic were a dime a dozen.
However, this boy was already being considered the best of the best, despite
not being 20 years old yet.

Once he realized that, a certain thought went through Jin's mind.

'If we kill Beradin before he can fully mature… we could deal a terrible
blow against the Zipfels.'

Even if they killed Beradin, the Zipfels surely had an alternative.

Nevertheless, they would lose the only magician of this generation who
would reach 9-star by the age of 30.

Beradin would surely become the Zipfels' strongest magician of this

generation in the future, and losing him would be a terrible outcome for



“You should be grateful that we're in a banquet hall right now.”

“Keke, aren't you being a bit too cold to me? But yeah, I know. I know that
your father showed mercy to my uncle. Speaking of which, let me make
you a promise. If you ever come to a Zipfel banquet without a formal
request, we won't bring you any harm.”

Beradin wore a cunning smile as he scratched the back of his head.

“Really? What if I suddenly attacked people in the middle of the hall and
sabotaged the banquet?”
“I never take back my words. Even if you cause a terror attack, we won't
kill you. If a fight were to break out, I won't take part in it at the very least.”

'What a foolish romanticist,' thought Jin.

Still, he couldn't put aside the possibility that Beradin knew about the
human experiments conducted using forbidden magic inside the Zipfel
Clan. However, no matter how stupid Beradin was, Jin couldn't just bluntly
ask questions about the Kollon Ruins as it was risky.

Having emptied his glass, Jin suddenly stood up from his seat.

“Where are you going?”

“Some displeasing creep has been glancing at me since earlier, so I'm off to
give him a good scolding.”

Jin directed his gaze towards the left.

Over there was a certain man leering at Jin since a while ago: Bouvard

“Oh, are you starting a fight? Can I watch?”

Jin ignored Beradin's question and walked towards Bouvard.

“Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to have something you wish to tell me?”

Vishukel wasn't next to him. He was looking around the banquet hall with
his sister Margiela. That was why Bouvard could act so carelessly with no
repercussions… until now, that is.

“Um… When will Lady Luna return?”

“What was that?”

“Hehe, I'm talking about Lady Luna. Will she not make another appearance
at the banquet? I wanted to give her this… It's a poem I wrote all night long,
filling it with my love…”

Jin chuckled and Bouvard took that as an acknowledgement. So far, Jin

could just let this insolence pass as just one chubby man's 'foolishness'. He
was about to ignore the man as he appeared to be lacking in the brain

'To think that there'd be a moron disrespectfully and thoughtlessly searching

for Elder Sister Luna at the Garden of Swords. Isn't he an attendant serving
the Yvliano Clan? I should warn Lord Vishukel about his attendant's
behaviour sometime before the banquet ends.'

However, Bouvard ended up trespassing his limits and infuriating Jin.

“Hehe, Lady Luna will realize once she reads my poem that I'm not your
typical man. In fact, I may even become your brother-in-law in the near
future, Young Master Jin. Uhehehe.”

Even Beradin—who was silently watching this interaction while sipping on

his glass—couldn't help but spit out his wine once he heard those words.

Translator's Section (08/06/21):

Haha, I love Jin and Beradin's relationship dynamic. Can't wait to see
whether they end up as friends or rivals or enemies…

Murakan sneaking out and jumping onto Syris's lap xDDDD He's a man of
culture who likes his thighs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And finally… Can someone get me a f-ing shotgun? I need to go hunt down
a wild pig that's bothering Best Sister Luna…

Proofreader's Section (08/06/21):

That Jin-Beradin dynamic was going so well, but then towards the end it's
just… chills. Just—chills. Such unwarranted confidence. Tonight, we hunt,
Koko. Lemme grab my hunting gear real quick…
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 53

Skrrt! Skrrt!

Jin took the pieces of paper in Bouvard's hands and tore them in four. The
thick stack was easily torn apart like a thin cloth.

“It seems you need a beating, sir.”


Bouvard's eyes opened wide as he stared at Jin, dumbfounded. He had no

idea why Jin was reacting as such.

And that ignorant look of surprise on his face angered Jin even further.

'Not only did he thoughtlessly mention Elder Sister's name, he also wants to
be my brother-in-law?'

If they weren't in the banquet hall, Jin would've ripped the guest's tongue
out of his mouth immediately.

Not only had Bouvard insulted Luna Runcandel with his words, he had
basically looked down upon the entire Runcandel Clan. No one was
allowed to speak as such of the Runcandels unless they were the Vermont
Imperial Family.

Needless to say, Bouvard wasn't trying to offend the Runcandels. The

problem was that he was incredibly dull and slow-witted.
“Haha, why are you acting like this, Brother-in-law… I mean, Young

Bouvard accidentally called Jin 'Brother-in-law' again, and the boy nearly
sent his fist flying at Bouvard's face on the spur of the moment. However,
he closed his eyes and calmed his anger before raising his hand and calling
the guardian knights.

“Drag this man to the arena.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Clang! Clang!

Two guardian knights who were standing by the edge of the hall grabbed
Bouvard by the shoulder. To this instant, Bouvard still had no idea why Jin
was seething with anger against him.

'Did he not like my joke? Is he seriously humiliating someone like this just
because of a stupid reason like that? This bratty piece of shit!'

He was merely in a shocked mental state.

As someone who hadn't learned any manners or cultural knowledge in life,

he would've been long dead on the streets, killed by some thugs if not for
his 'transformation' ability.

People's attention was directed towards the ruckus. Their eyes were full of
curiosity as they observed the man who would become Jin's first duelling
opponent of the banquet (most weren't aware of Jin's battle with Syris).

“Please don't act like this, Young Master! I was merely expressing my love!
Everyone in the world has the right to express their love freely!”

Bouvard continued yelling as he got dragged away, but Jin didn't bother
answering. It wasn't that Jin had nothing to say to this worthless man in
“Argh, Young Master Jin! Who on earth treats their guests as such? Release

As they slowly approached the arena, Bouvard felt like livestock being
dragged to the slaughterhouse.

'Goddammit! Those Zipfel followers should've murdered this brat five years

Five years ago, Jin had departed from the Storm Castle. The radical Zipfel
followers had disguised themselves as guardian knights and attempted to
assassinate Jin.

The culprit behind their perfect disguises was Bouvard Gaston. Although he
was affiliated with Kinzelo, he often lent a helping hand to the Zipfel

Due to his personality, Bouvard would help anyone out as long as they were
going to commit acts that would cause chaos in the world. Of course, as
long as he himself didn't get put in danger.

'There's no way he knows I'm the one who transformed those assassins, so
why is he acting like this? He's making a fuss just cuz I called his sister

In fact, no one else in the world knew that Bouvard was the culprit behind
the attack five years ago, as he had been informed that the Zipfel followers
who had asked for his help failed their mission and died.

“The duel shall be a barehanded fight.”

Before entering the arena, Jin spoke in a cold voice. Bouvard stayed silent
and didn't consent, so the guardian knights grabbed his head and forcefully
made him nod.


Vishukel Yvliano had coincidentally returned from his tour of the Garden
with Margiela. As soon as he saw the spectacle and Bouvard's involvement,
he was greatly shocked and stared in astonishment.

“What is going on, Elder Brother? Wow! A duel! It seems Mr. Bouvard is
having a duel with Young Master Jin!”

“That fucking moron…!”

He had caused trouble in the short time during which the siblings were

Vishukel was certain that Bouvard had asked Jin to introduce him to Lady
Luna, talking about stupid things like love and marriage. Once Vishukel
successfully carries out Kinzelo's grand masterplan, he swore to tear that
pig apart and murder him horribly.

“Sigh… We should follow them to the arena for the time being, Margiela.”

“Understood, Elder Brother! I've always wanted to see Mr. Bouvard

fighting before.”

The siblings weren't the only ones headed to the arena. Syris had also been
watching the spectacle before her with Murakan in her arms.

'I was planning on asking him for another duel later on, but what's this
now? Why is he willingly duelling against that man?'

Her irritation was unsurprising. Although she wasn't confident of defeating

Jin even if they fought again, she wanted to continue facing him in multiple
duels until the end of the banquet.

“Oh! To think I'd meet the Hidden Palace's successor in person! It seems it
was the correct decision to participate in the banquet this time. You must be
Lady Syris Endorma. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Beradin Zip—”

“Get lost.”

“Ah, yes.”
After his pitiful attempt at trying to get to know her, Beradin simply
followed her from behind to the arena with a sorrowful expression.

“By the way, you should be wary of that cat. It once scratched me on the
face, haha. Quite the nasty feline.”

Syris completely ignored him as he continued attempting to have small talk

with her and entered the spectators' area in the arena. Even if she knew that
he was the rising star of the Zipfels, she would've behaved the same way.

The arena was filled with excitement and vigor, unlike when Jin had duelled
with Syris the previous evening.

Countless martial artists were having fights one after another, while the
spectators cheered and booed at the top of their lungs.

Normally speaking, one had to inform the arena's host about their intention
to duel and wait in line until their turn. However, Jin had no need to follow
those rules. As soon as he appeared at the arena, the crowd immediately
died down.

One guardian knight approached the host and whispered to him the details
of Jin's duel.

“Next up is the leading man of the banquet! The rising star of the
Runcandels, Young Master Jin will be having a duel!”


As the crowd cheered like crazy, Jin warmed his body up and got on the
circular stage. He then turned around and spoke to Bouvard.

“Get up.”

Most of the spectators didn't recognize Bouvard.

But even though his name wasn't well known, no one looked down on him.
They believed that anyone who was worthy enough to come to the
Runcandel banquet would be strong.
“Is he some hermit who trains in seclusion?”

“I hear he came as an attendant of the Yvliano Clan, but he seems quite


At this stage, Bouvard couldn't bail out of the duel. Irritation and anger
began boiling inside.

Even though he had been proving his innocence during the entire walk to
the arena, the little brat had completely ignored and humiliated him. It was
now time for Bouvard to reveal his skills.

“Good! I accept the duel. Try not to regret your decision!”

Bouvard got on stage and stood before Jin.

“Young Master Jin Runcandel. Allow me to formally introduce myself

before the duel. I am Bou—”

“Silence. I do not care for your insignificant name. Let us begin.”

Before the host could even announce the beginning of the duel, Jin dashed
to his opponent. The spectators deduced that Bouvard had committed a
grave offense for Jin to behave in such a way.


Having not expected the surprise attack, Bouvard took a punch in the cheek
and took a couple of steps back. As he winced in pain, foul words and
curses escaped his mouth instinctively.

But Bouvard was no dunce. Although it wasn't well known, he was a 6-star
martial artist.


His fist flew forward at an unbelievable speed one would never expect from
a portly man like him. Although his strike appeared quite simple and
unsophisticated, Bouvard's hand was covered in a piercing aura.

A fierce counterattack. But Jin calmly avoided the punch.

At first sight, Bouvard's aura appeared to be far more destructive and

powerful than Jin's. The spectators were slightly disappointed since
Bouvard was 'weaker than expected', but they still watched in excitement
since he was stronger than Jin.

“Looks like Young Master Jin chose an opponent stronger than himself.”

“And that fatty's specialty seems to be hand-to-hand combat. The Young

Master made a poor choice by putting his sword away. He might get
defeated and humiliated at this rate.”

Just as the audience had observed, Bouvard was skilled in hand-to-hand

combat. In fact, if this arena weren't in the Garden of Swords but in an
ordinary city with more average contestants, then Bouvard would attract a
lot of attention from the spectators.

Meanwhile, Jin was a knight who fought with a sword. So not only did
Bouvard have greater aura, he was also better skilled as both duelists were
fighting barehanded. It was to no surprise that the audience expected Jin's


Bouvard's follow-up hook struck Jin square in the jaw. Jin felt his legs lose
strength, and a soft grin grew on Bouvard's face.

'You dare attempt to lay a finger on the Great Bouvard with such measly
skills? I'll pummel you and make you beg for your life, punk.'

However, Bouvard's smile didn't last long.

The stumbling Jin should've fallen face first to the floor, but instead, he
pounced at Bouvard with an arm clocked back and bloodlust in his eyes.

'I punched him straight in the jaw, so how is he still conscious?!”

He had definitely seen Jin's legs losing strength as well.

However, that was merely an act. The Runcandels' blessed bodies wouldn't
crumble simply from a strike to the jaw. Had Bouvard fought against a
Runcandel before, he wouldn't have let down his guard after successfully
hitting Jin.


Jin palm-striked Bouvard straight in the face and a heavy strike echoed in
the arena. Bouvard's nose was flattened and distorted as a string of blood
ran down his chin.

But he didn't have time to groan in pain. The Runcandels' combat style was
to show less and less mercy the more the opponent was beaten down.

Thwack! Thud! Boom, crack!

Another punch to the broken nose, one to the left cheek, his right flank, his
solar plexus. Jin's two fists covered in aura were relentlessly clobbering

And it was far from over. Jin then started adding kicks to his movements. In
mere seconds, Bouvard was covered in his own blood and was being
thrown around the stage like a dirty and bloody rag.

“It appears to be over.”

“He made his opponent let down his guard, followed up with a surprise
attack and incessant blows aiming at different parts of the body to be
unpredictable. That truly is the best strategy to use against someone
stronger than yourself.”
The spectators were disappointed for not seeing Jin's swordsmanship, but
found the actual battle more than entertaining enough. Moreover, the
greatest harvest of this duel was being able to observe Jin's battle style.

'I see. Young Master Jin isn't the kind of person to let his hubris and
arrogance hold him back in fights. As soon as he judges that his opponent is
stronger than himself, he makes use of every possible strategy at his

It isn't uncommon for 5-stars to win against 6-stars in a duel. However, it is

quite rare to see the 5-star completely overpower the 6-star like Jin
moments ago.

It was a one-sided beatdown. Bouvard's first successful hit was also his last.
He then got mercilessly pounded like a sandbag. In fact, he was still being
beaten to the ground like minced meat.

'I guess it's about time I stopped. Geez, I get too emotional at times.'

Actually, Jin was behaving somewhat reasonably. Had it been another

Runcandel, Bouvard would've been cut down on the spot before he could
finish uttering 'brother-in-law', even if they were in the banquet hall.


Jin shook both of his hands to get rid of the blood and took in a deep breath.
The unconscious Bouvard was twitching on the floor as tears ran down his
mangled face.

Jin turned around and was about to exit the arena, when he heard a certain
lady's voice amongst the audience.

“Elder Brother Vishukel! I cannot comprehend the reason behind Young

Master Jin's actions. Wasn't the victor already decided earlier? How could
he beat up an unconscious and vulnerable man in such a cruel manner?!”


The shocked Vishukel stared dumbfounded at his little sister.

“Young Master Jin went too far. He was bullying the weak. The
unconscious man down there is our friend, is he not? Will you just stand
here and do nothing, Elder Brother? Your little sister is very disappointed in

Bouvard Gaston. That unpleasant man was neither weaker than Jin nor was
he their friend…

Vishukel wanted to answer as such, but he couldn't as his one and only
sibling's words weighed on his mind…

—Very disappointed in you.

“…Are you telling me to duel Young Master Jin?”

“Yes. I wish Elder Brother would teach Young Master Jin a lesson. Of
course, in an honourable and dignified manner, unlike the behaviour Young
Master Jin showed us earlier.”

“Oh, what a flamboyant young lady!”

“Vishukel! You should listen to your sister's request. Haha, an interesting

battle is about to unfold.”

In the end, Vishukel went down to the stage due to his sister and the
audience's pressure and expectations.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 54

Vishukel Yvliano was known as a 7-star knight, but in reality, he had

already reached 8-star. In other words, he was an insurmountable opponent
to the current Jin.

'A duel with a 7-star knight.'

This was a great opportunity for Jin.

Whether he won or lost, the battle would greatly affect his reputation in a
positive manner. As long as he appeared to have put up a good fight to the
spectators, it would benefit him.

Moreover, experiencing the Yvliano swordsmanship would be a perfect

opportunity to study it. Even Cyron had recognized the previous Yvliano
patriarch as a powerful man worthy of respect, so Jin always wanted to face
an Yvliano swordsman.


'Margiela Yvliano. What a laughable lady.'

Jin was fully aware that the woman was enjoying this situation. The moral
duty she had brought up was all just a sham. Her goal was merely to watch
an entertaining battle.

That, or she enjoyed putting her brother in troublesome situations and

watching him flail around. Whatever her real intention was, Jin didn't find it
very pleasing.
“You seem to care deeply about your sister, Lord Vishukel.”

Jin reached out his hand towards the guardian knights on standby outside
the stage as he spoke. One knight respectfully approached and placed a
sword in the young master's hand.


Jin's blade immediately began shining in aura, as if someone had cast a

magic light.

“…Yes, indeed, Young Master Jin.”

“I also care deeply about my elder sister. So from now on, you should teach
your servants not to open their mouths carelessly.”

He referred to the 6-star martial artist Bouvard Gaston as a mere 'servant'.

The audience realized that the Runcandels and their pride had not changed
over the years.

“The man you pummelled to the ground is called Bouvard Gaston, and he is
our attendant, not a servant. Did he commit some sort of blunder?”

Vishukel pretended to be unaware and asked Jin to explain himself despite

knowing what offense Bouvard had most likely committed. Meanwhile, Jin
was taken aback when he heard the name 'Bouvard Gaston'.

It wasn't a common name. He had beaten up the man without even asking
for his name due to his insolence, but to think he was that Bouvard Gaston.

“Did you just say that his name is Bouvard Gaston?”

“Indeed. He merely attended this banquet to aid my sister, who is physically

disabled. He is an artisan who doesn't fit well in the Runcandel banquet in
the first place. Thus, whatever faux pas he may have committed, he meant
no evil. I hope the young master will generously overlook his blunder this
time around.”
An artisan.

There was no need to verify the fatass's identity any longer. The 'attendant'
Vishukel had brought with him was none other than the Transformer Jin had
been searching for.

The people around the world were still unaware of the existence of the
Transformer Bouvard Gaston. Even the Vermont Empire's Special Forces,
who were investigating the transformation crimes, had yet to find any clues
or traces potentially leading to the culprit.

Thus, Vishukel had merely told Bouvard to wear a simple disguise when
coming to the Runcandels', as no one would suspect them. Moreover, since
'Bouvard Gaston' had yet to spread around the world as the Transformer's
name, he had no need to use a fake name when attending the banquet.

Vishukel had thought that no one would show any interest in Bouvard in the
first place, so he wondered whether a disguise was truly necessary.

Of course, this didn't apply to Jin as he was a regressor. He knew about

Bouvard Gaston from his past life.

'I should've let him introduce himself earlier. Not only is his face different,
but we're also located in the Runcandel Clan's main house—the Garden of
Swords. I could never have predicted my opponent to be Bouvard. Had I
known his true identity earlier, I wouldn't have let him off with such a light

Not only was Bouvard implicated in Jin's assassination attempt when he

had departed the Storm Castle, but the Transformer was also the main cause
behind the chaos and confusion that would soon take over the world.

Thus, it would've been much better to kill him and use him as compost.

If Jin were certain that Vishukel had no real connection with Bouvard
Gaston, he would've grabbed this opportunity and killed the unconscious,
bloodied Bouvard straight away.

'Bouvard Gaston and Vishukel Yvliano…'

How were they related? Did Vishukel know that Bouvard was the

Jin's brain began overclocking, and his thought process accelerated. When
Bouvard was captured by the Vermont Special Forces in his past life, there
was not a single piece of news about the Yvliano Clan being involved with
the transformation crimes.

It was greatly emphasized that Bouvard was the one and only culprit behind
those crimes. Back then, Jin read the articles in the newspapers without
much thought. But if he assumed that Vishukel was aware of Bouvard's true
identity, this situation was far more dangerous than he had initially thought.

Anyhow, Jin did not have enough time to come up with all the answers.
There were countless eyes watching them right now and Jin was still
standing face to face with Vishukel.

“…Very well. Since I also took advantage of the duel to beat him half to
death, I shall overlook the blunder this time around.”

“Thank you very much. Then, shall we begin our duel as well? I am in your
care, Young Master Jin.”

“I thank you in advance for your guidance.”

A guardian knight handed Vishukel a sword, and the duel began.

Jin promptly erased all the questions popping up in his head. He couldn't
afford to show a change in his behaviour after hearing Bouvard's name, nor
could he show his suspicion towards Vishukel and Bouvard's relationship.

'I'll need to start investigating the Yvliano Clan alongside the Zipfel Clan,
especially everything related to Vishukel Yvliano.'

Jin realized the truth as soon as their blades clashed the first time.

'Unlike what's known publicly, he's not a 7-star knight.'

That was Jin's intuition. Needless to say, Vishukel hadn't used his full power
in the exchange just now. However, his swordplay and the trajectory of his
blade wasn't ordinary.

Jin could even say that Vishukel's swordsmanship had as much depth as his
uncle Zed's. He couldn't explain it properly, but Jin knew as soon as their
swords clashed that Vishukel was hiding his true skills.

Many of the spectators also realized this truth while observing the first

“That fellow seems to have had an enlightenment recently. His movements

have gotten more profound.”

“No wonder he's called the Yvliano Clan's hope.”

The expressions of the spectators got serious.

Although the duel was a complete mismatch, this was the perfect
opportunity to observe and appreciate the swordsmanship of both the
Yvliano Clan's pillar of support and the Runcandels' rising star.

Shling! Slit!

Vishukel's blade moved like a whip and cut Jin's shoulder. It wasn't deep,
but blood erupted from the injury and splattered on the arena's floor.

Jin tried to avoid the following attacks but got wounded at the thigh.
Vishukel's blade flew in unpredictable trajectories, and the boy could not
comprehend his opponent's swordplay with his current proficiency.

“As I thought, Young Master Jin is getting overwhelmed by Lord Vishukel.

I know best that the Yvliano swordsmanship is no joke. It's terribly difficult
to counter.”
“The gap in their skills is too big. Well, it's not surprising since a 5-star is
facing a 7-star. Hm, in fact, we should be amazed that the young master
managed to fend off a few attacks…”

The Yvliano Clan's swordsmanship was cunning and irregular. Those who
have experienced that devious style before always tried to avoid facing
another Yvliano swordsman in their life.

“Hm, you all seem to be unaware, but swordsmen from the Runcandel Clan
often shine brighter in situations like this.”

If the Yvliano Clan's swordsmanship was a cunning snake, then the

Runcandels' was a charging rhinoceros. Even if its horn were to be broken,
it would never stop its headbutt.

The Runcandel swordsmanship was specialized in facing foes stronger than

the user. The problem was that, since the Runcandels were often too strong
and rarely faced opponents that surpassed them, they couldn't make full use
of their fighting style efficiently.

Although blood kept gushing out of his shoulder and thigh, Jin's blade still
stood strong and fierce. In fact, his movements slowly changed from the
defensive to the offensive. His senses got sharper and his blade's trajectory
became bolder and daring.

Vishukel's sword slashed Jin in the chest, but the boy took another step
forward, as if he would put his life on the line to aim at the 7-star(?)'s neck.

“Impressive, Young Master Jin!”

Vishukel yelled as he dodged Jin's attack. Even though he was facing a

young boy who was weaker than himself, the Runcandels' wild and bold
swordplay was sending chills down his spine and making his hair stand on

The attack Jin had attempted, in return for a 20-ish centimeter-long wound
on his chest, went down the drain. The boy let out a low groan, as the long
injury was inhibiting his battle prowess unlike the small gashes on his
shoulder and thigh.

Fortunately, his bones and organs hadn't been touched.

'This reminds me of that time I fought against the White Wolf warrior.'

He had no way of defeating Vishukel through ordinary means—similar to

his battle against the beastman. Even with the Runcandels' blessed body and
their bold swordsmanship, Jin couldn't defeat his opponent.

He had no choice but to lose.

Nevertheless, Jin's heart began beating like crazy for the first time in a long
while as a feeling of satisfaction swept through his body.

'It's clear that Vishukel is going easy on me. But it's also true that I'm facing
him quite remarkably.'

And that was more than enough for now.

Not all 8-stars were on the same level, and that also went for 5-stars.

If any other 5-star knight amongst the Runcandel cadets were to face
Vishukel right now, they wouldn't be able to put up a good fight like Jin was
doing—no matter how much Vishukel went easy on them.

Moreover, Jin was facing his opponent while having sealed two of his
abilities: magic and spiritual power.

'My vision is starting to get blurrier and dimmer… But for some reason, I
still feel like I can read and predict Vishukel's next move.'

Jin had lost too much blood.

He slowly made up his mind to bring this duel to an end. As his vision got
darker, Jin finally realized the goal of his training with Luna and began to
understand the principle behind the Mind's Eye exercise.

The boy's stance changed.

Jin closed his eyes and held his sword upright with both hands in front of
his chest. It almost looked like the stance knights would take during a
wedding ceremony or something of the sort. The audience believed that Jin
had given up and was waiting for his opponent to deal the final blow to end
the duel.

Vishukel was of the same opinion. Deep down, he wanted to praise the
young boy for lasting this long. To show respect to Young Master Jin, he
finally wrapped his sword in aura for the first time during the battle. His
intention was to break Jin's blade and bring an end to the duel.

He believed that it was an appropriate way to finish things while respecting

the boy's spirit and tenacity.

“This was an excellent duel, Young Master Jin.”


Vishukel went all out on this last attack and charged at Jin. His blade was
covered in the powerful aura of an 8-star knight. It sliced the air and flew
horizontally along with Vishukel's body.


Jin's sword—which was standing vertically in his hands—shattered almost

simultaneously as Vishukel made his final move.

The Yvliano Clan's secret technique smashed the sword and reached
towards Jin's neck, but froze right before touching the boy's skin. Had
Vishukel not stopped his weapon in time, it would've definitely decapitated
his target.

Jin remained standing for around two seconds, before falling to the ground,
“The victor is Lord Vishukel!”

As soon as the host announced the results of the duel, the medical team
rushed onto the stage. The spectators watched the medics' reactions with
nervous looks, until they received a signal indicating Jin's safety.

Clap clap clap!

The audience applauded in response to the spectacular duel they witnessed.

In fact, the martial artists were highly impressed by Vishukel's final

However, Vishukel and other prominent martial artists noticed something

during the two contenders' final exchange. Before Jin fell unconscious,
something extremely extraordinary had occurred.

'What was that… at the end? Are you seriously telling me that during our
spar, he reached the Mind's Blade Realm for a split second?'

Vishukel had undoubtedly destroyed Jin's sword. However, the instant the
blade shattered, Vishukel felt the sensation of something sharp flying
upwards and piercing his chin.

That would've been the conclusion of the duel had Vishukel's final attack
landed 0.1 seconds slower. The 8-star's instincts were telling him as such.

If Jin had reacted 0.1 seconds faster, Vishukel would've been carried off the
stage fatally injured. The sword standing vertically before Jin's face
would've stabbed him from below the chin.

Moreover, since Jin was already half-unconscious during their final

exchange, the boy wouldn't have been able to stop his attack in time to
spare Vishukel's life.

Needless to say, being able to shorten that gap of 0.1 seconds is what makes
one a true master and expert.

'Jin Runcandel. What a terrifying boy.'

In fact, he could become a great threat to Kinzelo in the future when they
start properly executing their grand masterplan.

'It's truly a relief that he was born so late. He's too young to defeat his
siblings and become the next patriarch.'

Vishukel sheathed his sword with a trembling hand.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 55

Jin was having a dream.

A jet-black tentacle monster was stuck to his face and wouldn't let go no
matter what.

Mmmh! Mmmhmmm!

He couldn't breathe. He could only let out small groans as he suffocated.

As he frantically opened his eyes, Jin finally realized the source of his


Meow, meow~ Meoowww!

A small black cat was asleep on Jin's face. Indeed, it was Murakan. He had
been lying on Jin's face for over thirty minutes.

“Get off me, geez.”

Jin slowly got up and stretched his arms. Sunrays beamed in through the
window and brightened his room. He could smell the fragrant aroma of tea
near him; it was the scent of the black tea Gilly often brewed for him.

'I had a nightmare because of Murakan… But now that I'm awake, I feel
fully refreshed. Did I fall unconscious right after the duel with Vishukel?'
His entire body felt light like a feather. The wound on his chest and the
grazes throughout his entire body had completely vanished. The Runcandel
medic had probably healed Jin while he was unconscious.

“You've awakened, Young Master.”

Gilly sensed his awakening and approached the bedside with a cup of tea
and some cold water.

“How long was I out for, Gilly?”

“For two days.”

“What? Two days?”

Jin was surprised but quickly nodded in acknowledgement. Not only had he
bled too much, but during the final exchange, he had reached a new realm
for a short instant, which used up all his mental and physical energy.
Considering those circumstances, he had woken up pretty early.

“The banquet must have ended already. It seems I was unable to send
everyone off and bid them farewell.”

“There is no need to worry so much. During the past two days, your duel
against Lord Vishukel was the hot topic of the banquet that everyone
gossipped about. I think everyone was understanding of your situation.
Moreover, you've shown them more than enough courtesy while you were

Gilly was right. Although there was a complete mismatch between an 8-star
and a 5-star, the duel was all that the guests were talking about until the end
of the banquet.

It was because of the 'Mind's Blade' Jin had displayed at the very end.
Although it couldn't be called a perfect Mind's Blade, the fact that a
turnabout almost happened during Jin's fight against an 8-star knight was
more than extraordinary.
Vishukel wasn't the only one to have noticed Jin's feat. In fact, many others
had realized it. However, the 8-star knight in question appeared to have
been so shocked that he never returned to the arena afterwards until the end
of the banquet.

'The daily training I've done with Elder Sister Luna is finally paying off. I
couldn't understand anything in the beginning… To think that it would
come in handy like this.'

Jin recalled Luna continuously saying 'use the eye of the mind to observe'
like some religious chant and chuckled to himself.

He first realized what kind of sensation the Mind's Blade produced during
his training with the Clear Stones. Afterwards, he tried to recreate that
feeling again, but to no avail, which frustrated Jin.

'Seems like for now, that sensation will only manifest itself during
dangerous situations or in subconscious moments.'

It was a pity, but Jin couldn't do anything about it. It was already impressive
that he had somehow managed to imitate the Mind's Blade, albeit sloppily.
Generally speaking, the Mind's Blade was a realm only attainable by true
masters starting from the 8-star stage.

Jin stretched again and got off the bed.

'In any case, that was a very fruitful banquet. I gained so much. I figured
out Beradin's standing within the Zipfel Clan, started a good… friendship?
Bond? Something like that with the Hidden Palace's successor. At the very
least, she behaved somewhat amicably after our duel.'

Moreover, Jin got the chance to beat up Bouvard Gaston half-dead and also
learned that Bouvard has a close relationship with Vishukel. This was the
greatest outcome of the banquet.

'It's highly likely that the Yvliano Clan or Vishukel alone are backing the
transformation crimes. It's also possible that Vishukel is part of some
organization outside of his clan, and Bouvard Gaston is affiliated with

Jin thought of many possibilities, but he couldn't make a hasty judgement.

He had to investigate them and unravel the truth himself.

Moreover, he planned on making them take responsibility. Responsibility

for the assassination attempt on him five years ago performed by the radical
Zipfel followers. Jin was going to interrogate them and make them admit
their involvement with the assassins' disguises.

After Jin's thoughts came to an end, Gilly pointed at a certain vase on the
bedside. There were pure-white flowers resembling Baby's Breaths but with
a soft, snowflake-like shape glowing faintly.

“The Hidden Palace's successor left these flowers for you. She waited for
you to wake up until this morning but left afterwards as she had to return.”

“Hm? Lady Syris left these behind?”

“Yes. Maybe you hold a special place in her heart~?”

“No. The Hidden Palace's snow blossoms mean 'unfinished battle' in the
language of flowers. Seems like she wants to fight me again in another duel.
She's quite the persistent and tenacious woman.”

Gilly simply shrugged at Jin's response.

“Whatever it signifies, this is still your first time receiving flowers from a
lady. Congratulations, Young Master.”

“Kuahaha! Your first flowers are a letter of challenge. That's hilarious! This
is monumental, don't you think so, Strawberry Pie?”

Murakan laughed out loud excessively and glanced at Gilly.

He was being cautious around her due to the incident where he sneaked into
the banquet hall without her authorization. Indeed, Gilly was acting like
Murakan didn't exist for the second day straight.
Having grasped the situation at hand, Jin just lightly shook his head. A
despondent Murakan transformed back into a cat, his ears drooped.

“Speaking of which, the patriarch has ordered you to go find him as soon as
you wake up, Young Master. Just as you mentioned before… I think the
time for you to prove your qualifications has arrived.”

The trial to prove his qualifications to become a flag-bearer. Although he

had been expecting this, Jin felt somewhat conflicted now that his father's
directive had arrived.

Jin couldn't even have dreamt of this day in his past life, but now it was
right before him, within his grasp.

“I see. It seems we'll be leaving the clan for a while. Where is Father?”

“At the mausoleum.”

“Alright. I'm off.”

When Jin's siblings received the same summons from their father, they all
wore neat ceremonial clothes and brushed their hair before going to see

However, Jin lazily tidied his disheveled hair and wore some good-quality
leather travel clothes. He also wore Bradamante at his waist before entering
the corridor.

The mausoleum.

The Garden of Swords' courtyard—where countless swords were impaled—

was no different to the clan's graveyard. However, the clansmen who
achieved extraordinary accomplishments even amidst the best of the best
knights were allowed to be buried in the mausoleum as heroes of the clan.

Inside the mausoleum, at the lowest floor underground, there was not a
single spot of light. The darkness smelled of metal, and a low voice
“You're here.”

Jin could barely see Cyron's silhouette from behind. He respectfully

lowered his head.

“It's been a long time since a child of mine answered my summons in such
comfortable clothes. I assume you've realized that you'll be spending time
outside of the clan for a while, right?”

“Yes, I plan on departing immediately.”

Cyron quite liked this aspect of his youngest son. The boy didn't feel
intimidated by him and simply announced his intentions clearly.

His other children couldn't even have imagined behaving as such before
their father. They already had a hard time trying to conceal their fear and
anxiety just by being in his presence… Actually, it wasn't the case for all his
other children. Luna was also different. She had quickly left Cyron's grasp
and lived her own life.

Jin was aware of his father's personality, which was why he purposefully
came in laid-back clothes.

'Ever since my regression, I find my father to be the easiest person to read.'

It was an inexplicable thought. In his past life, not only was Jin terrified of
Cyron, but he also had barely interacted with his father during his 28 years
of life.

The father and son duo didn't speak for a while. Nevertheless, it wasn't an
awkward silence.

“Is this your first time inside the mausoleum?”

Cyron was the first to break the silence.

“Yes, Father.”
“If the garden is a burial ground permitted only to those who bring honour
to the clan, then the mausoleum is only permitted to those who protect the

That was it. As simple as that.

The Runcandel Clan had faced countless dangers during its thousand-year-
long history. The dangers varied from all kinds of small, personal disputes
to big threats that brought the clan to the brink of destruction. Indeed, all
kinds of conflicts and battles had threatened the clan throughout time.

And every time such major incidents happened, the people who protected
the clan till their very last breaths received the honour of getting buried in
the clan's mausoleum.

“Did you know? The clan's first patriarch, Temar Runcandel, is not buried

As soon as Temar's name exited Cyron's mouth, Jin had a hunch that his
father would bring up the topic of Solderet.

He was confident in his intuition.

“Yes. I am also aware that there is not a single grave or tombstone

throughout the garden dedicated to the first patriarch.”

The only legacy that was left behind was Temar's beloved sword 'Barisada',
which was now hailed as the family heirloom. Other than the weapon, there
was not a single memorial or ceremony that honoured him.

“The dark power you possess. That power is the reason why we are unable
to honour the first patriarch. Show me your spiritual energy.”

Jin calmly extended his hand and created a ball of spiritual energy on his

After the first patriarch's death, the Runcandels made a humiliating pact
with the Zipfels.
A pact that banned the swordsmen from using magic ever again.

Moreover, they were prohibited from worshipping ancestors who used


That was the true reason behind the downgrade of the Runcandel Clan—the
unique 'Clan of Magic Swordsmen'—to a mere clan of knights.

It was an inescapable fate as Solderet wasn't there to protect the Runcandels

from the Zipfels' gods anymore.

As a result of the pact, the Zipfels' gods united their powers and cast a curse
on the Runcandel bloodline.

Thus, every Runcandel after Temar was born with a body that couldn't
control mana.

“When you beat the Tona twins with spiritual power back at the Storm
Castle, I didn't ask you the details of how you obtained that power. Do you

“Yes. I also remember that I lied about how I'd use the spiritual power to
protect the clan.”

“Haha, that's right. You were lucky you were still young. If you told such a
lie before me now, I wouldn't have let it slide so easily.”

Although Cyron was laughing, Jin knew that his father was being serious.
Thus, he didn't laugh along.

“…Solderet. Did you hear his voice?”

“Yes, I heard him. He called me his contractor.”

Needless to say, Jin had yet to hear Solderet's voice ever since his
regression. But there was no need to hide his identity as the contractor from
Cyron anymore.

“How unfair this is for your siblings.”

Not only was Jin born with more potential than Luna, but he had also
contracted the god who had left the clan long ago. In fact, maybe Jin was
able to contract Solderet thanks to his extraordinary potential.

“Will you be able to defeat your siblings and conquer the clan using that

Jin had already come up with an answer to that question.

“If I explore the world and do not find anything else worth conquering more
than the clan, then I shall do so.”

Jin had also predicted that this answer would greatly satisfy his father. It
goes without saying that Cyron smiled widely, showing his beautiful and
uniform teeth.

“The others departed the Garden of Swords in order to get recognized by

the clan… but you will depart the Garden in order to find a reason to
recognize the clan itself, is that it? I'm not sure whether it's praiseworthy or
pure insolence. Kuhahaha.”

Cyron hunched forward towards Jin, who still had his right arm extended
forward with a ball of spiritual energy.

“I shall give you five years. During that time, whether you get recognized
by the clan or recognize it, find an answer for yourself and return. I shall
await with impatience.”

There was no need to drag out the conversation.


Jin unsheathed Bradamante and raised his sword.

“Thank you for everything until now. I shall see you again in five years,

Jin exited the mausoleum and returned to his room. Gilly had already
finished the preparations for their departure and was waiting for him.
The only luggage they had was a small basket in which lay Murakan along
with some dry food and Jin's notebook with the transcription of the secret

Gilly had metal nails impaling her wrists and ankles. As Jin's gaze reached
these anomalies, Gilly adjusted her clothes and hid the oddities.

The nails were medical tools used to seal Gilly's aura. She would be unable
to use the energy until Jin's qualifications as a flag-bearer were proven.

“I had heard about this from my seniors and the other nannies, but it feels
quite weird to suddenly lose my powers. Haha…”

Gilly laughed awkwardly, to which Jin felt a suffocating throb in his chest.

It was the clan's tradition. The Runcandels sealed the nannies' powers so
that the provisional flag-bearers couldn't receive their help in gaining
reputation and honour.

If they ever removed the seal without the clan's authorization, the nanny
would be crippled mercilessly.

“I'll protect you from now on, Nanny. Not just for the next five years, but
for the rest of my life. I'm sorry.”

“Please don't say such things. I am just content and touched that you've
become a provisional flag-bearer already, Young Master. And I'll regain my
powers once the trial is over, so please don't worry.”

And so, they left the room and departed the Garden of Swords.

Translator's Corner (08/11/2021):

Damn, I love this chapter, Jin's interactions with Gilly are so wholesome.

“If I explore the world and do not find anything else worth conquering
more than the clan, then I shall do so.” —Damn, Jin, the boldest dude ever
I hope we see more of Syris in the near future. I ship!!!!

Anyways, onto a new arc!!

Proofreader's Corner (08/11/2021):

Are we not gonna talk about how the line “Gilly had metal nails impaling
her wrists and ankles.” was just casually brought up…? Surely that's not a
normal occurrence, no…?
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 56

The first thing that provisional flag-bearers had to do in order to gain

honour and reputation when departing the Garden of Swords was to leave
the Huphester Alliance.

Jin and Gilly erased all traces of their affiliation with the Runcandels. The
robes covering their clothes didn't have the Black Sword emblem on it, and
the bag containing their belongings had no label either.

Details of Jin's face had yet to spread to the public, so there was no need for
him to wear a disguise. Nevertheless, he still tweaked his appearance a little

He cut the black hair that came down to his shoulders. However, his
appearance didn't matter much. In fact, the martial artist known as 'Gilly
McRolan' was far more famous than Jin to the public. Fortunately, her
active years were short, so she wasn't extremely well-known either.

The names written on their identification were aliases; Jin Grey and Gilly

Although they had fake names on their papers, those were still elaborate
passports that even allowed them to leave and enter Vermont's capital city
as they pleased.

Be that as it may, anyone in the Huphester Alliance would be able to guess

that they were provisional flag-bearers of the Runcandel Clan. Huphester
was no different from the Runcandels' main headquarters, so it wasn't
surprising that the people would see through their lies.
Therefore, Jin and his companions had to go to a land where the
Runcandels' influence didn't reach—somewhere beyond the sea.

“Lady Luna will be quite saddened by your departure. The same goes for
the cadets in your faction, Young Master. Will you really leave without
telling them goodbye?”

“Yeah. Elder Sister Luna is also quite free-spirited herself, and the cadets
are probably going to overreact. It's not like I'm going to die or something.”

However, as they were about to pass through the Garden of Swords' main
gate, Jin came face to face with nine cadets.

“Geez, hasn't training started already? Uncle Zed won't forgive you so
easily for skipping.”

“““Please stay safe during your travels!”””

The cadets raised their swords in unison. Jin silently stared at them for a
moment, but before long, a small smile drew on his face.

“I expect everyone to be far stronger than my expectations by the time I'm

back. I don't want any deaths or dropouts while I'm away. Good luck
enduring the disciplinary punishment for skipping class to come see me.”

Jin fist-bumped everyone before continuing his way to leave the Garden.

'How curious. It's a completely different feeling compared to back then.'

In his past life, Jin was banished from the clan at the age of 25. He had to
leave the Garden of Swords in a similar fashion as today. However, the
atmosphere of leaving as a 15-year-old provisional flag-bearer was poles
apart from the atmosphere back then.

Fifteen years.

It had taken Jin fifteen long years to finally get five years of freedom. Those
fifteen years felt like an eternity to the boy, since he had a fully conscious
mind since his rebirth.
Jin felt so giddy that he couldn't stop himself from humming a cute little

Generally speaking, Cyron never gave a five-year timespan to a provisional

flag-bearer; it usually spanned between six months to two years maximum.
Within that time, the provisional flag-bearers have to gain honour and
reputation before returning to the clan.

'There's only one reason Father gave me five long years. It's for me to reach
the pinnacle of spiritual power before coming back.'

Needless to say, Jin wasn't a goody two shoes who listened to his father's
every word. He didn't plan on reaching the pinnacle of spiritual power only,
but also that of magic

Cyron—who had remained in the mausoleum—quietly thought to himself.

'I wonder… Will the youngest gain the power to liberate the Runcandels
from the Zipfels? I can't wait to see.'

Even though Cyron had reached the demigod realm by wielding a single
sword, he still couldn't destroy the pact his ancestors had made with the

The Runcandel Clan's only hope was Solderet's contractor, his youngest
son. Of course, this hope was merely a candle in the wind at the moment.

One day went by. Two people were walking down a path in the forest.

Most Runcandel provisional flag-bearers head to the Mamit Lawless Zone

first in order to gain honour. Mamit was an area where countless criminals
and outlaws crawled around like cockroaches, which made it the perfect
place for provisional flag-bearers to beat up villains and gain a decent

Jin had also considered choosing Mamit as his first destination.

But his reasoning was different from the others. He didn't want to go to
Mamit to beat up criminals, but to find someone who went by the name
'Hister'. Hister was Jin's magic teacher in his past life, and he couldn't wait
to see them again.

However, Jin couldn't allow himself to waste time just because he missed
his master.

'It's not like Master will recognize me in this life anyway.'

Jin could always go find his Master whenever he wanted in the future.

Thus, Jin renounced Mamit as his first destination and decided to head to
the 'Akin Kingdom'.

'The land where I died in my past life.'

Jin had died in his sleep when three 9-star knights attacked the city he was
in. Fortunately, that death ended up being a blessing in disguise, as Jin
gained a second chance at life.

“Why the Akin Kingdom specifically, Young Master?”

“Have you been to Akin before, Gilly?”


“When I was out on my mission at the Kollon Ruins, I overheard a

conversation between some magicians there. Apparently, many unregistered
magicians have been messing around in the Akin Kingdom recently.”

“Unregistered magicians?”

Just as the name implied, unregistered magicians are magicians who didn't
register their names at the Magic Association. Most of them are either
criminals or evil mercenaries.

“Right. It seems they've been collaborating with martial artist mercenaries

and terrorizing the Akin citizens. I plan on heading there and beating them
to a pulp.”
It goes without saying that Jin hadn't overheard any of this at the Kollon
Ruins; it was merely the information he knew from his past life. Anyone
who has been in the Akin Kingdom knows that unregistered magicians and
mercenaries have been wreaking havoc.

The small number of unregistered magicians and mercenaries in Akin were

all pawns and henchmen of the evil 'Tesing' Clan of the Akin underworld.

Jin's true business lay with that clan. The underground auction house the
Tesings hosted contained countless items—items whose true values were
yet to be known around the world.

'I absolutely need to buy a few magic tomes and a certain ring.'

Although most books are written in archaic language or in a secret code, the
ancient magic tomes contain some interesting spells. Many of them can't
compare to modern magic spells that have been improved over decades and
centuries, but some rare ones are still exceptional spells that transcend time
and era.

Thanks to his excellent master, Jin also knows how to distinguish the good
magic tomes from the bad ones.

Moreover, in five to six years, a certain item's true value will spread around
the world, and the artifact in question would receive a proper name. It was a
helmet artifact in the shape of a ring, and it was an item that every martial
artist in his past life dreamed of having.

“A great idea, Young Master. I very much adored beating up villains back
when I was still active as well. I'm feeling excited already!”

Gilly spoke as she did a fist pump.

Although her skills as a 7-star knight had been sealed, Gilly's heart couldn't
help but beat in excitement at the thought of travelling the world with Jin
and Murakan.

However, there was one big problem…

“Young Master, I don't think we can use the transfer gate to go to the Akin
Kingdom. We will have to buy the cheapest ticket and go by ship…”

The trio were broke.

Back at the Garden of Swords, none of them had to worry about money, but
currently, they only had ten gold coins in their pockets.

With these funds, they couldn't pay for the transfer gate, let alone buy a
single high-class ship ticket. Jin's life as the rich son of a wealthy family
that could use 3000 to 5000 coins per day without hesitation had come to an


The black cat inside Gilly's basket transformed back into a human.

“Strawberry Pie! I knew this would happen, so I secretly brought a few of

my limited edition magazines with me. Fufu, we could easily buy a high-
class ship ticket by selling one of these.”

“When did you even pack those up, Lord Murakan? Hm… Won't it be a bit
embarrassing when we sell them?”

“Put those away, Murakan. We're not cold-hearted people that'd make you
sell your treasured collection.”

“Young Master, I do believe that I'd be able to earn a few hundred coins by
enduring the shame and selling them to a peddler in a city.”

“Hundred?! I bought this one for 2000 coins. You can't sell this at that

Gilly and Murakan squabbled with each other for a short while about the
erotic magazines' prices, and Jin found them adorable. Soon enough, he
shook his head and spoke up.

“Enough, both of you. I have an idea for our funds. Before heading to Akin,
let's stop by the Zhan Kingdom tonight. There's someone I can make good
use of over there.”

“The Zhan Kingdom? But how will we get there without money in the first

“We can just ride Murakan. What are you doing? Transform into your
original form already.”

Although a day had passed since they had left the Garden of Swords, it was
still broad daylight. It wasn't the appropriate time for the legendary Black
Dragon to suddenly appear in the skies.

“Oh, can I really do that, kid?”

“N-Nonsense! We cannot do that, Young Master! What if someone sees us?

We haven't exited the Runcandel territory yet.”

“C'mon, it's fine. We should enjoy ourselves for once. A single time
wouldn't hurt. Transform already, Murakan. We've got a long journey ahead
of us.”

Gilly didn't even have the opportunity to stop them again.


Murakan had already returned to his black dragon form and grabbed the
two humans with his hand. He then placed them on his back.

[Hold on tight. I'll have to fly restlessly to reach the Zhan Kingdom by

The three of them soon darted across the Huphester skyline and headed to
the Zhan Kingdom.

In the near future, a small rumour spread within central Huphester, where
people said they 'saw a dragon'. Nevertheless, no one ever learned of the
truth of that incident.

No one, except Jin's eldest sister.

“He really is quite extraordinary. He's flying through the sky on a dragon as
soon as he becomes a provisional flag-bearer?”

Luna was sitting on her balcony drinking alcohol while thinking of her
youngest sibling who had just departed. Needless to say, she had seen
Murakan flying across the sky as well as the two people riding on his back.

“A toast to my ungrateful and insensitive brother who didn't come say bye.

“Urgh… Uub.”

Unfortunately, Gilly had a terrible case of acrophobia. As soon as they

landed on a hill in the vicinity of the Zhan Kingdom's capital, Gilly got off
Murakan and trembled in fear for a long while.

“Are you alright, Strawberry Pie? Hey! Kid! Strawberry Pie is completely
terrified right now because of you!”

“Why is it my fault? It's because you were flying weirdly.”

“You're the one who wanted to ride me! Ah, breathe deeply, Strawberry
Pie… That's right, take it slow. Breathe deeply. Good.”

Jin and Murakan consoled Strawberry P—I mean, Gilly for a while as they
patted her on the back. She was still trembling all over with a face pale as a

Murakan made use of this opportunity and embraced Gilly in a big hug.
Whether she was aware of his intentions or not, Gilly didn't resist. Murakan
then talked big while staring at Jin.

“This won't do. I'll look after Strawberry Pie, so you go get the money, kid.”

'You crazy… Are you being serious?'

Jin was about to blurt that out, but managed to hold back. He then decided
to follow Murakan's suggestion.
The boy ran down the hill and the streets for two hours before reaching his

The Bill Clan's residence.

It was a gigantic mansion visible from anywhere in the Zhan Kingdom's

capital city. No wonder they were Zhan's greatest clan of merchants.

Jin approached the front gate and the guards stopped him.

“What's with you? Get lost, brat.”


As soon as he heard the old-fashioned, cliché line, Jin felt a nostalgic

sensation as memories flooded his mind. He had heard similar lines so
many times in his past life, where he roamed… no, crawled the lands as a

The long flight on Murakan had disheveled his hair, and the travelling
clothes he was wearing didn't have the clan's Black Sword emblem on
them. In the guards' point of view, Jin was merely an annoying brat who
was approaching the mansion in the middle of the night.

“Cember Bill. Is he inside?”

Jin bluntly mentioned the Bill Clan's eldest son's name, and the guards
looked at each other, baffled. The boy's behaviour was like that of the son
from a prominent family.

“Yes, he is residing inside the mansion. If I may ask, who might you be,
young sir?”

Jin pondered on what to answer.

What about 'I am Jin Runcandel'? Or 'an old friend'? Maybe 'I dropped by
since I was nearby. Tell Cember to come on out'?
None of them were appropriate answers. Revealing his name would mean
breaking the rule of not using the clan's name as a provisional flag-bearer.
Meanwhile, the other options would take too long. The guards would make
Jin go through all the procedures and paperwork before allowing him to
meet Cember.

“Thanks. And sorry about this.”


Jin swiftly chopped the two guards in the back of the neck with his hands
and they fell unconscious. Jin took out his entire fortune—ten coins—and
placed them on their stomachs as compensation. Jin then opened the front
gate and entered the Bill Clan's residence.

Fortunately, Cember was sitting at the center of the lake in the residence,
acting pitiful. Thus, Jin didn't need to deal with other guards and wreak


“Who ar—mmh, mhmm!”

“Don't shout. It's me, Jin. The one who rescued you from Kinzelo.”

“Bwaaah! My, Lord Jin? What brings you here?”

“Do you remember how you told me to come find you if I'm ever in need of

“Of course I do. How could I ever forget my debt to Lord Jin? If it weren't
for you, right now I wouldn't be—”

“Great. I'll be waiting here, so go get me some gold and money.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 57

Cember immediately ran to the main building and thought to himself.

'Jin Runcandel! An incomparable genius that reached 5-star at the age of 15.
My life saviour. To think that such an incredible person would come find
someone like me in the middle of the night to ask for help!'

Cember was incredibly touched. Jin was his saviour who even brought
along Runcandel guardian knights on a mission to rescue him. No matter
how much money one had, one couldn't easily experience such a luxury
when being rescued.

What was the reason behind Jin's request? The Runcandel Clan's youngest
child should be overflowing with money normally. Was he on a secret
mission during which he urgently needed some funds?

'Whatever the answer is, I'll have helped him out in making a great
achievement in the near future, even if my influence is minimal. After our
deaths, historians will write records of Jin Runcandel, and I'll be happy if
there's even a single line in his biography mentioning “Cember Bill”.'

During the short ten minutes Cember took to collect the money, his
imagination ran wild.

Cember returned with a large leather bag with all kinds of valuables and
plenty of gold coins.

“Huff, huff… Here's what you asked for, Lord Jin!”

He had brought too much. Even at first glance, the bag appeared to weigh
more than 30kg of treasure. Jin wouldn't be able to take all that and
continue his journey.

Jin grabbed a handful of golden valuables and took about 500 gold coins.
Even robbers didn't dream of gaining this much money in one day.

“This is more than enough. It was good seeing you again, Cember Bill.”

“It was an honour, Lord Jin. I do not know what mission you are
undertaking, but I wish you the best and pray you return in good health…!”

“Thanks, I'll see you another time. Oh, and when I came here, I had to do
something about the guards at the gate, so…”

“I understand. I shall deal with that myself, so please do not concern

yourself. And I shall keep my mouth closed about today's matters until Lord
Jin gives me permission to talk about it.”

Jin wasn't expecting much of Cember Bill when he first coincidentally

rescued him back in the Zhan Kingdom's southern region by the border.
However, he now saw Cember as quite the decent person. Not only did he
remember his debts, but he was also sharp and quick-witted.

'I should get him some gifts in the future, whatever they may be.'

Cember excitedly waved his hands until Jin's silhouette disappeared into the

Most Runcandel provisional flag-bearers spend their first two months in


They had only ever learnt striking, stabbing, and slashing enemies since
their birth inside this clan of swordsmen. Thus, their senses and intuition in
money and finances were non-existent. They had never earned money
themselves, so it wasn't surprising that they'd spend a couple months in
poverty once out in the real world.
Therefore, most provisional flag-bearers either killed the crime lords in
Mamit and brought their heads to the Vermont criminal investigation team,
or they lived as mercenaries to earn money. But until then, they'd still be

Munch, munch. Gulp.

Today was Jin's third day as a provisional flag-bearer. The boy, his nanny,
and his (pet?) dragon were devouring all the food at the Zhan Kingdom's
best and most popular restaurant. Although they had ordered dozens of
dishes, the bill had barely scratched their funds.

“Don't eat too much, Murakan. The transfer gate is in an hour. If you throw
up everything like last time…”

“Quiet, kid. Even if I end up vomiting later, I'll still eat everything. That's
what it means to live like an apex predator like me.

“How stubborn.”

“Young Master, please try some of this too. Zhan cooking is quite

“Kuhaha. Didn't you ask Jin 'isn't that extorting money from him, Young
Master?' just yesterday, Strawberry Pie? You seem pretty comfortable
eating now.”

The three of them were planning on using the transfer gate rather than
riding Murakan to travel. The reason behind this decision wasn't Gilly's fear
of heights but because of their destination.

Although the underground organization Tesing was making a mess out of

the country, the Akin kingdom was undeniably part of the 'Lutero Magic
Federation'. And the Lutero Magic Federation was under the management
of the Zipfels.

Moreover, 80% of the active dragons today were affiliated with the Zipfels.
Therefore, recklessly riding on Murakan and flying into the kingdom was
no different from a declaration of war to them.

'The reason why the Runcandels can't break their pact with the Zipfels is
also because of those dragons.'

Technically, it was because of the gods who had created those dragons.

The Runcandels only had a single member who had contracted a god: Jin.
However, the situation was different at the Zipfels. Dozens of contractors
were supporting the clan.

And they were all patiently waiting for Cyron's death.

As long as Cyron disappeared, the Zipfels could easily obliterate the

Runcandels who were a thorn in their flesh.

“It's about time now. Let's go.”

3 PM.

The trio finished their meal and headed to the Zhan Kingdom's transfer gate
and finished the legal procedures. Murakan had no identification, so he
transformed into a cat in order to travel with Jin and Gilly.

“The teleportation will soon begin.”


Once they took their seats in a quiet waiting room, a staff member
announced as such.

Bright blue mana softly enveloped the three of them, and after a short
while, they opened their eyes in the Akin Kingdom.

“Welcome to the Akin Kingdom in the Lutero Magic Federation.”

Their fake papers allowed them to enter the kingdom with no problems. As
they exited the building and entered the streets, the strong sunlight shone on
'It's been fifteen years.'

Jin had spent one year in the Akin Kingdom's capital city right before his

Although there was a fifteen-year gap between the current city and the one
from Jin's memories, the view hadn't particularly changed. The street
vendors who were doing business on the streets, the homeless people
crouching on the ground next to them, people from the dark alleyways of
the city, etc.

The shadows on people's faces drew a stark contrast to the clean roads and
the bright sunlight. Indeed, the city was warm all year round.

'It must be because of the Tesing Clan's tyranny. I remember hearing that
their reign of terror was worse now compared to in the future.'

Gilly also noticed the disparity and stayed wary of their surroundings.

“The city is oddly sombre, even though the weather's so pleasant.”

“According to the magicians at the Kollon Ruins, the climate here is good,
but life here isn't enjoyable. Let's find an inn first before we search for our

“Yes, Young Master.”

In truth, Jin had already chosen their inn as well as their first target.

Jet, the information broker.

Jin was quite close with Jet in his past life. Not long after he arrived in the
Akin Kingdom, he received Jet's help when settling down.

However, they weren't close in the good sense of the term. Jet was someone
who often backstabbed people for his own benefit.

'That punk. These days, he must be scamming morons as a self-proclaimed

top-class information broker. Fuck, just thinking of him makes my blood

In fact, Jin himself was one of those 'morons' who got scammed by Jet in
his past life. The information broker had tricked him so much under the
guise of introducing him to the Tesing underground auction house.

This time, Jin planned on revealing Jet's schemes from the beginning to
teach him a lesson.

'I'll beat Jet up. Then, I'll control him and make good use of his skills. It's
much easier to explain things to Gilly and Murakan if I associate myself
with Jet.'

Jin didn't plan on revealing himself as a regressor to Gilly and Murakan in

the future.

Thus, Jin needed good excuses in order to convince them whenever he

made plans using his knowledge from his past life.

Just like right now.

“Kid, do we really need to look for an inn in this rundown alleyway? Aren't
there good enough inns by the main street?”

“The Young Master must have a good reason for his actions, Lord

“But there is no need to reside in a place like this when we have as much
money as we do, Strawberry Pie.”

“Indeed, it would be a great idea to spread the news that we have a lot of
money in this city, where countless unregistered magicians are wreaking
havoc. Am I right, Murakan?”

“Ha! Are you seriously telling me that I, the Great Murakan, must sleep in
this dirty inn—that even orcs would avoid—just because of those petty

Jin made up some excuse and guided the two others towards Jet's inn.
But he couldn't behave like this forever. On the other hand, if he made Jet
his subordinate, these problems would disappear.

Huh? How do you know that, Young Master?

Kid, why do we need to do that?

So then, if Gilly and Murakan were to ask him these questions, he could
reply that he had gotten the information from Jet and easily convince them.

“Hm, this place looks good.”

After squabbling with Murakan for an hour, Jin and the others finally
arrived before the inn Jet managed. But because of Murakan's constant
grumbling, it felt like it had taken ten times longer.

Please call for Jet at the reception.

Jin unintentionally snorted and smirked when he saw the familiar signboard

As always, the inn had a very odd name. Though, it was quite the fitting
name if you took into account the fact that the place wasn't quite an inn, but
an information broker's residence.

“Why here specifically?”

“Because I heard the magicians at the Kollon Ruins talk about… Never
mind. It's just my gut feeling.”

Murakan was still sulking and pouting as they walked through the front
door. Meanwhile, Gilly stood confidently behind them as she fully trusted
the young master no matter what.

One slim man was sitting behind the counter, head on the hard table as his
drool made a puddle. It was Jet. He hadn't sensed the trio's presence and
simply snored loudly as the smell of alcohol filled the air.

“Are you the owner of the inn?”

“Hmmgh. Ah, a customer? Welcome.”

Jet unsteadily fixed his posture and quickly scanned the three guests from
head to toe. He then immediately categorized them into fools he could trick.

'A thin, weak-looking kid in a nice shirt, a swordsman on his first journey,
and a woman. Well, she's quite pretty. Is she a maid? They're obviously a
young and stupid aristocrat with his servants playing at adventurers.'

Despite such thoughts running through his mind, Jet simply showed a bright
smile on the outside.

“Do you have empty rooms?”

“Well… They're all empty. You've come to the right place. I take pride in
my pricings. For travelers like you, it's the lowest price for the greatest
treatment and beds! Now then, please take a look at our rooms and choose
the ones you prefer most.”

Jet stood up and swiftly pushed the trio upstairs. He was telling them to
choose the room they wanted on their own and come back down.

He planned to make them use the rooms already without telling them the
detailed pricings. A typical scammer's technique.

Furthermore, Jet quickly prepared three drinks for the guests while they
were upstairs. Once the kid and his servants downed their glasses, he would
charge them absurd fees for the service.

Had the guests been seasoned mercenaries, Jet would've stopped his
schemes at this point.

However, Jet didn't plan on holding back his tricks before this group of
naive travelers.

'Once they're back and drink these, those three will start a new life in the
underground auction house forever, huehuehue. I just hit the jackpot!'

Jet had made up his mind as soon as he saw the trio.

He would sedate them with sleeping pills and sell them as slaves in the
Tesing underground auction house. A quick mind and fast execution of his
plans. This was how Jet became the greatest information broker of Akin in
the future.

Needless to say, Jin knew more about Jet than Jet himself did. He was
already four steps ahead of him.

'I bet he's impatiently waiting for us to trick us with that outdated technique
and make the most profit possible. Get ready to die, Jet.'

As he had predicted, Jet was waiting for them downstairs with three drinks
as the trio returned.

“Goodness, you must be parched from your journey. Please have a cup to
quench your throats, hehe. This is our inn's special orange juice. Its taste is
unrivaled! Even aristocrats sometimes come here just to have another sip of
this juice.”

The Runcandels' blessed bodies have a slight resistance against most

poisons, so these cheap sleeping pills would barely have an effect on Jin.

Jin pondered for a while.

Should he down the cup and tell him the sleeping pill was tasty while
pummelling the man? Or should he dare Jet to taste test the drink first?

However, there was one option that Jin had completely overlooked.

“Did you lose your fucking mind, you lowly son of a flea?”

Murakan wasn't in a good mood for a while now.

The dragon had been staring at the bubbles floating in the spiked orange

“Oi, kid! Didn't your gut tell you this place was good? Then you should
check your gut and fix it while I beat this piece of crap to death. Make sure
to check carefully, alright?”

Murakan spoke as he slowly closed the inn's front door. It was now Jet's
fate to endure Murakan's beating and spill all the beans.

Proofreader's Corner (12/03/21):

Just something to note and a little transparency, especially for those who are
not in our Discord server. Yes, the credits for this chapter (and the next one)
still say that Koko is the translator—and that she has “returned”, which still
pains my heart—but we decided to change translators around two weeks
ago. Both chapters were done a while back in preparation for the planned
increase in locked chaps. However, personal things happened, and Koko
was unable to work on the rest of the locked chaps. SMYS's new translator is
still adjusting but is slowly working on them, so please wait a little more. I
hope you all understand the slow updates and enjoyed this chap regardless.

I'll go cry in a corner now…

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 58

Jet was doubting his own ears.

Had these travelers, who were in Akin for the first time, lost their minds?
Even so, customers were still customers. He decided to treat them with
respect as he normally should.

“Why are you acting like this, sir? Haha, even if you're a customer, it'll be
problematic if you hurl insults at me… Kurgh!”


Murakan's left punch broke one of Jet's ribs in the blink of an eye. The
scammer gasped for air, but before he could even feel the pain, a heel
swiftly descended upon his shoulder, instantly rupturing his shoulder

His two eyes and ears couldn't believe what was happening before him.

'E-Even though I'm a 5-star knight?'

Although he was currently living like a ruffian in these streets, Jet was once
part of a mercenary group. He had gone through countless hardships and
was a seasoned fighter.

There were very few situations where a 5-star knight could get beaten down
so one-sidedly.

“Lord Murakan! Why are you attacking him? The inn's owner is going to
“That's the whole point, Strawberry Pie. I'm trying to kill him. He put some
poison in our drinks.”

Fortunately for him, Jet was quick-witted and adaptable. He didn't hesitate
to change his behaviour as he was quite attached to his life. The best plan
right now was to immediately kneel down, admit his wrongdoings, and beg
for his life.

“That's— Khargh— Keuk— Urpp…!”

Needless to say, Murakan didn't give Jet the time to apologize and
continued his flurry of attacks. The dragon in human form spat out all kinds
of insults to the inn owner, such as 'you lowly son of a flea', 'piece of trash',
'go die', etc. However, his face was surprisingly expressionless the entire

Murakan's lack of expression further enhanced Jet's fears.

'Such a satisfying spectacle.'

Seeing Jet—with whom Jin had a terrible relationship in his past life—
getting pummelled to the ground gave him a brand new sense of

However, the scammer would be quite useful here on out. If this continued,
Jet would soon turn into a cold corpse.

“Enough, Murakan. Let's hear him out for now.”

“Do you seriously have things to talk about with this asshole who secretly
tried to poison us, kid?”

Murakan paused his beating and turned to Jin. Seeing a once-in-lifetime

opportunity, Jet immediately knelt towards the boy.

“Please spare my life, Young Master! I will do anything to pay for my

Despite his broken ribs and his flattened nose, Jet spoke clearly and
articulately. His tenacity and will to survive were quite admirable.

Jet had crawled to Jin's feet in the blink of an eye and clung to his pants.
Murakan snorted but reluctantly paused his outburst of anger. Jin was still
the promised contractor of a thousand years, so he would listen to the boy's
thoughts and plans.


“Let go. Your blood is staining it.”

Jin crouched down and slapped Jet across the cheek.

“Yes! My deepest apologies. I'll let go, so please spare my life…!”

“I will ask you a few simple questions from now on. If you lie to us, you'll
die. But if you answer truthfully, you'll live. I'll judge whether you've lied or
not depending on my mood, intuition, and gut feeling. Do you understand?”

Jet nodded furiously, splattering droplets of blood everywhere around him.

“Good. What do you do for a living?”

Normally speaking, the first question one would ask would be something
along the lines of 'Did you really spike our drinks?' or 'Why did you spike
our drinks?' However, Jin's interrogation started off with a more
fundamental question. Thus, Jet realized that Jin wasn't your ordinary kid.

He knew it would be useless to try to gain Jin's sympathy, so all he could do

was to reveal the truth as objectively as possible.

“I-I'm an owner of an inn and an information broker. I also work as a pimp

from time to time and dabble in some human trafficking… So I'm involved
in various jobs. I-If you spare my life, I can be very useful to you, Young
Master! Akin is my area of expertise.”

Gilly's face contorted due to Jet's mind-blowing self-introduction. Murakan

nodded to himself while muttering 'I knew it'.
“Enough with the unnecessary comments. In other words, you're a multi-
functional piece of trash. Then did you spike our drinks to sell us
somewhere as slaves?”

“As deplorable as it may be, that is the case…”

“Where to?”

“Excuse me?”


Jin helped Jet's pinky finger meet the back of his hand for the first time. Jet
didn't dare cry out in pain and stuttered out a certain name.

“T-T-T-T-Tesing! To the Tesing underground auction house!”


“Yes! The Tesing underground auction house is an auction house that an

underground organization called Tesing manages… Down there, you can
buy and sell slaves, drugs, all kinds of smuggled products and stolen

“I'll have someone heal your body by this evening. You understand what
you need to do afterwards, right?”

“Of course! Thank you very much, Young Master. Thank you very much!”

Having realized his life would be spared, Jet was about to kiss Jin's shoes.

This multi-functional piece of trash would become useful to them during

their stay in the Akin Kingdom. While Jin loathed Jet and his very
existence, he still highly evaluated the piece of trash's skills and knowledge.

Jin sent Jet upstairs. Today's 'Please call for Jet at the reception' would be
closed for business.
“Kid, why don't we just bury that piece of trash up some random mountain
instead of paying for his medical fees?”

“I concur, Young Master. He may try to backstab us again if we let him


“An underground organization and their auction house. It's the perfect thing
to destroy in order to gain honour and reputation, don't you think? We can
always kill him afterwards.”

“That is true, but…”

“Let's trust him this one time. We do need a guide during our stay in Akin
after all.”

The nanny and the dragon didn't argue anymore and agreed to the boy's
plan. In order to have a smooth journey with no complications, one
sometimes had to accommodate the party leader's decisions.

Murakan and Gilly stayed behind in the inn to keep an eye on Jet while Jin
left to find someone to heal the scammer.

Jin truly considered the two of them as good friends.

Nevertheless, as soon as Jin took a step outside the inn on his own, he felt
an unprecedented sense of freedom and exhilaration. He could now make
use of his knowledge as a regressor as much as he wanted inside the Akin

The city's development was being hindered by the Tesings' tyranny. In other
words, most of the buildings, facilities, groups, and organizations Jin knew
of in his past life were highly likely to be present today.

It didn't take him long to find a tight-lipped healer he could trust. 'Maltran'
was someone who would heal anyone—even wanted criminals—as long as
he was paid properly. Fortunately, his magic store was located at the same
place as in Jin's memories.

“I've heard that you're excellent at performing illegal medical procedures.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Unimportant. I will pay you handsomely.”

Although he definitely looked fifteen years younger, Maltran was still the
same pot-bellied middle-aged man. Maltran visibly pondered for a moment,
caressing his bulging stomach in the meantime.

“…How's the patient's situation?”

“A couple of broken ribs and a finger dangling abnormally. But he didn't

lose a lot of blood.”


Jin flicked a well-crafted ring to the middle-aged man. Maltran stood up

immediately as he caught the payment.

“My lucky day. Let's go.”

Maltran was a highly skilled healing magician.

Once he arrived at the inn, it barely took him five hours to erase all traces of
violence on Jet.

In fact, Maltran's sweaty appearance as he earnestly cast healing magic

made him look like a devout cleric.

“I see. The Lutero Magic Federation isn't called a magic federation for
nothing. To think that a healer we found on the streets would be this

Gilly whispered to herself as she watched the medical procedure. Her eyes
twinkled with curiosity and awe as she had rarely observed magic during
her life with the Runcandels.

Jet was touched by Jin and his willingness to hire such a good healer. As
soon as he fully recovered, he knelt on the ground and continuously showed
his gratitude.
“Young Master, although our first meeting did not go so well, I now pledge
my eternal allegiance to you. Please allow me to serve you.”

“That'll depend on your behaviour and performance here on out. Have you
finished, Healer? I hope his ribs won't suddenly break apart again in a few

“What an unfunny joke. Well then, I will take my leave. Please call me
again if there's another emergency. I will even heal someone for free a
single time as long as it's nothing too serious. I always work as much as I'm

“You have excellent work ethics. Have a nice day.”

Maltran left the inn.

Jet was now carefully observing the trio—who were sipping on their cups
of black tea while seated.

'No matter how much I think about it, these people… They smell of money
and authority. And here I thought I had an eye for people… How did I not
notice it immediately?! And why did such big shots come to this desolate
area of the city?'

The man who had beat him up was an extremely skilled fighter. The maid
seemed to be used to seeing violent scenes. Finally, the boy Jet judged as a
young and stupid aristocrat was naturally ordering the other two around as
if they were his vassals.

This was a sight Jet had never seen before.

'Is he the heir to a prominent martial clan? Or the Vermont Special Forces?
Either way, if I recklessly betray them, I'll be erased from the face of this
continent without a single trace left behind.'

After a while, Jet concluded that the trio were the Vermont Special Forces.

He even believed that their actions so far had all been calculated, including
their disastrous first encounter. Jet wasn't foolish to think so. The trio
immediately realized their drinks were spiked and somehow found an
excellent healer within an hour after the beating.

'These people must have investigated me before. I bet they know all kinds
of information about me. They must plan on using me to enter the Tesing
underground auction house to carry out some kind of mission…'

And once they fulfill their mission, they would get rid of their now-useless
hunting dog: Jet.

Once he came to that conclusion, Jet clenched his teeth and steeled himself.
He needed to become an indispensable existence to them in order to
survive. He needed to be so useful to them that they wouldn't kill him.
Thus, he needed to show them his absolute and undying loyalty and serve
them wholeheartedly.

Although the Tesings held immense power and authority, they could only
wield those inside Akin like a frog in a well. Meanwhile, the Vermont
Special Forces was an internationally renowned and prestigious
organization. Therefore, Jet had no reason to hesitate on which side of the
conflict he had to stand on.

Jet soon shared more information about the Tesings and the underground
auction house to the trio. Even though he made the wrong assumption about
them, he was still a top-notch information broker.

“Although the Tesings' publicly known boss is someone called Salka, the
real boss of the group is someone else. Salka is just a frontman and
signboard. We call the real boss 'Spiderhand Alu' among ourselves.”


“Alu is an extremely dangerous individual. Rumours say that Alu even has
connections with pureblood Runcandels beyond the sea. About the
underground auction house…”

Jin already knew most of the information Jet was sharing, but simply let the
information broker continue his endless speech. This way, his companions
could also learn of the information Jin knew from his past life.

'Still, connections with pureblood Runcandels? To think that such false

rumours about Alu would spread. I highly doubt any of my siblings would
associate themselves with some random thugs in the Lutero Magic Federa

Jin suddenly placed his teacup back on the table as if he had suddenly
remembered something.

'There is one. The one who tried to place a curse on me. It's possible if it's
them. After all, this is the Lutero Magic Federation—the Zipfels' territory.'

He couldn't make a hasty conclusion. Only a top-class magician could cast a

curse on the level of 'Bladed Illusion', and there was no way these
underground thugs had such a magician within their ranks.

However, there was nothing Jin could do other than grasping at straws. He
had spent ten years in the Storm Castle and five in the Garden of Swords.
All this time, he had searched for the culprit behind the curse but couldn't
find a single clue or trace.

“Have you finished explaining?”

“Yes! Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions after we arrive as well. I
shall explain everything with all my heart. I swear to you on my son's life.”

“You have a son?”

Although Jin acted ignorant, he was quite close with Jet's son in his past
life. The son was a kind and gentle kid, unlike his father.

“Yes. Since I've pledged my allegiance to you, let us set off after you've
seen my son's face. It is to prove that I hold no intention of betraying you,
Young Master.”

The son was probably about 2 years old right now. To think that he'd use his
own toddler as a tool to show his sincerity… Jin was once again amazed by
Jet's awful nature and shook his head in response.
“Forget it. Let's just go.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 59

Any facilities managed by the Tesings can only be accessed by newcomers

if they have an introduction from a regular. As a matter of course, that held
true for the underground auction house as well.

One hour by carriage. It wasn't very far from Jet's inn.

The place they arrived at looked like an ordinary aristocrat's villa at first
sight. However, it was actually a location where all kinds of illegal
transactions took place.

“Oh hey, Jet. Why do you have so many people with you today? Are they

“Watch your mouth. These people are my guests.”

Jet simultaneously shamed all of the guards. Although the guard apologized
for his careless words, it showed that Jet was a respected and honored
individual of Tesing.

The three then followed Jet into the auction house. Even though it was
operated by sketchy alleyway dealers, there were Akin nobles partying from
the courtyard.

'This place hasn't changed one bit. Still pretty corrupted.'

Most of the nation's leaders were from the Tesing Clan, and not even
official investigation agencies could snoop around this area.
While regular citizens got abused by unregistered magicians and
mercenaries, the feast never ended in the auction house as all kinds of
things—including humans—got sold.

Although the Zipfels were aware that all of this was happening, they didn't
try to control and restrict these people. Not only was it because this land
was important to the people of Akin, but also because the Zipfel Clan
received bribes from Spiderhand Alu.

It was very nerve-racking.

'Filthy scum.'

Jet ordered the guards to retrieve some masks and distributed them to his

“Since we are going underground instead of lingering here, I recommend

wearing a mask. Usually, masks aren't allowed. But, since I am your escort,
you can cover your profile. Hehe.”

There was a hidden staircase behind the garden. As expected, there wasn't a
single thing different about this place. Even in the far future, the Tesings
would rule the Akin Kingdom, and an auction would be held here everyday.

Unless Jin interfered with the business of this place.

As soon as they entered the underground area, the chattering stopped, and a
pleasant violin melody filled the air. A group of musicians in tuxedos was
constantly playing tunes for the public.

'It's just as I remembered it.'

It was all to Spiderhand Alu's tastes. He always tried to convince people

that he wasn't an uncivilized gangster.

“What? Are you sure this is an underground auction house? Music? You've
got to be joking.”

“I know, right?”
They sat in the outskirts of the room for an hour. In the meantime, Jet
informed the other executives that he brought guests. For the time being,
there wasn't anyone who came to check the three masked people.

“It does seem like Jet is a respected newbie recruit amongst those other fat-
asses. So, what are you gonna do? Wipe out these lowly gangsters on your
first day in Akin?”

“The guards that we saw on the way here didn't seem too shabby. There are
also a lot of unregistered magicians. You aren't going to engage in a battle
here, right, Young Master?”

“You guys think I'm stupid? Let's at least look around the place.”

Jin definitely did not want to flip this place upside down. As his
companions said, it was dangerous, but there were also items that he had to

'Ancient magic tomes and the helm artifact.'

Magic tomes with spells that transcended the ones of this era, and a ring
that turned into a helm artifact that overflowed with mana.

Amongst the magic tomes, Jin wanted one from a great historical magician
called 'O'Hensirk'. As for the helm artifact, it had amazing abilities. The
owner could also mask their face anytime, which was convenient.

Jin didn't know the exact date that O'Hensirk's magic tome would be
auctioned. It was more likely to get struck by lightning than the chances of
the tome being sold today.

'It doesn't really need to be O'Hensirk's. Ancient magicians' tomes are sold
here everyday anyway. It'll be best to just wait a few days and buy the best
item there is.'

Conversely, he knew the exact date when the helm artifact would be sold.

Around five or six years later, the 'Helm of the Demon King' would soon
fall into the hands of Emperor Vermont.
When Emperor Vermont acquired the helm through tribute, many
romanticists, historians, and scientists gathered together. They all
considered the helm a masterpiece and tracked it down to take it for

The historians called it the Helm of the Demon King due to the speculation
that ancient demon kings used it in the past.

For a while, there was a great commotion in the magic journalism

community. They always got worked up when magic experimenters
discovered or declared a new masterpiece.

Since Jin was caught up on the massive, thick journals, he naturally knew
the location where it was first discovered as well as the date it was

Surprisingly, it was located in Akin's notorious underground auction house.

Yet, the helm had not been sold for the past few years, so it was thrown into
a room…

'The helm would be traded five years later, which means that it's in storage
right now.'

They didn't have to come on the day of the helm's auction.

They just needed to steal it.

'The problem is, how do we find and steal it in the first place?'

As Murakan and Gilly mentioned, they weren't dealing with a small

organization that they could easily fight. Most of the guards were at least 6-
stars, and there were unregistered magicians disguised as regular customers.

It wasn't a crowd that Jin could handle on his own, and neither could they
just use Murakan's power. As soon as he reveals his Draconic Magic, the
Lutero Magic Federation would alert an emergency.

“Thank you to those who came here this wonderful evening at the Tesing
underground auction house, and thank you for waiting. We will now start
the auction!”

After debating with himself for a while, the auctioneer finally emerged onto
the stage.

Simultaneously, a dozen naked slaves joined him, separated between men

and women. All of them had drowsy eyes—as if they were drugged. At
least there weren't any children.

“Alright, alright. Numbers 1 through 30. Today's stock looks pretty darn
good. Let's get this started.”

The slave auction began. It didn't even take an hour for all of them to be

“So you were trying to sell us off like that?”

“H-haha. It was foolish of me, Young Master.”

Jin wanted to save them. Half of them were probably misfortunate people
who were dragged in here without them knowing.

But now wasn't the time.

'I can't think of a way to retrieve the helm without getting caught.'

The best idea was to bribe mercenary groups like the Black King
Mercenaries or Ghost Mercenaries and call several 7-star soldiers to wipe
out the entire place.

But, aside from not having the kind of money to do that, Jin couldn't use his
Runcandel name to command the army—especially an army of a grand

He was terrorized by the feeling of being cornered. The situations and plans
were too risky.

A little later, he thought of a third option.

'Well… it'll feel a little awkward, but it'll be fun. It'll also help with finding
out who Alu's connection is within the Runcandel Clan.'

That day, Jin didn't buy anything from the auction and returned to the inn.

For a while, Jin spent each day doing nothing.

He trained his magic and spirit energy on one side of the inn during the day
and spent the rest of the day carefully watching the items sold at the
underground auction house.

When the three companions first came to the auction house, the Tesing
guards were uninterested. But as the days progressed, their gaze slowly
changed. Jet offered hospitality without any complaints.

“Hey, kid. I am often curious about what goes on inside your head. You
think that plan would actually work?”

“Young Master, I… I have an uneasy feeling about this. Would they really
not know him? Jet emphasized that Spiderhand Alu is a people person.”

“That's the key point, Gilly. Alu probably knows someone from the Zipfel
Clan, but they're probably just a low-tier magician or some old servant. So,
even if I call myself Beradin, he can't call bullshit.”

“But you are a Runcandel. To say that you will impersonate Beradin
Zipfel… This plan is a little… I don't know what to say.”

Jin's plan went like this.

If a valuable ancient tome was put on auction, he would buy it and find Alu.
Then, in the name of Beradin Zipfel, reprimand him for selling tomes that
are of “his clan's” property.

Like Jin, Beradin was yet to become an important leader, so he was not well
known yet.

“At my age, I am able to conjure at least 5-star magic. If I were Alu, I

would believe that I am Beradin. And even if we get busted, we can just run

“Well, I'm powerless right now, and would it be that simple…”

“The kid's right, Strawberry Pie. I wouldn't even need to transform into my
true form. Running away with two people is a piece of cake against these


“Either way, if we want to execute this plan, a legitimately valuable ancient

tome needs to be auctioned. Let's hope that one comes out today.”

As the night arrived, as always, Jet prepared the carriage.

“Sir, this may be out of the blue… but if you don't buy anything today as
well, the Tesing executives may pester you. They'll probably call you out on
only looking and not purchasing.”

“Don't worry about it. Just focus on the carriage.”


The auction started once again. Soon, the slave auction ended, and as the
tomes and artifacts entered the stage, Jin straightened his back.

“The slaves are once again sold out! And now… time for the antiques. I
hope all of these return to people who actually respect the items' value. Let's

“The first item. The tome of a magician who once ruled the world, Matthew
Woniak's magic tome. We haven't deciphered it, but some incredible spells
are probably recorded on it. And already, our first bid!”

Jin smirked. The auctioneer made a mistake while introducing the item. The
correct name was Matthew Morniak. And, as Jin remembered, his
publications were already in the Zipfels' bookshelves.
The week's auctions were always like this; the auctioneer spat some
nonsense, then the vanity-seeking magicians made stupid bids…

“This is the seventh item. Hmm, the author of this tome is… Tzenmi. Does
anyone know of a magician named Tzenmi?”

The auction house was quiet. Even Jin didn't know of that name.

'A tome like that is a gamble, and it's extremely rare to win that gamble.'

According to Jin's master's teaching of premonition, there was no need to

buy Tzenmi's magic tome.

However, Murakan thought differently.



“Buy that. If it's the Tzenmi that I know… this is huge.”

The dragon's advice—a strong recommendation.

Jin had no reason to doubt his words, so he raised his hand towards the
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 60

“One hundred.”

One hundred gold.

That's how much Jin bid. For an ancient magic tome, the price wasn't too
high or too low. However, the other guests thought Jin was crazy.

'He's paying a hundred for that?'

There were also magicians who were curious. After all, a guy who hasn't
bought anything for the past week just bid for a magic tome.


“One hundred fifty on the table!”

Someone raised the bid, but it wasn't because they wanted the item. The
bidder held in his laughter as he stared at Jin.

He was teasing him. He wanted to make a fool of Jin for trying to strike it
rich or attain a higher level of magic by buying a mysterious tome, which
was a common sight during the magic tome auctions in the auction house.

Jin just ignored him and called for the next bid.


If it were back in his first life, he would have called one or two thousand to
flaunt his money and destroy the provoker's pride.
But Jin knew that this wasn't the time to attract attention.

“Any more bids? Going once. Going twice. Sold!”

Tzenmi's magic tome was delivered to Jin.

With a straight face, Murakan opened the ancient tome and gripped Jin's

“Kid, this is an amazing acquisition.”

This renowned shadow dragon was not an idiot obsessed with aura. He, like
other dragons, could cast countless spells. And, back in his heyday, his
magic skill level was at least 9-stars.

'An item that got Murakan all worked up? It must have spells incomparable
to those of O'Hensirk's.'

Additionally, Jin's and his companions' luck was yet to be over.

“Uh, this is the 25th item of the auction. Previously owned by 'Schugiel
Hister'. Let the auction begin!”


The name that Jin had the bar owner look into when he first went to a bar in
Mamit. As soon as he heard the name, he doubted his own ears.

Hister was the clan of Jin's master. But it was also a clan that officially
dissolved hundreds of years ago.

“Two hundred.”

Just as before, the crowd began to whisper after Jin called his first bid. They
first thought he was somebody special, but now they thought of him as an
idiot bidding for shit.

“Two hundred. Anyone else?”

Schugiel Hister's tome was immediately sold.

“Hey, kid. Why'd you buy that? Are you feelin' something again?”

“I thought it would be weird if I only bought one item, and I also have a
good feeling about this one.”

As soon as the tome arrived, Murakan cracked open the book. Not even one
minute in, he shook his head. Unlike Murakan, Jin's heart pounded as he
examined the tome.

“It's just a tome with weird and complicated ciphers. Nothing too special.”

Murakan didn't seem to know.

This weird and complicated cipher system was only known by two people
—Jin and his master. And since Jin learned it from his master, 'Schugiel
Hister' must be his master's ancestor.

After seeing the complex text, sorrow struck Jin's heart. He watched the
auction continue, barely concealing his emotions. In the end, he didn't find
anything interesting to buy.

The night came to a close as the auction ended. Some guests stayed and
enjoyed their time while others immediately left.

Jin usually joined the latter, but tonight, he had to stay in the auction house.


“Yes, sir.”

“I want to meet Spiderhand Alu.”

Usually, Jet would say that he understood. However, this time, his
expression changed.

“Uh… sir. That will be difficult. Even though you are a guest, meeting Alu
is impossible. The most I can do is introduce you to Salka. If you really
need to meet him directly, then please give us a few days.”

“Tell Alu that Beradin Zipfel wanted to see him.”

It looked as if Jet's eyes would pop out as his face flushed red. He covered
his mouth in shock.

'B-Beradin Zipfel?'


Instead of answering, Jet simply blinked.

'Shit. These guys weren't part of Vermont's Special Forces… but were
members of the Zipfel Clan?'

Cold sweat drenched his body. Even though Vermont's Special Forces were
notorious, it wasn't comparable to the Lutero Magic Federation.

If anyone else introduced themselves as Beradin Zipfel, Jet would've

scoffed and cussed at the sight. However, that was not the case. In Jet's
eyes, Jin and his party were beyond comprehension.

Additionally, they have been part of the Lutero Magic Federation for quite
some time, so there is no way they would be accused of impersonating the

Jet's brain was running at the speed of light.

'I was mistaken. Severely mistaken. They're not a part of Vermont's Special
Forces, but are pureblood Zipfels! This is an encounter of a lifetime.'

Five minutes ago, Jet's main goal was to become an informant of the
presumed Special Forces unit. Then, he could've saved his life and earned
some reward greater than that of Tesing's.

But what about becoming a servant of a Zipfel?

To a member of the Lutero Magic Federation, there is no greater honor than
serving a Zipfel. As Jin lifted his hand, Jet stood with stone-cold eyes.

He quickly passed a few employees and opened a door.

“Shit. Whatever. Whatever happens, happens.”

Murakan shrugged. Unlike his careless words, he was definitely itching for
a fight. Gilly put her hand on her forehead as she heaved a heavy sigh.

A Runcandel impersonated a Zipfel.

Other than getting the message to Alu, Gilly thought of a different, more
important problem.

'If this information ever reaches the ears of future clan members or the
patriarch, then the Young Master will be executed.'

It would be the first time in the clan's thousand-year history.

Not only that, but the Zipfels were also surely going to get worked up to
catch the impersonator. Lies are always meant to be uncovered.

'On the contrary, it's surprising how the Young Master committed these
devious acts without remorse.'

The awkward melody of a violin filled the room. As time felt like it was
slowing down, a different agent came to greet the three.

“You… are Beradin?”


In a split second, Jin slapped the life out of the agent and caught the
attention of the entire room.

“Are you Alu?”

He wasn't. Jin still asked despite knowing Alu's face. The agent looked
confused, but he couldn't fight back or anything.

'If this insolent kid is indeed Beradin Zipfel, the entirety of Tesing could
disappear overnight.'

“N-No, sir! The boss ordered me to escort you to him.”


Jin slapped the agent once more. The agent quickly straightened his back
and bowed as an apology for his ineptitude.

Up until this moment, the plan went perfectly.

“Make Alu bring his ass here. I already revealed my name, and yet he sends
over an underling?”


On his right hand, Jin conjured a crimson sphere made of flames. Jin's mask

With one look, one could tell that it was, at the very least, a 5-star skill.

Anyone can claim to be a Zipfel. However, a young boy invoking high-

level magic and calling himself Zipfel seemed more convincing.

“I apologize. I will report this to the boss.”

The agents quickly led the other customers out of the auction house. The
agent who got slapped was scrambling away, but Jin wasn't satisfied.

“Tell your stupid boss to crawl to my feet. Since he mistreated his guests, he
must be punished.”

Jin discontinued the spell and scanned his surroundings. The rest of the
guests had left, and the agents were startled.
His words were loud and clear. If the boss actually appeared crawling on
the floor, then the agents would have to do so as well.

Five minutes passed.

Spiderhand Alu crawled into Jin's presence. A fairly large middle-aged man
crawling on the floor wasn't the most pleasurable sight. As for Alu, there
were a million thoughts passing his mind.

With him was a herd of his underlings, and among them was Jet who had
bruises all over his face.

It seemed that the others beat him up for saying bullshit about Beradin
Zipfel being present.

The other agents, who were awkwardly standing, quickly lowered their
bodies to the ground.

'I guess “Zipfel” is a very scary name to hear. I'm sure the detected aura
would be around 7-star, but they came crawling without even checking?'

If the situation proceeded as is, the rest of the job would be a piece of cake.
After scaring Alu, they could examine the storage and take the helm

However, Alu wasn't just any easy human. If he ever saw an opportunity
after conversing for a while, he would let loose and kill all three of them.

Jin did not say anything while Alu crawled to his feet. Jin stood as if he was
used to acting like a superior. Frankly speaking, he acted the same way back


“I am Alu… the man who runs the Tesing Clan. I failed to recognize Your
Excellency, and for that, I beg for mercy.”

With the other man towering over two meters, meeting Alu felt like facing a
wall. However, he was permanently looking downwards, eyes never
meeting Jin's.

It was an obvious reaction after meeting an assumed pureblood Zipfel.

“Shut up. Look at these.”

Jin tossed Tzenmi's and Schugiel's tomes to Alu.

“What do these look like?”

Opening the tomes, Alu's face drained of color.

“They're magic tomes. I apologize. We sold ancient magic tomes without

the Zipfels' permission.”

“These two tomes that I purchased today are greatly valued—even by my

clan. I can't imagine the number of magicians who left to search for

“Beradin, sir. This may sound like an excuse, but I am unrelated to that. My
stupidity couldn't realize the tomes' worth and troubled you. I will try my
best to recollect the other auctioned tomes. Please give me a chance.”

“Would you be faster at gathering them, or would we magicians be faster?

Quit the bullshit and bring an accountant and customer registry. Starting
tomorrow, my clan will investigate your mischief.”

As Jin skillfully lied, Alu realized that he had nothing to say. If the Zipfels
started the investigation, then the Tesings would be destroyed.

Alu reconsidered his options.

'Beradin Zipfel… Does his clan know that he's here?'

If they didn't…

Maybe getting rid of him would be better.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 61

'They're probably trying to comprehend the situation. Aside from

identifying me as the real Beradin, they would be dying to know if the
Zipfel Clan knew of this commotion.'

He would be thinking of that too. In extreme scenarios, humans tend to

prioritize survival over anything else.

'They can't strike me anyway even if they confirm that I am acting without
the clan's knowledge.'

The real Beradin Zipfel and the impersonator Jin Runcandel. They could be
identified as the brightest magicians of their era, but they were still in their
teens. So fighting a group of Tesing's unregistered magicians would still be
dangerous. There was actually no need to even summon them; Alu could
probably deal with Jin by himself.

But “Beradin” wasn't the only person that Alu had to consider.

'How good are Beradin Zipfel's bodyguards?'

A young man with slanted eyes and an emotionless woman. In the process
of getting rid of Beradin, the bodyguards were the greatest threat.

It wasn't easy to consider. Seeing that neither of their auras were detectable,
they could either be weak magicians or masters who concealed their true

“And Jet, come over here. Don't just sit there like that.”
“Yes, sir.”

“Damn, your face is a mess. Did you get beat up after mentioning my

“Oh, I'm okay, sir. Don't worry about an insignificant guy like me… please
remember your tasks.”

“Yeah? Alright, then.”

Although Jin felt sympathy for Jet, he was the least of his concerns.

“What are you doing, Alu? Bring me your transaction records and customer

“Yes, Sir Beradin. Hey! Didn't you hear him? Hustle!”

The Tesing agents at the edge of the room scattered like ants. Despite there
being over ten volumes of the records and registry, it was all still just the tip
of the iceberg.

“This is everything that is in the auction house, Sir Beradin. More important
documents are in my residence's magic safe…”

As Alu's voice drifted off, he became self-conscious.

“May I go there myself and retrieve it? You only need to wait a little bit.”

“Haha… 'Wait a little bit', my ass. Can't you see the situation you're in?

“Who are you trying to fool with that obvious trickery? If I send you alone
to find the purchase history, do you plan on destroying all of the important
documents and contacting your connections to find out whether I'm real and
why I'm here?”

“No, Sir Beradin. That is not my true intention.”

Alu knew that his plan was obvious, but he had to take his chances. Alu's
ears flushed red, and he ducked his head only to see the edge of Jin's foot.
“Hahaha… Alu. It seems you know how to be embarrassed. Very well, go
ahead. Go by yourself. Do whatever you can for the time being, and you'd
still be in the palm of the Zipfels.”

As soon as he heard that, Alu lost all hope.

From his perspective, those were words that sprouted a chain of


'He was… not alone. I thought wrong. There must be Zipfel magicians
outside already…!'

Jin smirked knowing that Alu would dig his own grave by overthinking the
whole situation.

“I… I have been mistaken. I will proceed with a supervisor of your choice,
Sir Beradin.”

“Piss off. Starting now, I expect wise decisions from you, Spiderhand Alu.
For the time being, I will be searching the storage.”

The hopelessness in Alu's face dissolved. If he acted upon “Beradin's”

expectations, he could get out of this situation alive.

“…It will take around two hours, Sir Beradin. You guys escort Sir Beradin
to the storage room while I am absent.”

With a serious look on his face, Alu moved to exit the auction house. The
only ones left inside were the Tesing agents as well as Jin and his

The quick-witted agents approached Jin and immediately escorted him to

the storage.

“There are many items from the boss's residence and summer house, but the
Tesing auction house has only one official storage room. This way, please.”

A snitch. As soon as the boss was about to crumble, the agent commented
about the 'many items from the boss's residence and summer house' to
expose the crimes of embezzlement.

If they all found out that he was bluffing, how would they react? Jin

It was his first time seeing the Tesing underground auction house's storage
room. It started one more floor beneath the auction house, and its entire
structure had three levels.

The first basement housed the slaves, below that was the second basement
with shelves of magic tomes, and lastly, the third basement that was filled
with artifacts. Jin and the others were surprised at seeing the storage being
bigger and more organized than they had expected.

The slaves didn't react to the sight of new people. Although they were not
drugged yet to be presented on stage, they didn't exactly foster any hope

“I will be outside. Please call me anytime if you need assistance.”

As soon as the Tesing guard left, Jet began to worry.

“I didn't know you were such an important person! A successor of the

Zipfel Clan. Sir, please offer me a chance to display my loyalty. I will do

“Good idea. Starting now, go find out about the birthplace and real name of
each slave in the first basement. Afterwards, a clan member will come and
take them away.”

“Oh! Yes, I understand. I will proceed immediately.”

The Zipfel Clan explicitly prohibited slave trading. In reality, there were
still many who engaged in these illicit activities, but they just needed to
avoid getting caught.

Also, underlings should have fun while working for their reward.
“So, kid. What are you gonna do? That Alu bastard will return after
confirming that you're an imposter.”

“Yeah, I know that.”

Outside the auction house, contrary to what Alu imagined, there were no
Zipfel magicians. He was walking on eggshells thinking that they were
watching, but he would soon realize that it was all a hoax and contact
acquaintances to confirm Beradin's identity.

He would ask someone who knew of the appearance and whereabouts of

Beradin Zipfel. It was only a matter of time until Jin got busted.

“Why did you order Jet to survey the slaves when we are short on time? It's
easy for us to escape, but he's dead meat anyway.”

“No, the paper with the birthplace and name will save Jet. As long as we
drop off the slave registry at the Zipfel Clan's residence and the Vermont
Empire's press, the Tesing Clan is doomed. Even if we're impersonators.”

If the public caught on to this, not even the Zipfels could let this institution
continue. The most elite magicians will be dispatched to save the slaves,
wipe out the Tesings, and righteously rebuild the rotten Akin Kingdom.

This result was obvious because the clan's lowest-ranked members needed
to prioritize the Zipfels' reputation over the Tesing Clan's bribe.

'The irony will force them to make a move.'

Jin planned on appointing Jet as the messenger. Then the Zipfel Clan would
protect him as a witness.

Of course, in this scenario, Jet would be stuck with the Zipfels and the
Empire's Investigation Team. But since he had strong survival instincts, he
would only spit evidence that would be advantageous for him.

For example, he would say something like “There definitely wasn't an

impersonator of Beradin in Akin, and I am only reporting this institution
because I felt disillusioned from the slave trading done by the Tesings.”
Ultimately, Jin was not saving Jet because he was valuable; he was just
being considerate of Jet's two-year-old son.

Under witness protection, Jet can scrap his shady backstreet life and
peacefully live the rest of his life with his son in vast unknown lands.

It wasn't a bad future for the father and son. When considering all the other
possibilities, there was no better future than this one—not for Jet, but for
the child.

Because the pure and kind child would be following in his father's

“Well, okay. Let's just say that part goes as planned. What next?”

“Well, what do you think? Until Alu comes back, we get to shop for free
and then leave. The Zipfels will deal with our mess, so you go to the second
basement to find useful magic tomes. Gilly and I will visit the third
basement to find the artifact.”

“Young Master, will we be choosing to commit these reckless actions in the

future? I can't believe you're doing this.”

“I'll take that as a compliment, Gilly. Let's go.”

At the Lutero Magic Federation, artifacts are normally more valuable than
standard magic tomes.

Additionally, in an auction house like this, it was common to find ancient

magic tomes, but finding a high-tier artifact was pretty rare.

The third basement was no different from a trash dump. It was hard to
believe that there was a hidden masterpiece between these useless artifacts
that people wouldn't take even if given for free.

The two didn't need much time to find the Helm of the Demon King. Within
the unruly mess in the corner of the room, they chose and opened the
smallest chest.
'This is it!'

A low-quality silver ring with a ruby stone.

As Jin suppressed his excitement and slipped on the ring, he could feel the
energy flowing through his fingers.

The mana, unlike normal mana, was formless. It was as if a dozen snakes
wrapped around his finger, and the mana slowly entered his head.

And Jin absorbed it all.

'Normal magicians would only think of this effect as an enhancement in

magic. That's probably why this isn't considered a masterpiece right now.'

Now, Jin could use the magic he absorbed to summon a shadow-black helm
whenever he wanted.

If the user never utilized a powerful artifact or didn't have a strong feel for
magic like Jin did, then the power was not immediately noticeable.

'Summon Helm.'


Jin tested out his new artifact, and black mana spread through the air. It
formed lines and discs that slowly approached Jin's face.

It didn't even take one second for the helm to form. The completed helm
covered the entire face and neck; it had a hole for breathing and two others
for the eyes. On each side of the helmet were two cool-looking sharp horns.

Rather than being surprised, Gilly smiled at the sight of Jin's successful
conjuring of the helm.

'I actually doubted if this would work out, but thankfully, we found it
Since they found the artifact, there was no need to stay in the third

“Gilly, I think this place is filled with garbage. Let's just return to

“Mmm, even I, an expert in magical artifacts, do not see anything in

particular that catches my eye. Still, just in case, I shall take some
ornamental artifacts that would make us good money.”

The magic tome basement had the same situation. Even though Murakan
meticulously searched for O'Hensirk's works, he couldn't find anything
while Jet surveyed the slaves.

“Kiddo, since we already got Tzenmi's tome, there is no need to greed for
more. Let's leave.”

It had been an hour since Alu left. When Jin, Murakan, and Gilly walked
back upstairs into the auction house, the agents respectfully greeted them.

“Jet, you can go home now.”

“Yes, sir. I will be waiting for you at the inn. Hehe, please do not forget my

“'Service', my ass. You were going to rat us out.”

“Oh, please forget the past. Since I met Sir Beradin, I have been reborn as a
new person.”

Jin flashed a sarcastic smile.

“Yeah… Let's just forget the past, shall we? Big shot of Akin Jet, lend me
your ear for a moment.”


As Jet offered his ear, Jin finally whispered.

“I am not Beradin Zipfel. So take your son and quickly escape this place. If
you can, go to the Vermont Empire. I assure you, that is the only way for
you to survive.”

To Jet, it had to be a jaw-dropping truth.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 62

'Wait, then who is that bastard? Is he part of the Vermont Special Forces,
just like I guessed?'

Jet was hastily running with his son peacefully sleeping in his arms.
Luckily, the child remained sound asleep until they arrived at the dock.

'Dammit, my life is ruined. I was gonna land a position as an accountant in


His big dreams, everything he worked hard for; he had to leave them all

'I didn't think that I would be running away.'

Even until the moment he boarded the ship, he doubted his life decisions
based on the words of a child he didn't even know.

Jet climbed into the starboard with a disappointed face and sifted through
his pockets. He grabbed a heavy gold necklace, a ring, and a handful of tiny
gold pieces.

Keep this while you run away. Feed your son well.

Those were the last words Jet heard from Jin. He couldn't understand the
child's intent of helping after impersonating Beradin and manipulating Jet.

'Welp, I'll first get to Vermont and wait for the news.'

Jet was clearly depressed.


The auction house's agents woke up to the sound of someone busting a door
open. Alu furiously stomped in with heavy breaths.

“That scamming fucker—Where is he?!”

“Huh? Boss, who do you mean?”

“Beradin Zipfel! That bloody impersonator of Beradin Zipfel! Bring him to

me right now. I will peel his skin and kill him…!”

“Wh-what do you mean by 'impersonator', boss? There's no way.”

All of the agents exchanged glances of cluelessness, as if uttering 'Did you

know?' 'The hell if I did.'

“Boss, th-they already left. About an hour ago.”

Alu was going to go insane from their stupidity.

Slap! Slap!

He slapped each of his agents with his thick hand.

“You useless sons of bitches. You let that happen? You just let that

'But boss, you got tricked as well.'

No one had the courage to point it out. Whenever Alu's eyes were in the
back of his head, it was smarter to just stay silent.

“Boss, those guys… They took all of the customer registry and transaction
records. They didn't take anything valuable from the basement though…”

Alu was about to explode. As much as he wanted to slaughter all of his

workers, catching the impersonator was more important.
“Get ready to chase them down. We're catching those rat bastards before

Meanwhile, Jin had already sent the anonymous letter to three places using
postal magic. He sent it to the Vermont Imperial Family, Zipfel House, and
the Akin Kingdom Press.

If the anonymous note only said 'Tesing is bad', then the three organizations
wouldn't bat an eye.

However, Jin sent different pieces of evidence for each recipient. He sent
the slave records to the Imperial Family, the transaction history to the
Zipfels, and the customer registry to the press.

'The Vermont Imperial Family would take action after seeing that the
majority of the slaves in the Tesing underground were citizens of its empire.
The Zipfels would get heated over all of the illegal transactions of valuable
artifacts. Essentially, the Tesing Clan is doomed.'

And of course, the Akin Kingdom Press would speak out after receiving the
customer registry. Even though the press was under the Tesings' control,
there were those who silently despised the clan's business.

Now, the organizations just needed to read the information within two days.
Then, the Tesing Clan would be obliterated and forgotten forever.

Despite the imminent downfall, Jin did not leave Akin. He and his
companions were waiting for Alu at the outskirts of the kingdom.

Jin needed to check if he has a connection with a Runcandel in any way.

“Kiddo, aren't you being too wary of Jet's words? You really think any of
your siblings could get along with those lowly scums?”

“I agree, Young Master. There's no way a Runcandel would meet such


“The Tesings themselves are not significant, but Alu is at least a 7-star.
Thus, he is a man of significance.”
Jin didn't know anything from Alu's past aside from the fact that, at some
point, he took control of the clan and corrupted Akin.

“Hm… Well, we should at least thank him before we leave. Other than
Tzenmi's magic tome, he also gave us a great masterpiece. I was pretty
surprised when you came out of the basement with that ring.”

According to Murakan, the ring artifact was not called the 'Helm of the
Demon King', but instead was called 'Myulta's Rune'.

Thousands of years ago, the demons of Myulta created this artifact in order
to protect one of their great leaders from the never-ending battles.

And that great leader was the first emperor of Vermont.

“I honestly can't believe we found this in some sketchy basement. After

everything is over, let's decipher and read through Tzenmi's magic tome.”

They waited for two hours.

Some time later, a group of Tesing agents found the three sitting around a
small fire.

“It's him! Report to the boss!”


An agent fired a signal firework. However, they couldn't blatantly attack the
three targets. The impersonator was a child, but they remembered that he
wielded at least 5-star magic.

It was a weird standoff.

Jin—who had no intention of running away—blankly stared at the agents,

and the agents were waiting for reinforcements.


“I want to duel Alu.”

“You've gotta be kidding me. So, you're telling me to deal with all of the


“Man, what a hassle…”

While Murakan complained, Alu arrived. He was soaked with sweat from
running hastily.

Behind him were about a hundred underlings who were also panting from

The agents who were cautious of Jin became confident after the
reinforcements' arrival.

“Y-You… motherfucker. The hell are you guys doing? Get him!”

“Wait here and guard our Strawberry Pie.”

Out of all the attacking agents, half of them were magicians, and the other
half were mercenaries. The magicians started to cast their spells from afar,
while the mercenaries charged at the enemy.

Unlike them, Murakan was basically naked. He only wore a thin shirt and
had a small dagger in his hand.



However, despite his lack of gear, Murakan cracked the first attacker's jaw
with his elbow and dashed into the crowd of mercenaries.

They weren't well-trained, but they weren't unskilled either. In the middle of
the crowd, every time Murakan threw a punch, someone either died or
In the eyes of Alu and his bodyguards, Murakan looked like an invincible

“You fucking idiots! Attack the kid in the back, not him!”

The magicians changed their target after hearing Alu's screech. Jin scoffed
at the sight of ineptitude.


The lead magician shouted, and the magicians simultaneously raised their

“Gilly, get behind me.”


They chose to fire the 3-star ice magic, Icicle Shot. Fifty icicles aimed for
Jin and flew towards him.


'I don't even need to block this.'

Thanks to Demonic Beast King Orgal's Pendant, Jin was immune to any
spells that are 5-stars or lower.

Crackle… Crackle…!

The icicles disintegrated before they could reach Jin. The spells of Tesing's
unregistered magicians were blocked with a blink of an eye.

“Wh-What are those guys…?”


Murakan was already almost done with the peons. It didn't matter if there
were fifty or a hundred—peons were peons. It was too easy for the Shadow

Five minutes passed since the battle started.

The Tesing mercenaries were losing their will for battle. But their
devastating defeat against the ones who tricked the clan was not only
because Jin and his companions were strong.

After finding out that Jin was an impersonator, the agents of the Tesings'
elite forces ran away.

They predicted that 'Alu was done for'. Until now, the Zipfels had
overlooked the Tesings' illegal activities. But after being tricked by the
impersonator, they knew that the Tesing Clan would inevitably fall.

After sunrise, it was certain that the Zipfels would take action, so their
escape was a wise choice.

At this point, Alu knew that his underground empire would soon fall.


Alu cracked a pained smile as his sword emitted a white aura.

“It seems that you guys aren't just any normal scammers.”


Alu began to slash at his own magicians. They could not escape their crazy
boss, so most of them immediately died on the spot.

“B-Boss, why are you doing thi—AAACK!”


Alu slaughtered every single one of his minions with a straight face, living
up to his 'Spiderhand' name.
“Who sent you guys? Who hired you in the first place?”

He spoke with bloodshot eyes.

“You guys were gonna go to hell anyways. I'm just alleviating the pain you
would have felt.”

“That's true… but—”


'He's fast!'

Alu threw a dagger at Jin, barely missing his cheek. If Jin were a little
slower, the dagger would have sliced his neck.

“But how unfortunate. I don't intend to go to hell alone. You guys are
coming with me.”

This was just the beginning.

There were 50 meters between Jin and Alu.

Jin felt the goosebumps traversing his body.

'As expected from a 7-star knight.'

He had met countless 7-star knights, but this was the first time one tried to
kill him. His throat dried from the pressure of the standoff.

The moment he drew his sword…

“You finally met someone your size. I guess it is my turn to guard

Strawberry Pie. Kuku, good luck!”

Murakan shouted at Jin as he ran away with Gilly on his back.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 63

“You dare dodge my dagger? Pretty impressive agility for a magician. Or

maybe it was luck?”

Alu thought that Jin was a magician; probably because Jin showed off 5-star
magic when he impersonated Beradin Zipfel.


Alu quickly closed the gap between them and swung his sword.

His eyes widened, however, as Jin deflected it.

“So you weren't a magician?”

Bradamante glowed with an overflowing aura.

All Jin did was deflect Alu's attack, but it felt as if his bones rattled. Jin
quickly backed off.

As soon as he widened the gap, Alu closed the distance once more. He
could read all of Jin's movements.

“This is getting pretty annoying.”


The following slashes ripped Jin's coat. Droplets of blood scattered into the
air, but it wasn't a serious injury.
'He's fast. It probably isn't even his full power, but I'm already getting tired.'

The fight was proceeding as Alu planned.

It was unbelievable that Alu was this strong. Jin barely had time to react to
each attack, constantly being pushed back.

At this point, Alu thought that the child was a knight.

'The spell he showed at the underground auction house was probably fake.
Dammit, how could I fall for such a trick?!'

He was pretty pissed at himself.

Even though he knew his opponent was not Beradin Zipfel, he controlled
himself and attacked with composure. His enemy's rank was about 5-stars,
but still, he couldn't assume anything.

And yet, despite that knowledge, Alu was not concerned about Jin. He was
more worried about Murakan, who was flashing a smile while watching

'I thought that guy was a minion. Why isn't he fighting?'

After destroying dozens of Alu's men, Murakan just proceeded to stop

fighting altogether. Alu didn't know the guy's intentions, but he wanted to
think about it after killing Jin.

Murakan, on the other hand, enjoyed watching the young Runcandel


'I know you're pretty talented, but enough to challenge a 7-star? Yeah, right.
I hope you learn something today, you audacious brat. Hehe.'

Murakan smirked.

Clang, clang!

The clashing of Jin's and Alu's swords was music to his ears.
“Lord Murakan, are you not going to help? I understand that it was Young
Master's orders, but he doesn't stand a chance against a 7-star.”

As Gilly said, Jin was barely staying alive. His dodges were on point, but
his movements were definitely getting slower.

“It's alright, Strawberry Pie. That kid needs to know the value of life.”

“That's true.”

“And, my little Strawberry Pie, you think that kid will lose?”


Murakan smirked.

It was fun watching Jin get constantly attacked, but Murakan already knew
the outcome of the fight.

“For the magic swordsmen of the Runcandel Clan…”

Speak of the devil. As soon as Murakan began his sentence, Alu quickly
backed off from Jin.


From Jin's hand came a pillar of flame. It was the 5-star fire spell 'Flame
Pillar'. More fiery pillars blasted out from the ground.

“…A 7-star knight is nothing.”

It was the first time Alu had backed off in a fight. His eyes widened.

“A m-magic swordsman?”

Alu tried his best to dodge or deflect the incoming flames—they were very
difficult to extinguish.

'There's no chance to react. Shit…'

Normal magicians needed some preparation time in order to fully cast a
spell. One must gather up mana and then convert it into usable magic.

However, it was different for those who were more talented. Jin could
gather and convert mana simultaneously at a ridiculous speed.

Additionally, because Jin was a 'Dual Caster', he could secretly prepare a

spell without Alu's knowledge.

'My spells will be effective in this fight.'

Jin felt pretty confident. A high-level spell out of nowhere would scare
anyone—even a 7-star like Alu.

“You two-faced bitch!”

Alu shouted as he barely extinguished the fire off his clothes.

Jin already prepared the same spell, but he knew that the same attack
wouldn't work twice.

'I'll use this spell again to make him piss his pants, and then I'll finish him
off shortly afterwards.'

It didn't matter how strong the opponent was.

As long as he held a few tricks up his sleeve, the outcome of the battle
would always be a fifty-fifty.

Win or lose.

That was how Jin maintained a 50% win rate throughout his battles against
opponents who were stronger than him. Or at least before the world finds
out he was a magic swordsman.

It was because he had mana and spirit energy. With only one spell using
mana, Jin was able to scare the living daylights out of a 7-star knight. But if
he also used his spirit energy…
However, Jin did not intend to use it.


Next came a lightning spell. Jin conjured the spell he used on the Moonlight
Fountain, and a bolt of lightning struck the location he selected,
illuminating the night sky.

Alu felt the imminent strike and quickly moved away, throwing his body to
the side and releasing a volley of daggers after.


When a dagger brushed past Jin's shoulder, Alu thought that it was a chance
to kill him.

However, Jin already expected more attacks after the flying daggers. He
knew that dagger-users used that technique before landing a lethal blow.

The moment Jin lowered his body to dodge the rest, Alu planned to close
the distance and strike his throat.

It was the perfect opportunity.

'It's over.'

For a split second, Alu's legs overflowed with energy. There was an
explosion as he pushed off the ground, leaving a crater in his wake.

His sword was aimed at Jin's neck. Whether it was by stabbing, or

beheading, Alu was sure that Jin would be dead.

He never would have guessed that this entire situation was formulated by

'I'm sure he didn't notice that I became vulnerable too easily.'

On a normal occasion, Alu would've noticed this trick. He was a 7-star for a
However, he was desperate.

Since it was his first time fighting a magic swordsman, he decided to end
the fight as soon as possible. After all, the longer the fight, the more
chances a magic swordsman had to attack their opponent with more spells.

Alu's sword was about to slash Jin's throat.

Gilly gulped.

Murakan knew it was Jin's victory.

'Summon Helm.'


The sword was supposed to smoothly slide through, but it was halted by
something instead. It was because Jin activated his newly acquired artifact,
Myulta's Rune, to conjure a black helm.

This was why every knight dreamt of owning Myulta's Rune. It was the
only helm that could completely nullify a 7-star knight's strike—the only
one in the world.

The helm deflected Alu's blade, causing the man to lose his balance. Jin
took this opportunity.


Bradamante cut through Alu's shoulder.

“I guess it's over.”

Murakan shrugged. Gilly couldn't believe her eyes.


He could've stabbed his heart, but Jin stopped his sword. Barely breathing,
Alu fell to the ground, and he was able to postpone his death a little longer.
Gurgle, gurgle.

Jin stared at Alu, who had a mouth bubbling with blood.

“Let me ask one more thing before I leave. I heard you had ties with the


Alu smirked and glared at Jin, as if he were saying 'You're a Runcandel?'

“Tell me. Name any Runcandel.”

“Hey, hey. Kiddo. You got it all wrong. You should've pinned him down
and then asked him. How is a dying guy gonna answer all your questions?”

Murakan walked towards Jin, shaking his head in disapproval. He was

right, but Jin couldn't do anything about it.

It was probably impossible for him to pin down a 7-star knight.

“I… see. I get it. Jin… you bastard. Jin… Runcandel…”

“I mean, the name 'Jin Grey' is pretty common nowadays. I guess it doesn't
matter for a guy who's about to die.”


Alu coughed as he spat out blood. And yet, he was smirking. For a while,
Alu breathed coarsely while smiling creepily.

Then, he spoke.

“It doesn't matter… You—You can't stop him…”


“Even though he failed back then…”

Those were his last words. His eyelids lowered, and he no longer breathed.

“The fuck did he mean?”

“Young Master, are you alright?”

Murakan and Gilly spoke at the same time.

Jin lightly nodded, still confused about Alu's final words.

'He failed back then, and I can't stop him…?'

Of course, those were some words from a scummy thug. His words
definitely implied some connection with a Runcandel, but they're not
necessarily trustworthy words.

But if this man had ties with a Runcandel, the 'failure' he uttered would
refer to 'Bladed Illusion', and the 'unstoppable entity' would be…

'No way.'

One name popped up in his head.

Runecandel's successor, Joshua Runcandel.

'Alu means that I can't stop him. The only person who I can't stop is the
man who would lead the clan.'

The entire world knew that Joshua would be the next Runcandel patriarch.

All of these realizations were still an assumption, but it was still unsettling.

“Spiderhand Alu. It probably isn't his real name.”

It was something he never thought of.

“Young Master, why do you bring that up?”

“I should find out. Because this guy seems to have ties with a Runcandel.
It's also weird that a 7-star is running some sketchy side business.”

“Kiddo, there are 9-stars who run a bar their entire lives. I've seen many
like this corpse. One of your ancestors was like that.”

“It's the clan I will soon lead. It'd be nice to clean up some old history. Well,
let's go. We should look for more informative people like Jet.”

The three then left the capital city of Akin.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 64

Volume 3 Chapter 64 – Tzenmi's Magic (1)

Two men were frowning as they sat in a cramped room.

They had been talking with Jet for the past few hours.

“So let me get this straight, Mr. Jet. You… filled out this anonymous note
for the prosperity of the citizens and the downfall of Akin.

“And you, who were mostly a lowly accountant, decided to betray your
organization because you accidentally walked into the slave storage and
was shocked by the atrocity?

“Moreover, among the documents you risked your life to take, there was
also an accounting record of the magic tome auctions. And you thought it
would be a way to collapse the Tesing Clan from the inside, so you handed
it over to the Zipfel Clan.

“And out of all of the different press media throughout Akin, you
specifically chose the one that is against the Tesings' atrocities because you
were interested in Akin's politics…

“Lastly, since you are a mere harmless reporter, you want us to protect you
in order to stay safe from Tesing's surviving forces… Is that what you

Jet frantically nodded.

“Precisely! Man, I tried to do some good deeds in order to live out my life. I
don't know why I'm being treated like this. Please let me go. I'm worried
about my son.”

The two men let out a deep sigh.

They were part of the Vermont Criminal Investigation Team. After

receiving the letter about the Tesing Clan's misdeeds, they caught Jet at the
port and began an investigation.

As Jin expected, Jet had a strong survival instinct.

He listened to each word uttered by the investigators and responded with

the most advantageous reply possible.

Talking about the Beradin impersonator wouldn't help him in this situation.
He had to sugarcoat everything as an “act of goodness” to gain witness

The investigators were baffled.

'No matter how I look at it, there's no way this bastard acted upon moral
values. He just wrote his name on the letter. He didn't draft the entire thing.'

'It's probably the shady people who destroyed the Tesings. However, we
don't need to chase the culprits around.'

Instead of finding the true author of the letter, declaring the bastard in front
of them as the righteous hero would be much more convenient.

On top of that, apart from the initial letter, the handwriting from the slave
records matched Jet's signature. At least he wrote the slave records himself
to save the Vermont citizens.

The investigators shrugged.

“Alright, Mr. Jet. Honestly, you kinda look like some lowly scum, but we'll
turn a blind eye on your lies since you are saving dozens of Akin citizens.”
“However, the Zipfels have already requested your testimony, so you have
to cooperate with us.”

“The Zipfels are searching for me…? No, no, no way. If I go there, I'll die.”

“Nothing will happen if you tell them what you told us. As long as your
story stays consistent, the Vermont Criminal Investigation Team will keep
you safe. Just go and tell them the story.”

“If they hear something different from us, then it gets really annoying. You
have some time before you go to the Zipfels' investigation room, so go see
your son and eat some food.”

An hour later, Jet followed the investigators to the investigation room.

Ultimately, he didn't say a single thing about the Beradin impersonator, and
the Zipfel investigators couldn't kill him even though they knew that he was

“Still, we can't make you a hero. The Zipfel Clan will take the credit for the
downfall of the Tesings.”

“I don't care, as long as you promise to keep me alive and protect me.”

“I will hear the truth once I beat the crap out of the surviving Tesing agents.
Leave. Also, don't think that the Vermont witness protection is perfect.”

The Tesing Clan was demolished.

Despite causing a ruckus, the three companions didn't even get a bounty on
their heads.

This wasn't the Zipfels' business. The destruction was unfortunate for those
who lived off of Tesing's dirty money. However, if the Zipfels announced
that they destroyed the Tesings, then they would gain more trust from the
citizens of Akin.

Either way, for the Zipfels, the support gained from the people of a
miniscule kingdom was equivalent to that of an ant.
“So the Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial Family would share the fame
while you would rake in the true benefits.”

“Indeed. Myulta's Rune, Tzenmi's magic tome, and Schugiel Hister's magic
tome are now in our hands. Also, I got to fight a 7-star knight.”

“Not all 7-stars are the same, Young Master. Please be more cautious in the
future. A magic helm, magic, spirit energy, and swordsmanship… You're a
great fighter. However, we can't always walk on a tightrope like this.”

“Of course. No matter how hard I try, I can't stand against actual opponents
like you can, Gilly. I already know that. Still, I'll be more careful.”

For a few days, the three spent their time in a remote village near Akin and
observed the flow of events. With everything going as Jin predicted,
Murakan and Gilly were astonished.

“Well, it looks like the Zipfels wouldn't be searching for us. We can travel
to our next destination without too much pressure.”

“Where's our next stop?”

Jin already had a place in mind.

“The Free City of Tikan.”


After experiencing their journey through Akin, the three felt the importance
of having an information broker like Jet. They needed someone to give
them valuable information about the area as they continued on their journey
based on Gilly's and Murakan's memories.

Additionally, information about Vishukel Yvliano's, Kinzelo's, and Alu's

true names; the prohibited magic in the Kollon Ruins; as well as other

There were many things they wanted to know. Moreover, territories weren't
some places one would just casually visit.
Tikan, the Free City, wasn't an exception.

'Once we get there, I should form relations with Ghostblade Kashimir.'

Even in the present world, there weren't many who knew of Ghost Blade
Kashimir. Many young Runcandel swordsmen begged him to be their
teacher, but he always refused.

The reason being that he had a valuable intelligence agency known as

'Seven-Colored Peacock'.

Excluding the intelligence agencies of the Runcandels, Zipfiels, and

Vermont Imperial Family, the Seven-Colored Peacock was the next best
information source. It would be the most useful source during a time before
the Runcandels rose to power.

The agency was an incredible group of information brokers, but none knew
that its leader was Kashimir.

He was also known as 'the Fallen Prince of Vermont' in the present world.
To a regressor like Jin, it wasn't anything special, but the world was turned
upside down when his status and identity were revealed.

'The seven information brokers that form the Seven-Colored Peacock were
all loyal Vermont higher-ups. Along with Kashimir, they are a gathering of
abandoned Vermont nobles.'

Jin didn't know the entire story, but he knew that the Seven-Colored
Peacock consisted of many useful people.

Ten years later, the Fallen Prince Kashimir would become the first ruler of
The Free City of Tikan.

Using the information that they gathered for decades, they would
compromise sovereignty and the right to rule the land. They were beyond

'Going to Tikan is easy. The problem is getting close to Kashimir.'

Deeply in thought, Jin smirked.

'A small country needs power. I'll lure Kashimir to me with the thing he
wants most.'

The most stable way to strengthen a country is to enlarge its military force.
This way, it can fight against invasions and build its infrastructure.

However, after earning its independence, Tikan remained as a mere small


Due to its small population, the military force is small. There wasn't a great
abundance in resources, so it couldn't even advance its technologies. It was
a country reliant on 'information'.

'If he seems reasonable, I'll ask him about the mirror artifact at the Kollon

Of course, Jin couldn't show Kashimir an artifact that he doesn't have, nor
could he explain its abilities.

Moreover, it all depended on Kashimir's aspirations for the army he had.

Humans would naturally believe things they want to believe.

'Even if I obtain the mirror artifact, I don't intend to hand it to Kashimir.

Though, I can share its healing effects. I'll show him Myulta's Rune and
teach him the existence of these masterpieces. After that, I will slowly
convince him to support me.'

Not only that, Jin also planned to break the rule of not using the clan's name
as a provisional flag-bearer. He had to introduce himself as a Runcandel to
at least make Kashimir bat an eye.

“Why are you laughing, kiddo? What kind of place is Tikan? Never heard
of it in my generation.”

“It's probably because of the information brokers, Lord Murakan. There is a

massive intelligence agency called the Seven-Colored Peacock…”
As Gilly continued to explain, Murakan shook his head.

“You're choosing abusable scapegoats, just like we used Jet. Not bad. Is that
why you were so excited?”

“I was laughing because of the magic tome. By this time tomorrow,

wouldn't the deciphering of Tezmi's magic tome be finished? I'm looking
forward to it.”

“Yeah, wondering about that Tzenmi guy's magic got my stomach in knots.
Seems to be light-type magic…”


“I said it's light-type magic.”

“I remember that all light-type magic was forgotten after ancient times…

Jin shook his head. He already heard a few times that Tzenmi was a
magician of Murakan's era.

Light magic.

It was the dream of all magicians of the present.

“What the fuck happened? To think that Tzenmi's tome was being tossed
around in a sketchy, run-down underground auction house. If I were
Tzenmi, I would've crawled out of my grave.”

“What kind of person was Tzenmi?”

Murakan smirked at Jin for a few seconds.

“Fifteen hundred years ago, around five hundred renowned Zipfel

magicians plotted to assassinate Tzenmi. But they all failed. Which is
probably why no one—including you—knows of Tzenmi.”
It was similar to how they wiped any records of the Runcandels' magic
swordsmanship to a clean slate.

The Zipfel Clan completely erased Tzenmi's existence from the history

“It's their specialty. They erase any threat to them from the history books. If
you hadn't awakened your spiritual energy, you would have ended up the
same as Tzenmi. Forgotten.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 65

“Anyways, about that Tzenmi guy…”

Murakan continued to ramble on about Tzenmi. It was a story so long, it

would take a thousand years just to finish telling even its summarized

Jin's eyes sparkled as he listened to Murakan, and Gilly softly lay her eyes
on Jin.

'At times like this, it's as if he's still a child.'

And so, they left the village for the Free City of Tikan.

Although there was no bounty on them, they couldn't go back to the capital
and use a transfer gate due to the ruckus they caused.

Thus, they chose to ride a ship.

After travelling on a carriage for a day, they arrived at a port and contracted
with the best ship on dock. Being offered a large sum of jewels and gold,
the captain prepared to set sail.

“I am honoured to escort you.”

Crewmates were called out to deck, and they didn't complain at the sight of
many precious minerals.

“It will take one week at most to get to Tikan.”

The boat departed within an hour.

On the first day, Jin trained the release of his spiritual energy with the ocean
wind blowing against his chest. If there wasn't anything to do, training was
the way to go.

The fun part would start after Tzenmi's magic tome got fully deciphered.

“I wondered what light magic Tzenmi practiced. And it looks like some
magic you need the most.”

“What is it? What is it?”

Jin, who was resting in his room, bolted to Murakan.

It was hard for him to contain his excitement. Murakan explained Tzenmi's
strange magic techniques as destructive spells that made even dragons
quiver in fear during their era.

Among the spells within the tome were one that decomposed an opponent
into light particles, a piercing spell that penetrated any shield or force field,
and a spell that summoned a spirit of light.

There wasn't really a spell that was better than the others.

Murakan laughed at Jin's excessive curiosity. Then, with a straight face, he


“Tzenmi called this spell Photon Cannon.”

“Photon Cannon! The spell that breaks down the opponent into particles of

“Nah. It's just a spell that instantly blinds someone. With a strong flash of
light, that is.”


Jin calmed down and nodded.

He then considered the effectiveness of Photon Cannon. It wasn't what he
wanted, but it was definitely useful in some scenarios.

“It's perfect as a distraction for attacking or escaping.”

“Whoa, kiddo. You don't seem too disinterested.”

“It's probably in the magic tome because it has good use. But I would be
lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Still, it's indeed a spell that I may need
the most.”

“Of course. It's easy to learn too. I deciphered it an hour ago and cast it as a
test… Close the door for a sec. The curtains too.”

Seeing the darkness in the room during a bright afternoon felt bizarre.

“It doesn't necessarily need to be cast in the darkness, but it's a light spell.
I'll demonstrate, so open your eyes wide and watch carefully.”


In Murakan's right hand, mana started to gather and solidify. Naturally, Jin
was staring intently at the mana sphere, awaiting some bright result.
However, the ball of energy was drowned in black.

“It's a light spell, so why is it bla—”

The moment he spoke, before the mana sphere dissipated and disappeared,
there was a bright white light akin to hot, glowing steel. For a split second.
The instant the light exploded, Jin reflexively flinched and let out a groan.


It was because of the blinding light that filled the room.

It was as if he were staring at the sun during the highest noon. The light felt
like a giant needle prodding his retinas.

'I feel like my eyes will get swollen.'

Photon Cannon was unleashed for only a second, yet being exposed for
such a short time was enough to make one's eyes very weary. Jin opened his
eyes and saw an afterimage—a giant blob floating across his vision.

He really wanted to give Murakan a nice uppercut for telling him to 'watch
carefully', but the strength of the spell gave him goosebumps.


If he could cast this spell at will during a battle, fighting a stronger

opponent wouldn't be a problem.

Including the scenarios where he would need to escape, the spell was useful
in terms of offense and defense.

“From my knowledge, I'm pretty sure this spell was Tzenmi's most prized
spell. So, what do you think?”

“It's incredible. In fact, your cast wasn't even 30% of its true power, right?”

Jin knew without an explanation, making Murakan proud.

A shoddy demonstration right after deciphering.

Additionally, Murakan said that it was easy to learn, so Jin could master the
spell by the end of the boat ride.

“With your talent, you could master it in two days. If you absorb the magic
tome for the rest of the trip, then by the time we get to Tikan, you'll have a
god-tier weapon under your belt.”

Even if Jin finished mastering these 'unique spells', he would still need to
absorb the magic tome to enhance his general skills and abilities.

The process of absorbing a magic tome was simple. Jin just had to convert
the cipher system into a rune and then cast the magic tome onto his body.

“I'm sure you'll make me deal with the rune conversion. Am I right, kiddo?”

“How do you expect to repay me for that kind of debt?”

Jin immediately started to learn Photon Cannon. Murakan said it would take
him two days, but mastering the theory of the spell didn't even require a

'It's the most incredible spell I've ever seen. Such a sophisticated and simple
spell, yet so powerful.'

However, the spell was simple for a reason. Moreover, even though all of
the magicians in the world attempted the simple spell, not many were able
to use it.

Photon Cannon required insane levels of mana and mana control that only
talented magicians had.


Although the resulting light was not as brilliant as Murakan's shoddy

demonstration, Jin understood the spell as soon as he tried it.

He felt weak and dizzy, but he smiled in the light of success.

'The caster is not affected by the light coming from the spell.'

There was a big difference between the light emitted by the spell and the
surrounding natural light. Jin could stare at the flash, but it still wouldn't
affect his vision.

“Hey, kiddo.”

Four days later, Murakan finished the rune conversion and asked Jin,

“Schugiel Hister or whatever's magic tome. I can't decipher it. I think it's
just regular garbage. Wanna use it as kindling?”

“I'm just pissed. This stupid-ass code's annoying me, the great Murakan.”

Jin was about to say that it was a code from his fond memories.

But instead, he just smiled.

'I was originally gonna decipher it myself and use it… But I'll just find my
teacher and have them teach it to me instead.'

Jin's master spent their entire life recovering the magic spells of Hister.
Although it was a relationship in his past life, Jin always felt indebted to his

“I'm sure we'll find many great spells if we find a good decoder. I just feel
it. So don't fuss over it, and just give it to Gilly.”

“You little brat. You could burn my precious magazines any time, but this
old book…”

“Speak some sense, O Great Black Dragon. If you're done with the rune
conversion of Tzenmi's magic tome, just cast it on me.”

Murakan scoffed.

“Ha! Strawberry Pie and I—we're no different from slaves. Ever heard of a
wicked master who got stabbed and killed by a slave?”

“My bad. Unfortunately, growing up as a Runcandel made me like this.”

Murakan began to cast the magic tome on Jin's back. The text in the magic
tome began to glow and come off the pages.

Murakan slowly moved the glowing text towards Jin's left shoulder blade,
and the magic tome's text was printed onto Jin's back. It emitted an eerie
glow—like a special tattoo.

“Damn, I wanted to cast it on your ass, or even your di—”

“Enough with the unfunny jokes. Let's see what changed.”

As soon as the text sank into Jin's skin, his understanding of Photon Cannon
increased rapidly. The absorption of Tzenmi's tome seemed to have
stimulated his abilities.

'Photon Cannon.'


The spell was cast, and the entire room was bathed in white. The ardent
light pierced through the curtains and was seen on the deck.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud.

The captain—who was surprised by the light—rushed into the guest room.

“Sir, did anything happen? There was a light…!”

Jin and Murakan looked at the captain and simultaneously denied.

“Light? What light?”

“Ah, it's nothing. I presume you were hallucinating.”

The captain didn't need to know that they just practiced an ancient light

The boat arrived in the Free City of Tikan on the 2nd of July, 1795.

To show his appreciation for the satisfactory trip, Jin tipped the captain,
then passed the city gates with his fake identification. When passing the
gate, Murakan temporarily transformed into a cat.


In Gilly's arms, Murakan shook his head.

“The atmosphere in Tikan and Akin are completely different, Young

“Yeah, you can feel the energy and enthusiasm wherever we go.”

As opposed to its amazing scenery, Akin was filled with hopeless people. In
Tikan, on the other hand, the ocean was always in view wherever they

It was because of the city's unique landform. The entire island had a single
horn-shaped tower with ten floors.

Instead of 'Free City', calling it a 'Tower' was more fitting. It was a name
that held the dreams of the initial founders.

“Young Master, shall we first find a place to stay?”


Jin almost tripped when Murakan suddenly returned to his normal form and

“You won't just go to a ramshackle inn and abuse the hell out of the owner
like last time, right?”

“Murakan, you know how many people are here? Transforming in the
middle of a city…”

Although Tikan had a small population, the density was high. Transforming
in the middle of the road was an easy way to lose anonymity.

Gilly tried to add to Jin's scolding, but Murakan shook his head.

“Humans never pay attention to strangers. Haha, no one probably saw.”

They scouted the area, and it seemed like it was the case. Everybody
walked with busy footsteps, and even in an open area, no one seemed to
care about the three.


However, it only 'seemed' as if nobody cared.

“A cat… turned into a man.”

Startled, Jin, Murakan, and Gilly turned their heads towards the voice.

“How did you do that?”

While holding a small dragon plushie, a small girl stared at them.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 66

“…How is it?”

“Mm! It's good, sir.”

“I'm not that old…”

Being called 'sir' at the age of 15 was harsh.

“Sir is right.”

Jin cracked an awkward smile and shrugged.

They bought some ice cream for the girl with the dragon plushie. Although
watching her happily eat the cold treat was cute…

'How the hell do we deal with her?'

While evaluating the situation, Murakan got tense and clenched his fist.

Gilly was furious—her expression cold as stone. Whenever the little girl
looked at her, however, she flashed a bright smile.

Thankfully, it was only a little girl who witnessed Murakan's


Thank goodness.

'What if it was a group of adults and not a little kid? The Zipfels would
have put a bounty on me immediately.'
Murakan learned from this experience. Indeed, humans often didn't care
about others' businesses, but he promised to be careful when transforming.

Jin sighed as he stared at a hunched-over Murakan who was racked with


'Damn… As bad as it is for us, it's worse for him. After all, he was a grand
black dragon who didn't need to care about people's gazes.'

It had been five years since he broke out of the glass coffin in the Storm
Castle's underground chamber.

Murakan's emotions hadn't changed even from before his slumber a

thousand years ago. Although he wanted to cause mass destruction, he
patiently held in his urges and matched the behaviour Jin expected of him.

Excluding the several rowdy moments at the Storm Castle and Garden of
Swords, the shadow dragon suppressed his emotions well.

'If I think about it like that, I kinda feel sorry.'

Jin bought more ice cream and gave it to Murakan. Without a word,
Murakan received the treat and smiled. Gilly exploded into laughter.

Oblivious to what was happening, the little girl grinned.

“Then is that guy not a cat?”

“Yeah, I guess Euria is seeing things.”

“Euria isn't seeing things! That guy is cat. You are not cat.”

“Haha, you like cats?”

Jin and his companions were sitting on a bench, watching the cute kid eat
ice cream. Her name was Euria.

“Euria, do you know the way home?”

“No, Euria don't know.”

They listened to her story and concluded that her parents lost her in the
crowd, and she encountered Jin while wandering the streets.

So, the three decided to find the child's parents. They didn't have any
immediate objectives anyways.

Twenty minutes passed, and the child's parents never showed up.

“Young Master, shouldn't we take her over to the guards at a nearby

garrison? Technically, we aren't obliged to solve this problem.”

“That would be good. Did you finish your ice cre—”

As soon as she heard 'guards', Euria frowned.

“I don't like there. Make mommy tired.”

“The garrison makes your mother tired?”

“Ya, that place make mommy very tired.”

At that moment, a million thoughts went through their heads.

'Is she being exploited?'

'Is her mother a criminal?'

There weren't many interpretations of the girl's words.

After a bit of thinking, they still agreed that taking her to the guards was the
best conclusion. Euria pouted then accepted her fate.

“What a nice child, Young Master. There was a time when Young Master
was also… Hmmm, never mind. Haha.”
Finding the way to the garrison wasn't hard. Living up to its name, the Free
City did not have anyone who was scared of outsiders.

The garrison looked immaculate, with 'The Free City of Tikan Central
Defense Force' written neatly on the white walls.

Jin liked the presence of a central defense force. Whatever issue existed,
dealing with problems at a big organization was easier.

“Tikan Central Defense Force. How may we help you?”

“Oh, uh, this child…”

“Oh, it's Euria. Hey, guys, bring the chief.”

“Do you know this girl?”

“Haha, more than just know. She's the chief's daughter.”


Euria, who apparently hated the garrison, was being treated like a princess.

So that's what she meant when she said the garrison made her mother tired.
The three of them smiled simultaneously.

“Hey, kid. You dare fool the great Murakan?”

“I didn't fool you, cat man.”

“I said I wasn't a cat.”

Clomp, clomp.

A tall woman walked towards them. She looked at least 2 meters tall with
broad shoulders and had a knife scar on her left eye.

It wouldn't be a surprise if she operated several dark organizations like

Tesing, but she was wearing a military uniform. It was hard to miss the
flashy 'chief' badge.

The woman embraced Euria before picking her up.

“Haha, Euria. My bad, my bad. Mom remembered she had some work to
do, so I rushed back and accidentally forgot about you.”

“It's okay.”

“Of course it's okay. The people in this city know that if they mess with
you, they'll go to the sky world. Or they'll never see the sky again.”

She was throwing violent jokes in front of a 5-year-old, but the words were
filled with love and affection.

The three spectators were at a loss for words.

“You guys brought Euria? My apologies. I am Tikan's Chief of Defense,

Alisa Betzer.”

They exchanged handshakes.

“Tourists, I see. It seems that I was a little careless since I knew that the
citizens knew Euria well.”

“No, no. It's fine. It's a relief that she's your daughter. We were worried that
it would take longer to find her parents.”

“Oh, it seems that you also ate some ice cream. Euria, make sure to thank
them. Good girl. Anyways, thank you very much. How may I return the

“If there are any good inns nearby, it would be great if you could
recommend some. We just arrived… “

“Oh, a place to stay? Hold on. Euria, what did you say?”

Alisa bent over and lent her ear to Euria, who then began to whisper.

Alisa thought for a moment, wrote something on a piece of paper, stamped

it, and handed it to Jin. It was a simple letter.

“It's an introductory letter with the Chief of Defense's seal. Wherever you
go, if you show them this pass, then you will be treated with the utmost
respect. The provided food will change as well.”

“That's amazing. It will be of good use. We shall leave now.”

The three left the building, and Alisa shrugged her shoulders.

“Euria, you really saw a cat turn into that man?”

“Mm, but they didn't want to share it. So I guess they didn't tell you.”

Alisa patted Euria's head.

“Alright, everyone has their secrets.”

And then she thought:

'Transformation… Only dragons can do that. And there's no way Euria is

lying. I must ask Kashimir.'

The power of Tikan's Chief of Defense's pass was beyond their


Jin chose the most luxurious inn in the outskirts of the city. When he
showed the pass to the receptionist, employees were summoned to escort
them, and all kinds of services were discounted.

On top of that, they were offered the most luxurious room without a
reservation. Jin, Murakan, and Gilly were finally able to rest comfortably.

“Wow. We've only experienced this kind of treatment in Huphester. Isn't

nepotism great?”
“The cushioned bed is great, kiddo. Our living space needs to be more like
this. Our place in Akin was a pain in the ass.”

“I have a good feeling about this place, seeing the great fortune we got as
soon as we came. Oh my, the cocktails and sautéed shrimp are delicious.
Young Master, have a taste. Can we order some more?”

“My goodness, Gilly. No need to ask. Just order more.”

Their visit felt like a vacation trip.

'This is new.'

The three have been together since their days at the Storm Castle, but it was
their first time experiencing this kind of hospitality.

Gilly seemed to be especially happy, for she was constantly singing and
humming a tune. Seeing her indulge in the lavish goods, Jin felt pity.

'She likes this stuff so much. As soon as she became a fair lady, she got
stuck with me. No time to play, no time for herself.'

He wouldn't have made Gilly go through this in his past life. In fact, he
wouldn't make anybody in the clan experience this kind of abject
deprivation. Even if they weren't pureblood Runcandels.

Was this lifestyle truly for Gilly? Was it righteous to let her live her life
from here?

For a moment, he considered letting Gilly go.


“Yes, Young Master?”

“Have you ever regretted accompanying me?”

Gilly halted her humming and movements and stared at Jin. She knew
exactly why he posed this question.
“Not once in my life. This kind of joy is meaningless if not spent with you,
Young Master. Oh, including Lord Murakan. Though, he is definitely
annoying at times.”

“On that note, let me ask you, Strawberry Pie. Why do you remain stuck to
the Runcandels? You don't seek treasures like that Emma person, nor do
you want political power.”

Jin was thankful that Murakan joined the conversation. He didn't know how
to respond to Gilly's heartwarming response.

“Uhm… that's…”

“Did I catch onto somethin'? Or do you feel indebted to the clan for life?
Your dedication definitely has some ulterior motive.”

“May I share regarding this topic at a later time?”

“When are you gonna tell us, huh? Strawberry Pie?”

“When I become old and senile, perhaps?”

“That's not too far in the future. I can wait until then, but you'll have to tell
us why.”

Gilly meant that response as a joke, but Murakan took her seriously.
Realistically speaking, a few decades of her life was nothing to Murakan.

“Haha, I guess I'll order some more shrimp.”

Once Gilly left the room, Murakan called Jin over.

“Hey, kid.”


“It's a blessed life.”

Not long after leaving, Gilly returned to their quarters.

However, her startled face didn't look as if she had ordered more shrimps.

“Young Master, Lord Murakan, something's not right. There's not a single
person in sight in the lobby.”


“Employees, and guests included, all seemed to have cleared the building.

Clunk, clunk, clunk.

At that moment, dozens of footsteps resounded from the hallway,

approaching their vicinity. It was definitely the sound of marching soldiers
equipped with steel boots.

The stomping stopped at their door. Then, a more quiet pair of footsteps
approached it.

A man entered the opened door.

Murakan was clueless about the man's identity, but their visitor was a
famous swordsman that Jin and Gilly knew.

“Hello there.”

It was Ghostblade Kashimir.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 67

Meeting Kashimir was their main objective for coming to Tikan. However,
they struggled to find a way to meet him.

But to think that he would come straight to their doorstep. Quite the
unexpected turn of events.

“What's this?”

Naturally, Jin stepped in front of Gilly and Murakan.

Kashimir leaned on the doorway and shrugged his shoulders. It was hard to
miss the scimitar on his waist. It was a curved blade that slaughtered
hundreds of strong opponents before its owner was given the name

“Oh my. Did I disturb your peaceful break?”

Murakan—who was amused by the situation—smirked. Jin thought about

why Kashimir came to them.

'There's no way he knows about our business in Akin. It seems the chief of
defense leaked our general location, and the inn owner saw our pass and
contacted her.'

But why?

They just arrived in Tikan and have only been in the city for a grand total of
two hours. They didn't do anything in particular—just spent some quality
quiet time.
There was no reason for Kashimir to be interested in them.

Then he remembered their encounter with Euria.

'Unless…? What if Euria told Alisa about Murakan's transformation, and

knowing that transformation is an ability only dragons have, Alisa reported
it to Kashimir?'

Certain of the possibility, Jin began to formulate the scenarios in his head.

'If he was convinced by a 5-year-old who witnessed it and believes that we

are dragons, it means that he's desperate. As a close acquaintance, the chief
of defense probably knows this as well.'

It didn't seem like a horrible situation, though.

'The armoured knights outside don't seem to intend to threaten us. They
were brought to prepare for a possible fight against a dragon. If not, there's
no reason to keep them outside. They would've come into the room if they
wanted to scare us.'

Jin realized that Kashimir evacuated the people inside the inn for the same

'Probably evacuated not only the inn, but the surrounding area as well.
Causing a dragon's rage because of this encounter would devastate the

It didn't even take a few seconds to evaluate the situation. Their short stay
in Tikan easily narrowed down all of the possibilities.

At this point, Jin thought he could safely approach Kashimir. In addition to

not knowing that Murakan was the dragon, he mobilized the troops outside
and evacuated everyone. His preparation was immaculate.

However, he made one small mistake.

“'Oh my', my ass. You bitch. You talking like that to me? Do you know who
I am?

“So fucking annoying. You think the world is so easy just because you have
a cool weapon on your ass and some goons to drag around?”

Kashimir didn't greet them—more specifically, Murakan—respectfully.

Murakan continued to spit swears and curses, and Kashimir was startled.

It was a widely known fact that dragons didn't have the greatest

Kashimir should have known this, but he just nonchalantly greeted

Murakan anyways. Though he was the Fallen Prince, was his attitude
because he had been part of the Vermont Imperial Family?

Regardless, Murakan was on the nicer side amongst the nasty dragons.

“Who do you think you are, messing up the nice mood. I'm asking you, you
mongrel. Do you know who I am? Answer me.”

“I… don't know.”

Kashimir's handsome profile was ruined as he answered Murakan. He

seemed to be very shocked.

At that moment, he was certain that Murakan was the dragon. Otherwise, he
wouldn't stand still like a scarecrow after being brutally humiliated.

“Oh, is there a lump of gold stuck in your throat? You're still not talking,
you dumbass dog. C'mere. Get your ass over here. People like you need a
nice beating to get into the right mind…”

Despite telling Kashimir to come to him, Murakan stomped towards the

other man.

Kashimir shivered in fear as he slowly backed away. Jin wanted to laugh at

the sight.
“Murakan, calm down. Relax. Don't worry about it.”

Jin softly stopped Murakan. The dragon then stood still, eyes fixed on
Kashimir. He would've spun the other's jaw multiple times if he hadn't been

There were three reasons why Murakan was pissed.

The biggest reason was because he made his poor Strawberry Pie feel
threatened, and then it was a split between him disturbing their peace and
lacking respect.

Barely catching his breath, Kashimir cleared his throat.

“Ehem! My apologies. It seems I was insolent. I did not intend to aggravate

you, so please, I humbly request your forgiveness.”

“Sir Ghostblade Kashimir.”

“Uh, pardon me, but you know who I am?”

“How would I not? I've been wanting to meet the glorious ruler of Tikan.”

Jin's demeanor was much calmer than Murakan's. Kashimir cleared his
mind and avoided Murakan's gaze.

“I didn't know that you would suddenly visit like this. Maybe because of a
certain cat?”

Hearing this, Kashimir regained his composure and the sharpness in his
eyes. He overcame his trauma when he remembered what he originally
came for.

“And your name is?”

“It's Jin Runcandel.”

Without hesitation, he said his real name. Gilly—who stood behind him—
covered her mouth. Murakan was also slightly surprised.
Someone identifying as a Runcandel heir was an occasion out of their
control, but revealing his own identity should've been avoided at all costs.

Of course, the one who was surprised the most was Kashimir.

“If you had attended the banquet not so long ago, then I'm sure we would
have met beforehand. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Kashimir.”

Kashimir slightly smiled.

'So he's Jin Runcandel… After revealing that man as the dragon, the boy
just reveals himself. Was there even a case where the Runcandels and
dragons got along?'

According to his knowledge, it was impossible. Since ancient times,

dragons only formed relations with magicians who either contracted with
gods or have special abilities.

'That frivolous man is the dragon. His speech and tone was like a back-alley
thug, but the momentary pressure and threat he gave off was immense.'

Analyzing the crew in front of him, Kashimir naturally turned his eyes
towards Gilly.

'And isn't that woman Gilly McRolan?'

Before being deemed the Fallen Prince, he had seen some of the McRolans
at the Vermont Imperial Palace.

Although he didn't remember Gilly precisely, he had a vivid memory of a

young Gilly displaying a claw's potent power at a training academy.

And there was no doubt about it. The boy in front of him was a Runcandel.
Though, he couldn't understand why Jin was being accompanied by a

“It's a long story. Sir Kashimir, please take a seat.”

Kashimir ordered the soldiers to clear the area. In his position, it was a
dangerous move, but he acted out of pacifism to gain the favour of the

Murakan, however, was still annoyed.

Respecting Jin's decision, Gilly set three goblets on the table. Murakan was
forced to follow the kid's agenda.

Glug, glug.

Jin poured some wine into Kashimir's goblet.

“Young Master Jin, does your clan know of your whereabouts with a
dragon? I've never thought of a Runcandel and a dragon working together.”

“The clan does not know.”

“You're telling me a risky secret like it's nothing.”

“Because you just sent your soldiers away. If things don't go as I planned,
and depending on the outcome of this conversation, we can just get rid of

Kashimir assumed that Jin was joking and awkwardly laughed.

“I guess we didn't give Euria enough ice cream. If we knew this would
happen, we would've bought her better stuff. I guess Sir Kashimir and Alisa
really trust Euria? Seeing that you acted upon the child's seemingly fake

“And since Young Master Jin shared a clandestine secret, I will share one as
well. Euria is my daughter. There is no reason for me not to trust her.”

Kashimir looked robust, but he definitely was lacking compared to Alisa.

However, picturing the two next to each other, they do look nice together…

'No, that's not important right now.'

Jin nodded and continued to speak,

“I have never heard news of Sir Kashimir having a daughter.”

As if that information wasn't enough, Kashimir added to his words.

“And my daughter contracted with Az Mil.”

“By Az Mil, you mean…”

“Yes, the God of Sight, Az Mil.”

Jin finally understood why Kashimir and Alisa trusted Euria's absurd story.

Anyone who contracted with the God of Sight would never be 'seeing
things'. There was no such thing as hallucinations for them.

“I think my secret is of equivalent weight to yours.”

—My daughter contracted with Az Mil.

Revealing such truth required a great sum of courage. Az Mil's contractor

not only gained the 'Absolute Eye' that enables them to see the truth behind
everything, but also the 'All-Seeing Eye' which allows them to see a vision
of the future.

All of the rulers and leaders in the world searched for the one who
contracted with Az Mil with the hopes and greed of avoiding the
uncertainty of the future.

Which is why most of Az Mil's contractors were abused and taken

advantage of, living the rest of their life in misery.

Especially with the extremity of the Zipfels' and the Vermont Imperial
Family's actions. Everyone knew that they wanted to keep the contractor by
their side 'by all means'.

“Wait, you mongrel. If that kid is Az's contractor, then where's the dragon? I
didn't sense any presence of a dragon in this city. It's well known that Az's
dragons take really good care of the contractors.”

Engaged in the conversation, Murakan sat in a chair, which settled the

mood. Combining the dragon's words with the image of Euria holding onto
a dragon doll, Jin finally deduced why Kashimir came to them.

'For some reason, the dragon disappeared. That's why he urgently came here
after hearing of another dragon's presence.'

Kashimir's face dimmed.

“…Euria's guardian dragon suddenly disappeared about a year ago. I think

that either the Vermont Imperial Family or the Zipfels are at fault, but it's
just a hunch.”

“What kind of stupid dragon would get kidnapped just like that? At least
speak some sense…”

Murakan paused, then his eyes widened.

“Wait, it's been a year? And your daughter… is 5?”


Kashimir dropped his head, holding a hopeless and melancholic expression

as he thought of the day he lost his friend and creating a doll for his
daughter to commemorate them.

But right now, losing an acquaintance was the least of Kashimir's concerns.

“Then that means your daughter is constantly looking into the future! A
young contractor can't control their abilities without their dragon. Holy shit,
she probably saw my transformation from a vision.”

“Pardon? Euria is constantly looking into the future?”

“A measly human like you wouldn't understand. Witnessing the future

inflicts so much mental strain—even for a dragon. Right now, your
daughter is so young. She can't differentiate between fantasy and reality.”
“Wh-What do you…”

“At this rate, your daughter will go crazy and become bedridden forever.
After one or two years, she will slowly feel exhausted, and it just snowballs
from there. It becomes impossible to stop. We must find that dragon.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 68

Kashimir's eyes went bloodshot. Anyone would get shocked after hearing
that their daughter would become bedridden for life.

“Murakan, what do you mean by that? That kid will become bedridden?

Jin's chest felt heavy. He felt his stomach sink at the thought of a horrible
fate for a small, innocent child.

“You humans think that clairvoyance is miraculous and extraordinary, but

that is only one side of the coin. The moment you make a contract with Az
Mil, you lose the ability to change the future.”

Murakan continued to explain the 'causation principle'.

“If one sees the future, they must follow it. No matter what. When you
begin to act against it, Az Mil will begin to condemn you.”

Even though they want to alter their actions, thought processes, or decisions
based upon the future, Az Mil's contractors must abide by their fate.

Thus, even if they see in the future that their brother was going to get
assassinated, they must not tell him or go stop the assassination.

Since everyone in the room deduced the near future, the 'causation
principle' applied to them as well. However, even though they try to change
the future, Az Mil punishes the contractor regardless.
“If they disobey the 'causation principle', the contractor will receive death
as their punishment. Your daughter has been living in a different world than
you and me. She's basically living a pre-planned life.”

“I-I can't believe it. I've never heard of that before.”

“Of course not. It isn't well known even amongst the dragons.”

“Then about Euria's discovery of your transformation… If she was destined

to meet you, what does that mean?”

“That it was from a prophecy. What are the chances of meeting Az Mil's
contractor in a big city like this? Az Mil probably set us up to offer the
helpless girl some assistance because she lost her dragon. Essentially, Az
Mil is requesting help.”

“A god is asking some humans for a favour?”

“For a dragon and two humans, that is. I can't exactly pinpoint Az Mil's
intentions of intervention, but I'm probably right. A coincidental encounter
seems very improbable.”

Kashimir, speechless, shook his head, and Jin thought about the little girl.

The All-Seeing Eye that could see into the future, and the Absolute Eye that
could see the truth behind everything in the world.

'Calling me 'sir'… Did she see me before I regressed?'

Now that he thought about the possibility, goosebumps crawled all over
Jin's body.

“Either way, we need to find the dragon and return it to her side.”

“…O Great Dragon, it is not known to the world, but I am the leader of the
information broker agency, 'Seven-Colored Peacock'. We have many
skillful workers, but for the past year, we did not find any news about
Euria's guardian dragon.”
“The Seven-Colored Peacock is yours? I can see why Az Mil is messing
with our world. We came to Tikan to use the Seven-Colored Peacock's
information anyways.”

To Kashimir, Murakan's words were like a beam of light through a cloudy

sky. Instead of just requesting for uncompensated help from a dragon, he
could offer his services to successfully seal the deal.


Kashimir fell to his knees and lowered his head.

“O Great Dragon, I humbly beg for your assistance. I will do anything for
my daughter. I would even offer you the entirety of the Seven-Colored

Normally, Kashimir was a very composed man. Although he was kicked

out, as a former member of the Vermont Imperial Family, his sense of pride
and self-esteem were very strong.

However, this was a situation in which his daughter's life was on the line.
Although they were not backed with any evidence, Kashimir didn't doubt a
single word uttered by the dragon, desperation filling his senses.

After all, he was in the presence of a dragon and a Runcandel; they would
not lie as it would soil their name.

Surprised, Gilly blinked, and Jin's eyes widened.

“I want to help out, but I don't make the final decision.”


“You hafta ask this kid. Whatever we do, it's this little fella that decides
everything. So, what are we gonna do, kiddo?”

Normally, a dragon and its god's contractor usually have a somewhat

'equivalent relationship', but the contractor does have command over the
dragon. Essentially, the dragon has a sense of independence.
No matter how close the dragon is to the contractor, the dragon does not
forget its principles. Kashimir knew of this principle, and from it, he
realized that Jin wasn't just any Runcandel.

“Please offer your assistance, Young Master Jin.”

“Please stand up, Sir Kashimir. Though we've only just met, the life of a
child is on the line. Accepting the request is not a problem.”

Jin helped Kashimir onto his feet.

The man's eyes were filled with tears. Jin could feel his anxiety and

“Sir Kashimir, I understand that you are nervous, but let us keep our calm.
Starting today, we'll look for Euria's guardian dragon. There has to be a way
to find it.”

“I will be forever indebted, Young Master.”

The encounter proceeded very smoothly.

Jin didn't even need to reveal his masterpiece of an artifact, nor did he have
the need to access the Fountain of Mana that he didn't even have. They
could cooperate with Kashimir and the Seven-Colored Peacock.

But it wasn't a joyful turn of events. Nobody would find joy in a quest with
a little girl's life on the line.

'If the Seven-Colored Peacock doesn't have anything, then we have to rely
on the Runcandels' or the Zipfels' intelligence.'

But since he was on a mission to become a provisional flag-bearer, he could

not ask for help from his clan. In his current situation, he wanted to break
some rules, but they wouldn't help him in any way.

“Sir Kashimir. You said that you suspect the Zipfels or Vermont Imperial
Family of kidnapping Euria's guardian dragon. What did you mean by that?
You said that it was simply a gut feeling.”
“If the dragon died, then Euria would know, no matter what. Only the
Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial Family are capable of kidnapping a
dragon without a trace.”

He wasn't wrong.

Many different types of magic are needed to kidnap a dragon. For an

infantry and swordsmanship-based clan like the Runcandels, committing
such a crime was not impossible, but it would leave evidence of battle.

“The suspected date of disappearance was August 2, 1794. According to my

workers' research, the Zipfels' and Vermonts' strongest magicians left their
posts that day.”

“The Zipfel Clan and the Vermont Imperial Family…”

If it's those two, whether they conclude by intuition or with the use of
evidence, rescuing the dragon wouldn't be easy.

Not even difficult—it would be impossible. Along with the Runcandels, the
Zipfels and Vermont Imperial Family made up the three strongest families,
and amongst them, the Zipfel Clan was on top.

“I already kind of gave up rescuing my daughter's guardian dragon. And if

you hadn't told me that her life was on the line, I would've given up

“Do not fret. It's also my first time learning about the fate of Az Mil's

“Correct, mortal. Self-blame won't solve anything. Hmmm, the Zipfels and
an empire… Hey, kid. Is the Free City of Tikan part of the Lutero Magic

“No, Tikan is a city-state—just like Mamit. It's not exactly a country of

some sort or a part of anything else.”

However, one key difference between Tikan and Mamit was that Tikan had
vast lands. The Zipfels and Vermont Imperial Family, some other kingdoms
and the Runcandels as well, of course, wanted their hands on Tikan's land.

Additionally, the Vermont Imperial Family found the Fallen Prince's easily
earned freedom very annoying as well.

Establishing a city amongst many land-hungry empires after ten strenuous

years, Kashimir and the Seven-Colored Peacock's ability to compromise
was incredible.

'Even though he could raise a city, he couldn't save his own daughter…
because the citizens themselves weren't aware that the ruler of the Free City
of Tikan, Kashimir, had a daughter.'

Additionally, if news ever got into the limelight, rescuing Euria could
largely impact the course of history.

“Then, I can just transform here, right?”

“Why's that?”

“Gonna fly to the Vermont Empire and ask some other dragons. Most of the
dragons over at the Zipfels' are my enemy, so I can't ask them.”

Almost 80% of the existing dragons were affiliated with the Zipfel Clan.

Most of the remaining 20% were under the Vermont Imperial Family, and
the rest—a very small portion—was associated with smaller clans or
unknown contractors.

“You can't just fly into the Vermont Empire because of their barrier. Getting
another fake identification and passing through a transfer gate would be
much easier.”

“Barriers don't matter. If I emit a ton of energy while flying, then a few
goons would notice me. So I'm going somewhere I won't be detected.”

“What? How?”
“I may have just awoken from a thousand-year slumber, but when I was in
my prime, there were many who were indebted to me, you know?
Hopefully, I'll find one of my fellas in the outskirts of the empire. If not, it's

Dragons often remained active for more than thousands of years. As long as
a god constantly renewed contracts, it was possible.

“O Dragon Lord!”

Having thought of something, Kashimir exclaimed.

“Hey, just call me by my name. Don't keep calling me like that. It's
embarrassing. Am I some kind of cult leader?”

“Sir Murakan! Before you leave, I can offer you an archive of the Vermont
Imperial Family's dragons. It is something that agents of the Seven-Colored
Peacock are already investigating!”

“Oh, really? Then rush over there and bring it to me. I'm really looking
forward to our partnership. Let's hope I see a familiar name.”

“Yes, Sir. Please wait a moment!”

“Hey, hey, wait.”

Murakan stopped Kashimir at the door.

“Before you leave, I'll tell you two things. First, starting today, your
daughter will spend tiring hours. Every single day, make her play until the
sun sets. Whenever she's awake, make her constantly waste time. So then
she falls fast asleep.”

“H-How long will she need to do this?”

“Until we find her guardian dragon. Get a clown or entertainer or

something. You have to entertain her out of her mind. Whenever she gets
tired, Az Mil's powers naturally become weaker.”
The weaker the power, the safer Euria will be. Then there will be a higher
chance she won't see her future and will not need to live by it.

Although she was at an age where she could not distinguish between the
present and future as well as fantasy and reality, if she sees her 'shocking
future', then her actions will be influenced. And once she reaches that point,
she will be in grave danger.

However, it is possible that she could interpret the future as just one of her


“Feed her sleeping pills, or you can cast a sleeping spell on her. But I
presume you wouldn't like that. I don't like it either. Neither does the kid or
Strawberry Pie or your wife—even your child herself. Right?”

“Understood. I will try my best to tire her through joy and entertainment.
And the second?”

“Recall the inn's chefs that you evacuated and tell them to make a lot of
shrimp dishes. A substantial amount.”

Kashimir nodded and rushed out the door.

Gilly walked over to Murakan.

“Lord Murakan, that was very nice of you.”

“Haha, Strawberry Pie, I remembered that you couldn't get the shrimp
dishes that you wanted.”

“No, not that. I meant when you calmly communicated with Sir Kashimir in
order to alleviate his anxiety.”

Embarrassed, Murakan awkwardly looked away and coughed.

“His feelings don't mean anything to me anyway.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 69

Amongst the dragons currently affiliated with the Vermont Imperial Family,
the Seven-Colored Peacock could identify six.

Earth Dragon Labus.

Earth Dragon Virtega.

Earth Dragon Untiel.

Golden Dragon Ziv.

Azure Dragon Madurai.

Silver Dragon Quikantel.

After learning of their identities, Murakan let out a sigh.

“Hah, these guys are still active.”

Before he regressed, Jin had information on the three earth dragons as well
as the azure and golden dragons being affiliated with the Vermont Imperial

However, he didn't expect the Silver Dragon Quikantel to be included.

'Were there people who contracted with the God of Time?'

Only a contractor with the God of Time can be blessed with the presence of
a Silver Dragon. It was similar to how Fire Dragon Kadun accompanied
Kelliark Zipfel, contractor of the God of Flames; Wind Dragon Vyuretta
guarded Andrei Zipfel, contractor of the God of Wind; and Black Dragon
Murakan protected Jin, contractor of the God of Shadows.

In his past life, Jin was 26 when he heard about a magician who contracted
with the God of Time, Olta.

'At the time, it had been at least half a century since anyone worthy of being
Olta's contractor had been born, and it caused an uproar throughout the
world… If what I heard was true, then it means that something nasty

And indeed, something nasty had happened.

According to his memory, the contractor was a pureblood Zipfel. And a

pureblood Zipfel would not be working as a magician at the Vermont

Jin tried to tell Murakan this information, but the dragon opened his mouth

“And Quikantel? Does Olta's contractor reside in the Vermont Empire? Hey,
twerp. You sure this info's accurate?”

“Yes, Murakan, Sir. The world does not know that Olta's contractor is with
the Vermont Imperial Family.”

“Which magician clan is Quikantel's contractor from? Let me think about

Olta's favourite clans… Lafun? Kainul?”

“Oh, that. It's a commoner named Enya. Apparently, she's a talented scholar
at the Vermont Magic Academy. In fact, she's still attending school.”

“A commoner! The pure-royal-blood-loving Olta contracted with her? I

guess talent doesn't lie. Anyways, that's pretty funny. I can just ask
Quikantel regarding the whereabouts of Az Mil's guardian dragon.”

Jin was confused by 'commoner' and 'talented scholar'.

'I've never heard of the name 'Enya'. If she was able to contract with Olta,
then she potentially possesses incredible power. And since she's a student,
she's about the same age or slightly older.'

Aside from Solderet, the other gods worshipped by magicians were the God
of Flames Sheenu, and the God of Time Olta.

Despite that, why didn't Enya become a famous magician? And, according
to Jin's memory, why did Olta's contractor only appear half a century later?

There was no need to think hard.

'Zipfel magicians probably got rid of Enya and formed another contract.'

Although he didn't have any evidence or even something as simple as a

hunch, he was certain of it.

Getting rid of a commoner student in a calm suburb was as easy as

breathing for them.

But there was no way to form another contract. Nobody knew if it was even
possible, but if it were the Zipfels, they would've found a way to do so.

“Hm, I've heard the rumours quite thoroughly, Sir Kashimir. The Seven-
Colored Peacock's intelligence network is amazing. I didn't have the time to
say so before, but I was really surprised that you were the leader of this
incredible information broker agency.”

“It's nothing compared to the Runcandels', Young Master Jin. Still, I would
like to thank you for your compliment. Phew, I also could not say this, but I
vow that I will take your words to my grave.”

“Same here. Even after rescuing Euria, you and I will have a lot of work to
do anyways.”

“Indeed, we are now on the same boat. Even if we can't save my daughter's
guardian dragon… I would never betray you, Young Master. I would assist
in your work as if it were my own.”
“I also promise to find and return the dragon.”

Jin extended his arm and the two shook hands. Kashimir looked much
calmer compared to when he first learned about his daughter's condition.

They had work to do in order to save Euria.

“I will divert all resources of the Seven-Colored Peacock to finding the

guardian dragon.”

“Good boy. Make sure to play with the kid. I'll be leaving now.”


“What do you want, kid?”

“I think I should go too.”

“Sure, whatever. What about Strawberry Pie… Since you have a fear of
heights, you should just stay here. Also, it's a little dangerous.”


“Mmm… Quikantel's a bitch. And we had a rough past.”

“Lady Gilly, I shall hire an escort to take you there. I'll get some talkative
fellows so they can keep you from worrying about Sir Murakan or the
young master.”

“If you can, please prepare escorts with Vermont imperial blood.”

As Jin said this, Kashimir's eyes widened.

Not only was the fact that he led a great information broker agency kept
hidden, but also the fact that the great leaders of the Seven-Colored Peacock
—the Big Seven—had Vermont imperial blood in their veins wasn't known
to the world just yet.
“…Damn, I underestimated the Runcandels' intelligence network. I wasn't
planning on hiding it from you, though, Young Master…”

“I'll see you later, Sir Kashimir.”

Kashimir left the inn, leaving Jin's crew in the empty room.

They flew for at least two days to a remote ocean territory near the Vermont
Empire. As they approached the vast ocean at a high altitude, Murakan
slowly began his descent.

They arrived in the early morning, not a single boat afloat in the moonlit

During their journey, Jin listened to many stories about various dragons'
relations from Murakan.

“Are you okay with that? According to your stories… I think these dragons
won't be friendly towards you. If anything, they'd be compelled with fear.”

Murakan said that the current dragons residing in the Vermont Empire got
beat up by him a long time ago. It was because they encroached and flew
near his mountain during his prime.

[Anyone who invades my territory is welcomed with a beating. It was like

that at the time.]

“Wow, you're so cool,”

Jin sarcastically commented.

However, unlike the other five, Murakan's relationship with Quikantel was
a little complicated. It was one that was littered with love as they were in a
loving relationship for about five hundred years.

[For humans, it would be equivalent to meeting each other for five years.]

“With Quikantel? Why'd you break up?”

[Well, just… personality difference. Alright, if I slowly emit my energy,
Quikantel or the other goons will come out. I'm starting.]

Murakan began to emit his energy, but Jin couldn't feel anything.

A special energy that only dragons could emit and identify—akin to a

dolphin's echolocation. It was a signal that humans could not detect.

However, looking down at the ocean directly below Murakan, constant

ripples of waves formed.

'That's cool… So this signal can really reach the empire's inner boundaries?'

If estimated, it would at least span about dozens of kilometers. Notifying

one's presence only with this energy was very astonishing.

[It's possible because I'm me. Not all dragons can do this, kid.]

“You're full of yourself.”

An hour passed.

Surprisingly, just as Murakan said, two flying figures approached them

from afar. It was two earth dragons.

[Labus and Untiel. As expected of the two who I beat the most. Wear your

Jin used Myulta's Rune to cover his face.

They were moving so fast, the tiny specks in the distance became massive
draconic figures in a second.

Not fast, more so rushed, as if they were tardy for class.


As they came closer, Murakan communicated in a high-and-mighty voice.

[Earth Dragons Labus and Untiel. I have awoken from my slumber for
some tasks… Offer your assistance.]

The two dragons looked at each other, cleared their throats, and slowed the
flapping of their wings.

[Solderet's acquaintance, the Ruler of the Mountain. I do not know what

position you are in, but now is not a good time. Please retreat from this

[Please leave this place! I, Untiel, do not want a battle in the Vermont
Empire's territory. I am glad to greet you today, but I do not wish to put my
contractor in danger.]

Listening to Murakan's altered speech habits along with the other dragons',
Jin wanted to burst into laughter.

They talked as if they were hypnotizing each other.

'What do they mean by “get out of here”?'

Murakan shook his head.

[There is no place for me to hide under this sky. How dare you tell me to
flee? Do you fear me? I'm sure I have stated my business.]

Murakan maintained his composure.

The earth dragons lost it.

[Ah! Fuck, stop! Stop! Now isn't the time. Get out! Quikantel is thirsting
for your death right now!]

[If a fight ensues here, our contractors' empire will get destroyed! I'm sure
you didn't come knowing that Quikantel is also here?]

[What dost thou mean, my old friends? You claim that the Silver Dragon of
Time intends to harm me?]
[Oh, come on! Please, brother, I beg you. Can't you just leave?]

[The other dragons don't know of your awakening, right? If you don't leave,
I'll tell the other drag—]

[It seems you forgot your fear, you lowly earth dragons. Would you like to
reminisce about the nightmares from a thousand years ago?]


Murakan released his spirit energy, and their surroundings darkened. Just as
Murakan said, the earth dragons were scared out of their minds; they
couldn't even look Murakan in the eyes.

As Jin watched, he found the situation very interesting while also realizing
that Murakan was a great dragon in the past.

However, if the other dragons were begging as they are now, maybe fleeing
the area was a good idea.



Just as Jin was about to get Murakan to listen to them, the two dragons split
apart and began flying in opposite directions.


And from far away, causing a great wave of energy was a figure flying
straight at them.

Quikantel's breath.

“Uh, hey…”

[Hold on tight, kid.]

Murakan bolted across the sky to dodge the breath. Jin turned his head and
saw the wave of energy that bent space as it traveled.

It was comparable to an ultimate ability from a mythical knight.

Shwooooot, shooooooom.

More breaths flew towards them. Murakan danced across the sky, dodging
the projectiles. Jin verified the attacker's direction while holding onto
Murakan's scales.

'Shooting breaths and closing the gap?'

A shiny silver dragon that blended into the night sky finally revealed itself
as it flew through the clouds. Quikantel, the one who guarded the horizon of


Quickly closing the gap, Quikantel opened her snout and snapped at
Murakan's neck. Thankfully, it only skimmed his scales, but as their bodies
tangled, Murakan felt that he was being overpowered.

Unlike Murakan who lost his power after losing Temar, she was still in her

[I will disembowel you. Who do you think you are, showing your face on
this land! You should've remained asleep.]

[Pretty harsh for a greeting.]

Murakan untangled himself and backed off.

“What's this? We have to fight that monstrous dragon?”

[That's why I said it might be dangerous, kid. If she gets any closer, shove
Bradamante into her. Okay?]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 70

'How the hell am I supposed to stab that thing?'

Firmly holding on for dear life during a turbulent and erratic flight was
already enough. Every time Murakan and Quikantel tackled each other, Jin
felt the impact vibrate his bones.

'She's treating him like a mortal enemy.'

Quikantel's movements screamed her intention to kill Murakan. The breaths

she shot were filled with murderous intent, and she kept snapping at his


Quikantel's breath skimmed past Murakan's back. He checked his back, and
there he saw Jin, dripping with cold sweat.

The battle seemed one-sided with Murakan constantly being beaten up. But
Murakan wasn't thinking of playing defensive the entire time.

[Calm down and let's talk this out, Quikantel!]


The sky filled with dark clouds.

The black clouds were Murakan's spirit energy in its materialized form.
Murakan flew directly into the clouds, and Quikantel let out an ear-splitting
Jin felt like his eardrums were going to rip. The screech that traveled
through his ears rattled his brain.

Just like how humans had a ranking system from 1-star to Genesis, dragons
were also divided into different ranks. Amongst the active dragons,
Quikantel had the combat skills of the highest rank.

If Jin hadn't trained enough, he would've fainted just from the dragon's

Jin caught his breath as darkness surrounded him.

“I have to get my mind straight. Good thing I came along, if you died to
that silver dragon, I wouldn't have heard a thing.”

[No way I'd die. No matter how strong Quikantel is, she can't come in here.
Let's take our time thinking of something. A way to persuade that fellow.]

But Murakan was delusional.

[You think I can't chase you in there?]

Quikantel's wings caused a sharp thunderclap. Then, a massive body

pierced through Murakan's spirit energy like a diver through water.

[Quikantel, how did you…?]

[It seems you still haven't realized how weak you've become. You call this
garbage 'energy release'? Murakan, I cannot hide my disappointment.]

[Hmm, Quikantel. Think of our past. Why not just end it here? I merely
came to ask you something.]

[Thinking of our past, ripping you into millions of pieces is not enough.]

[Well, okay. I guess it can't be helped. Come at me if you can. You were
always like this. All we did was break up.]

Quikantel bit Murakan's wing. Sounds of breaking and snapping echoed
throughout, and Jin instinctively pulled out Bradamante.

Murakan also bit Quikantel's wing. Due to them being wrapped in spirit
energy, neither of the dragons fell even though they stopped flapping their

They suffered the same attack, but Murakan took more damage. Blood
splattered from his wing while Quikantel's just had a fissure across it like
cracks on glass.

Jin had to swing his sword before the two dragons began to move. As soon
as Murakan was bitten, the spirit energy clouds began to recede at an
alarming rate.

'It's a tough exoskeleton that even Murakan's teeth can't pierce. My current
blows won't do anything.'

So, Jin targeted the fissures across Quikantel's wings. It probably wasn't her
weak spot, but it was better than wasting an opportune chance.


Bradamante glowed with an aura. Within the dark environment, a shining

aura illuminated its surroundings.


Surprisingly, Quikantel never detected a human on Murakan's back. She

only noticed at that moment that Jin was on him.

Gripping his sword, Jin launched off Murakan's back like an arrow aimed
towards the silver dragon's wing.

A decisive strike with all his might. The sword slipped into the fissures and
penetrated flesh, but Jin was not finished.

'Blade: Unleash.'
Murakan told him not to use this skill until he achieved 5-star spiritual
energy release. However, now was not the time to hold back.

If this attack did not inflict critical damage, then there was only one other
option: breaking Orgal's Pendant and summoning Luna.

Jin didn't plan on doing that, so he at least tried to use all of his cards.

And above all, he did not lack the spirit energy to unleash Bradamante. Jin
had been absorbing some from Murakan's spirit energy release.

[Good job, kid. Now slash her wing so she can calm down!]

Jin did not hear his words.

The unleashing began, and just like the time he slaughtered the White Wolf
Tribesman, time seemed to have stopped.

All around him, the spirit energy began to whirlpool into Bradamante. More
and more crackling energy entered Quikantel's wound, and the ruptures
spread across her left wing.

She let out a painful cry and tried to shake off the cause, but it was too late
to stop Bradamante.

Essentially, she let her guard down. Blinded by anger, she failed to notice
the human on Murakan's back, and it was the result of ignoring a peaceful

The spirit energy finished traveling through Quikantel's wing.

Jin pushed his entire body weight onto the handle of the sword.


A high-pitched scraping sound echoed, and the spirit energy began to glow.
Jin slid down Quikantel's wing and dragged the sword through it as he
went, ripping the dragon's wing apart.
The deeper he pushed his sword, the farther the spirit energy traveled. Since
he was expending energy dozens of times beyond his power limit, the rate
of energy consumption was inefficient.

Not even a 7-star knight could penetrate Quikantel's wing, so there was no
choice but to pour all his energy into one attack. There were bound to be
some spills.

The blade finished ripping through, and Murakan caught Jin as he fell with
his sword.

Cold sweat covered Jin's body from expending so much power. However,
seeing the massive wing falling into the ocean, he felt confident with his
amazing feat.

A second later, Quikantel plummeted. Her other wing flapped uselessly.

'Did I just become a dragon slayer?'

The ocean swallowed her whole—a massive splash symbolizing her death.

“Phew, urgh.”

Jin also had to deal with the aftershock, the consequence for crossing his

'Thankfully, there's no excruciating pain like last time. Probably means my

skills have increased since then.'

Still, his limbs trembled before the pain rushed in. He tried to lie down on
Murakan's back.

[Alright, now all we need to do is to pray that Quikantel can think straight.]

“What do you mean? We're not done?”

[Dragons that control time don't die so easily. Like that.]

Looking down onto the ocean, Jin gulped.

A dark shadow resurfaced from the water. Jin then remembered the special
ability of time-controlling entities.


The disconnected wing and Quikantel's body floated back into the sky. She
was rewinding her time.

In fact, she wasn't defenseless during this process. The space around her
recreation was warped, and swinging a sword through it wouldn't really hit

Goosebumps ran all over Jin's body as he watched the sight before him.

[This is the difference between inherent ability and magic. But don't worry.
The ability is pretty broken, but it takes a disgusting amount of power to use
it. Also, you'll need to act like you can keep fighting.]

Quikantel's fully intact body now floated in front of them.

The space around her restored to its normal state, and Quikantel began to

Just as Murakan said, she looked very exhausted. She had short and fast
breaths, and her wings seemed sluggish.

They didn't want to immediately attack again.

[Not attacking yet? I guess you want to talk this out.]

[…What happened, Murakan? Is that human Solderet's contractor?]

[Yeah. Is your tantrum over yet? I didn't know you had so much rage left
over from our breakup. Didn't we end well?]

[End well? You just threw me away, one-sided. Just like what I did a while
ago, last time, you never gave me a chance to speak.]
[Is this and that the same? Whenever I said that we should live our separate
ways, your eyes would roll to the back of your head, and you would attack.
So why should I let you speak? I didn't cheat on you or anything. What do
you want me to do about our incompatibility?!]

This was a conversation between two dragons who had lived for thousands
of years.

Jin had to swallow his sigh.

'It's not like I ever expected dragons to be overflowing with courtesy and
respect in the first place… but this is too human. Were the murderous
attacks only because she wasn't over what happened between them
thousands of years ago?'

The dragons tried to sort things out, but they simply repeated the same
words over and over again. Their conversation never progressed.

[Well, let's stop this nonsense, Quikantel. I didn't come here to fight. I came
to ask you something. My ally's life is in danger.]

[Ha! The greedy and high-headed Murakan cares about his allies. You
speak lies! How many of your own species have you killed?]

As Murakan heard those last few words, his expression froze. It was a
sensitive topic. Quikantel noticed her mistake and looked away.

[…Indeed, of the dragons I have killed, there was also your father's mortal
enemy. A dragon that I knew nothing about. I killed him only because you
hated him, you know? Did you want to hear that?]

Murakan breathed a deep sigh and continued.

[I'm done, it was my fault for trying to ask you. I will solve this issue with

[Just tell me. Damn it, just looking at you makes me emotional. I apologize
for my words.]
[What about the part where you tried to kill me.]

[I had a righteous reason to do so.]

[Sure, buddy. Anyways… recently, Az Mil's guardian dragon went missing.

You know anything? Az Mil's contractor needs them.]

[Missing? Are you talking about Lathry?]

[Oh, yeah. Lathry. I haven't heard of the name because of the generation

Quikantel blankly stared at Murakan and blinked.

[What an interesting topic. Wind Dragon Vyuretta took them somewhere

some time ago.]

Wind Dragon Vyuretta.

A dragon related to Andrei Zipfel. Jin and Murakan had a bad feeling as
soon as they heard his name.

[Why, though?]

[I heard that, since the other dragons under Az Mil weren't active, Vyuretta
took Lathry instead to teach them some Draconic Magic.]

They finally knew the culprit behind Euria's missing dragon.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 71

Quikantel slowly blinked as Murakan thoroughly explained the situation.

[…It certainly is a serious problem. But first, let us relocate. There is a

small island a few minutes from here. Follow me.]

Quikantel flew past Murakan. Before following her, Murakan talked with

[Whew, we could've died today. You okay, kiddo? I didn't think you could
successfully unleash your sword.]

“There wasn't any spiritual energy congestion like last time, but my entire
body feels like it's gonna shatter. More than that, are you okay? Getting beat
up by your ex doesn't sound really fun.”

[Olta's dragons know they're hotshots, so a small scratch to their pride will
make them turn into monsters. I mean, I came to see her despite knowing
that, so it was my fault. I mean, I knew she would get kinda mad, but not
this much. The bigger man is supposed to be patient. On that note, you don't
need to wait ten years to cast spells. Anyways, good thing we're making
progress. As soon as we came, we found out who the kidnapper was.

Jin had already asked Murakan about Vyuretta at the Runcandel banquet;
the day when Andrei Zipfel got kicked out.

According to Murakan, Vyuretta was a little younger than him. The third
strongest dragon amongst those under Melzeyer, the God of Wind.
[It's possible that it doesn't only involve Vyuretta, but also the God of Wind.
It's starting to smell a little fishy. Alright, let's go.]

They instantly caught up to Quikantel. She slowed down to match

Murakan's speed, considerate of his exhausted state. It seemed she lost her
violent tendencies.

They approached a no-man's island in the middle of the Vermont Empire's

waters. Once they successfully landed, the two dragons changed into their
human forms.

Jin was startled by Quikantel's transformation. The hysterical breath-

shooting dragon was gone, and there stood a beautiful woman, which was
weird to him.

“No one's here. It is possible, however, that other dragons can hear our

She didn't seem to trust Earth Dragons Labus and Untiel, as if not regarding
them as her allies.

Murakan shrugged.

Quikantel remained silent for a while, staring at the black dragon. Though,
it was hard to tell if it truly was just staring or glaring.

Murakan couldn't ignore her gaze.

'Am I supposed to leave them alone, or…?'

Before Jin had the chance to leave, Murakan broke the silence.

“We didn't come here to just exchange weird glances. Tell me exactly when
Vyuretta took Lathry.”

Quikantel bit her lower lip and sighed.

“Over a year ago.”

Exactly when Kashimir said the dragon went missing.

“Tricking Lathry about learning Draconic Magic… That's pretty nasty.”

“But Murakan, why do you think that Vyuretta kidnapped Lathry for
malicious intent? Maybe it really is to teach them Draconic Magic.”

“Quikantel, Az Mil's current contractor is really young. She can't control

her powers.”

“What? That's when it's most dangerous without a guardian dragon.”

“Vyuretta definitely knows about that. And even if he didn't, Lathry

would've told him. Doesn't matter. Tell him that Lathry will learn the
Draconic stuff later and to return them to their contractor now.”

“Hm, definitely peculiar. If they didn't intend to kill Az Mil's contractor,

Lathry would've been returned ages ago.”

Quikantel furrowed her eyebrows.

To her, the life of Az Mil's contractor was not important. After all, she had
to protect Enya, not a contractor of a different god.

However, Quikantel just remembered that Vyuretta showed some interest

towards Enya.

“How did you know that Vyuretta took Lathry?”

“Vyuretta stopped by the empire when it happened. Apparently, he was

going to introduce Lathry to me, but in reality, it was to see Enya.”

“Who's Enya?”

Murakan played it dumb, and Quikantel, unexpectedly, revealed that she

was Olta's contractor.

“Anyways, Vyuretta really wanted to meet Enya for some reason. Even
though I rejected his requests many times, that creep keeps trying to latch

“With your personality, you just let him latch on to ya? You calmly denied
it, I see. What's this? You're scared of the Zipfels now?”

Quikantel sighed.

“It wasn't because I was scared of the Zipfels. There was nothing I could
do. The higher-ups of the Vermont Empire already knew that Enya was the
contractor, and the information was probably already passed down to
Andrei Zipfel.”

And Enya was one of Vermont Magic Academy's scholars.

If Quikantel fought with Vyuretta for any reason, the academy's Zipfel
thugs would do some undesirable things towards Enya.

“…If I dealt with it my way, it's a loss for me as a guardian dragon.

Anyways, hearing about Lathry, I think that Vyuretta's approach towards
Enya may have some shady goal.”

“Huh, you're one to talk. You were trying to harm my contractor a while

“I didn't know you had a human on your back. If I knew Solderet had a
contractor, I wouldn't have gone that far.”

“Sure, you wouldn't.”



“What, kid?”

“For Enya's case, the higher-ups of the Vermont Empire already know who
and where she is, but not Az Mil's contractor.”
Jin intentionally did not mention Euria's name. He didn't trust Quikantel
with such classified information.

“With that in mind, how did Vyuretta approach Lathry in the first place?
Seeing that Vyuretta hasn't returned Lathry yet, I'm pretty sure he knew of
the existence of Az Mil's contractor. On top of that, the fact that the
contractor is young…”

“For sure. Hmm… For the thousand years I was asleep, was there a spell
that could detect contractors?”

Quikantel shook her head.

“There's no way something like that could be developed, whether it was a

thousand years ago or today. No one could tell who the contractor was until
the contractor discovered their own powers.”

“We never know. Those Zipfel bastards. I don't want to admit it, but they're
a pretty impressive bunch.”

“Okay, but even if that kind of magic exists, what good would they get from
finding the contractors?”

“They can benefit in two ways. Any contractor outside of their control is
considered a threat, so they can simply eliminate them. Also, if the
contractor dies, the Zipfel Clan has an opportunity to form a contract with
the then-vacant god.”

Jin answered, attracting Quikantel's attention.

“Just for that…? Don't they already have immense national power? One or
two contractors won't be of any threat.”

“I don't know about dragons, but humans' thirst for power never ends. Also,
if a few contractors were to get together, they would definitely be a force to
be reckoned with.”

Quikantel had a hard time understanding the child's words. Considering that
the Zipfels were a clan that was already at the top of the world, she didn't
think that they needed to take drastic actions for such trivial matters.

However, Murakan nodded in agreement.

“Definitely a possibility. I know best about the Zipfels' greed. Let's just put
it this way. First, they have a method to track down contractors. Second, if
they find any non-Zipfel contractors, they'll eliminate them.”

“Hold on. Do we really need to assume that? We can just ask Vyuretta.”

“You serious? Stop talking bullshit, Quikantel. If you were a kidnapper,

would you just spill everything? Get your shit together. From what I can
see, your Enya kid might be in danger.”

It wasn't that Enya 'might be' in danger; she was definitely in danger.

A few years later, Enya would be assassinated by the Zipfels, and not a
single word about it would appear on the news. Instead, a new pureblood
Zipfel would become Olta's contractor and be known around the world.

As a regressor, Jin was certain of this theory. He remembered the different

events and occurrences in his past life very clearly.

“I have my eyes wide open, and Enya is not in danger. Until that child fully
grows, nobody can harm her.”

'Please stop denying it, and think straight. Leaving her alone will lead to her

These words were about to come out of Jin's mouth, but Murakan said it a
little louder.

“Quikantel, there's nothing wrong with being very cautious. But it's
impossible for you to be beside Enya 24/7 for 365 days and more. Just get
the hell outta the Vermont Empire. The academy relays Enya's every move
to the Zipfels.”

“That child has never left the empire since birth. In fact, her entire family is
there. Are you telling me to change their life because of an unknown and
uncertain threat?”

“Life is only enjoyable if you're still breathing. Look, this is only a

suggestion. The choice is yours anyways.”

“Hmmm… Ms. Quikantel, please listen to what I have to say.”

Quikantel turned towards Jin.

“Murakan and I will search for Lathry. We will do whatever it takes. But if
Lathry is discovered imprisoned or injured, and we tell you about it, what
will you do?”

“I would…”

Quikantel clenched her teeth.

“…relocate Enya.”

“Then I would do that now. If Lathry is already imprisoned or injured as we

speak, no matter how fast you are, it will be too late. I humbly request that
you make a wise decision.”

“The kid's right, Quikantel. Move Olta's contractor and her family to a safer
place. We'll determine whether Vyuretta is full of shit or not, and then we'll
meet once more.”

Quikantel could no longer stand her ground. There wasn't a single flaw in
their argument, and she was genuinely concerned about Enya's future.

'They are more worried for Enya's safety than I am… I have a lot to learn
from them.'


Quikantel heaved a deep sigh and nodded.

“Alright, let's do that. I will assist you two.”

“Oh, no need. It's fine. We'll deal with it ourselves. Sure, my darkness got a
little weaker, but you don't need to help me deal with a measly wind dragon.
That Vyuretta bitch is washed up.”

“…And how will you meet him?”

“What do you mean, how will I meet Vyuretta? Just like how I called you—
with my energy.”

“Are you saying this even after knowing how many dragons are with the
Zipfels? On top of that, you're going to take the Runcandel kid and head to
the Zipfels' mainland?”

Jin and Murakan faced Quikantel with a look of surprise.

“What are you startled by? The kid has an aura like that Temar runt. You
think I wouldn't notice that energy?”

“Hmmm… Quikantel, can I entrust you with these secrets?”

“I still hold Temar in high regard. Being with one of his successors reminds
me of the old days.”

Temar Runcandel, Murakan, and Quikantel were close friends. When

Murakan and Quikantel were together, that is.

“Anyways, I will call Vyuretta. He'll react to my call like a horny teenager.
You guys can deal with him after that.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 72

'Damn, I already revealed my identity to two people ever since I arrived in


Ghostblade Kashimir and Silver Dragon Quikantel.

Kashimir was already their ally, and it was likely for Quikantel to join their
forces as well. Jin wondered if anyone amongst the provisional flag-bearers
revealed their identity openly, but at this point, he didn't care.

'Who cares if I break some rules? I'm already behind on training anyways.
I'm living this life however I want.'

Each time Jin broke his clan's rules, he felt refreshing pleasure from the

Then, Jin formally introduced himself to Quikantel.

“Hm, so you're that Jin Runcandel. I already expected it when I felt Temar's
aura, but still… very fascinating.”

“I think you're the more fascinating one. The Silver Dragon of Time. I've
heard of rumours, but I was speechless when I witnessed you turning back
your time.”

“Not something I want to hear from the child who slit my wing. Hm, I'm
saying that you're interesting because Enya often talked about you.”

“Olta's contractor spoke of me?”

“Yes. Not so long ago, every single press in the world couldn't stop talking
about your 5-star acquisition. Enya read about it and told me multiple times
that, even though you're both 15, she admires you because you're very

“Haha, there's nothing to admire… It's a little embarrassing since I've never
even met her before. I'm sure she has incredible potential within her as a

“Yeah, Quikantel. Very awkward of you to put Jin on top of a pedestal. You
gonna take responsibility for his heightened ego?”

Jin and Quikantel naturally ignored Murakan's interruption and continued

their conversation.

“If that kid sees you, she would be very elated. Why don't you visit the
Vermont Empire before you set out for Vyuretta?”

Quikantel said that it would take about a week to summon the wind dragon.

It would've been great if they could immediately meet and beat Vyuretta,
but the wind dragon was with the Zipfels' second-in-command. Basically,
not an entity that was easy to meet.

“Enya will also need time to get things sorted out, and it would be nice to
have you explain to her why she must leave the empire. Since you're the
man of her dreams, maybe it'll be easier for her to understand.”

Jin nodded.

Persuading Enya was an ulterior motive. After all, staying in the Vermont
Empire to meet Vyuretta was convenient.

The reason being the location of their rendezvous, the place they were
standing on—the uninhabited island.

At this location, even if a big fight broke out, no problems would arise from
it. Just like how Jin and Murakan were not interrupted while fighting
“Then, Ms. Quikantel. Where would be a good place to stay in the empire?
I believe that the capital is too crowded to maintain our secrecy.”

The Vermont Empire was not small like Akin. There were probably people
who could recognize Jin in the streets. People like low-ranked nobles and
the Dragon King Knights resided there. It would be too risky.

“Oh, you can stay at my place. We have a lot of empty rooms.”

“Hey, hey! Wait. Your house? It's okay if it's a small place, so just buy us a
remote residence. I'll repay you later. Isn't it weird to share a roof when we,
you know, broke up?”

“Stop acting hysterical, Murakan. I merely proposed this to help you with
your little business.”

“Huh?! Hysterical? What about you?”

“It would be great if we forget past events. Let's make sure to distinguish
work and personal matters.”

Though it was baffling, there was no point in talking. Murakan quaked in

frustration before letting out a sigh.

Jin and Murakan had no choice but to hide in Quikantel's wings to sneak in
since Murakan couldn't transform carelessly within the empire.

Quikantel's dwelling sat in the middle of a forest on the outskirts of the

capital. It was a house she built when she became Enya's guardian dragon.

Built with logs, it had a very clean and cool facade. A nice, refreshing smell
of wood lightly surrounded their bodies.

“Wait for a moment. I'll be out after cleaning a little bit.”

“Take your time.”

Although they were dragons, was she really conscious about showing a
dirty room to her ex? Quikantel went in first, and Jin shrugged.
“How does it feel to ally with your old love interest, Murakan?”

“Ha… Don't even remind me. I feel a little uneasy inside.”

Murakan could not take his eyes off the log cabin.

'That bitch… She built the exact same house from a thousand years ago. So
this is why she wanted to bring us here.'

Yet, despite being faced with the house of their past, Murakan didn't feel his
burnt-out love rekindle.

His uneasiness stemmed from reminiscing about their nostalgic past.

A thousand years ago, partying all the time with Temar and Quikantel in a
log cabin with the same design.

One passed without leaving a grave. And the other became a past lover. As
he remembered the good old days, bitterness filled his heart.

“You can come in now.”

As soon as he entered, Jin unintentionally smirked.

'This is “clean”? Quikantel seems to have an unexpectedly clumsy side to


It looked like the room was hastily cleaned, but around the house, there
were clothes and empty bottles lying on the floor.

“Anything to drink?”

“Just some cold water, thank you.”

“You, Murakan?”

“Toss me a few bottles of wine. God damn it, this is why I didn't want to
come here.”
“You came here first and disturbed my peace. And I really don't have any
other intentions, so if you really don't like it, then get the hell out.”


Murakan murmured some complaints as he tossed himself on the living

room sofa.

Before Quikantel could bring over the water and wine to her guests,
Murakan was suddenly sound asleep, snoring loudly.

“What the… Murakan? Asleep? How do you just sleep like that?”

“…Probably because of our fight. He was bitten all over, after all. I used a
lot of spirit energy myself, which explains my exhaustion.”

“Ah… I see. I didn't know because you seemed fine a moment ago.”


Quikantel popped the cork off the wine bottle that was originally for
Murakan and poured some wine into her own glass.

“Jin Runcandel.”


“I'm assisting you due to my allegiance with Temar as well as for Enya's
safety, but the main reason is that sleeping bastard.”

“I see.”

Jin didn't have anything to say. He could only imagine how deep her
lingering feelings were for Murakan.

But the words that followed were completely different.

“That fool doesn't really know how weak he has become.”

When he was in his prime, Murakan was the strongest of the strongest.
Even the fire dragons, who were born for combat, tried to avoid him at all

In fact, other dragons had subservient relationships with their gods, but
Murakan had an equal relationship with Solderet, hence he was special.

Unfortunately, this was no longer the case. Thanks to Jin, Murakan was
recovering some of his spiritual energy, but he was still incomparably
weaker than his past self.

“Currently, Murakan can't fight Vyuretta. With respect to his pride, I didn't
mention it a moment ago. But when the time comes for them to fight, I will
fight in lieu of him.”

“Is Vyuretta that strong?”

“Kind of, but it's more because Murakan is significantly weaker. My

murderous rampage earlier would simply be a child's tantrum for the
Murakan from a thousand years ago.”

Quikantel drained her goblet into her mouth.

She looked discontent as she poured herself another.

“I'm saying this so you'd know. If I told this to Murakan, he would strongly
deny my help.”

Jin calmly nodded.

'She was crazy at first sight, but it's relieving to see this side of her.'

Zzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzz.

Murakan's snoring echoed throughout the room.

“Jin Runcandel. What will you do after you confirm whether or not
Vyuretta kidnapped Lathry? If I help you capture or kill Vyuretta, the
Zipfels will take action.”
“Well, I am a Runcandel… Having disputes with the Zipfels is pretty

“An interesting response. I can assume you didn't think this through yet?”

“Not that I've never thought about it. However, I don't have anything fully
planned, so you're not wrong. Either way, the first thing to do is to save Az
Mil's contractor.”

“It seems you are very close to Az Mil's contractor.”

“Not really. We only met two days ago.”

Quikantel's eyes widened.


“I mean, I can't just watch a kid shrivel up and die. Az Mil's contractor is a
child named Euria, and she's only 5 years old.”

“So for a child you only met two days ago, you're planning to risk your life
and fight Vyuretta? And as a provisional flag-bearer, rouse the entire Zipfel

“Something like that.”

“Haha… truly, the return of Temar. Each action and intent of yours is
analogous to his fervour. Very interesting.”

“I've noticed it earlier, but it seems you were very close to the first

“'Close' is an understatement. Temar was a friend I would've given up

everything for. Together with Murakan, we had a hell of a time in the past.”

“Then why did Murakan go into a thousand-year slumber after losing to the
first patriarch?”
A question Jin often pondered about. He asked Murakan a few times, but he
never heard a real answer from him.

“It'll be better if you heard directly from Murakan. He'll tell you when the
time comes.”

It must be a meaningful story.

Jin understood the situation and simply nodded. There was no reason to
hear the story as of this moment.

Naturally, silence ensued. Soon after, footsteps could be heard from outside
the cabin.


The front door opened, and a girl peered inside.

“Ms. Quikantel, I'm… home? Who might these men be?”

It was Enya, who immediately bowed to Jin. She didn't know who he was,
but she had a hunch that he was someone important.

“Come sit here, Enya. This is Jin Runcandel, and that sleeping scoundrel is
a dragon. An old friend.”

“Ah, yes. Mr. Jin Runcandel. It is nice to mee—Jin Runcandel?!”

Enya's eyes grew and ran up to Jin. Her face flushed red.

“I… I'm a big fan! Lord Jin! It is an honour to be in your presence!”

Quikantel smacked her forehead, and Jin could only offer an awkward

“…Enya, how about we maintain your dignity as a contractor?”

“Oopsie… My apologies, Ms. Quikantel. But it's Lord Jin. Is he the real Jin
Runcandel? Oh heavens, my goodness! Oh god! Lord Jin is in front of my
eyes! Aaaaah!”

Enya's dream came true in the presence of Jin.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 73


Excited out of her mind, Enya bellowed and beat her chest like a beastly
primate. Her uproar surprised Jin, making him step backwards. The girl's
guardian dragon sighed.


Enya grabbed Jin's two hands and bowed. With her head inches away from
hitting the ground, it looked like prostration.

“It's a great pleasure to meet you, Lord Jin! I'm Enya!”

“Oh, mhm… Nice to meet you too, Enya.”



Jin had never seen a situation like this in his entire life. Even the all-great-
and-powerful Beradin Zipfel wouldn't get this much admiration from a
single admirer.

'Is this what “admiration” means?'

It was akin to a follower meeting their god. Frankly, Enya—who was still
crouched on the ground—began to mumble some prayers.

Jin's chest was about to burst from embarrassment.

A girl with dreams of meeting a 'deity', something that Jin will never truly
understand. Probably because he never experienced such excitement.

“…It wasn't this bad when she became Olta's contractor.”

Quikantel sighed once more.

When the God of Time chose her, all Enya said was 'Whoa.' And now she
was jumping around like an excited dog, which disappointed Quikantel.

'This is why I told Lord Olta about royal blood!'

A sight without any composure or self-control!

This was why Olta and the silver dragons prioritized blood class. A
contractor of a god should at least be civilized.

But what could they do?

In the present, no human was more friendly and approachable than Enya, so
they forced themselves to make a contract with her. Due to the irrevocable
contract, Quikantel had to love and take care of Enya.

Because that was the duty of a guardian dragon.

“Ahem, Enya. That's enough.”

Quikantel tried to alleviate Enya's enthusiasm. Quikantel lightly pressed

Enya's forehead, and finally, the girl calmed down.

Of course, her sparkling silver eyes never stopped staring at Jin.

The young Runcandel chuckled to himself.

'I wonder what Murakan would say to her.'

“Oh, I must've gotten too excited. Seeing the real Jin Runcandel in the flesh
and not in something released by the press really got me going… I'm
Enya bowed once more in apology.

A girl with a severely sociable and lively personality—that's what Jin

thought of her.

“No need to apologize, Enya. I just don't know how to react to the
celebratory welcome.”

“Kyaaaa! Would you like some more?”

“That would be enough.”

“Ms. Quikantel! Ms. Quikantel! Can you please tell me now? The reason
why Lord Jin came to our place? Did Olta respond to my prayers?”

“You pray to Olta nightly?”

“Obviously, I prayed to meet Lord Jin someday. Heehee. Anyways, today is

such a great day! I was so tired at the academy.”

Quikantel's face darkened. She knew how often Enya was discriminated
against by the other students and staff.

'I can't slaughter all of those bastards either…'

Quikantel ground her teeth as she thought of the noble scum bullying Enya.
If they physically abused her, she would kill them all. But all they did was
treat Enya as if she didn't exist.

Jin looked at Quikantel and felt sympathy for her pain. He knew how the
academy's nobility acted in the presence of a commoner. He nodded.

'They would do all kinds of bad things just because she's a commoner. This
is why I didn't talk to magicians from the academy.'

During Jin's learning days, he encountered all kinds of magicians from the
academy. To this day, he never met a group of people he hated more than
Moving on.

It was time to pull Enya out of the discriminatory shithole. As a Runcandel,

Jin couldn't specifically help her, but their elaborate plan for relocation
would be just enough.

'I just need to persuade Enya to immigrate her entire family to Tikan. And
as for magic, I can just find an excellent teacher.'

Overall, the Free City of Tikan had a carefree and welcoming community.
Additionally, Kashimir would take care of her, so she would experience the
most extravagant life.

If she could just forfeit her homeland, then it would be a great opportunity.

“Miss Enya, the goal of my visit is to ensure your safety and take you
somewhere safer.”

He straightforwardly stated the truth.

It didn't take long for him to realize that his phrasing could be
misunderstood. As soon as she heard what Jin said, Enya felt like the main
character in a novel.

“To… take me… To. Take. Meeeeee!”

His words caused another chaotic mess. Enya started punching the air like a
hallucinating patient, and her eyes were bloodshot.

“I go— I'll go! Wherever it is, I'll go! All hail Olta!”


Tired of the sight, Quikantel lightly hit the back of Enya's neck. Enya's
body shook, then fell to the ground as she fainted. Jin chuckled at the funny

“My goodness. How did she become Olta's contractor?”

“Well, a child has got to be a child. You're a child as well. Phew, there's no
need to persuade her. She would even follow you to the Runcandel
underground prison.”

“We do not retain an underground prison in our clan, Ms. Quikantel.”

“It's gone? It should still be there. And probably has some dragons locked


“That's not important, so forget it. Okay, listen. Enya will wake up exactly
ten seconds from now. Once she does, make sure to choose your words
carefully, and explain the current situation to her.”

“Didn't you hit her pretty hard? Not even a trained knight can survive that


Ten seconds hadn't even passed, yet Enya started coming to. Goosebumps
traversed Jin's body. Modern physiology and medicine could not explain the
phenomenon before him.

It was the will of a fanatic.

Still, the strike definitely had some effect. Enya seemed to have lost some
of her overflowing energy.

She was also at a loss for words.

“Looooooord Jiiiiin.”

“Miss Enya, I will slowly explain the current situation.”

Enya nodded. Jin then began from Euria and her predicament, all the way to
the speculations regarding Vyuretta and the Zipfels.
He couldn't say anything from his past life, but thankfully, Enya easily
digested all of the content.

“Mhm, since they're the words of Lord Jin, I'll trust every single one. It's so
romantic! Dragons, conflict, adventure, a boy and a girl! And Lord Jin!”

“Something like that.”

“I'm fine as long as it's for the benefit of me. Anyways, I must leave the
Vermont Empire with my family and head to Tikan?”


“And when should we leave?”

“The sooner the better. Ms. Quikantel and I have some business in the
empire, so it's a good idea for you to leave first.”

Officially leaving the academy and clearing out the area was not a good

The Vermont Imperial Family will not let Olta's contractor go so easily, and
the moment they notice her intention to leave, they will chain her down at
all costs—whether it be by capturing her family as hostage or using drugs to
prevent her from leaving. The Vermont Special Forces would also be
assigned to monitor them.

Before that happens, secretly leaving was the most optimal choice. There
would be a search and chase, but it would start in the Lutero Magic
Federation instead of Tikan.

Though, it doesn't mean there's no danger at all.

'It depends how much the Vermont Imperial Family cares about Olta's

As Jin saw it, the Vermont Imperial Family didn't really care about Enya. If
they did care, then Enya wouldn't be wearing ragged clothes.
'Either they're being cautious of the Zipfels or they can't give her special
care because the world simply doesn't know about her yet. She isn't even
being escorted by anyone.'

If the problem was the latter, then she would at least have some bodyguards
around her at all times.

Even though she was a contractor, she couldn't receive special aid because
of her social class. In the eyes of the rich and privileged, a poor contractor
was only a nuisance.

Essentially, the Zipfels enforced their ideal through the working staff—to
never aid the worthless commoner.

“So as soon as possible. I understand, milord. I will get my family ready by


Enya's entire family was just her 7-year-old brother and an old dog named

“But Jin, how are you going to transport her? You can't go through the gate,
and I can't take her there myself. Everything will be put on record, so the
threat of a chase is likely.”

It would be the same if they were to fly with Murakan.

However, Jin already thought of a way.

“Merchant ships from Tikan periodically dock in the capital's port. Just
sneak on one of them.”

The Seven-Colored Peacock agents in the Vermont Empire all worked

around that docking schedule. Although the empire knew the sailors worked
for the intelligence agency, they couldn't do anything because the
organization had valuable information about the empire's corrupt
government and high-ranking officials.

Aside from the agents that had a hold of sensitive information, lower-
ranked agents could travel in and out of the Vermont Empire freely.
“After Enya leaves, I will proceed with a normal life and try to find an
opportunity to meet Vyuretta. As for the academy, I'll say that Enya is sick.”

The rich and nobility wouldn't give a damn about Enya's attendance. They
would rather have her never come in for the rest of her life.

“Yes, we can wrap things up with Vyuretta and return to Tikan. I hope we
can resolve issues without fighting… but a battle is imminent.”

“As mentioned before, Vyuretta is mine. That sleeping dog shouldn't fight

Wrapping up their conversation, Jin and Quikantel simultaneously looked at

the front door.

They could hear pairs of footsteps getting louder from the front yard.

Knock, knock.

One of the owners of the footsteps knocked on the door.

“Anyone home? We came to ask for some kindling.”

There's no way someone would come all the way to their remote location
for some firewood.

They were either the Special Forces or the Imperial Guard that came to
check up on them.

“Coming all the way here for some kindling? How absurd. Please wait a

And surprisingly, Quikantel didn't even doubt the uninvited guests.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 74

Volume 3 Chapter 74 – Intertwining Fates (6)

“Wait, Ms. Quikantel.”


“Do you really think those people outside are neighbours who came for
some firewood? I think they're from the Special Forces.”

Quikantel was definitely very strong, but because of her strength, she didn't
even have a single ounce of caution.

'Considering all the things she had done and Enya's assassination in my past
life, Quikantel is not suited to be a guardian. At least, in her current

“Vermont Special Forces… I've heard of them before, but why would


The people outside—speculated to be the Special Forces—rapped on the

door once more. Quikantel looked confused as she tried to interpret the

“Probably because of Enya. I think they were supervising this area. And
when they saw you bringing some outsiders, they came to check on you.”
It could be a far-fetched assumption, but who in the world would come to a
remote log cabin in the middle of a forest to get some firewood?

Moreover, there was no negative consequence in encountering them with


“If you're right about those guys being the Special Forces, hiding from them
would elicit more suspicion. I'll observe them, and when they seem a little
suspicious, I will immediately disable and capture them.”

“Capture? Do we really need to do that? Isn't it better to just make an

excuse and have them go on their way?”

“No. If they're trying to supervise me, I can't let that slide. Violating my
privacy is unforgivable.”

Quikantel trotted to the door.

Meanwhile, Jin dragged Murakan to a room and activated Myulta's Rune,

and Enya watched in awe.

'Damn… Nothing is normal in Quikantel's and Enya's lives…'


Quikantel opened the door and was greeted by two big men. They wore
oversized shirts and straw hats, and their lower bodies were well-built.

“Speak the truth. You runts are part of the Special Forces, right?”

The two men shook their heads at Quikantel's aggressive query.

“What do you mean by that?”

“We apologize for the unexpected inconvenience. We are farmers from

down the forest, and we were out of kindling…”

Hearing all of this, Jin thought to himself.

'Those guys will have to face severe reprimand and write a dozen pages of
apologies for their incompetence once they return to headquarters.'

The Special Forces needed to carry out their tasks smoothly while in a
disguise that suited the time and place.

On that note, the soldiers at the door were a pair of bums. It made no sense
that they came for firewood when there's wood all around them. Moreover,
they had a shoddy disguise.

They were probably the lowest of the low, newly recruited newbies from
the Special Forces.

'I can see how easily the Vermont Imperial Family can supervise Enya and
Quikantel. But isn't this too effortless…? Are those guys even from the
Special Forces?'

Pow! Thwack!

Before Jin could even complete his thoughts, solid striking sounds could be
heard from outside the room.

It was from Quikantel beating the crap out of the guests.

“I'm sure I told you to tell the truth. And yet, you dared to lie…”

Peering out, Jin saw Quikantel brutally abusing the visitors. By the first
strike, they couldn't even resist and fell to the ground.


“Where do you think you're spilling your dirty blood?”

Violent beatings ensued, and Quikantel dragged two flimsy corpses by the
head into the living room. The two men looked pitiful.

“Since when have you been watching me?”

“W-We are not with the Special Forces!”

“What? Who sent you, then?”

“I did.”

The voice of another man resounded. And surprisingly, it came from inside
the house.

Additionally, its source was right next to Jin.

'What?! I didn't even detect his aura…!'

Jin flinched and inched away from the man.

The intruder wore a red mask and a skin-tight blue suit—the uniform of the
Vermont Special Forces. According to his knowledge, Jin knew that only
important leaders wore red face coverings.

Quikantel—who was slightly startled by the occurrence—released the two

men's collars.

“Ohhh, so you are in the Special Forces. You sent these goons to sneak into
my house?”

“You guys are dismissed.”

The two men who “wanted kindling” scrambled away.

Quikantel was about to flick a magic arrow to their backsides, but the
masked man opened his mouth.

“Killing them would complicate the situation. Other soldiers will be

summoned to this location.”

“Oh yeah? Why don't we complicate things, then?”

“If you really want to, then I will not stop you.”

Quikantel paused, then lowered her hand.

“Yeah, if I'm going to kill a human, it better be you. Not those guys.”

The man didn't seem to show any fear in the presence of Quikantel's fury.

It was obvious. At first glance, Jin knew this man was at least an 8-star.
Quikantel knew this as well.

'Now that I think about it, that scimitar… I've heard about it multiple times
in my past life.'

Only one person wielded a scimitar in the Vermont Special Forces.

Codenamed Wratch, the Special Forces 3rd Division Leader. As Vermont

Emperor's most trusted person, he was well known in the Runcandel Clan
as 'the guy with good swordsmanship'.

Essentially, he was a swordsman that even the Runcandels acknowledged.

There was no need to doubt his skills.

'Good thing I used Myulta's Rune to cover my face. That was close.'

Wratch slightly lowered his head towards Quikantel.

“I apologize if we offended you. I had to identify the guests you brought

into our lands. Since I have identified them, I shall depart.”

Wratch didn't even ask who Jin and Murakan were, and even if he did ask,
Quikantel wouldn't tell him. Looking up their citizenship and identification
would be easier.

“I don't think you can end this with just an apology for stalking me. And
who said you could leave already?”

Quikantel threw a punch.

Wratch didn't even flinch, nor did he dodge. His face received the full blow,
yet he remained still like a statue—unscathed.
“I see how it is, you're something. Pretty useful for a human. You relied on
your toughness to act like a fool around me?”

“If your anger has been alleviated through that, I think you should stop.”

“What if I don't?”

“Then I, as well, will attack. My mission is in no way related to ensuring

Enya's safety should anything happen.”

Wratch slowly shifted his eyes towards Enya. With eyes glittering with
curiosity, Enya met his cold eyes. The man's frigid glare froze her in place.

It was a threat. If they were to fight, he didn't know about Quikantel, but he
could definitely take care of Enya. And since he didn't want to fight, it was
a compromise for his departure.

That was a pretty smart move by him. It didn't matter how angry Quikantel
was, as long as Enya's life was on the line.

No matter how strong Wratch was, it probably was impossible for him to
defeat Quikantel in a duel. However, fighting in such a cramped space
could possibly endanger Enya.

Things would be different if Murakan was awake. Thankfully, without him,

the conflict slowly and quietly resolved itself.

“Alright, then. I will see you next time.”

Wratch walked past Quikantel and through the doorway. The moment he
stepped outside, he vanished.

“That piece of…”

Quikantel threw a tantrum. Aside from the fact that she had been stalked by
the Vermont Imperial Family, she also felt like she had been played.

“I'm a dumbass for keeping Enya in this hellhole.”

Quikantel sighed.

“Jin Runcandel. If I hadn't met you and Murakan, I can't imagine the
horrible fate that Enya would've faced. Not just Enya, they were watching
me too…!”

Enya remained shocked—eyes widened and face frozen.

“Th-That person… w-was very scary.”

Receiving a look filled with murderous intent from an 8-star knight was a
different level from the bullying she received at the magic academy.

“My brother! I must go get my brother. Lord Jin, let's leave now…!”

“Please go with Ms. Quikantel. You should board the Tikan merchant ship
first thing tomorrow morning.”

Her luggage was a small bundle of items.

No different than the items in her school bag, it was all of the things she
needed to leave the Vermont Empire.

With the bundle on her back, she tightly held her brother, Pinte, by the hand
and tucked her dog to her chest with the other.

Her eyes were filled with fear.

“Uhhhhh, milord? Are we really not going to get caught? I was super scared
after seeing that man that I couldn't even sleep…”

All Jin could do was offer her some words of relief.

“Even if we get caught, I will promise that you and your family will be safe.
Trust me. Either way, getting out of here as soon as possible would be our
safest bet.”

Still, Jin safely assumed that the Vermont Special Forces didn't monitor
Enya in close quarters. Despite Quikantel's carelessness, it wasn't enough to
miss stalkers within her vicinity.

'Before Wratch came in, even Murakan didn't detect anything. We were
probably found out when we flew through the empire's barrier while on Ms.
Quikantel's back. And it's likely that the Vermont Special Forces were
dispatched afterwards.'

Additionally, with yesterday's incident, the Vermont Imperial Family

probably knows that Quikantel was pissed. They wouldn't get anything
good out of aggravating her even further.

And they would never expect Enya to sneak out of the empire immediately.
They would assume her absence at the academy to be caused by mental

“No need to worry, and board the ship. Beyond all this, Ms. Quikantel
probably can't imagine you traveling alone as she stays in her cabin. And
this cat—I mean, Murakan will protect you.”

Since Jin couldn't expose himself, he couldn't escort Enya to the merchant

Just in case, he had Murakan turn into a cat and protect Enya. If the Special
Forces were to notice Enya's escape, Murakan could stop their attacks.

The main street led straight to the port anyways, so Jin was sure that being
spotted would be unlikely.

In a street filled with thousands of people, pinpointing Enya's family's exact

location would be impossible without closely stalking her.


“Don't worry. He is the Great Black Dragon. I will see you in Tikan soon,
Miss Enya. And Pinte.”

Enya bit her lips and bowed. She then left the remote log cabin and headed
to the heart of the capital. No different than her daily walk to the academy.
This time, however, she wouldn't be going to the magic academy, and Pinte
wouldn't be going to his preschool.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 75

Volume 3 Chapter 75 – Intertwining Fates (7)

'I would've died if I wasn't careful.'

Wratch—who escaped the remote log cabin—felt relief despite only

showing a straight face. His demeanor was born from hours and hours of
strict facial expression and emotion suppression training necessary to
become a Vermont Special Forces Division Leader.

Quikantel probably displayed inconceivable power to him, but he didn't

really feel fear. After all, to the Vermont Special Forces, death was
considered only a small inconvenience when it came to executing missions.

'But who were those two guys in the house? The man with long hair was
probably Quikantel's lover, and the boy with the strange artifact covering
his face… Maybe she's hiding her children?'

He would've never imagined that they were Jin Runcandel and Murkan—
the black dragon who woke from a thousand-year slumber.

Either way, Wratch completely misunderstood the relationship between

Quikantel and the two mysterious people. He had a feeling that it wouldn't
be easy finding information about those people.

'I should tone down on the close-quarter monitoring. I should order soldiers
to return with simple reports until she starts acting strange.'

Although he treated death like a common cold, it was different when it

came to the sub-class soldier's livelihood.
Wratch didn't think he needed to have his henchmen supervise Quikantel
while she was in a sensitive state.

Thanks to the division leader's decision to take caution, Enya and her family
were able to safely board the Tikan merchant ship.

And the Vermont Imperial Family did not notice that Olta's contractor was

At least, until Quikantel left to meet Vyuretta.

A week later, mid-July of 1795.

Just as Jin expected, there weren't any spies monitoring Enya and
Quikantel's location around the cabin at all times.

During that time, Jin and Murakan never left the house. Once a day, only
Quikantel left for the city to get food and drinks.

During their stay, Jin received a message that Enya safely arrived in Tikan
and was receiving protection under Kashimir.

“Well, I already knew they'd be safe, but receiving a personal letter from
Enya is more reassuring. We can definitely meet Vyuretta with a lighter

Quikantel had already contacted the wind dragon. She requested a

rendezvous to discuss Enya.

Vyuretta quickly accepted the request, and the promised date was tomorrow

“You think Vyuretta will come alone?”

“Kid, between dragons, etiquette is very important. Quikantel called to just

meet, so bringing a line of Zipfel magicians would be unacceptable. Even if
you call them for a fight, they'll come alone—without reinforcements.”
“Oh, so that's why you went to the Vermont Empire's ocean territory with
such bravado.”

“Of course. There's nothing that could stop the great Murakan.”

“Sure, buddy. Remember when you almost died to me when you came
here? If it weren't for Jin, you would have been sinking to the depths of the
cold ocean right now.”

“That's… I was going easy on you, Quikantel.”

“Do I need to beat some more sense into you?”


While the two dragons growled at each other, arguing that one's strength is
more superior than the other's, Jin was deeply entrenched in his thoughts.

'…So he's saying the dragons come alone whenever they're summoned
because of etiquette. But we're a group of three going to meet Vyuretta…
Well, who really cares?'

Jin shrugged it off and went to separate the two whose fighting easily
became a routine sight for the young Runcandel.

“Yeah, yeah. No more, you guys. You'll end up fighting before we even
meet Vyuretta tomorrow. I think we should plan more thoroughly about
what we should do once we meet him.”

“What do you mean, 'what we should do'? We just tell him that we called to
find out about the whereabouts of Lathry, not to talk about Enya. And if he's
bullshitting about teaching them Draconic Magic, then we just beat him

“I concur. Since Enya isn't here, I can act as aggressively as I want.”

“Hmmm. Yes, it all sounds good. I just wanted to ask because Vyuretta
wouldn't answer so easily. And if a battle breaks out, even if we win, we
will need to face the Zipfels' wrath. I think we should at least consider the
consequences of our actions.”

Jin firmly stated this in a serious tone.

'I already predicted that intervening with the Zipfels in order to save Euria's
guardian dragon would cause some problems… But not this much.'

Fighting with Vyuretta meant turning the entirety of the Zipfel Clan into
their enemy.

And, as of the moment, Jin did not have the forces to fight them. Even if he
called his latest ally's army—Kashimir's regiment of Tikan—they wouldn't
stand a chance.

As a matter of fact, rescuing Lathry wasn't that beneficial in many ways.

In exchange for allying with Kashimir, Az Mil's contractor, and the Seven-
Colored Peacock, Jin would be turning the Zipfels against himself.

Despite this consequence, Jin chose to meet Vyuretta for three main

First, he promised Kashimir about returning Lathry to Euria's side.

Second, verifying the Zipfels' plot of finding and assassinating contractors.

Lastly, acting in order to save a child was a given.

“Hmmm, the kid's right. Though I'm not really scared of their retaliation,
it's still something to think about.”

“Not only that, we also have to consider the outcome if we were to lose.
Unlike you two, I think it's possible that Vyuretta would come with the
second-in-command, Andrei. In a scenario where he disregards the dragons'

And if Vyuretta did come with Andrei? Or what if he shows up with other
advanced magicians in tow? There was no definitive answer. Each of the
Zipfels' advanced magicians were equivalent in power to a low-tier dragon.

Of course, Jin already had a last resort planned, but he wanted to hear
Quikantel's opinion.

“Don't worry about that. If Vyuretta brings other goons to the rendezvous
point and they try to attack me, I will summon the Vermont Imperial
Family's dragons as reinforcement.”

“That's a great plan. Even if we don't find out more about the kidnappings,
in the event that Vyuretta refuses to cooperate, we have a good reason to
call reinforcements.”

“Exactly. And when I take care of Vyuretta, if we have the Imperial

Family's dragons on our side, then the Zipfels can't really take action. The
Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial Family have some complicated political
ties, after all.”

The Vermont Imperial Family was the balancing weight between the Zipfel
Clan and Runcandel Clan.

Whichever direction the Vermont Imperial Family were to stick to, the
balance between the two strongest clans would break. Therefore, Quikantel
could destroy Vyuretta, and the Zipfels would still be unable to do anything.

If the Zipfels made the Vermont Imperial Family turn against them, then the
Runcandels would take the free benefit.

It would be a very satisfactory response. This way, no matter what they did,
they would not be targeted by the Zipfels.

“Sounds good. Then tomorrow, we will entrust the job to you. In the
meantime, Murakan and I will be hiding nearby.”

“Huh? Kid, what do you mean by that?”

“It means we'll be backup. If Vyuretta comes alone, Ms. Quikantel will fight
him by herself. Nothing good will come out from us selling our faces to the
Quikantel smiled at Jin's response in satisfaction.

“Yeah, Murakan. It would be best if you don't come out at all. I will be
fighting, so all you need to do is watch.”

Her words were lined with a teasing undertone, but Quikantel was
genuinely concerned about Murakan. She firmly believed that he stood no
chance against Vyuretta in his current state.

“…Damn it. I understand that I got a little weaker, but I don't want any
sympathy from my ex.”

“Who's sympathizing? Shut your idiotic self up, and help me out if I ever
get in trouble. But of course, that would never happen.”

Nothing would have happened if Vyuretta came alone because, amongst all
of the active dragons out there, Quikantel was one of the strongest dragons.

However, as Jin predicted, Vyuretta brought along a person.

And it was the Zipfels' second-in-command, Andrei Zipfel.

Standing in the middle of the island, Quikantel glared at Vyuretta.

Jin and Murakan were hiding, watching the tense scene. They already filled
the forest with spiritual energy, so their presence was concealed.

“Ho, ho, hum. It is this old man's first time meeting the Silver Dragon of
Time. Madame Quikantel, it is an honor to meet you. I am Andrei Zipfel.”

[…Vyuretta. I didn't think you would bring a person in response to my call.]

[Please understand, Silver Dragon. When I received your signal, Andrei

was right next to me. With the topic being about Olta's contractor, he
showed great interest, so I brought him along.]

Quikantel expressed severe disappointment, and Andrei chuckled, messing

up his first impression even further.
[Vyuretta, you have been very disrespectful ever since you started asking
me to introduce Enya. I hope you never do something like this again.]

[Understood. So, let's get right into it. What do you want to tell me about
Olta's contractor?]

[Before that, I would like to ask you something.]

[Go ahead.]

[Az Mil's contractor's guardian dragon, Lathry. What did you do to them?]

She spoke in a dangerous tone.

Vyuretta chuckled for a bit in return, then held a straight face.

[Damn… I got baited. You called to talk about Lathry, not Olta's contractor.
I knew something was up.]

Vyuretta's head shook as he spoke.

[Answer my question, Vyuretta. One year ago, you took Lathry to teach
them some Draconic Magic. I saw with my own two eyes. And to this day,
Az Mil's contractor failed to locate their guardian dragon.]

[I don't know how to answer you without leaving you unsatisfied. Hm,
Lathry… is fine. I would've never known you'd have a connection with Az
Mil's contractor. Were you asked to find Lathry?]

[Exactly. Now, if that made sense, return Lathry now. Az Mil's contractor is
searching intently.]

Wooooosh~ Wooooosh…!

Whirlwinds suddenly manifested, surrounding the island. It was a cyclone

caused by Vyuretta's wind ability.

[Vyuretta, it seems you've gone crazy. You are under the Zipfels indeed. But
to a point where you kidnap your own kind? And a youngling, at that?
Based on your actions, just tell me that you want a fight.]

[You know too much about our business. I will say this now. Hand over
Enya, and we will spare you.]

Quikantel smirked.

[Oh yeah? Perfect. I wasn't going to spare you anyway, no matter what you
chose to do.]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 76

Volume 4 Chapter 76 – A Replica That Shouldn't Exist (1)

'These crazy fuckers… I didn't think they would come out aggressively this

They were now certain that the Zipfels kidnapped Lathry, but seeing their
bravado for the misdeed baffled Jin.

Additionally, their brash attitude towards eliminating Quikantel without

hesitation made it clear that the Zipfels' central forces definitely had a hand
on any business related to Lathry or Enya.

'They just demanded for Quikantel to hand over Enya. They are definitely
hunting down contractors outside of the Zipfel Clan and are either using or
eliminating them.'

The fight was about to begin, so Jin and Murakan remained hidden.

'We strike when Ms. Quikantel gets into a dangerous position or when there
is an opportunity for ambush.'

Andrei and Vyuretta still did not notice Jin and Murakan's presence, so
observing the fight for now was a better idea.

[I'll be honest, I haven't really liked you ever since we met, Quikantel.]

Vyuretta shouted, spreading a massive pair of wings.

Mana flowed through the powerful winds, and the static tornados began to
close in on the silver dragon.


The tornados moved like huge snakes. As trees got torn away from the
ground, Quikantel scoffed.

[I'm sure you aren't planning to do anything with wind like child's play.]

It was at least an 8-star spell—not something one would call 'child's play'.

However, it was not enough to pierce her exoskeleton. She didn't even
dodge the attack and took the winds at full force. Not that she was
underestimating the attack, but she genuinely believed that she had no need

Loud screeches echoed throughout the island as the cyclones made contact
with her silver armor.

But that was all.

The cyclones died down, failing to affect even a single scale.

The surroundings were devastated, as if caused by a bombing. And yet,

Quikantel stood in the same spot—in the same position.

Vyuretta was a little surprised, eyes slightly widening.

“Whoa…! Incredible!”

Andrei expressed his admiration with a shaky voice.

Quikantel didn't like his expressive attitude. Not one bit.

The 9-star grand magician, 'Wind King' Andrei Zipfel.

As the second-in-command, everyone knew how strong he was, but not

many knew of his 'real' power. Simply due to the fact that everyone who
fought him had died. People only could infer his combat power.

And as for Quikantel, she didn't know much about Andrei either.

[I guess Wind King isn't just a title. You filthy human. Show me your
strength. After I begin my attack, you won't have any opportunity to show

“I can finally use my full power. In that case, I will enjoy it, Silver Dragon
of Time.”

Andrei's staff began to glow.

Mana Expansion—a spell signifying the start of an attack.

'It's been a long time since I saw a 9-star Mana Expansion up close.'

In an instant, about 500 meters around them, the blue mana dyed their
surroundings. It was not a common sight.

And because he was the contractor of the God of Wind, Andrei's magic was
the pure essence of wind. Every movement of air around the island could
potentially become Andrei's weapon.

Wind was invisible. Although the artificial compression and movement of

wind was visible as it ripped through space, wind—at its purest—had no

Thus, Andrei's wind could become an invisible sword or a formless spear

and pierce the enemy.

The space around the grand magician began to morph with the flow of
wind. No one knew what would come out of the bending space.

“If I had one thing to say…”

Andrei smirked and extended his finger towards Quikantel.

“I am especially strong against dragons. So please be careful.”


From Andrei's finger, wind in the form of a spike flew out.

Quikantel sensed the danger and spread her wings. She planned on flying
upwards, dodging the attack and shooting her breath to counter him.

But there was a reason Andrei mentioned his strength against dragons.

'My flight… has been disabled?'

No matter how much she flapped her gigantic wings, no wind occurred. In
fact, her wings felt heavier, as if she were swimming in water.

A technique that only Melzeyer's contractor could use—Windless Domain.

Inside the Mana Expansion, there was nothing that could fly without
Andrei's permission. And losing the ability to fly was a great loss to a
dragon's combat power.


Andrei's wind spikes hit Quikantel's chest. Some scales broke off and fell to
the ground. Simultaneously, Vyuretta flew to the sky.

[These bastards…!]

[You are definitely strong, but you were too careless.]

Vyuretta's breath flew at many angles. Quikantel conjured a force field with
her mana, but Andrei cast another spell.

This time, it wasn't an inherited spell from Melzeyer. Instead, it was the
Zipfels' lightning-attributed spell, Lightning Storm. Blue chains crackled
and gathered in Andrei's palm as his feet started lifting off the ground.

Just because he was Melzeyer's contractor didn't mean that he was limited
to wind-attributed spells. Even Jin used spells of multiple attributes freely
while using spiritual energy.
'This can be lethal. That cursed human…!'

Unable to attack, Quikantel felt as if she was being pushed into a corner.

'Do we go now?'

Jin exchanged looks with Murakan, and the black dragon shook his head.

“Quikantel was indeed acting cocky, but those guys are also
underestimating her. Let's watch for a little longer. If we go now, then her
pride is gonna get hurt.”

As Murakan finished speaking, Andrei also finished casting his spell.

Violent chains of electricity charged towards Quikantel. Hundreds of sparks

and crackles of electricity—enough to blind a man—mixed with Quikantel's

Although they were pretty far away, Jin felt shocks throughout his body
despite protecting himself with spiritual energy.

Power definitely worthy of being the Zipfel Clan's second-in-command.

However, despite its uncontested strength, the spell didn't hit its target and
was rendered useless.

Quikantel activated her temporal powers and froze Andrei's spell.

As the grand magician ruled the wind as Melzeyer's contractor, Quikantel

ruled time as one of Olta's dragons.

[That was a pretty neat trick.]

More and more crackling bolts of lightning froze in front of Quikantel.

Before them was an even match between two god-given powers.

Andrei lowered his staff and lowered to the ground. Strangely, avarice
flickered in his eyes.
“A very coveted power… Hehehe. Seeing it with my own eyes, I can feel
the blood vessels twitching inside my aged body.”

Quikantel remained silent and stepped away from the frozen bolts of

[I guess it's my turn now.]

It may still be a situation where her ability to fly was incapacitated, but
Quikantel was confident that she could still rule the skies.

[If you won't let me fly, then I will not let you move a single finger!]


A sharp sound echoed, and waves of energy emerged from Quikantel's


Ripples could be seen throughout space, as if a rock was thrown into water,
and everything that the ripples touched lost its time.

Inside the frozen time, one would basically become a statue.

“That is the reason why you permanently become a mere plant if you don't
get along with the dragons of time, kid. Get caught by it, and it's over.”

“That's unspeakably overpowered!”

“Well, not really. Just don't make contact with it. Then it becomes easy. The
spell itself is hard to sustain too.”

As it was Vyuretta's and Andrei's first time fighting a dragon of time, they
dodged the pulses by instinct. But they forgot one crucial fact.

If any part of the body gets caught—whether it was the tip of the toe or a
strand of hair—then the entire body will freeze.

Andrei easily dodged with his small and nimble body, but that was not the
case for Vyuretta.

Quikantel blasted off the ground with her feet and charged at the wind
dragon who was frozen still.


When she got close enough, she released the time prison and ripped
Vyuretta's throat apart with her jaws. Screeching, Vyuretta fell with


From Vyuretta's long neck spilled thick rivers of blood. With his neck in her
jaws, Quikantel stood like a beast that caught its prey.

Every time the wind dragon moved, green scales, blood, and flesh
splattered everywhere.

Andrei was furious, but he couldn't do anything. Any move he made could
kill Vyuretta. In fact, if he tried to approach them, then Quikantel could
recast her ultimate spell.


[Tastes like garbage. You said I'm cocky? Say that shit again!]


Quikantel bit off a chunk of Vyuretta's flesh and taunted her enemies. From
Vyuretta's wound, the white of bone was visible, and the wounded dragon
floundered to escape.

Reactivating her ability, Quikantel froze Vyuretta once more.

The silver dragon made an unbearable sight as she repeated the same
process. Her brutal attacks instinctively made the spectators squint their
“Wow, I'm getting goosebumps. I also suffered from that attack before.”

“From Ms. Quikantel?”

“Yeah, we fought a lot while we were in a relationship.”

Two more times and Vyuretta would be decapitated. The wind dragon's
consciousness was already gone. And even when his time wasn't frozen, his
massive body only flinched a little.

“S-Stop, Silver Dragon!”

[Shut the fuck up and watch, Zipfel magician. You're next in line. And
you're at a loss for words? Maybe you're scared of your impending doom.]

Despite her threatening words, Quikantel was also very exhausted at that

If she could infinitely use her temporal abilities, then the world's strongest
being would not be Cyron Runcandel.

'I was able to claim victory due to Vyuretta's carelessness. I'll kill this
bastard. As for the magician, I'll get help from Jin and Murakan…!'

Because she abused her ability, Quikantel's mana had depleted.

Huff, puff…

Breathing heavily, Quikantel was about to cut off Vyuretta's airway.

Yet, with a firm resolve, Andrei walked towards the two dragons.

“You have gone too far.”

[Look who's talking.]

“That is only for the stronger one to say, Silver Dragon. You were born as a
Silver Dragon of Time, declaring yourself and your god as strong. All this
time, you probably thought of yourselves as rulers of the world…”
'…But that's a delusion. Everything will fall under the Zipfels' flag—all
humans and gods.'

Andrei lowered his staff and pulled out something from his robe.

In his hand was an orb emitting an ominous black glow. The moment
Murakan saw this, he exclaimed.

“The Orb of Origin…! No way!”

He transformed into his true form, and his torso broke through the spiritual
energy, revealing a massive shadow unto the ground.

[Escape, Quikantel!]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 77

Volume 4 Chapter 77 – A Replica That Shouldn't Exist (2)

“Oh, I see there were more guests.”

Andrei cracked a big grin.

Goosebumps covered Quikantel as she saw the hysterical smile, backing off
after hearing Murakan's warning.

They felt an ineffably ominous energy flowing throughout Andrei's

mysterious orb.

And Quikantel's instincts were not wrong.


Not long after, a long entity emerged from the orb, making a screeching
sound that ripped their eardrums.

'A face…?!'

From what Murakan called the 'Orb of Origin' came a huge, black entity
that resembled a face. However, its eye sockets were empty. And with part
of the face being disfigured, the exact facial features were indistinguishable.

As soon as the face formed, the black entity's long neck extended, and the
figure moved to bite Quikantel's throat.
In a split second, it munched on thin air. Had she ignored Murakan's call,
she would not have evaded death.

“I wanted to use you as a test subject… but that's too bad. Since you saw
this face, don't expect to get any time to rest.”

Then, Andrei turned to Murakan.

“A black dragon, I see. I only know of two black dragons alive in this
world. And since you aren't a female, you must be the Runcandel Clan's
Murakan. It seems you have awoken from your slumber? Then, the boy
next to you…”

Jin was covering his face with Myulta's Rune, but Andrei knew who he

“…must be Solderet's contractor. Certainly… Jin Runcandel. You're the

only Runcandel provisional flag-bearer in this area. Am I wrong?”

Andrei's eyes overflowed with avarice.

He originally only wanted to 'consume' Olta's contractor. However, the

possibility of making two great catches filled him with greed.

Instead of answering the grand magician, Jin just glared at Andrei.

Quikantel remained cautious despite the battle being in temporary

During that time, Murakan could not stop looking at the orb in Andrei's
hand and the 'face' that stemmed from it.

'It's similar to the Orb of Origin, but it's a little different. The gods already
disposed of it, so there's no way for a human to possess such an object.'

It could only mean that the orb in the grand magician's hand was a replica.

'But how?'

Questioning the situation, Murakan thought deeply.

The 'Orb of Origin' is a sacred object that contained the power of all gods,
and it was a kind of safety mechanism.

It prevents the gods' creations from attacking the gods, and the gods
themselves from attacking other gods. Essentially, it was an object that
prevented the end of the world.

However, the gods found out that the Orb of Origin possessed powers
exceeding the threat of possible war. They evaluated it to be enough to
obliterate the entire world. So, as humankind began to prosper, the orb was

'Last time, it was the cemetery giants. Now, it's a replica of the Orb of
Origin? What the hell is happening?'

Although it was merely a replica, the orb in Andrei's hand possessed

disgusting amounts of power.

The 'face' approached Vyuretta's corpse and whispered a chant. Soon after,
black smoke emerged from the wind dragon's wound, and it began to heal.
However, it wasn't a normal regeneration.

Instead of green skin and emerald scales, the missing flesh was filled up
with the same dark energy as that from the orb.

“I shouldn't have held back. I apologize for your loss, my old friend,

It didn't even take ten seconds for the exposed white bones to be covered by
the newly grown flesh, skin, and scales.

Vyuretta slowly raised his body. The ground below him still had lakes of
blood and remnants of his flesh and scales, but the wind dragon seemed
unaffected—besides the massive black blotch on one side of his neck.

The sight startled Jin.

Even Quikantel—who “regenerated” a severed wing—slowly stepped

backwards, and Murakan gritted his teeth.
The wind dragon's corpse was resurrected.

Occurrences such as this would still be impossible even with the help of the
God of Healing, but it happened right in front of their eyes.

[We gotta get serious, kiddo.]

[Murakan! I will call the dragons of the Vermont Imperial Family. Until
then, buy me some ti—]

“Uh-uh. I can't let you do that.”


Instantaneously, Andrei disappeared and reappeared behind Quikantel. The

face from the Orb of Origin replica opened its jaws.


Quikantel's left foot grazed the black teeth—albeit only slightly.

However, Quikantel—who didn't show a single sign of pain while fighting

Vyuretta—floundered, screaming in her suffering.

Smoke emerged from the grazed wound. Quikantel backed off, limping
away from the enemy.

“What a great scream to hear, Silver Dragon. It's a shame I cannot hear
more of it.”

And as Murakan tried to run to her…

[You think you can make a difference, Murakan?]

[Move away, Vyuretta.]

[Move away? The great Murakan is asking me?! Hahaha! I'm sure many
dragons would be dying to meet you if they found out about your
reawakening. I agree with what Andrei said earlier. It's a shame I can't tell
the others about you.]

Spiritual energy began to spread from Murakan's wings.

[At some point, all dragons feared your presence. But do you think they still
do? You have gotten weak. And your contractor is still a baby!]


As he finished his monologue, Vyuretta released a breath.

Compressed wind projectiles.

The breaths quickly displaced the spiritual energy as they traveled.

Vyuretta's breaths were definitely stronger as compared to before his
'resurrection'. All because of the Orb of Origin.

Vyuretta was elated as he watched the view before him; for overpowering
an old bully felt amazing and refreshed him.

[I, Vyuretta, will go down in history as your killer!]

[Yeah, right, crazy bastard.]

Although he was incomparably weaker than his past self, it was still a fact
that Murakan was at the apex among all of the entities in the sky at one

He wasn't going to lose only after one breath.


After resisting the breath, Murakan's body sublimed and scattered into the
black smoke. Then, he approached Vyuretta and reconstructed his body,
revealing himself next to his enemy.

[Indeed, it's too easy, isn't it?]

And a close-combat fight ensued. Each time the two massive dragons
clashed, the island rumbled and quaked.

As space was morphed with the merging of spiritual energy and wind, Jin
intently watched the fight between Andrei and Quikantel.

He had to read the flow of the battle.

'In my current state, joining Murakan and Vyuretta's fight is suicide. Just
getting near them is already impossible. On the other hand, for Andrei…'

There was no chance for ambush.

After Andrei revealed his Orb of Origin, Quikantel was just running away.
Because of this, there was no opportunity for Jin to attack.

Additionally, the main enemy of this fight wasn't Vyuretta, but Andrei
Zipfel. Killing him first would make Vyuretta's demise more meaningful.

'Andrei can't cast a spell while holding that orb. Probably because the
artifact drains insane amounts of mana.'

If he was casting 9-star spells instead, then Andrei would have been
unapproachable. However, he was focusing on the orb. Occasionally, he
would cast a short teleportation spell to catch up to Quikantel, yet that was

'I don't know if it's the orb, but his overall physical abilities increased. At
the level of a 7-star knight, at the very least. This will be difficult.'

Ambush and execute instantly.

Or at least cut off the hand holding the orb.

After concluding his plans, Jin began to move. Thankfully, Vyuretta didn't
seem to notice Jin's movements as he fought against Murakan.

It was only possible because Murakan was putting up a good fight.

'When I go back, I should ask Kashimir about this. Well, I don't know if this
will work for Andrei…!'

Once he got past Vyuretta, he increased his speed and sprinted towards
Quikantel. She and Jin were looking at each other, with Andrei's back
towards the young Runcandel.

He only needed three steps before getting in range to strike.

However, Andrei spun around with a grin, expecting the ambush.

“So you have come, Jin Run—Erk!”

But Jin never actually thought of slashing Andrei from behind. Not even


Instead of swinging his sword, Jin opened his hand in front of Andrei's face.
A spell was ready in his left hand.

A spell that everyone thought was gone. An ancient light magic that only
one person in the world mastered not so long ago.

Photon Cannon—Tzenmi's vision-impairing spell that Jin mastered in the

ship, right before his arrival at Tikan.

'It worked!'

Instinctively, Andrei used one hand to cover his eyes and bent over. As the
magician staggered backwards, Jin unsheathed his sword and swung.


He felt the blade cutting through the flesh at Andrei's chest. Jin recoiled to
stab him, but the orb's face charged towards Jin.

However, the black figure seemed to be influenced by Andrei's vision, as it

just floundered while snapping its jaws at empty air.
Jin lowered his torso and swung his sword in an unnatural stance, aiming to
slash Andrei's legs.



Andrei—with his ankles cut through—stumbled and fell backwards.

A normal enemy would have been doomed and met their end at that point,
but Jin didn't have the opportunity to finish him off.

Quikantel was also at her limit. Even with Jin buying her time, she couldn't
lengthen the distance between her and Andrei. She was hunching over the
ground, catching her breath.

“I applaud your ambush. However, you and your god will become
ingredients for the Demon God's Orb, Jin Runcandel.”

Even after being blinded by Photon Cannon and having his feet severed,
Andrei spoke normally.

Using the face of the Demon God's Orb, he protected his body. And just
like Vyuretta's resurrection, his ankles were being regenerated.

As this all occurred, Vyuretta pushed Murakan away and rapidly stomped
towards Jin. He didn't defeat Murakan, but he flew through the Windless
Domain, unaffected by the skill's effect.

[Kid! Above you!]


Vyuretta fell to the ground, right where Jin was standing. Jin was able to
throw his body aside to dodge the attack, but evading the subsequent
breaths while also avoiding the orb's face was impossible.

He felt that he was right at the doorstep of death.

At that moment, Jin put his hand towards his neck and thought of a name.

One belonging to the world's greatest knight, praised by everyone. The

transcendent White Whale.

His eldest sister—Luna Runcandel.

He clenched his fist, and Orgal's Pendant shattered. For the past six years,
he had never taken it off.


Simultaneously, a flash of mana burst out, and a dimensional gate opened.

“It seems you're in a tough spot, youngest Runcandel.”

And from it, the White Whale emerged.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 78

Volume 4 Chapter 78 – An Anomaly Called the Runcandels (1)

The axe-sword, Crantel. The sword with a tip forged into the shape of an
axe blade. A weapon born to satisfy Luna's tastes.

At first glance, one would say that it was a heavy and inefficient weapon—
it easily weighed heavier than three or four men.

But Luna swung the axe-sword as if it were as light as a feather.

Sheeeek! Krrrrt!

The first strike deflected Vyuretta's breath, splitting it into two and sending
them to the ground. The second struck the face from the Demon God's Orb,
redirecting it towards Andrei like a ball.

Andrei—who had been confident and relaxed—looked anxious and tense.

On the other hand, Vyuretta didn't dare to attack again after landing on the

As soon as Luna appeared, the battle scene rapidly changed.

She stepped in front of Jin and looked around, then lightly grinned.

“The Zipfels' second-in-command and a wind dragon. Yes, it's worth calling
me for this kind of fight. Jin, are you hurt anywhere?”

The sun shone behind Luna as she turned to face Jin.

Looking into her ocean-deep eyes, Jin was certain.

The fight was already won.

After all, she was the definition of 'strongest'.

“No, not a scratch.”

“Good. If you got hurt, I'd kill those two then go flip the Zipfel Clan inside

Hearing these words, Jin got goosebumps. Mainly because he felt the love
and care coming from his sister.

Also because 'flipping the Zipfel clan inside out' wasn't impossible for

“Anyways, I missed you. It was so boring without you back at home. I'm
sure you felt the same?”

“I think so.”

“How cute.”

Arriving next to Jin, Murakan covered him with his wings.

[Damned kid. You have such a great sister. I thought I was gonna die.]

“Lord Murakan, it is our first time meeting, yes? As the eldest daughter of
the Runcandel Clan, I believe that officially introducing myself would be
proper. However, I think that I will be a little busy. Please take care of my
youngest brother.”

[Understood. I entrust you with the rest of the job, Luna Runcandel.]

“Sister, please be careful. The Demon God's Orb artifact resurrected the
wind dragon earlier.”

“Don't worry, and get out of here. The adult will deal with this, child.”
With Jin on his back and lightly holding Quikantel in his mouth, Murakan
began their retreat. Although it looked laughable, if he didn't get as far as

He would be struck by Luna's sword. They would be safe if they're at least

500 meters away.

[Alright, alright. Now, let's just spectate. Quikantel, don't be too

embarrassed. It may just be a replica, but it's normal for a dragon to be
afraid of the Orb of Origin.]

It didn't take long for them to get far away from the battlefield. During that
time, Andrei and Vyuretta only stared at Luna, at a loss for words.

Luna, on the other hand, looked at the Demon God's Orb that the grand
magician was holding.

'What in the world is that? That ominous energy… It feels very similar to
that of the demons I killed in the past… Well, whatever it is, there's nothing
I can't cut through.'

Thinking this, Luna slowly pointed her axe-sword at Andrei.

“Are you just going to look at me like that, Andrei Zipfel? To think that a
legendary figure like you would have business with my brother. I would
like an explanation.”

Andrei's eyes narrowed.

“…Heh, this is an unexpected variable. O White Whale, the Runcandel

Clan has broken its oath. Your brother used magic.”

“Indeed, he broke the oath. But that news won't get to your clan. Oh, if you
want, I can go tell Kelliark Zipfel myself. I think it'd be great if I also tell
him about your visit to the banquet and fleeing from my father.

Andrei gritted his teeth.

'Luna Runcandel… How dare you, you worthless bitch.'

But he couldn't reveal his anger.

'That bitch is just food for the Demon God's Orb. After all, she's just a mere
human. As long as she's not a demigod like her father, she can't handle its

Andrei firmly believed in the power of the orb and that the Runcandel bitch
had no intel or feel for it.

'If I cast normal spells like before, it would be a difficult battle. But with the
orb, there's no way I would lose. Nothing changed.'

Thinking this, Andrei's eyes found calm.

“Well, alright. I knew that I would have to fight against you like this one
day. Today, we will find out if you truly are worthy of the grand name
'White Whale'.”

“Among all of the Zipfels, you have the talent of making a boring speech
even more boring. Just as boring as you!”


With a single step off the ground, Luna arrived right in front of Andrei like
a bullet.

The grand magician was instantly within the axe-sword's massive strike

“And weirdly enough, amongst the Zipfels…”


Andrei barely blocked Luna's attack with the orb's face. Vyuretta charged at
her, but in an instant, she was standing next to him instead.

“…no one knows about me that well.”

The edge of Vyuretta's wing was cut off. Although it was a small injury, the
wind dragon was startled by his inability to react to her attack.

'What kind of speed is this…?!'

To Vyuretta and Andrei, Luna moved at the speed of light. Following her
movements with the naked eye was impossible, and it was the ultimate
speed. They could only react to her actions by predicting her next move.

“Will the dragon not fight me in his original form? There's nothing good
about having a big body right now.”

Surprisingly, after hearing the human's mocking advice, Vyuretta

transformed into a human. As Luna said, one wrong move, and he would be
cut into dozens of pieces.

The Zipfel Clan didn't necessarily have zero information on Luna.

Being the strongest after Cyron, the Zipfels endlessly scraped information
about her. However, the intelligence agents who got too close often got
killed. And every single Zipfel who fought against her died, not even
leaving out a single one.

Additionally, to the Zipfel Clan, Luna was a mystery. They only heard
about the rumours of her strength, yet no one told the tale about the whole
truth—only settling with a vague conclusion.

That she transcended human limits.

'Are you saying that a non-contractor could possess this much power? A
human other than Cyron?'

For a moment, Andrei was delusional. He had mistaken that Luna was a
'consumable contractor' for the Demon God's Orb.

However, the orb didn't react to her. Therefore, Luna was a normal human.

'As soon as I return to the clan, I must completely revise the plans against
the Runcandels. If we let them grow in power, the Zipfels will be the first to

Andrei could only be worried about the future of his clan.

'Meeting Luna today is an opportunity given by god. If I don't kill her now,
the next chance is when the orb is complete…!'

As Andrei thought about his plans, his thoughts on 'Luna Runcandel'

rapidly changed.

Orb in hand, faced with a person that he could never think of fighting
against without it, and in a no-man's island with no witnesses.

What were the chances of facing Luna Runcandel in the first place?

There would never be a second chance.


Vyuretta nodded as he heard Andrei's urgent cry. Because they have

coordinated their attacks for a long time, the two could communicate their
next move even without speech.


Wind began to compress on Vyuretta's palm, its form loosely resembling a


And even in his human form, the black blotch on Vyuretta's neck was
flickering. The power that he received from the orb during his resurrection
was still being used.

“I show my utmost respect. I would have never thought I'd use this power
against a human.”

“You must've lived a long time. It seems you have fought against many

Luna was pretty relaxed.

However, as soon as Vyuretta began to conjure power from the power he
inherited from the orb, Luna knew that the dragon's movements changed.

'This isn't magic. It's closer to some god-given power. I can see why the
aura I felt was similar to the demons'. And this dragon started to use all its
power to…'

It was to buy time for Andrei, who could extract more power from the orb.

With all of it thought out, Luna scoffed.

'A 9-star old grand magician and a wind dragon. Do they really believe
some measly artifact could save their life?'

Baffled, no words came out of her mouth.

She realized why the Zipfels couldn't overtake the Runcandel Clan after so
long. They had such a pathetic human as their second-in-command.

This thought baffled Luna, silencing her. Then, a thought sparked in her

'There's no way this guy is the Zipfels' second-in-command. The real one
must be a figure who isn't well known.'

Watching from far away, Jin thought the same thing.

'It's so weird. Elder Sister Luna is very strong, but is that really the strength
of a 9-star magician?'

It definitely looked as if the man lacked the mana to cast other regular
spells while operating the orb. The initial Mana Expansion would've
consumed a lot of mana already.

Even considering that, Jin really didn't expect Luna to dominate the battle.

'Either he's a fake Andrei, information about Andrei has been exaggerated,
or the real second-in-command is a different member of the Zipfel Clan and
Andrei is just the figurehead. It's one of these three.'
While the Runcandel siblings determined these facts and possibilities,
Vyruetta's wind spear grew massive.

Wind, aura, mana, and the Demon God's Orb's energy. All four powers
seeped into the spear.

“Do you really think that you will win with one strike using that big and
slow weapon of yours, Wind Dragon Vyuretta?”

Just as Luna said, the spear continuously grew and reached a point where it
no longer resembled a spear.

Without hesitation, Vyuretta began to swing and thrust the weapon, and
Luna felt a little sorry.

'How could a dragon become so corrupt?'

After dodging two attacks, Luna stopped in place.

“I'll show you, then. I will take it head-on. I didn't want to stall anyways.”


Crantel let out a brilliant glow; the blade's endless light shone in all
directions. Resembling the light emitted by the sun, its aura looked more
sacred than dangerous.

The Runcandels' third decisive killing move, 'Meteor Shower'.

The blade was slammed to the ground. And, true to the technique's name,
the clouds split open as meteors began to fall.

Right where Luna's arrogant opponents stood.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 79

Volume 4 Chapter 79 – An Anomaly Called the Runcandels (2)


Jin's eyes filled with awe as he looked up to the sky.

He had heard his brothers discuss the clan's different decisive killing moves
multiple times in his past life.

Seeing the sky open up and an aura plummet to the ground, he was able to
deduce that it was the clan's third decisive killing move, 'Meteor Shower'.
But it was the first time he actually witnessed it.

As well as his first time seeing one of his clan's secret techniques.

'It's surprisingly beautiful…'

And strong.

Countless balls of energy fell like shooting stars. As each streak of light hit
the ground, Jin could feel the impact throughout his body.

He felt like he was looking at the absolute limit of human ability.

He clenched his fist and focused on observing, not wanting to miss a single
moment. He wanted to remember this scene and someday recreate it

Recreate the same domineering power.

Quikantel mindlessly stared at the hundreds of aura stars falling from the
sky. The only calm person was Murakan.

[Decisive killing move, Meteor Shower. It's been a thousand years. It's still
lacking compared to Temar's, but your sister is still a monster.]


Every time a meteor smashed the ground, the entire island wailed.

The land became disfigured, rocks shattered, and dirt crumbled into smaller
particles. Meteors thrashed the ground, powerful enough to disintegrate
everything that makes contact into nothing.

Among the explosions, a helpless human and dragon looked pitiful as they
searched for shelter.

They realized that they couldn't survive relying on some incomplete artifact
—ultimately filling their hearts with hopelessness and misery.

'No…! This can't be!'

Andrei muttered words like a prayer as he gripped the Demon God's Orb.
Vyuretta returned to his dragon form and leapt to protect him.

'We can win if I keep Andrei safe. If I protect Andrei…!'

Even if his body was torn into millions of pieces, as long as one broken
bone or chunk of flesh remained, Vyuretta could be resurrected with the
power of the orb. It was because of this that he never feared death.

However, Luna's strength was still horrific.

It didn't matter if he got revived and resurrected. He was guaranteed to die

again anyway. Maybe, even with a complete Demon God's Orb, it would be
impossible to defeat the human before him.

On the other hand, Luna overflowed with majestic might as she lowered her
She didn't even look at the meteor shower ripping Vyuretta apart,
preoccupied by her dissatisfaction with the results.

She disintegrated the island and slaughtered the Zipfel grand magician as
well as his dragon. And yet, she was not satisfied.

'Not even close to Father's.'

Cyron's Meteor Shower, which she had witnessed only once in the past, was
much stronger.

It was difficult to explain, but it transcended… it wouldn't even be

considered as something that was done by a human.

She had to do something that would absolutely dominate the battlefield.

Only then could she consider comparing herself with her father.

'Still, this is a good experience for the youngest. Hopefully, it gives him
some inspiration. If I'm not worthy of being Father's successor… it
definitely has to be you, our youngest brother.'

With that thought, she looked behind her.

She wanted to send a message to her sibling who was watching the
incomplete yet amazing technique. That he should grow and become much
stronger in order to become the next patriarch of the Runcandel Clan.

And Jin felt his sister's sentiment. Even though she didn't voice it out, or
even if she said it and Jin couldn't hear it… Even though Jin could barely
see her from far away, he knew what she wanted to tell him.

'She is always teaching me something.'

She lit a fire in his heart.

Compared to any other moments, he had never felt more passionate about
swordsmanship. The thought of surpassing his eldest sister and their father
to succeed the throne suffocated him.
He would never forget this moment.

At the end of the meteor shower, a massive crater was left behind in the
middle of the island, filling up with water. And, as if a submarine volcano
erupted, a tsunami grew from the filled crater. Additionally, Vyuretta and
Andrei were nowhere to be seen.

They surrendered their life to the body of water—for within the tsunami,
parts of Vyuretta's corpse were visible.

The sky above was clear; every single bit of cloud had been dispersed by
the meteors that pierced through them.

Luna lightly shook her head as she stood underneath the shining sun and in
front of the growing tsunami.

“This is a little disappointing. In front of my brother… It's annoying if you

hold on for too long.”

Luna pointed Crantel at the tsunami.

Simultaneously, something inside the massive wall of water slowly revealed


A black, massive, monstrous face.

It resembled the entity from the Demon God's Orb. However, it soon
emerged out of the water with a full body. Its arms and legs broke out of the
water's surface first, then its torso followed.

Andrei had fused with the orb.

“That crazy… What is that? Is that the result of unleashing the artifiact's

Orb of Origin, Demon God's Orb—whatever it was, Jin knew it wasn't

normal. Moreover, the power was too horrific to simply be from an
'I've never seen anything like it in my past life. It's as if a powerful god has

There was no word to describe the terrifying creature other than 'god'.

Quikantel's tail curled up, unable to resist the terror in front of her.

Although it was a replica, the Demon God's Orb still contained the power of
the gods, which automatically drew the fear out of dragons.

[Whew, I'm certain now. Kid, the Zipfels used a contractor to recreate the
Orb of Origin. Thankfully, it's not very strong right now. Just a little evil…
I'll tell you the rest later. First, we have to get outta here.]

“We have to escape?”

Andrei's Windless Domain was long gone. Murakan opened his wings and
began to rise, and Jin instinctively shouted.

“We have to get Elder Sister Luna! We can't let her fight that thing alone!”

[No, that thing needs to be killed. If we let it live, then it will torment the
world. The Orb of Origin is like that. And the only person who can end that
thing is your sister.]


[Even though I lost my strength, my eyes are still sharp. Your sister can
definitely take it head-on. If it were the real Orb of Origin, even Temar
wouldn't be able to stop it.]

As if she were listening in on their conversation, Luna looked up towards

Jin and Murakan. She waved her hand in the air as she shouted.

“Don't worry about me, and go somewhere safe!”

Jin still felt uneasy and thought it wasn't right for him to just escape.
Yet, he instinctively knew. As Murakan said, 'that' needed to be

However, he was extremely upset and disappointed that he could only

watch from the sidelines instead of help.

'After today, there will never be a day where I'm powerless…!'

Jin gritted his teeth.

Murakan grinned, for he was proud of Jin's hunger for improvement.

'Friggin' kid. I knew you had no fear. Looking at that thing and still emitting
your battle aura… Looks like you really want to kill it yourself.'

A strong energy, enough to sting Murakan's plated back; it was undoubtedly


An unbelievably prominent battle aura from a fifteen-year-old who just

became a 5-star.

'You will become the best, Jin Runcandel, the contractor of a thousand

Murakan didn't feel great about escaping as well. However, he was looking
forward to Jin's future and potential.

[C'mon, don't be too down, and watch your sister. Watch the anomaly called
the Runcandels. Today, Luna Runcandel will save the world!]

When she thought they got far enough from the island, Luna wrapped
Crantel with aura. At the same time, Andrei stepped away from the massive
water wall and looked down on her.

“Andrei Zipfel. Hmm… Your face is too disfigured for me to tell, but you're
definitely making a confident expression. Since you became a monster with
that artifact, you must think you could defeat me now.”

Grrrrr, grrrrrrrrk, grrrrrrrk!

The monster let out a triumphant laugh that sounded similar to someone
violently clearing their throat. As she said, Andrei was no longer afraid of

“The power of the Twelve Gods are currently inside me, Luna Runcandel!
And what do you have? Even if your father was here, you wouldn't be able
to defeat me!”

“Ah, the Twelve Gods. Unfortunately, I only have this one sword right

She responded with a calm face.

“Show me all you've got. I will gladly receive it!”

A belittling smirk then grew on Luna's face.

“As expected, you're still delusional. If you fought me using the magic you
had trained for years, you could've seen half of my true skill at most.”

Andrei tried to respond, but held back after seeing that Crantel was dyed in

'Crimson aura?'

Andrei tilted his head in confusion. He had fought hundreds of knights, but
he had never seen any of them use a crimson aura.

“On that note, although you never deserved it…”

Crantel was set ablaze.

“In order to fix your foolishness… I shall show you what true
swordsmanship is. And naturally, you will see the flaws in your ways.”

'You allegedly caged the entities you proclaim as 'gods' inside that pathetic
little rock, and you think that nothing can stand in your way just because
you have it in your possession. Delusional. The man I've seen my entire life
—who is deemed a 'demigod'—is dominating the world. Or are you saying
that your gods are stronger than him?'

'Mind's Blade: Blood Moon.'

Luna whispered, a brilliant red light emitting from Crantel.

A light that swallowed the island and sky. Andrei didn't feel an ounce of
danger, for he trusted the orb too much.

“Come! With your powerless attack!”

Luna swung her sword, and a massive red wave of energy traveled quickly
across the island. The ground soon began to rumble, and in an instant, the
ground split, forming fissures.

The slash of red light passed through the entirety of the island.

And Luna, thinking there was nothing to check, lowered her sword and


'I'll show you.'

He couldn't finish his sentence. And that became his last will.



The orb hidden in Andrei's chest pocket shattered. The space around him
cracked like glass, and the orb's dark energy was sucked into its crevices.

On the pathetic excuse of an island, even the biggest of boulders were being
vacuumed into the void.

The moment Luna—who was kneeling on one knee due to exhaustion—

was about to reach its edge…

Murakan descended at full speed, and Jin extended his hand towards her.
She barely caught his hand, and she flashed a smile.

“It looks like our youngest has saved me this time.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 80

The island where they fought completely disappeared after the destructive
onslaught from Meteor Shower, Mind's Blade: Blood Moon, and the
explosion from the shattering of the Demon God's Orb. It was enough
destructive power to completely annihilate the island from existence.

The Vermont Empire realized this case and dispatched an investigation

team. In the nearby seas, the naval security witnessed the great explosions
and alerted the mainland.

The dispatched investigation team were the Imperial Magicians and

Vermont Special Forces 3rd Division.

They could only be shocked at the devastated scenery.

The obliterated island was one thing, but the eerie mana continued to
whirlpool into nothingness. It was the main reason as to why they couldn't
approach the remnants of the island.

'What the hell happened here?'

And the Special Forces soldiers who were tracking down Quikantel and
Enya felt their hearts sink.

They knew that the destruction before them was definitely related to the
whereabouts of the contractor and her dragon.

An Imperial Magician—who was watching the scene—approached the

Special Forces.
“Division Leader Wratch, it seems that Silver Dragon Quikantel had a battle
here. The silver dragon's mana… and the wind dragon's mana can be
detected here.”

“The wind dragon… Are you sure?”

“Yes. I think it's the Zipfels' Vyuretta. He was the only wind dragon who
came near this area. And I can detect a human's mana… but I can't
determine whose it is.”

Wratch placed his hand on his forehead.

Why did they fight? No answers immediately came to mind.

'The human's mana is highly likely to be from Olta's contractor, Enya.

Maybe it's related to the “thing” that the Zipfels are making? Shit, I should
have kept more eyes on the log cabin…!'

The 'thing' he referred to was the Demon God's Orb.

Currently, there weren't many in the Vermont Empire who knew about the
orb. The only ones who knew of its existence were the emperor, the Special
Forces Division Leaders, and some imperial ministers.

However, none of them exactly knew its abilities and functions, nor did
they know the item's name.

They only had knowledge of the Zipfels making an artifact involving the
'contractors of gods'.

“Division Leader! The navy discovered parts of a dragon's corpse on the

opposite side of the island.”

The discovered pieces of flesh and scales were stuck to some remnants of
dead trees floating in the ocean.

“…They're certainly from the silver dragon's wing and the wind dragon's
The imperial magician verified after looking at the remains.

“Gather all of the remains in the ocean. Make sure you don't let it fall into
that void!”

In the following hours, the investigation team was able to recover many
pieces of flesh, bones, and scales.

The imperial magicians concluded that both dragons died from the battle,
and reporting such news to the emperor was Wratch's job.

“Indeed, just like you said, this may be related to the artifact that they are
making. Does that mean you didn't identify what caused the whirlpool that
superseded the island?”

“Yes, Your Imperial Majesty.”

“There seems to be many uncertainties within your reports. And you didn't
even identify Quikantel's guests.”

“My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty.”

“Well, you probably didn't do it on purpose. If you are not able to find
them, then they must be extraordinary people. Still, I believe that you can
track them in the end.”

Wratch lowered his head.

“Anyway… In our perspective, we should be praying that both dragons are

dead. Else, they'd see it as a threat. First, let's wait for the Zipfel Clan's
official declaration.”

“What shall we tell our press?”

“Tell them to cover it up for now. If Enya isn't found until tonight, then
declare her as missing. Quikantel probably just died with her. The nobles at
the academy would be delighted.”

After Wratch left, the emperor sat alone in the office and thought to himself.
'I should dispatch more of the Special Forces near the Zipfel Clan. Too
many things happened while I wasn't paying attention.'

At the topmost floor of the Zipfel Clan's Tower of Magicians, a man

looking into a crystal ball spoke.

“Andrei… is dead.”

The man was Kelliark Zipfel, the Zipfel Clan's current patriarch.

Although Andrei was his younger brother, finding out that the second-in-
command had died didn't really affect him.

Unlike the world's perception of his appearance, he had the face of a young
adult. Anyone who didn't know what Kelliark looked like back in his youth
wouldn't be able to immediately identify him on the streets.

[What? Your brother died? What do you mean? That crystal ball… You
can't see anything inside it. It's just for decoration. Is that supposed to be
another unfunny joke, Kelliark?]

The only being who could talk to Kelliark Zipfel this comfortably was Fire
Dragon Kadun—one of the God of Flames Sheenu's dragons and Kelliark's
guardian dragon. He was slowly cooking a meat skewer using the breath
coming out of his snout.

“No, not through the crystal, you idiot. I can feel it. My younger brother
just died. I'm not kidding.”

Kadun stopped turning his skewer.

[Hm… so you say it's true. Maybe he lost to Quikantel? Didn't he take the
Demon God's Orb with him? He also had Vyuretta. Ah, since Andrei died,
then did Vyuretta perish as well? Either way, Quikantel should have been an
easy opponent if he had the orb's power by his side.]

“No idea. Perhaps the silver dragon was stronger than we thought, or a third
party helped them.”
[Quikantel? That bitch is strong, but not enough to fight both of them. She's
definitely not enough against the orb!]


Kadun chewed off a bite of the skewer. Kelliark looked at him and gently

“If that's so, then it means that there was a third party. Who do you think it

[How the fuck would I know? Dumbass.]

Kelliark frowned at the dragon's words.

[…It's probably a dragon! Last time, didn't Kinzelo say that 'a dragon
controlling the shadows' killed the cemetery giants? Then it could be Misha.
Very likely.]

“By Misha do you mean Black Dragon Murakan's sister?”

[Yeah, her. That bitch wouldn't feel fear from the orb's power. She may not
be as strong as Murakan in his prime, but she's still super strong.]

“Your duty has been determined, Kadun.”

[To go find Misha? I guess I do all the dirty work. I'll try to find her, but
don't expect anything from me. If a black dragon tries their best to hide,
even the God of Searching wouldn't be able to find them.]

“I'll just trust you, Kadun. Either way, losing the orb is kind of a pain in the

[Do you even give a single fuck that your brother just died?]

“Well, I knew that dumbass would die at some point. A while back, he just
waltzed into Cyron's banquet without an ounce of fear, and I was pretty
worked up. I didn't think he'd take the orb with him to the grave, though.”
[We gotta call the Fragmentor to make it again. Without that, we can't go
for the Runcandels before Cyron dies. And the kings of the Black Sea…]

“I know. I know already. Man, this is all a mess. Just in case, I should go get
rid of all evidence of the orb. I got more dirty work than you, Kadun.”

[You should be doing that much. In order to become the God of the World,
that is.]

In Bouvard Gaston's Fragmented Workshop located in the Curano

Dukedom, Vishukel sat down as he suppressed his hateful wrath and

“Ah, welcome, Sir Vishukel! Good timing. I was craving those sweet potato
croquettes of yours. Hehe… No croquettes today…?”

“Listen closely, Bouvard. I came after hearing from the traitors of the
Vermont Imperial Family. It seems that the Zipfel Clan used the Demon
God's Orb behind our backs.”

“What? They did?”

“Yes. In the Vermont Empire's ocean territory, a silver dragon and wind
dragon had a big battle, and an island got annihilated. And because of the
remaining mana, there's a whirlpool in the middle of the ocean that wouldn't
disappear… It's definitely caused by the orb's destruction.”

Hearing this, Bouvard jumped up from his seat and shouted.

“Urrrrggghhh! That orb was my creation! I'm sure I warned them not to use
it in its incomplete state! I'll never forgive them if it's true!”

As Bouvard threw a tantrum, Vishukel grimaced.

'The day to kill this dumbass hog strays further. He has to remake the orb.'

The Zipfels came up with the initial idea, but Bouvard took care of the orb's
Thus, the orb's ownership was equally shared between the Zipfel Clan and
Kinzelo group.

“Even our leader is furious. Since our alliance with the Zipfels could shatter
at any moment, don't communicate with them for the time being.”

Two days later.

“Young Master Jin, welcome back!”

Jin and his companions arrived at Kashimir's mansion in Tikan. Kashimir

and the agents of the Seven-Colored Peacock came out to the courtyard to
greet them. And Gilly—who was awaiting their arrival—frantically ran to

“Young Master! Are you alright?”

“Strawberry Pie. Haha, I'm okay.”

Gilly had heard about Enya's plight, and never slept one bit as she worried
about Jin. She turned her head towards Luna, and immediately bowed.

“It's alright, Gilly. I heard on the way here, but the youngest seems to love
you a lot. Please continue to take care of him.”

“Luna…? Wait… The White Whale, Lady Luna Runcandel?”

“Ah, you must be Sir Kashimir. Greetings. I am Luna Runcandel.”

“I can't believe that Lady Luna would come to my residence. It is my honor

to serve you. Please, come in. You have all done well.”

As they entered the mansion, Kashimir spoke before Jin could open his

“Young Master Jin, I must tell you something first. Earlier today, about
three hours ago, my daughter's guardian dragon returned.”

Jin's eyes widened.

“Lathry returned?”

“Yes, but there's something weird. It seems like Lathry has a gap in their
memory for the time they went missing. For now, Lathry is beside my
daughter, but it seems like they couldn't understand the situation themself.
Maybe it wasn't a kidnapping?”

“It definitely was. Quikantel got a confession directly from Vyuretta.”

A thought suddenly came to Jin.

'Maybe the Zipfels are concerned about other clans discovering the
existence of the orb, so they're getting rid of all evidence regarding the
situation. Then, it's likely that they would purposefully erase Lathry's
memories to protect its secrecy.'

With this in mind, Jin explained the events at the island, and Kashimir
nodded as he listened.

“Those are some extreme situations… I feel bad that I forced you into such
circumstances while I powerlessly remained in Tikan. An artifact that
swallows contractors whole… What the hell is happening in the Zipfel

“There's only one reason to make a replica of the Orb of Origin, twerp.”

Murakan opened his mouth. Jin, Quikantel, and Luna nodded.

On the way to Tikan, they had heard more about the Orb of Origin.

“They're trying to become a god in order to rule the world… Well, I don't
know if things will go how they want it to, though.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 81

It hasn't even been a month since he became a provisional flag-bearer and

left the Garden of Swords, yet Jin has already destroyed the Akin
Kingdom's underground organization, settled in the Free City of Tikan, and
killed the Zipfel Clan's second-in-command along with his guardian dragon,

The last battle may have been concluded by Luna, but if it wasn't for Jin,
Andrei and Vyuretta would've never come to the island in the first place.

No provisional flag-bearer in Runcandel history had this many

achievements in such a short amount of time.

However, there was a problem.

“I worked my ass off and did a lot of stuff, but not anything to instantly
prove myself worthy of becoming a provisional flag-bearer.”

Murakan sighed at the young Runcandel and spoke.

“Well, when this is all over, I can say that I caused all the ruckus, so there's
nothing to be worried about. Either way, it's better to not become a public
figure right now.”

A provisional flag-bearer's fame was stocked up on a 'fake name' that the

clan determined beforehand.

And once it was known that the provisional flag-bearer had gathered
enough fame, the clan would contact the candidate to inform them of their
worthiness to the throne.
Therefore, Jin's fame needs to naturally travel into the ears of the Runcandel
Clan in order to be considered a strong candidate.

However, he could not do this. Until now, everything he did wasn't resolved
with only the use of his sword.

'Since I dealt with stuff using magic, I definitely can't tell anyone in the

He would only be able to tell them once he had accumulated enough power
and authority—to a point where there would be no problem when his
siblings find out about a 'magic-using Runcandel'.

Until then, Jin planned to remain as a 'rumour' to the world.

Simply put, a rumour of a human who could resist the Zipfels and other
powerful entities. One who could wield the sword and use magic, and also
has unknown individual powers.

Furthermore, a rumour that he is Solderet's contractor.

'Until then, the people who know of my ability to use magic must be limited
to my companions, Elder Sister Luna, and Father.'

Luna knew Jin's inner thoughts. Even before she heard Andrei say that Jin
'broke the oath', she knew that her brother was a magic-user. Being the one
to visit the Storm Castle and detect Murakan's presence, it was obvious that
she knew.

And Jin was certain that she knew about Murakan. He had no doubt that
Cyron was also aware of her knowing about the black dragon.

“Our dear youngest brother, using magic even though he's a Runcandel. A
free-flying teenager, I see. He's gonna cut you in half, hehe.”

Luna walked towards Jin and spoke in a playful tone.

“I'm also worried about the Young Master's magic, Lady Luna. If the
patriarch hears about this, he won't sit still.”
“No, Gilly. Father probably already knows. The destruction of the Tesing
Clan and Andrei Zipfel's death… He probably already assumed that it was
all done by me.”

Luna nodded at her brother's conviction.

“You're pretty confident while saying that. You got something planned?”

“Yes, Elder Sister. I'm planning to go see Father with you tomorrow.”

“Oh, sure. We can go see Fa… What?”

Luna stared at Jin in disbelief.

“Everyone knows that you're impulsive, but wouldn't it be better to stay put
when Father is turning a blind eye to you? What are you going to do when
you meet him?”

“I'm going to warn him that the Zipfels are executing multiple plans to
strike at the Runcandels.”

The life in Gilly's face drained, and Murakan was a little surprised.

“Hmm, the story about the orb? Wouldn't it be better if I told him about it?
A provisional flag-bearer returning to the clan without permission is
basically ruining your chances to the throne.”

As Luna said, a provisional flag-bearer could not enter the Garden of

Swords without permission. It was equivalent to a 'forfeit'.

“No, if you were the one to tell him, you would also have to mention that I
summoned you to the island. It's better if I confront him myself. And with
the story as the base, I plan to strike a deal with Father.”

Gilly spat out the water that she was drinking, shocked at the younger
Runcandel's declaration.

“Y-Young Master, you're joking, right?”

“On top of returning to your clan, you're going to make a deal with your
dad? Hah, what in the world… I would've never thought of that. Not even
through my entire lifetime.”

The very idea of striking a bargain with Cyron Runcandel doused the group
in awkward silence.

Was that even possible? Even Luna was concerned that her brother might
have hurt his head during the battle.

“What do you plan on bargaining for from Father?”

“There are too many, so I'm planning to choose one or two while on the
way there.”

“…I can see how tiresome it is for Gilly to deal with you. Losing your
chances of being a flag-bearer is not the problem. One wrong move and
you'll die. What should we do, Gilly? Stopping him will be futile, so is
beating some sense into him the right answer?”

“If the situation doesn't go well, you can just calm him down.”

Luna ultimately didn't beat Jin, but Gilly could only sigh at the sight of her
young master's impulses.

“Don't worry, Gilly. If I block with my body, then Father will not be so

“Lady Luna… In that case, I shall follow you, Young Master.”

“Awww, not you too. I'm tired.”

Contrary to her words, Luna thought it was nice of Gilly to volunteer.

'I'm sure she's scared, but is she declaring that if she were to die, she will
die with Jin? The youngest is very lucky to have such a protective
She was a little heartbroken. After all, Luna knew the backstory of how
'Gilly McRolan' became 'Nanny Gilly'.

'If she hadn't become Jin's guardian, then she would've become the
McRolan's next generation's strongest sword. A destiny very similar to that
of Jin.'

Murakan cleared his throat, attracting everyone's attention.

“Eldest daughter of Runcandel. I shall go together with Strawberry Pie.”

“The great black dragon should remain here. Even if you go, wouldn't you
have to stay as a cat the entire time?”

“I understand…”

Disappointed, Murakan turned into a cat and lowered his tail. However, no
one really turned to look at him, so Murakan sauntered over to an adjacent
room, where Euria and Enya were playing.

At least there, he was the center of attention.

“Alright, then. Tomorrow, we'll depart for the first transfer gate. It hasn't
even been a month, but it feels like it's been a long time.”

The day passed, and right before their departure to the Garden of Swords,
Jin visited Kashimir's office.

“Young Master Jin.”

“Sir Kashimir, I came for some favours.”

“Favours? No need. You and I now share the same fate, so all of my powers
and acquisitions are yours as well.”

Jin knew that Kashimir was the Fallen Prince of Vermont and that his
daughter was Az Mil's contractor.
Kashimir knew that Jin was a Runcandel provisional flag-bearer who was a
talented magic user and got along well with dragons.

Essentially, they both had information that enabled them to hold each other
by the throat. Which is why they shared the same fate.

On top of that, Kashimir felt indebted to Jin. Although he didn't directly

bring back Lathry, ultimately, it was Jin who saved his daughter.

“If I never met you, I would be watching my daughter suffer and die
without knowing. I would never be able to repay this debt even until my
final days.”

Kashimir's eyes were glistening.

'He's very sensitive and delicate—even more so than I expected. I mean, in

my past life, I heard that the Free City of Tikan was established during the
era of Holy Kings. A very romantic and emotional time period.'

While Jin looked for an answer, Kashimir hurriedly wiped his eyes with a

“My apologies… Haha, the mood would've been ruined. Anyways, what do
you want me to prepare? Tell me anything you need.”

“Please tell the Seven-Colored Peacock to research and investigate these


He pulled out a piece of paper from his chest pocket and lent it to Kashimir.

Written on the paper was a list of the Zipfels' wrongdoings that Jin
witnessed. The creation of living golems at the Kollon Ruins, and his
experiences fighting against the Demon God's Orb.

Including everything regarding the Cemetery Giants in the Curano

Dukedom, which Murakan confessed on discovering as he explained the
Orb of Origin yesterday.

Kashimir's eyes shook after reading through the paper.

“Creation of living golems… If the world finds out, everyone's respect for
the Zipfel Clan would plummet. As for the Demon God's Orb… Since
nobody knows of the Orb of Origin, I will not approach this problem.”

“Alright. However, this is information that shouldn't be exposed to the

public. If anything happens, the Zipfels will conceal their illicit actions even

“I agree. I will order investigations to the most trustworthy agents. On the

contrary, may I ask why you want the real name of this gangster named
'Spiderhand Alu' and information regarding Vishukel Yvliano?”

Kashimir simply asked about the purpose of the investigation in order to

confirm whether Jin also thought of Kashimir as a companion.

Jin answered him without hesitation.

“We caused the destruction of the Tesing Clan and found out back then that
Alu had ties with a Runcandel. As for Vishukel… Recently, there were
some weird things that happened at the banquet. However, I'm not certain of
anything, so it's hard to answer.”

“I understand. Although I can resolve the Alu and Vishukel cases very
quickly, I don't know how long the other cases will take.”

“It's alright. Investigating the Zipfel Clan is not an easy task.”

The two met eyes, and Jin extended his arm for a handshake.

“I look forward to our partnership, Sir Kashimir.”

“I as well, Young Master Jin. I will prepare some high quality wine in the
belief that you will return in one piece from the Garden of Swords. There
are many things I would like to discuss with you. The Free City of Tikan
will soon become a country, and you will become its closest friend.”

Kashimir met Jin's hand.

Within the hour, Jin left Kashimir's residence and prepared to board a
carriage with Luna and Gilly to leave for the transfer gate.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 82

Early in the morning, the Huphester Alliance's transfer gate lacked people.

Yet, as soon as Jin, Luna, and Gilly arrived, they attracted the attention of
the few people who were there.

Mainly because of Luna.

Jin's face had not been widely known yet. But when it came to Luna, people
would notice her anywhere she went. And being the Runcandel Clan's
military ally, the people of the Huphester Alliance especially paid more
attention to her.

However, nobody spoke to her nor mentioned her name. Instead, that night,
there would be bustling talk about her visit to the city.

“This is why I don't like moving around. I usually enjoy a small rural area
where nobody knows me. How could you say that the outdoors are more

While Luna complained, Jin pulled down his hood to partially cover his

The transfer gate's security ran towards them.

““All hail!””

“I am honored to escort the first flag-bearer of Runcandel!”

“Since we're going to the Garden of Swords, please call a carriage for us.”
Luna received the salutes and responded.

““Yes, ma'am!””

The security officers ran off. Although they were not directly affiliated with
the Garden of Swords, they received financial compensation from the
Runcandels for their work. It was the same for all knights in the Huphester

After ten minutes, a steel carriage belonging to the Runcandel Clan arrived
at the VIP waiting hall.

The person who brought the vehicle was the clan's second butler, Petro.
Conveniently, he had come to the transfer gate to deliver some important

“Lady Luna! The main house was petrified because of your sudden
disappearance. Where have you been? …Huh? And Young Master Jin…?
Gilly?! Why are you with the eldest daughter?”

Petro's eyes widened.

To his knowledge, these three people shouldn't be together. A provisional

flag-bearer acting with the first flag-bearer was unacceptable.

“…It seems there is some backstory to this nonsense. Well, let's go, Lady.
There are too many eyes here. You guys go to the main house first and tell
them the news.”

Petro looked around and told the guardian knights to go ahead. He was
worried that there would be rumors of Luna being together with Jin.

Clop, clop.

The carriage began to move, and Petro still couldn't suppress his

'What the hell is going on? At this rate, if Young Master Jin arrives at the
Then the Garden of Swords would definitely turn upside down.

Luna's sudden disappearance was dismissable because it often happened.

But a provisional flag-bearer returning without permission when it hadn't

even been a month since they left?

At that point, if blood dropped from the sky, nobody would be surprised.

“Uh, Lady Luna, Young Master Jin! It may seem a little tactless, but I have
something to ask.”

“You're already making it awkward, so shut up. I'm also very concerned.”


Unaware of the embarrassment burning Petro from the inside, the carriage
and its passengers departed for the Garden of Swords.

'We came here, but what should we do if Father gets furious? Do I have to
pray that Gilly takes Jin and escapes while I block Father's attacks?'

There were too many stationed guardian knights to do that. Even without
them, running away from the other Runcandel children was impossible for
Gilly alone. Additionally, the nanny's power was currently being

As they got closer to the Garden of Swords, Luna got more and more

'Whatever. Whatever happens, happens. There's no way Father will try to

kill him, right? I mean… No, he definitely has the drive to do so.'

Luna gave up on thinking through the situation and stared at Jin.

'Even I'm sweating from anxiety, but this kid is annoyingly straight-faced.'

In fact, Jin was leaning on a window, lost in thought. Of the things he

planned to request from Cyron, he was deciding which would be more
strategically advantageous for him.

“Youngest Brother.”

“Yes, Eldest Sister?”

“You better be really nice to me.”

“Of course.”

The carriage stopped.

In the courtyard, there were countless swords with the hilt sticking out of
the ground. A few servants were working about. The guardian knights on
standby raised their swords in salute at the sight of the carriage's arrival.

Petro opened the carriage door, and Luna stepped out.

Subsequently, Gilly and Jin disembarked the carriage, startling the servants.
Even the lowest-class servants expected something bad to happen in the
near future.

Receiving the reports from the guardian knights who left earlier on Petro's
orders, Jin's siblings emerged from the residence.

“This crazy bastard! Youngest Brother! Do you not have any respect or
responsibility after leaving the house? How dare you enter the Garden of
Swords as a provisional flag-bearer?!”

The first one to exclaim was the fourth son, Vigo Runcandel. Next to him
were the fourth and fifth daughters, Myu and Anne.

“Probably the result of Eldest Sister's kindness.”

“I don't think Eldest Sister Luna can help you this time. This is really not

Luna, Jin, and Gilly stood still and remained silent.

On the other hand, as the man who brought them here, Petro felt like he was
sitting on thorns.

'Ha, they're getting scolded as expected!'

The servants couldn't even murmur. After some time, they stopped their
work in the courtyard and frantically fled to safety.

Jin's disobedience of the rules was that severe.

From the residence, the second daughter Luntia, third daughter Mary, and
second son Dipus emerged.

“Wow… It's more shocking in person. What is it, youngest idiot? Are you
forfeiting your chance of becoming a flag-bearer? Or is your puberty
compelling you to commit suicide?”

Dipus clicked his tongue and looked towards Mary. However, Mary did not
respond and instead continued to glare at Jin.

'You dumbass… You can't come back yet. You have to get stronger and
fight me someday.'

From the moment she gifted him the Phoenix Heart, she was awaiting a
great battle with Jin. But now, with Jin standing before them, she could only
be confused and disappointed.

As the culprits stood like statues, Luntia sighed and walked towards them.

“Eldest Sister Luna… for what reason did you bring him back?”

Luntia spoke with a soft tone, but her eyes held a cold, violent glare.

“I didn't bring him here. He brought himself.”

“Then you should've stopped him. Just because his head is empty doesn't
mean you can just allow this!”

Even though Luntia shouted at her, Luna didn't really have anything to say.
After all, she was more or less correct.

“Whatever. So, where's Father?”

Annoyed, Luna turned her head away from all of the insults. Ever since she
was young, Luna had a hard time dealing with Luntia, which explained why
the second daughter was the only sibling who could talk to her in this

“Oh my. Did you really return to see Father?”

“Indeed, Sister.”

Luntia facepalmed and spat some curses.

If Luna wasn't there, the Runcandel siblings would've ripped Jin to shreds.

'What a wonderful family.'

Jin sarcastically praised his family. Luntia shook her head and sighed.

“I don't know what he'll do, big sister. You, youngest. I don't know why you
even came to see Father, but brace yourself. Go ahead. He's in his study.”

Jin moved his feet and Luna began to follow him.


Along with the siblings, all of the guardian knights unsheathed their swords.

“…As of now, please surrender your weapon and wait, first flag-bearer.
There was a strict order from the patriarch that we must send Jin Runcandel

Their father, the patriarch; the eldest daughter, the first flag-bearer.

Luntia stopped screaming at Luna because she wanted to deal with this
problem professionally. Additionally, it was on Cyron's orders.
'Ah, this isn't how I expected it to turn out.'

Luna thought. At this rate, if their father decides to kill Jin, she won't be
there to become Jin's shield.

“And if I decline?”

As Luna slowly reached for Crantel, a guardian knight stood behind Gilly
and put a sword to her throat. Since her powers were still suppressed, she
couldn't even react.

“Please halt, first flag-bearer. It is the patriarch's orders.”

“You little—! Put that sword away!”

“You've crossed the line. If you don't offer a satisfactory discussion to

Father, then you will not return alive. As for the first flag-bearer, you can't
evade banishment.”

“Please surrender your weapon. If you resist, I will kill her.”

Luna gritted her teeth.

'We're doomed… Should I just escape with Jin? Damn it. I knew I didn't
think this through. I didn't think anything would happen since I thought
Father favored Jin…!'

If she fought them and escaped, they were likely to succeed.

However, she probably couldn't save Gilly and would live the rest of her
life being chased by the Runcandel Clan.

Of course, losing Luna—who had become a 5-star knight at the age of 15,
the genius among geniuses, and the strongest knight after Cyron—would be
a great loss for the clan.

However, the Runcandel Clan wasn't a rational clan. Even though they
would lose a significant amount of power as a consequence, the orders of
the patriarch were absolute.
At this point, Jin had no choice but to satisfy Cyron's will.

Still, Jin was expressionless the entire time.

“…Brothers, Sisters. It seems that you are all worked up. As a son—as a
member of the Runcandel Clan, I only came to report something to Father.
Please calm yourselves.”

His siblings held back their glares and lowered their voices.

They were all just keeping an eye on Luna with a 'professional' attitude.

“Eldest Sister Luna and Gilly, I apologize for putting you in such a

Jin began to walk towards the residence.

He did expect such a reaction from their family, but he would be lying if he
said he wasn't nervous.

'My siblings don't know Father that well. It's against the rules for a
provisional flag-bearer to return to the main house. But surprisingly, Father
isn't that strict with rules.'

Either way, getting something from Cyron without any fear of danger was
impossible. He couldn't evade the gamble.

On top of that, after his regression, Jin thought that it was much easier to
understand his Father.

Usually, he couldn't even look his father in the eye. Now, however, Jin
found it most comfortable when confronting him.

'If I just stay alert, then I can succeed. If he just gives me a chance to talk, I

Jin took a deep breath as he arrived at the study's door and carefully

Knock. Knock.


Simultaneously, a blade beam flew past Jin's head—undetectable to Jin at

the moment.

“I guess I thought of you too highly. I'm sure I gave you five years.”

Cyron's booming voice followed soon after. The blade beam disintegrated
the door to the study into dust.

As he looked at his father, Jin felt himself smile internally.

For some reason, his mind became calm the moment he saw Cyron. And the
things he wanted to discuss constantly popped up in his mind.

'I can't say that I'm sorry. I must maintain a confident attitude, but not to a
point where it comes off as disrespectful.'

He immediately chose his response.

“I came because I wanted to see you again, Father.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 83


The former intact door's dust flew away silently.

'I've heard about it many times. Father's blade beam is at the level of
instantly disintegrating anything it touches.'

Since there were remnants of the object—albeit in the form of dust—saying

that it was completely disintegrated was inaccurate. However, Cyron's
swordsmanship was still composed of techniques that transcended

In fact, he didn't even have his sword in his hand. Instead, at the tip of his
fingers were the glowing embers of residual aura—implying that he
temporarily conjured a sword.

Although the destroyed door was a murderous threat, Jin felt like he
received a present.

'He was showing me a close-up of the edge of his sword.'

Cyron, with his eyes wide open, looked down upon Jin. This time, even Jin
couldn't decipher his expression.

'Hm… Should I have greeted Father differently? Since my head is still

intact, I don't think it was that bad…'

And Cyron was doused with a strange feeling.

For five minutes, none of them exchanged any words. The patriarch could
only feel his throat drying up as he thought of his youngest son.

It was because…

'It's the first time I heard my child say that they missed me.'

His feelings were genuine, and Jin's words rendered him speechless.

He had thirteen children, but they all just called him 'Father'. Beyond that
name, he had never formed relationships with them.

The Runcandel children's childhoods were the nannies' responsibilities.

And as soon as the children became one year old and completed the
Selection Ritual, they would be sent to the Mitel Kingdom to spend their
early years.

After hitting the age of 10 and returning to the Garden of Swords, the
children were bound to fear Cyron and Rosa.

It was because they learned about their parents through different classes and
lectures at the Storm Castle.

Beyond being 'parents', they were the absolute rulers of the massive clan. In
fact, they held power that could twist and turn the world. If possible, the
children would be taught through blood and violence should they fail to
produce good results.

So, of course, Cyron and Rosa didn't expect any 'I wanted you see you' from
their children after putting them into such an environment.

All they wanted was to determine the next-in-line to the throne—the one to
continue Cyron's grand legacy of being the world's greatest swordsman.

Only that was important.

'…Not bad.'
It had been a long time since his heart was filled with emotion.

Looking back, after rising to the demigod realm, it was his youngest son
who always moved him.

'Although I praise you for moving your father's heart, that is still not
enough. Alright, let's hear what you have to say.'

Cyron gently smiled.

“You came to see me… Did you get infected with awkward familial love
after drinking sewage water? I didn't expect that kind of response from

'Not a bad reaction!'

Ascertaining a good response, Jin lowered his head and continued to lie a
little more.

“I didn't drink some sewage water. I have always loved you, Father.”

Cyron suppressed his laughter and unleashed his Fatal Air, causing the air
in the room to suddenly become as sharp as a knife. Every breath he took
felt as if spikes were piercing through his lungs. Jin gritted his teeth in pain
and met eyes with Cyron.

“Enough with the nonsense. State your reason for your return to the Garden.
According to the quality of your response, you and your sister's fate will be

And that was the truth.

Cyron had full intentions of beheading Jin the moment he responded with
'some useless stuff'. Then instantly erase Jin from his heart afterwards.

The same way he slashed and killed his own siblings and companions
before he became the patriarch.
“The one who was insulted by you during the banquet, the Zipfels' second-
in-command, has died.”

“What? Are you saying you killed him?”

“No, Father. A few days ago, Eldest Sister Luna killed him. And I was the
one who called her. Would you allow me to state my experiences after being
declared a provisional flag-bearer?”

“A provisional flag-bearer receiving help from Luna… How insolent. Well,

keep talking.”

Finding the story to be interesting, Cyron stroked his beard. Jin then
explained his narrative from his days in Akin and Tikan, all the way to the
events in the Vermont Empire.

Of course, he didn't report every single thing. Jin made sure not to mention
the suspicions of Spiderhand Alu having ties with a Runcandel, Myulta's
Rune, Tzenmi's Tome, and his alliance with the Seven-Colored Peacock.

“It seems you have experienced many things in a short period. So, you
came to tell me that you killed Andrei Zipfel? Are you hoping that you
caused some imbalance in the world after killing the second-in-command of
a powerful clan?”

“That's not all, Father. After confronting him, I don't think that Andrei is the
clan's true second strongest.”

Cyron raised his eyebrow.

“Hoh? And why is that?”

“There is no way that man is the second-in-command of the one clan that
could destroy the Runcandels. Well, it's a hunch anyway.”

“Precisely. As you said, he is just second-in-command by name. He's not

really the second strongest in the Zipfel Clan. There probably is another
strong being after Kelliark. Though, it's not information that I could tell you
now anyway.”
“Thank you for confirming my suspicions, Father. However, what I really
wanted to tell you was regarding the existence of Andrei's strange artifact.”


“Yes. An artifact called the Demon's God's Orb.”

Jin continued explaining what he knew about the orb. He mentioned that it
was a replica of an item of the gods called the Orb of Origin, and that it got
stronger after each contractor it consumed.

And surprisingly, Cyron was shocked. His eyes widened.

“A replica of the Orb of Origin… Is this true? There's no way you could
identify the artifact's powers and abilities. It seems your guardian dragon,
Murakan, informed you about this.”

“Yes, my guardian dra—Huh? You knew that he had awakened?”

Jin was startled and stared at his father.

“Would that be all that I know, I wonder? I also know that you are a magic-
user. Did you think that you could fool me all this time?”

“I, of course, knew that you would sense it, but I didn't know you detected
Murakan's presence all this time.”


Cyron burst into laughter. He wanted to laugh because he was proud of his
son, and he couldn't hold it in much longer after the banter regarding

“As you said, I merely assumed Murakan's awakening! It's nice to see him
figuring out things for himself. 'Nabi Runcandel'? Kukuku… The great and
powerful black dragon has plummeted to a housecat!”

Jin couldn't laugh along with Cyron due to embarrassment.

While feeling naked, Jin felt his ears burn up. He couldn't even tell his
father to stop laughing.

Instead, he scratched the back of his head.

'Is “Nabi Runcandel” that funny? Well, at least the situation is unraveling

Cyron immediately stopped laughing and fixed his posture. The carefree
mood instantly became as heavy as a boulder.

“A replica of the Orb of Origin. You have really brought a heavy case onto
the table. I must talk with Luna who broke the artifact.”

Cyron already knew about the Orb of Origin fairly well.

'I wonder if the Kings of the Black Sea know about this as well. I should
return to the Black Sea. Certainly, that power is dangerous… but I don't
know how well they mimicked the original.'

After rising to the demigod realm, Cyron spent most of his time in the
Black Sea.

He dueled the Kings of the Black Sea many times, and each king was a
'piece' of the Orb of Origin.

“Just this once, I will pardon you for breaking the rules. But you wouldn't
be satisfied with just this, considering you physically came here instead of
just telling me through a messenger.”

Jin slightly bowed and Cyron gently grinned.

“Declare your request.”

It was all Jin wished for. Before Jin even proposed the deal, Cyron offered
the gift before him.

But Jin knew.

'Father wouldn't just let me walk away with something for free. Once I
declare my request, he'll definitely add some terms and conditions…!'

He had to think hard.

If he asked for something too big, then the conditions would be too strict.
But that didn't mean he could back off. The person sitting on the
compromising end was Cyron.

“For the time being, please do not allow any Runcandel to travel through
the Free City of Tikan.”

“Tikan? Interesting.”

Cyron's eyes glinted with an eerie light.

'Oho, youngest runt. You already made it your main base? The Free City of

Living up to its name, Tikan was a land that wasn't affiliated with anyone—
be it the Runcandels, Zipfels, or the Vermont Imperial Family.

Simultaneously, all three powers aimed to colonize that land. It wasn't for
power or resources; attaining the Seven-Colored Peacock, intellectual
prowess, and the trade center would be a wonderful three-in-one gain.

It was just a free gold coin on the ground.

Tikan wasn't worth fighting other clans to acquire the land, but it was still
wasteful to leave such an easy acquisition alone.

'If he is settling there and has it as his main base, it is likely that Tikan
would be under the Runcandel Clan after all of this. This baby couldn't have
possibly already formed ties with Kashimir… Well, it's worth watching for
a while.'

Cyron hid how proud he was of Jin's achievements and spoke.

“I shall accept your request if you pass the test I give you.”
“Yes, Father. Please tell me what kind of test it is.”

“Ghostblade Kashimir. Make him join you and prove to me that he is your
ally. If you succeed, then no Runcandel will be able to step on Tikan
without your permission.”

Doubting his ears, Jin let out a refreshing scream in his mind.

After all, Kashimir was already Jin's ally.

“Yes, Father. I already planned on establishing a strong and friendly rapport

with him. Because just leaving Tikan untouched would be wasteful.”

All this time, other provisional flag-bearers worked to raise their own name
to fame.

However, Cyron found Jin's attention towards the clan's strength to be very
impressive and interesting.

“You have one year. That insolent fool refused to become the instructor of
the Runcandel cadet trainees multiple times… I'll see if you could coax him
into your cause.”

“I will bring him to you quickly.”

“Alright, now proceed on your path.”

After bowing and exiting the study, Jin would've hummed a song.

'Everything I did in my past life didn't go well, but this life is going pretty

However, when he reached the bottom of the stairs, his expression froze at
the sight of two boys running towards him.

“J-Jin! Are you okay…?!”

“Did Father say that he'll let you live? Why did you even do this?”
After Jin left the courtyard to see their father, the Tona twins were very
concerned about his imminent death. However, they were afraid of their
other siblings, so they stayed inside and bit their nails.

“You guys act too cute sometimes. I'm fine. Besides, I have a favor to ask.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 84

“A f-favor…?”

The Tona twins tilted their heads.

They were already astonished by their youngest sibling returning alive after
meeting their father, but him asking for a favor out of nowhere was very
confusing for them.

“Oh, uh, it's nothing too grand. My faction's cadets… Until I come back,
please take care of them. I'll also tell them myself before I leave.”

Before the Tona twins could even respond, Jin walked away. He had to tell
Luna and Gilly—who were probably worried sick—that he was okay.

“Nothing changed about him… He came back from meeting Father, right?”


Watching Jin's back, the Tona twins shrugged.

“Wait, why are you worrying about him so much in the first place?”

“I don't know.”

“Hm… Whatever. Well, I guess he's gonna leave his faction's cadets to us.
Hehe. I guess we gotta deal with the intermediate classes.”

Outside, the siblings guarding Luna and Gilly were shocked at the sight of
Jin walking out of the doors unscathed.
Myu and Anne especially—who really wanted Jin to die—grew pale in the

“It seems like Father and the youngest had a nice talk. Now, why don't you
move your sword? Before I kill all of you.”

At Luna's low tone, her siblings and the guardian knights immediately
lowered their weapons.

The guardian knight who had a blade on Gilly's throat was about faint, eyes
rolling back in the presence Luna's murderous glare.

'Damn, you little runt. You luckily survive each time…!'

Myu and Anne thought while grinding their teeth.

'As expected, he's not a guy who would die that easily. Grow a little older
and entertain your older sister!'

Mary grinned while looking at Jin.

“Eldest Sister Luna, I think you should pay Father a visit. He seems to be
curious about some things regarding the events of that day.”

“Alright, I understand.”

“I've also received some homework from him, so I will make a trip to the
transfer gate. I'll see you later.”

“Transfer gate? Hm, I don't know what kind of homework that is, but I'll
see you.”

Jin and Luna calmly exchanged words.

In fact, the others had no idea what they were talking about.

'That day?'

'A trip to the transfer gate? Wait, does that mean he's gonna come back?'
'What does he mean by Father giving him homework?!'

And it wasn't anything to ask about either. The siblings could only exchange

“Let's go, Gilly.”

“Oh, yes, Young Master!”

Gilly never expected the situation to proceed smoothly, so she was still in a
state of awe. They quickly left the Garden of Swords, and Luna proceeded
to the study.

All the rest of their siblings could do in the courtyard was to stand around
and do nothing.

Three hours later, in Cyron's study.

Although he didn't show it, Cyron was a little surprised that Jin confronted
him with a confident expression.

“…Just as I expected. You weren't startled at all after hearing the details
about the test. Your confidence wasn't for nothing.”

Cyron puffed a laugh and directed his eyes towards Kashimir.

He had just traveled through the transfer gate to come to the Garden of
Swords while hiding his identity.

'This man is the world's strongest knight, Cyron Runcandel… Errrrr, just
meeting him is making my stomach ache.'

Kashimir had refused multiple offers of being the instructor of Runcandel's

beginner class cadets.

In the process of making Tikan a 'country', becoming an instructor in the

Runcandel Clan would not help at all. Moreover, it would be a distraction
from his main goals.
Additionally, Cyron was 'someone he didn't want to meet'. Though,
Kashimir couldn't blame Cyron for feeling disrespected when he rejected
the offer multiple times.

Furthermore, if Cyron tried to ally with Tikan, Kashimir wouldn't have

many ways to resist it.

'Well, I came because of Young Master Jin's favor… But it's very awkward.
Have I been declining a favor from this person all this time?'

Actually seeing Cyron for the first time.

The overwhelmingness was way beyond the rumors. Although Kashimir

was also a pretty strong knight, he knew that his swordsmanship was child's
play in the presence of Cyron.

'So this is the dignity of the absolute strongest… Still, let's keep our

Kashimir grew conscious of Jin's goals and fixed his posture.

'I am Young Master Jin's guest. There's no need to fear Lord Cyron…'

“So you're Ghostblade Kashimir.”

“Y-Yes! However, it's embarrassing for Lord Cyron to call me Gh-

Ghostblade, so p-please refrain from doing so!”

He instinctively stuttered as he responded. He himself didn't even know

what he was saying.

Inside, he shed tears, and from the outside, sweat ran down his face. He
didn't even feel embarrassed from the fact that Jin was right next to him.

'Give me a break. Last time I almost got beat by Sir Murakan. This time, it's
showing disrespect towards Lord Cyron…'

It seemed that after meeting Jin, he just kept meeting troublesome people.


“To describe my relationship with Sir Kashimir, we have intertwined

fates… or something like that. Moving on, it is now your turn to keep your
end of the promise.”

Kashimir doubted his ears as he listened to Jin's perfectly enunciated


'Young Master Jin, how are you so confident when talking to Lord Cyron?
And having intertwined fates! I know I said that first, but if you say that in
front of Lord Cyron…!'

For a moment, multiple possible dark outcomes zipped through Kashimir's


Kashimir… So you and my son have intertwined fates? In that case, Tikan
now belongs to the Runcandels.

You share the same fate… The Runcandel Clan and Tikan can do that too,

If that's so, starting today, the Runcandel Clan and the Free City of Tikan
would also have intertwined fates. Hahaha!

Kashimir envisioned Cyron in these horrific conversations.

Of course, that was only a result of Kashimir's fear.

“You petty runt… You dare trick your father?”

Completely different from Kashimir's imagination, Cyron looked down on

Jin with an undecipherable expression.

In reality, Cyron was very satisfied. He didn't know what Jin did to meet
Kashimir, but his youngest son was surpassing his expectations.
“What do you mean by 'trick', Father? You're mistaken. I was merely lucky.
In fact, as soon as I arrived in Tikan, we immediately formed relations.”

“Alright. Anyways, you pass the test. Starting today, no Runcandel will step
into Tikan without your permission. Even if that Runcandel is me.”

“Thank you, Father.”

“If that is all, you can go on ahead. I have other things to talk about with

Jin bowed and left the study.

Being left with Cyron alone, Kashimir cleared his throat while looking at
Jin's back, getting farther and farther.

“Don't get too nervous. You make it look as if I'm going to eat you or

“H-Haha… I apologize. Lord Cyron, I'll be honest. Seeing you in-person, I

cannot hide the respect and fear within me.”

Cyron said nothing and walked towards the tea table. He brewed a cup of
tea and handed it to Kashimir, who received the teacup with two hands.

“The reason I dismissed the youngest and kept you here…”

Kashimir unintentionally gulped.

'Is he going to talk about forming an alliance? Or maybe to ask for the
reason as to why I constantly declined the Runcandel instructor position

In the midst of his guest's fretting, Cyron continued.

“…is because I wanted to request something from you.”

Kashimir's heart sank at the word 'request'. However, he reminded himself

that he was going to be the leader of many and will soon become the ruler
of a country.

'I can't act like an idiot. If he asks for Tikan, I have to firmly refuse!'

Strengthening his resolve, Kashimir looked Cyron in the eye.

“I am listening, Lord Cyron. If it's anything that doesn't harm Tikan, I am

more than happy to help.”

His response drew the line, but Cyron didn't really care. Kashimir calmed
his burning insides and waited for Cyron's next response.

“From now on…”

“Yes, Lord Cyron?”

“Please report my youngest son's progress whenever you can. I think he

needs some supervision.”

It was something completely unexpected.

'…Well it isn't about an alliance, so that's good. And I can infer how much
Lord Cyron cares for Young Master Jin.'

A Runcandel—the Cyron Runcandel—cared for someone.

He didn't expect this kind of favor. Kashimir began to wonder more about
their father-son relationship.

'I knew something was off. Enough for Lord Cyron to request for
supervision? According to the Seven-Colored Peacock's information, he
doesn't even care about Joshua—who is presumed to inherit the throne.'

Kashimir nodded.

“That is not at all difficult, Lord Cyron. If you just establish a faster means
of communication, then I will report every single bit of information.”
This was an opportunity for Kashimir. It was a way for him to repay his
debt to Cyron as well as a direct contact to the Runcandel Clan.

Being able to contact Cyron Runcandel at will wasn't an easy feat. It was a
special offer that even Emperor Vermont did not have.

“I am very grateful. I won't forget your kindness. And no one should know
about this agreement.”

“Affirmative. I will keep it a secret—even to Young Master Jin.”

“Before you leave, a guardian knight named Khan will give you an address.
Direct all your reports there. If there is a special conflict, please come here
yourself and tell me. I will even offer you good wine.”

“Thank you, Lord Cyron.”

“You are dismissed.”

When Kashimir bowed and prepared to leave, Cyron opened his mouth
once more.

“Oh, and…”

“Yes? I am listening.”

“Brace yourself. The youngest said that he wasn't satisfied with just the
Runcandel Clan. I am expecting great growth from you and Tikan. Enough
for him to want your country.”

Afterwards, before they left for Tikan, Kashimir wasn't able to meet the
guardian knight named Khan.

'I'm pretty sure he said that he'd establish a means of communication… Do I

have to come back when Young Master Jin isn't present?'

Confused, he shoved his hands in his pockets and felt an unknown piece of
A note.

(Greetings, Sir Kashimir. I am Khan, a Runcandel guardian knight. The

patriarch's address is…)

Kashimir didn't notice that Khan had already approached him and slipped
the note into his pocket when he wasn't looking.

Realizing how quickly executed the action was, goosebumps raised on

Kashimir's skin.

'It means that they could easily get rid of me without anyone noticing. The
Runcandel Clan… truly is a terrifying clan.'

Kashimir turned his head towards Jin, who could possibly become the next
patriarch of the said fearsome clan.

“How does it feel knowing that Tikan is guaranteed to be free from any
Runcandel, Sir Kashimir?”

“I'm very confused at this very moment, but I really look forward to the
things about to come.”

Kashimir frantically hid the note and grinned.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 85

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Early August of 1795, the Zipfel Press finally officially declared the death
of the second-in-command Andrei Zipfel, and his dragon, Vyuretta.

Despite the official declaration, the cause of death wasn't clarified. Even the
date of death was made up. Additionally, Quikantel's or Jin's name was not
mentioned anywhere.

Nonetheless, it was groundbreaking news.

The Runcandels, Vermont Imperial Family, and other powers including the
Hidden Palace heightened their senses and watched the situation unravel.

In light of the news, many rumors spread amongst the people. Rumors that
he was killed off for losing in political disputes, or that he lost in a heated
duel against a grand magician named 'Cold Joe'. Or that Emperor Vermont
ordered the Vermont Special Forces to assassinate him.

However, the more popular rumor was 'the flag-bearers of the Runcandel
Clan killed him.' There was also 'the Master of the Hidden Palace, Talaris
Endorma, assassinated him', though that one didn't gain too much attention.

Of course, the official location of death was a remote island in the Vermont
Empire, and at the time, the flag-bearers of the Runcandel Clan were at the
Garden of Swords. On top of that, the Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial
Family weren't able to identify the mana that would have proven Luna's

But to the masses, the truth didn't matter.

They thought that the more interesting narrative deserved to be the truth—
more than the truth itself.

'Will the Runcandels begin to dominate the entire world?'

After the press release, bar regulars endlessly debated.

Which is stronger—swords or magic?

Many thought that the Runcandels and the Zipfels would finally start a war.
They definitely believed that Andrei's killer was a Runcandel.

And it wasn't only the commoners who found interest in foreign politics,
but also the nobles and soldiers.

Especially the neutral powers who were not directly affiliated with the
Runcandel Clan, Vermont Imperial Family, the Zipfel Clan, or other big

Just like the Hidden Palace, they maintained a 'neutral' state. But unlike the
Hidden Palace, smaller clans couldn't defend themselves in an emergency.

Which basically compelled them to take a side between the Runcandels and

If a war broke out between swords and magic, the neutral states in the gray
region would become of leaves being swept away should they get caught in
the middle of it.

And surprisingly, the neutral powers sought for the sword more than magic.

They all huddle towards the Runcandel Clan instead of the Zipfel Clan
despite the latter being deemed the strongest at the moment.
“Lord Patriarch, today, the Schucheron Kingdom's prince and five second-
class mercenary troops requested protection from the clan. Following the
death of Andrei, it seems we get protection requests every day. The rumors
sure do seem scary.”

The Runcandels' first-class butler, Heinz, had been reporting similar

information for the fourth day in a row.

“Return all of their gifts and tell them that the request will be fulfilled. And
make sure to offer the Schucheron prince a fine sword to make sure he
inherits the throne.”

“Understood. I will send an 8-star guardian knight.”

“Alright, you're dismissed.”

As long as the requester was not an immediate enemy to Cyron, he accepted

any favor.

Although the 'neutral' clans didn't have any presence in the world and didn't
really support the Runcandels at all, the smaller clans would be something
of use once the clan of swordmasters take down the Zipfels and become the
ruler of the world.

As more and more clans sought to ally with the Runcandel Clan, more
rumors spread amongst the common folk—that the Zipfels can no longer
overtake the Runcandels. And the fact that all of the neutral forces sided
with the Runcandel Clan made the rumor seem all the more likely.

'I believe this is because of the youngest's horseplay on that remote island.
Some kind of butterfly effect. I'm sure he's hearing these rumors in Tikan as

Cyron thought about his son as Heinz left.

Of course, the rumors of the Runcandels surpassing the Zipfels was merely
a rumor. The Zipfel Clan was doing pretty well, and the truth was that the
Runcandel Clan was only a little ahead.
'We were able to absorb many neutral forces recently. That provisional flag-
bearer is already making big changes for the clan. He's a very interesting

Cyron grinned and summoned Guardian Knight Khan.

“At your service, Lord Patriarch.”

“Any messages from Kashimir?”

Khan could barely contain his surprise.

'I knew Young Master Jin was special ever since the Storm Castle… but I
never would've thought that the Lord Patriarch would give him so much
attention. He's itching to know!'

It was Khan's first time seeing Cyron like this. When Joshua became a 9-
star knight, Cyron didn't even flinch.

“There were none, Lord Patriarch.”

“Hmmm… Alright.”

Cyron responded with disappointment, and Khan lowered his head as if it

was his fault.

“The day after tomorrow, I will be leaving for the Black Sea once again. If
there are any reports on him, come find me and inform me.”


After coming back from the Garden of Swords, Jin—who Cyron yearned to
hear about—dedicated his time to personal training.

'If it wasn't for Eldest Sister Luna, I would've died on the island in the
Vermont Empire.'

After his regression, although his swordsmanship and magic had reached 5-
star, and his spiritual energy would soon reach 5-star…
'Considering the events coming soon… It's not enough.'

Which made Jin feel impatient.

He felt it the most after the fight on the island. Although he was very
talented and strong in terms of a 15-year-old, there weren't many enemies
that he could face by himself.

'I need to get stronger. In the five years that my father gave me, I need to get
strong enough to take down all of my siblings—enough to not need
anyone's help!'

And Luna, especially, motivated him.

An opponent who Murakan and Quikantel couldn't land a finger on was

defeated with a single slash of a sword… She looked like the god of battle.

However, even the god of battle went to the Garden of Swords, dropped her
weapon, and got humiliated. Just because she had to save someone weaker.

Jin's enemies were like that—targeting his companions first so they couldn't
help him.


Bradamante swept through the air violently.

After slashing over ten thousand times, his muscles felt like exploding, and
his bones felt like shattering.

However, Jin felt worry more than pain.

'Although Mind's Eye is still beyond my reach… In five years, I must reach
the Mind's Blade Absolute Realm that eldest sister showed me.'

Mind's Blade: Blood Moon.

It was not a Runcandel secret technique, but a domain that Luna

experienced on her own while surpassing Mind's Eye.
A realm that could be awakened by casting Divine Language on the sword,
Mind's Blade. Every knight's dream. If Luna hadn't realized the special
techniques and secrets of her red aura, she would've never achieved Mind's

—For you, you can definitely get there in five years. First, to awaken your
Divine Language, you need to practice expressing your fervor in your

—The way to do that is…

—If you swing your sword ten thousand times, it means that your first and
last swing must be similar in terms of effort and technique.

That was what Luna told him.

'Then, is one thousand consistently identical swings my limit right now?'

After passing the fifteen thousand mark, he could no longer tell whether he
was swinging the sword or the sword was swinging him.

“Please stop, Young Master Jin.”

Kashimir was right next to Jin just as he prepared for another swing.

“Phew. Sir Kashimir.”

“Even when I trained, I never trained as hard as you… If you do this every
day, even if you have the Runcandel Clan's blessed physique, nothing will
be left of you.”

Enya—who followed behind Kashimir—handed the young Runcandel a


“Lord Jin! Your face looks dead. W-Wait, oh heavens. Lord Jin, your hand
is all torn! There's blood all over the floor! Uwaaah.”

Just like she said, below Jin was a small puddle consisting of blood and
sweat—strands of red swirling in the clear water.
While Enya wiped Jin's face and called for healers, Kashimir kept his eyes
on the puddle.

'What kind of resilience is this…? It's nothing I've ever seen from a fifteen
year old boy.'

Healing magicians rushed over and began to cast healing spells onto Jin's
hands. The young Runcandel just sat down, staring at his palms.

“My apologies for causing a mess, Sir Kashimir, Enya.”

“Why would you abuse those beautiful hands! I-I think I see some b-

Jin had calluses all over his hands, having held a sword ever since his
youth. However, to a fanatic like Enya, it looked like a beautiful sculpture.

The healing magicians left, and Kashimir sat next to Jin.

“The reason you are doing all this… must be because of the events on the

“Indeed. Not only because of Andrei and his companion. There would have
been too many potentially dangerous moments if it wasn't for Gilly or
Murakan. In order to not become a burden to my allies, I must train harder.”

“Lord Jin is the same age as I am. Don't be too impatient. I'll be sad.”

“No, Miss Enya. Young Master Jin is judging himself from a cynical

Kashimir responded, and Enya was startled.

“You're too mean, Sir Kashimir. Lord Jin is—”

“Just like you said, he is very strong. Amongst 15-year-olds, he's probably
the strongest. However, I understand Young Master Jin's intent. The
opponents he will face will neither be young nor normal.”
Jin slowly nodded.

“But Young Master Jin, impatience is the poison to your growth. I could
make your straight path and progress make a turn. Though, Miss Gilly had
been saying the same thing every day.”

As Kashimir said, Gilly also told Jin the same advice every day. That he
should slow down a little, or that he's pushing his limits too much.

“I know well enough about that, but after making up my mind, stopping
myself isn't easy. I'm embarrassed.”

“No need for embarrassment. I find it incredible that you are executing a
volume of training that no one else can. Instead, how about some training
that could cool your mind?”

“Training that could cool my mind…?”

Kashimir grinned.

“How about a spar?”

“With you?”

Kashimir shook his head.

“No. You're still lacking a little to spar against me, so that's for another time
—for when you get stronger.”

Despite his words, Kashimir still wasn't able to notice Guardian Knight
Khan sneaking and slipping a note into his pocket.

However, that was just Khan being incredible. It wasn't that Kashimir was
weaker. After all, the nickname 'Ghostblade' wasn't just given to him for

“Within six months, please try to defeat my wife, Alisa Betzer, using all that
you've got—sword, magic, and spiritual energy. I can guarantee you, this
will be a good learning experience for you.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 86

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Alisa Betzer.

Along with a massive physique, she had a knife scar on her left eye. She
was also Tikan's Chief of Defense and Ghostblade Kashimir's wife.

'Take that person down in six months?'

At first glance, she already looked stronger than the criminals in Mamit.
Her bulky build made her two times bigger than Kashimir—anything but

But was she really that strong?

Jin had swordsmanship, magic, and spiritual energy. Would it really take six

He had seen her every day for a month after he arrived in Tikan. They ate
breakfast at the same table and also bantered every now and then.

He didn't truly feel that she was strong.

'I know that she's a unique person… but will fighting her really be hard
when I have magic and spiritual energy? I even defeated a 7-star knight
with the use of all my skills. I'm sure Sir Kashimir knows that she's at my
Despite the doubt, he knew it was going to be fun after seeing Kashimir's
confidence in his wife.

“Lady Alisa, you say… If you say so, there must be a reason. Alright, I will
try sparring her. As long as she agrees.”

“She most certainly will. She was getting bored from the lack of fights after
becoming the chief of defense. A duel against you will be a great gift for

As Kashimir said, Alisa showed a refreshed expression as soon as they

asked her. She excitedly accepted.

“Me? With Young Master Jin? Haha! Sounds fun. Fighting shriveled
criminals was getting boring. Well, I don't see any anymore, since I caught
all of them…”

“Mommy and Mister Jin fighting?”

Euria, who was in Alisa's arms, trembled with tears of worry rolling down
her face.

“No, we're not fighting. We're… strengthening our friendship.”

“But everyone who fought mommy lost…”

“Well… Anyway, if we strengthened our friendship, who would you cheer


“Uhmm… I want Mister Jin to win.”

“They said that teaching children would be futile… You little brat. Good 5-
year-olds would cheer for their mother.”

Alisa jokingly spoke and bit her child's cheek, and Euria's next words
temporarily made Jin forget how to speak.

“But, but! Mister Jin is much weaker. I will always be on the weak people's
side! For people who are weak and suffering!”

Murakan—who was reading an erotic novel on a nearby sofa—sat himself

up and burst into laughter.

“'Weak and… suffering Mister Jin.' Hehehehe. Ice cream runt, you already
know how to judge people! As expected from Az Mil's contractor.”

With an awkward smile, Jin silently walked over to Murakan and tried to
dig his heel into the dragon's foot. Murakan managed to slip his foot out in
time, but that didn't stop Jin from snatching his book.

“You fu—I mean, bad dragon. Didn't I say not to read this kind of stuff in
front of a child?”

“I purposefully chose the one with small text and archaic dialect and have
been reading it secretly ever since. Put it down, while I'm asking nicely.”

“Where do you keep getting these things? I'm sure you didn't have anything
like this when we first left the Garden of Swords.”

Kashimir cleared his throat in guilt.

He had been sourcing five erotic novels every week for Murakan. The great
black dragon requested it, so as a mere mortal, he could not refuse.

“Ehem! Anyways, how about you start sparring the day after tomorrow,
Young Master Jin?”

“For the next six months, let's spar every day after I return from work and
eat dinner. I should show you why I am Tikan's Chief of Defense.”

“Every day? That's fine with me, but I think I would be taking too much of
your time.”

Alisa smiled and shook her head.

“No worries. For the time being, it will end quickly.”

Two days later at the underground sparring room in Kashimir's mansion.

In order to improve his body's condition, he had taken a two-day break from
his personal training. And since he was in his best condition for their first
spar, he planned to compare and inspect his subsequent results.

Alisa stood in front of Jin as she loosened her body and spoke.

“Young Master Jin. Before we begin, I would like to mention something.”

“Please go on, Lady Alisa.”

“I was in the Vermont Special Forces. Before Kashimir became the Fallen
Prince, I was his bodyguard. We left together when he was banished from
the Vermont Imperial Family.”

Hearing that, Jin instantly understood why he could feel her radiating

Unlike the Vermont Empire Imperial Guards, the Vermont Special Forces
needed to operate in the shadows. Thus, the first thing they learned was
how to conceal their strength.

'I expected something like this, but a former Special Forces knight…
Kashimir didn't say six months for nothing.'

Jin knew that the Vermont Special Forces' units were at least 6-stars.

However, that was merely a minimum. If she had guarded 'Prince'

Kashimir, she was definitely at least a 7-star.

“On that topic, please don't feel down from losing too much. Also, I don't
plan on going easy on you. So, shall we begin?”

The instant Jin nodded…

Alisa closed the gap between them—her fist right in front of Jin's face. Her
movement's speed wasn't one that a regular 5-star knight could react to.

She planned on finishing the first battle with one strike.

Even though it was just a spar, fighting as if it was the real thing was her

'For the past two days, I've asked Sir Murakan and Miss Gilly about Young
Master Jin's past. And from what they said, all he needs is a humiliating
failure and the process of standing up against it. For at least ten days, you
won't be able to dodge the first strike.'

From what she heard, there was always an 'opportunity' and a 'variable' in
all the dangerous situations that Jin got in.

When he fought Alu, he had a variable called Myulta's Rune.

When he fought Quikantel, he was able to cut her wing when she least
expected it.

And very recently, when he fought Andrei, he was only able to swing his
sword because Murakan and Luna were there.

As for his fight against Quazito Truka of the White Wolf Tribe, if he knew
that Jin had spiritual energy, then he wouldn't have lost.

Hence, all of Jin's opponents either let their guard down or did not have
enough information on him.

On the other hand, Alisa knew all about Jin's abilities. Swordsmanship,
magic, and spiritual energy, and also the fact that he had Myulta's Rune.

Therefore, Alisa decided to show him the reality of being exposed to 'true
danger'. For a knight to become stronger, the best way was to simulate

And so, Alisa aimed her fist at Jin's face.

However, it met the surface of a scabbard instead.

'He blocked it?!'

Alisa's eyes widened.

It wasn't completely blocked, though. Through the scabbard, the shockwave

traveled to Jin's body and instinctively made him back off.

The staggering made him lose the ability to defend or dodge. There was
nothing worse than losing your balance in a battle. Alisa could easily take
him out with one more blow.

Although, she could only be surprised after being denied a direct attack.

'I'm sure it was at a speed that he couldn't react to—even accounting for his
blessed Runcandel physique. Did I get slower? I think I felt like my
punches got minisculely slower.'

Jin was still defenseless. He hadn't even drawn his sword, yet Alisa's second
fist was already about to make contact with his ribs.

Then, he activated Myulta's Rune and wore the helmet.

Along with it, he unleashed a spell that he prepared before coming to the
underground training area.

'Photon Cannon!'


Even for a trained knight, closing one's eyes due to a blinding flash of light
was inevitable. Even in a moment before defeating the opponent.


Because of the bright light, her stance faltered, causing her punch to not go
as expected.

Still, it was enough for one of Jin's ribs to be blown. The light couldn't
change the fact that the punch was enough to end the battle.

Before following up with a third strike, Alisa felt admiration for her

'All of those opportunities and variables weren't from luck. He purposely

created all of them! I would've never expected him to prepare a spell.'

It was the same this time.

Simply put, Alisa lost in the battle of strategy.

'I get it now. Blocking my first attack… and using magic to decrease the
density of the ground. Because of that, I couldn't harness my true speed.'

When she looked behind her, she found a deep hole at the spot where she
stood beforehand. It was a microscopic difference.

If Jin had tampered more with the floor, she would've noticed before the
approach. A knight like her would notice such subtleties.

'It's alright. It'll all be over soon.'

Jin knew that, when he faced Alisa, the fight would be over in seconds.

Before the battle began, he constantly thought of the different variables that
could affect their fight. Ultimately, all of the variables he tweaked worked
to some extent.

But not enough to take down the chief of defense.


The third punch was sent straight into his hip. Jin flew about three meters
and lay on the floor, and a shock went through Alisa's body.
Not because of her sweet victory, but because she was amazed at how much
Jin surprised her on the first day.

“Damn… Little clever tricks weren't enough.”


Alisa was about to correct his word choice. This wasn't some trick but an
actual, elaborate plan.

“Remarkle, Young Master Jin. I would've never thought I needed to attack


Jin fell back to the ground, struggling to stand up.

Just like Alisa, he was also in shock.

'As expected from a former Vermont Special Forces knight. All of my

variables worked, but I couldn't even draw my sword.'

He was disappointed and upset, but his heart was still pumping.

It was the first time he completely failed, even with his little gimmicks.

And as Kashimir mentioned, his mind cooled off.

“So, uh, Lady Alisa.”

“Yes, Young Master Jin?”

“Aren't you going to call… a doctor?”

“Oh my, what am I doing? You must be severely injured. Please wait a

Alisa frantically ran out, and Jin smirked.

'I will take her down in less than six months' time.'
Compared to learning and mastering Mind's Blade, defeating Alisa before
the aforementioned time was a very attainable goal. In Jin's heart, a great
fervor for achievement roared.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 87

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

September 27th, 1795.

The unsupervised land in the east, also known as the Black Sea.

Four days had already passed since Guardian Knight Khan arrived. Which
meant that he hadn't slept a wink for the past four days. He had slashed
through more than five hundred monsters along the way.

Even the weakest among the Black Sea's monsters were incomparably
stronger than the monsters in known lands. It was because these monsters
grew up breathing pure evil energy.

Even for a guardian knight like Khan, the slightest mistake could easily
result in death—such was the dangers of the Black Sea.

Slash! Slash!

Although he had an emotionless expression, he couldn't hide his dead, tired


He felt like there were more monsters than usual.

'I wonder… What kind of information is written on this letter?'

Khan was suffering like this because he had to deliver a letter from
Kashimir to Cyron. It was the first after being informed of the secret

'I'm sure it's about the Youngest Master's growth… But it's only been a
month. Has there been rapid and important growth? Enough to report to the

He could only wonder.

Since Khan's cadet days in the Runcandel Clan and being named a 'monster'
by his friends, he remembered the tough and strenuous times he went
through when he tried to break through the 5-star barrier.

'There's no way he already achieved 6-star, right? Phew… I hope Lord

Patriarch tells me the information as well.'

Khan charged forward and fought more monsters for five hours.

Soon after, he finally found Cyron sitting in the middle of the Black Sea.

“Greetings to the patriarch. This is Khan.”

Cyron—who had already detected Khan's presence—slowly opened his

eyes. Khan proceeded to salute him. The patriarch raised his hand and
waved it in a circle.

As he moved his hand in the air, all of the monsters in the area fled away,
scattering as if they were bugs sprayed with bug repellent.

A display of the Genesis Knight's power and dignity.

Though, in reality, he was suppressing his happiness.

'It must be about the youngest…!'

Khan handed the letter over with two hands.

“A letter from Sir Kashimir arrived ten days ago. I tried to come as fast as
possible, but the monsters were very aggressive. I apologize for my

Cyron received the letter with a frown.

'I should take some time and kill off some of the monsters in the area. If it
weren't for them, I would've received this a day earlier.'


With a flick of a finger, Cyron ripped the letter's seal. The envelope was
quite thick.

Like an elder who found old diary entries, Cyron began to attentively read.

(To the admired Lord Cyron.

As a knight of a small city, I am ineffably honored to flip my pen and send a

letter to Your Honor.

How is the weather in the Garden of Swords?

In the Free City of Tikan, it is currently dusk. The soft clouds like velvet,
high in the sky, with stars sprinkled here and there, and they seem to sing of
your greatness.

I will say it once more.

I, Kashimir Alfleon, am very thankful and honored that you offered a mere
knight an opportunity to send a heart-filled letter. I hope the deep effort
poured into each character satisfies you…)

Cyron flinched.

'I also felt it last time, but this guy has a problem… Why is this introduction
so long?'
He was very annoyed, but with the patience of a Genesis Knight, he turned
the page. However, the next page was also filled with greetings and thanks,
and there wasn't even a single sentence about Jin on the third.


Cyron sighed and shook his head, and Khan suddenly felt like it was his

'The patriarch is… angry. Did something happen to Young Master Jin?'

But then, on the fourth page, Cyron's expression brightened a little. His eyes
began to sparkle, and he slowly began to grin.


He even laughed a little.

Khan had been Cyron's bodyguard for the past twenty years, but it was his
first time seeing the patriarch like this. After Luna declared that she wasn't
interested in inheriting the throne, Cyron was always cold with his children.

Thus, Khan was dying from curiosity. What happened to Young Master Jin
to make the patriarch that happy?


“Yes, Lord Patriarch?”

“It seems that the youngest is getting beat by Kashimir's wife. Ahahaha.
From the time he wrote this letter, it looks like they sparred at least forty
times and Jin lost all of them.”

Khan couldn't believe his ears.

Usually, Cyron would click his tongue and call his child weak and
powerless, but Khan was surprised that he was amused by the news.

“That's a lot of losses.”

“The first battle lasted three seconds, and the second lasted five. The
seventh lasted ten seconds, the twentieth lasted twenty-five, and the thirtieth
lasted forty.”

“I can see how the young master withstands against a 7-star using magic
and spiritual energy. In fact, if it's against the same person, he will gradually
survive longer.”

Because Khan was Cyron's most prized and trusted guard, he knew all of
Jin's secrets as well.

Of course, he would never reveal such secrets. Even if Cyron were to

unreasonably fire him.

“Indeed. But do you know what happened in the fortieth battle?”

“What happened?”

“He lasted over 120 seconds. He overcame a barrier—realized something.”

Although it was incredible for a 5-star to make so much progress against a

7-star, Khan knew that it wasn't only because of his improved

Khan's eyes widened as Cyron continued relaying the contents of the letter.

“And it says here that Kashimir's wife, Alisa Betzer, is a former Vermont
Special Forces agent. The 2nd Division. Hoho, now I can only laugh. It has
definitely been a while since her retirement, so she's probably rusty. Still,
it's nice of her to volunteer.”

The Vermont Special Forces.

Amongst the Forces, the division tasked with protecting the Imperial
Family was the 2nd Division, and Khan knew well of their strengths.

“…If she was previously in the Special Forces 2nd Division… She's not an
opponent that the young master can use tricks and gimmicks on. I
congratulate your son, Lord Patriarch.”
“Since he hasn't even defeated her, it's too early to celebrate. Kashimir said
that he gave the youngest six months. To defeat her, that is.”

“At this rate, he'll succeed before the time period ends.”

“If that runt was the first child, I would've left the clan in his hands without
remorse. What a shame. Khan, what do you think of the youngest?”

“I concur. If he were the firstborn, then Master Joshua would've been

superseded by Young Master Jin.”

“I didn't mean that.”

Khan was startled and stared at Cyron.

“Do you mean… as a successor?”

Cyron nodded.

Khan was surprised, but not because of Jin's measly age of 15.

'This is the first time the patriarch talked about his desired successor…!'

Cyron had never chosen a successor. Although he looked forward to some

of his children—like Luna—this was the first time he explicitly stated his

People only thought of Joshua as the first successor candidate after Luna's
refusal of inheritance, but Cyron never truly selected him.

The same went for the other successor candidates—Mary, Dipus, and

After reorganizing his thoughts, Khan spoke.

“I think he needs a little more observation due to his young age. Although
he is growing and learning very quickly, I don't think he is suited for the
throne just yet.”
“And why do you think that?”

“He lacks coldness. The story of the Young Master's journey to save the
beginner cadets was from his personality. I can see that he has a very kind
and malleable heart.”

“You're right. On the other hand, Joshua is the opposite. The youngest often
showed weakness towards relationships and attachments. How about when
you ignore all of that?”

“When needed, he must be cold enough to get rid of his own sister, and
with his current growth rate, he will be perfect for your position.”

Satisfied with the guardian knight's answer, Cyron grinned.

“Indeed, that is what a Runcandel is. You are dismissed.”

“Yes, Lord Patriarch.”

He had fought and slashed through monsters for four days to get there, but
as soon as the order was heeded, Khan immediately began to walk the exact
same path that he came from.

To exit Cyron's domain, he would have to slash and kill monsters for
another four days.

Before he drew his sword, a thought occurred to him.

'Did the patriarch smile because he looked forward to Young Master Jin
transcending the Runcandels' ancestors?'

Mid-November, 1795.

Three months had passed since Jin's quest to defeat Alisa.

No longer did he pre-cast spells before the fight.

“Whew! Young Master Jin. Today was also a close game.”

At the 95th battle, Alisa wiped her forehead after knocking down Jin.

“Haha, you said that yesterday as well. This makes it 95 losses. It's kinda

“The small differences will accumulate. And now, you can fight me for at
least fifteen minutes. Anyways, Young Master Jin, are you going to do 'that'
before returning?”

“Yes. Please go on ahead, Lady Alisa.”

Tired from watching, Alisa shook her head.

Since one week ago, after each battle, Jin only left the training area after
completing ten thousand swings.

Ten. Thousand.

'I must channel my will through the sword…'

A realm that could be awakened when the first and last of ten thousand
swings were identical. While training with Alisa, Jin could enact the same
swing three thousand times. Even with an exhausted body.

'This isn't about physical strength. Whether I am exhausted or perfectly

fine, the importance is in the transferring of one's will into the blade.'

Jin took his stance for the long haul, and Alisa exited the sparring room.

'Whew, I didn't think he would catch up this fast. Watching that toxic
amount of training… He makes me feel like I'm not trying hard enough.'

Alisa watched Jin train for a while, then she slowly closed the door.

“He truly deserves to be stronger.”

She never would have expected what awaited her the next day.

Get you a man who would write you at least two pages' worth of admiration
and thanks. But also, I'm not the only one who felt like Kashimir gave
Cyron a pseudo-love letter, right…?
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 88

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

'Did the anxiety and nervousness slowly recede after each and every spar?'

The next day, during the 96th spar, Alisa finally lost to Jin. As the battle
reached the 70-second mark, Jin's stab penetrated her shoulder.


The moment his attack succeeded, they were both very surprised.

In fact, it was a wound that was severe enough to prevent Alisa from
continuing the battle. Jin dropped his sword and frantically called a healer,
and Alisa smiled awkwardly.

“Lady Alisa! Are you alright?”

“Uh… Yeah, I'm fine. I haven't had this kind of injury in a while.”

Blood spilled all over the place. While the healers cast healing magic, Jin
tilted his head.

'It wasn't an attack that Lady Alisa couldn't dodge. This is a victory born
from luck.”

And it was true.

Jin hadn't given his full effort yet. When training with Alisa, he often
played his final trump cards after the 100-second mark.

In other words, Jin always beat Alisa in the 'Analysis Phase'. Though, this
time wasn't because of his growth, but because of his opponent's mistake—
so today's victory wasn't as sweet.

'I temporarily lost vision from the spiritual energy and failed to read his
sword's movements… I can't believe I made this mistake. I guess I got
pretty rusty after retiring.'

Maintaining the same amount of focus while fighting an opponent who she
beat 94 times was not easy, even for a knight like Alisa.

Alisa wiped her forehead and shook her head.

“Damn. I've lost.”

“No, I think we shouldn't count this match. I cannot accept this victory.”

“I knew you would say that. I agree. I understand that you can't accept this.
My mistake has caused a dilemma.”

Thanks to the healers' hard work, the wound was treated in an instant.

“However, Young Master Jin, we can't just 'not count it'. If it were you from
three months ago, even if I made a mistake or hesitated, you would never be
able to defeat me.”

A difference of roughly only three months—97 days, to be exact.

As for Alisa, she couldn't believe how fast Jin improved in that short
amount of time.

'Even considering that he's a Runcandel, I don't understand this level. Soon,
his swordsmanship and magic would both become 6-star.'

Because she was a former member of the Vermont Special Forces, she had
met many swordsmen from a famous clan of swordsmen known as Hairan.
However, Alisa was certain. Amongst all of the talented knights she fought,
Jin was on another level.

“Then, does that mean I can't fight you anymore?”

“Not at all. In the remaining three months, try to achieve your desired
victory. Until then, I will always keep my evenings open.”

December 1st, 1795.

The day for Jin and Alisa's 110th battle, Alisa took the day off from work.
She wanted to fight Jin in perfect condition.

Because of that, the two didn't fight in the evening, but at noon instead.

And thirty minutes before the battle, Kashimir sought Jin.

“Young Master Jin, the information that you requested has finally arrived. It
took longer than expected…”

“You found Alu's real name?”

The head of the Tesing Clan, Spiderhand Alu.

At first, Kashimir thought that searching for a person's name would be a

piece of cake—that finding information about some sketchy alleyway
gangster leader was easy with the Seven-Colored Peacock's intelligence

However, even after all this time, they failed to find Alu's real name.

“Unfortunately, that is not the case. The best agents investigated everything
regarding that fellow named Alu. Seems like he had a lot of secrets. But
there is nothing left from anything he did before becoming Tesing's leader.”

Kashimir shrugged.

“There is only one reason for the Seven-Colored Peacock's failure.

Someone must've intentionally erased his records. As you said, he may have
some connections with a Runcandel.”

“Hmmm… I regret killing him now. Then, how about the information on

“Yes, Vishukel Yvliano. The Yvliano Clan's next patriarch. Hm… Young
Master Jin, do you know of an organization named 'Kinzelo Group'?”

“I do. Our paths met when I executed a mission with my fellow cadets this

The Kinzelo Group.

A crazy organization that wanted to make their leader the king of the world.
In Jin's past life, they assassinated the Zhan Kingdom's king and
slaughtered their people, which really fostered their notoriety.

“Although I am not sure, it is possible that Vishukel is part of the Kinzelo

Group. Once a week, he visits the Curano Dukedom, and he always goes to
this one fragment workshop.”

“Please tell me more.”

“The owner of the strangely titled fragment workshop, 'Artistic Explosion',

is a man named Bouvard Gaston. According to what we found, Bouvard is
an executive of the Kinzelo Group. And Vishukel visits him every week,
which raises suspicion.”

“Bouvard Gaston?”

Jin spoke as if he didn't know. He couldn't tell Kashimir that Bouvard could
'transform' into other people just yet.

Not because he couldn't trust him, but because there was no way to prove it.

“Yes. A rather fat man in his mid-thirties. And Vishukel always brought
sweet potato croquettes every time he went to his shop. Like some kind of
“Hmm, assuming that both of them are part of the Kinzelo Group, Bouvard
must be of a higher rank.”

“Most likely so. I have actually met Vishukel once in the past. He's a very
proud individual. But if it's a man who he always delivers food to, then…”

In reality, Bouvard was an executive and Vishukel was the vice-leader of

the group, so the latter was the one with the higher rank. However, the
Seven-Colored Peacock didn't figure that out yet.

Kashimir and Jin simultaneously chuckled. They couldn't imagine Vishukel

delivering food to a fat man.

'I expected a relationship between them, but the Kinzelo Group… This is
unexpected. In fact, Bouvard seems to have a higher rank… What does
Vishukel get out of being part of Kinzelo?'

The answer was simple.

Although the Yvliano Clan couldn't go against the Runcandel Clan, they
were strong enough to put up a fight against the Vermont Empire's Hairan

However, the clan lacked any other talented knight, so if they excluded
Vishukel, their power would decline.

'It's either he's trying to use the Kinzelo Group's strength to regain his clan's
honor or he's being hypnotized.'

But is the Kinzelo Group that strong? Enough for a talented knight like
Vishukel to seek them?

'Looking back at my past life, when the Kinzelo Group was at its peak…
It's not impossible. Even the three strongest powers didn't touch those crazy

As he thought of the past, he remembered some weird things that happened.

Whether it was before or after he regressed, the Runcandels didn't lay a
finger on the Kinzelo Group. Even though he and the other beginner cadets
got fucked over by them.

'Was it because the Runcandel Clan didn't think that they're worth anything?
Or because they considered them a very dangerous organization? Well, I'll
find out soon enough.'

Jin lightly bowed to Kashimir.

“Well, alright, Sir Kashimir. Thank you for your service.”

“Well the service was from the agents. I only sat and listened to their
reports. I presume the next task is to find out about the Kinzelo Group,
then? As well as to continue searching for information on Alu.”

This was the part that Jin liked about Kashimir. Even without saying
anything, they had the same plan.

“I am always in your debt, Sir Kashimir.”

“In that case, why don't you go play with Euria? Every day in my office,
she yearns for your presence. And with Miss Enya present, they make my
head hurt.”

“Understood. Oh, anyways, it's time for me to spar with Lady Alisa. Would
you like to come and watch?”

“Sounds good. I wanted to see how much you've improved anyway.”

Kashimir's expression was filled with confidence.

He was confident that Jin couldn't defeat Alisa yet.

'I should witness Young Master Jin's growth and send another letter to Lord

Alisa was already in the training area, waiting for Jin.

“Huh? What? Honey, why are you here?”

Alisa began to jokingly complain after seeing Kashimir walk alongside the
young Runcandel.

“What, am I not allowed to come here? Young Master Jin invited me to


“Well, no, it's not that. It's just… I don't want you to see me losing.”

“Losing…? Wh-What? You're going to lose? What do you mean by that?”

Kashimir's eyes were filled with shock.

'Instead of the promised six months, he managed to defeat her in only


Asking with his eyes, Kashimir looked at Alisa, and she nodded.

Alisa Betzer, former Vermont Special Forces 2nd Division agent and
Tikan's current Chief of Defense.

She took a day off from work to fight in perfect condition because she
expected a loss in today's battle.

'His skill has already caught up to mine. Yesterday.'

While Kashimir lost his sense of reality, Jin and Alisa took their positions.

“Seems like today will be the last spar, Young Master Jin.”

Jin only bowed instead of responding to his opponent. Alisa continued.

“Even in the far future. I wish you would remember me as a great sparring
partner. Even the moment when you reach the top of the world.”

“Instead of a sparring partner, I will commemorate you as a great teacher

and friend. And I hope you remember me as a wonderful student.”
Kashimir got a hold of himself and stepped away from the battlefield. He
didn't want to interfere with their fight.

Alisa clenched her fists, and Jin muttered.



A summoned beast from a different world. An entity that could only be

summoned by magicians who are 6-star and above.

For the past 109 battles, it wasn't only his swordsmanship that improved.
His spiritual energy and magic were also greatly enhanced.


Jin conjured a dimensional portal, and a massive flaming bird emerged from

And Kashimir—who was looking at Jin's phoenix—let out a gasp.

He knew who that phoenix was.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 89

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

If a magician was at least 6-star, then they could contract with a phoenix.

And of course, all magicians wanted to own a 'special' or 'unique' phoenix.

Something like Kelliark Zipfel's 'Beloit' or the historical grand magician

O'Hensirk's 'Maniere'.

They wanted to become an owner of a well-known phoenix.

However, magicians were never given the ability to choose.

After becoming a 6-star and opening the door to the Fire Dimension, no
magician knew what kind of phoenix would approach them.

With sweat rolling down his face, Kashimir stared at Jin's phoenix.

He felt the burning heat waves every time the mystical blue-flame phoenix
flapped its wings.

In the Magicians' Society, there were over ten thousand registered

phoenixes, but there was only one that was characterized with 'blue flames'.

“Tess…! What in the world, Young Master Jin?!”

Jin had summoned Tess, the beast deemed as 'the most noble phoenix'.
And every magician who summoned it became that era's strongest

—Even in the far future. I wish you would remember me as a great sparring
partner. Even the moment when you reach the top of the world.

As soon as Kashimir saw the phoenix, he knew why Alisa spoke such

She was no longer able to face Jin.


Jin unsheathed Bradamante and spoke.

“Then, shall we start, Lady Alisa?”

Jin stood still, pointing his sword at Alisa. It was only a month ago when he
was the challenger. Now, the tables had turned.

Today's challenger was Alisa.

“Prepare yourself, Young Master Jin.”

A white aura surrounded her two fists, and she bolted forward like a bullet,
instantly closing the gap.

In his current state, Jin couldn't follow Alisa's movements with his hand-eye
coordination. Usually, he predicted her movements and counterattacked.

However, he didn't need to do so today. Tess emitted deep-blue flames that

licked its surroundings, preventing Alisa from approaching.

Fwoosh! Fwoooooosh~!

The smallest of the flames were at least 5-star level. Even for a 7-star knight
with a trained body, without an aura shield, she would get a second-degree
On top of that, Tess's flames had a special ability called 'Pressure'.

'If that gets on her, then she'll start to rapidly burn energy. She has to finish
the battle quickly!'

As the name suggested, pressure pressed upon the opponent afflicted with
the phoenix's ability.

Tess's flames had weight that defied all laws of nature. Therefore, the
moment it landed upon an aura shield, she couldn't ignore it because the
flames didn't extinguish easily compared to a normal fire.

Because the opponent's body itself would feel as heavy as a rock in water.

Dodging the flames, Alisa weaved through each attack and put herself in a
defensive stance. As such, Jin was easily given the upperhand.

'I can only keep Tess here for about three minutes. Within that time, I must
make a meaningful attack towards her, so I can end the battle swiftly

Although it was only a spar, in the past 109 times, Jin always felt the threat
of death. Now, it was Jin's turn to make Alisa feel the same.

Without skipping a single day for the past three months, Alisa trained Jin to
help him get stronger, and he knew the best gift to give her.


Alisa jumped into the air, dodging a flame, and Jin swung his sword
towards her.


She quickly twisted her torso, and the blade barely scratched her back. A
minor tear on her clothes, but enough to make her very tense.

Then, as soon as she landed and caught her balance, a sphere of mana
formed in Jin's left hand.
'Wind Blade! Using this, I can force her to dodge once more.'

He threw Wind Blade towards her ankles, and as he expected, she leapt into
the air again.

'I'll prevent her from regaining composure to pester her impatience… And
then I'll end it!'

After fighting Alisa 109 times, Jin realized that her patterns were diverse.
As of the current moment, predicting her moves and reacting to them would
be practically impossible.

However, among all of Alisa's many patterns, there was a common 'order'.

In any situation, she always tried to get the upper hand.

'As I use more of my swordsmanship, magic, and spiritual energy, she will
start to feel tired and will be more desperate to gain the upper hand.
However, that will be the reason for her loss.'

Alisa moved to the left, dodging the Wind Blade. She fixed her eyes back to
Jin as the spell flew past her.

With fire in its mouth, Tess was prepared to shoot its breath.

'Phew. So you're a magic swordsman, Young Master Jin!'

Alisa quickly turned her head.

From the sides, Jin swung his sword multiple times, creating multiple
crescent slashes in the air. And with Tess shooting its breath at the same
time, an attack from the front and sides approached her.

It wasn't impossible to dodge both attacks, but doing so would enable Jin to
have the offensive advantage once more.

'Instead, I'll block the breath with my aura shield and then parry Young
Master Jin's attacks!'
After giving Jin a nice slug in the stomach, she planned on waiting out the
phoenix's summon timer.

Even if she faced an injury, she decided that gaining the upper hand would
be the most optimal choice. She would never win if she stayed cornered for
the entire battle. She needed to interrupt the flow that Jin had set for the


Tess's breath struck Alisa. The cone-shaped blue flames seemed to swallow

However, the flames couldn't penetrate the aura shield that she created. Tess
couldn't unleash anything stronger because the strength of the phoenix
depended on the summoner's mana.


And just as she planned, Alisa caught Jin's blade. Although she protected
her hand with aura, blood splattered. However, it wasn't enough to cut her
fingers off.


In order to throw a punch, she planted her feet on the ground and pulled on
the sword to drag Jin towards her.


With an echoing shout, she threw her punch. She couldn't give it her all due
to the aura shield she raised, but it was still enough to make Jin recoil.


A refreshing, clear sound of impact should've been made. But the lack
thereof caused Alisa to flicker her eyes around.

'He's not here? I'm sure I pulled him in and hit him.'
Her fist had hit thin air.

Instinctively, she looked upon the sword she was holding. And at the end of
the handle, where Jin should've been, was no one.

'Then I must've felt and pulled the weight from Pressure…!'

A blue fire burned brightly at the other end of the sword.

After Alisa caught the blade, Jin had given up on his sword and
repositioned himself. In lieu of him, he placed a heavy flame on the hilt of
the sword, tricking his opponent.

Alisa was too busy dealing with Tess's breath and failed to notice it.

She only noticed everything after it all happened.

As such, she was too late to react.

“Haha… I've lost, Young Master Jin. I've fought many foes, but I've never
imagined them using a trick like this.”

The phoenix halted its breath.

Alisa's aura shield dissipated, and Jin emerged behind her with a dagger.

“I pushed myself and made this shield strategy for the chance of victory, but
it came back to bite me. My goodness, I can't believe I've lost because I
didn't keep my rear in check. I'm a little shocked. Since when did you
calculate all this?”

“If I say 'since the first battle', would I sound too arrogant?”

Alisa waved her hand in defeat.

“No, that sounds completely reasonable. A little surprising.”

“Thank you for all your time, Lady Alisa.”

“As for me, Young Master Jin. You would never know how proud I am of

Alisa turned around, and Jin put away his dagger.

They looked at each other, then simultaneously extended their arms to

shake hands.

“How does it feel to defeat a former Vermont Special Forces agent before
hitting the age of 16?”

“Honestly, pretty good. Very good. In fact… I would like to fight you full
force again next year.”

Alisa softly smiled at Jin's response.

“I don't gear up if I don't have to kill my opponent. So, there won't be a

reason for you to fight me when I'm at my full potential.”

In the 110th battle, Alisa did not use a gauntlet or piece of armor. Not even
once. A fully armored Alisa was an opponent that even Kashimir couldn't
face. It wouldn't be suitable for Jin.

“Well… at this rate, you would surpass my full potential in no time.

Anyways, congratulations, Young Master Jin. We should throw a party at

Kashimir—who had watched the entire battle—looked soulless.

'I honestly thought six months wouldn't be enough. He's crazy! Crazy! Lord
Cyron, the next letter will be super special!'

In reality, Kashimir thought that Jin needed at least a year to defeat Alisa.

He couldn't believe his eyes even after witnessing that it only took the
young Runcandel 110 days.

“Why don't you go get healed and prepare for the party?”
“Oh, uh-huh. Alright.”

The victory was celebrated with all of Jin's companions in Tikan.

During the feast, everyone was told that he summoned Tess the Phoenix and
defeated Alisa.

“By Tess do you mean, Tess the Blue-Flame Phoenix? Young Master, I
have heard of it before. That it's a very rare phoenix…”

“Miss Gilly! That's not even the most crucial part about it. Magicians who
are able to summon Tess are guaranteed to be the best magician in the era.
Lord Jin! Please give me an autograph! Quick! Right here, on the back of
my shirt!”

Enya scrambled towards Jin, eyes gleaming.

While more people were astonished by his feat, Murakan and Quikantel
were at a loss for words.


In fact, they both dropped their silverwares at the same time. They seemed
to be in deep shock.

“Hey, kid… Did you just say… Tess?”

“Jin, did you really contract with the Majestic? I-In fact, you first met at the
underground training area, and as soon as you summoned the Majestic, you
made them fight?”

This time, Jin was confused.

Even the proud dragons were baffled, respectfully addressing the phoenix.

“Murakan, Miss Quikantel, is there a problem…?”

“Hey, anyways, try summoning them now!”

“Summoning uses too much mana, so it's exhausting.”

Jin looked around him then summoned Tess.

“We are honored to meet the ruler of the Fire Dimension!”

Quikantel got on her knees and bowed, shouting her greetings.

“Hey, uh… ruler of the Fire Dimension… Long time no see… Uhh… What
—why… I can talk to you like this. I can also—Yeah, my condolences.
Understood. Oh, okay. I understand, so please stop cursing.”

Murakan looked as if he met an old teacher that he had a bad history with.

Everyone's stomach flipped at the fantastical sight.

In the short time of Murakan and Tess's conversation, no human could hear
Tess's voice.

“Hmm… Alright, alright. I understand. I will tell Jin. Aaaah, come on. The
curses! This isn't even the Fire Dimension. If you keep doing this, I'll get


Tess pecked on Murakan's head at ridiculous speeds. Surprisingly, the black

dragon didn't fuss and just backed off.

The phoenix said something after punishing the dragon, and Murakan

“Whew… I understand, I'll tell him that, so please calm down. Ha, you
caused a fuss as soon as you came. Hey, hey! Tryna peck me again… So
hot-headed. Whatever. Kid! Send this bird back to the Fire Dimension.”

Jin released his summoning spell. The bird thrashed and threw a tantrum as
it was unwillingly sucked into a dimensional portal. Quikantel finally stood
up and sighed.
“You and Miss Quikantel seem to have a complex relationship with Tess…
It was pretty surprising. Anyways, what did you talk about?”

As soon as Jin asked, Murakan shuddered, as if there were an impending

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 90

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

There wasn't much information about the 'other world'.

All entities from the alternate dimension were witnessed in unsupervised

lands like the Black Sea which fostered many monsters or through different
summoned beasts like the phoenix.

In his past life, Jin had never heard of the 'Fire Dimension' despite his vast
knowledge of magic—vast enough to trump many professors.

“Fire Dimension… This is top-class information. Usually, incompetent and

unimportant runts don't need to know this stuff. There aren't many dragons
who exactly know of that place, and the number of those who have
personally gone there are in the single digits.”

“It's common knowledge that phoenixes are summoned beasts from the
other world, but it's the first time in which the other world was called the
Fire Dimension.”

Jin scratched his chin, and Murakan shook his head.

“The name 'Fire Dimension' is just an easy name for us to call it in this
world. It's just a dimension with fire and phoenixes. Even the gods don't
know the true name of that world.”
Everyone listened to Murakan as if he were some lecturer. Enya, who was a
pupil in magical studies, was very worked up.

“Even the gods don't know? Does that mean the Fire Dimension is outside
of the gods' control?”

“Exactly. Even the God of Flames can't control the fire in that world.
However, the ruler of the Fire Dimension, Tess, can't control Sheenu's fire

“Ah… Then the Majestic became the Young Master's summoned beast. Isn't
that a great thing?”

“Strawberry Pie is also correct. But as for it being a great thing… Well, it's
the opposite. It's very bad.”

Murakan clicked his tongue and a shadow loomed over his face. Quikantel's
expression was still frozen, still shocked from meeting Tess.

One second, Two seconds, Three…

As Murakan's silence prolonged, some audience members gulped. They

thought that Tess's summoner had received some special curse or

“Hey, just tell us. Don't just leave us hanging. Why's it bad?”

Jin grew impatient and asked Murakan. The shadow dragon lowered his

“It's great… only for you. God fucking dammit, I don't like that guy! Why
Tess? There are so many other good phoenixes. There's Maniere or

Murakan threw a tantrum and some punches in the air. Many sighs of relief
could be heard from the crowd. Jin thought that Murakan would never
“Well, although I'm a little pissed, I'll offer you a bland congratulations,
kiddo. You can't use that guy's full potential 'cause you lack some mana, but
it's better than some random phoenix.”

“If I unleash all of their power, how strong will they get?”

“You can't unleash all of their power. Never will. At full strength, your
beast can vaporize a mid-high-tier god.”

Quikantel shuddered at those words.

She remembered the horrifying nightmare she experienced when she visited
the Fire Dimension with Murakan and their respective gods, Olta and
Solderet. That day, she watched five gods disappear from existence.

“What…? They're that powerful?”

Jin asked, observing Quikantel's reaction.

“I heard he can't do it outside of the Fire Dimension. In my case, thank

goodness. I can talk to them casually and even tease them a little. Just like
how our gods can't use their powers in the Fire Dimension—a mutual

“Mmmm. I see.”

Well, even if Tess's powers weren't that overwhelming, Jin was satisfied
with it based on what he saw in textbooks. And the best part was that their
fire could not be controlled by Sheenu.

A full-scale war was imminent between the Runcandels and Zipfels. And if
Jin were to fight against Kelliark, Tess's strength would be of great help. No
matter its tier, normal flame spells would never be effective against
Kelliark, Sheenu's contractor.

“Oh, and what did Tess want to tell me? What kind of conversation did you
have with them? And am I not able to directly communicate with them?”
“You can't. It's spiritual communication. And the thing they wanted to tell
you is, well, nothing much… Just that they like you a lot. Also said it's the
first time they were summoned for such a minor reason. They're a special
fellow. Said to come over to the Fire Dimension after you get stronger.”

“Oh, I can go there too?”

“Well, when you reach 10-star and can comfortably breathe in the fire. That
neighborhood's a little rough.”

Murakan wrapped up his little explanation, and the party continued to talk
about Jin's victory and his summoned phoenix.

And as soon as the celebration ended, Kashimir took a bath and sat in his
office, preparing himself to write a new letter.

January 1st, 1796.

The new year came.

On the first day of the new year, the family would get together and pray for
a safe year. Fostering love with family, loved ones, and friends would be

But one man, Guardian Knight Khan, was charging through the Black Sea
and covering himself in the black creatures' blood and guts.

And this time as well, he had a letter stored safely in his chestplate. His new
year's mission was to deliver a letter.

'This time, it has been three months. Did the Young Master defeat Alisa
Betzer? Now I'm looking forward to this letter…'

Khan was also curious about the letter's content. It seemed to motivate a
faster trek to Cyron, who was at the center of the Black Sea.

“Greetings to the patria—”

“Give it here.”
“Yes, sir!”

With a grave expression, Cyron hastily ripped off the seal. He looked like a
parent who sent his children off to study abroad.

(To the legendary knight who I admire most, Lord Cyron.

Oh, it is the second letter. I am once again writing this letter with all of my
heart and soul with the warm sun shining on my back…)



“Next time, tell Kashimir to write a shorter letter.”

“…Understood, Lord Patriarch.”

Just like last time, the long letter was at least 70% miscellaneous greetings.

But reading the fourth page, Cyron began to smile.

“It seems that Young Master Jin defeated Alisa Betzer.”

Khan guessed so while watching Cyron's expression.

“Hehe, he won by catching her off guard. On top of that, he seemed to have
tamed Tess the Phoenix. I'm sure you know who that is?”

“I apologize, Lord Patriarch. I do not know of that entity.”

“It's a blue-fire phoenix, and any magician who summons it becomes the
best magician of the century.”


“But I don't care about some phoenix. Today's letter is just about it. Not
more than a single line about Jin's swordsmanship.”
(His swordsmanship improved significantly. At a ridiculous speed.)

Cyron was disappointed.

He allowed Jin to practice swordsmanship, magic, and spiritual energy at

the same time. But of course, as a Runcandel, he wanted to see more
improvement in his son's swordsmanship.

Khan nodded.

“I can see the problem. It's a little worrying that he might be too entrenched
in magic.”

“It's exactly as you said. I know he'll balance it out well on his own, but it's
getting on my nerves… Hmmm.”

A long silence.

While Khan maintained his kneeling position, Cyron spoke.

“Ron Hairan's son. Go find out what he's up to.”

Ron Hairan.

The Vermont Empire's swordmaster, patriarch of the Hairan Clan, and at

some point, Cyron's worst enemy.

However, the difference in their power became clear when Cyron achieved
the Genesis Knight realm. Even Ron's children were being overpowered by
the Runcandel children.

In that situation, the most talented child was born—Ron's son.

Despite being a child, he already transcended his generation, being deemed

the next patriarch.

“You mean Dante Hairan? Coincidentally, there is information about his

recent whereabouts.”

“Yes. Not long ago, we received a request regarding the Cosmos Arena.
Seeing that the request asked for an assassination of a pirate, Dante Hairan
entered the competition with a fake name.”

Cyron's eyes shimmered.

“The Cosmos Arena… I'm sure that's… the fighting competition hosted by
the pirates? I remember Mary got second place and threw a tantrum.”

“That is correct, Lord Patriarch. And to my knowledge, it was her first

defeat. However, she went back for revenge two months later.”

A secret that not many clanspeople knew.

“Send Jin there and have him fight Dante Hairan. It'll be fun. He can't use
his magic or spiritual energy there, right? He can only fight with his

The only cases when Jin can use his spiritual energy and magic was when
'there were no witnesses' or 'he can get rid of all the witnesses.'

Of course, he could not use all three of his strengths in that contest. He
could enter as a magician and only use magic, or he can enter as a knight
and only use swordsmanship.

And Jin could not fight Dante with only a sword.

Cyron wanted to stimulate Jin through Dante. The phoenix and magic were
nice and all, but Cyron wanted Jin to prioritize the art of the sword.

“Understood. I will deliver your message to Sir Kashimir.”

However, the 16-year-old used most of his time training his swordsmanship
—enough to make Cyron's concerns pointless.

'Ten thousand swings. The first… same as the last…!'

After ending the consecutive battles with Alisa, he devoted all of his energy
into his training.

But he didn't feel as impatient to improve. Thanks to Alisa, he learned many

things about himself.

“Is it not boring, Young Master Jin?”

“Nope, it's only fun—”

“Did you say it's boring?! I prepared this for you! Tadaaa!”

Kashimir pulled out a piece of paper and shook it in front of Jin.

“What's this?”

“An entry to the Cosmos Arena. Recently, the intelligence agents found out
that a special fellow is entering this competition. An opponent that would
compel you to fight—Dante Hairan, the Hairan Clan's next patriarch!”

“Dante Hairan? Why is that guy going there…”

From Jin's knowledge, the Cosmos Arena was just a playground for pirates.
In fact, most of the competitors were around 2 to 3-star.

Kashimir raised his eyebrows and continued.

“You are mistaken. This competition is more dangerous than you think.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 91

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

“It's more dangerous than I think?”

Jin repeated Kashimir's words as he sheathed his sword, and his companion
nodded in affirmation.

“Indeed. It doesn't have a 'no-killing' rule, unlike other competitions, so it's

very dangerous. Although it's true that most of the competitors are novices,
some competitors are just there for slaughter.”

The Cosmos Arena had no rules, as expected from a pirate-organized fight.

Including murder, there were no other restrictions for special weapons and
tools. It was a crazy competition that even allowed murder or assassination
before the fight.

“You just need to defeat your opponent using any method. There's a story
where a guy held the opponent's family hostage and threatened to kill them.
All in order to win, of course.”

Which was why, even though the opponents were only 2 to 3-star,
competitors had to anticipate dirty tricks.

“4 to 5-star who don't know anything will become their prey. After walking
the world while being oblivious of the world's dark side, they become
humiliated by the tricks and gimmicks used in that crazy competition. Well,
I'm not saying that you'll experience the same thing. You are… well, far off
from that level.”

Indeed, he wasn't even comparable to those people.

“There are also fighters who are above 6-star who take down the opponent
with the use of immense strength. At that point, it doesn't matter if they use
tricks or not. These are the true predators of the arena. Well, they're just
perverts who come for the stimulation.”


“Yes. You know, those kinds of people. Sadists who destroy their enemy
and feel satisfaction from it—the most dangerous people.”

“Man, what kind of competition allows this stuff to happen?”

According to Kashimir, it was a dirty, low contest. One characterized by

filthy scuffles that enticed its audience to drink and gamble.

“Well, the official name isn't a competition, it's just an arena. If it wasn't for
Dante, I wouldn't have asked you to enter.”

“Surely he won't fit into the crowd. Is there some insane grand prize
awaiting for first place?”

“The winner can choose from a plethora of prizes or one thousand gold
coins. To a commoner, that would be a lot of money. But for the successor
of the Hairan Clan, it would be pocket change.”

“Then is his mortal enemy there or something?”

“As of now, we have no information regarding his entry. But in my


Kashimir paused for a second.

“Maybe he wants to test his swordsmanship. To see if his blade will glow in
the darkness of evil tricks. If not, he's just throwing himself into a shithole.”
That made no sense.

It would make no sense if Dante really entered the dirty competition in

order to test his swordsmanship.

“Either way, I feel compelled to go. Dante Hairan… I could never dream of
fighting him.”

Before his regression, prior to his banishment from the clan, the commoners
would always debate who was stronger with the sword—Dante or Beradin.

Because they had many similarities.

They were both over 7-star at an early age, were nominated as the next
patriarch of their respective powerful clans, and achieved 9-star at the age
of 30. Whenever they encountered each other during a meeting, the press
would go off. On top of that, they were the same age.

'At the time, they got more attention than the Runcandel children. Eldest
Sister Luna didn't present herself too much, and Eldest Brother fell behind

There weren't any other second-generation Runcandel who was stronger

than Dante other than Luna. Though, there wasn't definitive proof that he
was stronger than all of the Runcandel children, but that's what the world

'He's a fellow I'm curious about. There's nothing bad from meeting him
once. Hopefully, he's not hot-headed like the Beradin from my past life.'

However, Kashimir's exaggerated attitude was getting on his nerves. He

could've just naturally asked Jin to compete, but he was promoting it as if
he were a businessman selling drugs.

'And I'm sure the Seven-Colored Peacock doesn't have spare time to
investigate Dante Hairan. All of the best agents should be investigating the
Zipfels, Alu, and Kinzelo. I doubt that it's just some idle information they
Thinking until that point, Jin smiled.

'It was Father's orders. The information about Dante is likely to have come
from the Runcandel Clan. And now that I think about it, back at the Garden,
Father sent me off first so he could talk to Kashimir alone.'

He pondered the possibility of Kashimir sending reports to Cyron regarding

his progress ever since that day at the Garden of Swords. However, it wasn't
of any importance. There weren't any disadvantages that would affect Jin.

Instead, he felt a little mischievous.

“Hmmm… Sir Kashimir, do I really need to go?”


“I don't really want to attend such a pathetic battle. And I can face Dante
Hairan anytime in the future.”

“Ehem! Young Master Jin, please think about it. You would obviously meet
him many times since you are a Runcandel, but would there be an
opportunity to fight him? It could be a once-in-lifetime chance…”

“Haha, I'm not some fighting legend or anything. And I've recently been
feeling tired from fighting Lady Alisa.”

“Y-Young Master, don't be like that… Just trust me and try participating. I-
Isn't it a chance to evaluate Dante Hairan's strength? Hahaha, my tongue is
getting twisted. Maybe I'm getting a heatstroke…”

Jin pointed to the window and laughed. Outside, snow was falling. The
early January blizzards were rolling in.


“Oh, my mistake again. Anyways, Young Master Jin! I've already filled out
your entry form. Just trust me and enter, ok? I'm sure this will be a great
experience for you!”
“Well… If you say so, then there's nothing I can do. I'll participate.”

“Thank you, Young Master Jin! Oh, and on top of that, you must leave
tomorrow. The schedule is tight. That is all!”

“Tomorrow? Wait, Sir Kashimir!”

Kashimir quickly escaped the training area without looking back.

And Jin's suspicions were solidified.

'He's definitely reporting my progress to Father. And this must be the first
order—to face Dante Hairan.'

Jin chuckled. He knew his father was interested in him and his progress, but
he didn't think that it was enough to make him intervene.

His siblings would go crazy if they found out.

'And Sir Kashimir is terrible at acting… Is it just in front of me? I heard he

was really good at politics after becoming the ruler of Tikan.'

Jin chuckled once more.

The Cosmos Arena was hosted on an island south of the Bellard Empire. It
was right outside of Bellard territory, so the surrounding ocean was the
pirates' playground.

Jin went alone to that island.

'It's a mission ordered by Father, so it's right to not bring anyone else.'

If he brought anyone with him, Jin would have an emotional attachment

that could potentially drag him down.

He knew what his father wanted to say: to sweep the competition alone with
a sword.

Using magic and spiritual energy around a massive audience was crazy.
'It's been a while since I received a solo mission after the one in Mamit. But
just like last time, I'm dealing with outlaws.'

After arriving in the Bellard Empire, he took a ferry to the island, using up a
thick bag of gold.

The island… didn't look nice.

It had the ambience of the lowest of the low infesting the place, with
stenched streets that had fresh streaks of blood everywhere.

Any type of disturbance would get one stabbed. In addition to being a

remote island, since it was filled with pirates who tasted the bitter and sweet
of life, it was impossible to maintain order in the place.


Every five steps, there were people laughing hysterically, driven mad by

But not all were like that.

Occasionally, there were houses with guards and children, and knights who
had decent armor. They were either competitors or spectators of the arena.

Jin began to follow one of these respectable people. He felt that he could
arrive at the reception desk after following the man.

And just as he thought, after walking for thirty minutes, he reached the
reception desk. A single-table set up in front of an arena that looked worse
than a pig pen.

“I came to register for the arena.”

He held out the entry form that Kashimir filled out, and the receptionist
opened his eyes. Hair covered his big body, and tattoos crawled all over his
“Huh? The time frame for registration's already passed. Fuck off. Better if
you die while leaving.”

“It's passed? I'm sure you guys are open until sundown.”

“Oh, I just don't want to take any more entries. You deaf?”

The man then formed a circle with his thumb and index finger. Clearly, he
wanted money.

Jin knew to end money-related problems by paying up.

With the added interest of beating some sense into the guy.


Jin kicked the table to the side. As the man tried to stand up, Jin slammed
his fist on the crown of his head. In Jin's fist was the crumpled registration

“Erk! Argggh, this bastard.”

“Take it. I'll give you the money.”

And he threw some gold coins on the ground. The guy's expression
brightened, and he nodded.

Jin could only be surprised at the strength of his punch, which could have
severely injured a trained 4-star knight.

However, even though the guy took the hit, he immediately stood up and
laughed at the sight of money.

“Registration complete! Hahaha! A hotshot kid. I like it. You'll fight in

group 13. Take this and go inside. The other fellows will escort you.”

The man handed him a small piece of paper with something written on it.

(Group 13, Jin Grey.)

“Kuhaha, welcome to the Cosmos Arena, filled with love and fervor. Try
your best!”

'Since he struck me for no reason, I'll stick him with the strong guys. Oh,
and if this kid doesn't survive tonight, I'll cook him and feed him to the

The man—smiling with his gold-plated teeth—was the host of the


Pirate King Cosmos.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 92

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Filled with love and fervor… And yet, the arena interior reflected the
structure of a prison.

There were long, dark hallways with individual rooms squished together on
either side. However, instead of a normal door similar to that used on a
normal house, each room had a jail door.

The only difference the place had from a prison was that the competitors
could enter and exit the rooms freely. Also, the guides—Cosmos's
underlings—were pretty nice.

“What's this? There's a fetus in this competition? Kuhaha, this year's arena
rumble is filled with children. C'mere. Let's see… What the—Group 13?
Oh, uh… And you beat the captain? This kid's a special breed.”

Amazed, the guide scanned Jin.

“Kids these days don't have any fear. There's another kid who struck the
captain, and if you two fought, it'd be fun to watch. Unfortunately, your
groups are different.”

There was no need to ask who that kid was. On this deranged island, there
wasn't any other teenager aside from Dante Hairan.

“So, what room do I use?”

Jin asked with irritation, and the guide only shrugged in response.

“Wherever the fuck you want! Group 13 fights tomorrow, so if you're

bored, go watch the other groups. Shouldn't you make some fun memories
before you die?”

The guide definitely thought that Jin would die immediately. However, it
wasn't in a mocking tone, so Jin just walked past him and began to choose a

Clop, clop.

As he observed each room while walking slowly, he noticed that there was
significant diversity within the rooms.

One room had someone sitting in the corner and muttering prayers, another
had someone inspecting unidentified objects. Some competitors had already
formed gangs and bantered amongst themselves.

In some aspects, it felt more barbaric than the Mamit Lawless Zone.

'And that pirate named Cosmos… He's not an easy fellow. I wonder why
he's marauding in this area.'

Jin shrugged and chose a room. He had been roaming the halls for about ten
minutes, but there wasn't any specific room that was cleaner or nicer. They
were all old and dirty.

'In fact, there aren't enough rooms for all of the competitors. It seems that
two or three people per room is the norm. It's extremely obvious that they
intentionally wanted to cram people in here, and I hate it.'

The Cosmos Arena was a scuffle in which killing was allowed even before
the fight. The contest was more of a survival game than a regular scuffle.

Hence, they purposefully crammed the competitors into cramped rooms.

They wanted them to fight whenever possible in the tight spaces.
And once one entered the competition, it was impossible to withdraw.
Cosmos's underlings guarded the entrance, and the other competitors would
not let anyone escape so easily.

If someone were to make a poor attempt at escaping, the other competitors

would turn the runaway into dead meat before the guards could even get to

That was the very reason why Cosmos thought that Jin would become shark
food if he didn't survive and the reason why the guide said that Jin will die

It was hard to expect a newbie to survive in such a savage environment.

They thought that Jin's chances of death were high even if he were a
talented 4-star.

In order to survive the veiled enmity and rotten gimmicks, observation and
experience was more important than pure fighting power. And to a pirate,
that wasn't something a young adult would have.

—You are mistaken. This competition is more dangerous than you think.

Jin remembered Kashimir's words. After exploring the area, he finally

understood what he meant.

'Well, it's an experience.'

In the middle of the long hallway, Jin pulled on a cell door.

Clack, creeaaaak…

The irritating sound of metal scraping against concrete echoed, and the
three competitors inside the cell glared at Jin.

“Can't you see that there are already three people in here? Fuck off to
another room, kid.”

“Man, as much as this is a shitty contest, this is off the top. They let babies
“Why are you just standing there? Go away.”

The three guys were in their mid to late-twenties. Hearing their attitude and
seeing their crooked posture, Jin concluded that they were just some
irrelevant gangsters.

'I wonder who said that punches were medicine for these kinds of people? I
wonder… Was it an old master? Was it Elder Sister Mary?'

Thinking that he should still give them a chance before beating them up, Jin
met eyes with each of them.

“Starting today, I'm using this room by myself. I will count to three. I'm
sure that's enough time for all three of you to walk out of this room?”

He didn't have any intentions of sharing a room—not even in the slightest.

If he left these people next to him, they could backstab him at any moment.

The hoodlums doubted their ears and blinked.

“One. Two. Three.”

Bam! Crack! Thoom!

Two punches and one wrestling throw. All of which resulted in a fractured
bone, shattered skull, and a dislocated shoulder, respectively. The thugs
couldn't even react to the quick attacks.

Following the painful cries were loud cheers echoing from the adjacent
room. Jin put his hands on his hips, and the three scrambled out of the room
without a single word.

Clean room: check.

But the real battle had just begun.

'I'm certain that other people will attack me after seeing that I'm alone
here… Well, so much for sleep.'
And his prediction was precise.

Not even ten minutes later, two contenders appeared.

“Hey, let's share a room.”

They entered with bravado.

“Erk! Argh!”

Although it was adorable of them to get beat up and run away from him, Jin
couldn't forgive those who sprayed poison or fired a crossbow.

For those people, he cut off either all of their fingers or their entire hand. It
would convey a better message to the other contenders rather than just
killing them.

However, the most concerning type of people were the ones who just
watched and then walked past.

'They will definitely strike when they see the opportunity. Possibly when
I'm busy dealing with the other guys and lowering my guard.'

He wasn't scared, but more so they were getting on his nerves. Because he
couldn't use magic or spiritual energy.

'It's kinda pressuring that I have to use my sword in whatever situation I get
into. Since I'm used to always utilizing all three of my strengths.'

Either that or he had his companions to rely on. And not so long ago, he had
a necklace that would save him, no matter who he faced.

'I can see why Father wanted to send me here. Fighting Dante is important,
but it's also to drag down my ego on my swordsmanship.'

So much time passed as he watched the entrance to his cell, with his senses
heightened to the maximum.

Then, he heard the guide's voice resounding from outside.

“Alright, alright. We'll have the battles for groups 1 and 2! If you wanna
watch, then get your asses to the audience seats. Oh, and I'm sure you know
the audience seats is a murder-free area. Don't do dumb shit. Or else…
Well, you know the consequences, so watch your ass.”

Clank, clang!

The cells in the hallway began to open one by one. They were all heading
over to watch the fights between the participants in groups 1 and 2.

And on top of that, since the area was murder-free, they could finally be at

With that, there also seemed to be an implied rule; no one attacked another
as they relocated to the seats. So Jin tried to naturally join the cramped line.

'The guys who looked at me and walked past… If I were them, I would stab
my target while we're in that line. That would bring the highest chance of

No matter how great Jin was, noticing a blade and dodging it was
impossible when standing in the middle of a crowd.

However, not attacking while amongst the line was at most an 'implied rule'.

He had read the rules on the back of the entry form dozens of times, but it
had no mention of it. After all, it wasn't one established by the host.

Of course, if anyone attacked Jin, then the surrounding people would glare
at the attacker. However, they would rather thank the murderer for
eliminating the arrogant kid who monopolized a room.

'There's nothing bad about going out late. I'll leave after the hallway clears

Which was the right decision.

The ones who glanced at Jin and walked past earlier were all part of the
same group. They assumed that Jin was a 4-star and had plans to eliminate

They didn't really have a reason to get rid of him. They just thought that he
was the most enjoyable to kill amongst all of the other prey.

However, they could not execute their plan because of Jin's quick thinking.
Watching this, the guide muttered.

“I thought he was just a fearless child who just trusted his strength, but he's
also very intelligent. I can see why the boss stuck him against the stronger

As the hallway cleared up, Jin silently left his room.

Getting closer to the arena, the screams and shouts grew clearer. Arriving in
the audience seats, Jin silently stood to conceive the massive crowd.

'Holy shit… This many people came to see this?'

Excluding the contenders, there were at least a thousand other spectators.

For a moment, Jin worried that there may be someone who would recognize
his face, but he didn't think that someone who went to a Runcandel banquet
would come to such a dirty place.

'Well, as for Dante Hairan, he probably entered knowing that not many
people knew what he looked like and that his acquaintances will not attend
this arena.'

Still, if he knew that there would be this many people, he would've focused
on his disguise a little more.

Jin licked his lips and sat in a decent spot. He could hear the spectators'

They looked like upper-class Bellard Empire nobles who visited the arena

“Hey, you heard the rumor?”

“What rumor?”

“There's a rumor that a Runcandel provisional flag-bearer is attending this

arena with a fake name.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 93

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Jin flinched.

'Shit. What the hell? Why do people already know?'

Jin would've never thought of hearing this kind of rumor right as he reached
the audience. He sneakily took a seat near the two nobles and listened in on
their conversation.

“A Runcandel provisional flag-bearer? Haha, you fool. Why would

someone that amazing come here? This place is only crawling with the
lowest of the low.”

“It's just something that I heard while drinking with the Cosmos Pirates
executives. They said that there's a talented youngling among the
combatants, and they were sure that it was one of the Runcandels'
provisional flag-bearers.”

“Hmmm, really? Let's see… Right now, the Runcandel Clan's three active
provisional flag-bearers are Daytona, Haytona, and Jin Runcandel. So it's
one of those three.”

“Jin Runcandel really shook the public last year. Every single press talked
about his 5-star achievement. Either way, the executive guy was certain.
One of those three must've entered.”
Jin found it interesting that he was closely listening to nobles discussing
this new rumor.

'I guess the clan's fame and power is really well known. My name was
written in press releases many times, but they even know the Tona twins'

The Tona twins were about to become provisional flag-bearers. Before Jin's
regression, they started their provisional flag-bearer missions around 1796
or 1797.

Thinking about the environment and mood of the 'Cosmos Arena' as well as
the twins being deemed the Nefarious Homicidal Maniacs in his past life,
Jin inferred that it was completely possible for them to join the arena.

Of course, in this life, the Tona twins were abused by Jin since their youth.
Compared to his past life, they got significantly tamer.

'If the twins did enter, then it's great for my case. I can bring them to my
room and use them as guards. Make them do all of the dirty work as well.'

Afterwards, the nobles debated on which Runcandel entered the


Not only that, but other nobles also began to whisper about the same topic.

'Now that I think about it, most of the spectators are nobles. Well, rich
people are always looking for some entertainment.'


A massive steel door on one side of the circular stadium suddenly began to

A man then emerged and walked to the middle of the arena—Pirate King
Cosmos. As soon as he appeared, the audience went crazy. Cosmos seemed
to be very popular with the crowd.

“Thank you for waiting!”


Around him were nobles who screamed and cheered in excitement for
outright criminals. It was bizarre to witness the very people who looked
down upon common folk suddenly cheer for lawbreakers.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Cosmos Arena. I, Pirate King

Cosmos, thank you for coming here. Hahaha! This time, there are
significantly more people than last year. I can't wait to see the fight!”


Cosmos clapped some and fireworks were shot into the air, coloring the sky
in bright colors. As the explosions ensued, the air around them warmed up.

“Alrighty, alrighty. Then, let's get riiiiiight into the fight! Hehe, fellas!
Bring in two guys from group 1! Cue the horns!”

Toooooooo~! Toooooooooot!

The pirates at the edge of the arena blew their horns. The steel doors on
both sides of the arena rose, and the contenders revealed themselves.

Each group had 14 people, and since there were up to 13 groups, there were
182 contenders who entered this filthy contest. There was no other fighting
competition that had this many people.

“The lucky guy to fight in the honorary first round… Last year's 16th-round
qualifier and cutie of Shark Pirates! Mantis! And the opponent!”

Cosmos' eyes narrowed and shoved his face into the roster. His expressions
implied that something was wrong.

“Oh damn. I'm gonna get flamed by the Shark dudes' captain. And I'll
drown the guy who planned the brackets. Well, here he is anyway! Paul

“Who's Paul Mick?”

“Never heard of him. Seeing Cosmos's reaction, I think he's a special

As the nobles conversed with astonishment, Mantis entered the arena first.

With a shriveled physique and a distinct shark tattoo on his back, he made
an awkward stance with scimitars in his hand. The epitome of a pirate.

“Hoho, Cosmos. What kind of guy is Paul or Mick or something? Making

me all nervous. I'm a little disappointed, making me look bad.”

Cosmos ignored Mantis's banter.

Paul Mick came out of the waiting room, and the audience began to chatter.

“That's a kid.”

“What is this…? I know that there were a lot of kids in this contest, but this
is too much.”

“If he bent his knees a little, the sword on his back would drag on the
ground. Hoho.”

Jin was also a little surprised.

This Paul Mick guy didn't look like he was over 15.

'13? 14? They let a child enter here? That's crazy!'

He would've jumped into the arena without hesitation. He couldn't just let
the child die there.

If Cosmos didn't make a strange reaction, that is.

'Wait… Is that kid Dante Hairan? No, Dante Hairan is three years older…'

The next series of events was most surprising.

Notifying the start of the battle, Cosmos walked out of the ring, and Mantis
shrugged in confusion.



It happened in an instant.

Mantis's neck was cut.


“What… was that?”

“Anyone see that correctly?”

The audience couldn't exactly pinpoint when the pirate's head fell off.

It was obvious. The movement was so quick that Jin—who was about to hit
6-star—barely saw what happened.

'It was a crescent slash. He instantly closed the gap between them, and
when he was only five steps away from the pirate, he used a crescent slash
to slice his head off. Damn, that guy…'

No, there was no doubt about it.

Amongst the contenders, there was no one other than Dante Hairan who
could pull it off.

The audience went quiet. Those who were talking until a minute ago were
now at a loss for words.


Mantis's body fell to the ground.

And Cosmos smacked his forehead, dumbfounded.

“Wow, fucking dammit. Mantis was a 16th-round finalist, so we could've
profited off his popularity. And now, he just dies… Well, anyway. It's Paul
Mick's victory!”

Cosmos announced the victor, but the audience remained silent. While
everyone was still shocked, a man in the VIP seats on the opposite side of
Jin's seat stood and began to clap.

“From now on, I have all my money on Paul Mick. Paul Mick! Paul Mick!

And surprisingly, it was someone that Jin knew well.

'What the—Beradin Zipfel?! Why's he here?!'

Jin's eyes widened, and he had to reconfirm that the face he saw was
Beradin Zipfel. The audience began to belatedly cheer.

Beradin had come by order of the Zipfel elders. Since the Hairan Clan's
successor was growing rapidly, they ordered Beradin to come and see for


“This youngling's spicy!”

“I'm also betting on Paul Mick this time! All in!”

And the two Bellard Empire nobles in front of Jin began to whisper in

“See? Is my information ever incorrect? It's him, the Runcandel provisional


“Wow… That's a surprise. Well, if he isn't a Runcandel provisional flag-

bearer, he can't do that at that age. I'm sure that's Jin Runcandel.”

“Me too. He's too young to be one of the Tona twins.”

The other nobles nearby nodded in approval.

Of course, no one yelled his name out loud. They knew that blabbering
about a provisional flag-bearer would result in a manhunt.

Which was why they were whispering amongst themselves. Paul Mick is
Jin Runcandel, Paul Mick is the provisional flag-bearer!

Listening to all this, Jin scoffed.

'Anyways… It's my first time seeing Dante looking that young. In my past
life, I just heard from the press that he looked nice, but he doesn't even look

Jin looked at Paul Mick—no, Dante and then at Beradin, who was still

'Beradin probably came because his clan told him to. He's also getting on
my nerves, just like Dante. He's definitely going to notice me… And if he
does, he's going to be a pain in the ass.'

His anxious predictions couldn't be wrong.

And unfortunately, right at that moment, Beradin spotted Jin who was
looking at him intently.

“Oh? Wow!”

Beradin crazily waved his arm at Jin.

Of course, Jin ignored him and looked back at Dante. Amusingly, Dante
turned his head and glared at Beradin.

'That is… Beradin Zipfel. Is he acting like he knows me? I've only met him
at the Zipfel banquet, and yet, he's enthusiastically greeting me. Alright, I
will also greet you, Beradin!'

Misunderstanding the situation, Dante waved his hand at Beradin. Jin burst
into laughter. He couldn't read Dante's mind, but he could assume what he
was thinking.

'Funny fellows.'

Cosmos's underlings ran over and retrieved Mantis's corpse.

“Alrighty, alrighty. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Mantis had a short
standing. Let's hear some words from our victor. Mister Paul Mick, how do
you feel?”

“I feel like I got rid of another filthy scum. I pray he doesn't become a pirate
in his next life.”

Although his appearance was child-like, his voice was comparably deeper.
And with it, he berated the pirates in a pirates cove.

A lot of pirates ground their teeth, but they couldn't attack Dante. Their
hesitation was expected after bearing witness to his swordsmanship.

Cosmos let out an awkward chuckle and nodded.

“Heheh, being a pirate isn't a job to recommend to children. But remember

that it's a great start for those cornered at the bottom of the social ladder.”

Dante silently walked towards the waiting room, and Cosmos carried on
with the battles.

Jin then thought to himself while watching Dante's back.

'That guy… Can I beat him?'

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 94

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Jin quickly concluded that a fight against Dante was winnable.

'If I could use magic and spiritual energy.'

Not long ago, he defeated a former Vermont Special Forces agent—though

she was retired and washed out. It was true that Dante was very talented,
but Jin could definitely take him down.

'But if we were to fight only with swords, there's no certainty. His crescent
slashes, agility, explosive strength, and accuracy were all extraordinary.'

The second battle began, but it didn't catch his eye. Instead, the sight of
Dante beheading Mantis constantly repeated in his head.

Dante Hairan definitely practiced more skilled swordsmanship. It was

inevitable because he was three years older.

So Jin had to analyze.

He could possibly win if he gathers all methods of victory until he meets

Dante in the arena.

'But unlike the other contenders, I don't want to use tricks or gimmicks on
him. It's only meaningful if I beat him head-on.'
While Jin was deep in his concerns, on the opposite side of the arena,
Beradin couldn't contain his beating heart as he sat in his VIP seat.

'Thank god I came. Who would've thought that Jin also entered! And seeing
him and Dante meet swords like this… is a miracle.'

Jin and Dante.

Beradin considered them to be his only two rivals in the world, and he
never expected to meet both of them here.

Unfortunately, Jin didn't really care about Beradin.

Jin watched all of the battles in groups 1 and 2.

He concluded that there was no other formidable foe aside from Dante.
From the beginning, he could tell that the arena was closer to a tragic
slaughterfest than a fighting tournament.

Those who were 3-star and below were busy using tricks. And the
inexperienced contestants fell for said tricks, which then satisfied the nobles
who were watching. The veterans tortured their opponents, and the crowd
would then cheer.

That was the Cosmos Arena.

'Starting tomorrow, they'll start doing four or five groups per day. Then I'd
be on the field after four days. Until then…'

He had to survive the nights in the arena.

Which was the most dangerous aspect—more than the battle itself.

There were 147 people left in the arena living spaces. Out of 182
contenders, 35 had already died.

About ten of them actually died from battle, and the other 25 died while
fighting in their cells before the real fights.
Poisoning, assassination, and ambush were staple methods. There were also
gang fights.

Just sitting in one's room and trying to rest was a one-way ticket to hell.

However, Jin couldn't just not sleep for the next four days. Having a light
nap while in the audience seat was possible, but a deep sleep was

'I did get insomnia training during my cadet years… But this is the first
time I'm trying to last four days.'

He had already thought of making some contestants his underlings and they
could take turns resting.

But is there anyone he could trust in this tournament? Trust them with his
back, enough to protect him while he eats, sleeps, or rests until his battle.

There was no one. About 70% of the contestants were plundering pirate
outlaws, and about 20% were cunning gangsters.

Still, the slightly-better 10% were just regular knights who attended just to
gain some experience since they didn't know much about the world. In
simpler terms, they were incompetent, ordinary people.

And most of them had already died. They were too naive to survive in the
hell hole they were in. But if they were alive, Jin would team up with them

'Fuck it. I'll just stay awake. It's not like I'm the only tired one. The ones
who'll try to kill me will also die of exhaustion.'


Jin unsheathed Bradamante and set it on the ground as he sat down, making
it easier for him to swing it as soon as someone attacked him.

Time passed very slowly.

While his senses were heightened, time felt as if it passed even slower
knowing that there were 147 enemies outside his room.

As he watched the time pass at a snail's pace, the sun eventually rose and
illuminated the surroundings.

And Jin was not attacked a single time.

'Did cutting off their fingers scare them off? I didn't think that no one would
come to my room.'

Of course, that didn't mean that Jin could sleep tonight without worry. The
others could be waiting for Jin to lower his guard.

'It seems that many fights broke out throughout the night.'

The contender count decreased from 147 to 140, and although not dead,
there were many who were severely injured.

As he satiated himself with dried food and water, the guide notified the start
of the battles. There were battles scheduled all the way until the next

Rumble, rumble.

With tired expressions, the contenders moved their feet. Just like last time,
Jin waited for the crowd to die down before proceeding to the audience
seats himself.

And the events were the same as yesterday. He watched pathetic scuffles
and returned to his room as the battles ended.

Because murder was prohibited while in the audience seats, Jin could catch
multiple light naps. Other contenders did the same, but it didn't really help
with getting rid of the exhaustion.

Another night came.

For the two days Jin was at the arena, he didn't do anything. Other than
chasing out the previous inhabitants of his room.

Despite doing nothing, he felt like dying from acute exhaustion obviously
caused by sleep deprivation.

But he wouldn't be this tired just because of sleep deprivation. The fact that
he had to heighten his senses and be prepared for battle for two straight
days exhausted him most. It was hell.

'Today, and tomorrow… Gotta hold on. They said that I can get actual time
to rest during the preliminary rounds, so I have to clench my teeth and

It didn't matter. As long as his opponent wasn't Dante, he could destroy

them with 20% of his power. Even if it was a 'talented' veteran.

Jin kept Bradamante out, prepared to strike.

Time, again, went slower than ever.

Was it because of his accumulated exhaustion?

He almost nodded off to sleep multiple times due to fatigue.

And strangely, the night was quiet. There were occasional screams of death,
but that was all.

Yet again, no one attacked Jin that night.

And the fact that no one did tortured Jin. He confirmed that there were
people who waited for him to lower his guard, but he felt humiliated
realizing that he had no idea who was doing so.

And as the day's fourth hour approached, a thought shot through Jin's brain.

'Do I just go out and kill all of them?'

Most of the contenders were bad people. However, he still debated whether
it would be right to slaughter a hundred people for no reason.

'Ha… I'm going crazy. As Sir Kashimir said, it's a dangerous competition.'


He took a deep breath, and regained his composure. As a knight, he knew

he could kill many people, but he didn't feel the need to become a mass-

And after one hour—

Clop, clop…

He heard footsteps growing louder in the hallway. There was no way it was
just a passerby. It had to be the movement of a person who intended to kill

'And so it begins?'

They could be going for someone else, but still, Jin silently picked up

The footsteps got closer, louder.

They stopped in front of the room adjacent to Jin's. One more step and it
would be Jin's room.

'He's going for me. Is he bold or stupid? He just comes at me like that? Or
did he go crazy from lack of sleep?'

Jin stood and lowered his stance while firmly gripping his sword. As soon
as the visitor came inside his cell, Jin planned on immediately striking.

The man outside emitted a strong metallic stench—the smell of blood.

And then, Jin heard an unexpected voice.

“Wait… Can we talk for a sec?”

A husky voice.

It was Dante.

'What the… Why is Dante coming to me?'

Suddenly, all kinds of thoughts went through his mind.

'Does he know who I am? If he does, did Beradin tell him? Did he come to
settle our anticipated battle without waiting? Or none of that, and just
coincidentally came here?'

Jin could hear his heartbeat.

If Dante was in a rested state, Jin couldn't win. But he couldn't decline the
fight just because he was tired either.


Jin concealed his nervousness and calmly asked.


Jin thought for a bit before opening the door.

“Come in.”




As soon as he came in, Dante kneeled on one knee, as if he couldn't control

his body. While Jin's eyes widened, Dante spoke.
“I apologize for the request on our first meeting… but please… let me
sleep. In exchange, I will guard you so that you can sleep.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just as I said. I can't endure much longer. I must sleep for at least an
hour… so I won't go crazy.”

If it was like this, his limit was different. Like Jin, he kept his eyes wide
open as he waited for potential assassins.

“But why me? What is there to trust about me?”

“Yesterday, I watched you. Unlike the others, you seemed like a real knight.
Out of everyone… just you. Which is why… I can trust… zzzzzz…”


Zzzzzz, zzzzzzzz…

Jin could only be surprised.

'What in the world is this guy? The audacity! On some aspects, he's worse
than Beradin.'

There would be no problem slitting Dante's throat while he was vulnerable.

He was fast asleep on the spot.

'Does the Hairan Clan not do insomnia training? Either that or more
contenders attacked him.'

Shuffle, shuffle.

However, before his frustrations receded, Jin heard evident footsteps from
people who tried to sneak and conceal them.

It was the gang that waited for Dante to be knocked out, and at that
moment, Jin finally realized.
'Dante's pungent metallic smell… He came here after fending off the many
enemies that went into his room. Unlike my room, which had no visitors.'

Making the Hairan Clan's next patriarch indebted to him wouldn't be bad at

Jin covered Bradamante with aura and prepared to fight the aggressors.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 95

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

'Four—no… Five.'

Seeing that they poorly concealed their presence, Jin knew they weren't
trained assassins. Additionally, their breaths were hoarse, which meant that
they were very nervous.

They would still be able to deal with Dante, who was exhausted to death.

But they weren't enough to take care of Jin.

'I don't need to fight them in such a cramped space. I don't want to
contaminate my living space with bloodstains.'


Jin intentionally stomped towards the cell door, and the assassins stopped in
place. Before his enemies could exchange signals…

“This isn't Paul Mick's room.”


Jin shot out like a bullet towards the cell door and slashed the assassins near
the hallway wall. He didn't want to send them back with only severed
fingers or hands.
He had already done that on the first day to warn the rest of the attackers.

The next time someone came to his room, they would not be losing a body
part, but their life.


Hearing the swing of a sword, the man behind the victim screamed

As Jin predicted, there were a total of five enemies. And since one just died,
they were now down to four. Amongst them, none saw how the first one

After his battles with Alisa, Jin's swordsmanship improved significantly.

“G-Get him!”


His second strike exactly pierced the target's heart. The other three ran in
simultaneously, but their movements were stiff due to nervousness.

Coating the blade with venom didn't matter if the sword didn't hit anything.
Jin easily dodged each poison-gleaming blade and continued to attack.

“W-We are not here to attack you!”

“I know. You came to kill Paul Mick. But since you came to my room, it's
the end for you.”

Every time Bradamante's blade danced through air, blood flew and
splattered. People in adjacent rooms stuck out their heads to watch the
spectacle. However, they immediately returned to hiding, afraid that they
would be associated with the fight.

As Jin tried to clean up the rest of the assassins, something shining at the
edge of the hallway caught the corner of his eye.
He heard the pull of a bow string and soon realized that the glimmer came
from the light hitting an arrowhead.

'They even prepared a ranged attacker? Or maybe… these guys were bait to
begin with, and they planned to shoot Dante when he comes out?'


He barely deflected the arrow. If he hadn't caught sight of the glimmer

earlier, he would've gotten injured.


Subsequently, more arrows flew. It looked like they prepared at least ten

However, Jin had expected this much, so he used a corpse as a meat shield.

Thud, thud-thud, thud!

As the arrows pierced through the corpse, Jin could see the arrowhead
covered in yellow poison.

'These bastards…'

At this point, he was furious.

Although they weren't his mortal enemies, he really wanted to know why
they were going so far to get rid of some kids.

'I know that this contest is all about dirty, underhanded tricks, but this is too
much. And these guys are too organized despite being average contenders.'

He threw the corpse away and ran towards the archers, jumping from wall
to wall.

He planned on leaving one alive for questioning. With what intention did
they attack? And who ordered them to do this?
Just as the first five had poor swordsmanship, the archers didn't have great

Things would have been different if Jin moved in a straight line, but
instead, his sporadic movements prevented them from hitting him.

'I need to wrap it up ASAP. Someone might attack Dante while I'm not in
my room.'

As he quickly closed the gap, his sword began to glow.

Some of them began to run away, and Jin let them.

He personally wanted to chase and execute them, but Dante's safety was his
priority. Jin could kill them anytime, but getting the Hairan Clan's
prospective successor indebted to him was a rare opportunity.

Slash! Slice!

Heads fell to the ground. He didn't even need ten seconds to kill three of the
four who didn't escape.

“S-Save me.”

“Shut up.”


Instead of attacking with his sword, Jin threw his fist at the last archer,
rendering him unconscious. Soon after, he dragged his newly acquired
hostage back to his room.

The spectators who watched from their rooms didn't even make a sound.

“Phew. Hey. Wake up.”

Slap! Slap! Slap!

As soon as he returned to his room, Jin slapped the hostage awake.
Meanwhile, Dante was still fast asleep.

“Euk! Erk!”

“Alright, starting now, I'm going to ask you something, and you'll have to
answer every time. If you answer to my satisfaction, I will send you back. If
not, I'll send you to the sky. And if you don't answer within three seconds,
you'll also go to the sky. Understood?”

He nodded.

“First, who are you guys?”

“P-Pirates. I-I'll explain more! Please lower your sword. We're One-Eyed
Joe's underlings. He's the winner of last year's arena rumble.”

“Second, why are you going after Paul Mick? In such an organized way

“Captain Joe… said that Paul Mick was an important figure in a big clan, so
he told us to capture him.”

“Did he say which clan?”

“He said that it was probably R-Runcandel…”

Jin instinctively grinned.

'You do this shit despite thinking that he's a Runcandel? Well, they say that
ignorance is courage when combined with confidence.'

“Why are your arrowheads poisoned, then? He asked for a hostage, not a

“We have an antidote.”

“Then, third. Where is Joe? Is he also in the arena?”

“No, he came as a spectator this year, and he only ordered us to capture
Paul Mick.”

Dante entered this competition in Jin's past life as well.

And that time, he became these guys' hostage. The Hairan Clan were able to
retrieve Dante after giving them an inconceivable amount of money and
solemnly swearing that they wouldn't take revenge.

Like a butterfly effect, the Hairan Clan faced internal failure and many

Jin didn't know much about the backstory of the clan's internal failures due
to its secrecy, but he knew that he had just changed history just by saving

'Hm… Just as this guy said, Dante was kidnapped last time. Then these
pirate fuckers held him hostage and took a big bite out of the Hairans.'

Even if they were a renowned clan, if an important figure were to get

caught, the clan could only be dragged along. Especially when the hostage
was their next patriarch.

'Of course, if it were the Runcandel Clan, they would just tell the pirates to
kill the hostage and would proceed to slaughter the kidnappers, their
families, acquaintances, and even unrelated individuals. Everyone would

That was the Runcandel method. Strikingly different from other big clans.

“Alright, perfect. I like it. I'll spare you.”

“Th-Thank you!”

“Instead, leave two fingers here.”


“Just as I said. Leave two fingers here. If not, leave your head here.”
Losing one's fingers was better than getting beheaded.


Ultimately, the pirate trudged back to his room after blowing off some
information and leaving some of his fingers in Jin's room.

The young Runcandel sat back down and waited for Dante to wake up.

Dante woke up after seventeen hours, around dinner time.

And as soon as he awoke, Jin explained everything that happened since he

passed out.

He went on about how much he did to keep Dante's ass alive, and how he
captured one guy and found out about One-Eyed Joe as well as his gang of
pirate gangsters.

“So they mistook me for a Runcandel and tried to capture me… That One-
Eyed Joe guy is definitely crazy. I find all of this absurd—laughable. A
Runcandel? Absurd!”

He let out a deep laugh and shook his head. Seeing Jin's soulless eyes,
Dante continued.

“Ah, since you are my savior, I must explain. As they suspected, I am a

noble. Although I'm not a Runcandel… I'm a little embarrassed to tell you
my clan's name. Will you understand if I just say that I'm a noble from the
Vermont Empire?”

Dante thought that Jin's attitude would change if he revealed that he was a

While traveling with an alias, whenever his status got revealed, he had often
seen his friends suddenly act like servants.

Noticing Dante's intention, Jin cleared his throat and contained his laughter.
'Well, I don't need to tell him that I'm Jin Runcandel. He'll find out soon
enough. And Beradin's fat mouth will blabber about it anyway.'

Jin nodded.

“Ehem! I understand. Everyone has that moment when they want to conceal

“I appreciate it. Anyways, I'm very thankful that I came to you. If I kept
fighting them, I wouldn't be able to fend them off for so long… I don't
know how to repay this debt.”

Saying this, Dante's eyes were filled with genuine gratitude.

“You probably do not understand the great feat you have accomplished… A
knight like you doesn't seem to want capital. I cannot express my gratitude
with one great sword or anything material!”

“No, it's not much.”

Inside, Jin felt good. He certainly knew that he successfully planted

indebtedness inside Dante.

'Yes, yes. I don't need a sword or money. I like the guilty, indebted heart
that you have towards me.'

Dante concluded his thoughts and turned towards Jin.

“The best way is to offer my life to you. From now on, whenever you are in
danger, whenever you need me, I will fight by your side with my life. I
swear by my name.”

“Hmm, do whatever you want. Anyways, as we promised, I'm gonna sleep,

so just protect me well. Wake me up when group 13 starts.”

“Understood! Ah, and me protecting you right now is unrelated to my

solemn swear.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Jin instantly fell asleep just like Dante did in the morning.

And as he stared at Jin who slept soundly, Dante thought to himself.

'Now that I think about it, I don't even know this guy's name. I hope we
meet in the finals… Whatever the result, there is much to tell my parents.'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 96

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Jin's battles the next day were not that different from Dante's.

His opponents were introduced with pretentious names like Hellia's Demon
King or something, but it took only seven seconds to kill them.

Once again, the audience went quiet, and Beradin led the crowd to cheer.

“This year's arena finalists must be those two.”

“That Jin Grey fellow is incredible, but it'd be hard for the Runcandel
provisional flag-bearer… Who are you betting on? Jin Grey? Or Paul

“I'm still with Paul Mick. After seeing yesterday's fight, I contacted the
main house and brought all of the money. You should bet on Paul Mick too.
He's a Runcandel. A Runcandel! Who could beat a Runcandel when it
comes to the sword?”

“Hm, good point…”

Jin showed off his amazing sword skill, but the nobles in the audience were
already certain that Dante was the Runcandel Clan's provisional flag-bearer.
It was no longer just a rumor to them. More and more money accumulated
onto Dante's pool, and not that many bet their money on Jin.
Thanks to Jin, the other contestants naturally became irrelevant. The
previous year's finalists, victors, and veterans—who were supposed to lead
the event—seemed underwhelming.

“Dammit. Those kids are making it hard to touch some money this year.”

Most of the contestants were murder enjoyers, but as much as they enjoyed
killing, what they wanted most was money.

More than the grand prize of 1000 gold coins for the competitors, receiving
a portion of the pool from the host was much more important.

“Should we just kill 'em off before the rest of the preliminaries? I think we
can get 'em if the veterans band together.”

The distributed prize money for the winner would increase as more bets
accumulated on one person. Other's fortune could only be a pain for the

“Hold on. Did you not see the One-Eyed Pirates get destroyed? This year's
contest is those kids' stage. If you want to save your life, you gotta stay out
of it.”


Since the veterans' mood was this sour, the other contestants had to team up
amongst themselves.

“Until the end of the preliminaries, let's fight minimally. That way, we can
come back next year and earn money. We can also bully the newbies too.”

The veterans' plan was to manipulate the victory. They planned to stage
ambiguous battles without killing each other. That way, they could
guarantee easy money by distributing the bets.

The guide relayed all this information to Cosmos.

“Ha, so they're plotting something, eh? Bullshitting the fight to bathe in

some money…”
“What should we do? If the competition gets boring, then we'll have some
problems next year.”


Cosmos scratched his gold tooth with his index finger and shook his head.

“Change the preliminaries around. Make sure that Paul Mick and Jin Grey
don't awkwardly meet and fight each other in the quarter-finals of
something. They have to meet in the finals.”

“Are you sure?”

“The most important part of the show is to give what the audience wants.
They want this duel more than the slaughterfest, so it's all we can do.
Instead, make sure they can't bet anymore, and increase the other guys'
distribution pay.”

“Then who should meet Jin Grey and Paul Mick throughout the rest of the

“Stick them with the One-Eyed Pirates. We can't let the other veteran
contenders die, since we gotta use them next year.”

“There's going to be a lot of dissent from One-Eyed Joe if he hears about


Cosmos burst into laughter.

“You idiot! If Paul Mick really is Jin Runcandel, do you think he'll live?
The One-Eyed Pirates were done for as soon as they pissed him off. Don't
worry about it.”

“…Good point.”

The remaining rounds in the preliminaries proceeded quickly.

As much as it was staged, it wasn't as bloody or brutal as the previous

The veterans just broke some bones and effortlessly wrapped up their
eventless battles, causing angry shouts to ensue from the spectators.

They could tell that the fights were staged.

Despite this, however, no one left their audience seats. They knew that,
after all of the boring battles, they would be able to see the duel between Jin
and Dante.

And every time Jin or Dante faced a One-Eyed Pirate in the arena…


“Paul Mick! Paul Mick!”

Although neither of the crowd favorites really did anything special, the
crowd would go wild. The two didn't even need to brutally murder their

The two fellows finished their battles within one or two swings of the
sword. From the preliminary rounds all the way to the semifinals, all of
their battles easily ended like that.

And finally came the finals.

“They finally face each other today.”

The entirety of the audience awaited their appearance. Beradin had come
out to watch without sleeping a wink due to anxiety.

“Who do you think will win between those two?”

Beradin asked his bodyguards.

“Paul Mick.”

“Seeing the previous battles, I think that Paul Mick's swordsmanship is

“Hm… You think?”

“Youngest Master, what are your predictions?”

“I… bet on Jin. About 100,000 gold…”

“H-How much?”


“You've bet too much. If Jin Grey wins, would Cosmos be able to match
that amount? The odds are three to one. I don't think such a pirate would
have that much money.”

“No, they're bigger than we thought. They can pay as much as 300,000
gold. If they sell some of their islands, that is. Ohhh, they're starting!”

Cosmos walked out to the middle of the arena.

“Thank you for waiting, ladies and gentlemen! I greet you once again today.
I, Pirate King Cosmos, thank you for being here for the grand finals!”

Cosmos bowed towards the audience.


Many cheered after seeing him introduce himself.

“Fuck off and just bring out the kids!”

“Yeah! Just proceed with the finals, you dumb pirate fuck!”

And there were also those who swore at him.

Cosmos could only feel disappointment. Usually, the audience would

shower him with cheers and flowers for hosting such a great show.

'These stupid noble bastards. When was it that you gave me a thumbs up for
inventing the best show in the world… Starting next year, I'm gonna raise
the entrance fee!'

Cosmos stood up, hiding his dissent.

“Yes, yes! I understand. Paul Mick and Jin Grey. I'm sure you are itching to
see their battle… Why don't we call them, then? Paaauuul!”

“““Mick! Paul Mick!”””

Dante was more popular than Jin. It was unavoidable, since the audience
thought that he was a Runcandel.

As Dante entered the arena, there were many who screamed their hearts out
for him.

“Alright, and his opponent! The nameless teenage swordsman, Jin Grey!”

As Jin entered the stadium, the cheers were significantly quieter. Instead,
there were many who had their hands together on their forehead, praying
for their desired outcome. They were the gambling addicts who saw the
three-fold gambling multiplier and brought all of their life savings to use for

Despite their misprediction of Dante being the Runcandels' provisional flag-

bearer, people definitely thought that he would defeat Jin. Until now, Dante
had freely and skillfully handled his sword and crescent slashes, and Jin had

So, the people who bet on Jin prayed for his victory.

“Jin Grey! Let's goooo!”

Beradin stood up and screamed with bloodshot eyes.

“““Let's gooooooooo!”””

Other audience members who bet on Jin began to scream as well.

'Go where, you sick fuck.'

Of course, Jin didn't give them a single glance and walked to his side of the

He felt significant pressure. Not because of the gamblers who bet their lives
on the line, but because he was uncertain if he could actually defeat Dante.

Jin Runcandel and Dante Hairan.

The two faced each other with a calm expression. Unlike their other fights,
they purposefully left thirty steps between each other. One more step would
be within striking range. They were standing still, but a crippling tension
stifled the two contenders.

As the audience went silent, Cosmos opened his mouth once more.

“Oh my, I didn't think that my arena would become like this. This is like
watching a dueling championship between famous clans… Then, let's begin
the final battle!”


The pirates blew the horns, and Cosmos ran out. The two contenders slowly
unsheathed their swords.

Simultaneously, they conjured their aura, and their swords began to glow.

'There's no opportunity to strike…'

Jin could not make the first move as per usual. Even without clashing
swords, he knew that Dante's swordsmanship was better than his. He felt it
ever since he first watched Dante's fights.

As for Dante, he couldn't strike first as well, but not because he thought Jin
was better.

'Strangely, I sense something ominous. I don't know what it is, but

something's up.'
After hitting 7-star, it was the first time Dante felt uncertainty while in the
presence of a sub-6-star, and he fell into a dilemma. Does he use all his
energy to finish the battle quickly, or does he observe his opponent and
slowly wear him out?

To begin with, he never entertained the idea of losing—never thought that

he would lose to Jin.

'This sense of foreboding must mean that you prepared something to face
me. In that case, I should take it slow.'

Thinking that he should be extremely cautious, Dante stepped forward. He

chose to take precaution instead of closing the gap and finishing the battle

At that moment, Jin smiled in his mind.

'I guess you chose to carefully take me on. It means that my chances of
defeating you just increased by ten percent.'

Jin had already planned a method to defeat Dante.

He, as well, never considered losing this fight.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 97

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

One step forward.

Jin matched Dante's movement and closed the gap a little more.
Subsequently, Dante took another step, and Jin mirrored it again. Prudently
searching for an opportunity to attack.

'This is more nerve-racking than I thought. Five more steps and Dante will
start his atta—Hmf!!!'

Jin unconsciously stopped.

He had a strong feeling that Dante's attack would begin earlier than

'Left? Right?'

His eyes flickered to the left, then to the right. Then, as he focused his
attention back to the middle…

Dante had disappeared.


And the familiar sound of a sword traveling through the air went to his ear.

Surprised, Jin raised Bradamante, and Dante smiled as he flew towards Jin.


The impact that traveled through the sword hilt was incredible, as if an
explosion occurred within his sword. Within the heavy blow was an energy
as sharp as shattered obsidian.

If Jin even lacked a little less hip and lower-body strength, his stance would
have collapsed immediately. He let out a sigh of relief. Then, he calmly
took steps towards the left to retreat from Dante.

“I tried it, thinking that there was a possibility of it working. But as

expected, it didn't.”

Disappointed, Dante licked his lips. Jin cracked an awkward smile instead
of responding.

'He's faster than I thought…?'

The battle could've finished on the first sword swing. Jin's entire body was
covered in goosebumps, and his back was covered in sweat. All the while,
Dante looked very carefree.

'This is like Lady Alisa's top speed. If it weren't for the 110 battles that we
had, there would be no way I blocked that attack. What kind of observation
game is this, crazy bastard? You tried to finish it in a single strike.'

Although a little surprised, he could feel that he improved and grew a lot.


'And if this is his top speed, it's super winnable.'

He was certain. With this certainty, Jin also thought that, if Dante could
attack any faster, there was no way of winning.

As Jin prepared to swing his sword, Dante's blade was covered in a more
potent aura.

“If I can't win with speed, I'll do it with strength.”

'Just what I wanted!'

Jin had no time to respond. Dante had already begun to swing his sword,
and Jin was still gathering his aura to defend.

He was too slow.

Boom! Boboom! Boom!

Every time their blades met, sounds of explosion echoed. Instead of two
sharp weapons, it sounded as if two blunt weapons were hitting each other.


“Is this really a fight between kids?”

Compliments could be heard all over the audience. They all expected a
great battle between the two, but they didn't think it would be this

Beradin, oblivious of his sweaty hands, clenched his fists.

In the beginning, Jin looked as if he was being pushed to a corner. But as

each second passed, he caught up to Dante's tempo. When they were about
twenty swings into the fight, the two looked evenly matched.

'That was his top speed!'

Jin was certain of it after matching swords multiple times.

No matter how talented Dante was, there was no way a 19-year-old could
surpass the speed and strength of a former Vermont Special Forces agent.
All Jin had to do now was to hold on.

'Dante only increases his speed at strategic moments to ration his energy. I
just need to barely match his tempo until he gets exhausted.'

Jin's plan to take down Dante was simple. He would utilize the only trait
that he had an advantage in against Dante.


'I felt it when he came to my room. Dante has shockingly great skill, but his
stamina is very low.'

Dante's body didn't complement his skill, and that was his weakness. He
was 19 but looked around 13 or 14. He had a very small physique, which
made it hard to believe that he was 19. He could raise his power and
strength using his aura, but altering his endurance was beyond his range of
ability. If his stamina were as great as his sword skill, then he would've
never requested Jin for help.

On the other hand, Jin was blessed with the Runcandel Clan's renowned
physique. His physical strength, endurance, recovery rate, and agility
surpassed most if not all human beings.

He could survive the nights in the arena without Dante.

But the same could not be said for Dante.

'The key is how fast Dante realizes that my stamina is far greater than his.'

Dante's stamina was incomparable to Jin's. Dante had always attempted to

overcome his weakness, dripping blood and sweat. He also executed
inconceivable amounts of training.

Which was why it was hard for Dante to realize.

That he still lacked one major trait compared to the 16-year-old in front of
Outclassed by innate talent.

“You're holding on well! If you have something coming, you should bring
out all of it now. Starting now, I'm gonna get a little faster.”

“If I bring out everything I have, you'll get depressed, idiot.”

“Your jokes are pretty average, just like you. I like that.”


Dante's blade slit Jin's thigh. It wasn't a deep cut, but blood still splattered.
Jin gritted his teeth. It was close. If it were a little deeper, it would've been

'I'm gonna have to let him get some shallow cuts on me.'

The problem was the need to dodge every lethal swing. Since the tempo
was faster, Dante's stamina would deplete faster. However, as Jin received
more shallow wounds, he also got gradually exhausted.

Losing blood meant that he was also losing stamina.

'Conversely, I can't give him a single scratch until he gets tired.'

Still, with hopes of victory, Jin gritted his teeth and kept dodging. As long
as he maintained his current speed, he extrapolated that he could continue
with the battle for at least an hour.

'But that guy will go for the win at some point.'

Dante wasn't an idiot.

Although it looked as if Jin was losing and Dante was carefree, there was
no way Dante would be oblivious of Jin's plan. Ultimately, he would find a
way to outplay Jin's defense plan.

Evading that attack was crucial. Another cut on the shoulder. And while
dodging a storm of jabs, Jin got a cut on his hand, almost letting go of his

He backed off, tore off a part of his coat with his teeth, and wrapped his
hand to cover the wound. Dante tilted his head in confusion.

“He's done for! End him!”

“Just a little more, Paul Mick!”

All of the spectators who had bet their money on Dante began to shout and
scream. To their eyes, Jin looked like he was getting single-handedly
beaten, so they thought the battle was soon to be over.

However, Dante finally realized it.

'He knows that he has more stamina than me, so he's dragging out the battle.
And finally I know… that you were also using an alias…!'

Jin Runcandel.

If he was a Runcandel, he would have an inconceivable endurance beyond

Dante's knowledge.

Putting aside the cuts on the thigh, shoulder, and hand, if Jin possessed a
normal body, he should've fainted during the shockwaves from the clashing
of swords.

Dante mouthed Jin's real name, and Jin smiled.

'So you figured it out?'

Hoo, hoo…

Jin felt that Dante's breaths were getting hoarse. His own breaths weren't
the same as in the beginning of the fight, but he still had more breathing
room than Dante.

“I guess it's my turn now.”

As the audience's energy and screams continued to fill the arena, this time,
Jin charged towards Dante. The spectators—who had their money on Jin—
stood and screamed.

“Let's gooooo! Let's fucking gooo!”

Jin—who had been on the defensive the entire fight—began to attack.

And Dante began to look back to see where it all went wrong.

'Damn it. I should've finished him off at the beginning!'

He didn't need much time to make that conclusion. If he didn't have that
sense of foreboding at the beginning, Dante would've already won.

'Then what was that feeling? My instincts were telling me that a careless
attack would be dangerous.'

Dante could not work out that what he sensed was due to Jin's two
suppressed abilities—spiritual energy and magic. If Jin used those abilities,
Dante wouldn't even stand a chance.

An inherent terror that came from a 'stronger opponent'.

Clang! Clang!

Jin swung Bradamante with all his might and began his attack. Dante's
stance staggered, urging him to back off.

Jin only did a single movement in each attack.

The swing he practiced ten thousand times with maximum effort every day.
One that he could replicate three thousand times.

'Jin Runcandel, you monster. You still had this much energy left…! On top
of that, how is a simple swing so heavy?'

Jin continued with the same vertical swing, and Dante could not easily
escape from it.
Each time Bradamante fell on him, it felt as if a massive wall pressed upon
him. He had neither the time nor strength to change his stance.

At this rate, in a few minutes, Dante would experience an embarrassing

defeat to the same swing. So he had to come to a decision.

'Do I have to use the clan's secret technique…?'

Unlike Jin—who hadn't learned any secret decisive killing moves—Dante

had already mastered multiple secret techniques from his clan. These
attacks had the potential to flip the battle completely. He could easily use it
with his remaining energy.

However, he was faced with a dilemma.

'But I don't want to kill you.'

If he used his secret technique, then Jin would certainly die.

Which prevented him from using it. Although they had only met a few days
ago, Jin was a very important person to him.

A savior. A worthy opponent. A mountain that the Hairan Clan must

overcome. The Runcandel Clan's youngest son.

A friend.

Dante made a conflicted expression while sorting out his thoughts, and Jin
knew exactly what he was feeling.

'He's hesitating because he doesn't want to kill me. If not, he would've gone
for the win by now.'


Jin sheathed his sword and looked Dante in the eye before speaking.

“I am Jin Runcandel. Don't go easy on me, Dante Hairan.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 98

The two had stopped moving, but the audience continued to shout and
scream. Even though the tables had turned significantly, with hope in their
bets, the people contributed to the loud noise.

Jin's words were overpowered by the wild crowd, and the two just stood
and stared.

—Don't go easy on me.

Hearing those words, Dante felt embarrassed.

'Yeah… It could look like that. It could look like I'm going easy on you.'

In whatever situation, refusing to hurt the opponent meant failure as a

warrior. That was disgraceful while confronting an enemy, and even more
disrespectful in front of a worthy opponent.

'Is there anything more embarrassing than going easy on an opponent that I

The problem wasn't whether or not to use his secret technique.

It was whether or not he would try his best without hesitation.

Ending the battle without doing so would be pointless regardless if he won

or lost.

“I apologize for showing such disgrace. Let's start anew.”

Dante pointed his sword at Jin, meaning to tap swords to represent respect
for each other. Jin used his sword to tap Dante's, emitting a soft musical
sound of metal hitting metal.

And at that moment, they experienced a weird feeling.

The shouts and screams grew faint, like an echo traveling in a canyon. Their
surroundings blurred and gradually became dark. In their world, it was just
the two of them, standing in front of each other.

They both trusted that either one of them would put up an exhilarating fight.
They didn't need to talk to share this feeling. It was a common hallucination
that swordmasters enter when dueling their rival.

“Then let's begin.”



They simultaneously took a deep breath.

It was difficult to tell who struck first as they clashed swords. Unlike their
respectful sword taps in the beginning, the impact of their blades caused
blinding sparks to scatter.

Sounds akin to explosions, the screech of metallic friction, and wind

echoing throughout; aura flickering everywhere.

As if his exhaustion was a lie, Dante swung his sword more energetically
than before. Jin, as well, channeled the rest of his energy in his attacks with
a shout.


Because of the impact, blood and sand splattered and sprayed throughout
the arena.
In a moment where they should be cheering, the crowd grew quiet from
shock. In their eyes, the two fighting teens looked like giants, and they
didn't dare to blink lest they would miss a moment of the fight.

It had been ten years since the arena had opened, but they never had a
moment like this. The spectators—who originally came to watch a cruel
slaughterfest—were now blessed with a spectacle. They were witnessing a
duel between two talented knights.

At this point, the gambling aspect of the arena became irrelevant. Of course,
once the battle finished, some would be laughing, and some would be

Still, as of this moment, everyone was astonished by the fight.

'Maybe I kind of underestimated Dante. I was sure he was exhausted, but

where did this power come from…?!'

Blood dripped from Jin's lip. He was too busy deflecting Dante's attacks to
notice that he had been biting his lip.

Dante's feel for the sword was a god-given talent, but his strength and
stamina were painfully average.

No, how much effort did this undersized boy—who was born with below-
average physical traits—put into training? How many times did he kneel in
despair before overcoming his fatal flaw?

Those who trained until death could notice the amount of effort in others.
As for Jin in his past life, he remembered the seemingly eternal hell of
being unable to overcome the 1-star wall despite having the Runcandels'
blessed body.

So he could easily picture Dante's past. Him curled up like a little ball in a
dark training room, staring at his small and frail body in the mirror with
distress. He who trained and whipped himself until he was on the verge of
death and exhaustion.
And in all those moments, he never let go of his sword.

Just like his own past life.

However, unlike the past Jin, Dante persisted through each hardship.

'Makes me shed a tear.'

Dante's hoarse and husky voice was born from all of the shouts and screams
he channeled in order to overcome his challenges.

Shudder, shudder.

Dante began to tremble.

From wandering through hopelessness to becoming the prospective

successor of the Hairan Clan and having the motivation to try harder and
harder after each tiring day.

Simply because he was one with his sword.

If he weren't, even if he were a noble in an empire, life would merely be a

boring stage play.

Dante was like that.

'Jin Runcandel. Runcandel's thirteenth young master.'

As each strike of the blade vibrated throughout his body, Dante thought
about Jin.

'You were born with everything you needed.'

The bloodline of every knights' dream. A durable body that came from the
blessed bloodline. Jin—who became a 5-star at the age of 15 and was now
16—could face Dante head-on.

The most talented among the talented.

'Why am I feeling desperation from you, then? Despite being born into a
world considered a heaven for knights, you act as if you've been watching
this heavenly world from afar.

'Why are you so desperate? Why, despite being born with everything, do
you have such emotions dyed in your blade? Is it because being the heir to
the throne is far from reach as the youngest son? No, you are not an earthly
being to fuss about hierarchy… Is it just to become the best in the world?
Or is it because you had lived many days of hopelessness and despair? Are
you saying you had more days of anguish than I did?

'Who are you, Jin Runcandel? …No, it doesn't matter who you are. Today…
is the day I prove that my efforts weren't in vain.'


As he exerted force into his sword's handle, Dante could feel cracks
crawling throughout the bones in his hands. Excruciating pain traversed his
body, yet he didn't falter.

Instead, he smiled.


Every time he swung his sword, his bones would suffer from more fissures,
but his movements didn't change in the slightest—not even his shoulders,
chest, waist, and feet.

Although his stance began to fall apart, Dante did not despise his weak

'I'm just fighting because I love to.'

Dante was smiling as Jin began to dominate the battle. He knew he couldn't
do anything about it.

'Dante's body… is falling apart?'

While Jin felt the sword closer than his skin, he could feel Dante's
exhaustion through each clash of their swords.

Once he felt that his victory was within reach, Jin felt anger more than joy.

'Why are you not using your clan's decisive killing move?! Are you hiding
another skill that I don't know about?'

He was wrong.

Dante staggered back, looking as if he were a beast that had used all of its
energy. Although his eyes glimmered with a burning fighting spirit, he was
truly on the verge of fainting.

'You definitely had the chance. You still don't hesitate to slash me, so

It was now Jin's turn to decide.

'Do I slash him, or do I not?'

He didn't need to think for long.

'Putting away my sword would mean disrespecting you.'


Jin swung a horizontal swipe. Dante deflected the blow, but his body shook.
Barely maintaining his balance, Dante felt more bones breaking in his body.
Before he could turn his head and track Jin's movements, Bradamante was
already on its second strike.

Thankfully, there was hesitation in the blade.

'You bastard! Why?!'

Gritting his teeth, Jin changed the trajectory of his swing, which was
supposed to slash through Dante's chest.
Because he forced his sword to move unnaturally, his hands cramped up.
Bradamante flew out of Jin's hands, and Dante aimed his sword towards
Jin's throat.

It looked like it was purposefully aimed. However, before he could even

thrust it, his body lost all control.

In fact, Dante had already lost consciousness before Jin's second attack.


Dante fell on the dirt floor.

Jin rapidly blinked and breathed coarsely as he stared down at him.

Time seemed to stop in the ensuing silence.

At that moment, the audience held their breath.

And as for Jin, he had many complex feelings. Victory aside, millions of
complicated emotions heated his body. He prayed that Dante didn't die.
However, he was certain that he died, but he felt a little scared to check.

Instinctively, he sat on the ground beside his body and checked for his
pulse. Jin couldn't feel anything due to his own blood pumping through his

'We have to call a doctor…!'

The moment he tried to yelp for a doctor or anyone who could treat Dante,
an audience member jumped out of the spectator area and into the arena.

“Young Master!”

Bodyguards followed the teenager into the arena.

Beradin Zipfel's hands glowed with a warm, green light as he sprinted on

the dirt. He was already preparing a healing spell halfway through the
battle, worried that he would lose either one of his friends.

“Don't worry, I'll save him!”

Beradin kneeled beside Dante and chanted a spell.

Then he cast two more.

Beradin had cast three healing spells consecutively, displaying his insane
talent for magic. However, at this very moment, Jin was only concerned
about Dante.

Beradin's expression didn't look great as he chanted the spell. Not even ten
seconds had passed, yet his entire body was drenched in sweat. Jin
wondered how much mana he channeled.

Even though he was using a spell that could instantly heal a fatal wound,
Dante's eyes were not opening.

While Jin and Beradin's hearts ached, the young Zipfel lowered his hands
and shook his head.

'Shit. This isn't something that could be healed with magic…!'

All of Dante's insides were messed up.

Not a single bone was intact. In fact, his broken body was burning with
aura. Not even Holy King Mikellan could revive him with a miracle.


Beradin whispered Jin's name.

'Beradin, Dante is—'

'Listen well. This will stay between the three of us.'

Following his words, Beradin revealed something from his cloak.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 99

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

“Young Master, that's—!”

As soon as they saw the object that Beradin revealed, the guards' faces
turned white in fear.

The young Zipfel put his index finger over his puckered lips.

“Quiet. And use your capes to cover us up.”

The guards bit their lips and surrounded Beradin, Jin, and Dante with their

The crowd began to chatter, whispering amongst themselves at the sudden

turn of events. No one detested Beradin's actions after seeing the Zipfels'
insignia on the guards' capes.

“The Zipfel Clan…?”

“That fellow… was a Zipfel?”

“Oh, what will you do? When that Zipfel cheered for Jin Grey, you swore at
him to cheer for Paul Mick.”

“Yeah, maybe I-I'll go home first.”

As soon as the Zipfel coat of arms was revealed, everyone—including the
pirates—became as quiet and calm as a flock of sheep. Even Cosmos, the
host, did not dare to step into the ring to intervene with the current state of

'Shit's going down. Did he come to kidnap Paul Mick because he's a
Runcandel?! Dammit. One wrong move and I'll be saying goodbye to my
pirate life. I must act professionally.'

“Everyone, close your eyes and plug your ears!”

Cosmos shouted. The charismatic host who warmly welcomed his audience
suddenly ordered the sealing of the senses.

It was a very laughable situation, but the audience actually listened to his
orders. Not a single person smiled or laughed.

The Zipfel Clan was not a force to be reckoned with.

“That fellow… He knows what's going on. Maybe I can discount 100,000
gold from my winnings.”

Beradin had pulled out some kind of gemstone. At first glance, it was a
spherical ruby. However, upon closer look, it had a much deeper shade of
red—as if it were blood compressed together.

And they detected an ineffably weird energy from it.


Jin had also seen it from somewhere.

But he could not exactly remember what it was. It wasn't something he saw
physically, but something he saw through a textbook when he was a

“It's Numerous's Blood.”

The moment Beradin divulged its name, Jin's jaw dropped.


The God of Hope who disappeared because of a few incidents before the
rise of the Holy Kingdom of Vankela.

All Numerous left before disappearing were eight teardrops and a hundred
drops of blood, and humans led a bloody history in order to collect these

Numerous's Tear was an item that could resurrect the dead.

On the other hand, resurrecting the dead wasn't easily possible with
Numerous's Blood. However, it could heal any injury or sickness with ease.

So far, seventy drops of blood had been used, and the rest were still

It was the most pursued artifact at first, but as it became more rare, its
existence became a myth.

And one of those mythical objects was shining in front of him.

“What…? Using this on Dante now…?”

Although Numerous's Blood was a tier lower than the Tear, it could not be
replicated anywhere. The Runcandels and Zipfels were still searching with
bloodshot eyes for more copies.

'And the Zipfels had one of them!'

In fact, it wasn't even the patriarch who had it. It was in the hands of
Beradin who came out for a trip. Jin could not understand.

It implied that the Zipfel Clan exclusively reserved the Blood for Beradin.
The world's greatest clan, the Zipfels, only had two of the gemstones.

“Shhhhh, let's keep this between us. Me, you, and Dante.”

Jin couldn't ask why he was going to use it on Dante.

From a rational perspective, Beradin's actions were unreasonable. Although
the Hairan Clan was smaller than the Zipfel Clan, they were still competing
with each other. And Dante was the prospective successor of that clan.

As of the moment, Dante's death was the best-case scenario for Beradin.

'However, I also feel the same. Although Dante's death is beneficial for the
Runcandels, since he put away his sword at the last moment…'

Beradin grinned.

“I'm sure I don't need to explain to you why I'm doing this.”

Beradin placed Numerous's Blood near Dante's mouth and spoke. Using
magic, he cracked the gemstone, and a red mist emerged. The crimson
clouds of energy slowly slid like water into Dante's mouth.


“Oh, and no need to thank me. Losing a rival is as sad as losing a friend, am
I right?”


As soon as Numerous's Blood entered his body, Dante reacted. They

couldn't see what was happening within him, but his pale face gradually
reclaimed its normal color.

'Beradin Zipfel… I didn't think you would do something like this.'

Jin never thought that he would be so unpredictable. Doing a massive favor

for another person who was no different than an enemy. He wasn't an easily
judgeable character.

While Jin trapped himself in complicated thought, he had one clear


'He has a cool side to him.'


Dante breathed hoarsely, as if he came out of water. Shocked, he looked at

his own body in amazement. He knew that he escaped from the verge of

“How in the world…?”

“Let's have a drink after the closing ceremony, Dante. You're gonna tag
along, right, Jin? Don't say no. And whenever we meet anywhere, it would
be nice if you noticed me.”

Jin remembered dismissing Beradin at the Runcandel banquet. Jin chuckled.


As Dante slowly stood, Cosmos looked around and concluded that the issue
was resolved. Then he knew what the three teens needed as of the current

To make it look as if nothing had happened.

In reality, the audience didn't know what transpired underneath the cloaks.
Just assumptions that Beradin treated Dante with his magic.

However, everyone questioned the young Zipfel's actions upon helping Paul
Mick, who was assumed to be a Runcandel. Still, no one expressed
curiosity as they valued their own life.

“Alrighty! That was a heated battle! The victor is the nameless teenage
swordsman, Jin Grey! Ladies and gentlemen! Please give them a round of

The closing ceremony began that night.

The arena that was once filled with murder and assassination became a
place of celebration. Whenever they had the chance, the surviving
contestants sprayed wine on the floor to honor the dead contenders.
Usually, everyone would start stuffing their faces with great amounts of

However, people merely drank wine, not daring to eat before a Zipfel.

“The victor, Jin Grey. Please step forward!”

Jin stepped towards the podium made out of stacked wine bottles.

Cosmos waited in front of him with a trophy made out of shark bones as
well as a bag containing 1,000 gold coins.

And at Cosmos's feet was a small treasure chest. It was the secondary prize.

He could choose between 1,000 gold or the chest with an unknown prize
inside it.

“Alrighty, choose your prize! Gold or treasure chest? What do you choo—”

“Just give me both.”

Jin responded, tired of the place. Laughter exploded from the audience.

In the history of the arena, it wasn't the first time the victor requested for
both of the prizes. But never this blunt.

'I didn't get to sleep for the first few days, and I almost killed Dante while
fighting him. Risking my life to take these pathetic prizes… and to choose
only one?'

He could not accept it.

Remembering the wave of despair when he thought Dante was dead, Jin
thought that even owning Cosmos's entire pirate gang didn't satisfy his

“I understand that you want to have it all, haha. But you see, kid, we have
this thing called tradition.”
“And I can annihilate that history and tradition today.”

Cosmos frowned then nodded.

“Yeah, okay, buddy. Take it all…”

At that point, Cosmos and the spectators knew that Jin was some hotshot
from a famous clan. The Pirate King let him do as he pleased simply
because he didn't want to mess with him.

'This runt kinda feels like he's from the Hidden Palace… Ha. Starting next
year, I'll make sure to do thorough background checks. Make sure that there
are only lowly runts who I can control.'

After the ceremony.

While the drunkards rampaged the arena, Jin and Dante reconciled in the
cell they first met.

Together with Beradin, who escaped from his bodyguards.

“Wow… You two… lived here for multiple days? My goodness. I wouldn't
even survive one day! Even my clan's stables are better than this.”

Beradin cracked open the luxurious wine, which he ordered the bodyguards
to bring before the event.

Glug, glug.

While each goblet was filled, Jin passed the bag of gold to Dante.

“You're giving it to me?”

“Yes. You take it.”

“But you're the victor.”

“Well, don't take it if you don't want it, then.”

Dante stared at the bag then shook his head.

“No, I shall take it. Although the Hairan Clan has a lot of money… I will
place this upon a pedestal when I get home. To commemorate this

With a lifted mood, Dante took the bag and shook it. A solid jingling sound
echoed throughout the cell.

Seeing Dante's look of satisfaction, Beradin licked his lips in


“Jin, me too. Gimme something too. Some souvenir. Today was a special
day for me too.”

Eyes glimmering, Beradin put his two hands forward.

'Do it yourself.'

Jin would have responded heartlessly. However, since Beradin really did
something special today, he felt kind enough to offer him something.

Jin wanted to keep the shark bone trophy with his name on it.

So only the treasure chest was left.

Thinking of a good idea, Jin nodded.

“Wait a sec.”


Jin broke the lock and opened the chest. This was the first time he revealed
the contents of the box.


Inside the box was a poorly drawn topographic treasure map with an 'X'
near the middle.
“Oh? There's ancient texts on there. I've never seen those characters before.
Interesting… Give that treasure map to me—”

“No, your souvenir is the box. Take it.”

“Oh, that's great too! Thanks!”

'One guy says that he'll display the bag of gold on a pedestal, and the other
is thankful for some garbage. Are they idiots?'

Jin chuckled. As he laughed, the other two began to laugh as well. Then, Jin
straightened his expression, and the others coughed.

“Hey, Dante Hairan. Let me ask you something.”

“Oh, ehem. What would you like to know?”

“Why didn't you use your secret technique? I'm sure I said to not go easy.”

Dante scratched the back of his head and responded.

“You… did not use your secret power and went easy on me too. Therefore,
I didn't think that my secret technique would make it a fair fight.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 100

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

His heart dropped.

'Dante Hairan. There's no way… Did he detect my magic and spiritual


Recently, the number of people who knew about his alternative powers

However, it was power that should not go public yet. Jin tried his best to
conceal his nervousness and looked Dante straight in the eyes.

“Hidden powers? What do you mean by that?”

“What's this? Jin, did you already learn the Runcandel Clan's decisive
killing moves?”

Beradin abruptly joined the conversation. Since he became a 7-star

magician, he awaited a similar growth from Jin as well.

“Ah… It was just a hunch. There was never a time where my guts lied to
me during a battle. I knew from the moment we clashed swords. Whether I
can win or lose… Stuff like that. And even though your swordsmanship
seemed to be duller than mine, I still felt like I would lose.”

“Really? How cool.”

“Ultimately, I failed, so my hunch was correct. However, if you really didn't
have any secret techniques or powers, then I held back for nothing.”

At Dante's words, Jin just smiled outwardly. But inside, he was surprised.
Dante's hunch was spot on.

“Anyways, be prepared the next time we fight. I will give it my all.”

“Jin, Dante. Me too. I'm awaiting the day we all lead our respective clans
and have a legendary battle.”

Dante's and Beradin's eyes glimmered with fighting spirit.

Although they were sitting in a circle with a wine glass in hand at the
moment, they would have to fight each other someday.

Enemies that were friends, friends that were enemies. Their relationship
was like that.

'However, when the time comes, I don't think I can kill you.'

As silence ensued, Dante was trapped in his thoughts.

“But on that topic, becoming allies after fighting wouldn't be that bad. Just
settling on a victory and becoming good friends again and all…”

Beradin broke the silence while scratching the back of his head.

“I would've never thought the prospective successor of the Zipfel Clan

would speak such soft words.”

“It's just a hope! Hope! You mess up a little, and you both die to me, hehe.
Oh, but besides that, the craziest thing happened to me.”

“What is it, Beradin?”

Dante showed interest, and Beradin clenched his fist.

“You know the Akin Kingdom? It's a kingdom that's part of the Lutero
Magic Federation, and apparently, someone impersonated me there last

You can_find the rest of this_content on the platform.

Jin would've spat the wine in his mouth, but he safely retained composure.

“Ha! Is that true? In the land of the Lutero Magic Federation, impersonating
you… A man with no brain. So, what happened?”

“…Surprisingly, they haven't caught the culprit. Apparently, the

impersonator destroyed the underground organization known as Tesing. A
very weird intent. And the clan's investigators can't find anything.”

“Why not put a bounty?”

“Doing that means soiling the Zipfel name, Dante. It's basically advertising
that the all-powerful Zipfels can't find a measly impersonator.”

Jin calmly explained, and Beradin nodded.

“Exactly. And recently, we lost Lord Andrei… It isn't something to bring up

right now. Oh, Jin. It wasn't to make you uncomfortable. It isn't even
confirmed that the Runcandel Clan is the culprit behind his death.”

“But what if it is?”

To Jin's question, Dante coughed and glanced at Beradin.

The young Zipfel shrugged.

“We, as well, killed many from Runcandel. It's just a debt-repaying

relationship. So when the time comes, it'll be equal… And to be honest, I
didn't really like him. In fact, I hated him.”

“So the prospective successor of the Zipfel Clan did not like the old geezer
of a second-in-command. I don't think that's something you should say
without caution. What do you think, Beradin?”
Jin calmly spoke. He wondered why Beradin didn't like Andrei.

'Is it because Andrei lost the way of the pure magicians by using the Demon
God's Orb? Or just his different perversive temperament? Either way, the
orb should be a big deal for the entirety of the Zipfels…

'But before that… does Beradin even know about the orb? Seeing him, I'm
sure he'll have some sense of hesitation for human experimentation or
gathering contractors for the orb, but he would do it anyway. It could be
related to the reason he disliked Andrei.'

But it wasn't something Jin could ask about.

“It's just something I say. I can say that I don't like someone simply because
I don't like them. We're close enough to say that stuff, right? I believe we

“Hoho… Hearing you say such complaints, I've also thought of annoying
stories from my clan. Someday, I shall get rid of all of those peasants!”

Pointlessly blabbering about personal problems within the clan in front of

the enemy.

An act only an idiot could do.

'Dante is definitely a certified idiot, but I don't know about Beradin. He's
definitely not the average guy.'

In addition to that, using Numerous's Blood for Dante.

Bringing up the dead Andrei and saying that he 'hated him'. It was hard for
Jin to pinpoint Beradin's intent.

Within a few seconds, Beradin raised his voice again in fury.

“Oh shoot, the conversation strayed too much. Anyways! The impersonator.
We can't put a bounty or anything, but we couldn't just gloss over it… We're
thinking of putting the high-star magicians into investigation.”
“Oh, you're deploying 8-star magicians to catch a mere impersonator? The
Zipfel Clan truly is a great clan.”

“What do you mean? The Hairan Clan can do that as well. Jin, what do you

“If I were you, I'd just say that there was no impersonator and that I
destroyed the Tesings.”

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“By your words, the culprit used your name to destroy an underground
organization. Did he harm the kingdom's citizens?”

“No, it's the opposite. Recently, Akin seems to be having a festival every
day. It appears that the Tesings' corruption was insane.”

“Then it'd be better to take credit for the outcome. In fact, since the culprit
hasn't been caught, he'll probably impersonate you again. As the tail grows
longer, it'll be easier to catch. Deploying high-star magicians would be

“Hm… Good point. I guess I was going too far. I should ponder on this

“If you catch the culprit, please inform me. I would like to see such a
courageous man.”

“Alright. For the time being, Dante, make sure to visit one of our banquets.
I'll make sure to send an invitation.”

The three spent the night talking and drinking.

Apart from Dante and Beradin, Jin reserved his words—for one reason.

'More words could hit me in the back.'

Although it was a short meeting, that night, he wished they were his friends.
Not enemies.

“Young Master! For what reason did you use Numerous's Blood on Dante

“And you should've killed Jin Runcandel on the spot. It was an opportunity
to kill off your competition!”

“Make that part a secret. And as for this treasure chest, make sure it doesn't
get a single scratch when it gets back to the clan. Hehe, it's a very nice

“Why is it so important? Don't blame us for wasting such a valuable


“Stop, stop. Gaining Dante Hairan's trust is nothing bad. From losing one
drop of blood, it's raising the chances of having the Hairan Clan on our side
when we wage war against the Runcandels.”


“As for not killing Jin, there are some things I needed to check. I'm gonna
sleep until we return, so you guys are dismissed.”

The bodyguards mumbled in disapproval and left.

And Beradin sighed.

'Well, Father and the elders will find out soon enough. The excuse for
Numerous's Blood is fine, but what do I tell them about Jin…? Should I say
that I couldn't have won? That wouldn't seem like a lie…'

Beradin's future already seemed grim.

“I'm sorry, grandfather. On top of losing the competition, I've had a close
encounter with death. Twice.”
“You almost lost your life in an insignificant competition…? How did this
happen? Was it a lack of swordsmanship or was there a master who was
blinded by money?”

The patriarch of the Hairan Clan questioned Dante. In contrast to his words,
his expression was not the slightest bit angry.

He felt proud as soon as his grandson returned. His adorable and precious
grandson returned home with lessons learnt.

“I did not lack such sword skill, but resilience. Additionally, there was no
such master, but two friendly boys.”

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“Hoho, hearing you say that, I'd like to hear some more. You don't even bat
an eye towards the most beautiful women in the clan… Alright, what are
the names of these fellows?”

“Grandfather, unfortunately, I cannot tell you of their names… Instead, I

would like to request something.”

“You little—!”

Ron embraced Dante and jokingly choked him.

However, he did not press and ask for the boys' names. Changing his
grandson's mind was harder than rising to the top spot of his clan.

“Kurgh. I c-can't breathe.”

Even though it was a joke, the choke was still painful as it came from a 10-
star knight.

“You make your grandfather disappointed as soon as you come! However, I

forgive you. What is your request?”

“In whatever situation, please let me save these acquaintances.”

“Oh, you're back? How was it, kid? Did you get beat by Dante or Donte or
whatever-his-name-was? Your expression's a little grim. Don't you think,
Strawberry Pie?”

“What do you mean by grim? Of course I won.”

“Young Master, are you tired? You don't look too good. I congratulate you
on your victory… but did you fall into a dilemma? Did you get poisoned or
something of the sort?”

“No, it's fine, Gilly. I'm just a little tired. How were you guys without me?”

“Oh, Lord Jin! You're back! Whoa! This time, victory in a fighting
competition! As a celebration, please sign the back of my shirt!”

Enya ran towards Jin, offering him a pen and her back.

'A celebration.'

Jin took the pen and looked at his other hand. He held the shark-tooth
trophy tightly.

'Those idiots. They won't keep the bag of gold and treasure chest as
souvenirs, right?'

Jin smiled as he signed Enya's shirt.

“Thank you for appreciating me, Miss Enya.”

He was thankful that he had friendly people who would offer him all the
love and kindness in the world.


We hit 100 chapters, let's goooooooo!!!!


Let's goooooooo!!! Only hundreds more to go…

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 101

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

February 1st, 1796.

Under a dark sky. One man trudged through the Black Sea under the harsh
rain. Guardian Knight Khan had another letter in his breastplate.

“You're here?”

“Yes, Lord Patriarch.”

Now, Cyron didn't even need to say anything for Khan to take out the letter.

The guardian knight handed it over with two hands, and Cyron smiled.

“What are your predictions on the results?”

“Do you mean the Young Master's duel against Dante Hairan?”


“Rationally speaking, Dante definitely would've won since the Young

Master couldn't use two of his specialties. However, seeing Young Master
Jin's progress… he has a chance.”

Opening the letter, Cyron felt his heart flutter.

(Sender: Kashimir

Receiver: Cyron Runcandel

Report: Jin Runcandel defeated Dante Hairan and won in the Cosmos

Miscellaneous: Jin Runcandel achieved 6-star in swordsmanship.)

Four lines.

That was Kashimir's entire letter. Not a single line of banter or greeting.

The epitome of brevity. However, reading the letter, Cyron felt


'…Did he send it like this because I wanted it to be short?'

Of course, he was very proud that the youngest had some sense of

However, he somewhat felt as if he were scammed…

“Lord Patriarch, did something happen to the youngest?”

Seeing Cyron's expressionless face, Khan carefully asked.

“No… it's nothing. He defeated Dante.”


“Don't worry about it. When you get back, tell Kashimir that I'd like to have
a drink. I'm going to have to see his face.”


“Was there a cold breeze just now…?”

“Cold breeze, Sir Kashimir? There's a fire right in front of us.”

Jin pointed at the fireplace. Enya and Euria snickered, and Alisa shrugged.

“Last time, you spoke of a heatstroke in the middle of a January blizzard…”

“Honey, what's wrong? I think you're getting old.”

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“No, no. Not that. I think it's just a hallucination.”

“I think I should get you some medication.”

Kashmir lightly shook his head.

They had all gathered in Jin's room to congregate.

Jin already finished his training, Alisa got off from work, and Kashimir
returned after finishing his job.

Enya and Euria just came to play with Jin, but Murakan and Gilly tried to
make them play with puzzles instead.

“Hey, hey, ice cream runt. Go play with this.”

“No. I want cat.”



“No. Mmmmm… Alright, I'll transform into a cat if you finish this puzzle.”

“You promise.”

For a 6-year-old girl, a thousand-piece puzzle was very hard.

However, Euria began to solve the jigsaw puzzle at a ridiculous speed. She
didn't even start at the edges or matched similar pieces. She grabbed
random pieces and placed them on the carpet. It was as if she had already
memorized the puzzle beforehand.

“Sir Murakan. I don't think a puzzle is effective for Az Mil's contractor.”

“Ah! I forgot. Dammit, I lost.”

“What do you mean you lost? You wanted to play with her in the first place.
Stop complaining.”

“Shut up, kiddo. Being a cat was boring enough when we were at the
Runcandel main house.”


Murakan then transformed into a cat and began to meow. Euria meowed
back, then giggled.


Everyone in the room smiled as they watched the playful sight.

Trying to exhaust her and knock her out, Murakan energetically played with

'Playing tag is the best game to get kids tired.'

Swoosh, swoosh!

Murakan jumped from floor to desk, and Euria chased him as if she were

“He's such a kind man in contrast to his manner of speech. Don't you think,
Young Master?”

Euria stumbled across the room while failing to catch Murakan. On the
other hand, Murakan was having fun. He teased Euria by barely escaping
her hands each time she tried to catch him.


After five minutes of chasing, Euria tried to jump on top of the desk that
Murakan was on.


However, the desk was too tall for Euria to jump on.



The young girl hit her head on the corner of the desk and fell backwards.
The short game of tag quickly ended. Thankfully, she wasn't severely
injured, but it was normal for all eyes to glare at Murakan.

“Stupid black dragon. What were you gonna do if the kid got hurt?”


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Murakan lowered his ears.


From the desk's cabinet, a piece of paper flew out and landed next to Euria
like a fallen leaf.


While everyone checked on her well-being, Euria did not fuss about her
bruise. Instead, her eyes were fixed upon the piece of paper.

“Wowie! It's a treasure map!”

With glistening eyes, Euria shouted.

It was the treasure map that Jin received at the Cosmos Arena.

He had placed the trophy on his desk and the meaningless treasure map in
his cabinet, being forgotten.

He thought that receiving a treasure map as a prize from a pirate gang was

In reality, Cosmos wanted the victor to take the treasure chest instead of the
1,000 gold coins. He had also determined that the treasure map he stole
from one of his plundering conquests was worthless.

Essentially, it was a scam.

However, thanks to Jin taking both prizes, Cosmos couldn't make much of a
profit that day.

“Anyways, be more careful when playing. Are you gonna take

responsibility when the kid gets hurt?”

“That's right, Sir Murakan. Still, Miss Euria is strong. I'm pretty she fell
pretty hard…”

“There's something important there!”

Euria stood up and raised the map into the air.

“There's! There's something important here!”

Euria's eyes were filled with certainty and hope.

If it were a random child who was shouting, then they'd laugh off the child's

However, as Az Mil's contractor, Euria could easily match thousand-piece

or ten-thousand-piece puzzles and see all objects and phenomena 'as they
should be' with her Absolute Eye.
Hence, the map was a real treasure map.

On the shoddy drawings, there was an 'X' on one side and ancient scripts in
the empty space.

'I thought those characters were a joke because even Murakan and
Quikantel couldn't read it.'

There weren't many ancient languages that Murakan couldn't read. Even
though he couldn't read some, he could still deduce its era by looking at the

“What do you mean by something important? Euria, can you tell us more?”

As soon as Jin threw a question.

Euria's glimmering eyes of curiosity proceeded to glisten with tears.

She slumped down and began to wail.

“Waaaah! I'm… very sad!”

With Az Mil's ability activated, Euria was seeing something different than
the others.

A treasure hidden somewhere deep.

And the tragedies that occured because of said treasure.

“…Az Mil's ability must be activated right now. First, we have to calm her.
Runt! Bring Lathry, quick!”

The activation of a divine ability against the young contractor's will was not
good. Especially for Az Mil's contractors due to the fact that they could lose
their sense of reality.

At these times, she needed her guardian dragon.

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Kashimir rushed outside, and Alisa cradled the little girl in her arms.

“This happened many times before. It seems our daughter isn't normal at

A few seconds later, Lathry arrived.

“Where's Euria?!”


Lathry ran over to Euria and sat next to her. His eyes closed, and a blue
energy wrapped around them.


Among the scenes that Euria saw with her ability, Lathry took the sad and
depressing parts and suffered them instead.

The child soon began to calm down.

However, Lathry—in his human form—flinched every now and then. He

was clearly seeing shocking sights.

After ten minutes of Resonance, Euria was fast asleep, and Lathry took a
deep breath as he sweated rivers.


Lathry stood and bowed. Even though he wasn't born yet during Murakan's
prime, he gave the shadow dragon the utmost respect.

“Oh, Sir Murakan. I couldn't greet you due to the lack of time.”

“Don't worry about it. What did ice cream runt see?”

“That… wasn't the future, but the past.”

“Past? Az Mil's contractor can only see the past in certain cases.”

“Yes. Deeply rooted desires or resentment… Only when she touches an

object or visits a location associated with such emotions does she see the
past. Whew, if I were a little late, it would've been fatal. It was awfully

No matter how young, the Dragon of Verity had lived for over five hundred

Lathry shuddered. He knew how horrifying it would be for Euria to witness

such visions.

“Hm, I didn't think it'd be anything important because I couldn't interpret it.
However, it must be a very important map. So, what did you see?”

“Some ancient lands… A tribe of natives worshipping some temple…”

Lathry breathed slowly, remembering what he just saw.

“Other humans… came to them. They seemed to be magicians. About ten

of them. The magicians initially joined their religious practice.”

“And then?”

“One magician killed a native's child. A very young person. Younger than
Euria… While alive…”

As the horrifying explanation continued, the listeners began to breathe


Lathry shed a tear as he looked at Euria's innocent face.

“…And they kept on killing the children. Constantly. They wanted

something. It's… the divine object that the natives worshipped.”

After listening up to that point, Jin thought of a tale that he knew.

“Sir Lathry, would you please draw what that divine object looked like?”
“Oh, wait.”

Lathry received the pen and paper and quickly drew the object that he saw.

A round disk.

“The object was emitting light, but it looked like a normal silver mirror
when it didn't.”

Kollon Ruins.

The treasure map was pointing to the Kollon Ruins' mirror artifact.

The source of this_chapter;

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 102

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

An unexpected discovery.

'A mirror… The Fountain of Mana… Who would've thought that a map
from a pirate-hosted tournament led to such an artifact?'

An ancient artifact made known to the world by a brave journalist before

Jin's regression.

At the time, the journalist scrupulously revealed the mirror's existence

together with the atrocities that the Zipfel Clan committed towards the
Kollon natives.

Of course, this news was fatal for the Zipfels, who symbolized and
protected peace and justice.

However, the journalist could not face the massive clan alone.

The Zipfels quickly silenced those who spoke angrily of the clan.

And the tragedy of Kollon's natives was never spoken of again.

Soon after, the first journalist disappeared. It didn't take long for the people
to forget the journalist's brave deeds.
The Kollon natives then continued their civilization as if they were

'…Then this map must be made by the natives. And since its worth wasn't
discovered, this map was just tossed everywhere. Just like Myulta's Rune.'

It was possible that the Kollon natives, who were oppressed by the Zipfels,
wanted someone to notice the map and hoped an adventurer would come to
free them.

Well, Jin planned on visiting the Kollon Ruins anyways.

He needed to find the mirror before the Zipfels and prevent them from
creating a powerful magician army. Additionally, he needed to investigate
the illegal magic experimentation in the area.

Personally for Jin, there were more reasons to go.

'Unlike the journalist, I don't have the heart to save those people… But I'd
be helping them a little if I'm packing some punches onto the Zipfel Clan.'

But there was one problem.

“Hey, kid. Why the long face? Do you know what Lathry drew?”

They didn't know that Jin knew about the tragedy of Kollon and the mirror.

'This is what's bad about being a regressor.'

Though, it was an easy problem to solve.

“Hm, I don't know. But I got a bad feeling… Sir Kashimir, I think you
should investigate the contents of this map.”

This was why he settled in Tikan.

“Yes, I agree. I'm also worried about the history that my daughter
envisioned. It's as if… I think this map came into your hands for a reason.”
“That's right, Young Master Jin. First, I'll search far and wide for someone
to read these ancient texts. Then we can find our first clue.”

“Sir Kashimir, this is just a hunch, but I don't think the Seven-Colored
Peacock should openly investigate this case. With that much resentment
stored in the object, we may not know if the atrocities are still occuring.”

“That's a good point. Hmmm, magicians who slaughtered the natives… I

hope it's not related to the Zipfels.”

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The Seven-Colored Peacock immediately began their investigation, but they

couldn't achieve much in two weeks.

It was expected.

The Kollon natives were part of the Peylon Kingdom, which was part of the
Lutero Magic Federation. And centuries ago, a majority of them were
slaughtered by the Zipfels. Due to this, not many remained on the land.

On top of that, since the few that were left remained trapped in the Kollon
Ruins, it was definitely hard to find someone who could read the map.

However, the first clue was found in an unexpectedly close location.

February 17th, 1796.

After finishing his morning training, he sought the Tikan Central Defense
Force with Euria and Lathry in order to find Alisa.

“Jin. Mommy will like it if she gets this, right?”

“Most certainly. I'm sure she'll toss you in the air and laugh.”

Euria wanted to give her mother a family drawing, so she asked Jin to come
with her.

“Welcome to the Tikan Centr—Oh, Euria. Hello.”

“Hello! Where's mommy?”

“Oh, my daughter! Mommy's over here! I see you two are also here. Oh,
what's this?”


Euria grinned and showed the drawing to her mother.

Alisa couldn't contain her maternal pride.

“My goodness, you're so good at drawing! Let's see… This must be daddy.
This is Jin, and you drew Enya too.”

Gilly, Murakan, Quikantel, and Lathry were also drawn on the small paper.
Alisa picked up Euria as she looked throughout the entire page.

“Hahaha, you should be a painter when you grow up. Alright, wait a
moment here. Mommy has to fight some papers and documents, and then
let's go eat lunch. You wanna eat seafood stew?”

“Oh! Oh! Seafood! Yes!”

After seeing her mother so happy and hearing the word 'seafood', Euria
began to sing a song containing only the word 'seafood'.

Jin and Lathry couldn't contain their smiles as well.

Fwip, fwip.

Sounds of moving pens from here and there could be heard. It was the
defense forces dealing with legal documents and the criminals writing self-


After Alisa was promoted to the Chief of Defense, she was plummeting the
already-low crime rate of Tikan.
However, those who were dragged in trampled some flowers in the public
garden or acted poorly while drunk, so they just wrote a self-reflection and
made a short visit to a correctional facility.

'The city isn't that big, but she manages it so well. Lady Alisa is amazing.
The Huphester Alliance is managed by the Runcandels, yet they still have a
lot of bad crimes.'

As Jin mentally applauded Alisa's work, Lathry looked around at the


“Humans are such mysterious creatures. Why do they make the same
mistake if they know that breaking the law would get them punished?”

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“Not sure. Are dragons not like that?”

“Mmmm… No. Now that I think about it, dragons are also pretty foolish.
Haha, what am I saying? Please don't tell Sir Murakan that I tainted the
dragon race's reputation.”

“It seems you are very cautious of Murakan. Did he bully you or

“No, not that. Did you know what my parents already pegged into my ear?
'Watch out for the black dragons. Especially the Murakan and Misha

Lathry definitely fell for Wind Dragon Vyuretta's tricks while avoiding
black dragons.

“And amongst my fellow dragons, Sir Murakan is a legendary being.

There's some bad and some good reasons… Oh?”

While explaining, Lathry stopped and fixed his eyes on something.

It was someone getting questioned by a defense agent. Jin naturally looked
as well. The man's slow and slurred speech stuttered.

“Yesterday… I… drank… too… much. I… apologize.”

“Hey, don't talk like that. You're not reflecting at all. If you're drunk, then
go inside and sleep. Why sing in the middle of the night and wake

“Because… I'm zad. Ah, I'm zorry.”

“You've done this multiple times before. If you keep doing this, the bar will
not take you anymore. Do you know how much I pleaded the local
bartenders to not kick you out?”

“Thamk you. Oh, you wanna cigar?”

“Ha! Shit, I'm gonna die early because of you. Alright, let's burn through
one, and you're gonna promise me that you'll drink and not cause a ruckus.

“I umderstamd. But I don't have any cigar.”

“Fuckin' hell.”

It looked like an alcoholic who came in often. He caused nothing serious,

but he formed relationships with the defense forces every time he came.

And the man had deep-red skin.

“A crimson-person? His skin is pretty red for one.”

Nothing too abnormal for a diverse city like Tikan.

However, seeing that man, Lathry's expression was not great.

“Lord Jin… That man looks just like the natives I saw in the vision when I
resonated with Euria.”
“Oh, really?”

“Yes, and that slurred speech… It means that he's not used to speaking this
land's language.”

There was only one way to find out.

“Why don't we show him the map? Let's take him to lunch as well.”

As the man and the defense agent went to smoke, Jin followed them. The
man lit a cigar. The officer took a puff as well, swore a little, then went
back to work.


“A boy… Whomm are you?”

“Why don't we go eat something? I had quite a drink as well.”

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“Oh, soumds good. But I dom't got money.”

“It's on me.”

The man's eyes darted from place to place. The crimson-person's name was
Alopan Tupan Meipan.

'Pan' for short.

'Boy… Why did you not tell me that the chief was coming? The chief is

Alisa wasn't really looking at Pan at all. She had already heard the story
from Jin and Lathry.

“Help yourself, Pan. And stop getting caught. You're too innocent.”

“I see this man a lot. He's always there when I go see mommy.”
“Not… always.”


The delectable seafood stew was served steaming hot. Euria's and Pan's
eyes glimmered.

“Thank you for the meal!”

The crimson-person no longer felt awkward and began to stuff himself. It

seemed he had some pocket problems.

After an hour of eating…

“Uh… boy.”


“Can I take somme to-go? My sibling is humgry.”

“Take as much as you need. But before you leave—Oh, they're here. Over

Jin waved his hand at a very angry man who opened the door.

Murakan—the angry man—ran to Jin after getting the message 'Bring the

“Now this… This is too far! I'm Murakan! Murakan! You can make the runt
do this instead!”

“Sir Kashimir is always busy with his work, and Gilly does a lot of stuff.
Enya has to study, and all you do is goof around. This is the least you could

“What about Quikantel?!”

“Excluding her.”
Lathry fidgeted as he saw Jin reprimand Murakan. The young Runcandel
snatched the map from the shadow dragon's hands and showed it to Pan.

“Pan, do you… know what this is?”

And as soon as he saw the map…

“Th-This… Where'd you get this?”

He looked very shocked.

You can_find the rest of this_content on the platform.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 103

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Pan's expression was peculiar.

With furrowed eyebrows, he shuddered in fear, but his eyes continued to

trace each character.

“Can you read the characters?”

“How… did you know that I was fromm the Kollon Ruins? Whomm are
you guys?”

With a cautious glare, Pan looked at Jin.

He remembered when he escaped his homeland that became ruins three

years ago. The day he went to the Free City of Tikan to escape from the
eyes of the Zipfel Clan.

“Hm, what's the best way to put this… I'm Chief Alisa's guest, this black-
haired guy is a dragon, the green-haired fellow is also a dragon, and the
child is clearly a 6-year-old child.”

Jin revealed their identities, and Pan wasn't the only one who was startled.

“Hey, hey, kid! Why'd you say all that?”

“What do you mean, 'why'? Mr. Pan seems to know some valuable
information about the map. Hmm, Mr. Pan. This is how we identified you.”

It would be best to tell the truth. Other than the fact that Euria was Az Mil's

“Lathry, the green-head, is Az Mil's dragon. He touched this map and saw a
vision due to the resentment stored within the object. In his vision, he saw
people like you who were being tormented. It was essentially a


Pan remained silent for a while, then spoke.

“May I go have a zmoke?”

“Go ahead.”

Pan trudged to the front yard of the restaurant. Leaning on the wall, he lit
the stick.

'I'm pretty sure he said he didn't have any cigars, but he had them.'

Jin smirked, and Lathry worriedly opened his mouth.

“That man… What if he escapes?”

“How the hell would he? This is the runt's land.”

“Oh… right. I apologize, Lord Murakan.”

“Apologize for what?”

“Oh, uh… It's nothing.”

After burning through the entire stick, Pan looked more composed and
organized—calmer than before.
“May I azk a few things?”

“Of course.”

“Are you guys the Zipfels?”

“We aren't exactly in good relations with them.”

The source of this_chapter;

“Do you know what thiz map meams?”

“Doesn't it lead to treasure?”

“Not a treamsure.”

“I see.”

Jin answered and lightly shrugged. Pan's eyes narrowed.

“Will you harm me if I dom't help?”

“We swear that we will not. Even after you take out the seafood stew, we
will not harm or threaten you. We can't do anything about you being
captured for poor behavior. Instead, our meeting will be non-existent.”

Jin had no intention of lying.

'Since he admitted that he's a Kollon native, I'm sure he went through many
things evading the Zipfels' eyes. There's no need to harass him.'

Silence filled the room, and Pan was deep in thought.

Was it truly a coincidence that he met Jin, or were they hunting him down?
He arrived at a conclusion.

It wasn't something he could just decide upon.

“My sibling…”

“Everyone, I thimk we should go zee my sibling.”

Jin nodded.

“Then let's wait a little for them to package the food.”

Pan was a talented liar.

He said he didn't have a cigar, but he had a pack. He said they should go to
see his sibling, but it wasn't his sibling.

After taking his packaged seafood stew, they went to Pan's home, which
was located in a deep alleyway. They barely had any free space.

“This is the first time Pan brought guests home. Welcome, nobles of Tikan.”

The person who welcomed them was a woman who was disguised as Pan's

Although she was much younger than Pan, her 'brother' bowed in her

“Lady Laosa, I brought guestz without your permissiom.”

“Good job, Pan.”

An eerie mood.

Laosa's aura felt mysterious. Jin couldn't say that it was strong, but it wasn't
something to approach without caution.

She overflowed with sacred energy. Usually, Murakan would say something
like 'Why is the house so shit?', but he was watching his language.

As soon as Jin saw her, he knew.

'The Kollon natives have the most noble blood. They were the god-chosen
race. It seems she's the last descendant.'

Laosa seemed to have deep wisdom.

“The one born from the birthplace of swordsmanship and chosen by the
shadow, a Black Dragon, and the Dragon of Verity as well as the beloved
child of Az Mil. And Tikan's Chief of Defense who always cares for Pan.”



Everyone was surprised and stared at Laosa.

“How did you…?”

“It's just a little talent. I apologize if I startled you. Pan, please get some


As Pan poured water into a crooked kettle, Jin's back began to sweat.

'A little talent…?'

And a calm attitude, as if she already knew that they were coming.

Jin had never encountered a human like Laosa. No, he didn't even know if
she was human at all.

'This transcending aura… I've felt it before.'

The same aura he felt the moment he contracted with Solderet in his past

It was weaker, but similar.

“Lady Laosa, are you a god?”

Although it could sound too out of place, excluding Euria, everybody else
also had that question due to the stifling air.

Still, her aura was powerful. It begged the question 'Is she a god?'

“No, I'm a vessel. If I were a god, then I wouldn't have lost my homeland
and lived my life in hiding.”

Murakan nodded as if he knew.

“She was a god's vessel. There's great wisdom remaining, but soon it'll be
all gone.”

“That is true. However, saying so makes my heart hurt, O Great Black


“Listening to all of the conversations so far, I think it's pointing at the

Kollon Ruins. You guys are Kollon natives. This is the first time I heard
about a god who descended there. Who is it?”

“Even if I told you, you would not know. Besides, would you please show
me the map?”

Laosa extended her arm and opened her hand. Jin lent her the map.

“My dead grandfather created this map. It was supposed to have two fates.
And thankfully, instead of the Zipfels, it came to you. It seems my feeble
devotions have worked.”

“May I ask what is written on that map?”

(The one who reads this through a Kollon's heart,

Please do not forsake us.

Please come and shout; we are mere quiet people.

Quiet people.
The god gave us a heavy order, but not enough strength to execute it.

I am resentful.)

Laosa slowly read and interpreted the sentences written in their native

“Something like that.”

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Despite her calm voice, Laosa shed a tear. She remembered the centuries of
oppression and her dead grandfather.

“The order written here is to protect the item located on the 'X'. Do you
know the situation in Kollon?”

“It's in ruins because of the Zipfels. While at home, I have executed a

mission there.”

“Haha… Under the guise of artifact excavation, the Zipfel Clan is trying to
find our sacred item. Even with their advanced magic, they are struggling to
do so. However, it's only a matter of time before they succeed. Since we
cannot stop them.”


The kettle blew steam. Pan, who was slowly serving the tea, seemed to be
holding back his tears. His back flinched every now and then.

Regaining composure, Pan distributed the filled teacups. Laosa smiled.

“My grandfather was a realistic person. Without any promise of

reciprocation, he begged to not be forsaken… However, I am not like that.
Would you like to make a trade with me?”

“You're literally on the verge of losing your wisdom, and you want to trade?
Just ask us for help. We're going to go to the Kollon Ruins anyway.”
Although he spoke harsh words, Murakan really wanted to help Laosa's

Jin also thought that a deal was not necessary. As Murakan said, they were
going to go anyway, and his original plan was to prevent the Zipfels from
getting their hands on the mirror artifact.

“I do not believe in favors done out of pity. Pan and I had to suffer many
battles just to achieve this small house.”

“Oh, Lady Laosa. Please forget thoze memories. I apologize.”

“If you are sorry, then please stop drinking and getting arrested, Pan.
Anyways, if you are willing to save my people, there is only one thing I can

“What is it?”

“I will use the rest of my divine power to call your god. I'm sure it's been a
while since you heard Solderet's voice.”

Murakan and Jin looked at each other.

“Hoho… You seem to know a lot. How does this city have an old god's
vessel and Az Mil's contractor? Too many kids with clairvoyance and
wisdom. What're you gonna do, Jin?”

“What do you think? There's no reason to refuse. I understand, Lady Laosa.

I will leave for the Kollon Ruins soon. However, I can't guarantee that I can
save your people.”

He would help them if it were as simple as fighting the Zipfel magicians,

obtaining the mirror, and escorting the natives to safety.

But salvation wasn't his thing.

“Going there is already enough. I will tell you more about the internal
problems, so please stay a little longer.”
February 20th, 1796.

Only three were going to the Kollon Ruins: Jin, Murakan, and Kashimir.

After the death of Andrei and Vyuretta, Quikantel could not show her face
to the Zipfels at any moment. Gilly's powers were still being suppressed,
and Enya was too inexperienced to venture on such a mission.

As for Alisa, she needed to stay in Tikan to maintain security.

So, by process of elimination, the three men had to go. They disguised
themselves as normal tourists and got ready to leave.

However, they already hit a problem.

'What's this…? They're not opening the ruins to tourists anymore?'

Things had changed since Jin's cadet days.

The Kollon Ruins had become a restricted area that even barred people
during the day.

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 104

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

“Damn, I should've sent some agents beforehand.”

Disappointed, Kashimir shook his head.

They didn't send anyone before due to the chances of their plan getting

Also, because the Kollon Ruins was such an open tourist area, they didn't
think that they needed to scout the situation.

“Even if you sent your goons, there would be no difference.”

“That's true, but…”

While everyone stood in despair, Jin remembered that this didn't happen in
his past life.

'The Kollon Ruins were always open before my regression. That's why the
brave journalist incident occurred in the first place… Maybe my cadet
mission here changed something.'

After dealing with the living golems and committing arson, he had returned
to his clan.
And the Zipfels announced it as an accident instead of an act of terrorism or


That word shot through Jin's mind.

'In my past life, eleven years later, the world found out about the Zipfels'
plan through the journalist. And since the fate of the world changed because
of me, the plan should be exposed earlier.'

He didn't really care about the Kollon natives who he had never seen even a
single time. However, he didn't want to make their lives more miserable
because of his regression.

'I can't save them as Laosa wished. Well, there's no need to anyway.
However, I don't need to become like the Zipfel scum who contribute to
their suffering.'

Jin looked at the 'Restricted Area' sign with the Zipfel Clan's dragon coat of

“What're you gonna do, kiddo? I think trespassing is dangerous since we

don't know their inner workings and troop count.”

“That's correct. And you mentioned that Zipfels used this area for forbidden
magic? I don't think there'll only be a few stationed troops, Young Master

“Hmm… There's a very high chance that they got rid of the evidence for
that stuff since I got exposed to it. But this sign… Isn't it a little strange?”

Kashimir and Murakan looked where Jin pointed.

“What is?”

“They only installed a steel fence, and there's no security or barrier magic.
Just a sign. The Zipfel Clan wouldn't manage an important restricted area
like this.”
The barrier was very crude for a world-class clan like the Zipfels.

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“Now that you mention it, you're right, Young Master Jin. Of course, even
though there's no security, nobody would be crazy enough to enter when the
Zipfels' insignia is glaring right at them. But indeed, it's very poorly done.”

“When I first came here for a mission, there were many security spells even
on the low-tier relic storages. I think the Zipfel Clan is neglecting this area.”

“Didn't Lady Laosa say that the Zipfels were searching for the Kollon
natives' sacred object? Because of this, many natives were massacred to
obtain it. But since they're neglecting it, doesn't that mean they already
found it?”

“No idea. They've been oppressing them for centuries, and their forbidden
magic experiments were already exposed to an outsider. For all we know,
they could be just leaving the natives alone.”

Jin didn't think that the Zipfels had found the mirror that quickly. If so, they
would have already been mass producing 7-star magicians in the magic

“In fact, this sign looks too crude. It's made of wood, not even steel. It looks
like a magician just slapped it on there.”

“That could also be the case. They could just be tired of tourists, so
someone could've asked the Zipfels for permission to close the area for a
while. Every organization is bound to have a lazy manager.”

The three just walked past the sign, and the more they walked, the more
they were certain with their deductions.

'Seeing as there are weeds here and there, it means they're not tending to it.
But still, there's not a single animal, which means that there are still people
in here.'
The museum, warehouse, and magicians' lodgings were just as he
remembered it.

In fact, Jin could see the traces of arson that he committed. Seeing that they
greatly neglected the land, he knew that the Zipfels disposed of the area.

“Oh, I see some people over there. Crimson-people like Laosa.”

They saw some figures at the end of the road. The three hid in the trees to
observe them. The crimson-people looked pretty depressed.

'The natives' presence means that the mirror is still here. Then why did the
Zipfels clear out this place…? Did they just give up after trying for
centuries, just like Kashimir said?'

Right as Jin thought about it, a man emerged from within the crowd.

A man with messy silver hair. He shouted at the crimson-people, but it

looked like he was drunk.

'His hair color is the same as Beradin's… And that looks like a wine bottle
in his hand. Maybe…?'

A name popped into mind.

The man deemed as the 'Hysteric of the Tower' in Jin's past life.

'Myuron Zipfel?'

Kelliark Zipfel's sixth son.

As his nickname suggested, Myuron was very hysterical and hot-headed.

He would become a celebrity in the future due to his strange demeanor.
Mostly because his behavior contradicted the Zipfels' dignified image.

“Young Master, that seems to be Myuron Zipfel. The silver hair is the
symbol of their clan. And amongst the pureblood Zipfels, he is the only one
known to wield a wine bottle in broad daylight.”
Kashimir also knew about him.

“What? A pureblood Zipfel? Why's that guy in this uninhabited land?”

“Sir Murakan, Myuron's behavior is known to be rowdy, so he doesn't get a

lot of respect within the Zipfel Clan. Last I heard was that he's the Pillar of
the Zipfels' Seventh Tower of Magicians, but it seems he was demoted? Or
maybe he's on vacation.”

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“Hmmm, if he's a pureblood, he must have many guardian magicians. Let's

decide on our next move after we see how many bodyguards he has.”

“When Myuron goes back into the building, let's talk to the crimson-people.
I think that hearing some insight about the situation is the best way to
approach this.”

The three waited in the trees until Myuron returned to the building.

The problem was that Myuron never went back into the building.

“That motherfucker… What is he? He's been out here for eight hours,
stuffing his ass with alcohol. He isn't even going to the restroom.”

After Myuron showed up, he immediately sat down and began to drink. He
hadn't moved a single inch since then.

“I've heard rumors that Myuron Zipfel was an alcoholic, but this is too

Still, the three didn't gain nothing from hiding and observing the enemy.
Every time Myuron shouted or talked to himself, they were able to extract
some information.

First, Myuron didn't seem to have any other magicians around him.

And he came to the Kollon Ruins because the clan 'banished' him.
—Kuhaha, those old elder hag bitches treated me like a disposable
cockroach. Hehe, those cute fucks… More wine!

Shouting such things very often.

Although he looked defenseless, the crimson-people didn't dare to touch


In fact, every time he waved his hand in the air, the Kollon natives either
flinched or lowered their heads.

“I don't think he has any backup with him. Don't we just need to beat him
up and then escape with the crimson-people?”

Annoyed, Murakan gritted his teeth.

“Sir Murakan, Myuron Zipfel is an 8-star magician. On top of that, as the

Pillar of the Seventh Tower of Magicians, he must have many artifacts.”

“What's the problem? Runt, I know I lost a lot of power, but you think I
can't fight an 8-star magician? We have you and this kid as well.”

“He's not just any 8-star. He's a Zipfel, Murakan. Killing a pureblood Zipfel
is something to ponder about. With the death of Andrei some time ago, this
can affect world politics.”

“You think I don't know that? I'm just pissed and annoyed, okay?!”

If there were Zipfel magicians stationed within the area, then it would be
easier to take action. They could fight the troops, win, then evacuate the
Kollon natives.

However, they couldn't do anything because Myuron was a pureblood.

'This isn't good. As soon as Myuron dies, there'll be bloodlust from the

After the death of Andrei, the cold war between the Runcandels and Zipfels
had escalated.
The Zipfels only remained silent because they did not have evidence that a
Runcandel killed Andrei. But things would change if another pureblood
Zipfel died.

In fact, assassination would also be impossible. Even though Myuron

looked defenseless, they were certain that he would cast defensive spells
whenever he passed out.

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'We need to make it so that the Zipfels stay put even if Myuron dies.'

The best way would be to uncover evidence regarding their forbidden

magic experiments. If they could obtain evidence, then the clan of
magicians wouldn't budge despite Myuron's death.

'But I'm certain that the remnants of the experiments were demolished…

Jin covered his own mouth.

While thinking, he forgot one crucial truth.

“Murakan! Laosa said that there are about two hundred Kollon natives left,

“Yeah. That's why the runt prepared some ships.”

“…And how many Kollon natives have we seen so far?”

“About fifty… Wait…”

Murakan and Kashimir sighed.

They hadn't even seen fifty natives. Including the ones near Myuron.

“I don't think the others are resting or anything… They aren't conducting
more living golem experiments, right…?”
If they were conducting living golem experiments using the Kollon

It was no longer about a deterrent.

“Once Myuron falls asleep, let's check inside the complex.”


The moment Jin finished his sentence, the three simultaneously looked back
at the entrance of the ruins.

They sensed some footsteps.

Rustle, rustle…

Someone was coming in.

'The footsteps are delicate. Someone who came in without permission, like

However, the person wasn't talented in concealing their footsteps.

Jin hid his presence with spiritual energy and held his dagger on the new
trespasser's throat.

“Who are you?”

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 105

The invader froze like a statue as soon as he felt the blade.

He looked very nervous. A man who was a little shorter than Jin.

“I will not ask twice. Reveal your identity.”


Myuron Zipfel's laugh could be heard from far away. Murakan and
Kashimir evaluated the situation and shifted their vision from Myuron to
the unknown man.

“I-I am—”


The man gulped and flexed his muscles. He was trying to suppress his
shudders of fear.

Jin thought the man had some courage. It seemed that he wasn't a knight or
a magician, but just a normal civilian.

“Dino… Dino Zeglun. A journalist.”

As soon as he heard the name, Jin's eyes widened.

'Dino Zeglun, the journalist guy?!'

Jin remembered that name. Before his regression, Dino Zeglun was the
journalist who exposed the Zipfels' twisted objectives and the tragedy of

He sheathed his dagger.

“Turn around.”

Dino slowly turned. Although he looked like he was in his early 20s, his
facial features suggested that he was younger.

Jin began to analyze the journalist.

'Early 20s, frail body. So this guy wrote the report against the Zipfels
without a hint of fear. And he's already investigating the Kollon Ruins,
which means he's been investigating this case for at least a decade.'


Jin felt respect for the man. A man named Dino, who came from nowhere
with nothing to lose, exposed the Zipfels simply from pure work ethic.

The journalist could not look at Jin, who was already covering his face with
Myulta's Rune.

With fearful eyes, Dino also began to analyze him—whether the man with
the helm was a Zipfel underling or a relic raider. Or maybe a person who
also came to explore the Kollon Ruins.

“A journalist? Did you come for some news?”

Jin tossed the question, and Dino slowly nodded.

“Yes, that's right.”

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“What is it about?”
“…Before I respond, may I ask about your affiliation?”

“Man! Look at this runt. So fun to watch humans tremble in fear. Especially
if it's a journalist.”

Snickering, Murakan walked towards Jin.

Kashimir followed the black dragon. He pulled out two masks, covered his
face with one, and handed the other to Murakan.

Jin began to laugh as well.

“Didn't you two already reveal your face to this fellow?”

“Covering up is still a good idea.”

“Uh, I don't want to put this on.”

“Put it on.”

“Well, whatever.”

And from this short conversation, Dino could easily identify the leader of
the group.

'This guy still sounds like a kid… but he's the leader. He's not a normal
raider or a soldier. Who are these people? I don't think they're evil or

The two fixed their masks, and Jin opened his mouth once more.

“We won't kill you or anything, so you can calm down. As for our
affiliation… Hmmm… We're just passersby.”

“You guys are… passersby?”

“It means, 'Don't ask.' Now it's your turn to answer. Is there some breaking
news here? Or did you come for some allowance from the Zipfel Clan's
sixth son over there?”
Jin turned his head towards Myuron.

He intentionally threw a question to aggravate Dino. That way, he could

identify the determined young man's main goal. Then, Jin could reveal his
own motives and team up with the journalist.

Dino chuckled and made an awkward smile.

“Allowance, you say… Yeah, there's a lot of journalists like that. Rotten
slaves who write articles that benefit the rich and noble. If you guys are
Zipfel underlings, I'd be dead. I came to rake the muck and expose the

Satisfied with the response, Jin smiled.

'A very respectable fellow.'

It was known that courage shone brighter when one lacked strength.

With that in mind, Jin felt great satisfaction from Dino. Additionally, he had
a feeling that the journalist would be a great ally with good intel.

“Exposing Myuron Zipfel. A random journalist! This is the most moving

joke I've heard this year.”

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“So… are you guys Zipfel underlings? Since I said I'll expose Myuron, are
you going to kill me now?”

Dino already forgot about his trembling fear. Weirdly enough, he trusted Jin
when he said 'We won't kill you or anything.'

“No way. We came due to a friend's request to rescue the Kollon natives.
Unfortunately, we can't reveal our identities to you, Journalist Dino Zeglun.
However, I think we have a common goal. Don't you think so?”

Dino blinked and stared at the three masked men.

Many different emotions made his heart race. Amongst them, the biggest
was happiness from finding allies after a long era of solitude and isolation.

“You guys… you guys know about the Kollon natives' plight…!”

“Not very well. We only know that they were conquered by the Zipfels
centuries ago and that they've lived their lives as slaves until now.”

“Hey, kid. Can you tell this guy all of that?”

Murakan intruded on the conversation, and Kashimir lightly put his hand
over Murakan's mouth before pushing him backwards.

Murakan glared at Kashimir with beastly eyes.

'Eup! What're you doing, runt? You crazy?'

'Young Master Jin seems to be digging for information to find a deterrent

against the Zipfels' retaliation for Myuron's assassination. Let's just watch.'

Kashimir had a good feeling about Jin's actions, so he whispered to

Murakan. Just as he said, Jin was trying to get something out of Dino.

In order to prevent a full-scale war, they needed to find a way to prevent the
Zipfel Clan from acting upon another pureblood Zipfel's death.

'In fact, it's likely that Dino knows a lot about the clan's atrocities against
the Kollon natives. Even now, he's in the restricted area, hunting for

Of course, they needed to check for a few things first.

“Dino, we have actually been here since noon, and we've been observing
Myuron ever since. Because we don't know what's going on inside, we're
just gathering intel. We're just here to help the Kollon natives escape instead
of assassinating Myuron.”

First, how much Dino knew about the Kollon Ruins' situation. It could be
that he only had the fervor for his quest instead of any valuable information.
However, the journalist provided a satisfying answer once more.

“It's only Myuron who's here. And I think that the person who asked you to
help the Kollon natives must be Prophet Laosa. Is that right?”

“Have you been investigating this area ever since?”

“No. It hasn't been long since I started exploring this region. I just found out
about her while I interviewed the natives.”

His story went on.

After Laosa escaped, the Zipfel Clan began to abuse the Kollon natives.
After last year's arson case, they sealed up the area and forced Myuron to
tend the land by himself.

“That's what they did to obtain the divine relic. The clan seemed to be
diverting all their attention to it, but now, it's just Myuron here. Maybe their
interest declined. I mean, they still haven't found it even after three hundred

Dino pulled out a journal from his chest and handed it to Jin.

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A journal with all of the events that happened in the Kollon Ruins after
Myuron's arrival.

(January 3rd, 1796.

Three Kollon natives missing. Myuron probably dragged them into the

(January 5th, 1796.

The Kollon natives I used to talk to are all gone. I could interview Latika
Tika Mamutika. I was told by this native that Myuron was conducting
experiments on them. Tika… her eyes were filled with fear.)
As Jin calmly read through the journal, he could only focus on the word

“Nice journal you got here. As soon as Myuron finds out about this, you'd
be dead meat.”

“As soon as they find out about me, I'm dead. This is proof that I'm doing
worthwhile work, and it keeps me responsible. I'm sure you already know
from the journal, but Myuron is conducting experiments on the Kollon

“Are you sure?”

“I'm certain. Before the Kollon Ruins closed down, I heard that the Zipfels
were conducting living golem experiments. However, it seems the Kollon
natives who reported these sightings didn't seem to know about living

Dino knew much more than Jin expected.

“Myuron's basement will be the best evidence. Before he came, there were
at least two hundred natives. However, most of them got dragged into the
basement, and now there are only fifty of them left.”

Dino gritted his teeth. Jin was still scanning the journal, and it seemed the
journalist had deep ties with the natives.


If he could preserve the evidence or publicize a sketch, it could prevent the

Zipfels from budging.

“Recently, he hasn't been using the natives for experiments. He may be

leaving some alive to find the relic.”

Jin continued to read the journal.

(February 6th, 1796.

While investigating, Myuron caught me. Thankfully, he was drunk, and he
didn't do much other than offer me a drink. Maybe I can get more
information by taking advantage of this.)

(February 7th, 1796.

I set out to find Myuron if he remembered me, and thankfully he did. He

said that he'll forgive me for coming into a restricted area as long as I come
as a drinking buddy. It's a success.)

And that was two weeks ago.

“…Ho. So you've succeeded in encountering Myuron.”

Dino grinned and nodded.

“Yes, my visit today is to get some information out of him while acting as a
friend. Myuron always sits there, drinks, and causes a ruckus.”

At this point, Kashimir and Murakan couldn't hide their surprise. They had
been waiting since daylight, making no progress, but this journalist
provided everything they needed to know.


“I am very thankful that I met you all. So… what do you think? I will
attract his attention, so you guys can go check out the basement.”

Jin shook his head.

“No, we can't do that.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 106

“Do you not like the plan? There's not a single guard or magician in there.
As long as I can divert his attention, sneaking a peek in the basement would
be easy as pie.”

“Nah. Let's say that you do distract him. We go check the basement and see
there really are living golem experiments. Then we can guarantee some
evidence of the experiments. We can't guarantee your safety after that.”

“Can't I just deal with him while he drinks and then slowly withdraw? After
you all escape the basement, that is.”

“It seems you don't know a lot about magicians. How many security spells
do you think are in there? The moment we approach the basement, Myuron
will definitely find out. Then you're dead.”

“I didn't come here without knowing the possibility of death.”

“Sometimes there is a difference between courage and foolishness, my

journalist friend. There's no point in dying before you even start the

Jin didn't want to use Dino like a disposable card. This brave journalist had
all rights for a prolonged life.

And if Dino died, then all of his precious progress would be lost.

“Let's do this instead. With your introduction, we also become Myuron's

drinking buddies.”

“Let's go drink together. We'll pretend to be stranded soldiers and

storytellers. Our story is that we just met you coincidentally and you
brought us to him because you thought we were cool.”

“You think Myuron will believe that? I'm sure he'll be suspicious.”

Jin sighed and grinned.

“From your experience, what kind of person is he?”

“A lunatic. A sadist who feels refreshment from others' misfortune and

pain… Something like that.”

“That's right. But is that all? Even though he's living each day like that, he's
the Zipfels' sixth son. I'm sure he already knows who you are.”

Dino quickly waved his hands in front, denying that fact.

“No way. If he knew, then he wouldn't have kept me alive.”

“I'm sure he doesn't know your exact identity. But read your journal again.
Every single native you interviewed had been dragged into the basement.
What would this mean?”

Dino had thought that the order of Myuron's experimental subjects were
random and not at all related to his own actions because the Zipfel wasn't
harming the journalist in any way. However, following basic logic, a person
of power wouldn't let someone undermine their plans.

The misconception impaired Dino's thought process, even though he had

recorded that every single native he talked with had been dragged into the
basement within a week.

“And a drinking buddy… You think Myuron is really keeping you around
because he's lonely? There's no way. He had been observing a rat trapped in
a cage. You.”
“What do you… A rat in a cage… Me…”

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“Yeah. Maybe he got a little curious. 'Why is this kid so courageous for no
reason? Why is this kid not realizing that I'm dragging natives each time he
talks to them?' Thinking something like that.”

“There's… no way. What would he gain from doing that?”

“You said it yourself. He's a lunatic who enjoys others' suffering. Then, he'd
be feeling great watching you, right?”

Instantaneously, Dino started stumbling backwards.

He thought that Jin's theory was a stretch. However, there was no way to
refute it; the logic was flawless. And if it were true, he didn't know how to
compensate for the natives whom he indirectly killed.

“So even if we all go together, he won't be cautious. He would welcome us

as if you were a cute rat bringing new rat friends. In his perspective, he's
just getting more toys.”

Jin was saying this so confidently for three reasons.

First, excluding Tika, every native who came in contact with Dino was
dragged into the basement.

Second, the stories he heard about Myuron Zipfel before his regression. The
rambunctious Tona twins could be considered angels compared to him.

Third, the last conversation he had with Beradin at the Cosmos Arena. They
exchanged many words that night, but in one of their conversations,
Beradin mentioned that he despised Myuron.

—Elder Brother Myuron is a handful. You can't even compare him to old
hag, fossil-face Andrei. Just thinking about him makes me puke while I
sleep. I have no idea why the elders let him be the Pillar of the Seventh
Tower of Magicians.

—Huh, you despise him that much? What kind of person is this man?

—Dante, a nice guy like you could never conceive the level of that sadistic,
psychopathic monster.

Jin found it weird that he firmly trusted Beradin's evaluation of Myuron. He

also kind of missed Dante and Beradin for a second.

“All of that… What if it's wrong? If y-you read the journal, then one native
is still alive even after making contact with me.”

“Latika Tika Mamutika.”

“Yes, she is…”

Dino stopped, then gritted his teeth.

“I truly wish your theory is wrong. If it is as you expected, then I think I

know why Myuron let Tika live…”

“Let's go check it out later. I don't know if my imagination is vivid, or

Myuron is hot garbage.”

“Hey, kiddo. This is cool and all, but what're you gonna do when you meet

“What am I gonna do? I'm going to play along with him and strike him
when the time is right. Hearing what Dino said, if we just kill him, then it's

Understanding Jin's intent, Kashimir nodded and confirmed.

“Playing along with him while he drinks must be to distract him. Surely, he
does not know how strong we are. We can also check for traps or
The most up-to-date nov_els are published_here >

“That's right. While drinking and talking with him, wouldn't there be a
chance to strike when his guard is down? I mean, even though my plan may
be flawed, a battle is imminent.”

The four gathered and planned their roles.

Each of them selected a fake name and occupation. They planned scripts
and coordinated conversations just in case.

“If we somehow get inside, we must find the natives. Once a battle starts,
our priority is to protect Dino and the natives.”

“And if any of us senses that Myuron lowered his guard, execute him

Dino then summarized all he knew about the Kollon Ruins in five minutes.

“The central basement is where everyone goes. But I will say this one more
time: there are no guards or magicians. Since I can't engage in battle, I can
only wish you the best of luck.”

After organizing their raid, they began to walk down the path to Myuron.
Dino led the way, and the other three followed. Jin took off Myulta's Rune,
and Kashimir and Murakan removed their masks.

Myuron—who had been talking to himself—sensed their footsteps and

waved at Dino.

“Oh! I was waiting for you, Dino. Hehe, I can't talk with these uncivilized
fellas here… And you brought friends today?”

As soon as he saw Myuron's smile, Dino could only feel goosebumps

crawling up his back.

'As the kid said… he's welcoming us.'

Dino barely managed to maintain composure. He lowered his head.

“I apologize for bringing people without permission, Sir Myuron. I met
them coincidentally, and I thought you'd get sick of talking to me… If I
went overboard, I apologize.”

“It's okay, no worries. Where did you meet them?”

Myuron looked over to the campfire and spoke.

It looked as if he wanted to hide his grin.

“I met them while plowing for herbs in the Peylon Kingdom. They were
soldiers in the kingdom's northern region, but it seems they were returning
home for vacation.”

“I am honored to meet you, Sir Myuron Zipfel.”

“I am honored—”

“Enough, enough. I don't need self-introductions. Get those pointless

greetings out of here. Hey! Bring more glasses!”

A Kollon native ran over with more goblets and distributed them.


Myuron poorly filled their goblets. They overflowed with wine, dark purple
splattering everyone.

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“Dino… Dino Zeglun.”

Throwing the glass bottle away, Myuron made a strange smile. Then
squinted his eyes, staring into the fire.

“Yes, Sir Myuron?”

“Two weeks ago, I really wanted to know who you were. A commoner who
comes into the Zipfels' restricted area without remorse. People like that
don't exist.”

“I apologize.”

“Ah, hehe. I'm not trying to blame or flame you. Anyways, from then on,
you got on my nerves… Especially when you met the natives without my
knowing! I thought you were a bad supervisor that my father stuck onto me.
He has his ways, you see. Hehe, hehe, hehehehe.”

Myuron chuckled. Dino didn't know what to do, so he just waited for
Myuron's next words.

The visitors were hypersensitive. They felt that the situation was unraveling
faster than expected.

“And now you bring friends into the restricted area without my
permission…? Aaah! Oh heavens. My Dino, what is wrong with you? How
could you be so fearless? I can't understand you. I'm about to get

Myuron burst into hysterical, maniacal laughter. His body quaked from it.
He shook so much that he would've stuffed his head into the fire if he wasn't



Myuron immediately stopped laughing and sipped some wine.

“But now I know. Why your liver's so big and swollen.”

“I don't know what that means…”

“The Garden of Swords. The ones behind you are from there.”

Jin swung his sword first. Simultaneously, Kashimir stabbed Myuron's
back, and Murakan conjured a force field around Dino.


Something deflected the two swords.

It was a force field from condensed mana that was hidden by the fire.

'I couldn't detect this much mana? He had his face up close to the fire
because of this?'

Murakan was shocked.

Even though Myuron was not a spiritual energy user, he could completely
conceal his mana usage.

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“Jin Runcandel! It seems the runaway prophet begged at your feet!”

“It seems you know my face. I thought we planned it out pretty well, but
now our fake identities weren't even used.”

Jin stepped back, clicked his tongue, and fixed his stance.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 107

They couldn't really attack.

From the fire, many condensed mana spheres emerged and surrounded
Myuron. The three had never seen this kind of magic.

However, they could sense it. It was dangerous.

'What's this? I can see the mana clearly with my own two eyes, but I can't
sense it. And on top of that, Myuron knows my face.'

There was no need to know why Myuron knew. Among the four Zipfels
who came to the Runcandel banquet, one of them could have drawn Jin's
profile and shared it with the clan.

'I should be careful whenever I face a pureblood Zipfel.'

“Ehehehehehe. Kuhahaha!”

Myuron kept laughing like a hyena. It was hard to tell if he was confident in
winning or just crazy.

“I pity that prophet bitch. She went to beg the Runcandels but didn't know
that they sent a child to me. Wait, aren't you still a provisional flag-bearer?
It could've been a personal request from her, then. Hehehe.”

As Myuron chuckled, Jin was still thinking.

'It's hard to conceal one's presence even with spiritual energy. An artifact
can't do that either. Is this guy also a contractor?'
Jin dug through his memories from before his regression but couldn't find
any information on him. All the information known about Myuron was only
about his crazy personality and crimes.

Jin glanced at Murakan, and he didn't seem to know either. He then looked
at Kashimir but realized that the Ghostblade wouldn't know much about

'It looks like he has a special ability, but he's still an 8-star. As long as we
don't get distracted, we will never lose. If he doesn't cheat like Andrei who
used the Demon God's Orb, that is.'

He was an opponent that Jin couldn't face by himself. But with Murakan
and Kashimir, he had the upper hand.

'I just need to fight while keeping in mind that I can't read the flow of

Making this conclusion, Jin conjured his aura.

“Blah, blah. Shut the fuck up. Your laughter also sounds disgusting.”

“Fufu, let's have some fun.”


The mana spheres quickly froze. Instantaneously, Myuron threw the ice
spheres at Jin.

The nine globes of ice the size of cannonballs each split into three smaller

Jin and Kashimir dodged to the side. Murakan accurately punched each one,
having the need to protect Dino.

“Oho. Was there a martial artist among the Runcandel guardian knights?”

“Who the fuck are you takling about? Guardian knight? You dumbass—You
After seeing the rest of the projectiles fly to the natives, Murakan spat on
the ground then carried Dino—the journalist's body placed across the
dragon's shoulders. The natives froze in fear.

After all, normal people couldn't dodge the fast projectiles.

Papak! Crack!

Murakan threw himself towards the bullets and shattered them with his

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“Are you all gonna die standing still, you idiots?!”



It sounded as if something was stuck in the natives' throats.

Murakan then noticed a horrifying sight. Most of them had a deep cut in
their necks.

It wasn't a wound that they had the day before.

'Their vocal cords… They're all cut?!'

Jin, Kashimir, and Dino also saw the atrocity. At least seventy percent of
the nearby natives had their vocal cords severed.

“Aaaack! Y-You… You motherfucker!”

Dino—who had been frozen in place—looked at Myuron and screamed. His

eyes filled with tears and hatred.

“How could you?! I'll kill you… I'll kill—!”

“Heehee. Dino, I ripped some of them out just to see what face you'd make.
It seems that you like my little art project.”

Myuron's maniacal grin distorted his face. His eyes curved like crescent
moons, and his hair flipped in the wind.

Moreover, instead of targeting Jin and Kashimir, he was targeting the

natives. Murakan was jumping here and there, but he couldn't do it for long.

It would be easier to transform into his true form. However, they were in a
land within the Lutero Magic Federation. The moment he turned into a
dragon, all of the dragons affiliated with the Zipfel Clan would find their
way to the Kollon Ruins.

Kashimir couldn't believe his eyes. With feverous anger, he glared at

Myuron. Dino kept screaming and shouting.

“Hehehe. AHAHAHAH! HAH!”

Myuron continued to laugh. However, it was only for a moment.

Jin froze.

And Myuron couldn't read anything from his expressionless face.

Nevertheless, Murakan could read his god's contractor's mind. A clear



“Myuron Zipfel. Today is the last day.”


The aura surrounding Bradamante receded.

Then, a black energy began to envelop the blade.

Myuron's laughter stopped, and he stared at Jin. He wasn't scared of the
young Runcandel's new sword. However, it was the first time his heart beat
so hard, so rapidly.

A premonition.

Myuron hadn't felt this in a while.

The most up-to-date nov_els are published_here >

'What is this? Solderet's power? Then is Jin Runcandel…?'

The spiritual energy slowly surrounded the blade.

“Keep laughing. Just like before.”


The surrounding darkness slowly grew darker and deeper.

In Jin's spiritual energy release, the surrounding environment was dyed

black. The deepened darkness then gathered to his blade.

Blade: Unleash.

It was his first time using it after his spiritual energy reached 5-star.

'Young Master Jin… Is this the power of the shadows?'

Kashimir gulped. He had seen Jin's swordsmanship for the longest time.
However, Jin looked like a different person with Bradamante unleashed.

Jin activated Myulta's Rune, and his grim face was covered by the helm.

“Ha, haha… Does this mean Solderet stands with the Runcandels once
more? Breaking the deal with us!”

The ice particles that were flying towards the natives stopped.
Jin did not answer and called Murakan and Kashimir before pointing to the

“The two of you need to block that.”

They simultaneously looked up.


“What the hell is that? When the hell did that bastard make that?”

Hundreds of ice balls floated in the sky, several times more than the Zipfel
had shot. The transparent projectiles were barely visible, camouflaged in
the night sky.

There wasn't a special reason as to why Murakan and Kashimir couldn't

detect it. Myuron simply did not have a detectable flow of mana.

Jin—who was the most knowledgeable of magicians among the three of

them—found out after some time of deduction. He deduced that Myuron
was preparing something nasty.

“…Heh, you finally noticed? I was gonna explode you and those pathetic
crimson-people like bugs. Pop, pop, pop. Well, I guess I can't anymore.”

Regaining his composure, Myuron grinned.

“But saving all of them will be hard.”

Myuron didn't want to talk further. He felt like he was facing mongrels
instead of humans.


Jin lifted off his feet with his sword overflowing with aura. His feet were
light as a feather as he charged at Myuron with tremendous power and

Myuron frantically cast a force field and shot the nearby ice bullets at Jin.
However, the ice projectiles were futile in stopping Jin. In the blink of an
eye, all of the bullets shattered into ice crystals and helplessly fell to the

Crack! Slash!

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Every time Myuron blinked, the blade was closer than before. At that
moment, he fell into a dilemma.

No, he was doubting. Would his force field be able to deflect Jin's blade?

'It can't.'

Quickly making a conclusion, Myuron quickly drew his wand. Instantly, he

had cast multiple advanced spells. Jin couldn't read his mana this time as

Three spells were cast.

7-star flame spell, Fire Barrier; 7-star ice spell, Ice Wall; 8-star wind spell,
Mystic Hellwind. There weren't many magicians who could cast so many
spells in such a short amount of time.

'It's fast, but it's not a simultaneous cast. Still, pretty impressive.'

Two 7-star defensive spells, and Mystic Hellwind was an offensive spell.
Mystic Hellwind was a spell that conjured hundreds of sharp wind blades.
A cruel and brutal spell infamous for its ability to chop up the enemy. It was
the spell that Myuron enjoyed using.

Furthermore, it was a very complex spell. Running through the ice

projectiles, Jin halted to a stop and covered himself with spiritual energy.
Myuron smiled as he let out a sigh of relief.

'As expected, he did contract with Solderet, but his understanding of magic
is lacking. He thought of just blocking it. Hellwind doesn't stop until the
caster either dies or their mana runs out.'

The spell began to scratch and tear at Jin's barrier, and feeling an ominous
chill, Myuron turned his head.

A helm with two glimmering eyes—Jin.

The spiritual energy barrier was a diversion.

Jin had waited for the moment that the wind blades were deflected, spread,
and blocked Myuron's vision. Then, as Myuron's sight of Jin was
obstructed, he quickly moved out.

If Jin hadn't known about Hellwind, he wouldn't have been able to pull it
off. Even the caster of the spell themself would not be able to read the exact
timing that Jin could react to.


Surprised, Myuron quickly withdrew the spell. He wanted to stop wasting

mana and focus on his fire and ice barriers.

He finally found out how heavy and strong Jin's strike was.

Swinging Bradamante, Jin's eyes flared up.


Myuron had never seen something like this before. He had fought many
knights, and there were some who could 'cut away' his magic with a sword.

However, he never imagined how quickly the unleashed Bradamante could

pierce the barriers.

'He's just erasing my magic…!'

His Fire Barrier and Ice Wall did not get cut or shattered. Instead, the fire
was being extinguished.
The Ice Wall was penetrated first, and the overlaying Fire Barrier died

His pure mana force field was the only defensive layer remaining. As the
sword approached him, Myuron could only step backwards with a shocked
expression on his face.

However, along with that expression came excitement.

He ducked out of his force field and struck his wand on the ground. The
floating ice projectiles began to fall, accelerating to the speed of bullets.

“You would taste very good. Oh how glorious it would be! Good thing I
stayed on this land…!”

On the ground that Jin was standing on, a magic circle started to glow.

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A trap.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 108

“God damn it! Runt! Block it!”


“You guys, gather around me!”

Murakan and Kashimir couldn't stop all of the falling ice. Blocking
hundreds of projectiles would have been much easier if Murakan could
transform into a dragon.



Those with their vocal cords still intact screamed, and those with theirs
severed let out a low, airy sound. There were also many who froze in place.

“Hey! Move along if you don't want to die!”

Murakan swore and ran towards the ones who froze in fear. He tossed them
to Kashimir.

“I'm gonna send all of the natives to you, so just focus on blocking the ice

“Toss them carefully, Sir Murakan!”

Jin could not participate in the rescue because of the magic trap.

Mana chains emerged from the glowing magic circle beneath his feet and
wrapped around his ankles.

Myuron was going to go crazy from the enthusiasm. As hundreds of ice

bullets smashed into the ground, the earth rumbled and quaked.

“Isn't it… such a lovely night, Jin Runcandel?”


Jin swung Bradamante to cut the chains.

However, no matter how much he swung his sword and broke through the
chains, new chains emerged and restrained him.

“Kuheeheehee, that's a spell that we, the Seventh Tower of Magicians, brag
about. It's impossible…”


“…to get out… Hmm, was that too weak? Awww, don't look at me like
that. There's a lot more where that came from.”

Before Myuron could complete his sentence, Jin broke free from the chains.
He enhanced his spiritual energy then attacked, shattering the magic circle.

However, his surroundings still glowed with mana. Many magic circles
were suspended in the air, so he couldn't move as freely.

'This guy is crazy. How many traps did he even cast? I can't read his mana
flow, so I can't even sense these traps.'

The Kollon Ruins was no longer a disposed ruin with all of the traps. It was
now akin to a kind of magic fortress.

Jin had never fought someone in a place with so many pre-cast spells.
Although it looked as if he escaped the mana chains with ease, in reality, it
took quite a toll on him. Mustering explosive amounts of spiritual energy
right after unleashing his blade was not an easy feat.


'If all of his traps are like this… This is a little problemattic. I can't use
spiritual energy like that much longer. I'm just gonna die of exhaustion
before I can even get my hands on him.'

Murakan and Kashimir were busy saving the natives. They couldn't help
until all of the ice projectiles had been deflected.

'But… can an 8-star magician use this much mana?'

Although Jin couldn't read Myuron's mana flow, just by looking at the
spells, he knew that Myuron needed to use insane amounts of mana at once.

Only considering the ice projectiles falling towards the natives, that would
take at least sixty percent of an 8-star magician's mana.

'Even if he cast the traps beforehand, maintaining them would drain him
quickly. In fact, he used three high-tier spells before this…'

It wasn't the strength of an 8-star. Either Myuron was a 9-star or…

'He has a mana enhancement artifact. I have to find and destroy it.'

“I wonder what you're pondering about.”

Myuron spun his wand through the air, and another trap was activated.

This time, a concentrated beam of mana was shot behind Jin. As he

prepared to throw himself to the side to dodge, dozens of smaller magic
circles were activated. It was a spell that Jin knew well.

An 8-star earth spell where any object within the magic circle would
disintegrate and get absorbed by the ground.

There were only two ways to evade the spell: either break the magic with
stronger spells or escape the area surrounded by the magic circles.

Instead of throwing himself into the activated earth spells, getting hit by the
giant laser was better.


Jin used Bradamante to cut through the beam of light. Sparks of mana flew
everywhere and burned Jin's skin. Thankfully, he didn't suffer any severe

Just as he was about to move out of the laser, more Erosion traps were
activated. The dark red mana began to disintegrate and vacuum the
surroundings, and Jin gulped.

'Phew, I would've died there.'

The fact that he sliced through the 8-star laser beam meant that his spiritual
energy was stronger than Myuron's magic.

Myuron's eyes narrowed.

'Father said that Solderet was originally the God of Swords. As expected,
Jin Runcandel will be hard to deal with when he uses his sword. And on top
of that, he… understands my spells?'

He thought that Jin's deflection of Hellwind was a coincidence.

However, his calm and composed actions at the activation of multiple traps
and not dodging into Erosion were too perfect to be a coincidence.

“Wait, are you… a magic swordsman?”

Jin's eyes widened. Thankfully, his helm covered his face, so Myuron could
not see his shock. No one had figured out Jin's specialty this fast.
Myuron wasn't the Pillar of the Seventh Tower of Magicians for nothing.

He was definitely much stronger considering his horrible personality. In a

mannerism-obsessed society like the Zipfel Clan, his magic had to be that
much stronger to compensate for his scumbag demeanor.

“Kuheehee. No answer! I'm already sure of it. You're a magic swordsman.”

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Myuron—who had kept his distance all this time—approached Jin.

It would be weird for him to enter close-combat range as a magician against

an opponent like Jin who had an unleashed sword. All of his traps were
working fine, so there was no need to close the gap.

However, Jin instantly understood the magician's goal.

'He's going to inject mana into me and force a mana overload!'

To those who possess mana, the most dangerous moment was when their
mana began to overload.

For magicians, the outcome of the battle was more predictable than that of
knights. The magician with the stronger magic could induce a mana
overload and easily end the battle.

This was not good for Jin.

Surrounded by dozens of activating traps, he couldn't move between all of

the magic circles.

And conversely, Myuron walked through them as if it was nothing, so Jin's

durable and powerful body was ruled out for the fight.

“Mana overload is the most devastating loss for those who possess magic…
However, in close combat, martial arts and swordsmanship weren't Jin's
only skills.

As Myuron gathered inconceivable amounts of mana in his wand and

prepared to stab Jin with it…


An ancient light spell that offered him a second chance in moments of

danger—Photon Cannon.

A powerful light flashed between them. Jin smiled in relief, and Myuron
stumbled backwards with hands over his eyes.

“The fuck are you mumbling about?”

As Myuron recoiled for a short moment, the traps' magic circles dimmed.
The ice projectiles in the sky shattered into pieces. Jin then swung


Particles of spiritual energy scattered, trailing behind the blade's path.

The feeling of cutting through flesh and bones. Jin could sense it through
his fingertips.

'Left arm. Disappointing.'

He aimed to cut Myuron in half, but Jin could only cut his left arm. The
magician used his mana and compressed the air to change Bradamante's

'Reactions unlike any magician, almost like a beast. He's lacking compared
to Andrei, but he's still a formidable opponent.'

He knew that he couldn't kill with another attack, so he planned to escape

the trap-infested grounds instead.
The entirety of the Kollon Ruins was covered in traps anyway. Despite this,
Jin concluded that the most dangerous traps were on the battlefield.


Myuron's left arm fell on the ground, and a whirlpool of dark mist spiraled
around the wound. The same was occurring for his shoulder. The remaining
spiritual energy ate away at his bones and flesh.

“Wow… Amazing! The power of light and shadow. I really want it for
myself. Erk!”

Myuron let out a deep breath and conjured a small magic sword. He cut off
the wound infected with the dark spiritual energy.

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He didn't really care that his arm was cut off. It wasn't just any bravado.

He was enjoying the fight.

“You think I'm crazy? Jin Runcandel, I can't see your beautiful face because
of that helm… but I think you are making an excited expression. You and I
are not so different. We both love to fight.”

That was Myuron's mistake.

“Think whatever you want to think. I'll give you that freedom until your

“Why, thank you. But can you really kill me? These pathetic fellows…
They'll protect me. Let's see, I've used three so far.”

“The fuck do you mean?”

“Don't you think it's a little strange? Your understanding of magic is deep.
You definitely know that I'm operating above the 8-star limit.”

—Used three so far.

Jin reinterpreted that line and let out short breaths.

“Myuron Zipfel… You… There's no way…”

“Whaddya mean, 'there's no way'? It's exactly what you're thinking! I'm
using these useless people to enhance my mana!”

“You're using humans as your catalyst?”

“If you can't believe it, I'll show you. Hehe.”


Myuron shot a ball of mana towards the small building. The structure,
which was already broken from the falling ice, was obliterated.

It was the 'basement where the natives were dragged' that Dino described.

The dust settled and revealed a pile of people covered with runes. Not all of
them were visible. However, it was definitely the destination of Myuron's

Kashimir and Murakan saw the horrifying sight and shook their heads.

Dino looked soulless and slumped to the ground.

“You seem to be confused. You must be wondering why I'm just showing
you my weakness like that.”


“I'm showing you because I want to know how much you value these
mongrels. If you didn't care about them, all three of you would be hitting
me at once. But instead, you let Jin Runcandel fight me alone. How

Myuron clicked his tongue.

“If you want to end me, let those mansource roaches die. They don't deserve
to be alive. And fight me, all three of you. Isn't that easy? Fuck that
kindness and morality bullshit, and give me your all. Kuheehee.”


Jin let out a heavy sigh.

“It's a lie!”

A woman shouted.


“It's all a lie! His mana isn't empowered by the people but our divine relic!”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 109

Note: Due to a slight mistake in translation, 'Liosa' has been changed to

'Laosa'. Sorry for the error, and we hope you enjoy this chapter regardless!

The woman was limping.

She had been hiding near the demolished building when she got caught in
the debris.

And there was one reason as to why she was there.

She thought that maybe—just maybe—it would be possible to save the

people piled up in the building while Jin fought Myuron.

Not because they were alive, but because she wished to create an honorary
grave for them.

“The ones over there are already dead. He's enhancing his mana with the
divine relic!”


Dino shouted.

The woman's name was Latika Tika Mamutika. She took the place of Laosa
as the natives' prophet.

However, since she was not a chosen one, she didn't have any divine
powers. She was just a normal human.
Myuron's face wrinkled.

He wanted to see Jin guard the pile of people with his life following the
delusion of their livelihood.

“That rat-bastard bitch… you dare ruin my show?!”


Two blue flames flared in Myuron's eyes.

The Zipfel Clan's vision spell, Gaze of Azure Flame. He had heard about it
from his master in the past, but it was his first time seeing it in action.

—The Zipfels' secret techniques are dangerous, but the Gaze of Azure
Flame is the most annoying. Having it directed at you would engulf you in
inextinguishable blue flames.

Myuron's eyes flicked towards Tika.

“Burn in hell…!”

And from Tika's ankles, fire began to spread.

Although she was severely injured, she had enough capacity to shout
towards Jin and his allies.

However, the moment the blue fire combusted her skin, the pain was
nothing a normal human could bear.


“T-Tika! We must save her! She is the only one that keeps the tribe

Tika fell to the floor and began to convulse, eyes rolling back. She
struggled to breathe because of the excruciating pain that echoed through
her body after each contracting muscle.
“The highlight of tonight was you fools guarding a pile of corpses!”

Myuron was not satisfied with Tika's painful misery. He spat on the ground.

'At this rate, she's going to die before the fire completely spreads.'

Running towards Tika, Jin remembered another conversation with his


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—Then what do I do when one is affected by this spell?

—Don't try to neutralize it with a poor ice or healing spell. Whatever you
do, you have to overpower it with a stronger flame.

A stronger flame.

A name immediately popped into mind. Jin put his hands together to gather
enough mana and open the dimensional portal.

The ruler of the Fire Dimension.

The phoenix, Tess.



A massive tear in space emerged next to Jin. Between the gap came flaming
blue wings. Every time they moved, hot wind spread everywhere.

Myuron couldn't believe his eyes. He blinked slowly multiple times.

“Te…ss? You summoned Tess?”

The legend of every magician's dream. Zipfel magicians were very

disappointed because they couldn't contract with Tess.
Because becoming the owner of Tess would mean becoming the best
magician of the era.

'That Runcandel fetus… is going to be the greatest magician of the century?

You're going to surpass me without my permission?'

Myuron's laughter disappeared.

On the other hand, Jin smiled. As soon as Tess was summoned, he was
certain that the Zipfels' Gaze of Azure Flame wouldn't stand a chance
against true blue flames.

“Everything will be alright, Tika.”

Tess lowered their head to Tika's burning body. After a second, they let out
a fiery breath.

Instantly, the blue flames at Tika's ankles were extinguished. The burn
marks disappeared as well, as if there was no flame in the first place.

The power as the Lord of Flames. Tess could make it so that the wounds
caused by a pathetic imitation of blue flames never existed.

“Th-Thank you.”

“As for me. If it weren't for you, we would have been toyed with by that

“I'll tell you the main points since we don't have much time. The tribesmen
in the building had been dead, and Myuron is using the divine relic.
However, he did not find it.”

“Then how?”

“Myuron tortured our people to get some activation chants out of us. The
divine relic is still hidden. In a place where only we can find.”

Though not fitting with the situation, Dino felt a little disappointed.
'Damn, she didn't even tell me that much.'

For centuries, under the Zipfels' oppression, the Kollon natives hadn't
revealed the location of the divine relic a single time.

“If it's someone sent by Lady Laosa, I can trust them. I will tell you. After
we get rid of that man.”

Jin nodded.

Myuron could not contain his hate and anger that his frown distorted his

Jin turned around and looked at him.

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“Alright, blue fire. Is that it? Now I'll send you away, just as you wished. To
the place you deserve to be the most. Hell.”

Jin could easily discern Myuron's expression.

'I'm sure he is humiliated because I summoned Tess. He doesn't want to

admit that he's weaker.'

Myuron looked furious. Which was why Jin chose his words carefully to
provoke him further.

“Playtime's over, Jin Runcandel. I'll tear you apart little by little and chew
on each bit of flesh. I will lick your bones clean…”

Fighting an enraged enemy was always an easier battle.

“Sir Kashimir, please continue to protect the natives! Murakan, let's go all
out! Don't give him a single second to react!”

“Are you saying I can transform?”

“You crazy? You really think you should?”

“Shit! Yeah, yeah. Alright. Hey, hey! You friggin' bird. Stop swearing!”

Of course, they carried on this weird side conversation to piss off Myuron.
They didn't really plan this. However, the contractor and his dragon were
inherently coordinated.

Murakan charged in from behind while Jin and Tess rushed in from the

Blood rushed to Myuron's brain, blood vessels becoming visible on his


“I, Myuron, will not be easy to punish.”


The blue fire on Myuron's eyes extinguished. In Tess's presence, his vision
spell was pointless.

“You said I deserve to be in hell? A fine choice of words, Jin Runcandel!”

Myuron began to cast a spell that the clan restored and declared as a secret

Hence, a sealed technique.

“At one point, I was the spouse of witch Helluram. A man who shared a
glass with the Kings at Tigris Mountain in the western region of the Black

Jin stopped just as he was about to draw his sword.

'This… Is this a darkness-type spell?'

Similar to the light spell, it was erased and forgotten off the face of the
planet. Darkness spells could not be found in a single magic tome or book;
people thought that it was merely an oral tradition.
Jin only guessed that it was a darkness spell, but he didn't exactly know
what it was.

Murakan flinched, and Tess let out a screech as if they were angry.


The phoenix blew fire with massive Pressure onto Myuron.

It was on a different level than the one used on Alisa. Even the summoner,
Jin, could feel the weight of the pressure from the fire.

'Tess is furious? What the hell is that spell anyways?'

At that moment, Murakan gathered the shadows cast by Tess's fire and
converted it into spiritual energy.

“Kiddo! He's lending his body to Demon King Orgal! We have to end him
before he finishes the spell! Unleash your blade to the maximum! Now!”


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Murakan shot out the spiritual energy as if he were releasing a dragon's


The blue flames and spiritual energy swallowed Myuron, but Jin realized
that none of the attacks were effective.

A strange purple energy protected Myuron. Something that Jin had never
seen before.

'A force field? No, that's a dimensional portal!'

The same gateway he made to summon Tess—excluding the eerie purple

And the portal was connected to the dark world that people usually referred
to as 'hell'.

Tess's highest-pressure fire breath was to prevent the portal from

completely opening. Murakan stained the hell gate with his spiritual energy
so Jin could aim his sword.

It was a mark. Otherwise, he would be swinging at thin air.

“Use Bradamante to cut at the spiritual energy!”



Mustering spiritual energy as his mana rapidly depleted from summoning

Tess was almost impossible for Jin.


As soon as he gathered spiritual energy, early signs of mana overflow

emerged. Blood flowed out of his mouth, nose, and ears, and he felt like
fainting immediately.

As his mana grew more unstable, Tess's power gradually decreased. The
pressure of the blue flames grew visibly weaker, and Myuron took this
chance to recast his spell.

“…And he whose life miserably ended to Helluram's dagger. Bestowed

with death, entering the depths of Hell. Call my name…”


Deactivating Myulta's Rune, Jin spat out blood and charged forward.

The mana overflow occurred because of magic, and Jin's will to move came
from his spirit as a knight.

Being able to exert identical swings of the sword ten thousand times.
The stage where he could show determination through the sword. Although
Mind's Blade was far from his reach, right before he lost consciousness…


As if he were casting a spell, he chanted that word. Every step he took

towards Myuron, Jin chanted it over and over again.

In order to fully manifest his goal to cut the portal.

Just like how the ancient Runcandel magic swordsmen mustered their


The blazing spiritual energy on Bradamante's blade slowly simmered.

The smoky spiritual energy completely soaked into the blade, and the sword
was born anew.

Compared to the musky spiritual energy, the blade shone as it reflected the
moonlight—as if it were sharpened and polished to perfection.


Jin swung down onto the hell gate.

Feeling the last bits of possession, Myuron shuddered. Then, he realized

that his plan was foiled.

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“Damn… Kuheehee.”

And with his only arm, he squeezed out the rest of his energy to whip out
his wand one more time.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 110

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]


Myuron's hand ripped through the air. He didn't have a single drop of mana
left, so it looked as if he was just swinging his wand around.

'Is it over…?'

The hell gate—which was cut by the sword engulfed in spiritual energy—
let out a loud screech as it shriveled up into nothing.


Jin fell to the ground. His face was stained with blood, but he didn't have
any severe injuries. Bradamante returned to its original form.


“Young Master Jin! Are you alright?”

Murakan and Kashimir frantically rushed over to him, and Tess drew back
the fire. The phoenix slowly faded and disappeared while worriedly looking
at Jin.

Jin couldn't keep Tess summoned as his mana had been all used up.
“Wh-What about… Myuron?”

“He burned to death while standing. Well done, kid.”

Murakan pointed at Myuron who failed to cast his final spell. He died to
Tess's flames, but apparently, standing and dying emotionlessly wasn't
enough for him. Even in death, Myuron had a creepy smile stretched across
his face.

'From all of the enemies I've faced, he's the most terrifying. Did he swing
his wand unconsciously?'

Although the magician's death left a weird aftertaste, Jin couldn't think
much longer. His exhaustion made staying awake unbearable.

Dino and Tika as well as all of the other survivors surrounded Jin.

They were shivering from fear—enough to trigger a seizure. It was because

of Myuron's still-standing corpse.

“Eerk, Murakan. You're alright. And what about Sir Kashimir…?”

“Everyone's okay except you, so shut the fuck up. Three insane powers are
having an orgy inside your body. Damn it, if the mana overflow causes a
counter current…”

“Will I die?”

“Yeah, you'll die.”


“Nah, I'm joking, you good boy! I knew you could do it. Anyways, you're
not gonna die. But if we don't do anything, you're gonna be crippled for half
a year. Show me all of the medicine we have.”

“Right here!”

Kashimir took out the medicine that he brought.

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He had brought many luxurious remedies for the heat of battle.

Unfortunately, there wasn't anything that could help Jin.

“What the fuck? Who told you to bring all these useless stuff? Why didn't
you bring the unicorn horn powder? You also had other healing stuff in your
bag. Anything else? How about blue fish scales?”

“I don't have those in my bag. I apologize. You said to bring immediate

healing items…”

“Huh! Well, shit. Kid, say goodbye to half a yea—Hey, hey! Jin! Don't die
on me, kid!”


Murakan turned his head. It was Tika.


“There may be medicine in Myuron's basement. I heard that he captured

some unicorns while drunk.”

A magician's laboratory usually had many items for experimentation. Such

was especially true for a lab that belonged to a pureblood Zipfel. One would
be able to find a plethora of weird compounds there.

“Lead me there. Now.”

“Over there… with the pile of corpses.”

Murakan ran towards the destroyed building and began to shuffle through
the debris. He found a barely-intact cabinet and ripped off the lock.


A big unicorn horn met his eyes. He crushed it as if it were nothing, then
slipped the powder into Jin's mouth. The young Runcandel's body jolted.

Jin vomited dark red blood.

Unicorn horn was the best to deal with mana overflow.

However, if the consumer was above 7-star, then it would be ineffective.

“Finally. That feels better. Though, my spiritual energy and aura were all
twisted up… Where'd you get the unicorn horn?”

Murakan tried to answer but was interrupted by Tika who began to cry and
bow to Jin.

“My name is Latika Tika Mamutika, and I greatly thank you for saving us.
Our people will never forget your deed.”

And the other natives began to bow as well. Dino joined them too.

“Oh… Please stand. Lady Laosa sent me here.”

“We know. Jin Runcandel, our savior. If it weren't for you, we would never
have executed our objective and succumbed to the Zipfels' rule.”

There were only around thirty natives left.

About twenty died from Myuron's ice projectiles, and a hundred and fifty
died after being brought to the basement.

It was depressing.

The natives finished their bowing and went to the pile of corpses. They
mourned at the horrifying sight.

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“The prophet… She asked you to save us. Is that right?”

“Yes, that's right.”

This couldn't be called saving. So many people had already died.

Jin made a bittersweet smile.

“She didn't mean to bring everyone back alive. She was asking us to
recover the divine relic of Kollon.”

The mirror.

'We have to “recover” it? Does that mean it's broken or something? I've
never heard of that in my past life.'

Jin knew about the mirror, but Murakan did not.

“Hey, you're Tika, right? What is this 'divine relic'? Myuron's mana got
super boosted or something, and you said that you orally activated the relic,

“Yes, that is correct. And you probably noticed that his mana was
unreadable. That is also due to the relic's power.”

“I'm actually a dragon who has lived for over three thousand years, but I've
never heard of such a relic. What the hell is it? What kind of god do you

“Our god goes by Kullam.”

“Hm… Never heard of 'em. Well, alright. Let's get that relic and return
home. We have some ships awaiting us. The survivors gotta survive.”

Although he spoke without care, Murakan still felt pity for the natives.

Whoever saw their plight would have felt pity as well. As long as they
weren't a man named Myuron.

“…We should. I know that we are always in grave danger. However, O

Great Dragon, recovering the divine relic would take until tomorrow noon
even if we start now.”
“What? Tomorrow noon? It takes that long?”

“We must gather our people and unseal our land. And so, we need the sun's
energy. I apologize that we are causing such a hassle for our saviors…”

“Young Master Jin, Sir Murakan. We can't wait until tomorrow morning.
This land is within the Lutero Magic Federation, and we just killed a
pureblood Zipfel.

Kashimir pointed at Myuron's corpse—charred but still standing.

“Lady Laosa indeed mentioned the recovery of the divine relic, but staying
until tomorrow… We will all be slaughtered.”

He was right.

However, since there were no witnesses other than the natives and Dino,
holding until the next morning was possible.

In fact, they were in restricted land managed by the Zipfel Clan. Even if the
sun was high, no one would come near the area.

“Hm, well the decision always goes to the kid. What's the next move? Do
we wait until noon tomorrow, or do we escape with the survivors?”

Tika's eyes flickered.

Including her and the natives, the recovery of the divine relic was more
important than their life.

Jin opened his mouth to speak.

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“Miss Tika. Is there a Zipfel inspection team that comes here regularly? Or
checks on Myuron?”

“There are almost no cases where outsiders come to us. There hasn't been
anyone other than Dino for the past month. Before that, his underlings came
sometimes, but they really didn't want to be with him.”

“Probably because Myuron knew they were supervisors. If there isn't

anyone who comes regularly… I think that we could wait until noon and
take the divine relic with us.”

“Young Master, will that be alright? It's too dangerous.”

“Sir Kashimir, I'm sure you've fought with an 8-star magician before.”

“About three times.”

“As you felt, Myuron had cast spells with mana close to that of a 9-star. In
fact, we couldn't read his mana flow at all. And that wasn't even using the
divine relic properly. If such an item goes into the hands of the Zipfels…”


Jin already experienced what happened when the Zipfels obtained the

'They cranked out 7-stars like a factory. Only their mana was 7-star, though
they were pathetic excuses of magicians… And the world was just ruled by
the Zipfels.'

On that note, they had to acquire the mirror before them.

“The kid's right. Runt, that kid isn't stupid. Getting out of here would be the
most reasonable decision. However, the Zipfels with that artifact? We can't
deal with that. Never.”

“Good point. I didn't think it through that far.”

“And even if we wanted to leave, Miss Tika wouldn't. Isn't that right?”

Tika nodded.

“Our reason for living and our life's ultimate goal is to guard Kullam's will.
We would only become a hassle to you.”
“Which is probably why you didn't give the Zipfels the relic even after
going through three hundred years of oppression. No need to be sorry. We
are only working for ourselves. Miss Tika, you should go help your

Jin glanced at the demolished building, where many were weeping.

Tika bowed with moist eyes.

“Hey, uh…”

Dino approached Jin.

“Yes, Journalist Dino Zeglun?”

“I didn't know that you were Jin Runcandel…”

“Let's try to brainstorm how we could write an article which would deliver
the most discomfort to the Zipfels. Of course, you would leave out our
names in the report?”

“…As a journalist, I solemnly swear that I will not write your names in the
article. I would never betray those who saved my friends.”

“You do seem like a person who would do that, Dino. Well, I have some
stuff to think about, so you do your thing. Find solid evidence until noon.
Evidence that will prevent the Zipfel Clan from lifting a finger.”


Dino then disappeared into the woods.

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Jin looked at Myuron's corpse, eyes slowly dilating, and continued his
earlier train of thought.

'Was… was the last swing of his wand really done while unconscious?'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 111

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

'No way…!'

Jin remembered a conversation he had with his master.

—The Zipfels' pillars have wands with special mechanisms. On the upper
part of the wand, there are small rune characters on it.

—What for?

—If the pillar activates the rune, a signal is sent to the tower. Basically an
emergency call to summon reinforcements. Of course, they use it when
they're in grave danger or facing an enemy they can't defeat. Damn, that
was a pain in the ass.

Jin rushed over to Myuron's corpse.

If his master was right, then Myuron's last whip of the wand would be him
activating the rune.

“What's wrong, kid?”

“I need to see his wand!”

“Why his wand?”

Murakan didn't know about the existence of such a mechanism in the
Zipfels' wands. It wasn't something that was developed during his period of

Jin thought of an appropriate response, but Kashimir clapped his hands, as

if he realized something.

“The rune characters! I heard about how the pillars' wands have a rune that
could call for reinforcement.”

“What? Something like that exists?”

“It's just a rumor I've heard. I'm sure Young Master Jin would know more
about the Zipfel Clan as a Runcandel.”

“I'm just checking because Eldest Sister Luna mentioned something like
that. If there really are rune characters…”

“That would be problematic…”

Eyes flickering in uncertainty, the three stood in front of Myuron's charred


“Hmm… That bird burned him too hard. I can't even tell if this wand is
wood or charcoal. I don't think there's any rune. You said it would glow
when activated.”

“That's what I see as well, Sir Murakan. Haha, it must've been just a false

The two stared at the black wand and awkwardly smiled.

Jin scraped it with his dagger.

He could see it. Faded green characters—glowing. His premonition was

spot on.


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Murakan and Kashimir smacked their foreheads.

“Hey, kid. That divine relic thing… Can we tell the people to look for it
later? I can't even transform into my true form. Runt, about how many will

“There are at least one hundred magicians stationed for each pillar. With a
mix of 7- and 8-stars, half of them would be enough to wipe us out.”

Not even half. A quarter of the magicians would be more than enough to
deal with the trio.

“Damn. This world got a lot better. Really. Four or five 8-stars were nothing
during my prime. Damn it! Well, tell them to come. We'll destroy them. I'll
show them my three thousand years of experience.”

“Sir Murakan, I personally don't think we can win. Even if you faced all of
them alone, I don't think I can protect Young Master Jin in such a situation.”

Luckily, Jin's mana overflow was stopped by the unicorn horn.

However, he still wasn't fully recovered. His mana would overflow again
during battle, and it wouldn't be something they could just heal.

“Well, we can't just leave with the relic still here. Runt, you return with Jin.
I got a lot weaker, but I can still beat up some peons.”

“How could we leave with you, Sir Murakan?!”

“Haha, you runt. I always knew you were kind. Don't worry. There's no way
I'd die, right?”

Murakan scratched his nose with his inflated ego. Kashimir nodded
“…I understand! Then I shall take Young Master Jin and leave

“Wait. Why'd this bitch give up so fast? Isn't it normal to say that we'll die
fighting together or something? It's strangely annoying.”

“That's just you, Sir Murakan.”

The two exchanged a pointless conversation, and Jin sighed.

“How long would it take?”

“Oh, Young Master. How long would what take?”

“Hmm… The Seventh Tower of Magicians is at the edge of the northern

region. They would need approximately two hours to get here, maybe a
little earlier.”

'Two hours, he says. Can we recover the artifact within that time frame?
Even if they'll face the possibility of death, I don't think the natives will
leave the land without it.'

Tika's tears said it all. They wouldn't throw away this chance after centuries
of being under the Zipfel Clan's oppression.

'Two hours, two hours… Either way, we need strong reinforcement that
could come ASAP.'

They exempted the Runcandel Clan. As a provisional flag-bearer, calling

Luna again would be problematic, and Jin's other siblings wouldn't let him

A reinforcement other than his clan, able to fight against the Zipfels, and
could come to the Kollon Ruins immediately.

There weren't many allies like that.

Making a final decision, Jin looked at Kashimir.

“Sir Kashimir, there is something you need to do.”

Jin quickly explained his plan, and Kashimir's expression froze up.

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“…Young Master, do you think that would really be possible? If they

refuse, you and Sir Murakan will be in grave danger.”

“We should try. Well, even though it's a little humiliating, they wouldn't
refuse. There's no time. Please hurry.”

The continent's northern region, Seventh Tower of Magicians.

“The crystal ball turned red!”

“The pillar is in danger!”

“Don't you think he's just joking around again? We went last time, and he
was sound asleep. Probably drunk as well.”

“Even if it's a joke, it is our duty to respond to his summons.”

“Ha, how is he the pillar when he can't even respect the tower elders?”

“Shhh! Troublesome words will be drilled into our ears if the vice pillar
hears you. Either way, let's alert the vice pillar. Hey! Summon the vice

Although Myuron's rune triggered the alert system, most of the elders
looked disappointed. However, it was their usual cold reaction to Myuron's

One servant started running in one direction, and soon, the vice pillar

A beautiful and young skillful magician, Midor Elner.

Kelliark Zipfel's son.

“Where did the crystal orb locate Myuron?”

“The Kollon Ruins.”

“As of now, we shall gather all magicians of the Seventh Tower and go
there. Elders, please alert the main house and other towers.”

“And other towers? Aren't you just escalating the situation?”

“I have a bad feeling. A summon this early in the morning… I'm sure
something bad happened. Third elder, please open the transfer gates.”

“Hm, I wanted to do that, but…”

The third elder scratched his chin and pointed outside.

“So much snow has been falling since an hour ago, vice pillar. We cannot
use the transfer gates in such weather.”

As he said, a blizzard ravaged outside.

“We will go by dragon. After flying to Chenka, we shall use the transfer
gate to the Kollon Ruins.”

That meant that all of the dragons of the Seventh Tower were going as well.

After an hour, morning came.

In that time, Jin and Murakan helped the natives bury the dead, and Dino
found some undeniable evidence regarding Myuron's atrocities.

“Murakan, I've been thinking. The Seventh Tower's magicians probably

can't come here in two hours.”

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“There's always harsh snowfall in the northern region around January and
February. And during that time, they can't use transfer gates.”

“That's a relief.”

“I'm not certain, though. It just snows a lot, and there's some wind as well.
But two hours is too short.”

Thankfully, as Jin predicted, the magicians couldn't use the transfer gates.

However, he didn't know that the dragons were coming as well.


Jin vomited a clump of blood. An aftershock of mana overflow. The

immediate danger was avoided with the unicorn horn, but it didn't
completely suppress the symptoms.

“Errrrr, I guess I'm pushing myself too much.”

“Too, too much. I didn't know that crazy bastard would use darkness-type
spells. On top of that, a rune that could summon his allies… Back in my
day, we would draw out completely after losing a battle. The audacity of
people these days. No honor.”

“We summoned Eldest Sister Luna with Orgal's Pendant last time. And
Kashimir left to call for his allies.”

“That's a little different, yeah? That time, we were protecting the world, and
if we hadn't stopped the Demon God's Orb, the world would have been in
shambles. It's the same with the Kollon natives' relic getting into the
Zipfels' hands.”

Jin smirked. He thought of his master. If it weren't for them, he would have
had no idea about the reinforcements.

'Master… I wonder if you're growing well. I hope you are.'

“Sir Kashimir! Why did you return alone?!”

“Honey? Why are you alone? You don't look good—Did something

Gilly and Alisa shouted at him while Enya and Quikantel looked in

“There's no time to explain! Gilly, where is that flower?!”

“Flower? Why are you looking for a flower?”

“Oh! Over there!”

Kashimir pointed at a flower vase as he shouted.

A vase with a unique flower adorned with pure-white, snowflake-like petals

grew from it.

The Hidden Palace's snow blossoms.

“Alisa, open a transfer gate closest to the Hidden Palace. The faster I go, the
more likely Young Master Jin will survive.”

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 112

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

The Hidden Palace.

The tower that stood alone in the western region of the continent.

To resolve the current conflict, Jin chose the Hidden Palace. Normal people
couldn't go near that place, but as someone who was operating a massive
intelligence agency, Kashimir had connections.

And at his request, Alisa nodded.

“I'll open a transfer gate to the western region's Manji Island. Thankfully,
there's a Seven-Colored Peacock agent over there.”

Manji Island was the only island that led to the Hidden Palace. Attempting
to enter the island any other way would be deemed as intrusion or invasion
and was punishable by execution.

Of course, just because the visit was through Manji Island didn't mean free
entry to the Hidden Palace. Someone could only enter with enough trust
accumulated through connections, like Kashimir, or enough payment.

“Three years ago, I stationed an agent there just in case. Good thing it's
paying off. I wonder if that fellow has made any contact with the Hidden
Palace. His name was… Lucas?”
As much as the intelligence agent could open a pathway to the Hidden
Palace, would the tower respond to the entry?

“We didn't get any information about direct contact. We should at least get
some confirmation from the higher-ups.”

“No, there's no time. If the intelligence agent is doing nothing, maybe we

should start talking smack about the Master of the Hidden Palace. Then,
someone would come out, right?”

Alisa rushed to the transfer gate. In the meantime, Kashimir explained the
situation to Gilly.

“You guys killed a pureblood Zipfel, and to face the repercussions, you are
calling for reinforcements from the Hidden Palace? Ah… Young Master.
Why is he always walking on a tightrope… I can't even help because my
aura is sealed.”

“The Jin kid knows this, but he doesn't fear death. He flirts with it.”

“Miss Quikantel, I'm going crazy from his excessive confidence. What
should we do? According to Sir Kashimir, the magicians will be arriving
any time soon.”

Gilly bit at her nails. Enya, Lathry, and Euria patted her back in an attempt
to comfort her.

“Either way, don't fret, Gilly. Your Young Master doesn't die that easily.
And I'm here too. If the Master of the Hidden Palace or whatever doesn't
help, I can go and wipe them all out. Fuck it if I'll get a bountry from the
Zipfels with that.”

Although she spoke with bravado, Quikantel was still worried.

A horde of Zipfel magicians was inconceivable. And if she reveals her true
form in front of the Zipfel Clan, Andrei and Vyuretta's death would be
“…Don't worry, Gilly. I will convince the Master of the Hidden Palace and
go help Young Master Jin and Sir Murakan!”

The transfer gate to the island was ready, and Kashimir set out for his quest.

Most people in the world died without visiting Manji Island.

However, those who did visit always wanted to go back.

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A small, warm island with many wild animals frolicking in the meadows.
Ten lucky people received explicit permission from the Hidden Palace to
settle on the land where the vast ocean and the tower were visible in the

Three years ago, Intelligence Agent Lucas Manfren was stationed on the
said island. He was currently sitting on a hammock on the beach, rocking
back and forth as he drank a cocktail and watched the romantic sunrise as it
dyed the ocean orange. A loose shirt was draped over his tanned skin.

He looked more like a tourist than an intelligence agent.

“I never thought I'd enjoy this life on the continent. Fufu, there's nothing as
sweet as this.”

He would only make short contacts with headquarters every three months.
The other leaders of the Seven-Colored Peacock used to call often, but they
toned down because they didn't want to anger the Master of the Hidden

Lucas's identity was pretty publicized in the tower, so making secret calls
would be suspicious.

“Lucas! Lucas Manfren!”

A familiar voice called his name. At the distant voice, Lucas set down his
glass. He doubted his ears for two seconds before standing and greeting his

“S-Sir Kashimir? Why at this time…?”

Meeting eyes with Kashimir, Lucas began to imagine many unfortunate


Being punished for his lazy attitude, detained, or in the worst case, being
told to return to the main base, essentially ending his heavenly life at the

However, unlike all of his worries, Kashimir didn't care about any of his
work habits. Instead, he asked in a rushed voice.

“I must meet the Master of the Hidden Palace! Immediately! Did you
manage to form a direct contact with the Hidden Palace? Please say that
you have. I'm in a rush!”

A smile stretched across Lucas's formerly worried face.

'An opportunity for a raise! Or a promotion, even!'

The leader of the Seven-Colored Peacock requested him to establish direct

contact with the tower.

And Lucas could reciprocate this request.

“Of course, Sir Kashimir. I could immediately escort you there.”

“Whoa… Really…!”

“Yes, I have spent so much time establishing this contact for the past three
years… I'm thankful that it could be used in times of need.”

Lucas made up some words.

“I will never forget this favor. If things go well with the Master of the
Hidden Palace, feel free to await for a massive reward.”
“I merely did my job as an intelligence agent. Then, please wait a moment.
I will contact the Hidden Palace now.”


Boom, boom! Crackle!

Lucas shot firecrackers into the air.


“Fireworks? Is this a signal?”

“Yes, and do not be surprised. Something… big and warm will surround us,
and once we open our eyes, we will be at the Hidden Palace.”

“What? What do you mean—Ah!”

Whoop, whap!

Just as Lucas said, a huge silhouette swallowed them whole. It looked like a
mouth, but it was too fast for Kashimir to identify.

'Something swallowed us… Huh?'


The mouth that ate them soon spat them out.

Kashimir then opened his eyes. The warm breeze of Manji Island was gone
and had been replaced with cold wind blowing on his skin.

Blue white walls surrounded him. Even the floor was emitting cool air that
was cold enough to make a person furiously shiver.

He then realized that they were inside the Hidden Palace.

'What kind of entrance is this?!'

Kashimir suppressed his shock and looked around. Beside him was Lucas,
and in front of them…

“You baby. I told you not to call me early in the morning.”

A strange sense of affection and coldness came from the woman's voice.
She lay on the bed with a cigar as she looked down at the two on the floor.

Her name was Talaris Endorma.

The 51st Master of the Hidden Palace with the alias 'Abyssal Spider'. A 10-
star knight, and a formidable presence in the world.

“And a guest without my permission… Fufu. My baby, you've gotten a lot

slimmer since your last visit. Are you trying to prove that you're not a baby

Direct contact? A hotline?

Lucas definitely made a 'hot' line with Talaris Endorma.

“Honey… I'm sorry for suddenly contacting you and bringing an uninvited
guest over. But see here, Sir Kashimir's giving me a raise. He said he really
wanted to see you.”

Seeing their relationship, Kashimir could only be shocked.

'I knew that Talaris Endorma was good with men, but even our intelligence
agent?! And this Lucas kid didn't even report it to us?'

However, he could easily evaluate his situation.

Talaris and Lucas were not 'lovers'. Lucas was one of Talaris's playthings.
Rumor has it that publicizing the relationship would result in a missing

“Hngggh… Sure, I'm sure you have your problems. You're dismissed. Be
prepared to be punished.”
This_content is taken from


Talaris waved her hand around, and the big mouth swallowed Lucas and

The Ghostblade couldn't even react to the speed even with his senses
heightened for the tense situation. He and Talaris were now alone.

Lying down comfortably on the bed, Talaris's natural intimidation almost

matched that of Cyron Runcandel's. Kashimir could feel it.

'Think straight…! I've talked to Cyron Runcandel before!'

He gritted his teeth, and Talaris shook her head.

“Kashimir Vermont—Ah, you don't use that name anymore. Either way,
you already have a wife, and you aren't my type anyways. So, what made
you believe that I would listen to you?”

Kashimir flinched.

“…I apologize for the late introduction, 51st Master of the Hidden Palace. I
am Kashimir, a knight serving the Free City of Tikan. I came to see you

“Uh-uh, I don't want to hear about your problems. Can you tell me the
summary? Just answer my question. What did you believe and come to this
place for.”

Talaris said the last few words with emphasis, and Kashimir's eyes shook.
She wasn't even emitting her aura, yet the intimidation sent shocks through

'I… can barely breathe. I guess this is the presence of a 10-star knight.'

There are these issues, so please help.

Explaining it like that wouldn't help at all. Kashimir immediately pulled out
the Hidden Palace's snow blossoms.

“The person who received this flower from the Master of the Hidden
Palace's sole daughter is in grave danger.”


Talaris burst into laughter.

Three hours had passed since Myuron's death.

And as Jin, Murakan, and the surviving Kollon natives waited for


Six dragons circled above the ruins, and the bright sky grew dark under
their shadows.

Unfortunately, Jin, Dino, Murakan, and everyone else couldn't escape the
crime scene.

The natives already began the ritual to recover the divine relic. The land of
their temple just had to be near Myuron's corpse.

“The Kollon natives are doing some kind of ritual. They seemed to have
disobeyed the pillar's orders, vice pillar.”

“Find the pillar! And capture all of the humans in the area!”

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 113

Although Myuron's standing corpse was put away, the natives couldn't hide
as they were doing the ritual to uncover the mirror.

To them, getting the mirror in the right hands was more important than their
own lives. Jin and Murakan couldn't hide as well as they had to defend the
natives from an ambush.

“…It seems the pillar has activated the rune because of those outsiders with
the crimson-people.”

“It's possible that the pillar already died to them. We should encounter them
carefully, vice pillar.”

“Those men probably have reinforcements holding the pillar hostage.”

Jin used Myulta's Rune to block his face, and Murakan used a mask for his.
They looked like Myuron's killers at first sight.

Looking down at the culprits, Midor Elner stared with a murderous glare.

“If the pillar—No. If Myuron died because of them… I will give them
something far more painful than death.”

Midor clenched and gritted his teeth.

Jin was too far to listen in on their conversation, but he felt the hostility
despite the distance.
'Six dragons and about thirty magicians. Shit. I expected it, but seeing it in
person is exhilarating.'

They had enough to face an entire nation.

However, they were only faced with about thirty defenseless natives, an
internally wounded Jin, and a washed black dragon.

“Phew… Well, they came before the runt could come back. That runt… I
hope he didn't fail.”

Looking up at the dragons and magicians, Murakan was also very nervous.

“““O Great Kullam…”””

On the other hand, the natives muttered their god's name. Standing in a
circle, they concentrated on their ritual and ignored everyone else in sight.

With transcending will, they suppressed their fear and focused on the task at
hand. And with their eyes closed, they recited their ancient scriptures,
which were all destroyed centuries ago.

Although they were faced with a life-threatening danger, the ones who led
the ritual emitted an eerie divine energy.

“Heh. Their little religion helps them at times like this since they could just
rely on their god for protection. On that note, do you want to create a
Church of Solderet with me? 'The Shadow Brotherhood'. Name sounds

“Seeing that you can still joke around in this situation, it seems this fight is

“No, we're fucked. The natives are bound to die anyway, and neither can I
guarantee our escape. Do you have another Orgal's Pendant or something?”

“You think?”
“Then make a decision. Quick. Do we let those natives die and then run
away, or do we attempt to fight those guys and die honorably? The former
doesn't have a good chance like the latter, though.”

He was not joking.

Murakan evaluated the situation after observing the opposing forces. They
could never win the battle.

'Shit. This would have been nothing if I were in my prime. Temar, you
motherfucker. The heart you stabbed thousands of years ago is still aching.'

Jin thought for a second before shaking his head.

“We came all the way here, so we can't just give up on them. Let's try to
stall a little longer.”

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“What? How the hell would we be able to stall for time? Once they start to
cast spells, it's over.”

“But they haven't yet. Those guys aren't in a position to just strike us. They
don't know about Myuron's current state, and they might think that we're
keeping him hostage.”

As Jin said, Midor and the other magicians knew nothing regarding
Myuron's whereabouts.

'If they were certain of his death, they would have attacked immediately.
However, since that's not the case, they're calculating all of the

On top of that, Jin thought that the magicians wouldn't barrage the ground
with advanced spells to ravage the land.

Furthermore, even if they thought Myuron died, they needed to deal with
retrieving his corpse.

With the magicians on their back, the six dragons began to descend.

“Is there a dragon you know? They're all fire dragons.”

“Nope. They're all youngins that became active while I was asleep. And
they're not fire dragons but crimson dragons. A subgroup of fire dragons.
They must be Fire Dragon Kadun's underlings.”

The dragons of the Seventh Tower of Magicians were not guardian dragons
but Kadun's underlings. It meant that, among the magicians, none were

However, that didn't mean that they weren't strong.

Knowing this fact, Jin evaluated Midor, who was slowly approaching them

'He's strong… He's on the same level as Myuron. Maybe stronger.'

Although Midor was concealing his mana, Jin could feel his power as a
fellow magician.

'Additionally, the other magicians are trusting him. He's closing the gap
against a knight, and no one is stopping him.'

Clip, clop…

With the natives behind his back, Jin met eyes with Midor.

“I am the Zipfels' Seventh Tower of Magicians' vice pillar, Midor Elner.

Where is our pillar?”

A name Jin never heard of even in his past life.

“No idea.”

He answered carelessly, and Midor shook his head.

“I don't know why you guys would go after him. I guess his disgusting
personality elicited your hate…? Or are you the Runcandels' dogs?”

“I have no reason to answer you. But how did you know that we attacked

Jin asked as if he didn't know, and surprisingly, Midor didn't seem to hide
the facts about the rune.

“There are runes that our pillar can activate if and when he's in danger.
When activated, the crystal ball in the Seventh Tower turns red.”

Revealing the pillar's runes so easily meant that Midor had no intention of
sparing Jin nor his acquaintances.

“I will not ask you to take off your mask or discard your weapon. However,
I only wish for you to answer my question truthfully. Is our pillar… still

Saying those words, Midor's eyes wavered with sadness underneath his
murderous glare.

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For a while, Jin did not answer, and Midor asked him once more.

“Please answer me. I am asking as a family member. I'm sure you have a
family as well. Only if you… answer me truthfully will I—as the vice pillar
of the Seventh Tower of Magicians—solemnly swear that, after killing you,
I will leave your family alone.”

Midor showed his tenderness, and Jin gave a bitter smile in return.

“I agree. A family member dying or getting hurt is a painful experience.

However, Zipfel magician, look over there.”

Jin pointed towards his left.

“What does that look like? Graves. The graves of the natives slaughtered by
your prideful pillar. And look behind me. There are about thirty fellow
humans who lost their families just like you.”

“Do not compare those pathetic mongrels to our pillar!”

Midor's face wrinkled with anger.

“I'm sure you are not simply comparing our great pillar to those pathetic
beings! Does that mean you attacked our pillar not because of hate, but
because you wanted to save those people?!”

“That's right.”

“…Our pillar is not here right now… is he?”

Jin nodded.

“Myuron is dead.”

Midor began to cry.

Tears streamed down his face. Jin and Murakan felt the air turning heavy.

The magician then began to emit his mana.

“I will commemorate his death with your screams and blood. And I'll let
you watch me slaughter those pathetic dogs. Magicians of the Seventh
Tower, heed me. Capture those animals. I will not allow any more deaths.”

As soon as he finished speaking…



There was an explosion right next to Jin.

It filled his ears with a sharp ring, hurting his eardrums. Soon after, Jin
heard an ear-ripping screech.

He knew which spell Midor prepared.

'Spatial Explosion? Only an extremely talented magician contracted with

Sheenu can use this spell…'

And there was only one person who fit those requirements.

Kelliark Zipfel.

Before Jin's regression, he heard stories about the Zipfel patriarch often
while walking the path of a magician. That same Kelliark Zipfel could
cause explosions to occur anywhere—just with a twirl of his finger.

People said that he was similar to a god giving judgment whenever he cast
Spatial Explosion.

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'But why is he…?'

There was no time to think.

'He said “family member”. Is he Kelliark's son? Even so, is it even possible
to share Sheenu's abilities?'

Then, the second explosion occurred.

This time, to Jin's right. However, he couldn't dodge it. Even if his body
were in top condition, he still wouldn't be able to dodge it. His internal
injuries hurt him too much.


Another screeching sound.

Myulta's Rune could completely stop a 7-star knight's strike, but it could
not block out sound.

Midor identified that Jin's helm was a masterpiece, and he selected the most
effective way to defeat him.

If he had mana left to summon Tess, then he could create an absolute

domain with the phoenix's blue flames to stop the Spatial Explosions. Since
Tess's flames couldn't be affected by Sheenu's flames.

However, summoning the phoenix was impossible due to the mana


Looking around, Jin saw Murakan barely dodging the attacks.

The natives were not being attacked, but it was because Midor ordered the
magicians to capture them alive.

Seeing as the natives wouldn't stop their ritual despite being in the midst of
battle, they would eventually fall like flies. There was no need to attack
them in the first place, since they wouldn't be able to escape anyway.

“Did he get injured after fighting our pillar? He acted like he was fine when
he was talking to me, so I'll at least praise him for that. I am relieved our
pillar didn't die from his own incompetence… I shall keep our promise.”

Jin couldn't hear Midor's voice due to all the explosions.

Moreover, he had to throw his body around to dodge the explosive spells
and lessen the risk of triggering mana overflow. Blood visibly streamed out
through the breaths of the helm.

'The kid's gonna die at this rate! That bastard… How the fuck are we
supposed to stall for time against these crazy guys?!'

Murakan decided his next move.

'I'll transform into my true form then do whatever I can for the kid's
survival. Shit. One wrong move and I'll have to say my last goodbye.'
All of his memories flashed in his mind.

He smiled, remembering the past six years that he spent with Jin. He felt
more nostalgic recalling those memories than his experiences as Temar's
guardian dragon.


A white dimensional portal suddenly opened in the middle of the ruins.

And from it emerged something massive.

A white toad.

As well as a silver-haired woman and a younger girl on top of it.

“Hmm, it looks like I'm not late.”

The Master of the Hidden Palace, Talaris Endorma.

This_content is taken from

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 114


“Th-The Master of the Hidden Palace, Talaris Endorma?!”

Amongst the high-star magicians of the Seventh Tower, there wasn't anyone
who didn't know the face of the Abyssal Spider.

The magicians who were bombarding Murakan with spells simultaneously

stopped. Midor, too, couldn't help but stare at the white toad.

'You did it, Sir Kashimir!'

Jin almost fainted after feeling great relief. He was pushing himself far
beyond his physical limits; the only thing he could do was stand.

While the barrage of spells were at a brief pause, Murakan quickly ran to
support Jin.

“If that toad came even two seconds later, I wouldn't be able to see you
again. Kuku, kiddo. Is this the first time an amphibian looked so attractive?
Snow Toad Mort. There's a human that could summon that thing in this era
as well.”

Summoned beast, Snow Toad Mort.

It was bigger than the magicians' dragons and had a voluminous white
beard, as if it had lived thousands of years.
A summoned beast that could only be controlled by the one chosen by the
Myriad Ice. Every time Mort croaked, Talaris nodded.

“Yes, it was a long distance to travel quickly. Go rest until I call you again,


Surprisingly, Mort's massive body immediately disappeared into the white

dimensional portal.

As the portal closed, Talaris and Syris landed on the ground and looked

“Let's see… The kid who received the Hidden Palace's snow blossoms…
Ah, there he is.”

About thirty high-star magicians and six dragons were anxious. They
couldn't process the series of events that transpired on the ground. Even the
dragons who didn't know of Talaris's notoriety didn't budge.

The course of battle had instantly changed at her appearance.

The natives continued their ritual as the situation unfolded.

Clip, clop.

With carefree steps, Talaris snickered as she walked towards Jin without
acknowledging Midor. The moment she walked past the Zipfel, Midor felt
an ineffable humiliation. However, he did not dare to strike her from

If he did, his head would be cut off before he knew it.

“Oh my, you're in an unspeakable condition. Can you even hear me?”

“Yes, Madame Talaris.”

“Yes? Alright. Before I help you, let me ask one thing. Did you really kill
my 307th boyfriend?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I meant Alkaro Tzendler.”

New_chap_ters are pub_lished on

The drug dealer that Jin killed in his assassination mission during his cadet

Caught off guard by the 'small talk', Jin cleared his throat, temporarily
forgetting about his unbearable pain. Syris shook her head from secondhand

“Oh, that…”

“I'm not trying to antagonize you. I was going to get rid of that druggie
anyway. Instead, please introduce a better person after getting rid of one.
Like that handsome gentleman next to you.”

Jin and Syris were flabbergasted but suppressed it. Murakan shrugged.

“Hmph, 'handsome gentleman', you say. I must say, you sure know how to
look at people. And your entrance was very extravagant.”

“In that case, we should have a drink some time. Anyways, my daughter.
Go help out your lover and frolic in the grass or something. I have some
business to deal with.”

“I said, he's not a lover… Haaa, whatever. Good luck, mother.”

“Yes, yes. Oh, and you should be very thankful to my daughter. If it weren't
for her, I wouldn't even be here.”

Talaris turned around, and an ice wall rose from the ground, surrounding
Jin. She was using 'Myriad Ice' to protect her priorities.

All she did was wave her hand, and she created an indestructible barrier.
Murakan was impressed.

Talaris then did the same for the natives.

'Thank god.'

Relieved, Jin finally let go and let his body fall to the ground. Syris hung
his arm around her neck.

“…Long time no see, Jin Runcandel. I was sure that we would have a duel
the next time we met, but I didn't think it'd be like this.”

“Lady Syris, thank you. I am indebted to you.”

“No need. There's no way I would let you die before I defeat you.”


Jin let out a groan, and Myulta's Rune was deactivated. All of the blood that
accumulated in his helm spilled out.

'Oh my—He was standing in this condition? I've never seen so much blood

Spiritual energy, mana, and aura were mixed in with Jin's blood, making it
have a dark glow. Syris quickly pulled out a potion and rested Jin on her

“I'm sorr—”


Syris slowly and calmly poured the concoction into Jin's mouth. Murakan
smiled at the sight.
“Lookin' good. I apologize if I'm disturbing your guys' special time. Should
I clear out for y'all?”

Murakan was in a very good mood.

Not so long ago, he was preparing himself to never see Jin again, but with
the situation improving, he was relieved.

New novel_chap_ters are published here:

“Hmph. Out of all the dragons I've met, you are the most childish.”

“Huh? How'd you know I was a dragon?”

“My mother doesn't call just anyone a 'handsome gentleman'. She only uses
that towards dragons. And I'm not in such a great mood right now, so I wish
you would stop fooling around.”

“Fufu, alright. I need to rest anyways. I'll leave the kid to you.”


Murakan transformed into a cat. He paced back and forth around Jin before
settling next to him. Syris scoffed.

'Wait, was he the cat that I saw at the banquet? It was a dragon?!'

She shuddered at the memory of petting and loving Nabi Runcandel after
dueling Jin at the Runcandel banquet.

'Jin Runcandel. I don't like the atmosphere around you too much.'

However, she didn't really hate Jin's wet hair on her knees.

On the other side of the barrier, the magicians awaited Midor's next move.

Since the Master of the Hidden Palace entered the battle, would they
silently retreat or fight in the name of the Zipfels?
From a technical standpoint, the former was a smarter decision; the latter
wasn't. Facing her would be borderline impossible.

However, Midor chose the latter.

'Even though the opponent is the Master of the Hidden Palace, I can't just
let the pillar's killer go.'

He also had a plan up his sleeve.

'Even with the Seventh Tower of Magicians, she would be a challenge…

but if we hold on for a bit, then the other towers will reinforce us!'

Before coming to the Kollon Ruins, Midor alerted the other towers that
Myuron was in grave danger.

—As of now, we shall gather all magicians of the Seventh Tower and go
there. Elders, please alert the main house and other towers.

—And other towers? Aren't you just escalating the situation?

—I have a bad feeling. A summon this early in the morning…

Midor's hunch was spot on. On top of Myuron's death, they had to face the
Master of the Hidden Palace.

And if sufficient reinforcements were sent, then their victory was attainable
since the opponent was Talaris Endorma and not Cyron Runcandel.

'And the patriarch has bestowed his abilities upon me. Even if I can't inflict
enough damage with Spatial Explosion, I can at least stall for time.'

Midor made his decision and stepped forward. His eyes met with Talaris.

“Master of the Hidden Palace. I am the vice pillar of the Seventh Tower of
Magicians, Midor Elner. I would like to ask why the Ruler of the West Sea
is interfering with Zipfel business.”
As Midor finished his sentence, the magicians planned their battle
formation. The six dragons gathered their breaths, preparing for an attack.

Talaris scoffed in pity.

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“Interfering with Zipfel business? I'm dealing with some business myself.
On that note, you guys are the ones meddling with my business. If you
understand and walk away, I'll be nice enough to let you go.”

“I understand that the world knows of your strength and skills being
uncontested, but the Hidden Palace cannot threaten the Zipfel Clan. Those
people are the ones who killed the sixth son of the patriarch, the pillar of the
Seventh Tower of Magicians. So please back away, Master of the Hidden

“Oho, that's some serious stuff.”

“I'm sure that you do not want the Zipfels as an enemy of the Hidden
Palace. Additionally, this land is part of the Lutero Magic Federation—part
of Zipfel land.”

“But there's not enough spark or flash. 'Our clan is so great that we're the
best in the land.' That's something dogs would say. Well, they do say that
dogs act like wolves in their territory.”

The elders behind Midor furrowed their brows.

“Master of the Hidden Palace! That's too far—!”

“Shut the fuck up.”

Talaris glared daggers at the elders.


That was all she did, but the two elders fell to the ground, holding onto their
throat as if they were suffocating.
The elders fell after receiving the glare filled with concentrated murderous
intimidation from Talaris. The 'will' of a 10-star knight was no different
from a weapon.

“Third elder!”

“Raise a barrier!”

The magicians quickly cast a barrier, and simultaneously, the dragons

released their breaths.


There weren't many moments where the breath of a dragon looked pitiful.

Talaris instantly disintegrated the six dragons' breaths.


As the breaths reached her hand, it turned into brittle ice. The ice shattered,
and the air glimmered with the sparkles of ice. The magicians instinctively
stepped backwards.

“Isn't it glamorous? If you shoot your breath one more time, you ugly
reptiles will become Mort's meal. Alright, I think I've shown off the
difference in power. Are you going to continue?”

This was the Zipfel magicians' last chance. Their last chance to leave
without losing anyone.

However, Midor was too blind to seize the opportunity of survival.

“Even if we all die fighting you, the ones to be erased from this world will
be you. Not us!”


Midor aimed and used Spatial Explosion on Talaris's neck.

Talaris's eyes shook.

She reacted perfectly to the explosion and blocked it with her ice, but she
was very surprised.

Foll_ow new_episo_des on the platform.

“Huh? This is Kelliark Zipfel's power… What the hell are you?”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 115

“Although I do not want to fight you, I cannot let it stain my clan's name.”


Another explosion. This time, Talaris reacted in time with another ice
crystal. She frowned in disapproval.

At this point, Midor thought that it was possible to win.

However, that was a delusion.

“Hmph. Spatial Explosion, you say. You are too rambunctious with
Kelliark's power at hand.”


Talaris stomped on the ground.

Rumble, rumble…!

The Zipfel magicians' barrier began to freeze. Thirty magicians contributed

to the barrier, and it only took one person to take it down. Only three
seconds were needed to shatter it.

“Wh-What is this?!”

All of the Seventh Tower's magicians knew Talaris's face, but none of them
really had any experience fighting her.
If anyone actually knew her true strength, they never would've challenged

The magicians' faces turned red. The dragons let out low, quiet whimpers.

Talaris started to use her true power; her long hair flew in the wind.

Many snowflake-shaped particles flew around her. Each crystal glowed,

illuminating their surroundings.

“Maybe I was too inactive recently. Oh my, and you pathetic peons
attacking… It feels a little off. It seems you have never heard anything
about me from your little patriarch?”


The ice crystals gathered on Talaris's right hand and formed a long

A sword.

With the name 'Myriad Ice'.

“I'll teach you a lesson.”


Talaris swung Myriad Ice once, and a sharp, skin-piercing wind flew.

The bitter cold was visible in the form of white particles. The wind rushed
forward, and the magicians began to cast their defensive spells.

However, as long as Talaris held her sword, her opponents were powerless.

New novel_chap_ters are published here:


Midor let out a short groan, and soon, the magicians behind him screamed.
It was as if thousands of knives rushed towards them instead of a gust of
wind. As it penetrated their barrier, blood splattered on the magicians.

Their bloodstained robes were ripped and torn apart. Wands and staves
broke. Their flesh and bones were brutally being carved away.

Talaris scoffed at the pitiful sight.

“I don't mean to kill you completely.”

It wasn't an attack where she needed to concentrate or muster a lot of aura.

It was nothing beyond a swing of a sword, and still, the magicians took
severe damage.

In fact, there were five casualties despite them being 7-stars.

'Is this really the power of a human…?!'

Midor—who was barely holding onto consciousness—shook in fear.

The woman before him was unbelievably powerful.

With the difference in power, the Zipfel magicians would be done for before
they could even get the chance to cast the next spell. Moreover, the only
attack he could do was Spatial Explosion.

“Oh, and you're Midor? Darling, you made a grave mistake. I really hate
Spatial Explosion. It's that very annoying spell when I fought against
Kelliark a while back.”

Talaris quickly closed the gap between them and towered over Midor.


“Why so surprised? You didn't even notice that your right hand is already
Midor instinctively looked down to his hands. Indeed, the right was cleanly
cut off and laid on the ground.

Additionally, his wound was already frozen, which explained why he didn't
feel anything.

“This is why I really, really don't like magicians. You had the gumption to
check your hand? When I'm right in front of you? Trained knights wouldn't
dare to look away from their enemy. Or else, the next thing you know,
you've been decapitated.”


Midor grabbed his neck and stepped backwards. Seeing his fear, Talaris
clicked her tongue. Midor felt his heart stop.

He couldn't do anything.

“Vice Pillar!”

“Protect the vice pillar!”

“You background characters still have quite the loyalty. But how will you
protect him when your conditions are like that? You guys would be better
off running away. Your leader is a fool. Fighting without acknowledging the
opponent's power.”

Talaris gave a cold smile, and the magicians gritted their teeth.

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She wasn't wrong. Midor had to accept the truth as well as his grave

'Shit. I expected this, but even with the patriarch's Spatial Explosion…! At
this rate, even if the other reinforcements arrive…'

They would not win.

Either Kelliark Zipfel needed to show up or top Twilight Magicians had to

“I have no words for you—What the hell is that?”

As Midor fell into despair, beams of light pierced through the clouds of the
morning sky. The light's source was a massive ship flying through the sky.

And Talaris knew what the arrival of the ship meant.

'That's the Twilights' ship. That Kashimir bastard. He didn't tell me that
these guys were gonna come.'

Talaris's expression tensed up for the first time.

Midor and the other magicians also stared in disbelief, but for a different
reason. They never would've thought that the Zipfel main house would send
such reinforcements.


The one ship that flew in the sky—the Kozak.

As soon as the airship came into view, Jin stood up.

'What the hell? Why is that here?'

The Kozak was the Zipfel Clan's ship that only moved in times of war. Jin
heard about it many times, but it was his first time seeing it in person.


Murakan changed back into his human form and stared at the massive
airship. Syris's eyes widened.

“Ah, wait. The Kozak would be difficult for that woman to deal with. Was
that Myuron guy that important in the Zipfel Clan?”
“…I think the Zipfels got a little sensitive after Andrei's death. And since
another pureblood Zipfel was attacked, they're probably sending adequate
reinforcements. In fact, this area has the relic that they've been searching for
thousands of years.”

Jin shook his head.

'Even if it's Madame Talaris, fighting the Twilight Magicians will be

tough… At this rate, saving the natives and recovering the relic would be

With the entrance of the Kozak, the battle stopped. The natives, however,
continued their ritual.

It was still four in the morning when the Kozak came in, and there were
eight hours until the ritual finished. Executing Laosa's request would be

'Even if Talaris can fight the Twilight Magicians, she doesn't even need to.
She could just take me and Murakan and escape.'

Kashimir explicitly requested Jin and Murakan's rescue.

He didn't say anything about saving the natives or their ritual. After all,
dealing with the natives was Jin's business.

Despite all this, Jin didn't want to give up. He wanted to save everyone and

The latest_epi_sodes are on_the website.

Not because he wanted to have the ancient masterpiece, but because he

wanted to save the Kollon natives who had suffered for centuries.

However, if they could escape the area while riding Snow Toad Mort, then
he would have an eternal burden on his mind.

“Where are you going, kid?!”

“I'm gonna go see the natives.”

Jin activated Myulta's Rune and ran towards the natives. Seeing this, Talaris
lowered the ice barrier. Tika then grabbed Jin's hands, looking very

She—and all the other Kollon natives—didn't want to burden him.

“This doesn't look too good. We know what that ship is. Please escape, Jin.
I am really sorry. You have done so much for us… but we cannot return the
favor. I am sad that we will meet a bitter end.”


“…After centuries of torture and oppression, the only ones who lent a hand
were you and Dino. Our saviors, please. Please get to safety.”

Truly, the events that unfolded the past few hours had been a miracle.

Jin's party coming to the Kollon Ruins, the death of Myuron, creating a
grave for all who had been killed, Talaris's appearance at the sight of the

They couldn't wish for more miracles.

“I don't want to give up on you guys. Can you speed up the ritual process?
If I persuade Madame Talaris, we can stall for time before a fight against
the Twilight ensues.”

“That would be possible if Lady Laosa didn't lose her divinity. But since
she has, it's impossible. Please leave. They will not kill us until they get
their hands on the relic. Maybe.”


Her words pierced Jin's heart. He had felt the same emotions when he
created almost two hundred graves for the deceased Kollon natives.
“Lady Laosa didn't lose all of the divinity. She used it when we first met


“I will bring her here. If that still doesn't work, then we will give up.”

“No! There isn't enough time. Please, run away. You don't need to do so
much for us. You have already done more than enough. We cannot let a
person like you die.”


To Jin's left, a pale-white dimensional portal opened, and Snow Toad Mort
jumped out.

Syris had summoned it.

“Come on.”

Already riding Mort, Syris lent out a hand to Jin.


“Get on here. I felt like I should aid an entitled Runcandel in helping

someone in need. However, I can't buy you much time.”

Foll_ow current_novel on

Jin nodded with a grim expression.

“I will never forget this favor, Lady Syris.”

“A 'thank you' is enough. It's nothing hard. Let's go.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 116

Volume 5 Chapter 116 – Reinforcements (6)

Talaris smiled at her daughter.

'Summoning Mort without my permission? Well, have fun, my precious


She at least wanted her daughter to tell her when she was going to return.

Even more so in a scenario where the Kozak, the Zipfels' ultimate weapon,
slowly circled around them.

Talaris jumped on top of Mort and confronted Jin and Syris.

“I understand your teenage romance in these desperate times, my daughter.

But please come back as soon as possible. I can't hold a long time against
that thing. Defending extras makes it more tiring.”

“We just need to get their prophet, Laosa, from Tikan. We'll return quickly.”

“Hmm, I can see you're not considering the possibility of my death?”

Syris scoffed.

“If the Zipfels didn't need this much just to possibly defeat you, there would
be no Hidden Palace.”
Syris knew well about the power of the Twilight and Kozak. However, she
thought that her mother with the Myriad Ice was stronger.

She heard that even Cyron Runcandel—a demigod—had a hard time

dealing with her mother with the Myriad Ice.

'However, even if she is that strong, fighting many people while protecting
the natives would be tough. Also, she can't kill any of the Twilight

Jin's thoughts concurred with Syris's.

'Talaris cannot kill any of the Twilight Magicians. Killing several Seventh
Tower magicians is fine since the Zipfels can just cover it up and not deal
with the Hidden Palace. However, killing some of the Twilights is different.
That would result in an all-out war.'

Talaris came to the Kollon Ruins as per Kashimir's request.

But it didn't have anything to do with going head to head with the Zipfel
Clan. It was very disadvantageous for her to drag on the fight to this point.

Despite all this, Talaris—Ruler of the West Sea—decided to help out Jin for
one reason.

'I love his eyes. There was a reason why my daughter looked dreamy after
coming back from that Runcandel banquet. I doubt this kid will become the
next patriarch. Maybe I can marry him to my daughter and make him our

Talaris stroked Mort's cheek.

“Alright, go quick. I'll give you an hour. Until then, I'll keep everyone alive.
Of course, the handsome gentleman doesn't need to transform into his true


Mort croaked, and a white portal opened.

“Hold on. If you fall into the Other Snow Garden, then you can never come


The massive body slipped into the tiny portal.

In an instant, they were surrounded by an endless snowfield. Mort was

sprinting through the fields, but the wind wasn't cold at all.

'It's another Other World like the Fire Dimension… Does the toad use this
space to teleport?'

A fascinating summoned beast. Jin had never heard about it, so he assumed
that their reinforcements would come through a transfer gate.

“Mort says that you have a nostalgic scent.”

Syris spoke in a low voice, and Jin tilted his head.


“Mort… Tess? Are you the summoner of Phoenix Tess?”

An unexpected question, but Jin was used to it.

'Soon, everyone would find out that I'm a magic swordsman. Even a
summoned beast can identify my magic abilities.'

He didn't want to hide it.

After meeting in Mamit for the first time and coming to save him in more
dire situations, Syris was basically his savior.

Though, he did destroy her in a duel at the banquet last year.

“That's correct. Fascinating. Do Tess and Mort know each other?”

“They say they were close friends for a long time. Well, I won't pester you
further. Besides, hold on tight. We're arriving in Tikan soon, and there will
be a lot of impact when we re-enter a portal.”

He felt a little awkward, but Jin held onto Syris a little tighter.

“This is why we usually put strangers in Mort's mouth when we relocate.

That's what happened to Sir Kashimir. No matter how rough the ride, they
wouldn't fall out of Mort's mouth that way, right?”

“Then why am I not…?”

“Well, you're the youngest son of the Runcandels, so I should treat you with
respect. And get a lot of money out of you rich ones. One wrong move, and
the Hidden Palace and Zipfel Clan will become your worst enemies!”


Far away, another dimensional portal opened.

Inside the tear through space, the first port of the Free City of Tikan was
visible. Mort pounced towards the tiny crevice.


And they arrived. Syris hopped off and dismissed Mort before anyone could
see them.

“Now, where do we go?”

“Thankfully, we are near Lady Laosa's home. What a coincidence.”

They navigated through multiple turns. It wasn't long until they arrived in
front of a small, wooden door.


“Lady Laosa! Pan!”

“Ah, at thiz time… Whomm the fu—Oh, Lord Jim? How iz Kollon goin'?”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Pan was drunk, not even sleeping.

Instead, he seemed to be praying with a single lit candle. Beside it lay

Laosa on the floor with her eyes closed.

“…I was waiting for you, Lord Jin. It seems the child of the snow came
with you.”

With those words, Jin knew that Laosa was reading into his fate.

“Prophet Laosa. Did you know that this would happen?”

Laosa made a bitter smile.

“If I did, then there would not have been many casualties. I only remained
here and searched for my god.”

It was only a few days ago when he had asked 'Are you a god?' at her
immense aura.

But now, Jin felt the diminished divine aura. Still, her presence was
different from that of a normal human's.

“It seems that the Zipfel magicians are destroying the Kollon natives' land
once more, seeing as my divinity is deteriorating.”

“When we killed Myuron, the Zipfel magicians called reinforcements

before coming to the ruins. Just now, the Twilight Magicians arrived on the

Laosa nodded.

“You need not speak further. I understand the situation. It seems you need
me to speed up the ritual process?”
“That's right, Prophet Laosa. And each second that passes, the Kollon Ruins
is bombarded with more spells and demolished even further. We should go.

“Understood, child of the snow. In that case, may we finish our prayers?”

Jin thought that Syris wouldn't let them, but she actually let it slide.

“It must be an important prayer. Alright. Jin and I will be waiting outside,
so please come out quickly.”

Syris stepped outside and sighed.

“Prophet Laosa, you say. I've never felt respect for something that's not
physically strong. That was her diminishing divinity…?”

“It seems you felt her aura as well. When we first met, it was much

“I'm starting to get curious after meeting her in person. What the hell is the
divine relic that they're guarding?”

Laosa finished her prayer and exited the house. Syris summoned Mort once
more, and the portal opened.

Right under the Kozak, which covered the entire sky with its massive
starboard, thirty minutes had passed since Talaris's battle with the Twilight

And yet, not a single one had fallen.

She was controlling her strength.

'Phew. I promised that I'd keep them safe for an hour, but this… This is very

The initial magicians who came and fought her went into the airship to
receive care. Midor and the Twilight Magicians started to cast a spell.
The magician that Jin considered to be a powerful magician, Midor Elner,
looked pretty normal amongst the Twilight Magicians.

Fifty 8-stars and two 9-stars. About fifty percent of the Twilight Magicians'
forces. That was the entire troop that came to the Kollon Ruins. It really
showed how sensitive they were to the pureblood Zipfels' plights.

“Please stop, Master of the Hidden Palace! We do not want to hurt you. As
long as you hand over Myuron Zipfel's killer together with the natives, we
will leave quietly.”

There wasn't a single piece of land intact between Talaris and the Twilight

It looked as if a massive beast bulldozed through the land. Buildings had

gotten demolished, and the debris scattered everywhere.

They were only threatening her from a distance. Talaris was just deflecting
incoming spells, so in reality, it was the Twilight Magicians who were really

“If you want to compromise, then call for Kelliark Zipfel.”

“Master of the Hidden Palace! Your tower and the Zipfel Clan do not need
to have this fight. To you, this battle is merely a request. But to us, it is for
the death of a leader.”

“God dammit. I'm holding back on my urge to kill you, you know?”

About an hour had passed.

'Are those kids still out on a date? I've been having an easy time blocking
these magicians because they aren't going all out…'

Talaris looked up.

The Kozak.
If the Twilight Magicians used their full power, then she wouldn't be able to
fight back as easily.

'They wouldn't just use that, right? The Zipfels have something they want
buried here.'

If the Kozak's weapon was used, the Kollon Ruins would be devastated in
an instant.

Talaris thought that they wouldn't use such a weapon on such precious land.

That was until the Twilight Magicians began to activate the weapon with

“You have provoked this action. We have just received full permission from
the patriarch.”

The bottom of the airship opened up, and a massive cannon peeked out.

“Huh? Wait—”

As the massive mana cluster charged up, Jin and Syris hurriedly arrived in
the Kollon Ruins. Laosa jumped down from the giant toad.

“Look out!”

Talaris shouted, desperation sewn into her voice.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 117

Volume 5 Chapter 117 – Forces That Destroy the World, Forces That Save
the World (1)


Right before the weapon was fired, Talaris swung Myriad Ice.

From the tip of the transparent sword emerged a crescent slash that would
easily cut through the Kozak.

As the chilling-cold crescent slash flew towards the cannon, the air behind
it froze, leaving a glimmering trail of ice.

However, there was no time to appreciate the beauty of the attack.


Jin carried Laosa on his shoulder and ran away, Syris not far behind him.
All of this happened in one second.

The problem was that the Kozak's weapon would vaporize the entirety of
the Kollon Ruins within that one second.


The sky was dyed gold. The result of a compressed gold mana sphere
pouring out of the cannon.

If Talaris's sword did not block it…

The Kollon Ruins would be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shhhhhhk! Krrrk!

As the crescent slash and cannon met, an ear-ripping screech echoed

throughout. One human's strength against the most overpowered weapon of

The Kozak's artillery fire couldn't hit the ground; neither could Talaris's
slash reach the ship in the sky.

Instead, a powerful shockwave shook the earth.

The ice wall that Talaris had set up for the natives began to crack. The
millions of ice particles around her began to shatter and explode.

The shimmering and glittering lights from the sparks of aura and mana that
flew out from the collision blinded those around it.

Talaris warned them to dodge the lights. Each and every shard of energy
that fell like hail had the power to cause death even to a trained knight.

There was a limit to dodging all of the falling shrapnels. Jin, Laosa, and
Syris reached an area with the least projectiles, but there wasn't an area
completely safe from the flying debris.

“Prophet! Please duck here and not move a single step.”

Jin and Syris started to deflect the remnants of the collision. Thanks to
Syris's healing potion, Jin was able to swing his sword normally.

Maybe it was because of their duel in the past, but their swords were
synchronized as they deflected all of the glowing, flying specks of energy.

However, they couldn't do anything about their declining strength.

Each little spark had the power of a 6-star knight. As such, deflecting the
particles would be the equivalent of fighting dozens of knights at once.
“You've gotten better, Jin Runcandel.”

“The same goes to you. Phew. The situation doesn't look too good in the
first place, though. Taking Lady Laosa to the natives will be hard.”

It would be great if everything was over after one attack.

Unfortunately, the Kozak was ready to take another shot. Talaris was also
ready to take another swing at full force.

“Wow, I didn't know you would really shoot it. I am Talaris Endorma. Wake
the fuck up, you sons of bitches.”

Talaris swiped her forehead.

The Twilight Magicians looked at her with grim expressions. They knew
that she would block it, but they never thought that she would also get close
to destroying the Kozak with a single swing.

“This is your last warning! Master of the Hidden Palace, if you do not heed
by our order, we will kill all of your associates even if it destroys the Kollon

“Hmph, you really don't want to say outright that you'll kill me, since that's
impossible even with all your power.”

“That's right. But deflecting our cannon while also protecting those behind
you is impossible. We are merely humiliated, but you are failing to fulfill
your request.”

Talaris smiled.

Because she had nothing to say.

“Since we got this far, let's see who really is better: the Hidden Palace or the
Zipfels? Syris! You guys do whatever you can to get that woman over

She pointed towards the place where the natives were chanting their ritual.
They were about seven hundred steps from where Jin and Syris stood. It
would have been an easy gap to close if it weren't for the remnants of aura
and mana contaminating the land with stains hotter than lava.

If one didn't protect their body with aura, they would be instantly vaporized.

The Kozak began to ready its next attack with a more defined gold color.
Talaris prepared an even stronger crescent slash in return.

'Even more shards will fall…'

While evading all of the 'lava' pools, they had to deflect more flying shards
and get to the ritual's location.

'Since Murakan is helping the natives behind the cracked ice barrier, he
can't help us. It's just me and Syris for this task.'

On top of that, one of the two had to carry Laosa.

Even if she was a prophet, her physical capabilities were equivalent to that
of a normal human. Stepping on the ground would be impossible for her.

'What a sticky situation.'

For the first time in his life, the seven-hundred-pace distance seemed so far

'But if we fail, all of the fights until now will be rendered meaningless. And
the oppression of the Kollon natives will continue.'

Syris sighed, and Jin met eyes with her.

“Lady Syris, please take the prophet and follow me. I will open up the path
by myself.”

“What? What do you mean? You're going to do a task—that's hard even for
the both of us—by yourself? Your body isn't even in good shape.”
“Which is why I'm doing it myself. Between the two of us, even if I die,
you are more than capable of getting her to the natives.”

“Are you serious?”

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“Of course.”

“I don't understand. Why go so far?”

“Aren't you and Madame Talaris doing a lot for us as well? To the point
where one would find it difficult to understand?”

“That's different. My mother and I will evade death no matter what. We do

care about the natives, but if we encounter the risk of death, we will
disengage immediately.”

Then, Jin smiled.

“Madame Talaris is incomparably stronger than I am. If she hadn't

volunteered to come here, then I'd have already died, or would have faced
consequences close to death.”

“What the hell are you trying to say, Jin Runcandel?”

Syris was genuinely furious—eyes flaming as if it emitted fire. However,

she didn't really know why she was so emotional.

“I am supposed to deal with this mess. Getting help from someone stronger
and not even risking my own life is unacceptable.”

Jin responded in a low, calm voice, and Syris's eyes shook.

Laosa then sat upright. She could only feel embarrassed.

'As the prophet of Kollon, what did I sacrifice to save my home?'

—Run away, Milady!

—If you die, then our connection with Kullam will be severed! Please
escape to a place where we'll never find you!

—Lady, please leave before you lose any more of your divinity. We'll be

The desperate voices that she heard when she escaped the Kollon Ruins
with Pan echoed in her head.

It was true that her brethren told her to escape, but ultimately, she was the
one who chose to leave.

And where she hid, she waited for someone strong—a savior—to show up
at her front door.

She lifted her head and looked up at Jin.

“…So please, Lady Laosa, brace yourself. I am risking my life because

Madame Talaris is offering her power. Please show us your resilience.”

“Lord Jin, I…”

From seven hundred paces away, she could see the others showing their

The normal Kollon natives would continue their ritual even if their bodies
broke and melted.

“Even if we die, we will get over there. Understood?”

Laosa bit her lower lip and nodded.

“Yes. Let's go!”

Syris carried Laosa on her back, and as soon as Jin lifted his feet to depart

“Now! Fire!”

The Kozak released the essence of the gold mana sphere.

The Twilight Magicians intentionally waited for the three's movement.

Their goal wasn't to threaten Talaris, but to kill her associates.

The Myriad Ice's crescent slash met the golden mana once more.


As expected, more shards of energy flew throughout the ruins. The ear-
ripping screech became sharper. Midor's ears started to bleed again.

One shard, another shard—each time a shard hit Jin, his two legs trembled.

However, he kept persisting.

'Six hundred seventy… Six hundred sixty-six… Six hundred… Five


Gripping the sword, Jin already started to lose his stamina.

He only believed in one thing: the will to swing his sword with identical
force three thousand times.

The will to take those seven hundred steps.

Seeing his strong will from behind, Syris felt her heart beat faster and faster
as a knight.


“There's only fifty steps left! Jin, just a little longer—!”


“Damn it—Jin!”
The final shard that struck Bradamante was unexpectedly heavy. Losing his
balance, Jin barely deflected the shrapnel, and Syris tried to pass on ahead.

“I will travel this distance myself.”

“This is no different than a volcano. How will you walk? You can't even
protect your body with aura!”

“Even if my feet melt on the ground, I will crawl to my destination. So

please, keep Lord Jin safe. I beg you. He will die at this rate.”

Laosa jumped off Syris.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, her sandals and skin began to melt.


And one by one, she began to move her feet. She let out short breaths to
endure the pain, and she progressed further and further.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 118

Volume 5 Chapter 118 – Forces That Destroy the World, Forces That Save
the World (2)

Every time she took a step, she felt as if she were in hell. Setting fire to bare
skin was a pain indescribable by words. Especially for an untrained human
like Laosa.

However, the physical hell she was currently experiencing was far better
than the mental hell she had been putting herself through. She believed that
she was finally doing something as the prophet.

'As Lord Jin said, even if my body becomes a pile of ash, I will serve my

He had many opportunities to escape, but Jin chose to help those around

Laosa responded to Jin's sacrifice with her transcending will.

Their commitment moved Laosa's heart.

“Jin! Last a little longer. Laosa's going on her own! I'll take care of the
shards behind you, so just move forward!”

Jin nodded.

Bradamante's fading glow began to shine once more. From Syris's reliable
words of having his back, Jin trusted her and mustered up the rest of his
In the storm of flying energy shards, the three slowly moved forward.

And the Twilight Magicians could only watch this sight. They thought there
was no way that the children would succeed without the Master of the
Hidden Palace's help.

“Increase the cannon's strength! We will erase this land off the face of the


The cannon that had forced clans and empires into extinction emitted an
even stronger light.

If it weren't for the cold aura of the Myriad Ice, the entirety of the Kollon
Ruins would have melted.

“When the kids are achieving something, the adults shouldn't just slack off,

Although she spoke in a carefree manner, her limit was being reached.
Pressuring the Twilights without killing any of them was a tiresome task.

'Syris and Jin, there really is no time. Just finish the job…!'

Thirty steps.

Twenty steps.

And when there were only ten steps left…


The excruciating pain that encompassed Laosa's body forced her nervous
system to shut down.

Her feet burnt to black, and the white of bone was exposed.
Her two hands that were flailing in the hot air faced the same senseless fate.
Her eyes were open, but her vision was dark. It was hard to say whether she
was even alive.

And of course, her feet no longer moved. Her entire body started to die.

'If I had come back a little earlier… No, if only I never ran away in the first

She felt sorry.

Sorry for Jin who risked everything to free the Kollon natives from their


Syris shouted towards Laosa, who had stopped moving.

The prophet's body did not budge, and Syris couldn't even check up on her
as she was too busy deflecting all of the energy shards.

“Jin! Lady Laosa is—!”

She didn't want to say that she was dead.

Because she knew how hard Jin was trying to keep them safe.

In the continued explosions, Jin didn't notice Laosa's death, and he

continued forward.

'Are there only five steps left?'

Jin, too, was not in his right mind.

“Ji…in… Jiiiiiin…!”

Syris caught up to him and shouted his name in his ear. Her voice sounded
so far away; Jin didn't even look back at her.
His fading vision caught a glance of her face before fading to black.


One long shard pierced his chest, yet not a single groan of pain came out.

'Is this it?'

Without Numerous's Tear to save the dead, Jin had no way of escaping
death this time.

'Should we have escaped after killing Myuron Zipfel? Or when Midor Elner
came here? Did we have to escape with the natives? Maybe the moment
when the Kozak revealed itself over the horizon?'

Should they have never come in the first place?

'Where did it all go wrong?'

Jin thought as he exploded into laughter.

However, even if he could go back to the time before he came to the Kollon
Ruins, he wouldn't have made so many different decisions.

Because every time he was given the choice with the consequences of
death, he refused to ignore the Kollon natives.

Of course, he would make better plans and allocate stronger allies in order
to evade failure.

However, it was all pointless at this point.

'How could I be such an idiot? I could've just turned down the job. …But
why couldn't I?'

In the first place, saving these people was such an unimportant side quest.

Would it help surpassing his father and his goal of becoming the strongest
knight in the world? Would it help him have a hold on world politics by
becoming the patriarch of the Runcandel Clan?

All of his goals did not line up with this request that he took.

Then why?

Why couldn't he just walk away?

'If the natives face their end here, then that's my fault. I basically forced
their untimely death.'

He realized that he couldn't overpower the Zipfels and that the world went
how the strongest wanted it to.

He was the weakling once more.

'I couldn't say any thanks or apologies to many people.'

He threw up a clump of blood before falling to the floor.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks


The energy shards in the air suddenly increased in number. Was it because
Bradamante stopped moving?

“You were deflecting this many of them by yourself, but it's not enough for
you to die just like that!”

Syris's eyes began to water. They weren't lovers like her mother insisted,
but he was someone she didn't want to send away so easily.

“Give me a response. You have to survive and duel me again!”

That was the last thing Jin heard.

Soon after, he died.

Syris already knew that fact, but she still continued to protect his corpse.


Kerk! Krak!

“Syris! Stop that and come over here, dammit!”

The Kozak's cannon glowed with another golden light.

As the spread of the laser got smaller, the destructive power increased.

The airship had immense destructive power, urging the journalists to attach
a phrase to its name.

'A force that could destroy the world'.

“We have said it time and time again. You will not achieve your goals!”

“If my daughter gets hurt, not a single one of you will make it out alive!”

“You are definitely stronger than us, but the Hidden Palace is not stronger
than the Zipfel Clan. Isn't that why you've stayed hidden even with this
much strength?”

The moment Talaris tried to answer, something else revealed itself from the
horizon. The Twilight Magicians smiled.


“Our last reinforcement has arrived. Now, we cannot guarantee your

daughter's survival. Yours as well.”

Fire Dragon Kadun.

Kelliark Zipfel's guardian dragon and the King of the Fire Dragons. Kadun
let out a roar, and the Myriad Ice's cold aura was immediately extinguished.

[Long time no see, Talaris Endorma. The one chosen by the Myriad Ice.]
Talaris did not answer. She only gritted her teeth.

And in these hopeless moments, even though he was dead, Jin was
watching all of it.

'What the hell? I should be dead… Huh? Shit, I can see my own corpse!'

His body felt light. Jin's body was high in the sky, translucent, looking as if
it were a mirage.

He could see the entire battleground, but no one else could see him. He
watched Murakan as he changed into his true form from mourning at Jin's
death. He even saw Syris, who fainted from protecting Jin's corpse.

The natives who continued their ritual. Talaris who completely unleashed
the Myriad Ice to fight Kadun…

Everyone fought at their best.

And for a second, Jin thought that seeing this sight may be some kind of
purgatory. God's punishment for attempting at the impossible whilst being a

It was a horrible sight.

He had to watch his allies die. He felt as if he couldn't breathe—as if his

heart was going to explode.

「How does it feel, Solderet's chosen one?」

Then, he heard a voice.

Surprised, Jin turned his head and saw someone else standing and looking
at the massacre. He couldn't tell if the person was a guy or a girl.

“You are…?”

「I've been waiting for you for a while now.」

“You've been waiting for me? What do you mean?”

「I am Kullam. The one who sealed himself inside the mirror with
Solderet's help.」

As soon as he heard the other's name, Jin felt a surge of anger. He was
about to ask why he didn't do anything, but Kullam spoke first.

「I'm sure you want to ask why I showed up so late.」

“Well, no shit.”

「Answer my question first. How do you feel watching this sight? The ones
who fought for you and the ones you tried to protect are all dying.」

He wanted to unsheathe his sword and slash him, but instead, Jin took a
deep breath.

“I just think that I was weak and stupid. Crazy, even.”

Kullam smiled.

「Don't forget that.」


Kollon's god snapped his fingers, and Jin opened his eyes.

As if a page was being turned, his surroundings started changing.

His light, floating body gained the weight of his bones and flesh, and he
was standing on the ground again.

And the god that he was talking to took the form of Laosa.

「I responded to Laosa's call the moment she realized something while

looking at you. The death that you face, and the death that you have
Kullam gently placed his hand on Jin's head.

「It's a small lesson. You showed your will even at the verge of failure. The
thousand-year contractor, you must get stronger. Incomparably strong.
Strong enough that the gods cannot budge.」

Jin looked at their surroundings.

The Myriad Ice calmed down. The darkness slowly took over the sky.

The Kozak was split in half, spewing smoke into the sky. The Twilight
Magicians twitched and shook on the ground.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 119

Volume 5 Chapter 119 – Forces That Destroy the World, Forces That Save
the World (3)

Jin was the last one to find out that Kullam had descended.

Everyone else had been waiting for five minutes for Jin to wake up.

'Was everything that I saw a delusion?'


The energy shard that pierced his chest. Him throwing up blood and
fainting. Everything seemed so real. Even now, being alive felt like an

'Then does that mean I already lost my consciousness when Laosa started

Exactly as he said, Jin had already lost consciousness at that point.

However, all of his wounds from the impacts and mana overflow were now

His body felt cleansed and light. He pinched his cheek to confirm whether it
was all a dream, and he felt pain.

Seeing his confusion, Syris laughed.

“Just a moment ago, you were ready to face the end. But it seems you really
do value your life.”
“And you tried to save me there when I fainted…”

“What? When did I? As soon as you fell, the god descended, and it was
game over.”

Jin made an awkward smile.

'It seems Kullam showed me the scenario where everything went wrong.'

The others didn't experience the 'worst universe'.

Yet, Jin knew that Syris would act the same if she were at death's door.

“Hmph. Honestly, I thought the Runcandel baby was out of his mind doing
something so foolish based on nothing. Somehow, he made the god
descend… Syris, your lover here is so mature for his age.”

Talaris thought that Kullam's descent was due to Jin's meticulous

calculations. Syris thought the same, so they were genuinely impressed.

Jin felt a little embarrassed in the situation, but before he could clear things
up, there was business to deal with.

“Murakan… Where's Murakan?!”

“I'm fine. God dammit. You beatable motherfucker. I thought you died!”

Murakan spat curses with a beet-red face. He was just pouring out his relief
onto Jin.

Indeed, it was very dangerous.

Had Kullam not descended, their plans would have been over.

Murakan halted his reproaching at Jin and turned to glare at Kullam.

“So, who the hell are you? You're doing some divine ability stuff, so you
aren't just any minor god or something. But your energy is very foreign to
my memory.”
Murakan felt that Kullam wasn't very authentic.

Experiencing the life of the gods with Solderet, Murakan knew that gods
descended in order to fulfill some ulterior, selfish motive.

“Damn, look at the destroyed ship. That Zipfel genius is lying and rolling
on the ground… Look at you, showing up so late even when you have this
much power. You definitely have something up your sleeve. What the hell
do you want from the kid?”

Wherever Murakan pointed, there were magicians who fainted from mana
overflow. Even the six dragons succumbed to the immense power.

Kullam used his divine abilities to induce it within them. Instead of

answering the black dragon, he pulled out a small mirror.


The artifact that the Zipfels used to generate 7-star magicians in Jin's past
life—the Fountain of Mana.

「I was waiting for someone to take this. Solderet's thousand-year

contractor. That fellow over there.」

Kullam looked towards Jin, and everyone else's eyes followed. Some of the
Kollon natives who were bowing to Kullam also glanced at Jin every now
and then.

「There was a time when I was a god who had a hold of all the mana. But
after losing control and almost destroying the entire world, I received help
from Solderet to seal myself in the mirror.」

“I haven't heard anything about that from Solderet. And the fact that a God
of Mana existed.”

「I'll show you evidence that you cannot doubt, Black Dragon.」

As soon as Kullam stopped talking, the mirror turned black.

In an instant, something within the mirror tried to escape. However, the
black energy on the surface of the mirror kept it in.

The black covering was made of spiritual energy. A strong and potent
concentration of it that Murakan would never be able to handle.

“Solderet's seal…?”

Murakan had seen many beings sealed by Solderet before, but he had never
seen a seal this strong.

He nodded.

“I guess you weren't lying about destroying the entire world… I kinda get
it. So the seal is getting weaker. And you needed someone to fortify the

「That's right. This seal separates the world and the source of infinite mana
—me. With the infinitely expanding and increasing mana, I can swallow
this world whole…」

Kullam made a melancholic smile.

If there were more mana than air, no life on the planet would be able to

「So I asked Solderet to seal me inside this mirror. And the Kollon natives
who were worshipping me at the time swore to protect the mirror at all

“Why did you offer that important job to these runts? Do you even know
how long they suffered?”

「…That was because it was the beginning of human history, and the
natives were ahead of their time. Back then, they were the strongest tribe on
the planet.」

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

The ancient relatives of the Kollon natives were the rulers during the early
ages of humanity.

「Furthermore, in my sealed state, I couldn't intervene with their actions. I

couldn't help them advance their technology and create a stronger

The natives were speechless at their own worthlessness, and Kullam opened
his mouth once more.

「However, my decision was right. Thankfully, Solderet's thousand-year

contractor found me.」

Kullam walked towards Jin.

「Take it, Jin Runcandel.」

Jin received the mirror, and the spiritual energy undulating on the surface of
the mirror suddenly died down.

Just by touching it, he could feel the immense energy of the spiritual energy
seal together with the infinite mana pool that was shocking him like

The two energies mixed and roared inside his body.

「On the item you are holding is the force that is saving the world from
destruction. Solderet's seal.」

Jin never knew such information about the Fountain of Mana. He just
thought that it was an overpowered artifact that would increase one's mana.

'This isn't an artifact but a weapon of mass destruction.'

Holding the mirror, he felt that his mana rapidly increased—as if he could
gain at least 7-star on his mana just by holding onto it for a day.

'However, every second my mana increases, the seal grows a little weaker.'
If one didn't have the ability to use spiritual energy, they would not be able
to sense it.

'If someone used this without knowing and the seal broke… It'd be all over.'

The Zipfels did exactly that in his past life.

As they cranked out thousands of magicians, the seal grew weaker and

And during that process, consequences would definitely arise.

“So, has the duty of protecting this been passed on from the Kollon natives
to me?”

「To be exact, the Kollon natives were protecting something that only you
—Jin Runcandel—can protect.」

“That is an exceedingly heavy task. I've watched the natives suffer even
after centuries of oppression without anything in return. Of course, I doubt I
will face such fates.”

Kullam nodded.

「You're right. I, as a god, have done nothing to the people who worshipped
me. But since I was sealed, there was nothing I could do, so my case is
different from yours.」

“How so?”

「Solderet's seal. That is not just any seal, but also a present for you.」

“This seal?”

「That is a creation that Solderet used when he was in his most powerful
state. It is not just dense spiritual energy, but a part of the God of Shadows
“My original reward for this conquest was being able to see Solderet one
more time from Lady Laosa's call…”

'She said that because she does not know that you are living your second
life. Neither does she know how you got such an opportunity.'

Kullam swallowed those words and met Jin's eyes.

「She probably lied to convince you to help. How would she be able to call
such a being when she can't even address your black dragon?」

In his past life, Jin faced death, and his connection with Solderet was
severed. Murakan lost his connection with his god after losing a battle
against Temar. They were two beings who weren't receiving any protection
from their god.

「On that note, you two have a similar fate as the Kollon natives. Maybe
that is why you help them so much. Because you saw a reflection of
yourself in them.」

Kullam lowered his head for a short bow.

Seeing this, Talaris felt a shock in the back of her head. She had never seen
a god bow down to a human.

「I feel deep gratitude for you who protected and helped these people.
Now, to put those other fellows in eternal slumber.」

Before Jin could even respond, Kullam's body slowly became transparent—
akin to salt dissolving in a river.

The epiphany was ending, which also meant that Laosa's body was going to
disappear as well.

“Kullam! Prophet Laosa!”

Jin tried to hold on to Laosa's disappearing body, but before he could even
reach her, her body was gone.
Kullam—with all of his power sealed in the mirror—could only appear
because Laosa sacrificed herself.

“…Hmph, alright. So you're Solderet's contractor. Well, I heard a lot of fun

things today. And saw a god bow down to a child.”

Startled, Jin looked at Talaris.

Associates of the Hidden Palace had just found out a lot about him.

“Madame Talaris.”

“How about we get out of here? I think that they'll wake up in a few hours.
And that over there looks like it's gonna crash any time now.”

Her finger was pointing at the Kozak that was split in half and slowly
descending to the ground.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 120

Volume 5 Chapter 120 – Forces That Destroy the World, Forces That Save
the World (4)

Evacuating everyone to the prepared ships took an hour.

The ships quickly cruised through the water towards Tikan. Thirty Kollon
natives stared into the distance.

Ten thousand years had passed after the ancient god, Kullam, ordered them
to protect the mirror.

The people who were once the rulers of the world became a minority tribe
under the Zipfel Clan and was subjected to slavery.

In the continued history of oppression and deprivation, it was hard to

determine how many of them died unfairly.

“…However, if I never met you, we would've ended our lives and

civilization without fulfilling our god's orders. I am thankful that the mirror
got into safe hands.”

Tika approached Jin and bowed.

“I believe that it was the natives' indomitable resilience that prevented the
Zipfels from obtaining such an item. Who knows what those crazy fools
would have done with such a powerful artifact.”

Jin already knew what they would have done with the mirror.
'I thought they only produced 7-star magicians. But according to Kullam,
continuously producing them means that the Zipfels would've ended the

As more and more people increased their mana through the mirror,
Solderet's seal became weaker.

And breaking the seal would destroy the entire world.

“Ultimately, meeting me and fulfilling the order was thanks to the natives'
endurance. No need to feel any self-remorse, and just think of the bright
future. We will make sure to allocate refuge for the Kollon natives.”

“Are you not a provisional flag-bearer? I thought Runcandel provisional

flag-bearers were prohibited from receiving any assistance from the clan.”

Dino questioned him, and Jin smiled.

“Journalist Dino. Don't worry about that bit of detail. Just work on your
article about the Kollon Ruins.”

Jin also began to write a letter to his Eldest Sister, Luna Runcandel. He
planned on sending the Kollon natives to her private land. He really wanted
to ensure their safety.

Of course, sending a letter to Luna would also be breaking the rules as a

provisional flag-bearer. Well, Jin never cared about such rules in the first

“When we arrive in Tikan, the Seven-Colored Peacock will plan out your
transportation. Show this to Eldest Sister Luna, you understand?”

“…Thank you, Lord Jin.”

“If you're thankful, then write your article. Expose everything you saw and
discovered at the Kollon Ruins. All of it.”

“Since we have tangible evidence, publishing such an article wouldn't be

that hard. I'm only worried about their censorship.”
Jin smirked.

“You think you're the only one who hates the Zipfels? If you make the first
move, the Runcandel Clan and its allies will join you to rip the clan of
magicians apart like dogs on a corpse. As long as the evidence is solid, the
public will follow.”

As Jin said, as long as the evidence was there, the enemies of the Zipfel
Clan would protect Dino at all costs and start a movement.

At that point, the Zipfels wouldn't dare do anything to the journalist. The
ones symbolizing good and justice couldn't just assassinate a brave man.

“Ah… That's a good point. I didn't think of that.”

“You'll become a star. I'll give you my preemptive congratulations, Dino

Zeglun. After publishing that article, many institutions will try to recruit
you. Pick whichever you like.”

Dino becoming a well-known journalist was bound to happen. A brave soul

exposing the Zipfels—of all clans—in an article was very rare.

“I'm sure you didn't forget about removing my and my companions'


“Of course. Saving the Kollon Ruins was just a passerby… A nameless
hero. I shall write it like that. No one will believe it, but they would think it
would be you guys.”

Jin nodded.

“After the publications start rolling in, almost all misdoings in the world
will be pointed towards the Zipfels' selfish goals.”

“Indeed. I concur with that prediction.”

“When the time comes, drop the remnants of the Kozak. The symbol of
their omnipotence is destroyed, so force their dirty hands back in their
However, even if they do that, the citizens of the Zipfels would still pledge
their allegiance to their clan. They would just pour more money into the
Lutero Magic Federation in order to keep their bellies happy and shift their
attention away from the controversy.

Expecting the failed result, Dino made a bitter smile, and Jin patted him on
the back.

“You've done enough. If we give them a nice punch in the gut every now
and then, it might make a chance to take them down.”

“Until then, as a journalist and a friend of the Kollon natives, I give all my
contributions to this mission. Lord Jin, when you rise to power in the
Runcandel Clan, please feel free to utilize my efforts.”

“I look forward to our partnership.”

Tika and Dino then walked away, and Jin went to Talaris. She was waiting
on the deck, chatting with Murakan.

“I apologize for my belated greetings, Madame Talaris.”

“No need for introductions, youngest baby of Runcandel. It seems you're

committing some serious crimes.”

“I didn't know they would actually send the Twilight Magicians and the
Kozak. I'm worried that the Hidden Palace would now become one of the
Zipfel Clan's targets.”

“Hmph, I doubt it. Kelliark would think that I got stronger and treat the
Hidden Palace with more caution. It's kind of hard to tell whether it was me
who took down the ship or if it was that unnamed god.”

The destruction of the Kozak as well as the mana overflow of the Twilight
Magicians were all due to Kullam's ability to control all mana.

“The Twilight Magicians fainted as soon as the ancient god descended.

Which is why they could think it was me.”
“In that case, I am relieved.”

“And I did all this because of a request. Thankfully, I met such a handsome
gentleman from it.”

Talaris giggled while pointing at Murakan.

“I was going to take some extra compensation… But since I found out that
the youngest son of the Runcandel Clan was Solderet's contractor and a
magic swordsman, I'll let you pass on paying the price.”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

It was hard to tell Talaris's true intent when she was laughing.

'Thankfully, there's no hostility. But the Hidden Palace found out about my
identity so soon…'

Someday, the entire world would find out about Jin's powers. However, he
had to hide it as much as possible. If Talaris used this secret to blackmail
him, he wouldn't be able to do anything but to accept her terms.

'Receiving threats before even becoming the patriarch won't bode well.'

She was currently acting nice, but any change in her behavior wouldn't be
uncalled for at all considering that the Runcandel Clan and the Hidden
Palace didn't have a formal alliance.

While Jin hid his anxiety, Talaris was thinking about something completely

'He's the perfect spouse for my Syris. Hmph. Well, he's the youngest
anyways, so this baby can never rise to the top… Maybe I can talk to Cyron
about the arrangement.'

In the fierce competition between the Runcandel children, instead of

wasting his youth and failing to become the patriarch, it was better for Jin to
come to the Hidden Palace, become Talaris's henchman, and lead the West
That's what the Master of the Hidden Palace thought, a smirk growing on
her face.

Jin saw her grin and felt a chill climb up his back.

“Well, let's go back now. Make sure to come over with your handsome
friend here.”


A white dimensional portal opened, and Mort was summoned onto the
starboard. It had bags under its eyes from all of the dimensional jumping it
had been doing recently.

Talaris and Syris hopped on the toad, and Jin bowed.

“When I get back, I'll send Kashimir over to Tikan. I put him in jail because
I thought he had something up his sleeve.”

“Oh, please do.”

“Jin Runcandel.”

Jin looked at Syris.

“I hope we can find the true victor the next time we meet. Don't think about
going easy on me.”

“Oh, sorry, sorry. My daughter is still in puberty. See you later!”

Mort hopped into the portal, and the ships continued to sail toward the Free

It took them ten days to arrive. To prevent the Zipfels from tracking their
position, they didn't use any transfer gates and instead used trading routes
while carrying fake cargo.

“Young Master Jin!”

Kashimir ran out to Jin with tears in his eyes.

“I thought something would happen to you without me. I was worried sick.
I heard through Lucas that you escaped the Kollon Ruins safely, but now
that I see you in person, I am truly relieved.”

“Sir Kashimir, you have been stuck in a jail cell at the Hidden Palace in
exchange for Madame Talaris's assistance. You served your time and did
your job well.”

“I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope. Good thing you returned safely
today, but I can't get rid of the worry in my heart. Why did you keep it a

“Huh? Gilly, what secret is he talking about?”

“That you were going out with the daughter of the Hidden Palace. I heard it
from Sir Kashimir, and I was saddened by it.”

Jin tilted his head at the unheard news, and everyone else looked very

“Uh… Are you not…?”

“What do you mean, I'm dating Syris?”

“Sir Kashimir said… He heard it from the Master of the Hidden Palace.”

All eyes went to Kashimir.

“Oh. Uh… So basically, when I first met Madame Talaris, she said she
wouldn't help even after seeing the snow blossoms. However, when Lady
Syris came over to give a second opinion…”

—Syris, this Jin Runcandel… Do you like this child?

—No, Mother.
—Then why must I use my aching joints and put myself in a fight with the
Zipfels? It doesn't matter if he dies. Are you dating him without my

—I'm not! Can't we just go and help?

—No, I don't want to. Let's just let them die.

—Hah. Mother, I need to defeat him. Not the Zipfels.

—Admit it, then. That you like that boy.

—Argh! Alright! I admit it. Are you happy? Come on, let's go!

That was the conversation between the mother and daughter before
Kashimir was detained. Kashimir truly misunderstood the relationship
between Jin and Syris because of it.

Initially, Talaris only did it to annoy and tease her daughter.

However, she was now serious about having Jin marry into the Hidden
Palace. Nobody knew that she was planning to have some conversations
with the Runcandels to fully execute her plans.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 121

Volume 5 Chapter 121 – Why Did You Come Out From There?

For a month, the 'Kollon Massacre' was big news.

After Dino published the paper, the Runcandel Clan and other forces
pressured the Zipfels and looked into the issue, and the clan of magicians
blamed Myuron for such actions.

However, the Zipfels were pushed to a corner after the remnants of the
Kozak came into the table.

Of course, they—again—tried to push the blame on Myuron Zipfel.

Additionally, they poured dark money into the press and sent ships filled
with gold to the Vermont Empire, the capital of news coverage.

Citizens of the Huphester Alliance were furious, and citizens of the Lutero
Magic Federation stayed quiet.

The Vermont Imperial Family led the confirmation of the Zipfels'

confession, and the bubbles of the briskly boiling pot of furious people
began to die down. The dirty deal was done.

Ultimately, the Runcandel Clan received some intel. The Vermont Imperial
Family got some money, and the Zipfels lost their honor and pride.

A mole tainted the clan of magicians' image of 'good and justice'.

“The Zipfels are going to be quiet for a while with the death of the vice-
pillar and the Kollon Massacre. Slowly, their true intentions are being
exposed, and they can't stop their credibility from declining.”

Dino spun his pen.

He and the Kollon natives had arrived in the Huphester Alliance, and Luna
was protecting them. They haven't met her in person, but the people on the
land treated the newcomers with great respect.

“Lord Jin… He understood each and every one of our desires at that young
age. I think about it again, and it's amazing. I thought all Runcandels were
obsessed with swords.”

“But Lord Jin did the unthinkable.”

Tika smiled, looking out the window.

There were many boxes filled with living supplies for the Kollon natives.
Each box contained all kinds of things to support their tribes' recovery,
including letters of encouragement.

The managers of the house had been organizing the materials all day and

“It is because the Lord saved us. And now, in contrast to the centuries of
neglect, everyone is finally showing interest.”

Tika slowly turned and began to light candles to honor the ones who died—
including Laosa.

“From now on, we will direct our prayers not to Kullam, but to Lord Jin. I
wonder when the 'passerby' in your article will become known to the


That was what Dino named the savior of the natives. Although the news
already died down, everyone was asking about who the passerby was.
Every time Dino received the question, he said that he 'genuinely didn't

“The truth will be revealed after Lord Jin becomes a Runcandel flag-bearer.
This case will be put back into the limelight, and Lord Jin will be honored
by everyone.”

“By officially uncovering the secrets of the mirror—the relic that we were

Dino nodded. He was waiting for that moment.

Jin becoming a flag-bearer, and then rising to the throne. Then slowly
making the Zipfels disappear.

(Sender: Kashimir

Receiver: Cyron Runcandel

Report: The 'passerby' in the 'Kollon Massacre' were Jin Runcandel,

Murakan, and yours truly. We also killed Myuron Zipfel together.

Others: Myuron's corpse was retrieved by the Zipfel Clan.)

At the Black Sea.

Cyron was furious after reading the message he received from Khan.

'The patriarch is enraged. What the hell did the Ghostblade write to garner
such a reaction…?'

The stuffy Black Sea air got heavier, and Khan could only take glances at


The patriarch let out a sigh with all of his anger.

“Lord Patriarch, did something happen to the youngest?”

“Not that, Khan. In fact, the opposite. Apparently, they got Myuron Zipfel's

“I expected the youngest to be the main cause of the Kollon Massacre case,
but after hearing the confirmation, I'm still pretty surprised. First was
Andrei Zipfel, and now it's the vice-pillar of the Seventh Tower. He got rid
of two pureblood Zipfels before even becoming a flag-bearer.”

“But take a look at this letter.”

As soon as he saw the message, Khan's face immediately drained of color.

“…There's no way. The Ghostblade has been sending these low-quality

messages since last time?”

“The simple format is the result of my audacious comment. But this time,
he left out a lot of meaty information.”

As Cyron said, Kashimir did not list any important content that he wanted.


Cyron gritted his teeth, and an earthquake rumbled throughout the Black

“The modern world has been crazy about this issue. However, no matter
how strong the youngest is, he couldn't have handled the Kozak himself.”

“Yes, someone else must be behind this. And the Ghostblade definitely

The report about the Kollon Ruins didn't leave out Jin's name alone.

There wasn't a single line that mentioned the Master of the Hidden Palace,
Talaris Endorma, and her daughter, Syris.

Thus, the people of the world began to speculate. Either one troop of the
Ghost Mercenaries or Black King Mercenaries were deployed, Ron Hairan
made a move, the Hidden Palace entered the battle, or the Runcandel flag-
bearers assisted their—supposed—passerby ally.

Since Journalist Dino and the Zipfel Clan had their mouths shut, Cyron had
no way of knowing what happened.

“How dare he offer the patriarch such curt letters. With your order, I can
immediately go educate this man—”


In front of Cyron, a pure-white dimensional portal opened. Khan

instinctively prepared his sword, but Cyron slowly raised his hand.


From the white portal emerged Snow Toad Mort, and on top of it was

“Hmph. I was worried that you were at the meditating site. Good thing I
came to the right place. Long time no see, Cyron.”


“It's our first time meeting in a while. Can't you give me a more warm

Khan and Talaris bowed to each other, and for a while, Cyron stared at her.

Feeling discomfort from his gaze, Talaris waved her hands.

“Oh my, that glare. One more minute under such scrutiny and I might die. I
didn't come to fight you like last time, so loosen up.”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

“It was you.”

“What was?”
“The one who destroyed the Kozak. It seems you helped Jin, Talaris.”

Cyron eased his glare, and Talaris smiled.

“That's right. And I accidentally overheard your knight fellow's words. It

seems Kashimir hid some information from you?”

Cyron handed the letter to her, and Talaris made a weird smile.

“Enough for you to get mad. Although I may have caused his myopia in the
situation, he didn't mention a lot. So, you're gonna send this man here to
beat him up?”

“More like a light warning.”

“I wouldn't do that. In fact, I would praise him.”


“Yes. In this letter, Kashimir truly denoted who he works for. That he is not
for Cyron Runcandel, but for Jin Runcandel.”

Cyron's eyes narrowed.

Then, as if he understood, he nodded.

“…Good point. He's not just reporting to me, but also considering Jin's

“That's how much of a great person your youngest has next to him. That
man—Kashimir. When he came to the Hidden Palace, you could see in his
eyes that he knew he was risking his life. For Jin, that is. He seems like a
useful guy, so give him some credit.”

Cyron eased his expression.

As she said, Kashimir probably was adamant that he would be Jin's ally.
Not many people could pledge allegiance to someone else in the presence
of Cyron Runcandel.
“I almost messed with the youngest's best companion. I am indebted to you,

“What about your son's debt to me? Hmph. Blocking the Kozak was a pain
in the ass. I also almost became one of the Zipfels' targets.”

“Did you really come here looking for compensation? Get that from the

“I'm joking. I actually came here because…”

Talaris paused and began to sweat a little.

“My daughter and your youngest son. What do you think about… their

Khan's jaw dropped.


“What is it, Young Master?”

“Oh, nothing. I just felt a chill.”

“You also felt that, Young Master? I also have been getting such shivers
very recently.”

Jin and Kashimir looked at each other and nodded.

Aside from the chills, they had been spending their days peacefully after
coming back from the Kollon Ruins.

They needed rest. After Jin became a provisional flag-bearer, he and his
companions had only been constantly engaging in big fights.

After destroying the Tesing Clan followed by the Kollon Massacre, Jin was
the center of the world's issues.

And with these adventures, he had made massive improvements.

'6-star swordsmanship and 5-star spiritual energy. And with the mirror, my
mana has become 7-star.'

He had to stop increasing his mana with the mirror. Weakening Solderet's
seal further would be the end of the world.

However, holding onto the mirror while traveling from the Kollon Ruins to
Tikan naturally increased his mana. Moreover, not gaining any sort of
reward for the amount of work and commitment he had done would be

Still, he felt a little desperate.

Spiderhand Alu. The man who was possibly related to Joshua Runcandel,
Jin's older brother. Or perhaps the man who was related to the 'magicians
who cursed Jin'.

The Seven-Colored Peacock still couldn't find any intel on him.

—It doesn't matter… You—You can't stop 'em…


—Even though it failed back then…

Jin recalled his last conversation with Alu right before the man died.

That conversation bugged him to this day. He admitted that the corruption
and tyranny with the Zipfels—as well as seeing some of the darkest secrets
of the world—was cool.

But Jin was most curious about the one who cursed him with Bladed

'The fact that all of Alu's records are gone… I can't stop thinking about it. If
the Seven-Colored Peacock still hasn't uncovered it until now, it means we
can never find it…'

Jin let out a sigh, and one servant approached Kashimir.


“What is it?”

“Uh, a man came to the residence. He looks like a beggar, but he introduced
himself as an information broker. He said he wants to work under you,

“Haha, my friend. Those kinds of guys come every year. It's obviously a
back-alley street beggar who just heard about me. Give him some money
for some food and a bath before sending him on his way.”

“I was about to. But he seemed to know the exact location of one of our
secret bases, so I came to you for assistance.”

Kashimir's eyes narrowed.

“…He knows one of our secret bases? Where is that man now?”

The servant carefully pointed outside.

“Hoho, I have made a fool of myself in front of the young master. I thought
that our security was immaculate and impenetrable… I am embarrassed.”

Kashimir and Jin went to the window and looked down to see the man in

They saw a depraved man hanging onto the guards, begging for his life.
Kashimir slapped his forehead.

Jin, on the other hand, was surprised. The man's name echoed in his mind.


The one who visited Kashimir was the Akin Kingdom information broker,
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 122

Volume 5 Chapter 122 – The Jet Who Rolled In Is Kinda Useful (1)

When Jin brought down the Tesings, he sent three messages to three
different organizations—each with specific records attached to it.

The slave records to the Vermont Imperial Family, the illegal transaction
history to the Zipfel Clan, and the Tesing Clan's customer registry to the
Akin Press.

And Jet's name was written on those documents. Consequently, he was

dragged into the Vermont Empire's and Zipfels' investigation teams, but the
Vermont Empire's witness protection laws kept him safe.

At the time, Jin hoped for Jet and his son to gain a new life.

However, after seeing the man's current state in Tikan, Jin realized that he
was too careless.

'I kinda get it. It seems that the Vermont Empire's witness protection is a
little worse than I thought. He probably came here while being chased by
Zipfel headhunters.'

However, Jin didn't feel any pity. Jet was a traitor who backstabbed him
multiple times in his past life. The man even poisoned Jin's drink in this

If it weren't for Jet's 3-year-old son, Jin would've told Kashimir to kick him
out without remorse.
“Let's hear what he has to say. Bring him over.”

The bulky guards dragged Jet into Kashimir's office.

He looked terrible. Multiple scabs were scattered around his face, as if he

had been beat up through the night.

Now facing Kashimir, Jet's fearful eyes shifted to the floor, and the guard
maintained a suffocating pressure.

Jin remained at the windowsill, leaning his head on the window with his
back towards Jet so that the uninvited guest couldn't identify him.

“Hm, I heard that you knew the location of one of our secret bases, so I
thought you were one of our old boys. But it's a face I've never seen before.
Where did you roll in from?”

Kashimir's attitude towards Jet was cold.

For the leader of the intelligence agency, any leaked insider information
was serious business. He could only be so cold.

“I am Jet, and I operated an information agency in the Akin Kingdom.”

“Akin? That means you were working under the Tesings. And since you
lost your job there, you came here. How do you know our secret base's
location? Your life depends on your answer.”

Then, Jet gave an unexpected answer.

“…To an information broker, security is no different than their life. Before I

become your worker, I cannot tell you such an answer.”

“You! How dare you flaunt your information. Tell me now. How do you
know about our base?”

“That information is a means for me to negotiate a deal with you. Even if

you beat me to death, I will not tell you.”
Jet's eyes were filled with determination.

“And on top of the secret base, I have some information on one of the
investigation requests that you guys are working on.”


“Please use it well. If you find me useless within one month of my

contributions, I will accept any fate you bestow upon me.”

“You little—!”

Kashimir shouted with anger, but he was curious about Jet.

The man's attitude wasn't bad at all. Keeping one's lips sealed was most
important to an information broker. On that note, Jet was doing a fantastic

Whatever happened during the past few months after Tesing's destruction,
Jet became a more different person than Jin thought.

Aside from him looking run down and ragged, his trickery and malevolence
were all gone. He was now a man pushed to the brink, just trying to

“Sir Kashimir, I will be content with doing dirty work in the lowest, third
division. If you give me one month, even you will realize my skill and
expertise. However, if you choose to kill me on the spot, I honestly have no
way of stopping you.”

“Very demanding… You even know that we're split into three divisions.”

Kashimir eased his expression.

“You have nothing to lose. I plan on becoming a hardworking, trustworthy

worker. But if you don't like me, then you can get rid of me any time.”

Kashimir were allies with Jin, and Jet's eyes flicked towards the young
Runcandel. He had been concerned about the person at the windowsill since
he first came in.

'From my knowledge, Ghostblade Kashimir is the ruler of Tikan. But who is

this man who could just leave Sir Kashimir and look out the window?'

Jet's heart sank as the person in question slowly turned to face them.

“Y-Y-You are—!”

“Long time no see, Information Broker Jet. I'm sure I gave you many jewels
and gems before we parted. Why are you broke now?”

“You scammer! What are you planning to scam out of Sir Kashimir?! Sir
Kashimir, do not fall for his tricks! That man impersonated Beradin Zipfel
and destroyed all of Tesing! He's part of the Vermont Special Forces!”

With bloodshot eyes, Jet screamed at the Runcandel.

He definitely had the right to do so since he firmly believed that his life was
ruined because of Jin.

He wasn't wrong. In fact, in Jin's past life, Jet lived as an affluent

information broker in Akin. Of course, he was a malicious villain.

Silence ensued. Then, Kashimir and Jin burst into laughter.

“Young Master… Kuhahaha, this is the first time I'm hearing that you are
from the Vermont Special Forces.”

“Jet, it seems you were mistaken. I mean, it's plausible. But do you think Sir
Kashimir would be with me without knowing my identity?”

As soon as his sentence ended, Jet's face lost its color.

“Th-Then… the fall of Tesing… was Sir Kashimir's orders…?”

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At that moment, Murakan burst through the doors and came into the room,

“Hey! Runt! Where are the ero novels that I told you to buy? Do you know
how long it's been—Huh? Isn't this kid…?”


“That's the parasitic bitch who poisoned our drinks. Runt, why is this thing


There could only be confusion in Jet's mind.

'H-He's addressing Sir Kashimir as “runt”?!'

From Jet's memory, this dumb scary man was the scammer's right-hand

Jet's mind constantly tried to make sense of the situation.

'Kashimir is the ruler of Tikan. But that dumbass looks down on him. And
the dumbass is the scammer's underling. Then the highest ranked person
here is…?'

The scammer that Jet despised.

He should've been pleading Jin for an opportunity.


He went on his knees and faced Jin.

“Oh, Young Master! I apologize for not recognizing your greatness! H-

Haha. To think that I accused you of being in the Vermont Special Forces—
to call you a scammer, even! Of course you are not one. Please forgive this
poor soul who could not perceive your greatness, Young Master.”
“Oho, now you're acting like the real Jet.”

“Oh goodness, oh gracious. You may not know, but life after leaving Akin
was harsh! But thanks to Young Master's efforts, I was able to become the
warrior of justice who freed Akin!”

Instantly changing his demenaor, Jet believed in Jin. Just as hopeful as the
time the young Runcandel impersonated Beradin Zipfel.

'I don't know who the hell he is! I really don't! But he is above Kashimir! I
can live a rosy life once more if I work under him!'

—I didn't know you were such an important person! A successor of the

Zipfel Clan. Sir, please offer me a chance to display my loyalty. I will do

He recalled the words that he spat when Jin claimed that he was Beradin

'Let's forget all of the trickery that he committed. Either way, when we
parted ways, he even gave me a handful of valuable gems. He's not a bad

Jet rubbed his hands, pleading, and looked up at Jin.

“Hm, it seems that you have had a tough time. I apologize for that. Alright,
you want to work for the Seven-Colored Peacock?”

“Yes! I'm sure you have experienced it, but this Jet is pretty useful, you
know? Didn't you use me well in Akin?”

“Well, yeah, sure… Things went well thanks to you. Alright, if Sir
Kashimir allows it, you will be enlisted in the agency. But before that, make
sure to answer these next few questions truthfully.”

“Please ask me anything!”

“First, how do you know the secret base's location?”

“When I was still operating the information agency in Akin, I
coincidentally got my hands on a Seven-Colored Peacock agent's notebook.
I decrypted the codes for fun and found one of the locations.”

“Ha! You said that you wouldn't speak even if I beat you to death, but you
are breathing out your information like air in front of the young master! So
you aren't scared of me, but him?”

Kashimir said these words, but he didn't really foster any hate towards Jet.

He was more impressed at the fact that he managed to decode the notebook
by himself. It was an impossible feat for anyone who wasn't a 'useful'

“Hm, alright. Then, second. Where is your son? You didn't sell him away
while escaping or forget about him, did you?”

“I believe that you may see me as a traitor—a rat. And although that is true,
I absolutely adore my child! My son is currently in the Tikan nursery. My
final savings all went there.”

Jet risked his life and came to Kashimir because he wasn't certain that he
could get more money to feed his son after paying the nursery.

“Although it's a little embarrassing, if Sir Kashimir kills me off, please take
care of my son… I've heard that Sir Kashimir was a warm-hearted

Jin's heart sank.

If Jet's son faced negative consequences from this timeline, it would be Jin's
fault as a regressor. He wouldn't be able to handle the remorse.

“Lastly, if your answer is satisfactory for this one, you will probably be able
to become a certified agent under Sir Kashimir.”

“I am ready, Young Master!”

“In your conversation with Kashimir, you said that you had some good
information about a case that he is investigating right now. What request is
this information about?”

For the first time, a smile stretched across Jet's face.

The information that he knew was likely related to Jin's request.

“The place that you destroyed… Testing Clan's leader, Spiderhand Alu. It
seems that the Seven-Colored Peacock was investigating that case. And I
know quite a bit about that man's past.”

Satisfied, Jin nodded.

He never would've thought that he would get key information to one of his
big questions in such a scenario.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 123

Volume 5 Chapter 123 – The Jet Who Rolled In Is Kinda Useful (2)

“Wait, but how did you know that my guys were looking into Alu?”

“I would know since the Seven-Colored Peacock agents came to ask me, Sir
Kashimir. It seems that I was categorized as an affiliate of Tesing.”

“Hmm, Sir Kashimir. What do you think? I don't think it's a bad idea to take
Jet under your wing as an official agent.”

“If you say so, then I will accept him. Well, he does seem to be a talented
fellow since he deciphered our code by himself. Someone bring me the

A servant ran out the door and returned with a packet that contained the
thick 50-page entrance form. Around ninety percent of its contents were
terms and conditions at the event of an information leak.

Jet signed without giving a glance at the thick paragraphs.

“I will make sure to meticulously read the terms and conditions at a later
time, Master!”

“An agent does not call me 'Master'. From now on, call me 'Sir' or 'Mister
Kashimir', Jet. And after your training, you will be deployed in the Third
Intelligence Team.”

“Yay! This man will volunteer his life for Sir Kashimir, the Seven-Colored
Peacock, and the Young Master!”
For the first time in his life, Jet got an official, professional job.

A great achievement. Although he successfully got recruited with Jin's

special recommendation, becoming an agent of the best intelligence agency
in the world was harder than joining the Vermont Special Forces.

“Let's leave the new recruit training for a later time. First, give the
information regarding Young Master Jin's request on Spiderhand Alu's past.
If it's nothing groundbreaking, then your application will be revoked.”

Jet began to start talking about Alu while rubbing his two hands together.

Spiderhand Alu.

He was born in the Delki Kingdom, part of the Huphester Alliance. In his
early years, he passed the Runcandel guardian cadet exam.

Back then, he was known as Tagan Marius.

That was Spiderhand Alu's true identity before it got wiped off the face of
the planet.

—Alu is an extremely dangerous individual. Rumours say that he even has

connections with pureblood Runcandels beyond the sea. About the
underground auction house…

Jet told the Young Master this when they first visited the underground
auction house.

Jet's suspicion of Alu's ties with the Runcandels as well as its alleged high
probability were based on Alu's past experiences.

Only those at the top of the Tesing Clan and some underlings knew of this
information. They were the select few who had a spot at Alu's drinking

The Seven-Colored Peacock couldn't figure out the Spiderhand's true name
and birthplace, which Jet knew about.
After the fall of the Tesing Clan, all of the surviving higher-ups of the clan
either died or were being tortured in the hands of the Zipfels.

Apart from being tricked by the Beradin impersonator, they were trading
ancient magic tomes and artifacts under the Zipfels' nose, which angered
the clan of magicians the most.

Excluding Jet, there was basically no one left who was affiliated with the
dark organization known as Tesing. Thus, a challenging investigation was
imminent for the Seven-Colored Peacock.

“This fellow—Jet… He did indeed bring some useful information. We

found out our target's true name and place of origin. Information that my
agency couldn't find for a long time… He will be a useful one in
information collection.”

“Tagan Marius… Marius, Marius… I think I've heard of that name


“You have, Young Master?”

“Yes. It doesn't sound foreign at all.”

“Since that guy passed the Runcandel guardian cadet exam, maybe you saw
his name in a related document?”“Alu attempted the guardian cadet exam
twenty years ago—before I was even born. Any related documents around
that time would be stored deep inside the archives. And before I become an
official flag-bearer, I cannot access such documents.”

Constantly saying the name 'Marius' out loud, Jin felt very unsatisfied. At
that moment, Gilly walked in with a cup of tea.

“Marius, Marius…”

“Oh? Young Master, why are you repeating that name?”

“Ah, it's Spiderhand Alu. Apparently, his real name is Tagan Marius, and I
felt like I've heard of it before.”
“Haha, Young Master. That's the last name of Lady Luna's nanny, Miss
Taimyun. It's not the most common surname, but not the rarest. It's
definitely something you've heard.”

Jin froze while in the middle of receiving his tea.

“…That's right, Nanny Taimyun's surname is Marius. Taimyun Marius.

Wait, Gilly, do you know Nanny Taimyun's place of origin?”

“Let's see, hmm. Oh! Delki. She said she was from Delki. Now that I think
about it, I remember she used to send Delki's special exports to the Storm
Castle when you were young.”

Jin and Kashimir stared at each other.

“Young Master, do you think…?”

“What's wrong, you two?”

“Tagan Marius. Spiderhand Alu is also from the Delki Kingdom.”


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“It's possible that Alu is related to Nanny Taimyun. No, it's very likely. On
top of that, apparently, Alu attempted the Runcandel guardian cadet exam
as well.”

Putting her tea cup down, Gilly covered her mouth with her two hands.

“It's very strange that he even took the guardian cadet exam… When was
this again?”

“1776. Exactly 20 years ago, according to Jet.”

“If my memory serves right, at that time, every single sword-wielder was
sent into battle due to some internal conflict in the Delki Kingdom. Even
princes and princesses were engaged in the battle, but a normal commoner
taking the Runcandel guardian cadet exam is…”

“Ah, I remember that too. The kingdom was split into two factions: one for
the emperor, and the other for the prince. All press releases were about that
civil war, and the Runcandel Clan announced its support for the victor.”

Sifting through his old memories, Kashimir nodded. Twenty years ago, he
was a prince of the Vermont Empire, so he kept his nose in many foreign

Even though the others were not as invested in intercontinental history, the
Delki Civil War was a big issue. The world watched as if there were a war
between the Runcandels.

“If it's true that Alu took the guardian cadet exam as a Delkian during
wartime, it could only mean that he used his connection with Miss
Taimyun, who was already working for the Runcandels at the time.”

“Probably. Since the Delki Kingdom locked down its borders during the
war, it was impossible for an outsider to come in and an insider to go out.
Until the war ended, that is.”

The nannies of Runcandel were not just some regular guardians for the
children in a noble family.

By taking care of the pureblood Runcandels, they wielded tremendous

power within the clan and had a say in all kinds of decisions.

On that note, Taimyun's power within the clan was above a normal
pureblood as the time she joined and started working for the Runcandels
was also when people determined 15-year-old Luna as the clan's
prospective successor.

At the time, even Cyron wanted to present Luna as his successor at a public

“If Alu shares the same blood as Nanny Taimyun…”

'Then the one who cursed me with Bladed Illusion could be Sister Luna…'

With that ominous thought, he remembered his final conversation with Alu
once more.

—It doesn't matter… You—You can't stop 'em…


—Even though it failed back then…

Alu could have been talking about Luna. If it weren't for that conversation,
Jin wouldn't be speculating about this.

Blood began to rush to his brain.

'Eldest Sister Luna came to the Storm Castle when I was 9… Maybe she
came because I wasn't cursed?'

In his past life, Luna never visited the Storm Castle. Even after leaving the
Storm Castle, she never met with him, who was being treated like garbage.

Of course, she never showed any interest in him in the first place.

From far away, Jin questioned why he couldn't be like his sister; why he
couldn't even be half as talented as her.

'Then what about the things Eldest Sister Luna had done for me after I left
the Storm Castle? She trained me multiple times. Saved my life a few times
as well. Did she change her course after finding out that I'm immune to

As he continued his thought, Jin jolted, then shook his head.

'What am I thinking? We only just discovered that Taimyun and Alu were
somewhat blood related. Even if they are blood related and are associated
with my curse, Eldest Sister Luna wouldn't know anything about it.'

He felt pathetic for doubting his sister.

Still, the uncomfortable feeling didn't pass. It was true that her demeanor
towards Jin in this life was completely different from her behavior in the

The painful life before his regression, his loveless family, the finger-
pointing and snickers during his expulsion, and the neglect from his
siblings. Luna was definitely included in that mess.

These memories made Jin very uncomfortable.

“…We should confirm first whether Alu and Taimyun are truly blood-
related. After that, find out why he became the boss of a dark organization
even after passing the Runcandel guardian cadet exam. We also need to
know if somebody is behind them and what their motive is.”

“Isn't it easiest to just ask Lady Luna? Through a message of some sort.”

Gilly did not know about Jin's exposure to Bladed Illusion when he was
only one year old. Not just Gilly, but everyone else as well.

“No, that would put her in a dilemma. If they are blood-related, then I'm
basically exposing Nanny Taimyun's ill intent.”

“Ah, that's a good point. Since the First Lady really loved Miss Taimyun. If
the question isn't too important, then we can keep it concealed.”

“Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. If Taimyun's malevolence is exposed, even

if Eldest Sister stays still. The other siblings will rip Nanny Taimyun apart
like dogs on a corpse. Especially Eldest Brother Joshua, Elder Sister Myu,
and Elder Sister Anne.”

The best conclusion was that Taimyun made Alu go through the guardian
cadet exams because she didn't want her relative to be used in the war. And,
despite passing the exam, Alu did nothing for a while and settled in the
Akin Kingdom. Without any connections to the curse, Taimyun would be
linked to a normal scale of crimes.

Jin could just look over it.

“Please send the agents to the Delki Kingdom. If we get good information
from there, we will start moving ourselves.”

“Understood, Young Master.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 124

It took four days for the agents to return with meaningful information.

“We didn't make any progress for the past few months, but we already got
information after some clues. The agents brought some intel.”

“What is it about?”

“About the Marius surname. It's a name found here and there in the region,
but only one organization uses the name in the Delki Kingdom.”

“Not a clan, but an organization?”

“Yes. There's an orphanage in the southern region of the Delki Kingdom

called 'Lunar Sacrifice'. And everyone from that orphanage uses the Marius

“It probably means that Alu and Taimyun were from the same orphanage.
Although they aren't blood-related, they must have a deep connection.”

“Correct. And it seems the agents got some cool information about the
orphanage as well. Lunar Sacrifice was not just any orphanage.”

Lunar Sacrifice's objective was not just to take care of orphans.

It was true that they took in many orphans, but the true motive was to
sharpen the dagger of the king's army.

“The followers of Delki's king operated Lunar Sacrifice. They trained the
orphans to become assassins or spies. It was shut down after the king's
faction won the civil war.”

“Basically, a secret weapon factory.”

“Yes, and their training methods were brutal. They made the orphans create
strong bonds with each other before forcing them to kill one another.
Ultimately, the surviving child would be the chosen one…”

“Crazy bastards. Even the Runcandel Clan doesn't do that. Then, does the
activity period between Nanny Taimyun and Alu overlap? I'm sure the age
gap is huge.”

“Although their activity periods do not overlap, apparently, Taimyun

Marius visited Lunar Sacrifice whenever she had the chance. Even after she
became one of the Runcandel Clan's nannies.”

“Even then?”

“Yes. That's the main part of the agents' report. I don't know whether the
Runcandels stayed silent about it or they simply didn't care. But she went at
least once every two months.”

According to Jin's knowledge, the nannies almost never had personal time.
They only had one week in the entire year as an official break.

And, usually, they would forfeit their one-week break and return to their
caretaking. They were mostly those with 'no place to return'.

'Personality-wise, Luna could've given her many unofficial breaks. But

constantly visiting the same orphanage… Maybe she felt bad for the
orphans who are in her same abject situation?'

In that case, it would make sense for Taimyun to give Alu an opportunity.

Either way, after confirming their relations, Jin felt a little uneasy. He
wished that their surnames were coincidentally identical and that they had
absolutely no connection to each other.
Then, even if Alu was related to Jin's curse, Jin wouldn't need to suspect

“What's the source?”

“There were some Lunar Sacrifice survivors in Delki. Nine people,

excluding the deceased Alu. They were survivors when the Delki prince's
faction shut down the facility.”

All of the survivors acted in the shadows. Either they worked in the dark
alleyways or as gangsters who ripped money off commoners.

“They were all careful with their speech regarding Taimyun. The agents'
massive monetary bribes were barely able to pull out the information on
Taimyun's frequent visits.”

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“I would really like to meet them. If I reveal my identity to them, they

would tell us more about her.”

“You're a provisional flag-bearer. Wouldn't that be a little dangerous?”

“It's fine. As long as it stays out of my siblings' ears.”

April 1st, 1796.

Jin and Jet arrived at the transfer gate to go to the Delki Kingdom.

The Huphester Alliance. They didn't need many people to go to the

Runcandels' land. There was nothing good about attracting attention.

“Hehe, Young Master! While this Jet is alive, I will protect you with my

Jin took Jet with him to give him the menial jobs.

“'Protect', my ass. At the small chance of battle, you'll just be a liability.”

“Ahah! You'll take care of me? Oh, how grateful I am. If we ever get into
any tight situation, I will not despise you for leaving me!”

“Why would I leave you? I got you into the Seven-Colored Peacock, so I
got to milk you empty. How have your days been going?”

“Very good! If someone's an intelligence agent of the Seven-Colored

Peacock, they get fed like elites! Fufu, if it weren't for you, Young Master,
then a guy like me wouldn't have had an opportunity to work in such a

“Good point. Oh, the teleportation is starting.”

“When we arrive, I will find a clean inn for our stay.”

“No, no need. Today, we'll scour the western region where three survivors
are living. For the inn, we will get it after we meet the three people and
relocate to the northern region.”


The transfer gate was activated, and Jin's surroundings began to rumble.
Deep blue mana swallowed the two, and when they opened their eyes, they
were in the waiting room of the Delki Kingdom's western region transfer

The guide glanced at their identifications and smiled.

“Welcome, Mr. Jin Grey, Mr. Jet. We hope you had a wonderful trip.”

Jin exited the room and put on his hood. Jet had a big smile on his face.

“I can feel it! The nice weather makes me feel like we can get the
information we want very easily.”

“Who's the first survivor we're meeting?”

“Let's see… Gaber Marius. He's doing gangster stuff in a neighborhood

called Nelta, which is about an hour away on horse.”
“Go get a horse.”

“Yes, sir!”

Despite coming to West Delki for the first time, Jet returned with two robust
horses not even thirty minutes after he left. On top of that, he used less gold
than what Jin gave and returned all of the change to the young Runcandel.

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Jin felt a little surprised.

'In my past life, he was a dog who would eat me alive when given the
chance. Well, in this life, he tried to sell me, Murakan, and Gilly away.
People's business. I really don't get it.'

Jin lightly shook his head, and Jet frowned.

“Young Master, do you not like the stallion that I got? Or was I too late?”

“No, you did great. Keep the change. Let us depart.”

“Oh, goodness! Thank you! I will use it wisely.”


They sped down the stone road made for horses and arrived in Nelta around

“It should be around here… Oh, over there, Young Master. The Nelta
Vigilante Group. Ah, these funny fellows. They call themselves 'vigilantes'
when they're filthy gangsters.”

Jin almost scoffed at the pathetic organization trying to claim their actions
as just, but he suppressed it and knocked on their door.

“Young Master! Please let me do these things. The bad energy will stain
your precious hands. And if we are knocking on the gangsters' cove in the
daylight, we must knock more vigorously to have at least one guy turn up.”

“Yes. These fellows usually work during the night and sleep during the day,
so they won't hear a single thing from such a shy knock.”


Jet cleared his throat before kicking the front door.

“We are here to meet Gaber Marius! Come out!”

He shouted at the top of his lungs, and some passersby stared at the peculiar

Thump! Thump, thump!

Even after many kicks, the wooden door didn't seem to be opening any time

“Huh. Well, would you look at that? It seems they partied all night and are
in a deep slumber. Not a single one came out.”

“Maybe no one is in there?”

“There's no way. Gangsters usually love their base to death. Hey! Come
out! Anyone!”

There was still no reaction from Jet's continued kicks on the door.
Embarrassed, he scratched his head, and Jin put his ear on the door to listen
for any footsteps.

Jin didn't hear any footsteps at the time. However…

'This is…?!'

From the bottom of the door wafted a strange stench of blood.

As if he also sensed it, Jet—who also had his head on the door—looked up
at Jin with a hopeless expression.
“These guys… Did they have a fight through the night? I think we should
take down the door and barge in. If the smell reached all the way here, it's
not just one or two people dead.”

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“Back off. I'm taking down the door.”

“No, you shouldn't. We'll attract attention. And if we use a sword now, then
it'll bite back at us. Please wait. Seeing the keyhole, it seems like the type
that I can pick.”

“You can do that?”

“Haha, I've been in the shadows for a while. Kuu… This brings back
memories. When I was young, I fed myself with the use of my lockpicking

Jet pulled out a long pin and hook, then wrestled the lock. After five


The door was unlocked.

“It was a good idea to bring me with you, right?”


When the door opened, the smell of iron got more potent. The inside was
dark enough to drown out the sun. Nothing could be seen.

Jet closed the door and lit a lantern.


And their jaws dropped.

“The fuck? What in the world…?”

“O-Oh my goodness. What—This… Young Master, something is definitely

The room looked like hell.

The floor, walls, and ceiling were sprinkled with bits of human flesh. From
the estimated twenty corpses that should be present, not a single part of
their bodies remained untouched.

If they weren't used to blood and corpses, they would have fallen to the
floor and begun vomiting everywhere.


“These guys didn't die long ago. Not all of the blood has hardened yet.”

“Huh, now that you say… No, with this much of a massacre here, did
nobody outside really notice? Did they get ripped apart by a monster? Or
did they misbehave in front of a knight?”

A chilling feeling crawled up Jin's spine.

“First, let's find Gaber Marius. I doubt any of the corpses' faces are
recognizable, though…”

Jet carefully stepped on parts of the floor without blood puddles as he

searched for Gaber. Jin inspected the corpses.

'This isn't from a high-ranked knight. These guys' bodies were ripped apart
by a wind-type spell.'

This was at least the work of an 8-star magician. Similar to the 8-star wind
spell, Hellwind.

And the Huphester Alliance dealt with magic-related crimes with utmost

“Jet, that's enough. Let's get out of here as soon as possible. As you said, we
could possibly be accused or taken in as an affiliate.”
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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 125

As if they just saw nothing, they exited the residence, and the noon sun
shone on their face.

“Oh, Young Master. What in the world did we just see? Why are they all

“They died to a magician, at least 8-star. There is evidence of Hellwind

being used in there.”

“An 8-star magician? I don't think such a great person like that would have
business with such lowly gangsters, but I guess we saw some grotesque
sights as soon as we got here.”

Jin raised Jet to the saddle and shook his head.

“Go find anyone within a ten-minute radius who knows Gaber Marius. I'll
be in front of the water fountain back there. If we can't find anyone, we're
moving on to the next survivor.”


When Jin arrived at the fountain and started to ponder about the death of the
Nelta Vigilante Group, Jet returned.

“I didn't even need ten minutes, Young Master. There are three people who
saw Gaber return to his home early in the morning while drunk.”

“Then that means Gaber is also dead. Alright, let's get moving. Who's the
next survivor?”
“In a two-hour distance from here, Weatherway Marius. This fellow is a

The two left Nelta feeling a little uncomfortable.

'No matter how much I think about it, I don't get it. An 8-star magician
doesn't need to make a mess to deal with those guys.'

Why would someone take the risk to commit a crime with magic and
slaughter a bunch of goons?

'It looked like it ended too quickly to be a massacre out of hate. There was
no sight of torture either. It felt like the murderer was in a hurry—dealt with
the situation like stepping on a bug and left immediately.'

There was a limitation to the inference due to the lack of evidence, but there
was something suspicious that prevented him from assuming that it was
merely a coincidence.

Jin thought about it for two hours and continued to ponder until they arrived
at the army camp where Weatherway Marius was stationed.


As soon as the door opened, two crude-looking men welcomed them.

“Haha, nice to meet you, and thank you for your service. We came to meet
Weatherway Marius.”

Jet nicely confronted them, but the men sighed with disappointment.

“What's this? I thought we finally got a customer. Why are you looking for
him? Oh, are you the one who got beat up by him last night?”

“Oh, not that. We're old friends, and we coincidentally came this way, so I
thought I might as well see an old friend's face…”

“Damn, that kid had a friend? Fascinating! Weatherway didn't leave for
work yet. I'll give you a rough map, so go find him.”
“Thank you, my brothers!”

Jet and Jin received the map and passed through various turns and streets to
arrive at Weatherway's house. Jet knocked on the door.

“Weatherway! Are you in there?”

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

Neighbors began to complain about the ruckus, but the door didn't seem to

“Well, I'm picking into strangers' homes all over again.”

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Before Jin even asked for it, Jet began to pick the lock.


The door unlocked.



The first thing they saw was a man lying on the ground in a strange pose—
Weatherway Marius.

“Young Master. I think this fellow's dead… Hm, he's not breathing.”

“An assassination through poisoning. And just like Gaber, it hasn't been
long since he died. Since his skin and blood didn't change colors from the
poison, it's a well-made poison.”

The corpse's chest was still emanating warmth. It was evident that the man
died only about two to three hours ago.

“Young Master, does that mean…?”

“Someone is killing the Lunar Sacrifice survivors in real time. However, the
killer of the Nelta Vigilantes and the murderer of Weatherway are different.
The modus operandi this time is too different. Both killers are a duo, at

As they confirmed the second survivor's death, Jin was certain.

'The culprits recently found out that the Seven-Colored Peacock is mining
information about the Marius name. Worried about their information and
history getting leaked, they are “sorting out” the Lunar Sacrifice survivors.'

It could no longer be a coincidence.

Additionally, if there was a likelihood of it only being a coincidence, then

fate would be in favor of the culprit.

'I don't know if the culprits know about me and Jet searching for the
survivors. But if they do know, then they're trying to strategically put us as
a suspect. And if they don't… then our luck is just garbage.'

No matter how late they start the investigation on the Nelta Vigilante
massacre and Weatherway murder, it would begin in the late afternoon at
the latest.

And as the common folk saw, the last two people who went to visit the
Nelta Vigilante Group were two people. As for the Weatherway case, the
soldiers certainly saw Jet and Jin's face.

Returning to the army camp and telling them 'Report to the police,
Weatherway is dead' would be pointless. Even if the soldiers believed them,
Jin and Jet would be investigated and interrogated.

In that case, Jin's position as a provisional flag-bearer would be revoked,

and he couldn't even dream of meeting the other survivors.

Suppressing his anger and stress, Jin gritted his teeth.

'I may be a provisional flag-bearer breaking some rules, but how dare you
toy with me in my own land?'
Currently, the confirmed culprits were a magician with an 8-star rank—at
the very least—and an assassin who was good with poisons.

'Even with just that, the forces trying to get rid of the Lunar Sacrifice
survivors are phenomenal. That's how important the information is to them.
There could be more assassins.'

Jin left Weatherway's home and Jet frantically followed him.

“Young Master, what shall we do? Wouldn't it be good to return to Tikan?

We might be accused of this case as well.”

“Nice thinking, Jet. But we have to see the rest of the survivors. We have to
move quickly, before the assassins kill them all.”

The third survivor.

The fourth survivor, the fifth… until the eighth.

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Jin and Jet changed horses three times and used two transfer gates, crazily
searching for the remaining survivors until midnight.

But not a single one wasn't a corpse. Each one was killed an hour or two
before their arrival.

But thankfully, there were only two assassins. The victims all died from
either a wind-type spell or poison.

Jin was about to go crazy. He felt like the survivor was going to be found
dead each time they visited one.

Jet sighed.

“This is the last survivor, Young Master. Dan Marius. What if this fellow is
dead as well?”

“Just open the door.”

Dan Marius lived in a remote cabin on the outskirts of a village in East

The two had stopped knocking since the fourth survivor. They just wished
that the survivor would be in one shape when they opened the door.

Click, click—Tick!

The door to the last survivor's cabin opened.


And an arrow flew at Jet.

He flinched, failing to react and move away. Jin grabbed it with his bare
hand before it could pierce the man's chest.

“O-Oh my—! How crazy, Young Master! I'm safe thanks to—”



Jin deflected the second arrow with his dagger. The man in the cabin's
living room just stood there, eyes wide.

With fear in his voice, he shouted.

“Wh-Who are you?! If you are skillful enough to deflect a crossbow shot
from this distance, y-you mustn't be a normal knight. Why did you barge
into my house and—”

“Are you Dan Marius, a Lunar Sacrifice survivor?”

The man's jaw dropped.

“How do you… No… Are you the Specters of the king's faction? Or did
that person send you?!”
Jin would have hugged the man after confirming that he was Dan Marius.
He didn't think that the last survivor would be alive.

'And he said “that person”. Was he talking about Taimyun? Or maybe the
person that Alu mentioned in his dying breath?'

Whoever it was, he knew it would lead to more clues on who cursed him.

“Dan, there's no time to explain. You're in danger. Soon, assassins will

come for you, so come out. I'm here to save you.”

“Wh-What do you mean?”

“Gaber, Weatherway, Bert, and the others. Since this morning, assassins
have been killing the Lunar Sacrifice survivors. The nine others are all
dead. I don't know if they are the Specters of the king's faction as you said
or Taimyun Marius's goons, but it wasn't me.”

“You… You know Miss Taimyun?!”

“It's a little confusing, but just trust me and follow me. I don't even need
five seconds to kill you, but you're clearly not dead yet. Do you understand?
I will not harm you. I promise.”

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For a few seconds, Dan gritted his teeth and fell into thought. Then, he

“I understand… Please wait here. My daughter is sleeping.”

“Oh my, my friend. Go get her, quick! Do you also have a wife?”

“I do not. I'll bring my child swiftly!”

Dan frantically brought his sleepy daughter and mounted the horse.

“How long until the eastern transfer gate?”

“We must move for at least three hours.”

“That's far. I will explain the rest as we go. Giddy up!”


The horses let out a loud neigh and started galloping through the night.

Jin and Jet had hoods over their heads, followed by one rather crude man
with his daughter on his back.

As they paved through the pathways and into the forest, Dan opened his

“Did the others really die?”

“Yes. I don't think it's the Specters of the king's faction getting rid of them,
but assassins sent over by the other person that you mentioned. Who are

Dan evaded the question as if he didn't want to answer. Annoyed, Jet turned
and was about to cuss at him. However, after seeing the man's daughter, he
looked away before facing forward again.

“You're gonna tell us anyway, my guy! Don't keep it to yourself, and tell us.
I also lived a scummy life like you, but my life improved after meeting this

“…Before that, didn't you say that nine of my siblings died?”

“Yes. We saw their corpses ourselves. They're all dead.”

Jin answered, and Dan tilted his head as if something was weird.

“Then that's not right. I didn't tell you because I didn't have the chance, but
there are twelve Lunar Sacrifice siblings.”

Jin pulled on the reins, and the horses stopped running.


“There are two more.”

“Where are the other two?”

“I do not know. Unlike me, they moved based on orders.”

From those words, Jin and Jet stared at each other.

Two siblings left.

Two assassins.

As soon as Jet tried to ask, a blue light shone in the dark forest in Jin's field
of vision.

“An ambush!”

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The light was shot from the thick woods, and the horses fainted, letting out
a pitiful sound.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 126

Two mana beams pierced through the horses, immediately killing them.
However, thanks to Jin's warning, the riders landed safely on the ground.

“Urgh—What in the world was that?!”

“It's them.”

Jin took a defensive stance, expecting a second attack. However, it didn't

come immediately. Instead, two shadows slowly emerged from the thick

A man and woman. Very young adults; probably not even over 30 yet.

Dan's expression turned dark after seeing their profile.

“Y-You guys are…”

“Oh, Old Man Dan. What's this, what's this! How'd you know we'd come
for you? You even got some guards. You're pretty quick-witted!”

The woman opened her mouth first. She had a well-structured face and was
taller than the man next to her. Her expression showed how she thought the
situation was funny, which didn't fit the current mood.

Additionally, she thought that Jin and Jet were Dan's bodyguards.


The woman smirked at Dan calling her name.

In her hand, concentrated mana turned into a sphere of wind. She was the
magician who had been killing the Lunar Sacrifice survivors.

'She doesn't even seem to be 30, yet she's an 8-star magician? And she isn't
even a Zipfel.'

He was shocked at the young age. She was that much of a talented genius,
and Jin didn't even know her?

“How do you think Dan found out that we're killing out the brethren? First
let's make some ground beef out of Old Man Dan, then we can question
those two.”

“That dumbass couldn't have known. Those guys probably did some
investigation on us and realized that we're on a hunt. Beris, be prepared.
That hooded guy isn't just any guy.”

“Eyyy, what do you mean 'be prepared'? That's too harsh! You think it's
easy to find an opponent that requires our full focus? Kuzan, your
cautiousness is too much. Probably explains your lack of popularity.”

Beris and Kuzan Marius.

The youngest and strongest hunting dogs of Lunar Sacrifice.

Jet anxiously stared at the two while Dan hugged his daughter with quaking

“You said they're Beris and Kuzan. I was curious about which bastards were
messing with my business. Nice to meet you.”

Jin covered Bradamante with aura, and Kuzan pulled out a sword in return.
Unlike Beris, Kuzan had a straight, dull face—a show of prudence.

“Hehe, I'm also curious as to who you are and what you do, so I'm glad that
I'll find out soon. But first, we gotta finish our business. Old Man Dan,
come out now. Then we'll spare your daughter… maybe?”

Beris threw the wind sphere in front of her and laughed.

'It's the 4-star wind spell, Wind Blade.'

It was enough to take Dan's life, but an 8-star magician would normally still
use a higher-ranked spell. As a magician, Jin knew why Beris was using
such a low-ranked spell.

'Since she used Hellwind to kill the survivors in the morning, she's saving
her mana. Even if she thinks I'm a bodyguard, I'm certain she's playing
conservative from that move.'

Beris using Hellwind to kill the survivors was probably because of her
particularly cruel and ruthless personality. She enjoyed massacres.

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An 8-star magician with sufficient mana would be difficult to fight.

However, an 8-star magician lacking mana or on the verge of mana

overflow wouldn't be too hard. As long as they weren't a particularly
talented 8-star.

'The problem is that guy. I'm sure he killed the survivors with the use of
poisons, but a sword…'

Kuzan's sword was a very universal long sword. People who trained the arts
of assassination usually didn't use such a bulky sword.

'Is poisoning just one of his gimmicks? And his main weapon is the sword?'

In the worst scenario, he would be talented in the arts of poison and the
sword. And of course, Jin had to fight while considering the worst scenario.

Was it possible for him to fight and win against these guys?

7-star magic, 6-star swordsmanship, and 5-star spiritual energy. If the

opponents lost focus and Jin fought them well, it was possible.

'But if Kuzan is also an 8-star, it's impossible. Unlike Beris, he didn't waste
a single bit of aura. As always, I have to whip up a gimmick.'
Concluding his thoughts, Jin tried to talk.


“Man~ I'm getting pissed. I told you to get your ass out here, you roach-like
old man.”


From Beris's palm, wind blades flew straight towards the three. Jin created
a force field with his aura, and Beris immediately began to cast her next


“Yes, sir!”

“Take Dan and run.”

“Yes… yes? What?! No way, sir! Eeeek!”

Jin swung his sword to deflect the wind blades. Kuzan bolted towards him
and aimed for his shoulder.

'Shoulder. These guys want to keep me alive since they have a lot to ask.'


Despite not using his full force, the impact from Kuzan's swing was
immense. Even without comparing it to any sort of measurement, Jin
confirmed that he was an 8-star. The worst case scenario came true.

Still, thanks to Jin's blessed Runcandel body, he could deflect the attack
with one hand.

“I think that you're more important than Dan, so isn't it better for you to run
away instead of him? On top of that, you're only using one hand. I feel like
I'm being looked down on.”
“Don't know. My life is pretty important, but I don't want to let the child see
her father die. I'm weak in the heart.”

Clang! Sssk-clang!

Jin's and Kuzan's blades clashed, sparks flying everywhere. Jet didn't do
anything and just stomped on the floor.

“Oh, Young Master!”

“Just run! With your skill, you're practically useless. Fighting alone would
be better. Either I kill these guys or at least you guys can live.”

“I'd rather die with you.”

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“Don't tell me that heartless shit, and just fuck off. It's an order.”

“Oh, Young Master, I wish you the best of luck!”

Sniffling and holding back his tears, Jet took the child in Dan's arms and
began to sprint away. Dan followed him. Beris burst into laughter after
seeing them flee.

“Oh my goodness~! I can't watch because of these tears~ Hehe. Honey, do

they really think they can run away? Kuzan! Play with the cutie for a while.
I'll go deal with them.”

Kuzan lightly nodded.

Jin's eyes widened as more blades flew towards him. He then activated a
spell with his other hand.

The spell that never disappointed him every time he was in grave danger.

Photon Cannon.

A blinding light brightened their surroundings. Taking the light full face,
Kuzan stumbled backwards.


Even an 8-star knight would lose their balance due to the bright light. Beris
—who was quite far from Jin—flinched and covered her eyes.

Before one second even passed, Jin charged towards Kuzan's torso, eyeing
the man's neck. He felt like he could end the battle with one swing.


Bradamante's crescent slash followed by a short echo. Jin felt the tip of the
sword cut something.


However, the level of an 8-star should not be underestimated.

'He was able to react to that?'

Drip, drip.

Blood was dripping from the tip of Jin's sword as he backed off, wary of a

At that moment, Kuzan recovered his vision and repositioned himself.


Jin slashed Kuzan's chest instead of his throat. However, seeing that the
bloodstain in the other's coat rapidly grew, Jin knew that—thankfully—the
wound was not shallow.

“Kyaaa! Kuzan!”

For the first time, Beris's liveliness was gone. With a startled, pale face, she
ran over and tended to Kuzan. She glared at Jin.
“I will thoroughly rip you apart. Piece by piece. How dare you do this to


Mana began to flood around her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as
she screamed. She was going all out against Jin.

However, the young Runcandel was smiling internally.

'I'm sure she's in a position where she's out of mana. Keep gathering a lot of
it. If I just block a few times, you'll self-destruct from mana overflow…'

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As Beris tried to charge at Jin, Kuzan grabbed her shoulder and shook his

“Don't get ahead of yourself, Beris. He's a magic swordsman. He knows the
weakness of magicians. On top of that, he just used light magic. We must
take it slow.”

“But he—!”

“You know this wound isn't really anything. We'll chase Dan later. We need
to deal with this kid before they get far.”

“'Isn't really anything'? Your life just got shorter!”

Kuzan was the problem.

'He's strong, not arrogant, and prudent. After seeing Photon Cannon, he
knew I was a magic swordsman instead of mistaking it for an effect of an
artifact. He's a tough one.'

A chill ran up Jin's spine.

Two 8-stars, and they weren't making any mistakes. If they were careful of
Jin's gimmicks, then his probability of winning would plummet.

Although Kuzan took some damage, he pulled out a glass bottle and drank
its contents. Almost immediately, his bleeding slowed down.

What he drank was poison.

However, to a person with a great resistance to poison, it was nothing more

than a divine potion.

'Is he like Elder Sister Yona? That guy… He's a handful.'

Yona Runcandel. Having her as a sister, Jin knew what was going on.

—If you meet an enemy like your sister Yona, remember this: you must
finish them in one strike. Or else, they'll heal themselves like they're some
immortal being. They use their lifespan to heal themselves at that moment,
but it's a pain in the ass to deal with.

—Conversely, you can't allow any small injuries or wounds. When they go
all out, they have a bit of lethal poison on their weapons. Even with your
resistance to poisons, it's still pretty fatal.

He remembered his conversation with Luna during one of their training


And as she said, Kuzan stood up after finishing his recovery. His sword
glowed with a light green sheen. Poison and aura mixed on Kuzan's blade,
emitting an eerie green color.

“No time to capture him alive, Beris. Watch my back.”

“Alright. Instead, don't go too hard. I don't want you to get hurt from that
kid that I want to rip apart.”

“I'll do what I can.”

Kuzan's speed was fast; the glow of his eye left an afterimage. Jin also
pushed his feet off the ground with his sword extended.


The two swords clashed, and a loud sound of collision reverberated through
the air. They only clashed their blades once, but it was enough to feel the
power of a 'real' 8-star knight.


Furthermore, Beris was reinforcing Kuzan with magic from behind.

Jin was backed into a corner. He thought of when to reveal his remaining

Tess, Myulta's Rune, and Blade: Unleash.

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Those were all he could do to turn the tide.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 127


Their auras clashed, and an ear-splitting explosion resounded. Despite Jin

and Kuzan only constantly leaving afterimages as they met swords, Beris
was surprisingly able to consistently aim perfectly at Jin.

'Is that the girl who lost half her mind?'


Kuzan's blade barely grazed Jin's sleeve. The coat sleeve burned to black, as
if his skin were rotting.

Jin quickly ripped off the sleeve and threw it to the ground. If his coat
hadn't been thick enough, the poison would've penetrated it and gone
through his skin.

“Phew, you're attacking at the same time, so isn't using poison kinda

Kuzan didn't answer and kept charging at him.

At first glance, it looked as if Jin was losing, but Kuzan was very confused.

'It feels like he has 6-star aura, and his swordsmanship is strangely amazing.
And the strength supporting it… Maybe he's hiding his aura? Or maybe he's
a magic swordsman?'
While he was undergoing training to be a hunting dog, Kuzan heard about
the magic swordsmen who were active in the far past. Compared to those
who only knew one physical or magical fighting technique, magic
swordsmen had a divine-like power that they could use very efficiently.

He wasn't wrong. Jin just had the blessed body of a Runcandel. However,
obviously, Kuzan could not make this conclusion.

Beris was pretty surprised as well.

'This slippery bastard. He deflected Kuzan's blade and dodged my spells?

And I can't even get close because he can pull out his light spell. The most
annoying brat…!'

Beris and Kuzan were constantly pushing back on Jin.

And because of their desperation building up, they tried their best to
maintain their composure. As for Jin, beyond desperation, he was feeling
the threat of death as time went on.

'The spells are getting more frequent. Her accuracy is improving as more
time passes. If it gets better than this… I don't have a solution for that.'

Even though she was low on mana, Beris was also showing her skills as an
8-star magician.

Bang! Bang!

No different than a line of cannons, her mana winds prevented Jin from

'It's a shame, but I guess I have to pull out my trump card.'


From Jin's palm, a small blue flame came to life, and Kuzan stopped his
The Ruler of the Fire Dimension, Tess. The blue fire signaled the opening
of the dimensional portal.

'Blue flames?!'

A crevice opened through space, as if curtains were ripped, and Tess's long
neck peered out. Beris's eyes widened.

“Sh-Shit. Tess?! Kuzan, get away from him! You can't get exposed to

Pressure. The special power that only Tess held.

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The one who knew of Tess's transcendent power was the magician. Kuzan
didn't have many memories of her desperately screaming.

However, he also knew of Pressure. He jumped away while conjuring blade

crescents, planning to pressure Jin from afar before the flames could get to


They definitely thought that Jin would shoot the pressured flames at Kuzan
since limiting the movements of the 8-star knight would be more efficient.


However, Tess unleashed the flames at a different target—Beris. The thick

blue flames crashed like waves towards the magician, and Jin didn't miss
Kuzan's wavering eyes.

Kuzan turned and bolted towards her, and Jin shot blade crescents towards
his back.

“I feel like you are underestimating me. I shouldn't be an opponent you

would be turning your back to.”


Jin conjured up the aura that he saved while fighting defensively.

The aura around Bradamante spread like smoke. An energy known as Blade
Mist contaminated the surroundings.

While Jin kept Kuzan company, Tess flapped its huge wings and contained
Beris. Each flap of its wings caused thousands of small flames to fly
towards the magician.

Then, a breath of blue flames hit her directly.

Detecting that its contractor was in danger, Tess breathed harsh flames with
all its might.


A horrible cry that hazed the mind. Sweating rivers, Beris used all her mana
to set up mana barriers. A stream of blood flowed out of her mouth.

'Mana overflow! She's finally facing the repercussions of wasting mana

while killing the Lunar Sacrifice survivors. It's good for me, though!'

However, summoning Tess was a little tiring for Jin.

'How long can he maintain the summon? Probably ten minutes at most. If
Beris falls into mana overflow during that time, I'll basically lose a weapon.'

A gamble. Jin's mana recently reached 7-star, but he used a lot of it when he
cast Photon Cannon.

Because of that, summoning Tess and simultaneously using other spells

strained him.

'While Beris is locked down, I have to take down Kuzan. Otherwise, I have
to end it when Kuzan goes to aid her.'
The latter was Jin's desired scenario. Myulta's Rune and Blade: Unleash
were still on the table, but fighting an 8-star without Tess was impossible.

Kaclang! Cling! Booooom!

Kuzan's expression wavered as he was restrained by Jin. From the moment

Beris was in danger, Kuzan lost his composure.

Does he risk getting an injury and rescue Beris, or does he trust Beris and
kill Jin?

After a short moment of contemplation, Kuzan's blade flickered.

“I don't know who sent you, but if Beris gets hurt, I'll kill you and your

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“Sorry to inform you, but I don't move based on orders like you dogs.”


Kuzan's sword skill changed.

His attacks until now were composed of steady sword swings. However, the
ensuing swings were the complete opposite. It was a completely
defenseless, full-offensive, destructive swordsmanship.

He was determined to kill Jin, even if it meant giving away his flesh—
bones, even.

'Shit. I thought he'd go save his magician.'

A shock went through Jin's body after realizing the sudden change in style.
He unwillingly followed Kuzan's tempo, and the dozens of sparks from
their clashing swords pierced his eyes.

'So fast…!'
The fastest blade that Jin had ever experienced.

Nonetheless, there were more opportunities to strike than before. If Jin

changed the trajectory of his blade—even by a little bit—he would die.
However, he still saw the short time frames of the gaps where he could
attack. Jin wanted to strike.

Even so, the moment he would try to attack, Kuzan's poison blade would
slash through him.

The problem was that Jin wouldn't hold on for long at their current pace. If
he allowed even one small cut, the poison would spread throughout his

Selecting his next move, Jin took a half step forward and swung

He planned on activating Myulta's Rune and cutting through Kuzan's throat.

As the two charged at each other, Kuzan dodged the stab by adjusting his
shoulders. Kuzan's dark green blade was about to penetrate between Jin's

'Activate Helm!'


However, the sudden activation of the helm deflected it.

Yet, it was much different than when he blocked Alu's blade. He felt as if a
massive hammer struck his head, causing him to almost lose his balance.


Without hesitation, Kuzan prepared his next attack.

'If this is all you have, I'll end you here and now.'

Unfortunately, Kuzan couldn't swing his sword properly.

As he tried to swing his poison sword, Bradamante emitted a vantablack


Not only that, but for a moment, their entire surrounding was also dyed in
black. Everyone had their sight marred.

Except for Jin.

'This is… spiritual energy?!'

Kuzan didn't lose his prudence when he found out Jin was a magic
swordsman, or when Tess was summoned, or when the boy activated
Myulta's Rune. But not this time. He had heard about spiritual energy
multiple times.

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Nevertheless, there was a striking difference between imagination and

actual experience. It was a strange force that made people feel fear just by
watching it spread.

The darkness would only last for one second.


Then, like a needle in the darkness, Bradamante—the blade that was one
with the darkness—penetrated Kuzan's chest.

Due to that one second of blackness, Kuzan couldn't react in time. The
black blade pierced him square in the chest, and a thick line of blood poured


It didn't stab his heart.

However, if Jin turned the handle and twisted his blade, Kuzan would not
survive even with his special poison.

If he just exerted force into his palm…

And just turned it…


Yet, Jin's body loosened. Simultaneous dizziness and nausea overcame him,
and Kuzan got farther and farther away.

His eyesight started fading, and his heavy breaths gradually turned into loud
shrieks and messed up his mind.

Jin was also cut from Kuzan's poison blade.

It was a slight scratch on his hip, but the poison was already inside his body,
flowing through his veins.


Jin slowly trudged backwards, and his sword naturally slid out of Kuzan's
chest. Kuzan threw up blood and fell to his knees, but he had a grin on his

Tess's and Jin's mana link was severed. The phoenix let out a screech, and
Jin couldn't stop it from being withdrawn.

As Tess disappeared, Beris fell to the ground and shivered. With a quivering
hand, Kuzan pulled out another glass bottle.

He drank the poison, and his wound slowly sealed itself. He thought of
taking Jin's life as soon as he had enough energy to hold his sword.

“I… have to… get up. Or else, I'm doomed.”

Pant, gasp, pant.

With heavy breaths, Jin plunged his sword into the ground and caught his
balance. If he let go of his sword, he would struggle to even stand.

He felt as if his bare body were on fire, but not a single scream came out.
The most poisonous poison. If it weren't for the Runcandels' blessed body,
he would've already died.

For a while, all three of them didn't move; Jin due to the poison, Beris from
mana overflow, and Kuzan from his injury not healing too quickly.

Amongst the three, Kuzan stood first with trembling legs. And Jin barely
got into his fighting stance.

“Over there!”

“Black hood, it's the outfit the citizens described. Your Highness! It's a
possible suspect!”

“Archers, prepare to fire. Knights, follow me!”

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From afar, a group of knights on horseback ran towards the three.

It was the military of the prince's faction who had been pursuing the culprit
responsible for the mysterious serial killings in the Delki Kingdom that
started yesterday morning.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 128

Criminals who committed magical arson in the Huphester Alliance faced

the highest punishment. On top of that, serial killing with high-tier magic
was the highest crime of them all.

Realizing the severity of the case, the Delki Prince took the knights and
pursued the culprit.

In dangerous times, the people of nobility should step forward. That was the
principle that the king's faction promoted after winning the war twenty
years ago.

“I am Delki's third prince, Laika Delki. Put down your weapons!”

The prince shouted after seeing Kuzan and Beris.

'Shit, it had to be now…! I was about to end him!'

Kuzan's eyes flicked between Jin and the prince's army. Jin had a fighting
stance, but half of his consciousness was gone. He was breathing heavily.

Behind Kuzan, Beris was trembling from mana overflow. She didn't even
know the knights were there.

Kuzan gritted his teeth.

'I will find you again and kill you!'

The moment Kuzan picked up Beris, the archers fired. At that moment, the
knights ran towards Jin and pinned him to the ground.
Jin didn't even let out a sound as he fell to the ground. All of his senses
were shut down, so he didn't feel any pain.

Laika jumped off his horse and unhooded Jin.

'Huh? This boy is…?!'

Jin Runcandel.

It was a face that he remembered seeing at the previous year's Runcandel

banquet. Laika gasped and checked the young Runcandel's profile again.

“They're… the culprits…”

Jin whispered with his remaining strength.

The prince looked back and saw Kuzan running away with Beris in his
arms. Despite the archers' shower of arrows, the two managed to get far

“Get them! Healer, aid this man immediately!”

“Yes, sir!”

Jin jolted awake and sat up to look around him.

“Are you awake?”

It was Laika.

“This is my summer house, Young Master. I chose this place in

consideration of your current situation. And you woke up within three

“Three hours?”

“Please be thankful that you are not dead. According to the healer, the
poison in your blood was difficult for even 8-star warriors to bear. If you
weren't a Runcandel, you would have never woken up again.”
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Kuzan and Beris.

They were the strongest opponents he had fought thus far. Especially
surviving Kuzan's poison was no different from a miracle.

If Laika had arrived later, Jin would have been gone for good.

“What happened to them?”

“We lost them. I don't know how you somehow injured that monster. That
man with the injury ran away with the woman in his arms.”

From Laika's knowledge, Jin was a 5-star. On the other hand, Kuzan
couldn't face the knights despite being an 8-star due to his injured state.

'Even if the press announces Young Master Jin's promotion to 6-star,

standing on the same level as that man is impossible.'

Which was why he believed another person was behind the Delki serial

“Well, I must thank you for your hospitality, Prince Laika.”

“It is the duty of the knights of Huphester to help a Runcandel in need.

Although, you are a provisional flag-bearer…”

“If you are thinking of reporting this to the main house…”

Jin and Laika's eyes met.

“Ah, we have no intention of that. We might die if we do. It hasn't been

long since you became a provisional flag-bearer, but it seems you have a
great team behind you.”

“Right as we brought you here, some crazy warriors began to search the
eastern region. They said that you were a provisional flag-bearer, so one
wrong move and my head would've been gone.”

Jin said nothing and smiled.

'Are my allies in Tikan searching for me? It's enough to make Prince Laika
subservient. I feel sorry for my allies and this prince.'

“I apologize, Prince Laika. I have become a hassle.”

“That is not true, Young Master. With consideration of your situation, I will
keep my mouth shut.”

The true ruler of the Huphester Alliance was the Runcandels.

Even if Laika was a royal, he couldn't be above Jin.

“Instead, please do me a favor when you become a flag-bearer. I can ask for
that, right? I have saved your life and treated you with great care.”

On that wording, Jin read Laika's thoughts like a book.

He wasn't taking advantage of Jin's weakness, not just because he was

scared of the people who searched for Jin.

“It seems you want something from me. Please tell me, Prince Laika.”

“When you become a flag-bearer, please station more guardian knights in

the Delki Kingdom. I also ask for the return of some of the mined gold that
the Runcandels taxed.”

Jin smiled.

“You treat my life as if it were so cheap. Once I become a flag-bearer, I will

return all of the kingdom's gold that the clan retains and station twice as
many guardian knights. Please give me a pen and paper. I will make sure to
write it down.”
Prince Laika's eyes glimmered.

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“W-Will you really do that for us?”

“There is nothing I cannot do for the Huphester Alliance.”

Jin finished writing the contract and left the summer house, and Laika
couldn't stop celebrating.

'What a miracle! Thanks to the serial killer, I was able to build a

relationship with the Runcandels' brightest star. He even handwrote a
contract… I'm sure the heavens are taking care of Delki!'

“Young Master!”


Gilly and Murakan as well as Jin's other allies stood up and greeted Jin.

“Why must you scare me all the time, Young Master?! It hasn't even been
that long since all that ruckus in the Kollon Ruins. If you had died, then I—
…I felt like I was burning in hell for hours, waiting for confirmation that
you were alive.”

“You thought of fighting an 8-star knight and magician duo alone? You've
been getting stronger too quickly, so you have no brain or fear. I heard that
you'd have been dead meat had the Prince of Delki not come.”

“Young Master, we were all so worried—you wouldn't even know. When

Jet arrived alone, Miss Quikantel transformed and went to the Delki
Kingdom to search for you.”

Hearing that Quikantel made a move, Jin then understood what Laika meant
when he said that he'd die with one wrong move.

“I'm sorry, everyone. I will not do it again. But if we lose Dan, then I think
that we would never find information about Taimyun. Also, escaping with
them on our tail seemed impossible.”

“Oh goodness, oh gracious! Young Master! You have returned!”

As he had received multiple beatings from returning without Jin, Jet was
thankful that the young master returned in one piece.

“Jet, I'm sure you didn't forget about Dan?”

“Young Master. Even if I, Jet, were to die, I would never forget. I made sure
to heed your order and get him to Tikan. He and his daughter are safe! They
have been saved with your sacrifice!”

“Great job!”

Jin shouted with his hands on Jet's shoulders. He went through so much for
this, and if Jet had lost Dan, then it would have all been for nothing.

“Even though I explained that I was ordered to escape, they beat me to a

pulp! Wah!”

“Yes, yes. You went through a lot. Did Dan Marius say anything while I
was gone?”

“Nothing, Young Master. He said he wouldn't say anything until you

arrived. And I apologize. We didn't have enough agents to identify that
there were twelve Mariuses and put you in danger…”

“No need, Sir Kashimir. Please bring Dan.”

A while later, Dan was dragged over and couldn't meet eyes with the young
Runcandel. Everyone aside from Jin glared at him.

“Alright. We won't need to talk for long, Dan Marius. I almost lost my life
trying to save you and your daughter. Now, it is your turn to return the

“Are Beris and Kuzan dead?”

“No, they are not. Who they hell are they? Unlike your other siblings, they
were very skilled.”

Shivering in fear, Dan took a deep breath and looked into Jin's eyes.

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“…Even after Lunar Sacrifice closed, unlike us, they were trained to be
hunting dogs.”

“And who trained them?”

“Taimyun Marius… A nanny of Runcandel trained them herself.”

Gilly covered her mouth in surprise.

There wasn't any correlation between Taimyun and Jin's curse, but the fact
that she trained Beris and Kuzan was still shocking.

If Dan's words were true, then the ones who attacked Jin were Taimyun's
underlings. And they were Runcandel affiliates. Runcandel affiliates
attacking a Runcandel was something that should never happen. It was
basically a heinous crime.

If the clan found out, then Taimyun and everyone somewhat related would
be slaughtered—even servants who worked with Taimyun. Not a single one
would be spared.

“'That person'. Your other brother, Tagan Marius, also talked about them. I
presume that person is also Taimyun Marius?”

“Tagan… Did he also die from Beris and Kuzan like the others? It's been so
long since he left the Delki Kingdom, so I haven't heard from him.”

“No, I killed Tagan myself.”

“Tagan operated under the name of Alu, and before he died in my hands, he
said that 'that person' failed once but will finish me off in the end. And Dan
Marius, my name is Jin Runcandel.”


“Like you, Tagan was referring to Taimyun. And she was trying to kill a

At that moment Jet's eyes widened. He just found out that Jin was a

'Young Master… Y-You were a R-Runcandel?'

He was about to spit out those words, but he kept his mouth shut.

“W-Wait. Did Tagan really say that before he died?”

“Indeed. So I traced back to his origins and found out about the Marius
name as well as Lunar Sacrifice. And when I went to look for you guys,
everyone was being killed by Beris and Kuzan. Thankfully, I found you
before they did.”

Jin slowly explained the situation, and Dan took slow deep breaths, trying
to comprehend the situation.

“…I understand a little better now. Why Beris and Kuzan killed our
siblings. About fifteen years ago, Tagan told me something before he left

Jin's eyes flickered.

“What did he say?”

“That Miss Taimyun did many deals with a person of high standing in the
Runcandel Clan. He also said that if something goes wrong, then all of the
siblings could die. So he told me to be careful. Probably because he cared
about me.”
“Did he specify exactly what kind of deal it was?”

“I didn't hear anything about that. After Lunar Sacrifice closed, the other
siblings and I were basically thrown away. Sometimes, Tagan would take
Beris and Kuzan to meet Miss Taimyun, though.”

“Then, as you said, Tagan and Taimyun were birds of a feather? At least at
the time.”

“Yes, that's right.”

Jin couldn't get any more information out of Dan after their exchange.

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Now, it was time to meet Taimyun Marius.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 129

In a residence located in the central region of the Huphester Alliance.

“…It's been four days since you left, and that's all you tell me? You lost
Dan, and your identities were leaked to an unknown magic swordsman?”

Beris and Kuzan lowered their heads.

They had just escaped the pursuers from the Delki Kingdom and were about
to return. Beris was still suffering from the aftereffects of mana overflow,
and Kuzan's wound didn't completely heal.

“We have no words, Miss Taimyun.”


Taimyun ground her teeth as she looked down at them.

A dark shade momentarily covered her face, as if she were thinking about

“You idiots… I don't even want to see how pathetic you are, so piss off. I
will never order you useless shits ever again.”

The two kneeling siblings' eyes widened.

“What do you mean by that…?”

“Just as I said. You guys made too big of a mistake.”

“M-Miss Taimyun, are you disposing of us?”

“Miss Taimyun! We are gravely sorry! Please forgive our mistake!”

Kuzan's voice shook while Beris hunched over and begged while crying,
akin to a child begging to a parent.

“Forgive? You two are useless hunting dogs that failed their hunt. How dare
you request that from me?”

“Miss Taimyun, Miss Taimyun, Miss Taimyun. I'm really sorry. I won't
make mistakes from now on. Please… Please don't throw us away.”

Beris grabbed Taimyun's dress and continued to wail.

Thump, thud!

Without remorse, Taimyun kicked Beris's face while Kuzan knelt, shedding

“How would we live without you, Miss Taimyun?! We will take any
beating and torture as a treat… Just please don't throw us away. Please…”

As if her cruelty and bloodlust from killing the other Lunar Sacrifice
survivors were mere hallucinations, Beris constantly rubbed her hands
together and begged.

“Yeah? If you will take anything as a treat, then die. I will kill you here,
right on this spot.”


Taimyun unsheathed her sword, but Beris didn't have any intention of
dodging. She just had her eyes closed, awaiting her death.

The moment Taimyun swung her sword, Kuzan embraced Beris, urging the
nanny to halt her movements.

Taimyun looked down at them with the blade on Kuzan's neck.

“…Miss Taimyun. I mean, Mother…”

Kuzan stood and looked into Taimyun's eyes.

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“I… I wish you well.”

“Never come back to me. Never again.”

Kuzan left with Beris in his arms. Their relationship with Taimyun ended

Taimyun clicked her tongue as she watched their backs grow smaller and

'The magic swordsman they saw is definitely Young Master Jin. Most
definitely so since he used spiritual energy. And soon, he and Lady Luna
will come to me. This would've been bad if I didn't know about Young
Master Jin's powers.'

For a second, Luna's face popped into her mind.

It was Taimyun's dream to see Luna powerful and beautiful at the same

'Lady Luna can't kill me anyway. And now, I've learned something. In
addition to Young Master Jin being Solderet's contractor, he also has magic
abilities? This is information even that person doesn't know…!'

Taimyun smiled.

The hunting dogs were not as useless as she thought.

“Yeah, yeah. Is there anything bugging you nowadays?”

“Yes. There's nothing much to do since Madame Luna offered us so much.

All of our people have found jobs, and we are all now living like normal
After returning to her land, Luna was having tea with Tika.

“That's good. …Huh?”

“What's wrong, Madame Luna?”

Luna looked around her. Tika put her teacup down, looking around herself
as well.

“I can suddenly feel my youngest brother's energy. What the heck? This is
my land, though. Maybe I have mistaken?”

“You can feel that?”

“That kid's energy is kind of special. Well, there's also the part where I'm
sensitive… Uhhh, who is that? So I wasn't wrong?”

Outside the window, Luna saw and pointed at Jin who had a robe on.
Despite him having a disguise on, it wasn't enough for him to just freely
show himself in Luna's land in broad daylight.

Due to that, he couldn't approach the guards and instead solicited outside
the gates.

“That fearless idiot. He just comes here without regret. What's going to
happen when the other siblings find out? You provisional flag-bearer!”

Luna complained about her brother's uninvited visit, but her eyes
glimmered as she ran down the stairs.


Luna jumped over the fence and planted her fist on Jin's head.


“You're crazy, youngest boy. If you keep doing this, you're gonna get in big
“Erk, Eldest Sister. Your greeting is very violent.”

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“You're the violent one, you idiot. Because of you, I can't live up to my
honor. Let's go in first before anyone sees you.”

They went to the front door and into Luna's room.

As soon as the door was locked, Luna grinned and beat the hell out of Jin.

Thunk, wham!

“Alright, let's hear what the little boy came for, shall we? Huh? Or did you
come because you wanted to see your sister?”

She would be satisfied with either answer. Luna was just in a good mood.

She really wanted to see her youngest brother. Since the last time she saw
him was when he flipped the main house inside out, she wanted to know
whether he was growing well.

'Even if Miss Taimyun is related to my curse, it isn't related to Eldest Sister.

She would never want to harm me in any way.'

Jin was embarrassed that he felt the slightest hint of doubt towards a sibling
like this.

“First, I would like to thank you, Eldest Sister. If it weren't for you, the
Kollon natives wouldn't have had any other place to live.”

“You should've sent a letter along with your friends here. I wouldn't be able
to meet them if I had work to do.”

Since Taimyun would have seen the letter first, he didn't send one.

“And you're saying that stuff again? I already told you last time that
between us Runcandel siblings, there's at least one who will give you
unrequited love.”
“Yes, I do remember…”

“Hm? You seem a little conflicted. Is there some problem that's hard to deal

Some problem that's hard to deal with.

Well, she wasn't wrong.

'Eldest Sister probably cares about Nanny Taimyun after me—possibly

more than me. I don't know how to tell her that Nanny Taimyun tried to
harm me.'

He had been conflicted even before his arrival.

Since Taimyun Marius was one of the people his eldest sister loved most, he
felt even more uncomfortable with Luna looking at him happily.

“Eldest Sister.”

“I'm listening, my dear brother.”

“I sought you because I have something to confirm with Nanny Taimyun.”

“My nanny? Why her?”

“Do you remember what I told you when you first came to visit me at the
Storm Castle?”

“That someone tried to assassinate you?”


The joy in Luna's face disappeared.

“Go on.”

“Recently, there has been friction between those of the Marius name in the
Delki Kingdom. We managed to find only one Marius alive and well in the

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Jin took a deep breath and continued to relay the story to her.

He started with his conversation with Alu regarding 'that person' after
destroying the Tesings, all of the information he got while investigating
Alu, up until his confrontation with Kuzan and Beris.

When he finished talking, Luna barely suppressed her shivers and had drips
of sweat rolling down her face.

It was the first time in her life where she had such ominous feelings in her

If her youngest brother's words were true, whether it was related to the
assassination attempt or not, her nanny had committed a serious felony.
Whatever Taimyun's relationship was with those underlings, they attacked a
pureblood Runcandel.

“…Hence, I would like to meet your nanny and confirm this information.”

“My nanny… has trained assassin orphans in Delki? Th-There's no way.

I've never heard of such a thing. There must be a misunderstanding, Jin.”

Jin thought of seeing Taimyun himself as he expected that Luna might react
like this. However, if Taimyun really was the culprit behind the curse or an
accomplice of the crimes, she couldn't stay alive.

Additionally, even if she was the culprit, not allowing her to talk to Luna
was a cruel outcome.

'But Eldest Sister Luna didn't even know about her troops. Taimyun
Marius… Just who the hell is she? What does she want?'

Luna put her hand on Jin's shoulder, and he could feel that she was
trembling like a tree branch in the wind.

“My nanny is… on vacation. She said she had business in central
Huphester. We should wait until… No, no. We must go to her now.”

“I'm sorry, Eldest Sister.”

“What are you sorry about? Nanny Taimyun is definitely not related to this.
That all had to be the assassins' own will. Well, if there was a connection
between them, then my nanny must have… some reason.”

Jin didn't answer and just held onto his sister's hand.

'Looking back, she went to the Delki Kingdom very often. She went on
vacation a lot, and I heard that she donated money to an orphanage every
time she got paid.'

Back then, it wasn't treated with any importance. When she was in her 20s,
Luna had followed her nanny to volunteer at various orphanages, but they
were all normal orphanages, not Lunar Sacrifice.

—Nanny, I know this is a good deed, but why do you help out these orphans
this much?

—I was also an orphan. Oh, I must have not told you. Haha, if your
adolescence was a little less grand, I would've had the opportunity to tell
you. You should've drank with me at some point back then.

—Oh, uh… Sorry. I didn't know. I was too mean.

—What do you mean by sorry, My Lady? The other nannies of Runcandel

could only dream of becoming your guardian. You gave me more than
enough time for myself, so doing volunteer work became possible.

—Uh, hm. Do you need more days off?

—In that case, can I have one more?

Recalling one of their conversations from the past, Luna shook her head.

'I… Looking back, I don't know much about my nanny. I learned that she
was an orphan in my 20s, and I thought she was just doing volunteer work
during her breaks.'

Taimyun's favorite food, favorite alcohol, favorite book, favorite clothes…

While failing to know these petty facts, Luna couldn't imagine her nanny
ordering 8-star assassins around.

She indeed loved Taimyun, but she didn't have much curiosity about her.

From the 1st year until the 35th, they had been together for so many hours.
Taimyun was her confidant.

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“Let's go, Jin. If your words are true, then my nanny… With my own hands,
I'll… No, wait. Wait, Jin… Let's go a little later.”

Luna sat and hugged her legs.

Jin couldn't say anything, so he just patted his sister's back in sympathy.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 130

Volume 6 Chapter 130 – Taimyun Marius (3)

“Alright, so Taimyun got rid of those two.”

“Yes, My Lord. I confirmed it myself. What should I do?”

“Take care of them.”

Taimyun still remained in her summer house in the central region of

Huphester. She dismissed all of the servants taking care of the summer
house, leaving her alone in the massive mansion.

On the table in front of her was the red tea that Luna regularly enjoyed.
Taimyun held the teacup with delicate hands as her mind wandered into
deep thought.

'Beris and Kuzan… They won't stay alive for long. Since their identities
were made known to Young Master Jin.'

The best hunting dogs that she trained in Lunar Sacrifice.

An 8-star magician and an 8-star knight. It was a great, painstaking loss, but
Taimyun decided she could just train new dogs for herself.

'All I need is time. With indoctrination and training, I can make hunting
dogs whenever I want. Those kids will be dealt with by the assassination
team. For now, I need to figure out how Young Master Jin is uncovering
facts about me.'
From investigating the Marius name to meeting Beris and Kuzan.

Taimyun couldn't deduce what happened between those two events.

Fifteen years ago, she received an order from 'that person' and cursed Jin
when he was only one year old.

For some reason, the curse failed. However, she still thought her tail was
safe. She was certain that there wasn't a single witness or evidence left
behind on the crime scene.

'Did the curse caster's information get revealed? Either way, I'll find out
when I meet Lady Luna and Young Master Jin. The weak-hearted Luna
cannot kill me.'

Thinking about the absolute postulate, Taimyun lifted her teacup.


As soon as she began to organize her thoughts, the house's doors opened.

And approaching her were the said two Runcandels.

“Welcome, Milady. Young Master Jin.”


Tap, tap, tap…

The two slowly walked towards Taimyun.

'It's as if she knew we were coming. She probably has something up her

Jin felt a little uneasy.

Taimyun stared directly at Luna. On the other hand, Luna looked elsewhere,
trying to hide her reddened eyes.
Then, she looked into her nanny's eyes.

“I will just ask this directly. Do you know Beris Marius and Kuzan

“I do, Milady.”

“What is the reason for keeping underlings behind my back? And why did
your underlings clash with the youngest? Before Tagan Marius died to Jin,
he said some weird things. What the hell is going on…?”

Luna reminded herself multiple times to ask calmly.

However, her shocked voice shook.

“…What weird words did he leave behind? My underlings clashing with

Young Master Jin was not on my orders. Milady, did you come here
thinking that I intended to kill Young Master Jin in the first place?”

“Even if you didn't order them, your underlings attacked a pureblood

Runcandel—the youngest son! And what is with your attitude towards

“If you will punish me for that crime, I will take it sweetly, Milady. I was
very concerned after hearing the news from Kuzan and Beris, so I had been
awaiting your arrival.”

“Answer this first. Why the hell were you raising assassins behind my

“Please forward me to the clan's court. Then I will testify in depth.”

Jin shook his head.

“Hold on, Taimyun. I know that you have something up your sleeve, but I
can't let you act so disrespectfully towards my sister. And you said you had
nothing to do with the incident? You started killing the Lunar Sacrifice
survivors as soon as I began to investigate the Marius name.”
“There seems to be a misunderstanding, Young Master Jin.”

“Yeah? I wish there were. With consideration of my sister, I hope you're not
related to Bladed Illusion. Before Tagan Marius died, he gave away a lot of
clues, you know? The same with Dan Marius, who survived.”

He mentioned the curse's name, Bladed Illusion, on purpose. It was a name

that Luna, Gilly, Murakan—everyone and their mother—knew about.

Taimyun paused before looking at Jin.

“Why? Do you think it's weird that I have memories of my first year of life?
I am a contractor. I don't remember it, but my god seemed to remember
what happened at the cradle in the Storm Castle.”

It was a lie. Jin hadn't heard Solderet's voice ever since he regressed.

However, Taimyun couldn't think of it as a lie.

'So that's why… Young Master Jin was already chosen by Solderet by then.
A magician didn't reveal the information. The god told him himself. Then,
after he met Lady Luna at the Storm Castle, he began to search for the

'Young Master Jin's presence is not a coincidence. Searching for Tagan

Marius in Akin… He put me as a suspect from the beginning.'

Confirming Jin's current knowledge, Taimyun suppressed her laughter.

Coming all the way here was impressive, but Jin had no tangible
'convincing evidence'.

'Tagan and Dan do not know any specifics about the curse. Jin is telling a
shallow lie. As of now, he can't do anything to me.'

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On the other hand, Jin had many weaknesses: using magic and being
Solderet's contractor as well as breaking many rules as a provisional flag-

Taimyun knew all of that.

“I see, Young Master Jin. Being a contractor is an amazing thing. Even as a

Runcandel… But why does that relate to me? Are you perhaps saying that I
cast the curse upon you? That's the first time I heard that today.”

“Don't know. We'll find out soon enough.”

“I will testify truthfully at the clan court.”

While Luna remained speechless, Jin stepped forward.

“Clan court? It seems you are mistaken, Taimyun. Seeing that you're
constantly referring to the clan court, it seems you have a lot of underlings
in the main house as well. You will be investigated under my private order.”

Taimyun furrowed her eyebrows.

“Does the young master truly have that power as a provisional flag-bearer?
Milady, this is beyond his jurisdiction. If you are going to punish me, the
lady should execute such an action. When the hearing begins, I will also
mention the Young Master's meeting with—”


Luna bit her lips and glared at Taimyun.

“Yes, Milady?”

“I… don't know who you are anymore. And your behavior right now… I
don't understand it at all.”

“I, too, can't understand you, Milady. It is true that my underlings

coincidentally encountered Young Master Jin, but how could you doubt me,
the one who has served you for all your life?”

“Since you raised and trained those assassins…”

“I apologize for hiding that fact from you, Milady. However, raising them
was to defend myself.”


“Do you know how many enemies you have in the clan, Milady? Because
of that, I was threatened with death every day. I'm sure you wouldn't know.”

“What the hell do you mean? How dare they, in the Runcandel Clan, when
the first flag-bearer has her eyes wide open? How dare they try to kill you?”

“…You really don't know anything, Milady.”

“Don't play with me, and tell me truthfully. My heart is about to break.”

“Milady, please look back at our past. The servants outside your room had
always changed every year. Aside from me, everyone who took care of you
changed annually.”

It was true.

Servants serving pureblood Runcandels were often changed. Normally, a

butler would either be promoted to a guard or be transferred to another job.

However, in Luna's case, her servants changed more frequently.

“Why would that be?”

“Th-That would be…”

“Did you ever show any interest in them, Milady? Probably thinking that
they just get replaced anyway, you never asked me about it. All the way
until you were all grown up.”

“What are you trying to say…?”

Luna shook her head in confusion. Jin held her quivering hand quietly.

He knew what Taimyun was going to say.

“They were all killed, Milady. By your siblings. While you gave them no
attention! That was why they changed so often.”

Luna's eyes widened.

“Milady, you were blessed with the most omnipotent power, yet you lived
so carelessly. You failed to realize what the people under you were going
through. Everyone around you, even just from being next to you, bore the
threat of death.”

“Why… Why didn't you tell me this before?”

“Because you would be sad and depressed. Your siblings harmed the people
around you instead of harming you directly. After all, wouldn't it be
impossible for them to lay a single finger on you?”

“Don't say shit that doesn't make any sense. If you told me ahead of time,
would I just do nothing? Do you know nothing of me? Even if I knew these
things, you think I would do nothing?”

“…I didn't tell you because I knew you the best out of everyone else.”


The house shook as Luna shouted. The teacup in front of Taimyun clattered
on the table, its contents forming a whirlpool.

“Milady, would you… be able to slash your siblings who killed your
servants? Knowing that you had the power to easily kill or dominate your
siblings to take the throne—yet was too scared to do so—would you?”

Luna stopped in her tracks.

“Please answer me, Milady. How would you have your revenge? Would
you kill your siblings for the sake of your people? Wouldn't you just throw
a tantrum in pain and agony?”

“Maybe your heart would've broken. Oh, how delicate your heart is. I
would know best. Would you be able to take the grief of the dying servants
from me?”

Taimyun held her clattering teacup and made a bitter smile.

“Fighting for the Runcandel throne is a disgusting war. And the moment
you stepped out of it, all of your people were targeted as prey. Milady, you
shouldn't have given up the throne.”
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 131

Volume 6 Chapter 131 – Taimyun Marius (4)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Thirty-five years ago.

The day she became a nanny of Runcandel, Taimyun felt 'true power' for
the first time.

The powerful people of the Delki Kingdom—who treated her and her
siblings like dogs or lower entities—worshiped her. Taimyun felt like
throwing up at the amusing sight.

She experienced a completely different life than back at Lunar Sacrifice,

where she had lived below livable conditions.

'Life's nice. I had to live a horrible life as a child, but as soon as I started
flying, I found myself taking care of the Runcandel Clan's firstborn.'

Taimyun thought as she looked at Luna, who had just been born.
It was neither with envy or jealousy. Her world was now too great, and she
was thankful that she became Luna's nanny.

Above all, she was surprised that a child could be so warm and caring.

When she embraced the children at Lunar Sacrifice, they were all cold and
hard corpses.

Contrariwise, Luna's inconceivable warmth stole her heart. She couldn't

believe how fast she was swayed by it.

And soon, Taimyun poured all of her genuine love to Luna.

'Well… She's kinda cute.'

One year old, two years old, three years old… five.

Taimyun was very proud as she watched Luna grow every day.

However, another pureblood Runcandel was born each year.

Luna's contenders.

Cyron and Rosa hoped for them to compete against one another.

That made Taimyun desperate.

'There won't be any problems. As the patriarch said that Lady Luna was the
only one who fully inherited his power, Milady will ultimately be the one
succeeding him.'
As Taimyun hoped, Luna gained attention even before she left for the Storm
Castle and entered training when she returned to the main house. All of the
expectations and anticipation went to her.

—Today, I fought with the entirety of the beginner class and won, Nanny.
Luntia and Joshua don't stand a chance against me even if they attack

—Congratulations, Milady. Do you have to keep—

—But I don't feel good. I just like the sword. No, the competition. When
they fight me, they all get depressed, so I feel like intentionally losing to

At the time, Taimyun thought those words were due to a child's pure-
heartedness. Although it would be a crime in Runcandel, she wanted to take
Luna away from the cruel training methods of the Runcandels. However,
she didn't want to educate her like the children of Lunar Sacrifice either.

Yet Taimyun confirmed Luna's personality when she turned 13.

—Don't even dare to get in my sight, Joshua. It won't end here next time.

—Luntia, don't sit at the same table as me. Before I kill you.

—You're attacking with that skill? You won't even scratch my shadow.

Her warmth disappeared, and she began to dominate the Runcandel Clan.

Still, that was merely her adolescence showing.

Tired of the provocations of the clan, Luna fell into a dark time of
adolescence. Yet Cyron, Rosa, and Taimyun all thought that it was her real
self and felt satisfied.

Taimyun especially pushed Luna to become the ruler of Runcandel and

wanted to erase all of her caring memories. Seeing the possibility of her
being the nanny of the future matriarch, Taimyun wanted to wield that
power to have vengeance on the world.
Taimyun never forgot the abuse that she went through for over twenty years
while in the Delki Kingdom.

'When the lady becomes the matriarch, I will erase the Delki royalty off the
face of the planet…'

If Luna grew at that rate, it was easily possible.

—She destroyed the high-ranked Zipfel magicians in Bayles this time?

Congratulations, Milady! After becoming a flag-bearer, it's your 37th
consecutive successful mission. You have created quite the gap between
you and your siblings. The patriarch is very pleased.

—Nanny, it might seem weird, but… I'm very tired. I… I-I just want to be
left alone. Away from my father, mother, and siblings.

—Pardon? What do you mean? Milady, is there something wrong?

—You're on my side, right? Whatever path I choose, whatever position I am


—Of course, I will always be on your—

—I'm not going to become the ruler of this stupid clan.

At the age of 19, her adolescence ended.

And not once did Taimyun see Luna go back on her word.

—Are you serious, Milady? Please think this through. Milady, you have the
greatest talent after the patriarch. Are you going to let that go to waste? If it
isn't you, who else would lead the clan?
—One of the other siblings will take my place. I think Dipus and Mary are
nice. Father, Mother, and the elders will get upset. I just need you to be on
my side. Oh, but my siblings will love it.


—And I don't plan on wasting my talent. I will get stronger. While my

siblings fight and bleed, I will become the strongest blade that guards the
clan, and show them that I am on a different level.


—More than that, I need to feel better. Wanna go see my youngest brother?
Strangely, I just feel better whenever I go see him. Maybe because he's a

—H-Haha. Even if we go, we can only watch him sleep from afar. Do you
really like him?

—Yes. I feel comforted. I'm a little sensitive, you know. I can feel the sound
of someone sleeping traveling through the air. Oh, and it would be nice if I
could hold him.

That day, Luna had a new dream, and Taimyun's dream had been shattered.

Luna immediately gave up her chance for the throne. And as she traveled
and devastated the world, she earned the name 'White Whale'.

The legendary creature in myths.

'In that case, am I the angler that lurks near the grand whale?'

Dejection, disappointment.
She felt that she should feel such emotions towards the lady. Taimyun spent
her days in an internal conflict.

Concurrently, after realizing Luna's resignation, the siblings began their


There was no clear indication as to what impelled them to do so. It was

possible that they were either driven by their zealous hate towards Luna—
the wall they couldn't overcome—or simply taking advantage of the fact
that she would never kill them.

Or maybe because the Runcandel rank wars were just like that.

They struck, pushed, and killed the eldest's servants. The siblings' will on
the people was worse than Taimyun's experience with the Lunar Sacrifice
night fights.

'Let's not tell Milady. She will not be able to bear it. I am her nanny…

'How in the world does she not know this is going on? Is she just ignoring

'Had she not forfeited the throne, would this have happened?'

To survive, Taimyun raised hunting dogs. In her mind, there wasn't enough
room to think about her revenge against the Delki royalty. The situation was
too crazy.

'Should I tell her now? These hunting dogs are too slow. At this rate, I won't
survive. Lady Luna will not take my death well.'

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As expected, it didn't take long before Taimyun got captured.

While Luna left the main house to train, the guardian knights of Runcandel
dragged Taimyun into the underground prison and held her there.

—Taimyun Marius, the greatest assassin and chief of Lunar Sacrifice. How
would you like to share that skill with me? I will give you anything you

—I have no thoughts of betraying Milady. Please kill me instead.

—Saying such heartless words while suppressing a smile. I can see anger
and happiness within you.

At that place, Taimyun could hear the voice of rescue.

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Commemorating that time, Taimyun's eyes narrowed.

'Even so, I still love you, Milady. Even though I hurt you, you were able to
stay alive and well because I stood with you that day.'

She exhaled deeply and stood to walk as she spoke.

“…I'm sure it's a shock. Before I die… Even after I die, I wish you would
never find out any more of such horrifying truths.”


“And whatever the reason, it is true that I have been raising underlings
behind your back and that some of them clashed with Young Master Jin.
Even if it weren't on my orders, my servants attacking a pureblood
Runcandel is the worst crime of them all.”


“I have no thoughts of not paying the price. Hence, I already reported my

crime to the main house.”

Clunk, clunk, clunk…

A group of footsteps echoed behind the doors.

Enforcement Knights. The ones who punished those who broke the laws of
the Runcandel Clan. They came after receiving the report from Taimyun.

'She planned it out before Eldest Sister and I came. She's saying some
bullshit, but she's certain that she'll survive the trial. If we had arrived a
little later, then we would've had no chance to question her.'

While Jin calculated how to react, Luna struggled to even stand with her
shaking legs.
Taimyun stopped in front of Luna before speaking.

“If possible, instead of them, I would like you to take me to the main house,
Milady. Even if I die, I would like it to be in your hands.”

“Nanny, don't leave. Don't leave me. Let's talk a little more, yeah?”

“I have already committed a crime. If I retaliate against my self-report, then

I would be committing another unwashable crime.”

“Don't leave. Please. Just stop. I'll turn them away.”

“I must leave, Milady.”

Taimyun then continued walking and passed by Luna. Luna didn't turn to
look at her and held in her tears.

Jin placed his hand on Taimyun's shoulder.

“Taimyun Marius.”

“Yes, Young Master?”

“I don't know who is supporting you from behind, but there aren't many
who will spare you in the clan court.”

“It seems you still suspect me.”

“No, it's no longer a mere speculation. It's already confirmed. Seeing your
actions, you are deeply related to that cursing attempt.”

“Whatever the Young Master thinks, that is something the clan has to
“I'll give you some words of wisdom. You think your higher-up will save
you after you exposed so much to me and my sister? If you follow them,
you'll die. No matter what.”

“You speak odd words. Excluding Lady Luna, there is no one behind me.
Death or torture—do you think I am scared of such things?”

“Yeah, you do look like it. You talk too much for someone who's 'prepared
to die'.”

Taimyun simply stared at Jin for two seconds before shaking her head.

“I will not say anything that will harm you while in court, Young Master
Jin. I think that would be best for Milady.”

Clunk, creaaaaak.

The house's doors opened, and five enforcement knights emerged. At the
same time, Jin activated Myulta's Rune and covered his face.

While they approached Taimyun. Jin and Taimyun fell into thought.

'If Taimyun dies, investigating my curse will get harder. Before she gets to
the main house, I need to convince my sister to get Taimyun back, even if it
requires attacking the knights.'

'Fufu, such a witty one. Yes, they can throw me out. However, even if they
do, I'll be saved by the fact that the young master can wield magic and has
communicated with Solderet.'
Taimyun gave her hands to the enforcement knights to show that she
submitted to their capture.

And Jin didn't miss the knight on his left revealing a dagger hidden in his

They never came to escort Taimyun to the main house.

'They were going to kill her without taking her to trial! No, they weren't
enforcement knights in the first place, but disguised assassins!'

They came to get rid of her.

“Eldest Sister!”

The moment Jin bolted like a bullet and shouted, the assassins went for
Taimyun's throat.

He also whipped out his dagger, aiming to deflect the assassins' dagger with
his throwing dagger.



Moving at the speed of light, Luna was already beheading the other
assassins who barely started unsheathing their swords.

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 132

Volume 6 Chapter 132 – Taimyun Marius (5)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Although Taimyun had the skills of at least a 7-star as a nanny of

Runcandel, she couldn't react to the ambush from the knights—whom she
thought were her allies—while she was in an unprepared position.


Jin's throwing dagger pierced an assassin's shoulder. The killer couldn't

swing their weapon properly, allowing Taimyun to evade a fatal wound
even though she reacted a little late.


The edge of the dagger skimmed her shoulder. Still, she couldn't accept the
situation. Her eyes widened.

'That was dangerous. If I were a little late, Taimyun would've died.'

Jin saved her not because he liked her.

There was a mountain of information they needed out of her.

He couldn't leave the culprit of his curse to die after having no clues despite
fifteen years of searching. Furthermore, the person punishing her should be
him, and no one else.

Finding Taimyun and the Runcandel sibling behind her, he was close to
solving the mystery of his past life. Jin alleviated his anger and gritted his

“How dare you… in my land!”

Luna swung Crantel, and two assassins lost their heads.

If they were real enforcement knights, then they would've at least resisted
the attack. At that moment, Luna knew that they were fake. She stared at
the rest of the assassins.

Before the disconnected heads could hit the ground, Jin instantly closed the
gap between him and Taimyun.

“Who sent them?! Who soiled the Runcandel name?!”

Luna's angry voice echoed throughout. The other assassins lost their
balance and stumbled backwards.

Not because they were scared of Luna's immense power. It was an

instinctive reaction due to her incomprehensible power.
If they stumbled due to the energy in her voice, then the assassins were
lower than 6-star. And there were only five of them, so the moment they fail
their assassination on the first strike, they would lose their only opportunity.

However, they weren't knights, but well-trained assassins.

Two of their allies died in a flash, but without changing their expression,
they continued to target Taimyun.


“Don't worry!”

Jin swung Bradamante towards the assassin who first tried to kill Taimyun.
Grabbing and throwing Taimyun backwards, the assassin tried to deflect the
swing with their dagger.


Jin cut off the assassin's arm, pinned him to the ground, and cut open the

While blood splattered everywhere, Jin felt like the assassins came knowing
that they'd die. As he expected, they came to self-destruct alongside
Taimyun in the first place.

“I was right, Taimyun Marius. Your higher-up has no intention of saving


Jin calmly spoke as he shook the blood off his blade. Luna broke the limbs
of the remaining assassins and successfully pinned them down.
They needed to ask some questions, so they didn't kill them off completely.


Luna crumpled the helmets on their heads. The thick steel helmet that was
worn to emulate a real enforcement knight crumpled like paper in Luna's

“If you answer truthfully, I will save those unrelated to—”

Luna stopped abruptly after noticing the assassins' faces. Jin came over to
see what she saw and gulped.

Their hideous faces looked like worn and torn clothes sewn together. From
their forehead to their chin, there were many wounds and cuts. Their ears
cut off as well.

Seeing the wounds still open and the swelling still prominent, this definitely
happened recently. In case their identities got revealed, they ruined their
faces on purpose.

On top of that, they weren't even breathing. Their eyes rolled back and
blood foamed in their mouth.

“What is this…?!”

“Wait, Eldest Sister.”

Jin shoved his fingers into the dead assassins. He couldn't feel their tongue
but felt many small grains near their molars.
“They had poison between their teeth. They must've bitten down on it
before they got pinned down.”

“Damn it, so dirty.”

Disturbed, Luna gripped her forehead. Her mind was already all messed up
before the assassins came, but after the situation unfolded, she could only
be certain.

That her own nanny was trying to harm Jin and that one of their siblings
was supporting Taimyun from behind.

And that the very same sibling tried to get rid of Taimyun to erase all

Along with anger, disappointment erupted within Luna.

“How… could you do this to me? How?! Who ordered you? When I asked
you to investigate who tried to harm Jin, you acted like you knew

Luna couldn't look at Taimyun.

She couldn't deal with her confused feelings. Only a few hours ago,
Taimyun was Luna's most trusted person.

Even until the end, she wanted to believe that it was all a misunderstanding.

Killing Taimyun—who was no different than her own mother—was harder

than killing her own siblings.
'It must be devastating. Just as Gilly is to me, to Eldest Sister Luna,
Taimyun is a more motherly figure than our birth mother.'

Jin felt a little uncomfortable. However, he knew that he would face this
pitiful moment when he suspected Taimyun in the first place.

If he was going to forget about the curse since this life was nice, he
would've never come to Luna.

'Bladed Illusion. Because of that curse, I spent 25 painful years in the clan
and then just got kicked out. Taimyun Marius, you will tell me everything
regarding this.'

Jin slowly walked towards Taimyun. While his confident footsteps echoed
throughout the chamber, Luna closed her eyes.

“Youngest Brother.”

“Yes, Sister?”

“Now, I must also strengthen my mind. I will take full responsibility for
Taimyun Marius's intentions to harm you, and before all of her truths are
uncovered, I will not impede you.”

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As if she were crying blood, Luna spoke in a low tone.

“There is nothing you need to take responsibility for.”

'In fact, as the person who put this upon you, I should be the one consoling
you. Though, no amount of support would alleviate the pain of betrayal and

Jin swallowed these words and glared at Taimyun on the wall.

“Fu, fufu… I didn't think it would turn out this way, Young Master Jin.”

She spoke with a shaky voice.

However, it wasn't from fear or confusion. Because she was out of energy,
her voice came out thin and her breathing was heavy. It was as if she were

'No way…!'

Jin leaned over her and checked her face. She was covered in cold sweat,
and red blood flowed from her half-open mouth.

“Did you also have poison hidden in your mouth? Taimyun Marius, you're
showing this shameful sight to my sister?”
“No… Young Master—Kurgh! Well, this would indeed be a shameful


Shaking her head, Taimyun suddenly threw up blood and quivered.

Feeling that something was off, Luna came over and covered her mouth. Jin
found a dark stain over Taimyun's shoulder.

The spot where the gauntleted man reached her with a dagger. It was just a
slight skim from the blade.

However, the blade was covered in poison.

The strongest poison of them all.

It was one of Kuzan Marius's poisons. Stronger than the one he used against

“Urgh, it seems I got pretty old. I know it was an ambush, but I couldn't
dodge that…”

“Stop talking, Taimyun. The poison will spread. I'll get a healer.”

“There's… no need, Young Master.”

“Nanny! Just wait a little, this is my land. I-I'll go get a healer.”

Yet Luna—who was screaming at that point—inherently knew. The poison

affecting Taimyun wasn't something that could be dealt with by a healer.

“Nanny… Nanny! This can't be our last moment. Please don't do this.

“I know this poison well, Milady… Kuzan… That child's… proudest


Gag, jerk…

Taimyun constantly vomited dark globs of blood.

Not only that, but the affected area also began to erupt with blood. The
poison could no longer be suppressed and began to wreak havoc.

The moment the dagger skimmed her, Taimyun accepted that her life was

She knew that even with just a light scratch, she wouldn't be able to avoid
death if she didn't possess a blessed body like that of the Runcandels.

'I guess this is karma.'

Her eyes slowly closed. The dark smell of death right at her nose.

A human knee-deep in crimes always feared death.

'I don't want to die. If I can, I want to ask Milady and Young Master Jin for
forgiveness and live. I want to be with Lady Luna.'
She had these selfish thoughts flash through her mind. She wanted to beg
and pray to get a hold of Numerous's Tears, which could save those who

And Luna wouldn't be able to ignore the request.

Within this moment, Taimyun grinned.

'I shouldn't make a horrible and dirty lasting impression on Milady. To my

lovely Luna…'

Although Taimyun tricked her, tried to kill Jin without her knowing, and
committed crimes with her siblings, Taimyun's love for her was genuine—
albeit a little twisted.

“Milady… and Young Master Jin. Please listen to me carefully.”

“Nanny, why are you talking as if you're going to speak your final words?
Are you really going to do this to me…?”

From Luna's eyes, warm tears dropped onto Taimyun's forehead.

“I couldn't even properly apologize for lying to you. Though my sins will
not be washed away, I confess…”

“Please, stop, Nanny. Blood—You'll bleed more.”

“…Fifteen years ago, the magician who cursed the young master… was
Kidard Hall.”
Every syllable she spoke, her voice faded more and more. It seemed the
poison got all the way to her tongue.

“The one… who ordered me… to harm the young master. Is. Jo…shua.
Young Master Joshua.”

Shhk, shhk.

Her breaths sounded no different from steel being scraped. Her eyes slowly
faded to black from the poison.

“And… he… knows. Your power… your contract.”

“Nanny, ah… No…”

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 133

Volume 6 Chapter 133 – Those with Poison (1)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

At the Huphester Alliance, Joshua's secret residence.

With his back to ten black-robed knights, Joshua looked at two kneeling

Kuzan Marius and Beris Marius.

Still with reddened, wet eyes, they were waiting for Joshua's reply.

“Alright… so Taimyun dismissed you guys.”


“Sir Joshua, we will do anything. Please help us. Please make her change
her mind. We are nothing without our mother…”
Beris kneeled and begged, slowly inching towards Joshua. The guardian
knights pushed her down and stepped on her shoulders.

“Do not approach him without permission.”

Beris muttered apologies while wailing, and Kuzan sighed in misery.

“Beris, even our mother hasn't made such a sight in front of Sir Joshua.
Remember that she may not be too happy about this. Stop crying and think

Kuzan's sharp voice brought Beris's muttering to a halt.

As the guardian knights tried to violently grab and throw Beris back to her
spot, Joshua gently raised his hand to stop them.

“Stop. That's enough. Please be a little more understanding. Right now, my

knights are quite sensitive.”

Beris sobbed.

“…Thank you. Thank you, Sir Joshua.”

Joshua made a bitter smile and looked into their eyes.

'They're stuck to their mother even though they aren't blood related. They
wouldn't know that they were only hunting dogs for the now-dead Taimyun.
Seeing it myself, it's scoffable.'

However, Joshua wanted these scoffable fellows for himself for a long

Taimyun had treated them like underlings, but Joshua really valued their

'A skilled dog is easy to get. However, there aren't many dogs that would set
themselves on fire when ordered to.'

Joshua saw Beris and Kuzan exactly like that. Dogs with skill that would
even go through a painful suicide from their master's orders.

Unfortunately, the problem was that their loyalty was towards Taimyun.
Taimyun was Joshua's subordinate, but Kuzan and Beris weren't.

They only worked for Taimyun. Even when they were helping Joshua, they
didn't budge if it wasn't on Taimyun's orders.

'That would be the same for Taimyun. If I told her to attack Luna and not
the youngest, then she would've betrayed me.'
Taimyun's heart was with Luna, and Kuzan's and Beris's heart were with

Joshua never really liked that from the very beginning. Especially Taimyun,
who didn't offer her full loyalty despite knowing his secrets, so he had to
get rid of her at some point.

And the opportunity presented itself.

The opportunity to turn the nice hunting dogs into his own henchmen after
getting rid of Taimyun.

“Kuzan, Beris.”

“Yes, Sir Joshua?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill your request.”


“And seeing as you have come like this, it seems you haven't heard.
Taimyun frantically dismissed you, yes?”

“That's right. Until now, we've never failed her missions, but who knew
she'd fire us after one failure.”

“It isn't that.”


“…I can see how much your mother cared for you. She never cut ties
because she was disappointed.”

“P-Please tell us more.”

Kuzan's voice shook while Beris's quaked, as if she were someone having a
seizure. She held onto Joshua's ankle.

“Then… Then why did our mother…?”

Joshua shook his head and continued.

“…She was killed. By the unknown swordsman you fought. To be exact,

his guardian black dragon took her life.”

“Ah… Aaah… There's no way… Our mother—No…”

“Taimyun desperately requested help, so I sent five of my enforcement

knights. They all died while fighting the black dragon, and the other
dispatched knights were wiped.”

Beris fell to the ground like a corpse, and Kuzan cried thick bloody tears.

They couldn't doubt it. To the two, Joshua was their mother's boss as well as
a good supporter.

“Was our mother's final moments… comfortable?”

“I hope so. Ha, no. I should tell you truthfully. She resisted until her body
decayed, and then she died.”

“That magic swordsman… Who is he, Sir Joshua?”

“I'm trying my best to identify him, but I don't know yet. He was someone
that Taimyun knew. When you fought Solderet's contractor, she knew that
she wouldn't stay alive for long. She wanted to save you. She knew you
would come to me after being dismissed from your positions.”

“That person… Why did he attack our mother and not us?”

“No idea… That person was investigating your family name, so it meant
that he had disputes with Taimyun in the past. Thankfully, he didn't have his
guardian dragon when you fought him, but his motive since the beginning
was to go for Taimyun.”

“His face was covered, but he didn't look too old. So having resentment
with our mother…”

“He may have lost a family member to her. Then, he gained power through
his contract with Solderet and came back for revenge… That seems to be
the situation. Well, I still need to investigate, though.”

Kuzan lowered his head. As he began to tremble from his tears, Joshua
embraced him.

Then, Beris's body convulsed.

“We will—We will find that bastard and kill him…!”

“You guys can't fight him now. It seems like you were evenly matched
because he didn't have his guardian dragon, but with his black dragon, you
stand no chance against him. You think Taimyun cut you off because she
wanted that?”

Kuzan couldn't answer.

“Wait with me. I, too, have some business with him for killing Taimyun and
my soldiers. And if the world finds out about Solderet's contractor, the
Zipfels will begin to move as well. They will have to either make him
theirs… or kill him off.”

“We won't leave him in anyone else's hands. Even if it's the Zipfels.”

Kuzan ground his teeth and continued.

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“They have no right to take away his life. Only Beris and I can kill him.”

Joshua suppressed his laughter and met Kuzan's eyes.

“Alright, I will offer you some support for your resentment.”

“…We will withdraw for today. Please give us time to reconcile.”

“Of course. But do not be too late. I'm a little frightened that I might lose
you to him as well.”

The two left the hall, and Joshua bit on a cigar. The glowing light made his
thick eyebrows and defined nose very prominent.
“Sir Joshua, are you alright? If those guys spew nonsense or cause a

“Fufu, don't worry. I'm just planting a violent will into them since that's the
best way to manage hunting dogs. They will return to me quickly, with
hatred as their weapon.”


As the smoke from his cigar spread, Joshua thought about his sister who
would come for him.

'It doesn't matter how much that old hunting dog blew before she died. If
Elder Sister Luna and the youngest strikes without reason or evidence, that
would be better for me. Everything will go my way.'

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata


The massive steel door ripped and shattered from Luna's fist.

“What is the meaning of this, first flag-bearer?”

At the same time, the Runcandel guardian knights in the residence drew
their swords and blocked her way.

Behind Luna, about a hundred guardian knights were unconscious. They all
suffered the consequences of standing in her way.

“Is Joshua here?”

“First, please calm down. Why are you doing this? If you approach further,
we will only take it as a declaration of war.”

“Answer my question. Is Joshua here?”

“Even if the second flag-bearer is here, we will not open the gates. Even if
this is a war between siblings, barging in like this is outside of the
Runcandel Clan's rules—”


Luna stomped towards the rambling man and gripped his throat. It wasn't
some ludicrous speed, but the other guardian knight just couldn't
counterattack in the presence of her aura.

“Rules? Joshua's knights should never even utter that word. If you want to
stop me, just fight me. I will not punish you for it.”

The knights charged at her simultaneously and swung their swords.

Without even dodging, Luna threw the guardian knight in her hands and
proceeded to the main building.
Clang! Kiiiiing!

Seven blades scratched and scraped Luna, and the guardian knights started
to draw back without their knowing.

Even if they attacked again, the result would be the same. Just dodging the
remnants of the flickering aura wrapped around Luna was hard enough.

“You have come, Sister.”

Joshua—who had been watching the fight—emerged from the central hall
of the residence.

And he had ten robed knights behind him.

“It seems you are very scared, Joshua. I didn't know you'd station all of the
clan's dark knights.”

“My sister is this angry, so I should prepare some forms of defense. Why
have you come here?”


Luna burst into laughter.

“Wait, you thought I would kill you over your actions? I'm embarrassed
because of how stupid you are. I should have never come to see your
shameful face.”
Joshua smiled.

And Luna knew best about the face that her second sibling makes when he
wants to hide his humiliation.

“Oh my, you say that you're taking down all my knights… Since it seems
you are a little sad, I'll turn a blind eye over your actions towards me as
your kind younger brother. Afterwards, please come back when you are in a
good mental state.”

The dark knights couldn't be taken down by Luna.

So, Joshua wanted Luna to swing Crantel, which was hanging on her back.
He had no intention of killing Luna, but he wanted to have a little control
over her for once.

'If she strikes me in this situation, Mother will have a reason to control her.
She has to stay alive before I become the patriarch. After all, someone has
to keep the Zipfels in check.'

A blade that would guard the clan.

Joshua still thought that she was needed. He had been waiting for this
moment. It wasn't a one-on-one confrontation, but it would be the first time
he could humiliate Luna.

Everything was going as planned.

Concluding his train of thought, Joshua tried to provoke Luna once more.
However, Luna spoke first.

“My brother. Even though you are trash lower than a dog, you are still the
second flag-bearer. So I am here to give you a love-filled warning.”

Words spoken with all of her genuineness.

Disappointed, Joshua opened his mouth, only to be interrupted once more.

“Once that kid comes back to the clan, you will never be able to stop him.
So, before it gets too late, I advise you to run away.”

Luna—who was walking away quickly—stopped and laughed.

“You can't even attack me when I am showing you my back? Even with all
of those dark knights? Nothing really has changed since our youth.”

Even until Luna exited the residence after stepping on all of the corpses, the
smile on Joshua's face didn't disappear.

The smile that suppressed his humiliation.

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 134

Volume 6 Chapter 134 – Those with Poison (2)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

“Are you hurt anywhere, Eldest Sister?”

“Hm… no. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to control my
anger and would've gotten injured.”

Luna fell onto her sofa and put her hand on her head.

The murderous intent and fighting energy that swelled after visiting
Joshua's residence was all gone. A shadow darkened her cold expression.


Then, her eyes began to water.

Only a day had passed since Taimyun's death, and Luna couldn't give her a

The poisoned corpse slowly shriveled up and acidified, only leaving a black
puddle behind. Luna couldn't take her soulless eyes off that spot.

She didn't know if she should even honor her nanny in a funeral despite
what she's done.

Because she tricked her and tried to kill her brother, the person she loved

“Joshua didn't seem to care about Taimyun's death. He was just filled with
fear and wanted me to strike first. It was as you expected. But he had
gathered all of the clan's dark knights.”

Dark knights.

Among the Runcandel guardian knights, only the best of the best could
obtain the dark knights' black robe. They were immediately under the
patriarch and his wife. If the two didn't permit it, these strongest warriors
wouldn't obey anyone else.

And Joshua already had them under his wing.

'Even the dark knights? Did Mother give them to Joshua since Father isn't
very satisfied with him? Persuading Father should've been hard.'

Jin earned new information about his foe, but he pushed off the new intel.
Holding his sister's hand and offering a handkerchief was his current
Although Taimyun was a traitor, she was still family to Luna. And although
Joshua was garbage, he was still Luna's brother.

Luna lost both of them simultaneously. One had died, and the other became
a clear enemy.

“Haha, Nanny… If you betrayed the one who cared for you, I would
understand a little. No, it's my fault. If I just understood you a little more…”

The heart that was unable to forgive Taimyun stung, and the never-ending
sadness punctured it.

With what can she erase this loss?

With what can she cover up this scar?

Even when she confronted Joshua, these questions were running through
her head.

“It's all my fault. My nanny betraying me, Joshua cursing you, my servants
dying to our siblings' rampage… None of this would have happened if I had
only kept everything in check.”

That was wrong.

Following Luna's logic, if they were to find the root cause of everything, it
would be Luna's birth.

And most of all, Jin thought Luna was unrelated to the curse.
Because he experienced it even when he had no relations with Luna in his
past life.

'Even though that crazy bastard wasn't Taimyun, he ultimately ordered

someone to curse me. But I still don't know the motive behind it. It can't be
explained even if I consider choosing Barisada at the Selection Ritual as the

For this life, the most probable root cause seemed like Barisada.

However, at the time, Joshua was already gaining power among the

It was thanks to Rosa who slowly supported him as the prospective

successor after Luna forfeited the throne.

'Joshua's main source of power is Mother. I didn't know that he already got
the dark knights, but Mother looking out for the other siblings is a well-
known fact.'

She also showed this when Cyron came to the Garden of Swords to
organize the banquet the previous year.

—Rosa. It must've been quite exhausting preparing all this.

—Not at all. Our reliable children were the ones who arranged this, so I had
nothing to do with it.

—If our children were truly so reliable, I wouldn't have needed to leave the
Black Sea. The guests visiting today are only coming here to stay on my
good side, not out of fear of our children.
Even then, Rosa's 'reliable children' mainly pertained to Joshua.

On the other hand, Cyron's 'our children' were all of the siblings. They had
conversed at a place where all of the elders and purebloods were listening.

'Even though he didn't earn Father's trust, Mother was already supporting
Joshua before I was born. I was never a rival to begin with.'

Attacking a young pureblood was the most heinous crime.

If people found out that this rule was broken, even the patriarch would be

The myths regarding 'Barisada' were deep, but there was still no benefit for
Joshua to kill Jin just for that reason.

'When I return to the main house, killing or cursing would be the most safe
and stable.'

After his regression, Jin thought that the curse would come after he turned
10. Or that he would be cursed while he was still inside Rosa. Which was
why he was worried that the curse that Solderet dispelled was still there.

The moment Jin worried about his next move, a red marble came into his

Solderet's powers activated, which helped him evade the curse.

Jin realized that his contract and innate talent were still intact, and soon
after, he pursued the culprit.
Leaving him in this spot.

'Why would he break the clan's rules and go for me? I will find out his true
intentions when I become a flag-bearer and get to take him down.'

Concluding his thoughts, Jin was about to tell Luna that she had no fault.

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Luna called his name.

“I never wanted to have my siblings' blood on my hands. No… I was

scared. Knowing that our parents wanted to watch us purebloods kill each
other… It was too hard for me.”

“So you became the blade that guards the clan so that our siblings wouldn't
cross the line. Thanks to you, unlike the older generations, all of our
siblings are enjoying life.”

Cyron's children, the current Runcandel Clan's second generation.

They were special compared to what could be seen in the clan's thousand-
year history. Especially since in the older generations, when ten were born,
only five would survive, and one would lead the clan.
However, Jin's siblings didn't suffer this bloody fate thanks to Luna. It
wasn't that the Battle for Hegemony didn't exist, but it progressed without
killing one another.

Because Luna stopped them from 'killing' each other with her exceeding

In other words, she was basically the balancing weight in Runcandel.

However, the other siblings didn't really enjoy the presence of this balance.
It was obvious since Luna's intentions didn't really align with the Runcandel
Clan's values.

To the siblings, it just seemed like Luna was playing with them with her

“Yeah. Thanks to me, everyone is alive and well. But now I know. I just ran
away because I was scared of fighting and enjoyed my leisure.”

Luna scoffed and shook her head.

“A hypocrite. There is no other word that fits me. I am being punished for
the disgusting hypocrisy that I committed so far.”

“The hypocrite is not you. It's Nanny Taimyun. And Joshua will need to
face the punishment.”

“While my servants died, my nanny betrayed me to stay alive and received

orders from Joshua to harm you. What did I do? I just looked away, acting
all nice.”

“Nanny is right. If I hadn't forfeited the throne, this wouldn't have
happened. Rather, it's better that I shouldn't have been born at all.”

“Do you feel better after saying that?”

“No. Whatever I do, I will never feel better.”

Although the situation was different, Jin was currently looking at a

reflection of his past self.

'Why was I born? Why was I forced to suffer in the clan without any

The same misery applied to Luna.

'Why was I born? Why couldn't I adjust to the clan with this power?'

The two worked their entire lives to improve their skills and character. Jin
never let go of his sword even after facing contempt, and Luna protected
her own interests despite the clan's provocations.

And from that, Jin lost Gilly in his past life, and Luna lost Taimyun.

'What consoled me the most at that moment…'

He immediately remembered that voice.

—Young Master, whoever you are, wherever you are, I will always love

The words Gilly gave Jin in his past life, telling him that she would never
give up on him.

And Jin also remembered the words Luna told him when she came to the
Storm Castle.

—Remember one thing, Jin. My brother. Whatever you do, whatever you
become, I will always cheer you on.

Jin spoke these two sentences from his memory, and Luna covered her face,
crying like a child.

“I'm here, Sister. I will take the blood of our siblings, so you can run away
for now. If you still don't feel ready after running away, please rely on me.”

Luna's tears stopped, and she shook her head.

“No, I have no thoughts of running. Joshua has to die by your hands. But if
the other siblings come for you, then I will cut them all.”

“If I become a flag-bearer and have to fight our siblings, would I not be
stronger than you?”

“Starting today, I am no longer the blade that guards the clan, but the blade
that guards you. Jin Runcandel, my youngest brother. I will make you the
patriarch no matter what.”
“Please don't push yourself. And I don't mind if you love Taimyun, so
please don't hold back. Although I only have bad memories of her, she is
still your family.”

And after listening to Luna's countless stories and memories with Taimyun,
Jin left Luna's land.

Returning to Tikan, he constantly thought of revenge against Joshua

Runcandel—of the steps he needed to take to stomp on his filthy elder

'Taimyun said that he knows about my contract. The one who revealed that
must have been the magician who noticed that the curse didn't go through.'

Kidard Hall.

The 9-star magician who tried to curse Jin with Bladed Illusion.

He was a grand magician Jin often heard of in his past life, but he never
thought that magician would be related to his curse.

'I should kill him first to send Joshua a message.'

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei
Proofreader – yukitokata

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 135

Volume 6 Chapter 135 – A Plan That Isn't Reckless… To Jin

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

April 20th, 1796, two weeks after Taimyun's death.

Jin had explained the situation to his allies.

Only excluding the fact that he already knew about the curse since he was a
1-year-old, he framed the story as if he found out everything from Taimyun.

Kashimir didn't report this information to Cyron.

He really wanted to share that Jin fought an 8-star knight and magician pair,
but the intertwining problems were a little too sensitive to share.

“My shock isn't receding, Young Master. Why would Joshua, that stupid
bast—Ah, my apologies for cursing in front of the young master. Anyways,
why would the second flag-bearer try to harm you…?”

“Strawberry Pie, feel free to swear. This would have been unacceptable had
Temar been alive! Whoever this Joshua is, I will swallow that cockroach
“Ha! It's so infuriating!”

“Oi, I said you could just swear. Come on, just shout it out loud! If you
keep it in, you'll get sick. Yeah? Alright, repeat after me. Bas…”

Glancing at the surroundings, Gilly slowly began to speak undesirable

words, and Murakan cheered her on.

It didn't take long for the room to fill with curses and swears.

'They're a match made in heaven…'

Jin smirked while watching the two.

“That feels pretty refreshing. You feel better, Gilly?”

“Huah! Feels a bit better. Still, I don't understand why he did such a thing.
He was basically the prospective successor, so why did he have resentment
with the Young Master?!”

“Maybe because I selected Barisada. Or maybe he already determined I was

competition and tried to cut me off early. But the reason isn't too


“The bigger question is: why did he stay still for a long while after the
cursing attempt failed?”

“Ah, that's true. Fifteen years ago, he broke the taboo of the Storm Castle
and tried to curse you, but didn't attack you in the main house.”
“I agree. Myu and Anne—who are far off from Joshua—ordered a mission
to kill the kid! Joshua could've done more.”

“On top of that, whenever the young master entered the main house, he
turned his horns towards him. Since the second flag-bearer knew that the
young master was a contractor, he had a reason to pressure you.”

“Yeah, and I'm theorizing a lot based upon that fact. He couldn't touch me
before because he was scared of Eldest Sister Luna. This is the first one.”

“Lady Luna does seem to care a lot about you.”

“There's a lead to the mystery. Your sister's power is something that dragons
fear as well. But there's too much that is left unexplained.”

“Correct. And if I stretch it a little further, there's the second theory. After
hearing from Kidard Hall that the curse failed because of Solderet's power,
he decided to keep me alive.”

“Since you were Solderet's chosen one from the day you were born, maybe
he changed course to make you his ally?”

“Hm… He neglected you too much to earn your favor.”

“Then why keep the kid alive?”

“You remember when we fought Andrei Zipfel?”

“Of course.”

“Andrei said something like this…”

—I applaud your ambush. However, you and your god will become
ingredients for the Demon God's Orb, Jin Runcandel.

—The twelve gods right now, they are inside me! Luna Runcandel, and
what do you have? Even if your father was here, you wouldn't be able to
defeat me.

At the time, Andrei described it as if contractors were ingredients for the

Demon God's Orb.

“At first, he aimed for Enya and Euria. And he definitely wanted to feed
them to the orb since they were contractors.”


“I'm thinking it's like this. The Zipfels used the orb to eat up the contractors
and forcefully undo their contracts. Then, they would contract with
whoever they want.”

He said it as if it were only a stretched theory, but he was already certain of


After all, the Zipfel Clan had already broken Enya's contract in his past life.

“Oh, I remember those words from the island. Then what you're saying is
that Joshua already knew of this fifteen years ago and was thinking of
taking your contract.”

“Almost. But at the time, we didn't know that the orb existed, and I don't
think Joshua would communicate so secretly with the Zipfels. However…”

Tap, tap.

Jin lightly tapped the table and continued.

“…He may have known that transferring a contract is possible. A method to
take away a contract… Would the Demon God's Orb be the only one that
could do that?”

Gilly and Murakan's eyes widened.

“Oh! So the second flag-bearer left you alone so that he could steal your

“It's quite a stretch, but it's likely. After Eldest Sister Luna withdrew from
the Battle for Hegemony, Joshua received upfront assistance from Mother
to strengthen his position in the clan.”

“But the patriarch still doesn't give the second flag-bearer his respect.”

“That's because he lacks strength. Early 9-star at the age of 34. It's
incredible, but as long as Eldest Sister Luna exists, it's not enough to
become the patriarch. The thing he needs is a transcendent strength like
Father's or Sister Luna's.”

A sphere of spiritual energy formed on Jin's palm.

“Wouldn't he want this power to death? Either he just doesn't have a way to
take it away or he's not ready to do so.”

“Certainly… It could be true. Your mother would've told him about the fact
that Solderet is closer to being the God of Swords than magic.”

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“There's no way to be certain, but if it's as we theorized, after failing to
curse me, Joshua's actions would make sense. Well, we'll only find out from
Joshua and his underlings directly.”


While the three shared their conversation, Kashimir came into the room.

“Young Master Jin, we have found his residence.”


Kidard Hall, the one who rendered Jin useless in his past life. Jin's eyes
sharpened and flicked towards Kashimir.

He had already dispatched the Seven-Colored Peacock to search for Kidard

as soon as he came back to Tikan.

“Where is he?”

“The eastern region of the continent. He seems to be hiding in the Meltador

Empire. After being employed at Zipfel Advanced Magic Academy, he had
been conducting his research.”

Kashimir lent Jin the report. On it, Kidard Hall's personal information as
well as a detailed list of all of his whereabouts for the last few years were
“…In February 1765, he was appointed to the Vermont Magic Academy
Educational Center. In his first year, he expelled fifteen students. He faced
harsh friction with the Vermont nobles… Wow, there are even records
dating thirty years back! That's incredible, Sir Kashimir.”

“It is not I, but my goons who are incredible, haha. Along with his
residence, we have the name of the restaurant that he often visits.”

Jin was getting goosebumps as he read through the report. They completely
decomposed this man's identity and brought it back.

Even though Kidard Hall was a famous 9-star magician, tracking his
whereabouts from decades ago was not an easy feat.

“This will be of great help, Sir Kashimir.”


However, there would be an important fact about Kidard that wouldn't be

listed in the report. A fact that only Jin knew.

The main way to kill Kidard.

“We were able to dispatch Jet into this case as well. He isn't even done with
training, but he's doing a great job. Thanks to you, we have a prodigy.”

“I'm very thankful that he's doing his money's worth. Alright, the Meltador
Empire… That's a pretty far place. Since we can't go there directly through
a transfer gate, we should prepare immediately and leave tomorrow.”

“Huh? Tomorrow?”
“Young Master, why tomorrow?”

“Kid, you're gonna go now and kill him?”

His allies asked him with surprised voices, and Jin nodded.

“Also, I'm going alone this time.”

“Alone? Did you already forget that you almost died to an 8-star?”

“You're kidding, right, Young Master?”

“Young Master, do you have a plan?”

“Hey, runt. You said that Kidard human was a 9-star magician?”

“Yes, Sir Murakan. Before going into hiding, he was one of the most
famous magicians, excluding the Zipfels. Everyone knows about 'Kidard of

“How can the kid kill that guy on his own? Won't it only be possible after
forming your party, strategizing, and taking the perfect opportunity? Huh?
Tell me, runt. I'm getting heated right now.”

“Yes…? B-But Sir Murakan, I would like to ask why you are angry at me.”

“That crazy kid thinks he's an indestructible mosquito! And Kidard is the
flame! Plus, I'm his guardian dragon, so who would I vent to? To poor
Strawberry Pie?”

“Ah, I understand. Yes, I must take it. But Sir Murakan, if Young Master Jin
is this confident, don't you think he is certain about something?”
The three looked at Jin simultaneously.

“Hm… First, Murakan, stop messing with Sir Kashimir. All three of you,
listen without getting surprised. I have a plan, and even if it fails, there is
very low risk.”

As Jin began to explain, Gilly and Murakan could only blink.

Meanwhile, Kashimir clapped and understood the plan.

“Runt, you think this is even possible?”

“I think that Young Master Jin's method is much cleaner and safer than
creating a party, Sir Murakan. As Young Master Jin said, he'll likely still be
able to safely return even upon failure. It's the perfect plan.”

“What do you think, Strawberry Pie?”

“As long as Young Master is safe, it's worth a try. But I'm a little sad that I
won't be able to see him for long.”

“Then I must agree. While that kid isn't here, I'll keep you company. So no
need to be sad, Strawberry Pie.”

The three ultimately agreed.

And Kashimir felt a tingling sensation in his fingertips.

'I was a little disappointed that I couldn't report his fight with the two 8-
stars, but I might get to report something bigger, Lord Cyron!'

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 136

Volume 6 Chapter 136 – The Big Picture (1)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

With the time to pathfind and use transfer gates, getting to the Meltador
Empire took about a week.

'I could think about it again, and I would still be baffled. I would've never
known that the one who gave me the curse was Kidard.'

Jin stared at the report on Kidard that Kashimir gave him and kept thinking
about the grand magician.

A 9-star non-Zipfel grand magician.

In his past life, Jin had heard a lot about him. His name came up often in the
Magical Research Association's scholarly articles and press releases.

A self-centered, bad-tempered grand magician thrown away by the Zipfel

Despite this, Kidard stayed at the Vermont Magic Academy Educational
Center and led the Zipfel Advanced Magic Academy's Administrative
Council. All thanks to his deep understanding and natural prowess of

He was a great man.

But to Jin, he was just Joshua's accomplice; the one who tried to curse him
when he was young.

'I remember the things Master told me about Kidard. An old monster that
doesn't give basic respect to those who aren't a genius. And constantly
scared that his own magical achievements will be stolen by the Zipfels.'

He didn't care about non-geniuses.

In other words, he sought for the geniuses. In Jin's past life, Kidard had
shown great interest in Jin's magic teacher.

“We're here.”

The ferryman took off his straw hat.

The small boat arrived in Romp City, the coastal city of the Meltador
Empire. The empty dock presented the entire city in one view.

Jin paid his fare and stepped onto the land with run-down clothes. A cheap
robe, an old oak wand, dust-filled glasses, and worn-down boots.

The appearance of a poor magic student in training.

However, compared to his evident poverty, his eyes glowed with confidence
and gumption.

In order to trick Kidard, cowardice wasn't included.

'First, let's prepare a residence and go to the restaurant he likes.'

Romp City. When Jin first received the report, he liked the fact that Kidard
resided in a small city. There was no need to pathfind, which also meant
that finding him wouldn't be hard.

Jin asked around and walked for about an hour before finding a shopping
district. He burned Kashimir's report with a flame spell and spread the ashes
in the grass.

The sun was bright, and the wind blew nicely. The roads were peaceful. The
children playing in the streets stared at Jin and whispered to one another.
They were a little scared.

The restaurant that Kidard visited often was the Full Ship. It was a common
name that could be found in a city with fisheries as its main industry. On the
establishment's opposite side was a small inn.

First, Jin went to the inn.

“Welcome—Huh? A magician?”

As soon as he saw Jin, the inn owner frowned.

'Probably because of Kidard. According to the report, he treated other
people like servants as he hid here.'

There was no way Kidard even respected the Meltador residents when he
treated anyone below his 'genius' standard as an insect.

“I would like a room.”

“We have many empty rooms. Hm… You… Are you related to Mr. Amel?”

Amel Ord. Kidard's alias.

The citizens of Romp only knew Kidard as a bad-tempered, dirty magician.

They didn't know that he was a 9-star.

“Who is Amel?”

“Ah, I asked because you're both magicians. He came to our town about
five years ago, and he's not a nice fellow.”

“He seems to be famous.”

“There's no one here who doesn't know about him. He seems to be some
hotshot in the past, but I wish he would leave. He's just been ruining the
mood the past few years… Anyways, here's the key. Five bronze coins per

Jin passed the bronze coins and showed curiosity.

“That Amel fellow… I'd like to meet him. I'm no magician but an aspiring
student. I'm going to the magic academy in the capital of Meltador.”

“Ah, you seem to lack the funds for another transfer gate. If you want to
meet Mr. Amel, I suggest you wait in the restaurant across from here for
dinner. He'll probably come out to eat.”

“Thank you.”

“But I think you should ignore him and just get on your way. You seem to
want to learn from him, but he's just… not the nicest.”

“Is his personality horrible?”

“Very. Last time, some kids went up to him out of curiosity, and he kicked
them away! And that wasn't the only time.”

“That's a little far.”

“He's probably a failure in his hometown, which is why he's being a dick in
this small town. When you get to the capital's magic school, please ask
them to take him away.”

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

After resting until dinner, Jin went to Full Ship.

'It's been a week since I touched a sword. It feels super weird.”

It was the first time since he left the Storm Castle. Still, he couldn't hide the
traces of a warrior; he looked at the calluses on his hands and felt that his
disguise was too shoddy.

“A cooked fish and beer please.”

About two beers in, Kidard appeared.

As soon as he entered, he stared at Jin for a moment, then went to sit in a


Jin trotted towards him, and the other customers glanced.

“Are you Mr. Amel?”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

The other customers were locals, and they had never seen anyone end up
well after approaching Kidard.

Whether they be a child, an adult, elder—even animals. Kidard didn't allow

anyone to approach him after coming to Meltador.

“…And you, my fellow, are?”

Kidard looked up and spoke. The other customers watched intently.

In fact, he said 'fellow'. It was the first time Kidard used words that weren't

“I am Huell, an aspiring magic student. I stopped in this city on the way to

the Meltador Magic Academy, and I heard that you may be an old alumnus,
so I wanted to meet you.”

Jin spoke while staring into Kidard's eyes. The other customers watched the
exchange nervously.

“An alumnus… How laughable. Meltador Magic Academy, huh. I have

never associated myself with that trash hole. Very unpleasant. I'll forgive
you since you don't know me so well.”

“Ah, I have disrespected you. I apolo—”

“What're you looking at, you shit bastards? Leave before I toast all of you.”


Kidard began to unleash his mana, and the other customers frantically left
the establishment. Even the restaurant owner threw away the fish and ran
away. Jin was flabbergasted.

'He's over the top. He knows that the commoners can't do anything even if
they report it.'

Cracks began to form on everything that Kidard's mana touched.

Plates shattered and fishes exploded while a weird sound echoed

throughout. Jin stared at Kidard without changing his expression.

“It seems that you and I have disturbed the people's dinner here.”

At that moment, Jin didn't miss Kidard's eyes shaking.

“You aren't surprised by my mana release.”

“It's just massive power that I've never experienced, so it's nothing too fun.
How could you do this? This is embarrassing.”

“A massive power that you've never experienced… My mana release is

about 6-star. A 7-star like you shouldn't feel any threat from it.”

Kidard knew the level of Jin's mana at first sight. Well, Jin didn't hide it

“I said it like that because I felt the concealed mana. I thought I'd be talking
to some retired magician, but I didn't think that Mister Amel would be a
grand magician in hiding.”

“Hoho, I was surprised when I first met you. But you're becoming more
enjoyable. Meltador Magic Academy? Aspiring student? You're not good at
lying. Why would a talented fellow like you go to a third-rate—I mean,
fifth-rate school?”

Jin acted surprised on purpose and widened his eyes.

“It's no lie. I really am going to the Meltador Magic Academy.”

“If you are a 7-star at that age, you would already be a great teacher. And
your meeting with me must be your teacher's doing. Since you are not a
Zipfel, who is it? Is it Cold Joe?”

“No, sir.”

“And explain that body that those cheap-ass robes are covering. You have a
body that deals with weapons.”

Jin didn't answer, and Kidard continued.

“Do everything truthfully. If you don't, then you will become a useless husk
that can't use magic.”


Jin took a breath and recollected his thoughts.

'I made backup plans just in case he attacks, but I'm still nervous. But
Kidard, I already caught your interest, so you will only want me now. Today
won't be the day you die.'

Jin shrugged as if nothing could be done.

“My trained body is from my time spent as a mercenary until last year.
When I first started, I held the sword. But with no talent for it, I remained a

“I'm getting very annoyed. I don't have any patience. How can a 2-star
warrior from last year suddenly attain 7-star mana?”

Jin nodded and frowned.

“I wonder the same thing. If I knew the secret of my birth, I wouldn't have
become a soldier. My name is Huell… Huell Hister. I am the last
descendant of the Hister Clan.”


Kidard stood and stumbled backwards.

Not because he was scared, but because the 'Hister' name was that shocking.

“You seem to know about my clan. Do you understand why I couldn't

register as an official magician and why I seek the Meltador Magic
Academy out of other great institutions despite having 7-star mana?”
“Are you… serious? You are the last descendant of the Hister Clan?”

The Hister Clan.

Jin's magic teacher's clan. The one that officially dissolved centuries ago.

“…Yes. One year ago, the mercenaries confessed the truth to me. Of me
being a Hister… and that everyone in the clan is gone. So, as the group
leader ordered, I went to the clan's succession house, and easily attained 7-


Kidard immediately dispersed the mana around him and blinked.

“Am I going to die now? Or are you going to hand me over to the Zipfels? I
think this is a little unfair. I just wanted to be a normal magician living a
quiet life. I didn't want to find a grand magician that I don't even know.”

“F-First. Let's relocate. I think we need to have a talk.”

Jin smiled.

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 137

Volume 6 Chapter 137 – The Big Picture (2)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Kidard Hall's residence was in a remote forest off of the road.

The nice-looking brick house looked no different than a regular house, but
underneath it, there was a magic research facility.

It was the first time Kidard invited someone to this place.

He brewed some tea after seating Jin in the living room.

'What in the world is this? A Hister! In fact, if the mana got passed down,
this child must be the possessor of the ultimate mana.'

Thump, thump.

Kidard's hands trembled as he held the teapot. On the other hand, Jin sat
straight and tall, waiting for his tea.

The Hister Clan was an ancient clan of magicians that threatened the
Zipfels around the 1400s to 1500s.

Yet, as always, they lost to the Zipfel Clan and lost their place in history.
Now, there were no books related to them, and their elegant magic was

Despite that, Kidard knew the name as well as the great magic that came
from them.

'When I was in the Zipfel Advanced Magic Academy's Administrative

Council, I found a short history about the Hister Clan in the secret archive.
What I read… was something that all magicians could only dream of.'

Since then, Kidard had been researching the Histers. He gathered the
remnants of their history by travelling all around the world, going to various
academies and auctions.

Artifacts, magic tomes—everything related to the Hister Clan.

However, it was all garbage. Anything of high magical regard or anything

authentic were all in the Zipfels' secret archive.

Nevertheless, a few years ago, he miraculously found a magic tome while

in the Huphester Alliance. And with it, he completed a unique magic that
earned him the name 'Kidard of Profusion'. His newfound magic filled a
portion of his puzzle for manoverload-inducing spells.

'Kidard, I wonder how you would confirm that I am a Hister. And if you do,
I wonder how much you want to take me in as an apprentice. I'm sure you
are desperate… Just like what you did to my teacher.'
Kidard handed Jin a cup of tea, and Jin lightly nodded.

“Thank you, Mister Amel.”

“If I knew you were a descendant of the Hister Clan… I wouldn't have
treated you like that. At first, I thought you were Kelliark's son or another
grand magician's underling.”

“Honestly, I didn't want to reveal my name. I wanted to keep it a secret

forever since I can easily get exterminated because of it. Since you know
about my clan, you don't need to tell…”

“Ah, yeah. I know. The moment your existence becomes known to the
Zipfels, you will never survive.”

“…But you won't hand me over. If you wanted to, then you wouldn't have
given me such nice tea. I don't know much about tea, but this one has a nice

Kidard smiled.

“Fufu, it seems it hasn't been long since you found out about yourself. Do
you know about the Zipfels' bounty on your clan?”

“I don't.”

“At least one million gold coins. In fact, since you also have the magic, it'll
be ten-fold!”

Jin purposefully spewed the drink out of his mouth.

“Huh… I'm… sorry. That's an inconceivable amount of money. A million…

that would be more than the entirety of the Meltador emperor's storage.”

It was genuinely surprising. In that case, it meant that his past life's magic
teacher also had that same bounty.

“One million gold. This old man can't even spend that much until I die.
First, I'll get out of this brick house, then use that good money to buy an
entire island. And then, I would make that island my research lab. I don't
have a reason not to hand you over.”


“Hence, your destiny lies in my hands. My real name is Kidard Hall. Before
you were even born, I was already a 9-star and making myself notorious.”

“Are you saying that you are the Kidard of Profusion?”

Kidard smiled, satisfied with the response.

“You know my name? I wasn't active during your time.”

Kidard gathered some mana in his palm.

Kiiing, keeng!

The mana spun like a whirlpool and let out a screech. It was the precursor
of the overload spells that symbolized him in his prime.

“After becoming a student, I looked up to you the most. Whilst studying,

you wouldn't know how many books I've read about you.”

“Why's that?”

“Unlike me, you don't conceal your power or hide from the Zipfel Clan.”


“Even after realizing my potential, I wanted to graduate from the Meltador

Magic Academy and become a normal low-ranked magician to live the rest
of my life in peace. In that place, my talent wouldn't be recognized and

Not even third but fifth-rate. Kidard's judgement of the institution was
precise. The professors and faculty remained at 4- to 5-star.

“Certainly… The trash of Meltador will never realize your talent. Yeah, I
understand now since I also worried and pondered about my talent being
stomped on by the Zipfels. Since you're a Hister, it must be worse.”

Jin swallowed his scoff.

Before Kidard developed the overload spells, he tried his best to remain
under the Zipfels. Yet he distanced himself from them after developing new
“But you have attained 9-star without the Zipfels' assistance. Compared to
you, I'm… Well, this is pointless, since I'm in a position where I can't even
hide myself. I'm actually very thankful.”

“Thankful for what?”

“Please think about it. While running away from them, I coincidentally met
you, and you are doing me a big favor.”

“A favor! Why do you think that? I can technically kill you in three seconds
and sell you over to them. Well, no problem, though. No problem.”

“If you were blinded by money, you would still be occupying a spot under
the Zipfel Clan or Vermont Imperial Family. And as their affiliate, you
would be honored and showered with wealth, and all magicians would
respect you.”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Picking his words wisely, Jin spoke some more.

“But you weren't. You left the comfortable life and kept distance from them.
In a book I read about you, it was stated that 'Kidard Hall is a bold person
with a powerful will and determination who didn't come from privilege.'
That's what I see.”

Throughout their conversation, there was nothing Kidard didn't like about
Jin. As they continued, he fell more and more for him.

Not because he was good at flattery. Despite facing someone who could
send him to his death, Jin's confidence didn't shrivel, and his eyes radiated

Those were the aspects that grasped Kidard's interest. To be exact, he fell
due to the desire to have a successor.

'Meltador Magic Academy? This boy is a god-given prodigy that can't rot in
that fifth-rate school among fifth-rate nobodies! And those eyes that shine
with bold confidence… He holds what I wanted when I was young…'

A long silence ensued.

Kidard needed time to deal with his emotions.

'I have never dreamt of a family in which my own magic would be passed
down. However, how long have I spent searching for someone who could
succeed me?'

If this were a coincidence, the gods must've fallen in love with Kidard and
given him a gift.

A meeting that would never happen twice.

Thinking this, Kidard was certain that Jin was the last descendant of the
Hister Clan. However, there was no downside to checking again.


He raised the mana in his palm and looked into Jin's eyes.
“You must prove to me that you are a Hister. And you must make a

“…What decision?”

“I'll tell you after you prove yourself. Show me that you are a Hister. Any
item or skill is alright.”

Jin pulled out a tome from his worn leather bag.

“The mercenary group leader who raised me gave me this while telling me
the truth. The author is Schugiel Hister, one of my ancestors. However, I
don't know exactly who they are.”

“Hand it here!”

Kidard instinctively reached forward, but Jin shook his head.

“I can show you, but I can't let you touch it.”


“I swore to myself that I wouldn't let anyone else touch this book even if I
die. Please look from afar. If you don't intend to kill me.”

The words that he prepared stung Kidard's heart. He didn't even think it was
disrespectful. Jin had been leading their conversation all along.
“Alright… In that case, open it up and show me.”

Fwip, fwip, fwip…

Every time Jin flipped a page, Kidard's mouth opened wider.

'This encoding… It's the real thing!'

Jin closed the magic tome and opened his mouth.

“I am 16, and as you may know, I have 7-star mana. I heard that only
pureblood Histers with the 'complete manbody' can obtain this kind of

“You said you grew up under the mercenary leader. How'd you know about
the complete manbody? That is a term that's been lost in history.”

“I found out about it in the succession temple. When I entered, all kinds of
archival magic activated and told me everything. Then, they told me that I
was compatible with the mana, so I inherited it. I can't prove that part,

“Archival magic! You experienced that too…?!”

The Zipfel Clan got rid of the Hister Clan because their potential threatened
the entire clan. However, the main reason was due to their 'archival magic'.
To a clan that manipulated history all the time, the Histers' archival magic
was a hindrance in their eyes.
It was something that even Zipfel geniuses couldn't imitate. It was more like
a glorious phenomena than magic.

“Is that enough proof, Mister Kidard?”

“What is the name of the mercenary leader who raised you?”

“He is Ocly Ben in the Schucheron Kingdom's southern region. He operated

a small mercenary group called the Grey Owl Mercenaries, and everyone…
died to the Zipfels, trying to save me. I came to Meltador so that their death
wouldn't be in vain.”

Smiling bitterly, Jin looked at the floor.

All of his lies were true stories that he heard from his old teacher. His
teacher, who was 14 at the time of the incident, probably cried every night
for the mercenaries' sacrifices.

'I'm sorry, Master. I'm using your pain for my revenge. When we meet
again, I will return the favor when I have the chance.'

Kidard sighed.

“…Alright, you are proven to be a Hister. Now, decide.”

“I'm listening.”

“Do you want to live a meaningless life as a normal magician in Meltador,

or do you want to continue the 'Profusion' title and leave your name in

Jin whispered his answer.

Kidard clenched his fist and shook.

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 138

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:54 PM

Chapter 138: Fig. 45. The Big Picture (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

July 20, 1796.

Three months have passed since Qin became a disciple of Kidd. For some
time after establishing ties between the priests, Kiddard tracked down Jin's
past, and as a result, he was able to confirm that the gray owl mercenaries
had been exterminated by Zipple.

But even as Kiddard, he could dig no further. It was because he could lose
his only disciple and heir in his later years because he was exposed to Jipple
during an investigation.

To Kiddad, Jean was no less than a rolling ball of fortune.

"The little boy......and then he yelled at me to kill me for the next chance he
had to be a disciple. You're still cruising, sometimes it feels like there's a
couple of snakes in his belly.”

"We're afraid of discovery, so we can't make a close confirmation, but the

Seven-Colored Report says Kidad is taking longer with the lost Confucius,
Mr. Murakan."

The Seven-Coloured Tide was currently looking at trends in Qin and Kidd,
disguised as merchants who regularly transport goods to Romp.
However, as the opponent is a nine-star wizard, I couldn't go through all the
details. It's just to make sure the gin is alive on the way back and forth.

However, it was possible to synthesize the stories that people in Lomp were
talking about everywhere. The eccentric old monster in the small town
brought a magic aspirant into his house, which naturally has no choice but
to be talked about among the indigenous people.

"Ha, my heart is still pounding every day. Now, Kidd seems to care about
you, but you can suddenly be fickle and hurt him, right?”

"Don't worry, strawberry pie. Jet, he told me that Kiddard's eyes were
dripping with honey. In my opinion, the kid's already completely taken

"Uh, something's weird saying that, Murakan. I can imagine."

"That's right! It's as if Confucius lost his tail on that bad man! It's just a
plan, a plan."

When Quikantel and Enya shook their heads and spoke, the cuties of Tikan

"Did Jin have a tail?"

"No, Pinte. The tail is only on Butterfly Looncandel."

"I miss Jin...….”

"Me too."

Enya's younger brother Pinte and Yuria. As the children ate the ice snack
and their eyes were teary, Alisa hugged them all at once and left the room.

" should eat between meals and exercise? Don't talk about Confucius who
lost in front of the children. Once my name comes out, I look for it all day
long. Oh, yeah, yeah. Jin will be back soon.”
Two dragons and people scratching their heads awkwardly looking at
Alisa's back.

"Tda. Latry special apple cookies are here. It's too deadly for kids to eat, so
I've been looking for a chance to share it with you.”

Soon after Ratri brought refreshments, his colleagues began to talk about
Jin again.

"This will be the only neighborhood in the world where dragons bake
cookies. Let it go, let it go. Well, the taste is pretty good. I'll eat well.
Anyway... ...Strawberry pie, don't be so nervous thinking about the kid.”

"I'm worried sometimes, too. When Confucius goes wrong, there's too little
we can do."

"That's right, Lord Kashmir. That's the scariest thing for me too......I'll have
to trust you, but it's nine. Kidad Hall, will he really fall for your plan?”

"If it's just a little boy's plan and it ends, it's a good thing for him."

Murakhan raised the corners of his mouth. It's as if he knows how the
situation will go in the future.

"You know, at first you were angry with me, and you were the one who
opposed me the most.….'

Kashmir had no choice but to swallow the horse inside.



Kidad found Jean in a gentle voice.

"For the past three months, you have learned the basics of counter-current
magic. You've re-established the concept of a "reverse current" of wizards,
so to speak."
"Yes, Master. I'm grateful for that's what I' I feel like my magic horizons
have broadened since I began to learn backflow from you...….”

It was true.

A genius wizard who made it to the ninth star alone, even if he was to kill.
Kiddad's magic had a greater mystery than Jean had expected.

Backflow, the deadliest phenomenon for wizards.

Since there is a reverse current, the duel between wizards is relatively easier
to distinguish between high and low levels than unmanned ones. It was
because the only way to operate more horsepower would be to draw back
the opponent's flow.

Usually, wizards gathered their mana into a 'one spot' when they spread the
backflow. The key is to compress mana extremely at the end of a cane or
finger, and then stab and inject the opponent to quench his mana.

However, Kidd's reversal was different from that, causing the reverse in a
way that "reduces" the opponent's mana.

It was a great way to respond to the magic of the opponent in a perfect way.
It absorbs the opponent's magic and returns it to the reverse flow.

Open up a three-star backflow."


Jean unfolded a swirling mana on her palm. A vortex that looked much
weaker than the first Kiddard unfolded, but Kiddard nodded with

"At that rate, the third-rate would be beaten without even knowing that
you've started to draw backflow. It is not far enough to kill a second-rate
class. But to beat the first-rate, you have to learn an advanced counter-

Kidd, who emphasized the word "deepening reflux system," gently took a
look at Jin's eyes and trimmed his neck.

"Yes, you've stressed it many times so far. One of the magic of the advanced
reflux system is that you don't have to return your opponent's magic, and
you can trigger a reflux. When are you going to teach him?”

"Hmm, hmm. With your level of understanding, you can start right now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. But Hughell. Before that, this teacher......I'd like to ask you a favor."

"Speak, Master."

Jean knew what Kiddard was asking for.

"The Wizard of the Shuzejie Heister. Won't you show it to this teacher?"

"No, sir."

Jean who refuses with a single stroke.

Then Kidad glared at Jean with his sharp eyes open.

"I know well that the wizard is more precious than your life! But it has
already been three months since I became your teacher. Still don't believe

"It's not that I don't trust you. It's just a matter of my faith. I'm sorry. Didn't
I tell you last time that's not enough?"

"Huh! Faith! Hughell. Frankly, it's as easy for me to take your magic book
by force as breathing. Nevertheless, wasn't he speaking in a good way with
his only affection for his student?"

Jean stared at Kidad with her eyes wide open. The intended action eluded
Kidd's gaze, coughing in vain.

"Oh, dear. I must have made a slip of the tongue. However, I can't help
feeling sad. I'm trying to pass on everything to you. You're distancing
yourself from me."

"No, the poor student was stubborn."

"So you're going to show me the Wizard of Shouge Heister...…?”

Old eyes that glow darkly, full of desire. Kiddard has read the wizard books
of the Hysterics in the past to increase the achievement of the counter-
current world, and he is intoxicated with the mystery of the Hysterics.

Since Jean was a disciple, Kidd has been anxious to read the wizard.

Jin breathed a sigh, pretending to be agonizing instead of laughing in vain.

"Ha, Master. Then why don't you do this?"

"Tell me."

"Shuzie Hister, I'll lend you my ancestor's magic book."


"But there's one condition. "You may not dare to question the terms, but
please have a means of keeping your disciple's faith."

"Yes, that's good. I'll do whatever I can. What was it?"

"Let me have something as precious as your life as mine."

Kidad's eyebrows were twitching, and a moment of silence flowed.

In general, there is only one thing that is as precious as life to a wizard.

Especially for those who have achieved their own magic enemy like Kidd.
"... ...backflow book. Are you asking me to leave it to you?"

It's a magic book that contains the life-long achievements of the wizard

Jin was the biggest reason to keep Kidd alive so far.

There was a chance to kill again and again. Every time, however, Qin ruled
over himself and waited for the day he would get the Book of Reversions.

If you just killed him, you couldn't call it revenge.

'I've been imagining finding and killing you for so long in my previous life.
And it wasn't that hard to bear a little more until you got one little reward...

Will they give it to you?

While Jean was gauging with a calm face, Kiddard was thinking:

'The Book of Reverse... giving it to Hughell, should be the day I die. Hmm,
I'm worried.'

Soon Kiddard reached a conclusion.

'Huwell can't understand the countercurrent, or take out the rune letters
written there, anyway. Even a genius above me is still a baby. You won't be
able to run away with it, so there won't be a problem.'

a nodal kidad

"... ...all right. While I borrow the Wizard of Schuzzie Hester, keep the
Station of Backflow for you. That's not a difficult request.”

"Thank you for understanding, Master."

"You'll need a little time. The station of the countercurrent is kept not here,
but in the eternity warehouse of the Bancella Kingdom. Keep the advanced
counter-current in mind until you bring it."
Tub, Tub. Kiddard put two books of advanced counter-current on the table
and said,

"I'll be right back."

It was only ten days after Kidd returned.

Taking things out of Bancella's eternity warehouse requires a very

complicated process.

"Hello, Master."

"Have you read all the advanced reflux wizards?"


When Kiddad put out the backflow book, Jean took out Shuzie Hister's
Wizard from her bosom. The face of Kiddad, who received the wizard,
brightened in an instant.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh...!”

"Do you like it?"

"As soon as I see it, this is the magic of record magic! It's gonna take some
time to decipher... Whoo-hoo. Thank you, student. You can look at the
counter-current books as much as you like."

"I still don't understand the depth of your master's work. I'll be happy to
keep it."

"Do as you please, haha. By the way, now that you've begun to learn the
advanced reflux......I'm going to have to start a full-fledged field trip. From
tomorrow, you'd better use bugs to feel the magical power of the counter-

"Bugs? Can they cause mana reflux in insects, too? I've never heard of
Then Kidd shook his head.

"It's not the worm, but the human worms that have been breathing all their
lives without achieving anything. The people of this shabby town are no
better than a practical object in that sense."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 139

Volume 6 Chapter 139 – Extermination

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]


Startled, Jin stared at Kidard.

“Are you telling me to test the overload spells on the people of Romp?”

“That's right. Why are you making that face on this happy day? I have an
opportunity to look at Schugiel Hister's magic tome, and you received the
Tome of Overload. With each other's life on the line, I feel that our trust has
been solidified.”

No words came out of his mouth. After some silence, Kidard nodded as if
he understood.
“Oh, Huell. Have you… never killed someone before? Even in your
mercenary days?”

Jin suppressed the swears and curses that were about to erupt from his
throat. He shook his head.

Extreme Overload magic.

For the past ten days, he learned that it was a magic used to induce an
overload to not only a magician, but also a normal person.

Apart from normal overload, it was possible to induce a fatal overload with
the innate but miniscule amount of mana within a human.

Furthermore, Jin was a beginner, so he had no way of controlling the

destructive power. Which was why Kidard suggested experimenting on the
common folk—to adjust the magic's force.

“It's not that. I just find it a little surprising.”

“What is?”

Kidard quickly turned his head and with a slight anger in his eyes.

“Aren't they just normal, innocent citizens? If you tell me to use them as
test subjects for my magical achievement…”

“Ha! Huell Hister. Listen carefully!”

Kidard shouted and grabbed Jin's shoulders.

“Don't be scared of killing some bugs. You have a talent that the sky has
bestowed upon you, and your worth and value is on a different level than
them. They become your resources, and that is fate!”

A violence that he had never seen before.

Kidard breathed heavily, continuing to spew his contempt.

“Do you know who I was when I achieved 9-star? A common folk who
couldn't get any help from anyone. You can't avoid becoming a monster,
Huell. If you do, then you can't become the best.”


“Those with monetary backgrounds do worse than this. They can get test
subjects and buy expensive equipment all with ease. However, when I was
young, I had to flounder about despite having more talent than others.”

Listening to his complaints about capitalism and privilege was painful, but
Jin just listened along.

“I, like you, was uncomfortable. However, back then, if someone had
opened my eyes… I would have instantly known that I am worth much
more than the millions of bugs crawling about in this world. I wish
someone told me earlier that it's fine to use them however I want.”
Jostle, jostle.

Kidard held Jin's shoulders and vigorously shook him back and forth.

“Kidard Hall of Profusion would have been in a higher position. Huell, you
need not face losses like I did. All you need to do is to learn from my
mistakes and failures for free.”

As Kidard spat his monologue, Jin's eyes slowly looked at the ground.

Just as Jin had seen this side of Kidard for the first time, it was also a first
for Kidard to see Jin's tired look.

'A little more. Just a little more, and he would concede to these harsh

Kidard firmly believed that thought.

“…Huell, if it weren't for me, your talents wouldn't have had the
opportunity to flourish. You would have lived the rest of your boring life as
a third-rate magician. Now that you possess the Tome of Overload, show
me your resolve. If not, I will kick you out.”

“K-Kick me out?”

“It's that important. You must master the technique by killing other bugs—
not just the bugs in Romp City. If you can't accept that, I have no intention
of keeping you here.”
“…Please give me some time to think, Master.”

Kidard hid his smile and looked into Jin's trembling eyes.

'Yeah, it'll be hard to understand at first. But Huell, as you use those bugs,
you will understand why the world is split into geniuses and the ordinary.'

He truly believed that this was for his apprentice. Kidard had lived with
killing his entire life and achieved 9-star. He was living proof that his cruel
but logical training method was effective.

Jin lowered his head.

“I was foolish, Master. Honestly, I can't accept it completely… but I will try
to follow your lead.”

“Are you lying because you are scared of getting disposed of?”

“No, sir. If it weren't for you, I'd either be rotting away in the Meltador
Magic Academy or be killed by the Zipfels. If I don't trust you, I'd have no
other path.”


'He's a smart kid. My eyes didn't fail me.'

Kidard swallowed those words and stroked Jin's hair. He was actually
worried about what he would do if Jin chose to quit.

“…I'll be back. However, we should never have a day like this ever again. I
have achieved many things while walking through hell, and I'm trying to
give it all to you. My apprentice, you are no different than my clone.”

“Yes, Master. I will keep that in mind.”

“Good… Now, tomorrow night, if you use those bugs without remorse, I
will offer you a reward. This master of yours doesn't only have overload
spells in his sleeves. From elemental spells to curses—every time you
succeed, I'll teach you one.”


After hearing that word, Jin's expression almost faltered.

'I don't want to learn that from you. Nor do I need it.'

There was no need to wait anymore.

“Master, before tomorrow night, I would like to ask something of you.”

“What is it?”

“Please demonstrate the Extreme Overload spell.”

“Of course—”
“On my body. Try it out.”

Before Kidard could ask why, Jin continued.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

“I want to know where I should induce a mana overload in order to achieve

the best outcome. So I can get the hang of it as fast as possible.”

“Kuhaha…! Yes, that's the right thought process. I'm proud! If you kill over
five bugs, then the knights from the capital will come. So we would have to
evacuate right after. I haven't thought of that.”

Kiiiiiiiiiing! Ching!

A sharp screech resounded, and in Kidard's hand, mana for overload magic
gathered to form a sphere.

“I'll show you now. You need to recover before tomorrow night. Also, as an
overload magic user, you should know how it feels at least once.”

“Thank you.”

“You may already know this since you looked into the magic tomes on
Extreme Overload, but this spell's name is Overload Vortex. You basically
create a force that pulls and steals the opponent's mana, and with it, you
induce an overload. This is the spell you will practice tomorrow.”

“Yes, this is the spell I practiced while you were in Vankella.”

“Now, I will accelerate the spin of this mana sphere, and it'll begin to suck
the mana out of you from head to toe. I will concentrate on each part of
your body, so focus on where it is the most painful.”

Jin stepped back and closed his eyes.

“I'm starting.”


Kidard's Overload Vortex began to rotate rapidly.

From Jin's body, tiny mana particles emerged from his skin and flew into
the spinning vortex.

Then, a flood of blue particles flowed out of his body. It looked as if the
mana wrapped around him.


And as soon as Kidard noticed it, he couldn't hide his surprise.

'I cast the highest level suited for a 7-star so that he could feel the pain
clearly, but why don't I feel the slightest hint of mana overload? Huh?!'
Kidard looked at his Overload Vortex.


A crack began to form on the sphere.

'N-No way. Huell was far beyond 7-star! No, it can't be. I'll raise the

Screeeeeeeeeech! Shhhhhhht!

The sphere's spin accelerated, and the light blue mana emerging from Jin's
body grew a little darker.

Kidard was using mana close to that of a veteran 8-star. Jin had his eyes
closed without any change in expression.

The Overload Vortex couldn't handle the mana that Jin had.

The mirror artifact's infinite mana.

Kidard only realized something was wrong when the sphere began to


When Jin first came to the city, he had already activated the Fountain of

Just for this moment.

Kzzzzzzk! Boom!

The Overload Vortex disfigured and exploded. Kidard gathered all of his
energy to contain the mana.
However, even though he was a 9-star magician, he was still human. He
couldn't handle the mirror's infinite mana. It was as if he were trying to
block a waterfall with his hands.

Kidard absorbed the mana he used to cast the intense Overload Vortex
together with the mirror's infinite mana. His body began to show signs of
mana overload, and the overload began to spread.

“Kidard Hall. You would know best of the horrifying suffering brought
about by overload.”


Blood spilled out from all orifices on Kidard's face as he began to tremble.
Jin slowly walked towards him.

“You must've lived without knowing…”

“Urgh, wh-who…?”

Kidard's face was covered in blood.

His two eyes filled with shock, and his two legs shivered, unable to handle
the pain caused by mana overload.


Losing his strength, Kidard kneeled and barely held his head up to look at
“H-Huueellll! How could you?!”

“Fifteen years ago, you tried to curse a little baby at the Storm Castle. Do
you remember the baby's name, Kidard?”


“I am not Huell Hister, but Jin Runcandel.”


Jin pulled out a blue dagger from his sleeve and looked down at his enemy.

He recalled the 28 pathetic years that he lived in his past life. He had to go
through hell all because of that damned curse—the damned Bladed Illusion.

“It took almost 44 years to find out that Joshua ordered Taimyun to tell you
to curse me.”

“Please… Cough! No…”

“I didn't have a chance to beg for mercy back then, Kidard. I was only one
year old.”

Jin dyed his dagger with spiritual energy, and Kidard rapidly shook his head
as he began to convulse. Blood spewed out from his mouth, staining Jin's

Jin slowly lowered his torso and took Schugiel Hister's magic tome from
Kidard's robe.
“Your pathetic 80 years can't compensate for my 44 years, but I'll use the
Tome of Overload very well.”

“S-Save me… Cough—”


The darkened blade pierced Kidard's cheek, and foamy blood erupted from
his mouth. Death. Kidard's body slackened, and Jin walked away.

Swinging the dagger across the wall, he left a message.

(You will not die peacefully like this man.

– Jin Grey)

So that Joshua Runcandel—his older brother—could see.

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 140

Volume 6 Chapter 140 – After His Death (1)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Kidard's death became known at least a month after his passing, and the
world was shocked. Although his presence dissipated due to him being in
hiding, the death of a 9-star was still shocking.

Furthermore, the exact cause of death wasn't known.

The location of death was a residence off-road of a forest in Romp City.

The citizens didn't really worry or think about Kidard's absence in the main
city for a month. They just assumed that he was researching something with
the young boy that he kidnapped.

Thanks to that, Kidard's corpse—that was discovered to have been

abandoned for a month—became food for the mountain beasts. Only a few
small bones remained.

Journalists of the press, affiliates of the Ministry of Magic, and those who
had personal ties to Kidard could only focus on the message on the wall.

—Jin Grey, the likely culprit behind Kidard Hall's death. Who is he?

—Why did he kill Kidard Hall? And what's the reason for his hiding?
—Unfortunately, scriptures of Kidard's overload magic are supposedly in
Vankella's eternal storage…

While the people loaded the press with these titles, those who knew of Jin
Grey had their own separate debate.

“It's not the youngest, right? Jin Grey's a common name…”

“No way. I know the youngest is amazing and all, but it's against a 9-star
magician. There's no way. Yeah, there's no way. It's definitely not him.”

“Haha, right…?”

The Tona Twins were about to leave after becoming provisional flag-
bearers. Despite their denial of Jin's achievement, they couldn't stop
thinking that it was him.

“Our stupid siblings. They talk well for some kids who haven't met a 9-star
magician. I can't believe that they're provisional flag-bearers after only a
few months… Tsk.”

“Hey, why, Myu? They're kinda cute when they spit some dumb stuff.
Enough for me to want to kill them. A frickin' 9-star… I thought that White
Wolf Tribe incident last time was enough.”

Myu and Anne smirked and glared at the Tona Twins, and this time, Mary
looked at the girls.

“Shut up. You're interrupting the meal.”

“Tch! We can't even talk this much?”

“I said, shut up.”

“Ha! You stayed quiet when the Tona brats were—”

“Myu, Anne, one more word and Mary will kill you. I can't stop her now,
since Mother isn't here either.”

The second son, Dipus shrugged. Luntia shook her head, tired of
everything. Ran and Vigo quietly focused on cooking.

The pureblood Runcandel children gathered at one table. The only ones
missing were Luna, Yona, and the provisional flag-bearer, Jin.


Joshua lowered his knife and wiped his mouth.

“Alright, alright. Stop it, everyone. It's been a long time since we had a
dinner like this. Do we need to get our faces red and hot like this? I, for one,
think that the youngest did indeed kill Kidard.”

All eyes fell on him. Even Luntia, who didn't really care.

“Joshua, why do you also think that? Why? You think that makes sense?”

“Hm… It wouldn't be possible on his own. If that kid, Yona, helped him,
then maybe.”
Mary and Dipus glared at their eldest brother with hatred. The two had
always despised his weird plots.

“Calm down, Brother. I knew that we weren't here just for a meal, but your
exposition is annoying. Do you have to doubt a provisional flag-bearer?”

“Can you back the claim that Yona helped him, Eldest Brother?”

“I don't know for certain. It's just a hunch. Do I have to take responsibility
for my words? A 9-star grand magician died and there's no clear reason of
death. That's hard to achieve for someone who isn't 'Nameless'.”


The assassin organization that Yona was currently affiliated with.

“You seem to want Yona to have a bad time. Bringing up her name now
without reason makes me want to barf. And tying her with the youngest
makes no fucking sense.”

“On the death scene, 'Jin Grey' was written on the wall. I think that the
youngest requested something from Nameless in order to publicize his
name, and Yona wrote the message in lieu of the youngest.”

Myu and Anne applauded his claim and nodded.

“Oh, thinking of it that way makes sense! Then Jin's successful mission in
the past would also be by Nameless!”
“It's all under an assumption. As Myu said, the youngest had done amazing
things since back then, so I don't think there's any downside to opening an

“That's right, Brother. There were too many questions regarding Jin. I also
want to know what Yona thinks about the clan.”


Mary stood as she slammed the table. Myu and Anne were startled and
turned to look at her. Luntia sighed. Another troublesome situation was

“Against the business of the second flag-bearer, I, the seventh flag-bearer,

shouldn't be talking shit to you. But remember one thing, Brother. If you
hurt Yona, Father will not sit still.”

Dipus stood up and added on to Mary's words.

“Brother, please show some coolness. If you are jealous of Yona, just put
her under your sword. Simply slandering and flicking your tongue at her is
not the Runcandel way.”

“Fufu… I don't think you're in a position to say that, Dipus. If you don't like
my style, why don't you just unsheathe your sword?”

Dipus's eyes flicked to Luntia.

“For whom?”

Mary and Dipus left the dining hall, and Joshua smiled in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, the twins—who were the cause of the situation—could only


'Uwaaah, since Jin the doormat disappeared, the higher-ups are getting

'I don't know how long Myu and Anne will keep their focus on us. Shit. If
Jin were here, our sisters would've teased us less. I can't believe I miss

The Tona Twins were depressed.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata


The world's most boring event, a Zipfel banquet.

Beradin waved a newsletter and sat next to Dante, who came only because
he was invited.
Nonetheless, Dante was concerned as to what expression he should make at
the dull party in order to not be disrespectful. So, after multiple greetings
and bows here and there, he made an awkward smile when Beradin came.

“You came, Beradin? It's a… wonderful… banquet. Thank you for not
forgetting to invite me.”

“Hey, why are you trying to save face? I know our clan's banquet is boring
as hell. I just wanted to see you again. Sorry, sorry. You were bored, right?
Me too. I miss that night at the arena.”

“Oh, the arena! That was nice. No need to be sorry. After that day, I also felt
pretty empty.”

“There wasn't a single day when I didn't fiddle with the empty chest,
commemorating those days. But that aside, did you hear? About this.”

Beradin put the newsletter in Dante's face.

Surprisingly, Dante had just found out about Kidard Hall's death. Right
before coming to the banquet, he had only been a shut-in, engrossed in
training. He had no idea what was going on in the world.

“Huh? This… A 9-star magician had been murdered, and Jin Grey's name
was left on the crime scene?”

“I'm more surprised at you. You didn't know about this? Anyways, this
case… It has to be his doing. What do you think?”

Dante snorted with certainty.

“Most certainly! He is a man who would do such a thing. I don't know his
reason or method, but it must be his doing.”

“On that note, Dante, can you make some time?”


“No, starting tomorrow. A good chunk of the day.”

Beradin whispered into Dante's ear.

'Wanna go see him?'

'Do you know where he is?'

'Well, we can just look for him!'

Dante chuckled and nodded.

The guests and journalists attending at the banquet interpreted the sight

'Those two just discussed the Kidard Hall case, right? They were talking
and smiling, as if there was something only they knew.'

'Recently, I heard good relations between the Hairan Clan and Zipfel Clan.
The Zipfels must be related to Kidard Hall's death, and it seems Young
Master Beradin offered some information to Young Master Dante.'

'The Zipfels might be strengthening their friendly ties and organizing the
unallied forces. Since the Zipfels took down Kidard with intent, I should be
careful of what I write about them.'

Meanwhile, the main character of all of this talk searched for an ear cleaner.

“Is someone talking about me behind my back? My ears tickle…



“Are you done with the Tome of Overload?”

“Argh! Shit, I have a right to live like a human, kid. I've been on this tome
for a fucking month!”

As he said, Murakan had been deciphering the text ever since Jin returned.
He could cast the runes to his body only after the process was done.

Compared to Tzenmi's Photon Cannon, the rune characters were overly

complicated, so it took more time to decode.

“But no one else can do the tome-work than you.”

“Why do you keep forgetting about Quikantel? She knows how to do this
“We're not that close. In exchange, I'll bring a wagonful of your nice little
magazines. The exclusive editions.”

“If you bring anything less than the special edition, I'll kill you.”

While Murakan huffed and puffed in anger, Kashimir came to Jin.

“Young Master.”

“Yes, Sir Kashimir?”

“Uhm… I came to tell you that I'll be leaving for about a month.”

“A month? Where to?”

“So, that's, uhhh… The Vermont Empire. Yes, the Vermont Empire. I must
go because I forgot something there.”

As the Fallen Prince of Vermont, Kashimir had no reason to return and find
something he wanted in the empire.

Jin examined Kashimir's awkward speech and soon realized exactly why
the other needed to leave for a while.

'My father called for him. He's headed for the Black Sea, probably because
of Kidard Hall. It seems he wants to talk about it in person.'

The awkwardness was born from Kashimir clumsily making excuses while
lying about being in contact with Cyron. He still thought that Jin didn't
know about the reports being sent to the patriarch.

“Is there anything I can help with?”

“Oh, of course! Well, it's something I must do alone, haha. Anyways,

Young Master Jin. I already retrieved what you requested last time, so
please spend your time wisely during my absence.”

Jin wished Kashimir luck and smiled.

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 141

Volume 6 Chapter 141 – After His Death (2)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Kashimir obtained a 'Nameless Pass'.

It was an object required to enter Samil City, where the main base of
Nameless was located. Going to the city without the Nameless Pass was

However, possessing the Nameless Pass didn't guarantee safety in Samil.

The city was more dangerous than an unprotected area like the Black Sea.

The sacred place for all assassins.

There were no common folk in Samil City. Everyone residing there were
cadets aiming to become a part of Nameless. The entire city was essentially
a training ground, which meant that assassin training was constantly in
session. However, apart from normal training, cadets were allowed to
assassinate within the grounds, and protecting the visitors wasn't the higher-
ups' duty.

Hence, using a visitor for assassin training was no problem.

'Going there with the Nameless Pass basically means that I will follow their

On the other hand, going without the Nameless Pass meant they were not a
visitor, but an enemy.

A visitor would still survive assassination attempts from cadets and barely
return. However, if an enemy successfully escapes, they'd be left on
Nameless's hit list and live the rest of their life in threat of murder.

Not many could even think of survival after getting on the list.

Jin lay on the sofa, playing with the Nameless Pass.

'Where Elder Sister Yona is. Going to see her wouldn't violate the rules of
being a provisional flag-bearer either.'

Yona was not in the Garden of Swords. She wasn't acting as a Runcandel
affiliate, but as one of Nameless's executioners. Additionally, even if he met
her, Jin would face no punishment from the clan.

After regressing, he wanted to visit Nameless before 1799.

Leaving now was a little early, however. The Namless cadets' assassination
attempts were hard for even 7-star knights to deal with.

'I was going to go when their assassinations have become laughable… but if
I meet Kuzan again, or meet another poison master, then I can't do
Jin intended to visit Samil City because of poison.

'There are too many poisons that my Runcandel-blessed body can't handle.'

He remembered all of the moments he was at death's doorstep.

The time he met the White Wolf Tribe warrior Quazito Truka in his first
mission, when he fought Andrei Zipfel, when he faced the Zipfel magicians
in the Kollon Ruins, among others…

Yet the most dangerous encounter was when he fought Beris and Kuzan.
When he got hit by Kuzan's poison, he would have definitely died if it
weren't for Prince Laika.

Jin contemplated after Taimyun's death.

'Kuzan will continue to pursue me. And besides him, there'll be many who
will try to kill me with poison. Even after I return to the main house.'

Everyone affiliated with Nameless increased their poison resistance through

training. Even the cadets in Samil had enough resistance against mid-tier
poisons. Those who officially become a 'Nameless Assassin' would have
achieved significant resistance to deadly poisons.

However, Jin didn't want only that. He already had that resistance since he
was born.

'The Thousand-Poison Antidote. I have to obtain it.'

An antidote passed down to the best executioners of Nameless.

Those who drank it got one step closer to Absolute Resistance.

Absolute Resistance wasn't recorded in history, but it seemed to be a

domain only few had achieved. The first patriarch of Runcandel, Temar; the
current patriarch, Cyron; the first leader of Nameless, Corun.

Obviously, it wasn't something that Jin could just get. It was an item that
was offered only to those that the leader of Nameless approved as the
greatest executioners of Nameless.

'But in my past life, Anne drank it. Around 1799.”

If the events unraveled the same way as in Jin's past life, Anne would drink
the Thousand-Poison Antidote in three years.

Gifted to her by Yona.

'At the time, Elder Sister Yona became the greatest assassin of Nameless in
the shortest time in history. In fact, she already had a body close to
Absolute Resistance since birth, so she didn't really need it.'

As such, Yona offered the antidote to the clan.

Nameless's leader was infuriated by it, but he stayed quiet due to two
reasons. Firstly, his concern for Yona was no different than for his own
children. Secondly, Nameless would fall the moment it retaliated against the
Runcandel Clan.
Instead, the organization's leader complained to the Runcandels and kept
Yona in the organization even after her contract expired.

'It would be better for her to be there anyways. Well, Anne drank it back
then… but this time, I'll drink it.'

Jin felt that Anne was definitely on Joshua's side, and he planned on ruining
everything good for his enemies. From stealing the benefits that they reaped
to magnifying the harms towards them.

He would slowly but surely have his revenge that way.

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

The deciphering of the Tome of Overload was complete.

“Ugh, finally. It's over, damn! Come over here and give me your back.”


One by one, Murakan cast the characters onto Jin's back while muttering
some words.

Jin felt that his understanding of overload spells rapidly increased every
time a rune character was cast on his back.
Overload Reflection and Overload Vortex among other normal Extreme
Overload spells. As well as an ultimate overload spell called 'Heavenly

Satisfied, Jin burst into laughter, and Murakan shrugged.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

“You like it that much?”

“I like this aspect of magic. I can't master decisive killing moves of the
sword through rune character decoding.”

“It's also the downside of magic. If you don't have the rune characters,
sometimes, you can never master the magic. That's why I don't use Photon
Cannon. Well, I don't need that to be strong anyway.”

“I feel like I got some good weapons after Photon Cannon.”

“I saw them while deciphering, and they're pretty useless spells. If you
master the Heavenly Defiance spell or something, you'll dominate even a
herd of 7-stars.”

Heavenly Defiance was essentially a massive Overload Vortex in the sky. It

sucked mana incomparably more than the Overload Vortex that was only on
the caster's hand.

Moreover, it shattered the basic rule of overload. Even if the opponent was
of higher mana level, the user could still induce a mana overload.

If Kidard had unleashed a Heavenly Defiance instead of a regular Overload

Vortex, he would have been difficult to defeat even with the Fountain of
Mana in hand.
“I kinda stressed the barrier on the mirror to get this magic, so it has to be
worth something.”

“My god. You think a seal from Solderet's prime would loosen just because
of a 9-star magician? Use that thing more comfortably.”

“Still, it doesn't feel right. If the seal breaks, the world ends. I have to use
these as a last resort. And if I just rely on the mirror, my growth will only
be delayed.”

“Good point.”

Murakan responded boringly, but he was genuinely astonished.

'He should've realized how great the infinite mana pool is when he killed
Kidard, but this kid isn't falling for the temptations of comfort…'

In his three thousand years of activity, he had seen many geniuses who
ruined their lives due to cutting corners. Getting stronger efficiently was
important, but there was no definitive easy way to get stronger.

“Hm… Anyways, why don't you try it out?”

“Heavenly Defiance?”


“Wait a moment, let me release some spiritual energy.”

“It'll take time to cast anyway since you're new to it. It was a 9-star's
ultimate spell. Plus, you lack the mana, and we're indoors, you crazy kid.”
“It's spacious enough. I'm starting.”

Jin closed his eyes and started to cast. Murakan quickly covered his body
with spirit energy. Since he also had some mana, he had to prevent himself
from being affected by the massive mana vacuum.

Whoooooooosh, kaaaaaaang…!

The mana that emerged from Jin's hand began to form a massive circular
shape on the ceiling, and it took approximately fifteen seconds to cover the
entire surface.

After he finished his cast, the mana spun quickly, and the room began to


“Lord Jiiiiiiii—!”

The moment Murakan looked up at the Heavenly Defiance, Enya entered

the room. Exposed to the spell, foam began emerging from her mouth.


Jin immediately canceled his spell and ran over to Enya. Murakan pointed
at him and laughed as the young Runcandel helped Enya up.
“Are you okay, Enya? I'm sorry, I didn't know you were nearby…”

Enya flicked her thumb up with sparkling eyes.

“It's the best…!”


“It's the best! Just now! Crazy cool!”

It was hard to tell if it was the Heavenly Defiance or the current situation
that she found cool.

Nevertheless, Jin was relieved that Enya wasn't badly hurt.

“Phew, that's a relief. If you had gotten hurt…”

“Wait, stay like this for a sec. No, forever! I feel like I succeeded in life—

Quikantel smacked the back of Enya's neck, causing her to lose

consciousness. A common sight.

“Shit… You let her play with you? My goodness, I told her not to do so no
matter how much she loved you.”
At that point, Murakan was rolling on the floor, laughing like a hyena. Jin
explained the situation to Quikantel.

“This is my fault, Miss Quikantel. I will apologize to Miss Enya when she
wakes up.”

“An apology… No need. Enya needs to get into her right mind. Anyways, I
heard you're going to Samil City, where Nameless is, right? To get the
Thousand-Poison Antidote.”

“Yes. I want to leave by the day after tomorrow.”

“Do you know what kind of place that is?”

“I do. The entire city is basically a massive training ground, and even
visitors aren't free from the threat of assassination.”

“At your level, I'm sure you're capable of holding off the Nameless cadets.
However, as you survive longer and longer, you will encounter stronger
assassins. The best will come if you defeat them too.”

“Oh, I've never heard of that.”

“Of course you haven't. Because anyone who escapes with that kind of
knowledge would probably die knowing since they retain knowledge
regarding Nameless and could potentially spread it. Usually, they die before
encountering the best executioner or they'd return after finishing their

During Quikantel's era, Nameless was a famous assassin organization. And

among her allies, she was the most knowledgeable about Nameless.
“Even your sister can't stand a chance against the real assassins of
Nameless. So, when you feel like you've been pushed into a corner, show
them this. Then, you might just live.”

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 142

Volume 6 Chapter 142 – Nameless (1)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Jin boarded himself on a carriage to Samil. It had been four days since he
left Tikan.

At Samil's location—the southern region of the Kon Kingdom—it was

already autumn. A wind carrying the good autumn atmosphere lightly
shook Jin's hair as he leaned against the windowsill.

In the midst of the unbelievably peaceful moment on the way to an

assassins' cove, Jin remembered Gilly's unhappiness right before he left.

—It's your birthday soon, and I'm so disappointed that I won't be able to
celebrate with you if you leave now, Young Master. You're definitely
making great achievements as a provisional flag-bearer, but please make
sure to allocate time for some leisure.

After seeing Luna and Taimyun, Jin thought about Gilly a lot more.

'I should be nice to her. On that note, I don't know much about her either…'
Luna and Taimyun were a different case. Taimyun never spoke about her
past since Luna bore no curiosity. Gilly was the opposite.

From his past life to the current, whenever Jin asked about her past, Gilly
would either avoid the question or flat-out ignore it.

'I heard that she was the smartest member of the McRolan Clan in history,
and I don't even know why she became my guardian.'

The McRolans.

One of the clans loyal to the Runcandels. They were a famous martial arts
clan that was a prick in the finger for the Huphester Alliance. Gilly was the
youngest daughter of such a clan.

'Why would such a person like that become a Runcandel nanny?'

Jin had heard that question even in his past life.

At some point, he wanted to send a person to find out why, but he knew that
it wouldn't be very respectful towards Gilly.

'She'll tell me soon enough. It was just that she didn't have the chance in my
past life. When I get back, maybe we'll go on a vacation.'
Thump, thump, thump.

The carriage continued forward. Organizing his thoughts, Jin looked out the
window and at the coachman.

'For someone steering a carriage, he's too young. His lower body is well-
built too.'

A normal coachman would decline any request to Samil City regardless of

the pay. Jin had been rejected at least five times before he got someone to
take the job.

Which was why he speculated that the coachman was a Nameless cadet.


“Yes, sir?”

“How long until we arrive?”

“About two more hours.”

“Is this the right path?”

“Yes, it is. Don't worry, and take a nap. People still live in Samil City, so
coachmen like me go there every now and then.”

Verifying his claim, Jin nodded.

'He is a cadet. If he were a real Nameless Assassin, he wouldn't have used
these kinds of tricks.'

Every inhabitant of the city was either an assassin or an assassin cadet.

However, not all of them were the top-tier assassins that lived up to
Nameless. Amongst the cadets, there always had to be more gravel than

'I'll only be able to see Nameless Assassins once I actually arrive in the city.
And this coachman won't attack me until we get there. …Maybe.'

As he expected, nothing much happened in the next two hours.

Jin arrived at the entrance of Samil City at approximately two in the


'At first glance, it looks like a regular city. Well, the entrance looks like it
belongs to one, at least.'

A normal pathway led to the heart of the city, and two guards stood at each
side of the not-so-high gate.

If he were to offer something different, the guards wore white fabric

clothing and didn't hold any weapons. They didn't need to look threatening,
since no human would intrude upon Samil City without intention.

The white color was a symbol of Nameless. Everyone in the city—from

cadets to the best executioners—all wore the same white clothes. The only
exception were the visitors.
“Stop your carriage.”

The guard spoke, and the coachman pulled on the reins.

Jin got out of the carriage and immediately pulled out the Nameless Pass.
The guards exchanged glances with each other.

“What's your reason for coming to Samil City?”

They didn't ask him who he was or where he was from. Their tone wasn't
threatening either.

“Just for experience.”

“It'll be a fun experience. Enter. You may retrieve your pass when you

“I have something to ask before I step foot into the city.”

“What is it?”

“Do the rules of Nameless apply after you receive the pass or only when
you enter the city?”


Before the guard could finish answering, a dagger flew towards Jin's back.
Jin—who had his senses heightened—quickly dodged it.

'Definitely the coachman.'

With his momentum, Jin threw himself towards the coachman—who was
drawing another dagger—and kicked his thigh.


The sound of bone breaking resounded after Jin came into contact. He then
swung his elbow towards the coachman's chin. The man fell to the ground,
and Jin shook his head.

“I guess it's the former. Will you guys attack too?”

With eyes widened, the guards shook their heads.

“No, we are mastering assassination, not martial arts. The moment you
destroyed that fellow, we already failed. Enter.”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

“Thanks. And this fellow will be kicked out, correct? Since he attempted
murder without wearing the proper attire and failed.”

“You know our rules well.”

“It isn't a well-concealed secret, so it's nothing incredible. Tell him to not be
so disappointed. Seeing as he was clearly inept during our ride, I think this
job isn't fit for him. Maybe he can become a real coachman instead.”


Jin flicked a gold coin towards the fainted man. The man would be very
disappointed, but Jin felt that he actually saved his life.

After all, a pathetic one like him would only face death in Samil City.

“And tell him that this is for the ride.”

Jin trotted past the entrance and into the city. The guards glanced at his

'An interesting and merciful fellow made a visit.'

Jin could only be astonished as he walked in.


Before he left, the Seven-Colored Peacock gave him some information.

Contrary to the views and beliefs of people, Samil was a quiet and beautiful
city. The roads didn't have a single speck of dirt or mud, and each building
was spaced evenly and perfectly. They looked as if they were new.

Each and every person who wore the Nameless uniform remained quiet.
They didn't even dare to glance at the visitor.

Everything white glimmered in the afternoon sun.

'It's more beautiful than I imagined.'

Goosebumps rose on the back of his neck.

This beauty hid blood. The reason as to why Nameless's symbol was the
color white was because the assassins were confident that they could
execute their targets without staining their uniforms.

Those who manage to make progress in this quiet city without being caught
by anyone would then earn the privilege to live in the 'Nameless Manor'.

'Visitors are merely special training dummies. Otherwise, they kill each
other day by day.'

At first glance, the cadets ranged from teenagers, to young adults, to

middle-aged people. There were even children four or five years younger
than Jin. And among them, a talented one definitely existed. However, it
was rare for one to ever show mercy.

Age, experience, origin—none of that mattered here. Every cadet's goal was
to kill others, climb the cadet ranks, and head to the Nameless Manor.
'No matter what angle you look at it, this place is worse than the Runcandel

Seeing the children in this brutal city, Jin conjured an image of his sister,
Yona Runcandel.

'Elder Sister Yona said that she was sent here at the age of 12…'

Realizing Yona's talents very early, Cyron debated whether to send her to
the Hidden Palace or Samil City.

Both were places to escape the world powers and places to colonize.

Between the two, Cyron wanted the Hidden Palace more. However, he sent
his youngest daughter to Nameless for one reason.

At the Hidden Palace, Syris was already chosen to be the successor, but
there wasn't anyone yet for Nameless. Even until now, when Yona was
already 23 years old.

Which was why Jin could count the number of times he saw Yona with his

'In my past life, she came back and became an assassin for the clan.'

It was far from an 'honorable flag-bearer'. She became an unofficial flag-

bearer who had to hide her presence at all times.
Although she had some freedom in the Garden of Swords, Yona normally
lived in hiding and often erased her presence. The reason was unknown;
whether it was due to her personality or she thought her presence brought

And seeing her live like that, Jin felt empathy. Yona wouldn't know, but…

'I was also pushed to a corner and suffocated. Though, the treatment
between us were polar opposites.'

It was an opportunity for him to have a nice talk with her. Along with the
request to have the Thousand-Poison Antidote.

Jin walked along the path as he smiled bitterly.

First, he needed to find a room to reside in. Samil was a moderate-sized

city. Due to the lack of visitors, there weren't many inns.

However, Jin didn't think of going to an inn.

'An inn has a high risk of assassination. I won't last long tracking the inn
owner, workers, and other guests.'

He already experienced how painful that was at the Cosmos Arena. He

barely survived even from inexperienced pirates.

'It's better to choose a room from an average cadet.'

Peons like the coachman wouldn't attack Jin out of fear. Instead, Jin's life
would be threatened by the cadet homeowner.

'I have to choose wisely. A cadet who thinks they could kill me anytime, but
never will.'

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Meanwhile, at a dock in the central region of the Kon Kingdom.

Beradin and Dante were tracking down Jin after the Zipfel banquet.

“Hey, you. Yeah, you. Come help me for a second. Have you seen someone
like this?”

“Ehem, have you seen someone like this? If so, I will be very thankful.”

Using Hairan's political power, they dug through all of the recent transfer
gate usage records, found forty-five instances of 'Jin Grey', and met ten
different people who bore the same name.

It would be easier if the Hairan and Zipfel Clans worked together, but that
would destroy the meaning of a 'secret trip' and the opportunity for the three
to gather.

The two made that decision.

“We are certain that this Jin Grey came here as well… but what if the Jin
Grey in the Kon Kingdom isn't the one we're looking for?”

“What do you think we'll do? Go to the next town over, that's what! At least
one of the forty-five must be him. Else, we'll have to start all over again.”

A commitment that no one else would willingly make.

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 143

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:47 PM

Chapter 143: Episode 48. Unknown (2)

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"Lend you a room to keep for yourself?"


The man looked down at the gin with an expressionless face.

Students in big, ugly, milky, unknown colors tend to look a little more vivid
thanks to their bright colors, but men didn't.

Appearance that suits a fighter rather than an assassin, or a mercenary

captain who uses an axe.

Jin picked this man while wandering the streets until sunset, and the
standard was "footsteps."

If you hear footsteps without being aware of it, you will be in the beginner
level, if you focus a little, you will be in the intermediate level, and if you
don't have one, you will be in the advanced level.

And to the extent that all senses must be raised to be recognized, a cadet
who will soon go to the unknown.
Based on the criteria, Jean judged the man to be an intermediate cadet.
Beginners had to be screened out because they had to go through the
gatekeepers and horsemen, and it was burdensome to be a senior goal from
the beginning.

"You'd better go to the inn."

"I don't want too many visitors at night. I'll make sure I don't miss the
accommodation, so please."

"That's pretty unpleasant...….”

The man's forehead was narrowed to a finely.

Not because you asked me to give you a room out of the blue. The man has
no choice but to accept Jin's request as a provocation that "you can't kill

"You've got an unknown plaque, so it's probably a succession of a certain

family, and it must have been a great martial arts for your age. I understand
you're full of confidence. But this is Samil, a land without fair duel."

"I know it well. That's why I stayed away from the inn. If you're not going
to give me a room, I'll look for someone else."

"I'll lend it to you. I won't accept life. You'll probably take his place. Don't
forget that everything is on your own."

"Thank you."

The man's house, which arrived about five minutes after walking, had a
two-story structure.

Jean decided to use a relatively narrow two-story room, and as soon as she
entered the house, she immediately offered dinner.

"Don't worry if food is poisoned."

"I didn't think you'd be that low-water, thanks."

An efficient diet of some meat and eggs mixed with vegetables, as the man
said, was fresh food. Jean quickly swallowed the food, emptied the bowl
before the man, and sat down at the table and looked at him still.

'Middle class is never enough to keep your eyes off and let your guard

It seems relaxed, but it is a lie if you are not nervous.

The man could unleash the poison under the table, aim for the neck of Jean
with a fork he was taking meat, or shoot a poisoned needle hidden in the
sleeve of his clothes.

What could happen if Jean let her guard down even for a moment.

Even if they had relative superiority, they had to consider more cases when
dealing with trained assassins.

'Two poisoned needles on the sleeve of the garment. And since he always
left the middle empty when he chewed food, he hid a poisoned needle or
poison in his mouth. But you shouldn't be distracted by them.'

It was helpful to learn the basic habits of assassins when they were cadets.

When dealing with assassins, they're magicians. Or you should think of it as

a fraud, young master. When someone's eyes are on a hidden weapon, they
use a real dagger that they don't expect.

One day, a beginner's instructor, Garon Altemiro, told me this story. In

addition, various advice given by Tikan's colleagues before coming to
Samil was being used in the right place.

Especially, Jin was conscious of some advice given by Quikantel, who was
well-known, after entering Samil.

One thing to note while in Samil. No matter where the door suddenly opens.
First, don't take your eyes off what you were looking at. The moment you
turn your head reflexively, you'll be dead.
All of a sudden!

How could they have such a good instructor and colleague?

Thanks to him, even at the moment the front door opened unexpectedly on
the left, Jean was able to keep an eye on the man without panic.

'What the hell, man? You knew the door would open?'

On the other hand, the man expected Jean to turn her head, and originally
intended to strangle and suffocate him by covering his face with a tablecloth
(applied with anesthetic on the floor).

Couldn't execute. It was because Jin remained in a straight posture three

seconds after the front door opened.

Beep, squeak, squeak....

The open door shook and there was a reading sound from its hinges.

And no one comes in through the open door. Only the chilly wind of the
evening passed by the gin and the man.

It's their unique way of training. Instructors disguised as cadets sometimes

open doors without a trace. Especially, a house with visitors is a must. It's
the basic virtue of assassins to be nervous 24 hours a day.

It would have been dangerous if he had visited Samil without hearing this
from Quikantel.

Jyn stared at the man in his sleep.

"Should I close it?"

When Jean asked, the man tried to stifle his amazing heart and nodded.

'It wasn't just an easy kid. No, it's creepy. He's from a priceless elite even if
he's young....I almost fell for it. I'll watch for a few days and take my
chances slowly. He should never be thought of as sloppy.'
If he had forcibly attacked Jean, the nameless instructor who had just
opened the door and passed would have removed the man from Samil as
soon as the sun rose tomorrow.

That's not the way of anonymity.

"May I go upstairs and get some rest, then?"

"Do as you please."

Jin, who came up to the second floor, immediately went over the interior

How many routes can be infiltrated, whether there are traps, or if another
assassin is hiding. There are many things to check.

'I don't think there's anything wrong with the second floor. There's only one
window, so the penetration path is limited, and even if it's a little bigger, I
won't be able to use it. I don't think there's any special device on the ceiling,
floor, or wall.….'

After an hour or so of internal inspection on the second floor.

Sitting in bed, Jean thought about 'the instructor.' About the very instructor
who opened the door at dinner.

'... ...unknown, beyond imagination. Are you saying that's how much all the
instructors are? How can a person be so ghostly?'

During dinner, Jean had kept her nerves on edge, not even a second off. He
is confident that the front door will suddenly open and his concentration
will be blurred.

in spitefully

Even at the moment the door was opened, Jin was not aware of the
instructor's popularity.
It was almost as if the door had opened on its own, not as if a man had
turned the door knob.

For Jin, it would be impossible to try after erasing his presence for a long
time. I couldn't even tell how deep I had to get rid of my presence.

'Just now the instructor can kill me whenever he wants. Even if this is my
room in Tikan, not Samil. I can't guarantee my survival even if all my
colleagues are protecting me.'

Ososo, goosebumps climbed up the back of his back to the neck.

'You shouldn't be flattered by seeing a few shallow numbers of intermediate

cadets. If an instructor-level assassin comes to me, I could be killed before I
can even show what Quikantel gave me.'

Now I can realize where I have come from.

But there was more that Jean did not know yet.

If you find out, you'll be able to relax your legs even if you've been
suffering from all sorts of surprising fact.

I think that's right. No? No, is that right.

The presence of a woman sitting upside down on the ceiling and observing
the camp.

She stayed behind him every moment, even as Jean finished her meal and
looked every inch of the second floor.

Then, the moment Jin sat on the bed, he settled on the ceiling.

About an hour.

It was time for the woman to observe the camp, keeping a distance of about
half a step.
'Is that right? No? Is that right? Uh, should I just ask? No. If it's not him, we
might have to kill him. I mean, he looks exactly like her, but...…!'

As Jean sighed and was about to pluck and trim the bradamante, the
woman's eyes glistened and smiled.

Her name is Jonah Looncandel.

The best sprayer of obscurity, Jin's youngest sister. She was the instructor
who passed by the door earlier.

'Bradamante! You're the youngest! Wow! Nice to meet you, youngest!'


As soon as Jonah clapped her hands because she couldn't contain her

"Clap, clapping?'

Jean stood up reflexively and took up a defensive posture. And at the same
time, I looked at the ceiling, the source of the applause.

It was after Jonah had taken her place behind Jean again.

'Hua, I almost got caught.'

As if to have no weight at all, the bedding she is stepping on doesn't even

have a small crease.

Then when Jean jerks around and begins to look around again, Jonah is not
seen, clinging to Jean like a shadow.

"Hey, can you just pretend you didn't hear it?'

She is not receiving all the affection and attention of the current King Mu-
myeong for nothing. Now, Jonah's talent was something even King Mu-
myeong could not do.
Did you hear me wrong? What is it? What the hell? There must have been a
clap coming from the ceiling. You're getting too sensitive. Did you hear
anything? You can't use magic or spirit.…!'

As opposed to the welcome Jonah, Jean was a lunatic.

I've been sweating for over an hour, but I can't find out the identity of the

Is that the instructor from before? No, even the instructor can't hide in a
place this big.'

It was soon concluded that Qin was deaf, or misheard. Otherwise, it would
be hard to understand.


But you can't let go of the tension when you're back in bed, and you won't
be able to sleep tonight.

'You can never find me because you haven't opened your eyes yet, hehe.
But that's great. How much have you grown?'

As Jonah knows, Jin's achievement is five stars.

In fact, however, the youngest had nearly seven oars. That alone is
surprising enough, but Jonah did not forget earlier that the youngest had
blocked all of the man's assassination attempts on the first floor.

'Luna couldn't have done that at your age, I'm sure. Of course, she would
have fought back with a poisoned needle or a dagger, but it would have
been impossible to stop her from even trying.'

He is so proud that he wants to hug his youngest child right away.

Jonah shook her head after thinking for a while about whether to reveal her
identity and praise her youngest child.
'There's a lot I can tell you, Hehe. Play with me from today until you leave,
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 144

Volume 6 Chapter 144 – Nameless (3)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Four days had passed. Every day after waking up, Jin ate breakfast with the
man, roamed the streets, returned by sunset, and ate dinner.

The carefree days made him feel like he came to a remote vacation spot
instead of Samil. Whenever he roamed the streets or resided in the house
with the man, there wasn't a single assassination attempt.

Jin's days were very peaceful.

The place he resided in was an intermediate cadet's home.

The cadets in the streets were worse than his landlord. The fact that he came
back alive from the house reminded those below that Jin was not someone
to mess with.

'No one's going for me after the first day. Feels a little weird.'
Flip, flip.

Leaning on a tree, Jin flipped through an encyclopedia about different

poisons and poisonous plants from Samil's library.

As much as a visitor could borrow it, it didn't have much information in it.
However, since Jin didn't know much about poisons, he was very intrigued.

A pair of eyes hiding behind a tree across from him watched him intently.

'Heehee. Out of everyone in the family, he seems to like books.'

Yona was very busy supervising her younger brother.

Aside from the fact that she hadn't seen him in a long time, Yona had her
own reason to watch him.

Jin's skill level.

She had to identify that in order to send assassins at his level. And based on
her observations, his skills were unbelievable for a 16-year-old.

'Not only is his aura spectacular, but his ability to detect danger is also
remarkable. Like a veteran who survived death multiple times.'

Even for a Runcandel, that much experience was rare.

Usually, if they didn't push themselves on the verge of death because they
were a Runcandel, then experiencing life or death situations was hard.
'He would've overcome those situations at least once or twice at the age of
16… What kind of life did this kid live through?'

Just as Yona said, pureblood Runcandels usually went through similar

experiences during their flag-bearer conquests. However, she felt that the
youngest didn't just experience it once or twice.

She wasn't wrong. In fact, Jin had overcome more challenges and hardships
than any other Runcandel.

Although Yona didn't know it, Jin had the experience of someone who had
lived until their mid-40s—including his past life. And since he was a
weakling in his past life, he had to live through many more things the hard

'Very interesting! Intermediate or intermediate-advanced wouldn't be

enough… I should send some advanced assassin groups.'


Yona lightly giggled and left the forest.


Jin looked at where she was last. And then he thought to himself.
'Something was over there again… It's been so many days since I've started
sensing these. Ha. Ever since the clapping sound, I think I'm going crazy.'

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

“You, can't you leave my house now?”

The next evening, the intermediate cadet spoke in an exhausted voice right
after serving dinner.

“Am I perhaps eating too much or disrupting your daily life?”

Jin asked with widened eyes, and the man shook his head.

“No, it's not that.”

“Then why…?”

The man sighed deeply.

“I gave up trying to assassinate you.”

“At first I thought you were a fearless child. A child who grew up as an
offspring of a clan only knowing the good side of the world. Something
pathetic like that. And I was very wrong.”

“I see.”

They awkwardly smiled at each other.

“…But for four days, I tried to find an opening. I couldn't get a single
opportunity. Four days. So I admit, I am not at a level to kill you.”

“Hm, it would be right for me to leave after hearing that reason. But why
give up without even trying…?”

“Failing an assassination attempt on a visitor causes deductions. Usually,

I'm supposed to finish you off by the end of day one, but you didn't offer
any openings. And I'm about to be promoted anyway.”

'Do I show sympathy…?'

Jin thought for a second, but then just shrugged.

“It was a meaningful four days for me. I learned a lot by staying alert this
entire time. I hope you learned something new as well.”

And for once, the man laughed out loud.

“Kuhaha! I didn't think you'd answer like that. I learned a lot too. My skill
level stagnated for a while, but this experience really stimulated me… I
give you my thanks.”

The man offered his hand.

“I'm not trying to kill you here. However, after you leave my house, I hope
you get out of Samil safely.”

Jin grabbed his hand after pondering for a bit.

“I hope you become a Nameless Assassin and come work for me someday.
I won't ask for your name. Though, I will return the hospitality.”

For the first time in the man's house, Jin had a comfortable meal.

Immediately after, he packed his bags and left. It was a dark night with no
moon or stars in sight.

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'Now I don't feel bad about going to the inn.'

Even at the inn, the inexperienced insects wouldn't bug him.

Thinking this, Jin started walking.

However, not even five steps away from the house, he instinctively felt
something and looked below his feet

'Huh? This is…?'

A trap used to catch large beasts. If one stepped on the middle, a sharp steel
trap would grip onto one's ankle.

About thirty of those were scattered across Jin's path.

—When against assassins, you must think of them as illusionists or

scammers, Young Master.

If he didn't think of Garon Altemiro's advice again, Jin would've been

caught by the traps.



Jin unsheathed Baradmante and looked at the roof of the house. Someone
had their head peering over the side.

An advanced cadet sent by Yona. The cadet bit on a long tube, preparing to
shoot a poison dart.
The traps were to slightly falter Jin's focus for a split second so that the
blow dart could actually hit its target.


The dart was shot before Bradamante could be fully unsheathed.

Thankfully, Jin could deflect it with the half-unsheathed sword. However,

he couldn't counter it.

The cadet then pulled on a string that was tied to all of the traps.

The dozens of bear traps in the front yard all flew towards Jin. The steel
mouth would bite into his skin and inject its poison the moment it touches

'Holy shit!'

The sight resembled a pack of alligators charging towards him.

Clang! Kclang! Kang!

Jin fully unsheathed Bradamante and deflected all of the traps, swinging the
sword as fast as he could. As the blade left pale-white afterimages, some of
the traps remained on the blade.

That was the cadet's goal. Should the assassination fail, the cadet planned to
neutralize Jin's sword to buy time and escape.

They already failed as soon as the dart was deflected, so the cadet had no
intention of killing Jin with the traps.

The cadet thought that Jin would get rid of the traps on his sword first
instead of chasing the culprit. They also wished the sword would break.
“You bastard!”

Yet there was no way some bear traps would scratch Bradamante, a blade
forged from a thousand-year-old steel. With the bear traps clinging onto his
sword, Jin chose to jump onto the roof.

The blade now resembled a bat more than a sword. Jin threw the metal stick
towards the cadet.


Bradamante let out a ringing sound as it travelled through the air. Because
of the traps, the blade couldn't cut anything. However, the massive stick hit
the cadet's thigh and then fell to the ground.


Jin jumped off the clay rooftop and onto the cadet who lost balance.


The two tangled together and fell on the roof. Jin immediately got on top of
the cadet and wrapped his fist in aura, ready to strike his opponent's face.

“I admit failure!”

The cadet shouted in a frantic voice.


“I admit failure, my fellow. So please stop. You've won.”

“Would you stop in my position? I won't kill you. Thank your cadet status.”


Jin struck the cadet regardless, and their nose and cheekbones flattened out.
Blood splattered everywhere, yet Jin didn't stop until the cadet fainted.

'What a mess as soon as I left.'

He haphazardly cleaned the blood off his fist. There were six traps biting
down on his sword, so he couldn't use it before he got rid of them.

'I should get rid of these. I'll need at least three minutes…'

Jin stopped his hand extending towards the traps and looked around.

They were on the roof, so there was no place to hide the body. There were
also many other spaces for other people to conceal themselves on the
adjacent roofs.
'First, I need to move somewhere safe. Since this guy placed those traps,
they knew I'd leave the house today.'

Jin concluded that the advanced cadet definitely heard the conversation he
had with the intermediate cadet. He had mentioned that he would leave after
dinner, and the advanced cadet chose to attempt the assassination then.

'That guy didn't backstab me. Moreso some higher-up ordered him or
something. Or maybe, after evaluating my skill level, someone ordered to
hunt me down.'

Right as he thought so—



Arrows flew towards him from both sides. And as expected, they were
poison-tipped arrows. Jin could barely evade them, but he couldn't
extrapolate the source due to more arrows flying towards him.

Arrows continued to rain towards him, and he couldn't even deduce how
many people were shooting.

He had to get on the ground. He needed at least the building wall to block
the arrows coming from one direction.

'Shit, I feel like there's something else waiting for me on the ground…!'
However, he had no choice. If he didn't want to turn into a porcupine, he
had to get on the ground.

Jin gritted his teeth and jumped off the roof.

Yona smiled, satisfied.

'Hehe, suffer a little, youngest brother. After being chased like this for a
week, you'll awaken your Mind's Eye. It's already half open. If you don't
survive and die… It'll be a little sad, but it can't be helped.'


Yona hummed a tune as Jin sprinted away. She truly wished for Jin to grow

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 145

Volume 6 Chapter 145 – Nameless (4)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

The assassins' pursuit continued throughout the night and into the morning.

Just as Jin said himself, the first advanced assassin, who blew poison darts
at him, was merely the beginning. Right after Jin jumped from the roof, the
streets filled with poisonous fumes. His vision marred by the gasses, Jin got
lost in the alleys. Whenever he paused to catch his breath, a blade would fly
right past his face.

Another flurry of arrows followed him as he escaped the alleys.

Deflecting and dodging all of the projectiles, Jin thought he was dead when
three advanced cadets ambushed him from the sewers.

Not only that.

When he finally found the inn, as soon as he opened the door, fumes began
to leak out. And through the haze, a dagger flew out.

It was pretty surprising for Jin, but he couldn't do anything about the half-
breath's worth of fumes that he inhaled.
“Pant, pant… These crazy bastards…”

Jin escaped into the forest where he previously read his book.


He spat out a mix of saliva and blood before shaking his head. If it weren't
for his body, he would be suffering from a fever and spitting blood clumps
into red spit.

'Even though this is a little organized, it's too organized. I don't know who's
sending all these people, but I'll find them and beat their ass…!'


Gritting his teeth, Jin clenched his fists. His eyes burned with passion and
fighting spirit.

At the end of the forest, the sun began to rise. However, Jin couldn't be sure
if the pursuit stopped by the morning.

His face was covered in cold sweat, and his robe was ripped and torn
everywhere like an old rag.

Even so, he was surprised that he didn't have a single nick on his skin.

After spending five minutes scouting the area, Jin leaned on a tree. He
could never dream of knowing that Yona was on top of that tree.

'Heehee. You're the best.'


Yona dropped a piece of paper and concealed herself.

'What's this?'

Jin instinctively caught the paper out of the air.

(Playtime resumes in the evening.)

At that moment, Jin was at his limit. He would've cut the tree down.

Barely holding in his anger, Jin chuckled.


'I thought it'd be the best of the best executioners of Nameless, but it was
just Elder Sister Yona. Well that's a little better. If I survive these attacks, I
can more righteously and bluntly ask for the Thousand-Poison Antidote.'

Since Yona herself sent the message, Jin relaxed for the afternoon. After
locking the inn door and taking a deep nap, the fatigue dissipated. The
miniscule amount of poisonous fumes got cleansed. Everything left his
system as he breathed during his sleep.

This would never happen if the poison were from a more trained Nameless

'Now that I think about it, Elder Sister Anne received the Thousand-Poison
Antidote because she entertained Elder Sister Yona for a while. Well, they
“played” a little differently, though…'

Anne very annoyingly approached Yona then.

She targeted Yona's heart that had a unique personality and often faced
loneliness. At first, Yona didn't trust her too much. But slowly and surely,
her heart opened, and Anne obtained the potion.

—I loved you so much for so long, and you won't do anything for me?

Anne obtained the potion by forcing Yona to feel remorse. After her
acquisition, she distanced herself from Yona, saying that she couldn't deal
with her personality. Every sibling knew that.

'Elder Sister Yona's depression at the main house had many reasons, but her
scars and bruises from Elder Sister Anne weren't small. Even I knew at such
a young age.'
Of course, Jin had no intention of playing with Yona to achieve his goal.

Splish, splash!

Before coming into his room, he quickly washed his face in water that he
gathered in a bowl. He tied his bangs so it wouldn't hang over.

Then, he shoddily sewed the holes in his robe and examined his equipment.

'It'll begin as soon as I open the door. If I open it without care, it'll be like a
bee's nest.'

Was it because he already experienced it the previous night?

He felt like he could verse more skillful assassins. He got used to an entire
city going for his head.

'But I won't be wasting time like yesterday. Be thankful that I'm only using
my sword, you cadets.'

Jin thought that he could resist as many cadets if he used magic or spiritual
energy. He was handicapped this entire time.


Pshooo! Shhshhhk! Crk!

As expected, as soon as the door opened, the traps installed in front of the
door activated. Poisonous darts flew towards Jin.
He moved out of the doorway. Having already expected Jin's movement, the
assassins in the hallway held their breaths to conceal their location.

'I have no intention of losing to your pace, today.'


Jin wrapped the knob of his sword with aura and knocked down the door.
The thin wooden door shattered, and a hole big enough for a man to pass
through formed.

“I spared your asses yesterday, but starting now, you are risking your limbs
trying to kill me!”


He let himself get chased because he didn't want to kill any cadets.
Although he showed mercy the previous night, they had pushed Jin to the
edge. Whether they were cadets or moving on orders. Either way, they were
trying to kill him.

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Jin darted out of the hole and lightly cut the waist of a cadet. Before he
could hear a scream, Jin twisted the blade to deepen the wound.
“If you don't find a doctor soon, you'll be finished.”

The other cadets surrounded Jin and began throwing sharp projectiles.
Deflecting them would be easy, but the most threatening in the swarm were
the hooks.

These hideous hooks, made with the talons of eagles woven together, clung
onto anything it touched and never let go.

And its tensional strength was off the charts. It didn't break at the swing of
the sword covered in blue aura.

'Every time I see that, I feel like I'm being treated like some beast.'

At first, because it didn't break easily, Jin didn't know what to do. It was the
main cause of the tears in his robe.

However, he didn't plan on falling for it twice.

'Something I can just stab and withdraw… Why did I think to just swing at

Thinking of stabbing something flying at the speed of an arrow wasn't


Ting, titing!

Jin began to lightly stab each grapple like quick jabs, and the cadets licked
their lips.
Unfortunately, they did not have sword skill or physical ability like that of
Jin. The reflected grapples with the jaws open flew towards the cadets.
Earsplitting screams echoed.



The small hallway then filled with blood and bits of flesh. Jin walked on
and over the cadets to head to the first floor.

'They're a little worse than the guys from yesterday. Probably trying to elicit
hubris or something. The ones on the first floor will probably be the special
ones amongst the cadets.'

The best cadets who were one or two steps away from the Nameless Manor.
Just as Jin expected, the assassins stationed on the first floor and outside the
inn were very talented.

'I should never move in the trajectory they want me to go. I'll lose if I do.
Wherever the attacks fly in, I shouldn't dodge them. Just charge through.'

'Instead of being chased, make him chase.' Jin presumed that the assassins
would act upon that principle.
'If I destroy everything in my path, they'll naturally just follow me. Since
they treated me like some giant beast, I'll return the favor.'

Slash! Crash!

As soon as he arrived on the first floor, he shot blade crescents everywhere

like a madman and bulldozed through the first floor. Every pole or wall he
encountered, he burst through it.

Of course, this was through all of the projectiles, but it was better than the
day before. Once caught in a blade crescent, a head would be lost.

'Nobody get startled. If he escapes the inn, then the squad on the roof will
snipe him…'

The squadron leader signaled his thoughts, but not even ten seconds later,
his prediction was proven wrong.

As soon as Jin burst out of the inn walls, his plan was to 'bulldoze through
anything in sight', including cadets' residences and small shops.


“Oh! M-My house!”

The Jin-assassination squad couldn't register the situation, and the beginner
cadets suffered great damages in their property.
They attacked him first as an organization. Not just a cadet's assassination
attempt, but a planned action with dozens of people involved. And Jin
thought that was too much.

'Are these cadets resilient or will my aura deplete? Or will the leader of
Nameless take action? Let's see what happens, Elder Sister Yona.'

Every time another brick house collapsed, Jin's smile grew.

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

“Haaah… hoo….”

Jin slowly got exhausted. The aura on Bradamante got significantly fainter,
and his body felt heavy like steel.

So, after the pursuit settled down, he hid himself in a restaurant and caught
his breath.

'Shit, it seems the leader likes Elder Sister Yona more than I thought…'

At this point, Jin thought that the leader or one of the best executioners
would come for him.
Then, he could use Quikantel's present and reason his way out of the

However, it was Yona who sent the cadets to pursue him.

The leader of Nameless would respect all of Yona's decisions. Even causing
this much of a ruckus, Yona would just write a one-hundred-page self-
reflection and face no other punishment.

Knowing this fact, Jin would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised.

'At this rate, the cadets will find out that my aura is weak, clench their teeth,
and then give it their all. What should I do? Do I have to use magic or
spiritual energy? Using Miss Quikantel's present now would be too
premature and humiliating.'

After thinking for a while, Jin's eyes burned with anger.

“Hey, you guys hiding over there. Come out. Before I bring you down with
the ceiling. Seeing that you're shit at hiding your footsteps, it seems you
guys aren't the ones who are out to kill me. If you leave, I'll let you live.”

The next moment, Jin was met with unexpected faces.

“Huh… What? Why are you guys coming out from there?”
The ones behind the pillar were Dante and Beradin, who were scratching
their heads.

Sponsored Content
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 146

Volume 6 Chapter 146 – Nameless (5)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

“Hey, Jin!”

Beradin waved his hand crazily with a big smile across his face.

“Greetings, old friend!”

Dante grinned and tried to approach Jin. However, Jin held out his sword
and stayed cautious.

“I'm a little sensitive right now. I would like you to explain why you
showed up at this location at this exact moment.”

“Hm, are you not glad to see us?”

“I'd be a little glad to see you in a bar, but this isn't that.”

“A little…”

Disappointed, Dante looked at the ground. Beradin grabbed Dante's

shoulders and held him up.

“Only a little glad… That's too harsh.”

Letting down both of his friends, Jin was startled.

'Is that important right now? No, was I too harsh?'

His conscience was confused.

Thinking that it couldn't be helped, Jin lowered Bradamante and sighed.

“You wouldn't say that if you knew just how much we struggled to find

“Exactly! I had to use my slush fund in order to obtain the Nameless Pass!”

Jin sighed.
“Alright, then. Go ahead and tell me. How you found me and for what
reason you came.”

“So basically…”

Beradin rambled on about their journey to find Jin.

About sifting through the usage history of all transfer gates in the Vermont
Empire and finding 45 different Jin Greys, the days they spent tracking
down each and every one, meeting fourteen Jin Greys before finding the
one they wanted.

“When we arrived in central Kon, I had a good feeling. So we sought every

single coachman in the area since this was the place with Samil.”

“And you killed Kidard not so long ago, so I just knew you'd be here. And
our predictions were right! Do you now know how much we've been

Listening to their story, Jin's head went blank.

'Fucking hell… What kind of tenacity is this?'

It was the first time he questioned someone's resilience.

“Haaa, yeah. I heard you loud and clear. Then what was your reason?”
“The reason why we went looking for you?”


“Just 'cause… we wanna see you? Because the night at the arena was

“Don't you think we need not a major reason for us to see each other's faces
once more?”

“Yeah… that's plausible, alright. There doesn't need to be a reason. Then

lastly, why come to Samil and hide in the corner of a restaurant?”

“Oh, that. I just knew that you were messing with Nameless. And I didn't
want to get tied into that mess.”

“We arrived three hours ago and were about to go look for you. But then the
town got a little noisy, and after understanding the situation… you were
destroying and terrorizing the city.”

“And we were so hungry. We spent all our money to get the Nameless Pass,
so we don't have money to eat.”

“Then your reason why you're at a restaurant is to fill your stomachs?”

Dante shook his head.

“We have no intention of eating for free! We were planning to ask you to
pay. Coincidentally, you stumbled in on us.”

“Yeah, not a single thought to steal food. You know that, right? We're not
that kind of people.”
Silence ensued.

Seeing the sauce on Dante's and Beradin's mouth, Jin smirked and
chuckled. The two culprits then burst into laughter.

“I'll still pay for it.”

Jin took out a dozen gold coins and handed it to the two food robbers.

“Of course, we should pay the price!”

“Then do the money's worth.”

Their grins disappeared and they looked at Jin.

“Money's worth…?”

“I'm saying let's beat those guys together. Beradin, watch your back.”



The cadet swarm threw a flurry of daggers.

Jin bolted past Beradin and deflected the projectiles. Dante drew his sword
and took a defensive stance.

“Did I almost die there? Wow, I guess this really is Samil.”

“You knew I was going to block it for you, so shut your trap and prepare
some spells. They're about to release the fumes.”

Beradin grinned and began to gather mana in his hands. Jin was surprised at
how fast he gathered inconceivable amounts of mana.

And Jin could confirm that Beradin could multicast three spells at once.

'I saw a bit of it when he tried to heal Dante… but he really is multicasting

To cast three spells simultaneously meant that he could get out three times
as much output from a static amount of mana.

The mana in Beradin's hands slowed down into fire, wind, and ice elements.

'On top of that, I don't know what Dante did, but his blade got sharper.'

Starting to move, Dante showed more refined yet aggressive movement

than when he met Jin at the arena.
At Dante's current state, Jin would have to use either magic or spiritual
energy in order to beat him.

He did train there more years than Jin, but it was still hard to believe that he
made that much progress in three months after their time at the arena.

“Dante! Don't kill them!”

“I didn't think of doing that anyway, Beradin.”

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The attack of the advanced cadets continued, but compared to before, Jin
fought them with comfort.

'Instead of thinking that I'm expending all of my own energy and using all
of my skills, they need to think about these other guys.'

Revealing his magic and spiritual energy would be problematic, but if he

used his alternative skills, even the advanced cadets wouldn't stand a

Whoooooosh, fwooooosh!

From Beradin's hands, a wind blew out the restaurant and took the
poisonous fumes with it.

Simultaneously, a trail of flames sped across the floor then spread outwards
towards the cadets. Dante defended against the cadets who jumped through
the windows.
“There's no end if we fight them here. Let's bulldoze out of here!”

“Then what shall we do? It seems the entire city wants your head.”

“Just do what I was doing before. Since you guys are with me, more cadets
will come. Maybe a high-ranked executioner will come for us.”

“We were watching from the sidelines because we didn't want to get
involved, but now there's no point!”

“Think of it as punishment for intruding with my private business.”

Ultimately, Dante and Beradin could only join the fight.

However, they didn't really dislike it. When they first began their search,
they had a feeling they'd be intertwined with some problems.

Though, the problem was a little bigger than they expected.

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Sitting atop the Nameless Manor, Yona sighed.

“What the hell?! What are those guys?!”

Unable to hold in her anger, she threw a tantrum with a strange envy.
“Hm… Yona, what's wrong?”

A man walked over to her and lit a cigar. A pale white uniform, and a black
belt that only one person of Nameless could wear.

The Leader of Nameless, Owal.

“I was having fun with my youngest brother, but some weird kids interfered
and interrupted my plans. I'm so pissed, Leader Owal. And they seemed to
be close to him. I haven't even had a proper conversation with him!”

“So you're throwing a tantrum?”

“Yes! It's the first time I'm this mad.”

“Th-That much?”

“You wouldn't know. I was so glad to see him… I was going to help him
open his Mind's Eye! Those fuckers! Oh, and don't tell anyone that he's a
provisional flag-bearer, yeah?”

“I do know…”

Owal awkwardly shook his head.

'The successors of the Zipfel Clan and Hairan Clan… It's the first time I've
seen Yona this mad. But she won't kill them, right?'

He thought too soon.

“I'm gonna kill them!”

“Oh, Yona. You can't do that.”

“Why not? I'll kill them. Jin came to me for the first time, and they ruined
everything. Everything! A white-haired magician and a child with a sword.
Their faces are already engraved in my brain.”

“Do you really need to kill them? The entirety of Nameless may be put in a
difficult spot.”

“I can't let this slide. I yielded everything until now. I killed people I didn't
want to kill, even when people came to visit the main house.”

Owal licked his lips bitterly.

When the world powers had been moving ominously, Owal thought he
evaded the fate of Nameless's extinction after getting Yona to succeed him.

If it weren't for her, this era—or maybe the next—would have been the last.
That was Yona's presence in Samil.

However, her personality was far from universal. Although she was 23, she
had a very pure aspect of her.

Putting 'pure' into other words, she could make anything happen. And in her
mind, important things and unimportant things could change quickly.

'She's dangerous. If she moves on her own, they may never get out alive. If
I need to keep them safe, I either need to kill Yona or make her disabled.
But I don't want to think of that.'
It wasn't because Owal was lacking compared to her. It was because Yona's
prowess made her the most talented assassin in history.

Born to assassinate. The second coming of the god of death.

The Nameless Executioners called her that. And a small population who
knew about her called her a different name…

The Chaotic Blade.

Thankfully, Owal knew well about controlling her.

“Then how about we play a game, Yona?”

“Go on.”

“Instead of cadets, we send three executioners. If they die, you win. And if
they survive, you lose.”

Of course, in Yona's position, she wouldn't gain anything.

However, she fell deep into thought.

“Hmm, then the chance of Jin dying is very high. I don't want him to die.
He plays along with me so well. And he's too precious.”

“If you let them live, then I won't bat an eye. Your brother lives, and his
companions live as well.”

“I don't want that either… Hm…”

She didn't think for long.

“Sure! Let's do that game. But in addition, you can't intervene. If you help
them in any way…”

“Don't worry about that.”

“Heeheee, then I'll see you later. I'll go pick the assassins.”

Yona flashed a big grin, and Owal made a bitter smile.

“But Yona, do you know how many houses fell today?”


“…Thirty-seven houses got destroyed. This is because you sent those guys
to your brother. So you have to write a self-reflection.”


Yona hummed a tune and jumped down from the rooftop, to the balcony.

'Phew, I stopped her from acting on her own, but can they really hold off
one of ours…'

Even if the executioners killed Dante and Beradin, the Zipfels and Hairans
wouldn't have a reason to immediately take action against Nameless. Since
they were often involved in city destruction, the teens could be blamed for
the crimes in the city.

However, if the pressure gradually increased, the Runcandels would take

Yona before the situation could escalate. Then, Nameless would either fall
or become a follower of a kingdom and lose their sovereignty.

Even though Nameless was a great assassin organization, the world powers
that lost their successors wouldn't remain still and definitely retaliate.

'I didn't think the future of Nameless would become this dark. I must see Jin
Runcandel without Yona knowing.'

Lighting a cigarette, Owal devised his next move.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 147

Volume 6 Chapter 147 – Accidental Victory (1)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Morning of September 8th, 1796.

The three finished their face-off against the advanced cadets and sought an

The strange thing was, after destroying part of the city, they went back to
the restaurant and left the gold there.

Though, the restaurant where they met was half destroyed and burnt to a


Beradin threw up as soon as he relaxed his body.

The result of breathing in the fumes the cadets planted in the streets. The
magician didn't have such a durable body like Jin or Dante.
And even for a magician, Beradin was a little weak.

“Beradin, are you alright?! Here's some water. Take deep breaths. The
fumes need to naturally circulate out of your system.”

Dante pounded his hand on Beradin's back with a worried expression.

While he threw up, Beradin constantly cast healing spells on himself, and
every time he felt a little better, he flicked up his thumb.

'I feel like this is a common sight. Those guys are a dynamic duo.'

They reminded him of Murakan, who chose to fly because he was bored of
transfer gates, and Gilly, who had a fear of heights. Jin shook his head.

“His cold sweat isn't stopping. Jin, is there anything we can do for

“Yeah, Jin. Worry for me! Treating me would be better.”

Jin stared at Beradin.

'I never know what he really wants.'

Apart from Dante, Jin knew that Beradin was doing it on purpose.

No matter how weak he was, he could instantly eliminate such poisons with
his own recovery spells.

'What's his intention?'

Pausing his thought, Jin walked over to Beradin, pulled out some herbs, and
began to mince it with his dagger's handle in order to make the antidote he
learned from the book.



Receiving the antidote, Beradin happily looked at Jin. His eyes sparkled. He
swallowed it whole and nodded in approval.

“Now I feel more alive. You knew how to make this stuff too?”

“Whoa, you feel better?”

“All thanks to Jin. Fufu, it's the first time I took an antidote from my

He really forced the word 'friend' into the sentence.

Beradin's acting was to simulate friendship. If he hadn't done so, then Jin
would always remain distant from him, so it couldn't be helped.
Of course, Beradin didn't only think of Jin as a friend. However, he didn't
want to miss moments where he wanted to be a little closer to Jin.

“Get some good rest. There won't be any attacks before the sun sets.”

“How do you know?”

“I'm playing a game with a higher-up of the city. The rule is that there won't
be any attacks in the day, but she sends groups in the night.”

“What do you earn if you win?”

“Experience and growth.”

“You came to Samil and risked your life just for that?!”

“Why? Can't I?”

Jin answered calmly. Beradin interjected and Dante clenched his fist

'That's the Jin I know!'

Jin didn't really bet his life. With Quikantel's present, he had a last resort at
hand. He also didn't come just for the experience and growth.

However, he had no intention of sharing the Thousand-Poison Antidote

with the others, so he didn't need to mention it. Neither was it an item that
he was guaranteed to obtain anyway.
'It's not that I don't like them or anything, but I can't share that.'

If he acquired anything else, then he could possibly distribute it. Although

they tracked him down like stalkers, they joined his cause to fight the cadets
on just a few gold pieces.

No one else in the world could move them with such a small reward.

“Thanks, guys.”

On Jin's mindless comment, the two shuddered.

'Didja hear that?'

'Did you hear what he just said?'

The two exchanged glances simultaneously and felt that their visit was
worth it. Jin turned around and began to meditate.

'Once again, I can feel that experience is the most effective way of training.
Just fighting cadets for a few days makes me feel close to opening my
Mind's Eye…'

—Use the eye of the mind to observe.

Something Jin heard hundreds of times from Luna during his own cadet
days. After multiple years since the start of his Mind's Eye training, Jin's
understanding became clearer and clearer.

He was desperate, but he wasn't late. Dante would be surprised if he found

out that Jin was close to opening his Mind's Eye.

Normally, knights would unlock their Mind's Eye halfway through their
training as a 7-star. Yet that only applied to those with talented senses.
Mind's Eye was something that knights had to train endlessly even until 8-
to 9-star.

It was the basic ability and sixth sense of those who fought masters or
talented knights.

Jin slowly approached it before hitting 7-star. His prowess and Luna's
training as well as the many life-or-death situations helped him to this point.

Life-or-death situations.

He said it with such ease, but no one would believe that a 16-year-old 6-star
knight survived battles against a herd of Samil's advanced cadets.

“Go ahead and sleep. I'll take care of your equipment.”

“Thank you!”

“So cool!”

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The two lay down and began to snore. Their stamina had been depleted
from the unexpected battle.
'Dante is still pretty weak, but he'll get over it… Starting tomorrow, I'll use
them and protect them somehow.'

Using them was simple. The three meshed well with each other, so they
easily filled each other's gaps.

However, Jin had to consider how to protect them.

'Elder Sister Yona will probably start sending more skillful cadets. We have
to prepare for when a real executioner comes. These two are just good at
sword skill or magic. They don't have much experience on assassinations.'

He felt it the past night. The two only survived because they just
overpowered the cadets. Once the stronger assassins come, it would be too
challenging for them.

Pondering for a solution, Jin sensed something approaching. He looked



The moment he looked forward—

A man with a white mask stood in front of him.

The Leader of Nameless, Owal. However, since he unstrapped his black

belt, Jin couldn't identify who he was.

Owal just stood and stared at him for a good few seconds. Murderous intent
flickered in the leader's eyes for no apparent reason.

A glare that could break even stones, trees, and other objects.

Jin instantly knew.

He knew that this man could target him one hundred times and kill him one
hundred times. Only the most fierce and capable warriors possessed such
transcendent glares.

'He made his footsteps known on purpose. To see if I could detect him. Is he
one of the best executioners of Nameless? …No. Excluding Yona, an
executioner would have no reason to test me.'

“A distant servant greets the 85th Leader of Nameless.”

It looked as if he showed full respect, but Jin was still seated. Owal was a
little surprised, but he maintained his stance as he looked down at Jin.

“Lord Cyron recently acquired a gem. Truly someone to talk about marriage
with the Hidden Palace. However, despite knowing it's me, I think it's a
little too much to remain seated on such occasions.”
Jin almost uttered 'Pardon?' like an idiot. It wasn't surprising that the Leader
of Nameless knew his status.

However, marriage talk was not important.

First Jin had to think of why he visited him and what he could earn out of

“I tried to see if the owner of the pure-whites would take my life. The
moment I die, the ones fated with misfortune wouldn't be the Runcandels
anyway. I presume you came to make me take responsibility for the city I
destroyed the past few days.”

“You easily knew that I would never kill you. After messing with my land,
you are also very blunt.”

“Since you brought up my father's name, I felt great respect and

consideration from you.”

Even though he was a provisional flag-bearer, there was no need to mention

Cyron's name and try to threaten a Runcandel. Especially for someone who
needed to play tug-of-war with the Runcandel Clan, Zipfel Clan, and
Vermont Imperial Family.

'As long as he treats me like Jin Runcandel, it'll be easy to coerce the
conversation in a direction that I please. It's only disadvantageous if I talk in

Although he didn't know the relationship between Yona and the Leader of
Nameless, he knew the ties between the Runcandel Clan and Nameless. Jin
planned on using that to gain control of the situation.
'Fighting sword to sword with him would be impossible, but it'd be different
in a game of compromise.'

Especially in a situation where he felt like the Leader of Nameless

'desperately' sought him.

Jin never thought Owal confronted him to take responsibility for the city's
destruction in the first place.

If it were that, then he'd send the strongest assassin—looking away from the
fact that Jin was a Runcandel—or call him directly to the Nameless Manor
to punish him.

However, Owal came to him secretly like a burglar.

'For what reason did he come so desperately and guarantee that he will not
cut my throat?'

As Owal's harsh glare pressed all over his body, his brain ran and thought of
every scenario. If he didn't do so, then the conversation would go into the
leader's favor.

'If it isn't for the demolished city, it must be about Elder Sister Yona.'

Jin opened his mouth first.

“If you have something to say about Elder Sister Yona, then please tell me


Owal let out a low-pitched laugh. However, it reeked of bloodlust. Jin's

senses became hyperactive, reacting even to the slightest bit of dust.

“Even Lord Cyron doesn't toy with the weakness of the Land of White.
How dare you, a mere youngest son of Runcandel…!”


Jin instinctively grabbed his throat.

He couldn't breathe at the fighting spirit he felt for the first time.

Cyron's fighting spirit had a strength that shook the heavens, Talaris's was
the essence of bitter frost, and Luna's reminded him that there was nothing
in the world that she couldn't cut.

Every great being he encountered, they had that kind of fighting spirit.

However, Owal's fighting spirit was like a dead night where nothing could
be seen. A darkness where it couldn't be differentiated whether one's eyes
were closed or open.

While his consciousness slowly faded away, Jin thought about his words.

'Weakness…?! Elder Sister Yona is Nameless's weakness?'

Owal was mistaken.

The reason why Jin tore down the city. The reason why he was so blunt.
The reason why he had such hubris despite being a child.

It was because he knew that Nameless relied on Yona.

'It won't be too bad if I start threatening instead of compromising.'

Cough, cough…

Jin let out the stifled air and sat straight up.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 148

Volume 6 Chapter 148 – Accidental Victory (2)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

Owal lightened the pressure he placed upon Jin. The bottomless darkness
soaked the atmosphere, but Beradin's and Dante's snoring didn't change one

Owal already used some needles to paralyze them. Now, instead of his
fighting spirit, he could immobilize Jin with just his glare.

Jin's body trembled regardless of his resolve, but he didn't feel any fear.

He shook because his body couldn't take all of the energy being emitted by

'I didn't say it on purpose, but he's furious just because I brought up Elder
Sister Yona's name. It means it's sensitive information, basically resulting in
the leader's wrath.'
In fact, Owal revealed his own weakness. Even now, all he did was glare at
Jin, and he didn't look like he was going to take Jin's life.

'I kinda get it…'

He concluded his calculations.

All thanks to the past few days that Yona presented to him.

'The Leader of Nameless is incredibly strong, but when it comes to

assassination skills, Elder Sister Yona is one level above him based on
Nameless's principles.'

When Jin first spent his time in the intermediate cadet's house, Yona
observed him in the cramped second floor for over an hour. Afterwards, she
constantly stalked Jin close by, indiscriminate between open or cramped

Without being spotted. That was a skill incomparable to assassination, and

Jin had been mistaken thinking that he was just weak or Nameless's best
assassins was a little better.

It wasn't that at all.

If basic assassination were the goal, the Leader of Nameless could take Jin's
life without him knowing. However, even the leader couldn't make a feat
like Yona had.

Not just in Nameless. No one in the entire world could mimic Yona
Runcandel's skills.
Jin suddenly remembered Luna's words before he became a provisional

—Among the siblings, is there anyone you feel a threat from?

—Nobody for a one-on-one. Maybe Luntia or Dipus? Or maybe you in the

future…? However, Yona is really dangerous.

—Elder Sister Yona? Because of poison?

—No, she's an assassin. Assassins can take anyone's life if they lower their

At the time, Jin thought it was just a reminder about the danger of assassins.
However, he just realized the hidden meaning behind Luna's words.

“I wouldn't care if I rip you apart right now, but just to be considerate of
Lord Cyron, I'll turn a blind eye for you.”

Owal responded in a soft voice, Jin stood and bowed.

'He mentioned Father because he had a reason to. To guarantee that he'll
never kill me, even if I slander Elder Sister Yona.'

Jin liked the fact that there was less of a reason to die at Owal's hand.

Moreover, he became more certain that the leader came to save him.
'The Leader of Nameless came so he could save me from my sister. The
deaths of Dante and Beradin from Yona's horseplay would be problematic
for the leader.'

Jin willed down his smirk.

He liked his ability and position to throw threats, but a weakness was more
effective when it was held in hand than shaking it provokingly. With the
attitude that he could squeeze and make it explode whenever he wanted.

Unfortunately for him, he caught another weakness aside from Yona—

Beradin and Dante.

“I apologize. I was naive and provoked you. I will receive any punishment.”

“You thought I wouldn't know? With an expression that tells me that you
know why I'm here. No matter how courageous you are, that demeanor is
impossible unless you are certain of your survival.”

That was Nameless's leader. Jin's mask became useless, but he didn't really

Exaggerated respect and etiquette would be futile against these types of


“It was a poor choice of words that disrespected you. I don't want to make
such mistakes twice. I'm certain that you have come for Dante and Beradin
who are lying over there.”

“Correct. Killing you, a provisional flag-bearer, wouldn't be much of a

problem, but they're a different story. If you obey my words well, then I'll
dismiss your mockery from before. I'll also forget about your relationship
with those two.”

“I'm listening.”

The leader alleviated his anger and lit a cigar.

“Starting tonight, instead of cadets, white-masked executioners will come

for you. You three must stick together, and make sure to seek the town
square while escaping.”

Hearing the orders, Jin extrapolated that the leader could no longer control

If the leader wanted to save Dante and Beradin, then he just had to exclude
them from being targets. However, he chose to come to Jin and offered him
advice instead.

“May I ask why?”

“You still have the courage to scorn me?”

“No, sir. I will do as you say.”

“And when the day after tomorrow comes, make sure to escort the two
successors out of the city. At all costs. If they do not listen, take them down
and throw them out.”

“So I should be alone.”

“You understood well. The executioners will come thrice.”

Owal's simulation went like this:

Since Yona had three opportunities, he would help the teens for the first two
times, but the final time would be to not raise suspicion.

If Yona found out, Nameless would be flipped inside out. So if Dante and
Beradin ran away, she would forget about them.

Since the one most important to Yona, Jin, remained in the city until the last
day of the challenge.

'Yona will send an intermediate, advanced, then a master executioner. Since

she intends to help her brother's growth instead of killing Beradin and

The three could never survive a master executioner. Neither would Jin

'If Dante and Beradin leave, it doesn't matter if Jin lives or not. Well, it'd be
nice if he survives and makes Yona happy, but that's too much to ask.'

It was still possible that Yona would step in and save Jin before the master
executioner kills him.

Owal honestly thought that was the only way.

Organizing his thoughts, the leader rubbed the light of his cigar on his
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“You have just told me to face death. Since you told me to survive where
it'd be challenging even with my companions.”

“So you are saying that you can't do it?”

“No, sir. However, I believe that I should also have a reward for risking my
life. At least, in the case where I successfully execute your orders.”

Owal nodded.

“Alright, I'll heed your request. What do you want?”

“The Thousand-Poison Antidote.”

“You crazy bastard.”

“Is that not possible?”

Unable to express Jin's shamelessness in words, Owal burst into laughter.

“That wouldn't be possible, even for Lord Cyron.”

Maybe that was too far.

'I was going to get it through Elder Sister Yona anyway, but if the leader
were to give it to me directly, it'll be guaranteed. And I won't need to deal
with him if I get it from my sister. But now that I think about it, it's too far-

Knowing that his request had been rejected, Jin wasn't too disappointed. It
was just a crazy thought that was worth a try.

“Request something else. If you speak more nonsense, I won't give you
more opportunities to speak.”

Jin enunciated what he wanted, syllable by syllable, and Owal's eyes


“…Alright. You can request that in exchange for risking your life. However,
you must keep the two successors alive.”

Owal would fulfill Jin's request only if Jin satisfied his conditions and

“Thank you for understanding. I will keep your promise.”

Jin internally screamed in happiness.

The moment the leader accepted the deal, Jin deduced that he was
unstoppable in Samil.

About to leave the inn, the leader glanced back at Jin.

“And let me offer you some words of wisdom.”

“I will listen with gratitude.”

“There's only a few who we can't kill with ease, but we do not senselessly
kill everyone. Do you know why that is?”

Having already decoded Owal's intention, Jin looked up at him.

Owal was gently scolding him, who toyed with the Leader of Nameless.

“Because a weapon that could fatally wound a man is more frightening

when held in hand. And wielding such a weapon without care could result
in a commotion.”

And Jin was dropping more hints to 'the leader whom he owed.'

“Huh! Then why did you—”

Owal halted mid-sentence and stopped in his tracks. He shook his head.

'Wait, Jin Runcandel, that kid… Did he not know that Yona was our
weakness…?! Since I didn't ask about the city's destruction first, he already
predicted that our meeting was about Yona?'

He remembered his expressive self that overreacted when Yona's name was
mentioned, and for the first time in a while, he felt embarrassed. A feeling
of shame and failure washed over him.

He lost to a child in a game. The ruler of the city, the man deemed as the
king of assassins.

'I can't even look at him anymore. Shit. I'm an embarrassment. Even if he's
a pureblood, he's last in line and only a provisional flag-bearer. Of course he
doesn't know a lot about Yona.'

Jin sarcastically bowed and hid his smile.


Owal's short, deep complement echoed in the room, and the moment he
stepped out of the inn, he disappeared.

As he returned to his chamber, the leader felt disappointed. The youngest

son of the Runcandel Clan was fated to die at the hands of Yona's master
Beradin and Dante's paralysis disappeared, and they couldn't even conceive
what happened while they were asleep.

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

“Even the lord couldn't have known that the provisional flag-bearer was
friends with the successors of the Zipfels and Hairans… We've obtained
some interesting information we can report.”

“There's also something between Yona and the provisional flag-bearer.

Since we witnessed the situation, the evidence will soon start pouring in.”

A group of men were having a discussion. They were in an advanced

cadet's home. The house owners had a chain around their throat, suffocated
to death.

The group were Joshua's henchmen.

“We aren't done just because we got some information. And since the level
of the assassins after the youngest son's head is increasing, watch very
closely. Don't forget that he can't die yet.”

However, they forgot that Nameless's best executioner resided in the

building across them.

The executioner had been stalking them since they came into the city,
watching them every single moment.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 149

Volume 6 Chapter 149 – Two Long Nights, One Short Night (1)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]

The first batch sent to the three teens were advanced executioners. The
progression from intermediate, advanced, to master executioner, as
predicted by the Leader of Nameless, was horribly wrong.

Atop a tower, the leader and Yona watched the three get chased around the

“Yona… are you alright with this? You sent advanced ones from the start.
Your brother might actually die. Is that what you want?”

“Jin's super strong.”

“I know his achievements are unbelievable for his age. However, that is
different from—”

“And the fake-friends stuck to him need to die as well.”

“If they don't die, we decided that I would give them personal training.”

Owal gripped his forehead. Amongst the assassins of Nameless, Yona's

training was the most terrifying and painful.

'Then they would attack with all they've got… I wonder if Jin and the others
can take them to the town square…'

He sighed.

Whether they died or not, Yona watched them with flaming eyes. Especially
Beradin and Dante.

Then, she gave a short giggle before continuing to glare down at the chase.

“Uwaaaaaah! This doesn't really compensate for the food Jin paid for!”

“There seems to be no end to them!”

“And how is this an assassination?! This is a hunt! Isn't this Samil? Why are
those bastards just chasing us in public?”

“Isn't it an assassination as long as there're no witnesses? There hasn't been

a person in sight. It's as if the entire city is after our heads.”

The three rushed through the streets like mad bulls. The assassins right
behind them wore white masks, signifying that they were ranked Nameless
“Why are you so heavy for someone who looks light?!”

Jin had Beradin in a fireman's carry. The magician would never be able to
outrun the assassins.

“Sorry, I have a lot of stuff in my bag.”

Shouting those words, Beradin lifted his wand and began to cast a spell.

Giant's Hand, 6-star earth spell. As soon as he finished casting, the mana
from the wand soaked the ground. The rocks and dirt formed a massive
hand and blocked the path behind them.

Among the ten assassins, five were obstructed by the hand.


However, the hand that smashed the ground didn't harm a single one.

Swooosh! Swoosh!

The executioners hopped like crickets onto the rooftops to evade the spell
and threw daggers towards the three. It looked as if they were only lightly
flung, yet the blades pierced through all surfaces—gates, bricks, and
pavement. A true display of an executioner's throwing dagger.

“Holy shit. The daggers melt through everything!”

Watching the attacks unfold, Beradin screamed, and goosebumps stretched
across his body.

Dante quickly glanced at the poison incomparable to any other. He gulped.


Jin and Dante's footsteps quickened. Soon after, they were confronted by a
dead end where two buildings met.

“Dante, break through! I got you back!”


“And dodge immediately! There has to be a trap…”

Creeaak! Pssshhht!

The sound of sword clashing bricks occurred with the sound of activated
traps. However, the traps behind the wall were not darts, daggers, or arrows.

It was the hooks that ripped Jin's robes.


Living up to his name as the prospective successor of the Hairan Clan,

Dante swung his sword to cut through the chains of two hooks. Sparks flew

However, the chains did not disconnect and instead curved towards Dante
along with the three other grapples.
Not even a second later, Jin clenched his teeth and threw himself towards

Ting! Ting!

If it weren't for Beradin on his shoulders, he would've deflected all three

grapples. Even after Jin's feat, one grapple went from Dante's throat.

However, he wasn't just anyone who overcame the generation above him to
become the prospective successor. In that short moment, Dante copied Jin
and stabbed the grapples.

“I dodged an injury, thank you!”

Jin forgot that he told Dante about the grapples.

Before Jin could respond, the assassins behind them threw more projectiles.

However, they didn't know that Jin led them to a dead end on purpose.

'I was so surprised when I checked my pockets after the leader left.'

A map.

The leader not only had a conversation with Jin, but also put a map in his
pocket. One that showed the path to safely evade the executioners.

A path that intentionally led towards a dead end with a path straight to the
square behind it. Towards their destination without Yona's suspicion.
Behind the remnants of the wall, they saw the pathway straight to an open

And in this main street, there wasn't a low building, wall, or sewer where an
assassin could hide. Almost like a pilgrimage route for the priests of the
Holy Kingdom of Vankella, the road was wide and clean.

Essentially, no matter how ghost-like the executioners were, assassination

attempts were impossible. Unless they were as good as Yona.

“Completely open terrain! We should lure them there and fight them off!”

“Affirmative, we won't need to run away over there. They're all dead now.”

The two grinded their teeth.

However, Jin thought differently.

'It's still a road, not the central square. There must be a reason why the
leader told us to go there.'

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Even though the three were very talented.

Jin could still not use magic or spiritual energy, and their opponents were
ten advanced executioners. On top of that, they were the ones handpicked
by Yona.
'It won't be too bad to fight these guys. See their capabilities firsthand.'

Just because he thought differently didn't mean that he didn't want to fight.
It was an opportunity to check Beradin and Dante's improvement and return
the favor to the assassins who treated them like hunting game.



“We'll protect you, so cast one of your strongest light spells. Bonus points if
you wipe them all out at once.”

Clang! Clink-clang!

Dante and Jin deflected the projectiles and entered the main street.

“Just give me ten minutes. I know a perfect spell for this.”

“What is it?”

The executioners ran around Jin and surrounded the three teens.

“Ring of Erupting Flames Massacre by the Emperor of Magic 1st Form.”

“Whoa, the name is astounding.”

Jin almost stopped in his tracks when he heard Beradin's reply.

'He learned that?!'

Dante just thought that the name was obnoxiously long. He didn't know
about it at all.

Of course he wouldn't.

Only a small number of magicians knew of it. Two hundred years ago, the
Zipfel patriarch—Liol Zipfel—who was called the Emperor of Magic, used
it once.

Yet, in the long history of magic, his life and achievements filled multiple

Jin had seen his past life's master cast an incomplete version. And Jin knew
where the tome for its final form existed.

“Here they come.”

Jin regained his composure as the executioners charged in.

Just because they were assassins didn't mean that they were only trained for
assassination. They were all at least 6-star warriors, and the leader had to be
at least 7-star.

Kaclang! Clang!
The two swords clashed with ten others. Jin stuck right next to Beradin's
barriers and guarded him, and Dante lured the others into the open area.

Seven on Dante, three on Jin and Beradin. The executioners planned on

dealing with Dante first before moving on to Jin and Beradin.

However, Dante didn't seem to be pushed back at all by the seven warriors.

A blue aura whirled and whipped around him, indicating Hairan's decisive
killing move.

'I heard that he shut himself in for training. Did he finally master “that”?'

Every time a blade entered the gaps between the rings of aura, sparks flew.
The bright blue rings blocked the blades like armor.

The move was called Imperial Blade: Dragon Blade Armor. Just a barrier in
an abnormal form.

Every time the armor received an impact, the aura belt would absorb it and
return it to the opponent. So, no matter what direction, if the attack wasn't
enough to pierce the armor, the attacker would take damage.


Two assassins fell backwards with their shoulders and thighs stabbed. The
others gripped their swords and swung sparingly.

Jin was kind of proud of his friends.

'A barrier that counterattacks… I should be careful of that move. And is
Beradin actually casting that spell? The amount of mana gathered in that
barrier is a little disquieting.'

Compared to Dante, Jin made light footsteps while pressing onto the three
executioners. There was the mid-level 7-star, but he was also being pushed

Even though Jin's aura was only 6-star.

'As expected, my body is waking up.'

The blessed body of a Runcandel.

Every time he swung, his body's immense power supported his lacking
aura, which made his progress possible. A strength that truly marked the
best clan of swordmasters in history.


Jin swung with all his might, and the executioner's sword snapped.

Even the squad leader was surprised and put some distance. Behind the
mask, the executioners' eyes quivered.

“Fighting isn't your main profession anyways. Don't be too sad.”

Just as he was about to smirk—


Dante desperately called for Jin. His Dragon Blade Armor clearly

His stamina was wavering. They had been running from the pursuers since
the evening, and he used his decisive killing move for the victory.

'This idiot should've rationed his energy while fighting!'

It wasn't that Dante didn't control his stamina.

He decided that everything would be alright even if he went too far since
Jin was there—the warrior he trusted the most.

The same applied for Beradin.

The magician nodded to Jin to signal that the spell was complete and that he
could go help Dante.

As soon as Jin bolted away, the squad leader swung at Beradin's barrier, and
it shattered like glass. Jin cleared the attackers on Dante.


Flames erupted from the cracks of the barrier.

Translator – jhei
Proofreader – yukitokata
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 150

Volume 6 Chapter 150 – Two Long Nights, One Short Night (2)

[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – yukitokata]



The problem was that the flames from the spell… were pathetic compared
to its grand name.

The first flames were almost fierce, but it instantly dissolved in the air.
Then, small bubbles of flame just floated about.



Those reactions didn't come from Jin and Dante.

It was from the executioners who, until now, hadn't shown a single bit of
emotion even when Jin pressed the attack as a 6-star or when Dante used
his decisive killing move.

The outcome was so disappointing that the executioners—who had emotion

training—gave a reaction.

They expected some terrifying spell since two of them were guarding the
magician with their life.

Pop-plop, plop-pop-pop. Psssshsshhsh…

These cute flames extinguished.

Like snow melting in water, the flames disappeared in thin air. The heat
probably couldn't even melt a candle.


A short silence befell them. However, it was enough time for Dante and Jin
to shame and blame Beradin for the embarrassing spectacle.

Beradin's thick skin was gone as well. His ears turned bright red.

'I know that it wouldn't be at full power, but this is kinda harsh.'

If one didn't retain an extremely unique talent, not even a 10-star or Genesis
Knight could completely cast this pretentious spell.

However, since Beradin was a pureblood Zipfel, they expected at least ten-
percent of the spell's effect.
“You done?”

The leader spoke for the first time, suppressing his disappointment. The
other executioners laughed silently and exchanged glances with one

As much as they were humans, they wanted to return the ineffable

humiliation as their fighting skills were ridiculed by Jin.

And the executioners were embarrassed that they couldn't take down some
kids. It would be news that would put Nameless to shame.

However, the squad leader wasn't a person who would make the same
mistake twice.

'That black-haired kid probably has something up his sleeve. It can be a

variable in close combat, so we'll finish them off with projectiles before
they can get there!'

He signaled the others, and the assassins surrounded Jin—even the ones
that were injured by Dante.

If they couldn't continue their mission despite their injuries, they wouldn't
be ranked as advanced executioners.

Jin quickly examined Dante and Beradin.

'Dante's stamina's depleted.'

Dante's heavy breaths proved Jin's point. There was no need to ask.

'And Beradin… This fucking bastard. He's already showing the early stages
of overflow?!'

A river of blood flowed out of Beradin's nose as he writhed in

embarrassment. He was suffering from mana overflow after failing to cast
the extravagant spell.

However, Jin was relieved to see the unicorn's horn that peeked out of the
heavy backpack.

Regardless, they needed at least an hour for the mana overflow symptoms
to recede.

Essentially, the two were incapable of battle.

“I-It's been a while since I last cast it, so I may have messed up the chant…
It's really complicated…”

Cough! Cough!

Beradin spat excuses with his croaky voice, and Dante consoled him.

As for Jin, he felt like his insides were going to explode.

'I guess it's my fault. I shouldn't have let them fight in the first place.'
However, they weren't done for just yet.

“Dante, take Beradin and run. I'll take down these guys and follow you.”

“Will you be okay on your own?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. But you guys might die if you don't run like your life
depended on it.”



Understanding Jin's words, Beradin and Dante sighed.

In open terrain, Jin would never take damage from the enemy. As long as
they didn't all run in at once, Jin held an advantage. He just needed to
deflect all weapons from all directions.

And since it would quickly become a chase anyway, there was no chance of
them getting surrounded again. They were able to get to their destination
because they could outrun them in the first place.

“Pray that I can parry all of their attacks… and run!”

Jin shouted as he swung his sword at the enemy. Blue blade crescents flew
towards their formation, and the executioners temporarily scattered.

At the same time, Dante picked up Beradin and sprinted away.

If even one dagger were to fly past Jin and hit either of the two, the Zipfels
or Hairans would lose an heir.

That would honestly be favorable for Jin, who would become a future

However, Jin chose loyalty over a favorable future. He didn't want them to
die as of the moment.

'If I somehow protect them until they get into the town square, then we'll all

There was a reason for the leader's advice. Jin had faith in his words.


Dante ran while screaming his lungs out, and the flurry of daggers

Clang! Clank! Ting!

Jin followed right behind them and parried each and every flying dagger. If
it were a month ago, he wouldn't know if his feat was possible.

Jin definitely became aware that he improved a lot recently.

'My Mind's Eye is almost open.'

He thought back to his Clear Stone training with the Tona Twins in the
secret training room for the intermediate class, where steel marbles flew
everywhere because of the Tonas' mistake.

He recalled the weird sensation that he felt back then. Whether a steel
marble flew near or towards him, the trajectories that became visible in his

'All the suffering I went through in this city wasn't for nothing. I guess this
is thanks to Elder Sister Yona.'

He didn't even obtain the Thousand-Poison Antidote, but since he almost

died multiple times, he was thankful for the fruits of his labor.

'I will survive until the day after tomorrow and receive the potion from my
sister, then make the leader keep his promise.'

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Of course, he didn't forget to keep Dante and Beradin safe.

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata

Two long nights had passed.

On the second day, the chase progressed the same as the previous. Although
there were twenty assassins instead of the previous ten, it was easier than
the day before.
It was thanks to them abstaining from fighting as soon as they found the
road to the town square.

“I didn't know they'd stop attacking as soon as we got through that road. It's
a weird yet cool tradition.”

“If it weren't for that tradition, us two—I mean three would've died,

The center of Samil City.

That was the special area where Nameless's high-ranked executioners'

families resided. Nameless Executioners never unsheathed their blades at
that location unless it was an emergency or there was an invasion.

Hence, it was the only peaceful area in Samil.

A tradition that even Quikantel didn't know of. It was an unspoken rule
established after her prime.

“What do you mean by that Beradin? We said we'd call him Lord Holocaust
Fire Bubble of the Emperor 1st Form.”

“Stop teasing…! People can make mistakes.”

“People can tease others.”

Jin smirked, and Dante coughed awkwardly.

“Ehem! Anyways, I think escaping to the town square would have a limit.
When does the game with the higher-ups end?”

“I don't think this deal will just end with us cheating our way out, but I'm
also curious about this higher-up that you know.”

The two looked at Jin with sparkling eyes. Clearly, they wanted to know
more about the deal he made.

It wasn't a deal, but more so an order. Jin looked away.

'As promised to the leader, I have to send these guys out before the

—And when the day after tomorrow comes, make sure to escort the two
successors out of the city. At all costs. If they do not listen, take them down
and throw them out.

Thanks to Owal's map, they were able to progress throughout the challenge.

And that was pretty incredible. Although they cheated a little, no one would
believe that these three young adults survived dozens of advanced
executioners for two days.

However, the three would never be able to survive the incoming wave.

'Tonight, the best of the best will come. And the leader will not appreciate
these two who are still here.'
Jin didn't want to send them out.

“Today's the last day. You two should sleep well for the evening.”

“Whoa, it means we'll suffer one last time.”

“If you gain something from winning, you have to share it with us. You'll
share it, right? Just like the time at the arena.”


'I'll give you a souvenir.'

Jin swallowed his follow-up and smiled.

“Owal, please answer my question truthfully.”

“Hm… Yona, what is it that you want to ask?”

“You helped them.”

Owal hid his surprise and tilted his head, feigning innocence.

“What do you mean?”

“It makes no sense. How did Jin and the two weirdos go to the non-violence
zone twice in a row? This must be your—”

“Haha, it can't be.”

“It's obvious that you're lying, heehee.”

Yona spoke while giggling, and goosebumps climbed up Owal's back.

“Ehem, anyways, did you write the self-reflection on the destruction…”

“Heh, since you broke your promise first, I'm taking action.”

“You do not trust me?”

“Nope. And starting today, you'll stick right next to me since you might
help them again.”


It was a dejected laughter, but Owal wanted it this way in the first place.

'That obedient kid will send them off. And Yona going after him is better
than some other executioner. Since she likes Jin… she might show mercy.'

However, he couldn't be certain. Yona's personality reeked of chaos, so she

could choose to kill her loving brother anytime.
“It's dinnertime soon. Time to kill some children. Will you come with me?”

“I shall.”


They silently went towards the inn where Jin's party resided.

They took position on a rooftop across the inn. Owal felt soreness on the
back of his neck and experienced light suffocation.

'Wh-Why are those three still together?!'

He could see clearly across the window without curtains. The three were

In fact, Jin was awake, and Beradin and Dante were fast asleep.


“They're gathered nicely before their death…”

“Just wait a moment…”



Their eyes widened.

They saw the object in Jin's hand: the present that Quikantel gave.

And surprisingly, Jin clearly displayed it in Yona's and Owal's view.

Yona glared at Owal.

“Your title is the Leader of Nameless, and yet you gave him that?! To save

“N-No! I really didn't! Yona!”

Cold sweat drenched Owal's face.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 151

Volume 7 Chapter 151 – Two Long Nights, One Short Night (3)

A dull light glimmered from Jin's palms. The object curved like a scimitar
was at least two and a half hand spans long. Its tip was as sharp as a needle.

The entire thing didn't fit inside his hand. It was eerily cold to the touch and
very heavy.

'A silver dragon's claw…! He had that! How?!'

Owal gulped. Yona's questioning glare flickered with anger and


“What do you mean you didn't do anything?! How in the world did Jin get
his hands on such a valuable item? The main house in no way would have
supplied him with it! The Runcandel Clan's storage wouldn't even have
If the Runcandels already had such an item in stock, then they would've
already sold it to the Leader of Nameless.

Defeated, Owal shook his head.

“I swear that it was not me. As you know, we only have two claws in our
secret storage. And apart from that one in his hand, ours are broken.”

A dragon's claw was a material that blacksmiths and artifact craftsmen

could only dream of obtaining. Any equipment that used a part of a dragon's
body inherited a miniscule fraction of the dragon's god's ability.

As such, scales, teeth, bones, and insides; anything part of a dragon was

Obtaining such material was like catching a shooting star in the first place.
Even though items from lesser dragons were considered luxuries due to its
lack of usefulness, the demand for equipment from a dragon's corpse never

However, to Nameless, a silver dragon's claw was considered and valued

far beyond any 'valuable material'. This was very classified information that
even the most knowledgeable dragon corpse traders didn't know.

“Then how did the youngest obtain…?”

“We'll find out soon enough. First, it seems I have won the bet. Since your
brother has revealed that thing, this assassination is a failure.”


“I'm sure it's disappointing and aggravating, but you have lost. And I'm sure
you wouldn't think that killing them is more important than a silver dragon's
claw? I know who you are, but I'm sure you wouldn't…”

“…I know, I know! But it's not done yet. Jin might not give it to us.”

“If that were the case, then he wouldn't have taken it out. Let's go see him.”

With the claw in his hand, Jin walked to the window and teasingly shook it
in their view. He didn't know where they were, but he knew they were

'I didn't kick out Dante and Beradin, but I saved them. So I've won our bet,
Leader of Nameless.'

After thirty seconds, Jin turned around. Yona and Owal were standing
across the room. If he didn't expect it, Jin would've fainted from surprise.

'I get goosebumps every time I experience it. How can you silence your
footsteps like that?'

However, it wasn't the same as before.

He slightly 'felt' it when the two jumped down from the roof across the
street. If he hadn't trained his Mind's Eye, he would've been oblivious.

Jin maintained a calm expression and bowed.

“Nice to meet you for the first time, 85th Leader of Nameless. And long
time no see, Elder Sister Yona.”

Jin answered as if he had never met Owal, and Yona let out a cough behind
her leader. She didn't want to confront Jin.

“Where did you get a silver dragon's claw?”

Owal directly dove into the interrogation. Jin instinctively looked at

Beradin and Dante.

'And he finished them off with paralysis, preventing them from listening in
like last time.'

A bitter cold climbed up his spine, but he didn't need to be scared anymore.

“I can't tell you. However, please just think of it as a present received from
a silver dragon that I came to know throughout my journey.”

Despite the disrespectful response, Owal couldn't say anything. In fact, his
eyes actually glimmered in interest.

“It seems that you not only received it, but also heard how we use it.”
“That's right. I was told that I would be spared in any scenario if I showed

—The executioners of Nameless consider our type's claws more valuable

than any divine artifact.

—Why is that?

—If you use it well, you can even kill someone who's impossible to
assassinate. They have their method of using it: they can stop the victim's
time for a blink.

—Executioners at the highest level only need that much time. Then there's
no one they can't kill. A human toying with time… It's that simple?

—I mean, it's even hard for Olta to do it. It's very limited. And their method
seems to require a sacrifice.

Essentially, the claw bought an 'instant' of time for the Nameless Assassins.

'For an assassin like Elder Sister Yona or Leader Owal, that split second
would be the game-ender. Not just for assassinations, but for fights as well.'

Even if it were Luna or Talaris, they stood no chance against Owal who
owned about four claws.

And in a position where almost nobody was aware of Nameless utilizing the
claw, then it would be more effective.

However, making an opportunity for an assassination even with the claw

would still be difficult.
“It's just as you said. If you hand that to me, I will dismiss all of your

“Isn't killing me, stealing it, and destroying my body more effective? The
silver dragon told me it was the most clandestine secret of Nameless.”

“If you were not a Runcandel, or if those two were normal people, I
wouldn't have hesitated to make such a decision.”

“I hated my background ever since I was born, but today I feel thankful for

Jin displayed Quikantel's claw to Owal.

“Before I offer this to you, I would like to ask something.”


“I wonder why real executioners instead of cadets targeted me today. Was

Elder Sister Yona keeping me in check or were you testing me?”

Owal smiled and looked down at Jin. He knew that Jin was forcing a
question that he already knew the answer to.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

'I'm losing to this kid twice in four days. Is he asking me to say that I made
a bet with Yona with my own mouth?'
It was a threat.

If he didn't answer truthfully, then he would blow off their secret.

Yet it was also to keep his side of the deal.

“Yona and I made a bet. I bet that you would survive, and Yona did the
opposite. Since I won and obtained a silver dragon's claw thanks to you, I'll
offer you a prize.”

“Thank you.”

“Then I'll take my leave. I'm sure you two have some catching up to do.
Once you finish, come to the Nameless Manor.”

“So I don't need to feel threatened by executioners anymore?”

“That includes me and Yona. No assassin of Nameless will try to kill you.
This will go on for ten years after you leave. So long as your clan doesn't
invade us, this promise will stand.”

Jin's eyes widened.

'Ten years…!'

Jin never expected his name to be off the hit list for that long.

'That's good to hear. Then if I go to war with my siblings, I won't need to

worry about Nameless.'
Between flag-bearers, using external help was laughable.

However, Jin thought that Joshua, Myu, or Anne would definitely commit
something like that. At this point, even Jin would really want to get rid of

Owal left the room, and Yona pressed her fingertips togethers.

Then, she spun her hair with her index finger and swayed between a frown
and smile.

“Ehhh… My youngest brother.”

“Yes, Elder Sister?”

Jin's response radiated coldness.

Yona grew desperate.

“I had no intention to keep you in check. Really! I just really want you to

“So you sent a dozen professional executioners on top of stalking me every


“I did…”

“I had no other alternative analyses of your behavior other than competition

for the throne.”

“Alrighty, then. Who are those two?”

Showing interest, Yona looked at Dante and Beradin, paralyzed. She didn't
know who they were.

“It's Beradin Zipfel and Dante Hairan.”

“Ehhh… I see.”

“You failed to kill me, and the leader guaranteed my safety, so you wouldn't
kill me now either. Now, all you need to do is to tell everyone that I'm
accompanied by those guys.”

“Uhhh, why do you think that? Then the probability of your death will

“Because you hate me. If it weren't for that, you wouldn't have sent planned
attacks with executioners to me. Our reunion doesn't even break the rules of
flag-bearers, so why did you attack me?”

A bit of genuine anger was fused into his words.

Jin didn't really know who Yona was.

However, because of her, he dealt with the threat of extremely talented

assassins on him, so he couldn't just gloss over it. His pain was worth far
greater than the Thousand-Poison Antidote.

“I just wanted to play with you… I even wrote it on the—”

“You treated me like a toy.”

“No! I would never!”

'I didn't even feel a hint of regret from her earlier. What is this? Did she
really think she was only playing with me?'

Yona's eyes watered, and Jin could only feel sorry.

“I mean, you were the one who tried to kill me, so why are you crying?”

“I don't know. Tears are flooding my eyes, so what else am I supposed to


“Are you not the best Nameless Executioner? What happened to the
emotion suppression training…”

“I didn't do such a thing, since I could kill people so well without it when
Mother first introduced me to Leader Owal.”

Jin's face grew dim.


Yona was introduced to the organization at the age of 12.

Even if she was a Runcandel, she was still too young to be treated like an
emotionless killing machine. Still, their mother…

Jin would've never known.

Yona's first murder was when she was 8 years old. The victim was a cousin
who visited her at the Storm Castle.

Yona never had a nanny. Neither did she go through cadet training.

On top of that, she never had a meal with her siblings in the two years she
stayed in the main house.

All because of Cyron's decree.

The Battle for Hegemony was important, but he couldn't let all of his
children die before they left the Storm Castle.

Sniff, sniff.


Jin felt a chill as he watched his sister sniffle and giggle simultaneously.

A big and heavy weight pressed on his chest.

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – yukitokata
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 152

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:35 PM

Chapter 152: Ep.51. Jonah Looncandel (1)

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It didn't take long to realize that the feeling was compassion.

"12 years old. No, maybe even before that, Jonah was raised as a murderer

We only had a few short conversations.

Jean had a feeling that Jonah was an emotional figure. It's natural that you
seem to have a lot of laughter and tears.

But the feeling is somewhat warped.

Jonah was so insensitive to guilt after the murder that the Tonya brothers
before his return were incomparable.

For her, most people are just moving meat balls, and it doesn't matter the
infinite possibilities that life holds 'because it's alive.'

A monster, so to speak.

But not the real monster. In the previous life of Jin, Jonah, who was scarred
by Ann and lived like a shadow, now in the heart of Jonah, who cries and
laughs in front of Jin.
Clearly, there were many feelings inherent in the universal people.

Like brotherhood, fear of injury, desire to get close to someone, or a small

wish to have someone to play with.

with all that being ignored

She became the worst assassin in history just because she was born with


There was something hot and sharp in my heart. The name of the emotion
was anger, which came up through the stomach, blocked the chest,
scratched the throat, and wanted to spit it out.

Anger against those who have thoroughly wiped out the humanity of their
youngest sister since she was 12 or younger.

They are none other than the blood of Jean and Jonah.

"Are you upset because I've been sneaking around you for days? But you
were away when you were washing or doing business.”

"That's not the problem. Wait a minute, you've been stuck with me?”


"Without a moment?"

Jonah spilled veradine and Dante.

"Well... ...when I was more than ten steps away from you, I don't think I'd
have five hours a day. Your Chin..., it's been like that ever since they

It's not that I didn't expect it very much.

I was shocked to hear it directly from Jonah. It was only three times since
Jin came to Samil that he recognized that "Yona was nearby."

Even that once Jonah dropped a note herself, and once she expected to
come with Oul a little while ago.

Only the other one felt while avoiding the pursuit of the sprayers after
opening the mind.

"Jin, are you afraid or offended of me?”

Jean shook her head.

"It was like that before. Not now."


With a naive face, Jonah burst into laughter. Then, as if he was feeling
better, he took a light step toward the camp.

"I did think you could die by the salsa. But it's true that you wanted to grow
further. If you die, I'll be a little sad, forget soon, and you'll be

Every word that was supposed to be creepy came as if it had been cut off by
a broken glass.

"Have you ever thought it was unfair?"

"What? Only I watched you? Like I said before, when you're taking a bath
or doing business...….”

"Not that one. You've been treated like a murder doll all this time. Since I
was so young. It's ridiculous, it's terrible, considering it's a pure blood

"That's bad?"

"It's bad."
Then Jonah tilted her head as if she really didn't know.

"Didn't the youngest ever kill?”

"Not a problem like that."

"Heehee, this is how I was born in the first place. So you don't have to be

"How could you be born like that?….”

Jin, who paused for a moment, was lost in thought.

'It's true that Looncandel is an inhumane family, but what he did to Jonah's
sister is strangely awful. It must have something to do with why your sister
has already become an assassin beyond the unknown king.'

It was impossible for even Oul, King of Moomyung, to stay with Jin for
hours without being caught in a small room. Even more in 10 steps for a
few days, watching for nearly 20 hours is even more.

"Sir, are you the contractor of God?"


There is no God involved in assassinations or erasing demeanors, and the

nearest one was solderlet.

But I asked because I couldn't understand the abilities of ordinary human


"Then how can you do that? If what she says is true, I don't think there's
anyone in the world you can't kill."

"The youngest doesn't have to know. Well, and it's not like there's no one I
can't assassinate. There's quite a lot of work to do alone, and if you squeeze
the spray properly, you'll have to put your fingers and toes together."
In other words, only about twenty percent of the world will not be able to
lead her to death. It was hard to believe that escape was an unthinkable

"Can't you tell me?”

"You have a secret, too.”

When Jean was about to answer no, Jonah glanced at Jean's shadow.

As if everyone knew you had the power to do with shadows.

You mean you know I'm a contractor for Soldierlet? Or are they just
looking at the shadows?'

There was nothing good to ask.

Jonah was aware of Jean's spirituality, because her power was afraid of

I can't help but not know Jean.

The power was constantly telling Jonah to kill Jean. Jonah is ignoring the

"You embarrass me in many ways.”

"Think it's because you love your brother so much. I don't know how
surprised I was when you came to Samil. I've never found that kind Luna.”

"It's sad, too. Does Luna hate Jonah?”

"I don't think I like it. I've broken several appointments a few times. No, it's
a little...….”

Jean wet her handkerchief and held it out to her.

"Wipe, there are tears on your face."

Jonah, holding a handkerchief, rubbed her face and shone her eyes.

"I want the youngest to like me."

"I don't have enough memories or bonds between you and me yet to have
deep brotherhood."

"I like you even though I don't have one."

"Because she had a fantasy about me. And it's true that you tried to kill me.
It was an expression of affection for my sister.But for me, it was a deadly
survival threat."

"Then what should I do?"


Please give me a glass of wine.

I couldn't bear to say that. It's unacceptable to do something so obvious. I

didn't want to do anything stupid to give him too much for his affection.

And Jin is not sure what to do with Jonah.

It is true that the youngest sister is sad, but listening to the story, it is clear
that even Luna has given up or distanced herself.

'If you broke your promise with Luna, it's likely that Jonah had killed her
blood. Otherwise, Luna's personality wouldn't have left Jonah like this

Looking back on my memory, in my previous life and in my present life.

While in the storm it occurred to me that Gilly had gone out several times to
attend the funerals of his cousins and uncles. And their cause of death has
not been publicly revealed.

At that time, Jin, too, thought that a distant cousin who only knew his name
was dead, had no particular meaning. He's a cousin, but he's never even
seen his face.

"Uh, should I threaten to kill you if you don't like me?"

"It's usually a shortcut away from relationships."

"Then shall I give you a Manchurian? Take it and keep playing with me. I
thought if my brothers came to see me, this would be the only reason.”

It's a lie if you don't want to nod your head.

However, Jin decided to reject it for now. I thought it would be better to ask
after organizing what kind of relationship I would have with Jonah in the

"No, and what you want from me is not a love of reward. Affection is not a
conditional exchange. Even if she gives me a bottle of wine, my affection
for her will remain the same."


Jonah tore her hair off.

"Then what do you want me to do! Can't I be friends with you forever?
Even though I like you so much?"

Jin hid a bitter smile when she saw her youngest sister screaming in a hurry
again with tears again.

"You're not walking around outside today, are you?" For the last two days,
they seem to have put a curfew every night to create a confrontation
between the sprayers and us."

"That's right. Not today either."

"Well, why don't we take a walk?"

I needed time to organize my thoughts. What should I do with my youngest
sister, who has no countermeasures and is sad?

The moonlit road as soon as you get off the inn. It was my first leisurely
night walk since I came to Samil.

"There are a lot of houses that have fallen places."

"Because you broke it all. That's why I wrote a hundred letters of apology.
If you go that way, you'll find my favorite place, but visitors are normally
prohibited. Would you like to go?"

"Of course."

All the way there, the conversation was mainly about Jonah chattering, and
Jin playing along.

And Jonah walked very slowly, thinking that this walk might be her last
memory with the youngest. Jean had to walk with her and feel strange guilt.

Quite a steep hill came out as the cadets passed several off-duty paths. They
walked two hours to stand in front of the hill, where Jonah said she would
come out "a little way."

"What do you get when you go up?"

"Flower fields and cliffs."

"It's kind of dazed when you say it."

"You think I'm gonna push you down a cliff or something? That's too
useless for me. You can't die if you fall that high off a cliff."

"It was a joke."

As I smiled and climbed the hill, it was all a flower garden with one kind of
wild flower bloomed.
It's a flower that knows how to progress well. Green rose, as its name
implies, is a green rose with small petals that cannot be distinguished from
weeds from afar, and is common throughout the continent.

So it was actually a flower that was treated similar to weeds. It was

practically a weed because it can be found everywhere, grows all four
seasons, and is useless for ornamental purposes and food.


Still, if you are colored by the moonlight, you will find a better view than
weeds. It's kind of strange to see the half-naked leaves moving with their
backs bent.

"Pretty, huh?"

"Yes, I've never known that green roses are this much to see when they're
gathered under the moonlight."

"Normally, green roses treat me like weeds, but they're my favorite flower.
You don't die much without just stepping on it or watering it, and even if
you die, you get a new green rose on the spot again."

What's the reason?.

While Qin swallows his horse and looks around the flower garden, Jonah
breaks two green roses They began to twist each other.

"This makes the petals of the small petals open up. Another attraction of
green roses. Harder than it looks? The petals will break if you just weave
them, so you need to be careful.”

Hee, the moment Jonah gave out two green roses woven like a ring.


Jean could recall one memory of her past life that she had forgotten.

With the fact that he is not the first to receive it.

This is the first time in my life, but sometimes someone left it in my room.
The green roses are woven together with small petals.

At that time, I had only assumed that he was one of the servants who felt
sorry for himself, who was treated as garbage every day even though he
was pure blood. Gilly said he wasn't himself.

"Receive it and relax. Anyway, you're not dead, and I'm the reason you're

"I didn't know it was your sister.”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 153

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:34 PM

Chapter 153: Episode 51. Jonah Looncandel (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean still made eye contact with Jonah.

"In my previous life... ...did Jonah come to visit me often?"'

I can't remember when I first received the green rose, which was woven
together with two flowers, before returning to Korea. Was he about twenty,
or twenty or so?

From then on, someone would leave the green roses in Jin's room at least
once a month.

There was a time when I wondered who was leaving behind the green roses
and for what purpose...….'

It was the first time, but it didn't take long for the curiosity to disappear. In
the days of Qin, who ends hellish training without achievement, and repeats
despair every day.

Just a little curiosity has no time to intervene. It was a previous life in

which he became a one-star knight when he was 25 years old while training
on a ship more than others.
I couldn't even afford to be surprised if someone had left the green roses in
my room for years. On a particularly frustrating day, he tore the green rose
from the bottle for no reason.

Gradually, Jin was not impressed by the green roses placed in the room

And on the day he was finally kicked out of the Sword's Garden, green
roses were caught in the inside pocket of Rob, who inadvertently put his
hands in.

Ha ha.

When I saw it, I remembered laughing hollowly. Jean did not throw away
the last green rose and tried to keep it.

I lost it while I was leaving Looncandel and living like a lung. I didn't even
know the exact time when I was robbed or if I lost it while having a short
adventure with my magic teacher.

Jean picked up the green rose with a fine trembling hand.

"and now that I've twisted it...... Like your sister said, green roses are

"Right? It's only a gift for those who especially like it. Hehe."

Thank you.

I tried to answer like that, but I couldn't speak because my throat seemed to
be hot.

'A green rose for years, not a word.'

There is only one reason Jonah in her previous life did so. If he showed any
interest, I'm sure the other brothers wouldn't let him go.

Jonah in her previous life was always hovering around Jean. Whether it was
a play of one's own or a genuine affection. He always gave flowers to Jean.
No one but Gilly.

In those dark days when everyone in Looncandel turned away from Jean.

"What's wrong?"

Jean shook her head, suppressing soaring emotions.

"I'll take back the fact that you and I still don't have enough memories or
bonds to have deep brotherhood.”


"Yes, and this time I'll have to pay attention to your sister.”

To Jean, Jonah was no longer an ambiguous person.


We sat on the cliff and talked all night.

Just as ordinary and friendly brothers and sisters met after a long time, all
kinds of trivial stories continued into the morning.

" you've tried to kill King Unknown? Because you gave him some
noodles? Oh, my God."

"Yes, when I was 14. At that time, Oul got in trouble and spent a few days
in solitary confinement writing a letter of apology. I've tried it twice since
then, but it all failed.”

"You deserve to be called the King of the Salss. Even if you're less capable
of assassinating than your sister."

"Now I think I can succeed if I work a little too hard. Hee. Rather, how did
you really get Eun-ryong's claws?”

"Before that, would you have killed me without it?”

"Half and half!"

"That's too bad. If I had answered yes, not fifty-fifty, I would have
introduced you to that silver dragon one day."

"Huh, there's no such law. I want to meet you, Eunryong. Are you close?"

"We're close."

"I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna pull out all my claws and I'm gonna use

"I've said this many times before, but please take a look at my colleagues.
They can all be friends with your sister.”

"Hehehehe. By the way, Jin, you're not really afraid of me. Except for Dad
and Orl, it's the first time I've had such a comfortable conversation with
someone else.”

"You look more like a florist than an assassin. Think about what you should
do when you retire."

"Wow, flower shop?"

"Maybe sales aren't good. It's the cost of living. I'll pay you every day....not
bad for a hobby and a living. From now on, let's just study about flowers
whenever we have time. Your sister seems to have a lot of time."

"Flower house!"

"Of course you shouldn't kill guests."


"Well, I'm going to have to go to King Muhmyong now. I have to leave

Samil by tomorrow, so I'll have to make amends."

Then Jonah's face darkened at once.

"Where are you going? Mask porridge..."

"Stop, stop, please."


"I'm only going to give your sister a special address instead. I'll invite you if
you're sure you won't kill my colleagues. If you address the other brothers."

"Never. Yes, never. Oh! Oh, right, I had a mission today!"

"Mission? The best spray forgets that? Let's get going."

"See you later!"

Jonah first went down the hill with a madly fast trot, and Jean smiled at the

Then he twisted a few green roses and slowly moved toward the unknown.

Unlike last night, the streets were full of Samil cadets. And what's unusual
is that they salute whenever they encounter Jean.

It was thanks to King Muhmyong's classification of Jin as a "ten-year

benefactor of obscurity." If you want, you can get a house in the heart of
Samil for 10 years and play and eat.

I took a cadet's wagon to the Mungyeonggwan. The sprayers of the cotton

crown, just like the cadres, gave silent tribute, and no one stopped the camp.

"Have you come?"

As soon as he reached the women's quarters of the Moomyungwan, Oul

welcomed the camp. At the same time, the sprayers guarding him
disappeared somewhere without a sound.

"You seem to have been talking to Jonah all night. Even though I knew this
body was waiting.”

A reproach is not a tone. On the contrary, Oul had a kind smile hanging
around her mouth.

Although it is true that he uses and relies on Jonah as the head of an

unknown country. The affection I had as a teacher was real.

So I was proud of Jin, who spent the night with Jonah. It's also a lucky
charm that brought about the claws of Eun-ryong.

"It's no good to be proud, and it's done a lot of financial damage to our
obscurity. It's also true that I like you."

"I'll tell you in advance, I don't intend to join the unknown after my
credentials as a backup rider."

"Huh, Bigungju also seems to be eyeing you, but I don't intend to join you
either. Didn't you want something bigger in the first place?"

A bigger one.

Looncandel's housekeeper.

Most people never believe that the youngest of Looncandel, who is now a
backup rider, can become a housekeeper. This is because there are as many
as twelve prominent brothers above it.

But absolute fighters like Luna, Oul and Talaris were judging that it was
possible enough. You can find out when you go through the camp yourself.
It's never impossible.

"......what you asked three days ago is already ready to execute."

The day when Oul first visited Jin.

Jean had asked Oul for one reward on the condition that she 's saving
Veradin and Dante'.
As much as I risked my life, I wish I had a reward. Only if I successfully
helped King Muhmyong's work.

"You did not follow me well, but as a result you saved the two men and
brought them with you the claws of Eun-ryong, so we decided to listen.
When I saw all three of them together, I was so nervous."

"I didn't know you liked to show off."

"Are you talking to me recklessly just because you're close to Jonah?"

"I was just trying to get closer to you. I think it's better for her to stay here
and set up a flower shop on my land later on.”

Oul's eyes shone at once.

While the other Looncandel only thinks of taking advantage of Jonah's

weakness, Jin is rather the opposite.

Not only that, but also the nuance of not using Jonah as an assassin
exclusively for the family. Oul had no choice but to show his curiosity once
again because it seemed not empty.

"That's a story Jonah would like. But there's no way your family will let the
child go."

"I'll make a justification for not having to return to your home in the

"Hooh, can you take responsibility for that? You're just a backup jockey?”

"Of course, I can delay Jonah's return by at least five years."

Although he didn't get it this time, Jean was going to ask Jonah to give him
a glass of wine soon.

He can also give a good gift to his youngest sister, and when he builds
friendship enough to not feel sorry even if he receives a Manchurian.
If Jin receives the Manchurian liquor, Oul will be able to go to Siron and
argue with it as in Jin's previous life. The pure blood Looncandel stole the
wine, so please delay Jonah's return.

"At least five years. You must have heard something from Jonah all night."

"The king, instead, gives me help only once, when I need it. Not to Jean
Looncandel, but to Jean Grey."

"Okay. If you keep your own words this time again, I'll do it. You've already
watered me twice, so there must be something you can do this time."

"I think I'll leave Samil now. I'll also take Dante and Veradin, and from
today there's nothing to worry about."

Jean bowed politely and turned around, and Oul bit the cigarette.

"But are you sure you'll be okay? Your request."

"Of course."

"I'm saying this because I think the number will probably be higher than
you expected. It'll have quite a stir. Maybe it could hurt you, too."

Jean smiled a significant smile.

"Maybe that won't happen. I'm just throwing a net without thinking about it
and catching a big fish.

Dante and Veradin were still snoring over the bed.

Drunken, Pooh... Drung, Pooh! Even Veradin scratching his belly.

'You sleep without knowing the world.

Jean shrugged her hand into her pocket. Then, he threw the green roses in
the faces of the two for fun.

However, a strange object was caught in the pocket of the green rose.
'The stick?'

A black stick. It is natural that Jin's pupils, which were looking at him
casually, grow as if they were about to pop out.

'It's a grand slam!'

It's Jonah's stuff.

But when the hell is it? The question was resolved as soon as I searched
through the opposite pocket. There was a letter in it.

It was your birthday a few days ago. So it's a birthday present. If you relax
just because you woke up your mind, you'll get beaten up by a person like

There's no assassin in the world who can kill you alone if you drink a glass
of wine and wake up to the depths. It's hard for me, too.

I've threatened your life many times while you were here, so I wanted to
give you one.

Happy belated birthday, dear youngest. Oh, and you lied that you had a

In the morning, Jonah suddenly took a mission in the flower garden to get a
glass of wine secretly from King Muhmyeong.

And that time.

"What... what...…!”

The knights of Joshua, who were spying on Jin, were in shock.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 154

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:33 PM

Chapter 154: Ep.52. Black Sea Society

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Oh, my God!

While the thick blood was splashing, the Looncandel protectors had no
choice but to save the word helpless.

The guardian knight of seven or eight stars is twenty.

The very guardian knights who inspected the camp under Joshua's

As soon as they got out of Samil, they were falling into prey for unknown
fountains without a proper resistance.

Nine of the top ten unknowns gathered except Jonah. It was natural that he
could not afford to be an elite guardian.

Not as much as the infamous black knight of Looncandel. The highest spray
of obscurity also has a corresponding prestige.

"Check the location of the attack! The best sprayers are clear!"
"Damn it! Don't scatter! I'm only going to die in crowds!"

They are all psychoanalysts but have never read the signs of the best
sprayers. Every time there was a flash, a guardian knight was falling down
one by one.

The guardian knight, who is like a captain, raised his voice as if he had
made up his mind.

"Surely unknown fear of Looncandel's retribution! I don't know why, but

we're in the next house of Looncandel...….”


A dagger penetrated his back head.

All the remaining guardian knights can do is clench their teeth.

"Complete. Disbanded. I'll report to the king and I'll post it."

Since then, it took only three minutes for the highest spray, "Vizen," to say
the word. And the unknowns they were wearing looked like the first
without any bloodstains.

I want you to delete the record of my visit to Samil. It means that no one
but the people of the Empire of Corn, the unknown cadets, and the sprayers,
would have any memories of Jean Gray and Jean Luncandel.

What Qin asked King Muhmyong to do.

To erase the fact that Jean Grey, or Jean Looncandel, had come to Samil.
That was why the top sliders just wiped out Joshua's knights.

I hope no one but the innocent and the unknown has any memory of me...

Oul brooded the word again and shook off the ash from the cigarette.
'Jin, he said, 'He was caught in a thoughtless net. You were probably
expecting this to happen. Scary little boy.'

As soon as I thought so, Vizen found Oul.

"The mission is complete. The Looncandel protector, who was killed, is 23

in total, and the body will be processed within an hour."

"Good work."

"I'm worried about how Looncandel will react to this. There's a

justification, but since you've killed that many guardian knights, there must
be pressure."

"Don't worry, Vizen. I intend to visit Lord Xiron in person and talk to him.
We will depart for the Black Sea in two days straight, so take the crown of
obscurity while I'm away."

"Personal name."


A man who is misunderstood by the public as a mystic, thanks to his

aristocratic, handsome appearance and possession of ghostly

Kashmir is in the midst of a sweat.

I thought Khan would come to meet me if I went near the Black Sea.

But Xiron did not send Khan, and Kashmir was covered in the blood of the
devil for more than a week without a guide.

I can't even remember how many mana I had cut before I arrived here.

After many twists and turns, we've just arrived at the center of the Black
Sea, where there's a lot of controversy.

Why are they here?…?'

It was a Ciron who must have called himself. But there are four people in
Kashmir's eyes.

"Have you come? The sword of the ear."

First of all, protector Khan.

Although he was speaking with courtesy, Khan was thinking in his mind,
"It's savory."

I was wondering if I could understand the hard work of the letter carrier.
Therefore, his eyes were filled with silent pressure to write the letter more
correctly from now on.

"Siron, why did you call that married man? What, I was just going to talk to
you, but there's a lot of uninvited guests.”

non-gungju talaris.

She looked at Casamir's bones and kicked her tongue. This meant that he
would support his son-in-law as he suffers from nothing but evil.

"Casmir, the ear-gum? Sir Siron, you seem to have established friendship
with the free city of Tikando Looncandel."

Oul, the King of obscurity.

He had arrived only half an hour earlier than Kashmir.

Finally, Siron Looncandel, the most powerful knight of the time, who is
half-empty in the air and still looks at Kashmir.

When his eyes met with him, Kashmir quickly bowed his head.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Lord Xiron."

"Sit down. And Talaris, uninvited guests are not the earmuffs, but you and

"Oh, you must have had a prior engagement with the ear sword...….”

Amazingly, at a word from Zion, Talaris and Oul took a step back and gave
way. Kashmir has created a space to stand in front of Siron.

the lord of the palace and the king of obscurity

Siron was the only person who could make the two move in a word. Even
in front of Kashmir, which is far below, he is secretly embarrassed.

Kashmir had no choice but to admire.

'Siron took care of me!'

It feels like the hard work of the past, when I fought against evil, is melting
away snow. Kashmir quickly settled down and looked at his wits.

'Talaris must be here again to propose a marriage, and why King

Muhmyong? Did Confucius Qin cause an accident in Samil?'

It's good that Zion.

I can't help feeling like I'm sitting on thorns. It was because Talaris and Owl
were openly irritating.

There's no point in bringing up the idea of marrying children because

Kashmir has the King of Unknown!'

'... ...beggungju and even a sword. This makes it difficult to bring up stories
about Jin and Jonah.'

In fact, the theory was full of joy.

Although Kashmir is less classy than the two, three celebrities, who are
hard to encounter once in a lifetime, have come to see him only because of
the youngest.
"I originally called you for a drink, but there are two more unexpected
guests. Please understand. I'll drink after these friends leave."

This word of Siron made Kashmir similar, albeit temporarily, to Bigungju

and King Muhmyeong. Talaris and Owl are bound to be shocked inside.

It was, so to speak, the consideration of the absolute. Xiron didn't want

Kashmir to be tongue-tied to watch the two men's wits.

"Understanding, I don't think so, Lord Siron."

"Yes, how's the youngest one doing?"

"By the time I set out for the Black Sea, Prince Jean left here for the city of
Oul, King of Muhmyong. That's why I wanted to train them not to be
poisoned and assassinated."

This time, Siron, Talaris, and Oul's eyes were filled with interest at the same

'Why does he keep visiting dangerous places, and what if he dies?'

It's true that Jean's a great kid, but Sir Ciron is so interested in the backup

The gaze of Zion turned to Oul. Meaning to explain.

"Hmmm, he's right. I'm here to talk to you about it. I don't think we can talk
about this in the presence of Vigungju or in the presence of Bigungju.

"Just tell me. As you know, Vigung and Looncandel are not one, but apart
from that, Vigungju is one of my few friends. And he's a heavy-mouthed

Oul, who was agonizing for a while, nodded. Vigung and Tikan will now be
divided into Runkandel's allies in Oul's head.

Soon as Oul began to elaborate on what Jean had done in Samil, everyone
listened with concentration. Of course, the story of Veradin and Dante was
left out.

A smile was hanging around the mouth of Siron when he said that Jin
successfully survived all kinds of disturbances in Samil and achieved the
achievement of the mind.

Then, at Jin's request, who noticed Joshua's spying, he killed the 23-year-
old guardian. Hahaha, he even burst into laughter.

The energy in the laughter caused a slight earthquake in the heart of the
Black Sea.

"I see why you came. Were you worried that I would hold him

"I'm ashamed, but I am. Not one or two, but twenty-three."

"You've already opened your eyes to Purge. He's a nice guy..”

The smile was wiped out, but the expression seemed to be somewhat
satisfactory. In particular, Talaris and Owl's ears are not "goyan" but

Kashmir is the only one who is worried that Jean might have made a

"Don't worry about it. It would have been the same if he had killed Yi-baek,
not twenty."

"You lighten this junior's heart. But Sir Siron, there's one more story left."

"What is it?"

"......I think you'd better take a look at this note. This cannot be revealed to
the Lord of the Rings and the sword."

"Give it to me."

Syron's forehead trembled when he received the note.

I got a Manchurian as a gift from Jonah. Therefore, King Muhmyong
should negotiate with my father on the pretext of this. I want to delay her
return to Loona's Looncandel.

If it's a Manchurian, you can ask for at least five years.

Oh, for your information, I didn't get it by trick. I should return it, but King
Muhmyong himself said, "Relieve yourself from the assassination of
unknown fives for ten years," so his desire for a Manchurian is far ahead of
his fear.….

Although it's a disgusting method, I kept my promise again this time. I

believe that the king will keep his promise with me.

Thank you.

It was a note left by Jean as she left Samil.

"Why? What's wrong? Siron. Did my son-in-law have an accident he can't


In the end, Talaris, unable to hold back his curiosity, opened his mouth.

"......Owl, is this really true?"

"Yes, in fact, I've been hit in the back a few more times in addition to the

"You think you're about the blue guy? He's smart, but he's talking about
kadangki? You don't think Jonah was greedy and salty."


a duck with a sigh and a shake of the head

"I'd rather be like that."

"Not only you, but me."

"Seron, you're still a child. Unlike me, who's been robbed, there's a lot more
to be desired."

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'll send you a formal invitation, so come

visit the Sword Garden soon."

"I'll tell you the details then, too."

"Siron, get out of the Black Sea again? I don't know what it is, but you're
not going to punish our son-in-law, are you?"

"Who's your son-in-law, Talaris?"

"Yes, you can answer that. What's the big mistake that Jean has to make?”

Then Zion shook his head lightly.


"Good thing."

There was silence for a while. Ciron is lost in thought, Talarias is relieved,
and Oul is concerned about how much longer Jonah will be asked to return.

"Early sword."

"Yes, Lord Siron."

"I wonder what you've brought. I couldn't hear it because I was talking to

"I was just about to tell you. Not long ago, the death of Kiddad Hall, a
wizard who caused a stir in the world. I wanted to let you know that it was
the work of Confucius Qin."


Talaris and Owl shouted at the same time, and Ciron nodded with an
expressionless face.

"Okay, so the uninvited will get out of the way, and I'm going to have to get
my ear dagger and drink.”

"I think I know what to say. I don't care. So let me in, don't just make me

She knew Jean was a horseman, so there was no problem knowing how she
killed Kiddad.

In the end, only Oul, who did not know Jin's secret, returned alone.

"Given the tragic fate, the sword is closer to Siron than I am to the
sword....? Besides, I wonder how he killed Kiddad the hell out of you.'

It's strangely upsetting, but it's okay because you've achieved all your goals.

Oul decided to think so.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 155

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:32 PM

Chapter 155: Ep.53. Phase (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Seven stars in swordsmanship, seven stars in magic, and five stars in spirit.

He will have a body that is invincible. Even though I haven't had a glass of
wine yet.

'When the hell are these things going back?'

Jean, Veradine Dante. Two days have already passed since the three left
Samil. And Veradin and Dante seemed to have no intention of letting go of
the gin.

"It's not okay to break up now...….”

"What are you talking about? It was hard trying to find you, and then I
added. If you have a conscience, play with us for a few more days before
you go back."

"Beradin is right."

"You two, aren't you the next housekeeper? Isn't it a waste of time to waste
a day?"
"No, I don't. My family's position is so solid, so even if I live a rough life,
I'll be the next one. And Dante's confirmed. Do you know how much Lord
Ron Heilan cares about that guy?"

Dante coughed awkwardly.

"Yes, I know that much. Unlike you guys, I'm in a position where I have to
make sure I'move. You have to hit the ball when you're a backup jockey."

"You killed Kiddard Hall not long ago. I think that's enough for the ball."

"Well, I'm not the one who killed Kiddard Hall."

"Look at you again and again."

"I think there's something hard to explain to Jean, Veradine. You'd better
stop asking the question."

"You're always drawing a line on us!"

"Have you ever thought it was weird for you people who don't draw lines
too far?"

"And Dante says you've reached seven already. I think it's a level of
achievement. You can be a jockey right now."

"But if you're already a jockey, won't you have fewer days to spend with
us?" It's already too little."

There's one thing Jean has realized over the past two days with Veradin and

No matter what the flow of conversation is, the two tend to say only what
they want to say.

"Not everyone becomes a real seven-star driver just because you're at the
seven-star level. The important thing is swordsmanship."
"I hear swordsmanship is rather better than a normal seven-star knight.
Right, Dante?"

"That's right. That's what it was in the arena. Frankly, I don't know why Jin
is still a backup jockey. Your third sister, Lord Mary Looncandel, was also a
six-star rider at nineteen, wasn't she?

As Dante said, the children of Looncandel usually became jockeys around

six or seven stars.

It is common for Looncandel to achieve full-fledged growth by learning

about the vision of Looncandel only after becoming a rider.

The visionary season of Looncandel, called the "fatal electricity," had an

unparalleled power throughout all the shamanic songs.

"I'm not as famous as Mary's sister yet. The name Jean Grey as a
swordsman is still unknown."

In fact, you can build your reputation in a few months if you decide to.

However, Jin had to complete himself as a Magistrate within five years

given by Zion. I can't explain the situation to two people, so I'm just giving
them a rough sketch.

"Oh, so that's why you came to Samil. To make a rumor that a boy
swordsman named Jean Gray survived the holy ground of the Sals."


"Then can I help you?”


"Who am I, Veradin Zipple. Haha, I'll tell him to run the news on my family
when he gets back. This happened in Samil."

"Then I'll help. I'll ask for the newsletter that owes the Highlands. You must
want to be a jockey as soon as possible."
"No thanks. Don't."

When Jean refused with a single stroke, the two straight out the other cards.

"Or why don't you go on an adventure with us at all at this time? Dante and
I are completely behind the scenes, and we're only assisting you. In a
porter-like concept."

"Oh! That's a brilliant idea. If the three of us work together, we'll be able to
destroy most of the evil den. If you turn all the credit to Jean, you'll be able
to build your reputation as fast as you can."

"And every time I do that, I'm putting articles in the newsletter. Gene Gray
and the porters, defend justice. By picking the title like this."

"Then I'll start with finding a big villain!”

"The bad guys are everywhere! The kings of Mamit, the rabble Jack Glow
of the Western Beams, the remnants of the Dark Magicians, Bankela's
Factionary Knight, Fantasy, the Red-Ho Assault Captain...….”

"My heart is already beating fast for the three of us to go on an adventure to

kill the evil crowd."

Jin's doctors are two people who have been raising their voices, unheard of,
unimaginable for some time.

'It's a hell of a mess.'

Jean was so dumbfounded that she couldn't speak, but she didn't hate
watching the two fools.

'By the way, there are quite a few names of bad guys that are perfect for
experience. From my point of view, they were such old villains that they
were disappearing from my memory.'

Veradin's list of villains was mostly mid- to high-risk people. The Madu in
an era when even the great forces don't touch recklessly, they can't afford it,
so they don't take it out.
Jean, who was listening quietly, shook her head.

"They're playing. Please let me know when the three of us come up with a
novel about adventure. I'll buy it and read it.”

"Do you mean you won't?"

"Of course."

"Adventure, adventure! You have no romance?"

"My life is already full of romance and adventure."


"Jin, I can't yield this time. I really want to do this!"

Jean swallowed a sigh into her heart.

The two have often been stretched this way over the past two days.

'They never give up once they get hooked.'

Even Samil can tell from the fact that he has come to visit.

Fortunately, Jean was now learning how to handle them little by little.

"I understand your minds, but right now it's too much."

He purposely put his energy into the phrase "right now."

"What about right now?"

"So you mean it's possible later?"

He bit the prey.

Jin smiled and made eye contact with the two.

"Yes, actually I don't hate hanging out with you guys either. There's just a
situation, right? Actually, I have a previous engagement, so I have to go
back quickly. You made my date wait for two days because of you."

Of course, there is no prior engagement. Only Tikan's colleagues were

waiting for Jean.

"What appointment with someone."

"You can't ask that, Veradin. Respect your privacy. Anyway, let's go on an
adventure later."

"When later?"

"I'll write you a letter."


Like an uncle playing with his nephews. It is possible for young children to
make a moderate amount of promises, but their opponents are nineteen

"Give me your address."

Immediately Veradin put out his address on the note.

"That's my villa address. Everything that happens here is never monitored

by the family, nor is it involved."

"I don't have a villa like that."

"When I get a letter from Jean, of course I'll contact you, too. Don't worry.
Let's use this villa as our hideout. We'll both give the butler their names and
make sure they don't come any time.”

Veradin's villa was surprisingly a deserted island in the West Sea. In order
to avoid the surveillance of the family, he bought an island that was placed
under the influence of the palace on purposely.
Although he is said to have a very strong position as the next housekeeper,
Veradin was also checked by his brothers and other opponents. That's why
they set up such a secret space.

"Can I just tell you something like this?”

"You wouldn't be sending my brothers a letter of condolence to my

brothers. Just as I don't send a note to your brothers that Jean Looncandel is
ringing our langs."

a subtle warning

Jean shrugged off the note.

"Well, that's true. So you're done, right? I have to go back today.”

"Tell me where you're going. I even offered you a hideout. Besides,

whenever you call me, I and Dante are ready to run."

Veradin and Dante did not know that Jean was staying in Tikan.

"But you're not very conscientious. It wouldn't have been difficult to find a
place where I live if I used the power of Jipple.”

"I know the three of us shouldn't be close. Especially you and me. As soon
as I find information about you with the help of my family, I lose my
autonomy. And if I can't meet you, or if I'm going to meet you, there's
pressure to fight and kill you."

"That's a sad reality...... even my grandfather doesn't know that I'm close to
Jean. He's only aware of the fact that he's got an unknown friend."

Somehow, I felt guilty when I saw the two rapidly getting sullen.

"You make me feel bad when you say that. All right, before we go back,
let's buy a beer to celebrate the agit."

It wasn't until nightfall that I could come back to Tikan after a shudder.

As always, Tikan's colleagues welcomed Jean. However, Kashmir, who left

for the Black Sea at the call of Siron, had not yet returned.

'You must be suffering quite a bit in the Black Sea. Because of my father's
personality, he wouldn't have sent me a kind guide.'

Jin first found Quicantel.

This time, I had to thank her first.

"Thank you, Quikantel. Thanks to you, I came back safely."

"What the hell. Did you get any results in Samil? Uh! That's... It's a

Quikantel jumped to his feet and shouted as Jean pulled the wine out of his

"I wanted to show Quicantel first before applying it."

"Oh, my God. How the hell did you get that? They say they're sick of Eun-
ryong's claws, but they wouldn't have changed it.”

While Jean explained everything she had gone through in Samil in detail,
Quikantel only blinked with surprise.

"The more I see you, the more amazing you are. I didn't have enough wine
to make fun of the current King of Muhmyong....and got a chance to borrow
his strength once."

"It would have been impossible if it weren't for Quicantel's claws. If I had
empty hands, I would have to take out all the power I had hidden. Thanks to
Quikantel, we were able to avoid the difficulties.”

"Hoo-hoo, that's enough of the audit. I'm proud, my hundred years have
been used very well.”
"A hundred years?"

"It's time for the toenails to grow back.”


I thought it wasn't a big sacrifice because it was insignificant.

But for dragons, claws are no different than human fingers. Quikantel
sacrificed one of his fingers in case Jean could die.

"It's a lifetime by human standards, but not that long by dragon standards.
So there's nothing to keep in mind. Give me a glass of wine. I'll make sure
it's absorbed faster."

"You have made too much sacrifice because of me."

"No, if it weren't for you, Enya would have died. That alone means I owe
you a lot of money. So don't look so sorry, you bastard."

While Quikantel touched the Manchurian.

Jin wondered why he was so loved in this life.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 156

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:32 PM

Chapter 156: Episode 53. Prize (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Refined Manchurian wine, as its name implies, became alcohol. As soon as

I put it in a bowl and inhaled it all at once, my eyes were blacked out.

And Jean fainted as it was.

When I opened my eyes again, Enya, not Quikantel, sat beside Jin.


"Ah, Confucius Jean. You're finally awake!"

"Is that En? What about Quikantel? And finally?”

Jean thought only that she had lost her mind for a moment.

So it felt strange to see Enya instead of Quikantel, which was just in front
of us.

"Mr. Quikantel is in that room over there. And Confucius woke up in five

"What? Five days?"

"Yes. Wow, I thought a real Confucius was dying. I'm sure you've had
dozens of turns all over your body during your fainting. Of course, that was

It took only five days because he was the blessed body of Looncandel.

The average warrior usually needed more than a month to digest the
Manchurian. Quikantel knew the fact but deliberately refused to let him
know it.

It was because he decided that it was better to eat without knowing that he
would collapse anyway.

"I hear you're not reading. Congratulations, Confucius. You don't know how
happy I am to see Confucius become every day! By the way, everyone!
Confucius woke up!"

Enya went out into the hallway and shouted, one by one, and his colleagues
found Jean. Gilly, Murakhan, Quikantel, Alisa, Jet, etc. There was no
Kashmir in the crowd.

On his way back from the end of Zion and the drinking party, he was
fighting again against the Black Sea creatures.

"Oh, my God! Thank you for your hard work! And congratulations!"

"You said there was a ten-year period when obscurity wouldn't assassinate
you, right? You'd better be careful after that. Mandokju is a recoverable
spirit. That's why the inviolability continues to pass on to the unknown's

Quikantel sat on the bed.

"I thought I'd faint about a week or so, but it only took me five days. It also
meant a good rest, so don't feel bad."

"I don't feel bad. I'd rather take it without knowing it. If I knew and drank it,
I would have been quite bothered."
"Congratulations, Master. I can't believe you're reading too much.... you've
got another ability that's like a dream for the Unmanned.”

"Hey, kid. Drink this up as a souvenir."

Murakhan held out a glass full of unidentified black solution to Qin.

"......what is it? This. I don't think it's a human thing to eat."

Sizzling. A bubble burst from the glass and smoke was rising.

"What do you mean, poison. While you fainted, Jet pounced on the Beacon
Black Market. Go ahead and drink, check out the reading.”

"Murukan. Are you crazy, really? I don't know if I'm doing a biopsy as soon
as I wake….”

But all the colleagues in the bed seemed to expect it. Even for dragons who
have lived for thousands of years, the inviolability of reading is a
phenomenon that cannot be easily.

Even Gilly was swallowing his saliva, pretending to dry the Murakan.

"Hoo, I see."

Gulp, gulp...!

A glass of poison went over Chin's throat with a burning pain in his tongue.

"Kahak, that's disgusting."

"Oh, my Lord. What do you think?”

"Wow, you're really fine."

"I feel like my stomach is getting a little hot......that's all. How much poison
is this?”

Quickly, she rinsed her mouth with the water Gilly gave her.
"It's a seven-star desert poison for one sip."

"Haha. Did you feed me that? I feel like crying because I'm thankful. Huh?

"Qikantel says there's no poison in the world that can kill you at once."

Jean glanced at Quikantel.

"I don't have any more poison to kill you instantly. The amount you just
drank is full immunity, and it's dangerous to be exposed too much. Instead,
you're able to hold on to a glass when others die in one drop."

Not to the absolute limit. It's an area where only Temer and Ciron, and the
unknown guest house, Corunman, are believed to have touched.

Even that is an assumption, and nothing has been confirmed. That is why
Jean's reading infallibility was virtually final.

"In the future, no poison can even threaten you to the extent that it is
applied to raw fish or mixed with food. You don't have to explain how
much that means to a warrior, do you?”

In fact, it has become impossible to kill the gin with poison.

If we meet Kuzan again, we don't have to be daunted by the poison. Even if

he is more of a viper.'

When I thought so, I was experimented with living things and my ridiculous
mind ran away. I could feel that the poison that was wriggling hot in my
stomach was already neutralized and flying away.

"I'm satisfied. It's worth the trouble. Now, now......Give me a meal. No

matter how curious you are, how can you feed a man who wakes up in five
days, not a meal, but a poison."

It was lunch.
Although Kashmir was missing, all kinds of chatter went on the table with
colleagues after a long time.

Jin's performance in Samil was the main one, and Enya's appetite was filled
with envy throughout.

"Dear Jean, you've become so strong now. Could you take me with you the
next time you go somewhere? I'm going anywhere. I want to grow up with
Confucius who lost.”

"Well, he's got to get some hands-on experience. If you're gonna make it for
one person in the future, aren't you? Quikantel. Your contractor should also
have some tension."

"I'm upset, but it' It's not the time to be complacent."

"Isn't Miss Enya being trained in magic by Quikantel and Murakhan? I

think I heard it was about four stars last time."

though Jean is buried too much

It was only possible for a national treasure genius to become a four-star

wizard at 16. Enya was not just a scholarship student at the Vision
Academy just because she was a contractor for Olta.

"It's slow to grow because we're just taking care of the theory without
practice. Most of all, I've never killed anyone."

"Well, murder. Do you really need to experience that, too, Enya?”


Quikantel laid down the fork loudly.

"Gin Looncandel. Everyone here is your colleague. It means we fight

together even when you become a jockey and fight your brothers in
Looncandel. There's going to be a lot of fights. Are you saying that I should
only bother Enya then?"
He said it deliberately as if he were blaming Jean.

It was Enya that Quikantel really scolded. Since coming to Tikan, Enya has
done nothing but play with the children while practicing magic.

Of course, the yen is only sixteen.

But now that you're already involved in a number of huge events and
forces, it's essential to achieve something that you can do in any situation.
Furthermore, it was a necessary virtue to become a member who could be
left behind.

Quikantel was also envious of Murakan inside. From the same perspective
of the guardian dragon, it is natural that Jin is showing strong results.

"Looking like this, this is Olta's contractor with a genius talent. And the
enemies we have to face in the future are Looncandel and Zipple. Enya
needs to be strong. Even after you've become a jockey, you can proudly call
yourself a colleague."

Knowing Quikantel's intention, Jin nodded still.

"I didn't think about that. Okay, I was thinking of dealing with some
wizards next time anyway. We can work with Miss Enya to refine the
counter-current magic."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

As always, Enya banged her chest and glistened her eyes. Her own way of
showing joy...It was the way...

"With Confucius Jean! Just the two of us! Adventure! So when should we
put up the wedding?”

Jean spouted the water she was drinking, and Quikantel sighed deeply. It
was up to Gilly to stop Murakan, who smiled funnyly.

"N. I won't go so far as to ask you to be decent now. Olta said she gave it
up, so...... please act in common sense. I just scolded you, not Jean, huh?
You know?"

"Haha, it was a joke. I'm sorry!"

Apparently it was a mixture of sincerity, but Jean laughed it off. It's not a
day or two for Enya to do this. And somehow Enya seemed to resemble

'You've been through all kinds of discrimination and bullying in Beaumont.

Miss Enya must be hurt. And that's where the overly cheerful personality
comes from.'

Jin also suffered from thorough discrimination and bullying in his previous
life. While in Looncandel, I can't count how many times I've contemplated

So every time Enya looked bright, it didn't feel as pleasant as it was.

"Oh, and master. I have something to tell you."


"I think I'll have to go home for a while. I don't know why, but the
housekeeper gave the order himself."


What is the occasion to call the nanny of the backup jockey? The nanny of a
backup rider, like a backup rider, is a temporary perfect foreigner.

Jin, who had been agonizing for a while, made eye contact with Gilly as if
something had come to mind.

"You didn't call for a prize, did you?

"What do you mean a prize? You're a backup rider.”

"This time, I killed some of Joshua's knights because of me. To unknown

fountains. I'm not sure, but I think he called Gilly instead of me to award
him. As a backup rider, we won the second-term family and the unofficial
ranking war."

When Jean told the story about him in detail, her colleagues had no choice
but to open their eyes wide.

"Oh, my God... ...that happened with Lady Jonah? Besides, I made such a
bold request to King Muhmyong... Joshua, that dog, no. He even expected
Master Joshua to spy on you...…?”

"I wasn't expecting it completely. However, he recently killed Kidd and left
a warning. I thought I could send someone. That's why I asked King
Muhmyong to help him, and then get rid of them."

"Sorry, Master."

"Why all of a sudden?"

"I should have thought about that and taken action, but I just waited for you
to come back safely. As a nanny, I have no face to see you.”

"Don't say that, have a good trip. If you were going to punish me, you'd
have paged me yourself, so it's definitely an award. And you know? What
does it mean to win the sequencing war in Looncandel and be rewarded?"

"Yes, indeed, if it were an award, the Lord would take away one of the
things that Master Joshua had and offer it to you."

When a rider fights and someone wins, Gju takes away the goods or troops
of the loser and gives them to the winner.

Not every time. a story only for a particularly meaningful victory And since
Jin beat the second rider as a backup, it was a special victory of course.

"I'm looking forward to what you're going to take from him."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 157

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:30 PM

Chapter 157: Episode 53. Prize (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

While Gilly was on his way to his home, Qin ordered the Seven Colors to
gather information on the remnants of the Dark Wizardry.

The Dark Wizardry Society is a group that achieved its heyday two hundred
years ago.

As the name suggests, they were a mad organization that worshipped the
dark magic and the Ma people. However, for such a group, history was long
and powerful enough to terrorize the entire continent at a time of great

'And it was the Riol Jipple that actually destroyed them. "and the moment
she had only once spread out the first type of salt-or-or-or-or-mah-mah-
hwang in her life was when she killed the head of the Dark Wizardry
Council at the time."

This is a history that I learned when I was studying magic in my previous


Shortly after signing a contract with Soldert, Jin had for some time explored
the life of Riol Jipple, the old housekeeper of Jipple.
It was because the strongest destructive magic created by Riol, the
"amcheon" of the extinct rock salt house, was related to the power of

"Beradin was said to be an extinct rock salt mine, but in fact, what he was
about to unfold was just to call it an extinct salt mine."

Riol was a wizard who signed a contract with Soldert two generations
before Jin. Not a thousand-year contractor, but a contractor Solderlet was
most pleased with except for Temer and Jean.

It was none other than Solderette that gave Jin the location of the magic
book with the final type of rock salt.

Contractor, let's get strong enough and then go find Riol's Wizard. When
she can pass the tests she left behind.

The story I heard about a month after signing a contract with Soldert.

Perhaps it was because he saw Veradin do a trial (though he failed

miserably) not long ago.

I would like to go find it right away, but the test left by a marijuana expert
who has reached its peak in the past would never be easy.

'It's not the magic of legend that you can't afford now, but it's time to grind
and polish what you've already gained and stick to your growth.'


In the grip of Qin, there was a sharp vibration sound with a sharp backflow
width. After Gillie left for her home a few days ago, he had been stuck in a
training camp and practicing counter-current magic.

"My Lord, it'sir.

When Jet came in, Jean turned off the backflow. And Jet politely thrust out
a pile of paper. The documents recorded the location, scale, and recent
trends of the remnants of the Dark Wizard Society.
"Vision South? They're really working here?"

asked Jean, raising her eyebrows.

It was unexpected that they would be operating within the Beacon Empire,
not in the Empire.

"And more than 50 people gathered there? I can't believe Beaumont's still
watching that. It's not like you're staying calm according to the trends
written here.”

"Yay, even though they have looted private houses and often released
domestic animals, the Beams are somehow not responding.”

"Hmm... ...smells like shit.”

"Wouldn't you care? Corrupt officials are turning a blind eye to bribery in
moderation, or incompetent officials are watching for opportunities to make
credit. Well, dying is always the bottom line.”

"It's rare to have a manager who's just going that far in the background. But
the name Empire is nothing. There seems to be a reason."

"Would you like to find out more?"

"Okay, you'll find out when you go. It's enough to know the approximate

The remnants of the Dark Wizard Society were mostly wizards between
three and four stars. Sometimes, there are more than six senior wizards, but
it is not a threat to the current Jin.

No, if you were a wizard under seven stars, you were confident that you
would win even if 50 people came at once.

Jin was now slowly aware that he was on the right side of the 'strong' list.
Of course, I don't intend to settle for that much.

"Oh, and Gilly is back.”


As she climbed up to the mansion, Gilly smiled broadly with a red-faced


"Dear old man!

"Gilly. Have you been well?”

"You'll be surprised to hear what I brought and what news I brought. Ho-ho,
when the lord slapped Master Joshua on the cheek, my heart felt like it was

"Huh, your father slapped Joshua in the face?"

"Yes! In front of me and Oul! Oh, I haven't told you that you were there yet.
I've never even imagined such a sight, and I was surprised, but I felt so

"There was also King Muhmyong there? Tell me in detail.”

"What happened was...….”


Three days ago, the Sword Garden.

As soon as Xiron left the Black Sea, he sent a formal invitation to Oul, and
sent a letter to Tikan to page Gilly.

And upon arriving in the Sword's Garden, after collecting all the sources
and ending a brief meeting about Jonah.

Gilly, Oul, and Joshua were called to the Oval Office.


"Yes, Father."
Thanks to you, Jonah's return to her home has been delayed by five years.
Do you have anything to say about this?"


I don`t even want to mention that a second-term family member showed a

loophole to the youngest, a backup rider. But I'm sure......there was one
thing that warned you and your brothers. What was it?"

"Yona, you told me not to touch her."


It was then that Zion slapped Joshua on the cheek. Even though it was a
hand that didn't carry an auror at all, blood burst out of Joshua's cheek with
a flesh.

"I'm sure your cowardly man didn't dare think to disobey my orders. But
that's what happened.”

"I'm sorry."

"Return the black-light pack. I don't think it's a good fit for you."


Immediately Joshua took off his coat and undone his shirt, and the black-
gold appeared. Seeing the shiny and black shimmering chest, Xiron kicked
his tongue.

"Rosa gave this to you and it's been years's still glossy. You
didn't even know what your mother intended to take down this armor?…!”

Squeeze, squeeze.

Joshua, who had released his dark-colored armor, has changed his clothes
again. By that time, Gilly didn't even breathe with his eyes down.
"On the day I call your ass out of the Black Sea again, you'll have to be
prepared to be disqualified as a jockey. Get away!"


Jin's eyes deepened after hearing Gilly's story.

"Amazing, huh? Master Joshua has to be self-absorbed for a while, and he's
got a pair of black gloves!"

a black-light pack

The legendary blacksmith's armor produced more than 30 years ago by the
Society of Civilian Blacksmiths, which began with the Pikon Minche.

Originally, the Society of the Mint of the Blacksmiths produced it for

Jipple, not for Looncandel.

However, it was 17 years ago that Jeth was kept in Luncandel's warehouse
ever since he fought a war against Jipple's five horse towers and took them
away, and Rosa gave them to Joshua.

Joshua helped when he was losing to Luna.

"I can see why my father punished Joshua at the presence of Gilly and King
Muhmyong. And the reason you gave me a black-light pack."

"What is the hell? Aren't you happy? I didn't know you'd be this calm."

"I'm glad to hear that Joshua was right. But my father gave me homework
through a black box. During the reserve period, come back from fighting
opponents strong enough to break all the black-and- It's more of a
homework than a prize."

"That's what you meant when you told Master Joshua that the polish was
still there.”

"And my father also warned King Unknown. Don't ever try to negotiate
with your sister again. You can also take the second term of the family,
meaning you will trample on it if you are wrong in obscure it."

"That's what I felt. It seemed like the housekeeper had a special regard for
Lady Jonah. I didn't know before. He didn't even have a nanny, and he went
to Samil early, so I thought there was something going on."

"You've revealed it enough to make Gilly feel it. You warned me through
Gilly. In a way, stop thinking about using Jonah."

" god, you meant everything to him!"

Jean's guess was correct.

This was the reason why the three people were called at once after the
introduction of the Black Sea.

'Yona must have something. Your father was so sensitive, perhaps because
of your sister's special strength."

You have a secret, too.

Suddenly what Jonah said came to mind.

'I think Jonah has a bigger secret than I thought. It's not something you
should know right now, it's enough to recognize at this point.'

Jean, who arranged her thoughts, nodded.

"From now on, I'll have to diligently find someone strong enough to crush
the dark-gold. I can't disappoint my father either."

"Phew, I was just so happy this time again. It was like a heavy burden to

Then Jean looked at Gilly and smiled.

"No, it's Gilly's job to be happy when this happens."

A week later, when Kashmir returned, Jean prepared to leave for Eya and

Kashmir had a very thin face thanks to his nearly month-long struggle with
the Black Sea's mana.

However, as if he had achieved his achievements as an unmanned man, his

eyes were shining brightly.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've seen Confucius, and he's leaving again.
You're going to wipe out the remnants of the Cancer Black Wizard?”

"My father gave me his homework. I don't think I'll be able to relax in the
future. By the way, did you pack your things well?"

"What? What do you mean an object?"

"Didn't you leave your seat for nearly a month because you left something
in the comment? He also stressed that it's an item that you have to find
entirely by yourself.”

When asked without knowing, Kashmir coughed in vain.

Jin had first guessed from the time Kashmir left his seat that he would be
called by Zion to go to the Black Sea.


"Well, that's weird. I don't know why, but I can't believe you've been to Van
Kela....I don't think they'd let me in."

"What do you mean, the smell of devil blood, haha. You've had a joke since
you didn't see it, Confucius. I'm worried about him and Miss Enya."

"Because of me?”

"That's the same. I heard the Dark Wizard's remnants are currently active in
the South of Beams. He's been looting and doing all sorts of things, but he's
not imposing any sanctions on Beaumont."
"That's right. I don't understand that either, but do you have any idea?”

"Well... ..Viments are famous for their security. To the extent that ordinary
bandits or bandits are wiped out by the garrison upon their appearance. By
the way, the bad guys who are good or big tend to be deliberately left


"It's a game for the noble. I think the Beacon Guard is not playing the Dark
Wizard. I'm sure he's trying to create an opportunity for the Academy

As Kashmir was the prince of Beaumont in the past, he was carrying

through the old evils of the empire.

"That's why I'm worried about Miss Enya. Even the aristocrats who beat out
Miss Enya can come up with the scars they've forgotten."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 158

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:29 PM

Chapter 158: Ep.54. Fake, tda (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

1796 October 17th, noon.

Jin and Enya arrived at an inn in the southern small and medium-sized city
of Hawthorne and unpacked.

"It feels weird that I'm walking around Beaumont right now. When I first
met Confucius, I remember the day he hid in a Tikan trading ship and ran

"So I make new IDs, disguise...Don't worry too much. And you should call
me brother, not Confucius."

Jin used the same ID card of "Jin Gray" he got as soon as he became a
backup jockey, and Enya gave him a new fake ID called "Ostin Grey" by
the Seven Colors.

This is because, in administrative terms, the yen should not exist in the non-
ment. She is also an unofficial wanted man for Beaumont, so she is even
dressed as a man.

Jean let out a grin she was holding back. Anyone who knew what Enya was
like, with a mustache and buried in a puffy men's robe.

"Brother! Am I funny?"

"Honestly, I can't say no. Try to make your voice sound a bit more husky.
And I'm going to speak informally from now on. Because we're brothers.
Austin speaks informally if you want."

"Hahahahaha. Like this? Is this enough?”


Unlike the conversation between two bright and cheerful people.

Even though it was sunny in broad daylight, Hawthorne seemed to have a

gloomy, heavy air current flowing through the streets. People walked
helplessly, with dark faces, and the eyes of the wild dogs filled with fear.

Even the excessive market was quiet on the way to the inn. The city's
atmosphere is so bad that it is hard to find anyone who sells goods.

'The remnants of the Dark Wizardry are on the rise, so I have no choice.'

An hour's ride from the inn where they unpacked leads to the south-central
part of the empire.

Now the remnants of the Dark Magistrates were settled there. At night,
groups of three or four people are attacking the village, looting, and
continuing their atrocities.

Therefore, armed guards were laid on every street, but their atmosphere was
not much different from the residents.

It was a lord's order, so he was forced to patrol, and he looked tired and

"By the way, brother, the remnants of the Dark Wizard. They must be very
bad guys. You heard what the guard said earlier, right? I hear you're
kidnapping children without hesitation. I can't believe this is the right

"You've been in the capital city, so you feel even more strange. There are
only a few cities in the world that are more secure than the Beacon capital."

"You can destroy all those villains from now on, right?"”

"Maybe. Let's wait for them to show up."

But it was a group of aristocratic wizards that appeared first at night.

Out of nowhere a plated luxury wagon is passing through Hawthorne's


A crowd of people flocked to see the carriage, and Chin and Enya also took
to the streets and mingled in the crowd.

"Wizards of the Academy!"

"I'm sure he's here to wipe them out!”

Each flag in the carriage was filled with golden eagle patterns symbolizing
the Beacon Magic Academy.

It's for the nobility. In my opinion, the Beacon Guard's not playing the Dark
Magic Circle, which is obviously a trick to create an opportunity for the
Academy Wizards to play.

'I hoped not, but Lord Kashmir was right. Besides, what's the point of
arriving on the same day as us?'

Jean kicked the tongue and fixed the lob hood.


Enya looked embarrassed as soon as she faced the carriage. She doesn't
have a single good memory in the academy.
"Brother, why do they have to.....? Looks like you're here for a good thing,

"You don't have to scare me, Austin. 'Cause they're like nothing.'

Jean said in a calm voice.

It was heartbreaking to see her, who had never been daunted by the fight
against the Dark Wizard Society, hardened as soon as she saw the Academy

"Yes, thank you."

At the height of his previous life in Jindo, he did not usually associate with
the sorcerer from the Beemment.

It was because their sense of privilege and the thought of the people were

Not everyone from the academy whom Jin met, but as you can see from the
useless gold-plated carriages, they were mostly the most extraordinary and
prominent people in the world.

'Well, it's not that I don't quite understand. It's true that the right people with
the right talent and background are gathered. It's obvious how little they
think of the commoner, Enya. Jealousy and envy of scholarship students
must have hit the sky.'

In Qin's view, Enya was a million times more gifted than most of them.
Olta, the god of time who values pedigree so much, even offered a contract
to a commoner girl.

"I see you've gilded the wagon poorly, and most of you are not even full
wizards. It's obvious that cadets in the midst of pride, and I don't think they
can wipe out the Dark Wizard."

"Huh? Even if you're a cadet, you're all pretty good at magic. I think it's
about four stars on average. The Dark Wizardry remnants are three to four
and fifty, and they're a mix of prize wizards."
"That's why I'm no match. The remnants are all veterans who have rolled
dirty from the dark. And it's a time when the cadets can't help but realize
that the theory is completely different from the practice. We lack numbers
and experience compared to the remnants."

A total of fifteen carriages.

Assuming that two cadets per unit were burned, there were only thirty.

"But since the Academy Committee would not have thought at all, they
would have mixed up a couple of full-time wizards. To avoid being
scratched by what Lord Kashmir called" driving all the majors," moderately
seven-star or so."

"Well, if there's two seven-star wizards from the Academy, maybe we won't
have a chance at all?"

Jean shrugged and laughed.

"We'll have to wait and see. Let's go for dinner. While we're out, let's have a
quick beer."

"Oh, good, brother!"

The splendid appearance of the Academy cadets had a significant ripple


The gloomy street brightened in an instant. The tightly closed restaurants

and taverns opened, and the fire was lit up to the small-sized oil box in the
back alley.

They are aristocratic cadres famous for their good use of money. They were
heroes who came to save the city, so after a long time, there was no choice
but to spread the vitality of the city.

Jin and Enya have chosen a pub that sells food and liquor in moderation.

"Hyung, can I really order everything?"


"These are the most expensive menus?"

"... ...Austin. Wouldn't it take a little awareness that most of our colleagues,
including myself, are incredibly rich? Why would you ask me that?”

"But I'm not rich. I didn't know in Tikan, but when I came out, I was afraid
to spend money."

"When you go back, you can choose either Tikan Central Bank, Continental
Integrated Iron Dragon Bank, or Bankela Eternal Storehouse and open a
private warehouse. I'll give you some pocket money that you can use
entirely on your own.”

"Op, I'll serve you forever, brother! You have to sign it when you get back!”

"Yes, yes."

By general standards, around 5,000 gold coins would make you feel rich.

Enya, who was so excited while agonizing, ordered all kinds of menus.

"Uh, the wand on the lobes? You must be magicians, too. Are they the
servants of the cadets who came earlier?"

Jean shook her head, looking at the master who said very rude things
casually. The two men's whereabouts were not very rich, which led to

"They're just travelers who came by accident on the way. It's nothing to do
with the Academy, so you don't have to offer any special services."

"Oh, I see. Haha, but I can't help but give him the service because he
ordered all our specials so hot. You must be richer than you look."

The owner smiled kindly and stepped back to the kitchen.

"Brother, you must have been upset, but you're unexpectedly soft-pushing.
Before I saw you, I thought all Looncandel was extremely evil and scary."

Enya, who looked at Jin's countenance in a whisper, smiled.

"You just made a slip of the tongue without evil. He also takes care of the
service. If it were my other brother, I'd be in a different situation. Maybe his
neck is gone and his limbs are gone.”

Jindo whispered and smiled.

"Only evil and scary people are gathered! Except for you."

"But why did you change the title from brother to brother?”

"Because I've decided to give you an allowance, haha."

Sizzling, chirping! The small store spreads the sound of fire and oil clearly.
The delicious smell is a bonus, and the moment you're about to bump into
two pre-released beers.

a gain on talent

Another customer entered the store.

And from the moment the door opened, Jin had a bad feeling of foreboding,
and he sighed unconsciously.

"I, One, heard Lord Yun's flattery and lost my appetite, so I couldn't even
eat. "Woo Hyo-hyo, smiling and rubbing your hands with that piggy face?"

"I agree. But the seniors said the local street food was good enough, so let's
look forward to it. Hey, master!"

"Aigo, Yay, Yay!"

The owner, rushing out, leaned back at the two. Unlike Jean and Enya, they
were Academy cadets who visited Hawthorne with a white robe with gold
thread and a high-end cane.
'I don't think it's a good idea to eat comfortably.'

I thought I'd better get out before I get caught up in a useless dispute.

The three cadets were openly looking over Jin and Enya while ordering
their owners.

There are two magicians who look just right to ignore, so you can't just pass
them by. Like a cat can't just pass by the fish.

Jean laid three gold coins under the glass of beer. Even if you just go out,
you still have to eat.

"Ostin, we just get out...... Hmm?"

But Enya's attitude was strange. With his fists clenched, his eyes are
shaking. I could also feel my small body trembling like an aspen tree under
a fluffy robe.

'You don't think so? Really, of all people?'

Those are the cadets who were bothering Enya?

Jean made eye contact with Enya.

"Austin, is that what I think it is?"

"Oh, brother. It's...... Uh, that'sure. Uh, let's get out of here, let's."

If you want, I'll beat you up without thinking about the future.

I'd like to say that, but the priority is to calm down Enya.

'How much did you bully, a bright person like Miss Enya is this scared...

The moment you try to stand up, grinding your teeth.

"Hey, where are you from? I don't think it's our seeds."
A cadet slapped a person on the cheek who wanted to cry.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 159

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:28 PM

Chapter 159: Ep.54. Fake, tda (2).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"What are you going to do on your own?”

Jin answered with a blank face, and the inside of the bar quickly became

The owner, who was receiving the order, briefly doubted his ears, and the
cadets blinked their eyes, stiff as they were.

In the course of a few seconds of silence, the master became restless. The
only customers in the store are the Jin group and the cadets, but I'm nervous
about the spread of the fight.

"What are you going to do......sorry, I must have been rude. Yeah, I'll ask
you a little more politely. What dregs do you belong to?"

"We'll just go out quietly, so why don't you just keep acting sorry and have
a meal? But didn't you just politely say you would ask?"

"Just be grateful for not putting a slap on your face right now. Come on,
answer the question. Looks like you're feeling something when you see us
trying to run away as soon as we get here, huh? Are you a dark sorcerer?"
Seeing the cadet who was trying to come after the quarrel, Jin was so happy
that he couldn't even laugh.

In fact, there's nothing strange about them being so rude. Now that even the
lord has flattered these aristocratic masters who are just cadets, how
ridiculous would a magician with a wretched streak look?

You don't even think that your opponent is a talented person or a good
background person with a good background.

"Oh, dear, cadets. Haha, they said they were just passing tourists. Come on,
I'll be making delicious specials soon...….”


The cadet slapped the master on the cheek. Jean raised her hand to restrain
the flinchy Enya as she tried to stand up reflexively.

"Where are you, petty commoner son?"

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, you've got your innocent owner beaten up for you. You're pretty
confident, identify yourself. I'll have to deal with your boss.”

How can I answer that?

Worries did not last long. I just came up with an organization that knocked
them all out and could use them for a while.

Tubbuck, Tubbuck.

Jean walked past the table where the cadets sat and closed the bar. Took,
turk! Then I fastened the latch, and said in a calm voice:

"Special Mission Witching Team 1 Bureau 3 under the Imperial Court of


"What are you talking about? You're a member of Special Rental Bureau
One and Group Three? You crazy bastard......!"

Embarrassed by Jin's lies, Enya also hurriedly pressed the hood to write.

"Gee, Prince Jean!" What is that all of a sudden?'

Jin's eyes are still calm. Lying or impersonating is another area of his
expertise. It seems like he only sells names that are less intimidating than
his actual status.

"You want me to believe that? I'm so dumbfounded! Special Rental Magic

1st Country 3rd Group?"

"You'll soon believe it."


Jean punched the cadet's close-knit stomach. He did not carry any Orr, but
he cannot withstand the limp of an Academy cadet's fists from stormy

"Oh, oh, oh, oh?”

The cadet who was hit knelt down with foam. The other two cadets
hurriedly began to order, but the speed at which Jin grabbed the cane was
overwhelmingly fast.

The end of the cane is marked with a small bright spot.

I'd like to knock you out of your mind,'d better use the usual
method for now. You pretended to be a special unit.'

Bug! Bug!

The stick stabbed the remaining cadets in the chest. As soon as the seven-
star mana is injected into the bodies of cadets whose bodies are not even
half-finished, the reflux spreads. The cadets were only three or four.
"Cuckoo! Cuck!

"Egg pole, that pole!"

The legs of the cadets who were bleeding from their noses were loosened.
Jin's eyes are cold looking down at them, which are falling apart like

"They've been bugging Enya."

It took only four seconds for Jin to overpower three cadets.

By that time the owner was completely enchanted and just pouting.

"The pole, sa, save, kuck."

"It's just an early symptom of reflux, so don't make a fuss. It's only this big
of a mana that's backflowing.... Director Dolce said the future of the
Academy wasn't very bright, and that's true.”

Knowing the name of Dolce Lilitha, director of the Bureau 1 of Special

Rental Magic, was information obtained before his return, and it was a
name that anyone could still know. Unlike ordinary members of the crew,
directors of special rental countries are required to appear in official
positions sometimes.

sobbing, sobbing

While the two cadets crawled on the floor, the first cadet who was hit on the
chin managed to pull himself up. Then with his terrified eyes, he managed
to look up at Jean.

"Well, are you really a special lease...…?”

"You want to hear the code name? Then the three of you won't be able to
avoid going to the underground interrogation room at the Special Rental
Headquarters. You seem to be less aware of the atmosphere."
Except for the Imperial Guard, the special lease is the most powerful
enforcement authority in the Beacon.

Among them, the Magic 1st Country 3rd Group was called the 'Personal
God' among the sorcerer in the beat. Because their main job is to act as a
kind of watcher to ferret out irregularities and corruption of wizards and
punish them immediately if necessary.

If Jean is a real special lease, of course killing and saving these three people
in a word.

The whole family could have been broken up. They don't come from the
Beemance leaders such as Highland, Henserk, and Lilitha.

"No, no! We made a mistake. I didn't know you were a special rent!"

"Do you mean it's okay to be rude if you were a layman, not a special rent?"

"No, it'….”

"There's a saying among the special rentals about guys like you. a bug that
hinders the well-being and peace of the motherland A lump of pus! "In the
future, the king and the cadets who are supposed to protect the people, are
you going to stump in the tavern?"

The cadet shut his eyes tightly to Jean's roar. Jean once again checked the
pattern embroidered on the lobes of him and the fallen cadets.

Under the golden eagle pattern symbolizing the academy, the patterns of
each family were carved in small pieces. The cadets who were hit by the
backflow were Maura and Aurel, and the cadets who were hit by the chin
were Chipga.

"Maura, Aurelga, Chipga. Each household was Whisus Maura, Russo

Aurel, Mata Chip, maybe? No, is Maura Gal n Maurean, the father-in-law
of Whisters?"
The heads of the Beemance Magic Family have been memorized since their
previous lives. Just before the banquet was held in the Sword Garden, he
checked a list of factors from each country.

"Da, Daewon. Please let the family know...….”


"Wake up! Hey, kid, guys. Wake up! Come on!"

Chips shouted, raising Maura and Aurel. Maura and Aurel were still unable
to speak because of the backflow, but they were intuitively aware that a
once-in-lifetime crisis had come.

He was also regretting.

Why did he have to pick a fight with this man, and why did he grow things
up when he was trying to move on quietly?….

Shaking, three cadets shook their legs with their arms around each other.

They had no choice but to believe that Jean was a special lease. The name
of the Director of the Magic Bureau 1 has been revealed, and each family is
well-versed, and unlike ordinary wizards, it is inevitable that the name of
the director of the Magic Bureau 1 will be used, as he is good at fighting.

"First, you have violated the strict laws of the empire of protecting the
people. Second, you violated the rules of the Academy of Magic. Third, it
caused an idle disturbance, disrupting the task of special rentals."

Except for the last three, they are virtually nobility wizards. But in this
situation, the story is different.

The cadets were repeatedly apologizing, with nosebleeds, tears, runny

noses, and even real gold.

"The principle is to take you to the interrogation room of the headquarters

so that you can be a man worthy of the empire, and to conduct an audit of
all your families."
Jean paused and glared at them.

"It's lamentable that I can't execute it immediately because of my mission.

I've come under the direction of the Director to conduct an unofficial
inspection of the Academy Wizards and cadres on the sweep of the Dark


When the cadets were so sighing, Enya shut his mouth. The owner
deliberately blocked his ears so as not to hear what the task of the special
forces was.

"Now do you realize what you've done?"

"... give me a chance to apologize. I'll do anything."


Jean smiled.

I have a good idea.

"Okay, I'll give you one last chance."

"Please say it!"

The most healthy chip in the cadet nodded frantically.

"Me and that fellow will be the seeds of the three of you as of today. He
intends to participate in the sweep as a seed and carry out a special lease
mission. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, of course."

"Is the face of the seeds brought back to the past known to other cadres? So
you're not getting the chance again."
"Da, fortunately not, for now, I didn't bring the seed. Even if you hired a
seed here to serve as a porter in a hurry, you wouldn't be suspicious...….”

Jean grabbed the chip's jaw roughly.

"You'll be sure, right?"

"No comment, of course.”

"If you let me down again this time, then all three will be ruined. Instead, if
you are judged to have made a clear contribution to my mission, I will
forget the mistake I just made."

"Go, thank you! Thank you!"

"Hey, master."

The master rushed to Jin and bowed his head to him.

"Yes, yes!"

"I'm the one who cursed you.”

"I didn't hear or see anything!"

"It's great. How's the place that hit you?"

"That's not true! I don't know anything until I die. Well, I just...….”

Special rentals are not only feared by cadres. It was also a famous story
among the Beaconians that if they were wrong with the special forces, they
could disappear without any knowledge of the rats or birds.

"You're better than the cadets. Then I'll know you forgot everything, so just
bring the food you ordered earlier. Oh, and you guys go to the kitchen and
wash the robes and clothes. I can't go back in those clothes.”

Jean kicked her tongue, pointing at the cadets' wet clothes.

As the owner and cadets rushed to the kitchen, Enya breathed out the breath
she was holding back.

"Gee, Lord Qin. Oh, no, brother...….”

Do you really think it'll be okay? It's a high-end crime to impersonating a

special lease!

Jin thought it would come out, of course.

"You're the best! Oh, my God, my God! It's the first time in my life that my
heart is so wide open! It's so refreshing and exciting! Ooh ooh."

Jean gently shut Enya's excited mouth. Oooh! If shouting gets into the
cadets' ears, it may be misunderstood.

"How was your acting?"


"Are you feeling a little better?"

"Of course! Those three, they were known for their bad behavior in my
school year. Especially, I woke up when I thought of them. How did you
meet them like this?”

"Then shall I give you some more? Or Austin can cut it himself."

"Well, no. That's enough for now. It's only when I can crush them by myself
without borrowing your help."

"Good posture. Yeah, it's a real revenge when you can handle it all by
yourself. It seems to me that the conditions have been met even now."

"Well, now it's more important to drink beer after drinking a toast with your
brother, not like those other guys.”

Jean and Enya clinked glasses and burst into giggles. Sizzling, buck-bug.
From inside the kitchen came the sound of the meat being cooked and the
cadets pushing the lobes.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 160

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:27 PM

Chapter 160: Ep.55. The Remains of the Dark Magician (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

October 22, 1796.

"and Jin and Enya became the servants of the cadres, and five days passed."
As Chip said, the other cadets had no doubt at all when they saw the two.

And surprisingly, the three cadets didn't seem to recognize Enya at all. The
disguise was more effective than Jin thought, and most of it was due to
covering his face with a hood.

From today on, we're going to start a full-scale sweep.'

In the last five days the remnants of the Dark Magistrates have never
invaded the city.

A total of 35 wizards from the Academy were dispatched to Hawthorne.

Three or four cadets formed eleven groups, three each, and the other three
were official wizards with seven stars.

For five days, they searched the forest path where the remnants of the Dark
Wizard Society were located in connection with the troops of the lord, but
there was no skirmish.
Maybe that's why?

Academy wizards were thinking too easily of the sweep-out operation.

There was no tension in the inn where they were staying, and they looked
bored as if they had a boring picnic.

He judged that he was scared as soon as the target of the sweep saw us.
Even when the cadets were on patrol alone, there was no attack, so it was
not too much to think so.

Of course.

To Jean, they had no choice but to appear to be desperate young men.

"There's an enemy nearly fifty hiding in the woods over there, and it's this
loose atmosphere. Even if you know it's part of a major run, it's a little too

I was dumbfounded by the mess from one to the other.

'It's definitely not a good situation. There was no raid during the
reconnaissance, but there was no sign of the Dark Wizard's retreat. The
remnants are confident of winning by fighting the Academy Wizards.'

There was not even a trap set up inside the forest path. The remnants
seemed to be waiting for the wizards to come into the cave where they were

The inside of the cave where the remnants are located was dangerous and
did not reconnoiter.But, actually, it was just a hassle. You'll want to get
away with your major and go back and talk about nothing.'

I understand that cadets have no thoughts. But I didn't know six or seven
full-time wizards look like this.

As Jean shook her head, Maura, Aurel and Chip looked on.

At least the three cadets were showing better performances than others. For
them, the special forces are inspecting the sweepstakes, so they can't be

So they were like thorns in every minute and second with Qin and Enya. In
their view, the discipline of the Academy's wizards is a mess, but it was
natural that they could not dream of saying that they had a special unit.

"Well, seed. Do you think we might have made a mistake?….”

"No, the problem is that only four of the 35 wizards are behaving normally.
Is it like this every time Academy wizards go out on a dispatch these days?"

"Well, I don't think so. I don't know because it's our first time here, but...

"Before the operation begins, just pack it up straight. Follow the rules in the
cadet dispatch rules.”


As the cadres retreated, Enya came to the side of the camp.

"The more I see it, the more amazing it is. How can you have such a thick
face? Look at the smoke, really. I think it'll be a big hit if I work in a theater
company. I'm sure you'll be more famous than Daniel Maffrio, the greatest
actor in the Kingdom of the Sun.”

"It's a compliment, right?"

"Yes! You're more handsome than Daniel Maffrio."

"More than that, I think this sweep operation is definitely doomed. So when
the operation starts, never leave my side."

"There are three formal wizards, do you really think so? There's a seven-

For Enya, who was a member of the Academy until recently, the full-time
wizard from the Academy was like a sky. In addition, seven stars were no
different than dragons on clouds.
"Seven stars are not all the same. Everything's been under his command for
the last five days, but there's no answer. Only high achievement seems to
have little experience and is old. I think he's in his mid-40s.”

"What's wrong with being old?”

"Adults with only successful songs don't listen to their subordinates. Even if
the success you've achieved is only a case where you've got expectations for
your background and background.”

If the sweep-out operation starts to crumble at the same time as Jean


Jean was going to use Maura, Chip, and Morel's mouth to make an initial
statement. His head is full of countermeasures against all sorts of
unexpected situations.

'But you can't hear it.'

In fact, Jin had nothing to lose.

The reason why Jin came to the Dark Magic Society is to build up the
experience of reverse-current magic training and Enya.

The counter-current magic can be done if it's not the remnants of the Dark
Wizardry Society, and Enya will surely feel something by just watching the
Academy Wizard fail or succeed.

"I'm ready, seed. And an order just came in, an hour later, the operation
starts at 6 p.m."

The three cadets came with packed bags to announce the news. How hard
she packed, all three of her foreheads were covered with perspiration.



The evening forest is dark.

As the sun sets, magic lights shine everywhere in the city, but the forest is
already as dark as midnight because of the trees blocking the sunlight.

That's how it works.

The Academy's wizards were moving in groups with small magic lights on.
It's like advertising that we're here.

'On a forest road where there might be some kind of skirmish, a magic
lamp. Are you advertising for surprise? You're too good at belittling the
enemy. That's why the Beacon Magic Academy doesn't dare to look over
the educational institutions of the Jipple.'

Of course not all of the Academy is this shape. The Gipple is just too good,
and the Beemment Academy is also one of the most prestigious that has
produced a lot of marijuana.


Even the seven-star command wizard, who is yawning right now, will be
better than now if he shows his skills properly.

However, he is drunk with the sweetness and convenience of giving his

major to others.

'Well, to the Academy Magewizards, every minute of the Dark Wizardry

seems like a street junkie.k.a.a.a.a.a street weed.'

Jin and Enya were carrying the cadets' luggage at the rear of the procession.

"Take a break here!"

Crazy, here?

Jean looked around in astonishment. There were only a few low rocks, and
the road was filled with forests, so one or two excellent snipers could wipe
out the cadet party if they wanted to.

"Mr. Chip cadet."

"Oh, yeah."

The chip nodded awkwardly. Since others can hear it, Jin and Enya use
honorifics, and the three cadets speak informally.

"Please tell him this is not true. There's a better resting place 30 minutes
from here. Even if you turn left past a big rock that will come out in about
five minutes."

Jindo has participated in reconnaissance as a seed a couple of times in the

past five days. That's when I saw a place that could be a resting place.


"It's an order."

"Well, Lord Artz!"

Artz was a six-star wizard who was the leader of the party. He looked back
and found the chip.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a better place to rest in a half hour from here. Soon there's a big
rock coming out, and if you go left past it...….”

"You're talking nonsense. If you're worried, at least put on a shield and take
a rest."


"You want to get a score? All right, I thought everyone was just playing
around on the scout, but there was a cadet in mind. When I get back, I'll
post a shop recommendation letter to your professor."

"Thank you..."

At this point, I've decided to just give up. In fact, it's none of your business.
It seemed like half an hour to rest like that, fortunately, nothing had


Suddenly, two phosphorus came out of the forest on the left side of the line.
It was an oak tamed by the remnants of the Dark Wizard.

However, perhaps due to long torture, the two oaks were rather weak and
small, unlike what was commonly known.


When Orc threw the axe he was holding and shouted, the full-time wizards
quickly unfolded the shield.

At the same time, the closest cadet group 2 sang magic, and the rest of the
cadets also grasped the cane to refine their combat readiness.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The Orc that fell on the

bushes screamed like scratching iron, and the full-time wizards shook their
heads as if they were tired.

"Oak? What a bummer...... Arts, you take the first, second, and third groups
and look for the guys who did that. If you find him, don't shoot him, bring
him to me."


"The rest of the journey begins again."

They divided the number of combatants due to the obvious disturbance

despite the lack of numbers compared to the enemy. If three groups are left
out, the remaining number will be 23. Including the seeds, they are a little
over fifty, but they are not conducive to combat.

And in all likelihood, a wizard named Atsu will join the cadets late after
playing with them.
Jean, who was trying to laugh at the command wizard inwardly, was
startled and fixed her eyes on him.

It's really weird....maybe not?

It is very common for a less experienced elite to look down on the enemy.

But even if it's a success with background and origin, seven is by no means
a light achievement. To the extent that you understand the complex
formulas of seven-star magic, you basically have to have an extraordinary

But from the first day until now, every single one of the command wizards
has been making the worst decisions.

I'll have to think about the possibility that the command wizard might do
this on purpose. Either a seven-star wizard is a spy for the Dark Wizard or
wants the operation to fail because he has a grudge against one of the

As the procession began again, Jean asked Maura, Chip and Orell about the
seven-star command wizard, "Oton Melson."

Until now, I didn't ask you on purpose for fear of being suspected of special
lease status, but you needed to find out.

"Do you know anything about Lord Orton, cadets? The command is very

"Well, well. I heard you were aiming to become an Academy professor a

few years ago. I know Henserk has been staying behind as an assistant

"Maybe he was annoyed. I'm sad to stay as an assistant professor, but I've
been dispatched with the blue cadets.”

"Any other particulars?"

"I can't really think of anything...... Oh, Lord Orton had meat yesterday.”
"Why did you eat meat?"

"Oh, well. He's originally quite a vegan. As far as I know."

Maura and Aurel nodded at the chip's answer.

Three hours later.

A large cave began to appear in the sight of Jean, Enya, and the wizards. It
was home to the remains of rock caves and dark sorcerer's association,
which were artificially created using land magic.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 161

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:26 PM

Chapter 161: Ep.55. The Remains of the Dark Magicians (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Deep, dark, and wide.

It was the first impression of the Academy's wizards and cadets as soon as
they entered the cave. Enya also looked around and looked at the cave to
see if she felt that the magic of the earth line was amazing.

"You've made it so broad, you're a lot of petty criminals."

"Isn't there 500 people in there, not 50? Did you want to build a fortress?"

While some cadets were giving their impressions, Jin was thinking a little
differently from them.

'It's not a cave that can be made into 50 three or four-star wizards at all.'

Land-based magic is used in all kinds of construction and construction

because of its overwhelming usefulness.

Digging caves was one of the most representative uses of earth magic.

In addition to making a small cave to avoid rain during the trip, you can
also find cases where eccentric wizards work hard to create a research cave.
But building a cave of this size was a matter of a different dimension.
Unlike small caves, the ceiling and ground must be carefully made by using
mana to prevent it from collapsing.

'The entrance to the cave is wider than the main hall of the Hosson lordship.
If it's just digging a cliff, it's enough for dozens of junior wizards to pull

Gin that inspires the eye and scrutinizes the floor, ceiling, and walls.

'The texture is too constant. It's definitely one person's work. Besides, there
were a lot of soft pebbles around the entrance. It's a cave that you can't even
try to make unless you're a master of earth magic.'

Jean looked at the back of Orton Melson's head. He is trying to confirm

how he will react as a command wizard.

'I don't know about cadets and deputy commanders, but if Orton Melson is
really seven, he should feel a sense of separation.'

If you order me to move forward as if I didn'….

Orton is either a spy for the Dark Wizard or deliberately putting cadres in

A moment later O'Ton lifted his cane, singing a short spell. The magical
name spread from his cane is ground detection.

This is the magic that Jean used to track down the members of the Kinselo
unit who kidnapped Mesa on their first mission. At that time, it was more
efficient by simultaneously singing wind tracking, but Orton is not a
simultaneous user of the Youngchang.

Deaddard... ...

The mana of ground detection moved forward, checking the condition of

the cave floor for a long time.
"Seeing that the earth's sense is spreading straight, maybe it's a tunnel, not a
cave. I think it's at least 500 meters deep."

"What should I do? Lord Orton."

A six-star wizard at the rank of deputy commander asked Orton.

"The entire cadet moves forward, ready to hit the shield at any time. And
you wait here in groups four and five, and when Artz comes back, join him
and follow him."


"Don't play too much. I'm telling you to wait because he might wander.”

Chuck Arts, who was swayed by the obvious disturbance ahead, pulled the
first, second and third groups out of the lineup, and this time, he also pulled
out the fourth, fifth and sixth-star wizards for no reason.

The fighting force, which reached thirty, has now been reduced to one
Orton at fifteen.

'Now I know for sure. A spy, or deliberately ruining an operation for some

It is more likely to be a spy.

The division of troops, perhaps, is to encourage the remnants of the Dark

Wizard to easily defeat the cadres.

"And a strict vegetarian ate meat all of a sudden...…?'

Then we had to keep in mind the possibility that Orton Melson was not a
"real Orton Melson." Bubar Gaston and Transformation Crime.

Jin has information about Boubar, and in modern life, he was attacked by
his followers of Jipple, who turned himself into a guardian knight as soon
as he stepped out of the storm.
That's why I thought it could be a crime of transformation.

'Let's keep an eye on him for now.'

It was very likely that he was a spy.

I didn't mean to raise a question. If the Academy cadets are colleagues, or

good people, they may be. It's actually not very relevant to Jean that they're
in danger because of Orton.

Also, Bismant was closer to Jipple than to Looncandel. In other words,

cadets are no different than potential enemies to Qin.

Above all, even if Orton showed his true colors or the battle began with the
remnants of the Dark Wizardry Society, it would have been enough for Jin
to fight and win or escape with Enya.

If you add an o-turn to about 50 people per dark magic circle, you can
handle it on your own.'

I walked for a long time again.

The cave was filled with the sound of the chilly wind coming in and out of
the cave, and nothing so boring happened inside the cave.


So when a cadet in the leading ranks stopped walking with that kind of

Even when the body of a cadet was torn down like a sand castle, and when
a small pool of blood began to pool rapidly on the floor, it was revealed that
what penetrated the chest of a cadet was an arrow shot by an oak hiding in
the darkness on the other side.

The cadres were not immediately aware of the seriousness of the situation.

'It's on.
It's a surprise!

Someone who had just seen the Oak coming out of the dark shouted with a

Some clung to the cadre of the arrow and performed healing spells, while
some spread a shield around them. The rest looked everywhere with their
sticks raised.

And Orton, who raised a mana at the end of his cane, stabbed the body of
the first cadet to scream.

"Kuck! Kkurak!"

It caused a reverse flow.

Whether Orton is a real Orton Melson or a spy transformed through Bubar,

the fact that he is a seven-star wizard remains unchanged.

"Sir Orton!"

"What's wrong with you!"

The cadets who were standing close to Orton backed away. I saw the
sudden change of Orton, but it was hard to believe.

"Sir Orton..."

"Well, there are many on earth."

Orcs were walking out of the darkness that stretched out behind Orton. To
make matters worse, even a group of humans in black robes were together.

These are the remnants of the Dark Magicians. a figure of about fifty, as
reported by the Seven Colors

"Everyone had a hard time getting here."

said Orton in a low voice. The eyes of the cadets staring at him were stained
with fear and confusion.

"Oh, Lord Orton! What the hell is this......! No way you were a spy for the
Dark Wizard!"

"Sadly so. Haha... you want me to give you know what?... the Academy
boys don't know how ashamed they're ashamed of themselves.”

"Hey, crazy!"

"You will be an experiment of the Dark Wizardry."

The cadets had no choice but to feel death intuitively.

Opponents are the Dark Wizard at 50, the Orc twenty, and the seven-star
wizard. On the other hand, only fifteen cadets remained in the cave. Even
that two were struck by arrows and countercurrents; thirteen.

"Uh, ahh!"

"Damn it!"

Some of the cadets' seeds began to run away, abandoning their luggage. The
only ones not running away are Jean and Enya disguised as seeds.

The Orcs tamed by the Dark Wizard did not bother to shoot arrows behind
their backs.

Because I knew it was no use running away.

"Yes, yes, he likes the running game. Run as far as you like, seedlings. You
can't use it as an experiment anyway.”

The path where the cadets came from is still unblocked, but the monster
who enjoyed "play" against two six-star wizards and cadets will soon return
at the outside and entrance of the cave.
I didn't expect it to flow this far into this unanswered development. Hm,
Orton, the Academy boys say they're not ashamed of themselves, so I think
that's the fake Bubar transformed.'

Jean breathed a low sigh. I could feel the yen shaking close to me.

But she wasn't just shaking, she was also releasing her mana so that she
could fight anytime. There was a big difference from all the other cadets
looking around in despair.

Maura, Aurel, and Chip looked at Jin Man. They know Jean is a magic one-
state special lease, so they want to believe there's a way.

In fact, one member of the Special Rental Magic One can't deal with them
alone. It is fortunate for them that Jean is not really a special rent.

"Brother, what can I do.....? All the cadets are about to die.”

"It's all right, don't worry. Why are you worried about the guys who've been
bothering you?”

"Not all of them. Most of them were. Wouldn't there be some good people?”

"Stick close to me from now on, and don't fall a step away."

Somehow far away, the cadres and the Dark Wizardry did not hear the two

Jean, who fixes Enya's hood and smiles. Jean was also covering her face
with her hood pressed down the whole time.

There are more enemies than I thought, but so far it's okay.

'The wizard who made this cave. If you watch out for him, you can easily
handle the rest. I don't think it's Orton, it's one of those.'

He must have been mixed up with some 50 dark sorcerer. Everyone was
wearing the same black robe, so it was impossible to check right away.
But it will come to light soon. Jean had already completed a magic ritual to
subdue them.

"Hey, do you think you're gonna be okay?...! Orton!"

"You're a real ambassador. Then shall I try it, too? If you surrender gently,
you will have the least mercy. But the ones who fight needlessly will end up
in a terrible situation."

Without doing this or that, the cadets looked at each other and the enemies
alternately. The escaped seeds were not even seen from the back.

Some cadets are about to walk along the road where the seeds fled.

"You'd better not run away like he said, cadets. I think the escaped seeds
will never survive. It's already too deep, and there must be something out

Jean took a step forward.

Then the remnants of the Dark Wizardry and the Orcs, and all the cadres,
looked at Qin.

"Oh, the only seed that hasn't escaped. Are you desperate and crazy? How
dare you call me that...….”

Just like that's perfect!

Jean hit the floor with a cane.

The pre-completed ceremony then drew a magic pearl on the floor, and the
mana hidden in the rune letters engraved on the back of the camp began to
flow out.

Whoo-woong, kang...…!


Soon white mana turns into a huge sphere filling the ceiling of the cave.
The cadets looked at the sphere for a moment, and they were just as dark as
they were, and they were foaming.

Most of the dark sorcerer's wizards have become similar. No, unlike the
cadets, they immediately shed blood all over their bodies and fell. It was
because Qin concentrated the mana of the sphere on that side.

And O'Ton, who was temporarily enchanted by the unexpected 'magic' was
forced to say this in a quivering voice.

"Yi, this is. You don't think Kiddad Hall's...…!?”

reverse stream

counter-current magic ultimate

From the moment I learned it, the enchantment dictionary against Jin was
no longer a matter of numbers.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 162

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:25 PM

Chapter 162: Ep.55. The Remains of the Dark Magicians (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Like a vortex swallowing seawater.

Yeokcheon constantly sucks the magic of Academy cadets and Dark

Wizardry. The dark cave was filled with bright lights because of dozens of
mana bands drawn by the sphere's manpower.

Keying, Keying! Kei...! The sharp noise created by the Yeokcheon is

amplified on the cave wall.

In the cave, which was in a moment of chaos, there were only four
sorceresses who had not yet fallen.

Jin, the person who spread the heat wave, and Enya, who is next to him.

And a fake Orton that just spills a thick streak through his lips, and a dark
sorcerer who shivers his body.

'That's him, the wizard who made this cave.

Unlike Orton, who was only standing there, he murmured his spell,
unfolded the shield, and struggled to calm his mana.

'I think it's about eight stars.'

Without the counter-current system, and especially without the ultimate
counter-current, Qin would not have drawn even a small counter-current
response from him. Pure mana is one step higher than him.

"Ostin, put on the shield. The Orcs will come to their senses soon.”

It was too much for Jin to sing at the same time while maintaining the
weight lifting.

"Oh, yes!"

Enya was not good at responding to the situation as it was the first time in
real life. About a dozen seconds have already passed, but he was not sure
what to do.

But Jean did not feel that Enya was bewildered.

'It's rather great. It's the first real game, and I didn't give you a word in
advance, but you're holding your mind straight.'

Most would have been in a panic if they were 16 wizards and aspiring
students. Enya, who calmly unfolds her protective shield, was proud of her.

"And aim at him with the most confident attack magic."

"You mean the sorcerer in the black robe, not the original?”

Clear drops of sweat stood on Jean's forehead, nodding her head.

Yeokcheon is originally a magic that requires nine-star horsepower. Now

that Jean is seven stars, she could not give full power or keep it afloat.

"Ker, Kerhhhhhhhhhhhhh...….”

Fake Orton, who failed to win backflow, eventually collapsed on the floor
and vomited blood bubbles. However, the eight-star wizard seems to have
regained some stability, picking out the breath.

From Enya's hands came the mana of sharp wind. On the four-star day of
the wind knife, there was a pretty harsh wave, but it was not enough to
pierce his shield.

When the blade of the wind was blocked by the shield, he stared at the

"Wake up, bow......shoot me!"

Fortunately, he is also missing in the early phase of the reflux. This means
that the eight-star wizard cannot release the formidable attack magic

'But when the hot springs die down, they'll go straight to the mid-level or
higher magic.'

If possible, after the lifting of the reverse stream, it had to be finished

without any additional mana loss. As Orton said, another enemy outside
will soon find the cave.


The orcs wobbled and pulled the bow. More than half of twenty-two people
fell down while pulling a bow, but about four or four arrows were fired at
the two.

The arrow struck the shield of Enya and made a dull sound.

"Brother, what shall we do? With Olta's help, I think I can handle some of
the Orcs. But I can't get through the eight-star wizard's shield...….”

"Save away Olta's strength, and block a few more arrows."


A faint smile was spreading around the mouth of the eight-star wizard.

It's because I feel that the energy from the ceiling is getting weaker. He
knew exactly how fast Qin's mana was running out.
So the eight-star wizard had no choice but to mistake time for his side.

'He's sure by now my spell will run out and my victory will come to him.'

Now that if you don't slowly collect the reverse, the camp will rather fall
into the reverse, so that's not wrong.

"You've had a proper blow. Your man, you're a hidden disciple of Kidad,
aren't you?"

The eight-star wizard shouted to Jean and asked, As the sphere of

Yeokcheon has become much smaller than before, it has begun to regain its

"Does the guy who's about to die need to know that?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I was so careless that I almost lost count, but I've
already figured out that you're only seven stars. I'm Rolled Joe! You've
heard it once, haven't you?"

Rolled Joe.

He was the brother of 'Cold Joe,' known as the greatest archrival of Andrei
Zipple's life. Jean's eyes glowed with interest when she heard the name.

"I've heard rumors that Joe's half-brother has mastered the magic of the
earth. I never knew the name was Rolled Joe.”

"I'll be bluntly. Join the Dark Wizardry, disciple of Kiddhall."

"If you refuse?"

"I'll take your breath away as soon as your mana runs out. Isn't that
obvious? From the moment when I first let my guard down and failed to
deal with myself, there was no chance for you to win."

“ , .
, . . ?”

“ ? .”

“ .”

“ . ?”

"Are you asking because of your treatment? Let's say it's in ten fingers.
Aside from our relationship with Kiddahl, it is true that we covet your
ability and potential. If you join, I'll let you serve as my deputy

In ten fingers? The margin of the brow of the gin is narrowed finely.

"You mean there's at least nine more talented people in the Dark Wizardry
Club? I thought they were just trash that was leaning on the old notoriety,
but I'm craving for it."

He spoke as if nothing had happened, but Jean was hiding her amazing
feelings. If Rollt's words were true, the Dark Wizard's Association was not
just a "residences."

"Of course, your initiation should be after fixing that irreverent attitude. I
think you're still young, but I can't understand that pride is hitting the sky
with such achievements already."

"By the way, aren't you curious about why I came here? It's also hidden
under the seed of the Academy Wizard.”

"You just have to get to know it gradually in the process of refinement.

Well, you do have a clean eye. You'd want to test some counter-current
magic. I'm sure Kiddad would have told you that all the wizards in the
world would be under your feet, passing on the counter-current to you.”
Jean grinned and nodded.

"Okay, I'll join the Dark Wizard. However, there is one condition."


"Bring me down, you can't get under the weaker one than me."

"Puhaha, it's a real thing. Do you still have enough room for bravado? Is
Kidd going to be his disciple?….”

"I've been mistaken since a long time ago, and I'm not a disciple of Kiddad.
Come to think of it, you haven't heard my name yet. The countercurrent is
just a reward I took for killing him."



The stream, which had shrunk to the size of a human head, suddenly began
to turn black.

Soon, the sphere of Yeokcheon expanded like crazy again, and the ceiling
was dyed black again.

The spirit is strengthening the spirit of the station stream.

And Young-gi has at least two leading powers compared to the same
amount of an auror mana. The five-star spirit was added to the station
stream, and it was no different from the seven-star river.

"You son of a... !"


Rolt threw up blood, covering his mouth reflexively. It was only a minute
ago that Jin fell into the early phase of the reflux due to the reverse stream,
which was only carried out by mana.
At that time, the eight-star wizard showed his dignity to prevent a full-
fledged reversal.

The story was different now. He is convinced that Jin's mana has run out,
and that he has to deal with the second reverse with some of the fallout

That's impossible unless you're fully prepared for the wizard, who's about to

"Oh, my... ..."!”

A name was passing through Roldt's mind. An unfamiliar name, engraved

on the walls of the dead Kiddard's lab.

'Jin... ...Grey? You don't think so? Besides, that black force!'

the spirit of life

A dark, strong force that all wizards long for. A gleam of despair grazed the
shaking eyes of Rolt.

'That's the guy that Kinselo was looking for to sign the Soldierlet? I'm not
good enough to spread the weight, Young-ki.…!'

There is no way to calm down the confused mind. The Orcs backed away in
instinctive fear, and Rolt had to realize that this time he had made an
irreparable fatal mistake.

"You said you almost got caught off guard by yourself, did you get off
guard again?"

"Argh! Argh!"


When Jean pulled out Brada Mante, which she had covered with a robe, a
black light flowed from the white day.
"Yi, ooh, ooh!"

Push shot, gurgle, gurgle!

The backflow blew up properly.

Jean, who saw blood gushing from all the holes in Rolt's face, struck back.
Then he strode away to him.

"Kidad Hall had a similar reaction to you. I'd like to save your ass and ask
you a lot of questions. The scale of the Dark Wizard's Council, its home
base, its purpose."

"Kahawk, Kuck!"

"But it's a problem that you can use a fake orton that's just passed out. Most
of all, I think there's going to be a battle with him soon, who you described
earlier as liking living prey."

Squirt! Took!

Jean swung lightly at Bradamante and shook Rolt's neck. Then the Orcs,
who were backing away, ran away altogether.

"I'll take that!"

Enya swung a stick and shot an ice pick. The Orcs are not originally
capable of dealing with four-star wizards, but it is not difficult to cast magic
on the back of the run.

The Orcs, hit by an ice sheet, fell through a group of black wizardry who

"Good job, Austin."

"Thank you, brother!"

"But you have to be nice to me again from now on. It's like some big guy
got into a cave...….”
Boom, boom, boom! There was a distant and heavy footsteps on the side of
the road they had passed.

I just finished fighting Rolt.

Something similar to humans appeared in front of the two. Also, this time,
it was not easy to hide the embarrassment of progress.


He returned to the cave after enjoying a short "play" with wizards left
outside the cave by a fake Orton.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 163

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:23 PM

Chapter 163: Ep.55. The Remains of the Dark Magician (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A huge height of nearly three meters, white fur covered with a heavy yet
sleek body, eyes resembling a wolf like its name. He is large among the
Baengnang people.

The hideous hammer across the shoulders of the Baengnang people was
filled with bloodstains. It was a sign of massacres of wizards outside the

I see why Fake Orton expressed his love of living toys.'

Suinjong's representative battle species, the Baengnang, regarded humans

as food and toys unless they were special partners or situations.

"Oh, what the hell is going on here? What a mess!"

Looking around, the Baengnangs kicked their tongues. The Baengnangs

showed quite a variety of faces when they saw the dark sorcerer who fell on
the bottom of the cave.

He seemed perplexed but not afraid of the situation. After seeing nearly
fifty of his men dead or fainted out of nowhere.
"Hey, I was wondering whose head it was, and it's Rolled. Curl, that's
amazing. Let's see... ...from the look of the atmosphere, it doesn't seem to
have been betrayed."

As soon as he appeared, Enya raised his cane with a stiff face. But without
shaking with fear, he felt his will and determination to fight.

'You must feel a lot about this, Miss Enya.'

As long as we overcome this situation and safely return to Tikan.

The Baengnang pointed to the two with exaggerated gestures as if they

were performing a play.

"Two little kids there! You guys did this, right? Obviously, this body is
never wrong. You've all ordered a mana reversal, haven't you? I told you
there's a human wizard who's really good at reverse flow.”

It is common knowledge that a wizard or a warrior who falls into a reverse

current fainted while vomiting blood bubbles.

The fingers pointing to Qin and Enya are as long and thick as iron bars.
Instead of answering, Jean shrugged and matched his eyes with him.

"Ha! Me, by the way. You're so young and you have a pretty good eye for a
wizard! Wouldn't it be okay to be afraid of this body?”

Naturally, the Baengnangs were thinking of Jean as a wizard.

That's because Jean cut Roldt's throat and then immediately took
Bradamante and hid him back in the lobes. There was nothing good about
advertising 'I am a horseman' to the enemy.

Thanks to this, the Baengnangs recognized Jin and Enya as pure wizards.

"It's not too late to decide after hearing if your name is something to be
When Jean said so, the Baeng-lang trembled. Then he clapped his hands
and made a unique wolf cry.

"That's great! It's different from the humans who just played with them and
killed them. I like you very much, you. My name is Golph Harpalep. It's not
even an honorable duel, but it's awkward to say your name, haha."

Jin, who confirmed his name, breathed a sigh of relief into his mind.

'I was wondering if it might be the investment liker or the Beauto Wens
because they're so big.'

Boussand Ryker and Beauto Wens are known to be very large among the
famous warriors of the Baengnang tribe. And they were still too strong for
Jean, as they were almost nine stars compared to humans.

Anyway, I've never heard of the name Goltep Hapalep in my previous life.
It meant that he was unlikely to be a particularly outstanding warrior among
the Baengnangs.

Of course, the Baengnangs, even if they were not investmentists or Beautos,

could not relax as they themselves were said to have been born only for
combat and massacre.

"Golph Harpalep, that's the first name I' I'm Jean Greida. This is Austin
Gray, but you need to be a little afraid, don't you think? We wiped out your
fellow wizards."

"What kind of fellow. If you take out the rolls, they're just meat balls to fill
the head count. Don't be too proud to have killed some of those crap."

The Baengnangs were also specialized in the Great Magician Exhibition.

Not only is it difficult to damage their strong bodies with less than six-star
magic, but fur also has the ability to bounce off mana.

So even though Goltep classified Jin and Enya as "wizards of great skill,"
he was not nervous at all. Goltep also suspected that the two were almost
out of mana, even though they appeared to be fine.
As many as 50 wizards, including Rolt and fake Orton, have fallen back
into the current, Goltep's common sense is bound to judge that way.

"By the way, since Roldt is dead, I'll be in trouble if I just go back, um...

Goltep squeezed his head for a moment and then clapped again.

"Okay! Let me make you a sweet suggestion. Your ability to kill Rolt and
the meat is proven......why don't you do this? Instead of being crushed by a
hammer and being my meal, I'm joining the Kinselo."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

"Kinselo......? Isn't this the Dark Wizard Cave?"

"Oh, the Dark Wizardry is our Kinselo's, what is it? It's like a chapter.
Kinselo only receives warriors. So wizards belong to the Dark Wizard

I heard an incredibly interesting story. Since the seven-color crew members

caught circumstantial evidence that Vishkel and Bubar belonged to Kinselo,
Kinselo has been the focus of Jean's attention.

"It turns out that a white-collar worker named Quasito Truka, whom I faced
on my first mission as a cadet, also seemed to belong to the Kinselo.
Besides, it's the Dark Wizard Society.'

The Kinselo and the White Rangs.

What kind of relationship are they? With a hunch that perhaps the whole
Baenglang might have something to do with Kinselo, I had a hunch that
Kinselo was an unimaginable force.

In the dark magic society alone, there are at least nine more wizards with
more than eight stars.

"In other words, you guys will be executives of the Dark Magic Council
under Kinselo. I'd love to fill Rolt's place, and I'm ashamed to see you."
"Who's the head of the Kinselo?"

"After it became an executive. What do you say? You want to work with us.
I think you guys are worth a lot more than those fellers over there.
Especially I have a feeling that you're a particularly good thing."

Jean shook her head.

"Rolt, who's dead over there, told me the same thing as you, and I've been
offered to join twice already. Does Kinselo seem to lack talent? You're
picking too many people. We sprinkle executive positions like water."

"There is always a shortage of talent in turning the world upside down. And
you said it's the second time, right? Usually a third chance doesn't come.
You're already too good to die, that's all I've got."

Goltep, who erased his laughter, showed his energy.

As soon as he starts to wriggle up and down from his body, the air in the
cave sinks heavily in a moment. Enah clenched her teeth and stared at
Goltep, and Jean held her cane diagonally.

"Do you know how I answered, when Roult told you to come under him?"

"Tell me."

"You can't go under the weaker one than me. The same applies to you. If
you want me to join the Kinselo, beat me first. If I lose, I'll seriously
consider joining."

The flesh spreads in Goltep's eyes.

'I'm not feeling any good, but I can't feel any pressure for some reason.….'

Goltep pulled a hammer from his back.

The weapon, larger than Luna's axe sword Krantel, sounded heavy, even
though it only touched the floor lightly.

"You don't seem to be very smart for your abilities....... I see what you
mean. But I made it clear, there won't be a third. The goodwill is over,
there's nothing left but retribution."


When Goltep took his foot off, Enya flinched and pulled up his cane. He
was embarrassed because he missed Goltep's move. It was not a four-star
wizard, but a four-star warrior, at an unrecognizable speed.

Just a black figure blinking and narrowing the distance at once. At least six-
star unmanned aerial vehicles will be able to react awkwardly.


The hammer fell on the gin's shield. A single blow cracked, broke one side,
and had to open a new protective shield in the third blow.


In the short crack of the first shield, Enya spread a flame whip. But the
magic of the four-star wind system can't even scratch Goltep's skin.

In that sense, Enya had the talent to be called a genius. Instead of Goltep's
torso, he aimed exactly at the eye and shot the blade of the wind.

Aiming magic in the eyes of a fast-moving opponent is never easy.

But Goltep seems to be stingy.

He opened his mouth and swallowed it without blocking the wind blade of
Enya. It was a scene that could not help but be surprised.

"As expected, it wasn't much. Don't just hit the shield, come on, show me
your skills for that big mouth, Jean Grey."

Spitting and eating again. There was no blood in the saliva, as if his tongue
was not cut on the blade of the wind.

"Oh, how did you know I was a woman!"

"To deceive someone with such a shabby disguise."

"You guys fell for it!"

"That's why humans are not allowed. Anyways, get rid of the residue. I
want to see Jean Grey's skills.”

Boom! Boom, boom! A hammer that moves fast enough to overshadow its
heavy figure. It will soon reach its limit to stop it with a protective shield.

'It's no use pretending to be a pure wizard. I was hoping you could start with
a single eyeball.'

I tried to look for snow in the same way as Jindo's Enya. Having confirmed
that it was useless, there was no need to waste any more mana.

Above all.

As I watched Goltep's hammering quietly in the shield, I decided that there

was no need to fight defensively.

"The reason why his energy wasn't so overwhelming, was it because I grew


The fourth moment the protective barrier was broken, Jean threw the cane
and pulled out Bradamante.

Jean who flips himself down and throws bradamante. Thanks to the opening
of the eye, he was able to be sure that even if he was harmed, the hammer
only brushed close to Enya's nose.

Enya jerked her head back and screamed, and Goltep had to cut his thigh at
an unexpected inspection. Feet, when a ray of blood splashed from his
thigh, Goltep opens the street and spits out curses.

"Oh, my God! You were a horseman?"

"You guys fell for it."


Varys spread from the blade of an oracle-painted bradamante.

Goltep only paused, but as if there was no problem, he overlaid a new ogre
on the hammer.

"Somehow I thought Rolt's neck cut was so neat. It wasn't magic, it was cut
with a sword......but nothing will change, Jean Grey. Oh, there's one thing. I
won't kill you, I'll show you.”

Flip, swipe. Jean took the position, turning the bradamante lightly in her

"I'd advise you not to let your guard down. It's been a long time since I
fought with the White Rangs, but I think it'll be a shame if it ends blandly."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 164

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:21 PM

Chapter 164: Ep.55. The Remains of the Dark Magicians (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Every time Goltep's hammer fell, the cave floor broke and stone debris
splashed. Looking down at the sunken floor, Enya swallowed his breath,
and Jean relaxed her steps to complement him.

It was only relaxing for Jin, but seemed close to Enya. It was only natural
that she had no eyes to understand the movements of the seven-star article.


"Stay away, Austin."

Enya shouted urgently, but Jin felt an indescribable thrill piercing his spine,
causing a thrill all over his body.

Boom, boom, boom! Giant extra constantly mash the floor. Every time I hit
the floor and went up again, I heard a violent wind.

The hammer moved in a flamboyant move. The Baengnang warriors deal

with weapons such as hammers, iron bars and spears even before they start
to walk, while Goltep is a veteran with 300 combat experiences.
Left to right, right to left, left to right again, left to right, a diagonal line that
reaches wonderfully along the retreat, and a straight line. Past experiences
are concentrated in the trajectory of a hammer that crosses the air and the
floor like a dance.

And there's the flow. The flow that is optimized to crush the opponent. You
will never notice the flow unless you have reached the stage.

Jin, for example, has risen to the top. How can I shudder at the shudder?

"Was it so thrilling to avoid an opponent's attack as you wish?'

The only thing that exploded in the hammering that lasted for about 30
seconds was the floor. Even the randomly splattered fragments could not
touch Jean's collar.

How long will you avoid it like a rat?

Goltep was not such a cliché. A ray of admiration shrivels in the glare of
Goltep's eyes.


After stopping hammering for a moment, he looked down at the gin. Even
after wielding a giant hammer dozens of times, Goltep's breathing is like the
first time.

"What the hell is your guy? I've never heard that a man as young as you,
has reached this level. Did you deceive your age in disguise?"

"Think as you please."

"I don't think we should just classify it as a game. Your man is well worth
offering to Javier's altar."

The greatest warrior in the history of the Suin race, the Baengnang Javier.
He was respected by other minorities, but was considered a god among the
There are only two cases in which the Baengnangs say they will dedicate
their opponents to the altar of Javier. In case the enemy is strong enough to
fight for all honour, or if it is Looncandel.

Goltep judged Jean to be an electron.

"I, Golph Harpalep, will now take on Jean Grey, with all the honour of me
and the tribe of Harpalep. You will be reborn in the form of Javier's soul,
without being unclean."

"Kinselo seems to guarantee freedom of religion.”

"Well, it's a pretty good place than I thought. Too bad we can't be together."


Goltep's hammer swelled. An incomparably bright light shone on his

serious face.

You mean you're really talented from now on? Well, it would have been too
easy if that clumsy hammering was all.'

Bradamante was also surrounded by another layer of visitors. Jin's eyes,

which aimed at the edge of the knife, also subsided.

It was Bradamante who took a breath and first made a pagong sound. The
sword, which was standing horizontally at the height of the clown, stretched
out in a straight line like an arrow.

to be fast

Not for Jean to feel for herself, not for Goldep to follow with his eyes.
Flashing! Jin's eyeglasses shook along the sword drawn on Ilseom in the
middle of the cave.

And Goltep, who puts the hammer as hard as he can.

There was a roaring sound as if a blunt instrument and a blunt instrument
had collided, not an antecedent or blunt instrument. Goltep, preparing for
the next blow with a hop in his eye, had no choice but to stifle another
astonishment. On earth

"What kind of power is that?"

The body of the boy, who uses seven-star aneurysm, is clear. But the boy's
sword seemed to tear his hand with a hammer.

Overcome the weight difference, overwhelm the distance difference. Every

time the inspection continued, Goltep was modifying his perception of Qin.

It's not the strength an ordinary seven-star article can produce. As far as
Goltep knew, there was only one such mysterious force.


Knowing that blessed lineage will not make any difference. Jean was
concentrating all her rituals on her sword without answering.

A small, light-weight body of a species called man, that bounces a giant

hammer with a sword, causing the white warrior to backtrack...….

The image of Looncandel itself, which I have dreamed of since my previous


There have been quite a few fights since his return, but there has never been
such a proud day as today. Yes, this is what Looncandel's fight deserves.

It should be so overwhelming. Every time you swing a sword, you must

make your opponent slow down, and soon be seized with fear and kneel

'The mere presence of a sword in the clan makes the enemy shudder with

That is the extreme meaning of the sword that Looncandel is aiming for. I
felt that such a sentence was hidden in the darkness embroidered by


Whoo! Wedge!

The pushed Goltep swung the hammer big once. Jean wielded desperately
to step back.

This is because the narrower the distance, the less Goltep can do. A long,
huge weapon can easily destroy it. It was not suitable to take away the
clinging enemy.

'Shall we avoid?'

Or shall we take it back?

I had to bear the strain on my body if I hit it back. Even if the blessed
Looncandel's body and seven-star, a blow containing Goltep's soul is bound
to put pressure on the body.


There is only one reason for abandoning a more efficient choice.

I wanted to enjoy the name Looncandel a little more. He is the proudest

member of the family of those mad monsters, the brightest monster of
Looncandel, and no longer a displaced loser.

But I will never forget those miserable days.

That's how the desire to shout to the whole world is pounding down my


At the moment of the clash, the whole body seemed to float in shock.
However, the shock delivered by the sword shook the body once and went
somewhere, which led to two steps back.
Big! The fishy taste spreads in my mouth in an instant. The blood that came
up through the throat was sticking out through the lips, and when I got back
into position.

Goltep was seen picking up the floundering hammer. He, too, was bleeding,
and a couple of fingers were broken and rattled.

When Looncandel gives you the flesh, your opponent gives you the bone.
When Looncandel fell into a small quagmire, his opponent had to roll over
the edge of the sky.

Looking at Jean again rushing in, Goltep had no choice but to feel his
defeat. Even if you take it off, push it, hit it, and use evil, the boy is unlikely
to give you a distance.

It was the first time in my life that a giant hammer that I used in my life was

"Shame on you!"

Nevertheless, Goltep reaches out the hammer again. He is also a warrior. A

warrior who knows pride, honor, and sometimes can adapt to defeat.

Now that Javier's name has been mentioned, even if he dies, he cannot end
the duel.

As if the broken fingers were nothing, the hammer was still moving

But it won't last long. The moment Bradamante bounced the hammer, a
small whirlpool of counterflow, which began with a rapidly raised anor, was
poking through the body.

Whoo, whoo...!

Jin and Goltep's wild breath drifts through the weapons. Every time he
clenched his teeth and wielded a weapon, the blood spattered from his
mouth was evaporating in the heat of the orator.
Kang! KaKang! Quang!

Goltep's desperate expression made the iron crackling sound. Goltep's Orser
gradually went out, and Jean adjusted accordingly. Because there was no
need to overdo it anymore.

In other words, the outcome has already been decided.

"Will you be willing to reveal information about Kinselo if you can save

I also didn't know when I could meet an official of Kinselo. There is Bubar
Gaston, but the size of Kinselo exceeds expectations, so approaching him
has become a matter of concern.

"Puh-huh, you don't know the Baeng-lang law. Even if it's not Kinselo, the
snitch is only death. And as long as it has become an honorable duel, it
cannot be stopped. Jean Looncandel."

"I know the rules. Sometimes life may be more important than the law, so I

"None of the Baengnangs has such a coward!"

"Then I'll try not to ask you to be a snitch in the future. To your own kind."

"He's a good guy for Looncandel."


Goltep began to squeeze out the last auror. For a moment, he'll be able to
gain more strength than he has.

It is to build up all the vitality of the warrior, commonly called the geniuses,
to form an auror. Looking at the hammer that was blazing up and down,
Jean took the first step.

"Oh, it was fun. Do you mean the last one is an efficient fight?"
If you don't stand up to them, it's no use to burn your life to bring them up.

If Jean avoided it, Goltep could not afford to seize it again and sit on the
fight board.

Jean shook her head.

"No, I salute you as the same warrior. I'll give you a fitting ending."

At that moment, what Jin thought of was a battle with Muron Zipple.

Mureon cut through the gates of hell, and once was lifted while he was
losing consciousness...a shroud that had covered one area of...


No one has ever told me.

Jean was reciting the spell, as was the case with the old Runkandel
horsemen at full strength. Venda, cut that...….

Hey, hey.

Darkness spread through the sword. The blazing spirit enveloped

Bradamante, forming a black blade of shadow.


Goltep looks at its power and exudes admiration as if honored. Young-gi,

the very power that the first lyric of Looncandel a thousand years ago made
Javier sleep.

Some Baengnangs regard the power as cursing and ominous.

Goltep thought it was an honor for him to face the same end as Javier.

"Wara, Jean Looncandel!"

It's cut it.

The moment Jin recited his spell and moved forward.

Like a giant torch, Goltep's hammer was struck. The light of the cave
brightened up the two faces for a moment.


Bradamante's black blade devoured the light and cut the hammer.

Jin's face is revealed in the middle of the fall as if he were falling from side
to side as if he were pouring out two halves of two broken hammers. Facing
that glance, Goltep was smiling.

Oh, my...!

Half a beat late, Goltep's body split in half. Jean, who had gathered the
sword, breathed out a hard breath.

Jin, who was looking at Goltep's body, paid silent tribute in a moment, and
turned back and walked toward Enya.

"It was a good match, Golph Harpalem. Let's remember the name."

with such a profound sympathy

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 165

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:20 PM

Chapter 165: Ep.55. The Remains of the Dark Magicians (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Enya plucked her waist 90 degrees. She is the only witness who has
watched from beginning to end this historic fight, once again awakened by
Jean as Looncandel.

Not knowing that Jean deliberately fought an inefficient battle, it was a

sheer victory.

"I respect you, brother!"

"You must have been very surprised, Austin. From the time we had those."

Jean pointed to the fainting, or dead dark sorcerer. More than 80% of the
nearly 50 wizards died when the Yeokcheon unfolded, and 20 percent lost
consciousness with a fatal wound.

But even that 20 percent was about to be out of breath in the near future,
except for fake Ortones. Unless assisted by healing professional wizards,
the lower wizards could not afford the counter-currents caused by reverse

"Uh...... I was surprised. "In many ways..."

Although she tried to look fine, Enya was a 16-year-old girl who had never
had a real experience. Like the same age as Jin and Siris, who have smelled
blood since childhood, they are not used to fighting and dying.

"You've never seen so many people dead before, have you?”

"Yes, I'm getting a little motion sickness. But I realized, what kind of
people I'm with. And what you have to do to not be a burden to them."

Enya was recalling what Quikantel had said.

Jean Looncandel. Everyone here is your colleague. It means we fight

together even when you become a jockey and fight your brothers in
Looncandel. There's going to be a lot of fights. You're telling me to be a
nuisance to Enya then, too.

"If you don't like it, it's okay to stay non-combatant. I think it's okay for one
of my colleagues to be at ease."

Jean moved her steps among the fallen dark sorceress wizards.

Then, one by one, looked at the neck and wrist, and injected another mana
into the bodies of the beating wizards to accelerate the reverse flow.

It's to make sure that no one survives and reports anything to the top of
Kinselo. Instead of stabbing with a dagger, he chose reverse flow to give
confusion when the investigation comes out in the future.

Enya clenches her teeth as she looks at Jin, who continues her confirmed
death with a dry face.

"I don't want to force this bloody life. Obviously, it's not a normal life. You
can live a pleasant and warm life as much as you want."

Enya shook her head when Jean, who had finished the confirmation killing,
smiled bitterly.

"As you said, it's obviously not normal. Killing others, probably most
people don't like it. In a situation where you can choose a comfortable and
stable life, anyone will."

Enya slowly approached Jean. Then the crying face grabbed Jean's hand.

"But I don't like letting you and the rest of your co-workers handle it. I'll
fight with you."

To do one's share as Jin's companion.

That means there will be countless murders in the future. From Qin to
Runkandel, to war with Jipple, to finally rise above Ciron.

How many people will change their orders?

Already Jean and her colleagues were in inevitable fates.

Even keeping their little nest of "Tikan Free City" was a story that could not
be achieved without murder and war. There are many great powers in the
world, and those powers were after Hoshi Tam Tam Tikan.

As the days go by, there will be more and more forces seeking Tikan. Only
Kashmir and the Seven Colors are still known, but if it turns out that there
are Black Dragon and Silver Dragon and the only Runkandel Maggotsa.

Tikan could always be the core of the storm.

"It's going to be hard right now, but I'm sure I'll do one. I don't want to be
the only one protected by you like today. So please don't tell me I can be


Enya stepped back and looked at Jean.

Yen puts one hand on his chest, draws a line, bows down, and greets him
with courtesy.

"I'm Allta's contractor, En. Someday you'll be the most trusted sorcerer."
Back in Tikan, her day will be different from before.

Jean hesitated to see the sudden formal Enya, but soon became as polite as
she was.

"Thank you, too. I will be determined to be a man you can trust and depend
on forever."

After greeting, there was an awkward atmosphere for a while. It had to be

so because there were sudden appointments of oaths.

"Hmm, hmm! Uh, so can we go back now? Or maybe there's more to do


"I have to get a fake Orton. I kept him alive on purpose."

"Oh! I'm sure you have a lot of questions about the Dark Wizardry and the
Kinselo. Um... ...I don't know, I don't even torture....should we? Ah-hha, I
just swore I'd do one man's share, but thinking of torture, I shouldn't have."

Jean burst out laughing.

"Normally we should torture them into opening their mouths, unless they
blow themselves up. But we don't have to. You have Ratri.”

"Ah! The Dragon of Truth!"

"Yuria can't interrogate herself, so even if it's not perfect, she can sort out
lies to a certain extent in a humane way. If Ratri borrowed a little of the
power of Euria's absolute by resonance."

Historically, foresight was not the only reason why countless powerful men
coveted Azmil's contractor.

"Absolutely" can read the expression of a person who tells a lie. You could
never deceive an absolute plan unless you were the owner of a great mental
power who had been extremely trained in lying.

"Well, if it doesn't work, I'll have to think about torture.”

Jean rolled up the fallen fake Orton in a circle and wrapped it in a lobster.
He looked like a potato bag, not a person, when he was put on his back.

But if you look closely, you can tell. a matter that may come to one's senses
at some point or another

'It would be quite a hassle to get the gate guards out of sight.'


A low groan suddenly spread from somewhere. Turning around, groans

were leaking out among the fallen cadets.

Unlike the Dark Wizard, the cadets were all alive. Jin took steps to prevent
the mana of the station from turning properly toward them.

Although they are highly likely to become enemies one day, if they kill all
of them here, the problem is likely to grow. And as Enya said, one of them
might have a decent human being.

The main character of the groans was Chip.

"Unexpectedly high horsepower? Or he was mentally strong. Or did the

mana of Yeokcheon properly deflect the chip?'

The chip barely raises its head as Jin strode along.

"T, Tee....

"Do I still look special? And if you think it's a special lease, you shouldn't
take that word out."

"It wasn't a special unit......yes......"

a shivering chip

In fact, at the moment of the heavy rain, he sensed that Jin was not a special
unit. It contained all the properties of counter-current magic that I once
learned at the Academy.
Chip didn't know it was a reverse, but it recognized it as a "great magic"
that no one could unfold. Now, in the eyes of the chip, Jean appeared to be a
jayan wizard.

And if it wasn't for this sorcerer, they were all dead.

"Dang... ...God......who... . . . . . . . Why do you want us to....”

a dull voice It is only conscious, and the backflow has not completely
subsided. The chip was in a daze.

"Why did you save it? Because my brother wanted it. You're lucky, cadet."

"If it's your brother... ... Austin, Grey...…?”

Enya and Jin's eyes met. Soon, Jin nodded as if he knew without speaking.


Then Enya took off her hood, took off her mustache, and untied her tied
hair. When she spat out the cotton ball she was holding to create an angled
jaw, Enya's real face was revealed.

"Pascal chip. Remember me?”

"En.... ..."

(Pascal) Chip that makes your eyes pop out for a while. He just gasps as if
he can't tell whether it's a dream or not.


"You know you're sorry. Why did you do that to me?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry.”

Sorry for the crushed pronunciation, tears flowed down from the two eyes
of the talking chip. I don't know if it's tears from the bottom of my heart or
just tears to escape the situation.
Either way, Enya decided not to mind.

"When I was an Academy, you and the gang just bullied and mean to me.
But I saved your life."

"I... ...miss."

"I can avenge you as much as I want, but I'm different from guys like you. I
wanted to say that, so I took off my disguise.”

Ew, ew, ew, tuck. When the chip swallowed up its tears, Enya said to him,

"Don't avoid my eyes, even though it's shameful and scary. When you tease
me, as I did."

"Sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Remember one thing. That Jean Grey and I saved Neohill. Someday I'll
come back to Neohill for this debt. Do you understand?"

When the chip barely nodded, Jin opened his mouth this time.

"When the investigation begins on this matter in the future, you may speak
of us as much as you like. If you want to see the Chip family go extinct.”

Regardless of whether the chip is closing its mouth or opening it, it is

inevitable for the Beacon to start further investigation. All the cadets and
sorceresses outside the cave have died, and the inside is in chaos.

'The Academy will somehow hide and pack the situation to prevent the loss
of honor. On the other hand, the investigation team and the special forces
will be scrambling to find something. The cadets' testimony will tell you
that the weightlifting has unfolded. We're gonna have to get the seven-color
to manipulate the information.'

Jean quietly turned her eyes to Enya.

She had just overcome her long-held past head on. Unexpectedly, however,
Chip gave a totally unexpected answer from Jin and Enya.
"Eun... ...I......this grace......I'll pay you back.….”

The chip, which squeezed the horse with all its might, lost consciousness
again. Jin and Enya were forced to look at each other and shrug once.

"That's a big deal."

"Yes, I thought you'd say something more servile."

Jin searched the chip's arm and took out a plaque symbolizing the chip's

If I used my nameplate to walk out of the gate, I thought I would be able to

avoid the troublesome work.

"Now let's go back and watch what the fake Orton says."

Bubar Gaston.

Maybe you can hear about him from a fake Orton. The only thing in the
world is a fat man who can make a complete transformation to fool all the
cadets who know the real Orton.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 166

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:18 PM

Chapter 166: Ep.56. Chaos Sculptor (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


A bucket of cold water is pouring into the face of a fake Orton who is
asleep. The fake Orton tied to the chair trembled with surprise.


In front of it sat Alisa, who was trimming her nails with a wire knife. The
water-sprayed seven-color crew went outside and locked the door.

When the closed door blocks the light from the corridor, the underground
interrogation room, where the fake Orton and Alisa sit opposite, is
enveloped in darkness.

"When I'm dealing with a guy like you, I think of a time when I don't want
to remember.”

Sagagagagak, Sagagagagak.

The sound of a wire knife gnawing at one's nails in the dark is exceptionally
loud. When the julkal twirled and produced a sharp light, Alisa's
expressionless face was revealed for a moment.
Instead of opposing Ratri's use of Yuria's power as a "fairness," she decided
to take charge of the interrogation.

It was because I was worried that Ratri would make a mistake during
resonance and share this stark sight and the face of the wicked in her
daughter's absolute life.

He is now a strong, competent, bright, and good defender of Tikan.

Her past status was Beacon Special Rental Group 2, whose main duty was
to protect the royal family, but "protection" had more meaning than is
commonly thought.

For example, digging up the background of the captured assassins,

interrogating them in the process, or torturing them if necessary.

Alisa was most familiar with the screams among Tikan's colleagues. And
not many people in the world are more familiar with screams than she is.

"Damn, what the hell is this...….”


Alisa, who stopped the julkal, blew her fingernails lightly.

"Let me write a letter... ...let me write it. If you need a ransom, I'll ask the
plenary session. Who are your guys? Kidad Hall's disciple hit us, and there
must have been some mistake."

The fake Orton was still under the illusion of Jean as a disciple of Kidad
Hall. He didn't hear from Jean directly that he wasn't like the dead Rolt.

"There was no mistake. Now the chair you're sitting on is everything in

your world."

"Ha, are you going to torture me? What do you want from me?"

"Information about the Dark Wizardry. Everything you know."

"You don't seem to know anything about Kiddhall's disciple, and it's not
good for you to dig us out. Kidad Hall himself had a cautious relationship
with us. When the fact that you tortured me becomes known to the main

"You must be wondering how many uses this wire knife has? Hathom's
killer, Mato Baker."

"My... do you name it?”

Fake Orton, no. Hathom's killer, Mato Baker's eyes grew bigger.

During the four days when Mato was unconscious of the backflow, Alisa
used a turquoise to collect information about him.

It was not difficult to find out when the real Orton Melson, a vegetarian,
disappeared and when Mato tracked down the course of his disguise as an

Mato was notorious for enjoying murder, a wizard who had long been a
thorn in the kingdom of Hathom, a small country.

Square, square, square....

Again a tightrope knife cut Alisa's nails.

"I'm the assistant manager of the special lease group two. And what you
touched was not the disciple of Kiddad Hall, but the eighth prince of

"What, what...…?”

"It's hard to believe, isn't it?" But I can't believe how a rotten old monster in
the Kingdom of Hathsome turned into an Academy-turned-senior wizard,
Orton Melson. Let's have a time to trust each other from now on, let's."

"8 and 8? What do you mean. Ah...... I don't believe it was the Beacon
imperial family that killed Kiddad of the reverse...….”
"Shh, if you want to end your life with a little ease. That's not what you're
supposed to talk about from now on."


Mato Barker had no choice but to scream before Alisa could start anything.
No matter how hard it was, I couldn't see any way to go back alive.


Alisa left the basement interrogation room an hour later.

"Good work, Mr. Alisa."

"Prince Jean, it's Enya."

The two were waiting for Alisa to return in the lounge on the first floor of
the mansion.

"Have you got anything?"

"Yes, he tells quite a shocking story. We have information on the location of

the Dark Wizard's plenary session, some of its wizards, and transformers."

"You're a transformationist?"

"It would be nice to go up and talk about the details together, Confucius

In just an hour, I came to the right place. Jean admired inwardly, and Enya
turned pale as she imagined what had happened in the underground
interrogation room.

Alisa looked at Enya's face and smiled.

"Don't imagine too scary, Miss Enya. The interrogation took place in a very
humane atmosphere. Prince Jean is the eighth prince of Beemment, and I'm
the second special lease, and he just blew it on his own. It felt pretty strange
to impersonate an organization you used to work for.”
"Oh, I'm just worried that Alisa might have had a hard time with him...….”

"Hoo-hoo. Mato Barker is a copycat killer and a scumbag he used to enjoy.

It's a shame that it's too easy to blow, but it's so cruel to look at what he did
in the Kingdom of Hathom in the past.”

(without torture)blowed with ease.

Jin and Enya shook their heads inward, imagining whether the words were
true or false. The two will now choose Alisa without hesitation if they
choose the scariest of their colleagues.

"So what happens to Mato now?”

"That doesn't need to be known to Miss Enya, haha."

"Yes, yes."

When we went together to Kashmir's office, all the colleagues were


"Come on, we're all here. Let's get this straight. Prince Jean brought a great
man. The Dark Wizard's main session, surprisingly, is at the Oterium."


"Otherium, it's the old capital of Vanquela, isn't it?”

When Murakan and Quikantel answered at the same time, Alisa nodded.

"That's right. It's the capital of the time when Bancella was in the
southwestern corner of the East. Five hundred years ago, Quikantel must
have gone through it himself."

Murakhan was a time when he was asleep. But as Alisa said, Quicantel
clearly remembered that Van Kela was on the verge of extinction.

"I wasn't on the scene at the time, but I remember it pretty closely because it
was such a big event."
More than five hundred years ago, Vankella was invaded by a horse race. It
was an invasion to regain the "eye of Zito," a sacred object of the Ma
people that Van Kela has kept for generations since its founding.

At that time, Looncandel and Jipple simultaneously sent articles and

wizards to help Bancella, a neutral country.

The "Seongguk Suhojeon," recorded as the only war in which Luncandel

and Zipple joined forces, eventually returned to Vankela's victory, but the
devastated land of Vankela had no way of rebuilding it.

So Vankella moved to the central part of the continent and was virtually
newly founded, and the site of the old Vankella had remained an
unprotected area until now and had turned into a habitat for demons.

When Quikantel explained it, Murakan yawned, asking if it happened.

Jean had to hide her perplexed feelings.

"Liol's Jipple's Legacy. It's the Oterium where the final version of the book
is located. Why are you there?"'

The Dark Wizardry wouldn't have had its base there, regardless. The Dark
Magicians of the past were exterminated by the Riol Jipple.

I was just going to clean up the villain, but the more I opened it, the more
unexpected words were pouring in.

"Since when did they settle there?"

"I think it's been about fifty years. Anyway, it's clear that the Dark Magic
Society is not as good as the late Confucius said. As expected, Rolt Joe's
brother, Cold Joe, was also a member of the Dark Wizardry Society. It
wasn't just that."

When Alisa recited the names of the wizards from the Dark Wizard Society,
which she dug up from Mato, her colleagues breathed short sighs.
"Vision Academy's main source, Faziron Henserk, Lilletta's patriarch Susan
Lilletta, and Anz's cannabis, Chukon Toller. Three of the nine-star wizards
were identified, and no more than Mato seemed to know."

"......Rolt Joe told me before he died that his rank in the Dark Wizard was
within ten fingers, and it must have been the tenth. God, what the hell are
they? If the Dark Wizard Society is that bad, the main body, Kinselo, is no
longer the answer.”

At this time, I was surprised by the progress. I can't even imagine why such
a big group of people are gathering at the Dark Wizard.

I've never heard of Kinselo and the Dark Wizardry before my return. I've
just come across it by chance, but home and Jipple are likely to be the
information I've already got.'

I'm sure it will.

There was no way that Looncandel, Jipple and Beaumont could have
known anything when those big figures were involved.


It's a matter to look into from now on, but there are too many giants to
move hastily.

There must be a good reason why you, Jeeple, and Beaumont are watching.
You must have something to gain from them, or you can't be bothered to do
anything good. All the big powers.'

Speculation was assured when it came to the memory of the fact that the
giants did not impose any other sanctions even during the days of Kinselo's

It is a great harvest just to grasp the approximate size of the Kinselo for

"There's another shocking story. It seems that Kinselo has a transformation

engineer. It was the work of a man named Bubar Gaston who turned Mato
Barker into Orton Melson.”

Kashmir's eyes grew bigger as Alisa released the information.

It was a story that Jin had been waiting for.

"Wait, if it's Bubar Gaston...... that's the name that came up when Prince
Jean once asked me to investigate Blyano, right?"

I'm not sure, but Vishkel said he might be a member of the Kinselo. Once a
week, he visits the Kurano Dortrune, where he visits a piece of work.

The owner of the sculpture workshop, named "Art Explosion," is Bubar

Gaston. And as far as I know, Bubar is an executive in Kinselo. And
Vishkel is a suspicious part of meeting him every week.

While Kashmir, who recalled conversations he had with Qin in the past,
was admiring, dragons were concentrating on the word "transformation."

"How the hell does a man transform? Besides, you transform others? Not in

"That's new to me, too. Transformation is a blessing only for our dragons.

"Well, even Mato didn't seem to know exactly what the transformation was.
When you swallow the anesthetic, you faint, and you wake up, it's like
Bubar finishes his transformation."

"I've already met the changed assassins before Mato. On the day I left the
storm, my followers of the Zipple turned into guardian knights aimed for

Everyone's eyes were on Jean when she brought up the matter at that time.

"......and I've killed Bubar half at a banquet. I'll go and see him."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 167

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:17 PM

Chapter 167: Ep.56. Chaos Sculptor (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

If it had been the past, colleagues would have recognized the existence of
transformers, so they would have visited in no time to get a confession.
How on earth are you going to do the metamorphosis, and what are you
going to get from that ability?"

But now things have changed. As an imaginary and dangerous organization,

he was the only transformation engineer in the world, and he had no choice
but to be a key figure in the group.

If there's a problem with Bubar's safety, we'll never get away with it.

'I'm glad to hear that. I've been thinking that I'm going to fix or kill Bubar at
the right time one day...….'

In the past, when the Seven Colors brought in the information that "Bubar is
an executive of Kinselo," it was a little strange, and I thought it would not
be a big problem dealing with Bubar in any way when necessary.

'You avoided making a fatal mistake. You almost picked up the hive without
thinking......I'd like to thank the Dark Wizard.'

In fact, there's nothing much to do about meeting Bubar at this point.

However, there was nothing wrong with having a light touch at least once.

Big information was also poured into the dark magic council's den, which
was visited without any expectations.

"Prince? Well, if you're trying to catch him and deal with him like Mato

"No way, Mr. Alisa. I'm going to disguise myself as a guest and visit his
sculpture workshop to see his face. kinselo and dark sorcery. These guys, I
don't think the security is that great. Do you happen to know? I don't know
if there's anything else that'

Kinselo and the Dark Wizard Society have leaked information to Jin this
time not because their security is lax.

I just couldn't count the variable, "Magic Gene Looncandel."

Just looking at the Academy Wizard's operation to wipe out the remnants,
the Dark Magicians easily kidnapped the cadets in Jin's previous life and
achieved what they wanted.

Honey should be washed when you can. If the rumors of Jean Grey, or Jean
Looncandel, start circulating, they'll have as much eyes on me as they do.'

By then, getting information will inevitably be less smooth than now. By

the time Jean Looncandel is rumored to be the Magistrate, it will be
revealed that Tikan is also his force.

"Well, that's what Confucius meant. There's nothing wrong with seeing your
face again. I don't think anyone in the Kinselo and the Dark Wizardry
knows the face of Confucius yet.... Are you going to go alone?"

A gin that shakes its head when Kashmir asks.

"No, there's just the right person to be with. Oh, and Lord Kashmir, please
have the Seven Colors figure out the relationship between the White Rangs
and the Kinselo."
Jean smiled sizzlingly.


Meanwhile, the Beams were engrossed in the investigation with cadets who
survived the Dark Wizard's sweep.

The investigation was conducted by Ratz, the 3rd Special Rental Unit, and
V, the 3rd Special Rental Magic Division, and the 5th Special Rental Team.

"Are you sure no one remembers their faces correctly? Pascal Chip, you
and Kin Maura, and Mose Aurel are the ones who seed them locally. I don't
think it makes sense that I don't know.”

"I really don't know, sir...….”

"We have lost nearly twenty years of cadets to become masters of the future
empire, and two six-star wizards and a seven-star wizards have died. If you
don't do the right thing, your family can be in danger."

When V spoke quietly, the three cadets were at a loss and closed their eyes.

It was the chip that plucked up the courage.

"But, sir, we really don't remember anything. I don't remember if it was the
door during the reverse flow of the horsepower. I've told you everything
that comes to mind."

"You guys are so good."

"And most of all, not a single cadet would have survived the operation had
it not been for them. Rather, we want to find a way to repay our kindness...

"Ma, that's right, men. As I said, we only remember the names Jean Grey
and Austin Gray. If you do, could you please let us know?"

"Not only the three of us, but also the other cadets would feel the same way.
Proud Academy cadets have never forgotten their grace...….”
Ratz and V sighed inwardly.

All the cadets were like this. I'm sure you know something, but everyone is
trying to shut up.

In the case of Maura, Aurel, and Chip, it was a close-up because they had
no good to know that they were deceived by special lease impersonators (of
course fear of Jin was greater).

The other cadets were a little different. Among the cadets who experienced
reverse waves, there is already a rumor that "the kidad of reverse has
returned from hell."

For wizards, the notoriety of Kidd is no match for the special forces.
Especially for cadets, many of their parents' generation have experienced
Kidd in person.

Therefore, the parents themselves ordered a gag order.

He knows that there is no reason for the special forces to use their energy
and trace it, because he killed only the Dark Wizard Society, not the cadets,

It is better to make the special forces a little upset than to buy a grudge
against Kidd.

That's what the cadets' parents were judging. In fact, in the eyes of parents,
the special forces should track down and punish Kidd, not the Dark Wizard

"Huuu, you have said never to torture cadets, so you can't even intimidate.
It's not that I don't understand what the cadets do. It must have been a big
shock. Assistant Rats, what do you think?”

V said as the cadets retreated.

" thing is for sure. Jean Gray is a disciple of Kiddard, or himself.

Without that, you wouldn't have gotten the magic book of the station stream
that was kept in Bankela's eternity warehouse."
"I agree with that. When I first heard about Kiddad's death, I thought I was
just hit by an assassin. The newsletters also reported that Yeokcheon is still
in Vancela's eternity warehouse.….”

"Under the assumption that Jean Grey is Kiddard herself, we can't leave out
the assumption that she was helped by a transformator. He may have been
washing his identity, pretending to have been murdered by Gene Gray for
some reason."

"Oh, that unidentified metamorphosis artist that the first and third teams of
special rentals are tracking......Well, then is it Austin Gray's side that cut the

Ratz didn't answer and looked around the scene for a while.

'Ostin, unlike Jean Grey, was small and had an unbecoming mustache. And
he said his voice was strangely husky. The estimated age is between mid-
teens and early twenties.'

So was it, according to the testimony of other cadets other than Chip,
Maura, or Aurel. Even if the parents order a gag, it is burdensome to
completely shut up against the special forces.

Over time, the cut-off surface of Goltep's body was somewhat crushed, but
the hammer he used was not. Rats couldn't take his eyes off the perfectly
two-piece hammer for some time.

'Dante Highland.'

One name that Rats suddenly came to mind.

'If you're a small, hoarse-voiced, boy who can break the white-bellied
hammer so perfectly...... Dante Hairan is the only one I know. I'll have to go
visit Hailan Street.'

But that night, Ratz, who came to Hai Lan Street with a broken hammer,
had to hear it from Dante himself.
"I'm not at the stage where I can cut it so neatly yet, Lord Rats. Looking at
the cut surface, it looks like it's only possible for an eight-star driver. By the
way, who killed the Dark Wizard? Jean Gray?"

Dante had more to say to Veradin, and more to ask the next time he met


October 30, 1796.

On his way to the Kingdom of Curano to meet Bubar, Jin had to pass
through the gateway to the Empire of Corn. Then he stopped by a bar where
he drank beer before breaking up with Veradin and Dante.

After a day's work, around lunchtime, I bought the Kuroan Gongguk Tramp
at the gateway to the central city of Conjuguk.

The gate to the village at noon is crowded with aristocrats going on trips
and business trips. Jean did not wear a sword on her face in glasses, but she
covered her hands full of calluses with her bowels and looked like

"Customers, the door will be open in 15 minutes. I hope you'll all have a
seat and wait until then.….”

While the guides go around checking passengers. The angle, the angle. I
heard a light sound of shoes. It was the sound of low-heeled shoes popular
in the Empire of Corn these days.

"Can you clean my bag for me? Here, it's my seat.”

said the owner of the footsteps who soon stopped walking in front of the
camp. Jean smiled awkwardly as she looked up in a suit with colorful red

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry."

After a while, the mobile gates were opened and passengers were enveloped
in the glow of mana.

As soon as Jin got off, he found a street where various workshops were

The Bubar's Sculpture Workshop is not a street where workshops are

gathered, but rather a place on the outskirts of the capital, but on purpose.

It is no harm to be careful because it may cause suspicions in Kinselo.

This workshop, that workshop, was in and out until evening.

Naturally, I asked the owners of the workshop about the best sculptor, and
surprisingly, almost everyone took out the name of Bubar.

"I don't know which family you are, but you must be looking for a real
genius sculptor."

"I'm trying to ask for the bust of someone I admire very much...….”

"In the western corner of the village, there is a workshop of a figure named
Bubar Gaston, so visit it. If you think Bubar is lacking, it means that there is
no sculptor in Curano that you are satisfied with."

"In fact, I've been looking for some famous sculptor in Curano, and I've
never heard of that name. Bubar Gaston? I don't think it's a name that's ever
been mentioned in the Vision Arts journal."

"Famous doesn't mean you're the best, does it? Bubar, if he had a good
personality, he would have become a sculptor under King Gong. Maybe he
caught the eye of the Beacon."

"Is it that great?"

"It's almost as if there's a God of Sculpture in Bubar among those who

know it. Well, I don't know why heaven gave him such a gift. I envy you
enough to kill you!"
"Haha, calm down. God of sculpture.….”

"You're an outsider, so you probably don't know, but the original range of
Kuroan's workshop was about twice as long as this. After Bubar appeared,
the sculptors who were frustrated by his sculpture folded up their art and
shortened it.”


The image of Bubar, seen at the banquet hall, was not that image, but at
least among the sculptors here, it seemed to be regarded as a genius.

What's the connection between metamorphosis and sculpture?'

With such doubt, Jean began to move to the sculpture workshop in Bubar.
And as I walked for a long time and reached the dark, quiet forest path,
low-pitched words uttered to myself.

"Wouldn't it be okay to come out now? Sister Jonah."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 168

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:15 PM

Chapter 168: Episode 56. Sculptor of Chaos (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A woman appeared with the sound of crunching, crunching, and leaves


A woman with red hair and a suit, sitting next to Jean at the mobile gate
earlier. She glanced, glanced, and glanced around among the branches, then
jumped with a big smile.

"The youngest! Jin! Hehe, hehehehe, hehe!"

an exuberant

Jonah has been hovering around him since yesterday when Jin visited the
Empire of Con. Jean also knew she was nearby, using the inside of the eye.

There was no prior consultation, but the siblings were beaten.

"It was so hard pretending not to know!"

"Me too. How are you? Sister, what kind of disguise did you make? The red
hair was probably stained with blood, you were frightened at the mobile
"You said you'd die if your father caught you seeing me, Oul. So I dyed it
my favorite color. Fix your face with make-up, hehehe."

"Well... ...I don't know what your favorite color has to do with it."

The remark reminded me of a warning I had been trying to put aside.

You warned me through Gilly. In a way, stop thinking about using Jonah.

"Do not use Jonah, the warning of Zion, which came with the black-lighted.

But this time, I wanted to close my eyes and use Jonah's ability. It's not
going to kill Bubar, it's just a light request to eavesdrop on the story.….

'If my father noticed, this would be okay.…?'

If you don't get caught, that's all.

And even if it gets caught, if the busts of Zion containing the sculptor's
artistic spirit are laid to rest.

'What kind of complacency am I? If my father was a great man to forgive

me for that, my family wouldn't be like that. Never get caught, never.'

"Don't worry! He said he'd keep it a secret. And I've been keeping my
senses up, and no one's coming after us.”

"That's a relief. I've been checking all along."

"By the way, what brings you to me this time?”

"Half-and-half. Just half the heart you missed your sister, half the intention
of doing a little favor. By the way, look at this."

"What is it?"

Jean took out a small glass bottle of unidentified black liquid from her
bosom. Then I opened the lid and drank it in one gulp.
"K. I'm using it well. You have to show what you got as a gift like this.”

"Ahahahaha..."! So funny, Jin. It's the Black Moss Dog, which is quite hard
to get. Did your colleagues save you?”


"I'll have to kill you, I guess. I can't believe you fed my brother that.”

"I asked you to save me."

"Be quiet, I don't like it anyway."

Jean shook her head as she looked at Jonah, her eyes twinkling. I thought I
might really kill him if I found out that my colleagues poisoned me right
after I woke up after drinking the Manchurian liquor.

"Hee, but it's good to see for yourself that the Manchurian is well soaked.
I'm proud!"

Yona, who met after about two months, is still hard to catch a bell.
However, Jin did not hate that of his sister anymore, nor felt sorry for her

Jonah wouldn't want to be sympathized with, no matter what her grotesque

personality was derived from.

"So, what's the request?”

"I'm meeting a sculptor named Bubar Gaston from now on, and if you don't
mind, please shut down what he says. Whether it's talking to yourself or
talking to others."

"Simple, okay. Play with me after you're done.”

"I may have to wait and see for a few days, if you have time.”

The brothers and sisters chattered away and began to walk again. As I
walked slowly for a couple of hours, I soon saw a detached house with the
sign "Art Explosion."

It was a sculpture workshop of Bubar Gaston. A sculpture workshop,

nestled on a low hill, was being colored by the sunset.

Dozens of large and small pieces were seen in front of the workshop,
apparently lacking space inside. What's interesting is that each piece is so
strong that you can feel aura from afar.

'Shocking. I feel this way as a stranger to sculpture, so artists deserve to fall

into despair.'

When I approached and looked closely, it was even more so. The carving of
life seemed to move at any moment, and the sculpture expressing the object
was more three-dimensional than the real one.

But Jonah's eyes on the sculpture were extraordinary. Instead of being

struck with admiration like Jean, she has a fierce look as if she had seen
something ominous and unpleasant.


"These pieces... ....”

"Are you all right?"

"Oh, it's all right. Uh... I'm a little embarrassed. This is made by the same
kind as me. I can tell.”

"What? You're not my sister's type?"

Is it related to your sister's special power? The idea crossed my mind, but I
didn't ask.

"That's interesting. Youngest, can you tell me how you got here?”

Jin, who had been pondering for a while, released information from Mato
Baker to Jonah. She was as reliable a brother as Luna.
"Well, that's what happened...... a metamorphosis artist? This sculptor? I've
been hit by you at a banquet at my house."

"I'm not sure yet. That's why I came here to see if I could find anything."

"First of all, I'll kill the spirit from now on. The youngest does what he has
to do. Don't think strange even if I don't feel it."

at a pinch

As soon as the horse was finished, Jonah disappeared. Even if I opened my

mind to the fullest, I could not feel Jonah's presence.

'If you've got the right spirit removed, you must be hiding between the
pieces. More than that... ...the reaction is strange in many ways. Your
sister's like Bubar?'

Worm, woof, woof!

First, I shook the bell on the door with all my might. As the sculptors of
Curano often work underground, they were not aware of the guest's
presence by tapping lightly on the door.

As I shook for a long time, I heard a thumping sound of footsteps from the
inside. It was the sound of Bubar leading his heavy body up the stairs


"What kind of...….”

It's him.

Unable to continue the backstabbing, Bubar was forced to stare at the camp
for a while.

"Bubar Gaston, long time no see...….”

"Yeez! Where the hell is this place?"

And then a handful of salt is thrown out of his bosom.

Most of those looking for a workshop by his standards are "bad and dirty"
guests, so salt is always ready.

From Bubar's point of view, Jean was the most unlucky of all.



Of course, Jean did not get a single grain of the salt that Bubar had
sprinkled on, and lightly turned around to avoid it.

"That's just too much. I came as a guest today."

"Customers freeze to death! I'm not taking customers like you!"

"Do you really have to come out like that? I'm as good as your benefactor.”

"Uh-eun-in? Eun-ee-in?"”

"If another brother or guardian had heard of the absurdity you had
committed in the banquet hall, you would have been torn to pieces. Then
you wouldn't have dreamed of making such a beautiful sculpture after that

"Shut up and died!"


Bubar's fist hit Jin's philtrum.

"Hoo, stop it. Even if I'm a backup jockey, this isn't...….”

Two blows gave me a sense of breaking up. It was a sense of patience

breaking in my head.
'Yes, the one who beats this guy might not have any doubts. No, but is this
fearless or unlearned?'

The moment the third fist was about to fly in.

Boom! Chin hammered Bubar's head down with his fist.

" !"

It is different from the banquet, which produced a plausible fight in its own
way. Jin has since achieved remarkable growth and Bubar was still a
clumsy five-star.

As soon as Bubar's legs were about to fall, Jean grabbed him by the wrist
and forced him to fix his posture.

Someone else showed up inside the workshop.

"Bubar, why is it so noisy...... Jean, Confucius?"

"Sir Vishkel... ...?”

I never thought Vishkel would be in the 'art explosion' today.

"No, why is Confucius Jean here? Aren't you performing a preliminary

jockey test?"


"Vi, Mr. Vishkel! He humiliated me so much at the banquet, and then he

came to me again and......! Argh! Please kill him!"

Then Vishkel's gaze touched the salt that fell on the floor. I could see Jin's
philtrum and forehead slightly swollen.

'You disgusting fat bastard, you can't see what's going on.'

Vishkel swallows the horse and sighs low.

"'ll have it in, Bubar. Apologize, who are you going to kill?"

"Why me!"

"If you didn't hit me first, I'll ask Prince Jean to apologize first. Do you
have anything to say?"

Vishkel was singing delightfully at the sight of Bubar, whose forehead was
crushed. As always, the stress of Boubar in recent years is enormous.

"Ugh. Still......I can't apologize!"

"Oh, yeah, I'll just apologize first. I'm sorry I hit you, Bubar."

As if Jean was not the same, he pushed Bubar and shook hands with
Vishkel as he walked inside.

"Even this decent, cold-blooded human being is Kinselo....? The Seven-

Coloured said Bubar was probably higher in rank than Vishkel, but I don't
think so.'

And Vishkel doesn't seem to know Jonah's hiding around.

'Vischkel, eight-star, would have had a better mind than me. She'll take care
of it.'

Vishkel, who shook his hand, shrugged.

"I'm sorry, Confucius Jean."

"No, I came here expecting this much. I should have endured more, but I'm
rather sorry to have embarrassed Lord Vishkel."

"No. But, what's the matter with you...…?”

"I'm going to make a bust for my father, and all the sculptors on the streets
of the workshop recommend Bubar. I was thinking about it until the end.

"Well, I see.”
"I have some past with him, but it's probably his father's bust. When I saw
the pieces at the entrance of the workshop, I thought it was a good find. I
was absolutely amazed by the works of Bubar."

Vishkel's eyes have become thinner.

"Prince Jean."


"I know Bubar's sculpting skills are better than anyone else. But that alone
doesn't make any sense to me that the youngest Prince of Looncandel is so

"Oh... think there must be something impure about it?”

"Yes, the Confucius I saw at the banquet was not a self-defeating figure for
nothing. And if you needed Sir Siron's bust, you could have sent someone
else here instead."

Jean nodded as if she had lost.

"You saw it exactly. Yes, I actually have some impure intentions. What I
really wanted to see was not Bubar, but Lord Vishkel."

Jean looked at Vishkel, decorating her eyes quietly blazing.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 169

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:14 PM

Chapter 169: Episode 56. Sculptor of Chaos (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Of course it's a lie that's just made up. As Vishkel openly expressed
disapproval, I couldn't help it.

Vishkel Ibliano, the kind who gets tired of any doubt. We have to bring up a
story he can trust...….'

Vishkel shook his head and shone his sharp eyes.

"You came to meet me, not Bubar."


"Why would you want me to...... Oh, come on."

Jean's expression stained with provocative speculation. Vishkel, who was

looking at it, raised his mouth interestingly.

"You wanted to compete with me as a backup jockey?”

That's not a bad reaction.

"I'm ashamed, but I am. I couldn't go to Iblianoga without an invitation to

my status, so I first found Bubbar, whom Young-ae Margiela introduced as
our friend."

Vishkel's eyebrows wriggled in the part of "Our friend."

"Well, you tried to meet me through Bubar, so to speak.”

Vishkel did not ask questions such as 'How did you know where the
workshop was?' He judged that Looncandel must have conducted a personal
investigation of Bubar, who fought with the main character of the banquet.

"I'm not lying about trying to make a bust of my father. If I had known that
Bubar was the best sculptor in the city of art, I wouldn't have looked around
the workshop streets all afternoon."

There was a moment of silence.

Jean was hard to tell if the lie had worked, but she didn't show it, and
Vishkel took the cigarette out of her arms.

Cheeks and matches are drawn, and thick smoke rises.

It was only after the cigarette burned more than half the way through that
Vishkel's mouth again. It is a summary of Jin's sudden visit.

"......the duel with Confucius Jean was impressive to me, too. I was also
looking forward to competing with Prince Jin again.”

"Thank you for the favorable reviews."

"But I don't think that's the time now."

"Why not now?”

"To reveal some little thorns, I cannot trample on growing flowers.

Confucius, as a senior, is that excess blood is always poison."

Jean's eyes were covered with tears.

'Look at this. ..?'

It's a duel request that began with a lie, but it didn't have to be so ignored.

Of course, I don't intend to react in a fluffy manner.

"After I became a reserve jockey, I fought quite a few. But I didn't feel as
desperate as I did when I competed with Lord Vishkel. The sense of
opening the heart."

"You shouldn't think of the touch of the sun as your own, Confucius."

"The duel of the day almost caused a stir."

The level of provocation has risen.

But Jean thought Vishkel would never fight with himself.

'Not only is he going to fall for this kind of provocation, but it's a fight that
Vishkeel has nothing to gain from.'

There is a wide gap between the two, as Vishkel is now known as eight
stars and Jean as five at the time of the banquet.

But in a little less than a year and a half after the banquet, Vishkel was
feeling that Jean's accomplishments were never small. That is not a
significant level of winning or losing.


Vishkel sighed as he rubbed out his cigarette.

"Stop it, Confucius. I don't want to lose my energy over useless things. And
I'm here for a vacation, don't you think it's rather rude?"

"I'm sorry about that."


Suddenly, Vishkel cut Jean's bangs by forming a palm-sized blade.

And even before the trajectory of the blade disappears, before a few strands
of hair fall to the floor, once again show the charm of swinging the blade to
break the cut hair in half.

Jean, who was half-beat late, felt her spine cool, and even Bubar opened his
eyes wide, thinking that Vishkel had cut Jean's neck.

"I showed you just in case Confucius doesn't understand. Wouldn't it be a

duel if you could respond to a surprise attack like this?

That's right.

Except Jean didn't react on purpose.

'I almost avoided it reflexively at the last minute. That's creepy, if it were, it
would have been a real duel with Vishkel.'

That was a long shot. So far, the provocation against Vishkel has avoided
his suspicions and cautioned Jonah not to be a problem.

If the duel was really successful, Jin would have to use swordsmanship only
to defeat or pull out his hidden strength. This is a development that is not
good for either side.

"Fortunately, you don't know I didn't avoid it on purpose."

But it was such a surprise that it put a lot of pressure on my toes. It was a
sharp response to end things neatly.

Yum! Boovar lures his appetite as if he's sad.

"Why didn't you just cut this saucy bastard off, Mr. Vishkel. How refreshing
it must have been."

"Bubar, please don't be so mean. And how are you going to handle it when
Confucius, who lost later, becomes a jockey?"

"I'm sure he'll die before he becomes a jockey. I can tell just by looking at
Vishkel without fear. If he's Looncandel, he thinks he's everything.….”
"Bubar Gaston."

Bubar frowned as Jean jerked around and approached.

"Why, why?"

"How are you really going to handle it?"

"Hung, do you think I'm going to be scared?"


Jean aimed Bradamante.

"Prince Jean?"

"I acknowledge my arrogance and disrespect, Lord Vishkel. I'm just a baby
who can't dare face Lord Vishkel. But it's another matter for him to insult

This time, the real life stretched out, not decorated. As soon as Bubar was
about to flinch and hide behind Vishkel.

"One step will cut you, Bubar."

"Son Confucius, stop."

"Will you stay still when Ivliano is insulted in front of you in person?"

Vishkel could not answer. It was because it was true that Bubar insulted

"Bubar insulted me because he saw your face. But to mention Looncandel's

name, he's a madman."

With the situation like this, Bubar couldn't make any more jokes. I realized
instinctively that if you move, you'll really get cut off.

"Whoa, I understand. But then I have no choice but to stop Confucius."

"Do so."

"What if it could kill Confucius?”

"Even if I die, I will cut him down, and I will keep the royal command of
Looncandel. Of course, I'm a backup rider, so I won't have to avenge you in
the family."

"If you kill Bubar, I will kill Confucius. What good is it that Confucius gave
up his life to protect Looncandel's honor?"

"Even if this is not known to my family, I am not ashamed of myself, so

that's enough."

"I must do this!"

Vishkel shouted for the first time.

'Damn it! It's my fault for not cracking down on that goddamn snout.
Judging from Confucius' attitude, it's never a bluff.'

What do I do?

A cold sweat broke through the neck of Vishkel. He wanted to kill Boubar
deeper than Jin himself, but he had to stay alive until Kinselo's great work
was completed.

In a clumsy way, the distance between Bubar and Jean is too close. You
must cut off your arm or cut off your neck before Jean wields the sword to
stop the sword.

But I wasn't confident in cutting off my arms.

Vishkel's waistband was nothing but a belt. He was eating a boulevard and
sweet potato croquette in the basement of the workshop until Jean came, so
he had left the sword out.

Even if he formed a blade with an anus, as he had just cut his hair, it was no
use with such a small blade.
To cut his arm, he must at least form a blade the size of a long sword, which
would cause Bubar's neck to fall first, ie Vishkel had virtually no choice but
to cut Jean's throat.

'If Jean Looncandel dies, will Sir Siron really stay still?'

Ciron is a man who will never retaliate even if Vishkel kills Jean.

It is true that he cares about Jean, but the moment the fact that Looncandel
retaliated for a backup rider spreads, it becomes like the owner himself
denies the tradition.

But for Vishkel, it wasn't a matter for sure. If there's a rumor going around
that you killed your youngest son, the first Looncandel banquet hero since

Not only Ivliano but also Kinselo may be damaged. Vishkel thought so.

'You can hide it. No, you can't hide it. Too many people have seen
Confucius' face on the streets of the workshop.'

Jin opened his mouth, leaving the flounder behind the bishkel behind.

"I'll count to three, Bubar. Get down on your knees in there and apologize.

"Get down, Bubar!"

Vishkel screamed evil. As long as Bubar knelt down, he could finish this
terrible happening without any burden.


"On your knees..."


Bubar's round knee touched the floor. As soon as Vishkel was about to sigh
of relief, Jean put the tip of the knife to Bubar's neck.
"You did what you told me to...…!”

"No, it's time to apologize. I hope there's a convincing story before my

hands slip.”

Watching Bubar shivering with anger and shame, Vishkel had no choice but
to burn black inside.

"Wrongly... ...did...….”

Only then did Jean wry and smile.

"If it weren't for Lord Vishkel, I would have killed him after receiving an
apology. Because that's the proper step in insulting Looncandel. Thank you,

Then Jean, who approaches Vishkel and politely bows politely.

"My junior has done a lot of bad manners, Lord Vishkel. If you'd like, you
can hit me until you're satisfied."

Vishkel pointed his forehead as if tired.

"......Luncandel is like fire, but Confucius is the first. There was nothing
wrong with Confucius' actions to punish Boubar. I salute you as the
patriarch of Ivliano."

He was genuinely admiring.

'It's true that it's absurd and annoying, but few of the real riders in
Looncandel can do this. Jean Looncandel, you've surprised me many times
since the banquet.'

He also pledged to crack down on Bubar's muzzle when meeting outsiders

in the future.

"However, I hope this will not happen again. Don't forget that the reason I
don't harm Confucius today is because of his generosity to Bubar."
"I'll be clear."

"Stop going back.”

As Jean stepped out of the sculpture workshop, Vishkel looked at his back
for a while through the window.

And as soon as Jean disappeared from sight, the low-pitched spit out a
double bath.

As many as five nutmeg characters followed, Bubar, who was trying to

catch Bishkel and complain, had no choice but to quietly head to the

I've never seen Vishkel so angry. Jean Looncandel, the goddamn bastard.
You should have been rude...…!'

Bubar never dreamed that Vishkel's anger was directed at him, not Jin.

Perhaps that's why, there were a lot of sweet potato croquettes in the arms
of Bubar, who came back to the first floor.

Flutter, flutter.

"Have some of this and feel better, Mr. Vishkel. Ugh, that son-of-bitch will
certainly not be able to live in expulsion."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 170

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:12 PM

Chapter 170: Ep.56. Sculptor of Chaos (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Vishkel's hand, clearing the envelope with sweet potato croquette to one
side, was shaking.

Ah! I want to kill you.

Really, maddeningly, I want to kill this disgusting fellow!

Vishkel was afraid of what would happen to his head if he didn't yell like
that at any moment.



"Go out for a moment and come back in ten minutes."


"Just, please, do it."

"Yes...... well. Sure, ah. Because you don't have any milk?"


When Vishkel broke the table and screamed, Bubar rushed out of the
workshop. In the meantime, he showed off his charm by taking the sweet
potato croquette that fell on the floor.

'Wow, Bubar Gaston. Considering that you're a man of chaos like me, you're
a great meatball in many ways...... hehe."

Even Jonah, who had been watching it all over the window for a while, had
no choice but to sigh.

Vishkel ran to the basement and only screamed like a madman for a while.
Aah, aah, aah! Please! Aah! While a voice mingled with anger and shrieks
echoed in the basement, Jonah was smiling brightly.


When Vishkel, who had been in a lot of evil, returned to the first floor and
cleaned up his scattered hair, Bubar slipped back into the workshop. There
was only one sweet potato croquet left.

Boovar, who was looking at the situation, puts the remaining sweet potato
croquette into his mouth. The well. The sight of it made Vishkel no more

"Are you all right?"

"......let's get back to what you were about to say, Bubar."

What I was about to say earlier was a business conversation that the two
should have ended if Jean hadn't come.

"Ah, yes."

"The General Manager has formally declared to the Jipple that the alliance
will be scrapped."

From the first word, Jonah drew her ears closer to the window.
I would have kept my distance as it was. It's not easy for Jonah to get one
step closer to an eight-star driver.

However, Vishkel was much more numb than usual with superhuman

"K, tell him he did a good job! Zipple, they're more evil and vicious than
Jean Looncandel. We should have finished it by the time we damaged it by
using the time we used it secretly!"

"... ...not just a good situation. We needed their strength to make our task
easier. From now on, when you make new products, the supply and demand
of materials will not be as smooth as before."

"Yay! That's the problem! By the way, ID Vishkel. It's not a sculpture, it's a
sculpture. Sculpture and fabrication are completely different. And it's not a
new product. It's a work. How many times do I have to explain?"

"Yes, sculpture......the work...."

Vishkel, barely suppressing disgust and correcting expression.

"How much of a setback is there in the supply and demand of the


"You will rarely save the remains of the dead gods. The remains of the old
civilization will only be able to save about half of them before the alliance
was cut off."


"Instead, in accordance with the revocation clause, we have decided to

recall some of the works we have given to Gipple so far."


Bubar shrieked with his eyes shining.

"You must find the compass! It's the only way to find the living gods and
use them as ingredients.”

"The compass is, of course, subject to retrieval."

"I don't care if I get the rest back, after the drinking stone, this masterpiece
of Bubar Gaston! Me, saliva, half. Hahaha. My dear, you will finally return
to my arms."

"Bubar, that's not a matter of so much liking."


"What attitude did Zipple show when he first took us the drinks, the
compass and other works?”

"He was very low-key. I was about to lick your toes."

But now, we feel that we are going to come up with the destruction clause.
You really don't know what this means?”

"I've spent enough...…?”

"No. It means they may have already been prepared to make compasses, or
something like that."

"Ay, it can't be. Not without my powers."

"The magic of them is more than you can imagine. It's not a compass, it's a
family that can restore broken drinking stones, Jipple. Moreover, the
collection of the works was agreed to be the first day of next year's
Passover. They have time to study."

"Eh, why are you so late? You gave him that much time?”

"Because of the destruction clause. We first brought out the clause here, so
there was no justification for rejecting it."

When Vishkel bit the cigarette as if frustrated, Bubar nodded.

"First day of June next year...... Uh, there won't be any further delay, will

"The general manager himself threatened an all-out war if he broke his

promise this time, so that won't happen. As long as we have Looncandel,
they won't be able to wage an all-out war against us."

"I'm glad to hear that. It's the first day of next year'... where did you decide
to get it?"

"Belado is the southern island of the Empire, the land of pirates."

"Fortunately, it's not a place where disgusting monsters come out. Take me
with you."


"I'm the only one who can see if there's any problem with the work. There
should be no gossip."

Vishkel's eyes were round. It is hard to believe that Bubar is telling such a
healthy story.

"That's... ..that's right. I'll have you tell the general manager."

"Oh, and Mr. Vishkel. He hasn't been found yet? I carved it for you with a
zipple wizard."

"Mato Baker."

"That's the name.”

"I don't know what happened there, but the headquarters are still in a mess...

Vishkel, who suddenly stopped talking, stopped moving.

Then he looked around, and stood up and began to check all the windows
'Hee, as expected. Was it too close?'

Sweep... ...

Jonah stepped back from the window and quickly hid herself. Running on
the grass, the grass did not fall or bend a single drop.

'You seem to have felt a faint touch, is it just my feeling?'

Bishkele, who goes out soon and looks through the ground near the

The only thing that caught my eye was the traces of Jean stepping on the
grass earlier.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden? Mr. Vishkel."

Boovar, who followed with a waddle, shrugged his shoulders.


"Vischkel is a nervous wreck sometimes, and Margiela is so optimistic that

I feel good about everything she sees, how different siblings are.

"... ...will move your residence tomorrow. Where you're not exposed to the

"Oh, that's annoying!"

Vishkel only stared at Jonah's disappearance for a while. I didn't realize she
was there.

And Jonah was running through the forest path smiling inwardly.

'I don't know what the chilling meat and poor neurotic conversation was
about, but somehow the youngest will love it!'

"Oh... god."

Throughout listening to Jonah's story, Jean was literally forced to open her
mouth. Yona was so funny that she held her belly button several times.

"Are those great stories? That expression is funny, the youngest. You can
look so stupid, too."

"It's full of the best. Just one day, no. I got this information in just a few
hours. I don't think looking through the Looncandel secret documents
would surprise me more than this."

"That much? Tell me the details, too.”

"Well, what your sister brought me is. Oh, promise before that. You
shouldn't know this."


Jin explained to Kinselo about the information he got today for a while, but
Jonah still looked at her head as if she didn't know.

In fact, I didn't hear anything because I thought the youngest was just cute
when he muttered something hard.

" you know why I was so shocked?"

"Yes, it's totally fun."

These were not important matters for Jonah anyway. However, she was also
conscious of the fact that Boubar Gaston was born with "confusion."

"But what did you mean, Sister, that you and Bubar Gaston were in the
same class?"

It was a problem that kept bothering me. That nasty fat lady and her only
youngest sister are the same kind!

"Oh, that's......I can't tell you yet.”

"For this reason, between us."

"The youngest has a secret...….”


Jean clung her spirit to Jonah in her palm.

It was a means to tell him that he had no more secrets.


Jonah backed away, grumbling like a madman. As if you've seen something

you shouldn't see.



As he faced Young-ki in person, his voice grew louder, constantly

whispering inside Jonah.

A voice so powerful that it can reflexively stab a dagger into the neck of the

She was born in an unparalleled state of chaos. Bubar's chaos does not show
this reaction even when faced with spirituality.

"Cut it!"

Jean hurried out of spirits. At the same time, Jonah's inner voice died down,
and she was able to escape from the impulse. On the impulse to kill Jean.

It was only a couple of seconds or so that Young-gi was formed on Jin's

palm, but Jonah was sweating and exhaling.

If I hadn't sincerely spared Jean, I probably wouldn't have rejected the will
of the voice.

"Never in the future, that power must be taken out before me. Please don't
ask for any details."


Jean had no choice but to intuitively realize.

'I'm sure he stepped down to avoid attacking me. Young-gi stimulated my


A few seconds ago, Jonah's eyes, bulging out, were filled with fear. With
fear that he might kill his brother.

Jean shook her head, suppressing her perplexed feelings.

"I don't know what it is, but I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen."

"I lose my reason when I see Young-ki. You don't have to be sorry because I
didn't explain it. Hey, I thought the youngest would hide that power from
me at least until he became a jockey...….”

"Why me?"

"Because you don't think I'm such a reliable sister to you? Uh, or maybe
you're gonna hate me?”

"The former is completely wrong, and the latter is good to be honest. Yes, I
was thinking about hiding it until then. Just until I played in the flower
garden with my sister."

I answered lightly, but if you are not upset, it's a lie. A little more spirit
might have killed Jonah.

But Jean had no intention of making Jonah sad.

"I'll have to be careful for the time being. Don't worry too much, it'll be
solved naturally if you're too strong to kill me no matter what you do."
"Hee, don't even dream about it, now play with me. As promised."

After that, Jin spent two days with Jonah playing coolly around in the

And in the Empire of Corn, not only the knights of Joshua, who died after
spying on the camp in the past, but also the knights of Siron were always

Naturally, the news that the two "play together" was bound to fall into the
ears of the debate.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 171

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:11 PM

Chapter 171: Ep.57. A brief farewell (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Squeak! Squeak! Push shot...…!

This man who, as always, has a sealed letter in his heart and is chopping up
the Black Sea's mana, guardian knight Khan.

But this time, it wasn't just Kashmir's letter that he was delivering to Xiron.

"The Youngest Master has been with Lady Jonah for two days, my lord."

Khan, who finally ended the three-day massacre, said, reaching out to

Ciron opened the letter without answering it. This is the first letter since
Kashmir was called into the Black Sea.

(The first chapter contains the actions and results of Confucius who lost.
From the second chapter, the description of the situation based on
Confucius's statement is described in detail, so you may omit it. I hope you
don't feel tired while reading.….)

The letter that began like that was quite neatly arranged as explained. It was
neither too lengthy nor too concise as the previous letters.
'Kashmir, now you're sending me some good writing.'

The eyes of the poet who saw the cause and the result deepen.

'An eight-star wizard, Rolt Joe and the White Rang warriors. I haven't heard
the name Hapalep in a long time.'

As a young man, he also fought with the Hafeleb clan of the Baengnang.
When he was passing through his twenties and looking at the ten provinces,
the chief of the tribe of Hapalep had been fighting.

The chief was a 'rememberable' strong man. The one-on-one duel lasted
more than five hours, and the result, of course, ended in a victory for Siron.

Of course, now that he has become the only Changseong knight beyond 10
stars, he will be no match for the then chief of the clan.

The fighters of Hapalep, whom Siron saw that day, were all above the
average of the Baengnangs.

"The White Rangs, the one the youngest has broken, must be his grandson's
generation. If the Harpaleps were still full of strong warriors, it would have
been a pretty meaningful victory.'

Subsequent to the next chapter, detailed descriptions began. As if reading a

novel he had been waiting for, Siron was absorbed in reading the letter for a

(When Goltep's hammer was cut in half, Benda said he had a spell. I think
that's the attitude of Confucius Jin. When faced with something hard to cut
with a sword, sometimes faith plays an important role.)

This was the point that the argument was particularly interesting.

'It's not a simple attitude. It is the way of the old Looncandel horsemen. It is
almost identical to what is described in the record.'

Siron had all the secrets of the Looncandel that he could know as a
Some of the historical books describing the "Luncandel of the Age of
Magistrates" that Jipple had not erased, or how the blessed people of
Soldert used the sword.

Things about him could only be identified by the owner. The materials were
sealed in a special space that neither the old nor the horseman could access.

Order, sword, and spirit.

When I first saw the record of the Magistrate's fight as a housekeeper,

especially when I saw the battle record of Temer Looncandel, who had only
a few lines left.

I remembered for a while that I had been troubled by curiosity.

Is he greater than I am in terms greater than mine?

An unanswered topic caused a stir in his mind.

'The record says it's a sword.'

I wanted to order the youngest to open it right away, but I had to endure it.
It will still be incomplete anyway, since it's been a thousand years since the
technology's been out of service.

The opinion that finished the appreciation covered the letter.


"Yes, my lord."

"What did the youngest and Jonah say they did for two days?"

"He's just spent his free time. She's so sensitive that it's impossible to watch
her 24 hours a day, but she's literally just playing around."

"Two of you?"

"What did the youngest ask Jonah for, or was she helped?"

"Nothing has been confirmed by guardian knights in the Empire of Con.

Since receiving the Manchurian, since the housekeeper himself warned you
through Gilly, the youngest master wouldn't have dared to break it either."

The poem blinked once in his eyes.

"That's a strange fellow. He's fearless in many ways."

"You mean Master Youngest?"

"Yes. Jonah, I've never imagined that he could hang out with others in a
normal way. "How many times has Jonah been threatened with murder?
Even Luna keeps the child away."

As Khan lowered his head, the poet smiled.

"In the future, tell the guardian knights of the Empire of Corn to keep a
closer watch on Jonah. He's a child who can kill enough even though he
thinks he's my knight if he interferes with playing with his brother."



Tikan's colleagues had no choice but to have a meeting as soon as they

heard the news brought by Jean.

The information I brought was too shocking.

"I'm also embarrassed that Gipple and Kinselo were allies only a few days
ago, but the reason why the alliance ended was because the drinking stone
was damaged, and the reason it was damaged...Is it none other than
Confucius Jean?”

The drinking stone that Jipple had was broken when Jin fought a showdown
with Andrey Jipple on an uninhabited island off Beemment.
Strictly speaking, Luna broke it, but Luna's participation was due to Jean's
visit to the spot.

Thanks to that, Jin changed the fate of Enya and Yuria that day, and Zipple
lost its fringe and pungnyong.

'No way Bubar made it, it's amazing to think about it again.'

In my previous life, I thought I was just a crazy transformationist who

enjoys creating chaos in the world. But according to new information,
Bubar was at the heart of Kinselo.

"In addition, he uses his special ability to make alcohol-like artifacts or

transform others......using the remains of dead gods and the remains of old

Murakan, who said so, had an unusually serious face.

"Yes. Does the remains of the dead gods he uses as a material mean the
tears and blood of the Numerus?"

"That's right, but little boy. I told you I met a cemetery giant when I went to
an unprotected area near the Kurano Dortrune to help your faction cadets.”

a graveyard giant

The golem, which protects the graves of the dead gods, disappeared 2,000
years ago. It was none other than the Dragon clan that ended them, and
Murakhan and Quikantel who participated in the removal of the graveyard
giant at that time.

"I didn't understand why there was a graveyard giant, but now I see. It was
that Boubar Gaston piece. And he seems to have signed the God of
Sculpture Well."

"God of Sculpture Well? I've never heard of that name before."

Everyone did, except for Murakan and Quikantel. Very few of the public
knew Well's name.
"It's natural you don't know. Like the Clam I met in Colon, it's one of the
deities that disappeared in history. Well was in the grave of the dead gods."

Well was also the one who contributed the most when the gods produced
the "source stone."

And after many years of destruction of the root stone, Well loses his status
as a god and degenerates into a normal human being.

The place where the deformed gods are gathered is the Tomb of the Dead
Gods, and the graveyard giant was a golem created by Well to protect
himself and their post-war dignity.

When Murakan explained these mysteries, Quikantel nodded still. For most
of the Dragon's people, the removal of the cemetery giant was a bad

Anyway, it was once an act of breaking the graves of the gods.

"Then a dead god. No, a man named Well has come back to life, regained
his prestige, and signed with Bubar. Is that possible?”

"It's absolutely impossible. But if Bubar isn't a contractor for Well, there's
nothing I can explain, so I hypothesized. Seeing you even transform
yourself, I think it might be well itself, not a contractor."

"Since I became a backup jockey, I feel like I've been associated with divine

"Bubar Gaston is a very mysterious person, according to Marmurakan. Why

is he with Kinselo?”

"It must have something to do with the great work of Kinselo, strawberry
pie. First of all, we need to find out what they're talking about. Seeing that
you handed the drinking seat over to Zipple, it's a wash. You want to be the
only god in the world."

Thanks to the memory of his previous life, Jin knew what the "revolution"
Kinselo was pursuing.
To crown your own king as the only king in the world. This is in line with
Jipple's attempt to become the only god using the stone he drank.

"More than anything, I'm concerned about the compass. If you look at the
context of the conversation between Vishkel and Bubar, it's called the
compass. It's like finding God's contractor."

"I think so, too, kid. I'm sure we find a contractor with a compass, and we
absorb it into the drinking stone."

In the case of Enya, the contract has already been made public, but Azmil's
contractor has not been known to the world.

So how did he get to Ratliffe in the first place? Seeing that you haven't sent
it back so far, you must have known the existence of the Azmil Contractor.
Even the fact that the contractor is young.

That's true, too. Hmm...... while I've been asleep for a thousand years, did
you happen to have some magic to detect contractors?

You can't have that kind of magic. A thousand years ago, now. No one can
find out about the contract before the contractor expresses his or her

The conversation Jin and Murakhan had when they first visited Quikantel.

At the same time, the three people, who recalled that time, nodded.

"Fortunately, the compass doesn't seem to be perfect. I didn't find Yuria

properly, so I kidnapped Latri instead.”

"First day of June next year."

Everyone's eyes were on Jean as she spoke.

"It's the date Gipple decided to return the compass to Kinselo. The location
is the southern island of the Empire of Belado, the land of pirates."

"There's more than half a year left."

"By then, we'd better dig out as much information as we can about Kinselo
and Gipple, and then take it away. If possible, we'll also look for ways to
secure a compass before then."

Why should I?

No one asked or questioned such a thing. There were three contractors here
alone, their nest and hideout right now.

If the compass points toward Tikan, hunters will come from Jipple or

Even if he only repeated the battle with Andrey, he talked to Jin rather than
saying, "You are the best ingredient for the drinking stone," or "The twelve
gods are locked in" for him who fused with the drinking stone.

"Fortunately they haven't smelled it yet, but they don't know when they'll be
targeted. Jipple, Kinselo. We're both doing dog shit, and we can't just sit
around and watch."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 172

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:09 PM

Chapter 172: Ep.57. A brief farewell (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A few days have passed. Tikan's colleagues had held meetings day after day
until mid-November 1796.

Artifacts exploring contractors.

I also guessed at the time of the Andrei war that such a thing could exist for
Jipple. But when I heard the word "compass," I felt strange again.

"First of all, send the kid, the ice snack, and the Enya elsewhere.
Contractors should leave Tikan until we retrieve the compass.”

That's how colleagues decided.

What will Jipple do before returning the compass to Kinselo?

We will try to hunt and secure as many contractors as possible. If they

haven't produced an artifact similar to a compass.

And there's no more attractive hunting ground for Jipple than Tikan. Tikan
was not a land of transcendent figures, with three contractors together and
not belonging to a large force.
Jin's party has no idea how the compass works and how clearly they find
the contractor.

But judging from the fact that she couldn't find Yuria and kidnapped Ratri
instead, I can only infer that it's not perfect.

But what if even one compass points to Tikan's contractors?

For now, too much trouble will break out.

"Of course they can make similar things after they return the compass. But
I've never heard of Artifact in my life looking for God's contractor, it's
impossible unless it's the God of Sculpture."

Murakhan and Quikantel regarded Boubar as not just a contractor, but as the
reincarnation or reincarnation of Well.

"Even if later Jipple produces artifacts of similar function, it will certainly

be less functional than Bubar's compass. It may be dangerous then, but it's
likely now that they have a real compass when they're going all out to hunt

That's why my colleagues decided to send Jean, Enya and Yuria outside
Tikan for now.

"Enya, Yuria, and Alisa should ask the palace for protection. The only place
that Zipple can't touch is Vigung, even if it's discovered on the compass."

Enya's brother Pinte, old dog Poopy and Ratri were all scheduled to head to
the palace.

Murakan, Gilly, Kashmir and Jet decided to stay in Tikan.

Kashmir looked calm, though he was about to say goodbye to his wife and
daughter for the time being.

Who in the world would want to be separated from his beloved family? But
the daughter's life was at stake, and furthermore the fate of Tikan was at
Above all, you needed to be extra careful because you had already been
nominated by Jipple.

"What if the palace refuses our request?”

Murakan shook his head at Gilly's question.

"It can't be the tragic lord. Rather, you'll think it's a golden opportunity to
properly debt your son-in-law, strawberry pie."

"Well, what a son-in-law...... Is that really so?"

"I'll tell you what. If you fail, I'll try to coax you. She seems quite interested
in me, too. How many times I've heard of a handsome brother in Colon.”

Murakan glanced at Gilly, saying so.

No, I looked so blatantly that everyone in the conference room felt it. The
look of wanting Gilly to show his jealousy.

Gilly, however, did not respond, only sighing anxiously. It was a far cry
from being jealous of Murakan.

"Well, um... ..don't worry too much, anyway."

"I'll trust you, Murakan. Sigh, that's what it's supposed to be, the nanny of
the backup rider, with Orser. There's nothing I can do this time either...….”

Murakan shook his head again at the remark.

"You are full of yourself, Strawberry pie."

"By the way, where is Confucius Jean going?”

When Kashmir broke the rapidly awkward atmosphere, everyone's eyes

were focused on Jin.

"Oh, the kid has a separate place to go. It's where I thought I'd let it go,
even if it wasn't this one, and should I say it was just the right time."
"Is there anywhere else that's as safe as it is?"

Murakhan shrugged his shoulders with a significant expression.

"When it comes to the pursuit of the Giffle, there's no safer place in the
world than that. It's not a compass, it's something greater than that, but it's a
land you'll never find. You can't go in there even if God comes down."

After returning from Hawthorne, Jin was known as a space where he was
tipped off in advance.

"Why can't you send Enya and ice cookies there, everyone. But I can't help
it. It is a land reserved only for Solderlet's contractors, especially the
Looncandel Magistrates. For now, it's a place no one can go but Jean, a
thousand-year contractor."

"So where is it, man?"

Quicantel frowned.

"Land of the Ming Dynasty."

"If you're a Ming dynasty...It's been more than half a million years since it
was destroyed.”

There are various species of water in the world.

Across the southern border of the Kingdom of , the land of the Sioux
began there.

There are peaceful tribes such as the water-tailed tribe, which is so weak
and good that you wonder how they survived, or the Geumseol tribe, which
resembles a mouse and is named after gold.

There are also the Myoin people who live in their own small areas while
staying away from other tribes, and the Baengnang and Jeokho people
whose members are all warriors.

Now, any 'war tribe' conjures up the Baengnang and the Jeokho tribe.
It was the Ming Dynasty who conquered the land of the Sioux with
overwhelming force before them.

Half a thousand years after their fall, even the relevant feed is hard to find,
but not all history has been completely lost.

Even now, countless scholars have tried to uncover the secrets of the Ming

It was because the Ming Dynasty, which enjoyed such a powerful power,
suddenly disappeared from the past half a thousand years ago.

"Where and how did the Ming Dynasty land remain?”

"It's still in the Mitra Great Membrane. It only explains the extent to which
there was a contract between Soldert and the Ming Dynasty. I can't tell you
the details. Anyway, Jean will go there."

His colleagues were agitated by the word "Mitra's Great Membrane."

"Isn't it too dangerous? Maybe the whole Baenglangs are tied up with
Kinselo. Besides, the Mitra Great Membrane......that's where native
watermen get lost.”

"It's dangerous, but it's where the kid has to go a few times anyway. It's a
land where he holds a rite of passage to become a real maggots. And since
the little face hasn't been sold to Kinselo yet, it won't be a problem."

Colleagues' eyes naturally reached Jean.

Jean has a look of no hesitation, as always. So colleagues thought there was

no need to talk more about Katabuta.

"It's next May, when my colleagues get together again. If we get together
from Tikan, we'll meet at the Bella Empire, because Jipple and Kinselo
might be suspicious when they do their follow-up. By the end of May, all of
our colleagues must gather to fight the compass."
Since then, his colleagues have worked out a plan on how to proceed with
the operation to take the compass for a while and kissed on various small

The palace accepted Gilly's request easily enough to overshadow his


As soon as Murakan went to Manji Island, Talaris, who was in a mot, came
to meet him himself. What happened to my son-in-law?

"Not a big deal, though I'm off to take a test."

"Huh, what kind of test is it?"

"Secret. Anyway, we'll have our kids out in three days. Say hello to your
daughter, too.”

At night, a party was held to console the brief farewell. After today, Tikan's
mansion will be quiet for a while.


the southern frontier of the kingdom

It felt new to visit this place where I had my first mission as a cadet.

How are the youngest division doing?'

Suddenly, I remembered my men who were being trained as intermediate

cadets. When they returned to the Sword Garden, they were also excited
about what they would look like.

A big bag on a traveler's robe. The bag contained dried food and water,
blankets and some herbs, travel artifacts, and salt.

It's the mitral membrane.'

The huge desert, devouring the heart of the Sui people's land, was one of
the hinterlands where even veteran adventurers who were adventurous and
challenged did not easily challenge it.

There is no golden island left by the Ming Dynasty, no lost old civilization,
or resources of mystery. Not only adventurers but also renowned research
institutes from around the world have long proved it.

For some time, numerous adventurers followed myths, legends and myths
to the Mitra Great Barrier, but the results were always devastating.

The majority of adventurers failed to overcome Mitra's heat and caprice and
eventually became the nourishment of the desert, and those who succeeded
in crossing the line had to face the fact that all the stories involved in Mitra
were false.

Even strong figures like the Baengnang and Jeokho people thought crossing
the Mitra Great Barrier was a suicide attempt.

"There, why, Ghana. Small, human?"

"By any chance. A broken heart. Did you? So, do you want to die?
Sometimes, there is. Such, stupid, human."

It was no wonder, therefore, that the water-tailed floodgates, who had

encountered each other in a long time and by chance, asked Jin this

"What kind of performance is it? I'm just going. And you guys are smaller
than me."

Water-tailed watermen kicked their tongues and shook their heads.

"Oh, and you guys. Do you happen to know anything about the water-tailed
gentry who lived in that village about two years ago? I think it was a village
about a couple of hours' walk west of here."

"Uh, there, Burak, us."

"Really? That means it was you."

Jean grinned and looked down at the water tails. The water-tailed people
who lived in the village were the ones who distributed roasted fish to the
beggars and cadets during the Sember Bill rescue mission.

Human missing? We don't know, water-tailed, nice. You guys, you suck.
Fish. Eat it. It's a present.

Yeah, yeah. I know. Thank you. It's cooked well. I'll return your favor next

Flutter, flutter.

Jean searched in his arms and picked up a handful of gold and jewels.

"Now you're paying for the fish you ate then. Take it and use it to trade with
humans or people."

"Oh, then, you?!”

One of the water-tailed gentry recognized the gin. Jin and the youngest
division are the only humans who have taken fish from their villages in
recent years.

"This, too much, too!"

"It's okay, you won't have to spend money in the desert."

"Self-suicide, of course!”

"No, I'm not. Anyway, I'm going to go now. See you again sometime."

As soon as I'm about to walk away.

The water-tailed clasped Jean's belt.

"Sure, go, go?"



"Su-su, land. Now, Red-Ho people, misbehavior, severe. We, going, road,
use it. Just, go, quarrel, get caught, for nothing."

The water-tailed gentry were good people who always paid money when
they didn't have to.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 173

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:07 PM

Chapter 173: Episode 58. The mirage of Mitra's Great Membrane (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

According to the water-tailed gentry, the land of the Sioux was full of red
tigers these days.

Originally, the Jeokho people tended to despise other tribes, but recently,
they even extort money and valuables from people and adventurers who
pass through the land of Su-in, calling it a "passage tax.

"He, evil, to them, if caught, no, the answer."

"A passerby, that's what a bunch of fighters do to backstreet odds.”

"Anyway, luck, good, you. We've met."

Qin was originally trying to enter the land of the Sioux along the forest path
where the Kinselo branch was located. If he hadn't met the water-tailed fox,
he'd be in trouble with a high probability.

"You don't know your way around, do you?”

"I don't know, never. Follow me, come."

The water-tailed gentry were the second most popular species to avoid
We walked along them and chatted. When most water-tailed people asked,
"Why do you go to the Mitra Great Membrane?" the camp was surrounded.

About a couple of hours later, the burrow they dug came out, and Jean, who
groaned through it, had no choice but to sigh.

Beyond the cave, a stream of waterfalls was pouring out like a lie.

"Water, new, take it."

The bucket was filled with water, and as it passed the waterfall, another
oyster came out. It was a cave full of rocks, but unlike ordinary caves, there
was no counting of bifurcations inside.

"Did you sell this, too?"

"No, the Myonites, dug."


The cave dug by the Myoin people was simply a maze. It seemed that their
habits of ostracizing all other species, not to mention humans, were

The cave had different paths depending on how you chose the forklift. Of
the thousands of cases, there will also be one path to the burial site of the
Myoin people.

As if playing, he passed dozens of bifurcation paths inside the cave.

At the end of the cave, another group of watermen, similar in height to the
water-tailed people (they barely reached the waist of the gin), gathered
together to take a nap.

A rat-faced, fluffy bunch of fur;a golden snowflake.

"Uh, hey. What if you bring something here and that?"

Unlike the water-tailed race, they pronounced correctly and spoke quickly,
as if they were good at dealing.

Soon the water tails and the golden snowmen talked, mixing continental
and water-borne, and Jean thought they were pretty cute.

The conversation ended with the water-tailed Suin offering a small jewel.

"Ah, it's none of our business to know why we're going to the Great Bar, but
I wish you good luck, man."

After passing by the Golden Snow, a large wooden door came out of

"Ee, door, open, come out, miscellaneous store."

"Commercial store?"

"of the Golden Snow family, a general store. Other than that, Yukayuka, the

"Oh, did the cave run all the way there?"

Yukayuka Market is a place where moderate Suin people gather to trade.

Not much different from the human market, all kinds of goods were traded,
and if there was one other thing, it was the existence of a "guiding man"
who called on adventurers.

As many human tourists visit every year, every market in Suin's land has a
guide to doing business against them.

"The roadman, the golden snowman, recommends, gives. Golden-snowed

people, guides, and vanity. Ignore it, tow, use it. Towing people, sincere,

"Thank you in many ways. Before we break up, shall we just give you a full
"I, the Dark Flame."


"Dark flame. My, name."

What's your name? I almost asked, but it might be rude. Anyway, it just
didn't match what it looked like.

"Yes, dark flames of the water-tailed......I am."

"Jin, Looncandel."

"How did you know?"

"Then, on the lobes, I saw a black sword, a pattern. Fish, June, Day."

"But it could be another cadet, right?”

"Feeling, Looncandel. You, Captain, it's you."

"That's interesting. You're not going to go anywhere and make a noise, are

"Worried, don't."

"Okay, then the next time we meet, I'll repay you as Looncandel. I'm

a gain on talent

As soon as he opened the door and went out, as the Dark Flame said, the
interior of the miscellaneous store came out, and the Geumseol people, who
appeared to be the owner, quickly began to call in.

Jean ignored him and walked straight to the area where the guides were
gathered. There were also human beings on the streets of the market, so
they wore hoods.
It wasn't hard to find a reliable towed guide.

Later, while traveling with him to the Mitra Great Membrane, fortunately,
there was no encounter with the Red-Ho tribe.

Instead, we could often see humans clearly represented by the Kinselo unit,
who were dressed in clothes bearing the symbol of the Kinselo, the "broken

If you walk in such clothes on the continent, you will be caught or taken
away by security guards. It's not famous yet, but most countries define
Kinselo as a terrorist organization.

There was a strange feeling of separation as they were doing nothing on the
land of the Sioux.

'Maybe most of the Suin people, not the White Rangs, have something to do
with Kinselo.'

When the Towing people reached the entrance of the Great Barrier, they
returned to the Yucayuca market again, and Qin gazed at the desolate desert
for a while.

Walking alone in the desert requires courage.

Leaving his first step on the sand of the Mitra Great Membrane, Qin had to
feel greater pressure than ever.

I was confident in fighting for my life against a strong opponent.

But the sea of sand stretched unanswered under the murky cloud, with the
mere sight of it, was imbued with a sense of hypocrisy.

'If you die here, you won't even find a body.'

It is a place where even native watermen lose their way and not even white
bones remain. Suddenly, I was awed by the great adventurers who were
known to have crossed the Mitra Great Barrier.
The place of the sword.….'

The sense that I felt when I cut Muron's Hell Gate and when I broke
Goltep's hammer.

As if the sword, spirit, and self were united in reciting a spell, the substance
of the sense is called the "young sword."

Special swordsmanship allowed only to the Looncandel horsemen.

The Ming dynasty, already known to have been extinct, were the successors
of the sword, and some part of this desert remained the land left for them to
carry out their mission.

Why did the Ming dynasty become the successor to the sword?

In the background, there is one mystery unknown to Inse.

The Ming dynasty did not believe in the power of the gods. So I challenged
him, and he was devastated and destroyed. That's why they collapsed half a
million years ago.

In a day?

Kid, when you fight Andrei. How did Quikantel react as soon as he saw the
drinking seat?

He was terrified.

Even the drinking stone, which is an imitation of the root stone, is as good
as that. But the root stone was made with God's strength. That's the power
of God. At the time when the Ming Dynasty challenged the gods, the root
stone was destroyed, but it was no match.

When the combined gods were trampling on the Ming Dynasty to set an

Only one, there was a god who felt sorry for them.
Solderlet saved very few Ming royalty and made them his own. I don't
know exactly what the contract is about, but the prosecutor's office can't
learn from anyone but them. The Temer also learned from them.

A conversation with Murakan before leaving Tikan.

Jean was once again recalling that "Temar Looncandel" had learned the
sword from them.

'You might hear about the invitation, the Ming Dynasty.'

Temer Looncandel.

Despite being the first hostess, there are not many records of him in the
Sword Garden.

He gave himself and his followers a castle called "Luncandel" to raise their
families, and the story of the defeat of Murakhan a thousand years ago and
the name of Aegum Barisada were almost everything.

Although he is the founder and supreme hero of the family, there is not even
a place for him in the garden of the sword.

It was because Jipple erased all the records related to Themere.

Jabbuck, jabbuck. Jabbuck...….

Every step I took, the water lapped in the bucket on my waist. It could last
for a few days, but it was unclear whether the oasis or spring water could be
found in it.

I didn't pack the compass in the first place. If the compass had been a well-
functioning land, there would have been no reason for indigenous watermen
or veteran adventurers to get lost.

So I had to walk only looking forward.

How many hours did he walk?

As I felt my head was getting dazed, I looked back and saw the same
scenery as before me. The forests and trees that had risen at the entrance of
the Great Bar were completely out of sight.

'There's not even a footprint left.'

The sand in the Great Barrier was mangled up in the slightest wind. As the
distant hills approached, they often collapsed, and the footprints quickly left
no trace of the lake's wavelength.

Even if I give up right now, will I be able to go back the way I came?

It's impossible.

Jean, who came straight to the conclusion, shrugged lightly. Slowly, it hit
me. The fact that death here is very natural and common here.


Jin who picks one breath and moves again.

For the first time since then, the night of the Great Barrier was surprisingly
harsh, and the sun that rose the next day was so hot that it made me

So until December 1, 1796, I walked for a week. No more water bottles, but
oasis has no sign of being revealed.

An ordinary person, or moderately trained adventurer, would have already


It was even more hopeless just before Clam came down in Colon, and the
memory that he had finally made it was making Jean not intimidated.

When the third mirage is over, unfold the liberation of Young-gi. That way,
the Ming Dynasty will appear.

Enduring the Mitra Great Membrane is a test in itself to receive a

succession of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office.
Fighting with nature means fighting against God. Jin was vaguely realizing
what this "test" meant.

There are only a few drops left in the water, and the steps are heavy, as if
they had been attached to the root.

Still, he kept moving forward.


The first mirage appeared when the water was emptied out of the bucket
and drank all the remaining water.

But can that be called a mirage?

"Long time no see, youngest. I finally found it."

"Hey, I've missed you so much. Thanks to you, our family life has been a
real shit...….”

The voice that came out of nowhere was none other than the Tonya
brothers. The voice is so clear that I can hardly regard it as a hallucination.

'But mirage, fake.'

Until just a few seconds ago, there was only sand everywhere, like the vast
ocean. The sudden appearance of the Tonya brothers is impossible unless
it's a mirage.

But as they strode toward the camp, they were leaving clear footprints.

Even from the Great Sword and the Chain Sword they were holding, there
was a flurry of colorful oars. Clearly, the intention of killing Jin was also
with it.

I mean, it's not a normal would be difficult if all three mirages
were like this.'

Jean slowly pulled out Bradamante, lifting up the auror.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 174

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:07 PM

Chapter 174: Episode 58. The mirage of the Mitra Great Membrane (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Kagang! Chaeng!

Heitona's chain sword was shot like a whip. The chain sword was
characterized by an attack distance that was incomparably longer than the
ordinary long sword.

The sword is quite heavy. It is so shocking that the palm of the hand feels
sour due to the shock of the sword. The swordsmanship seemed to be about
the same level as the present Tonya brothers expected by Jean.

'I'll believe it if you say it's real. Didn't Murakan think the mirage would be
like this?'

I haven't heard anything like this. The same was true of the story of this
type of magic or power in the world.

Even a mirage caused by power.

If you can't avoid or stop it, you'll get cut. As soon as I hit the attack, I felt
fluffy with such intuition.

"You're good at stopping it?"

When Heitona smiled and said, this time Daytona rushed in.

His weapon is a little smaller than the ax sword Krantel. The weight must
be enormous, but the movement of Daytona running with the great sword
hanging down is light.

Sweep, bang!

The sword scratching the sand floor was raised like lightning. Jin took a
step back and struck the Great Sword horizontally, and realized that my
strength was not as usual.

Daytona, whose attack was blocked, only paused for a while, and
immediately continued the next inspection.

'I could've knocked you down with a knife, that's too bad.'

He walked a week through a severe dike, eating about 20 percent of his

usual meals. His physical condition cannot be the same as usual.

Now Jin's skills were enough to subdue the real Tona brothers within five
minutes. However, the gap in skills has narrowed considerably due to the
lack of physical strength.

"Flustered, isn't it? We've been waiting for you to get tired!"

Heitona shouting, stretching out the chain sword again.

When the Tona brothers began to join forces, Jin's movements became even
busier. The brothers' joint work involved the chain sword making a
persistent gap in the mid-range, and the heavy sword putting in a blow.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, brothers."

The eyes of Qin, who said so, were rapidly, constantly swaying from side to
side. It moves to find a gap between the chain sword and the great sword.

"Shut up!"

Chae-chaeng! Pachang! Three different swords were mixed and sparkled.

Despite his lack of physical strength, Orr's momentum is overwhelming.

The chain sword and the Great Sword were bouncing violently against the
burning sword.

'The combination is so good, when you try to push one person away, the
other side is like a ghost.'

But that's all.

The eighteen-year-old Tonya brothers were never out of Chin's imagination.

Moving like one body is highly appreciated, but there was no powerful shot
for the Tona brothers.

They are also reserve riders, like Jean. He has yet to learn the Looncandel
final, which can be a variable.

'When you're in the best shape, you'll be able to subdue it in three minutes,
not five. If it's like this for Tonya, I would have expected too much of their

Even if I'm not doing my best.

The absolute difference in skills was too much.

It makes me sad to think of Tonya's brothers who had treated him so


In this life, he thought he had avenged himself enough since the storm, but
he did not seem to have. Jean glared at her brothers with her young eyes.

"Do it right, I'm afraid you'll be angry."

"You're talking nonsense again.”

"You haven't come to your senses yet, have you? Don't be too proud of
yourself for beating us before."


The chain sword and the Great Sword crossed in X-shaped, aiming for the
top of the gin. A blow that was a little more condensed than just now, but
Jean did not avoid.

It was because the identification was complete. The order they could
produce was now at a moderate level even in the mid-5s.

That was not a threat if he had been further down.


As hard as he could, he raised Bradamante. When the two crossed swords

and bradamante touched, there was a binge, and the brothers backed off

Next, Jin who kicks the sand floor. Ouch! The ivory sand spread like a net
on the tread, covering the body of Ilsun Jin.

The brothers quickly fixed their posture and waited for Jin's counterattack,
blocking each other's loopholes, but when the sand sank again, there was
nothing in the place where the camp stood, only a shabby sky can be seen.

Jean caught Tonya's brother by the side in the moment the sand covered her.

" !"

Daytona, who responded first, stopped Bradamante by setting the Supreme

Prosecutors' Office horizontally. However, he made another mistake of
blocking the sight of the sword from rushing into his face, and it is not the
right place to miss the gap.

The center cut off Daytona's thigh. Seeing the blood splashing through the
sand, I wondered if it was a mirage.

I decided not to hesitate. If, even if they were real Tonya brothers, the fact
that they were trying to kill themselves now remains unchanged.


Heitona turned quickly and pulled Daytona's neck. At the same time he shot
the chain sword, but Jean responded with a stab, as he did with a hook of

Tung! A piece of the blade of the chain sword meshed with the edge of the
sword of Qin. In an instant a rigid chain sword, like a snake stabbed in a
awl, was instantly out of Heitona's control.

And another quick stab. I aimed for the nape of my neck, but I couldn't get
through it because Heitona turned her head.

However, the blade of the knife scratched Heitona's eyes.


Heitona, who retreats, spilling blood from the snow. Jean gritted her teeth
unconsciously when she saw it.

He caught his brother's eye. I decided not to hesitate, but a strange feeling
that was different from when I cut Daytona's thigh was scratching Jin's

Unlike thighs, eyes cannot be fixed once they are hurt.

"Heitona, the snow...…!”

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!”

Is it really a mirage?
The two men, who would vomit with angry and evil faces, were the Tonya
brothers themselves.

Would it be okay to cut them now?

Why am I thinking about this? Real or fake. They're trying to kill me.'

The victory has already been tilted a long way toward the losing side. If you
decide, you'll be able to finish it quickly.

But why is it so stuffy as if there's some metal in my heart, and my mind is

so confused.

'I don't really want to fight with Tonya's brothers. "You spent your days
with storm and cadet together, and you thought maybe they could be on my

Did he expect to have a different relationship from his previous life? Like
Luna's sister, Jonah's sister.

Looking back, I didn't have many good memories with the Tonya brothers
in this life either.

In the storm, he peeped at the opportunity to bully himself until he was

beaten, and in the beginner and intermediate classes of cadets, the same was

But why do you feel sad?

Hey, baby! You're all right...…!?

Did your father say he'd let you live? What the hell did you do to this?

They're cute sometimes. I'm fine. By the way, you guys, I'm gonna have to
do you a favor.

The conversation we had just then when Luna and I went to Siron in
violation of the law of the reserve jockey.
Except Luna, no brothers at the time told Jin that they were worried. Jin
didn't know, but Mary also hoped her youngest sister wouldn't die.

But that's it. If he dies, he can't help it, and if he survives, he's expected to
grow as he is and play a game.

Only the Tonya brothers came to Jean. "I was holding my breath downstairs
in the study of Zion, and then I came up to you, and I was worried that you
might die, and I asked you, why did you do this?"

How anxious he must have been to bite his fingernails. Since seeing the
fingernails, Jean has often smiled whenever she thinks of them.

"I'll tear your limbs! God damn it, you son of a...…!”


The Tonya brothers, who were, were now shouting at Jean. He appeared for
no reason and was wielding a sword to kill Jean.

And have eyes soaked with fear. They only bark loudly like frightened
dogs, but now they can no longer attack.

It was because I realized how much I had saved. They're no match for Jean.
Therefore, they are only pouring evil words into their hearts of fear and

Jin's eyes sank dark as he was still looking at the Tonya brothers.

'You have to cut yourself.'

Whether it's a mirage or a real one, you have to cut it.

Otherwise, we won't be able to move forward.

Because he's the Looncandel himself.

Bradamante's blade turns into spirit.

"I'm sorry."

"Shut up!"

"I wasn't stronger, hurting my brothers. There will be no pain from now

As Jean trudged up, the brothers backed away. He looked all around,
anxious to know that he was in a corner.

This place is a desert.

There was no shelter, no hiding, no retreat.

"Don't come back...…!”

"Get out of my sight!"

The new voice of the rapidly servile Tonya brothers was shaking.

Jin didn't shy away from his older brothers' eyes. Every time I got close to
my brothers, something seemed to fall from my mind.

We have entered the offensive zone of each other.

At a moment when Chama Bradamante could not be wielded, Heitona

screamed and stretched out the chain sword.

a sloppy blow by swinging with great tension Jean unconsciously struck the
chain sword, twisted its trajectory, and dug into Heitona's bosom.


Daytona's Great Sword flies before Heitona's neck falls to the ground.
Turns aside, avoids, cuts in the wrist, and stabs in the neck.

The blood of Tonya's brother, who had fallen without a scream, was turning
the desert red. Jean looked at it for a while with a blank look on her face.

The body didn't disappear after a long time.

'Why... ...doesn't the mirage disappear?

It was the same even after an hour.

So I dug a grave in the middle of the desert and buried my brothers side by

Jin's two fists were shaking, as he moved again, with the chain sword and
the Great Sword used by the Tona brothers in place of the tombstone.

It wasn't long before the oasis came out like a lie.

Jean buried her face in the water for a long time. Soon the red eyes of the
gin, which was filled with water by releasing all the water bottles, shone on
the water.

And hiding in the bonds of the Great Barrier that Jean doesn't recognize.

There was a woman watching him still.

"Yes, it should be painful to kill the blood."

The woman with pitch-black hair like Murakan's sister.

It was Misha, the Black Dragon.

"You have chosen a child like that, Mr. Soldert."

When she, who spoke to herself like that, stirs her hand once, two swords
stuck in the tomb of the Tona brothers break like dust.

The wind then washed away all traces of the mirage, and the place where
the Jin and Tonya brothers fought was just full of ivory sand.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 175

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:05 PM

Chapter 175: Episode 58. The mirage of the Mitra Great Membrane (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Every time I breathed out like sand in my lungs, I felt a lumpy taste.

I walked during the day and shuddered with lying cold and loneliness in the
blanket at night. When I woke up, the blanket, which had turned into a
cocoon in the sand breeze, was hardened.

At one time, he was hampered by a scorpion that didn't even have an

academic name. The life of the Mitra Great Membrane is all venomous. It
would have been dangerous if I didn't get the Manchurian.

Scorpions were eaten to save food. Neither the nameless worm, similar to
the bee, nor the snake with two heads covered in black scales, were eaten
whenever seen.

Is it because I swallowed too much sand? The animals, roughly cooked by

magic, had a terrible taste along with the stench, but the gin didn't feel

A bandit, a bandit.

The snake broke in its thin cheeks. Jin was once again grateful to Jonah, as
even the flowing poison was a substitute for the water.
So three days passed by the first mirage.

It would not have been possible to know how much time had passed had it
not been for the sun to set and the moon to set. As such, the Great Barrier
was the same landscape as the one in both places.

"You really don't have this desert.'

That was the most painful.

You've never had such a lonely moment in your life. The time that passed
after leaving Tikan was only about ten days, but the time in the desert and
outside was passing through a completely different density.

Another week has passed.

No more snakes, no more scorpions. Jean was completely alone, walking

and walking in the sea of vague sand.

It might have been better if I had spoken to myself, but I couldn't even do it
because the water tank had bottomed out again.

And to make matters worse.

It was a very fitting expression for the Mitra Great Membrane on December
11, 1796.

I've saved enough it gone?

The day's Qin had no choice but to scream as soon as he woke up.

All the food that was kept in the bag that I slept in all night has disappeared.
Everything else remained the same, but only the food had disappeared

There was not a single piece of beef jerky or a handful of grain powder left.
Even if I put my head in my bag, there was no smell left. Like it wasn't in
the bag from the start.

I felt nausea. He threw an empty canister at the sky and poured out a male
double bath. Why are you doing this to me? I want to argue.

Jean's voice only scattered into the desert air, leaving no echo.

Still, I had to walk.

If you stay still, all you have to wait for is death. He also felt that even if it
was unfair, it could not end like this.

No matter how tough a man is.

Without water and food, you can't stand it. He was using his superhuman
will, but there was no answer.

After a day, the sky turned yellow and never came back.

Two days later, intermittent convulsions occurred in the body. It was no less
than a miracle to face the Great Barrier for two days without eating or

Three days later, no spring water, no oasis, no beast to eat.

Thud... ...

I tripped and fell down. His ankles and calves have lost their strength.

A handful of sand enters the open mouth. My mouth was so dry that the
sand didn't stick to my tongue.

A single fall, but deep in the bone, was spreading a deep feeling of
exhaustion. The urge to just take a nap poured in like a tidal wave.

It's not as easy as you think to endure the urge. Even more in a desperate
situation like Jin now.

'Bad, it's just one fall. I just fell once...…!'


He spat out the sand with a frown.

Then he stood up again. The sunlight reflected on the sand caused

dizziness, and the two faltering legs seemed to be none of their own.

Then out of nowhere, I could see the hand of the man holding the can.

Someone stuck close to Jin's of Jean. Naturally, there was not a single
person in this desert who deserved it.

'Shin Giru!'

Whether it's a mirage or a real person.

It was important that he came up to me without a trace and gave me a

bucket. If I had wielded a sword, not a canister, I would have been beaten
beyond recognition.


The sword was pulled out with a pommelon of water. And without even
checking his face, he jerked himself around, grabbed his back and put the
blade close to his neck.

Tuk, the opponent's lifeline came before the bucket fell on the floor.

It was just a shot. The body reacted first enough to make it hard for Jin to
understand where such power was left.

The owner of the bucket showed no signs of embarrassment, even though a

knife had entered his throat. And Jean realized that he was a woman in a

In addition, there is a cane in the other hand, which has missed the bucket.
It was clearly a cane made of silver oxen, and somehow a very familiar
The woman's red hair was also familiar.

Red hair, silver cane, no way.…!?'

Jean's eyes grew bigger. In his memory, there was only one person with
such splendid red hair and a silver cane.


"Please put the knife away. Unless you're really going to poke."

Jean slowly lowered the sword against her neck.

Turning with a sigh, she kept the face that Jean had missed so much.

Valeria heaster.

She was the one who taught Jin magic in his previous life.

"How can I..."

No, not how.

It would be a mirage. What Jean is looking at now is a 26-year-old Valeria.

It was the last I saw in my previous life before I broke up.

But is it because the hard days spent in the desert were unbearable?

As soon as I saw her, I felt the loneliness, sorrow, and longing that I had
been pressing would burst out at once.

It was the same day three years ago when I reached out to my student, who
was lying on the street. Even then, the student reflected a knife on my neck.
Though his skill was as poor as it is now."

Three years ago, Qin was in the Sword Garden.

But not three years ago in Valeria. Jean in her memory had just been
banished from Looncandel and rolled the world like a lung.
"......Valeria, no. Teacher. Are you the second mirage?"

"I think that's what happened.”

"What the hell, man. Are you saying you know that you are a mirage?”

"Yes, I know. I don't know the real me who's about to be 15.”

"Then all I have to do is...….”

"Killing me and passing by."


The first thought that came to mind. Jean could feel intuitively.

The mirage in the Great Barrier is neither magic nor power. The mirages
that came out so far, were all real people who existed deep inside him.

People who stood in their inner and memory. That's why I felt like I had cut
off my real flesh when I cut off the Tonya brothers, and I felt like I had met
my real teacher again.

"I didn't want to be reunited like this with my student. I wish we had met
when it was a little more plausible.”

"Don't do this, teacher. Why you?"

Valeria picked up the bucket that fell to the ground and threw it toward the

"Drink, if you fight me in that condition, you die in the first eternity."

"Can't we do anything else?"

"You know better than anyone, don't deny it. I hear you've been born again
and become very strong, but I think you're better off in my memory. Don't
talk too much.”
Jean picked up the bucket that fell on her feet with trembling hands.

For the past few days, I have been walking in the desert, which has been a
living hell, and the water I have been searching for has been dripping.

But I didn't want to drink. If you drink this water, then.

'I have to kill you.'

It's incomparable to cutting Tonya's brother. How dare he cut her. Valeria
Heister, if it weren't for her, Jean wouldn't have had a second life.

He must have lived and died like a wandering dog for 25 years as a mere
Looncandel. She held out her hand, and Jean shook it off and put a knife
against her neck, but she came back again and again.

The present camp could have existed.

"You've become a lot cocky in a bird you haven't seen, Mr. Disciple."

Recognizing Jean's hesitation, Valeria lifted her cane. As the mana

emancipation unfolded, the withering mana, raging like a storm, wound
around her silver cane.

"Seven-star magic. You don't think you've already surpassed me, do you?
Drink up, Jean Looncandel. I'm your inner voice, too. You'll be ready to
fight me.”

Stick... ...

Open the bucket. One more hesitation, and she'll shoot the magic without
mercy. The wizard Valeria Heister, whom Jean remembers, was more like a
black man than any unmanned man.

That's how certain everything. To make and break, to fight and to retreat.

"What am I to you?"

"The only disciple. So I don't want you to let me down."

"Was it really you?”

"I would have loved you more than this. I'd probably hug her at least once.
Maybe I kissed your forehead."

"It's no different from what I'm hearing, so it's comforting."

"So don't ask me any more, beat me and pass by. We still have one more
chance, right? The mirage you have to go through."

Boom, boom, boom!

I emptied the bucket at one gulp. But as if it were not normal water, I felt
that my energy was quickly restored.

"You can use both sword and spirit."

Was the teacher in memory so strong? To the point where you have to pour

I couldn't make a quick judgment. But one thing is certain, the mana
gathered in Valeria's wand is far more powerful than memory.

an insurmountable wall

At one time Valeria felt that way. Even after signing a contract with Soldert,
I always wondered if I could overcome Valeria's magic.

Right now, it's a wall I don't want to cross. At least right now.


Jean put Bradamante in the sand. Valeria could only say this with a shrug.

"You'll regret it."

"You'll regret it even more if you use your sword for breaking you. You
were my magic, and you will be."
"Well, you don't look like that, so being reckless was a charm."

It's a piece of cake!

Valeria's mana was suddenly characterized. When she was in the middle of
her training, it was the magic of baking a gin.

"And that recklessness used to scold me all the time.”


As soon as the horse was finished, five streams of lightning struck. Jean
was inescapably fast speed, and yet another magic was already forming in
the blazing Valeria's cane.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 176

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:03 PM

Chapter 176: Episode 58. The mirage of Mitra's Great Membrane (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Fragments of lightning splashed.

Every time the shrapnel touched the sand floor, there was an explosion.
Though of a power of about seven to eight stars, Qin could not know the
magical name.

The second shot of magic was the same. The energy of lightning twisting
the cane became a white window, and it was shot at an incredible rapidity.

Valeria Heister, Jin's magic teacher and the only victor of the Hister family.

Her magic was out of bounds.

Because he was masterful. She enjoyed using variations of all the magic she
had mastered. So all the magic is spread out into the Valleria variety magic.


A lightning bolt fired in a straight line broke Jean's protective shield. Even
before the sharp rupture pierces the eardrum, blood drops burst from the
It was because the lightning flashed through me. Even a warrior who uses
extreme tactics, he cannot easily make such a quick blow.

Jin, who hurriedly unfolded the second protective shield, gritted his teeth.

'I was really going to kill him.'

I had more than 500 encounters with her in my previous life.

In that battle, which has lost more than five hundred times, never won,
Valeria had never tried to kill Jean.

"You avoid well, Mr. Disciple."

Wedge fluid!

A lightning bolt that brushed past the camp turned its head. The moment it
was shot back into the true back, another flash of lightning sprang from
Valeria's cane.

And crossed.

When the camp, which was trying to avoid the double lightning, rolled over
the floor, a third lightning bolt formed. a shot of lightning that narrows a

When Jean managed to command her first order, there were already five
lightning spears formed in that way.

Five lightning bars gathered in a row in front of Valeria.

Progress could no longer be sentimental. Im Jeon-tae, dark-set eyes headed

for Valeria.

"You seem to be in the right mood. It's your last chance. Pick it up, sword."

Valeria pointed to Bradamante, who was stuck in the sand with a cane.
Jean's grasp slowly headed to the handgrip of Bradamante. But just before
reaching, he shook his head and didn't hold on.

"As expected, that's'”

"With stubbornness. You're going to die.”

"We'll see that after the fight. I also, Valeria. I'll do it your way."

The smiling Valeria's eyes narrowed.

"It's my way, I'll watch it once. Mr. disciple."

Five lightning bars spread out in a fan shape. And in Jin's right hand, the
seven-star backflow was making a sharp noise.

"You've got a new teacher, haven't you? Well, it must have been a waste of
talent to rot just because I wasn't there. By the way, Kidad Hall, was it
really the best thing to do, leaving me?”

The only teacher, the only disciple. That's how we always called each other
in our previous lives. No Magician could be the teacher of Jin, no genius
could be the disciple of Valeria.

So Valeria deliberately chose cruel words that would affect Jean's

psychology. To beat Jean more easily, he is trying to shake his heart to
create even more loopholes.

Valeria was such a man. Once determined to kill, never by means or means.

The first time I gave up my hand, the first time I gave him a chance to hold
the sword. It was just the last affection I showed to my student.


The rotating backflow gradually sucked in the mana of the lightning.

It was difficult to suck Valeria's mana directly. To break through her solid
mana liberation that stretched out behind a lightning bolt, there was no
answer but a counter-current.

'Buy some time until you're ready to spread your weight.'

So far Valeria may be expecting it. And Jean was also thinking about the
next move.

'The five spears can't be kept for long with the mana your teacher has. Only
one or two will be kept to the end and the rest is a blunder.'

I had to figure out which lightning bolt to keep till the end so I could bet on
the match.

Xieying, Xieik! Shiaq!

Lightning windows began to flood with a slight time lag.

Avoiding what could be avoided, and sharp coming used the backflow to
twist the trajectory. With the back-flowing manpower, the area where you
can travel can be expanded by making a single finger error.

In the meantime, he prepared for Yeokcheon using simultaneous video

clips. Three minutes, that's enough, and you'll be able to reach a 70 percent

Of course, she was not a Valeria that would only wield lightning bolts.

The five lightning bars, unlike the way they look, are one magic. And she's
a concurrent movie user like Jean.


As the silver-pumped silver-pumped on the sand floor, a magic circle

unfolds in an instant. It was a magic team that was wide enough to reach the
ground where Jin was running around to escape from the lightning.

The spell, which was sung like a distant echo, instantly turned red as Valeria
sweetened her lips.
The chains of fire sprang out of it. The chains of fire, which looked like
giant snakes, were eating him up, converging into the camped ground.

Lightning windows flooded over the view clouded by the fire, one of which
scratched Jean's wrist. Had it not been for the backflow, the wrist would
have been cut off.


Hook, suffocated by the heat of pressing the whole body. It is impossible to

avoid the chain of fire that is tightened everywhere, and the shield is just a
means of delaying death for a few seconds.

Then a chain bit Jean's ankle. The moment when the terrible pain of burning
ankles came up to the top of my head.

Fortunately, Jean was opening the subpoena with the backflow off.


A shriveled flame cut the space like a knife. Gaaaaaaa! The eyes of Valeria
stood up when she saw the blue phoenix wailing out of the subpoena.

"Oh, you mean Tess?"

Chunghwa and deterioration mingle. When Tess trampled Jean's ankle on

the chain of doors, Jean knelt on one knee and gave up a poor breath.

The ankle was bare of bones. There is no room for therapeutic magic. The
chain of fire was in low spirits, but still the lightning rod persistently poked
Jean and Tess.

One minute.

If you hold out just that much longer, you'll have to complete the reverse.
There was only one chance then. But if you can't find a real lightning bolt in
a minute, you can't even find it.

As Tess stirred his wings, a gust of blue flames spread. But it was a wind
that fell far beyond the true dignity of the flame-throwing master, for the
lack of the mana of Qin.

The water Valeria gave me has given me some energy.Ziman, it didn't fill
up all the mana he usually had.

Walking in the desert, my body was as damaged as it could be, and I put
almost all my remaining mana into preparing for the reverse stream. There
was only minimal horsepower left to summon Tess.


A lightning bolt pierced Tess' chest. It was the result of Valeria's immediate
change of target, who recognized that Tess was not in his power.

Bug! Bug! While three lightning spears in a row ravaged Tess, Jean was
sweating out to complete the order of Yeokcheon.

The screaming Tess covered the front of the camp.

It was like saying, "I'm sorry."

'That's enough.'

The moment the remaining two lightning bars were about to stab Tess, the
Yeongchang of Yeokcheon was over.

Tess became a handful of sparks and disappeared again into the portal, and
chains of broken fire scattered to the floor.


A huge sphere of weight floated over the pale sky. Soon as the mana of the
backflow spreads, the lightning windows become blurred and lose their

There was a drip of blood between Valeria's lips. The energy of the station
stream is reversing her mana.
At the same time, he vomited a handful of blood. Jean, who threw up a
black lump of blood by breaking her waist, quickly looked around.

Early symptoms of reflux spread.

Still, five lightning bars embroider the air.

"You're a monster.….'

Of the eight-star wizards of the world, no one will be able to do like Valeria.

She has also experienced extreme mana exhaustion by performing five

lightning spears and flame magic in a short time. If he lost his concentration
just once, he could fall into a reverse current.

Valeria, however, was able to endure the weight lifting. She's been waiting
for the reverse to unfold, with her mana firmly in place.

"Magic backflow is something that only those guys who are not good at
handling mana...….”

Valeria's blood-spitting color was quickly regaining stability. At the same

time, the dimmed lightning began to follow her control again, searching for

"Maybe you have something hidden? It can't be this bland."

Jean didn't answer and kept eye contact with Valeria for a while.

And slowly moved to Valeria.

"No, I lost. There's nothing else I can do.”


"Lastly, I'd like to see you a little closer."

Jean slowly, dazed and managed to move on to Valeria.

Every step I took was wetting my mouth, ankles, and the floor of the sand
with blood running from my ears.

Buck. Buck. Buck....

"Stop, I'll shoot the spear when it comes any closer. You must have
something hidden.”

"I've never lied to you."

"......Did I expect too much?"

"Isn't this enough for sixteen?"

"The idea was keeping you locked up. You could have been stronger
enough. And now stop, when it comes any closer, I'll use the spear."

The distance between the two is ten steps.

'One step short.'

During the walk, Jean figured out what lightning bars Valeria would run to
the last minute. It was only for one reason that the reverse was carried out.

'Lightning at the far left.'

Only that didn't blur after the backlight had unfolded.

'If you go ahead, all five will be shot, but only that one remains until the
end. Valeria's running out of mana.'

Half of it was a success even if two were avoided. Out of the remaining
three, one who will block the two and stay to the end and aim for the camp
again and again.

I had to hold onto it.

Is this bridge possible? With a bare ankle...….

There was no point in arguing that. If you can't make it, it's only death.

The moment Jin's shaky legs took off again.

"Look at this!"

Valeria fluttered her eyes and wielded a cane. Jean threw herself to the side
where the lightning was flying, where she stood.

A short leap.

The first window missed. The windows that passed the camp disappeared
like flames and scattered into the air.

The second spear hit exactly in the middle of the torso.

It would have been pierced if it had not been for the black light. Tung! Jean
vomited blood when Changi hit her armor, but Valeria bit her lips
unexpectedly. The second window also disintegrated and disappeared.

As Jean, barely centered, rushed back, Valeria aimed a little more carefully
at the third window.

"You don't seem to have much horsepower. Seeing the lightning is going

Valeria shooting at the spear without answering.

Contrary to expectations, however, the third time it flew was a real

lightning bolt. With the fourth and fifth windows.

When the remaining three sacks were fired at the same time, Jin triggered
Multa's run. The real lightning window that was flying into the head was
blocked, and the rest of the windows were aiming for the thighs.

The distance between the two is five steps, and Jean falls with both thighs
out. With the disappearance of lightning rods through the thighs, only the
real spear that Jean first predicted remains.

Before the head falls to the floor.

He pushed the floor with all his strength, touching the ground with his
hands. That alone could narrow it down as much as five steps.


Valeria backing down and pulling a cane. Following the movement of the
end of the cane, the real lightning spear was fired back at Jin's back.

Jin, who was floating in the air around a somersault, had no way of
avoiding it.

Instead, he took out the dagger he had been hiding in the sleeve of the robe
for a while.

And with all his might, he threw it to Valeria's neck. a dagger piled up in
spirit and dyed black
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 177

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:02 PM

Chapter 177: Episode 58. The mirage of Mitra's Great Membrane (6)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean did not deliberately use the bradamante for this very moment.

'If the sword had been used from the beginning, the teacher would never
have operated the horsepower in this way. More elaborate, defensive

It would have been harder to deal with Valeria. If she made up her mind and
went into battle defensively, her condition now was too heavy to piercing.

At first, I threw away the sword as a respect for Valeria. However, it was
more efficient not to use a sword after deciding to fight.

Only Jean is copying what she has learned from Valeria. To deceive and
neglect one's opponent somehow or other. Jean thought it would be a real
respect for her teacher.

It was time for determination to see the light.


Valeria that hastily strengthens the protective membrane.

I didn't really think there would be any hidden numbers from Jean. I
expected it to be magic, not this kind of dagger.

That's how much Jin stood for head-to-head competition. Because you are
everything to my magic, I have expressed my respect for you with all my

one's esteem

There was a deep belief that respect for her would not be a lie, so Valeria
had no choice but to swallow her breath the moment Jean wrote the dagger.

If Jean takes out the cards of spirit and sword.

When the chain of fire caught my ankle, when Tess was struck by lightning,
when Yeokcheon returned to nothing and stood naked in front of the
lightning window again...….

It should have been then, but I've had to take it out a few times already,

A black blade shines in Valeria's eyes. With no time to blink, the dagger
was already touching the protective membrane.


The shield broke, as if a thin ice curtain were broken. As soon as the tip of
the knife touched, it was shattered and could not even twist the trajectory of
the dagger.

The same was true of the reflectively wielding silver bull-tree. She could
not have had the physical ability to strike out a non-manless wizard, a
flying dagger like a thunderbolt.

Instead, lightning bars were flooding the back of the camp.

Lightning spear and dagger.

Whatever first reached the opponent, Jin was already confident of victory.
While the dagger was aimed precisely near Valeria's neck, the lightning
spear was not.

One miss and there will be no next. Valeria, who has to move the lightning,
is already out of breath.

A lightning bolt swept through Jin's back.


The dagger was embedded in the collarbone.

The shock pushed Valeria's body out of the air. Red blood rising from the
clavicle painted the arch, and a moment later.

Jean and Valeria both fell side by side to the sand floor at the same time. It
was close enough to see each other's faces as soon as we turned our heads.

The mana on the silver-carpet quickly went out. The lightning bolt flew for
a long time in the pale sky of the desert and disappeared somewhere.

The two fallen men threw up blood. Neither could happen. Jean's legs were
pierced through the lightning window, and Valeria's vomiting of blood
coming up her throat seemed too much.

"'s your loss that you trusted me too much. I made it clear, I'll fight in
your way."

"From the beginning, the sword......why I didn't use it."

"I know you very well. If you hadn't been prepared to kill yourself a few
times, you'd never have been able to deceive you.”

"Hu, hu......."


Valeria turned her head and looked at Jean.


Jean did not turn her head.

Even if it was a mirage, my heart was choked with the thought that I had
really cut off my teacher, just like the Tonya brothers did.

However, we should not talk about weak stories anymore. You shouldn't
even look at Valeria and ask her why she has to do this or why she is you.

Jean just fought against the enemy, and won.

That was Valeria's way.

Soon Valeria smiled quietly.

"You've become stronger, a lot."


Valeria's body disintegrated into shiny particles and swept out in the

Then the wound on Jean's thigh healed slowly. The torn earlobe also had
new flesh, and the tanned ankle was also looking for skin color. as if
nothing had happened

Jean had a calm face.

The rust seemed to be simmering in my heart, but I couldn't move forward

unless I was calm.


Jin stood up and searched for Bradamante. Now the last mirage would have
been waiting for him.

It was that night that the third mirage came.

White night, still hung over the horizon by the blue and sharp sun. Under
the wonderfully bright night sky, far away, a long drive away.

A man stood tall.

With a sword hanging down, he was still staring at Jean.


Siron Looncandel, at first I thought it was him.

It was because the pressure that no one else could ever have was trampling
on the whole desert.

The sandy plain with nothing seemed to form a forest of swords. If you
walk recklessly, you will be convinced that the invisible blade will ruin
your whole body.

As soon as I stopped walking for a moment, the energy that had spread
through the wind swirled around the camp.

I couldn't help him, even if the blue sun had risen above the man.

'No, it's not my father...….'

I can't see your face because it's too far away.

Jean was soon able to be sure who the man was. A thousand years have
passed since his death, and Jean has never seen his face.

'Temar Looncandel.'

The founder of Looncandel, the guest house of legend.

It was obvious that he was.

'This is the last test.'

Extremely strong.

Just standing still, Jean had to feel her whole body drenched in cold sweat.

If there's a human being who can cut down this desert on a single sword, it's
not a theory, it's a Temer.

Such intuition made my whole body tremble with a thrill.

"You mean, not God, but human.'

Unlike the Tona brothers and Valeria, Themere was not a person who
existed inside Jean. He died for a while, taking the power of solderlet
hidden in the Great Barrier.

But the energy that was overwhelming the Great Barrier was
unquestionably true.

Jean now had to break through it and move on. Tens of millions of invisible
blades had to walk bare-handed.


It didn't come off.

Confidence that one will die if one approaches, or fear that one will cut
himself be cut off. It wasn't because of such a weak heart.

It was because he was under pressure from the energy of the Temer. As if
weighed down by a huge fortress, the body was not listening.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't move because I'm under

Naturally, the theme has no answer. I just stand like a mountain and look
down at the camp. This was not the last test of the Great Barrier.

I stayed still for a long time. I couldn't go back or move forward because
my body couldn't move, which made me crazy.
Not even the voice came out. Feeling like a rock sunk in the deep sea.

'Hold on, exam?'

Jin, who had been agonizing all the time, blinked his eyes as if something
had come to mind.


What I've been through so far is a test of the Great Barrier...... Jean recited
to herself, and began to recite the miracles she had been through.

The first mirage is the Tonya brothers, and the second is the Valeria.

They had something in common.

'If you didn't cut it, you couldn' I couldn't fight them without a will to cut

When you 'bell' something with a sword, there is something more important
than the achievement of swordsmanship.

The desire to cut, the belief that you can cut, the iron will to cut through.

Without it, cutting something with a sword can never be established.

Luna couldn't cut Tai Quan even with a 10-star sword, and Jin also couldn't
cut Dante in the final of the respective arena.

It's not because they're weak, but because they're shaken. Whatever the
reason, he did not have enough will to cut off his opponent.

If he hesitated when he cut off the Tonya brothers, Jean could not pass the
first mirage.

If I hesitated when I cut Valeria, I couldn't pass the second mirage.

'Temar Looncandel, walking towards you.'

With such a lukewarm will, I couldn't even take the third test.

I'm cutting you.

I can cut you, even if you're a giant with two suns, I have to cut you.

I'll cut the Temer, and when I memorized it like a spell, the pressure was
lifted like a lie. The stone-hard legs moved and the blocked breathing room

An outstanding fighter had to be able to arouse his will whenever he wanted

to. Of course, Jean was an outstanding warrior, so I could decide to cut him.

But that alone cannot pass the test.

" ..."...!

As soon as I took two steps, my knee broke. As if a cold blade had burst in,
it even led to a creepy pain. Fear was gnawing at the gin without a drop of

If it's the condition of an excellent warrior to create will at will.

It is the domain of the complete warrior that his will is not broken under
any circumstances. Or the domain of the 'strong man'.

There is a man who is invincible even if he has not known the sword all his
life, and a man who is servile even if he has held the sword all his life.

To pass the final exam, it took a lot of will. Undaunted by anything, the
completed will.

'If I didn't have that will, I would have been equally miserable if I had been
reborn. Themeer!'


The molar broke in the clenched mouth. As Jean, who stood up, took
another step, spitting out pieces of broken teeth, a quiet smile came to her

By then Jean felt dark in front of her even when she opened her eyes. Under
the blue light of the White Night's greatness, the only one who walked in
the dark was alone.


Black smoke rose beside the theme. The Black Dragon and Missha, who
had been hiding in the valley until now, turned into humans and stood next
to him.

"Temar. You, just...... did you smile? Temer, did you even have a real

an incredible and urgent voice When Themeer did not answer, Missha
reached out to grab him by the shoulder.


But her hand passed through Themeer's body as if it were an illusion.

Dropping, out of balance and falling on the floor, Missha stared blankly at
the sand floor for a while. There was a sound of despondent and brief

Did you see something wrong? No, I definitely laughed.'

For her, it's been a thousand years since she saw the smile of her loved one.

Missha raises her head and turns her eyes to Jean.

The boy who made Themeer laugh, was getting close to Themeer dozens of
steps before he knew it. Feeling as if she was about to reach here, she had to
quickly shake off the water from her eyes.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 178

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:05:00 PM

Chapter 178: Episode 59. The Battleground of the Sword (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It seemed to be walking towards the stars.

He was striding away, but he didn't feel close to Themeer. It seemed as if it

could not reach the stars, nor could it reach the Temer.

The hard-picked blade of Bradamante was shaking wildly.

Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo....

Every time the rough, hot breath went in and out of my throat, a bundle of
blades seemed to enter my mouth. Venda, it's Belle. A white head is full of
simple wills.

To not break one's will under any circumstances.

To swing a sword once but once, making the beginning and the end equal.

For a warrior who has just risen to the ranks of the strong, where in the
world is anything more wonderful? Though physically distressed, Jean was
getting great satisfaction in her final exams.

'It's not visible, but it's moving on.'

There was no feeling of getting closer, but such confidence struck my heart.

How much longer would he have walked?

Slowly, darkly closed vision began to return.

The blurring-looking Temer's appearance was clearly closer than before,

and the presence of the new woman standing next to it, the Black Dragon
Misha, could also be recognized.

Who's that?

Jean didn't think so when she saw Missha. To be exact, I couldn't hold it.

A heart united with an absolute will to cut Temer Looncandel. There is no

room for any miscellaneous thoughts or thoughts to intervene in it.

It doesn't matter who stands next to Themeer. That's because Jean can't be a
reason to break the Temer.

By then the Temer smiled one more time.

With his fists clenched, Missha, who was looking at Jin-man, could not see
the smile.

"He's a nervous kid.... I didn't think you'd be this far above your
expectations, Mr. Soldert.'

The significance of the third test was exactly in line with Qin's expectations.

To have the will to 'cut' no matter who you meet. Even if you face a giant
named Temer Looncandel, you don't despair.

But it was not included in the test that "it was coming all the way to where
Temar stood."

This is not only a space prepared for Jean Looncandel, but also for all the
Horse Affairs of Looncandel, which deals with the spirit.
Because of Looncandel's humiliating oath with the Jipple, a thousand years
after Themer's death, a new victor has emerged.

Originally, anyone who has signed a contract with Soldert should go

through it once.

In the last thousand years, at least a dozen Looncandel maggots would have
visited this land without the poison.

How many maggots can you do like Jean? with the body of a boy as young
as twenty.

'Siron Looncandel, except for the man who is the current housekeeper, there
will be no one. No, maybe he couldn't even be like that boy...….'

There are only a hundred steps left between Jean and Themeer.

It's obvious that you've consumed so much mental strength that you can't
even imagine, but somehow the closer you get to Themer, the faster Jean's
walk was getting.

If the energy of the Temer trampling on the Great Bar was fire, time was a

That's how the iron of fire and time is bent on gin. The closer I approached
Themeer, the sharper Jean was getting.

It was becoming a sword.

At last.

The sword touched the Temer.

Bradamante was no longer nervous. It was just shining blue, full of the
sun's rays.

The blade has reclined.

One step forward and one step down, and you'll be able to break the theme.

Suddenly the pupils of the camp dilated.

It was because the theme disappeared as soon as the sword was tilted. He
came only with a heart of self-possession, but the mirage was sadly gone.

Even when those who ran from the desert, seeing an oasis, found out that it
was actually a mirage.

It would not be more hopeless than the present Qin.


a gin slapping in the air

There was a deep cry in the cracked voice. Themeer, where did you go,
Temer! Calling his ancestors' names several times, Jean swung the sword
like a madman.

But there is no more theme.

Standing here with such energy as Shinwi, he is a man who no longer


"Damn it!"

Just as tens of thousands of tightly pulled threads cut off at once, the will to
make the camp walk burst.

It was a sense of despondency to fill the post instead. An indescribable

sense of loss was painting Jin's heart hollow.

Five times wielding a sword so meaninglessly.

'Woman, the woman standing next to Themeer might know something!'

Suddenly, Jin, who recalled Missha's existence, hurriedly turned his head.
But Missha, too, was hiding again in the chains of the Great Barrier. From
Jin's point of view, even she was a mirage.



Soon Jean sank to the floor and bowed her head.

I couldn't accept it. He cut off his brother to cut off the Temer and his
beloved teacher.

Not the Tonya brothers and Valeria, but anyone else would have done the
same. Murakan, Gilly, Luna, Jonah, Kashmir, Enya, Alisa, and anyone else
would have cut and passed the same way.

After days of sheer abyss, I finally reached him!

'What a vain ending.'

Anger soared with a sense of despondency.

But you can't vent your anger on the sandstorms from all sides. You can't
wait for the theme to appear again. Even if you wait, he doesn't come back,
a stronger intuition than ever was telling you.

Soon Jean, who had taken care of herself, looked around quietly.

It took quite a while to regain one's composure.

'That's funny. You can die, you've come all the way here with the tenacity to
cut the Temer. Now that he's gone, it reminds me that there's no more water,
no more food...….'

When I encountered Valeria, the second mirage, food and water were
already running out. After fighting with her, I was a little refreshed, but that
was all.
The disappearance of Themeer was not the time to remain still in despair.
And now I didn't have the confidence to go forward looking for Sam.

It would have been better if I hadn't met Themeer.

When the third mirage is over, unfold the liberation of Young-gi. That way,
the Ming Dynasty will appear.

First of all, we decided to emancipate Yeonggi according to Murakan's

words. Anyway, all three mirages are over, and I think it's time to meet the
Ming dynasty.


From Jean's body black spirit rose.

I didn't realize it out of my head, but it was even darker than before when I
left for the Great Barrier. After finishing three tests, I achieved my

Though he was liberated from military rule for a long time.

The Ming dynasty has no sign of showing up.

"Shingiru is over three times...…?'

Did Murakan misrepresent it, or did he actually not exist in the Mitra Great

Such anxiety flashed through my mind. It was because no one would

approach the liberation of Yeonggi as much as possible.

The night is over.

The blue sun was again colored with white light-whistles, giving up a
terrible heat, and Qin had no choice but to look at the ivory desert with a
puzzled look on her face.

Instead of a nutmeg character, laughter burst. I wanted to hold on to anyone
and ask. What the hell do you think of this absurd situation?

What on earth should I do here?


He stood up with a roar. If I didn't scream like this, I would doze off in

"Puppies, let's try it out. Yeah. Uh. Let's see who gets it over first."

I couldn't tell who I was talking to.

Jean decided to walk again. Even if you can't reach the end of your life, you
can't end up in this damn desert.

As soon as I was about to take such a heavy step, I heard this voice.


When I looked back, there was a water species I had never seen before.

He looks almost like a human being. Everything was like a human being,
except for the black fur covering both hands, the fist-sized jewel stuck in
the middle of the chest, and the tail on the hips.

Half a million years ago, I challenged the gods. those who have fallen into

be of the Ming dynasty

Jean stared up at him, blinking her eyes for a while. The Ming dynasty,
which is over two meters tall, has a blank face covering the sun.

I didn't even wonder where this giant suddenly came from. Nearly three
weeks have passed since entering the Great Barrier, so it is now familiar.
"It would have been a failure if you had just sat down and dragged on, or
shouted to heaven to save you."


"When the third mirage disappeared, you thought the test was over. It's
actually over by the standards of solderlet."

"So, so to mean the exam was over before? When the third
mirage disappeared."

The Ming Dynasty shrugged and nodded.

"Such a thing. But that's not enough by our standards. If you're not a fighter
until the very end, you don't deserve to be taught. In that sense, you're a


Jean fluttered her eyes and pulled out Bradamante. Then he dug into his
mouth, without a word more.


The Ming dynasty smiled, not so hard as to make a surprise attack.

"Why are you so angry? solderlet's contractor You want a fight?"

However, Jin did not continue the second inspection and returned to the
police. Unlike just now, when he had a surprise with eyes full of murderous
intent, he had a calm face.

"No, so to speak, you guys played with me. Once I had to stretch my sword
to get rid of it.”

"Really? You didn't get scared because you didn't get any sympathy for the

This time Jean burst into laughter.

"Do I look scared in your eyes? If you want, I'll keep fighting."

The Ming dynasty looked interesting, but for a while it looked down at the
camp and remained silent.

Soon after, he smiled again.

"I like it very much. You're a lot different from the human in my memory.
Most of the humans at that time were busy pissing when they saw us."

"You only fought against the weak."

"Khaha, well. You can interpret it that way. We were simply invincible at
that time."

The Ming dynasty patted lightly on the shoulder of Qin, who did not

"My name is Tantel. What's your name, child of solderlet."

"Jin, Looncandel."

"All right, Jean Looncandel. Let me give you a piece of advice. I'm on the
mercy side, so I can take your cheeky words and deeds in a cute way, but
you'd better be careful when you meet your brothers before you leap."

"Before you throw yourself.

"Just like the name, brothers enshrined in the Fight of the Fighters. It's
incredibly strong. Anyway, in front of them, it'll be a meal if you talk like
now. They don't spare you as much as Solderet."

said Tantel, cutting through the air with a sword.

Then, a huge gate was opened, revealing the now-defunct civilization of the
Ming Dynasty.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 179

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:59 PM

Chapter 179: Episode 59. The Battleground of the Sword (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Beyond the gate was the city.

When Tantel entered the gate and gestured, Chin followed. Amazingly, as
soon as I entered the gate, the sand floor of the desert and other hard floors
touched the soles of my feet.


The tantel opened the bucket on his waist and held it out to Jean. Jean, who
naturally took it in and took it in, almost spit out everything she had.

Because it was alcohol, not water, that was in the bucket.

It was a solo performance that I had never even experienced in my previous

life. It felt like a lump of fire, not a liquid, and when Jean stared at it, Tantel
burst into laughter.

"Phahat, in our words, Lapraro Sago, and the humans called the black

"Is this the name of this nasty drink?"

"No, the name of this great city. By the way, humans don't know the taste of
alcohol. The liquor is a jewel. It's made by refining the diamond in our own

"Give me a glass of water."

Laparosa, black light.

What Qin was looking at was a city built in the heyday of the Ming

Laparosa was now boasting a high-quality civilization, incredible to believe

that it was built half a million years ago.

And it was extravagant.

'Golden Road, I can see why so many adventurers came to the Great Bar in
search of gold.'

Jin thought, snoring at the new bucket. This time it was definitely water.

As I looked around, the road was covered with gold, and the building above
it was decorated with jewels.

Usually it was a door. Each door was studded with jewels similar to those
lodged in Tantel's chest.

"Tantel, what's that jewel on your chest? Every door has the same thing.”


There was sadness in the voice of Tantel, who answered briefly. Jean
walked the golden street after him without further asking.

What's the use of a city made of gold and jewels?

Only two people, Gene and Tantel, are walking down the boulevard. No
matter how colorful it is, Laparosa was already a dead city.
Or stop. A forgotten city.

The Ming dynasty, which boasted of such a splendid city, was destroyed.
Very few have survived and are barely breathing in the dimension created
by Solderlet.

The gems at every door of the house were a heart that shone hot when its
owner was alive.

Two hours of walking ended the golden street. There was more gold on the
road that they did not walk than on the road they had taken.

From the end of the golden road, it was a flat stone floor. On both sides of
the road, there are endless statues of the Ming Dynasty warriors.

"I'm on my way to the Thoussin War. As I said before, Jean Looncandel.

You have to be careful of what you say in front of your brothers before you
jump. Got it?"

"Never mind."

"Well, not all of the brothers in the battle of jumping have won the title of
jumping or fighting."

"How many members of the Ming dynasty are left?"

" seventy-seven, including Tu Xin and Twelfth King. They were all waiting
for you in the time they stopped."

"You said earlier as if you'd fail at a snap.”

"Even if you've been waiting more time, you can't teach if the conditions
aren't right."

I don't think the Ming dynasty is a very straightforward species.

Jean, who thought so, shrugged.

"Throwing himself into battle... ....'

It is literally a hall for the god of fighting, an arrogant name. Nevertheless,
Jin was strongly curious about his jumping to death and King Tu.

Far away, it was because of the energy stretching out from the fighting spirit
that was just beginning to be seen.

'It's nothing compared to the energy of the Temer, but it's creepy.'

If it had been before walking through the Great Barrier, it would not have
even recognized the chilling energy. Having harmed three mirages alone,
Qin had achieved considerable achievements.

The Tushinjeon Hall was bigger than any other building that Jean had ever
seen before.

There was not a single luxurious ornament on the outer wall made of mixed
steel and stone, but there were countless hearts of the Ming Dynasty
embedded in the magnificent iron gate like the wall.

The iron door began to open itself when the tantel touched his palm.



"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

It's not Jean's voice.

It was a group of Ming royalty who were impressed. He was so distressed

that he was standing close to the gate waiting for the door to open.

"Finally our disciple is here!"

"Cuck, you look cute!”

"A thousand years since Temar, a thousand years!"

The tantel touched his forehead with shame. The Ming royal family also
seemed to blush like humans when they were embarrassed.

'Crazy......there's no need to blush.'

Shining, shining.

The Bill of the Ming Dynasty looking at the Qin was shining. A large body,
both male and female, that is over two meters long

"Brothers, I've told you so many times that you shouldn't...…?”

Even though Tantel said so, the Ming royal family showed interest in Jin
regardless of what he said.

"How old are you!"

"How do you feel about coming to Laparosa?"

"Did you eat? What's your favorite food?"

Seeing them talking in a deep voice, I wonder if they are the old losers of
the continent.

'No way, there's no such thing as jumping or fighting. Well, there are chatty
friends everywhere.'

While Jin was agonizing over what to answer first, a woman suddenly lifted
the gin. Jean tried to push him, but was no match for his strength.

What kind of power...!'

I know from the story that the Ming dynasty is strong, and I know from the
mixture of tantel and combination.

But when the tantel and the sword were met, it was not enough. Jean
struggled to get out of the woman's grasp, but she was relaxed as if she
were just dealing with a child.
A woman who bursts into laughter and burns Jean on her neck. This time,
he had to turn red like Jindo's Tantel.

"What a black-faced child, I'll have to wash him off for now! Pelos, of
course you're done preparing the bath, aren't you?"

"Of course, Brother Chil-tu!"

She was 'Beliz,' the seventh king of the Ming Dynasty.

So knock it off.

Jean, who was about to shout like that, sighed.

'I don't think it's a good idea to make a fool of myself.'

In addition, everyone was heartily welcoming, and there was no need to use
evil to burn candles.

From now on, Jin will have to be handed down to them. Jean is here to be
taught, not to fight them.

"Great! Haha, who's going to do the washing? Rock, paper, scissors! I will
give the last remaining chance to wash our historic second disciple!"

"Scissors, rocks!"


"Do it again, do it again...…!”

Everyone seemed wet with madness. Tantel looked blank as if he had given

It was possible because he met a new human being, or a person who will
inherit the sword, after a thousand years. It's hard to understand, but...….

'No, not this one. It's really not it.'

If left unchecked, one of those haggard Ming royalty would bathe himself.
When Gilly was a year old, he hated washing her.

"I'll wash myself!"

The uproar stopped in a moment when Jean shouted.

And all eyes went in unison to Jean on Belize's horseback riding.

"No, not that."

"Why not?"

"You have to meet the jumping brothers now, and you can't meet them with
a filthy body.”

"You said you had a bath. You can wash it well with it."

"Oh, not enough. I've got to clean up the whole grain of sand in my ears."

"That's right, humans are a bit dirty. It's human to just wear dirty clothes
and eat with your dirty hands. He eats whatever goes bad.”

Most of the people in the memory of the Ming Dynasty did so. Their history
stopped half a million years ago, and the humans of the time were actually
far from cleanliness.

"I don't."

I was dumbfounded when I answered.

Jin even had to explain for a while how well he was "cleaning up," and the
Ming dynasty listened with a suspicious, low-nose voice.

" know how to wash better than you think."

"What should I do? The Seven-two brothers. He's very stubborn about it's
very stubborn.”

Belize put her finger on Jean's ankle. They are thinking about whether it
would be okay to let them wash themselves.

"First of all, I wash myself and come out. Then, if we fall short of our
standards, we get a helping hand without saying a word. Do you


I washed myself for three hours in a bathhouse on one side of the dialysis
machine. I took a pathological bath to avoid being criticized, but I felt

It's my first bath in the desert, so it' The bathhouse also had fruits and
traditional cookies from the Ming Dynasty, so I could enjoy a simple meal.

On the way here, it seemed that the Tushinjeon, unlike its name, also served
as a kind of square. Most of the Ming royal family, who did not come to
greet them through the gate, gathered on the first floor of the temple to read
books or chat.


said Tantel, sticking out his Ming royal traditional dress. The clothes were
tailored for the winners who would come one day.

"Good wash, I burned off what I wore."

"I didn't expect you to come here and get praised for washing well. It was
unexpectedly noisy, your kind. I thought you'd look like a madman in a

"We are people, too. A thousand years have been stopped since Temer, so
everyone's a little excited."

When Jean tried to tie Bradamante to his waist, the tantel shook his head.
"You should not carry weapons when you meet a suicide fighter. Is that so?"

"That's a big leap. You think you're a threat to your brother because you're
wearing a sword?”


"Because for the time being the sword is not to be used here. I saw earlier
that it seemed to be the brother sword of Barissada, which Temer used, but
you have to use another sword when you learn to use it."


"The sword will assist you with your vigor. Then you can't train properly.
You'll stop in the room where you'll stay and then go to your jumping
brothers, so leave the sword there."

The room that Jean would use was simple. One bed and one small bookcase
were all, and the Tussinjeon Hall was not a single luxury, unlike the outer

"When you go to the main hall, you'll find the Chil-tu brothers you saw
earlier. But the atmosphere will be completely different, so don't panic and
just answer the questions well. As I said before, don't say useless things."

"When does the Sword of the Sword begin?”

"That's a matter for the jumping brothers to decide. The test you passed is
the minimum standard, and the moment the jumping brothers decide it's too
early, you might just have to go back the way you came.”

Jean opened her eyes at the sound of a bolt from the blue.

"It's forced from one to ten.”

"Don't you think you'd have to put up with it if you wanted to learn a
forcefully strong martial art? If we had confronted the gods with the sword,
the result would have been different than it is now."
Tantel's heart was getting brighter and brighter as he neared the main hall.
He seemed to be influenced by the energy of King Myeong-wang, who is
known to have committed suicide.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 180

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:57 PM

Chapter 180: Episode 59. Victory Point of the Sword (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

His body size was exceptionally small compared to other Ming royalty, so it
was not much different from that of Qin.

But his presence was completely overwhelming the twelve kings, who lined
up on either side of the fighting spirit. A heart shining like the sun seemed
to represent the power of the projection.

It was shining to the heart of the twelve kings, and it was so dazzling that I
almost had a handshade.

The fighter looked down at the camp with deep eyes.

"Gin Looncandel, the victor."

a clear yet deep voice


"That's strange. Your face is very different from the Temer, and you have a
very similar energy."

Jean didn't answer, but quietly threw herself in the eye. It's a woman, her
long hair was fluttering like a fire.
It didn't take too long for the fighter to assess the gin.

"I like it, victor."

What the hell are you looking at? Is it just because you have the same
energy as Themeer?

Such questions crossed my mind, but I did not question them.

'Temar Looncandel must have been a special memory for these strong,
arrogant people.'

It was natural to think of the theme we encountered last night. Temer

Looncandel, an unmanned man who can overwhelm the world with his own
self, was such a man.

"Surely..."... the victor has a spirit that resembles the Temer, Brother

"But I don't know if the victor can be a better warrior."

"You said you had better not expect a warrior who would make us as happy
as Temar, Garmund. That's too much greed.”

The Tuwangs took a word-by-word look around the camp.

As soon as he arrived at the exhibition, he was recognized by the camp, but

Jin could not be happy.

'Everyone's taking me as a shadow of Themeer Looncandel.'

You can't deny that the theme was a great warrior. Also, because he raised
the family of Looncandel, he was able to exist today is.

However, he had no intention of remaining a low-class figure. Also, Jean

did not think she would never be able to surpass the theme.

Before coming here Jean had already cut him through. Even if it wasn't a
real fight.
"I'm Jean Looncandel."

"Don't say what the Throwing Brothers didn't ask, the victor."

"I told you because you only talk about my ancestors, and I don't think you
know my name yet."

"You're such a...…!”

One Tuwang fluttered his eyes, and his body lifted its hand still. Then the
Tuwangs bowed their heads in unison.

"Hoo-hoo... ...yes, with the new victor in front of us, I think we've only
talked about the old days. Jean Looncandel, my name is Van."

The Ming dynasty had no family name or family name. No matter whose
ship they were born, they regarded each other as brothers who shared their

"Don't put honorifics on it, just call it half."

"Can I do that'

"The formalities or examples of human society are not common to us. It

means there's nothing wrong with you calling my name carelessly. In
speaking, there is only one thing you should be careful about."

"What is it?"

"Until all the Ming people have recognized you, you should never use the
title Brother."

Jean nodded and some of the Tuwangs held their arsenals. You'll never be
recognized by me, you cheap-ass human eyes like that.

Jean didn't mind.

Rather, there is nothing wrong with Tuwangs, who openly express their
feelings. Such honest people are usually simple, and simple means that it is
not difficult to cook.

It would have been difficult for the two kings to know what they were

'Thousand-half. So is she. I said I liked it, but I still don't know if it's true.'

Ban rose from his chair and slowly moved to the camp. Then he took the
sword off his waist and held it out to Jean.

It was an ordinary sword for a weapon used by a fighter.

"Use this sword while it is handed down."

The Tuwangs, who had held arsenic before, raised the corners of their
mouths again. And as soon as Chin was given the sword of his fighting
spirit, he could see why.


It was being absorbed by the sword. It was designed to suck up the black
spirit of the fighting spirit, only seemingly normal.

It was completely different from when the spirit was injected to open the
sword with Bradamante. The spirit that arose regardless of his will was
absorbed by the sword and disappeared without a trace.

"It's called an inhalation test. It must feel strange to you. After signing a
contract with Soldierlet, he's never lost his spirit.”

"If I hold it all day long, I'm afraid my spirits will dry up.”

"Your ancestor, Temer Looncandel, soon got over the sword. As I

confidently said your name earlier, can I look forward to it?”

It was hard to answer readily.

This was because the speed at which the sword absorbs spirit was unusual.
As soon as he realized the characteristics of the sword, he was trying to
control the spirit, but the more he tried to stop it, the more intense the sword
was sucking up the spirit.

'You're watering me properly.'

I decided to nod my head first. If they can't do what Themeer has done,
they'll think of themselves as a lower class.

You can find a way to overcome the sword. As it always has always been.

"I'll start the sweepstakes tomorrow. I'm going to leave you for today and
take a rest."


The Tuwangs kicked their tongues when Jin escaped from the war of

"I'm grateful for the comparison with Temar, but the second winner will pay
the price of arrogance as soon as he gets here."

Belize, king of Chilto, shrugged and said to himself,

"Don't you think it's a little too much, Brother Toussin?”

"What's going too far? The Seven-Two Brothers."

"It was only after he completed the first test. I was over 20 years old. I think
it's already too early for the second winner to handle the zero-sum."

"What, Belize. Are you already fond of the second winner? The whole
brothers are on a rampage at the news that the victor has come in a thousand
years, but even we in the war of jumping should maintain a tricky gaze."

When King Tu, called Garmundra, answered instead, the fighter smiled

"Our time was stopped, but a thousand years passed after Themeer died
outside. It's such a long time that it won't be weird to have blood stronger
than Themeer. I just wonder if humans, Looncandel, have become stronger
than a thousand years ago."


The night was long.

It wasn't anybody's watch, but Jean was holding an all-nighter in her arms
all night. As a result, even before dawn, the spirit in the body disappeared
without leaving a grain behind.

'That's strange.'

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I opened my eyes to freedom of spirit.

The rich spirit of the six stars was everywhere, but only a faint and small
energy was swaying the body of the Qin.

It would have been better if the sword was removed and the spirit was
liberated. But in order for the bottomless spirit to fully recover, it seemed
that at least three days would have to be removed from the sword and only
the liberation of the spirit would be unfolded.

It was King Paltu who was decided to teach Qin first.

"Who's King Paltu? Tantel."

"The Garmund brothers. The tallest and longest-bearded brother you've ever
seen in the fighting yesterday."

"Oh, is that him?"

Although the homework called "Yeongheupgeom" is difficult, fortunately, it

would be better to cook the first teacher. Garmund was one of the King of
Fighting who openly expressed his feelings.

"By the way, what's King Tu's pecking order? Is the lower the order, the
higher the order?”
"In principle, there is no hierarchy except for the jumping brothers.
Although we use honorifics as a sign of respect, even the Tuwang brothers
share the same hierarchy as us, who are regular warriors. The number
before the name Tuwang only indicates the order in which he became

"Unexpectedly, it's quite an equal system."

"We have never aimed swords at each other like humans or other watermen.
That's why we don't need an unnecessarily complex hierarchy."

"That's a funny story."

The place where Garmund was located was a training ground in Ang during
the battle, and the structure was large enough to account for most of the

The training supplies were not equipped with anything, and the stone floors
were all badly beaten and uneven, making them seem unmanned.

However, as soon as she stepped on the floor, Jin thought the training
ground was the most suitable form for the "Myeongwang people."

"The floor is indescribably hard...….'

It must not be a common stone. A floor so hard that, with a little

exaggeration, it can be compared to the ancient fountain pen used in the
casting of bradamante and black royal armor.

The floor is raked from place to place. Before the collapse of the kingdom,
it was possible to infer how intense the training was conducted here.

'And that trace, was left by Themeer?'

A fierce line of swords stretched out from the training ground in a two-
sided manner. But it wasn't really divided, but it was a sword that lasted
about a hundred steps.

Garmund stood arm in arm at the end of the black.

If you think of it as a hundred steps, it feels like it's not that big compared to
the size of the training ground.'

Will I be able to leave that much black mark on the stone floor?

You never know unless you try. I haven't mastered the sword yet, but like
when I cut off Muron's Hell Gate and Golph's hammer.

Or as I decided to cut the Temer, it would be possible if I did my best.

'Of course, it's when the spirit was not taken away by the inhalation test.'

He clasped a sword that was tied to his waist like a punishment.

Half a year before the compass-deception operation. In it, he had to

overcome the zero-absorbing sword, obtain the zero-gold sword, and return
to his colleagues.

"This is a trace left by your forefather, the second victor."

"I was looking at it thinking it would, Garmund.”

Then Garmund turned his head and glared at the tantel. The look was on
whether it was you who gave my name to this arrogant victor.

"Oh, brother Paltu. Shouldn't he know his teacher's name in advance?"

"I didn't think this human being was a disciple yet!"

"I'm sure you are. Anyway, I'm going back, Brother Paltu. Let's hope the
winner of the first visit in a thousand years will not die.”

"Hung, you say the same thing as the Seven-two brothers. That's what he
has to do on his own. Pull out the sword, the victor. Before we begin
training, I have something to check with you. If you don't even do this, you
can't be trained by this body."

Garmund smiled an evil smile when he pulled out the sword.

"How could you swing a sword once, ten thousand times the same?"

Jean had no choice but to sing a joyous song in her heart.

It was Jin's most confident event.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 181

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:56 PM

Chapter 181: Episode 59. The Battleground of the Sword (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Shaak, shaak, shaak...…!

He swung the sword only once for exactly five hours. The ten thousand
bells were exactly the same at the beginning and end, and Garmund couldn't
keep his mouth shut for a while.

"Whoo, done."

Jean said, shaking off the sweat on her bangs.

Tantel, who said he would go back first, stood there and watched the bell-
beating. When he swung about 3,000 times, he also visited the
Myeongwang people who made a fuss at the gate of the temple yesterday
and began to look around.

When it was over 5,000 times, Garmund's face turned gray, and when it was
over seven thousand times, it was cold sweat.

At last when the ten thousand were over, Garmund had no choice but to
admit that he had been looking down on Jean.

It was a real embarrassment to him.

'I didn't expect you to do it. In this case......I've never thought about it. What
do I do?'


Whether or not they knew the feelings of Garmund, the Ming royalty
gathered nearby were shouting. Most of the warriors were in different
positions than the kings of the war of jumping.

They were hoping that the victor, who appeared a thousand years after
Themeer, would somehow make a triumph. Even so, they want to confirm
that their stopped time is not very pointless.

"Why don't you say anything, Garmund?"

When Jin smiled, Garmund coughed in vain. Hmph, hmhhhm-hmm!

Although the other brothers were so happy, he was embarrassed to wish to
fail alone.

"Good... ..good. I didn't expect you to do this well."

"No, what I need to hear is not such a lukewarm compliment."

"Hung! Then what am I supposed to say?"

"Please acknowledge that I am ready to be taught by you. Directly."

Jin does not provoke Garmund without thinking.

All the ordinary warriors who stood by and watched were Jin's "belief
corners." Jean had been feeling Garmund had been looking at their wits for
a while.

Garmund is a particularly close brotherly figure among the Ming royal

family. And if he doesn't admit Jean now, his onlookers brothers will feel
great disappointment.

"Chet, good! I admit it, Jean Looncandel. You are a man who is ready to
receive the vision of the sword from me Garmund, king of Paltu of the great
Ming dynasty."

"Oh! That's wonderful, Brother Paltu!"

"King Paltu, Brother Garmund! Brothers Garmund!"

When ordinary warriors chanted Garmund's name with one mouth,

Garmund blushed shyly. The heart, too, seemed to have something to do
with emotion.

"Come on, everybody get out of here. We need to start training.”

The retreating Ming dynasty raised their thumbs or cheered. I waved my

hand at them as much as I could to thank them for their progress.

Again, only two people, Jin and Garmund, were left in the training camp.

"How old are you, victor?"

"Sixteen. You'll be seventeen after December."

Garmund's eyes grew bigger.

If he were 16, not many of the Ming dynasty would have been able to do
the same as Jin. Jean has already entered the realm of the Simgum.

'Now I'm interested.'


Garmund gently pulled out the sword.

"Is this a sparrow?”

"Khehehe, you're very high on yourself. It's only possible when you're in a
certain class."

Jin was not able to gauge the fighting spirit and the fighting spirit at all.
"What's the gap between you and me?"

"You can't even make my sword move."

As soon as the horse fell, Jean stabbed Garmund in the neck.


Flames flashed from Garmund's eyes, which were blocked with ease by the

"What are you doing?"

"You said you couldn't move the sword, so I tested it to see if it was
possible. But it'sir. Didn't you just lift the sword?"

Garmund's face crumpled. There was a succession of embarrassment,

embarrassment, and sheer embarrassment.

'If he can't answer, I was going to tell him to hit my sword once...….'

It was.

When Garmund said, 'You can't make my sword move,' it was a story of
power. There will be no more transcendent fighters, no one need to move
their swords when they stop Qin's attack.

"... ...I didn't mean that, but that no matter how hard you hit, there would be
no movement in my sword.”

"Ah, did you mean that? Somehow, I thought something was wrong. I didn't
understand your deep meaning.”

Of course, Jean knew what Garmund meant by that.

I just wanted to embarrass him. There's nothing wrong with leaving a strong

'More than anything, you're a little bit of a teasing old man.'

Jean didn't hate the Garmund sort.

"Well, try again anyway. Don't go after me, go after my sword."


Stretching one foot forward, he swung an elixir.



This time, I couldn't help but admire Jindo sincerely.

'It looks like he hit the wall, not the sword! I don't think it's just because of
his great strength.'

I didn't wear an auror, but it's a pretty hard blow. But without even the black
labyrinth of Garmunde, the shape stretched out along his hand.

Naturally Garmund's posture was not disturbed at all. Jin, on the other hand,
lost his balance for a while after bouncing back.


Garmund blew his nose as if he knew it would.

"Didn't you tell me, you can't make my sword move yet."

"I'll try again."

"Have a go at it."

Jean, who stepped down, gathered her breath.

Then he closed his eyes for a moment and focused his mind. The blue ore
that rose from the grip of the hand was tightly wound around the elixir.

This time, it was a sincere inspection.

It was also a blow that could not be used in practice. What kind of enemy
would wait for him to close his eyes and concentrate his mind?


As soon as the sword and the sword struck, a roaring roar spread.

But Garmund's sword was unshakable, and Jean bounced about half a step
and rolled the floor. A stream of blood flowed from the mouth.

" ..."...!

Originally Garmund was a measure of ridicule. Jean wouldn't be able to

shake my sword, and it was obvious that it would bounce off in this shabby

'But... ...the sword almost broke.'

After a thousand years.

Garmund was feeling a sense of breaking his grip. The pain of heating the
palm of my hand almost made me smile.

a blow close to eight in human standards

Although Jin is still seven, he was able to achieve that power for a moment
thanks to his unique strength and achievements in crossing the Great

"But I can't tell you that you are already pretty."

Now only a day has passed since we arrived at Laparosa.

It's already coming, and if you save it, you don't know how far this arrogant
human creature will climb. It was necessary to show an example.

"Finish a blow strong enough for my sword to move."

"You don't tell me how?”

"It's three mirages that have already told you. It's faith."


For the sword, "belief" was more important than anything else. The key is
to perpetuate the belief that there is nothing in the world that cannot be

This is in line with the Simgum used by ordinary fighters, but the unique
feature of Yeonggum was its "extensionality."

The sword does not exist only to effectively cut the target.

"Yes, the deadline is a week. Hit my sword several times in a week. Use
evil enough to tear the hand and break the tooth. It means you need to
realize the basics of the sword."

Jean's eyes narrowed.

'One week, you must have been on time for the other than yourself. I'm sure
I'll get a good feeling if I finish this in time. You're not gonna pretend it
wasn't then, are you?'

Garmund, on the other hand, had this idea.

'Was the week a little rough? It's true that you're great, but I can't help it this
time. Overcome your frustrations over and over again, the second victor.
Then I, my brothers, will admit you gradually.'


That's really all you got, victor!

When faith is shaken, black power is lost. You still don't know that?

Are you sure you're the contractor for Soldierlet?

What kind of look is that? You must have been less determined.

Temer did this in two days, and if he knew that, he wouldn't have given
your name so proudly in the fight...….

In this way, Garmund really prepared a lot of lessons.

The plan was designed to discourage the camp by taking the inspection of
the camp thousands of times a day with a floating posture.

......but it was only after three days that four months passed.


At the twenty-seventh and fifty-sixth time Garmund's sword was broken,

and he was forced to hold the sword and take his straight hand.

Nothing but "Themar did this in two days" stimulated Jean.

Every time he flew about 27,000 swords, Jin looked happy, and the burning
one was Garmund.

"It took one more day than Temar.”

Jean said, picking up a fragment of Garmund's broken sword.

For the first time, there was shade on his face, which had been pleasant all
along. It was because he was dissatisfied with the fact that he was a day
later than his ancestors.

Damn, if I'd focused a little more, I could've broken it yesterday.'

Sigh, seeing Jean sighing, Garmund had only big eyes for a while. I
expected a month, not a week, but I never thought I'd finish it in three days.

Of course, it's late compared to Themeer.

'But given the disadvantages of zero-absorbing, and the age...... a day's
difference is nothing. Rather, it's a greater achievement.'

Jean found this land as a completed warrior. What the Ming dynasty should
teach him, perhaps not so much.

Garmund had no choice but to think so.

Bang, bang!

Garmund patted Jean's shoulder pleasantly, and with a big grin he said to

"Second victor, Jean Looncandel. Honestly, at first I didn't like it, but at last
you're moving me.

"Are you admitting to me now?”

"I am. But other Tuwang brothers will soon open their hearts to you. They
will have no choice but to feel the spirit of pure and strong warriors.”

Jean smiled awkwardly at Garmund's sudden change of attitude.

"And I'd like to ask you a favor."


"May I be the first to taste what you've done?”

"I can't believe you tasted it....what is that?"

"Answer me."

I couldn't bear to refuse to look at the serious, sparkling eyes.

"I don't know what it is, but do it."

Garmund gently pulled the pieces of the sword out of Jean's grasp.
Then he munched on the pieces and beat his heart with great satisfaction.

"That's a great taste for Laparosa. Starting tomorrow, the O2wang brothers
will also come to the training camp."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 182

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:55 PM

Chapter 182: Episode 59. The Battleground of the Sword (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

King O2 identified himself as Boras. He was about half a span shorter than
Garmund, a little more talkative.

He also showed his favor to Jin from the beginning, what he heard from
Garmund. Perhaps Jean will never know that Garmund praised Jean until he
had a dry mouth all night.

"On the look of it, the Ming Dynasty has a similar feeling to the big dogs.'

The Ming royal family seen from Laparosa were in stark contrast to the
notoriety that had been handed down in the legend. His personality seemed
to stand out more plainly and somewhat cutely than his belligerent and
combative aspect.



Upon arriving at the training camp, Boras caught Naphtha Jean from the

'I didn't respond......? Jesus, what's so fast?'

A shocking incident, although I was not wary. When Jin couldn't hide his
embarrassment, Garmund laughed as if it was funny (as if he thought it was
natural that he didn't respond), and Boras naturally looked inside Jin's

I didn't struggle to escape Boras' touch. This is what we have already

experienced in Belize to see how powerful these Ming kings have.

"Hey, second winner. Why don't you have a molar?”

"I'm broken."

"Huh? How?”

"Just let go of this for now.”

When Boras took his hand off, Jean calmly began to explain why his molar
broke. The fact that he broke his teeth while clenched his teeth to cut the
Temer in the Great Barrier.

"Cuck! Kill him. Your teeth are much harder than most mana, but you're
saying it's broken enough? "As the brothers of Paltu said, things are things."


When Jean looked at him, Garmund smoked a different tune, and Boras
laughed and said back.

"No, no. You shouldn't. Haha, teeth are precious. Well, maybe we need a
new one.”

Before I could answer, there was a thud.

Boras put his hand into his mouth and pulled out a straight tooth. It was a
round, sharp, big molar.

Although his mouth was literally filled with "iron" blood, Boras was busy
showing Jean his molar.

"Now, look! This is the tooth that our Ming dynasty is proud of. You can
chew on rocks, steel, and diamonds. Oh, of course, you have to have
enough grip.”

"I understand that the Ming teeth are strong because I saw you chewing on
the pieces of the sword yesterday, but...... why the hell is that?…?”

"Hahaha, from now on, I'm going to shave this off and put it where your
molar was! Play with Garmund. I'll be back after work.”

Boras left the word and disappeared somewhere. He disappeared so quickly

that he could not even see his back.

How am I supposed to take this?'

Surprisingly, Garmund seemed to take the sudden situation lightly.

"Is it possible to put the Ming's teeth into my gums?"

"There's nothing that can't be done."

"You've done this before."

"No? It's the first time. Come on, let's stop chatting and start training. One
type of sword, soul-cutting. I'll give you a demonstration."


When Garmund pulled out a new sword and posed, Jean had no choice but
to follow him. It was not the mood to talk more about teeth.

"The first-style soul-cutting is the beginning and end of the sword."

I heard the same thing from Murakan when he learned to liberate his spirit.
It was the beginning and the end, in fact, all the martial arts.
The basic of swordsmanship, the basic of spearmanship, the poking, the
feeling of power. In the end, when it reached the end of the race, it was no
different from a decisive battle in itself.

"Don't be surprised, the victor."


Suddenly, black energy poured into Garmund's sword. It's a strong spirit.

Garmund moved the black blade for no reason to look at Jean's sense. I'm
not a contractor, but I'm also young. Why am I not surprised?

"I thought he would have given away the power. If you can't handle spirit,
how can you use the sword?"

"Oh, well, that's......yes."

I felt a little strange. I had never imagined anyone but myself, the
contractor, would use spirit.

"Show me.”

"Hmm, I got it."

Garmund, who changed his eyes, gave off a storm of prestige. Jin, who
instinctively judged that distance should be widened, quickly backed away
from him by about twenty steps.

The sword that was raised glowed black as if it were burning anything.

When the blade fell like a bolt of lightning, a black flash engulfed the air in
front of Garmund.

There was no sound in Garmund's soul-cutting.

There is no sound of pagong that cuts through the air, nor the sound of
friction caused by the black scratching the stone floor. For those who cannot
handle spirituality, there is only a strange darkness.

After the movement, there was a sound for the first sound. The floor of the
training ground was bursting with shock and cracking, and small pieces of
debris were splashing ferociously.

Fifty steps of the sword are left.

Garmund shook his head regretfully after finishing the soul-cutting.

"How are you?"

"Fast, big, quiet, strong."

He answered calmly, but Jin was thinking of Luna's moon in his mind.

'It was a miniature blow of the enemy. But the physical strain seems much
lower than it was before, and if you use it in a row...….'

A warrior of seven or fewer stars would dare not get a few.

"What I've shown you is about 50 percent power. That's why it's only half
the size of that sword that Themeer left as soon as he completed the soul-

"By the way, didn't you say earlier that soul-cutting was the beginning and
the end of the sword?”

"I did."

"Then does that mean the limit is to leave a hundred steps of sword in this
training camp, even if the soul is cut?"

Then Garmund burst out laughing.

"If you only get your soul together, that's the limit. But when you reach the
end of the martial arts of the spirit sword, the cutting of the soul becomes
power, not swordsmanship."
"What if it's power?"

"Why would the name of the first act cut my soul? You will always be able
to take the life of a weaker opponent than you. His absolute power is higher
than yours. Even if you do, you can't avoid or stop it."

It was a strange story that I couldn't quickly understand right now. It was
too early for Jin to worry about because not only half of his body but also
the theme could not be reached.

"You have to realize the sense that spirit and sword become one. That's
what it'….”

"There's one thing I just couldn't answer when I asked him how he felt."

Fast, big, quiet, strong. Another line that Jin forgot.

"I'm used to it. If it weren't for the zero-absorbing test, I could have done a
similar thing right now."

"Oh... ...tell me."

Garmund was no longer shocked by Jean. It was because I thought it would

be okay for him to do everything well.

When Jean told the story of slashing Muron's Hell Gate and Golph's
hammer, Garmund clapped his hands.

"Yes! That's the sense. That's right. A little guy gets into a tough fight
outside. It seems that he achieved the achievement of the first type of sword
by chance. It's a way to replace the faith of cutting with a spell.….”

Clap! Another hand-clapping garmund.

"Right, now I see, I'll show you again."

The reason for showing another demonstration was no different.

It was because Garmund had just learned through a conversation with Jin.
This time Garmund, who unfolds his soul, was muttering something.

Cut that one, you can cut it. To recite a spell in the same way as Jean.

When the sword, which was dyed black again, touched the air, this time
there were about eighty steps left.

"Oh! That's it!”

"No, aren't you supposed to let me know? I think it's the other way around

When Jean burst into a false laugh, Garmund smiled awkwardly.

"In fact, I'm more familiar with the Ming sword than with the Yung
sword......I think it's inefficient for me, the sword."

With a very satisfied face, Garmund used the expression "well inefficient."

"You know what, right now. Aren't you a teacher?"

"I like you, and I like you, too. So don't be angry, just get over it. If we get
over that, we'll be able to complete the first round of the Sword. And the
fighting brothers will come straight here."

"Somehow I feel like I'm losing money."

"It's just a feeling."

"Show me the Ming sword, then."

Now, Jin was more interested in the Ming sword than the first type.

"That doesn't work."

"Why not?”

"You're not our brother yet.”

"I'm going to tell the other Pluto that you've learned the first type of the
sword from me."

"You're threatening me......? Paltouwang Garmund!"

Garmund screamed and shot down the floor with one foot. The floor
cracked and the air became heavy in an instant.

'It's a lot more daunting than when the sword is opened the gate.

But it was a bluff. It is no different from children who are caught wrong
being angry for no matter.

When Jean glared with equal vigor, Garmund shrugged as if he had lost.

"It's just once.


Jin's obsession with the Ming sword was not just because it was more
tempting than the first type of the sword.

After the training of the struggle king brothers, daily battles with ordinary
warriors will begin. Before that, you'd better seduce the Garmund brothers
and see the Ming Dynasty Sword at least once.

You can just show them, Tantel.

It won't be until the Tuwang brothers later when they ask who showed
them, will there be no trouble?

I was worried about the conversation we had last night, so I was going to let
it slide. I didn't know the right opportunity would come so soon.

"From now on, I will show you one thing in the most basic way of the Ming

When Garmund started to pose with all sorts of colors.


Someone was running away from the training ground, creating a cloud of
dust. Boras, King O2 who left earlier to cut his molars, came back now.

"I'm afraid I can't show you.”

"I'll see you later."

"Now there's no time for you and me to be alone. It's not because I don't
want to show it, but I can't help it”

"That's mean."

Before I knew it, Boras, who was just around the corner, stuck out his teeth.
Unlike when it was first pulled out of Boras' gums, it is the size that fits
perfectly for the broken molar position of the gin.


And seeing Boras holding his chin with a light-like hand gesture, Chin
flung his tongue into his mouth.

'I'm gonna have to learn how to play with him. "By the way, can I just
receive what was just another's tooth?"

It was a little uncomfortable, too. But without rejection, Boras was already
putting new teeth into Jean's gums.

"Hah, you'll be very pleased, victor."


The molar took root in the gums as if it were being absorbed. As soon as
she was about to frown on a strange foreign object, Jean was realizing a
mana reaction in her new molar.

It's the same as when the rune letters are expressed.…!?'

The magic is beginning from the molars. And shockingly, the magic seemed
to be a kind of 'transmitting memories'.

The forms of the Ming sword were coming into Jin's head in molars.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 183

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:53 PM

Chapter 183: Episode 59. Victory Point of the Sword (6).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It wasn't just their legendary martial arts that the Ming dynasty was able to
challenge the gods.

Half a million years ago, the magic civilization they achieved was
outstanding compared to the present generation.

"We didn't have the concept of wizards like any other species, haha. Instead,
all those who know how to handle mana have become blacksmiths, like

While Boras spoke with a triumphant face, Jean was suppressing the shock.

"Memory transfer magic...…!'

I've known for a long time that there's such a device in the Hister Street's
transmission area. But it's an independent magic that only the Heisters have
achieved, not generally.

In the first place, transmission is an area where even the authorities of

magic don't study.

"Oh, what is it? Brother O2wang, did you spell something on your molar?”

"I don't know what it is, Jean, but you've got the right gift. The O2 brothers
are the most famous blacksmith in the history of our Ming dynasty. In the
past, all the brothers used to line up to receive things from the brothers of

"It's all just a story before our time stopped, gurgle."

His job was a blacksmith, and Boras was also a warrior who was not short
of the title of King Tuo of the Ming Dynasty.

"Thank you, I'll use it well."

"If there's going, then there's going to be coming, right?" Now that you've
given me your teeth, you have to give me a second accomplishment.”

Why are they so obsessed with their achievements?

I had such a question, but I just nodded. I don't know what his next
achievement will be.


On January 20, 1797, a month has already passed since Jin arrived at

In the meantime, Garmund, trained by Boras. Garmundwa trained in soul-

cutting, and Boras learned how to use the body more efficiently.

How to make the body light, how to control its strength, how to exert force
beyond its limits, etc. Boras' teaching of the Ming dynasty was both wild
and mysterious.

"I thought I'd never let go of the stereotypes I had because I thought I'd be
on a roll every time, but I didn't know I'd learn so well.

"You taught me well, Boras."

"Hah, it's not. All the martial arts of the Ming dynasty are due to the
temperament of Orser's heart. A way to strengthen and lighten the heart's
organs by sending them from place to place. It's your talent that you copied
it quickly."

The Ming dynasty is born with a jewel heart that goes back and forth from
birth, but the human Jin is not.

Nevertheless, a triangular ore was shining like a jewel heart in Jin's chest.
The heart was formed in the chest to recreate the Auror expression of the
Ming Dynasty.

It was never easy.

Anyone who has reached the stage can form a "room" that is similar to the
heart of the Ming Dynasty jewelry by coming to the chest.

But it was a different matter for the room to act like a real jewel heart. No
matter how skilled a warrior may be, it was impossible to imitate him in just
a month. It would be the same even if it were 10 years, not a month.

'If it wasn't for the memory of the Ming Dynasty Sword given by the new
molar, it would have been difficult for me.'

Jin learned how to operate the Ming royal family in a short period of time
thanks largely to the memory of being imprinted on Boras' molars.

Of course, Boras appreciated Jin's talent even if he took that fact into

"It's more pleasant than teaching Temar, haha. From the afternoon, the
fighting brothers will come. And he'll teach you the second type of the

"Hmm? The Sattuwang brothers are coming from this afternoon? Why
didn't I hear?”

"You didn't hear it because it was set this morning, Brother Paltu. I asked
for it myself. I was going to sing it after the zero-absorbing test, but seeing
Jin do it, it wouldn't hurt to meet him early.”

Garmund grinned at the remark.

"You think I don't know the inside of the Ottowang brothers? You want to
eat Jean's work as soon as possible?"

Boras unwrapped his bundle, smelling something else. During lunchtime,

the three sat side by side and ate traditional Ming-Wang snacks.

The snack called 'Cockto' tasted nothing. But like the bucket Valeria handed
to her in the Great Barrier, it quickly had the effect of rejuvenating her.

"Can you take this with you when you go back later?"

"If the Throwing Brothers allow."

A well.

After finishing his cockato, he was training his soul for about a couple of
hours when the king of the struggle appeared at the training ground.

King Sattu was a woman with a huge sword on her back.

'He didn't show any emotion in the fight.

Garmund was an easy-to-browed sort, and Boras was full of fondness for
Jean in the first place. Thanks to you, we could have easily gotten close, but
not with every Tuwang.

"This is Jean Looncandel."

Although Jin approached and greeted him first, King Sattu only slightly
nodded his head, but did not reveal his name.

You don't like me? I can't read your face.'

As soon as he was about to say hello again, Boras clapped his hands as if he
remembered what he had forgotten.
"Ah! That's right, the Sattuwang brothers can't talk."

You must have a speech impediment.

To understand so, Garmund added a word.

"I'm practicing golden words. It's been quite a while, since time in Laparosa
has been going on since before it stopped.….”

The king of the struggle nodded still.

"Golden Discourse? Why would you do that?'

I've heard the story of the saints of Vanquela saying no when they do
penance. But I've never seen a warrior practice golden words.

'Well, if you don't tell me, how do you tell me the second type?'

In the midst of mounting questions, the king of the struggle pulled out the

Then, Jin carved letters on the floor of the training center at such a fast pace
that it was hard for him to chase with his eyes.


That was the name of the fighting king.

"Linfa, nice to meet you."

"Uh, by the way, the fighting brother. It's continental, isn't it?"

Linfa wrote my name in continental language, not in Ming Dynasty

characters. As a surprise, Garmund and Boras' eyes were wide open.

"Khaha, somehow you've been stuck in your room lately, and you've never
studied continental for a second victor...... !"

It was the Supreme Prosecutors' Office that stopped Garmund from
speaking. Linfa stabbed him once, meaning shut up.

a heavy and heavy attack for a warning Garmund's body, which managed to
knock out the Great Sword, came to mind. As the attack was about to
continue again, Boras interrupted her.

"Are you really thinking of splitting the Garmund brothers in half?"

nodding nod

"Ay, put up with the ex-winner's face. It's not a day or two that the Garmund
brothers' muzzle is an equation.”

nodding nod

When Linfa was found guilty, Garmund whistled and sighed. It was also a
place where you can see the superiority of combat power at a glance, and
also a place where you can see the dignity of Boras, the blacksmith.

For Hana, it's ridiculous.

'No, is it so embarrassing to study a few words of continental language for

me? I'd kill you if you didn't.'

Fortunately, Jin has already experienced these "crazy" people outside

several times.

In Jean's view, it was Jonah who was most like Linfa.

I'll have to treat you like Jonah. That might be the most effective.'


Linpa, the king of the struggle, was so much like Jonah who could not

It wasn't all that good. Just like him, Linfa is not really Jonah.
Thus there was no such affection between Qin and Linfa, and Linfa seemed
to regard Qin as a rather attractive toy.

Like when Jean first found Samil.

Linfa often harassed Jean.

Just suddenly, after showing the 2nd ceremony of the Supreme Prosecutors'
Office once, then entering silence again.

When Jin was spreading his soul, he looked around for a long time and hit
Jin with a sword. It was like saying, "That's not it."


If he hadn't awakened the mind, his head would have already fallen on the
sword five times.

Every time she stopped the sword, Jean had to feel her whole body broken,
but Linfa smiled, shining her eyes as if pleased.

I don't know if he is satisfied with his blow or if Jin is satisfied with his

Jean, never once weighed. Why do you do this to me, what do you want,
why do you keep attacking me?….

'Like Yona, you shouldn't pay attention until you can't overcome your
curiosity and approach you first.'

Garmund and Boras were just amazed by such a gin. When Temer met
Linfa, he remembered being confused for about two days.

It was ten days after Linfa's arrival that Jean's judgment paid off.

Kajik! Kajik! Hush!

For the first time since the first day, Linfa has carved letters on the floor.
Why don't they ask for the name of the 2nd type? I've shown you several
times already.


A smile was built as soon as I saw the writing.

'That's right, then.

Jean wiped off her smile and made eye contact with Linfa.

"It was because I wasn't curious."

Why is that?

"More than that, it a forbidden word training?"

Linfa's eyes grew bigger.

"In my opinion, golden words are not just about not saying anything. It's
meaningful to ban communication with others."

"Uh, I think Jean's got it right."

"It sounds like that, doesn't it?”

Garmund and Boras turned their heads and looked at Linfa.

She had only recalled Jean's question for a while with a blank look, as if she
had forgotten what to say.

It was time to drive a wedge.

"Why didn't you ask me what the name of the two swordsmen was? I don't
want to learn anything from a man of appearance. So I wasn't curious. If
you want to teach me, show me something great. Just as Garmund and
Boras did."


The following sighs of Garmund and Boras.

They never dreamed that Jean would drive Linfa this way. Even he had only
told Linfa, 'What's wrong with the Sattuwang brothers?'

The moment Jean jerked around and tried to practice soul-cutting again.

"Such a thing..."

Linfa opened her mouth.

It was half a million years ago. It was the first time Linpa had spoken in 20
years, as the Ming Dynasty did not pass in full for half a million years.

Garmund and Boras had no choice but to make a fuss.

"Hi, brother. I'm going to practice golden words...…!”

"Brother Linfa! Are you all right?"

The two then clung to Linfa and rolled their eyes, but she only said this,
fixed her eyes on Jin.

"What a great thing. Show."

You're an idiot.

Jean swallowed a smile and nodded. Linfa's training as the king of the
struggle seemed to be over in a few days.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 184

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:52 PM

Chapter 184: Episode 59. The Victory Point (7) of the Swordsman
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again



Linfa's Supreme Sword gently cleaved the air, fluttering like a wave. The
black pillars seemed to move as the spirit surrounded the great sword.

Left, right, down, up. Every time the Black Great Sword moved, the
particles of Young-ki flew.

Although the dignity of the man who achieved the feat is permeated, it is no
different from ordinary sword dance at first glance. But I could tell by a
little attention.

That there is not one but two great swords that are dividing the air.

Even Jean did not recognize it immediately because she was covered by
pouring black particles, and because she had never seen such a scene

'Every time Linda swings a sword, the same blade is sticking out from the
other side of the trajectory as if it were reflected in the mirror...….'
Swinging to the left resulted in a great sword consisting of spirit from the
right, and the same thing happened even when swinging to the right. The
same goes for the bottom, top, and diagonal lines.

The opposite direction of the trajectory drawn by the Great Sword was
always the same. A great sword, consisting of spirit, just like Linfa's. The
two swords continue to mesh as if they were covered in a bookcase.

'Is this really a double-edged sword? Until yesterday, you only showed me
wielding a deadly sword.'

Black fog was running high.

Sweatdrops formed on Linfa's forehead, and the Great Sword left an

increasing number of tracks, and Qin watched the figure in his soul.

I've never thought about being able to cut left and right at the same time
with a sword. What Linfa shows is something that can only be done for
twin prosecutors.


Linfa, who had finished her sword, hung the sword on the floor. As
Garmund and Boras clapped their hands, Jindo imitated them and praised
them with eyes.

It was well worth it.

"What do you think?"

"That was great, you haven't shown it properly before."

Did you want me to pay attention first?

I almost added the words, but luckily I was able to cover them.

"He, the golden saying......are you all right? The Linfa Brothers."
Garmund and Boras seemed to find it hard to believe that Linfa had broken
the golden rule.

"It's all right, brothers. So don't make a fuss.”

"I must inform the other brothers!”

"That's right, so that the Linfa brothers and the other brothers can talk
before the victor leaves. I couldn't say a word when there was a theme.…!”

The two kings rushed out of the training ground. Being left alone with Linfa
on the ice, Jean had no choice but to smile awkwardly for a while.



"It's the name of the double-edged sword you saw, the victor."

"That's a lovely name. The blade of a spirit-spinning blade fits like a pair of

"Can you follow me?"

"It's not that simple to follow, is it? It's still the kendo problem.”

Jean pointed to the waist-deep sword.

Still, the elixir was sucking up the spirit of the gin.

"Empty-sword is like a sheath of a sheath. "As in the case of a search, draw

your spirit out of a zero-absorbing sword."

"Yes, that's something I've been aware of lately. It's not just an inspiration,
it's a clean-up sword.”

Jean shrugged her shoulders.

"By the way, why were you training golden words?”

"Nobody listened.”


"I thought that I shouldn't challenge the gods was a punishment for myself
for not stopping my brothers. It was more like punishment than discipline."

Linfa seemed to think that it was his responsibility for the Ming dynasty's
downfall. Jean was vaguely feeling the heart, but didn't bother to say, 'It's
not your responsibility.'

That wouldn't be what Linfa wanted.

"Thanks to you, the sentence is over. as easily as in vain As for me, I've
been able to speak for the first time in twenty years, so let me give you all
the details I know in detail."

As soon as Linfa was about to explain the second type of the sword,
Garmund and Boras returned. Dozens of Ming royal families were with
Linfa when they heard that the golden words of Linfa were over.

"I can only let you know tomorrow, Jean Looncandel."

"The Linfa Brothers!"

"Brothers of the Battle King! You've finally finished your forbidden word!"

The Ming Dynasty began to celebrate and ask all kinds of questions about

Some of them asked Jean about the whole story, but she just turned around.
It was because all the other Pluto did not seem to know why Linfa was
speaking in a forbidden way.

'I thought he was just unique and a little crazy, but he was the most delicate
and tender of the Ming dynasty.'

Boras grabbed him as Jean tried to sneak out of the training ground to make
room for him.
"Your second achievement will be mine."

"I haven't done anything yet.”

"I let the Linpa brothers talk. Haha, the first time you taste this air is me."

Then I saw Boras swallowing the air with his mouth open, and I laughed in
vainly. It was as if I saw a dog running around to eat the falling snow.

It was an unknowable race. I wonder if they are the group of mortal men
who challenged the gods for the first time half a million years ago.


Linfa has been a person with a talent for explanation to the point where she
feels sorry for her taboo words.

Thanks to this, Jin is able to overcome the zero-absorbing sword and

perform the second type of the double-edged sword. She could learn the
forbidden word less than two weeks later.

Of course, it's only the method, not the mastery. However, skill was only a
matter of time, as repetitive training was simply a matter of time.

By the beginning of mid-February, 1797, half of the people who committed

suicide visited the training center and recovered the zero-absorbing test. I've
decided that this is enough.

"You're doing great.”

Only to say so, but half were gradually erasing the shadow of Themeer
from Jean. Jin did not know the fact, so he could not gauge how much
praise the class had expressed as "good."

The tantel who followed the class returned Bradamante.

"You're not supposed to use this because it's my spirit.”

"I have to write from today. I told you that once you've finished training the
fighting brothers, the battle will begin.”

For Jean, it felt as if something had arrived.

'From the day I first came to La Prarosa, I wanted to play with the Ming.'

The fighting spirit and the fighting spirit were areas that Jin could not dare
to cross at this time. I could tell that much without having to face the knife

'Two kings have at least nine stars in human standards. Maybe it's a ten-star

The level of ignorance of the half-jumped was immeasurable. There's only a

feeling that it's similar to a theme, or a theory.

'I don't know how much the average warrior is.'

The average of the Baengnang or Red Lake will certainly be above.

"The brothers will pick your first match by the afternoon. Honestly, I think
it's still a long time early...….”

"You say I'm bound to lose.”

The tantel nodded.

"Exactly. A 17-year-old man fighting a Ming royal warrior is unthinkable in

our time. And the Il-two brothers don't like you."


"Khaha, isn't it obvious that you've been so cocky on your first day at the
main hall of the Tussin War? The brothers of Sattu, Otu and Paltu were

Soon, Tantel wiped off his laughter and made eye contact with Jean.
"Instead, if you show a good side of yourself, it could serve as an
opportunity for the brothers who hate you, including the brothers of the
King of Japan, to change their perspectives at once. I'll cheer for you, wish
you luck. You've done my advice, haven't you?"

Advice to look at the Ming sword once. I didn't see it for myself, but my
memory was full.

Garmund shook his head as Van and Tantel left the training ground.

"Well, you're strong enough. No, it's incredible. I can't believe it's a human
boy. So don't be discouraged, it's okay."

"Tantel said as if I were going to lose, and Garmund said as if I had already
lost. And I've never been discouraged."

Boras and Linfa avoided Jean's gaze as if they had the same idea.

"Huh, I'm worried. Jin seems to be the kind of person whose soul gets hurt
once a big failure."

"I think so, too. Those who have always been successful tend to do so."

The faces of the Tuwangs were filled with anxiety.

"But Jean, you also have to learn how to overcome failure."

"Agreed. Defeat is also the driving force behind the warrior's growth. Hehe,
Themeer had never been defeated outside before, but he had been beaten in
a row by Laparosa.”

It was an interesting story.

"Garmund, in your opinion, how much of the theme was in the first fight at
La Prarosa?”

"He was stronger than you are now. One or two steps?"

"I see. One or two steps."

"But for a while I didn't win the regular warrior."

"You know why the three of us are so worried, right? Temer's been
completely out of his diet for a while after his first fight with my brother. I
thought you and Themeer would look alike in that way.”

Garmund, Boras and Linfa were completely mistaken.

'It's not a big deal to lose once, but you have a lot of worries. When I was
training with Alisa, I experienced more than a hundred defeats.'

Unlike Temer, who had never lost before coming to La Prarosa, Jean was
more familiar with defeat and failure than anyone else.

And finally winning the victory.


The general warrior named by King Iltu was Shaku.

He was a warrior who used a long sword, and was called the Shaku of the
Wall before the Ming Dynasty stopped time.

All 77 members of the Ming Dynasty visited the training ground to watch
the two men's trials.

The atmosphere of the other Ming royalty was no different from Garmunde,
Boras and Linfa. Most people are betting on how many times Shaku will
finish the camp.

The Ming Dynasty, over 30, chose the "inner of ten" numbers, and the rest
of them are expected to be less than that.

All I had in mind was half of the jump and Jean.

"Are you ready, victor?"

said Shaku, shining his heart. Sreung, the light was reflected on the lightly
pulled sword.
"I hope you'll drive me to death.”


"It's just a sparrow, and if you think you're never going to die, you become

"By the way, I must admit to having the guts. But go too far. Few things are
worse off than a human being who lacks humility in the world."

Jean smiled softly.

"You're about to admit something else."

A glowing triangle stood on the chest of Qin. A figure almost similar to the
real Ming royal heart shining from Shaku's chest.

When Orr, which had spread through the triangle, colored Bradamante, the
eyes of Shaku grew alive. It was a living that resulted from instinctive
rejection of the fact that humans used the Ming sword.

"The Ming sword..."?! Did the Tuwang brothers tell you?"

"No need to know that. Nice, your sword."

It was Jean who spread his vanguard.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 185

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:50 PM

Chapter 185: Ep.60. Blood transfusion, Brothers (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The aura that poured out of Bradamante seemed like a ray of epilepsy. The
triangle glowed in Qin's chest like the pupil of a giant beast, and Shaku was
obviously embarrassed from the beginning.

It was not expected that Qin would use the Ming sword. Shaku knew, of
course, that the battle would begin with the sword, or ordinary

What kind of brother told you......? No, before that. It's not an art you can
use right away just because you teach me.'

Myeongwanggeom is a generic term for military exploits based on the

unique power of the Ming dynasty and 'Gwangsimjang'. It includes all
martial arts, including sword, spear, archery, and martial arts.

In other words, if there is no photocardium, it is a military achievement that

cannot be used.

Half a million years ago, countless humans and water people went on a
rampage to copy the photocardium. However, there was not a single
character who reproduced the unique oracle operation of the Ming royal

However, the Plain Plain of the Ming Dynasty, which is now falling to the
top of Shaku, was only opened by humans, and was no different from the
real Pluto.


A cerebral palsy also flowed from Shaku's sword. It was thunderstruck, just
as Qin unfolded. A bluish spark sprang up as the epilepsy struck, and sighs
flowed among the onlookers.

"You son of you!

It hurts Shaku's pride to respond with the same technology.

Although he is said to be the victor, Jin is a human babe who has yet to be
recognized as a "brother." It was absurd that Jin used the Ming sword.

"Who told you that?”

"Are you the Tantel brothers?"

"It feels strange. I've never imagined a man using the Ming sword.….”

Even Themeer, who was recognized as a brother, did not learn the Ming
sword. It was because he had no one to share the characteristics and
memories of the Ming Dynasty.

You can't unfold it if you only remember it. Only a little bit of the Ming
dynasty's personality can the light heart be expressed, and the molars of
Boras play a role for Jin.

"That's odd for me, too, I think Pluto is a little more to my taste than the

The sword is generally composed of delicate, quiet techniques.

On the other hand, the Ming sword is all explosive and destructive. The
sword, designed for the losers and the defeated, looked just like

"Brother Otuwang!"

Shaku, who was mixing jeans and lightning, suddenly pulled out the camp
and found Boras.

"What's wrong, Brother Shaku."

a varnish repressing a prickly look Like any Ming dynasty, he was making a
face, 'How the hell did Qin do the Ming sword?'

"The special grafting of the O2 brothers will still be the same!"

The Ming royal family was agitated by the word 'special bonding

"That's... ..of course."

"Then there's nothing wrong with tearing the limbs of the victor over and
over again?”

When Boras couldn't answer for a moment, Valthirock, the king of Japan,
glared at him.

"Why can't you answer, Brother Otuwang? No way, is it a brother who

handed over the Ming Dynasty Sword to the victor?"


exclaimed Boras in great dismay. "Not me, but my molar."

"Then answer the Shaku brothers quickly. I'm asking you to do me a favor,
I'll be indebted to the brother of O2wang.”

While Boras was agonizing, Jean nodded first.

"Say yes, Boras. Even if my limbs get cut off, isn't it enough if you put
them back together with a special graft or something? The name suggests a
cure for the amputation."

"But... ...special junction isn't all-around. Even if I make a little mistake,

some of the sense of the affected part may not come back."

"It's okay. It's my side to ask for a real kill anyway, so I'll take it."

It was not an empty remark in the first place.

Jean always risked her life in training. Here in the forgotten land of
Laparosa, I had no intention of making an exception.

'In a compass-deception operation, there may be some monsters in Kinselo

and Jipple. We need to get back to Laparosa with as many accomplishments
as we can. It is not the time to train carefully.'

Shaku grinned and showed his teeth.

"Well, I'll take it as permission. Boras Brothers!"

At first glance, the main players of the decision seem to be Shaku, Boras
and Balti Rock.

In fact, they were given half the permission to jump. Shaku had nothing
more to go through as the conversation was so flowing that half did not
restrain him.

In the midst of the burning of Garmund, Linfa and Boras, half of them
jumped into the camp with strange eyes.

"Let's start again, victor. How dare you make me pay for using Pluto's
sword without permission.…!”


Suddenly Shaku roared.

Despite the simple roar, the ears were torn, and the hammer seemed to beat
on the head. If he had not protected himself with an oracle, he would have
been hit hard by the shock wave that spread late.

'The Baengnang roaring was just a cry. It's more daunting than the roar of a

From now on, it will be closer to a fight, not a battle. The dry saliva went
steeply over the throat.

Let's go!

Shaku's whole body was wrapped in a palm-sized epilepsy. As if gravity

had accelerated, the air became heavy, and Qin concentrated his mind and
created mana.

'It's good to be able to take advantage of all your strength, without having to

Unlike Orr, which is rapidly exhausted, mana is full. As soon as I tried to

summon Tess and open the flame gate to fight with him.

"Blue Flame... " won't smudge!'

Jean had no choice but to realize that this was not an ordinary world, unlike
the outside.

The phoenixes of the flame cannot find Laparosa. This is because Laparosa
is already a 'dead world.'

"What do you do? The victor."

Five thunderclams poured out in a straight line. The miniature version of

the Looncandel third series meteor shower, the "Peace" of the Ming
Dynasty Sword, is closer to a state than a single technique.

Every time you swing a sword that holds the ore of the optical heart, a
thunderbolt hits you. Yet Qin could not strike back, for he could not spread
as many thunderclashes as Shaku.

He threw himself around to avoid it and prepared for a new magic.

'We need to create an opportunity to hold a first-degree blacksmith


If Tess could not be summoned, there was no answer in a head-to-head

match. Shaku had a body that was superior to Qin in speed, strength,
stamina, and everything.

While Jin's blessed body is not fully bloomed yet, Shaku is a natural
difference as he is a Ming royal family who has completed his growth even
if he is a regular warrior.

'Before the end of the world, there were tens and hundreds of thousands of
these people.'

Then, the match had to be taken with a single blow. The only way the weak
can beat the strong is a bluffing fatal blow.

Seven-star anorros couldn't even penetrate Shaku's twisted epilepsy.

Somehow I saw a crack and stabbed Bradamante, but it wasn't a crack.

The blade bounces off the mysterious force of the brain field. A form
similar to the Beige of the High Ran and the Dragon Sword that Dante had
seen in Samil.

Although automatic counterattacks do not continue like dragon swords, it

was not much different when Shaku's sword flew right away.

Shaku's blade, which scattered lightning, changed shape. Jin avoided well,
so he decided to bring out more efficient technology.


An ore spread from the optical heart brushed into Shaku's blade. O'er, who
had so permeated, pulled the gin whenever he bumped into Bradamante.
Dozens of invisible clutches seemed to grip the whole body. To get out of
Shaku's blade, he had to put three times as much effort as usual.

That means you will run out of energy as quickly as you can, and you will
not be able to avoid it naturally.

"Peaceful oppressions...…!'

a technique that was clearly left in the memory of Boras' molars

Plain-type oppression of Ming Dynasty Sword.

It was the art of empowering swords. The oracle operation of the Ming
dynasty was completely different from that of other species.

There is a reason why their martial arts are still handed down like legends
even though they were destroyed half a million years ago overnight.

"I got you!"

Shaku grabbed Jean by the collar. With two black oppressions together like
magnets, Jin swung his left fist and beat Shaku frantically on the back of his

Bam! Bam, bam! Despite the dull sound, it was Jin who seemed to break
his fist. Shaku, who held his fist for a while as if he were laughing.

"Is it my turn now?"

A fist bigger than the head flew at Jean. The black-haired fist also had an


If he hadn't activated Multa's run at that moment, his face would have been
completely sunk. Suddenly, Shaku twitched his eyebrows with a black pitch
that protected Jean's face.

"What the hell is this?"

"What do you mean, secret pitching."

"Yes, it'll be a bit of a regret if you get hit."

The next place Shaku aimed for was the chest of Qin.

And instead of forming a guard with his arms, Jean took advantage of the
gap in his fists and aimed for the eyes. The black spirit overlaps the index
finger of Qin, which is flooded with Shaku's right eye.

It's working!

I don't know if it's possible to heal with a special graft even if the eyeball

If he didn't stab him right away, he wouldn't feel strange if he was beaten to
death. Fortunately, the desperately stretched index finger seemed to reach
Shaku's eyes.


It touched.

At the same time, Shaku's fists also pounded Chin's chest. Quang! The gut
and bone-crushing pain came.

If he had been naked, he would have been as dark as he was. The reason
why I was able to poke my eyes without lifting the guard was because of
the rare gloves that Zion gave me.


Black Wanggap does not absorb all the shocks.

Also, Jin, who threw up a blood clot by breaking her neck, had no choice
but to think that she should have put up a guard instead of poking Shaku in
the eye.

"What the hell is wrong with your eyes? this hard? Isn't that a scam?'
I broke my finger.

Nor was it blocked by the epilepsy surrounding Shaku's body. Thanks to the
condensation of the spirit, the index finger clearly pierced through the
epilepsy and punctured Shaku's eyes.

But Shaku's right eye was intact, and Qin's index finger was worn out.

"Oh, we have eyes as hard as hearts. You didn't know, did you? I mean, it
wasn't the best for nothing."


Shaku once again punched Jean's chest. Percussion, the sternum broke
under the Black Wanggap.

The consciousness quickly clouded.

"I'll cut your limbs as promised. Let's hope for modesty in the next battle,


When I woke up again, I was in the dark.

'I didn't even get a chance to open the sword because of the peaceful
oppression. What kind of a regular warrior is that, what kind of a race is

As soon as consciousness returned, Payne came to mind. I didn't think I

could win, but I was sorry I couldn't try more.

"......Will it really be all right?"

I could hear the voice of Boras nearby.

But I couldn't call him because my voice didn't come out.

"Yes, Brother Otuwang. Restoring the victor, try to transfuse my blood."

It was the voice of a half-assault.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 186

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:49 PM

Chapter 186: Ep.60. Blood transfusion, brothers (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Where am I lying?'

It seemed to be in a coffin because it was blocked in all directions and the

ceiling was so low as to touch its nose.

There was no force in my arms and legs. In particular, hot pain was coming
from both thighs as if they had been burned.

'BoAHANIELS SHAKU cut my leg. I'll cut off the limbs.Donny, I didn't
mean it. Did Boras reattach it with a special graft?'

Cutting is not an easy area even for top-notch healers. However, Jin decided
not to understand the Ming dynasty any more in common sense.

They were not just strong, but a race of skill and civilization that was far
beyond the present age.

'It's an incomprehensible species by the standards of the present age. Even

Shaku, who is just a regular warrior, is far beyond the highest level of

He might not be as strong as a guardian, but as a "black knight."

Before the fall, the streets of Laparosa would have been filled with figures
like Shaku. The thought of such a sight sent shivers up my whole body.

"Maybe God destroyed the Ming Dynasty because he was afraid it would be
strong beyond their control."

While thinking, half again opened their mouths.

"Can't you? Brother Boras."

"No, I can. But I don't understand quickly what the brothers are thinking
about giving Jean blood. Do you want to take a test?"

"Didn't the Boras brothers give Jin molars as soon as they met? With

"It's a different matter than that. Will Jin be able to handle the blood of the
jumping brothers? You'll die if you don't do it. That's why Temer refused."

"Temar and this kid are different."

"I honestly like Jean more, but the other brothers still remember Themere
because he was so strong. Do you think Jin is better than Themeer?"

"No, not really. At least not yet."

Jin had no choice but to listen quietly. There is no way to express one's
opinion because there is no voice and no limb movement.

"Then why the blood...…?”

"Themeer, who has finished his growth, has become a man so strong that
even I can't guarantee. But what was the result? He died in the same way as
our brothers who disappeared."


"If this child is so finished, what do we have left?"

"If that happens, we'll have to wait for the next victor.”

"It's been a thousand years since Temar outside. But unlike what Soldier
first predicted half a million years ago, the victor has come only once since

" you mean that Jean might be the last victor?"

"Yes. Most of all, this kid can't hear Solderlet's voice at all. Something must
have gone wrong with the dark god. This child's death, perhaps leading to
our complete extinction."

Boras sighed low.

"It seems like the Tuition brothers want to give Jin everything of the Ming
dynasty. But he's too much of a gambler. As the brothers say, the moment
Jean can't stand the blood, it's over, right?”

"Seeing you fight with Shaku, I don't think that's going to happen. Even if it
did, it would have been that far between us and the fate of the victor."

"It's been a long time since the two brothers have looked so impatient."

"It's not impatience, it's just expectations."

"Well, that's good. I actually don't have the right to refuse if the jumping
brothers say this much. I'll give you a blood transfusion. Let's pray Jean will
make it through."

After a while, half the blood started to fill the coffin.

Jean closed her eyes quietly and accepted the blood.


He benefited greatly from the wine.

The Manchurian wine embedded in Qin's body recognized the blood of the
fighter as "poison," and for more than a month it boiled fiercely for admiral.
As a result, the toxins of the body's blood disappeared, and only its own
divinity and rigidity filled the blood veins of Qin.

I felt instinctively as soon as I woke up again. If it wasn't for the

Manchurian, I wouldn't have woken up a year.

But he must have finally overcome the blood of his fighting spirit and woke

As soon as I woke up, I could see the face of half of my body. She never
left her side while Jean accepted the blood.

"Wake up, victor."

"I don't know what to say. Boras gave me a molar, and now he's blood.
Without asking my doctor.”

"Did you want to refuse?"

"Did I have the authority to do that? When you talked to Boras, you knew I
was awake, right?”

"I apologize if you were unhappy."

"I didn't say yes. I understand you've signed another contract with God.
You're also called a fighter.”

"Unexpectedly, I thought you'd argue with fire."

"If you were my enemy, you would have. It's not that I don't want to argue
at all, but I'm running out of time. I have to be back by May."

Jean already knew that about a month had passed. He was awake all the
time while the Manchurian was active.

Now, on March 16, 1797, Jin has only two months left to spend in La
Prarosa. I had to go back before the compass-deception operation began on
June 1.
"How's your body?"

"Very good. It's light and full. It's pretty embarrassing to have a big heart in
my chest."

said Jean, pointing to her chest.

The real photocardium formed by half the blood, not the photocardium
formed by an auror, was subtly shining.

Though half the size of Qin's fist, the raging oracle in it was never small.

"Just because you have this, you won't be the brother you're talking about.
Rather, I think people like Shaku will have more resistance to me."

On the other hand, like Garmund, Boras, Linfa and Belize, those who have
a crush on Jin will like it.

"Maybe so."

"Did you think, without this help, they couldn't change their perception
before I left?”

Jean looked at half with calm eyes.

If there is an answer that she is, or if she lies. I was going to break my
optical heart without worrying about it.

"If you answer no, will you break the heart? Because it's power, not self-

Ban immediately saw through Jin's intentions.

And this time again, Jin prepared a better-than-expected answer than half

"You saw it exactly. But I won this heart. I didn't want it first, but if it
wasn't up to your standards, you wouldn't have had blood transfusions. It's
just a way of winning."
"But why do you want to destroy it?"

"I can do whatever I want to do whatever I want. Rather, if it were the

power of your whole good will, I wouldn't have thought of breaking it my
way. Because it's not mine."

Half smiled.

"You would have been appreciated enough by your brothers if it weren't for
my blood."

"Then I'll use it well."

Jean wore clothes next to the coffin.

Kkang, Kkang. There was a constant sound of hammering coming in while

the blood was being absorbed. It was the blacksmith of Boras where Jean
had been lying for a month.

"I will be training two types of Rinpa and Younggum. Should I spar with
Shaku in the afternoon?"

"The Chilto Wang brothers will also be in the training ground. The Belize
brothers will give you the three-letter word."

"I like the tightness. Then see you again in the afternoon. Throwing."


Training in the morning, sparring in the afternoon.

That's how 49 days have passed. In the meantime, Jin has been defeated 49
times by Shaku, and every time one of the limbs was cut off, he had to get
help from Boras.

The Ming dynasty was strong.

If you can close the gap at once just because you've got the fanatic heart,
then countless fighters in the world will risk their lives to find a gift, not a
training camp.

Every time Jin was defeated, he was properly aware of Shaku's skills and
the power of the Ming dynasty.

At first, he was vaguely considered stronger than himself, and when he

fought about ten times, he thought he was as strong as Luna.

However, when we fought 20 times, we had doubts about "the judgment

that Shaku is as strong as Luna," and when we fought 30 times, we reversed
our judgment, saying, "It is never the case."

When he fought forty times, he was confident that he could cut off at least
one arm of Shaku.

The fact that one's eyes change from moment to time means that one grows
at a frightening rate. If Luna was still a distant mountain, Shaku was now a
mountain where the highlands began to be seen.

Knowing the fact himself, Jean always enjoyed fighting with Shaku.

"Why the insect-chewing face today, Shaku. Are you tired of fighting with
me now?"

Jin is enjoying himself, and for some time Shaku seemed increasingly
reluctant to cut it.

Baltic king of Iltu, who had always looked at him with a keen eye, also no
longer sarcastically at Jin and his brothers.

I don't want to admit it, but now Shakudo and Balticoq looked pretty.

They have to admit that they have been recognized for their fighting spirit,
but they are not arrogant, their limbs are cut off every day, but they are not
resentful, and they are not hopeless at endless defeats.

Even the other brothers have been saving their camp since the beginning, so
it was painful to make it silent every time in front of them.
"......not really, but I think I've grown attached to the day-to-day battles. It's
getting more and more burdensome to cut you."

Yeah, it was like that at Theme too.

No more such words came from among the onlookers. From some time ago,
the Ming dynasty had not taken out the name of the Temer in front of the

"I've told you so many times that you can't train well if you deal with it with
such a lukewarm mind. Let's do it right, because I understand your mind."

"Um...... I see."

"Wait, Brother Throwing himself!"

Suddenly, among the spectators, someone found half of them.

It was a tantel.

"What's wrong? Brother Tantel."

"Now Jean Looncandel, the victor must leave Laprasa soon. We have about
two weeks left. And the brothers of King Il-tu and Shaku seem to be trying
to acknowledge Jin.”

"Keep talking."

"I think we should accept the victors as brothers and give them a chance to
experience the swords of all our brothers. The Shaku brothers alone had too
much time."

"That's right! The brothers, who cared for the victor from the start, watched
every time. Give the other brothers a chance."

Shaku was the first to nod.

"In fact, that's what I've been most concerned about since some time ago. I
hope that while Laparosa's time goes by, other brothers, besides me, will be
able to fight Jin."

Even Shaku said so, and half nodded calmly.

"If all the brothers here now recognize Jean as brothers, we will accept that
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 187

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:48 PM

Chapter 187: Episode 60. Blood transfusion, Brothers (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Not only Baltirok, who hated Qin, but also other kings who had not yet
experienced it, expressed their support.

'I didn't expect to be recognized by all twelve kings.'

The period was too short for that. Arriving at the end of December last year
at La Prarosa, Qin was given only about five months.

I thought it would be difficult to win the favor of all the Ming people in it.
Like Garmund, Boras, Linfa, and Belize, it's not easy for everyone to grill
or like themselves from the beginning.

So they tried to recruit him one day when he visited Laparosa again. He
thought it would be a place where he had to visit a couple more times to
learn all about the sword.

I feel like I've been recognized as a brother more easily than I thought.'

Unlike Qin, the Ming people thought that was not the case at all.

Rumors have already spread that Jin helped Garmund to learn more about
the spirit of the first type of prosecutor's office, Boras gave him molars, and
Linfa broke the golden rule.
In that alone, Jin was seen as a "unique and interesting victor" for the Ming
royal family, and in the confrontation with Shaku, he showed such mental
power that he wondered if he was human.

It's never easy to have your limbs cut and pasted every day for 49 days.
Jean has often tended to trifle with her great efforts because of the terrible
days of her past life.

'There's nothing wrong with it. I'm afraid I haven't cut off one of his limbs.'

When the Thuwangs' consent was completed, ordinary warriors shouted for

However, he did not feel in favor because he wanted to jump or fight. Nor
was it more so that Jin accepted as a brother, swept away by the atmosphere
and the flow.

Except for the Class of Tussin, there is no rank between Tuwang and
ordinary warriors. Thus there cannot be punishment and coercion, and
individuals have always had the right to make autonomous choices.

Even if there were opponents, the other Pluto would not even notice him.

That's exactly why he put forward the premise that "if all brothers agree."

Shaku last raised his voice of approval.

"I have cut off the limbs of Jean Looncandel 49 times by yesterday,
brothers. But now that he is our brother, the same thing will never happen

"Well, shouldn't we give him a chance to get back at least once?"

"An impure brother, the kings of light do not count grace. This is something
you must keep, remember. The Qin Brothers."

Shaku smiled and stepped down, and his body nodded.

"Since all the brothers have agreed, from now on Jean Looncandel is our
brother. Therefore, I will accept the opinions of the Tantel brothers, so
choose the order of the brothers you want to fight with the Qin brothers."

Immediately the Ming Dynasty began to decide the order among


I go first, you go first. It was as if the children were quarreling over play.

"I brought the victor myself, so I'll go first! Isn't that right, brothers?"

"No. Didn't the Tantel brothers say they had a knife mixed once while
bringing in the victor? So it's right to be the last one."

"Brothers, don't fight. Decide by rock-paper-scissors."

When I first came to La Prarosa, I chose someone to bathe Jean. A large

group of dogs seemed to bark merrily.

'Funny guys.

In fact, there's nothing much to be moved by being a brother.

Because Jean had never crossed the front lines at the risk of life and death
with them, nor had she built a strong bond for a long time.

He was recognized as a brother only because he was a "favorite victor."

Still, it couldn't have been bad, and good things were good.

Belize, king of Chilto, approached Jin.

"Even if we had never been together, if we did not share blood, if we looked
different, even if the instrument was weak."

Jean, who turned around with a jerk, looked up at Belize.

It was because I felt like I was reading my mind out of nowhere.

"As long as you've been brothers once, the brothers will treat you as if you
were in La Prarosa from the start. That's how the Ming dynasty works."

"How can you do that? Belize."

"If it had been understood by the tribe calling for the Qin brothers, we
would have killed them much less half a million years ago."

I felt like I was hit in the head.

The Ming dynasty was not just stupid, but also a broad race beyond the
comprehension of the "human familiar" Qin.

"There's nothing strange about it. Brothers, just by chance of sharing blood,
no one thinks it's weird. By comparison, it's much more inevitable that the
Jin brothers have become part of us."

"That's strange. You're saying that brotherhood creates a bond that never
existed? So I'm puzzled, which means it doesn't feel so real."

"What would it be if the waters of the sea were mixed together? Do you
think the sea water will discriminate against the river?"

"You used to be like a strong, flamboyant lady when you burned me, but
now you're talking like a wise man. Unexpected, brother Belize."

Rock-paper-scissors is over.

All 64 ordinary warriors played rock-paper-scissors in groups, but

surprisingly, it was Shaku again who was designated as the first contender.

"No, aren't the Shaku brothers right out?”

"Wasn't the Shaku brothers just stepped down naturally? You're going to
make it again?"

The sound of Bolmen came from all over the place, but they could not
reverse the sacred rock, paper, scissors.
Shaku was booed and stood before the camp again, and Chin swept his
chest down.

"Yes, give me a chance to fight again, 49 times I've torn myself apart. I've
never had such an experience before. I'm sure today.….”


Belize gently crushed Jean's shoulder with one hand. This time again the
strength was so great that Jean could not shake off the grip.

"You must not forget that it is now a battle between brothers and brothers,
not between brothers and victors, brother Chin."

"Then the Belize brothers are about to crush their shoulder blades if I don't

Jin had a hunch that Belize would be the strongest of the two kings.

"It's okay to break bones or muscles in areas that aren't fatal without the use
of blades. Of course, the most important question is whether he intended to
harm his life."

"I'm glad to hear that. Then please take care of this."

Jean stretched out the bradamante from his waist.

"The 50th Daeryeon is a bare-handed fight, Brother Shaku."

"I don't think it's gonna be any more bare-handed...….”

Shaku shook his head with genuine concern, and his teeth split. I wanted to
tear it apart until yesterday, but Shaku was now transformed into a person
who was so tempting that he was about to burst.

"After the Shaku brothers, the Mouca brothers, then the Schul brothers, then
the Annot brothers, and then the Anot brothers, and then...... Anyway, you
have to fight a great deal, so don't use up all your strength, Brother Chin."
Following his first battle with Shaku.

Qin was scheduled to spar with all 64 ordinary Ming royal warriors today
until dawn. Today, tomorrow, the next day.


'Damn it, Shaku. I can't believe you let me win so openly.…!'

He won his first match against Shaku. As soon as he started, he fired the
flashlight right under Shaku's nose and beat him mercilessly.

No, I tried to beat him.

If Shaku, who suddenly lay down before hitting five, had not shouted, "Oh,
I lost!" I must have broken some.

Oh, my God. How annoying. In the midst of a stupendous atmosphere, the

next opponents were pushed back without a doubt.

What's more heated up is the fact that it just exploded into silence for them.

The Ming dynasty's bare-handed fighting was different from that of a

human fighter. It would have been a little less hit if he had picked up a
weapon, but Jin burst into a laugh and found the traditional Ming royal
snack "Cockto."

A well.

Quickly, my energy recovered and my swelling subsided. His face was

swollen like a watermelon and his whole body was covered with black
bruises, but none of his bones were broken.

"The monsters.".'

I kept laughing as I lay in bed and ate cockato. It was amazing that the
moonlight pouring through the window felt so refreshed.

knock, knock
Someone knocked on the door.

"Brother Jean, we're going in?”

"You didn't even ask who you were, and you said you were going in first."

It was a tantel with a large barrel of liquor on its shoulders. Boom! As soon
as the barrel was lowered, the tantel, who filled the glass, offered Jin a

"This is the first day of drinking. It tasted awful."

"It's jewelry. It probably tastes different from then."

As I inhaled it, it tasted sweet and green unlike the first day.


"You've got a fanatic, so you've changed.”

"At the time, people don't know the taste of alcohol.”

"Tell me the outside story. The other brothers came alone on purpose
because they didn't want to hear it."

Come to think of it, the Ming dynasty did not ask about anything outside.

Whose lands were they once conquered, what was the site of their journey,
and what was the place of their struggle with them?

I didn't ask you anything.

"Because we know that after our time has stopped, we can never go back to
that world. This is a replica of the Lafarosa we used to live in, but it's
actually a kind of afterlife."

"Then maybe you're more curious about the outside?”

"What's the point of wanting something you can't have, brother? Also
remember that there are no brothers we loved. Only!"

The tantel looked around carefully. There can't be anyone eavesdropping,

but it's an important story, so it's setting the mood for no reason.

"I've heard this story from my jumping brothers."

"What is it?"

"It's already been half a million years out there, so maybe a magic or a
device has been developed to get us out."

Unfortunately, as Jean knows, there has been no such thing yet. In the world
of phoenixes that are thousands of times more familiar to humans than
Laparosa, even the flame system is not known how to connect directly with
the phosphorus.

Not many researchers were involved. After Seongguk Suhojeon, magic

related to heresy was strictly forbidden by most associations and academic
societies except for phoenix summons.

Moreover, the magic related to this world had an overwhelming share of the
dark system magic. Since it has been a long time since dark magic itself has
been lost and banned, related magic will never be developed in the future.

"So, if you don't mind. I want the brothers to find out."

"Is there no way the brothers can get out on their own? The Tantel brothers
were on the big screen to pick me up."

"That's limited when a victor comes near the Great Barrier. There's only one
way out there other than that, but that doesn't mean much."


"That's what the jumping brothers will tell you."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 188

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:47 PM

Chapter 188: Episode 61 Leaving Laparosa

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

After becoming a brother of the Ming dynasty, Jin had only two weeks left.

During the four days, he was trained by the Tuwangs and engaged in
combat with ordinary warriors. It was a four-day battle with 64 ordinary
fighters daily, with bare hands and no skills.

As the time approached to leave Laparosa, and as the time approached to

launch a compass-deception operation with colleagues outside.

The impatience was growing.

The operation to take the compass is likely to be more dangerous than any
other battle you've ever had with your colleagues.

It is an operation that has to deal with Jipple and Kinselo at the same time.
There will certainly be outstanding figures from each force at the spot
where the compass is retrieved, and Jin and his party will "without fear" hit
them and take away the goods.

'Gaju or the general will not be present in person as it's a secret collection,
but they will never send any of the flimsyllable.'
Of course, the losing party was made up of a lot of characters. Jean,
Murakan, Quikantel, Kashmir, Alisa. Such a five-year-old power would not
dare to touch it.

But what if the White Night or the Tower of Zipple appeared in large
numbers in the Empire of Belado?

The Kinselo side was also a problem. There are three nine-star wizards
confirmed by the Seven Colors, and there is no knowing how many
warriors there are above Goltep.

'On the day of the operation, if the powerful people of Jipple and Kinselo
thought they couldn't handle it, they decided to withdraw quietly......if not
this time, we don't know when we can take away the compass.'

Jonah's information from the sculpture workshop in Bubar was a natural

disaster that was hard to find twice.

I had to make it work. To do so, he trained here to go to hell called the

Mitra Desert.

"You seem unkindly troubled, Brother Qin."

Just as I was about to head to the training ground to meet the Tuwangs, I
heard a familiar voice.

"Ban brothers."

"Can you tell me what's going on.”

"It's because of the outside world. I need to work with my colleagues, and I
wonder if I have enough power."

"It's a bad thing."


"The brothers came out of the main hall of the Tushinjeon Hall and faced
the energy of the Tuwang brothers face-to-face, but there was no sign of
fear. The enemies the brothers have to deal with outside, they can't be
stronger than us."

The Ming Dynasty looked rather sloppy and foolish.

If they could only leave Laprarosa, the landscape of the outside world
would simply change at once. With only 77 people left since they were
already destroyed.

I could feel it even more acutely after I became a brother.

Among them, jumping and fighting are two different types. I don't think we
can kill them even if the whole Zipple comes at us.

"I'm not afraid to get hurt. But what if my colleagues go wrong? Some of
my colleagues are weaker than me."

Half looked at Jean with a soft look. Something was swaying in the dark,
blue and deep eyes.

It was in the past. Before I jumped, those old days when I had the same
worries as Jean.

Those awful questions that constantly haunted her even after she was
destroyed by the gods.

"I'd like to say it's still early."

"What are you worrying about?"

"Yes, the Jin brothers are not as simple or stupid as the other brothers. They
must be fighting because they're worthy enemies. It's never too late to start
when you have to fight an enemy you can't handle. Now only anguish

"But it's true that these guys, Jipple and Kinselo, are tough."

Then half smiled.

"You don't know your brother yet.”

Instead of answering, Jin thought about it.

You don't know me very well.

What does that mean? Does that mean I'm stronger than I think, or does that
mean I'm not the one to worry about Gipple and Kinselo?

Van doesn't know Zipple and Kinselo. Even if she knew, she couldn't be as
intimidating as Jean felt.

While one thought passed through Jin's mind, half opened his mouth again.

"From now on, you'd better spend time with me until you leave.”

"Do you mean that the investment brothers will direct you? I haven't
finished the training of the Tuwang brothers yet.

"Brothers are the only human beings who can save us. So what the brothers
are shaking is that the whole Ming dynasty is shaking."

"What is that?"

"I'll hold you, relieve you and wipe you off. The brother's heart. So that the
brother can see himself straight."

It was the sword that half put out.

"The signature of the beacon. It's my sword. Boras hammered it for the
brothers to use."



Jean and half the sword struck.

It was only the first time Jin had checked the blade of Sigmund's blade,
which was only after the ninth day of his sword.

The pale and blue sword, as if it were made from melting the blue jade, is
made up of perfectly the same size as the bradamante.

For nine days.

Half have killed the gin more than nine thousand times.

There is only one thing that Ban has asked Jin.

If you think you won't die instantly even if you pull the sword out in front
of you, then you should find it. In that sense, Jean is as much murdered by

This is my first choice because I think I'll die instantly.


Anyone can pull a sword at a class that is just standing.

However, it was not allowed for anyone to mix the half and the half

"Good blow.”

Half laughed as they snarled.

"How does it feel to be dead for nothing? Brother Qin, you can do this.”

Nine thousand useless deaths.

That's what Ban described the past day, when Jean sweated before him and
couldn't find her.

"......not a match.”
"There weren't that many people who could mix me and the sword twice
before our time stopped.”

In the course of nine days, no real swordsmanship has increased at all. It's
only natural that you stood still.

"The Jin brothers already had the ability to blend in with me even before the
ninth day. You have enough faith and skill, but you've been beaten all the
time because you don't know your own martial arts."

Ban sent Jin a day to confirm the fact.

"The anguish obscures itself. Now that your hair is clean, you see, this is
what the Jin brothers have. You can share a match with me."

Jean had no choice but to think of this by stealing her forehead.

'How many of the uninhabited people I know, who can share a union with
the half brothers?'

Except for a few people who came to mind right away. Just as few people
come to mind who can share the whole argument with the public.

"If he didn't know himself until the end and didn't get his signature, he was
going to retrieve it again."

"Now, no matter how many times I've tried, I think I'll be able to get in sync
with my half brother."

"Now that we have confirmed what was possible in the first place, it is a
matter of course."

Jean smiles awkwardly.

It is sometimes more amazing than growth to know one's strength exactly.

Jean was no longer worried about the upcoming June 1st.

"Now it's all right to let the brothers go outside with ease up. Next time we
meet, let's look forward to sharing a bond with me. I'll say hello to my
brothers and go back tomorrow morning.”

As soon as Jean was about to bend her head, half held him gently on the

"Brothers and sisters do not calculate the silver."

That night, all the Ming royalty gathered and held a banquet for the
evening. The wine glass circled until it ran out of jewellery, and Jean
wanted to give this strong, innocent race a big gift one day.

Gifts can be given even if they are not in return for grace.

"Good-bye, brother. We must remember the achievements of the brothers.”


May 17, 1797.

When I got out of Laparosa, it was an endless desert of ivory. Blackish

light, Laprasa. The warmth I experienced there seemed to be a dream, but
the desert sun was only severe.

Dressed in Boras' newly woven clothes and robes, Jean again went out into
the desert.

Two days of walking, Oasis came out, and one more day of walking, and a
forest path was seen. It was the forest road that I came with a towed guide
to reach the Great Barrier.

"It's not crossing the Great Wall, it's a return.'

It was rather fortunate. If there were rumors of crossing the street, there
might be rumors all over the world about the birth of a great adventurer.
There are more than one or two people who have seen the camp in the land
of the Sioux.

"Oh, man! The Great Bar! The One You Went!"

"Dark flames, my friend!"

It was around the time of the end of the forest road that they had finished
bartering with the western Geumseol people and encountered the water-
tailed seafarers who were heading back to Yucayuca market.

"Dead, not human. Thank God!"

"Worried, they did, everybody."

"Due, pain, did you? Overcoming."

On May 25, there was still five days to spare. It would be fine to go
leisurely, chatting with them for about three or four hours.

"Human, by the way, no, yukayukaro, mask."


"A few days ago, Red-Ho people, came."

"The wicked, the bastards, the whole thing, the act, the act!"

"A little, turn around, use the mecamera, market side, passageway, use."

It took another three or four days to get back to the mecca market. That
would have made it too short, and it could have been too late if it would
have been too soon.

"No, then it's too late. There's a must-go place by the end of May. Isn't there
any secret passage around here?"

"No, this way."

"Then let's just go."

"City, it's on, they'll kill, they don't know, humans."

All the way to the Yucayuka market, he said, "I'm worried about the water
tails." I even dragged the camp with my dainty hand, saying, "Please go
back," but it was a problem that I couldn't even give up as a gin.

Therefore, the encounter between Jin and two Red-House Suin at the
entrance to Yukayuka's market was a foreseen result.

"Uh, I'm in trouble."

"Human, how, do you."

"We, money, pay, we can. You, no. Maybe."

"First of all, pretend you don't know me and go the way you used to go.

The water-tailed gentry looked back nervously as they passed the camp
first. The Red-Ho people receive money from them, hit them in the back of
the head, and let them pass through the road.

If you get paid, I'll let you go. Why would you hit me? Those little

If the Baengnang were a dirty and eccentric warrior, the Red Tiger were as
strong a bully as the warrior.

The two Red-Ho people, who had been staring at the camp for a while, have
been openly arguing.

"Hey, hey, man there, come here. You're standing right in front of me, and
you're taking off your clothes off! Open your butt."

"Oh, I think he's pretty good-natured. Do you want me to get you want

"Kill, you'll love it...….”

But the closer the gin gets.

The Red-House prisoners somehow couldn't speak.

'What, what, what, what? This man. What the hell is this energy?!'

Not only did he lose his words, but his legs trembled regardless of his will.

A thin saliva flowed from the mouth, the hair of the whole body stood on
edge, and the stomach felt as if it would melt away.

That's what fear is imprinted on instinct.

The energy of a great tribe that often tore and trampled on them was all
wrapped around the camp.

Half a million years have passed since they disappeared, but these two
young Red-Ho people, who shudder with fear, have never even heard of
their names.

Animals were afraid of natural enemies without anyone teaching them.



Red-hands screeched at reflexively erecting their fingernails.

"Get out."

But even if Jean said so, the Red Hawks sat down instead of attacking and
urinated to make the floor full.

"Sa, save me. Save me...... please."

They couldn't even dare to look up at the camp.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 189

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:45 PM

Chapter 189: Ep.62. Operation Compass Deception (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The money was collected again and handed over to the water-tailed gentry.
The Red-Ho people were too busy running away to watch the scene.

"Thank you, thank you. Human!"

Upon arriving at the Yucayuca market, when the water-tailed watermen

with Qin explained it to their own people, representatives of the Dark Flame
and the village thanked them.

"One day, sleep, go, man. Water-tailed people, parties, hot."

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry and I have to go right away. See you next time."

"Eat this, and go!"

The water-tailed gentry rushed over to roast the fish. Twenty well-done fish
disappeared like a crab.

"Oh, that's right. Dark flame, can you dye your hair?"

"Suddenly, dyeing, why?"

"Because I needed it."

"We can't, wait, wait, look. Golden snow, chromosomes, bring them in."

The gold snowmen of the general store descended through the secret

"Ah, man. Our dyeing is a bit expensive because of our good technology.
It's no match for the cheap coloring of human beings, and the price starts at
this point...….”

In the midst of the golden snowflake trying to rip it off, dark flames and
water tails stepped up. When they told the Geumseolites that Jin had
brought down the Jeokho tribe, the Geumseol people smiled.

"If that happened, I could do it for free. Ha, I wish I had seen those
scumbags with my own eyes!"

Dyeing was quickly done.

After saying good-bye to them, Jin used a secret passageway to escape the
land of the Sioux, as he did when he came.


On the last afternoon of May, 1797.

Qin was able to reach the southern island of the Empire of Belado.

'This town still remains.'

The unnamed island is a land that has become a playground for pirates as it
is vaguely off the territorial waters of the Empire of Belado.

That's where Jin visited to take part in Cosmos's arena. Even though it was
daytime, the streets were a mix of drug addicts, lunges and gambling-mad
aristocrats, creating a bustling scene.

A wretched man, who appeared to be an addict and homeless man, lingered
near the camp with a grotesque laugh. These beggars were common in the
harbour, mainly mercenaries who lost a lot of things after participating in
the respective fields.

But this man, smiling faintly, was Jean's acquaintance. So Jean had no
choice but to be glad and mournful to see him.

'It's Jet... crazy.


He came here in advance about two months ago and mingled with the
beggars of the harbor.

It was to act as a secret liaison. In a sense, he was a perfect beggar to the

point where it was hard to tell the difference in progress from a little

"Heehee hoo! Confucius there, give me a penny! Hooch!"

Zet, who came up pushing the other beggars, lifted the barrel.

There was a note in the barrel.

(How are you, Bill? Saeburi Inn No. 203. Three nails under the bed.)

After confirming the note and selecting a few fairy tales, the beggars behind
Jet cheered. Whooooooooooooooo!

"Hi-hoo! Well, you'll be blessed!"

When Jet stepped down, the other beggars ran after him like a monk. He
seemed to have been playing the role of a compassionate king.

'It's a good thing you did it. It's been a nasty one in my previous life.'

Smiling, I went to the Saeburi inn.

The owner, who was leaning against the chair, waved as the door opened.

"No room, let's go somewhere else."

"How are you, Bill?"

Then the owner gave me the key number 203.

As soon as I entered the room, I pushed the bed away, and tore off the board
with three nails. Under the board was a thin red wooden board and a letter.

(Lord, long time no see. All the other colleagues arrived a month or two ago
and settled in different inns.

They're all safe, and they don't even notice.

I'll let you know what we've got so far.

Kinselo's power is Anz's Magi Master Chukon Toldor, five eight-star

estimated wizards, and five Assumed Baekrang warriors.

We cannot rule out the possibility that there are many other assassins,
snipers and other powerful men in disguise.

No power to the jipple has been identified. It looks like he's about to show
up on the day of the operation. However, it is highly likely that a talented
person in disguise, like Kinselo, is already in place.

Operation commencing time is 10 p.m. on June 1st, with no changes. The

location is the same as the gambling place in the abandoned house north of
the island. The enclosed red wooden board is a ticket to the gambling

The places of escape after the operation are also the same for 1, 2 and 3.

On the back of the letter is the address of the inn where my colleagues are
Oh, and Siris of the palace, with the consent of Sir Kashmir and Murakan,
will participate in the operation. He's had a lot of intelligence, assassination,
guerrilla experience, and he said it would help.

I'm returning to Tikan today, with the last time I delivered this note to Nari.
I'll say hello to Gilly. Bless you, my lord!)

All the colleagues were staying at different inns. The move was aimed at
not being seen as a suspicious group by the prospect of Gipple and Kinselo.

"One nine-star wizard, five eight-star wizards, five assault-grade white


A suitable kingdom was a force to turn over.

'Jipple's side will get at least this much right. Tomorrow night the dirty,
dirty pirate's playground will be the battlefield of the stars.'

Six months ago, it was well above what my colleagues had expected.

Therefore, an all-out war had no answer. Jean was stronger, but not yet
enough to handle them all.

But if Jean hadn't grown up, she would have had to seriously rethink her

Whether to carry out the operation or to fold and withdraw it was all up to
Jin's choice. Jin kissed her six months ago to return quietly if she didn't
show up at the gambling house.

Of course Jean had no intention of backing down.

'If you bring these people, that means the compass is the most important
thing. I'll take it.'

The operation will be guerrillstyle anyway, so there will be no full-scale

war with them.

Even if an all-out war continues.

Maybe it's worth fighting for. When eight or nine-star wizards or fighters
went on all kinds of magic and techniques, it was only for a moment that
the small island collapsed.

It's all about dying together. Not only the island but also all ships will be
smashed, and a whirlpool will spread in the middle of the sea. Just as Luna
wiped the uninhabited island of Beimant off the map with a single blow.

'And when the fight gets bigger, Looncandel and Beams will smell it, which
is what Kinselo and Jipple are most concerned about.'

Neither Looncandel nor Beacon had yet clearly recognized the existence of
the compass. If they knew, they should have already been firmly embedded
on the island.

Bradamante and Sigmund.

Jean was only quietly grooming the two swords.


The next day, at six p.m. on the first day of June.

Jini visited a gambling house in the abandoned house north of the island.
The rich golden hair dyed by the golden snow, colorful costumes, and thick
makeup that makes two swords caught in the waist "false to the full."

It looked like a common hoodlum of a rich and stylish aristocrat.

'It's been quite a while since makeup became popular at the nobleman's
ballroom, but I don't know why you're doing this.'

Her pores were clogged with thick powder and rouge. The face reflected in
the mirror looks almost like a woman, but the musculoskeletal bone has
developed, so it felt strange somewhere. It was the power of the special
cosmetics for the Geumseoljok.

I think I need a disguise, but my friend is very fine, so she looks like a
woman when she puts on a lot of makeup. Why don't you dress up as a
woman instead of just dyeing your hair? No one would know!

That's a bit.

Anyway, make-up is a must! Our products are different from the poor
techniques of humans, so if you just scoop them up and put them on, it's a
pretty good production. Put this on your cheeks, this on your lips, this on
your forehead, and this on your neck.

Unlike Jin, who felt awkward inside, those who gathered at the gambling
house were busy looking at Jin regardless of other people.

I've never seen such a pretty Confucius, I want to hang out with him
tonight, and if he's depressed after losing money, I'll lend him some.….

Outright voices were ringing in the ears. I've been in the spotlight for a long
time, but it's been so noisy. Even men who have free tastes are openly
showing interest.

"I've never seen you before, but when you come in, the gloomy gambling
house is brightening up. Nice to meet you, I'm Zelia."

But as a black-haired woman approached, the murmur stopped in a

moment. Zelia was a woman who appeared two weeks ago and quickly
became a gambling house celebrity, whose real name was Siris Endorma.

At first Jean didn't recognize her. Not as much as the sculpture of Bubar, but
the man-made face of the Vigung was also a tremendous object.

In that way, all of his colleagues were wearing the face of the palace.
Except for Murakan, who has become a butterfly looncandel and is held in
the arms of Siris.

"Here's the best marbles, Confucius. It's like a specialty. I don't think you
know the rules, can I tell you?"

Jean gently pushed her away.

"It's all right."

"Well, I can't help it if you don't want to. But if you go to the bead board
without knowing anything, you'll be robbed of everything, so go to the
familiar side if you're used to it. A hole or a dice. When you think of me
while playing, come to the marbles."

It meant that his colleagues gathered on the bead board, and the power of
Jipple and Kinselo, who were disguised on the hole and dice boards, so he
should look at them and come back.

"I'll do so.

"May it be not too late, because it's night."

To those gathered at the gambling table, Jellia sounded like a line playing
tricks on Jean.

When Zelia left, people who were really flirting gathered one by one. Jean,
ignoring them lightly, paced the slabs and dice, and took the enemies one by
one into her eyes.

"Kinselo, even the Zipple put a lot of effort into it. Who knows that the
jipple wizards of pride are waiting here disguised as gamblers.'

Zipple's wizards all seemed to be express as expected. As soon as I was

looking for a face I knew, two giants in robes turned their eyes toward the

A height close to three meters. Of course it's not the usual giant.

He was a white-eyed person.

They tilted their heads as if something was strange, and soon rose from
their chairs and strode toward the camp.

"There, you. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

It was because of the energy of the Ming Dynasty.

'You're as much hidden as you can, did you feel it?'

Jean looked at them and replied:

"Oh, my God, aren't you a white heron? I didn't expect to see you guys on
the gambling table!"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 190

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:44 PM

Chapter 190: Ep.62. Operation Compass Deception (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Some young aristocrats or unmanned men often worship the power and
culture of the Baengnang people.

They are usually idiots. It was usually the words of those who approached
recklessly against white fur, blue eyes, strong bodies and energy, and faced
the end of a meal.

The Baengnangs don't like humans. To them, most humans were nothing
but inferior beings, toys and snacks.

"My dream has been to talk to the Baengnangs before! Wow, the fur is so
nice. Can I touch it?”

The impression of the Baengnangs crumpled as Jean spoke with her eyes

'Was he just stupid? It smelled dangerous enough for the hair to stand on its

The Baengnangs looked down at the smiling gin for a while.

"Get your hands off me."

"Oh, I've been rude. I'm sorry. By the way, what would you like to talk
about with me? Ask me anything."

"Well, no. I'm afraid I'm mistaken.”

"What? What?"

"Nothing to know."

Jin smiles awkwardly as the Baengnangs go back to their seats. Those who
had made eye contact were looking at such a gin sadly.

'Whoa, I almost got tired before the operation started. From now on, I'll
have to press down on the energy of the Ming Dynasty more clearly.'

He swept his chest down into his heart.

'I'm sure we'll have to kill at least a few of the Kinselo's hands during the

If left alive, he will surely go back to Kinselo and talk about "the one with
the dangerous energy."

It's okay for the disguise to spread, but if there was a story about the unique
energy of the Ming Dynasty, the tail could be caught anywhere.

Spending two hours on a hole and dice plate, I checked my enemies.

Fortunately, no white nights were seen, and no one doubted Qin.

'Let's go see your colleagues.'

The bead board with colleagues was full of spectators. Alisa was hiding in
the gap, and Kashmir and Enya were betting the stakes with nervous faces.

'Everyone's dressed up nicely.'

Even Alisa, who was worried about her extra size, was perfect. She was
dressed as a man with a mustache.
"Oh, did you think of me already? I knew you'd come, Confucius."

Siris showed her palm, naturally twisting her arm around Jean's shoulder.
There was a writing on it.

(The goods will come and go from the central cardboard on the second

"Now Confucius gives me his name. Come to think of it, I'm the only one
who told you.”

It occurred to me that Jellia, or Siris, was very good at acting. She is

perfectly embodying a prodigal spirit that is crazy about gambling and
entertainment but never easy.

Jin has a good point in acting.

Jean grabbed Siris' hand, putting the remaining water in her cup. Then
gently rubbed her palm with her fingers to erase the writing.

"Bamel, Young-ae."

Hit it! Hit it!

On the round plate, Kashmir and Enya's beads were bumping.

Siris pretended to explain the marbles and began to explain the details of his
colleagues' prearranged operations.

"First of all, two beads are on the board."

"Like Young-ae and me now?"


First, only two people go upstairs, which means Jean and Siris.

"Then when the beads start running, the dealer's obstacles begin to appear.
There are too many variables, some obstacles to avoid, some bigger beads
to break. I usually prefer to wake up."

"I'd prefer you, too.”

When stealing compasses, it means that the enemies who block them should
be killed together.

"You have to choose the beads that break the obstacle and the ones that run
the finish line. Even if you use almost all the beads to break the obstacle,
you can run on your own with only one remaining.”

Siris's gaze, which said so, was stealthily directed at the Enya.

Finally, running away with a compass means that Enya is appropriate.

Colleagues concluded that under any circumstances, Enya would be the
least suspicious.

Enya felt completely opposite to Siris. Unlike Siris, who swept the stakes as
soon as she appeared at the gambling house and showed off her exquisite
beauty, Enya was simply an ant.

He has always served as a sample of hot pants that bet only a small amount
with a nervous face. No one looked less distant than her.

"Is this enough to explain it?”

"Is there anything else I should be extra careful about?"

"You shouldn't hesitate or panic because too many beads are broken to
remove obstacles, and you shouldn't miss the chance. Sewage always lose

When a colleague is injured or killed, it means the operation will fail if he is

sentimental. Jean made eye contact with Siris with a calm face.

"That's good advice. I feel like I can easily become a master."

In this way, Jean talked with Siris about the operation until about ten
o'clock at night. Then he faced Siris and repeatedly lost his money, showing
signs of annoyance.

"Ha, what kind of god of marbles is Young-ae? How can you not win a

Spectators kicked their tongues.

It's not a penny or two. The money that Jean had lost to Siris was already
going over the gold.

The rich Hogu, who flew gold coins in a couple of hours at the gambling
house, was a rare type.

"Well, Confucius seems to have no talent for marbles. I know. I told you to
quit and go out for a drink.”

"Huh! You want to win by yourself and drink?”

"Are you sure you don't want to lose some gold coins? With this jellia
alone, I have a chance to have a drink by tomorrow morning."

"It's not a waste of money. But as a gambler, pride won't allow this to end. I
don't know how to coax you, but other gambling won't get me!"

"Oh, you're confident in other gambling...…?”

Ah me!

There was a sigh among the spectators.

He also noticed that the victim of Zelia had come out.

"Once you've got to flatten your nose, you'll be able to relax."

"You're less scolded, okay. What sport would you like to play?”

"Card, if it's a card, Young-ae will never beat me.

Syk, the onlookers looked as if they were having fun as Syris made up an
evil smile.

"The cardboard is on the second floor. Let's go, Confucius."

When the two stood up and took off their steps, a stampede of spectators
gathered together. They were ready to watch that handsome ho-gu pay Siris
all his property and become a crying face.

Naturally, most people on the marble board flocked to the cardboard on the
second floor. But Alisa, Enya and Kashmir did not leave the marble. They
were supposed to carry out a disturbance mission on the first floor.

The two took their seats next to the central cardboard where the deal
between Giffle and Kinsello takes place.

On the central cardboard were representatives of Kinsello, Chukon Toldor

and Zipple. Chukon Tolderer was recognized at a glance because he was
bare-faced, but the representative of Jipple was disguised.

'I think it's a tower state, but I don't know who it is.'

There was something between them as the spectators began to crowd at the
table right next to them. Now, at 10 o'clock, I have to hand over the items
mixed with gold coins on the gambling table, but suddenly there are more
people nearby, which makes me nervous.

Then people from Kinselo and Gipple, who were on the first floor, came up
to inform their superiors of the situation. It tells the story that he seems to
be an ordinary gambler, with a war of nerves from the game of marbles.

'Now we have 20 minutes. Until the jipple pulls a compass out of the

Twenty minutes later, when the item comes out, Jean and Siris will
immediately launch a surprise attack. At exactly that time, Jean lost all her
stakes, and the key was to get the onlookers to step down.
'When the spectators return, they mingle in the gap with frustrated faces,
and Siris pretends to go out first. And I slowly follow along and set off a
flashlight on the compass...….'

Siris will control the flow that will cost you exactly 20 minutes.

However, just as Jean and her colleagues have worked hard to plan the
operation for six months, the enemies must have been prepared for all kinds
of variables.

If you kill only Chukon Tolder or make him unable to fight, it's okay to go
to the first floor. It is unlikely that the representative of the Jipple will be a
more accomplished wizard than Chukon.'

The man, who appears to be the representative of the Jipple, was never
likely to be in his 30s, even considering his disguise. At that age, the wizard
stronger than Chukon was not known to Jean.

Anz's Magical Master Chukon.

He reigns as the absolute ruler of the Great Plains of the North continent.
Unlike Kidad Hall, he was once a man who was anxious to bring Giffle to
his home.

It was because of his own defense magic, known as the "extreme world."
Eventually, Chukon became a member of the Dark Wizard's Club, and now
he sits on the opposite side of the Giffle on the cardboard.

"Two hundred, two hundred more."


Jean's stakes began to run out at a moderate pace.

'When a flashlight explodes, Kinselo and Gipple have no choice but to

doubt each other for now. But they'll be quick to finish their pi-fi
identification and figure out that me and Siris are the culprits. Confusion is
at least 10 seconds long.'
I had to deal with as many enemies as possible in it.


Chukon shook his head after watching the losing side with sharp eyes for a
while on the central cardboard.

"It bothers me that I'm getting older. I thought they might be the bandits
they prepared.”

"Haha, you're saying something strange. Lord Chukon, if we were just

going to keep things, would we do such a complicated thing? Just don't give
it back. They're gamblers who have nothing to do with us."

"Don't bluff, Carl Zipple. Aren't you doing a play on this island because
you're careful? I gave it back to you formally.Looncandel will smell it, and
if he doesn't return it, we'll leak information to Looncandel and Beacon.”

"You speak sharp, Lord Chukon."

"I'm saying this because I broke the clause of the alliance first and was
brazen without a word of apology. Your father has no idea what he's up to.”

"If you have a chance, ask me yourself. I don't know if I have the guts to
visit my father."

"You're saying something cute, it's time. Just get your stuff out. I'll have to

Jean and Siris could not hear the voices of the two. It was because the
spectators were buzzing and there was some distance.

But there was nothing wrong with carrying out the operation.

'It's ten o'clock. Exactly.'

The stakes are down. Jean curled her head like a man who had lost his
country, and Siris stood up from his seat with a look that he knew would.
"It's a shame, Confucius. Now I'm down, let's just pretend we never had a

As Siris left the board, the spectators naturally followed her.

a cardboard blanked out in a flash Jin's eyes, with his head raised, saw a
gold coin rising in the middle of the central cardboard.

It's a gold sack mixed with compasses. It was also seen that Chukon, which
opened its sacks, pulled out a golden compass a little bigger than gold


Jean stepped on the table at once and threw herself onto the central

In his grasp, a white flashlight was swollen as if it were about to burst.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 191

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:43 PM

Chapter 191: Episode 62. Operation Compass Deception (3)

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A white light exploded in the hands of the Qin.


"You crazy!"

Chukon and the guards of the sword uttered the sound of mourning. Before
the flare-up, a total of four people tried to attack the camp without missing
that moment.

All were fighters of more than seven stars. Three of the four, however, were
blocked by Siris, who had just turned before they could reach Jin.

Siris never thought of it because he was so embarrassed and camped out.

She clung leisurely to the back of three men and cut her throat with a

The other one Jean avoided the sword and twisted his neck to death. Thud!
Chukon, sword and their followers were shouting evil, with the sense of
breaking the neck bone ringing in their grasp.
If it had been a proper attack magic, Chukon Tolderer wouldn't have
suffered any damage.

He had a reactive defense magic around his body, after Jean and Siris sat at
the next table.

It is a shield that cannot be easily pierced even by the eight-star wizard or

the martial arts' season, so even if it is raided, it was intended to defend and
tear it to death.

However, the story was different if it was an ancient magic of light, not a
direct strike, but merely a bright light. There is no other way but to cover
your eyes in advance, not to defend magic.

"Damn it! Carl Zipple! You're a real...…!”

"Chukon! What a trick!"

As Jean had expected, Chukon and Carl immediately doubted each other.
The wizards of Kinselo and Gipple were singing the magic of attacking
recklessly, holding their burning eyes.


The compass was taken, and the shield was activated when the bradamante
was stabbed into the neck of Chukon.

Of course, it can't be this easy.'

When I turned to the other side and tried to strike the neck of the sword, the
guards hiding at the other table were smashing over the camp.

"For the Kinselo!"

It's not what I originally planned.

Jean screamed so loudly that she struck the swords from the guards. At the
same time, pop!
Siris blew up the smoke. The gambling house is in chaos as smoke from the
flashlight flooded all over the place.

The compass was thrown at Siris before the smoke had run out. Jin struck
out the neck of the guards who saw the sight without hesitation, and
realized that his sword had reached its peak.

All of them are at least seven powerful men. However, such talented people
were injured or lost their weapons whenever Jin moved. Many people lost
their lives with a single sword.

Of course, the guards were embarrassed, but it was not anyone's job to clean
up such fighters like leaves.

Still, there were too many. On the second floor of the gambling house,
regular customers were only 20 percent, and the rest were all servants of
Zipple and Kinselo.



Ordinary guests were screeching away.

'Go down.'

When Jean winked, Siris nodded. Now she had to go down, hand over the
compass to Enya, and take the role of unnoticed escort until Enya safely
leaves the gambling house.

Is Jean really gonna be okay by herself?

Siris had no such question. Jean, whom I saw for the first time since the
Colon site, had become a completely different person from then.

'How the hell did you train, monster? I don't know when I can win this.'

Siris also shrieked and mingled among ordinary guests who were about to
go down to the first floor.
There were people who saw her kill the first three guards. The key,
however, was that there was no time to care because of the smog and
screams, the eave of wizards, and the sound of the armed forces of the camp
and guards.

All this happened in a matter of seconds.

"After the chaos, it's now 10 seconds long before they know exactly what I
am, and the guards on the second floor are roughly 30."'

There was to be as many enemies as possible in it.

After the chaos, it wasn't just the thirty guards who weren't exposed to the
flashlight that Jean had to deal with.

Chukon Tolder and Carl Zipple will also have some vision within a minute,
and the Baengnangs and Zipple's servants on the first floor will also come
up for the camp.

"Materials! Put your packing first!"

As soon as Chukon shouted, Jin triggered Multa's run. Then he took out a
new sword after he had killed Bramante.

The pale blade glimmered softly in the mist.

Blue flames splashed violently as the beacon, the sword, began to harbor
the brain. The eyes of those who were looking for Jean naturally gathered
along the brain.

What the hell is that?

Everyone had this thought as they saw the shining brain while tearing up
the mist. It doesn't seem to be a high-level blitzkrieg magic, but the brain-
washed in a sword was unusual.

Even with the sword, the suspect's face is covered with a black mahtugu.

I like the fact that the Ming sword doesn't have to be hidden like the spirit.'
That's right!

A sharp thunderstorm poured from the ceiling out of nowhere as the

sigmund dropped down.

There is no one who recognizes the military exploits of the legend, which
was lost half a million years ago, in the Plain Plain of the Ming Dynasty.

Being unfamiliar means that it is difficult to deal with.

Strange and strong, it means impossible to cope. In that sense, Jin, who
started wielding his signature, could be the god on the second floor of the
gambling house for a moment.

If he drops a thunderbolt to die, he must die.

Quarre! Kajizik!

A shriveled epilepsy, tearing apart the humans in it. Unlike that of nature or
sorcerer, Ming-gum's thunderbolt had a flying characteristic with lightning.

Every time the blue light flashed, someone lost his neck, someone lost his

Those who looked for Jean had to struggle to escape her sight.

It would have looked really like a god, not an expression.

In the presence of an artifact that turned God's contractor into a prey, a

figure who suddenly showed an unidentified, unidentifiable impossibility.

"Sir Carl! You must take refuge!"

"What the hell are you talking about, refuge? When it snows, I'll tear the
bugs in Kinselo myself and kill them!"

"It's lightning, it's lightning!"

"What are you talking about, again!"

"Sir Chukon! I don't think it's the Zipple's job! The intruder's lightning....

Carl and Chukon could not tell why the guards crouched. It was because
they could not see the epilepsy yet.



Screams of death continued. The guards were unable to reach the camp and
could hardly protect their masters.

"I've never seen you do things right, you uncivilized human bastards...….”

It was then that the Baengnang people on the first floor came up.

As soon as they came up and saw the feast of brain warfare, they had no
choice but to shut up.

He just faced the majesty of the Ming sword.

But like the young Enemy of the Yucayuca market, the blood-stained fear
was making the Baenglangs feel numb.

"Hey, this is, uh, the energy of that moron...…!?'

The two Baengnangs, who felt strange to Qin, were the first to realize.

The man who's hitting the brain field over there, that's the guy who smelled
like a polpol.

It's a monster that I thought was a jerk.

Unlike the young Red-Ho people, though, they are warriors. in charge of
the charge of assault in the Baekrang general army

The Baengnangs hit the floor with a giant hammer.

"Get a hold of yourself! You idiots, there's only one! Melto protects
Chukon, and me and Duroka overpower him!"

"Listen to the jipple! The alliance has been destroyed, but now is not the
time to argue it. Hit the intruders as well as yours!"

The confusion began to subside quickly as they raised their voices.

Jean could discern one fact from the passage.

"There is no warrior here who surpasses the level of the Baekrang Assault

There might be more outside, but at least the inside was certain. Then,
downstairs would be enough for your colleagues to clean up.

I wonder if the bottom is doing well. If only Miss Enya safely escapes to
the safe zone, the rest of her life will be able to survive under most

The first floor was also in chaos. The whole building was shaking in the
aftermath, perhaps because there was quite a violent fight going on.


Jean scattered the epigram to the approaching Baengnangs.

Although fear was imprinted on the blood due to the history of being
violated by a predator named the Ming Dynasty, fear is an emotion that one
can have because one is well aware of the power of the other.

Unlike human drones, the Baengnangs were not hit with a single sword by
the Ming sword. He is approaching Jean by bouncing a brain field with a

"Give me your name, man!"

"Why should I?"

"Your power is new to me, but your instincts are telling you. To fight an
honorable duel, I want to dedicate your body to the foundation of Javier!"

Then Jean gave a giggles.

"Didn't the instinct tell you to run away?"


"Because I don't have much time, I'm a little busy playing around.”

Even though Qin belittled him, the Baengnangs could not be as excited as
they were against other humans. They are attacking the camp against fear,
but they are not completely overcome.

The pride and pride of warriors were only making them fight. For the
Baengnangs, Qin came not as a human, but as a giant shadow of a predator
that had never been seen before.

It didn't look like an expression, it actually looked like that. Because of the
energy of the fanatic heart, we cannot see the whole picture of Jin.

Heart beating, heart beating!

Under the black-light pack, one more layer in the photocardium began to
spin quickly.

The captain of the Baengnang Assault can also be dealt with as many times
as he can with the lightning, but it was good in many ways to finish before
the Chukon and the sword recovered.

In order to do so, we needed to push ourselves a little bit.

"Know as the glory, wolves. It's not the technology I was going to use this

It's a piece of cake!

Sigmund swallowed a spread of epilepsy everywhere. As the blue energy
that was surrounding the entire second floor gathered in pale swords, the
hall became dim.

One more layer. The fear felt by the White Rangs deepened. It's not yet that
the brain power has fallen, but once again, instinct has begun to tie their

"Throwing machine. Is it my second time using it after completing it?"'

Pluto's Sword 3rd Sword.

a guilty offense

When Jean gave her signature, a giant awning made of brain power flew
into the Sword toward the White Rangs.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 192

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:41 PM

Chapter 192: Episode 62. Operation Compass Deception (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

a one-man victory

Transcendental exploits, projection, permitted by only one person. It was

only the owner of the Ming dynasty's new sword Sigmund that could learn
the sword.

And Sigmund is now the sword of Jean, not the half of the jump.

Don't forget, Brother Chin. You are a brother of the Ming dynasty, a
descendant, and the only victor. So don't be afraid of anyone you meet.

Is it because he saw the desperate faces of the Baengnang people facing

"despair," or because he seems to see the face of the class, who was
spreading his self-confidence in the awl of sin.

The fight was in full swing, but suddenly I remembered the story half told
me by Laparosa.

A brilliant brain glowed the dim interior.

"Blood, avoid!"
exclaimed the White Rangs called Durokara. It was not a deep and harsh
voice, but a bird of fear.

The moment he saw the spirit of atonement, he felt it.

It's not something you can beat out of your own little hammer.


The huge awl made up of brains looked like a whale. An incredibly

powerful force that came out of a long sword.

I shouted to avoid it.

The Baengnangs were unavoidable. Not only was there no room to avoid,
but also because of the intense fear that could not be overcome with honor
and pride weighed down his shoulders.

If it were just the energy of ordinary Ming warriors, they would have
stretched out a hammer while shuddering with fear.

But it was the energy of fighting. Half a million years ago, the dignity of
fighting, which distant ancestors did not dare even think to look at.

In the sword of a small human less than two meters, the pupils of his eyes
were imbued.

'Today I didn't find you as a thief.'


An awl of atonement pierced Duroka's body.

Not a drop of blood, not a speck of flesh. As soon as the poles penetrated
Duroka's body, the awl of Dan sin devoured, burned and oxidized the rest of
him. Made out of ashes.

at the rate of lightning strike

'I came here as a conqueror.'

Shouting to avoid was bound to be an empty cry. Without a blink of an eye,

Duroka became ashes, and the Baengnangs standing next to him could not
be angry at the sight of the death of their own people.

Just something's wrong.

This is not real...….

As soon as such thoughts hit the brain, there was nothing else I could do but
close my eyes to the bright light of the brain that struck me.


Once more of Dan sin flashed, he too became ashes. The awl of Dan sin,
however, seemed insatiable, flashed its light at the next prey.

Who could have imagined that as many as two assault commanders would
die so vainly?

While everyone doubts my eyes, and distrusts this situation.

Sigmund pointed towards Chukon.

The Baengnangs, who were attached to guard Chukon, have been shaking
their heads reflexively since earlier. Unconsciously, he was begging for his

But Jin's eyes are unshakable. He is as determined as a king who stands on

the execution stand.


There are three clans with tight straps and closed eyes closed.

They didn't die as soon as the two of them were previously ashes. The
protective shield of the absolute ruler of Anz briefly prevented the
proceedings of punishment.
Did Chukon's eyes recover already? No, it's just a gut feeling.'

Pazizik! Pszik!

The protector of the Daemado Temple, called the Polar Regime, was indeed
a magic spell worth its name. As soon as the snow came back, it was
evident that it was spreading out in a hurry, even for a moment it was
blocking the evidence was.

Although he is said to have completed the three-gold dagger's punishment,

Jin's Orr was still in the late seven-star period. Even if he had only entered
the eight-star military camp, Chukon's protective shield would not have
lasted three seconds.

'Of course this isn't all, Chukon Tolder.'


The protective film has cracked. When the awning's brain went through the
crack, the Baengnangs rounded up. Like little animals hiding in burrows to
avoid predators.

The thrower is not a merciful sword. The awl soon tore the shield
completely apart, and the Baengnangs hidden in it only left a death cry.


All the Baengnangs lost their lives even before the scream pierced their

Only then did Jin stop sinning and gather the remaining brains to Sigmund's

When the ferocious crying epilepsy was recovered, the oscillations of the
optical heart, which had become unstable due to the use of the dialysis
machine, died down.

'at least nine stars to use.'

It is no different from meaningless constraints. It is a power that sweeps
away five Baekrangs who are in charge of the attack with an aurora that is
not suitable for a fighter.

Again the intestinal tract grew dim.

The enemies of Qin did not want this darkness to be lifted again. When the
darkness is lifted, it means that the lightning of that monster begins.

Did Siris safely hand over the compass to Enya?'

I'd like to go down and check right away.

Following Chukon, Carl Zipple was looking at the situation with his eyes

'Oh, my God. . . . . What the hell is going on here?'

I didn't feel it when my subordinates were in a hurry, saying that lightning

and lightning were falling. However, it is charred everywhere, the burning
smell is vibrating, and the Baengnangs, who used to raise their voices,
cannot even find their shape themselves.

Karl's men, who watched the whole scene, were shaking their legs. With an
eye that says we have to run away.

What makes them even scarier.

It was the fact that I couldn't get a clue what that monster was. No chukon,
no sword, no one came to mind.

If Man-bing had been used, he would have assumed Talaris, if he had used
Sim-gum, Lu-Nara would have thought of the black knight of Luncandel if
he had just unfolded a savage sword.

But what Jean used was a brainchild. As far as they know, there has never
been a single warrior in the world who uses a brain field.
'Unknown swordsmanship, and gone ancient light magic. Besides, the light
magic that he unfolded is Chen Mi's flashlight that remains in the family's
secret history....similar to that.'

Is he a horseman?

Carl and Chukon reached a conclusion at the same time.

Gipple do, Kinselo do.

Recently, an unidentified prosecutor had secured rumors that he showed his

skills in Delky. It was a rumor that had spread since Jean faced Veris and

In particular, Zipple is mindful of the possibility that the person who

impersonated Veradin in Akin through very few remnants of Tessing may
be the Magistrate.

'Then he wouldn't be...…?'

While dizzying speculations came and went in Carl and Chukon's head,
Jean took a step closer to them. It's all about a single step, but the reflection
of Carl and Chukon's men flinching themselves.

"What thoughts do you have, Chukon Tolder, Carl Zipple."

"......where did he come from?"

replied Chukon.

Neither he nor the knife was so suffocating that drove him crazy. It's hard to
know where the information about the compass came from.

They had nothing to grasp. How many of Jean's colleagues are downstairs,
their skills to what extent, and why on earth are they after the compass?

I thought it wouldn't be a problem if we were careful with Looncandel and

Beemance, but I didn't expect someone like this to happen.
'Not the Looncandel. There's a good chance it's a beat.'

'Is it the complete version of the mind that the Beams are experimenting

a shrug gin

"It wouldn't mean anything to find out who I am. All your guys are dead

Speaking coldly, Jean was not expecting to kill both Chukon and Carl. It
was just a story to drag on time. Stabilize the photocardium for a moment
and allow the colleagues on the first floor to clear things up.

It was also a story to confirm Chukon and Carl's attitude.

"I haven't felt this unpleasant in a long time. My opponent knows me, but I
don't know my opponent......I don't think I'll ever have to go through that in
my life at Gipple. Let me formally introduce you, Duke. I'm Carl Zipple,
the four-horse of the Jipple."

"I know."

The Four Towers, the third son of Kellyak Zipple.

I didn't know much about him. A person who has never been seen in a
newsletter or encountered in a previous life. However, I was told that the
four towers of the Jipple take charge of all the unpleasant tasks of the

Taking on all the hard work may seem to mean that it is not good to deal
with, but the opposite was true. The four-horse tower is the second largest
staffed organization after the one-horse tower, which is famous for its story

In other words, it was one of the strongest breaths in the jipple.

"The Duke is bluffing now. Admit it, great power, but I don't think it's
enough to deal with me and Lord Chukon at the same time."
"Will it ever be? You were tearing up the bugs in Kinselo, and now you're
Lord Chukon again.”

"That's enough misconceptions, and that's the principle to make an

outstanding enemy on our side when we can forgive. In that sense, let me
make you a suggestion. I promise to be a man of the Jipple, to give you
more than anything you want.”

"Carl Zipple! Nenoohooh!"

Chukon opened his eyes.

"I'm going to lose my ears, Lord Chukon. Didn't the compass fall to the
author? And he seems to know about our relationship and all the secrets.
There's nothing good about fighting."

"The sound of dogs..."

"Calm down. Once the author refuses, then join forces to kill. If you feel
bad, please offer to recruit Lord Kinselo Chukon. Honestly, I can't handle
him alone. Will Lord Chukon be able to do it?"

Five members of the assault squadron-class Baengnang died, and countless

seven or more knights and wizards died. It was not impossible for Chukon
and Carl, but the story was different this fast.

"Why don't you be the man of the Zipple? It's not a bad story for you either,
given that you were aiming for the compass.”

Jean gave a giggle.

And I was sure inside.

'I don't think there's a hundred-night airship or a project nearby.'

a nose job

That terrible ship you've ever experienced in the Colon site.

Jean said useless things to make sure Carl brought the project.

"If there was a project, I wouldn't have offered to recruit like this, but I
would have just exercised my skills." Even if the island disappears from the
map, it's all there is to be evacuated by a project.'

It was a matter that I had in mind since I first entered the island. It has been
confirmed that there is no "white night" in the gambling house, but the
project can be hidden in the clouds as it is an aerial ship.

However, the lack of a project was a natural story in a way. "Cosek" was
not something that could have been put on hold for such a position, a ship
that only moved when the Jipple declared war.

The same was true of Kinselo. If too much power was hidden near the
island, it could be a war because of the misunderstanding of the Zipple.

"There's no cozac.”

The eyes of the sword grew bigger as he spoke in low spirits.

There was no more definite response than that.

"What...? "

"Then I don't have to have any more conversations from my point of view,
wizards. Let's do what we're doing."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 193

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:40 PM

Chapter 193: Episode 62. Operation Compass Deception (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The lack of a project means that Kinselo and Gipple must fight to save their

How many warriors and wizards are gathered here, and how powerful they
are. It is full of seven or eight stars and is even mixed with nine-star

If they fight with all their might, it's only for a moment that this tiny island
disappears from the map.

It couldn't just end with the island disappearing. The place where the island
was located will be a mixture of mana and mana sprinkled by fighters and
wizards, resulting in all kinds of disasters such as explosions, swirls and

How many humans can survive in it? Even a cannabis cannot breathe
underwater, and it is impossible for even the strongest uninhabited to swim
against the vortex.

No matter how you get out of the mess (for example, riding a dragon), if the
island situation is driven to that extent, it will be a bad ending for everyone.
That's because Looncandel and Beaumont can't not detect such a big fight.
Zipple and Kinselo must hide the fact that they were allies and the existence
of compasses. Especially, if the compass is broken or lost during the battle
process, Kinselo's loss becomes unspeakable.

Jin and his colleagues are also in trouble if their identities are revealed. At
that moment, they will lose their home in Tikan, and they will not be able to
stay safe anywhere in the world.

'I thought the word 'killing us' was just a bluff for some reason, but it was to
make sure that Cosec was not on the island.…!?'

As a sword, he was severely hit in the back of his head.

'Now that I see it, it's the black Martugu he's using. It's definitely what the
white-night wizards said when they went to Colon. Talaris protected a man
in black and his daughter from Cochac. Damn it, I can't believe I just
remembered that!'

Midor Elner, his ship's other brothers had told the same story. Muron Zipple
was also a man wearing a black helmet.

It was no use regretting.

Also, knowing in advance did not change Jin's martial arts.

Why was he looking for Colon then? Did you know about the existence of a
new product? What's your relationship with the princess? You're telling me
it wasn't the Lord of the Rings that destroyed the Cosek from Colon, it was
this guy?

What's the matter with Zipple? How is Jipple's secrets, from the Colon to
the Compass?

While numerous rapidly rising questions disturb the spirit of the sword.


The epilepsy enveloped the sign. Now Qin was going to fight with control
of the rank and file.
'I'll fight and get out of here at the right time.'

The best result is to kill chukon and knife, and all the sewage workers
outside the first floor and gambling house.

But it was impossible. It was difficult to break through the polarizing spell
of Chukon with the remaining strength, and we could not devote ourselves
to each other.

So when this fight is over, what consequences should we induce?

The conclusion was reached before the sword was reached.

The best way is to make the knife non-combatable, and to make the Kinselo
take him hostage. If I were Chukon, there's no reason to leave the sword
when it falls and I run away.'

Zipple and Kinselo seem to feel burdened by an all-out war. It was not
revealed on the surface, but in Jin's view, the Kinselo was a group that
could be an axis of great power.

But here, Kinselo failed to get the compass back as promised, and ruined it
with only massive damage.

If so, it would be beneficial for Kinselo to take even a knife as a hostage

and ask for something from the Zipple. There's no reason not to.

Naturally, it's in Jin's favor to deepen the resentment between Kinselo and

'Funny, Chukon Tolder, you'll soon realize what I mean. And you'll have no
choice but to follow, if you're not an idiot.'


The epilepsy began to fall. At the same time, Chukon hit the cane and
formed a large protective shield, and the remaining sewage workers in
Kinselo gathered.
But to the point that the shield was overshadowed, the lightning was
pouring only against Carl and his men.

"Yap! Don't look down on me, bastard!"

"You change the title so often. Is it a habit?"

The surviving guards of the Jipple were veterans of the five veterans. They
were doing better than they were at first, as if they had adapted a little to the

It is to use the sorcerer's protective shield or to avoid thunderstorms by

predicting where to fall. There was also an article in which he shot back at
the sword.

Chukon and his men are stuck in a protective shield and watchful.

"Sir Chukon! Will you stay still!"

Chukon shook his head as the sword used evil. Well, our alliance is already
over, and you just tried to hit my back. With that look on his face.

Chaeng! Pachang!

The sword shot by the knights of the sword beat the sign. The wizards of
the Jipple, including the sword, were unable to strike back once because of
the shield.

It was because of the anxiety that he could be attacked if he showed a gap

with Chukon while hastily singing orders to counteract. Except for the
knife, the rest seemed to be in a hurry to stop the lightning.

"Sir Carl! Take refuge, I'll stop you!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Didn't he have his gang on the first floor? The top
wizards on the first floor are still not coming up. Lord Chukon, we must
fight together!"

Chukon had no answer.

Instead of laughing at Carl now, he had concentrated his mind on trying to
grasp the exact ignorance of Jean.

'I was confused by the special power of the brain, but Orser was less than
eight stars, or first-time. However, the actual fighting power seems to be
well above the eight-star knights.'

Then there was no reason why the sword could not subdue Jin, even if he
had let go of Jin's strength.

Conversely, Chukon thought that the sword was unlikely to break the gin.

'But it'll still be enough to injure him, and I'm afraid he'll activate the
tower's wand before he gets hurt.'

There's a letter on the tower's wand. When the run letters are activated,
reinforcements will immediately fly from the four towers, and Looncandel
and Beacon will smell them.

It could pose a great danger to Kinselo as well as to Zipple, but it was clear
that Carl would put his life first if he was cornered.

'I hate you, but I think we should help Carl to defeat the uninvited first.….'

The moment Chukon thought about it.

The lightning suddenly stopped.

The knights didn't miss the crack, and Karl first started singing the attack

Jin unfolded another Ming sword.

'Peaceful oppression.'

Sigmund pulled the five knights' swords that ran at the same time.

It has been less than a minute since we began to cope with the eclipse, but
another unknown sword has begun.

The two knights, embarrassed by Sigmund's out of the blue, lost their
necks. The other three opened the streets again reflexively, and Jean threw
herself at the knife as soon as the crack came in.


A knife that stretches its cane shouting. At a time when countless ice blades
were about to pour from the cane.



Sigmund cut off the head of the cane. Nevertheless, the ice blade poured
down as scheduled, and Jean did not avoid it.

They believed in Muleta's rune and black-light pack. As a result, all the
clothes were torn and both arms were cut and cut, but fortunately there were
no bone fragments.

Ttuk, ttuk...!

In an instant blood-stained Jean's arms and shoulders fell blood and flesh.

If it weren't for the great guns of the world, they would have been fatally

"Is it because you're flustered? You can't stand the mast."

Quasik! I trampled and crushed the shrapnel of the exhausted cane. The
rune letters written on the shrapnel were also broken, and the sword had no
choice but to turn white.

The absence of a cane does not create a big problem with magic, but the
final safety device has disappeared.
"Don't be so heartbroken, you'll be in trouble if you invoke the runn text

Not only the knife but also the Chukon on the sidelines were appalled by
the remark.

It's not because of Jean's swordplay and bold game-winning moves. It was
because he felt that he had read his mind. In particular, Chukon almost gave
me goose bumps on the neck.

As if he was looking into his heart, the camp was cut off as soon as he was
conscious of the tower's staff.

Jean looked at Chukon, roughly shaking off the blade of ice stuck in his
arm. Don't you think you should understand now?

'The wound is deeper than expected. Now I'm gonna finish the knife, and
I'm gonna get out of here.'

It's not a fatal wound, but you can't use the sword properly because your
arms are mangled.

Also, Carl didn't expect the cane to be cut. In the first place, the first attack
magic, "Bing-ryol-gum-yum," was a bluff. The magic he really prepared is
something else.

I'm angry!

Blue flames formed on the two eyes of the sword.

Zipple's non-magic, Chunghwa's Ma'an. The magic of losing an opponent

with a blue flame that doesn't go out just by watching...….

The very magic that Muron Zipple used in Colon.

Struggle in a flame that burns your whole body.

Carl Zipple wanted to fool Jean with such words. I wanted to see Jin's face,
suffering from the flames of Chunghwa, gradually losing its fighting spirit.
But the smile of repentance that rose near the mouth of the sword hardened
before a second had passed.


The master of the flame; the ruler of a real blue flame.

Tess was summoned.

"De, Tess... ...!”

Chukon's mouth opened. We're short of quirky brain scans and insights,
Tessrani. I thought he was a maggotsman, but I was mistaken because he
did not use magic at all after the flashlight.

The magic side will only be "fine."

Orser was at the bottom, and although his arms might be covered with
blood, the spirit and mana of Qin's weapons were still on edge.


As soon as the sword breathed a sigh of shame, the Chunghwa, which was
about to stick to Jean's body, died down.

The fact that the phoenix of Qin was Tess was not known, nor could the
White Night and Midor Elner, who fought with Qin in Colon. The only
witness who saw Tess, Muron Zipple, had died before they came.

"What the... ..what are you talking about?…?”

a dejected out Carl still had enough mana to fight, but his will was broken.

It meant defeat. No matter what he does, Carl can't beat Jean. No matter
how great the magic he has is, no matter how high his mana is.

"Well, you don't have to know what I am. I'd like to tell you another story.”

Jean's eyes turned to the back of the knife. It was where Chukon stood.
"You'd better watch your back, Carl."


A ray of mana shot by Chukon pierced the shoulder of the knife.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 194

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:39 PM

Chapter 194: Episode 62. Compass Deception Operation (6).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Immediately the second, third and fourth mana rays flew in and penetrated
the limbs of the sword.


"Sir Carl!"

When the sword fell, despair grazed the eyes of the three remaining knights
and wizards. If Chukon attacked them in this situation, they had no choice.

"Chu, Chukon, your ass."

"I just give you back what you did. Clack."

As soon as Jean shrugged, the wizards in Chukon's protective shield carried

out their attack magic en masse. Naturally they were aiming not at the gin
but at the few remaining servants of the sword.


Even before the screams were over, all the articles and wizards of Jipple
died. Ever since Jean decided to go after the knife, Chukon was actually a
scheduled step from the time she decided to sit by.
"You're not very tactless, Chukon. I never thought you'd be so cooperative.
That way, Tess won't have much to do.”

The sword was as dark as it was, and Jean lifted him lightly with her injured
arm and threw him toward Chukon. As soon as the knife fell in front of
Chukon, the magicians of Kinselo performed healing magic.

It is to take measures to prevent precious hostages from dying from

excessive bleeding.

"Didn't you think it was your turn after Carl?"

"I don't think the absolute man on the Great Plains would be that stupid.
Well, I did have it in mind. I just decided that it doesn't matter if you guys
come at me."

"You're bluffing to the end. What do you think you can do with this Chukon
Tolderer because you summoned Tess, even with an unenthusiastic body?"



Jean and Tess burst into laughter at the same time.

"Chukon Tolder, you're not sure you can kill me. That's why he chose the
direction that would benefit him the most. The direction I suggested. So
stop saying things you don't mean.”

For a while, Jin and Chukon exchanged eyes that were young to live in.

Both were saying the right thing. Jean bluffed, and Chukon was unsure.

'Even if you take out all your spirits, it's crazy to fight Chukon in this state.
Even when he is in his best condition, he cannot be defeated without
forcing all kinds of variables. If he really wants to fight, he should run
'Magic enough for Tess to choose an unidentified brain sword. There may
be another hidden power. It's already wrong to retrieve the compass, and I'll
have to go back safely with the knife jipple, so I can see the leader.'

Five members of the charge-level Baengnang were lost, most of the senior
members were lost, and the compass was taken away.

But not everything was lost like Carl Zipple. The port's ship was loaded
with other works by Bubar, except for compasses.

The variable "Jin" is a disaster that no one expected anyway.

"If you have a decent pride and things go wrong further, then you won't just
let go of the leader. And when he gets the report, he'll try to make him our
man somehow. I've got enough information to track.'

Chukon stepped down first.

"Okay, let's take care of each other's practical interests today."

"You haven't wasted your age. Maybe your general manager likes to get
Carl Zipple over the compass."

The summons of Tess has been lifted.

'The first floor has been quiet for a while. I don't know if the situation is
over or if the battlefield has expanded outwards.'


A gin that makes a big hole in the floor by stamping its feet strongly once.
Even that belonged to the basic chess of the Ming sword, and a throbbing
spirit flowed.

"I'll see you next time, then."

As I stepped down through the hole, I saw a chaotic first-floor scene.

Like the second floor, there seemed to be quite a fierce battle, filled with
corpses, blood and broken objects everywhere.

I wasn't too worried. All the power on the second floor had to be on the first
floor to handle parties like Murakan, Quikantel, Kashmir, and Alisa.

Did they all go to the escape point? Or did he go to deal with the sewage
workers outside the gambling house?'

Somehow I felt uncomfortable.

'No, I'm sure he'd have come up to help me if he had cleared up the inside
of the gambling house. Something's wrong.'

As soon as she left the gambling house, Jin was able to meet Murakan, who
was transforming into a cat.


He did not participate in the first-floor battle, but had been hiding his
identity in case the camp was in danger.


Murakan turned into a human and hugged Jean.

"How strong have you become, little man! I'm almost done fighting, Bitter.
I'm so proud of you. Strawberry pie will probably cry. Your arms are very
slutty, how did you roll your little Pluto baby?”

"Would this be the scar inflicted by the Ming Dynasty?”

"Well, the jokes are down.”

"What's the situation?"

"Once your big fan escaped the island safely. Take care of the compass."

"Whoa! First of all, half a year's hard work hasn't been in vain.”
"Oh, but the rest of the situation isn't very good."


"There were two more forces that we didn't grasp."

"Not one, but two?"

"Vision Special Rental and Looncandel."


"It's not like we're moving on solid information. They just figured out that
Gipple and Kinselo are meeting here. I don't know what's going on. That's
why I was in the middle of the island, and when I heard that the gambling
house was turned upside down, I came running."

"You might get caught up in the last minute."

"First of all, Mimul, Alisa, and all three of your lovers are either dealing
with them or beating them out."

It was fortunate. The compasses have already been decapitated, so it's only
a matter of getting out of the island without being seen by them.

Just as the Looncandel and the Beams didn't get all the information on
Jipple and Kinselo.

Zipple and Kinselo were also unaware that they were on the island.

"How did you know that the special lease and my family don't know about
the compass?”

"He said he wouldn't have sent that much if he had known all about it."

"Well, so the three of you decided to go to the escape point, each of you?"

"Yes, but unfortunately there's one more problem. That's the biggest one,
"Damn, nothing is easy. Tell me."

Murakhan narrowed the middle of his forehead annoyingly.

Then he pointed his finger at the sea spread behind Jin's back. Looking
back, there was a lot of dense, bean-sized things spread out over the sea.

"It's a warship, all that. Soon this island will be completely surrounded. If
we gather all the scattered men and get on the boat in 10 minutes, we'll soon
be chased."

There are no transit gates on this island.

You have to get on a boat, swim, or fly in the sky to get in and out.

Also, of course, there was no place to run or hide because it was an island.
And the escape ships prepared by the Jin Party are not fast enough to beat
out cheap pirate ships and warships.

"......Belado sent from the Empire. I'm sure the Special Rental Division has
prepared it to support the waiting crew on the island in case of emergency.
There will be a lot of special forces inside."

If so, the only option left for Jin's party is to ride on the Murakan.

It was a last resort escape from the meeting half a year ago.

If Murakan shows up, he may be able to escape right now, but he will be the
target of Beemance, Gipple and Kinselo's special pursuit forever.

There won't be as much in the world as that.

'I'm going crazy.

The fight on the second floor was the easiest thing to do.

"What are you going to do?"

Murakhan decided to follow Jean's decision as usual.

"If there's only one option, there's nothing to worry about. I'm getting out of
here on you, and I have no choice but to be the target of special tracking.”

"Then I'll have to find all the scattered ones. Shall we fly around and find it

"No, it's a little dangerous. We'll find them around this neighborhood, and
we'll get back here in 30 minutes. If you have a colleague who hasn't been
able to join you by then, start a flight search



Within five minutes of searching for a colleague, the sound of something

breaking from a rather distant distance rang Jean's ear.

It was the sound of the Looncandel guards breaking the ship that had been
anchored in the northern port.

"Baerra destroys all the pears! "so that no one escapes until the warships of
the Empire of Belado arrive."

"Especially a woman named Zelia must not be missed! Obviously, he's a

key figure in this situation!"

Looncandel was indeed showing a looncandelian process.

In other's land, when another's warships are coming, they are trying to stop
the escape of the target by crushing the other's stomach.

It was a possible defeat for Looncandel. All kinds of property damage can
be requested to the home and paid for later, and after the warship arrives
and the people involved are searched, the necessary people can be forcibly

It's a family that'll be mine in the future, but......well, well, it's like. In many
ways, it's a huge bottom line.'
In the process, the intention of the Beacon or other forces was not
important. Especially when it comes to places where huge forces smell bad.

"Aigo, drivers, what's wrong with you!"

"We're good people who just catch fish and make ends meet. But if you
break your stomach like that...…!”

The men who appeared to be the owners of the ship approached the
guardian knights and bowed their heads.

"You think you came here knowing that there are only pirates or beggars on
this island, drug addicts? From now on, I'll shoot everyone who talks
nonsense or messes around."

In fact, every single one of them was a pirate ship.

For pirates, however, there was no such viciousness. But you can't fight
back against the Looncandel guards, as soon as you're burning up.

"Ai, Mr. Shue, there's only ten of them combined, including those roughly
in the south west! It's not pure blood. I think it's just a guardian. Just hop on
the boat, you bastards! The ship is our life, our soul! We can save the island

A pirate, who was trying to hide from the guardian knight, suddenly raised
his voice.

"That's right! Even the Looncandel Guardian, how can only ten men catch
us all? There are more than fifty ships left in the northern port!"

"Maybe the warship sent us all to put us in a cell anyway. Get on the boat
somehow, anchor down, pray for good luck. You bugs!"

"Only the one who gets on the boat to avoid them will survive!"


Suddenly, pirates hiding all over the port rushed out.

They were looking too lightly at the 'Luncandel Guardian'. The bottom
pirates had no idea what kind of people the world's most famous
swordsmen were.

"The bottoms are the bottoms, they think about getting on the boat even
when we control it."

In the northern port there were three out of ten guardian knights.

The three men alone were all about to break down the pirates running like

Whether my colleague died or not, there were some pirates running

frantically and crawling on the ship. The problem is that he couldn't even
raise the anchor and was swept away by the sword with the ship.

'There's no hell out there. First of all, I don't think there are any colleagues
around here...... by the way, the guy who first instigated you to get on the
boat is running away, right?'

The moment I'm about to turn around.


Bang...! Bang! Bang, bang!

Warships from the Empire of Belado began firing shells at the island.

They seemed to be of the same mind as the Looncandelians. First of all,

they are trying to sink all the ships on the island so that no one can escape.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 195

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:37 PM

Chapter 195: Episode 62. Operation to Defeat Compass (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The magic was enchanted by shells fired from warships in the Empire of

War-hardened magic that increases range and explosive power. At least a

hundred six-star wizards were needed to reinforce the hundreds of guns.

The fact that there are so many six-star wizards also means that there are
many high-level wizards that lead them.

Originally, it was a force that would never have come to this small
abandoned island. While Looncandel sent ten mid- and high-ranking
guardian knights, Beacon sent troops on a war-scale basis.

In terms of intelligence on Jipple and Kinselo, it means Beemont is ahead

of Looncandel. Or it meant that they were paying more attention.

The black spots in the sky were falling at a rapid pace. The shells flew to
the harbor in an instant.

"Well, everybody down!"

"Oh, my God!"
The pirates screeched with a confused face, and the Looncandel guardian
knights narrowed their brows unpleasantly.

Popping! Boom! Paaaaah!

The port and the beach began to fall shells. The explosion sent water
columns soaring, pirate ships crashing, debris splashed, and the rocks and
sand that made the port burst.

Unlike pirates who just lie flat or run recklessly, the guardian knights
showed skillfully cutting or avoiding shells and debris flying near me.

"Chuck, that's annoying.”

"Let's report it to our parents' house. I'm telling you, Belado's juniors are

Bang...! Bang, bang!

The next round of artillery fire followed without the pirates getting their
heads up.

It's a gain for Jin. As much as it was confusing, it was easier to leave the
seat to avoid the eyes of the guards, and even if all the ships were
destroyed, we were going to ride the Murakan anyway.

Sadly, however, it was also unfortunate for Jin that the ships of the Empire
of Belado appeared.

It was because another magic was beginning following the artillery fire

Suddenly the dark night sky was turning red.

Not because the shells fired. It was the result of the collusion of wizards
aboard ships in the Empire of Belado.

"A major back-to-back......?! The Beams prepared that too?'

The Great Consecutive Crusade, as its name implies, is a magic in which a
number of wizards combine mana to form a nodule.

A magic used usually to protect a castle or a city from enemy attacks.

In some cases, they spread the word "to prevent the enemy from escaping."
Just like now.

'Red connective chain. This is not a special force, but a regimental magic
used by the sorcerer of the SS. Are you saying you were waiting for the SS?

Red connective was one of the magic tricks that symbolized the sorceresses
of the Beemment Guard. At the heart of this magic they devised
independently is 'air control'.

A chasm that a dragon or flying demon unfolds to prevent annihilation and

flight when it attacks the Imperial Palace. In a red chain of collation,
winged creatures larger than sparrows are not allowed to fly recklessly.

When an airplane was detected, the nodule immediately vomited thousands

of red rays. A terrible power, as a magic developed for the safety of the

It was the moment when Jin's plan to run away in the Murakan fell to
nothing. The gyeolgye was a scale that encircled the whole island.

'Even assuming that Marmurakan can withstand the strain, the safety of the
passengers is a problem. We need to revise the plan.'

You have to run away on a boat.

But a steady stream of shells was crushing ports and pirate ships, and the
island was being besieged by a fleet of Bella's empires.

Still, it is better to find a ship somehow and engage in a chase with the fleet
of the Bella Empire. Flying through the valley is too dangerous.'

Once you get on a boat, you have to go outside the valley. The fleet will
chase after you, but if you go outside the chain, you'll be able to get back on
the Murakan.

It has become more important to go back to Murakhan than to find his

colleagues. Red softening is magic developed about a hundred years ago, so
he has no choice but to be unaware of the danger yet.

If Murakan could start flying because he was frustrated while looking for
his colleagues, he had to let them know quickly.



When I went back the way I had come and searched the neighborhood,
fortunately, I was able to run into him quickly. And while Jean was
explaining about the red alveolar nodules, Siris appeared from somewhere.

"Jin! You know the situation, don't you? In the east, the harbor and the ship
were completely destroyed. The island is small, so there's a limit to getting
rid of flyers.”

She had grasped the situation just like Jean had while she was beating the
special forces.

"Mr. Siris, do you happen to know which escape point the rest of your co-
workers moved to?"

"We've moved to the west escape points. Those two are from Beemment, so
you know what that nodule means. If you can't get a boat, there's no

"When did you develop that magic again, you damned human beings? How
do you save a ship when it's all being destroyed by shells? Little sweetheart,
didn't you bring your eyelids?"

"If I had been able to get Mott back, would I be in this trouble? Black
Dragon. Why don't you tell them to advertise it's very tragic."
"I'd rather just three of us go around together. Alisa, let's find Sir Kashmir
and hope there's at least one ship left in the nearest port."

There was a continuous explosion in the distance. Murakan turned into a cat
again and held it in Siris' arms.

"Hu, not even special rent, to the SS. I didn't know things would get this
complicated. My mother asked me to help her out as if she had been to a

"When I first found out that Siris was involved in the operation, I was very

"I'm more surprised you turned the second floor upside down by yourself.
You've become a monster, Jean Looncandel."

"The guards are looking for Siris with their eyes on him. Let's keep it out of

The direction that Alisawa Kashmir moved to beat the special forces was
west. Thanks to Siris, the group was able to find the escape points quickly.

"Sir Kashmir."

Kashmir, Alisa and Quikantel found at the escape point 7.

It was a warehouse of pirates residing on this island. Originally, after the

compass was taken, a colleague who fled there was supposed to escape on a
pirate ship mixed in with supplies.

"I was supposed to wait for three minutes just in case you came, but I didn't
get it wrong. Long time no see, Confucius."

"Miss Siris has safely outplayed my junior."

"Murukan's fine, so he didn't fly in the bonds. I was worried that we might
get ripped up in the middle of the flight.”

"Is the human race that big? Can't you just fly through it?"
"Wizards in the fraternity are in the same class as white nights. Dozens of
them gathered and played it. We're not enough alone."

We decided to leave the greeting short and look for the boat.

However, the western port was completely destroyed by the artillery attack.
There was not a single ship in good shape, and only the bodies of pirates
killed by the guards were scattered.

The only thing left now was the southern port.

But the time to the southern port was too long. Though the island was
small, it had to run for half an hour at the earliest.

The explosion of the warship was getting closer and closer and closer.
While his colleagues were gathering, the fleet of the Empire of Belado had
already narrowed its siege and almost surrounded the island.

"There is a low probability that there is a ship in the south. I'd rather swim
out of the valley from now on.”

said Jean, swallowing a sigh.

"What if I get hit by a shell?"

Jean shrugs when Siris asks.

"Well... we're all on the strong.

"Uh, um. Yeah. That's true. I don't think there's another way anyway.”

"The real problem is that the shells can be captured directly by the fleet,
although it's only a matter of holding out somehow. By then, the troops on
board will launch their own attacks."

"I'm taking a break, and the white-night wizards aim and shoot magic."

No matter how strong Jin and his colleagues are, they can't fight properly
The moment the fleet was exposed to special rentals or wizards, it was
highly likely that it would not even be able to properly fight back and be

Because of the chasm, the two dragons could not fly, nor could they fight
properly while swimming, nor could there be anywhere on this small island
to hide from their eyes.


Although he calmly said let's swim, it was heartbreaking that he had to rely
on luck, not ability, to escape by swimming.

'Who knew the SS would have a red connection, damn it.'

Colleagues felt the same way as Jean.

If luck were good, everyone would get out of the game safely, but
determination was necessary. He might not be able to get back to Tikan.

"......let's go!"

I got out of the escape point.

What you see is the island in chaos, the sky stained with red crystals, and
the shells embroidered with it.

Still, the pirates ran in all directions, shouting evil, and so did the nobles
and beggars. For the island alone, it was like a scene at the end of the world.

"The port side is heavily bombarded, so we'd better look for the cliff ......

"What's wrong?"

When Jean stopped talking, the eyes of her colleagues were focused.

'That's the pirate who was inciting you to run at the North Harbor earlier,
Stirred up a year in the field of view of other pirates who outwardly
responded and can run away to the It just hit me.

He had a calm face, unlike earlier in the North Harbor.

Another pirate, who was running on the streets in evil, stopped beside him.
While everyone was running wild, only the two pirates stopped walking.

"Siris, Alisa. Can you read those two pirates over there?”


"Can you do it?"

"It's possible."

Siris and Alisa read their lips without further asking why.

"I thought I was going to die when the captain put all that money in my
pocket for making it, but thanks to you I survived.”

"That's right, my captain sometimes seems to have Hye-an. I knew this day
would come one day."

"All the others are screwed, stupid ones. When I asked him to run on a boat,
he just jumped. I really didn't know that. The Looncandel Guardians are
holding out, and you're jumping at a word? Crazy guys."

"They're smart enough to survive all this time with that stupid head. So did
my side. We're the only ones who survive. Kk, the legend of the Korean
Red Cross is going to grow again. With the island besieged, we've left the
regular fleet of Beamunt!"

"Cuck, I don't think anyone else is coming. Let's get going."

That's all the voice Siris and Alisa read. The two pirates who ended the
conversation were walking somewhere.
After hearing the conversation through Siris and Alisa, colleagues looked
only at each other's eyes for a moment.

"What they say, it's not unusual, is it?”

"I think you've got something prepared just in case. There's nothing wrong
with following me.”

Jean smiled unconsciously.

"I didn't like it when I had to rely on luck, not skills, but it's a different

Don't you know what the pirates have prepared?

Somehow, I had a feeling that it would break this situation down brilliantly.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 196

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:36 PM

Chapter 196: Ep.63. Escape (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The pirates ran without dreaming that Jean and her colleagues were secretly
following them.

It was the well where they stopped walking.

A well that has long dried up and lost its function, as most of these
abandoned islands do. It seemed to be used as a secret passage somewhere.

The pirates threw themselves into the well.


Colleagues shrugged at each other.

"Is there something secret in there, and is it intended to be hidden?"

"You spoke as if you could beat the Beacon's regular fleet, so you

"But I didn't think they were very smart friends. You could really just hide.
They don't even know why the fleet surrounded the island."

"That's true."
When Kashmir and Alisa spoke, the rest of their colleagues nodded.

"I'll follow you in, and if I don't, I'll be ready to swim. Let's hope they have
a trick."

Jean and her colleagues approached the well. There were no traces of
pirates under the well. It disappeared into another space connected inside.

Soon after, the eyes of his colleagues, who jumped into the well one by one,
showed a metal lid covering the floor.

It was a kind of door. With no handle and tightly closed, it would be

difficult to open the door unless it was opened from the inside.

Of course, that's true for the average person.

Throbbing! Bang!

gin for tearing off a steel cap with bare hands

"Hey, you got stronger? Kid. You're tearing the iron like a sheet of paper."

Murakan spoke as if nothing, but Siris had no choice but to panic inside,
touching the crumpled lid.

As soon as I'm going down the aisle again.


A dagger flew in. There was a three-star error, but when Jean waved like a
fly, the dagger bounced and rolled on the floor.

Who is the pirate who threw the dagger, without a break?

Jean narrowed the street, glistening with her eyes. The pirates couldn't even
scream as they looked at the camp, which was just around the corner.

Bug! Jean grabbed the pirate by the collar. It was one of the pirates that the
Qin party followed.
"I'm sorry to surprise you, but I won't hurt you, so let's go together. You
guys seem to have a way."


As soon as Jean finished talking, the dark passage was lit up by lanterns.

At first, another pirate who opened the iron lid for the pirates to enter turned
on the lanterns. Facing them, Jin's party had no choice but to be surprised.

How many people are there?'

It was not one or two people. Dozens or more at first glance. It was only
amazing that so many pirates gathered in the passageway under this well,
and there was nothing to be burdened with.

Whether pirates were white or cloth, it was difficult to pose a threat to the
losing party.

The pirates who lit the lanterns were all staring at Qin and his colleagues,
with their weapons out.

"Damn, who's the last one to come on. He must have stepped on his tail."

"It's Chicole and Velvet. Shameless bastards."

"Fortunately, few have followed. Captain, what shall we do? I think we

should kill them all first."

Chicol and Velvet were the names of the pirates the Qin party followed. Jin
and his party smiled wryly, while the pirates were each throwing up their


Someone who shouted so out of the pirate group stepped forward.

He was a familiar figure to Jean, the head of this pirate ring. Pirate King
Cosmos, the author of this secret passage.
"I think you're the captain.”

What a shame!

As soon as Jean opened her mouth, Cosmos' eyes widened.

"Gin Grey..."!?”


"That's you, Jean Grey!"

"Who's that? What are you talking about all of a sudden, pirate?"

Jean pretended not to know, but Cosmos spoke in a confident voice.

"You think I'll forget that voice, but I'm still in debt thanks to you, I've met
you well. You bastard!"

"Huh, Captain. What are you talking about, that's Jean Grey?"

"Gin Grey? Last year's winner? The man who made our captain's debtors?"

Jean shrugged her shoulders as if she couldn' His blond hair and make-up
made him completely different from usual, but he was recognizable to
remember Jin's original face.

"Well, good. You know who I am, so you don't have to say much. Cosmos,
you know what's going on out there, right? Belado's fleet is all over the
place. How are you going to run away? I don't think they're all here to hide
in this aisle."

When Jean asked shamelessly, Cosmos trembled.

"Whatever, do you think I'm gonna help you?”

"We're not exactly on bad terms, are we? Why are you coming out so
"Shut up! Because of you, our pirate team is still offering gold to your best

"My friend?"

"Beradine Zipple, to that demonic man!"


I remembered.

Jean Grey! Let's go!

The image of Veradin shouting and betting 100,000 gold coins on himself
against Paul Mick (Dante Heiran). At that time, Jin's dividend for victory
was three times higher.

After Jean's victory that day, Cosmos was spending the days paying
Veradin, a tribe of money-making people.

Debts are like snowballs, and Veradin was unexpectedly a knife-edge figure
about money. Cosmos had already paid off the principal, but was still
paying higher interest.

I don't think anyone else would know that eating away the money of
Veradin's "Jipple" is something that even a pirate king can't imagine.

"......I'm sorry about that. No, I'm not sorry. Don't you have to take that risk
to earn money from such an underground martial arts competition? If Paul
Mick had won, he'd be rolling in money."

"Look at him talking!"

"Captain, what are you waiting for? You just have to kill him! We don't
have time, let's deal with it quickly and leave."

The pirates roared with their eyes.

However, Cosmos himself was doing all kinds of calculations in his head.
"It's obvious that he's just as much of a family as Paul Mick, Jean
Luncandell or Veradine Zipple. If you're alone, it's not unusual for you to
look like you're a colleague.'

Cosmos still believed Paul Mick was Jean Looncandel.

Murakan and Quikantel had similar positions with pirates.

"I did something again, kid. Let's just start by taking some George and the
captain hostage. What are you trying to talk to me about?

"I agree. We don't have much time, so let's ask while trampling. I'm sure
there's a way out of this island.”

As Murakan strode forward, the pirates were ready to rush.

"Hey, Cosmos. If that guy starts stretching out his fist, you could all really
die. So let me make you a suggestion."


"Listen up. You and us gathered in this basement to get out of the island in a
mess, right? I don't know what you've prepared, but if you let us escape,
we'll get rid of all your debts."


" Literally. I'll get rid of your debts and give you a generous reward."


As soon as Cosmos pulled out the sword, Jin showed his energy. More than
a hundred pirates stumbled back in the energy.

At the same time Murakan, who ran like a shot, overpowered Cosmos, and
broke his sword.

Jean looked down at him quietly and whispered like this. In a voice so small
that no other pirates would hear.
'I'm telling you in advance, just in case you try to refuse or bargain, my
name is Jean Luncandel, not Jean Grey. Paul Mick was Dante Heiran and I
won the final.'

As Veradin showed when he saved Dante in the angular final.

Cosmos was a very good judge of the situation.

'...... , not Paul Mick, but you were Jean Looncandel?'

'Yes, it can't be a coincidence that I and Dante Heiran met in your own
arena. And Veradine Zipple was watching it.'

Cosmos could finally understand.

Why Veradine Zipple saved Paul Mick, known as the Runkandel's backup
rider, in the final. Until now, we had been convinced only by the whims of
those living in heaven, or by transactions.

Other pirates seemed to be stamping their feet when they saw Cosmos, who
was overpowered in a second.

"Now that I see it, it's not because of us, it's because of you. There is one
more condition, Jean Luncandel."

'Tell me.'

'After you have escaped from the island, swear that you will ensure the
safety of our pirates.'

'Do you mean to stop the pursuit of the Empire, too?'

'No! It means that you and your colleagues, and that the Looncandel
Guardians, after you become a jockey, will not have to remove us. Belado
doesn't have a problem with the Empire.'

Cosmos doesn't know, but not only the Empire of Beload but also the
Beams, the Jipples and the Kinselos will chase after them.
I was wondering if I should let Cosmos know about that. I thought it would
be better to say it after escaping with help.

'I swear, on the honor of me and my family.'

For Cosmos, there was no choice anyway. It was only an empty request to
ask for an oath, and when the Jin group found the well, their fate was
already set.

"Chit, I'll take the offer. Follow me!"

As Cosmos stood up and shouted like that, his men tilted their heads as if
they had no idea of the word.

"Captain! I think you've been blackmailed, don't put yourself. What if you
hit them for nothing? Apparently we're not the ones to handle."

"Gin Grey, I thought he was a big shot like Paul Mick and Veradine Zipple.
Well, there's plenty of room."

"Will he really get rid of the debt?"

Until just now, he was nowhere to be seen. Now that the leader is bent, his
subordinates will have to worry themselves.

"By the way, Cosmos. What the hell's the way? Are you sure?"

When Jean asked, following the pirates, Cosmos smiled meaningfully. Even
if you were Looncandel, you would be surprised to see it.

A moment later, as we reached the end of the aisle, the cliff revealed itself.

There was a cavity beneath the cliff, and a huge sailboat was sitting in the

There's a boat, so to speak, deep underground. More pirates were busily

moving and preparing for something than even the pirates who came there
"It's Order No. 7. We're going to get on this and run."

"That's a grand name once. How the hell?”

"Try it for now—it's not far off."

There is not a single drop of water underground to float Order No. 7.

Besides, how do you escape by boat from a blocked cavity?

Unconvinced, the pirates began to board the ship at Cosmos' instruction.

Jean and her colleagues also jumped on the boat in a daze.

"Blow it up!"

The moment Cosmos shouted, the hollow cliffs began to fall. The pirates
detonated a magic bomb that they had already set up.


At the same time, the literally "massive" streams of water began to pour out
from the destroyed cliffs.

Surprisingly, when the cliff collapsed, I could see the sea straight away.

"Fly, Order No.7!"

The washed-up Order No. 7 was flying toward the sea.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 197

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:34 PM

Chapter 197: Ep.63. Escape (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"You can't fly!"

Jean shouted reflexively.

But the ship was already bouncing like a cannon and rushing toward the

"Don't worry, it won't be under the spell of the Empire!"

A ship has no wings and is not a living thing. Also, Cosmos knew that
Order 7 was not really "flight," so it was not detected in red collation.

Riding a flying boat is not something you can often experience.

It was also the first time to experience the Looncandelian Jindo, the once
imperial Kashmir, the special lease Alisa, the successor to the Vigung, and
the dragons who have lived for thousands of years.


It was temporarily blown up by the water pressure of the stream, which had
been blocked by the wall, but Jin's party was unable to shut its mouth.
Oh, my God, you're saying that pirates have prepared this?

Jean and her colleagues were thinking that way. Cosmos has "installed"
ships in advance so that they can escape in case of an emergency in the
island's basement.

"Hahahahaha! Makes order for this taste!"

Order No.7, if so, would have been used in this way, from No.1 to No.6.

Colleagues couldn't even hear Cosmos's boisterous laughter. The ship was
shot like a shell at the enormous pressure of water for the first time in my
life, so I was almost out of my mind.

On the other hand, it seemed familiar to pirates. They were all screaming
like excited monkeys and enjoying the incredible speed of a ship.

The wind pushed the cheek away. When I opened my eyes in the face of the
wind, my eyelids were about to turn upside down, and my hair became
scattered in no time.

I looked down and saw the ships.

It was the fleet of the Empire of Belado, which was encircling the island.
Those standing on the deck of the fleet were raising their heads in a daze, as
if dumbfounded.

Order 7 passed them like a bird. He was flying a long way past them, falling
far into the sea.

It's an unrealistic scene. The fleet's commanders could not even order Order
7 to shoot a warship or magic.

I'm just mesmerizing for a moment with a face like, "What's that?"

"Hahaha, it's falling now, hold tight!”

Already before Cosmos shouted so loudly, Jean and her colleagues were
putting their fingers into the crack on the deck.
It was doubtful whether the ship could withstand the shock. If the sea
doesn't embrace it, Order 7 will be shattered.

But all that was suspicious was the fleet of Qin and his colleagues, and the
Empire of Belado.


As if a tidal wave had broken out, streams of water soared everywhere.

It was the result of the ship falling into the sea, and at the same time there
was a sound of something breaking. It was the sound of the ship crashing
and parts breaking.

Fragments splashed. There were so many pieces of wood that I wondered if

it was okay to do this, and the deck was completely broken and splashed.

Nevertheless, the pirates looked busy laughing and chatting. This is much
better than last time, I heard such a voice.

It's a complete wreck.

Surprisingly, as the soaring stream subsided, Order 7 moved forward deftly

and leisurely. The keel looked fine.


Jean who sighs unconsciously Looking back, the island and the fleet looked
as small as a bean.

"Do you know how our pirates are surviving among monsters like you? It's
because of this. In the sea, neither the Empire's fleet can go after us, not the

"I think my stomach's pretty broken, and I think I heard a throbbing sound
on the keel as well. The deck is all broken, and can you really beat the
chase with this ship?"

Cosmos patted Jean on the shoulder and laughed.

"Well, the sea loves us. Don't worry, they'll be moles in half an hour after
the urgent repairs, and they won't be seen in an hour. Repair team, get to
work. Sailors stay alert and stay tall!"

The pirates, who were giggling at a word from Cosmos, went to their
respective places in perfect order. Jin and Cosmos were the only ones
standing idle.

"Surprised. What the hell did you do?"

"You can't even try to find out our business secrets."

"But if anyone goes through this, they'll have no choice but to ask like me."

"Khahaha, Looncandel can't follow. This body is not a pirate king for

The rest of his colleagues were still in shock.

Why the hell are you doing pirates with this kind of ability?'

I wanted to ask that, but I held it in. He seemed to have considerable pride
in his job as a pirate, and now it was time to say thank you.

"Thanks anyway, thanks, I got out of the island comfortably thanks to you.”

"Hmph, isn't it a greeting? I wouldn't have escaped if it wasn't for me. Keep
your word, I swear, but you can't believe it."

As long as I and my colleagues get to the land safely, we will have no

problem fulfilling our promises. What's the route?”

"I will go to the vicinity of the Kingdom of Zeng without any reason, and
replenish the supplies on the island of the allies near it. It takes just two
weeks. You guys get off then and go your own way. How much money are
you going to give me?"

"A lot more than you imagine. The money I used to make in the cubby feels
like a penny."
It was not a waste to give more than that.

Running away in Murakhan or Quikantel was also the worst number, and
the red connection system spread. Though he was determined to swim and
lose some of his colleagues, he was grateful to face Cosmos.

It's not just it. Jin met Veradin and Dante last year thanks to their
participation in the COSMOS arena, and obtained guidance from the Colon

In fact, Cosmos was no different from Jin's best benefactor.

Breathing, Cosimos burst into laughter.

"I burned it because I didn't have any other options, but... It's mellow for
Looncandel. Isn't Looncandel's way of killing us once we're safe? It's not a
client, it's just a pirate."

"You want me to do that?”

"That's what I'm saying. Unlike us, you think the oath is heavy, so let's not
change the subject now. Haha, I'm looking forward to it. Don't forget to
write off the debt, and pay the honorarium separately."

"Of course, you did things worth it."


The two best benefactors, pirate king Cosmos, were not in a rage.

That is, even when Bela announced that there could be a chase not only for
the Empire, but also for the Beacon Special Forces and the Jipple.

"They come after us all the time anyway. And let's miss each time, just like

"I might send a dragon, but this time. "No matter how fast Order 7 is, you
can't beat the dragon."
"You think we're idiots? I'll hide for a few years with the money you
promised to send me. Oh, my God. There are so many islands, how are you
going to search them all? So don't worry and just have your money."

June 18, 1797.

The first thing Jean did at the moment when all her colleagues gathered
again in Tikan was to send gold bars to the Cosmos Pirates.

I also wrote a letter. To the extent that you don't commit an immoral act, if
you eat moderately, I'll give you a nest in Hufester some day, so think about


As soon as Gilly saw Jean, his eyes blushed. Jin's departure to the Mitra
Great Barrier and her participation in the operation to take away the
compass as soon as she returned were all painful waiting times for her.

But he didn't make a fuss. Before Jin's nanny, he recognized her at a glance.
The fact that Jin is really strong now.

"You've grown up. You got what you wanted.”

Gilly smiled, giving Jean a golden compass.

"What is this all about?"

"I've been working with the seven-color crew on how to use it while you're
away. As with any other artifact, it is driven by injection of mana. There's a
lot of other things to tell you, but you'd like to start with this, right?”

"Yes, I can't wait to check it out and I can't wait to eat the food that Gilly

"I'll be ready as soon as I'm done."

Jin, holding the compass, calmly began to inject mana.

Tsing, Chi Chi Chi-ching, Kirik...…!

The parts went around in the compass, and the next moment the mana
reflected from the surface of the compass drew a map in the air.

'This is...... Continent?'

At first glance, it was no different from a typical travel artifact map. Except
the map is a little larger, and the color is a little stronger.

But red dots floating all over the continent.

It was admiring the party.

The red dots were concentrated in the magic federation, Rutero, the land of
Beams and Jipples. Few were seen in the Hufester Allies, and occasional
distribution in other areas.

"You don't think that's all contractors...…!”

"I think so, Lord Kashmir. It's definitely almost on the side of the zipple and
the beat."

It wasn't very precise about the contractor's location. The red dots were just
a sign indicating the number of contractors, all shining only in the heart of
each region.

It did not give any indication of the contractor's appearance or condition.

But the red spot means there is a contractor, so that alone was enough for
the jipple-like force.

By using goods and manpower to narrow down the scope, we could find as
much as we could.

Especially, if the ground is small and there is only one red spot like the
Mamit lawless zone shown by the compass, the search would be very easy.

On the other hand, large continents with many red dots on them seemed
hard to find even with compasses.
"I've looked at it several times before you came, but the red dots are subtly
changing every day. Maybe it's because the contractor's on the move."

I got goose bumps.

"I'm so glad I and Enya left Tikan half a year ago. I don't know what the
Zipple would have done if I stayed here.”

Zipple must have been aware of the fact that there were "three" contractors
in Tikan.

The Tikan Free City is an island. Thus, unlike other continents, there was
no need to narrow down the red dots if they were distributed. Not one, but a

"If it were there, three red dots on the tikan would be shining. As it is now...

Jean stopped talking as she looked at the Tikan on the map.

Somehow, not a single red dot on the tikan shone. Even though the three
contractors, Jin, Yuria and Enya, are all here.

"No... this fake? Why isn't there a red spot on the tikan?"

At Jean's words, all his colleagues looked at the same place.

"That's odd. It seemed to have the ability to navigate contractors. Three

days ago, there was a red dot on the side of the kingdom of Sucheron, and
this morning there was a small article saying that the kingdom of Sucheron
had a man who had signed a contract with the god of shellfish...….”

"A god of shells? Was it called Olmango or Olungo? Anyway, you're going
to mark even those kinds of junk with a red dot? He's so incompetent that I
can't even call him God."

Murakhan snorted, but all his other colleagues looked stiff.

"... ...something's weird. Why does it say that there is no contractor in
Tikan, when Gilly says the goods seem real?"

Quikantel, who was still watching, looked at Jin and Murakan, as if

something had come to mind.

"You two, get out for a second.”

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Get out for now.”


"Outside the Tikan."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 198

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:33 PM

Chapter 198: Ep.64. Rumours and Chasers (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

As soon as Jean and Murakan returned home, they were kicked out. It also
used the gateway to Manji Island in the West Sea.

"All of a sudden, you're driving me out of here, okay?

Quikantel shook his head as Murakan spoke in a volmen voice.

"There's no change in the compass. Well, it's En. You go out this time.”

"Eh, me too?"

Enya was also kicked out. Likewise, to the island of Manji in the palace.

Then there was a change in the compass. As soon as Enya went to Manji
Island, a red dot appeared on the compass map.

"Well... ...I get it. This compass doesn't seem to be able to navigate the
contractor of Soldierlet. But if you're near Jean, the other contractors aren't
being tracked?"

When Enya went to Manji Island, a red dot came to mind, but when she
returned to Tikan, she disappeared.
"I'll take Enya and Julia out."

When Jean took them out, a red dot appeared on the map of the compass.
The two red dots belong to Euria and Enya.

Again Jean alone looked out of the Tikan. Compass did not produce red
spots on Tikan or Manji Island.

"...... that's strange. I'm sure the compass is unable to navigate the gin, but
it's not like Enya and Julia are affected by it and are not exposed to the

Since then, Enya and Yuria have been to several other areas besides Manji
Island. Every time, the results were the same, with or without gin. When
only two people moved, there was a red spot everywhere.

"I think there's something in the Tikan."

Quikantel concluded.


That's all Jean thinks.

He then carried out the same experiment with a mirror. Less than an hour
later, colleagues could realize that mirrors had the effect of hiding
contractors from compasses.

"To sum up, Jean is not exposed to search without a mirror, and Euria and
Enya are not. As long as the mirror is in the Tikan, this is no different from
a safe zone from contractor search."

The compass was a god with more than a certain power, but could not seek
his contractor.

The mirror has the sealing properties of the mana god Clam and solderlet
together, causing further obstruction to the compass's function.
"Well, then, if you stayed still, you wouldn't have been able to expose the
kid, the fan, and the ice snack to the compass. Even if you were exposed
when you were out of the Tikan, you couldn't find it right away."

"In the past, Andrei Zipple's failure to pinpoint the location of the Euria was
probably due to the limitations of its function."

Still, he did not suffer in vain.

From now on, Jin's party can see the approximate location of the contractors
around the world, and through him, it was possible to infer whether or not
Zipple had been kidnapped. If a red dot suddenly begins to drive into the
magic federal side of Rutero, the kidnapping is certain.

It's not just it.

"If a new contractor, especially someone we really need, appears, we can

find him before the Zipple or at an equal time."'

It was also confirmed once again that Tikan was a safe zone, so six months
of hard work was not in vain.

"We need to set up a task force to check the compass every day. Lord
Kashmir, please."

"Okay, Confucius. Now that I've confirmed that she's not wanted, I'm
finally relieved.”

"Sir, I'll tell you the rest of the report."

"Yes, please."

"First of all...'d better see this.”

Gilly opened the newsletter on the table and said,

The Empire of Belado, an island of pirates. A mysterious man with a magic

black helmet he a hero or a villain?
"Laugh. Fu-shui, ku-shui. Hero, villain, ah, driving me crazy. My little

As soon as Murakhan read the first line, he snapped at Jin, and Siris
swallowed a big laugh.

This is what the article said.

(The mysterious power man named "Bamel" uses "brain" and is likely to be
a new contractor for the storm god "Paytel."

If he is the contractor of Paytel, it is the first time in 288 years that a storm
contractor has appeared.

He doesn't seem to belong to any big power. This is because the Imperial
Household of Jipple and Beemment officially express their willingness to
contact him.

It's been a long time since the appearance of such a strong admirer of Jipple
and Beaumont. Looncandel has not yet expressed any position, and
attention is being paid to what his future course of action will be.

Witnesses say he was a man with a flamboyant blond hair and a beautiful
face. However, it is highly likely to be a disguise, and the possibility of
using human face skin cannot be ruled out.

The reason why he visited the island is unclear. With the theory that wiping
out pirates and the theory that it was aimed at the goods of the gambling
house co-exist, the public can only hope that a new supernova stirring the
continent will be a good man...….)

At this point, Jindo's face was bound to burn. Hundreds of media had
already written this kind of article.

'I've expected that there's no choice but to be a rumor about me, but this is
somewhat embarrassing.'

While Murakan was laughing, Jean thought about the "hidden" information
in the newsletter.
'There is no talk of the Kinselo and the compass anywhere. Neither was the
fact that a giant like Chukon Tolder or Carl Zipple was there, nor did there
be a single line of descriptions of the Looncandel guardians, nor of the
special forces and the pro-defense forces. The focus is on me, the pirate
sweep, the gambling house.'

In other words, Looncandel, Jipple, Kinselo, Beemance and the four big
powers have already finished controlling the media.

"Gipple and Beaumont are officially expressing their willingness to meet

with me, which means they don't even know who I am, and they don't have
the confidence to find me anytime soon."'

Otherwise, there is no reason to express such a position. Without the

knowledge of the world, it was Jipple and Beimont's way to forcibly capture
or kill when caught in a trap to catch the camp.

'And with these articles, those who have questions or grudges with me have
gained a lot of clues.'

Characters who met Jean, so to speak, who used 'magic black pitches.'

Examples include Kuzan, Veris and Ratz, who fought in the Delky
Kingdom, and Quikantel's log cabin.

They now had one solid clue to track down Jean. If they use Multa's rune
anywhere in the future and leave witnesses, they will gradually get closer to

Not only them, but also big families and organizations, including the four
major powers, could not stay still.

Jin quickly became a celebrity. Not Jean Luncandel, not Jean Grey, but in
the name of Barmel.

"Those who've seen the Loon of Multa will be dying to find the article.
Kuzan and Veris, they and special rent promotion Rats are the most
"Kid, are they your opponents now?"

"You'll be a match."

"You seem to have gained new strength in the land of the Ming Dynasty,
Master. I haven't seen it myself, but seeing that Jipple and Beacon are so
active, I can't quite imagine it."

"You'll be surprised to see it. Strawberry pie. We've seen each other on the
way here, and it was amazing. Kid, show me a strawberry pie later, too.
With the sword.”

"Of course you should."

Somehow I was embarrassed. But Gilly was just a proud heart.

"Now let's clean up and have a drink, everyone. It's so touching to see all of
us back in Tikan."

said Gilly.

That day Siris didn't go back to the palace and enjoyed the party with his
colleagues. While his colleagues laughed and chatted, Siris remained
mostly silent, but quietly concealed his joy in his heart.


When Jin and his colleagues were having a party all night in Tikan.

A group of fighters gathered at a secret villa in Hufester. Joshua and his


"The power of black pitching and cerebral palsy......What do you think?"

Where Joshua's eyes were directed, Kuzan and Veris stood with their hands
behind them. There is the same newsletters on the table as Jean read.

Not long ago, after finishing their own arrangements, the two pledged
obedience to Joshua. It was judged that unless he was to become the next
Looncandel's patriarch, he would not be able to avenge Soldert's contractor
and Black Dragon.

"I think it could be him."

Kuzan replied. Veris was smiling brightly at a young man sitting next to

"Is it because of the black pitch?"

"Yes, I've been searching the world like this ever since.Man, no one has
ever been seen wearing such a helmet. He's a magician, so he could have
put a blitzkrieg magic on the sword."


Joshua spat out cigarette smoke with a heavy look on his face.

"......yes, I thought so, too."

"You don't think Barmal is the contractor of the solderlet we were after?”

Joshua nodded at Kuzan's question.

"Well, I'm not sure. If new information hadn't come in, I'd probably come to
the same conclusion as you. He did a show to hide that he was a contractor
for Soldierlet.”

"If you could tell me what information came in...….”

"It wasn't a show. The brainchild of Baemel in the article was not revealed
to the media, but five white-lang chargeers were killed in a flash. In that

Cuzanne, who was smiling at the young man, bit her lips.

They had no information on the contractor of solderlet since the death of

Tychem Marius.
Then, a powerful man with a "black pitch" appeared, and I expected it to be
him. It's not spirit, it's brain power!

As Kuzan and Veris, I couldn't quite convince them. It was more shocking
that Bamel was not their enemy than that five white-bellied assault
commanders were hit by a brainstorm.

"Feeling irritated, five white-lang assault squadrons? It's just another guy. If
his magical achievements were that great, both I and Kuzan would have
been roasted when we first met. What the hell is this guy, Bamel? I don't
think he's a wizard."

That's what Veris said, faking a provocative look.

Then he sat next to Joshua and licked his lips as he looked at the
expressionless young man all the time.

"Hey, you. Are you really the contractor for Feytel? From what I see, I think
Bamel's a contractor."

The young man's eyes were full of flesh. Soon, Paz, his body began to
experience a brain failure.


At Joshua's words, the young man again became an emotionless.

"Five White Rang Assassins in a moment......what do you say, Julian? Can

you do the same?"

"I can't."

Joshua shook his head when the young man answered calmly.

"Then I think the time has come to strengthen your strength."

Veris smacked her lips with satisfaction. Ever since she came under Joshua
and met Julian, she has been tormenting him and gaining pleasure.
Under the table, Julian's hands were shaking. But not anger at Berry's, but
tremors from the fear of Joshua.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 199

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:32 PM

Chapter 199: Episode 64. Rumours and Chasers (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The poet cut the seal of the letter with his index finger.

It's been almost seven months since I received the last letter, so it's been a
long time. In other words, Siron enjoys the "only joy" of today in seven

'It's been a long time since I've been covered in mana blood. I can't believe
the housekeeper is having so much fun.….'

Khan smiled inwardly.

Recently, Kashmir had not sent a letter at all, so it was burning to Cannes. I
couldn't even tell where the youngest was doing or what he was doing.

Fortunately, the letter seemed to be filled with sentences that filled the heart
of the household.

'The Ming and the Young Sword.'

The two swordsmanship described in the letter caught the eye of Siron for a
long time.
"I heard there's a guy named Bamel out there. Have you heard?"

"Yes, my name came out at the home meeting. He said he could be a

contractor for Paytel. I don't know if he was single or had a colleague, but
he killed five Baengnang Assassins on the island of the Empire of Belado. I
don't think he's an ordinary person."

"Everyone will be surprised to know it's the youngest."


"Keep silent. Also take appropriate measures to ensure that riders do not
become overly concerned."

"I'll take it."

The poem finished reading the letter.

All the contents of the compass were missing, and it was full of only Jin's
visit to Laparosa and his confrontation with Kinselo and Zipple. It was
written without omission that Siris of the palace helped.

Ciron didn't feel bad even though he knew Kashmir intentionally hid the
information. The sword is not a man himself, but a man.


The ground shook lightly at the lowly burst of laughter.

"You look pleased, my lord."

"You'll have no choice but to laugh at this passage, too."

In the first chapter of the letter, which was presented as a poem, this was

(Dear Sir Ciron, this is what Confucius, who lost last night at a drinking
party, said to me. I think I can compete with my father now. Oh, what an
amazing story...….)
Khan's expression hardened.

"The ear, he must have gone mad. That's what the youngest master said.
Whatever you do, you have to filter it out, interpret it, and let it know! I'm
gonna go and warn them...….”

"Kahn, have you ever heard of the Ming dynasty?"

"Yes, as far as I know, the loser of the world half a million years ago is an
unknown species."

"It seems that the youngest met the Ming royal family through some sort of
ordeal that Solderlet had made. There's a character among them, Tussin,
who, in Jean's words, is probably as strong as I am."

Khan couldn't pick out the answer.

Where in the world is there a man who can rival the theory of poetry by
himself? Furthermore, the king of the Ming Dynasty, which was known to
have been destroyed half a million years ago, could only sound absurd to

But the youngest leader and the sword wouldn't have dared to lie. Khan
waited patiently for the next word of Zion.

"The youngest's logic is that he has mixed with him and can do the same to
me. Haha, it's so cute that I'm about to cry.”

"To tell you the truth, I think the former youngest master said this because
he still lacks knowledge of nothing. It's growing so fast, but it's only 17."

Khan is a man who has seen with his own eyes the seventeen years of all
the second-generation pure blood of Looncandels, as well as the children of

Even Luna, who was always recognized as the strongest, could not mix the
17 yen poem with the letter, so it was natural that she did not believe the
contents of the letter.

"Yes, my lord."

"He never once said he could do anything he couldn't do to me."

Khan bowed his head hastily at the remark.

"I made a slip of the tongue."

"I didn't mean to be a tree. But this time, I'm curious too. Will the youngest
be able to take responsibility for what I say? If, as you say, you're just
losing your insight, you'll be very disappointed."

Khan immediately recognized the hidden meaning of the words of the


Siron wants to check Jin's skills firsthand.

"Shall we bring the youngest Master back to the Black Sea quietly?"

a stirring argument

"No, you don't have to."

"I don't think the housekeeper is going to visit Tikan himself...….”

"That would be too harsh for him."

If Zion finds Tikan himself, all the world's attention will be focused at once.
That makes Tikan no longer a safe home for Jean. All kinds of big powers
will start planting people in the T-Kahn.

Si-ron, who had once swept down his beard, smiled.

"Do you have any paper?”

"Here you are."

Soon Xiron moved the pen and began to write something down. The way he
smiles the whole time he writes.

Whenever this happened, Khan was in a strange mood. After Luna gave up
her throne, it was a housekeeper who had for some time completely lost his

After finishing the writing, the poet put out a piece of paper to Khan.

What he wrote was a letter. And the compartment that saw the recipient's
name on the first head opened its eyes wide.


No seals, no orders not to read. Khan hurriedly put the letter into his arms
without checking the contents. He won't look at the content until it's
delivered to the receiver.



"Give your letter, and receive two bottles of with my name written on them
by the butler Heinz. Give one bottle to Talaris, and bring one bottle to me in
ten days."

"Okay, then, I'll step down."


July 21, 1797.

Two men in red masks and blue uniforms visited the Tikan Free City.

The costume is worn by the Beacon Special Forces during 'official'

activities. And red masks were only allowed to the special forces' leaders.

Special Rental Unit 3 Code Name Rats, Special Rental Unit 4 Code Name
As soon as they appeared at the gate, the Tikan garrison was put on alert.
Two special lease chiefs came out of nowhere in this peaceful and leisurely
city, so it had to be.

It took less than 10 minutes for the terminal patrol to report their visit to the
defense captain Alisa.

'I didn't come here after Quikantel and Enya.'

Quikantel and Enya are now the unofficial wanted men of Beaumont. If
you'd come to catch them, you wouldn't be the only two to come, and you'd
come to the dark.

'Did you find a clue about Confucius Jean?'

Fortunately, it didn't seem so either.

Only the visit was sudden, but they visited Kashmir's mansion with a polite

Kashmir's mansion is externally home to seven-color leaders called the

"Seven People's Society." Among them, made up of former loyalist families
in Beiment, were those who had met Rats and Chris.

Just because you know someone doesn't mean you're close. The Seventh
Men were exiled with Kashmir, so it was rather a prickly relationship.

The seven-color crew waiting all over the city informed the losing party of
their visit.

"You certainly didn't come to see me. Well, I can't even guess right away.”

"Just in case, Confucius hid in another room with Miss Enya and Quikantel.
I'll meet him in person, figure it out, and send him back as soon as

The emergency call-up of the seven members and Kashmir stepped out to
the drawing room.
Neither Kashmir nor special rentals had weapons, but there was tension
between them.

It was a natural atmosphere as it was a meeting between the last

descendants of the exiled prince and the loyalist family and the emperor's
special forces.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Kashmir."

Then Kashmir smiled.

"What brings you here? The special rent leaders. You must be busy, so start
with the business."

a polite but cold tone of speech

The promoters of special rental took a piece of paper out of their arms.

It was a check stamped with the seal of Emperor Beemment, and there was
a life in Kashmir's eyes.

"......what is this?"

"Your Majesty has asked for cooperation with the Seven Colors. The
payment will be 500,000 gold coins, and the contents will be double the
amount of gold after the work is done."

"Ha ha."

Boo-wook! Kashmir ripped the check.

"Sir Kashmir, this is an act of contempt for the imperial family, especially
for directly defaming you."

"I don't think the Emperor is honorable enough to discuss insults, Mr. Chris.
He must have made fun of me and asked me to come back, so please tell
him that he has succeeded enough."
"You are mistaken, Lord Kashmir. You know that, don' It's been a hot topic
lately. Your Majesty just wants to talk to him before the Zipple. So we're
gonna cooperate...….”


Suddenly Kashmir jumped to his feet and shouted.

"You mean you don't see the descendants of the old vantageal loyal
subjects? For I have lost my position as a prince, and their loyalty has been
betrayed. How dare you think you guys are allowed to fool around?"

While Kashmir bawled with bloodshot eyes, the leaders remained calm.

After a moment of silence, Rats opened his mouth.

"......I have not seen your irreverent words and deeds about Your Majesty.
But please forgive us for interrupting your rest. I'm going back."

Special rentals took the torn checks and stood up.

They turned back the way they had come straight and left the mansion, and
Kashmir only calmed down his anger after confirming that the backside was

"It's been a long time since I've done a decent performance."

Kashmir's anger was a fake. No, anger is real, but it was only the intended
production that revealed it to the leaders.

"I could hear your voice up to here.”

"I will be swayed by old feelings, and I will be seen as a fool who has never
forgotten my old position, and the Emperor will think that my family and
this land can be at will at any time."

Jean had yet to hear why Kashmir had become the "Last Prince." One day
Kashmir is waiting for him to tell himself.
"I'm sure the emperor didn't just send someone to make fun of me.
Confucius must be very curious, if the Seven Colors want to collaborate
with the Special Forces."

"It's probably because of Quikantel and Enya. I've seen Ratz wearing a
black helmet and with them together. The Beams would have thought they'd
know where they were if they got me."

"Five hundred thousand gold coins, that's a bit of a waste. Maybe it was an
opportunity to make up for the money I gave to the Cosmos Pirates, haha."

At that time, Jet came running for two people.

"Nauri, Lord Kashmir!"

"My ears are going to drop, Jet."

"An elderly woman, whose identity is unknown, has come to support the
Seven Colors.”

"Hmm? Isn't that something the executives and the crew can handle?
Besides, I can't identify you, what the hell does that mean?"

"That's... ..the donations are not normal, so I think I've loaded a large
sailboat with gold.More, so the men rushed through it, and I don't know
who he was."

"Nobody? Today's a day with a lot of unusual customers. Where is the old
lady now?"

"He's coming to the mansion."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 200

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:30 PM

Chapter 200: Episode 65. The Identity of Old Lady

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Seven-colored birds are one of the world's leading intelligence agencies.

It is a group that has most of the information on the main characters of the
numerous families on the ground, among them, who are struggling and
spending money.

Such a seven-color elite had no idea who the old lady was, with her fair
gray hair neatly tied up.

I had no choice but to. Since he came by boat, not by mobile gate, there are
no personal records left, few can be inferred by his face alone, and there is
no such thing as a family pattern on the dress he is wearing.

In addition, there was not even one common attendant, having packed a
large sailboat full of gold coins. Even if you hold onto the sailors who sweat
hard and unload their gold coins from the ship, there is only one answer you
can be heard.

"If you're out of the Seven Colors, hurry up and get the surena to take the

It must have been an extraordinary character. It is embarrassing to see such

figures appearing in succession due to the lack of visits by special rental

Either way, the old lady was approaching the mansion with a graceful step.

When Jet explained the situation, Kashmir and Jean shrugged.

"I think it's a retired giant. Well, I've never imagined getting this kind of
donation when I was in the back alley, but I feel like I'm on the rise again.
As expected, people have to live in bright places.”

"If you've put gold coins all over a sailboat, it must have come for a
purpose. You're trying to get a request you can't handle, or you're trying to
have information you can't tell."

Kashmir said.

"Ay, can't you just give it to me in good faith?"

"A boatload of gold coins? At the very least, it's more than a million."

"Well, the old man next to me gave the pirates about half the money a while
ago. Wasn't that good?"

"That's a big deal, Jet."

"Well, if I were Nari, I wouldn't have given the pirate half a million and half
a million. If I ask for more, I'll take care of it.... Oh, I'm so jealous, man."

"Stop talking nonsense, and I'll give you a bonus if you envy Cosmos. Now,
this is what we call good faith.

"Cuck, as expected! I will be a fool who knows nothing but you!"

"Send one of the seven members, Lord Kashmir, anyway, since you seem to
be a strange old lady."

Jean said, pushing the stealthy Jet.

"I think so. If you're a pure supporter, you'll have to take care of it, or you'll
have to send it back moderately.”

The youngest member of the seven-member group, "Bran Puli," has left the
mansion to greet the old lady.

Then half an hour later, when Bran returned to the mansion, chatting with
the old lady Hahahoho.

'Oh, my God.

'Oh, my God.

Jin and Kashmir, who were waiting for them on the balcony on the second
floor, had to swallow their breath without realizing it. Bran's mood, not
because she might be a pure benefactor.

A monster is not a normal monster either.…?'

The gray hair combed finely because the old lady was a 'truely enormous'

The hard two hands that are evidently armed throughout their lives are
covered in silk gloves, the muscles compressed to the limit are covered in
neat and decent dresses, and Jean and Kashmir are the first to see her in
their lives.

I could tell as soon as I saw it.

She's never just a rich old lady. The clear truth that they don't know, and
that they must have been known somewhere as legendary fighters.

The old lady is just walking with a smile all the time.

And as strong fighters usually do, she was hiding her strength.

While those who did not have eight-star senses were hidden from
recognition, the unique oracle control, which showed off their power to
those who had more than eight-star senses, was an art in itself.

The old lady looked up and smiled at Jean and Kashmir. As soon as they
passed the main gate of the mansion, they knew exactly where they were.
Jean and Kashmir are also in a state of restlessness.

"'s embarrassing. Do you know who Confucius is?"

"I have no idea."

"Uh, you two. What's wrong with you all of a sudden? Is that old lady a
great figure?"

When the special rent leaders came, neither the garrison nor the seven-
colored team were turned upside down, but no one recognized the
appearance of a monster that could not be compared to them.

"I'll have to go there myself.

"Go ahead, I'll let my colleagues know. Jet, you go quickly and get Alisa.”

"Give the Seven Colors a special emergency call."

In preparation for the possibility of an unsavory situation with an elderly

woman, the strongest colleagues had to be put on standby first.

Also, intuition was speaking.

'Somehow, the old lady seems to have come to know I'm here. Who the hell
is that?'

The question was settled as soon as Quikantel arrived.

"What, this energy. It's like the terrors of the Ante Mountains...... you're not
saying it's her? I think that's right. That's all this unpleasant energy has to

Quikantel said in a stiff tone.

"The fear of the Ant nter Mountains?"

"About 40 years ago, dragons never went near the Antenna Mountains. If
you take your place there, you'll never be able to fly, or you'll be killed. To
that woman."

"It's a story I've never heard before."

"Oh, I think so. The dragons have no occasion to clamor at men for those
days of disgrace, that woman. Vanessa Olsen was a warrior who wasn't very
famous in human society."

The reason why such a powerful man was unknown in the land of humans.

Vanessa Olsen has rarely shown herself in human society. Not even a few
fights had witnesses survived.

Even the name "fear of the Ante Mountains" was given by non-human
dragons. To be exact, I've given it to you.Rather, it's naturally called that.

She is, so to speak, a dragon killer.

"By any chance, you came for Murakan and Quikantel."

"Ummm..., it's unlikely. Too much time has passed by human
standards since Vanessa quit her career, and I've never heard of anyone
visiting and killing in her prime. I thought he was dead, but he must have
been alive."

The Murakan, who was listening, shook his head.

"There are all sorts of weird people. According to what Jet said, you
brought a bunch of gold coins. From now on, I'm going to kill you, and this
is the old money. Something like that? You're a very saucy friend to think

"Murakan, you need to get out of your memories of your heyday a little.
You can't die and wake up to Vanessa Olsen on one-on-one."
"If you say that, you'd rather try it.”

While they were talking, Vanessa entered the drawing room on the first
floor with Kashmir.

After thinking for a while, Jin concluded that he would face Vanessa in
person. It also bothered me to let that burdensome figure face Kashmir

"Don't be so terrible, I'm just waiting close to Quikantel.”

"Ha, I don't know how strong your spirit will be to restore this body'
Quikantel wouldn't have said this nonsense if he came back half way.
Maybe he's recovering too slowly.….”

Leaving the old-fashioned Murakan behind, he stepped down to the

drawing room.

I didn't pack the sword. Before the opponent showed his teeth, it would be
better to understand and approach him as a "customer."


Maybe it's from my father.

The thought flashed across my mind. No matter how much I think about it,
I don't think this kind of person will ever find Tikan in the name of

"Sir Kashmir would have posted a report on my achievements to my father,

and there would have been content about the Ming and the Yeonggum.
Maybe that's why you sent someone to check my skills coldly.'

Unlike Kashmir, who is trying to control her facial expression, Vanessa was
looking around the drawing room with a relaxed face.

Still others in the mansion seemed to be unaware of her skills. That means
Vanessa has complete control over her power.
To Bran Puli, who first met her, Vanessa was only seen as a patron of pure
purpose. The contents of the sponsorship's intentions during the journey to
the mansion are all sorted out of order.

"You're late, ma'am. My name is Jean Gray, and I'm in charge of Group I of
the Seven Colors."

"You're the boy sitting on the balcony with Sir Kashmir. You're young, and
you're already a group of seven-color birds, you must be very talented."

"It's most of the chores that only make it one job."

"Is that so? Well...... I don't think someone who's doing chores is going to
jump into the ranks of the Seven Colors.”

"Haha, actually Jean is my nephew. I'm afraid if I don't put the title of
leader, I'm afraid it'll go a different way. He must have wanted to thank you
as a member of the Seven Colors."

Jean nodded still at Bran's words, and at that moment Vanessa stood up.
Then, he asked Brand to shake hands with a sign that he was going to go

"It was nice to meet you, anyway. Lord Bran, I hope my statue won't
happen in this city just because you've made a lot of donations. It wouldn't
fit the name of a free city."

"Oh, are you leaving already?”

"Hoo-hoo, I'm busy in many ways because I've been living with this
surprise support these days.”

"No, but if you leave so early, we'll......have a meal before you go. You can't
do this."

"It's all right, Lord Bran. I'd like to ask you one small favor instead. Oh, of
course, I'm not going to make unreasonable demands on donations."

"I thought you weren't. Say anything, Mr. Vanessa."

Vanessa's eyes turned to Jean.

"I'd like to borrow your nephew for a moment. Please guide me, Confucius
Jean. Even if I can't eat, I don't think I'll be sad if I go back after a little tour
of the free city."

Bran glanced at Jean and Kashmir's wits, and Jean could have confidence
the moment Vanessa said so.

'I'm sure you're trying to secure me as soon as I get here and leave. I think
it's obvious that my father came here to check my skills.'

Even if it's a total slip of the tongue, so if you follow Vanessa alone and
you're in danger of being humiliated.

Jean had one last resort to get out of her. That's why Jean answered like this.

"I will serve you with all my heart, ma'am. Finally, an honorable moment
has come to me after doing nothing but chores."

"Very nice flattery, Confucius Jean. I'll look forward to it."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 201

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:29 PM

Chapter 201: Ep.66. Vanessa Olsen (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I went to Tikan's fine restaurants, had tea time in a fabulous teahouse, and at
night I went to the top of the island to enjoy the night view.

Until then, Vanessa was playing a dignified old lady without revealing her
innermost thoughts.

On the table, the last refreshment of the day came up.

"A cookie made by mixing figs, green grapes, and walnuts. His name is
Littra Cookie. It's my first time too, but these days, there's always a line in
front of the third floor refreshment store to eat this.More."

"Oh, really?"

"But most of the people who can't eat and go home."

"Well, I'm comfortable with a proper sponsorship. Perhaps the powers of

Tikan won't line up in front of the refreshment store?”

"No, I've been waiting in line ever since I started guiding her. Luckily, it
was the last cookie left.”
Vanessa smiled and bit the cookies. Baduk, cookies broke in my mouth and
made a pleasant sound.

A cool night breeze passed over the table. As if he was very satisfied with
the cookies, his smile lingered from Vanessa's mouth for a while.

Jean waited quietly for Vanessa to savor the cookies. And when the last
cookie disappeared, he looked straight at her and said,

"At this point, I'm so curious that I can't stand it anymore, Mr. Vanessa

Vanessa used an alias in the Tikan.

But she didn't seem at all embarrassed when Jean said her real name. He
looked relaxed, as he had been all along.

"The house smelled like a dragon fish, and they must have given me my
name. What do you want to know? Jean Looncandel."

The expression was the same, but the tone changed. Out of nowhere the
soft, plain old lady had a deep, sharp look peculiar to the strongest.

"Didn't your father send you to test me? But you always act like you're on a
picnic with your grandson, so I wonder if it's my misunderstanding.”

"No, I recognized it exactly. Sir Ciron sent me a letter. I want you to meet
me. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a peaceful time......just, for a
moment, fickle. You remind me of a time.”

He swept his chest down into his heart. Until just now Jin had not
completely ruled out the possibility that Vanessa Olsen was a figure who
had nothing to do with the theory.

"You're not surprised at all."

"It's amazing. I've never heard of a warrior like Vanessa before."

"The world is wide, Jean Looncandel. So there's a guy like you.
Swordsmanship, magic, spirituality...….”

"Your father must have a lot of faith in Vanessa."

"It's enough for Lord Xiron to leave his back."

I had no choice but to be surprised at the point. Changsheng Knight Siron

Looncandel, his own father. I couldn't even imagine him leaving his back to
someone else.

"......I heard among the dragons that Vanessa was called the fear of the Ante

"I recall my days as a knight more often than when I was called that
childish twilight."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

I don't know what the hell he's got with his father, but he was a black knight
of the whole time.…!'

Vanessa Olsen.

Before she made her name known to Inse, she became the black knight of
Looncandel and stood by Zion. He always followed his theory silently,
covering himself with black pitches and armor.

'I've heard of it, the black knight of the former era was the strongest in the
history of the family history. Some of them, who always fought the Black
Sea with my father, said it was especially great.'

Vanessa Olsen was one of them.

How she killed dragons in the Ante Mountains, how she became a black
knight, what achievements she made after she became a black knight, and
how many enemies she cut along with Siron.
All the insides could not be immediately known to Jean. However, I could
understand her immense power.

And an idea that pops up in my mind.

'My father handed over the black knights to Joshua because they were not
really the strongest. It's highly likely that all retired national black knights
are still fatherly, like Vanessa Olsen.'

I'm sure it will. After meeting Vanessa Olsen, I had no choice but to be sure.

'That means the black knight may one day be mine.'

Or he could have been the one who gined. If Qin disappoints the theory and
reaches the conclusion that he is not fit to lead the family.

Jin, who quickly organized his thoughts, bent one knee.

"The Runkandel's backup met a great sword dedicated to the family."

For a retired black knight, it was a tradition for even a rider to be polite

Many of the riders and elders of Looncandel were not able to be enshrined
in the "Yeongmyo," but the black knight must have his name engraved in
the posthumous tomb unless he committed a treasonous crime.

"It's not a very ungrateful one."

"I'm sorry for the late greeting."

"Take your weapons, and tell Tikan mobile gatekeeper that you will go to
the Kingdom of Shucheron. I'll punish you there."


I wanted to ask again, but Jean went back to her mansion to get her
As soon as the gate opened, he saw his colleagues waiting for him with
anxious faces.

"Confucian! By the way, everyone was worried that he might harm


"Lord, it's not a big deal, is it? I was surprised to hear from Quikantel why
such a silver geezer suddenly came to see you.….”

"No matter how fussy Quikantel was about to get into trouble, he turned
into a cat and couldn't be near you. Vanessa or what, what the hell is that?"

Kashmir, Gilly and Murakan said in turn.

"It wasn't that, it was the Black Knight of the Prehistoric Age, Lord
Vanessa. Murakan was glad to listen to Quikantel. You said it smelled like a
dragon, but you recognized it at once. And it's what my father sent me, and,
um......he said he came to punish me."

"What?! What?!”

"Was it because, one day, she suddenly disappeared from the Ante
Mountains because she became a Runkandel black knight? By the way,
bees. What the hell are you talking about?"

"I thought it was a test, too, but I'm embarrassed to say punishment. We
don't have much time, we have to go to the Kingdom of Sucheron. Lord
Kashmir, please prepare the gate for us."

"Confucian, will you be all right? Vanessa Olsen, obviously an amazing

person, but......that he was a former black knight. Did you show me any of
Sir Siron's vouchers?"

"I didn't show you that."

"No, why is this kid so simple, unlike usual? So you're going to follow that
woman, Vanessa, to the kingdom of Shucheron by yourself?"
"I'm being simple because I have to be simple. Of course, there's a
possibility that Lord Vanessa isn't she? But what if it's true? If you really
came to punish me under my father's orders, the moment you show your
doubt or refusal, it's over."

Jin was not an idiot, so he did not simply comply with his request to go to
the Kingdom of Shucheron. If they delay time to confirm Vanessa's identity,
they may receive a "big punishment," not punishment.

Most of all, there was at least one "escapeable" number in the worst-case

"As long as it is not the black knight of the previous era who was the
strongest in history, there is no way to explain such a feat.”

"Ha, that's true. Punishment? What did you do wrong?... born in

Looncandel and impersonating Jipple? A few days ago, you pretended to be
a special unit? For keeping in touch with Lady Luna, or for meeting Lady

"......that alone seems quite a lot, strawberry pie."

"Damn it! Oh, I'm sorry. Anyway, it's quite a crime you've committed. I said
it myself, but there are more than one thing or two, so I can't guess."

Murakan patted Gilly on the back and shook his head.

"No, but. Even if Looncandel's intelligence is great, how do you know all

"That's right, at least not on the impersonal side. Unless there is a spy
among us who reports on the deeds of Confucius who lost to Looncandel!"

The eyes of Ilsun Kashmir shook as Enya made a loud noise. The thief
looked like his feet were asleep when his face turned white.

Jean swallowed a smile inwardly at the sight of Kashmir.

Lord Kashmir wouldn't have seen it all. Even if they all reported it to my
father, it wouldn't matter. There must be another reason.My father is trying
to punish me.'

I wanted to tell Kashmir that it's okay, and that Sir shouldn't be so stabbed,
but I put up with his position. Kashmir won't be responsible.

"Don't worry too much. If it had been a great sin, my father wouldn't have
sent people this way. You either killed them without knowing them, or you
called them to the Black Sea and questioned them yourself. Maybe the word
bee is a formality.”

"Well, that means it could be a reward again if it's a formality. Just like
when you turned a blind eye to Jonah and the Manchurian, and you got a
black light pack."

"Well, I don't think we should keep Lord Vanessa waiting any longer. I'll go
up again, so please let me know as soon as the gate is ready."


As soon as I arrived at the Kingdom of Shucheron, I found a wagon.

Then Vanessa drove her own wagon for three days, and the place where the
two arrived was the Tolkar wilderness.

a barren land with nothing but dry grass and rocks Vanessa chose this place.

"It wouldn't be a problem here to use your strength at ease, Jean


Vanessa said, releasing the horses tied to the wagon. Soon after the horses
ran away from the wilderness, there were only two people left.

"Is a bee, a battle with Lord Vanessa?”

"Such a thing. Have you thought about what your sins are on the way?"
With Vanessa in front of her, who didn't say a word, she thought really hard
all three days. What's the reason you're being punished? However, no
conclusion was reached.

"I don't know."

"I like being honest. Even though you're going to be punished for your
honesty. This is your sin, to speak of unproven facts."

"Unproven facts...…?”

"Do you really think you can share the whole story with Siron?"


Now I think I can compete with my father, Lord Kashmir.

Oh, Confucius Qin. Are you sure?

I've been murdered nine thousand times by my jumping brothers until I

realized that.

It occurred to me. The fact that after Operation Compass Defeat, you said
so to Kashmir at a drinking party.

"Oh, my God, I've given it to my father as it is...…!?'

At that moment, Enya's "Spirit" made him look pale. I never dreamed that I


Vanessa, slowly pulling out the sword.

"The way to claim innocence is simple. Prove with all your might; take
responsibility. That arrogant story you spit out yourself."

"Well, what happens if you can't prove it?”

Then Vanessa answered with a blank face.

"What do you think is the price for insulting Ciron Looncandel? From what
I've seen, the minimum was death."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 202

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:27 PM

Chapter 202: Ep.66. Vanessa Olsen (2).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The minimum is death...….

For Jin, it was a very thought-provoking part. Perhaps Jean will not be
killed by Vanessa today in any way.

However, if Vanessa doesn't show her admirable skills, she'll certainly pay
dearly. He was most likely to be deprived of the many privileges he had
enjoyed as a backup rider.


Jean picked out the sign.

"It sounds like my life could end today."

"It depends on how you do it."

"You don't think I'm supposed to beat Lord Vanessa?”

Then Vanessa burst into laughter.

Although she was apparently ignored, Jin looked calm without feeling
It is true that Jin recently killed five Baekrang Assassins and showed off his
brilliant skills against Carl Zipple and Chukon Tolderer.

Vanessa was one of the monsters that cut dragons like wild boars in the
Ante Mountains when she was young.

If we exclude the theory of poetry, and if she made her name known to the
world, it means that she is indispensable when discussing the strongest in
the world.

On the other hand, Jin was still a 17-year-old, non-standard player, but he
was still growing. It was only a joke to such Jean to defeat Vanessa.

"Are you saying that's a story? Your father is not so obstinate."

"That's a relief. So what do you want me to do?"

Vanessa turned the sword lightly. It was a cheap iron sword commonly
found in any blacksmith's shop.

"Just once, in any way. If your sword touches me, I pass. I'll admit it if you
touch the edge of your dress."


As soon as the horse was finished, Jean swung the sign. The distance
between the two was only five or six steps, and in the brain-washed
Sigmund, the Plain Plain of the Ming Dynasty was unfolding.



The signature bounced off Vanessa's iron sword. Altogether, Qin was
pushed back a few steps to the point where the power of oppression was
overshadowed, and Vanessa smiled with such a gin as if it were plastic.

'I didn't think I could, but you're so relaxed...….'

Obviously, he had a "hold-up" sense, but Vanessa's enormous strength and
strength faded the power of oppression.

Ten stars.

the position of Vanessa There aren't many people in the world who can
make a one-on-one hit with her. It is true that oppression is great, but it was
only a little strange technology for Vanessa.

If her swordsmanship had been equal, she would have been intimidating,
but the gap was too wide.

"I didn't think he was such a bad guy, but somehow he didn't. I never
thought I'd stretch my sword before I even ordered it to start.”

"I thought you gave me a chance."

"Then you just missed the chance. Hmm, is that the Ming sword you just
opened? Amazing, I'm also curious about the spirit and magic.”

"My father taught me everything. I never told my father that I had learned
the Ming sword."

"When you go back alive, find Sir Ciron's spy among your colleagues and
hold him responsible."

Vanessa knows all the power Jean has.

That meant it was difficult to make variables. The last blow was just the last
time Jean was able to play tricks.

It had to break through head-on.

Ten stars, it's almost impossible to make variables for such monsters in the
first place. Even if you didn't know about me.'

Vanessa's sword burst into a deep cry. A huge ore has been compressed and
permeated into the sword.

In itself, the cheap iron sword became a more dangerous weapon than any
other Ming sword. The dreary moor they stood on the glare of an orgy is


Before the sword fell toward him, Jean first caused a brain-wasting
thunderclap. And the moment I was about to hit the thunderbolt by
swinging the sign.

There was a gust of wind somewhere. The wind, which had been in the
wilderness atmosphere, was condensed into Vanessa, like the sea water that
was being sucked into the vortex.

'The brain war...... it's twisted?!'

Piggy, dripping......! A thunderbolt mingled with the wind and lost its way.
Soon the twisted epilepsy completely disintegrated in the wind, leaving
only blue particles, and in a moment the gust died down.


The moment the sword was removed to swing it, the broken stones splashed
beneath Vanessa's feet. And before the pieces of stone fell to the ground, the
sword spread out like a sail, devouring them and flooding them into the

It didn't even touch the black, but the pieces of stone in orbit evaporated. It
was being divided into intangible examples encompassing the sword.

Jean watched the figure distinctly.

This is because I didn't have time to blink. If it had blinked, and if it had not
been recognized, it would have also been broken down like a piece of stone
and mixed with the wind of the wilderness.
Step on the prosthetic to avoid the sword, clench your teeth and turn your
eyes back to Vanessa.

There is only a stone floor that is horribly broken by her angularity.

Vanessa was clinging close behind the already fired sword, holding the side
of the gin. Because of this, Jin had no choice but to explode the flashlight
he had hidden in his hands.

Surely Vanessa will see ancient light magic for the first time. No, even if
she had seen the light magic in the past from the wizards and dragons she
had killed, it was certainly the first time for a flashlight.

Nevertheless, she dodged a flashlight skillfully, as if it were magic she had

experienced several times. It is not known whether it was due to the sense
of the ten-star article or even Kashmir's letter.

Jean judged that it would be the former. If she had been fully aware of Chen
Mei's flashlight in advance, she wouldn't have had time to stop the iron
sword now.


The ensuing blow narrowly prevented it. Then he made two ice spikes and
shot them in her face and body.

Naturally, the three-star ice magic could not be a threat at all, so it was a
meaningless check. However, with these meaningless checks piled up, it
might be possible to try a proper blow at least once.

Tsing, Tsing Ching, Pirak! A series of shot ice spikes were breaking with
the energy that swung over Vanessa's body.

'It's a horse test, that's interesting. Isn't it completely different from when
you're dealing with a warrior?'

It's a blinding and total push of the eyelight, but Vanessa was feeling much
more demanding than Jean had expected.
It was similar to an assassin in that he did not know what would suddenly
pop out of his opponent's hand, and the shooting of large and small wizards
at every street opening was similar to an archer, and using "magic" to cheat
and cause an illusion was like a wizard.

However, in close proximity, he had the same characteristics of a warrior

with the unique power of pure blood Looncandel, which was beyond
novelty and mysterious.

'That's not enough, it's not enough, it's going to be enough for nine-star
knights. I haven't used my spirit yet.'

I could immediately understand why the theory was so interested.

But so far, it was not at the level of agreeing to "match with the opinion."


Jean backed away, throwing up a handful of blood. Vanessa's last blow left
a slight internal injury.

"You said 17, I can't believe you're at that age. It's comparable to Luna at
the time.”

"Sudden praise."

"But he was born with fewer talents than you. Sword, that's all. I feel like
I'm not good enough considering that you had inspiration, magic."

"Was Luna able to compete with her father at seventeen?”

a head-shaking herring

"No, it would have been possible since eighteen."

"When I go back, I'll have to brag to my sister. I think I'm better."

"The battle seems great, but you haven't learned how to say only
responsible things. It's possible because education in Looncandel isn't very

The battle began and so far, at first glance, has been quite a hopeless trend.

In fact, it was hard for Jean to keep her proud heart inside.

'There are so many cards that I haven't taken out yet, and I'm saying that I
can stand up to this against a ten-star driver...….'

Of course Vanessa's wearing a cheap steel sword, not a a sword, and a

stealthy pacemaker, but even considering that, Jean was fighting well

After leaving Laparosa, it was difficult to grasp my skills clearly in the

operation of the compass grab. Five Baengnangs were killed too easily, and
the sorceresses were deceived too easily.

When a person faces a wall, he or she knows where he or she is.

In that sense, Jin was feeling that his growth was far beyond his
imagination. Not only Jin himself, but also his colleagues and enemies
would not expect it. Like Vanessa's jumping to conclusions now.


Jean was slowly becoming convinced.

'If Lord Vanessa keeps fighting like this, she can cut off the hem without
any problems. The key is how big an injury should be.'

Vanessa won't do her whole heart out, as it's not really a one-on-one
struggle for her life. If you do that, you'll think you can't even achieve a

On the other hand, Jean was judging differently.

'When you dig in just once and cut Lord Vanessa, where will your sword
ever stop?'
Should I cut my throat and then stop? Should I stop right in front of my
neck? Or, while you're walking past one of the limbs?

I couldn't figure it out. Vanessa never swore 'I won't kill you,' so she needed
to be careful.

'If you decide to go to Fargo, you have no choice but to leave it entirely up
to Lord Vanessa. It's unlikely you'll kill me, but you could cut an arm.'

In fact, Vanessa was thinking just that much. If Jean doesn't pass the test,
she's planning to take her right arm.

It is because I believe that the "evaluation" of Siron Looncandel should be

at a reasonable price. It was no different from an assessment, as the saying
that a match could be made was a standard for Zion.

Soon Jean finished her troubles.

'First of all, you should show Lord Vanessa something more surprising.
Don't let me get fatally hurt. I think it's right to let you win."

There was a lot to show.

Vanessa will wait. That's exactly what I came to see. And Jean was
confident enough to satisfy her.

Let's say!

Sigmund began to vomit again.

It was a preparation to spread the thrower. As expected, Vanessa smiled at

the moment when Jean had a brain attack.

"If that's one of your spleen numbers, you'll have to be really careful."

"You can enjoy it slowly. It's quite a lot."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 203

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:26 PM

Chapter 203: Episode 66. Vanessa Olsen (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

As if to be distorted, the brain energy gathered by the sword turned into a

blue stick and scattered in the air.

Dozens of tiny columns of brain-washed columns radiated a mystical glow

in the dark wilderness. The unsteady wriggle of the brain went nowhere, the
columns of the brain were arranged as if they had been made by someone.

The first one I chose was a four-gold thrower.



Jean put the sign on the floor. Then the rods of the rich brain were lowered
to the floor in unison.

Vanessa tried to swing the sword then. As soon as Jin put his signature on
the ground, he wanted to tell the shining young man what would happen if
he put his weapon on the floor.

But instead of attacking, she was forced to backtrack.

It was because there was a sharp epilepsy all over the floor. No, it wasn't
just the floor. Even when breathing in, the prickly brain pierced the throat
like a thorn.

The green sticks, round around the spot where the sigmund was inserted,
were coloring the ground where the two people stood with brain cells.

Once a Vanessa, she has no choice but to widen her distance.

It seems possible to get through, but it was uncomfortable to know what

would happen in that "brainfield."

With the option of shooting the black outside the brain field, it is not
necessary to blend in to show off the gap.

'This isn't a sword, it's more like magic.'

Hook, the brain that came in through the breath was unusual.

Internally, Vanessa expected a devastating blow with a fighting spirit, just

like the Looncandel showdown. It is the sword of those who ruled the world
half a million years ago. But the trick of these wizards.

'You said you had a few more, so let's just watch a little bit more. If you
keep doing this, you'll be even more disappointed...….'

Vanessa's gaze, which suddenly stopped thinking, turned under her feet.

extermination, extermination, extermination

A small brain, like narrow rice, was moving in a dizzyingly. Obviously the
extent to which the signposts and the blue columns are eroding was
completely out of bounds.

The brain at her feet was as feeble as ashes, and seemed to have nothing to
do with the fierce and rough epilepsy of the eroded earth.

But instinct was speaking. Avoid it.

Blame! Vanessa stepped on the prosthetic reflexively. After reaching the
level, her intuition was never wrong.

Kuzie, Kajizik!

A flurry of epilepsy gathered near the gin toward the small brain. In the
brain, an absolute speed that can't be avoided, even if it's a ten-star article
without prediction.

As if a huge snake had passed by, a black hole was formed where Vanessa

'It's not a big deal if you just stopped it with your body.'

The moment I turned my head, thinking so, there was a statue of thunder in
Vanessa's eyes. A literal thunder, it fell from the sky and hit the pit one
more time.

After a powerful eardrum-poking thunderstorm, Vanessa was also stunned

this time.

'Earthquake...' Did it happen?'

Shortly after the thunder fell into the pit, a light earthquake spread over the
ground where they stood.

And Vanessa was able to realize thanks to the earthquake. The size of the
fingernail that brought us the urea, in fact, had spread all over the area.

Such a brainstorm was springing up everywhere. If countless, all those little

brains can call the thunder...….

Let's imagine that in a long time.

I got goose bumps on the neck.

Of course it can't be that kind of crazy technology. Isn't it like a god with
thousands of thunder? Then I would have been in a position to challenge
Jin, on the other hand, was thinking like this.

'No punishment, no erosion, no more than the brothers who threw


The erosion spread by half of the jumping body was just as much as
Vanessa imagined. Without rest at his will, thousands of streams of thunder
he dare not even think of stopping or avoiding under nine.

Even though we cannot yet have thousands of branches just like the other
half, dozens of branches were also possible for Qin.

Cazizik, kazik, kzzzik!

Brainiacs began to explode near Vanessa.

Also, Vanessa was indeed a person who could be left to the public.

Though there are countless scattered little brains nearby, she picked out
exactly the ones that were about to explode in response to the thunderstorm
less than a second later.

The ability of ordinary people to call body sight is far beyond common

That's what we expected.

'Sir Vanessa will try to avoid the eroding thunder. He would have judged it
dangerous to get rid of it.'

So as soon as I put the sign on the ground, I prepared a Tess summons. If

the sparks of heavy pressure pour out of nowhere following the brain shock,
Vanessa will have to be a little embarrassed.


Tess's pale wings escaped from the open portal above the Qin. As soon as
Tess was summoned, Jin retrieved Sigmund and rushed at full speed toward
The plan was to attack her while she was avoiding the lee of erosion. Even
a ten-star article can't help but have a gap when it comes to rushing out.

But the moment Jean approached.

Did you think I'd avoid it?

Vanessa didn't say the word out of her mouth.

But it was only because the thunder was soon falling, and there was no time
for it, and Jean could tell from her face. That she's saying that.

To say that I will clearly show what the potential of a real 10-star article is.


While Qin's photocardial heart was burning hot as soon as it would burst,
the flames of heavy pressure swallowed Vanessa whole.

as if the sky had been torn.

Dozens of thunder were pouring toward a point called Vanessa.

I could avoid it enough. He couldn't have avoided all of them under the
pressure of the flames, but he could have taken away the thunder that he
couldn't have avoided.

Instead of doing so, Vanessa put a force on the sword.

Are you trying to get rid of all this?'

Jean swallowed dry saliva without realizing it.

A single ray of black light, shining white in blue and brain.

But it's only a single stalk for those who haven't reached the stage.

Dozens of or hundreds of swords were dancing in the blacklight. Some have

seized Chunghwa, some have torn up the epilepsy, and some have stricken

This time, I got goose bumps on Jin's back. The light had spread and not a
wink of snow, but Jean had already seen the future a moment later.

'Sir Vanessa will strike perfectly, leaving nothing...…!'

Neither the thunder of erosion, nor the Tsenghua of Tess, will be swept
away by the blackness without touching even the hem of her dress.

Jean's calculations, so to speak, are wrong. If he wanted to, he had to admit

that he dared to belittle the warrior who would have shaken the world well.


The shock wave spread as Vanessa roared.

Before I knew it, Chunghwa and the thunder were crushed out by the
sword, and Tess was breathing out anew to protect the gin.

Even after breaking it all, the remaining blackness is flying toward the

Fortunately, Tess can't stop him for long. Moreover, Jean has yet to put a
sword on Vanessa's body.

Just because the calculation was wrong, I didn't mean to back down.

'If this fails, I will accept my defeat.'

Srung, hoo-woong...….

When Bradamante got out of the sword, the spirit flowed. In the wilderness,
which was full of blue and white energy all the time, there was a sense of
separation when the pitch-black spirit spread.

The first type of the sword.

Jean lowered herself and took a posture.

The skill that I was completing before I went to Lafarosa, the soul-cutting.

Jean, as usual, was reciting spells. Venda, I'm cutting Lord Vanessa. Cut that
monster...the spirits awakened by the spell of... have darkened the sword.

"That would be the last time.”

"Did you enjoy the things ahead?"

"I'll look forward to it."

Vanessa's iron sword had lost its teeth. The ten-star article was stained with
an orgy.Ziman, it was the limit of cheap iron swords.

I should have brought a better sword. That's amazing, hoo-hoo.'

So Vanessa has already conceded defeat. With such a sword, you cannot
take the last blow of Qin head-on, and this is not a duel, but a battle.

Even without a sword, it is not difficult to kill Jin, but Vanessa has already
judged that Jin passed the test.

The hem of the garment is fine, and the sword has never touched the body,
but Vanessa has gone far beyond the limits of her power to limit herself by
blocking Qin's thunder and Chunghwa.

For example, taking the last attack of Jin head-on now.

It was intended to give some sort of additional score as a test-tube. Or, it

was a tribute to the young Looncandel, who was growing brilliantly as a
member to be enshrined in Looncandel's tomb.

Jean's body moved forward.

Although it did not reach the area of "cutting the spirit directly," there is no
sound in the first type of a sword trimmed by Laparosa.

A ghostly blade just cuts through an opponent, and there was nothing in the
world that could not be cut if there was enough faith.
And again, Vanessa intuitively took an insight into the nature of the sword.

She's not a contractor for Soldierlet, and she's never had much of a chance.
He who stands near the end of the sword can see.

The depth of all acts done through the object of sword.

'That's great.

Bradamante, dyed with spirit, brushed Vanessa's cheek. The blood, the red
drops of blood spread, and Jean was passing her and enjoying the joy of

As an uninhabited man, I felt sorry to judge myself floating somewhere in

the sea called the sword.

As the son of Zion, he was proud to have lived up to his father's

expectations. Especially with this test, Jin was recognized for being able to
"share a common ground" with the theory.


Vanessa's iron sword was broken. Not broken, but completely broken,
pouring into the floor.

It was the most exhilarating sound Jean has ever heard in her life.

"Gin Looncandel, I'd like to ask you a question.”

"Speak, Ser Vanessa."

Vanessa shrugged and looked back at Jean.

"Do you think I could have achieved the same result if I had used a little
more power than this?”

In Vanessa's view, Qin was not at all short of mixing the sireon with the
union. Therefore, I had a pure curiosity as a warrior.
Will it be possible to make a difference?

"......well, there's actually one left."

"What? Apart from what you've shown me so far, there's one more left.

"But it doesn't mean anything because it can't be a sword or magic.”

"Not a sword, not a magic?"

Jean smiled unanswered.

Meaning I can't give you the details. Vanessa had no choice but to shrug her
shoulders as she looked at this ferocious Looncandel.

"You're my complete defeat, by the way. Your father certainly asked me to

punish him, but now that I'm here, I have no choice but to reward him."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 204

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:24 PM

Chapter 204: Episode 66. Vanessa Olsen (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'The prize.'

I sang a joyous song into my heart. To a certain extent, the feeling was
different to hear with two ears in person.

"First of all, grab the horses you let go. I don't want to walk in the
wilderness for days on two feet at this age."


Jean shifted her steps to find the horses. Tracing was not difficult because
the wilderness was full of footprints.

Fortunately the horses did not run very far, thanks to their tamed ways, and
Jean was soon able to find the warping horses in the drying pool.

When I brought the horses back, it was completely night.

"Great work. Sit here."

Tadak, Tadak... ....

A well-smoked bonfire was burning before Vanessa. There was sizzling oil
from the beef jerky stuck in the wooden skewer, and there were also a few
trimmed fish that were caught from where.

Then there was a drink that went over three bottles. Vanessa picked one of
them and poured it into two glasses.

'You loaded the wagon full of stuff before you started, was it alcohol? You
said I wouldn't pass the exam, but you prepared for this.'

Jean grinned and bowed.

"Vanessa, thank you for your hard work hard. I didn't expect you to prepare
me for such a wonderful drinking party."

"Because I was treated all the time in Tikan."

Kang, bang. The iron glass bumped and the liquor was bubbling.

The alcohol that fighters drink is strong. Unlike ordinary people, a trained
body does not easily get drunk with a light drink.

In that sense, the liquor Vanessa brought was horribly poisonous. As soon
as I swallowed it, I felt like I couldn't handle a decent uninhabited island, as
soon as I could react in my body.

'Better than the jeweler I drank before getting the photocardium.'

Vanessa, who was drinking this kind of alcohol without a glass of wine,
looked amazing.

She drank the glass without a word to empty a whole can. Jean tried to keep
up with the pace, but realized that she was lost in her own thoughts and
waited still.

There seemed to be sadness in the wrinkled eyes of the bonfire.

"Do you remember when you said, when you spent your time in Tikan for
no reason, that there was a time that reminded you of me?"
"Yes, I remember."

"I did it because I thought of my brother. I've grown so old, and the boy in
memory is still like you, so I sometimes forget my age."

It was a calm voice.

It was only Jin's gaze that Vanessa looked sad, and for her, the death of her
brother was now so old, and the feeling she felt was not sorrow but

"You must be wondering why I'm suddenly talking about this."

"Is it because I look like your brother?”

"You don't look like him at all. The guy wasn't as handsome and as strong
as you were. It was special to me, but objectively, he was an ordinary boy
who could be seen everywhere. We were orphans and no nobility."


Vanessa emptied her glass one after another and took out a cigarette. Then
he lit a bonfire and burned it down in one breath. The thick smoke covered
her face for a moment.

"On the other hand, I've had great potential since birth, just like you
Runkandel. I was preparing to be a knight of the Shucheron Kingdom, but
at 17, I had a minor quarrel at the tavern. I thought it was a jumble, so I beat
him up and he was a knight in the capital.”

"That article must have surprised you.”

"I came to my hometown's tavern during my vacation, and I was

humiliated. I didn't know his identity until he left the bar with a runny nose.
The owner, the only witness, told me that he was a knight in the Shucheron

"You must have been surprised to hear that."

"I was awfully surprised. I didn't know a knight would pick on a commoner
girl who drinks alone. They tell you to wait or leave, but how can you think
of it as an article?"

Vanessa took out another cigarette and burned it at once.

"The next day, the knight killed the master, not me. Then I started killing or
catching the few neighbors I knew. The lord made his own crimes and sent
troops. I wanted to look good to the knight in the capital.”

Vanessa at that time was not as strong as she is now. She was only a 17-
year-old girl, with enormous potential.

"So I tried to run away. By the way, shit. My decision was too late. My
brother was taken away by soldiers in Yeongju, and I had no choice but to
go to Yeongju. Without a sword."

Vanessa's brother was severely beaten and tied to the front yard of the

Then the knight ordered Vanessa to take off her clothes, crawl and come
before the lordship. When Jean heard the passage, she shook her fist, and
Vanessa shook her hand.

"Fuhhh, fortunately I had nothing to do with that humiliating request. I was

about to take off my clothes, and suddenly I heard a roar from
somewhere......the fire started pouring out. At that moment, the dragon
attacked the lord. It was a flower dragon."

The hwaryong destroyed the lordship in a moment, killed the soldiers of the
lord and lord, and killed the knights.


It was Vanessa who survived to the last minute and fought the hwaryong.

"It makes me feel overwhelmed. In the chaos the prisoners escaped, the
soldiers fled, the lord and the knight died as soon as the dragon appeared,
and my brother, who was tied to the stake, was lucky enough to escape the
breath of the dragon. So we had to fight."

Vanessa awakened from the fight.

The potential that he didn't even know was in full bloom, and a force that he
couldn't understand for himself poured out like crazy.

"I used the sword of the dead knight to protect my brother. It's the knight's
sword that took his brother. And it seemed pretty interesting to him. The
way I desperately hugged my brother and put out his fire.”

He said he was awakened, but it was too much to handle the power of the

Hwryong soon took her brother from her, and deliberately kept her alive.

"He burned down the whole village past the castle, and asked me to come to
the Ante Mountains if I wanted to find my brother. So I went, and I was
able to meet the hwaryong again in a cave."

My brother was already dead.

"And the brazier didn't fight me. He flew away for me. He just wanted to
see me despair. Rather than trample on a country town, he realized it was a
lot more fun.”

"......after that day, you've been in the Antenna Mountains.”

"Yes, I couldn't think of going out and looking for him. I was exhausted."

Jindo was now emptying the glass at a rapid pace like Vanessa.

Vanessa then stayed there until she met Ciron.

When dragons came, they killed dragons; when men came, they killed men.
Not many people were killed, but some of them were as good as Vanessa.
They were all those who had a grudge against the dragon or came to
challenge him.

"I was going crazy. No, it was crazy. He killed more than a hundred
dragons, but the flaming dragon never showed up, and more than fifteen
years passed. And your father, Sir Siron, has come."

Siron was the first man to defeat Vanessa.

"The day after your father overpowered me, he immediately took all the
flamingos and their young. Turns out he was the family of Kadun, the
guardian of the Kellyak Zipple. That's why Kadun's here, to protect my
blood. What do you think happened?”

"I think my father killed them all. Kadoon must have been injured and

"Siron only helped Kadun stay out of the fight. I left it entirely up to me to
fight the Dragon and his cubs.”

Revenge belonged to Vanessa.

She was finally able to kill the brazier, and asked several times before she
killed him. Why did you do that?"

"As I told you before, he killed my brother for fun. I killed him because it
was fun to see me despair.... he told me frankly that it was a play, maybe
because he was afraid of Sir Siron, or if he wanted to screw me to the end
of his life."


"I naturally became Lord Xiron's knight. After wearing a black helmet, the
past moments continued to be so hard that I couldn't think of anything.
Then I got used to it and came to my senses, and my words and actions
were quite like a plausible article."

Jean filled her glass without answering.

"Even if you are stronger, as your father did, create an opportunity for your
men to avenge themselves. It is a must-have virtue to be king of the

"I'll keep it in mind."

"Also, if possible, don't give your heart to ordinary people like my brother.
Unlike us, they die so easily, and just because they are by our side, they are
bound to be broken out of nowhere. If you ever fall into despair."

Vanessa, who paused for a moment, made eye contact with Jean.

"It's probably not because you were beaten by a human sword stronger than
you, but because of the tragedy that ordinary humans go through next to
you. Me, too, because your father was hurt and became a monster. Now I
don't even feel sad about the fact that my brother isn't coming back."

With the bonfire burning, silence continued for a long time. Soon Vanessa
opened the last remaining bottle.

"Listen to your father when you have a chance one day."


Is being reborn as a transcendent figure a process of castrating the natural

feelings of a person? Suddenly that thought reminded me of Tikan's

"I think that's enough advice......take this."

Vanessa took out a piece of folded paper from her bosom.

It was a map. But it was completely different from the usual map, and it
was a far cry from the roughness of the continent that Qin knew.

In addition, many of the maps were empty, indicating that they were not yet
completed, and it was difficult to recognize them because there were many
intentionally hidden areas.
"It's a map of the Black Sea. Go to the area marked red. It doesn't matter if
you go with your colleagues, but from the marked area, you won't be able to
handle your venom if you don't have a Manchurian."

"Is this the image you mentioned?”

Jean first noticed that there was a map in the Black Sea.

National black knights mapped the Black Sea for nearly a lifetime, and it
was still an ongoing task.

"Siron entrusted me with the map as soon as he made it. And if I see a good
one of your children, give it to me. Therefore, it is also my award. It's also a
new test."

"You won't tell me what's there if I ask you?”

Vanessa shook her head.

"No, why wouldn't you tell me the obvious? There is a demon in the red
mark, knock it down. A long time ago, the witch Heluram raised him."

Jean's pupils dilated.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 205

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:23 PM

Chapter 205: Ep.67. The Legacy of the Witch Heluram (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

House of Vanessa, south of Shucheron.

A long time ago, it was the same rural village that was burned down by the
invasion of the Hwayong.

The land, which could not be used as a wreath, had long been completely
abandoned in the kingdom of Shucheron, and only Vanessa's house stood in
the middle of the vast land.

"It's been a long time since you've surprised this man, Gaju. You haven't
even sent me a letter a while ago, and this time you'll come to see me in

Vanessa opened the old wooden door and said,

It was because the poet sat in the middle of the narrow room. Vanessa
shrugged and sat in front of him.

"I'll only do what you surprised me at once."

There was a freshly boiled teapot on the table. Srrrr... ...Siron tilted the
teapot to fill Vanessa's glass.
"Kahn must be having a hard time. I can see that it must have been boiled
and disappeared quietly. Why don't you make tea by yourself?"

"I'll consider it."

"Well, he's a good cook."

Hororok, the two men savored the tea scent for a moment.

"It's like a normal father who wants to brag about his children."

Nearly half a hundred years have passed since he became the knight of
Zion, but Vanessa saw it for the first time.

"Yes, what about the youngest one?"

"I liked your first impression. I thought there were many of my colleagues
who could use it."

"I didn't ask you that."

Can you match me, that's what I was asking. Vanessa knew it, but
deliberately turned the answer.

"Hoo-hoo, longitude seems to be getting old. I can't believe you're so


"That's what it looks like that's what it looks like.”

"Gin Looncandel, the child was enough. I'm sure we'll be able to make a
little bit of progress.”

Finely, the corners of his mouth went up.

"So I handed over the map."

"I didn't expect you to hand it over.”

"Have you increased your hearing? I'm sure you knew this was going to

Instead of answering, Zion burst into laughter.

"If you had any lingering feelings for Luna, he wouldn't have been guided."

Then a bitter smile spread around Vanessa's mouth.

The map given to Jean was originally made for Luna.

As soon as he happened to find the demon, Siron was saving it for Luna one

"There was a time when not only the police, but also all the black knights,
including myself, had high hopes for him. If he cared a little more, he
wouldn't have given up. By now you'd have captured everything in
Looncandel. We could've been focusing on our work."

"Genga, Vanessa, who wants to rebuke me."

"No, I'd like to criticize me and my colleagues. In those days, among the
countless missions of black knights, the only thing that ended in failure was
the failure to keep Luna in check."

"How can it be your fault? It's my fault and Rosa's fault."

"So, Jean doesn't become like Luna. I'd like to take a look at the back.
Joshua, he's got to be in trouble. They seem to be keeping a close eye on
Jean and preparing for this and that."

The argument shook its head.

"If he needed a Bosalpim, he didn't even care in the first place. Don't give
me direct help, just keep an eye on it, because if you can't even settle down,
you can't dream of fighting with your enemies.”

"......what if you become like Luna again? Do you think it's possible for
Jean to take over Joshua's power when she comes back to her family? No, I
don't know if I'll be able to get back safely."

"Isn't that why you gave me the map?"

Vanessa burst into a giggle, brooding over what Zion had just said.

He laughed because he said not to give "direct" help.

"I understand the meaning. Since you're here, why don't you have a drink?
As it happens, Tuben is staying nearby, so I'll get in touch."

"Tuben, it's been years since I've seen him.”


Jean and her colleagues were sitting in the conference room, unfolding a
map given by Vanessa.

" was possible to map the Black Sea. I've heard that mana is pouring
out like water, and most parts of the country are poisonous, and you've
never tried it anywhere."

As Kashmir said, producing maps of the Black Sea has never been
attempted by any country or organization. A job known to be a task that
even a jipple can't even think of.

At least three people believed so. So colleagues had no choice but to speak
out at the map in front of them. Everyone thought it was impossible, but
Looncandel had already mapped it out.

It was possible to travel around the Black Sea without a map. From the
beginning of the Black Sea to the central region, there is something called a
"road," which was naturally formed by the introduction of the Black Sea.

Therefore, anyone could reach the central part of the Black Sea if they
could only fight the constant stream of mana.

"It must be a map of the blood, sweat and years of the Black Knights of the
War. Also, it is highly likely that it was produced in secret within the
family, Master. At least as far as I know, the current generation of guardian
knights has never been on a mission in the Black Sea."

"That's right, Gilly. He says it's a mission he only knows about his father,
his countrymen, his mother and some circle. It's information that's not even
allowed by the riders.”

"Well, was that why the little boy's father was always in the Black Sea?
Besides, it's the devil Heluram used to raise.”


She was a sorcerer who was the lover of Orgal, the king of the beast, and
among the wizards she was called the "Dark Lineage Magic Mother," or the

Dark magic was now lost and banned, but descriptions of the magic she
used were not difficult to find in the history books of history.

Historians, on the other hand, named Helluram "a catastrophe." It was

because all the history books describing her in the world were dotted with
records of destruction and massacre.

When she showed up, a great tragedy happened to the world.

Starting with the devastation of the West by an unidentified plague and

"Gwanginbyeong" a thousand and five hundred years ago, the
Monsagangrims a thousand and two hundred years ago, the North
continent's massive explosion a thousand years ago, and the stillbirths seven
hundred years ago.

There were more than one or two disasters that were supposed to have been
caused by Heluram. Many questioned whether it was a disaster that humans
could deliberately cause.

Five hundred years ago, after seeing Heluram summoning the kings in front
of everyone's eyes during the Battle of Seongguk, such controversy did not
even arise.
Instead, there was a new controversy in the academic world. It was a debate
about whether Heluram was one person or many sorcerers using the same

Naturally, most scholars argued for the latter. It's only natural that her
estimated years of activity are well over 1,500 years.

"Isn't he going to get retaliated by her after he touched her for nothing? It's
a little uncomfortable.”

When Quikantel said so, all his colleagues except Murakhan opened their
eyes wide. The first reason I've never imagined a story like "I'm afraid of
retaliation" was because Quikantel said it.

The second reason was that Heluram spoke as if he were an individual.

"Does the witch Heluram mean an individual, not a group?"

Quikantel nodded at Enya's question.

"Yes, it's one. She's half a horse, she looks almost like a human being, but
she has the same lifespan as a horse."

Jean knew it. Valeria, the teacher of her previous life, had met Heluram, and
told Jin some of the facts she had learned at that time.

"In addition, her existence itself is a curse. He's the only one who's loved by
all kinds of drinking and treason, and even the gods don't look for a
contractor when Heluram is awake. The dragons praised him when he was
with her, enduring all the curses of Helluram."

"Oh, my God, so all the apocalypse I saw in the textbook that was supposed
to be caused by Heluram was true?”

Nya, surprised by Quikantel's further explanation, covered her mouth.

"Oh, it's true, big fan. The dragons know it. Hm, devil. Helluram used to
raise a horse.... Quikantel, do you have anything in mind?"
"You're not gonna send a gin there? He could be involved with Helluram."

"Khaha, I'm immune to curses, so I don't care if I get involved with her.
And according to a human being, whether it's the fear of the Ante
Mountains, the mana is managed by Looncandel. And yet, if you don't look
for it, you look dead."

"It's been over three hundred years, but it's probably not dead."

Quikantel kept drying Murakan as if he was worried.

Naturally, Jean was of the same opinion as Murakan. The map Vanessa
mentioned herself as "another test and award" cannot be left alone because
it is uncomfortable.

"This is what my father gave me. I don't know what you're going to take
from me if you refuse."

"I think you're right. You can't neglect or refuse what you've given us."

As Kashmir, Alisa and Jet nodded, Quikantel could not stop them anymore.

"Then there's nothing we can do. Instead, I and Murakan accompany me to

the place where the devil is. I told you I can't go in because of the poison, so
I'll feel a little relieved if you take care of me there.”

"Let's take the rice, too, Quikantel. You need someone to take care of your

"......I was still a prince before, folks."

"Can't you cook well?"

"I can't."

"Then I'll take Jet instead of you.”

"This Jet is another dish!"

"You take those weak bones in the Black Sea? No. Just take Kashmir. No, is
Latri better? You're a good cook."

"I'm too busy at the refreshments store these days, and without me, Yuria is
in danger......but I can make you plenty of cookies."


Suddenly Kashmir hit the table in the palm of his hand.

"Oh, I'm surprised. Are you crazy?"

"I'm a warrior and a seven-color man in the world called the Ear Sword!
Pride won't allow you to go on chores or trips to help!"

"Honey, just go quietly. Ratri is a dragon, but he also runs a refreshment


"You're gonna do this to yourself? I'm Kashmir. It's the Kasmir alpion."

Well, I don't mind if I just prepare the meal. So don't get all worked up.….

When Jean was about to say so, Murakan shook his head as if he had no

"Then we can take Mimul and Jet together. "Jet takes care of the meal, he
takes charge of all sorts of chores, and the rice is mashed."

"That's the kind of condition that makes sense."

At that point, Jean forgot what to say.

Jean, Murakan, Quikantel, Kashmir, Jet. So the five men who were leaving
for the Black Sea were chosen.

Somehow Jean felt sorry for Kashmir, but he looked too pleased to comfort
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 206

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:21 PM

Chapter 206: Episode 67. The Legacy of the Witch Heluram (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

August 15, 1797.

Jin and his party were standing in the middle of the Black Sea staring
blankly at the map.

Ten days have already passed since we arrived in the Black Sea. In the
meantime, more than 300 mana were killed by tearing, cutting, or beating,
and the food used to slowly return was getting close.

There is nothing humanly edible in the Black Sea.

Since Qin has a Manchurian, there is nothing wrong with eating manmul,
and Murakhan and Quikantel are dragons, so you can just eat the species
that are weak, but no one in the world would want to eat the manmulo.

"It's no ordinary job to find a way, even if you have a screw-up or a map.k.
Why can't I see the stone pillar marked here? I think it's around here. Isn't
this map wrong?"

"You've come to the right place so far, so it's probably the right. There's no
way my father and his generation's black knights made it clumsy."

"I can't fly to check, and it's frustrating.”

In the Black Sea, even dragons cannot fly at high altitude except for a few
kinds of mana. It was because the black clouds that covered the sky poured
poison that melted even the dragon scales like chocolate.

If it was a land where dragons could fly, the Black Knights of the past
wouldn't have to be trying so hard to make maps.m. map.

"And that stone pillar seems to be that one. Unlike the others, this stone
pillar marked on the map had a circle drawn nearby.”

said Jean, pointing her finger at the pit in front.

It was a huge pit, as if the moon had sat and floated. It was as deep as a
hundred meters in the face of Chuck, and a towering column of stone stood
in the middle of it.

The map Vanessa gave Jean was "initial." He even deliberately hidden
information has many places, doktto in mastering those who was easily read
a map.

"Well, I guess so."

"Haigo, how do they get down there? I'm not confident.”

"Don't worry, Jet. It's simple to go down."

Poison clouds are only in the sky. The group rode down the Murakan,
which was transformed into a true figure.

The pillar seen up close was larger than thought. And contrary to the party's
thoughts, it was not an ordinary stone pillar.

A nest. A stone pillar was a giant nest of the Colgia, a species of flying
mana that inhabits the Black Sea.


"Ki Ik!"
Suddenly, cracks in the stone pillars opened up and a flock of colkia roared.
In an instant, the sky seemed to be covered in black, as if it were over a

Jean and Kashmir quickly pulled out their weapons, but Quikantel raised
his hand, saying it was not necessary.

"Stay still. Murakan will take care of it."

[Doesn't know...]

Murakan, who collects breaths by shining the eye. The darkness gathered
through the open muzzle and was about to be shot forward.

Thanks to Qin's strong spirit, Murakan became incomparably stronger than

when he first woke up.


As soon as the breath was fired, more than 50 percent of colgias

disappeared without a trace. Even Qin looked at Murakhan in astonishment
at its power, and Kashmir and Jet were all mouth-to-mouth.

At a moment, darkness fell on all sides.

Not the expression, but the rest of my colleagues, except Jin, were realizing
that the front was actually darkened.

The spirit in their breath completely covered the inside of the pit, where
they stood.

Colkia, who had not been able to breathe for the first time, were tearing
their bodies out of the darkness. Without even a small piece of flesh falling
on the floor, the powerful Colkia soon disappeared without a trace.

"It wasn't called him the strongest in the past."

As soon as the spirit was lifted, Quikantel clapped his hands. Kashmir and
Jet are also imitating her without keeping their mouth shut.
"Hung, at least it's a new pair of sebums compared to its prime."

"Yee, is this a new-footed piragupshaw? I just doubted my eyes. I was

wondering if it was Murakan who was joking with us every day. Lord
Kashmir, isn't it?"

"Uh, uh... ...yes." No, but ID Murakan. Why have you let me and Quikantel
kill almost all the monsters we have?"

"Are you arguing with me?"

"No, it's just, it's cool."

"Something's weird, little guy's getting stronger, but he's too slow to regain
his strength...….”

Whether Kashmir and Zet were surprised or not, Murakhan smacked his
lips as if he was dissatisfied with the power of his breath he had just

"For a broken heart, isn't that enough coming back?"

"My little boy's spirit has reached six stars, and my strength should come
back about sixty percent."

"You want too much. You should be grateful for your breathing."

"You need to find out. The recovery is definitely slower than I thought.”

"Then look for your sister."

"Oh, I don't want to run into it if I can."

"What do you want me to do?”

While Murakan and Quikantel were bickering, Chin and his colleagues
looked at the map.
"If you follow the map, you'll have to go through the canyon and cross the
river that says Molos. Then we'll arrive. I think we can get there by tonight
if we walk close. If a demon appears to be similar to what it has been until

"Then let's aim to get there by tonight, and let's go and get Jean a good
night's sleep. We don't know who Heluram's devil is, so we'll have to face
him in the best condition. You told me to knock it down."

Fortunately, no mana came out when passing through the canyon or

crossing the Molos River.

It was because the evil creatures living nearby had the perception that they
would die if they came near the Molos River.

The perception that Zion and the Black Knights of the Prehistoric Age have
been killing the local mana for a long time to manage Heluram's mana.

Without knowing the fact, the party moved forward comfortably. Thanks to
this, Jean and her colleagues were able to reach their destination around the

Facing them, it was a kind of forest.


As it is known, there are no trees in the Black Sea. It was only known as a
land of rocks, volcanoes, and poisonous swamps and rivers.

But it was a wrong story.

There were numerous forests in the Black Sea. There were only one of the
forests they were looking at now, and there were more than ten forests
marked on a map made by a black knight.

Naturally, it was completely different from the forest outside. The thorns of
thorns, which were all venomous, were sharper than the tip of the spear and
had a "bubble" on their leaves.
Such thorn trees were stretched out, leaving only enough room for a man to
pass through.


Jet approached the tree at the entrance of the forest thoughtlessly and
backed away. He saw a leaf that came down to his chest open its mouth to
reveal its sharp fangs. Kang! When I closed my mouth, there was a sound
of a sword hitting me.

If I'd put my finger on it...the thought of... gave me the goose bumps of the

"What, what, all these grotesque forests? Do I have to leave you alone in

"Come on out."

Quikantel passed the jet and went into the woods. She broke the thorn tree
with her fist casually, and the leaves were burned using magic.

Soon after, however, he returned to his colleagues, using up his pride.

"Just a little inside is full of venom. You'd have to be a Manchurian, or

equivalent, to be able to work. Like Vanessa said. I'm getting upset. What
kind of monster lives in that place?”

The group was still unable to infer the identity of the monster Heluram had
raised. There were more than one or two mana she raised, many of which
were killed by powerful men and dragons of her time.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure he gave you a map because he's a mana to win. But
I don't know what the hell I'm getting for killing a demon. Is that my team?
It's no use to humans."

The innards of the devil are treated as spirits to dragons, but they have no
effect on humans at all.
"You said with your own mouth that Jean was a mana to win, but what do
you mean inner? How are you going to catch the mana with the inner body
by yourself?"

It was common for dragons to form a scaffold to deal with a manatee with
inner limbs. In addition, such evil creatures hid themselves from the public
because of their self and intelligence.

"Well, that's true. Anyway, Jet! Set up a tent and prepare a meal. Even if
you eat less when you go back, you must make sure you feed the kid
tonight and tomorrow morning. You know what I mean?”

"I'll use dry meat and meat powder. I'm going to use meat powder.”

"We're short of food anyway, you don't have to do that.”

"Don't worry, Quikantel and I will be eating the devil."

Early the next morning.

Colleagues decided to wait for Jean in front of the forest, and Jean had
some magic ready for the fight.

Then he strode into the forest. He cut down the thorn tree with his sword
and set fire by magic, so there was no big problem to manage.

'Here's where the poison begins.'

From the area where the poison started, the thorn trees were not as dense as
the entrance. Instead, it was stifled by the thick venom, which would not
have lasted a minute without the Manchurian.

I walked for a long time. The interior of the forest consisted of quite
unusual structures.

The plain and forest areas seemed to be mixed. The perfectly rounded,
artificially carved rocks roll out, and past them, the thorn tree forest begins
again, and the plain comes out...….
It was a forest divided in that way.

Plains and forests in which round rocks roll. Jean was naturally walking,
thinking of the difference between the two zones.

Why are they so distinct? Is it the black knight who cut the rock round? So
why did you cut it?'

The wood was derived from the nature of the Black Sea, but the round rock
seemed useless.

What kind of ritual is it used for?

He went forward, spreading all kinds of imaginations. Three hours have

already passed since entering the forest, but the mana was almost irritated
by the sight of nothing but round rocks and terrible thorns.

Meanwhile, I inadvertently looked down and saw something that had not
been seen so far.


It was fur.

A thick, black, and soft enough to go nowhere with this poisonous prickly
forest of thorns. Jean naturally orientated herself along the fur that had
fallen on the floor.

And when we found the 15th plain.

Jin was able to realize who made the 'round rock' and what it was for.


In the middle of the plains, a cat was playing rolling rocks. However, the
problem was that unlike a real cat, it was similar in size to Murakan, who
turned into a real person.

It was the cat of the witch Heluram.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 207

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:20 PM

Chapter 207: Episode 67. The Legacy of the Witch Heluram (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Round rocks were rolling in contact with the forefoot of the beast. He
played with his fingernails repeatedly pushing and pulling, and often licked
his body.

Only the large body and white leopard patterns spread throughout the dark
fur seemed to distinguish it from cats.

Of course.

Jean had never heard of a monster that looked like a cat. There are countless
monsters in the world, but the cat-like species have never been reported to
the academic world.

'Turn that thing down...? Looks more like a spirit than a devil.'

Not yet did Man-mul know that Jin was near.

Thanks to this, Qin could observe the mana with a comfortable mind for a
while, and soon realized that the thorn tree in this forest was the food of the
Rush, mash, mash!

There was a loud noise as the devil bit the thorn tree like a sugar cane.

After settling down here, Manmul lived on thorn trees for over a thousand

When he ate a lot of thorn trees and made a flat surface, he cut the rocks
round and played. Until the thorn tree grows back in its place. Like this.


On the forefoot lightly wielded by the devil, a lump of rock stuck in the
ground sprang up.

The rock was cut round before it even fell to the floor, losing its original
bumpy shape. The mana, who soon stared at the fallen rock, made a small
cry as if satisfied.

'Toenails...... I have to be careful.'

He shook his head, recalling the claws that had been revealed for a while
when he cut the rock. No wonder I saw a sharp claw that bent like a rake
cutting a rock like a radish.

Can I approach you without being caught?

As soon as I was about to take my step, the devil looked around with a
startling look around. He did not expect to succeed in the surprise attack
anyway. It was because the poison was so strong that the protective barrier
had to be maintained in addition to the Manchurian liquor.

The subtle light of the Orser protective membrane stimulated the eyes of the
monster. The eyes of the demon turned to the camp.


a devil who shouts as soon as his eyes meet It was deafening, but it was
tolerable compared to the roar of the Ming royal family.
The sigmunds gathered together. Plain lightning was also a great sword in
the face of large mana.

I wonder how strong he is.... Hmm?


Suddenly, the devil turned back and began to run toward a deeper forest. It
was so fast that I couldn't think of holding on, that Jean looked only at the
place where the mana had disappeared for a moment.

You run away? You're afraid of me with that mountain?'

I felt absurd before I even had a fight.

'No. You've already met black knights once, so you're afraid of being
human? I'm sure the black knights didn't kill him, they took care of him,
and then they left this forest.'

For some reason, I felt sorry. He seems to be living in peace alone in this
forest, but he is the one who bursts in out of nowhere and destroys the devil.

'......let's go after him first.'

In any case, beating the devil is a test given by father and Vanessa. I
couldn't quit for pity.

And the feeling of pity for him vanished as soon as he began to pursue.

I mean, boom!

As soon as he entered the deep forest, his front feet flew away. Mana
managed to hide himself by wandering through the crevices of the thorn
tree in its enormous size.

The forefoot knocked down the thorn tree like a weed, and it hit the gin. Jin
hurriedly lifted the sign and was able to stop it, but he couldn't help it when
his body bounced off.
Boo-woong, the front paws flew again, aiming for the rising gin.

" !"

The sword struck a thunderbolt, unable to stop it. The spilled epilepsy
bounced off the forefoot of the mana, and Qin was falling to the ground full
of thorn trees.

Immediately before the crash, the sword erupted in all directions.

Nevertheless, there were too many thorn trees to avoid stabbing and
scratching the whole body, but Muleta's rune and black-light-crowded
gloves saved him from fatal wounds.

And saved his life thanks to the Manchurian. If it weren't for the
Manchurian, the poison of the thorn trees would have been added to the
poison that covers the forest, and it would have been an invoice.

In other words, he was properly beaten from the beginning.

Jean stood up and breathed a deep sigh. All parts of his arms and legs were
torn and bloodshot, and his coat became rags.

The poison constantly seeped into the wound, and my whole body seemed
to burn. Even the pain doesn't go away with the hard liquor.

The monster disappeared into a deeper forest without further attack.

'Yes...... I was crazy for a moment. Feeling sorry for the devil and feeling
like I'm a bad guy. He must have planned how to kill me as soon as he saw

The devil did not run away. He was just trying to deal with Jean in a more
efficient and safer way. He showed the best response without knowing the
power of his opponent.

On the other hand, Jin was caught off guard by the familiar appearance of
the monster.
No one saw the unseemly appearance of being ambushed and thrown and
covered in blood, but he could not tolerate himself.

The fact that he thought of a giant butterfly, Looncandel, somehow because

he had a white spot but the opponent was a black cat, and that he did not
want to hurt him for some reason was not the basis for consideration.

'I'll deal with it properly.'

Kad Deuk!

Jin, who gritted his teeth, boosted his mana.

It was a ruse to summon Tess and start by burning up this damn prickly
forest. If you run away, the forest and trees will burn easily.

But even though the ceremony was held to open the flame, the gate was not
opened. No matter how many times I tried, it was the same.

'......huh, that's a big deal. I don't think it's because of the poison, and I have
enough mana. Does this place belong to a dead world like Laparosa?'

You can't summon Tess in the dead world. The fact that I learned from the
training of the Ming royal brothers in Laparosa.

Jean soon concluded that the forest was just like Laparosa.

It didn't matter because it didn't mean that we couldn't burn the forest
without Tess. Soon, a new red flame clung to Jin's left hand.

a flame jade

A flame sphere containing seven mana flew toward the dark thorny forest.
As soon as the sphere touched the tree, it spread like a net and instantly
burned the entrance of the inner forest where the mana had fled.

He then sang the wave wind in succession. When I was a cadet, I

remembered burning the forest this way when I saved Mesa.
However, Jin's magic power was incomparable. Even with the same wave
wind, the strength of the wind is different, and unlike then, the fire that
devours the thorn tree is a seven-star flame hole.

The forest was literally a sea of fire. Unsatisfied with that, Jean passed by
the burning thorns and prepared the next flame jade.

Surprisingly, no poison was burned at all in the flames that spread

everywhere. On the contrary, even the poison held by the thorn tree was
mixed in the air, making it even more suffocating.

Although it would not be easy to fight, Jin judged that if the poison that
even he with the Manchurian could not handle, it would be too much for the

"If you don't pop out right now, I'll burn the whole forest!"

Whether or not the devil understood it, he shouted in a loud, peppered


Three times you've thrown a flame hole like that.


In the end, the devil raised a white flag. He is trudging out of the fire with a
shrill cry.

'Ha, the yodel is the yodel. It's... you're telling me not to do this.'

I felt guilty again as I faced a man with his ears drooping and his eyes
frowned sadly.

The thorns that are now burning were the house of mana and the only food.
Jin realized it intuitively when he faced a mana whining in the burning

I didn't mean to repeat the same mistake. Again, if he let his guard down, he
would rush to bite his neck or play tricks on him.
"Don't pretend to be poor."

The moment Jean said so, the eyes of the devil changed.

It doesn't work.

It was definitely that kind of look. At the same time, Qin could feel that
mana was spewing from the eyes of a demon.


It was Ma'an.

Naturally, Jean did not bear in mind the fact that the devil could use magic,
and thus could not avoid the amber eyes with mana.

Many of the old dark magic tricks were "spiritual" magic that drove the yen
to madness. That was the magic of the devil, and Jean was already

Start with the hallucination of the whole body being beaten with a dagger.

Even hallucinations that show the most depressing days of previous life. In
just a second, dozens of hallucinations were penetrating Jean's mind.

Man-mul was smiling at Jin's eyes, which were blank. Buried with
hallucinations, Jean never saw the abominable smile of such a demon.

Now the devil had to approach, rip up the trembling camp without mercy,
put down the fire burning the nest, and watch his body rot in the poison of
the forest.


The devil walked away, weeping low and gloomy.

But the next moment, the devil had no choice but to tilt his head.

"Because I hate hallucinations."

Something that is hard to understand as a demon has happened.

Apparently completely exposed to Ma'an, Jin had regained consciousness

and had eyes wide open to live in her eyes.

Three mirages experienced in the Great Barrier.

A disciplined belief in overcoming them, reaching La Prarosa to become

brothers of the Ming Dynasty. It was not talent but absolute mental power
that made Jin what he is now.

The third mirage, the camp where Teron Looncandel stood, finally endured
and wielded his sword. Such Qin could not have the clumsy spiritual magic
of the devil.

He broke the hallucination of a demon by his will. It was as easy as

breathing for him.

"One second. You should have ended it when I was hallucinating. And
you're saying, somehow, you understand people......isn'

This time Jean smiled. The mana, who had stopped as he was walking,
rolled his eyes with his fur up against him.

Boom, boom, boom...!

The thorns in the fire were falling. In it again the sigmund gave off a blue

Pluto's Sword 3rd Sword.

a guilty offense

Needless to worry, Jean chose the sword.

"But I don't understand what the devil says. You won't know if you shout
anything, so shut up and swing your claws."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 208

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:19 PM

Chapter 208: Episode 67. The Legacy of the Witch Heluram (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A cerebral hemorrhage emanating from the photocardium wound around

the pale. The red-colored landscape, burning with its energy, was dyed blue,
and the manatee stepped backward.

a glimmer of glare

The light, which soon became a huge awl, flooded the necks of the mana.
The ashes of thorn trees spread everywhere in fierce energy.

When Man-mul had his eyes wide open even at the very moment when the
spot of Dan-sin was just around the corner, but Jin was immersed in this
intuition for some reason.

'I don't think it's going to end in a blow.'

It is a sword that swallowed five members of the Baekrang group at once.

Nevertheless, it seemed impossible to kill the devil, and at this time,
intuition was never wrong.


Just before the awl stabbed him in the neck, a maniac bent his back like an
arrow and put out his front foot.
Five claws, sharp as a sword, were shining. It was overlaid with the unique
power of the mana, not with any mana.


When the awl and front feet collided, the epigram and blue flames splashed.
Surprisingly, at the desperate forefooting of the devil, the awl twisted its
orbit, and Jean swung the sword again.

Bouncing diagonally, the awl hit the side of the beast again along the sign
gate. This time again, the manatees were seen using their claws to strike out
the awl.

It wasn't a direct clash, but it was enough to infer the monster's strength.

Lord Vanessa didn't describe it as a test for nothing.

It's not just a monster. It is also shocking that he has responded to the pineal
spot that is close to his brain twice.

However, the devil was afraid of the awl. As soon as the awl touched the
body, he instinctively felt what pain would follow, so he was constantly


So five times, five times when the awl was struck, there was a gap in the
back leg of the beast at the sixth. Jean immediately guided the awl there,
then flew off and aimed for the front of the devil together.

Plain oppressions, the brain energy spreading from the sigmund, pulled the
mana. Therefore, the mana could not avoid the awning that hit his hind legs,
and only managed to strike out the blade that stretched straight ahead.


The tip of the manure's claw hit the center of the sword. Jin attacked again
after spilling the sword without losing its balance, and in the meantime,
Song-gae, who hit the back of the devil's foot, threw up a cerebral palsy.
A painful cry spread. At the moment when the unpleasant noise of dozens
of babies crying and sneezing sounded, Jin shook his thunder at the face of
the devil.

Two attacks hit the mark at the same time, lightning and guilt. A power that,
if struck without a shield, would never be intact, even a nine-starringed

Apparently, the peacetime thunderstorm hit the face of the devil with its
orthodoxy, and the awl tore through its hind legs and tore it to shreds.

[Kiaargh! Kaargh!]

All the listeners screamed painfully. And the next moment, Jean had to face
an amazing sight.


The wound of the devil was regenerating.

Broken bone fragments from the hind legs disintegrated and seeped back
into the affected area, and the face torn by lightning was seen resting at a

It's not surprising that we know that some of the high-ranking mana have
regenerative powers.

'It's too fast.'

The problem was that. The regenerative ability of the high horse that Jean
knew was never this speed. Cat mana is literally "immediate" regeneration
of wounds.

It was not the time to watch with embarrassment. Due to the fact that he
continued to commit suicide for a long time, he was not properly assigned
to the police.

This is because they did not have this much ability to regenerate. Jin
planned to deal with it, even if a little too much, with a fatal wound once,
and then with a radical adjustment.

Who could have expected this demon to have this ability to regenerate? The
Black Knights of the War, who first faced the devil, had suffered the same
absurdity as Qin.


The monster's big eyes, which finished his recovery in an instant, filled the
gin the gin. Mana gathered again with eyes full of flesh, saying, "I will kill

This time it's not Ma's this time. The mana gathered in the snow was fired
as a ray of light, and Qin quickly stepped on the prosthetic to evade, but
swallowed dry saliva when he saw the land where the beam had fallen.

A black hole had formed. That was not enough, and the surrounding land
was broken and broken, making it a sign of the collapse of the fortress.

Naturally, no matter how much the gin is in such a beam, it cannot be safe.

'If it doesn't fit, that's it.'

It wasn't as fast as it could be avoided or prevented.

But having one weapon to keep in mind the enemy's mind at all times is
bound to significantly increase the fatigue of the battle.

This was especially true when the mana and the long-term battle for
second-speed regeneration are needed.

He can't play it indefinitely. It's my victory if I damage the organs that are
the source of regeneration, or if I injure them until they can no longer

Of course, it wasn't as easy as I thought. Jin will be fatal if he allows a

single hit, while Man-mul will simply regenerate a few fatal wounds if he
can endure pain.
It had to be an efficient fight. Rather than a destructive sword like the Ming
sword, it is necessary to use a more controlled sword.


Jean hunted down Sigmund and pulled out Bradamante. At the same time as
the foot sword, the spirit was liberated.

the liberation of the sword

The radiance of the sword of Bradamante disappeared in darkness. Then, as

the particles of Young-gi began to float near Jin's body, the eyes of the devil
became thinner.

"You must have seen Young-gi before, right? Well, you must have lived a
long time.”


"It's going to be pretty hard to knock you down, but I hope there's a
satisfactory reward."

A gin and a mare rushing at each other at the same time.

Mana continued to form in the eyes of the devil. As the distance neared,
Man-mul fired the rays and pressed the camp again and again.

The attack using four feet, tail and muzzle did not stop either. I thought
claws and snouts would be the most dangerous, but the more demanding
side was the tail.

It is difficult to read the direction because it is hidden in the body and pops
out without notice. From Jin's point of view, it felt like a pillar-like iron was
falling from the left, from the right, and from the top.

It was also the first time for Qin to fight against a giant demon.

When fighting a dragon, he was dizzy with the agility and flexibility he had
never experienced before, but he did not give time to adjust.
It was quite tricky.

But it wasn't too much to deal with. If only concentration could be

maintained, we could avoid or defeat every attack of the devil enough.

After a three-minute battle, he slowly caught his eye one by one.

Even with the means of regeneration, he would rush out of the way if he
poked the gap, and Jin felt that he had no more cards hidden from him.


The spirit spread from the sword slowly stained between the gin and the
mare. Jin was gradually creating a pattern in the workshop, repeatedly
hiding and appearing in the spirit, just as the mana had initially used the

On the contrary, the mana could no longer hide in the forest. The thorn trees
nearby are still burning, and if you hide in the deep forest, this wicked man
will set fire to the precious food again.

So apart from the shocking regenerative power, Jin had the lead in the fight.

"The question is whether I lose my stamina first or his ability to regenerate


He also considered luring her out of the woods and working with her
colleagues. However, he was not such a loose opponent that he could run
away with his back.

Therefore, it had to be a long fight.


The battle lasted more than 40 hours. Manmul had never been fatally
wounded by Jin, and if it had not been for his ability to regenerate, Jin
would have killed Manmul dozens of times already.
Now there were only ashes and small fires left in the land where the camp
and the devil had stood, which had been covered in flames. All the thorny
trees nearby had burned down and disappeared.

But the flames that the flame-rocked fire continued to climb into the deeper
ground with thorn trees, and now the flames were covering more than half
of the thorn-tree forests.

It was just then.

One variable that Jin couldn't calculate began to change the atmosphere of
the battlefield.

'He's on edge.'

Is it because of the fear that the forest will burn away?

Unlike Jean, who looks exhausted, Man-mul is in a condition that is not

much different from the beginning.

As time went by, there were more gaps in the mana's movements. He swung
his claws at the fire that devoured the thorn tree far away, and cut
somewhere in Bradamante each time.

Fortunately for the devil, the only thing that could be said was that he still
has the ability to regenerate. Contrary to Qin's expectations, Man-mul
would recover just as he would when he scratched his foot when he hurt his
heart or head.

There was no organ that was the source of regeneration. During the fight,
Jean stabbed or cut the whole body of the demon once.

The regenerative power of mana was not common.

It was quite out of line with the laws of the world. Like the old dark magic
that history books describe.

Jin has never met before, but not even the "King of the Black Sea" has
transcendent regenerative powers.
There is always a limit to the absolute regeneration of allta dragons such as
Quikantel. To recover indefinitely without any restrictions was never the
ability of the mortal to have.

'Can't just have' ability.

It also meant that it was possible if there was a sufficient price.

After 40 hours of fighting, Qin was able to come to one conclusion about
the mana.

"......your ass, it wasn't regenerative.”


"Witch Heluram, the man who was your master put a curse on you. It's
probably a curse related to immortality, so you play it endlessly. Otherwise,
there's no way to explain it."


As Jean approached slowly, the devil scratched the ground menacingly.

"You're a body that can't die. Even if you want to die, you can't die, so
you're fighting me even if your limbs are cut off, your heart is broken, and
your neck is gone. Am I wrong?”

Jean knew little about the old dark magic, but could be sure. I'm sure he's
under Heluram's curse for some reason.

And it's probably abandoned.

"When this forest burns out and disappears, where will you go?"

The devil did not answer and made a low sound.

He seemed to say he had nowhere to go.

But it didn't matter if I had nowhere to go. The trees will grow again
someday, and even if we don't eat anything by then, the mana will still be

Instead, in a world of rocks, trees and solitude, the devil will now have to
live in a world where only solitude remains for a long time. Until the woods
are all restored.

"If you don't attack me, I'll try to calm the fire from now on."

When Jean said so with a bayonet, the devil nodded his head.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 209

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:18 PM

Chapter 209: Episode 67. The Legacy of the Witch Heluram (5)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

From then on, I went around with the mana to put out the fire.

However, it was virtually impossible to calm the fire that had already lasted
for two days. It was clear that magic was the limit to digest, and so was
cutting down the fire area with a sword to prevent more fire from moving.

It was impossible to put out the fire unless it rained. No, I wondered if it
would be possible to control a fire of this size even if it rained.

To make matters worse, there was a gale somewhere as soon as the fire
began to subdue. As if they were waiting for the two to quit fighting and put
out the fire.

The sun rises, the moon rises, the moon sets, and the sun rises again.

I wandered frantically through the forest for such a day to control the
flames. Jin struggled for more than three days, and his physical strength
was slowly reaching its limit.

Mmul, with her ears drooping as if she had given up early, only made a
feeble cry, and Chin did her best until the end with a strange sense of guilt.

I don't know what this is about.….'

It occurred to me.

Wasn't it just a peaceful day in this harsh land? On the other hand, he
invaded the land of the devil, harassed the devil, and was now
overpowering the fire he had committed.

What on earth can we get by doing this?

Only the feeling became uncomfortable, and only the feeling of sorry for
the "mammul" was filled. It was difficult for Jin to grasp the intentions of
Siron and Vanessa to understand why they took these tests.

'I don't think he doesn't know it's a dead body. I think if I fought endlessly, I
would end up losing, or I would have no choice but to run away. Is there
something I missed?'

At least he didn't miss anything in that he was "incredible." Unless the curse
was lifted, the devil could not be killed by any means.


In the midst of the agony, the fire almost swallowed up the thorn tree forest.

Tadak, Tadak, Tadak...….

More than 90% of the forest has been reduced to ashes.

The gin and the devil sat in front of a few barely guarded thorns, listening
to the vain sound of the small fire spreading nearby.

The open ground was empty. In the midst of the intermittent wind blowing
ash, the blackened round rocks stood indifferently.


The mana, which sank down, uttered a low cry.

I had nothing to say but that. It's as if he just came in out of nowhere and
destroyed the nest, so even if his opponent is a devil, he must feel sorry.

I felt as if my whole body was going to break with the exhaustion.

A battle that lasted more than 40 hours, and a fire control that lasted more
than 24 hours. Even the blessed body of Looncandel was not a time to be
reckoned with.


The mana who turned his head with a jerk revealed its sharp fangs.

But it was not an immediate rush. As if he is exhausted, he sighs with his

head down.

Jean approached the mare.

Then he patted the side of the beast. There was no way to comfort him, and
I couldn't think of anything else to say sorry because it would be empty.

"I came here because I was tested by my father. I couldn't resist it from my
point of view, and that's why I got to fight you."

Then the demon put up its claws.

Then instead of attacking Jean, he began to draw something on the floor.

The large claws of the mule, the mower, moved with great delicacy, and the
painting was five men.

'Crazy, you're good at drawing.

A man in light clothes holding a sword and four knights in black armor.

They were the black knights of the Ciron and the Prehistoric Age. It was
easy to recognize the poem without armor as it was painted the largest in
the middle.

"......who is my father?"

"In the middle."


The devil shook his body with a nod. He seemed very afraid just to think
about his theory.

"Did your father hurt you?"

[,, .]

The devil nodded.

"That's understandable. Even though your father cut you, you survived,


"... ...a terrible curse. It's worse than what I've been through."

I couldn't even imagine. What does it feel like to be killed after being
subjected to the sword of the theory that you have reached the point of
"dissolving" things completely?

Fire is never a happy phenomenon. Especially if you're left alone in this

terrible prickly forest.

"I don't know what your master had in mind put such a curse on you. Witch
Heluram, is it true that she abandoned you?"


The part seemed unappealing. At this point, Jin wondered if this was indeed
a demon. It feels more like a pet with an ego.

"Yes, let's move on. Why didn't you think of leaving here? Didn't your
father allow it?"

The devil answered yes, but in fact there were more complicated

When he first settled in this prickly forest, the devil did not know that he
was cursed.

He was also unaware that he had been abandoned by Hengluram.

So, waiting for his master who had not returned, he realized that Heluram
would never return, and that he had been cursed with immortality.

Since then, it has been a series of meaningless days. I never thought of

leaving the forest because I felt abandoned by my owner, and I just hid
myself drunk with the familiarity of the forest.

In the midst of nearly a thousand years, Zion and the Black Knights of the
former era found the devil.

As soon as they found out that the mana was immortal, they began to
investigate, and as a result they found that the mana was Heluram's favorite.

By that time, Man-mul wanted to get out of this land for the first time.

When I recall the enormous power of the human being, Zion, it was because
more fear than death weighed heavily on my whole body.

But it was impossible to run away from Ciron. A little way out of the Black
Sea was because he appeared without fail.

Every time Ciron said the same thing.

Someday my daughter will come to you to be your new master. Wait till

The demon could not disobey the order. He was more afraid of talking than
the owner Heluram, who abandoned him, shouted in anger.
All of this cannot be expressed by crying or by drawing pictures on the
floor. So the devil answered, "Mamiah, yes."

"Well... was my father's order that I couldn't leave the forest. Then,
maybe you can come out with me."


"He said there'd be a reward if I knocked you down. I think, that means the
authority to take you out."

The devil blinked his eyes for a while.

You're not a daughter, you're a son, that's what it meant, but Jean didn't

"It's not a lie."


"There's no place to go anyway because the forest's burned down. It's my

fault, so I'll get you a new house if you go outside. It's so toxic here that I
can't bring in people to restore the forest."


There it is!

"Where? Oh, the oysters from before?"

While overpowering the flames, Qin had found a cave at the heart of the
thorn tree forest. It was the house of the devil.

Standing up suddenly, the devil began to step on his feet.

"How are you going to get along there alone? Don't you feel hungry? That's
why I ate thorn trees. Is there any hunting nearby?"
I was genuinely worried. Because of the influence of Zion, no other mana
came near this forest.

The demon moved toward the cave without answering. For a long time Jean
had to walk after the devil.

And upon arriving at the cave, Jean could find a strange object. There was a
bottle of liquor in the deepest part of the oyster. The liquor stood upright as
if someone had just brought it.

The bottle was something I had never seen before until yesterday.

"Drinking bottle?"

Jean and Mana looked at each other alternately at the bottle.

"Why do you look like you don't know?"


As soon as he approached and lifted the bottle of liquor, Jean was forced to
open her eyes wide, facing the writing on the back.

(Siaron Looncandel, the King of the Singers)

"Huh... ..he must have put it back. Now, look. It's got my father's name on
it. Oh, can't you read?"

a musical accompaniment

I've heard about the mysterious drink several times.

A liquor cast for a special day, a special moment, for a special person by the
descendants of a fairy.

If you drink it, the story of the owner of the liquor spreads in your head like
a song, and the song was called "Gawangju" because it has a wonderful
tune to listen to.
'You must have meant something to tell me.'


I opened the lid without having to worry. Then he took the lid as a glass and
filled it with wine.

The song began when I drank three glasses. The beautiful voices of the
descendants of the drunk fairy were ringing in Jin's ears.

The beast for Luna Looncandel, the first daughter of Siron Looncandel...….

As soon as the song began, I could see the old image of Zion. It was similar
to when Boras of O2 received the molar, but it was not as clear as it was.

The song was so perfect that I felt the scene was naturally imagined.

The first thing I saw was a young poet who visited the descendants of
fairies to make drinks. Siron was explaining something to the descendants
of the elves, without losing their smiles all the time.

It seemed right after they found the monster, and the black knights standing
next to them exchanged stories, saying Luna would like it.

Unlike these days, Zion seemed to be somewhat benevolent.

It was more interesting to Jin than the lyrics, as if he was just an ordinary
father who loved his child.

You must have left this guy behind for Luna's sister, and made a royals...….'

Originally, it was Luna, not Jin, who was supposed to drink this wine.

While listening to the singing of the royal family, Jin was able to save how
much Zion cared about Luna. It's natural that the song was telling Luna the
affection and expectation that Si-ron had.

But in the midst of a good tone, the song suddenly stopped.

The scene that came to mind was also a recent one, not a youthful one. He
was speaking like this with a solemn look on his face.

Follow Jean.

It was a story to the devil.

Confident that the "Map" would be handed over to Jin, Xiron went back to
the descendants of the elves with the kawangju he had made for Luna.

And I asked them to add a new line of lyrics to the music.

Follow Qin, whose added words were now recited by the descendants of
fairies, not by the poem.

A moment in thought, Jean filled the glass.

"Drink it, too."

When I carefully touched my tongue, the same song was spreading in the
mind of the devil.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 210

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:16 PM

Chapter 210: Episode 68. Red-crowned Shuri

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Murakan and Quikantel knew the name of the demon.

"I thought it would take a long time, but I didn't know I'd bring something
like this. It's Heluram's Red Cage, isn't it? I don't know how long it's been.
It's bigger than I've seen before, so it looks abandoned."

"......there's a reason why I couldn't guess when I heard that Quikantel and I
were the demons of Helluram. He's not a demon, he's a spirit. Heluram's
cat, Shri. It was a famous spirit about two thousand years ago."

Red-crowned Shuri.

Shuri, which Jean had known as a demon, was a gift from Orgal, king of the
Masu, to Hel Luram.

"It's a gift from some sort of ride concept. Helluram couldn't ride a horse.
There was a limit to flying around with a cane."

As he said, Shri seemed to have no great resistance to putting someone on

his back. When he emptied the royal family immediately and returned to his
colleagues, Jin traveled by Shuri.
There was little meaning in getting on Shri's back. Now that he has become
his own beast (now he knew it was a spirit), he wanted to ride it.

Also, when a person sees a big animal, he or she wants to hug or ride it, and
that's true of Jin.


"But why the red grave?"

Jean tilted her head and looked at Shree. All black fur, white spots, and
amber eyes. No matter where I looked, the name "Jeokokok" didn't match.

"Oh, you haven't seen the enemy's prison yet? Didn't you decide to
recognize you as the new owner?"

"I didn't see it. I just knew his name."

"Then you're not his master yet."


Then, Shuri slowly took a look and opened her mouth and spat something

A red gem half the size of an egg, a red jade. It just came out of my mouth,
but there was not a drop of saliva on it, and it was shiny.


"You have to inject your mana into that jewel to become the owner of the
Red Cage. You can't do it to anyone, but you can only inject the person he

"Why didn't you tell me?”

[Miya...... Ang.]
When Jean glared at him, Shree avoided his gaze. Then with his front paws,
he pointed to the enemy's prison that fell to the ground stealthily.

Jean, who smiled and laughed, grabbed the enemy's prison.

Injecting the mana, the red jade shone and at the same time Shuri's eyes
were red. The mana was connected, making it seem that Jeokok and Shri
were resonating for a while.

And something amazing happened.


Shuri's huge body turned red and was sucked into a deep-rooted evil. As if
it had not been there from the beginning, there was not a hair left where
Shree was.

"Now lick the enemy's prison once. Like a cat."

"......should you?"

Looking to the side, Quikantel was also nodding his head. Come on. What
are you doing without licking? Jean was forced to bring her tongue to the
enemy prison.

"That's the end of the contract. Now, if you own an enemy prison, you can
summon Shree anytime. Tess, you don't need a lot of mana like you
summon that gentleman."

"I like it very much.”

The method of summoning Shri was simple. Injecting a trace of mana, it

was in the form of Shri jumping out of the red prison.


When the enemy prison was colored and Shri was summoned, Jean was
ready to be heard.
"But, how could feels a little smaller."

It was still big. However, Murakan and Seo in their original form were not
likely to be far behind.

About the size of a carriage, he looked at Murakan while touching Shuri's

body, which had become significantly smaller. It means to explain what

"The Jeokokokmyo depends on the contractor. Red-crowned graves and

houses without owners, but contracted ones usually get smaller. That way,
you'll have less trouble living with your master, so it's a kind of survival

"Oh, congratulations, my lord! I don't know, but you got a hell of a guy,
don't you think? After Butterfly Looncandel, it's also a cat.….”

"Who is the butterfly looncandel? Hey, Mimul. Won't you take care of your
subordinates properly?"

"Sorry, Mr. Murakhan. Confucius, I'd like to try it...... Well, I guess not!"


As Kashmir approached, Shri put her claws up.

"How do you know so well, Murakan?"

"I've signed a contract with Jeokokmyo before. It was about two thousand
years ago, and I crossed the rainbow bridge with all the water. Well, it
wasn't a common creature then either. They'd have to be happy and
connected to meet.”

Murakan's favorite transformation, the black cat, was modeled after the red
grave he was with at that time.

At present, Jeokokmyo has been virtually extinct since the decline of the
Ma people.
There was even little relevant feed left in human society, but Shuri, the
tomb of the witch Heluram, had some pretty detailed descriptions of the
information collected by each giant force.

It was also possible for Siron to identify Shuri because he stole the ancient
documents of Jipple with the Black Knights of the National University.

"It looks like he was originally left for Luna's sister."

"That's understandable. Doesn't that mean you've left it for someone who's
going to be a housekeeper? It means your father is slowly acknowledging
you as his successor."

"There was a singing column related to Shuri. When I drank it, I heard a
story from my father to the descendants of fairies......I could see how much
you cared about Luna. I never thought he'd had that aspect."

It really was. I can't believe it's a theory to make a karaokes for my

children....I felt it in person through the music, and I still couldn't believe it.

"But in the end, Shree ended up signing with you, didn't he? Not your

"Even my father's beloved sister drew attention from the moment she gave
up her throne. At least twenty years ago, even the kawangju that I made for
my sister became my share. I can go out of my sight anytime, too.”

"Oh, you're worrying uselessly. Now how many of your brothers can
compete with you?"

"Well, we'll have to go back and see about that."

Then when Jin explained the curse on Shri, Murakhan and Quikantel's face

"Ha, for a witch's sake, you put a very dog-like curse on it. It's literally a
curse of immortality. Human contracted to the Lord of the Moon, and the
witch Heluram. That's how it's a two-way curse."
"Used as a catalyst for curses is at least a million human beings. In my
opinion, one of Heluram's catastrophic events was a means to curse Shuri.”

"Huh! Isn't she crazy? Even if you love your cat, you use a million people
as a catalyst to make it immortal? I've never imagined such a bad girl.”

Then Quikantel shook his head with a heavy expression.

"The curse of immortality is by no means an act on a beloved being. Think

about it, how terrible it is to live forever with a body that will never die no
matter what you do."

"There's no way a witch like Heluram wouldn't know that. If it was her, it's
highly likely she'd just cast a immortal curse for fun."

"And if the curse is still valid, that means Heluram is alive. If Heluram
really cared about Shri, would he have put the curse of immortality on the
Black Sea? With the termination of the contract."

"Wow... the two dragons say, it's so creepy that the witch is still alive.
Look at my forearm, it's all up."


Suddenly, Shree dropped his eyes and uttered a sad cry. The sound made
Murakhan and Quikantel cough loudly.

"That... ...a kid would be a million times better than a witch. So don't be too
sad, oh, that. If you cry like that, I'll. What does it become? I'm sorry, so
stop and...….”

"Good job, very. Quikantel, you're too mean this time. These are hurtful

[Kiying, King...].]

"Hoo-hoo, shit. Your mouth was an equation. Kid, call Tess. The nobleman
has been good at appeasing the spirits since old times."

As soon as Tess was summoned, he saw Shri and flapped his wings merrily.

"See the owner of the pyrolysis system!"

Quikantel bowed politely, but Tess looked alternately at Murakhan and


"Oh, yeah. Long time no see. Where did you get this pretty guy? That's
what the little guy...... Yes, yes, of course. I didn't ring. It's really not me!
It's him, Quikantel!"

Then, for a while, I pecked at the top of the Murakan. Quikantel was on his
knees without a word, and thanks to him, he was able to avoid Tess' assault.


Anyway, Murakan's story that Tess was good at soothing the spirit was true.
I'm sure you've never seen it before, but Shri made a pleasant sound,
snuggling in Tess' wings.

Also, it seemed that communication was possible. Just as Murakan and

Quikantel understood Tess's will, so did Shri.

After so long as Tess consoled Shri, he went back to the flame. He also
seemed to have not forgotten to ask Shuri to be nice to him, yearning for
Murakan before he left.

"Tes said he would release the curse if he later brought Shri directly into the

said Quikantel, wiping off a cold sweat. Tess was still the scariest creature
in the world to her.

"He's good at throwing air tickets, too. By the time the kid could go there
himself, it would be possible for him to visit and make his own."

Fortunately, Shuri had the personality of quickly getting rid of the
melancholy. That's why he was able to overcome solitude alone in the
forests of the Black Sea for more than a thousand years, but Jin felt even
more sorry for him.

"Anyway, let's go back. Let's introduce our new family."


The party was able to get out of the Black Sea several times faster thanks to
the transport of Shuri. Thanks to this, the shortage of food was no problem.

Of course, from the time of his release, he sent Shree into the red prison and
moved in a normal manner.

"Lord, it's presumptuous of me to venture to understand your will, but...... I

don't think she hated Lady Luna's gentle nature."

Gilly said so as soon as he heard about Shree.

"Why do you think so?”

"I heard this kid was cursed with immortality. Then how could you have let
Miss Luna, who was given the guidance as scheduled, succumbed to Shree,
too? Didn't you think Lady Luna could take good care of Shri?"

Judging from the benevolent smile of Zion, which came to mind when I
drank the karaokes, it seemed to me that it wasn't

"Well, it's true that Luna was treated in many ways even after she gave up
her post. That's be true.”

Jean and Gillie talked about him for a while. It was a very interesting
subject, though I cannot draw a conclusion because I cannot understand the
innermost thoughts of the theory.

"Oh, and master. I have something to report."

"Yes, what is it?"

"There has been an unusual trend in the compass recently. A contractor has
been going back and forth between the Hufester Union and an uninhabited
island in the North Sea. Turns out the uninhabited island belonged to the
family of the Looncandel guardian."

"It's an island owned by the family of the Looncandel Guardian?"

"The guardian was Joshua's man. In fact, it's highly likely that the island
belongs to Joshua."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 211

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:14 PM

Chapter 211: Episode 69. Secret of the Isle of the 32nd Bluebird Islands (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The island was in the North Sea Cheongsae archipelago of the Hufester

About a hundred large and small islands were named the Blue Bird Islands
because they looked like a flock of birds, but they were not suitable for
human habitation.

It is not easy to move inland due to frequent rainstorms, lightning, rocks,

fires, and rough currents to the nearby sea.

Therefore, it was not valuable as a military area as well as a residential area.

The Cheongsae Islands were only used as a low-level tourist destination in
winter when lightning was less frequent.

Most of those who own islands in the archipelago are ordinary people who
had dreams of "owning an island," romanticists who try to impress their
lovers by "gifting an island," or swindlers who pretend to be rich on foreign

The "contractor," believed to be Joshua's person, was traveling daily

between the Hufester Union and the island of No. 32 of the Chengbird
"It's an island where he goes, so he's exposed to the compass.”

A new item taken away by Jin and his colleagues after six months of hard
work, the compass does not provide the exact location of the contractor.

If there are 20 contractors in the Hufester Union, the way in which 20 red
dots are formed in the center of Hufester. Where exactly the twenty
contractors are staying in Hufester is unknown.

But the case of the island was different. Even in the land of the Hufester
Union, red spots appeared in the middle of the island when the contractor
was on an island, not inland.

Only on the island, the compass was able to track the contractor more

"That's right, Master. The only time a red dot moves within Hufester is
when the contractor visits the island. Now that the island has been identified
as belonging to Joshua under his borrowed name, I think we need to look
into it."

"Because it's unlikely to be a coincidence.”


"Just tell the seven-color crew to keep an eye on it. Tell them to find out
about the Blue Bird Islands. If you visit him right away, he could be
suspected in reverse."

"Does Joshua have any information about the compass?”

"I don't know that. But we can't rule out the possibility that he's colluding
with Kinselo or Zipple, so we can move a little more carefully."

"You think it could be a trap?”

"It's thin, though. If Joshua is in collusion with those who know the
compass, he knows that there is a superior search effect on the island.
Maybe that's why you're deliberately inducing me to come find you, the

"Then I'll just keep track of the trends for the time being. And we'll send a
few members of the Seven Colors to the Bluebird Islands. We're not going
to put them directly on Isle 32, but we're going to have them look at the
atmosphere around."


After the conversation, Shuri rubbed herself against Gilly and acted cute.
Shuri seemed to like Gilly very much, and as soon as she came to Tikan,
she would often act cute to her.

"Oh, how cute. I was surprised at first because it was too big, but I think it
looks prettier the more I see it. By the way, are you really going to give this
kid the name Looncandel?"

"Well, there's a butterfly looncandel. Shri Looncandel, it feels good."

Then Murakan, who turned into a cat, got on Shuri's head and hugged Gilly,
and Chin naturally grabbed Murakan by the neck and put him on the

"And construction will begin in my room from today. It's a little tight for
Shree to stay with us.”

"Well, you'd feel stuffy if you were always in the red."


Murakan glistened his eyes as he lifted the transformation.

"Then until the construction is finished, I'll use the same room as the
strawberry pie, right?"

"Suddenly, what nonsense is that, when I'm renovating my room, why do

you share the same room with Gilly?"
"That's how it works? Aren't my rooms expanded? I feel a little narrow
these days."

"Even if we were to build up to your room, how many vacant rooms in this
mansion would you and Gilly share the same room? Get out, get out, you

Murakan, who turned into a cat again, swung his front foot and hit Shri's
foot for no reason. Then Shuri licked the whole Murakan with her big
tongue, and soon began to play with the Murakan rolling around like a ball.

"Poot, Poof."

When Gilly burst into laughter at the sight, Jean shook her head.


It's been a month since all of my colleagues have devoted themselves to

their duties or dedicated themselves to personal training.

And the contractor of the Cheongsae Archipelago, which the compass

points to, was still there, and Jean decided to visit in person.

"Traps or whatever, I guess I'm just curious about it's time to go. I think I've
been pretty careful."

It is unlikely to be a trap."

Outwardly Joshua was the next housekeeper for Looncandel. It would be

too much of an embarrassment for Joshua to be in collusion with Gipple
and Kinselo. That means most of the Sword's gardens have been turned

But that's impossible to achieve as long as the poet has his eyes wide open.

They couldn't have been close enough to share key information such as
"compass" if they had some plausible spies.
"Are you sure you don't mind if I take Marmurakan with you? We don't
know what the risks are if it's a trap."

"Even so, the Bluebird Islands are not the Rutero magic federations, so you
can run away in Murakan. There's Shree."

Flying a dragon recklessly in the Rutero magic federation, the land of the
Jipple, was extremely dangerous, but things were different in the Hufester

Unless it is known or wanted as a jipple's dragon, the whole nation will not
come forward to kill or capture unless it commits an act of aggression.

In addition, Jin's case had no problem even if he was known to be flying on

the Black Dragon. Although unofficial, Murakhan was already a recognized
track record for his father, Siron, the supreme power of Hufester.

"Why don't you take Quicantel with you?”

"That's how much. You seem busy teaching Enya magic these days, so I'll
be back quietly. I hope the construction will be finished by the time I get

Jin, Murakan, and Shuri were headed for the Cheongsae Islands.

As much as I had to wander around inside Hufester, I paid more attention to

disguise than usual. Shri was in a red prison made of a necklace, and Jean
and Murakhan both dyed their hair blue.

"I'm telling you, the gold-snowpiercer stuff is pretty good. This, let's talk to
Lord Kashmir and get down to business. I don't think it's going to be hard to
get things."

"It's going to be money.”

It took three days to get to the nearest port of NASCAR, through several
mobile gates (the whole ride, Murakhan vomited).
There were already members of the Seven Colors at the port who had
anchored fake trading ships. Naturally, the trade ship carrying the party set
sail at night and did not go directly to the Cheongsae Islands.

If you go straight and have a problem later on, it is difficult to catch a

seven-color bird's tail. Besides, most of the islands are closed because the
Bluebird Islands are not in season for tourism.

As the harbor completely disappeared from view, Qin and Murakan decided
to swim against the darkness of night and enter the archipelago.

Before leaving the trading line, the compass that had been brought in
confirmed that there was a contractor on the island of 32 and sent it back to


It was Shree's job to swim.

Jin and his colleagues had admired Shuri's extraordinary mobility since he
returned from the Black Sea, which was not limited to land.

Chalbang, chalbang...!

Shuri gently penetrated the rough waters of the Blue Bird archipelago.
Thanks to this, the two were able to reach the Blue Bird Islands without
getting wet in the sea.

They arrived on the island of 7.

"It's a job to find Isle 32.”

"It's night, so let's just fly and find it. When do you find it by wandering
around like this?"

Without an information station, it was difficult to know what number 32 out

of a hundred islands was. As soon as I thought I might pass the night while
I was visiting Isle 32, Shuri began painting on the sandy beach.

Drawing casually with claws was surprisingly a map of the archipelago.


"Hey, hairy, you've got a magic trick. Have you ever been to this island?"


When she was a cat of the witch Heluram, Shuri traveled as much as few
lands as she had never been to the world. In the process, I naturally
memorized hundreds of maps.

Of course, for a thousand years the world map continued to be updated with
changes in the terrain, but fortunately the Blue Bird archipelago was almost
the same as Shuri remembered.

It is so sophisticated that there is little difference compared to the paper

map that you have brought.

"This is island number 32. Can you find it?”

said Jean, pointing to the map.


Shree, nodding his head.

"You should really take care of it. Let's go, Shree."

I could find Isle 32 straight away.

Island No. 32 was one of the smallest of the islands in the Bluebird Islands.
A size similar to the uninhabited island of Beiment, where they fought a
showdown with Andrey in the past.

Shree was sent back into the enemy prison and immediately began
By then the rain began to pour. The vicious weather unique to the Blue Bird
Islands has begun to welcome the two.

Urrrr, Kurrrr...…!

Thunderstorms that tear up the bleak darkness, and strong winds that blow
the island's trees to the root. Due to this environment, even a small private
house could not be seen.

"What kind of weather is this awful?"

At the moment Murakan made a cringe, Jin was suddenly feeling a strong
vibration spreading from his waist.

"Oh, kid. Your sword. What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

a beacon signature

The new sword of the Ming Dynasty, which was given by the Class of the
Tuition, is resonating with something.

When I examined it, I could see a pattern that could not be understood
throughout the entire body.

"......I don't know."

"Wait, this pattern. I've seen it somewhere. Is it a pattern of Paytel? No, a

little different from Feytel's...….”


The thunderbolt, which had been pounding, swallowed a giant tree right in
front of them. A giant tree that falls to pieces as if it had been hit by a
bomb, and the next moment.

It was a towering tombstone that came into the sight of the party.

The tombstone was illuminated with the same pattern as the sign.
"This is the grave of God!"


"Now I know. Kid, your black...….”

As soon as he was about to speak, Murakan and Jin opened their eyes at the
same time.

Jin has a black flag.

For Murakan, the magic of the wind is blown away. Jean swung the sword
at the sigmund, and Murakhan spread his spirit to block it.

'They're the ones!

Kuzan and Veris. The hounds of Taichung Marius. I could be sure before I
even checked my face.

But as soon as he was about to fight back, this time a sharp ray of epilepsy
flew into Murakan's protective shield. Unlike the harpooning of a giant tree,
it was not a natural lightning.

It was a lightning bolt formed by Feytel's contractor, Julian.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 212

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:13 PM

Chapter 212: Episode 69. Secret of the Isle of the 32nd Bluebird Islands (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Had he not been to Samil and Laparosa, Jean would not have just responded
to their surprise.

"There must have been a settlement. Damn it, the grave of God. It would
have been dangerous if it weren't for your sword."

said Murakan, quickly striking out the epilepsy.

This was the site of the tomb of Gram, the god of thunder who was killed
by the Ming Dynasty in the past. Of course, as it was the tomb of God, the
bonds were stretched out, and Murakhan avoided the surprise because
Sigmund had broken it down.

Sigmund was a sword made by sealing the power of Gram.

"You don't know how much we missed you...…!”

Kuzan's eyes twinkled and shouted.

He and Verris did not see Jean's face when they fought against her in the
kingdom of Delki, but saw Murakhan's spirit and immediately realized that
the intruder was Solderlet's contractor, their enemy who could not have
been torn to death.
"Kaak, you sons of bitches!"

Berry's anger was restraining at the fact that she had met her mother's

'As expected, these guys went under Joshua.'

Now that Taichung Marius was Joshua's man, Kuzan and Veris, who were
Taichung's men, were expected to be attributed to Joshua.

However, the Bluebirds will meet unexpectedly on the island of 32.

Jin and Murakan, as well as Kuzan and Verris, were also unexpected. So
was Joshua, who sent them with Julian to this island.

If Joshua knew the fact that Jean had stolen the compass and its purpose.

He would never have sent hounds to this island.

"I will honor your mother's spirit by tearing you to pieces today...….”


Jean and Kuzan's sword struck, and an oracle formed on the blade
exploded. There was an explosion of sound like a shell, not a sword, and Jin
could feel at once that Kuzan had also become stronger.

physical alteration

Kuzan still remains at the eighth star, but he had surpassed his limits
through the physical alteration he had learned from Taichung.

The mana felt in Veris was also extraordinary. Eight stars, but their power is
comparable to nine, thanks to fierce mana operations based on life force.

"Yulian! Aim for man first, Sooho-ryong is next!"

A voice close to a roar, Veris seemed to be holding on to reason.

"Not the look I've been waiting for, what is it? Why are you guys here?”

Jean made eye contact with Kuzan with the sword.

"That doesn't matter. You guys are going to die today, here. By all means."

"As soon as I see it, I vent my unexplained anger, and I should rather gnash
my teeth at you. I almost died in Delky. And if you're a mother, do you
mean Tyke Marius?"

"Don't slur the name out of your dirty mouth.

There was no answer.

Kuzan's sword, soaked in ferocious poison, constantly disturbed his vision,

and Veris was providing magical support, as he did in Delky.

Veris and Kuzan. It is true that they have become stronger through physical

But after Delkie, it was no match for Jean's growth. At that time, Qin had to
risk his life every moment fighting them, but now he was different.

Even though Sigmund's brain is not released in earnest, the battle can

In addition, getting a panhandle and brushing against Kuzan's sword was

not a threat, and even Murakhan was with him, so the camp could not be
beaten by them.

'These two don't matter. If I deal with it carefully, I can choose to

overpower or kill myself.'

Veris and Kuzan didn't know all of Jean's cards. Ming and Yeonggum,
Yeokcheon, and Mandokju. No wonder these four powers have been gained
since leaving Delky.

Therefore, it was too easy for Jin to make a variable.

Did you say Julian? He's rather annoying. Feytel's contractor, plus a

Feytel was also a god known for giving weapons to contractors.

A brain sword, brain spear, and concussion made up of storm forces.

Among them, the brain palace "Harmila" was a weapon that was only given
to contractors who perfectly satisfied Feytel, and that was Julian's bow.

I mean, Pszcup!

There was a spread of epilepsy everywhere. The epilepsy, which spread in

Harmila, not in Sigmund, repeated rising and sinking in accordance with
Julian's will before it even caught a cold in the protest.

Julian seemed to have decided against Murakan, not to obey Veris.

Murakan also recognized Julian as a more dangerous opponent than

Kuzan's side.

"Ha, you're a little past your prime, and you're all over the place. Kid! Get
those things sorted out and come on, I'll be doing this before then."

Jean and Veris, Kuzan.

Murakan and Julian.

The structure of the battle was quickly captured.

On the losing side, there was a flurry of mana, and on the Murakan side, the
spirit and brain energy were mixed, creating a chaotic scene.

From the rain, wind, and strong winds, the island of 32 of the Bluebird
Islands was quickly becoming a horseman.

"But I don't know why you guys are so angry with me. It's weird to say it
like I killed Tychem Marius."
"Shut up!"

"Kuzan, I don't understand how excited you are. You were pretty cool when
you ran into her in Delky, wasn't you?”

It wasn't quite cool-headed.

Kuzan in Delkie was, until then, a cold and insightful opponent that Jean
had ever met, one of the most enemies she had ever met.

He didn't panic even though he was struck by a flashlight, and he

immediately recognized that Jean was a horseman and was cautious.

When Tess hit Berry's, or when a blow of remorse was blocked by Muleta's
rune, there was never a moment of disheveled.

Even when Veris, whose life is as precious as her, was on the verge of
death, she continued to fight without saving her and completely upset Jin's

The only time Kuzan was embarrassed in the battle was just a second after
Qin revealed his spirit.

It was Kuzan Marius who succeeded in striking back with a single sword
and drove Jin to the brink of death. That day, if Delky's third prince Laika
had not arrived, Chin's fate would have been over there.

Veris, on the other hand, was unable to control her anger all the time, and
showed a poor eight-star horsepower.

And in Jean's view now, Kuzan was no different than Veris back then. There
was no sense of intimidation even though it was clearly stronger, but only a
weak human being obsessed with anger.

"Oh, are you acting? 'Cause you want to pin Veris on me for killing

"What are you talking about?…!”

"It wasn't me who killed Taichung, but five assassins disguised as
Runkandel's executive knights. And on their dagger, there was your

Ilsun Kuzan's eyes shook.

How can such a cold-hearted man be so easily shaken? As soon as the story
of Taichung's death came out.'

Strange distinctions were arousing Jean's mind.

"I thought, of course, Joshua used your poison to dispose of Taichung. This
reaction is embarrassing for me, right?”

"Da, shut up...….”

"Kuzan, don't listen to him! You're lying to us because you don't want to


Sigmund, which had been colored only for so long, had its first brain

Plain eclipse of the Ming Dynasty sword.

Jin was watching for a chance to write a thunderbolt as soon as the battle
began. with the aim of suppressing Veris at once

The brain power has been spreading throughout the battlefield where they
have been fighting for some time ago.

Of course it was all the brain warfare in Julian. Therefore, Kuzan and Veris
were not immediately aware that it was Jean's brain, even at the moment
Sigmund shone blue.


Plain lightning rained on Veris, who was far away.

The first lightning cracked the protective membrane, and the second was
completely torn. And when the third lightning struck, Berry was burned all
over her body, and she was in chaos.

Jean could not allow it when she had time to repair the shield. Three
lightning strikes hit the Berry's almost simultaneously.

She had only prepared a protective shield to prevent the "blackness," and all
the rest of her mana was pouring into the attack, so she couldn't stand the

It was an inevitable mistake not to know that Qin was using the Ming


"He's not dead. I thought I'd have to put him to sleep for now. I could kill as
much as I wanted. I managed to hold back what I wanted to kill. I owe you
guys one, don't I? But the reason I kept her alive is because I decided I
needed to talk to you."

Kuzan stared at Jean without answering.

"Kuzan, do you really think I killed Taichung?"

"Who else is it?"

"Joshua Looncandel. The one who was the owner of Taichung Marius. I
think he had more reasons to kill Taichung than I did."

"What are you talking about?".”

"Unfortunately, Joshua is my big brother. And I got Tychem to take

Kiddhartha Hall, and he cursed me and failed. I met you guys in Delkie
while I was tracking down the process."

Kuzan's eyes grew bigger.

"You don't tell me, you...... Jean Looncandel?…?”

"As soon as it was confirmed that Taichung was involved in my curse, I
went straight to her villa with my eldest sister. And I saw her last with my
own eyes. The miserable end of a hunting dog abandoned by its owner.”

There was a brief silence.

In an instant blood was running from Kuzan's red-blooded eyes.

"If you think I'm the enemy of Taichung, it's probably because you were
fooled by Joshua. Am I wrong?”

"......what about proof? Can you prove it?"

It sounded calm, but there was an indescribable anger in it. Regardless of

Kuzan's martial arts, even Jin was chilling.

"The fact that you haven't known my name so far is proof. Joshua, he
knows I'm not only a horseman, he's also a contractor for Soldierlet. If he
didn't have anything, he would have told you that."

"That alone is not enough."

"You don't believe me. Then I don't intend to explain it further. I think your
guy just wants to put the blame on me. Because of the guilt that I couldn't
protect Tai Lung.”

Kuzan's sword was shaking.

"Or are you not confident of fighting Joshua, the real culprit who killed
Taichung? If you die fighting with me, are you going to masturbate yourself
by doing all you can about Tai Lung?"


The thunder fell from the sky as soon as Jean finished her words.

The thunder, huge enough to be compared to the energy of the thrower,

struck Julian directly, not Murakan.
Gene looking at you reflexively.

Julian was convulsing with thunder left behind, and somehow her body was
gradually rising to the sky.

"......little. I've got some trouble."


"It seems that the energy of Gram, the god of thunder, stimulated Feytel."

"What do you mean all of a sudden?"

"I think he's become the incarnation of Feytel."

Curr! Currrrr! Scrape!

When Julian opened her eyes again, she seemed to have opened her eyes in
the dark night sky at the same time.

The sky was covered with epilepsy.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 213

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:11 PM

Chapter 213: Episode 69. Secret of the Isle of the 32nd Bluebird Islands (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A sky-capped thunderclap was gathering to Julian.

The pouring raindrops also had a faint brainstorm, and the strong winds
across the island's atmosphere gave off ceaseless blue flames.

"......that's all his brain power? What happened?”

The gin looking up at the sky shook his head unconsciously.

Until just now, Julian had been a "careful opponent" for Jin, but now she
seemed to have become something too much to handle.

"I beat him up a little, and he suddenly got a kick out of course. Your sword
must have made you unstable. You've been through a lot, haven't you? It's
similar to that, and you can think that God himself descended part of the
contractor's body."

"Whoa, you're all twisted up. It's no joke. Running away is hard, right?”

"You want me to fly through that epilepsy? Why don't you just tell him to

"Sorry, you can ask."

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

Sigmund was again resonating with Gram's grave. And Jin could now feel
that, unlike the beginning, Julian's power was also affecting the sign.

'The sword seems to be furious...….'

It wasn't just a feeling.

A strange sensation, felt only by the master of Sigmund, was flowing into
Jean's mind on a sword.

He would not have understood the progress of things in words that they
were showing their emotions. But whenever Sigmund's sword trembled,
Jean could feel the feeling more and more clearly.

(My brother, Fateel, who wants to kill.)

It took less than three seconds to hear such a voice.

Gram, the god of thunder. It was the voice of his remaining thoughts in the

(In my grave) were thinking of climbing the river?

Jean could hear Gram's voice, but Gram could not hear his voice. Sigmund
is a sword made by sealing his strength, not by his own.

Therefore, the voice was nothing but empty words to oneself. The voice
didn't ask Jean for anything, just constantly venting out his anger at Feytel.

But even if it's still thought, Gram was once the dominant figure of many
other gods.

The anger of the lingering thoughts toward Feytel was snowballing. The
anger gradually grew into a brainstorm, into the pattern that rose to the
sword of Sigmund.

Let's go, let's go!

Sigmund was burning blue.

Obviously, it was way above Jin's brain.

Gram's lingering thoughts add to the anger, and the energy of Sigmund is
exploding temporarily.


Murakan pointed at the sign with a startling surprise. He also seemed to

have noticed that something had changed in his signature.

"Are you a heavy drinker, too?" Or is that a thrower?"

"No, explanation later. Hit the shield!"

The brain power in the sky was about to fall down. The brain energy that
had been absorbed by Julian was now transformed into one giant

"Hey, Kuzan Marius. You don't seem to know what's going to happen. What
shall we do? Should we finish what we were doing, or should we just take
care of each other's family?"

Jean pointed to Berry's with a sign. She was twitching intermittently,

completely unconscious.

At that rate, you'll die the moment lightning starts to pour out.

Suddenly, Kuzan clenched his teeth. He was still unable to shake off the

If Jin is the real culprit who killed Tai Yun, then even if Veris dies, he must
settle with Jin. But what if Jean's words are true? If Joshua was the real
culprit and he and Veris had been fooled...….

As soon as Kuzan was thinking about it.

A ray of lightning struck the ground. Not on the side of Jean, Murakan,
Kuzan and Veris.

Before the light of the first lightning disappeared, the next lightning
followed. Lightning, which falls randomly, is seen not only on the island of
32 but also far away from the beach and the sea.

One of them hit the berry.

As soon as the lightning began, Kuzan was heading reflexively to Veris, but
Julian's lightning was not the speed at which he could cut or strike.


The thunder and lightning struck, but there was a sharp noise that seemed to
break the glass.

Jin struck out a lightning strike that struck the Berry.


"You'd better talk about the details later and not think about forgetting this

Jin then struck the ground right next to Veris with a thunderbolt. Then Veris'
body bounced up in the reactionary, and Kuzan, who ran madly, received

"And if you don't want to be killed by a dog, keep your head straight from
now on. I don't think I can afford to take care of you anymore."

I decided to forget Kuzan and Veris for a moment until the battle was over.

I didn't want to protect them even by going overboard. I was trying to talk
to him because I didn't like Joshua's dogfight, not because they were really
pitiful or pitiful.

'If they can't escape the lightning, their fate will be there. I wish I could
survive and release some information about Joshua.'
Or he wanted to kill with his own hands. Even though Joshua caused a
misunderstanding, I never thought I'd forget that I almost got beaten by
them in Delkie.

The turning gin ran to Murakhan. Kuzan is struggling to throw himself

around to avoid lightning while hugging Berry.


"Oh, live, live......and now there's a lot of incarnation. Fortunately, it's not a
proper descent, so it's not very unanswered."

"Tell me how to do anything. I'll try my best to guess."

While the ground was bursting and brain power was flooding, the only safe
place was inside Murakan's spirit shield.

"Energy opening. The first thing I showed you in the stormy basement,

"Of course."

The very thing that sucked all the shadows of things.

"I will unfold its transformation and force his incarnation. You buy time. It
means protect me."

"How much?"

"10 minutes. And I need some of your spirit."

"Will that be enough?”

"Maybe. But it won't be easy. Lightning so far, it doesn't even belong to an

attack. It's nothing more than a torrent of power that happened as an

As Murakan said, Julian was not attacking the party. It's just a manifestation
of the power of nature, the brain itself.

A sudden thunderstorm cracked the sky.

The portal is open.

There was a huge, shining bow coming out of it. The bow, tangled in a
thunderstorm, was the true look of the 'brainbow Harmila'.

Soon, the Hamila became smaller and smaller and into the hands of Julian.

"That's the real thing, Harmila.”

It's as if God is preparing for the punishment of Heaven.

An unusually long and sharp epilepsy escaped from the thunderstorm and
was wound in a bow demonstration by Hamila.

The descent is over.

[You can feel your brother's power]

Julian's gaze weighed heavily on the sign.

Even if not intact, it was the rise of God. Jean was feeling a stifling
sensation just from his gaze.

'However, it's not much compared to my father or my jumping brothers.'

It was half the battle that took the life of Gram, the god of thunder.


Sigmund was raising his voice again. Soon Jean got out of Murakhan's
shield and fixed her posture.

At the same time, Julian pulled the bow.

Chewieit, nettle!
The moment the brain warfare left the demonstration, Jean could feel
instinctively. If Gram's remaining thoughts hadn't awakened Sigmund, he
wouldn't have thought of stopping it.

A sharp, blue trajectory cut through the center of the epilepsy.

Squirt! Prick! I only blocked a single epilepsy, but I felt my whole body
torn by an unfamiliar brain that was completely different from Sigmund's.

'It's not bad.'

With this kind of shock at once, you can endure as much as you want in 10

'The problem is, his power can't be more than this.'

However, Jin was also reducing the power of the awakening Sigmund. If
handled well, it seemed that Murakhan could do damage to Julian before
ending the liberation of Youngki.

At the back, Murakan's liberation of spirit was unfolding. Before I knew it,
hundreds of large and small vortexes of spirit surrounded the shield of
Murakan, and the spirit of Qin was sucked into it.

[Laughs, funny boy. You've been so arrogant, and you're so powerful that
you're being held in the hands of a worm.]

Jean breathed a brain into the sign. Even if there is a little bit of ore in it.
The brain was amplifying as if the oil had caught fire.

The power that, if you lose your concentration even for a moment, you're
likely to escape the sword and bounce recklessly. Sigmund, so to speak, was
in a state of being able to run wild at any time.

That was also the difference between Jean and Julian.

Julian could not control his power beyond his limits, so he became a
runaway and an incarnation body. Jean was wielding Sigmund entirely of
her own volition.
[What do you say, bug?] Do you like your brother's power?]

"You can't even climb down without that bug, but you have a snout.
Couldn't God be a little more dignified?"

You can win.

Somehow, the instinct was saying so. Jean looked straight at Julian, no
longer nervous.

[Chuckles, you must think you're an old Ming. I don't know how you got
that sword, but...….]

Jean grinned and took off her wet coat. He then released his dark-colored
arm and revealed his glowing heart.

It was to buy time to show such confidence.

The ten minutes that Murakan said. Although he had a gut feeling that he
could defeat Feytel's clumsy incarnate body, it was a safe way to prepare for
Murakan's liberation from Japanese colonial rule.

[What? That's...] Of the Ming Dynasty?]

It was hard to read the expression covered by the brain.

As soon as Chin saw the photovoltaic heart, she could feel fear in Feytel's
eyes. So far, Feytel has only misunderstood that Jin's brain is the power that
Sigmund has.

"This sword was given directly to the man who killed your brother. "Have
you ever heard of my brother's name, half-assault?"

Half of a shot.

As soon as the name came out, Feytel backed out in the air. As humans and
beasts, who are completely terrified, often do.

[Crowd, ie Ugh!]
And something unexpected happened.

As Julian was an incarnation, she was inheriting everything she felt. Stuck
in Feytel's inner self, he's accepting the emotions and sensations that fall
below his consciousness.

And the "horror" of the class that Feitel just felt, was not something that
Julian's will could afford.

Therefore, the spirit of Julian almost collapsed due to the fear and caused a
crack in the unity of Feytel.

Jean didn't fully understand the process, but it was clear that the enemy was
in disarray, and no other calculations were needed to seize the chance of

A massive brainstorm in the sign began to erupt.

Soon the energy became one giant sword, swallowing the air and pouring
into Feytel.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 214

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:10 PM

Chapter 214: Episode 69. Secrets of Isle 32 of the Bluebird Islands (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I've never had such a sense before.

As if at Colon, as at the time when Talaris went on a giant sword against

Cochac, every time he stretched out his signature, a sharp glow spread.

A sword full of brains was tearing through the air. The compressed air
bursts into a heavy wave, followed by a layer of shock waves.

'The sky is helping.'

If Sigmund hadn't been awakened to Gram's lingering thoughts, he would

have been in danger.

Of course, it would have been possible to last 10 minutes without relying on

Sigmund's power. Later, however, it was impossible to prepare for the
number of cases in which the incarnation of Julian was not lifted by the
liberation of the spirit of Murakan.

There was also no law against other enemies from appearing after they
overpowered Julian. This is Joshua's land.

[ ...!]
Julian, who was screaming in full swing, looked at Jin again. The fact that
he just got tired of "horror" is very shameful. His forehead is crumpled.

[Clean up!]

Soon Peitel swung Hamila like a sword, and the swords of the camp
surrounding him were swept away in unison.

"Come down, don't keep floating."

Jean was making a leap towards Julian, not missing the gap. When dealing
with an archer, he had to narrow the distance unconditionally.


Julian hurriedly supported Harmila with both hands to block the inspection.
But the shock wave sent Julian's body at right angles, and Qin floated a
little more in the reactionary.


As much as it was consumed during the exercise, it brought back the brain
energy. Broken brain organs scattered all over the place glued to the
signpost and painted the trajectory of light.

The trajectory struck Julian, who was directly struck by lightning and was
stuck on the floor.


The voice of the lingering thoughts vibrated the sign. My brother, he

seemed to be thrilled to be trampling on Feytel.

(Dead, die!) Hahaha, die!)

As soon as the thunderbolt was over, Jin was preparing for a follow-up hit
and was not able to hear the crazy voice of the lingering thoughts.

As soon as he reached the ground, he swung his signature. Julian, who was
just getting up, managed to defend himself with a clumsy attitude.

Julian was pushed aside like she was about to fall, splashing piles of stones
and mud on the floor. The mud obscured the sight of the camp.

And as soon as the mud came out of its eyes, Hamila's epilepsy pitted
against the nose of the gin.

The epilepsy grazed Jean's cheek and touched somewhere and caused a
binge, and Jean again lifted Julian's torso with a sign.


Thanks to the power of residual thought, Qin was definitely superior in

strength. Julian was bouncing back and forth like a ball whenever he
stopped the inspection.

Most of them have succeeded in defending themselves, but if it weren't for

the incarnation body, the bones would have been all broken in shock.

On the surface, Jean was completely overwhelmed. The actual power of

Julian, the incarnation body, is higher.

Feytel was a god who was not used to fighting with the strong.

The battle itself could have been regarded as clumsy, as it always punished
the beauties with lightning in the sky. For Peytel, the dance shown by the
"Descendants of the Tuition Class" was a shock.

I'm completely caught up in Jean's pace, so to speak.

Therefore, by then, Kuzan, who was running away with Veris on his back,
had no choice but to be mistaken.

'That's a monster.... is it really the one we met in Delky?"

Kuzan did not know that Sigmund had strengthened Jin's martial arts. Thus,
in his eyes, Qin was seen as a superman, surpassing the commonly known"
riders of Luncandel."

'If Jean Looncandel's words are true......what the hell am I and Veris
supposed to do?'

There was still a flood of lightning throughout the island as if hell had
spread out. Kuzan had to survive in order to find out the truth about Tai
Yun's death.

How dare you despise me!]

As if she had no intention of being swayed further, Julian glared her eyes
and pulled the bow. Jean tried to press him against pulling the

I couldn't rush into the sudden burst of thunder under my feet. Julian
covered the entire ground with his brain to keep Qin's movements tied.

Then a thunderstorm poured out of it. The epilepsy, which dyed the vicinity
of Julian completely blue, was all Hamila's arrows.

[I'll let you pay...]…!]

As soon as the arrow was ready, the speaker began. A bundle of epilepsy,
each containing enough power to end the island, was hitting the camp.

a four-dimensional erosion of a throw-in

Jean unfolded the sword reflexively. Before the first epilepsy reached,
Sigmund's sword dug into the ground first.

It was different from when he played against Vanessa. The en masse sinking
of the brain organs crushed the epigram of Hamila, so it plunged headlong
to the ground instead of trample the gin.

At the same time, circles formed everywhere on the ground eroded by the

'At this rate, Lord Vanessa wouldn't have been able to get rid of course.'
It's a circle that calls for lightning.

A catastrophic thunderstorm was pouring from all the sky, so that the great
thunderstorms of Julian had been overshadowed.

an ear-splitting noise

And the intense light that almost blinds you, and the heavy vibration that
shakes your knees.

For a moment such things have taken complete control of Isle 32. Every
time a thunderstorm hit the ground, there was an earthquake, some of which
fell directly on the top of Julian's head.

The scream was hidden from the heavy sound, and the disheveled figure
was hidden from the light. Julian was trembling, trapped in the thunder.

An opportunity that might drive a wedge.

He chose one breath, and decided to take the next blow.

Will my body hold out?'

It was said that the martial arts increased significantly thanks to Sigmund,
but it was questionable whether the punishment could be fully carried out.

Soon, Jin decided that it would be okay to play the game, as the 10 minutes
he promised with Murakan were approaching.

Sigmund threw up his brain again.

However, it seemed a little too much, contrary to what had been fierce all
along. Just as Julian had limitations in using the power of Feytel, there were
limits to the power of Gram used by Jin.

Three Swords of the Fight, chosen to end the enemy.

As soon as the autopsy was full of brain energy, it began to rush toward
Julian. Julian had no way of confirming the appearance of Qin, hidden in
the thunder, nor did he even hear the sound of him running.

However, I felt through insight that a crisis had arrived.

Harmila was pointed between the thunder. Surprisingly, it was exactly the
direction the gin was running in, and a thunderstorm in the sky was
crushing down and flowing into Harmila.

Demonstrations were pushed back by a massive brain war that could no

longer be called an arrow.

At the moment of the breach of guilt in the rain that had just fallen in front
of him, Julian thought of this in her mind.

You're flattered that I've been a little bitches.

When Julian staged a demonstration, two brainstorms struck.

The epilepsy that left Harmila easily shattered the awning of guilt.

While the thunder, which was forming an awl, was crushing, the epilepsy
was being fired at Jin's head at the same speed as light.

Killed the worm!

I'm sorry I didn't give you enough pain, but that's a substitute for killing his
guardian. at a moment when one's mouth is getting thin with intoxication

Once again, Julian had to scream with fear that was too much to handle.

[Growl! Te, Tess!]


Flame, somehow a faint spark was shining where Jean's head was supposed
to be. The only blue phoenix, the fire of Tess, was smashing over Julian.

'What a scaredy-cat.'
The idea of summoning Tess came shortly after he first heard the name of
the "Throwing Ban" and saw him shivering with fear.

The idea was that God, who was afraid of half, would never not fear Tess.
In the naked flame world, I heard that Tess had the dignity to destroy the
gods of this world with his light breath.

Of course, even if he didn't know Tess well, there was no big problem.
While the brain was blinded, the signature was dropped and the side was
targeted immediately after the crime was committed.

It's just overwhelming the picture, and the difference in power has been a
problem I've been feeling for a long time. There was no reason to insist on a
head-to-head match even after knowing that.

[You cunning...]!]

It was nothing less than praise to Jean.

Even though he is not fully capable of doing so.Ziman, God is God. Of

course I had to deal with it cunningly.

Jean probably decided to be cunning, even if she had "more power" than


In the midst of the explosion, Julian heard the cold sound of the blade and
the sword rubbing.

It was the sound of Bradamante getting out of the sword.

The black spirit covered the radamante splendor. Soft, and fast. A step
forward, Jean threw Bradamante on the side of Julian.


The sense of the sword pierced through the body was clear.
The very sense of bone and flesh. After all, the human body was the only
one that supported the phytel.


Julian, who vomits blood and reflexes his body out.

His anxious eyes were shaking. Then Tess's Chunghwa burned Julian's
body, and he was forced to collapse to the floor under heavy pressure.

oddly enough

At that moment, Jean felt a chill. He had just beaten his opponent, but for
some reason, anxiety was pouring in as if the bank had burst.

A blink of an eye showed the source of anxiety.

The concubine Hamilla turned into a snake and wound around Julian. No
more blood was flowing from the fatal cut, and Julian was smiling.

[I'll admit, you're quite a bug. But... ...I'm God. It means you won't die, even
if your whole body is shredded. The mortal couldn't have known that.….]

A gloomy voice gave me chills, goose bumps.

If neither stab nor cut die, Jean had no chance of winning.

[Why, were you disappointed?] Keep trying...….]

"Oh! You little punk, you're a filthy talker."

Murakan, who had finished the liberation of Yeonggi, approached Qin and
Julian and said,

Then naturally, he pulled the gin back and spat.

"Looks like you've never been inspired. From now on, I'll give you a fun

[Solderet has been told that he cares about his dragons, but he's going too
far. I understand that you want me to kill you first.]

"I heard your brother had his own dignity before he died. Hah, hahaha."

[Why are you laughing?]]

"What would it be like if you could use more than 50 percent of your
strength when you were in the fire body? Won't you laugh?”

That's what I feel right now.

As Murakan continued, all the shadows of the island began to flock to him,
except for one who had camped.

At the same time, the thunder of Julian, who was covering the whole island,
was in darkness like a candle.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 215

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:08 PM

Chapter 215: Episode 70. Bad news (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

All the blue energy that had just been brilliantly colored the island seemed
to be lies.

Not only the brain, but also the large and small fires, strong winds, and
raindrops that the brain caused were all darkened.


The two eyes of Murakan, who suddenly smiled frantically with his arms
open, were filled with joy. The roaring laughter, surprisingly, caused an
earthquake all over the island and turned the nearby waters violently over.

I've heard so much about the whole thing at the end of my voice, but......this
is half the size?

Jean swallowed her admiration into her heart.

His spirit was added, and he worked together for 10 minutes. The
Murakhan in front of me right now was not the fool we've been together.

a awe-inspiring sense of hypocrisy The modifier "great," which he used to

express himself well, seemed to be enough.
Murakan's body was dispersed, turning into black particles.

Young-gi gathered everywhere and gathered to the place where Murakan

was standing, creating the true image of the black dragon.

[Not comparable to old times, but far beyond what was expected. I'm very


The spread of the wings, the Murakhan, looked down at Julian.

The face of the dragon did not show clearly, but he seemed to be laughing
at it was the face of the dragon.

[From now on, I'll play with you, Feytel's incarnation.]

[Solderet's creation, you've had a rough mouth. What have you learned
from your God?]

Julian, who said so, caused a brain shock again.

No, I tried to get up. For some reason, the brain power left only a tiny blue
embers in the darkness of eternity and went out alone.


I tried again, suppressing my absurd mind, but the same was true. The
power of Julian was not manifesting at all.

Murakan waited still for a while.

So that Julian can make enough attempts, and despair, to create a

brainstorm. I've been in power dozens of times with my face turned red, but
there was still only darkness on the island.

Julian was not the only one who lost power.

Sigmund, too, was no longer speaking. Gram's remaining ideology is also
influenced by the liberation of Yeonggi.

[Can't do this, can't do this...]….]

What Julian felt when Qin said the name of the half-jumped, and
summoned Tess was the "fear of the past." It means that the old shock only
crouched for a while, but not a real fear.

However, Murakan, who ended his liberation from Japanese colonial rule,
was different.

As for the creation that fundamentally blocks the power of God, Julian had
never heard of it.

[Don't lose your dignity. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for a man named God
to be so nervous about his power being blocked?]

said Murakan, lowering his neck to Julian. Facing Murakhan face-to-face,

Julian fell on her hips as she backed away, and even turned back hurriedly
and crawled on her stomach.

an incarnation, though incarnation, that cannot be trusted by God

Looking at it, Murakhan put his front toenails still.

[He said he wouldn't die even if his whole body was shredded...]... what
were the countless gods killed so far? Answer me, incarnation.]

[Cuckles] [Cuckles] Get away from me!]

[You're out of your mind. I don't think it's time for that.….]


A huge claws like a tree, moving as fast as light, drew a line on Julian's
body. a swift, unbelieving blow of the dragon's forefoot

[Argh, argh!]
Julian, whose upper body and lower body were cut off, gave out a shrieking
cry. Murakhan swung his toenails a few more times, as if he had no

A few seconds later the scream ceased.

And after another few seconds, the remains of Julian were scattered into
particles and reconstructed again.


Julian groped all over me and looked up at Murakhan.

Come on, don't do this. No matter how much I ascended in the form of
incarnation. By all means, I'm a god. I promise you, if you'll give me the
name of the storm...….]

Murakan shook his head and cut off the horse.

[If it's thunder, it's not worth the name of the storm. And I'm sure I told you
to keep your dignity. I guess it's too late for that.]

[What do you mean, it's not worth it. I once had dinner with your God!]

It's the first time in my life that God himself is a god. Shame on you, bear


Murakan's claws carved Julian's body again.

Since then, it has been a repetition of slaughter and resurrection. Murakhan

literally cut Julian without rest, and Julian could not even fight back.

[Well, stop...] Stop.]

Even the camp watching was horrifying. In the darkness of eternity, I could
not imagine what despair it would be to be torn and cut endlessly,
[Bored of it's boring.

It was long after Murakan said so in a dry tone.

Julian did not scream any more. Like a meat ball that had already been
processed, he just stayed still at every resurrection.

"Murakan, is it almost time to end?"


"Is he going to die?”

[I'm not going to die. Instead, in an infinite series of pain, when you reach
the foal, your incarnation is lifted. The spirit of Feytel is gone, and that
Julian is to be a normal contractor again.

"Then what?"

[And then you decide. To kill or capture Julian, who is fainting from
excessive incarnation. You won't have to send it back to your brother, so
you'll have to choose between the two.]

"Of course they capture him alive and take him. Not only Julian, but also
Kuzan and Veris."

I didn't think the three of them would have all the key information about my
owner. But spitting out any meaningful information was enough.

I don't know if the Kuzan and Veris are still alive. It seemed too much to
avoid Julian's epilepsy earlier.]


Murakhan cut Julian.

It was the same for the body to be reconstructed and resurrected, but now
the blue energy that shone in Julian's eyes was fading.
It was a sign that the incarnation would be lifted.

I'm gonna have to put a wedge in it.]

On the other hand, Murakan's eyes began to glow black.

In an instant, the spirit spread throughout the island was absorbed into the
eyes that had changed like a black pearl. The power of the fading phytel
pervaded the spirit.

The island was searching for its own light.

First of all, the sky was lifted and the moonlight, the dusk of dawn, and the
dark clouds were seen. The forest, trees, and rocks were in their original
colors, and the graveyard of Gram, the god of thunder, was also reappeared.

Among the objects on the ground, none of them remained 'shadow' except
for Gram's graveyard. All were completely absorbed while the liberation of
the spirit unfolded.

When Murakan turned into a human being, the devastated land was again

"Huuu, I've put in some proper effort after a long time."

Thud, thud, thud...….

The trees and stones have cracked. Soon they became the day after
tomorrow and flew in the wind, below them. There was Julian's body lying

The incarnation was completely lifted.

"That won't wake up for at least a week. Even for half a year at worst."

As he went to check Julian's condition, he passed in front of Gram's grave,

but Sigmund did not react again.

"As you said, you're still alive. Check out the fate of Kuzan and Veris...….”

Murakan suddenly sits on the floor and exhales his breath.


Murakan waved at Jin, who was approaching hurriedly.

"It's all right, it's all right. Sickness, your body's not keeping up."

"Are you sure you're all right?"

"Well, this is the end of the fire, or else it would have been a bit of a
headache. When you fight God, it feels so unfair. Even if it's not efficient, it
can't be that bad. Well, they don't use up their strength either."

"Well done."

"You too. Anyway, thanks to the compass, you did a good job."

Jean held out her hand to help him.

Several times I tried to get up with that hand, but Murakhan was as
powerless as if completely exhausted.

"Oh! I can't stand up, I think I should take a break. Get me Shrina out, I'll
sleep with a pillow for an hour.”

"Just keep sleeping. If you find Kuzan and Veris, I'll take care of it and pick
it up in Shri."

Woo-woong, Jin took Shri out of the enemy prison.


Unfortunately, Shuri seemed busy playing with Murakan as soon as she

came out. Then Murakhan licked him to see if he really looked tired.

Murakhan fainted right away.

After watching it for a while, Qin moved to find Kuzan and Veris.

'By the way, Joshua. That bastard made me believe that I was the one who
killed Tai Yun...... you're lying to me anyway, it's obvious. He tried to use
Kuzan and Veris in a way that wouldn't involve me.'

Precisely. Joshua had made Kuzan and Veris his faithful dog, and only tried
to use them for things that did not require face-to-face contact with Jean.
The moment they run into Jean, there's a good chance they'll find out the
truth and question it.

However, when Qin came to visit the Blue Bird Islands, the plan went up in

In addition, Jin's trip to the Cheongsae Archipelago was unfortunate in

many ways for Joshua, as one of the secret forces, Julian, was in danger of
being captured alive.

"Kuzan! Veris!"

Jean shouted out the names of the two. Even though the rocks, trees, and all
the silver waste on the island had been swept away by spirits, they were not

'Should I go all the way to the cliff nearby?'

Jin, who judged so, was heading one by one where to start the search.


Suddenly I had to hear a familiar and distant roar from the side of the

It was Shree's cry.


I didn't feel good.

It was Shri, who had just licked Murakhan naively.

The rapidly rising anxiety choked his chest, and Jean turned back where he
had come and ran at full speed toward where his colleagues were.

And when we arrived.


Jean could face an unexpected figure.

Dark black hair, sharp eyes, and lobes with 'black sword'. Shri was staring
at him with his fur up, and he nodded interestingly.

He turned his eyes to Jean, who had just arrived.

"What are you doing here?”

A man who is the eldest son and second-term son of Looncandel and is
publicly referred to as the next household name.

The main culprit who cursed Jean.

It was Joshua Looncandel.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 216

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:07 PM

Chapter 216: Episode 70. Bad news (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Joshua also seemed embarrassed. The pupil of the gin's eyes were shaking

But only for a moment, soon a mean smile came to Joshua's lips.

"I'd like to ask, my youngest. I don't know why you came to this island as a
backup jockey....I don't quite get it.”

While Joshua was speaking, Jean was looking at him and grasping the
situation. Why did Joshua suddenly visit the island, whether there were any
people with him, how to deal with it, and so on?

There were many questions that came to mind, but it had to be sorted out

'He didn't set a trap and lure me. If it was a trap, I wouldn't have let
Cuzanne, Verris and I run into each other.'

He sent his men to this island for some reason, and they were nearby. And
he came to see the epilepsy or spirit that covered the island, and then ran
into himself...….

Jean, who had made such a judgment, naturally looked around.

There seemed to be no companion. Even in the sea beyond Joshua, there
was only one small ferry boat.

"Good to see you anyway. There was so much I wanted to talk to you

a smirk

Jean shrugged her shoulders.

"We're not in a relationship to be glad and talk to each other, are we?"


"While we're done with the ball, let's not shiver. Just as you know my
secret, I know all the shit you've done to me...….”

There has been silence for some time.

Jean and Joshua had no movement, eye-to-eye contact, and smirk. This time
Joshua shook his head with a smile.

"You're quite under evil. It's not that I don't understand, but I don't think it's
a proper attitude. Shouldn't this brother punish you?"

"Did you get the message you left in Kidad Hall's lab?"

You can't die so comfortably. Jean Grey.

The message that was carved with a sword on the wall of his lab, after
killing Kidard Hall. Joshua nodded as Jean brought up the story.

"It was an impressionable message. All kinds of newsletters covered the

case, and no one found out that Jean Grey was you.”

"You should have killed me then. "If I had killed me when I was in the
cradle of the storm, the very time your man had cursed me."

Jean slowly pulled out Bradamante.

"You wouldn't have had it with me today."

Jean decided to kill Joshua.

No witnesses, not to mention the load. You don't have to read anyone's
mind, you don't have to measure the situation. It was a great opportunity to
kill him and be safe.

'There won't be an answer to the front, but fortunately there is enough

momentum left.'

This desolate island of the Chengsai Islands, today will be Joshua's tomb.

"Hoo-hoo...'re talking nonsense. Yeah, the youngest, you always did.
As soon as I arrived at the Sword's Garden, I remembered your childish
image of provoking all my brothers.”

"Why didn't you bring some knights? Just like I did when I greeted
Luna'sister. It's not your style to be alone. I know you're safe with knights
and elders to keep you safe."

The laughter was wiped from Joshua's face.

On the other hand, Jean smiled and covered the edge of the knife with

"This power. You've been under the illusion that this is not killing me
because you want it. Otherwise, there was no reason to keep me alive when
the curse failed. Am I wrong?”

Joshua's gaze fixed on the black blade of the bradamante. As if possessed

by the black light, there was a flood of dark aspirations in Joshua's eyes.

"It should have been my strength by nature."

Joshua shook his head bitterly.

"You're delusional. Take it away if you want. You haven't pulled a sword
yet, are you afraid to fight with me? Take up your weapons, Joshua
Looncandel. Let's settle down."


Joshua's face was red with a sigh.

Although he had only shown a mean figure to Jean, he was Looncandel's

eldest son and second-term, and a knight who made it to the ninth star.

It means that being ignored by the youngest backup rider is actually


"You're mistaken, youngest. The power of solderlet, it's a real coveted

power. But do you really think you can deal with me already? Even Mary is
not so arrogant."

Srung, Joshua pulled out the sword. The silver blade of a silver knife,
enveloped in a subtle oracle, contrasted with the sword of Bradamante.

'Sran the Silver Sword, the sword given to you by your mother.'

Joshua's Aegeom was the Black Sword Cainer. The sword, known as the
second most prominent in Looncandel after Varysada, was one of the
swords that symbolized Looncandel, as you can see from the dark blade.

The reason Joshua is known externally to be the next governor was also due
to the influence of black sword kainer. It was because there was a public
perception that Kainer was often used before he became a housekeeper and
got a barissada.

Of course, whether you use Kiner or Sran. Joshua's ignorance does not
fundamentally change.

"Or is there a number you believe in? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Let
me give you a lesson, after today you will never be able to hold the sword
The moment I blinked my eyes after the horse was finished.

What Jean faced was Joshua's blade, which was just around the corner. The
distance between the two, which was close to ten steps, has narrowed.

'I hope it wasn't a provocation that I've heard in my past life, but I was
almost excited.'

It was a provocation that was a reality in the past life.

If Joshua's last words were any excitement, the reaction would have been
late. Fortunately, Jin regained his composure just before the fight began,
which allowed him to avoid Joshua's stabbing without difficulty.

It wasn't just dodging.


The blade of the silver sword Sran brushed Jean's cheek.

Not only was it evasive, but it was the result of Jean pushing herself into
Joshua's arms. That was an unexpected response by Joshua. Of course he
had judged Jean would avoid and then widen the distance first.

He thought that he and the youngest would have achieved at least that

One type of sword, soul-cutting.

As soon as he succeeded in digging into his arms, he opened the sword.

"He knows all my power anyway, so it can't be a variable even if I hide it.'

The same was true of the scintillation and the Tess.

The weapon that could be a variable is Sigmund, but due to the showdown
with Julian earlier, there was little brain left in the optical heart.

The raised bradamante painted a sharp, black trajectory in the air.

And Joshua, surprisingly, struck horizontally and twisted the soul pillow.
Between the movements to retrieve the sword that had been stabbed, a new
movement was inserted.

Joshua's sword moved laterally only two fingers.


It was an incredible burst that the blade had moved two bars.

Jean clenched her teeth and pulled herself together.

Looncandel's nine stars were incomparable to other nine stars of no price.

Just as Jean had the blessed body of Looncandel, so did Joshua.

"This is the sword, not bad.”

There was no answer.

Do you mean the rider is the rider?'

Even considering the exhaustion of the battle against Julian, Qin could feel
it in a single stroke. The difference between Joshua and himself.

He was hidden by a monster named Luna Looncandel, but Joshua was also
a warrior who fought for the top spot.

"Did you think I was low-achieving, always playing tricks, keeping people
by my side? Because I can't be an absolute warrior like your big sister?"

Chaeng! Zoom! Kaggkeuk!

Light and darkness mingled with each encounter between the two swords.

"You're welcome! I could catch up with your eldest sister as much as I

could if I wanted to. But the youngest, do you know? The world you haven't
been through, what's lurking up there."
Suddenly Joshua shook off the gin and pointed his finger at the sky.

"Why doesn't it feel like Looncandel is not getting past the Zipple, even
though he has a father? Why, did he seem disappointed in me and didn't
kick me out? Even if you're not satisfied with it, it's because you know I'm
the one who's more wary of enemies in the Sword Garden than anyone

Jean chose breathing without answering.

'More than I thought, my body's not following me.….'

Joshua was a tough opponent to Jin.

It was impossible to even establish a fight in the first place, even when the
fighting continued all night and exhausted.


Shree stood beside Jean with a roar. I realized that my master was an
opponent that I couldn't win.

Joshua's gaze then turned to the fallen Murakan.

"It's all right, Shree. Protect Murakan."

Jean pushed Shree gently.

"It's a teary scene. Would I even take that defenseless black dragon hostage,
dealing with you?”

"From what you've shown me so far, I think it's enough.”

"Relieved. I won't take that black dragon's life until the fight is over. And
your beast's life."

"You're taking the liberty of not looking good. Those who relaxed before
me, for the most part, had disastrous consequences. You'd better refer to it,
"Ah-ha, now I get it. Youngest, you're sure I can't kill you......kill him, and I
won't be able to take away your contract. That's why you're so rude."

Joshua himself was told that he would "take away the contract."

'As expected......he knew there was a way to transfer the contract. Just as
Jipple and Kinselo did.'

However, it was not thought that they had 'definite means' like Gipple or
Kinselo. If he had, he would have tracked himself down and somehow
seized the contract.

"I commend you for the fact that you inferred there. But nothing changes.
You'll never be able to catch a sword again today, and that's a punishment
more than death for Looncandeluncandel.

It means maiming and detaining them, and then killing them when they can
secure Solderlet's contract.

I can't believe it...!

Jean clenched her teeth.

"Now do you understand the situation you are in? If you wish now, I'll
make sure it's not too painful. Or, run for it. I think that's most likely.”

"... an irreverential. That's right, Joshua Looncandel. I was sure your
ass couldn't kill me."

Jean said, gathering her spirits again.

Slowly, Jean swung the sword into the air.

"But that didn't mean that you had no choice but to save me because of the
contract. Our troops are coming.”

"Haha, we have issued control orders in all waters near the archipelago. It
means that even if he is a dragon, he cannot enter the Blue Bird Islands
now. It's a pity."

Jean smiled.

"What do I do? It's not a dragon."

a special formula for the sword

Call black.

It was to spread it, that Jean wielded Brathamante in the air.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 217

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:06 PM

Chapter 217: Episode 70. Bad news (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

What the camp has unfolded now is dangerous, even if you don't know
what it is.

That's what the instinct was saying. So, for the first time, Joshua's eyes were
filled with flesh, and the ore wrapped around the silver sword sran was



Orea condensed by the blade of the Silver Sword Thran struck the gin. The
number of swords formed in that short moment, and the spirit spread out in
the air, were almost covered.

But it's too late.

"I must have told you. You should have killed me then. That meant, there
wouldn't be any more chances."

Just as a rock rolled down a thousand-gil cliff, Joshua's sword was
submerged into the spirit without cutting anything.

The result was the same even if a new sword was blown straight away. In
just over two seconds, dozens of nine-star knights were sucked into eternity.

Joshua was unable to approach recklessly. Although Poot recognized what

"gum" was, he had never heard of anything like this.

Joshua shook his head as he sang the handle of Sran in despair.

"You've had a blow, baby. Yeah, I guess I was too complacent...….”

The spirit that engulfed Joshua's sword, spread out in the place where he
wielded the bradamante of Qin.

It was a door.

Another name for Laparosa, the door to open the blackened door.

Jin has not been one-on-one with Joshua because he has not been able to
control his anger. I just wanted to know the gap between him and himself,
so I put my sword together.

'As I guessed before, he was preparing to steal my contract. And your skills
are better than expected.'

I never thought Joshua's force would be weak. However, I thought it would

be too much to hear the sound of "next week," but it wasn't.

'If it weren't for Luna's sister, there wouldn't have been as much gossip as


The spirits were dissipating.

The door to Laparosa is open.

'The Ban brothers cannot be summoned, so please one of the Tuwang
brothers should come out.'

In fact, it was not time to relax yet.

It was because Jin could not know in advance who would be summoned by
Laparosa in the special black call of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office.

If a general warrior, not King Tu, appears, killing Joshua should have been
postponed to another occasion.

"Long time no see, Brother Chin!"

a familiar voice

A smile came to Jean's lips. There is no need to lose face.

"Sorry to call you, Brother Garmund."

Paltuwang Garmund.

King Tu, who first taught Qin in Laparosa. Luckily it was him who got out
of the door.

'Summon...... God damn it, how can you expect this to happen.

As soon as Garmund appeared, Joshua had no choice but to be shocked.

Aside from the fact that "he summoned with a sword," the power of that
Garmunde is unknown.

Even before facing the sword, I could feel it clearly.

'Strong enough to have to go all out. The youngest should have finished the

It was no use regretting belatedly. He was completely fooled by Jean.

"If you're sorry, just tell me about today in detail later, Brother Chin. What
shall we do?”


"Boahani, I think it's the guy who put a curse on his brother. Will that be
enough? I'm sure you have a lot of questions to ask."

"It's all right, 'cause all he's got is the grim, dirty jealousy of confessing

After a fistfight with Jean.

Garmund pressed Joshua down with his deep, heavy eyes.

"This body is Garmund, the eighth king of the Great Ming dynasty. I came
here at the call of my brother, so my job is to exterminate the brother's
enemy. If you have anything to say, say it now."

As if reading the ruling, there was a strong voice and the dignity that
dominated the world.

It's just a voice, but the waves it caused, gently pushing the soil off the

Joshua was for a moment overwhelmed by the energy and held only Thran.

"Isn't there?"

"Was it the specter of a failed and extinct species half a million years ago? I
don't know what the hell my brother was doing, but get rid of all the gossip
and pull out the sword. I'll have to cut you and punish my brother.”

Then Garmund burst into laughter.

"You pretend to be a warrior when you're not a warrior."

"You're not the youngest's blood, but you're pretending to be blood.”

A flash of blue glare rose from Garmund's grasp.

Jean was a search at an unrecognizable speed, and at the same time, a bolt
of lightning was brought down by Joshua's head.

It was a shimmer and sharper thunderbolt than Julian was in a frenzy.

Without a moment of preparation or gathering strength, he was struck by
lightning as soon after the search.


Surprisingly, Joshua hit the thunderbolt exactly.

The raised silver sword cut down the middle of the thunderclap, and
showed the charm of finishing the counterattack with the sword.

Garmund did not avoid Joshua's coming in.

He just stood still, as if a great tree were facing the wind. Nevertheless, the
sword could not cut through Garmund's body, and Joshua had to shudder at
the sensation of goose bumps on the neck.

It wasn't just the fact that his sword was so simply blocked. From Garmund,
strangely Joshua was looking at Luna.

From childhood until now, there has been countless mixed swords, but the
monster has not been able to even sneeze.

The reason Joshua's subsequent shooting seemed to have become dull was
because of the rapidly revived inferiority complex.

Garmund had never met Luna.

But as if he were looking through everything, arsenic stood around Joshua's


"I told you, you're not a warrior. It's great for a human being, but I can't hide
the fact that I've achieved it safely."
"Keep talking, ghost. After all, you won't be able to keep the camp.”


Garmund's sword burned with his brain. Then, the photovoltaic heart shook
and covered the area with a brain.

In line with that, Joshua was also pulling up Orr. The appearance of an
oracle spreading out of a tran, responding to the brain and forming
something like a chasm.

Due to the nature of the limited space of the island, if the nine-star knight
and King Tu put all their efforts into it, the result was bound to be self-

Therefore, they used their anoras and their brains to create a "strict" space
where they could travel freely.

In other words, it was like an artificial duel.

A method not thought of by Jin, who is still lacking in Orser. The battle
between the two began from the beginning on a level one level above the
sight of the camp.

Normally, Jin would have analyzed the fight between the two and replaced
it with his own study.

Today, I was going to enjoy myself, not analyze it. Like a lifetime enemy
facing a miserable defeat before his eyes.

'But... ..but I can't quite figure it' Why did he come to the island by himself
without escort? You must have come to realize that there was a big battle on
the island.'

I couldn't understand it no matter how much.

It wouldn't have been difficult to bring in some of the executioners, if not a

black knight.
From the moment we first met, Jin had been feeling a strange sense of
incompatibility over the fact that Joshua was "alone."

'Anyway, he's dead today. If he's prepared for his own death, he can find
one and break it down again. After today, the name Looncandel will be
quickly erased from the Sword Garden.'

The fight, though not to the level of total overwhelmingness, was flowing
from the start to Garmund's dominance.

At first glance, it seemed like an equal battle, but Joshua could lose his
voice whenever he made a single mistake.

Garmund was pressing Joshua as if a siege weapon were strangling him.

The sheer pressure, even the watching was suffocating.

Qazizik! Kizzik! KARDDUK!

Sran, swept away by the oppression of the plain food, screeched her ears.
Although not as good as the black sword kainer, the silver sword sran was
also a sword called the Great Sword.


But even before the three hundredth sum had passed, the sword of Sran had

There would not have been much difference when dealing with Qin, but the
importance of weapons in fighting the equal or the stronger will not need to
be explained.

Garmund's weapon was not known to the world, but it was one of the
masterpieces of Boras, King Otu and master of the Ming Dynasty. Like all
other Tuwangs' weapons.

Being lagging behind in ability and weapons, Joshua's defeat was no

different from what was already set at the moment Garmund appeared.

"For Joshua, it would be a pity if he wasn't armed.'

Of course, it's not over yet.

" ..."...!

Joshua's eyes were shaking as he hurriedly pulled up the sword and opened
the street.

Garmund, who was trying to drive a wedge further, suddenly stopped and
took a breath.

Garmund stopped the offensive for the first time because he was surrounded
by a "dangerous" instinct. I was thinking the same thing as Jindo Garmund.

'Luncandel showdown.'

The reason why the two were nervous, the Looncandel showdown.

Joshua's last card was bound to be that.

The opponent is strong and the weapon is on the verge of being broken.
Joshua can't help but win.

'But it's late. If I were you, I'd have brought out a showdown as soon as I
realized I was behind.'

Jean was a backup rider, so she had not yet learned the Looncandel duel,
but she knew its transcendent of its transcendent power.

'If you had used a duel before the sword broke, at least it could have been a
variable. No way Joshua didn't know that....why? Was it because there was
too little back when you failed?'

While Jean was thinking, Joshua's backers, who were blocking his brain
from all sides, began to flock to Sran.

"Something's a big deal, and it's a waste for you."

Garmund said casually.

Looking at the rapidly expanding Swaran's sword, Qin had his eyes wide

'Why, of all people, no way. Did you decide you were going to die anyway?'

Joshua's last choice is the Looncandel Seventh-Emergency Volcano.

"Brother Garmunds, you must leave! That's Looncandel's...…!”

"If I'm out, who's going to protect the brothers? I'm fine. Go, as far as you
can go."

And the volcano was Looncandel's only 'suicide'

Jin was more shocked than the power of the volcano that Joshua chose to
detonate. Joshua, whom he has seen so far, was never a person who would
choose to commit suicide.

Just before the expanded Sran's sword exploded.

Garmund raised his brain to the limit and unfolded the shield, and Shri bit
Julian in her mouth. And Jean jumped on Shri's back with Murakan on her

He must have something...…!

The thought flashed through Jean's mind. But first, I had to follow
Garmund's words.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 218

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:04 PM

Chapter 218: Episode 70. Bad news (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"The Garmund brothers. This guy might somehow get away. So let's...….”

Garmund shook his head.

"No, it's too likely that the brothers will die or get hurt. It's too much for me
to handle, and it'll probably go as far as the sea."

"Ha, I never thought that bastard would use a suicide bomber."

"Go, brother. You know that, right? I'm fine. I told you before, just be nice
to me later."

Jean clenched her teeth.


"It's no big deal between brothers. Come on, run. Never go in the direction
where my back is invisible."

Jean, who sighed, nodded, and Shree began to run at full speed.

As Garmund said, if he did not offset the volcano, Jin had no way of
keeping his life.
a self-destructor

a sword made for the last resort Volcanoes had the power to erase the entire

Not to mention Joshua's volcano, as much as it is assumed to be used by

seven or eight-star pure blood, which has just become the flag bearer of


Joshua's screaming body was shining red.

It was the result of a burst of blood vessels and Orser filling his entire body.
Iron water was dripping down from the expanded silver sword Sran's

The heat from Joshua's body melted the sword.

"How dare a a descendant of Themeer."

Garmund could not reach Joshua, who stood still. Orser, who was tinged
near Joshua, had power that even he could not break through.

Quasik, Kiddick...…!

As Garmund took a step forward, the floor sank and the stone splashed. A
whirlwind of thunder swarmed into his sword.

Joshua's oracle had eroded the surroundings, and Garmund's brain had
condensed into the autopsy. Just by comparing the size, Orser and the brain
were almost at the same level.

But while Joshua chose death to draw that kind of power, Garmund was
simply prepared to carry out a lifelong search.

That was Joshua's last cry. His voice was as terrible as scratching iron as if
his vocal cords had been torn down by the raging fire.


The aneur spread around the area was absorbed in a circle with Joshua's
sword. The circle quickly converged into a single point and formed at the
end of the molten knife.

a precursor to the start of a live volcano


As if to hit an empty kettle, there was a momentary hollow echo. Smin

Orser burst into the blade of the Sran, causing a small noise.

The next moment, it went straight into a roar. Qua, Quaang! Boom! The
sword was throwing up O'er in all directions, causing a full-fledged


a son-in-law who brightens his eyes to the point of being blindness

Among them, there was no more left to call Joshua. All the physical things
were coming and going, creating volcanoes.

Joshua is dead.

It looked like a volcano erupting in a burst of ore.

It was because of this figure that the decisive battle period was named

An ore that soared into the sky was falling to the ground. But even before it
reached the ground, a shock wave of explosions that had already begun in
midair had smashed the island.
The space was distorted by the shock wave. Massive manpower and
repulsion shook the island ceaselessly, and even the nearby waters were

With the island crumbling like glass, at least a place worth the "land" is

Only the land on which Garmund stood firmly, and the sand that stretched
out behind him. Shri was running desperately through the very sand.


Garmund's roar was twisting the shock waves of the volcano. His body is
blue, too, dyed in the brain, but he has not given up on the body like Joshua.

The epilepsy in the roar looked just like a net. The huge net spread into tens
of thousands of branches to hold onto the explosion, and soon Garmund's
sword drew the trajectory.

The island's axis was shaken by the blackness that cut through the middle of
the volcano.

Unlike volcanoes that are tearing down the whole island, Garmund's black
lines were drawn in silence. As softly as a brush, the entire land on which
the volcano was unfolding was being cut down.

There is only one line of black on the ground.

The explosion on both sides died down. The explosion was noticeably
weaker than the first time, and the blurred vision was a little bit back.

But Garmund knew. That's not the end.

Once weighed down, the volcano will return with a stronger blast in a few
seconds. To earn those seconds, to make Jean run farther away during those

Garmund abandoned his chance to run away.

Fortunately, when I turned around, Jean was no longer in sight.

"You're gonna be fine now, come on...…!”

Garmund's eyes, which changed their posture, shook with their brains.


The volcano continued to erupt for more than 10 minutes.

The island of 32 of the Bluebird Islands had now completely disappeared,

turning into a reef that would have taken less than five steps.

In the end, Garmund stopped all the explosions heading toward the camp.

Because of it, Qin stood on the five-step rock, with not even a small scratch.

About five minutes ago, he kept waiting for the explosion to end on the
rock. Now the sun was shining on the bluebird archipelago, without the
flow of the volcano or the brain.

It was time to find Garmund.

"Brother Garmunds!"

Riding Shri, I began to search the sea where all kinds of debris were
floating. Garmund, the Garmund brothers! Jean's urgently screaming eyes
were full of worries.

"Listen... ...will fall, brother."


As soon as I saw Garmund, I clenched my teeth.

He was leaning on another reef, losing both arms. The Ming sword made by
Boras was also broken and stuck next to it.

Jean grabbed him carefully and lifted him up over Shri.

"Don't look so gloomy, brother. Why do you keep doing this when you
know it's okay anyway?"

Garmund pointed his eyes at both shoulders and burst into a loud laugh.

Blood did not flow from the cut affected area. Black energy was coming out
instead of blood, Young-ki.

"But... must have been sick."

"It's a big deal to be sick for my brother."

The special black-colored singing of the sword is in the form of a 'summon'.

The reality was closer to reconstruction, not summons. It opens the door
temporarily leading to Lafra, and one of the characters in it is made of

Before leaving Laparosa, Jean had this conversation with Tantel.

So, if you don't mind, I need you to find out.

Is there no way the brothers can go out on their own? The Tantel brothers
were at the big screen to pick me up.

It's limited to when a victor comes near the Great Barrier. There's only one
other way out, but that doesn't mean much.


That'll be taught by the jumping brothers tell you.

At that time, it was the special "Black Call" of the Supreme Prosecutors'
Office, which was taught to Jin by half.

Jin's current skills are limited to only once a year or two.

It is not the Ming dynasty, but the spirit of the Ming dynasty that is
summoned by the Black Singers. The spirit was added to the spirit, and the
dead temporarily appeared in the Inse.

The spirits of the Ming Dynasty, which were made of spirit, were the same
as they were in Laparosa, and had the same power as ever.

But when the soul goes back to Laparosa, it forgets everything it has gone
through in Inse.

That is to say, Garmund can never remember what happened today. That's
exactly why Garmund has said so many times, 'Tell me what's going on

"Whoa, the sword that Temer left behind is great. A mere fox would take
both arms of this body.”

It was possible because of the limited space of the island, and because
Garmund had to protect the camp.

Obviously Joshua's volcano had terrible power, but if it had not been for the
struggle, Garmund's arms would not have disappeared.

"Sorry, brother."

"Why do you keep doing that? You know you forget everything when you
go back anyway, are you teasing me?”

"No, it'... oh, think about it. No matter how real it is, I've seen my family
lose their arms because of me. Can't you be shocked?"

"Well... well, that's true. Yeah, I can do that.”

Garmund smiled and raised his foot.

Then he gently stroked Jean's head with that foot. Laparosa's real body
would be fine, but it was inevitable because she had no arms now.

"How's everybody doing?"

"Of course. Everyone had nothing to do before the brothers came, but now
they're all getting together and talking about their brothers."

Garmund stepped down and burst into laughter.

"By the way, did you say Joshua? You finally killed the enemy who cursed
your brother, didn't you?”

"Yes, but I can't get rid of my uncomfortable feelings. He's never the kind
of person who would choose suicide."

"What, so what I killed is a spirit like me? Or fake?"

"That's not it. Joshua was definitely right."

"Yes, it can't be. I watched his death with these eyes. Maybe the brothers
don't feel real because they didn't cut them themselves."

Jean nodded.

"......yeah, it doesn't hit me very well, brother. I've always thought killing
him was after he returned to the family.”

"I'm glad you helped me anyway. I like it when I was summoned for the
first black call. Oh, it's time to go back."

Garmund's body was getting a little blurred as the spirit of his arms went
out. Soon, his soul will return to Laparosa again.

"Please tell them I miss them all. And tell him that he's on a roll since he
left Laparosa, and...….”

Garmund didn't say, 'I don't remember anyhow.' Instead, he smiled quietly,
listening to what Jean said.

"Yes, I'll make sure to deliver it. Next time, let's meet not here, but at La
Garmund's body, which had soon become blurred, became completely
transparent. Young-ki, who escaped from his body, briefly hovered near Jin
and then disappeared somewhere.

Jean looked for Kuzan and Berry's for a while when he disappeared, but it
seemed unlikely that they would be alive.

"Let's go back now, Shree."


For the whole few days back.

Every time Jean stopped by the city, she looked through the newsletter, but
nowhere could she find an article announcing Joshua's death or

And it wasn't until Jean returned to Tikan that she heard about Joshua.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 219

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:03 PM

Chapter 219: Episode 71. The Child of Prophecy.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

On October 7, 1797, what Jean confirmed was a newsletter from Hufester.

The newsletter was giving the front page a ceremony four days ago to mark
the appointment of a knight from the Shucheron family.

(The ceremony of the central knight of the Shucheron Kingdom was

unusually organized by the first prince, Tolian Schcheron, instead of King
Lumon Schcheron.

Most noteworthy of all, the next householders of Looncandel, including

Joshua Looncandel of Looncandel, McLoran, Tuko, Niltro and Ken,
attended Prince Tolian's ceremony.

It can be inferred from the fact that Prince Tolian has ended the competition
for succession, and that Siron Looncandel in the past gave Prince Tolian a
guardian article...….)

Jean clearly watched Joshua open the volcano 'daily ago' and disintegrate
and die.

If he really died, this article announcing 'four days ago' could not have been
established in the first place.
Gilly came to her side anxiously as Jean kept her eyes on the newsletter for
a while.


" expected, there was something. He didn't deserve to die so easily."

Gillie and her colleagues had already heard about what had happened in the
Blue Bird Islands. So they, too, did not quickly understand the newsletter
describing Joshua as alive.

"There's no way Confucius mistook Joshua Looncandel's face...... that's

strange. I don't think Confucius killed him, or Bubar Gaston transformed

Jean shook her head at Kashmir's horse.

"It's unlikely it's a band or a transformation. His decisive weapon was so

powerful that King Tuo of the Ming Dynasty lost his arms. It was a power
that only Looncandel could show. You wouldn't know if you used another

Many martial artists have a tie and a duel, but without Looncandel's black
"Blessed Body," even a ten-star knight could not be imitated. The body can't
hold out.

"Well, it's more likely that Joshua, who appeared at the Schuesteron
knighthood, was a fake."

"We need to check that out. But somehow......I think that snake-like guy
might have pulled some strings."

"Well, wouldn't he be cursed like Shree?”

Enya whispered, looking at Shri's countenance.

"If it did, it should have been noticeable that it was regenerated when the
body disintegrated.”
"Sir, then, what is the possibility of using Numerus' tears?"

"The tears of Numerus say that intense light covers all sides when they are
expressed. When Joshua died, he shined all over because of him, but he
looked completely different.”

"Ha, I was sleeping all the time then...What the hell happened to your big


When Jean uttered the word, her colleagues drew attention.

"Confucian, clone?"

"I thought maybe it was a clone. Looking back at his attitude and stories to
me in the Bluebird Islands, I can't judge anyone other than Joshua."

It is naturally impossible to clone a human being.

However, as an unconvincing situation occurred, it was necessary to think

about a method known as 'unavoidable'.

The curses of immortality that Shuri has, and the compass and drinking
stones that Bubar made, were also known to be impossible not long ago.

"Continue talking."

"This is my assumption. He's got a bunch of cloned himself, and he's

sending one of them to the Blue Bird Islands. Feytel's contractor, Julian,
must have been one of his most important forces, and he decided that Julian
had a problem because the island was covered with a brain war.”

Jean looked at Julian.

He had fainted, having not yet awakened from the aftermath of the
incarnation, and was bound by a restraint.
"Maybe he recognized Julian for causing the binge. Kuzan and Veris, they
didn't seem to get along very well.”

"So I came to the island to subdue it...…?”

"Yes. The reason I came alone without a escort, because I didn't want to
lose another competent subordinate to the runaway Julian. Or to keep the
secret about the Bluebird Islands."

At that time, Joshua visited the Blue Bird Islands on a small boat without
even an executive engineer. That's on Jean's mind from the start.

"Maybe he didn't bring an article because he could defeat Julian by himself

enough. But considering Joshua's personality, it's hard to understand. He
even blew himself up when he fought Garmund."

"That mean bird...... no, I just couldn't understand that the first rider tried to
blow himself up. Master, I was losing against the Ming dynasty.But he's not
the one who's going to give up his life."

"He didn't seem to expect to see me in the Bluebird Islands. And then I
decided I could overpower myself, and then I confessed that I was coveting
spirit. I didn't say I was going to kill myself until the end, despite my
provocation. Until then, he only thought of the future that would take me
and take away Solderlet's contract."

It was supposed to be my strength.

What Joshua said as soon as he saw Jin's spirit.

I didn't know back then, but it was a strange story. It's as if he knew from
the beginning that he would be the master of spirit.

"But Garmund came in and things turned around. He was on the defensive
in an instant....I think I've made a decision. Even if you put off holding me,
you have to let my power drop."

"Didn't he calculate that the power of the volcano could kill you?"
"He's a nine-star knight, too. There's no way you don't know that Garmund's
power is enough to protect me. So, after killing or maiming Garmund with
volcanoes, I decided to seek a later date to rob me of the contract. This is
my home.”

In Jin's opinion, if Joshua's life was "one," it was a choice that could never
be self-destructed. But in many cases, Garmundra could have used it to
eliminate power.

As far as Joshua knows, Garmund must have been Jean's strongest power.

There has been silence for some time.

It wasn't a rashly positive assumption, but colleagues were thinking about

what might happen if Jin's assumption was true.

"......I have a headache. If, as Confucius said, Joshua of the Bluebird

Archipelago was a clone, I don't know how to deal with it."

"Why don't you meet Lord Xiron and talk to him, Confucius?"

Jean shook her head at Alisa's question.

"In fact, this is a succession war. Asking my father for help only proves my
incompetence, and I have no hard evidence. There's no way to prove I've
seen death myself.”

"That's true, too.”

"Whether Joshua at the Schuzzeron knighthood is a stand-in, whether the

guy I met is a clone, or all the wrong stories are all wrong. All I can do now
is hypothesize. When Julian wakes up, we'll have more information."

"Kuzan and Veris. I'll also order the seven-color crew to search for the two."

When I left the Blue Bird Islands, I couldn't find them for long. He judged
that the chances of survival were slim, and that Joshua's people might visit
the island.
"You don't have to find it first. At this time, people might send people to the
Bluebird Islands and get caught on their tails. If you're alive, I'm sure you'll
give the signal first. They realize I'm not their real enemy."


Shaking... ...

The man in the chair was shaking all over. The cold sweat and high fever
that covered the whole body, the unbearable pain, and the occasional
disheartening shock.

And a sense of defeat with no bottom in sight.

All this was a phenomenon that Joshua experienced when he lost one body.


The blackness clung together in front of him.

Young-ki, the very power Joshua desires.

Soon there was a figure of a woman in spirit, and she looked down at
Joshua and smiled.

"It's a pity that the owner of Looncandel is shaking alone in this basement.
It's like seeing an orphan who's been abandoned and caught in the rain.
How do you feel? Orphan."

The darkness of the basement covered the woman's face. Only two eyes
with a strong amber color are glistening.

"Are you here for a laugh?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm here to laugh at you. Haha, you stupid bastard! Why
did you do that? Did it seem easy for me to build your body?”

Joshua stared at the woman without answering for a while.

"Don't stare at me. Give me an excuse. Was that really the best you could
do? Then I'm disappointed."

"I had no choice but to kill the Ming dynasty that the youngest summoned."

Ha ha ha ha!

The woman burst into laughter. Then he clenched his teeth, stopping

"Now, here's one problem for the fool. Did the Ming Dynasty of Garmunde
die? No, his body doesn't belong to this world in the first place."

"......the Ming dynasty is alive?"

"We're already trapped in a dead world, but we're alive from the point of
view of being healthy. So you're just throwing away the body I've built for

He was speaking with a smile, but there was deep contempt in the woman's

"Really, I don't know why prophecies pointed to people like you. If it were
your first or youngest sister. No, it would've been easier if it were just Dipus
or Mary.….”

a deep-seated disgrace

"Or your father, whose prophecy originally indicated. If he hadn't gone up

to Changseong against fate, how good would it have been if he had met me
before? There was no reason for me to help half a cent like you, was there?”

Joshua waited quietly for the woman's jeers to end.

It was because she knew well that she could never leave her or go against
her anyway. Maybe after laughing for a long time, you'll bow your head as

The woman sighed, stopping the curse.

"Well, that's good. Knowing that your youngest sister can call the Ming
Dynasty was a good harvest. If I'd realized it at a more important
time......It's terrible just imagining it."

The woman gently wrapped her arms around Joshua's neck.

"And, Shree. I've found his whereabouts. It's even more upsetting for Jean
to have Shree, but......everything, in the end, will come back to you. Child
of prophecy. I'll make you a new alter ego."

"How much do you need this time?”

The woman smiled broadly at Joshua's question.

"With the one you gave me last time, we still have enough ingredients."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 220

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:01 PM

Chapter 220: Episode 72. News I Heard, News I Need to Find (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Ha, maybe I should meet him."

"The guy?"

"My sister."

"Ah, that Misha black dragon?"

When Jean asked, Murakhan nodded.

Murakan, who described his sister as "the guy," was frowning with
arrogance as if he didn't even want to think about it. Quikantel shook his
head at the sight.

"You must have thought that you were disqualified as a guardian dragon.
Well, if it wasn't for the special inspection, Jean would be dead. You need to
get a hold of yourself. Last time I asked you to visit me, you said you didn't
want to meet me.”

The reason why Murakhan wanted to meet Missha was no different.

I wanted to regain some old power, but I thought Missha might know
"Hey, Quikantel. Aren't you looking down on me too much before?"

"I admit you were great a thousand years ago. It was not too much to say
that he was the best of the Dragon's. But you're just a patient now. Your
son's childhood is gone. Please, face reality."

"I can still pay half the old power. The kid saw it himself this time.”

"Really? The way you're supposed to suck up Jean's spirit for at least 10
minutes during a fight? Besides, you were inspired by Jean and then you
fainted for a few days after fighting. I thought your ass died from overdoing

"Can you force the incarnation of God to be lifted with ten minutes' help
from Enya?”

"I'm confident I'll beat them all to death before that ten minutes have

"Hen! You still look so clear when you were scared of drinking on an
uninhabited island...….”

"Uh, talk more. Just the head."

Quikantel opened his eyes with a sharp look.

"Fix it, Mr. Quikantel."

"Your guardian dragon, you really need to pull yourself together. He's only
remembering the old days, and he's whipping away, so how many times I
have to tell him to understand."

Quikantel was genuinely worried about Murakan.

Ever since her first reunion in Beacon, Murakhan has always seemed to her
to be weak enough not to be strange to die at any time.

Murakhan was not unaware of the fact either. However, she simply couldn't
accept herself, who was perceived as a "observant" to her.
I also felt a sense of crisis as Quikantel said.

Increasingly strong enemies were threatening the camp, and what he could
do seemed to be shrinking.

It was particularly shocking this time that Jean had been knocked out while
fighting Joshua. It was all the more so because it was right after Jin's reign
to regain his old power for a while.

"..., I told you I was going to find Missha. It's a quarrel for nothing.
Hoo, I'm worried. I've met him, and he doesn't know how to fix my heart.”

For Murakan, the act of meeting Missha itself was a self-destruction.

It was also a nightmare. When he was a young dragon, Missha was as good
as the devil of hell.

The only person Murakhan was born and feared is his sister.

Never since they entered their prime have they been as desirable as Jean
and Luna, although they have never been wary of Missha.

"Do you know where your sister is?”

"No, I don't know."

"How are you going to meet then?”

"There are a lot of places to go. It's a problem because there are too many.
The Crash Mountains or the Northern Territories, or the lands of the old
temples and the Siouxes, all kinds of wet and dark places, the finest bars
dealing with Mila wine aged over 300 years...….”

"What, it just sounds like you could be anywhere in the world."

Then Quikantel shrugged.

"You're right, Missha has always been like that since a long time ago. I used
to appear out of nowhere, always hiding my identity. But he's amazingly
good at finding things when he needs them. Are siblings?"



"Just a month away."

"Why aren't you coming with me?"

"You have a lot of work to do. You don't know when Julian will wake up."

Another week had passed since returning to Tikan, but Julian had not yet
woken up. The incarnation cannot escape the force-released shock.

Also, Joshua's side had not made any moves yet. Perhaps because of Zion's
strict order, no one came to Tikan, nor did he issue a wanted order for
Julian, Kuzan and Veris.

"Yes, but."

"Most of all, if I take you away, Missha will never meet me. They're going
to go crazy about what they're trying to get by using a thousand-year

Quikantel nodded.

"You're right. And the first thing he did after he finished growing up was to
take revenge on his sister."

"Then isn't it more dangerous to go alone? When your sister attacks you,
there's no one to stop her.”

"Don't worry about that. He'll probably be gone for about two months. If I
don't come back before December, then find me. It means that I was caught
or beaten by Missha. I'll write you down where you'll make your way and
leave your mark today."

What kind of irresponsible story is that?

I wanted to argue so, but with a little exaggeration, Jin saw Murakan with
such a serious look.

Moreover, Quikantel seemed very satisfied when I took a peek at it. She had
long wanted Murakhan to visit Missha.

It would be a huge power if I met Missha and regained my old power, but
I'm very anxious to spend it alone.'

That night, Murakhan suddenly left Tikan. He even left a piece of paper for
Gilly behind Jean's back.

(Dear Strawberry Pie.

I decided to take a long, rough road for a while. I wanted to discuss it with
you, but this is a choice that I myself have to endure...….

If I'm killed by Missha, please tell her I'm asking for revenge. And my
children piled up in the secret drawer beneath my bed, burned to the fire
and sprinkled on the river.

I hope you don't suffer too much while I'm away.

It feels like a miracle to wake up from a boring sleep and meet you and the
boy. When you get back, like I promised you, we'll go on a trip together.….)

Gilly grinned as he showed the inscriptions to Jean.

"Where did Murakhan go, old lord? It's almost puberty sensitivity."

"I did say I was going to see my sister, but I didn't know I'd go without a
word at night. You're not in your room?"

"Yes, she said she saw it fly away a while ago.”

"Well, by the way, you two were supposed to travel? That's what it says."

For some reason Jean had to experience a strange feeling by asking the
Gilly couldn't hold back her laughter and was rereading the passage several

"No! I've been thinking for a long time, too. I'm confused whether I made
such a promise with Murakan."

Gilly had never made such a promise with Murakan. In other words,
Murakan made it up at will.

"Oh, it's hilarious...... I'm sorry, Master. You might be upset, but I laughed
too hard."

"Oh, no, it's okay."

When Jean smiled awkwardly, Gilly laughed for a long time.

Quikantel, on the other hand, was looking for alcohol with a rather
disturbed face, apparently worried about Murakan.


The news of Kuzan and Veris came before Julian, who had been locked up
in the dungeon of the mansion, woke up.

"This time again Confucius was right. A man believed to be Kuzan Marius
appeared in the kingdom of Delky."

"Please tell me more about it."

Jean jumped to her feet and said,

"Since the end of the ordination of the Shucheron, there has been a sudden
spread of extreme poison among the mercenaries of the Delky Kingdom at
a bargain price. I found out that there was a small article in the newsletter,
and I rushed my crew to find out, and they said it was an unregistered

Kashmir determined that was the signal Kuzan sent to Jean.

"Of course it may not be Kuzan. An unknown viper could be doing business
in a normal. But of all things, it's the Delky Kingdom. Survivors of the
Moon's Sacrifice, the home of Marius. This is where Confucius first met

After the Chengshai Islands, colleagues were still unable to make

judgments about Joshua.

Although it is putting strength into the hypothesis that it was a clone, there
is nothing to be sure about, so the strange anxiety is not relieved.

In the meantime, the information that could be obtained from Kuzan and
Veris was simply welcome rain to their colleagues.

"I have to go right now. Please prepare the mobile gate."

There was no need to worry. If you're identified as another viper, you can
just come back.

But it had to move as fast as it could.

"We must secure them before Joshua!"

If Jean was a must-see subject for Kuzan and Veris, Joshua was the exact

There is no way that Kuzan and Veris are unaware of Jin's encounter in the
Blue Bird archipelago, which is why their lies were discovered.

'Joshua, I'm sure he asked this information. And he's going to clean up the
hounds that haven't returned.'

Jean and Kashmir, Alisa, and Quikantel.

All four have decided to go to Delkie. It was a party with a view to

colliding with Joshua's forces.

Fortunately, the weather was clear enough to use the mobile gates, and the
party could arrive in the Delky capital before an hour passed.
"We've scattered the crew, but we'll need at least a few hours before we find
a poison seller. We have to run on our feet together."

said as he unfolded the Kashmir map. It was a map of the location and
central figures of each mercenary corps by the members of the Seven

No matter how good a seven-color bird is, there was a limit to collecting
information on the streets right away. A day, a few hours, no matter how
short, is necessary.

Jin shook his head after thinking for a while.

"Then it's late, Joshua will already be moving. Delky is practically the land
of Looncandel...….”

Jin, who had been agonizing for a while, said something back.

"Prince Laika, I have to go see him."

Leica, Delky's third prince.

He was tactful in many ways when Qin first fought Kuzan, and was
promised by Jin to take back all his shares in the later Delkie gold mine.

Jean was a go-getter to visit him and look for a poison seller immediately. It
was the surest and quickest way to get support from any mercenary corps
because they could not operate without the kingdom's permit.

'If Joshua had not already met Prince Laika or King Delki, we can find him
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 221

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:04:00 PM

Chapter 221: Episode 72. News I heard, News I Need to Find (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It wasn't difficult to meet Prince Laika. The villa where he treated Jean in
the past was a place that was only open to those who had been verified or
had close ties to Laika.

The gatekeepers opened the gate without saying a word.

Just in time, Prince Laika was resting at the villa. It was very fortunate for
Jean, who expected to wait at least a few hours.

"Oh, who is this? Welcome, Confucius."

Laika was escorted as soon as she met Jin's party. It was like this to show
trust in Hufester to a man named Looncandel.

"Lika, long time no see."

"The people next to me, I think, are the ones who were looking for
Confucius in East Delkie the other day.”

"It was a nuisance."

Laika waved her hand as Kashmir bowed.

"It's all right, no one was seriously hurt. By the way, it seems to me that you
came without a break...... you seem to have a pretty emergency, Confucius."

"Yes, I need to find someone. Very quickly."

"Please tell me."

"The one who distributes ferocious poison among the latest Delky
mercenaries. We need to secure his safety."

Laika brightened her eyes.

Jean looked at the eyes and expected Laika to attempt a "deal." Just as he
saved Jin's life in the past and won the ownership of gold mines and the
assignment of guardian knights.

I was willing to accept. It was worth finding Kuzan before Joshua.

I don't care if you send me a few more guards.….'

As soon as I thought about it, Laika smiled.

"It's not difficult. I'll let you know. He's someone I've been keeping a close
eye on, so I've been keeping a low profile."

Unexpectedly Laika didn't ask Jean for anything. He even drew a map

Laika was a person who knew how to hold on to the golden rope called Jin.

"I won't ask you what happened, Confucius. Confucius. I'll help you
anytime if you need anything. Oh, and this...... why don't you take it just in

Laika's offer was a token of the Delky family.

There is nothing to compare to the black sword pattern of "Luncandel," but

Laika did not forget that Jin's current status is a backup rider.
When he was in trouble in Delkie, he gave this sign to calm him down. It
was very considerate.

"I'll make it up to you."

After a brief bow, he immediately left the villa.

'This guy Delkie's fighting every time he comes.'

It was the same when I came looking for the Marius. He ran his feet sweaty
to save another Marius, who was killed in real time by Kuzan and Veris.

It was a small town in southern Delkie where the directions were pointing.
The group boarded the gate to the south and immediately picked up a horse
and ran to the small town.


the time when the Qin party had just arrived in the south and sought a horse

Others visited Prince Laika's villa. It was the executive knights of


"Prince Laika, there's someone I need to find urgently."


"There's been a recent spread of venom among mercenaries. There was an

order from the second Runkandel to bring them back."

"Oh, he recently put me on the wanted list. We'll probably be in position

within a day or two, so please wait."


If the poison seller is Kuzan, it must be an emergency.

All the way, Jean had that thought. It was because he was too sloppy to
expose himself for having been trained as a hound.
As if you were asking me to find you.

'The smell of blood?'

The house that arrived along the map smelled of heavy blood from the

"......Kuzan Marius?"

The party was able to meet Kuzan as soon as they opened the door.

It was difficult to recognize at a glance, even though he did not wear any
makeup, his hair was scattered and his face was full of emaciated faces.

He didn't seem too surprised to expect Jean to come.

"You look pretty haggard. Aren't you selling yourself some money? I didn't
know your day would come.”

Kuzan didn't answer and just looked at Jean for a while. But Jean felt a
strange sense of desperation permeated into her seemingly calm eyes.

"I guess that's why he's so poorly positioned, because he's so desperate.
Once transferred to a safe place to talk. Apparently, you wanted me to come
before Joshua. No?"


"Where is Berry?"

"In the back room."

As soon as I went to the room, the smell of blood was revealed at the

It was the blood that Veris spilled. She was tied to her bed, which had been
causing seizures and Kuzan had taken care of.
Veris was unconscious and intermittently engrossed. Jean knew well that it
was the last symptom of reflux.

If not treated immediately, Veris will die.

"It's understandable. Were you exposing your location because there was no
way to save Veris?"

Money did not cure the disease.

In particular, there were no more than five healers in the Hufester coalition
who could deal with the last symptoms of mana reflux. There was no way
Kuzan, who was practically wanted, could meet them.

But he couldn't get out of Hufester and into the magic federation of Ruthe.
Kuzan and Veris have dozens of passes, but they were all made by Joshua.

It was impossible to use Hufester's mobile gate. The smuggling also could
not be carried out without the help of a reliable helper.

Far from it, Veris is dying.

Kuzan had no choice but to make a choice. His last move was to expose his
location and wait for Jean to come first of the two who could find him.

If Veris hadn't been in this condition, Kuzan would have been hiding for
years and waiting for a time to meet Jean.


Instead of answering, kneeling Kuzan.

"... me. No, just save me. I'll do anything for you. My past mistakes
will be forgiven for the rest of my life."

Kashmir and Alisa looked at each other as if they were surprised. They only
thought Kuzan and Veris were unscrupulous villains.

Quikantel, on the other hand, continued to look cold.

"I will decide to reap after it is proved to be worth it. But I'll talk to your
friend once he's alive."

That's what Jean said and looked at Verris.

'It's worse to look at it carefully. It would be difficult if it weren't for the

saints of Vanquela.'

Veris's present condition was like shattered glass. The moment of first aid
was long gone, and there was nothing I could do right now.

The problem was that it would not be easy to move Berry's body.

"You're not a wizard, I don't know, but just a carriage will break your whole
body. Even with a little shock, your bones and organs are even more
damaged. It's too late at the latest.”

Kuzan, who can't answer and drops his head. It was a bit of a pity for Jin.

When we first met, we almost got killed by them in Delky.

If you think about it, Kuzan and Veris were only used and hurt by those
involved in Looncandel, from beginning to end.

He was admitted to the Moon's sacrifice before he could even walk


He regarded Typhoon Marius as more than his mother, and did not cover
anything he ordered.

After her death, Joshua became his hunting dog without even knowing that
he was his real enemy, and he met Jean and learned the truth.

Taichung Marius didn't even leave them a brief will. The only thing Tai Yun
loved and worried about until the end was Luna Looncandel and Jin's sister.

What is the result?

Veris is on the verge of death, and Kuzan is begging for his life to someone
he believed to be an archrival. When Jean turned away, the only thing left
for them was to be "taken care of" by Joshua.

"I'll try to switch. But if the process involves a skirmish with Joshua's
servants, we could give up Veris. Do you understand?"

Kuzan's eyes, nodding their heads, were red-blooded. Tears of blood

seemed to flow down at any momentarily.

"Thank you."

As soon as Jean made her decision, Alisa took off her robe.

Then he wrapped the berry tightly with a rope and fixed it with a rope to
prevent it from moving. In the process, the bone in the limbs was broken a
little, but it was the most appropriate way for Jean to see it now.

"When I was a special rental, I went on a mission with a magic wand. That's
how the Magic Captain told me. You'd rather tie it up like this and move it."

Jin and Quikantel also knew it. Breaking bones under the pressure of the
rope was inevitable, but it was better than sobbing and hurting organs.

Burris, covered in lobes, looked just like a corpse waiting to be incinerated.

Even if he succeeded dramatically in resuscitation, he could not have been
as healthy as before.

Jean was thinking of taking Veris to Tikan first. There, inviting a healer to
do the primary treatment, then taking him to Van Kela and negotiating with
the saints was the only way Veris could live.

"You just have to get to the South Gate. I hope your friend will hold out
until then.”

"Berris and I are both wanted."

"It doesn't matter that there are signs from the Delkie family. We'll have a
moving record, but Joshua can't stick his foot on the Tikan land anyway."
As the condition was in, we couldn't get Berry's on horseback. The party
had to walk as carefully as possible to the mobile gate, hugging the berry.

"I think I'll need about three hours at a most rapid pace. Confucius, but
there's too much snow on the way."

As the mobile gate was usually the central organ of the region, it naturally
lay in the center leading to the largest road.

Now in broad daylight, the streets were full of people.

It wasn't the time to wander around holding a dripping blood robe.

"The guards and the security forces can be turned over as a sign, but I'm
afraid that there will be news from Joshua's man. It's such an unusual

There was never a chance that the party would become dangerous if it were
not at the level of a guardian or an executive engineer, even if it
encountered Joshua's servants.

But during the battle, Veris will die with high probability.

As soon as I stepped out into the street, my attention was focused. As soon
as I saw a blood-stained robe with people inside, there were many innocent
people screaming or blocking my mouth.

The garrison and the security forces could also meet straight away.
Fortunately, as soon as they saw the sign, they left with a salute, or even
volunteered to escort themselves. Everyone turned it down.

"As expected, it can't be easy to get there. Sir Kashmir, we've got a tail."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 222

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:59 PM

Chapter 222: Episode 72. News that's been heard, news to find (3).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Two, no, three."

said Kashmir, not turning his eyes. Alisa and Quikantel were also feeling
the fact that they were not in line.

Kuzanman, whose whole nerve had gone to Veris, had just come to his

"I can't help it because it's moving on the road and it's even noticeable."

Quikantel shook his head tiredly.

"The good news for now is that they're not the Runkandelian knights. If it
were a guardian or an executioner, it would have been a direct attack, not a

This is the land of Hufester, Looncandel. There was no reason for the
Looncandel drivers to follow Jin, a backup rider.

If it were the Looncandel drivers, they would have had to send even Kuzan
to Joshua, let alone save Berry's life as soon as they met. That's what the
second-term Looncandelian had in Hufester.
It was possible not only to win by fighting but also to have about 10
guardian knights. But it was certainly burdensome to wage an all-out war
with the Knights of Looncandel, not the "hunt" outside the family.

In particular, I wanted to avoid Alisa, Kashmir, and Quikantel having an

"official record" of fighting Looncandel.

"That means Joshua's hounds, or informants."

"What should I do? Confucius."

After a moment of thought, Jean opened her mouth.

"They must have reported to the superiors as soon as they saw us. I don't
think it's worth reporting directly to Joshua, so there must be someone
who's sweating on their feet. It wasn't three, it was four."

Currently, there are three tailings.

But as Chin predicted, it was originally four. One was running frantically as
soon as he found the Qin party.

Just to the south gate.

"Mr. Alisa."

"Yes, Confucius."

"You must go to the South Gate first. To report, we'll have to go to the
center or east where the knights are, so one of them is bound to be going to
the gate."

"I see what you mean."

I chose Alisa on purpose. At present, no one was better at searching and

tracking than her, who was a special leaseholder at the party.

"What if we find him?”

"You're Joshua's man. You can't let him live. Please let me go without pain."


Alisa didn't move straight.

The first move and the tailings would sense something, so I had to move
after Jean's full instructions fell.

"And Kuzan."


"I think it's time to test your ability. Assassinate the other three."

"Shall we put it into action when the forest road comes out?"

"No, right now. Can you do it?"

It was a busy street in broad daylight. It was only possible for an unknown
senior assassin to suddenly assassinate four people here without a sound or
a mask.

But Kuzan immediately nodded.

"It's possible."

I was inwardly surprised to hear the answer.


"Fortunately, there is a suitable poison that I have now."

Kuzan wasn't just dealing with the poison that melts a man into an
unidentified dark water. With the ingredients, thousands of poisons could be
manufactured, and among them, there was a kind specialized in "natural

"You must never draw attention."

"Okay, I'm going to inject poison into the stand over there pretending to buy
a drink. And I'll join you again, so just keep going as if nothing happened."

"Then what happens to them?"

"I'm going to keep an eye on what I'm missing for a moment, but I'll keep
following you when I see you buy a drink. In the meantime, I'll keep
walking without knowing the poison came in, and I'll faint in about five
minutes. And if you don't get first aid within 10 minutes, you'll die."

"......what? You can do that level of assassination?"

I couldn't hide my amazing heart this time. Even Quikantel had his eyes
wide open.

"I think she's overdoing it because of her life, and it's gonna be okay...….”

While Quikantel was speaking, Kuzan left the line. It was because the most
natural route to the beverage stand began.

The party looked at each other silently for a moment. Then Jin deliberately
shouted "I'm apple flavored!" to Kuzan, and everyone shouted whatever
drink they wanted.

While the owner of the stand was making four drinks, the party continued
on its way and the tailors passed by Kuzan.

Kuzan just then pretended to spill his drink and sprayed poison on all three.
The venom absorbed into the skin was the kind that paralyzed the nerves
and eventually led to death.


"Oh, I'm sorry."

The tailors glared at Kuzan for a moment and followed the party. Kuzan
also took the new drink and rejoined the ranks.

"Have you already finished?"

"Yes, I looked at it for myself, and it looked like Joshua's local sources.
They were never outstanding, but they were faces I didn't know. I think we
can send Alisa to the gate now."

I was going to ask if you were sure, but as Kuzan said, I decided to send
Alisa first. The decision was based on the judgment that Veris's life was at
stake and that he could not have handled it properly.

Also, they could have been late after five minutes of waiting for them to

"Mr. Alisa."

Alisa nodded and handed Kashmir a rove wrapped with berry.

Then he got on the horse he was dragging straight and started running at
full speed. The tailors reacted immediately to the appearance. One of the
three is out again.

Exactly five minutes later.


"Hey, here! A man has fallen!"

When the tailings that followed suddenly fell on the street, there was a
scream of the innocent people. They were as stiff as statues and couldn't
even move their fingers.

"It's a neurologic poison made from a western desert spider. It doesn't work
for a six-star warrior. It's actually a weak poison that's diluted just by
drinking water, but if you don't know, you're easily beaten."

Kuzan speaking casually.

One that had moved for a separate report would be lying somewhere.

'......good thing you got a grand slam.'

It's okay because he has a hard liquor, but it gave me goose bumps to think
that his non-resistant colleagues could be beaten like that.

'It would be nice to have at least one acolyte in Tikan.'

There are numerous poisonous snakes in our family, along with articles, but
they were only available after becoming riders.

In an instant, the streets became bustling, and the party slowly headed
toward the mobile gate.

Two hours later, the party was able to reach the southern gate.

"You're here, everybody."

Alisa smiled at the company.

"It was as Confucius expected. One of them must have slipped through the
door first. He took care of it. He buried the body roughly. Soon the security
forces will find out."

The difference between Alisa and his skills was huge and possible. If
Joshua's local intelligence were outstanding, it would have been difficult to
arrive safely.

Thanks to her performance, Joshua has not yet heard from them.

The gate attendant refused to board them as soon as he saw them, but
opened the door as soon as he saw the sign from the Delkie family.

"You're from the royal family, welcome. I hope you have a comfortable

Only after the party got on board the gate could they let go of their worries.

"I've been feeling this for a long time, and this land seems to have people's
support for the royal family soaring in the sky.”

Quikantel shrugged.
"Since the defeat of the King in the old civil war, the Prince, who has now
become a key force in Delkie, has always put forward all policies around
the people. It's bound to be very popular. Those friends were abandoned
after the civil war, but...….”

said Kashmir, looking at Kuzan and Veris.

"Anyway, Kuzan Marius. Fortunately, your gambler is working."

"......thank you."

"No thanks, I want direct compensation. Joshua Looncandel. You can't be

with me unless you have valuable information about him. Do you

Kuzan nodded heavily.

But Jean had no intention of abandoning Kuzan. Even if he didn't have

satisfactory information, he had a lot to use.

However, I couldn't trust Kuzan completely yet, so I was going to watch

him slowly.

"Well, I'll let your friend live, regardless of the information. Let's hope the
saints of Vanquela don't offer difficult conditions."

When the guide announced the opening of the mobile gate, the party was
caught in the light of mana.


Upon returning, all the best healers in the Tikan clung to Veris.

an unprecedented major operation in Tikan

Kuzan has been restless, unable to leave the treatment room. Jean did not
force Kuzan to spit out information about Joshua until the results of the
operation were out.
It was only exactly 32 hours after the sweat-soaked healers left the
treatment room.

"I was able to finish it well thanks to the help of Confucius. I need absolute
rest for the time being, but I've treated it to a life-threatening level."

"However, you won't be able to use any more horsepower unless you get
further treatment from Vankella's saints."

"Okay, you've all worked hard times."


As soon as he heard that Veris was safe, Kuzan sat on the floor and burst
into tears. For a while, there was a mournful cry that made even Jean

Kuzan, who continues to say thank you to Gilly while holding on to his
handkerchief. It was a scene that didn't fit with what he had done under Tai
Yun and Joshua so far.

While waiting to stop crying, Enya hurriedly found the camp.

Confucius! Julian just woke up. Alisa went to the basement first.”

"Really? Gilly, do you have any sandwiches left?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Let's go, Kuzan. If Alica starts questioning him, he'll be in a lot of
trouble, so let's eat and talk. You must be pretty hungry, and haven't you
eaten anything for two days?"

"......was Julian here, too?”

"Uh, I brought him in after overpowering him in the Bluebird Islands. Can I
tell you something more surprising?”

Jean took care of the sandwich and continued to talk.

"I killed Joshua on the spot. But he was alive and well, and he showed up at
the ordination of the Kingdom of and Julian, either of you
should know something about the phenomenon."

Julian had a blank face, bound in the basement.

Jean put the sandwich down in front of him and smiled.

"You've had a good night's sleep, Feytel's contractor. Whether this will be
your last meal or not depends on your choice.”

"......Kuzan? Did you betray Lord Joshua?"

"You have to say Joshua betrayed you. When you became an incarnation,
you almost died at Joshua's hands. So let's throw away our loyalty to that
bastard and start."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 223

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:57 PM

Chapter 223: Episode 72. News that's been heard, news to find (4).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


When I took a bite of the sandwich, Kuzan opened his mouth first instead of

"I don't think it's loyalty.”


"Yulian, unlike other hounds, was not a kind driven by loyalty to Joshua.
He's afraid of Joshua. To the point where your hands tremble just by
hearing his voice."

Julian clenched his teeth at Kuzan's explanation.

"Keep your mouth shut, Kuzan...…!”

"Did I say anything wrong? I followed Joshua because of my vengeance

and your fear. They're all useless now."

"I said shut up!"

"If you want to live too, you'd better cooperate with Confucius."
There was a twitch in Julian's eye. Everyone can tell that he is struggling to
put up with disgrace.

"Well, it's not so embarrassing to be afraid of your master."

Jean untied Julian's ball.

"I'll tell you in advance, but don't try to get into trouble if you don't want to
know that there are quite a few people in the world that are scarier than
Joshua. Now, let's have some for now."


The same sound came from the ships of Julian and Kuzan at the same time.

They devoured the sandwich in silence for a while. Julian looked at Jin and
Alisa throughout the meal, and they were particularly conscious of Jin.

Memories of being an incarnation remain so often that they know how

monstrous a human being is.

Of all things, Jin's memory was filled with images of him overwhelming
Feytel. At that time, Julian's ego only woke up when he was in extreme
trauma, so it was only natural.

It's not loyalty, it's fear. If I do well, I think I can bring him in.'

How to deal with a terror-stricken human being is simple.

It removes the source of fear, makes you feel more scared, or helps you to
be strong enough to overcome fear on your own.

The first was difficult to implement immediately, and the third needed
sincerity and time. There can't be such affection for Julian, so Jean decided
to use the second method.

"I think I'm almost done. Let's get down to business. Julian, I'm Jean
Looncandel. He's the youngest brother of the trash you serve, and he signed
a contract with Soldert. And this is the Tikan Free City, the land of me and
my colleagues."

" , !"

Jean Looncandel.

Julian was terrified as soon as she heard the name, and the sandwich got
stuck in her throat. In the Blue Bird archipelago, Jin did not hear his real
name because he was fighting against Murakan.

He knew what "Jin Looncandel" meant to Joshua.

Jin naturally handed over a glass of water and continued the back story.

"It's no wonder I'm telling you all this information. A heart that wants us to
be honest and honest with each other, a warning that if you don't, you'll end
your short life here. That's about it. Do you understand?"


Julian didn't nod voluntarily. Alisa, who was watching, grabbed him by the
back of his neck and forced him to nod.

"Okay, I like it. The first question. Why were you all gathered in the
Bluebird Islands at the time?"

Unlike Kuzan, Julian had yet to give up his lingering affection to Joshua. So
he only looked at the floor, and Kuzan, who was not able to see, opened his
mouth instead.

"We went to the Bluebird Islands under Joshua's command to strengthen

Julian's power. Because Joshua felt a sense of rivalry with a character
named Barmel. It was only then that I realized that Bamel was Confucius."

"There must be a way to use Gram's grave to strengthen the power of

Feytel. Is this the information Fateel gave you by communicating with
"No, Julian's days are longer than ours. I've heard that he's been
strengthening his strength there since he was very young. Joshua taught me
how to do it."

"Was there any information related to Paytel in the classified documents?

Anyway, Joshua even knew how to strengthen Feytel's power."

"I'm sorry, I don't know that. You should hear the details from Julian."

Jean looked down at Julian.

"I have a piece of news to tell you, in the Bluebird Islands. Your master is

"......Senior Joshua died?"

Julian's nervous eyes were struck with astonishment at once.

"Yes. You used Looncandel's suicide bomber to finish me, and you almost
died with it in the aftermath. You don't care if you're dead or not. I've got a
lot to ask, so I've taken care of you."

There was a moment of silence.

Soon Haha, Julian with a self-motivated smile.

With what Jean had just said, Julian was instantly able to understand the
whole situation.

"Why are you laughing? Oh, because you're sure Joshua isn't dead?"


I threw the newsletters I had brought with me with the sandwiches in front
of Julian. It was a newsletter containing Joshua's attendance at the
appointment of the Shucheron driver.

"I saw with my own eyes that my whole body was burned to death by a
suicide bomber. He'll be fine the next day....I think you know something.”
Julian, who briefly checked the article and the date, made eye contact with

"Am I, after all, nothing more than Lord Joshua's spare toy?"

"What does that mean?"

asked Jean, shining her eyes.

"It didn't matter to me that I was able to get a contractor for Soldierlet,
which I had been looking forward to.”

"I get it most of the time. Joshua tried to take your contract if he couldn't
secure me. Am I wrong?”

Julian didn't answer and just shook his two clenched fists for a while.

As Chin inferred, he was a kind of "alternative." Just in case you couldn't

take away Jin's contract.

There were a few more such contractors in Joshua's secret villas.

So in the Blue Bird Islands, Joshua did not have to take care of Julian. I
thought it was a great opportunity to hold on to Jin.

However, Joshua, who was in crisis due to Garmund's appearance, chose to

self-destruct. It didn't matter even if Julian was swept away.

For Joshua, it was more important than saving Julian's life to drop Jin's

"How the hell is he moving the contract? I'm sure you're using some strange
and unpleasant moves, as well as being alive and active after the Blue Bird
Islands. I'd like you to relieve this prick.”

"......If I tell you everything I know, can you protect me?"

Julian said as if he had made up his mind.

I didn't ask you if you would save me, I asked you if you would protect me.
Recognizing the difference, Jean nodded.

"If you give out valuable information, as much as you like."

"There is a woman called a prophet."

Kuzan was a story about a total stranger.


"He is the closest aide to Sir Joshua. I've only met her twice, but almost
every choice you make seems to reflect her breath. It is she who has
informed me that there is Gram's tomb in the Blue Bird archipelago, and
that it can strengthen my strength."

"What kind of person is he?"

"The monster who obeys Sir Joshua absolutely."

"The monster, does that mean he's that strong?"

“ , . , .
? .”

, 가 .

' ' .

“ ?”

“ .”


"It seemed like he was using Hufester's death row. When you send them to
the Prophet, a new body is made...Lord... used his body mainly in dealing
with people like me. To strengthen one's own reserve contractors and to
subdue them directly when they're on the run."

It was the moment when Joshua suddenly found the Blue Bird Archipelago.

Joshua sent Julian to the Blue Bird Islands and was waiting nearby.

Then, when he saw a thunderstorm formed in the Blue Bird archipelago, he

thought it was a runaway, not a incarnation, so he went out in person and
ran into the camp.

'Crazy man, when the contractor was in a rush, he couldn't send the family
knights, so he used cloning.'

Jean shook her head and touched her forehead.

It made me sick to think that he was doing nothing to make a clone of

himself with human materials, even though he was a death-row convict.

"Whoa, he wouldn't have used his own clone for that job. Do you know
how many clones you have?"

"I don't know that. But before, I know I lost a clone once while
overpowering a runaway contractor of water."

The story is that several people may have been cloned at once, not one.

As Julian put it, the prophet was a monster.

"We need to find out first if the prophet is human. The Prophet must have
told you how to move the contractor."

Indeed, the prophet was still in the process of gathering materials for
"fulfillment of the contract," but the fact was unknown to neither Jindo nor

Jin, who had been agonizing for a while, looked at Julian with a curious
"But you seem to know Joshua will take your contract if he fails to catch
me. What's the reason you couldn't get out of him? Because I'm so afraid of

"Do you think it's possible to get out of Sir Joshua's grasp at Hufester?”

"There's nothing impossible. Because you're a contractor, not an ordinary

person. If you ask for a referral to the Jipple, they'll take you with them.
Then Joshua wouldn't have been able to touch it."

As Julian was not the official power of Looncandel, there was no

justification for Joshua to retrieve if he went to Jipple.

"Is your family in custody?"

"Su Ho-ryong is in captivity. There's no family. All were killed at Joshua's

hands. The whole town I lived in."

And yet, you got orders from Joshua. No pride, no vengeance!

Jean didn't bother to ask that.

It was because he knew how far away he had lived from the feeling of
"fear" in his life, which was born in Looncandel and is on a roll every time.

Most humans cannot overcome fear.

But I knew it wasn't bad, thanks to my miserable past life.

"I'll be funny. Veris, that's why she's always picking on me. But Gene
Looncandel, this must have been valuable information enough. Keep your

"It's not hard to protect you. There is nothing wrong with living here in
Tikan land, as if dead. But I don't think that's what you mean.”

"That's right, get my guardian dragon back from Joshua. Without him,
there's no point in my pathetic life."
As if there was nothing to worry about, Jean shook her head.

"I'll give you a chance, so take it back yourself someday."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 224

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:56 PM

Chapter 224: Episode 72. News that's been heard, news to find (5).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Of course, that's also the story of when you were completely my person.
Until then, you are a prisoner. I'll treat you humanely, so I hope you don't
disappoint me.”

Jean went on to say the last word.

As he said, Julian should have been regarded as a prisoner brought in after

defeating the enemy. I've already told you a great deal of information, but
I've never been Jin's man.

For now, Julian did not know that it was something to be thankful for even
saving his life. When asked to save the guardian dragon, he expressed his
desire to stand on Jin's side.

Julian had never imagined Joshua falling apart.

The family was all murdered, and the village where he lived disappeared
without a trace. But in Hufester, no one told the story, and no group has
revealed the truth.

Because it was done by Looncandel.

Even as Julian knows, Joshua was the next housekeeper of the Looncandel,
and even a soloist without a rival.

Is that all?

From cloning bodies through prophets, hunting contractors, and easily

suppressing and detaining their dragons.

Julian was forcibly subjugated to Joshua from the age of twelve. To him
Joshua was a divine being that could never be ignored, something
inexplicably feared beyond description.

But I saw hope for the first time in Qin.

Not only did he defeat Feytel, who was incarnation of himself, but also
another Looncandel who killed Joshua's clone.

Somehow he seemed to help himself to end this terrible and miserable


"......I see."

"Let's build trust slowly. Unlike Kuzan, you don't have enough motivation
or grounds to stand up to me. Mr. Alisa?"

"Yes, Confucius."

"Please take care of this friend. Until I'm sure it's safe to put it up in the


We couldn't afford to let go of those capable of mass destruction at any time

if weasel. Jean was going to keep Julian in the cellar for the time being.

"Oh, and. Anytime you think of another sandwich, tell me."

Let's leave the basement with Kuzan.

In an instant, my head became complicated.

'The cloning was true. Besides, the Prophet...….'

Kuzan also had a disturbed face.

"Looks like you didn't know the existence of the Prophet.”

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. You go to the basement every evening

from today and have dinner with Julian. And find out about Joshua's power
that Julian knows. And make a table against the information you have."

Joshua would know that Julian is alive now. The guardian dragon of Julian,
which he is holding on to, would not have changed much.

Therefore, when Joshua's forces were removed and checked, the names
from Julian had to be excluded for the time being. Otherwise Joshua would
know of Julian's betrayal, so he could not keep Sukho-ryong alive.

Recognizing the meaning, Kuzan nodded.

"I'll make sure to organize and post it so that Julian doesn't appear to have
revealed the information."

"Yes, you should take some rest until evening. It's okay to go see Berry's.
The story of you two, we'll hear it right after Veris is fully recovered."

"Thank you."

"And sooner or later we will consult with Lord Kashmir and choose your
affiliation. You'll probably belong to the Seven Colors, but you won't have
the privilege, so you'll get a basic education faithfully."


"Even if Veris will not be able to continue using mana...... I will do
whatever I can to fulfill Veris' share."

As Kuzan and Veris have lived as a tool by the name of a hunting dog all
their lives.

There was a deep-rooted perception that they could not live on if they lost
their "beneficial value." So I had no choice but to worry that Jean might
abandon Veris.

Now Kuzan has decided to become a tool of Qin. Of course, Jean was not
the kind who thought humans were simply tools.

"So please don't abandon Berry's or think it's worthless?"

"......sorry, but yes."

"If the negotiations go well with Bancella's saints, we'll give them
additional treatment, even if it doesn't go well. There are plenty of places to
use Veris, so don't worry. Anyway, I'll be back at Lord Kashmir's office
around noon tomorrow. Gilly will choose your room."

Let Jean turn around and move on to meet her other colleagues.

Kuzan bowed sincerely to the back.

And just in time, Quicantel, passing through the corridor, grabbed Kuzan's
back neck.

"What are you doing in the hallway? You're about to set up an altar."

Thanks to this, Jin, who pretended not to know Kuzan's temple, smiled
awkwardly. Kuzan went to the treatment room with Veris with an awkward

"Mr. Quikantel."

"What have you got?”

"Yes, I'll tell you."

When we went to Kashmir's office, colleagues gathered.

Soon after Jean explained the information she had obtained from Julian, not
only Kashmir, but also Quicantel and Ratri could not hide their

"The art of cloning humans with human materials...... that's a terrible story.
What cookie dough, nor is it human. "

As Ratri shrugged, Quicantel shook his head.

"What kind of man is your brother? Is this Looncandel trying to curse you
with a wizard, now what? Cloning? And the Prophet has the ability to fulfill
his contract?"

"Oh, I'm getting goose bumps. I've been thinking about it for a long time,
but it's so dark that I can't even think of Confucius' blood."

As Enya almost became the victim of "Ma Xin-suk," the mere mention of
"fulfillment of the contract" gave me goose bumps.

"Does the dragons have any idea?"


"You look like a horse."

Quicantel and Latry answered at the same time.

"It's not impossible if you're a witch. Except for the fulfillment of the
contract. But given that Zipple and Kinselo were trying to move the
contract to the drinking room, the Wives might have a way, too."


Seongguk Suhojeon.
In that war, in which Luncandel and Zipple were the only ones to join
forces, the Ma people were defeated with devastating damage. As a result,
he was not able to intervene in the taxation system because he was busy

"or witch Helluram. Whatever she does doesn't seem strange. Whether it's
cloning humans or transferring contracts. I think it's possible enough."

"Whether it's a horse or a Helluram. Find out how Joshua was involved and
what the purpose was. But..."

a gin that blurs on the back of one's tongue

"Really, that's going to be difficult. It's too dangerous to put a turquoise in.
Maybe not only Joshua, but also the family.”

"There is ample possibility, Confucius. There's a figure like that next to

Joshua, and I don't think Looncandel's key figures are unaware of it."

Everyone nodded.

If Looncandel had been such an incompetent family, there would have been
no dispute over the supremacy of the Jiffle and the world.

"Is Looncandel pretending not to know that Joshua is with the Prophet, or is
he giving full support? That's the most important thing."

Kashmir said in a heavy voice.

"I don't know what the latter would think of my descendants.”

"This problem, I don't think I should approach it recklessly until I become a


It could have been an unbearable headwind.

It was also impossible to go to Xi'an and ask him questions. There were
witnesses, but that was not enough, and I didn't know what it would be like
to ask for help in the "sequential war."
'Kinselo and Gipple have a lot of hidden power under the water, so can our
family. Does Joshua have full support from his mother because he's good at
such a thing?'

Having been a backup jockey, I have uncovered the secrets of each giant

Jipple was playing all kinds of dirty tricks to be the only god, and Kinselo
was doing a similar thing.

The Beacon had yet to collide directly with Jean, but under the
circumstances it seemed to have legs on both sides of Zipple and Kinselo.

In the meantime, Looncandel could not have been preparing anything.

You're welcome! I could catch up with your oldest sister as much as I could
if I wanted to. But the youngest, do you know? The world you haven't been
through, what's lurking up there.

Why does it feel like Looncandel couldn't get past the Zipple even though
he was with his father? Why, did he seem disappointed in me and didn't
kick me out? Even if you're not satisfied with it, it's because you know I'm
the one who's more wary of enemies in the Sword Garden.

Suddenly, Joshua's words came to mind from the Bluebird Islands.

Zipple and Kinselo actually want the same thing.

To be the sole proprietor of the world.

'There's no way the house doesn't know what I know. Joshua meant that he
was the one who was most wary of Kinselo and Gipple.'

If Looncandel doesn't deny the existence of the Prophet, it's part of it.

Or is there something I don't know?'

After thinking for a while, Jin looked at his colleagues as if he had made up
his mind.
"Well, I don't think it's time to fill all the five years you've given us. We
need to plan on returning to the family sooner."

It was about three years before he became a backup jockey.

And there was a limit to the information that could be found out as a backup
jockey. In particular, information concerning Looncandel is not even

"When will you be back?"

"I think early '99 would be good."

"Now it's October 1997...... we have about a year left."

"I need to clear up what I need to gain and build a reputation that won't be
talked about in my family. A woman who is a prophet or something will be
recognized openly as a rider."

Already, force has exceeded enough to be the flag bearer of Looncandel.

Building a reputation could be carried out at any time, with as many names
as desired.

However, there was not enough preparation to go back right away. Ready to
fight Joshua's "base."

ten active black knights

And the elders, his knights, the Hupester's nobles subordinate to him.
Except for the Prophet, only the outside history was revealed.

Jean will have to fight them right after he becomes a jockey.

"I wish Murakan could get back about 50 percent of his old strength before
you come back. Then I can have a good time."

"I've made a big decision to meet my sister, and she'll come back with
something different.”
The time that Murakhan said he needed to find his sister was about two

But a month later, Jin and his colleagues were told that they were
"estimated" to be related to Murakan.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 225

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:54 PM

Chapter 225: Episode 73. Silver Man of Murakan (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Before leaving, Murakan left a piece of paper depicting his approximate

route along with a letter to Gilly.

It was a piece of paper that recorded a list of regions that left a "mark" so
that colleagues could come to visit when there was a problem on the

The Seven Colors were checking the marks of Murakan every three days,
and on November 20, 1797, they heard that a dragon and a demon had been
fighting in a city called "Santel" near the Krash Mountains.

The Krasi Mountains were one of the areas marked by Murakan.

"Come on! Something's wrong. Shortly after we confirmed that Murakan

had left a mark on the Crash Mountains, there was a big fight between a
python and a demon in Santel. But the beast was black, winged, and almost
like a dragon.….”

"Do you mean that the demon that fought the Dragon could be Murakan?"

"Yes, it is.”

"Why? Because there was a battle right after the mark?”

"That's true, but right now the city of Santel is going crazy. Even though the
seven-color crew entered and tried to get more information, they couldn't
get in because they were all in control. The city became a sea of fire. But
there's not a single line!"

It was certainly a strange thing. Although the area near the Krashi
Mountains is said to be a remote area, if there was a battle enough to
control the nearby city, it would have been normal if the article came out

The Seven Colors were able to get information from locals before the city
was completely blocked, but none of the outside media dealt with the case.

"It's hard to get the information that the demon resembles a dragon. If I
were two hours late, I wouldn't have met the locals. I'm pretty sure you're

Press control is the prerogative of the great powers.

Besides, it's a dinosaur. I didn't feel good.

"Hwasong's press control. Confucius, it looks like Jipple's hand is on the


"......the only flower with the Zipple is Kadun, the guardian dragon of
Kellyak, right?”

Enya looked anxiously at Jean and said, Ever since Jet began posting
reports, colleagues were in a state of ominous foreboding.


"Yes, Mr. Quikantel."

"Do you have any more information about the hwaryong that attacked the
city? The looks and the martial arts we showed during the battle."

"It's only confirmed that it's very large compared to other dragons.”

Quicantel sighs and holds his forehead.

"That's Kadun. Jean, I think he's been attacked. I had a short thought. I
shouldn't have let him go alone. I'm sure Jipple was after him when he first
came to Beaumont."

Quikantel's eyes were wet with anxiety as he jumped to his feet.

Kadun was a tough opponent even in Murakan's heyday. King of the

Dragon, who is so strong that he cannot even be compared to his opponent
in a state where he has lost his old power.

Quikantel was the one who knew better than anyone that Murakhan could
never afford Kadun. That's why as soon as he was convinced, he became

"Calm down, Mr. Quikantel. First of all, I'm sure Murakan didn't die.
Because as a contractor, I didn't feel anything."

"Damn it! If Kadun overpowered Murakhan, it's natural he didn't kill him.
We don't know what will happen to Soldert's next contract if we kill him.
He would have ripped off his wings and locked them up, or he would have
drugged them. Besides, they want a contract for Soldierlet, so they'll use it
to find you, the contractor."

On the day of the battle with Andrey, his words crossed Jin's mind.

I'll compliment you on this surprise. But you and your god will be the most
important ingredients of the drinking stone...….

the most important ingredient in drinking stone

This shows what value "Solderet's power" is worth to Jipple.

Andrei died with Buretta that day, but there were many moments when
Jipple was able to get the information that "The Black Dragon is active."
The day he left the Sword Garden and rode the Murakhan, the day he
visited the Quikantel in Beimant, the day he killed the graveyard giant, the
Colon site, and so on.

Even if it wasn't the Rutero Magic Federation, it was news that could be
delivered given that Jipple's information was everywhere in the world.

'As Quikantel said, maybe they've been looking for Murakan and me for a
long time.'

Of course, Murakan insisted that he must move alone to meet Missha.

After all, regret did nothing to get Murakhan back. What was needed now
was accurate judgment and prompt action.

"But, sir, there's one more strange thing.”

"What is it?"

"Isn't the Holy Land of Van Kela a neutral country? I and the rest of the
crew have decided that Zipple is in control of the press, but somehow it's
VANKELA's genitals that are blocking the city.”

Santel was not part of the Holy Land of Van Kela because it belonged to the
'Shawl Empire'.

"The battle was fought by Kadun and Murakan, the press control is by
Jipple, and the city blockade is by sex knights?"

"Yes, the Shawl Empire is doing nothing."

It was certainly a strange thing.

It is common for the Holy Land VANKELA to send sex knights and healers
to each affected area for urban restoration and relief, but it was rare to block
the area.

It is the responsibility of the local army. Without such military power, it was
common for those who control the media to take charge.
Therefore, Jean and her colleagues naturally thought Zipple would be in

"The attitude of kicking out the seven-color crew members who were about
to get in there, and other reporters who happened to smell and run, was
incredibly high-handed. Like when you're dealing with heretics."

"Are you saying, then, that the Holy Land is helping Zipple's convenience?"

Van Kela was a country that had never stood on anyone's side throughout
history. It had remained neutral in Jin's previous life.

"I'm not sure, but that's what I and my crew decided.”

There was a moment of silence.

Without entering the Santel directly, there was no clear-cut information.

Gilly put his hand on Jean's shoulder and made eye contact.

"Lord, he's not that easy to beat. Don't worry too much and you'd better get
going. Maybe it's not Murakan. Maybe it's a real winged demon.”

He said so, but Gilly's hands, which touched his shoulder, were shaking.
She was desperately suppressing her feelings so that Jean would not
become more disturbed.

For Jin and Gilly, Murakan is a family beyond their peers. If someone goes
wrong, he or she wants it to be him.

"Sir Kashmir. Do you have any lines on the side of Vancella that the Seven-
Coloured Tide has formed?"

"There are some deities that I and Bran know personally."

"The police, please look at the Van Kela side. What happened in Santel, and
why the Holy Land is involved in Zipple's work."


Jean and Quikantel, and Kuzan.

It was so three people who went directly to Santel. All the way to Santel.

Not directly connected, it took a whole day to run in a shiri from the Shawl

The Santel, who came and looked at it in person, was being controlled in a
tighter atmosphere than expected.

And he still looked like a bloodshot wound in a fire.

"... ...definitely, that's Kadun's flame. He's the only one who can use such a
dark fire."

Quikantel stood on the cliff, looked down at the city and clenched his teeth.
Inside the city, there was a scene of wizards and sex knights holding fire.

All the people were gathered in some areas where the flames were caught.

It was a strange scene.

Bankela always put the lives of the common people first in situations such
as disasters and wars. Naturally, the city was still on fire, so it was right to
let the people out first.

However, sex knights in the middle-aged are completely blocking the

entrance with the entrance tightly closed.

There was nothing more to think about.

I'm blocking it because there's something to hide. There is information that

should not be leaked, and it is highly likely that there are too many

"I don't think Kadun's left in the city. Then the sorcerers and genitals won't
have to turn off the lights instead. Let's get into the city.”
Santel was a city on the plains. It was not easy to avoid the eyes of guards
and genitals, but fortunately, there were some reporters who remained
nearby to see if they could enter.

As soon as the party descended the cliff, they mingled among them and
approached the city. It would have been enough to get into the city.

It was the side door on the left side of the city that the party chose to break
through. The atmosphere was harsher than the central gate, so even the
reporters were not there.

"Stay away."

"Take off your hood and identify yourself. If you come more than two steps
closer, I'll cut you."

The sex knights blocking the side door said in a low voice as soon as they
saw the party. In fact, as if they had cut off some reporters before the party
came, there were still traces of dried blood on the dirt floor.

A scale pattern drawn on the middle age was announcing the position of the
sex knights. They were the only infamous second-class drivers in the Holy
Land of Gyuri Suho Dawn, a member of the heresy referee.

It means that they are not such a quiet city or people to block.

Knights of the Gyuri Guardian Dawn....a jipple, a holy map. I'm sure you're
very concerned about this.'

But this may be the life or death of the family.

At this time, I had no intention of moving in a complicated manner, creating

a cause. It was not the time to work on things that needed time, such as
deceiving, buying, etc.


When Qin winked at him, Kuzan flashed and pulled out the dagger. The
blade had been coated with pre-manufactured anesthetic poison.


It's a particle!

The sex knights could not carry on. Kuzan and Quicandel, who ran at the
same time, overpowered them with a single blow.

Kuzan accurately stabbed his opponent with a dagger, and Quikantel

opened the pitch with force and fed him the poison Kuzan gave him.

It was in no time that the genitals were anesthetized and hardened standing.
While Quikantel and Kuzan were leaning the sex knights against the wall,
Chin swung the sword through a crack in the door and cut off the inside

Three minutes at the earliest, ten minutes at the latest, will reveal that the
door has been breached.

That was enough. It was only necessary to meet the locals in it and find out
if the appearance of the demon exactly matches Murakan, whether he used
the spirit, and how the battle against Kadun ended.


But the moment the side door was opened, the party had to face two new
sex knights. It was exactly the time to shift work.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 226

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:53 PM

Chapter 226: Episode 73. Silver Man of Murakan (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was fortunate that there were only two. It's the same way you overpower


The moment the knight in front of him reflexively pulled out the sword,
Quikantel's fist struck him in the face first. Bam! The pitch crumpled and
blood splashed, and he fainted and trembled.

Kuzan did not panic, but equally stabbed his armor joint to paralyze his

"As soon as you got here, you got rid of the four sex knights.”

"If anyone hears it, they'll misunderstand. ID Quikantel."

Jean said, hiding the fallen sex knights in the ditch. It looked like a dead
body, but it wasn't dead.

Fortunately, there was not a single person right inside the side door. The
result was that the city's center had already been sealed off to prevent the
common people from leaving.
The three men walked silently. I had to enter the street and check the news
of Murakhan as soon as possible.

A little inside the side door, there were quite a few sex knights on patrol. As
Jet reported, there were no Shawl's army, and it was all made up of only
extreme and authoritative personnel, like the Gyory-Safe Dawn Society.

The reason why the Jin group sneaked into the center to avoid their eyes
was because of their excellent skills, but the streets were very noisy and

Not to mention the sound of buildings burning and collapsing by the flames
Kadun left behind.

The whole place was filled with grunts and cries. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh....! Those who lost their families and relatives in the battle were
falling and sobbing on every road.

The bodies, which have not yet been recovered, were also easily spotted.
The sex knights threw the body into the cart, covering their heartless eyes
with pitches.

Most of them.

No, all the bodies were burned to death. The whole body was burned to the
ground, so it was impossible to identify itself.

So far there has been no sign of the use of spirit.

"...... that's terrible."

"Cadoon and other hwaryons don't care about humans. Unless you're a
special human being, it's like a bug. While most dragons see humans as
inferior creatures, they are especially so."

But can I say that those bodies are not at all Murakan's fault?

Suddenly, when such an idea flashed through Jin's mind, Quikantel said
something back as if he had seen it through.
"He's not a kind of reckless slaughtering of humans, at least for my own

Instead of answering, Jean smiled awkwardly.

The number of bodies was increasing as we entered. There were not a few
scenes where the shrines surrounded and sang songs of hypocrisy, all piled
up like mountains.

By estimate, the death toll was likely to be at least 5,000. In a city about the
size of Santel, it was a natural disaster to describe it as an annihilation.
More than half of the city's residents are dead.

It wasn't just the body.

Fewer injured people were also constantly groaning and screaming.

Bankela's healers, called 'Sonja,' stuck to them and sweated hard.

But not all saints were focused on healing.

That's exactly why the party was feeling a strange sense of incompatibility.

"Confucian, the city atmosphere...... isn't it a little strange?"

Jean nods her head in silence. Quikantel also looked at the saints with the
same mind. They were not performing healing techniques, but saints with
sermons or something.

"Now on the plains in front of the city, the pythons are still fighting with the
devil. But good and gentle people, for heavenly errands have come, do not
be afraid or despair...….”

"The hateful demon who killed our parents, brothers, sisters and children
will soon be killed at the hands of the brazier! Let's pray together, God
watches over the brazier...….”

It was certainly a lie that fighting continued on the plains in front of the
city. Jean and her colleagues have just passed through the place and entered
the city.
There were only a few reporters and sex knights outside who stood in their

But the innocent people, crouched in front of the saint, seemed to believe
the words straight away as they were.

"Let's pray!"


There were even those who collapsed, touched by the absurd incitement of
the saint.

Healing on one side, agitating on the other, blocking the city. Those from
Van Kela were doing something too obvious, too obvious.

But the innocent were not fooled by the instigation of the saints.

Amid the shock and sadness of losing their families, they are being
brainwashed by the "snowpiercer" unique to the saints.

Although the saints claim to be 'sinister,' the majority of the wizards,

including Jean, knew it was a kind of Ma'an.

Sulpasul, with a corner similar to old spiritual magic, was used mainly for
preaching and preaching at times like this.

The subtle yellow color in the pupil of the saint's eyes was proof that
preaching was being performed.

"Those who are dead, those who are alive, are all bound by the power of
prayer, and we will not be alone! Those who fulfill their mission will have

Surfing is of no use to the mentally strong, but the traumatized people like
now could be fooled.

"The current King Seong must have strictly prohibited the use of preaching
by saints, but he is using it all.”
It was Michaelan, the current king of the castle, who even announced that
he would classify saints who use the sermon as heresy.

It has been used by convenience and customs, but the reason was that the
preaching was clearly against the line pursued by the doctrine and the Holy

"You're a demagogue trying to overlay the massacre that Kadun committed.

If Murakhan is a demon, I don't think he was caught by Kamun."

"That's what I think, Quikantel. If you're caught, there's no reason to hit this

The mana believed to be Murakan ran away, and Kadun did not retrieve the
sparks he sprayed on the city in a hurry to chase it away.

Jin and Quikantel simultaneously inferred the same situation. If caught,

Kadun could have set off the flames that spread to the city and even lit up
the name of the Jipple for killing the devil.

'We need to find out why they're helping the Zipple, even breaking King
Seong's orders.'

Judging from what has been revealed so far, Van Kela was no longer a
"neutral country."

They are even using a taboo called seolpsul to help the jipple. It was
impossible without permission at the national level.

But right now, it was urgent to find Murakhan rather than worry about it.

"Let's have a little conversation with the people, given the opportunity. I'm
going to make sure it's Murakhan and leave."

It was not easy to find a chance to contact the people. There was a high
possibility that it would be reported to the saint, saying that it would be
meaningless to talk to the people who were in the agitation, and that it was
rather suspicious.
As soon as he was about to move again, a Knight found the saint in front of
the party. Then he whispered something and quickly moved somewhere.

"... ...good, docile people! We just got a tip-off. It is said that a gang of
wicked men broke into the city. So if you see any suspicious people, please
find our errands immediately."

The movement of sex knights on patrol has also changed. Until now, only
the people who had fled the main street had been looking at the alleys and
the gaps in the buildings.

He quickly left his seat and began to search again for the common people
who seemed to be able to talk.

But everywhere there were sex knights, saints, or wizards to put out fires.
There is not a single Yangmin who is separated from them are nowhere else
can be found.

The biggest problem was the fact that the sex knights waiting in Santel were
well above the numbers they had expected.

"Damn, the streets are full of sex knights. How many people are there? At
this rate, hiding is a limit, Jean."

"You're tired, although I expected it from the moment you opened the side

Kee kee kee kee kee kee kee ki...…!

From afar, I could hear the double locks on all the gates firmly closed.

The sex knights of the streets ran through the streets screaming something
among themselves, and the saints were driving away with the commoners.


As soon as he passed the alley, a knight of the castle shouted when he met
the party.
The flames and the bustling atmosphere all over the city have hidden the
party well so far.

On the contrary, the party was also less sensual than usual. Even if the mind
was revealed, the energy of hundreds of people moving nearby could not be
accurately detected in this mess.

That is why he failed to turn around before he encountered Sung at the

point where the alley was broken.

There were about five more sex knights behind the screaming sex knights.
Just like the Gyuri Guardian Dawn, heretical judges, they quickly sounded
trumpets and fired a flare to announce that they had found the target.

"Down with your weapons and kneel down!"

If there were a mix of 50 or more generals, not five, the party would have
had to fight carefully.

However, the five second-class knights of the Dawn Society could not help
the party. While Quikantel and Kuzan each tried to take charge and subdue
it, Jin picked Sigmund.


Five of the sex knights quivered before they could camp. Since the location
was exposed to the trumpets and the flare anyway, it was better to spread
out the lightning and organize it quickly and move.

Ten thunderclashes were dropped in five seconds to subdue the four.

Of course Jean was thinking of overpowering all five. One man, who was
not struck by lightning, calmly went through the law even though it must
have been his first time experiencing the Ming sword.

This means that he is quite a talented person in terms of Jin's standards.

But the penis was not pulling out the sword for some reason.
When the other four immediately pulled out their swords and shouted at the
first sight of the losing party, only he did not take the proper action.

The moment Quikantel and Kuzan were about to jump at the penis together.

"Wait, wait!"

Suddenly, the knight raised his arms. It was an act that could not be trusted
to be an article of the Gyuri Defense Dawn, which is the only extreme
group within Van Kela.


"My name is Rani Salome, a second-degree engineer at the Gyuri Guardian

Dawn Society. You guys, I don't think you're heresy."


"You're not heretical, are you? Please answer."

a sudden question

But the eyes in the pitch were so serious, that Jean just nodded.

"I never pull a sword for anyone who is not heresy. And you have
something to do with the black dragon that fought the crazy one. Is that

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

The knight, who identified himself as Lani, was using the expression Black
Dragon, not "mammul." Furthermore, mad hwaryong felt strong hostility
toward Kadun.

Knock, knock, knock, knock!

From the back alley, I could hear the footsteps of another sex knights
running. In a few seconds you'll arrive at the alley where they're standing.
"Follow me first. If you get caught by my colleagues, you can't survive."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 227

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:52 PM

Chapter 227: Episode 73. The benefactor of Murakhan (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"You're making a funny joke.”

"Come on in, get in this way!"

Laney pointed her finger at a crack in the alley. It was the path she and
other sex knights used to follow the group.

The party passed her and headed there first. As soon as Kuzan's toes
disappeared into the crevice, as many as twenty or so sex knights hit the

"What do you mean Salome? Where are they!"

The chief monk looked at the fallen genitals next to Rani and flamed his

Laney still hadn't pulled the sword, and the captain seemed very displeased
with it. Other sex knights are sighing or kicking their tongues while looking
at her.

All non-heidans know Rani's iron rules that never attack.

And in Rani's standards, heresy was limited to those who were clearly
heresy-declared in the final trial organized by King Michaelan, and those
who claimed to be heresy themselves and used black magic.

"Sorry, I missed it. We've confirmed it's heading towards Zone One. We
need to chase...….”

"Hung! They're just rats in the dock anyway. You'll be caught soon. But
Rani Salome, you didn't pull the sword again after seeing your colleagues
fall. And yet, I think it's the penis of the Gyory-Safe Dawn.”

a hard drive

His eyes fell, but Laney gnawed his teeth so that he could hear the captain.

"If it's a punishment, I'll take it later. You'd better go after the invaders

"Every time I see a disappointment. How long do you think he'll be able to
cover you up? With the heresy in front of him, !"

"Just follow me! And how do you know they're heresy? Are you still just an

Lark, screaming.

The captain shook his head after staring at her for a while.

Group three send Lani's group of men to the saints, and join them again
from District One side. And second-degree sex knight Rani Salome is on
his guard as of now, so return to the barracks and return his weapons and
armor and stand by. If you break this, I don't know the future. Do you

The sex knights passed Rani and left the alley. The sex knights, who took
care of her fallen crew instead of Laney, continued to gossip about her.

"I wish I had a good father like you, and I can't believe I'm only self-
centered when I disobey orders and talk to the boss like that.”
"You know what? You're more heresy than heresy. When I get back, please
apply for a transfer of positions and get lost somewhere, stop being a little
smitten with the Dawn."

When they left, Rani remained alone in the alley.

And Jin's party was listening to the conversation all the way through the
side crevice.

Rani Salome......I thought it was familiar somewhere, but I remember it.

The foster daughter of Michaelan the Holy King."

I had read an anecdote about her once or twice in my previous life in a


The article said that even the people of the Holy Land point fingers at her
because she was a daughter of King Seong but lived a dissipated life under
the influence of alcohol every day. Although it was very small in the corner
of the ground, it was remembered because of her status as the daughter of
King Seong.

Soon Laney looked around and came in between the company.

"For now, the crisis is over. Moving across to a safe place, we'll come to a
couple of conversations. "

"Before that, wait. Laney Salome. I think you're trying to help us, but why
the hell? And how did you know we had something to do with the Black

When Jean asked, eye-to-eye, Laney was unanswered for a few seconds.

But inside her, countless thoughts seemed to pass.

"......I'm a sex engineer from the Gyuri Guardian Dawn Society."

"I said that before.”

"But before she was a saint, she was a believer in the Holy Land, a human
being, and a daughter who preaches the word of our benevolent Juayula."

He suddenly gave out a self-introduction that didn't suit the situation.

There was some strong spirit and determination somewhere, so I couldn't

ignore what nonsense it was.

"What I have to do is not to hide people's eyes, preach lies, disguise evil as
good, and be cruel to power. The Dragon Cardoon, he's the evil we need to
track down. The Black Dragon tried to stop him from burning the city.”

Burr, the clenched Rani's fists were shaking.

"Is this enough to explain why I'm helping you?"

"You tried to stop him from burning the city? Tell me more about it, Knight.
Where is he?"

said Quikantel, holding Lani by the shoulder.

"......follow me first, I don't have much time."

The place that followed Laney was downtown.

However, more than half of the buildings are filled with "melted" buildings,
and the remaining fires of Kadun still remain, causing toxic smoke to rise
ceaselessly, making it be rebuilt.

The saints and wizards also gave up extinguishing the fire here, and were so
toxic that they did not even designate it as a controlled area.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to enclose the sanctum...….”

"Me and this guy are fine, just this one."

"It's highly toxic."

"It doesn't matter, so do it quickly and let's go."


Rani put a shield on Quicantel and his body.

"If you're here, you won't come to visit your colleagues for at least half an

"Where is the Black Dragon?"

"It's here."

"He can't stand this much poison right now."

"I have protected it with my divine power, so don't worry. But let me ask
you a question before I see him. Are you Jean Looncandel?"

When Jin's name suddenly popped out, Kuzan and Quikantel's eyes grew

Jean nodded, not embarrassed.

"You must have told me."

"Yes, Mr. Murakhan asked for it. Jean Looncandel will be here soon to find
her, so please protect yourself until then. Please show me one mark to prove
that you are Jean Luncandel. From my point of view, you could be another
sewer to Kadoon?"

At the moment, there was nothing to prove one's. Although the Bradamante
was Looncandel's sword, it was something that only the people of his
family, or the fighters of Hufester, would recognize.


"Hey, I'll stop testing Confucius. If we were the servants of the Dragon,
why would we have made a complicated invasion?”

Kuzan said in a low voice, pointing a dagger at her neck.

"You think I'm afraid of threats? If I had, I wouldn't have brought you here.
And if you hurt me, you will surely die."

"Get rid of the sword, Kuzan."

Kuzan, who immediately bowed his head and backed away.

Laney had a stubborn look on her eyes. If Jean fails to prove her identity,
she will never show Murakhan.

"There is nothing. Instead... ...I'll let you know that Murakhan is my

guardian dragon."


Jean looked at Laney, clumping her spirit over her palm.

"Yeongi, the power of solderlet. Whether I'm Jean Looncandel or not. I'm
the only contractor of the shadow. Do I have to show you any other

This was no time to conceal the fact that he was a contractor.

"No, it's enough."

"Is he all right?”

"Honestly, I'm not okay. You're hurt a lot. And..."

"Let's see for now. Come on!"

Jean said, barely suppressing her frantic thumping chest.

The iron was boiling in my heart. All sorts of emotions mingled together to
the point where one's eyes were flushed.

'Hwasong Kadun, I'll make sure your ass goes through a terrible horse.'….'

Laney tore off the board beneath her feet.

The ash covering the board flew in a bundle, and amber light was seen
flowing through it.

The same color as the light that covers Laney's body. It was divine.

The divine power was wrapped around a black cat, curled up in a circle,
like a protective shield.


Su Suho-ryong, the sole descendant of Qin, the deputy of Soldert and his
own friend, the last descendant of the first being created in the shadows.

It was him.

Laney had kept the cat behind him in this poisonous building until now. If it
wasn't for her outstanding sanctity and beliefs, it would never have been

When Jean carefully held Murakhan in her arms, water formed in

Quikantel's eyes. Kuzan also let out a sigh of relief and swept his chest

"Let me explain what happened."

Laney began to explain the situation at the time of saving Murakhan.

She and the sex knights were sent to Santel by orders from the surrogate

It was an order to "purify" Santel as he was on the verge of becoming a city

of heretics by helping Hwayong Kadun.

But it was neither the devil nor the heretics that Laney saw here.

The people who are dying by the merciless breath of the brazier, and the
black dragon that somehow keeps the city from collapsing.
Lani was the only one among the dispatched sex knights who felt a
difference in their appearance.

Even in the name of 'purification,' the saints instigated the people and the
sex knights shut the city down.

"It's Kadun who's actually killing the innocent people, but it doesn't take
two hours for all the killings to be Murakan's fault.”

The time when Rani arrived was when the battle between Kadun and
Murakan was nearing its end.

It was only to make Murakhan unable to escape that Kadun burned the
whole city. Murakan, on the other hand, is in a situation where he is in a
tight spot because he is trying to stop the damage of the people.

Murakhan finally managed to escape. No, it seemed to be a success. It flew

into the air through the bonds of fire that Kadun spread.

"But he didn't have the strength to go far. Kadun immediately began to

chase, and Mr. Murakhan......I think I gambled. As soon as Kadun got out of
his shell and started flying, Murakhan went back to the city.”

Much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of. Once again,
Murakan, who was placed over Santel, fell to the ground, turning into a
human being.

Kadun couldn't confirm it because he was chasing his "shadow" that

Murakhan had made with spirit in the sky.

It was a miracle to watch it alone.

Laney was immediately able to patch him up, but the problem was other sex
knights who were sent to Santel.

"It was a dangerous situation if we didn't happen. But I couldn't send them
to the saints as if they were urban disasters. There were black scales all over
the body because of the unstable transformation."
Laney desperately tried to save the Black Dragon, but it was not enough.

And Murakhan managed to leave a message to Laney, a human trying to

cure him, while his consciousness was getting blurred. Jean Looncandel
will visit him.

"As soon as he finished saying that, he turned into this figure and passed
out. I used my divine power to hide you here.”

"Jin, this isn't a transformation. He was forced to change. Let's go and talk
about the details, and let's get out of here for now."

"I'll give you the best route to escape, so go that way."

"......what do you mean Salome. On the honor of Soldert and Loon Kandel,
I will surely repay this debt. I'll visit the Holy Land as soon as your
disciplinary action is over."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 228

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:51 PM

Chapter 228: Ep.74. The Power of the Black Dragon (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

the first tower of the jipple

Often called the Tower of Stories, the top floor here was the place where
Kellyak spends the most time these days.

"Murakan. ... I tried to find Missha, but I found a bigger fish.”

Kellyak said, tapping the crystal ball with his fingertips.

Kadoon, who sat in front of him, was turning into a human being and
crumpled his face.

"Then what are you doing, damn it. I never thought I'd miss him! It was a
golden opportunity that never happened."

"It's been a long time since you've felt so sorry.”

"It's not just a shame, but I myself am unforgivable. Hoo, if I had caught
Murakan, I'd have called his contractor.”

solderlet's contractor
The most important material of the 'massin stone' they are devoting to

The leaders of Kellyak and Zipple were already aware that there was a
possibility that "Solderet's Contractor" would be active since 1795.

It was the same year that Jin began his preliminary jockey career before
meeting Andrey Zipple.

By then, Kadun heard from Beimant's Jiryong Rabus and Untiel that they
had met Murakhan in person.

However, Kellyak and Kadun expected that if the dragon killed Andrei
Zipple and Buretta even after hearing the news, it would be most likely

Murakan woke up. He decided that he could not help Andrei and Buretta if
he had lost his strength.

"Well, that's true. It's proven that the Beacon Jaryons didn't talk nonsense,
so let's take another chance. I heard you didn't have the same power you
used to be."

a force of the old times

Kellyak, of course, had never experienced the heyday of Murakan himself.

I've only heard the testimony of the literature and other dragons.

Kadun, on the other hand, was well aware of Murakan's formidable power
in those days.

"You never know. Maybe they'll get it back."

"It's possible to regenerate the heart of a dragon? Without a drink?”

"I haven't seen such a case yet, but black dragons are a little different from
ordinary dragons. His presence near Santel is likely to be part of an action
to regain strength."
Kellyak's eyes glowed with interest.

Whether it's possible or not to regenerate the dragon's heart. He was more
surprised that Kadun reacted like this than that.

"That's how much you say it makes me want to take on Murakan of those
days. It wouldn't be a bad idea to regain your strength and show up again.”

"Don't say terrible things."

"By the way, I'm rather worried about King Seong. Since I took you to
Gyuri Defense Dawn without saying anything, you'll come again soon and
make a fuss...... he's so tired every time I see him. You hate me so much.
Hm, what should I do...….”

Kellyak trembled, touching his forehead.

Then for a while, he showed his troubled heart with exaggerated gestures,
and smiled.

"Should I just kill him? He's lived to his fullest. It's probably not a bad thing
for Miklan, because when he dies, he's going to heaven rather than hell."

Kadun shook his head at such a Kellyak.

"By any means, madman."

"Haha, was that a little too much?"


Thanks to Laney's directions, the party was able to escape from the Santel
without difficulty.

On the way, there was a battle with five or six Knights of the Dawn Society,
and after leaving the city, there was a chase.

The group easily ostracized them and loaded themselves into the mobile
gates of the Scholl Empire before the order of control was issued.
Now their destination is Tikan, so that the Dawn Society can't infer that,
after a little twist, the purpose of their journey has been achieved.

Jean and her colleagues had no choice but to look dark.


The Murakhan, held in the arms of Qin, uttered a low cry, strugglingly.

The little whole body was as hot as a fireball. Despite being transformed
into a cat, the damage to Kadun remains.

Forced transformation.

At present, Murakhan was not transformed into his own will, as usual. A
state in which unconscious transformation has been made in the form most
suitable for survival, hit hard.

This forced transformation was a rare phenomenon experienced by

especially tough beings among dragons.

"It's a good thing we lost our old power, but we still had this much defense

The mere fact that he escaped the crisis that he almost got caught by Kadun,
and that he survived was certainly a relief.

"......the problem now is that I'm a normal cat. Jean, we need to water him a
little more. The fever seems to be going down little by little, as Laney said."

There were many fatal constraints when dragons transformed into creatures
other than humans, and the most serious of them was the current case.

If you miss the "time to go back," the dragon cannot return to its original
form by itself.

Whatever it turns into, it loses its self as a dragon, falling into the creature.

When Jean poured water into his palm, Murakan clapped his tongue.

Right now there was no way to undo Murakhan.

It was because of the special nature of black dragon. When other dragons
except Black Dragon missed their return, they could regain their shape no
matter which dragon they were helped by.

However, the black dragon had to have the help of a dragon with the same

There were only two black dragons currently active, so there was only one
thing for the group to do. To find my sister, Missha, whom Murakhan had
left for.

"I don't think there's ever been a time when I resent him for being a black
dragon. I'm going to go back and re-check the route that Murakhan had
planned, and I'm going to start right there."

"Don't worry too much, Confucius. You're alive, so you'll find a way in no

"You know how to say that, Kuzan."

"We're alive as Kuzan said, and we know how to get it back, so let's get

The group twisted the route and returned to Tikan by early morning the next

Murakan's condition was not good, so he wanted to return faster, but if he

caught a tail, the wizards of Kadun and Jipple could have visited Tikan, not
the Knights of Dawn.

Fortunately, Murakhan's fever went down a little overnight. Even though he

still made a weak cry.

"Hello, sir! The devil of Santel must have been Murakan. Well, Murakan
looks a little under the weather, but he's a little scared of it!”
"Please tell them to gather in the Oval Office. All the healers in the mansion
who are good at handling animals."



"Okay, I'll call the Healers now! By the way, sir, it would be difficult for
your colleagues to get to the Oval Office right away. I think you'd better go
to the drawing room."

"Why? Is something wrong?"

Jet nodded as if he were.

Then, as if he was worried about anyone else listening, he looked around

once and whispered like this.

Isn't that Murakan's sister? It's Missha.….'

"Do you have any news about Miss Misha?"

"Why Missha!"

When Jean and Quikantel asked at the same time, Zet almost backed away.

'Oh, don't even talk! He's a real gangster. She's your sister! About five
minutes ago, he suddenly came to the mansion, and as soon as he got here,
he started using violence...…!'


Jean and Quikantel looked at each other reflexively.

'Well, Veris must have been the first to see it. He suddenly appeared in the
middle of the reception room of the mansion. So Veris was surprised and
said, "What are you, a thief?"….'

"What happened to Veris?"

This time Kuzan thrust his face into Jet.

'Oh, man! I'm going to lose my nerve. Well, that hum. Don't be too
surprised and listen calmly. Berry's chin is a little slanted in his fist. The
healers are putting it back now, so there's no problem...….'


Kuzan running frantically before Jet's horse is finished.

"Hmi, I'm in trouble. I think he's got a jaw, too."

Jin and Quikantel, who had been hardened, also started running into the
drawing room.

"Uh, sir. Come with me, be careful!"

Why is Missha here, and how did she get here? Besides, violence, is it
malicious to those in Tikan?

Do you want me to return the Murakan? What if I say I can't or I don't?

All kinds of questions crossed my mind while I was running.

What Jean and Quicantel faced after a while, Kuzan, who is spasmodic,
lying on the floor like wet laundry.

And it was a rather strange scheme that followed.

First, I turned the chin of Kuzan, who ran, and I saw a sharp-faced black-
haired woman who had just sat back at the table and twisted her legs.

It was Missha.

"It's Jin!"

"Prince, are you here? Haha."

Amazingly, Euria was in Missha's arms, and beside it was a cookie and a
latri serving tea on a plate. Shaking, rattling, rattling. Latri's hand shaking
like an aspen tree.

Kashmir, Julian, Enya and Gilly were also seated at the table (alisa was not
present because she was on duty as a garrison).

Kashmir was wearing a polite business smile, and Julian had a calm face or
a hand just like Latri.

Enya was a little better, but she looked rather stiff as she watched two
people faint in an instant. Only Gilly was taking cookies out of Missha's
plate with a calm gesture.

Jean and Quikantel had no choice but to be puzzled for a moment.

'Crazy, what is this. Uh, but. This woman was Missha?

It's a face I've seen before.

Right after overcoming the energy of the Themeer, the third mirage of the
Mitra Great Membrane.

He quickly gathered himself together.

It is not clear why Missha made this fuss as soon as she arrived, but she was
embarrassed and had nothing to do with it.

"I thought I'd never seen you before, but you've met me before. Great Black
Dragon, Missha. Jean Looncandel."

Missha nodded with an expressionless face.

"Yes, we haven't talked at the Great Barrier, so it's actually our first
meeting. Good to see you, a thousand-year contractor. Is it my stupid
brother that I'm holding in my arms?"

"Yes, actually, I was thinking about visiting Missha for Murakhan. As you
can see... ....”
"I don't want to see it, so I'll just throw it anywhere, and sit here for now. I
don't want to waste my time."

Jet sensibly took Murakhan and took him to the healers.

"How have you been, Quikantel?"

"Yes, I'm well, Miss Misha. Why didn't you give me a ride?"

"You've become prettier when you haven't seen it. No matter how I look at
it, it's a waste to my brother, so I hope you forget about him as soon as

Quikantel shook his hand while coughing as if embarrassed.

"As soon as I saw you, what were you talking about?... Ms. Misha, he's in
worse shape than that."

"I know. You must have been hit by Kadun. I'll fix it later, just tell me what
you've been up to. It's been a long time since I came to Inse, and I miss the
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 229

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:49 PM

Chapter 229: Episode 74. The Power of the Black Dragon (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Quikantel decided to quit while trying to talk more about Murakhan.

Seeing Missha speak so insensitively, it occurred to me that Murakhan

might not be as dangerous as I thought.

"I think it's too old to be up to date, Miss Misha. It's been more than 500
years since we last saw each other."

"Didn't you see him once in the Mila Kingdom two hundred years ago?"

"I think so, too. Anyway, it's been quite a while. I'm, as you can see, doing
fine. Thanks to him, I'm staying here with Olta's contractor."

said Quikantel, pointing at Jean with a wink. Missha's gaze also turned to
the camp.

"He's a smart, tough kid. I've been watching him take the test at the Mitra's
big screen. I was quite surprised when I finally reached Themeer and swung
the sword."

Tikan's colleagues also heard about it from Jin.

Missha smiled as she recalled it again. But a long sorrow was hidden in that
seemingly meaningless smile.

Temer Looncandel.

'As I felt before, there's a similar atmosphere to the theme somewhere.'

The first baroness of Looncandel and the only one she loved.

After the loss of Themer, Missha's life was left with nothing but mission
and duty.

It was Missha's job to deal with what she had to do and what she had to
prevent as her agent, and to take care of the people she owed and their

"I didn't know you were watching me then. I've had a lot of bad-looking
moments because the exams were tough, and I'm embarrassed."

"It's all right, it was cool. It was especially impressive to see you chewing
on your raw scorpion."

"I'd like to ask you one thing."

"How did you get here?"


"Murukan. That shit couldn't get out of my palm. When I was a kid, I had a
tracking spell hanging on his body, and he still doesn't know it. I'm stupid.

"Trace..." ...magic?"

"So you didn't have to go through the royalties day by day, you were on all
your journeys."

When Murakan was young, it means "tracking magic" that has lasted at
least thousands of years.
As soon as I got goosebumps, Quikantel burst into a foot laugh.

"You're still alive, Miss Misha. It's been a while since I've seen him fall for

"By the way, whoever I say, I'm sure it's a load of crap, but I'm sure for

"Haha, there can't be such a ridiculous tracking spell.”

Jean smiled awkwardly and shrugged.

"Murukan only knows how to fight, but I can do a little more. Like this, for

Missha touched the shadow of her left hand on the table with her right hand.
The next moment, Jean had no choice but to open her eyes wide as if she
were a child who had never seen magic before.

'What the hell is that?'

She had 'removed' her left shadow with her right hand. As if you were
spooning pudding.

The shadow on the left hand was not erased as much as it was taken out.
Everyone's eyes were focused on the shadow, which was round in Missha's
right hand.

It's been a while since only Quikantel saw you.


Yuria exuded admiration. He reached out and touched it like a child, but
Misha loved it for a moment, and then breathed her breath into the shadows
gathered in her hand.

Shadows scattered in breath flew thousands of points toward the camp.

'It's like a palm-sized galaxy.'

Jean did not avoid Missha's shadow flying to her. As soon as the shadow
reached Jean, it permeated and disappeared.

Nothing had changed for Jean because the shadow had seeped into her
body. The difference is that the shadow of Missha's left arm feels a little

"Yes, there is no such magic as you say. But it's possible with power. The
presence of my shadow always makes it possible for me to locate. I buried
Murakan's shadow when he was a kid. That's what I came after."

Missha then naturally put down Yuria. Then I scattered my body with spirit
and began to float on the heads of the party.

[And no one recognized me for coming into the mansion like this.]

It was a mysterious sight. The particles forming Missha could be

concentrated or dispersed according to will, and when completely
dispersed, it just felt like there was a little black powder floating around.


Young-gi, who was swimming in the air, gathered together and newly
settled in the middle of Jin and Quikantel. As soon as the color returned, the
figure of Missha was revealed again.

"Now, is that enough to explain?"

The moment Jean was about to nod.

"Oh, no, a warrior's back shouldn't look so easy."

Just behind us came another voice just like Missha.

Turning around in a hurry, Missha was standing there, too. There is Missha
standing on the side and behind. Even in his original seat, Missha's body
was sitting one more time, showing her hugging Euria again.
Quikantel was familiar with Missha's ability, but the rest of her colleagues
had been unable to open their mouths for a while. What the hell are we
looking at, everyone looked that way.

In particular, Ratri faced the existence that remained as a child's vague fear,
and saw this ability, so he was about to fall asleep.

"Your guardian dragon is a coward, Yuria."

"But she's nice and cute."

"I guess so. I'm good at making cookies."

Baduk, badok, baduk...….

Three Missha ate the cookies at the same time. One by one, it's not fantasy
but real.

"Certainly, Missha is a little different from Murakan and I in the way she
manages her spirit. Can I do that?'

But there was something more surprising.


"My God..."...! Prince Zhi, Prince Jean?!”


Julian, Kashmir, and Gilly looked at one place at the same time and covered
their mouths. Jindo, who followed and looked at the place, had no choice
but to be mesmerized for a while.

Where they were looking, another 'Jin Looncandel' stood.

With the same face as Jin, the same outfit, the same eyes. Even Quikantel
looked at Missha and the new Jean as if he had never seen anything like this

The new Jean came to the front of the real Jean with a plate.

"Why don't you try one?"

His accent and speech were exactly the same as the real one, and even his
colleagues who had just watched all this were in disarray. Who's the real

"It must be a rare experience. To face yourself without a mirror."

Missha, who actually had a new camp, said it was not a big deal. So it was
even more creepy.

"Crazy, this is......not a dragon born from a contractor or a dragon, but God

If Missha is not a ally but an enemy...….

Suddenly, when such an imagination crossed my mind, I broke out in a cold

sweat on my back.


There was only one Missha holding the Uriah, and the two Missha and the
camp holding the plate were scattered in spirit.

Jean and her colleagues were unable to escape the shock easily.

And there something with this ability?'

It reminded me of how horrible his "body cloning" was.

"You've never told me that the moron can do this for good, have you?"


Then Missha breathed a sigh of relief why.

"That's a relief. If I had told you, I would have broken his head. You would
have been tortured by me until you forgot all that."


"How did you feel about seeing things that were way out of the ordinary?"

Jin looked into Missha's serious eyes and answered,

" was terrible. If Jean Looncandel, who gave me cookies earlier, could
be anywhere, wouldn't I be nothing? And I don't know how much time it
takes to prove that I'm real."

No one in the world would want himself to cross "one." Even more so, if it's
me who doesn't follow his own control.

I didn't mean it, I just meant it.

But as if it were a very satisfactory answer, a smile came to Missha's lips.

She purposely unfolded this power to shock Jean. Not to fall into temptation
in the countless fights he will face in the future.

In Misha's opinion, "Yeongi" was a dangerous force not only for humans,
but also for the mortal, including dragons, watermen, horses, and gods.

a thousand-year contractor And the hope of the shadows that will surely be
the last.

'I won't let you face the same end as Themeer. Fortunately, Murakhan seems
to be leading us well so far...….'

Don't ever be interested in this power. I will always keep an eye on you...….

The moment Missha was about to say so, Yuria grabbed her by the sleeve.

"Not the old man."

Jindo, other colleagues also didn't know why Yuria said such a thing.
So Jean burst into a giggle because Yuria's serious face was cute.

"It's been a long time since you called me uncle, Yuria. All of a sudden, you
don't do that?”

"Not at all."

Missha was the only one contemplating the conversation.

"I'm Mr. Man."...? Besides, I have an insight into my innermost thoughts. I

expected it, but this kid, never happened to be beside Jean.'


In that word, all kinds of questions flashed through Missha's mind.

"Solderette, why their God hasn't said anything so far, why they don't
communicate with the contractor once, and why they don't even speak to
themselves once."

'Maybe Jean is Themeer's reincarnation! That's why it's likely that Yuria
saw the Temer in the order of day......No, maybe."

Maybe you saw solderlet from Jean.

Az Mill, eyeball contractor. Among them, it was possible for an outstanding

contractor like Yuria.

At the moment, it was a matter that could not be judged.

Missha covered her face and stroked Yuria's head.

"Anyway, sometimes it's not too bad to talk to people outside like this.
Well, you. Did you say Gilly?"

"Yes, Miss Misha."

"I need a few days to fix my brother, and I'd like you to pick up a room for
me in the meantime.”
"I'll pick the best room. If you need anything, please write it down."

"Thank you. I'd like to go to my room and have a drink with Quikantel after
a long time, so please give me some good drinks or some bottles. Mount
Mila, friends who have been around for more than 100 years."


"Gin, you'll talk more tomorrow."

Turning, Missha looked at Gilly again, as if something had come to mind.

"And'd better be careful.”


"Too much for his taste. If you mess around, cut it with a single knife."

Gilly couldn't answer and only coughed.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 230

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:48 PM

Chapter 230: Episode 74. The Power of the Black Dragon (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

When Missha and Quikantel went into the room, the friends whose jaws
had turned, Kuzan and Veris, returned to the drawing room. They had a
bewildered, blank look on their faces.

"Are you all right? Two."

"......I'm sorry. I was excited for a moment to hear that you hit Berry's. I
keep seeing Confucius as a third-rate figure.”

Kuzan bowed his head, and Jean waved.

"Well, it's humane and nice. It's all right, I would've turned if Gilly was

"I was just asking if you were a thief.It was a good situation, and......after,

Veris smacked her chin with a full frown. Even though the healers used
their hands, their gums were still tingling.

As Veris, I couldn't get rid of the unfairness.

A month after entering Tikan after the Blue Bird Islands.

For the first week, the fact that he was obeying Joshua, his real enemy, and
that he could not bear to lose his mana, so he lived like a maniac. At that
time, the aftereffects of the last backflow phenomenon were so great that
there was nothing else to do.

From the second week, however, Veris decided to follow Kuzan and try to
stay here.

The mana hasn't returned yet, but he did everything he could, from cleaning
to laundry. Even if others didn't have to, she couldn't resist her

If he didn't do so, he seemed to end up being useless.

That's why I was in trouble yesterday while preparing refreshments for

Latri. Just because I asked a strange woman who appeared out of nowhere
if she was a thief.

"Teacher, can I get you some ice?"

Enya stood before Veris and said,

"The sound of his teacher again. Are you crazy? Who's your teacher?”

"You taught me the theories and principles of wind-based magic. You taught
me five-star magic, and you're my teacher."

"That way, all the teachers at the Beemance Academy were your teachers.
Stop talking nonsense and turn it off...….”

Of course, the loss of mana did not mean the loss of one's unique dirty

"I've never learned.”

"You think I don't even know how the Academy's lectures are organized?
You know, even beginners do the theory. Where are you lying?"
"But I've never really learned. I've been discriminated against. Anyway, I'll
get you some ice, so please give me some other magic."

Enya was unexpectedly looking at herself from Veris.

There was not a single resemblance between the two, both outward and
personal, but this was the point where Enya felt the same way.

Maybe I'm just a pack to the people here.

Ever since her visit to the cave of the Dark Magician Society, Enya has
been desperately clinging to training and learning whenever she has a

That's why Enya is learning magic one by one, holding on to her

tenaciously to help Veris adjust to this place.

with a rush

As Enya ran to get the ice, Veris shook her head.

"I've lost my magic, and everything seems to me easy.”

That's what the horse said, but Verris jerked away at the ice Enya had
brought him and steamed his chin.

"Come on, you promised me that you got this. I'll teach you a new magic."

"When am I?"

"I'll wait at the basement training camp in the evening! Then Confucius Jin,
I'm going first!"

En is rushing out of the drawing room again before Veris starts screaming.

"Oh, I have a headache. Kuzan, what's all that about? I'm already upset."

Jean smiled and looked at Verris.

"Berris, let me give you a piece of advice. In front of Quikantel, you'd
better hide your words from Enya. Whatever you mean, they'll beat you up
regardless of that. I can't stop you, and if you get hit, Kuzan will turn again,
right? Then Kuzan will be hit again. It's a vicious circle."

Veris wasn't just a homicidal disposition either. She was very, very poor at
expression, but she was grateful to Jean and the other Tikans.

That's why Enya teaches magic even though she talks about it whenever she
makes an excuse. Jean felt the fact and was wondering if Veris might be a
little rough.


As Veris jerked around and went away somewhere, Kuzan bowed to Jean

"Sorry, Confucius. I'll make it clear."

"Leave him alone, he's doing well with Enya. Gilly often praises Berry for
being more helpful than I thought."

For Kuzan and Veris, in fact, this Tikan was an unfamiliarly bright land.

From childhood when even memory was hazy, raised as a hunting dog at
the expense of the moon, used, lost Tai Yun, and went under Joshua.

The world they have been through has been indescribably dark and damp.
But now they slowly realized what it was to live like a human being.

The same was true of Julian.

"Is everything all right these days, Julian?"


"I see."
I didn't say anything more. He was still unable to get out of the fear of
Joshua, and the fact that Su Suho-ryong was captured.

Originally, he was extremely introverted and reserved. I was almost

wondering how you were doing with those tough knights under Joshua.

'The power of Gram, the God of the Storm. If there's a way to put it in the
sign, then I'll take him back to the Bluebird Islands.'

As Joshua did, strengthening Julian's power was no harm either. If Julian

becomes a complete Jin man.

In Qin's head at present, Julian was more of a eater than a subordinate, and
Kuzan and Verris were more of a subordinate than a colleague.

"Sir Kashmir."

"Yes, Confucius."

"Did anything come up about the Holy Land while I was away?"

"After Confucius left, I met the new officers with Brand, and he seemed
reluctant to speak. Of course, I was just saying that Tikan's trade might be
disrupted so that there wouldn't be any misunderstanding. Fortunately, there
were a few trade ships passing through Santel."

"Well done. You smell something, don't you?"

"Yes, I don't think the Holy Land, Van Kela, is a neutral country anymore.
This was obviously a help to Gipple. We haven't had a single good article

"It was the heretical sex knights of the Gyuri Guardian Dawn Society that
sealed off Santel. In addition, inside the city, people are brainwashing their
own people through diarrhea.”

"I guess I had to hide what happened that day until I broke the orders of
King Michaelan. Or maybe Michael Miklan was on the side of the Zipple in
the first place...….”
It was the worst case.

If the Holy Land had already been completely taken over by the Zipple,
there would have been problems when Jin fought a full-fledged succession
war in his family.

Many guardian knights will surely die or get hurt, but they will not be
supported by the superior healing powers of the Holy Land. Or they have to
pay an unparalleled price even if they are supported.

It was not a matter of silk gin, but of the whole of Looncandel, and by
extension, of all Hufester's free prices. The healing power of the Holy Land
and various drugs are outstanding.

"It's not impossible, but I hope not. And there I met Lani Salome, the foster
daughter of King Seong."

"Michlan is a person who cares about my daughter enough to be called the

daughter-in-law king in the Holy Land. I've heard about it a few times. But
he sent his daughter to help Zipple, which means that Sung-….”

"No, Laney was a little different from the other genitals and saints there. If
it wasn't for her in the first place, Murakhan wouldn't have been caught by
the Zipple or survived."

Jean explained the situation at the time in detail. It was an explanation of

how the fight between Kadun and Murakan was, meeting Rani and rescuing

"Lani used to say that the Holy Land was corrupt, that it was a combination
of power and obscurity of the truth. That's why he decided to help us. It
wasn't Murakan who massacred the people, but rather Kadun."

"That sort of thing... ... You've been greatly helped, Confucius."

"Yes, I've been thinking about it, and maybe King Seong assigned Rani to
the Gyuri Guardian Dawn for surveillance?"
"You're saying that the whole kingdom may not have been attached to the
Zipple, but that some forces, including Dawn, might have held the hands of
the Zipple, right?

"That's right."

"I think you're more likely. Recalling the recent policies of the Holy Land,
most of them were disliked by vested interests inside. And that's part of the

It was 20 years ago that Miklan abolished the preaching. He was not old
enough to feel the violent backlash that occurred in the Holy Land at the
time of his previous life and the progress of his present life.

On the other hand, Kashmir was a royal family, so he did not forget that
there were a series of meetings and related articles.

The most powerful and easy method of evangelism, which was banned,
deserved it.

"However, it is a little less convincing that the establishment of the Holy

Land has joined the Jeeple because of the backlash. Especially if you're a
big power like Jipple, you're at a high risk of misusing it and being a

"That's right, Confucius. It would have been better to stop and bring down
King Seong. Well, we need to find out. Somehow, I'm expecting a more
complicated relationship than I thought."

"First of all, please find out about Laney Salome. I've heard the fifth captain
of the Dawn Society calling for disciplinary action, so if Miklan didn't stop
him, he'd be disciplined."

"Okay, I'm your big benefactor, so I'll come up with a plan to compensate
you without any inconvenience."


The next morning, Murakhan was noticeably better.

The fire-like heat completely disappeared, and loitering the Tikan corridor
with its tail erect no less than any cheerful cat.

The fever naturally subsided without the care of the healers.

[Miya, Miya.]


Shri was often seen playing with Murakan on the floor, rolling it like a ball.

"I don't think we should just put that back. You look happy in your own
way. Why don't you just let her live her life, Jean? To save some air."

"Mr. Miss Misha."

"I'm kidding. I wish I had at least half the cuteness in that state of mind
when I was stuck together. Um... ...from now on, just wait for a little bit of
noise, including a scream. Do you understand?"

A shadow of Missha hung over the overturned Murakan.

She was looking down at Murakan, smiling sizzly, wickedly.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 231

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:46 PM

Chapter 231: Episode 74. The Power of the Black Dragon (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Scream... ..sound?"

When Jean tilted her head and asked, Missha hugged Murakhan.



"And never enter the room."

I don't know how the alternative treatment works.….

I was curious, but I decided not to ask. She was the only one in the world
that could turn back Murakhan anyway, so there was no point in worrying
about it.

'Anyway, I'm sure it's a hell of a treatment. Cheer up, Murakhan."

Murakhan was gently in Missha's arms, not knowing the pain that was
about to come to him.

"Please take good care of me, Miss Misha."

"See you later."

Knock, knock!

The sound of closing the door was unusually heavy. Jean and Shree stared
at each other and blinked their eyes.

And within seconds, there was a scream right away.


The cat's signature sharp snaps were sticking out of the tightly closed door.
Chahak, kiaak! Shrie, who was surprised, scratched the door as if she
wanted to open it, and the noise almost gave me goose bumps.


"Oh, Shri. It's just Missha treating Murakhan. Don't worry."

" must have started.”

Just in time, Quikantel, who was passing the corridor, stood next to Jin and

I just told Shrie not to worry, but in fact I couldn't be more relieved.

So I was going to ask Quikantel if it would be okay. She's been talking to

Missha all night, so she must have heard something more.

But Quikantel's face was dark.

He even bit his fingernails with his arms crossed, looking like a man who
did anything wrong because he was nervous.

"Mr. Quikantel?"

"Whoa, I hope he'll hold out."

"What are you doing?"

a rapid spread of anxiety

"Oh, didn't Missha tell you the story?"

"What story?"

"This treatment, it's not just bringing Murakhan back to what he really is.
You don't have to worry if that's all. Missha is planning to restore the old
power of Murakhan as well."

Ha ha! Kiaaaah!

From beyond the door continued to be heard the shriek of Murakan. There
was also a noise of something serrated, and Missha's voice was not heard at

"Do you mean Murakhan could die if something goes wrong while
restoring him?"

"Ah, that's not it. Then Missha wouldn't have gone through the treatment
without telling you."

Quikantel waved his hands.

"Then what?"

"If the surgery fails, you lose all the power you have left, even if it doesn't
affect your life."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

Anger swelled at Missha Ilsoon.

It was because it occurred to me that Missha should have consulted with her
or Gilly once, if it was a risky operation.

On the one hand, however, it was understandable.

"Murakan must would have said you'd do the surgery, even if
there was such a risk.'

From Murakhan himself, and from the people around him, his old power
was beyond comparison. It was possible to tell Temer Looncandel from the

He also said he overwhelmed all dragons in the sky, and the martial arts he
saw in person when he was dealing with Feytel, who was incarnated by
Julian, was a horror. To the point where the modifier "Great Black Dragon"
is not lacking at all.

Murakan, who was then, was now not as strong as Quikantel or his
guardian, Qin.

If they face a desperate situation when they are together, it would be Jean,
not Murakan, who protects the opponent.

So there's no way Murakan didn't want surgery.

Not all guardian dragons in the world are stronger than contractors, but it
was the universal mindset of the guardian dragons that should be at least
"not lacking."

As if reading Jin's thoughts, Quikantel added a word.

"Misha doesn't seem to like Murakan, but this time again, you ran to him as
soon as he went wrong. You'll do your best, so let's just wait a few days.”

"What are your chances of success?"

"They say it's about 50 percent."

"It's not very low."

"Oh, my God, what are you talking about? It looks like the cat is screaming,
is that Murakan...…?”

This time, Gilly stood in front of the door as he passed the corridor.
When Quikantel explains it again, Gilly looks pale in a flash. Jean held her
trembling hand.

She thought the same thing as Jean. I thought I should have told you in
advance, but if it were Murakan, I would have done so."

All three were unable to leave the corridor.

Naturally, colleagues came one by one, and each time more and more
people stood in front of the hall.

"Aigo, Mr. Murakhan......! I think I'm all sick. How much trouble do you
have, sir?"

"Prince, Gilly. I'm sure you'll get through it."

"Hold on while you eat one at a time."

Around lunch, all the colleagues gathered in front of the hall.

Screams continued unceasingly into the night. There was also a dull sound
and a burst that seemed to break.

And just before midnight, colleagues first heard a groan that was clearly

Ugh, Ugh!

It was a totally different sound from the cat's crying that seemed to rip, and
it was certainly Murakan's voice.

Since then, cat calls and human screams have alternated. While being
treated, Murakan is moving back and forth between humans and cats.

in the confusion of one's colleagues

The scream died down and the door opened.

The party was able to look inside for a moment when the door was open,
and it was filled with bloodstains. Black chunks of spirit were floating all
over the room. Murakhan's appearance was not confirmed.


Missha goes out into the hallway wiping the sweat on her forehead.

She looked at the colleagues in front of her, her eyes were round for a
moment, then shrugged.

"What's the funny spectacle you're all here for? Apparently Quikantel
taught you. Because I'm going to argue...….”

"I don't think so. You know Murakhan better than we do, so you decided to
operate. Is he okay?"

"For now. But I have a few more days to do this. It's a stage where you can't
be relieved yet."

The evil smile she showed earlier was a very tired face everywhere.

As anyone else may know, Jean, the contractor of Soldert, was aware of
how much spirit she had used throughout the day.

The strong spirit that I felt when I first met him has been greatly
diminished. It was the part where we could see that she was devoting
herself to treatment.

"I'm tired. I need to eat and rest."

"I'll be ready soon, Missha. Is there anything else you'd like to eat?"

To Gilly's question, surprisingly Missha gave this answer.

"Strawberry pie. Without it, another pie made of fresh fruit."

The brothers and sisters were brothers and sisters.


Missha started treatment at lunch every day and finished it around


That's how a week has passed. As time went by, people's screams spread
more frequently in the room than cats' cries.

"Today is the last straw. I don't know what this is about because of my half-

Missha looked at Jean and her colleagues with a hollow face.

Whether it's over the hump or not, from today Murakhan will be a dragon
again and will be able to join his colleagues.


As treatment began, more intense screams followed than ever.

But I couldn't hear a cat crying at all. This was because the unstable
transformation between humans and cats disappeared.

There was no way to know how time passed until night. Everyone was only
looking at the tightly closed door, barely suppressing their anxious hearts.

Just because Murakan loses his strength won't change the way his
colleagues treat him.

But can Murakan himself bear the fact? The very question has kept the
party at ease.

"It's almost midnight, Master. Please... ...I hope you're okay.”

It was at that moment that the scream from inside stopped. At the same
time, the noise of various treatment tools has died down.

The colleagues, holding their breath, waited for the door to open.

Appearing as soon as the door opened was a man with long hair that was as
dark as pitch, Murakan.

He smiled as soon as he saw his colleagues.

"Long time no see, everybody."



A voice strangely dignified, unlike before.

As soon as Jin saw Murakhan, he recalled the moment he first met him in
the stormy basement. At that time, as little Jean felt, overwhelming energy
was seeping in his eyes and manner.

The operation was successful.

Colleagues intuitively felt the fact before Missha even announced the

"Hahaha! Yes, I am Murakan!"

Suddenly Murakan burst into a mad laugh. My colleagues had no choice but
to flinch and backtrack, because of the mighty energy contained in them.

Phuoc Thinh, oohhhhhhhhhhhh.…!

It was just a laugh, but there was a crack in the thick stone wall in the
hallway. It was never possible for Murakan about 40 days ago.

"This is it, this is it! This is me! Hahaha, hahaha!"


Murakhan's neck snapped. Strong enough to die for ordinary people.

Because Missha left the door and hit him hard in the back of the head.

"Is this spinning, man? Who told you to scream loudly? My eardrums
almost dropped at your scream for a week."

Murakan turned around and glanced at Missha once, then smiled again.

"Thanks anyway, you saved me. Thank you. I'll give you a hug! Come this

"Get out."

"Yes, I'm just saying. I don't like it either. Now, then, go back to your house.
I need to have a celebration party with my friends. I'll send you the hard
work later."

"Uh, talk more. I don't think there's anything visible just because I've gained
some strength. Wake up, when you speak nicely."

"I wasn't going yet... Ugh! Ugh!"

Bam, bam, bam!

With Missha's fist, Murakan's body flew all over the hall. At first glance,
her punches and kicks were at least eight-star power.

Murakan is not bleeding even though he gets all of it all. Colleagues found
it hard to grasp whether to be surprised by Missha's beating or to admire
Murakan's durability.

"Your old power has only returned about forty percent, brother. I mean, if
you mess around, you can get lost."

After being beaten about twenty times, Missha threw the Murakhan roughly
and said.

"You... purposely only gave me 40%, right? Because if you put it
back right, I'll be stronger than you!"
"At the level of thinking. Give me five seconds. If you lie face down and
show your gratitude right now, I'll make you a cat again."

Why would I!

At the moment when Murakan was about to shout so, Jean and Gillie
caught Murakan at the same time. Then he forced her to lie down.

"Good work, Miss Misha."

"You've had a hard time waiting, too. By the way, I'm pissed off, but as he
said, I'm going back now."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 232

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:45 PM

Chapter 232: Episode 75. Lani Salome (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"I can't believe you're going back. Now?”

"I'm busy unlike this asshole. I can't wait to fix it because it's longer than I

Missha gently pressed Murakhan's head, lying face down, and shrugged his

As soon as her feet touched her head, Murakan tried to stand up, putting a
blood clot on her neck, but could not resist her strength.

Misha, who lightly overpowered Murakan with one foot after his old 40
percent strength returned. Feeling the power of Murakan, it was hard to
even gauge how powerful Missha was.


While Murakhan struggled, Missha calmly retorted.

"Don't be too upset. I'm busy, basically, for you.”

When Missha said she was leaving suddenly, her colleagues looked at each
other. But Quikantel didn't seem too surprised if he had already expected it.
"I'm not sad. I'm just sorry. I'm just letting you go with the help.….”

"You don't have to. And now you have my shadow on you too, so we can
meet again whenever we have time."

Unlike Murakan, Missha had a lot to do besides protecting contractors.

Especially in the absence of solderlet as it is now, she had to carry out all
the things that Solderlet had been in charge of instead.

Meanwhile, Solderlet had to be searched for his whereabouts, so there was

no personal time at all. She even prepared to treat Murakan all night while
drinking with Quikantel on the first day.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Missha made eye contact with Jean for a moment.

"Not yet. Right now, growing up straight is the biggest help."

In Missha's eyes, who said so, was filled with joy.

"When are you going back to your family?"

"It'll be back in 19."

"Can't you go back faster?"

"My father and I have promised him up to 20 years. A year earlier is a

violation of orders in a way, so it's hard to move ahead."

"Well, that's too bad. It would have been easier to get it after I became a
jockey. We'll be able to take the guards.”

"Where are you talking about?"

"Old Oterium."

"Old Oterium?”
an old oterium

The former capital of the Holy Land was now home to the Dark Magistrate
under Kinselo and where the magic book of the "End of the Deadly Dark
Chloride," the legacy of the Riol Jifle, was located.

"If you go there, you'll have a book of wizards. It's what your former
Solderlet contractor, Riol Jipple, left behind."

Among his colleagues, Jin was the only one who knew about the legacy of
the Riol Jipple.

However, Jin obtained information from Solderlet about the final sentence
of the extinct rock salt mine in the past. So there was no surprise that
Missha, the Black Dragon of Soldierlet, knew.

"Now it's home to the Dark Magic Council under the Kinselo."

"I know. That's why I thought it would be better to go find you after you
became a jockey, but it's too late after 19 years. Well, now that this guy has
some strength back, he'll be able to handle it right away."

"Misha seems to know a lot about Kinselo.”

"I know they used to work with Jipple to sweep the contractor down with
the drinking seats. And the alliance was virtually destroyed by you."

As much as Misha's shadow had been on Murakan, she was able to roughly
infer Jean and Murakhan's movements.

Also, Kinselo and Gipple were on her watch list in the first place. The
reason why Soldierlet disappeared was because of the thought that they
would be there.

"If you have information important enough to let you know about them, I'll
write to you here. Anyway, I think you'd better learn the Liol Jipple's
Wizard as soon as possible."

"Maybe someone else is after the wizard?”

Missha nodded.

"Yes. A wizard I've been keeping an eye on recently is targeting the wizard.
Aria Aulhart is a human girl, a man born with a pretty special destiny like

As Misha's eye-catching sorcerer, colleagues naturally thought the name of

the famous Magician or Supernova would come out.

But 'Aria Outhart' was a name no one had ever heard of. Except for one
person, Jean, who knows her.

"My teacher was already aiming for a decapitation rock at this time of

Aria Aulhart.

It was one of the numerous aliases Valeria used in her previous life.

Among them, he was as dear as his real name, meaning he had the heart of
a "gray owl."

And she didn't get the final sentence of the extinct rock salt in Jin's previous
life. Instead, he got two unfinished sentences and showed them to Jin.

"If it's a special fate...…?”

"If you are the child chosen by the Shadow, Aria is the child chosen by
history. If you ever meet him, encourage him. From a large perspective, it's
your ally.”

More than that seemed cautious to say.

There was not much room for Missha to intervene, either, as Aria, or
Valeria, was not a member of the shadow.

She had given Jean information about Valeria carelessly, and was wary of
the possibility of variables in Valeria's fate.
'The teacher had made it his life's goal to retrieve the Hysterics. Is being
chosen by history related to him?'

in the midst of a flash of questions

Missha put her foot away from stepping on the Murakhan.

"Oh, no more delay. I'll get going now. Hey, Murakan."


Murakan stood up and glared at Missha.

However, he was not able to make a wild fight. I felt the difference in
strength, but I thought I could think of a childhood nightmare if I were more

"Think you're blessed, Jean. Be a good help. Do you understand?"

It was true that Murakhan did less than Missha. That's why the word 'happy'
came out.

"Hen! I'm good on my own even if I don't have to listen to you."

"I can't help it. I don't want to look at you. Gilly."

"Yes, Miss Misha."

"Never make this strawberry pie for the next month. Do you understand?"

"Hoo-hoo, strawberry pie can't hear you...….”

"Okay, Miss Misha."

Murakhan's face instantly faded.

"Come on, everybody, see you later."

A week has passed since Missha left.

After regaining his strength and jumping madly happy, Murakhan sat in the
corner of the garden every day and looked wistful.

Because I couldn't eat strawberry pie. It's not like it hasn't happened at all
that I haven't touched a strawberry pie for more than a month, but it was
terrible to be banned by others. If it's because of Missha, it's all the more.

"Great, really. How could a dragon do this? I feel like I'm becoming more
and more of a child."

The inferior Jean eventually received a strawberry pie.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Murakan, whose color turns bright as soon as Jean puts out a strawberry
pie. Who can think of him as a black dragon that has existed for more than
3,000 years, a great black dragon that has regained its 40 percent power in
its heyday?

The Murakan, who received a basket of strawberry pies, hugged Jean with a
thrilled face.

"As expected, little boy, you're the only one. Jjasik, it's worth raising on
your back.”

Murakan took out two strawberry pies and gave one to Jean. Parr, the
trembling hands seemed to be trying to keep the right track, even though I
didn't want to share them.

"I'm done, eat up."


Murakan, who bites a strawberry pie with his mouth wide open.

Jean watched him eat quietly for a while.

"Senior Kashmir brought me some information about Laney. They helped
us, they were imprisoned, and then they were released two days ago."

"Hmm, is that so? That's a relief. Whoo, I hate to admit it, but......if he
hadn't helped me, I would never have been safe. Probably got caught by
Kadoon and taken to Zipple's lab. He's pissed at me again.….”

Murakhan said this shortly after Missha returned.

I have to pay off my debt to the penitentiary.

It was an issue that I had been thinking about, but it was surprising that
Murakan expressed it himself.

"Why didn't you thank your sister for treating you?"

"You wouldn't say that if you knew what Missha did to me as a child. It's
not a dragon, it's a devil.”

"Anyway, Laney. You must not be very well right now."

"You're not feeling well?"

Somehow, it seems that people have changed dramatically since the

disciplinary action was over. He drank every day like a lung, and was
arrested again right after the inspection. So we're waiting for a trial for
further disciplinary action."

In previous life's newsletter, Rani Salome was often described as a prodigal

foster daughter. According to Kashmir's information, Rani is changing as

"What? Is the woman, her personality kind of like that?”

Murakan had never had a proper conversation with Rani because he fainted
as soon as he met her.

"Not from what I've met. Gyori-Soo-Soo-Soo Women's Congress is a place

where discipline and order are more important than any other organization
in the Holy Land. That's why his penis is often expelled for minor
accidents, but Laney is not being kicked out for some reason.”

"You said you were the foster daughter of King Seong, and that's why you
went that far, isn't it?

"That's possible. But when Laney was in the temple, King Seong was
holding a ceremony of blessing against the people of the Holy Land. So to
speak, he did it himself to King Seong.”

Nicknamed "Daughter Stupid King Seong," Michaelan usually loved his

daughter very much, and Laney also followed her well.

After Santel, the father and daughter began to antagonize each other.

"Is it like puberty? Um......."

"My guess is this. Laney belatedly realized that King Seong had been on the
side of the Zipple since Santel. So I felt a great sense of betrayal, and I'm
confused about my identity."

All I have to do is cover people's eyes, preach falsehoods, disguise evil as

good, and collide with power to become ugly.

Looking back on Laney's strong religious beliefs, it was a story that could
be fully established.

Murakan, who had been agonizing for a while, made eye contact with Jin.

"Whatever it is, I'll have to see her first. Let's try to help as much as we can.
Wouldn't it be worth my life?"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 233

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:43 PM

Chapter 233: Episode 75. Laney Salome (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

December 14, 1797.

Qin and Murakhan visited the Holy Land to meet Rani Salome.

The Seongguk Bankela was in full swing with the "Kanglimje," a festival
dedicated to the day when Ayula first came to the Holy Land. It was the
biggest festival in the country that lasted for a week.

The streets were filled with colorful flags with "heuhwasan Mountain"
symbolizing Ayula.

"It's a dormant volcano, and I feel it every time I see it, but humans have
chosen the right symbols."

Ahula, the god of peace, and Bankela, the holy kingdom, worshiped as the

Murakan remembers that he was usually compassionate, but he was a fiery

person when he was angry.

"If any god causes excessive chaos in royalty, Ayula made threats under the
pretext of meeting him. I destroyed it once before I was born. Was your
opponent the God of Blessing?"

"There was a time when there was talk among dragons that it might have
been Ayula who destroyed Numerus, the god of hope. You're a tough guy

The streets were filled with pleasant melodies, people's laughter, and
cheers. Visitors to the Holy Land and tourists who came to enjoy the
festival as well as reporters were able to find them.

And the place where the largest crowd gathered.

In the middle of the capital's grand square, an old man with a fine presence
stood on the platform, waving at the people.

It was Michaelan, the old man who was impressed with the golden cane and
the dormant volcano crown, the yellowish sacred mana that gently wrapped
his whole body, and the neat teeth that shone brightly in a human-looking

"Your Majesty the Holy Father!"

"Your Majesty the Holy Father!"

The people's love for Miklan was absolute. King Seong, who divided the
privileges of the privileged class and distributed them to the people, had no
choice but to do so because it was hard to find him even if he searched
through the history of the Holy Land.

In general, he gave special favors to the Daegwans who made him the king
of the castle.

The two also watched him in the square for a while.

'Is that the father of Michaelan, King of St. Laney's.'

I've never seen Miklan so close in my previous life.

"You mean he's King Seong now?"

"Lower your voice, Murakan. A story that would be a disaster if anyone
heard it."

"Well, it feels more normal than I thought."

"Really? Ordinary?"

I felt something similar to Jindo.

"Well, the Holy Kings I've seen have a lot of energy in the human world.
Rather than being strong, there was a sacred feeling that was hard to deal
with. But he's......I don't know. There seems to be an aura, and there seems
to be no aura."

Lani's trial had been postponed because of King Seong.

However, King Seong did not use his power to prevent punishment, but
because of the climbing system.

While it is the tradition of the Holy Land not to judge sinners during the
Kanglim Festival, she has played an important role in the festival every

a sacred ceremony

As the name suggests, King Seong himself builds a ritual for the people. It
could be said that it was the flower of the Ganglimje Festival, and Rani read
the blessing on behalf of King Seong from 15.

Therefore, it would not look good if Lani Salome suddenly fell out, so it
seems that the Dawn Society executive temporarily released Lani. I think
I'll be able to see Laney before the trial is over.

The information Kashmir gave us just before the two came to the Holy

It was fortunate for Jean and Murakhan. If the outcome of the trial was not
good, it could have been difficult in itself to meet her.
"Well, I don't get it no matter how much I think about it."

an old piece of work

Jean looked at the Holy King, biting off the dormant volcano-shaped candy
she had just bought on the stand. The two were posing as tourists with their
hair dyed red with golden-snow dye.


"Lani just recently committed a crime in the temple where King Seong held
a blessing ceremony. But it doesn't make sense to use Rani for important
events like the Holy Father's celebration."

"Isn't it about face-saving? Every year she read the blessing instead."

"I mean, it's strangely uncomfortable to think that way. If Rani does
something during the ceremony, it's a big deal. It's not as much an accident
as it was in the last one."

Rani's practice at the temple was not covered at all by the outside media
because it was only his own people. It was a case that would be hard to
know unless it was planted with high-level informants like Kashmir.

This time, however, there are many tourists watching. It was obvious that if
Rani had an accident, the prestige of the Holy Father and the Holy Land
would fall to the ground.

"That's true. Didn't you do something about it? Or maybe Laney was a little
crazy back then, and still has a good relationship with King Seong."

"You'll find the answer when you meet."

Rani's house was a small house just near the "Ayula Daeshinjeon" in the
Sungkuk capital. But the house was so visited every day by so many
followers of Miklan and Lani that it was rarely used.

Laney's real residence is the "Ayula East Temple" in the eastern part of the
capital, which had been banned from entering the building except for those
involved because of the ongoing renovation work.

Of course, the party had no intention of paying attention to such things.

"Let's go to the Eastern Temple."

Two men climbed the gate to the east.


"Isn't it time to get used to it?"

Murakan who vomits as soon as the teleport is over. He was still vulnerable
to mobile gates.

"Bad, I've regained 40 percent of my strength, but I can't even fly at will.”

"Just hang in there. I'll be able to fly comfortably over Hufester at least after
I become a jockey.”

The Eastern Temple of Ayula didn't even have to wander in search of its
location. As soon as I got out of the gate, the tallest building I could see was
the Eastern Shrine.

The east was quiet compared to the center, which was filled with the heat of
the festival. During the Kanglim Festival, even merchants left to build a
signboard in the central area, so it was natural.

We climbed the hill and reached the Eastern Temple. Unlike the sex knights
who were blocking the city in mid-gap clothes at Santel, it was ordinary
soldiers yawning in the eastern temple.

The workers repairing the temple were not seen at all. They also left for the
center to enjoy the festival.

No one dared to enter the temple without permission in the Holy Land,
nothing to see in the eastern temple for tourists, and all the important
properties were moved to the central temple, so security was not necessary.
Jean took a small glass bottle out of her arms and opened the lid. It
contained sleep poison manufactured by Kuzan.

'I'm sorry, but it's not a dangerous poison.'

Jean looked at Murakhan.

Murakan, who looks like he should do this, sighed and turned into a cat.


Murakan approached the guards with a glass bottle in his mouth.

Naturally, the guard's eyes turned to the glass bottle that Murakan was
holding. Murakan dropped the sleeping poison in front of them before they
could even take a closer look at the glass bottles.

"What is this? Uh, Mo, the body...….?”

Thud, thud.


After stabbing several gold coins, the two men leisurely passed the gate and
entered the temple. Laney's room was located at the end of the hall on the
third floor of the temple.

As I got closer, I smelled strong liquor.

Fortunately, there were no other soldiers inside, so the party could meet
Rani without any trouble.

"Rani Salome. I didn't know you liked alcohol so much."

When Jean quietly closed the door and made her voice, Laney looked at
him only then. He did not even care until then, even though he approached
him without erasing his appearance.

As if you've given up everything.

"......Jin Looncandel?"

The eyes full of strong faith and pride in Santel were everywhere, and the
eyes were wet with grief.

Laney stared blankly at Jean for a while as if she could not believe it. He
didn't seem to have expected to come to him so soon.

"How can I...? "

"Didn't you promise, I've come to pay off my debts."


Murakan turned into a human and stood in front of Rani. When he saw him
in good shape, Laney opened his eyes wide, putting down the bottle.

"Long time no see, religious man. Thanks to you, I came to visit you alive
like this. It looks like there's something wrong with you, but this great black
dragon, Murakan, will solve everything for you, so why don't you give me a

Murakan smiled and naturally took the glass away so she wouldn't drink
any more.

Until then, Laney's eyes were blinking, and soon burst into tears. With your
teeth clenched so that the crying doesn't leak out.

The two waited for a moment for her to stop crying.

"No, stop crying and tell me what's going on.”

"Father, you...….”

"Your father? King of St. Michaelan?”

"My father has been captured."

Jean and Murakhan looked alternately at each other and Laney.

"What does that mean? Religious people. We just saw King Seong at the
main square. I'll just stand there and...….”

"I don't know what the hell they've done, but it's fake. I mean, the face is the
same band. My real father was kidnapped.”


"Sungwang... ...was kidnapped?"


As soon as I heard that, of course, there was a figure that came to mind.

A sculptor of Kinselo, Bubar Gaston.

At that moment, Jin could understand why Laney came to take on the role
of reading the blessing text as usual in the "Sungwang celebration."

'You're under threat.

The forces that took King Sung Miklan hostage were threatening Rani. If
you don't want to see the real Miklan die, do what you normally do.

In the meantime, he could not contain his anger, so he committed a crime in

a temple where a fake performed a blessing ritual, and was put on trial.

"Rani Salome, do you know who kidnapped King Seong?"


Of course I thought the name would come out. He's using Bubar's

But the name Rani took out wasn't Kinselo.

"Gipple. They're...... I kidnapped my father."

"Jipple? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Other forces may be involved, but...... Ha, I don't know. There
was so little I could do."

Laney shook her head.

"It's all right, Laney. Drink some water first. Calm down and talk properly
so that we can think.”

The alliance between Jipple and Kinselo is over.

Did you put your hands together again? As soon as such questions came to

Boom boom boom boom!

Suddenly a heavy footsteps began to come from outside the door. I'm sure
someone who is aware of the invasion of Jin and Murakan is coming, and
somehow this sound.

It was never the sound of human footsteps.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 234

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:42 PM

Chapter 234: Episode 75. Laney Salome (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

What would it be if it weren't human?

A demon, an animal, or something else. Anyway, the heavy footsteps

smeared considerable hostility, and Murakhan glared at the tightly closed

"Little one, take care of some religious people."

Murakan said so, but did not put down the glass he was holding.

"Okay. Whatever it is, handle it as quietly as possible."

"Come on."

Boom, boom!

The sound of footsteps stopped in front of Laney's door.


Then Murakan opened the door first and leaned back, giving a sizzling
smile. No, I was going to build it, but...... Immediately after I looked at
them, my face was bound to harden.
The owners of the footsteps walked two-legged and two-legged, but they
were neither human nor demon.

It would be more like a powerless and unhappy human being if it were to be

weighed. He was also once encountered by Jin at the Colon site before
becoming a backup jockey.

'Birth Golem...'!?'

like a bolt out of the blue

The faces of the soldiers whom Murakan had put to sleep passed by. The
faces of the two men, who were working as security guards at leisure, were

They were people who didn't have to go through this.

It was like this when I first encountered a biogolem in Colon. The fainting
mercenaries suddenly turned into bio-golem and attacked Jin.

The mercenaries who became biogolms at that time said this.

Please, kill yourself.

'Jipple, you crazy bastards!

The moment Jin gritted his teeth.

The fingernails of the sharp-edged biogoles flew into Murakan's face.

A quick and bitter blow to see if he has achieved substantial results in the
years following Colon.

If it had been Murakan before he regained his strength, he might have

allowed a small scratch. But for Murakhan today, it was as slow as a
flowing cloud.

When Murakan raised his hand like a blade and swung lightly, four arms
were cut off at the same time.

Murakan, whose severed arm reaches out once again before it even falls to
the floor.


The place where his hands, dyed black with spirit, were headed was the
power failure of the biogolems. Murakhan figured out at once that their
core, the heart, was there.

"Chit, I can't spare you."

When Murakan lightly clenched his fist, the hearts of the bio-golem burst,
and they couldn't even scream.

As soon as my heart broke, my swollen body began to shrink rapidly. There

was no sign of them being human in the blackened remains.

The three looked at the figure in silence for a few seconds or so.

Understandably, it was Laney who was most shocked. She was in vain for a
moment, barely calming her trembling body, recalling her identity.

The foster daughter of the king of the castle, the sex knight of the Gyori
Suho Daemyunghoe, a believer in a man, and the daughter of Ayula.

Laney took the Bible out of his arms and spread it out and knelt beside

"My dear brother, here my poor brothers have come to you in search of
peace. Please look after their souls and comfort them with their unjust and
vain deaths.….”

A bright yellow light from her enveloped the body.

The light soon became the flame of the holy Ayula, and made the bodies of
the dead into ashes. Lani, who suppressed her vomiting and finished a short
eulogy, looked sober.

Fragments of the heart that Murakan broke remained on the floor, not

"Ha, bio-golem. I can't believe it. How could there be such a thing in the
Holy Land? Did we come to the wrong country?"

said Murakan, picking up a fragment and looking over it. Jean also stared at
the fragment carefully. The shrapnel was lumped together with greenish

So there was a creepy sense of deja vu, but it wasn't something to bring up
right away.

"Rani Salome. I think we'd better get somewhere safe first. Soon they'll
send more people."

Tight strap, closed eyes, and open Rani nodded.

"......okay, follow me."

Leaving the empty hall, they followed Laney and did not leave the Eastern

"If they find out I'm gone, there's nowhere to hide in the Holy Land. This
place would be the safest place.”

Rani began climbing the giant statue of Ayula, which is decorating the
central wall on the first floor.

"You wouldn't dare think that I, not anyone else, would have gone over the
body of Ayula. Few people even know this secret passage."

Since childhood, she has been good at hiding or hiding something. Since
becoming the foster daughter of King Seong, she has naturally developed
her ability as she tries to escape all kinds of vicious harassment and
burdensome eyes.


Rani turned the neck of the giant statue as hard as he could.

Then, Ayula's head was pushed aside, revealing empty spaces inside the
statue. I went into it and turned my head back into place, and it was dark.

The interior of the statue was connected by a 'dual underground' heading for
a ditch at the Eastern Temple.

Soon as he walked for a few minutes to reach the ditch, Laney stumbled and
touched the wall.

"Ha, ha, ha...…!”

She was now weighed down by the feeling of her lifelong faith being
negated to the front.

Father, King of St. Michaelan, was kidnapped by Jipple and Van Kela was
depraved enough to no longer be called the "Sungguk."

"The Holy Land is... .. over."

Jean made eye contact with her without answering.

'You're about to collapse.'

I fully understood the fact that she had collapsed.

However, there was no way to comfort him anyway. How on earth would
Jin console those who lose their only family, lose their country, and lose
their faith?

Instead, Jin was able to give realistic help.

"Choose, Lani Salome. If you are so tired and tired that you have no desire
to avenge yourself, I will send you to a land where you can spend the rest of
your life quietly without asking anything. I'll make sure you're safe for the
rest of your life and give you enough money to stop working. You can leave
with us right now."

Jin then made eye contact with Laney.

"But if that's not the case, wake up and tell us anything meaningful so we
can help each other right now. How many enemies are there, how long have
they been holding the Holy Land at their disposal, and whether there are
any reliable people in the Holy Land."

"'s true that I helped you in Santel. But I can't ask you to save my
father from now on and to fight with him."


I can't speak for a moment.

"You're risking your life for me and the Holy Land? Really, Looncandel?”

"Yes, I'm Looncandel. Therefore, Jipple is my enemy, and I'm willing to

help you, even though it's to repay you. It is a choice to embrace the Holy
Land as the Looncandel. It's the loss of me and my family to let the Holy
Land rule."

"Uh, um, kid. That's true, but isn't it a little cold? A religious man must be
so upset right now...….”

"So you move recklessly, too. I mean to make a deal with me. "as heir to the
Looncandel, and as heir to the Holy King."

There was a silence.

When Murakan understood Jean's intentions, he looked at Laney with a

grave look in his eyes.
By the time I got used to the stench of the water in the ditch, Laney opened
her mouth again.

"......Please understand that you've just been embarrassed, Jean Looncandel.

All right, I'll do as you say. I'll deal with Looncandel."

In a short period of time, there were numerous changes in Laney's inner self
before he said this.

Looking much younger than himself, the Looncandel backup would

certainly not love the Holy Land as much as he did.

But I was ashamed that Jean was more sensitive to the well-being and
interests of the Holy Land than she was to herself.

"Okay, what I'm going to do is either rescue King Seong or drive Zipple out
of the Holy Land. What you're going to take is me and a support group
called Murakhan. This one, in particular, has become quite strong, unlike
when you first met him, so you can work as hard as you like."

Jean breathed a sigh of relief into her heart.

If Laney was desperate to leave, he would have had to find out where to

If you drive out the Zipple from the Holy Land, you will be able to help the
benefactor and make a proper appearance once you return to your family.

"......I'll first explain the current situation I've identified."

Jipple had already recruited key figures and organizations in the Holy Land
one by one for several years.

Among them, the first group to become the dog of Jipple was the Sunggi
Division, which belonged to the Gyori-Safe Dawn Society and Rani

"That's why he sent me to the Gyuri Guardian Dawn. There's no one else I
can trust except me, so you told me to mix them up and look at them. I don't
think he was sure until recently.”

"Then King Seong must have been confident after he was briefed by you on
this Santel case.”

"That's right. Zipple kidnapped my father right after my report. At first, he

tried to trick me with that fake. He's the one who speaks and acts the same
way he does."

However, there was one fact that only some of the closest aides of King
Seong knew.

King Seong could not move his left index finger. While Laney felt that the
Holy Spirit of King Seong had been lowered, he saw a fake using his left
index finger while eating.

As soon as Laney questioned it, Zipple cut off King Seong's left index
finger and sent it to her room. That's through the same age sex article that
Rani believed in.

It was at that moment that Laney fell into despair.

"You're a bad hobby, pervert children."

"Did you keep your fingers?”

When Jean asked, Rani shook his head.

"As soon as I checked, it burned down and disappeared."

"A seal of fire. It's magic that can't be used unless it's related to Xu Nu.
Kellyak Zipple, or Kadun."

In other words, the party's counterpart is Jipple. Among them, it was

Kaliak, a Korean singer.

Murakan is said to have regained his strength, but it is impossible to fight

the entire Zipple.
However, the story was different if it was a "public opinion war," not a
physical battle. Although King Seong's fingers had disappeared, a piece of
the heart of bio-golem remained in Jin's arms now.

'Birth Golem, and metamorphosis. It'll tie your guys' ankles.'

When Jean pulled out a piece of heart, Laney noticed the meaning.

"Do you think you're going to argue that the evidence is that Zipple made a
Sungkuk soldier a biogolem?"


"I'm the only witness."

"No, I've interfered with Zipple's bio-golem experiments before. We're

waiting for a witness, a big reporter to report it."


"But that's not enough. There must be some more solid evidence to remove
the mask of the Jipple, and simultaneous bursts of evidence. Who else
knows that the real King Seong can't use his left index finger?"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 235

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:40 PM

Chapter 235: Episode 75. Laney Salome (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Of course, even if there were Dino Zaglan and the Colon natives, a piece of
bio-golem heart alone could not start a public opinion battle.

At least it is worth proving that they kidnapped King Seong and set up
puppets to deceive the people of the Holy Land.

"I know that Lord Vittura, the chief of the Knights of the Apostles of
Montiano and Conyu."

"Who is the most reliable of them?"


Laney said the same thing and then went on to the other way.

"Montiano and Cogne were definitely bought. After I found out that he was
a fake, I went to him and laughed and told him to be tried well after the
festival and to help King Seong. The two were definitely bought."

"You can't be sure that's the buy-off, can you?"

"No, I talked about fingers. He smiled instead of answering. Like you're in

our hands anyway.….”
It was particularly frustrating for Laney that the two were bribed.

Montiano and Cogne were friends who had been with Miklan all their lives
since their teens, and those in power right after Miklan in the Holy Land.

"......I thought there was no hope from the moment I was convinced that
they were on the side of the Zipple. Montiano is the law of the Holy Land,
and Coneu is the administrative deputy."

In other words, the law and administration of the Holy Land are completely
in their hands. It was a hopeless situation because even King Seong was a

This thought flashed across Jean's mind.

'The Holy Land has fallen into the hands of the Zipple, and what is
Looncandel doing? Are you leaving it alone even though you know it? Or
do you still have no idea what's going on yet?'

There was a high possibility that it was the latter.

Information about the battle between Murakan and Kadun in Santel is

currently unknown.

Moreover, since Santel is the territory of the Shol Empire and Korean paper,
Looncandel did not plant people.

Jin also figured out the situation thanks to Murakan being attacked near
Santel and meeting Rani there.

Without such coincidences, we wouldn't have known the status of the Holy

"What about Captain Vittura?"

The last one to know the physical secrets of King Seong.

He was not the only person who knew the physical secrets of King Seong to
be a close associate of Miklan.
"I haven't met Lord Vittura. But he's been politically hostile to his father for
a long time. Every time he insisted on bringing him down."

"Is that why you haven't met her?"

"And he insisted every time that we should have a more friendly

relationship with Gipple. I thought you just didn't like him, but I think
you've been working with him for a long time."

"The army, the law and the administration are all in their hands. Quite
hopeless, kid."

"Let's meet Bittura."

"You just heard me, didn't you?”

"I heard. Unlike the two surrogate officers, Bittura, you didn't check it out

"My father didn't like him very much. Even in official appearances, Lord
Bittura was enough to grind his teeth. Even at dinners, Lord Bittura was
always in a frenzy that he wouldn't invite me."

If the leader of a country, and King Seong, was like that, he could not do
anything without disliking it.

Rani also did not like Bittura, influenced by King Seong. No, I despised it.

Jean made eye contact with Laney as if she had something in mind.

"What did your father look like when he was dealing with Lord Montiano
and Lord Conyu?"

"Of course...... whether it's a dinner party or a meeting, you've always sat
right next to them, and you've discussed almost everything about
governance with them. We took a walk together whenever we had time.”

"What if you were King Seong, Lanny? If the Holy Land has been eaten by
the jipple from the roots as it is now.”

"If I were you, I'd be close to the enemy's spies. So that they don't doubt
I've noticed. On the other hand, I will antagonize those who can help me. At
least externally."

Laney blinked her eyes and shook her head.

"That's possible. But even when he was alone with me, he often said he
hated Lord Bittura."

"I judged that there was an ear in the castle, and he could also interpret it
like this. Of course it may be a leap. But there's nothing wrong with

"What if I go and get caught? If Lord Vittura is a servant of the Zipple, of

course he'll confine me. Until now, they've been holding his life, so I
thought I wouldn't run away, but...... for them right now, I'm going to be
running away from killing the soldiers who were biogolated."

Then Murakan shrugged.

"Why worry you'll get caught with this body? "Do you think the Holy
Knights of the Holy Land can stop me?"

Laney had no idea how strong Murakan had become.

It is natural that Murakhan was saved by Kadun in her memory.

But it wasn't whether Murakan was able to subdue Vittura and the sexual

"That's not the problem. Let's say you can take down the genitals and
escape with me. After then? We're gonna be high-ranking wanted men, and
they're gonna...... my father."

I can't keep up with you.

After Jipple kidnapped King Seong, it was no different that Laney was kept

It was because they wanted to use the symbol of "Seongwang and her
daughter," which the people love.

That's why Rani was given the role of reading the blessing in the Ayula
Gangrim Festival.

If you don't do it right and cause another accident, you secretly threaten to
kill Miklan.

But when you think about it coldly.

It was extremely unlikely that the real King Seong was alive at the

In fact, he swallowed up the holy kingdom and did not have to keep it alive
because of the perfect band.

Laney had taken a moderate advantage, and gradually, when the people saw
her fall, they had to throw her away.

"It's highly likely that my father... not already in this world.….”

Laney was not unaware of the fact either.

I just turned away because I didn't want to think about it. Laney's eyes were

"What do you mean?"

Lani wiped away tears and clenched her teeth. There was nothing to cry

"As Confucius said, I will go to see Lord Vittura. But promise me one

"Tell me."
"I think Confucius intends to engage in a public opinion war, but if Lord
Vittura is a spy, it is unlikely that he will be able to drive them out with a
public opinion war. That's why Confucius would like to meet Lord Bittura."

As Rani said, the possibility is not "totally" absent, but if Bittura is a spy,
Jean also had to bring in more forces.

I was going to ask Luna for help in violation of the laws of Bibung or
Moomyung or Looncandel.

The Holy Land's fall to the jipple was absolutely something to stop even as
a Qin.

"So in case of error, please help me normalize the kingdom again after
Confucius becomes a rider. Not only Confucius and Murakhan, but also the
entire Looncandel."

Jean nodded.



It was impossible to call out Bittura separately.

Rani was only a second-degree knight from the Kyori Suho Women's

After much consideration, the party finally decided to visit his residence in

If he was a spy, the result was the same.

"Who is this, Lani Salome! "You are the daughter of the great king of the
Holy Father and the problem-maker of the Gyory-Safe Dawn."

Bittura was sitting arrogantly in the middle of the vast Oval Office, with an
outright smile.
Behind him, the eyes of the sex knights belonging to the Sunggi Division
and the Golden Barrier Society were sharp.

"Who are those who came together?"

said Vittura, pointing to Qin and Murakhan.


"What a friend! They must be the ones who killed our soldiers in the
Eastern Temple and took you away. Whoo-hoo, Rani Salome. I was looking
for you anyway. In a few days, shouldn't someone who has to read the
blessing be gone so suddenly?"

I'm doomed.

Jin and Murakan were forced to think the same thing at the same time.

'Was Laney's judgment right, damn it. I can't believe King Seong hated this
man because he was a real spy. Is King Seong really just being beaten by
them without knowing anything?'

With 40 percent of Murakan's power back, it won't be difficult to escape.

"You wouldn't have known that acting like that would make your father's
throat must have come to your senses while you were running
away, huh? Well done anyway, sit down."

Rani sat in front of Bittura with an expressionless face. Jin and Murakan
stood still and were agonizing over when to escape.

Swoosh... ...

Bittura smiling, filling a teacup.


"Yes, sir."
The knight, who was called Kane, took a step forward and answered.

"Take them out and put them in a dungeon. They have a lot to ask. And
contact Zipple that they've got Laney."


Cain and the other three sex knights strode to Jean and Murakhan.

Jean and Murakhan had returned their weapons as they entered their official

Even so, there was no problem dealing with them.

'You must be tired of taking your sword when you go back...... huh?


The sharp sound of a sword being pulled out of the sword's nest.

However, the Knights of the Golden Shield Society did not draw the sword.

Vittura Velvet, the general manager of the Knights of St.

It was the sound of his sword being pulled out.


And where his sword was headed, surprisingly, it was just too much of a
subordinate to himself.

A single blow cut the throats of all four of the Knights of the Golden

With a clatter of steel, the pitching throats were rolling down the floor.

The Golden Bangpaehoe (Golden Bangpaehoe) was a powerful man of

seven to eight stars, as he was his direct penitentiary.
There was no way for the captain of the gun to escape from behind his

Even more so if the general manager is close to nine.

The fallen sex knights' bodies convulsed.

"Don't yell, Laney. And really, you've come to me well. How hard have you
been through?”

Vittura shut her mouth as Laney rose reflexively.

Chin and Murakan were staring at Bittura, somewhat dumbfounded.

Vittura Balthurah, the chief of the Bankela sex knights.

He wasn't a jipple's servant.

"Come near here, Lord Jean Looncandel."

He even knew Jean's face.

a writer's remark

Hello, dear readers.

It's an emperor penguin.

I'm really sorry, but I'm leaving the author's words to inform you of the
change in the serial day of the week.

I think we should change the serial cycle of "The Youngest Son of the
Master of Swords" to five days a week...….

It's already been three years since I made my debut in the web novel
market. I know you're very full, but I don't remember taking a proper rest
for the last three years.

There are a lot of great people who have done that for more than a decade.
But these days, I feel limited due to lack of capacity.

I feel like my body is getting worse, my life is ruined, and my writing is

getting dull.

So I'm going to take a break even if it's one day a week.

Soon, the story of the backup rider, which is like part one or two, will be

Part three, I think there will be a few days before the family story begins.

Please understand the ugly writer.

I'm sorry, and thank you.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 236

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:38 PM

Chapter 236: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"I didn't know you'd recognize me, Lord Vittura."

Jean approached Bittura and said,

"I was at a one-legged party. I've been wetting my neck in the corner, so
you probably haven't seen it."

Bittura looked at the geniuses of the Golden Shield Society, who had fallen
into my hands with bitter eyes.

"Most of my sex knights were in their hands. Laney, I'm not sure how
grateful I am that you're still in the meantime.”

"... ...Sir Bittura. I suspected you. Please forgive me."

When Laney bowed his head and spoke, Bittura waved his hand.

"I would have done the same. I and your father have been static for a long
time. Also, didn't I always take the lead in saying that I should be on the
side of the Zipple?"

Myklan, the king of the castle, and Bithura Beltter, the chief of the Knights
of the castle.
The two have been known for their long enmity, and in fact used to engage
in a series of bitter arguments at every parliamentary meeting.

It was just dividing the cast to keep the political balance. Miklan played a
good role in pressuring vested interests and a bad role in representing
vested interests called BTO.

The confrontation between the two since Miklan became King Seong was
actually a cooperation, and only they knew it.

There was a long story about him.

But Bittura didn't think it was time to explain it to Laney in detail. It was
time to talk about the current situation.

"What do you mean, soon you and Prince Jean will be reported to Zipple
that you and Confucius have come to visit me. There are not many people
left in the official residence that I can control entirely, and even that is being

"Jipple thinks he's got you now."

Bittura nodded at Jean's words.

"You'd think you were the first to take me in. They started planting spies in
the Holy Land 20 years ago."

Twenty years ago, it was even before Jean was born.

In his previous life, he was kicked out of the family without any authority,
but Seong-guk was still in the hands of Gipple.

"The Holy Land is divided in two."

"With the Zipple, with the opposition to the Zipple?"

", I was divided into supporters of the Zipple and those of the
Kinselo. King Seong's band is from the side of Kinselo. I can't believe it
now, but Kinselo has a transformative personality.”
Laney's eyes grew bigger. It was shocking to her that Sungkuk was reaching
out to Kinselo, not to mention being eaten by the jipple.

Even Kinselo was just a third-rate terrorist group she knew couldn't even
compare with Zipple. Anyone would have a similar reaction if such a
Kinselo dominated half the Holy Land.

Jean had a calm face, and Murakhan shrugged.

"Confucius is not so surprised by the name of Kinselo. And your knight."

I'm not a knight.

He tried to answer like that, but quit.

"On the day I left the Sword Garden, I was attacked by transformers. They
were extreme followers of the Zipple. Since then, we've tracked them down
and found out that Kinselo and Gipple are one team."

"That's what happened. But now they're not in one group. It was an alliance
until recently, and I don't know why, but it's been a complete turnaround

Bittura has been watching the whole situation, pretending to be subjugated

by Jipple.

There was not much we could do because no one else in power, no one else,
no one else, no one else, and his people were already completely obedient
to the Zipple.

Then, when the two allied groups became enemies, Bittura decided that the
only chance to regain the kingdom had come. He expected that the unity
that dominated the Holy Land would weaken.

But the Holy Land was also divided along with them.

a moderate following the jipple; a strong and strong following the kinselo.
"The traitors believe that the leader of the Zipple, Kellyak Zipple and
Kinselo, is greater than Ayula. The head of the Kinselo didn't see it for
himself, but Kellyak had the power to feel it if he lacked faith.”

Even after the alliance was broken, they decided to remain faithful to their
respective goals, sharing the Holy Land in half for the time being.

Although some loyalties, including Bittura, remain, it was infinitely small

compared to the size of the traitors.

At least one of the moderates and the strong-minded is something worth

fighting for if you are willing to regain the Holy Land.

While Bittura briefly explained this, the smell of the blood of the dead
Golden Barrier sex knights came up.

"How long has the experiment been going on in life golem? When Rani was
brought from the Eastern Temple, there was a battle with the Holy Land
soldiers who became biogolms."

Jean pulled out a piece of bio-golem heart from her bosom.

"...oh, Ahulashi. Are your sons facing such a terrible fate?"

Bittura shaking his body holding a piece of heart for a moment.

"It's been about half a year since they experimented in the Holy Land.
Every month, more than 100 people and soldiers from the Holy Land are
captured in their strongholds and become experiments."

Laney's face is distorted.

It was driving me crazy that I didn't know anything about this, even though
I had my eyes open.

"What do you mean, it's not your fault. It's my and your father's fault, and
we've missed the time to let you know."

"If it's their base, you mean the Rutero Magic Federation?"
Jean, of course, predicted that the biogolem test was the work of a jipple.

"It's not a zip. That's what Kinselo did."

Unlike in Colon, however, the bio-golem test against the Holy Fathers was
the evil deed of Kinselo.

"Kindelo's bio-golem experiments...…?”

Kinselo is an organization that is deeply related to water. The representative

battle species of Baekrang and Jeokho are following the leader of the

And the one that gave Jean a creepy sense of deja vu, O'er, who was blue in
a piece of heart.

"Kinselo, you're not going to restore the Ming dynasty!"

The heart of the bionic golems seen in the Holy Land was strangely similar
to that of the Ming dynasty.

Murakhan, as if he had the same idea, drew his face close to a piece of

'But by what means? The brothers have completely disappeared from their
lives half a thousand years ago. Nothing is said about the photocardium,
and the Pluto Sword dealing with the brain organs has been completely

Jin, who had been thinking so far, recalled an article in a newsletter.

'Bamel,' the article that described himself as dealing with the brain. And
then members of the Kinselo, witnesses of the Pluto Sword, who survived
from themselves.

Don't tell me you saw it.

An indescribably unpleasant and ominous feeling was pressing Jean's chest.

"Kinselo is taking the people of the Holy Land to the old Oterium."

The main base of the Dark Wizardry and where the legacy of the Riol Jipple
is asleep.

It was there that the biogolecule experiment was being carried out.

"Is the Zipple, like them, taking the people to experiment with something.

"At least not yet. The Zipple has a feeling of using our castles and the Mana
in our custody, but it has not used the Holy Land's people as an

"It's probably the result of the public's awareness of public opinion when
Jipple fights for the sole proprietor of Kinselo and the Holy Land. Because
that's how those hypocrites do.”

Bittura nodded in a miserable mood.

On the one hand, it was surprising. After years of observation, Jean only
heard a few words of the situation and correctly cut them.

"Ha! Hey, Knight Commander. How come you didn't ask Looncandel or
any other force for help when the situation was in this state?"

When Murakan spoke as if he was frustrated, Bittura sighed.

"If you join us in this situation, will this land survive?"

It was the right choice a hundred times in Jin's eyes.

At least Jipple and Kinselo will try to dominate under the water, but
Looncandel would have taken this opportunity to wage a proper war to
destroy the Holy Land and steal only the healing saints and items from the
eternal warehouse.

Technically speaking, all Looncandel needed was not a "neutral country,"

but a "healing capacity of saints" and some valuables.
"Well, that's true. Kid, what do you think?”

Jean was silent for a moment with her arms folded.

"Without a great sacrifice, how to drive Zipple and Kinselo out of here at

I kept thinking about it from the moment I heard that Kinselo did the
"biological golem experiment," not the Zipple.

How to get them to screw up properly.


"It's usually a picture. Kinselo, it's a good thing they're not a big group yet.
Lord Vittura."

"Speak, Confucius Qin."

"All the leaders of the Holy Land are either betrayed or loyal like you, but
they are virtually powerless. Is that right?"


"But the people know nothing about it. You don't even know that a hundred
or more people a month, maybe more, are being used as an experiment."

Gradually, the pupils of Bittura's eyes grew bigger.

"Are you going to let the people know about it?"

"Yes, but if I tell the truth, no one will believe me, so I'll have to bring
proof. I and this friend will go to the Oterium and rescue the captured

"It's not that I haven't thought about it either. But there are also a number of
eight or nine-star wizards in Kinselo."
"I know. Wizards of the Dark Wizardry Council under Kinselo. I've done a
lot of research on that."

And yet you can still bring in the people alone?

I wanted to ask, but Bittura decided to listen to it for now.

"The exiled people will be more than anything certain proof. And
unfortunately, not many of the people who have been rescued from the old
Oterium will be alive. Most of them are bio-golems, or they're in the
process of change."

"Through that, you're going to show the status quo to the people who
remain in the Holy Land...….”

It would have been the best way if we could bring in the new people who
were captured as subjects.

However, it was not even possible to visit the Oterium with the power of
the loyal subjects.

"Yes, I think so. And all that responsibility will be directed to Jipple, not to
Kinselo. I'm going to tell you that I found the people who were captured as
subjects in the four towers of the Zipple."

"At the four-horse tower of the Giffle. That's a lie, isn't it?"

"I don't care if it's a lie. If it is known in the Holy Land that the people were
captured, even sacrificed in the bio-golem experiments. Gipple must
explain. If you lose public support, governance will be pretty tiring."

The new people have no idea that the present Holy Land has been handed
over to the Jipple.

However, if it is revealed to the world that Jipple has "experienced" the

people, he will have to work hard to stabilize the land he has already put in
his hands.

At least on the surface, it was not a matter for them to pass on.
"If the Four Horsemen come forward and say something in person, I think
it's something to prove.... Looks like the ball has a plan.”

"Currently, the four-horse state of Zipple, Carl Zipple, does not exist in the
magic federation as Rutero. He is now held captive in Kinselo. But Kinselo
is known as a third-rate terrorist group."

The moment when Qin was taken to the land of the Holy Land with the
captured people.

Jipple had to make a choice.

Whether he admits that Kellyak's deficit, Carl Zipple, has been caught by an
unnamed third-rate terrorist group.

Either he's framed for the biogolem experiments on behalf of Kinselo. If

you choose the former, your status will be degraded, and if you choose the
latter, your image will collapse.

"Let's take Kinselo by force and Jipple by reason."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 237

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:37 PM

Chapter 237: Episode 76. Jumble and Monopoly (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'Jipple will probably decide to be framed.'

There was no way that the power-wielding family, Jipple, would give up its
status to the world, not to the whole country.

Even if it was a big blow to the image of "a family that protects justice and
good," it was better to be framed with some people who would be lizards'

If the image recovers again, it will be difficult to restore the prestige that
has fallen once.

Even more so when there is a tough competitor named Looncandel.

"Jipple's four-horse race is currently held captive in Kinselo. I personally

encouraged Kinselo's wizard, Chukon Tolderer, to do that."

When Jin briefly explained the situation when he recaptured the compass,
Bittura opened his mouth (of course, he kept silent about the compass.

For Bittura, it was bound to be a series of shocks.

"That's why you've planned to use Carl Zipple, the four-horse race of
Zipple. Now I understand Confucius' intentions. As Confucius said, Zipple
would choose to be framed instead of Kinselo."

"Of course everything may not go my way. But I don't think it could be
better. To raise the status quo of the Holy Land to the surface and to make a
platform for them to step down."

BTO-RA who can't answer.

Originally, Bittura was about to lead the few remaining loyal subjects to the
final battle.

The final goal was to somehow save Lani in the process and request
protection from Looncandel, Vigung, or obscurity.

After that, I thought it was Laney's choice whether he was planning for the
future with faint hope or he was hiding and ending the rest of his life.

But Jean came.

'Maybe this boy was sent by Ayula.'

One of the Looncandels, but not yet twenty-two-year-old backup jockey. No

matter how extraordinary Jean was, if it had been her usual Bittura, she
would never have reached out her hand. You just thought you were too
young to leave this job.

"Prince Jean."

"Speak, Lord Bittura."

"Tell me what I and Laney are supposed to do.”

"I'll head to the old Oterium immediately. Sir, please continue to pretend to
be the servant of the Zipple until I come back and protect Laney. You must
not hand over Laney to anyone else. They're likely to use drugs or torture."
Zipple and Kinselo still want Laney to be at the end of the Feast by the
phony King. So I'm going to play tricks to make Rani, who ran away,

"Don't worry about that."

"And Kinselo, please sort out the list of people who are attached to the
Zipple. So that I can reveal it right away when I come back. Also, rally the
remaining loyalties. There could be armed conflict."


"Prince Jean."

Rani approached Jean.

"A moment's fate has reached the fate of Vanquela. Now I can't help but sit
back and wait for Confucius to return safely, but I'll make sure he pays me

"Hey, religious man. It's not too late to say thank you after we bring in the
Holy Land. Just pray hard and wait. And did you say Bittura, now pretend
to be a little hurt. Let us leave."


Before Jean could add words, Bittura suddenly cut off his arm.

" !"

Rani was frightened and immediately sanctified, but Bittura shook her head,
pushing her away. Only when he was also injured could he explain the
death of the Knights of the Golden Shield Society.

"Sir Vittura, but you don't have to cut your arm...….”

Vittura held out his sword to Jean.

"Take my sword as it is and escape. Your sword will be stored in a wooden
box in the middle of the first floor. I'll send a chase as soon as you leave the

"I'll be back before the holidays are over."

"I wish you good luck."


It took a full day to retrieve the sword safely, beat the pursuers, and escape
the Holy Land. It was because he was immediately wanted and could not
use the mobile gate.

There are five days left until the end of the rain forest.

Qin had to rescue the people in it and return to the Holy Land.

'The schedule is a little tight.'


The huge wings of Murakan were cutting through the wind.

There were no restrictions on Murakan's flight because the Oterium was not
part of the Rutero Magical Union.

Oterium, a land that was devastated after the temple of the Holy Land and
was no longer inhabited, was now an unprotected area full of mana and the
headquarters of the Dark Wizardry Society.

After learning the sword and the Ming sword, I entered the ranks of the real
strong. By all means, it's impossible for Jean to break in there alone.

Andrey Zipple's archrival and Jini Ben Rolt Joe's brother, Cold Joe.

Faziron Henserk, a member of the Vision Academy, Chukon Tolder, Anz's

cannabis, and Susan Lilletta, a lyricist of Lilithaga.
So the four were nine-star wizards identified as members of the Dark
Wizard Society. Besides that, the seven or eight-star wizards were not even
able to figure out how many were there, nor did they know what traps were
lurking around.

[Are you nervous, kid?]

Jean burst out laughing.

"What are you doing when you're here?"

[Laughing] [Laughing out loud! That's right. You can't be afraid of a few
wizards with this body.]


The power of Murakan that Missha has regained.

'If all the nine-star wizards were on standby, would it be possible for
Murakan to overpower himself?'

Of course, it is unlikely that all nine-star wizards are on standby. Except for
the cold group, the rest of them are captains of their respective groups and
families, so unless something special happens, they will not stay at the main
camp of the Dark Wizardry Society.

'Well, you'll know when you hit it. Judging from his confidence, I don't
think he can.'

It was a night without even moonlight.

Looking down at the ground, there was only darkness. Who would have
imagined that in the middle of this deserted land, where there were no
people living and there were no lights, there was a headquarters of the Dark
Wizardry Council.

Somewhere I heard the cry of an unknown demon, and Murakhan was

gradually speeding up his flight.
[Little boy, we're almost there. I've done something cute for you, man.]


[Discussed] [Discussed out. having both welcome and alarm effects.]

"Really? Of course I thought there would be a chasm. Can you release it?”

Then Murakan burst into laughter again.

[It just went through. Hahaha, didn't you know?]


Jin, who tries to say that, turns around and swallows his breath.

There was a trace of chasm in the air that had just passed. The hidden
magicians wandered in the air, broken, and the number was too many to
count quickly.

How many magic crew are there? I just got this... You walked past me
without a sound?'

Among the starry magicians, a black energy was creating a sense of


It was a sign of the spirit that Murakan carried out, breaking down the
chain. And the lump of spirit was growing, sucking in nearby magic trunks.

It was 50 years ago that the sorceresses of the Dark Wizardry established
themselves in the Oterium.

The Dark Wizardry Society has maintained this confrontation by changing

the mana of numerous wizards for the past 50 years, but it has been no more
than an ordinary wall for Murakhan.

"'ve put out that much energy without the time to prepare? Besides,
crazy, what's that? It's not one lump?"
It wasn't just the place they had just passed.

There were embroidered with the same spirit dung that I had just seen
throughout the sky. As if the fungus was being wiped out in its spirit, the
whole world of confrontation was being wiped out.

With his mouth open for a moment, Chin was forced to look at Murakhan's
back head and sky alternately.

What are you surprised at, a thousand-year-old contractor? You can do this
enough, right?]

"That... ..yes."

If I have enough time, I can do as much as I can to create a crack on one

side of the world...….

The back horse swallowed.

In the meantime, the Dark Magistrate's confrontation has completely

disappeared, leaving no trace.

[Oh, there you are. That castle must be the origin of the junk.]

When the valley disappeared, a towering fortress was revealed in the

middle of the dark plain.

The wizards in it won't even know that the confrontation is now gone.



[Let's hit it right away. There's probably no experimental victims on the

outer walls. I'll tear down the outer walls, so you just go straight inside and
find out where the people are. And if you find it, fire a flare immediately.]

"Okay. If more innocent people are found during the battle than the new
ones, then they should be rescued, too. They are important witnesses who
will reveal the truth of the Zipple."

[Don't worry] Hold on tight, I'm going to shoot your breath and then go
straight down.]


As Murakhan took his place in the air and breathed in, the spirit of the
broken heart gathered into his mouth.

It's about 300 meters to the Castle of the Dark Magistrate and a bit far to

But it was enough distance for Murakan now. Assuming there were no new
people in the castle, he was confident of destroying the castle in its entirety
with a single breath.


A stream of black breath, tearing through the sky and flooding into the
citadel, looked just like a black meteor.

Jean unconsciously swallowed dry saliva and stared back and forth in

Naturally, when the focus was raised after the hitting point, Murakhan's
breath was already hitting the outer wall. with another layer of chaff that
had been wrapped around the fortress in a terrible tear.


The outer wall collapsed and there was an earthquake, and a dust cloud that
spread quickly swirled around the base of the fortress.

There was no room for admiration.

It was because the descent began as soon as the breath reached the outer
wall. A descent so fast that the flesh covering his cheek was pushed out,
Murakhan was simply passing through the collapsed outer wall in a blink of
an eye.


"Oh my God!"

I heard a scream. The sorcerer of the Dark Magician Society, who was
guarding the outer castle, and the screams of the Suin of Kinselo.

They had fallen to the ground, barely holding on to the fallen debris, or had
collapsed in a sudden uproar.


And from the wings of Murakhan's sheep, like a spear, hundreds of

branches of spirit stretched out.

Young-gi pierced through the neck or chest of those who had luckily
survived from their breath, and once more stabbed the bodies of those who
had already lost their breath to confirm their deaths.

It's been less than 10 seconds since Murakan's attack.

More than two hundred wizards and Su-in have already died, and the
fortress is half-broken, making it hard to find its former self.

Even Jean did not expect Murakan's martial arts, which regained 40 percent
of his power, to be this great.

[Everyone who lives, be prepared to die. No one will be able to escape from

While Murakan shouted like that, Jean jumped from his back and hid
herself in confusion.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 238

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:36 PM

Chapter 238: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Rain, emergency! Save...... Kuck!"

A wizard standing on the outer wall hit the shield and split his body in half.

It was cut on a blade of spirit floating in the air.

Not a single, two, or ten, but a hundred or so black blades were moving in
accordance with Murakan's will in the air.

Scream spread whenever the blade danced. Someone was out of breath, torn
flesh, and mutilated. Even the valiant white-lang warriors were dazed at the
scene of the massacre.

I said I can't run away.]

Murakan is a silent talker who sees a group of wizards running out of the
outer wall.

The blade of the black knife hit their backs as soon as the horse fell. Several
other wizards died without even a death cry.

The image of Murakhan in the black blades of a seven-star magician's

protective shield was unparalleled.

a roar

A fear that the mere hearing will cool down the bone and melt away the

At the roar of Murakan, men sat down and shut their ears, and the warriors
of the Baengnang and Red-Ho raised their weapons reflexively.

I didn't raise it to face it.

I was just inspired by the instinct to cover my body and stop it somehow.
Unlike the Red-Ho tribe, the Baengnangs glared at Murakan with their eyes
open, but they couldn't help but tremble like a scared dog.

The King of Heaven.

A term once used by other dragons to refer to Murakan. Indeed, Murakhan

was showing the dignity to match him.

If the aim was simply to "treat," the fight was no different than it was
already over. They stopped destroying the castle because they had to save
the people, not because they lacked strength.


Jean looked up at Murakhan with an absurd face.

Are you really saying that he's that stupid black dragon who was looking for
a Chunghwa house or strawberry pie?

"Jeon Sung-ki, there's a reason why you've been talking about it in your
prime. If 40 percent is at this level, when you get all your strength would be as good as my father or my brother.'

I was actually a little worried until I arrived at the Oterium. I thought

Murakan had regained his strength, but I couldn't be sure if it would be
possible for the two of them to deal with them.
But I didn't have to worry anymore. All four nine-star wizards are in the
main camp. It seemed that he and Murakhan would never get into trouble.

'The only problem is what the captured people are doing, that's all.

It's been half a year since they tested it in the Holy Land. Every month,
more than 100 people and soldiers from the Holy Land are captured in their
strongholds and become experiments.

According to Vittura, at least 600 people have been brought here so far.
Probably more than that. And not a few of them are safe.'

Several people had to remain sober. Testimony was impossible if they were
all in complete bio-golems and had no choice but to kill and take them.

He began to move his steps.

Jean looked at first glance like an intruder as she was invoking Multa's run
in a black robe, but the wizards who were puffing and puffing did not catch

The castle was collapsing due to the sudden attack of the Black Dragon, so I
just ran to live.

Rather, Jin caught a wizard trying to pass him. asked, prostrate, thrusting a
knife into his neck.

"Where did you house the Holy People?"

"Mo, I don't know."


Stabbed without hesitation. It wasn't a gin for the wizards of Kinselo to

have a bit of sympathy or pity.

So I grabbed three wizards and asked the same question and handled it, but
no one knew.
'You've locked the sub-magician in a place you don't know.'

When I clenched my teeth and lowered the collapsed outer wall, I saw
humans and water people leaving the introverted entrance.

There were two faces I knew. Chukon Toldor and Susan Lilitha. They were
seen screaming and giving instructions with their veins set around their

"Magicians of Grade 1 and above, prepare the regimen magic!"

"The fugitives will die in my hands! It's impossible to get out of that black
dragon's eye anyway, somehow draw his attention while I'm on the

"Until Lord Cho is ready, we must hold out somehow!"

Both Susan and Chukon were sweating.

More than two hundred wizards who died on the outer walls, they must be
feeling more. the formidable power of the Murakhan.

'Cold Joe, he must have been in the castle, too.'

It was unlikely that it would be harmful to Murakan, who was preparing


Jean dodged their eyes and began to move close to the darkness of the
shade. And as soon as he entered the corridor, he ran into a group of Red
Tiger warriors who were just running out.

'One, two, five.'

By counting the numbers, he exuded the energy of the Ming dynasty. The
Red-Ho warriors suddenly backed off trying to lay down their weapons, and
Sigmund was already infused with the brain.

The lightning struck the enemy. Although they were already terrified by the
Murakan outside, there was nothing they could do with the energy of the
Ming Dynasty.

Four burned to death and one cut off his arm and grabbed him. And asked
the same question as I did to the wizards.

"Gee, underground camps. But right now, Joe's calling up the

subjects....there is!"

"What does that mean?"

"You, experimenters with the same energy as you...….”

the energy of the Ming dynasty

An ominous premonition was in place.

Kinselo, they're restoring the Ming dynasty. The rising repulsion, Qin
fluttered his eyes and grabbed the enemy by the collar.

"Heeek, save me! Help me! I told you everything!"

"In the front, to the camp."

"Yes, yes!"

The Red-Ho crawled on the floor, foaming at the mouth. Jean looked
around and moved along with him.

At one point or another, no one caught Jean. As soon as Murakan's attack

began, most of the troops in the castle rushed out.

"Here you are! Well, I managed them. That, uh, it won't be long."

Footprints filled the hall leading to the underground camp. Human

footprints, more than a few hundred of them at once.

It was a sign that the cold Joe had siphoned them off.
The entrance to the camp was open. Squirt! Cut off the necks of the Red
Rangs, and run down to check inside. Then he was going to follow the

The interior, unlike the name of the camp, was closer to the wizards' lab.
Glass bottles and booklets containing all kinds of solutions rolled around
the floor, and open iron bars were everywhere.

It was larger than the main hall. As soon as Joe was about to judge that he
had taken every single one of them, he heard a woman's voice.

"Are you, the one sent by King Seong? The Black Dragon outside?"

The woman's eyes were trembling with fear, but the will of those who were
ready to die was reflected.

"I ask the question. Tell me what happened to the people. Did all the cold
Joe take you?"

Judging from her white study uniform, she seemed to have been
experimenting with the people here until just now.

When Jean was about to thrust a knife in and frighten her, she looked up her

"I'm a saint of the Dawn Wagon. His name is Muzal Scylla, a first-class
new officer under King Seong. I entered the Dark Wizard Society three
years ago, following your orders, and now I'm a researcher here. Since I
became a researcher, security has been too high to contact my country.”

"You want me to believe that?"

Then the woman opened the pendant and showed a pattern.

a dormant volcano Jin, who looks at the woman alternately with the patterns
of the dormant volcano.

"I also have a lot of questions for you, but I can't afford to talk long.
Explosive magic has been activated in the lab. Look at the floor.”
A white wizard was just forming on the floor. It was a kind of alert magic
that the Dark Wizard's wizards had set up in case of this.

"In five minutes, the lab will disappear without a trace. We need to save the
rest of the people."

"Where are you?"

"There is an underground passage that only researchers know about. Of the

823 people who were captured as subjects, 813 were now combat-type bio-
golems and followed Joe."


"When the shut-down of the lab begins, the mana filler disappears. Then we
can't save the remaining 10."

a gain on talent

When Mutual opened the floor like a door, the secret space was revealed.

In the space leading to the underground passageway that only researchers

knew, ten humans were seen drooling and drooling.

They were the people of the Holy Land.

"We have to save them. Why don't you go back to the Holy Land empty-
handed? Maybe this is your last chance. If we can't take these survivors to
the Holy Land...….”

As Mutual said, only ten people were able to testify.

'Should I trust her?'

Maybe he's trying to survive.

While agonizing for about three seconds, a familiar noise suddenly came
from outside.
Currrr, Urrrrrrr...…!

It sounded very distant because of the distance, but Jean could tell at once.

It was definitely the sound of a brainstorm. It is distinct from natural

thunder or lightning.

They were the source of Joe's bio-golem noise, which restored the Ming

"Joe started to move the biogolems. No matter how great the black dragon
outside is, it can't last long. You don't know, but Joe's got the...….”

"You imitated the Ming dynasty, and you're biogolized?"

"How can I. Did you get that information from your country?”

"Hoo, damn it. All right. Mutual Scylla, I'll trust you. Ten witnesses have to
be saved no matter what. Is there a way?"

"All I have to do is move the magic stuff into the secret aisle.”

"Is this it?"

The gin indicated a steel can connected by a transparent tube.

a nod-nodal

She was hit by King Seong's spy. In the meantime, when the experimental
group was destroyed by the sudden attack, and the only people who could
testify were on the verge of death, they were stamping their feet.

She had no resources to move this heavy instrument into the aisle. It was a
weight that could not be moved even by the strength of five-star fighters.


Jean picked up the instrument and moved it to the aisle at once.

"You should come in and wait a little. Now I have no choice but to pray to
Ayula so that he will not be harmed by the Black Dragon. From now on, I
will inject all my mana into the people, and as soon as I finish, you take
them and escape.”

"No. I have to go outside a little, so take responsibility and keep the people

"When Joe doesn't know you exist, wouldn't it be better to escape quietly?
He can fly, so he'll be able to get away in the future."

"How am I supposed to escape with as many as ten dragons?"

"It can give out the beasts that the Dark Wizard has tamed."

I knew how shameless it was to tell Jean to run away with Murakhan's
safety. But for her, it was her last chance to send a witness to the Holy

"The Holy Land is important, but he comes first to me. We cannot help the
Holy Land alone, even ignoring the possibility of Murakhan going wrong."

"......okay. I was rude."

"I understand. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"May Ayula's gaze touch you and the Black Dragon."

Knock, knock!

Jean who closes the entrance to the secret passage and turns around.

He knew the power of the Ming dynasty better than anyone else. If the 813
bio-golems were really "similar" restoration of the Ming dynasty, no matter
how much Murakhan it was, it was dangerous.

As soon as he went out again, what came into his sight.

There were thousands of brainwashes that covered the sky.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 239

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:34 PM

Chapter 239: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The whole sky was black and blue as if it were bruised.

There was a gathering of people with deafening noises, eye-painting lights,

and monstrous shapes that could no longer be called human beings.

It was 813 biogolecules victims.

They were all in a state of complete transformation, and their bodies were
wrapped in brains. As if the Ming dynasty used the power of the optical


Whenever the twisting light of the body of the biogolms became stronger,
the brain power spread through the sky. Murakan's appearance was hidden
from the brainwaves.

At first glance, the brains of the biogolms seemed to be a great force.

The visual effect of "covering up" the sky was great, but not as transcendent
as Mutual worried.
The method of using force is similar, but it cannot even be compared with
the real Ming dynasty.

I'm sure Murakhan won't suffer from a biogolecule for now.'

Jean rushed out because of the possibility that the biogolems might have the
same fighting power as the Ming dynasty. He said, "I can't beat the Black
Dragon either."

Mutual's words were not entirely wrong.

If the biogolems that cause that kind of cerebral palsy reach eight hundred,
plus three nine-star wizards and hundreds of dark magic wizards, white
langs and red-hats.

It was best to run away, even if it was a decent dragon or a famous warrior.

But Muzual did not know the military prowess of the Black Dragon
Murakan, nor did he know the power of the "real Ming dynasty" and the

'You take innocent people and turn them into monsters, and you insult my
brothers? You chewed-up bastards...…'

I mean...

Jean picked out the sign.

a dark magic society

They will disappear completely from the world today.


Let Jean call his name with all her might.

In the middle of the blue sky, a black vortex appeared, revealing Murakan's
And all the members of the Dark Wizard's Council, except for the
biorhythms, looked at the losing side.

"Hey, that guy! Why is he here!"

Surprised and screaming, he was Anz's cannabis, Chukon Toldor. As soon

as I saw the magic pitch that Muetta's Rune and Jin were writing, I
recognized it.

Looking at Chukon's reflexively faltering chukon, the other nine-star

wizards tilted their heads.

"Sir Chukon, do you know him?"

A man with a skinny body with sunken eyes, a cold joe.

"He stole the compass from the Empire of Belado! Careful, he's dealing
with a brain that's not comparable to a biogolem.…!”

As soon as Joe and Susan were about to answer, Murakhan opened his

[Did you check everything?]]

It was a question of the location of the people and the evidence to be taken
to the Holy Land.

nodding gin

[Then there's no more time to spare. What shall we do?]

"Kill all the creature golem and the gutter, and maim the nine-star wizards
and capture them alive."

[That's a bit of a tricky spell. Can't you just kill them all?]

"Then the raw artillery will be the cold Joe, as big as one."

A smile spread around Murakhan's mouth.

[Okay, that's not hard enough.]

"They're obviously crazy. Do you think they're some kind of Ciron

Looncandel or Kellyak Zipple?”


The cold Joe shouted, hitting the floor with his cane.

The sudden attack of the fortress collapsed and the closure of the research
lab was ridiculous, but the bloody man made a ridiculous provocation,
which made his blood boil upside down.

Susan Lilletta had a similar reaction.

She was only attacked to the limit, thinking that the main body of the Dark
Wizard's Council would never fall apart by a dragon and an unmanned one.

Only Chukon Tolder, who had experienced Jin himself, had this hard look
on his face.

Of course, he also judged that Jin's martial arts were so great that it was a
rock with eggs to deal with all of them.

The black dragon floating in the sky, though immense, could not have
devastated the place as long as Joe and himself fought back. I'm sure it will.

Why don't you feel so bad?…!'

As soon as Chukon was about to take a deep breath in a sense of sinister



From the two wings of Murakan, the spirit poured out like a tidal wave.
In an instant, the spirits, which settled all over the sky, soon swirled and
eroded the brain, and soon darkened the ground.

Still, the bio-golem was causing a brainstorm. However, even as the brain
rose into the sky, it disappeared without a trace as soon as it reached the
boundary where the spirit was encroaching.

"Oh, indeed, it is the dragon of shadows. Let's see how long that confidence
lasts! The Sioux, take him!"

When Joe shouted, the nearby watermen raised their arms in unison. And
with a deadly look on his face, he moved toward Jin.

Pszik! Dismissed!

Sigmund's pale blade of the blade began to wobble violently, following

Jean's will.

The good-natured Sioux had already flinched back then.

Su-in, who is not, pulled up the auror, feeling that the brains of Jean and the
bio-golem were no different.

The brain energy from Sigmund was spreading in all directions, forming the
shape of a pillar.


At the same time, Murakan laughed at Joe's ignorance and freed all the
spirits that enveloped the sky.

the liberation of one's

When the amber eyes of Murakan glowed at the beginning and end of the
beings dealing with spirituality, the whole area was completely darkened.

It was not just an expression, but everyone on the ground, except for Qin,
felt a sense of darkness.
Although it was an extremely short period of time, it is a great fear for
anyone to see darkening regardless of their will.

Just now, the eyes...!?

When the field of vision came back, the sorceresses and the watermen of
the Dark Wizard's Council touched their eyes reflexively, and checked each
other's faces. You've just lost your sight, with those faces.

Everyone thought nothing had happened.

Until they saw their shadows moving freely under their feet.

"Oh, no, no, no, no!"

"The shadow..."

The shadow was being torn. The original figure, naturally sobbing along the
light, was torn and stretched everywhere.

It was even mixed with the shadow of the person next to it.

The grotesque sight, which had never been experienced before and never
imagined, caused a sudden vomiting and a chill in the spine.

Not everyone's shadow came to that.

Of the remaining 600 magicians and watermen, about 50 percent were

suffering from the same phenomenon. However, those who were still in
good shape were shocked as well.

[We need to reduce the number for now. It's not very pleasant to see you
wriggling around.]

as soon as Murakhan finished his words

Screams and dull sounds of something exploding and breaking spread

throughout the earth.


The change began with those who reached the Yeonggi Liberation Zone.

The bodies of the three hundred men were being broken, torn, and smashed
like statues struck by a hammer.

Everyone was just as much as their shadows had been transformed.

Those who had their shadow's throat cut off were actually cut off, and those
who had their shadow's body burst out actually.

The bodies are falling to the ground in a state of disarray.

The shadows, which escaped from the bodies of the dead, were drawn into
the sky and absorbed by Murakan.

Joe, Susan, too.

When it came to that point, I sensed something was going wrong. Even
they, who had mastered magic for decades, had never heard of anything like

Chukon had been spreading a shield for a while, and Joe and Susan were
just getting ready for magic.

However, they could not forget that they were caught in the chaos of the
liberation of Yeonggi for a few seconds.

In the meantime, Jindo had already completed preparations.

With the sigmund stuck on the floor, shadows were again bluishly coloring
the floating earth.

Four Swords of the Thrush

Following the Sigmund, the pillars of the epilepsy that were floating all
over the place were lowered to the ground.

A deep brainstorm was tingling the floor. Just as 813 bio-golems had turned
the sky blue until Murakan used his strength.

But you can't call it the same brain. Even nine-star wizards, who had never
actually seen the power of the Ming dynasty before, instinctively felt that
"real" was this way.


Even the ten-star knight, Vanessa Olsen, was an erosion epilepsy that
instinctively began with the idea of avoiding.

The average number of warriors couldn't have been enough.

The pillars of the epilepsy stuck in the ground began to hail. The gin's brain
was shaking all over the dark sky.


Joe stretched out his cane, shouting at the Sioux who was rushing to Jean.

But it's already late. More than half of the watermen near the camp have
already been killed in the thunderstorm that began to pour out violently.

Quad Deuk!

The rest managed to survive the protection that Joe and Chukon spread.

But Su-in, who avoided the thunder, was all staring at the ground with
blank eyes. The energy of the Ming Dynasty, which was more fierce than
ever, was paralyzed.


It was two black sacks of gin.

As Sigmund continued to erode, Bradamante escaped the search.

The black-tinted blade flooded the neck of the watermen crouching under
the protective membrane. Each time the blade drew its trajectory, the
severed neck fell to the floor.

Jin, who is killing the Su-in like a ghost, and Joe's eyes met.

About five hundred people still survived the biorhythms. Hit him! When
Joe shouted evil, the bio-golem began to rush at Jean in unison.

However, it was not that one could call out the gin because he believed that
an incomplete biogolecule with four or five stars could do anything about it.

I just had to buy some time before Jean poured into me.

He realized that no matter how many biogoles he had, there was no use for
Jean and Murakhan. The martial arts of Qin and Murakhan, especially
Murakan, were clearly far beyond his common sense.

'I shouldn't have collected these, I should have run away......! Fool!'

It was no use regretting.


Jean was approaching Joe, summoning Tess, pushing aside the biocolems,
or the unfortunate bivolems that had become biocolems.

"It's time to pay for the contempt of my brothers."

Susan and Chukon were busy blocking Murakan's further attack. Looking at
the bio-goulems that were crushing by the blue flames, Joe was recalling
that Jean had spoken the word "saeng-po."

'You must surrender and survive. If you survive, the General Manager will
save me somehow...…!'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 240

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:33 PM

Chapter 240: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The flames of heavy pressure were spreading in a more fierce spirit than
ever before.

'I'm in a bad mood.'

The fact that the bionic golems in flames had been Yangmin until recently,
and that the Ming royal brothers had been despised.

They've been displeased with Jean for some time now.

"Do you think you don't know what you're trying to do to buy time by using
these people as a shield? Aren't you ashamed of a sorcerer? Come on out.
Joe! My desire to capture you is fading fast.”

"Stop, stop! I'll follow you, stop for now!"

As Joe raised his cane with both hands to express his surrender, the pupils
of Chukon and Susan grew.

They were desperately blocking Murakan's attack, but the head of the
company, Joe, suddenly declared his surrender.
Even Jo was the first one to provoke Murakan, saying, 'It is the dragon of
shadow.' As he changed his attitude like he was flipping his hands, his ears
were suspicious.

"Sir Cho, what the hell is this......? You're going to surrender?”

At Susan's question, Joe rather blamed her.

"Ha! You stuffy man, you can't tell from the sword of the Black Dragon!
Someone we can't handle. At this rate, annihilation is only a matter of time.
Surrender is the answer!"


"But what! The Lords, hurry up and declare your surrender. Before the
author changes his mind!"

If you put aside dignity, pride, face, and just look at the situation.

Joe's words were not wrong. Chukon and Susan were also keenly aware that
there was no answer against those monsters.

All three felt the same after a long time since they reached the superhuman
level of nine.

"Drink your crap, Lord Joe! What happened to your head? Surrender?
That's what the head of state would say? If we surrender, do you think that
demon will save us? You stupid!”

Chukon turned his head and shouted.

"Sir Chukon, what did you say now?"

"What we can't afford is the Black Dragon, not the blood. If we take him
hostage, we can take him away. There's no such thing as a guardian dragon
that lets a contractor die!”

Chukon was the only one among them to meet Jean.

So when Jin first appeared, only Chukon felt a strange sense of crisis. Aside
from the fact that his skills are great for his age, he had a sinister gut feeling
that the situation would only go as Jin wanted, as he did then and was
pushed back in the "su-fight."

When I encountered him on an abandoned island in the Empire, I thought

he was just a maggotsman. I never dreamed that Jean would be related to
solderlet or black dragon.

It has seven or more stars of magic, eight or more swordsmanship, and a

terrible brain and spirituality.

Even if he's a nine-star wizard, he's someone he doesn't want to fight


'If Lord Cho gives in now, there is no future. You must catch him and make
a deal with the Black Dragon...…!'

As soon as Chukon realized that Jin was a contractor, he kept thinking like
that. As long as they catch that fraudulent blood, this fight is their victory.

"Sir Cho, so don't give up and catch him!"

"Sir Chukon is right, Lord Joe. Even if he's great, he's a half-grown
monster. If we join forces, no, Lord Joe, won't you be able to subdue him
enough alone?"

When Susan joined, Joe could not say anything for a moment out of shame.

It was because their words were all right.

What a disgrace. I couldn't think of a simple way to get over this situation,
and I just thought about leaning on the leader!'

It wasn't because Joe was stupid.

'As Chukon said, he's a dangerous man. I was terrified by the spirit of that
young man.'
It's just a shameful happening that happened after being a little more
faithful to instinctive fear than Chukon or Susan.

"I've lost my reason for a while. Yes, even if the Black Dragon flies and
crawls, you'll have no choice if you catch the contractor."

"We'll keep the Black Dragon as tight as we can. You won't be able to hold
on for a long time, so please grab it."

Argh! Argh!

The screams of bio-golem, water-in and wizards covered the entire


Because of the noise, Jean and Murakhan could not hear the voices of the
nine-star wizards.

However, Jin said something had happened between them, and as a result,
we could see that Joe's attitude, which had just shown his intention to
surrender, had changed again.

Joe's cane was stained with mana.

Though hidden by his peculiar mean, cruel and light eccentric character, he
was a long-time vassal of the Andrey Zipple.

"Get out of my way! You worthless scumbags!"

The remaining biogoles began to scatter on both sides following Joe's


As soon as the road opened, Tess exhaled at Joe. And Joe was performing
magic that matched his title of "Cold."


Tess's breath-pouring trajectory, the ground below it burst, and pillars of ice
shot up. Unlike the usual ice-cold magic, the ice was shining in ominous

It looked like a pillar, but it was a mouth made of ice.

Another golem muzzle he made himself. The open muzzle bit the long
stretch of Tess' breath, and soon the ground cracked once more, revealing
the reality of Golem.


A little smaller than Murakan. This is exactly what an elephant would look
like if it had ten ivory and was made of violet ice.

What looked like an ivory was the muzzle that bit the breath of Tess. He
was scolding his breath as if an animal were eating a snake, and then he was
moaning with an unpleasant low voice.


It was hard to hide my absurd feelings when the golem suddenly soared
from the ground. Even the sparks of Tess came out chewing on them, so
even the gin has no choice but to pause for a moment.

'What the hell is that? That's ridiculous in the ground?'

Not only Qin but also Murakhan seemed surprised.

"Paulook, take the fire of Tess, and protect me!"

Unlike the unfinished bio golem, "Master," which was recently started to be
produced by borrowing the wisdom and memories of the leader, this golem
called "Pollook" was a complete product.

fire-resistant ice golem

To make the Pollock, they searched for the white elephant in the ancient
glacier, kidnapped the young horsemen, and used five phoenix hearts and
It took almost 20 years to complete from the time when there was a vain
dream to beat Kellyak beyond Andrey.

The masterpiece and masterpiece of the cold Joe of the Magician, so to

speak. The reason why Chukon and Susan look up to Joe even though they
have the same nine personalities.

As soon as Pollock appeared, the blue flames spreading on the battlefield

were fading.

At the same time, Joe came up with his own idea and sang his own magic,
which he named "Cold Chiller." Sculptures of violet ice spread out on his
cane instantly besieged the camp.

Hundreds of archers seemed to be aiming at the whole body.

'It's not that it was Andrei Zipple's archrival, is it?'

Jean calmly posed and prepared to strike the ice.

Then I looked in the direction of Chukon and Susan so that Joe wouldn't

If Tess's sparks don't work, dealing with this monster alone was too much of
an adventure.

In addition, Joe has been using biogolems as a shield to protect most of his
mana, while Jin has been under much physical strain due to his jumping
machines and summoning Tess.

'Extreme, you didn't name it for nothing. One defense is shocking.'

Two nine-star wizards, one of them, were famous for their defense, and
even Murakan, who regained 40 percent of his strength, could not easily
pierce the shield.

It was also because Murakan was unable to attack the camp with force.
'I'll save myself until Marmurakan clears them up. I barely know how Joe's
magic works.'

The moment I decided to have a smart fight.

[ , you're crazy enough to go crazy. You must have done something like
this, but you scumbag.]

Murakhan shook his head with his eyes wide open. The majestic voice of
the dragon was clearly heard by everyone in the battlefield.

[In front of the master of the fire department, take out the golem made by
damaging the body of the phoenix?] You've tried to restore the Ming
dynasty, and you've got the knack of bringing disaster...….]


Murakan stopped the attack and descended to Qin. Then he transformed

himself into a human being, and then, with spirit, he spread out the shield
and wrapped himself around Jean and himself.

'That guy's turned. I don't think we should stop it. From now on, he'll ignore
your contract for a moment and force you to use all your power. No matter
how much I care about you, I can't stand it.'

a whispery voice


To flop.

Jean stumbled and fell on one knee. As soon as Murakan's explanation was
over, his strength was slipping out of his body.

I'm not going to spend my entire life saving you so much, but...... Oh, you're
not gonna use your life expectancy, are you? I'm not going to use it. Damn
it, I'll explain it later.'
My eyes slowly closed. The enormous drowsiness that could not be repelled
was encroaching on Jean's whole body.

Murakan pointed at my forehead irritatingly.

The next moment, when Tess began to roar, the battlefield became a blue


Chunghwa was spreading at exactly the same speed as the roar.

It didn't take 30 seconds for the remaining hundreds of bio-golems to be

completely ashes and disappear, and Su-in, Middle and Low Wizards had
the same ending.

With three nine-star wizards left, all members of the Dark Magic Council

"Hey, what the hell is this?"

Having managed to escape the fire, Joe ran to Chukon's protective shield
and looked back.

Pollock, his masterpiece was seen swallowed by the flame of Tess.

It wasn't set on fire or engulfed in flames, it was literally "sweetened." Just

like how Pollook first chewed and swallowed Tess' breath.

Jo, Chukon, and Susan were also forced to backtrack in surprise.

They know that Tess is one of the best phoenixes, but this was not
explained by their knowledge.

Murakan, on the other hand, shook his chest when he saw it.

'You managed to kill your temper. I was wondering if I could drag him
through his lifespan and wipe out the whole area. You're pretty reasonable,
aren't you?'
Pollock disappeared without a trace. Not a single footprint left, just blue-
colored ashes and scattered somewhere.

Naturally, Tess went after the nine-star wizards as if he could not be

satisfied with it alone, and Murakhan was worried that Tess would not be
able to control his anger.

"Well, why don't you go back now? Look at this, little guy fainted. You'll be
in trouble. He'll make me suffer properly. Take a deep breath.... Hmm?
Wait, what the hell is that...…?”

The place where Murakhan pointed his finger was a collapsed outer wall.

A ghostly whitish, human-like figure lay over the rubble of an outer wall.

"Please check that out before you go, do you know what it is? I don't know
how I feel bad. You don't know? You're going? Take good care of the kid?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Handsome. Trust me and go in."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 241

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:31 PM

Chapter 241: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Jean regained consciousness when Tess returned to the flame. But it wasn't
easy to keep one's body in a great deal of exhaustion.

"Wake up, kid."

"......this is a mess. Did Tess do it?"

Jean re-activated Multa's run and said, looking around.

Within minutes of unconsciousness, hundreds of human, male, and

biological golems, as well as unidentified golem resembling elephants, have
all become ashes.

Even though Tess had disappeared, there were still blue flames everywhere,
causing heat.

The three nine-star wizards were devastated, completely disheartened.

"Well, maybe you did. He's basically using your power. Just based on divine
insight and experience, we used that power more explosively...... No, that's
not what matters now. Look at that."
Jean looked up and looked up at the outer wall.

The human figure standing there was slowly descending to the ground.

"What the hell is that?"

When Jean tilted her head, the nine-star wizards followed the two and
looked at her.

As soon as they saw the blurred figure, they lowered their heads hurriedly.
With a 'live' look on his face.

"See you, General Manager!"

Wizards screaming on one knee at the same time.

Jin and Murakan were also surprised at the point.

'That's...... the head of Kinselo?'

Suddenly, he met an unidentified giant.

I haven't often imagined him, but he wasn't much of a match for terrorist
groups like Kinselo.

It was because of the glow.

As if God had descended on the earth, a brilliant radiance was flowing

through the hazy body of the head of the Kinselo.

"What's so cloudy and shiny? I feel like I'm seeing a big firefly.”

Jean shrugged as Murakan expressed his sour appreciation.

"That's the feeling."

Both of them were nervous even if they said so. If Jipple was the head of a
force that avoided all-out war, he must have had the skills.
"I didn't feel at all when I approached him. Well, I'm sure he's dangerous,
but......I don't think it's real. There's no weight at all like a spirit or a ghost.”

The leader had been in limbo for a while, landing in the middle of their
confrontation. He did not give a single look to the wizards, but turned his
head toward the camp.

The distance between Jin and Murakan is approximately thirty steps. It was
a distance for a talented person to narrow down and attack in a blink of an


Murakan stood in front of the camp and raised his spirits. So that Haengyeo
can fight back immediately if he attacks.

[Jipple and Beaumont meet the celebrity they're looking for with their eyes
open. Nice to meet you, Bamel.]

It was a deep voice.

[And Murakhan, it's been a long time no see. I've heard you woke up
before, but...... Oh, you're protecting him, so Bamel is one of the
Looncandels? Somehow, I thought that such a brilliant figure came out of

"What, you. Do you know me?"

[You know, I'm your lifesaver.]

"Khaha, this is a new type. A lifesaver? What the hell is that? Are you from
the laughter troupe? You've heard everything in your life.”

[It was me who stopped the friend when Temar tried to kill you in a storm.
Murakan. You don't remember me?]

Temer Looncandel.

When the name came out, Murakan's eyes were colored to live at once.
Murakhan gathered his spirit in a fierce manner, and soon burst into

"How dare you sell someone's name recklessly. You look like an old horse,
but the theme could not have matched yours. Besides, there's a lot of traffic,
so you must have heard something from somewhere? The explosion that

[Do you want to say that it wasn't you, it was the Temer?]

The leader smiled calmly.

Rather than smiling to be exact, the mouth of the cloudy face looked like a
crescent moon.

[Besides not recognizing me, you remember the fight of the day as the
Temer's responsibility. I can't imagine how unfair the dead friend would be
to know this.]

"... ...tell me the name of Themeer one more time. I'll kill you right now,
and I'll send all the Kinselon or whatever to hell.”

The reason why Murakhan didn't rush immediately was because he thought
of Jean. If Jean had been fine, she would have started the fight without even
thinking for a second.

It's impossible for you in your prime. More than that, I'm so curious. Did
you really have a memory problem? Do you really think that Themeer, not
you, was driving too hard?]

"You hasten death.”

[Or did you reconstruct the memory to your advantage?]]

"Shut up..."

[Reaction suggests the latter.]

As soon as Murakan was about to turn into his real self.


Jean grabbed him by the shoulder.

Jin was just listening to the conversation and convinced that the leader was
a "well-informed" person.

He is a man who knows what the most vulnerable part of Murakan is.'

The moorakan breathed heavily in anger.

A frantic tremor was passed on by the hand touching the shoulder, and Jean
determined that Murakan was quickly caught up with the leader.

"It's just a provocation. You can't let it go."

"That bastard dare to...What are you talking about?….”

Murakan's focus on saying so was blurred. As if possessed by something.

"Calm down. He's the head of Kinselo. If we stick together like this without
preparation, chances are high that our side will break. Especially when
you're as excited as you are now."

I can't describe my usual Murakan as rational and cold-hearted, but I've

never seen him collapse so much in a few words.

[I understand, there's one thing that everyone doesn't want to admit. Even if
I reconstructed my memory, Themeer, the sadness of losing him would be
real, so I feel sorry for him.]

"Crazy Arcade!"



Jean hit Murakhan in the back of the head with all her might. The strength
was almost exhausted from the body, but the average person wielded a

Then Murakan looked back at the camp with a startling look.

"Little? Why are you hitting me? Are you crazy?"

"Get a hold of yourself."

"What? What's all of a sudden?... ahh!"

The head-shaking Murakan.

"You were possessed for a while by that snake. He showed an ugly look."

The head of the Kinselo did not use hypnosis or spiritual magic. However,
confusing Murakan's unstable memory was far more effective than that.

[Oh, I wish I could have stopped the runaway so simply then.]

Jean opened her mouth first before Murakan got angry again.

"Hey, it's not very pleasant to see you squabbling as soon as you get here.
Me and Murakhan killed all your men. If you were the leader of Kinselo,
wouldn't it be right to ask this question first? Don't just think of Temer, but
count the positions of your men who are ashes."

[The blood of the King] Yeah, you're right. I acted too lightly because I met
a friend after a long time.]

"If you've learned, why don't you go at it right now and wash away your
men's rancor? Don't make fun of your tongue."

Kid, didn't you just tell me that I shouldn't fight like that?

Murakan looked at Jean with such eyes. Of course, Jean looked at the leader
and spat.

He also made an unpleasant gesture of throwing his finger at him.

"What are you doing not coming at me? Temer, if you can stop
Looncandel's first lyric, I'm not saying you're massive, either. If that's not a
lie, we could get rid of things like us in one stroke, right?"

[Funny friend]]

"Jaemi's still your guy. Like Murakan said, I think you're really out of the
laughter theater. Have you ever met Themeer? I've seen it once. You've
stopped me, by the way. It wasn't up to me. You pretended to be there, but
now that you're about to fight, do you feel like your liver is shriveling?”

This childish provocation of Jin was a gamble.

'Absolutely strongman doesn't talk much. When you want to have a little
conversation, you have to overpower your opponent before you do.'

All the transcendent powers Jean has seen so far have.

Xiron, Talaris, Luna, Owl, Missha, etc. For them, dialogue was a procedure
that took place once the opponent was half dead or completely

On the other hand, provocation is only used when you don't have that much
power or when you have to resort to tricks.'

In that sense, Kinselo's style was never the absolute power's.

The leader is acting as if Murakan would fight only if he rushed in first.

Like you've got a trap in place.

"Now, judging by the way you thought of Murakan's memory, I think it's
time for cheap psychological counseling. I'll try to guess your mind this
time. You came here because you wanted to save them, and you set some
sort of trap. But I'm kind of sick right now. Because I don't think we're
going to get caught."

"What are you laughing at, a bugger or something? Am I wrong? What are
you going to eat? Answer me."

I've done this much.

The leader did not launch an attack. I just stood still and looked at Jean.
Naturally Jean was increasingly feeling the initiative coming to her.

I couldn't read the look on the leader's face because my face was blurred. It
seemed very shameful and enjoyable.

[You've had a good blow. That's what you say, Jean Looncandel. Almost
everything was right. I can't handle you guys properly right now. As you
can see, I have no bones.]

"Then wait a few more minutes. I'll finish thinking about the trap you
prepared, and then I'll break it myself.”

Didn't I just say, almost?]


Suddenly, pieces of metal gathered in front of the leader at a rapidity of the

leader. The pieces of iron, which were not known where they came from,
soon became a sword.

'Not coming, but forming a real sword...…?'


The place where the sword of the leader was headed was none other than
the side with wizards.

"Da, General Manager... ... Kuck!"


In an instant Susan Lilitha's neck fell on the sword of the leader who
narrowed the distance.
Her neck, which fell to the floor, was looking up at the leader with a wry,
frosty eyes, with no hindsight.

Then he stabbed Chukon in the chest and twisted it. Even the master of
defense, it was difficult to stop the blade of his main army in this situation.

[Sorry, I can't save you guys.]

Let Chukon fall forward and die.

Just as the sword was formed, metal popped out from somewhere and
formed a "door" in no time.

When the door opened, it was a black space, with the leader trying to
escape with Joe.

Joe was a man who should not be lost to the leader yet. Joe knew it, so he
thought the leader would save him if he survived somehow.

[Next time, I hope it's a little more pleasant for each other.]

As the leader entered, the door closed, and the iron fittings that formed the
door disappeared like smoke in an instant.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 242

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:30 PM

Chapter 242: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The gate was connected to the land of the Sioux.

The residence of the present White Rang warrior Veracet Sidriker and the
main assembly of the Kinselo.

"Dress up!"

"Dear Leader!"

As the leader and Joe walked out of the door, humans and minorities bowed
their heads in unison. At the same time, several watermen quickly clung
together to help with the grooming.

Then there was a sigh of relief everywhere.

It was because of the fact that the leader and Joe returned safely.

"Joe, you must not forget the grace of the leader even in death. Did you
even say that you took the risk for him in a way that the leader didn't do
anything for him?"
said Veract, glaring as if to kill Joe. Joe dared not look him in the eye and
bowed his head.

The leader's visit to the old Oterium was literally an accident for Kinselo.

There have been no signs of any major danger on the part of the Jipple and
Looncandel, but no one expected that Jean and Murakhan would raid the
main headquarters of the Dark Wizardry Council.

If only Chukon and Susan had been present, Jo, a key personnel to complete
the "master" in the main camp, was on standby.

If Joe dies, the master's development will be delayed, which means that the
realization of the great business will be delayed.

Therefore, the leader risked his own life to save him. That's the only one
that's capable of space movement in the midst of a minute and a second of

[Don't do that too much, Veracte. Now that you're back without a hitch.]

"Next time, if the task is delayed a little, take care of yourself more, General
Manager, for the sake of the many comrades who see only you."

[Let's do that.] By the way, I went and checked out an interesting piece of

"What information?"

[Bamel, he was Looncandel's youngest. I wonder if Zipple and Beaumont

are aware of this.]

"What, what!"

As soon as the leader's words fell, a man exclaimed in great astonishment.

[Assistant Manager, what's wrong?]

Deputy General Manager of Kinselo, Vishkel Ibliano.

Famous for his usual cool-headedness, he responded so violently that
everyone naturally reached him.

"No,'s a surprise, sir. I never thought Jean Looncandel was a bat."

Through Joe's eyes, he is not enough to use magic and the power of the
Ming dynasty, but he is also a contractor for Soldierlet. It's a breach of the
covenant with the Zipple. I guess Looncandel decided to play a game with
Jipple, so we'll have to get ready.]

Except for Qin, the leader was the one who knew the power of the
"Myeongwang people" best in the world.

Vishkel had difficulty calming his pounding chest.

"I was involved with Bubar at a one-legged party, and I came to a sculpture
workshop a few months it all the intended approach? Because you
know who I am and who I am? Since when and how can I...…!'

A cold sweat broke out on the chills, backstem.

Jean could not have identified herself by herself. Surely Looncandel would
have given information to Qin and given orders at the family level.

'We know that our spies are planted everywhere in the power of the jockeys,
but rather, we've got the reserve jockey, Qin, to figure out our trends! In the
judgment that we won't even care about the backup jockey!

Vishkel clenched his teeth as he spread his imagination and family to that
extent in an instant.

Vishkel thought all this was his own mistake. From the thought of Qin and
Bubar being strangely intertwined, he should have attached at least one man
to Jin. A deputy director is such a position.

Especially the last meeting.

Jin's behavior was obviously unusual on the day he came to the sculpture
workshop because he wanted to compete with him under the pretext of

After becoming a backup jockey, I fought quite a few. But I didn't feel as
desperate as I did when I competed with Lord Vishkel. The sense of the
heart opening.

I acknowledge my arrogance and disrespect, Lord Vishkel. I'm just a baby

who can't dare face Lord Vishkel. But it's another matter for him to insult
Looncandel....... One step and I'll cut you, Bubar.

He continued to make violent remarks and actions to attract his attention


At that time I thought only it was puberty of a young warrior, but now
Vishkel could understand why Jean did it.

'Yes, I had felt a faint air that day while Jean had left and we were talking
with Bubar about the withdrawal of the compasses. Jean was trying so hard
to get my attention, to plant a figure who would be an ear in the sculpture

I also remembered talking about the withdrawal of the compass with Bubar
that day. The place of recall, the date, and the memory of revealing even the
top secret that the alliance with the Jipple had been completely destroyed.

And on the first day of the month, the man who had just turned out to be
Barmel, who knew nothing but the executives of Jipple and Kinselo,
appeared in the Empire of Belo, who had just been identified as Jean

Since the failure to retrieve the compass, several emergency meetings have
been held inside Kinselo, and how many investigations and accusations
have been made to search for information leaks and routes...….

As Vishkel, it felt like his whole body was completely out of color.

You have to take responsibility.

"Leader, I have something to tell you...….”

The moment Vishkel uttered his soulful voice.

[Oh! Damn it!]

Suddenly, the leader held his forehead and breathed out sighs.

"What's the matter, boss?"

[I left it behind. Damn, the situation was so urgent that I didn't think about
taking it. Oh, my God, you made a mistake.…!]

"What is it? Oh, come on...!”

At Veracet's question, the leader bowed his head and sighed.

[Dead-of-the-dark, salt-burning final form] The legacy of the Riol Jipple,

which had been kept at the Dark Wizard's home......I didn't pack it. Joe, did
you take it? Please say yes.]

"Huh. That, that. Sir, I wasn't in a hurry either...….”

"You worthless, you stupid bastard! Joe, you're the head of the Dark
Wizard, and you forgot that? Why should the general manager care about

Veracte grasped Joe by the collar and opened his eyes with a knife.

"Ve, Veracte Warrior. Talk about this! I was going to take care of Chae, but I
was too busy!"

"I'm furious that I'm saying it now. Argh! Hey! Whoever gets this bugger
out of my sight, take it out of my sight for a while. I'll kill you if I see you!”

Flap! Flap!

Beracte, who threw Joe to the floor, reflexively raised his foot. He tried to
trample on his head under his anger.

"Aigo, my great warrior!"

"Devil, the general brought me here with difficulty! Fix it!"

Fortunately, Jo's head, which he had been trying to save, never became a
watermelon because other people blocked him with their bodies.

Even after a storm of unrest, Veracte was unable to calm his anger by
exhaling hard breaths.

[...]'ve seen a complete disaster. I've lost one of the most important
cards for the Jipple. Oh, my God, we're supposed to deal with Kellyak soon
about the final sentence of the extinct rock salt.]

"Crouch! The humans, they're not doing anything right! Hoo."

Veracte's gaze touched the hardened Vishkel.

"Hmm, hmm! Of course I spoke without the vice-chief. If human worms

were half as much like our vice-captain, I wouldn't be so furious. Why are
you so different when you're the same human being?”

As if to agree, the leader nodded at the back of Joe, who was being dragged
away by Su-in.

Vishkel's chest seemed to be jammed.

[This is my fault too, so I can't help it. It's in the past, so we should think
about making up for it. Veracte, send the fastest of the Sioux to the Oterium.
Jean, maybe he didn't bring the magic book. There's a high possibility that
we don't know the wizard is there in the first place, so let's hope.]

"Okay, sir. I'll send it right away."

[Vishkel. You take care of Carl Zipple yourself from now on. If you can't
take the magic book this time, you should take him and negotiate.]

Vishkel nodding his head.

[And, didn't you say you had something to tell me? Vishkel.]
In the brief moment of eye contact with the leader, countless thoughts
passed through Vishkel's head.

In this gruesome atmosphere, is it really the right thing to confess one's


The answer was in what Jeon said about 10 seconds ago.

'It's already in the past, so you should think about making up for it. There's
nothing good right now if I reveal my mistakes. First of all, we need to put
out the fire that fell on Kinselo's feet.'

Bearing a heavy scruple of conscience, Vishkel opened his mouth.

" was about the Holy Land. Jean, he may accuse the Holy Land of the
substance of the oterium, bringing the fact that there was a bio-golem
experiment to the surface. It's the best chance for Looncandel to intervene
in the Holy Land."

"Oh, you're the vice-captain, too. The Assistant Manager is right. I'm sure
they'll try to use it politically. Isn't that human specialty?"

[Hmm, yeah. I don't think he's an ordinary backup jockey, so we can work
with the Sword Garden to develop a case. What should we do?]

"I think he attacked the Oterium out of the blue because he was
commissioned by the Holy Father. In the process, you also found out that
the Holy Land was divided into two parts of us.”

[Keep talking.]

"If you were in Looncandel's shoes, you'd want to drive the Jipple out of the
Holy Land before us. To drive them out, we're too little known to the
public. So no one's gonna believe we did a biogolem experiment."

[You mean, Jean could put a bio-golem experiment on the side of the

[I got a point. It's been known that Jipple did a biological experiment on

"I think we should wait and see and follow his lead. If it goes as I expected,
I'm afraid...... we need to empower him. To hold the Holy Land in half."

The reason why Veracte fumbled at Vishkel was at this point.

A clear-cut statement and that brilliant insight. Veract felt his anger rising
by Joe gradually subsided.

[The vice-captain is right. It's ridiculous that I might have to play with his
rhythm again, but...... what else, I think that's the best thing. Let's wait and
see how Jin comes out.]


Meanwhile, Qin and Murakhan were staring blankly at Chenghua, who was
still burning the area without being turned off.

What the hell is that steel door? Are they really running away? You moved
in space?

As soon as we were about to ask each other the same question.

In the midst of the blue flames, the white glow that caught the eyes of the
two was spreading.

As Chin and Murakhan did not know exactly the leader's ability, naturally
they thought the luster was the attack magic or trap he had left behind.

But it was not an attack. The luster was in the form of an ordinary
protective shield.


Jean, with her eyes wide open, hurriedly began to run toward the light.

the final form of an extinct rock salt mine

The magic book that Missha asked to find is shining in the blue.

The identity of the light surrounding the magic book was 'protective magic'.
Two generations ago, a woman who used to be the owner of the Giffle had
her magic book engraved for fear of being lost.

"Get in, you're getting in. Murakan! Turn off your Chunghwa quickly!"

Murakan quickly threw himself and rolled over the flames near the magic

"Oh, hot!"

It's a pity that his hair was burnt down a little, but Jean was able to secure a
magic book before the protective membrane was finished.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 243

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:28 PM

Chapter 243: Episode 76. Jjokbak and Monopoly (8).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"You look like your master, and you're right, I thought you'd be bald.

Murakan formed a great deal of spirit in his palm, brushing his hair and
whining. Surprisingly, the burnt head was coming back to its original state
with spirit.

"Why did you turn it off with your body, leaving Young-gi alone?"

"I know, why did you do that? Because I was in a hurry at the moment,
damn it."

"Well... ...did you suffer anyway. You've just done something important that
will go down in the history of magic. I'm the only witness."

"When someone says they'll write your own biography later, tell them to put
this anecdote in."


the final form of an extinct rock salt mine

Jin's eyes glistened with the magic book. Thanks to Valeria in his previous
life, he encountered all kinds of rare wizards, and in his present life, he
carved the wizards of Chenmi and Kiddhall himself.

The legacy of the Riol Jipple was simply the Masterpiece of the Magic
Circle. The greatest masterpiece of a person who is mentioned when it
comes to the best wizard in history.

As a wizard of a man, it would have been difficult to go through more

pleasant things. I wanted to open it right away, but I took it carefully in my
arms for now.

Before the joy had gone away, a low groan was suddenly heard.



Chukon Tolder.

Unlike Susan, who was completely decapitated, Chukon seemed to have

managed to hold onto the lifeline. As soon as the leader's knife was
inserted, the polar magical non-celebrator raised a protective shield to
protect the heart.

But when I approached him and looked at him, I thought it would be

difficult to revive him. The shield had only temporarily suspended his
death, and he had already turned pale and was as good as an invoice.

Jean told him what the winner would usually say when the fight was

"Chukon Tolder. Do you have anything to say?"

There was a deep resentment in Chukon's eyes as he vomited blood. It was

only natural that he was stabbed by the main army he served in front of the

"My. My magic...... stop."

I could tell by those few words that I barely uttered.

He wanted to leave a legacy like Riol. There was no sorcerer who wanted
the unique achievements of his life to disappear silently.

And now that he has been betrayed, he wants to hand over the magic to the

"Where are you?"

"Eternal... ...three,"

Storage room three in the eternity warehouse, the password is Roclava.

Chukon died at the end of the words. a gin that closes dark eyes without

"House 3 in Eternity Warehouse seems to be worth quite a bit. Well, it was

a pretty good defense magic."

said Murakan, shrugging his shoulders.

Jindo, Murakando and Chukon did not feel particularly sympathetic just
because they left a magic book. This would not be the only test he was
involved in, so I thought Chukon should rather thank him for listening to
his will.

"Let's go."

He moved quickly into the crumbling castle. Now I had to take Mutual and
the survivors back to the Holy Land, sort things out today and have the next

'Kinselo's identity is revealed. I don't even know who the leader is. Are you
a horseman, as Murakhan said?'

The ability to form iron.

I've never heard of anything like that. Even if it is possible to yield a

hundred times to make a sword, I have never imagined moving into space.
It was clear that the leader had lived for more than a thousand years. No,
perhaps longer than that, it existed since the days when the Ming dynasty
ruled the world.

Of course, trying to restore the Ming Dynasty will be done under the
leadership of the leader. He knows about my brothers. He must have taken
Joe alive because he's a vital part of the restoration process.'

It also seemed certain that there was some kind of relationship with the

Murakan's reaction to the leader's remark that "the runaway wasn't a theme,
you did it," was never common.

He was mesmerized as if he were facing a past he didn't want to recall.

While living with Murakan, I have often asked him why he fought with
Themeer. Murakan didn't seem to want to talk much about him, so Jean
didn't ask any more.

'He'll tell you what he thinks. If there's anything you need to tell me about

He entered the castle while he was thinking.

Unlike when I found it earlier, it was seriously damaged everywhere. No

wonder Murakan's merciless attacks have continued so far.

Clearing a mountain of broken stone, he headed to the lab where Mutual


The lab, where the explosion magic was spread, had not a single facility left
for the experiment. The wreckage rolled about in pieces. So it was not easy
to find the secret passage door.

"Mercial!Mercial Scylla!"

"Hey, here you are...…!”

"Here it is!"

I could hear the distant voices of the strange men, not the mutter. They
found the source of the voice and pushed the debris away, and tore the
whole floor apart.

What appeared when the secret passage was opened was a tearful face and a
mana injector carried by a gin, fed up with the fear of the survivors.

And it was Murture with his eyes closed with his hands neatly gathered in
front of his chest.

"......the saint saved him and went into the arms of Ayula."

"Please take your saint's body home with you."

She squeezed out the last remaining vitality, injected mana into the people
and headed for Ayula's arms. He fulfilled his mission as a saint.

"In the first place, did you ask him to wait so eagerly, because he had to die
to save them?"

Even though he was a saint, not an ordinary healer, he died saving them.

Traces of experimentation remained throughout the bodies of the people.

Either the photocardium protrudes out of the body, the arm is golemized, or
the tail is sticking out.

She had no choice but to devote all her life to the mana injectors to save her

"He asked me to deliver this to you. It must be delivered to His Majesty the
Holy Father.….”

When she took off her robe and wrapped her body, a believer held out a
book and pendant. It was the pendant of the Virtual.

The book was a diary. After becoming a spy for the Dark Wizard Society
under the orders of King Seong, she risked her life to record the situation

"Get out of the way. Let's go back, everybody."


The last day of the Kanglim Festival.

As if Ahula had given her blessing, the capital of Vankela was stained with
the glare of the sun.

In the midst of the crowd that had gathered in the square without a break, a
huge pure white wagon rose high.

Fake Miklan and Rani were seen standing on the wagon waving their hands
at people.

It was a great spectacle for those who visited the Holy Land to see the
Kanglimje Festival just because of the procession of thirty Golden Shield
Knights who surrounded the pure white wagon for escort and the saints
behind the carriage.

The square was literally jam-packed. All the people, the people of each
country, and the nobles, who gathered to receive the blessing of the King of
the Holy Father, were waiting for the ceremony to begin.

"Your Majesty the Holy Father!"

"Your Majesty!"

There were many people who shouted in relief just by looking at the image
of King Seong. It was mainly the case of the lower class suffering from a
big disease.

For the sick and poor, the ceremony was a great opportunity and hope for
life. It was because if they were blessed, they could get out of the disease.

However, not many people enjoyed the good fortune of the fortress during
the Kanglim Festival every year, as the sacred power of King Seong was

About fifty people received the real blessing of receiving the divine power
of King Seong himself, while the rest were blessed simply through

The latter had no effect on actual fate or phenomena, but it was still heaven
and earth who were anxious to mix words with King Seong.

Soon, the noisy square quickly calmed down as King Seong lowered his
waving hand.

"First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the children of Ayula,

and to all those who have come from all over the world to see me. My lord,


"My precious daughter, as I have done every year, will read the blessing on
behalf of me, old Rani Salome. Please give a round of applause for your
daughter, who will pray in a hoarse voice tomorrow."

A fake king who shows off his affection for his daughter, comforting his

Laney was smiling broadly, with the arms of such a fake King Seong.
Really loved daughter to death, and usually use simple words and actions is
a fake mikeullan was acting in completely.

Clap clap clap clap!

At the end of the applause, Rani opened the blessing door.

"Let's begin the celebration of the Holy Father. When the carriage starts
moving, please follow it in an orderly manner so that nothing bad or bad
can happen."

As is the case with these events, those who receive the "real fortification"
that consumes sacred power have already been decided. Not many people
know the fact.

The carriage moved forward and stopped once in the presence of the
designated waiting list.

Each time King Seong got out of the carriage and gave the benediction with
kisses on their foreheads, and Laney read the blessing.

"Ayula's will, heart and love will be with you...….”

In that way, the real blessing was given to about forty people. The one with
uncomfortable legs began to walk after being blessed, and the one with dark
eyes saw a new light.

The onlookers, touched by the sight, were constantly wiping away tears.

A group of people wearing robes, not the nominee, escaped the crowd and
blocked the carriage.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty! Please listen to my story!"

There were jeers everywhere.

However, this kind of intrusion is common every year when there is a

celebration, so everyone thought little of it.

King Seong gave the intruders a kind smile, and Laney whispered in his ear
like this.

'Please build them up, Father. You were willing to get off the wagon last
year for those who broke in, weren't you?'

A fake voice king who nods his head.

He and Jipple were now judging that Laney was giving up everything and
adjusting to their beats. It was also thought that it was the result of all kinds
of mental torture while being detained by Vittura.
King Seong got off the carriage and greeted them.

"Yes, children of Ayula. How painful it was to find me. Tell me your story.”

The intruders raised their bowed heads.

"Your Majesty, we are...….”

Soon, the new people will raise their heads and take off their robes.

Traces of biological experiments were left, revealing the hideous body.

"Oh, my God, what the hell is that?"


The onlookers who saw the terrible sight of the new people exclaimed and

Only then did the fake King Sung realize something was wrong, and Laney
bit his lower lip and turned his eyes away.

Far away, in front of the guards, Bittura looking at him with a calm face.

Thirty golden shield knights surrounding the carriage also clenched their
teeth and looked at Bittura.

"We were forcibly taken to the lab and became this kind of skeleton...….”

"Who... ...who made you this way?"

a phony king who tries to keep calm It was a complete disaster for him to
show embarrassment at the moment.

The new people replied:

"Vitura, the general manager of the genitalia. He sold us to the lab of the
Jipple! They made us do this!"
"Shut up!"


Bittura, who searches and yells.

Laney managed to hold back her tears, unable to take her eyes off him.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 244

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:26 PM

Chapter 244: Ep.77. The villain (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

last night

"What do you mean, you have to cut me."

As soon as Qin returned with survivors to the Holy Land, Bittura had said

While Jean was away, he had finished his agony to drive out intruders and
traitors most quickly and perfectly in the future.

No, it's not a worry, it's a decision.

"Sir Vittura, what do you mean all of a sudden?"

"Prince Jean brought witnesses, and brought proof. And now more snow
than ever is watching this land because of the rain forest. It's a chance not to
come again. If we're going to end them for sure, we need a villain to die

"Kidding... it?”

Laney asked in a quivering voice, and Bittura shook his head.

"No, I've already made up my mind."

"Why should I do that? There are witnesses no one can deny, and there is
evidence that the saint of the early morning carriage recorded as martyrdom
in pain. If Lord Vittura doesn't have to get involved with them, enough...

"That's a dreamy story, Lani Salome. Against that giant family that
dominates the world, do you really believe that it will be possible to get the
country back?"

"Why not! No matter how great they are, whether it's Jipple or Kinselo.
How do they deny the skeletons of survivors that have been revealed to the
whole world? Besides, according to Confucius Jin, Jipple is for Carl

"Of course, it would be possible to put them in trouble with the help of
Confucius who lost. But then what? They're going to put up a few heads
like tail-cutting, and eat this land again."

"Even so, we cannot make Lord Vittura a traitor! That's ridiculous!"

For a moment, Lani's anxious breath stood out in silence.

"Rani Salome. What do you think the Holy Land needs now?"

I can't answer.

"Leader, we need a symbol of hope that will make us believe that the Holy
Land is not over." It's time for a leader to emerge who can kill the bandits in
front of everyone's eyes, and shout that the owners of the Holy Land are
only the children of Ayula."

"You want me to... you want me to play that role?"


"Ha, I see what you mean. Then rather, Lord Vittura will drive me back and
kill me and be a leader."
"What do you mean?"

"In short, I've done nothing compared to you, haven't I? She was just loved
by the people because she was the daughter of King Seong. In what
capacity do you mean I become the leader of the people? I don't have the

"... ...Michlan, the friend brought you to raise you to the Holy King in the
first place."

"My father never said that."

"I can swear on Ayula's name. Miklan got a sign from Ayula that you were
going to be a holy king."

"That's a sudden...….”

"Look at this."

Bittura pulled a notebook out of his bosom.

It was Michaelan's diary. There was no information about state affairs, but
there was an anecdote about Lani and Ayula's revelation around the center
of the diary, which contained only private daily life and religious


Laney could not have recognized the handwriting of Miklan.

"So if you don't understand, take it as Ayula's will. You were the most
obedient child of all."

"Even if God chose me...... not this one. It's not really."

"I have long been known as the representative pro-Jipple faction, and I have
actually pretended to be their servant for a long time. "Let us know that by
killing me, the volcano of Ayula is in good health."
"There must be some other way. Lord Vittura."

Before King Seong's abduction, Laney hated Bittura for a long time,
making it more difficult to accept.

To her, Bittura was not a loyalist, but the first person to be the frontman of
the Zipple, and was her father's greatest political opponent and a hindrance
to the Holy Land.

However, the real Bittura was the loyalist of the faithful who had a deeper
friendship with Miklan than anyone else and had always been a villain and
watched his enemies both inside and outside the country.

You can't spend your whole life apologizing and repaying your kindness,
but let me bear such a heavy burden as a villain until the very end. It was
too much for Laney.

"I'm not confident, Lord Vittura...….”

"No, you can. Think rationally. You know it can't be better than this, right?
Even Confucius Qin, who had little connection with us, had fought a great
battle for the Holy Land. Cutting me, it's not hard compared to that."

"No one but us, no one will acknowledge your sacrifice! Rather, I will point
fingers at you and insult you. Your name in history will remain a terrible

"Did you ask for reward in doing good, to ask for recognition in keeping
faith, or to calculate in deciding to sacrifice? You have never left such
teachings in Ayula and the great saints."


"What do you mean Salome? Don't be childish. Don't let me down any
more. Just like me, bear with you too. Will you insult my resolve for fear of
the pain of my heart that I cried with death?"

Eventually, Laney sat down and burst into tears. With a maddening heart, I
grabbed my chest, and I banged my head on the floor and screamed.
Then, Qin and Murakhan saw Ilsun Laney's body shining brightly. It was a
light that was extremely short enough to feel illusory.

Bittura pats her back for a while and then turns to Jean.

Jin and Murakan have been listening to the two men's stories quietly since a
while ago.

And I was thinking. Is there a better solution than Bittura suggested?

I would have said if I had thought of anything. Unfortunately, the sacrifice

of Vittura must have been the most powerful means of stabilizing the Holy

It's called a foreigner.

Naturally Jean was also feeling the sacrifice of Bittura was unfair. If you
think about personal life, it would be much more comfortable to expose
corruption and defect to Hufester or to get right with the Jipple.

But it was a great discourtesy to add to this steely man's decision.

"Prince Jean."

"Yes, Lord Vittura."

"I owe you a big debt that is hard to pay back. I will not forget your hard
work for the Holy Land even when I die."

"......unlike you, I started with a promise to pay for it in the future."

"Even so, it wasn't easy."

"Sir Vittura."


"I will take responsibility to ensure that your family can live quietly in
If Vittura's plan succeeds, Laney couldn't take care of his family. It was
impossible for King Seong to take care of the traitor's family.

Also, Bittura's family would never survive without help from anyone.

Will Jipple, who has seen a great disaster, keep them alive?

The people of the Holy Land will not stoning, realizing Ayula's
benevolence, but will not stand up and protect the families of the traitors.

"......I brought this up to thank you. You owe me again.”

"Please regard me as a warrior in the Sword's Garden, as a tribute of respect

to the senior fighters."


"What are these ugly heretics talking about? The Catechism Guardian
Dawn! Get those things out right now!"

Bittura shouted in an evil voice.

In his fierce reaction, the square sank rather frighteningly quiet.

Everyone feels something's going wrong. Ten new people with clear traces
of biological experimentation, the chief of the Sung Knight's gun calling
them heresy in a hurry, and the look of the fake King Seong, soaked in

All that was causing a sharp divergence in people.

Chuck, Chuck, Chuck!

The sex knights of the Gyori Suho Daemyunghoe, who were next to
Bittura, quickly broke out.

The crowd was naturally blocking the sex knights of Bittura and Gyori
Suho Daemyunghoe. The image of the sex knights pushing them roughly.
"Your Majesty! Those are all heresy. Get away from them! What are you
doing, Golden Shielders? Without taking those heresies away from His

The Golden Bangpaehoe did not budge at Bittura's orders, but only
surrounded the carriage.

While the fake King Seong couldn't hide his embarrassment, Rani screamed
as he shot Bittura.

"How can the General Manager declare these people heretics? And before
your Majesty gives you orders, you are so reckless with the sword. Stand

None of the people in the square were unaware of the political

confrontation between King Seong and Vittura.

Naturally, in their eyes, the appearance of Bittura seemed like a dog of a

Jipple who used evil to settle the accident.

"I am the general manager of the Knights of St. I have full power over the
heresy referee. If you have eyes, look, Lani Salome. Do those ugly
skeletons look like normal? They must be the inner circle of the Ma tribe!"

"That's for you to judge! Your Majesty, please order Lord Vittura to step

The fake King Seong was only transformed with the help of Bubar, but he
was not Kinselo, so he had no idea how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, I've told you many times that they are heretics. Before the
Holy Land falls further, you must subdue them and continue the ceremony."

"If you stop making fun of me, I'll count you as heresy too, Lani Salome.
Everybody out of the way! Make way!"

As the sex knights of Bittura and Gyori Suho Daemyunghoe approached the
The Knights of the Golden Shield Society searched and blocked their way.

"Don't come any closer, Lord Vittura."

"You bastards...! "You men are under my direct control, dare you stand in
the way?"

under one's direct control

Unlike those who hit their necks when Bittura met Jin, the Knight of the
Golden Shield Society, who remained loyal to the end, was thirty.

They were pointing a sword at Bithura with a feeling of cutting off their

"It's treason just to take out the weapon without your order. "Hide the sword
immediately from the commander-in-chief."

Vittura lashed out violently at the geniuses of the Golden Shield Society.

At the same time, when the reporters of the Gyori Defense Dawn Party
began to attack, blood was everywhere.

Bittura rushed at the survivors like a demoniac. As if we can solve today's

situation as much as we want if we kill them alone.

Vittura and fifty Gyori Suho Dawn Knights of Dawn, and Rani and thirty
Golden Shielders.

The battle was a complete mess, but Bittura was showing force worthy of
the name of the general.

He is narrowing the distance between the survivors by pushing away the

genitals of the Golden Shield Society.

"I'll cut your throat, you heresy!"

As Vittura neared, the ten survivors clung close to the fake King Seong.
Of course, it was discussed in advance. Within seconds, all the survivors
screamed and surrounded the fake King of St. Louis in front of them.

The first thing to get to Laney's front was, of course, Bittura. The Golden
Shield Society was desperately fighting to keep the Gyuri Defense Dawn
from entering Lani.

Rani and Bittura's eyes met.

Both were glaring at each other outwardly, but inside they were grieving
each other beyond description.

"What do you mean, you're a heretic year. I'm going to punish you severely
later! Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I'm here. This Vittura will save you
from the heretics!"


Rani and Vittura's swords mingled.

The battle that the two practiced all night has begun.

While Laney only needs to avoid his attacks and stop them. Bithura had to
push her away, pretend to kill the survivors, and aim for the fake King of St.

Chaeng, Chae-Eng!

While taking Bittura's sword, Laney was just feeling he was consoling
himself with the sword.

It's okay, it's okay.


Bittura's stab bounces Rani and rolls the floor. At that time, the distance
between the fake King Seong, survivors and Bittura was only two steps.

Bittura, who passes Rani with a mad look and throws a sword one more
The next moment's results seemed like a Bitturra mistake.

"Ker, heh......."

Vittura's sword pierced through the neck of the fake King Seong.

And as soon as he hesitated as if he could not believe my mistake, and then

tried to reach out again to the survivors.

Rani's sword, which had just risen, was flooding into the back of Bittura's
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 245

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:25 PM

Chapter 245: Episode 77. The villain (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


There was a piercing sound of a man's throat being cut. And Tuk, Vittura's
neck fell to the floor.

Lani was still standing with her head down, just as she wielded the sword.

A second at most, or half that. However, the short time after finishing the
move felt like forever for Lanny.

'Ah...... Lord Vittura.'

I hoped that the eternity would not pass.

I hoped everything would stop as it is.

From now on, she should mourn not because of the man who burned
himself for the children of Ayula, but because he was an ugly puppet of

The hot blood from Bittura's neck soaked her face. A few drops splashed in
the pupils. Blood and tears streamed through the folded eyelids.


Lani shouts in a split voice and looks at the fake King Seong.

But her father, perhaps in the arms of Ayula, was directed at Michaelan, the
real king of the castle.

"Father, father! No way. You can't do this. Dad, what's wrong with

Lani threw herself and hugged the fake King of St. Immediately performed
divine healing magic, but the hole in the fake King Seong's neck was not an
area that could be helped by human ability.

Bithura is certainly finished. The crown of the phony Seongwang's dormant

volcano, which fell to the ground, was soaked in blood.

amid the rumbling sound of iron and iron colliding, the shouts and screams
of sex knights, and the sighs of those who are soaked in anxiety spread

Laney's desperate cry was rising.

Loyal, treacherous, and divine. Everybody had an ominous intuition in

Laney's voice.

The death was shocking to those who knew and did not know that King
Seong was a fake.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has fallen!"

"General Vittura Beltter, you...…!”

"The saints, heal Your Majesty at once!"

Finding the saints was one of the leaders of the Dawn. The reason why the
fake King Seong shouted even though he knew he was dead was because
the saints in the procession were also dogs of Jipple.

Now that Vittura and the fake King Seong had died, there was only one
thing left for the loyal dogs of Jipple.

They had to somehow secure survivors of the biogolem experiment.

We have to deal with the worst evidence to hold back the Zipple so that we
can be free from responsibility for the subsequent assassination of King

Now that King Seong died in front of everyone, Zipple would certainly
protect only those who made certain contributions.

"Get out of the way! We have to look at Your Majesty!"

The saints in the rear procession of the carriage began to enter the
battlefield. However, the confusion was aggravated as the number of people
who witnessed the death of the fake King Seong began to soar.

In front of Rani, sex knights from the Golden Shield Society and the Gyori
Suho Daemyung Conference continued to battle.

"Female meeting! Capture all heretics alive!"

It was then that Laney finished the sobbing production with a fake King
Seong in his arms.

"The Golden Barrier! You must not hand them over to the hands of the
Dawn. There must be a reason why Vittura and Dawn tried to kill them
even as they rebelled!"

"Rani Salome, did you say treason! Your Majesty was in trouble because
you failed to keep it. Who are you calling out as traitors, you rip and kill!"

"Follow the words of Rani Salome, the sex knights of the Golden Barrier.
Stop the weightlifters! Protect the new people near Laney!"
The loyal subjects of the Golden Shield Society have lined up the ranks. As
the characters Bittura chose and chose, solidarity was shining in the midst
of a terrible struggle.

"Golden shields, look carefully. Weightlifting is what you do. Apart from
the believers, shouldn't we at least open the way for the saints to look at His
Majesty? Your Majesty may still be alive. If you die, you'll be...….”

"Your Majesty has died under the dagger of Bithura Beltter, and your men
who have obeyed his orders will pay for his death."

"Hit it!"

Despite its numerical inferiority, the Golden Bangpaehoe was

overwhelming the Gyuri Suho Daemyunghoe.

But the nervous side was the golden shield.


From the outside of the square, the ground was heard.

Knights wearing heavy gloves are running on horseback. The situation was
so extreme that it was natural, and all of them were the servants of the


Murakan, who was mixed in the crowd, whispered Jean.


'If you don't think the religious side can hold out, should we come forward?
If he goes wrong, not only will I repay his kindness, but the sacrifices of
Bittura will be ruined.'

'It won't happen.'

How can a religious man stop them?'

'You can't stop it. If there's no one left to help Laney in the Holy Land.'

As soon as Qin answered, the sex knights and soldiers of another Gyory-
Souveau Dawn meeting arrived.

At first glance, there were more than a hundred sex knights, and the
procession of soldiers for civil control was never short.

"Bring weightlifters to death, capture Lani Salome and the heretics alive!"

When the newly arrived captain shouted like that, the sex knights made a
breakthrough in perfect order, and the soldiers pushed the people away with
their spears.

'But even the people don't understand this situation. Even in the eyes of
fools, it's definitely the Gyuri Guardian Dawn that's causing rebellion.'

If only there was a confrontation between the Gyory-Safe Dawn Society

and the Golden Barrier Reef.

It was crucial that Vittura killed the fake King Seong.

"We must protect your daughter!"

"Not Lord Lani! Your Majesty, what are you going to do, Lord Laney? You
dirty front-runners of the Jeeple......! Aren't you ashamed of Ahula!"

"Block it, body block it with your body!"

Suddenly the new people in the square began to rush into the battlefield.

She was a daughter of King Seong, who has always been loved by the
people. In the eyes of the new people, Dawn was the one who killed the
father in front of his daughter on the day of the festival.

In addition, Lani and the Golden Shield Society have shown only common
sense and convincing behavior throughout the day.
The Dawn Society was only seen openly trying to capture the survivors. He
even said that he would cure King Seong, who is clearly dead, and that he
should open the way.

It is true that Zipple and Kinselo have taken complete control of the Holy
Land's leadership, but they do not control all the people. With their alliance
broken, the time to democratize the people has been delayed.

I must draw sympathy from the people.

I'll be a real bad guy.

The conversation between Jin and Bittura last night.

Jin does not know, but in his previous life, the socialization of the people
had already ended at this time. So no one was interested in Lani, who
became a man.

Lani and Bittura had given up the Holy Land, tired of the lonely fight, and
had disappeared without a sound.

But now history has changed because of Qin. with the conditions fully met
to reveal the truth

"What are you doing? You don't know what a felony it is to surround the
heretic, get out of the way! Rain, I'm warning you to move...…!”

The face of Captain Yeo Myung-hoe, who was shouting vigorously,

gradually distorted.

It was because there were not a few people who were blocking the sex
knights of the Dawn Society who came to support.

All the people who filled the square were throwing themselves for Laney.
The soldiers who were pushing the bars were rather being pushed out, and
the sex knights repeated the same words without doing this or that.

If it had been a day other than the Kangnimje Festival, it would have moved
forward even with the blood of innocent people.

But if they do so now, they will have to face more headwinds than surviving
and testifying.

There were more than one or two eyes to see.

It included the eyes of hundreds of journalists from all over the world. It
was literally crazy to slaughter one's own people in front of them in this

Even with a zipple on his back, he can't handle it.

"Lord Rani, golden shield! We're here!"

"Don't worry and face it, protect the children who were taken to Zipple's

"Ayula will judge your men...…!”

There is nothing more frightening than an angry crowd in the world. The
sex knights of the Gyuri Guardian Dawn were unable to approach
recklessly and were looking around.

Laney no longer shed tears.

There was a clear bloodstained tear around her eyes. Soon her gaze, which
had stolen it, touched Bittura's neck on the floor.

Bittura had a faint smile.

In the midst of countless voices and noises disturbing the square, Laney
knelt down next to the fake king.

Death leads to rest, who served on heavy, dark ground. The soul will be free
from the wide arms of Ayula, and all the pain of the past will be good jokes
and delight you...….
It was a whispering prayer.

But it was like the wind blowing. As the leaves of grass lay in the wind, the
people who were shouting sat down one by one and closed their eyes.

"The pain of the past will all be good jokes and please you...….”

"Those leftovers will be the ingredients of the morning, and those who
share them will also be the same as you...….”

None of the believers knew the prayer.

It was a rare sight. Even the outsiders were so impressed with the prayer
that they closed their eyes, or bowed their heads and were paying their

The Knights of the Golden Shield Society also hid their weapons and knelt
down. Even the sex knights of Yeo Myung-hoe, who were quick to read
their minds, participated in the prayer.

No one would believe there was a battle just now unless it was a piece of
metal and a drop of blood that fell on the floor.

Toward the end of the prayer, a man crept up to Jean's side.


'You're here, Dino.'

Dino Zaglan.

A man now apparently called a great young journalist in the media world.
As soon as he was called by Jean, he ran to the Holy Land and was
preparing for the article.

'Mercial Scylla's record is ready to be published. We focused on the

similarities and links to the tragedy of Colon, and focused on the real
damage of the Holy Land.'
'Great work. What's the hole where the zipple will get out?'

'No, there's too much evidence to cut off some of the tails that can be used
as direct intervention by the leadership of the Zipple. As Confucius said, the
biggest thing is that Kinselo has the identity of Carl Zipple.'

Dino smiled and said back.

'Maybe this will bring an end to the era when Gipple is called Sun Quan.'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 246

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:23 PM

Chapter 246: Episode 77. The villain (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Prayer, which began with Laney, was not over until midnight.

The people gathered in the square never lost their position and prayed.

In the meantime, when the news of King Seong's death was heard,
delegations were sent to pay their respects in a hurry, and the newsletters
announced a breaking news of the tragedy of the Holy Land.

People would think that prayer was a tribute to the Holy King, but Rani, Jin,
and Murakan would pay tribute to the death of a great sex knight every year


Within the Holy Land, the forces on the side of Kinselo decided to accept
their leader, not Ayula, as a new god. The forces on the side of Zipple
decided to worship the power and order of Zipple on behalf of Ayula.

Looncandel had known for a long time that they had shared the Holy Land,
but had no room or justification for intervention.

It was highly likely that hitting the encroached leadership would become an
act of aggression, and that it would be a big war if it poked at Jipple and

It was not that I was afraid of war. But when the war began, the people
would accept Jipple as 'a family of justice helping the Holy Land,' while
Looncandel would treat him only as a mad aggressor.

Under these circumstances, the Holy Land could capture some of the saints,
but it could not win the trust of the "new people" who would become future

Therefore, the Holy Land has been a headache for Looncandel recently.

The opportunity has come now.

"The youngest."

It was Luna.

Of course, among the delegations from all over the world were the people
of Looncandel.

As it was the death of King Seong, first-term Luna Looncandel, second-

term Joshua Looncandel, and third-term Luntia Looncandel visited the Holy
Land together.

Luna had briefly left the mission to meet Jean after receiving a call from

"Long time no see, sister."

"You've become stronger."

Naturally she recognized Jean's growth at a glance. There was no need to

face the sword, to know what kind of martial arts it was, or to know the
power of the sword.

Just as a strong man recognized a strong man, I could tell by his eyes.
The last time we met, Luna had burst into tears like a child in front of Jean.
Taichung's death was nothing less than a part of the world being erased
from her.

But now Luna had an old-fashioned look in her eyes.

Until she regained this look, she could see without explaining how much
pain and loss she had endured.

"You've become strong, too.

The siblings smiled for a moment.

"I thought I'd complain about missing you, and you've done something
amazing again. Lord Kashmir has heard of the general situation. So, what
can I help you with?”

Jean pointed to the wagon that had been parked far away.

"Please take care of them."

Inside the cart were the families of Bittura Beltter. camouflaged with
corpses from the day's battle yesterday.


Luna with a short answer. I didn't ask any more questions because I heard
the inside story about Bittura. Now they will mingle on the way back to

"Other than that?"

"Please stay in the Holy Land until the trial of King Seong's assassination is
over. Don't let Joshua steal my ball."

In Chin's opinion, when the trial began, the image of the Jipple in the Holy
Land had no choice but to fall into the abyss in an instant.
Even now, the people of Bittura were gnashing their teeth at the sacrifice of
Bittura. Even before King Seong's funeral began, there were voices calling
for an explanation from the Zipple.

Not only the Holy Land but also the whole world will know about the
atrocities of the Jipple.

The fact that Looncandel's envoys did not leave the Holy Land after paying
their respects was supposed to be a symbol.

A symbol of Looncandel's surveillance of the Jipple. A symbol of a single

family, capable of opposing the jipple, holding their enormous power in
check with their eyes wide open.

The backup rider, Jin, could not be the hero of the symbol.

Of course, those who knew, including Ciron (who will know later) would
admit Jean's credit, but the external ball had to be taken by someone else in

Naturally Jean wanted to turn it to Luna's share. As usual, if you step aside
just because she doesn't want to be noticed, the ball will go back to Joshua,
the second rider.

"Of course I was going to. I can't give him a painting you've worked so hard

"Did your sister know Joshua had several bodies?"

"What does that mean?"

Luna's eyes grew bigger as Jean explained Joshua's secret.

She had no idea of the existence of the Prophet.

"Somehow... ...there were times when Joshua went on a dangerous mission,

not taking care of himself. Did you use a fake every time?"

"You knew about this, didn't you?"”

"I'm sure it will. Of all the things that happen in the family, there's nothing
my father doesn't know.”

"Then there must be a reason for not sanctioning it.”

"Maybe that's why you've condoned your spirit. There's nothing to think
about complicatedly. It's against the law, and if you leave it alone, it's
because you've judged that it's good for your family."

Luna put her hand on Jean's shoulder. as if he had suffered a lot.

"But we need to find out. I'll get my sister to investigate him more seriously.
You concentrate on finishing the work of the Holy Land."

"Yes, sister."


The next day, the reporters of the Gyuri Guardian Dawn Society were
detained in an underground prison.

Zipple tried to stop them from getting caught, but the murder of King Seong
was so decisive.

Besides the testimony of survivors of the biogolem test, Rani's "list" of

Bittura was simply not covered.

And Kinselo, please sort out the people attached to the Zipple and make a
list. So that I can reveal it right away when I come back. Also, rally the
remaining loyalties. Armed conflict may occur.

A list that Qin had asked Bithura before he went to the old Oterium.

Bittura made a separate list of Kinselo and Jipple. The list of Kinselo was
kept separately by Rani, while the list of Jipple was made public to the
whole world.

The naked face of the Jipple is being revealed.

Still, Zipple was unable to issue a statement saying, "It was a fake sex king
who died, and the bio-golem experiment was done by Kinselo, not us."

"I can't reveal the name of the hero who saved the survivors, but he says the
bio-golem experiment was done on the four towers of the Jipple. We are
asking for an official explanation from the Zipple!"

Laney and the new people were still not leaving the square.

Although all of Zipple's handlers were said to have been imprisoned, the
people were in a mood where they would never let Laney and the fake
King's body into the royal castle until the whole story of the incident was

Except for the Gyori Suho Daemyunghoe, the names of those listed in the
Vittura list are still preparing for the funeral of King Seong in the castle.

It's hard to understand in common sense.

There was nothing strange about the power held by high-ranking officials
such as Montiano Daeshin. Unlike the Dawn Society, they could only be
punished with evidence that they had conspired with the Zipple.

Unfortunately, the list of Bittura was a little short. But it was not that Jean
didn't expect it.

"Until Zipple's explanation is given, we will not proceed with his funeral.
Before they can appease their father's unjust death, they must confess!"

"The four-horse master, come forward and explain!"

"Come on out!"

If only Laney and the people were shouting like that, they could have
ignored it.

But delegations of condolence came from all over the world, and there were
countless reporters.
Gipple had to rush through a behind-the-scenes deal with Kinselo. To take
back the sword's recruits, and to cover up all the falsehoods.

Everything was going as Jean expected.

I'd rather be framed than confessing honestly that a knife was caught by a
third-rate terrorist group like Kinselo.'

Image and prestige are both hard to recover once they fall. But while the
former could be solved to some extent with money, the latter had to see an
unimaginable amount of blood.

In the end, Jipple came up with a statement before lunch.

Our house was politically involved in the Holy Land, and with the help of
the officials who collaborated with us in the process, we conducted
biogolem experiments on the people.

But apart from political intervention, the biogolecule experiment is all a

deviation of the four-horsepower Carl Zipple individual. Within today, Carl
Zipple himself will visit the Holy Land wearing a magic ball and apologize
in person, and will then sternly punish Carl Zipple and other people
involved according to his family's laws.

I deeply regret the death of King Seong, and I promise to make the best
possible compensation.

However, we will follow the laws of the family against indiscriminate

rumors and malicious slander.

Our political involvement in the Holy Land was to the utmost extent at the
request of the Holy See officials, not at the request of our own ambitions.

Unlike the usual jipple, it was a very high-handed statement. All the
punishment is filled with the meaning that they will take care of it, not the
Holy Land.
Naturally, as soon as reporters brought in their statements, the anger of the
believers in the Holy Land soared into the sky.

"You intend to raise the wrath of the Holy Father, and to stoke Carl Zipple,
who has come to apologize, to death by stoning."

If for any reason Carl Zipple died on the land of the Holy Land, he was able
to crush the Holy Land from then on.

Based on public perception, King Seong's life was never more expensive
than the four-horsepower jipple. When the whole of the Holy Land and the
four towers of the Jipple fought, the winner was necessarily the four towers
of the four.

'You want to get out of this case until you give up the Carl Zipple you
brought to Kinselo. What price did Carl pay for bringing her here?'

Still, Jipple wanted a 'tail cut'.

However, it was a tail-cut offering of "pure blood jipple." Unlike Muron,

who was already dead and known to the world at the time of the Colon
incident, this time, Jipple is accusing the knife himself of being a sinner.

When Karl died, the Holy Land could no longer hold him responsible for
biogolecules. Though it will still be criticized by the world for political
intervention, it is a matter of time and money to solve.

It wasn't a bad number for Jean to see. Except for the fact that he took out
the number before he properly recognized his opponent because of his
impatience.m. hurry.

Zipple was still unaware that Jean was behind Laney. vaguely, only to
assume that one of the Looncandel's riders is a Beaumont.

There was no way that Kinselo could share with Jipple the information that
it was Barmul who defeated the main body of the Dark Wizardry with a
single body and that Barmul was Jean Luncandel.

"Yes, Confucius."

"When Carl Zipple arrives in the Holy Land, immediately release the article
about Kinselo. In fact, he was held in Kinselo for a few days ago, and the
place where he brought the survivors was not a four-horse tower, but an old
oterium. Let us know Carl has nothing to do with this case."

"You're going to deny that Gipple isn't working hard. It's quite worth

If not denied, Kellyak would be a shameless man who sold his son to avoid

Jean had no intention of helping Zipple choose between prestige and image.

I was going to make you lose both.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 247

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:22 PM

Chapter 247: Episode 77. The villain (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Originally Jean could never win by engaging in a public opinion battle with

It was because there was too much difference in the media's grip on the
media, even if it caught a loophole well. Gipple, who has been disguising
themselves as "goods," has been simply an impenetrable force in the media.

But now Jin also has that power.

It was no exaggeration to say that all the media from all over the world are
gathered in this holy country.

Including Dino, there are many reporters who might be called "great
journalists." They were mostly pens for Looncandel, Jipple and Beaumont,
but some belonged to the neutral press.

'It's like a barrel full of oil.'

Jean looked over the reporters gathered in the square and thought,

Soon the oil can of the press will touch Dino's embers and burn like mad.
beyond even the zipple
'Gipple, Kinselo. When I looked back, I had a bad relationship with them as
soon as I left the storm.'

As soon as he left the stormy planet, he suddenly remembered being

attacked by his followers of the Zipple, who had been helped by Kinselo.

Perhaps from then on, the fight against them was a foregone conclusion.
After reaching the pinnacle of the Looncandel, it is also a must-be object.

Three in the afternoon.

"What is that?"

An angry crowd at someone's voice looked at the sky in the distance.

There was a giant ship of the Jipple, the Cozac, flying over the capital.

Jin clenched his fist when he saw the project after a long time.

Under the cozac were Zipple's elite wizard unit, "White Night," and Carl

"Cosek? Ao, why did that come again?”

As soon as he saw the project, Murakan opened his eyes with a sharp look.

"With Looncandel's riders stationed in the Holy Land, you would have had
to show off your jipple. I'm sending a message to Looncandel not to think
of assassinating Carl Zipple. I'm here to apologize, but I'm using my

"That's funny, anyway. Oh, I'm running a fever thinking about all the hard
work in Colon. I want to break it down right now."

"Prince, I'm going to get ready now."

"Yes, suffer."
After Dino left, a shadow of the project was cast on the square. The new
people were staring at the giant ship, covering the sun with eyes full of
anxiety and anger.


Soon, a wide light flowed from the bottom of the project and formed a
staircase leading to the ground.

As the passengers began to get off the stairs, Carl Zipple was seen being

Carl had a very thin face, dressed in gray cloth, which would only be worn
by commoner prisoners.

Knives who walk down the stairs and gradually approach the ground, and
the people who raise their angry voices toward him.


"What the hell did you do to our brothers and sisters!"

"Using man as an experiment, you're not afraid of God...…!”

"You crazy wizard! Parryun!"

The tower of the "Jipple," or pure blood, was listening to all kinds of
complaints from the people of the small country.

In the past few decades, this has never happened. To cause trouble at the
family level, or to cause personal trouble. Jipple has always been post-
mortem with spokespeople, not pure blood.

Infectious to angry voices.

After a brief contraction at the sight of the Cosek, the people now used their
evil spirits to tear their swords to death at any moment.
The sword, whose head was bowed, was silent, and the enchanted sorcerers
standing behind him were expressionless faces.

Rani did not obstruct this overheated atmosphere as he had heard from Jean
in advance.



One of Laney's scruples threw a fist-sized stone at the knife. The forehead
of the knife, which was struck by a stone, burst into blood drops, and the
voices of the crowd subsided.

Carl still hung his head. Ttuk, Ttuk. There was blood flowing down his
forehead, but the white-night sorcerers behind him were unresponsive.

Of course it was a tacit permission. No matter what we do with Carl Zipple,

the main house of Zipple will not be involved.

As expected by Jin, Jipple planned to start a full-fledged talent show after

the knife was killed or seriously injured.

"Anything, say it!"

Puck, puck, puck!

As soon as the sword lowered all the steps of the light that Cosech had
formed, stoning began to fly from all over the place.

Five times he was stoned to his feet.

When reporters were working hard to write about this strange scene of

"Please stop for a moment, gentlemen!"

Rani stood up slowly and shouted. Immediately the stoning stopped, and the
sword staggered to his feet.
"Karl Zipple, before I get your confession, I'd like to ask you a question.

"......what is it?"

"Really, the biogolem experiment was conducted under your leadership?”

For Carl, of course, the question sounded to him to mean, 'Did you do it
alone, not the whole Zipple?'

That's why I had to answer as ordered by my father, Kellyak Zipple.


"Can you swear?"

"You want to attribute my sin to the whole family, but you're wrong. Of
course, from your point of view, this situation may seem like a jipple's tail
cutting. But I'm a four-horse race, pure blood. Besides me, there are many
other people who can be tails."

"Then why did you come in person? We could have sent the other tail."

"Because my death is the only way to recover the honor of the family that
has been tarnished by me. Even if you have mercy on me, the family will
not reap my harvest again. So kill me."

"You're hoping for a very comfortable death. The lives of the innocent
people you captured as a laboratory amount to 3,000 people. Carl Zipple,
you won't enjoy death until you give a concrete statement about it."

Laney performed healing magic all over the wound of the knife. The wound
healed quickly.

"By the way, Carl. Isn't something weird?”

"What is it?"

"There are 823 new people taken as subjects, not 3,000."

The sword was indeed a four-horse race.

His expression did not change even after he was tricked by Laney.

"Bitura Beltter had sent so many new people, I didn't know."

"Sir Carl Zipple!"

Someone stepped forward with a knife.

It was Dino Zaglan.

"Sir Carl is not the subject of the atrocious experiment! Why are you lying?
Why do you stand up and try to be framed!"

In an instant everyone's eyes were on Dino in the square.

"What's that!"

"Are you the servant of the Zipple, get out of here!"

"Gods, forgive me for my rudeness. I'm a reporter! His name is Dino

Zaglan. Some of you might know, but I'm not a pen for Jipple. I'm the first
reporter to report on Muron Zipple's bio-golem experiments in Colon."

a roaring roar

"Well, Dino Zaglan can swear on the honor of journalists and colonists. The
other leadership of the Zipple family, I don't know, but Sir Carl Zipple has
nothing to do with this biogolem experiment!"

Dino took a bundle of newsletters out of his bag and scattered them around.

Sensible reporters were the first to rush forward and pick up the newsletter.

Even before reading a few lines, reporters were gazing alternately at Dino
and the sword with their eyes wide open.

'The fire spread.'

Jean was smiling inwardly.

Until just now, only one Carl Zipple had rolled on the ground ugly, but now
the whole Zipple was going to have to fight mud.

"The Dark Wizard Society under Kinselo?"

"The place where the survivors were rescued was not the Four Horse
Tower, but the Castle of the Dark Wizardry in the old Oterium?"

The Dark Magistrate Society, known as the third-rate terrorist group, is said
to have left only the lower-level remnants after being annihilated by
Kinselo and Riol Jipple.

Dino's newsletter contained the names of organizations that were nowhere

near as good as the Zipple.

Six months ago, a mysterious man known as "Bamel" broke up the talks
between Zipple and Kinselo, and in the process, Karl was kidnapped by

"Hey, Dino Zaglan! What story is this all of a sudden?"

A reporter shouted at Dino.

It was not easy for those who read the newsletter quickly to understand the
situation. Not many people gave this young reporter a good look at the
sudden intrusion.

"Sir Rani said he could not reveal the name of the hero who rescued the
survivors, but if I may speak on behalf of Lord Rani, he is Sir Barmal. Yes,
that's the Supernova, Lord Barmal, you know."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Colon Aboriginal Massacre that made me a great reporter, I described

in an article that the hero who saved the aborigines was a passerby. The
passerby was Lord Barmel. Since then, I have been acquainted with Lord
Barmal, and I have been writing about his heroic deeds."
In this part, Jin could not raise his face out of shame, and Murakan had to
barely hold back his laughter.

Dino continued to explain, making eye contact with people gathered in the
square with a brazen yet solemn face.

"And he's been tracking Zipple's misdeeds. The Jipple also experimented
with the native colonists. During the chase, Lord Bamel sees some sort of
deal between Zipple and Kinselo on an abandoned island in the Empire of

"What does that have to do with your situation?"

"Please look at the top two pages of the newsletter I gave you. The Kinselo
is not a third-rate terrorist group, as you might think, but a giant force that
was the biggest ally of the Zipple. Lord Bamel deliberately lied to Lord
Laney that he had saved the survivors from the four towers. The reason is...

Because Lord Bamel was convinced that it was not the only Zipple who
swallowed up the Holy Land and carried out the experiment with the
people. So he used the kidnapping of Carl Zipple in Kinselo to make them
public at once.

Dino's long backbiting could not continue.

"I can't hear any more."


It was because a white night wizard standing behind the sword fired a mana
ray at Dino.

The rays were precisely directed at Dino's head, and spread out so quickly
that most were not even aware.


But someone in the crowd rushed out and cut the mana beam.

Dino steps back, stunned by the darkened view.

"I thought it wasn't you guys who killed and buried the truth, but Hufester's
culture. I find this story quite interesting. Why don't we listen a little more?
The Wizards of the Jipple."

It was none other than Joshua Looncandel who saved Dino.

And even before people started agitation at the sight of the real giant who
broke in.

"Luncandel wasn't attacked directly, but should we pull the sword out so
recklessly? Sword, second-term."

Luna shook her head and blocked Dino's way.

No, she was already standing in front of Dino before Joshua cut the White
Night Wizard's Mana ray. With bare hands, it cuts perfectly the mana rays
from the other direction.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 248

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:20 PM

Chapter 248: Episode 77. The villain (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Jean exhaled low breath and lowered her hand against her waist.

The moment Dino was attacked, Jean had also unwittingly prepared to
strike out the mana rays.

Fortunately, it stopped. If he lacked training, he would have gone forward

and caught everyone's attention and seen a disaster.

'I thought if there was an attack, my sister would stop it, but...You've been
trying to kill Dino with so many eyes, you crazy assholes?'

This means that the White Night Wizards have taken Dino's remarks very

Those who shot the mana rays were trying to make expressionless faces.

But it was visible to the eyes of Jean and Looncandel. the fact that their
insides are burning black.

From the perspective of the White Night Wizards, the attack they just
launched was a stretch.
Even if he succeeded and Dino died, he would have been criticized by the
whole world.

Even Runkandel, who claims to be defeated, has never been so hasty in

killing a reporter.

Of course that would have been better than revealing the truth.

'By the way, you're still like a monster.'

How many people in the world can strike out the mana rays of eight-star
wizards with their bare hands?

A surprise attack like this. Apart from the situation, Luna's strength gave
me goose bumps.


Joshua simply followed Luna's words with a sword. Before the arrest, he
bowed to Luna and admitted his mistake.

Despite the soaring resistance, he is well aware that there is no need to

make Looncandel laugh in public.

a roaring roar

The crowd was agitated by the sudden attack of the day and night.

But more surprising than that was the appearance of the "white policeman"
Luna Looncandel, who surprised the crowd.

She was famous for being gossipy and rarely showing up in the world.

Nevertheless, the minstrels used to sing songs praising her day after day,
and Luna in the lyrics was a noble warrior with overwhelming beauty and

When Luna took off her hood, the crowd was in a hurry to stifle their
It was never because of her beauty, which seemed to have translated the

The crowd had the dignity of her dark blue eyes, and the unceasing
boldness of the White Night and the Cosec. I was fascinated by that very

A few seconds passed of incredible stillness that so many people had


"Are you all right? Dino Zaglan."

"Yes, thanks to...... Thank you, Sir Luna. And Lord Joshua."

"He made a very interesting argument. I'd like to hear your story in more
detail, so please come to the mission of Looncandel later."

"Of course."

Dino lives in the land of the Colons and Luna, but pretended not to know
each other.

"Nice to meet you, Wizards of the White Horse. And Carl Zipple. Luna

Soon Luna looked back at the white-glazed wizards.

"... ...good to see you, Lord Luna. "Maul Henserk, the two leaders of the
White Night."

The White Night's Second Captain, Maul Henserk, he was just standing on
the steps of the Cosek and looking down at the situation.

"You? You must have changed the 2nd squadron without knowing.”

"Your predecessor Sir Drew Malaga has retired...….”

"If it had been Drew, he would have stepped down the stairs first before my
Maul's face hardened.

At first glance, he's much older than Luna, and since he doesn't have a
superior at the moment, he's the representative of the Zipple.

They are being completely neglected from the beginning.

When Luna and Maul's eyes met, the square quickly became tense.

The crowd was even breathing carefully, overwhelmed by the fighting of

the two giant families.

Not only the crowd but also the wizards of the night are all stiff.

Only three people, Luna, Jin and Murakan, had a fine face in them.

It is no different why they are not nervous.

'Maul Henserk, you made this basic mistake against your sister. After today,
the two leaders of the White Night will change again.'

He had to show courtesy first before answering Luna.

Even if you are older than Luna and belong to the Jipple, it is impossible to
dare look down on the first rider of Looncandel with the status of two heads
of state.

He made a mistake against an opponent who couldn't even win by fighting.

At all, Joshua was staring at Maul with his life in his eyes.

Although he had set an example to Luna even in an unfavorable situation,

he must be furious because the two leaders of the White Night made a

"Sir Maul, if it's hard to get down, I can get rid of those stairs. Have you not
heard the voice of the first rider?"
When Joshua spoke in a low voice, Maul's face turned red. My whole body
was shaking with shame and defeat.

Fortunately, Saul was not a very foolish man.

"......I have committed a discourtesy, Lord Luna."

Maul stepped down the stairs. Other wizards on the Cosek were also
following in Maul's footsteps.

It was not easy for a crowd who was not familiar with the situation to read
the atmosphere.

Obviously, the world's largest family is Jipple, and then Looncandel, and it
is hard to see why Maul is so low-key even after being insulted.

On the other hand, those who were usually interested in the two families,
especially the aristocrats, thought this was right.

"Now I can have a conversation. I'd like to ask you a question, Lord Maul.
Why did your men attack this reporter?"

"Karl Zipple came here under the orders of the patriarch to apologize. The
Lord of the Four Horsemen of Zipple came to pay for his sins with his own
life. The author insulted the Zipple by distorting the fact."


"It is true that I have made a mistake with you, but you have also just
blocked Zipple's work. It's no good to be in the family business, so we want
to take a reporter named Dino."

said Maul, clearing his eyes.

Apart from his humiliating appearance under the yoke of Luna, it remained
that he represented the Zipple. A clumsy retreat did not end up

"That won't do.”

"What's the justification for not doing it?"

"Didn't you just hear? I must have told this man to visit the mission of
Looncandel. In other words, Dino Zaglan is my guest as of this time."

"This is not a personal matter."

"It's a personal matter...... I don't think I should say this in front of the
Looncandel riders. Don't you think you make frequent mistakes?"

"If you can't get away with it, we have no choice but to use our skills."

He spoke in a calm voice, but no one here, not only Saul himself, thought
that the White Night could do anything about Luna and Joshua.

"Sir, life is precious. "The lump of iron in the sky is probably more precious
than your life in the Zipple. Can't you die, break down and go back?"

Luna smiling coldly.

Maul had a lot of calculations going back and forth in his head, and it was a
hell of a deal.

'Is that reporter's revelation a Runkandel's ruse to create this situation?

Where's the leak in Looncandel? Luna Looncandel, we're fighting this
monster now.liver....'

There was nothing to see but annihilation. There will be a picture that
cannot be called a battle in the first place.

Everyone's going to get their throats cut before they even get back on the

Assuming that he moved to Hanji, which would be a battlefield, and fought

aboard the project, the victory was uncertain.

in spitefully
I could never back down. Even if they were annihilated, they had to protect
the prestige of the Zipple.

The reason why I brought Carl Zipple here in the first place is to protect my

"Both of you, calm down."

It was Lani who had just finished Carl Zipple's treatment.

"Luncandeldo, Zippledo. I'm sure everyone knows that we have much more
power than our Holy Land. But both of you, we haven't even started the
Lord's Coat yet. You can't do this on this land."

To Maul, Rani's words sounded like a voice of salvation. creating a cause

for retreat

So I'm about to feel truly grateful.

"But the riders in Looncandel did a great job. You almost punished the

"It's a man! Hey, Rani Salome. The housekeeper himself sent his own four-
horsepower horse, his own son! You know you could be stoned to death. Do
you think that a mere journalist's argument could insult the decision of
House Jipple?"

Jean poked Murakhan in the ribs.


'Shout out, not the dog.'


'If you just open up one of them right now, it's going to be crazy.'

From the moment Maul rammed Rani, the faces of the believers of the Holy
Land turned red.
It was impossible not to know that he was trying to cover the sky with his
palm, unless he was a fool.

However, the problem was that the palms of Jipple could cover the sky.

'That's all you have to do! I'm a dragon.'

'Joshua will understand my voice. It's gonna draw attention, so I'm gonna go
over there for a minute...….'

At that moment.

"Shut up, you filthy jeeps! Are you going to wipe out the land that Ayula
has given you to the end?"

A woman screamed.

The woman was sitting in a wheelchair with her legs uncomfortable, and
was seen wearing a robe with a large picture of a dormant volcano.

'There's no need for me to do it.'

'Yes, you're helping me at the right time.'

Following the woman, the rest of the people raised their voices.

"Don't kill the reporter who stepped out for the Holy Land! You can't do
this until the truth is out!"

"If you're going to kill, kill us too!"

"Luncandel doesn't do that either!"

Jin watched the scene for a moment, and suddenly he felt a sense of
incompatibility and turned his eyes to the woman who first shouted.

Come to think of it, he looked familiar somehow.

'That woman...... where did you see her? No, who do you just look like?'
Jean looking at the watery woman.

There was no way she could have felt the gaze, but the woman slowly
turned her head and looked at Jean.

I did a good job, didn't I? There was a smile hanging around the woman's
mouth like that.

I remembered who she was.

Vishkel, his sister...…!'

Margiela Ibliano. A figure who, in the past, urged Vishkel to duel himself at
a Runkandel single-legged party.

I didn't recognize it because I was wearing makeup at first. But the playful
lips, and the signature look of innocence, was certainly Margiela.

Confucius, who lost, was too mean to the weak. The fallen person over
there is our friend. Are you going to just sit there and watch? My brother is
very disappointed, brother. you want me to duel with Confucius who lost?

Yes, I'd like you to teach Confucius a lesson. In a more honorable way than
Confucius, who just lost.

At that time, the conversation between Margiela and Vishkel also came to

'Bamel, Kinselo will help you. So let us have a break. What's good is what's
good, right?'

Margiela was smiling with her eyes and making the shape of her mouth like
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 249

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:19 PM

Chapter 249: Episode 77. The villain (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Margiela deliberately put Bishkel in trouble at the one-legged party, and he

didn't look very good in enjoying it.

'I thought you were a bit mischievous back then, but she was also a

It was unexpected. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no. I didn't think he would belong to the evil pseudo (Jin
defined Kinselo that way).

And why, at this moment, did he reveal his identity?

'Kindelo will help me. So let me have a break?"

He would have sent another unit simply to deliver such a message to Jin.

Not just because Margiela's body is uncomfortable. Vishkel was an

executive of Kinselo, and she was the only sister Vishkel cared dearly for.

If it's been Kinselo, I know that most of the time, but you're sending your
precious sister away?

It was an unconvincing point for Jin.

'I don't know what it is, but she......somehow I feel like Jonah and Bubar
might have special powers.'

You can find out.

It was meaningless to worry about it with a headache. Jean decided to reply

to her first.

Instead of blinking her mouth like she did, she used a gesture of universal


a gin that points to itself with the index finger

He was going to pretend he didn't understand Margiela's message.

'Kinselo will help you.'

Margiela mouthed again.

Jin made another gesture, "Me?" and then looked left and right for no
reason and shrugged as if he didn't know the English sentence.

Then Margiela patted his chest as if frustrated.

'No, Looncandel doesn't even learn to read lips?'

I tried several times, but the result was the same. By the fourth time, Jean
had not even looked at her side at all. Margiela eventually judged that Jean
was not getting her message.

a totally unexpected development for her

I wanted to take a little more risk and go near Jin's and deliver it by voice,
not by mouth. It wasn't easy because of the wheelchair.

It was no wonder that Jin pretended not to understand.

'Kinselo helps me no matter what I do. You don't have to play along with
them if you're so active.'

It was obvious why he decided to help himself. It was natural to take a

closer look at them because they were putting a dump on the jipple.


"Why, Murakan."

"That wheelchair guy over there, I think he keeps saying something to


"Don't look at her, take a good look at her from now on. I'll see you later.”

"Is it your taste?"

"No, it's Kinselo. Bring him in quietly when the crowd breaks up.”

"It was an unattainable love.”

"You can do it, right?”

"That's a piece of cake."

Don't kill the reporter! Get to the bottom of it!

Still the angry crowd was shouting.

Half of those who cursed at Jipple and half of those who cheered for
Looncandel, who were blocking their way.

Luna and Joshua just looked at the white-night sorcerers. Jipple can't do this
or that.

Those who were making fun of pens all over the crowd touched Jin's vision.
They were all journalists.

It was a strange composition.

The Jipple, which used to be a symbol of good and justice, is being pointed
out, while the Looncandel, which used to be a symbol of evil and passivity,
is being supported.

It was the composition that Jean wanted.

Now it is only a structure limited to the central square of the Holy Land, but
in the end, I wanted to change all the world's perceptions.

There was no hope that his Looncandel would be a symbol of new justice
on behalf of the Giffle. I didn't believe that. However, I didn't want to see
the hypocrites of Jipple reign over the world anymore.

'Jipple bastards, we have no choice but to back down. Unless you're going
to fight your sister, slaughter the whole crowd.'

Maul shook his head. He had the same thought as Jean. There is no
justification for pressuring Carl Zipple to end it.

"......Baek! Everyone is going back to their homes!"

Maul shouting angrily.

The White Night Wizards felt the same way as Maul. It was all the first
time that I had received such humiliation since I became a top-notch wizard
for Jipple.

"Good thinking, Lord Maul."

Luna smiled and waved at the back of Maul, who turned around.

As Maul and the Wizards of the White Night began to climb the steps of
light that stretched out under the Cosech, Luna turned around, too.

"Let's get out of here, second-term."


"Dino, I'll see you later."

Again the two hooded men slowly moved into the crowd.

Luna did not greet Laney separately on purpose. No matter what he said, it
was because Looncandel could appear to be trying to get involved in the
Holy Land.

It feels like the name Looncandel is getting a little cooler.

No doubt, the name that his youngest brother will rule over.


The evil-doing people were now shouting. It was a shout of joy to the riders
of Looncandel and a sense of victory that made Jipple retreat.

In it, Carl Zipple was still speechless, tied to a fast ball.

The White Night did not pack the sword before going back. The moment he
took her home again, it was only natural that Jipple himself admitted that
the knife was a "tailed."

"Sir Carl, I'll ask you one last question. Do you really have anything to do
with biopsy?"

said Laney, looking at the knife.

"Kill me, I don't want to make excuses."

"If it turns out that you're the real culprit in the future, of course I will. But
perjury means you'll rot in the dungeons of the Holy Land for life. Golden
shield, put Lord Carl in jail."


Reporters in the afternoon square all had the greatest scoop of their lives.

Thus from the evening the breaking news was updated frantically all over
the world.
Karl Zipple's confession, Dino's revelation, Kinselo's identity, the
confrontation between the White Night and the Looncandel and so on. In
nearly a decade, events in a country have never spread so quickly around
the world.

The fenbies of Looncandel, represented by the Hufester Allies, and the

fenbies of Jipple, represented by the Rutero Magicalyon Room, were
simply at war.

Looncandel advertised that the white nights brought to Cosech had retreated
because they could not overcome the "two Looncandel riders," and Jipple
described it as if it had been a mercy.

But even before the war began, the victory had been tilted toward

It was obvious that Dino, the first exposer, belonged to Hufester, and that
Baekya returned without results.

Neutral media outlets have written articles inferring who is the main body
of the biogolem. Dino's newsletter was the same level of copying, but that
was enough.

Their biggest concern was the name 'Bamel.'

Who the hell is Barmal?

For what purpose are you uncovering the irregularities of the Zipple?

There were more people who showed their curiosity about him than the
pain of the Holy Land. It was a bitter reality that more people were
enthusiastic about interesting stories than the suffering of others, but as a
result, it was of great help to the Holy Land.

It was because tracking down Bamel's track record was the surest way to
find out the truth.

"Damn it, that man. What the hell?"

Meanwhile, Murakhan continued to vent his anger after leaving the square.

Because I missed Margiela.

"I was definitely following well, but as soon as I entered the alley, it
disappeared like smoke."

"Okay, why are you so angry when no one blames you?"

"It hurts my pride strangely. I've regained 40 percent of my strength, and I

can't believe he's missing a human. Besides, if you look at it like that, it
means you knew I was coming after you from the beginning. Ha!"

"I think Margiela also has some special power. Like Jonah's sister or Bubar,
or the head of Kinselo."

"They're not gods. Why do you keep using weird force?”

"Masinseok is the work of Kinselo in the first place. You want to be God,
they want to."

I was sorry to miss Margiela.

But it wasn't entirely unexpected that Murakan would miss it. There is no
way he would have sent his beloved sister without any safeguards.

"In any case, it's now the end of the grace-taking. It's hard to find out the
truth completely, but after the trial and investigation, there's enough room
for Laney to take the throne.”

Lani had been playing the central role of the Holy Land since the death of
the fake King Seong.

The betrayed officials were still not on her side, but now that Jipple's
corruption was revealed, they could no longer be called powerful men.

Because power comes from the people. Thanks to the fact that the list of
Bittura was spread all over the world, the people were memorizing the
names of the traitors.
The jipple is over because it can no longer empower them.

On the other hand, every single citizen supported Rani.

She was still in the square. And in the square, there were more people than
Carl Zipple did when he came.

Not exactly the square, but the entire capital of the Holy Land. She was
visited by so many people that even the vast square could not accommodate

Not only the believers, but also others who wanted to share the pain of the
Holy Land purely.

Not everyone in the world wants to be interested.

"That's true. I don't know if you can do this, religious boy. Too big a thing
for a man to handle. Even after I become a jockey, I often take care of him."

"If someone has to take care of you, it's right not to be crowned. Lord
Laney will do well. He's a man who never lost faith even in those who
reject him."

"Cold as a lamb. Well, you're right. That's what a king is in the human
world. Most of what I've seen over 3,000 years was not like a king."

The trial was about to take place.

The trial was aimed at traitors, including Montiano and Conyu. As it was a
trial hosted by the last remaining loyal subjects, they could not avoid the
death penalty.

'Bitura lost his honor and his life, and his future after his death. They should
lose at least that much.'

At the end of the trial, the Holy Land official will die nearly 90 percent.

The state funeral and the promenade for the victims of the biorhythm were
to be held next.
'By the way, I don't know how he's going to help me.'

Jean suddenly recalls Margiela's message.

The question was answered as soon as the sun rose the next day.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 250

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:17 PM

Chapter 250: Episode 77. The villain (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A sailboat of 500 ships was approaching the eastern port of the Holy Land.

It was a fleet of scale that should never suddenly appear. The ship's owner
was not even an ally of the Holy Land.

It was the Suin fleet led by Veracte Sidriker, the great warrior of the White

Since the ship entered the territorial waters without asking permission, the
Holy Land had no choice but to accept it as a declaration of war.

Surprisingly, however, the five hundred sailboats were all wearing the
highest mast with a black band of condolence.

In addition, every single one of the warships was removed, and each ship's
player stood one by one the Baengnang Sui waving a huge black flag.

It's not a war, it's a tribute.

It was a delegation of condolence on an unprecedented scale in history.

"Are they crazy? "You know the Holy Land is a mess, and you send 500
ships with your condolences?"
Murakhan shook his head.

"Because of Dino, Kinselo's name has come to the surface, I'm trying to
show off. They're not third-rate terrorists. I don't know whose head you're
thinking, but you're smart."


"Kinselo said he'd help me. But if the public recognizes Kinselo as a shabby
group, it's hard to have any public confidence in whatever it offers to the
Holy Land."

"Well, so is that.”

"We are such a great group that we can send 500 sailing ships just for
condolence. You're trying to make that known."

"For human reporters, there must be a good harvest."

It was surprising that Kinselo, who had been hiding his power so far, came
out this far.

"Did you decide that you don't need to hide your power anymore? Or did he
hide it naturally because he had no chance so far?'

Either way, the paper was in a situation where it was upsetting.

Although he gave up his image to hide that Carl was caught by a third-rate
terrorist group, Kinselo has shown his full power.

The Holy Land allowed only one out of five hundred ships to dock. It was
impossible to accept all 500 ships, and even the mourning was over the

From one ship, Veracet, five men, and twenty men, who were his assistants,
were brought down.

Veracet's huge body was by far overwhelmingly eye-catching. The White

Rangs, who served as assistants, were well-known warriors in the world of
Sui, but were no match for Veract's energy.

They immediately entered the capital city using the mobile gate and found
the square where Laney was.

Every time Veract strode, the crowd gathered nearby flinch.

Like animals who have met natural enemies, most dare not even look
directly at Veract.

Veracet also did not observe courtesy, but the crowd, weighed down with
fear, did not jeer. The atmosphere was quite different from when Baekya led
the project.

Soon Veracte stood before Laney, and the golden shielded genitals waited,
extremely nervous, for him to speak.


Jean and Murakhan were also watching the scene.


'That's pretty strong. Your oldest sister can't be sure.'

Murakan evaluated Veracan as such.

"Berak Siddriker, the commander of the Revolutionary Army in Kinselo

and the great warrior of the White Rangs. I'm here to mourn the death of
Michaelan the Holy Father."

"......thank you, Veracte Sidriker."

"Sir Rani, I don't know about you, but I have been indebted to King Seong
about 30 years ago. I was seriously wounded in the battle, and by chance
Miklan, who was performing on our land, treated me."

"I remember my father telling me that around that time, in the land of the
Sioux, he was at the stake. That's what happened.”
"He was the nicest man I've ever known. I offer you my deepest sympathy."

People had no choice but to be shocked. It is surprising that the Baengnang

people, who are famous for treating humans like bugs, especially Daejeon
Temple, have visited, but it is unimaginable for them to use such
gentlemanly words and deeds.

Laney's gaze reached the captive humans behind Veract. They were wearing
dirty, ragged jipple robes.

"And the humans tied behind them are the prisoners of the Zipple we've
been holding. When we were allies with Zipple, these humans conducted
biomass experiments on our land without permission under the orders of the
Lord Zipple."


"All I can tell you is these things will confess. I pray that your country will
escape from its grief as soon as possible."

The crowd roared.

And Jin wondered, once again, who in Kinselo plotted the plot?

The attitude of treating Laney as the head of the Holy Land, following the
show of authority, and the way that bio-testing was a command of Kellyak.'

The process of putting a complete blame on Jipple was bound to be a mud

fight anyway.

In that sense, Veract's remarks were a very good attack on the Zipple.

'In fact, considering that the biopsy was a collaboration between Kinselo
and Gipple, it's an indescribably brazen statement.

The first thing to do was to get Giffle out of the Holy Land.

Kinselo's guilt is not too late to interrogate the Holy Land after it is on
track. For now, Kinselo's name is on the surface.
While Laney picked out the answer, Veracte opened his mouth again.

"I'll be here for a long time and everyone will feel uncomfortable, so I'll
leave right away. It is true that we were also allies with Zipple, so we will
take responsibility for this later on."


It has been revealed that all of the prisoners Veract brought were wizards
from Zipple's Academy.

They left behind all the experiments Zipple conducted on the people of the
Holy Land.

The confession was almost in line with the record left by Mutual Scylla,
and included content about the experiment conducted by Gipple alone, not a
joint venture.

by their confession

It has been told all over the world that there are additional experimental
facilities in the Holy Land. In the northern capital of the Holy Land and
several cities, Jipple was building a secret laboratory.

That was the most decisive. Laney and the people were shocked that there
was a laboratory of Jipple in the Holy Land.

It was the same with Jean.

"Even if Carl Zipple was found to be the tail, I thought the best outcome
was to undermine his image and make him properly retreat. This changes
the story. I didn't know there was a lab in the Holy Land.”

A good and just wizard family is now an old saying in the Holy Land.

Still, Zipple was not issuing any further statements yet.

"Kinselo's been providing you with the right support. No, kid. Should I say
you took advantage of them?"
"That's right. They don't intend to stay still either. If the atmosphere keeps
going like this, Kinselo won't lose anything. We only get the good image of
being a well-known group that can kidnap the Matapju of Zipple and
capture the Wizards of Zipple."

"Although the Dark Wizardry was destroyed and lost the magic of the Riol

"That's not enough. We have to let them know that Kinselo is no different
than the Zipple. It's time to throw it away because we've spent enough in
the Holy Land."

"What are you going to do?"

When Jean was about to answer, someone rushed to tap on the door where
the two were staying.

"Prince Jean!"

An urgent voice, Kashmir.

"Sir Kashmir? What's the matter.

"Karl Zipple was murdered...…!”

Jean and Murakhan raised themselves reflexively.

"What? Wasn't the cellar guarded by the Golden Barrier Reef?”

"The assassin broke through the Golden Barrier Reef. It must have been
sent from Jipple."


Carl Zipple was now a man who shouldn't have died.

Only when he is alive can Kellyak prove that he used his son as an innocent
In addition, the death of Carl had no choice but to diminish the cause of the
Holy Land's pressure on the Zipple.

It was because Sung-guk killed a human being whom Jipple sent as the
"main culprit of the experiment."

The G-Floor can say that Carl has died and that he has paid for his crime.

Killing the sword was, of course, not the Holy Land, but the assassin of the
Zipple, but the truth didn't matter.

As of today, Jipple's pens can spread fake articles, saying that the Holy
Land demands an excessive apology even though the sword is dead.

If you don't want to be cut off, never cut off the tail.

"Jipple's press is already moving. Jipple's paid enough.”

"Human is a stupid species, but would you believe that? Mimul, it's the
Zipple that killed the sword at first sight."

"Of course no one believes in the Holy Land. However, foreigners may
think that the Holy Land killed him while torturing him too much to get a
confession from the sword. There will be rumors that the Holy Land
wrapped Carl's death as an assassination to hide it. Because..."

Kashmir breathed a sigh and said back.

"Jipple, they left the name Bamel at the scene of the murder."

Jean and Murakhan's eyes grew bigger.

With your blood, I will wash away the grudges of the Holy Land.

After killing the sword, the assassin carved the sentence with a sword on
the wall of the entrance to the camp.

"Reporters have already identified the sentences engraved on the wall. It's
not a solitary cell where the knife was locked up on purpose, but it's
engraved at the entrance. So that everyone can see."

"I see what you mean. Image, prestige, you've lost them both because of
me, which means I need to know who I am."

"I think so, Confucius."

The assassin who killed the knife identified himself as "bamel."

No one would believe it, as Murakan said.

But unless the real Barmal officially reveals that he is not the culprit, the
Holy Land could no longer ask the Zipple for its crimes.

It was because it was true that the sword died anyway.

On the contrary, if Jin, a real bat, appears in public and proves that he is not
the criminal, then the image of Jipple will simply plummet. Not only in the
Holy Land, but all over the world.

The "evil and mob," which was the symbol of Looncandel, could be the
share of the Jipple.

"What will you do?"

"I'm struggling to be a villain, and I'll have to help. I have to make it official
that I have never done anything like that way."

"The will of Confucius is important, but...... I think it's too dangerous to

identify. As Confucius said, I lost my image and prestige, so find out who
Barmul is. You mean you're going to show us exactly what happens to those
who fight against the jipple?"

Jean smiled sizzlingly.

"On the contrary, if the man against the jipple lives well without any
trouble." That's going to be a big blow to them. It's better than that. I'm
gonna have to identify myself and screw him up to Kinselo."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 251

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:15 PM

Chapter 251: Episode 77. The villain (8).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jipple was now bent on only killing Barmel and rectifying the prestige of
the family.

They don't care about the image that has fallen to the bottom.

Too much evil has been known to the world by Bamel. Without the removal
of the bamel, the status of the world's first family was to be reduced.

Of course, if Jean doesn't reveal her identity, she'll be able to pass it by

using Carl's death as an excuse.

"I'm about to be a regular jockey, so if you hide well until then, there's no
problem. There's one place to hide for sure.

Jean shrugged at Kashmir.

"By the way, aren't you being a little too hard on your own son, Jipple's
patriarch? Not enough to be framed and sent to die, even assassinating you
to find out who you are? There's no such thing as this.”

"I'm starting to think maybe it's a fake that Bubar Gaston transformed."
"Maybe it was a real knife, Lord Kashmir. If it was a fake, the moment it
was revealed during the interrogation, the Kinselo side could have been in
trouble, and there's no reason to do that when they're back in hostilities with
the Zipple."

a verdant, dirty magic apex

That's how Jean defined Kellyak Zipple.

But even if there were negative formulas, it was a "peak." Jin can't handle it
yet, and he doesn't even care about his opinion.

The thought of him soon finding out who he really is made my throat feel

If the land Zipple had touched had not been for" the Holy Land Van Kela,"
Qin would not have revealed his identity.

If he did, he would have been caught by Kellyak and his neck would have
fallen before he could hide in the safe land.

On the one hand, it was also expected.

How exciting the world would be if the Looncandel's reserve rider had a
"judgment victory" in his first match against Kellyak Zipple.


Zipple had not given any explanation for the Holy Land since Carl's death.

Rani, loyal subjects, and the people knew that the real beast that ruined the
country was a zipple, but they had no power to punish them.

Amid the delay in finding out the truth, the hot international media curiosity
was also slowly subsiding.

On the other hand, the Rutero Magic Federation's pens poured out articles
in favor of Jipple day after day.
Of course, Hufester's pen pendant responded with an article that cut down
the zipple, but it didn't mean much.

Even if they are not holy nations, they have fought wars on the ground
every day, and each other's families have come from their own lands as

The interest of outsiders, who were like fireworks, was also fading away

In particular, nobles from all over the world have even appeared in the
square of Lani and the people.

He judged that there was nothing good to be seen by the Jipple.

It is absurd, of course, that Jipple has paid a perfunctory price for killing
Carl Jipple.

But the big powers had the power to make the absurd situation more absurd.

If you put your mind to it, you can erase the weak voices of the victims as
much as you want, and you can punish even third parties who have secretly
cooperated with him.

Neutral public opinion, the forces were well aware of the fact, so they were
now looking again at the Jipple.

Also included in the heads of neutral people were calculations.

The Holy Land incident is going to be a big black history of Jipple, but
there's no power without flaws anyway.

The Jipple will eventually release money and people to sweeten the pockets
and mouths of neutral forces.

Just turn away, and I'll take care of you.

Whenever there was a problem, Jipple would always appease neutrality in

that way.
Looncandel, on the other hand, has always been a terrorist. As the two
families have different tendencies, there was a big difference in the way
they manipulate the world, and obviously in this Sungkuk case, the Jipple's
method would be more effective.

Jipple ships loaded with gold were entering the Holy Land's territorial

Apart from Carl Zipple's death, it was a reward for "the people who
followed Carl Zipple"'s interference in domestic affairs.

The scale of the compensation was far beyond imagination.

If it does, the Holy Land can secure a budget for 30 years without worrying.
But Laney, of course, refused to compensate, and the loyal subjects gnawed
their teeth in tears of blood.

"The sons of bitches, no, no. What the hell do you think of humans are?…!”

The people also poured out their anger by putting blood around their necks.

Regardless of such a reaction, Jipple silently lowered the gold at the port of
the Holy land of the Holy Land.

As if it doesn't matter who takes it, as if anyone's looking at this gold, as if

they want to steal it.

As proof, Zipple did not have a single man to guard the gold bars that had
been placed.

Gold bars piled up like castles in the middle of the port were shining

Ordinary people, no. The enormous gold bullion, which even the king of the
country could not even see for life, was not a desire but a sense of

In the end, even if the Holy Land does not receive the gold bullion, the
Zipple will not be recovered.
"You're getting your money's worth.”

Jean looking at the gold bars with her arms crossed.

I could see it in his eyes. What will happen in the future if the Holy Land
does not receive that gold bullion?

"Even in the hideout of the golden dragons, it would be hard to find a gold
bar like that. Wow, how many limited Chunghwa books are there?"

"Crazy, what? Chun-hwa Book? How could you think of that?"


Shake shake, Jean shook her head.

"30 years at most, 50 years at best for the Holy Land's budget."

"I suppose so.”

"That means that if you don't get this, you'll make the next 50 years cash-

If you take this and cover up this case on your own, if you turn your eyes
from the uncomfortable truth once, it will make the Holy Land rich.

Otherwise, it will completely cut off the Holy Land's purse strings.

As Qin said, the gold bar in the harbor had that meaning.

Abandon self-respect and revenge, it allows us to live a wealthy life. But if

you fall in love to the end, those gold will go to the neutral forces. The
Zipple will interrupt the trading of the Holy Land and make you regret not
receiving this money."

Right now, the people's public sentiment toward Gipple is really at the
bottom of the list.

How long will it last?

Most ordinary human beings are not as strong in faith as Lani or Vittura's
loyal subjects.

A universal life, after all, consists of successive days seeking survival and
small happiness through labor and its results.

When a nation becomes poor, so does the individual.

The more you work, the less you get paid, the stronger the intensity of your
labor, and if you don't see any signs of improving your quality of life...….

Will the believers still be able to defend Lani's choice today?

It couldn't have been.

The responsibility for the people's harsh lives was not going to end up with
a zipple that inflicted terrible economic retaliation, but the leadership of the
Holy Father.

It was clear that he would continue to shake politically so that such

moments would come quickly.

Lani and the loyal subjects will find it hard to find a pointed number, and
will eventually become tyrants or be remembered as incompetent leaders.

"I didn't want to have those annoying thoughts, so I came up with the

"I'm afraid so."

Of course there is Looncandel. While the Holy Land was in that state,
Looncandel could not have just sucked his fingers.

But will it stabilize the kingdom by spending as much money as Jipple?

There was also a lack of justification. There are not a few poor lands in
Hufester, but it is impossible to take care of the Holy Land before them. It
was a problem that could lead to internal division.
After all, it was Looncandel who became more tired after a money fight.

"Let's go, stop this shit."


December 24, 1797.

Laney has decided to start a marriage drug for King Seong and victims of
the biogolem.

The trial has not even been completed yet, but it could no longer be
delayed. The body of the fake King Seong, which the saints kept as sacred,
eventually began to decompose, and the body of the filial son Vittura rotted

In addition, neutral media had to complete the marriage ceremony before

they all left.

The trial of King Seong's assassination is not over, but rather a minimal
safeguard for Jin.

The wedding ceremony was scheduled to last three hours.

Naturally, Laney decided to recite a prayer for them himself.

"Please all take your seats."

said Laney as she climbed onto the podium. It was a low voice, but
everyone in the square knelt on the floor in unison and closed their eyes.

"Ayulash, your most sincere daughter, Lani Salome, stands here for Miklan,
the king of the castle, and the faithful, who died unjustly. Please answer my
prayers, in your voice we can recall their last...….”

The Holy Land's Jinhonje was often referred to as the 'Eunhausu Prayer
used to call it the "Galaxy Prayer."
This was because the sacred power of those who gathered for the marriage
was united and shone.

At this time, even those with resonant airways and low sacredness could
give off their unique yellow colors.

The yellowish brightness of the gathering was determined by the divine

power of the prayerer.

That's why Jin and Murakan were amazed again.

"Rani Salome, I've known for a long time that you protected Murakhan in
that toxic land, and that it's incredibly sacred.….'

The whole square was shining bright yellow.

Lani, reciting the prayer, shuddered, sanctified the bodies of thousands of


As the Hosagans put it, it was like a Milky Way flowing on the ground.

Reporters thought this was the last scoop to be drawn from the Holy Land.
There has never been such a great wedding ceremony in the Holy Land in
recent years.

" today the children of Ayula hope that they will be able to return
safely to your arms, and that this light will reach you and bless their eternal

As soon as the prayer was over, Laney stumbled dangerously and seized the

a perfect match for marriage

But people were unaware that Laney's promoters had gone beyond
perfection and caused miracles.

The fact that Bittura's body, which had already been rotted and mutilated
and buried under the ground, has been recovered intact.
It was a secret that only the souls of Ayula and the dead Bitturah would
know, without even knowing Laney.

Whoo, whoo....

Lani, who had been breathing for a long time, looked at the crowd.

"I'm done with my marriage. And today, I, Lani Salome, would like to
introduce to you a foreigner who has sacrificed himself for the Holy Land."

The new people looked up at Rani in wonder.

It was because it is common to thank those who gathered after the Jinhon
Festival and get off the podium.

Reporters sniffed at the moment.

Smells like a bat would appear.

"Come forward, my friend."

While the people were looking around, Jean slowly stepped forward.

When he took off his hood, his golden dyed hair was revealed. And Jean
said, without hesitation.

"I'm Jean Looncandel."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 252

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:14 PM

Chapter 252: Episode 78. The feat of a backup rider (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

No one expected the name to pop out. The moment the colorful blondes
hidden in the hood were revealed, the moment the decadent face covered in
thick makeup was revealed, of course, I knew that the introduction of
Barmul would begin.

But Jean Looncandel.

The Ilsun Square calmed down. People were waiting for Jean to speak
behind the scenes, doubting their ears.

'Gin Looncandel?'

"It's not Bamel, it's Jean Looncandel? A backup rider for Looncandel?'

Reporters were busy exchanging such glances with each other because of
their bewilderment and surprise.

The envoys in Looncandel, who were paying their respects at one of the
square's sides, were about to show their eyes.

The youngest, you don't give me any hints, you want me to put
my hands together!'
Even Luna had not been told in advance.

However, Luna thought that if she were the youngest, she would do
something because she was sure of something.

She almost spat out a double bath at the moment, but she did not forget that
she had decided to become the "gum" of the youngest.

The most reliable sword, capable of swinging at any time, at any time, at
any time. Since it is his role, he decided not to panic and read what the
youngest meant and move accordingly.

Next to Luna, Joshua was staring at Jean with his face turning red.

'Jin, you're the one who's in trouble.'

Joshua thinks it was literally suicide to reveal who he is now.

How much did Jipple give up, showing its willingness to punish "bamel"?

He even created a fake assassin, throwing away his family's prestige and

It means I'll kill him no matter what. There was too much damage to the
Zipple to pass it on properly.


Joshua's neck, which grinds his teeth, has developed a blood clot. It was
because I knew why my little brother had to reveal his identity.

'I am sure that I will not let you die, even if I break the laws of the family. I
believe in your big deal...…!'

Young-ki, the power Joshua covets so much.

When Jean died, Joshua could not take away Solderlet's contract. Joshua
therefore judged that Jin was trying to attract him by taking Young-ki as his
It was a taboo for a backup rider to reveal his identity on his own, although
it was inevitable for others to recognize him.

The same goes for those who belong to the sword garden.

A rule that means that we will not tolerate the trivial act of putting
Looncandel on his back when building his reputation as an individual.

It was also a well-known law unto outsiders.

But what if a backup rider and a rider break the rules at the same time when
there are so many eyes?

It is a strict rule to kill both or expel them from their families, but Joshua,
known as the next family member, was the rider.

"My mother will never punish me properly, and if I don't get punished, I'll
be safe."...that clever man must know.'

The Black Leopard, Rosa Looncandel, will protect Joshua at all costs.

And no matter how much Rosa was, there was no justification for Jin's

As Joshua, it was a furious affair.

The fact that he knows all the tricks of the youngest but has no choice but to
hang out with him.

"Now I will play with your rhythm, but I will not be able to play this way

Joshua, who had finished the calculation, calmed his excitement.

"Prepare the guards for battle."

Joshua gave orders to the knights behind him in a low voice. When the
jipple hits the gin, it tries to start protecting it immediately.

While whispering, the guardian knights answered with moderation, drawing

up their senses.

And Jean, who managed to manage her facial expression, cast a stealthy
glance at Joshua.

Joshua and Jin.

For a moment the eyes of the two met.

Chin, who lightly raised the corners of her mouth, was thinking:

'I'm trying to make a face, but I can see your head. Joshua, you're going to
burn yourself up thinking you have no choice but to help me. You can't do it
to me.'

Jean, who maintains a smile and continues her backstabbing towards the

"As you know, I'm a backup rider for Looncandel. He started his
preliminary jockey career in 1795, and used several aliases. Today, I'm
standing in front of many people under the name of "Bamel."”

"You really mean you're Jean Looncandel!? Jean Looncandel is black-

haired and black-eyed."

A reporter shouted and asked.

Then Jean took a handkerchief out of her arms and wiped her face and hair.

Whenever the handkerchief moved, the makeup was removed, and the
golden hair regained its original black color.

Although the newsletters around the world have described the appearance
of "glamorous blond hair, pretty face," Jean Looncandel's appearance has
not been known in detail since the one-legged party.
But everyone in the world knows that Looncandel's youngest princess is
black-haired and black-eyed.

in the midst of people's reflexes of sighing

There were a few people who recognized Jin's face.

"You, you, you...'re Zee, you're Jean Grey!"

"Oh oh, Jean Grey, winner of the Cosmos Square!"

Some of the aristocrats of the Reich of Belado, who were found to pay
tribute, did so (the one who was so excited that he shouted "winner" was the
aristocrat who earned a lot of money thanks to Jin at the time).

"Not wrong, you're the little king I saw in the Kingdom of Mitel.”

Likewise, the mercenaries who visited the Holy Land as delegations to pay
their respects, and the members of the Black Kings, recognized the camp.

"I was sure that Confucius would make a world of noise one day, if he were
true. It wasn't normal at the one-legged party either. Hahaha!"

Johnsy and Ferrell of the Dragon King Knights also burst into laughter as
they looked at Jean. In addition, he attended a one-legged party, and the
knights of other families who came to the Holy Land to pay their respects
were similarly responsive.

Since joining the memorial service was the last step in mourning, all the
envoys from each country were gathered in the square now.

Reporters were also recalling another incident, using the name 'Jin Gray' as
the aristocrats of the Empire of Belado called it.

backflow kidad

The mysterious swordsman who killed him also left the name Jean Grey.
The reporters' instincts were moving. A special event that will never happen
again in life, more than Seongwang Si-hae and Jipple's interference in
domestic affairs, has been unfolded right now.

I had to ask a question right away.

It was because, in the opinion of the reporters, Jean had nothing strange to
die here.

Soon the wizards of the Jipple will storm the square to capture the camp.

At that time, reporters thought whether the knights of Looncandel and

Hufester would help Jean or not.

"Prince Jean! Kidad Hall, was it you who killed him?!”

"Why did you risk your life here? You're not afraid of Jipple?”

"Please tell me why you helped the Holy Land even by breaking the laws of
the reserve jockey. Did you receive a family order?”

"What is your relationship with Lord Lani of the Holy Land?"

Suddenly, reporters screamed like crazy.

The fighters of Looncandel and Hufester had their eyes wide open, but they
judged that if not now, they could never ask Jin a question again.

The moment the wizards of the Jipple arrive, the square will be in chaos.

Before that, I had to get an answer and leave this seat quickly.

Jin was disillusioned at the moment when he saw reporters raising their
voices like a monk. I have known for a long time that journalists are
extreme, but I didn't know that I would lose this much dignity in this
mourning square.

"Shut up, everybody. I won't take any questions."

Jean shouted with all her energy in her voice.

Then the reporters flinched and closed their mouths.

"I'm not here to satisfy your curiosity. From now on, a reporter who's going
to be talking about it without my permission will never be able to grab the
pen again."

Jin's eyes were talking about the colorful life. It's not just words.

As the reporters quieted down, Jean, who had made her living, opened her
mouth again.

"As a backup jockey, I've been looking for land to build my own interests
and reputation when I become a jockey in the future. And then, in the past, I
witnessed a bio-test of Jipple in Colon, and I found that not only Jipple, but
also a terrorist group called Kinselo, participated in the experiment."

Reporters were busy writing down Jean's words without a mistake.

"And I didn't know that the Holy Land was encroached upon by Zipple and
Kinselo, and I broke their alliance. As a result, the two forces fought all
sorts of battles within the Holy Land, and I felt a little bit responsible for

At Jean's calm voice, Laney looked miserable.

"I also thought it was an opportunity. As a backup rider, there's nothing

better to do than uncover corruption in the country and screw up
Looncandel's rival family."

He was supposed to produce the movie in advance. Jean was not to repay
Laney's kindness, but to help the Holy Land for personal gain.

"So I went to the land of Kinselo to save the people of the Holy Land and
handed it over to Lord Laney. Lord Laney was only promised to prove my
credit to her family in the future, but the Zipple finally caught me by the
ankle. I never killed Carl Zipple. It's only a loss to me.”
As Jean shrugged and spoke, sighs came from all over the place.

"I mean, I'm here to stop my alias, Bamel, from becoming the assassin of
Carl Zipple. Also, it is not a family but a complete achievement of mine
that revealed the relationship between Gipple and Kinselo. I hope everyone
doesn't forget this. Because..."

Jean suddenly pointed her finger at one side of the square.

"They're going to hit me from now on. Let's see each other again alive,

There were jipple wizards with lobes on them.

With the magic of attack and the aim just finished.

Guardian knights, protect the backup jockey!

As soon as Joshua was about to yell.

Luna raised her voice first.

"Runcandel guardian, and all Hufester's knights, protect the people!

Whoever tries to help the backup jockey, I'll cut his throat myself!"

As soon as Jean heard Luna's order, she smiled pleasantly inside. Luna read
exactly what I meant.


Five mana rays flew toward the camp.

And Jean jumped off the platform, cutting off the mana rays lightly.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 253

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:12 PM

Chapter 253: Episode 78. The feat of a backup rider (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The mana beam cut off at the signpost cracked and debris splattered.

Yay, yay! The sudden raid caused the congregation of the people in the
square to scream reflexively, and the genitals of the Golden Shield Society
jumped to the podium.

"Protect Lord Rani!"

"Everyone get down! It's being swept away!"

The Knights of the Golden Chamber surrounded Rani and shouted to the
people. Fortunately, most of the people fell on the floor with good control.

But not everyone was. Many people were confused.

If possible, people could be caught up in the attack of the jipple wizards.

The wizards attacking Jean had at least seven stars. Ordinary people can be
seriously injured or killed just by passing by.
Wizards continued to sing magic as if they would not care whether they
were killed or injured.

In fact, even if dozens of unrelated people died, they had no intention of

stopping the funeral until Jean died.

Jipple no longer had any lingering attachment to the symbol of justice.

But if you don't kill Bamel and Jean Looncandel here, you will be looked
down on.

No, there was a high possibility that it would not end in a shallow way.
Now missing Bamel was the whole jipple being played by the deviation of
the "Runcandel Reserve."

It had to be stopped.

"Gin Looncandel must be dealt with before he can get out of the square!"

"Move him back to the center!"

The wizards were desperate. It was because I knew well that if I lost my
camp now, my family wouldn't let me live for whatever reason.

Jean calmly checked the position of the wizards.

'Four to the left, six to the center.'

Let's open it like that.

That was all in the square. But if you include it outside the square, that
many times as many wizards will go after Jean.

"Six is rather weaker.'

I had to break through them and get out of the square first. If the
reinforcements were gathered before they were fully mobilized, they could
not escape, and they never wanted to suffer as much as innocent people
were caught up in combat.
Of course, even before revealing his identity, he kept in mind that innocent
people might get caught up in it.

But this was the best.

When there are as many neutral media as possible, as many thirds as

possible, as many witnesses as possible, and as many "assistors" as
possible, the judgment is that the Jipple drinks the water properly.

There was Laney's earnest request.

The death of innocent people is the result of their own request, so please
reveal your identity in the square.

If such a thing happens, it is up to you to take responsibility and sin.

I didn't feel inclined to take the damage of the people as security, but I
didn't refuse.

Because he believed in Luna.

I was worried that innocent people would die or get hurt.….'

Jean glanced at Luna.

'That's not gonna happen. As expected, she's a big sister.'

Under Luna's command, the Looncandel protectors and Hufester's fighters

were swinging their weapons in perfect order.

To their surprise, they were shown to strike out every time a sorcerer's
attack passed the people.

They are guardian knights who came to perform the first, second, and third
flag, called delegations to pay their respects.

Each and every one of them had the level of skill just below the executive
engineer, and most of Hufester's other fighters were distinguished from
their respective families.
"If even one innocent person dies in the Holy Land today, the honor of
Looncandel and Hufester will be put to the ground. Stop, and scatter! There
must be a battle outside the square!"


Guardian knights and Hufester's fighters fiercely protected the people of the
Holy Land as if their families had been attacked.

Because it was a great honor for them to operate with Luna.

A noble white whale;a white whale.

The greatest legend since the Siron and the most coveted name of Hufester's

I also didn't know when I could swing the sword with Luna. It was
impossible to disappoint Luna at this glorious moment.

Luna, on the other hand, had this idea.

"Fortunately, I have read your meaning well, Youngest, judging by your

pleased expression.'

My heart leaped at the thought that I was successfully completing my first

mission as Jin's sword.

She could now imagine Jean Looncandel, no one else leading Looncandel
after her father, unless she was her youngest brother.

Squirt, Chaeng!

Numerous magic tricks were on fire, but they all headed toward the camp as
if they had been chained.

The innocent people were leaving their places in an orderly manner under
Luna's protection, and some reporters risked their lives to stick to the back
of the guardian knights and capture this scene in their notebooks.
"First Class, this is not the time."

Joshua found Luna.

"What is it?"

"Shouldn't we get a backup jockey? "It is said that he violated the laws of
the family, but if a backup rider dies at the hands of the Zipple, the prestige
of the family."

"What does the death of the second rider, the backup rider, have to do with
Looncandel's prestige? The backup jockey himself will have to take care of
his own. His friendship with the Holy Land comes before his safety."

"......then why don't we punish the backup jockey with our hands? It's more
important than keeping the people safe. Please make a careful judgment."

Then there was a great deal of life in Luna's eyes.

"There are no black knights of yours here right now. What do you believe in
me? Keep your attitude straight, unless you want to be disgraced.”

At that moment, Joshua's face faded from the color.

As Luna said, there were no black knights, but in fact, the executive knights
brought in separately were waiting in disguise all over the square.

Therefore, I could go against Luna's command as much as I could.

They'll follow their orders first, no matter what Luna orders.

If that happens, it would be Luna, not herself, who would rather.

But Joshua decided not to complain to Luna anymore.

'I can't stand a moment's humiliation and disgrace the Looncandel, which
will soon be mine. Besides, if I go against my oldest sister, I'll lose the
confidence of other people.'
Ranking war is only in the family. At such an official meeting, Luna's
antagonism with Luna only reduced the dignity of Looncandel.

Luna's arrogant attitude seemed to make her stomach boil, but she didn't
have to be stupid.


Joshua answered in a calm voice.

Although Jin was anxious that he could not take the contract with Solderlet
if it went wrong, turning his head, it seemed that it would not happen.


A shriveled thunderbolt was falling from the dry sky.

Plain eclipse of the Ming Dynasty, the very power that led the public to
misunderstand Barmul as a 'contractor of the Feitel'.

The six wizards blocking the center of the square were falling apart without
even responding properly to the lightning.

It's the power of the Ming dynasty. When you were dealing with me in the
Bluebird Islands, did you show your potential without using that power? It's
going to be difficult unless the mower-level wizards camp out properly.'

It was himself that the prophecy indicated, and there was no way to know
why heaven favored the camp.

Bam! Bam!

Every time lightning struck, the floor of the square burst and stones and
wizards sprang up.

As long as Luna was convinced that she was perfectly protecting the
people, Jean had nothing more to go through.

It was in no time that six wizards lost their lives.

'The Ming sword loves this. Unless you are a genius, you will be easily
beaten when you first go through it."

Of course, the six wizards in the center were the ones who deserved to be
called geniuses in the world. That's why he is working as a wizard from the
Jipple House.

However, he was a genius by Jin's standards. Compared to his former strong

enemies, he was nothing short of smallpox.

"Stay calm! Like dealing with a blitzkrieg wizard! And continue to cast
magic to keep you from getting close!"

The four wizards on the left also belonged to Jin's standards.

They have skillfully narrowed the siege, blocking the lightning's course
with a protective shield.

It also disrupted Jin's vision by transforming various ice-cold magic tricks.

At the moment, it was not easy to catch the lightning strike because of the
ice pillars surrounding him.

It was not a bad idea to trust Hufester's knights and cut down all the
columns with the sword.

There was no need to drag more time in the square in the middle.


Jean pulled the red jades out of her bosom. Whoo-woo! As the Red
Crescent shone, Shree escaped from it.

"What the hell is that...…!”

"Go, a cat?"

At least this time, the gifted wizards also backed away. Anyone who faces a
cat bigger than a carriage for the first time would react like this.
Not to mention that such a cat could even shoot a mana beam with its eyes.


Shree, who jumped up and roared, shot the wizards with a beam. Jin is
taking a leap toward Shuri using the ice pillars laid by the magicians.

At the moment Jin got on Shri's back, the wizards were in a hurry to block
the rays with a protective shield.

It's gentle...!

Shree, who landed lightly on the ground, roared again.

Then the innocent people, who were still standing in confusion, and the
reporters who were desperately looking at all these scenes, collapsed on the
floor. The roar loosened my legs.

The trained fighters were roars controlled to endure.

Are you sure that's Looncandel's backup...…?

Not only the fighters of Hufester, but also the wizards of Jipple, who
managed to survive following the fallen civilians, were all thinking the
same thing.

There is a scene that can only be seen in children's fairy tales.

The road became wide in a moment when all the people of both nations fell.

Shree easily threw himself into the open road. It was moving frantically
fast, but not a single Yang Min was trampled to death by Shri.


asked Shri. Which direction should I run in now?"

Jean pointed to the direction of the mobile gate.

I'm going to the harbor. a mountain of gold bars brought by Jipple Jin's last
plan was to melt all the gold and throw it into the sea and escape there.

It was quick to get to the mobile gate. Zipple's wizards outside the square
couldn't even follow Shree.

As soon as Qin and Shri entered, the loyal subjects of the Holy Land, who
were waiting in advance, opened the gateway.

"Thank you, Confucius Jean. I wish you good luck."

"You too."

And Jean, upon arriving at the port, had to face an unexpected man.

"......Jin? It's Jin!"

a white-haired young man who recognized the gin with his eyes wide open

The next housekeeper of the Jipple, Veradine Zipple.

Veradin also seemed to have just arrived at the port. And behind Veradin.


The gold bars were burning.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 254

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:11 PM

Chapter 254: Episode 78. The feat of a backup rider (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The eyes of Jin, who fell from Shuri's back, also grew significantly.

Why is he coming out of here? And why is the gold bars like this...…?'

The fire that hit the gold bar was huge enough to be called a fire horse.

As the Holy Land is a gold bullion that can be used for decades, the scale of
burning was extraordinary.

Did you do this?

The moment I was about to ask, I heard another familiar voice.

"Dear Veradin! We've caught fire all the way back, now run......uh? Jean?
Are you sure it'sir.

A dwarf physique, a husky voice.

It was Dante Highran. He was initially invisible because he was checking

the back of the gold bar to see if it caught fire well.
"Da, Dante?"

Even Jean had no choice but to stutter when Dante came out.

'No, why do these always pop out of the unthinkable?'

Every time I left the storm, at the foot of Cosmos, in the unknown city of
Samil, even now.

Jean pulled herself together and looked at the two men.

The two of them are already very happy to see their eyes twinkling.

"I see you all here! There must be something between the three of us."

"That's right, that's right. Haha, hee, hoo-hoo. You were having an accident
in Samil at the time, but this time we're having an accident."

"What is the cat anyway? That's very big."

"By the way, you're riding a red grave! How did you get to know this
creature? Uh, it's so nice to see you anyway. Ha ha, ha."

Dante and Veradin pointed at Shri at the same time.

When Jean looked at the two innocent men in front of the burning gold bar,
she felt a headache.

"You guys, you just ran away. Didn't you say something? This fire, did you
guys make it?"

"The ball of Veradine, accurate, fell."

Dante pointed his finger at Veradin. Like a child who is caught in a mistake
is nagging.

"No, you did.”

It was Jean, not Dante, that Veradin, with a straight face, pointed to "nega."
Jean pointed at herself with her index finger, her eyes hop.

"What, me? When did I?"

"Lord Veradin, this guy just got here, right? The fire must be you."

"Well, let's just go with what Jean did. He's a backup for Looncandel
anyway, so if you're saying he's done it...….”


In Dante's pocket, which was about to wave to Veradin, a lump of gold

suddenly fell to the floor.

Jean, who looks up and down alternately at Dante and the fallen gold

"..., child, crazy. You didn't steal a chunk out of here, did you?

"Oh, wrong! I just followed Veradin because he said he would give me

money if he helped him."

"Dante! Did you take the gold bullion behind my back?"

Dante's eyes almost popped out on Veradin's brow.

"Dear Veradin! Why do you keep saying weird things? The fire was on you,
and this is my reward...…!”

a gibberish feast

Jean swallowed a sigh, touching her forehead.

'Yes, Dante, there's no way this godfather could have been possessed by a
piece of gold. And Veradin, this looks a little weird. My eyes were a bit

Veradin looked around in a cold sweat.

Dante grabbed him by the collar and raised his voice, saying, "Why are you
driving him to be a thief?"

"Oh, anyway! I don't know, this should be Jean's. Otherwise we both get in
trouble, Dante!"

"You didn't mention that until you got here!"

"I lost my reason for a moment in anger then!”

"You lost your reason for a moment. The two of us rode that sailboat for
three days while we were coming here. You've been fine all this time. Are
you saying that the image of your family determined to be unforgivable was
all false?”


Veradin twisted himself grotesquely, like a broken spring doll.

"Beradin, you shut up and Dante explain the situation. I'm running out of
time, 'cause I'm about to have jipple wizards coming in.'

"Jin, what the hell does that mean?"

"I'm the one who revealed the whole story of this holy country. I've just
revealed it in the square, and I'm on the run, fighting the wizards of the
Jipple attacking me."

"What, what, so you were a bat?"

"You're a bamel!”

Dante and Veradin thrust their faces close to Jean.

All three were a series of shocks to each other. Jean managed to keep her
cool. It is only for a moment that the situation becomes funny if even
himself joins the march of these fools.
"And by revealing the fact that he's a backup jockey for Looncandel, the
Jipple must kill me. The direction of the escape was intended to wipe out all
the gold bars that Jipple had given the Holy Land."

"Jin, we are meant to be."

Dante clenched his fist with a moved face.

"You and our purpose are the same. Now that Lord Veradin is out of his
mind for a moment, he also asked me for help, saying he could not forgive
my family. The next housekeeper of the Zipple himself is to blame."

In other words, the three had visited the port for the same purpose.

Veradin and Dante were resentful to hear of the situation of the Holy Land
in the newsletter.

And Veradin decided that even though Zipple was his own family, he would
come forward and correct the evils himself.

Jin and Dante, too, were the heirs of the great Ming family, well aware of
how great the choice was.

That's why Dante, the next governor of the Highlands, decided to help
Veradin, though there was a request. Dante was moved by Veradin's

After the incident, his gibberish appearance is being reduced.

"So I don't care if I set the fire of gold bars. I would have done it if it
weren't for you guys anyway."


Veradin fixed his expression and made eye contact with Jean.

"Our wizards attacked you? To cover up the truth, to preserve the prestige
of the family?"
Jean nods her head instead of answering.

Veradin's eyes were dimming.

"And they're coming after you now?"


"You... sons of bitches......without shame. I'll kill them all.”

Veradin's hair began to flutter as if it were fluttering in the wind. It's to

boost mana.

Eight stars.

Or more.

Jean, who gauged Veradin's mana, swallowed a breath into her heart.

'When did you get this strong? In his previous life, he was known to be 9 in
his 30s.'

Jean has thought that Veradin's power remains in the seventh star. Since he
is a monster who performs super-simultaneous singing, he is better than
other eight-star wizards.

But it wasn't. The mana that began to fluctuate from Veradin now was
almost nine stars at first glance.

"Calm down, Veradine."

"The prestige of the family? That's important. How many innocent people
are you trying to kill?”

Suddenly, I remembered the day I first met Veradin.

......well, good. That's great, but I'd like to give you some advice as a senior
in a similar situation. Don't cut your fingers if you meet another jiffle later
and experience something rather unpleasant. Wouldn't each family be too

That's a funny joke, Veradin Zipple.

Well, why? If we and Looncandel fight bloodily whenever there's a minor

problem, the world won't be left alone. I meant to ask you to think about the
people who are suffering from war.

At that time, Jin had a conversation while trying to cut Veradin's finger off
inside the gateway to the Meitel Kingdom.

'I always thought Veradin was an unknown person. The next housekeeper
thought that he would not know about the evil deeds of the Zipple."

But now Veradin really didn't know about Zipple's misdeeds.

It's just that his behavior is unique, and perhaps Veradin is a far cry from the
"zipple" he knows.

"Do you know what this gold bullion means, Jean? This means that if we
don't let this go, we will make the Holy Land poor for decades. It means
starving more than a million people to death."

Now Veradin was again showing Dante being moved.

Jean seemed to know why he went back and forth like this.

'You must be afraid.'

It was Veradin's condition to be angry at the family's misdeeds, but on the

one hand, shuddering at the fear of future events.

However, anger once again beat fear at the sound of Zipple's wizards
attacking Jean.

To be exact, the fact that Jean was attacked left nothing but anger in
Veradin's head now. Reason and other emotions have disappeared.
If Jin made this choice in the same situation.

Looncandel will maim the camp and banish it from the family, regardless of
the reason.

At a time when the whole family is desperately moving to protect its power,
it was impossible for a succession to overturn the situation under the
influence of justice.

"I know. That's why I'm trying to deal with the gold bars even after I
revealed my identity."

"But how can I calm down!"

"It's different when I step up and you step up. As a third party, I will give
the Holy Land a cause to refuse gold and run away. And you? If you kill the
wizards that come here with your own hands, what next?"

"My father will understand my will."

"I don't know what to say, but your brother. Carl Zipple also died at the
hands of an assassin sent by your father. Carl, the owner of the four-horse
tower, was used as bait to call me out. I wonder if you's you.….”

It's a fire! The gold!

I'm sure he set it on fire. Catch him, surely!

Suddenly someone's cry came from afar.

The sorceresses who followed Jean, they arrived at the port.

"Stop. Jean, Dante. You guys go first. Those things I stop."

Veradin said in a low voice. Mana was forming a new fire in his hands.

Unlike in Samil, the first type of rock salt and salt, the ceremony was
completed perfectly.
"Princess Veradine."

"It's been a pleasure."


Jean sighed.

Is it like a late adolescence? I understand how you feel, but it's enough to
make a mistake in anger. It's not some kind of fire moth.'

Jin thought there were many ways to end the situation more efficiently and

"Okay, we'll get out first, Veradin."

"Jin! If only we run away, Lord Veradin!"

Dante turned his head and shouted.

"However, you lost heroically trying to stop me."


Jean's right fist stuck right into Veradin's chin.


Bam! The next front kick is veradin, who vomits blood and falls forward.
Jean stepped on the back of the fallen Beradin once more, and even
completely crushed his head into the dirt floor.

A sudden attack led to a rapid mana reflux.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. There was a sound of Veradin biting the blood.

"Gee, Jean?"

"You don't want to see this guy go wrong. Come here, too."
Jean wrapped Dante like a bojagi with her own robe.

"Even if it stings a little, keep your mouth shut until I give you the signal.
Shri, bite."

As Jean climbed back to her back, Shri took Dante in her mouth.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 255

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:09 PM

Chapter 255: Episode 78. The feat of a backup rider (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Thanks to his small size, he could easily wrap himself with a robe. It would
have been too much to hide shoes even if they were about the size of an
average adult male.


I just heard something stabbing....I'm under the illusion.'

You can't take Dante out again even if you're not mistaken.

Jean looked down at the fallen veradine. The appearance of twitching

convulsions seemed about to faint.

The best number to break through the siege of the Jipple Wizards was to use
Veradin as a hostage.

But if he carried Veradin like a flag and forced the wizards to step down,
what he suffered would be an "official record."

Countless reporters will see the scene.

Veradin's fainting had to remain only the information inside the Zipple. If
After you've been beaten up like this, you're not going to make a fuss in the
family again. Even if you die, do as you please. I thought it was Dante's, not

The two were not close for no reason. Dante and Veradin were the ones who
risked their lives on fiery beliefs rather than efficient choices.

Full of...!

Gold bars were melting down as the flames continued to intensify. The
molten gold flowed toward the sea, not toward the fallen veradine.

"It's him!"

"We found Jean Looncandel!"

The wizards turned their eyes to Jean in unison to Jean.

But contrary to the urgent voice, it was not as flustered as before.

Some of them set up protective shields upwards in preparation for the Ming
sword, while others camped out in preparation for the well-matched attack

Jipple's wizard is aiming for him as many as twenty, but he is not nervous.

It was because he no longer had to hide the fact that he was a "horse
prosecutor," as he revealed his identity and the alias of Barmel in the

Of course, in the future, Jipple was able to put pressure on Looncandel,

citing the poison.

But Chin thought:

'That's the family's business.'

If Looncandel had judged that he was not capable enough, he would not
have revealed his identity in today's square.
No, he wouldn't have even set a goal of becoming a housekeeper after
returning from the first place.


Mana gathered in Jean's palm. The wizards of the Zipple did not miss the
sight of the mana scattered in the atmosphere being purified in an instant
and gathering in the hands of the Qin.

But I couldn't believe it even with my eyes.

"Magic? You've gathered that kind of mana?"

said the chief wizard with astonishment.

It was no different reason for his embarrassment. It was because Jin did not
just "collect" mana.

Even the wizards, who had been hearing the sounds of geniuses until they
entered the Giffle, were drinking so fast that they were surprised.

Mana much more pure than even the wizards of the Jipple.

They have thought that this level of mana operation can only be seen in
pure blood jipples.

But Looncandel, the young backup rider!

"Attack launch!"

The wizard shouted, clenched his teeth. I don't know what the goddamn
Looncandel did, but I don't know.

It was terrible to imagine Looncandel performing magic above them.

As soon as his horse fell, a bundle of rays was fired from the wands of the
wizards. Shri twisted her body with her eyes shining.
Shaak! Jump from side to side to avoid the mana rays, and claws off the
things that cannot be avoided.

The wizards continued their next magic with this degree of calm

An elemental system of magic was pouring in, including lightning calls,

flame barriers and freezing prisons. Shree can't stay on the ground for a
while trying to avoid it all.

'And they're even preparing a settlement.'

In Jean's view, the Jipple wizards were responding well to themselves.

Despite its numerical superiority, it calmly chose the orthodox method to

erase the variables, and three or more elemental spells pressed the gin
harmoniously without being wasted.

But that's it.

They are not able to calculate the unexpectedness that only "real geniuses"

It was only natural. They could not imagine that they were not geniuses or
that Jean had magical insights that far overwhelmed them.


Shree leaped high to avoid the sudden eruption of flames from the floor.

As if they were aiming for this, the jipple wizards held their sticks together
and aimed at Shri.

Ten people, except for those who spread the shield, were singing the same
magic, as they did when they first shot the mana beam.

"Tear it apart!"

Hell wind, eight-star wind system attack magic essence.

An artificially formed opaque wind was flooding into Shri and Jin. The
orbits were difficult to predict because of the sharp, fuzzy shape of the
blade around Orser.

Above all, it was impossible for Shri to avoid it because she had no land to

'Because of the range, you can't miss it, and it's hard to beat it with a sword,
so of course you chose this.'

However, it was also the development Jean wanted that the Jipple wizards
fired hell winds.


Just before the hell wind reached, a small crack formed in the air above Jin's

It was a crack for the formation of a sphere in the station stream. If the
mana fluctuates and causes a whirlpool, the crack will grow and become a
sphere of the Yeokcheon Stream.

Nine-star horsepower is needed to make a complete turnaround, but Jin has

usually carried out an incomplete reverse with seven-star horsepower.

But now Jean was not trying to turn the tables on her own mana.

Ten hell winds devoured Shree. The hellish mana was mixed up, and Shuri's
falling scene was completely hidden.

Sweep, swag, roar!

But what came to the wizards was not the sound of Shree's flesh and bones
being cut and cut, but the strange noise. as if the mana of hell is being
divided by something like a saw.

It was an extremely short moment, but the wizards instinctively felt

something was wrong.

Shri and Jin, who landed on the ground, looked fine without a single

And less than a second later, the first crack that had spread to create the
reverse was forming the largest sphere ever developed by the camp.

For wizards, it feels like the sky is covered.


It also caused grotesque binge drinking like the roar of a demon.

For a moment, as soon as the wizards understood what happened, Jin

released the backflow that had been unfolded in the air with "simultaneous

You can use the least amount of mana to activate it.

It changed the direction of the hellish wind that gathered by swinging back
the backflow that was floated in the same time as a shield.

Thanks to this, the hell wind was sucked into the cracks of the stream, and it
became the driving force for the stream to fully unfold.

It's to absorb the hell wind and give it back to the Jipple Wizards.

Although Yeokcheon, which was more than nine-star power, was started,
the only mana Jin used was one reverse flow width.

Of course, for the majority of wizards, not Jin, it was an area that was "only
theoretically" possible.

At least five new gods were included in the station stream that Jin had just
opened in the air.

The speed at which Yeokcheon's formula can be completed in just a few

seconds, the trick to see the number of opponents clearly, the simultaneous
mortuary, and the sophisticated control ability to pick a magic starting point
on a moving vehicle.

And in a situation where failure can kill you as much as you want, the
confidence to achieve it all without wavering.

"This is how magic should be written."

A stream of blood flowed from Jean's smiling mouth.

The reverse flow did not start due to excessive mana operation. When the
backflow was swung like a shield, the reactionary that prevented the hell
wind only hit the chin on my forearm.

I felt a tingling sensation in my mouth.

In other words, except for that, there was no damage to Jin.

"Power protection, ma'am!"

The team leader, who first figured out the situation, shouted like a madman.

About half of the wizards didn't even know what happened until then.

The level of understanding 'magic' is different.

The team leader was looking at Jean and thinking like that.

If Jin had such a talent and had known that he had learned to draw, he
would have responded differently.

The wizard of Jipple, if not the elite or the express, was twenty-one. How
could they have expected to lose the battle of magic?

To the reserve rider of Looncandel, less than twenty.

Yeokcheon, which has absorbed all the mana of the hell wind, began to suck
it up in earnest.

The protective shield, which was the first to prepare for Pluto's sword, was
crumbling. The offensive team was opening a new shield, but the urgent
mortuary was always poison to the sorcerer.


There were already a number of wizards in the backflow. It was too much
for talented people to open their shields right after they performed a magic
trick like a hell wind.

The moment the hell wind was absorbed by the backwater, the defeat of the
Jipple wizards was already a set step.

"You shouldn't have opened the shield, but you should have thought of
turning off the mana and running away. If we were lucky, we could have
survived at least one."

I've never felt inferior or defeated to Runkandel's brothers and knights in

my previous life.

I've never felt envious of the wizards of Gipple.

At that time, Jin started magic at the age of 25, and reached five in three
years, so he didn't have to be intimidated by the talented.

Although he had similar feelings for Veradin, he thought he could have

overcome it if he had started magic early.

And the idea has become a reality now. Veradin became the only person in
Gipple who liked him.


Sigmund escaped the search. The moment the blade glistened in the sun, the
wizards felt like death row inmates.
There is no means of resisting the threat of reverse.

"Drop it, Shree."

Shree lowered his posture and ran forward like an arrow.

Wizards who had not yet fallen into the backflow launched a check attack,
but they were only cut like leaves by Jin's sword with brain.

From now on, it was not a fight but a massacre.

Of course, Jean had no intention of keeping a single person alive.

"There's no personal feeling, resent that you belong to the Zipple."

"Nenoohoohm... ...! Zipple, surely, will kill you!'

"Fortunately, it would have been more disappointing if I had begged for


Squirt! Took.

Every time Jean swung a sword, the wizards' bodies fell on the floor like a
broken doll.

And just arriving at the port, a group of reporters covered their mouths at
the sight.

"What the hell is going on?….”

The Golden Castle of the Jipple, which is being burned and melted.

And Jean, who is killing the wizards of the Jipple in front of him.

From evening on, the world will be covered with articles about him.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 256

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:07 PM

Chapter 256: Episode 78. The feat of a backup rider (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

After killing all the wizards, he immediately left the harbor. Then he
deliberately turned around a few alleys to confuse the chase, and threw
himself into the sea in search of a previously seen cliff.



As soon as he reached the sea, Shree made a cheerful cry. It meant that
there were no closer pursuers. He wiped the sweat off his forehead by
picking out breaths.

"You may come out now, Dante."

Jean pulled Dante out of Shri's mouth.

As soon as he untied the lobes that were winding Dante, Jean was left to be

'What kind of blood... ..was stabbed in Shree's tooth earlier.'

In addition to the inside of the robe, Dante was literally wet with blood. I
wonder if Dante Ilsun is dead.
"It's all right...'s all right?"

"It's all right, haha."

"There's a hole in your shoulder. I'm sorry."

"Oh, that's a little deep. Well, the beast did it. There must have been no

Jean shrugged out a healing resin. Dante, who roughly cleans blood with
seawater and applies resin. His whole body was stained with a training scar.

'Beradin said something similar when Murakhan scratched him at the

Meitel transit gate. These things, I thought they were completely different,
but they're very similar.'



"What are you going to do now?"

asked Dante anxiously. It was wrapped in a robe, but Dante also recognized
that Jean had killed the wizards.

The fact that he used magic. Dante did not know the oaths of Jipple and
Looncandel, but he knew that Looncandel strictly forbade magic.

"Well, we'll just have to run away for now. It's too early to be completely
relieved. What were you going to do? You didn't think you could set fire to
gold and run away with that sailboat."

"Well... ...I was thinking of it."

The sailboat Dante and Veradin had come aboard was not a thing worthy of
escape from the pursuit of the Zipple.

"You two would have been in big trouble if you hadn't met me today.
Veradin would have died at my father's hands, and Hylan would have
suffered tremendous damage because of you.”

When Jin hit his back, Shree picked up the speed of swimming.

"Well, I wasn't in a position to ask you what you were going to do now. At
first, I was impressed by Veradin's determination, but it was foolish to think
about it. But it's a new set of blood compared to you."

a smirk

Two people burst into laughter at the same time.

"I'm worried about Lord Veradin."

Soon Dante smiled bitterly.

"I'm not going to die, that's a theory. I controlled it in moderation and hit

"That's not what I meant."

"You're afraid you'll go back to your family and make a fuss? Don't tell me,
you don't know why I knocked him out."

"I don't mean it either. Veradin, he's......and neither did I, but he seemed to
have no idea what Zipple had done."

There was a moment of silence.

"Of course there's no such thing as a family that doesn't dust off, but the
Zipple went too far. I was actually suspicious of him. Veradin's going to be
involved in some of Zipple's misdeeds."

"Do you still think so?"


"What do you think will happen in the future?"

Jean made eye contact with Dante.

"I think Veradin has only two futures left. To be banished against a family,
or to give in to a family because of a broken will. Maybe he'll be killed like
Carl Zipple, not exiled."

veradine of previous life

He was a nine-star wizard at the age of thirty, and was also known as the
next lyricist of the Jipple.

Young wizards were admired by everyone, and their personalities were also
excellent, so they were truly loved by the public.

However, it was all an issue that was known only by external information in
the newsletter.

'What kind of person was Veradin at the time?'

The next generation of just and brilliant jipple.

Was the image known to the public really his true self?

Or, in fact, he's succumbing to the family, but he's wearing a good lookout.

Jean was spending a completely different teenager in her previous life. In

his previous life, he was treated as a scum by his family as he failed to
achieve even a single stroke of swordsmanship.

But now he has become a backup jockey and is wandering the world.

Including today's events, there have been several incidents that could turn
the world upside down, and some have learned about the wonders of the
gods, the behind-the-scenes of each power, and the truth of the people
around them.

And I made friends that I might call friends. One of them, Jean, was
insinuating to distance herself from Veradin.
It was due to the fate of Looncandel and Jipple. Dante thought that one day
Veradin and Veradin had no choice but to point swords at each other.

This was especially true after Andrei Zipple's use of "massin stones" and
his understanding of "living experiments."

Whether Veradin wanted it or not. In the end, he thought he had no choice

but to become a sympathizer.

But it wasn't.

Veradin set fire to the gold, saying he was ashamed of the jipple.

He was ready to die and tried to kill his family's wizards, and the biggest
reason behind the impulsive decision was the fact that his friend, who
revealed all these truths, had been attacked.

"You shouldn't let that happen."

Jean said, Dante smacked his big eyes.

I thought Jin would give a more cool answer.

By the way, I don't think it's a bad idea to just become an ally after all the
fighting. We'll just play fair and square, and we'll get along.….

I've never dreamed that the next singer of Gipple would tell such a mellow

On the last night in the arena, when the three of us were tilting our glasses.

I'm afraid there's something hard to explain to Jean, Veradine. You'd better
stop asking the question.

You're always drawing a line on us!

Haven't you ever thought it was weird for you guys who don't draw too
much line?
It was the same when we left Samil, an unknown city, and spent about two
days together.

But now Jean was saying Veradin 'cannot be left alone.'

"What are you so surprised about?”

"No... Hmm! Nothing. However, it is somewhat strange for you to say that
you must save the ball of Veradin."

"Let's get to Veradin's idea for now, so let's go there."


"Agit. Shree, speed up. By the way, why did you need money? When the
gold bars came out of your pocket earlier, I was a little freaked out. Is there
any need for the next Highlander to take care of a little gold bullion?"

"Oh, well....”

Dante hesitated and continued the back talk.

"Not long ago, I accidentally broke one of your grandfather's favorite

pottery. I don't know about anything else, but he cares about ceramics as
much as your was necessary to restore it before my grandfather
knew it. The cost of recruiting the Master Recovery Wizard is very high.”


Ron's love of pottery was a famous story among the uninhabited. Some
even said that if you want to make friends with Hai Ran, you should win the
favor of pottery craftsmen of the Mila Kingdom.

"It's a shameful story. Well, that's why I'

As the next housekeeper, you can't just drag money out of the family, and if
you spend too much money all of a sudden, you'll get a report from Ron.

"You want me to lend you some money?"

To Dante, who nods his head.


"You are the only one!"

Six hours to cross the sea and move forward.

Fortunately, the pursuers never found them.

The sea where the sun was out was dark without a lighthouse, and only
Dante's eyes were shining brightly.


January 1, 1798.

The new year has dawned.

On New Year's Day, it's common for loved ones to get together to celebrate
each other's New Year's Day, to welcome the first sun rising with their
lovers, or to sleep well as it's a holiday.….

This man, guardian knight Khan, was covered in the blood, intestines and
bone fragments of a demon, as he did on the first day of 1796.

The speed at which mana was cut was unusual.

He was driving in the middle of the Black Sea three nights and three nights
without even taking a short break. With an anxious look all the way


Siron had been feeling Khan approaching for a while, but only after Khan
had such a poor voice did he slowly open his closed eyes.

"You look impatient. What's the matter?"

"The youngest master ended up in an accident!"

Surprisingly, Ciron nodded calmly.

As if he had been expecting it to some extent.

It was not Kashmir's letter, but a bundle of newsletters that Khan politely
took out of his arms.

Runkandel's reserve rider, take down Jipple's Golden Castle!

Who are the unidentified strains of Looncandel and Jean Looncandel who
use magic and brain organs?

The youngest member of the gang revealed the bare face of justice and
about a great evil named Jipple.

Jipple and Kinselo's bio-golem experiments, they were clearly preparing for

Will the first Looncandel of the 1700s, who violated the strict laws of the
reserve jockey, tolerate this situation?

Lani Salome, who mentioned Jean Looncandel as a "friend" three times at

King Seong's coronation...….

However, he announced that he would send a regular message to

Looncandel, saying that he would continue to be completely closed for the
time being except for the time being. The triumph of the backup rider!

The newsletter was plastered with such articles.

Siron, who was still looking at the articles, had a meaningful look on his

"You've hit it hard.”

"Sir Rosa urgently called the riders. He said he would wait for your
judgment, but he was about to release his riders and bring the youngest
master to his feet."

The newsletters on the magic federal side of Rutero, which Khan followed,
had a completely different atmosphere.

Kellyak Zipple and Looncandel declare that they will be held responsible.

Zipple says it will not supply life magic products to the Hufester Union in
the future. It will remain in effect until Looncandel sends Jean Looncandel.

As of today, the world's most wanted man on Jean Looncandel, Zipple, has
offered a reward of 100 million gold coins and a lifetime of close

The subjects of the biopsy are not Jipple, but Kinselo, the alliance with
Jipple, the factless, the malicious instigation of Looncandel!

A reserve rider of the ruling party threatens the peace of the world by
announcing a statement that he will fight all-out war with the Roonkandel.

A faint smile hung around the mouth of Siron, who looked through the
Rutero Magic Federal newsletter.

"That's a feat."

Khan bowed his head and waited for the next horse.

"When I sent him out to build his reputation, he raised not only himself but
also Looncandel's reputation, and Jipple's reputation has been tarnished to
the bottom, so it's worth calling it a feat."

a sigh of relief in one's mind

No matter how much his opinion is devoted to him, he cares about it. I
didn't think it would cover up such a big accident.

But at the next word of the Siron, Khan had no choice but to feel disturbed.

"But apart from that, the youngest was always responsible. Khan."
"Yes, my lord."

"Give the youngest a special wanted order. As of now, it is the duty of all
riders, former guardian knights and former cadets to find the youngest. If an
outsider brings it, promise 300 million gold coins and absolute protection of
Looncandel, and announce that it doesn't matter if it's a corpse."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 257

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:05 PM

Chapter 257: Episode 79. The Thought of Rich and Poor

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The families of the two large families came forward and offered a reward of
300 million won and 100 million won, respectively.

It was the first time since civilization began to pay a bounty of billions of
won. The "Sungguk incident" was stirring up another round of the already
noisy world on a wanted list.

Special mercenaries such as the Black Royal Army and the Ghosts have
launched their own searches, while mercenaries below have formed an

Even the regular army and knights of the small and medium-sized
kingdoms were eager to find the camp. It was a natural phenomenon, as 300
million won in gold is money that could create a nation's economy.

But their pursuit was nothing.

The two big families, Looncandel and Zipple, were searching the camp
most fiercely.

Thousands of guardian knights, wizards, subordinate soldiers and allied

families are setting up a tracking group to find the camp.
"Sir...... I'm not sure you'll be okay."

Gilly sighed. In front of her was a wanted letter from the reserve rider Jean

Her colleagues, including her, were all gathering in Tikan to watch the

The promises Jin had received from Ciron in the past still worked. The very
promise that no one in Looncandel can step on the Tikan land without
Jean's permission.

Thanks to this, the Looncandel guardians did not visit Tikan in person, but
about fifty people were waiting near Tikan.

On the other hand, Jipple's wizards have already combed Tikan like a tooth.

They searched records of mobile gates around the world to find out all the
routes used by "Jin Gray" and "Bamel," and inferred the fact that Jin was
based in Tikan.

Of course, the jipple went back with nothing but bluffing. Ignoring the fact
that Tikan was a neutral force, he searched the interior of Kashmir's
mansion like a clamor, but could not find the camp.

Because Jean was not in Tikan.

"It'll be all right. Don't worry too much, strawberry pie."

Looking at Gilly, who nodded helplessly, Murakhan crumpled his face.

I didn't mean to show any signs of discomfort, but I literally crumpled my

face in this shape and that shape to make her laugh.


"Yes, don't just keep on crying over such a little fellow and laugh like that.
You look good."
When Gilly couldn't stand it and burst into laughter, Murakan smiled.

Star crazy... is that funny?'

Veris, who watched the figure still, frowned as she cursed inwardly.

And Kuzan, surprisingly, crumpled his face around Berry's, following


Big! Looking at Berry's barely holding back her laughter, this time Julian
had a similar thought.

'Kuzan, Veris. Crazy guys are having fun.'

But Julian also had no choice but to smile unconsciously when Yuria
approached and poked her in the ribs.

So to speak, the world was full of campers, but Tikan was quite peaceful.

Until just yesterday, he had been plagued by visits by all kinds of forces.

"You've just become a big shot, Confucius Jean. He became the most
famous person in the world.”

Kashmir swept his head off with a tired face.

"No matter how thoroughly the jipple wizards comb through my safe
houses......I'm sick of it."

"But thanks to all of that, for the time being, the Jipple side has no choice
but to be wary of us. You've been searching other people's houses without
justification or confirmation.”

said Alisa, hitting Kashmir on the shoulder.

It is true that Jin stayed here, but there was not much justification for Jipple
to search for Tikan, a neutral force.
As Alisa said, Jipple could not come to Tikan for a while. No matter how
much Jipple it was, it was impossible to control the neutral forces outside
the magic federation.

"I was surprised when the Vision Guards came."

This time it was Enya. Quikantel next to him also nodded.

Beacon did not scour Tikan as thoroughly as a jipple, but the two were still
Beimant's unofficial wanted men.

In particular, as the name Jean Gray was revealed to the world, Beacon was
even tracking the identity of Austin Gray, an alias used by Enya during the
Dark Wizardry Residences.

But the three Academy cadets, whom Jin and Enya played like their
subordinates at the time, Chip, Maura and Aurel, were still not telling
Beemment that Austin was Enya.

Thanks to him, Beacon didn't search Tikan as roughly as a jipple.

"Oh, my God, but where did Looncandel not come? If it were Looncandel,
it wouldn't have been a mess to beat, dig, flip."

Jet shrugged back.

"But I don't know Sir Siron's mind at all. Didn't you think you were too
weak? I'm sure he's condoning most of it, and he's still keeping Tikan and
Looncandel from touching it, but I never thought he'd suddenly be wanted
for 300 million gold coins.”

Jet seemed very upset about the fact.

"If you're curious, why don't you go and argue?"

"Hen, this jet. I can ask you any questions if you can take me to Lord
Xiron's Black Sea.”
"Is that crazy, who's going to whom? And you can't open your eyes and
breathe when you stand in front of Zion. Pressed by energy."

"No, is Mr. Murakhan not sad? Of course I thought Sir Ciron would take
care of us. But now that Looncandel is on the verge of killing me more than
the Zipple, I'm so sick!"

"It must have been done by the boy's father because he had an idea. I told
you yesterday.”

"What the hell are you thinking? Well, I have a son, too. I would never do

"Oh, yeah. I know how you feel, but...You're taking it out on me, aren't
you? Hey, Mimul. How do you manage your kids?”

"But I agree with Mr. Jet! How do I live when Confucius, who lost at least
one, gets caught by bounty hunters or Looncandel?"

As Enya shouted, Murakhan opened his eyes wide.

"No, why can't you live?"

"For me, the true Confucius is like light, life, and life. A world without
Confucius is worthless just to imagine. I can't do this, Mr. Jet! Let's go and
argue with Sir Ciron."



Soon Enya and Zet met hands and left the room.

Murakhan kicked his tongue looking at their backs, and the rest of his
colleagues were in a huffy mood. Quikantel breathed a deep sigh.

Of course, it didn't happen that two people went directly to Ciron. The two
were to go to Latri's cookie shop and drink cookies and tea, talking behind
the scenes as much as they could.


The argument scratched the ear. The sense of self-reflection has proven so
far, and when my ears are itchy, loud customers always come.


Mott the eyelid opened the portal.


One person who, unlike Enya or Jet, can really come to Ciron to argue.

As soon as he saw Siron, he raised his voice.

"My ears are going deaf.”

"I'm going to melt the soy sauce! What the hell are you doing? My position,
no. Don't you think about my daughter's position?”

She's not even engaged, let alone married, but she's in her shoes. It was
ridiculous, but Ciron closed his eyes and did not answer back. Looking
back, Talaris was originally this kind of person.

"Siron, think carefully. You don't know how bad public opinion is for
killing his son, Carl Zipple."

"The situation in Zipple and Looncandel is different, Talaris."

"You don't think Jean's done any harm to Looncandel, do you? I've only
given them a lot of benefits. But I can't give you a prize, but you're wanted?
Except he broke his vows, there's plenty of justification for him.”

Bo-Ong, Bo-Ong! Mott also burst into wild tears as if he knew Talaris's sad
feelings. However, when the poet looked at her, she turned her eyes to one
side and looked at her.
"It's an issue that has already been decided. There's no reversal.”

"My God, are you really going to kill Jean?”

"Of course."

an answer without hesitation

Talaris tried to scream, and took out a cigarette from his bosom and asked.
Then, after burning all the cigarettes in one breath, he bit a new one.

Talaris, who finished five cigarettes in such a short time, stared at Ciron.

"Siron, did you happen to have been eaten up by Chaos while fighting the
kings of the Black Sea? After I got to the level of self-belief, I felt like I
was losing my humanity, but......not this one. We can't do this without going

Tsurrung... ...

Ice gathered in Talaris' right hand, forming a sword.

Manbing, it was the new sword that chose her.

"What are you thinking?"

"If you were really sunk in chaos, as the master of Manbing. And I can't just
watch as a friend. While counting to three, give me the assurance that you're
fine. If not, I'll cut it."

One, two... ...

Siron, who was watching Talarius, smiled faintly.

"You haven't forgotten your promise. Take the sword, Talaris. Your
prediction is wrong.”

The conversation so far was a test of a poetic argument towards Talarias.

Talaris' summoning of Manbing was also a gambler to hear the truth of
Siron. If he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to give himself a hint as a
"foreigner" no matter how much his friends would do.

She also kept in mind the possibility that the theory was really eroded by

a thalaris gathering ice

Behind her, the earth in the middle of the Black Sea was frozen in a huge
fan shape. Her power was frozen in such a vast area that her eyes could
hardly follow.

"You don't know where the charming Looncandel's lion is going, and how
only such an eccentric old man is left. Yeah, tell me now. What the hell is
your intention?"


"My father gave me another chance.”

"How can you interpret that? You've got a piece of your mind, too.
Looncandel, like Zipple, has been wanted by your father himself. It can't be
a simple show-off."

Dante replied, putting down the newsletter.

"Even if I hide you from my own family, I'm not confident I won't be seen
for more than two months. Here, Lord Veradin's villa will be the same."

If Looncandel and Zipple put all their efforts together at the same time,
there was by far no one in the world who could not find them. Everywhere
in the world you hide, you're bound to catch your tail.

Furthermore, there was no hope for a famous person like Jin.

"That's right, if you get caught, you'll never survive. as far as I can tell On
the contrary, if I don't get caught for more than a year and go back to my
feet, my reputation will pierce the sky, and I will be a backup jockey who
has been fooling around from Jipple to Looncandel.”

It's a disgrace that Jin made fun of Jipple.

It was disgraceful that the Looncandel was played by Jin, and ironically, the
honor of the family was high.

"......that Lord Xiron will seek for you?"

"You won't be wanted for the reserve jockey Jean Luncandel. But there was
no wanted order for the rider Jean Looncandel in the first place.”

"Huh...... I think you'll make it somehow, but I honestly don't know. Are
you sure you're confident you'll survive a year or more from Looncandel
and Zipple?”

It was impossible, even if it were Jean, to hide in the hands of the people.
However, the story was different if it were the land where his story was

'My father knows I'm going to hide in Laparosa. Because you would have
been briefed by Lord Kashmir.'

There was no need to tell Dante even that.

As soon as I was about to answer with a smile, I could see the villa's
exclusive mobile door shining through the window.


Jean and Dante lowered themselves close to the window.

It was because it was not Veradin that escaped from that mobile gateway,
but it was not that there was no possibility that it was any other zipple.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 258

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:04 PM

Chapter 258: Episode 80. Veradin's Memories

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was one person who got out of the mobile gate. But I couldn't identify my
face accurately by wearing a mask on my hood.

"I don't think it's Veradin."

"As far as I can tell."

Jean and Dante said.

Even though his face was not visible, his body shape was completely
different. The man who had escaped the mobile gate had long been in a
disciplined warrior's body.

Moreover, he wore a long sword around his waist, so it could not have been

It's my villa address. Everything that happens here is never monitored by

the family, never involved.

I'll let the butler know their names and make sure they don't have a problem
finding them anytime.

I remembered what Veradin said, giving me the address here.

"Oh, are you a butler? When I first came here, there was no one."

As Dante said, the two have yet to meet the character "butler." When I came
to the villa, there was no one, and the door was locked, so I tore it open and
waited for Veradin for three days.

"You're a little strong to be a butler."

"That's true."

The eyes of the mask touched the broken gate.

Shoot him.......

With the sound of the waves indifferent, the mask pierced for a long time to
examine the broken gate. Apparently something was displeased, and the
two somehow became heavy-hearted.


Soon, the mask pulled out a long sword.

"You seem to think there's an intruder."

"Oh, why don't you go out and be honest?"

"If that mask isn't Veradin's, it's right to kill or subdue it. You don't know,
but I'm in trouble if I get caught now."

We could not rule out the possibility that the mask was the sewage of the

He picked Jindo Bradamante and triggered Multa's run. Dante had been torn
for a while, then tore up the lobes to make masks and follow behind Jean.

The two men, carefully out of the corridor, settled down. Hiding at the
entrance of the room on the left and right sides of the hall, respectively.
Soon I began to feel the presence of the mask. He was walking in the hall in
a deadly spirit, as opposed to the two men who had killed their spirits.

As soon as the mask was about to pass in front of the room where the camp
was located.

The hiding gin came upon him. Jean skillfully grabbed the back of the mask
and held the blade against his neck, and at the same time dropped the sword
held by Dante, who ran at the same time.

"Don't yell. You can live by answering only questions."

sheer perfect subjugation

But Jean was feeling a strange sense of incompatibility. The mask seemed
to have never lost its composure, even though the blade of the knife touched
its neck.

"Who are you?"

The mask did not answer.

"Don't make me ask the same question again. It's your last chance. You're

The moment Jin tries to continue his threat again.


Suddenly the mask's body disappeared.

To be exact, what forms his body has turned into 'water'. Therefore, Jean,
who was tightening the sword around his neck, was disorganized, and
Dante looked around in astonishment.

It's a dragon!

I realized it intuitively.
The mask is the dragon, especially the dragon of the god of water,

More than 80% of dragons working in Inse were in a situation with Zipple.
Then the Water Dragon you've just met must also be the servant of the

The Water Dragon, which turned into water, was already flowing toward the
end of the corridor.

Jean and Dante, hurrying after him. Dante knew that even if Jean didn't
explain, he shouldn't let that dragon run away.

However, their worries were groundless.

"I've never seen such bold men before. Veradin deserves attention."

Before he knew it, the Water Dragon shrugged, forming a human figure
again at the end of the corridor.

"Stop coming at me, I thought you were an intruder and I was just trying to
kill you.”

Jean and Dante looked at each other.

"......what brings you here? Did Veradin send it?”

The Water Dragon nodded as Qin saluted with a bayonet.

"What, should I say it's from Veradin? I'm the butler here. Don't look at me
so strangely. Is there a law that says dragons should not be butlers?"

"I didn't say anything. I've never seen it with strange eyes.”

"Really? Then that's enough."

The Water Dragon took off its mask.

She had a fine face that didn't match her swollen muscles at all. I could
even believe it was a woman when I saw her face because of her flapping
blue hair that reached her shoulders.

'You mean Veradin was a contractor for Itelmione?'

At the moment, my mind was confused.

I never thought Veradin was a contractor of God. In his previous life, he

was only known as nine-star, but he was never found to be a contractor.

'And the Ethelmione contractor wasn't in my previous life.'

Of course, Jean couldn't have known everything. Back then, he didn't even
have an information organization like the Seven Colors, so access to
undisclosed information was limited.

Above all, Veradin was a contractor. Come to think of it, there was nothing
surprising. The Jipple is the family with the most contractors, and the
contract with God is usually determined by 'talents and potential'.

Veradin is the most talented of the second generation of Zipple, so it was

only natural that he was a contractor.

"My name is Tuyan. Looks like you're Jean Luncandel and Dante Hailan.
Nice to meet you."

[Tuyan, I think there's an intruder!]]

Before Jean could answer, a new presence suddenly appeared outside the

The dragon, who called the Water Dragon Tuyan friendly, lowered his long
neck and looked down at the two with his head in front of the hall.

[Oh, aren't those kids Veradin told you about?]

"That's right, Pinia."

[Did you say Jean Looncandel and Dante Highran?] Nice to meet you guys!
I've missed you at least once.]

Pinia turned into a human and smiled broadly.

She was a ji-ryong of the god of the earth, Rikta.

At this point, even Jin could not help but be embarrassed. Dante looks at Jin
and the dragons alternately, completely bewildered.

"You're here to see Veradin?”

asked Pinia as she approached the gunshot.


"Maybe he'll be here in an hour. We have some things to prepare until he

comes, so take a rest in the drawing room. By the way, did you break the

As the two nodded, Pinia sighed.

"Next time, there's a key under the big rock at the entrance, so if you don't
have us or Veradin, open it with it. If anything breaks down, it's quite tiring
to airlift the materials here.”

Jean and Dante nodded in a daze.

Then Tuyan and Pinia moved on to the warehouse next to the villa, without
further explanation.

What they brought, surprisingly, was a cleaning tool.

"What are you doing? Stay in the drawing room."

Are you trying to clean up before Veradin comes?….

My mind has become complicated. Neither did Dante, he even said:

"Uh, we'll help."

"What are you talking about, I can't make you do chores. I'm going to be
scolded by Veradin."

When Tuyan began to mop the floor with water forming, spraying it on the
floor, Pinia pushed the two men's backs.

Jean and Dante were eventually forced to sit in the drawing room.
Somehow I felt very uncomfortable.

"......are the dragons cleaning up now?"

The two dragons, as deacons, were trying to clear the villa before Veradin

"That's right. Well, I'm glad you're not the other jeeple's servants. It's a little

I sat still and waited for the cleaning to finish.

Dante was restless as if he had been sitting on thorns all the time, and Jean
agonized over which of the two would be Veradine's guardian dragons.

'Water? Earth? Which way?'

And the trouble was resolved an hour later, as soon as Veradin arrived at the

"Friends! Haha, it's so nice to see you again like this. I thought it was the
last time, but my guardian dragons weren't rude, were they?"

guardian dragons

Veradin certainly expressed the dragons so, and the two dragons bowed
their heads and greeted Veradin politely.

In many ways, shocking scenes followed, but Jin decided not to panic
Whether he signed with two gods or was hiding something. The fact that I
risked my life against the jipple remained unchanged.

Jin also had a lot to hide from them.

"By the way, I don't know Dante, but I didn't know Jindo was here. Did you
worry about me while I was wanted? I'm so touched that I'm about to cry.
Look at this, my eyes here. It's moistened.”

"Have you got a little cold?"

"Yes, thanks to you. I took a quick turn back then, I would have died if it
weren't for you. To my father. Oh, I thought I was actually going to die. The
mana reflux was so severe that I still have a headache."

Veradin struggled to speak in a sly tone.

The three men looked at each other without a word for a moment. Then the
dragons came out of the car.



"The plan is... have a plan, right?”

There was a bitterness in Veradin's eyes when he said so.

He asked if he had any plans because he didn't have the right way to help

It was no use to listen to the rebellion without thinking back and forth, as
when a gold bar was set on fire.

Veradin was so miserable himself. Jean saved herself, but she couldn't even
help her.

He's looking for his own family, but he's looking for a camp with his eyes
on Luncandel. For Veradin, there was no way for Jean to survive.
"Why are you so serious, Veradin? I'm not the kind of person who doesn't
care about things like you, so I've already made a living."


"So don't worry about that, and I have a suggestion for you."

"What is it?"

"Get rid of the name Jipple."


Dante spat out the tea he was holding. In addition, I dropped the teacup I
was holding and burned my thigh, but I couldn't even describe it as hot.

It was because Jin's remarks were so shocking.

"I plan to completely destroy the Jipple in the future. And you don't go with
that name. Your brothers who died in my hands, and your uncle, were all
doing terrible things, including biopsy."

"As expected, it was you who hurt my uncle...….”

It was revealed to the world that Muron Zipple's death was now "bamel," or
Jin's. It was thanks to Dino's re-announcement of the tragedy of Colon
when he wrote an article about the Holy Land incident.

"How far do you know?"


"Jipple, what your family is preparing."

Veradin smiled bitterly.

"Well, I don't know. How far did I know?"

"I'm asking you seriously.”

"I answered seriously, too, Jean Looncandel. Have you ever experienced
anything like this? I'm trying to keep a diary, but when I checked the diary I
wrote yesterday, I found that it was completely different from my memory.


"My memory is being manipulated. By someone. Originally, I thought you

were the culprit, because you've never done this since he died. But look at

Veradin took the note out of his arms and opened it.

It contained a diary on December 25, 1797, the day after Jin made his
identity public.

(December 25, 1797)

I would have died yesterday if it weren't for him. I'm fed up with the
family's judgment, but I never thought I'd lose my temper like that....... His
jaw still tingles. I saved my life thanks to you. He was right in his

My father might have killed me if he had harmed the wizards of the family.

It almost ended with them. I hope they're both safe.)

The name was not written, but it was referring to Dante and Jean.

"It's a diary I wrote as soon as I finished treating the mana reflux. However,
after further treatment, I lost my memory of this day. I can't even remember
the moment I set fire to a gold bar. When I said I didn't know you'd be
looking at Neohill the minute I got here, I only acted based on this diary
and articles."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 259

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:01 PM

Chapter 259: Ep.81. Trackers (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Gi, memory manipulation. What does that mean?"

Dante opened his eyes wide.

I felt like my back was cooling down.

" Literally. The family has been going my way for a long time. Memory
manipulation is not impossible in magic theory...….”

Veradin said it was theoretically possible.

There have been rumors that the special lease on bitions also secretly
performs memory manipulation, but in fact, only Jipple had the ability to
manipulate memory.

Dante realized that Veradin's words were no joke, and for some time he had
a stunned look on his face.

"......I can't believe it. Why the hell? By fabricating your memories, what
are you trying to get?"

"I'm not sure about that. It's the first time since my uncle died, so maybe the
elders or."
Veradin paused, crumpling his forehead.

"... memory must have been fabricated at my father's command. I

don't know what it means. Especially in this case, I have no idea. I didn't
see anything I shouldn't have seen, and everyone in the world knows that
my family tried to cover up the Holy Land with money.”

"Maybe it's because memory manipulation isn't perfect."

When Jean, who was listening, spoke calmly, Veradin's eyes grew bigger.

"Oh, that sounds good. He might have touched the day's work, originally
trying to erase another memory. Even our family won't be able to do such a
perfect job.”

"Are you going to answer so brightly?"

"But I feel like I've got a clue. That's a little convincing. By the way, what
memory was originally intended to be erased? There was nothing special in
my recent diary.”

"It's speculation everywhere."

"I'm saying that because I think that speculation is right."

"Even if you do, you know better than I do. What your family was trying to
erase from your head."

"Oh, I'm getting another headache for a little brainstorm."

Jean was recalling the day when Ratri returned to Tikan in the past.

Confucius Qin, I have something to tell you first. About three hours ago,
my daughter's guardian dragon came back.

Latry's back?

Yes, but there's something strange. You don't seem to have any memory of
the missing period. I'm with my daughter now, but she didn't seem to
understand. Wasn't it a kidnapping?

No, Quikantel confessed to Buretta himself.

At that time, I thought it was strange that Latri's memory disappeared.

'In Ratri's case, I expected Zipple to remove his memory, but I never
thought he'd manipulate Veradin's memory.'

Maybe Veradin was lying. Or he could have been mistaken.

But Jean decided to exclude the family.

'It's clear that Ratri's memory was erased by the drinking stone. I wiped out
all the memories of the abduction. Instead of killing him, he used the
cumbersome method of memory manipulation to make sure Azmil's
contractor didn't get into trouble.'

Then Veradin's memory manipulation may also be related to the drinking


Maybe this guy risked his life to set fire to the gold bars, not just because he
was angry about the Holy Land incident.'

Veradin had already witnessed the drinking stone, or other vice of the
Zipple, before setting the gold bar on fire.

And in the midst of confusion about it, when the whole story of the Holy
Land case came to light, it was impulsively opposed to the family...….

Jin, who thought so far, sighed in his mind.

The headache that is appealing now and the unstable appearance at the time
of the Sungkuk incident may be a side effect of memory manipulation.'

However, it was not good to ask if you knew about the drinking stones.

Now that I found out that Veradin's memory was not intact, I needed to be
If Veradin was angry because of the drinking stone, I didn't know what else
would happen if I took out the word.

It was better for Veradin to know nothing until he was convinced to act



"In my opinion, there is only one reason why the Jipple manipulates your
memory. It's to raise you as their favorite succession. And at the center of it
is definitely Kellyak Zipple, your father, not the elders."

Jean was now convinced.

Veradin in his previous life was nothing but a thoroughly bred descendant.

Even then Veradin contracted with the two gods, contrary to what is known
to the public, but no matter what power he had, his strength would have
been used only for Jipple, not for himself.

Back then, when there was no distinction between the regression and the
gin. Veradin had nothing to resist the family. He had turned thirty without
knowing what the family was doing and what was happening to him.

"As expected, right? Damn it, I thought it was a great model succession, but
isn't it to my father's eyes? I signed a contract with two gods, and magic is
soon nine stars.”

Tuyan and Pinia had no other words. They finished cleaning and were
sitting by the window over there drinking tea among themselves.

The man who contracted with the two gods has never existed in history.
Veradin is the first, so to speak, but Dante was not even bothered by the
shocking fact that it was a memory fabrication.

When Jean's gaze touched the dragons for a moment, Veradin smiled.
"By the way, you don't ask?”


"How I contracted with two gods.”

"That's how much potential you have. And are you going to ask that, in this

"Well...'s more amazing that you're the Magistrate than I signed with
two gods. Well, I'm sad to think about it again. Look, you said you didn't
kill Kidad Hall. You killed him and took Yeokcheon.”

The moment Jean was about to answer, Veradin said the backstabbing.

"In addition, it was you who impersonated me in the Arkin Kingdom! Hey,
Dante. What do you think? I'm more shocked that this guy's been cheating
on us than my memory was fabricated. You're a total con artist. I need to
report it.”

You're just saying what you want to say again.

Jean shrugged and Dante nodded awkwardly.

"Dear Veradin, you don't have to strain yourself."

"What group?"

"You're pretending to be bright for some reason."

At the words of Ososo and Dante, Jean felt goose bumps in her forearm.

It was the same for Veradin, too, who shook his head, blinking his eyes.

"No, I'm not. I'm fine now."

"Memory manipulation, how can a man be safe when he's been done. To the
family who believed in that! You can be honest with us, you're friends!"
"Oh, it really doesn't matter...….”

There was a moment of awkward silence. Dante was forced to cough with
red ears.

"By the way, it seems like you're manipulating your memory, but you're not
touching your diary."

"It's managed by those friends."

Veradin beckoned the dragons.

"Does your guardian dragons know about memory manipulation?"

"I know, but few in the family know that I am a contractor and that there are
two guardian dragons."

"But why don't you do anything?"

"Because Itelmione and Ricta don't say much. Maybe the two gods decided
that memory manipulation was not harmful to me. Rather, it seems like he
wants me to be tamed and become a housekeeper as soon as possible."

Being the housekeeper of the Giffle means being the number one person in
the world.

It was, of course, perfectly good for the two gods who chose Veradine. Not
only will their status rise, but they will also be able to serve other
contractors in the family.

I can't read the intentions of the two gods right now, but Jean somehow felt
disgusted. The strangely polite attitude of the guardian dragons was also on
my mind.


A word like that flashed across my mind.

Veradin was not living his own life, but the will of others. That's the will of
conspiracy and vice.

"You thought I was like a doll, didn't you?"


"How did you know?!”

Jean and Dante looked at each other in surprise. Dante was thinking the
same thing as Jean.

"So, what are you going to do?"

asked Jean, fixing her expression.


"To get out of the zipple."

"Oh, that's... ... It's hard. After you become a jockey, it would be more
realistic to take me as a prisoner. It's an all-out war. And I don't know how
mean your brothers are to me."

"Runcandel and Jipple fight, even if they're not you.”

"That's true, Jean. I'm responsible as I am. If the family is going the wrong
way, shouldn't I fix it? I'll normalize everything. I'm going to return the
Zipple to the proud family I knew."

"That's not a realistic story.”

"I don't think there's anything you can't do if you help me."

"Unless we're friends, it's not that we're not. It's impossible for Looncandel
to help Zipple."

"You're so flattering, you're trying to be upset again.”

"Of course I can help you personally. But then what? To help you is to
make a crack in a zipple. If you succeed, you'll probably have a huge crack
that you've never had before. Will Looncandel, and the other forces, just
keep an eye on it?"

It couldn't have been.

The moment Veradin cracked within the zipple, all kinds of forces would
rush to bring down the zipple.

Above all, Veradin's assumption was wrong from the start.

"And could you be the same person you are now? Memory will continue to
be manipulated, can you keep your sanity? I don't think it's an area of will
or belief. You have to get out of the Zipple, Veradine."

"You think if I don't leave the family, I'm going to be corrupted?”


"That's possible. I can't deny it. But Jean, if you were me, you'd make the
same choice. I'm not leaving the family."

"No, if it were me, I would have left Looncandel. If I thought I had to live a
life where my will was fading away without knowing it."


Veradin smiled and said back.

"I'm not a great man like you."

With that calm remark, Jean could not say anything more.

Veradin was no fool, either. He knew best how scary it was to have his
memory manipulated and his ego transformed.

The gap between the diary and the reality, and the terrible confusion that
comes from it, has been a problem that has been felt for years.
"Jin, I understand Lord Veradin. I want to respect the opinion of the public."

It was no different why Jean had repeatedly stressed Veradin to leave the
Zipple. Because he did not want the future that he or other Looncandel
brothers had to kill.

"It's a little embarrassing, but if you don't let me go. I think we can change
our family enough. I don't mind the loss of family power.... huh?"

At the moment Veradin said so far, suddenly a bright light appeared on the
mobile gateway outside the villa.

Someone came to the villa. And now, the only people who could come to
the villa were members of the Zipple.

At the same time, the two guardian dragons, sipping tea cups, rushed like
lightning and blocked Veradin's way.

He seemed to be trying to protect him.

"Tuyan, Pinia?"

Unlike before, when they were polite, the two dragons were seen raising
their spirits in a dry manner without even answering.

It was a group of wizards that left the mobile gates. They were wearing gray
robes without any patterns.

A gray lobster that does not symbolize white nights or formalities, or even
informs itself that it is a zipple.

Jean didn't know what it meant.

As soon as they came out of the mobile gate, one could guess one thing
from the speed at which they handled mana and prepared for solidarity and
almanac magic.

'It's clear that the black knight of the Looncandel...…!'

It was a self-evident fact that they visited this villa to catch themselves.

"Jin, I didn't call you!"

When Veradin sounded urgent, Jean nodded.


"It's not me, it's really no...…!”

"I know, I won't misunderstand, so don't panic and order your guardian
dragons to protect Dante, too. Those things, they seem to intend to get rid of
this whole place."

Outside the window, the whole sky was already red with the banal magic of
grey wizards.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 260

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:03:00 PM

Chapter 260: Episode 81. Trackers (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

How did those wizards come to me?

It was obvious. Either you got some clues by manipulating Veradin's

memory, or there was a bug or a sense of magic in the first place.

Either way, it wasn't very unexpected development.

'I thought if we had a tracker here, we'd have a white night or another elite
wizard or a mower, but...... those gray lobes, what are they?'

He was dressed that he didn't even remember in his previous life.

But I could be sure. They are superior to any sorcerer they have ever


Just as Dante was about to reflexively pull out the sword, Jean grabbed him
by the wrist.

"Don't draw. The moment you pick, you'll see yourself as an enemy. That's
the atmosphere."
"I don't feel good, Jean. I don't think they're usually wizards."

"So you're even more of a shield against Veradin. What are you doing,
Veradin? Hurry up and get Dante."

"Jin, the authors are my aunt's direct wizards. My aunt must have come
with me, so I'll talk to her."

"You're not going to listen if you faint again, are you? What's gonna happen
if you cover for me?”

"Ha. Damn, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry."

Auntie, Kellyak Zipple's sister.

octavian zipple

Jean knew her name. But as a member of the Zipple, I just kept it to myself,
and I didn't think he was important.

She was a seven-star retired figure before Jean was even born.

Naturally, it was said to be at the level of a pan-disaster for a Zipple, and

even though she was the sister of the Kellyak Zipple, she had never
received public attention due to her relatively low skills and early

The air of a jipple, so to speak.

Octavia has come here with some of the most famous wizards of all time.

You got it right. Like you said, he's only a fringe, not a second-in-
command. There's a real power after Kellyak. I don't have the information
to tell you yet.

Suddenly, Jin recalled what his father had said about Andrey in the past.
"Was she really the No. 2 man?'

Outside the window, in the middle of the chained wizards, there was a man
holding a uniquely shining cane. She was Octavia.

And Octavia's cane was pointing exactly towards the drawing-room where
they were.


Jean almost missed the moment when the cane threw up the beam.

The "light magic" in the form of a ray of light shot by Octavia was not
magic, but an island of a warrior who enlightened the extreme.


Jean pushed Dante toward Veradin and pulled out the sign.

It wasn't pulled out to get rid of the rays. Even nine-star armed men could
not strike the attack immediately unless they were aware of it beforehand.

It was a stepping stone to avoid fatal injuries and cope with the next

A sill-like flash brushed Jean's left cheek. A few strands of hair were cut off
and blood splashed, but fortunately Dante fell safely near Tuyan and Pinia.

"Damage? Not a very fearless one."


As soon as her low-key talk to herself ended, a crack broke in the spot
where Jean had avoided the rays.

The thin crack stretched out as if drawn with a ruler was a trace of the
whole of the villa.

There were five such cracks in an instant.

Octavia fired a follow-up as soon as Jean dodged the attack, and the
purpose was not to kill Jean.

An attack to get rid of the villa, so to speak, where Jean might hide.

A huge villa was being cut off casually. Cracks made by rays of light
opened, and stones and materials that used to form the villa burst.

In the cottage that began to crumble, debris splashed as if the corn were
being fried. Scraps flying from all sides were quickly shielded by gin and

No, the dragons have been protecting Veradin and Dante since earlier. The
cute, chattering and cleaning scene was everywhere with an emotionless

The dragons even stopped Veradin from reaching Jean.

Dante is also unable to escape the shield of dragons.

As soon as Octavia appeared, the dragons had calculated that Veradin and
Dante would die if they left their shields.

Octavia also had dragons, so he was thinking of holding the camp with ease
by playing magic.

As Jean had predicted, Octavia and his men, the "ghost squad," concluded
that it would be okay to remove the entire island.

'Certainly, it's not a joke.

Watching countless debris break against the shield, Jean was feeling a chill
in her neck.

a sense of crisis in a long time

Jean said to Dante and Veradin, who were evil in the shields of dragons,
with a mouthful.
You think I'm gonna get caught?

See you later.

All of a sudden...!

The villa collapsed completely. a black cloud of dust in the dark

"Breathe in and bring him to me."

Octavia's orders were issued, and at the same time the specter raised their
staff in unison.

Then the red-colored sky swirled, shaking countless particles of mana.

It seemed like blood rain. The particles of red mana turned into knives and
chains and poured into Qin.

It was a magic that Jean could not help now. It's the magic of 9 to 10

The red mana that poked my eyes made my hair stand on end. As we did
against the wizards of the Gipple in the Holy Land, hitting with a counter-
campus was an unthinkable mana.

It was the same even if we spread our brains and spirits. The difference in
power is too great.

If we didn't anticipate this would happen in advance, and if we didn't

prepare anything. There must have been no way to make progress this time.

'Oh, I think it's a little late.'

Squirt! Kang!

Jean flung herself aside and struck out the red chains and blades one by one.
It's been a long time since I felt like my hands were torn.

Ten times at most.

It would have been a miracle to strike out that much. You had to come in

Just as Tuyan and Pinia now protect Veradin and Dante, the guardians who
will protect themselves.

Two, three, four.

Whenever he blocked the red horse power, his physical strength and energy
escaped as if he had been cut off by the smallpox. It tasted like death, but
the sorrows of the specter were also getting quite a few shocks.

It was only natural that the soon-to-be Looncandelian, who was just
eighteen, had struck out their regimental magic several times.

The island was already being smashed. Every time the red mana taken by
the camp hits somewhere, the ground rings and parts of the island are
falling off.

Of course, it should have ended if there was no condition of "saeng-po." Jin

looked as if he were walking on thin ice every moment.

But that alone hurt the spirit's pride.

Seven, eight.


Eventually Jean threw up a handful of blood and knelt on one knee. I felt
like I could no longer wield a sword because of the backflow in my body.

But Jean was raising the corners of her mouth.

The ninth time he struck out the Red Mana, he saw a dark, huge hole in the
middle of the sky.

Suho-ryong, not singular.

It was a plural form, 'Soo Ho-ryong.'

It was not Veradin's only privilege to be protected by two dragons.

In the black cavity of heaven, which broke through the bonds of the specter,
the last black dragons left in the Inse were showing up.

I can't say a word even if the old specter are kicking out of the grave.]


As her voice suddenly spread, the swords and chains of the chronology
magic "red abyss" directed at Jin stopped moving in unison.

The specter did not stop.

The spirits and shadows clinging to the red mana were breaking the drive of
the red abyss. It was the power of Missha.

[Little boy, how is it? Wasn't it a bit dizzying this time? If this is not the
case, when will you ever know that you're the scariest person in the world?]

Then came Murakan's voice.

He was turning the red-colored sky into new darkness. Like that time when
the Dark Wizard Society was annihilating, vortexes of great and small spirit
were swaying with his wings.

It seemed like a fierce dark sea spread out where the sky was supposed to

In the meantime, Jean was brooding over Murakan's greetings.

You think I'm scared? That crazy dragon, you didn't come late on purpose,
did you?'

In fact, Murakhan and Misha were later than expected due to the thickening
of the framework of the specter belt. However, the truth will not be told to

Even before the specter formed a new formation, Murakan's breath was shot
to the ground.

We're working on a new protective shield, following the super-massive

regimen of red abyss. The sorceresses of the specter were in a calm
atmosphere, not to mention a reverse flow, with their breath unbroken.

As soon as the breath was about to strike the shield, Octavia's rays shot up.

The rays of light, surprisingly splitting the breath in half, flooded the neck
of the Murakan, who did not avoid it, but struck it with wings.

Missha was slowly descending to Jean, bearing a red abyss.

"Murakan and Mishara, legendary black dragons meet in such an

unexpected place. As expected, Jean Looncandel was your contractor. Are
the wounds Kadun has healed?"

Octavia, who looked down at the black dragons but didn't even blink, was
also a monster.

[Wizard, if you can go back alive, tell Kadun. The king of heaven is back.]

"It's not difficult."

[And the king of the earth will change, too.]

"Do you think Looncandel can defeat us and ascend to the throne of the
world? A thousand years ago, I must have forgotten the lesson of your old

Then the mouth of Murakhan was sealed.

It was not a twitch in anger or disgrace.

[Puhhhhhhhhhhhh... hahaha!]

a derisive laugh
It comes from the funny feelings that great beings often feel when they see
foolish humans who don't know anything.

Who said it was the House of Looncandel that became king of the earth?
I'm referring to my contractor now. You talk to your men without even
knowing that today was their last chance to change the future.]

It is not the Looncandelgah who pushes out the Zipple and becomes the
king of the earth, but the Gene Looncandel.

Octavia somehow couldn't laugh at the ridiculous joke.

Although he was calm just now with the two black dragons in front of him,
he suddenly felt like he had a big thorn in his throat.


It was a hunch. The ordinary, ominous, intense intuition that every human
being often goes through, not the insight of a ten-star wizard, was
displeased with Octavia.

"......good, if the great Black Dragon warns you this much. You don't have
to worry. Ghosts, you don't have to capture them alive. Kill Jean
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 261

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:58 PM

Chapter 261: Episode 81. Trackers (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The atmosphere began to vibrate as the specter reared its mana. It wasn't
just a vibration.

The air was stifled as if it had turned into water, and the shoulders became

It was a phenomenon that occurred as a huge amount of mana expanded. If

the five-star protective shield cannot be opened, it will be impossible to
stand still.

As one of the greatest powers of the first family in the world, the power of
the specter was far beyond universal recognition.

[You're going to kill the kid?] I would have told you it was too late, but you
must be deaf.]

Octavia smiled lightly at Murakan's words.

"According to the records, you were the strongest dragon ever......I don't
think it's that bad in real life. If you keep making fun of me, it seems like
I'm just expressing my uneasiness."

Suddenly, there was a noise scratching the eardrum from the sky. It was the
sound of a red abyss of the specter, pushing Murakan's spirit.

The red mana was spreading again, like a speck of speckle all over the
blackened sky with spirit.

Murakan also had more spirit, but with a force of 40 percent, he could not
beat the magic of the whole haunted house.

As Octavia added mana to the red abyss, the skylight changed faster.

Andrei Zipple was a monster, but......that's more than that.'

The specter was 15.

And Jean read the flow of mana they cause, and was convinced that fifteen
was not all.

'There are some awkward elements in the process of complementing each

other's mana.'

A common phenomenon when the number of wizards is insufficient to

unfold the conjugal magic. Sangjeoksimyeon was originally a magic that
allowed all the ghosts to display their power.

The back of the net was pulled. It is highly likely that a wizard like a black
knight will be over 15.

'Even that kind of power has never been known to the outside world.'

Unlike the black knight of Looncandel, the specter of Jipple was an

organization that even Qin did not know. It is literally a secret weapon.

There was a reason why Looncandel did not engage in an all-out war with
Zipple even though he had Changseong Knight and Siron Looncandel as the
"Are you all right?"

Missha transformed into a human and landed next to Jin.

"Yes, thanks to."


Jean stood up holding her hand, spitting blood.

I felt sick. The fanatic heart, heated by backflows, was fluctuating, and was
blurred to the point of view, not in a state where one could fight properly.

Though Murakan and Misha came, Jean could not rest assured.

"I didn't expect that level of wizards to come in droves."

"You should be glad to hear that. The specter I had in the past was superior
to those. Murakan, you must have some pride.”

As the specter was a combat organization established after the death of

Temer Looncandel, Murakan had never fought with the specter.

Missha, on the other hand, had fought with the specter several times in the
past thousand years. And she judged that the specter were stronger than any
other combat organization in Inse.



"Listen carefully to what I say from now on, and don't refute or ask

Kei, Kei! The sky turned almost red again, and now the spirit of Murakhan
looked like a speck of spots.

When fighting a battle with a sorcerer's unit, it was fatal to be pushed out of
the 'field fight'.
Especially if the magic of lotus flowers is spread out in the sky like now.

If the realm of heaven fails to stop it from being filled with wizards' mana,
it will inevitably be attacked unilaterally.

"Soon, more Zipple's reinforcements will come in. Longer battles mean no

If the ghost squad, Kadun, or Baekya and Kosek, who are waiting at their
home, came to support them, the black dragons could not help it.

There was also a possibility that Kellyak Zipple could appear in person.

No matter how strong the Black Dragons are, if the two of them were able
to break down Zipple's maximum power, they would not have even made it
to the world's strongest family in the first place.

Jean nodded inwardly.

To some extent, he was predicting. Even if Missha and Murakhan come, it

will be difficult to kill Octavia and the specter.

"So you run away with Murakan. I'll buy you some time. And don't forget,
the enemies you have to beat forward are as powerful as I am."

"You sound like it's the last time.”

"I told you not to ask questions, but you're turning them around. Why, did it
feel like I was sacrificing to save you?”


"Of course I will if necessary. Because there is a variable called if."


Spirits gathered in Missha's grasp. Young-gi soon became a spear-like

figure of a sack, followed by the newly spread of Young-gi from the
window, covering her entire body and making armor.
When she was finished in arms, she was as black as a ghost.

"But today they will probably not kill me, so go with peace of mind. Even
the old ghosts couldn't help me. I will also escape if I find you in the safe
zone. I've already told Murakhan."

She had already made plans from the time she broke through the nepotism.
Victory is impossible, so we must escape the camp with Murakhan.

That's why Murakhan said so confidently, "You can't kill Jean."

We can't leave you alone.

Jean did not spit it out, though the horse had risen to its throat.

It was something to say only when you had the power to take responsibility
for the situation, or if you were determined to die fighting with her.

But Missha also had no intention of heroically dying to build up the pride of
Soldier and Black Dragon, and Jean had no intention of giving up the
future, ignoring her duties.

The only way to fight together was to die a dog.

Thus Jean decided to bring up a story that would be of practical help to her.

"Misha, this is the realm of the palace."

Veradin deliberately built a villa on an uninhabited island in the West Sea to

avoid surveillance by his family.

As the West Sea is under the influence of the palace, it was judged that the
Jipple could not send people openly.

The judgment proved completely wrong with the arrival of Octavia and the
specter, but it was fortunate for Jean now that Veradin had a villa in the
West Sea anyway.
"If the fight is too much, make as much noise as possible. To the point
where the West Sea is shaking. And I'm sure Bi Kung-ju will help."

"Oh, come to think of it, your colleagues said that when you were in Tikan.
The only daughter of the current tragic princess is your lover. I'm glad to
hear that."

"That's not true, but...... it's true that the princess cares so much about me. If
the West Sea is damaged by Jipple's work, there is no reason not to help
Missha, since the cause is also on the side of the palace."

"Hoo-hoo, you have a nerve."

"I think it's better for me to be a little brazen than to hurt you."

The sword and chain of the Red Mana, which had been suspended by
Misha's spirit, were a little bit fluttering. Soon the spirit of tying them up
was also likely to be broken.

Murakan and Octavia have been fighting for a while.

Octavia's rays continued to hit Murakan, and Murakhan's face was only
with breath.

Murakan also did not have many means of attack because most of his time
was spent on curbing the red abyss.

Whirrick, Missha took a step, turning the window lightly.

"I've seen you twice, and I owe you both.”

Missha shook her head at the horse.

"No, I owe you and that guy. You are the shadow's last hope."

As soon as Jean was about to answer.

Young-gi gathered at the end of Missha's window. Jin was surprised at the
point, because the spirit converging at the end of the window was beyond

A deep and dark spirit beyond comparison when Murakan faced Julian,
who became the incarnation of Feytel, when he massacred the sorcerer of
the Dark Wizardry.

It was only a second or so before the limitless condensed spirit was

gathered at the end of the window.

Her exploits are variations that spread the sword through the window.

Temer named it "No Creation" but ironically, it was a military achievement

that basically required more spirituality than the Yeonggum.

"From now on, I will open the way."

The name 'Muyeong' was a metaphor.

It means that even the theme is fast enough to make it hard to read the
attack. It also meant that once she made up her mind and wielded her spear,
there was nothing left.

It's like crushing everything so that not a single piece of shadow is left.

"So you stay still. Don't come after me."

As Jean bowed her head, Missha's window-end split the wind.

It was then that Octavia, who was in the midst of a spell on Murakan,
flinched and turned her head.

Octavia was blinded by the dust cloud and the battle with Murakhan that
broke the island.

Thus the reaction was slow.

And her late response meant that the whole of the specter had failed to
None of the ghosts here is better than Octavia.

A black sword stretched out from Missha's window beat the shield of the



At a single blow, the middle of the thick protective shield burst like an egg.

As Octavia, she had no choice but to swallow her breath, and the ghostly
wizards in the shield had to feel their fluffy hair rising.

Even Jean swallowed dry saliva.

'I thought Missha's dance would be great when she was treated and beaten.

It was far beyond my expectations.

I'm ashamed that for a moment she thought 'everyone could die trying to
save me.' Even if the reinforcements come, Missha will not be able to
escape from this place.

'......I've made a fool of myself.'

Somehow Missha seemed to be speaking with a smile on her back. I don't

think they'll let me.

[The time has come for that arrogant mouth to be humbled, wizard.]

said Murakan, looking down at Octavia.

Then he pretended to vomit his breath, and as soon as Octavia took a

defensive posture, he began to descend sharply toward the losing side.

Octavia realized only then.

That the Black Dragon didn't intend to fight with them in the first place. At
first, it was only a smokescreen to rescue Jean from all the way, as if it were
an all-out war.

"Block Murakhan, so that he doesn't go to Jean Luncandel!"

[Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing out loud]]

Murakan laughed at Octavia and regained his spirit of suppressing the red

Then all the swords and chains of red mana flew toward Murakhan, but
Missha's leap was faster.

"Seeing that you can afford to care about something else with me in front of
you, do you think the seniors in the haunted house have left no records of

The sword, which was shot in her window, cut frantically through the sword
and chain of the red abyss. Because of the window swinging so fast that it
was hard for her eyes to be good, she looked almost like a black sphere.

[Let's go, kid!]

Jean jumped to Murakhan's back with all her might.

As soon as the camp settled down safely, Murakan began his ascending
flight at full speed and moved toward the pre-pierced framework.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 262

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:56 PM

Chapter 262: Ep.82. Leave

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It's been five days since I ran away.

Qin was walking alone in the woods along the southern border of the
Kingdom of Qi. Murakan had dropped him here two days ago and returned
to Tikan.

The whole world was bent on catching him. In particular, as the Kingdom
of Jeng is close to the Hufester Union, if exposed to anyone, the
Looncandel protectors would come in right away.

Of course, Jin will not be caught by ordinary travelers or border guards, but
he is careful because he has to overpower innocent people just by meeting

'I'm a little confused. Was it this way?'

It was boring to wander through the forest path.

Jin was searching for a secret passage used by water-tailed hydrants,

searching for memory.

I had no choice but to wander because I couldn't take advantage of the fine
road and was not proficient in the geography of this place.
But I wasn't anxious. Small streams of water flowed through the forest, and
no drinking water was cut off, and animals looked common, so I didn't
worry about running out of food.

It was early the next morning that Jean smiled at the smell of roasting fish.
There was only one person who cooked fish in such a remote area and ate

When I approached and looked at it, there was a cute scene like a fairy tale

Tadak, tak...a roar of laughter at the top of one's voice

Five or six water-tailed watermen were grilling fish that had just been
caught on the shore. They looked excited, singing softly, without knowing
that Jean was approaching.


The water tail that freezes as soon as Jin makes his voice.

They naturally thought Jean was a hunter. Although strictly prohibited by

international law, there are sometimes shameless people who trade high-
priced stuffed water-tailed people.

"I'm sorry to surprise you. Do you think any of you...... Oh, there it is.”

Jean deliberately raised her hands and said, eye-leveling with them.
Luckily, there was a familiar face in the pool of water tails.

"Long time no see, Dark Flame."

"Uh, Jean, Looncandel, again. You met? Surprised. Surprise."

When the Dark Flame was greeted, the other water-tailed people breathed a
sigh of relief.

And among them were not only dark flames, but also water-tailed people
who were helped when they were robbed of money and valuables by the
Red Tiger.

Along with the anecdote, Jin was known as a hero among the water-tailed
people as the identity of the "bamel" who recently ate up Kinselo was

The fact that Looncandel and Jipple paid a total of 400 million won for Jin's
neck was also a hot topic among the few.

"Good, how are you been? More than that, is that better? You, gold coins,
400 million."

The dark flames approached Jean with a worried look.

"It's all right. Well, I'm sorry to say that. Can I get some help again this
time? I was actually looking for Neohill."

"No way, Ghana, again? Metabolic membrane."

"Because of the circumstances.”

The Dark Flame was the leader of the group, and gladly decided to help

"I owe you every time.”

"No, then, June, jewels. Still, we, plenty."

For the water-tailed gentry, Qin's first trip to Laparosa was a good harvest
for the whole of their village, and the water-tailed gentry were still using it

"And, Wang-ko, Wang-nun, helped, Red-Ho, to Han. Again, money, money

back. No. Help, no, no reason."

The water-tailed gentry, called Wang Nose and Wang Noon, raised their
thumbs up.
Jean smiled awkwardly, somehow embarrassed, and ate grilled fish with

After finishing the meal, he began to follow the water-tailed people toward
their secret caves.

The cave, which was said to have been built by the Myoin people, was still
like a mysterious maze, and when it reached the end, it was also seen that
the water tails and the golden snowmen gathered together to take a nap.

"Hey, water-tailed! How could you bring something here and there...... Oh,
what is it? It's Jean Looncandel, isn't it?”

"What, Jean Looncandel?"

All the lying in the water jumped to their feet and opened their eyes round.

However, they did not seem to be wary of the emergence of super-large

criminals. It was all surrounding the camp, just as a curious creature

"You've been photographed with Looncandel on a jiffle, so you've got a

long way to go...….”

A golden snowman said anxiously, kicking his tongue.

His name was 'Pangi,' a golden-snow hairdresser who dyed Jean's hair
during a compass-deception operation. Jean made eye contact with him.

"Puppy, I suggest you have a deal that your golden snowmen would love
very much."

"You're not asking me to let you live here, are you? That's something we
need to discuss with the representatives of each tribe, and most of us like
you, but I think it's going to be difficult. If you are discovered, the great
families will kill us...….”

Jean shrugged at the babbling top.

"No, I don't want to ask you that. It's simple. Put me in disguise."

"Dressing up?"

"I'm going to the diaphragm. But I'm sure many of you recognize me, so I
need a proper disguise.”

"Why the diaphragm? This guy's been weird since last time. Why do you
keep visiting the barren land that everyone else is avoiding?... are you
trying to clean up the rest of your life?"

"Is it possible?"

"Well, it's not that difficult. If it becomes known that we disguised you
when you were captured, would Looncandel exterminate us?…?”

Jean could promise that such a thing would never happen.

But it was a story that only the loser could believe.

Soon Jin put his hand on his waist as if he were trying to pull out a sword.


"Ugh! Come on, come on! Do it, do it!"

"Uh, uhh!"

In a moment the faces of the little Sioux turned white.

But the next moment, instead of searching, Qin unsealed one of the two
swords tied to his waistband and put it down on the floor.

"Cha, you scared me! I thought you were trying to blackmail us!"

"We did, freaked out, we too."

"Uh, um. I'm sorry to surprise you. The remuneration for disguise is this
It was the black bradamante Jean had laid down.

"'ll give me this?"

The eyes of the golden snowflakes, identified by their swords, were shining
brightly. Bradamante was a great object even for those who did not know
much about swords. It is natural for the golden snowmen to be full of

"When rumors begin to circulate in the world that I'm dead, contact
Looncandel and hand over this sword. You'll get more than you can
imagine. It's the best sword in our family. Say they found it in a remote area
in the south of the Kingdom of ."

"Will Looncandel believe that?”

"I'll believe you, or I'll do you no harm. Anyway, for the family's sake, it's a
good thing they found the sword. If you don't give them a huge reward, they
won't be able to save face. They'll protect you."

"No way. Really?"

"Yes. Instead, never negotiate with a family other than Looncandel to

bargain over the price. As soon as it turns out that you've negotiated, let
alone the compensation, you're all dead."

The top and the golden snowmen had an atmosphere of some hesitation.

In return for disguise, they receive a huge amount of goods, but they are
worried that Looncandel will question them violently in the future.

Progress has been fully understood. So if I refused, I was just going to head
for the big screen.

"I'd love it, but maybe it's a thing where life can fluctuate...... huh?"


The little Su-in looked somewhere with a sudden startling surprise.

Jindo turned its head after them, where the first Su-in stood. Like the water-
tailed and the golden-eyed, it was as small as it could barely reach the waist
of the camp.

A cat-like face, mysterious purple eyes, white fur.

It was the Myoin people. Since when were they there, the Myoin people
were nodding their heads, looking at Jin and Suin.

"... the face of a squash, I can't say no to this race of the owner of a
mobile oyster. Ha, that's me. You're destined not to die, aren't you? I can't
believe we're being protected by the Mysterious Family.... God, what did I
see? "A man worth 400 million won is different as well?"

"Gaho? You just nodded, didn't you?”

"Human beings don't know, but among our little numbers, it's a principle of
unconditional hospitality, regardless of reason or race, who has won the
favor of the Myoin people. I'll take it, the deal."

It was the same as Jindo Island that the sudden appearance of the Myoin
people was amazing.

I don't know why I'm helping myself, but I needed to say thank you.

But in the blink of an eye, the Myos were gone again. There was not even a
trace left in the examination.

'Wow, that'sir.

For some reason, I felt good because I thought everything would go well.

"And divide the compensation in half with the water-tailed gentry."

Then Fang, who had been pondering for a while, replied,

"No. Eight versus two.”

"Five versus five."

"7 to 3."

"Six to buy. That'll be enough, so stop being greedy."

"Well, I get it! When would you like me to disguise myself?"

"Right now."

"Then wait a minute, I'll get the things I need.”

Fang and some of the golden snowflakes suddenly disappeared somewhere.

Back in their hands, they had dye, wigs, and all sorts of strange objects of
unknown use.

"I won't let anyone recognize you while you're on your way to the Great

They started working straight away.

About an hour later, when the disguise was over and she looked in the
mirror, Jean smiled unconsciously. The mirror reflected an old man, not his
familiar face.

"There's nothing wrong with gold-snow makeup. Don't touch your face
because it's amazing, your makeup will collapse. I've disguised it as a setup
for a retired mercenary to travel."

"I like it. After I become the flag bearer for Looncandel, I'll talk to you
about business in earnest. Then everyone was glad and grateful, I'm going."

"Oh, Ghana, already?! Joe, be careful, do it. Body!"

As Chin greeted briefly and escaped through the secret passage leading to
Yucayuca market, the remaining Su-in looked at each other and shrugged
her shoulders.
"Oh, come on, it's amazing to think about it again. I can't believe they're
coming out.”

"I do, I agree."

Since ancient times, there have been only two cases in which the Myojins
have expressed favor with humans.

When a man has signed a contract with the "God of Cat," or when a sense
unique to the Myonin people refers to him as a "human who will take care
of small numbers of people."

Naturally Jean was the latter.

"Anyways, if the Myonians blessed Jean Looncandel, it means we're

safe......I got it! What are we gonna do if we get the reward?”

As the top shouted, the golden and water-tailed watermen hugged each
other and burst into laughter.


"As they say, do they really have the protections of the Myonites? The
patrol island has been inspected more than five times in the eyes of the Red

After leaving the Yucayuca market, Qin was able to reach the Mitra Great
Membrane without being caught up in any quarrel.

An absurdly wide ivory desert, a blazing sun, ready to dry and kill anything.

Unlike his first visit, Qin felt no pressure at all on the desolate landscape.
Rather, it felt familiar and friendly.

It felt like visiting my hometown or my own land.

As it felt, the desert was showing favor to Jean as if it were welcoming a

long-awaited child.
In place of the terrible mirage, there was strangely cool wind on every path
that Qin took, and at night a soft moonlight covered his tent.

"You're here, Brother Qin."

Four days later, Tantel appeared as if it had been for the first time.

"The Tantel brothers."

"I've been waiting for you, everyone. So, did you bring any interesting
stories? It's been a while since Laparosa was busy!”

Tantel swung the sword and opened the door of Laparosa, extending the

Then he went on like this.

"Brother Qin, you must be prepared, right? You may not want to go in when
you hear all of that, how terrible the Thoux and the Tuwang brothers have
planned to train you."

"This time, I'll make the brothers get tired of it first."

Jean grinned as she inhaled the jewel.

Six months later, the Geumsulites brought Brada Mante to Looncandel for

The world was full of rumors that Jean had died.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 263

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:55 PM

Chapter 263: Ep.83. Return to the Sword Garden

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Ouch... shoulders still throbbing from time to time since I fought
with those crazy guys. Daughter, come here and massage your shoulders."

Talaris patted his left shoulder and made a moaning sound.

As Chin predicted, she had joined the battle in the West Sea between
Missha and the specter to defend her territory.

The battle left more than a hundred uninhabited islands in the West Sea, and
blocked sea routes around them.

Six months later, a swirl of spirits, coldness and mana was still creating a
terrible storm in the nearby sea.

No one witnessed the fight directly, but because of the vortex phenomenon,
countries around the world sent investigators, and they were able to
recognize that there was a huge battle there.

Thanks to the remaining spirit, cold energy, and mana in the whirlpool,
investigators from each country inferred that it was the sorceresses of Black
Dragon, Bigungju, and Jipple who fought there.

The whole world was wondering about the cause and effect of the battle.
Vigung was a neutral force externally, and to the public, 'Solderet' was
mainly known as the god of signing a contract with a pure-blood gifle.

In fact, most of the contractors of solderlet before Jin (after Temar) were
born in Jipple, including the Riol Jipple. Due to the overwhelming magic
and performance of Riol, the conventional wisdom that Solderlet is the god
of Jipple was strong.

However, since they suddenly fought a great battle in the middle of the
West Sea, the world is bound to boil.


"Yes, I was helping your husband and it was like this. Will you come out so

"You're a mother."

"It's not a big deal. My arm really hurts like it's going to fall. It's hard to
hold a spoon.….”


Mott the eyelid responded to Talaris's words.

Siris's rather cold response to Talaris was all for a reason.

"......Mother, I still don't understand. Why did you announce that we were

Recently, Talarias had gathered reporters and made an official

announcement about the Battle of the West Sea.

I don't know why the Jipple and the Black Dragon were at odds, but the
only reason I participated in the battle was to protect the territory because
they were fighting on my land.

Many people are curious about the results and the whereabouts of the black
dragon. I don't know what happened to the Black Dragon, and the fight was
a victory for the Jipple. Therefore, I hope there will be no more
misunderstandings about the tragedy.

The reason for the battle, the winner and loser, the relationship between
Jipple and Black Dragon, etc. Until then, the three people could not know
anything. The jipple was keeping his mouth shut.

But everything came to light through Tallaris' announcement.

Naturally, the most influential factor was the statement that "winner is a

Jipple was able to defeat Talaris and Black Dragon even though the
housekeeper did not come forward himself, so the fall of Jin recovered a
little bit, and the palace was the opposite.

And the 'truth' was also the opposite.

"You killed three ghosts along with the black dragon Misha. When the
Black Dragon ran away, the Zipple stepped down first."

"That's no different than losing to a great man like me. We should've killed
at least ten of them. Well, if you've killed that many, Kellyak might have hit
her head off.”

"Since my mother announced the defeat of the palace, all sorts of

miscellaneous things have been ignoring us. Rutero Magic Federation
traders are already making a move against merchants in the West Sea. Not
only that, but...…”

"Why don't they just let our daughter cut her limbs in moderation and feed
them shark food? Tell the warriors to strengthen the protection of the West
Sea people."

"One or two.”

"You can kill them all. Once you've adjusted your zipple mood, they can't
hold you to any minor responsibility. This is what politics is about,
daughter. I'd like you to consider your mother's position."
"I wish there was no jipple, looncandel, or beaming in the West Sea."

Siris swallowed a sigh and went to Talaris' side and began to rub his
shoulders. She actually understood and respected Talaris' choice, but it was
hard to control her anger.

"You can make it that way. Yeah, it's cool. By the way, when will our son-
in-law be back? You're not really dead, are you? It's already been half a year
since I've heard the news, and it's disgusting that only the sword has been
found. That black dragon, that's too much to think about. I've helped you as
much as I can, and you don't tell me anything

Instead of answering, Siris looked at the sarcasm blooming out of the



Time passes again, February 1799.

Looncandel and Jipple were not yet wanted.

But now Qin's death has become a fait accompli beyond rumors, and the
youngest son of Looncandel, who has made such a stir in the world, has
faded from the minds of the people.

No more mercenaries, knights, or wizards aimed at astronomical bounties.

Neither did reporters write articles about Jin, and sometimes only the
monks and minstrels of the tavern remembered Jin's name.

The world seemed to be going well without him.

But after Jean's disappearance, so to speak, after Jean stripped the mask of
the hypocrisy of Jipple, Kinselora's new giant force to the surface.

The world was definitely facing a big change.

"Kihehi, khehehehehehehehe. What, what? You want me to save you? Say

it again, you bastards. I'm thrilled to see your faith go down."
"Yes, yes. We actually want to save your life. But what do we do? This is
my job."

said Daytona and Heitona, looking down at a group of captive humans.

The riders, who became jockeys last summer, were performing quite
distinctly in various missions, earning the nickname 'the son of hell.'

Among them, the Tonya brothers performed as if they had found their
vocation when they killed the "Jipple Extreme Followers," who began to
play openly after the "removal mission," especially after Jipple's naked face
was revealed.

"Come on, we're only going to save one of you. We don't know who the
lucky guy is, anyway. The survivors go and tell their friends. Wherever you
are, we'll find you and kill you all like a cockroach."

"Ba, you didn't just say you wanted to save...….”

"Kihe, kihe."

"Cockroaches can't talk. Cockroaches shouldn't talk about people. But what
do I become when you talk?"

Squirt! Suck....!



The Great Sword and the Chain Sword cut the bodies of their extreme
followers mercilessly.

"Oh, that's right. I'm supposed to keep one of them alive....I killed them all."

"It's all right, Heitona! Haha, we can go get him again.”

"Datona, it's weird no matter how much I think about it. I'm sure these
bastards are getting direct support from the Zipple...... where did the mana
bomb that you put on your body when you killed yourself?"

Extreme followers have been rampant all over Hufester lately. He is

committing crimes against Hufester people, including terrorism,
kidnapping, and instigation.

"Keehee (Datona laughs like crazy when she kills someone, but when she
sees enough blood, she stops), and we need to get evidence that the Jipple
are helping. That's our mission."

"You should have kept one alive and tracked it down.”

"It's all right! We can go catch him again.”

"Well, I saved her last time, and she jumped and then suddenly took poison
and killed herself. Sometimes I feel like someone is controlling it, like a
doll. Hmm."

"I often feel that way, too."

"Let's get back for now. Ugh! Mu, Ann. Will those damn things be waiting
at home by now?"

"Maybe? Ha, I'm dizzy thinking about what else to pick on.”

Mu and Ann had arrived in the Sword's Garden this morning, as expected of
the two. Not only them but all the riders of Looncandel were gathered in the
garden of the sword.

It was because he had decided to leave the Black Sea for a while and stay at
his home, Siron Looncandel.

"Oh, who is this? Isn't that Tonya crap?"

"You're a jockey. Now you're making eye contact with us. You don't want to
live in the light from now on?"

Mu and Ann really started a quarrel as soon as they saw the Tonya brothers.
To be exact, it was more of a one-sided craving, not a quarrel.
And the Tonya brothers were still afraid of them.

"Nu, sisters. Long time no see."

"Why are you scared? Did we come here with pumpkin seeds or

"No, it's not...….”

"Poot, what do you mean no? You bastards of hell."

"What's the fuss.

Joshua, who was passing them, said softly.

"Joshua O'Rabunny.”

"I just received a report from the butler Heinz that his father was arriving
two hours later. There's no room for idle chatter, so everyone, wear the
chairman's armor and get ready for rowing.”


Everyone in the Sword's Garden was getting ready for the premiere.

Usually, when he visited the Sword Garden, there was a splendid array of
troops, but rarely even cadets were mobilized.

This was because the significance of the return of the Siron was so great.

Since the disappearance of Jean, the Cold War between Looncandel and
Zipple has been intensifying and escalating, so the housekeeper needs to
encourage the members of Looncandel himself.

And he was the one who could put an end to the anxiety that spread in
Looncandel and Hufester just by standing still.

Changseong Knight, the World's First Sword was such an existence.

Two hours later, the row was over.

Luna, Joshua, Luntia, Dipus, Lan, Vigo, Mary, Mu, Ann, Daytona, Heitona.

A total of eleven riders, excluding Jonah in Samil, decorated the lead with
flags bearing the "black sword" pattern.

After that, the elders, the executive knights, and the guardian knights of
each subordinate took their place. The cadets also wore the armor of the
chairman, with their weapons unified.

However, no ordinary soldiers were seen. There was no common disease in

the Sword's garden. Only knights, reserve knights, and cadets can belong to
the main body of the Sword Garden.

Soon, the procession of Zion entered the Sword Garden.

"The housekeeper is hospitalized!"

As Luna shouted, kicking her feet as hard as she could, the knights lined up
in squares rolled a beat late.

"Dao Yeol, the Black Tomb!"

The riders and the knights sang their costumes to Luna's voice.

The 'gummudum' was a special method of painting by Looncandelman.

Thousands of black sacks stuck in the Sword Garden are allowed only to
those who have made special footprints in the protection and prosperity of
their families.

Each rider and knight scattered and each man took his place in front of the
sword's tomb. It seemed to break down the hard-won line, but this was the
essence of the Looncandelian leader.

"Chung, I see you in Gaza!"

The riders raised their flag, and the knights gave a salute. a clear voice as if
one were talking

Siron and Rosa looked down at the authorities, riding on a horse. Behind
him, ten active black knights were kneeling on one knee.

"Great, lead the sword.”

All the blades of the living were put to the sword by the command of Zion.
Only the swords in the garden were glistening in the sun.

And Ciron, somehow, has been silent for a while.

It was because I felt something coming from heaven to the garden of the

Only he, a creative writer, could recognize it yet. It was a long distance that
even Luna and the black knights could not notice.

"There must be someone else who wants to welcome this old man.”

"Gaju, what do you mean?"

"Rosa, you've become dull, too. A fairly powerful energy is approaching the
Sword Garden. Very fast."

Rosa's eyes widened.

After a while, Luna and the Black Knight felt the same thing as Zion. Other
riders and senior knights later grasped the situation.

"Lord, may I prepare for the anti-aircraft defense?"

When Luna asked carefully, the theory shook its head.

"You don't have to. The first rider. Whoever's coming, wouldn't it be funny
if the whole Looncandel moved?"

"My thoughts were short.”

Syron was right.

Now the Sword's Garden was in a state where anyone in the world could
never help it. All of Looncandel's forces, including Siron, are firmly
guarding the Sword Garden.

In the meantime, it was too much for all of Runkandel to react sensitively to
the energy believed to be "one."

A dozen seconds have passed.

Appearing over the sword's garden, it was a giant black dragon.


As his shadow cast over the garden, the knights managed to swallow their
sighs inwardly.

No matter how sudden the situation unfolded, it was impossible to be

frivolous in front of the Ciron.

But it wasn't the advent of the Black Dragon that really freaked out those,
especially those with good senses, like Luna and the Black Knights and
some riders.

It was the fact that he was not the owner of what Siron said was "a fairly
powerful energy." Murakhan was completely hiding his energy with spirit,
with only a grand appearance.

Flapping, flapping... ...!

Murakan began to descend into the Sword's Garden.

When he reached the ground, he saw a man riding on his back. He was the
master of the energy that came to the Sword's Garden.

Except for the new cadets, everyone in the Sword Garden is familiar with.

Jean Looncandel, nineteen.

He gave his father a salute with a calm look.

"Father, reserve jockey Jean Luncandel, I'm back from performing."


writer's words

Hello, dear readers.

It's an emperor penguin.

Part two, the story of the backup rider is over.

After [Back to the Sodmaster], the burden on my next work was very high,
and thanks to your generous support, I was able to finish the second part

However, due to the recent deterioration of health, it seems that we need to

re-organize before the third part. I've neglected my health care so much that
I can't hold out anymore.

There was also a great anxiety that if we went too far in part three, we
would lose the direction of the story.

I'll recover my condition during the break (I'm originally quite strong), and
I'll work hard on my writing and come back with a lot of annual

Oh, and I read all the comments every day. I enjoyed reading your

The holiday period is from today to September 16.

The rest period is long, but I'll prepare it properly as long as you wait.

I'm always sorry and thank you.

I hope all of you stay healthy until we see you again.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 264

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:53 PM

Chapter 264: Ep.84. Fires (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I came back after finishing my performance.

In the words, those gathered in the Sword's Garden had to flinch as if

lightning had struck just around the corner.

Everyone stared at the proud wanted man and opened their eyes wide.

The gin-watching people, the pure-blooded Luncandels and the clans of the
family, so to speak, had never experienced a more shocking moment than

How can you be so proud of yourself, when both the two great families that
divide the world were ordered to be slaughtered?

Don't you dare, capture him!

The elder and the brothers wanted so much in unison.

I'm sure it would have been the case. But everyone was instinctively
realizing it.

You should never open your mouth before the current opinion.
Even Rosa manages to stifle her amazing mind and looks at the atmosphere
of the poem.

And she thought, of course, that Zion would cut the gin.

As all the other pure blood thinks so.

The camp from Murakhan's back looked up at Zion with its back
straightened out.

Siron also quietly made eye contact with his youngest son.

In the midst of a silence that was so terrible that no one dared to breathe
out, no one could read the intentions of his father and son.

Jean's eyes were radiant as if there was nothing to fear in the world.

On the other hand, the theory is deep enough to make wrinkles.

The eyes hid the strong and hot feelings of the giant Siron for the first time
in his life.

The father's feelings toward his grown-up son.

The joy that my son was the most special and strong man in the world and
finally faced me proudly, and the conviction that it was never delusions and
misgivings from his father's expectations.

having a child of thirteen

Luna was the only one who hugged me heartily. But Luna eventually gave
up the throne, defying his expectations.

So he passed Luna and saw eleven of his children like stones, and when Qin
made his mark last, he saw a small embers.

And the embers have now become uncontrollable flames, becoming only
one big fire, flying in the air to cover the Sword Garden here.
With the spirit of burning all the sacred places of the Swordsmen, let this
lukewarm sword's tomb burn again!

That's great.

The short and intense feelings of the poem were not conveyed to others,
including Jean.

A few seconds had passed, and Jean was also falling into a strange
sensation like Zion.

Thousands of fighters, eleven brothers gathered nearby, but it was as if they

were facing their father alone.

And only father, Siron Looncandel, among them.

He felt like he was something he should overcome.

Of course, there were many fighters here who were stronger than the camp.
Luna, Rosa, Black Knights, etc....but only if they're the ones who will
inevitably, and must, one day after day.

Not as much as my father.

It was not a matter of necessity, but of the will to go against fate.

'I'll go beyond that, beyond that.'

a rich man who swallows his own brief thoughts

The first to respond was Ciron.


He pulled the sword from his waist when he got off the horse.

The very sword that Jean chose during the elective ceremony, both in the
previous and present life. The white blade of a sword, Bari Sada, by
Themeer Looncandel, the first baroness, was in the sun.
Soon after, the cadets suddenly collapsed on the floor as Xieon boosted his

It was because my legs were weak. It was impossible for the cadets to face
the spirit of the poem.

The low-ranking guardian knights managed to keep their posture, shivering

all over, and the intermediate guardian knights also used evil inside to keep
themselves from being crushed by energy.

It was still a privilege for young cadets to dare to fall in front of the public.

The riders, except for the Tonya brothers, the black knights and the
executive knights, the superior and above guardian knights, the elders, and
Rosa kept the same faces as they did in the beginning.

Jean made the most of the speculation and prepared to fight back.

"Here comes my father's sword."

I can get my father's sword.

Confidence in my heart after my first visit to La Prarosa.

In fact, after nine thousand deaths, Jin realized that he could stop half a
sword from jumping, and he proved it to Vanessa Olsen, a former black

What Zion now prepared was certainly a sword of a different nature.

For example, the work contains the weight of Siron Looncandel's work, not
the usual light bell or transverse pillow.

that is.

Very slowly, at a leisurely pace that any three-year-old child can recognize,
as if anyone could take a light step to avoid.

It was falling towards the camp.

There was not even a sound of cutting the wind. The barissada just leaned
down like a sinking sailboat.

But who dares say the sword is slow?

Even if you're not a warrior, you'll have no choice but to think of a single
word when you look at the sword that the poet has unfolded now.

Singi Sh

An area likely only by the power of God.

a formidable sword far beyond human common sense and natural



When Barissada came two spans ahead, Jean took a deep breath once.

Jean's whole body was already wet with sweat. The muscles were swollen
with not a single mass left, and the bones and blood were all stiffened with

It was impossible to get this slow, ever-changing sword without lifting all
its strength.


Sigmund's pale blade escaped the sword. A condensed concussion flowed

through the blade.

Jean held Sigmund in both hands and set the sword at an angle. To stop the
barissada. Now the two swords will touch in a few seconds.

Until just before the moment of the clash, those gathered in the Sword
Garden had no choice but to think countless times.

Luna was worried that my youngest sister would be able to hold out.

'......My father is confident that he will receive your sword!'

Joshua trembled with ominousness. Without realizing it, the youngest, who
had returned as his opponent, was sure to survive and thrust a knife into his

Most brothers had a similar mind to Joshua.

The youngest at least, the backup rider at least, the youngest one who
couldn't avoid it.

He is back here to challenge the sword's throne, and his eyes are glaring to
pass through the final gates.

"When you stop this sword, all the deviations the youngest has made will be
light......... Siron, do you really need to put this Looncandel in the flames of
Chaos to be satisfied!'

Rosa Looncandel's eyes narrowed.

She also cared for her youngest child, who was born with a stomachache.
As great as Joshua's next heir to the family.

If he had not committed a deviation, if he had committed a deviation of

spirit and magic, but had not revealed it to the outside world, he would have
made it the next household name of Joshua.

But now that the deviation has been revealed to the world, it is necessary to
abandon the youngest for Looncandel. Rosa was sure.

'......even so, we cannot deny the judgment of the patriarch. The will of
House Looncandel must be and must be carried out absolutely.'

If he now questions the judgment of Gju and shakes the situation.

That means that when Joshua becomes a princess, the same thing can
happen by someone else. Meaning that the meaning of absolute power in a
household is tarnished.

So I tried to make Joshua a family heir as soon as possible. Rosa thinks

there's no more suitable background to protect the huge sand castle called

No, because I believe no one can replace Joshua.

'There are many enemies. The future of Looncandel is dark, and there is no
place to retreat. But why are you going back...….'

The moment Rosa snapped her lower lip.

Barissada and Sigmund's blade met.


Iron and iron collided, and there was an extremely cautious sound, as if
there were cracks in the egg.

Siron, who had finished the move, was not collecting his sword, and Jean
was raising her eyes, which had turned red with a burst of blood.

There was blood in the ears and lips.

The energy contained in the Pharisada, as if the heat had been transmitted,
was plodding through the body of Qin. I felt like a tidal wave had spread
through my veins, and I had a terrible sense of breaking my bones and

Jean remained firm.

The energy of Zion soon circled the body of the camp and spread to the


The axis of the earth shook, and the ground that was being overcome
collapsed and opened its mouth weakly.
From the open earth, the bright light rose endlessly, as if it had burst, and it
was all the aneur of Zion, which was contained in the Pharisada.

As if to struggle in the surging uplands, the faintly glowing epilepsy was


How desperately Qin fought against his father's sword.

The fact that Looncandel's youngest child finally made it through the sword
that no one here could get without being prepared.

The wave of Orr's cascading waves was pouring like a waterfall.

Siron looked at his son, who was still standing, and at the black dragon
staring at him from behind.

'You are a great guardian.

Bad, terrible father.'

After the mixed feelings of Siron and Murakan passed.

Kuck, Jean briefly lost her balance, throwing up a handful of black blood.


At that moment, all those who loved Qin, those who were close to hostility,
and those who were curious, were sighing.

It was because if you fall, you will be done.

If it were to fall now, the name of Qin on the Looncandel Chuckles list
would not be erased.


Jean, who managed to support himself by putting a sword in the ground,

Argh! Argh!

Jean continued to use her fist in the chest like a madman. The sword's
garden was shaken by the desperate roar of no intention of ending like this.

At last Jean rose back to her feet and faced the poet.

It was literally a wreck, but it seemed clear that he was holding onto a string
of consciousness.

Siron, who saw it, smiled faintly for the first time.

It was only for a short time, but everyone close by watched the smile

How much meaning does smile have?

Jin-ra, a 'magical' passed the last gate to enter the Sword's Garden.

It was declared by the public opinion.

Luna almost burst into tears, and even those who were not close to Jin could
have swept her heart inside.

As soon as he wiped his smile, Ciron said in a dry voice:

"Let the rider Jean Looncandel be sent to the medical staff. As soon as I
wake up, I will formally hold a flag bearer appointment ceremony."

It was only after the words of Zion that Jean fell.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 265

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:52 PM

Chapter 265: Episode 84. Flame (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean was suffering from nightmares.

A nightmare like a black tentacle monster weighing down all over the body.

In particular, he groaned low at the terrible sensation that stuck to his face
and never fell off.


As she managed to open her eyes and get up, Jean could see what the
source of the nightmare was.

Nyang, nyang, nyang nyang!

Murakan was in his face and he was wearing a cork.

"It's a familiar scene. Get down, please!"

Sneakly pushed the Murakhan to examine his condition.

'You're fine.
While the Looncandel medical staff is great, not many people in the world
have been able to wake up so well even after receiving the first sword of

Jean herself was well aware of the fact.

'Thanks to my brothers, I've become incredibly strong. Without the training

in Laparosa, I would never have dreamed of getting the sword.'

When I looked around, it was a familiar scenery.

The very room that was used as a cadet.

A moment later there was a sound of activity.

"Are you awake, Master?"

Gilly, she had returned to the Sword's Garden shortly after Jean took the
first sword of Zion.

And as always, I was by Jin's side when I was a cadet.


"Long time no see."

Gilly with a big smile.

They were reunited after about a year and two months. Shortly after leaving
Laparosa, Jean met only Missha and Murakhan.

"I missed you.”

"Me, too. I don't know how much other colleagues missed you."

Jean nodded and looked naturally at Gilly's wrist.

There wasn't. The 'failure' she had put in to suppress her power. The
Looncandel medical staff removed the ironing as soon as she returned.
Gilly scratched his back head in embarrassment.

"Great work, Gilly."

"It's something that anyone in Looncandel goes through. Thanks to you, I

ended my pre-pilot nanny life with ease."

Soon Gilly looked at Jean with a serious look.

Then he bent one knee and bowed his head.

"The knight, Gilly McLoran, will continue to be loyal as the nanny of Lord
Jean Looncandel, the 12th Duke of Looncandel. It's an honor to serve you

Jin had a lot to think about.

In his previous life, Gilly was also deported with his strength sealed
because of him.

But now she has become a rider, and she has become a nanny for a rider.

Something hot seemed to form in my heart.

'Now no one's gonna mess up Gilly's life.'

Jean stifled her emotions and smiled.

"I too am most honored that Gilly is my nanny. It's awkward, so get up

"Yes, Master."


Murakan turned into a human and raised Gilly.

"What's so pretty about our strawberry pie, huh? Strawberry pie, did you
not want to see this Murakan? What a shame! You can't do this! "You're a
kid who loves only kids, and I'm just a dragon you know?"

"Mu, Mr. Murakan. What are you talking about?... of course I missed you,

"Then how could you be so insensitive to me?"

"No, but you stayed in Tikan only a week ago, right?"

"So the strawberry pie's words, I didn't want to look so anxiously, because I
was only a week away. You mean this?"

"That's... ..that's how it works?"

When Gilly answered like that, Murakan had nothing to say.

In fact, it's not a big deal that we lost a week.

Murakan and Gilly were still not lovers.

"Hmm, hmm! No matter how much...….”

"Hey, hey. Why do you like strawberries for nothing, no. Are you bothering
Gilly again? And this is Tikan? If you just transform yourself like that, huh?
No, I have to stay as Butterfly Luncandel, just like I did during my cadet

"What are you talking about, kid! The whole world knows I'm your
guardian dragon, but why should I turn into a cat and hide my identity?"

"That's how it works, isn't it? By the way, Gilly. How long have I passed

"It's been about three hours, sir."

"Yes, three hours...... what?"

Jean looked outside in a fit of surprise.

It was around noon that there was a line for poetry, and still a bright sun
covered the garden of the sword.

You woke up with that kind of injury in just three hours?'

What a vampire! How many barbs are you taking of the blood of the
jumping brothers.

What King O2 Boras said at Lafarosa during his training last year.

This time, Jin received half his blood transfusion. That's twice. The half
weakened little by little because it was like passing the "Jin-gi" at every
transfusion, but Jin's blessed body and optical heart became stronger and

It was the reason why he was able to wake up in three hours even after
receiving the first sword of Zion.

"If I knew you had already awakened, the Sword Garden would be turned
upside down again. The director of the medical center seemed to have
predicted it to some extent, but most of the time it seemed that the master
would not wake up for at least three days.”

"Then, the appointment ceremony for the flag bearer?"

"As ordered by the owner himself, it is likely to proceed today. I'd better
visit you first, Master."

Gilly opened the closet.

In the closet hung the conquest of the Looncandel rider, who was prepared
for the camp.

a black coat embroidered with gold threads

Gilly's eyes were red as she pulled out her coat.

"Seeing you wear this makes me feel guilty. Go ahead. Oh, do you have
anything to do?"
"Well... ...make me a Murakan strawberry pie. They were singing so much
on the way."


As soon as I wash my face, comb my hair, get my clothes fixed, and step
out into the hallway.

I could feel the gaze.

servants, guardians, cadets passing through the hall.

All of them did not dare to look directly at Jean, but all of them were
weeping, suppressing their curious minds.

And there were brothers who were passing by.

"Long time no see. Sister Mu, Sister Anne."

Mu and Ann.

They were on their way to report to Rosa about their flagging mission when
they were passing by Jean's room.

What a shame!

The two men stopped walking and turned their heads at the same time.

'I wonder how sarcastic they are. No, won't you ignore it like you used to?'

They looked at Jean and stopped and remained silent for a while.

They even blinked as if they had seen something they shouldn't see.

'You're already awake?

"With your father's sword? Did you see it wrong?'

Two people who look at each other and check the losing side several times.
Of course it didn't take a long time for Jean to realize she wasn't in vain.

"You..., there you go. Let's go, Ann."

It was Mew who opened his mouth first.

He just frowned, but unlike Jean, he didn't want to talk.


Ann was rather surprised at the sight.

Anne was also embarrassed when she saw Jin, but she thought she should
make a big fuss about it since she met him. From now on, they and Jean
will have a proper ranking war.

And Ann thought they couldn't be defeated.

It is true that Qin has become stronger, but besides a one-on-one duel, there
are many ways to win the sequencing war.

"What are you talking about when I saw a wanted man wearing a jockey's
coat until this morning? Rip it right away...….”

"Let's just go."

"Lord Jean!"

At the same time as Mu's reply, a loud voice was heard from the back.

It was Emma Niltro, the nanny of the Tonya brothers, who was the main
character of the mysterious voice, which felt both welcome and servile
toward the opponent.

Next to her stood the Tonya brothers, with their mouths wide open with a
stupid expression (this side was also shocked by the fact that Jean had
"When I heard from my servants that you had woken up, I came running at
once. How have you been? Seeing that the youngest master is safe...... Oh,
come on. I have no idea what I'm thinking. I guess I should call you the
12th rider, not the master?”

As she spoke, she showed a stooping attitude, rubbing her hands together.

"Ha! Emma Niltro, are you crazy? Where did you learn to cut in so easily
while the riders were talking?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Anne. By the way, the 12th-classman was simply a
general! She never doubted that one day you'd be a big man."

Emma, who said so, poked the Tonya brothers in the ribs.

I meant to say hello.

"Ma, the youngest. Nice to meet you... have you been?”

"Mo, how are you feeling? You stopped my father's sword! You don't know
how surprised you are, do you, Heitona?"

"Yes! Daytona. It was really cool, wasn't it?

When I saw the Tonya brothers gibbering with exaggerated gestures, I burst
out laughing.

On the other hand, however, Emma's judgment gave me goose bumps.

'Emma has no doubt that I will become a housekeeper. You'd like to believe
it if you didn't, Tonya. There's no other string the brothers could hold on to.
From now on, you're trying to show me the future of Tonya's brother."

In stormy times, he used to openly observe himself to offend, and once

warned him.

At that time, Emma secretly flattered Jin, but desperately hoped that Jin's
level would always be lower than the Tonya brothers.
As soon as Jean became a worse man than Tonya's brother, she was about to
order him to be trampled on or to be recruited as a subordinate.

But not anymore.

Emma admitted immediately that the Tonya brothers could not challenge
the throne, so she was looking for helpers to help them survive the
sequencing war.

She was frustrated by the fact that outstanding brothers don't care about
Tonya and her brothers like Mu and Ann couldn't eat Tonya and his brother
every day.

Like a comet, Jin is back. And with that being a force that everyone can

"Boahani Mu, this girl seems to have felt that she should no longer treat
Master Chin with recklessness because she is a little more out of her mind
than Ann." Crack, damn things. You've been humiliated by me, haven't

Even if it wasn't a big disgrace, the mere fact that Mew and Ann stepped in
while talking was driving Emma mad with a complaint.

Considering that Mu and Ann had bullied Tonya's brothers, it would not
have been easy to change.

'I will do my best. So please give me a word. Master Chin!'

Of course, Jean was right through Emma's psychology.

'Well, for the first time in the Sword's Garden, you've come to me with
respect. I'll get you a little revenge, Emma. I'm sure Tonya's brothers will
have a place to use anyway."

Jin, who had finished his judgment, swallowed a smile in his mind.

"Are these all crazy? Hey, Emma. What are you? I asked you, where did
you learn to be such a naughty...….”
"You're going too far, Sister Anne. It's true that she's been a little bit rude,
but Emma is a nanny of 10 or 11. He's a long-time devoted man to his
family. You've got a lot of eyes, so you'd better not do that."

When Jean stopped talking, Ann's eyes bulged out.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 266

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:50 PM

Chapter 266: Episode 84. Fire (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

As soon as Ann tried to raise her hand up to slap Jean's cheek.

Mu grabbed Ann by the shoulder.

"Let's just go, Ann."

a tone close to an order

Ann knew. There's nothing good about breaking Mew's words at times like
this. Usually, the two seem very close and don't care about the pecking
order, but in fact their hierarchy was quite clear.


Anne who turned her head with a jerk.

"Mu was smarter than I thought.'

It was stupid to assault Jean now, or to come at him for a fight.

It's also a problem that they haven't fully figured out Jin's skills yet. Most of
all, Siron declared that it would hold a "candidate appointment ceremony"
as soon as the camp awoke.
But what if I hurt Jean or make something unsavory?

It was a breach of the order of Siron.

Mew and Ann even had to be more careful because they had been forced to
kill Jean just before Zion hosted the banquet.

Kad Deuk!

Mu clenched his teeth. She felt rather stronger anger than Anne, but she was
more determined not to be caught up in her youngest child's failure.

"......I can't say congratulations. Go ahead and go see your father."

"Yes, ladies."

"And Emma Niltro, don't do anything you'll regret. This is the first and last

Let Mew and Ann just walk past the gin.

The Tonya brothers had a bigger mouth.

'Are those crazy people having a hard time with the youngest?'

'What did I see?'

In addition, Emma managed to suppress her laughter, which was about to

burst out like a firecracker from deep inside her heart.

"Brothers, my jaw is about to drop.”

"Oh, yeah. I'll shut up.”

"Thank you..."


The Tonya brothers huddled and hugged Jean once.

The two were also aware that Mu and Ann had lost their pride thanks to Jin.
It was something they had only experienced in their dreams.

"How are your brothers?"

Jean said, naturally separating the Tonya brothers.

'I remember the day when the mirage in the Great Wall cut down the

I don't want to admit it, but Jin was definitely feeling a little bit like
brotherhood to them.

It's no match for Luna and Jonah, but I've had a bit of a bad feeling since
the storm.

The two men, who approached slowly, seemed to be quite cute.

"Yes, we've been well. Mew, Ann's sisters, they'really......No, except for the
way I was being a little extreme."

"I thought I'd never see you alive like this again, and it's so nice.”

"That's right!"

"Really? I'm not that good."

Jean's cold reply shriveled the Tonya brothers' shoulders.


"Ah... ...yes, sorry. Ooh, we've been making such a fuss."

There was a reason why Jin had to answer like this.

"Instead, let's take time to get to know each other slowly. I don't hate them

It was because I needed to deliver a message to Emma.

It means that from now on, in front of anyone, do not use yourself without

And more clearly show loyalty.

Emma, who was sensible, immediately bowed her head and grasped Jean's

On the contrary, the Tonya brothers were nodding their heads as hard as
they could, apparently deeply moved by the fact that Jin said, "Let's be

"I'll leave you alone, my Lord 12."

"Just call me Master Jean, Emma."

"Yes, Master Chin. Please visit this nanny's room whenever you think of a
good car scent. I'll have some rare cars outside the Sword Garden that you
won't be able to access."

He said, "If you are curious about how your family is going, come visit."
Jean, satisfied with the words, lightly matched Emma's eyes.

"I'll drop by sometime soon. I hope you have a satisfying tea leaf.”

When Emma and the Tonya brothers disappeared, the servants who were
nearby hurried to their places.

And the guardian knights went on their way, saluting the Qin.

Now that he has become a jockey, he is now officially ranked higher than
the general guardian.

Siron's office was in the women's quarters.

But before going to the women's quarters, Jean was thinking of stopping by
the other place first. A sacred basement, situated in the deepest recesses of
the Sword's Garden.
a mortuary tablet

'Before you see your father, it is first to go there and give courtesy to the
heroes who defended Looncandel.'

Of course, it is true that you really have such a mind.

However, there were two main reasons why he decided to go to Yeongmyo


First, it is not a situation in which Zion has ordered him to come first.

Second, none of the brothers visited Yeongmyo first as soon as they

finished their preliminary jockey career.

The second was important.

There are elders who can show any favor to me just by looking for the tomb

Many of the elders were extremely respectful or sensitive to history and


Now the sword's garden was no different from the enemy's den to Qin.

To defeat Joshua and take the throne, we needed allies, and a great deal of

There is no reason not to visit Yeongmyo first, as simple actions alone can
win the favor of some elders.

When he was a cadet, he naturally did not have access to Yeongmyo, but he
was no longer.

As he left the hallway and headed for the courtyard, his eyes increased.

But there was no encounter with the other brothers, and Qin reached the
cemetery without difficulty.
A sarcophagus full of dark underground without a single light.

'It reminds me of the fact that there are no Temer tombs here. An oath....'

A humiliating oath made by Jipple and Looncandel since Themeer

Looncandel's death.

The contents of the oath were concise. Don't worship your magical
forefathers, and never use magic again.

That's why I've been told that Jin has broken his oath every time he sees the

"I've seen him bite the bubble a few times because he violated the oath, but
Jipple can't help Looncandel even after the story about me has been
revealed to the world."'

What that fact meant was clear.

It's burdensome to hit the Looncandel. And there was only one reason.
Siron Looncandel, the existence of the world's only creationist.

When he disappears, Zipple will never be afraid to hit the Looncandel. In

other words, as long as there is a theory, it is highly likely that the Jipple
will maintain its current attitude.

'I was worried that there would be a big war with them, but it became clear.
There will be no all-out war for the time being.'

I was paying silent tribute to the sarcophagus with those thoughts.

There was a gradual increase in popularity from the outside.

Someone has just entered the cemetery.

"You're here, Father."

It was a poetic argument.

Although he was in the Oval Office, he came to Yeongmyo as soon as Jean
woke up.

To talk to one's son.

And outside, the riders and guardian knights who had been instructed by
Siron were already preparing for the appointment ceremony.


the first word uttered by a sudden argument


Looking back, I've heard it so many times in my previous life, but it was my
first time in my present life.

But Siron did not sound reproachful, but rather an ordinary joke between
rich and poor.

It allowed Jean to answer with a sweep of her heart.

"Is it because I woke up too late?”

"It was the last time I gave you a chance in front of everyone. You should
have used everything you had, better results than that."

contrary to the words of the poet

Thanks to receiving a sword containing his essence, Jin made an infinite

strong impression on everyone in the Sword Garden.

Nevertheless, he felt that the argument was insufficient.

To be exact, Jin's training and growth were not considered insufficient.

Even he couldn't say he was greater than Jean at nineteen.

"You mean you had to use spirit?"

Qin did not use his spirit at all when receiving the first sword of Zion.

Only O'er and Ming Dynasty brains were used.

If Young-ki had been used, the results would have been a little different.

Of course, it would not have been enough to "hit" the sword of Zion, but at
least it would not have fainted.

What is the reason for not using spirit?

From the start, Jin just didn't want to show all his cards to the enemy.

"Everyone is my enemy right now except Luna.'

Enemies only know that Jean is Soldert's contractor and the Magistrate, and
that she has enormous power that doesn't match her age.

It was not yet known how much Jin's "accurate ignorance" was.

And as always, the more I didn't know what I had, the more advantageous it

'My father's opinion is that he should have used his spirit to show a more
overwhelming appearance.'

Siron remained silent in front of the sarcophagus without answering.

There was such a long silence.

Jean was not so uncomfortable with the silence.

It was because it was indescribably interesting that the father presented him
with an opinion, not a reprimand or order.

That means he's recognizing himself that much.

"The youngest."
"Yes, Father."

"It is a great loss to Looncandel to appoint you as a flag bearer."

Jean bowed her head instead of answering.

"I'll see if you're worth the loss."


"To me."

The argument turned round and said,

"There's not much time left. The appointment ceremony will begin in an
hour, so stay here until then and come out."

Before Qin could answer, Zion went out of his grave first.

Looking at his father's distant back, Jean had no choice but to think for a

'Dear Father... don't have much time?'

What does it mean?

A chronic disease? That couldn't help the Changsheng knight's body.

Aging? Nor did he mean much to the current theory.

My head was blanking out in an instant.

It is not simply a passing statement.

I could not dare to ask, for the opinion of the poet seemed not to say more
than that.

But no matter what was the reason for Siron's lack of time, I could see the
hidden meaning of the words.
'It means to be a housekeeper before my father's time runs out. And my
father said he would no longer provide me with direct opportunities and

For some reason, the back of Zion, who left Yeongmyo, came a little lonely.

It was Jin's first feeling when he saw Siron, and it was a feeling that other
brothers had never experienced before.

The only people who had felt similar feelings toward Zion in Looncandel
were the former black knight who fought with him in the past and Rosa in
his youth.

Before he cleared up his thoughts and left the tomb, Jin lit fire with mana
and lit small embers on the candlesticks in Yeongmyo.

Then he took his step to the rider's corridor.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 267

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:49 PM

Chapter 267: Ep. 85. The Appointment Ceremony of the Horse Riders
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

a rider's corridor

The huge corridor, which sits on one side of the sword's garden, was the
longest passage of any building in Looncandel.

And on both sides of the aisle were the names of all the Runkandel riders of
all time.

Among the riders, the portraits were hung together.

Jean walked down the aisle, reading the names on the walls.

I burst out laughing.

Surprisingly, most of the list of riders over the past thousand years is being
remembered in my head.

"How many books have you read in your past life about jockey?'

Now, at the end of the long list of names like the Milky Way, his name
would be engraved.

Buck, thigh.
The more I reached the end of the corridor, the more I felt.

The power that Zion, Rosa, and eleven riders and about a hundred knights
naturally radiate.

At this moment, I felt excited like a child.

In the history of Luncandel a thousand years, the only pure blood

Looncendell, who did not become the flag bearer of the family, was Jin of
his previous life.

In addition, he was denied all his life in the family, and his records were
erased and deported.

Now, he is walking proudly in this corridor.

Forty-seven've got something.'

28 years of previous life and 19 years of present life.

My nose turned sour.

I was shaking at the fact that I had finally found my place after one life.

By the time she entered the end of the corridor, Jin had once refined her
facial expression and breathing.

Siron and Rosa were at the center of the end of the corridor, and eleven
brothers were standing before him in uniform.

In addition, more than a hundred knights were seated in a circle, and the
family's officials and painters were looking at the scenery with a serious

"Twelfth rider Jean Looncandel, come this close."

Rosa opened her mouth first.

She was smiling a light smile with pride, and Jean knew that the smile was
not true.

'Mother is the greatest enemy.'

Joshua Looncandel, standing right in front of her, his first brother.

Rosa was the biggest base of his power.

a curious fact

"How much does your mother know?'

The fact that Joshua tried to curse him, that he was trying to take away his
contract, that he was a prophet, and that the prophet used mysterious and
dark powers such as making a clone of Joshua.

Would Rosa Looncandel not know those things?

'My mother can't be so naive. Maybe it was the guilt of the curse that
stopped you two days after you were banished from your family.'

Rosa was more than just aware of Joshua's actions, and there was even a
possibility that he might have led them to some extent.

A sick and disgusting heart soared.

If Rosa was involved in the curse, it would be because in your judgment

you considered it more the way for Looncandel.

This terrible family has always been like that's the way it was.

Each does what he or she seeks to do to the benefit of Looncandel.

There was no room for petty feelings of blood in the series of acts.

Even if it is a curse that maims a baby.

even more than that Finally, it was for the family, and there was nothing
wrong with the result.

"My mother was right, because of her mother and Joshua's judgment, I had
more gritted my teeth.'

If at the age of one, you hadn't seen with your own eyes the widow of a
flying fish that hit the cradle.

Jean would have become a less robust human being than she is now.

Revenge and hatred were sometimes the biggest drivers of life.

Also, although Jean does not know yet, Rosa has chosen Jean as the next
household name for Joshua.

The judgment was also seen as a way for Rosa at that time to Looncandel.

'Of course, since I'm back, my mother and Joshua will have to take
responsibility for it. Just as I have decided to respect her disgusting
judgment, it is her turn to respect it.'

Even though Rosa did not directly participate in the curse.

It was no longer a matter of great significance to Jin.

Anyway, Rosa won't give up making Joshua a household name.

I smiled at Jindo Rosa.

Then, when he took his seat in front of Zion and Rosa, the riders raised their
swords in unison.


The riders lined up on both sides and made a path with swords.

Luna, Joshua, Luntia, Dipus, Lan, Vigo, Mary, Mu, Ann, and Tonya
All eleven brothers were hiding their feelings in their hearts as they looked
at Jean.

'The king of this dreadful family will be you. I'll make it happen.'

'In the end, everything will flow along the fate of the prophecy, Qin.'

Luna and Joshua's heart.

'Ma prosecutor...... I didn't know he would play a role in shaking the

foundation of Looncandel.'

'I expected you to challenge me, but I don't know if I'm in a position to
challenge you!'

Dipus and Mary.

'Joshua didn't keep this guy in check for nothing.'

'Mu, Ann's in a bind.'

Lan and Vgo.

'Brave, now you need Joshua's brother's power to step on him.'

'As expected, I should've killed him then!'

Mu and Ann.

'But...... is the youngest one below us, so is the official rank lower than us?'

'You don't think the youngest is just picking on us like Mew and Ann? Well,
like Emma said, I'm gonna have to look good on the youngest.….'

The Tonya brothers.

And Jean seemed to read all the thoughts of her brothers.

Except for one man, Luntia.

I mean, I don't know what she's thinking.'

Luntia, the only brother Luna finds rather difficult.

In fact, she was thinking only three letters in her head.

''s annoying.'

Luntia was already annoyed by the return of Jean to the family again.

And I hoped that the youngest would stay quiet like him.

How's Yona doing? I'm sure they were going crazy because I'm gone.'

The only brother not here.

Looking at the scenery like a beast's den, I felt reassured that she was on his

Soon after, Xiron made eye contact with Jin.

"Come through."

Jean entered the sword of the riders.

Every time Jean walked past the road, two swords fell. As if the door were

The last time Luna alone lowered the sword.

As all the riders stretched their swords and maintained their positions, this
time the knights in a circle raised their swords in unison.

"Jin Looncandel finally qualified to lift the family flag everywhere. In the
future, Jean Looncandel will have the mission and authority to do so as the
12th flag of the family, but keep in mind that all that can be stripped at any
moment of dishonor."

"Jin Looncandel, the 12th rider, I will keep that in mind."

"Return the swords of the riders and guardians back to their places."

It was the most important ceremony at the appointment ceremony.

Raising the swords of the jockeys stretched to the floor again, and lowering
the sword of the raised guardian knights again.

The sword of the riders had to be struck, and the sword of the guardian
knights had to be struck. With the sword that Jean has.

Just because you can't do this doesn't mean you can't be a jockey, but if you
fail, you'll have a blemish right after you become a jockey.

And at this point, it was customary for the brothers to accept the sword of
the new rider without much resistance.

Jean turned around and slowly pulled out the sign.

The first black Luna's Krantel to be raised. The drooping heavy axe sword
seemed to hold out with great force.

Fresh, Luna smiled. She was playing a practical joke.

Naturally, it was a prank from the thought that Jin would be able to raise the
krantel he was pressing with enough force.


There was a roaring sound when Jean hit the sign.

Luna naturally lifted the sword up, barely suppressing her startled heart.

'No, that's how hard it gets? My wrist hurts, you bastard!'

Krantel was flattered again, and Jean passed Luna and returned her smile.

And at the sight of it, the other brothers, who were trying to break the
"custom," quietly gave up their minds.
Mu and Ann were also going to disturb, and Mary also wanted to break the
custom and experience the power of Jin.

Then the rest of the nine black jockeys went up to their places, not to
mention the strong sword.

Next, it was time to lower the swords of more than a hundred guardian

'You've filled it with all the top protectors.'

Guardian knights did not have the custom of dropping the sword gently
when the sword of the new rider touches them.

Instead, it was common to assign a proper guardian to the achievements of

the rider.

In the case of the Tona brothers, more than half of them were junior
guardian knights, which were only a little lower than the average of the
Looncandel riders.

The guardian knights were holding the sword in their hands, holding on to
their full strength.

You have to lower all of those swords.

And for Jean, who had already passed Garmund's test when she first went to
La Prarosa, it was no trouble.

Chaeng, Chaeng! Boom!

Each time Qin struck, the swords of the guardian knights stretched to the

The guardian knights only silently received the sword of Jin without any
sign of embarrassment.

'Now this won't surprise you.'

contrary to Jean's idea

The guardian knights were in deep shock.

In particular, some of the drivers, who tried their best to hold out for the
sum, could hardly admit that Jin had not even reached the terms and
conditions yet.

It took about a dozen minutes for the sword of the rider to soar back into the
sky, and the sword of all the guardian knights to sink.

When Jean returned after the ceremony, Rosa smiled as if she was satisfied.

"I'll finish the appointment ceremony for the flag bearer. Now, Jean
Looncandel, through the Corridor of the Horsemen, go to the Senior
Chairman and face the elders of the family."

The appointment ceremony is over.

Jin formally became the 12th rider of Looncandel and was entitled to "meet
elders as a rider."

Meeting elders as jockeys was a big difference from being cadets and
backup jockeys.

It was because it was the elders who passed on the "family duel" and
"beige" to the rider of Looncandel.

'Mom and Joshua have already drugged the elders, so there's going to be an
awkward situation. I wouldn't forget if you told me you'd come forward and
teach me.'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 268

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:47 PM

Chapter 268: Episode 86. Unwelcome, Reliable Riders (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The senior chairman was exactly the same landscape as the chief justice of
the Supreme Court Justice of Beemment.

First of all, in the middle of the vast hall, there was a breathtakingly heavy
three wooden platform.

On the platform stood the three elders, respectively, the elder, the vice-
president and the chief secretary of the senate, and after that, the other
elders sitting in the chairs painted arches were drawn arches.

Standing on the podium, the three are affiliated organizations of the Senior
Citizens' Association, the Black Sword Society and the Court of Appeals.
They are the heads of a group called the "Ho Minhoe."

They are, so to speak, the mainstay of the senate.

The Tribunal and the Tribunal literally put forward the values of
Looncandel's laws and the protection of the Hufester people, while the
Black Sword Council was in charge of Looncandel's overall "cleaning up
the garden."

A group that distinguishes between the one to kill and the one to take care
of, and disposes of each of them.
The senate has quite a powerful power in the family.

Among them, the Black Sword Society was unique.

When they decide to kill someone in Hufester, he becomes a traitor without

sin and a traitor with balls.

Yang Min, old ghosts that anyone in Hufester can erase from the world
without a sound.

Of course, even if they had absolute power, it was not without anyone's

A couple of housekeepers and a dozen riders were able to restrain them.

Especially, as the family name was absolute, even if they were ordered to
kill, if the family opposed it, they had to immediately delete the subject's
name from the list.

Just like today Jean's name was erased from the Looncandel Chuckles list.

"Gin Looncandel."

"Yes, sir."

"I'm counting for the year. As of January 1, 1798, you were listed on the
Looncandel Chucksal list, February 9, 1799. You were omitted from the list
at noon today.”

The elder (chairman of the Black Prosecutor's Office), Jorden Looncandel,

raised his eyebrows as if he was very dissatisfied with the fact.

A rather thin, neurotic voice, unlike Looncandel. A thin white beard under
his chin, a figure whose outward dignity is nowhere to be found.

"It looks like nothing special on the outside, but Dang-suk is a position-
based character. After competing with his father for a housekeeping job, he
survived and grabbed power in his own way.'
Looncandel competed as a rider only among the children of the common

But a special case. For example, the story was different when the succession
process was "too soon" organized by horsemen of different backgrounds, or
when there was an outstanding talent among the blood relatives within the
family's cousins.

The case of Jorden was a case involving both.

As a prominent young man, he fought a war of poetry and hierarchy as a

second-tier rider.

Of course, there was a difference between the phoenix and the stork
compared to the theory.

However, if the comparison was not a theory, but other ordinary pure blood,
the Georden side would be mostly compared to the phoenix.

In other words, a person who would have become a household servant

without the opinion of the people.

"How do you feel?"


"Yes... ...that would be pleasant enough for you. But for me, it was quite an
unpleasant experience. A wanted man came and turned me into a jockey.”

Jorden openly expressed his dissatisfaction with the decision of the theory.

There is no one in the family who does not know that Jordan Dangsuk
always feels fear and inferiority to his father. That he became an eccentric
character. But I never knew you were so careless.'

The reason for lack of caution was obvious.

It was because he was not only the most powerful in the senate, but no one
among the elders was nagging at him for such trivial remarks and actions.
Besides, Jordan was Rosa's henchman.

Though we are all old together, what good would it be for ordinary elders to
hate him?

"Older brother, fix it. I also disapprove of the fact that Magistrate has
become Looncandel's rider, but at least today we should welcome him."

Lynn Milcano, the vice-chairman of the court, opened her mouth with a
gentle tone.

She was also Rosa's man, a former Milcano patriarch.

That meant that the two pillars of the Black Sword Society, the Court of
Appeals, and the Senior Council were all the backbones of Joshua.

"Tellot Looncandel," the senior secretary of the council, was just staring at
the camp without a word.

"Yes, the Deputy Chief is right. Now that the twelfth rider of the family has
been born, it's a place to celebrate..... Yes, congratulations. Jean

That's what Jorden said, waving his hands with no sincerity.

It meant that I should leave now.

'I expected it, but it's a little too much. I didn't know you wouldn't even take
out the frills of the duel.'

When the jockey first visited the senate, it was common for each elder to
congratulate him and say that he would pass on the duel and the tie.

However, the elders were unable to come forward as Jorden openly

expressed his refusal.

I don't care.

Jindo didn't expect much from the beginning.

However, Jin has been conscious of the old man who has been watching the
situation with a deep frown.

Jed Looncandel.

His uncle, who taught Jean when he was a cadet, seemed to want to tear and
kill Jorden right away, but he could not, so he was keeping his temper.

I had no choice but to.

It's no different than being ignored by the child he taught.

'I'll give Uncle Jed a little present.'

Jean made eye contact with Jorden with a calm look.

"Thank you for your congratulations, sir."

"Okay, go ahead. Were you still standing there?"

"I wouldn't have survived without you."

as soon as Jean finishes her words

There was blood in Jorden's eyes.


Jorden, who struck the podium with his fist, glared at Jean.

"What did you just do?”

It was for the same reason that he was so resentful.

He was ignored.

It's also to the youngest, who's just become a rider.

I wouldn't have survived without you.

That meant that he lived without being caught because the Black
Prosecutors' Office was incompetent.

In fact, the Knights of the Black Sword Society and the Looncandel are not
incompetent, but they are.

It was at that moment that Jed burst into laughter.


Everyone's eyes were on Jed, who suddenly stood up.

"What's so funny? Senior Jed."

"The old master had a blow. When he first came to the intermediate class, I
drank water a few times. Don't be so offended because I laughed because I
felt a sense of homogeneity for no reason."


"Our old men in the back room are being so mean that the youngest rider
seems to be very angry. I understand a little bit. No, actually, no one would
feel any greater betrayal than I did when they found out that he was a

"Senior Jed, what do you want to say?”

At Lin's question, Jed pointed to Jean.

"In your eyes right now, he may only appear to be a rascal provoking the
elder, but think about it. Jean was put to death by Gaza, and she woke up in
three hours. What did you do right after that?”

When no one answered, Jed went on.

"I went to the grave. It wasn't a medical center, it wasn't a restaurant, it

wasn't her office, it was her grave. At least he's not a very cheap guy. Have
any of your generation's riders gone straight to the guardians of your family,
like Jean? There wasn't."
"What's the big deal about it?" It's a child taught by the Elder, but it's very

"That's a great move, sir. Especially for the senate, don't you think? He's so
cheap, he takes good care of the old people in the back room like us even
after he comes to power."

No matter what, black prosecutors' meeting, law-abiding party, or people's


Unexpectedly, quite a few ordinary elders were sympathetic to Jed's words.

In fact, not many of the riders treated the general elders properly.

Joshua once served the elders with utmost care, but he has been acting as a
superior since he took power.

"You're taking a big leap. If you had known a grain of rice that the Twelve
Horsemen were polite, you shouldn't have despised me."

, a jorden with a tongue.

"That's it. The senate hasn't been too mischievous. Anyway, no one seems
to want to give this guy a lead. This Jed Looncandel, thinking of getting
older and less powerful, is going to pass on the duel to the Twelve."

"Well, do as you please. By the way, you haven't forgotten, have you? There
are a lot of duel and tie that can never be passed down if we don't get the
consent of more than half of the senate."

A blood clot stood on the forehead of Ilsun Zed. He is an old man and has a
strong tendency to be an exoskeleton and a hot temperament.

Jorden and Lin, who are leading the general elders, respectively, with the
posts of the elder and vice-senior generals.

It was obvious who the elders would support.

But Jed replied, pretending not to hurt his pride at all.

"You think I'm a fool? How could you have forgotten such a law? If you
don't agree, I'll tell you only what I can teach you."

"Then let's vote right now. Raise your hand if you want to pass on the duel
to the 12th rider!"

The hall became silent as if it had poured cold water upon Jorden's roar.

'No, you old men. No matter how much you look at Gorden, you don't raise
your hand at all! Did Jean do that wrong? It's a compliment as a Looncandel
to confront the senate.'

No one really raised his hand. Even the chairman of the Tribune, Telot
Looncandel, who had been secretly trusting, was secretly avoiding Jed's

"Hoo-hoo, as you can see, here's the result. I'm sorry to hear that, sir. I think
you can stop playing the 12th rider. You can pass on the duel without the
consent of the senate."

There were a total of ten duelers, seven beagies, and three five-eachs in

However, there were eight and five misconceptions that the senate could not
pass down, but only with more than half of the support during the decisive
battle and the tie.

In other words, they can only pass on the duel and the bbi, which are
commonly called "subgrade" by elders.

Jed nodded, soothing himself with a quivering.

'I'm sorry to hear that, Jean.

Zedd thought so, but Jean decided that she had gained far more than
expected from the meeting with the elders.

'Some of the decisive power was modeled after a thrower and a Ming sword
anyway. It's not urgent enough to learn right away.'
On the other hand, the discovery of the "Jed Looncandel" ally was very

If even his uncle had turned to Joshua's side, he would have been tired of
coaxing the senate.

Cooking or disposing of the Jordans is a matter of a gradual process. The

only thing that bothers me is the head of the court, Lynn Milcano.... what
could be the weakness of this grandmother?'


Just in time, there was a figure Jean knew well.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 269

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:46 PM

Chapter 269: Episode 86. Unwelcome, Reliable Riders (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

When Jin stepped down, all the members of the senior chairman disbanded.

Jed naturally followed the camp and stabbed him in the ribs.

"Uncle Jed. I couldn't properly greet you earlier because things weren't
going well...….”

"That's not what you're gonna tell me first, is it? I was wondering how you
managed the Mamit mission when you were in the intermediate class. I
didn't know it was magic! Where the hell did you learn magic then? Ah,
Murakan must have told you.”

"I had no choice but to survive. I'm sorry."

"You say that with a flat face."

Jed almost wanted to search the head of this ferocious late nephew.


"Yes, uncle."
"I was relieved of your behavior before, but the elder Zorden is a
formidable figure, unlike his looks. He's just such a, narrow-minded old
man, but he's very clever and tough."

"I know. He survived the sequencing war with his father."

"That's...'s fair to interpret that the housekeeper just let it go. Anyway,
why did you run like a crazy dog when you knew me well?"

"I just followed my uncle's instructions well."


"When I was in the intermediate class, you taught me to fight every day,
didn't you? I've actually been practicing that throughout my life, and I've
been making some provocative remarks to the senate."

Jed couldn't talk for a while.

When I was a cadet, I thought my liver was out of my stomach.What the

hell is this crazy guy? Even the young karaokes didn't go out like this.'

Again this time, as was the case with the intermediate class, Jean was
immediately stimulating Jed's savor.

"If anything is too much, it is overflowing. If you keep doing that, you'll
never be able to use it even if your body tells you how to use it. I'll pass it
on sooner or later, so wait for your call."

"Thank you, uncle. I won't forget today's consideration."

"I'll always forget if I find you out wrong."

It was never empty talk.

'Those who are kind to me sometimes treat me like a villain.'

A villain, or a returned prodigy.

Now in Looncandel, Jean is being treated just like that.

"Siron and Luna were the only ones who welcomed Qin with all their
heart." Ciron did not express that mind, and Luna was still in a position
where she could not defend Jean in earnest.

At least Emma welcomed Jean.

But she was only trying to use Jean to promote the safety of herself and
Tonya's brothers, and she didn't really like Jean.

Discrimination and prejudice.

Fighting that sort of thing is a rip-off in my previous life.

Also, the current treatment of villains was not groundless, so it was easy to

As soon as I was about to send Jed back to the room where Gilly and
Murakhan were waiting.

"The Youngest Master."

A middle-aged man who had combed his hair neatly approached Jin and
bowed his head.

Jean looked at his costume for a moment and accepted his greetings.

"Congratulations on your promotion, Petro. You've become the first


"Thank you. My lord has called a meeting of horsemen. I should also say
congratulations to the master. It's your first term meeting. Please go to your
master's office."

As soon as he came, he was put under the sword of Siron, held an

appointment ceremony, met with elders, and this time it was a meeting. At
this point, I felt that the first day of Jindo's return was rather hectic.

"And I'm very happy to be back safely. I hope I can be of much help to you
in the future."

"Thank you for saying that.”

For the first time in the Sword's Garden, I met a person who treated me
plainly and affectionately.

But Jean somehow approached a little ominous of Petro's attitude.

It wasn't because it felt like Petro was behaving differently from the outside,
it was just a kind of bad foreboding.

Upon arriving at the Oval Office, the eyes of the brothers who were waiting
for Jean were focused.

And while Jean was reading the expression of her little brother, she found
Luna's face particularly dark.

What's going on with Luna? How strangely ominous of Petro's friendly


Petro was Luna's man.

"Everyone's gathered. Sit down."

"Yes, my lord."

Jean took her seat at the horse's end.

"Siron spits out the first words without explanation or forewarning."

"I leave for the Black Sea again as of today. We've had a lot of occasions to
return to our families for a number of reasons, but for this time, we're not
going to leave the Black Sea until we have a clear outcome."

The riders nodded heavily.

No one dared to ask, on earth, what achievements would be made in the
Black Sea.

"Also, three black riders and three black knights will join me in this Black
Sea mission."

There's a reason why your sister's face is dark.

Jean deliberately didn't look at Luna.

It was true that the sudden appearance of Luna was perplexed.

At this moment, however, it was fatal for Siron to show him being
conscious of Luna.

If it were a theory, even such trivial actions could be taken as meaning, "I
can't do anything without Luna."

"It is the same story that riders have not met my expectations that I have
had many occasions to temporarily return from the Black Sea. Everyone
will have to work harder."

"Sorry, my lord."

"I'm sorry."

Rosa stepped up as the riders bowed in unison.

"As long as the first rider goes on a long-term mission, you'll have more to
do. There's a new 12th-term today, so don't relax, don't worry."

Rosa cut Luna's dignity with that one word, foreshadowing the future of

Rosa's words were a nuance that the first and 12th terms were equal, but it
was intended to hand over to Jin the tasks Luna had been responsible for.

'You seem determined to stop me and kill me.'

It was rather welcome for Jin.

It was better not to give a mission on purpose, than to accomplish it on

purpose, no matter how difficult it may be.

It is natural for all kinds of sabotage and mischief to follow, but in the end,
it was necessary to accomplish all the tasks without making any mistakes.

In the end, the flow naturally came to Jin.

'Mother and Joshua will do all sorts of dirty tricks to make sure that doesn't

Looking back, Rosa's number was no different from the way Joshua, Mu
and Anne had been pressuring Jean.

But even with similar numbers, if the subject was Rosa, he had to be

By intellect and by force, she was a far superior figure to Joshua.

It's already been decades since Looncandel was placed on his palm,
directing the Sword Garden on behalf of Xiron, who is always out in the
Black Sea.

"When I'm not around, as always, Rosa has the best command of the family.
It is important for you to decide the superiority, but always remember that
the present situation is not good."

It was quite surprising that the poet himself said, "Let's stop fighting in the
hierarchy because the situation is not good."

It was a story that put wings on Rosa, and a message that told her that the
world of riders is a world of "what Jin doesn't know."

"Third Riders."

"Yes, my lord."
"How many spies are there in the Sword Garden now?”

"It is precisely understood that 97 servants, 21 junior guardians, 12

intermediate guardians, 5 senior guardians, 15 second-class butchers and
civil servants, two second-class deacons, five executive knights, seven
elders, and one black knight. There are also estimates that there are at least
twenty more spies capable of deadly intelligence."

The moment I heard Luntia's report, I almost let out a sigh.

What? Black knight?

It was shocking that there was even a spy who was identified as a black
knight, even though the 2nd rank of jockey and the executive engineer were

"What about the spy we planted on the Jeeple?"

"In the main house of the Zipple, forty servants, ten low-level wizards, five
intermediate wizards, one elder, and one tower wizard. That's all."

At a moment, Jin thought that the conversation might be a sort of initiation


deliberately inflating the information war situation to scare him

But Siron Looncandel can't be the master of such a trifling thing.

"Like this, they use various magic and artifacts to maintain tight security.
On the other hand, the sword's garden is literally playing in their crystal

"Gaju, it's all because I'm lacking."

"I lament the fact that my enemies are strong even though I have been in
Changseong and many years have passed, and you have done nothing
wrong. However, we need to get rid of the Black Knight spy as soon as
"I'd like to give it to the 12th rider on his first mission."

Jin himself and Joshua were the only ones who didn't even have a wiggle
face at the words.

The rest of the brothers were in the same boat, but they could not hide their

It was an embarrassment that came from the thought of excessiveness,

cheerfulness, or the thought of what the youngest would do if he used the
power of Sukho-ryong Murakhan to accomplish the mission.

It was always the same.

There was a secret of spirit and magic, but whenever everyone believed that
he would die this time, Jin came back on a roll.

Therefore, there is an ominous belief among brothers that Jin may succeed
in the assassination of the black knight.

"I'll leave it to your judgment."

As Rosa slightly lowered her head, Ciron looked at Jin.

He didn't say anything else to Jean.

The personal guidance and care of Zion, which had been unknowingly
done, really ended.

However, in the opposite way, it also meant that Zion believed in Jin.

"I will end the meeting. The first, second, third and fourth riders remain,
and the rest go back and wait until Rosa's instructions are given."

The riders who left the Oval Office began to scatter into their respective

Lan and Vigo left the hall, giving some instructions to their butlers waiting
outside, and Mu and Ann disappeared with a grumpy smile at Jean.
The Tonya brothers seemed to want to say something to Jin, but they
couldn't think of anything, so they went back and forth.

a smirk

The moment when Jin burst into laughter at the back of the Tonya brothers.

One last brother beat Jean roughly on the shoulder.

"Hey! You've grown up so well that you' I'm very satisfied."

"Mary sister."

"This sister, as soon as she saw you, she was so itchy that I thought her hair
was all stretched out. Come on, phoenix. I'm gonna have to pay for your

"I've been feeling a little dizzy, too. Can we have a light drink and talk
about the backlog?”

Then Mary frowned at once.

"What? What nonsense are you talking about? You think I've been waiting
that long to have a drink with you? Come on, let's have a fight.”

Jean smiled brightly at her.

"I don't like that, sister."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 270

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:44 PM

Chapter 270: Ep.87. Siblings (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


While the silk of Mount Mila was filling the glass, Mary had a blank look
on her face as if she had lost her soul. He looked like a broken heart.

In fact, she is experiencing a trauma equivalent to a broken heart.

"No... can't do this. How long have I been waiting? You're so quick to
refuse and go home? Does this make sense? How can I convince you?"

"What are you so far?"

As the Dipus in front shrugged, Mary opened her eyes at once.

"You think it's too easy for him to think it's not his job right now. This body
is in shock."

The two were tilting their glasses in Mary's room after the meeting.

"Is that something to be so traumatize you? It's shocking that my father

declared that he would go back to the Black Sea as soon as he returned.
How much more will Hufester's fighters, who have been looking forward to
their father's return? The riders will be very busy for the time being. 'Cause
you'll have to soothe him.'

As Dipus said, Looncandel's family, especially small and medium-sized

ones, were pinning high hopes on the return of this debate.

It was because of the jipple.

After the "Sungkuk incident," the Cold War between Looncandel and Jipple
is heading toward the pole.

I don't know about Carlon here, where the Sword Garden is located, or
those who have some strength. Small and medium-sized forces and families
are suffocating under the pressure of the Cold War.

"It's just the Cold War, not the media. In fact, there's a lot of fighting with
the Rutero Federation every day.... the small and medium-sized families
would have thought their father's return would give them a breathing spell."

But they said they would go back as soon as the poem came, and they were
literally a bolt from the blue. So starting tomorrow, the riders of Looncandel
will have to travel all over Hufester to sweat their feet.

It was the role of jockeys to ease the concerns of small and medium-sized
forces, take necessary measures, and provide both material and mental
support on behalf of the public opinion.

"Ahh! You ungrateful bastard......! How can you tell me!"

Crack, clink, clink!

Mary clenched her fist in a rage. The glasses carefully made by the Kurano
craftsmen were crushed and rolled on the floor.

"......are you listening to me?"

Dipus held out a handkerchief to Mary and touched her forehead.

"No, second brother. It's not a day or two, it's just a normal thing for the
magic federation to fight with our family. It's obvious, is it more important
than how I feel right now?”

"Yes, let's not talk."


Mary who steals a bottle from Dipus and gulps it down.

She hasn't had a day as upset as she is today lately.

"By the way, Mary, the youngest."


"You rode the Black Dragon Murakan, the guardian of the family. So he's
also a contractor for Soldierlet. It must have something to do with the West
Sea battle between Vigung and Jipple."

"Huh, that's right! Because the West Sea battle was a three-way battle
between Vigungju and Jipple and Black Dragon."

"It seems to me that the princess protected the youngest in the battle in the
West Sea. The youngest would have stayed in the palace ever since."

"That battle was won by Jipple, how could the youngest have stayed in the

"Of course there must have been a deal. Here's what I think. The winner of
that day's battle in the West Sea is actually not a jipple, but the sigung side.
And instead of announcing it as his defeat, Vigung-ju has made a deal with
Zipple to ensure Jin's safety over the past year."

Mary nodded interestingly.

"Oh... ...that's quite a plausible story, that one.”

Since Jin revealed his true identity in the Sungguk incident, the prestige of
Jipple has been on the bottom of the list day by day.

It was natural that Jin, a backup jockey, did not engage in an all-out war
despite playing with Jipple, and that he could not camp even after putting
100 million won in gold coins as a reward.

"Andrey, Muron, Carl's death and the Holy Land incident were not enough,
and they even fought and defeated the palace? It shouldn't be. Jipple must
have wanted to prevent the shaking prestige from falling further. Even if
you give up Jean.”

"I was wondering how the youngest survived the last year to escape our
wanted list. I understand if the princess of Bigung protected me herself. By
the way, is there any reason why Bi Kung-ju should take care of the
youngest by doing that?"

"Don't you remember? The one that the youngest and the Yeong-ae of Bi-
Gung kissed at the banquet.

"I remember. But why?"

"Bagung has a very different atmosphere from our family. The princess
values her only child more than her life. After the banquet, I found out that
Yeong-ae from the palace has never been interested in dating. Unlike my
mother. It's Jin's first time."

"......I helped my daughter because she would be sad if Jean died?"


"If my brother's words are true, then the Lord Vigung has the prospect of
Jean as his son-in-law."

"Yes, and the father's breath would have been behind it."

"Doesn't it feel like my father has so easily recognized my youngest as a

"I can't believe you admitted it easily. I've seen you get your father's sword
and you say that."

"Mary, if you were a father, you would have known him at a glance. You're
capable enough to get a sword full of your own enlightenment. He knew it,
but he did it on purpose in front of everyone. So that everyone can naturally
admit Jean like you are now."

Mary's eyes grew bigger, and Dipus was sure of his reasoning and
continued to say the backstabbing.

"I mean, it's highly likely that my father, like Bigungju, is positively
considering the marriage of Jingong and Yeongae of Bigung. There's no
reason why it's bad for Looncandel and Vigung to form an alliance through

"Marriage... ..well, if you keep Jean alive and tie her up with Vigung,
Looncandel has nothing to lose. If Zipple holds him responsible in the
future, he can pass it on to the palace, and the fact that Jin has damaged the
legitimacy of his family is a matter for him."

"And even if we had a full-fledged war with the Jiffles, the palace would
stand on Looncandel's side."


"Well, there was a reason why he didn't accept my duel. He's the one who
saved Vigung-ju for a year, but it would be difficult to show him how to
fight with me as soon as he arrives. By the way, brother.”


"I mean my mother. You said you were going to give Jean's first assignment
as a rider to catch the Black Knight's. Orabunny's guess is that he's thinking
of handing Jean over to Vigung, and my mother feels like she's going to
drive him right from the start."

"I don't know what she's thinking. Do you just want to get rid of it because
it could cause some damage to your older brother? You can't deny your
father's decision head on.”

Dipus shrugged and said the back of the horse.

"My guess could be wrong from the start. Anyway, I'll have to take a closer
look at what's going on for a while."

"I'm getting more irritated by the fact that I've talked about some headache.
Hoo, this wasn't my problem.”


"I had to think about how I could compete with him as soon as possible, not
at my father's and mother's intentions. My brother got me off on the wrong

"Are you talking about it again, anyway!"

At this point, I have no choice but to scream at the dipus.

"Come on, now that I've talked to you, you seem to be a little smart, so give
me some ideas."

Deepus tried to shout again, but sighed again.

'Yes, this is my brother Mary.

A simple, fight-loving, and a loser who can't stand it.

Mary just firmly believed that fighting the strong was the most valuable
thing in life.

She wasn't black inside, blinded by jealousy, intoxicated with inferiority, or

superior like any of her brothers.
That was the only reason Dipus liked her most and only in his blood.

"Hoo, yeah. You're so gross, too. Well, I don't think it's impossible. The way
you play against the youngest."

"Oh! What is it, what is it!"

Mary glistened her eyes and grabbed Dipus by the collar. It would not be
easy to see the act of grabbing the collar so affectionately.

"First of all, take this and bring a fruit down as you don't have any side

"Yes, I'll cut it! If it's not a trick instead, then it's also a sharpening of your
brother's neck."


Siron left the Sword Garden around midnight.

When he came, there was a great line, but when he went, no one could see
him off. Instead, the knights silently censored him for leaving the Sword

Standing by Jindo's window, he saluted until his father's back disappeared.


Luna, she was scheduled to travel all over Hufester for a month from
tomorrow to encourage her subordinate forces before leaving for the Black

"Yes, sister."

"There were so many things I wanted to do when you came back, and I
didn't know things would turn out this way. I don't even know what else
will happen to you while I'm gone. I can't even give you a pendant
"You have strange worries. Do I still look that weak in your eyes?”

"No. But my mother openly expressed hostility toward you. The elders are
in a position not to let you go through the decisive battle, but I feel sick to
have to leave myself."

"I don't know how you'll hear it, but I think everything is better than I was
worried about since I became a jockey."


"In fact, it wouldn't have been weird to be trapped and put in a dungeon as
soon as he got back. But my father gave me a chance before he left, and my
mother...... you're still on your guard."

"I'm careless."

"I think you're trying to fight me too fair. If it were me, I would have
insisted upon my return to the family that I must kill him even if I opposed
his decision head-on. It's not like there's no justification."

"Shaking the dignity of a housekeeper in the presence of authority, in some

respects, is a greater blow to the family than to betrayal."

"In the eyes of anyone. "A scratch on my father's majesty, and a glimmering
forward of my family. Which of the two seems more dangerous to Joshua's

Looncandel of Joshua, not the present Looncandel.

Luna soon came to a conclusion.

"The latter."

"That's what it is. My mother made a mistake from the beginning. You
missed the best chance. Just like Joshua did."

At the moment, Luna had to feel goose bumps on her neck.

As always, Jean was not a child to worry about herself. Rather, it was right
to be careful not to worry Jin.

"Your journey to the Black Sea is also a boon to me. What on earth were his
father and his predecessors doing there, and why his father's Looncandel is
so obsessed with the Black Sea? Please take this opportunity to be sure."

Black Sea.

Even Luna, the first rider, did not know why Zion was obsessed with the

"For the sake of training, it must be half truth."

"I see. It's the first time my father has taken a man who is not a comrade to
the Black Sea, so I'll bring you some satisfactory news. Instead, I have to
talk to you about what I've been through all night drinking with you."


"Tell me, brother."

"It's probably more disappointing for me to have only one day to talk so

"Did he put the sword so hard at the appointment ceremony earlier?"

"That was a kind of flirtation. Now you have to be nervous to deal with

"Hoo-hoo, that's not wrong. I wonder when your sister will be in the
position of being respected by everyone with a sword."

"It won't be too long."

The brothers and sisters tilted their glasses to the end of the night.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 271

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:43 PM

Chapter 271: Ep. 87. Siblings (2)

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The next day, Luna and some riders left the Sword Garden to encourage
their families.

Jin felt sorry for breaking up with his first sister again, but the siblings
could feel strong brotherly love in hopes of each other's well-being and
good fortune.

And early in the morning, first-class butler Petro found Jean.

"First-class butler Petro, formally greeting the 12th grader again. As of

today, I will be assisting you exclusively. I will do my best not to disappoint

Naturally, he was the man Luna left behind.

Obviously the remaining riders and their butlers would try to reject, so Jean
was considerate not to be too bothered to get information from the family.

"Please take good care of me, Petro. From now on, call me the Master."

"Yes, Master."

"Oh, this is your deacon, isn't it?"


Petro bowed his head as Murakan turned into a human.


Murakan looking up and down Petro for a while.

"Murakan, if you have anything to say to me...….”

"From now on you are a single egg."


Petro was wearing a pair of glasses.

"So listen carefully, O'Al. You must watch over this Murakan as well as the
little one. Do you understand?"

"Of course, Mr. Murakhan."

When Jean was a cadet, it was hard to believe that the black cat she had
often seen was really this man.

"Okay, great. Erie ear."

Petro carefully held his ear to Murakhan.

Then Murakan whispered, and for a moment he doubted his ears and
nodded his head.


"Oh, I see."

"What did you say?”

"Little boy, you don't have to know.”

"Petro, if this black dragon asks for anything strange, report it to me."

"I will, Master. In that sense, Mr. Murakhan just ordered me to get a full
collection of Chunhwa artists from the Mila Artists Federation.….”


As Murakan shouted, Gilly gave a low laugh.

Jean shook her head with a limp, but did not necessarily tell Petro that she
did not have to follow the order.

Anyway, it's a precious hobby of his guardian dragon.

Of course, Murakan glared at Petro with his sharp eyes and had to grind his

"Petro, I want you to figure out how my friends, who were my factional
cadres, are doing and report.”

"Oh, the youngest division kept an eye on you even before your return. Of
the 10 cadets, one has already become a guardian knight and two are taking
the final test. The other seven are trained as senior cadets."

"Oh, there's a cadet who's already become a guardian knight. Must be Mesa

Jin naturally thought Mesa, the leader of the youngest division, would be
the first to become a guardian knight.

But Petro gave an unexpected answer.

"No, Mesa Milcano is taking the final exam with Scott Lyman. Bellop
Schmitz, at some point, he was the most prominent."

Belop Schmidt.

A character who was kicked out of the Sword Garden because of his weak
character in his previous life, and became a Beemant Guard member
belonging to the High Ran.

At that time, Bellop became a murder doll and took part in all kinds of evil
deeds, and ended his life with suicide.

leaving a will of repentance for the murder he committed

"Belop! I didn't know it was him. Where are you now?"

Now that Belop had become the guardian of Looncandel, he was delighted
and proud.

"Well, it's... He has been dispatched to the Sulsan region in the southeastern
part of the Mitel Kingdom. It's an infinite, one-on-one mission, and it's a
bandit sweep.

Jean crumpled her brows, showing signs of displeasure.

The southeastern part of Mitel is a land where few people live because of
the severe cold.

In the midst of the vast land, there was only one small village, which was
not a hundred households, and there was not even a petty thief, let alone a

When he sent the bandits to be wiped out, Bellop was demoted as soon as
he became a guardian knight.

Just because it's a faction of the Qin.

Even because of the mission, Bellop didn't even know Jean had yet

The rest of the factional cadres had all lined up the day Jin returned.

"That's understandable."

"Shall we put Bellop's return to the next meeting of the flag-bearers?"

"No, leave it alone. If we just let him go back, we'll have to talk about it for
no reason. You'll have to make the ball come back."

"But I've never lived there. Even if there is, it is not the duty of a guardian.
There's plenty of justification."

"First-class butler Petro."

"Yes, Master."

Petro changed his eyes and bowed his head.

"We must always show more results than we can imagine. Not once in a
while, but every time you have to make an unexpected profit. Otherwise, no
one will admit it. It means you shouldn't do anything normal."

A small blemish is a fatal stain, and a fine achievement is not a great.

The enemies were always ready to deal with the people of Qin and Jin.

And Qin was finally recognized by his enemies, ready to kneel them down.

"I'll be clear!"

"Is there a list of first-degree or higher wanted persons in the airlift?"

"There is."

"Get it."

Petro rushed to fetch the document.

Jean skimmed it through and sorted out five or so wanted men.

"Bankella's Falling Knights, Jack Glow, the rabble west of Beacon, Fantasy,
the Red-Ho Assault Captain......I guess these are still active.”

Jin, who was looking at their names and faces, smiled.

It was because I remembered the conversation I had with Dante and Veradin
in Samil when I was a backup rider.

He's a villain. He's got a lot of bad guys! The kings of Mamit, the rabble
Jack Glow of the Western Beams, the remnants of the Dark Magicians,
Bankela's Factionary Knight, Fantasy, the Red-Ho Assault Captain...….

I'm already excited that the three of us are going on an adventure to kill that
evil group.

'They seemed to be looking forward to it, just in case I took it. Dante, I'm
sure everything's okay, Veradin. I'm worried about him.'

I wanted to contact them right away.

As soon as he came to the Sword Garden, it was impossible to interact with

the princes of the enemy camp.

Naturally, we should not contact each other recklessly before we have a

chance to meet.

"Take my wanted list and go to the Tikan Free City. There, tell this to
Kuzan and Julian. Pick two of the wanted men and drive them naturally to
the Sulsan area in the southeastern part of Mitel."


"There should never be civilian damage in the process of driving the wanted
men, nor should the wanted men be injured, nor should there be any arrests
made by Bellop or anyone else. The ball should be entirely Belop's.”

"I'll make sure to tell you everything."

But how can Bellop, who has just become a guardian knight, be able to deal
with these plagues? If such a fuss is possible in the first place, there's no
reason why they haven't been caught yet.

Petro didn't say the word out of his mouth.

It was because I felt a strange dignity from Qin.

'I often felt an unapproachable energy when I served Lady Luna, but what I
felt from Master Chin is something different......... words themselves have a
power that is hard to describe. a force that is bound to happen'

As if it were the words of Gaju, Siron Looncandel.

Of course, it's not yet comparable to the theory, but Petraeus was clearly
aware that Jean had the same dignity.

"And starting today, reporters all over Hufester will spread articles about
me. Make sure that every single article you report from a controlled media
outlet is checked by Dino Zaglan.”

"Okay. What should I tell Dino about the articles I need to examine and

"Let me highlight the fact that I am the contractor of Soldert and the
contractor of Tess, and direct me to use sentences and words that are easier
and simpler than other media outlets unconditionally. Delete all references
to family traditions. It's not hard for children to understand, but not too low
in class."

In other words, it meant to promote the fact that Jin is a horse prosecutor in
as familiar a sentence as possible.

"Also, starting next week, each group will send a delegation to celebrate
me. Among them, those who show favor to me will be sorted out separately,
and King Seong will visit me in person, so you have to take special care of

The Holy Land has been in a state of seclusion ever since Laney ascended
the throne.

But Qin, the benefactor of the Holy Land, became a regular rider, and he
was sure to come in person.
"It is the first time that a current king has left the kingdom. It's going to be a
historic moment. Well...... it would be right to set up an honor guard, but
none of your men are superior."

Jean gave Petro time to think for a moment.

"... give you my opinion, so that the ball of Chairman Sung Wang will
not be returned to the other riders. Why don't we set up a welcoming group
of colonists? It's highly likely that Sung Wang's march includes biogolem
experiment survivors, so it'll be a good picture."

Just nodding his head contentedly, that was the answer Jean wanted.

"Great. Go ahead like that."

Petro bowed his head again.

"Lastly, my sword. Who's got Bradamante now?"

"Bradamante went straight into the second-tier armory after being recovered
from the Golden Snow."

There was no need to be irritated because it was expected.

And Jean had already sprinkled rice cakes to find Bradamante.

"I don't know how long it'll take.”

"You mean getting Bradamante back?"

Petro said in a sullen voice.

It was because I couldn't think of a sharp way to get Bradamante back.

"No, Mary's sister appears before me with a bradamante.”

As soon as Petro was about to answer.

Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck!

From the outside corridor an angry footsteps began to come rapidly closer.

Knock, boom!

The sound of footsteps then opened the door of them with all his might.

Jean is an uninvited guest who is full of fighting spirit in her eyes.

Watching his third sister, he almost burst into laughter.

"The youngest! The youngest!"

She must have already had a proper fight somewhere, and her hair was
messy and all over the place was full of sneezes.

And she was wearing her long sword along her waist, with her bradamante.

"Sister, what brings you here?"

"You're not going to be able to say no this time. This sword, Bradamante!
You want it back, don't you? Follow me right now. I give you, if you satisfy

I wanted to dance to the song.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 272

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:41 PM

Chapter 272: Ep. 87. Siblings (3)

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If you take the youngest's sword, Bradamante, I'm sure he'll fight you.

Bradamante? That's in Joshua's armory right now, right?

I mean, listen to what people say. I just said something. You said your
father's gonna keep the riders busy. My oldest brother will have to empty
the Sword Garden for a while from tomorrow. And you'll probably stay

Oh! So even if we rob the separate armory, we won't have any problems
right now?

It won't happen right now, maybe. He'll be in a lot of trouble when he gets

Why would it be the afterlife, it's the afterlife because it's after. I'll think
about it then, and I'll go find Joshua brother as soon as he leaves. It's worth
cutting fruit for you.

Take care of the aftermath.

Don't worry, if your mother's going crazy about killing me, just stand up for
me then. I'll trust you. See you later, then. I'm going!
What? Hey, hey! Mary! You bastard! Let's pretend we didn't hear the last

Mary was the kind of person who wouldn't mind anything for the sake of
fighting the strong. Even if that is the act of robbing a second-term weapons
warehouse in broad daylight, which is considered the next household name.

As soon as Joshua left the Sword Garden, she went to the armory of the
annex where he lived, without any notice.

Get out of here! If you don't want to break something!

Then he overpowered Joshua's guardian knights, who wouldn't be turned

off, and successfully seized Bradamante.

In the process, dozens of Joshua's guardian knights suffered severe minor

injuries, and Mary herself cut all over her body lightly.

For the guards who guarded the armory, it was a bolt from the blue in the
dry sky, but in fact, it was an accident that would happen one day when the
camp came back.

Jean was going to use Mary to get Bradamante back in the first place.

I didn't know you'd bring it this fast.... Mary's sister is not normal either. By
the way, what the hell's the bundle on your back? It looks heavy.'

Jean's gaze turned to an unidentified giant bundle on Mary's back.

Squeak! Squeak!

Mary pointed with her thumb at Bradamante, who was wrapped around her

"Are you going to say no again? I never asked you to eat the phoenix heart
for free!"

"Birthday gifts are usually free, aren't they?"

"If there's something going, there's nothing coming!"

"Sister, the fact that I didn't fight with you is. I don't want to get too much
attention as soon as I get here."


"That's...... well, it's hard to explain."

Mary's neck was seething with blood.

"So you're being deceptive of me, aren't you? My youngest, Uncle Jed, I've
often heard that you're crazy, but I didn't know you'd be this cool."


Another disturbance was taking place in the outer corridor.

"We found the 7th rider!"

"Recall without fail!"

"Seven Horsemen! Stop fooling around and turn the sword around!"

"Oh, damn it. You're following me already? Stop right there, come and I'll
cut you!"

I didn't expect the progress to come this far. Mary had expected to bring
Brada Mante, but she did not know that she would bring a series of pursuits
to her guardian.

'It's not time for you to talk.'

Jean gave a mana to the enemy prison.


Mary's eyes widened when Shree was summoned out of nowhere.

"Let's go, sister."

Jean climbed on Shree's back and reached out to Mary. When Mary held
hands, Jean felt that the sack she was carrying was heavier than she thought.

Meanwhile, Gilly and Petro tactfully left the biggest window wide open. So
that Shree can get out there.

Clap clap!


It was only for a moment that Gilly and Petro opened the window. Due to
his large build, Shuri crashed his head into the window and fell to the floor.



Jean tried to hide her embarrassment and put Shri back in the red. Then he
jumped out of the window with Mary, and summoned her again.

"Please forget that the painting wasn't very beautiful."

"I'll give you a silent shot, go the way I tell you!"


Following the direction Mary's finger pointed, Shuri began to cross the
Sword's Garden.

Joshua's guardian knights tried to follow suit, barely suppressing the curse
that came up to his Adam's apple.

"Are these don't see me? This is Murakan's room, too. When
you come in, you'll find out anyway."
Murakan blocked the guards who were trying to enter the room.

The guardian knights of Ilsun Joshua did not know how to deal with it. The
family hierarchy they have learned has never included a dragon.

Is this black dragon's hierarchy higher than the 12th rider? But the Black
Dragon is the guardian of the 12th century."

'No, are we following this black dragon? We need to hurry up and chase the
7th and 12th...…!'

Murakan's expression became more grim as the guardian knights agonized.

"Ha, this is not going to work. Your master's founder, so what? Themeer
didn't intrude on my turf either. "How the times have gone by, should this
body be treated like this in Looncandel?"

"......I'll turn around, Mr. Murakhan."

That's what one guardian said.

Murakhan was already in a bad mood.

"No, no. I've got an indelible wound in my pride to just let you go. You
guys haven't been polite to look at me from the start.”

"I'll step down for now. All hands, turn around and chase...…!”

At that moment, black energy formed in Murakan's eyes.

At the same time, black scales rose on his arms and face, and wings rose on
his back.


Only a few bodies have been changed to reveal the dragon's energy.

The guardian knights who were about to turn hardened like stones.
In fact, a thousand years ago, ordinary guardian knights dared not even
make eye contact with Murakhan. When Themeer was alive, everyone in
Looncandel paid respect to Murakhan.

Can I keep my knees straight?]

At Murakan's next words, the guards knelt in unison.

Gilly and Petro were surprised to see it, but fortunately they could maintain
their facial expressions.

It is true that Murakhan's energy is vast and unusual, but the kneltown of
the guardian knelt was not an act of fear.

It was because they just realized that they had committed a great
discourtesy to the beings who had been symbolized as guardians of the
family until recently.

"To the great Black Dragon, the guardian of the family, the servants of
Looncandel have made a great mistake. I'll take it sweetly with some kind
of disposition."

Murakan looked down at them for a long time and replied:

[Okay. I'll have to take responsibility, get Rosa Looncandel.]

The guardian knights could swear by oath. After becoming Joshua's knight,
there has never been a dog-like day like today.


The place where Qin and Mary arrived, was on the plains outside Calon.

The wide, empty space was designated as a direct control area as soon as
Mary became a rider, and there was only one use.

an affair of honor

Mary used to drag her here to fight until she was satisfied.
It was Jin's first time this year. It's Jin's first time here, too.

Whispering, swish!

While Mary was warming herself with a light turn of the sword, Qin looked
at the dry bloodstains and the marks on the plains.

'I think Mary's sister here told me that the dead strong men were in the

There were quite a few fierce fights, and there were a lot of scratches at a

Mary loosened the bradamante from her waist.

Then with all his strength, he threw Bradamante far into the plain.

"Even if you stick it nearby, it'll be pulled out and thrown off while you
fight. Whoo, finally you're playing a game with your guy."

"This is where I can fight my sister with confidence."

Jean had been provoking her for two days from the moment she first saw
her in the Sword Garden.

As always, the reason for the provocation was clear. It was to beat her even
more easily.

'The late eight-star, or the beginning of nine- He is by no means a

formidable opponent.'

During his four years as a backup jockey, Jean wasn't the only one who
grew up. Mary and all the riders had achieved considerable growth.

Besides, Mary has a duel.

'You're not gonna use a power outage, are you? More than that, that's a
shame. You provoked me quite hard, but you regained your composure on
the way here.'
There was no sign of excitement, with her blood around her neck, and Mary
looked at the camp with a calm air.

"The youngest."

"Yes, sister."

"Do you know?"

"What do you mean?"

a smirk

Mary burst out laughing.

"You died to me at least thirty times while you were coming here."

"You sound strange. Why is that'

Mary then took out the dagger she had hidden in her sleeve and showed it.

"When I was sitting behind you and riding on that cat, this dagger would
have explored all over your body, even if I had been a little offended. I just
didn't want our reunion to end so blandly."

Seeing her third sister speaking in a voice of stealthy elation, Qin did not
answer for a while.

Mary Looncandel.

As for her, the most famous fighting maniac in Hufester, people were
usually mistaken. She's an uninhabited fighter who always claims to have a
fair head to head-to-head.

But the truth was not at all.

Mary was the one who did everything for victory. He did not carry out any
tricks or tricks because he was not talented, but he had no hesitation in
using poison or memorization, or even in a surprise attack.
In that sense, it was true that Mary had let Jean go.

Only half true, to be exact.

"That's why I told you. You're saying something weird. Don't tell me that's
what I thought."

Jean was conscious of Mary's dagger all the way. It was a thrilling threat to
the point of cold sweat.

And Mary smacked her lips as if she were more than happy with Jean's

"K, it's worth it. If Tonya had spoken to me like you, I would have broken
my jaw right away, as expected. Your words are credible. It doesn't sound
like a bluff."

"Thank you."

"Let's get started, brother.... Ah! Before that, I almost forgot.”

Mary put the sack she had on her back to the floor until then.


And when she untied the sack, Jindo had no choice but to doubt my eyes
this time.

'Crazy...... that's a mana bomb, and that's for the best of human life.'

The blue lumps of egg-sized eggs filled with sacks, each containing a
seven-star attack magic level, were bombs.

Without even a second's thought, Mary sprayed the bomb all over the floor.

A rolling bomb was rapidly filling the brother and sister's gapes.

It doesn't explode in a small impact because it's equipped with a safety

device, but if it's a shock wave in the fight between the two, it won't mean
anything about a safety device.

"It's a long-awaited fight, so shouldn't the stage be bored? I thought a lot all
night about how to make the duel more satisfying. Hoo-hoo, come here,
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 273

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:40 PM

Chapter 273: Ep. 87. Siblings (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Degurr....... Porcirac, Porcirac!

Mary's mana bombs rolled well. It looked like a small blue egg on the
surface, but it was an object that could kill dozens of ordinary humans in a
single moment.

How many are there?..? You're telling me you've forgotten this.'

at a rough estimate of more than two hundred

There won't be very many crazy people in the world who want to fight a
duel with these dangerous items lying all over.

This place, which had just been a vast open space, has now become a dance
hall of death.

"You're not scared, are you?" If you come all the way here and disappoint
this sister...….”


Mary grinned as Jean picked the sign.

Regardless of Mouyu's confession, it was perfectly natural for the image to
give rise to the goose bumps. Fortunately, Jean could hide her

"That's right, that's right."

As Mary slowly pulled up her energy, a slightly chubby bob cut flew in the

His eyes sparkled as if he were looking at his loved one, and he had an
unbecoming foreboding and living spirit.

Mary is by no means the strongest in Looncandel.

But she was by far the best in Looncandel to worship and enjoy the fight
and victory itself.

"Are you going to yield the first number?”

"Of course."


"I told you so?"

"Thank you for your help."

As Jean began to pose with her sword hanging down, Mary felt as if she
were going to fly away.

How many years have you been looking forward to this moment?

'My father himself described it as quite a powerful energy. Well, it's

unusual. This thrill, this pleasure, this thrill! Youngest, one of us today is to
go to the medical center and strike until we're sick.'

While Mary was in control of the excitement, Jean calmly prepared for the
The motion was extremely slow. It was a slow attack that Mary would
never try unless she conceded the player.

Jean and Mary, if not as much as Luna, had enough flesh to be called

However, you can't expect your body to be healthy even if you fight a duel
properly in this field of mana bombs.

'You'd better finish it in a blow. I don't want to see the doctors again as soon
as I get here.'

What Jean is trying to spread is the first type of sword, the soul-cutting.

For the past year, I have trained every day in Laparosa to cut my soul. Of
course, it was still a long time ago to cut off the soul itself.

In this training, however, Jin's soul-cutting was clearly a step forward.

As before, 'Benda' has mastered and become more sharp enough to be used
in practice at any time without having to recite the spell.

Also, as before, if you are given enough time to recite your spell and refresh
your spirits.

It was able to create an onerous destructive force even for transcendent

fighters like Luna and Vanessa.

So assuming Mary would 'fully' concede the player, Jean was convinced she
could be moribund at a single blow.


The pale blade of Sigmund's knife was blackened.

Young-ki, that's the power of solderlet. Compared to the thrill the youngest
felt the first time he pulled the sword, it's somewhat bland. No, it's not just
plain, it's too feeble. I don't feel anything.'
It's been five seconds.

Mary doesn't seem to feel any threat yet.

After another 10 seconds, I almost got annoyed. I wanted to scream, "What

the hell are you doing?"



It is a natural sense as a fighter.

What made Mary think that the spirit gathered in Sigmund was dangerous?

"That's a curious sword. There's no pressure at all, but all of a sudden the
fuzz is on the edge.…!'

Mary's persimmons were never wrong.

The persimmon was saying this. If you give me a few more seconds, I
might get a blow.


Suddenly Mary narrowed the distance with Jean.

Mary comes close to the door in a blink of an eye and shoots a sword at the


Jean was forced to stop the ready blow and take the attack.

"Sir, I'm sure you've decided to give up the first number, didn't you?"

"Don't you know it's enough, you scrupulous bastard! I don't know what she
was trying to do, but I'm sure she's got a skill she can't handle."
"It's a misunderstanding. I haven't learned the duel yet. What kind of skill is

"Well, I don't want to accept a sword that's not usable in practice."

Mary continued her winning streak, shining in the glare of her eyes. The
ever-changing yet destructive sword shook Qin's view.

Come on, it doesn't work. I'm sure you didn't measure the power of spirit,
did you just feel it?'

At present, Qin's life had reached seven stars.

Young-gi can exert a force of about two stars higher than ordinary forces
such as anorea or mana.

In other words, "Jin" means that only pure spirit can produce the destructive
power of nine general energies.

But Young-ki's superiority was not the end. Unlike ordinary energy, well-
refined spirits do not feel 'existence'.

It was the same logic as having no weight in shadows, no matter how big.

Nevertheless, Mary was wary of the enormous power behind its absence,
and Jean had no choice but to revise the plan.

"No, you're the only one who doesn't know the right degree. It's not a life-
threatening duel, but how can you put bombs all over the place?"

"Have you ever heard of this sister's old dog?"

"Woman of Southern Continent?"

"Yes, I've been very fond of that name. More than what is now called the
gale's Mary."

Obviously, the wild woman looks better on you.

Jean swallowed the back horse and regrouped. Fortunately, this case was
not completely ruled out, so there was no mishap in which the spirit was

Siggy! Squeak!

When Mary sprayed the sword in earnest, Jean stepped down first and
focused on defense.

It was because the Mana Bomb was annoying. If the sword is not properly
offset, the bomb will go off, and a single explosion will start a terrible chain
of explosions.


Mary, who bursts into laughter.

The two men's come and go were shining frantically in the air. Every time
the sword struck, flames erupted, and shock waves broke out.

Still, the bombs seemed to be scattered more and more on the shock wave.
Anxiety about when it might explode chilled Jin's spine.

Mary was indeed a figure to be called the 'Gwangnyeo'.

While Jean was fighting with a thick shield made of an auror, Mary was just
pouring out the attack as if the bomb was invisible. It seemed like he
wanted it to explode.

'Is Mary too strong a kind of girl like Luna?'

Like Luna, who was fine after undergoing the rite of passage in the
Cheonga Stone Training.

Will Mary be able to barely get a scratch when she gets a super-class mana

"Hahahaha! That's a good stop, it's a kill!"

Syik, Whirrick, Cham!

Soon Mary's sword suddenly began to wither like a whip.

Her pet sword "Doksa" looks like an ordinary long sword on the surface,
but it became a "saddle" when it was injected with an aura to unlock the
inside of the sword.

The sword that had been flying in a straight line suddenly lengthened, bent,
and bent, it was quite hectic for Jin.

Whenever the gin avoided or struck, the chain sword naturally hit the floor.
The rocks and piles of dirt splashed like flesh, and the bombs were shaking
like they were about to burst.

The explosion of the bomb was unavoidable.


The moment when a single bomb placed right under his feet caused a leak,
it seemed like a slow screen.

Damn it.

Jean swallowed a sigh and pulled up the auror. Young-ki was not in a
situation where he could be liberated by the side effects of failing to cut his

It would have been less burdensome if he was wearing black gloves.

However, he was devastated while enduring the training of Lafarosa. They

had to endure with the oler barrier and the loon of Muleta.

"If the bomb explodes anyway, Mary's sister suffers a lot of damage. First
you recover and then you'll just...... huh?

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

It was because I had seen it. hidden in Mary's coat, the silver-colored sage!
a silver box

The object, which was made at the same time as the black box, was also one
of the masterpieces of the Society for the Performing Arts.


Mary was even sticking out her tongue with a face full of reminders.

She didn't intend to play fair with Jean from the start. The Mana Bomb
wasn't just laid to enjoy the thrill.

'You're not the only one who knows how to make a provocation, the

Mary smiled brightly, and Jean clenched her teeth. It's been a long time
since I was pushed back in the fight and provoked in reversely provoked.

'I didn't expect Mary's sister to do this.'

Jean, for example, is careless.

Poong, poong! Qua'ang! Currrr....!

A chain of explosions began with an eardrum-like noise.

In line with the use of "top-notch casualties," Mary's Mana Bomb wasn't
just high in destructive power.

Like a cheonga stone, the insides were filled with sharp pieces of iron.

Cheong Ah-seok controlled his power because it was for 'even' training, but
the Mana Bomb did not.

Bang, bang! Fiying! Ping!

Along with the explosion, pieces of metal were being fired at the gin with
the force of shredding it.

Pieces of metal pierced through the protective film stabbed the whole body.
If it weren't for a blessed body, it would have been instant meat.

It wasn't just him.

Mary's renewed attack had to be prevented. Her armor makes her move
much easier because she protects a relatively small area.

Of course, armor was not all-around. She was also embedded in large and
small fragments everywhere. It was accompanied by terrible pain enough to
pour out curses.

However, Mary was determined to give flesh and break bones. The
youngest is at a disadvantage than he is.

'You can't end up like this. But you'll be seriously injured. Then I'll work on
it step by step and break it down.'

Shh, heh! Even in the blast, the chain-gum serpent poured in without losing
his strength.

Although she couldn't aim only for the vital spot because of the blurred
vision, Mary felt the thrill of cutting the flesh once in a while passed down
to her fingertips.

The explosion lasted three minutes. After the explosion was long and
powerful enough to leave no ordinary people or even a decent uninhabited

Mary breathed out her breath and waited for the dust to fade. Looking
forward to seeing the youngest become a mess.

As soon as his eyes became brighter, he saw a gin bent over one knee and
hardened like a stone statue. His whole body was red with blood, and he
was vomiting blood in his mouth.
Are you okay? Was I a little too much? If you think you're going to die, let's
stop here.

Mary is not the kind of person who says that. It was Mary who immediately
overlaid the chain sword with a new one. You didn't have to let your guard
down until you were sure you had beaten your opponent completely.


Mary's eyes glistened once again at Jean's call.

"Yes, my brother! You can still do more, right?”

Slowly raising his head, Jean said, "This is how it ends.

"Killing...'ll be."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 274

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:38 PM

Chapter 274: Ep. 87. Siblings (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Lava seemed to boil in my head and in my heart. The blood flow

quickened, and my jaw tingled as I clenched my teeth.

It wasn't because he was enduring the pain of an explosion and a piece of


It was because of the sudden surge of anger towards Mary.


He spat out bloodstained spits, burned them and took pieces of clothing that
had stuck to his body. The red-hot skin was indescribably hot, but it was
nothing compared to the pieces of iron embedded deep between the flesh.

The bones felt a few bumps, but they avoided damaging the intestines
thanks to their blessed body and hypocritical blood.

from the ground of one's heart

Jean wanted to kill her third sister.

Whether or not Mary knew the heart, Mary had a naive face, sweeping her
scattered hair with her palm.
"You want to kill me?"


"Where else did you learn to say such pretty words......! Come on, come

Mary was as happy as Chin's life was.

For some reason, I thought it was a line that could be said, but Mary had
never left something like a green rose hidden from Jean.

Except for the fact that he received the phoenix's heart as a gift, Jin never
owed much.

And I've almost paid off my debt to him.

"I'll ask you one thing in advance."

"What is it?"

"Looking at your sister's reaction so far, you seem to be satisfied enough.

I'll give you one more chance. Why don't you give him back at this point
and end it?"

Mary looked straight at once, wiping out a pleasant air.

"That's a no-no. What satisfaction! We still have a long way to go.”

"Okay. Then I'll assume you've paid off your debts. And I'm starting to
wonder. Is your sister really crazy or pretending to be crazy? The latter
wouldn't be of any use to beg later."


Sigmund burned blue, holding his brain.

Mary took a piece of metal out of her body and almost screamed with joy
when she saw the new strength that Jean had taken out.
It was only yesterday that Jin was known to the family that he was a
contractor for Solderlet, but using an unidentified brain device was already
revealed during the Sungguk incident.

So Mary was actually more curious about her brain than Young-gi. How
powerful is the brain that coveted both the jipple and the beat until it was
revealed who Bamel was.

"I can see it early... ....”

Give it to me!

Before finishing the sentence, a ray of epilepsy fell on Mary's head.

Plain eclipse of the Ming Dynasty sword.

A sword polished every day in Laparosa, as in the spirit of the sword. The
thunderclap also had a darker brain than before.


A hole formed in the spot where the lightning struck. Mary instinctively
stepped on the prosthesis to avoid thunderstorms, and extended her chain
sword to even try to strike back.

Jean had no intention of doing just the right thing now.

It was Mary who made a vicious move first in a race between horsemen, not
a life-or-death battle.

And it was originally Jean's specialty.

Pazizik, Kurr! Avoiding and smashing the persistent clinging epilepsy.

Mary was again preparing to narrow the distance from Jean.

'Is the youngest one thinking of winning a long distance? Well, if I could
handle a lightning like this with an injury like that, I'd choose you. I will
continue to strike, and as soon as I have a gap, I will shoot the sword."
There was one thing Mary had forgotten.

Jean was not just a 'brain-handling unmanned' but a horse prosecutor.

What, why are you closing the street all of a sudden? Are you confident of
close combat? Or is it too much to handle lightning?'

Since Jin left Tessing when he was a backup rider, his enemies have usually
only been conscious of Jin's magical abilities after experiencing this magic.

A Magician's non-season, lost ancient light magic, whose name was erased
from history by a jipple.

a flash of light



When the light burst from the palm of Jean's hand out of nowhere, Mary
groaned reflexively.

'The snow seems to be burning! That's right, that guy. He was a horseman!'

Even that was due to reflexively protecting the eyes as soon as the flashlight

In Laparosa, the Yeonggum and Myeongwanggum were not the only ones
cooked. Mana also trained so cruelly that it fell into reverse several times,
and as a result, Jin's magic was now in the late eight-star phase.

Thanks to this, the power of scintillation has risen to almost the level that
Chenmi used to perform in her heyday. Unless you anticipate it in advance
and defend it properly, anyone will be in trouble.

The genius of geniuses has returned, gone through countless trials, met with
all kinds of eccentricities, and was satisfied with his achievements for not a
single day.
That gin should be weaker than Mary.


Naturally Jean did not miss the moment when Mary flinched. Jean, who
immediately turns a plainclothes into oppressions and stabs them in her


"Wow, he's really trying to kill...…!'

As the blade brushed past the neckline, Mary realized that it was not just
words. Of course, even he was just a joy to Mary as if the lottery she had
bought long ago was turning into a huge prize money.


This time, Jin's lower kick took Mary's thigh. Mary faltered and again
disorganized, and Jean struck again, turning the oppressions into


A scream broke out at the wrong lightning, but Mary was also the rider of

She punched the side of Sigmund and hit Jean in the head.

The bald head and the rune of Multa clashed.

Muleta's run is an artifact that even a blow from a seven-star driver is

lightly bounced, but surprisingly Jin had to feel the impact that spread to the
inside of the pitch.

"Crazy, what a head-butt!"

If I had the same bald head, I'm sure Jean would have suffered more
But that wasn't all. Even though there was a chain sword, he had to hit the
sign with his fist and hit it with his bare head only to prepare for a real
effective hit.


The bounced chain sword cut through Jean's chest. At the same time, Mary
was cut off by a sign and almost missed the sword.

To explain that this bloody fight is a duel between a brother and a sister
who have not met in four years. Anyone will have an incredible reaction.

But then you may nod your head if you add 'the two are the flagpoles of

This was close to the reality of the sequencing war expected by the post-
Themeer ancestors expected.


Mary cried out with her eyes fluttering. Her sword only grew more and
more fierce after being badly hurt.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. When Mary swung the sword, a sharp
piece of ore splashed, and when the gin swung, the brain spread.

The workshop was generally at an even price. Sigmund and the serpent
drew the trajectory several times in a second, but rarely succeeded in
attacking only one side.

One cut and the other cut. First, the one whose concentration is limited will
be fatally wounded and collapsed.

"Hahaha! The edge of the knife is very cold, my brother!"

Of course, each had a weapon he was hiding.

Mary did not use the duel, and Jean did not use the dosing machine.
If you use the transducer...... my sister really dies.'

Perhaps he could have been defeated by his sister's decisive battle.

The formidable power of the Looncandel duel was a possible development.

However, it was important that Jin's remaining cards were not everything.

In this training session, there was also Yeonggumdo, which was newly
taught by King Tu, Myeongwanggumjeolgi, which was taught directly by
Ban, and magic that had not been brought out yet.

To the point where you've used all of it.

Do you really have to kill Mary?

It was never.

It is true that the expression was so extreme that I wanted to kill him.

Mary actually only admitted Jean.

From the very first moment when Jin returned to the Sword Garden
yesterday, Mary had only recognized Jin as a strong man who would not be
lacking even if he fought with his whole body and soul.

So, to fight Jin, he struggled all night to win the first easily and to fight
again (not to fly, but to roll his simple head) under the pretext of that, and
discovered the trick of a bomb.

Mary, for example, never ignored or hated Jean.

I just wanted to enjoy fighting as an equal rider, as an equal unmanned, and

as an equal competitor.

Of course there was no deep, warm affection in it like Luna or Jonah.

It was not a matter to be reckoned with, either, since it was the same.
'It's foolish to kill someone just because they feel bad. I have to make
myself my own and prepare for a war with my mother.'

While Jean was making such a judgment, Mary was thinking this.

"I want to bring up a showdown and decide the outcome, but it's crazy to
finish this pleasure at once. It's such a waste.'

For a moment two swords stopped.

"Hey, my brother!"

Jean was not yet, but Mary was already sprouting affection for her brother.
That's why they naturally use the term "my brother" more than the


"I'll give it back to Bradamante. Instead, promise me one thing."

"What more appointments do you need? You said you'd give it to me if you
satisfied me, already."

"Yes, as you said, I've already been satisfied. By the way, I want this full
condition to last a long time. So let's change the conditions a little bit. It's
not bad for you either, so listen to it first.”

"Then say something."

"After rubbing the sword, you and I are saying that one side has to die if
we're going to play it right? But there's no reason for us to even kill each

"There is no reason, but there is justification. It's part of the sequencing


"Yes, I have a cause. But I don't have a grudge. So, take the bradamante and
fight me every day like this. Until one side can completely overpower the
other. That means we're going to win, right?”
"Has there ever been a time in my family that such a lukewarm attitude was
called a competition? If you're going to fight, it's right that one side dies.
Besides, who was the one who yelled, "Dead," earlier? What about the

"That's true. I just like you, but it's misleading. I yelled for death because I
was so excited. Well...... how can I explain this so that you can

"Why are you asking me that?"

"It's because she's getting sick! I'm telling you, I don't want to end it in one
go. You don't want to fight with your sister?”

I didn't hate it. If you want to be on your side, you have to give them what
they want.

But it was difficult to fight like this every day.

"Okay, so let's do this."

"Tell me, come on."

"First of all, you can't fight like this every day. She can only fight me if I

"Well..."... again?"

"Every time we fight, victory or defeat is based on fainting. The one who
falls down first is the loser, and the loser must carry out one of the winners'
Of course, I'll write a contract so that it won't fail.”

"I like it. The contract is a bit cumbersome."

"And your sister took the bradamante instead of the normal way, right?
After you get the sword back, please make sure I don't take any
"It was intended to do so if you hadn't said. Instead, you fight with me at
least once a week.”

"Once a year."

"You have no conscience. No, once a month."

"Five months."

"Two months."

"Three months. Let's settle here."


Unexpectedly Mary accepted the offer.

In fact, she knew that if she fought like this every day, she wouldn't be able
to survive. I thought at least a month's rest was needed to maintain the best
condition and fight.

Also, you can't focus on managing your condition because you have to
carry out a pilot mission, so it's only appropriate once every three months.

"Well, let's finish the contract and write it down, brother!"


The two then continued their blood-splitting blood clots for half an hour.

They had to be taken to the medical center side by side for intensive care
throughout the day.

And when the treatment was over, Mary looked ecstatic as if she had a
happy dream.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 275

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:37 PM

Chapter 275: Episode 88. Celebration Mission, Unexpected Meeting (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"I was too indifferent to say hello after the others made a mistake."

said Rosa, putting down the teacup.

She had visited Jean's room shortly after receiving a report from her
guardian knights.

"Yes, I was indifferent. If this body had awakened and found the Sword's
Garden, wouldn't it be right for you and your husband to greet me? "But I'm
not so sad because the housekeeper leaves without saying hello, and the
servants are rude."

"As of this time, we will make sure that all members of the Sword's Garden
are on par with those of the House."

Murakan's eyebrows flinched at the expression "equal to Daewon-ro."

It is annoying to be treated like Daewon-ro.

But Murakan decided not to be drunk in the 'old days' anymore. Not only
has the power of its heyday yet, it has been more than a thousand years
since Temer left the ground.
When Themeer first raised Looncandel, Murakhan was closer to
Looncandel than anyone else.

It was more like a foreigner now. It's even an apparent hostile relationship
with Rosa, who holds real power.

'The landscape and the people are all different than they were a thousand
years ago. Temer, I miss you after a long time.'

Smiling, Murakan burst into laughter.

"Luncandel is different."

"It's better to develop over time."

"Development. If Looncandel had achieved such a thing, the Zipple would

not have existed in this world. After the loss of magic, you've only been
weak for the last thousand years."

"I'm just a mortal, so the greatness of the old Looncandel can only be seen
in records. I can't dare guess how strong Looncandel was in those days, but
I just follow traditions and laws."

"Don't you know that tradition and the law also stem from the humiliating
oaths made with the Jipple?"

"I know."

"But how come most of your family, the only one who can break the oath, is
trying to reject your youngest son?"

Rosa made eye contact with Murakhan for a while.

"I've heard that the elders have no intention of passing on the duel, and that
you're about to give him an unaffordable task as soon as you get here. I'd
like you to give me a convincing explanation.”

"Murakan, first of all, it's a false story that the youngest is the only one who
can break the poison. If you have the power to bring down the Zipple, you
can make sure anyone doesn't have an oath."

"It is a curse that is engraved in the blood of Looncandel. It is the curse of

which the mana is sealed, and except for the power of the solderlet, it
cannot be destroyed by any magic and power."

"If you're that omnipotent, why have you left us alone in the last thousand
years? Even Solderlet was the guardian of the Jipple."

Murakan had nothing to say in that passage.

Why God is God. They are gods because they protect the human beings
who serve them, or because they realize what they cannot do.

In that sense, Solderlet had never been the god of Looncandel after
Themeer's death.

"So didn't you sign a contract with your youngest son?"

"Simple contracts will help the youngest individual's armed forces, but
unless you release the curse yourself, it won't mean much to the whole
family. Rather, it's likely to cause chaos in the family because it's a violation
of the covenant, or because it's a breach of legitimacy."

"It's funny to judge legitimacy in front of me."

Rosa smoothed the teacup.

"That's why the elders of the family don't want to pass on the duel. Also, I
think there's a misunderstanding......I've never given the youngest a task
beyond his control."

"Continue talking."

"It's not the youngest's sole duty to kill a black knight spy. As it is a very
important issue, other outstanding riders will also be involved. I don't want
the youngest to be wrong either because it was the will of the housekeeper. I
also know that the youngest's ability is outstanding."
"It sounds like you want to take full advantage of that power.”

"In any case, the youngest is in a position to continue making extraordinary

changes. Otherwise, you can't be recognized in this Looncandel. Even if he
was a rider. Is that enough to explain?"

Murakhan kept eye contact with Rosa for a while.

"Yes, then I'll ask you one last question."


"Where is Temar's grave?"

"Unknown. May I go now?"

Rosa raised herself first before Murakan answered.

"I will punish the knights for disrespecting you."

When Rosa left the room, Murakan kicked his tongue.

"Not as much as the opinion, but certainly. That's not normal either."

Then Gilly shook his head, exhaling his blocked breath.

"Murakan, I didn't expect you to page her yourself.... I don't think you
should do this next time. You're now acting as Looncandel's housekeeper."

"I know, strawberry pie. I just wanted to talk to you in person at least once.
What kind of person is the kid's biggest enemy?"

"I have no idea how anxious she was to show off her unpleasant looks."

"I thought you wouldn't be so demure."

"Anyway, you should stop being embarrassed in front of everyone. Even

Mr. Murakhan will be brought to court by the court....Uh!"
Suddenly, Gilly flinched and stopped talking.

Outside the window, Rosa, who had just left the building, saw her cutting
off her guardian knights.


"Oh my..."!

In the midst of the intense sunlight in the Sword Garden, the red blood of
the guardian knights was rising.

All of them were guardian knights who were disrespectful to Murakan

while chasing Mary.

There was no expression on Rosa's face that cut them. Her sword cut off the
arms or legs of the guardian knights quickly and accurately.

And the guardian knight, who was like a captain, was decapitated. Rosa's
eyes are not on his neck.

Gilly covered his mouth reflexively, and Murakan watched the scene

Naturally, it was a warning to Murakan.

If you just call yourself one more time, you will be warned not to expect
treatment as a guardian dragon of the family.

When Rosa left, as if nothing had happened, the servants hurried to take
care of the dead and move the wounded.


"Did that happen?”

After treatment, Gilly handed over the bloody day to Jean.

"I've never seen you punish your guardian knights like that. I'm afraid all
the power of the family will shrink for a while."

"They're all Joshua's knights anyway, and I'm sure I'll be dead or hurt one
day...... that's too much of a mother. But they're devoted to their families,
and they've given them too much punishment for nothing.”

"Just because he was angry at Murakan's treatment?"

"That's not it. Mother's intentions are clear. He sent a message to the
authorities not to get involved with me. If it's about me, it's about getting
angry at the slightest thing."

"I've been thinking about it before. What kind of mother is that? Little.
Themeer's Looncandel also had a pretty nasty atmosphere, but at least he
was affectionate about blood and power. There was a tight bond."

"I still have that bond. It's not the whole thing, it's just a minor thing. And
there's nothing new to be surprised about. Gilly, offer condolences and
compensation to the family of the guardian who died today. Secretly, except
my name."

The dead knight was Joshua's man, clearly an enemy of Jean.

Nevertheless, 'in a broad sense' he is also a person of Looncandel.

Become an enemy, power. His death was the death of the enemy and the
death of authority.

Therefore, I thought we should have a minimum of examples of death.

When Joshua's knights were killed in Samil, he did not have to, because he
was a backup rider, but now he was a rider.

Even if no one recognizes it or does not intend to make it known, they

should take care of the death of power. Unless he betrayed his family or
hurt Jean's own.
"Yes, master. I'll make sure it's not too loud. And congratulations, you've
got your sword back."

"I rolled around in a field of mana bombs to get this from Mary's sister. I
seriously thought about killing my sister."

"In my opinion, Lady Mary will be your strong ally. And Master Zedd sent
a man earlier. He told me to come right after the celebration mission visit
for you.”


Since then, Jin has not been doing any special activities for a while and has
only focused on personal training.

As soon as he returned, he caused a series of big incidents, so he needed to

stay quiet.

In the meantime, rumors spread quickly in the Sword Garden that Jin had
"win Mary," and the fact that Jin was appointed as a jockey spread around
the world.

It was natural that the Sword's Garden and the outside world were noisy.

Dino faithfully wrote the article at Jin's command, while Kuzan and Julian
were driving the story to the Sulsan district in southeastern Mitel, taking
charge of "Gwanggyon Jack Glow" and "Dispatch Knight Whiroek" one by

Like the core of the storm, only the time of the Qin flowed silently.

Soon, February 15, 1799.

Missionaries to celebrate Jean began to visit the Sword Garden one by one.
The riders, who encouraged the lower forces, were not yet coming back.

Although he sent envoys to Hufester's shamans, all kinds of neutral forces

and beats, Jean rarely met those who came to see him. He even received
gifts and just sent them away.
"Do you mind if I just let you go?"

Jean nodded at Petro's question.

"Those who judge me by this trivial act need not be rushed, and those who
are bold in my rudeness will recognize my worth. Above all, there's nothing
I can give them right now. If you get too close, you'll only end up in debt.”

When there's nothing you can give someone, the debt you owe someone is
guaranteed a large interest.

"Only the envoys of the Kingdom of Delkie, MacLoran, and Bilgah of the
Kingdom of Zun, will be greeted in person. Send the rest back after
receiving the gift.”

"Okay, I'll keep a separate record of those who have expressed their special

"Ah! And if you send an envoy from the Volta family, report it to me. I'll
have to see them in person.”

"You mean the Volta family?"

Volta was one of the poorest aristocratic families in Hufester.

And being poor in Hufester meant that there was not a single outstanding
warrior in the family.

It was hard for Petro to understand why he would let all the powerful and
powerful ministers go and receive such a fallen nobleman's envoy.

'Oh, you brought up Volta too incoherently.'

At the moment Petro tilted his head, Jean looked stealthily around.

Fortunately, Gilly and Murakan did not hear this and were chatting among
'If there's something I need to tell them why I got the ball-ta, then I'll make
an excuse.'

The reason why Jin tried to take care of Voltaga was because of the
memories of his previous life.

Unlike Murakan and Gilly, however, Petro was not a "friend" but a power
and a respectable rider.

When issuing an order, there is no need to convince or explain in detail.

In Akin, Zet was needed to use his memories of his past life, and after that,
Sir Kashmir's help was a big part. But now it doesn't have to be.'

Jin, who realized the fact again, smiled inwardly.

"Okay, Master. I'll report to you as soon as Voltaga's envoy arrives."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 276

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:35 PM

Chapter 276: Episode 88. Celebration Mission, Unexpected Meeting (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The Kingdom of Delkie, the Holy Land, Bilga, Volta, MacLoranga.

Of the five powers' envoys to meet in person, Delkie was the first to arrive.
It was Laika, the third prince of Delky, who led the envoy.

"Prince Jean, no. I guess I'll call you Kyung now. Long time no see."

"I've been waiting, Prince Laika. You can sing as comfortably as you used

"You can't keep calling yourself Confucius when you're a jockey."

You want something from me. Tell me, Prince Laika.

When Confucius becomes a rider in the future, please send more guardian
knights to our Delkies. Please give me back a little bit of your stake in the
Delky gold mine that Looncandel owns.

The conversation we had as soon as we woke up at Laika's villa after

fighting with Kuzan.

Jean was greatly helped by him twice as a backup jockey.

When I first fought Kuzan, I wouldn't have survived without Laika.

Also, when I recruited Kuzan, Laika helped me find him before Joshua.

"How's Delky doing these days?"

After all the words of blessing, Laika's expression darkened when Jean

"There's no big problem internally. The brothers have a good friendship,

and the people's hearts are still directed to the royal family. But the problem
is the extreme followers of the Jipple."

a jipple follower

All the best mana bombs Mary used for Jean were taken from them.

They were more aggressive than ever in many parts of the world, serving as
front-runners for Jipple.

In the past, terrorism was mainly caused by excessive praise by fanatics.

However, today's extreme followers seem to be receiving direct support

from Jipple.

Those who were recklessly flying in the form of mucous tissue suddenly
flew mana bombs and formed some kind of chain of command to terrorize

In addition, there are not a few outstanding wizards with more than six
stars. It would be impossible without the support of huge forces.

But only "psychological" to the point, Hufester had yet to find a direct link
between the Zipple and its diehard followers.

"There are a few or two people killed and wounded on a daily basis and
dozens more than that. It's a real headache to find out what you've done and
to torture them."
"Sorry, Prince Laika. I can't say I'm not responsible for the Zipple
supporting them in earnest.”

This was exactly the same as when Qin revealed his identity.

There has already been talk among Hufester forces that "we are suffering
because of Jean Luncandel."

"You destroyed the golden castle of the Jipple at the end of the reserve
jockey, so it could be a retaliation. But Lord Qin. If it wasn't Confucius, one
day, Jipple would have served his followers. Any time the mask of justice is
taken off or they're on the defensive."

Laika was right.

The "war" of Looncandel and Jipple is inevitable, in some form, and bound
to happen.

The spirit of followers is only the beginning, and in the future, more and
more people will die. There could never be a war in which people could not

Either Jin or anyone else, if you didn't have the power to wipe out the
Gipple at once, you'd end up with the same results.

Nevertheless, Jin felt a heavy sense of responsibility.

"I don't know you very well, but I believe you are the one who will end up
making Hufester a more prosperous land."

"You flatter yourself.”

"I'm not flattered. The empty-headed aristocrats are talking nonsense

because of you, but please know that public sentiment is not. At least the
people of Delkie don't forget the courage and results you showed when you
were a backup rider. I will always fight against Jipple on your side."

Laika brought a variety of jewels and outstanding armor, but the real gift he
had prepared was sincere support and encouragement.
As Laika said, the numerous people of Hufester were supporting Qin.

To reveal the hypocrisy of the Jipple, to fight for those trampled on by the
Jipple, to count the victims and rage.

The risk of life was not something anyone could do.

"Thank you, Prince Laika. I will fulfill my promise with you before the end
of the year."

After Laika returned, Bilgah's envoy came.

As he did not meet the envoys of the royal family, he received only the
envoys of the royal family, so he was extremely excited.

"Gee, Confucius Jean! No, Lord Jean! The great twelve riders of
Looncandel! I knew this day would come......! Congratulations!"

"Sember, thanks to you, I started my preliminary jockey career. Good to see


Likewise, words of blessing have been exchanged for some time.

"What's the situation like these days?"

"Very peaceful! The Zipple's followers are not terrorizing in the Kingdom
of ."

"It must be because of Kinselo.”

The kingdom of was located close to the land of the Sioux, and its
followers were not behaving recklessly.

"That's right, Lord Qin. After Kinselo revealed his power during the Holy
Land incident, crime in the Kingdom of Cheng has decreased. There's even
a constant stream of traders trying to do business with Kinselo, with the
perception that it's safe."
The perception that Kinselo is just such a third-rate terrorist group has been
completely erased from the world. It is emerging as the fourth power after
Jipple, Looncandel and Beimant.

'Jipple still feels burdened with an all-out war with Kinselo. Seeing that
only the Kingdom of Zipple has no terrorist attacks, it's clear that Zipple is
in charge of his extreme followers. If a number of people are involved in
terrorism, the problem could grow.'

Sember followed with unexpected news.

"Do you know Jingyung, and a golden snowman named Fang?"

"I know. They're the ones who brought Bradamante back to his family.”

"Recently, the golden snow merchants led by Fang jumped over our villas
and became the greatest rejections of the Kingdom of Shun. Can you
believe it? It's only been a year. I rolled up the money I got from
Looncandel and ran a lot of business, and everything I did was crazy.”


I expected the Geumseol people to be rich, but I didn't know they would be
that rich.

"Yes, even my father had the ability to speak out. Suddenly, Fang brought it
up because he asked me to tell him a story when he met you."

"Tell me."

"The business is ready, so just come...He said... If I could only meet

Confucius, I would spend all of Hufester's money. I don't think it's just
about making money."

The cute ones, Jean swallowed the horse and smiled.

"Tell him I got it.”

Whatever it was, there seemed to be something prepared by the Geumseol

Sembert went back after a much more emotional chatter.

What he left behind, of course, was a huge amount of gold coins.

Jean gave all the gold coins to Gilly.

After Sember left, Lani's delegation from King Seong visited the Sword

As she was a special guest as Looncandel, Rosa came to meet her herself.

But Laney blessed the Colon survivors after only exchanging ceremonial
greetings with Rosa, and immediately found Jean.

Laney had become a completely different person from the last time we met.

His eyes are as hard as a rock, and his body is filled with sacred dignity, and
his attitude is never lacking the crown of Mt. Huashan.


"Your Highness the Holy Father."

For a while the two looked at each other without a word.

During the unseen period, I could see how deep and deep each had passed
the time of growth.

"You've become stronger.”

"Your Majesty also has no previous weakness."

"Don't be so formal when we're alone, I'm sad."

"Shall we, Lani Salome."

Although the time together was not long, the two felt a close bond.

It was only natural that they watched the sacrifice of an honest knight
together and saved the kingdom from being eroded.

Laney smiled.

"A little over a year has passed, but the Holy Land has not yet completely
escaped the chaos. There are still some maekkunos alive and breathing.”

"But since you're taking the throne for sure, you'll soon be a real kingdom
of saints again."

"On the news that the police returned safely and became a rider, the people
who had long been tired of the closures are reviving. Lord Bittura must be
watching in the arms of Ayula.”

"Sir Vittura's family is well adapted to Luna's estate. Before you come
down from the throne, I hope they know Lord Vittura was more honorable
than anyone else.”

"I will. Lord Qin, don't you wonder what gift I have brought?"

"Tell me."

"I'm a saint, and I'm going to stop the closure of Hufester after today, and
I'm going to send the saints. The relief targets are the innocent victims of
the Zipple's diehard followers."

It was Laney's consideration to count and ease Jean's heavy heart.

"You said you were still confused, can you afford it?"

"I can handle sending as many as 500 saints. Instead, you must fund the
operation of the Holy Land."

Not to the extent Jean was concerned, but the Holy Land was suffering from
financial difficulties. Jipple did not propose gold to the Holy Land for no
Of course, because of the special nature of the Holy Land, there were many
people who wanted to sponsor it even after the incident.

But Laney was waiting without the backing of any force.

May Jean return.

"To be sponsored means that the Holy Land will officially ally with those
forces. As I said before, I would like to form an alliance with Sir Jean

Rani gave a boost to the pronunciation of Jean Looncandel, not Looncandel.

"Good luck, Lani Salome. We can't really sponsor the Holy Land in earnest
with the money allocated for a 12-year-old fund, and we just had an
excellent line of funds."

"I look forward to it. You don't have to tell me exactly how much you want,
do you? I don't think Confucius and I are that close. 'Cause we're friends."

Laney deliberately used the expression 'Confucian' instead of Kyung.

"You've got a sly corner. Well, it's essential to be king of a country. I'll try to
make it overflowing, so please officially announce that my influence on
sending the saint to Hufester.”

"As expected, you never miss a thing. I just wanted to announce that it was
Ayula's will. By the way, where is the black cat I saved?"

"I'll call you and you'll have a cup of tea. By the way, when he comes, he'll
be a saint and hear religious arguments. Are you going to be okay?"

"Well, I don't hate that nickname.”

Murakan was so pleased to see Laney, who burst into laughter and chatted
for a long time.

Laney left in the evening.

And even until midnight, McLoran, the home of Gilly, was not sending a

The Sword's Garden meant that he had no intention of celebrating Qin, as

he had decided to receive all the envoys about Qin only today.

"Sorry, Master."

"Why are you sorry?"

"My family is disrespecting you. That's probably because of me."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 277

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:34 PM

Chapter 277: Episode 88. Celebration Mission, Unexpected Meeting (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"You're not sending an envoy because of Gilly?"

There was an indescribable amount of emotion in her eyes and gestures.

Shame, embarrassment, guilt......and bitterness and concern.

All the negative emotions that made a person smaller were intertwined with

As Gilly bowed his head, Jean patted her shoulder without further asking.

"It's all right, Gilly, you don't have to be sorry. I won't be particularly
offended by McLoran over this, so don't worry."

Jean pointed out exactly what Gilly was worried about at once.

"......I have no regrets. Thank you for counting, Master."

Actually, unlike Jean's answer.

If McLoranga had hurt Gilly badly, and so far has been troubling Gilly, if he
is so distressed that he still hasn't been able to tell himself and Murakan
what he had been through.
I was going to punish McLoranga later. It was really no problem not to have
sent a delegation.

"Strawberry pie, don't look sad and come here. That unpretentious little
boy's king game is coming to an end, so I think it would be perfect for
adults to have a drink."

When Murakan naturally took Gillie, Jean found Petro.


"Yes, Master!"

"Is it possible Volta didn't send someone?"

"I'll double-check."

By the time Petro returned, it was past midnight.

"That's strange. All the fallen aristocrats came and went back, but only
Volta didn't send a messenger."

Like Volta, simply 'crawling on the floor' families didn't have to be wary of
other brothers about sending envoys.

This is because they are not worthy enough to establish direct contact with
Looncandel in the first place.

Brothers won't care, no matter what kind of fallen aristocrats Jean meets.
Even Rosa.

Therefore, the weaker the family, the more they tried to make a connection
with the pure blood of Looncandel.

It was common for them to squeeze out the money they didn't have and
send it to pay tribute, and to bring a family heirloom.

But Volta has made a completely different move from other fallen families.
"Yes, well...….”

Jean was lost in thought for a moment.

Do you mean there's someone in the family who knows that there's a
descendant of the Pikon people in the Volta family? At this time?'

Picon Minche.

Undisputed, the greatest blacksmith in continental history and a figure who

has set his sights on Varysada and Bradamante.

Nearly a thousand years have passed since the death of the Peaconians, but
the largest blacksmith group on the continent is still the "Public Blacksmith

The official blacksmiths of the Society of Civil Health were treated better
than most knights and wizards, both Hufester and Rutero.

In particular, the three blacksmiths of the Society for Civil Health, called
Moru, Hammer and Fire, treat even their opinions with special courtesy.

No one could have imagined that the immediate descendants of the people
were deacons of the fallen noble family.

"It was when I was 23 or 4 that it was first revealed in my previous life. I'm
sure it was about to reach the first star of the sword.'

I still remembered vividly. Hufester's whole world was in a state of course.

The descendants of Pikon Minche were using the name 'Bin Branche'.

Like everyone else did. He didn't know he was a descendant of Picon,

neither his parents nor his great-grandparents nor his great-grandparents.

In other words, the descendants of Peacon lost their gender and identity as
"people" and lived as ordinary citizens. The castles were changed several
times according to the marriage laws and customs of the time.
Then out of nowhere, a blacksmith's god came to the Volta family butler
Bin Branche.

To be exact, it was around twenty-four when Bin first "recognized" the

already contracted god of blacksmith.

'My previous life's information could be wrong. It was only then that Bin
Branche's anecdote was known to the world, and the family might have
known Bin before. Especially, Joshua has a character called the Prophet.'

Jean nodded, arranging her thoughts.

At that time, Jin was not a rider, unlike now, and was secretly despised by
his servants.

Therefore, the family could not be fully aware of the situation. It was only
natural that he continued to practice meaningless training all day long in the
corner and return to the room as if he were hiding.

On the other hand, Joshua was not much different then.

Even if the brothers other than Joshua had secured Bin Branche, they
wouldn't have had to share it with their family's trash.

Jin didn't even know whose power he was included in, after being known at
the time as the new contractor for Bin Branschuga blacksmith.

I just assumed he belonged to Looncandel.

Either way, we'll have to see for sure what's going on in person by person.

"Bolta's estate was a country in the Kingdom of Shucheron, wasn't it? Do

you have a travel gateway that can go straight?"

Seo, you're not going to visit Volta.

Petro was a man who didn't ask such a thing.

"No, sir. I'll order you to open the gate to another city in Scheron, which is
closest to the gatekeepers, immediately.


As soon as he arrived at the southern gate of Shoucheron, Volta rode Shri to

the mansion.

Now, there was nothing wrong with being seen riding Shuri, but Jin did not
want to draw attention for no reason, so he only took the mountain path.

"Who, are you?"

The small mansion in the Volta family was so shabby that it would not be
strange if it collapsed soon.

The entrance was guarded by two skinny boys, embarrassed to call them
gatekeepers. I couldn't tell whether he was hungry because he didn't get his
salary on time, or if he was this shape even though he received it well.

"It's the 12th Runkandel. It's Jean Lunkandel. I'm here to see the Bolta
family, so guide me."

"Uh..." Uhh!"

"Oh, I see! Go, go, go, go! My lord! Lou, here comes the rider of

The two men, who jumped to their feet, shouted for the lyric.

After a while, when the housekeeper appeared (even if it wasn't as much as

the boys, it was quite gruesome), Chin almost got a laugh.

He stepped forward and broke the door of the mansion. It happened when I
opened the door a little harder than usual because I was in a hurry.

At this point, Jin had to erase all of the "why Volta didn't send his envoy"
that he had been agonizing over the whole time.
Far from being a mobile gateway, you're as poor as a horse. What kind of
envoy would an envoy be in this situation.'

Volta didn't send an envoy because he just didn't have money.

No matter how bad it was, it was amazing that such a family existed in

"Lu, have you come to this shabby place for fishing?"

"I'm here to ask you something. By the way, why did you end up like this?”

It was my first time meeting him, but I couldn't help but ask him.

"Oh, there's been a famine in the land recently......with bandits and demons
in full of them.... well, I'm ashamed."

"Why don't you ask the House of Shucheron for help?"

"It's been a long time since the royal family abandoned the territory. As you
can see, it's not worth much, so...….”

As soon as I heard it, I was convinced. As the Volta family said, the estate
really didn't seem worth a damn.

"Well, I think we'll be able to be self-sufficient this year because winter-

growing items are being harvested properly...... No, what am I talking
about? I'm sorry, Sir Jean Lundel. I couldn't afford to spend my time with
you, so I couldn't visit you."

Jean grabbed him by the shoulder as the Bolta family was about to kneel

In fact, Jean wanted to hold him tight and give him a bag of money. It was
because of the conviction that Volta had not yet been seen by anyone in the
Sword's Garden.

If anyone knew of the existence of Bin Branche, they wouldn't be living

like this.
Therefore, the Bolta family has done enough. At least from Jean's point of

"I'm not here to argue that. I'm here to see a friend named Bin Branche. I
heard you're working as a butler for Volta.”

The eyes of the Bolta family have become round.

"Bin? What brings you to find that friend?"

"Do you need to know?"

At Chin's calm voice, the Volta family and gatekeepers shook their heads at
a very rapid pace.

"No! Lord Qin, only, Bin. Our butler."

The eyes of the Bolta family turn red in a flash.

"I was taken by bandits four days ago. It would have been better if I had
been taken away from the snow piled up on this road and I was older and

It was very sad that the Bolta family was sobbing, but there was no time to
console him.

"I'll get him right away, so pray Bin Branche is all right."

Maybe you'll be safe. Unless the historical changes caused by Qin's return
spread to this extreme village.



"He, Bu, North. The bandits headed north."

"Let's go, Shree!"


For a while, people in Volta only blinked at the back as Shree suddenly shot
his eyes in a cloud.

After three hours of driving north, I could see a den of bandits.


"Who is it!"

As Qin turned aside the sloppy curtain he had placed in front of the natural
cave, the bandits who were playing the drinking board jumped up and

I assure you, it was one of the pyramids that I had never met before when I
was a backup rider.

Not every city in the world was a big city, not everyone was outstanding.

Although Qin grew up in the midst of environmental monsters and candles,

there were some people in the world who were troubled by these
insignificant bandits.

"Bin Branche, raise your hand."

"Who are you!"

"I think it's a capital aristocrat, just go your way. Don't let it get ugly."

A slender young man in the back was seen raising his hand. He was Bin

Since then, there has been no sword or fist to stretch.

Of the energy they had, the bandits were instinctively busy lying flat or
shivering. Soon, Jean was more energetic, and every single one passed out.
Bin looked round with a frightened look, and came up to the camp with

And as he approaches.

Jin was feeling a strange resonance that he had experienced in the Blue Bird
Islands in the past. Sigmund responded to Gram's tomb and was almost like
the phenomenon that resonated.


But what resonates now is not Sigmund, but his favorite sword that has
been recovered.

It was Bradamante.

The god of the blacksmith who signed the contract with Vienna and
Bradamante are resonating.

"Today is a very lucky day for me and for you."

Jean said, asking Bin to shake hands. As soon as Bin held Jin's hand
together, he experienced a voice ringing in his head for the first time in his

[Bradamante! Bin, come on, take away the sword he's holding. Come on!]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 278

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:32 PM

Chapter 278: Episode 88. Celebration Mission, Unexpected Meeting (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Bin was startled and looked around.

But the source of the strange resonant voice was in his head.

[What are you doing, Bin Branche?] Without taking it away right now!]

The voice that urges again, is the voice of the blacksmith's god.

In Jin's previous life, Bin first communicated with the god of blacksmiths
five years from now.

But history was changing because Jean found him.

And the voice was not only heard by Bin Branche.

You want me to take Bradamante? No. Why do I hear the voice of the smith

As a general rule, it was very difficult to hear the voice of God, unless you
were a contractor.
It is possible only when prayer is accompanied by God's strong enough to
be led, or God must ascend directly through the incarnation.

But Qin had experienced similar things on the island of 32 in the Blue Bird

'Is it because, like Sigmund and Gram, Bradamante is closely related to the
god of blacksmiths?'

While Jin was agonizing, Bin seemed to be at a loss for words.

He looked around a few times and checked the source of his voice, and
soon judged it to be auditory, and thanked Jean.

"Well, thank you! Sir, you saved my life. I think you're here to save me, but
if you could give me your name...... haha!"

Bin, who was nodding his head, backed away with a grotesque sound.

"Hey, what the hell!"

[Bring him down! Bin Branche, with this sword!] He is a very unpleasant

Keddeuk, Keduk...…!

Bin was surprised because of the sudden formation of a "gum" in his hand.

Black pieces of iron swirled around the bins, not knowing where they came

At the same time, Jin's eyes were covered with irons.

'The metal is forming a sword...…!?'

Again, it was a phenomenon that Jean had once experienced.

the head of the Kinselo

In the old Oterium, he used metal just like a bean to make swords and

[I'll lend you my power, so take him down and take him away. Bin Branche,
the situation must be embarrassing, but you're actually my contractor. It's
been like that since I was born. I'm the god of blacksmiths and your
ancestor. I'll raise you in earnest if you listen to me now.]

The blacksmith's god had no idea that his voice was heard by Jean.

On the other hand, Bin was worried that Jin might be listening to the voice
(because Jin did not react differently on the outside, he was not able to
make a quick judgment).

"Come on! Come on, I'm afraid you'll tell you in advance. I don't know
what the identity of this voice is, and I just thank you for saving me, and
why I suddenly have a sword in my hand, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Wedge fluid!

Bin hit the sword.

Not a threat, but a blow with a lot of intent to split the body in half, starting
with the top of the head.

Even the edge of the knife was surrounded to come.

Jean who avoids the sword by treading lightly on the prosthetic.

[Bin, what are you doing?] I've shown you a demonstration of my strength.
Come on, attack him, I'll keep helping you. From the way he moves, he's a
knife-wielding guy.]

Of course the blow just now wasn't Bin's will.

It's just the blacksmith's god forced him to move.

"My lord! Can you hear this voice? I didn't do this! Something's controlling
my body!"
Bin shouted with a white face.

[He can't hear my voice. Listen to me! Bin, I have to take my work away.]

"Get out of me, you demon!"

Jean felt as if she were watching a ridiculous one-man play.

But aside from being ridiculous, the words of the blacksmith's god were
clearly full of interesting information.

"The god of the blacksmith said that Bradamante was his work, and that he
was the ancestor of Bin." As if he were the Picon himself.'

Besides, the ability to use iron like the head of Kinselo.

I thought I should have a conversation with the god of blacksmith's god.

"Bin Branche."

"Fuck! I'm sorry, of all things, a mad demon at this moment."

"I know it's not your will to attack me. A demon who called himself the god
of blacksmiths. They've made a great deal of fuss about taking

Bin nodded furiously in tears.

"That's right!"

On the other hand, the blacksmith's god was startled and said:

[What, your ass. You hear my voice?]

I've never met him before and cut him. And to the benefactor who saved his

At this point, even if the opponent was a god, there was no need to respect
"You can hear very well, demon."

[Huh, that's amazing. I mean, you heard my voice.... by the way, you little
bastard. How dare you call me a demon? I am the god of great blacksmith,
Picon Minche!]

The blacksmith's god known to the world was not the Picon Minche, but the

"The god of the blacksmith is not a Picon Mince, but a grouller."

[Ha! Growler, yes. There was a time when he was the god of blacksmiths.
However, this Picon Mince's colorectal art was superior. Groller's dead. I'm
sure you don't know this great story.]

"You're talking nonsense.”

[Where did you get the bradamante?] Give it up for now, and I will bury
your rudeness and kill you without pain.]

By that time Bin was completely lost in reason when he was encroached by

The hazy white porcelain glowed weakly, and the hand holding the sword
was full of life.

But in the Bluebird Islands, Feytel was not a perfect incarnation, as he had
rented Julian's body.

The Picon has yet to build enough 'spirit' to have such a strong conviction,
so it is only at the level of forcibly taking away the contractor's body.

Jindo, the so-called "first-time god," was not aware of this either.

"Hey, Peacon Minche. You keep killing me. What do I do? Can you take
responsibility for that?"

Did it sound like a compliment to you to describe me as a blacksmith?…?]

a smirk

Jean smiled.

'As soon as I get back home, I'm fighting twice over Bradamante.'

Instead of revealing that she was Looncandel, Jean put Bradamante on the
floor. Pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

"Take it, if possible."

[You bastard!]

Metals gathered again at the rush of Picons.

Sword, armor, shield. The metal quickly made new equipment, and Jean
watched its ability closely.

'I've never heard of the god of the blacksmith having this power, but it's too
much like the ability of the head of the Kinselo.'

But now we can see that it is clearly different from the leader's.

The leader's power was definitely a step ahead.

While the iron-made armor of the Picon was rather rough, the sword and
door of the leader at the time had a sense of perfection.

Did Kinselo absorb the power of Grouller, the original god of blacksmiths?
Or, like a drinking stone, the leader may have absorbed the grourer.'

So the blacksmith's god was vacant, and the place was filled by the Picon
Mince and became a new god.

Suddenly, the thought of the possibility crossed my mind.

'Anyway, the fighting power of the Picon's people is not at a threatening

To the point where you can't tell what the hell you believe in, Picon's
ignorance was just so.


Jean fled the sword and gave up power.


The shield was shattered by a single blow, and the pecon.

Only then did I realize that I had made a mistake.

It was not because the shield was broken by Jin's light fist.

He broke his shield, and he broke his armor, and it was not because he
thought he was going to fly again.


The black energy that surrounds the fist of Qin.

In Picon's perception, having the spirit meant that he had the right to own

[Wait! Car, there was a mistake! You're Soldert's...…!]

Solderlet, as soon as she heard the name, she was surprised, but Jean
decided to pretend not to hear it.

I felt as if I had to stretch out my fist and hit it.


The pickon, who was hit with a straight jaw, rolled four laps back.


At Jean's question, the pecon jumped to his feet and shouted back.
[Oh, shit! Why didn't you tell me from the beginning, you're the contractor
of Soldierlet!]

"Did you give him a chance to talk? And what does that matter?”

[If you hadn't, you should have told me!]

Although he was screaming, Picone's speech was full of strange welcome.

And Jin could feel that the initiative was completely handed over to him
just by showing Young-ki.

"Don't talk nonsense, and apologize now. Then let's just pass the rudeness
that we just had."

The middle of the pecon's forehead was crumpled.

But there was nothing to say.

[Sorry, at first I only felt some strange vibe from you, so I never thought
you'd be a contractor of solderlet.]

"Oh, that's unexpected. I thought you were going to curl your mouth again.
By the way, strange energy?"

Picone pointed to the sign on Jean's waist.

[Now that I see it, I seem to have been mistaken for that venomous strange
sword. I don't know, but I think it's a sword that cut down many gods and
sealed their I don't know if I've had an extremely unpleasant
sensation the moment I saw you.]

The first time he saw Jean, he felt, was his "God-like instinct."

As Picon became a god relatively recently, he was unaware of the fight

between the Ming and the gods half a million years ago.

Nevertheless, I felt indescribable displeasure with the energy of Sigmund,

the new sword and the new sword.
In the meantime, he only thought that Jin had to retrieve Bradamante
somehow because he even had it.

There was a moment of silence.

[What's your name?] I'm sure he's descended from Looncandel, Themeer.]

"It's Jean Looncandel."

[All right, Jean Looncandel. "A thousand years ago, said Solderet, sealing
me as a god. "

Even if the blacksmith's god was vacant according to Jin's reasoning. Also,
no matter how exciting the Peaconian bowel movement was.

It was impossible for Picon, who was only a human being, to just gain
prestige. Solderlet used his power and status to make him a god.

"For those who have signed a contract with Shadows, who have brought
Brathamante or Barishada, tell us the land where Themeer was first buried."
He also asked me to put his sword on him once more.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 279

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:31 PM

Chapter 279: Episode 88. Celebration Mission, Unexpected Meeting (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The founder of Looncandel, or the guest house of misfortune, that was not
settled in the mortuary.

The man who easily overwhelmed the entire Mitra Great Membrane with
his remaining presence in the mirage.

'The ground where Temar was buried for the first time?'

There were at least two pieces of information in a brief expression.

It's certain that Temer's tomb exists somewhere, and that there has been
more than one burial ground.

It was only based on the memories before the return that he was trying to
get a blank branche before anyone else, and it seemed like he was about to
hear an unexpected secret.

After the return, there were only two people who felt a kind of

Father Ciron Looncandel and Sijo Themeer Looncandel.

Jin had vaguely thought of jumping over the two since the stormy days, and
as he grew up, ideas were becoming increasingly distinct goals.

There were many moments when I wondered about their old stories.

Unlike themselves, who are a regression, they are supermen who have
reached the end of their unconsciousness with a single life.

"Solderet really gave you such an order?"

I decided to calm down and listen to Picone calmly for now.

[Order!] [Solderet has sealed me as a god, but I have been his equal friend
since my days as a human being. I even chose this boring eternity for

Solderlet's characteristic personality was to get along with the mortal.

Most of the other gods had extremely vertical relationships. Except for
those whose level is ambiguous, like Olmango, the god of shellfish...….

That's why Murakan is a creature and calls solderlet to this man and that
man (Misha herself paid her respect). Jin also talked comfortably with him
in his previous life.

Although it's true that I made the first mistake to you, I apologize again for
it, and I hope you at least recognize me as a friend of your God.]

Though his words were gentle, Picone seemed to hate Jean's overbearing
way of speaking.

"Okay, I apologize for the violence against you, too."

A legendary blacksmith and now a god, and a very important source of

information for himself.

It wasn't that difficult to please such a pecon.

[Hmm! Yes, thank you. By the way, how did you know I was here?]
"I didn't know. I was just trying to meet Bin Branche, but I happened to see

[Hooh, is it just fate, strange. Soldert, he was looking forward to a thousand

years later.]

Jean disagreed with Picon, but nodded.

If Solderet had been an omnipotent being who could even see the fate of a
thousand years later, he would not have had to die so vainly and return.

Of course, just because you think you're a perfectly almighty god did not
make Jean laugh at Solderette.

It had been nearly two decades since he had not heard his voice as a
contractor, but Jean was still feeling unutterably grateful to him.

"It's honestly hard for me to understand that Groler died and Picon became
the god of blacksmiths."

[For your part, that's possible.]

"At least Bin Branche was just kidnapped and on the verge of death.
Judging from his incarnation, Mr. Picone would have had enough of it. Why
did you leave it alone?”

Not many people in the world know that the god of the blacksmith is dead.
"I judged that I might reveal my strength recklessly before I met you, and
then be targeted by the enemies of Soldert.]

"So you were going to stay hidden until I showed up."

[Yes, Zipple, for what those crazy things did to Themeer's grave, I had to
hide myself.]

"What if the bandits did harm Bin Branche?”

[Still would have stayed still. Even if Bin dies.]

Then was I discovered around 24 in my previous life, when the compass
was on the enemy.

Or, for some reason, Picone broke his promise with Soldierlet.

Jean swallowed the horse and nodded.

I also felt bad to see my descendants lead a humble life. Since I became a
god, I've only signed contracts with direct descendants. But I had no choice
but to keep my promise with Soldierlet.]

"......Wait, so you're saying that your descendants haven't had any benefits
as contractors until now? Because of me?"

[Such a thing.]

As soon as I heard it, I felt like a rock stuck in my chest.

The direct descendants of Picon could surely have lived a rich life with the
support of the Association of the Mints, even if they had no talent.

But Peacon himself hid his first direct descendant, so to speak, his son and
daughter. on the verge of becoming a god.

Since then, his descendants, whom Jin has never seen before, have lived
beyond all the benefits they should have had.

Some of them lived a very rich life as a servant at the top, but most of them
endured a humble reality like the current Vienna Branche.

There was not a single person who was full of talent as a blacksmith.

It was because he intentionally blocked the potential of his descendants out

of fear that he would be targeted.

'For one thing, they were all sacrificing? Because of solderlet and pecon's
dogmatic decisions?'

Suddenly, I remembered what I had been through at Colon.

[I was waiting for someone to take this. The thousand-year contractor
whom Solderet said, the very boy.]

What Clam, who ascended through Laosa, said.

At that time, he thought only that he had settled the tragedy that the Colons
had experienced.

But it wasn't. They, too, had sacrificed themselves to a bird they didn't even
know for Qin, as the descendants of the Peacon Minche did.

Very much.

I felt it was unfair and harsh. It was because there was a dark time when Jin
also struggled without knowing that he was cursed.

The Picone, who read Jean's feelings, spoke behind the scenes.

[I know what you're thinking. But let us know that this was the best we
could do.]

Why did you sacrifice your descendants for me, I never wanted that.

Jin did not forget that shouting now meant nothing to him, not only to the
descendants of Peacon, who had already died with all his life.

It was just a grumble.

You can't undo what's already gone on, Jean is just.

I had to have a deep sense of responsibility. To the countless people who

were sacrificing for themselves without knowing it.

And had to produce results.

Whatever Solderlet intended, apart from that, had to realize what Jean
herself believed to be right.
The process naturally involved the destruction of the Jipple, and just added
another one.

To make sure that no one sacrifices for oneself anymore.

Of course, I couldn't always bear all the burdens of the world alone, but I
wanted to make sure at least nothing was so unfair.

It takes countless factors to realize it.

The first of them was overwhelming power. It took such a strong force that
no one dared to say he would sacrifice for himself.

The second is the absolute power that will back him up.

The two were problems that had to come to the pinnacle of Looncandel.
One more big fire was set on the mind of ascending to the throne.

"Don't stop me from supporting Bin Branche. It's also true of his future

[... ...I get it.]

"And, thank you for your hard work."

It is not only the descendants of the Picons that have sacrificed.

Peacon Minche also must have suffered from remorse whenever he could
not help his descendants.

I don't think it's because you just yelled at Bin to take Bradamante away....?
You're raising him in earnest. I said, "Oh, no."'

Anyway, Picon seemed very moved by Jean's greeting.

The misty white snow was gathering moisture.

[Solderet, it's not too bad that your last contractor could do that. It would be
fine if you put all your might into the sword.]
"I've been wondering since a long time ago, what does it mean to give
Bradamante a shot? And Temer, please tell me what my ancestors meant by
where they were first buried."

[First of all, as you know, Bradamante was a test piece to make a barissada.
And yet you, Looncandel and the rest of the world, recognize it as a rare
masterpiece, a little less than a barissada.]

Bradamante and Barissada. It's Barissa.

It was solderlet who asked Picone to produce the two brothers' swords.

Because, as the god of swords and shadows, he thought he needed a special

sword for his contractor, Temer Looncandel.

But while Barissada was a "complete finished product," Bradamante was a

problematic sword.

At least by the standards of the Picon's people.

It's true that even a test piece is as great a sword as I used all my power at
the time. At least in a spirit attack, Barissada can generate about 60 percent
of its power, and it's cast in the ancient fountain, so it's never broken.….]

Peacon praised Bradamante like an octogenarian who boasted of his

children for a while.

As he was a blacksmith to the bone even in human life (far beyond the
general standard), he was actually more affectionate to his best martial arts,
especially masterpieces, than his own flesh and blood.

Bradamante is the third of them, so he is naturally rambling.

[... ...but the only drawback of Bradamante is that it does not protect users.]

"Protection? It's not even armor."

"In my life I have made countless armor, but have not seen anything better
than those formed by spirit." That's why when we made barissada, we set it
up so that if we inject the spirit, the armor would form.]

Tired, for example, wanted to add that feature to Bradamante.

One of the biggest reasons he decided to become a god in accordance with

Soldier's will was his desire as a blacksmith to transform an unfinished
masterpiece into a finished one.

[So give Bradamante out here. I'll give it back to you right away.

As Jin gently turned over Bradamante, he sang as if he was thrilled, and a

shivering pecon.

[Finally I can make my baby perfect...]…!]

"How long does it take?”

Of course, Jean didn't look very good in loving things rather than blood.

However, it was not strange because the geniuses of the extreme were often
out of touch and twisted.

[At least half a year is a necessary task. There's a lot of material you need to
get me.]


[And one of them is where Themere was first buried.]

"The first time Temar was buried means he had a head, and he wouldn't
have needed it without someone's attack or theft. You also said what Zipple
did to Themeer's grave. Is there something left over there?”

Then Peacon smiled sizzlingly.

[You know, the will of the great knights. You will have to face those who
were the will of the Temer there.]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 280

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:30 PM

Chapter 280: Fig. 89. The First Tomb of Themeer (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

After the incarnation, Bin learned all the truth. It was because the memories
of the short period of time that the Picon was brilliant remained the same.

"Uh...... that's amazing, the legendary blacksmith, Picon Minche! I've never
imagined I'd be the blood of such a great man. I thought it was a demon, but
it was the voice of God. Haha."

Bin's swollen chin (because the Picon was in a state of incarnation, it ended
up being hit by Jin's fist) and smiled with a good smile.

Unexpectedly, he was in a mood of accepting what had happened to him.

Not only himself, but also the fact that all ancestors after Picon did not
enjoy the benefits of being a contractor.

"Bin Branche."

"Yes! Lord Qin. I couldn't say hello properly earlier because I wasn't busy.
Suddenly my body was out of control...….”

"Isn't that unfair?"

"You and your ancestors made unwanted sacrifices because of me."

Bin opened his eyes wide and waved.

"Aigo, what sacrifice is it? I didn't particularly benefit from not knowing I
was a contractor, but I didn't lose anything in particular. At least for me.
Besides, if the fact that I'm a new contractor for a blacksmith alone had a
high chance of becoming a slave to Zipple, I should have kept it hidden. So
I don't think it's a sacrifice."

I haven't benefited in particular, but I haven't lost anything in particular.

Bin sincerely thought so.

"Of course, if I had known I was a contractor, my life would have changed.
With a high probability. If I had been a blacksmith in Looncandel, or if I
had been a member of the Association, I would have had a better life."


"But is there any guarantee that it will be absolutely happier than my

present life?"

This time, Jin's eyes grew bigger.

"That's something no one knows. If you were a blacksmith in Looncandel,

you might have died trying to keep up with the high-income bracket. It's a
scary place, isn't it? The Society of the Mints may have had all kinds of
envy and jealousy.”

Bin, who stopped talking for a while, shrugged his shoulders and continued
his back talk.

"On the other hand, I love my life now. Although I was kidnapped after
living under a madly poor lord, I have experienced Lord Qin come to rescue
me personally...... you're a little unlucky, but you're a good man."

"Continue, talk to me.”

"That's all."

"From now on, Mr. Picone will strengthen Bradamante through your body
because of me. It would be unfair for you. If there's anything you want to
argue with me about him, tell me. I'll accept as much as I can. I don't mean
to punish you or hurt you if you refuse.”

"Sir Qin, what does that mean? I just happened to meet you today. Except
that I was a blacksmith's contractor, you saved my life."

Bin wavered again.

"So I have no complaints. Rather, it's better to think that I can pay you

"Thank you for saying that.”

"I can guess why you came to see me. Volta was the only one who didn't
send me a congratulatory gift, so I'm sure he came to ask me about the
situation of the land. But Lord Qin, please know this. My lord has never
pocketed a tax."

Bin had one big misunderstanding.

It was only a coincidence that he met Picon from his point of view, but it
was inevitable that Jin visited him.

In fact, Bin continued to care that he failed to send Jin a gift to congratulate
him on his appointment.

I didn't think Jin would be the first person to ask for a gift.

Bin also read an article about Jin's anecdote in Sungkuk when he was a
backup rider.

So Bin thought Jin might suspect the Bolta family's tax ruse.

No matter how fallen it is, it makes no sense not to send a gift to the noble
Of the numerous Hufester families, everyone would have sent Jin a gift
except Volta, where he is the butler.

Jin was in a situation that seemed suspicious enough to Bin.

"The lord sold his household to save the poor. It was hard to get a good
letter paper, let alone a gift, because famine continued in barren land and
bandits were rampant."

The sudden defense of Vienna made Jean feel absurd.

There was no need to correct his misunderstanding.

I didn`t think the Volta family embezzled the taxes. But, like you said, I was
curious about the land situation. I wanted to support you if you were in a
bad condition.”

Then Bin nodded in delight.

"As expected, you were my friend! Sir Jin, thank you for counting! Until
you look at the land that is not as important as ours, and save me from the
bandits.... this honor, I will not forget it even when I die."

This is what Jean thought.

'How come...... this friend's misunderstanding is getting bigger and bigger?

No, isn't that a misunderstanding? If we could secure the blacksmith's god
first, we'd give Volta enough support.'

Not only did he secure it, but he also learned that the blacksmith's god was
changed, and that it was the arrangement of solderlet, and he was promised
to strengthen Bradamante.

It was a perfect situation for Jin.

"Then, take good care of my sword."

Bin carefully lifted Bradamante.

"I don't know the art of blacksmith, so my forefather will do it all. As long
as I have enough space in my territory for my ancestors to hold a sword
without anyone knowing...….”

"That's my job. I'll do everything I can to keep you from getting in trouble
while the smith god is working. And we'll raise money and food, including
house repairs."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you!"

Jin smiled awkwardly as he looked down at Bin, who bowed his head in the
spirit of bowing.

"Is there anything else you want from me?"

"None. It's already full, Ser Jean."

"I can give a lot of support to your individual if you want. You remember
what I talked to Ficon earlier. I told you not to stop me from supporting

"Hha, I can't stand the words. But Sir Jin, as I said before, I like my life.
The estate, Volta's mansion is my home, and it's like I'm getting back on my
feet when I'm through this hard time."

Although it was a short meeting, Jin felt a great deal of favor with the
character Bin.

You could have wanted as much as you wanted. He could have done evil to
compensate his ancestors and his own sacrifices.

But Bin didn't.

"Thank you. Now we're going back to your house."


Upon returning to the Sword's Garden, Jean found Petro.

"I want you to visit the Volta site in person tomorrow morning, and support
Volta in a non-excessive way. Focus on gold coins and food, and don't send
troops. Be careful not to look special to other brothers."


"And please contact Tikan and ask him to have only about five reliable
plainclothes guards stationed in Voltaaga's compound."

"Yes, Master."

When Petro left, Gilly and Murakan, who were in the midst of sharing
glasses, approached.

"Where have you been, my lord?"

"Only Volta didn't send me a congratulatory gift, so I went to see what was
going on.”

"Hey, now that you're a jockey, are you already swinging your power
around? My little boy, I didn't see it like that. A fallen aristocrat would have
a pretty tight family life. You're taking money from those guys, huh?"

"Murakan, I'm sure you left, not because you were disgusted.”

"The territory was in very bad shape. I was supposed to apply, but I
happened to meet the blacksmith's new contractor there.”



When Jin told them all about what was going on with Picon, they seemed to
be quick to understand it.

"So little boy, you mean. I don't know why Grouller died, and the new
smith god, Peacon, was the arrangement of the Soldier for you. Besides,
Themeer's first grave? Ha!"
"You get involved with great beings everywhere you go."

"Now do Do you meet God in such a rural village?"

"Both of you don't seem to find it very interesting."

"You've done this before or twice? Even in Colon, I met a strange god and
got a mirror. It was the arrangement of Soldierlet. When I was looking for a
big fan on Beemance's deserted island, I drank it. A blacksmith's god is all
right. I think it's Soldier's plan."

Gilly nodded still.

"By the way, Picon Mince used the same power that General Manager
Kinselo used?”

"Yes, it seemed strangely superior to the leader, but Mr. Picone also handled
iron. Just like he did. Is it the ability of the blacksmith god by nature?"

"I'm not sure about that. My predecessor, Groller, was a closed-source god."

"If the blacksmith is God-specific, it's highly likely that Grouller's death has
something to do with General Kinselo. You haven't got any idea yet about
General Manager Kinselo, have you?"

[It was me who stopped the friend when Temar tried to kill you in a storm.
Murakan. You don't remember me?]

How dare you sell someone's name? You look like a nigga, but the theme
couldn't have matched yours. Besides, there's a lot of traffic, so you must
have heard something from somewhere? The explosion that day...….

[Do you want to say that it wasn't you, it was the Temer?]

A conversation between the head of the Kinselo and Murakan in the old

Ever since that day, Murakan has been poking his memory.
However, no matter how much I searched my head, I couldn't find any
memories of having a relationship with Kinselo.

"Oh, there isn't. Goddamn it, I'm going crazy wondering who that bastard

"Kinselo's been revealed to the surface anyway, so it'll be revealed who he

is. There must be a lot of people besides us who are curious about him."

When Murakan was frustrated, Gilly turned the subject around.

"I can't wait to hear that you're improving Bradamante, but I'm already
worried that you're going to the place where the first lady was buried. I
think it's dangerous for somehowever. That will, that's...….”

"Don't worry, Gilly. I'm going there with Murakan.”

"The smith god knows you don't even know your mother. I can't say hello to
Themeer even if I visit him. Hoo, it's Temer's first grave.….”

Murakan smiled bitterly.

He had been trying to keep his troubled heart under control ever since Jean
first brought up the story of Themeer's grave.

"Yes, where is the location? Where he was buried."

"Anz Grand Plains. It was the land of Chukon Tolderer."

said Jean, showing the 'key' she received from Picon.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 281

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:28 PM

Chapter 281: Episode 89. The First Tomb of Themeer (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

There is an area called Baolai on the Great Plains of Anz. the heartland of
the Anzh Plains Put your spirit into this key there. Then his first grave will
be revealed.]

Do you have any precautions?

[He says don't panic no matter what happens. That's what Soldier told you
to deliver.]

Anything else?

[No. I wish you good luck, Jean Luncandel.]

The key that Picon handed over, saying so, was a black stick the size of a

It looked nothing special, so it would look like a part of something if I

didn't know the purpose of the key.

"I told you to inject spirit into this thing? Give it to me."

Murakan, who took the key, immediately injected the spirit.

Nothing happened. At least on the surface.

"I can see what it is. It is a type that doesn't work unless you inject as much
vigor as you need. Soldier used to make these things like toys and often.”


"When are you going to Anzh Grand Plains?"

"I'd love to go right away, but I have to meet Uncle Jed and I have to be
scheduled to kill a black knight spy. My mother said she'd give it to me on
my first mission.”

"He said he'd put you on that mission and a different brilliant rider. I think
it's Joshua. Since it's an important mission, I think I'm going to go with the
shape of using you and pushing the ball to Joshua."

"Well, I don't think my mother's gonna have such shallow water. What do
you think, Gilly?"

"I agree, Master. I think Joshua's mean...I'm sorry, not... Lady Luntia or
Master Dipus, I think you're going to put it on."

Luntia and Dipus.

Except for Luna, who is 'outside' the two men who must appear when
discussing the strongest of the Looncandel riders.

"Second sister and elder brother, indeed. You'll need someone as certain as
you have to deal with the black knight."

"No, but if you're sure the black knight is a spy, you can just kill him.
What's the point of planning a mission? It wouldn't be a problem if we
killed him in the Sword Garden in the name of purging."

"When a black knight dies, you need that justification and background. We
can't reveal to everyone in the family that the knight is a spy, so simple
purges can ruin the discipline of the family. Revealing the truth and judging
the spy makes you laugh. "Because a spy has to be a knight."
"You've been a human being for a hundred years, and you seem to value
honor more than dragons. Anyway, so we can't go to Temer's grave until the
Black Knight murder mission is scheduled?"


"Time won't fly, Chet."

"The date of the mission won't be very fast. Killing a black knight spy is not
just an assassination, and the family has a lot to prepare for. Once the date is
set, let's first go to Temer's tomb."


The next day Jean went straight to Jed.

He was now teaching senior cadres, not intermediate cadres.

"We sent all the senior cadets out on an outside mission to pass on your

Standing in the middle of an empty training camp, his voice sounded heavy.

Zedd is still staying late in the eight provinces, but that was just a figure of
Orr's level and not a figure representing his actual fighting power.

Not many of them were able to defeat Zedd.

"Thank you, uncle."

"There are three duel machines that I can pass on to you alone. But one is
only suitable for the chain sword, and the other is suitable for the great
sword. So I'll just let you know the duel for long sword users."


After the regression, so far there have been two duel periods that Jean has
seen or experienced in person.
Meteor shower of the third and volcano of the seventh. Both were
techniques with formidable power.

In particular, the beautiful sight of the meteor shower Luna used to kill
Andrey was still often stimulating Jean's mind.

'So I wanted to learn how to make a meteor shower first, but I'd have to
hold it in until the elders are done.'


Jed plucked the sword with flying colors.

"Falling flowers in the fourth duel. First, I'll show you in a slow motion, so
read the flow of swords and oars."

Jed's sword, stained with an auror, began to shine. So far, it was no different
than a common sword.

But after a while, the Orser wrapped around the sword was seen splitting.
There was a crack in the dense ore body like a thread.

That meant that the Orser around the sword was sloppy.

The Orr, which was not firmly united, was bound to fall like a shrapnel in
the slightest impact, so the knight always had to pay attention to Orr's
cohesion during the battle.

It was followed by the continuous flow of Orr surrounding Jed's sword.

Feels like it's going to fall off just by touching it.

"You know, if there's a crack in the oracle like this, you can't get the proper
power. If the clumsy guys swing their swords in this state, they'll run out of

Then Jed took a light step forward.

Naturally the sword faced the sky, and Jed struck the sword very gently and
Like a normal bell-baby.

The sword that Jed struck still bore pieces of Orr, which were barely

Even the moment the edge of the knife passed through the air, Jed's oracle
did not collapse. In comparison, the sand castle was moved without being

"First of all, you must be able to swing a sword so that the poorly connected
oracle to this point will not collapse."


The dangerously entrenched oracle has been released. As the name "Falling
Flower," it looked like the petals were being released.

But the petals made of oracle, each and every one of them, had a deadly
power. Not only steel, but also the bones and flesh of a warrior with eight or
more stars can be simply torn apart.

Such petals were being scattered at random, in an unreadable trajectory. If a

man is standing in the middle of it, he will soon become a meatball whose
shape is unrecognizable.

"Do you feel it?"

Jean nodded when Jed asked.

"Falling is a difficult sword to ripen, unlike it looks. Not only do you need
to control the oracle delicately, but you also need to realize your will, your
words, and your spirit. Above all, it is impossible to hold on to the moment
that is necessary, without Looncandel's blessed body."

If he is forced to hold Orr, who is about to collapse without a blessed body,

the 10-star knight will fall back into the current.

"There will be no explanation for the opening of the Oreo, so practice

keeping the Ore apart at first. After that, each of the Orser fragments was
completed with condensed swords...….”

Jean, who has been listening to Jed's explanation for a long time.

He was, in fact, feeling a sense of deja vu from the moment Jed cracked the

"Of course, the fourth duel is based on the Myeongwanggeomentertainly,

the fall of the fourth duel is based on the waterfall of the solar term.'

There were many similarities between the Ming-gum Jeolgi Falls and the
duel Nakhwa.

In the sense that they intentionally split the oracle, forcibly hold it, and
ignite it at the necessary moment to form the sword.

Naturally, the original version was the Myeongwanggeom Jeolgi Falls.

Two similar swords, a waterfall and a fall, could also clearly mask
superiority in Jin's view.

'The waterfall is superior. Except that ordinary human beings without

photovoltaic hearts cannot be used by any means.'

Suddenly I felt uneasy.

If, for the most part, the duel I've been looking forward to is just a sub-
reproduction of the Ming sword...…?

'At least the meteor shower and the volcano are the original Looncandel, so
it can't be.'

Jed's explanation lasted more than 20 minutes.

"... more than... If you have any questions, ask them."


"What is it?"
"You know I'm a contractor for Soldier, and I'm using a brain."

"Yes, when you used the name of Bamel, it was also said that you were a
contractor for Feytel."

Jean untied her shirt. When the photocardium was revealed in the middle of
his chest, the eyes of Zedd stood up.

"When I was a backup jockey, I got a start. So I got this photovoltaic field,
and I could use a brain device.”


"I want to tell you the story in detail. If you swear to keep my secret."

"How great a performance is it?"

"I'm sure my story will help you, too."

"It's interesting to hear you say that. Well, I get it. I swear on the honor of
this Jed Looncandel. I won't let it out to anybody."

It was Jin's turn to explain to Jed.

What kind of training have you been trained by the Ming royal family in

Jed was surprisingly intrigued like a child listening to old stories. Jin told
everything except that the 77 Ming dynasty were the bedbugs of the Temer
and the Solitaire for Qin.

"... ...that there was an exchange between the known dead and the Sijo.
Looks like a visa not recorded in any of the family's documents. So, do you
mean that the waterfall among the swords you have learned from them is
similar to a fall flower?"

"I'll open it up."

When Jean's brain was burning, Jed did not hide his surprise.

The brain energy gathered at the sign, and flowed in the same form as the
fall. In the form of intentionally scattered, forcibly held together.


It was the moment that Seymund touched the floor that Jed clenched his
fists and struck with admiration.

The thunder was cascading along the trajectory of Sigmund. It looked

similar to a fall painting.

"I only used a very small brain, as my uncle did."

"Of course you should. The training center would have been broken for no
reason if the flowers were properly placed and unfolded. Anyway, that
black waterfall you opened up...... Certainly, there's something more
mysterious. Huh, I don't have anything to tell you if this happens.”

It wasn't just him.

Rather, through Jin's demonstration, Jed saw through the limits of the duel
called the fall.

And "correctly" grasping the limits was the same meaning as having the
potential to take a step further.

But Jed's case went one step further than that.

"I can't get my photocardium, so even if I do a new polishing of the fall

with the inspiration I received today, I won't reach the waterfall. One, I
think we can advance the power of the fall.”

"What? Improvement, uncle?"

Jed was confident that he could make progress beyond honing the falling
painting after seeing Jin's demonstration just once.
"You like it, the youngest. I'll pretend I got a good present. As soon as the
renovation is over, we'll have to make sure that the senate verifies, and that
the fallout is also designated as a duel that cannot be passed down without
the senate's consent!"

Jean was stunned for a moment by the excited appearance of Jed. Jed is like
the Siron, and like all the other swordsmen in Looncandel.

Never told a lie about the sword.

"The youngest."

Jed, who was smiling, suddenly stopped laughing.

"Yes, uncle."

"When the Nak-hwa that I have completed the renovation is recognized by

the old folks, the senate no longer has the cause to reject you."

"If so, it's not my credit, it's your uncle's credit. As a great achievement,
there may be elders who respect your uncle's opinion on me, but there is no
justification for rejecting it."

Then Jed raised the corners of his mouth.

"No, the senate won't be able to resist you. This uncle will name you after
the renovation."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 282

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:27 PM

Chapter 282: Episode 89. The First Tomb (3) of Themeer.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


February 25, 1799.

All the riders who had left to encourage the lower forces returned to the
Sword Garden.

They had heard about Qin all the way out of the house, while touring their
respective regions.

"Good work, brother!"


Mary put her fist on Dipus's back.

"Oh, crazy. Mary! How many times have you told me not to say hello like
this, what the hell?"

"Did anything funny happen out there?”

"What could have been more interesting than what you've done? I told you
how, but I said it anyway. Take care of the back."
It was a story about Mary stealing Bradamante and handing it over to Jean.

"Why, you were with your first brother earlier. Did you hear anything?”

"Unexpectedly, there was not much to say. However, the older brother is
rather dangerous when he does that. You know? Take care of yourself for
the time being."

"I don't know. I've never bought a body in my life. No, more than that. I
asked you if you had any fun outside.”

The dipus touched his forehead.

"Yes, I'm bad at trying to have a conversation with you.”

"Has there?"

"Oh, there was. From the fourth day of the tour, everywhere I went, I heard
about my youngest."

"Tell me."

"Oh, my God. Don't you think it's too much of a command line, 7th-

"Speak for yourself, Mr. Quartet."

"As expected, many people were upset that the youngest had damaged
Looncandel's legitimacy."

"That's all?"

"Thanks to the youngest, some praised the saints for helping Hufester again.
It was a minority."

"No, I don't care about that. You know, it means there was no rumor about
the youngest's ignorance."

"Well, there's some comparison to Dante Hailan. Among the Hufester

nobles, some of them went to Cosmos, where the youngest participated as a
backup rider, and the final match was worth watching. That Mutu
competition where you were runner-up."

"Jun Woo-seung? I beat him two months later, so I'm the winner. We're not
the only ones who hear, but we can't tell you such a secret. Anyway, Dante don't know much about the world yet.”

"What do you mean?"

"I almost lost to the youngest.”

The dipus stopped moving in a flash.

"You're kidding, aren't you?"

"You'd be kidding me? The next part of the Highlands is great, but not
comparable to the youngest."

"You seem to underestimate Dante too much."

"Can you imagine I could lose to Dante?"

The Dipus was momentarily speechless.

'Certainly, if you fought Dante, I don't think Mary would have reacted the
same way now. I'm 19 and I'm on the same level as think the
youngest is a monster.'

Dipus knew, of course, Mary would defeat Jean.

And Jean was seriously injured in the process, so he planned to go out on

his own to kill a black knight spy.

'You'll be stuck in your mother's painting, damn it.'

Black knight spy murder mission.

Rosa had already decided to deploy Dipus with Jean on the mission.
After a while the butlers found the two.

"Your Majesty has called a jockey's meeting."

At once all the riders gathered at Rosa's office.

"Today's flag-bearer meeting, discusses only one agenda item. We talked

about it before our lord left us. It's a mission to kill a black knight spy."

"Yes, Mother."

Tense tension was hidden in a momentary silence.

The mission will be undertaken by four-time Diffus Looncandel and

twelve-time Jean Looncandel. "The form of the mission is to induce death
in combat, and the area is a disputed area near the kingdom of Mila,

As soon as the four and twelve riders were assigned, the brothers' joys and
sorrows were mixed.

Some swept down their chests, and some hid their regrets.

Dipus immediately looked at Jean, but Jean deliberately didn't take the look.

"A mine believed to have been buried in ancient manhood was recently
discovered in Ventica. That's why there's intelligence that Zipple has
decided to put a white night and a project in Ventica. We decided to send
one black knight and two horsemen and ten guardian knights accordingly."

Looncandel and Jipple have fought large and small wars every day over
land, mines, nature and everything.

When fighting over an ordinary gold mine or land, the guardian knights,
sorceresses, or lower families were usually screened.

However, when it was necessary to win something rare, such as the ancient
fountain or the traces of fairies, important forces would collide with each
This time, Zipple decided to send out white nights and cojacs, and
Looncandel decided to respond by sending "black knight spies" and two
riders and ten guardian knights.

"The two dispatched jockeys form a structure in which they battle the jipple
with 10 guardian knights and black knight spies. And during the battle, the
Black Knight spy dies at the enemy's hands."

Needless to say, the difficulty of this mission was enormously acute.

It's a great thing to just kill a black knight, but you have to induce a natural

It was because of the prestige of the family that killed the black knight so

In order to get rid of the black knight, he had to be treated as dead while
fighting against enemy forces at least a project, so there was no external

Few people in the Zipple know that there is a black knight spy now. All we
know is that Kellyak Zipple, Octavia Zipple, and the top three elders."

The biggest reason for Looncandel's preparation of a huge play called "The
Black Knight Murder Mission."

Baekya did not know that the black knight who would fight against them
was a spy for Jipple.

Looncandel judged that if the black knight appeared to annihilate the White
Night with the riders "until he was killed," the Jipple would not try to make
a new black knight spy.

In addition, if all of these plans are successful.

The jipple was like tripping over his own trick.

"And of course, after the death of a black knight spy, we must defeat
Jipple's power and win the mine. If neither condition is achieved, the
mission will be considered a failure."

There was a moment of silence.

The riders were all convinced. I assure you, from last year to today, there
has been no more difficult mission.

"The start of the mission is March 8! Let's get everything ready by then.
The fourth and 12th riders, if you have any requests and complaints about
your mission, tell me now."


"Give me the name of the Black Knight spy."

said Dipus and Jean at the same time.

With the authority of the 12-time leader, the family's "all" documents could
not be examined.

In order to verify the exact personal information of the black knight, he had
to be recognized as a fourth-term or a fourth-term ranking.

"Barton Bichena. I'll give you a document with the details of the person, so
take a look."

It was an unknown name.

Thus, pre-regression information could not benefit from the fight against
Barton Vichena.

"Thank you."

"As it is a very carefully prepared mission at the family level, I hope the 4th
and 12th terms will have a successful outcome. That's it, disband.

The riders left the Oval Office.

Joshua did not respond much to Mary, who recently opened his warehouse,
and Jin, the beneficiary. He looked like he was going back without giving
him a glance.

Luntia yawned several times and then went back to Rosa's office. I didn't
mean anything special, and I just wanted to get the documents that I forgot.

Mu and Ann didn't really pick a fight with Jean either.

Lan and Vigo looked alternately at Jean and Mary, but that was all.

The Tonya brothers wandered aimlessly around Jin again.

"Do those cute guys want to play you like I do?"

"I don't think so."

"Well, that's a relief. Youngest, I have one piece of advice."

"It's all right, Sister Mary."

"It's because I'm not okay. For this Black Knight murder mission, I'm sure
you'll get the right combination with Deepus Orabunny. Just for the sake of
the contract I made with my sister."

Mary has a tremendous appreciation of Jean.

I thought it was still a long time before Jean fought with the black knight.

Especially in this complicated mission.

"How bored would this sister be if you died or got hurt so badly. My sister
is thinking about fighting with you when spring comes 3 months later. I'm
going to go, so you two have a good talk."

When they left to Mary, there were only two people left in the corridor:
Gene and Dipus.

"Mary is right, youngest."

The Dipus opened his mouth first.

"What do you mean, second brother?"

"It's a good match. I know well that you recognize all your brothers as
enemies. But this is an important matter. My father has even
euphemistically called me to refrain from a hierarchy war."

"Do you mean we should train together from today until the mission


"I refuse."

The Dipus shrugged.


"You will be able to accomplish this mission on your own without me.
Except for Luna, I personally think you're the strongest.”


"And you wouldn't be greedy enough to drive the ball to me. By the way,
why should I train with you? It'll only be used as bait or assorted anyway.
It's a waste of time."

"Well, that's what I've done. If Mary asks, she has something to say."

"You really care about Mary."

"Maybe more than your first sister cares about you. So, the youngest."

Deepus, who had stopped talking for a while, spoke in a calm tone.

"I hope, perhaps, that during every three months, there will be no killing or
maiming Mary."
"Is that a warning?"

"No, this is just a human-to-human request. You could understand me."

The glances of Jean and Dipus clashed.

There was neither life nor speculation, but a strange sense of hypocrisy
filled the two tightly.

"Do you know that there is usually a price to ask for?"

"Tell me what you want."

"Do not demean the Looncandel."

This cold tone of voice is due to disappointment.

The middle of the forehead of the dipus flinched.

"It is not Looncandel who asks the enemy to do a favor. As much as I love
my brother, I understand this once, but if you show this again...... I will no
longer classify you as an enemy."

Jean turned back.

Deepus had no choice but to dwell on his thoughts until his back was gone.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 283

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:25 PM

Chapter 283: Episode 89. The First Tomb (4) of Themeer.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

In fact, the Tona brothers were not going back completely and were hiding
in the end of the corridor columns, secretly peeping at Jean and Dipus.

It wasn't because I wondered what the two were talking about.

It was because Emma asked me to bring Jean on this occasion because she
usually doesn't have much to encounter.

Emma was nervous because Jean had never found her.

He seems to be very shocked. Right, Heitona?

'I think so. Let's go back to Jean......Uh. Diffus is coming this way.'

I'm doomed. What if I get dumped again? Why are you peeping like a rat?'

'Just pretend you're as calm as you can be.

The Tonya brothers rushed their heads into the pillar.

Jabbuck, jabbuck. The closer the Dipus got, the faster the Tonya brothers'
heart beat.
Before long, the two smiled awkwardly as Dipus passed right in front of

The Dipus gave them a look of indifference once, and then passed it by. Not
craving the Tonya brothers like Mu or Ann.

Dipus, so to speak, treated the Tonya brothers as if they had no brothers at

all. Not only is it not a competition, but it is also not worth caring about.

Even Dipus knew from the start that the Tonya brothers were behind the

Anyway, I'm glad it went by without a hitch.

On the other hand, they were Tonya's brothers, whose self-esteem was
shattered. Outside the family, they are also notorious for being called "the
son of hell," but among their brothers, they were often treated like nothing
more than air.

"Let's go to the youngest...….”


The Tonya brothers who chase after Jean with a clumsy yet quick walk.

Jean was waiting for them at the other end of the corridor. Jean, too, was
aware that the Tonya brothers were peeping, just like Dipus.

"The youngest."

"Oh, brothers."

When Jean turned naturally, the Tonya brothers scratched their back heads.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, well. Maybe with us."

"Why don't you have a cup of tea?"

The hesitant Tonya brothers looked cute.

"I'm sorry, but I'm busy today.”

"He, yeah? Then what about tomorrow?

"For the time being, I'll be busy preparing for this mission."

"Ah...... I get it.”



"Sometimes you'd better see yourself moving on your own will, not Emma's

When Emma's name came out, the Tonya brothers showed signs of

"If the brothers just wanted to talk to me, they might have made time. The
other brothers keep ignoring them because they look like Emma's puppets,
not Looncandel's jockey.”

"That... ..that much?"

"To that extent? Isn't it just because we're weak?"

"Honestly, I'm not at the level of being told you guys are weak anywhere."

They're both 21 and seven. He deserves to be called a genius, but the

problem was that this was Looncandel. Of the riders, the Tonya brothers
were undoubtedly the weakest.

"Preciousness comes from attitude. And tell Emma a story.”

"Oh, yeah. What is it?"

"Do not be impatient, and do not call me unless it is important enough to
come and inform you first."

The Tonya brothers nodded with a heavy look.

It was embarrassing to hear advice from the youngest, but there was nothing
to refute.

They know where they are.

And Chin sincerely hoped that the day would come when the Tonya
brothers were recognized by all the families.

Jean hated the Tonya brothers so much that he was sick of them in his
previous life, but in his present life he was not unaware of the fact that
sometimes they were worried about him.

"Drink tea only after you finish your mission to kill a black knight. Drinks
are good."


"Hey, kid. Do you really have to ride that? Can't you just fly away?"

"No, I can't. I'm flying all the way there. You have to return to your family
by at least March 6th."

"Hoo, I'm throwing up again and my head is burning. It's annoying."

Murakhan shook his head irritably.

Qin and Murakhan, the two men, were heading for the Kalon Express
mobile gate in a Runkandel steel wagon.

"We're here, Master."

"Great work, you guys go back."

When Qin and Murakhan got off, all the eyes of Ilsun Street were focused.

In Hufester, the rider of the Looncandel was like a star. This means that
there are many people who stare at the streets just by walking.

Of course, it was a story not applicable to a rider known for his dirty
temper, such as Mu and Ann. It was the power of the Runkandel rider that
could kill a person just because "the eyes are unpleasant."

Although Jin's actual personality has not yet been known to the world, most
of the public had fantasies about him.

There is an image of confronting, winning, and seeking justice with a single

body. It wasn't very wrong.


Perhaps that's why there were many passers-by who talked to each other
because they felt strangely familiar with each other.

Is he Jean Looncandel, handsome, or the legendary cat, Sukho-ryong?….

"Who's the cat? These things are crazy."

As Murakan shouted back, passers-by bowed their heads and disappeared

with a short steps.

From today on, Hufester will be rumored to be very ferocious with the
guardian dragon of Qin.

"Oh, ears. Why all of a sudden scream?"

"It's annoying to ride the gateway, and they call me a cat. Why don't you
know that the whispers can hear everything?”

"Because not everyone in the world has an eight-star, unmanned level of

hearing. You can't help but think that you won't hear."

"I don't know! I'm pissed!"

It was no different why Murakhan was so sensitive.

Last night, I asked Gilly out for a date, but she was rejected in a single

Strawberry pie, they say there's a lot of places to visit in Calone. Why don't
you go around with me one by one from now on? Now you don't have to
hide your identity, so just relax and hang out.….

I'm sorry, Murakan. I think you'll have to be very careful about your
behavior until you settle down.

"You can go fast! I'm so frustrated that I can't live."

"Loud, you've got a few ears to listen to."

"And the Great Plains were the land of Chukon Tolderer, right? So there
could be remnants of the Dark Wizardry, right? When you get there and you
catch sight of such odds and ends, you've just gone through everything.

"We destroyed the Dark Wizardry last time.”

"I wish I could stay.”

"Sound of horrors.

As usual, the express transit gate was a quiet landscape. The guide called
the gatekeeper as soon as he saw Jin's rider coat, and he guided him to the
inside rider's private seat in an intense manner.

"Sir Jean Lundel, it is an honor to have you here. Please tell me your

"To the nearest mobile gateway to the Holla Mountains."

"Okay. What should we do with the gate usage?”

"Delete it so that no one can read it."

"Yes, then have a comfortable journey!"


As soon as the gatekeeper left, the moving gate was opened.

"Little boy, what's the Hola Mountains? Not near the Anzu Plains. You said
you didn't have time, but you said you had to go as soon as possible.”

"I'm going to check it out. May I just leave the gatekeeper alone?"

The blue mana enveloped two people.

When I woke up after a while, it was an old mobile gateway near the Holla
Mountains. Knights waiting at the gate saluted as soon as they saw the
camp. Murakan had been puking beside him for a while.


"I don't need an attendant. I've had personal business, so don't worry and do
what you have to do."

Jean deliberately flew in the Murakan in front of the knights and toward the
Holla Mountains.

After flying from place to place for a few hours, he hid deep in the
mountains and took out cosmetics and hair dye from the Geumseol tribe.

The products that are perfect if you just scoop them out.

"Well, they're the ones who make this all right, so they deserve to be rich.
Murakan, put some on you too. Now most people recognize me even if I
turn into a cat."

The rider's coat was folded neatly and put in a bag and wore a normal robe.
Both of them had their hair dyed blue hair.

"I thought you wouldn't have to disguise yourself after you became a
jockey. Do I have to?"
"There's nothing wrong with being careful. It reminds me of my days as a
backup jockey. Let's go to Anzh Grand Plain."

Jean who brings out the enemy's prison and summons Shri.

Shri drove silently through the mountains with two people on board.

All night through a mountain range, and by sunrise, across the sea. Murakan
has never flown before.

The last time I passed a forest, it was night again, and from there it was Anz
Grand Plain.

If the mithra is full of leaves, it will look just like Anzh Grand Plain. An
absurd stretch of green grass was swaying in the wind.

It took another day to reach the first tomb of Themeer, which was told by
the Picon Minche, "Baolai."

Fortunately, nothing happened that Murakhan expected. There were no

remnants of the Dark Horse Court in the Great Plains.

Sometimes I could see a wizard far away (they were ordinary wizards, and
Jean struggled to stop the Murakan who said he was definitely the remnants
of the Dark Wizardry), but they didn't see the Qin party.


As he reached his destination, Shuri looked tired and childish.

"Good work, Shree."

By the time they arrived at Baolai, all the Qin and his party had encountered
was a pack of nomads on the move. One they didn't use the continental
language, and they didn't even recognize that Jean was a warrior.

Baolai looked like a hill lying low in the middle of the meadow.
But the reason why Baolai's land is a little high is because it was once a
huge mound.

Murakan's eyes deepened when he recognized the fact.

Murakan was inwardly skeptical of Picon's words, but as soon as he arrived

at Baolai, he felt intuitively that this was the land where the theme was

"... ...take out the key, kid."


"Have you found anything yet?"

"Yes, Lord Joshua. Apparently, the gatekeeper told us that the 12-gear had
moved to the Holla Mountains, but there was nothing unusual about
searching through them like this."

Jean's prediction hit the mark.

Records of the use of the mobile gate were deleted, but the memory of the
gatekeeper was not lost.

The gatekeeper informed Joshua of Jin's destination. Before Joshua asks.

The Holla Mountains.... is there something about solderlet? Or what you got
when you were a backup jockey? Are you a man? You have to figure out
what the youngest went there to get.'

However, the guardian knights are not able to get the information, which is

Suddenly, Joshua felt that Jean could not have moved so "lackily."

I think he intentionally leaked the wrong information to the gatekeeper in

anticipation of his coming.

The idea soon became convinced.


"Sir Joshua?"

"I'm in a hurry. Pull everyone out. Cut off the gatekeepers, and give me an
adequate amount of severance pay."


Joshua took a sip, deeply sucked in cigarette smoke.

It tasted bitter.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 284

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:24 PM

Chapter 284: Episode 89. The First Tomb (5) of Themeer.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The dawn light shone on the baolai.

Murakan, who received the key, could not shake off his bitter feelings for a
while. Is it just bitterness, remorse, sadness, longing, self-help and

All kinds of heavy, dark emotions were pounding his chest.


More precious than anything else.

To Murakan, the theme was such a person. Any fight could have been
joined if he wanted to, and if he was on the verge of death, he wanted to
save his life.

But I couldn't.

It was, of course, one of the most painful things in the life of the great
Black Dragon, who has lived for over three thousand years.

Shri lapped Murakhan's shoulder. After a long licking, there was no

response, and for a moment a mournful cry went into the enemy prison.


His usual sad appearance left him speechless.

The progress of my previous life, I remembered losing someone who was

more precious than anyone else.

On the day he was banished from the Sword's Garden, Gilly had to endure
more punishment than death by being sealed.

The last image of Gilly before returning suddenly came to mind, making
Jindo feel dizzy.

Murakan's hand, holding the key, was shaking.

Soon Murakan held the key in his arms and held it in his chest. The grand
musculus somehow looked like a dry branch, and the back was shaking.

Is he sobbing with his shoulders up and down? I felt sorry for my friend
who left me after hurting me a long time ago.

Jean came up to Murakhan with a good grace. I felt like I should be


But the next moment.

"......I, Mr. Shue. What's wrong with this? Ao."

Murakhan gave a raspy sound of mourning.

"Uh, um? Murakan?"

"This key, I can't see the slightest sign of invocation even if I eat a lot of
spirit. Everything's annoying this Murakan......... ha, let's see who wins.
Fucking toys."

It was not because he was sobbing, that the back of Murakhan was

I was just shaking hard to push my spirit into the key.

The same was true for pulling the key to his chest.

At first, he lightly injected energy with one hand, and then began to inject a
large amount of energy with both hands because there was no response.

" Oh, exercise! I think I've already eaten five stars!"

Jean felt rather... ...foolish.

Soon he smacked, laughed.

"Stop being so irritated. I'll be on vacation right away when I get back, so
you can go anywhere with me then."


Murakhan turned his head at the speed of light.


"Yeah, well, it's hard. Gilly doesn't have to be careful about his behavior
because of me."

"You're telling a rewarding story you've raised in such a long time, kid.
Hahaha, yes. Give me a long one if you know. I had a lot of fun with
strawberry pie and...….”

"By the way, the strawberry team, no. Maybe Gilly just refused. Have you
ever thought about that?"

"You seem to think, of course, that if you had a vacation, Gilly would have
accepted your date request. But if I get rejected again, I wonder if I can
handle it. The wound would be huge."

Murakan, who was about to get angry, sniffed instead.

"Hahahaha, you don't know anything. Well, since you've been in La Prarosa
since the end of '97...... Anyway, don't change the subject. Because it can't

It was a strangely febrile answer for Jean.

I don't think anything's going on with Gilly. What confidence is that? No,
and you two, man, love......a love story? Anyway, why do I care about this
kind of problem? Why is it unlucky?'

'I was just saying whatever it was because I wasn't a kid, but what if I really
got rejected?'

Of course Jean and Murakhan could not read each other's thoughts.

"Yes, yes. Activate the key, great Black Dragon."

"Uh, wait. Hmm......!"

Murakan, who began to inject vigor into the key again.

However, even if they poured their energy into their throats, there was no

"Solderet, you bastard. Why the hell did you build this device!"

Murakan threw the key to the floor and breathed out hard breaths.

"Isn't the usage wrong? Or maybe Ficon misrepresented something."

"Not both. I told you last time that Soldier made a lot of these things.
There's no way Picone would have misled you. This is definitely where
Themere was buried. I have a feeling.”
"Then why not?"


Suddenly, when Murakan turned into his real self, Jin looked around him

There was nothing to hide the open plain, the Murakhan.

"I've come back from the Holla Mountains as far as I can see, and it's a
horse-riding sulfur. Why all of a sudden a transformation?"

I don't think this key, it's a device that's activated when you eat spirit. The
spirits available in human form have been crushed.]

Jean looked up at the Murakhan in dismay.

"No, how much spirit do you need?”

[That's what we're going to find out from now. Just look around. I'll just kill
them if they pass by the Dark Wizard's remnants.]

"None, such a thing."

to one's shock

It was only eight hours after the key responded.

Fortunately, no one saw Murakhan sitting still in the middle of Baolai and
wrestling with a small object.

Hoo-wook, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo...…!

The moment Murakan squeezed out the last remaining spirit.

Suddenly, the key on Murakan's fingernail began to rise slowly into the sky.

[Oh, it's working! Ugh, it's a dead body.]

"Are you done? Finally?"

Murakan turned into a human and stood beside Jin.

He seemed quite exhausted.

No, not just that, but he looked as pale as if he was about to fall.

The key that was soaring into the sky stopped moving.

After a while, the two could experience the darkness around them in an
instant. As if the liberation of the spirit had been unfolded.

Indeed, it was the spirit released from the key that blackened his son-in-law.

The spirit from the key covered the entire wide baolai in a hemispherical

'What is this? More than that, if it's this big, it could be exposed to anyone.'

Murakan seems like he's never seen anything like this before.

I'm worried that it would be a waste of time to get back from the Hola

I could feel Young-ki's hemisphere slowly getting smaller, covering the


It was as if someone, a giant, was holding a hemisphere by hand outside.

The ever-smalling hemispheric boundary soon reached Jin and Murakan.

And when the hemisphere becomes a point, completely gone.

The Baolai remained the same as before, with the green grass-filled
landscape on the hills. But there were no images of Qin and Murakhan
standing there.

The two men were sucked into a subspace made of spirit.

"Ha, I thought I was eating too much Young-gi. The subspace. . . . ..”

Murakan gave a false laugh.

Jean looked around, alerted to the sudden movement of space.

An empty, empty, yet vast space beyond guesswork.

This desolate landscape was the first tomb of Temer Looncandel.

"Solderet hid it this far, which means the Jipple pups had found and
scratched it."

Murakhan shook his head, controlling his anger.

"Just make a flower of spirit, kid."

I've never done it.

However, it was not difficult because it was only a form of spirituality.

Jin made a flower called Hohwa with spirit and put it on the ground.

"His body isn't here, but you still have to let go of a flower."

He laid down the harmony and paid a silent tribute for a moment's silence.

Murakan is a friend and Jin is a descendant of Jin's.



"Thank you."

The wind blew from somewhere when the silent tribute was over.

The wind gently erased the harmony of spirit and inadvertently flowed.
"You said that the god of the new blacksmith, Peacon Mincee, would be
able to meet the will of Themeer here, right?"

"That's right. I heard you need something here to strengthen Bradamante."

"I've been pondering over this Murakan on his way. I wonder what the first
tomb of Themeer would look like, and what would be left of it if it had
already been robbed. Things like that. I didn't have much to guess."


"This space reminds me of something."

Murakan paused. He is in a bad mood.

In the meantime, Jin recalled a conversation he had with Pikon Minche.

There is an area called Baolai on the Great Plains of Anz. the heartland of
the Anzh Plains Put your spirit into this key there. Then his first grave will
be revealed.]

Do you have any precautions?

[He says don't panic no matter what happens. That's what Soldier told you
to deliver.]

Anything else?

[No. I wish you good luck, Jean Luncandel.]

I'll wish you luck.

Progress had been on my mind.

Why do we need luck to face 'will' was not readily convinced.

"Little, I think it's a guardian. There is still a guardian in this tomb."

"Yes. Protecting the grave. And the fact that Soldert had to put this much
energy into the key to work, at least meant he had the power to use the key.

I didn't hear that from Picone.

And Peacon had never heard of it from Solderlet.

In any case, the key won't work if you don't have enough spirit.

If there is one problem.

The person who activated the key was not Jean but Murakhan.

Even Murakan used up all his energy because of it.

"......Murukan. Do you think I could have activated the key with the spirit I

"No way. This Murakan spent eight hours pouring the last drop into the
water to make it work. Your seven-star leadership is too much."

"So I wasn't actually qualified to come here? If that guardian or something

comes out, you're out of spirit, so you can't fight?"

"Right... ...what's the big deal? Maybe there's no guardian. Everything will
come out in a little while."

as soon as Murakhan's words were finished

[Solderet's contractor has come to comfort Themesh...….]

From far away came a voice with a solemn ring.

And Murakan immediately recognized the owner of the voice and touched
his forehead. 'Cause a thousand years ago, I used to hear that voice every

"That's the voice of the Silderay...…!”

Shilderay Zizzek.

He was one of the most prolific figures when Temer started the family

But an unfortunate article, whose history and legend were all erased by the

It was the will of Silderay Zizzek who was guarding the tomb.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 285

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:22 PM

Chapter 285: Episode 89. The First Tomb of Themeer (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Who's Siddleray?"

Even when he was in the family history education during the storm and
cadet days, Qin had never heard of his name. It was because the jipple
erased all records related to shilderay.

There was no sign of Silderay yet. I can only feel the enormous energy of
not knowing the depth beyond the dark space.

I felt as if I had seen a monster coming up from deep under the sea. I could
tell even before I met him. How strong the enemy is.

A sense of fluffyness, accompanied by a little joy. Sreung, the pale blade of

Sigmund's blade, which had escaped the sword, glistened in the dark.

"One of Temar's teenage knights. You're the predecessor of the Knight of

the Runkandel. His original last name was Zijek, but later he changed his
last name to Looncandel following Themeer.”

"Former of the black knight, interesting story."

Murakan hated Jean's answer.

"What do you mean interesting, in this situation? You're going crazy, too. I
can't fight right now. If that guardian is a reproduction of Shilderay's
heyday, oh, I can't handle it. The odds are bottomless."

"I don't know that until I see it. And you don't have to fight, do you? You
asked me if I came to comfort Themer, which would be more favorable than
I thought...….”

"It can't be. That's not a real Silderay, but a guardian modeled after him.
And the guardian exists to kill all the intruders once."

Slowly, the spirit of the Guardian was drawing near.

Murakan was right. The spirit was clearly harboring speculation.

A fierce and huge speculation as if it were burning.

"How much is it'sir.


"Silderay's fighting power you remember."

"Ten stars. One of them is outstanding. Fortunately, he wasn't a maggots

like Runkandel, a pure blood."

"I hope it's not a reenactment of my heyday. You don't think there's any way
to get away from this subspace?”

"Inject the same amount of vigor into the key, or the guardian guides the
way. It's probably one of the two."

"Okay, it's an inevitable fight anyway. Let's play a game and then think
about it."

Jean has taken a pose.

Murakan thought of this when he saw such a gin.

"What, you crazy seem to be enjoying it.'

To some extent it was.

Jean was content to be able to compete with a figure named Silderey, who
was almost the beginning of a black knight.

It wasn't just a feeling of triumph as a warrior, or a sense of satisfaction that

resulted from a stroke.

"Solderet's arrangement, all the tests he left me, were a challenge that I
could surely overcome in the end. Besides, the opportunity to mix a 10-star
knight and a sword doesn't come at any time.'

It was only a few days before the assassination of another 10-star knight,
Black Knight's spy, Barton Bichena.

There was no one more suitable than a guardian to raise the sense of
practice, what it was like to "fight with a 10-star knight."

Above all.

Jin did not judge that, contrary to Murakan's opinion, there was very little
chance of winning.

'Even if the worst comes, you can summon Laparosa's brothers. I don't feel
like it.'

At last, the guardian was revealed beyond the dim space.

He was dressed in armor similar to the Looncandel Guardians. A grand

musculus, explosive muscles that cannot be hidden by armor, and a heavy,
sharp look as if piercing steel.

And it was impressive that the sword looked bigger than its size.

The sword, which is heavier than Luna's axe, was making fun of the fact
that Silderei, an unknown nuclear power, had no future existence.
If anyone could wield a sword as big as he would, history would have a

The guardian stopped with about twenty steps left with two men.

He was a guardian embodied in the same format as Jean's 'Black Singing'.

When certain conditions are achieved, the dead temporarily embodied the
dead in the Inse, and Solderet created the spirit and will of Shilderay.

As soon as Qin and Murakan saw the guardian, they could realize the fact.

[I am Shilderay Looncandel, the guardian of this tomb.]

"Hey, Silderay! Don't you recognize me?"

Moorakan stepped forward and shouted.

The guardian, completely ignoring the voice, fixed his eyes on Jean.

"Why aren't you answering, Silderay? You bastard. It's Murakan. Black
Dragon Murakan."

[That scumbag doesn't know.]

"What, asshole... ...!?”

[Shut off, your ass.]

"Ha! Look at him say that. No matter how old this body has lost its
strength, it is now exhausted! You think you can talk to me like that?
"Silderay. I was your Lord, the Guardian Dragon of Themeer."

[.........If you mention Temar's name one more time, I'll cut your throat
without warning.]

The guardian seemed to have some resentment towards Murakan.

As a perfect clone made of spirit, he had all the memories of Silderay's old

Murakan looked at the guardian with a hop in his eye.

I'd like to rush in and defeat him right away, but it wasn't as easy for
Murakan in his prime.

Even now, I'm exhausted, so I can't help but endure it.

[Learn your name, last contractor of solderlet.]

"This is Jean Looncandel."

Silderay's eyes deepened.

[......Solderet kept his word. Then it's my turn to keep my word.]


The shilderay gently swung the great sword. That alone came a heavy black
wind, scattering the hair of Jean and Murakhan.

[Silderay Looncandel, teen knights, in accordance with his long-standing

commitment to the God of Sword and Shadow, I will let the last contractor
carry my will on him.]

transmission of will

What it meant was simple.

[ Contractor, Jean Looncandel, be prepared to fight me.]

"Defender, Lord Shilderay Looncandel. Promise me one thing."

The tone was polite, but Jean was looking straight into the guardian's eyes.
As if to give notice, not a request.

"Murakan is currently unavailable for combat. Could you please be
considerate of him not to die?"

[That's a matter for the bastard to take care of.]

"Thank you."

That was enough. I can't help but hurt Murakan's pride.

[Let us humbly accept all consequences that follow.]

Right after the horse is finished.

The Great Sword of the Guardian flashed and shone.

There was literally only a flash of light.

But it was a phenomenon that happened with the movement of the Great
Sword, and no one would believe that it was moving so fast unless they saw
it for themselves.

Squirt, kwang!

When the Great Sword and the Sign Moon collided, a deafening roar broke
out in my head.

The floor, which appeared to be made of hard stone, was crushed, and the
broken stones turned into spirit and evaporated somewhere.

Shock waves were scratching everywhere.

a gnawing gin

If I hadn't gotten used to the swords of the Tuwangs in Laprrosa over the
past year, or had I never faced Vanessa before, I would have been
embarrassed as soon as I got the combination.

'That's great......!'
The guardian's blow contained both the pressure and the sharpness of a
broken blackstone.

Murakhan has already flown away. The shock wave of the first agreement
was floating and rolling on the floor.

Fortunately, the fatal wound was avoided. After barely landing on the floor,
Murakan began to escape the battlefield, spouting all sorts of curses that
were close to a curse.

The guardian did not bother to pursue Murakan.

The second and third swords flew in succession.

There was a terrible pain of broken bones and torn skin in every clash.
Apart from the pain, however, Qin's body was flexibly distributing shocks.

'Your training hasn't been in vain.'

Ten stars, just before the stage of creation.

It is not known whether the guardian fully recreated the heyday of

Shilderay, "out of" among them, but it was clear that the ten-star power was
permeated by simple attacks.

The same destructive power as Vanessa, or the Ming Dynasty Tuwangs.

Jin is fighting against such a guardian's attack with pure swordsmanship.

'But I don't see any chance of a counterattack.'

The problem was counterattacks.

He was so busy defending that he couldn't find a chance to attack. The

Guardian's Great Sword has been under pressure from the camp five or six
times a second, flashing lights in all directions.

The guardian, for example, was clearly and far stronger than the camp.
It has always happened to fight a stronger opponent.

When meeting a strong opponent, Qin would always turn the tide through
variables. The opponent always responded calmly based on the fact that he
didn't know all the weapons I had.

scintillation, muleta's rune, Ming dynasty brain-spirited, spiritual, etc. A

trick of the spleen had always produced excellent results.

But do those things work for a ten-star knight?

Jin had already experienced the conclusion that it was "impossible" when
taking Vanessa's test. At that time, she simply destroyed scintillation grapes
and Ming daggers, treating them as just a little strange techniques.

For a warrior who reached the poles of the sword, variables were no
different. At least if it wasn't as deep a skill as they touched, it was all catch.

'From the very beginning, you have to spread the thrower. Everything else
is useless.'

Of course, it was never a sword lacking in plain-style thunder or


But Jean could not yet spread them out in ten-star power. To be clumsy or to
sell traps with them was rather a number of runners on their own.

"First of all, summon Tess for the least amount of time, and I've got my turf
covered by the incineration of the throwers...... Damn, the portal won't
open! Was it a dead world here, too?…!'

The gate was not opened even when a summons ceremony was held to open
the flame gauge.

Jean has already experienced several times that the portal does not open in
the "dead world."

This subspace, which was made by Soldert himself, was also a dead world.
Inevitably, the same result came from the hurried black call. Any form of
summons is not feasible in the dead world.

[Looks like you tried something, but it's all failed. Still, it's worth living
high that you don't lose your cool.]

The guardian swung the sword even harder.

By then Jean backed away for the first time. The gap is beginning to stand

Strength, accuracy, experience. Naturally, the guardian was overwhelming

the Qin in every way.

A ray of blood flowed down the lips of Jou-reuk, Qin.

It was just a tear in the mouth from the impact, not an organ.

"Bad, I never thought this place would be a dead world. From now on,
when I arrive at a strange place, I'll check if I can summon you.'

Jean picked out a breath.

Although the worst-case numbers have been shut down, they are not over

'For a mission in a few days, I really didn't want to use it.'

Ps. Ps. Ps. Kasik!

The brain began to vibrate rapidly in the photocardium.

If this had gone down the drain, the only remaining number would be flight
and prayer.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 286

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:20 PM

Chapter 286: Episode 89. The First Tomb of Themeer (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Because of the brain condensed to the photocardium, a small sun seemed to

be emitting light in the middle of Qin's breast. The white glow, which
cannot be covered by clothes, brightened the surroundings.

It wasn't just around him.

After a while, the brain met again in the photocardium, brightening the dark
interior of the subspace.

The guardian could not immediately understand this phenomenon, but he

was able to recognize that something great had happened to Jin.

[Brain, as I heard from Themeer, that's a funny power.]

The attack was going on.

Now, the Guardian's Great Sword has been bombarded with massive swords
that seem likely to cut off even the most sailing ships. Jean barely survives
her life, buried almost in the black.

Even he seemed unable to last long.

It was because Jin's movements had noticeably deteriorated since shortly
after the brain began to vibrate in the photocardium.

His concentration is decreasing because he is collecting his brain to spread

the dialysis machine.

[Do you think it's okay to show such a gap in front of this shilder-ray?]]

Oh, my God!

The dagger, which was struck in a straight line, caused a terrible blast.

Ten-star knights were able to capture the power of even ordinary bell-beeds
to call the season, and of course, the slow-moving Qin could not completely
stop them.

The best thing is to avoid.

So Jean clenched her teeth and stepped on the prosthetic.

The posture was not distorted, and Shilderay's great sword certainly hit the

However, avoiding a blow from a 10-star article was far beyond the general

Simply avoiding the trajectory of the sword was not enough.

Even the tangible and intangible shock waves caused by the sword
scratching the air are about eight star power.

Squirt, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh One more finger deep, a

fatal wound, the other shock wave that flew almost at the same time, swept
through the chest and shoulders.

Red blood painted lines.

When the coat and shirt were torn to shreds and oxidized to the heat of Oler,
the photocardium with brain energy was revealed.
It was bright. Suddenly, the eyes of Silderay, facing the light of the optical
heart, flinched.

The moment was Jin's first chance since the battle began.

Instead of launching an attack, Jean widened the distance. As the side that
dominated the distance between the two throughout was the shilderay, the
limit was only one step further.

That one step of leisure came so dearly.

It's not just a step away from the right to attack, but it's been able to take a
breather away from the extreme aneurysm emitted by Silderay.

For a moment, you can say that you're away from the active volcano,

'Just being close together made my whole body feel weighed down.

At least, Looncandel's blessed body kept him alive.

Now that you've got one breath, it's time to complete the throw-in machine
you prepared. At any moment, there was a brainstorm that was hard to
fathom in the glowing heart.

It was the total amount of gin's brain.

[What you've prepared seems to be complete, Jean Looncandel.]

The guardian smiled lightly as if he had waited.

He adjusted the pace so that Jean could complete the thrower.

Therefore, the guardian's smile contained various impressions. The

expectation that Jin's potential will be at what level will Jin's potential be?

And this is not Soldier's arrangement, but a reprimand that if it had been for
the actual battle, he would have died.
"You're hurting my self-esteem.”

Boom, kuang!

Jini, who read the meaning of Shilderay's smile, scattered the blackness.
The sword of Silderay was breaking with a roar.

[What have I been waiting for you?]

"If it had been real, I wouldn't have fought Mr. Sidderay so unresponsibly."

The guardian's mouth was twitching.

In what Jean has just shown him, he peeped at the youth of one who he
admired and followed most. Temer Looncandel, he always did, too.

No matter what opponent he encountered, he was not defiant but arrogant,

and he was reckless and cool-headed. So everyone who knew Themere had
regarded him as a mystery.

[You look like him.]

"I don't like that assessment."


In the photocardium, there was a sound that sounded like something was

The compressed brain organs exposed on the surface of the photocardium

were tangled like thick strings, making it look as if the heart had broken at
first glance.

What Qin is about to unfold is the Ming and Ming dagger, 10 daggers.

The last chapter of the projection, and the strongest five-point-four-point-of

the whole.

King's Imperial Sword Reformed Sword

The story Ban told Jin, passing on the ten swords of the jet, was that it was
not just a murder technique to wipe out the enemy.

Mingwanggunnimgum was a proclamation and roar, indicating that a man

was at the apex among the kings of light.

Big, big, big...!

The ground on which the two men were on was cracked.

The ground was twisted, and the gap made the brain vomit out as if it were
a lava. It was for a moment that the sharpness of the brain covered all sides
with breathlessness.

It wasn't just the expression. Those who are incapable of protecting

themselves from the flood of brainstorms will not last a few seconds and
become ashes.

Even those who could barely cover the shield would suffocate soon, and
that had nothing to do with Jean's intention. Just as fire doesn't catch on to

In the brainchild of the Ming Dynasty, only those who deserve it can
survive. It was a privilege given only to those who could stand shoulder to
shoulder with the least powerful species on the ground.

[So my brothers no longer tell me I look like the Temer, Lord Silderay.]

Jean's voice changed. A queer voice, as if dozens of people were speaking

at the same time, was naturally imbued with deep dignity.

Eyes and hair were also dyed with brains, giving off a shriveling glow. If
there was a brain that was admired by all, it would be like this.

The guardian thought so, too.

However, they have insight that will not be misled apart from their
Just because you look like a transcendent, it doesn't really transcend. That's

Ten stars, an area that is infinitely close to the strongest even to feel for

Having reached the realm, the guardian knew what the real transcendence
was. It was a title that was only allowed to those who reached Changsheng.

The Ming and Wang Rim Sword was proclaimed. In the eyes of the
guardian, the potential of the camp was just an explosion.

Of course, it wasn't surprising.

[Surely the gap has decreased. Let's start over.]


Once again, the sword poured from the guardian's great sword.

The swords went through the brain as if they were stirring in the water, and
by the time they reached Jin, their power was clearly reduced.

It's because power is halved because it's against the brain.

Similarly, the movement of the shilderay was also slightly restricted.

On the other hand, the brain energy was a more familiar force than the air
for Jin, who was in the state of the Ming Dynasty.

Unlike the guardian, who is unable to exert his full power to resist the brain,
Jin's sword has become sharper.

Myeongwanggunnimgum is a kind of awakening, not a one-off attack.

The ability to make even ordinary bellbeeds into a season.

It was now a story not only for the guardian but also for the Qin.
I'd have told you this before, Brother Chin. You are a brother of the Ming
dynasty, a descendant and my successor. So you don't have to be afraid of

Before leaving Laparosa, Ban told me this story after learning the Ming and

She also added that this leaves Jin with nothing left to lose.

From now on, there are only areas left for Jin to go on his own.

Prune, profit!

The thunderstorm that covered the battlefield was shaking along the
trajectory of Sigmund.

Sigmund and the Great Sword.

The camp went up, the guardian went down. Both of them were hit by two
swords, which were enough to leave a shadow, and a completely different
situation continued.

a close shave

Who would think of these two men's battles as a battle between 10 and 8?

The two black sacks, who struggled to push each other away, looked simply
hard to distinguish superiority.

That's great!

The guardian did not utter such banal praise. He showed no signs of
satisfaction, expressing admiration.

It was essentially an attitude that would be shown to those who stayed in a

lower area.

The guardian no longer needed to evaluate the distant and young

"Descendants of His Owns" as such.
As the guardian of this tomb, you can only admit that you are not lacking in
the last fight.

That meant there was no need to be any more equivocal. Just as Jean was
going all out, she had to give up everything she had.

Boom, Quagang! Boom!

The shock wave caused the subspace to collapse and the spirit was flying
like a sandstorm.

This chaotic scene, created by a mixture of brain, sword and spirit, was
something that could be called the battlefield of great fighters.

Just as Shilderay wasn't conceited, Jean wasn't drunk on the fact that she
was fighting him equal.

'I can't stand this condition for a long time, we have to win as soon as

in the brain of a madly concentrated brain along the sigmund

For the first time, the guardian stepped backward. Qin pressed him again
with another throw-in, a three-time sword.

In the presence of the Ming and Wang Rim Sword, the punishment was, of
course, well above the power of the usual camp.

Three of them at a time flooded the guardian.

Myeongwanggunnimgum was originally completed only when the dog,

jeon, and gyeol could be spread out. Still Jean is at the stage of barely
spreading the dog.

It was obviously too much to put another thrower together at that stage.

Nevertheless, the reason for bringing out the punishment was clear.

It was because he thought that the guardian had no blessed body.

In order to get the punishment of Mingwanggunnimgum, you have to use
Oreu too hard. Even with the same loss, it's highly likely that my side will

Jean's judgment was correct.

Shilderay Looncandel, the guardian who had been reacting senselessly all
the time, also looked burdened this time.

Of course, it wasn't a look of fear.

I was determined.

[Let me show you the legacy of the Looncandel ancestors, Hou Yeh.]

Cards up!

The vents of Dan sin struck the shield of Shilderay.

There was a crack right away, and it'll break when you blink your eyes

But that gap was enough.

A thousand years ago, to take out one of the essence of the Looncandel
swordsmanship achieved by Temer and a teenage knight.

Looncandel Biggie Silderay

"King of the Sword."


Jean, who had been pumping power into the awning, swallowed his breath.

The great sword of the great protector, it's really scary....because I saw him
grow huge.

I've watched numerous times to increase the number of tests.

I never thought of such a formidable sword.

The shadow of the Great Sword, rising with a rush to pierce the sky in an
instant, was floating dizzy between the brain organs.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 287

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:19 PM

Chapter 287: Episode 89. The First Tomb of Themeer (8).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It's absurdly ignorant.

Other than that, I couldn't think of words to express.

It was almost impossible to find out how huge the Great Sword was and
where the end was even when he looked up.

A sword tens of times greater than the one who wields it, and the guardian
was holding it with both hands, without any concern.

'What the hell is this...... Can you call this a sword?'

I was confident that I wouldn't surprise you at all.

Even Qin could not help but be shocked this time.

The Guardian's Great Sword was not only scary in length, but also wide
enough to give the impression that it was fierce in width.

This expansive expansion, which is indescribably extensive, is all made up

of oracles.
The three awls had already pierced the shield, but were unable to stab the
guardian because they could not overcome the force of the sword.

Soon the guardian smiled triumphantly.

It was because the later artist's expression was very attractive when he faced
the season he had dedicated his life to.

[Begis, what we call the king of the Great Sword. No matter how great he
is, he used to look as dazed as you when he first saw this.]

Qin could not answer and looked alternately at the guardian and the great

The battle seemed to have reached a lull for a while.

But only seemingly, the energy of the two was actually in the midst of a
fierce tangle to push each other away.

It could also be seen as a form of balance.

With the two energies boiling, the first to lose concentration was never
going to get a pleasant result.

Whoo, whoo...….

Jean picked her breath carefully. When he reigned over the insanity that had
become unstable in the open-mindedness, blood flowed from every hole in
his face.

[... ...King of the Sword?]

The name was immediately convincing. Anyone will have no choice but to
nod. By all means, there will be no greater sword in the world.

As Qin knows, ten duelers and seven beagies present in Looncandel, three
of the five.

Nothing took this form.

As Jipple erased all the history of Shilderay Looncandel, the "King of the
Great Sword," who had raised his prestige in the past, was also out of

[How many days I've been pondering with Temar to name this. Isn't that a
really nice name?]

[I don't know.]]

[Sorry, then.]


Another round of visits near the guardian was made.

Soon after, the Orser began to spring up, turning into dozens of rope-like
forms, and twisting the great sword.

This immense-sized sword, rather a lump of oreau, was a preparation for

swinging and supporting what should be called a lump of oreau.


a roaring guardian

Just as the camp with the Ming and Wang reigned sword was covered with
the brain, the guardian was also turning white all over.

The only difference was that he looked as if he had become one with the
Supreme Prosecutors' Office.

Many of the world's greatest fighters said.

It would be called the end of a warrior to be united with his weapons.

It was, of course, a figurative expression. It had nothing to do with this

bizarre sword that the guardian now shows.

Nevertheless, Jin swallowed dry saliva with a cooling sensation in his spine.
He felt a sense of crisis not because of his insight as a warrior or because of
his intuition that has developed beyond several trials.



No matter how... ...visual pressure comes from an unlikely, unspeakable

scale that humans can wield.


I could be sure.

The "King of the Sword" was a sword that would have been remembered
for more than a thousand years by oral tradition alone, even if historians did
not leave a line of records.

On the other hand, I was horrified by the ability of Jipple to clean up the
shocking sword from history.

[Hold on!]


The king of the Great Sword began to fall to the ground.

It was a slow pace as the noon sun sank.

The day Jin returned to the Sword Garden after completing his preliminary
horsemanship, it was slower than the first sword Siron showed.

It was only huge in scale, and even ordinary people seemed to be able to
escape the king of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office if they beat the moon

But the king of the Great Sword was inevitable despite such a slow pace.
It wasn't because, like the first sword that Zion showed, it was far out of the
way of nature.

a repulsive force that binds an awning of guilt

The force that began to turn to the ground is pressing the gin like the
pressure of Tess. Thousands of invisible hands seemed to hold all over the

It's a lot of pressure, even when the Ming Dynasty Sword was activated.…!'

He was able to breathe and move because of the invocation of the Ming
Dynasty Military Sword.

Jin's pure anoros could not withstand the pressure of the king of the sword.

The same logic as having at least the martial arts worthy of recognition by
the Ming Dynasty in order to survive in the brain of the Ming Dynasty.

When I stepped on the prosthesis, my feet were as heavy as a sheet.

It would not be easy to get out of that vast area before the king of the Great
Sword reached the ground. No, it was impossible.

I had to take it back.

'Even though it's falling so slow, there's no choice but to attack, that's a
terrible tie. How long does it take for the Great Sword to reach the ground?
30 seconds, or 20 seconds?'

I chose breathing again.

As the king of the Great Sword neared, I could feel the joints of the bones
of his body.

In addition, the price of the unfulfilled Mingwanggunnimgum was


'My body's reaching its limit.'

Jean's eyes and hair dyed her brain became noticeably pale. With the Ming
Dynasty's sword likely to be lifted soon, the Guardian's Orser gave off an
increasingly strong light.

When Silderay was alive, the fighters praised him by calling him this way.

Mysterious power. Mystery of Mighty strength. a knight with literally

grotesque powers

Even he was not a pure-blooded Looncandel, so he was not the owner of the
blessed body as expected by Jean.

Nevertheless, they are realizing this language with only pure achievements.

The glaring gin re-positioned.

'With only one life, people on the brink of extremes. Yes, just because you
got the lead of Laparosa, you can't go over them already. I almost got over
my head.'

Father, starting with Siron Looncandel.

Big sister Luna, Tallaris, Vanessa, Themeer...... transcendental fighters have

always been mysterious to Qin.

It was a big mountain. Or it was like a milestone that suggested a direction

for life.

And now Jean has another milestone, Shilderay Looncandel. Regression,

foreplay. In the end, you have to go beyond all that.

"Got it."


The Ming dynasty sword's brain has died down.

The light-lost photocard seemed hollow, and as soon as Qin lost his
awakening strength, he vomited out a pool of red blood.
A number of fractures, long-term concussion, including backflows from

That was the right result of dealing with the guardian, excluding "delusion."

The 12-time Looncandelian, who failed to reach the terms and conditions,
cannot face the first Looncandel's teenage knight, the strongest ever the
strongest in history.

One, Qin was not only strengthened by regression and foreplay.

They are only auxiliary means, and this was always the most valuable and
shining thing Jean had.


An intangible force that keeps the sword from being let go under any

If the Beige of the Guardian, which illuminates the whole of the subspace,
was the legacy of the Luncandel ancestors, the will shown by Jin was the
light that connected the enemy lines of the Luncandel.

Soon after, the king of the Great Sword struck the ground.

The guardian could not help but praise the light of Qin's will.

The sword came into contact with it.

Beyond time and space, two wills symbolizing the beginning and the end of
Looncandel met.

It was time for something mysterious to happen.

[The victory... ...has been completed.]

The guardian, who finished the move, spoke in a low voice.

A tidal wave-like surge was spreading to the guardian's front. The king of
the Great Sword jumped violently, and in the middle of it, Jin was seen.

Jean was as hard as a stone statue as she wielded her sword.

It's a failure. Although there was no shortage of will, Jin's strength was still
weak to break through the king of the Great Sword.

But this is not a one-on-one confrontation at the risk of life. It wasn't even a
brutality to determine the obvious superiority.

It was just a ritual for the transmission of will.

Ps. . . . .

The ore sweeping through the subspace was turning into black particles.
The power that could have torn and killed the camp more than a thousand
times is being scattered like a dandelion blown by the wind.

As I reached out my hand, I could feel the black particles between my

fingers and the spirit smoothly escaping.

The guardian who stood far away also turned into a light shadow and
disappeared somewhere.


Jean calling his name out of bewilderment.

There was a lot I wanted to ask him after the battle, what was it like in the
past, why you were erased from history.

I didn't expect it to disappear like this.

The particles of spirit fluttering like pollen were unanswered.

Instead, the particles gathered together as if they intended to draw a swirl

around the gin.

From somewhere, I could hear a little noise as if it were a very distant


It was a sound from the whirlpool of Young-gi, which Jean had never heard
of before using Young-gi.

......, ......da.

......, Gi......,

Focusing his mind, Chin could realize that it was the sound of a man's

'Is that Lord Sutherray's voice?'

That infinitely feeble voice was saying,

Jean, I'm sorry.

I don't think I can leave many records.

Jean's eyes grew bigger.


It's the god of Jin, who has never heard his voice before his return.

It was the voice of solderlet.

As soon as Jean heard the voice, she cried out Solderet's name almost like a

But even though he had been running and raising his voice among black
particles for a long time, no answer could be heard.

Jean, I'm sorry. I don't think I can leave many records.

Only the same voice was repeated.

Soon Jean could realize that the voice was from a very distant past.

It was because another person's voice was heard in spirit.

Who are you talking to? Solderlet. Jean? If it's Jean... ...was she the
contractor after that thousand years, as I said last time?

Oh, Themeer.

Murakan and Misha are saying that they are dying because of your frequent
Hyun-hyun. There's not much time left until the war with the Jipple. Please
also think about my position where those two are in trouble if they get sick.

Don't tell the children Jean's name.

By the way, you said yes last time. It's because I don't have this much trust.

The conversation seemed evident to the solderlet and the Temer a thousand
years ago.

By the way, if you have a contractor in a thousand years.

In your opinion, we must win the war against the Zipple, right? Seeing that
you're already paying attention to the contractor a thousand years later.

If we lose, will Looncandel, who will sign you in a thousand years, remain
in the world?
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 288

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:18 PM

Chapter 288: Episode 90. Sculpture Shielders of the Past (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Listening to the voices of the distant past.

It's so vivid.….

When I looked around again, I could only see a whirlpool of spirit.

Jin has experienced many mysterious things for 47 years in total, but there
has never been such a shocking moment.

It's not realistic just to hear the voice of a thousand years ago.

Solderlet was speaking as if he had already predicted 'a thousand years later'
in those days.

I was confused. It was like someone was putting their hands in my head and
poking my brain, and I almost let out a nausea.

I could hardly think of it as a third-party mischief.

Not only have I ever heard of the magic of voice, but there is such a thing.
Who the hell can imitate Soldierlet's voice?
'It can't be somebody's prank or trap. I'm not crazy after the fight. This is
clearly the message that Soldert left me.'

Otherwise, there was no way to explain this bizarre phenomenon.

That's what I'm talking about. . . .!

A small noise was ringing in my ears, as if I were playing straw dans.

When his concentration was distracted, his voice began to be heard again.

'You have to be calm. Calm down, first of all, you have to listen to your

Jin, who calms down and focuses his mind on the sound of the vortex again.

Then again the conversation of a thousand years ago began to be heard. No,
beyond just being heard.

Jean was sucked into something, wrapped in a whirlpool of spirit.

When I opened my eyes again, it was all empty darkness.

Another subspace in subspace.

The darkness, incomparably deeper than the landscape that had just stood,
was blackening all around. In the pitch black, which seemed to be nowhere
to be seen, Jean strangely maintained a full color.

This strange subspace, which deserved to be unfamiliar, seemed somehow

familiar to Jean.

When I first signed a contract with Soldert in my previous life, I fell into
this space for a while.

'It's similar to the day you signed with Soldert.'

Although it was the first time she had experienced such a space, Jin did not
feel any particular difference at the time.
Rather, I felt instinctively stable as a contractor of shadow. As soon as I
stepped on it, I realized that this was a place that only a shadow could enter.

It was the same now. Jean was no longer confused.

But if there is only one difference.

Now, the voices of the past are being heard more clearly.

Hey, Solderet. Why aren't you answering? I don't feel right.

Hey, Solderet. Why aren't you answering? I shouldn't have...

Hey, Solderet. Why did you answer....

There was a echo of Themeer'

The direction in which the voice was heard, he walked blindly along the

Looking again, I could see a huge sphere shining grey in the distance.

When he reached the sphere, Qin could see it with his own eyes.

A thousand years ago, Solderlet and Themere were talking.

The two were talking in a gray sphere.

The surface of the sphere was blurred, so I couldn't see everything in detail,
but I could see the approximate shape of people and things.

However, the color was so dark that I couldn't tell the difference. Like a
faded and emaciated picture.

Jin, for example, has become a "observant" to get a glimpse of the world a
thousand years ago.

Is the author sitting on the table a theme?...Yes, just like the one I saw in the
Great Barrier.'
Solderlet looked like Hyun-hyun in human form.

However, only the backside was seen. It was hard to imagine his face
because I had never seen him present in my previous life.

Jean set her eyes close to the grey sphere.

The scene of the two sitting was strangely familiar, and soon I could see

'It's a stormy center hole. That's what I looked like back then.'

The stormy center hole hasn't changed much compared to the recent one.

Well, I'm the god of swords and shadows, you know. You can't see a certain
future like Az Mill.

What? How did he decide on a contractor a thousand years from now?

It's a different matter from the future. Let's say it's something that you can
preoccupy as a god.

Knock, knock, knock!

The main hall's gate was opened.

The new figure was none other than Shilderay Looncandel. He was wearing
armor and a huge sword over his shoulder, just as he had fought with Qin.

Shielderay, do you really have to carry such a powerful sword indoors?

Silderay bowed politely to Soldert, lightly ignoring Themeer's Finzanne.

Silderay Looncandel, the guardian of the family.

You don't even listen to me. Ha, by the way. Hey, Silderay. What do you

What do you mean, Gaju?

Soldert says we don't know if we'll win or lose the Gipple. I've even set up a
contractor a thousand years later, but I'm trying to tell you I don't know
what's going on right now.

false pillars


Are you nervous?

Temer did not answer, but briefly matched his eyes with Silderay.

I'm just curious about Soldert's opinion.

Everyone's looking at a piece of gaju. Don't you know how much impact
each word has on you? Don't ask such a silly question to the guardian deity
in front of other sacks.

The theme shrugged.

Well, that's true. But to be honest. I'm nervous. You're like that, too, aren't

I'm not nervous.

You're only getting better at lying. Even I'm afraid to fight the Zipple, but
how scared are you and the others?

Looncandel, no doubt, is the best. false pillars

Anyway, fear is not a sin. It's something you should be proud of not running
away in spite of your fear.

I don't think so.

Yeah, you don't think so. But unfortunately, in Looncandel, I mean the law
and the truth. These days you are. You said you get in big trouble when you
see your family members shaking with anxiety. That's very wrong. People
can be a little scary. In the face of an unprecedentedly big war, all the more.
It was not a particularly intimidating tone.

But the soft, mischievous voice of Themeer had an irresistible dignity.

Aren't you being sharper to me or to me because you're afraid? Don't fool

yourself, Silderay. Admit, accept, control. The possession of the vicious
great sword at all times is just another manifestation of fear.


Yeah, yeah. But why are you here?

Oh, I'm here to report that I've recently detected an unusual air current in
the 1st tower of the Jipple.

If it's a tower, it's a tower of stories.

Yes, Gaza. Suddenly, more than three hundred dragons gathered in the first
tower, and Sarah Looncandel led five horsemen to look into the situation.

That's enough to get us out of here without a hitch. No, speaking of which,
should I go too? I wonder what you're going to do with 300 dragons. Get
ready, Silderay.


SOLDERET, I'll be right back...….

I mean, Ji-yik!

Suddenly the grey sphere was distorted.

What is it?

Jean flinched and examined the sphere.

The screen continued to run under the distorted sphere, which was
indistinguishably crushed. The sound of the words was also strangely mixed
up and could not be understood.
Feels like someone intentionally cut off a part of a book.

But since Jean knew nothing about this unusual form of "recording device,"
she couldn't take any other action.

The situation might get worse if we were to do something rash.

Time seemed to drag on.


When the gray sphere returned to normal after a long time, Jin unknowingly
exclaimed. The gray sphere was again showing a thousand years ago.

However, the timing has changed.

The scene shown by the gray sphere was no longer the central hall of the
stormy planet, where the solderlet, the Temer and the Shilderay were.

Nor was the scene where Themer went with Shilderay to support Sarah

What Jean saw was a treatment room a thousand years ago. I could see a
man sitting in front of his bed, his head down weakly, and that was a

After one twist, the sphere seemed to have gone quite a long way. It could
be inferred from the beard full of Silderay's face.

But there was no way for Jin to know what had happened between the two
points that the sphere had shown.

......Gaju, everyone looked at you only one...….

Lying in bed was a theme.

There was no apparent trauma, but he was thin and hardly breathing.
Silderay sighed heavily and looked alternately at the sickbed and ceiling, as
if resentful.
Everybody's in Gaza...... Damn it! Soldert, you son of a traitor! That's what
you meant when you told me to keep my promise! Come out, show
yourself, you goddamn...…!

A group of knights outside rushed into the hospital room as Shilderay cried.
They tried to restrain Silderay, but couldn't resist his strength.

Lord Sidderay! What if you do this to me? What about the other sacks?
Stay still, please!

The Guardian did not make you this way. Lower your voice, Lord

Who else would have made the family this way if it was not a solderlet?
Where and what was the incompetent God doing when he became a

What a fool to the Guardian, Silderey!

A woman who came in late grabbed Silderay by the shoulder. She was one
of the teenage knights, just like Shilderay.

Silly hair?

Haven't you heard the last person in the family? Never blame the guardian,
but fulfill your promise to the guardian. He asked me several times while I
was losing consciousness.

Then Shilderay shuddered with astonishment.

Diana, do you believe in Soldert even after seeing this in Gaza?…?

It's a matter of no consequence without which I believe and believe.

Look, you don't believe in Soldierlet anymore! You feel the same way as I
do, Diana. Don't I know you?

My feelings don't matter either. Silderay, the important thing is. The fact
that... the name of the housekeeper. The household name is absolute.
We are the ones who made the Looncandel's laws! If you keep looking ugly,
I won't let you go.


Obey the patriarch's orders. That is the only duty and hope left for us.

When Diana beckoned, all but Shilderay left the bed.

For a long time, she hugged a man of strength who sobbed like a child.


Jikjik... ..pss...….

The gray sphere has been distorted again.

However, he did not seem to be coming back from a twist that was as he did
for the first time.

The grayish spheres are scattered with particles. In addition, subspace was
being broken down by the spirit particles.

in a twink

Jin escaped from two layers of subspace and stood in the middle of the
Anzh Great Plains Baolai. It was the very point where the 'key' was
activated with Murakan.

I'm about to take a long breath and clear my mind.

Two strange objects were seen before Jean's eyes.

It was a black bead made of spirit, and a piece of a great sword used by
Shilderay Looncandel a thousand years ago.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 289

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:16 PM

Chapter 289: Episode 90. Sculpture Shielderay of the Past (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Jin, who was trying to pick up a piece of black beads and a sword, suddenly
vomited blood.

When the extremely tense body was released, a belated shock came.

The Mingwang Gunlim Sword was a hard-to-use sword until it completed

all three stages of dog, jeon, and gyeol.

I got chills and pain from my spine.

In the injured organ, hot heat rose like a fireball, and broken bone joints

He reigned in state for a while. Gently pressing down on the ore trying to
reverse flow, pushing the least amount of brain into the empty


The pain gradually subsided. I thought I could do enough to walk and run.
I was worried about whether I would be able to raise my condition to the
highest level before the mission to kill the black knight began.

But the price was nothing compared to what was gained in this tomb.

He met the person who was the beginning of the Black Knight, experienced
a broken battle, and peeped at the secret history of a thousand years ago.

A stele about the wise solderlet and those who were the founder and root of
the Looncandel.

[He says don't panic no matter what happens. That's what Soldier told you
to deliver.]

It was not an exaggeration to say that Pikon Minche told us the location of
the tomb.

What happened at the first tomb of the Baolai, Themeer, was, in some
sense, much more shocking than a return.

'......Solderet, for a thousand years, had me as a contractor. That's the fact

that I was aware of to a certain extent.'

a thousand-year contractor

Contractor already set a thousand years ago.

Suddenly, I remembered the day when I first met Murakan in Storm Castle.

Hey... ...Solderet. You're kidding, aren't you? Not this one. Say something.
Why would a promised thousand-year contractor be such a little boy?….

[I am Murakan. The last descendant of the first being made of solderlet's

agent, his own friend, and shadow. From today on the promise of a
thousand years, I will be with you. Say your name.]

Murakan was not the only one who spoke of a thousand-year contractor
after seeing Qin. Clam, the God of Mana, told a similar story when he first
met Jin, and so did Missha.
'But Murakhan and Misha, Clam, knew only that I was a contractor who
had already been discovered a thousand years ago. Everyone didn't seem to
know that Solderlet already knew my name when he was pointing at me.'

In a vision seen from the subspace, Solderlet told Temer not to tell
Murakhan and Misha the name of Jean.


Jean had already been spotted a thousand years ago, and all those who had a
deep connection with Soldert knew the fact.

'Temar had heard my name from Soldieret. Under the circumstances, the
same is true of Lord Shilderay. So, why didn't you tell the Guardian and the
Clam my name?'

It was something that was not immediately understandable.

There was no clue to the vision shown by the gray sphere.

'There's no way Solderlet, even considering the arrangement of a thousand

years from now, would have hidden my name from them without meaning

It wasn't just the arrangement after a thousand years.

Solderlet also left his regards to the Ming dynasty, which collapsed five
thousand years ago, and to the forgotten god Clam, who was even closer to
the beginning.

Jean, just for him.

By guesswork, the arrangement of solderlet began earlier than the combined

history of the human species.

'There must be some reason. It's not an immediate problem.'

It was highly likely that Soldert left this kind of arrangement and message
somewhere else.
The reason I didn't tell you my name is because I just need to find out as I
reach them.

There were separate problems that really confused Jean's mind.

'Solderet had me as a contractor a thousand years ago, but when he signed

with me in his previous life, he didn't reveal the fact at all.'

[Signer, you must have hated someone when you were very young. You've
been under a lot of pressure because of a small curse. Maybe that's why I
was attracted to you.]

[Now all you have to do is be a test-taker, contractor. It's going to be fun to

enjoy watching.]

Given the fact that he already "knows and grasps Jin," Solderlet's response
at the time of the contract was clearly contradictory.

"Even then, Solderlet told us that he was originally a god of swords and
shadows, unlike what was known to the world. He didn't say why he left

Jean's heart beat rapidly.

It was because the second vision I saw in the subspace came to mind.

Theme is dying in her bed, and Sidderay calls Solderlet a traitor in anger.


In fact, Solderlet had never been the patron saint of Looncandel since the
Temer, until Jean appeared.

There has been a perception that he is the god of Jipple by signing contracts
with wizards, especially Jipple.

'If it's a betrayal, for what? If not for betrayal, why on earth did Solderlet
abandon Looncandel for a thousand years? Even claiming to be the god of
Actions were necessarily based on purpose. God wouldn't be different from

Solderlet's leaving Looncandel, coming back, choosing himself, and

everything else that's hard to understand.

After all, it will all be inevitable choices to serve the purpose.

' return is also likely to have been the power of solderlet. What does
he want?'

It was a problem that I had never seriously thought about before.

It was because he judged that it was not important.

No matter what purpose Solderet gave her the opportunity to return, Jean
decided to follow her own desires and wills regardless of it.

As a result, Qin naturally wished the throne of Looncandel and the

destruction of the Jipple. He burned his strong desire to become a warrior
beyond his father to reach the pinnacle of the world.

There was no doubt that such a future could be realized.

Today, until we get a glimpse of the old story of Looncandel in Themeer's

first grave.

'According to a vision from the subspace, the Jipple had enormous power to
fear even the Temer. I don't know if it was before or after the war when
Themer was lying in his bed, but he ended up losing.'

Even Chang Sung-kai, who led the strongest family of horse prosecutors in
history, failed to overcome the wall of Jipple.

The Tower of Story, where three hundred dragons gathered in the stele, is
still in good health, but Looncandel has lost the ability of the Magistrate
with all kinds of history erased.

The gap is wider than it was when Temer was defeated.

"I'm also concerned that Lord Silderay called betrayal. Theme seemed to
have believed in solderlet to the end, but did the belief really pay off?'

There is no place for the theme in the Looncandel tomb, and Shilderay has
not even a single line of records left in every history book that exists in the

It was safe to judge that he had not received any compensation so far.

There were too many elements to doubt about solderlet.


As Jean struck the sword, she cut off a confused mind. At this rate, useless
anxiety and doubt seemed to grow out of control.

'At least in the gray sphere I saw, there was not a single complete proof that
Solderlet had betrayed him. Moreover, the time between the first and the
second is very unnatural. Like a book whose important page has been torn.'

Solderlet's "recording device" in the open space had seemed to have been
damaged somewhere.

It was clearly not normal to see the screen and the sound of the words
working for a long time, suddenly crushed.

This means that we should not rule out the possibility that the crushed
screen contained decisive clues about the situation at that time.

"Even if the betrayal of Soldert is true and valid so far, there is no need to
be disappointed. It is not my defeat that Themeer lost. If the Looncandel at
that time was stronger than it is now, I can become a housekeeper and
overtake him.'

Solderette, Themeer, then Looncandel.

Whatever they were, Jean decided to worship the values she had set.

Just like it's always been.

It will be a standard that will never change no matter what secrets Jean
finds out about Soldert and Looncandel in the future.

Passat! Passasak! Parsasak!

I heard the sound of stepping on the grass in the back. Looking back, I
could see Murakan running with all his body full of frown.

"Hey! Kid! Are you all right?”

"Oh, you were there. Where were you hiding? Murakan. I forgot because I
was so busy looking for it right away."

"This Murakan......forgotten? Hey, my little boy. Did you get hit wrong by
Silderay? I never expected you to talk such a heartless noise, huh?"

"You won't be too sad to hear what I saw inside. You'll understand right

"What is it?"

"I was sucked into a new space after the fight with Lord Sutherray. There I
saw a few people a thousand years ago with a record device left by

"Recording device?"

Jean explained to Murakhan what was inside the recording device for a

From the conversation between Soldert and Themer to the anger of Silderay
and Diana's consolation, he said.

Just one thing, 'Solderlet already knew Jean's name,' didn't say.

The reason for excluding the content was no different. At the moment, he
judged that there was no reason not to respect Solderlet's will as a
Murakan was very surprised at first, but soon fell into memory and was
immersed in Jin's explanation.

He seemed to miss all the good and bad things that Bisa showed him in the

"... ...but then I heard, Silderay. I'm sure that's what happened to your head.
It was ridiculous to call me a scumbag, but how dare you call Solderlet a
traitor? Ha, you can't kill another one who's already dead."

"You've shown me a tremendous bid. I wanted to."

"He was a great guy if you were to judge him purely as a knight. I don't
know why the scumbag suddenly disappeared. Anyway, this is the result of
the subspace collapse of Soldierlet."

Murakan pointed to black beads and pieces of the sword on the floor.

"Yes. You said the materials were here to strengthen the bradamante, so
maybe these."

"Maybe only the piece of the sword is the material. I've never seen this bead
before, but it's not for blacksmithing. Certainly."

"Really? How can you be sure it's something you've never seen before?”

"You must have felt that the inside of the marble was full of spirit. It's
taking a form close to a seal, like in a mirror from a colon. It's designed to
hide or suppress something."

"I'll show it to Missha.”

When Missha's name came out, Murakan frowned at once.

Jean laughed at the sight and summoned Shri.

"Let's go back for now. Murakan."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 290

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:15 PM

Chapter 290: Episode 91. Respecting Power, and Power (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The Boltaga mansion is under construction.

Workers were clinging to the mansion, which was so shabby that it seemed
like it would collapse even if the wind blew.

Young-ju and Sik-sol wiped away tears as if they still could not believe this
dream, and the people who were exhausted from the famine were returning
one by one.

Binta's butler, Bin Branche, helped free distribution of the residents during
the day, and in the evening, he and Young-ju agonized over where to use the
money from Looncandel.

Petro gave the aid "in the non-excessive way" at Jin's command, but that
alone allowed this small estate to seek vitality and promote the future.

Therefore, Bin Branche was proud. I assure you, life has never been as
pleasant as it is now.

"It's all thanks to you. I've never seen such a lively land since I became a
butler of Volta!"

Bin smiled as he brought out the just-boiled barley tea.

"After the repair of the Volta Mansion, Tikan's workers will come and build
your new house. We're going to set up a blacksmith's shop underground
with special soundproofing, and if you want to add any facilities, tell me."

"Oh, I don't have that. I don't know what to do just by having my own
house. Thank you!"

"Thank you."

a slurping sound

When Jean drank barley tea, Murakan frowned as if annoyed. No, he had
been showing signs of disapproval for the whole hour since he arrived at
Bin's house.

"Hey! Pickon Minche, get out of here! You mustache. How long are you
going to keep me waiting?”

It was because Picone had not yet spoken out.

Furthermore, Murakan was full of horrors for not properly explaining the
dangers when Picon first informed Jean about the first tomb of Themer.

"Well, umm. I'm sorry, Mr. Murakan. I'm a contractor, but I don't have the
ability to call Mr. Peacon as I please."

Bin scratched his head in an awkward manner.

It was three hours after the Picone appeared. Indeed, when Murakhan's
patience reached its limit.

Bin twitched his eyes white and convulsed. a signal from the Picon


A moment later, when the light stood on his white eyes, Picon's voice came.

[Laughing out loud enough to kill me!]

"Mr. Picone."

[Uh, yeah. Have you been well, Jean Looncandel. By the way, Murakan,
you've never noticed. You don't really know that I didn't want to talk to you,
did you?]

"What? You don't want to talk to me? Why?"

Then Peacon opened his eyes wide and glared at Murakhan.

[When you casted barissada and bradamante, did you forget how much you
stirred me?!] He comes to me every day and says, "When will it be
completed?" He says, "It's going to be faster."….]

"What the hell are you talking about? When did I do that?”

Murakan was really in a mood of not knowing.

[Huh, you don't remember? You don't remember how many times Quikantel
and Themeer came to apologize to me without your knowledge, do you?
I've been thinking a lot about quitting making barissada and bradamante
because of you.]

When Picon screamed, Jean kicked her tongue at Murakan.

"Murakan, you're wrong."

[That's it? While you were in the midst of my blacksmithing, the other
dragon flew over our village and was beaten. Do you know how much the
blacksmiths have appealed to me for fear of death?]

"Well, what the hell is that supposed to mean? Your blacksmith's been in the
south of the Wilmer Kingdom. It was so far from stormy that it wasn't my
area, why would I just hit passing dragons?"

[Wherever I am is my territory. That's what you used to say back then,

Suddenly, when Jin first visited Quicantel in the past, he remembered what
Murakan said in Beacon's waters.

[The guy who's in my territory gets hit and starts. It was like that back

In fact, Murakan in his heyday was not as good as he is now.

the most formidable being of all ages

Those who knew Murakan in his prime remembered him like that.

Even Ratri, who had never experienced Murakan before, trembled at first
when he saw him just by telling the story.

It is well known that most dragons have bad temper.

Among them, Murakhan was certainly exceptional.

Peacons exhaled angry breaths. Thinking about the suffering of Murakan in

the past, he seems to have a fever.

Because of you, the minstrels even made and sang a song, saying, "I hear
the shouts of dragons every day in the village of Wilmer's kingdom
blacksmith. The rumor got out of hand, so I heard you and Themeer
walking out on my back!]

Murakhan's eyes were blinding for some time with a confused look.

"Well... ...Ficon, if I really did, I'll apologize first. I'm sorry."

The Picon was startled and made eye contact with Murakan.

This was how he felt inside. You're sorry? Is this the kind of horse that can
really come out of Murakan's mouth?

[You just said something.]

"I'm sorry. Honestly, I remember only the fact that you told me about your
moustache, but......if I look back on what I did at the time, it would have
been enough.”

[Is that you, Murakan?]

"I think I've had some problems with my memory when I've been asleep for
a thousand years. As you can see, I've lost a lot of strength. Anyway, if
anything offended me, I apologize."

At the moment when Murakan was about to lower his head, even Jean was
startled and held his shoulder reflexively.

Picon also had a dumbfounded face as he grabbed Murakhan.

[Man, you don't have to...]...Hey, hey, Murakan. We were close in our own
way, I was just being cranky because I was annoyed. This makes me feel

Now, he is more uncomfortable with Picone.

"Picon Minche."


"A thousand years ago, was I a bad dragon?"

It was Murakan's pride.

He was proud that he had never done anything to be called a villain, even
though he had the strongest power.

[No, it wasn't a dragon. Never harmed a human being, uh, again. I used to
play with the kids in town, remember? Ellie, you found him when he was
abducted by the Zipple......a child, a seed. Why am I making excuses for

"Silderay, whom I met at the grave this time, also called me a bastard. At
first I thought he was crazy, but judging from your reaction, I think there
was something wrong with me. All I remember is Silderay or good
memories with you. Because they were all Themeers."

Jean first saw this image of Murakan.

Murakhan really didn't remember. Some of his memories had been blurred
until just before he fell asleep, and he was aware of them himself.

However, I didn't think cloudy memories would matter. If it was important,

he wouldn't have forgotten it.

But those who know or speak as if they know his "old days" whom they
met recently. For example, when I met the head of Kinselo, Silderay, and
Picon, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

[Hey, Murakhan. You're not a villain. It's true that your guy bullied me at
the time, but there was a good reason for that. Only when Themeer's sword
was completed could Looncandel hit the zipple.]

Peacon shrugged back.

[And it's true that you often hit dragons. But the invasion of the territory is a
good reason. It was natural for security, as what my blacksmith made at the
time was a weapon of Themeer. At that time, 90% of the dragons in the
world belonged to the Zipple.]

Murakan raised his head.

[Everyone knew you had made many sacrifices for Looncandel and
Hufester. I was so happy to see you, so what am I supposed to be?]

"Yes, I thought it was strange. There's no reason for you or Silderay to hate
me, and I'm dumbfounded. You didn't hear anything from Silderay, did you?
That's what he called me. Can you imagine? That polite fellow!"

[Syderay hasn't seen him since he made Tamur the Great Sword. Maybe he
shouldn't have said anything like me.]
"Silderay went so far as to call Solderlet a traitor. That's what happened in
the past, when a little boy saw it through a record system there.”

When Jean explained about the recording device for a while, the Picon
opened its eyes wide.

[... ..there was such a thing? I've heard from Soldierlet that there will only
be guardians imitating the will of Shilderay. That's why he got a piece of
Tamur the Great Sword there to strengthen Bradamante.]

Younggi beads were not used in the art of blacksmith as Murakan expected.

Peacon looked around at the beads and once again said he had never heard
of anything like this from Soldierlet.

[More than that, I don't understand why Silderay called Soldier a traitor.
Didn't he respect Soldert more than any of the teenage knights? I've been
courteous to you, too.

"Picon. You've been alive since I fell asleep, haven't you?"

[About three more years. Was it five years?]

"Maybe in the meantime, Solderlet did something bad in Looncandel. Do

you remember anything like that? I've never heard of it from Quicantel or

[Oh, you must have met Quikantel, too. You're alive. Anyway, not as far as
I know. You know, after that, Looncandel was defeated by the Jipple and
made an onslaught. If you and Themeer had both been in good shape and
led the war...….]

Peacon interrupted and looked at Murakan's countenance.

It was because he knew well. What a great wound and humiliation that
happened to the two and to the Looncandel.

[...] ...missed. I'm sorry, Murakan.]

"At first you accused him of being a bad guy, but now you apologize? Your
moustache, however, has become a god, has no dignity."

[Anyway, I think. I think the reason Silderay said that is because we need to
find out more about the recorders left by Soldert.]

"Mr. Picone, do you have any more keys left by Soldert?"

The pecon shook his head at Jean's question.

[That was all I had. Instead, they know who has the key to the second tomb.
" Likewise, there will be a guardian in the second tomb, and there will be
materials for strengthening the bradamante.]

"Who has it?"

Having the key to the second tomb was simply an unexpected name.

[Clothes god Olmango.]

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 291

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:13 PM

Chapter 291: Episode 91. Respecting Power, and Power (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"The shell god has the key to the second tomb of Themeer? That's
ridiculous. Me and Missha, who are actually Sooho-ryong, don't know
anything. That's your moustache. But what made you think you left that
precious thing to such a junkie?”

Murakhan seemed quite upset about the fact.

[That's it. I don't know. I'm just telling you what I heard from Soldierlet.]

"Do you know where the gentleman is?"

[I don't know.]

"Whoa, I'm going to be busy looking for you again.”

an irritating Murakan

However, as soon as Jin heard the name Olmango, he called to himself a

jubilant. It was because he was a person who didn't have to struggle to find
where he was.

"Murakan, the new contractor for the shellfish is in the Kingdom of

Shucheron. That's what I learned when I checked the function of the

That's strange. It seemed to have the ability to navigate contractors. Three

days ago, there was a red dot on the side of the kingdom of Sucheron, and
this morning there was a small article saying that the kingdom of Sucheron
had a man who had signed a contract with the god of shellfish...….

The god of shellfish? Was it called Olmango or Olungo? Anyway, you're

going to mark even those kinds of junk with a red dot? He's so incompetent
that I can't even call him God.

Conversation with Tikan's colleagues immediately after the compass was


It was highly likely that the new contractor of the shell would still be
staying in the Kingdom of Shucheron.

"Oh! Yes, I remember.”



"I'm going back to my home first, so you go to Tikan and ask Lord Kashmir
to send someone to Szcheron to secure the exact location of Olmango's

"Right now?"

"You can talk to Mr. Picone for a while and then go slowly. We'll only have
to figure it out before the Black Knight's murder mission is over."

"Okay. Hey, moustache. By the way, you. I heard you used your ability to
handle iron, and you made swords. Is that the power of the blacksmith's

[So you're God, so you use that kind of power, you ask something obvious.]
"I have a problem that bothers me. You know Kinselo, right? That weird
bastard there, the leader, had the power to handle iron.….”

Then Peacon shrugged when Murakan explained about his conversation

with Kinselo, his appearance and strength.

[Strange] [Strange] It's a power you can't use unless you're a blacksmith's
god, but......a full-time groller? No, Groller's dead and the power must have
been handed over to me. Next time you see him again, try to get some of
the iron he used.]

"Don't you mind seeing that?"

[Take a look at it. At least when it comes to iron, you can find out when this
peconine body is in disarray. We might have a lead, right?]


It was night when I came back to the Sword's Garden. On March 4, 1799,
four days were left before the start of the mission.

Barton Vichena did not wait in the Sword's Garden. He was supposed to
stay at his villa and join him directly at his mission, Ventica.

"If I had a chance, I wanted to talk to him before the mission started."

"You mean Barton Vichena, the target of removal? Master."

"Yes. You've never seen Gilly, have you?"

"Yes, I've never heard of what it was like to be a warrior. Perhaps Barton
Vichena is an alias and used a different name in his heyday.”

"Gilly's right."

Jean was in her room reading through documents about 'Barton Bichena'
given by Rosa.
"My real name is Ligaf Clever. Clever is the brother of the strongest fighter,
Lord Lantz Clever."

"Oh, my God, it was Lord Ligaf?”

Gilly had met him.

"Before I became your nanny, Ju Choi-ha participated in the arena together

with 25 of Hufester's unmanned families. It was only open to the under-20s.
Sir Ligaf was the judge at the time, and I won and won the prize for him."

It was a long time ago.

"How was it then?”

"CLEVER is now known as Lord Lantz CLEVER, but Lord Ligaf was
overwhelming at the time. You've gone to the next firm place, and about
three months after I won, you suddenly passed away. He suffered from an
unknown fever and then he...….”

That's what Gilly knew.

She even took part in the funeral of Ligaf as McLoran's rider.

But in fact, Ligaf was already scheduled to undergo new training then as a
black knight in Looncandel.

So instead of being the housekeeper of Clever's family, he wore

Looncandel's black helmet after being "deceased."

"Even the documents say Clever doesn't know about this. They also think
that Ligaf Clever is really dead.”

Of course, not everyone at the time didn't know that Ligaf Clever was hired
as a black knight.

There were a few people who knew. However, they were not alive at the
Clever, who noticed the appointment of Rigaf as a black knight, had a
heartbreaking sentence written next to the names of the people, "He was
killed for security."

That means no one in Clever Street knows that Barton Bichena is a Ligaf
Clever at the moment.

Jean touched her forehead.

"It was not enough to take away the next member of the alliance, and we
killed all those who recognized it...….”

Even now Cleverga, unaware of anything, was showing infinite loyalty

towards Looncandel.

The bitter taste came up from the throat.

"I think I know how Garif Clever betrayed Looncandel. For him, Clever
was taken hostage as a whole, so he had no choice but to be a black knight.”

"I didn't know the family would pull out black knights like this."

For a long time Jean's gaze touched the bottom of the last chapter of the

There was the signature of his father, Siron Looncandel.

Naturally, Ciron would have directed the mission himself as a patriarch.

Well, if it wasn't for direct instructions, it couldn't have been unrecognized.

"I don't understand. If this is true, I'd be disappointed.”

"You mean you're disappointed in your family?"

"No, not the family, but the father. The family can do that. The family can
do more than this."

Jean covered the document with backbiting.

"My father is obviously a heartless man. But he's not a mean man, at least
for me to feel. And he's not weak enough to threaten anyone. But why? I
don't understand why I had to get Barton Bichena this way."

Gilly agreed with the opinion, but only bowed his head because he dared
not comment on the housekeeper.

Jean's eyes glistened in the light.

"... ...Barton Bichena. You'll know something if you meet him. Gilly."


"I'm going to the Holy Land tomorrow for treatment until the mission

Then Gilly breathed a deep sigh.

"I was wondering if there would be a big problem since you went with me,
but you came with such a deep internal wound......I'm just around the
corner, and I'm upset because you seem upset."

"Don't be so upset. Since it's a mission with Deepus anyway, I'm more
likely to succeed even if I don't do my best."

The task of killing the black knight was certainly a task to be called a
serious ambassador.

"My mother would have assigned someone in the first place who could
make the mission successful without me. As it's an important mission, you
must have chosen the most obvious hand. That's the big brother of Dipus."

As Jean said, Rosa wasn't just putting Jean on this mission to put her in a

It was put in to look at the dipus. How will the second son treat the
Although Dipus was still in the ninth star, he was a man who could make
any unusual moves against a ten-star knight as he was Looncandel.

In particular, it was easier for Dipus to deal with Barton if he had to induce
death during the battle against the Zipple.

"Baekya does not know that Barton is a spy for Jipple, and Barton does not
know that he has been discovered."

"No matter how hard it is, it'

"You met a teenage knight from the time when Looncandel was the best,
and then you came back without a hitch. Don't worry, have fun with
Murakan while I'm away.”

"You're not taking part in this mission, are you?”

"Yes, you can't take a guardian dragon from your first mission. I don't know
how much the elders will point at me. Maybe even cadets think of me as a

"Well, they don't know who you are. Although I said it as if I were worried,
as always. I don't doubt you'll prove it in the end."

Jean smiled.

"Oh, come to think of it. Gilly, I need you to go on vacation after this

"What? Vacation? What's all of...... How can you ask me to stay away from
you when every day is war upon your return?"

No, Murakan seems to be looking forward to a date quite a bit.

I couldn't say that.

"Just go. There'll be a lot of distractions in the future, so let's cool down in
advance. Isn't it customary for nannies to take a vacation right after
becoming a jockey?”
As soon as Gilly was about to refuse one more time, Jean shook her head

"I think it's also important to have a time of Gillie's own, I think.
Sometimes you go out and spend your money, and enjoy your leisure time
without thinking."


Gilly gave up all his youth for Jean.

Not only that, I was ready to give up the rest of my life.

She always says it's a 'whole choice' and always takes it seriously. Jin
always felt a deep sense of debt.

She just doesn't show up because she doesn't want to.

"Thank you, always."

"So am I, Master."


He entered the Holy Land in secret.

When the family finds out about the treatment, they only expose their

Laney and her loyal subjects treated Jean for two days with sheer sincerity.
For 48 hours, more than one saint always stood by Jean, and she was born
to receive such lavish treatment for the first time.

When they returned to the Sword Garden thanks to their efforts. Jean was
able to recover her form to the point of perfection.

'I know it's too much to open the Ming Dynasty Sword, but that's enough.'
In the first place, the Ming Dynasty Gum was a technique Rosa did not

Which means that the mission was not included in the element to succeed.

The force of Jin perceived by Rosa was at the level of eight out of eight.

There were ten Diffus and ten guardian knights standing in front of the gate
dedicated to the jockey mission. All the guardian knights were faces that
Jean did not know.

About half of them will be promoted to executive knights after this mission.

"You're here, Twelve Horsemen."

said Dipus. He was rubbing his own Supreme Prosecutors' Office, Volgar,
with a cloth, without giving Jean a look.

"Yes, second-term."

I'll kill you if you get in the way, I hope you don't disappoint me, I'll give
you an outline of the operation even now, so follow me well.….

Dipus did not add such warnings or advice.

In other words, as Jean said a few days ago, he did not demean Looncandel
for nothing. On the one hand, he admitted Jean, on the other hand, for
Mary's sake.

a dreadful fellow

That's how Dipus perceived Jean since that day.

So I was worried.

If I get a chance on this mission, would it be better to kill Jean?

Or would it be better to keep Rosa and Joshua in check by saving them? I

couldn't make a decision easily.
"......Let's get started."

said Dipus, burning the cloth up and down. The ash flew.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 292

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:11 PM

Chapter 292: Episode 91. The sublime of power, and power (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

March 8, 1799.

The swords of Looncandel, who gathered to kill Barton Bichena, arrived in

the disputed area of Ventica.

Ventica was in the midst of winter. The sky seemed dry and dry, with no
bite, and below it a piercing knife wind was blowing and scratching the

It was simply a desert with nothing but soil and stone mountains.
Nevertheless, the reason why this place has been constantly stirred up by
both big and small disputes over the past hundreds of years has been
because of resources.

There were huge holes one by one throughout the wilderness. There seemed
to be empty spots, but most of them looked as if sailing boats would go in
when they got close.

They are all traces of resource extraction. Strangely rich in burial resources,
this place has always been a lucrative source of money for the conquerors.

It was the first time that the ancient fountain was discovered. Each time the
mysterious mineral was discovered, it led to a conflict of great powers.
Just like the knights of Looncandel and the wizards of Jipple gathered here
right now.

'Baek, you're going to go through the power of that annoying ship again.'

There was something shining like the sun in the distance near the horizon.

Cosech, the giant war weapon of Jipple, is revealing its grandeur.

Five red dragons were seen flying close to the white night like a frigate. The
vast sky looked stuffy as the giant ship and five dragons took control.

And Chin, only one knight was watching from the back facing them.

'Is he Barton Bichena?….'

A flying cape, a sword that comes out between it, and a black pitch.

The presence of Barton standing alone in front of Cosek and the five Red
Dragon came even greater.

There was a distance of hundreds of meters between them, but they were
already within each other's range.

He seemed to be able to destroy the Red Dragons and destroy the Cosek at
any moment if he wanted to.

black knight of looncandel

Wearing a black helmet and being entitled to the title of a black knight is a
privilege that only 10 members of the family are allowed.

Jean could be sure just by the energy he spouted. Indeed, Barton is a man
who is good at black pitching.

The problem was that he became a traitor.

If Rosa alone was convinced that Barton was a spy, Jean would have found
out the truth.
But he was an obvious traitor, since he didn't deny to Ceron that he was a

The fact that I had to kill him was not comfortable. According to the
documents, Barton certainly went through nothing strange with a grudge
against Looncandel.

But no hesitation. I just wanted to have some time to talk before I kill him.

"You're here, Quartet."

As Qin, Dipus and Guardian Knights approached, Barton opened his mouth
first. The voice that leaked out between the pitches was gloomy and

A figure who used honorifics but didn't even look. Even a rider could not be
said to be higher than a black flag.

The Dipus took a seat next to him.

"Sir Barton."

"I didn't know the 12th rider would join us in this time. Is it Lord Rosa's

Barton, who looked back belatedly, said, looking at Jean.

Jean could read the connotations directly in the calm tone.


It seemed unpleasant. The fact that the black knight, Ja Shin, is on a mission
with Jin, who has just become a jockey.

Dipus nodded.

"Yes, Lord Barton."

"It's going to be a pretty dangerous battle. Please protect the 12th in the 4th

"Well, I don't think it's that level of protection.”

"I have nothing to say if that's the judgment of the four-term. But please
consider that I don't have much room against them."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Despite Barton's rather commanding remarks, Dipus showed no signs of

displeasure. On the contrary, he seemed to follow it as if it were natural.

Without the fact that Barton was a spy, Dipus was right about it.

There are far more people who cannot go to the "Yeongmyo" because of the
death of the rider, but the black knight must be enshrined in the Yeongmyo
unless he performs an act commensurate with his treason.

In that sense Barton could not go to Yeongmyo.

"The fourth rider, please take the central front with me. Guardians are the
three best men in charge of the infiltration team, and the other seven deal
with the enemies who have left the battlefield.”


"Never set a course toward the central front, even if an emergency, or an

emergency, requires temporary retreat. Rather, it will increase the chances
of being swept away and killed."

"I'll be clear."

Barton finally finished 12th and gave no orders to Jean.

After the first mention, he was treated like a complete stranger.

Apart from betrayal, Barton's self-esteem could be hurt. He is young

enough to carry out his mission with me, who is undermining the legitimacy
of his family.'

Jean did not respond differently to Barton's attitude. It's his side that makes
me laugh when he yells, "Are you ignoring me?" because he's not too
offended in reality.

I didn't even have any animosity towards Barton. Rather, I felt like I was
being considerate. Contrary to Barton's intentions.

Die, run, fight. It sounded only as if you were told to take care of yourself.

"Over, in their respective positions."

At Barton's words the guardian knights began to scatter quickly.

The three, who were determined to be infiltrators, remained in their seats

and wore masks. To make it difficult to identify oneself.

The Cosek and the Red Dragon were getting closer quickly. Nevertheless,
although it was still quite far away, the Red Dragons spread their shields en
masse, forming a huge circle in the sky.


At the same time, the guardians of Barton, Dipus, and Penetrationjo drew
the sword.

The battle has begun. The Red Dragons opened their shields to buy time to
operate the Cojay warship.

"I wish you good luck, fourth rider."


Barton galloping through the glare of the eye. Every time he stepped on his
foot, rock fragments were splashing, and from the sword that held Orser, a
huge sword was already forming like a sail.
Deepus also poured forward after him, and the infiltration team's guardian
knights advanced, predicting the location of the debris that would fall due to
the collision of the sword and the warship.

Only two people, Dipus and Barton, could fight without restriction even if
debris began to fall. Barton was cognizant of that way.

'I'll back off for now.'

Jean decided to leave first. The first decision is that there is nothing good to
waste your energy from the beginning, even when you are not in perfect

The second was to expose his power to Barton as late as possible.

'I don't want Barton to figure out my ignorance too soon. You might feel
something strange and go through a lot of checks.'

The mission was to secure Ventica only from Barton's perspective. He was
not yet aware that the riders and the guardian knights had come to kill him.
If I had known, I wouldn't have ignored Jean like this.

Thus Qin had to hide as much power as possible.

The best development was to defeat the Jipple side only by the Dipus,
Barton and the Guardian Knights, without the need for Jin to participate.

Wharton's tired after members of the enemy is to die in enemy hands, or

don't notice, the Mission accomplished.

'But in the end, there is a high possibility that I should step up. Whether it's
a role to drive a wedge in victory, a role to turn the tide, a role to save
knights, whatever else."

The lane was rather a painting of Looncandel's side losing and killing
Barton while on the run.

In this case, Ventica would have to be given to the enemy, but it was more
likely that it would be a dipus, not a gin, to take responsibility for it.
'In the first place, this mission is no loss to me. There's no benefit. Whether
he succeeds or fails, the ball is up to him anyway. My mother really, she's
on this mission to make use of me efficiently.'

Then, as always, you can take care of your own gains.

In that sense, Jean was already able to make decent plans thanks to Barton,
who treated herself like air.

"Even if the battle between Looncandel and Jipple ends with a victory for
either side, Diffus and Barton will be hit." At that time, if I had a wouldn't be a bad idea to take care of Mr. Dipus.'


It didn't necessarily mean death. I certainly wanted to instill fear in his mind
so that Dipus would never treat himself poorly again.

There was no need to kill Dipus yet. It was foolish to remove the person
who could check Joshua.

"You have a lot of work to do alive.'

Jean smiled and watched the front.

It was time to appreciate the battle.


The Cochacs threw up a golden-colored mana gun.

The cannon, which had been experienced in Colon, had the power to
destroy the entire ground in the whole area.

Fortunately, it wasn't stronger than it was encountered in Colon. The ship's

occupants can't be better than they were then, as the Jipple would not value
the ancient fountain more than the mirror.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

The swords of Dipus and Barton were also shooting up into the sky.

When the two forces collided, a roar and shock wave broke out, leading to a
scene in which the bleak sky was brightly colored.

Subsequently, debris poured down. A piece, a piece of shrapnel equivalent

to a blow from a six-star warrior, was falling on the ground from the

On the surface, it looks almost the same as when it was a colon.

But then Talaris was unable to attack the Zipple in earnest, and he had to
protect the natives.

On the other hand, Looncandel's articles were not rough. It didn't have to
lead to just a power struggle between the sword and the warship, as in

Barton didn't care about the second warship hitting the ground after he shot
the sword.

The same was true of Jipple. The White Night Wizards, who were aboard
the project, were sitting in the air one by one on the red dragon.

Wizards began to explore all kinds of top-breaking spells in the air,

including the Hell wind and the Ice Ranging Sword, and Barton and Dipus
continued to leap toward them.

'The monster is the monster, Barton Bichena.'

Leap, the body floats in the air.

In that condition, the movement was naturally limited compared to the

ground. Nevertheless, Barton was moving freely, as if flying, scattering the
black in the air.

The reaction to the release of the sword is used as a driving force. Even
those swords were breaking the enemy's shields without wasting any of
The Diffus side was a similar painting. However, since he is not yet 10
years old, it is obvious that he wants to use Auror more efficiently than

In the midst of two warriors stirring the battlefield, going back and forth
between heaven and earth, Poong!

A sudden "unprecedented explosion" spread in the path of the two men.

Fortunately, both Barton and Dipus avoided a hit, but the crash was

At that moment, Jean's eyes were filled with tears.

Deepus and Barton also recognized what magic had just attacked them and
looked among the dragons.

It was because we had to identify the wizard who used the space explosion.
As far as they know, there is only one Kellyak Zipple in the world that uses
space explosions.

Jean was immediately able to infer who had unfolded the space explosion.

Midor Ener, it's him!

A painful memory came to mind of his space explosion in Colon.

Jindo quickly made fun of his eyes to find him.

But a few seconds later.

Jean was able to realize that the wizard who used the space explosion was
not Midor.

White gray hair stood out from afar.

He was riding on the red dragon, looking down at the knights of
Looncandel with his flaming red eyes.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 293

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:10 PM

Chapter 293: Episode 91. The sublime of strength, and power.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I didn't think he'd come to Ventica.…!'

It was so far away that I couldn't see my face in detail, but it wasn't hard to
recognize my friend.

He didn't swing a sword once, but his heart was beating faster.

I felt it intuitively. The fact that Veradin is not normal.

Suddenly, the last conversation I had with Veradin came to mind.

So, what are you gonna do?


Getting out of the jipple.

Oh, that's...'s hard. After you become a jockey, it would be more realistic
to take me as a prisoner. It's an all-out war. And I don't know how mean
your brothers are to me.

Looncandel and Jipple fight, even if it's not you.

That's true, Jean. I'm responsible as I am. If the family is going the wrong
way, shouldn't I fix it? I'll normalize everything. I'm going back to the
proud family I knew about.

Don't you think I should fix this? I have to fix it.….

In the midst of a pause, the voice seemed to repeat itself in my head.

I'll set the house right.

Jean did not believe Veradin's aspirations.

The evil empire, which has never collapsed in the last thousand years, had
already come too far to correct. There's no answer but to break it.

But it was huge and hard enough to even be considered impossible to break.

More than half of the world was lying under the influence of the Zipple, the
alliance was solid, and countless people were living on the magic of the

The world's most important people wonder if the whole world can turn to
the enemy and destroy it.

That was the jipple.

So Jean wanted Veradin to run away. He wished to leave the family and live
as a whole.

No, if it were me, I would have left Looncandel. If I thought I had to live a
life where my will was fading away without knowing it.

The great blackness and the capture of the project, the debris from which
they were struck, covered the sky.

Veradin's red eyes were shaking dangerously in that dreary sky.

It's not normal, Jin gritted his teeth, retelling the words again.
A life in which memory is manipulated and gradually loses itself. No one
would want such a thing.

Drenched in the power of fire, Veradin, who came to the battlefield with red
eyes, looked just like a madman. He looked like a monster impatient to kill
the enemy.

Fuong, Fuar, Quaah!

Wherever Veradin's gaze touched, a spatial explosion was spreading.

"You who resisted the family until the last time could not have come to this
battlefield of your own will."

I didn't care that I could run into Veradin on my first mission since
becoming a jockey.

I couldn't believe it. I had to swear to my throat.

I wanted to take Veradin out of the battlefield right now and try anything to
bring him back to his senses.

But it's just an emotion.

It's not realistically achievable. The situation doesn't improve if you are
swayed by anger.

It's hard to get Veradin back to normal right now anyway. It's probably

It was necessary to control anger and look at the situation coolly.

Of course, I couldn't get rid of all my worries, but Jean thought:

Veradin's not a kid.

It was not Jin's role to throw himself away as if he were saving a child in
It's something Veradin has to do on his own, and Jean just needs to reach
out when he asks for help first.

It was Beradin's choice to resist the family and should be respected as a

friend. Until it is judged that he is completely broken.

Jin's eyes, which quickly controlled his mind, calmed down.

'First of all, with the advent of Veradin, the war situation was sharply tilted.'

To be exact, it is a change caused by a magic, space explosion that is close

to the power Veradin is spreading.

There were only two people on the side of Looncandel who were able to
give the right shots to the Cosek and Red Dragon. Dipus and Barton, they
were flying in the sky using the sword, trying to attack.

Meanwhile, a space explosion blocked the movement of Dipus and Barton.

A nine-star knight and a ten-star knight with a blessed body of Looncandel.

Avoiding a space explosion in the air is almost impossible.

Veradin used the fact to persistently obstruct the two men's movements.

Thanks to this, the two were forced to respond only by shooting swords on
the ground, and the Jipple seemed to be attacking them almost unilaterally.

The power is different from the space explosion used by Midor Elner.

The only magic tied two transcendent fighters in an instant.

'You must have a lot on your mind for Deepus. You don't understand why
Veradin, not Kellyak, uses a space explosion, and you think Barton leaked
information about the Ventica mission to Zipple.'

As expected, Dipus was in turmoil. Of course, I didn't express myself to the

enemy, but I could see clearly from Jean.
'Barton would have actually leaked information to the Zipple before the
operation began. You've been assigned to Ventica, so if you really need to
get the ancient 10,000-year season, use the right number.'

The "right number" was the space explosion.

If you put too much power into stopping Barton and Dipus, Looncandel
would also send troops accordingly, so there was no point.

But what if a space explosion simply precludes the ability of Dipus and
Barton to conduct air warfare?

While there are only two people in Looncandel who can play in the air,
Jipple has five dragons and even a project. It is even known to the public on

It was unclear how many white nights were on board, the elite wizard of the

No matter how strong Dipus and Barton are, from the moment the air war is
cut off, they are at a limitless disadvantage.

'Gipple's smart. If Looncandel and Jipple had simply fought with more
troops, the space explosion alone would never have changed the war.'

The story of when there were articles to protect Barton and Dipus from
space explosions. The ten guardian knights who came with him had no such

The infiltration team was blocked by traffic and no longer allowed to move
forward to the enemy, and the guards deployed to kill the fugitive from the
battlefield seemed to be chased by the dragons.

"Brave, why did the Zipple, who had the power of Kellyak...... Sir Barton!
I'll make an opportunity, and you shoot him."

"Fourth rider, how do you create an opportunity? The White Night Wizards
are focused on protecting Veradin."
"I can tear it down as much as I want, like a low-

"You're not saying that the four-principal is inadequate, are you? It's too
dangerous. Now that we're stuck in the air, we have to be prepared for a lot
of damage to see the end."

"Then do you mean to step down in vain?"

"Think rationally, Quartet. I also don't want to leave a blemish of mission

failure as a black knight, but the enemy has come with such a good move."


"Does the ancient eternity have been worth the life of a four-year-old? It's a
big harvest just to see that Veradin can use Kellyak's power."

Fragments and magic were pouring out constantly during the conversation.

Dipus and Barton continue to escape the space explosion with

transcendental sensations.

But no other guardian knights could do as they did.

The space explosion was so notorious because it could kill people without


Out of nowhere, a guardian with a 'throwing' arm. Originally, it was a space

explosion aimed at the head, but the guardian driver only lost his arm to
reflective damage.

Space explosion is a magic that even Dipus and Barton can avoid only
when their senses are set to the limit.

In addition, Veradin's space explosion was unfolding in the "early-poet

window." That means there are three explosions in the air at once.
Although Dipus and Barton could defend the breath of the project's guns,
magic, and red dragons, the space explosion was an exception.

It is only a matter of time before other guardian knights are hit by a space

"Fourth rider! What is a rider in Looncandel? It's the role of leading and
responsible for the family's knights. You don't like the stigma of failing
your mission, so you're going to lead them to death? Make a decision."

You dirty traitor, you don't know what you're doing!

swallowing the anger that came up through his throat, Dipus shook his

If the black knight here was someone else, not Barton, Dipus would have
actively followed the idea of retreat. There's not a single word wrong.

But Barton was a spy, and Dipus' mission was to secure Ventica and kill

"As you say, I don't think it's worth it in ancient infancy. But the supply and
demand of veradine is different. You can't just go back. We take Bentica, we
take the neck of the next Giffle."

"Then I'll give you the order to retreat."

"Sir Barton!"

"Even a fourth-term player can't violate my authority. I'll give you one last
chance. Directly order retreat. If you refuse to comply, I will escape with
the knights as black knight of Looncandel. If even one person dies, it will
all be the responsibility of the 4th term.”

"What does that mean? When will there be another chance to kill Jipple's

"It seems to me that the fourth rider is blinded by the ball and makes a
mistake. Did you say it was an opportunity to kill Veradin? Do you really
think Jipple will let the next household be so complacent?"

With nothing to refute, Dipus was stifling and driving me crazy.

I couldn't reveal Barton's betrayal in front of all the enemies.

It was not fair to kill Barton in this situation. On the contrary, it was
fortunate that he did not suffer.

'Shame on you! Should we step down and seek another chance......! Only
for one magic trick!'

If this continues, it is a definite step to be humiliated.

It was no big deal. Rosa would hand over the task of killing the black
knight to another rider, and with a high probability of being Joshua and

If they shoot Barton neatly unlike themselves, they could not avoid losing
ground in the family.


Dipus recalled a man who had not yet joined the battlefield.

Jean Looncandel, her youngest brother. If it's Jin.

If it's Jin... ...may have a trick to upset this doggy situation.

Such vague thoughts came to mind, and in itself the humiliation soared. For
Dipus, the situation was not that good.

'Damn it. How did you end up like this, Dipus? However, humiliation is not
important. You must kill Barton. Today, here. By all means!'

Jean was still watching them outside the battlefield.

Due to heavy drinking and distance, I could not hear the conversation
between Dipus and Barton, but it was not difficult to read the way things
were going.

'Barton would have urged the retreat. Now that the space explosion has
worked, it's crazy to guarantee the lives of Mr. Dipus and his guardians to
get the ancient fountain.'

Jean had no intention of watching the situation go as Barton wanted.

First of all, we need to neutralize the space explosion.'

After finishing his decision, Jin began to move to the battlefield.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 294

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:08 PM

Chapter 294: Episode 91. The sublime of power, and power (5).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"I'm sure I've given him a chance to take back orders himself. I'm

Barton said with a cold look.

The number of injured has increased. The right-handed guardian was

surrounded by wizards and on the verge of death, and the infiltration team
was trying to save him, but access to the space explosion was blocked.

"Don't expect me to defend the fourth term."

Retreat all the Knights!

As soon as he was about to shout out that, Barton felt Jean near him.

"......12 jockey?"

"Sir Barton, I'm sorry for the late application. I didn't receive any other
orders, so I was just waiting."

"Why don't you keep waiting? This mission is a failure. We're going to
retreat, so go back.”
"Why are you retreating?"

Jean's provocative question made Barton's eyes wither. I meant, "How dare
you do that to me?"

On the other hand, Dipus feels quite strange, so to speak. At the same time,
I was feeling both the expectation that Jean would offer something clever
and the shame that resulted from her helpless appearance.

"... ...because of the explosion of space. That magic completely deprived me

of the right to offer. The fight has become difficult."

The Dipus answered instead.


The three men took a step backward at the same time. Veradin caused a
space explosion between them.

"Surely, it's dangerous."

a gin looking up at the sky

Veradin did not respond to Jean.

As it has been, it was just flying around in the red dragon and spraying
space explosions.

Jin also maintained a calm look.

"Is there any number?"

"Fourth rider, will you show a funny face until the end? What the hell can a
jockey do...….”

"All space explosions can be contained."

Jean cut off Barton.

Dipus doubted my ears, and Barton hesitated and turned his head.

"What does that mean? Twelve horsemen. You can take responsibility for

"Without a space explosion, can we continue our mission?”

Jean looked straight at Barton and said,

Barton, hiding his perplexity, kept silent for a moment and nodded.

"If it's really possible, do it as soon as possible. I think the guardian knights
have reached their limit.”

As Barton knows, "space explosion" was an impossible magic.

"If such a blood mass was a magic that could destroy it, many fighters who
have tried Kellyak and died in a burst of blood have done nothing."'

However, it was difficult for Jin to shake off his ominous mood, as he had
caused strange and miraculous events several times since his cadet days.

Barton was the only person in Looncandel to report directly to Kellyak

among Zipple's spies.

Still, he didn't hear how the Zipple would stop him in Ventica.

The moment I saw the space explosion, I thought it was a trick. It was
because there was no such magic to create a cause for him to step down. It
was also horrifying that Kellyak handed out the power of fire to Veradin.

'If a 12-gear really disables the space explosion, the plan will be disrupted.
If it's serious, I'd rather induce the Zipple to return it in moderation.'

While Barton is organizing his thoughts.

Jean was having a drinking party.

As the blue flame spread from the palm of Jin's hand, the eyes of all the
wizards in the sky turned to Qin. Because I felt it. The energy of a
heterogeneous blue flame.



The owner of the flame was roaring through the portal.

He was much bigger than before he came back from Laparosa. The flapping
of two giant wings was almost like a dragon, but it was hardly comparable
to the thinness of the Red Dragon.

As Jin's mana increased, Tess's energy became stronger.

The magicians had no time to spare, and the blue flames of medium
pressure covered the atmosphere. Thousands of blue flames drew a circle
with whirlwinds, and in an instant it almost covered the battlefield.

The air has become heavy. Not just an expression, the battlefield was
literally being weighed down by the flames of heavy pressure.

Dragons' wings slowed down, and wizards controlled their breathing and
released mana.

Guardian knights didn't have to bear the weight of the heavy pressure. Tess
is in complete control of even the smallest embers of Chunghwa spread for
this wide range. so that our friends in Qin are not hurt.

However, the project was not affected at all even though it was most
exposed to heavy pressure.

"It's over, Lord Barton. We'll continue with our mission."

Barton did not ask Jean what it meant.

It was because the space explosion stopped as soon as Tess appeared.

Barton is not a wizard, but he was immediately aware that Veradin did not
stop the magic just because of the sudden emergence of the phoenix.

Absolute blue flame domain.

Unless Kellyak Zipple himself used it, no spark of Shunu could penetrate
into it.

Rather, there were no major restrictions on the general flame system magic
without the power of Xu Nou.

Likewise, the flame of Tess failed to aim for Veradin. Even those who did
not know the relationship between the flame gauge and Shunu could
recognize that the Chunghwa spread away from Veradin.

Fragments of the sword and the warship were bluishly colored by the
flames of heavy pressure.

"The 4th rider, please take care of the wounded guards. And Lord Barton."

Jean looked up and found Veradin.

The red dragon carrying him was flying towards Cosek. With the advent of
Tess, space explosions are no longer available, so Veradin's safety can no
longer be guaranteed outside the project.

Veradin didn't give Jean a look. The eyes, still shining red, harbored empty

"Don't miss the Veradine Zipple. This is your last chance to cut his throat."

At that moment, Barton had only one option to choose.

Attacking Veradine Zipple with all its might. If he hesitated, he should have
taken a leap forward with all his might, as he admits to betrayal.

None of the people here knew Barton was their spy.

'Sir Barton will never kill Veradin. I'll pretend to fight with all my might.'
That's why Jean told Barton, not Dipus, to bring supply and demand for

Taking care of the life of the guardian knights, at least to the real
Looncandel side, Dipus.

Take Veradin's life to Barton Bichena, Zipple's side.

"Protect your master!"

"Block the black knight...…!”

It was more of an impossibility to curb the leap of a ten-star knight without

a space explosion.

While all kinds of attack magic are pouring out like waterfalls, Barton is
seen securing the route with only blackness, in a way that is overshadowed
by their efforts.

The faces of wizards were getting tired of Barton, who started flying with
the sword.

But it was too much for Barton to reach Veradin in the shortest, straight

It is not easy to chase after the flight of the Red Dragon carrying him, and
the closer he gets, the more desperate the wizards were.

"All phoenix contractors summon phoenixes! Groups 1 and 2 strike Jean

Looncandel, and the rest check the black knight! You must not reach the

When a command wizard on the project shouted, floodgates opened all over
the sky.

Following the chunghwa, blackness, blisters, and numerous engravings of

them, the phoenix of nearly thirty covered the sky of Ventica.

Colorful energy was swirling and obscuring the view.

The wizards, who did not have good eyesight, literally couldn't see an inch
ahead in the shield, and even the guardian knights couldn't wield their
swords recklessly.


Tess gave a wild roar at the newly summoned phoenixes.

'If Murakan were here, he would have been sarcasm. But the humans are
not afraid to summon the phoenixes to attack the master of the flame."

A smile came out of my mouth. It didn't make sense.

Tess was only known among wizards as one of the strongest phoenixes. Not
many wizards knew he was the only absolute man in the flames.

In fact, it is information that only those who have been to the flame system,
or those who are related to it, can know.

Unfortunately, none of the white-night wizards on the Cosek were on board.

Some of the phoenixes the wizards summoned included some well-known

retinas. The phoenixes did not follow the will of the wizards and just
wandered around the sky in a daze.

There was a clear air of fear.

Therefore, the phoenixes of the first and second groups, which originally
planned to attack the camp, were all headed for Barton.

Given the situation, wizards did not have time to figure out the cause of the

what Jean had hoped for Thirty phoenixes would only be a device that made
Barton's fake threats real.

'Good luck, Barton could crash with a moderate injury.'

Barton was now swept away by the flames of the phoenixes and could not
be seen at all. Veradin also saw only the tail and wings of the Red Dragon,
which burned him through the flames.

In the midst of confusion, the project was loading a warship. The target was

"Fourth rider!"

At the loud call, Dipus jerked his head away.

He was about to return to his place, leaving the wounded guards out of the

Jean pointed her finger at the warship.

The 12th rank was not a gesture worthy of the 4th rank, but the Diffus ran
without a word of mouth to prepare the defense.

The key to this mission is to recognize that it is Jin, not himself or Barton.

I don't want to admit it, but that was the reality.

Dipus was not the kind of person who made stupid choices because his
pride was hurt.

"How the hell did you stop the space explosion? Is it the power of Tess? If I
had this ability, I wouldn't have come forward.…!”

Although he spoke in a palsy manner, Dipus had never seen his youngest
sister as pretty as she did today.

Jean replied this way in a cold tone.

"Why don't you say thank you first?"

"Because I'm not used to it. Thank you. I mean it."

"Keep the guns down until Lord Barton returns or falls. As soon as Tess
gets hit by a cannon and the summons is lifted, the space explosion will
begin again."

nodding dipus

Jean posed, preparing for a new magic.

Now, it was time to turn the tide.

'This spell is the first thing you'll ever use for a jipple.'

the final form of an extinct rock salt mine

Jean's magic was the legacy of the Riol Jipple.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 295

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:06 PM

Chapter 295: Episode 91. The sublime of power, and power (6).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The heat of dozens of fires seemed to melt the whole Ventica. In particular,
the sky was so red that it was hard to find its original appearance.

The Red Dragon, carrying Veradin, was flying on the Cosek to escape

The Dipus raised the Great Sword.

The cannon of the just-prepared project was in golden color.

The noise of the battlefield was interrupted by the ominous noise of the
mana condensed.

Quaaaaa....! There was a binge in the aimed warship.

simultaneously roaring dipus As the Great Sword Volgar radiated blackness

with a beam of light, debris splashed along with the warship. Fragments
created a shadow like a black mushroom on the ground.

In addition to the Cosek, wizards were also launching a full-scale attack on

the ground. The phoenixes of the White Night stopped Barton and roared.
The sky was dizzy. Barton's sword stood out between fire and magic, and

The sword, however, continues to miss Veradin by a narrow margin.

Dipus had to control his anger at the traitor's performance, but it was not
bad for Jean.

Huge, puck!

Deepus frowned his face as he struck the debris that flew near Jean and
Tess. The aftermath is not yet over, but the Cosek was already preparing for
its next warship.

"I don't know how the jipple guys made that stuff. By the way, Jean. I want
to ask you one question."


"The traitor cannot kill the next princess of the Jipple. I think it would have
been better if you asked Lord Barton to take care of you, and then you told
me to hit Veradin. As you said, it was my last chance."

Deepus knew that Jean had been drinking with Dante and Veradin all night
long at Cosmos's footstool when he was a backup rider.

After Jin's identity was revealed, he looked into his past. At that time,
several Belado aristocrats who watched the final were aware of the drinking
party of three.

Of course, Dipus did not think that Jean had formed some kind of
relationship with Veradin by itself.

However, it was hard to understand that the traitor, Barton, was entrusted
with Veradin.

"You sound suspicious of me. Why did the fourth rider follow me?”
"Because I lost my cool for a moment. A little later, the guards were in
danger of dying."

"Fourth rider, what are our missions?”


"The killing of Veradin is not part of the mission. Of course it would be

perfect if we could take Veradin's neck, but the important thing is to secure
Ventica and kill the traitors."

Deepus did not look back at the gin, facing the warship.

"Lord Barton's assignment to Veradin was based on the judgment that he

was more likely to be injured while pretending to attack Veradin. It's easy
for you to shoot Lord Barton in the future. Is that explained?"

Dipus nodded still. Strangely an uncomfortable mind soared, but it was a

convincing story.

Again, the project fired a golden mana gun.

The whole battlefield was full of guns, flames, blackness and debris.

The infiltrators were now retreating towards the presence of Dipus because
they could not withstand the heat, and Barton was about to fall.

"We have secured the young master!"

Soon after, the Red Dragon, carrying Veradin, touched the Cosek, the
wizards shouted.


Upon boarding the Cosek, Veradin launched a space explosion at Barton.

The territory of Tess did not reach the whole sky.

" !"
Barton began to fall.

Denying the obvious proposition that humans cannot fly, he was struck by a
space explosion and cut off two red dragons and more than ten wizards.

The bodies of the shattered enemies were being poured into the rubble.

Without knowing the fact that they were traitors, even Jean and Dipus
would not have noticed Barton had deliberately missed Veradine.

Having secured Veradin's safety, the Jipple had nothing more to go through.

Although Tess had a big limitation on space explosion, it was only a matter
of time.

"Fire Jean Looncandel and Tess! Without them, there's nothing Looncandel
can do!"

The phoenixes of the Jipple began to descend. They were still after the
crashed Barton, not Tess.

In the sky, ships, magic, and the breath of the Red Dragon poured out.

On the ground, the phoenixes were in flames.

The chaotic landscape of the battlefield is literally reaching its peak.

And Jean, she completed a magic trick she had been preparing for.

"Fourth rider, the war will change from now on."

Reflexively gin-looking Dipus' eyes widened. What he saw was Jean's

grotesque figure, her whole body wet with spirit and black.

"The youngest?"

"I'll start with ventica. When the Cosech retreats, follow with Lord Barton
and step down at the right time."
Retreat? What the hell are you talking about?

I almost asked that question in a flash. Even though he pretended to be

desperate, the black knight Barton and himself were unable to destroy the
enemy's huge flying ship.

Jean was so naturally asserting that she would 'retreat' him.

'Wait, why is the sky suddenly...…!?'

The sky darkened.

The scene, which had just been frantic with blisters and magic, was
drenched black. In the same color as Jin's body in spirit.

Wizards' opening of mana is the act of connecting their own mana to the
mana that exists in nature. What did I say I was after through it?

Restoration of mana and enhanced magic.

Yes. Use the forces of nature to fill the fallen mana and raise the magical
power to unfold next. The same is true of the opening of the spirit.
However, there are some differences.

What's the difference?

Young-gi opening does not connect your power to nature. Connecting

nature to you.

The conversation we had when we first learned the concept of spirituality

from Murakan.

The reason why the sky turned black was no different.

It was because he was "connected" with Jin, who opened up Youngki.

The moonlit, starless night sky seemed no darker than this.

It wasn't just Dipus who was embarrassed. Wizards suddenly stopped
attacking the dark sky.

Everyone looked like they couldn't understand.

But everyone felt it intuitively. Something dangerous will happen.

It is no different why such modifiers have been added to the magic of the
"flower jade" family.

The legacy of the Riol Jipple was magic based on the power of the Soldier.

It didn't take much time for everyone on the battlefield to know that the
black power that enveloped the sky was the spirit. The fact that there is only
one human being who can use spirit on this battlefield.

looncandel and zipple.

The commanders of the two powers made quick judgments.

"Put out the shield, shoot Jean Looncandel!"

"All the knights of the Runkandel gather together and protect the twelve

Jean was looking up at the project with a calm face.

It was to check out a friend who was in the lead of the ship and was flying
white hair.

Through the darkness of the battlefield, the eyes of the two men met.

Veradin gave a kick, a kick, a kick and a laugh.

It was never a smile that came to mind when I had redder eyes than before.
Seeing the smile that was distorted somewhere, Jin sang the final hyung of
the mausoleum.

'I hope you're not seriously hurt.'

Like a giant beast opening its mouth, a hollow opened in the middle of the

There was a scene of a fireball escaping from the cavity.

The fireball was bigger than the Cosek, so I could believe it was the sun.

Jean's body rose into space as if drawn into a fireball.

The rune letters left by the Riol Jipple were wrapped all over Jean's body.

Then, the run letter escaped Jin's body, leaving glistening marks throughout
the battlefield.

A magician reached out his hand unconsciously, looking at the rune text
that flew beside him.

At that moment, a command sorcerer, who recalled a record of the extinct

rock salt mine, had no choice but to scream.

"Get out of the rune, it's a sign.…!”

The rune letter, which looked like a glittering petal, was a mark.

A huge sphere floating in the sky for punishment.

I'm so angry!

Before the command wizard finished speaking, a shower of flames began to

pour out of the fire.

I couldn't count how many tentacles of fire there were.

Flames struck along the rich rune letters.

Wherever the letters of the loon, which glowed beautifully, were touched,
people burned, shrieked, and ash flew.

Shoot Jean Looncandel.

The command wizard's command could not be executed. Wizards only

managed to spread their shields against the ultimate magic they had never
seen before.

But the shield did not have much meaning. Although the power of flame
tentacles was close to 10 stars, it was because the spirit that covered the sky
was crushing the shield.

Young-ki wasn't just changing the skylight.

Just as the fireball was throwing out flames, shadows were spreading in the
tents of Yeonggi, tearing open the shields.

'Crazy...... is this really magic? Besides, this is the youngest's...…?'

Diffus swallows dry saliva while looking up at the gin that has risen in the

He couldn't understand magic that even wizards couldn't understand.

In his view, what Jean unfolded seemed more like God's power, not magic.

Kellyak Zipple.

Il-soon, the head of the enemy came to mind. I felt the same way when I
saw his formidable magic, which I had encountered in person only once a
decade ago, I felt the same way as now.

The fact that I felt the same way when I saw my youngest member gave me
goose bumps all over my body.

The fire was getting stronger.

More than half of the wizards outside the Cosek have already died. Even
the Red Dragons had their numbers dwindled frighteningly fast.

The war situation was overturned in an instant.

But the wizards who looked at the records of the "Liol Jipple" knew.

This is just the beginning. The fact that the fireball doesn't bring down the
rain of flames, but it can break the project at the moment it explodes.

"You must retreat, my lord! The unexpected variable is too large."

Veradin shook his head in the voice of the command wizard. In the hollow
eyes, the hard-to-read emotions were dimly stirred.

"Dear Master..."

Veradin went forward enchanted, looking at the fires of the camp

swallowing the battlefield.

Fireworks were also taking place in his grasp. It was a harsh and fierce
flame, which was not enough to simply express red.

Ma Hwang, the first type of extinct rock salt house, was also a magic left by
the Riol Jipple.

Veradin's wand was aimed at the gin.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 296

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:04 PM

Chapter 296: Episode 91. The sublime of power, and power (7).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

While controlling the fires, Veradin's wand was seen in the sight of Qin.

Apparently, the cane directed at him seemed somehow interested with the
intention of killing.

In fact, Veradin was smiling. As if this situation is very pleasant.

But Jean was no longer bitter. It was because he thought that he was only
wearing the shape of Veradin, who was pointing a cane at him now, but it
was not real.

Besides, I could be sure.

Zipple won't keep Veradin up there.

If you simply need a combat doll, there are many other people to use
besides Veradin. I'll stay normal. The next housekeeper shouldn't be just
crazy about war and fighting.'

In my previous life, I thought I must have been manipulated like I am now.

'Unwilling bastards.'
Sparkling run letters were floating towards the Cosek.

Now all the wizards knew that the rune was a sign pointing to the point of
attack on the fireplace.

Therefore, everyone was surprised and aimed at the cane in the run letter.

All sorts of magic were poured out to push out the rune letters.

However, the rune letters were so small and constantly moving that it was
almost impossible to intercept them, and even if they were to be matched by
magic, they were not affected. Like the wind, I just passed the spell and
kept coming to my mind.

In an instant, dozens of run letters stuck to the hull of the Cosek.

Then the same number of flame stems stretched out as the letters run from
the flame jade of Qin.

Wizards were shocked once again to see chains of fire twisting the project
round and tightening like flies.


I mean...!

Several snakes seemed to tighten their prey at the same time.

In an instant there were small cracks all over the hull, and wizards shrieked
at the sudden impact.

It seemed that the chains of fire would not be strange to crush the project as
it is.

Still alive Red Dragons threw themselves out to cut off the fire that tied the

But with the power of the Red Dragon, the fire was beyond control.
The Red Dragons, who were trying to bite the fire, were either pierced
through the torso or cut off their necks by another chain of fire.

Jin's eyes were cold as he watched the scene.

"Spin the hull!"

"The ship is not moving!"

Only one person, and that's why the project is tied to the 12th rider of
Looncandel. It was unimaginable for anyone here.

The thirty phoenixes were not summoned without leaving a single one. That
means that all the sorcerer who is the subject of the summons has died.


With a roar, Tess' breath shot up toward the Cosek. As the fire of Jin and the
heavy pressure of Chunghwa were added, the project shook as if it were
about to break.

The guardian knights looked alternately at Jin and Koch, as if enchanted.

Even Barton, the traitor, had his eyes wide open.

'Is this...... the power of a 12-gear?'

It was hard to believe even with the eyes.

Even he, who reached 10 years of age, could not neutralize the project like
that. Even considering that the project is not producing maximum

If this continues, the wizard on the side of the Jeeple will be annihilated. I
can't guarantee Veradine Zipple's survival.'

It was no longer an important matter to encourage the Gipple to secure

The situation had to be sorted out in order not to disappoint Kellyak Zipple.

'First of all, Veradin Zipple seems to be trying something......we'll have to

think about the response accordingly.'

Jean roared, raising the mana and spirit of the flame-hole. At the same time
Veradin's wand was dyed red.

He also ended the ceremony of Mahwang, the first type of rock salt

Even Veradin's body was left with the run letter left by Riol Jipple.

They tangled with the rune letters of Jean, immediately creating a new

Type I was just like the final type, it was in the form of a huge firework.

Flame jade, purely made of mana, took its place in front of the Cosek like a
shield. The blazing flames were smaller than the gin's, but surely possessed
more mana.

A streak of blood flowed around Veradin's mouth. Following the continued

use of space explosions, the body is unable to keep up with this huge magic.

'It's a symptom of mana reflux. Well, you don't seem to feel any pain.'

Even as he vomited blood, Veradin continued to add mana to the flames.

His eyes were glistening with twisting eyes.


Soon after, Veradin burst into laughter at the sight of Mahwang, the first
type of extinct rock salt.

Two suns appeared to be floating. He couldn't take his eyes off the fact as if
he were very pleased.
But unlike Jean's final form, Veradin's first type was a magic that moved
toward the object. Type I flame jade was falling into the air where the gin
was floating.

It seemed to move very slowly.

But the type I flame is so huge that it just feels like that. In reality, it was
very fast.

Does the Cosech fail to overcome the final form of power first, or does the
Type I flame strike the gin first?….

Only the people around me were burned to the core.

Jean still had a calm look on her eyes, and Veradin had a face full of

"I'm afraid I'll have to learn the magic again from the beginning."

I wasn't talking to Veradin.

It was a story about a jipple.

The manipulation of the mind must have been done by magic.

In Jean's view the magic was extremely inefficient. To lose one's reason in
combat is to close one's eyes.

What's the point of turning Veradin into a photoelectric warrior, with such
unstable mental manipulation? I don't even know that my body is broken by
the backflow and I just rush at it.


The spirit of painting the sky blackened out.

Jin's body, which had turned black, also regained its original color.

It was scattered into countless subversive particles of spiritually.

All the particles were sucked into the flame-hole of the gin, which gradually

It took three seconds for the flames to absorb all the spirit that filled the sky.

Veradin's type 1 was still quite far from the gin, but the final type was ready
to explode.


Tung... ...

A white light suddenly appeared in the center of the flame-hole, which had
turned into the black sun.

It was a thin, long light as if the blade had passed. When the explosion
began shortly afterwards, surprisingly, there was an earthquake on the

The quake was caused by shock waves from an explosion in the sky.

The earth was divided only by shock waves. The sky was creating a more
shocking scene, with the corpses of red dragons and wizards splashing
around with rocks.

The clouds were tearing apart. As if any giant hand had been ripped away.
The entire sky seemed distorted because of the spreading shock waves.

The explosion shook the project like a buoy.

Throughout history, the project has never been more humble than it is now.

Jipple's decisive weapon is helplessly beaten by the 12th rider of


The explosion shattered the side cannon. The protective film that covered
the project had already turned into broken glass and failed to function
Even the chains of fire that bind the cochacs were still the same. Perhaps, it
would be possible to defeat the project.

have a clean sweep of the game

But Dipus could not be relieved.

"The youngest..."

a vicious diphthus

Still Veradin's type I was falling to take over the gin.

Jin was breathing on one knee, and the last type of the emperor, Choi Jong-
hyung, was a magic trick that gave him a great burden, just like the Ming
and Wang Rimgum.

Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo...!

While breathing heavily, Veradin's flame jade got closer.

"Escape, come on!"

Dipus was aware that Veradin's magic was also the same as the gin's. If you
get it head-on, even you won't be able to do well.

But the shock wave prevented Jean from helping.

All the guardian knights had to do was barely put a sword in the ground to
fix themselves, and Barton didn't help Chuck Jean, who was protecting the

For Barton, Jin's death was the best development. When the Cosech
retreats, he can kill all of the Diffus and the remaining guardians and return
to the Sword Garden.

'That traitor...'s son of a...…!'

Suddenly, Dipus clenched his teeth. I could see what Barton was thinking.
Before arriving in Ventica, Dipus was also worried about killing Jean if he
had the chance. Not now.

For Looncandel, Jean was a man who should not have died yet.


Jean raised her head to the voice of repeated cries. It wasn't to look at the
Diffus side, but to see the flame of Veradine, which was just around the

It was true that there was no power to avoid.

'In the Holy Land, I was going to do this magic to protect me.'

Stop. Jean, Dante. You guys go first. Those things I stop.

All right, we'll get out of here first, Veradin.

Jean! If only we run away, Lord Veradin!

However, you lost heroically trying to stop me.

That day, Veradin had been beaten by Jean as he tried to unfold a form and
fell into the mana backflow.

If Jean hadn't stopped him like that, Veradin would have been a jipple who
killed the power for Looncandel in front of everyone.

The first type of mahwang was a magic trick that was meant to be used with
that determination.

With a fabricated mind, it couldn't have been done properly.


Suddenly Veradin's body bent forward as if to fall.

mana backflow
Although he couldn't turn his chin around as he did then, Jean was actually
convinced from the moment Veradin unfolded the first type.

Veradin now can never fully unfold Type I.

Even if you spread it out, you can't drag it until it reaches you.

Two spans.

With just two spans left to reach Jean, the flame-hole quickly died down.


a drooping, screaming veradine Not even enough blood to vomit, he had a

fit of convulsions, with all the blood veins all over him.

In the blink of an eye, the huge firework reduced to the size of an egg.

The mana lost control was scattering through the air in vain.

Pushcit, pong, pong...….

The flame-hole, barely touching Jean, was catching everyone's eyes,

making a little splash, as it did in Samil.

Jean reached out and clenched the flames.

For a few seconds or so, Jean looked at the soot left in her palm.

Deepus opened his mouth unknowingly at the sight of Jean.

'You calculated that the magic of Veradine Zipple had to be extinguished

because of the reverse flow of mana...…!'

Over the top of his head, there was still a firework of Qin smashing the
Cosek. However, the hull was slowly spinning, with more power being lost
than at the beginning.

"......Fourth rider, pursue. They'll get away."

Jean said, wiping out the soot on her palm.

"Okay! Lord Barton, let's go!"

Deepus grabbed Barton by the shoulder and shouted.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 297

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:03 PM

Chapter 297: Episode 91. Respecting Power, and Power (8).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

All of a sudden...!

The chains of fire holding onto the Cosek were shaking dangerously. The
trembling appearance seemed to cut off in the near future.

Still, it's a battle weapon for Jipple.

No matter how great Jin was, it was too much to destroy him with a single

The mere push to this point has already surpassed everyone's expectations.

In the first place, Zipple was expecting a victory when he came here after
receiving information from Barton about Looncandel in advance. With the
space explosion on the project, I thought I could push out Looncandel in no

But it's retreating.

against only two riders of Looncandel, one black knight, and ten guardian
"Power up the project with all your might! The Healing Wizard takes care
of the Master!"

More than 40 wizards, including white nights and elite, have died, and all
six red dragons have been killed.

Meanwhile, there have been no deaths in Looncandel. There were several

seriously injured guardian knights, but they could be treated as much as
they wanted.

All this was possible because of Jean.


A black streak of blood flowed around Jean's mouth. His white face poured
cold sweat out constantly.m.

'I've gone too far, too far.'

Just before taking this mission, he had already been seriously injured in the
fight against Silderei.

Although he went to the Holy Land and received intensive care, he did not
raise his physical condition to the highest level.

With almost all the mana that could be operated in that state at once, the
mana reversal was a natural phenomenon.

But it wasn't as serious as Veradin. After a dozen minutes of calming down,

he was able to recover to some extent by exercising his unique mana

He had to recover.

'After Zipple steps down, it should be enough to fight Barton.'

Because the next battle was scheduled.

It was a mountain over the mountain, but there was no need to be too

'Barton suffered a considerable injury earlier, pretending to catch Veradin.

You can catch enough if you collaborate with Deepus.'


The blue flames filling the perimeter of the gin were disappearing.

When Tess' summons was lifted, the pressure that the project was under was

Cut off the fire of Jean Looncandel!

The command wizard, who captured the chance to escape, screamed evil.

Crazy! Soon the chain of fire that was tying the Cosech was broken.

A chain of ripples began when a single stem was cut off, and a moment
later, the cochacs removed all the chains.


The sound of the Cosek's mana power was followed by a cry.

They want to fly at full speed and get out of the field at once.

It left only mana to maintain a minimum ship protection barrier. The

wizards were pouring all the rest of their mana into the mobile power unit.

This is how desperate the wizards are to get out of this nightmare situation.

'It's a clear handshake. You must have been in a hurry.'

Jean thought as she saw the project's protective shield faded.

The jipple had to focus more on protection than on movement. Since Jin
was unable to re-open the final sentence of "Salt-Ok Ma Huang," and
Barton was injured, Looncandel had lost most of his anti-aircraft combat

Therefore, it was a good move to run away calmly.

However, for wizards, Jin could not be convinced that he could not perform
this level of magic again.

They don't know that even Qin has begun to reverse the mana.

Mistakes due to fear always cost a great deal.

Conscious of Jean too much, Jipple could not think of the venomous fourth

"I'll kill you all, you rat-ass...…!”

The Supreme Sword of Dipus, Volgar, was gathering. The endless

condensation of the aura caused a strange refraction in the air.

Looncandel III series

Meteor shower

The ore running through the Great Sword soared into the sky in an instant,
forming a pillar.

To make matters worse, there will be no more concise and definite

expression of the situation that Gipple is in.

The Dipus struck the Great Sword with a very big motion, but incredibly

The black meteors began to rain through the badly torn clouds.

If he had chosen a shield instead of an exclusive flight, he would have been

able to minimize the damage.

There is no ship in the world that can move faster than black.
The top speed of the project could not escape the meteor shower of Dipus.

Indeed, a random bunch of swords were more of a natural disaster.

'Yuseong Wu, long time no see.

Compared to Luna's meteor shower, it was clearly one step less powerful.

Nevertheless, it was powerful enough to conjure up an expression of

absurdity to think that a human being had unfolded.


As its name implies, the blackness pouring down like a meteor was hitting
the project.

The shrill screams of wizards were deafened by the broken hull of the
Cosek, and the noise of the crushing.

Several wizards fell outside, unable to withstand the mud inside the hull.
Although he tried to protect himself from his instinct to live, he was just a
meaningless footstool.

There were guardian knights on the ground.

Guardian knights slaughtered their bodies before the wizards even fell to
the ground.

There were some who threw up hateful words with curses, others
screaming, and others begging for their lives.

A prisoner was not needed. The mission did not include a request for
prisoners to be captured prisoners.

Quaddeuk, quasik! Phew...…!

Following the meteor shower, Barton's blackness was flying into the bottom
of the hull.
Barton's blackness was far weaker than it was at first.

It wasn't acting.

In fact, Barton was quite exhausted because of too many ores and injuries

Of course, even if it was weakened, it was close to nine, but that was not
enough to hit the project.

Dipus did not mop Barton. Instead, he sharpened his sword into his heart.
After Cosek steps down, I'll tear Barton to pieces.

Already, more than 40 meteorites have hit the hull of the Cosek.

But the giant ship, which had not even opened its protective barrier, was
still not falling. It is not being shot down even though it is fluctuating as if it
will fall at any moment.

Dipus had to make a choice.

Do you use more power to keep up the fight, or save your strength for the
battle against Barton?

It was such a waste to give up the former.

"If I defeat Kozac and catch Veradin, I will be the best rider of the year. Not
the goddamn Joshua.'

There was a high probability that the ball would be shared with Jin.

But what if it fails?

It was a gamble. I couldn't have the confidence that I could defeat the Cosek
even if I put on another duel.

Even if it's too short, it might cause problems when dealing with Barton.
'The youngest is right. The first thing to do is to make sure you accomplish
your mission. I'm afraid, but push it moderately and stop.'

First of all, if Jin's opinion is not followed in this situation and the situation
goes bad.

It was likely to incur Jean's enmity. Even now, Jin recognizes himself as an
"enemy," but still has been in a relationship that can sometimes be
cooperated. Just like now.

But the story will be different after you buy a grudge. From what I've been
through today, Dipus gave this assessment of Jean.

Never, never turn into a perfect enemy.

Until we get Joshua out, we'll have a lot of time to work together with the
youngest. You shouldn't let the youngest down for the time being.

The decision-making Dipus ruled over Orr.

As a result, the strength of the meteor shower was slowly fading away.

There we go, the wizards almost wanted to cheer.

Whoo-woong! The power unit of the Cosek has been heated.

With the image of the project, which was so broken and speeding up again,
Dipus could once again realize that his choice was right.

I couldn't break it anyway. Even if there are only five or more elite wizards
on board, it is impossible to complete a few rounds of Diffus.

In the end, the Cosek left the battlefield.

In an instant, the back of the project became as small as a dot.

Dipus kept his eyes on the project until the dots disappeared.

"Why did you stop the attack last? Four Horsemen."

Barton asked.

"It's because we believe that if we push them further into a corner, they
could face a counterattack. Come to think of it, the next housekeeper is
here, and I don't think there will be any safety devices. I didn't think I'd be
able to break it with my power anyway."

Barton nodded assiduously.

Ventica looked shabby with huge pits all over the mainland, but it was
nothing compared to the bleak landscape after the battle.

"That's a good judgment. It hurts my pride, but it wouldn't have been easy if
I had been hit by a counterattack, too, because I'm not well."

"Good work, Lord Barton."

Barton's gaze reached Jean, who was in her upright position, far away.

"By the way, you owe a big debt to the 12th rider......... It's been a long time
since I've learned to be humble. At first, it was rather unpleasant to be on
the 12th rider mission, but Lord Rosa's vision is amazing."

"I agree. Without the youngest, it would have been us, not Zipple, who ran

Jin, who had finished his political career, approached the two men'

Barton watched Jean and asked for a handshake first.

"I'm sorry to ignore you, jockey 12. I was able to avoid the stigma of
mission failure."

Jean looking down at Barton's hand.

An uncomfortable air stream flowed. It was hard to know what kind of

expression Barton had on his face, hidden by a black pitch.

So a dozen seconds passed, but Barton didn't take his hands off him.
"Will you take off your helmet?"

"That's impossible."

"Please tell me why."

"The black knight's face can be seen from the fourth rider. Although it is
true that I owe my 12th term to a jockey, I will not go far enough to break
the law."

"I would have felt boundless glory in the first place."

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

"Of the numerous articles of the family, black pitches allowed for only ten.
It would be an honor for the knight in the helmet to ask me to shake hands
first. Well, I don't think so anymore.”

As the flow of conversation suddenly changed, Barton raised his hand.

To make it easier to draw a sword.

"Somehow, it was strange that the fourth rider saved his strength. The real
mission was not to secure Ventica, but to kill me.”

Unlike the expression "surprising," it was an extremely calm voice.

Like I knew this day would come one day.

"For whatever reason you turned your back on Looncandel's glory, you
certainly once devoted yourself to your family. I will do my best to be
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 298

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:02:00 PM

Chapter 298: Episode 91. The sublime of power, and power (9).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Lead to natural death during the battle with the Jipple.

This situation clearly differed from the orders Rosa gave. It was not the best
development Jin had ever thought of.

But given the variable Veradin, it was close to its best.


Barsick, Barton burst into laughter.

The guardian knights unfolded the camp and surrounded Barton. Sreung! A
sharp frictional sound came as the blade escaped the sword, and life spread
in the eyes of Dipus.

"I've never expected anything like that since I had an enemy in Looncandel.
You're telling a boring story, twelve horsemen."

Ligaf Clever.

Suddenly Barton Bichena's real name came to mind.

An unfortunate knight who had to wait and see the blood and power that
knew the truth were killed.

That's what Jean thinks of Barton Vichena.

Therefore, I thought it was natural for Barton to laugh at the sound of


But there was one strange corner.

'For some reason...' I can't feel any resentment or anger from Barton.'

Looncandel would have taken Barton's life and killed his relatives, and
Clever would have taken the whole thing hostage.

Is it because the resentment and anger toward Looncandel is too deep, dark
and huge? So it's not easy to look at?

Barton's eyes shining beyond the pitch just looked calm.

"It's been pretty hard trying to put up with your disgusting acting since the
old days, Barton Vicena. You're wearing a black helmet, and you don't have
a place to stick to, so you became a spy for the Zipple!"


The Supreme Sword of Dipus hit Barton's back of the head.

At the same time, he pulled out Jindo's signature and aimed at the neck.

Guardian knights did not budge.

Their role was to maintain a checkup to limit Barton's movements rather

than attack.


Barton, who was so fast that he could not be seen, easily struck the swords
of the two men and went through the law of complementing them.
He was injured, but the tenacity he achieved did not fade away.

Barton rotated and narrowed the distance from Dipus.

Jean straightened the blade on Barton's back but stopped short of stabbing
the cape.

"Is that wrong? Dipus Looncandel."

Despite being in battle, Diffus was likely to be torn to pieces by Barton's

attitude of asking if it was his fault.

"Are you asking if this traitorous bastard is at fault? That's what you're
talking about.”

"Dipus. That's why you can't do it to Joshua. Fighting spirit is the best of
brothers, but there is no depth to reason.”

Barton and Dipus put their swords together and played a short tug-of-war.

It was Barton who stepped down first, not because he lacked strength.

It was to avoid the sudden fall of the Plain Equation of the Ming Dynasty,
which had just begun to drop.

Barton nodded as he looked at the spot where the epilepsy had fallen.

"Oh, I can't say fighting spirit. Sir Ciron used to praise the struggle since he
was a cadet. Now, ask me again, Dipus. Is my betrayal wrong?"

Neither Qin nor Dipus answered with expressionless faces.

But Jean was actually calm, and Dipus was struggling to keep his cool.

"Why can't you answer, Dipus Looncandel. Do you really think it's wrong
that I became a spy for Jipple?"

Barton's screaming voice showed signs of disappointment.

It looked strange. As a traitor, he is rather pressing Looncandel's rider.

Jean was able to read Barton's feelings for Looncandel in that very passage.

love and hate

It was a very easy feeling.

"You sound like you're going to die, and you're talking nonsense, but I can't
listen to you anymore.”

"Then a twelve-man, Jean Looncandel. You answer it."

Barton jerked around and began to reach out his sword to Jean. There was
no hesitation in changing positions, even though it was more burdensome to
turn away from Dipus.

He seemed ready to die.

It used too much ore to direct the air battle with Cosek, and the wound from
the space explosion was never shallow.

It would have been a little bit promising if it were only Dipus and the
guardian knights, but Barton can't expect to survive as long as he has a

How little damage do you take and cut Barton's throat?

That was all Looncandel had to worry about.

"Sir Barton. Why are you so childish?"

Barton hesitated and made eye contact with Jean. He allowed a single attack
by the Diffus in a moment's absence, but avoided a fatal wound.

"You want me to apologize? About Looncandel ruining your life."

Then Barton was furious and lifted up his spirits.

"When the hell did Looncandel ruin my life?"

"Before I came here, I looked at the documents about you. According to the
document, you became a black knight unwillingly and lost blood and

Barton's eyes trembled as if they had heard the most absurd story.

Even the Dipus had a similar atmosphere. Because of this, Jin had no choice
but to feel as if she had made a slip of the tongue.


Soon Barton burst into a dejected laugh.

Dipus posed and overlaid the sword with a new one.

"Your mother must not have handed you all the documents about Barton.
The youngest, the author has never lost his life to Looncandel. Rather, he
was crazy to be a knight of the Runkandel."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

" way, Looncandel killed the authorities of Cleverga, who knew Lord
Barton's identity. You mean it was Lord Barton's will?"

"Yes. The document you have seen is made to ensure that no less than five-
time riders will despise him even if they go on duty with Barton in the
future. He wanted to be a black knight, so he abandoned his family and
killed his own flesh and blood.”

He seemed to have been hit in the back of the head with a hammer.

I don't understand. If this is true, I'd be disappointed.

Are you saying you're disappointed in your family?

No, not the family, but the father. The family can do that. The family can do
more than this.

My father must be a heartless man. But he's not a mean man, at least for me
to feel. And he's not weak enough to threaten anyone. But why? I don't
understand why I had to get Barton Vichena so much.

The conversation I had with Gilly just before coming to Ventica.

On the other hand, I felt relieved. The fact that Zion did not turn Barton into
a black knight in such a shameful way.

Then the feeling of disgust soared.

"For what on earth?”

That's right!

The brain was shaking in Sigmund's autopsy. While Barton was dealing
with Dipus, Jin had lifted the power of the optical heart to prepare for the
Ming Dynasty.

"Why did you go so far and become a knight?"

It was no longer worth using honorifics.

No matter how devoted he was to Looncandel until he betrayed, he was

now just a strong, contemptible human being.

The next moment, it was only one letter that popped out of Barton's mouth.

"The strongest power to control the world. That's the only thing I worship.
Blood relatives, relatives, families! Those things don't mean nothing. In the
best family, only getting the strongest power was the meaning of existence."

It's been a long time since I was dumbfounded.

"So Lord Ciron's Looncandel was no better than heaven for me...….”
"You seem to have a serious mental illness.”

"Do you think I could have reached 10 without such tenacity, without a
blessed body? No, it's impossible. Humanity and strength, I ended my
choice a long time ago."

I didn't understand a single word from my heart.

I could understand rationally.

In the past, I have met a human who speaks and acts in this way.

From the kidad of the countercurrent, Barton, he appeared to overlap.

The two men were very similar in that they did nothing but measure and
purpose to be strong.

Both of them are vicious, but the Barton side was even worse when
compared purely with tenacity.

"It's a trivial life marked by betrayal."

"So, will you also say, like Dipus, that I am wrong? Lord Xiron would
never have responded so much."

"You're right, Barton. My father would have said this.”

Yeah, that's what you're worth. Then prove that the value is right.

"Did you want to hear this?"

Barton nodded contentedly. He betrayed Looncandel, but still had infinite

respect for a superman named Ciron Looncandel.

"Then prove it. That you're right. I think you want your father's way,
because I like it, too. If you convince me, I'll let you live."

Dipus did not bother to complain about Jin's words that were close to his
It was because there was nothing Barton could do anyway.

"It's impossible right now. I'm going to die at your hands today."

"Then your choice is wrong.”

"When I was in Lord Xiron's Looncandel, I thought death was a failure and
the end of everything. But after meeting Sir Kellyak, I realized. Death is not
the end, Jean Looncandel. All I need is time."

"Are you going to make a fuss? Can't that ten-star force and your new
master save you right now, given up so much and betraying you?"

"There's a truth that will never change, even if you guys kill me today. The
first is that if Sir Xiron disappears, Looncandel will surely perish. Second, I
can exist longer than you even if my body is destroyed."

The concussion at Sigmund was getting stronger.

"By then, you'll have no choice but to admit that this Barton Bichena's
choice was not wrong."

There was an unpleasantly firm belief in Barton.

Barton seemed to be gibberish, but he was confident that the Zipple would
surely destroy Looncandel.

It was an unpleasantly firm belief. Are you out of your mind because of the
worship and tenacity of power? Or did it suddenly become vain by the
unexpected slaughter?

Either way, Jean was shuddered at the fact that she had felt a little
compassion for Barton just a few minutes ago.

"The youngest, that's enough. I don't think we need to keep listening to

crazy dogs. Let's do what we're doing."

The Diffus sent the Cosech and said, wrapping his cherished anor on the
Supreme Prosecutors' Office. Just as Qin raised his brain in the
photocardium to spread the Ming-gum season, Dipus was also ready to
open the final phase.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 299

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:59 PM

Chapter 299: Episode 91. The sublime of power, and power (10).
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"I didn't know I'd end up in Looncandel with the swords of the riders, not
Sir Ciron. If there's anything I'm sorry about, that's it."

Barton said, examining the sword of Dipus.

The Supreme Prosecutors' Office's decision was made on Volgar. The

crystals seemed as hard as real ore, not ore.

Quang! Keddduck!

The battle that started again, the first one that started was Barton.

He has already used too much power to exercise his original military power.

One is coming and one is heading to the bottom. However, the ten-star
article, ready to die, was shaking its axis.

Every time I stepped on the prosthesis, cracks broke on the ground and
rocks splashed.

Although the protective layer on the body was about eight-star, the sound of
pagong can be heard just by the words of the protective layer itself.
the last banjo that caused all the energy

It was madness in Barton's glaring eyes.

It is a self-contradictory bluff that he lost all the honor of the black pitch
and a sense of shame stemming from his death by the swords of riders, not
Siron Lunkandel.

And before meeting 'Kellyak Zipple' and betraying Looncandel, the pride
he had in his heart as a black knight was colliding inside Barton.

Barton certainly had a firm belief in Jipple.

On the side of the Zipple, he was confident that he could reach the real
early months, not just transcend the limits of the species "human."

But still Barton Bichena is clearly human.

Having gained near-limits force, the fear of ingratitude and chastity has
long been shaken off, even if one hides one's emotions with black pitches.
He was still human.

"You must be ashamed, Barton Vicena. Seeing how he's running wild with
his own style. Do you think you'll have enough honor to die at your father's

Jean was looking through Barton's dizzy interior.

Instead of answering, the blade flew into the Adam's apple. The blade of the
knife was blurred. A blurry look means that the sun has already passed.

After a reflexive retreat, Jean almost unwittingly touched her neck.

A talent or achievement.

If either was not enough, he would have raised his hand and touched his
He would have allowed a fatal blow to the gap while checking whether he
had been cut or avoided by a narrow margin.

Instead, Qin rather stretched his sword for a counterattack.

Just as Barton's attack narrowly brushed Jean's Adam's Adam's apple, so

did Sigmund.

One sharper light spread between them before the two swords even crossed
at each other.

It was a ballgard of the Great Sword that fell at a tremendous speed.

Three swords drew vortexes. The swords collided and a dozen ruptures
were heard in a second.

The guardian knights, who were far away and conducting a checkup,
swallowed dry saliva.

Even though they were made up of at least eight people, they could not
intervene in the battle without permission. It wasn't because of poor

I couldn't hold out. The blessed body of the Looncandel, or its limitless
rigid body. Without such an element, it was a fight that I could not dare to

Thousands of citations seemed to pour out incessantly on the shock wave.

Whenever there was a small noise that only the fit, the profit, and the only
one could feel, there was a sneeze left somewhere in the three people's


Dipus roared and stepped on the prosthetic.

Then Orr's decisions at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office Volgar gave a

brighter light, with Barton continuing to open the streets as if he were
conscious of it from the start.

It was time for an error that was not spilled on the project to shine.

What the Dipus prepared, the sixth duel of the Looncandel.

electric light

Orr's decisions in Volgar were broken.

As the crystal dispersed like a shrapnel of glass, it flowed between hundreds

of pieces.


There was an intense noise, as if the brain were spreading, and the glare
was quickly repeating itself to extinguish and spread.

Each flash of light changed the trajectory of the Great Sword.

Due to the irregular form of anor, the length of the sword was changed from
time to time, and the broken crystals followed the shape of dancing with the
great sword.


Barton rotated and struck the sword. Even though it seemed to have been
completely removed, the armor was torn and blood splattered.

He was attacked by a large number of people attached to the Supreme

Prosecutors' Office.

He was aware of the decision from the moment the Supreme Prosecutors'
Office first made, so he suffered only that much damage. If you didn't know
the shape of the electric light, you wouldn't be able to avoid serious injury
even if it were Barton.

A bunch of Orr's on the Great Sword had a figure that was almost identical
to that of the brain.
Of course it wasn't a real brain, it was an auror, and anyone who knew Pluto
could recognize it.

The fact that the electric light of the 6th series of Looncandel is a technique
modeled after the Ming sword.

It was a coincidence.

The electric light is a technique derived from the "Myeongwanggeom Jeolgi

Thunder Day" that Jin is trying to spread.

Let's say!

Sigmund held the brain of the optical heart.

The decisions that were similar to those that had been made on the Supreme
Prosecutors' Office Volgar filled the pale sword.

'......that's the brainchild the youngest uses? Why does it have a similar
shape to a light bulb?'

'I heard that all the elders, except for Jed, refused to transfer the lead. How
did you get the electric light?'

Deepus and Barton thought at the same time. It was embarrassing for Jin to
display a completely unexpected skill for both of them.

But it was completely different, only seemingly similar.

If the electric light had only increased the attacking radius of the Great
Sword, twisted the trajectory, and extended the RBI.

Thunder blades formed dozens of 'knife blades' of flowing brains.

Fiji, Jiyik!

Blue blades filled the air were heading for Barton.

The blades were lighting up and it was not easy to read the movement.

Barton wielding a long sword, using evil.

The cape was already ragged and the torn armor no longer functioned

With thunder and lightning at the same time, he looked almost like a white
sphere. The long sword was striking out all over the place as quickly as it

The attacking Qin and Dipus were also desperate.

At first glance, Barton appeared to be a defensive stunt, but once he showed

a gap, a counterattack would fly.

Blood poured into the air continuously.

It was hard to identify whose it belonged, and the blood splattered through
the jumble of swords evaporated and disappeared a second later.

A finger bounced between the shock waves and the distorted space.

It was Barton's index finger.

But Barton's momentum showed no sign of weakening. Rather, the sword,

which became more fierce and faster, gave Jean and Dipus a turn to back.

What a waste.

Such thoughts crossed the mind of Dipus. It made me shudder that such a
great warrior had betrayed Looncandel.

I was also curious. What on earth did Jipple promise to do to reach the
conclusion that Barton was a betrayal? At first, I just wanted to kill him, but
when I met him with the sword, I kept thinking like that.

On the other hand, Jin was neither a waste nor a curiosity.

Weakness was understandable, but ugly was not acceptable.

Even though he had more force than ten, a figure like Barton was not
necessary for Looncandel.


The Supreme Sword of Dipus cut Barton's chest. A deep and large cut
broke a rib and stabbed the gut, and Barton threw up blood but did not show

The move also remained. I couldn't believe such injuries, but Jean and
Dipus could come to a conclusion.

It's time to take his life.

'I'm gonna have to get this over with.'

When Jean stepped down, Dipus also widened his distance.

The battle has stopped for a while.

The resistance that had just been raging seemed all lies. Barton stood like a
statue and hardened into place.

Barton was actually out of sight a while ago. The two men continued to
attack while their eyes were blinded by the bleeding.

Sigmund released another brain.

Then the days of thunder in the air gathered to Qin. Dozens of cerebral
swords floated behind Jin's back and aimed at Barton.

The electric light of the Dipus took a similar look. The blades and bundles
aimed at each side were close to a hundred sacks.

Barton's harsh breathing stood out amid the rustling noise.

"Barton Bichena."
Barton could not answer. Blood flowed backward through the throat and
could only make a panting sound.

Though blind and hard-footed, the 20-meter radius was still Barton's right
to attack. In other words, just 20 meters away would never be attacked by

"Jipple would have promised you eternal life and the strongest power, or
something like that. And you had your own eyes on the hard evidence and
the hard evidence for it."

The energy of thunder and lightning was shining more and more brightly.
The two energies were no longer blinking and only blazing.

"Maybe it's a drinking seat. I've seen the dead resurrect and gain
tremendous strength from the strange thing. It was a mysterious force that
anyone could have had."

The words twinkled the eyes of Dipus.

He had never heard of the word drinking stone in his life. It has never been
found in classified documents that can only be identified by four or more

"But Barton, you know what? I've also experienced the broken stone of
Looncandel's sword."

Barton raised his head.

It can't be. It is impossible for humans to dare to break it.

I wanted to say so, but all I could say was black blood.

Barton's vision and Jean's experience were "other drinking stones," so he

could think that destruction was impossible.

"Even my father knows the existence of the object. So don't dream of

anything. The death you face today is complete. Resurrection, eternity, such
vain things don't happen."
Just before the sigmunds, Jean went on to say something.

"Oh, and hell also exists. I remember the scenery that I took a peek at
looked pretty good on you, so I wish you well."


When Sigmund cut through the air, thunder blades shot forward in unison.

The electric light of the dipus flooded into Barton, leaving an afterimage.

A short and fierce final resistance has begun.

Of the more than a hundred blades and bundles poured out in just one
second, Barton showed the strength to cut out as much as half.

I couldn't stop the other half of my body from being torn to shreds.

No screams were heard. The dry sound of blood and flesh, intestines and
bones floated between the riders and knights.

Soon after Barton's body completely disintegrated, Jean slowly moved to

where he stood.

The body, the armor, everything has been destroyed. For some reason, the
black helmet, a symbol of black knight, is almost intact on the floor.

Jean looked back at the knights, packing up the helmet.

"Mission complete, all return."


The knights made a courtesy call. Dipus was displeased that the knights had
been censored not by him but by the youngest, who was 12 years old, but
did not reproach them.

It was because he admitted that he could not have succeeded without Jin.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 300

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:57 PM

Chapter 300: Ep.92. Vacation (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

On March 10, 1799, Rosa convened a jockey meeting.

On the long table lay Barton Vichena's hollow pitch.

All the riders except Jin were shocked to see the pitch, but no one showed
their emotions outwardly.

Already the riders knew that the main player of the mission was Jean, not

That's what Dipus said to Mary. Without Jin, this mission could never have
been successful. Mary spread it out to the riders as if it were her own

Charyuk, Charyuk...….

In silence Rosa heard unusually loud sound looking at the report. After
reading the report with an expressionless face, Rosa uttered the first word.

"You seem to have forgotten the mission."

"What was lacking?"

The eyes of some brothers flinched at Jean's unassuming question. Lan,
Vigo, Mu, Ann, and Tonya brothers. They only heard that Jean and Dipus
were perfectly successful in their mission.

"It's good to have ventica and shoot Barton Vicena. But what the family
demanded of you was a natural death."

What the family asked you to do.

Rosa gave the horse a boost.

"Death treatment at the hands of the enemy during the mission" was
actually the judgment of the entire senate, not just Rosa individuals.

"Barton Bichena. If you were just going to shoot him, you wouldn't have to
use the power of your riders. It was all I had to do if I and the Black Sword
Council moved in person."


"Tell me, Twelve Horsemen."

"In this mission, it was impossible to kill Barton Bichena at the hands of the
enemy. Because of the power of Kellyak, we needed more people.”

"If such a judgment had been made, it should have been right to seek
another chance after Barton Bichena stepped down when he insisted on
retreat. Of course, by that time, not you, but other riders would have taken
over the task."

Jin sold the name of Dipus without hesitation in that passage.

"And the decision-maker's will to carry on with his mission."

"Fourth rider. Is that true?"


"Why didn't you step down?"

"Because, in the absence of the first rider, I decided there was no rider who
could perform the task better than me and the 12."

"That's just your idea, Dipus."

"I actually got the results. Although it did not produce a natural death, it
achieved two tasks without one death."

"You don't know why the family tried to kill Barton Bichena so complexly?
This is to keep his betrayal from the outside world. All the wizards of the
retired Zipple know that he survived. "But when his death is known to the
outside world, Looncandel purged the black knight."

Warriors and Purge during the mission.

If it were any other article, the black knight had to be the former. The
reason why Looncandel's strongest power was purged was because it
signaled that there was a problem with solidarity and loyalty.

The fact that the knight was purged would have a tremendous ripple effect
in itself. Such was the symbol of the black knight in Hufester as well as

Of course, the former had no choice but to get a scratch on Looncandel's


However, the Jipple was far stronger in terms of power deployed to secure

It is possible for a black knight to die because he dealt with Cochac and
White Night.

If the mission had gone as it was, it could have turned it into a propaganda
that the black knight sacrificed himself "to save the riders."

"It's a sensitive time, as you all know. With the housekeeper and the first
rider away, the Jipple is expanding its presence day by day. What would our
allies think of us if the black knight was purged in this situation?”
Mu and Ann almost burst into laughter because of their savory feelings.

'Yes, it is. No matter how great the Diffus brother and the youngest one are,
it's a man. I was blinded by the ball and I was overdoing it and saw a
disaster. If Joshua brother takes the hegemony, he'll take them out first.'

"The association is also refusing to transfer the power to a showdown,

which is perfect. This is going to get us out of the senate again.'

Lan and Vigo only admired in themselves the fact that Dipus and the
youngest had killed Barton Bichena, but had no other thoughts.

The Tonya brothers, as usual, were full of worries but managed to keep
their feelings bare.

Rosa could see the six men's thoughts clearly. So I kicked my tongue inside
and suppressed my stuffy heart.

"... ...if the four- and twelve-time riders don't have a plan for it, this mission
will be regarded as a failure."

"Mother, it's no problem if you announce that Barton Bichena died in battle.
Don't you know that?"

Jean's words made six eyes wide open. It was those six people who just let
Rosa down.

Rosa and Joshua, Luntia, Dipus and Mary, on the other hand, looked calm.
As if I knew this would happen.

"The enemy Cosek was destroyed and six Red Dragon and more than 30
elite wizards were lost, and Veradin was seriously injured using Kellyak's
power. But we didn't even have Ventica."

It used Kellyak's power.

At that point, the six riders fixed their eyes on Jin once again. The report
did not include such information. But no one asked what that meant.
"It doesn't make sense that Looncandel suffered any damage in the process.
In particular, if it turns out that I was the one who destroyed the project, it
won't end up as just a disgrace.”

"Wait, the youngest. You mean it wasn't Diffus, it was you who destroyed
the Cosech?"

Ignoring Vigo's question, Jin continued.

"In this situation, it is welcome as a jipple to make a false announcement

that a black knight was killed in action. It's about taking advantage of each
other. Of course we have no real damage, and we have Ventica, so we're
overwhelmingly taking care of it."

"Don't you think about the possibility of Gipple revealing that the knight
was actually a spy?"

"Yes, it's a problem that you don't have to keep in mind. If Barton reveals
that he was a traitor, Jipple was defeated with even a black knight who
betrayed him. If the Zipple reveals the whole story, I'll take full

There has been silence for some time.

Unlike the Lan, Vigo, Mu, Ann, and Tonya brothers. The rest of the
characters knew that the conversation so far was Rosa's "test."

Rosa's pressure on Jean wasn't just to embarrass her.

Since this mission is really an important matter for the family, I wanted to
see how Jin worked it out as a rider.

I also wanted to set an example for riders who have not noticed this. This is
what Runkandel's rider should do.

Rosa would have immediately punished her for failing her mission if Jean
had brought the answer, "I just couldn't help it."
But Jean has brought a satisfying result, as always. Despite the serious
variables of space explosion, the mission has achieved near perfection.

That's why I felt so close.

'It's deplorable that one day we have to crash this kid. Until then, you'll have
a lot of work to do for the family.'

'Use as much as you like. Eventually, it will strangle your mother and

Between the two eyes that Jin and Rosa met, different thoughts were

Knock knock knock knock!

Someone knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Sir Rosa, this is Butler Heinz."

"Come in."

There was a bundle of newsletters in the hands of Haints, who entered the

Rutero Magical Federal Newsletter.

"Jipple has published an article about the Bentica mission. Overall, the
Zipple was defeated, but it is said to have achieved the triumph of killing
the black knight."

"Kellyak Zipple took the lead. He's a ghost. Are you sure Barton was
discovered just by the flow of this mission?"

The top riders seemed to be quite surprised this time. Of course, Luntia was
enduring yawning as usual.

"Is there anything else special?”

"No. May I prepare a response article?"

"Do it that way. The death of Barton Bichena is beautifully wrapped, but do
not reveal his real name. Also, wipe out all records and documents about

"I'll do as you wish."

As of today, there will be articles praising Barton throughout Hufester, but

his black pitches and remains will not be enshrined in the graves.

When Heinz left, Rosa looked back at Jean again.

"It's gone as you said, 12 jockeys. I'll have to lower the table. Is there
anything you want?"

"Give me 10 percent when the mining of ancient eternity is finished. And

I'd like to take about 10 days off.”


Unexpectedly, Rosa readily accepted Jean's request.

For the time being, she decided to focus on using the camp rather than
keeping it in check.

Just as Looncandel and Jipple are taking care of each other's interests, so
are Jean and Rosa.

Above all, Rosa thought that everything Jean got would eventually be
attributed to Joshua over time.

So support above a certain level was not bad for her either. No, rather,
sometimes it was necessary to give wings.

"Over, end the flag-bearer's meeting. The 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th planes
will be assigned a mission in the evening, so send each deacon to my

Shortly after leaving the conference room, Jean walked straight to her room
without talking to anyone.

Instead, he told me that he didn't forget his promise when he passed the
Tonya brothers.

"Drink at night."

"Well, yeah! I'll have a good one ready.”

Other riders kicked their tongues at the sight of the Tonya brothers, but
Dipus and Mary felt very envious.

Mary only wanted to get closer to Jean, but in the case of Dipus it was

The brain sword that the youngest showed me must be......there was
something similar to the electric light of the sixth series. What do you
mean, a drinking seat? There's so much I didn't know about the youngest.
The magic power was way beyond my expectations.'

Mary, who saw the neck of the Dipus, blinked her eyes.

"Are you coming? Are you cold? I've got goose bumps on my neck. Gross.
We should also get some hot drinks."

Gilly welcomed Jean when he returned to the room.

And the black dragon, about 3,000 years old, Murakhan, with a full pouty
face, glanced at Jean.

"Good work, Master."

"Thanks, but what's wrong with Murakhan again?"

"Oh, well....”
Gilly smiles awkwardly.

The reason why Murakhan was so horny was no different.

It was because Gilly insisted on taking the vacation "all together."

In other words, it was not easy for Murakan to accept the fact that an
ancient date had gone out of hand.

"I heard that Olmango's contractor is in the Kingdom of Sucheron. I've

always wanted to go to that beach, but I thought it would be great if all my
colleagues in Tikan could go on vacation together. If you don't mind, you
should go with me...….”

Looking at Murakan, who once again frowned, Jean burst into a giggle.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 301

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:55 PM

Chapter 301: Ep.92. Vacation (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Really? That's a good idea. I just happened to get 10 days off from my

"Oh, really?”

Unlike Murakan, whose face was almost crushed with disappointment,

Gilly smiled broadly and glistened his eyes. She was really feeling great
happiness in going on vacation together.

"I'm so excited! I need to buy some clothes and trim my hair."

"You like it a lot, Gilly."

"I'm a little excited to think that it's been a long time since all my colleagues
have gathered. Haha, when shall we leave?"

"Gilly loves it so much, we should go. Let's leave tomorrow."

"Uh, right away tomorrow? Then I'll have to get out of here! Before the
mall closes."

Gilly leaves the room in a hurry with her purse.

Jean smiled at the back, and Murakan sighed.

"I'll tell you in advance, I just told Gilly to go on vacation. I never asked
you to come with me."

"Hung, who said what?"

"No, it's just, for some reason, that you want to put the blame on me...….”

"Who got dumped!"

"Or not."

Somehow I felt savory.

"......well, it's not too bad to see you like it that much. If the strawberry pie
is happy, that's it."

"That makes me embarrassed because I was accused.”

"What? You were suing me? You damn little kid."

When Murakhan opened his eyes, Jean pointed outside.

"If you really want a date, go after Gilly now. I think it's a date to pick out
clothes and see how you trim your hair. We go around and buy juice."

"Oh, that's the way! Fucking little cancel."


Jean and Murakhan naturally raised their hands and met the palms of their

"Here we go!"

Hustle! Running Murakan.

Jin watched meracan for a while outside the closed window, catching up
with Gilly and leaving the Sword Garden. Gilly looked very happy looking
back at Murakan and smiling.

'Cute, two people. I'll take a nap or a nap after a long time.'

After returning to the Sword Garden, Jean was actually extremely tired.

Upon arrival, he endured the first blow of Siron, dueled Mary, fought
Shilderay, and killed the Black Knight.

He simply overworked his body without a break.

I fell asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow.

It was night when I woke up. A cool breeze came in from the open window,
and the moonlight was shining beautifully.

Gilly and Murakhan have not yet returned. The two men were enjoying the
night view of downtown Kalon, eating beer and fruit on a hill.

As soon as he was about to enjoy the gentle night breeze without leaving
the bed, Jean jumped up.

I've never opened a window. There's no way Petro would have left it open.'

It wasn't even opened by the wind itself. I checked the lock and slept.

There is only one person who can come through the window like a thief.


'......I slept quite well, but I didn't let my guard down to the point where I
had no idea the assassin was coming.'

I didn't think any of the brothers would have a assassin directly into the
Sword's Garden, but I always kept more than a certain amount of tension
just in case.
But I can't believe you don't feel anything until the door opens. How strong
are you?

Jin, who was looking around with a keen sense of humor, suddenly burst
into laughter.

It was because I saw a flower that was woven like a ring on the table.

It was green rose.

'Yona's sister's been there. Well, I can't feel your sister's presence enough to
keep her on the edge.'

There was a letter next to it.

Dear youngest member! Congratulations on becoming a jockey.

She's just around the corner, and she sleeps like she doesn't know anything.

I thought I'd just kill him when I thought he had an accident and
disappeared without a word to me at the end of the year.

If I had pulled out the memorization, I would have felt it and woke up.

I came here because I missed you. You missed me, too? Sure, I know well
without telling you.

I'm proud that I think I've become stronger than ever stronger. I didn't wake
you up because you seemed to sleep too hard.

I'm so busy with requests these days. Of all the people I'm killing, I'm
hoping you'll have to kill or you'll be mixed up with people who hurt you.

Anyway, let's go play again when it's cleared up. Well, then, bye!

Perseum... ...

Amazingly, as soon as I finished reading the letter, it became powdery and

scattered somewhere. It was not magic, but paper made in Samil's unique

"You're such say cute or cruel.'

When I recalled Jonah, who secretly visited me and left the letter, I smiled.

He was a grateful man. All in the midst of brothers trying to kill

themselves, only Jonah and Luna remind us of the meaning of the word

I picked up the green roses and glanced at the moonlight.

I remembered seeing the green rose field with Jonah in Samil, and I couldn't
take my eyes off it for a while.

'Oh, I almost forgot.'

Have a drink at night. I remembered saying that to the Tonya brothers in

front of the conference room earlier. And they said they'd keep a good

'Tona and Emma are waiting for you. Especially Emma's going to be

He stepped lightly toward the Tonya brothers' room.

And the moment she opened the door and leaned back, Jin had no choice
but to burst out another laugh.

'Is today a day full of laughs?'

(A dinner to celebrate the friendship of the Runkandel 12, 10 and 11 riders

and the completion of the first mission of the 12 riders.) It's an honor!)

As soon as I opened the door, I saw such a big writing first.

I could feel the obvious intention of placing the 12th rider at the front.
And then, I don't know where I got it....I could see the Tonya brothers
wearing a fancy cone hat, and a candle was shining between the spread of
refreshments and fruits.

"Uh. Is the youngest here?"

"Go sit anywhere. Haha."

"Brothers, what is all this?"

"Oh, well. Emma said you're coming...….”


I heard the sound of grilling meat from inside. She shows how she bakes
meat the moment Jean arrives.

I've been waiting for you all evening.

Then, he poked his head out and made eye contact with Jin, hurriedly untied
his apron, and even bowed politely.

"You're here, Master Chin. I've done a lot of discourtesy, and I've been
preparing simple drinks and dishes with an apologetic heart."

At this point, I had to go past the burden and just laugh beyond the

"It doesn't look that simple. Looks like it's in full swing. These snacks, you
can't believe they'really?

"It's nothing compared to your consideration of me and Tonya on your first

day back."

"It looks like it's got poison in it."

"Haha, no way. If you stay here, I'll be right back with the food."

Emma's face glowed as Jean sat down.

Tonya's brothers, who were worried about what to do if Emma's
burdensome treatment failed, were also more relaxed.

To simulate.

Jean was feeling that way. It wasn't considered bad enough to show that you
wanted to be on the same side so virtually. I was in a good mood thanks to

'I'm flattering you like this, so let's try to keep up with the rhythm.'


When Heitona picked the bottle, it gave off a good scent.

"Congratulations, youngest!"


For the first time, I had a casual conversation with the Tonya brothers. Just
as the relatives gathered and chatted, the conversations between the Jin and
the Tonya brothers were full of wild topics.

Usually the Tonya brothers chatter, and Jean listens.

Emma also said, "Be close," but the Tonya brothers were purely eager to get
closer to Jean.

At first, Qin was strong and special, but now it was just affection. Jung who
spent stormy and cadet days together.

Of course, the Tona brothers made numerous mistakes to Jin in the process,
but on the contrary, they always cared about him.

Empty bottles piled up.

Emma first intervened in the conversation around dawn, telling Jean how
the family and the Hufester were doing recently.
This was the part that Jean paid attention to Jean.

"Dear Master Chin, we are originally free of charge, but we produce judges
every year. I have quite a few active judges among my relatives. Well, I just
heard a strange story from my brother, the Supreme Court justice in Fonta

"What is it?"

"Senior Joshua gave orders to judges all over Hufester. Broaden the
standard of criminal death.”

"Is it to lower the crime rate? It's good to kill those who have done anything

Emma nodded at Daytona's words.

"Maybe that's why. However, since the death penalty was expanded, most
of the prisoners are somehow sent to Ricaldon, not to the city."

"If it's a Lycalton, isn't it a city in the south?"

"That's right, Master Chin. There's another strange thing."

"Stay talking."

"The prisoners who were taken to Lycalton are said to be executed only in
groups. When hundreds of people gather, they execute it at once, but no one
has seen it.More. Only the images of the bodies being burned will be

Suddenly, a conversation in the past flashed through Jin's mind.

Do you know how she replicates Joshua?

I only know that we need so many people.

Looks like he's using Hufester's death row. When you send them to the
Prophet, a new body is made...Lord... used his body mainly in dealing with
people like me. fortify one's reserve contractors for direct overpowering in
the event of a runaway

a conversation in Tikan with Julian's conciliation

According to Emma, it was highly likely that 'Localton' was a city Joshua
uses to procure capital punishment to create clones.

'Emma couldn't have brought this up with the prophet and Joshua's physical
cloning in mind. I just knew Joshua and I were at odds, so we'd have talked
about anything related to him, but we found a clue in an unexpected place.'

In fact, Emma did not know about the prophet and physical cloning.

But looking at Jean as she listened to the story and thought for a moment,
she could have guessed that there would be something in Lycalton.

"I guess I'm just a nanny, and I'm just talking about you. In the future, I will
be careful of what I say wherever I go."

This means that he will never tell this story to anyone other than Jin.

Emma had her own way of life.

"You'd better.”

Jean smiled, toast to Emma and the Tonya brothers.

Early the next morning.

A group of fighters in lobes crossed the garden lake of the sword.

They all had a solemn look on their faces, apparently moving on some
serious matter.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 302

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:53 PM

Chapter 302: Episode 92. Vacation (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

They were elders.

About twenty people. It is rare for the elders of Looncandel to move in such
a band.

The servants did not dare raise their heads, and the guardian knights saluted
with discipline whenever they encountered them.

Everyone wondered where the elders were headed, but could not dare ask.

'Oh, they're elders, aren't they?'

The just-up Tonya brothers rubbed their eyes and looked out the window.

Where are we going? Uncle Jed is here. Oh, I think it's the youngest's

As the Tonya brothers expected, it was Jin's room where the elders were

"Senior Jed, is that really a definite story?”

"These people, what a fool they are! How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm sure I didn't show you the advanced form of the duel. I didn't achieve it
by myself."

It was no different why the elders were visiting the camp.

a power failure

Jed had applied for deliberation by the senate after completing the
improvement of the fall. The elders, who were unaware of the situation,
congratulated Jed and said, "Let's naturally name his newly born fall

However, Jed insisted that the name added to the painting should be named
after Jin, who provided decisive clues, not himself.

"No, I just don't understand. What the hell, you found a clue to the progress
of the duel in a child who just became a rider...….”

"It's only a few days before Jean Looncandel took over the fall from the
elder Jed."

"Oh, you're lying to me because I want you to fly me a dozen times? I've
been doubting myself since before. If you're going to do this, don't follow

"Hey, that's not what I meant. Come on, let's your excitement. It's my fault."

"Yes, yes, it's your fault. He's no one to lie to. And last night I didn't come
up to the fourth rider and tell him anything strange."

Another old man gently touched Jed's shoulder and continued his words.

"You said the 12th rider used a sword that was superior to the 6th series of
electric lights in this mission. Perhaps the Twelve Horsemen, as Zedd
Wenlo said, are capable of providing important clues for our Looncandel
showdowns to advance."
Dipus deliberately leaked information to the elders about the Ming-gum
seasonal thunderclap used by Qin.

Jin can't explain it even if he asks, so he decided to borrow the elders'

mouths. It was an excellent choice.

"The fourth rider is also not a person to talk nonsense. Anyway, we're here
to check for ourselves. We're almost there, so please all calm down a little

Ahem, hm! Hm! Hm!

The elders coughed softly, watching Jed's countenance.

Before long, the elders stood in front of Jin's door.

"You old men, the youngest, show you the sword yourself, you'll be
drooling and coveting. How dare you doubt me?'


Jed gritted his teeth against the door.

"It's the call of the presbytery! Twelve-time Jean Looncandel, come out

Jed shouting in a triumphant voice

But there was no response in the room.

"The youngest! Come out quickly!"

When there was no answer for calling again, Jed jerked the door knob.

Cuckoo, the lock broke, the door opened, and there was no one in the room.

"No, why is don't have it? Hmm, hmm!"

This time, Jed secretly looked at the elders.

The elders were just shrugging their shoulders with the face, "Yes, it is."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lord. We've all taken our precious time out.….”

"Well, let's put aside the fact that the youngest isn't there. Why do you all
look so disappointed? You really don't trust me?”

"Come on, it's not like that. Well, we believe in Zedd. Something must have
happened to the 12th rider, hehe. So let's go back.”


When the elders turned around at once, Jed had no choice but to resent Jean

Where the hell is he? I don't know how humiliated my uncle is!'


Squeak! Squeak!

Jean was sitting in a bar on an open beach, where seagulls were crying,
drinking each of the tiles.

In front of him, gilly, dressed neatly, was throwing food at the seagulls.

"I'd like two more cocktails, please. Same thing. Anyway, isn't it time for
everyone to come? Master."

"Yes, there he is."

When Jean pointed her finger at the sky, the seagulls began to rush away

It was because a dragon, which had just been revealed in sight, was

It was Murakan.
Tikan's colleagues were on his back.

"Oh, my Lord! Do you know how much I missed this Jet!"


The first ones to run were Jet and Enya.

They were showing signs of welcome like a puppy reunited with its owner
who had almost lost it.

"Jet, it's Enya. How have you been?"

"Oh, I'm always happy thanks to you. Oh, how hard have you been? I heard
it was hectic again as soon as you went to the Sword Garden.”

"No, should I call you Sir, not Confucius now? You are still handsome!
Please sign first! I also wrote down the 12th Runkandel. Here, on the back!"

As always, Enya is like an excited primate animal, banging my chest and

expressing joy.

"Ha, yes. En, it's nice to get your autograph, right? Yeah, that'd be great.
Nice to meet you, Jean."

"How are you? ID Quikantel."

"Sure. Except Enya, Yuria and Pinte whining all the time that they miss

Quikantel no longer told Enya to save face as Olta's contractor.

"Sir Jin, you weren't originally like a child, but now you're really like an

"Alisa, just call me the way you used to. En, you too."

"Shall we?"
Jean and Alisa shook hands and hugged lightly.

"I remember the day I first met Confucius."

Kashmir, who followed, made eye contact with Jean.

"Sir Kashmir."

"Thanks to Confucius' help, my daughter is still growing well. I'm already


"It seems like time flies. I was five when we first met.”

It has already been more than four years since I made a connection with the
people of Tikan.

To Qin, they were more like family than real brothers, and Tikan felt more
like home than the garden of the sword.

"My daughter and Ratri couldn't come. I'm behind in my work at the snack
bar.... Veris is helping out, too. "Kuzan and Julian are still on Confucius'

It was truly a surprise that Veris had that personality and worked in a snack

Kashmir's basket was full of cookies. Refreshing hard-retra cookie,

signature of the retra snack bar.

But it wasn't a snack prepared for Jean.

Jean only checked the cookie's condition, then closed the basket again.

"I hope you like it.”

"Maybe so. Sources have confirmed that Olmango's contractor is dying to

eat it.….”

Jean and Kashmir burst out laughing in vain.

The Seven Colors have long known the exact location of Olmango's
contractor. It was confirmed even before Jean gave the order.

As a result, Olmango's contractor even found out that he had a strange

fantasy about Litra Cookie.

The Litra Cookie has been making the prestige of its exquisite taste and
aroma toward the whole world since around last year.

It has become a cookie that even famous people from all over the world
have to eat in line.

All kinds of magazines and newsletters can be introduced if they are bored.
For those who said, "Eat some refreshments," Littra Cookie was known as a
dream snack.

Some minstrel poets preached that they must go to Tikan Free City at least
once before they die, even to eat Littra cookies.

However, it is only rich and time-consuming aristocrats and wealthy people

who can visit the free city of Tikan for a cookie.

Unfortunately, that was not the case for Olmango's contractors.

"Anyway, first of all."

Jean looked at her colleagues and continued her backstabbing.

"Let's have a few days off. And there won't be many days when we can get

Since then, I haven't done anything, and I've only been playing like a
prodigy on the beach.

We talked about this and that, and we solved our troubles, invited the city's
minstrel poets to listen to songs, brought in chefs to taste instant dishes, and
swam and fish.
The three nights and four days disappeared like a bolt out of sight.
Colleagues have long forgotten that simply "play" is this much fun.

"You all seem to get along very well. Thanks to you, we're going to set a
new sales record this month."

The young clerk at the bar looked at Jean and said,

He was a young man with a young face, a strangely moist skin that seemed
to have just turned twenty.

He did not yet know what Jean and his colleagues were. If I had known, I
wouldn't have spoken to him so easily.


a clerk surprised at the sudden call of his name

From his point of view, it was a natural response because he had never
given his name to Jin and his colleagues.

"......Yes, sir?"


Jean put a basket full of Retra cookies on the table.

"I am the 12th rider of Jean Looncandel, and the contractor of Solderlet.
And this is a gift."

Jin and his colleagues spent days off at a bar in the corner of the beach.

This was because this was the place where the contractors of Jogubi and
Olmango work.

a statue-like stele

When I opened the box with trembling hands, the smell of fragrant and
savory cookies came up.
"I came here because I had something to receive from your God. If you
don't mind, could you please call Mr. Olmango for a moment?"

The shock seemed to be great.

Not because I knew Jean's identity, but because I was blinded by the
cookies that lay right in front of me.

"This is...'re really giving it all to me?”

"Of course."

"Well, can I eat and talk?"

Jean nodded, and the jogger picked up the cookie with his trembling hand.

Wang, who took a bite of his face immediately turned red with a bitterness.

Then, a few minutes later, the eyes were turning, leaving only the white

The cookies tasted shocking, but it was a reaction when God was in peace.

It was almost the same as when a pecon was placed on Bin Branche's body.

[Killing!] Yeah, I'm sick of fish and shellfish!]

"......Mr. Olmango?"

[Wait a minute, Solderlet's contractor. Let me finish this and give you what
you're looking for.]

In Olmango, who ate cookies with his head in a basket, there was no such
thing as God's authority.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 303

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:52 PM

Chapter 303: Episode 93. The Second Tomb of Themeer (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The owner had left the store to Jaggerby and returned home first, and the
guests were all Jin and his colleagues.

I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a mess...…!

The sound of Olmango chewing on cookies was also heard. He looked

almost like a cookie god.

They are literally inhaling cookies as if they met water in an oasis in the

What kind of god is this?

Jin could not help but feel somewhat absurd. On the other hand, I thought I
should have prepared more cookies.

My colleagues who were nearby naturally came to see me.

It was an amazing experience. Watching God eat cookies with his head in
the basket.

[More, no more!]]
When the cookies in the basket were gone, Olmango looked up and said,

"That's all."

[Please tell me there's more.]

a dejected look

"I do have. Over there across the sea at the tea shop on the third floor of
Tikan Free City."

[Hmm...] Then I'll save this. The contractor should taste it too.]

Olmango closed the basket with his trembling hand.

Cute! Enya screamed like that without realizing it, and the rest shrugged.


Olmango coughed in vain, as if embarrassed by the eyes of him.

[But I'm a god, and I'm a bit of a jerk...]...... if possible, please pass it on to
the owner of Tikan's refreshment store. This Olmango was the best snack
I've ever tasted. It's not human skill.]

I'm not a human being, but I didn't think I had to tell you.

"I'll make sure to tell him."

[All right, all right. Yeah, the Looncandel you lost. A thousand-year
contractor, so to speak, that's what Soldert said?]


[Prove it.]

Olmango nodded as Chin formed a fist-sized sphere in his palm.

[Sure. Actually, I didn't think you'd make it to me alive. Before he even
became a jockey, he went on the rampage against a jipple, and he was
wanted....I thought I was going to die.]

Just like everyone in Hufester, Jaggerby and Olmango were well aware of
the whole story of the Holy Land.

[Solderet, he finally got it right a thousand years later.]

"Hey, clam god. We're busy—give me the keys quickly."

Murakan said bluntly.

He was feeling a little bit sad that Olmango called Soldert 'friend'.

Before falling into a long sleep, Murakan had never seen Solderlet mingle
with Olmango.

In fact, Olmango's ability, known to the public, was all about moisturizing
the contractor's skin at best and attracting fish and shellfish easily.

And a blessing to cook clams very deliciously anytime, under any


That's why Murakan always regarded Olmango as a magazine.

That's not because Murakan was particularly rude, but most people in the
world thought Olmango that way.

That's why Olmango's contractor, Joggerby, stays as a clerk at such a

remote bar.

You must be the Black Dragon Murakan. Soldert worried a lot about you.]

"I left the keys to the Temer's grave to you and to the likes of Picon Mince
without a word, and you were worried about me?"

[Solderet might have had his own reasons, didn't he?]

"Hen! Do you know anything? That's the situation."

a head-shaking Olmango

Murakhan's eyes were irritated for no reason, but it was not a matter for

Colleagues saw Murakhan speaking bluntly and felt that he was very upset.

Although we all knew each other a thousand years ago, from Murakan's
point of view, Olmango was really a random opponent.

[Well, anyway. I'm done with the cookies, so I'll open the second grave in
Looncandel's guest house. By the way, Jean Looncandel.]


[Are we all going in together?]]

Jin met Olmango with his eyes as if wondering.

"Is that possible?”

[There's nothing that can't be done.] It's just a grave to honor someone.]

Visiting Temer's grave with his colleagues, except Murakhan and Misha,
was an unthinkable problem.

But since it's a special grave, you should be prepared to take risks.]


It was immediately understandable when I thought of the first grave. Like

Shilderay Looncandel, if you had a guardian modeled after a teenage
knight, it wasn't just a dangerous level.

Jean didn't want to put her colleagues in such danger if she could.
However, sometimes I knew that borrowing the help of my colleagues was
the way to respect them.

'Everyone seems to want to go with him no matter what.

Colleagues have already made a choice.

I was already worried that my colleagues were not as active in helping Jean
as they used to be.

"Do you know, Mr. Olmango, what guardians are in the second tomb?"

[I can't answer.]


[All the memories of him are gone. No matter how hard I try to think of it, I
can only think of such a dim figure.]

There was not a single teenage article that had not been erased from history.

[But, one thing is for sure. He must be tired. Because there's already been a
big battle, with the Zipple damaging the tomb a few times...….]

The guardian of the first tomb, Shilderay, was the guardian of the first
tomb, which was made after Jipple had plowed through it.

He was a guardian who only came out when the condition of "a thousand-
year contractor" was met.

On the other hand, the guardian of the second tomb has been guarding the
tomb from the beginning to the present.

Once again, a bitter smile spread around Olmango's mouth, trying to recall
an unthinkable face.

[Let's go.]

Jin and his colleagues followed Olmango and moved out of the bar.
It was an exceptionally starry night. Somehow the starlight seemed to make
way for them as they were walking.

The place where Olmango stopped walking was the beach where the party
swam all the time.

" the second tomb here?”



Olmango turned around the party as he entered the beach. It means not to
stand idly but to follow.

[Follow well in a line.]

A moment later a surprising thing happened.

Along Olmango's slow walk, there is a "road" on the water.

He walked on the sea as if walking on a plain, looking mysterious enough

to be called a god.

Naturally, it was all the first time walking on water.

"Wow...... he must really be God, Confucius Jean."

"That's right. Thanks to you, Jet is experiencing something amazing again.

It's the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen, with waves everywhere.”

"It's a lovely vacation, Master."

Even Quikantel was deeply impressed by Olmango's power.

Murakan was just walking on the water, he said, but he was just whining.

I walked for an hour. Looking back, it was a sea of starlight all over, and the
land was barely visible.
[This should be enough to open it up.]

"What are you opening? Aren't you supposed to give me the key?”

Olmango spread out his hands on Murakan's horse.

[My power is the key, Murakan.]

The next moment.


Suddenly, the sea in front of Olmango began to divide.

As if the cloth were torn into two pieces.

"Huh. God, beauty, crazy. What the hell!"

Even Murakan, who had been upset all along at that time, had no choice but
to vent his admiration.

So did his colleagues.

Even Jin almost opened his mouth without even realizing it.

Quaia, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, shoot! The sea was forming two waterfalls at

Olmango's touch.

The fact that the god of shellfish was painting this miraculous scene, no one
would believe it no matter how hard I tried to explain it.

It wasn't even the end of dividing the ocean.

'Oh, my God, what is that?'

Jean and her colleagues looked down between the divided seas.

There was a clam there.

It's a huge, sleek...... the shell, obviously the only one that exists in the
world, is opening its mouth wide open.

It was a size that could be compared to most fortresses.

[It's been a long time since I've worked so hard. This is why Murakan,
Solderet, chose me. It's very rare in the world to be able to handle a seal this

The trivial appearance of the cookies all seemed to be lies. The group had
no choice but to pay homage to Olmango in unison.

It was no different why Olmango, the god of shellfish, was known as a

popular god.

It was because we always had to save our energy. Olmango's mission as a

god was to use his power to protect stories for those who needed them in a
huge shellfish.

Whoo-woo-woong, hoo-woong...…!

Like a black pearl.

A huge seal of spirit wriggled in the shell. The very seal was the entrance to
the Temer's second tomb.

[So I hope you don't feel too bad about Soldierlet. Everyone, listen up and

"Thank you, Mr. Olmango."

[Of course I did what I had to do. Oh, and.]

Olmango made eye contact with Jean and continued his back talk.

[I don't remember anyone, but give it to a friend inside. You've been

through a lot.]

"I won't forget to tell you."

One by one, the group threw themselves into the seal of the shellfish.

When all the party were sucked into the seal of spirit, the clam of Olmango
shut its huge mouth.


Again this time, it was a space made up of spirit.

But unlike the first tomb, which was endlessly dark and desolate.

As soon as the second tomb was built, there were signs of fierce fighting

The white bone, believed to be the wizard of the old Jipple, rolled on the
floor to the point of being kicked by the foot, and when touched, it became
powdery and crumbly.

"Oh, it was so mysterious just now. It's very lonely and chilly here.”

" many white bones are there? I have no idea how many men the
guardians here have faced alone, Confucius Qin."

said Jet and Kashmir, looking around.

While the party was briefly agonizing over which direction to walk, a
woman's voice came from afar.

[Somehow I could feel the noise from afar. Yeah, I knew you'd come...….]

The party immediately turned its head toward it, with a keen sense.

And Murakan, this time again, recognized immediately who the voice was.

"Sara? Sarah Looncandel, is that you?"


It was not long before the guardian was seen.

She was wearing an armor that resembled the guardian of Looncandel like a
shilderay, but the armor had been torn and punctured and devastated.

Not only armor, but also flesh. The only remaining arm, and at first glance
countless wounds, were flowing like blood.

[Why are you so late?] You damn bastard.]

said the guardian, eye-catching with Murakan.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 304

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:50 PM

Chapter 304: Episode 93. The Second Tomb of Themeer (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was a strangely friendly way of speaking.

Unlike Shilderay, who treated the intruder as if he were the guardian of the
tomb, the guardian in front of his eyes showed a welcome sign as if he had
met an old friend.

'If it's Sarah...'s the name I heard from the first tomb's recording device.
"Luncandel, who took five horsemen to the tower of the story of three
hundred dragons."

In fact, Sarah was smiling at Murakhan. Young-gi's face and a strange smile
were all tangled up like blood.

"What do you mean, late?"

[Because I killed all those junkies before you got here. Oh, I swept it with
Padler, to be exact. You're late again, man. Where'd you goofing off this


[Fadler's a little hurt. I'm as steady as I always am, but I think you and your
family should train me for that weak bone.]
Sarah, wake up!

The moment Murakan was about to shout, Jean grabbed him by the

said with eyes. Murakan, that man is not the real Sarah you know, but the
guardian who imitated him.

The evidence was that the spirit flowed instead of blood.

Just as it was painful for Jin to cut himself even though he knew that his
opponent was a mirage at the Mitra Great Membrane, Murakan was
surrounded by similar feelings.

Because it was so much like the real Sarah Looncandel. His way of
speaking, his behavior, his way of dealing with himself.

Being indebted with spirit is indistinguishable from the real.

It's not just the appearance, it's even more if you're in a state of mixed

[Murakan, why aren't you answering? You're not going to say that it's too
late, are you?]

" must have fought too long, Sarah Looncandel."

said Quikantel as he stepped forward to Murakan. She also remembered


The guardian hesitated and turned to Quikantel.

[Oh, who is this?] Quikantel? What brings you to the battlefield? Though
the fight is over.]

Murakan and Quikantel felt miserable.

A thousand years.
The time when the guardian kept the second tomb alone in this dark space.

The whole body was full of wounds and thousands of white bones all over
the place were proving the terrible fight. Even the guardian's sword was
broken, leaving only half the sword.

The guardian could not distinguish the past from the present, nor sometimes
remembered what his mission was.

Just like now.

It wasn't normal, so to speak.

A thousand years ago, he was the master who endured all those years alone
since he killed the sorceresses of the Jipple who attacked the tomb.

[What are those friends who are all over the place?] I've never seen these
faces before.]

As the guardian approached, he seemed determined.

Murakan spread his wings as he transformed into his true self. Quikantel
also transformed to reveal Eun-ryong's dignity.

[My old comrade, Sarah Looncandel. Sorry I'm late. I'll help you put down
your old baggage.]

At Murakan's words, the guardian stopped walking.

Seeing her a little closer, she looked more seriously injured than the party
thought. If you were bleeding, not spirit, standing would feel like a miracle.

[Suddenly] What are you talking about?….]

[Listen to the sword.]

[What? You want to play me?]]

Behind Murakan's back was a whirlpool of spirit.

the liberation of one's

The Guardian must know that it is the power that Murakan unfolds when he
must kill his enemies.

[Are you kidding me?]

[Jin, and everybody listen carefully. Even with serious injuries, Sarah was a
must-have figure when discussing the strongest of the old Looncandel teen
stories. Don't even think about dealing poorly.]

I wondered if it would be possible to fight with that body. Even a black

broken tooth.

However, he has faced thousands of wizards in a single stroke.

Sreung! Sneak!

The party pulled out their weapons in unison.

Silence flowed between the party and the guardian in a moment.

Soon, huge speculation began to spread from the guardian's body like a tidal

[Somehow...... now I get it. Murakan, you're not late. I waited on purpose.
The fight is over until I'm tired.]

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

All of a sudden Sarah's sword gave off a glow. If Murakhan had not
unfolded the curtain with spirit, most of the party would have closed their
eyes reflexively to cover up the light.

And if the guardian had been in good condition, every single one who had
closed his eyes would have been decapitated. Sarah Looncandel's martial
arts in her heyday were close to Changseong.
[Did you fall for the bystander?] Or is your big brother afraid of Jipple?
Everyone believed in you, you filthy traitor.]

Every word, every word, was a story of digging up Murakhan's chest.

The back of the Murakan, covered with spirit, felt very small and cloudy.

Every time he faced an unforgettable past, Murakhan was in a heart of

beating with a knife-sharp grief.

The guardian raised the blazing sword.

[You'll have to be prepared. Even though I was betrayed by my comrades

and my whole body was crushed, I am Sarah Looncandel.]


The sword dyed with an oracle was once again covered with flames.

Like the spirit of Murakan, which is swirling at the same time, the fiery
balls of fire soared near Sarah.


She was pure blood before Looncandel had a humiliating covenant with the

It was a horse prosecutor.

[Gilly, Alisa and Kashmir protect Enya and Jet. Chin, cover us!]

Quikantel shouted, gathering his breath. Murakhan had already made

thousands of awls in spirit and aimed at the guardian.

The awl fell to the ground without a sign or a sound. A dark awning, likely
to encroach on anything, aimed at the body of the wounded guardian.

But it was a single sword.

It is that the guardian erased all the flood of spikes like rain.

The broken sword was no problem for her.

The flames from the wielded sword did not dampen the fierce spirit even
after removing the awl.

A sea of fire spread out out of nowhere.

The fire of the guardian held together the heat of turning the object into
ashes, and the art of splitting it in half.

A sharp fire, having the property to apply such strange expressions.

It was followed by a scene of two forces tangled in spirits, fire and air,
eating each other. Quikantel exhaled the power of time by exhaling his
breath, stopping the guardian fire for a short time.

But there were too many fires.

It goes beyond the limits of Quikantel's power. Even if one fire stopped, the
other was suffocating the battlefield.

It was hard to believe even with my eyes. Even with such severe injuries,
the guardian showed a powerful force against the two dragons.

salve sara looncandel

The name people used to call her a thousand years ago.

Although long fighting and solitude did not allow one to exert all one's
strength, the name was also completely lost in history by Jipple.

The fire she had was still shining in this lonely space.

[Murakan, what are you doing?] This can't be the only strength you have.
Do you feel guilty about old times?]
Flames were mounting as soon as the candle passed. The power of Murakan
and Quikantel is being pushed back by the increasingly expanding flames.

[Or are you sympathizing with me!

[Not like that, Sarah.]

[Or what? If you decide to turn your back on Looncandel, do it right,


Sarah took a leap and bared evil.

The nettle! The blow sent Murakan hurriedly out the shield, and Quikantel
turned to bite her.

Sarah, using her flame as a prop, moved freely in the air and struck the

It looked as if the flames were spitting out. The dragons' claws and teeth
collided with the sword, creating a frowning roar, and the ground was
already exhausted by the shock wave that reached the ground.


A ray of epilepsy caused a crack in the flames and spirits.

a bolt from the blue

Sarah slowed down to look at the ground before her sudden brain battle.

[Myeongwang's power] Why is there someone who uses this force in the

[That's not a jiffle, that's a looncandel. Gene. He's the descendant of

Looncandel you've protected.]

[Jin? There's no one in Looncandel who uses that name.]

[Sara, a thousand years have already passed outside. This is Themeer's
grave, and we follow the arrangement of the Soldier...….]

[No matter how tired I am, you must think my mind is broken. It was only
two days ago that I and Padler came here under the command of the
patriarch. You'll see all those bodies, right? In the end, the jipple will
collapse. By us!]

Even though she was the guardian of the tomb, she did not realize that
Themeer had died.

The world of guardians was still staying a thousand years ago. It was
stopped in those heartbreaking years when he led the Looncandel horsemen
with Themer and raised Looncandel's name.

It was cruel.

All Jean and her colleagues can do for the guardian is to provide her with
rest as soon as possible.

The guardian went down to the ground and made eye contact with the Qin.

[Tell me your real name, boy of the Zipple.]

"The 12th Runkandel, Gene Looncandel."

[You lie to the end. Yeah, this is how your jeeps always do it. He's trying to
paint the world with lies. You must be coveting the name of Looncandel

"No matter what Lord Sarah thinks, my name does not change. I'm the new
contractor for Solderlet, the one who came here to inherit the will of the old

New spirits were enveloped on the blade of Sigmund's brain-drenched


The figure gave Sarah a twitch in her eye.


She could not accept Jean's use of spirit.

If Themere were alive, Solderlet would still only be giving him his

Only one instead. A way to use Young-ki, even if he is not a contractor of

Solderlet, came to mind.

[Witch, that's what he did.]

Helluram, that creepy, dreary monster. As Sarah knows, the witch Heluram
was the only one who could handle Young-ki without signing a contract
with Soldert.


Suddenly a fire spread all over Sarah.

Jean saw it and was ready to open the sword.

[This body will meet its end here today. One, you must get rid of it.]

When the guardian's whole body was on fire, Murakan freed his spirit to the
fullest and wrapped himself around his colleagues. Quikantel was also
roaring with his eyes shining.

Looncandel Magum Biggie

Sarah Looncandel

From Sarah the old Runkandel's Magum Beech was beginning.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 305

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:48 PM

Chapter 305: Episode 93. The Second Tomb (3) of Themeer.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"The Witch did this? What do you mean? You sound like a witch's power,
you can use your spirit even if you're not a contractor for Soldier.'

Heluram, the old owner of Shuri, whose name crossed my mind.

But it was not a situation where I could ask about him right away.

The fire began to soar with a broken sword. Red flames spread from point
to line and from line to face, quickly coloring the dim subspace.

Sarah's body could no longer see any signs of injury she had gained over
the past thousand years.

The open wound was caused by fire instead of spirit, and after a while the
whole body was covered with fire. Even hair, eyes, and fingernails became
a blazing fire itself.

The sword soon lost its shape as an iron rod and became the shape of a fire.

Salt, a name given in fear by those who have seen her like this.

[Hey, crazy!] Magum Beech, Uphwa? With that body?]

The Murakhan shouted.

Until just now, I felt dizzy at the sight of the wounded guardian, and my
heart felt broken whenever I heard of him as a traitor.

But now it's not just a feeling or heartache, it's a reality.

Murakan thought that the guardian would not be able to spread the sword

It is true that she had a martial art that was close to creation, but the injury
was so serious.

[Are you really going to kill us!]

[You're bragging, Murakan!] Or are you defying me for lack of betrayal? I

know you can't help yourself with this lukewarm fire.]

[Not that.]

[No] What do you mean no? A dirty traitor.]

I didn't betray you. I'm weak.

The answer to Murakan was not delivered to the guardian, buried in the
sound of the flames exploding. be well received Nothing would have
changed, by the way back.

It was not only the flesh that was damaged by the terrible years of the
thousand years and the battles that followed.

The mind was also fully enriched. She was in a situation where she could
not make a normal judgment, and at this moment of fighting with her party
she was constantly seeing and hearing things.

In an unwholesome spirit, she only blindly followed the mission imprinted

on her. Kill the threat to Looncandel.
In addition, there was one more mission for the camp, but it was so many
battles that the guardian forgot about it.

Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom!

If there was a fire that would burn the whole world, it would be this.

If it were Sarah in her prime, unharmed, it wouldn't have been just an


Her up-and-coming was less than 20 percent of what she did a thousand
years ago when she burned and killed the wizards of Gipple.

Due to her injury, she is unable to operate her mana and her brother,
Maniere, to the fullest extent, so-called "Maniere," her old phoenix.

Nevertheless, the work of the guardian was expanding its scope, erasing the
spirits of the freed Murakan.

Fire and spirit mingled, creating a grotesque and huge pattern in the sky of
the open space. The subspace was shaking as if it were about to collapse,
and the dragons could not even fly as they wanted because of the heat and


[I know, I'll try to stop it as much as I can, you catch the fire!]

Quicantel descended and shone silver eyes.

Pai yi! With a sharp resonant sound, a wave was released from Quikantel's

It was a wave of time.

Power used in dealing with Andrey Zipple and Pungryong Buretta in the
Reaching the netlike wave that is spreading at a rapid pace, anything was
bound to lose time.

Buretta had become completely stiff just by touching the edge of the wing.

But the Guardian's fires have only been eroded by the wave of time, but
have slowed progress has been delayed. Still throwing up terrible heat,
encroaching on space.

With Quikantel's power, it was impossible to stop the guardian completely.

It would be the same even if Olta, the god of time, descended directly.

Even the guardian goes beyond it.

There was a "bowing" wave that came to him by swinging a burning sword.
The vane wave lost its strength and disappeared somewhere, as if in a
broken string.

All the waves holding the fire cannot be so nullified, but that alone was
shocking enough.

with great strides

Clearing the waves, the guardian was approaching the camp. Hana's eyes
were fixed on Murakan, not Jin.

The guardian kept caring about the strength of the Murakan. Except for
him, he thinks there's no one to threaten him.

It would have been. If she and Murakhan were both in their perfect prime.

[Bystander, no. Aren't you a bystander now? Anyway, Quikantel, why don't
we get out of here? All you have to do is tarnish your god's reputation.]

Yuck! Quikantel clenched his teeth.

It was not because the guardian's words hurt his pride, but because he was
desperately using his power.
Nevertheless, the guardian was so easily offsetting Quicantel's powers.

Guardian, Sarah Looncandel. She was originally not the person Quicantel
dared to question her pride.

The guardian described his work as lukewarm.

It was her standard to the utmost. The fire was still raging at a considerable
distance, but the heat that was transmitted into the protective barrier was
enough to make the fluffy.

When Quikantel's power stopped, all his companions who could fight in
that fire were Murakan, Quikantel, and Qin, who unfolded the Ming
dynasty martial arts.

However, Jin is not fully recovered from his physical condition yet to open
the Ming Dynasty. If pushed too hard, it could cause permanent damage to
the photocardium.

Before Quikantel's power was exhausted, he had to make a winning move.

"Mr. Quikantel, how long can you hold out?"

[Five minutes.]

Quikantel replied shivering. It was shorter than expected.

Fortunately, it was not impossible to think straight.

'... ...the shield is melting down. Murakan and Quikantel are missing once,
but what a destructive power. When Quikantel's powers are gone, this side
can't get over to a moderate injury.'

Jean and Gillie, Kashmir, Alisa and Enya. Six people, including Jet, were
spreading the shield together.

They seemed to protect each other, but the shields of the fighters were not
efficient to protect others.

"Yes, Confucius... ...!”

"I have to rejoin the fray. When I'm out, you have to be in charge of the
biggest axis of the shield."

It was Jean who was in charge of the axis at present. Unlike other fighters,
Jin is spreading a protective shield by mixing Ore and mana, and the
achievement is the greatest, so it is natural.

The wizard Enya had to continue the role of Jin. Still, Enya is only a six-
star entry, but the efficiency of the shield to protect others was no match for
fellow fighters.

"Can you do it?”

"I'll try."

"Give me a clearer answer. If you can't, you have to consider other ways."

I wasn't trying to reprimand or pressure you. I just don't want to guarantee

the lives of my colleagues in uncertain numbers.

If the fighters were all wizards of a similar level, these worries would not
have been necessary.

After a while, Enya nodded with her eyes glaring.

"You can do it, Confucius. Instead, please keep your seat for about two
minutes. Until I had a new ceremony."

She was recalling an old memory.

It's going to be hard right now, but I'm sure I'll do one person's share. I don't
want to be the only one protected by you like today. So please don't tell me
I can be at ease.

I'm Allta's contractor, En. One day you'll be the most trusted sorcerer.

A conversation they had when they went together to wipe out the remnants
of the Dark Wizardry.

Jin also smiled, recalling the same memory.

Although she is not yet a wizard, she has also grown tremendously fast
during Jin's visit to Lafarosa. Enya's talent was extraordinary enough to
suggest a contract to the commoner.


Enya rose to the throne and released his shield.

Naturally, the burden on the rest of his colleagues increased, and Jin was
forced to increase his emission horsepower by going back and forth
between limits and counterflows.

Enya shook her eyes and began to drink.

Two minutes felt very long.

But Enya ruled the urgent mind well, and made the ceremony smooth
without falling into the backstream.

The magic she prepared, which Jean got at the end of the reserve rider.

a polar system

Chukon Tolderer's legacy, especially Chukon's magic essence, named

"Yonghwa Barrier."

From Enya's shoulder was a loon with the inscription of the Far East's

"Come on, Confucius Jean!"

When Enya raised her thumb while bleeding from her mouth, she suddenly
formed a shriveled membrane everywhere.

The Yonghwa Barrier, as its name suggests, was a magic designed by

Chukon to fight the dragon. It is a protective shield that prevents the breath
of a dragon.

Though not yet to reach the limit, Enya was using the power of Olta to fill
the lack of mana.

"Then I'll look after you."

Three minutes are left.

Jean moved her steps out of the shield. There was also a new magic in his

simultaneous mortuary service

One of the reasons why Jin is also a genius as a wizard. While she was in
charge of the shield to Enya's share, Qin prepared a magic trick along with
the first sword.

For those who use magic, it's like rat poison.

Yeokcheon, the legacy of Kidad Hall.

"Sarah has only about eight horsepower.'

Unhwa tore Murakan's spirit as if it were hanji, and even Quikantel's power
was reduced to a troublesome rope.

The actual mana was only about eight stars. It is possible to achieve this
power due to the power unique to the nine-star Auror and the Runkandel
Magistrate, in addition to the eight-star horsepower.

Sufficiently, it was the amount of horsepower the gin could throw into the
Of course I couldn't be sure.

"As a great figure, he may be able to withstand the power of the weight
lifting while maintaining his magic like that.'

So we prepared the sword together.

The other forms of the sword that were newly handed down by the
Tuwangs in Laparosa.

Among them, Jin chose two and seven.

Scissors, and shadow lessons.

'Even if you fall back in the current, there is only one chance. No matter
how badly Sarah was injured, it would be suicidal to engage in close-range
combat without the Ming and Wang military swords.'


The mana that left Jin's palm was forming a sphere in the station stream.

When the station was fully opened, the shadow of Jin standing under his
feet stood up, and he was laid with his master.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 306

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:46 PM

Chapter 306: Episode 93. The Second Tomb (4) of Themeer.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

One with the shadow.

The blackened body was dark and hazy, looking like a ghost, as if a pale
shadow were standing. When I put my hand on it, it felt like it was going to
slip through.

Stand tall!

The guardian stopped walking.

It was because of the energy of the station.

Defender if you're a normal mana reflux.

It would never have been able to induce a mana if it could only operate
five-star horsepower, not eight.

Hana Yeokcheon is a marijuana that shakes the common sense of wizards

about the reverse flow of mana even in modern times.

As a figure a thousand years ago, she had no choice but to feel even more
[... it a tie for the Gipple? You use great magic at a young age.]

The flaming eyebrows twitched. With considerable annoyance, the

guardian, who paused, could not take his eyes off the station stream.

Part of the mana that formed the flowering fire collapsed and formed a
band. The mana that became a belt slowly began to be absorbed into the
sphere of the station stream.

As new pressure was added following the power of time, the guardian
seemed to be unable to move hastily.

In the meantime, the power struggle with Murakan continued.

Young-ki and fire and two forces trying to seize space were pushing each
other fiercely from all sides.

But contrary to the situation, it was not Sarah who was overwhelmed, but
Jean and her colleagues. He is not even able to approach the guardian who
is standing still.

From a common sense point of view, the situation did not make sense. It
was mysterious even considering the unique power of the old Looncandel.

By simple comparison, Jean and her colleagues certainly had more power
than she did.

However, she was a pure blood Looncandel, a person whose existence itself
was nothing short of an abnormal phenomenon before the onslaught.

Among them, he was close to the strongest.

'Please, I hope you will be able to stay alert for a moment before the fight is
over, Ser Sarah.'

Jin's grip on the sword became firm.

Soon, black shadows escaped from Jean's body and wet the floor black.
It was one giant shadow. They split into several branches and glided near
the guardian at a rapid pace.

In an instant divided shadows surrounded the guardian.

Squirt, saak!

The guardian shot the sword of fire at the shadows reflexively.

It is impossible to physically strike a shadow. The shadows surrounding the

guardian were only briefly twisting, but continuing to color the floor.

Shadows Class 7 of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office

The seventh type, as its name implies, was designed to teach the opponent
in his own unique way.

If you can't handle shadows, you can't even imitate them no matter how
powerful they are.

The blurred body of Jean was shot forward.

In the eyes of those who have not reached the stage, they will also be
dazzled to face a camp rushing into a translucent, darkened body.

It was fast enough to look like a dark black shot, not a body.

Nevertheless, the guardian tried to make light of the surging camp.

By the time Jean began to move, the calculation had already been done to
the trajectory of the sword.

As soon as the distance was narrowed to just around the corner, two swords
drew lines.

The guardian's sword was faster. Apart from her total and injuries, the
swordsmanship she had achieved throughout her life still touched the realm
of early months.
A sword made of fire and shadow collided.

No, it looked like they bumped into each other. One guardian's black air
was cut open, and Qin disappeared completely from her sight.

Instead, the guardian had to face the signpost coming from behind out of
nowhere. The black-colored signature was falling on the back of the

It was colleagues who were astonished at the appearance.

"Dear Jean..." Did you teleport?'


That's what my colleagues had to think. Jin, who rushed head-on, suddenly
wielded a sword behind the guardian.

It wasn't very wrong.

The sudden disappearance of Qin from the air was due to the five shadows
surrounding the guardian.

The shadows were a kind of 'door'. The gate is where Jin, who has
conducted a seven-type shadow class, can freely come and go.

At the moment of the clash, Jin hid himself in the shadow placed in front of
the guardian, and then came out to the shadow placed in the rear and
wielded the sword.

'Lecture,' an unpredictable and powerful attack.

It was a trick that only those who could be shadows themselves could


The sword of Qin brushed against the back of the guardian.

To be exact, she brushed against the end of the fire that was covering her
like leather.

It was a teenage knight.

Even when the power of time is bound by fire, fighting power with
Murakhan, and mana is forced to sway in the hot springs.

I didn't expect to be able to cut at a single blow.

[Yes, there was something like this in the sword. It's unpleasant to use a
sword from a family.]

Jean no longer replied that she was not a jipple.

He judged that he had no choice but to talk with a sword, not a mouth, with
an old hero whose mind was broken.

'Unlike Lord Shilderay, there is a problem, but Lord Sarah is also Solderlet's
mistress anyway. If the conditions of the victory are met, the same thing
will happen as the first tomb.'

And every kind of test left by Solderlet was eventually sharing the same

Willingness. The sublime value of being unmanned, perhaps as a human.

Demonstrating that would open the way forward.

When he first awakened the sword, he did so in the Great Barrier of Mitra,
and in the first tomb. There was no reason for this to be different.

In five directions, the sword of the camp and the guardian was interlocked.
With no body-spinning motion at all, Qin was free to move freely through
five shadows, while the guardian had to frantically strike the sign.

But the guardian's eyes were as firm as a rock, only seemingly urgent.

As the battle gets faster.

The swords of the two men became more and more simple forms. It was not
a flamboyance, but a battle of depth in simplicity.

Which sword is deeper?

He was, of course, a guardian. Scene, experience, proficiency, unity. Except

for the one inherent element of talent, Qin's swordsmanship was in every
way below her.

[Sad, boy. Looncandel would have been a hero to save the world.]

The five shadows surrounding the guardian were unfolding little by little.

It was proof that Jean was losing ground.

It was only lamentable that his colleagues could not get in the fight while
clearly watching the scene.

The power of Quikantel's time was slowly reaching its limit. Quikantel's
time to hold on to the up-and-downs is now one minute at the most, and
even that was not the same as the first time.

Murakhan's side was no different. The weaker the binding force of time, the
stronger the business, which meant a change in the tense power struggle.

Jean swung the sword silently.

Unlike his thirsty colleagues, Jean was calmly waiting for her time.
Watching how the magic of the up-and-downs is flowing again.

'As the bondage of time has weakened, it has begun to show great power
again, but......the mana forming the karma does not have as much density as
it used to.'

The flow of mana played by the guardian has changed.

Needless to say, the reason was reverse.

'It would have been possible if he had been in the best physical condition.
To keep the uptrend intact while controlling the mana reflux caused by the
reverse stream.'

Not now.

No other colleagues noticed that the density of the industry had decreased.
Looncandel's old Magum Bigi, which had begun to rise again, was nervous
about when it would explode again.

But Jean's eyes could not be fooled.

Jean's eyes as a wizard.

In that eye, the unstable state of the industry was clearly visible.

"In fact, the commercialization had already collapsed the moment the
reverse began. I'm holding on to it by force, but soon the reverse will begin.'

Because the guardian was fighting so finely, other colleagues didn't think
she would soon fall into the backstream.

Of course, just because the reflux starts doesn't mean that Sarah's martial
arts suddenly fall. She was sure to pick up her mana and carry on the blitz
casually before the reflux intensified.

It was just one moment.

To create a gap in her due to the reverse flow of mana.

'The moment Sir Sarah becomes dull to correct the reverse flow, it is highly
likely that there will be no next chance if she misses that time.'

Kang, Kagak, Chang...…!

The shadows derived from the seventh type of the sword were now almost
twice as large as the first. It was the result of Jin's retreat from the guardian.

Just as guardians are dealing with several people at the same time.
Jin was looking at various phenomena that began with the guardian at once.

Throw away the sword, check the flow and density of the mana, watch out
for the path of the up-and-down, calculate the moment she falls into the

It's only 20 seconds away that the time limit is maintained.

And Jean finished the calculation.

'In five seconds.'

The backflow of the guardian will begin.


Three... ...


The guardian suddenly threw up a chunk of black spirit. Jean's calculations

are exactly right.

After facing each other, Jin took the step forward for the first step forward.

With a real trick prepared, hidden under the guise of shadow lessons.

Si Ik!

The dark blade fell to the guardian's heart.

It was the first crisis she had ever experienced, during hundreds of brawls.

However, the guardian showed a powerful reaction to Jin's sword even

while controlling the reverse flow. The flame-colored sword was lifted and
the signature was struck.

Jean's gambler seemed to have failed.

If only the sword had struck the guardian, it would have been a failure.


The guardian stepped back and distanced himself from the camp.

There was a black twisting blade stuck in her chest. There was a gush of
smoke through the crack.

Sarah was expecting that the moment she fell into the mana backflow, Jean
would take the fight.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for her to strike the final blow
with just her reaction.

[Haha... ...has been taken, this body.]

a four-piece scissors

A real trick prepared by Jin. The only thing Sarah didn't expect was that.
The moment she struck Sigmund, the blade of the scissors went through her

The guardian felt his vision dimmed.

Soon, I had a hunch that my mission as a bitter and lonely guardian would
be over.

He was also realizing what mistakes he had been making so far.

But the fight with the boy in front of them, the descendants they kept from
the Zipple, was not over.

[What are you doing? Come on, Jean Looncandel.]

Let the guardian say so.

Jean strode up to her and struck a sword.

"Glory, Ser Sarah Looncandel."


Once again the sign passed through her breast.

She fell on one knee, and was smiling.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 307

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:45 PM

Chapter 307: Episode 93. The Second Tomb of Themeer (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I pulled out the sword.

The creepy sense of bones and organs being caught on the blade of a knife
was conveyed through the fingertips.

When the guardian fell, the flames of the fire, which had been burning
everywhere, began to dissipate rapidly.

The many fires were disappearing as if they were all lies. Small, warm
small embers were seen flying like pollen.

The flames surrounding the body of the guardian also disappeared.

Smoke flowed from the body stained with a terrible wound. Breathing was
very hard, but soon calmed down as if to accept the end.


Murakan quickly landed on the ground and turned into a human.

In Murakan's mind Sarah was still a long-time friend and comrade, though
she was forced to fight until just now.
Though not Sarah, but a guardian modeled after her. Surely the guardian
was mixed with the soul of Sarah Looncandel.

It was very cruel for Murakan to watch the end of such a guardian. Even if
it was a battle he fought with his camp and colleagues to give peace to the

Quikantel also took a seat next to Murakan, transforming himself into a

human being. She looked confused with a broken lower lip.


"Yes, it's me. It's Murakhan. God damn it, is the opposite sex back now?
After this?”

a voice quivering with passion Murakan leaned down and took the
guardian's hand. It was so cold that I couldn't believe the hand of a man
who handled such a great fire with a broken body.

[Your new contractor and solderlet...]….]

At that point the guardian paused.

It was because the expression "new contractor" reminded me of what I had

forgotten. Themeer died, and the glorious old Looncandel disappeared in

Murakan came to him late now, and the only people who kept the end of the
long fight were the Runkandel Maggots, as well as Eun-ryong, who was
bystander, and all the strange faces.

[......fortunately, you had the strength to defeat me.]

Sarah, what the hell is going on?

What was the end of the theme a thousand years ago? Why did Solderet
make you a guardian of the tomb of Neohill, and what is the Jipple trying to
get by searching his grave?
Why did Solderlet leave a story for you, not me or Missha? At the time,
what were the things I didn't know and why...….

Murakhan could not possibly ask Sarah such things.

It was because he thought he was unqualified. Whatever the reason, the

guilt of not being with his colleagues in those days to the end was stabbing
deep within him.

Above all, Murakan was no longer the guardian dragon of Themeer. The
old Looncandel was no longer his.

It was also Jin's job to learn the truth according to the arrangement of

The role given to Murakan today was to support Jin as a guardian dragon.

"In the meantime... ...alone, you've had a hard time. I'm sorry."

I thought I'd hear a sharp answer, as in Shilderay.

But the guardian answered, staring directly at Murakan.

You must have suffered as much as we suffered, and there is nothing to be

sorry about.

Murakan held Sarah's hand tightly without answering.

[Quickantel, by the way, it's a surprise that you came here. You and your
God decided to remain neutral. Have you changed your mind?]

Even though he returned to his senses, the sense of betrayal he had for
Quikantel remained the same.

"Just as you, Looncandel, take Temer's orders absolutely, I, too, cannot

oppose Olta's will."

[Yes, you couldn't help it because you were a dragon. It's not that I don't
understand. But, Gaza, don't forget that my brother was someone who could
risk his life for you at any time.]

Jean's eyes widened at the word "orabunny."

Sarah Looncandel, she was the brother of Themeer.

[Please don't let your high-flying god sit on the sidelines in the fight that
he's going to have to go through.]

Quikantel also could not answer anything like Murakan.

But apart from the sense of betrayal, Sarah wasn't really hating or loathing

[Still, thanks for one thing. Thanks to you, I was able to escape the right to
kill Murakhan and that child with my own hands.]

As he said, without Quikantel's power, Qin would not have been able to cut
off the guardian.

The guardian made eye contact with the gin.

[Gin Looncandel.]

"Yes, Lord Sarah."

[Truely, it's been a long time since I've lost. Tired of the old fighting that
lasted so long, I showed you a bad appearance.]

"You've been here alone for a thousand years, so it wasn't so bad."

The white bones of the old wizards that filled the subspace were no longer
visible. When the fire broke out, it all became ashes and disappeared.

Colleagues who were putting up protective shields in the back approached


They didn't have any memories with Sarah like Murakhan or Quikantel, nor
did they have any kind of debt as descendants like Qin.
Nevertheless, I couldn't feel bad for Sarah, who was trying to kill them.

It was because I knew what time she had endured without hearing any

Also, colleagues were feeling helpless.

In order to fight with Jean, it occurred to me that I should not live as

complacent as before.

[Thank you for thinking that way. Qin, my distant descendant.]


[What about Looncandel now?]

"It's nothing compared to the days I haven't been through."

[Jipple will still control the world as it pleadingly.]

Jean nodded.

The guardian was feeling the chill of death because of the spirit of
continuing to escape.

The sound of the wind came from his trembling lips.

[We've put a big burden on you.]

"To be a contractor of solderlet and to be handed down the will of our

ancestors has always been an opportunity rather than a burden. So you don't
have to think like that."

It really was.

Compared to the miserable life I had before my return, this life was nothing
short of a blessing.

Nor did Qin inherit the will of the old Looncandel.

He's just pioneering the new life he's been given to him.

[He's got a knack for saying nice things. Come, come closer.]

The guardian could not see straight the camp, which was just around the
corner. He's completely blind.

Gilly patted Murakan's shoulder looking at him from the back, and Enya
held Quikantel's hand.

[From now on, the teenage knight Sarah Looncandel, the guardian of the
tomb of Temer Looncandel, will be handed down to Jean Looncandel what
I have.]

Jean bowed her head.

Then, the guardian's entire body was suddenly exposed to the lun letters that
had never been seen before.

'Lun Text......?'

There was a light on the spot where the missing arm was supposed to be,
and on the chest with a hole.

The rune letters contained the Magum Beech of Looncandel, which Sarah
Looncandel had accomplished throughout her life.

"Sarah Looncandel, Umbrella"

It was not the arrangement of the Soldier, but the legacy of the guardian's
full will.

As the soul came out, the rune letters from Sarah's body seeped into Qin.
Every time the letters were engraved, the memories Sarah had gained from
making an up-hwa were sent to Jin.

Like the unique method of transmitting memories of the Ming Dynasty

shown by Boras, the king of O2 in the past, or the traditional magic of the
I was hoping to find a suitable man to use this sword. One small wish fits.]

Unlike the words of the guardian's run, which had been engraved on his
body so far, he was not usually seen. It only shines when the fire is out.

"'re giving me an unexpected big gift.”

[Will you only give me the consolation you have given me? I am now at
rest thanks to you.]

Sarah's body was disintegrating into particles of spirit. Young-gi, who was
flowing instead of blood, slowly began to wind around Jin's body as fine
powder flew into the sky.

As in Shilderay, Jin was about to enter another subspace containing an old


"Do you have anything to say, Ser Sarah?"

[I hope everyone's not too tired.]

Not ' ' but everyone.

Murakan and Quikantel flinched at the words and clenched their teeth.

I hoped she'd rather resent her for coming so late.

But on her way out, instead of leaving such vicious words.

It left a brief reminder of the lonely fight that lasted a thousand years.

[Finally...... I can go to my brother and colleagues.]

Soon the body of the guardian was completely transformed into a particle of

As Chin and her colleagues paid a brief silent tribute for her, Young-ki
swirled softly, creating a small noise.
"I'm going to disappear into another subspace for a while. Don't panic and
wait, everyone."

It's... it's... it's.

Like then, a distant voice came from somewhere.

......stop... it, do it......Dell.

...... do ...... do it, sa...….

I can't hear well, but the voice belonged to someone Jean knew better than
anyone else.

It's the voice of Murakan.…!'

Other colleagues could not hear the voice.

He turned his head and looked at Murakhan, but he, too, seemed unable to
hear his old voice.

It only sounds to Jean.

In the midst of a voice echoing, the swirling spirit completely enveloped the

Soon after, Young-ki's particles disappeared, his colleagues were forced to

stare vaguely at where Jean and Sarah had been.

Chin, who opened his eyes again, faced the empty darkness all over, like the
first grave.

subspace in subspace

Unlike the first tomb, however, this space was not fully preserved at a

Between the darkness was filled with hideous cracks, and the entire
subspace was shaking as if an earthquake had occurred.
Also, the ominous noise caused by the collapse of space was constantly
scratching the eardrum.

As Sarah was injured in a long fight, this subspace she had was also

Jean took a walk intuitively, understanding the fact.

In the direction of the voice, it was to find the side with the recording
device left by Solderlet.

A moment later a huge grayish sphere came into view.

As closer to the sphere, Murakan's voice, which had been blurred, was
becoming clear.

We have to stop him...….

We have to stop him, Sarah Looncandel.

One scene from a thousand years ago that the sphere was showing was
Murakan and Sarah talking.

The two men were covered in blood as if they had just finished their battle,
and their clothes and armor were torn apart.

Sarah glared at Murakhan.

What do you mean you have to stop? You're not going to kill her, are you
going to kill her? Your guy, he's telling me to give up the family...…?

Murakan did not answer the words, only touching his forehead as if
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 308

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:43 PM

Chapter 308: Episode 94. Buy the Sculpture of the Past (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

What are you talking about?…?'

In the video clip shown by the sphere, Murakan was saying what Jean
would never say.

There was a silence.

Sarah's eyes, glaring at Murakhan, were shaking. Soon there was a wistful
blush in her eyes, and Murakhan still had an expressionless face.

You have to give up your family......Yes, I've heard you say that. I heard it
from the Magistrates in the executive branch. Padler said the same thing.


Sarah went on to throw up a black blood clot.

I thought there was some misunderstanding. 'Cause they don't know you
better than I do, or. Everyone was so tired of the fight that they thought they
were just talking nonsense...….
Sarah approached Murakhan and grabbed him by the collar.

By the way, I hear it myself. You know, your guy's telling me to kill a
housekeeper. Are you serious? We have to get rid of the housekeeper? Your
man is the guardian of Gaza!


Answer me, Murakan.

......look around you.

Sarah turned her head to the horse.

There were corpses everywhere. It was a sign of the two men's blood
struggle just now. The fallen remains were filled with black sword and
jipple dragon patterns symbolizing the Runkandel.

More than 50 percent of the dead wizards were killed by Temer. If he and
we hadn't come, the war would have been difficult. Maybe this battle went
back to Zipple's victory.

What do you want to say?

I arrived at the battlefield earlier than you. It means that unlike you, you
watched Themer fight. It's not just the wizards of the Jipple that he killed.

Don't tell me, the housekeeper killed our knights...…?

Murakhan nodded slowly.

Sarah, who was holding him by the collar, loosened her hand. Then he
looked around again to check the status of the dead.

He looked closely at the wound and cut surface. Soon she'll have some of
our fallen soldiers.

No, I was able to realize that most of them were hit by the Temer's Sword.
The man who was struck by his sword had no choice but to leave a trace.
Sarah, he's going crazy. The theme is... ...not the person we knew anymore.

After a long silence, said Murakan.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.….

Don't turn away. You also knew it already.


How long do you think you can fool yourself? You don't want to face the
truth. Because I was, too. But you've also confirmed that Temer was
slashing our allies in the last battle. I tried to cut down Padler, but I caught
him in a flash, and it was an attempt.

Gaju is also a person. That day was just a momentary lapse from a series of
fierce fights.

Are you going to keep turning away from the dead knights?

Sarah shook her head.

There must have been some reason for the housekeeper to kill them.
Murakan! What if we don't believe in her?

I know better than anyone that it's hard to accept. But you have to see the
truth. For the sake of him.

The truth is!

Sarah screamed. They sounded like they were possessed by evil, but they
were crying.

The truth is, Gaza is still the man we know. Murakan, there must be a
reason why Themeer killed them.

It must have been the knights who became puppets under the spell of Jipple.
You know how they manipulate the human mind. You have to trust your

Do you really think so?

Maybe, it was a spy. Obviously, it must have been a spy. So the Temer
himself killed...….


Murakhan slapped Sarah in the face.

Sarah's blank eyes, lost in focus, stared into space.

Don't blaspheme the dead knights. Those who died fighting for Looncandel,
for Themeer, and for you and the other Siksols, to prevent the world from
flowing at the will of the Zipple. You, a teenager, can't blame them!

Sarah's eyes are wet.

Tears streamed down in a stream. She was regretting what she had said, but
she couldn't pick up what she had already said.

The floundering, sinking Sarah hugged the corpses of our troops on the
floor. He seemed unable to do anything about his confused mind.

Murakan looked down at Sarah for a long time, and gave her a still hug.

What in the world made Gju like that' You're... ...I know. Right? What's
driving the housekeeper crazy? Tell me.

A lot of noise!

It's very...!

The gray sphere that was displaying the video was distorted. At the same
time, the screen became blurred. Repeated sharpness.
Because of this, I couldn't see the two of them in person, and the sound
began to be poor.

"You're doing this again...….”

What you've experienced once in your first grave.

It wasn't unexpected. He thought there must be a problem with the

recording device because the space was destroyed.

I had no choice but to wait until the sphere was fine again.

'And the spirit beads from the first tomb, and the recorders placed in the
tomb. It doesn't feel all intact.'

Seeing the recorders felt like touching a broken clock of spring.

Even if they show what happened a thousand years ago, the device keeps
falling apart at important moments.

'According to the record, Murakan thought Themeer was crazy and tried to
kill him. That's why Lord Silderey seemed to hate Murakhan.'

I thought I'd have to meet Missha soon. She'd know something about the


The image of the gray sphere has been cleaned again.

However, this time again, the timing changed, as it did in the first tomb.

Murakan and Sarah were now not in any battlefield full of Looncandel and
Zipple's bodies, but in a desolate landscape full of mana.

Black Sea.

I could recognize it as soon as I saw it. There was only one black sea in the
world that looked so dark and desolate.
But there was one strange part.

What tower in the Black Sea...…?'

The Black Sea was clear, but I could see a tower standing far away from
where Murakhan and Sarah and one Jin did not know stood together. It was
a tower that did not exist in the current Black Sea.

There really is a tower......that the housekeeper is in there.

said the man. Murakan and Sarah called him Padler.

The three looked at the distant tower and remained silent for a long time.
From the top of the tower was a constant flash of black smoke, none other
than the spirit.

The atmosphere was not auspicious at first glance. The rising spirit from the
tower seemed somehow to harbor a vicious spirit.


Padler sighed deeply.

Murakan, is that all you have to do?

When Murakan didn't answer, Padler went on.

Honestly, I'm not confident.

The theme has weakened. I can handle it on my own. I just called Neohill...

I mean, I don't know if this is the right thing to do. Isn't it too harsh to have
to kill the housekeeper with our hands? Come on, for us.

Don't hesitate here, Padler. You think I want to kill him? I can't put it into
words, this miserable feeling. I'm suffering, too.

There was blood in Murakan's eyes looking back at Padler.

Having lived for more than two thousand years, there has never been a
worse day than today. Can you imagine? What it's like to kill a contractor as
a guardian dragon. I can't even kill myself just because I'm as painful as you
guys are. If I could, I'd kill him and then I'

Murakan stopped talking and clenched his teeth.

The ground in the Black Sea where they stood was vibrating. The dark
energy flowing from the tower is weighing on the area.

I couldn't see a mare. Like beasts instinctively hiding themselves from

disaster, the demons had all fled somewhere.

Murakan. Keep this in mind.

Sarah said. Murakhan did not turn his head toward her.

If you were in the same situation, you'd go, no. My brother... I'd never give
you up.

I know.

Pretending to be for your brother, but you too, your congregation. In the
end, they'll make the best choice for themselves. Goddamn it, we have to
follow that choice.

Sarah began to move her steps.

Then the two followed behind. Their footprints were left on the dark ground
of the Black Sea.

As the tower approached, the scenery of the Black Sea became darker. The
spirit from the tower possessed more terrible venom than anything in the
Black Sea.

When they got near the entrance, all three had to spread their shields with
all their might. Murakan turned into his true self and liberated his spirit.
Inside was a huge cavity. There was a spiral staircase in the middle, and the
party did not talk a word while climbing it.

Soon we will reach the top of the tower.

The party could face the Temer standing in the middle.

Like a plague, Temer's whole body was filled with black spots. He didn't
budge at the sight of the party coming.

My brother.

Themeer said nothing.

We're... ...I'm here, brother. Why are you alone in this lonely place?

Sarah was hopeful that Themer would not react much.

Maybe my dear brother wasn't crazy, maybe I could turn everything back


Sarah opened her eyes wide and nodded.

Yeah, it's me. Sarah, do you recognize me? Yes?

[Come... ...close...]...Wow. It's cold, isn't it?….]

The moment Sarah tries to approach Themeer with a big smile.

Murakhan grabbed her shoulder.

Stay away from me.

Let go.

You'll be attacked if you keep your distance.

Let go.

Damn it, Sarah. Please listen to me. Look at the swirling spirits near
Themeer! You can't see anything sticking out like a blade? I've formed it to
stab you, Sarah.

Padler shut his eyes tightly.

He had been aware of the memory of the spirit he had formed since he first
saw Themeer.

That's why I had to admit it.

That the housekeeper is crazy.

The theme that Padler knew was someone who wouldn't fight back even if
his only brother stabbed him from behind.

But now he's trying to dazzle Sarah to death.


Padler pulled out the sword. The blade of a brain-stained blade came out of
the search and lit its surroundings.

Teenage Knight Padler Looncandel. I have received the name of

Looncandel from my lord and have enjoyed infinite glory so far. From now
on, I will apologize even to my death for attacking the housekeeper.

Then, a grotesque smile spread around Themeer's mouth.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 309

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:41 PM

Chapter 309: Episode 94. Sarah the Sculpture of the Past (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

[Unfortunately...] ...there we go.]

The eyes of Themeer were black with spirit.

At the sight, Sarah was also forced to make up her mind. I have to cut off
my brother.

The blade of the fire escaped the sword.

There was a firm fighting spirit in Sarah's eyes. Now that I've decided to cut
myself, I want to let you go as painlessly as possible.

Painful of grief was the next thing to do.

The blade was fired from the shaking spirit behind Themeer's back. When
Sarah and Padler swung the sword and struck it out, a sword formed in the
hands of Themeer.

It is shaped exactly like a barissada, but it was a fake made with spirit, not

The sword-wielding Temer was also not the man the party knew. It's just a
monster that even loved ones don't recognize.
The dark blade of the Temer spilled the golden sword.

Each and every one of them has an enormous power, but it was an
unparalleled sword compared to the "real theme."


When Murakan spread his wings, the terrible spirit of Themeer, who filled
the tower, stopped moving at once.

Like a beast hardened against a giant predator.

Dealing with the crazy Temer is Murakan, who had a perfect heyday a
thousand years ago.

Even when Themeer was intact, many people said that the power of the two
was neck and neck. A reasonless theme can't be a match for Murakan.

Besides, there was Sarah and Padler.

Flame and epilepsy, the mana of two properties, mixed with oreo, were
turning black. The colorful blackness stretched out as if to tear the entire
tower apart.

Murakan bound the Temer with Young Gi, followed by Sarah and Padler
digging in both directions and pressuring the Temer.

Quagagag, kuck, kik...…!

Each one's energy was mingling with iron. They were all shocked to see the
Temer barely backing away and striking the swords of the two men.

It wasn't just this much. The power of the giant Temer Looncandel.

[Sorry, Temer.]

As if it was the last time, Murakan gathered the freed spirits. The spirits of
all sides swept over the Murakan like waves.
At the same time, the entire sky of the Black Sea spread over the tower was
filled with spirit.

Far away, the map of the sky over there has become the territory of

Even the venom of the Black Sea, which was pouring from the sky, was
disappearing under its spirit.

King of heaven, it was a force worthy of the name that people in those days
called Murakhan.

[Sara, Padler. I'm going to have to end it now.]

But the moment Murakan finished speaking.

Just in front of Themeer, a steel gate was opened. What popped out of it,
was a man in a hazy shape.

A brilliant radiance was flowing from his cloudy body.

With his sudden appearance Sarah and Padler stepped back and took
precautions, and Murakhan stopped the attack.

[Fate is sometimes so mean...]...your God. Isn't that right?]

[......your man, how did you know this place and you jumped out?]

[There's not much I don't know in a known, or a world that hasn't been
erased or corrupted. You know?]

He seemed to know Murakhan. Sarah and Padler didn't seem to know him

[Temar. You all want to save this poor friend, right?]

He said, putting his hand on Themeer's shoulder. Temer stood still, not
hostile to him, with the aftermath of being weighed down by Murakan's
spirit, gasping for breath as if great.
Sarah and Padler's eyes shook.

[What a piece of shit.]

Murakan staring at him.

[Manipulation] "As a lucky man whose well-being is too good to be

weighed down, he only wants to do good to the poor orphans."

[Fuck it and get the hell out of it. Before I kill you, too.

As Murakan's life turned to him.

Sarah and Padler shook their heads in the way of Murakan.

With a desperate look to listen to the story.

There seemed to be faith. The belief that he could somehow undo the crazy

[Don't be so sharp, listen to my suggestion. My old friend. This body has a

good future for everyone.]

Chiuijik! PSS...…!

The grey sphere was distorted once again.

The video did not look like it would come back. As was the case with the
first tomb, the sphere has been crumbling since a single point of view

But Jean had no time to feel irritated by the suddenly cut-off video. It was
because his heart was pounding in the shock of seeing "he" at the end.

He was the man whom Jean had encountered in person only once.

"The head of the Kinselo...…!'

It was definitely him. A dim body, a flash of light, a tone, a voice, and a
steel door.

Even saying Murakhan 'as if he knew' was the same. You seem to know
quite well.

But unlike the day we encountered in the old Oterium, Murakan also acted
as if he had met him in the video.

'What the hell? If Murakhan knew him, why would he pretend not to know
back then?'

Up to there, Jean had to straighten her mind.

'No, you wouldn't have pretended you didn't know. The present Murakhan
really doesn't know who he is.'

There is a problem with Murakan's memory.

a conclusion that can be easily reached

Suddenly, at the end of the preliminary jockey, I remembered what I heard

at the Oterium.

[It was me who stopped the friend when Temar tried to kill you in a storm.
Murakan. You don't remember me?]

How dare you sell someone's name? You look like a nigga, but the theme
can't have matched yours. Besides, there's a lot of traffic, so you must have
heard something from somewhere? The explosion that day...….

[You want to say it wasn't you, it was the Temer?] Aside from not
recognizing me, you remember the fight of the day as the responsibility of
Themeer. I can't imagine how unfair the dead friend would be to know this.]

......pull up the name of Themeer one more time. I'll kill you right now, and
I'll send all the Kinselon or whatever to hell.
It's impossible for you in your prime. More than that, I'm so curious. Did
you really have a memory problem? Do you really think that Themeer, not
you, was driving too hard?]

You hasten death.

[Or did you reconstruct the memory to your advantage?]]

Shut up...!

The conversation between the head of Kinselo and Murakan.

Ever since I heard the conversation, I've been curious. What the hell
happened between Murakan and Themeer a thousand years ago.

And if there really was a past between the head of Kinselo and Murakan,
what was it?

I was confused in my head.

'Although the video was suddenly cut off, it is highly likely that the theme
did not die in the tower.'

The idea was based on Sarah and Padler's reaction to the appearance of the
leader, but another reason was this.

The theme in the video did not have the power to stab and destroy
Murakan's heart.

Even without Sarah and Padler, Murah Khan had been destroyed enough to
crush him.

Such a theme could not have left Murakan in his prime in a thousand years
of long sleep.

Only for a short peek, Jean immediately recognized how monstrous the
spirit Murakan showed in the video.
"If you look at the situation in the video, unlike what the head of Kinselo
said, the runaway side is not Murakan, but the theme." But after that, I don't
know how things have changed. I can't check it properly because the video
was cut off.'

It was frustrating.

If the recording device had not been damaged, it would have been possible
to observe the subsequent occult.

The same was true of Shilderay.

When I inferred the empty past, which was omitted whenever the timing
changed, I felt my mind was in a muddle.

Missha knows that, right? I'm sure there's a way to get this recording device
back......wait. Recording, recording, recording...….'


Several words and names came to Jin's mind.

Record magic.

The Hister's recording magic. And, Valeria Heister, the teacher of previous

She would still be wandering around the world to restore the old sorceresses
that Hister had lost.

Why did you just come up with your teacher's name? If you're a teacher,
you might know something about the recording device left by Soldert!'

The recording magic was the unique magic of the Heaster. Although it was
confirmed that the Ming and the Soldier also used similar devices, they
were not enough to follow the Hister's.

Record magic was also the biggest cause of Zipple's thorough destruction of
Histerga. For those who wanted to control history at will, nothing was more
of an eye-catching than the record magic Hister had.

But how?

How to find Valeria Heister, her old teacher.

That was the problem. I wanted to see her a few times after my return, but I
was waiting for the right time for many complicated reasons.

One of the complex reasons was justification.

Now that you've become a jockey, it won't be too hard to find Valeria by
placing her on the wanted list. Or it's possible to give orders to the Seven

Jean had got through all the hiding places used by Valeria and the usual
places she frequented. Even the various aliases she uses.

However, when I visited her and had my own reunion, Jean was only a
stranger to Valeria. who came to see him for obscure reasons

Though they shared a deep connection in their previous lives, they were
perfect strangers in their present lives.

'... ...Misha once told you the pseudonym of a teacher named Aria Outhart,
so you can meet it in the name of it. But I might make a big difference in
my teacher's life.'

If you are the child chosen by the Shadow, Aria is the child chosen by
history. If you ever meet him, encourage him. From a large perspective, it's
your ally.

When Missha first visited Tikan, what she said just before she left.

At that time, Missha seemed to be careful about talking about her teacher.

'Now that my identity has been revealed, my teacher can also be a target of
my enemies if I contact her carelessly. You have to think carefully. First,
we'd better meet Missha and ask her opinion.'
Not yet strong enough to protect Valeria. That's why Jean wanted to be
more careful about meeting her.


While organizing his thoughts, the subspace began to collapse at a rapid


When I came outside, I saw my colleagues standing on the giant shellfish

that had opened. The next thing that caught my eye was two things.

Sarah's broken sword and new spirit beads.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 310

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:40 PM

Chapter 310: Episode 94. Sarah (3) the Sculpture of the Past
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


"Are you all right, Master?"

Colleagues approached Jean's side.

Jean gave a bitter smile as she handed over the broken sword and spirit
beads to Jet.

"Yes, it's all right."


Young-gi gathered on the palm of Jean. The dark spirit soon became a
flower of harmony. Colleagues bowed their heads as Jean laid it down on
the floor.

A mourning for Sarah. Murakhan and Quikantel had a hard-pressed

temperament to stifling mind.

'Rest in peace, Ser Sarah.'

Olmango was still standing on the sea waiting for his party.
Olmango powerfully built the intangible staircase, and the party again
followed him back the way it had walked.

[Yes, who was the friend inside? Jean Looncandel.]

On arriving at the beach, Olmango asked.

"Sarah Looncandel."

[Sara, Sarah Looncandel...]….]

Olmango has repeated the name several times.

But even after a long time, Olmango couldn't recall her memory.

[Something I miss and feel sorry for, but I don't remember Sarah
Looncandel strangely enough...]...because the Zipple erased her from

"Are you sure you knew Sarah? The God of the Clams."

Olmango nodded at Murakan's question.

[Yes, we knew each other. Otherwise, it wouldn't hurt so much.]

"If, by the way, Jipple had wiped him out of history completely. Shouldn't it
not remain in Murakan and Quikantel's memory?"

Alisa said.

[Gipple's ability to manipulate history is not perfect. If their fabrication of

history had been perfect, I and you would not have met. With my power, it
would have been impossible to hide the second tomb of Temer again.]

Murakan and Quikantel nodded.

"That guy is right. It's always happened, but there's a limit. So the fact that
Looncandel was also a family of horsemen was erased and kept alive."
Other than that, Chen Mei's magic book remained in the world, and Shouge
Hyster's Wizard and Valeria were still alive for the same reason.

"But even if it's incomplete......I too, it was hard for me to think of Sidderay
and Sarah until I met the guardians of the grave. It means my memory is
also somewhat affected by their magic."

"Oh, this jet is hard to understand quickly. Erasing history, is that really
magic possible? What kind of god is that?….”

"It's a huge and dangerous force that humans shouldn't have. We have to
fight those who have that kind of power."

There was a momentary silence at Quikantel's explanation.

a bystander

Sarah called her that, but now Quikantel was fighting for Jean, unlike a
thousand years ago.

That meant her god, "Olta," was not refusing to be involved in Jean's fight.

I didn't get a full explanation.

Everyone understood the guilt Quikantel had on Sarah. As a guardian

dragon, she could not have a 'complete free will' like a human being.

He had to follow God's choice no matter how much he hated it, and he
could always make blind sacrifices for the sake of the contractor.

That was the guardian dragon.

'......but Murakhan tried to kill Themeer.'

I couldn't imagine how painful it must have been for Murakhan.


"So what did you see on the record this time? Tell me about it.”

Then Jean looked at Olmango and his colleagues once.

It was an act of thinking of Murakan.

"......everyone, please excuse us for a moment."

When Olmango and his colleagues were about to leave without a word,
Murakhan waved his hand.

"Those here are all your colleagues, kid. You must have seen something bad
about me, but you don't have to hide it. Tell me everything you saw as it is.”

[Hmm...] Do you want me out?]

When Olmango glanced at him, Murakhan tapped him on the shoulder and

"You can just listen. I'm sorry that Soldier didn't leave a word for me, but I
guess you were close with my old colleagues anyway. I've hidden his
second grave well."

Jean nodded.

"What I've seen is what you were trying to kill Themeer."

All my colleagues opened their mouths at the remark without me knowing

it. Murakan and Quikantel were calm reactions.

When Jin began to explain the video in detail, his colleagues' expressions
changed from time to time in interesting and sad old stories.

When the story was over, Murakan sighed.

"... ...Temar. Apparently I was stabbed in the heart in the fight with the
runaway guy and fell into a long sleep. But."
As expected, Murakhan had no recollection of 'the head of the Kinselo.'
About the unidentified tower that existed in the Black Sea. He had no
memory of visiting the tower that day with Sarah and Padler.

"I don't know what the strange bastard and the tower that existed in the
Black Sea are. As far as I remember, the theme has never been so weak.”

Murakan's most curious part was the image of Themer, who almost got
overpowered by him so easily.

"Mr. Kinselo, I ran into him a thousand years ago......? I thought you were
just a man of some sort. You must have something to do with me."

Surprisingly, Murakhan was not very confused. He decided to accept that he

had a problem with his memory.

Most of all, it was because Solderlet left a recording device.

"My god damn god left me a recording device because I had the possibility
of trouble in my memory. No, you must have been sure. If you look back
one by one, you'll be able to face the truth of those days."

"But Murakan."

Quikantel said.


"The expression in the video that General Manager Kinselo said. The, the
orphan thing."

"As a well-to-do, I'm trying to do good to poor orphans. That?"

"Yes. That expression, haven't you heard of it somewhere?”

"Well, I don't know. That's what a poor sort of human being would often say
to the relative underdogs."

"It sounds like a strangely familiar expression."

"It's not a day or two to talk nonsense. It's not a big deal, but if you care,
check it out. Do you have a maniac who's active? I've heard that the first
sister of a kid cut one before.”

During the storm, the "pendant" given to Jin as a birthday present by Luna
was originally the object of Orgal, king of the Masu, and was a trophy she
obtained after killing a horse.

Murakan received a spirit bead from Jet.

"Well, really. I hate it. I think I should meet Missha quickly. I need to ask
what this bead is for and if you know anything about the video you saw.
You still have some time off, don't you?"

"About a week."

"Okay, let's go right away. We've got plenty of time to stop by and give
Peacon a piece of Sarah's sword. Look, God of Clams."


"Thank you for protecting his grave."

Olmango shrugged as Murakan greeted him with a awkward scratching of

his head.

[Okay, it's Soldert's request, so of course you'll do it.]

"But it wouldn't have been easy. It's something you might suffer from if
you're caught in a jiffle."

Then Olmango, clearing his throat, nodded his head.

[That's right, it was hard. If you're so grateful, can I ask you a favor?]

"Tell me."

Olmango glanced at Jin and his colleagues once again.



[Huh, can you get me some more Litra cookies? I'm telling you, it tasted

"Oh, crazy. I'm a god, and I'm sitting on some cookies! So, uh? It's not me
or anyone else who thinks you're a dead body. Walking on the water, and
being able to handle such a great seal. Show your dignity, a little."

[You should eat only fish and shellfish, too. Not like this.]

"I will send cookies regularly from now on. Mr. Olmango."

Olmango glittered at the horse.


"Of course."

[Oh, my God, I'm so grateful. Jogubi, I can feed my contractor enough. I'm
sorry inside. I almost ate it all by myself without realizing it.]

Jean smiled and made eye contact with Olmango.

"By the way, Mr. Olmango."


"Do you know who has the key to the third tomb?"


Jin and Murakan stopped by Picon and handed over Sarah's broken sword
(he too had nothing else to add to the footage Jin saw from the second
tomb), and went straight to Missha.

"Show me your ID."

The well-dressed waiter said with an expressionless face.

Where the two men came to meet Missha, a high-end bar in the Mila

The bar, which is operating under the name of "The Curtain," is strictly a
membership system and was a strange place where one cannot even enter
without the recommendation of existing members.

Even the royal family could not enter without permission.

Members of the world's emergency powers, such as Looncandel, Jipple and

Beacon, can enter unconditionally just by presenting symbols or patterns of
the family, but Jin and Murakan were now disguised.

"I'm here to see Grace Shields."

Instead, he said the name of the owner, who knew extremely few of the

Then the employee's attitude changed at once.

"You were your host's guest. I've done disrespect. I'll take you inside."

The waiter immediately showed the two to the secret room and returned to
their places. A black-haired woman was sitting in the room drinking alone.

"Long time no see, Jean. How have you been?"

Grace Shields, that was Missha's alias. She is the very owner of the tavern.
The shroud was one of her numerous hiding places.

"I've been well thanks to Missha. I haven't seen you since the West Sea
battle. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you earlier."

"If you came to thank me without any work, I would have beaten you to
"Ren, with a temper. If you weren't here, you'd give up. How many hiding
places do we have?"

She spent two days searching through the hiding places she had told her,
taking more than 20 trips through the gateway. Therefore, Murakan had a
very thin face.

"You're struggling to get hit as soon as you get here. You? Did you just say
you? Come here, I'll just turn your chin in six directions.”

Puck, puck!

After a rather rough greeting came and went, Jean held out two spirit beads
to her.

"Kuhek, khuhek."

A gargle of blood flowed from the mouth of Murakhan. Missha, who was
holding her by the collar, threw the Murakhan and fixed her eyes on the

"Where did you come from?"

"I've been to Temar's tombs."

"... ...tell me in detail."

From the day I met Picone to the day I visited Olmango. Throughout Jean's
explanation, Missha had a serious look on her face.

She also seemed unaware of the fact that, like Murakan, Solderlet left
behind the "an arrangement" that was the Temer's tomb.


"Yes, Miss Misha."

"The beads you brought, they're recorders. I've only heard of it, and it's my
first time seeing it in person."
"These are recorders?"

"Yes, the video you saw would have been the result of the recording device
running. The recording was unstable because the device was damaged."

"Can you fix it?”

To Jean's question, Missha replied:

"It's impossible for me."

"Hey, Missha. What if you can't fix it?"

"Gin, I don't think......Aria Outhart. You'll have to take a look at the child."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

I didn't expect Missha to mention her teacher's name first.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 311

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:38 PM

Chapter 311: Episode 95. People Looking for Her (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"The Spirit Bead is a damaged recording device, and to fix it, the have to meet him?'

The sudden story almost swallowed my breath.

"Aria Outhart, isn't that the name of the wizard you mentioned before? He
said he was aiming for the final sentence.”

"That's right, Jean. You remember.”

"Is he connected to something with the recorder that Solderlet left behind?”

Missha made eye contact with Jean when asked a question she pretended
not to know.

"There will be no direct connection. The arrangements he left for you must
all be ready a thousand years ago. Now the 17-year-old kid couldn't have
built a recording device with Solderlet."

"Oh, then why does that name pop up?"

asked Murakan nervously. He was somewhat dissatisfied with the

emergence of another name he did not know following Picon and Olmango.
Missha, lightly ignoring such Murakan, made eye contact with Jean.

"About 400 years ago, in Inse, there was a family named Hester."

A heaster.

The real name of Aria Outhart, the family to which Valeria Heister belongs.
Missha was one of the few to experience the magic of "Hister" in person.

"It was a very good wizard family. It was small in size, but with a small
number of people, it threatened the jipple. The Hysterics had all the
transcendent corners. He had a mysterious power, like a few sexes, that was
beyond description."

Listening to Missha's explanation, Murakan was recalling when he had

heard of the name "Hister."

"But their greatest value was not the ability to fight, but the civilization
achieved by magic."

"What is it?”

"Records. The Heister had a recording magic that no one could follow. A
magic that can perform a perfect record, which cannot be distorted in any

"A record that cannot be distorted in any way? Leaving aside the question
of whether that is possible. In the end, history has no choice but to intervene
in someone's personal opinions, interpretations, and intentions.”

"I don't know what Hyster's intention was to look at history. Only that I
noticed them was the fact that Jipple couldn't help their recording magic
with historical distortions."

Murakan's eyes widened at the words.

"Anyways, it's a recording're a bit of a temper, 'cause you're

not the kind of person to talk shit about. That's understandable. The Heaster
family must have been destroyed by the record magic. To Zipple. Aria
Outhart is the blood of the Hyster family."

"That's accurate. What are you doing here? He's always used his head as a
decoration. Younger brother, let's continue to think that way."

As soon as Murakhan was about to get angry, Jean opened her mouth.

"Then Misha says I have to meet Aria Oulhart and the Hysterian bloodline.
It must be the record magic.”

Missha nodded.

"I can't fix the recorder, so I'd better show it to the kid. I'm not sure, but I
think I can help. He's restoring the Heaster's recording magic. However,
there is a lack of justification for you to ask for help."

"Misha, I don't know how much you trust him, an outsider after
all. This recorder is Soldier's legacy. Can the kid show it to you? Besides,
even if you've restored some of the recording magic, I think it's another
problem to touch the device that Soldert made. That's the spirit.”

"I told you earlier that the Hister family has a transcendent aspect, you
bastard. I've experienced the recording magic used by Hister's wizards in
the past. When it comes to records, they can handle anything. Anything
else, not mana or spirit."

a sure look

At this point, Murakan was also curious about the hysterics.

Murakan admitted that her evaluation and judgment were always right, even
though she was a dirty, more evil sister than the Great Devil of Hell.

"Hmm... ...what do you want to do? Kid. Are you going to meet him?"

"Yes, Missha, you can't fix the recording device, so you don't have to
"We should hope that a man named Aria Outhart will make the recording
device intact. If I can't, I think I'll have to run around to find another way.
By the way, Missha."


"How did you know that Aria Oulhart is the blood of the family, whether
it's a heaster or a heaster? Since the Zipple destroyed it, it wouldn't have
been easy to find.”

"I made a promise with Aria's ancestors. I had some debts."

"To protect the surviving descendants?"

It was the first time I heard it. Jean remembers that Valeria had never relied
on any human or power since the "Gray Owl Mercenaries" who raised her
were exterminated by the wizards of the Giffle. I've used it before.

She was always on her own until she reached out to Jean, who had become
a cripple.

Jean was the only person Valeria had ever cared about and relied on since
the gray owl was exterminated.

Jean was not strong enough to help Valeria properly.

Just before Qin died in the kingdom of Arkin in her previous life, she left
the house where she lived together, leaving no words to Qin.

Whether it was a decision to choose to be alone again, or a short trip for

research, as it often was, was still an unknown area.

The question will never be solved. In the meantime, Jin in his previous life
died, and now things have become his own memories.

"Not protection, but vice versa."

Missha smiled bitterly, answering Murakan's words.

"What I promised the Hister family was to keep an eye on the descendants
who survived Zipple's beast. If any of them can't overcome their hardships
and try to hand the Master's magic over to Jipple......he asked me to get rid
of it."

"That's a cruel request."

Jean's voice was strangely cold when she said so.

It was because I was angry with Valeria's ancestors who asked Missha to do
such a favor.

"It's a cruel thing. But so far, none of the hysterics that were trying to get
past the Zipple have survived. They have no family to lead them, they can't
even use the name "Hister," and they continue to oppress the people. Every
single one of you has lived with a sense of duty to restore your recording

"That's amazing. How can there be so much loyalty left to the family even
when the family is gone?"

"There will be their own record magic, which is only passed on to the
survivors. Hister's mission as a wizard and his memory seem to keep up
with him."

Missha also had a vague idea about the Hister family's "victory."

Jean nodded with a heavy heart.

Suddenly, I remembered the days when I was a backup rider who acted to
become a disciple of Kidd.

I'm 16 years old and, you know, I have seven-star horsepower. The mana
from the battleground is only available to pure blood hysterics with a full

You were raised in the hands of the mercenary general, do you know what a
total horsepower is? It's a lost word even in history.
I got to know him when I went to the battleground. As soon as I got in
there, all kinds of recording magic unfolded and taught me what the
absolute horse power was. And he said the qualifications were met, and he
passed on the horse power. I can't prove this separately.

the home of the hysterics

All the members of the Hister who survived, as Missha said, were able to
obtain the records, magic and mana left by the Hister in the battleground.

"Aria Outhart is now the last remaining hysteric. He's holding on to his fate,
not succumbing to the oppression and pursuit of Jipple, as any other
hysterics did. He's as strong as you are."

"Uh, uhh!"

Suddenly, Murakhan shook his head as if something had come to mind.

"Hey! Missha, it's come to mind. Oh, I feel good. No wonder the name
"Hister" stuck to my ear strangely.”

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

"I don't know if it's real, but we have a wizard's wizard book."


"When he first became a backup jockey, he destroyed the underworld of the

Arkin Kingdom. That's when I bought the Wizard's Book of Schuester at an
underground auction house. Two hundred gold coins."

Missha looked alternately at Jean and Murakhan, startled.

Yes, this is the 25th product. It's left by a wizard named "Shuzejie Hister."
Start your bid!

Two hundred.

Two hundred, do you have any more?

Why is that? Kid, is that a hunch again?

It's just, I'm afraid there's someone who'll look weird if I buy one. I have a
good feeling about it.

At the Tessing Underground auction at the time, Jin purchased the Wizard
of Shouge Hister at a bargain price of two hundred gold coins. I think it's a
bigger harvest than Muleta's Run, Chenmi's Magic Book.

The wizard was undoubtedly genuine.

Only Qin and his teacher had a code system that they knew.

Jean had been thinking of the fact for a while, but she had not said it on

It was because I thought there would be a chance to explain to Missha more


Murakan was even seen using pen and paper to describe the cryptography
system in the wizard's book of Shouge Hyster.

"I also looked at Shuziel's magic book while deciphering Chenmi's, and I
still remember how annoying the code was."

Missha looked at the code carefully, and said:

"I'm sure it's a little crude of yours, but I've seen Shu Ziel use this
cryptography in his lifetime. It's very similar. Oh, my God. . . . . Schuester's
Wizard was circling that underground auction house?

"Huh? Missha, have you actually met Shouge Hester? I thought it was a
fake because the cryptosystem was so strange."

"Shuzie Hister is the one who asked me to keep an eye on his descendants.
Just 200? That's amazing. Where are you? The Magic Book."

"It's stored in a tican. I've forgotten, too, since it was years ago.”
"Good, I was thinking about what cause you should approach the cranky
kid. The magic book you got will be genuine. I guess you and Arya were
destined to meet eventually."

"Isn't this solderlet's arrangement, is it?"

"It's not impossible, Murakan."

Jean certainly didn't think it was necessary to add words.



"Meet the kid and make a deal with him with the wizards of Shouziel. Ask
them to restore the recording device."

The heart beat with a double whammy.

Jin took a breath and made eye contact with Missha.

" you know where the wizard Aria Outhart is and where he is?"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 312

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:37 PM

Chapter 312: Episode 95. People Looking for Her (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


On March 21, 1799, Jin, Gilly and Murakan were returning to the Sword
Garden after a long vacation.

Come on, come on, come on!

The hoofs of horses leading the Runkandel steel wagon rang cheerfully.
Jean was thinking about Valeria's hideout that Missha had told her, often
waving to the passers-by of Carlon, who was seen outside the carriage


The Outlaws' City of Mamit.

Valeria had now settled there under the pseudonym Aria Outhart.

When you go to Mamit, there is an inn called the Moonlight Well. It's
where the bastards of the human scum live, calling themselves kings.

When I was a cadet, I did a mission there. Is Aria Outhart there?

Yes, they often use Mamit as a base. I used to live there when I was 14.

This crazy, 14-year-old human girl used to live in such a criminal den? I'm
sure the aria isn't a common bet. Besides, if it's in the inn where the captains
are staying, then is Arya also sitting there?

Well, I didn't look into that in detail, but it's true that he's a well-thought-out
sword-like kid.

It was a conversation we had before we left Misha's tavern.

Jean smiled, imagining an old teacher who would be staying in Mamit.

'I thought I'd be in Mamit by now. I remember describing it as more

romantic than I thought.'

As Jean knows, Valeria lived there for two years.

That's why when he went on a mission to Mamit when he was a cadet, he

asked the bar clerk if there was anyone who used the name "Hister."

'There must be a reason for the teacher to hold Mamit as one of his
strongholds. He's not a man who moves aimlessly.….'

Jean and Valeria met when they were 25 and 23 and had been together for
about three years.

At that time, the two often had deep conversations and peeped into each
other's innermost thoughts, but Chin did not exactly know all the deeds of

"You're meeting your teacher six years earlier than you were in your
previous life.'

I was curious.

What more can I know about Valeria, whether I can be with her as in my
previous life?
Jean, who briefly recalled Valeria, shook her head lightly.

The reunion is just a story that applies only to you, and I thought it would
be good to have a sentimental mind before meeting her.

Jean took two spirit beads out of her arms. The first and second could be
distinguished by size and color.

"That's interesting, Master. That little bead was a recording device.”

said Gilly, looking at the spirit bead.

"If that aria can really restore the device, I'd love to see it myself. Are you
going straight to Mamit?"

"I'll be right there. Unless I have to deal directly with the Sword's Garden."

The carriage stopped.

When the guardian knights opened the door, Petro approached and greeted
them. He has been waiting for Jean to return at the entrance to the Sword's


"How was your vacation, Master?"

"It's been a long time since I had a good rest. What's the matter with you?”

"All I have to do when you're not around is simply file-keeping and room- I
had a free time."

That's what the horse said, but Petro had a hectic day.

He examined the territory of Volta during Jean's absence, discussed it with

Dino to manage the articles about Jean, and invested his allocated rider
funds in various safety projects.

Above all, he was busy looking into the family situation on behalf of Jin.
As a result, Petro was able to discover one singularity.

"You're out, so you don't have to report back."

"Where did he go?"

"Sorry, Master. I didn't know that."

Petro, conscious of the guardian knights near the carriage.

Jean understood him straight away and headed for the room.

As he entered the room, Petro opened his mouth.

"Your Grace, you have gone to the Necropolis of Bemont."

a nebulous voice

The main building of the "Ghosts" which is notorious for being the world's
largest and worst mercenary group along with the Black Royal Army.

Rosa had only one reason to find it at this point.

"You've gone to see the Celiac Zipple.”

There were not many places in the world where the heads of both families
could meet unofficially for each other's safety.

Gwigoksaesaeseong is a kind of neutral zone, which has long been used as

a venue for secret talks between Looncandel and Jipple.

One of the reasons why Ghost University can maintain a similar scale while
accepting far fewer requests than the Black Royal College was because it
provides the main building as a venue for talks and receives a certain
amount of money each year from both families.

"How did you know? It must have been a top secret.”

"The family president owes Mrs. Luna something. So I figured it out under
the pretext."

In other words, Petro has consumed the only card available to him at will.

It was a proper task to report to Jin, but he did not blame him and waited for
Peter's next words.

It was because I thought there was a reason why Petro acted like that.

And the basis of Petro's judgment, Joshua.

"We recently received information from senior leaders that they discussed
rewards for the second term. I don't know the details, but right after the
reward was decided, Ma was looking for the ghost. So I decided it was one
of those things."

"Didn't you figure out exactly what the reward was for?"

"Sorry, Master. We couldn't figure that out."

"No, good job. There seems to be something causal between the two facts.”

Jean immediately made this judgment.

Joshua made some contribution.

And the result is something so unconventional that Rosa can offer Zipple a
deal herself.

Otherwise, Rosa had no reason to look for the ghost all of a sudden.

'Barton Bichena. Mother wouldn't have found Kellyak for the reason he was
involved. If it were, I would have met him before he gave me a mission.'

What is Joshua's credit?

Petro used the president to find out the secret of the RosKellyak meeting.
However, it was not clear what Joshua's credit and reward were.

That meant Joshua's achievement was more important than a secret meeting
between the heads of both families.

As soon as I was about to worry, the sound of footsteps was heard from

"Do you have the youngest!"

a gravelly voice

It was Jed.

As soon as Jean faced him, she swallowed a smile inside.

'You must have succeeded in improving the fall.'

Jean, Petro and Gilly bowed their heads.


"If you were going on vacation, wouldn't you have told me?"

"I didn't know my uncle would be disappointed."

"It's not upsetting, hmm! It's working. "Without you, this uncle has become
a disgrace."

"What happened?"

"Isn't it that the old men in the back room of a terrible man don't believe
what this uncle says? Haha, follow me. Today is the time to press those old
ladies' noses."

It's unimaginable in the middle class.

Jean felt very friendly to Jed, who was so excited.

"Yes, let's go. Uncle."

Jed took the lead like an excited boy to the training ground.

I didn't know that my nephew had finished paying for it as soon as he saw


As soon as he arrived at the training camp, Jed pulled out the sword.

"Now, take a look. This uncle has developed a decisive battle machine that
is never inferior to the sword called Myeongwanggeom Waterfall you have
shown us.”

"Sister, I have something to tell you before that."

"What is it?"

"I've changed my mind. "You just put your uncle's name on the improved
falling flower."

Jed glared his eyes.

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Suddenly, I felt I didn't want to show my abilities to other elders. If I show

off what I have, I don't think they'll approve of me anyway.”

"What are you talking about? This body has already finished talking to the
old folks. When you come back, I'll prove that you've advanced the family
battleground and award you for it. Besides, I've already told them about the
electric lights of the Six-Final."

"Six-wire electric light, what do you mean? Did the fourth rider tell the
elders about the other swords I have?”

"Is that a problem?"

Then Jean shook her head and sighed.

"My uncle, as a rider, I don't have very many cards to survive in this tough
family. It's not enough to use one at a time when it's critical."

"That's...... Hmm. That's what you might think."

"And the elders don't appreciate me anyway, and I wonder if I need to share
what I have with them."

"But the youngest. Doesn't this uncle have a sense of honor? If you don't
prove it, this uncle lies beneath his pride."

"Only turn to your uncle's credit for the improvement of the Quadrant
Fallen. I'm not going to prove anything about the hexadecimal electric light.
I won't be able to open the Pluto Falls in front of them.”

As soon as I was beaten by Jin's stubborn attitude, my heart felt blocked.

I don't understand why attitudes suddenly changed, but when I think about
it, it wasn't wrong.

What happened during the vacation? Why is he suddenly...….'

An idea flashed through Jed's mind, which had come up to there.

"Hey, you want something from me...…!'

Come to think of it, Jin seemed to be raising his lips strangely.

"The youngest."

"Yes, uncle."

"Do you want to make a deal with me?"

Then Jean shook her head. in a very, openly sly manner

"You damn bastard. Tell me the truth. If what you want from me is the right
line, I'll give it to you."

"Yes, then I'll tell you. Gi-su, what kind of credit did my older brother make
for you to go to the Necropolis?”

Jed's eyes grew bigger.

"What? How did you just come back to know that?"

"Please tell me."

"If you don't tell me, this uncle's face will be thrown into shit."

"I'm also a rider in Looncandel. We've had that much in the family, and I
don't want to be excluded."

This time again, it was not wrong, though.

Jed sighed.

"My youngest, I don't know exactly what Joshua's ball is."

"I've asked too much, I'm sorry. I'll go back."

Jean hung her head and turned around, and Jed clenched his teeth.

"Hey, hey, you bastard!"

"Yes, uncle?"

It came over.

Jean made eye contact with Zedd with certainty.

"What I'm saying right now should never be said anywhere or anywhere."

"I promise."

Have you ever heard of a family called Hister?

On Jed's backbiting, Jean almost coughed in vainly.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 313

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:35 PM

Chapter 313: Episode 95. People Looking for Her (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Hister! I didn't expect to hear that name again at this time of year.

'Is Joshua's ball related to the Heaster?'

My heart was pounding.

There was only one hysteric currently alive, Valeria.

"I've never heard of it."

Chin, who managed to manage her expression, said in a calm voice.

"It's the only family that ever threatened a jipple with magic. And yet the
reason you've never heard of it is because they were destroyed by the Jipple
and erased from history. We have very little feed left."

"Oh, from what my uncle said...... I think I've heard that name once when I
was a backup jockey. It's understandable why there's almost no feed left.
The Zipple must have destroyed everything."

"Yes, it seems like the Zipple cares a lot about them. We still have a bounty
on a family that's been gone for hundreds of years."
"Is there a survivor?”

"There's only one person left. The fact that Jipple is looking for him, the
pants that we Looncandel had already figured out a few years ago. So even
in the family, we were secretly searching for the whereabouts of the

It was the first time I heard that Looncandel was looking for Valeria.

Jin in his previous life was treated as trash by his family, let alone as a rider,
so he could not know this information.

'My teacher never told me that he had been tracked by Looncandel. You
didn't recognize him? No, it can't be. I guess you didn't say it so I wouldn't
feel pressured.'

In his previous life, Jean and Valeria had little talk about 'Luncandel.' For
Jin of his previous life, the name Looncandel was by itself the greatest
wound and failure of life.

"So the ball that the second rider made, did you capture him?”

Though slim, the possibility of Valeria being captured could not be ruled
out completely. Maybe she was caught and released before she returned. Or

"No, it's not."

Jean swept her chest down into her heart.

Jed paused and looked around. There is no way that there is a listening ear
in the training camp, but it was intended to emphasize that it is a secret

"......I didn't capture it, but I think I've figured out the name he's using now."

"It's not about finding a location, it's about finding a new recruit, it's about
finding a place. You're saying your mother went to Kellyak to offer you a
deal herself."
"So didn't I tell you to keep quiet?"

"I'm surprised a descendant of a fallen family has such a ripple

feels like Jipple is afraid of the Heaster family."

I don't know what the Hister's intention was to look at history. But what I
paid attention to them was the fact that Jipple could not help their recording
magic with historical distortions.

Suddenly Missha's words came to mind.

Magic that can leave a record that is never distorted. Zipple was actually
afraid that the magic would come back into the world.

"Anyway, that's enough?”

"Lady, may I ask you?"

"What else?"

"Do you know his name? And what she's trying to get through

"I didn't mean to say, where the hell did you sell your shame? You're too
greedy. Or looking at this uncle with water."

"I'm sorry, but I thought your face was more expensive than that

"You've got some connection with the flatterers out there. They can't be

"Honestly, you care about me. You won't regret it if you let me know."

"It's like it's a match for a bunch of iron-clad mules on your face.Didn't you
tell me earlier? I don't know exactly what Joshua did. I don't know his alias.
And so does the acting president."

"That's a sad story."

In fact, there was nothing to be desired.

Just the fact that the family is interested in the teacher is a huge harvest.'

I got some valuable information that I didn't even think of for free.

If Rosa's purpose had been understood, it would have been icing on the
cake, but it was a matter of finding out as much as possible.

"Is it too bad? You're such a nice guy. Now say something else about the
duel. You're going to have a lot of fun.”

"Of course, uncle. Thank you."

Bowing, bowing gin.

Jed kicked his tongue at the sly manner.

It wasn't really unpleasant. It was rather pleasant to see my nephew show

his good spirit against him after a long time.

Of course, if it had been full of curiosity, it would have been immediately

disdainful, but in Jed's eyes, Jean was just scrupulously taking her own

Woo-woong, Jed's sword shone with Orr.

"Thank you, and prove to your elders that you have found a clue to the
progress of the family's decisive battle."

Then Jed began to play the decisive battle.

an improved version of the looncandel fourth series of fall

Jean concentrated on her uncle's sword. Everything was the same as it was
when I first saw it, from deliberately splitting the sword-bound oracle, to
endangering and then forming petals.
The same was true of Orr's petals flying everywhere in a trajectory that was
simply unreadable.

But the moment the blade that fell to the bell was recovered.


The pillar of Orr suddenly rose from the spot where the falling flowers were

The petals gathered on the pillar and spread again, and a huge tree made up
of just an oracle seemed to be fluttering in the wind.

"The Ming-gum Jeolgi Falls you showed me, like its name, poured your
brain into the place where the sword passed by. On the contrary, a fall is a
form of ascension. I've been thinking about the most efficient way of using
an auror instead of a brain organ."

At a glance, I could feel a big difference from the existing fall paintings.

"What do you think?"

"When I first saw the fall, I thought it was a sword that was inferior to a
waterfall. But now it looks like an equal sword. If the falls fit one-on-one,
the improved fall will be easier to deal with."

Creek, Jed smiled, ready to be heard.

"You're looking at me too. The reason why the traditional fall painting was
inferior to the waterfall was because the two swords were actually the same
technique. Rather, the fall was just a brain drain from the falls, so it had to
be less powerful."

It's only been a month or so since I showed Jed the waterfall.

In that short period of time, Jed studied a single-shot sword to advance the

"It's not a step forward, it's a complete one.'

Jean swallowed up her admiration and opened her mouth.

"You've had a hard time. By the way, uncle."


"Are you really going to put my name in the improved painting? I've been
thinking about it many times, but it's not my credit, it's your work."

"I have already said that I will put your name on the fall. There is no


"As you say, the senate doesn't appreciate you. And you think you can
eventually reverse the reputation of the senate in any way without naming
your fall painting. You've always been that way."

"Then why do you insist on handing over to me what your uncle has
achieved? Because you told the senate that you've already had my help?”

Then Jed shook his head.

"Can't be? But it's not that you're very pretty, but I don't think it's bad to
have a debt erased. Well, lately you've done a great job for the family."

Jed's "big deal" was the killing of Barton Vichena.

"So when this uncle wants to push him, he'll behave himself. However, as I
said before. If your ass goes wrong, I'll take the lead and thrust the knife


"And another, thought changed."

"What kind of thinking?"

"You'd better put off showing the elders some proof of the duel. After
finishing up the 6th series of electric lights, the improvement on it. Show
me, another season of the Ming sword that Dipus had suffered."

"I'll show you. Instead, you should know this."

"What is it?"

"If I were also a senior, not an uncle, or another family. I would have
prevented them from recklessly improving my electrical connections. And
if you're successful in improving the lights for the sixth series, please
include your uncle's name."

"No, I'll name you for that, too, so go ahead and open it up."

The two did not leave the training camp until night, but played a decisive
battle with the Ming sword.

Whenever Jean showed him a new Ming sword, Jed thought of trimming
the decisive battle lines based on it (the idea that the senate would hang on
to Jin and himself in the future), and his smile wouldn't leave his mouth.



Joshua sighed and sat on the chair. When I lit a cigarette, my tired face
stood out.

A woman approached him.

"Joshua, what happened?”

She was Joshua's wife.

"......Kellyak Zipple, he didn't respond to his mother's offer of a deal.The


Rosa and Kellyak's negotiations broke down.

But just by saying in Rosa's mouth, "We found out the name of the Hester,"
Kellyak had benefited.

"The acting housekeeper, and we had some expectations. Don't be too


"The name alone is not enough. You have to capture the hysterics
altogether, so that your mother can press Kellyak properly."

The woman smiled, gently wrapping Joshua's neck.

"Anyway... ..I know the name, it's only a matter of time before I catch her.
He's got the talent to hide like a dirty rat, and it'll take a lot of time, but he'll
end up in our hands before the Zipple."

Zipple doesn't know the name 'Aria Outhart' yet.

Therefore, chances were high that Looncandel would find Valeria first.

"By then, Kellyak will have to vomit more than he's offering. So, don't be in
a hurry, Joshua...….”


The last day of March, 1799.

The sun was blazing hot over the swarming city of villains like bugs.

A barren land that does not grow a single weed;a city of bottomless


'It reminds me of the old days.'

The first time I visited this place in my present life was when I was 15 and
in the intermediate class.
In the meantime, Jean achieved an indescribably remarkable growth, but
Mamit was the same scenery as it was then.

The city's residents still told tales of terrible crimes, and in the streets there
were dirt, as well as the five organs, fingers, and heads that someone

Like four years ago, Mamit's criminals were feeling fresh shock when they
saw the camp just entering the city.

But if there is one thing that has changed since then.

'Gee, it's Jean Looncandel...….'

'Crazy, why would a giant like that find this shit box?'

'You idiots! Don't make eye contact. You'll cut it in half.'

It was an attitude.

The eyes of the Jin-conscious Mamitian criminals were filled with fear.


"Yes! Lord."

"Go to the inn's moonlight well and tell the kings of Mamit. "Until I arrive,
every single one of you must come forward and kneel down."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 314

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:33 PM

Chapter 314: Episode 95. People Looking for Her (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"I'll take it."

Mesa replying in a restrained voice.

Not long ago, she passed the final exam for a guardian driver, and was
assigned to the rank of 12th rank.

With "Skut Lyman," a motive standing together on the other side.


"Yes, Lord."

"You get rid of the garbage on the street.”

Robbery, murder, assault, etc. I could see lawless people committing crimes
in real time if I turned my head a little. There are those who have not yet
recognized that Jean has come to Mamit.

It's up to them to fight back and forth, but there's also a mix of people who
look like ordinary people.
What Jean asked me to clean up was those who were making a fuss against
the general public.

"I'll carry it out."

Knock, knock, knock!

Mesa and Scott passed the camp and began to move.

Within seconds, the screams of the lawless rang out from all over the
neighborhood. The frequency of the scream died down very quickly.

It was because everyone knew the situation as soon as Scott cut some

The fact that not just one guardian came out on a solo mission, but that the
rider of Looncandel had found this desolate land.

In a moment the streets became calm.

However, he went through the alleys silently like a ghost to clean up.

It has become quiet. Mamit's criminals seemed busy hiding in their homes
or taverns like beasts who met their natural enemies.


A cold wind swept the path. It was the first time in nearly years that Mamit
had been so quiet.

'Mesa, Skeet. You've both grown up.'

Jean smiled softly. It was amazing that the two became proper guardians.

'Belop's coming back from Mount Maitel's southeast coast.'

The other seven youngest divisions were about to take the final exam.
'If everyone becomes a guardian, it wouldn't be a bad idea to send hell
training as a group. Hopefully, they'll all be strong enough to be black
knights before they turn 50. It's not that it's not, but should we roll it so that
it's bound to be like that?'

I never dreamed that Jin was thinking like this.

Mesa and Scott managed to stifle their pounding hearts and intimidated
Mamit's lawless men. On the fact that they could be together again with
Jean, they were ready to give everything.

Jean's pace to the Moonlight well was slow.

"Just as the life of the youngest division has changed, the life of the teacher
will be different from that of his previous life if he meets me." Perhaps
Joshua's discovery of the teacher's alias at this time is also a result of my

My back has cooled off.

Ever since his return, he has always had the perception that every single act
of his or her own can change the future of his or her neighbors.

Therefore, he has chosen options that can be good for everyone he cares

However, it was difficult to judge Valeria.

I had no idea whether meeting Valeria would have a good or bad effect on

But it was no time to think about it.

We need to keep them by our side and provide them with safeguards.
Neither Looncandel nor Zipple have caught their teachers in their previous
lives, but I'm never sure what will happen in this life.'

Valeria was definitely a strong man. To the point where Jin can be counted
among the people he knows.
I'm not just talking about combat capability, but the will of a man named

It was definitely shiny enough to admire.

But there were certain things in the world that could not be solved by will

For example, a genius wizard who is only 17 years old now avoids the
pursuit of two giant powers.

Valeria didn't have any brothers or colleagues to hide her from Laparosa,
like Jean, who was a backup rider.

"No matter how much I think about it, it's impossible for a teacher to avoid
the pursuit of two families. If I don't help you, you'll be caught sooner or

As a disciple, it was time to pay back the light of the past life lost to his

As the moonlit well neared, the confused mind slowly subsided.

"You're here, Lord."

Mesa and Scott bowed their heads as Jean arrived at the entrance to the
Moonlight well.

"and behind the two men, five of the hordes and pawns were kneeling down
in rows of five." There were about a hundred people in Jokgae, and that was
the number of executives from each power group.

Jean looked down at the lawless for a while without a word.

To find Valeria.

'There isn't.
Then what you have to do from now on is recognize those who know
Valeria among the harvests.

"Fortunately there's one familiar face left. There, you say. What's your

Jean said, eye-to-eye with the frontmost of the harvests.

"This is York. Have I and Sir met somewhere?"

Geodu answered politely, revealing his name.

York was the person whom Jean had met once in the past.

Boy, I think it's a great deal for your age, but it's no good staying in town
for a long time. It could be a problem if you don't care.

Thank you for your advice. But there's someone I need to find. I won't have
any trouble with those who stay here.

Haha, yesterday I heard you killed the barbarian with a single stroke. Now
you act like a gentle lamb.

Because they and you are different. I know my place well.

Good manners are pass. Okay, I'll allow you to stay here a few more days.

Thank you. I will never forget the kindness of the kings of Mamit.

Conversation with the kings of Mamit, including York, when they were on
intermediate duty.

"Yes, York. Four years ago, my friend, who was courteous to me in the
lobby of the Moonlight well, fell his throat from the sword of the palace at
that time. Do you remember a little now?"


At the remark, Geodu opened his eyes wide and bowed his head.
I couldn't help remembering.

After Jean terrorized an outside wizard, Chuck Moonlight Well, to carry out
his mid-level mission, Mamit's gentry had suffered immensely from Siris
for some time.

At that time, Liu and Hitten, the seven swordsmen of the palace, could not
find the wizard (Jin) who made "the call of lightning" in the moonlight well.

Siris trampled on the bastards for a while, saying he would hunt down the
culprit even after that day.

Then he suddenly came to the conclusion that Jin, the boy he had released,
might be the culprit.

So Siris ordered the dogs to investigate the boy's visit to Mamit. The date
and purpose of the boy's visit to Mamit, every move he has made.

As for the bastards, they were struck by the dry sky, but they did not have
the power to refuse Siris' order.

Siris, as soon as he got to Mamit, he cut off the neck of a pyrammy named
Tonkra from the bar and acted like he was looking for someone. Then he
found the Moonlight well, and did nothing else in Mamit.

Is that all?

Yes, I think. I don't think he's the killer. Doesn't it honestly make no sense
for the blood to use 6-7 star magic?

If it's not him, you mean my men missed the wizard?

It's not that... ... As Siris said, even if he's the killer. I don't think he meant
to attack the palace. Maybe one of us just hated him or had a grudge.

Who was he looking for?

Well, they found a Whizta or a Fester.

At that time, it was Judeo, York, who had this conversation with Siris.

York deliberately said that Siris was irritated and that she was a whiztha, a

In fact, the 15-year-old Jean had clearly confirmed that the person she was
looking for was a "heaster."

Siris wasted another time trying to find out who wrote the names of Whistar
and Fester.

"Sorry for not getting to know you right away, Lord Qin."

"Only York remains, and the rest disappear before my eyes at a rapid pace."

As the camp spoke low, the rest of the ploughs and executives rushed out
somewhere, as cockroaches scattered.

The weight of the name Looncandel within Hufester was not something
lawless could bear.

"Let's go in and talk."

The remark gave York a hunch.

Jin visited Mamit four years ago to meet the person he was looking for.


As the two entered the Moonlight well, Scott and Mesa guarded in front of
the inn like gatekeepers. The empty lobby was empty.

"I'm looking for a man."

"Yes, Lord Qin. Tell me who you are. If you tell me your name or
appearance. I can find you right away from this Mamit."

"Is there a girl who is about seventeen now living in Mamit? You'll have a
red-headed, silver-crowned cane."
"Red hair, cane...….”

York groped his memory.

As far as he knows, there was no girl with red hair and a silver cane. There's
no way a seventeen girl could survive in this rough city in the first place.

However, it wasn't without someone coming to mind.

"There's no girl with red hair and a cane, but there's a girl of the same age
who's recently entered our organization."

"What's your name?"

"Aria, no last name. He's from the back alley. He's got a lot of nerve.….”

Heart beating!

The heart beat faster.

"Who else?"

"No, he's the only girl with blood that's less than twenty. Shall we bring him

"I'll check."

"Yes, Lord Qin. Please wait a moment. I'm going to go outside and ask the
people downstairs to find Aria...….”


The moment York tries to stand up.

Suddenly, the roof of the lobby collapsed and a string of windows fell. It
was a shriveled window consisting of a sudden mana.

It's a metamorphic magic that Jean has experienced once in the Mitra's
Great Membrane.
The spear pierced through the top of the yoke and stuck straight into the
floor. A sudden blow prevented York from screaming.

Jin, who slowly raises his head and looks up.

Through the ceiling of the lightning window, I saw a person wearing a


I could recognize even with my face covered. I could be sure even when I
saw a strange brown hair sticking out through a gap in the hood.

That she is Valeria Heister, her own teacher.


The hour seemed to have stopped.

I wanted to call her out. I wanted to say it's been a long time.

All kinds of inexplicable emotions were piercing in my heart like the light
that stretched out recklessly.


said Valeria, eye to eye with Jean.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 315

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:31 PM

Chapter 315: Episode 96. Residuals of the past or the future (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

"Just now, my name......did you call me?"

Jean, even listening to the one word that means your name in Valeria's

As many as 19 years have passed.

Valeria heaster.

Before her return, when she was banished from Looncandel and rolled
around the world like trash, as if she hadn't reached out her hand.

Qin's previous life would have been filled only with miserable and dark
days. She was a teacher and friend, a reliable companion and subject of
compassion, and a savior.

There was a silence.

In a matter of seconds, Jean could not say anything to her heart, which was
touched. In an instant, my hot head was blank and I felt like I was losing
my sight.
I wanted to answer right away. I wanted to call her name as naturally as I
did in my previous life.

But I had to catch the opposite sex.

'My teacher can't remember me. Unlike me, my teacher will not have
memories of his past life.'

The situation could have been funny if they showed their affection and were

Technically, it was because it was a solo reunion.

'You shouldn't show an attitude that is hard to understand. It's likely to only
stimulate alertness.'

by way of saying

Valeria, like Jean, has memories of her past life. However, it was stupid to
approach emotionally.

Jean thinks Valeria is in some ways cooler than her father.

If, even though she has memories of her previous life, she doesn't pretend to
know it first. It must have been an act of careful calculation.

Or because I think the good old days of my previous life are no longer

Whether she had memories of her previous life or not, it was necessary to
start a conversation as naturally as possible.

Don't let loose feelings make a difference.

Jean came here to ask Valeria for a favor.

She never had an in-depth conversation or deal unless she really needed it
or she recognized it.
One of the two conditions had to be met.

"That's quite a showy appearance. Is it okay to just kill a gang boss like
this? Aria Aulhart. No, should I call him Aria Hester?"

Valeria did not say anything else surprising, although she said both the last
names of "Aulhart" and "Hister." I couldn't tell if it was because I had
suppressed my feelings or because I was predicting it.

"York's life has been gone since you found me anyway."


Valeria landing lightly in the lobby.

"No matter how rubbish he is, killing a human being who's been very
supportive of him is a tough job. Since you've used your hand instead, why
don't you just say thank you."

Valeria followed.

Then he took off his hood and showed his face.

dyed brown hair, red, gun-filled eyes, slightly closed lips. As he was only
17 years old, he looked cute but hard to approach.

I had never seen a seventeen-year-old Valeria in my previous life.

Clearly, Valeria today will be weaker and less robust than its previous life
of 26. It was smaller and softer than Jean remembered.

However, there was a sharper momentum than in the previous life when
growth ended. Like the molars of a wounded beast.

"You might think so. More than that, I didn't know you'd show your face so

"I'll warn you in advance. If you attack me, I'll choose safety instead of
"Safety. Sounds like you're confident you'll get away with me.”

"If I weren't for myself, I wouldn't have killed York and stood before you."

Both had expressionless faces, but in my head, the numbers of cases were
constantly rotating.

"Four years ago, I wondered who the man who found me in this city was.
After I found out it was you, I thought I'd have to have a conversation."

Valeria moved into Mamit and lived for two years, shortly after Jean
performed her intermediate duty.

This was because the outlaw city also had a "historical place" in it. She used
recording magic a few times in Mamit in the process of finding a place to
win, and as a result.

Along with the location of Jeon Seung-ji, a record was found four years ago
that someone found a hyster at a tavern.

In Mamit's victory site, which he found soon, he also peeped at the "record
of the future" that he must find himself around March 1799.

That's why she was in Mamit.

He was waiting for Jean.

"I wonder how you found out I found you.”

"That's a question I have to ask. How did you know about me?"

"This is the Hufester Allies. Do you think Looncandel knows something?”

"If Looncandel were looking for Hister, of course it would have been a top
secret, and you were only a fifteen-degree cadet at the time. Which means it
wasn't the information you could have known if you weren't a jockey."

"Well, top secret. Aren't you overestimating yourself?"

"It's not an overstatement, it's really something. Just by the sight of Jean
Looncandel, the world's best man. Tell me why you found me.”

Jean smiled.

"I came on request."

"What kind of request?"

"Recording device restore."

"If it's a recording device, is it left by my ancestors?"

"That'll let me know after you make a positive decision."

Then Valeria burst into a giggle.

"You know what the name Hester means. But unfortunately, there's no
reason for me to help you."

"You can make it for a reason. Like, cooperation for survival."

"You can't kill me."

"Why do you think so?"

"That would be beneficial for the Zipple and your competitors."

"I think you're overestimating yourself.”

Srung, Sak!

In the blink of an eye, Jean pulled out her signature and cut the corner of
Valeria's eye. Several strands of dyed brown hair fell to the floor.

Valeria's eyes blinked at the hair that had fallen.

"I didn't know you were such a're asking for a favor, and
you're saying you're threatening through force? Only!"
exclaimed Valeria, glaring at Jean with a raised face.

At that point, Jean had no choice but to be startled inside.

It seemed very unfamiliar to Jin. If you were a Valeria in your previous life,
you can't imagine it.

"From Valeria's point of view, whether it's an enemy or an ally, I can't

believe she's showing this much emotion in front of me, which is closer to
the enemy. As he is almost ten years younger than his previous life, he may
still be awkward in suppressing his emotions. Still... ...something's weird. I
feel like I'm too disappointed.'

Jean shrugged her shoulders.

"I hope you take it as advice, not as a threat. If there were any other
Looncandel here besides me, it wouldn't have ended as much as hair."

"You seem to be mistaken, but what you can be in front of me right now. It's
just because I decided to meet you. Runkandeldo, Jippledo. You'll never
find me after today."

The horse trembled fast and thin.

As such, Valeria was unable to control her exuberant emotions.

'You act like you had something you expected from me.'

Assuming, of course, that Jean doesn't know the character Valeria.

There was nothing strange about Valeria's behavior now. He seemed to be

fed up with just a long escape, a huge family that was after him.

But as Jean thought.

Valeria felt an indescribable disappointment to Jean.

In fact, Valeria had been curious about the human being, "Jin," ever since
she was younger than she is now.
From the time I realized what memory was.

Or since the time she learned the meaning of record as a hysteric, Valeria
has had one dream over and over again.

I don't know if it's just a dream without a reason or a kind of long foresight.

The dream has been carried on like an intense afterimage.

On the dreary streets of an unknown city, the main content of the dream was
to talk to a disabled person who had grown up.

Are you going to stay down like that?

get the hell out

That's pathetic. Jean Looncandel, your big brothers will love it.

What, you. How do you know my name?

I still have a lingering desire for what I have left. Follow me, I'll forgive
you for pointing a knife at the neck of the man who reached out his hand.

The dream, which lasted almost every day, was a big homework for Valeria
for a long time.

Why on earth does a man who has never seen his face appear in his dreams,
and it is hard to know what he has to do with that miserable man in his

Only the emotion was clear.

The self in the dream was obviously sympathetic to the man.

Sometimes, my dream felt more vivid than reality, and after waking up with
a cold sweat, I felt sorry for myself who was ten years younger than my
It was when the Sungkuk incident turned the world upside down that I
realized the true nature of the dreamer was Jin.

It was the moment when the face of Jean Looncandel was revealed to the

Valeria realized that the youngest child of Looncandel, praised by the

public, was Jean in a dream.

It looked much better in many ways than the face we faced in our dreams,
but I could recognize it at once. The man he hugged without knowing the
truth was Jean Looncandel.

When she first saw Jean, she said her name because of the dream she had
always had for more than a decade.

Unknowingly, the habit of calling one's name every day in a dream popped

'It's a mistake. I gave too much meaning to my own dream character, and I
got excited because I was disappointed. But a recording doesn't
hurt to take a look. Jean Luncandel, we need to find out how this man found

Valeria turned back.

It was time to regain one's composure and weigh the opponent's demands
and what he could get.

"Aria Outhart. Will you just go?"

"You got more to say? If you're restoring the recording device, go find
someone else."

"I have the sorcerer's book of Shuzie Heister."

a towering figure

Valeria stopped walking and looked back at the losing side.


Jean pulled out of her bosom the magic book of Shoujiel.

"This code system belongs to a real exhaust heater."

The next moment, Valeria had no choice but to stare at Jean, covering her
mouth with her hands unknowingly.

Boom boom!

"What did you do?"!”

It was because Jean opened a roughly halfway page and tore the wizard in

"Check it out, whether it's the real Hister's Wizard."

Jean who hands Valeria one of the half torn spells.

Valeria's face, which received the magic book, was clearly perplexed.

Jin felt very sorry for the appearance, but there was a reason why he acted
this way.

'You can't make your teacher roll your baby hairs. I am still young, so I can
see that I am weaker than my teacher in my memory, but if I treat him
poorly, I will be caught up in my teacher's pace without knowing it.'

Valeria's eyes, which checked the cryptosystem, were leaning slightly to the

It was Valeria's habit. Revealed when confused or in a hurry.

"......where did you get it?"

"The underground auction house of the Arkin Kingdom. It's gone now. If
you restore the recording devices I have, I'll reward you with the other half
of the wizard. In addition, I promise to protect you from Looncandel and

"You'll protect me from Looncandel and Jipple? I didn't know that

Runkandel had that power. It's going to be hectic even for you. And I'm not
weak enough to have your protection."

"If you're not weak, take the other half from me right now."

"That's impossible, but it's possible to get away with the half in my hand."

"Your attitude to me so far doesn't sound like a lie. If you want, do it.
Instead, this half will never be found again."

I'm angry!

Jean set fire on her palm with a mana and took it to the half-remaining

"If you don't cooperate, it means nothing to me. Choose, whether you want
to help me or run away. I promise you one thing instead. If you decide to
help me, if you decide to be my person...….”

Jean paused.

Then he put his feelings together again, and then he went on to say this.

"I'll give you all I can do, among all you want."

That's, of all the words and actions Jean showed Valeria today.

It was the only real thing that ever happened.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 316

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:30 PM

Chapter 316: Episode 96. Residuals of the past or the future (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Valeria's eyes were increasingly leaning to the left.

It means tension and confusion are accelerating. She never dreamed that her
old, but almost unexposed, unconscious habits were being read by Jean.

I had no choice but to. Before meeting Jean in her previous life, the only
people who knew the habit were members of the Grey Owl Mercenary
Corps who raised her.

Jindo seemed to be parched.

I don't think so.

If Valeria gives up the other half of the magic book, there is little room left
for further improvement in relations.

Flattered, flushed......took, tuck.

There was a loud sound of flames burning in the palm of Chin's hand in
silence, and a drop of blood dripping down the body of the dead Yorker.

"......let's turn off the lights and talk."

All right, then.

"I can't turn it off until you give me a definite answer."

Jean swept her chest and wedged it into her heart. As if tired, ballet Leah
shook her head.

"Hoo, good. I'll help you. If that recorder is the kind of thing I can touch, I'll
restore it.”

"A wise choice.”

"But this is just a deal, not that I'm going to be your person. I want you to
make that clear."

Hoo Woo-wook.

Jean grabbed his hand and put out the flame, and Valeria's eyes found their

"A lasting alliance is ultimately determined by necessity. You won't regret


"Show me the stuff.”

Jean took two spirit beads out of her bosom.

And as soon as Valeria saw the beads, she had to be surprised again. It was
because the colors were different, and the young beads were very similar to
one of the various recording devices seen in the battleground.

"It's a device made of spirit. Is it made by Solderlet, the god you signed


"Then why don't you ask Soldert to restore the device himself?”
"For some unknown reason, we are not able to communicate with

"Then how can you be sure this is a recording device? What if it's just a
round lump of spirit?”

"Because I've seen the recording in person."


"Do you have to know why to work? You're asking for too much
information, saying it's just a business relationship, not my person.”

Valeria shrugged.

"That's true. Those things, give me a minute."

Valeria, who received the spirit bead, created mana on the bottom of her


Then a strange wave began to occur near her hands and the spirit beads.

'I haven't seen you in ages.'

What Valeria was unfolding, was the Hysterian record magic. I wondered if
her magic would work on a device made of spirit.

Jean watched her behavior without knowing it.

After a while.

, ...….


Jean's eyes grew bigger.

When I first got the beads, I started to make the same noise as when the
device was running.

Valeria, on the other hand, nodded as if she knew it would happen.

"Surely a recorder. It's damaged. It's not working properly."

"If you could check it out like this, did you have to question it?"

"That's how I found out that you lost communication with Soldierlet."

"I'll give you a compliment for being smart. Can you restore it?"

"Um...... maybe."

Valeria replied, putting down the spirit beads on the table.

"Given that you've already received the prize money, your answer is

"Hey, Jean Looncandel. A recording device, it's more sophisticated and

complex than you can imagine. Besides, it's not exactly the same thing my
ancestors made, so I need time to check."

The habit of Valeria, which Jean knows, was not just that her eyes were
tilted slightly to the left when nervous.

To gently touch the ends of hair with the index finger and thumb with
folded arms.

It was a habit that was revealed when Valeria was very interested in
something or situation.

'The teacher's interest in Soldert's recording device means that it is possible

to restore it. Or it's something he needs.'

If necessary, perhaps because it helps get the Hister family's recording spell
Jean is the mistress of Soldierlet, the record he left behind, and this meeting
of the day.

Strangely, it felt like fate. At first glance, it seems like a coincidence, but in
the end, it feels like he had no choice but to meet Valeria again. Like a
puzzle that fits perfectly.

"I see, I'll give you time. How much do you need?”

"That's not exactly clear either."

"Is that because your recording magic is not complete yet?"

Just before Jean's return, even the twenty-six-year-old Valeria had not been
able to restore the Hysterian's recording spell.

'As far as I remember, the teacher at this point would have found only three
places to go. I'm sure you're not lying about needing time.'

The recording magic of the seventeen Valeria was extremely limited.

"......Luncandel must have more information about me than I thought?”

"At least I'll need my protection."

"As I said earlier, I don't need your protection.”

"My mother and eldest brother are looking for you. They say they've
figured out the name you're using right now. The name Aria Outhart."

"That's not the only one of my aliases. They're moving, erasing their

"Anka Lofman, Lailin Hazzard, Lucille Scope, and Hartia Ben."

Her eyes flinched when she said another alias for Valeria. Except for her
habit, it was a part of how embarrassed she was when dealing with others,
who rarely expressed her feelings.
"Isn't that your alias? And to say that you and I have done a good job, aren't
we meeting like this and talking to each other conversation?"

Not only Looncandel but also Jipple have yet to know the other aliases of
Valeria, except for 'Aria Outhart.'

Except for Valeria herself, Jean was the only one who knew the identities of
the aliases.

But as a Valeria, I couldn't think of it that way.

Where the hell did he leave his mark? I thought I had erased it for sure.'

I quickly searched my memory, but Valeria couldn't be sure where she made
the mistake.

Being unsure of where it was meant that there could be traces anywhere.
Anxiety rose in Valeria's mind. have the strongest inner self Still, you're
only seventeen.

" matter how many of my names they know, they won't catch me.
And you found me because, as I said before, I decided to talk to you."

"It's nice to see you full of confidence, but shouldn't you be more careful? If
Looncandel's at this level, Jipple must have gotten more information about

"I feel like I'm about to cry because of your concern.”

"The spirit bead you have is much more valuable to me than the sorcerer's
book of Shuzie Hyster or your life. I'm afraid you'll get caught during the
restoration and lose it."

"Hiding away from the eyes of Looncandel and Zipple is not only possible
for Jean Looncandel, a backup rider with a total bounty of 400 million.
Anyway, I'll take the advice of being more careful."

Valeria put the spirit beads into the inner pockets of the lobes.
"I'm afraid this is the end of the story. Give me an address that I can write
to. To a safe place."

"You can send it to Alisa Basser, captain of the Central Guard in the Tikan
Free City."

"I'll go back and send you a letter when there's any progress in the
restoration process."

"What address can I reach you?"

I said it without expecting it. Because I thought she wouldn't give me an

address because she's a fugitive.


Surprisingly, however, Valeria took out the paper and wrote down the

And as soon as Jean saw the address, she had no choice but to open her eyes

"......this is the heart of Samil, isn't it?”

Assassination group A city of unknown names, Samil.

The heart of it was a place where only the family of unknown fountains or
special benefactors could live.

It was also the only golden zone in Samil and the place where Jin used to
win a bet with Oul in the past.

Valeria has no family. She had earned the right to have a house in central
Samil in her capacity as a benefactor.

Well, in his previous life, he might have asked him to find or assassinate his
teacher at least once, even if he was unknown. Is this why my teacher has
not been killed by the world's best assassins so far?'
It was a problem I had never thought about in my previous life. That Samil
also has Valeria's hideout.

"I don't actually stay there. Instead, you can check the correspondence to
that address, so if you have anything to ask me, contact me."

It was no different why Valeria gave Jean a contact address.

It was because she was also curious about Jean. It's true that the atmosphere
was so different from that of the man in the dream that I was disappointed,
but I'm still talking to him.

I felt like I met someone I missed.

It was the first feeling I felt except for the members of the dead grey owl

"I didn't know that obscurity was treating you as a benefactor."

"Looking at your reaction, I don't think even Looncandel has figured it out.
Don't tell me you're not going to do anything stupid that comes in person."

Valeria rose from her seat.

"I'm going back now. I hope you will cherish the Wizards of your ancestors
until you restore the device and return it.”

"Of all the things I need to restore my recording device, I can always ask
for anything I can get. And, when I get back, I'll send a package to Samil."


"I dyed my hair brown, but I can see it's all red. I don't think the level of
disguise is very high, so I'll give you a good dye and makeup tool. I won't
bury the poison, so think of it as adding a safety device.”

"......dye and makeup tools?"

"You'll find out when you try. You'll be able to live with the face of cloth."
a smirk

Valeria burst into laughter.

"You know how to talk nonsense.”

Standing up, Valeria reached out to Jean.

"First of all, I think it was a mutually beneficial meeting.”

Jean staring at her small slender hands.

'Is this only because he is younger than his pre-regression teacher?'

The Valeria he remembers would never have asked for a handshake in this

Soon, when Valeria held hands together, warmth spread.

"Aria Outhart."


"When you first saw me. Why did you just call me by my first name? Just
like you knew me."

It's because of my dream habit.

Valeria raised the corners of her mouth instead of answering like that.

"Well, see you next time."


The meeting was held as soon as Jean returned to the Sword's Garden.

Not only the jockeys but also the heads and main pillars of the senate were
gathered in the conference room. Not just a mission, but a meeting dealing
with the family's grave affairs.
As Rosa entered, people stood up from their seats. Rosa took them back to
their seats with one wink, and said:

"Today's agenda is about a figure named Aria Outhart."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 317

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:28 PM

Chapter 317: Episode 97. Joshua's Counterattack (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Aria Aulhart.

When Valeria's most cherished alias came out of Rosa's mouth, most of the
riders were forced to read each other's countenance.

Because I didn't know who it was. Jean and Joshua were the only ones who
knew the name among the riders.

But no one dared ask Rosa, 'Mother, who is that?'

It's absurd, but that's the only way to prove one'

On the other hand, the elders who decided to award Joshua were naturally
aware of the existence of Aria.

They subtly show that they have the upper hand in information over most

"The acting housekeeper and the second term have made a big decision. He
was the one who had to find out to all the riders."

said the elder (chairman of the Black Prosecutor's Office), Jorden

Loonkandel with a smile. Deputy Chief Justice Lynn Milcano also nodded
as if he was convinced, while the Senior Secretary Telot Looncandel did not
respond otherwise.

Gorden secretly turned to Joshua.

"The role of the second rider was very great."

"That's right, Elder Jordan. The second rider got the name, so we could
move ahead of the Zipple.”

"That's right."

When the elders who supported Jordan and Joshua helped one by one, the
riders were going crazy.

Joshua's brother didn't tell us anything.'

"Dumb old men, what the hell are you talking about? Can you explain it to
me so I can understand?'

Mew and Ann's innermost thoughts.

"How much did you major in? How much did the elders set the mood?'

Are you finishing the bottom line to raise it to Gajoo?'

Lan and Vgo.

'Oh, let's just stay quiet.'

'But you still have to keep as much weight as you can.'

The Tonya brothers.

"Have you heard anything?'


Mary and Dipus.

'It's annoying and annoying...….'

And finally, Luntia.

While the brothers were thinking in their heads, Rosa opened her mouth

"Most riders won't know what the name Aria Outhart means. Let me
explain. He was the last remaining survivor of the Hyster family, the wizard
family that once threatened the Jipple.….”

Rosa continued to explain "Hister" for a while.

The time of the Hysterics, the reason why they were able to use magic to
threaten the Gipple, and how such a great family came to be erased from
history that it was hard to find any related historical data.

'You know quite well.'

He was not a rider before his return, so I couldn't join such a meeting.

It was extremely limited then that Qin knew about the family of

Rosa, no, more than Jean expected. Looncandel was more interested in the

"..., we're Aria Outhart. If you find a character named Hister first. If he
gets information about the Hister family's place of transmission and the
recording magic that he knows. You're going to have one important means
of pressuring the Zipple."

It was really surprising that Rosa himself brought out the words "record
magic" and "the place of victory for the Hester family." I didn't think Rosa
would share that much information with anyone but Joshua.

'Well, there's nothing weird about it. Only a few key members of the senate
and riders are informed.'
When Rosa's explanation was finished, the riders lit up their eyes.

It was because I knew that everyone had a "opportunity."

"Mother, why did you call today's meeting to order our riders to find him?"

"Yes, Lan. Searching and capturing Aria Outhart is the full-time duty of the
Looncandel riders as of today. Classify it as top secret, and absolutely
exclude the use of external manpower."


If information that we are looking for the hysterics is exposed to the outside
world, we will find the route of the leak and severely punish all those
involved. There is no exception. So each rider must carefully select the
members of his mission from among the Yehha Guardian Knights."

The riders nodded heavily.

an expression of stern punishment without exception

It's soon enough that you get into this mission and make the mistake of
leaking information.

This meant that he could be disqualified from being a jockey.

Disqualification soon leads to deportation or unconditional exile.

"Jipple is also looking for him with his eyes on it. But we don't know the
name Aria Outhart yet. Necessarily, we must secure the hysterics before the



Jorden coughed and drew attention.

As the chief of staff, I have a few things to tell the riders about this mission.
First, I want the riders to be clearly aware that this mission is not just to
establish a major, but to the family.….”

Jorden paused and muted.

"Secondly, whenever there is progress in the mission, all riders must report
to the current top rider, the second rider."

That's what he said, as if I knew it.

Disappointment flashed through the eyes of some riders. I thought it was an

opportunity for Rosa to pursue her major without being discriminated
against for a long time, but this time again, she is becoming a monopolist.

Of course, everyone was acknowledging it. The fact that Joshua is going to
be the owner anyway.

As a jockey, I had little desire to compete for a position in Gaju.

But sometimes I was disillusioned at times like this. I felt like a puppet to
fill my head, not a rider. That not been suffering from jockey to death to be
like this, I feel like that.

Even if you can't go away, you want to have pride.

Rosa saw through the hearts of the riders, but ignored them thoroughly.

Even if they ignore it, they have taught them to never protest unless they
"prove their qualifications."

In that sense, of the eleven remaining riders in the family.

At this time, only four people could express their displeasure with Rosa and
the elders.

"I don't understand, sir. Why do you have to report the progress of the
mission through the second term?"
"The fourth rider is right, sir. The second term is not literally acting as a ji-
suji, kju or kju, is it?"

It was Dipus and Mary.

They have consistently demonstrated their qualifications even before they

became jockeys.

Force is force, duty is duty is mission is duty is duty is duty is duty. Neither
side has disappointed Zion, Rosa and the senate.

But the fact that he never let down the disappointment did not mean he was
on good terms with the entire senate. They have not respected Jordan, nor
have they given up their place in Gaza.


"You don't look like you have any complaints? This is a matter of trampling
on the pride of the riders. You said you were a family ambassador, but I
don't understand why you're creating a sense of incompatibility in this way."

"Then why didn't you find out the name Aria Aulhart?"


"It's not you guys, it's the second time I've known the name that Giffle
hasn't figured out yet. It means it's a two-timer's own ball. We were rather
considerate of you to share the credit."

As expected, Jorden leisurely retorted their stories.

"Oh, is that so? I didn't know. Then Joshua Oraver, no. You can search by
yourself. Why did you bring us all together? Is this the will of the senate or
of your mother?"

"What a rough talk!"

"Would it be worse than the Elder Gorden's handling of the painting?"

As Mary gritted her teeth, Rosa raised her hand lightly.

"Stop, seventh rider. I understand you're offended, but be polite to the elder.
The Lord Commander is generous with you. It's time to be full of energy."

Rosa's word stopped the three growlers.

Rosa then turned to another rider, Jin and Luntia, who had a say.

a three-man, twelve-man series Don't you guys have anything else to say?”


"I'm not here either."

"Then let's do this. All right, look at the opinions of the 4th and 7th jockeys
and post them directly to me, not Joshua. Also, I will hand over the
sovereignty of the Five Eastern Regions of Hufester to those who visit

That remark drew everyone's attention to Rosa in the conference room.

Even Joshua and Jordan, apparently on Rosa's side, looked awfully

Only one man, Jean, kept a calm face.

"The sovereignty of the Five Eastern Regions. I can't even compare the 400
million gold coins I had around my neck.….'

And Joshua was so surprised that he turned his head to see Rosa, and by
chance. Facing Jean's calm face, I felt something strange.

the sovereignty of the five eastern regions

It was in fact the greatest reward a rider could have, except to be a


Even if you don't become a household owner, you can build your own
power if you have the control of the five eastern regions.
Even the 'Eastern Five Regions' of the rule that a jockey, or a distiller, could
have been a good piece of land within three fingers.

The riders, who were barely able to hide their disappointment, thought they
were the only ones who ate the whole thing, sang the joy into their hearts.

Whether you've been recognized by Ciron and Rosa or not. If Aria Oulhart
is found and brought back, he will be able to reign as the loser of the east.

"Now everyone must have definitely felt how important this is. Once again,
it's a top secret and a permanent mission. Everybody stay alert and find the
Heaster and bring him in front of me. Weird!"

The meeting ended.

The riders and elders bowed to Rosa and began to exit the conference hall.
Deacon and civil servants waiting in front of the conference room found
their own main forces and followed them.

'Seeing you're looking for your teacher, the deal between your mother and
Kellyak Zipple didn't work. Besides, East Five, what on earth is she going
to get in return for finding her teacher and handing it over to Zipple?'

It has not yet been guessed. However, it was clear that Rosa was so great
that she mentioned the sovereignty of the five eastern regions.

As soon as I was going back to my room thinking about it.


Joshua called Jean.

"Why are you calling me? Second-tier."

When Jean turned around, Joshua bit his butlers and writers.

When only two people were left in the empty hallway, Joshua's words
popped out of his mouth, which was totally unexpected even for Jin.
"You've already found it. Isn't that right?"

"What are you talking about?”

"Aria Outhart, you've already found him."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 318

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:26 PM

Chapter 318: Episode 97. Joshua's Counterattack (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

From Jin's unusually calm expression at the moment when everyone

swallowed their breath at Rosa's unconventional proposal at the conference

Joshua didn't really think anything special would be hidden in Jean's

expressionless expression.

There was no other reason to be strange because he always had a poker


Still, it was a purely 'feeling' judgment to tell Jean that she had not already
found Aria Outhart.

There was a silence.

'What was that? Was I sitting too fine when everyone was surprised? Even
so, it cannot be said so confidently.'

I searched my memory quickly.

But there was no idea when or how Joshua found out he had met Valeria.
Since he began to confront Joshua, Jin was feeling embarrassed for the first

Fortunately, Joshua did not lose his unique expressionless face the moment
he entered the room while talking about Valeria.

Jean smiled.

At the end of the day, no matter how Joshua found out, it was only a matter
of putting iron plates on his face and taking him away.

"Mom and you, you seem pretty sick. Seeing how you're talking nonsense.”

"The youngest."

"I hope you don't call me that friendly. We're not on good terms with each
other, brother and sister."

"This is more important than you think."

"So your mother must have made amends for the five eastern regions."

At first he spoke with conviction, but as pure as he felt. As Joshua, he was

also worried about how to draw the flow of dialogue.

So you haven't found him yet?

I couldn't ask you so openly.

"If you hand him over to me, I'll give you more than five eastern regions.
On the honor of my name and my family."

"Let's hear what an interesting story it is that you keep making a mistake."


a smirk

Jean smiled.
Then he made a serious face and made eye contact with Joshua.

"You're still not good at jokes. Didn't I tell you last time, that was the last
time you had the chance to kill me?"

"And the safety of your colleagues."

Joshua, of course, thought Jean would be very excited about the words. Just
like you just called yourself your ass and made a serious face.

But Jean didn't feel the need to get excited about the words.

I just thought it had come anyway.

'I was wondering when my colleagues would be taken hostage, but now is
the time.'

Fellows, they're Jean's most secure fence.

On the one hand, it was also the biggest and only weakness.

Therefore, of course, Jean was determined that her mother, Rosa, and
Joshua would one day touch their colleagues and put pressure on them.

Not only Qin, but also his colleagues were all expecting it.

'I'm getting more and more curious about the teacher's ransom. East Five's
not enough, and you're taking out the strongest hand that can put pressure
on me now?'

The question of what Rosa had decided to receive in return for handing over
the heaster quickly amplified.

Life, and the lives of colleagues.

What Joshua meant by telling Jean that he would guarantee two things...….

"It is highly likely that it is a matter of Solderlet's contract. My mother

might have asked for a drinking seat on the Jiffle, or another means to
transfer my contract to Joshua.'

It was a wild guess.

However, I thought it was a possible development.

Joshua's purpose is not to kill himself, but to deprive him of the power of
solderlet, and Rosa's purpose will be commensurate.

'My mother felt strangely sorry for me since last time. "For a mother's best
ending would be to transfer only my contract to Joshua, and to use it as a
flag bearer for her family."

In fact, even without the power of solderlet, the magic and the power of the
Ming Dynasty would not be available.

Jin was one of the best runners in Looncandel, but he was also considered
to have a high potential.

Pure fencing alone is showing enough growth to be mentioned as a next-

generation family.

As Rosa, unless Jean gives Joshua the power of shadow, and betrays his

There was never a reason to give up the youngest son.

What's more, it's almost certain that Zipple can transfer the contract of God,
given that the contractor of time in previous and present lives is different
and that Midor Ener and Veradin have used the space explosion.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind in a flash.

Dizzling families ended up with a question.

Why is Joshua and his mother so obsessed with spirituality?

"What are you doing? You're thinking of having a conversation now?"

Jean smiled at Joshua's question.

"I repeat, I've never found a heaster. I don't know why you're doing this. I
think I just poked it with my gut."

"I'll give you ten days. In it, bring the Heister to me."

"If you want to make a major like that, you'd better grab me and run outside
in time for this crap."

Jin, who turned around, said the last word.

"Just in case, I hope you're not a moron prepared to bleed into a clumsy
delusion. It means there's nothing good to mess with my colleagues."

"I'll refer to your advice."

"It's not a warning, it's a warning. Do you happen to know? At this moment,
I mean, when we're alone in a dark hallway, I could pull out a sword
impulsively and cut off the neck of a second rider, right? Without thinking
about the consequences."

"It's a shame. You think you can beat me if it's one-on-one?”

"If you're confident, you can fight right now."

Then Joshua shrugged.

"You're not as bad as I thought you'd be. I have nothing to lose if I break it."

I said it thinking that he would not fight anyway. As Joshua said, Jin had
nothing to lose even if he lost the one-on-one duel, while Joshua had no
choice but to lose his reputation even if he won.

Joshua watched the back of Jean until it disappeared.

Then I was sure.

My lovely little sister, at least she's met Aria Oulhart.

'If the youngest really didn't know anything about the Heaster, he would
have offered a deal back when I spoke to him.'

Jean, recognized by Joshua, was such a figure.

If you see desire in your opponent, even if you don't have a weapon to
shake that desire, you somehow use it.

Having such a scary corner is what he thinks is the youngest.

But now, even though he showed his desire first, he only backed out, saying
he didn't know Hister.

He didn't seem willing to use it to suggest a deal or to play tricks on


That was why Joshua was convinced of the relationship between Jean and

The corners of my mouth went up in the hope of a great harvest.

'But even if you really kidnap or kill his colleagues, Jean will never give
you the Heaster.'

On the contrary, it was nothing more than stimulating predators.

'It's rather fortunate that the youngest knows Hister. If he has it, neither
Looncandel nor Zipple will find him. The hysterics are safe.'

The youngest never loses the hand he holds.

He was also Jean, which Joshua understood.

Though they are clearly, enemies, or enemies.

Joshua was acknowledging Jean.

From the time when everyone was looking down on Jin before he stood out.
Joshua had never underestimated Jean.

The retired first-class butler, Howard, approached Joshua. He was the

brother of the butler Heinz and one of Joshua's closest associates.

"Did you have income?"

"I caught an unexpected big fish. Howard, Aria Outhart. Don't place any of
my knights in the hunt for the Heaster. It's just a waste of manpower."


"Instead, spray other riders with fake information about the heaster. While
the riders are distracted by the hunt for Hister, secure as many death row
inmates as you can with Lycalton."

Howard did not add to Joshua's judgment.

"And look for a list of all the clients, including traders, rich people and
aristocrats, who have relations with the free city of Tikan."

"That's something that the writers have already figured out. We've been
updating it on a weekly basis, so the errors will be minimal."

Then Joshua nodded with satisfaction.

"I'll cut it all off. I'd like to dry my purse strings. The youngest and his
colleagues don't mind knowing why the client suddenly disappeared, but it
shouldn't be known that there was our pressure outside."

"I'll make sure you keep your mouth shut. How do you deal with your
clients on the Zipple, the Vigung, and the Imperial side? It's hard for them
to make sure they're secure."

"How many are there?"

"I have to check, but I've heard there are about ten. About half of them are
"Leave the palace alone and see if the rest of the clients have a proper
production with the Jipple Bonega, the Imperial Imperial Household. If not,
have pirates looting and striking.”


There is no need to provoke a beast to walk an all-out war first.

Instead, Joshua decided to gently scratch Jean's nerves. How Jean would
come out when she cut the purse strings and secretly threatened her

And I wonder if my colleagues will endure all kinds of disadvantages and

remain by Jin's side until the end.

'He's not going to have an all-out war with me like this. But, it'll be pretty


Ten days have passed.

Tikan Free City, April 10, 1799.

Kashmir's expression was dark in the Oval Office.

This was because the urban economy was paralyzed at an unprecedented


Already, more than 80% of customers have asked for the suspension of the
deal at the expense of breach of contract and penalty fees, and the
remaining 20% seemed to disappear soon.

"That's a lot of Runkandel's power. There's not a single account that tells
you why you're breaking up, Confucius."

Upon hearing the news, Jean had visited Tikan in disguise with Murakan
and Gilly.
"Little brother, your brother. Who do you look like and you're so stingy?"


"As Confucius said there could be a two-pronged attack, we were very

prepared. I didn't know this would happen.... first of all, we're dealing with
slush funds, but I don't know how long we can hold on."

Joshua's attack was valid. In some ways, the damage was greater than the
direct threat of assassination.

As Tikan's leadership struggles to recognize the free city as a "state," it is

because it devotes a huge amount of money to each power every month.

"I'm angry, but still in financial power, that son of a gun, no. Joshua...,
that bastard! You can't win, Master. Even the tourists were empty at the
news of the pirate ship's presence in the nearby waters."

said Gilly, venting his anger.

Jin's slush funds were also substantial, but not enough to feed a city.

"I didn't know he would come out this way either. I can't stand still when
you want to fight like this."

"Do you have any plans?"

When Kashmir asked, Jean raised the corners of her mouth.

"I'm going to hit one of his villas."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 319

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:25 PM

Chapter 319: Episode 97. Joshua's Counterattack (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"If it's Joshua's villa...... You mean that secret villa that Lord Luna told you
last time?"

"That's right, Lord Kashmir. It's where I thought I'd attack once in a while.”

Joshua had dozens of private villas.

Among them, five are classified as secret villas or safe houses.

Your sister's trip to the Black Sea is also a boon to me. What on earth were
his father and his predecessors doing there, and why his father's Looncandel
is so obsessed with the Black Sea? Please be sure to find out at this

I see. It's the first time my father has taken a non-war comrade to the Black
Sea, so I'll bring you some satisfactory news. Instead, I have to talk about
what I've been through all night drinking with you.

Before leaving for the Black Sea, Luna informed Jin of two of the five
secret villas.

The information was obtained after Jin was asked to "learn about Joshua"
during the Sungguk incident.
"You're not saying we should hit it right now, are you?"

"I'd love to, but Kuzan and Julian haven't returned from southeast Mitel

Dragons could not join Joshua in setting up a secret villa. It was because the
moment the dragon entered, there could be problems when the survivors
were left among the enemies.

Black Dragon, the guardian spirit of the family, and Eunryong, who is
wanted by Beemont, attacked Looncandel.

"And we need to give him some confusion. Let me show you how hard I am
trying to get money. While we're suing him, I'm looking forward to seeing
what he'll look like once the secret villa is robbed."

"But Confucius, it's not that you're struggling, it's true that you're actually
going to be struggling. First of all, the heads of the Seven Colors are
meeting Beams.Only...... to be honest, I don't want to spend the imperial

"I understand, Lord Kashmir."

"Of course, if things don't keep getting better, I'm thinking of bowing my
head to the imperial family. The Emperor... ...if I ask for it, he'll pay you a
huge sum of money."

There could never have been another case of self-esteem being hurt rather
than bowing to the imperial family that had expelled him.

Kashmir is ready to throw away his pride, as he has many qualifications as

a good leader. I didn't want to use the last resort.

Jean also hoped that Kashmir would not suffer such insults because of her.

"If it's money, I'll get it, so don't worry too much. Strawberry team, no. As
Gilly said, it's still impossible to beat Joshua with money, but we'll try to
stop the city from going bankrupt."
Kashmir put his hand on Jean's shoulder, smiling movedly and apologetic.

"I'm ashamed, Confucius. You seem to put too much burden on Confucius
every time.”

"What do you mean, Lord Kashmir. The problem was caused by me in the
first place. Don't think like that. I'm rather the one who apologizes."

"No, Prince Jean is at fault...….”

"They're having a lot of fun. Just a little boy, a little thing. Let's say both of
them are wrong. So, how are you going to get the money?"

"You're a dragon. Don't you have any hidden assets?"

"No. The Storm Castle, which was my home in the first place, is being used
by Looncandel, would that be left?"

"Then I'll have to sell some of your vomit and some scales. It'll sell like hot
cakes with perfume and armor.”


Then Gilly smiled.

"I'm kidding, what if you're so embarrassed? First of all, I'll borrow the
money I need right away. We start the business that we've put off."

"What kind of business?"

"Business prepared by friends of the Golden Snow family. I'll have to get
busy, you shouldn't empty the Sword's Garden too long, as it hasn't been
long since you've been on vacation."


The next day Jean visited Beams.

This time, he entered the country in disguise and made a fake identity. He
dyed his hair white and decorated it like an artist of a rich aristocrat using
gold-snow cosmetics.

'It seems like you've got a lot to hide after you've become a jockey.'

He had a ceramic wrapper wrapped in top-of-the-line silk in his arms.

Do you really have to take it? It's a very dear item.

There's a place to use.

Anything else? It's more than 1,500 years old, a work of art that can't be

Hey! You're a guardian, too, huh? What's the role of the guardian dragon?
You need a thousand-year contractor, and I want you to give it to him.
Come on, hahaha. Kid, what do you want to use this for? Why don't you
break up in front of her?

No, let's get hit. Younger brother.

Not long ago, when I found a tavern run by Missha.

Jean noticed at a glance that the luxurious pub's interior decoration was

A high-end pub run on a strictly membership basis, the owner has lived for
more than 3,000 years, a dragon with an excellent aesthetic sense.

Some of the objects decorated inside were ancient art objects that even
brilliant archaeologists had never seen before.

Jean asked for the pottery, which was placed in Missha's most prized
position (her bedroom).

I wanted to use it in a better time, but I can't help it. This isn't bad either.
Thank you, Missha.'
Just in case you find this place.

"We've arrived, sir."

"No change."

When I finished the prize and got off the carriage, I saw a mountain of
fortress immediately.

Dozens of gatekeepers, dressed in shiny armor, were guarding the east,

west, south, and south, and this was the home of the Haeran.

Geomhwangseong Fortress

A name that is arrogant and convincing, as the most swordsmith of all.

Jin, who had been looking up at Geomhwangseong Fortress for a while,

approached the gate.

Unlike the imposing fortress, the gatekeepers greeted the camp with great
kindness unexpectedly.

As Dante's character suggests, Hyran was as good a family as Jipple.

"What brings you here?"

"Oh, I'm a craftsman named Paul Gray Mick. The pottery you ordered the
other day has been completed, and I'm here to deliver it myself."

The gatekeepers glanced at the pottery that Jean was holding. Then he
nodded as if he knew it, because it was often the case for Dante to get

"I'll show you around, so please go into the drawing room and wait."

"It must be given to Lord Dante himself."

"I can't tell you for sure that the soju will come out myself. But that's all
that the Soh-GJu can't help because of the busy construction, so don't take it
against him."

The gatekeeper almost smiled at Dante, who called him a cowhide.

I know that Dante was on a solid footing before returning, but the feeling of
going through it in person was completely different.

"How can I think like that? It was completed faster than expected, so I came
here without telling you in advance. I'm just grateful for your hospitality."

"Among all the artists I've ever met, he speaks in the most common sense."

Followed the gatekeeper into the drawing-room of the castle.

Today, there was a wind blowing in the spacious drawing room, perhaps the
only one who visited the Highlands.

Coming in was a success.

However, it was questionable whether Dante would ever notice the name
"Paul Gray Mick." If you don't understand it, you have to approach it in a
different way, which could be troublesome.

I stood still and waited for a long time, chatting with the doorknob.

About half an hour has passed.


I could hear someone running from the hallway that led out of the drawing

"Gee, no. Where is Paul Gray Mick?!”

Dante, who was trying to call Jean reflexively, hurriedly changed his name.
As soon as he appeared, the gatekeeper saluted with moderation, and Jean
bowed her head as if she had seen her master.
"Oh, hmm. Hmm! Oh, my God, I've been waiting so long for this work, so
it's a disgrace. You should go back now.”

"Yes, my lord!"

Dante hugged Jean as soon as he saw the gatekeeper disappear.

"Jin, you! You come here without a call? More than that, I don't know how
long it's been! How have you been? You've become stronger in the

The unique, husky voice I've heard in the first time in a long time.

"Speak slowly, Dante. I think you've grown a bit."

"I've grown a finger. You recognize that."

It is said to have grown, but Dante was still much smaller than Jean. The
innately innate musculoskeletal bone is inevitable.

But Jean was immediately able to find out how much training he had been
doing over the past time he had not been able to contact.

"At nineteen, I became a cow's owner, and swordsmanship would have

reached a point where even the expression genius would not have been
enough. You still seem to be working ten times harder than others.'

I was proud of you.

I'd like to open the table and solve the problem, but I didn't come here today
to do that.

"Dante, I have a favor to ask.”

"Oh, say anything."

"Please lend me some money."

A friend who meets after a year and a few months and asks for money is
definitely a bad friend.

But Dante thought Jean could do it. I can do it even if I ask for something
greater, not money.

"How much do you need? Oh, at this point, I'll have to pay you back the
money I borrowed from you during my escape from the Holy Land. I'll pay
you an awful lot of interest."

"About 300 million gold coins."

"Okay..., hold on. Please say it again.”

I need 300 million.”

Dante felt a cold sweat running down his back in a long time. Even for the
cattle owner of the Hainan, 300 million gold coins were a huge sum of

"Did you ask Looncandel to bring you 300 million, which was a bounty,
instead of appointing you as a jockey?"

"That's not it. Can you save it?"

"I can only use that much money with my grandfather's permission. But
your grandfather lacks justification.”

Jean rolled out the silk wrapped around the porcelain.

"Why don't you tell him it's for this porcelain?"

Dante was not well versed in art, but recognized that Qin's pottery was by
no means unusual.

Thanks to his grandfather, Ron Heiran's study and workshop, who is a

porcelain maniac, he has been watching the finest ceramics every day.
But no matter how good the pottery is, is 300 million gold coins worth? at a
moment of doubt

"A few years ago, I was wondering who the hell shook our grandson's

A new voice came from the other side of the drawing room.

Ron Heilan.

The longest competing knight of all ages against Changsheng Knights

Xiron Looncandel, the Gju of Hai-lan. It was his voice.

"I didn't know you were such a crook. Three hundred million gold coins?
You've been listening to that crap? That's disappointing, Dante."

"Joe, grandpa. This guy's not a crook, I'll explain...….”


Ron pulled a sword from his waist.

Then there was a slight earthquake in the drawing room, and the air was

"In addition, he has a peculiar foul smell of Looncandel."


"I won't kill you. Instead, I will take one arm, so consider it a lesson and
never come near Dante again."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 320

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:23 PM

Chapter 320: Episode 98. Not for food.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Ron Heiran was by far the best of the world's best-known ten-star articles
along with Talaris Endorma.

If he had made up his mind to cut himself, there was nothing he could do
about Jean.

Gently, Dante's eyes shook frantically as Ron approached Jean.

Dante, first of all, unwittingly blocked the front of Jean.

"Stick aside."

"My grandfather, please listen to my story!"

"I don't want to hear it."

Dante had no choice but to recall the promise he made with his grandfather
a few years ago when he visited the arena of Cosmos.

I'm sorry, grandpa. He didn't win this time, and he barely survived twice.

I almost lost my life twice in that low-key competition....? What the hell
happened? Was the sword lacking in accomplishment, or was it hidden from
money and play?

The sword was not lacking in achievement, but the spirit of the element was
lacking. Also, I met two boys who were blinded by money and play, but
were attracted to them.

Haha, I'm just curious to the point where you say that. He doesn't even care
about the best people in and out of his family.... yes, what are the names of
the guys who shook our grandson's heart?

My grandfather, I'm afraid I can't give you my name...... once again, I

would like to ask you one more favor.

You're so sweet! You're making this old man feel bad as soon as he gets
here! But I'll forgive you. What is your request?

Just once in any situation, let me save them.

Ron was supposed to listen to Dante's request at the time.

In less than a second, Dante's head made all kinds of calculations. Indeed, is
it right to use this card now?

Looncandel and Hairan were clearly competing. It meant classifying each

other as "enemies" and that they could strike each other whenever they had
a cause.

Therefore, it was well-deserved for Ron to pull Jean's arm now. Whatever
the reason, he broke into the original fortress of Hainan in disguise.

'Maybe, the time may come when your grandfather is really trying to take
Jean's life. It may not be now to take only one arm, but maybe it's better to
bring up that promise then...…!'

My heart beat like crazy, and I thought I'd hear my grandfather and my
friend. I had to choose.

Do you save the hand you received from your grandfather for a day that
may never come, or use it to prevent your friend from becoming crippled
right now?

I closed my eyes tightly once.

Dante finished his troubles. I couldn't wait to see my friend's arm cut off
before my eyes.

"My grandfather, I remember the promise you made with me a few years

But it's already late.

Ron had already raised the sword, gently pushing Dante, who was standing
in front of Jean.

Dante was so focused on agonizing in extreme situations that he didn't even

know he was pushed.

Rashid, Ron's favorite sword and a symbol of the Highland family, was
already stained with an aurora.

At the sight, Dante felt the blood all over his body quickly cooled down. At
a moment I felt dizzy, and my eyes went dark.

He also threw himself reflexively. To stop Ron from ginning with his body.

On the other hand, Jin looked calm as he faced Ron. He remained calm
even after Ron appeared.



Dante, who was about to shout so, could see a moment later, stopping just
before his grandfather's sword reached Qin.


Suddenly Ron burst into laughter with his belly buttoned up.
"You've been fooled, haven't you? Hahaha, how was the old man's acting?
Huh? It's been a while since I saw my grandson's bewildered face, and he's
so cute that I'm going crazy! Hahaha."

"Joe, grandpa......? You're telling me this was all a joke?"

After nodding his head, Ron couldn't stop laughing for a while.

"I was very curious because you seemed to leave your grandfather's
conversation and suddenly fidget."

Only then did Dante realize he was deceived.

Come to think of it, it was strange from the beginning.

Ron Heiran, the only grandfather Dante knows, is not the kind of person
who will do things that will hurt his heart.

"Who the hell came to see us, my grandson! Well, are you the princess you
saw at the last feast? Or did Henserk's journey to Geomhwangseong
Fortress finally pay off?

At that point, Jean opened her eyes round without realizing it.

'Crazy. Dante, I wondered why you were so late. You were talking to Lord

If it had been Looncandel, it would have been inconceivable.

While talking to a family member, he looks restless because a friend came

to see him.

"That... ...rum, grandpa. Doesn't your grandfather hurt the friend of the

"Why would I hurt my grandson's favorite figure for no good reason? Of

course, it's a bit of a shame that you didn't find her in such a hurry. My
grandfather is very happy just to see the true nature of the fellow you've
often mentioned.….”

Dante suddenly falls on the floor.

Ron's face turned white at the sight of it.

"Dante, my grandson! Rain, did you get anemia?”

Dante, who was born with an extremely weak body, was often struck hard
or collapsed, causing anemia or seizures when he was overworked.

It was a symptom that was almost gone recently.

"I'm sorry, Grandfather. The device is a disgrace.….”

"Oh, no. The old man was wrong. Hey! Call the medic, come on!"

The medical staff rushed in in an instant at Ron's loud cry. As soon as they
saw Dante, they skillfully drugged and loaded him on a stretcher.

"Jin... ...a little later, we'll talk again.”

The moment Jean nodded, Dante lost consciousness.

"Is our grandson in very bad shape? Huh? Is it a big pain?”

"It's just anemia, don't worry. My lord!"

"Nervous! If anything happens to your grandson, they'll all slit your throat."

"Don't worry, my lord! We will make sure that your condition improves as
soon as possible!"

As the medical staff quickly left with Dante, Ron looked at their backs and
sounded alone worried about his grandson.

Only two people, Jean and Ron, were left in the drawing room.
"......say hello late, Lord Ron Heilan. The thirteenth child of Looncandel is
Jean Looncandel, the twelfth rider."

"I know your name. I didn't know you had a hobby in disguise."

Ron looked slowly round the gin. Unlike when he looked at Dante, he
seemed to have no mercy at all.

"Why were you so sure I wouldn't cut you?”

Jean gently bowed her head to Ron's question.

"I don't think he's that light."

"My grandson must have been upset, but it's true that I was deeply
concerned about taking one of your arms at the expense of it."

"If that's the case, it's something I should have done for coming to the city
of Geomhwang."

"He's not good at making fun of me. Siron, I think he's looking at his young

"Thank you."

"It's not a compliment. Your father is still like that, but he was a more ugly
person in his youth."

Ron's eyes were bathed in greed when he said so.


He spoke fearfully, but couldn't take his eyes off the porcelain held by Jean.

"Because of you, my precious and precious grandson, who wouldn't hurt

my eyes, was almost hurt. How are you going to take responsibility for

"I'm afraid it's not my responsibility."

"Yes, it won't be your responsibility. If you were stronger than me."

Ron smiled lightly at Jean's shoulder.

As soon as his palm touched, Jean almost screamed. The intangible energy
stretched out from Ron's touch and Orser quickly muddled Jean's organs.

What kind of backflow......... You're trying to get up like a wizard.'

The mother's bones have become hollow.

The backflow of the fighters to the oracle was much more difficult to
artificially induce than the backflow of the wizard's mana.

It is widely believed that it is impossible to simply inject a bigger error into

the opponent to create a reverse flow.

But Ron was doing it casually.

"What do you say, are you starting to feel a little responsible now?"

Ron's reflux was getting stronger. Jean did not scream while shaking, nor
did she miss the pottery while her grip was loosening.

"First of all... ...but, uh, Te. Anemia, no."

Ron's eyes widened at the words.

It was because it was unbelievable that Jin noticed Dante's "fake disease" in
that short time. It is a matter that even he was concerned about at first.

"I know."

But on the surface, he didn't reveal his amazing heart.

"When you mix with food, you get fed. He's never responded to my pranks
like this before, but he hung out with you. You seem to have been tricked."

Ron said, taking his hand away from Jean.

Jean took a breath, wiping the blood flowing from her nose and mouth.

"Dante did a great job. Pretending to be anemic, because I've made a stand-
alone relationship with Lord Ron and passed judgment on 300 million gold
coins to you."

"Our grandson wasn't a very clever one, but he left it all behind. Yap!"

"Why don't you give me a price to eat?"


"Dante, who was only clear, showed boldness to deceive Lord Ron. When
he takes over the hegemony of the Hairan, I don't think he'll just get the
back of the head among the Beaconian conspirators.”

Jean's impudent manner made Ron forget what to say for a moment.

"Also, I have provoked Dante more than any other genius warrior in
Highlanda and Beaumont. My hard work is in part of what Dante has

"Want to get paid for it, too?"


"Hahaha... ...not food, but evil. Do you know what that means?"

"I think it means I have nothing to say if you cut me before I dye Dante
more evil."

"You can't stand it. Yeah, I wish I could just punch your ass in the neck. I'll
try to avoid that for my grandson. I'll spare you. That's the price you paid
for Dante's dye."

"That's not enough."

"Well, that's not enough. It is the case that the Runkandel 12 d'Or dared to
offer a deal to the owner of the Geomhwangseong Fortress. Just leave the
pottery behind.”

Ron smiled back and said,

"And let me also hand over the ancient fountain to me, which your son is
set to receive as a reward for his recent assignment to assassinate the black
knight. If you want to live."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 321

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:22 PM

Chapter 321: Episode 98. Not Food (2).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


a black-and-yellow central treatment house

"Oh, my grandson! You still haven't woken up! Hey, when does your
grandson wake up? It's not like you can't get up forever, is it?”

"The pulse and body temperature are very stable, my lord. I'm sure he'll
wake up soon, so don't worry."

"Dante, Dante! My grandson, how sick have you been...…!”

Dante continued to pretend to be unconscious, not knowing that Ron knew

about his fake illness and was keeping up with his rhythm.

"My heart is torn......! This old man will be right back. When you wake up,
let's go eat the Dragon King soup of our grandson's favorite royal family.
Emperor, no. I'll tell Your Majesty to have a special chef on standby."

While Ron was sniffling, Dante felt a strange pleasure with a thrilling heart
and guilt for deceiving his grandfather.

Ron managed to hold back his laughter as he saw through his grandson.
a squeaking sound

About ten minutes after Ron left, Jean entered the treatment room. At the
same time, Dante sounded sick as if he had woken up.


"Dear Soju, do you come to your senses?"

"It's been a long time since I've had a fit...How long have I been lying

"About 30 minutes."

"I'm glad it's not long. Oh, Paul Gray Mick. You didn't look good. You guys
go out for a while. I have something to talk to you about with this friend."

As soon as the doctors were away, Dante was full of laughter.

"Did you fall for it, too?"


"As expected, you can't be fooled. Jean! How was my acting? Wasn't that
great? Haha, I'm sure my grandfather knows how much I care about you,
and he has promised me 300 million gold coins. No, you would have given
me 500 million!"

To Dante, who is so excited that he raises his voice.

"I was worried inside. I was wondering if my grandfather would appreciate

the fact that Heiran and Looncandel were friends. But in the end, my
grandfather is on my side. If I want to do it for you, my grandfather also
does it for you...…”

Dante, who said that far, looked at Jean's expression.

Jean had a blank stare, half soulless, with a clear color on her face.
"Gee, Jean? You. What happened?"

"It's all robbed. ....”

"Mu, what?"

"It's all robbed, your grandfather."



Dante heard it in person, but he couldn't believe it.

What do you mean this devilish friend is robbed of everything he has? No

matter how great my grandfather was, I couldn't imagine how Jin was being

"Uh, um, uh...... Hmm, I'm sorry. I didn't expect this to happen. My
grandfather isn't the kind of man."

"No, you don't have to be sorry. That's what I used to do. Hoo, you have a
good grandfather."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Then Jean gave a giggles.

"In fact, it's not just lost. In addition to pottery, I even wrote a memorandum
to hand over some of the ancient permanent railways, but...... I know how
much information the Highlands have."

The task of assassinating the knight was a top secret.

Knowing even what rewards Jin had received after completing the mission
meant that there was a person with ties to Ron among the riders.

'Whoever it was, it wouldn't have betrayed Looncandel. Perhaps someone

who's ever been in debt to Lord Ron has told you. It is likely to be a one-
time information provision. Sir Ron wouldn't have been so proud if he had
planted a spy.'

I thought it was better.

The decision was to find out who the rider passed the information to Ron
and use it.

I also learned what kind of person Ron Heilan is.

An example of a housekeeper who does not let his guard down under any
circumstances and does not give up his own interests.

But a kind and warm grandfather who can give more than life for his

'In that sense, Lord Ron is no different from having my greatest weakness

Just the fact that Dante is his most precious friend, Ron could not treat Jean
recklessly in the future. Now that I have seen Dante trying to save Jean by
throwing himself right away.

Taking pottery and the fountain is a warning. I warn you not to dream about
using Dante in the future."

In Jean's perception, it wasn't a 'stronger' warning.

Rather, it felt closer to bluffing from the position of one-sidedly mortgaged

what was precious. It didn't occur to me that I lost much after being beaten
by Ron.

'You can get back as much as you want from Lord Ron today. The problem
is, we lost a cash cow right now.'

I thought I'd have to sell more than I expected to get money.

"Jin, I'll try to make the most of the money, as far as I can get without your
grandfather's permission. Far from helping, it seems to be harmful, so I
can't hide my disappointment.”

"It's all right, leave the money alone. We can get it somewhere else.”

"Is it possible?"

"You can make it possible. More than that, I met Veradin on the mission."

" Ventica, the disputed territory of the Mila Kingdom, where

Looncandel and Zipple faced off?"

Dante's expression grew darker. The only thing the two, Jean and Veradin,
will meet on their mission is to kill each other.


"How was Lord Veradin?"

Dante had never seen Veradin since Jin fled the West Sea.

"You weren't at the top. Beyond memory manipulation, his mind was no
longer intact at all. He didn't seem to recognize me, and he attacked me."

Jean explained to Dante about the day for a while. Throughout the story,
Dante could not hide his bitterness.

"......I can't imagine how much the Lord Veradin's heart would be broken
when his spirit was intact."

"Maybe he's not in such a state of war every day. It was often described in
the newsletter that he would normally perform outside activities such as

"I want to save you."

"I agree. But we have to wait for the right time. Until a more certain
moment comes."


As if to bring out difficult words, Dante hesitated and looked alternately at

the camp and the earth.

"If the ball of Veradin is in an irreversible situation. If you can't come back
to him then, and you can only live as a doll for the Gipple......what will you

I did ask.

I didn't expect an answer. If it's Jean, then I'll give it up, or if it's for
Veradine to kill...I thought I'd answer like that.

Nevertheless, I asked him because I wanted to check. Maybe Jean has the
same mind as herself.

"Find a way."

Dante looked up at Jean's answer.


"Then it's really fake. If I give him up, I'll get nothing. We're friends."

"Jin! This body is very moving!"

"So tell Lord Ron, I'm not as clever as you think."

"Now that my grandfather has come to know about you and me about today,
I will talk about you a little more comfortably."

"Yes, yes. I'm going to have to work.”

"Already? Why don't we have dinner together, have a drink?"

"With someone who was just dying of anemia?”

"That was all acting."

"That's enough. Call me later when you have a banquet. Just in case, send
an invitation to Veradin."



That night, as soon as I got back to Tikan.

Jin once again realized how much Ron Heiran cares about his "only"
grandson (but Dante also has a brother).

"Confucian, Duke of Qin! What kind of magic did you do?”

Tikan, which had been in the mood of the portrait until this morning, had
the opposite festive mood.

"Sir Kashmir?"

"Confucian is also our lucky Tikan. Except for the royal family, almost all
the fighters in Beemont are rushing in with money and goods.”

Jin, who was listening in a daze, smiled.

'Dante, you lucky bastard.'

Ron was evaluating Jean that way.

A fighter kid who always takes more than one when he loses one.

No doubt Ron's favorite and most recognizable thing in the world is his
grandson, but apart from that.

I thought Jin was by far the best of my grandson's contemporaries. Force,

insight, ruse, guts, and magic.

Therefore, it is judged that touching the wings in a clumsy manner is not

good for the grandson.
It was really a calculation only for grandchildren to the bone.

"It's a bolt from the blue! Rather, it's like we're replacing more solid

Kashmir was ready to dance.

'Seron, indeed, has made an excellent judgment. He didn't pay me, he

solved a more fundamental problem.'

That, except for the imperial family, almost all of Beemont's fighters want
to do business with Tikan.

It wasn't the end of the boom just by reviving Tikan's economy.

It meant that when Jin and Kashmir run Tikan in the future, they don't have
to be wary of Runkandel like this.

Instead, there was clearly a point where autonomy was undermined to some
extent, as we had to pay attention to Ron and Hylan, not to Looncandel.

But from Qin's point of view, if he has to fight either of the two forces,
namely, Looncandel and Hairan, for the full independence of Tikan in the

Naturally the latter was less burdensome. The Looncandel is obviously a

stronger family than the Highlands.

"If only today's prices are confirmed to be accounts, we won't have to ask
for any more money."

Jean shook her head at the horse.

"But the more money, the better?"

"Of course! I've been told off already. Confucius' guests will arrive soon.
Oh! Hey, I think Jet's bringing him in.”

I looked out the window and saw a giant following Jet.

He was approaching the mansion with a strangely out-of-the-way gait,
wearing a robe and a hood over him.

"Come on! I've got him!"

Jet opened the door cheerfully.

Closer I looked, the giant in the robe looked much bigger. The strange
skeleton made it seem like no man.

Jean shrugged her shoulders as she looked at her shiny gold eyes under the

"You guys, you're making me look like I'm going to wear other people's
makeup. Was this really the best?"

"Why, isn't this pretty good enough?!”


When the lobes came off, the hairs that seemed to barely touch Jean's waist
were revealed. The identity of the giant was the "four people united like one
human being."

"Uh, it's not great. Long time no see, Fang."

"Oh, that's it. You're going to be shabby? We're not the poor in that cave
anymore. Call me the top one line of gold, Lord Jean Looncandel, the 12th
flag of the Looncandel."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 322

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:20 PM

Chapter 322: Episode 99. Attacking the villa (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Well... ...yes. The top of the golden pin No. 1 row top. I'm sorry if disguise
was the best thing you could do. As a business partner in the future, I feel a
little less reliable."

"I can't believe I'm losing faith! You've experienced more of our technology
than anyone else, and you say that? I'm so disappointed, haha."

When Fang laughed, the other three golden snowmen followed.

"I'm in the top two rows of goldfish. You've seen the last time a retired
mercenary dressed up as a traveling outfit, haven't you?

"I'm a gold digger, the top three row stone. Nice to see you again, Jean

"I'm the top four line of goldfish, Songyi! You have a pretty good face for a
human being. It's good enough to be used as a sign on the top of our

Top, Sooni, Stone, Pine Mushroom. The four were the leaders of the cave's
golden snow clans, who made them the greatest rejections in the kingdom
of .
"No, what if these little bastards talk down to you like that? Our country is
the bannerman of the great Looncandel, eh?"

Kashmir grabbed him by the shoulder as Jet spoke with a funny fist.

"Be quiet and you stay back. Confucius will take care of it.”


"Are you Lord Kashmir, the Ear Sword? Thank you for stopping me. I
thought I'd throw that naughty fellow out of thin air!"

The top snorted at the back of Jet, who is leaving in a lonely way.

Shue! Shue! The golden snowmen stretched their fists into the air, making
wind noises with their mouths.

Jin and Kashmir swallowed a smile at the sight of the golden snowmen.
Anyway, it was a race with a cute side.

"K, anyway. That means we're so successful because you made us seed
money. But the real thing is from now on."

"I was ready, but I couldn't start my business without the main character."

Fang and Soonyi looked at Jin and said,

I like it. After I become the flag bearer for Looncandel, I'll talk to you about
business in earnest. Then everyone was glad and grateful, I'm leaving.

What Jin said when he last met the Geumseol tribe.

The business they were talking about meant 'cosmetics business'.

Until now, the Geumseol people have been rich only by investing seed
money into various businesses and businesses.

But now they wanted to start a direct business.

Innovative business that would devour the world.


Dori and Songyi unpacked the paper they had brought in advance.

The paper, likely to be nearly a span thick, had business plans and contracts
written on it.

"Come on, take a quick look. The top of the gilt is Jean Luncandel and the
bottom is the top of the top of the gilt. Well, there's no particular clause to
care about. To summarize the key points, we are in charge of the operating
rights of the top five to five, and you should be faithful to advertising. The
termination of the contract is absolutely impossible...….”

"I don't like it from the start. Profits are seven to three. My side is painted.
Change the top operations to accommodate some of my opinions, at your
disposal, only in the land of the water."

"The latter admits. Isn't the former too much? Seven to three? Are you
going to act like a robber against us?"

"Instead, the top of the goldfish is officially protected by the 12th flag of the
Looncandel. I mean, I'm totally going to pay for someone's direct attack, so
to speak, damage to property caused by raids, looting, robbery, etc.

"That's tempting."

It was a very tempting story for the Golden Snow people.

There have been two main reasons why they have not carried out their own
business. One was to wait for Jean, and the two had no means of protecting

The second problem was big.

No matter how much money you have, it was not easy to find a reliable
force. Because they were literally nerds.
Not having connections, not having a high reputation, not having power.
The Geumseol people were just rich numbers.

At least some of the Looncandel's guardian knights have been dispatched

for the return of Bradamante, so they are keeping their money.

Hana money was like a candle in front of the wind.

The Jeokho people were slowly looking at Looncandel's guardians and

demanding payment, and they were even showing an attitude that they
would kill and rob them if they were wrong.

"If Looncandel attacked us, will you make up for the loss?"

"Of course."

"Even if the Zipple attacks?"

"Sound of course."

"Okay, take it."

Fang unexpectedly accepted Jean's offer.

Rather than having a 50 percent stake that might be taken away at any time,
it was judged that having a safe 30 percent would be beneficial in many

"I'm sure you get the hang of it, but the business plan is very specific and
innovative. Especially when it comes to advertising, how much we've been
worried about...….”

Fang and Geumseol people began to explain their business plans.

It was quite a long story, but it could be summed up in one line. He said he
would use "character" called Jean Looncandel to advertise very directly.

"Think, Jean Looncandel. Everywhere you go in the world, there's a picture

of your face hanging in every big building. about the size of a sailboat
Using our cosmetics, posing for the product."

"There must be some writing underneath it, too. Experience the beauty of
Jean Looncandel's choice, the color makeup of gold."

"or discover your new beauty. Jean Looncandel recommends, gold-pink

color makeup."

"What do you say, innovative? When you think of goldfish cosmetics,

everyone will naturally think of your flat face."

To be sure, no top has ever advertised its products that way.

"In addition, our cosmetics are classified into three categories. high-grade
snow, low-grade snow, and jade snow for special disguises. I'm going to
extort money from every human being in the world, from ordinary people to
the Royal Family of Beaumont!"

"Oksul makeup, which is a disguise product, is a makeup done by Kumsul

technicians, and will be a perfect disguise as if you were transformed into a
retired special soldier. It's a special product for friends who usually do dark
things. I won't include it in the advertisement, but you can only buy it
through the acquaintance.”

Part of the earnings will be donated to various organizations to help the top
have a good and friendly image. Make-up donation, that's strange, right?
We're also going to have a free makeup event every week, with Golden
Snow technicians wandering around the world."

All the way through, Kashmir couldn't shut his mouth.

Jean was also tongue-tied at their business acumen.

"Confucian, this is...... it sounds crazy at first glance, but it certainly does. I
think all the young people in the world will be anxious to imitate

"I'll hang my face in pictures for every big building in each city...…?”
"You're not a backup jockey any more. Do I need to cover my face? If you
really don't like it, you can use a different face, but there are only a few
people who can surpass you in terms of influence and appearance. Maybe
not at all."

"It's not that I don't like it. That's an ingenious remark. Well, not bad. No,
that's a great way.”

It was when Jin first thought it would be okay to do business with

Geumseoljok cosmetics when he was a backup jockey.

Their cosmetics were clearly outstripping the public. Skills enough to

fascinate the world if properly distributed.

In that sense, Jin thinks that the cosmetics of the Geumseol tribe were
similar to Zipple's 'life magic products'.

People in the world, whether they like it or not, have no choice but to use
the products of Jipple.

The various life magic products they developed, such as mana lights, mana
stoves, and various manbased amenities, were simply dominating the world.

Zipple used to use it to gain the upper hand in dealing with any force.

If the company does not accept the deal, it will cut off the supply of magical
living products to the power.

Of course, not many people in the world knew about such misdeeds of
Jipple. Even if I knew, I couldn't raise the issue recklessly.

On the other hand, all Looncandel had was force.

Although the tools made by Looncandel's blacksmiths were selling like hot
cakes, demand was low. There are overwhelmingly more ordinary people in
the world than unmanned ones.

That's why as the years go by, Jipple influences more and more places in the
Looncandel was destined to grow smaller and smaller.

It was because there were more things that could be done by magic than by

It's a decline that's yet to be seen. But one day, the gap was bound to be

'The family seems to be only thinking about breaking the jipple and gaining
their influence, but that's not the only thing we should be prepared for.
Business with the Geumseol people is the beginning of change.'

Jean smiled, asking for a handshake from the Golden Snow.

"When are you going to start?"

"As soon as you sign the contract."

"So from now on, then.

When Jin signed the contract, the Geumseol people joined hands.

"Let's make a bunch of money together! First of all, I'm going to put an ad
on Hufester first.”

Jean Looncandel, or Looncandel.

When the name comes to mind after today, people would naturally associate
it with the fashionable force, as well as beautifully illuminated colorful


A week has passed.

Joshua took the butler Howard and a few of his close aides to visit the
Kuroano himself.
It was because I heard an absurd story. The story is about a painting of Jean
Looncandel and her youngest brother hanging in Kuroano Gongguk Square.

As it is rumored, Joshua was able to identify the giant portrait of Qin hung
at the entrance of the Kuroan Gongguk Art Street.

(Select of Gene Looncandel, color makeup of gold)


The bright smile described by the portrait was scratching Joshua's stomach
like a blade.


Joshua, who was reading the picture and the bottom passage, opened his
mouth for a moment.


"What the hell do you think this is? The family's flag bearer has low-cost
cosmetics......hah, cosmetics? I'm speechless because it's amazing. When I
cut my purse strings, I never thought I'd have a big accident like this."


Joshua clenched his teeth.

I couldn't even imagine how funny people would find the alternative
Looncandel when they saw that ad.

What name is Looncandel?

For a thousand years in the world what Looncandel symbolized was fear

Now the youngest, who has become a jockey, dares to bleach his name.
Even, in the name of the Looncandel, which will soon be his own.
Not only Joshua but also quite a few people gathered in front of Jin's
portrait to smile. As if watching a strange animal!

At the sight, Joshua's judgment was twisted and he was going crazy.

"Tell the senate right now to refer the lunatic to disciplinary action. Put that
goddamn portrait away."

"What should we do with the portraits outside of Hufester?”

"It's outside of Hufester...…?”

"I've heard that there's already a 12-year-old portrait hanging in the cities of
the Rutero Magic Federation."

"... ...get to know the guys who made this. First of all, don't just drag them
in, what kind of guys are they? I want you to thoroughly investigate who's
on the back row."


Meanwhile, while Joshua is venting his anger at the Kurano Dortrune.

One by one, Qin and his colleagues were gathering into a forest in the Ekan

It was where Joshua's secret villa was.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 323

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:18 PM

Chapter 323: Episode 99. Attacking the villa (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was dense and deep. The path is deserted, with nowhere to be found, and
even a mare.

There were not many people in the world who could build and maintain
villas in places like this. Joshua had his own guardian knights and hounds
stationed here.


Some unknown evil creatures were making low cries somewhere.

But the demons were not able to approach the camp because they were
afraid of the energy of the Ming Dynasty from him.

'Secret villa and Joshua's childhood.'

If Luna hadn't told us, it would have been impossible to find this place even
with the intelligence of the Seven Colors.

In a way, the villa was in a position that was simply impossible to find
unless it had grown up together.
When Joshua was in puberty, there was a forest where he visited and trained
on the day he was severely beaten by me. It was a forest with mana. I think
you chose that place to follow your father's training in the Black Sea.

Luna told me the location of the secret villa.

The people of the Ekan Kingdom called it an abandoned forest, a dark

forest, or a forest of abyss. Just as we call useless and dangerous forests that
have one for each province.

The nearby village disappeared after being attacked by a demon, and the
Ekan kingdom had no ability to clean up its forests.

When Joshua was a boy, he thought this was the perfect place to train.

And I knew my father would be happy. As my father did in the Black Sea, I
expected that someday he would be recognized for his solitary training in
this forest.

Only once, Xiron spoke to Joshua about the forest.

You're doing great. But you can't catch up with your sister that way.

Poetics were extremely rare to fully praise their children.

Therefore, if you have both praised and rebuked at the same time, unless
you still have a nuance of ridicule.

It was certainly more of a compliment story.

But even the moment Joshua was training with respect for his father.

I couldn't stand being compared to Luna.

So he led the factional cadres in person and set fire to the villa.

Since that day, the villa has disappeared from Looncandel's records, and
Joshua has no longer visited the Ekan Kingdom.
About ten years after one, somehow.

Joshua visited this place again and built the same villa as he did when he
was a boy.

Maybe it's because of his love for his father, or just thinking about it, he
liked the forest, or he's lost some sense of inferiority complex. I don't know
why, but it seems to be a pretty important space anyway.

While recalling Luna's story for a moment, Jean, feeling the presence,
turned her head. The masked men were seen through the dense dark trees.

Kashmir, Alisa, Kuzan, and Julian. They have just come to the camp after
arriving in the forest.

"I came here erasing all the traces that Confucius left behind."

Kuzan said, bowing politely. As he said, his colleagues had come to him,
erasing the traces that Jean had deliberately left to find him.

"Well done."

Three guardian knights and ten hounds.

According to Luna's information, that's how many people lived in the villa.

"You can kill all the hunting dogs, but save the guardian as much as you
can, but kill if you can't control them. In particular, Kuzan and Julian may
have an old colleague who recognizes your abilities, so they must change
their ways and fight."

The reason why I wanted to save the guardian knight was because they
were loyal to Luncandel before Joshua's blessing.

In the future, I wanted to avoid killing family guardian as much as much as

possible. I wanted to give them a chance, so to speak.

An opportunity to transfer or surrender before the full-scale war against

Joshua begins.
Before that, the knights who made wise choices were willing to be listed.


Qin, Kashmir, and Alisa also brought something other than the weapons
they originally used. Alisa took a pair of daggers, not a guntlet at all.

Jean turned to Julian.

He was usually extremely introverted, and he always looked scared

whenever Joshua talked about it. He looked unusually nervous today.



"It's definitely here."

Julian's lips were tightly sealed at the remark. Jean patted him lightly on the
shoulder and continued his back talk.

"Let's get in."

Jin and his colleagues quickly began to move on the forest path.

Except for Julian, not everyone seemed very nervous. Three guardian
knights and ten hounds are simply enough to kill them. Unless the opponent
is at the level of an executive engineer.

It was only dark with dense trees, but still in broad daylight. As the villa
neared, the trees gradually decreased, and as soon as the flat ground was
revealed, a villa standing in the middle of the empty space was seen.

Sunlight was pouring over the log-building in the middle of the forest. It's
quite a picturesque scene, but apparently it just didn't seem to accommodate
as many as thirteen people.

Joshua originally built the building for his own use, and it was very small as
it was restored. It feels more like a cabin than a villa.
The party approached the entrance to the villa, killing their footsteps.

Inside were two Joshua's hounds. They were gambling among themselves,
and only after the party was around the corner did they feel the presence.

But it was too late then.

Hiss hiss!

A poisoned needle shot by Kuzan through a crack in the window penetrated

the necks of the two.

When they put their heads on the table, Kuzan skillfully recovered the sting,
then cut back the scar on which the sting touched, clearing the trail.

Except for the two, there was no one inside the villa. Three guardian
knights and the other eight hounds are invisible.

They were underground.

As the ground building is small, it was not that difficult to find a passage
underground. Only if you know that underground exists.


Alisa opened the door hidden on the floor and looked at the trap. There
were no special traps at the entrance, as the residents frequented the area.

When I got down, it was a pitch-dark passageway. Without hesitation, the

group turned on the mana lights that hung on the waist of the two dead

Unlike the ground, which used to be only a small hut, the basement was
also quite large.

" Let's not scatter, Lord Kashmir. You don't know the inside structure at

"Okay, Confucius Jean."

While entering the basement and walking for about a dozen minutes, the
party never encountered an enemy.

Until now, the group had been aware that the basement was similar to a
prison. Beyond the bars was a cell filled with bloodstains, and all the places
I had seen so far had been empty.

Bloodstains were human, and dragons were. It was possible to distinguish

between the dragon and the scales of the dragon.

Julian could not hide his uneasiness at the sight.

My colleagues decided to attack this villa because of the captivity of Suho-

ryong of Julian.

"The traces of the dragon being locked up are all of the guardian dragons of
Joshua's contractors."

The number was by no means small.

So I wondered. How could you protect this large number of dragons with
only 13 or so human beings.

'It can't be. There's something else, something else.'

The only thing that came to mind right away was the drinking stone. Of all
the things Jin knows, that's the only way to make a dragon panic or control
it, so it's natural.

But Joshua was unlikely to have a drinking seat.

While I was thinking, when I passed the corridor, I suddenly saw a man-

He seemed neither a guardian nor a hound. His back was so bent that he
could barely reach Jean's waist, covered his whole body with a dark robe
and held a cane.

A man not heard from Luna.

No, I was wondering if it was human.

All the party, including Jin, were unable to sense any energy from him.

[What, are the ingredients supposed to come in again today?]

He spoke in a low, dreary voice.

The moment Kuzan was about to overpower the mysterious man with
another poisoned needle, Qin raised his hand to restrain him.

It was because he knew that the man's vain eyes were facing the air without

'He's blind. Otherwise, you can't react like that to these suspicious masks.
By the way, who the hell is it?'

The rest of my colleagues noticed the fact a beat later.

[How many people are here?]

Name, unit of counting people.

The material the man was talking about was human.


[Like a mouse tail. I can't do anything like that. Throw it inside and go

"I've been wondering before, what's the material for?"

Jean approached and asked, and the man shook his head.

[Sigh, Lord Joshua made a mistake for some reason. I can't believe you
asked me this question.….]

Just like that's perfect!

He hit the floor with his cane.

Then, on the floor, the ceiling, and the walls, there was an ominous purple
magic camp.


Jean and her colleagues could recognize that it was an ancient dark magic.

That means even Jean has no idea what magic works.

Several thoughts passed through Jean's head in a short moment.

Is it right to kill this guy, or is it better to defend a magic trick that is

completely unknown and then subdue it to dig up information?

The latter was attracted, but the risk was too high to guarantee the safety of
his colleagues.

Si Ik!

Jean shot and stabbed the sword into the man's neck. It was a judgment that
the magic might not stop by cutting off the limbs.


Then the man flinched and fell forward. It has been less than a second since
the magic team was activated.

"Are you all right, Confucius?"

"I didn't know what magic was, so I killed him. Maybe he was trying to
summon something from hell, just like Muron did."

Jean said, taking off the hood of the fallen man. The violet magic was again
losing its light and disappearing.

It was a hideous figure. The face was crushed to the point where the nose
and mouth were indistinguishable, and the body looked like the flesh of
someone forced together.

It also seemed to be in a state of weakness before Jean killed him.

"Good job. Huh, what the hell is this guy...... The Wizard? No, I don't feel
like a human being."

"I'm sure he's not human, he's like a horse. I've been trained to look like this
when I was on a special lease."

Alisa added an explanation to Kashmir's question.

Jean was rummaging through his lobes to check his belongings. From the
pockets inside the lobes, strange old paper and bone fragments that could
not be identified as animal or human flowed down.

Tuk, Degur...….

And a black bead fell.

"Go, Confucius. This is...…!”

Kashmir looked down at the bead in a fright.

The bead was very similar to what Jean and her colleagues knew, and was
made of the same material.

"Yeong-gi bead..."!?'

The recorder of a solderlet.

That was the bead that fell from the man's lobes.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 324

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:17 PM

Chapter 324: Episode 99. Attack on the villa (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Reflectively picked up the bead.

When I looked at it again, it was a recording device for solderlet. The

difference is that it's a little heavier than what Jean had before.

'No, what the hell is this about here?'

I was speechless at the sudden discovery. Other colleagues looked at each

other as if they were the same, smacking their eyes.

Joshua, where the hell did he get this? Did he approach Themeer's grave?'

Temer's tomb cannot enter without 'qualification'

The qualification is, of course, the status of a contractor of solderlet.

Immediately two assumptions came to mind.

First, a figure named "Preditor" did something to help Joshua enter the
Temer's tomb.

Second, Joshua got the recording device from somewhere other than
Themeer's tomb.
Either way, the question is whether he knows that the bead is a recording

Jean looked down at the fallen Ma tribe.

Dead men tell no tales.

He might have found quite a bit of information if he had been able to save
the Mana, but he had already become a cold body and was spilling black
blood from his neck.

It's a shame.

It was an unexpected harvest. Compared to the fact that every time I got a
recording device, I almost had to die, it was no different from just rolling in.

"Gong-ja, you'd better pack up some other belongings of this tribe."

"Yes, I think it's a horse that needs to be identified.”

I searched in the bosom of the dead horse. There seemed to be nothing to

pack except a bundle of paper with unreadable ancient languages and the
letters of the Ma tribe and a book.

And the moment Jin unconsciously opened the book.

Oh, my God!

Suddenly the book gave off an ominous violet glow, and from it a voice
with a strange ring spread.

[The great duke of the Rantelgius, the one who has been caught in the mad
book of Lontelgius. I will be cursed by Rontelgius forever! You will be a
stone statue alive and will not die, and you will be a powder and forever
resent yourself.]

It was a different voice from the one of the dead horsemen.

As soon as the curse's spell was over, a translucent chain of violet came out
of the book and tied up the gin.

"Dear Confucius!"

"Prince Jean!"

My colleagues stretched out their swords in a fit of surprise. Naturally the

chain of curses was not cut by the sword.

And Chin lightly raised his hand to indicate that it was okay.

"Don't panic, everyone. I'm immune anyway."

Solderlet's contractor has full immunity to all kinds of curses in the world.

The power that Valeria described as "excessively fraudulent" before her

return was indeed a long experience for Jean.

The chain that tied the gin slowly permeated into his shadow on the floor.

It didn't take five seconds for the chain to devour into the shadows and
disappear without a trace.

My colleagues watched the scene with their mouths open, and asked me,

"Confucian, are you sure you're okay?”

"Yes, I'm glad to hear that. If someone else touched this book, not would have been a statue. Unless a bunch of Rontelgius put this
device in a book just to scare you."

At the moment of the attack on the host, the back of the ship had cooled
down. Not because I'm afraid of curses, but because of the fact that
something terrible could have happened that could never have been undone
if another colleague had touched it.

"In the future, we should be more careful with those who use the magic of
the devil or the dark. You've been purely lucky just now. I also got a name,
Rontelgius, which is believed to be a member of this tribe.”


The carcass of the horse was disintegrating. There was not even a trace of
blood spreading where his body was.

"It's a nasty species."

"Let's keep going."

The movement has begun again. Perhaps because of the sudden encounter
with the Ma people, the group seemed more nervous.

However, the group never met the enemy until they reached the end of the
underground facility.

Three guardian knights, eight hounds, and the rest of the residents are

Rather, it bothered me.

Without so many people, Julian's guardian dragon might have been

transferred to another place...….

When such anxiety was about to pass through the party's mind, Julian
pointed to beyond the darkness of the basement with trembling hands.

"Car, Caltor......! Caltor!"

When I lit the light, I saw a man hanging on the wall.

He was the guardian dragon of Julian, the brain dragon Caltor, who
transformed himself into a human being.

He looked miserable enough to close his eyes. The crushed hands and feet
were lodged in a huge nail, and the whole body was filled with traces of
mysterious torture.
Breathe hardly breathed.

"Caltor! It's me, Julian! I'll let you go in a minute...…!”

Tears streamed from Julian's eyes constantly.

This time, Kuzan also pulled out the nails together without saying anything,
feeling sorry for Ulian. Flinching! Every time the nail fell out, Caltor's body
shook, and the consciousness showed no sign of coming back.

"Ah... ...Caltor, answer me. What the hell did those bastards do to you?"

"Live, Julian. We can go back and heal. Confucius will surely call the saints
of Vankela. So just calm down, and keep your voice down. I know it's
disgusting right now, but there's nothing Joshua can do to intimidate you,

said Kuzan, patting Julian's back.

Jean took off her coat and wrapped herself around thin Caltor.


On the verge of getting back to the ground and escaping the forest.

Jean turned her head and gazed at Joshua's secret villa, where she stood.

'When Joshua was training here, if his father truly recognized him. Would
he be less trash than he is now?'

Jean shook her head at the sudden question.

"No, it's likely to overlap with the time when I cursed myself when I was
one year old anyway. Sometimes I wonder what made him so ugly.'


"I've found a hiding place, Lord.

Of the three guardian knights, a man of the colonists reported to Joshua.

"Where were you?"

"Amazingly, it was a country in the eastern part of the Ekan Kingdom. It's
called the village of the donkey, which has less than 100 residents, and most
of them are elderly."

"In such a place? Are you sure?”

"Yes, we've already been rattling the residents. They built a lab on one side
of town. I looked at the lab myself. The residents' description of Arya
Oulhart matches all of them."

"You said it was dark under the lamp, but that makes perfect sense."

"But it would have been hard to find without the detection magic of the

Three guardian knights and eight hounds that were supposed to be waiting
in Joshua's secret villa.

That was why they were absent from the secret villa. They left the villa to
track down the traces of Aria Oulhart in the Ekhan Kingdom, which the Ma
people found by the Dark World's "detection magic."

Rontelgius rampen.

Joshua nodded, recalling his terrible appearance.

"Yes, it's a detection magic ingredient, and you've eaten a thousand death
row inmates. You're finally paying off. Was there any clue to the other
hiding places in Aria Oulhart in the village of the donkey?”

"There's only a limited amount of way out of the donkey village, so tracking
down the expected route of travel will narrow down the suspected area.
Clearly, Aria Outhart has another shelter in Hufester."

"How much time do we need to secure another hiding place?”

"You can find at least one place in a month. If you continue to narrow it
down that way, you'll be able to bite the right tail."

"Okay, good work. To reduce the time as much as possible."

"We'll have more satisfactory results soon."

"We offer more death row inmates to Rampen. Now that his magic has been
proven to be excellent.”

Joshua smiled.

Rontelgius rampen......if he could identify the bead. I'll even consider

providing a death penalty for my cloning.'

Young-gi beads.

It was at the tomb of Looncandel that he got it. When I was a beginner
cadet, one day I was busy losing to Luna, as always.

Instead of being locked up in the room and cursing himself as usual, Joshua
headed to his family's tomb.

It is still unknown why he suddenly visited Yeongmyo at that time. They

visited Yeongmyo as if they were led by fate or possessed by something.

And the deepest part of Yeongmyo.

A spirit bead was found in an empty tomb where the original housekeeper,
Themeer, was supposed to be enshrined.

'When I touched the spirit bead, I began to hear the voice of the dog.'

A doglike thing; a prophet.

At first she only existed in her voice. Only in the voice of consoling little
Joshua, giving advice.
As Joshua grew older, his voice became more and more real. At first, she
was a ghostly figure, and from the time she became a rider, she was
transformed into a woman who is as clear as she is now.

'But the prophet does not know that he has awakened from the bead. And
the fact that I have beads.'

Joshua did not tell her about the beads, even in the prime of his faith in the

It was thanks to a natural instinct.

Young Joshua instinctively sensed that the spirit bead could be a safety

For example, one day when a prophet betrays himself for some reason, it
will be useful.

"When I see the attitude of the prophet these days, I feel like he's going to
betray me at any time. Whether it is dealt with as soon as it becomes a
housekeeper, or whether there is a sure means of control before that. Either
number has to be used.'

Joshua had yet to let go of his old intuition about the spirit bead.

So by chance, no. Perhaps he was forced to ask Rontelgius to find out

where to use it.

"I'll leave you alone, Lord."

The moment when the guardian knight who finished the report saluted and
tried to step down.

Someone found Joshua in an urgent voice.

"Sir Joshua!"

The man who came into the room and bowed his head was one of the
"What's going on?"

"The deserted cottage of the forest has been attacked."


"It happened that we were heading east of Ekan with the information we
received from the Ma tribe."

Joshua pressed the curse that came up through his throat. The guardian,
who was about to step down, was surprised and turned to the hound.

"......what about the damage?"

"The brain dragon and horse race that I had in custody are gone. And the
two remaining personnel were killed...….”

The hound could not accurately recognize whether the horsemen were dead
or gone.

It was because there were no remains of the Majung's body in the

underground facilities of the secret villa.

"Have you ever tracked?"

"They're outstanding, there's no trace left. I'm sorry."


Joshua picked a big breath.

After all, it was a time when we had no choice but to lean once more on the
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 325

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:15 PM

Chapter 325: 100th episode. What kind of disciplinary action...….(1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Colleagues put their heads together and looked at the newly acquired spirit

"Joshua, you got this from robbing his villa?”

said Murakan, stroking his chin.

It was difficult for him to understand that Joshua had the recording device
for Solderlet. Just like all my colleagues do.

"What the hell happened to you? Why does he have the recorder for
Soldierlet? Besides, I killed him because he had a horse, and that was
Rontelgius again?"

Next to Young-gi's bead lay the madors of Rontelgius. At the same time,
there was a pile of paper spilled by the dead horse.

"You know the name? No, should I ask if it's a family?"

"It's a family I know. Listen, kid. You've been incredibly lucky. Because,
even after meeting the Rontelgius' Mana, he survived."
"I just stabbed him in the neck, and he died instantly. He looked very

"So you explained that you were lucky. Rontelgius is a duchess of the Ma
tribe society. Right below the king of the devil, one of the four most
powerful peacocks."

The Devil, the Four Peacocks of the Horse.

How great a position it is, how great a power it has. I couldn't understand
quickly as my colleagues.

They've never had a horse.

"It's natural that you don't know the name now that In-se has almost
disappeared. At one time, most dragons avoided friction with Lontelgius.
It's not over just dying or getting hurt."

As can be seen from the curse on the Mado Paper of the dead Ma,
Lontelgius Rampen, Lontelgius was a masterly family of curses among the
Ma people.

"Cursed is the curse, but Rontelgius was a close relative of Orgal, king of
the Masu. I don't know, Murakan was asleep, but he used to be notorious in
the past.”

However, after the victory of the Union of Humanities, the Ma people left
the Inse. Although it was not often seen on the Internet, it completely

"Quikantel, do you think the Witch has gone through a lot since then? If this
little guy goes for a blow."

"You said he was in a state of weakness. Besides, if Jean hadn't been a

contractor for Solderlet, she would have been cursed."

Quikantel looked at Jean and said back to her.

"Your brother, the second rider of Looncandel. How on earth did he reach
the Lontelgius and how he knew where to use the spirit bead? We need to
find out.”

How Joshua got the spirit bead, and how he and his horseman were related.
For now, everything was a mystery.

"Does he know that the spirit bead is a recording device?”

"Well, once you get back to your family, Joshua will approach you first."

"Prince, Joshua has no justification. As I escaped from the Ekan Kingdom, I

certainly erased all traces."

Jean smiled at Kuzan's words.

"Yes, I've erased all the evidence. But even without proof, he'll be sure of it.
That doesn't matter. It's only part of the sequencing war anyway, and there's
no context of dragons' involvement."

"Little boy, are you going to ask Joshua directly? Do you know what that

"You have to decide that by looking at the atmosphere. I still don't know
how he'll turn out."

"Then we'll find out about Rontelgius when you come back. No matter how
hard I think about it, I can't believe that the horseman died so easily. Maybe
it's an abandoned mana in Rontelgius, or maybe Rontelgius itself is ruined."

"You should also look for someone who can read mados and paper bundles.
I think it's an important clue. And..."

Jean looked at Julian, who was sitting down on one side of the Oval Office.

"Let's discuss how to wake up Julian's guardian dragon."

The brain dragon Caltor.

He had fallen into "sleep" without enduring the harsh torture that lasted too
long. Therefore, even after the rescue, Julian could not say a word with
Sukho-ryong, whom she had missed so much.

"As I said earlier, little man. A dragon named Caltor's heart is broken and
must recover for at least five hundred years, hugh."

Gilly naturally closed Murakan's mouth.

"There must be some way, Julian. So don't be too upset, just wait calmly."

Julian looked at his colleagues with red eyes.

"Thank you all..."

Then his colleagues blinked.

It was because Julian first used honorifics.

"That gilded man uses all the honorifics. That's great, that's great! I'm in a
mood. This Murakan will wake you up somehow, so stay calm until then.
Come to think of it, he's less than a thousand years old, so it's going to be
easy to recover his heart."

"I think it's pretty organized. Then I, Gilly and Murakan, should return to
their families the day after tomorrow. You've emptied the Sword's garden
too often lately, so it'll be hard to stop by Tikan for a while. Unless
something special happens."


"See you next time, then."

"Yes, yes. Thank you for always taking care of me, Aria...….”

Valeria turned back, bowing lightly.

Old people in the donkey village waved their hands, revealing only a few
teeth left until she disappeared out of the village.
Soon, completely out of their sight, Valeria clenched her teeth and touched
her forehead.

In recent years, no follower of any force has ever come very close to him.
They all wandered around an old hideout that had already been disposed of,
or in vain, pointing to a completely different place.

But this time it was different.

"The hideout in the donkey village has been discovered...... plus the
movements of the pursuers have become more sophisticated.'


When Aria injected mana, the blue mana spread with a cane.

The mana soon became a translucent, square form of "Changshui," and

surprisingly, letters began to be written on it.

A 29-year-old woman with Clever's last name visits the donkey village and
threatens the elderly. No more records can be found.

A 34-year-old man with the last name of MacLoran visits the village of the
donkey to appease the elderly and ask about the whereabouts of Aria
Outhart. More records than that...….

Clever and McLoran. the castle of Hufester's most prestigious families

Valeria was able to guess that the people who found her were the guardians
of Looncandel.

My mother and older brother are looking for you. They say they've figured
out the name you're using right now. The name Aria Outhart.

That's not the only alias I have. He's doing a good job erasing his tracks.

Anka Roffman, Lailin Hazzard, Lucille Scope, and Hartia Ben. Aren't they
your aliases? And to say that you and I are doing a good job, we're meeting
and talking.
Not long ago, a conversation with Jean came to mind in Mamit.

'......I must have underestimated the great families. The movements of the
pursuers have changed.'

Fortunately for Valeria, it was Looncandel, not Zipple, that found the


Valeria turned to the donkey village, releasing the open recording magic.

'The elderly will soon be in contact with Looncandel.'

Just a few days ago.

They were the ones who followed themselves like saviors. Most of the old
people in the village were abandoned by their children and lived without
any hope.

The old men told Looncandel everything about themselves. Though I know
very little.

Never expected loyalty from the old man.

No, not to them but to any human being Valeria did not expect loyalty.

But I couldn't help but feel bitter from the bottom of my heart.

'I'm glad I didn't kill everyone. Come on I've got to go. Rutero Magic
Federal Hideout.'

Diligently moved to the night.

Over five identification cards were used while using land, sea and mobile
gates. On the way, he stopped by 'Samil' and received letters and items that
came to him.
She was able to arrive safely at the 'Failin Kingdom' of the Rutero Magic
Federation. And as soon as I got there.

hung in the middle of the entrance to the mobile gate, one could see the face
of Jean Looncandel.

(Your beauty, Gene Looncandel, warrants it. gold-pink color makeup)


Valeria looked up at the commercial picture, swallowing her breath


It's a cosmetic ad.......? What the hell is this guy thinking?'

Valeria who has been absent-mindedly staring away from the billboard for a
while and is walking away.

It was dawn when we arrived at Palin's hideout. Only then could Valeria
confirm the letters and items she found in Samil.

(That's the first letter. These are cosmetics and makeup tools that give you a
good look if you spread them out. Thanks for fixing your clumsy disguise.

Contact Tikan if you think you'll get caught. Well, good bye.)

Valeria shook her head looking at the items.

There was one more letter.

(I didn't know I'd be sending you a second letter so soon. There's one more
recording device. I hope we can meet soon. Get in touch with Tikan, so we
can find a place to meet.)

"You got another spirit bead?'

Ha! Feeling dejected, Valeria sighed.

The Looncandel's youngest seemed to get a recording device that no one
could find even if they searched all over the world for it.

For the sake of research, it was Valeria who thought she should meet Jean
Looncandel again.

'Anyway, it's a gain for me. I will use it hard, Jean Luncandel.'


As soon as he returned to Hufester, butler Petro urgently found Jean.

"Dear old man!

"What's going on? Petro."

"I'm in big trouble. The senate has designated you as the subject of
disciplinary action!"

"Punishment? For what reason? Stop making a fuss and talk it over. What's
the disciplinary action?"

I'm asking, but to some extent I expected it.

Cosmetics business started with the Geumseol people. That must have been
the reason.

'Maybe he's been given a probationary measure. The issuing side of hanji
may be better than being in the garden of the sword.'

After living as a jockey, I thought it would be better to stay in Korean paper

for about a year.

There were too many eyes to see in the garden of the sword. Therefore,
there is too much to care about whenever you have to find the grave of
Themeer or the arrangement of the Soldier.

Even if you go to Hanji anyway, it is too easy to make a good cause to

return home. That's better than...….'
At that point, the disciplinary action that popped out of Petro's mouth was
an unthinkable number for Jin.

"The punishment is off-site. It's three years.….”

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 326

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:13 PM

Chapter 326: 100th episode. What kind of disciplinary action...….(2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I thought I misheard it.

"What...? Three years off the grid? Are you sure?"

"Yes, master. There's already a story going around between butlers and

"No, on what grounds?"

"Well, it's none other than the business you recently started...….”

"Are you saying you're going to impose a three-year ban on going out just
because you've advertised yourself?"

"I think so."

"Are these crazy, what kind of ridiculous disciplinary action are you going
to take against the Looncandel rider? What kind of soul is he wandering
through puberty? No going out? No going out? It's amazing. Gather up the
senate. It's just a harpoon...….”

"Fix it, Mr. Murakhan. I hear a lot."

"Tell him to listen! Strawberry pie, this body cannot be trusted to hear the
Looncandel's senate call this shameful punishment."

Although he felt the same way as Murakan on Jindo Island, he could not be
angry with him.

'It's Joshua. It's not the senate, it's the idea from his head. I think you're
planning to offer me a deal on the pretext of lifting the curfew.'

Residence or Hanji is issued.

I didn't expect any other disciplinary action was expected. Therefore, we

have not thought about how to deal with this.


I clenched my teeth at the thought of dirty and dirty Sue.

On the one hand, that dirty, dirty trick was the best way to deal with

'It's a little embarrassing, but if you thought you could get something out of
me this way, you'd be wrong. Joshua.'

Jin who straightens his face.

"Petro, when is the disciplinary meeting?"

"The elder said he would open it as soon as he returned. From the gate of
the mobile, you have been reported the return of the young master, and the
elders are already being called as the chairman of the senate."

"I'll just have to change my clothes.”

I found the room with quick steps.

"Sir, I will prepare a clean rider conquest. You should trim your hair before
you go."
"No, you don't have to. Please prepare the most colorful clothes. He took
out all the gold snow cosmetics. With the dye."


"The old folks don't seem to like our product very much, so let's show them
how good it is."

Jean washed her face and put makeup on her face. She even dyed her hair
blonde, which is shiny and shiny.

Gilly couldn't figure out what to say on earth, and Murakhan's belly
buttoned up as if he was dying of laughter.

"Hahaha, the elders would be ridiculous! All right, kid. Yeah! Looncandel
should always be so challenging. Huh?"

A moment later, when the make-up was finished, Gilly smiled awkwardly.

"Do, Master. Are you sure you want to go with that?”

"Yes. I'm holding on to it so that you don't get into a Murakan accident. Oh,
should I take some samples of the product?”

"You'd better just go. Master, may I ask what you're thinking?….”

"What do you ask so hard, strawberry pie? Hey, kid. It's fun, but will you be

"It's all right. In my opinion, this punishment is a show anyway. Joshua just
wants to make a deal with me on the pretext of course. I'll pass on the
punishment, and they'll ask you to return the stolen goods."

Then Gilly nodded convincingly.

"Phew, thank God. I thought you were just being rebellious."

"You don't tell me, I'm not that young to hit. I'll be right back. Don't worry
too much."
Of course, I wanted to piss off the old people in the back room to a certain

Not long after leaving the room, Qin was able to encounter his brothers
passing through the corridor.

The first thing I encountered was Joshua. As soon as he heard that Jean had
returned, he waited for him in the hallway.

It was because he had something to say before he arrived at the disciplinary


"Gin, let's talk...... Wait, you. Aren't you going to the senate for disciplinary
action now?"

"That's right."

"But what the hell is that?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Being so confident, Joshua had to feel like he had become a strange person.

"What does it look like? The light reflected on my hair makes my eyes go
blind. Besides, that thick make-up......I feel like I've got a clown in some
extreme! You're going to a disciplinary meeting like that?"

"Did the Law of Looncandel say that jockey should not be cremated or
dyed? Not that I know of."

Joshua touched his forehead.

"Ha, yes. There is no such law. But there is a law to maintain dignity. The
reason why you're being disciplined is because you don't keep it."

"That's not the reason for the punishment, but it's thanks to the second
term's influence on the senate."

Then a bitter smile spread around Joshua's mouth.

"Yes, that's right. I personally suggested to the elders that you should be
brought to justice. But it wasn't because your ass attacked my villa. It was a
matter of dignity as it is now.”

"Really? It's the first time I've ever heard of a second-class villa."

"Take it away as much as you like. I'm not going to ask you to return what
you stole anyway.”

This reaction was unexpected.

When Jean didn't answer, Joshua went on.

"It's part of the sequencing war anyway. This time your son has won, he
deserves the trophy."

"It's a good thing I don't think I'

He answered calmly, but the calculation for Joshua's attitude increased.

"Isn't the stolen spirit bead very important to him?" Or was it something of
a dead horse, not Joshua? No, I don't think so.'

There's something else going on.

One assumption came to mind.

'Joshua doesn't know yet that the spirit bead is a recording device. And
Joshua and his mother. I feel like I can take everything I have at any time.
So they try to take advantage of me until the perfect moment to take it

Then why is Joshua not obsessed with the spirit bead?

Maybe it's because Solderlet's official contractor himself expects to "get the
purpose." Or you want to secretly attach people to find out how Jean uses
Young-gi beads.
"Also, the condition of no outside entry was not what I said. a disciplinary
journal of the senate's own accord It's severe for a failure to maintain
dignity, but it's your own fault that you've been hated by the senate."

"So what do you want me to do?”

"It means to make a good choice. I don't have complete control over the
senate. That means it could really be a three-year ban."

"Thank you for your advice, but I'll take care of myself. Oh, and the second


"You'd better not think about touching my colleagues in person. Like this
one, I'll take it to the point where it doesn't affect my life."

"Got it? I don't think that's what you're going to say to me from your point
of view. Did you think I left you because I couldn't kill your colleagues?"

Jean shook her head when Joshua showed his intention to kill at once.

"I mean, which side has a lot to lose. I meant think about it."

Joshua grinned at the horse.

"I hope you'll take care of your immediate disciplinary action.”

Jean and Joshua passed each other and began to walk.

'I guess Joshua wasn't just scheming to make a deal with me.'

If so, Joshua would not have talked about this much about the attack on the

Anyway, Joshua wasn't the one responsible for the punishment.... what the
purpose of the senate is, we'll know more clearly when we get to the senate.'
On his way to the disciplinary meeting, the second thing he encountered
was the Tonya brothers.

They looked at Jean as usual and showed signs of concern, if there was
anything a little different from usual.

Somehow there was no tension in their attitude.

"Uh, um. Youngest, are you all right? It'll probably work out."

"Yes, yes. You're gonna get away with it again.”

The Tonya brothers were no longer worried about their youngest brother.
No matter what happens, he's the youngest, and he'll do everything on his
own....that's what's stuck in it.

"But that fancy outfit is a little......No, they'll all think of you."

"Cheer up, youngest. See you later if you can see your face!"

The two brothers who clenched their fists once again felt strangely cute.

The next brothers I encountered were Dipus and Mary.

"Oh, stuffy old men. You can't be punished. Hey, the youngest. It's okay.
You don't think I'm gonna lock up a capable guy like you for three years?
There are so many missions behind us."

"I'll ban personal outings, but I'll let the mission go. under surveillance The
youngest, this one may be quite tiring."

"Dippus Orabunny says as if he really wants the youngest to be? Huh?"

"When did I ever do that?"

"More than that, the youngest."

"Yes, Sister Mary."

"Well, are you really going in that costume? It's provocative, it's nice, but
it's kind of......does it feel out of place and time?"

"I'd rather change."

Everyone I met pointed out the dress. Jean felt that she had chosen her
clothes very well.

"The association will lose the cause of the punishment if it sees gold snow
products becoming money in the future anyway." If that's not enough, it's
enough to get the advanced fixtures out. One day, he was supposed to be a
force to dominate.'

The reason why Jin was so confident when he visited the senior chairman
was no different.

Confidence that the project started with the Geumseol people will never
fail, and that the elders will not give up their desire for a decisive battle.


Jean felt that the present Runkandel was not the time to find such a thing. It
was essential for the family to expand its business, if not true dignity.

Just as Jipple is secretly enslaving the world with its magic products,
Looncandel also needs it.

If they fail to do so, they will be left behind. No, it was already dying out.

'If I had been a senior, I would have put my whole soul on the line when
one of the riders started this business. Even if the rider is hostile to me. Or I
tried to take it away somehow and grow my own business.'

Jin is neither a member of the senate, nor anyone else in the family. It was
frustrating not to understand this simple, lucid phenomenon.

Passing through the corridor of the jockey, I saw the chairman of the senate

The moment you try to breathe lightly and step inside.


An old man walked out of the conference room. Jin, who unintentionally
blocked the road, bowed his head lightly.

"Mr. Tellot Homin's."

Telot stared down at Jean without answering for a while.

"12 jockey, Jean Looncandel."


"You don't have to come inside. Because the disciplinary meeting against
you is over."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 327

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:12 PM

Chapter 327: 100th episode. What kind of disciplinary action...….(3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"The disciplinary meeting is over?”

a tellot nodding his head with an expressionless face

"May I ask you what kind of disposition you have? Three years of curfew,
no way that ridiculous punishment could have been confirmed without the
parties involved.”

"You think it's a ridiculous disciplinary action?"

"Yes, it is."

"In what way?"

"Because this is a disciplinary action that has never been taken in the
history of Looncandel. Banning out literally means taking away physical
freedom, which is unacceptable as a rider in Looncandel. If the fact that I'm
grounded becomes known to the outside world, the image of Looncandel
will be funny."

A faint smile spread around Telot's mouth as Jean spoke clearly. It was a
confused laugh whether it was a laugh or a smile.
"That's right. But the disposition you received remains the same. Three
years off limits."

"Do you still have the elders inside?"

"Are you going to go in and argue?"


"Will the elders ever take disciplinary action against you just because you'”

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm good at making it happen if it doesn't

Jean looked into Telot's eyes and said,

A few seconds of silence passed. As soon as he was about to pass without

further waiting for an answer, Telot lightly grabbed Jean by the shoulder.

"I put your disciplinary action on hold. So stop."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

"You stopped my disciplinary action....? Mr. Ho Min?"


It was certainly an act of helping Jean to suspend disciplinary action.

So Jean came up with one truth that most people in the world knew. There
is no unprovoked favor.

'There's no way you could have done me a favor without meaning anything.
President of the Tribune....I remember failing to occupy the Colon site long
before I was born.'

Tellot Looncandel.
Jean didn't know what he was like. It is only natural that he would have
been involved with the senate in his previous life. Therefore, nothing came
to mind with what intentions he had approached.

"What do you want from me, Mr. Ho Min?"

When asked point-blank, Tellot burst into another low laugh.

"By all means, you're a bright-eared fellow. How you doing, would you like
a cup of tea with this old man? Or would you go in and fight the elders,
saying you wouldn't even accept the suspension of disciplinary action."

There was no need to worry.

the three organizations forming the senate

Black Sword Society, Hou Law Society, Hou Minhoe.

Among them, the Ho Minhoe was the least influential, but not to mention
the president of the Ho Min Association, Telot, had a greater say than Jin.

If Telot has decided on Yubo, Jin's "maximum" result will be closer to


'Maybe it was hard even to withhold. Joshua didn't propose a deal in the
first place, so the cards I could use were limited.'

Money and advanced showdowns that will start coming in from Keumseol
businesses in the future.

For now, there were only two cards Chin could trade with the senate. There
was no harm in using it this time, but the more you save, the better. So that
it can be used at a more decisive moment.

"A car would be better."

"Okay, let's go. To my secret home. But..."

"Did you really intend to attend the disciplinary meeting like that?"

"Yes. I ran into you at the door and I'm embarrassed to ask you that."

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I can't imagine how long the

Black Sword would have been if he had gone in.”

Tellot ordered the servant to call up his own carriage. The two men boarded
the carriage side by side and began to head for his residence.

"Secret residence?"'

All right, all right, all right.….

In the carriage, Tellot was silent. Jindo didn't bother to show curiosity or
start a conversation, but Telot seemed to be pleased with that attitude.

"It's been a long time since I brought Looncandel here."

Telot did not seem to have brought him into his own separate quarters in the
Sword's Garden, but deliberately brought him to another place of residence.

Where they got off was an alley outside Carlon.

Kalon is no different from the heart of the Hufester Union, as it is a city

with a sword garden. No other city in Hufester was more advanced than

Therefore, most of the residents of Kalon had considerable wealth, even if

they were commoners.

There was also a slum here. Though subtly out of the administrative district.

Telot's secret residence was right here.

'I thought it'd be a big place for a secret home, but it's a slum.'

The alley was so narrow that the carriage could not get in. I walked for
about half an hour through several alleys full of dirt and poor people.
While walking, the beggars, or the poor, looked carefully at the two.

But no one dared to beg.

If you have to live in a poor house, you must want to save this place. What
a cruel way to look at them.'

Telot was not at all sympathetic to the poor.

No, beyond not being compassionate, it seemed to hate. Telot's eyes looking
at them were full of murderous intent.

"Is the alley pretty long?"


"Most of the world would never dream of having such a slum in this city,
the heart of Hufester. When I get to the mobile gate, I see all the shiny
buildings and the well-cleaned roads."

Slowly Jean was aware of Telot's intentions.

a squeaking sound

Tellot is old, no. I opened the wooden door that looked almost worn out.
This narrow, dirty house made of roughly layered boards was Telot's secret

The door opened and smelled like a beast.

"Woof woof!"



"Come, come, come. Eat your meals."

Tellot giving food to animals with a kind look. The beasts clung to Telot,
leaving marks on his glowing armor.

Jean watched him distribute the food for a long time.

"Do you see why I brought you here?"

"You want the poor to disappear. I think you know my business is going to
be money."

"Without it, we can get rid of it right now. It's easier to send a guardian to
kill all those useless people out there, to get workers to tear down the slums
and build a new building than to lift their fingers."

Telot gently pushed the animals away by hand.

"But it's not natural. Besides, Looncandel has to leave this slum because it's
not rich enough. There is no need to spend money on useless things. No
matter how much money you have."

Telot smiled gladly at the animals, which clung back to him even though he
took them apart them.

"You are generous to animals, judging that the poor are useless."

"These beasts are not guilty of anything. The beggars deserve to die
because they are begging even though their limbs are intact. The reason I
keep them alive is not because of compassion. You just don't have to kill."

"I see."

"Do you know? The central city of the Rutero Magic Federation, there's not
a single slum like this in Dracaen."

"I know. Not only in Drogka, but also in about 20 nearby cities, there are no
poor people at all."

"It's not because the Zipple is working on the relief of the poor in the
central cities. It's just that there's so much wealth that it just naturally flows
down. To the point of being kicked."

It was as Tellot said.

With its financial strength alone, Looncandel dealt with the second or third
in the world with Beemment. The first, however, was richer than the
combined wealth of the two powers.

"I think the business you started, could close the gap between Jipple and our
financial strength. That way, this slum will turn into a decent place without
having to exert itself."

"Do you mean to pay some of the business proceeds to the Sword Garden?"


"I'm sure you've given it a little bit on your own if you let it go."

"Fuck. As I've seen, you're the kind of man who never shares his own with
anyone else.”

"What percentage of the proceeds do you want?"

Tellot's eyes narrowed.

"20 per cent."

I was surprised inside.

If it were any other senior, I'd certainly have called a much larger
percentage for the same situation.

"Surely, you've seen me right. If you'd called for more than that, you'd
never have responded."

"Without deception, if you give 20 per cent faithfully every month. I'll help
your business as much as I can. It's not impossible to get rid of all the
disciplinary actions that have been stopped in Yubo."
More than 20 percent were ready to be torn down by their families anyway.
I thought up to 50%, but it was actually a problem that Jean didn't have to
worry about when Tellot came out like this.

"But I can't give you 20 percent just for disciplinary action. I'm a little short
of the price."

However, I thought it would be better if I could get some extra money.

"What more do you want?"

"Tell me about the relationship between the president and the second term."

gorden looncandel

He was undoubtedly Rosa's man, but Jean learned a new piece of

information in a conversation with Joshua earlier.

Joshua cannot control the senate completely.

"He seemed to want me not to be reprimanded for being grounded.'

Tellot shrugged.

"Smart hair shows signs of laxity in obvious problems. Isn't that obvious?
Jorden Looncandel, the elder and the second-term are co-prosperity and

"I've never heard of competition, though I've said it's a win-win situation."

Tellot opened his eyes wide.

And within a few seconds, he nodded as if he was convinced.

"Oh, well, you're a little different from me, and you're a little bit different.
Just know one thing. The elder hasn't given up on his dream of a family.”

Most of those who spent their time with Jordan knew it.
However, Jin had no choice but to know because he was living in a
completely different era from them. Because everyone's shirking.

I was relieved of your behavior before, but the elder Zorden is a formidable
figure, unlike his looks. He's just such a narrow-minded old man, but he's
very clever and tough.

I know. He survived the sequencing war with his father.

Well, it's...'s fair to say that the housekeeper just let it go. Anyway, why
did you run like a crazy dog when you said you knew him so well?

Suddenly, right after the appointment ceremony, a conversation with Jed

came to mind.

'......I can see why the old master brought in a three-year ban. I tried to use it
to put a leash on me and use it to keep Joshua in check.'

Now I understand.

It was Jorden, not Joshua, who tried to offer him a deal under the pretext of
disciplinary action.

The spine felt cool.

If Jorden had only known that he was a self-proclaimed "Joshua's helper,"

he would always have responded accordingly.

"Looking at the look on his face, I think I've paid the right price now.”

"It was a satisfying story."

"Okay, I'm going back now. I'll have someone send the contract for this
transaction to your room. But don't forget that even if you have my
protection, your business will not be completely safe."

"I'd appreciate it if you could just be an umbrella."

Telot spent a long time in the slums, caressing the beasts.

After watching it outside for a while, Chin thought:

'Ho Min-ho, strange man.'

On the other hand, Telot felt this way when he saw where Jean had left.

I'm looking forward to seeing if the 12th rider can bring fresh change to
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 328

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:10 PM

Chapter 328: Episode 101. Be me.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

After meeting Telot, he did not turn outside for a while, but only carried out
his mission.

He traveled around the world on a mobile gateway, engaged in large and

small skirmishes with Jifle, mediated by various forces, rescued the cause,
assassinated the enemy, and destroyed facilities.

Seven missions in a month alone.

There was no mission as difficult as Barton Viche or the assassination

mission, but the work of completing seven cases without rest was
exhausting, even for Jean.

Naturally, all the missions were successful. In addition to the goal, there are
five cases where additional performance has been achieved.

It was no different why Jin was so enthusiastic about his duties.

It was because the three-year ban on going out was still in the "precision"

Although Telot was working on it, it was impossible to completely

eliminate disciplinary action in a short period of time.
In particular, Jorden needed time because he was still gritting his teeth after
the day's disciplinary action ended with reservations.

Even a little loophole, Jorden would mention disciplinary action again.

Yum, yum, yum.

"I feel like I'm a bad student at the Academy and doing some campus
volunteer work. Now that I've achieved this in a month, I'm sure the senate
will have no choice but to take a little look at me."

said Jean, swallowing the meat she was chewing.

"By the way, it reminds me of the old days. It was almost 10 years ago
when you and your colleagues ate together here. You didn't forget that I
took good care of you back then, did you, Beelop?

"If I'd known you were going to show off about ten years ago, I'd have
eaten less, Lord.

Jean was sitting on the floor of an empty cadet's beginner's retreat and
eating with Belop. a meat-filled diet of beginner's class

A smile spread around Bellop's mouth as he watched the meat on the plate.

It was a few days ago that Belop Schmidt returned from the eastern Sulsan
region of the Mitel Kingdom.

In the end, he captured the bastards that Kuzan and Julian drove to the
eastern Sulsan area, Bankela's Faggy Knight Whiroek and Beacon West's
rabble Jack Glouw to win the cause of his return.

Naturally, as soon as he returned, he came to Jin and made a pledge of

loyalty, and even carried out his duties together until just yesterday.

"At first, I thought that one of the Lord's enemies had used someone to kill
me, because some of them suddenly hid in the mountains. But I didn't know
the state sent those terrible men.….”
Bellop shuddered at the thought of the battle in Sulsan.

It was the longest, fiercest, and lonesome fight of Bellop's life to date.
Chasing, fleeing, seizing opportunities, being attacked, running out of
food... over a few knee-deep snow mountains without a backup.….

"Haha, you must have felt a lot of betrayal.”

"It was an experience I never wanted to do again. But thanks to you, I've
achieved one level of achievement. Not swordsmanship, not physical, not

"You seem to have gotten a lot stronger.”

Except for Jin, Bellop had the highest potential in his beginner's class. The
growth was a natural step, as Bellop made a daily effort with the goal of
becoming Jin's knight and went back and forth several times.

"Suddenly, I'm glad to see you when you were a cadet."

"You shivering with betrayal and looks, and all of a sudden, what's with

"When did I do that? I was just a little embarrassed, that's what I meant.
Anyway, that's what I'm saying. If I hadn't met the Lord, my life would
have been very unhappy."

"Why do you think so?"

"When I was a beginner, the Lord broke my fears. Even after the Lord
became a backup jockey, even now. I often think of that day.”

As you've just realized, you're weaker than me. And better than me. I like
that about you. But if you only do good things, you can't survive this hell.

Belop said, recalling Jin's story when he was a beginner. I recalled a Jindo-
like memory, and somehow my face felt hot.
"Thanks to that moment, I was able to become a knight of the Runkandel. If
it weren't for the Lord, we wouldn't be able to hold out. Maybe, this is a
leap. Maybe one day, he was tired of suffering and gave up his own life."

"You're talking nonsense. You would have done well enough if it wasn'

I didn't do well in my previous life.

Before his return, Belop was banished from Looncandel, and after he went
to Hailan for training, he became the Vimont's garrison.

And he ended his unhappy life on his own by repeating the unwanted
massacre at the command of the imperial family.

When the memory came to mind, I was more proud of Belop, who grew up
so well.

"You don't know how shocked you were at the actions of the Lord that day
in Dalian. We still talk about it every time we get together."

"Is it so?"

"But what was even more shocking was when the Lord alone saved Mesa.
The moment the Lord went to the land of the Siouxes and brought Mesa,
everyone swore in their hearts. The Lord is the only one we can offer our
allegiance to.”

Looking back, Kinselo's bad relationship with Kinselo began.

'At the time, I thought Kinselo was just a bunch of crazy people.'

Now even the Zipple was a huge force to the point where they were
reluctant to wage an all-out war. Furthermore, it is only assumed that the
leader's identity is still likely to be in his own right.

'Anything bothers me, Kinselo. Maybe we should visit Evliano sometime

soon. We need to look at the trends.'
For the time being, I didn't think I could afford it. In fact, he has yet to go to
the third tomb that Olmango told him because he is on duty.

Jean had called Bellop to solve the very problem.

"It's been a long time since I heard a flattery and my ears are itchy. Where'd
that stupid guy go back in the day? Did you put oil on your tongue?"

"I can do more if you want."

"Yes, that's enough. More than that, Bellop, I have one thing for you to do."

"Just say anything."

"From today until I come back, you are Jean Looncandel."


"You know we're going on our next mission tomorrow, right?”

"The Lord? You mean the mission of rescuing Count Ekan, who was
kidnapped by mercenaries?”

"That's right. But it's not my mission anymore, it's yours. You play the role
of Jean Looncandel."

"Are you serious?”

"The Earl will be wearing an eye patch anyway. If someone saves him, he
doesn't know exactly. Rescue them, pretend to be me in moderation, and
then hand them over to the Ekan garrison."

"Oh, my God."

"Are you not confident in your rescue mission?"

"No, not like that. How am I supposed to act like a lord?"

"Why not? The hostage will be blindfolded, you'll be wearing a mask, and
I'll take the fake signature I've left behind. You told me to tell you

Jin had already stopped by Picone Minche during his seven missions and
asked her to produce a fake signature.

With no function, just a sword that looks the same sword.

Of course, Sigmund's distinctive earful pale color could not be perfectly

reproduced, but it was possible to reach a similar color.

Also, Sigmund's imitation was made by the blacksmith's god, so it had to be

a masterpiece.

"It should be done by now. And try this on.”

Jean took off her rider coat and held it out to Bellop.

Then Belop looked around in a fit of surprise. Since there are only two of
them at the training camp, there is nothing anyone can see, but because they
think it is such a sensitive issue.

"Do, yeon. No, Lord. Are you serious? This is a rider's coat. It's an outfit
that no one else can wear unless it's a rider from Looncandel!"

"It's just clothes. Try it on, see if it fits.”


"It's an order. Belov, you've got a big head and now you're rebelling."

As a joke, Bellop shook his head with a face of great seriousness.

"No, I'll try it on."

"Oh, luckily it fits. I'll give you a dye, so dye your hair black, too."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"If your disguise is discovered, and that's a problem within the family. I'll
take you out of harm's way, so don't worry."

"You're not saying that. Do you think I'll stand in your way because I'm
afraid of my own safety?"

"Otherwise, that's fine. This is the way to help me. You're the best. He's the
most reliable, he's my size, and he's the best swordsman among my knights.
There are enough elements to make you think I'm the one who doesn't know
you well. I'd like to have Mesa, but she's not my gender."

"The difference between me and you is greater than you think. You'll find
out when you lift it."

"So when I have to deal with guys who are too strong, I'll have to go
myself. Like you said, they'll find out."

"No way, I don't think you're going to keep me on the lord's side, not this
one time."

"Unfortunately, that belief is wrong. You should pay for the meat. I mean,
there's so much to do outside the family. You'll do well, right?"


Bellop sighed.

Then he replied, determinedly.

"From today, whenever I have time, I will visit the actors of the theater and
learn how to act. It's also the Lord's command, and I have a duty to do it

"Good posture. And if you think it's on the back. Run away so that if you
fail your mission, you'll never be caught. If you get caught by the chief of
the black prosecutor's office, you and I are dead."

"You said you'd make sure that if the fire was detected a minute ago, you'd
somehow keep me as safe as I am."
"Did I say that?"

"You've always been on a roll.”

"The results were always good, so I didn't have to change them.”

"Sometimes I'm worried, so all my colleagues are nervous, Lord."

nice little beggars

Jean giggled and tapped Bellop on the shoulder.

"Let's get together once all your other colleagues pass the guardian exam.
We've had a drink, we've got a message."

"What do you want to say?"

"I'll let you know then.”

I could not tell the youngest division, who had just passed the exam and
would run excitedly, that another hell training would be waiting.

Except for Bellop, the youngest division mostly stays in the late 6th and
early 7th stars, so it is too much to use right now.

"By the way, where are you going to send me on a mission instead?”

"I'm going to see my ancestors."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 329

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:09 PM

Chapter 329: Ep. 102. The Third Tomb of Themeer (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

June 5, 1799.

Jean, dressed in a brown robe and dressed up as an ordinary traveler, was

walking along a forest path along the southern border of the Kingdom of

'I think I've memorized all the directions now.'

Even though the summer started, the forest road was still cool. It was
refreshing to think of meeting cute and naive friends after a long time.

Jean, who was moving slowly, suddenly stopped and smiled.

This time, I smelled fish roasting again. The yellowish smell of fish being
baked suddenly in the forests of the southern part of the Kingdom of
meant that the water tails were preparing meals nearby.

Tubbuck, Tubbuck.

The murmur of the water tails was drawing near. They looked as cheerful as
ever, dancing among themselves in front of grilled fish without knowing
that Jean was approaching them.
There were a total of three water-tailed people, all of whom Qin knew.

"Dark Flame."

"Uh, voice, yi, yi."

The dancing water tails jerked round the camp.

"You have big noses, big eyes."

"Jin, Looncandel. Uh, everyday. Let's find it. How?"

"That's because I've often had your help. This time, there is also a gift. I'm
not a fugitive like I was then."

When Jin took out the first-class eels he had prepared in his arms, the eyes
of the three water tails shone brightly at once in a while.

"This, eel. Dry. Precious, fish."

"Juna, us?"

"Mal, Jung?"

drooling water tails

"It's not the end, it's really. No, the Golden Snow boys didn't give you the
money? It's a high-end dish, but with your money, it wouldn't be a problem
to buy three meals a day."

The water-tailed people were so busy looking at the eel that they could not
even answer. When Jean put out the eels, they rushed in almost as if they
had been possessed and began to chew the eels in a hurrying to eat them.

vaginal, vaginal, yum!

Jin waited for them to eat for a while, and then he felt that he needed to say
a word when he met the Golden Snow.
"Oh, sorry, so, so, so, so, so, so, so delicious, so."

The water-tailed gentry, who finished the eel gun in an instant, raised their
thumbs up and said,

"It's all right."

"Gal, beggar, right? Cave."


Following the water-tailed people headed for their secret cave.

'Every time I come, I feel this cave is a maze.'

No matter how good a person is, he or she can't help but he or she can't help
but be confused.

Although the space at the end of the cave where the Geumseol and the
water-tailed gentry live cannot be found without a guide, it was impossible
to find the whereabouts of the tomb's people at all. There was not a single
guide in the world who knew their space.

There was only one way if someone found out that there was a mausoleum
in this cave, and so tried to find them.

To bring down the whole cave.

Even if you did, you couldn't meet the Myoin people. Destroyers will only
be able to see the traces of the tomb's family staying. The Myos will hide

As we reached the water-tailed and golden-snow spaces, a subtle yellow

light spread from the inside.

"Oh, here you are! We are strong and strong partners!"

"Do you know how many letters are coming to you from each of our
branches these days? It's strange how many customers of all ages write love
letters, regardless of age or sex. I know but I don't know.”

"But aren't they all lovely customers? Look forward to it, Jean Looncandel.
The ad started with your face and the sales literally exploded. The
production schedule was delayed, and there was a line of aristocrats willing
to pay ten times as much for the best!"

As soon as Soon-i, Stone and Song-yi saw Jin, they showed signs of
welcome and poured out their words with rapid fire.

"......what's all this? Gold? Did you make all the caves golden?"

The inside of the cave, where the golden snowmen sat, was all covered with
gold. It was a subtle yellowish identity felt from afar.

"Yes! I've plastered it with pure gold. What do you think? Kill him?"

The top, which was sitting on a gold coin, looked back at the gin and
smiled. The front teeth were twinkling because of the light flowing from
pure gold.


The top went down and reached out to Jean.

"Thanks to your publicity, our goldfish's top is cruising very well, Jean
Luncandel. I'll give you a business report. There's something to discuss.”


"Not long ago, my researcher developed another amazing cosmetic. But the
ingredients are a bit unique and it's difficult to supply and demand."

"What kind of unusual material are you using?”

"There are flowers that only fly in the palace.

The whitening effect on that ingredient is enormous, so this has to be done.

So I'm going to make a deal with a rumor goes, you, um. I'm
going to be your son-in-law. I'm going to say manne."

"Where else did you hear that?”

"There are not a few people we meet in business. That story, is it's true?”

"It's a false rumor."

"Hmm, but when it wasn't, there wouldn't have been smoke in the chimney.
Is it possible to make a line?”

The word "line" suddenly reminded me of the hot line between Bigungju
and Lucas, which made me laugh in vain.

"I can't joke around. I'm a man of shame, too."


"I owe a lot of money to the palace, and I don't owe it to you. First, write a
report on the business and send it to Tikan."

"You're very happy to see who's the Looncandel rider.”

"But top. "You have money to pile up pure gold in the cave, but you won't
buy eel for the water-tailed bastards?"

"What do you mean all of a sudden?"

"I gave him an eel jersey as a gift, and the kids ate it like they starved for a
few days. Maybe he didn't give the money he sold to the water-tailed

When Qin asked in a low voice, the golden snowmen shook their heads.

"No, I gave it out. Obviously."

"But why are those friends still poor?”

"Do you know what I'm talking about? I've been piling up money and I
don't know how to spend it, and I've been piling it up on one side of the
cave, so I left it to the bank myself. He told me many times that he can buy
a lot of eel jerky every day. But what can you do if they're happy enough

a gin looking back at the water-tailed gin

They were dancing and talking among themselves.

"And these are all plated. I didn't bring a real gold ball. It's time to make
aggressive investments, but there's no time to waste money. You think we're
gonna take their money? There's affection."

"There was a misunderstanding. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. They're the ones who got us here right now.
Well, at first glance we look like snobs. No, it's a snob. But the calculations
are more certain than anyone."

said Fang, looking at the water tails with a pleased gaze.

"Well, what brings you here today? Without any further ado. From the looks
of the atmosphere, it doesn't seem to be a business issue."

"I came to see the Myoin people."

At Jean's answer, not only the upper gilt line but also the small Sioux in the
cave pricked up their ears.

"Suddenly, the Myonin people? Do we have to meet?”


"Well, you're in trouble. I remember the Myo people judged you to be the
one who would protect our little Sioux, but apart from that. They're not the
ones who want to meet."
"That's right. We have to be really lucky to run into each other...... Oops. I
didn't have to say anything.”

Song-yi pointed her finger at the back of Jean.

"Uh! Uh, uh?"

"Ha, that's amazing. This, hasn't there been a similar situation before?"

"That's right, even when Jean Looncandel was being chased after being

A mysterious species whose purple eyes stand out in white fur like snow.

The Myos were watching them, about twenty steps away from the Qin and
the little Sioux.

" must be really special. No way, did you come here with an

Fang looked alternately at Jin and the Myoin people.

In fact, I was surprised by the emergence of the Myoin people.

By the way, ID Olmango.


Do you know who has the key to the third tomb?

The story of Olmango as he left the second tomb.

At that time, Olmango answered that the "myojins" had the key to the third

I asked him what he would do if the cemeteries didn't meet him, and he said
he didn't easily?'
I was worried that the Myoin people would suddenly disappear from my
sight, just like when I fled to Laparosa to avoid pursuit when I was a
backup rider.

Jin was soon able to see the Myoin people beckoning lightly as if to follow

"Go! The Mythos tend to be fickle, so they may just disappear after a short

Jean, who cautiously approaches the Myoin people.

Just before the Myoin turned around and moved on, Chin could be sure that
he was the one he saw last time.

Also, strangely enough, I felt that his expression was very dark.

What's going on? It feels completely different from the last time I saw you.'

The Myoin people walked a certain distance from the camp.

Just following him seemed to make my head go blank. It was not known
what kind of device it actually had or whether it was magic.

As if wandering in a dream, the sense of reality seemed to fade away. But it

didn't feel unpleasant or dangerous.

I don't know how long I've walked.

Suddenly, the view opened wide and the beach was full of purple stars.

'Sea? Plus, it's purple starlight.'

The nearest sea to the southern border of the kingdom was located at a
distance that could never be walked in a short time.

'I only walked for about five minutes. This was what I felt when I first
traveled to the Igye snowfield in a double-edged motor.'
As I looked around, I could see a group of tomb people who fell far away
and drew something on the sand with branches.

[My name is Nehru. A thousand-year contractor, Jean Looncandel. We've

seen each other before, haven't we?]

"Yes, thank you for helping me then. Now you're saying hello.”

[This is our own space connected to the cave. You're the first man to come

"Thank you for the invitation."

[You won't be able to see this beautiful scenery again, so watch it a lot. I
need some time to open the Temer's grave.]

Jin naturally understood that it was because the Myoin people did not invite
him back to this space.

But at the next moment, Neru's back horse was this.

[Your enemies will soon find and destroy this place, and try to slaughter the
little Sioux.]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 330

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:06 PM

Chapter 330: Ep. 102. The Third Tomb of Themeer (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

"My enemies, who do such a thing? And how do you do that?"

Nehru the Myoin tribe shook his head silently without answering the

[We don't know the details either. I just felt like the cave was about to
break. Our species have been able to survive without being extinct by the
human race, thanks to that intuition.]

the gut feeling of the saplings

It was not very reliable to say that only that has enabled the Myoin people
to survive so far.

But as I have just experienced from the cave to the island, I have decided to
believe that there seems to be some kind of mysterious power.

"Is it by persimmon that I am an enemy of the heinous people who will

destroy this place and slaughter the Sioux?"
[No, it's just a rational elicitation. Considering the causal relationship, the
only reason our space will be attacked at this time is the business you
started with the Golden Snow. The reason why you can't draw an accurate
enemy is because you have a lot of enemies.]

The fact that Jin has a lot of enemies was not necessarily a unique intuition
of the Myoin people, but everyone in the world knew it. It is not difficult to
infer a fight within the Looncandel, as well as the Jipple.

During the Holy Land incident, even Kinselo was involved, so Jin was
dealing with the three great powers of the world, even from the eyes of
outsiders who knew nothing.

Who are they?

Are the families planning to strike Su-in to disrupt the business or warn

Is Jipple attacking Jin, who was wanted, after seeing him even advertise?
Or is it that the cave of the Myonites, as much as it is in the land of the
Sioux, that Kinselo comes in with some purpose?….

The possibility of all three made it impossible to judge hastily.

"I blame myself for the cave being attacked, so I'll take responsibility for
it'since it's my fault, I'll take responsibility."

[We're going to transmit it to the small numbers so that you won't be

responsible for it. There's already room for escape.]

"I'm glad to hear that. But isn't there a case? I'd better go back and tell him
to run away right away."

I never wanted to go through a terrible situation where small numbers of

people were slaughtered.

[If you tell me in advance, the problem could be bigger because of the
movement of the Geumseol and the water tail. Besides, according to our
intuition, in that case, we won't be able to fulfill our promise to Soldierlet.]
"It sounds like you're going to take the lives of a small number of people as
collateral because of your promise to Soldert."

[That's right.]

"Why do you go so far? What if small numbers of people get killed? No

one can take responsibility after they're already dead."

I felt a sudden surge of anger.

Of course, everything is just the "intuition" of the Myoin people. The

invasion of the enemy of the Qin, the slaughter of the Suin people,
forewarned the danger.That liver problems can grow.

But Jin could not erase the ominous feeling.

[Gin Looncandel.]

Nehru lowered his eyes with a bitter look.

[Like we've always been, we want to protect the little beast. You asked us
what we would do if the number of people died, but we're more worried
about not being able to fulfill our promise to Soldert. It's a promise that I've
waited for a thousand years.]

Jean made eye contact with Nehru without answering.

[How many sacrifices do you think have been made so far, for an
appointment with the solderlet? Your forefathers, my colleagues, and
countless human race and dragons. Five hundred years ago, my colleague
was tracked down by a jipple and died.]

a low sigh

To fulfill one's mission as a contractor of solderlet.

When I signed with Soldert for the first time in my previous life, I had
never thought of that. Just as Soldier had said, he was full of thoughts of
becoming the world's greatest warden, commanding the world, and taking a
small revenge on the family that abandoned him.

But what you gradually learn after your return, is that the power of solderlet
is by no means a force without a price.

Circumstances suggest that the return is a phenomenon caused by solderlet,

and everything prepared for Qin is a factor that can turn the world upside
down, so it was not thought that the price was excessive.

It just feels cruel to the loser himself, to the people who sacrificed
themselves for Solderlet's safety.

Swoosh, swoosh...

Nehru's drawing on the sand was nearing completion. What he painted with
a branch paper was a curious pattern, a kind that Jean had never seen

[I know it's hard to believe, but I want you to know that we want to protect
the fewest numbers.]

"What was the relationship between the Myos and Soldert?"

[Friend, God of the Cat and Solderlet were very close, too. And he's kept us
and other small people from being killed by Javier several times. Small
numbers, all of them, owe their lives to Soldierlet.]

Hua Ah.......

Suddenly, the pattern painted by Neru began to glow purple.

Unlike the dark magic used by Rontelgius not long ago, it was a violet with
a mystical feeling somewhere.

It was a phenomenon that occurred when the third tomb was unsealed. It
was also an ability used by the Myoin people to create special hiding
[If your enemies had arrived here before you, you would never have been
able to enter Themeer's third grave for good.]

"Your choice is not entirely convincing, but still."

Jean paused, looking at the seal.

"Thank you. I don't know what else to say."

[......don't worry too much. As I said earlier, we've detected the danger
ahead of time, so if you go to the grave, we'll evacuate the small water.
Where it will never be discovered.]


From the purple pattern the spirit began to rise. Young-ki soon became an
oval door.

[Finally I can keep my promise for a thousand years. Come on in, Jean

"I'll be back as soon as I can. So that no one gets hurt."

[Yes. And, I have a favor to ask you.]


[Give it to a friend inside. On behalf of the Nehru people, I thank them for
their hard work of a thousand years. No matter how hard I try to recall, I
can't remember who he was now...….]

Neru said in a sad voice.

Mr. Olmango, do you know what kind of guardian is in the second tomb?

[I can't answer.]

[All the memories of him are gone. No matter how hard I try to think of it, I
can only think of such a dim figure.]

A similar thing happened when I met Olmango and visited the second tomb.
Like then, Nehru seemed to have forgotten who his "friend" was, who had
been guarding the tomb for a thousand years.

It was the result of Jipple erasing them from history.


Jean moved her steps into Young-ki's door.


Unlike the first and second tombs, there were no signs of destruction or
error anywhere.

The whole space wasn't even made up of just dark spirits. It looked like a
central hall in a castle. There was also a sense of familiarity somewhere,
which Jean soon realized why.

'It looks just like the wealth in the storm castle you saw from the first tomb,
the central hall. It's the central hall.'

There was nothing new to be surprised about.

There is no reason why we can't reproduce space, as we have already seen

people being copied through Missha in spirit, and have met guardians who
are imitating what they were a thousand years ago, there is no reason why
we can't reproduce space.

I wanted to take a closer look at what the storm looked like a thousand
years ago, but I moved quickly. I was impatient at the thought that I might
be beaten by the Suin people if I was late.

It was the first time I had visited Temer's grave alone.

The first was with Murakhan, and the second was with colleagues.
Previously, there had been an enormous number of guardians whenever
they visited the tomb. Silderay Looncandel, Sarah Looncandel. Both were
strong guardians beyond Jin's control.

But this tomb was different.

"Olmango said, 'There is no such guardian here, so there will be no battle


Olmango, like Nehru, did not know exactly who was in the third tomb.
Instead, Olmango had a little more memory of him than Nehru.

Inside the third tomb, I was told that there was a butler of Looncandel at
that time.

a butler's keeper

A thousand years ago, he was in charge of various affairs of the family of

Ma prosecutor named Looncandel.

Even now, the deacon of the family has more information than the jockeys.
Especially his father's henchman, Heinz, may know more about the secrets
of the family than Joshua.'

It was the same with Looncandel a thousand years ago. In the end, any
working-level official in charge of family affairs had no choice but to do so.

'However, even the butler here may not have a sound mind or memory.
Lord Sarah was seriously mentally worn out to endure a thousand years...

Buck, Buck, Buck.

As he reached the end of the center hole, one bowed toward the camp.

[Waiting, Sir Jean Looncandel. It's an honor to meet you.

"You know my name. Are you the old deacon of Looncandel?"

[Yes, sir. Soldert gave me a few names for the thousand-year contractor. My
name is Reet Damiro Yul, the deacon of Looncandel.]

Reet Damiro Yul.

The butler, who introduced himself like that, was impressed with the red
hair of the same color as Valeria. Leet looked like a young human woman,
but not human.

The fact that she is not a human being can be seen at a glance by anyone. If
you saw the glistening eyes, pointed ears, and a round jewel stuck in your
forehead, as if the Milky Way were flowing.

She was a 'fairy'

The fairies are the butlers of the old Looncandel....I knew a thousand years
ago that the elves had already gone extinct and only the descendants had

The elves were gone, and there was not much left in the literature about

On special days, on special occasions, only the descendants of fairies who

used to make 'gawangju' for special people were living in this world. Even
though they are not easily met.

Although there is little food left, it was still a myth that the fairy time was
the same as the dragon time.

Perhaps that's why, though Reet endured a thousand years alone, there was
no sign of madness or collapse at all.

"R et Damiro Yul. On behalf of the Myonin and Nehru, they asked you to
thank them for their hard work. I feel the same way.”

Then Reet smiled a lonely smile.

I can't remember what kind of friend Neru was......I just miss it strangely.]

[Sir Jean Looncandel, if you leave this space, you'll forget my name. You
won't even remember what I looked like and what I talked about.]


Reet took a small box out of his arms and opened it. There was a spirit bead
in it.

[Instead, you'll still remember what you see through this recording device.]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 331

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:05 PM

Chapter 331: Episode 103. Reet Damiro Yul, the historical deacon of the
past (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The spirit bead, which Reet took out, looked a little different from what Jin
had seen so far.

There was a subtle blackness, a smaller size, and when I looked closely, I
could see people and landscapes in the beads.

I could tell instinctively.

It's an undamaged recording device.

The scenery seen in the beads was the records of the past.

"What do you mean by not being able to remember Mr. Leet?"

"It's literally. Zipple, their fabrication of history is still valid."

I've heard a lot about Jipple's fabrication of history, but Jin hasn't
experienced it in person yet.

I've only seen problems in the memory of others, especially those

associated with the old Looncandel.
That is why it was not readily understandable. It's so vivid, will you really
forget about Leet's existence if you get out of this space?

As if to have read Jean's mind, Reet smiled bitterly and took out the quill
pen from his bosom.

"Give me your hand."

Leet wrote his name on the palm of Jean's hand.

After a while, Jean had to feel a chill in her spine when she saw her name
on her palm.

Reet Damiro Yul.

......Damiro Yul, ......Damiro Yul, ......rate, .......

'The writing with the name of Leet is being erased...…!'

Screeching, creepy.

The fact that Gipple has the ability to manipulate history was a matter that
was already fully understood.

However, it was a completely different matter to feel it in person.

[Senior Jin, a thousand-year contractor, may have been to the previous two
tombs. You must have met the guardians there.]

"...Yes, I met the guardians of Lord Sidderay and Sir Sarah."

[They seem to have disappeared from my memory, too. Unlike them, I am

not a guardian of spirit. So even in your memory, I will continue to

She was a living man, not a guardian owed by soul and spirit.

That's why unlike Silderay and Sarah, who have already died, it's been
erasing from history.
[I wish I could tell you a lot about Luncandel a thousand years ago, but
unfortunately I don't remember much about those days.]

The time given to fairies is like a dragon, but no existence in the world.

You don't want to endure a thousand years of long time alone without even
remembering it intact.

So it was difficult for Jean to choose what to answer.

[Don't be so sad, Lord Qin. "The loss of my history is only a scar of glory
from my family and the protection of the world, as a member of

calm-talking reet She lost most of her memory of Looncandel, but her blind
affection remained the same.

"......the price for protecting the family is too harsh."

"But without such a price, Looncandel would have been wiped out of the
world. How's Looncandel now?”

"It is the second largest force in the world after the Zipple."

Then Reet smiled broadly.

[Look, it was a worthy sacrifice!]

Like a child full of excitement, said Leet in an excited voice.

[Did I tell you?] Temer, I'm sure we'll be able to protect the family...….]

Jean and Leet's eyes met.

Leet looked at Jean for a moment and shook his head.

[Oh, I made a mistake. I'm sorry.]

"It's all right, Mr. Leet."

There was a moment of silence.

Jin seemed to be more confused by the embarrassing sight of this pathetic


The Looncandel of my time was almost erased from history. The most
powerful family of horsemen in the world is gone. Now that you've made a
covenant, you can't use magic now.]


[But Lord Qin is the contractor of Solderlet, and the curse Looncandel
received at that time will not apply.]


Jean formed a sphere with mana on the palm. Leet looked at the sphere for
a long time, bewitched.

[Flame, we saved it.]

"Now I'm the only horse prosecutor in Looncandel."

Leet also created mana.

Then there was a strange wave in the spirit bead, and Jin recalled that he
had already seen the magic in the past.

'Recording magic?'

The magic that Leet was using was very similar to the recording magic of

It was between 1400 and 1500 that the Heister family was active. It is
known that the elves were destroyed much earlier than that.

by the time of the year

Young-gi beads began to drive, creating a familiar little noise.

Is there something to do with the elves and the hysterics?

As soon as I thought about it, Reet opened his mouth.

[You look a little surprised, Lord Jean.]

"I've seen similar magic."

[It's not magic, it's just our fairies' special ability. Our species, instead of
being born with a life-force close to eternal life...….]


The unstable noise of the spirit bead gradually turned into a soft sound.

The sound was not heard in the damaged spirit beads.

[I'm obliged to record.]

To watch and record the world.

That was the reason for the fairy's existence.

[We've had enough power, but we've rarely been involved in royalty. Even
when tyrants appear and violate the world, or when human culture flows in
the wrong direction. We just recorded it. Because that's our role.]

"Then, the reason why the fairy, Leet, had an enemy in Looncandel. It must
have been because the Jipple was fabricating history.”

When Jean read and answered the context, Reet nodded.

[Clearly, if they hadn't damaged history, I wouldn't have met Themeer and
become the deacon of Looncandel.]

Reet Damiro Yul, by nature, was the noblest of the fairies.

The name 'Yul' is only given to the king of the fairy.

[But at some point, I was inspired by Themeer and began to regard myself
as a member of the Looncandel. This storm feels more like home now than
my original hometown, the forest of the beginning. Compared to the years I
spent in the woods, the time I spent here was just a dream I had in the
middle of the night.….]

Now that even that was almost erased from his memory, Jean could not
even imagine what the loss of Leet would be like.

Haha, it's not time to try to recall forgotten memories.]

"Mr. R et."

[Speak for yourself.]

"By any chance, do you know a family named Hester?"

[First name I've heard.]

"The people in the family use a similar ability, recording magic. So they
disappeared after being destroyed by the Zipple, but I know the last
survivor of the Hister. Maybe you can ask him to bring back your memory."

[Interesting] That's interesting. He's a man of similar magic to us....but it

won't be possible to reverse my memory.]

"But we still have to try."

[I can't get out of here, and Lord Qin forgets everything about me when I
leave this space. So it doesn't make sense for Lord Jin to ask him to get my
memory back. Even if he really has that ability.]

Reet took Jean's hand and put it on the spirit bead.

[Still, I don't think I completely forget the existence of people. As far as I

know, there's a little bit of me in this recording device. I can only show you
once, so take a closer look.]

The wave of mana extending from the spirit bead intensified.

At the same time, Jin was able to look at the records contained in the beads
with a sense of being absorbed.


It's a place where there's rain and wind all four seasons, but it was unusually
heavy that day. The faces of the people sitting in the storm room were grim.

Tens of thousands of blank sheets of blank paper were piled up on one side
of the conference room. But the papers were all crumpled, as if they had
been touched once.

Sweep, swipe, swipe.….

The butlers and writers constantly wrote something on the new paper.

They were making a record.

What the fairy has been through recently.

Hundreds of people were writing the same text in different sentences and
interpretations at the same time.

(March 3, 797), Looncandel records the historical fabrication of the Jipple

about the fairy. On March 4, 797 five elves, Sheep Damiro, Becca Tishke,
Mulias Mon, Trica Tredos and Jen Minu, were forgotten among the elves...

(......March 3, 2006, Looncandel...)a jipple of ... about ...make a record of...

...... March 4th, ......five people to rest, ...…)

The letters were being erased while the butlers and writers were recording.

It was like pouring water into a perforated jar. Nevertheless, butlers and
writers were desperately writing the same thing.
It was because of the fear that if they did not, the fairy would be completely

But it was not a fear without substance, but a fear that came because it had
already confirmed that something had been erased that way.

But what's more frightening is.

It was the fact that one day, when the fairy was completely gone,
Looncandel could be erased from history in this way.

Are you really going to erase these crazy kids, the fairies who are alive and
breathing like this is how you're going to do it?…!

Teenage knight Diana vented her anger. Everyone else in the conference
room felt the same way as her.

Everyone knew.

In this way, we cannot stop the fairy from disappearing in history, and we
are just barely delaying the disappearance.

Even a living being.

When erased from history, he becomes an unheard-of being from the

beginning. No one recognizes him, and he also loses himself.

Zipple's ability to manipulate history was beyond simply "disturbing the

truth" and reaching the realm of getting rid of the truth.

How can such power be wielded by humans, not by God?...If it weren't for
the fairy's power, I wouldn't have known that their ability to manipulate
history was at this level.

Said teen driver Padler.

As he said, without the "recordability" of the elves, Looncandel would

never have known the truth.
But at this rate, the elves will soon disappear.

No one for Loongandel, no. You won't be able to record the truth for the


The deacon, Leet Damiro Yul entered the conference room.

Hello, butler.

When Diana bowed, Leet raised a mana and launched a translucent window
into the air.

Everyone, look at this, there's hope. I've found that there's a limit to the
Jipple's manipulation of history.…!

Reet shouted in a sweet voice, contrasting with his gaunt face.

On the translucent window she floated, there was this inscription.

Elona Zipple and 3,26 other wizards tried to manipulate the history of
Themeer Looncandel, but failed to break the power of his strong presence.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 332

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:03 PM

Chapter 332: Episode 103. Reet Damiro Yul(2) the Recordmaster of the
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Two words that were so desperate in the face of the transcendent and
demonic forces of the enemy.

Those gathered in the conference room stared blankly at the words on the
window that Leet had floated for a long time.

In the meantime, the writings of deacon and civil servants continued to be


Well done, butler! According to what it says here, it seems that their evil
ability to manipulate history can't help but...…!

Diana grabbed Leet's hand and said,

3,26 wizards, including Elona Zipple.

Three thousand twenty-

The number meant nothing less than that. It was a combined number of all
the best wizards of the Jipple that Looncandel knew, and exactly matched.
Elona Zipple is also known as the strongest wizard in the Zipple, even
though she is not a lyricist.

I have fought many battles with her.

Themes and teen reporters have concluded that Elona is responsible for
more than 50 percent of the Gipple's total power, so she can't explain her
power better than this.

Elona, it's shocking that all the monstrous wizards and elite wizards have
already tried to undermine Gaza once.

Padler shuddered. He was recalling the memory of stopping Elona with his
teenage knights last year.

Teenagers realized for the first time that there was another human being in
the world besides Themeer who they might call a "monster."

How the hell are they manipulating history? Fucking bastards, I'm sure they
have something to do with the tower of the story...…!

Shilderay vented his anger.

As he said, Looncandel did not yet know exactly how Jipple was
manipulating history.

We were only aware of the fact that the manipulation would occur after the
wizards of the Jipple had massed into the story's tower.

But that was a wild guess. In addition to the story's tower, there were a few
more places where "history manipulation" was supposed to be carried out.

Since the owner of the house has decided to destroy all of their towers first,
the answer will come soon.

In the main building of the Rutero Magic Federation, Draca was still unable
to attack. It was because Elona was always defending herself.
The towers were being destroyed smoothly. More than a hundred towers
had already been destroyed, except where they were used as the main base
of the story.

Teenager Sir Sarah Looncandel is back!

A guardian ran into the conference room and said,

Then, Leet and the teenage knights started running to greet Sarah at the
same time.

I've been waiting. May one of them, Themeer and Sarah, come back. The
two men were leading other teenage knights to hit the towers of the Jipple.

Reet and the teenage knights were so impatient that they ran to the front of
the castle and met Sarah without stopping the pouring rain.


Ser Sarah!

What, it looks like everyone's been waiting for this body. It's not even
puppies, and I'm embarrassed if they run this far.

Sarah smiled at her colleagues who ran.

In the midst of the rain pouring like a hole in the sky, there was a strong
smell of burnt smell and ash from her. It was a reminder of how fierce the
battle was until the last minute.

Especially Padler, this weak bone will catch a cold if it rains. Ha ha.

What happened? Sarah, did you break all the towers of the enemy?

No, I couldn't. Can you believe there was another wizard like Elona?
Silderay. No matter how terrible it was, I'm on my way back from hitting 50
or so.

Well, well, really...…!?

The only person who was deceived by Sarah's clumsy lies was a shilderay.

You're being fooled again, Silderay. Hahaha! Be deceived. I can't stop

fooling around because I'm so easily fooled every time.

What? You're lying? Again?

Yeah, there's no such crazy monster in the world, huh? It's stupid and cute.

Well, we felt like blood was drying up while we were waiting for you.
You're lying to me like that?

I was trying to soothe the dryness of the blood. She is.

You're five years younger than me, but you're...….

Other colleagues were realizing that Sarah had already succeeded in her
mission at the time she had succeeded. As always when Sarah is in a playful

We destroyed all the towers assigned to our side. Orabunny, no. It's a lot
smaller than a group with a family name. I think we're going to have 10,000
wizards made of ashes.

Sarah was the best teenager in the world. The number of the sorcerer she
killed was not a blunder at all.

I'm sure it's about time for the gaju side to finish. But it's weird. There are
more masts to destroy, but I thought the family would finish before us.

The tower that Sarah Cho decided to destroy is twenty.

The tower that Temer's Joe decided to destroy is 40.

Despite the double difference, Themeer's force was more than enough to
offset the difference.

What's wrong with you? Am I the one who beat Gaza in a long time? No, it
can't be. Did something happen to Gaza?
We've been keeping an eye on Elona's location. So there's no way that
anything happened to him. Maybe it was possible because your Magum's tie
was complete.

As expected, right? Well, the last five of them were swept up in business. It
was melting.

Can't you not use the expression "melt" in a person?

Sarah shrugged as Padler frowned and spoke.

For me, men are only for those who are not Looncandel's enemies, weak
bones. You know, but you're acting new.

Still, it doesn't seem to be good for your feelings.

Am I an adolescent girl? Take care of your health when you have time to
take care of my feelings.

Sarah ruffled Padler's hair and laughed.

Along with the hopes that Leet brought, the teenage knights' expressions,
which were heavy on Sarah's appearance, were quickly being softened.

Sarah, look at this.

Reet once again floated a translucent window in front of her.

Huh? What is this, Leet? There are 3,26 wizards, including Elona
Zipple...... Oh! This is really good news. Our brother, no. I guess the lyric is

Of course, I can't be completely relieved yet. Elona Gipple and all the best
wizards were included, but the gaffle's lyricism and fringe were missing.

To manipulate the history of the "fairy" people, Zipple used householders,

additional shareholders, and 500 elite wizards.

This, too, was confirmed by Leet's record ability to record.

Naturally, the power of Jipple Housewives and VATs should not be ignored.
Only short of Elona's, they were also characters who were sufficiently

It took that much power to erase the entire history of the elves, which span
tens of thousands of years.

Reet was very fortunate that he couldn't manipulate the history of Themer
even though he used more power than that, but at the same time, he felt

His own kind is still being forgotten at this moment.

It was also sad that the tens of thousands of years of history and history of
his own kind might not be worth as much as a human being named

The power of existence.

Leet could not know exactly what it meant in the record window.

Sarah, who read the mind, put her hand on Leet's shoulder.

Boss, I know what you're thinking. But you know, I think. I think the power
of this being is just that. How much change you're making in the world,
that's the standard. That's why Jipple can't do more with the theme than with
the fairy's history.

So, Sir Sarah, you mean that the more changes you make in the world, the
harder it is for the Zipple to operate?

Yes, the theme is completely changing the landscape of the world right now,
right? Fairies are waiters and recorders, so their role is to stay still rather
than change the world.

a thoughtless reet for a moment

......that's what you could interpret, Ser Sarah.

Of course it's just a hunch. It's pretty plausible. To be honest, my brother
and our host. I don't think the value of a person of the theme would be
superior to the whole elves. Of all the beings, you can't say for sure which
one is superior.

Other teenage drivers nodded. They, too, were happy when Leet first
brought news, but worried about him like Sarah.

Thank you for taking care of me.

Well, it's far from what the butler does for us. Now, we'll have a drink in a
long time until the housekeeper comes back......I'd love to, but can I help
you with the housemaids and the writers? The more hands, the better.

The moment Sarah spoke with her arms around Padler's shoulders.

Leet's eyes, which were naturally staring at the record window, grew bigger.

Now, hold on. What the hell is this...…!

With Leet's new voice, the teenage knights had no choice but to feel an
ominous intuition in unison.

Boss, what's wrong with you, ha...….

Diana, who was approaching Leet, looked at the record window and
stopped talking.

To be exact, it wasn't stopped, it was speechless.

Other colleagues who saw the record window responded similarly to Diana.

In the record window, sentences were being generated that I didn't know
how to take them.

On March 3, 1977, Temer Looncandel and his teenage knights destroyed

five towers of the Jipple in the Palin Kingdom. The Looncandel side
suffered no damage, and there is not a single survivor left on the Jipple side.
... on March 3, following Temer Looncandel and his......the tower of the
Jipple in the kingdom......destroy. ……, …….

......, Themeer Looncandel and ...…., ……, ……, ……,

It was disappearing.

Themes and teenage knights destroyed the tower of today's Jipple.

But that's not the end of the shock for Leet and the teenage knights.

On June 6, 740, Clio Zipple ordered the authorities to build five towers in
Palin's kingdom.

On August 2, 743, the wizards of the Jipple were placed on the completed
masts. Each of the five small family members of the Jipple family is
appointed as the tower owners.

On January 5, 744, the small family members of the Banggye family

resigned from the stupa. There's a whole bunch of pure blood jipples...….

December 20th, 750...….

The contents of the record window were constantly being updated.

And the last update was a record of these sentences.

On March 3, 1977, five towers of the Jipple in the Palin Kingdom were
operating in good health. The towers have never been attacked by outside
forces since they were completed, just like 57 years ago.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 333

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:02 PM

Chapter 333: Episode 103. Reet Damiro Yul (3), the historical deacon of the
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What the hell are you talking about?

cried Shilderay.

The recording ability of Reet and other fairies has never shown a lie.
However, now there is a clearly false description in the record window.

The five towers of the Palin Kingdom were attacked last year and the year
before by Looncandel.


Suddenly, Reet let out a hollow nausea.

It was a waste of nausea stemming from the sudden separation of historical


Watching reality get manipulated in real time is more shocking than you can

Deacon, we have to inform the writers! You have to write it down, you have
to write it down!
When Sarah grabbed Leet, who was about to fall, Diana shouted. As she
said, everyone here needed to keep writing this phenomenon 'before they
'completely forgot' that history was fabricated.

At the sound of her voice, nearby maggots and guardian knights rushed into
the castle.

Boss! Wake up. Don't forget. What's written in this record window is fake.
Deacon! Deacon!

Reet trembled and there was no answer.

Soon she fell unconscious, and was scattering into the rain and wind, only
the perplexing voices of teenage knights.


Half a year has passed.

The butlers and writers of the storm no longer recorded the history of the

Because they were forgotten by the world.

The existence of elves itself did not completely disappear from people's
memories, as if it had not been there from the beginning.

But the fact that Reet Damiro Yul, king of the Fairy, happened to meet
Temer Looncandel, and with him against Zipple.

The whole fairy tribe's struggle to stop Jipple's fabrication of history has
been erased.

Even the public now remembered that the elves were "dead" in the distant

Still, thousands of fairies who have forgotten themselves are alive and
I'm sorry, Leet.

A man said, looking at the back of Leet.

It was a Temer.

You don't have to be sorry for me.

When Themeer didn't answer, Reet went on the back burner.

Do you think the fairy race has been erased from history because I met

Yeah. If you hadn't met me, the elves wouldn't have been beaten by the

Don't be ridiculous, my lord. What was the first thing you should get rid of
when you were manipulating history? Looncandel? No, they'd be the first to
eliminate the elves, regardless of the Looncandel.

In fact, after becoming Looncandel's butler, while looking at the records,

Leet discovered that Jipple was fabricating the history of the fairy.

It was five years ago that she and Temer met.

But it was only eight years ago that historical manipulation of elves began.

So she didn't think it was the Temer's fault that the fairy's history had been

Rather, I was deeply grateful to Temer.

If I hadn't met him, by now I would have lost myself and forgotten from
people, just like other people.

Thanks to the great power of existence of the housekeeper, I can stay and
fight against the Jipple without being forgotten. So don't ever say sorry to
me again.
The theme nodded heavily.

......and me, my family, and my teenage knights have not yet forgotten that
the fairy fought with the Looncandel. Solderlet, Murakhan and Misha.

The power of existence that the Temer possesses.

It wasn't just a force for the Temer himself. The beings who were deeply
affected by the Temer were also benefiting from its power.

Thanks to this, the figures that Leet just mentioned were still accurately
aware of the history of the fairy.

But as time went by, they knew that even they were slowly forgetting about
the elves.

It was only the Temer who was completely free from the Jipple's historical

When Looncandel hit the towers of the Palin Kingdom half a year ago, he
saw that the history of only Temer being manipulated in real time was false.

But human memory is. It eventually wears out in time. Also, memories
were like humans, and could not continue to exist alone.

If there is no one else to listen to or prove the memory, there is no power in

the clan. You lose meaning.

I'm worried about the housekeeping.

There's nothing to worry about.

Everyone is relying too much on the housekeeper. Recently, the owner

seems to be trying to hold too many people.

Ever since Temer realized that his influence could suspend Zipple's
fabrication of history, he has always been trying to keep as many people
around as possible.
There used to be a lot of people around me.

Of course, but you haven't slept and met people like you do these days.
When was the last time you had your eyes closed? Ten days ago?

I think it's about that long. But you know, I don't sleep anyways...….

The housekeeper is a human being after all. It's not a god or a monster. If
you keep going that way, you'll have a hard time with your mind, even if
you ask me to go.

There was a sound of publicity from outside.

A housekeeper, butler

Sarah entered the Oval Office with a dark look.

There must be some bad news, thought Temer and Leet. That's what Sarah
always did when she wasn't playful.

From this morning, Padler started not to remember the history of the Fairy. I
try to think about it, but it doesn't work...….

Even though other teenage knights still remembered told stories about
elves, Padler had no idea what it was about.

Even after hearing the story, I forgot again after a few minutes.

The world was becoming a huge theater filled with the taste of jipple.

In the play, the members of the Looncandel were slowly seized with terror.

No matter how powerful a man may be, it was impossible to endure the
constant collapse of the reality he knew.

We need a way to leave a record that they can never touch.

Sarah bit her lower lip and said,

Garage, no! Come on, brother. I'm afraid I can't. I'll go meet the witch who's
in the Black Sea. Rockeia said there might be a way for a witch. We can
stop the Jipple from fabricating history...….

Locia, she was one of the teenage knights. He was also a wizard with the
best skills in Looncandel by magic alone, not by swordmanship.

Sarah, you can't do that.


She's a disaster. We don't know what's going to happen if we make clumsy


My brother.

Sarah took a breather and said the latter.

At this rate, Looncandel will be destroyed. Not only the elves, but also the
history of the Looncandel has begun to be manipulated.

If Heluram is awakened, the world, not Looncandel, may be destroyed.

The world without Looncandel means nothing to me.


Everyone's counting on you. We want to do something, too. I'd rather sell

my soul to the devil than be helpless like this.

I'll pretend I didn't hear you, Sarah. And tell Rocia not to reveal anything
about Heluram from now on.

When Sarah didn't answer, Themeer gave her a gentle hug.

I know it's hard. But it's not that I don't have any plans either. Sooner or
later, with Soldert, we will meet other gods.

Did the gods say they'd give you strength?

I'm not sure. But Soldert said he was in a mood of cooperation.

Sarah nods her head reluctantly.

She had the power of the best teenage knights, but she couldn't stand the
fact that there was nothing she could do.

And I'm worried, so don't try to break my orders and contact Heluram. It's a
household name.

I got it.

The siblings were lying to each other.

Solderlet had already failed to appease the gods, and Sarah had no intention
of following the Temer's orders. Because she doesn't trust the absolute
majority of gods who have already succumbed to Zipple.

When Sarah left, Temer sighed deeply.

I think he's going to have an accident. I'll have Diana take a good look at

In fact, Themeer and Leet.

I already had the worst situation in mind.

They saw Solderlet often trying to leave a message to the '1,000-year


In particular, Leet helped Soldert in the process.

Of course, that never gave up the fight against Jipple.

They just have an ominous intuition that this terrible, long fight can
continue after the end of their time.

Therefore, preparations were needed for the next generation, the next
generation, and the next generation.
It was only natural because they were unsure that they could win their time.

But it's not that Sarah doesn't make any sense. Leet.

Yes, my lord.

It's dangerous to have direct contact with Heluram, but if it's his lover, it's a
little different. Go find out where he is, Orgal the Masuwang.


Yay, yay, yay, yay. . . . .

The recording device was up to there.

Jean couldn't say anything for a while and had to be lost in thought.

[You've seen it all. How was it?]

asked Leet.

"......shocking. I didn't know it was that much of a historical fabrication."

several decades

No, it's been tens of thousands of years.The history of the clans can be
manipulated at will.

I could affirm. It's impossible even for the gods.

'So the record says the gods succumbed to the Zipple.'

For the first time, I wondered if it was possible to beat the jipple.

But Jean quickly shook off the mind.

'If they were still as healthy as a thousand years ago, Looncandel could not
have existed in the first place. They must have paid something great for
beating Looncandel back then.'
We could not look at what the price was in this record, but we got the most
information from the Solderlet records we've ever seen.

In particular, the transcendental capacity of the Jipple could be reduced

more than ever.

'To deal with a jipple, a teacher is the key.'

As soon as I naturally thought about it.

[Sir Jean, it's probably been two days outside.]

Leet opened his mouth.

"Two days?"

Jean stared at Leet with astonishment.

If two days had passed, it would have already been possible that one of his
"enemies" would have raided the caves of small numbers.

I'll be back as soon as possible. So that no one gets hurt.

I remembered the promise I made to Nehru the Myon people.

[Looking at the look on his face, there's an urgent business out there.]

"There are people I promised to save. Because I'm here, there are prisoners
on the verge of death."

[Then go ahead and leave.]

Reet's determined answer made my heart water.

"If I leave here, will you be alone again? I forget about you.…?”

a still nod of the head

[You'll only remember what you saw on the recording device. As for me.
But Lord Jin, I'm actually dead and forgotten anyway. It is more valuable to
save the living outside than to soothe my solitude.

"......I'll be back. By all means."

There were too many prisoners who could die without knowing anything, to
be torn apart by pity.

Reet smiled a faint smile.

Recalling Themeer who once said the same thing as Jean.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 334

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:01:00 PM

Chapter 334: Ep.104. Debt and Debt and Debt (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I'll be back for sure...….

The moment that the words came out of the subspace of Young-gi, to the
shame of the word.

Jean forgot everything she shared with 'Living Leet Damiro Yul.'

Her looks, her clothes, her red hair, her voice, everything else.

I even forgot that two days have already passed in a small space. It was not
because of the reed in the record, but because it was told by the forgotten

Outside was still the beach, mysterious and lonely violet stars twinkling.
Jean looked up at the stars blankly in her sleep.

"In the third grave......I think I've met someone. No? Did you just check out
the old storm?'

The strange distinctions made me feel dubious.

'And what the hell is this vomiting when you haven't even fought? Or what
happened to your memory and your body because you fought such a big

That can't be true, but I was nauseating from the inside as if I had used my
body to the limit. I had a creepy sensation like a bug crawling all over my
body and I sweated a cold sweat.


As Jin picked his breath, he recalled what he had experienced in the

subspace again.

'The subspace seemed to reproduce the old storm, and I checked the
recording device as always.'

However, I couldn't think of how to check the recording device.

It seemed like someone handed it over by hand, it seemed like he had

opened a small box and found it, and it seemed to work itself as soon as he
entered the tomb.

'Neru said there must be someone inside. So I asked him to tell me that he's
been through a lot for the past thousand years.'

Who was he? He wasn't inside?

As the question continued, the faces of the old Looncandel "checked with a
record device" came to mind.

Temer, deacon Riet Damiro Yul, teenage knights, deacons and writers who
recorded the history of the Fairy that was being forgotten with a haggard

Among them, strangely.

When I thought of a fairy named Reet Damiro Yul, one of my heart became
numb. Although he was definitely a person I've never seen before, I felt
nostalgic and bitter.

Jean remembered only the reed in the record.


As I recalled the old Looncandel in the recording device, I remembered a

problem I had forgotten.

'Little Sioux, you must go save them quickly!'


There was a bad smell of ash. When I first entered this beautiful tombstone
space, I could not smell it.

It was never the smell of cooking something or warming up by making a

fire. With a jerk, Jean, who turned his head, swallowed his breath.

The forest behind the beach was burning.

Except for Qin, mysterious beaches, which humans have never entered
before, are being eroded by the flames.

My heart was in a hurry. Come to think of it, Neru, a tomboy, was not seen
even though he had escaped from the subspace.


As I was about to scream and run, I could see Nehru in the distance.

"Are you all right, Neru?"

[Uh...... Jean, Luncandel.]

Nehru was breathing hard with his hair all over his body soaked in sweat.
There was no visible trauma.

"Are you already under attack?”

[... ...not long after you entered Themeer's grave, this very spot was
It was less than five hours after Qin entered the tomb.

The secret shelter began to be attacked from then on, and Nehru and other
sages were desperately defending themselves by mobilizing all the power
they had.

If it were the way it was, when it was discovered, it should have had a
hunch in advance and fled. In fact, the Myojins were sensing intense danger
three hours before the enemy began to invade.

But the Myojins could not escape.

If they run away, the Temer's grave will be discovered.

It was because even a thousand-year-old solderlet contractor would be in

danger. Especially if the Temer's tomb collapses in an attack when the camp
is inside, the camp will never be able to escape.

In order to prevent attacks, the sages have used most of their belongings
given by the god of cats in the past.

Although he was determined to be a god who had protected him for

thousands of years to buy time.

Nehru did not inform Jean of the fact. The decision came from the heart that
he would only feel indebted if he recognized it.

"What kind of guys are they?”

asked Jean in a low voice.


It was not out of expectations. Looncandel or Jipple or Kinselo of Joshua. I

expected it to be one of the three.

But I couldn't say it was a relief.

[... ...listen carefully, Jean Looncandel. From now on, don't rest and run to
the beach over there. Until I met a tomboy named Lulu. Then Lulu will
send you somewhere safe.]

"You mean I should run away alone."

[That's for the best.]

"What happens to Neru, the Myonites, and the little Sioux? When I get out,
can you get away?"

Neru can't answer.

"I'll buy you some time, so you have to take the little Sioux and evacuate.”

[Jipple, like your black knight to them. There's a elite sorcerer's unit called
the Ghosts. Five of them attacked us. I know you're strong, but I can't buy
time against them.]

a specter belt

Jin's face hardened as soon as he heard the name.

When he was a backup rider, Jin had experienced their formidable martial

'Are you saying that you sent that secret elite army to catch the cemeteries
and the little Sioux, and attack my business?'

According to Nehru's analogy, it was the cosmetics business that caused the
Zipple to hit small numbers.

It was an incomprehensible part, but on the other hand, I thought that there
was someone who was smart even in Jipple.

"Some have seen how much the cosmetics business will increase
Looncandel's influence among the general public in the future." Or....'

Or have you found out that there is a third tomb of Themeer here.
Either way, the terrible fact that the specter had come remained unchanged.

[And now our frictions are at their limit. Two days have already passed
since you entered the grave.]

"What, two days?"

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

I never thought that time would have passed.

I couldn't even remember what had happened inside the third tomb
properly, and my mind was once again confused by the fact that two days
had passed.

[Yes, for the next hour. I can't stand any longer than that. So, run away


Jean clenched her teeth.

"You can't do that."

[If it's because of the guilt that small numbers of people could die because
of you, we'll try to make the most of it. They're still in the pit, so they're
safe for an hour.]

"Tell me where they are."

[There are a few entrances to our secret space other than that cave. They're
breaking the chain at every entrance, but I can't figure out exactly which
direction it is. But what's certain is that the cave has all the entrances
connected, so it eventually gathers there.]

I was able to realize it intuitively.

The Nehru and the Myojins plan to protect the small Sioux, instead of
sacrificing themselves.
It was accurate.

In fact, they used one of the remains to evacuate the small people, and they
were ready to die here.

It was even impossible while Qin was in the grave. If there were any gaps
in the new structure, it was highly likely that the enemy would enter the
cave through this site.

Even the little watermen in the cave knew they were being attacked. They
were quivering with fear that they would suffocate in the bonds invoked in
the cave with the beach.

"Can you get them all?”

[Honestly, I can't guarantee that I can save them all.]

In the first place, he endured two days against the five ghosts, and it was
great in itself to say that he could save some of the small numbers.

However, Jin could not back down if he was not confident that everyone
would survive even if he ran away.

At this moment, it wasn't strong enough to take someone as a shield and run

Of course, you shouldn't just move with a sense of fairness or a sense of

stupid justice. I didn't mean to die a dog.

"I've already been dragging my feet against a larger number of ghosts."

[And if you go wrong, your thousand years of keeping promise will go

down in smoke.]

"I don't mean to fight because I don't want small numbers of people to die.
When I start fighting them, I'm sure there will be a man from my family or
from Kinselo."

[How can Looncandel and Kinselo know you're fighting?]

"I'm the only one in the world who uses spirits and brains. The former Rigo
is a flagpole in Looncandel, and the Kingdom of is the territory of
Hufester. Moreover, the land of the Sioux is the territory of the Kinselo, so
they have every reason to fight."

There was no reason for Looncandel and Kinselo to stay still if Qin fought
with the specter near the cave.

Qin planned to battle the specter as splendidly as possible, leading the two
forces to enter the war.

'The question is whether I can hold out against the five spirits, the family
and the Kinselo until people come. It's also protecting small numbers.'

But I could save everyone if I could hold out. No matter how many zipples,
they cannot live in the middle of the territory of other great powers.

When the family knights come, it is meaningless to disguise Bellop. Since

you've caused a serious accident, the disciplinary action you're holding
against you will come back to the surface.'

But that was better than all the small numbers dying. If you're lucky, it's a
problem that you can just let go of course.

[What if Looncandel and Kinselo don't come to the battlefield?]

"I'll get away and survive somehow. The thousand years that so many
people have sacrificed for me won't be in vain."

[Why are you so loyal to the little Sue?]

"That's what Fang used to say. "Among small numbers of people, the
principle of unconditional hospitality is those who have won the favor of
the Myonites, regardless of reason or race."

[It's just a small number of people making it up among themselves...]….]

"But even before I met Nehru, I was always welcomed by small numbers of
people. I owe them their lives. That's why I'm trying to be loyal. You can't
see a business that just started going down."

Neru looked up at the camp.

"And as I said, the Kingdom of Zeng is the land of Looncandel. That means
my land, and running away from here. It's no different from saying that I
don't deserve to be the flag bearer of Looncandel."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 335

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:59 PM

Chapter 335: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Nehru closed his eyes agonizingly.

It wasn't that he didn't want to save the little Sioux. Rather, he wanted to
save more than Jin. That's why Nehru and the Myojins are ready to die.

Soon as he made up his mind, Neru made eye contact with Jin.

[....... All right, but keep what you said. If you feel like you're going to die,
you must run away.]

Jean nodded her head and pulled out the enemy prison.


Summoned Shuri rubbed her face against Jean's cheek with a cheerful cry.
Then Nehru's eyes grew bigger.

[Oh, my God, this is the witch Heluram's cat!]

"You know.”

[I've heard that the newsletter of the human world says that you're riding in
the red graveyard, and I never thought it was Shuri...]…!]
[Ma, Mami, Mia? Mya!]

I don't know what it meant, but Shuri also seemed to recognize Nehru. They
even snorted at each other as if they were quite close.

Nyang nyang, mya, mya, nyang...….

The two seemed to communicate in their own language that Jean could not
understand. Il-soon's cute appearance overshadowed the fact that the
situation was not good.

Nehru's expression changed incessantly while talking to Shuri.

When I heard that Shuri was cursed by Heluram and was cursed with
immortality, it became dark, and when I heard that she was left alone in the
forests of the Black Sea for a thousand years, I was moved to tears.

He smiled at the scene where he met Jean and left the forest.

It wasn't just Nehru's face. Shri also made a pleasant sound as her big eyes
glistened with water.

After the conversation, Nehru looked back at Jean with a lighter face.

[Shree had a terrible thousand years too...]... Jean Looncandel, I think

maybe it's Soldier's arrangement that this guy met you. Just for these


Nehru's expression was no different.

In his opinion, if Shri was present, Jean could run away against the specter.

[You didn't have to worry about helping small numbers. I'd like to talk to
Shree more after a long time, but I'd better go see them first.]

Jean climbed on Shri's back.

"Will Neru be here?"

[I can't leave this post because I have to keep my tie. As I said earlier, run to
the beach over there to find Lulu, and ask him to send it to the cave, not to a
safe place.]


As soon as Jin was about to start with Shiri, Neru held Shiri's heels dainty.
Jin and Shri, looking back at Nehru at the same time.

[Thank you, Jean Looncandel.]

I was going to say thank you.

"Never mind."

It was quick to meet Lulu because of running in Shuri.

Lulu looked just like Nehru, but it was not easy to distinguish them even if
you look closely. Nehru, Lulu, Miru, and the triplets were the main pillars
of the tomb's unity.

[What, Shree!] How long has it been, no, how can you live...….]

Lulu looked very happy to see Shuri like Nehru.

But when Qin explained the situation and said he would go to the cave, he
thought he could not talk for long. After a very short greeting with Shri, he
sent Jean back to the cave of the Myo people.

[By the time you get to the cave, we'll have at least ten minutes to keep our
ties together. We have time to move. Be careful, they'll come straight into
the cave if the chasm is broken.]


During the two days following the attack by the ghost squad, there was not
a single place left in the cave.
Whenever a series of faults were hit, there was an earthquake or an internal
mudslide in the cave.

The pure gold-plated rocks were all broken, and the tools of the water-tailed
people were all broken.

Little Sioux were seen shivering together in a huddle on the ceiling.

So the little Sioux had no choice but to look at the returned Qin like a

"Gin Looncandel!"

"The earthquake is here!"

"Wow, it's here. It's all. Jean."

Fang, Soon-i and Dark Flame shouted at the same time. The eyes of the
small Sioux reached Jin in unison.

Fortunately, none of the small numbers were seriously injured. Thanks to

the nets installed by the water-tailed gentry, the rockfall was not damaged.

"Is everybody all right?"

"What the hell happened? It's been only a few hours since you followed the
Myoin people....... The cave is blocked!"

The cave was blocked not because of the attack, but because of the

"Jipple's attacking the tomboy's chain. In 10 minutes, we'll have a breach.

Everyone has to run away. As soon as possible, just get what you really

Jean briefly explained the whole story.

Why the wizards of Jipple were attacking this place, and how the Mythos
were stopping them.
Naturally, he also conveyed that the cause of the attack was on him, but
small numbers of people did not resent him at all.

"It's all right, Da, Jean. We, hit it, we can do it. Run......."

"Oh! Stuffy, man, don't open your mouth until you're safe and just get ready
to run away! See, everyone. You said there must be someone who realized
our cosmetics business was going to explode, right? Sooner or later, I
thought Jipple, Beams, and Kinselo would touch us!"

said Fang, clenched his fist.

"Da, I got it."

"We signed with you at such a ridiculous rate just in case. Seeing that you
didn't run away alone like this, I think it was a good contract.”

Fang was deliberately saying 'as if it wasn't a big deal.'

Not to make other small numbers more anxious. Fang had a hunch that the
situation was worse than any of the prisoners.

"If the decision breaks down, the wizards of the Jipple will either enter the
cave straight away, or come near. In the meantime, I'll buy you time, so you
guys run away."

Currently, there are about 150 people in the cave.

I wanted to save all of them.

There was no point in worrying about how such a thing would be possible.
It was because everything was still unknown, including the reason and
purpose of the attack.

I knew what the enemy wanted so that I could respond correctly.

Rather than smelling Temar's grave, it is much more likely that the goal is
to ruin my business. Besides, I was a 100 millionaire of the Rutero Magic
Union until last year, so the G-Fllowers wouldn't want me to put a cosmetic
ad on their land.'

It was not to the point of disapproval. Since the advertisement began, most
of the elders of the Jipple have been up all night in anger.

It was behind the dispatch of the elite secret sorcerer's unit, called the Ghost

In particular, the elders of the Jipple have been feeling bad about
Looncandel lately.

It was not enough to turn Jean, the wanted man of the Rutero Federation,
into a jockey, but also to advertise cosmetics on the land of the Jipple.

Therefore, the attack on the cave was justifiable enough.

'Well, we could take advantage of this situation. As long as we get the water
out of here......I may be able to use the family as a shield for my business in
the future.'

Kizzik! Kizzik!

While the little watermen were busily packing up, there was a sudden noise
of something cracking and bursting.

It was the sound of the unseen chasm of the Myoin tribe.

After the sound of the rupture began, there was a sudden crack in the air.
From the crack, I could feel a strong flow of mana.

It was the magic of the specter.

"Hey, Jean. Our partner! After you save us, you must get out too!"


Jean picked out the sign.

"Who are you worried about? If the fault breaks, run straight to the
entrance. Judging from the flow of mana, it looks like they're falling right
into the cave after breaking the bonds. Go, come on. Run to the entrance.
When you get out of the cave, ask for the protection of the Looncandel
through the Kingdom of Cheng. They say it's a 12-time name."

If the chasm is broken, the blocked cave entrance will be opened.

"Okay. You promise to come back alive, too, okay? And by the way, don't
think you're hurting us. It's not so wrong, but we decided to take this risk in
the first place for what we're doing with you.”

"Jin, get hurt, don't, Da, thank you!"

"Thank you, not thank you! Hey, stop saying hi and let's go, you water-
tailed bastards. We're just gonna get in the way of our partner anyway."


"I'm sorry, not Anmi......okay, let's go, let's go!"

The Golden Snowmen pushed the backs of the water tails.

Smiling, smiling Jin.

This thought came to my mind when I saw small numbers of people who
could blame themselves enough.

I'm glad I came to save them.

The little Sioux looked back several times while fleeing behind the camp.

Even those who are completely ignorant of magic felt it.

How huge is the mana that breaks into the cave?

"This is the magic that I can feel beyond the threshold....I expected it, but it
won't be a head-to-head match.'
Three ghosts.

The enemy would never be short compared to the three black knights of
Looncandel. It is not easy for Luna to deal with three black knights at once.

Of course, it was too much for Jin now.

Nevertheless, Jin judged that there might be one chance.

Beyond just taking time, causing enormous damage to the sorceresses of the
specter. There may be a chance to kill them.

'They don't know I'm here.'

No matter how great the specter was, it could not be expected that there was
a camp inside the cave.

Of course, the specter would be able to show a perfect response to

unexpected variables.

If the opponent is a strong 'general way' type, as much as you like.


The spirit stretched out from Jean's body. In an instant, the spirit stretched
out to fill the cave and encased the camp like a tent.

It was the spirit that was laid out to remove the spirit. The camp covered in
spirit looked like a mass of shadows spreading all over the cave walls.

When I was in the intermediate class, I remembered the day when I

attacked a moonlight well in Mamit.

The attack that Jean was about to attempt now was the same way it was
then. To completely conceal one's spirit and spirit with spirit, and to
explode at an unexpected moment.

At that time, I sat in the inn and gathered my spirits for hours, but now this
was enough.
Especially in such a confined space.

It's big. It's big.…!

The nodule began to fall completely.


And a small embers spread in the tents of Young-ki.

The embers were the very reason why Jean had erased her presence.

Even the specter could not read the mana of the small embers beyond the
tents of Gyeolgye and Yeonggi.

That's the spark of the Runkandel Magumbigi business.

'As soon as they arrive, they finish at once. "If you are directly attacked by
a surprise attack, you will not be safe even if you are a specter."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 336

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:58 PM

Chapter 336: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Now the cracks in the chasm were almost open, showing the dimensions
across. It was also one of the secret spaces of the Myoin people.

The image of the specter could not be identified yet.

'Break a little later.…!'

Due to the urgency of the project, the company has yet to complete its

Five seconds before the specter is finished, no. It was highly likely that he
would be attacked first even if he entered the cave three seconds earlier.

I could be sure.

Then it was a defeat. Assuming the enemy is three of the nine-star or late-
stage wizards.

Three seconds was the time to kill ten more times for such powerful men.
Especially if they were left defenseless in the midst of a decisive battle like
the current Qin, it would be even more so.
I had to concentrate. Keeping calm at this moment was one of Jin's biggest

In the tent of Young-ki, the eyes of Qin were burning with flames. The
flames stretched out from Jin's body in the dark curtain.

The flames looked just like fierce beasts tied to loose shackles. Whenever
Jean wants to remove the curtain, she will spread out in all directions and
burn her enemies.

Time seemed to go slowly.

In the midst of a huge heart beat of his own, the mana to unfold the up-and-
down painting flowed through the rune letters engraved on Jean's whole
body flexibly and strongly.

The magic of the specter was getting bigger and bigger.

How much mana was being devoted to breaking the alternative chain, and
even inside the tent, my face was tingling.

I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm angry...…!

The sound of Qin's fire spreading and the crackling of the chaff were mixed
in at random.


A crack in the chain broke and a roaring roar broke out in my head.

'Here he comes!'

It was not long before the ghosthood came to light. Only In-yeong, who was
obscured by Yeong-gi's tent and the broken frame, was seen.

Jean, the most elite monster of the Jipple in a gray robe, clasped tightly in
her hand holding the sword.

Finished. Before they arrived.

The fire first covered the body of the camp. Then it permeated and made the
gin into the fire itself. The burning eyes were more intensely lit, and even
the hair was burned.

'I'll pay you back your debts, ghost.'

The day Jin ran away from Veradin's villa, leaving only Missha behind, was
often thought of even after becoming a jockey.

If he were stronger, he would have fought with Missha.

It was never a humiliating act for the Runkandel's backup rider to run away
against the 15 ghosts, but Jin felt humiliated when he remembered that day.

It was time to erase the feeling.

Looncandel Magum Biggie

"Sarah Looncandel, Umbrella"

When I got this Magum Beech from Sarah.

Jin was very fond of the name ' .'

Looking back at the evil Zipple has done so far, I thought there would be no
name more suitable for burning them.


Sharp fires tore open the tent and began to pour out.

You're beyond the specter.As soon as I slept, I had to face the fire and open
my eyes wide.

One of the spectacles unfolded the shield with fright. The gruesome! The
unsteady vibrations of the fire shield.

The shield of the specter was about to break down. At first glance, it
seemed that he could not bear the power of the business, but Chin spoke out

Do you hold on to this with a shield that doesn't even finish it properly?

There won't really be many wizards in the world that can do that.
Furthermore, the specter had just consumed a great deal of mana to break
through the chain.

Of course, the up-and-down was just the beginning.


Jean roared, raising her oncoming and mana to the next level. And it
completely removed the curtain of the still-remaining spirit and liberated
the flames that had been tied to it.

The fire literally spread like a tidal wave. It was a moment's work that the
cave turned into a burning view of hell, and the entire protective shield of
the specter was swallowed up by fire, so that the color of the mana could
not be seen.

The rocks inside the cave melted away.

The Magum Beegi business resembled the Mingwanggunnim sword of half

a person who jumped from a considerable number of areas.

Instead of the brain, fire weapons covered all sides to create a space of fire,
and in that space, those who couldn't reach the stage couldn't even breathe.

In fact, a thousand years ago, Themeer's advice played a major role in the
completion of Sarah's Magum. And Themeer's advice was based on
reference to the Ming Dynasty Military Sword of the Ban.

All that fire that filled the cave was pouring down toward the specter.
"Oh, shit!"

The specter cried out in an embarrassed urgent voice. It was a very sweet
voice for Jin.

Although it was an attack, the fact that business was working against three
ghosts made me shudder.

Reducing growth is always accompanied by joy.

'You can't do this with a shield.'

I'm angry!

With all the red flames, a single blue dot spread.

Unhwa is a martial art that adds the power of the phoenix.

In the second tomb, Sarah could not use the Phoenix Manier as she was a
guardian, but Jean had a Tess.


When a blue flame opened the dimension of the flame system, a sharp yet
heavy roar appeared the king of the phoenix.

The power that symbolizes Chunghwa, medium pressure, and Tess.

As the power was added to the story, the ghost wizard groaned this time.
And the moment the groans were heard, Jean could be sure.

I can kill him.

It was almost impossible to hold onto the "next" thing once the wizard's
protective shield was pierced.

Because they do not possess such a strong body as the unarmed men.
Thus, when a direct blow to the body began, the wizard's ability was bound
to fall significantly.

He's got the chance to win.

'Now somehow we're going to use mana to stop the body from burning, and
then we're going to fall back into the current.'

As with the absolute proposition that every human being dies, excessive
mana operation has necessarily led to reverse currents. Even a specter
cannot escape the law.

However, Jin assumed that the specter would have the ability to control the
reverse flow of mana very quickly.

"Although the ability to control backflow may not be as good as a teacher, it

is highly likely that the ghost band will be able to stabilize the horsepower
within five seconds after the initial symptoms of backflow."'

They cut their throats before they catch the backflow.

Jin, who quickly concluded, found the ghostly wizards through the flames.
Jean had only seen Inyoung since they first arrived, and even the gray lobes
had not been properly seen.

They are attacking them only by guessing their location with the energy and
the image of the ghost.

'As soon as the tide is killing them, I'll dig in and finish it. I don't have
much time left either.'

There could have been a near reversal. It was strange that such a great
technique was suddenly and with the curtain of Young-ki, the reverse flow
did not come.

Still, time was on Jin's side.

I could feel the mana of the specter was completely relieved even before a
minute had passed.
The spirit of the specter, which had made the face shudder even after
breaking through the bonds, has fallen to the level of an ordinary wizard.

It was the result of the start of the reverse flow.

Jean moved her steps into the flames. Once Tess threw up his breath in front
of him, the flames of business were gently pushed out, forming a road.

As the camp strode, whenever the camp moved, the specter hid itself
between the flames.

"Why didn't you not move?"


Jean said, shooting the sword in the direction of her presence.

with a cynical smile around one's mouth


A clear sense of flesh and bones being cut through the sword was delivered
to the fingertips.

The specter swallowed the groan desperately, but it was an act that couldn't
have any meaning.

Position has already been exposed, and the fight is over.


Jean threw herself in the direction of shooting the sword, shining through
the glare of the flame.

'We've got a clear win, but since we're three, we have to finish it quickly
without dragging our feet.'

Time when the specter suppresses the mana reflux, five seconds. It was
necessary to get all three in there.

Sigmund's blade pierced the specter's breast.


The last scream was all. The wizard was literally swept away by the fire
around the signpost and burned to ashes.

The last of the best secret wizards of the Jipple was an incredibly humble

It also meant that Jin was great.

Except Luna, no brother could have been brought to this end in the same

Even if there was no business in the surprise attack, the opponent was a

'Now the other two.'

Hook, Jin picked short breaths. The body, stained by fire, was slowly too
hot to handle, and it seemed as if it was about to begin to reverse flow
would begin.

The remaining time is three seconds.

It was enough time to find two cannabis who fell back in the fire, and to
shake their throats.

But the moment I'm about to start moving again. Jean felt a strange sense of

"What is it? I just killed one man, but all the magic of the specter, which
remained feeble, disappeared.'

I searched quickly through the flames.

Somehow, I couldn't find the other two ghosts except the one who died.

Where did he suddenly disappear? There's no way he could have gone back
to the scaffold, and it's as if the mighty mana belonged to a dead specter...

A towering, stalling gin.

"No way, it wasn't the combination of the three mana.…!?'

It was only one of the three ghosts that Jean killed.

The other two were still breaking through the confines of the other Myo-in
secret quarters, and were just entering the cave.

Jin mistook the mana of one of the ghosts he killed in a surprise attack on
an industrial painting for three people.


Suddenly, I felt another strong mana beyond the broken chain.

Turning his head at the shivering sensation of his spine, he saw the other
two specter walk out of the broken chasm.

'Oh, my God. . . . ..'

The two had already confirmed from beyond the confines that there was a
blaze of business in the cave, unlike the ghostly band that had just died.

It was only natural that the energy and presence of the industry were not
overshadowed by the curtain of youth.

"Huh, it looks like Rocky got hit. Here, it's his cane."

"The fire is dying. The guy who killed Locai wouldn't be in good shape, he
wouldn't have gone far. Before we track down the insect-like beast, we start
with him...….”
The eyes of the Jin and the Ghost Wizards met.

" don't have to, Jean Looncandel. Your guy killed Locai."

In the gray hood, the ghost wizard's corners of mouth went up.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 337

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:56 PM

Chapter 337: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Mana gathered at the hands of the ghosts wizard.

It was too fast to be called 'gathering', and suddenly it seemed to have been
created in the clutches.

But the mana, which was formed so quickly, contained such enormous
energy that the surrounding space was distorted.

Jean swallowed his breath and reflexively unfolded the shield.


If only one second had the shield unfolded late, it would not have been
possible to face the rising sun tomorrow morning. A mana gun fired from
the hands of two men of the specter squadron struck the protective shield of
the camp made of spirit and mana.

Despite the opening of the shield, he seemed to be beaten all over by the
bare fists of a warrior. It was possible to strike out the rays of light coming
through the shield, but once more the thick blood came up through the

Tear! Jean puffed up the blood and pulled herself together.

'Jeginal, yes. These were the ghosts.'

It was the result of a perfect surprise attack that Jin was able to kill the
specter of Lokay in an instant.

As can be seen from the misunderstanding of the mana of Lokai as the three
Qin people, the specter was originally the strongest group of wizards in the
world. That's no match for other wizard troops.

" stopped this? The 12th Runkandel?"

"That's true of what those guys who went to Lord Veradin's secret villa at
that time. I'm afraid you're off guard, but it wasn't luck to kill Locai."

"It's certainly shocking to hear it and experience it in person."

Jean took a breath and looked at the two.

'Both of them are on a par with the wizard Lokay I just killed.'

Of the nine stars, it wasn't in the second half.

Ten stars, or the vastness of mana that can't be explained.

'No, it may be a mana that's hard to explain even with 10 stars.'

There is a huge difference between nine and ten stars, but suddenly there
was no triple increase in horsepower.

Jin has already experienced several nine-star wizards, and the ten-star has
yet to meet in person, but he has been able to infer the approximate extent
of the situation from a warrior.

On that level, there was certainly something strange about the magical
powers of the Ghost Wizards.

"What do you think, Jean Looncandel?"

Once again, a mana ray was fired from the grasp of the wizards.

Gaah! This time Tess gave out a flame of medium pressure to twist the
trajectory of the ray, and Chin quickly re-entered the curtain with spirit.

"You're not going to run away, you're going to fight us? That's a good idea."

"The ghosts I met last time didn't have that long muzzle, and you guys talk
a lot.”

In an instant, five curtains of spirit unfolded.

Jean was able to keep hiding herself among the tents and avoid the attack of
the wizards.

At first glance, Jin seemed to be effectively dealing with the specter, but
there was no time to fight back.

'I can't drive properly because of the backflow. I don't know how long this
will take.'

As soon as the other two meet the ghosts, of course, the choice that Jin
should have chosen.

It was to summon Shri immediately and run away. However, it was no

different why Jin didn't run away against the new specter.

Because if you run now, you'll have no choice but to exterminate the little
beasts who just started leaving the cave.

'You can't hold out for long. Tess is about to be summoned.'

Tess can only stay in Inse with Qin's mana. The state of Tess was also
bound to become unstable as the mana reflux was beginning.

As in the past, Tess couldn't make a direct descent with the help of Jean, as
he did when he met the retribution of the cold Joe.
Unlike then, Jin was about to fall into the mana backflow, so if he borrowed
his power incorrectly, his life could be in trouble.

In the end, Tess had no choice but to return to the flame in a few seconds

Just one.

There was a way to overcome this situation.

Summoning the brothers of the Ming Dynasty with the special black call of
the Ming Dynasty.

Even if ordinary warriors, not King Tu, came, it was possible to take time
against the two ghosts.

However, I wanted to use the black singing card in the worst situation. It
was because Jipple didn't know yet that Jin could summon the Ming

If that fact became known to the Zipple, the slaves would be more careful
when dealing with themselves in the future.

One must always save one's spleen. With the help of the Ming brothers,
there will be many more decisive moments in the future to screw up Gipple.

Also, in Jean's opinion.

Things haven't been so bad yet.

Either way, come quickly!

Looncandel, or Kinselo.

One of the two forces was forced to visit the cave. There is a fight going on
that will break not only the cave but also the whole area soon.

It was highly likely that Kinselo would come first. This is the land of the
Boom! Boom! Whoo-hoo!…!

The cave was collapsing in the mana rays of the specter's wizardry.

Jean doesn't know, but in fact, the giant maze in the cave had already been
destroyed by more than 50 percent at a time when the chasm collapsed.

The continuous impact caused endless rocks to fall, and the ceiling through
which the rays passed was perforated and the sky was visible.

By then, the ghostly wizards had no choice but to feel deeply irritated.

It was because of the idea that Runkandel's 12th rider, who fell into the
mana reverse current and was even summoned by the phoenix, lasted too
long against them.

It hasn't been a few minutes to say 'long'.

"I've always wanted to take him back to his normal condition, but I guess
I'll just breathe.”


A new magic began to form in the hands of the Ghost Wizards.

It is the formation of two nine-star destruction spells per person. It was the
vision magic of Jipple that Jean had never seen before.

They were both simultaneous users of e-mail.

"I thought you might survive this.”

"Really? I think you overestimated me."

Jean smiled back.

"No, rather, we've underestimated you. And I don't care if I die.”

As if determined, Jean clenched her teeth.

I thought I should call my brothers from the Ming Dynasty.

"Lastly, I propose a deal. If my brothers come, you may not be able to go

back alive today. What do you think? Let's go back to each other at this
point. This, it's an all-out war."

To the last and last, it was just a clutter to buy us a few more than a few

"By the time the riders of Looncandel come, you will already be in the
Rutero Magic Federation. I didn't know you had a knack for jokes."

The brothers were not, but there was no need to correct them.

"Then you guys need to develop some jokes. What do you do when
you'really? It's not human."

"Never mind. Oh, and I'm telling you in advance.”

The ghost wizard shrugged his shoulders and said the latter.

"You're holding out here, apparently, to save the Sioux. That doesn't mean
much. 'Cause by now, the other guys would have gone to get those
cosmetic-arm mice.'

"It's pretty interesting to see the skeletons. You or them. There's nothing
more difficult than I thought."

Originally, there were five ghost bands that attacked the family of the
Myoin people.

However, Jin calculated the ghost band he was going to face in three
because Lulu told him just before he left that Lulu was tying the other two.

The other two are stuck in our labyrinthine bonds. You'll be locked up for at
least three days.

Lulu had certainly said so.

However, the wizards of the specter belt were stronger than expected by the
Myonin people.

They performed the unique regiment magic of the spirit belt, erased the
whole chain, and entered this place.

The process had caused problems with the frictions, and the other two had
entered the land of watermen outside the cave.

'If the chasm is broken. Are the Mythos safe? It was not the time to save the
black call.'

Hoo, Jean gave a low sigh.

And as soon as you're about to open up a black call.


Suddenly a large steel door was formed between Qin and the Ghost

The day when the steel door sounds so beautiful as it strikes the ground,
there will never be another time in Qin's life.

"Hi, everybody!"

First there was a cheerful and lively voice.

As far as Jean knows, the most 'strange' woman.

It was Margiela Ibliano. She was in a wheelchair, as usual, wearing a funny

mask shaped like a cat's face.

You don't think you can hide your identity with that? I'm sure there's no one
out there who doesn't know that Evelyanoga's inns are disabled.'

Surprisingly, the specter did not recognize Margiela.

What the hell are these?

The specter wizards looked at Margiela with such a face. They did not
attack hastily, but they seemed to find the "steel gate" Marziela crossed

"Nice to meet you, I'm Moruriella. If I had to put it, I'd be the owner of this

And next to it was another familiar face.

"Hey, you're a ghost, aren't you? I'm sure there are some of my motives
there. How's that rubbish, Rocky?"

A cold joe.

He laughed as he looked at the ghostly.

The very Joe, whom Jin had fought himself, was unassailable to the ghosts
of the sorcerer, but there was another reason why Jo was so confident.

"Joe, shut up. I'm sure I warned you a few times, but don't go anywhere
with me on your back and pretend to be strong. A scumbag, please take a
look at the vice-captain even half-heartedly. I want to kill him a few times a

Veracet Sidriker.

A great warrior of the Baengnang tribe and one of the key points of
Kinselo. The reason why Joe can laugh at the ghostly stage.



That's pretty strong. Your oldest sister can't be sure.

A conversation with Murakan at the time of the Sungguk incident, looking

at Veracan who came to pay his respects to King Miklan.
As the saying goes, Veracte was the strongest Suin warrior to match the
name of the great warrior.

"You won't need a long word, human wizards. I'm in a bad mood right now,
so if you don't get out in three seconds, chew the whole thing and I'll poop
you in twenty minutes. One, two, three."


After counting three seconds without a break, Veract pulled the sword from
his back and gave it a blow. At one stroke, the entire cave was divided into
two parts, and the ghosts of the sorcerer were seen hesitating and backing

It occurred to me that Murakan's expression, which Luna said she couldn't

guarantee, might be a little lacking.

As soon as Veract began his attack, Margiela rolled the wheelchair and
approached Jean.

"Stay back. And don't forget this debt, okay?"

Margiela winked at Jean and smiled.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 338

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:55 PM

Chapter 338: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (5)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Boom, kuang! Skunk!

Every time Veracte swung a sword, the ceiling of the cave was cut off like a
sheet of paper, and the sky.

As soon as he launched the attack, the specter wizards appeared bent on


In the midst of a rousing roar of ear-splitting binge and pagong and Verac's
roar, Margiela looked at Jean with a grin on her face.

"You're not gonna pretend you don't know, are you?" I'm sure you're not
that unconscionable."

Although I've come to help, and I'm sure there won't be another welcome
moment for a crazy group called Kinselo like today.

Jean didn't feel very grateful to them.

It was because Kinselo was not much different from Jipple.

To Jean, these are essentially lunatics who conduct biomass tests, and the
purpose is to become a ruler of the world like a zipple.
Of course Jean also intends to ascend to the throne of Looncandel and
become the loser of the world, but at least she has not used humans as a
mere experimental material like them.

Above all, isn't Kinselo a rival and an enemy after all?

"Debt, this is your territory anyway, so shouldn't you have come out?"

"Oh, you're saying something sad. We're here to save you. I'm sorry to hear
the cute Su-in die, but if you hadn't been in a crisis, you'd just let it go. This
is not a very important land."

"How did you know I was in a crisis?"

"That's a trade secret!"

Judging from the leader's ability, even if Kinselo was watching the entire
land of the Sioux like a crystal ball, it wouldn't feel so strange.

"Anyway, I don't want to feel like I owe you money, so go home and talk
nonsense. If you're just here to save me, it's a benefit to you, so it's a

"Hmph, you're right all the place. Can't you just say nice things at times like
this? You can eat the longitude of Veract's loss if you're wrong?”

Argh! Argh, ooh!

Screams from the ghostly wizards continued.

It didn't seem as though he had been fatally wounded yet, but Veract was
simply completely overwhelming the two of the specter.

Smiling, smiling Jin.

"Thank you for stepping down. And Kinselo may not know, but I'll let it
pass once or twice for the Ivliano to make a little mistake in Looncandel."

"Hey, are you going to go save the Su-in by any chance?"

Joe chipped in with a thin beard.

"What are you going to do on your own?”

"I suggest you just go. I don't intend to send anyone to you. It means don't
waste the life we've saved."

"But Lord Jean wasn't saved by Joe, but by Uncle Veracte.”

"Mar......No, Miss Moruriella. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to say


"If I had heard what Uncle Veract had just said, I would have gone wild
again, haha. I'm really worried that Mr. Veracte might kill you if you keep
doing that."

Groom, Joe scratched his head and acted differently.

Cold Joe, notorious for his nine-star wizards, was almost teased among
Kinselo executives.

Jean did not answer Joe's words, but briefly made eye contact with

'This woman, this is what happened to Sung-guk. I don't know who you are.
There's not much to be known about, but what special abilities do you
have? It looks like it's a pretty good place inside Kinselo.'

Not just because the Kinselo executive, Vishkel, is a dearly beloved sister.

As if to have seen through Jin's heart, Margiela was only smiling


"See you again, Lord Jean. It was nice to meet you."

Oh, my God!

Jean took out the enemy prison from her bosom and summoned Shri.
Margiela made a fuss to herself, saying that she was cute again, and Jean
left the place with a jerk.

"Well, well, with a rascal!"

When Joe kicked his tongue, Margiela shrugged.

"Well, it's cool, though. I like that style."

He ran at full speed.

Praying that the flames have not yet spread to the small Sioux.

An increasingly anxious mind was sprouting in my mind when I couldn't

see the small figures even after a dozen minutes of running.

How the hell did those little bastards move so fast?'

I assure you, there weren't very many creatures on the ground that could
move faster than Shree. Maybe there's none.

It's not that long since I fought with the ghost squad, but I can't meet them
even after 10 minutes of running.

The footprints of the small numbers that Shri was tracking were snapped.

'You've traveled by the river!'

It was in front of the river. It was the part where we could see how the little
watermen moved so fast.


Shri jumped into the river and began to swim with all her might.

The water tails were able to move the river at any speed with only a few
large leaves growing on the land of the water.
I felt much relieved. If I had gone down the river, I didn't think there would
be much means for the ghosts to follow.

After twenty minutes or so down the river again, I was finally able to meet
a small number of people. It was the dark flame of the water-tailed tribe.

"Dark Flame!"

"Uh, Jin, it's."

The Dark Flame was alone in a boat made of leaves, carrying a load of

"What about the rest of the water?"

"There is, run, hit, everybody."

"Why did you fall behind?”

"Maybe, if it happens, it's dangerous. I inform you, I."

He was sacrificing himself for other watermen as the head of the water-
tailed village.

"The specter of the cave has been cleared up."

"Oh, thank God."

"But two other ghosts are looking for you, so you should not be here, but
get together quickly."

Then the dark flames opened their eyes round and nodded their heads.

"Okay. Follow me. Wow, well."


The dark flames devoured the wind. The breathless dark flame looked like a
huge sack almost on the verge of bursting, as I wondered if such lung
capacity had been in such a small body.

Paaaa....! Splash, splash!

Then he exhaled, and the wind spread like a shock wave, and the speed of
the leaf boat was surprisingly fast.

In addition, Shuri could hardly keep up with the wide tail of the water.

[Mama mama mia mia!]

As I went down the river at such a tremendous speed, I soon saw the
remaining water. All the golden snowmen were seen riding on the leaves of
the water-tailed gentry.

"Oh! Our partner! You came back alive, you kept your word!”

The top waved vigorously and shouted.



Small numbers of people hugged each other and shouted. Jin was once
again proud of his appearance.

It never ended easily.

"Uh, uh, what, that."

"That, what!"

The water tails pointed to the back of the gin and the dark flames.

"Crazy, wizards! Everybody speed up again, boys!"

"Human sorcerer followed!"

Looking back, I really saw the wizards. Two wizards in a cursing gray robe.
They were chasing the water on the other side of the river using wind-based
magic and ice-based magic.

Just as Barton used to shoot an ignorant number of swords to gain

momentum for flight in the past, they were also recklessly doing magic to
catch up with the water.

"Everyone bend down, and then go up to the land!"

Jean shouted, pulling out the sword.

The Ghost Wizards were already aiming their attack magic at them. No
matter how fast you move on the river, you can't avoid it, and you can't

"Uh, ah, ah."

"Oh, save the golden snows!"

The water tails swerved in the direction of the leaf boat. The golden
snowmen threw all the gold coins in their arms into the river.

' , , ……!'

. ,

' . !'

It was a time fight again. "Do the Suinites run away first, or the Qin get
tired first?"

"Dark Flame!"
"Uh, uh!"

"Listen, when you go up to the land, run away not into the woods, but
toward the plains. Run into the woods and they'll set the whole fire. Do you

"Okay, uh!"

Fortunately, the river was narrow, so it was quick for small numbers of
water to land.

In line with this, the ghostly wizards were quickly moving over the two
rivers toward Jin and Suin.

However, even during the change of position, the mana rays were
constantly flying in.

"They have yet to properly launch an attack because they are using several
magic tricks at once to move the river, but they cannot strike out all the rays
from the point of time they come up to the land."'

After the use of magic to move around, one person would shoot the beam
and one person would prepare for a big magic.

Then, they had no choice but to carry out a black call at the risk of some of
the small numbers dying.

How many people are going to die...... these innocent and good prisoners.

In the midst of such thoughts, subtle tremors were being heard from the side
of the forest where small numbers of people were fleeing.

As if a light earthquake had occurred.

'What is it? It's like the vibrations of a giant creature running like crazy...

At that thought, Jean could realize what was the source of the tremor.
"We found the wizards!"

"You can also see the 12th rider!"

The vibrations were caused by the running of about fifty Looncandel

guardian knights.

The vibrations were so strong that they all ran at full speed.

It was, of course, Jin's brothers who led them.

"What, our youngest. Are you fighting them alone to protect the water?”

7th Runkandel, 3rd daughter Mary Runkandel.

"Full bayonet! Protect the twelve horsemen and the watermen. Groups four
and five, each, take a pack of water and evacuate them to a safe place."

Fourth Runkandel, second son Diffus Runkandel.

They had been waiting for their families and had come running here when
they heard that a huge mana had been detected in the Kingdom of Qi.

"I think they're the best, fearlessly. Anyway, our youngest member looks so
cool like this.”

With the arrival of the new Looncandel riders, the specter wizards faltered
and gathered their positions.

"With this, the debt of the last Black Knight murder mission is paid off,

said Dipus, taking his place next to Jean.

The great sword of Dipus, Volgar and Mary's chain sword serpent, was
dyed in an auror, giving off a colorful glow.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 339

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:54 PM

Chapter 339: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (6)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The guardian knights, who were called in groups 4 and 5, quickly divided
the numbers and took charge of the prisoners. The rest of the guardian
knights moved in perfect order and conducted a checkup.

Sharply shining swords surrounded the specter belt at one point, and it
seemed as if the knights would slaughter the wizards at any moment.

They were the most faithful knights of Mary and Dipus, all of whom could
soon be promoted to "executive knights."

In other words, it means "the knights right before the black knight."

'Even if this is a ghost, it'll be painful. It's painful to have a brother and
sister, Diffus and Mary, and they're 50 years old for an executive engineer.'

Mary and Dipus, unlike Jean, began their jockey life and had already passed
many years. Naturally, the knights that followed the two were made up of
only top-class veterans, unlike Jean.

The specter stopped the attack and was only on the defensive.

They expected Looncandel to come, but they couldn't figure it out so soon.
Neither the existence of the Qin nor the ties of the Myonites nor the Veracet
Sidriker was included in the plan of the Ghosts.

It was the original painting of Mangnyeongdae that simply trampled on the

possible people who were gathering together and counting money at once,
and tried to leave before Kinselo or Looncandel came.

But everything went wrong from the start. The tomb's family was solid
enough to invest two days, and one in five people died from the start when
it was pierced at best.

And to the 12th Runkandel.

Nevertheless, I thought I was lucky the first time I saw Jean.

It was because the one who captured Jean alive had a much greater value
for Jipple than the one who destroyed the cosmetics business by killing the
Myoin people.

But in the end, the result is a mess, as you can see.

It was no longer a problem to get rid of cosmetics businesses or to capture

gin alive. The top priority is to get out of Looncandel safely and return to
the country.

Even though the two ghosts here do not know, even that has become
difficult. Already on the cave side, a specter has turned into Veracte's

"The youngest."

In the midst of a tense tension between the guardian knight and the specter,
Mary sang the camp with a light voice.

"But why were you here? Didn't you have a mission to rescue the Earl or
the duke of the Ekhan Kingdom? I'm sure I've seen you leave on your
She was clearly aware that the wizards in front of her were monsters of up
to 10 stars, but she was only embarrassed to the extent that she met a wild
boar while climbing the mountain behind her.

Of course, even for the general public, it would have been a great horror,
but for a human like Mary, it felt like I had only found a strong meal.



Mary raised the corners of her mouth to the fullest.

"There's something going on, huh?"

"Dear Sister, do you remember the last time we decided to fight once every
three months?"

Every time you fight, you win or lose based on fainting. The one who falls
down first is the loser, and the loser must carry out one of the winners' Of
course, I'll write a contract so that it won't fail.

I like it. The contract is a bit cumbersome.

Mary nodded, recalling the joy of the day.

"Let's assume I won that, and let's take one of my orders."

Mary's eyes widened at Jean's words.

"What? That was a tie then. She even let me go."

"What did you let go of with the Mana Bomb like that as a surprise, please
help me."

"I'm already helping."

"No one saw me here today."

the thinning eyes of Mary

When she didn't answer for a moment, Jean thought to herself. Did you say
it too rudely?

But Mary was just enjoying the joy. She liked this boldness of the youngest.
It's always been new and exciting.

"How did you see your sister, you bastard? Do you see her as a little girl
who snags about her little sister's deviation? Huh?"

"It doesn't look like that."

"I've been trying to ask you another big favor, and I've been talking
nonsense all of a sudden. You and I are a family, family. Blood! Not all
brothers feel bad about you like Mu or Ann."

This time, Jin's eyes grew bigger.

I never thought I'd hear this from my brothers except Luna or Jonah.

Of course, Jean didn't hate Mary, but she always tried to distance herself
from Mary. It was because I thought it was fate that I could end up as an
enemy when I got closer.

"I'll make sure they join us. And I'll keep you out of the ears of the elders,
so don't worry and go back to your family. Second brother?”


"So does my brother."

"......I see."

Dipus was going to do so anyway, even if Mary didn't say.

They came here unintentionally, but they didn't know there was a camp
here, but this is a "pay-off" job for the black knight.
"Well, then I'm done talking. I'll see the youngest at home. Oh, and fighting
once every three months. It's about time, I'm getting ready. Okay?"


Mary turned around and called out the sorceress who stood behind the river.

"You'd better not think about going back alive. I'll kill you as painlessly as
possible instead, it'll be a fun fight after a long time.”


Mary's whole body began to turn purple. The waves from the auror gave her
hair a deafening flutter, and the ground she was on was torn apart, unable to
overcome the pressure.

"You weren't this bad when you were fighting me.'

Mary's echoes made my whole body ache just by being nearby.

Mary had one secret.

She also named herself to the family battleground.

And the fact that it was not the elders of the family, but the owner of the
family, Siron Looncandel himself.

'This is a volcano......? No, something's different.'

The 7th Dissolved Volcano in Luncandel, which was seen on the island of
32 in Cheongsae-gun Island.

The oars from Mary's body looked very much like what they were then. As
the figure suggests, what she was about to unfold was the variation of the

The volcano she unfolded was not a 'self-destructor'.

'I see why my father always seemed to expect from Mary.'

Just looking at Mary's back made me shudder.

Clearly, she was not stronger than not only Luna, but also Joshua, Luntia
and Dipus.

But they all chose Mary if they had to choose the one they didn't want to
fight with the most. She had the power to tire her opponent of wildness and
fighting spirit, regardless of rank.

"Mary must be very angry. It wouldn't be a bad idea to pray for the ghosts
in advance.”

Diffus also spoke as he prepared for the decisive battle.

"Because they invaded the land of Looncandel?”

"No, because the authors have touched you."

If it had been before, Jean would not have thought much of the answer from

Mary must have felt that it was "for herself" that the specter had put her in
danger. It is anger that stems from the attempts of enemies who are as good
as Cheolcheon jiwonsu to undermine their sense of humor.

But not anymore.

I could feel that my third sister was angry for her own sake, not for herself.

I also felt relieved.

You would never have seen such a heartwarming sight if your brothers, not
Mary or Dipus, had come.

"Go and see. And, congratulations."

"Suddenly what?"
"I was saying that because of this invasion of Gipple, you would have
wings in your cosmetics business."


"Dear old man!Dear Jean!

As always, it was Petro's urgent voice that greeted the returning Jean first.

"I thought you wouldn't run for me today. So, what's going on this time?
Did I get into an accident that I don't know about?"

"No, it was crazy while you were on duty. A secret unit of the Zipple called
the Ghost Squad hit the Kingdom of the Shun, because...I think it's to get
rid of your cosmetics business.More."

"What? My business?"

Jin pretends not to know.

Looking at the atmosphere, Mary and Dipus seemed to have kept their
promise. Belov was disguised as Jean and was not found to have carried out
the mission.

"You sent such elite wizards to get rid of the cosmetics business?"

"Yes, that's why the meeting was called urgently. Go inside, Master."

"What happened to those wizards?"

"Four and seven."

"Are you two all right?”

asked Jean, hiding her expression.

"Yes. Master. I heard that both of you had only minor injuries. With the
supply and demand of enemies who have invaded the territory...….”
No one in the Zipple would have imagined such a ridiculous loss of five

Three to Looncandel, two to Kinselo.

'I hate to admit it, but this time you're in good hands with those lunatics.'

Jean swept her chest down into her heart. Anyway, it was fortunate that
Mary wasn't seriously hurt.

'Now, is it time for my business to be winged?

In the Kingdom of Cheng, what Dipus said last was what he had expected.

To ruin the business of the Looncandel rider, the Jipple sent the elite secret
sorcerer's unit to the land of Looncandel.

Not to mention it, it was an issue that could be taken as a grave act of
aggression or declaration of war. No, I had to. It was impossible to just let it

a gain on talent

As I entered the conference room, I saw a gathering of both riders and


They looked at Jean for a moment, and soon they finished talking among

"You bastards to kill! Do you see us as water......! As of today, the Black

Sword Society will strike the enemy's magic product production site
without leaving a single one. I'll kill them all!"

"That's right, Chairman! What Zipple did was we unraveled black knights
in the middle of the Rutero magic federation! That's more than the shit that
those bastards can't do without looking down at us."

"The public could have been hurt as much as they wanted. The treaty of war
seems to have given you a dog somewhere!"
"The 12th rider was their wanted man, but this is too much. If we move on
without retaliation, the world will laugh at our Looncandel."

If all the world laughs at him, and if Looncandel passes quietly, he will be
heartbroken. No wonder you lost five of your best power so vainly.

In fact, Looncandel had already benefited beyond description.

But Jean had no intention of being that satisfied.

"Old men, may I say a word about this?"

When he opened his mouth, everyone's eyes gathered at once to Jin.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 340

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:52 PM

Chapter 340: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (7)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The elders' eyes were filled with anger. He was ready to tear his limbs to
death if anyone was annoyed at all.

Of course, I dare to cut off the elders and say a word. It wasn't Jean who
said it, it was anger at Jipple.

Most of the elders dislike Qin, or consider him to be somewhat unfriendly,

even if he remains neutral.

They are the fighters who have devoted their lives to Looncandel.

It is the elders who are more full of hatred and hatred for Jipple than anyone
else, regardless of pure blood, collateral, lower families, and external

After decades of fighting with the Jipple, I had no choice but to do so.

Most of the elders had memories of losing their family members, colleagues
or lovers to Jipple.

"Tell me, twelve horsemen!"

Gorden shouted with bloodshot eyes.

"First of all, I'd like to say I'm sorry that I've caused something unsavory.”

"Get rid of the unnecessary noise and get to the point!"

"The retaliation must stop."

The elder opened his eyes wide at the remark. Other riders in the
conference room looked at Jean in surprise.

"What?! Twelve horsemen, what are you talking about?…!”

Jorden strode to Jean. He glared at Jean, literally close to his nose. Other
elders doubted their ears, and the atmosphere was not much different.

"Are you conscious of what you're talking about?"

"Yes, it is."

"It's a responsible, reasonable story to be told. Or I'll cut my arm off here."

"I think there are a lot of people who are after my arm. But I really took it. I
didn't have any identity, fortunately."

"Don't be sarcastic! In this atmosphere, do you really think you're right?"

"If you had heard me through, you would have told me that you were right.
What I said was, let's not retaliate, was physical retribution."

"Physical retaliation? So you're saying we shouldn't hit the production site

of the Zipple's magic products?"


As Jean answered without a blink of an eye, sighs came from all over the

How could you say such absurd things as a jockey? That's why I hate you....
Bam! Elders who kick their tongues.
Jean was looking at them and thinking this in her mind.

"Is it natural that your brain doesn't work well, or is it because you're all
older? Use this good opportunity to start a fight that you can't beat.'

The elders were not the only ones who were dumbfounded. Jean was also
dumbfounded. Their simple plan.

"Why... ...tell me! Why do you think so?"

"Isn't it obvious? What would you do if you touched their magic production
site and then a full-scale war started? Can you win?"


"It's a realistic story. Can we beat the Jipple? Can you fight right now,
smash them, and make the whole world ours?"

There was a moment of silence.

It was a question that everyone knew the answer, but no one could answer.

"Gaju and the strongest riders are absent, and so are some of the Black
Knights and the Black Knights. In this situation, it's much more likely that
we're the ones who see blood when we start a war with the Giffles."

The same was true even if the strongest swords in Looncandel, which left
for the Black Sea, were still in place.

Looncandel can't beat the Zipple.

At least for now. That was the only reason why Siron Looncandel did not
have an all-out war with Jipple even after he climbed up to Changseong and
told his youngest son that he had "no time for me."

So it was not the time to be so angry that we talked about things that we
couldn't or shouldn't have done.
"My father has been staying still for a reason. Yeah, I'm sure Jorden and the
elders don't know that either. It is just hard to control one's anger.'

He was like a kid. You may want to screw your opponent up somehow, but
you have no powerless.

That's why he is venting his anger like a grump.

Had to be well grown and coaxed into a better direction.

"In such a situation, touching the enemy's most important facilities is a

shortcut to defeat. What's more, we haven't really suffered anything."

"You never said there was no damage, how did you know?"

"I got a report from my butler on the way. I've heard that four and seven
killed them, and we've only suffered minor injuries. In addition, a senior
citizen has just said that the public could have been hurt. Doesn't that mean
there was no damage to the public?"

Jorden's speech was speechless. He also knows what Jin said was right, but
he didn't want to hear anything this naughty man says.

Therefore, this attack should be regarded as a great victory for us. We've
lost nothing, but the best wizards that haven't been opened to the public."

Kad Deuk!

Jorden clenched his teeth with the spirit to chew the gin.

"So what are you going to do? Do you want to say, on the surface, that it
doesn't matter what happens?"

It was no different why Jordan was so angry.

The decision to strike Zipple's magical production facilities was to help

Jean, who wanted to break her wings at any time.
Even though I knew it, I was furious, but when Jin heard the candle, I felt
like I was going crazy.

"And they're not fools, either. If we're going to have an all-out war with us
just because a few of our facilities are going down, we don't know that other
forces are staring at the opportunity."

"As they say, the chances of a full-scale war are slim. But there is one thing
in ten thousand, and most of all. It means you don't have to gamble too hard
when you're dealing with a much more efficient retaliation."

"More efficient retaliation?"

The edge of Jorden's eyes narrowed.

"It makes the public turn against the jipple."

"Ha! What did you say, and what did you bring up is a public opinion
contest? They've invaded our territory, but let's make fun of them.….”

It was an expected response.

"Older brother, please calm down and listen to me more. I know you were
angry to fight for me who didn't want to see you. But you'll understand that
my story is the best after all."

Jorden staring at Jean without a word.

"I'm sure you know how much influence Zipple's magic products have on
the world. We haven't been able to import their magic products recently,
which is causing inconvenience to the public."

After the Sungkuk incident, Gipple completely cut off the supply of magical
products to Hufester.

How did they import life magic products through black markets and
smuggling, but the supply was incomparably low.
"In this situation, building a production facility for Jipple means throwing
away all public opinion. Of course, we need to know when our family
started to think about it. The world's biggest villain is moving from
Looncandel to Zipp."

After the Sungkuk incident, the image of Jipple was plummeting day by
day. Good Jipple is now an old saying.

Looncandel, on the other hand, was having a strong reflex effect. The image
of "Luncandel of the Passion" still remains, but at least there has been a
perception that it does not use humans for experiments like Zipple or mess
with neutral countries like the Holy Land.

All that was of course Jin's service.

"It adds to this trend. The good number of cosmetics makers, the jipple who
tried to slaughter them without notice, and the Looncandel who showed up
nicely. Isn't everything perfect?"

"What kind of retaliation can you make against a jipple, assuming it forms a
public opinion?"

"When good public opinion is formed in Looncandel, it naturally increases

my awareness of cosmetics. That's going to lead straight to sales
performance, and the bigger my business is, the more stupid the Zipple

The reason why Gipple hit small numbers in the first place was that the
cosmetics business was done by Jean Looncandel.

This is in retaliation for the fact that the wanted man of Jipple put his face
on the magic federation as a lute.

But the fact that he couldn't destroy a 12th-class company even though he
put in a ghost band. In itself, it was a disgrace to Jipple.

"Just like the four or seven riders did this time. Please protect my business
as of now. And please start supporting us at the family level."
"It's getting worse as we go on.”

"The family's protection of my business makes Looncandel more clearly

dismissive of the jipple. And in the process, there will be natural local
battles. That's the only way to kill them."

As Jean smiled, Gorden sighed, as if dumbfounded.

But he also knew that Jean's story was right. However, it was difficult to
shake off the feeling of being dragged away by Jin.

"In the end, I think it means he wants to fill your stomach. By selling those
damn cosmetics!"

"Yes, but when I'm full, I'm full in Looncandel."

Jean glanced at Tellot's side.

He had decided to push Jean, but somehow he had not said anything yet.

'Why is the president of the Tribunal still doing nothing? I think if you step
forward in moderation, the senate president will step down as if he can't

But not long after.

Jean could see why Tellot stayed still.

"Do so."

A sharp yet dignified voice confirmed Jin's opinion.

Black leopard Rosa Looncandel, mother of Jean. It was her voice. When
Rosa opened her mouth, the cluttered atmosphere inside the conference
room quickly subsided.

"I will protect your business. As you said, I'd rather take more practical care
of you. Instead, families after today have 20 percent of the revenue coming
from your business."
Then a faint smile came over Telot's mouth.

without deception, offering 20 per month faithfully. I'll help your business
as much as I can. It's not impossible to get rid of all the disciplinary actions
that have been stopped in Yubo.

The 20 percent figure Rosa said was already determined when Jean first
spoke to Tellot.

As soon as Telot heard the sad news that the specter had raided the small
Sioux, he had first visited Rosa and finished talking to her to offer Jean 20
per cent.

"I will completely eliminate your disciplinary action, which is currently

reserved. Keep in mind that this is not because you made the ball, but
because the situation went that way."

There is no favor without reason.

'There is absolutely no such thing as unprovoked goodwill, especially when

it comes to a relationship like mother and me. You're trying to owe me

Jean had a hunch that Rosa wanted something from her.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 341

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:51 PM

Chapter 341: Ep. 104. Debt and Debt and Debt (8).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Rosa's judgment left the elders' faces blank as if they were about to kill

All seemed discontented, but no one dared oppose Rosa's opinion. Even the
elder Jorden could not resist.

The family name in Looncandel is just as absolute.

The same was true of the household's acting president. Since ancient times,
the family has not kept those who oppose the judgment of the housekeeper
alive. In minor or large matters.

"Yes, Mother. I'll keep that in mind."

Jean looked up at Rosa quietly.

Her calm face, sitting like a king at the top of the conference room, could
hardly read any emotion.

'It's always something I feel, but it's more difficult for my mother to deal
with than my father.….'
After the regression, it was strangely not so difficult for Jean to deal with
the theory. It was strange to think of a monster-like father who dared not
make eye contact in his previous life and could not mix words.

On the other hand, facing Rosa has always been difficult.

As with Siron, Rosa did not have many memories before her return.

Rosa, Sirondo. At some point, he treated Jin as a person who did not exist at

Words and eyes full of affection, as well as reproach, scolding, scornful

eyes, abusive language and violence under the guise of discipline.….

I've never even experienced such a thing. At least from the age when "clear
memories" were created.

A cold look when you see a passerby who has no relationship with you.

That was all Jean received from her parents in her previous life.

Rosa said before her return that she showed her emotions by cutting off the
grain for two days on the day when "trash Jean Looncandel" was deported.

Was it fake?

Or was it an act to relieve one's guilt?

Either way, it doesn't matter, but I can't imagine seeing my mother now.'

What does your mother want?

'Information about the teacher? Some ownership of the business? I don't

think you want me to step down from the race for a housekeeper like this.'

When Rosa had already brought out the cards of East Five, Jean had not
backed down, so they were destined to fight until either side was ruined.
In the midst of a moment's agony, Rosa appeared to leave the conference
room without further ado. I've given you a big frame, so I think you should
decide the rest on your own.


Gorden sighed.

"You're always lucky, twelve horsemen."

"I look forward to your kind cooperation, sir. I'm afraid the Black Sword
will have a lot to do for my business.”

"Let's wait and see when the good fortune will protect you."

"Of course, I'm going to take care of you as much as you can. Please don't
think it's too far."

He bowed politely, but no one felt that the figure was really polite.

Gorden left the conference room without further scolding Jean. It's not that I
don't know that I'm the only one who laughs.

Most of the brothers who watched the scene were once again fed up with
the youngest man.

What the hell is in your head? How could you do this to the senate?'

'I don't see it once or twice, but now I wonder if it's just a different species
from us.'

The Tonya brothers looked at Jean with a look of fear and longing at the
same time as ever.

What the hell is she thinking? I'm sure you thought you were trying to keep
Jean in check, but it looks like you're trying to protect him.'

'I'm sure you have a meaning. Something must have been a story with
Joshua and his brother."
Mu and Ann had to indulge in anger and defeat once again. When the
youngest was a cadet, he couldn't kill her.

Jean could see the heart clearly. The hearts of sisters who feel sorry for not
being able to kill themselves when they can.

'Now that Joshua's coveted my contract anyway, my sisters wouldn't have

been able to kill me no matter what they did. It will continue to be the

Jean smiled at Mu and Ann.

They left the meeting soon as they seemed to have nothing to add to the

Luntia yawned in silence again this time, and Lan and Vigo seemed upset.
The two were hoping that the youngest would no longer cause much trouble
in the family.

"I'll be going now, then."

As if determined, Jin opened his mouth as he looked around them in the

conference room.

While going out and walking in the courtyard of the sword's garden, Jean
was able to encounter Rosa, who was the first to leave the conference room
a while ago.

She was being briefed by the butler Heinz, who looked grave as if
something was an important matter.


He is a man of the hour. Jin, who recalled the fact, had a hunch that the
report he was now posting to Rosa might have something to do with the
"black sea."

'It's about my father, my eldest sister, and my black knights.'

Rosa's dark complexion, which rarely reveals her feelings, caught my mind.
It was Rosa, who had just helped Jean in the conference room but was
completely expressionless.

When Jin approached him naturally (the direction of Jin's room), Heinz
closed his mouth.

"What's going on? Is the meeting over already?”

"I'm on my way. I didn't have anything to say when the elder Zorden left.
My mother ordered me to help anyway, so I'll have to do it, but it doesn't
look very good.”


"Is this news about the Black Sea?"

"You don't have to know.

"I'm a rider, too."

"Not only you, but any other rider. A rider doesn't have the right to know
everything about the family."

I didn't expect Rosa to answer. Anyways, we could hear as much about the
Black Sea as we wanted through Luna.

Jean and Rosa looked at each other for a few seconds and remained silent.


"Yes, Mother."

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

nodding gin

"What do you want from me?"


"My mother just removed my disciplinary action and ordered me to protect

my business."

"What does that mean?"

"I think you gave me that order because I want something."

In Jin's opinion.

Rosa must be, enough. In other ways, we could use a method to exclude
Jin's gains while protecting the cosmetics business. But she didn't.

a round-eyed Rosa

Ha ha!

Rosa then shook her head with a burst of laughter. Jean was momentarily
speechless at the sight.

"If what I want exists, can you listen?"

"I've never let it go with my debt."

"Debt... ...that's only allowed when the relationship is equal. I don't think
that's the story for you and me."

"You're right."

"I didn't make that judgment because I wanted something from you. So
don't mind and go your way."


Rosa looked back at Jin as he passed by with a bow.

"The youngest."

"What I want is the survival and prosperity of Looncandel."

a calm and honest voice

"So is what I want."

Then Rosa smiled a faint smile.

"No, it would be a little different."

Jean bowed again and moved her steps.

Before going to the room, Mary and Dipus went to the hospital where they
were staying. They were slightly injured, as the butler Petro said.….

'No, this is a minor injury?'

Perhaps Petro misheard or the two bluffed.

The two had bandages and splints wrapped all over their bodies.

"That's when my brother was there! Huh? If I had dug in and made a break,
I would've ripped some of them out of the back. Then it would have been
over soon, wouldn't it be?

"I've earned enough time."

"Hey, you should have done better. I was no better than your brother, wasn't
I? I made twice as much. Do you think sometimes you're just strong and not
good at fighting? What's the fight? It's with the head, with the head."

"Yes, you're handsome. Your shit's thick. I tried my best to hold out in front
of me.”

"So if it were me, I would have endured twice as much......oh, is the

youngest here?"
He was chatting cheerfully in his sickbed.

Seeing the two of them somehow made me feel sorry for coming empty-
handed. I thought I should have brought at least one fruit.

"Are you all right?"

"As you can see, it's very lively."

Mary grinned and said.

"It looks like you're hurt a lot."

"It's a mistake."

"Was the Ghosts that strong? Enough to hurt you two this much?"

I didn't understand.

If there were only two of them, there were about 50 guardian knights at the
level of executive knights. Even though the specter is great, it would have
been right if two of them were killed overwhelmingly.

"Well, I was afraid that catching them would kill the guards. My body goes
crazy when I use my own duel."

deformation of a hydroelectric volcano

Jean, who recalled Mary opening it up, nodded assentingly. As it was

originally a self-destructor and the technique of exploding anoras, it seemed
to be a serious burden on the body.

"Kke, do you happen to know? Our youngest, beat me one day and tell me
your wish. If you speak well, this sister can teach you."

"It's all right, just get well soon."

"Come on, that's not funny. Don't worry about your sister and brother's
bodies, and think about how you'll manage your friends in the future."
Friends meant small numbers.

"First of all, they have been sent to my safe house by the guards. Perhaps
the meeting concluded that we should protect your business, but it would be
better to manage it yourself."

said Dipus.

"I was thinking about it anyway."

It's good to get family support, but you shouldn't leave everything to

It was a natural story. In the end, the subject still had to be himself. What
the black swordsmen and guardian knights had to do was to prevent
businesses from being attacked, not the owners of the businesses.

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"There is."

"I'll tell you the location of my safe house. Take them in your own hands."

Dipus did not ask what Jean thought was the measure. He also judged that
he could appear to be interfering.

'......I think I'll end up beholden to you again.'

Jean was thinking of sending small Siouxes to the palace. Now that the ties
of the Myo people had disappeared, there was no place in the world that
was safer for small numbers of people than there.

You should also look for the cemeteries.'

For now, I just had to pray that not all of them died at the hands of the

Before leaving the medical center, Jin looked around the brothers.

"Just, thank you."

Mary and Dipus gazed at each other as Jean went out.

"Huh, that's a big deal......and he said hello. Right, brother?"

The Dipus shrugged. The two just looked at the place where the youngest
had left for a while, then began to discuss the battle with the specter again
to find out who was wrong.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 342

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:49 PM

Chapter 342: Episode 105. Late greeting.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Shock! Rutero magic federation, storm the top of the goldfish. In the
process, the wizards of the Jipple directly strike the Hufester Federation.

Mr. Fang, the first lineer at the top of the goldfish, says, 'Thank you to
Looncandel for saving us...….'

All the executives and staff at the top of the goldfish are missing. I'm
guessing Looncandel's protecting him.

Looncandel decided to support the "top of the golden spines" as of this

time, and was there a wind of change in the family of the clans? If so, the
cause is presumed to be the supernova gin looncandel...….

June 10, 1799.

Led by Dino Zaglan, Hufester's newsletters were pouring out articles about
the attack by Zipple.

Most of the articles decorated with moderately restrained rhetoric were

praising Qin, while those plastered in a tough tone were condemning the
Jin, who was looking at the article, always thought that Dino was very good
at his job. Of course, his face is a bit flustered when he looks at the praise

"Yap, strawberry pie. Look at this, it's a supernova. And, Supernova! Very
just our little boy, now a star, huh? Wow, it feels like yesterday when I was
a backup rider and couldn't use my real name."

Murakan giggled and shook the newsletters in his hand. Gilly smiled
cheerfully and put the strawberry pie on a plate.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

lie down and inhale strawberry pie When Murakan, who was caught in the
throat, coughed, Gilly scurried for water.

But it was acting. Gilly came to support her neck and gave her a show in
anticipation of watering her.

How did you get fooled every time?...? Are you being fooled?'

At this point, I was not sure, and I felt like I should take care of myself.

"Oh! I'm going to live. Thank you every time, strawberry pie. I'm glad
you're here.”

My ears were itching, so I thought it would be hard to hear anymore.

"Hey, Murakan."

"Yes, Almighty Supernova. Did you call?"

"You really don't remember the old deacon of Looncandel? An ancient fairy
named Reet Damiro Yul."

"I told you so?"

A thousand-year-old Looncandel seen from the recorders of the third tomb.

Jin asked Murakan how many times he knew about Leet in the video since
his return, but he didn't seem to know it at all.

And Jean also had no memory of the fact that she had met Leet in person.

......and me, my family, and my teenage knights have not yet forgotten that
the fairy fought with the Looncandel. Solderlet, Murakhan and Misha.

I felt bitter when I recalled Leet's words in the recording device.

"Oh yeah, nothing comes to mind?”

"The ancient elves were already extinct in those days. At least according to
my memory."

Murakhan folded the newsletter and raised himself.

"But there's no way there's a false record on Soldert's device. A thousand

years ago I may have remembered a fairy named Leet, but not now. Either I
had a memory problem while I was asleep, or the Jipple's fabrication of
history ended up eating me, too."

When Murakan touched his forehead, Gilly put his hand on his shoulder.

Gilly was the one who looked at the innermost part of the Murakhan, into
the deep darkness that he himself was not aware of.

Murakan was suffering from considerable trauma every time he awoke to

the fact that memories of those days had become blurred or disappeared.
His mind is being worn out without his knowledge.

We need a way to leave a record that they can never touch.

I remembered what Sarah in the recording device said.

Absolute record, the magic of the hysterics. When I thought about it to that
point, it was reported that I had sent a letter to my teacher not long ago.

'It's about time you got a reply.'

I thought I should stop by Vigung and visit Tikan.

"Where else are you going?"

"I'll take the golden snowmen from the safe house of Mr. Dipus to the

"Cuck, my kid is also thick-skinned. Did Bi-Gung-Ju ever do anything

wrong to you in his past life? What if they don't?”

"You've got 30 percent of the 50 percent you were going to dedicate to your
family. Maybe we should ask him to make a deal about one percent of


Every one in a hundred and fifty small numbers was being protected in a
safe house in Dipus.

Jean took them straight to the palace. It took about three days to use the
mobile gate and ship, but the family gave Jin a leave of absence until the
business was stabilized.

When the ship reached Manzi Island, Lucas Manfran, an unofficial

informant of the Seven Colors and a hotline of Tallaris, welcomed the

"Sir Jean, if you had contacted me, I would have informed Tallaris in

"Lucas, long time no see. How have you been?"

"Yes, thanks to you, I've been well. By the way, you have a terrible face. It's
very dry. Are you sick?"

"No, thanks for your attention.”

Lucas winked at the little Sioux behind Jean.

"I will inform Lord Talaris immediately."

Poof! Poof!

When Lucas fired a flare, he suddenly showed his eyelid Mott in the air.

"Uh, uh, two, toads!"

"Scared, toad, rain!"

"Argh! Jean, what the hell is this! Toad!"

Small numbers were instinctively very afraid of giant toads.

Either way, Mott opened his mouth as he could and began swallowing a few
small hydrants.

On the surface, a predator swallows its prey, forcing small numbers of

people to panic.

'I should have explained it beforehand.'

There was no time for that.

With five dimensional shifts, Mott moved both the gin and the small Sioux
inside the palace.

"Woo, we, lived?”

"Oh, oh, oh! I thought I was being eaten!"


As soon as he arrived, someone said in a cold voice.

The spider of the abyss, Talaris Endorma. The little watermen fell on their
knees and bowed their heads, and he was also an act of instinct.

Jean is meeting her after almost two years.

She used to live with the word "our son-in-law" in her mouth looking at
Jean, but today her gaze at Jean was not very good.

"Mr. Talaris. I'm sorry to see you late.….”

"Hmph, stop, stop. Keep your mouth shut for a while, son-in-law. I was
wondering if someone else's son-in-law was a jockey and maybe his foot
was cut off. How can we finally find him?”

Jean is sometimes a considerable impudence in the necessary


Now I felt like my heart was stabbing and stuffy.

After becoming a jockey, he had to visit the palace once to greet Talaris.

"I've fought dozens of spectre and battles because of my son-in-law, and the
palace has officially announced that it has been defeated even after winning
the battle in the West Sea...... Uh-huh, it's been a pretty fun day."

Every word seemed to poke my conscience.

"Do you have anything to say?"


"Yes, yes. No. to have nothing to say Ahhaha, that's it. I think you're even
here to ask me a favor. What's with those hairs?"

" business partners who have brought me here to ask for protection.”

How can you be so brazen?

Talaris was feeling both very unpleasant and not very distasteful at the same

It was because Jin's friend, Siron Looncandel's youth, overlapped. Sosit's

poems were often this brazen when he had to ask Talaris to do something
for something.
Still, why am I always helping them at critical moments?

Talaris suddenly thought of such an idea and smiled inwardly.

"I should have visited you in advance, but it was late because I tried to
thank you after some stability."


Jean pulled a box out of her arms and opened it. There was a glittering ore
in it.

the ancient late spring

A dreamlike ore of all fighters, a reward for the mission of killing a black
knight. It was brought to Talaris to show his sincerity.

In fact, this amount of ancient manhood was enough reward for what
Talaris had done so far.

The value of the ancient fountain was beyond imagination, as it was the
black knight of Looncandel and the Cosec and White Night of Jipple who
came forward to win.

But that's just a general standard, and Talaris and her only daughter, who
use "Mansbing," didn't need much of the ancient fountain.

"It's an ancient late-life, so it's a worthless scrap for me, and it's no different

But the next moment.

Talaris had no choice but to burst into laughter.

'There's this cute corner, unlike Siron.'

It was because I saw hundreds of letters piled up under the fountain.

All the way to the palace, Jean did not sleep a wink and wrote a letter of
apology to Talaris.

The letter not only contained the contents of the apology, but also listed
most of the events that Jin had been through.

That meant Jean trusted Talarias. There is even a story about Themar's
Tomb, which has yet to be told to Siron.

This was why Lucas said he felt empty as soon as he saw Jean's face.

Talaris, who had looked over the letters for a long time, softened his
expression a little.

She was at odds with her inside. Whether to forgive Jean and bring her back
to our son-in-law, or to keep her son-in-law.

"Motte, go get your daughter."


Mott quickly returned to the Battle of Pirate, carrying Siris.

"Mother, you called...... Jean Looncandel?"

It's been a long time since I saw Siris. She also didn't like the way she
looked at Jean, but if there's one thing different from Talaris.

He said he was somewhat distracted by the small numbers Jin brought.

She was a cold, cold-hearted human being in most situations, but she used
to be very weak for furry animals.

That's why I was shocked to learn that the butterfly Looncandel, who was
so pretty at the Looncandel banquet hall, was actually Murakan.

"Daughter, listen to me. Do you know what his son-in-law says? I don't
have enough time to say hello. I don't know.... Oh, my God.

Siris pulled the sword out of the waist.

She had not had a single day not thought of him since Jean, a backup rider,
left for Laparosa.

Of course, it wasn't because of the coalition, but because they wanted to

compete again.

"I want to experience the skills of the 12th Runkandel. Pull out the sword,
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 343

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:48 PM

Chapter 343: Ep. 106. Records (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Siris's eyes were shining cold and sharp. The sword was full of blue and
colorful energy, which showed that she had achieved great growth at a

The coldness peculiar to the Endorma blood family has long been
recognized for its mysterious and strong strength.

That power was the reason why they had not lost themselves to the great
forces so far, even with only one tiny piece of territory called the Vigung.

'It's not just ice, it's just a name sword.

The sharp energy stirred my forehead. She must be one of the strongest men
of her age. It occurred to me that maybe he was stronger than Dante.

But will he be a match for himself now? It was a question that I didn't have
to worry about. She was certainly strong, but by no means to beat Jean.

Young divinity such as Siris, Dante and Veradin could no longer be called
Chin's rivals.

The fact that Qin is the strongest among them was a matter not even to be
broached. Jin is not a divinity, but a competition with the Gira Castle, which
has already been famous for many years.

There are not many people in the world who are still clearly aware of it, but
everyone who knows it has admitted it.

Jean and Siris remained silent for a while, glancing at each other. The little
Sioux watching shuddered with their heads bowed, and Talaris smiled

'It's not a very good picture for me to beat Siris here.'

Jean was now in a position to make a difficult request, in spite of her

shame. Even if Siris stretched out the sword to take the first fight, it was
burdensome to defeat her.

It is obvious that her pride won't allow her to lose.

I didn't even want to use a knife after a long time.

It's been almost two years since we've met, so Jean was actually very
pleased to see her. They want to ask how they are doing, and they want to
solve their anger.

Suddenly, Siris burst into laughter as Jean was agonizing over whether to
pull out the sword or not.


"You know how to make that look. It's quite refreshing to see you acting
like a rock or a mule every time.”

When Siris pulled the sword, Talaris laughed with laughter. The vibrations
spread as if there had been an earthquake in Daejeon due to the natural
energy of Tallaris smiling.

"Was that a joke?"

"I don't know now that it's pointless to tell you the difference. Sometimes
there are clear things that you don't have to check."
Siris had already admitted two years ago that Jean was stronger than she

I was surprised when I first found out that Siris was involved in the

I'm more surprised you turned the second floor upside down by yourself.
You've become a monster, Jean Looncandel.

Conversation with Siris during the operation to take the compass.

Siris wasn't the type of person who was flirting with objective facts.

She also thought it was no shame that she wasn't stronger than Jean.

Nevertheless, it was true that he wanted to win the game, but it was
something he could do even after he learned how to do it.

She also played mischievous pranks because she was glad to meet Jin after
a long time, and on the other hand, she was disappointed.

"Long time no see, Jean."

Siris asked for a handshake. Jean smiled and held the hand together.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier."

"But you still don't say you couldn't come. That would have added a charge
of contempt. You can't even see it, your mother must have been in trouble.”

"My son-in-law deserved to be scolded. Ugh. Still, I've written hundreds of

letters, so I'm a little relieved, daughter."

"Hundreds of them?”

"Yes, look at this. Isn't it cute?"

The gap between Siris's eyes looking at the letter has narrowed.
"What about mine?"


"Isn't my mother the only eye, and I'm not the eye?"

Jean raised the corners of her mouth.

Then he took another box out of his bosom and held it out to Siris. There
were letters in the box, about ten pages.

The sight forced Siris to burst into laughter again.

"It was a joke again, but I didn't know it was real."

"The last few days of my life were the days when I wrote the most letters."

"Huh, it's been a long time since I've seen a pleasant trick.”

Talaris nodded as if this was enough.

"Well, I've shown my heart and I'll forgive you. Yeah, this time I'm here to
leave those humps?"

The top, who read the mood at the words, quickly stood up, took the angle
and stood at attention.

"Hello! Great and Almighty Lord Talaris Endorma! I'm Fang, the number
one line on the top of the golden pin!"

Then Soon-i, Stone and Song-i stood up all at once, and stood up and raised
their heads.

" Row 2, Soonyi! Save me, and I'll take you as my life-long benefactor!"

Row 3, stone! We will invigorate the palace!"

"Fourth row, Songyi! We'll make you happy!"

The late rising dark flames also opened their mouths shut.

"Fireworks, darkness. Water tail, village, representative. Quiet, do, do, do.
We. We're catching. Fish, well."

"Hey! What if you speak informally?"

"Human, horse, high. I don't know. All."

Talarias was not impressed by the look, but Siris stared at the little Sioux
almost enchanted.

"I've heard about the big situation. Those guys, they used you to advertise
cosmetics, and now they're being chased by Gipple, right?"


"Then why did you come to leave it to our palace when Luncandel would
protect the business?"

Talaris has been living in Bigungju for a long time, so he understood the
situation at once without having to hear the details.

"Because I trust the palace more than the family."

"Passed. All right, then what benefits do we have?"

"I'll share some of the proceeds from the cosmetics business...….”

"No, no. We have a lot of money. It's overflowing, not enough to feed this
little piece of land."

"I know that the more, the better."

"So I'm thinking of getting some of the proceeds, too. But that's not enough,
I want you to bring out something more tempting."

For a few seconds or so, Jean pondering what Talaris' intentions were.
It was noted that Talaris still could not take his eyes off the letter.

'I don't think Mr. Talaris keeps reading my letter because it's funny.'

She was concentrating on the special contents of the letter.

The Themeer's tomb.

It was just descriptions of him. Jin had naturally included a story about
Zipple's fabrication of history in the letter, writing an explanation of
Temer's tomb.

"In the future, I'll share all the information I've learned about Gipple with
Bi Gung."

"That's a satisfactory answer. All right, that would be a good babysitter.”

Only then did Jin, who was relieved, sweep his chest down into his heart.

I've been worried about it. Even after receiving letters or ancient manhood,
Talaris was in a position to give Jean a cold shoulder and kick her out.

Even if the attack was even made on the grounds of "unpleasing," Chin
actually had nothing to say.

Nevertheless, Talaris decided to help Jean as usual.

Although he was said to have received a price, it felt like he had paid
nothing for it.

'Anyway, business profits should have been shared, and information about
the Jipple should have been shared.'

To fight the Jipple, a tragic alliance was absolutely necessary.

The more I knew about them, the more I felt that Jean could not beat them
with Looncandelmann.
"Although it seems that now is not at the level of completely regenerating
history as it was a thousand years ago, it is a matter of no doubt. The
fabrication of history is still ongoing, and I may also be aware of the

It was hard to shake off that idea since I saw the fabrication of history in the
recording device.

I know that I can remember fakes as true, but that I can't really grasp them
was certainly a thing that devastated the human mind.

"You have paid off a big debt with a word today, my son-in-law."

Talaris had more affinity for him than Jean had thought.

Not simply because he regards Jean as a son-in-law, but because he is a

particular and eccentric friend of his. It was because I especially liked the
fact that he was a child that the poet admitted several years ago.

Siris said to himself, "Who keeps calling you son-in-law?" But Talaris
completely ignored the voice.

"Now, with only daughter and son-in-law left. Everyone else, get out of
here. We've got some things to talk about among ourselves."



The face of Talaris grew quite serious as the small Sioux rushed out of the
Great War.


"Yes, Mr. Talaris."

"The palace has been neutral for most of the time, but it has not always
been. We, too, had made one vow when the First Lord of the Bigung was
chosen for the first time by the Divine Sword Manbing and Mott."

In the grasp of Talaris, brilliantly shining ice crystals gathered together to

form a sword.

It was full of ice.

"This sword has absolute cold power that nothing can break. Even in
ancient times, it is only a heavy and cumbersome lump of metal in front of
the ice of the ice. Even your father won't be able to break this sword."

Talaris's sudden start of the talk of Manbing was intended to explain the
"pledge" made by the Endorma blood family.


Mott let out a low cry. Talaris then climbed on Mort's back and reached out
his hand.

As Jin and Siris also rode in Mott, a white gate was opened in front of them
to the "Lee Gye-seolwon."

The scenery of the absurdly unfolded Igyeseolwon was breathtaking. Mott

galloped through it with his might.

Where are we going?

As soon as I was about to ask that question, Tallaris' ice glowed with a
powerful resonant sound.

The resonant sound became stronger and stronger, and when it reached its
maximum, Mott stopped moving.

When I got off the mat, what was in front of me was another fortress that
looked even bigger than the West Sea palace at a glance.

"It's been a long time since I've been here.”

a palace in a palace
Or, really sad.

That's what those who know the secret of the palace call it.

"It's been a long time since I've had a foreigner.”

The vast interior was a desolate and pale scene as I strode into it.

And in the middle of it, there was a huge column of ice formed by the
power of Manbing.

"In the ice, he's......who is it?'

The ice column held one person like a coffin. I had never seen a woman
before, but I felt a sense of deja vu in her gray hair.

"This woman is the old sorcerer of the Zipple, whom our Vigung has sealed
for a thousand years by the power of the ice."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 344

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:46 PM

Chapter 344: Episode 106. Records (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'So it turned out to be a pure-blooded zipple's signature white hair.'

A thousand-year-old jipple, the sorcerer of those days.

The white-haired woman in the ice column looked so young that she could
hardly be thought to be a thousand years old.

Are you 30? You look young.'

Perhaps because he was frozen in the absolute chill of the ice, his long,
white hair was full of gloss.

The closed eyes just seemed to fall asleep, and the shining eyes were about
to be revealed.

The robe he was wearing seemed to be made of tough leather, though it had
not a single scratch, and the cane he held tightly until just before he was
trapped was a plain object without a fancy ornament.

And he had a very clear face.

Not only does it hurt people, but it's also a good impression that even a
small bug won't kill.
It was unbelievable that such a person was a member of the evil that
controlled the world at that time. How did you get trapped in this ice
column in such a vivid state?

The woman seemed about to move out of the ice column.

"This is the old wizard of the Jipple?"

"Yes, a thousand years ago, the Second Lord of the Bigung used the power
of Manbing to seal this wizard."

said Talaris, touching the ice pole.

Jean confirmed that there were wrinkles on the back of her hand that had
never been before, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Is that because of the pledge made by the Endorma blood family you just

"Yes. You must be well aware. There is no power without a price."

As a thousand-year contractor, Jean knew the fact better than anyone else.

Countless sacrifices and responsibilities follow that he has gained one life
again, and has more power and potential than any genius of his age.

Of course, Talaris didn't know all the ins and outs of the thousand-year

But she had seen Jean save the Hongs in Colon and regarded him as a
human being who understood that he was already "responsible" at the time.

"The same is true of the power of Manbing gained by our Endorma blood
clans. Instead of gaining too much power for a human being, he was given a
mission to help solve the world's abnormalities.”

It was the first time I heard it.

I've always thought that keeping neutral is simply because of their
inclination and power. You had that mission?'

It was also a story that few people in the world knew. A new sword whose
endorman blood family is Manbing, no. The promises made with God were
slightly different from the contracts of ordinary "contractors."

"If it's anomaly, what do you mean?”

"The most representative is the disaster brought by the witch Heluram. The
predecessors had a hard time stopping her. And my mother."

"You tell too much to a foreigner, Mother."

"A foreigner, daughter. How can my son-in-law be a foreigner?”

"Who's calling Jean son-in-law since earlier?….”

"Well, most people don't know. If my mother hadn't stopped Heluram, the
world's population would have been tens of millions or billions less than it
is now."

said Talaris, ignoring Siris. Siris sighed, and Jean opened her eyes round.

As she said, it occurred to me that everyone in the world was just a little bit
in debt to the palace.

"Sung Guk Suho War, which took place 500 years ago. Even then, the
swords of the palace infiltrated the land of the Horses and killed the high-
ranking Horses, contributing greatly to the peace of the Inse.”

Since the first Vigungju was chosen as Manbing, Vigung has made an
indescribable contribution to the peace and prosperity of the world over the
past thousand years.

Talaris himself has also made great sacrifices and is on the way to eliminate
the "ideal phenomenon" since his youth.

"This woman was one of those ideals.The more."

Jean again turned to the woman in the ice column.

"It's what I've felt in dating so many lovers. You can't tell from the outside.
There were times when a guy like Jju-jung was a huge tough guy, and there
were a lot of opposites. This woman looks like she can't kill an ant, right?"

"It does look like that."

"Detailed records were lost because of foreign invasions, but with the
records left in the Bibung library alone, this woman was a demon
equivalent to Heluram."

Suddenly, Jin's head came up with a woman's name, which he identified not
long ago on the record device of the third tomb.

What happened? Sarah, did you break all the towers of the enemy?

No, I couldn't. Can you believe there was another wizard like Elona?
Silderay. No matter how terrible it was, I'm on my way back from hitting 50
or so.

Well, well, really...…!?

You're being fooled again, Silderay. Hahaha! Be deceived. I can't stop

fooling around because I'm so easily fooled every time.

What? You're lying? Again?

Yeah, there's no such crazy monster in the world, huh? It's stupid and cute.

Elona Zipple.

At that time, even the teenage knights of Looncandel expressed their teeth
as crazy monsters, and even the joke that "there's another similar wizard"
made Silderay cringe at once.

"My name is Elona Zipple, pure-blood Zipple, but I've never been a
housekeeper. There's not a single known piece of information other than the
name. It's a strangely unrecorded woman. But according to the clues left by
the Second Lord of the Apostles...….”

It is said that he was a wizard who wiped out the entire continent.

Talaris followed the back horse and poured a full-blown force into the ice

Then the columns glowed and several screens came up everywhere.

'Recording device? Video!'

a scratching gin

Unlike the recorder left by Soldert, it was a picture-like still screen, not an
image, that rose from the ice column.

The images showed the scene of Elona Zipple fighting, or the battlefield she
swept away.

Even though it was a still screen, not a video, Jin had to feel overwhelmed
by Elona's image.

Elona with a cane, the collapsed mountain range, the tens of thousands of
humans gathered against her...….

On the next screen, there was only a myriad of blood droplets forming
bones, flesh, and rivers, with no one alive. Elona's collar wasn't damaged.

"Maybe the Second Lord of the Rage was impossible to kill this woman,
too. That's why they managed to seal it with Manbing."

"So this Elona Zipple, is he still alive?”

"I've heard that the records were lost, but there was no record of killing this
woman from the beginning. This woman's time is just frozen."

At a moment my back was cold and I had goose bumps on my back.

"What a monster!...only sealed, but alive."

You won't be able to kill him even now.

If possible, there is no way that the previous generation of non-governors,

including Talarias, would have left Elona alone.

And there was one unconvincing part.

Why is there so little record of a wizard this big? There's even a record left
in the palace. There is a high possibility that other history books don't even
have names.'

According to the expression of the teenage articles in the recording device,

the traces left by the 2nd Vigung master sealing Elona.

Elona Zipple was undoubtedly the strongest wizard in the history of Zipple.
Even if it wasn't, the name had to come out when talking about the

But Jin had never heard of Elona's name in his previous life when he was
exploring magic.

When people mentioned the strongest wizard in history, they took out the
name of the Riol Jipple, not Elona.

She was, so to speak, a forgotten human being.

Like Chen Mei, or like the old Luncandel, like the countless people that
have been erased by the Zipple.

Did the zipple erase it?'

What immediately came to mind was, of course, the fabrication of history

by Jipple.

But why the hell?

Elona Zipple was the biggest power of the Zipple at the time. From what we
saw in Soldert's recording device, there were expressions such as "more
than housekeeping" and "50% of the total power."

'Did you have to erase the traces of disaster caused by Elona Zipple? Or,
because her power was too strong, uncontrolled? It didn't feel like that,
given that he was trying to fabricate the history of Themeer.'

Or maybe there was an accident, because the Jipple also suffered a lot of
damage by defeating the Looncandel of the time.

Talaris opened his mouth while all kinds of families came to mind in a

"The palace has been hiding this woman from the Zipple for a thousand

Talaris was simply telling Jean one of the biggest secrets of the palace.

The reason for hiding Elona's existence from Jipple was no different.

"You mean if they find out, she can be back in action."

"It's a future I don't want to imagine. When these monsters are added to the
already monopolized jipple, the balance is no longer there."

It certainly was.

Looncandel had the only creative article, "Si-ron," but he couldn't get
beyond "Jipple." Other forces, such as Beacon, Kinselo, and Beigung, were
naturally destined to be absorbed or destroyed by the winner if the balance
between the two collapsed.

Of course, Elona could not have fought for the Zipple anymore. But it was
only wishful thinking, and it was an infinitely unlikely story.

"For I have given you the secret of the palace, because you are peeping at
the secret of the time, searching for the tombs of the Looncandel's first
Talaris thought Jean could find clues in the process that would "kill" Elona.

There is also a way to suppress the abnormal phenomenon of historical

manipulation that is being carried out by Jipple.

Also, Talarias was in a hurry.

Jean could read such feelings from her.

"In recent years, Manbing's seal has been weakening."

Again, Jean looked at the back of Talaris' hand.

a wrinkle that never existed before When she thinks of her age, it is natural
for her to have wrinkles, but she has so far suppressed aging, as is usually
the case with fighters who have enlightened the extreme.

In addition, the Endorma blood family was not particularly affected by

aging because of the power of the ice.

The creases on the back of her hand stood out because the power of
Manbing, which was holding Elona in check, was getting to its limit.

It is hard to keep one's body at its best.

"Then, how much time do you have left...….”

The moment Jean said that.

Dismissed......! Beep!

There was a crack in the middle of the ice column.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 345

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:45 PM

Chapter 345: Episode 106. Records (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'Oh, my God! No way, now?'

Jean and Siris reached out to the waist reflexively.

Talarias, on the other hand, shrugged as if it had happened often, with a

bitter smile smeared around his mouth.

"... ...the human liver, sealed a thousand years ago, goes beyond Manbing
and my strength. Don't be too surprised. Once the seal was broken by more
than half."

There was only a crack, and Elona in the ice column still had no movement
with her eyes closed.

Talaris reached for a crack. Then the energy of the ice flowed out and dug
into the crack. Slowly the ice pillars returned to their original form.

Talaris looked very tired just to repair the crack.

"Mother, are you all right?"

"It's all right. Hmm, I hope you didn't worry about my son-in-law for
nothing. Haha."
Siris is worried about her mother, not irritated by her son-in-law's jokes.

"For a thousand years, this woman hasn't even gotten tired."

" your father also know the existence of Elona Zipple?"

"I know. When I was a young man who didn't know much about our
situation, I didn't go crazy trying to wake her up and have a fight."


When Jean asked with her eyes wide open, Talaris burst out laughing.

"Si-on of those days only hoped for a strong enemy to appease him. It didn't
matter at all to your father in the days when she woke up, the fact that she
could have had a huge impact on the world.”

It was around that time that Talaris became friends with Ciron. After mixing
numerous swords with the poems that come to visit the palace every time,
they came to understand each other.

"Of course now your father has come to his senses, and is responsible for
the power he has."

"That responsibility, does it have to do with the Black Sea?”

"Listen to it directly from Ciron. If you still don't know what's going on
with Siron, it's because he has an idea."



"Yes, Mr. Talaris."

"From today on, you've come to join the work of protecting this seal."

Then Siris opened her eyes round and looked at Talarias.

"Mother? Jean's an alien......No, you can't tell. You think you're a real son-

"Then what?"

"You've got to say something makes sense...…!”

"Well, I never get tired of teasing my daughter. I'm just kidding. I just think
that Jean's ability will be a big help in keeping this seal. It's been a hard
time for me to handle by myself. I can't give you the ice already.”

It was unimaginable for Siris. The fact that your mother might try to rely on
Jean for something.

I was upset that I couldn't help my mother, but I couldn't help it. If my
mother's judgment was so, I had to follow it.

Siris, who had arranged his thoughts for a moment, reached out to Jean.
Jean looked at the hand and held it together.

"I want you to know that this is not an alliance between the palace and the
Looncandel. This is an alliance of individuals, Vigung and Jean

"I like you more, too."

In fact, Siris also did not dislike the palace being close to Qin.

Having lived as the only daughter of a tragic princess, she was not used to
the relationship of "friend." Jean was the only friend of her age.

"I didn't like you fooled me when you first met me. He's not bad, though.'

Except for the first meeting, Siris had had a good impression of Jean ever
since. Otherwise, he would not have joined the operation to take away the

"Oh, it looks great. Two people. Daughter, how. Mom, can you make room
for me? Would you like to have some good time alone?"
"You don't have to, Mother."

"Yes. See you later, daughter."


Mott opened the white portal.

Talarias rode a mot and returned to the palace outside, leaving two men
behind. Jean and Siris are the only two, no. With three left until Elona in the
ice column, I had no choice but to stare at the place where Talaris had left.

In an instant, there was an awkward air flow between the two.

"......your mother is a bit eccentric, so I'd appreciate it if you could

understand, Jean."

"Of course, you seem to be more normal than my father."

After one conversation, there was another silence.

'It's inconvenient.'


A few seconds later, two people opened their mouths at the same time.

"Excuse me.

"Mr. Siris."


"Tell me first."

Jean blurt out the last word. It was actually because I had nothing to say.

" any chance.”


"Do they transform, too?"

"It's a transformation......? Who are they?"

"The water you brought me. They're butterfly looncans...... No, like your
black dragon. Are you transforming into a creepy human being?"

Smile almost came out.

But she managed to hold back her laughter because she would be

"No, they're really Su-in, not dragons. Only dragons can transform."

"Good thing."

"If they were all dragons, they would have been quite reliable."

"I still get goose bumps sometimes when I think of the cute cat I saw at the
banquet as the black faraway. You've been so condescending to me at the
banquet hall.


On second thought, Siris narrowed the middle of his forehead.

"You didn't leave me until the feast was over. You were in my arms when I
went to see you duel with a guy named Bubar."

Oh! I'm so glad I was able to attend this banquet. I never thought I could
meet the successor of Sigung at such a short distance! Nice to meet you,
Siris Endorma, right? I'm Veradin...….

Get out of my way.

Oh, old times.

By the way, be careful of the cat. He's been slapping me in the face before,
haha. He's very fierce.

She recalled the conversation she had with Veradin at the time and told

Veradin, the thought of how he is doing now made my heart heavy.

"It's frustrating to hear nothing from you. I don't think Dante's heard
anything yet. Not only do I invite you to the Hylan banquet, but I'll also ask
you to go to the Jipple banquet.'

In the midst of many thoughts, Siris kept talking about Looncandel's


She didn't have very many memories of her growing up, as few of her peers
knew except Jean. It has always been trained only for training and mission.

So Siris herself did not recognize it, but the banquet was a special memory
for her.

Jin, who suddenly felt the fact, made eye contact with Siris.

He also let go of his childhood and boyhood without any memories in his
previous life.

'Unlike me back then, Siris has achieved growth. You must have been

Maybe he was lonely, too.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"Just, there's nowhere else to look. Siris."


"Come to Tikan often. You're an ally now, Siris. You're my colleague."

Siris has always been considered a colleague. However, she was unlikely to
think so either, so she didn't have to speak out.

"I'm not used to going out."

"So did I."

"But I don't think it's bad. Playing, it makes me feel a little excited."

Siris was cold and cold in most situations, but not a disingenuous sort.

Since her birth, she has always lived a life of devotion as a successor to the
palace, but she was also a person and a girl who was not even twenty yet.

Of course, there are times when you want to interact with others, and when
you want to play without thinking.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"But why don't you slowly drop the honorifics, too? You're the only one
who keeps using honorifics, so something's wrong.”

Siris swallowed the horse.

Talking comfortably to each other would naturally get closer to Jean, as the
speed would likely cause confusion in his mind.

"By the way, I don't know when Mother will ever open the door.”

"You'll be here by the end of the day. Let's have a chat until then."

"Sudara, I didn't expect that word to come out of your mouth."

"I like it."


It was the next morning that Talaris opened the door.

Until then, the two only felt that time had passed by so quickly because they
had spent the night talking pleasantly.

Talarias seemed a bit disappointed by that alone, but they both had fun.

"Have you come, sir!"

As soon as Jean got out of the palace, she found Tikan. Now that the
problem of small numbers has been solved, I had to stop by Tikan only and
return to the Sword Garden.

"How did you get the call? Butler Petro said Nari was away, and Lucas said
Nari had not left the palace yet.”

"Did you contact me? Why?"

"The customer is here.”


"He, Aria Outhart, is...….”

"Where are you?"

"It's in Ratri's refreshment store.”

The line was long even though it was morning.

Through the secret passage leading to the refreshment store (too many
customers, recently installed), Jin entered the kitchen straight away, and
was able to identify Valeria sitting on one side of the table.

And as soon as I saw her, I swallowed a smile in my heart.

'You're using the gold snow products very well.'

Black-haired hair and five-year-olds looked so old that their makeup looked
so natural that it looked very natural.
Jean took her place in front of Valeria.

"I didn't know you'd come this far. You said it as if you didn't need it, and
you're using the products well."

"It's not bad. You'd make a lot of money. I heard you got a second spirit

Valeria was determined not to say a word of private talk. Jean expected it to


"Show me once. Check out what it is."

"Isn't there too much eyes to see here? Let's move."

"This is the seat you can only see in the kitchen. The dragon of truth in the
kitchen is four people, so it doesn't matter. I guess the same goes for the
sorcerer who lost his magic.”

Valeria's unwillingness to move was due to her judgment that this side was
much safer.

"You know everything. Veris, even if you read the flow of mana, it's highly
confidential for Ratri to tolerate the truth."

I found out about Latri by checking the records.

"My existence was also top secret. Show me the recording device. Check if
it's broken again this time."

Jin took out the spirit beads from his bosom when he attacked Joshua's

Valeria did the recording magic right away, insignificant, and no one really
saw it in the refreshment store, as she said.

The blue mana wrapped the beads around it.

After a while, Jean once again saw Valeria's eyes slanted to the left.

I could confirm my old habit.

Are you confused by the marble? What is it?'

The recording magic blue mana has disappeared.

"How is it? Is it broken again?"

The answer from Valeria at the next moment was simply unthinkable.

"......I don't think this belongs to Soldierlet?"

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 346

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:44 PM

Chapter 346: Episode 106. Records (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"What do you mean, it's not a thing of solderlet?"

It was a problem that I had never thought about. If it's not Soldert, who
made the recording device using Young-ki?

" Literally. This recorder is made up of only Young Gi, but it's not made by
Solderlet. The device is filled with indescribably evil energy. I almost got
my mind contaminated.”

Valeria picked one breath.

She was embarrassed because the "dark energy" inside the device aimed for
her in a moment when she peeped at the bead.

"You almost got your mind contaminated?"

Jean took the line of Valeria to heart.

Valeria, he knew, was not the kind of person who thought it was just a
"mistake" and moved on smoothly.

'Oh, my God, I didn't know that just checking this recording device would
hurt my teacher.'
Besides, it's not a solderlet's thing.

In the midst of confusion, of course. Valeria's eyes got cold wet.

"Gin Looncandel, for me it's a situation of doubt."

If he had been in a previous life, he wouldn't have doubted himself. In

modern life, however, Jean was not yet very close to Valeria.

"It sounds like I was trying to attack you with beads."

"Your Looncandel is trying to catch me, which makes me even more


Claiming innocence seemed to do nothing to clear Valeria's


'If you lose faith with your teacher at times like this, the next meeting may
be years from now. Or you can cut off contact with me until you're caught
in Looncandel or Gipple.'

Valeria was a man who could do that.

'Is it because my teacher is still young, or is it because I have a little trust in

me, or because the situation supports me. You don't doubt me with

It would be the third case.

The first time I left it to Valeria, and she doesn't think Jean knows where to

"Well, you can. I understand. Even if I say no here, there will only be more
distrust between us."

Jean shrugged her shoulders and said,

"You know very well.”

"Of course the attack you claim to have received is quite abstract damage of
mental pollution, and one of my recorders is on you, and you're the one I
need. Maybe it was my attack. Even mental pollution, that's the old dark
magic that's gone.”

When Jean said so, Valeria shrugged.

"Well, you can think like that. I'll try to understand. But that doesn't mean
I'm going to let it go without confirming that you're not."

"If there's anything you want to check, do anything. I'll cooperate if it's

"I don't need your cooperation, so don't worry. I'll check on myself. Let's
move first."

"A little while ago, I'm not going to move this place because it's only seen
in the kitchen."Dunny, if you need a quiet place, why don't you go to Lord
Kashmir's mansion?"

"Follow me. The confirmation will be over in no time."

Valeria rose from her seat.

As soon as she was about to get up, she looked at the table as if she had
forgotten something. There were two pieces of Latri's special cookies left.

one by one

Valeria that packs cookies and puts them in the inner pocket of lobes.

Jean had no choice but to swallow a smile as she was about to burst out
laughing at it.

Was there a cute side to the young teacher, or was Ratri's cookie the level of
a drug? I've never seen my teacher pack food when he's not on the run.'

Following Valeria, he left Latri's tea shop.

She had been to the Tikan several times, as if she had been to the Tikan.

Walking for a long time and riding a carriage in the middle, and arriving on
foot again, was a cliff at the end of the island.

Below it floated a small boat that Valeria rode on.

"......did you not officially enter the free city, did you smuggle yourself in?"

"Because I'm in a bad position.”

"Why would this city be named freedom? It's a place where you're
welcomed unless you're a decent felon. Only me and my colleagues can
recognize you."

I said it out of frustration. I felt sorry for my young teacher's life, which
even "free city" had to come in hiding all the time.

"I know that. It's just that this is more comfortable. We're going down by

Clap clap!

Valeria jumped off the cliff. It was definitely the height to die if it fell
wrong, but I was not surprised to see it several times in my previous life.

Just before she fell, she stirred the wind with her mana to absorb the shock,
and landed lightly on the ship. I followed her down to the ship on the Jindo

It was a small boat, so it was full when two people got on board. The two
were almost forced to sit together.

"I've had enough of the top cliffs, should I have come all the way to this
cramped? How the hell did you sail all this way with this ship?”

"Because the safest is the best.”

Gently, Valeria moved her silver cane (even this one is covered with gold-
snow black dye). Like rowing oars.

Shua Aak!

Then suddenly, the sea water near the boat soared and froze, in the form of
a hemisphere. The frozen sea water shrouded the ship like a shroud. The ice
was so thick that there was no sunlight at all.

Pod, from Valeria's touch, blue mana spread like a lantern.

Regardless of the situation, the bright light in the ice-covered boat and the
two men's appearance were just like a picture drawn by someone.

"Gin Looncandel, I'm going to read some records about you from now on."

Naturally, Jean was expecting Valeria to. But it didn't show up.

"Read my records. That sounds like a pretty dangerous. Why don't you
explain it to me?"

"It would be easier to say that you're looking at your memories. Technically
it's a little different, but it's similar."

"So, you mean, I'll read my memory to see if I was trying to hurt you. You
mean this?"


"Okay. But there are two conditions."

"Tell me."

"First, I don't know how far I can read memories. I'd like you to respect my

"Believe it or not, it's pretty hard to read other people's records directly. It's
a different matter than reading the records of the person's traces or things.
It's hard to find useless records.”
It was about the progress.

Even his twenty-five-year-old teacher could not finish reading Jin's records.

"Second, if it turns out I wasn't after you. From now on, cooperate more
with me. Frankly, I don't think it would be a problem if we had this much

Unexpectedly Valeria nodded her head gently.

"Okay. Then give me your hand."

He followed Valeria's words.

Then, with her eyes closed, she placed her hand on Jean's hand, wrapped in
the unique blue mana of record magic.

Valeria at that time was completely defenseless.

'It's the moment when the teacher becomes the most vulnerable.'

When performing the recording magic with full strength, Valeria couldn't do
anything else.

Is it this easy to find a gap because I think I don't know it? Or was there a
little trust in me in the first place?'

Slowly, the human record of Jean was seeping into Valeria's head.

Jean looked at her still and waited for the spell to end.

Jean Looncandel just found Tikan and met Valeria Heister.

His purpose was to check the status of the recording device.

Nothing special's coming up yet. I don't think he intended to harm me,

given the fact that he was trying to figure out the status of the recorder.'

Valeria thought. In an instant, a tingling sweat formed on her forehead.

Young Jean Looncandel laughs when he sees Sukho-ryong Murakan calling
his nanny Gilly McLoran a strawberry pie.

'Young Jean Looncandel? What kind of record is that? Let's concentrate,

just look at the last few days.'

Taking a peek at other people's records was not a matter of easy control.
They had no choice but to look at some of the records that they didn't need
to check.

One-year-old Jean Looncandel is very ashamed of his nanny Gilly McLoran

changing diapers.

'What the hell is this, no. Wait a minute...'re a year old and you're
ashamed of yourself?'

That was a bit of a weird.

Is it possible to have that kind of feeling when you're a year old? No one in
the world would have felt ashamed when someone changed their diapers.

'It's too much to say that you've been an extraordinary human being from
birth. Let's keep an eye on it for now. By the way, who is this woman? Reet
Damiro Yul...…?'

"Jin Looncandel examines the records of Solderlet held by Rheet Damiro

Yul, the former deacon of Looncandel not long ago.

Ret Damiro Yul is the king of fairies.

Leet Damiro Yul was forgotten.

It was the latest record.

It was also a strong memory. Valeria was feeling a strange attraction when
she checked her rare red hair, a color just like herself.

'Forgotten...... elves?'
Slowly the limit of mana was approaching. Valeria breathed heavily, and
Jean looked at her with anxious eyes.

Jean Looncandel did not tell her family that she had met Valeria Heister to
protect him.

All right, then.

It seemed that there was no need to check any more. So the moment I tried
to stop the recording magic.

Valeria was able to identify a strange kind of record that she had never seen

Jean Looncandel was born under the curse of the widow of flying. This
curse was cast by Joshua Looncandel and hung by the Magician Kiddhard
Hall, but the truth is......, ......go, ......fateful, .......

It was conveying an indescribably disparate sense, unlike other ordinary

records that we've just looked at.

I had a headache as if I had a blade in my head.

At the same time, I wondered when I could check these records about Jin if
not now.

"Aria Outhart, are you all right?"

Blood flowed from Valeria's mouth and nose.

She was by no means a wizard falling into reverse mana, but checking the
record was so burdensome.

Especially if you keep going at the moment you have to stop, even Valeria
is dangerous.

A little more, a little more...…!'

Now there was blood in my eyes and ears, too. At this rate, it could soon
have fallen into the final phase of the reverse flow.



Valeria rolled forward and spat out blood.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 347

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:43 PM

Chapter 347: Episode 106. Records (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again



Valeria sprang up, like a bouncing bowel movement.

As if she couldn't afford to pull herself together or look at the situation, she
looked around right away and found her cane.

Then, when the cane was not seen, he immediately put on alert with
offensive magic on both hands, and it took only two seconds for all of this
to take place.

Whoo, whoo, whoo...…!

Valeria that breathes like a man running with a sprint.

How much time has passed? Where are we? Am I trapped?

She couldn't believe she had lost her mind. It was the first time since he
spent time with the Grey Owl mercenary corps.
"Oh, you're up! Sir! Sir! Ari, no. You've got a visitor....Huh, dude! Is that
magic aiming at me? Hey, put it down. You shouldn't do that to the person
who took care of you. Cancer."

Valeria's eyes glared red as she stared at Jet.

Most humans would, but she had a morbid repulsion of losing her mind.
Ever since the gray owl mercenaries were exterminated.

"You dog-ass, tear-jerk jipple pups."

"Hey, hey. I'm not a jipple, I'm Tikan's little jet. Let's calm down a little."

"Da, kill. I, I, I, I...…!”


A ray of mana was fired from Valeria's hand. Fortunately, Jet was able to
get out of the door quickly without being hit by the beam.

"Why, what's wrong with you! Tea, I'll get you some cold water and some

Even after Jet left, Valeria continued to be in danger for some time due to a
headache, a confused mind and a non-powering body.

"As soon as you wake up, you act like a trapped animal. There's no Zipple
here, no one to harm you, so it seems better to thank the people who

It was Jean. He had been away for a while to change the towel for her

"Jin. Jean Looncandel...…?”

Jean put the towel down on the table and made eye contact with Valeria.

"Calm down. Drink this."

Valeria looked at the gin's glass of water for a while before touching my

"You showed an ugly look, I'm sorry."

"No one's hurt, so let's just move on."

"How lost am I?”

"Two days. It's quite a common shame in a situation like this.”

While Valeria took a sip of water, another person entered the room.

"How's your body?”

"......Your Majesty the Holy Father?"

"You are not a believer in the Holy Land, so you don't have to call it that
high. Just treat me like Jean's friend. I've heard you're also his colleague.”

It was Lani.

After Valeria collapsed, Jean immediately contacted Laney. My colleague is

in an emergency, so please come right away.

The only person who could call the king of the country, King Seong, in this
situation, was the one who lost.

"Body, I'm fine."

"I'm glad you two have something to say, so I'll be out. I'm going back
home today, so feel free to ask me anytime if you need more treatment."

When Laney stepped aside, only Jean and Valeria were left in the room
again. Valeria finally settled her thoughts with calm eyes as if she had
calmed down.

"The mana reversal was so severe that I had no choice but to call Lani. I'm
relieved you didn't tell her who you really are."
As if the iron had been swollen, Valeria was feeling her heart burning.

It was a feeling that I felt after a long time. To be truly sorry and grateful to
someone is. Ever since the gray owl group was exterminated, she has never
had a personal relationship with anyone else.

Thus came the fear of being submerged together.

She always thought that getting close to people would only increase her

"This should confirm that I have no intention of harming you, right?

Valeria nodded still.

If he had planned to kill or kidnap him, he could have done it thousands of

times while he was asleep.

"Yes. Before he fell, there was nothing in the records he checked. I'm sorry
to waste your time."

"If you think it's a waste, it's a waste, and if you think you've built your own
trust, it's meaningful. I think the latter one is better."

Valeria staring at Jean without answering.

She was recalling the 'last record' before she lost her mind.

In the recorder of solderlet identified by Jean Looncandel, ancient elves

were obliged to record.

A thousand years ago, all the ancient fairies did not change.

There is a deep connection with human beings named Hester.

Valeria smoothed her red hair that ran down her shoulders.

And in Qin's record, I thought of Leet's red hair. The fact that every person
born as a hysteric is born with this kind of red hair.
The ancient elves are related to the Heaster family.…?'

Ever since she realized she was a hysteric herself, Valeria has always
struggled to regain the magic and identity of her ancestors.

Never once had I thought that the ancient fairy and the hysterics had some
kind of connection between them.

'What does it mean to be the undivided?'

Of course, I didn't expect to find out the truth through Jin.

That wasn't the end of the shocking fact that even peeked at Jean's record.

Jean Looncandel died once.

Hister's recording magic never tells a lie. All the records told was the
absolute truth that nothing could be damaged.

'Dead and alive again.'

It was embarrassing, but it wasn't too difficult to reach that conclusion.

Resurrection, the two letters that appear in numerous legends and myths
throughout the world.

It was not only possible in the story.

'There must have been a Numerus tear in Looncandel.'

Numerus, the god of hope.

He is a god known to have died of some sort of event before the founding
of the Holy Land, Van Kela, who left eight drops of tears and a hundred
drops of blood in his heritage.

Blood could be used as an incomparable cure in the world, and tears are the
only thing that can revive the dead.
Four out of eight drops were recorded, but the other four drops were
unknown. Valeria judged that one of them was used for Jean.

'But why? It's a waste for the 12th rider of Looncandel.'

If he were Looncandel, he would have used it when Ciron or Luna died.

"What are you thinking, Aria Outhart."

Aria shook her head.

"My head just got a little stiff right after I woke up.”

"Then we'll talk after we eat. If it's uncomfortable to eat together, I'll bring
it to your room."

"I'd appreciate that.”

Shortly after Jean left the room, Gilly gave Valeria's meal.

"Is she Gilly McLoran, Jean's nanny?"

Gilly smiled softly and did not speak to Valeria otherwise.

Soup full of minced meat and fresh milk. A slice of strawberry pie for
dessert (in this section, the corners of my mouth are slightly raised).

While eating, Valeria wondered what depth of conversation she should have
with Jean.

'Now I know. Through Solderlet's recording devices, he found out that the
ancient fairy had something to do with the heaster. Apart from Looncandel,
I personally got the information. That's why you need me. Solderlet's
recorders are out of order.'

The purpose itself was different from that of Looncandel or Zipple looking
for him. They aim to use themselves as bargaining chips or kill themselves,
but Jean is literally "necessary" for herself.
'The puzzle is being set. The constant sight of Qin in my dreams could also
be the magic left behind by the ancient elves or ancestors. My record magic
isn't complete yet, so it's only indirectly revealed.'

It occurred to me that the meeting between Jin and himself might be fate. It
felt like a long-standing arrangement left by the ancient fairies and

The biggest reason why I thought this meeting was the arrangement of my
ancestors was no different.

It was because of the "records of the future" left by ancestors at the site of
the Hister Street in the lawless city of Mamit.

Future records show that a 'one who found the whereabouts of the Hester' to
a tavern attendant in Mamit in 1795 will return to Mamit around March

How surprised I was when I confirmed that it was Jean in Valeria's long-
cherished dream.

'You must hear all the stories of the ancient elves from Jean Looncandel.
We can't be more vigilant than we need to be.'

Valeria, who finished eating, found Jean.

"Is your head cold?"

"Thanks to."

"You haven't forgotten your promise to me, have you? You should
cooperate more actively with me in the future."

"Of course. Just as you're using me, I felt like I should use you more.”

"Good news.”

"Can I ask you a few questions? Jean."

"How much."

"While checking your records, I could see that the ancient elves had a deep
connection with the Hister family. I'm just peeping into the records, so you
know more about him."

Jean opened her eyes wide. All of a sudden, I could barely hide that look.

"Tell me what the ancient fairy and my family are all about. If you help me
with my mission, I will also work for you with all my heart."

"He, Aria. Wait. I think there's a misunderstanding. I've never heard of


"What? Records never tell lies. From what I've seen...….”

"You can check my records again if you want. But I'm really hearing it for
the first time."

Valeria decided not to doubt Jean.

With regard to the ancient fairy and the hysterics, it was possible that Jean
did not know, because she learned from Solderlet's record, which was in the
human record of Qin.

"Instead, I know that the ancient elves had the same ability as your record
magic. So I thought maybe there was something to do with you and them.”

"A skill similar to the recording magic...…?”

Jean has explained to Valeria the abilities of the elves for a while.

What the real Reet explained was not memorable at all, but what was
confirmed in the records of the third tomb came to mind.

"... and where I saw the recording device with images of ancient
fairies. Can you let me know? It's too important for me."
"I saw it in the cemeteries' I'm telling you in advance, for fear of asking you
to visit them right away, but I can't know where they are right now."

"I'll find them."

said Valeria, with her eyes glaring eyes.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 348

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:41 PM

Chapter 348: Episode 106. Records (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"By using the recording technique?"

"Yes, I'm not sure I'll find it sooner than you, but I'm sure I can find it more

"Good to hear that."

At present, Jin could not put enough manpower into the search for the
Myoin people.

Because now I have too much eyes to see him.

Not only the family, but also other forces, including Zipple, were watching
Jin and his forces.

After the cosmetics business began, and Jin fought with the specter.

Everyone's interest in Jin has soared.

Of course, it was the same, but many of the forces that control the world
have recently been feeling the unusual flow of air between Looncandel and
The fact that there is a gin at the center, not a theory or a Kellyak.

Therefore, if too much manpower was invested in the search for the tomb, it
was more likely to be caught in the Jipple's detection network.

Above all, they owe Jean a debt to pay back.

"The horse told me to cooperate more actively, but seeing you execute it so
straight away. I think you just realized that you need me.”

Valeria looked up at Jean.

"Let's just say it's because I've built a little trust, as you said."

She was now feeling intense curiosity about a human being named Jin.

Perhaps the arrangement left by the Hister's forefathers, and a man who had
memories of his one-year-old years, and had once died.

What the hell? Does he know he's dead once?'

To say that, Jin's past achievements were too drastic.

"Since his days as a backup jockey, Jean Looncandel has been moving like
a human being who has no regrets about life. It's no wonder he's been dead
dozens of times just by what he's known outside.'

Do you have any faith, or are you just a tough person?

I hoped for the former. Now that we have a cooperative relationship, it is

difficult for Jean to die early.

'When Jean Looncandel dies, I have a hunch that I will never get my history
back again...….'

I felt strange.

"Aria Outhart."

"I'd like to talk to you again about the recording device, as it seems to have
been arranged.”

Chin said, putting down the spirit beads on the table.

"You were sure this wasn't something Soldier made. You said it was made
of spirit. I'd like to know on what grounds you made that judgment."

"Where did you get this spirit bead?"

"Second-term family member, raiding Joshua's secret villa."

Jean explained to Valeria what she had been through that day.

The fact that he was attacked to save his colleague's guardian dragon, but
encountered an unexpected horse race, and killed him to obtain a bead.

"Rontelgius, the Four Peacocks of the Horse. That explains it roughly.”

"You know everything. I only knew dragons among my colleagues."

Valeria had confirmed the name at the Hister's place of battle.

"The reason I said the device wasn't Soldert's is because of its signature
vicious horse. And I don't know if you know this, but among those
unrelated to Soldert, there's someone who can use Young-ki."

[Witch, that's what he did.]

What Sarah Looncandel, the guardian of the second tomb, said came to

I couldn't ask because I couldn't talk to Sarah anymore. She had apparently
said Helluram could also use Young-ki.

"Do you mean the witch Heluram?"

"You know all sorts of things. Yes, the recorder is probably a witch's thing.
If it's not her, there's no such magic in the beads. Rontelgius was a close
associate of Orgal king of the Masu, and Orgal was Heluram's lover, so the
mana you killed was holding the bead."

Witch Heluram. In Jean's previous life, Valeria had met her in person.

'My teacher told me he met Heluram when he was twenty and twenty-five.'

So Jean wasn't very surprised when Quicantel informed his colleagues that
Helluram was a "personal." It was because it was something that Valeria
had already heard before her return.

"I'm not sure yet whether this is the horse's or Joshua's.”

"If the recording device is the object of the second Looncandel, your big
brother is likely to have something to do with the witch Heluram."

a prophet

Jean, who recalled his presence, nodded.

Maybe the prophet Joshua has is Heluram.'

It was not too late to tell Valeria about it after more solid information was

It was a great harvest just to have a cooperative relationship with her right

"What about the recorder? It has nothing to do with solderlet, so are you
going to leave it to me, too?"

"I'll do that. And, by any chance, can you read some of the Ma's language?"

"To identify the paper and the madoccer obtained in the killing of the
Rontelgius' mana?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know any of the language of the Ma tribe. I'm not
all-around either."

Valeria packed her robe hanging by the bedside.

Then he burst into a giggle after confirming that Latri's cookies were still
left in the lobes.

"I've got to get going. I'll have to look at the recorders you gave me, and I'll
have to look for the gravelings, so I can't open my eyes for a while."

"Is the broken recorder of the first solderlet still not making progress?"

"It takes a lot of time, so please understand. I want to finish as soon as I can
and get half of my ancestors' magic books."

Unlike the first meeting, Jin asked for a handshake first this time. Valeria
held the hand together without agonizing.

"Be careful. Aria Outhart."

"You too."


August 20, 1799.

Two months have passed since Qin returned to his family.

The cosmetics business started advertising again shortly after the small
number of people were rescued, and as a result.

Jean, Looncandel, and Vigung were literally making a fortune.

The high-end product line, Geumseol, and Eunseol, both low-end products,
sold like hot cakes and quickly occupied the global cosmetics market.

Of course, Rutero could no longer advertise in the magic federation.

But word-of-mouth had a terrible power.

The Rutero Magical Union aristocrats bought gold-snow cosmetics from

underground markets, paying more than several times as much as several
times as much.

The fact that Looncandel made so much money meant that the wealth of
Jipple was leaking.

Elders could no longer feel sorry for Jin's cosmetics business, and Telot was
very satisfied with the idea that his judgment was right.

There was a man who was deeply dissatisfied with the great success of
Geumseoljok cosmetics and hurt his pride.

"Uh, you can't do this! You can't be!"

Bubar Gaston.

He was recently losing his job and hobby.

"What the hell is a cosmetic, a bunch of unbecoming people who don't

know this Bubar art soul? I can't admit that my transformation is lagging
behind cosmetics.…!”

This is because the special product at the top of the goldfish, "Oksul," has
been sold out day after day, along with Geumseol and Eunseol.

Okseol's main customer base was assassins, high-level troupes and spies.

Most of the customers who have been asking for a transformation procedure
from Bubar were leaving at a rapid pace, as it would be effective to change
into someone else by simply dipping it in roughly.

"... ...please shut up, Bubar Gaston."

For days already, Vishkel had been listening to the whining of Bubar for
more than five hours a day.
My mind seemed to diverge.

Ever since I got to know this disgusting human being, I can't count my
patience. It was especially hard to bear these days.

'So I want to achieve a great job and wring this bastard's neck. No, it's not
enough. Cutting out the whole body alive...….'

The eyes of Vishkel, who had a wild imagination, were hollowed out.

"Gin Looncandel! Nothing has happened since I met him! What's so great
about those make-up cosmetics? Mr. Vishkel, please get me some stuff. I'll
have to see it myself.

"......I've told you so many times, but the top of the goldfish doesn't sell that
jade or whatever disguise to anyone. You can't buy Kinselo or Gipple at

"You can save it if you send out some underclassmen whose identities are
not exposed!"”

"Such a dog, hoo. Such a low-ranking member of the troupe never gives an
opponent in the first place." How many times do you have to explain,

"Ahh! No, I can't stand it. You know that, don' I don't know anything else,
but I can't allow the artistic spirit to get hurt!"

"What does your art soul have to do with their cosmetics being sold well?"

"There is. I feel like I lost. Oh, I'm so angry that my head is going to
explode. ID Vishkel, I think I'll have to eat something sweet. Please buy me
one sweet potato croquet."

Vishkel momentarily reached out to his waist.

If he had regained his reason for a second late, he would have cut Bubar's
throat by pulling out the sword.
It would have been a very happy ending for a Vishkel individual.

"For the patient, for the great, for the great...….'

Vishkel's hands were shaking.

Despite barely getting himself together, Bubar didn't stop his daily speech,
even splashing saliva on Vishkel's crisp blue coat.

"Sweet potato... ...the croquet......I'll get it. Calm down....Stay."

I felt like I was going to lose hair due to stress.

Aah! I wanted to scream, but I couldn't because I thought Bubar would go

crazy with a crab bite and start hurting himself.

"Orbany, Mr. Bubar."

Margiela in a wheelchair entered the room.


"Miss Margiela! Listen to me!"

"Haha, I've heard everything you two are talking about outside. Mr. Boubar
deserved to be upset."

"As expected, Miss Margiela understands my mind!"

"Yes, Mr. Bubar is our friend!"

As Margiela entered, Bubar immediately appeared to ease his anger.

"Then, Miss Margiela, will you save the cosmetics of their jade?"

"Mr. Bubar, I wish I could save you. Wouldn't there be an order in

everything? We have to go step by step."

"But I can't stand it anymore. At this rate, I'm really going to die.”
"I know, I know. I can't let my friend die. I'll go see Lord Jin."

"Ik, that unlucky man? No, I'm sure she'll be beating Miss Margiela."

"At last I have a debt to pay, so I won't. Well, brother. Why don't you take
Uncle Veract and visit the Sword Garden?"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 349

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:40 PM

Chapter 349: Ep. 107. Visit to Kinselo (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

a city calon

Residents were looking at a group of people walking down the boulevard

with curious eyes. What they were looking at were ten figures and two
human beings.

Veracet and Baengnang warriors, and Vishkel and Margiela.

In Kalon, it is common to see at least five or hundreds of knights in armor.

Su-in's walk was a rare sight to see.

It was Veract who stood out.

Walking alone gave him a sense of hypocrisy, as if the fortress were

moving, or as if a huge sailboat was sailing.

In other cities, the people who had seen Veracet would have shuddered with
anxiety and fear if they had not sinned against him.

But this was Carlon.

The heart of Hufester and the home of Looncandel.

The inhabitants of Kalon were not afraid of outsiders. The city of Calone
was simply the safest city in the world.

No harvest, no enemy, no monster could make a riot inside the Kalon. It

was only for those in Looncandel who were allowed to draw swords, fight,
and divide victory or defeat at will here.


As Veracte's crowd reached the road leading to the Sword Garden, the
guardian of the place said in a low voice.

It was a very profane voice for the Baengnang warriors. Human beings
cannot dare to speak so forcefully to the great warrior of the Baengnang

So as soon as the Baengnang warriors were about to growl, Veracte showed

a still condensed energy. It was an order to stay calm.

"Why didn't you inform us of your visit plan in advance?"

"On my way to meet an old friend, I thought I didn't need such a thing."

Veracte calmly answers the question of guardian knights.

"I'll make sure you're admitted. Stand by."

The article's level of keeping a high-handed attitude to the end was seven.

It's a great game by general standards, but it can't be a fight with anyone he
leads, let alone Veract.

Nevertheless, the guardian knight was confident because of the pride of


There was also a belief that because the opponent was such a big shot as he
is now, if he lost his life, he could never escape the city alive. Even if it's
not Veracte, but Kellyak Zipple.
A long time later, soldiers brought answers and informed the guardian.

"You are admitted to hospital."

The Baengnang warriors wanted to tear him apart right away, but Veracte
seemed not offended at all.

Rather, he was praising the guardian in his heart.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I think all the most useful of
the human race are gathered in Looncandel.”

"The Looncandel knights have spirit, Mr. Veracant."

"Hmm! Of course the best of all is our deputy general manager."

Veract's humiliation was not the end there.

After entering the Sword Garden, no one came out to meet them. They had
to stand in the courtyard for a while.

"That's too much. Warrior, no matter how suddenly we came. Do I have to

stay still after this humiliation?"

"What if you don't stay put?"

"Go back, I didn't mean to talk to the humans in the first place."

Then Veracte shook his head, and Vishkel opened his mouth on his behalf.

"For us, this treatment is a disgrace, but Looncandel would be very

displeased that we came here without saying anything. At this rate, it's like
hospitality for Looncandel, so stay still."

Verakt smiled as if he was satisfied with what Vishkel explained instead.

There's no one like our deputy.'

After a long time, it was Rosa Looncandel and 30 executive knights who
came out to the garden.

"My old friend, I didn't know we were that close. Veracet Sidriker."

"Long time no see, Rosa."

Rosa had quite a few duel with Veracte when she was young. The winning
and losing were tied, and every time there was a fight, the two were
seriously injured.

Each time they didn't kill each other because they hoped there would be no
unnecessary all-out war between the Sousers and Luncandel.

"You wouldn't have come to mix up the sword without forgetting the time
of the hour, and what happened without contact?"

"Because I have something to tell your child, something to receive, and

something to offer."

"Is it about the youngest?"


"Come in. I'll talk to you inside."

Rosa got a man to find Jean.

But I didn't ask you to come straight into the drawing room where Veracte

(When it becomes clear what Veract is trying to tell you, what he's offering
you, and what he's going to get from you, and when you reach the
conclusion that you're in the interest of Looncandel, come to the drawing

Rosa's note from the servant said so.

"Come to me all of a sudden, and I have something to tell you, something to
receive, something to offer.'

What are you up to?

"And as the servant said, Vishkel and Margielo came with them.'

The Ibliano family, Bishkel, who became a new housekeeper around the
time Jin began his preliminary jockey career.

Jean has naturally assumed that the reason why Vishkel is an executive of
Kinselo is likely to be for the revival of Yvelianoga.

The Yvliano family was originally a famous swordsman of Hufester.

'For that, you don't have to do anything to hate Looncandel. To visit the
Sword Garden with the giant of Kinselo without asking for a visit. It means
that Vishkel's purpose was beyond my expectations."

Or finished weighing between Looncandel and Kinselo.

At any rate, it was important to know the purpose of Veracet's visit right

What to tell, what to receive, and what to offer. It wasn't that hard to infer
two of them.

'What I'm going to get is a compass, or a debt for the last ghostly raid.
There's nothing else Kinselo can ask me for except that. What you want to
offer me is...….'


Jean decided that Kinselo would offer him an alliance.

'Even in the Holy Land case, when we rescued a small beast a while ago.
Kinselo has always been good to me. I steal their compasses, annihilate the
Dark Wizard Society, etc. Even though I have never acted in a friendly
There is no unprovoked goodwill in the world. There was certainly a clear
reason why Kinselo kept showing favor to Jean.

This is because the alliance with Jipple has been broken.

It was also Qin who contributed most to the destruction of the alliance. The
destruction of drinking stones and the exploitation of compasses have
destroyed the trust between the two forces.

It was an alliance that would be broken someday anyway, but Jin pushed
the timing forward.

While Zipple suffered only one-sided losses in the process, Kinselo got his
own harvest.

Moreover, as the comet-like Bamel and Jean Looncandel are constantly

sucking at Jipple, Kinselo naturally had no choice but to think about the
alliance offer.

Kinselo formed a half-way alliance with an individual named Qin, and later
when Qin sat on the throne of the family. If we move on to a full alliance
with a huge force called Looncandel.

The conclusion was that the great task could be completed easily.

'What the hell is it that you want to tell me? Information on Jipple?'

There was only one thing that came to mind right away. However, there was
no idea what information might be.

When the purpose of Kinselo becomes clear, and when you reach the
conclusion that the meeting between you and Veract will benefit Luncandel,
come to the drawing room...….

Jean looks at the contents of the note again.

It didn't take much time to finish the calculation.


"Let's go, to the drawing room."

"Huh? Me too?"

Murakan was chatting with Gilly without much thought while Jean was
agonizing over Rosa's note.

"Yes. I think Kinselo would suggest an alliance with me, and I'd rather you
join him.”

"Why? You're afraid that Verat's gonna make a scene?”

"I can't be true. But I just need to let my mother know that 12-time Jean
Looncandel and Soldert's contractor Jean Looncandel are different."

"Then I'll pretend to be a cat. If I'm human, I'm going to have to mix a few
words with them, so it's annoying."

"Do it that way."

Feng, niang! The transformed Murakhan climbed up Jean's shoulder.

"12 jockey."

"Come in."

As I entered the cohesion, I saw a group of Rosa, knights, and Veractes.

Rosa and Veracte looked calm, but there was tension between the knights
and the prisoners. in the midst of their spouting of life

Margiela, smiling brightly in it, stood out the most.

"I heard you found me. Lord Veracet Sidriker, the White Rang Warrior."

"Yes. We've met before, haven't we?”

"I've never seen you before."

When Jean spoke calmly, Veract burst into a giggle.

"I'd like to talk to you alone, but I don't think my old friend would allow it.
So I'll just be blunt."

"Yes, you said you had something to tell me, something to receive, and
something to offer."

"First on the offer. Join the Kinselo."


As soon as Veract's words ended, the executioners pulled out the sword.

The Baengnang warriors were therefore unable to take out their weapons.
Although the blood was boiling, they did not know that it would be a

Hit it.

If Rosa had said one such thing, the Veracs and the Kinselo warriors would
not be able to return to life in this land.

In the midst of a moment of silence, Jean shrugged her shoulders.

"Of course."

At the words, the executioners' eyebrows flinched, and Jean immediately

followed the back horse.

"If you give me the position of general manager, I'll join you."


When Veract burst into laughter, a strong vibration occurred inside the
drawing room.
"It's a thing. Indeed, it must have come from Rosa Looncandel's stomach."

"I'll take it as a compliment."

"Well, why did you answer that when I got the offer? Were you really
thinking of giving up Runkandel's 12-time status and joining the Kinselo?”

"It's not a very satisfactory development personally, but it doesn't seem like
a bad choice for the family. Now that Kinselo has emerged as a big force,
not as a third-rate terrorist group, it would be possible to defeat the Zipple if
we joined forces with Looncandel."

Of course it was a lie. Jean had no intention of joining the Kinselo no

matter what they offered.

"That's too bad. I can even give you the position of deputy general manager,
so if you change your mind, feel free to contact me."

Jean could read one of the exact intentions of Kinselo in the words.

'This is a warning to my mother. If Looncandel keeps me in check too

much, I'm always ready to take him out on exceptional terms.'

As for Jean, she was as good as getting one insurance policy while staying
still. It's not going to be used, but Rosa has no choice but to think a little
more about the direction she's dealing with Jean.

"What can I tell you?”

At that moment.

Like in the Holy Land case, she's just...... I could identify Margiela speaking
in mouth.

'I'll let you know that, Lord Qin.

In the presence of Rosa and dozens of executive knights, what dare to

express one's intention with a mouth. Maybe it's just her in the world.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 350

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:39 PM

Chapter 350: Ep. 107. Visit to Kinselo (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean had no choice but to doubt her own eyes for a moment.

'Crazy...... you talk in the shape of your mouth here?'

It was dumbfounded and almost speechless, but after a while Jean had to
realize a more shocking fact.

No one in the drawing room saw Margiela mince her lips.

Five Star Knights, no. It was a scene where even ordinary human beings
with good eyes could recognize it, but it's impossible for the most extreme
fighters to miss it.

It was a strange phenomenon.

'She's weird, too.

Is it just a coincidence?

There were too many fighters in the drawing room to think so. Even with
Rosa, it would have been a lower probability than winning the lottery that
all of them could not "surprisingly" see Mar Giela's behavior.
"Can I hear it here?”

No one saw Margiela mute, so no one thought it strange for Veract to

answer Jean's words.

However, what Veract said forced the executioners to become nervous


Veract kept talking to Rosa as if he wanted to talk to Jean in private.

"There's nothing I can't hear here."

As a '12th-term Jin Looncandel,' he could not come up with another answer.

"I'm glad to hear that.”

Veract took a moment to pause and continued.

"You may be valuable information that you can't afford to buy with money.
First of all, I want you to know that our general manager thinks you're that

"As I've felt before, Kinselo seems to be lacking talent."

"It's a world where there aren't many people to use. This is the information
that I will give you. You're not the only one in the world looking for a

I almost opened my eyes wide with astonishment.

There is only one grave that Jean is looking for.

'Their grave...''re looking for more than me?'

Although he managed to stay calm, Veract smiled as if he could see Jean's


"You'll understand what this means."

"That's a funny story."

I answered in an indifferent voice, but my mind suddenly became


"Kinselo themselves? Zipple? Either way, what the hell are you going to do
to find Temer's grave? And how did Kinselo find out I was looking for a
grave? There is no point at all.'

It was only recently that the odds were high.

The day Veract and Margiela came to the cave of the little Sioux to help

'In the process of breaking the ties of the Myojins, the specter found
information about Temer's tomb, and Veract interrogated them before
killing them...…?'

I didn't think so.

No matter how strong Veract was, it was unlikely that the high-end combat
force, which was about to be a specter, would have confessed information
for fear of death.

'Already since then, Kinselo had information about Temer's tomb. Their
leader was also a person who existed in Themeer's time, so he might have
personally confirmed that Jipple was tracking the grave.'

Jean, who came to the conclusion, made eye contact with Veracet.

"And lastly, let me know what you're getting me.”

Give me back the compass, the stuff you stole.

Of course I thought the story would come out, but Veracte said something
else this time.


"I'd like to take a sample of the cosmetics sold by the people under you.
Well, his name is......was it wooden?”

"Okseol, Lord Veract."

"Ah, yes. "Okseol. Can you give me some of that, Jean Looncandel?"

It was not necessary to ask Kinselo to make such a stupid request.

'Bubar, that crazy guy must be jealous. You've been out of work lately,
haven't you?'

The weekly business report Jin receives from the Geumseol tribe included
sales as well as information about customers using the secret product

The number of users of Okseol was increasing rapidly. As Jin knows, the
only person in the world who had previously been engaged in a " disguise
business" had to be hit.

Jean nodded, needless to worry.

"If you give me your address, I'll send it to you."

"Okay, I think it's a rough story. Now, then... Rosa."


"Why don't we have a cup of tea alone after a long time? Take out all the
smallpox. It's alcohol, but I don't think it'll taste like those days."

Rosa simply replied, "Let's do that."

"Everyone, back off."

Executives walked out of the drawing room with restrained steps. No one
asked if it would be okay to be left alone with Veracte.
"You too go out and wait. The warriors wait outside the Sword Garden at

Thanks to Rosa's approval, Jean was naturally able to talk to Vishkel and
Margiela separately.

"My mother wanted me to get more information from them, so she gave me
a seat.'

You're not the only one looking for the grave, this alone has given Rosa
new information. About what his youngest son does.

"Give me a cup of tea, too!"

As she walked out of the drawing room, Margiela said.

"Let's do it."


Suddenly, Murakan turned into a human and narrowed his forehead.

Marziela's exaggerated voice was so impressive.



"I need to listen to the other side.”

Murakan had a rather angry face.

In any case, the youngest is in a position to continue making extraordinary

changes. Otherwise, you can't be recognized in this Looncandel. Even if he
was a rider. Is this enough to explain?

Okay, so I'll ask you one last question.

Go ahead.
Where is Themeer's tomb?

Unknown. May I go now?

It was because of the conversation Jin had with Rosa shortly after he
became a jockey.

Although it is now the guardian dragon of the Qin, Murakhan was

originally a protector of the entire Looncandel.

If Murakan thought there was a story about Themeer's tomb, Rosa had to
come up with a story before she could find it.

"Mother and Lord Veracte?"

"Yes. Even if I go back in, isn't there no justification for your mother to kick
me out?"

"Well, go in there. If you ask me to go out instead, don't get angry and come
back to your room."


Murakan went back to the drawing room, and Jean and Vishkel and
Margiela headed to Jean's room.

"Please give me a car, Gilly."

Margiela was a man of great affinity. She drank tea and praised her mouth
for being so good that it didn't seem empty at all, so Gilly smiled

But I kept trying to be on the lookout for Margiela. Kinselo has been the
enemy of Jin since his cadet days.

"Kinselo, what's my rank? Lord Vishkel."

"I'm Deputy Commander."

As if there was no need to hide it, Vishkel gave me his rank.

"I feel like I'm being fooled. When I first heard you were in Kinselo, I
thought it was to use their help to revive the family. You seem to have a
completely different purpose.”

"Sir Jin is in a mood, but I was actually deceived. On the day I visited the
Kuroan legation when I was a backup rider. I don't know what you did that
day, but you got information about the compass."

There was no evidence, so there was no need to admit it.

"I don't think I made any mistakes that day except for trying to kill Boubar.
Do you want the compass back?”

"No, it's ridiculous to ask you to return the stuff you lost in the fight. It's
yours now."

"You don't seem to be too sad. Now that Bubar exists, I think it's because it
can be rebuilt anytime."

"Not necessarily. But when Lord Qin uses the compass, there is only a
belief that he will not do anything that will benefit Zipple."

Jean shrugged, and Margiela opened her mouth.

"Maybe Lord Jean doesn't know how hard it was for us to soothe Mr. Bubar
because of the compass."

"To make your king king king of the world, you must need Bubar Gaston
very well. Even Lord Veract, who chews the ghostly band, is watching
Bubar's eyes?”

Despite Jean's direct reference to the "great work" of Kinselo, Vishkel's

expression remained unchanged.

But he was, too, just like Jean, suppressing his feelings, inwardly surprised.
'How do you know that the content of our great job has not been advertised
to the outside world yet? Is the information leaking?'

There has never been a leak of information about the big business.

That's the information I learned before my return. But there was no way
Vishkel would know that.

"Think what you want.”

"The energy of chaos must be great. So is Bubar Gaston, and so is Miss


It was conjecture that Margiela also had a "spirit of chaos."

Vishkel's eyes have narrowed.

"'s not very good to talk about things you don't know for sure. Lord

"It won't be worse than Kinselo's visit to Looncandel today and bragging
about the grave."

Jean hasn't been very pleased with the fact since a while ago.

If you really want to bring yourself in, or offer an alliance. It is a content

that can be delivered as much as you want even where there is no hearing.

"The only reason I brought up the story about the grave in the presence of
my mother and the executioners is because it benefits Kinselo. I don't think
Looncandel knew anything about the tomb except me.”

Jean was confident that after today, Looncandel would devote all his energy
to finding Temer's tomb.

It was natural that Jin had restrictions on finding his own grave.

"It is possible to move secretly, but eventually you will run into members of
your family in the process of finding the tomb.'
Although Solderlet's contractor would never have to share what he could
get from the tomb because he was the only one, it was true that it was

'You have to make it profitable for the family to start looking for the grave.'

The Themeer's tomb.

Looncandel will now be involved in the search for it, and someone else is
already looking for the tomb.

Then the benefits that Jean could get were clear.

'Use the family as a shield. To prevent other forces from finding a grave or
to keep away from it when they find it.'

Kinselo was also the information Jin brought out hoping to use Looncandel
that way.

"Who are you? The other forces looking for Temer's grave."

I asked, looking at Margiela.

That was the real information that Kinselo would give Jean.

"Who do you think it is?”


"Correct! But that's not all."

Click... ...and Margiela put the teacup down still.

"The Beacon imperial family is also looking for the tomb of Looncandel's
first family. Your movements have been exposed to them once."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 351

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:37 PM

Chapter 351: Episode 107. Visit to Kinselo (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The Imperial Household of Beams.

Human beings and rulers of the empire, often called noble blood, the House
of Mysteries. I never thought they would be looking for Themeer's grave.


The fundamental question came before the word that they had been exposed
to traffic.

"What are you going to do to find Temar's grave?'

An being who is not a contractor of the shadow shall not take advantage of
the legacy left by Solderlet.

Then, the reason why third parties visit the tombs was likely to prevent
contractors from using the heritage.

Or there's something else that Jean doesn't know in Themeer's grave.

"That's not surprising, is it?" I'm sure you were surprised.”

"It's amazing.
"Wow, I've never seen anyone as good at facial expressions as my brother."

Looking back on the way he treated Bishkel, it seemed that he couldn't hide
his expression very well, but it wasn't an important matter.

"Let's say that Gipple is, and the Beem imperial family is also looking for
Temer's tomb. How did you get that information?"

"Well, there's not much in the world that our general manager doesn't know.
Is this not enough?"

When Margiela answered with a naive face, Jean raised the corners of her

"There's nothing lacking. Kinselo has no obligation to report everything to

me. I was just asking once."

"You let it pass."

"The source of the information is unclear, but the intent is clear. I don't
think it's false information."

It wasn't that I wasn't curious about the source. I just thought you wouldn't
let me know anyway.

"Do you know why?"

"You mean why the Beacon imperial family finds the tomb of Looncandel's
first family?”


"Ho-ho, I don't remember that very well. If Lord Jin joins us in the
revolution, I think he'll pop up."

"Just keep forgetting."

"Don't you really feel sorry for it? That's the best information I've ever
given you."
It's not a common bet.

The identity is unknown, presumed to be stained by the energy of chaos,

and the face is thick, sly, and even relaxed. Margiela was a pretty tired sort
of person to deal with.

Fortunately, Jean knew how to deal with these people.

"Just turn around. I won't accept the tea."

"The price of the car?"

"It was a top-of-the-line Mila car. Me too. Well, that doesn't matter, Gilly.
Lord Vishkel and Miss Margiela."

"Okay, Master."

"You're kidding, aren't you?"

"I'm serious."

"Come on, hold on!"

Jean jerked away without hearing the words.

"Slightly! I'll give you a hint. Why don't you sit here again...….”

But Jean had already entered another room and shut the door.

Margiela shook her head after staring blankly at the closed door for a while.

"I've heard in the social circle that this is called push-pull. Did I pull too
much? "What do you think?"

"......that doesn't sound very appropriate."

"Well, Lord Gilly McLoran? If I apologize for my rudeness, will Lord Qin
come out again?”
a head-shaking gill

"You'll never come out. Follow me."

When Gilly left the visit first, Vishkel was forced to follow him, pushing his

Margiela looked bitterly disappointed, and Vishkel looked aloof. He seemed

angry at the thought that Jin had embarrassed his younger brother.

"Sir Gilly McLoran."

"Speak, Mr. Margiela."

"What the imperial family is looking for is the body of Temer Looncandel.
Please tell Lord Qin."

Gilly kept walking without answering.

But not on the surface, my heart thumped and I felt like I was going crazy.

Gilly once experienced Sarah's healthy appearance as a guardian in the

second tomb.

So it occurred to me that maybe Themeer might also exist in some grave for
him in that way.

in the form of a 'living-looking' person

At the same time, I felt ominous.

'If there's an invitation somewhere in the tomb......will he be friendly to the


As soon as Sarah saw Jean, she attacked. Jin also told her that Shilderay
Lundeel, the guardian whom she met at the first grave, also did so.

For some reason, it's ominous, but it's not me, but the master.
When Gilly didn't answer, Margiela sighed bitterly.

"I just want to be with Jin, but I don't think Lord Jin is pleased with me. I
feel like I'm in a one-sided relationship."

a towering figure

Then for a moment Gilly stopped and looked back at Margiela.

"Kinselo has been at odds with you ever since. When I was a cadet, I
kidnapped your people, allied with Zipple, threatened the world by making
strange things, and there were not a few people who were unjustly
victimized in the process."

It wasn't just that.

"In addition, using your compasses, Gipple has been collecting contractors
as if they were looking for a novelty, and the Dark Wizardry Society under
Kinselo has turned the believers of the Holy Land into bio-golems."


"I heard you saw it yourself during the Sungkuk incident. The victims of the
biorhythm. You've never felt any remorse when you saw them lose their
lives because their whole body turned ugly?”


"Don't be mistaken just because you've given him a little help. You were
able to overcome this crisis without you. What you hate the most in the
world is people like you."

Gilly, who showed her life, looked indifferent again.

'......looks back on these madmen's past. I didn't have to say that.'

And when I turned around again and tried to guide the Evliano brothers and
"It's hard to understand."

Margiela opened her mouth with a light smile.

"And I'm sure we look like bad people. We are doing things for the world in
a broad sense."

"What are you saying?"

"We'll make the world a better place than it is now. And I really hope Lord
Jin will join us in that. Lord Jin will also think positively when he
eventually finds out what we mean.”

The remark almost cut me out of reason.

Obviously, if someone hadn't grabbed Gilly's shoulder. It must have been.

"... ...Fourth Lady."

It was Mew who put his hand on Gilly's shoulder.

"The fourth lady? Can you call me that?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Eighth."

"Yes, that's right. Next time I won't just go over to the warning, Gilly

"Yes, sir."

Gilly bowed his head.

Mu's eyes were on the Ibliano brothers and sisters. She was walking down
the hall when she happened to hear all the stories they shared.

"These crazy things exist everywhere. Work for the world? That's what
you're talking about when you'really? Shut up and get out of here. Before
you break down the wheelchair, and make your arms useless."
At one stroke, the life of Vishkel's eyes spread.

But Mu snorted at the sight.

"Why? Lord Vishkel, don't you like it? Do you feel insulted?”

"You're talking too much. Lord Mu Looncandel."

"Let's go to the duel. I'm not having a banquet, but I have the authority of a

So that Marziela doesn't embarrass her lovely brother or make a mistake in


With a big smile, he said,

"Oh, you must be Lord Mu Looncandel. Pretty faces and harsh language
were my taste for a long time. "You're enjoying yourself again?"


"It was nice to meet you. I didn't mean to offend you, but I would appreciate
your generosity as a rider in the Hufester defeated family. Well, bye!"

Ssaeng! Margiela pushed the ball through the mu at full speed.

He is so fast that I can't believe the speed that can come out of his slender

"Oh, and Lord Gillie. Thank you for the information! Next time, I'll get you
a ride."

Vishkel glanced at Mu for a moment and ran after my sister.

It was a moment when there was an increase in the number of people in his
mind who wanted to kill as much as Boubar.

"Yes, Mr. Eighth."

"You just tried to cut those. Is the nanny crazy?"

When Gilly couldn't answer and bowed his head, Mu's hand went up. I'm
trying to slap Gilly in the face.

Fortunately, that didn't happen.

"Hey, Mu. Are you trying to slap your hand on the youngest nanny? Put
your hands down."

This time it was Mary.

Unfortunately, it was in front of Mary's room that they were talking about.
So Mary was interestingly listening to the outside story and came out into
the hallway thinking something was going to happen.

"Mary sister?"

"Is that what you're supposed to call me that?”

"... riders."

"Yes. I won't talk long. If you don't want to look around, just go your way."


"This is called an older sister again. Hey, you stupid thing. You've created a
situation that can be seen well by the youngest, and why are you making a
fuss about getting deducted again? After you hit Gilly, can you handle it?"

Of course, Mu never insulted the Ibliano brothers and sisters to win Jean's

It's just that I didn't want to hear Evelyno, or Kinselo, talking nonsense in
the Sword Garden without fear. There was no other intention at all.

"Ha? Do more.”

I can't believe it...!

Mu gritted his teeth and glared at Mary.

"......I'm going to step down today, but you're going to stop. It's the beast
who loses and listens, because I'm a human being. Don't just think how long
you're going to hold it in."

"You're a good talker, even animals listen when they're beaten. People
should listen better, right?"

Mary shrugged as Mu left with his trembling fists clasped.

"I see why Luna thought those things were so tiring."

"......thank you, Lady Mary."

"Mu's been a bit of a jerk, but you should thank him, not me. If you had just
really attacked Ivliano, there would have been no answer."

It was the fact that Gilly himself knew best.

If he attacked the Ibliano brothers and sisters, how embarrassing Jin would
have been.

So I suddenly hated myself.

Though he could not help Jin, he almost made a mistake because he was
swayed by petty feelings.

"Well, I still think you guys have that sense of justice? Anyway, I like it.
The nanny in its pure blood. That's what my nanny would've done.”

Mary grinned and patted Gilly on the shoulder.

"Please tell the youngest to set the date and event for the duel soon. And

"In my opinion, the only time when the youngest loses his reason and goes
crazy is when his colleagues are wrong. Among them, I'll be especially
special about you, so be smarter in the future. You must be the most
precious person to the youngest."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 352

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:36 PM

Chapter 352: Episode 108. The Final Stage of the Strengthening of

Bradamante (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Gilly didn't understand himself.

'It's true they were disgusted. But it wasn't to the point where I couldn't
control my emotions that much...….'

It was definitely something I could just bear with. But his anger was
strangely high, and he almost broke the Ibliano brothers and sisters without
realizing it.

"Maybe there was no big problem if you attacked them.”

Jean shrugged as if nothing had happened to Gilly, who explained the whole
story in the hallway.

"I have no face. I almost embarrassed you."

"No, it could have been a little tiring. There wouldn't have been a fatal blow
to me.”

No words meant to console Gilly, but Jean really thought so.

The first was due to Vishkel.

He couldn't have failed to respond to Gilly's attack.

Even if Mu had just passed by without seeing the sight and attacked Gilly,
Vishkel would not have been difficult to stop Gilly's blow.

Gilly's current martial arts is seven stars.

Of course, it's a remarkable level, and it still has great potential, but Vishkel
was a few ahead of him.

Second, it was because this was the Sword Garden.

Assuming Vishkel didn't stop Gilly's blow, if only his opponent had the
pretext of "calling the rider of Looncandel." It was a matter that could
somehow be passed on.

In the first place, they were even more so because they were uninvited
guests without even more so.

"But it's a bit strange that Gilly said that she suddenly had an uncontrollable
rage. Did you react sensitively because it was about me? I don't know if I'm
stressed out these days.'

If he had, he would have been more careful. When someone does

something harmful to Jean, Gilly is always furious. He was always cool
about what he would do to Jin.

Or is it because of the energy of Chaos that Margiela is supposed to have...


in any case

Jean thought it was a problem that Gilly didn't have to be discouraged. It's
true that a woman named Margiela has some strange power.

"If I had been there, I would have done the same. So don't mind."

"Yes, Strawberry Pie, anyway, human beings used to talk about that shit all
the time. I just want to be true to my desires. I can be honest with you. A
better world. That's why they give you that cause.”

"It's amazing to me sometimes that using such words to gain power is

something that happens all the time, Murakan."

"Because man is a very weak race. So some crazy dragons used to insist on
killing only useful human beings. Did he say let's kill 80 percent of the

"It's just as crazy as it is."

"So I exterminated. Well, it wasn't for the sake of humans, it was just funny
and annoying what they were doing."

"You're you, too. More, Gilly. Mary's sister asked you to set a date for the

"Yes, Master."

I promised to duel every three months, but I have a headache. Fighting and
fighting with Mary's sister is quite a burden on my body."

At the time of saving the little watermen, Mary remembered the shape of
the final volcano.

'If anybody gets excited and uses it in the middle of a fight...The mere
thought of... makes me dizzy.'

A cold sweat broke out on the back of my back.

"You asked me to decide on an event, so why don't you look for something
other than a sparrow?"

"I'd rather do that. Murakan, did you hear anything special in the drawing

"I only saw a guy named Veract deceiving your mother a little. He only told
your mother that Jipple was looking for Themeer's grave. Since then, we've
been chatting."
Veract gave Rosa no information about the "Vision imperial family."

"Your mother doesn't seem to be much suspicious of the information.

Veractra seems to have had a very strong fight with him in the past. Should
I say I felt a little homogeneity as an adversary?"

"The family will begin a full-fledged investigation into the tomb anyway,
and eventually she will find out that Beacon is involved. But for the time
being, I'll be able to gain the upper hand in information about tombs."

Rosa did not call the camp even after Kinselo left. Even though I heard that
the "muddum" that Veract mentioned was the theme.

Then there was only one reason.

'My mother already knew that Temer's tomb existed. Maybe even the fact
that Jipple is looking for the tomb."

It was not that I never expected it to happen.

'My mother would have been waiting for the time to find Themeer's grave,
even if she violated her vows to Gipple. Or, I didn't think I needed to find

Either way, it is now highly likely that the pattern will change. Even
Kinselo mentioned the existence of the tomb, and it was known that Jin was
looking for it, so it was natural for Rosa to do something.

"Temar, he's dead and he's not comfortable at all. Why do those Beams
want to find his body? I can't believe the big powers are doing the same
thing as the thieves.”

said Murakan with a bitter look. The reason why Beacon found Themeer's
body continued to be on my mind.

"I need to see Missha first. I have to tell you a story about Aria Hester."

"Oh, do I have to see it again?”

"You think you should, too.”

Murakan with the forehead. The information I got from Kinselo this time
definitely needed to be shared with Missha.

"And put up with it. It would have been enough to get angry with my

"I didn't put up with it."


"I said a word to your mother. Did you know where his grave was? Maybe
he didn't want to fight, but he did. I don't trust you at all to say you didn't

There were a few nasty words mixed in the process, but Rosa dealt with
Murakhan in moderation and sent him back.

"In the old days, I just wouldn't have finished with words. I was trying to
overthrow the whole family, and I, uh? I held it in because I saw your face."

"Yes, yes. Good job. Gilly, you haven't heard from Tikan, have you?”

Tikan's contact. It meant news of the Myonin and the House of Rontelgius.

About two months have passed since the last meeting, but Valeria has yet to
find the whereabouts of the Myoin people. Quicantel also didn't know
anything about Rontelgius.

It is not easy to find the Myoin people even if there is a record magic, and
Quikantel is still a private wanted man of the Empire, so it took time
because there was a limit to finding information directly.

For Jin, he only hoped that the Myoin people would survive without getting

"Yes, master. Seven-colored birds don't seem to be easy to move these

"I can't help it because my eyes have increased. It's frustrating. You can't
run yourself."

a squeaking sound

The butler Petro found Jean's room.

"A letter from the Lord of the Volta family, my lord."

Lord Jean Looncandel, who I admire, these days Volta's estate is thanks to

The letter of Lord Volta, which began like that, was extremely full of
everyday stories and flattery.

But the letter, which had no content, contained a very important meaning.

Bradamante strengthening.

The Picon Minche ordered Bin Branche to send a letter to him to tell the

"Just in case, I'll wait until tomorrow for my mother's call, and if not, I'll go
right away.”


Until the next afternoon, Rosa did not encamp.

As usual, some of the usual missions were handed down, but Jin disguised
Belov and sent him out instead, then found the "camp" of the Mila

"Your Majesty is away."

But I couldn't meet Missha.

She had been away for over a month without telling her employees when
she would return.
"It happens often. I'll send you a letter as soon as you get back."

As Solderlet is managing everything she has been doing as a substitute, it

was natural for Missha to spend her busy days every day.

"You said dog poop is not available for medicine. You've made a fool of

That's what he said, but Murakhan seemed rather pleased that he didn't have
to look at Missha.

The two went straight to Volta and headed for Bin Branche's house.

"Gin Looncandel, fifty...... that's a million."

Unfortunately, even before finishing greeting, Bin had cramping his eyes
whitely, suffering from the fire of Picone.

[Are you here?]

"How are you, Mr. Picone?"

"That's enough of a useless greeting, Picon. I told you to come over here, so
you must have prepared something like that. Are you done strengthening

[I didn't ask you to come? Murakan.]

"Oh, really?"

Jin burst into a giggle as he watched the two for a moment.

[Wow, wow, wow. You're so ignorant. You're so strong. Hey, stop!

Surrender, I lost!]

Peacon picked up a sword from the blacksmith's basement.

It was Bradamante.
At first glance, nothing changed, but Jean could recognize at a glance.

The fact that his aegum has become harder and more sharp.

When Jean smacked Bradamante and smiled contentedly, Picon sounded


[Killing me?]

"I'd like to swing it right away."

[But it's not finished yet.]

"You mean you can get better here?"

[Because there's one feature I haven't added yet.]

[... ...but the only drawback of Bradamante is that it does not protect users.]

Protection? It's not even armor.

"In my life I have made countless armor, but have not seen anything better
than those formed by spirit." That's why when we made barissada, we set it
up so that if we inject the spirit, the armor would form.]

When I first met Picon, I remembered the conversation we had.

"You mean the function of forming a permanent armor."

[Yes, thanks to you getting the materials from the ancient 10,000-year-old
and the Temer's tombs, the work is now nearing its end. But I need one
more thing.]

"What is it?"

"The inner end of the devil."

Then Murakan screamed.

"What? The inner end of the devil? Why do you need that to make a

"It's necessary. You need a thousand-year-old mana's inner end to activate

its function. Or we need several hearts of dragons. Can't we use them?”

"Where can I get it?"

As soon as Murakan was about to argue further, Jean asked.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 353

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:34 PM

Chapter 353: Episode 108. The Final Stage of the Reinforcement of

Bradamante (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

[Can't be obtained by money or by goods.]

"Of course I think so."

[But you'll need some gold. Isn't that a little?]

"You need money?”

As if something had come to mind when the word gold popped out,
Murakan opened his eyes wide.

"Hey, Peacon. Are you talking about Ozdock?"

[Oh, you remember that name.]

Jindo knew the name.

"Ozdoc ramen. The monster from the Eastern Continent's oral fairy tale?"

On the eastern continent, a oral fairy tale related to a monster called Ozdok
was told.
Gold-eating monsters, greedy human beings who offer gold to exploit the
power of monsters, a country in which they prevail and perish together.

It is such a famous story that I heard the name of Ozdock several times.

It was a common kind of legend that could be found in any province if only
the name Ozdock was changed. To teach the lesson that excessive greed is
ruinous, and in the words of corruption is miserable.

[Time went by. Kids these days think Ozdock is the monster in the story.
We were a real pain in the ass. He's eaten up about 30 percent of the world's
gold mines.]

"Is it still alive? Haven't you been beaten up since I fell asleep?"

[Just before you fell asleep, he sealed himself in the basement of Sarba's
castle. He could no longer save gold when the kingdom of Sarba, his
stronghold, collapsed.]

Ozdock was a mana that was awakened through the medium of gold, so
without gold, one could not get his strength.

After the fall of the Sarba kingdom, Ozdock chose a long sleep instead of
going out looking for gold.

The decision was made based on the instinct that one cannot save one's life
if installed incorrectly among the heroes of Looncandel and Jipple, who
dominated the world at that time.

It was a good choice, but luck wasn't on Ozdock's side.

When Ozdock was hiding deep underground in the fall of the kingdom of
Sarba, the area of the Black Sea began to "expand."

Now, everyone in the world regarded the place where the Sarba kingdom
was as the territory of the Black Sea. A thousand years ago, it was an
ordinary land not included in the Black Sea.
[As the Black Sea expanded rapidly, Ozdock was literally covered in the
poisonous ground of the Black Sea. It's like he was buried alive trying to

"So, you want the kid to wake up the sealed Ozdock, catch it and bring the
inner endings?"


"You crazy baldhead. You think he's some old Runkandel teenager? How
does this guy catch Ozdock?"

[You're here. And Ozdoc is incomparably weaker than it was then. He's
almost dying.]

After a thousand years without eating gold, Ozdock had almost lost its great
strength of the past.

"What if he's fine? What else could happen if you woke him up? Did you
forget how much trouble it caused a thousand years ago?”

As Murakan said, Ozdock at the time was a scourge of the whole force.

It was because there were countless civilian casualties before he settled in

the kingdom of Sarba, the price of gold fluctuated and the order of the
world economy was shaken.

Runkandel, Jipple and Beemance, all the forces of the time, who were at
that time, used considerable force to catch Ozdock.

There was no reason why many of those forces could not subdue Ozdock by

However, no one knew the danger until before he became the "internal
evil," and the same was true until the early days of perversion.

That is to say, Thatcher was late.

When the big powers decided to defeat him properly, Ozik was already
taking the people of the Sarba kingdom hostage and using them as shields.

That's why the kingdom of Sarba was destroyed as large forces watched for
a chance to kill Ozdock with minimal casualties.

[Sighs, it's definitely weakened!]

"Oh, you bald bastard. It's suspicious. Last time at the first grave, I had a
dog's trouble with Shilderay. I'm sure Ozdock feels the same way. It's the
first time I've ever told you to wake him up, and I've never told you that
building a weapon requires mania.….”


Murakan, who had been agonizing for a while, clapped his hands as if he
remembered something.

"I see. You bastard. You got a guardian dragon, right? So you want me to
bring Ozdock's inner circle to use it as an English medicine?”

It is known that the inner endings of the beast are of no use to humans.

Instead, it was a top-notch spirituality for dragons. It is one of the few

means of boosting the heart's energy at once.

[Ha! At the level of thinking. This peconist has never told a lie in his life.
Sukho-ryong? I didn't even tell Jean to come find me if there was such a
thing. I would have just sent a guardian dragon.]

"I can't believe it."

[Oh! Don't go if you don't want to!] I tried to complete your weapon, and
you treated me like a con man.]

"Mr. Picone, I didn't. Murakan, why are you doing this to Picon? Huh?"

Jean who begins to mollify the pecons.

In fact, it was somewhat similar to Murakan's idea. It is burdensome to
wake up such a dangerous demon, and it reminds me of the memories of
suffering from the first tomb.

But it was unlikely to be a lie.

I also thought that catching Ozdock could be used not only for making
swords but also for other things.

"Warm up, Mr. Picone. Don't you think you should finish the masterpiece?"

"Hmm, hmm. Hey, yeah. I'm sorry. Why don't we just wake up the Ozdock
and get him?”

When Murakan also noticed and spoke, Picone nodded.

[Fuck the Black Dragon] If it wasn't for gin, there wouldn't be any soup,
very just.]

Tudukan, a blood clot on Murakan's forehead. But he showed patience and

scratched his back of the head, giving an awkward smile.

"Haha, yes, yes......I'll have a nice trip. Well, it's not a bad idea to definitely
cut off Ozdock's breathing this time.”

[If you take care of me, don't take a bite and bring it as it is, Murakan.]

"Okay, I'm strong enough not to eat that."


August 28, 1799.

A giant cat with plump cheeks strolled outside the Black Sea.

It was Shri.

This time again, Shuri displayed her spiritual ability and was finding the
place where the capital of the former Sarba kingdom was located.
It remains in my memory because I have visited this area several times even
when I was a cat of Heluram.

"I thought about it the other day, you cat. I'm pretty jealous. Can you give it
to me? I think she likes me, too."

said Mary, patting Shree on the back.


Then we should win this match and take it away using the winner's
command. Hahaha."

She was riding on Shuri's back with Jean and Murakhan to determine the

They chose the match not as a one-on-one battle, but as an "Ozdock


Together, they decided to defeat Ozdock to decide who will hit more and
perform better, and which side will stop breathing.

Murakan has decided to act as a referee and a safety guard in case of

emergency. If it is judged that the two cannot defeat Ozdock even if they
join forces, they will nullify the match and start fighting.

Of course, Mary didn't know that this was the youngest's work to strengthen
the sword.

"It is true that I am grateful to Mary in many ways, but there is a sense of
danger to announce the existence of Bin Branche and Peacon.'

It's not that you can't trust Mary Looncandel as the "third sister."

However, once he learned of the existence of Bin Branche, 'Luncandel 7th-

class Mary' was sure to make a judgment that would benefit the family.

It would be encouraging not only the Vine god legend's blacksmith, Peacon
Minche, to work on the weapons of all Looncandel.
'Someday it'll be because of me, but not now.'

Pride-minded Picon couldn't have convinced it.

In the end, Looncandel was very likely to have problems because he would
either take Vienna hostage or force Picone to work through a talent

It is natural for Jin to be kept in check all personal interests that he can gain
in the future through Picon.

There was a need to be cautious in sharing information until Mary was

convinced that she was a man of Jean Looncandel, not of the swordsman

"By the way, it's my devil. I did want to deal with it at least once. I heard
that it's different from the miscellaneous demons wandering at the
beginning of the Black Sea, but it won't end blandly, will it?”

Her heart fluttered all night at the thought of being able to fight a great
beast, and she couldn't sleep well.

That's why I didn't ask Jin how he knew there was such a monster.

Mary was a man who didn't care much about anything else, if only she
could have a proper fight.

"Kirk, if Ozdock were in his prime, you wouldn't have been the two of

As if Mary had said something cute, Murakan snorted.

Mary didn't seem too offended.

"Our guardian dragon seems to like the word heyday. Sooho-ryong, just in
case. You're not going to make a biased judgment, are you?”

"Well, then, this body is a fair dragon.

"Okay, let's get a strong drink when we get back. I heard that you have a
hobby in Chunghwa's house, and I have some good things in my

"Good drink and good choon-hwa, great. I'll do it!"

Murakan and Mary got along really well all the way. Jin did not seem to be
very surprised to see him get along as if he had been close from the

It was because I had thought that the two would get along well.

"I think we've arrived.”

Shree stopped walking.

In the middle of the Black Sea, all you could see was the devastated black
land and sky. It was once the place where the ancient castle of Sarba, built
of gold, stood tall.


Shree opened his mouth to the fullest.

"Then the milk-water, the lump of gold, which was full, poured out." The
gold blocks, which had been contained since shortly after their departure
from the family, were prepared to attract Ozdock.

Naturally, human access is extremely rare in the Black Sea.

Furthermore, they were the only ones who came to the Black Sea with such
a large amount of gold, and the place where the former Sarba dynasty was.

"The devil that eats gold. Let's see what it looks like. We've brought food,
so get out of here!"

Mary jumped from Shree's back and shouted.

Intense vibrations began to spread on the ground where they stood.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 354

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:33 PM

Chapter 354: Ep. 109. Ozdock (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Oh, you're really reacting right away."

Mary smiled interestingly.

There was an inwardly half-hearted doubt about Jindo. Aside from the fact
that the monster Ozdock has weakened compared to its heyday, I wondered
if it would be possible to survive underground in the Black Sea for a
thousand years.

Curr....... ...the vibrations rapidly increased rapidly.

From deep underground, the wriggling of life as if it were springing up was

vividly transmitted through the ground.

"Oh, I feel like I've got a whale on my fishing rod.”

Merry your appetite again.

"I don't know how weak he is, but you'll both have to be a little nervous."

Murakhan felt that Mary was a scorn. I thought I was so confident because I
had never experienced Ozdock in my prime.

Soon Ozdock's "arm"-looking body splashed across the ground.

It was like a column of metal. There was no visible part of the joint, so it
seemed impossible to move flexibly, but his arm made smooth movements
like molten iron.

A body with a steel-hard texture and water-like properties at the same time.
As soon as I saw it, I had a hunch that it would not be easy to cut it.

Ozdock's arms were sobbing for gold that had fallen on the floor, and Mary
was just watching the scene.

Jin, on the other hand, pulled out the sword even before Ozdock showed up
properly. Flinching! A pale blade came out of the sword, and a withering
brain spewed.

At the same time, a flash of light spread from Jin, and the next moment.
Jean walked past the arm of Ozdock, who was taller than her (even though
no half had come out).

'I didn't get cut.'

Intuition has become true.

It was as if I had cut the water. The moment the blade touched, there was
only a soft and creepy sensation, but there was no unique heavy feeling
when cutting bones and flesh.

"Hey, the youngest! What are you doing!"

Mary screamed.

She planned to wait for the Ozdock to eat the gold on the floor. in terms of
consideration for an exciting fight

"The hunt almost went bad. I don't think there's a big blow. Phew."
"I don't think it's time to argue that, Sister."

"My sister was so excited that she couldn't sleep at night. I'm already weak,
but I want to fight after I've improved that demon's condition a little bit.….”

"I didn't mean that. Aren't you competing with me?"

The words sharpened Mary's eyes.

"It means there's no bird to relax. You'll have to do something before I

finish him."

"Ha, you cheap bastard."

"You're the only one wearing silver gloves and making a field out of the
finest mana bombs."

"There's a little bit of grudging."


Mary's chain sword serpent's joint opened. Dozens of blades were instantly
stained with colorful oracles, and as soon as they began to stretch out their

A sharp shock wave sprang up in all directions. The gold balls that Shri spat
out were cut out like tofu, and Ozdock's arms were literally mutilated so
that they could not recognize the shape.

But it was not a cut.

Ozdock's arm only lost its shape for a moment on a swift sword, but it
quickly regained its original form when Mary stopped the serpent.

Then he retorted for gold, which had fallen on the floor, and a few gold bars
seemed to have entered the hole where Mary's arm had come out.

Yum! Yum!
I heard the sound of Ozdock gulping down the fallen gold bars. The sound
of the sound was filled with the dark and vicious energy of Ozdock.

The two gold bars that fell into the pit were no different from the embers
that reached the sea of oil.

[He, whoa...]…!]

The roar of Ozdock caused another earthquake. The vibration, which was
several times stronger than when he first moved, was likely to turn the
ground upside down at any moment.


Ozdock began to rise to the ground. When he lost in the energy, there were
big and small explosions everywhere, and Jean and Mary pulled out the
debris and pulled themselves together.

By that time Murakhan took his seat far away in the Shuri.

'What Picon said was true. It's incomparably weak in those days.
Nevertheless, the kid and that guy alone are going to be the only ones who
can handle it.'

I think I'll have to wait and help.

Murakan concluded so.

Despite a thousand years of sealed and debilitated body, Ozdock did not
completely lose the power of the devil.

The huge shadow of Ozdock darkened the earth.

'It's strange to me.'

'It's coming, a thrilling feeling that's going to be incredibly strong.'

Jean and Mary looked up at Ozdock.

This would be exactly what a monkey would look like if it had an angular
body, hairless, and big in size.

The golden energy that stretched out from the middle of the chest stood out,
which was the inner end of Ozdock.

[Great. Bigger.]

Ozdock only made strange noises for a while even after he stepped on the
ground, and he was not interested in Jin and Mary at all.

In the first place, it seemed that Jean and Mary didn't even know they had
attacked him. Ozdock was busy concentrating on finding gold by rolling his
big red eyes in the middle of his face.

"This hurts my pride.”

That's what she said, but Mary's eyes on Ozdock were glistening.

Perhaps he was terrified at the thought of meeting an opponent whose

physical attack did not work. No, most fighters must feel that way when
they see Ozdock.

It was a story that didn't apply to Mary. The same goes for Jean.

'I don't think it's regenerating, is it like a ghost?'

While Jean was pondering for a moment, Mary had already flooded into

Ozdock was sticking out his long dark tongue on the gold scattered on the

"I'll cut you off until you're wiped out, Ozdock."


To cut the tongue. No, it was the beginning that looked like a cut.
Mary's pet dog shot the sword at random like the light that was turning on.

Even Qin had images that overlapped at such a fast pace that it was too fast
to chase with his eyes, and every time the flash was drawn, the giant body
of Ozdock was blurred.

For the first few seconds, Ozdock continued to ignore Mary.

But when the gold bullion, which was about to be swallowed, was crushed
by Mary's energy, she responded for the first time by twisting her red eyes.

a dull sound of sound

That was heard shortly after Ozdock turned to Mary.

The unique sound of hitting a person with a trained warrior's fist or blunt


At the same time, Mary bounces and clenches her teeth.

The result was a blow to the side of Ozdock's tail.

Fortunately, he was able to avoid fatal wounds thanks to his defense just
before the attack, but it was more traumatic than his body.

'I almost got hit...…?'

a single blow

It's not an attack that was prepared properly, but an attack that was like an
unconscious hand gesture that struck down a fly.

It was almost impossible to fight. If the defense had been carried out even a
little later, it would not have ended with one or two ribs.

It was quite a surprise to see the sight.

'With that size, Mary's sister can't react?'

The fluff stood on edge.

"Murakan! Is this a weakened condition?"

When Jean shouted and asked, Murakan raised his arms and drew a circle.

"If you're having a hard time, this great black dragon will help you, so give
it a try. Hahaha!"

Mary stood up again and was shining in the eye. My whole body was
throbbing, and my embarrassment and anger rose sharply.

She decided to cool it down instead of expressing it as it is.

In the world of fighters, no one knows that Mary is a lunatic. It was also a
famous story that he loved to fight recklessly.

Therefore, most fighters thought Mary was a hot-tempered and simple


Those who know Mary 'well' commented that her eyes get the scariest when
they are as cold as they are now.

'When I fought with the youngest, when I killed the ghosts, and now. It's
certainly been a fun fight since the youngest came back. Now, how do we
deal with him?'

The gold on the floor was going into Ozdock's belly.

The surprise attack of the two was not very ineffective. He was not injured,
but more than 50 percent of the gold bars he brought for temptation were
lost in the attack.

Gold bars are a source of power that Ozdock has, so if he had let him eat
them all, he would have been twice as energetic as he is now.

"The youngest."
"Yes, sister."

"To inflict physical damage on Ozdock, I think we should aim for when he
has made himself hard for attack."

"I was thinking about it, too. It seems to be in a similar condition to air
normally. I wish that damn black dragon in the back would have advised me
on this."

Murakan lay on Shri's back, smiling, watching his brother and sister. He
even eats the cookies he brought in advance.

"But not all of the body will always be in an air-like state. If I did, I
wouldn't be able to chew on that gold ball.”

"You'll have a weakness?"

"Yes, and there may be another way to expose his body to physical

I'm so angry!

Jin's sword was struck and the flame and ice caps were lifted one by one in
both hands.

"I'll find a way to feed him with magic and power. In the meantime, please
find your sister a weak point."



Mary squirted blood in her mouth, narrowing the distance from Ozdock.

Now Ozdock was conscious of Jean and Mary. At first, he just woke up
from the seal and almost lost consciousness from the smell of gold he
smelled after a long time, but to some extent his intelligence has recovered.

The chain sword was drawing a sharp trajectory that was stained with light
again. Ozdock didn't avoid the attack again this time and simply bounced

Mary was stuck on the floor several times, but she stretched her sword
toward Ozdock without showing any signs of exhaustion, and in just a
minute or so she had to experience being thrown into the ground for more
than 10 innings.

But it was no longer a matter of hurting Mary's pride. It was because he

agreed that Ozdock was stronger than he was.

'It's like magic's immune.'

Flame, ice, wind, earth, blitz. I tried all kinds of magic, but none of it hit me

They would have thought it was nothing like an impregnable fortress.

If Jin could not check one more phenomenon.

'You can't be immune to both physical and magical blows at the same time...

I almost missed it. Mary's so backed up that we didn't have many chances to
attack at the right moment.

We've found a breakthrough.

'What's left of it make a magic attack at your sister's right timing?'

It was easier said than done.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 355

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:31 PM

Chapter 355: Episode 109. Ozdock (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Ozdock roared and struck the ground with his hands. The floor was peeling,
bouncing like roasted beans, and an earthquake, as well as the shock wave
that caused Mary's body to float into the air.

Ozdock then extended his fist at Mary, who paused in the air.


A huge fist ripped through the air, creating an unusual paraphernalia. If he

was hit as it is, even the blessed body of Looncandel would break his whole

Hana Mary, as Barton did, quickly changed her position by spraying black
in the air.

In addition, the moment Ozdock's fist hit the air, she wound a poisonous
snake around his arm.

The serpent, twined like a string, pulled and drew Ozdock's arm long with a

Fireworks erupted between the arms and the poisonous snake, which had
rapidly become hard due to friction, but it did not seem to have given a
proper blow again this time.

Rather, Mary was struck back before landing on the ground. Mary raises her
arms to block the tail that stretches with her fists.

The attack was reached before the poisonous snake was recovered, so it had
to be blocked with its arms.


Mary drew back with a gasp. A hideous mark left on the ground following
the direction in which she stepped down.

"It's much better than I expected.

Of course, it was only stimulating her fighting spirit rather than dampening

She even felt rather sorry.

'Without the youngest and Murakan, we could have fought more intensely.'

It was no different why Mary felt sorry.

No matter how much you lose in the fight against Ozdock, you don't have to
risk your life.

She trusted the youngest behind her back, and so did the Murakhan behind

Mary thought that no matter how strong Ozdock is, if they were there, the
winning rate would have to be 10 percent.

'You have to read the flow before someone gets tired.'

Jean had not yet taken any particular attack.

I'm reading 'Mary's Flow'.

To attack the same part at different distances, in different ways, at the same

It was something that even a well-coordinated duo could never easily


For a while, just watching Jean still did not make Mary angry. She had
noticed what her youngest brother was paying for.

As five or six more battles between Mary and Ozdock came and went, Jin
slowly clung his mana into his grasp as if he had finished calculating.

'The little guy, he's not great. Did you read my sister's attack in that short

Naturally, Murakhan was also inwardly admiring Jin's plans, grasping them.

And there was another man on the battlefield, a man with similar thoughts
as Murakhan.

'Oh, Jean Looncandel. That's funny. He didn't praise me so much for


He hid himself in one side of the battlefield, completely concealed, and had
been looking at the party for a while.

And no one noticed his presence.

The man grinned and watched the fight over and over and over again.

I'm angry!

The flame of the flaming blue-blue Chunghwa spread.

Then the king of the flame roared, pulling his long neck out through the
portal, and Ozdock flinched and turned his head.

"You damned bastard, where are you to put me in front of you!

Mary did not miss the crack and jumped up and gave a serpent to Ozdock's

It was the first time to attack the face side of the face because so far there
was no gap.

Boom! The serpent's blade was blocked by his teeth and unable to enter his
throat, but Mary's mouth was covered with an evil smile.

"Oh, you have a weak tooth?"


The sense of unstable shaking of one of the fangs in contact with the
poisonous snake was clearly transmitted through the tip of the sword.

Light teeth, that was Ozdock's first weakness. When he was hit by a tooth,
he even shook his body in agony.

"The youngest!"

At Mary's call, Jean nodded as if she knew. Jean immediately tessed and
shot the breath with Ozdock's muzzle, while at the same time forming a
new offensive spell in both hands.

Seven-star flame jade and eight-star hell wind. Ozdock backed away for the
first time as the swollen fireball and wind were fired.

It wasn't difficult to stop magic, but it was because I realized instinctively.

Two men in front of them have found two ways to hurt themselves.

Teeth and physics, magic simultaneous blows.

A thousand years ago, when Ozdock first became a demon, humans did not
find the weakness for quite a long time.

The Ozdock at that time was several times stronger than it is now, so there
weren't many people who could engage in a search war with him.


Ozdock roared and shook his fist.

But while Tess's flame squeezed in between his fists and headed for his
muzzle, and all the nerves of Ozdock were on it.

Mary cleverly aimed for his ankle. I'm sure the youngest would all know
that it would be much better to hurt a new area than to focus on his teeth.

The idea hit the mark.

Two spells prepared by Jean were flying into Ozdock's right ankle. Exactly
at the speed of Mary's rush there.

When the two men's attack touched their ankles, there was not a single
second of error.

Surak, kwaaak!

"Hey, this is one shot! Whatever it is, our youngest."

Ozdock's ankles were splashed with black blood peculiar to mana. The
fountain-like blood soaked Mary's head and armor, but she was smiling as if
simply contented.

On the other hand, Ozdock was busy removing the fire from his face and
regenerating his ankle.

So they tried to slow down their attack with an unpleasant cry that went
beyond the Cheonga Stone, but they were not the Runkandels to back
"It's time to get hit, Ozdock!"

Mary shouted, overlaying the serpent with a new aneur. The time of
counterattack must be as thrilling as it has rolled the floor dozens of times
in just a few minutes after being hit by Ozdock's fists and tails.

He prepared a series of attack magic.

At this rate, it seemed that the team would be able to win the victory in the
near future without having to bring out fish such as scintillation guns, hot
springs, and paroxysm salt and sulfur 1.


Mary was feeling 'like a magician'.

Just as two perfect frames are combined for each attack, Jin's attack magic
is assisting.

In itself, I felt the fact that my sword became indescribably colorful.

Even if you learn one more thing as a warrior. Now I wondered if Jin would
be able to carry out a better and more efficient attack than magic.

"Now I understand why you said the power of the old Looncandel
horsemen was great all the way here.'

Anyway, I got a chance to win.

Already, Ozdock looked remarkably slow, with the giant body almost
covered in blood.

Fingers were cut off, and a couple of fangs melted away in Tess's flames.

But Mary and Jean's attacks were getting stronger over time.

Mary, in particular, was recovering from her physical strength rather than
just avoiding and preventing his attack.
"You're a monster, too. I can't believe I'm getting more lively after being
beaten like that earlier.'

Pure stamina alone will never be enough to describe him as second to Luna
among riders.



Ozdock fell on one knee and gave a low moan.

With the sharp roar of Tess cutting through the sky contrasted, a little more
attack seemed to end the fight.

But Jean and Mary were thinking of this.

'I didn't think he was this easy to finish.'

Was he the one who ended up giving you the vibe? It is said to have become
infinitely weak, but this gold monster that terrorized the world a thousand
years ago.

However, there was no need to wait carefully.

Cut, tear, cut, break, and you'll get the answer.

Jean and Mary's eyes turned to the middle of Ozdock's chest.

It was where his innermost thoughts were. The whole body was black, but
only in the middle of the inner chest was a gentle golden glow.

Attack the innermost body.

Without having to speak out, the thoughts of siblings were well understood.

Ozdock has been on the defensive, but he has been protecting his inner
Maybe it was a trap.

"After making you attack the inner side, if your sister comes into your arms,
you may launch something new.'

It was a possible development.

But Mary also had that level of assumption. If the Ozdock swoops in with a
bait, Even if they do, they are confident that they will avoid fatal injuries.

Jean read Mary's thoughts, so she didn't add any advice.

Instead, they only prepared the right magic to perfectly match her to the last

'I like it from one to ten, the youngest one. I'm proud of you, so I'll give you
a present.'

Mary raised the corners of her mouth.

Then, the loose chain sword was firmly fixed in a straight line, shining the

From the blade of the knife, which was quickly stained with ore, the glow
was so intense that the eyes were blinding.

A posture for stabbing.

A tie.

Another lethal move of the Looncandel, classified differently from the duel.

Mary's stabbing was one of the seven ties of Looncandel.

Jean had never seen the tie before, but she could recognize at once that it
was not an ordinary poke.

"You showed me the transformation of the volcano the other day, and are
you trying to frighten me again?"
There was no time to infer what technology it was.

This was because the tempo that had been naturally matched has risen

Before Mary's movements are finished, she must prepare magic at the same

'The Lord seems to have cared about the 7th rider. Judging from your
posture, it looks like you transferred it yourself.'

The man who was watching them shone with interesting eyes.

'And I'm sure you've never seen a 12-man before, and you're thinking of
assisting with the flow...….'

I'm glad I came here myself.

The moment the man organized his thoughts.

Wedge squirt!

Mary stretched the serpent straight.

Looncandel Fifth Vigie

light speed poking

It was the name of the sword she unfolded.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 356

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:30 PM

Chapter 356: Episode 109. Ozdock (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean narrowed her eyes reflexively.

It was because the serpent's flash, stretched out from Mary's grasp, pierced
the eyes. a strong light comparable to the direct hit of a flashlight

It was the light that spread with the explosion of an infinitely condensed

'Connection? Or is it Vigie?'

The attack did not seem to be modeled after the Ming sword.

When Jean thought of it, Mary had already finished her move. White smoke
was soaring from Mary's sword, which stretched diagonally toward Ozdock.


Mary took a deep breath once. The move is over, but nothing has changed

'I couldn't see any moment of the sword...…!'

Even if it's a gin.

No, even a warrior better than Jean.

It was impossible to 'react' the light. In line with the name of light speed,
there was not a single person in the world who could avoid the extreme fifth
bid with just a reaction.

A prediction that goes beyond the response.

or any realization that transcends prediction.

Light-speed stabbing was a sword that could never be avoided without such
an element. Far from being the basis of swordsmanship, a demon could not
respond to the mysterious blow.

The flash had already passed through Ozdock's inner end three seconds ago.


A beat late, something cracked and burst from the chest of Ozdock.

A hole as big as a human's head was pierced in the middle of a large inner
hem. Ozdock bowed his head in a stunned gesture and looked at the hole,
and Jean beyond the hole.

I was watching a scene with a bigger black hole in the sky.

Mary's speed-poking reached the sky. A round island-like crack spreads

through clouds in the Black Sea, which floats like a black sea.

The shudder shot up through the spine. As an unmanned man, I had to be in

awe. To the fact that this is the result of a single stabbing.

"Fortunately, magic must have been struck at the speed of that massive
stabbing. I'm sure you weren't lucky, and Mary's sister set the pace."

Ozdock cannot prevent magic and physical attacks at the same time. Jean,
who recalled the fact again, shook her head unconsciously.
'But if my magic hadn't touched me, somehow that stab wouldn't have hit

Oh my gosh!

Ozdock vomited a lump of black blood. He roared in anguish and roared,

and punched down the floor like crazy.

Fit... ...

A new crack began from a hole in his chest, with a sense of as if the thread
were being broken.

Lines were drawn on Ozdock's body like bloodshot eyes. The lines,
hundreds and thousands of them, were all derived from the spot where the
speed of light had passed.

Fingers fell off, tails cut into dozens and ankles and thighs cut in pieces.
Ozdock's whole body was literally disintegrating.

a shock worthy of the name of Biggie

Nevertheless, Mary gritted her teeth as if not satisfied.

"Chit, we still have a long way to go.”

Anyone who has seen this near-power stabbing would never think of the
expression "a long way off."

But if you have seen the sword of Siron Looncandel die out like a particle
in a blow, if you have grown up watching it. I could think it was far away.

Or you could have thought it arrogant.

He's already comparing himself with his father.

However, there was something else that made Mary's backbone cool rather
than stabbing her at the speed of light.
'He's not finished yet.'


Jean and Mary had a hunch that the thousand-year-old inner mana had not
yet died.

It was common for the highest level of mana to have super-renewable

capabilities. Not to mention the inner mana named like Ozdock.

If Ozdock was just as good as the devil he was, the heroes of a thousand
years ago wouldn't have been so troubled.

Ozdock was the strongest man of the time among those with inner circles.

Kuddeuk, Duddeuk!

The body of the shattered Ozdock began to shrink rapidly.

It didn't seem threatening at all on the surface. Rather, the separated bones
and flesh seemed to be crushed and disappeared.

But it was a preparation for "transformation."

The body of Ozdock, which turned into a particle, was creating a figure in
the air. Mary's pupils grew bigger, and Jean called out her phoenix.



Tess lit up his eyes and threw out the sparks of blue. They gathered all the
sparks that are currently operational and shot them.

It was in no time that Chunghwa completely eroded the shape of Ozdock.

As if not enough, the blue flames formed barriers everywhere, completely
locking up the Ozdock.

Jean and Mary, however, remained alert and kept their positions straight.
"You're a pretty gross guy, aren't you? It's been a long time since I've had a
straight shot at the speed of light.”


Tess, who had been glaring at Ozdock for a while, gradually became
smaller and was called off.

It wasn't because I used up all my strength.

'I don't feel good. You need to save your strength and try again.'

The power of Ozdock, whose transformation has ended, is not predictable,

so it is arranged. If there's a situation where you have to pull out Magum
Beegee, then you can test it.

'It's been a long time since I've seen that annoying thing.'

Murakan looked at Ozdock, who was finishing his transformation, where

the energy of Chunghwa was gone.

In order for a demon to have inner layers, it takes an unimaginable amount

of desire, stimulus and time.

A mana wounded by a sword warrior looks back countless times at the

moment of defeat, and one day he has an inner hem and evolves into a
sword-sharp body, or a demon struck by a magician becomes immune to

In the case of Ozdock, it was greed.

He didn't live on gold from the start. Like other common creatures, he was a
common creature that ate animals, humans, or other creatures.

Then Ozdock had an inner heart in his cove for gold because one day he
suddenly realized the habits of the humans he was killing.

The place where he lived before he had a inner circle was near the trading
There, Ozdock did not put down the gold until the moment he died, and ate
countless humans who tried to protect the gold coins in their arms before
their colleagues.

And when you have innermost thoughts.

Ozdock has become more like a human being than any man. Personality,
behavior, language as well as appearance.


Ozdock, who had been covered by smoke, came down from the air and set
foot on the ground.

A great body like a mountain was nowhere to be found, and he looked

exactly like a human being. The existing black body was armed, as if it had
been turned into armor and swords.

"Wah, what is that? Are you sure you're a demon? It looks like a person.”

Smaller. Smaller than gin.

Obviously, it has become incomparably smaller than before the

transformation, but Ozdock's sense of hypocrisy has become several times

Jean and Mary's backs were being chilled.

[Wake up after a thousand years, but I can't welcome you. I can't believe

said Ozdock, shrugging.

"Crazy, youngest. Is that what he said, now?"

[The stabbing was a bit dangerous at the end. It could have been a disaster.]

Shhhh, Pete!
As soon as Ozdock finished speaking, blood spattered from Mary's right

The sword he shot brushed past his cheek.

It was originally a sword shot at the neck. If Mary didn't react by twisting
her head, she'd have been decapitated.

Mary quickly opened the street.

Ha, ha, ha.

My heart beat two times and I lost breath. Cold sweat spread in the grip of
the sword.

[Oh, no, no?] For the service of waking me up, I was going to let you go
painlessly. If you come out like this, you're the only one in distress.]

When you say that.

Ozdock was already stabbing the sword into Mary's side. At a speed that
cannot even be recognized whether the distance has been narrowed.

The attack was blocked by a silver-gold, but a further blow drew a long cut
on Mary's shoulder.

Even that would have led to a bigger injury if Jean had not rushed in and
prevented the third inspection.

Kagang, break!

The black blade of the brain-stained Sigmund and Ozdock tangled.

Although the King's Sword's breaststroke and oppression were constantly
replaced, Ozdock was not under any pressure at all.

[Hold on, you guys. This sword trick... it Looncandel?]

asked Ozdock, leisurely attacking.

"What's the point of knowing that?"

Jin, who takes a defensive posture against Mary.

She had just consumed a great deal of ore with a luminous poke, and
avoided a surprise, so she needed some time to refresh herself for a while.

[To save him.]


[Now that I'm awake, I don't think I need to be Chuck again with those
stupid guys. If the Looncandel still exists, is the Zipple destroyed?]

Ozdock knew how to see humans as forces, not individuals, as all forces
were designated as public enemies in the past.

So, at that time, whenever necessary, we tried to survive by trading with

these forces and those forces, and we planned to do so again.

I've learned enough lessons a thousand years ago that no matter how strong
I am, I can't deal with the world by myself.

[If the Zipple is still alive, I can help you out. What do you say, your family
and I have a kind of symbiotic relationship?]

"It's not symbiosis, it's gisaeng, Ozdock. Do you think Looncandel is a

name for a mere devil?”

[They don't seem very smart.]


Ozdock's blade cut the hem of Jean's coat.

"The youngest, buy me 30 seconds. Is it possible?"

Mary said in a low voice. But she didn't have a serious look on her face.
"more than that, as much as you like."

[Sniffs] [Sniffs]]

Mary was rather full of amazement, with a look of madness. It is exciting to

know that if you recover for only 30 seconds, you will be able to open up a
volcano's transformation and fight a strong fight with Ozdock again.

'Merry Looncandel. That's crazy, too. You mean you won't ask me for help
in this situation, and you'll keep fighting? I thought the little guy was gonna
find me, but they're just trying to keep fighting.'

Shake shake, Murakhan shook his head.

It was a moment for him to step forward. There was no need to put siblings
at risk.

I'm gonna have to change into my real self, and I'm gonna have to start with
the red pepper paste.... Huh? What's that?'

As soon as Murakhan was calculating the situation after the break-in.


A flash of light flew from somewhere and cut off Ozdock's right arm. It was
not an attack by Jean and Mary.

Also, it was originally a blow to the torso.


"Oh, damage?"

A man smiled back, returning what Ozdock had said to Mary a little while

He was a man who watched the losing party on the battlefield all the time.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 357

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:28 PM

Chapter 357: Episode 109. Ozdock (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The man used a curved sword commonly used by non-mental fighters, and
the sword that looked twice as long as an ordinary one was impressive.

I'm sure there's no one like this around here. Where the hell are you...…!'

Jindo, Merido, Murakando.

I had no idea that the man had been on one side of the battlefield for a

Because the man didn't want it. He was originally going to watch the riders
fight and just go back.

Ozdokra showed his interest in the devil.

'He's a very powerful man. No, it's not enough to say that I'm talented.'

a superman

The brothers and sisters immediately classified men as such.

The sudden intrusion of the strong man made me nervous as if the awl was
stabbing in the lungs.
The transformed Ozdock was a rival who wondered if he could win even if
he used the Ming-gumjeolgi, a jet fighter, and even a sword-beating device.

I'm sure there aren't many people in the world who can cut off Ozdock's
right arm with a single blow.

And here, it's the Black Sea.

'It's highly likely that it's my father's person.'

A black knight, or a former black knight.

The man's face was invisible because he was wearing a black hood of a
robe. He gave Jean and Mary an eye for a moment, and then turned his head
to Ozdock, who had opened the street and was reattaching his arms.

[Who are you...]…!]

Ozdock was a clever devil to speak human words.

I felt it as soon as I got a blow. The fact that a man can never help himself.
If it had been in its prime, it wouldn't have had to be daunted, but such an
assumption was meaningless.

"Your guy?"


A crescent-like sword just past Ozdock's right arm. Black blood splashed
like a fountain, and Ozdock bent and raised his arms and opened the streets

"Even my Lord doesn't call me that......a mere devil's mouth is rough-


[Who... this you?]

Ozdock immediately shifted his posture to a low profile. From afar, a look
of horror stood out.
"You're not a smart guy. You don't have the ability to learn?"

Squirt! I heard the creepy sound of another cut as the curved sword shook.
Again, it was Ozdock's right arm.


"When you ask about someone, it's usually a priority to reveal your name
and identity. Oh, did I expect too much from the devil?"

[No, no. Kuck!]

Cuck! Truck! This time the man grabbed Ozdock's back and fed him a
lower kick on his thigh. If the group hadn't been used to the sound of
ruptured muscles and crushed bones, they would have closed their eyes


[Oh... ..Dock.]

When the man asked in an unsympathetic voice, Ozdock replied, holding

back his groan.

"You're a legendary demon. I never imagined I'd be buried in a place like


[Save me, you can use me usefully...]... Kuck!]

This time, I got a fist in my stomach. The seemingly light fist sent shock
waves to the other side of the abdomen, and the man leaped and shot him
down with his heel before the shock wave spread out, sending him back to
the ground.


The Ozdock, whose head was stuck on the ground, shivered. The tremors
seemed to stop and die at any moment.
"I warn you in advance, I won't allow you to exaggerate."

Of course, it didn't happen that a man felt sorry for it.

In the first place, the odds of Ozdock winning were very slim if he fought to
the end, but with the appearance of a man, it was completely gone.

Ozdock limped out his head stuck in the ground.

And then ha, after a deep sigh.

I'll do anything. Help me!]

As he turned toward the man, he kneeled down and showed his hands
begging for his feet. You rub your hands so fast that you can't stop rubbing

"Yes, now I think I'm a little self-aware of my position.”

[If this poor demon is guilty, he is only awake. I have no intention of

causing chaos in the world again, and it's just the fragrant food, the, not the
human, but the gold. Anyway, I'm attracted to food...….]

When Ozdock made his own story, Jin was speechless.

I never imagined that the devil who had just driven himself and Mary to the
defensive would be so servile.

[, I will live a good and quiet life. So if you just let me go.]

"Hey, hey. Ozdock. Where's this bastard selling drugs? Good? Quiet? Is that
what's coming out of your mouth?"

said Murakan, approaching the camp. with a frown all over his forehead as
if he were quite dumbfounded

Shuri also spoke out as if she agreed. Shuri had also heard of the notoriety
of Ozdo K in his heyday. Of course, he was not as cute as his old owner.

"Thousands of years ago, how many people did your guy eat or kill for fun?
In the Kingdom of Sarba, how many other people did you starve to death in
a joint venture between you and the corrupt human rulers? "Doesn't the
original spirits appear in your dreams while you're sleeping.

[You, no way. Mu, Murakan? So, is he also a knight of the Runkandel?!]

Ozdock shuddered back. The term 'this man' meant a man, of course.

In Ozdock's memory, Murakan still remained the vanquished king of the

sky in his heyday. If you didn't take the entire kingdom of Sarba as a
hostage, you shouldn't even make eye contact.

posterior, posterior, posterior

Murakan shrugged, digging his ears with his pinky.

"I guess I haven't been hit yet. You call all my names like that?"

[Me, I'm sorry. No, sorry. It's because I woke up after a long time.]

"Yes, it's right to come out like that. Then let's go now."

[Where are you... ...going?]

"You have to go to hell. The ground doesn't fit well for a mana with a lot of
karma like you. On your way out, give up your meds. I'll take care of it. Or
should I do it for you?”

After the man, Jean had to feel another strange feeling about being afraid of
Murakhan. The attitude of the beings of a thousand years ago who had
difficulty with Murakhan was hardly adapted.

[Well, what can't I do?] And what's my inner circle for?….]

"Now I'm curious about the guy who's going to die.”

As Murakan strode away, Ozdock was almost ready to burst into tears.

With five or so steps left with Ozdock, the man stood in front of Murakhan.


"Say hello late, Mr. Murakhan. The sword of Looncandel meets the
guardian dragon of the family. My name is Tuben."

The man bowed his dog politely, revealing his name. Murakan smiled very
pleased with Tuben's attitude.

"What, you. Are you a black knight?"

"It's been a while since I've taken off my black helmet, but I'm still on a
mission similar to those days."

"Yes, there's a lot of trouble. Get out of the way for now, get that thing

"Sorry, I can't."


Murakan didn't ask me why.

"Then there's no choice but to force it."

"Can't you get out?”

"I've got someplace for his inner belt. Come out."

Tuben, who doesn't answer and looks at Murakhan still.

In his head, he was quickly calculating what judgment the Lord would have
made at this time.

"Ha, me, by the way. You don't care about me and the youngest, do they?”
Mary raised her voice with blood on her forehead.

"Ji-soo. You're also late for greeting. How have you been?"

"As you can see, I've been well. By the way, I can't believe you broke into
my fight like this is Sir Tuben. No, I didn't know it was Uncle Tuben.”

Mary's eyes sharpened.

"Because I thought, if you're a Mr. Tuben I know, you can't just touch my
game......don't you think?"

In the past, Tuben had helped Mary in fencing under Rosa's orders.

Although the teaching was not long, Tuben highly valued Mary's wildness
at the time.

That's why I wasn't so surprised to see the fact that the poet wrote the tie


Mary's sword was brightly colored with an aura that rose like smoke.

In fact, she wanted to step up and say a word from the moment Tuben
appeared, but she stayed still trying to suppress the Orr trying to reverse the

"You're all mistaken, but he's the prey of me and the youngest. I can't touch
my game, even if my father came in person, not the black knight of the

Mary was now preparing to fight Tuben, not Ozdock.

She was such a person. That's why I've always been able to get a high score
from the public opinion.

However, not everything I'm saying now was sincere.

'You're someone who knows how to bluff.'

It's true that Mary was really upset by Tuben's intrusion.

She was bluffing to protect the inner circle of Ozdock, the reward her
beloved youngest brother should get.

"But if Lord Tuben doesn't step down from here, he'll have to stick to his

Will there be a chance of winning against Tuben if he, Murakhan and Mary
join forces?

In the midst of a quick miscalculation, Murakhan also began to join Mary's


[Yes, Mary said the right thing. You shouldn't appear suddenly and disturb
others' quarrels.]

Murakan, who was transformed into his true self, looked down at Tuven
and Ozdock.

Ozdock felt dangerously crossing the river of life and death at every
moment. When he tried to overpower the children who were trying to kill
him, he begged after being assaulted by a superman, and now he is
threatening the children with the help of Murakan.

"And whatever your mission is. He's the one who's got nothing good in the
world if he keeps that beast alive."

"You know my personality, don't you? Uncle Tuben. Never back down at a
time like this. Even if that leads to a vain dog's death."

beyond one's control

He stood next to Mary, wrapped his brain around Jindo's sign. I've never
imagined threatening a former black knight, who is called the strongest, in
this way.
"You'd better just die, Lord Tuben."

"I didn't know there was such a reckless side to the 12thank you.

"Haha, Uncle Tuben. It's more than me, not less. If you're going to do it,
let's do it quickly, it's getting cold."

The moment Mary was about to stretch her sword, glistening her eyes.

[Wait a minute!]

Ozdock, who just finished his agony with extreme concentration, opened
his mouth.

[He, all of us...]...there is a way to achieve the goal. The children of

Murakhan and Looncandel can take my innermost thoughts, and Lord
Tuben here can take me alive.…?]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 358

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:27 PM

Chapter 358: Episode 109. Ozdock (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean and Murakan, Mary and Tuben turned their heads at the same time and
looked at Ozdock. In particular, Murakhan's big pumpkin-colored eyes were
repeatedly blazed as if they were brilliant.

[What?] Oh, this is another crap that I'm trying to live a pathetic life
somehow. Hey, hey! Get a hold of yourself?]

[Oh, please listen to me!]]

There was some sort of person who came to mind at the point.

"Is it a devilish jet?"...? You see all sorts of things.'

Ozdock looked exactly like Jet in every gesture and action.

The legendary demon who showed great power until just before the
appearance of Tuben is nowhere to be found, and there is only one foolish
life left to live a life of slavish and servile life.

Oh, my God!

In Ozdock's eyes, so spitting out sighs of despair, even chicken-like tears

were streaming down.
If you're not resistant to this kind of servitude, you'll have to turn a blind
eye to Ozdock and forgive him.

But it was not true for the great Black Dragon and the swordsmen of

"Tell me. I'll hear it for now."

Among them, it was Jin, who was kind of compassionate. For Ozdock, the
voice was bound to feel like a lifesaver.

[Little boy, there's nothing more to listen to. Myan Mana dies when he loses
his inner Danes.]

"From now on, if you think what he's saying is nonsense, you don't have to
ask me, just kill him right away."

It was also a close-knit rope that could break at any time.

[Thank you!]

Ozdock began to explain slowly, looking at the four men's sensations.

[This is really a secret...]...I actually have two internal organs.]

Nothing has been known to the world about a demon with more than one
inner circle.

Therefore, Murakan has no choice but to crush and kill him right now.

[Gee, calm down. If I had only one inner circle, would I have been able to
fart like that in those days?]

Murakando, heroes from a thousand years ago who faced Ozdock in his

I used to find his enormous power strange. Although it is common for inner
mana to deal with dragons by setting up a punitive force even though its
combat power is only average, Ozdock was at a different level.
However, people thought that Ozdock was just an exceptional demon. Just
as there are often transcendent powers in humans and dragons.

But the source of Ozdock's power, was in two inner layers.

Unlike other manas, Ozdock, who had the exact resemblance of "human
greed," wanted to be the next, even though the conditions for being inner
mana were all filled, and the result was that:

Unknowingly, he had two inner hemlines.

[Yes, let's say your guy has two internal organs. It's in your body, isn' Take
it out right now.]

[The other one is somewhere else, not the body.]


Tuben, who lightly turns Ozdock's chin with his elbow.

He was about to fall down, but quickly stood up.

"As asked the guardian dragon of Looncandel. Don't tell me the location,
but bring it in person and show it to your eyes."


Originally, Ozdock intended to lie that the inner circle was buried in an area
very far from here. That's why he tried to run away as soon as there was a

But I realized once again that the situation was not so easy. The only future
left for Ozdock was to vomit a second inner Dan and be taken away by

Ozdock swallowed a deep sigh and moved to where he had first awakened.

How did you get that? have to hand it over like this!
I thought so while I was taking out the inner layer buried there. Ozdock was
a demon of great greed not only for gold and strength, but also for survival.
As all living things do.

The ozdock, which had been burrowing for a long time, came back to the
ground with its burrow.

[Huh, it's really two?]

The inner layer looked like a lump of pure gold as big as an apple.
However, the color was so strong that it was clearly distinguished from pure
gold even to the general public.

[Something better than what's inside your body. Why'd you hide it? Was it
insurance or something?]

Murakhan recognized the enormous energy contained in the inner circle at

once. If Ozdock had held this inner hem in his body, he would not have
been so vain by Tuben.

I was undernourished at the moment, so I couldn't bear it.

[Oh, so you were going to take care of the kids, eat gold outside, regain
your strength, and then come back and use them?]

[Yes, sir.]

[Give it to me. Not to me, to the kid. Hey, not that kid, you little boy!]

Ozdock, who was heading for Mary, gave Jean a tip. His trembling hands
stood out as if he really didn't want to take it away.

[If he'd recovered and used that endoderm, he'd be about six or seven
percent of his prime. I can see how crazy he must have been.]

Ozdock barely quitted and said, as Jean put the inner Dan in her arms.

[Please...... please use it in a good place.]

It was ridiculous for a demon to say such a thing. But instead of laughing at
him, Jean nodded still. It's not hard to be so generous.

[And don't forget this Ozdock. I look forward to seeing you someday...…!]

Indeed, Ozdock was a fast-paced devil. He recognized that Jin, not

Murakan, could have a faint hope for the future.

The emphasis on 'Don't forget' meant one day to save yourself from the
human being named Tuben.

"Will my father and his former Black Knight keep Ozdock alive?'

It was only natural that Tuben would capture Ozdock alive and take him.
It's true that he's special enough to be reported to Ciron.

Furthermore, Ozdock had some memories from a thousand years ago.

'Looking at his reaction, I don't think he knows the insides of those days in
detail. If you rob them, you may find information you need from
Looncandel or your father."

Ozdock looked at Tuben with a sullen look. He seemed eager to take

himself away.

It was because that Mary, a human being, would be annoyed once more if
she tried to talk about the game again.

"May I go now, Mr. Mukan?"

Murakhan nodded gladly.

He had actually been very fond of Tuben for a while. He thought it was
very good to be polite to him without being rude and obnoxious.

[Oh, yeah. Go ahead.]

a silent Tuben After a while he made eye contact with Mary.

"You've become strong, 7th-class. I'm proud of you. But...'ve

"I've changed?”

"The former seventh-term player didn't lie with justification to achieve his

"What are you talking about, mister?"

"The moment I said I was going back with the demon, you would have put
out the sword. If it was a girl I remember, obviously."

a justification lie

Not only Qin, but also Tuben was correctly aware of Mary's bluffing to help
the youngest.

"If you want, we can stick together now. Until either side dies or becomes

Then Tuben snorted as if he were dealing with his cute nephew.

"I didn't mean it didn't look good."

"You've been very ill, too. Well, it's been a while since I officially retired.”

"If the riders had done better, they would have been able to truly retire."

Tuben wore a giant curved sword on his back.

Mary seemed to accept the offer, though it was a bony. He actually thinks
what he says is right.

"12 jockey."

"Yes, Lord Tuben."

"You seem to have a question for me."

Of course I did.

I didn't have a chance to ask a question, but I was just thankful that Tuben
asked me first.

'I'm sure you'll ask about Lord Luna. Lord Luna has a very special regard
for the 12th rider. Or maybe we could ask about the Black Sea mission.'

As Xiron brought Luna to the Black Sea, Tuven naturally talked to Luna.

Except for the mission, Luna brought up the most stories about her
youngest brother, a very strange figure for Tuben, who had seen her for a
long time.

It also occurred to me that Vanessa Olsen, another former black knight on a

mission together in the Black Sea, had talked about Jean several times.

"Since when have you been on the battlefield?"

Jean asked a question quite different from Tuben's expectations.

"Until Lord Tuben showed up, I could not feel any sign of it. I was
confident in reading the energy, but I felt like I was completely beaten.”

"Did you get hit?"

"If Lord Tuben had tried to kill me, it wouldn't have been difficult. I'd like
to ask you what kind of enlightenment you need to have in order to hide
that much."

The eyes of Tuben in the black hood deepened.

"Did I ask too stupid a question?"

" However, it's a completely different question than expected. I

honestly thought a 12-year-old would ask about the Black Sea mission or
Lord Luna's regards."
"My father needs me for the Black Sea. You'll naturally find out when
you're here, and I'm curious about Luna's sister. I think you haven't told me
yet because you have a good reason."

For a few seconds, Tuven, without answering, looked down at Jean and
answered like this.

"I'm proud of your 12th class."

"You're flattered."

"It wasn't because I was as talented as Miss Jonah, or because I had the
ability to hide like King Unknown."

Suddenly, Tuven waved his hand lightly in the air.

At that moment, Chin could feel the uncanny twisting of the intangible
energy that spread through the air along his hand.


The sense of being transmitted from the air scattered by Tuben was strange.
As if the road was blocked, I couldn't feel anything on my nerves.

Even the wind did not seem to flow.

"It was a simple trick. It's a kind of an air barrier, using an auror, and both
the 7th and 12th riders were all focused on the battle. I couldn't find a
hidden, unusual space."

It required a great deal of play to be called just a light trick.

"I can twist the feeling of space by opening the screen with my own small
area. That alone would be quite exhausting.'

But Tuben filled most of the battlefield space with Orler's tricks. Even so, it
was amazing that Ozdock was treated as if he were dealing with a back
"You look like you've become a magnet."

"Yes, Lord Tuben."

"I'll report to the Lord that the first person to find the beast was a 12-gear. If
the Lord judges that a demon is worth it, there will be rewards."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 359

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:25 PM

Chapter 359: Episode 110. New Bradamante (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The bodies of nameless creatures were almost invisible. When the knights
took off their steps, there was a clatter of blood on the ground, and their
clothes and armor were all blackened.

But only one, Siron Munchandel.

He looked clean, without a drop of blood, even though he cut more than 50
percent of the ground that had been cut into six pieces. Even though the
black blood filled the peach bones, he was walking on it as if a leaf had
risen, making his feet clear.

This is the heart of the Black Sea.

Only Zion and his henchmen have set foot in the depths of the Black Sea
over the past few decades. Except for them, no one in the world has visited
this hellish area.

Except for what they're making, there's no map of the informal, there's no
knowing what's going on, and there's no telling what's going on, and there's
only a few bone fragments that's useless to kill the terrible horse water.

There is no reason for the world to visit the heart of the Black Sea. Some of
the brave fighters who went to the Black Sea alone to seek growth did not
know what the scenery was like here.

But Ciron and his Looncandel are working on exploring the Black Sea.

I thought my family's fortunes were at stake.


"Yes, Father."

"It will soon reach the realm of the Five Kings of the Black Sea."

"......I was wondering if it was time to run into one."

"Are you tired?"

Luna swept over her bloody hair.

Il-soon, the images of the demons she had cut while coming all the way
here flashed through her mind. There was a time when Siron and all the
articles, including her, could not catch their eyes for ten days in the face of a
flood of mana.

"No, I'm bored. When I fought with my father, the bed and the bed were all

It was her first thought that such a long battle could be so safe like this.

The theory turned its head.

"Has there been no learning in the fight?”


The only thing Luna, who has reached a transcendent stage, could throw
such a topic at a warrior was the opinion of the world.

Luna briefly matched her eyes with Siron and looked around. I saw black
knights checking the equipment and sharing the water.
"I learned how to leave my back."

a nodal argument

The eldest daughter, Siron Looncandel, is the first child a man has ever had.

Luna was born to be moved and expected by Ciron, and she never let Ciron
down until she gave up the throne herself.

Even after he declared that he would step down from the race for a
housekeeper and become a sword to protect his family. Ciron held out the
expectations that had been hanging on her for quite a long time.

Somewhat out of place with him, extremely......with a human heart.

He also wanted his eldest daughter to live a full life as a warrior and as a
man, regardless of where she lived.

But even after she was old enough, she couldn't break down a few walls that
kept her locked up, and that always came a little too bad for her.

Not knowing how to fight together.

That was the biggest drawback of Luna, which Ciron thought. She was born
with the destiny of absolute talent and solitude.

"You've just realized that. It's essential to deal with the kings of the Black

It wasn't a reproach. Rather, Ciron smiled a faint smile as if pleased.

It contained a lot of things. Luna knew the fact, so it was hard to choose an

The sun that is farther or less accessible than the stars in the universe.

Luna's relationship with her father. Not only her, but all her children have
felt the same way since childhood.
'Compliments? No, not just that feeling......I don't know how to put it.'

I scratched my head awkwardly.

Of course, Ciron was not meant for any answer. However, as Luna, she did
not answer anything and slept without saying anything, and it was not polite
to answer, and I couldn't think of anything to say.

So in the midst of a difficult situation.

There was a new addition at the rear of the line.

It was Tuben.

Sir Tuben? Something unusual has been discovered in the middle of the
Black Sea? That man you brought with you, no. Is it because of the devil.'

Far away from the line of Zion, Tuven was mapping the middle of the
Black Sea with Vanessa Olsen.

The gaze of the procession turned to Tuben, and to Ozdock, who was
following him with his head bowed politely beside him.

Although Ozdock still looks like a human being, everyone recognized him
at a glance.

"Lord, I'm here to report something unusual."

"Tell me, Tuben."

"When I went to the beginning of the Black Sea, it was confirmed that the
7th and 12th riders were approaching, and they were fighting this beast.”

Luna listened attentively to the expression "12 jockey." Thanks to Tuben, it

was not enough to pass the difficult situation naturally, so we could hear the
news of his youngest sister who was curious.

Ozdock's shoulders crouched again and again, watching Zion and black
'And, these demons that I don't know how many have died......all things
could have been inner mana with time and opportunity. How many people
are there in the world of Tuben? Moreover, the Lord of Tuben.'

A thousand years ago, it reminded me of a name everyone called the


Temer Looncandel.

The Ozdock, reminded of his sword, shuddered with a shiver. Ozdock took
the former Sarba kingdom hostage to avoid attacks by Themeer and

[My name is O'Zdock...]…!]

Unknowingly, Ozdock knelt down saying his name. He bowed down and
bowed down, but Ciron did not give such an eye to Ozdock.

"How was it?"

"The 12th and 7th riders worked together, but they struggled a little bit. And
then I broke in and ended the situation."

"Did you think they were going to lose?"

"Not really. But if the riders did their best, they could see the battle from the


Tuben felt that it was a compliment to the riders, not himself, who ended
the situation.

'This ozdock, a mare, is pretty strong. You think the youngest could handle
it by himself? I can't wait to see how strong he has become in the last few

Nobody paid attention to the fact that Ozdock is a 'magic man' who uses
human language. It was because they had often seen such a beast in the
depths of the Black Sea.

While Luna was agonizing over whether to ask such a question, Tuven, who
read the mind, opened his mouth first.

"A 12-year-old could have killed enough by himself. But if he didn't have a
helper like Murakan or a 7th-term player, he would have died before
leaving the Black Sea because of the injury."

Ciron had the same curiosity as Luna. Jean's growth was even beyond his

"It's been a long time since anyone but you posted a report on the barracks,

a silent carriage with a water bottle closed

He was also making a map with the black knights. He also traveled between
the heart of the Black Sea and the outer continent to inform outside news.

"It's been a long time since I received a special letter from Tikan, so I was

"It took quite a long time for the letter of the author, Kashmir, to be fine. It's
funny when I think about it."

That's funny, when the theory said that, all the drivers seemed surprised.

These days, Siron has seen such things from time to time. Before going up
to Changseong, I sometimes joke around like a young man, and talk about
some trivial and general needs.

The deeper we enter the Black Sea, the more we see it.

So the knights hid their grief deep in their hearts.

It was a sorrow that came from the fact that the Lord was an ordinary
human being before he became a traitor, and that there was not much time
left as a human being.
"Ozdock, the demon of legend."

Xiron first gave Ozdock an eye.


"Until you have the innermost thoughts, until you use human language. It
must have taken a long time.”


Tuven lightly crushed Ozdock's shoulder as a warning. Of course Ozdock

dared not groan.

"If the Lord asks, answer in more detail."

[In the Black Sea, a wife, lived for a thousand years...]…!]

A thousand years in the Black Sea.

And another thousand years going back and forth between the outside and
the Black Sea. It took a total of 2,000 years for Ozdock to become a demon.

"Then you must know about the geography and kings of the Black Sea.”

Does it seem insignificant at first glance?

Ozdock was able to feel intuition at once.

The moment you say, "I don't know," your whole body will break down and
end your life.

'Oh, man! I don't remember clearly before I had a medley.…!'

But I had to answer that I knew. It wasn't quite a lie, to say the least.

[Well, yes.]

"Hello, beyond the region of the Fifth King of the Black Sea."
[Okay! Leave it to me!]]

Ozdock replied with a forced smile.

And I couldn't help but think this way in my mind. I should've just stayed


Bald hair, no. The legendary blacksmith and now their god, Peacon Mincee,
glistened his eyes with great excitement as soon as he was diagnosed.


Now, his heart is beating with the thought that he can finally complete his

Moreover, the inner layer brought by Qin had greater power than he
thought, so it seemed that the sword would be strengthened and used

The fact that the inner circle was bigger than expected also meant that the
Ozdock was less vulnerable than Picon expected.

"Hey, bald hair. Are you happy? Huh? You like it because you always cheat
like that?"

Therefore, it was perfectly reasonable for Murakan to be sarcastic to Picon.

This time, Picon did not get angry with Murakan as if he was a bit of a

I was so excited that I didn't even think about replying.

[Chuck, I can finally get you my kid done...]...! Jean! Now, here's the last
thing I need......Ugh!]

Murakan, who holds a pecon by the collar with his eyes glaring.
"What? You need something else? Do you really want to die? Huh? Kid,
don't stop me."

"Yes, I don't intend to stop you. Keep doing what you're doing."

[Hey, hey, wait, wait!] Lord, put your fists down. Listen to me till the end!]

"I'll give you five seconds. Talk to me. If it doesn't make sense, we're just
going as it is."

[The last thing I need, fire. It doesn't have to be bought separately, it's just a
matter of Jin running the Magum Beechup.]
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 360

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:23 PM

Chapter 360: Episode 110. New Bradamante (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Then you're going to say that from the start, this is making a fool of you.”

Murakan let go of the pecon he was holding. Peacon coughed in shame.

I can't use a fire to touch Bradamante alone now that I don't have my old
stove. That's why we need Magum's power.]

"Loud, make it quick. Anyway, it's a lie every time I open my mouth. Do
you know how strong Ozdock was?"

[Looking at the inside, I can guess...]….]

Peacon looked at me with greedy eyes.

It's a look that comes from the heart of being able to complete Bradamante,
but for those who don't know the circumstances, Picon will seem to be
filling in the corrupted desire.

"I didn't know what would have happened if I trusted you this time. Oh, I'm
pissed off again. Blow this up."

[Hahaha. Everybody follow me. Let's go finish the work right away!]
A pecon that hums down to the ground.

Murakan shook his head at the back, and Jean shrugged.

"When I was a human being, I couldn't help being self-respecting, and he

was always squealing whenever anyone came to me. I think those days
were less nasty. He became a god and he got a little weird.”

"Well, you're the reason I started looking for Themeer's grave. He's only a
little mischievous, he's a good guy.”

"Hen, why do you owe it to that bald head to start looking for his grave?
Thanks to Solderlet."

The two also followed the Picon down to the basement. There was a secret
blacksmith shop built by Jean in the basement, which was much larger than
a house built on the ground.

Eyes were turned on the huge anvil in the middle. On the anvil, Bradamante
was shining brightly.

Aegeom, or companion.

After gaining it as a cadet, Bradamante was no different from Jin's alter ego.

'I haven't swung him for months already. I'm looking forward to it...….'

The Picon placed the inner hem on the bradamante.

Then, as I said just now, I cut out about 30 percent with a hand knife, as if I
didn't have to use it all. A fairly hard inner shell was cut gently like a

"Hey, don't even think about taking it."

[You know who's the thief. I don't want to. And I don't have a guardian
dragon yet. Jean, what's the rest of this for? You're gonna use it to restore
his heart?]
The innards of a demon act as a great spirituality for a dragon. It was not
impossible to restore the heart of a destroyed dragon, especially if it was the
inner end of a monster about Ozdock.

But Murakan snorted.

"I don't know what you're talking about. A bald head, the heart of this body
can't help it. If I could only have fixed my heart that much, I would have
been looking for a demon with a kid."


"There's a dragon I need, not me. I'm going to feed him."

The brain dragon Caltor, the guardian dragon of Julian.

Jean was thinking of using the remaining inner layers for him.


The peconine ate up my appetite as if it was a shame. There was a little

expectation that if Jean gave her the remaining inner dan, she could produce
another weapon.

Peacon, of course, was only greedy for the act of "making" itself as a
blacksmith, and had little interest in the personal gain from it.

"I'm thinking of saving Nathan as soon as I hear the news of the devil. If
you don't have to use it in a hurry, I'll support you, so don't be too sad."

As Jean read the mind and spoke, Picone grinned.


"Yes. Now that I know that the internal organs are also used in bowel
movements, I need to make weapons for my colleagues and my knights."

[All right, all right. I'm glad I became a god. Now, let's get to work.]
said Picone, hiding behind Jean's back.

[Bradamante opens fire!]


[What's the matter?]]

"There won't be a cellar left in the energy of the fire."

[I'll help you with that, so don't worry about it and open it up. I'll try to
converge as much as possible on one point as possible, Bradamante.
Instead, you shouldn't push me away even if you feel my power involved.]



As I pulled up the force, the flames erupted. At the same time, Jin's two
eyes were colored with flames, and mana and a stream began to flow
through the loon characters carved on Jin's whole body.

The energy of flames, huge enough to flinch even Murakhan, filled the
basement in an instant.

No matter how gin it may be, I could not concentrate all this great flames
on a small object called Bradamante.

Not only the basement but also the surrounding land could be burned

at a moment of sudden anxiety


Another "fire" has been thrown out in the middle of the flames of the
industrial fire, which has just begun to bloom.
Colonization does not only require iron and iron. Fire was also an integral
part of blacksmith's art, so the god of blacksmiths also had the ability to
deal with flames.

The fire of the pickon mingled with the uptrend to make the way. Thanks to
this, Jin was able to make it much easier for the flames of up-and-coming to
converge into Bradamante.

[Um, not enough yet!]]

At the end of the Picone's words, chrysanthemum rose through the red
flames. Gaah! As the summoned Tess added to his breath, Picone burst into
a satisfied laugh.

[Yes, this is it!]

For such a long time, he poured out the flames until he ran out of ore and

Jean had already put down her sword and was breathing hard, but the
flames still headed for Bradamante, drawing a spiral. The bradamante was
shining golden because of the molten inner hem.

[Well done. I'll finish it soon if you take a break.]

Jeez! Suddenly, the portal opened in front of the Picon.

What jumped out of it was a hammer that was larger than most of the

A pecon that lifts it up and starts hammering.

Kkang, Quang! The sound of a giant hammer hitting Brada Mante rang out
his eardrum.

Suddenly, Jean fell asleep with a feeling of strength all over her body.

September 4, 1799.

A full day has passed since the hammering began.

"Did you wake up? That took another whole day. You said a little, but you
lied again."

Murakan spoke out, but added, "Well done" to the point where he could
hardly be heard at the end. After finishing the work, Picone's face was very

No wonder he literally swung the huge hammer without a second's rest.

Unlike his emaciated face, however, his eyes glistened with a sense of

"Little boy, you must have been pretty tired? I fell asleep like that. Was the
fight with the Ozdock harder than you thought?”

Jean shook her head.

"I don't think so, but I'm not sure. I wasn't this tired at the time of the fire."

"I'm gonna have to make some medicine.”

Suddenly, I had a question of falling asleep, but right now I wanted to touch
the completed bradamante.

The hand of the Picon, who gave the bradamante to Jean, trembled.

[Hoo-hoo, the best sword since Barissada...]….]

When the sword was held, the warmth that had not yet gone was conveyed.

And I could realize before I could even swing. It has become an item that
cannot be compared to the one we used before.

[How is it?]
"The sword could change like this."

[Automatic language is armor-opening. You have the rune of the Moulta, so

both the kicker and the outside have matched it.]

armor opening

Like Muleta's rune, an armor was formed immediately upon the recitation
of the Baltic language into it. The spirit that came out of Bradamante
wrapped his whole body.


Armor formed all over the body before a second had passed. Overall, it was
a sleek appearance, but it was not made of steel, so instead of being glossy,
it showed the unique texture of Young-gi.

There was no seams-like crevice in the armor formed by Bradamante.

Nevertheless, there was nothing wrong with moving the joints.

A perfectly sterile black armor with no sense of weight, no square. I could

feel the dignity of the blacksmith's god as a masterpiece.

And the beautifully fluttering cape was impressive.

[The cloak was inserted for your dignity afterwards. Of course, it's not that
it doesn't have any functions......specialized in preventing magic. Above all,
the cape is removable, so it will be very useful in situations where you have
to protect others. Do you like it?]

"Yes, thank you for your hard work. Mr. Picone."

[Hah, it's the first time I've seen you with that look on your face. If you
check the attack's performance, it's going to rip your mouth off.]

As it said, as soon as the new spirit was injected, Jean raised the corners of
her mouth.

The sense was different from the previous one when the spirit was injected
into Bradamante. Even though it was merely instilling spirit, it was as
intense as if the sword was opened.

[The original attack side couldn't make it better, but your phoenix. Thanks
to the flame of Tess, there is a new power in the bird that I don't know. You
call it medium pressure, don't you think?]

There was a subtle blue energy between the black-colored blades.

It was the energy of Chunghwa. The power contained the power of the
medium pressure, which was the result of the permanent injection of some
of the force of the flame system while Tess was pressing the sword.

'Oh, that's why you fell asleep.'

Following the fight against Ozdock, it was a bit too much for Jin as well as
for him.

The reason Qin fell asleep so suddenly was because Tess meddled in this
world to the limit, using his energy.

To inject a heavy-pressure force into the sword to be used by his contractor.

Tess said that under any circumstances Jean would, so to speak. He hoped
that he could use the force of heavy pressure even when he was out of mana
and couldn't summon himself.

Even though Tess has great power as the god of the flame. When an
ordinary blacksmith produced an ordinary weapon, he couldn't.

It was possible because the blacksmith god, who was about to be a pecon,
touched the new sword called Bradamante.

Instead, it was not without any restrictions.

'Dimension doors to the pyrolysis won't open...…?'

I tried to summon Tess to express my gratitude, but even after the
ceremony, the gate did not open. Only the blue flames to open the portal in
the air were spreading.

Instead, is it because of the power of Chunghwa in the sword?

Jean could feel the 'will' of Tess, which was passed down on the

If you want to show up again on In-se, you need time to recover yourself
for a while.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 361

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:22 PM

Chapter 361: Episode 111. Traces (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Ten days have passed since I got a new Bradamante.

I haven't used the bradamante properly yet. I wanted to test the performance
of the enhanced weapon right away as one person's unmanned aerial
vehicle, but there was a separate problem that Jin was more concerned

'Anzh Grand Plain, where Temar's first grave was. And people went to the
kingdom of Shucheron, where Jorgeby and Olmango are.….'

Ever since Kinselo came and told us that "other forces are also looking for
Temer's grave."

Jean had thought about him all the time, and asked Tikan's colleagues to
review the tombs they had previously visited before they went to catch

And that's what Kashmir said today.

People believed to be people of Zipple and Beimont, respectively, visited

the Anzh Plains and the beaches of the Kingdom of Shucheron.
Jin learned from the arrangement left by Solderlet as a contractor that the
areas had Temer's tombs.

In other words, it is practically impossible to trace the tomb unless it is a


'The fact that they went to Anzh Plains and the Shucheron Beach may be
the result of following me.'

Even after becoming a jockey, Jean has always dressed up and moved when
dealing with Temer or other personal matters.

When we visited the Anz Great Plains, we intentionally crossed the Holla
Mountains (only Joshua was conscious at the time), and when we visited
the Shucheron beach, we just pretended to be on vacation for a few days.

The secret space of the Myoin people, where the third tomb was located,
had mysterious characteristics that could not be entered without their
guidance. Nevertheless, the specter had been tracking down the camp.

'My route is being exposed.'

It wasn't directly followed.

If he had, he would not have been aware of it. Unless it's a figure like Jonah
or King Unknown.

'Margiela said that my movements had been exposed to the Beacon imperial
family. Maybe they traced and estimated some of the aliases and activities I
used. That's why they sent people to Anzh Plains and the Shucheron Beach.'

Of course, just because Jipple and Beaumont sent people to Anzh Plains
and the Shucheron Beach, they didn't immediately dig up meaningful

The tombs that were already there were investigated, and the recording
device was also taken by Jin.

However, the fact that "he was stepped on the back" itself was important.
I thought it'd be like that one day. Big powers aren't fools.

It was only a pity that it began to be exposed faster than expected.

The 'Luncandel 12' was in a position where no covert action could be taken.
It was Runkandel's natural position that not only his own power, but also his
enemies tried to look at each and every move.

Furthermore, enemies are looking for Temer's tomb like Qin.

So far, it has been nothing short of a miracle to find three tombs alone
without a fatal problem.

'It's partly because I did that well, but eventually there will be limits.
Besides, I was lucky to have encountered a ghostly band at the third grave,
but it almost hit me hard.'

Had it not been for the sudden intrusion of Kinselo and the help of Dipus
and Mary, we would have lost a lot of money.

'We need more allies.'

Jean alone, no. Chin and Tikan's colleagues alone could not deal with
Beemm and Jipple.

Even the inside of Looncandel is full of enemies, and Kinselo will end up in
the 'false competition'.

While agonizing, someone hit Jean on the shoulder.

"Hey, the youngest!"

It was Mary.


"What do you think? Alas, were you thinking of such a commendable idea
of when to have a rematch with this sister?"
Mary sat beside Jean.

Jean, who looks at her with a soft look.

'If Mary's a complete ally, she'd be reassured.'

Mary already regarded Jean as her own.

Jean also felt a sense of humanity in her favor, as well as what she might
call brotherhood.

Still, Jean did not inform her of the existence of Bin Branche and Picon

It was because she judged that she was likely to use them as a family
blacksmith as a seventh rider.

But there was a real reason why I couldn't trust her.

'As long as you have a second brother, Mary's sister can't be my complete

Diffus Looncandel, a four-time member of the family.

To make Mary a ally, we had to recruit Dipus.

But not only did Dipus, but Mary also did not give up her throne.

'Me, DiPus, Mary sister, Joshua. It's these four who haven't given up their
place now.'

And one person whose intentions are unknown, Luntia Looncandel.

She also had a competition of five people if she was looking for a place in
the family.

Therefore, approaching Dipus to solve the immediate problem was too

much gambling.
It was a possible end to try to recruit Dipus to get Mary, but only to give her
information and get hit in the back.

It's too much to bring in Diffus and Mary right now. It's possible to use it.'

As a rider, Dipus and Mary always consider choice for the family first,
whatever the problem may be.

Suddenly, Jean, who thought of the proposition, smiled inwardly.

"A rematch? I think it's better to just conclude with your sister's victory."

"Huh? What's wrong with you? Uncle Tuben broke in, so it's right to call it
null and see the game again!"

"Even before Lord Tuben broke in, it was no different than we had already
won. Your sister's beige made Ozdock transform."

"No, do you really think so?”


Mary, of course, knew to accept the result that Jean was invalid.

So I was only thinking of fighting again, but when Jean admitted defeat
without a hitch, it was a totally different trend than expected.

I can't do this. We have to wait another three months for a fight with the

Mary, who thought so, moaned.

She was as willing to accept the rematch, as the youngest was as

competitive as she was.

"I don't think so. Get back together."

"Don't be too mean to your defeated opponent."

"Then I'll use the winner's command. My order is a rematch. This is no
problem, right?”

"......when we first promised a bet, didn't you read the contract we sent you

Every time you fight, you win or lose based on fainting. The one who falls
down first is the loser, and the loser must carry out one of the winners' Of
course, I'll write a contract so that it won't fail.

I like it. The contract is a bit cumbersome.

The conversation we had at the first match. At that time, Jin had actually
made a contract and received Mary's signature.

Mary tilted her head at the thought of the fact.

"Uh...... I think I've read it."

"There is a clause in the contract regarding the limits of the winner's order.
In addition to the fact that the loser cannot demand self-determination,
expulsion of the family, deprivation of property, etc. There's a clause that
says a rematch can't be ordered either."

"Let's say it's self-determination and family eviction. Why a rematch?!

" don't really think you need an explanation, do you?"

"Well, then let's go back to what I won. Back to the beginning, the mana
match itself is invalid. Let's move on to the side that it's right to play again."

"From the time someone called the order himself, it seems like the winner
has been decided."

I had nothing more to say for Mary.

"You loach!"

"That's a good compliment to hear."

"Whoa, I get it. All right. You're brilliant, yeah. Let's say I won. Then use
the real command. Give me that cat."

"If you're referring to the butterfly looncandel, you can take as many as you

"Butterfly, no. Not Murakan. Shri, your red grave."

"If you look at the contract, there is also a clause that states that the winner
cannot issue orders that the opponent cannot realize. She's contracted with
me, and I can't release her."

"You, you bad."

"Sister, give me a more realistic command. It's not that difficult."

Mary, by a hair's breadth, almost crushed Jean's head.

But it wasn't to blame Jean. I'm just a fool for not looking through the
contract properly.….

There was nothing wrong with him, as he was trying to win the match with
the youngest one more time. I can't help but feel anger.

Jean glanced at Mary, who was slightly strung.

"For example... ...give orders to buy delicious drinks."

"I don't need that!"

"Or do you want me to steal some of Murakhan's limited edition Chunhwa


"The last time I saw it, the things I had were better......after, no. Let's see,
let's see. Who do you think is a fool?"

"If you don't like it, ask what information Kinselo gave me. How many
realistic commands are there?”
Then Mary's eyes became round.

Oh, why did I forget that? had a face of When Kinselo actually visited his
family, he stopped Gilly from making a mistake.

'I feel like I'm being dragged into by the youngest, but...... well, it's not bad
to know. Deepus Orabunny seemed to be wondering what was going on
between his mother, Jean and Kinselo.'

Since Kinselo's visit, Rosa has not yet told the riders about him.

"Chet, yes. What information did Kinselo give you then?"

"It was about Gipple and Beaumont and other forces tracking the legacy of
the first family."

"What? The heritage of the first family?"

"Temar Looncandel, about his grave."

"......what happened to the tomb of the guest housekeeper?”

"In his tomb is hidden the old power and old secrets of Looncandel. And I
was looking for a tomb apart from the family, and Kinselo noticed it."

Then Mary fluttered her eyes.

"You were looking for the tomb of the first housekeeper, apart from your
family? You mean your mother didn't do anything even though she knew
about it?"

Mary's sudden rage was not a feeling for Jean.

Rosa Looncandel.

It was anger at the fact that his mother had not informed the riders of such
an important matter.
'You didn't expect me to tell the other riders about Themeer's grave,

Jean smiled and nodded her head nodded.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 362

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:21 PM

Chapter 362: Episode 111. Traces (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was obvious why Rosa had so far not disclosed information about the
tomb of the first family member to the riders.

First of all, profit.

She had no intention of sharing the benefits of Temer's tomb with other

Whatever the benefits may be, he thinks it is for Looncandel to have it in its

Second, confusion.

From the moment the story about Temer's tomb became known to the
riders, it was natural for riders like Mary and Dipus to protest against it.

Even if there is no evidence.

It was obvious that Rosa only shared information about Themeer's tomb
with Joshua.

'The brothers have no objection to their mother siding with Joshua.'

It wasn't like that it was from the beginning. It's just past the time when
everyone was like that's all.

As the riders were human, there were many moments when Rosa's favor
filled me with anger.

Looncandel. This harsh family finds it hard to find their own place and

There was no time to complain to one's beloved parents.

More youthful Siron and Rosa were not as generous to their children as they
are now. A cadet who was not yet qualified to carry the family flag, the
reserve rider could not even dream of rebelling.

There is an exception to Luna, but it was literally just a story of a monster

that was far beyond the mark from birth.

So everyone became jockeys, enduring the time of unjust, terrible and

painful growth.

It was the conquest of horsemen that they could never wear just because
they were old and achieved nothing.

A strong man.

Externally and inwardly. Only a hard, solid human being is entitled to lift
the flag of Looncandel.

That's why the riders no longer hurt their feelings about favoritism. Rosa's
favoritism has become a phenomenon in which she can no longer give up
even a small scratch, let alone anger, to their hearts.

But it's not because the feelings of other riders, except Joshua, have worn
out and become dull.

'Because I was sure. The mother's favoritism toward Joshua would be the
best judgment for her family.'
The riders, so to speak, have reached the stage of respecting the favoritism
of Rosa Looncandel, the mother.

Neither did Joshua think it was as good as Luna, nor did the riders think it
was the way for Looncandel to push him.

However, the conviction that Rosa's favoritism is not for personal gain.
That's why riders respect Rosa's favoritism.

'But sharing information only with Joshua about Temer's grave was seen by
other riders...It is by no means a judgment for the family.'

Temer Looncandel.

an invincible guest house whose family was raised but not enshrined in the

The absence of his place in the tomb was a symbol of shame and a memory
of defeat for Lungandel.

Do you know. The guest housekeeper, Themeer Looncandel. He could not

be buried here.

Yes, I also know that there is no tomb for him anywhere in the Sword

The dark power you have. That's why we can't honor the guest housekeeper.
Spread your spirit.

A conversation between Siron and Jin on the day he left the family as a
backup rider.

The absence of Temer's tomb in Yeongmyo was due to a long-standing

pledge made by Looncandel and Zipple, to be exact, a curse.

A thousand years ago, the gods of Jipple joined forces to curse the blood of
Looncandel. A curse that makes all the Looncandels after Themeer
unusable mana curse.
There is not even a ceremony in honor of the Temer in present-day

Not many people in the world knew the details. Even within Looncandel,
very few knew that the gods of Jipple directly cursed Looncandel a
thousand years ago.

'But I'm sure all the top riders know. Especially Joshua is trying to become
a contractor for Soldierlet himself, so any rider who's been competing with
him for a long time can't help but know.'

Mary's in the seventh place, not just in numbers. Her actual ranking as a
jockey was within five fingers.

Above all, she has been competing with Joshua for a long time, unlike other
mid- and low-ranking riders, and has been sharing all the information with

Such Mary cannot "respect" Rosa's judgment.

"Damn it..."

Mary clenched her teeth and said the latter.

"You're intelligent, you know why I'm so angry."


"And... ...maybe you've expected me to react like this."

Jean saved her answer, meaning she would not deny it.

Mary, the seventh-term Looncandelian, was a man who could be cool and
sharp whenever he wanted to.

She recognized exactly that her beloved youngest brother did not just give
her this information in favor of her.

He did not know that he told me to use himself.

What is the use for?

Needless to say, it was a use against the mother and Joshua, and to impede
their plans.

That's why the calculations went back and forth quickly in her head.

Except for the modifier "I love you" from my beloved youngest sister, I
changed my youngest sister to "12 jockey."

Mary's calculations were no different.

Whether the youngest, and how they are supposed to hear the story of
family watching even account for how beneficial to him.

While she was pondering, Jean began to organize her thoughts.

"My mother would have decided that I would never share with my brothers
about Themeer's grave. You thought that would disrupt my monopoly of the
tomb's heritage.'

However, there is no problem with the monopoly.

In the first place, unless you were a contractor of Soldierlet, you could not
have the legacy left in the tomb.

"My mother has known the existence of the tomb for a long time, but she
does not know exactly what it is. If a man who is not a contractor of shadow
finds a tomb, he will not know that he will only face the guardian.'

So Rosa was tacitly allowing Jean more freedom than a certain amount.

Without knowing the exact inside story of the tomb and the contractor of a
thousand years, Jin is first waiting to find out and get everything.

So that when Jean finally grabbed everything, she could take it all at once.

'If there's a setback, it's not that I can't monopolize the inheritance and the
arrangement...... it's the end that everybody, including me, doesn't get it.'
You can't get the inheritance and the arrangement unless you're a contractor
for Soldierlet.

Even if not a contractor, it was possible to destroy heritages and

arrangements. That's why Gipple is still searching for Themeer's tomb with
his eyes lit up a thousand years after the old era.

The purpose of the Beacon was not to destroy the heritage, but to obtain the
body of the Temer.

'I don't know how far Beacon knows about heritage and arrangement, or
how he learned it. They are confident that they can use Temer's body even if
they are not contractors.'

Then this was the worst outcome Jean and Looncandel could face.

Jean does not get a legacy, Luncandel fails to overcome the humiliation of a
thousand years ago, Jipple destroys all the tombs, and Beacon gets
Themeer's body.

'If I keep looking for Temer's grave, I'm more likely to end up like that.'

Eventually, he had to get help from his family. You need strength to protect
your heritage.

But Luna is the only perfectly reliable rider, and she is absent.

Therefore, they had no choice but to take risks.

Whether it was more dangerous to publicize the contents of Temer's tomb

or to continue to investigate the tomb alone was a question that had already
been answered.

Soon Mary finished her worries, too.

"I will formally make the matter public at the next meeting."

Fortunately, she gave Jean the answer she wanted.

Mary decided it was the way for Looncandel.

Finding the legacy of the first family and returning it to Looncandel, and
regaining the family's old status, which even the Jipple had no choice but to

I felt that there was nothing more important in the present Looncandel.

Also, this thought passed through her head.

'There's no way my father doesn't know this. Never!'

So isn't the reason your father is so obsessed with the Black Sea, is because
it's related to Themeer's tomb?

Mary, who came up to there, nodded.

It was a judgment that it would definitely be so.

Mary's faith and respect for Rosa had been wavering little by little for a
long time, and in the end she had just been completely crushed by Jean's

The belief that the absolute goal of the theory was the revival of the family
and the lottery was still strong. That was a proposition that would never

"How much do you know about Temar's grave?"

"The guest housekeeper was a contractor for Solderlet. That's why Murakan
was his guardian dragon. In the tomb of the first family, there are some
things left for me by Solderlet, along with the first family and the legacy of
the old Looncandel."

Mary's eyes dilated.

"Solderet left it for you...... is it because you are a contractor from

Looncandel, who appeared in a thousand years?"
"Yes, sister."

"That's understandable."

Mary swept over her hair as if she were frustrated.

"You tried to win over the things that Solderlet left behind behind behind
behind behind the family. But when Kinselo appeared and suddenly said
that other forces besides you were looking for his grave, he decided that he
could not handle it alone. Right?"

Mary's sharp point surprised me.

"That's accurate."

A dark flesh spread over Mary's eyes.

This time it was obviously a life for Jean. As a seventh-term player, Jin was
furious at the fact that he had been hiding such an important issue.

But unlike Rosa, it was understandable on the one hand.

Mary thinks that most of the family hates Qin.

'Is the youngest 19? If I were then, I would never have told my family even
if I could not have what was in my grave. burning with vengeance and

Mary, who collects slow living.

"Ha, me. You bastard. That's mean."

Jean didn't bother to say sorry.

It was because it was not something to be sorry. I didn't whine for help just
because it was too much.

"Well thought, Jean, anyway. If I had been caught hiding this fact out of
greed. I wouldn't have just let it go back then as it is now."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 363

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:20 PM

Chapter 363: Episode 111. Traces

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Maybe if I hadn't told you, your sister wouldn't have known forever.

"If she did, she'd probably be...….”

You would have informed me and the other riders. It's for the family after

Mary couldn't keep up with the afterword. Before I heard this story, I wasn't
sure that Rosa really only made judgments for the family now.

The sand castle of trust toward Rosa has been torn down.

"... ..whatever, you've heard a great story unexpectedly. If I reveal this in the
conference room, there will surely be chaos in the family."

In the future, all riders, as well as Mary and Dipus, will move to find and
protect Temer's tomb. Not only the jockey, but also the big figures of the
senate, especially those who still hold on to their old and long-standing
ambitions, such as Jordan.

It was because it was a rare opportunity to achieve a feat.

Some people would come forward purely for the sake of their families, and
others would come forward to fulfill their desire for fame.

Whoever found or kept Themeer's tomb was bound to remain in

Looncandel forever.

"Chaos. When I look back, it's always been my role in the family.”

"That's why the senate has such ugly hair."

Mary's voice was more toned down when she said so.

"Isn't that the same for your sister?"

"I don't think so. There are a lot of old people who like me. Well, I hope
that after the chaos you've caused this time, some order will come. See you
at the meeting."


However, Jin did not attend the next meeting. He left the family again under
the pretext of his mission.

'I'm glad I finally had an assignment.'

After all, the central theme of the meeting will be Themeer's tomb.

Jean had nothing to gain from attending the meeting where Mary would
detonate a bomb.

'Is Mary embarrassed that I'm missing? But they would have pushed ahead
with the public debate, so the conference room must be in a mess by now.'

I'm sorry I didn't see the scenery in person, but I didn't want to get caught
up in a tiring situation for no reason.

Jean was thinking of returning slowly. By the time all the people who
deserve to be on stage are ready and begin their full-fledged activities.
'Ten days, or fifteen days. That'll be enough to get you back. This mission is
rather heavy. Oh, if it's the rescue of the royal family who's being
kidnapped by a naval fort, isn't it that great for a flagging mission?'

Of course, Jin did not solve the big task himself.

Bellop Schmitz, this time again he was going to rescue the royal family on
behalf of Jean.

I'm a little worried if he'll make it, while Jean thinks so.

Bellop was screaming, searching through all the offshore fortifications near
Beemment. Where the hell is the rescue target, shouting? The blades of the
mercenaries flying incessantly were a bonus.

'Cheer up, Belop.'

There was one more person who needed to cheer up.

Not exactly a person, but a dragon.

Jean was about to visit Tikan to see the dragon wake up.

"You're here, Confucius."

"Woo-oh! It's Confucius Jean!"


As they entered the mansion, Kashmir, Enya and Zet welcomed the camp at
the same time. Other colleagues also gathered to greet each other.

Enya also looked at her back as usual and said her autograph, while Jean
was writing softly on the back of her shirt like water.

"It's always sitting on meaningless autographs."

When Murakan disheveled Enya's hair, Alisa smiled.

"Don't you have a hobby in collecting meaningless booklets?"

"Alisa, that's not true. How can it be meaningless to collect such noble
books? More than that, this smell. Hm, Quikantel. Looks like you've got a
good dose of medicine."

Sniffing, sniffing Murakan with his nostrils. It was no different from what
he described as medicine.

ozdock's inner circle

Ever since Jean saved Nathan, Quikantel has stayed up all night to add the
spirit tablets. To wake up the guardian dragon Caltor of Julian.

He told Picon that he wasn't interested in the secret mastery. Murakando's

dragon seemed to be tolerated, but the smell of the spirit made my mouth

"Well, you're not dead yet. Quikantel's English medicine has been
incredibly sweet since a long time ago. So, how's that Caltor guy doing? Is
there any improvement?"

Since his rescue, Caltor has been nothing but a dead body.

Mac was barely able to pinpoint even his name and hardly breathed.

The broken bone didn't show any sign of reattaching, and the wound barely
healed left a scar.

Anyone who saw it would have thought it was already dead. The dragon,
fatally wounded in the heart, could never rise again on its own.

Even Murakan, who was the strongest dragon in the world, had been asleep
for a thousand years after injuring his heart.

Even that would not have woken up now if Jean had not found the stormy
"There is a roadway. However, Quikantel said that he needs to be extremely
careful in feeding the spirit because his body is too weak.”

Ratri looked anxiously at the door over there. Beyond the door was the
room where Missha had healed Murakhan in the past.

"That means you need a little more time."

"Yes, but you said there's nothing you can't wake up, so you don't have to

"What are you worried about?….”

That's how Murakhan answered, but he slipped his eyes toward Julian
sitting in the corner. He seemed to be concerned about it in its own way.

Julian skipped meals for days and sat there waiting for Caltor to wake up.

Jean was trying to offer him words of consolation but just swallowed it.
Some talk seemed never too late to tell after Caltor's consciousness

"By the way, I don't see Veris."

"Oh, my teacher is working now. The 2nd Litra refreshment store is

scheduled to open soon, and I think you'll be the chef there. Ratri says you
have a lot of talent.….”

Enya still had Veris as his teacher.

And Veris was now teaching magic with all his heart, giving up pushing

'In the hounds of Tymoon Marius, the chef of the refreshment store...….'

The daily life of baking cookies was now more familiar than in the days
when people were killed by orders as a hunting dog and a modified genius
'Wonak was raised as a murder doll since childhood, so I wondered if a
normal life would be possible after losing magic. You seem to fit in
surprisingly well.'

Somehow Jonah was a rising gin. It would be great if his youngest sister
could live a normal life someday.

"What about Kuzan?"

"Mr. Kuzan went to check on the work of the Seven Colors earlier...... Uh,
there he is.”

Naturally, the party's head went back to Kuzan, who had just entered the

He was holding up seven-colored papers full of both hands, and as soon as

he saw Jean, he gave a nod and threw them all away.

Shake it!

"Hey! Be careful, man."

Jet ran quickly and helped organize the fallen documents. And tonight, a
drink? I laughed as I saw him making a gesture of hitting a glass in the air.
The two hit it off unexpectedly.

"Prince, I was going to call you anyway. You've come at the right time. A
letter came to Confucius."

There was only one letter from Tikan to Jin.

'Is it Valeria!'

Geez! I opened the letter as soon as I got it.

(Found traces of the Myo people. It's a forest named Wantaramo, west of
the Kiken Empire. I'm sure you know it's not a normal forest.
Let's meet and talk about the details. Come to the largest inn in the
southwest of the Kiken Empire by September 19.

And I'm out of cosmetics. Please take care of me a little.)

It was a three-month-long call.

And Valeria kept the boastful fact that she wanted to find the Myo people.

Until now, the Seven Colors had been searching for the tomb's family with
the largest number of people available, but they were frustrated because
they could not find even a small clue.

It was difficult to find a tombstone that much. It took at least three months
to find it because of the recording magic.

'By the way, Wantaramo......? I've never heard of a name. What do you
mean, it's not an ordinary forest?'

Valeria thought Jean would know, but the Wantaramo Forest was an
unfamiliar name even though she felt the memory of her past life.

"What are you saying, little man? Did they find the tombstone?"

"I didn't find it completely, but I think I found a trace. It's a forest called
Wantaramo in the Kiken Empire, do you know what it is?"

"Wantaramo? There's a forest like that?”

In the midst of a total stranger to other colleagues, only one. Kashmir

clapped his hands as if he had thought of something.

"I remember hearing my father and his lieutenants talking about a forest
called Wantaramo when I was a prince. I forgot because I was so young, but
the name reminds me of it. I was about seven or eight."

"Oh, Mimul. That's right, your boy. You were a royal family, right? It's the
land of the Empire, so you must have heard of it."
It's not an ordinary forest.

Except for Murakan, colleagues were carefully examining the passage in

the letter Jean had dropped.

"The Empire's emperors and their lieutenants wouldn't have talked about a
forest in the Empire that most people in the world wouldn't even know
existed. There must be something in the woods."

Jean nodded as Kashmir spoke.

If, as he said, the name the emperor could discuss directly with his
lieutenants, it meant that it was never an ordinary forest.

"Sir Kashmir, do you have anything else in mind?"

"I don't think there is...... Oh! At that time, I told you that the lieutenants
failed to negotiate with Wantaramo. Now that I think about it, it's a strange
memory. I can't believe the Empire's lieutenants are talking about the forests
of the Empire and the Empire.”

There could not be any bargaining between the forests of the Empire and
the Empire.


The Wantaramo forest belonged to the territory of Bemont, but was not

"Little boy, once you get there, you'll tell me what that Aria Aulhart is like.
Do you have any complication?"

Murakan was right.

"I know my opponent knows everything, but I'm afraid he'll be embarrassed
if he doesn't know anything."

Jean shrugged and smiled.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 364

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:18 PM

Chapter 364: Episode 111. Traces (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


On September 19, 1799, the inn toad house in the southwest of the Kiken

Valeria was sitting in the rain drinking beer with her hair dyed black and
light leather armor. The cane was wrapped in cloth as if it were a spear, and
set at an angle, looking like a green adventurer who was performing without

She had her eyes fixed on a leaflet hanging on the wall of the inn.

(Gin Looncandel said, Beauty, it's another name for you. Leave your body
to the amazing production of gold-pink color makeup.)

Aside from the embarrassing ad phrase (but the advertisement at the top of
the golden pin was a huge hit every time), it was amazing that even such a
small city had leaflets attached.

"There aren't many mercenaries in the world who order beer by themselves
in broad daylight and watch commercials with such a cold face. I
recommend changing the settings next time. I'd just like to order a bunch of
dishes, and put a magazine in front of the mercenaries."
Jean shrugged as she settled in front of her.

"Is that, really, what you said?"

"What about your other name? No way."

No one recognized him, even though he lost in front of a series of

advertising flyers.

Jin opened the menu and naturally called the owner. Then I ordered a lot of

"A steamed lamb with a lot of peppers and onions, and an internal stew of
beef. This is enough pepper. And..."

Jin, who said that, looked at the atmosphere of Acha and Valeria.

'You mentioned the menus I used to eat a lot when I was with you in my
previous life. My taste changed a little as I ate with my teacher.'

Fortunately Valeria did not respond otherwise.

'Well, they're common food at any inn. You don't have to think weird.'

But Valeria was thinking this in her mind.

'A lot of pepper, a lot of onions, and a lot of pepper. Why are you so
accurate? It's not very unusual, so there may be people who eat it like that.'

It was during the time of the Grey Owl Mercenary that Valeria was tamed to
its taste. Suddenly Valeria, who thought of them, smiled bitterly.

"Strangely feels like Jean Looncandel knows me well.'

Valeria thought she didn't hate it when it's been a long time since she had
eaten the menus with someone else. It's not very good, either.

I've had my fill. talking about the future of life, such as a request or a
mercenary, in order to create an ordinary mercenary duo.
"Great work, Aria Outhart. That's great, finding the Myon people in three

After leaving the inn, he sought horses, and as he entered the quiet road to
Wantaramo, Jean opened his mouth.

"I haven't found it completely yet, but I've only found the trace as I wrote it
in the letter. leading to the Wantaramo forest”

nodding gin

Look, I actually don't know that the Wantaramo forest is not an ordinary
forest. I've never even heard of a name before.

As soon as she was about to say so, Valeria went on to say the latter.

"In addition, if the Myojins had not left it on purpose, they would not have
even found the trace. It's them, not me."

"The cemeteries deliberately left a trail?"

"Yes. They know I'm looking for them. He must have noticed it about a
month ago, and since then he's been giving me a message as if he's been
doing a riddle.”

The Myos were inducing Valeria to come to the Wantaramo Forest.

'If it's enough to leave a message to the pursuers, at least not everyone was
exterminated then...….'

When I find the third tomb, I think of the moment when I was leaving them
with cave-gyeolgye and leaving alone. Still, one side of my heart became
heavy as if it had a lump of iron on it.

It's quite interesting to see how the Mythos work. You or them. There's
nothing more difficult than I thought.

The words of the specter, who broke the chains of the tomb and entered the
cave at that time, were said.
When Qin heard that, he had not asked the specter what he had done with
the Myonin people.

It was because there was no room for weakness or for psychological

warfare with them.

Since then, Veracte has appeared, and it has been in my mind that I could
not ask other ghosts who I met while leaving the forest.

"I was willing to meet them in person and then contact you. But the
Wantaramo forest needed to be accompanied by someone they liked. I
thought they might have decided to remove me.”


Valeria tilted her head at Jean's question.

"You don't know what Wantaramo Forest is like, do you?”

"Uh. I don't know."

"Then why did you pretend to know?”

"When did I ever... ...?”

"You did."

"No, I tried to answer honestly earlier. I just didn't give you a chance to

a smirk

Valeria smiled lightly.

"Actually, it's been tested. I was a little curious about the intelligence of the
riders in Looncandel. Wantaramo Forest is at least not acceptable
information for a subordinate rider.”

It's not a big problem, but I felt like I was hit in the back of my head.
"I apologize if I was offended."

"It's all right. What the hell is that forest?"

"I don't know the Wantaramo forest, but you've heard of the royals, haven't

"I've had it before. My father gave it to me."

"I'm sure most people in the world think you're the youngest hated, but
you're a beloved child. Siron Looncandel even bestows the crown. The
Wantaramo Forest is the land that makes its kawangju."

Only then could Jin realize why Kashmir, when he was a child, talked about
negotiations with the Wentaramo Forest by the emperor and his lieutenants.

a musical accompaniment

A drink made on a special day, at a special time, for a special person.

There was only one species in the world that could borrow a royal family.

"It was a forest of fairies' descendants.'

Very few people knew that elf descendants lived in the Wantaramo forest.

The twelfth time, but most of the dragons who have lived for thousands of
years, as well as Jean, the rider of the Looncandel, do not know.

those who are literally at the apex of the world, or close to the apex of the
world. Or only those with the special ability to reveal the secrets of the
world could know the identity of Wantaramo.

And everyone who knew Wantaramo would approach him very carefully.

The Wantaramo forest was a "public good" for those in power. If there is a
problem in the forest after spilling stories about Wantaramo to the useless,
they will all suffer losses together.
"Gin Looncandel."


"The last time I peeped into your records, I found that the Fairy was closely
related to our family."

In the recorder of solderlet identified by Jean Looncandel, ancient elves

were obliged to record.

A thousand years ago, all the ancient fairies did not change.

There is a deep connection with human beings named Hester.

Along with the investigation to restore the spirit recorder and the search for
the tomb, the sentences in the records have been a big topic of Valeria's

"You also said that in the hideout of the Myo-in people, you saw that the
ancient elves used abilities similar to the recording magic of the Heister."

"I did."

"So, while I was looking for the Myoin, I thought, well, that the music
produced by the descendants of the fairy was also a kind of record. I
wondered why I just realized it.”

"There may be some connection between the descendants of the fairy and
your family, you mean?"

"That's right."

"Then there's a possibility that the Myojins are aware of you to a certain
extent. In the sense that we deliberately induced it into the Wantaramo

"That's why I called you. As far as I know, the descendants of fairies are
quite beyond the universal image that is passed on to people."
Gawangju is a liquor that has the characteristic of telling a story.

As romantic in itself, countless minstrel poets have made songs about the
descendants of fairies.

Therefore, the descendants of fairies, usually reminded people of their

small, dainty appearance and somehow mysterious and beautiful forests.

Their appearance and scenery have many exact matches to common


In fact, their personalities were not.

"The descendants of fairies are extremely exclusive and horribly harsh on

foreigners. If those who don't know anything find the Wantaramo forest and
run into them by chance, they'll be killed."

"That's new to me, too."

"I don't even kill them without pain. They play with it like a toy, and when
they get bored, they end it."

Valeria was completely different from Jean's position. She has no faith in
the Myo people.

Therefore, it was not unreasonable to think that it was intended to be

removed because the Myoin people intentionally left a trail and led
themselves to the Wantaramo Forest.

"Maybe the Myonites guided me with good feelings, when they left a trail.
I'm sure you've also informed us that Wantaramo is a dangerous place,
right? Well, I'd do this if I had a follower on me, and I didn't really feel bad
about the little ones.”

"If the descendants of the fairies are such cruel ones, I think the Myojins
may have sent a signal of rescue.”

"It's possible."
It was at night that reached the entrance of the Wantaramo forest.

The cry of distant beasts permeated the chilly wind, and the forest seemed
to have no way at all at the entrance, as if to indicate that people had little


Valeria's recording spells created signs that glowed blue all over the floor.

For the pursuer to visit, the tomboy Lulu leaves a trail here.

There was such a sentence on the translucent window in front of Valeria.

The blue markings were all footprints left by Lulu.

As they followed their shining footprints into the forest for about half an
hour, they could feel the scenery changing suddenly.

The trees that were standing nearby began to twist. The forest moved
organically like a huge mass, and trees stuck and fell, making a rumble.


Jin's eyes grew bigger when he saw the inside of the twisted tree.

And at once, a murderous will came into it.

It was because there was a bloody lulu tied up in the tree.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 365

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:16 PM

Chapter 365: Episode 111. Traces (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jin's eyes looking into the trees quickly cooled.

"It seems to me like you said, the descendants of the elves."


Jean said, cutting down the tree. The lightly wielded sword cut the tree
straight out. Lulu, who was in it, was also cut down, but it was not a real
Lulu, but a nasty reception.

When the bloodstained Lulu's vision disappeared, what came to its place
was a trap in the form of a magic team. The trap would have been triggered
if the two had just approached.

Kick, kick, kick!

An unpleasant laugh came from inside the forest. Jean and Valeria waited
silently for the opponent to appear with an expressionless face.

[You're not fooled?]

Flirting, flirting, flirting...…!

From the darkness beyond the forest came a cheerful sound with something

It was the sound of a fairy descendant flapping his wings. The fairies, who
showed up, were beautiful in contrast to the unpleasant giggles.

Small, shiny, adorable wings, a cute face that makes you want to reach out
and touch your hand right away, and a lovely face full of playfulness.

Of course, the eyes of Jin and Valeria, who were just looking at the
descendants of fairies, were filled with cold energy.

[Kick, hi? You weren't offended by the prank, were you?]

said the fairy descendant, scratching his head.

"Where are the cemeteries?"

[Why are you so hasty?] You should have at least a full first. Bye again! I'm
Mila, the fairy king's brother.]

Jean and Valeria looking down at Mila without an answer.

[......not so glad to see me? People who came across me in this forest used
to scream, "It's so mysterious when it comes to heat."]

"Where are the cemeteries?"

When Jean asked again in a low voice, Mila smiled.

[Myos and I are well protected by my own people and my own people. I
came to Wantaramo Forest when I was so hurt, and I felt so sorry for him. I
couldn't help but help!]

Mila spoke back, making eye contact with Jean.

[By the way, Jean Looncandel, the youngest son of Xiron Looncandel.
Don't you think it's a little rude? This body said its name first, but your neck
is heavy until the end. Do you want me to snap you? And so is the man next
to him.]

"Do you want me to be courteous after all that mischief?"

[What's wrong? I didn't really hurt Lulu. He's a young man. He's got a
point. Rather, I treated them.]

Mila pouted her pouty lips.

Then, he shook his head as if he was disappointed that his opponent did not
respond to his cute self at all.

He made more adorable gestures a few times, only to think that Jin and
Valeria would have attacked this annoying tribe right away if it weren't for
the mausoleum.

[... All right, I get it. Well, you're going to cut me off if you play twice. I'll
let you meet the gravelings. Come with me.]

Mila began to fly back into the woods.

Strangely enough, every time Mila moved, there was a transformation in the
forest. Things like trees and rocks were moving organically along the Mila
like living creatures.

During the walk, Jean and Valeria had to be rather nervous.

No wonder there was no trust in Mila. The idea was that at some point,
something like a trap could come out, or an attack could start.

[Hung, don't worry, I'm not going to mess with you anymore. I've never
seen anyone as boring as you guys.]

When he didn't answer that, even Miles didn't open his mouth anymore
until he arrived. The three entered the deep woods silently for an hour.

Fortunately, there was no other trap.

[We're here.]

Where they arrived, thousands of trees were strangely bent and twisted into
one huge cave.

[Come out, boys.]

When Milea said, glare suddenly poured from inside the cave.

It was a debt incurred by thousands of fairy descendants leaving the cave at

once. Apart from their eccentric character, it was quite a spectacle.

Flirting, flirting, flirting! In an instant, the elves, who filled the area,
grumbled around the gin and Valeria.

The last time he left the cave was a descendant of two mausoleum and a
fairy with wings about twice as big as Mila or others.


[Gin Looncandel!]

Lulu and Miru.

In the cave of the Myoin people, two of the three twins who kept their
chains against the specter until the last moment.

As soon as Jean saw them, she felt relieved from her worries, which
weighed heavily on one side of her heart. On the one hand, there was a
sudden sense of uneasiness.

"......Where is Neru?"

Lulu smiled as soon as he was worried that he might have been killed in
action while keeping the line to the end.

Neru is hiding somewhere else with the rest of the clan. I and Miru are the
only ones who have entrusted themselves to the elves. At that time,
everyone got hurt, but fortunately no one died.]

“ , .”

[ , . , . ? .]

, 가 가 .

He was the king of the fairies' descendants, and unlike Mila, he had a very
dignified atmosphere.

"This is Jean Looncandel."

[Call me Sheila.]

Sheila was Mila's older sister and fairy king.

[Millah must have played some mischievous pranks on the way here, so I'll
apologize for me.]

[Apples?] Why are you apologizing? King, they're intruders, technically.

Actually, there's nothing wrong with killing him.]

[Didn't you come to save the cemeteries, Mila? Also, the Myojins asked me
for permission and left a trace.]

[He's never told us he could be a record-keeping enabler, but...]]

With the sarcastic voice of Milea, Valeria's eyes were slightly tilted to the

The Myo-in and the elves had no idea that the habit had come out of her
because she had become nervous, but Jean saw through it exactly.

And Jean, like Valeria, was a little embarrassed.

How did she know that Valeria is a record-making man? Did you check it at
the entrance to the forest when you performed the recording magic?
Besides, I've never informed Lulu and Miru of Valeria.'

Pirring, pyrrrrring, pyrrrrrrrr...….

I could feel the fairy descendants who gathered nearby talking among
themselves at the words of Mila. It was a language that Jean and Valeria
could not understand.


"Yes, Mr. Lulu."

[We have been trusting ourselves in the land of the descendants of the fairy,
leaving two traces together all along. So that you can come find me...….]

The two kinds of marks left by Lulu and Miru were those that could be
found by those who had the ability to record and those who did not.

It was no different from leaving two kinds of traces.

It was because Valeria's tracking speed was too fast. The general trace left
together was still untouched by the Seven Colors, so Valeria's tracking
speed was clearly well beyond the normal category.

Lulu and Miru thought they could not come to them so quickly without
holding the record magic.

So they assumed the pursuer to be a record-making enchantment, and then

tried to confirm one thing.

Whether the pursuer is Jean's or not.

As Valeria first predicted, the Myojins had a plan to remove the pursuer
with the help of the latter's fairies descendants.

When Lulu explained this, Jean nodded, and Valeria seemed to be lost in
thought for a moment.
"If I'm not Jean's man, why did you try to kill me?"

[Because here is something that the record wizards, which are not related to
Soldert's contractor, should not check.]

Sheila, king of fairy descendants, replied on behalf of Lulu.

And Jean could intuitively guess what Sheila was saying.

'Is Temar's fourth tomb here? Lulu and Miru came to the Wantaramo Forest,
unlike other people, to naturally lead me to the fourth grave.'

It was accurate.

The fairy descendants knew the way to reach Themeer's fourth tomb.

There was a moment of silence.

Mila was crumpling her expression as if she didn't like it when she gave out
such information too easily.

[Man, what is your relationship with Jean Looncandel?]

Sheila's sudden question.

As soon as Valeria was about to answer, Jean opened her mouth instead.

"We're colleagues, more reliable than anyone else in the world."

I, Sheila, king of the fairies descendants, will keep her long-standing

promise with Soldert. In addition, I would like to thank my old friends,
Lulu and Miru, for helping me keep my promise.]


Sheila's wings glowed more intensely.

It was a symbol of supreme authority in the Wantaramo forest, and all the
other fairy descendants, including Mila, all sat on the ground in unison and
bowed their heads toward Sheila.

It was a scene with dignity that would be called the king of fairies'

[Gin Looncandel and his fellow wizard, and my friends follow. The tomb is
in a cave. I can finally put down the heavy load I've been carrying for the
past thousand years.]

Sheila began to flap her wings toward the cave formed by twisting and
bending trees.

Jin and his colleagues followed suit and moved to the cave. Until they all
entered the cave, the elf descendants gathered outside did not dare raise
their heads.

Naturally, Qin thought that Sheila's authority as the king of the descendants
of the fairy would be absolute.

Actually, it wasn't.

[Lulu, procrastinate. Maybe you've noticed while you've been here.]

Kjeojeok, Kdeuk!

Suddenly the trees were bending and twisting, blocking the entrance to the

Looking back, I could see Mila smiling through a gap that was rapidly

[Milea's been betraying me for a long time.]

The blocked entrance to the cave was not the result of Sheila's power.

She was only king of status, but the real power and the power to deal with
the Wantaramo forest had already been handed over to Mila and other fairy
[Yes, I was feeling it. Ms. Sheila...]

[Millah has no intention of keeping her promise with Soldert. So whenever

I get a chance. I was going to lock myself up like this. I don't think you
would have expected to lock up a thousand years of contractors together.]

With the sudden change of situation, Jean and Valeria were not at all
embarrassed. It was a good enough thing to look back on the behavior and
attitude of a fairy descendant named Milara.

[Maybe soon the Miles will find Wantaramo.]

[Where did you stick to?]]

[Jipple, they're the only ones who can satisfy his wild greed.]

Sheila smiled lightly. Her wings, shining exceptionally in the dark, looked
very lonely.

"Schilla, you seem to have a plan. Seeing that Mila was deliberately locked
up even though she knew she had betrayed her."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 366

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:15 PM

Chapter 366: Episode 111. Traces (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

[There is no plan. It's just a purpose.]

The purpose of Sheila's speech was no different.

Helping Jin, a thousand-year-old solderlet contractor, reach Themeer's

fourth tomb safely.

[Millah. She didn't want me to keep my word with the Soldier. Other kids,
too. Everybody thinks our fairies' descendants are making useless sacrifices.
Or think of having meaningless hope.]

"So you took Sheila down from the throne in effect, and she was in control
of the forest?”

[Yes. Waiting for you was too uncertain, and even compensation was
unclear...]... there are people who say they'll give us everything we want if
we just give them a little bit of information. In a way, betrayal is a given.]

"What do the fairies' descendants want?”

[Returning our original form.]

Sheila spoke backward in a lonely voice.

[......I'll tell you more about this when I get a chance later. For now, the first
thing to do is to overcome this situation and lead you to the fourth tomb of


Shining particles spread from Sheila's two wings. The son-in-law

brightened up, revealing the surface of the tangled trees. The interior of the
dreary cave felt just like the organs of a giant beast.

[Lulu, procrastinate.]


[His fourth grave does not exist in this cave.]

Sheila has long foreseen the betrayal of Mila and her people.

Therefore, the real location of the fourth tomb was not revealed to anyone.
The descendants of the other fairies, except Sheila, all believe that Temer's
tomb exists at the end of the cave.

[Then where...]…?]

[Red Lake. Wantaramo Forest's source of water.]

The Red Lake was the largest water supplier to the Wantaramo Forest,
leading to the Yulpi River outside. All the life of the forest, including fairy
descendants, lived on the Red Lake.

[We need to get there as soon as possible. Before the pursuers arrive, the
contractor must reach his grave first. Summon the Red Caves, Jean

Sheila was told by the people of the tomb that Jean was a contractor for


Summoned Shri ran with all the party on her back. Once the red without
being caught have to reach the end of the cave were able to move into a

The cave was a deeper structure than Jean and Valeria had imagined. It took
more than 30 minutes to ride the Shuri, which runs at full speed.

At the end of the day, you could see a huge door made of mana.

'It's like a door in a secret library in the stormy basement.'

Like that door, a kind of gate that requires a great deal of power to be
destroyed without its footstep language. It was much more powerful than
the stormy underground door.

When Sheila spoke the original language in the language of a fairy

descendant, the door opened and the inside was revealed.

[Millah thinks beyond this door there will be my crown, the fourth tomb of
Themeer, and the great legacy left by my ancestors...]….]

Beyond the door was just an empty space.

Only the bleak landscape of the untouched rock replaced the walls and the
bleak wind that we did not know where it was coming from were the only
ones to greet the party.

[There's nothing here. One day, when Mila becomes an adult, she was going
to show this empty landscape. So I expected him to realize. How we
became such an empty species.]

Mila is over two thousand years old, but Sheila thinks she is no different
from the descendants of newborn fairies.

It was naturally painful for Sheila to see her brother who made the wrong
choice because he couldn't grow up, and that she might have to kill him.

The door closed.

[Oh, my God, I've lost my mind for a while. Keep going. From here on out,
Lulu and Miru, I'm going to need your powers.]

What Sheila said meant was the unique dimensional ability of the Myoin

[Should I make a passage to the red forest?]

[Yes, if time permits, make way for us to put the pursuers in confusion.]

[About how much time do we have left?]]

Upon hearing that, Jean and Valeria came up with the same idea.

Where's the nearest tower from the Kiken Empire?'

Where was the nearest tower of the Jipple?'

a three-horse tower

We came to the same conclusion. The three-horse tower is on Rachan Island

between the Rutero Magic Federation and the Beacon Sea, so it would
certainly be there if the Jipple received the signal and put in its manpower.

"About three hours."

"Maybe it'll take about three hours. Assuming a fairy descendant named
Milea can get word from the Zipple within an hour."

Jean and Valeria looked at each other, answering at the same time.

[Both of you calculate faster than I do. It's been a long time since I've
forgotten the geography of humans, so I was confused.]

[Three hours is enough to make a maze.]

Lulu and Miru spoke confidently, but Sheila shook her head.

[But there's one fact that they're missing out on their calculations. Do you
know the wand of the Jipple Masts?]

a mower's wand

There was a special rune on the stick. Valeria in her previous life, too, is an
irritating run of letters that she has experienced in her present life.

"Is the jipple engraved in the Wantaramo forest with the rune letters calling
the wizards of the tower?”

[Surely so. In the past, when Kellyak came to ask me to make her a crown, I
gave her a cane. "and I assumed that the wand had the same rune letters as
those of the Matapjus. "

Mila's betrayal was done decades ago. Of course there's a device in place
for immediate calls.

[Two hours. That's what we have left. Lulu, Miru. Can you do that in

[I'll try.]

Lulu and Miru pulled something out of their arms that seemed to be
something's claws.

[Gin Looncandel, you'll have to be really good to us in the future.]

Lulu grinned.

But Jean could read the regret hidden behind the smile.


As Jean said, it was his claws that the god of the cat bestowed on the
cemeteries a long time ago.
[That's right. Even in the caves of the Little Sousers, they used these new
things to protect you and the Souss. Fortunately, there are two left.]

One had Nehru and the other had Lulu and Miru.

Sinmul is the only way for the Myoin people to communicate with the gods
of the previous generation cats.

The Myoin people use most of it for gin and small watermen.

"Mr. Sheila, can't you open the way by force?”

Jean said stuffyly.

It was a tree that formed a cave at best. It couldn't be cut by the force of

If you break down the cave, you will be lost by the trees. With Mila in
control of the Wantaramo Forest, I'm bound to lose direction when the cave
trees begin to flood. I'm sorry.]

I'm sorry.

Jin hated listening to it every time it was like this. I didn't understand why
people who sacrificed a thousand years said they were sorry to themselves.

However, I knew that venting out of anger or making useless expressions

would only make the people who sacrificed themselves more disturbed.

Therefore, Chimi held something in her heart and made a calm look.

I was determined to show them a reasonable result so that they wouldn't feel
sorry for themselves.

And Valeria looked at Jean and thought,

'I was very disappointed at the first meeting, but the more I see him, the
deeper he seems to be. Somehow, when you're dealing with me, it's not just
full of the intention to use...….'
Valeria moved to Lulu and Miru's side.

"I'll help."

[Huh? Creating a subspace, forming a portal?]


[Thank you, but it's too complicated for humans.]

"The cemeteries' spatial abilities are more like power, but some parts are
made up of magic, right? We'll read and assist the flow only when we need

[Oh, well. Just waiting. But how did you know that our abilities include

"Because you smell of mana. It can't be so thick unless you use your

[There's a smell in the mana?]]

"Just try it and tell me right away if it bothers you. I'm going to fall in
nicely. Or are you worried that I might find out the secrets of the Mighty

[No, it's not like that, but...….]

As Valeria sat down and was seated, Lulu and Miru looked alternately at
her and herself, and shrugged. I'm sure it'll get in the way......with such a

He also looked at Jin as if he was telling her to stop him.

Jean shook her head, however, as she was not in a position to call her

[Can't do it.] Okay, but if you say it's disturbing, you've got to get out of
here. We don't have time.]

Lulu and Miru carefully mumbled an unknown language, rubbing the claws
of the cat god.

Then a spiritual violet energy began to spread in all directions, as Nehru had
opened the third tomb, in which there was clearly a mixture of mana, as
Valeria had said.

"I didn't know it at all, but did I know at a glance that the Mythos also use

Valeria was indeed a figure to be called 'teacher'.

"And it's a magic that you've never seen before, and you're going to support
it by just looking at the flow?'

At least this time, I couldn't help but suspect Valeria in the order of

No wonder it feels absolutely impossible for him to be a genius of all


But Valeria was so naturally reading the flow of mana of the sages, as if to
laugh at the worry.

He was already injecting his mana into it, accelerating the formation of the
portal and the subspace faster.

[Hey, is this possible?]

[Huh, what the hell are you?!]]

Lulu and Miru looked at Valeria in surprise.

"You said it would be possible."

Valeria, who calmly answered, was sweating like rain.

He is doing his best to read the flow of mana.

The lobes quickly got wet, and the heat from her body was so great that the
dye melted away.

Soon Valeria's red hair was revealed.

Sheila, unable to take her eyes off the hair, had a face of contemplation.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 367

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:14 PM

Chapter 367: Episode 111. Traces (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was long past, and there continued to be heat from Valeria.

Now there was no sign of dyeing her hair. The hot steam soared from the
sweaty lobes, and the red hair fluttering on the mana looked just like a

[Hister's veins] Where did you meet that kid?]

"We met in the lawless city of Mamit."

She didn't give any details, but she didn't seem to be more curious about it.

Sheila's eyes deepened.

[Fortunately, he's strong enough that you don't have to protect him. But not
only humans, but...... every living life, after all, has to protect each other.
There is no life to live alone.

It was a sudden story, but Jean nodded. I didn't hate what Sheila said.

[While my friend and your friend are struggling, we'd better think about
"Are there any other problems you have in mind, other than the wizards of
the Gipple?"

[This is the land of Beaumont. Some of my own kind might be

communicating with them, too.]

"Well, I don't think a fragment of absolute power would have gone to only
one Mila. "Visiona...... it's a story that's possible."

[There may also be a kindred race attached to your Looncandel.]

"I hope not. It's already painful enough to be able to deal with two forces
together. For now, we'd better assume that Jipple and Beaumont will
definitely meet."

Beacon is looking for Themeer's body. Recalling the fact, Jean said.

"The possibility of a Beacon and an insider among fairy descendants is

close to 10 percent.'

I remembered the story of the former emperor and his lieutenants that
Kashmir overheard when he was young. It occurred to me that they might
have been talking about an insider who talked about negotiations with the
Wantaramo Forest.

"Maybe, Beaumont started looking for Themeer's body...... maybe it was

because the concubine descendant leaked information about his tomb in the
first place."

Otherwise, it occurred to me that Biment could not find Temer's tomb,

which even Looncandel did not know about its existence, except for Siron,
Rosa, and some of the senior leaders.

"The Beacon will send a special lease or a pro-defense force. A massive

troop shift is like advertising something outside the Wantaramo forest."

Maybe you'll bump into someone you know.

Jean shrugged, thinking so.

[Special Forces and SS] Are they stronger than you?]

I could answer without hesitation.

"The generals may be stronger than I am. But below that, I can overpower

It was inferred based on Ratz, the special captain whom he met in person
when he was a backup rider, and Alisa, a former team leader.

[How many men do you have?]

"Yes, they won't all come.”

The captain of the fraternity, the commander of the unit, the special lease,
the commander of the unit. If the four of them come at once, it would be too
much for even Lu Nra, not Jin.

"How much fighting power do you have, Sheila?"

It felt strange to ask such a question to the king of fairy descendants.

However, it was a matter that must be known in advance. It's only natural
that we have to understand the strength of our forces.

'Not only the jipple and the beat, but also the guardian of the fourth tomb
may have to fight.'

Guardian, jipple, beat.

Whoever fought first had to leave enough stamina to fight the last opponent.

Of course, it was necessary to assume a worse number of cases without

guardians like the third tomb.

[Well, it's been so long since I've had a fight that I don't know. Just know
that you are not very weak.]

"Can't you be more specific?”

Then, as if agonizing, Sheila folded her arms and closed her eyes.

[......I really don't know. I have rarely used my own strength to kill an


I felt like I had to fight against her without a break. It was a pity that he
didn't bring Murakhan.

There were two reasons why I left him.

The first was Belov's intention to assist in his disguised mission (if it was
revealed that he was doing his duty in place right after the meeting, the
problem could have really grown), and the second was that Valeria had
never met Murakhan yet.

Although the partnership was better than before, it was still burdensome to
face Valeria with a powerful colleague. It may rekindle her vigilance, which
has been made a little slack.

"If things go too far, we'll have to build a three-way race.'

I drew a rough picture, but there were too many variables.

I don't know who I'm going to run into first, whether it's right to go to the
grave without clearing them up, and then I'm going to have to tell you
where I am and retreat.….

While agonizing, Sheila opened her mouth.

[Gin Looncandel.]


[I have one thing to tell you: Battle must only be carried out on the line
where the forest is not damaged to the point where it cannot be
The Wantaramo forest was the "public good" of beings standing at the
pinnacle of power.

Because they are all demanders of the royal family.

Jin and his colleagues were not unaware of the existence of the Wantaramo
Forest until now. It was the result of the power peaks that had been
completely hidden to prevent problems in the Wantaramo forest.

If the forest is damaged, the vertices will necessarily determine what is right
and what is wrong and will be rewarded to the one who is most responsible.


Jean smiled.

'If so, it's either a square wave or a three-way race. I have an overwhelming

a scourge constrained by destruction

Due to the nature of Yeonggi's power, there would be no structure for Jin to
play more.

"Okay, for me it's better."

[That's a relief, then. A thousand years later, your forefathers' influence is

stirring the world.]

"You seem to know my ancestors well.”

[Very little I can remember in detail. As you may know from looking back
at the past tombs, the Looncandel of those days was almost forgotten. But I
remember that every single act of Themeer had a huge impact on the

Sheila made eye contact with Jean.

[Now you'll have to replace his shadow. Or cast a new shadow on the
world, Jean Looncandel.]

It was then that the Myonites and Valeria finished their work.


[It's over...!]

An hour and a half.

It was unbelievable that the Myoin people had built a passageway leading
to the Red Lake and a trap passage that would disrupt the jipple.

The dozen violet entrances they had made were swaying on the cave wall.
Only one of them was the real passage leading to the red lake, and the rest
were fakes that ran out into the middle of the forest.

[Entrance changes randomly every time you use it. Unless Zipple's wizards
are made up of tough luck and bad brains, they won't be able to guess the
answer at once.]

If there were a dozen doors to choose from, it was natural to split them in.
Unless they're incredibly stupid, as Lulu said.


Jean handed Valeria a cask. She was seen gulping down as soon as she
received her waterpour, as if her throat were burning.

"Gin Looncandel, let's clear up the mana for a moment and start. I think I've
earned that much leeway."

Looking at Valeria, who re-states and stabilizes mana, Lulu and Miru raised
their thumbs up.

[Thanks to him, I'm fed up with him.]

[I could have left a cut!]

Lulu and Miru smiled, showing the claws of the half-remaining cat god.


Jean helped Valeria when she stood up and slowed down.

"Are you all right?"

"I just felt dizzy for a moment."

He did not add that he went too far to protect half of the tombs.

Because it was an act that Valeria herself couldn't understand.

The first time I offered to help them was a matter of efficiency, but it was
just an impulse to use more than necessary strength for the Myoin people.

"You can rest for another ten minutes."

"You don't have to. I know my body. Just keep the promise you made on
your way."

a rather sharp way of speaking, unlike when one was out to help the sages.

Valeria was afraid that she was becoming strangely dull after meeting Jean.

Last time you said you got the recorder from a fairy hideout...... it was
actually the tomb of Looncandel's first family?

There was the tomb of Looncandel's first family in the fairy hideout.

You're playing with words.

We're getting to know each other, aren't we? There must be a lot of things
you haven't told me either. No, he's hiding more than I can compare. My
secret is almost over now that I've talked to Themeer's grave.

Well, good. I don't think you lied to me. From the description of Themeer's
tomb, I can see how upset you must have been when you got Heluram's
spirit beads from Joshua Looncandel's villa.

It was more embarrassing when you looked at the spirit bead and
misunderstood me.

Either way, we need to get clues from the Myths about Temer's fourth
tomb......when I find the fourth grave in the future, let me take a look. Is it

Do that. I promise.

As Valeria came to the Wantaramo Forest, she recalled a conversation she

had with Jean. The promise she made meant entering Themeer's grave

"I had such a conversation with Jean Looncandel only a few hours ago, but
I didn't expect to find the fourth tomb this fast. I thought I'd need at least a
few months, but I got a clue from them.'

Can we identify new traces of ancestors in the tomb?

Alone without anyone.

Tracking the messages left by our ancestors and regaining the magic of the
hysterics was indeed indescribably solitary.

At some point I didn't even know it was lonely. It was the human life of
Valeria, a human being, who just opened his eyes and trained magic, and
wandered around the world in search of the message and heritage of his

But so easily.

If you expect a new discovery of the hysterics by someone else, not

yourself, and even face the traces of your ancestors.

Perhaps the dark and chilly times of the past will be futile.

Such thoughts have made my speech sharp.

"......I was a little sensitive."

"You must have had a hard time. You don't have to apologize for not feeling

Valeria's forehead trembled finely.

"Now we have to enter the aisle. Until we get to the red lake, is that okay?
Tell me if you don't like this, too."

Jean said, taking the water from Valeria.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 368

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:12 PM

Chapter 368: 111. Traces (8).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Help me dye."

Valeria held out the dye she had received from Jean earlier.

"I don't want to show you this hair when I run into it, be it a bit or a jipple."

Jean shrugged her shoulders. Then she spilt the dye little by little on
Valeria's red hair, which was sitting behind her.

The gloss smudged from the darkening hair. Jean's fingers gently passed
between them and scattered the dye, and for some reason the Myo-in
people, with their mouths wide open, glistening eyes as they looked at the

'They're in a weird mood.'

"Something looks good.'

Contrary to the thoughts of the Myoin people, the two were not impressed
by each other's physical contact.

Valeria was busy catching up on her momentary dizzy mind, and Jean was
just worried if her body had really recovered to a decent level.
"It's done."

Jean wiped the dye off her hands with a sword cloth.

Valeria nodded satisfactorily after examining her hair, which had been
lightly dyed in a hand mirror. The red color is neatly hidden.

[Let's go!]

Followed Lulu and Miru into the aisle.

The inside of the passage was foggy and watery, but strangely no fatigue
was felt while walking. Rather, it seemed to wander in a pleasant dream.

I walked out of the aisle before I could walk a hundred steps.

Originally, the distance required a lot of time for a trained martial artist to
run, but the passage of the Myoin people was no different from a simple
gateway to travel.

[You're just about to arrive, Lulu. I mean, you're always amazing.]

[But there was a time when the passage was made, so I don't know if we
can avoid them.]

Outside the aisle was full of grotesquely curved trees. The trees were tall
and thick enough to be compared to the central pillar of the fortress.

The dense foliage kept a speck of moonlight from coming in. So the wide
open lake below it looked like black oil.

'Is Themeer's tomb hidden in there?'

Deep in the sea came Olmango, who was sealing the second tomb. Sheila
had hidden a burial mound that led to the tomb under the lake.

La la la la la... ....

Sheila starts singing.

It was a very pleasant voice to listen to. In my ears, sugar grains seemed to
create a pleasant vibration. Even Valeria almost smiled at the sound of
Sheila's songs.

Glazed particles were flowing out of Sheila's tiny mouth. The particle went
out into the lake and floated over it, with the waves changing along it.

a gentle whirlpool There was a phenomenon that could be described just

like that. A small soft swirl danced to the song, swaying in the lake.

How many minutes have passed? At last, as a star rose, an object that shone
exceptionally on the surface of the lake.

It was a disease of the hook.

Gawangju. The biggest reason why the peaks of power are not damaging
this forest, the significance of the existence of Wantaramo.

The Horizons flew to Sheila's side. As soon as she held the bottle in her
small body, the particles of light shining on the lake disappeared in unison,
and the forest was again darkened.

[Take it, Jean Looncandel.]

He accepted the princess politely.


The liquor is named after the person who wanted to make the drink, not the
producer or recipient.

That's why when he made a poem about Shuri, he was named not a fairy or
a Luna, but a poet.

'Sch Damiro...'As I saw in the records of the third tomb, Reet Damiro writes
the same name as Yul. Are they blood relatives?'

Shil Damiro was also the name identified on the record device of the third
(March 3, 797), Looncandel records the historical fabrication of the Jipple
about the Fairy. On March 4, 797 five elves, Sheep Damiro, Becca Tishge,
Mulias Mon, Trica Tredos, and Jen Minu, were forgotten among the elves...

"In the recorder of the third tomb, I saw the name of Leet Damiro Yul. I
think it's a drink from his blood.”

[R et Damiro Yul...]…?]

"Do you know the name?”

Sheila closed her eyes as if she was trying to think of something.

[......I don't remember. "But the name Yul is only given to the king of fairies,
so he must have been the noblest of fairies."

Mila described herself as a fairy, but Sheila had been talking about the
descendants of fairies and fairies.

[Drink. ]

As soon as she was about to open the bottle, Jean made eye contact with

"How long does it take?”

[What is it?]]

"The third tomb went in without knowing anything, and two days had
passed. I'd like to know how much time passes if I drink this karaokes."

[That I don't know.]

"The pursuers will be arriving soon. If time goes by too long, only the three
of you, Sheila, Lulu and Miru, have to deal with them."

[You're worrying uselessly.]

"No, it's not useless. Lulu and Miru have just exhausted their energy to
build a passageway, and Sheila says she doesn't know her own fighting

[This is my forest.]

"You said you lost control of the forest."

[Even so, how many humans did you think this body couldn't handle?]]

Judging whether Sheila was strong or not, Jean could choose the latter
without hesitation.

She certainly possessed the kingly dignity of a clan, but there was no smell
of danger peculiar to the strong.

If they were not exhausted, they would have been able to drink the king's
wine in peace, believing in their abilities.

If you're worried about him, why don't you leave him?]

"That's not possible. I have a promise."

[So you're going to wait for the pursuers?] If the karaangju is damaged, it
will be a big problem. If it is possible, it may have to tell the enemy the
location of the kingdom and retreat.]

"It's impossible to take the wine outside and drink it, right?"

As soon as she leaves the forest, the story of the wine disappears. If it were
possible, I wouldn't have asked you to drink it right away.]

Jean nodded.

"I thought so. Nevertheless, I think I'd rather settle my enemies and go in
many ways."

[In the worst case, it can be difficult for all of us to even keep our lives.]
"No, it can't be."

[Why are you so confident?]]

"Didn't you just say that? In any case, the fight should only take place as
long as it does not deal an irreparable blow to the forest. It's going to be an
endless battle for me."

[You can hide well enough with the cemeteries.]

"Look at this. At first, he said he could handle a few human beings, but now
he said he would hide. Sheila doesn't have the power to deal with them."

[... ...even if they catch me, I won't kill them right away.]

"Then if you and your family get caught, I'll suffer a hostage crisis. Is that
really a good result for me?"

I don't want to sacrifice the Myoin people and Sheila anymore.

That's how Jean felt.

And I was confident. If you're not a general-level officer, you can

overpower anyone from the pro-defense force and the special forces.

"Even if a general comes, it's a fight worth a try because you have a
teacher." No, it will flow into an absolutely advantageous fight.'

Sheila had nothing more to say as well.

[Lulu, procrastinate. You guys have to convince me.


between Lulu and Miru choosing horses.

From the back of the lake there was a sign that would ease their troubles.

"I guess I was right.”


Jean said, taking out Bradamante.

Valeria also looked behind the lake, empowering her hand with a cane.

[... ..The tracker has already arrived?]

There was still some time to expect the Gipple to arrive.

As Sheila expected, there was not only one traitor. The Beacon came earlier
than they did. In the first place, the Wantaramo forest was a natural result
because it was the territory of Bemont.

'This side is clean anyway. It's better to remove them all and enter the grave
before further assistance comes.'

If all the pursuers had been removed and did not enter, they would have
been distracted from the inside of the tomb.

"Stay away."

[Mr. Sheila, you'd better follow Jean's words. Already we get this must act
to not be a burden as much as possible.]

Sheila sighed.


Jean gave Shilla the crown again. To prevent damage during a battle.

'Opens the armor.'

The spirit flowed from the foreign language of the Baldong language,
Bradamante, and wrapped the body of Jean.

The cape was removed and given to Sheila and the sages. It's a function that
Picone put in for use in times like this.
[Be careful.]

"Don't worry."

When Sheila and the Myojins retreated, the light that was lighting up her
son-in-law disappeared. The place where the party was standing was dark

It was still.

Without the slightest sound of footsteps, only the cool wind was crossing
through the bushes, but the camp and the enemies were reading out each
other's energy that was faintly mixed in.

As a result of raising the sense of the mind to the limit, Jean was able to
come to a conclusion in the near future.

'There's no general level.'

The moment when the most worrying problem disappeared.

A smile spread around Jin's mouth, and the spirit wrapped around the sword
began to stir violently. But the darkness of the forest did not make it stand


Jean whispered to Valeria.


'You don't step up, you get more mana.'

She thought it would be better to save her strength for a fight with the

Valeria nodded.

The distance between the Qin and the enemy was getting closer and closer.
The Beacon fighters were thinking that they had not yet entered each other's
sphere of attack.

Already, the person who visited the forest from a traitor to a fairy's
descendant has obtained the information of "Jin Looncandel," and if they
are the Jean Looncandel they are aware of, they have determined that they
cannot deliver a valid hit to them on this street.

But that was a great illusion.




There was a sudden surge of blood between the non-mentors.

There was no sound of a black blade dyed in spirit that cut through its neck
and wind, and not even the sound of Jean's steps in the art of

However, I could hear the chilling sound of my neck falling on the cold

'Now five.'

The fighters scattered reflexively and shone the blade colored with an auror,
and Jean was standing behind the second target, thrusting Bradamante into
his neck.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 369

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:11 PM

Chapter 369: Episode 112. Why They Find Themeer's Tomb (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'Thanks to the armor, it's much easier to erase my presence with spirit.'

Again, the fighters failed to respond quickly to Jin's move.

It was partly due to Qin's move at a tremendous speed, but reading his pale
presence with spirit was as difficult as feeling the shadow behind him.


With the blade of an Orser-drenched Beacon's sword brightened up his son-

in-law, another bloodbath sprang up. The blood droplets were a dull color
mixed with the particles of Young-ki.

'That's a light.'

Unlike the first time, he couldn't kill at a single blow. Bradamante brushed
the wooden vein of a warrior and left a long dark trajectory in the air.

However, the trajectory did not contain a single element, either 'flow' or

In other words, there was no sense of weight that inevitably spread when
swinging a lump of iron, nor the sound of pagong that spreads when the
blade cuts the wind.

Only a faint energy hovered around the bleeding wound as if a ghost had
passed by.

In fact, the fighters mistook themselves as ghosts.

Not only did it show signs of flooding at a tremendous speed, but it was
also hard to see the blade moving.

It was not too much to feel that way because they could not confirm Jin's
appearance even now that their surroundings were bright due to their oracle.

Where are you, where are you hiding?

The same sentence came into the heads of the Beacon fighters.

At the same time they all felt their self-esteem as a warrior was falling

Even after being attacked, and losing one person in a single blow, I almost
lost another in a straight line attack.

It is a shame that the location of the attacker was not immediately known.

'What the hell is this?Not Jean Looncandel, but the greatest spray of
obscurity. No, are you saying that I'm a King of Unknown?"

This level of attack was only possible for King Muhmyong in their range of

The problem was not that of King Muhmyong, but that Jin had erased his
presence as much as possible from the darkness.

"Pick two at a time!"

One of the Beaming Unmanned was shouting under his belly. He was the
leader of the fighters gathered here.
At Cho's command, the fighters quickly paired up to guard against both

Although they were said to have been hit with a single sword, they were
also the best of the best in the beat.

'This is the Royal Guard.

Jean hiding in the darkness of the forest and looking at their clothes.

The golden armband, like a symbol of the pro-Western army, was shining
on their shoulders. Their pure white coats stained with blood droplets
contrasted with Qin's spirit armor.

The team leader stood in the midst of the fighters and looked at the
darkness of the forest. I'm trying to find Jean.

Already cold drops of sweat were streaming down his chin. The team was
already out of breath with extreme tension and a sense of urgency.

He was indeed the leader of the Royal Guard.

"Come out..."

a leader whose sword is aimed precisely at the dark hidden by the gin. His
men had no idea that Jean was hiding there.

Jean walked away in the dark.

The pro-defense forces who saw Jin had no choice but to be surprised once.
Because of Muleta's rune, the spirit armor, and the darkness, Jean was
literally in the shape of a shadow.

"I'm Rick Helter, the 5th leader of the Royal Guard, directly under the
Imperial Household of the Greater Vision. Name it."

"You must be scared to see that you're a part of it."

"... ...we are on duty under the orders of the Emperor. Whoever you are, I'd
like to ask you not to make the foolish choice of turning the whole empire
against the enemy by interfering with the task of the SS.”

"Are you playing?"

"We came to meet Jean Looncandel."

Jean had no choice but to burst into laughter.

"It's been a long time since it came to the world that I'm the contractor of
the Shadow, and I guess you still didn't know about the Royal Guard, which
is also the highest intelligence agency in the imperial family.”

Rick and his men's eyes grew bigger.

They were so nervous that they did not recognize the sword that shook them
and the power that covered the armor of the man in front of them.

They had only thought the assassin had painted the weapon black to blend
in with the night sound.

There has been silence for some time.

In the meantime, Rick Helter and his men's eyes, which were in fear,
changed to a dark-skinned look. There was no shaking of shame and
humiliation, or trembling at the end of the sword in fear.

They're also the SS.

Although they were mistaken and clumsy just now, they were humans who
never backed down when their goals became clear.

The moment they were first attacked by Jean, they were not afraid of the
"unknown opponent" itself.

I was afraid that I could not carry out the emperor's order after being killed
by a third party.
"What were you going to do when you met me? Will you kill him? Or are
you going to propose a deal?"

In encounter with Jean Looncandel, the first priority of the SS was capture.

And Rick could realize immediately. It's impossible to capture Jean

Luncandel alive with these six.

No, not six, but sixty. It would be impossible to capture him alive.'

Caddock, Rick clenched his teeth.

".......put it on!"

The men surrounded the camp in a flash.

Rick swung the curved sword as hard as he was pushing into the middle,
and at the same time the siege narrowed and swords flew from all sides.

The pro-defense forces expected Jean to avoid the attack of course. Avoid at
least three and strike back at least two.

But Jean stood tall and did not avoid their blades.

Kang, kaang!

There are no joints in the armor of the spirit. Nevertheless, Rick and his
men instinctively cut off the joints of ordinary armor, but it was a vain
rupture in which the blade bounced back.

Jean even grabbed the blade of a knife that came in on the left.

The kig pole, the kagak, the blade about to fall scratched the guntlet. Jean
pulled it as it was, and the pro-Western forces, which had not yet let go of
their weapons, had no choice but to be brought in defenselessly.


Bradamante pierced his chest.


The mark was left on the spot where the curved sword struck the armor of
the spirit. The curved part of Rick Helter's curved sword was dug deep
enough to cover the skin narrowly.

However, the fan area quickly healed like the super fast revival of the top
mana. The spirit emanating from the Qin is regenerating the armor.

Although the fighting spirit was not broken, it was inevitable that the pro-
Western forces would be discouraged at this point.

Oh, my God!

" !"


The guards groaned, closing their eyes tightly.

a flash of light

The ancient light magic left by Chen Mei had a more dramatic effect in the
dark. Especially when you're crushing your opponent.


Once again, blood painted arches in the air.

A very short moment, often described as a flash in the eye, is a good chance
of winning or losing among the near-missing fighters.

Therefore, in order to survive by closing his eyes and backing down in front
of the camp, he had to be a person with great fluency or even Jin's tongue-
tying ability.

This time, two people were hit at once. They were people facing the
flashlight from the front.

Rick and only one subordinate. They were all that was left now.

They were again distancing themselves from Jean and desperately thinking
of a way to break through the situation.

It was not difficult to come to a conclusion.

There's no way.

However, it was not easy to admit. The fact that I have to give up my life as
a human being without doing anything so helplessly.

The pro-defense forces are never weak. They were figures who deserved to
be called strong enough in the world of fighters.

However, it was the misfortune of the pro-defense forces that Jin was now
starting to stand on a completely different level from ordinary strong men.

If we had conducted the destructive screening of the pro-Western forces

from the beginning, regardless of the damage to the forest, we might have
fought a little less vainly.

They had no more choice.

It was impossible to run away, to fight and win.

Never have they been trained to beg for their lives like dogs, and Jean and
they met in the first place to kill each other.

If there is one thing that is most equitable to everyone in the world of

fighters. The attitude of accepting defeat and death was that he could
choose for himself.

Suddenly Rick and his men turned back. Even though I didn't dare to show
my back.
"Your Majesty, forgive me for the inadequacy of God, who failed to
complete his mission and accepted death first."

They were the last ones to turn back to raise the censure toward the side
where the Beacon emperor was.

Jean could have finished them more easily than blowing her nose if she had
decided to kill them when they showed her back.

"If possible, I would like to have the honor of serving you after your death.”

But I decided to respect him. It was not difficult to show such mercy to an
opponent who had no personal grudge.

Is the emperor's leadership great, or is the emperor's brainwashing ability

excellent? That's a lot of loyalty.'

Turning again, Rick and his subordinate pulled themselves together.

"Thank you, Jean Looncandel. Thanks to you, I was able to say goodbye to
you as a pro-defense knight.”

"Are you done?"

Rick nodded. She smiled an unpleasant smile, but Jean didn't care and
aimed at Bradamante.


The blades of the Qin and the pro-Western forces struck.

Rick's one remaining subordinate, who had not even touched Jin's armor
once during a series of ten battles, came to the end.

The team leader, Rick, certainly did a few steps higher than his men, but it
wasn't comparable to Jean.

"Oh, my God. ...!”

After a hundred or so meetings, Rick was seen breathing hard with wounds
all over his body. There were a number of fatal injuries, and the bleeding
was so severe that it would soon lead to death.


Eventually Rick fell on one knee. I couldn't continue the fight with this
body anymore.

Jean looking down at him with indifferent eyes.

"There's nothing left to say."

Rick trembled without answering. Jin could not tell whether he was feeling
cold because of the bleeding or if he was afraid of death at the end.


Instead, I could realize why he was shaking right after I cut Rick's throat.

Something ominous was beginning to change in Rick's body.

'Pi, he's drawing a magic wand...…!?'

The blood from Rick's body was forming a strange magic line on the floor.

Looking back, not only Rick, but also the blood of the fallen guards was
drawing the same magic on the floor.

"Jin, this is... ....”

Feeling a strange smell, Valeria ran to Jean's side and said,

"Not sure, but a kind of magic trick that converts the body."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 370

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:09 PM

Chapter 370: Episode 112. Why They Find Themeer's Tomb (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The blood shed by Rick and his men stretched long and crawled on the
floor like a snake. A phenomenon that didn't exist until Rick died.

Jean shook her head with a limp.

"Body deformation? Like a biogolem?"

"Similar, but a little different. The old dark sorcerers called this a

"It's something I always feel, but I know everything."

Jean shrugged her shoulders and said,

'He never passed it on to me, but his teacher could certainly use a
considerable level of dark magic. I don't know if I can use it at this time.'

Valeria in her previous life had a history of learning dark magic at the
Hister family's battlefield.

However, he did not use it or inform his only pupil because he demanded a
dangerous and terrible catalyst.
She thought dark magic deserved to disappear.

"In addition to the master of the creature Golem, it is now the Mine. That's
annoying. You get involved with these guys all the time. Rick Helter. I
thought he was a neat guy in his own way, but I never thought he'd hit the
back of his head like this."

It was funny that the Emperor had shown mercy to greet the side where he

Jean naturally assumed that they were the fighters of pride and pride.
Anyone would have. If you see him keeping his will and loyalty in front of
a formidable opponent.

It's an honor to serve you after your death....I knew this would happen, Rick

Looking back, it was during his cadet days that he met an enemy who
changed out of nowhere for the first time.

Starting with guards who turned into biogolems when they were on a
mission to take away the remains from Colon, Jean had often dealt with
victims of magic experiments.

"Not the perfect magic."

Jean nodded at Valeria's words.

"I think so, too. It's slow in motion, and at a glance it's uselessly
complicated and crude.”

"It's the complexity that you see when you try to force a magic spell that
can't be done."

As the two men said, the magic team drawing the blood of the pro-guard
was incomplete.

That means magic, which is still in the experimental stage.

"The use of the fraternity as an experiment means that the Beacon imperial
family still has some confidence in the magic team.'

Putting aside the ethical questions, the SS were certainly the finest
manpower in the Beacon.

They wouldn't have just been used as a guinea pigeonholes. Jean judged
that Beacon had reached the stage of the magical completion of "Main

Also, Rick and his men were not victims, unlike the biogolated humans and
masters they had met before. They were just disgusting humans who were
loyal to the imperial family and participated in the experiment.

In the midst of anger, on the one hand, I felt better.

'We got an unexpected harvest. As Kinselo is making the golem of master,

and Jipple has been experimenting with bio golem, I thought he might be
preparing something, but I'm seeing this exact evidence.'

A fact flashed across my mind.

'Viment is looking for Themeer's body...….'

The reason why Temer's body, the pro-Western force, visited Wantara

'I was wondering what the hell you were trying to do to find that body.
Minehwa, was it this? Are you trying to make a mine out of Themeer's


My molars are chapped. If that was true, it was a problem that could never
be let go as a person's Looncandel.

It would not be easy to destroy the royal family.

Of course, it's not certain. At least there is no magic in Qin's knowledge
based on the body of the dead.

However, the ancient dark magic was literally an unknown territory for Jin,
so it was a case that could existent.

Does the family know about Beaumont's mind?'

It didn't matter whether or not.

The family would not have shared information with themselves anyway,
even if they had known about Maine.

It was clear that Rosa, Joshua and their henchmen would have been
ostracized until they were used in the most profitable way when they
wanted to.

Therefore, it did not matter whether the family understood the cause or not.

'I use this information before my family.'

Already, Jean has finished calculating how to use the information that she is
the mind of Beament.

'Whether you're trying to use Temar's body to complete the mine or find it
for other reasons. They have already committed a felony to Looncandel
since they began secretly searching for the bodies. I'll make you pay.'


Jean hit the floor with his fist. There was a scene of the earth floor bursting
into a fist full of ore.

It was an act of destroying the magic team.

" the sorcerer think of punching the sorcerer?"

I didn't expect to get rid of the magic team. However, Jindo and Valeria
have never experienced this before.
"Well, it's an unstable magic crew, just in case. It doesn't work, of course.”

Blood continued to paint an ominous magic line, even though the floor was
exhausted. The dilly-dallying appearance seemed to be crawling with red

"We have to leave evidence, Arya Oulhart."

"What did the man who needed evidence just try to destroy the magic

"I thought we could stop the magic, take their bodies. If you or any other
brilliant wizard were to give you the research, you'd be able to prove that
the dark-body metamorphosis magic was used on your own.... Well, dear."

Jean hung up and turned her head.

Ugh! Good-bye!

It was because I heard the grotesque sound of the flesh and bones of the
dead guards.

"......I don't think I'll be able to get a decent body.”

Jean stepped forward to Valeria and said,

The bodies of the dead guards were seen repeatedly swelling and shrinking
at a rapid pace.

A horrible scene where a person with a weak stomach feels like vomiting
just by looking at him at a glance.

Besides, the dead bodies, who had fallen off their necks, were picking up
their heads and putting them back together. Even the fallen head was
horribly swollen, making Jean and Valeria feel nauseous.

You didn't have to keep looking at it.

Jin rushed in like an arrow and cut off the body that was hanging on its
neck. Once again, he fell forward, losing his neck and hands, and now that
his opponent is not a human being, he has been confirmed and killed.

A swift sword, before the body even reached the ground again, Bradamante
frantically drew the trajectory. Black swords swept the bodies as if they had
been scattered with food.

Red discolored flesh and bones poured down. Even the upper horse, which
has the ability to regenerate per second, will not be able to breathe out again
when it becomes a six-piece.

Nevertheless, Jin set fire to the shattered body with his mana as if he had no
intention of ending it.

The burning meatpyeon became ash in the blink of an eye. Valeria also
conjured up magic and removed them with gin.

In such a short time, three bodies were cleared for revival.

But the other three were already nearing the end of their transformation.
Even the first of them to complete the transformation was already drawing a
knife to Jean.


Jean spun himself and struck his sword.

The shock carried by the wrist was quite heavy. Clearly stronger than the
members of the pro-defense forces we've just faced.

Now that the transformation is over, it was natural to be strong. Even

though the power of the blow was stronger, Jin did not consider it to be
nervous. Unless you're controlling your strength with reason.

Before the body that had completed the transformation, the unique curved
sword of the beat was seen. Jean immediately recognized that it was the
sword of Richard Rick Helter, and as soon as he naturally checked his face.
I had no choice but to be surprised.

You don't have a face? Besides, this look...….'

When he saw the magic circle complete and the body swells and shrinks
over and over again, Jean naturally expected the pro-Defense Force
members to turn ugly. Just like biogolem and unfinished masters did.

It wasn't.

The bodies, which had been transformed, were shaped like human beings
carved from marble. However, he had a smooth and strange face without
any hair and features.

It was like a doll that grabbed the frame and filled with cotton.

"You don't have reason, do you?"

Becoming Maine, Rick didn't answer. There is no agency that can be called
a mouth, so you won't be able to speak out.

There was no eye, but it seemed to have a good view of whether it was
moving with a sense or if there was something.

Rick calmly widened the distance. In the meantime, the other two had also
completed their transformation and began to settle near Rick.

'I don't know the reason, but I don't think there's only wildness left like a

The SS were showing a calmer presence in the battle than before they were

A completely different aspect from the victims of the other biological

experiments that Jean has seen so far.

A combat weapon, for example, ready to use. Despite being incomplete,

Beaumont's mind was no match for Jipple's biogolem or Kinselo's master.

The spirit in the Brahminante deepened.



"The speed at which the three men I just killed were burned to ashes was
too fast. Maybe it's designed to oxidize so that there's no information left
after a certain amount of damage.”

"Do you mean to capture one guy alive?"

"If possible. You'd better leave proof, as you say. If you can't capture them
alive, give them a signal before you kill them. I'll magically preserve even
parts of my body so they won't oxidize."

Jean nodded. Valeria's magic was possible.

The mariners poured into Jin as they conducted a checkup.

The absolute proposition that "the forest should not be damaged" was still
deeply embedded in their minds. Only condensed swords are used to
prevent the forest from going bad.


At the first stroke, the waist of the first man was broken.

He must have stopped exactly the Bradamante wielded by Jean. The Mines
did not lack the physical ability to even strike out the sword that Jean had
put forward.

Nevertheless, Mein did not know why she was cut off from her waist and
fell to the floor.

It was because Jin did not use the sword at all when dealing with the pro-
Western forces that were human beings.
It was a double-edged sword scissors that cut his waist. As soon as he was
stopped, the blade of Young-ki's blade stretched out from behind him like a
mirror and cut out his waist.

And the moment I was about to attack the next Main.


From the far side of the forest, out of nowhere, a few flashes of light flew in
for gin, Valeria, and Mines.

While Qin even struck Valeria's share and even fought back with the sword,
Main managed to keep the floor out of the light.

"Jipple, second uninvited guest has come.”

Once again, I had no choice but to think that it was better.

Before entering the tomb anyway, all the pursuers were planning to clean up
and go.

"You, maybe you should fight protecting the Mines. If the Zipple kills
Maine without a signal and they oxidize it, it may not preserve the

"I saved your strength for that. Now you should show your skills, Aria."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 371

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:08 PM

Chapter 371: Episode 112. Why They Find Themeer's Tomb (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Wizards showed up in the dreary bushes.

This time there were 20 people, and there was Mila on the side.

[Look! I knew this would happen. I'm sure your sister would have kept the
seal of the grave somewhere else. But it's obvious! The only place in
Wantaramo to hide the seal from my eyes is the red lake!]

Mila stepped forward and said in a shrill voice. He also gasped as if he was
in a hurry to get here. The wizards all glistened with sweat.

'I was a little worried about the ghostly things, but luckily only the Mastop
wizards are here. The 3rd tower was the closest place, and you didn't have
time to bring it to the haunted house.'

The specter was also a force that the three towers could not dare to call, as
they were Zipple's elite secret unit and direct subordinate to Octavian

"Still, reports of me in Wantaramo would have gone up to the top, so the

specter would eventually come. You've put in five last time to catch me.'
The point was to kill them all before Ji-won arrived, check their graves, and
then get out of the woods.

When I said I had to ally with Zipple for the sake of my fellow countrymen,
he ignored me, calling it nonsense! Looncandel? It's not Siron Looncandel,
and I'll stick to that powerless little fellow!]

Mila's body temporarily swelled and flushed with rage. It was a

phenomenon that occurred when a fairy descendant was excited or
expressed his strength.

[Is this the way for the people you're talking about? That's why everyone
turned their backs on her. Where are you, get out! Why don't you come out
and answer something!]

There was a moment of silence. The shrill breath of Mila stood out.

In the meantime, Jean and Valeria measured the approximate power of the
Jipple, and the minds of the Beacon also seemed to carefully examine them.

[Ha, I'm just excited. Listen to me anyway, sister. It's the last warning as a
brother. If you come out and beg now, I'll let you die painlessly. He's got
blood in his veins....laughs!]

Suddenly, Mila screamed.

It was because the wings brushed against the mana rays shot by Valeria.
From the moment the sorceresses appeared, she had already finished the
funeral parlor and kept the magic hidden in her hands.

[My wings!] [Wings!] It's hot!]

Milea who shouts and hides behind the wizards. The wizards didn't react
much to Mila's injury.

[Can't you stop this?] Kill them now! What are you doing, huh?]

"Shut up, without fear, who are you to blame, and who are you giving
orders to?"
A wizard said to Mila, giving her a contemptuous look of contempt. Mila
was dumbfounded by his cold manner and had no choice but to shut up.

"Nice to see you, Jean Looncandel. I'm Drew Malaga, the three-horsepower

Malagaga was one of the central families of the Rutero Federation, and
Drew Malaga was the second leader of the White Night of the Magic Unit
before taking over the task of the tower.

......Nice to meet you, Lord Luna. Two heads of the White Night, Saul

I guess the 2nd captain has changed without your knowledge.

His predecessor, Sir Drew Malaga, retired...….

If it were Drew, he would have stepped down the stairs before he could
have greeted me.

I recalled a conversation between Luna and Maul Henserk during the

Sungkuk incident.

"Good to see you, Lord Drew Malaga. I hear you're retired.”

"I recently returned to the Three Pagodas."

"Lutero Magic Federation must be short of talent.”

"All the Knights of Looncandel have retired, but they're still doing their
duty informally, aren't they? I have a similar case."

"I think you're far short of comparison with the national black knight. Are
you overconfident or are you not ashamed of yourself?"

"That was an inappropriate expression. I apologize if it was unpleasant."

Drew was not shallow enough to fall for provocation.

There is a good reason why he served as the second leader of the White
Night, and was appointed as the deputy chief of the three-horse pagoda
even though he retired.

"Sir Jean Looncandel."

said Drew, stroking his beard.

"Tell me."

"I'd like to make a suggestion.”


"Just go. I'll send you support from above soon, so I can't handle you. I also
don't want to lose my men to stop you.”

"If you lose your men, you think you can stop me. What do you think my
answer is?"

"I can't. One last question, who's the wizard next to you? Apparently, he's
using a magic trick that's forgotten.….”

Drew had heard from Mila on the way that Valeria was a record user.

"At the moment, Mila activated a wand that called the tower and came
without any information, so Drew didn't know there was a record magic
user here from the beginning. But even if I kill all the wizards, the
information that I've been with a record user will be included in the Zipple.'

As soon as she heard of the existence of the recording wizard from Mila,
Drew Malaga had sent a letter to the main house of the Jipple.

Mila's betrayal was unexpected and inevitable.

As soon as she was about to snort, Aria suddenly stepped forward and
opened her mouth.

"You deal with the Mines, Jean Looncandel."

Are you going to deal with 20 people alone?

Jean nodded her head without asking such a question. If your teacher said
so, it means you can do it on your own.

"Be careful."

As Jean began to extend her sword to the Mines, Valeria glared at the

"Listen, dogs of the Jipple."

Valeria took off her hood and showed her bare face. The silver-pumped with
mana reflected her face.

"I am a descendant of those who have been trampled and gone, a brother of
grey owls who have been murdered without sin, a wizard who will one day
erase the name Jipple from the world."

Valeria heaster.

Drew's eyes widened when she finished speaking. And I had no choice but
to be shocked.

Did your teacher reveal your real name?'

This is his real name, which he had not given to himself yet.

Jean had not turned off her nerves from Valeria while fighting the Mines.

Valeria's name was no different.

It means killing all the wizards in front of you.

"You won't be able to go back alive."

She was certain that she could do so.

"......Be careful of the floor!"

As soon as Valeria's wand moved, Drew suddenly screamed.

The chain of attributes unfolded on the ground he and the sorcerer are on.

"Did he drink while he was revealing his identity.…!'

It was a shocking magical operation that even Jin could not understand.

Even Jean, who was right next to her, could not have noticed any mana
flowing from her, so the three-horse pagodas could not have recognized it.



Wizards who couldn't escape the blitzkrieg chain screamed.

Already, their mouths, noses and ears were spilling blood, and the wizards,
who managed to escape from being hurt by hitting the shield, had no choice
but to feel their spine chilling.


The wizards wrapped in chains were five, and they soon came to an end,
burning black and vomiting blood.

Twenty percent of the tower's power to find the forest disappeared in a


But that wasn't all about the bad luck of the Three Masts. The blitzkrieg
chain continued to cling to the shield of the remaining wizards, wriggling
like a living life after killing five.

The chains were playing a role not only to press the shield, but also to
maximize fear by blocking the wizards' view.

"I'll buy you time! Respond calmly, if you move hastily, you'll fall back in
the current!"
Drew was the second leader of the White Night. He continued his excellent
command so that his bewildered subordinates would not fall into reverse

But Valeria expected Drew to be able to cope with that.

Therefore, he intended to kill them in a way that exceeded expectations.


As if summoning the phoenix, the gate suddenly opened in the air.

Valeria has signed a summons. However, it was not near Valeria that the
gate was opened, but "above the head" of the tower's wizards.

Kkeuk, Ching, Chi-ying!

Getting out of it was hundreds of sharp ice spikes. Like the teeth of a
overlapping shark, the ice spikes continued to grow new even if broken
against the protective membrane.

The wizards with their shields pierced died in a horrible way, with their
entire bodies tangled in skewers. The fallen flesh and intestines have
become lumps of charcoal in the blitzkrieg chain, which is still springing.

Wizards of the three towers did not expect to be attacked this way.

They've all learned magic from the Jipple, and they've taken Jipple's book
of all the magic in the world as my home...….

I could affirm. Valeria's magic is something she's never seen before. In fact,
all the magic Valeria uses was those that went through so many variations
that it was hard to gauge the original.

That's why we couldn't deal with it properly. Obviously, I thought I knew

almost all the magic that exists in the world, but the sight of a colleague
burning and stabbed to death by a strange magic that I had never heard of
before was simply fear itself.

Confusion, and panic.

There was a faint sound of raw fish escaping the sword. It wasn't

It was the sound of the dagger that Valeria had hidden in the sleeve of the

Buck. Buck. Buck....

Valeria, who began to approach the wizards with not-so-fast steps.

Her pupils were stained with red and dark flesh. Until Valeria came at a
tipping point, the wizards were busy struggling to survive the blitz chain
and ice spikes.

Chains laid on the floor were clearing the way along Valeria's steps.

The ice spikes from the overhead gate also avoided the direction Valeria

From then on, it was literally a massacre.

Like the envoy, one's life was lost whenever she moved the dagger,
swinging between wizards. The Valeria, which stabbed the neck and heart
of the wizards, had a look of apprehension.

Soon after, her steps turned to Drew Malaga, who was taking care of her
subordinate wizards as a protective shield.

Drew was already accepting defeat and death before she approached. Since
the first surprise attack killed five people.

Even though Valeria was just around the corner, Drew could not afford to
fight back or push her away.

Valeria didn't stab Drew, but kept eye contact with him in her sleep.
"One of the wizards that slaughtered the Grey Owl Mercenaries was a man
named Holden Malaga."

"That... ...runa."

"I think it's your blood.”

Drew did not answer and avoided Valeria's gaze.

"Your brothers must be afraid to die, too."


When Valeria cut Drew's throat, a blitzkrieg chain and ice spikes began to
devour his men who were barely holding out thanks to his protective film.

While blood and screams were rife, Valeria once again shot a mana ray and
dropped the wings of Mila trying to escape.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 372

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:07 PM

Chapter 372: Episode 112. Why They Find Themeer's Tomb (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

[Screaming] [Screaming] You dog, my wings, it hurts! I feel like my whole

body is burning! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you! You!]

Milea, who fell to the floor, was screaming and hurling all kinds of curses at

The heat of the blitz chain still lingered on the floor, and in fact, Mila was
suffering from a whole body being worn out.

While screaming continued, Valeria checked that Mila was unable to escape
and chose to breathe against the tree.

There were many corpses.

The three wizards of the Wantaramo forest were all killed. It was literally
crushed to death by a girl who was only 17 years old.

No one would believe it. Right now, she had experienced Valeria in her
previous life, and even Jean, who confirmed the fight in person, was

"I knew my teacher was a monster, but I didn't know it was this bad even at
seventeen. That's why we haven't been caught so far."
Naturally, Valeria's simple horsepower is too small to compare to the
twenty-horsepower magicians.

Drew Malaga and his men were never weak.

Nevertheless, it was purely due to the overwhelming genius and

unexpectedness of the wizard Valeria Heister.

As it has always been in my past life.

Jin felt as if he had seen a new magic horizon from his teacher again this

"When I first met my teacher in my previous life, what did I believe in and
what did I say to her? I'm dizzy on second thought.'

When I suddenly remembered Valeria's full body, saying she would teach
me the magic of blitzkrieg, my back felt cool.


Valeria took a well-dried cigarette out of her arms and lit it.

I didn't mean to smoke in person. She spat out the smoke left in her mouth
when she lit it, and put down the cigarette in the middle of the ground
where the wizards died.

It was a cigarette in honor of the Grey Owl Mercenary Corps. For a while
Valeria stared blankly at the cigarette.

A mixture of horrible corpses, a Valeria looking at a cigarette in a lonely

way, and a maze of vicious miasma, who kept struggling, were creating a
chaotic scene.

And Mains judged that she was defenseless.

In fact, she had just consumed almost all her mana from the battle,
following her help in creating a passage for the Myo people.
Wedge squirt!

Mines rushed to Valeria at the same time. The curved sword of the oracle-
glowing manes was falling toward Valeria.

Of course, there was no such thing as their sword reaching Valeria.

Compared to when I was a human being, my physical ability has greatly
improved.Zee Man, it wasn't fast enough for Jean to miss.

Bradamante and two curved swords collided, sparking flames. Jin used
scissors one more time, but as if he were not subjected to the skill he
experienced once again, Maines turned their backs on each other and struck
them as falling on both sides.

"You shouldn't interfere with the memorial."


When Bradamante drew the line, the chest of Maine, who was Rick Helter,
was cut off. It would have been a fatal wound if it were a human being, but
the wound was regenerating rapidly.

At the end, Jin unfolded the scissors and examined where the body of
Manin was.

As Valeria expected, Mayn, who died, had already been oxidized and
completely disappeared, leaving only black marks.

'You'll have to control your strength. To leave evidence without difficulty.'

The ability to regenerate seemed to make it difficult to capture alive. Also,

the Mines were weaker than the gin, but could not be tied up with a neat

'An oxidation in preparation for regeneration and physical strengthening

and information leakage. And reason. Is that enough for now? Oh, there's
one more. Equalization of Combat Force.'

Rick Helter.
As a human being, he was as good as a team leader as his subordinates.

However, he hasn't been different from others since he became Maine.

Whether you're a regular SS or Rick, you have the same level of combat

What that fact means is very large.

"Main painting magic is not necessarily a pro-defense force, but an

unmanned man with some skills." No, maybe we can use it on the public to
create a mind with this level of combat power...….'

It's a shame that the dead guards killed three people during their
transformation, and if all six of them were completely minded, Jin could not
have been so relaxed.

'If you can apply the minding magic to the general public, and if the bison
operates more than 10,000 units of the mind. The landscape of world power
may be completely reversed.'

Jean had already experienced something similar to it in her previous life.

He saw with his eyes that the Jipple, which used the new Colon's "mirror"
to train the seven-star mass-production wizard in large quantities,
strengthened the power monopoly.

'Leave the body of Min as evidence, and make sure you do your research.
How far did the Mineization magic go? The reason for not mass production
yet is probably because it is incomplete.'

Kagagang! Bradamante drew the trajectory faster and faster. As Qin picked
up speed, the Mains had no choice but to backpedal and rush to defend

He became strong after turning into a strong man. The gap was too wide in
the first place. Under the auspices of Heaven's Fortune, even if the swords
of the Mines touched Qin, it was not enough to break through the armor of
spirit and inflict fatal wounds.
'The way you deal with scissors, you have the ability to learn, but they don't
seem to have any memories of their human life.'

If Ma's memory of being a pro-defense force remained, he would not have

given up his arm and stabbed Jin in the neck.


The curved sword was blocked by the spirit armor and bounced off. At the
moment of the reaction that Main's demeanor was disturbed, Bradamante
cut his waist.

The blade wrapped in spirit passed silently through the flesh and intestines.
The dull sensation of the spine breaking off was transmitted by the sword,
and Jin raised the sword one more time to divide him into the cross.

Even though the body was divided into several parts, the shape of the fallen
meat pieces seemed to be enough to regenerate.

However, the cracked mind chose oxidation instead of regeneration. It was

a part where the mind producer's will to never leave evidence stood out.

What's left now is Mine, which used to be Rick Helter. He was also
scheduled to disperse after fighting to the end.


Suddenly, there was a flame in Bradamante.

The power of Tess, Chunghwa. As the energy came in, the sword of Maine
slowed noticeably.

They are overwhelmed by the "medium pressure" and cannot move

properly. Even when he could do all he could, he was no match, so all he
could do is oxidation.

Maine showed signs of oxidation, even though only his arm was cut off.
Like the dead mind, the body is turning into ashes.
Originally, oxidation took place very quickly.

But the power of the medium-pressure was slowing not only the movement
of Maine, but also the extinction.

"Valeria, now!"

Jean, who narrowed the distance like a shot, shouted, cutting off Manin's
arms. As Valeria said, he gave the signal before processing the manne. So
that she can use magic to leave evidence.

Although the medium pressure was slowing the oxidation rate, the body of
Main was noticeably shrinking with each second passing.

Pigs' play!

From the back came a stream of mana holding the energy of the ice. When
the mana touched the body of Manin, it was followed by a simple sound
and rapid formation of a magic seal of the ice-cold world.


It was faster to complete the magic seal than to finish the oxidation.

The magic seal that fell to the floor made a dull sound. The seal was shaped
like a sphere, but only the head and chest of Manin remained in it.

Gene's two pre-cut arms and the rest of his body had already been oxidized
and scattered in the air.

"If I were a little late, I would have missed it.”

Jean who sweeps her forehead looking down at the magic seal. Valeria
approached it and nodded.

"It would have been more dangerous if it hadn't been for the power of blue
in your sword. I think we could barely seal half the head.”
"Well done, by the way to go. All we have to do is visit the grave before
further assistance comes."

For a moment the two looked down at the seal containing the head and
chest of Manin, and there was no word.

"Gin Looncandel."


"You told Mein not to disturb my memorial, why?"

"What can we think of other than memorials when we light a cigarette that
we don't smoke? You told Drew about the trampled and the murdered

The fact is that he knew Valeria's actions were a tribute to the memory of
his previous life, but there was nothing strange about answering like this.



"And you didn't find it very strange to see me using a sword.”

"There are often magicians who train their bodies and skills. The dagger
operation was pretty good. It's such a shame we can't contain an order."

"It's my first time revealing my real name, and you called me Valeria a little
while ago very naturally."

I managed to restrain myself from flinching.

"Is that strange? I don't know what you're talking about.”

Valeria shrugged.

"Well, it doesn't mean much. Just wondering why."

"When I say my real name even though I'm listening, it means I have that
much trust. I sang it once because I liked it."

A balleria staring at Jean.

Jean waited quietly for her next remark, not avoiding the gaze.

[Argh! Argh!]

What came first was not Valeria's answer, but the screams of Milea, who
was still rolling down the floor.

"... ...first of all, we need to ask the king of the fairy descendants what to do
with that.”

"I agree, Valeria Heister."


Meanwhile, entry into Wantaramo Forest.

Two wizards were looking for the horse they had been riding with their

They were the sorcerer of the Three Pagodas who came with Drew Malaga
to visit the Wantaramo Forest.

Originally, they were also trying to track down Jean, but Drew ordered
them to report to the Jipple home as soon as possible.

The wizard who uses the "Record Wizard" is in the Wantaramo Forest.

"The Record Wizard...... it's gonna be crazy for a while.”

"The report alone confirms my promotion, I can raise my library reading...


The wizard who was answering fell forward.

"Oh, you! Come on, it's okay...…!”

The remaining wizards also failed to finish their last words.

It was because a long sting of poison was stuck in the middle of the neck,
not knowing where it flew from. The two wizards didn't even realize they
were 'killed' until the moment they died.

"Well, um."

And there was a woman humming two steps behind them.

The woman looked through the belongings of the dead wizards with a
cheerful gesture, and smiled broadly as she looked through the letter
bearing the name of her beloved youngest brother.

"Our youngest, if you look at it, there's something clumsy about it. Hehe."

It was Jonah.

After packing up the letter, she also said,

"I was wondering what to do and what to do during the vacation, and
should I kill the youngest ones?"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 373

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:05 PM

Chapter 373: Episode 112. Why They Find Themeer's Tomb (5)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Trees and plants in the Wantaramo forest were also bursting into tears. The
trees wriggled and vomited sap, and the plants dropped their leaves and
gave off a terrible smell.

Now that Sheila had lost her authority, the Wantaramo Forest was
connected to the body of Mila.


Jean and Aria frowned at the unpleasant screams of scratching their

eardrums, and the hidden Sheila and hermites came out and showed up.

[Sister! Cock! Please, save me!]]

No shame, no pride. As soon as Mila saw Sheila, she begged for her life.
While struggling with the terrible pain that covered his whole body, he was
seen lying flat and praying.

Sheila's eyes glistened lonesomely, looking down at such a Mila.

I was a sister, a friend, and a parent to you. He was also the king of you and
your people.


[Always generous to you, and did not resent the moment you were
determined to betray me. Family have stirred up so mad then take one of
those times when you have my authority before have.]

[Sister! Sis!]

Mila seemed to have caught a glimpse of hope from Sheila by then. As

always, she forgives her foolish brother.

[Oh, I'll give you back control of the forest!] Please, if you let me live...….]

[I forgive you for trying to hurt me.]

Mila raised her head and made eye contact with Sheila. with a moving look
on one's face, as if it were the first life to see the light.

Sheila, however, said after facing the gaze for a while.

But I cannot forgive you for putting the forest and its people in danger.]


[Good-bye, my dear brother.]

The appearance of Sheila, who finished speaking, was changing rapidly.

The coveted shiny wings melted away like snow, and the tiny body of a
fairy swelled red.

Soon she became a human-like figure, giving off a red glow.

Then, in despair, he lifted Mila, who was rolling on the floor, with both
[No, please!]

She struggled, but Mila couldn't get out of Sheila's grasp.


A breeze blowing at Mila, lightly like a dandelion seed in her hand. When
the wind of her mouth touched, Mila's body was breaking like a snowflake.

Ahhhhhh! The last scream of Mila scattered into the air in the wind. The
shiny red particles, which were milas, left trajectories everywhere.

Sheila's hands were empty, and only then did the forest stop crying.

The twisted trees returned to their original form, and the plants again gave
off a fragrant smell. The darkly wet sky showed a bright yellow dawn as the
clouds cleared.

The corpses on the floor were also swallowed up by the soil, disappearing
instantly without a trace. Less than a minute later, the place where they
stood became an incredibly clean landscape that there was a battle.

Sheila looked into her hands for a while and was silent.

She was peeping at the" self of the past" from the dead Mila.

[Gin Looncandel.]

Sheila turned around and looked at Jean.


The name written on this ark belonged to me.]

He took the title and looked at it again.

The name of the person who made this drink and wanted to leave a story. It
was none other than the old name of Sheila, the king of fairy descendants.

Jean stared at the prince silently without answering.

And I thought of one conversation I had with Sheila a while ago.

[Millah. She didn't want me to keep my word with the Soldier. Other kids,
too. Everybody thinks our fairies' descendants are making useless sacrifices.
Or think of having meaningless hope.]

So you actually took Sheila down from the throne, and she was in control of
the forest?

[Yes. Waiting for you was too uncertain, and even compensation was
unclear...]... there are people who say they'll give us everything we want if
we just give them a little bit of information. In a way, betrayal is a given.]

What do elf descendants want?

[Returning our original form.]

one's original appearance

The existence of the Wantaramo forest was not originally a "Descendants"

but a fairy itself.

[I hope there's something in this drink that can help you, too.]


Sheila opened the lid.

Then he took the lid as a glass and filled it with wine and held it out to Jean.
Amid the unutterably fragrant smell, the glass was full of spirit.

Jean and Valeria began to alternate the drink.

Unlike Kawangju, who drank when he met Shuri, he could not hear the

It was the sound of someone sobbing in place of the song. Before Sheila
lost her name, it contained the sound of making alcohol and crying.

After a while, they were able to slip into the story of Themeer's fourth


the primordial forest

a mysterious place where fairies lived

Jean and Valeria drank the royals and were able to recognize exactly that
the place they entered was the land.

I've never been there, and I've never even seen a painting depicting the
original forest.

The power of the record contained in Gawangju was making them feel as if
they had known the forest of the beginning from the beginning.

No footprints of the two were left even if they stepped on the grass-filled
ground, and even if they spoke to each other, they were not heard by those
who existed in the records.

Jean and Valeria looked at the forest as "observants," so to speak.

And why.

As soon as Valeria entered here, she felt a longing as if she had cut out her

Just as when the gray owl had lost his brothers in the mercenary corps, a
sad feeling that was unbearable was scratching his chest.

So he had to sit down for a while and choose his breath.


"It's all right."

Soon Valeria stood up, and the two walked together.

While walking, I could feel "information about the forest of the beginning"
flowing into my head.

The forest was now ruled by Reet Damiro Yul, king of the Fairy.

"Is that Leet Damiro Yul?"

As she reached the depths of the forest, Valeria said, looking at a fairy
standing there.

Red hair, an angry, cold look. Jean and Valeria settled right next to her.

Jean looked closely at her and shook her head.

"No, I'm not the one I saw on the record device of the third grave. Looks
like another fairy.”

Not long after, the two could know the fairy's name.

To rest.

Another fairy appeared deep in the forest and called her name.

It was Reet Damiro Yul. She came here to meet her brother, Damiro, who
came to see her in anger.

My lord the king.

When Shil fell on one knee, Riet shook his head.

You don't have to be so polite, rest.

At Leet's words, Shield rose up.

older sister

Say it, brother.

Leet and Shil stared at each other for a while and remained silent.

Before this meeting, the two were born of blood and experienced deep
conflict for the first time.

Reet had a look on his face that seemed to understand you, and Shil had a
look in her eyes that she couldn't understand her sister.

Are you really going to get involved in human affairs?

Soon, when Shil took his mouth off, Reet nodded.


a bite-off on one's lower

She couldn't understand her sister's choice. The same was true of other
fairies who followed the break.

Do you have to do that? If you don't step up, the Zipple won't attack us.

Shil, from the moment they've already begun to manipulate history, they'
they've attacked us.

No, that's just your idea. Jipple wants us not to come forward, but to solve
the problem between humans.

How can you be so sure?

Shil didn't answer the question.

......Sister, think carefully. Even if we're helping, do you think Looncandel

can beat the Jipple? Do they ever feel grateful?

It is a matter of no consequence.
No, there's nothing more important than this! It's the life of the whole tribe.
Your misjudgment could kill all of our own people!

When Shil screamed with evil, Reet closed his eyes.

She's putting her own people in danger now. More than half of your own
people are against it, don't you see why?

I know.

If you know, make a different decision even now.

To rest.

Reet opened his eyes again and looked at my brother.

Individuals can choose the wrong path. But the king always has to make the
right choice.

older sister

You'll find out when you become king someday. Why I have to make this

Shil couldn't take the word.

Be honest, sister. You just feel love for the head of Looncandel. That's why
we're putting our entire race at risk to help Temer Looncandel, to impress

Do you really think so?

I can't trust you anymore.

Reet sighed. you can't trust me anymore, so you're trying to scare me with so

many of these people, rest.
At the end of Leet's words, another fairy appeared throughout the darkness
of the forest.

They were fairies thinking like rest.

Everyone was full of animosity in the way they looked at Leet, holding a
dagger sharply drawn.

Kill me, and you'll be the new king?

If you don't break my will, I'll do that.

Schle answered, glaring at Leet.

Leet still looked as calm as he had ever seen his brother.

She thought, eventually, her sister would step down.

Leet, she thought, was not a person to stubbornly do this to herself and her
own people.

He always did everything better than he did, so he made himself distressed,

and I hated my sister who had always wanted the throne.

Still, there was faith. My unlucky sister will always make a choice for

That's why we can't believe or accept Leet's recent decision.

I can't do it.

You're gonna change your mind?

head-shaking reet

No, if this is the end you want......kill me.

Leet began to approach Xu.

Xu took the dagger out of his arms and thrust it into Leet's neck.

But Leet was determined not to stop walking, even though the edge of the
knife was stabbing in the neck, and Shil clenched his teeth while his head
was going blank.

Damn it...!

Clink, clang!

Eventually, Shil threw a dagger to the floor.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 374

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:04 PM

Chapter 374: Episode 113. The Fourth Tomb of Themeer (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was because of faith.

The belief that her sister, Reet, would always make the "right choice" as
king, made Shil throw away his sword.

Shil gritted his teeth as he glared at the knife that had fallen. Red blood was
dripping from Leet's neck.

Even the fairies who followed Shil had no choice but to put down their
swords. Everyone was in a mood of great disappointment to Shil.

Rest, my brother.

Shil only looked at the fallen knife without answering.

Right now, no matter how I explain it, it'll be hard to accept. But I believe
you will understand my choice someday. Go back now.

turning rest

As she turned around and began to leave, the fairies shifted their steps, as if

Leet sighed as he looked over the forest where Shil and his fellow people
had left. It was a sigh of mixed relief with a disturbed mind.

It was not because I was not stabbed by my brother and his people.

The culture of fairies is so cute. He pulled out a knife to kill the king, and
he said a few words, and he just turned around....huhuhuhuhuhu.

From the darkness of the forest behind Reet, a man appeared and said,

He was a figure who couldn't see his face well with his hood pressed, but
there was a black robe with a black sword pattern of Looncandel.


Leet looked back and called his name.

Roquia ganesto.

She was a teenage knight in Looncandel, and a figure no one could follow
in Looncandel with pure magic alone.

In Looncandel, no. It's unimaginable in the human world. That's a relief,

though. If I really wanted to hurt you, I would kill every single one of you.

As Rockeia said so and gave a giggle of laughter, the gap between Leet's
eyebrows narrowed.

Are you having fun? This situation.

Yes, it's fun and cute. I felt like I was watching a children's war. Well, Leet,
who didn't stop when the knife touched his neck, was cool. No, because you
believed me that much?

Believe what you want.

To be honest with you, if only half the blades on your neck had come in, I
was planning on exterminating you right away. I put up with it in my own
way, but if I had killed him, I would have hated him.

Locia smiled and continued her words.

But it's better to be hated by Leet than to be angered by our family. From
now on, don't do this reckless thing without consulting the owner. If I hadn't
claimed to be your escort...….

I never asked for a escort.

That's the problem. That's why I'm so sensible. Anyway, if there was no
escort from me, and the elves who ran away really stabbed you, so if the
housekeeper was angry. I don't think it's finished enough to kill some of the

The theme is a good person.

Of course he's a good man. But is he a good man after losing his own?
Looncandel's lyric can't be that stupid. I think you just put the whole fairy
in danger. As your brother said.

Leet had nothing to say.

Locia had such a lovely tangle of her hair.

Let's go back. Oh, and as of today, you're the deacon of our Looncandel.
There was a patriarch's order to let you know the truth.


After that day, Shil and the fairies who followed her left the primordial

And forgotten.

Starting with the disappearance of five fairies on March 4, 797 and less than
a few years later, all the fairies in the world were forgotten.
It was because Looncandel was defeated.

Though forgotten, their shapes still remain in the world, but they were not

A black and eccentric figure, as if in shadow.

The forgotten elves looked like that in the eyes of others. But no one was
aware of them. Even if you walk in the middle of a large city full of crowds
or through a forest with all kinds of wild animals.

There was no one who cared about the elves that had turned into ghosts.

It's just that you don't even care about it like wind that passes

It's even a kind of instinct for Shil and the forgotten elves to follow him,
and they couldn't even talk to each other.

The act of listening to, reading, and remembering the words and texts of the
unforgettable beings was also impossible.

The same was true of feeling emotions. Forgotten elves were just wandering
through the visible black air, nothing more or less, and empty-flowing time.

It was like that to be forgotten. Exist but not exist, cannot have any effect
on the world, and cannot communicate with anyone.

There's no worse punishment than this.

Those who were trampled on by the power of the Jipple, including the
fairies, were paying such a harsh price.


In the midst of no knowing how much time has passed so meaningless.

Shields and fairies heard one voice.

Listen to the voice...….

The very natural phenomenon, which was nothing special before it was
forgotten, made the eyes of the forgotten fairies open for the first time open.

My eyes opened, my darkened self came back, I understood the terrible

situation they were in, and I shuddered at the sudden surge of despair.

Turn your head in the direction of the "Oh" voice that gave you all this.

Then what came into the eyes of Sheep and the fairies was a woman, darker
and greater than those who had turned black as shadows.

There's plenty of orphans.

The woman looked at the fairies with great interest.

It was so dark that I couldn't see her face properly, but the elves could feel
that she was smiling.

And even though we've never met.

I could tell what her name was.


said Shil.

The name of a witch who, before being forgotten, came to know while
performing her duty of recording as a fairy.

Then Heluram smiled with satisfaction. Haha, while the laughter continued,
the rest and the fairies were hopeful.

There's someone who recognizes us. There is someone who can help us to
exist again.

It was natural for forgotten elves to have such hope. Even if your opponent
is a legendary witch who has brought countless disasters to the world.
How did you come to that?

The jipple erased our existence from the world.

Is it unfair?

This is unfair.


It's him... ...because we're innocent.

Shil answered so, and felt ashamed.

It was not immediately clear what shame was about. So I thought about it
for a while, and I was able to give an answer soon.

Betrayed her sister, and turned away from her fellow countrymen who
followed her to fight against the Zipple.

I was suffocated when I faced the fact. I'd rather forget, feel better not to
feel anything.

Helluram saw right through the inner side of such a shill. She seemed to
know all about the past, which was forgotten by the rest and the fairies.

It's not even worth laughing at.

Such insulting remarks did not allow rest and fairies to refute.

Also, I just wanted to look good. Somehow I wanted to be seen well by

Heluram and be in the world again.

The shame and shame of betraying the king and his people would be
forgotten if they could exist again.

Do you regret it?

Shields and elves nodded.

You said you were innocent just now, but now you're saying you regret it. I
have a question.

What is it?

Definitely, definitely. A similar moment will come. At that time, what

choices will be made for shameless things like you guys?

Heluram matched his eyes with Shil.

Mana and black energy were flowing out of her hands. Young-ki, a force
known to be used only by shadows and his contractor.

A mixture of mana and spirit wrapped around the elves in dozens of bands.

Uh, uh...!

The elves around the band were changing.

The body, which had turned as black as a shadow, regained its original
color, and the red hair, which was unique to the fairy, flowed down.

The rest and the fairies had no choice but to shed tears at each other. It
seemed to me that I had returned to my full self for the first time in millions
of years.

But even before the tears that had just begun to flow through the cheeks fell
to the ground.

Fairies had to experience another change in their appearance.

This, what the hell. No!

Oh, my God!

The elves' bodies were shriveling.

The red hair escaped like the hair of a sick beast, and the harmonious face
turned as hideous as a monster.
His arms and legs were grotesquely twisted and his neck sounded of iron.
Their appearance could not be any uglier, as they had been decayed by
plague and looked like a decayed corpse.

Then the change stopped for a moment.

That's who you really are.

Heluram shook his hand once, saying short appreciation.

Then the bands began to move again, and the elves' appearance began to
change once more.

The body was reduced to the size of a child's head and small wings
appeared on his back. There was such a dainty sound when the peering, the
peering, and the wings were moving.

It was a figure most people would find lovely. But the fairies were feeling

It's so funny. We're innocent, I regret it. That's not enough, and the people
who were filled with the desire to just be in the world again feel the luxury
of humiliation.

What did you do to us?

I gave him a chance to be in the world again.

Heluram grasped the rest.

And attached a particularly large pair of wings to her back.

From now on you are the king of those things. When a moment similar to
that comes, when you said you regret it. I'll see what choice you'll make.

A moment of regret.

A moment when you betrayed your own people and didn't stand up to the
If such a situation comes again someday, what choices will rest and fairies
make? That's exactly what Heluram said he was curious about.

It's very difficult not to forget the lesson.

Heluram let go of his rest and continued his back talk.

Besides, you are now incomparably inferior, and you will have to think
diligently to survive. Go.

The elves dared not look at Heluram. Go, the fairies turned back and
flapped their wings, as soon as Heluram's horse fell.

So they regained their existence and wandered around the world.

Another few years passed before we found a nest called the Wantaramo

By then fairies had forgotten most of their memories of being real fairies.

It was only with Heluram's power that he came back to exist, and he didn't
regain his "self."

It wasn't just the memory of being a real fairy that I forgot.

Sheep, no. Most elves except Sheila were forgetting what Heluram had
done to them and even what he said.

Because it was boring.

A life that continued without any other purpose, meaning, or hope was
simply a series of boredom. So I accidentally killed the humans who found
the forest and found fun, and that was enough.

Only Sheila contemplated the future as their king.

It was only after a man came to deliver the message of solderlet to the
Wantaramo Forest that Sheila's troubles were over.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 375

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:03 PM

Chapter 375: Episode 113. The Fourth Tomb of Themeer (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was a woman who brought the message, and it was clearly weakened.

Nevertheless, the mischievous pranks of inferior fairies were no help.

Some fearless fairies did not recognize their opponents and attacked them
recklessly. All such fairies were killed with their wings torn and their bodies
exploded. It was fortunate that there were not many numbers.

Who are you?

Despite Sheila's question, the woman did not reveal her name.

Only the eyes hidden under the hood were shining lonesomely. The woman
smelled of blood and ashes, as if she had just come from the battle.

I came to inform you of the message of solderlet.

The shadow told us?

The woman looked down at Sheila quietly. It meant to bite other fairies.

When the fairies stepped down, the woman opened her mouth again.
Don't forget your duty. And promise me, I'll leave you a story that you
should never forget.

That was the message Solderlet left to Sheila and the fairies who followed

Is that all?

All of them.

Why should I obey that?

It may be the only hope that you will restore your honor and regain your
original form. That's what he said.

Sheila's eyes grew bigger.

Solderlet knew everything that had happened to Sheila and the fairies. Even
the fact that they met Heluram and turned into a miserable figure.

The woman turned back. He seemed to be leaving right away after the
message was delivered message.

Where should we go?

Sheila asked. She was obviously having intense curiosity about the woman,
and somehow could only ask where she was going.

The woman paused.

Where I didn't break.

The woman left the Wantaramo Forest at the end of the horse.

It was from then on.

Fairy, no. It's the fairy's descendants that started to make kawangju.

Jean and Valeria took their breaths and rose at the same time, just as the
liquor awoke.

As soon as the two opened their eyes, they took up their weapons
reflexively and looked around.

There was a black scene all over. Jin, a subspace made up of spirit, was
immediately able to realize that this was the fourth tomb of Themeer.

"Inside the tomb."

When Jean was nabbed, Valeria also put down her cane. Cold sweat was
running on the two people's foreheads.

"Inside the tomb? So what you just saw was just a record in the royals."

"I think so. "Now that the record in the Gaza Strip is finished, the seal on
the tomb must have been lifted."

The road stretched straight ahead of Jean and Valeria. After a brief tour of
the road, the two quickly reached the same conclusion.

"You were attacked by someone, this grave."

"The graves we've been to before were like this. From the fact that this is
the fourth tomb, there have been at least four burials. It is also evidence that
Jipple persistently visited and damaged Themeer's tomb. Maybe it wasn't a
jipple, it was the Beement's.”

Two people began to walk.

It was a long road, but even after a long walk, I could not feel any
animosity or energy peculiar to the guardians guarding the tombs from the
darkness beyond.

"There seems to be no guardian."

I was relieved that the existence of the guardian might lead to an unbearable
battle, but on the other hand, I was sorry.
The absence of a guardian means that there is a high possibility that nothing
important will remain inside the tomb.

Buck. Buck. Buck....

Soon the two reached the end of the road.

There lay a huge sarcophagus where Themer lay.

The interior was empty and welcomed without a speck of dust. The cover
was broken and debris fell nearby.

Jin first laid down the sarcophagus with a young flag.


said Valeria, who looked inside the sarcophagus.

As she said, the only thing left in the fourth grave was an empty
sarcophagus. There are no records of solderlet or legacy of the old

A momentary sense of despondency soared.

"You don't seem to have anything to gain from the grave. Still, there's an
old Buddhist temple that I've seen through the kawangju, so it's not a
harvest at all...... ahh!"

Jean went on to say something as if she had come up with something.

"Come to think of it, you're a record user, so this tomb itself is nothing short
of a record. Isn't that right?"

It was.

For Valeria, this tomb was simply a repository of records. In some ways, it
is easier to analyze than a recording device like a spirit bead.

"That's right."
"Can I check the records right away?"

"It's impossible now to read a thousand years ago with my record magic."

Valeria pulled a well-folded leather sack out of its lobster inner pocket.

"You can take the pieces here instead and go back. You'll find out as much
as you can when the record magic improves.”

Like the archaeologist who discovered the ancient relics, Valeria carefully
put the fragments in a sack. Jindo helped her pick up the debris.

"You don't have to put it all in. It was one thing anyway.”

A dagger was used to scrape together fragments of stone that formed the
sarcophagus and corridor, and several blood stains that began to be seen.
The blood was placed in an empty glass bottle.

"I'm so glad I brought you here.”

If she had not met Valeria before her fourth tomb, Jean would have had to
return here without getting anything.

Valeria shrugged.

"I think this much should be enough. Let's go back now."

nodding gin

But there was a problem.

'How do I get back....what is it?'

Other Temer tombs that I have been to so far were different from the fourth

The first and second faced the guardian, looked at the records and the
recording device, and naturally the subspace collapsed, leaving the tomb.
The third was led by Leet himself.
But the fourth?

The only thing I could see as soon as I inhaled the glass was the empty
space of eternity. There was no guardian or other information or
phenomenon to guide them.

As Jean remained still, agonizingly, Valeria met him in the eye.

"... ...Jin Looncandel, no way. You don't know how to get back?”

"Well, well. Never done this before. Until now, the subspace had
automatically collapsed after meeting the guardian or checking the records."

There was a moment of silence.

Jean felt embarrassed for no reason, but unexpectedly Valeria did not scold
or laugh.

"Well, you can. This is not a normal place. Let's think about it together."

First, I went back the way I came.

I had already looked at it once before I reached the sarcophagus. At that

time, there was no exit, and the results were the same.

"Shall we destroy the subspace itself?”

At Valeria's words, Jean shook her head this time.

"I think you'd better leave it as a last resort. When the subspace breaks
down, the debris you pack may be affected and disappear. I can feel that the
subspace spirit is connected very organically.”

"Oh, I think it's possible.”

"Let's just wait a little bit, Valeria. The power over this tomb in the seal of
the Crown will not last forever, and when it is done, it will naturally return."

It was a great fortune for Jin that Jonah was following him.

The same was true of the fact that the space where she was waiting for the
camp was the entrance to the Wantaramo Forest, that there were strangely
dark clouds and untimely heavy rain.

Hoodie, hoodie......! Kureung!!

a heavy rain and thunderstorm dawn

Time passed quite differently from outside the grave. Three more hours
have already passed outside since Qin entered Themeer's fourth tomb.

That meant that the additional support group of the Jipple, the Ghost, had
arrived in the Wantaramo Forest.

The three ghosts who came to the forest.

But they were unable to enter without permission when they were told that
Jean Luncandel was in the forest.

"......I think it was a mistake for only the three of us to come.”

"I heard the mana reaction of the three horsemen who went to the
Wantaramo Forest was cut off, so I came here...There must be something in
there. Seeing that Jonah Looncandel is here.”

Jonah Looncandel.

She was also known as a super-high risk figure among the specter. It was
not just for the specter, but for all the wizards located at the top rank of the

a man who should never be reckoned with

The sorceress of the specter never thought they would face Jonah in search
of the Wantaramo forest.
"And it's raining like this. It's too much for the three of us to handle that

In this rain, dealing with an assassin named Jonah Looncandel was an act of
suicide, even if it was a ghost band.

"The captain was also very angry at Jonah Looncandel. I know the reason
after facing it in person. It feels like his sword is already touching his neck."

Jonah was still humming at the spot where she killed the three-horsepower
wizards. He was an assassin, but instead of hiding it, he stood in front of
him like a gatekeeper.

Nevertheless, the specter were feeling intuitively. Unless you burn Jonah
whole with Wantaramo Forest.

There's no chance of winning. It wasn't even likely that Jonah could be

killed if he burned it with the woods.

Just blow up the forest, which is a public good, and the Jipple will lose a lot
of money to take responsibility for it.

"Maybe there isn't much important inside the forest. It's possible that while
Jonah Looncandel was just digging through the Wantaramo forest for fun,
Mila asked for help, and naturally the three-horse tower wizards were
wiped out.”

"Yona Looncandel could do that. Was there one report about her that didn't
include the expression "completely insane"?”

"Should I just go back?"

The ghosts had been fixed their eyes on Jonah for a while, unable to do this
or that.

Originally, they should have heard that there was a 'Jin Looncandel and the
Record Wizard' inside the forest.
If that had been the case, not the three, but the entire waiting specter would
have flocked. And even if only three of them had come, they would have
fought Jonah, ready to die.

However, the three-horse tower wizards that should have delivered the letter
with the news to their home had already become cold bodies three hours
ago. Just to Jonah.

Therefore, the specter did not know what was going on inside the forest or
who else was.

"Oh, my God, I can't judge.”

While the specter was torn apart, Jonah was thinking this in her heart.

'They're not here to kill the youngest, are they? No, it's probably not
because the correspondence the dead guys were holding earlier didn't come
through. Did he just bump into me while passing by? I'm not sure. Kill him
or not? Kill him or not?"


Jonah smiled and looked at the tree where the ghosts were hiding.

And at that moment, the specter had no choice but to make a judgment like

I think we should just go back.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 376

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:01 PM

Chapter 376: Episode 114. The Descendants of the Fairy

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"I'm afraid the space is about to collapse.”

said Jean, who felt the subspace vibrating.

"Yes, I'm glad I didn't break it like you said.”

Valeria stood up and shook the lobes lightly and continued her back.

"It was quite an exciting conversation, Jean Looncandel."

During the three hours spent in the subspace, the two talked quite a lot.

Usually, Jin talked and Valeria listened.

As a disciple of his previous life, he told his contemporary colleague how

he had lived. Of course, it was not a meaningless conversation about life
history, but a conversation to let people know about each other as

At a young age (actually right after regression, only from the moment of
birth) the contractor of the shadow, the secrets of the world that I learned
from my cadet, the things I learned as a backup rider, the things I've been
going through since becoming a rider, the plans for the future...….
To meet Valeria in all that process.

Valeria was deeply interested in Jean's story, not empty talk. He thought that
the density of time accumulated by a man named Jean Looncandel was very

'You're only 19 years old, and you've been through a lot.'

Of course Jean also knew what had happened to Valeria's life, now only
seventeen. I knew better than anyone that the short happiness of childhood
was over, and that I was enduring only a lonely time like a performer.

So, just before the subspace collapsed completely, one story that Valeria put
forward was very hot.

"You recognized my remembrance earlier, didn't you?"

"I did."

"It was a tribute to the gray owl mercenary, to my dead family. After they
were exterminated by the Zipple, they decided not to have anyone around

Valeria made eye contact with Jean.

Then he closed his mouth trying to say something.


"Nothing. Anyway, after hearing about you, it seems like our work has
become a little clearer.”

Jean was inwardly surprised that she had said first about the Grey Owl

And I knew what Valeria swallowed.

The collapse of the subspace was accelerating. The particles of Young-ki,
which flew like black pollen, spread everywhere and disappeared.

They spent about three hours in the subspace, but outside they were heading
toward noon.

[Here it is!]

[They're back, Sheila!]

Lulu and Miru were the first to welcome the two. They were wearing the
cape of the spirit armor given by Jean, which looked just like a huge ball of

The pouring rain stopped, and the clouds were lifted, and the bright sun
shone on them.

[Have you come back?]

Sheila flew in front of the two and said,

He looked tired. He looked emaciated, even though the fairy's signature

light was flowing from all over his body. No wonder he was betrayed by his
own people in a day and killed his only brother with his own hands.

"I didn't know time was going to pass like this. While I was away, did any
more pursuers come?”

[Yes. Someone's blocking access to the forest.]


[He called himself Mr. Green Rose.]

[Yes, Mr. Green Rose, I heard you'd know if you said so.]

[We've never met such an easy-to-find man.]

[Even we didn't know Mr. Green rose was next to you?]]

Worried about Lulu and Miru's pursuit, he spent the whole night looking at
the forest's entrances.

And when I turned my head at one point, I saw Jonah smiling and tried to
flee in amazement. Jonah adored the heroes and gave them a new alias.

"Yona helped me.'

At the same time that I felt grateful, I had goose bumps on my neck.

"How long have you been after me?…?'

I had no idea. That meant that if Jonah had made up her mind, she could kill
herself anytime. Of course, Jonah won't do that.

[What's your relationship with Mr. Green Rose?] You're an ally, aren't you?]

"I'm glad we're very close. We're allies."

Lulu and Miru sighing of relief. They had judged that if Jonah were the
enemy, Jean would not be able to handle it.

'I don't know exactly when you've been behind me, but I don't think the
Zipple will tell you that you've been in the Wantaramo forest with a record

There was no need to leave the forest in a hurry. While in the open space, he
was worried that he might not be able to talk to Sheila because of the poor
outside conditions.

Jean made eye contact with Sheila.

"The fairy-like descendant was just a name given by people, Sheila. You're
not descendants. You're...….”

[Lost honor and cursed fairies by witches.]

Self-help Sheila's answer.

[We're horrible beings. "and killed the powerless men who came by chance,
traded karaokes with those in power, and rotted in our own little world."

At that moment, Jin remembered one last thing he saw in the record of the

By then fairies had forgotten most of their memories of being real fairies.

It was only with Heluram's power that he came back to exist, and he didn't
regain his "self."

It wasn't just the memory of being a real fairy that I forgot. Sheep, no. Most
elves except Sheila were forgetting what Heluram had done to them and
even what he said.

Because it was boring.

A life that continued without any other purpose, meaning, or hope was
simply a series of boredom. So I accidentally killed the humans who found
the forest and found fun, and that was enough.

Only Sheila contemplated the future as their king.

"......but you kept the message of Soldierlet."

[I didn't protect it, I protected it because you came. You are a promised
thousand-year contractor, and therefore nothing I have endeavored to keep
my word with Soldert.]

"There's a saying among humans. The best way to replace guilt is to hate
yourself. But Sheila is not a human being."

Jin, who paused for a moment, said the latter.

"So face it. Sheila made a mistake a long time ago, paid a harsh price, and
was cursed for not enough, and she didn't forget her message while other
fairies were completely losing themselves and herself."

That's enough.
When Jean finished speaking, Sheila's wings trembled slightly.

[... ...thanks.]

"It could have been a story. Thank you for listening."

Sheila's gaze reached Valeria.

[Come near here]]

Valeria stood before Sheila. He looked as if he had a hunch.

[What did you feel in the record you have seen through the Song Dynasty?]

Slowly, once-closed-open Valeria.

"When I walked into the forest of the beginning, I felt strangely,

agonizingly nostalgic.”

[Because that is where your soul originated.]

"My family has been around since the 1400s. And now it's 1799. There's a
big time difference from the record in the musical."

[Yes, the record I left is a thousand years ago. "and yet your soul is rooted
in the forest of the beginning.]

"Why are you so sure?"

[For the first time, a man named Hyster came to me.]

Valeria's eyes dilated.

[The man's name is Minka Hester. Like my betraying brethren and you, I
had unique red hair that I would never forget once I saw it.]

a minca heaster
Valeria knew the name, too. She was the founder of the Hister family and
the first person to leave a "victory."

He was also the first person to use recording magic. The Hister's signature
recording magic all started from Minca.

"......why did the Sijo visit Sheila?”

[To inform.]


[The fairies who fought against the Zipple to the end...]'s all forgotten.
And they, before my old brothers were completely forgotten, before they
were gone forever as beings, left only one embers...….]

Sheila's body turned red. A whirlpool of remorse, sorrow, pent-up anger,

and exasperating emotion was tearing her heart.

[that it is himself that the embers have not been extinguished and have
finally germinated.]

A thousand years ago, the fairies were completely forgotten by the

fabrication of history by the Jipple.

They left one last record.

It's a record in the form of spirit.

The elves who lived in the early forests had a deeper understanding of
nature than any other being.

One providence understood by elves, circulation.

Man, beast, bush, even steel that is never likely to change. In the end,
everything was bound to disintegrate in time, spread to the ground, into
flowing rivers, and be absorbed into the world.

They are nourished and mixed with seeds to become life again.
The fairies so gathered all their souls and let them flow to nature. Wishing
that one day the soul would bloom somewhere again...….

Four hundred years.

Finally the spirits of the fairies circled four hundred years and made one

The name "Hister."

Tears streamed down Valeria's cheeks ceaselessly as Sheila explained this

fact. She was breathing hard without even realizing she was crying.

Sheila could not comfort Valeria as if she had left her lovely nephew in
front of her, but as if she had committed an indelible sin against her

"What was your sijo like?"

It was a word with a lot of questions.

[There was shamefully beautiful and dignified for me to comment. He was

very strong, but he looked lonely. Seeing you reminds me. Who he was,

Minka Hyster was a human who disappeared together when Jipple erased
Hester from history.

That's why Sheila didn't really remember what he had visited four hundred
years ago. It was only a faint image, but from the moment Valeria came to
the forest, she felt a deep sense of deja vu.

And I've just seen the image of Minka from Valeria. Finally, the face of
Minka came to mind clearly. Along with Minka, Leet Damiro Yul. My
sister's face.

The souls of Valeria's old elves were burning in the erased memories.

[Can you give me your name?]]

"Valeria. Valeria Heister."

[You're a fairy's descendant. Not the ghosts of these Wantaramo forests, but
you are the only one who inherited the existence of the fairy.]

It was the moment Valeria's heavy, long-standing homework was over.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 377

Published at 4th of February 2022 12:00:00 PM

Chapter 377: Episode 115. Jonah's Warning (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

For a while, clearing up the surging emotions, Valeria couldn't say anything.

I knew what his roots were. She was still alone. However, it was simply
incomparable to the past when I was alone without knowing the English

The restoration of the history of the Hister added a heartbreaking reason to

the mission, which was filled with nothing but desolate blindness. Even in
the old fairy and hysterics, and in the revenge of the grey owls.

[It was good to see you, along with keeping the message of the Soldier.]

"What are you going to do now, Sheila?”

When Valeria asked, Sheila closed her eyes.

Mila died, but there were still many cursed fairies left in the Wantaramo

[I will remain in this forest, and with my fellow countrymen I will be in

debt to the king. Because that's what's left of us, cursed.]

Strong light began to dwell on Sheila's two wings.

[So that Jean Looncandel and your story don't leak out. Kill the traitors, and
restore order in the forest again.]

After Mila's death, control of the forest was nobody's for a short time.

But the moment Sheila regained her old memories through Valeria, the
power to handle the forest came back to her. She became the king of the
cursed fairies again.

It also became stronger. Just having recovered some of her forgotten

memories through Valeria, it was because she was a little closer to the real
fairy than the others cursed.

"Mr. Sheila."

[Speak, Jean Looncandel.]

"I want to ask you something before I leave the forest."

[You seem to be trying to ask the location of the fifth tomb.]


[That was all I had to tell you. You have to find the way to the fifth tomb

The last clue left by Solderlet to the tomb was Wantaramo Forest.

From now on, we should literally start with the bare floor and find them.

'Jipple, Beams, will continue to look for Themeer's grave. The same goes
for Kinselo. And Mary's sister would have publicized the issue of the grave,
so there would be some coming from Looncandel.'

When the four major powers began to move in earnest, it was impossible to
secretly locate the tomb, even if it were a gin.

In addition, Jin's power is infinitely weak compared to the four major

powers. Even if they were competent, they were no match for the four
major powers that have properly put in manpower.

Without my teacher, I wouldn't have been able to compete with the four
major powers.'

Just as she did, Valeria will find Temer's tomb along with the Hister's place
of victory.

So Jean didn't have to waste her heart unnecessarily until Valeria or

Looncandel's "potential allies" came to find the location of the tomb.

It is much more likely that the teacher will visit the tomb before the four
major forces anyway. You have my teacher's recorders and fragments of the
fourth tomb I gave you today.'

Jean, who arranged her thoughts, nodded.


[I think we should stop here. The fact that you have found this forest will
not be known to the outside world. And Lulu, Miru.]

[Yes, Ms. Sheila.]

[You've been through a lot, too. Thank you.]

[We were in the same position as Sheila anyway. I had promises for a
thousand-year contractor. It was just part of it.]

[Give your regards to Neru. I won't ask you where you're going.]

Jean and Valeria shared a short hug with the tomb's family.

[Our Mythos always bless you, Jean Looncandel. Oh, how's Little Su-in
doing? I guess it's because the cosmetics business is on a roll.]

"Everyone is protected in the palace. If you have a chance, come and play
with the Tribe."
[Okay, when we get back, I'll suggest we build a hideout near the palace,
too. For the time being, my family will need time to repair it.]

Then Lulu looked up at Valeria.

[I apologize. At first I thought you might be someone who wasn't related to

Jean, so I tried to hurt you.]

"You don't have to worry."

[And you won't forget. I'll see you someday. I'll use the new product you've
saved someday when I can add something good to the world. Just as you
and Jean Looncandel were destined for the world.]

Born to be destined for the world.

The reason why Lulu expressed it was no different. Jean and Valeria. Lulu
expected that the little embers left behind by Solderlet and the old fairies
would eventually burn the zipple and put the history of the world back in

It was time to say goodbye.

Shaking hands to each other, the Jin, Valeria and the Myojins began to leave
the Wantaramo forest in different directions.

Valeria turned around once and bowed silently to Sheila before she
completely disappeared from sight.

"... ...after seeing in your records that there was a connection between a
fairy and a hysteric, I never thought I'd get an answer so quickly."

I'd like to say thank you.

Jean smiled and held out her handkerchief as Valeria continued her back.

"Congratulations, Valeria Heister."

"......hand towels?"
"There's a tear mark left."


It's been a long time since I saw Valeria's embarrassed expression. Of

course, he came back in an instant with a calm look on his face and wiped
his face.

"I'm going to meet Mr. Green Rose soon. It can be embarrassing if you meet
them as they are.”

"The one who was lucky to be so close to Giffle's reinforcements. Who is

it? If it wasn't for him, things could have gotten really messed up.”



Jonah, dear little sister. It's always nice to meet her, but on the other hand, I
was worried.

'You're not going to make a fuss about killing your teacher. Because teacher
is also a benefactor to Samil...….'

"Hee, what are you thinking? Our youngest!"

Reflectively, tight!

I clenched my teeth. Surprised, I almost dropped the sword on the side

where Jonah's voice was heard. Valeria's eyes are sharply tilted to the left.

Jonah stood behind the two men, with her mouth full.

"......I thought my heart was falling, sister."

I meant it.

Even though he was opening his mind in anticipation of meeting Jonah in

advance, he did not recognize the moment that came.
It was also shocking as a man's warrior. Jin's martial arts is about to see nine
stars. That meant that in a state of complete awakening, even the highest
spray of Samil did not easily leave a gap.

"Surely, in this forest, an assassin like Jonah's sister is like the god of death.
"No, because you were Jonah's sister in the first place, did you approach her
like this?"

While Jean was growing, Jonah also reached a new level. Jonah had
become a greater assassin than Jean had thought.

"Our youngest, is it because of the kid next to you? I've been walking
behind you for about 30 seconds, and you haven't noticed! What if I poke

"You shouldn't make such a scary joke so casually."

"Hehe, I'm not kidding. The youngest may not know, but he can stab the
one next to him.


As Jonah began to approach Valeria with half-empty eyes, Jean was

frightened and had no choice but to block in front of her.


"Stick in the light."

"He's my colleague. You're scared to do this..”


Before Jean could finish her words, in a moment Jonah took something out
of her arms and threw it at Valeria's forehead.


If there was any lack of achievement.

Jean wouldn't have been able to cut off Jonah's memorization. It was
fortunate that he managed to get it out. I didn't know exactly what Jonah

"What are you doing?"

Jean, who was trying to push Jonah with her eyes glaring, was soon able to
see something fall over Valeria's head.


It was Jean's Ben Jonah's memorization, two dog grasses.

'Crazy, dog-pool?'

The dog grasses with their stems cut down gently on Valeria's head, as if
they had intended from the beginning (actually, Jonah was perfectly
calculating what would happen).

Like a rabbit's ear.

"Haha, long time no see. Lailin Hazzard!

Yona waved her hand, familiarly calling one of the aliases used by Valeria.

"......Lady Jonah. Long time no see."

The two women were strangers.

"I just really envied you. I also want the youngest to protect me like this
when I'm in danger."

"How have you been?"

"But how do I get in danger?"

" seem to be doing well."

"It's also when I'm with the youngest. I think it's going to be difficult.
Lailin, you're smart, so tell me how.”

Jonah was not listening to Valeria at all. And Valeria shrugged lightly,
regardless. He has already experienced Jonah's way of speaking.

"Whoa, this prank was quite a menace, sister."

"I wouldn't kill the youngest's biological father. I'd hate it a lot if I did that.
Lailin is also a benefactor of Samil."

Well, that doesn't really mean you can't kill him, but you'll hate it...….

Somehow I thought I heard such a backbiting, but I decided to pretend I

didn't hear it.

"It's touching to say that, sister."

"Hehe, isn't it? I was good, right?”


"Then give me a compliment.”


"Well, like a sign or something?”

Suddenly, Enya was seen, forcing her to burst into laughter. She was a
rather violent but irresistible sister.

"I heard that someone blocked Zipple's support forces."

"I was good at that, too, right?”

"It's no exaggeration to say that I would have died if it weren't for you.”

"Yes, maybe. They were quite great. I saved Oul's life in case she got in
trouble, but I should've just killed her. It could be a hindrance to you."
"No, I'm thrilled to see you in your shoes. Your sister just took a step closer
to the flower shop owner. That sociality, that's great."

"Then, it's developing day by day, so am I!"

Watching Jean and Jonah chatter for a while, Valeria thought casually that
they were good siblings.

Like Jonah, she meets Jean, and gradually her vigilance against others is
being eased unknowingly.

"But, Sister, how did you come to protect me?"

"When did you start following me?”

"Such a thing."

Then Jonah glistened her eyes. He seemed to have been anxious to explain.

"I recently maimed a big shot and got a vacation. So I went to my parents'
house to see you, but the family atmosphere was terrible. Hi, the youngest. I
heard you blew up a bomb."

"It's about Mary's sister."

"Yes. The Sword's Garden has turned upside down because of the story you
told Mary. And Mary must have been in trouble because she was so into the
meeting. They've been on a rampage trying to punish you."


"You'll have to soothe him well. By the way, there's something really funny
about this? Hi, I was looking for you to let you know, and naturally I
protected you."

"Funny story?"

Jonah replied with a grin. A deep, dark life was buried together in laughter.
"Some members of the old society are really trying to kill you, the
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 378

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:58 AM

Chapter 378: Episode 115. Jonah's Warning (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Some of them are trying to kill me? You didn't come to me as their
assassin, did you? Goodbye in a moment, youngest. You know, like this,
you cut my throat...….”

"It's suicidal for those uninteresting old meatballs to entrust me with a


Due to the strict orders of the Siron, no one in the present family could use

In the past, even Joshua was indirectly involved with Jonah while keeping
Jin in check (the return of Jonah's family had been delayed due to Jin's deal
with Orl). He was slapped on the cheek by Siron and returned the black-

"And if I did, would I kill you?”

"That's right. She wouldn't stab me. I'm also a benefactor of Samil. I was

"I hate such jokes!"

Jean gave a giggle.

"Okay. So, what kind of guys are they?”

It was not a new issue for the elders to try to kill themselves. I was sure
there would be a lot of people who would want to kill themselves if I
became a jockey anyway.

Jin had thought that those who wanted to kill him in earnest would appear
first, and that among the elders, there would be those who would take up
the sword first rather than the riders.

He's always had problems with his family since he was a cadet. At the end
of the reserve term, a reward of 300 million won was paid in Looncandel

Even the old and humiliating Looncandel tradition of banning the use of
magic has always been violated, so in a way it is natural to be chastened.

'It's rather late. No, it's too late.'

Jean's lips went up.

Now, I was not afraid of attacking the senate, or "some" of it.

However, Jonah's serious expression bothered me a little.

"What kind of guys are they?”

"I didn't hear exactly who the elders were. If I had known, I would have
killed them...….”

"No, the assassins commissioned by some unknown originator."

"Huh? How did you know that? I haven't told you they've assigned you an
assassination request yet."

"It's obvious. The only people who have the power to kill me with their own
swords are the chapters. None of them will benefit from my death.”
Jorden Looncandel of the Black Sword Council, Lynn Milcano of the Court
of Appeals, and Telot Looncandel of the Tribunal.

Among them, Telot is a tentative ally, Jorden is a clear enemy, and Lin is a
tentative enemy. But even Jorden had nothing to gain by killing Jean right

You're smart enough to be sloppy with obvious problems. Isn't that

obvious? Jorden Looncandel, the elder and the second-term are both win-
win and competitive.

As I said, I've never heard of competition, although I've never heard of co-

Oh, well, you're not just me, you're not the same as me, you're the same age
as the top riders. Just know one thing. The elder hasn't given up on his
dream of a family.

The conversation I had with Telot Looncandel came to mind.

'It's a loss for him who hasn't given up his place as a housekeeper yet. He
wants a picture of me and Joshua constantly checking each other and
gnawing at each other and then breaking up together.'

Lynn Milcano was ostensibly a Jordanian man, though the inside was still

"So the elders who wanted to kill me would have asked outside forces to do
so. If you're not the master, you're not likely to be able to face me. And your
sister probably used Samil's information to identify it.”

"Hee, that's right. That's perfect. You're so smart."

Jonah cracked Jean's hair and said back.

"I won't tell you who the assassins are."

"If you play with me, I'll let you know. Youngest, it's been a really, really,
really long time since we met and talked in person!"

It was my first time to be a jockey in almost two years.

Jean smiled at the horse.

"That's right. I missed you, sister. I received the letter and the green rose
ring you left in my room last time. I woke up and saw it and felt good all

Jonah smiled, showing her white teeth. It was always strange to think that
the person who could laugh so innocent was the world's best assassin.


"I'm sorry I disappeared before I became a jockey without saying anything.

I couldn't help it because it wasn't good."

"I'll give you a special understanding. So what shall we do now? Huh?"

"Let's go fill up for now. I couldn't eat anything in the woods.”

"Shall we play hide-and-seek first? Or do you want to play dagger?"

"What is dagger play?"

"A hundred steps apart and throwing daggers at each other once. To narrow
down one step each time one avoids or blocks, and to lose the first stab.”

"I'll go for it."

"Yes, then let's play hand axe."

"What the hell is that?"

"Hand axes to each other's ears...….”

"No, it's explained. Sister, we used to have a lot of fun. Not such a bloody
thing, like shopping or watching a play. We'll have a drink and talk."


Valeria sang Jean in a calm voice. At the same time, Jonah turned her head
and looked at Valeria, and, yes, you were there. He looked like that.

"I'd better get going. I'll take this for preservation, so call me when you
need it."

Valeria pointed to the body of a pro-Western manne wrapped in lobes with

her fingers.

"Where are you going?"

Boom boom!

Suddenly, Jonah grabbed Valeria by the wrist.

"Play with me, too."


Valeria's eyes are tilted again to the left.

Jin enjoyed seeing Valeria embarrassed one after another.

"And it's been bothering me for a while, Lyleen. What's your relationship
with our youngest?”

"What are you... ..between?"”

"You're not a lover, are you?" What did you do in the woods, you guys?"

"No, there was work."

"Seeing that it's full of tears, did you have a good time and suddenly have a
love fight? Youngest, you shouldn't make someone cry when you're in a
relationship. And lilyn shouldn't make the youngest cry. It could really kill

"You seem to have a misunderstanding, Jonah."

"All right? I'm really gonna kill you. Even if you're a benefactor of Samil.

It seemed meaningless to explain it further.


Jonah spread her arms wide, twisting the waist of the two.

"Let's go!"

When Jean and Valeria came to their senses.

They had already left the Kiken Empire to enjoy the finest dishes in other
cities, to shop, to rent a whole tavern and drink (Balleria only kept its

"Hehehehehe! It's more fun to play with the youngest than to kill people.
It's a great drinker, isn't it?"

Throughout, Valeria seemed to be half fascinated by Jonah's hectic chatter

and unexpected behavior, but from some point on, she often gave up

But once in a while, he gave out a hearty laugh. It's a day similar to normal
peers, so to speak.

It was the first time since the gray owl mercenary corps was exterminated.
In his previous life, he had never experienced it before he met Jin. To be
exact, it was also a time when I refused to experience it.

" the moment that big guy turned around, he cut off his arm. I didn't
scream, but my eyes almost popped out. Yes. Lailin, see you next time."
When the morning sun rose, Jonah spent Valeria explaining how she
maimed her recent request, "The Giant."

Valeria had never said she would go first before the word 'see you next
time,' but she looked calm and packed.

Looking at Valeria, who had been tormented by Jonah all night and walked
rather with a weary body, Chin asked:

"Sometimes, isn't this okay?"

Turning Valeria made eye contact with Jean.

"Yes, you are. I'm going."

When Valeria left, Jonah began to shine her eyes again.

"Maknae, let's go too."

"Suddenly where?"

"True play."

"It was fake that you drank and played all night just now. I had no idea.”

From Yona, who raised the corners of her mouth, Chin somehow felt a
sense of cooling her neck.

'What is it? Is it just me?

"Hehe, come with me. I'll tell you a lot of fun things.”


It wasn't just my feeling.

After leaving the tavern, Jin had to play with Jonah for two full days.
Dagger play, hand ax game, all kinds of weird and terrible games.
'......I forgot who you were. I should've known when you asked me to play.'

When she was a backup rider, she sent sprayers to her visiting Samil in turn,
which was just a game for her.

What would it be like now that he has become a jockey? Jean and Noona
have really been through a few death throats in the last two days.

It was a bonus that he couldn't sleep for even a minute.

It was fun, baby! Let's hang out again when I get a vacation. Hehe.

Compared to Jean, who didn't get a single minute's sleep during the play,
Jonah went back to Samil with a clear face as if she had just woken up from
a sound sleep.


I felt a lot of weight. His face was white and he was so tired that he kept
twitching around his eyes.

'It's a little annoying, but it's been a while since I trained properly. "I've had
her unique life for two days, and I still have goose bumps on my back."

Unconsciously, I laughed through my lips.

If not for Jonah, no one will make such a strong life grow upon him until
after he has left.

"Welcome, this is the central travel gate of the Varya. Please tell me where
you're going."

"Hufester, Carlon, in the first class."

"Your ID has been verified. Have a nice trip."

The fake IDs used by the jockey are not a problem anywhere in the world.
Sitting buried in a chair in the first class, I closed my eyes. I felt like I had
to sleep a little bit before the mobile door opened. Back in the Sword
Garden, you won't have time to rest.

But unfortunately.

Jean could not keep her eyes open.

'I didn't know that the life you left behind would be so helpful.'

I didn't notice the moment I entered the room.

But sitting still. I could feel the life that Jonah left behind, and the
"different" and ordinary kind of flesh piercing my whole body.

You wouldn't have felt it normally. With such a tired body. Also called
mediocre, the creature surrounding the gin was extremely refined.

"The teleport will begin shortly. In the aftermath of teleportation, headaches

and dizziness can be accompanied, so passengers...….”


"Yes, sir?"

"Get out."

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?... please let me know if I
offended you."

If you're not with the passengers, it means get out. Those are all the beasts
that came to kill me from the Necropolis."

the main body of a ghost band

It was them who were commissioned by the elders.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 379

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:57 AM

Chapter 379: Episode 116. How Looncandel deals with assassins (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'I didn't expect the assassins of the ghosts to come so soon.'

It was because he thought the line of movement was not stepped on.

I was with Jonah until just now, and when I found the Wantaramo forest, I
was disguised with Valeria.

Especially when Jonah is around, there can't be assassins nearby.

Did you find me right after Jonah left? It's only been less than two hours.
How did you figure out my route in such a short time?'

I had no idea.

The ghost band's preparedness was quite thorough to dismiss as mere

coincidence. The entire passenger in the first class is believed to be an
assassin disguised as an assassin.

"Well, how they got behind me...….'

You can find out when you're done.

I'm not feeling very well because I just happened to be trained under the
pretext of playing.

'I'm not feeling very well, but I think the life left by Jonah would be quite
helpful in the battle.'

They feel "different" in their ordinary lives.

If Jonah's life was a white drawing paper, the ordinary life was a colorful

It in itself had a sort of manure-like effect. No matter which direction an

attack flies in, it can respond to the level of prediction because it lives on
the knife.

It is very easy to distinguish colors on the drawing paper even if you keep
your eyes open.

So I was confident even though I was exhausted. It's like fighting with
advantages that offset the handicap.


The guide sighed, looking around as if embarrassed.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but do you have any drugs or equivalent? I'll check for a
moment, so please cooperate."

The guide reached out to Jean.

At that moment Jean gave a sitting fist. Tuddud! A savage sense of breaking
the guide's finger bones one after another, and cut his throat with a hand
blade before he could scream.

It's not iron. Even though it was a hand blade made of bones and flesh, the
cut-off part of the neck was clean. Jean's use of her whole body like a knife
is too much.

The blade of an oracle left a brilliant trajectory.

The trajectory should have splashed blood. However, blood fountains did
not spout from the neck of the guide, who sat down like a broken string

The stomach was almost empty. Although parts similar to human structure
were seen, the guide was a mask. made of human and animal materials

That's why a familiar sense was conveyed when a finger was broken.

"Oh, look at the tough stuff. What if it wasn't for real?"

It was a masked young woman who was wearing a guide mask.

She was holding two short swords in her hands, keeping the distance to the
entrance of the room.

At the same time, there was a cool frictional sound in which blades of the
sword escaped the sword from all sides. The assassins disguised as
passengers took out their weapons.

"It's only possible for a top mobile gatekeeper to ask a special class
passenger if he has drugs. I need to study more.”

Jean seemed to know who the woman was.

"Pay Proch."

the Prochi family

They were originally ordinary peasant families, but a family that quickly
became notorious for its "Smarion Prochi," a man born more than a hundred
years ago.

Although he inherited the blood of the peasants, he stood out for murder
from an early age. First to kill my parents, then to commit countless
Finally, it brought down the "Seigalga," which ruled the ghosthood for
hundreds of years, and made the name of a professional man known to the

Before he died, Smarion left two children, Rata Prochi, the current head of
the Ghost University, and his brother Pei Prochi.

And they were born, like the Smarion, to the fate of the killer.

On the fact that the peasant family turned into a group of murderers in just
one generation, people called the three "devils of the Prochi."

"You recognize me right away, don't you? Yeah, the 12th rider of the
Looncandel rumour. I have no grudges, but I'm gonna have to die here."

At the horse, Jean calmly examined the color of the living that stuck to the
white drawing paper. A total of ten assassins, including Pay Prochi, all
extremely trained.

Definitely outstanding.

However, it did not impress others. Until two hours ago, it was the living
who was with Jean.

"If you'd like to, I suggest you bring in a little more people."

Fei nodded as if Jean's provocation was not unpleasant.

"That confidence, I expect it to continue even when my whole body is being



As soon as Faye finished speaking, the interior of the room began to be

covered with red smoke.

It was a poison that caused hallucinations and nerve paralysis. It is one of

the symbols of the ghosthood, with its own fatality rate not high, but even
its trained fighters instantly losing their minds.

Before the poison filled the room, Qin took the sword out with a mouthful
of air.

Then she ran with all her might toward the entrance of the room, which Fey
was blocking, and smiled into the mask as if it was the end.


Faye was seen simply hitting a blow that Jean had rushed. Besides, the
other nine sprayers were also attacking the camp, so I couldn't seem to get
out of the room.

A look of despair flashed on Jin's face, which was pushed out of the
workshop. A cold sweat broke out, and the sprayers slowly narrowed the

Jin will wait for him to collapse under the poison.

" ..."...!

a little wobbly gin

The blade of the sprayers was approaching.


"Oh, my God. ... Tongue, demand negotiation."

Eventually, when Jean, kneeling on one knee, managed to open her mouth,
Pei's eyes chilled.

"I don't know where all those curious spirits went.”

He seemed to be very disappointed, or he knew it was going to happen. Pay

Prochi has seen a number of strong players who are really out of spirits and
end up getting tired.

"Receive the body and return. Finish it."

As Pei turned around and gave orders, the sprayers flew at the same time.

At that moment Jean had completely fallen to the floor and even missed

You don't have to be too careful about stabbing a sword in the back of an
opponent who missed it and just fell down.

And since Jin's poison spread.

I've been waiting for this moment.

The moment when the band's sprayers lost their guard and let their guard

'They would have taken the antidote in advance, but they would have
wanted to get rid of me and get out of this poison sooner or later.'

a panhandle

Samil's visionary poison, which makes drinkers close to reading invasions.

There was no such thing in the haunted house. Therefore, when using
extreme poison, they also had to bear some damage.

In other words, the ghost band's solo performance was a will to kill Jin even
if they hurt their own bodies.

So he tried so hard to kill her, but when Jean appeared servile, Pei's nerves
became sharp.

Punch, peep, peep!

The sword began to fall without mercy.

But it was not the black gin of the sprayers, but it was stabbing the floor
where he had fallen.

Jean was upside down, so she could not see with her eyes which direction
the swords of the sprayers were flying.

No matter how much he awakened the mind, it was difficult for Jin to avoid
the swords of the sprayers in such a state. Even more so if you're so

However, it was mainly effective to read a heterogeneous lifestyle that was

different from Jonah's.

Jean felt as if she could avoid all their swords with her eyes closed.


It was then that Faye, who was about to leave the room, turned back to the
losing side. The very moment when one of the sprayers broke his neck and
screamed at his terminal horse.

She had no choice but to open her eyes wide.


By the way, was Jean Looncandel doing a show until just a show!

I could realize immediately. Whether it's possession of a Manchurian or a

non-toxic like Kuzan, Jean has immunity from the poison and used it to

But no matter how quickly I realized it, it was too late.

Already, another subordinate's body was divided horizontally, and Jin was
seen swinging a sword that was stained with spirit like a demon.


Red blood poured out in arcs.

This is why we are told that the ghost band is inferior to obscurity. Poison?
Did you think such a thing could assassinate Looncandel?"

Jean turned to Pei for a moment, spilling arsenic.

In the short moment of his gaze, Faye had to feel a strong sense of heat and
defeat for the first time in his life. She had never experienced more
humiliating moments in her 25 years of life.


a rushing and screaming pay

Three people have already died. Still, seven to one, with pure force yet, will
be enough to kill Qin.

That's what Faye and the Salss judged.

Until the moment Faye, who caught Jean's rear, pushed the double swords
in, and this time he really expected the blade to penetrate its torso and kill
itself, he had judged so.


However, Pei's double sword, which stabbed Jin's back, only produced
empty noises that bounced off the iron.

an armor of spirit armor

It wasn't only the Manchurian that the Ghost University didn't know about
Jean. Bradamante's armor, which was recently completed, is also
information they do not yet know.

'Oh, my God!

a gnawing pay

It was thanks to the sprayers who were drawing attention in front that Pei
was able to catch the rear of Qin so easily.
Two of the seven were engaged in a dangerous battle to force a gap in Jin.

If Pei's blade had safely penetrated Jin's back, their necks would not have

Tuk, tuk! Two casually dropped necks rolled the floor. What's left is Faye
and Salsu five, and they felt a sudden chill in their hearts.

A strange fear had been gripping my chest.

Even though they still have the upper hand.

But even that dominant mind couldn't last long.

"Pay Proch, you've had two chances. When I dressed up as a guide, and I
personally told you that I'd need more people to kill me. If I had stepped
down then, I wouldn't have been so upset. It's a shame."

"That's one of the best sarcasm I've ever heard. I admit to being careless,
but the fact that you die remains unchanged."

"If I were you, I'd run away even now. I think this is my third chance.”

"Shut up!"

The blade of the Faye and the sprayers was blaring with fluffy blackness. It
was a sword infection with the will to kill an opponent no matter what.



Bradamante, dyed with darker vigor. And on the edge of the sword soaked
in spirit, the force of the Ming dynasty's cerebral and peacetime oppression
was overlaid.

From the edge of the knife, the flame of medium pressure rises.
It was emitting a deep and ominous aura, blending with the power of spirit,
brain and Chunghwa.

"You seem to be trying to blow your last chance."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 380

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:56 AM

Chapter 380: Episode 116. How Looncandel deals with assassins (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Not to mention who first, the blades of the Qin and the Salss began to
tangle. The swords banged into a frenzy, and the whole room vibrated with
the oracles they emitted.

Quang, Feng, Fu Feng!

Thick wooden chairs, interior decorations, and pillars were exploding like
ssuks in shock waves.

The scavengers of the ghost band were no longer vigilant. The flesh on the
sword was more refined than before, and its movements were keen.

In particular, the blow of a colon-level spray at the center of the checkup

was so threatening that the back of the head was cool at every moment.

Fay Prochi has the highest status, but that's only because she is the blood of
the ghost leader Rata Prochi, and her pure skills have been far removed
from the level of general-level spray.

Faye's double swords were also fierce. Clearly, it has the potential to hear
genius everywhere.
Nevertheless, he was only 25 years old. No matter how talented you are, it
is not too shocking by Jin's standards.

The key is to finish the general-grade spraying quickly.'

Having lost five men already, he was very spiteful.

It was very annoying to see them unleashing the most demanding and
powerful attacks while flexibly solving the battle like an old snake.

In the first place Jean started this fight with exhaustion.

Until now, the number of spleen guards had been well induced, but they
were not just such mercenaries.

They also have potential.

"In his sword, something magical is working to create manpower.

Everybody calculate it and move it!"

Indeed, the large-scale spraying immediately recognized the power of

suppressing the Ming Dynasty Sword. Pay and the sprayers again controlled
the distance.

"There's a man here who deserves to die. What's your name?”

The smithy spray did not answer the question.

"If you don't want to tell me, I can't help it."


Young-ki swirled on the Bradamante. Following the vortex, blackness

stretched out in all directions, and Qin continued to use it like a shroud to
disturb the vision of the ghost.

I was out of breath because I was constantly stepping on the prosthesis.

When I raised my concentration to the limit, I felt that the life left by Jonah
was becoming clearer and clearer.
As clear as it has become, the lives of enemies are easily read. Jean swung
Brathamante, narrowly between the seven swords, which seemed to be
danger only to the outside.

The blades that passed by Jin's armor felt very far and safe.

'I've heard that there's a place where you can read the book and take
complete control of the workshop. That's how it feels.'

At the height of the abyss, Qin was experiencing a condition similar to that.

Even though it was obviously a dangerous situation, the corners of my

mouth went up without realizing it.

Jean always preferred this kind of fight. Dangerous but never likely to lose.

The ghost did not see it because it was covered by Multa's run, but he was
clearly aware of the general-grade spray.

'I'm enjoying it. Even with us in front...…!'

The captain-level spray was bound to be filled with the feeling that Jean
was playing with them.

It made no sense. Objectives are clearly ahead of themselves, no. Jin had to
show at least a minimum of desperation as the fight continued.

But it's like a beast in front of a delicious prey.

There is no conceit.

However, as one person who has been using a tool called the sword all his
life, there was a strange sense of awe.

'Are we different from blood, Jean Looncandel?'


The blacksmith's spray stretched out with a shout.

In his masked eyes, there was a strong sense of urgency that he should have


Jin, who was struck with a sword, backed away. The posture collapsed, and
the ghost didn't miss the gap.

Pei's double sword and four swords flew all over Jean's body.

But they could not feel the familiar sense of penetrating bones and flesh.
The only thing that was transmitted on the edge of the knife this time was
the empty noise of hitting the iron.

It wasn't that Jean didn't suffer any damage.

'You're using too much spirit.'

It wasn't enough for the liberation of Young-ki, who reached almost eight. It
is a horse that emits spirit enough to overwhelm the sprayers with tired
bodies, and even forms armor.

The strength of the spirit armor weakened.

Normally, six stabbing blades would have been avoided, but cracked bones
and muscles.

Kudeuk, a gin that swallows breath in the sense of rupturing rib and thigh.

If you lose one thing, you get one thing. Salsa's wrist, which was in the
lead, was cut off by a pair of double-edged scissors.

It was the wrist holding the sword. Even before the sound of the knife's
wrists clanging on the ground. The stumped Jean put a bradamante in his

'Now five.'

What's left is Fay and Four Salsu.

Jindo and ghost bands also breathed heavily. Even though it was not a long
workshop, everyone was doing their best.


A sharp tinnitus was also heard from the eardrum.

First, the one who loses concentration is cut off. Jin, who tries to ignore the
reason and holds the sword tighter.

In a short moment, the eyes of Jin and the captain-level spray met.

Jean painted a picture of the swords mixing up again in her head, and the
captain-level spray made a choice.

I even regretted it.

I shouldn't have missed the three chances that Jin said a while ago.

In itself, it hurts his pride in the position of a general-grade spray, but he

was in a different position from Jean.

Pay Prochi.

They have a duty to protect the one and only blood of the Lord.

"I'll buy you time, my dear. Run away."


The sword of the blacksmith-class spray, beset by an oracle, gave off a

dismal vibration.

It was not the essence of Looncandel's duel, the Bichael of the Highlands,
or other prestigious shamans.

Just the fruit of a nameless sword, accomplished by an individual

Jean had a hunch that it would be his last blow.

"We were commissioned to kill Jean Looncandel. And I told him to kill

"I will. I can't take your life as collateral."

"If you risk your life, I risk mine, too."


"That's the ghost, the honor of Prochi. If we lose, O'Rabunny will avenge

The smithy spray could no longer dry Pei.

Because Jean was showing her strength again.

To prevent the last blow of the general-grade spray, he was drawing out all
the remaining strength.

'If I don't stop it, I have no next.'

A blow will decide the outcome.

It would be perfect if we could bring out the Ming and Qing Dynasties and
the Mahwang's legacy. I didn't have the power to do that.

What the gin can spread is a blow that contains the essence of the object,
the sword, more than anything else.

'Benda, whatever flies in.'

And the will of the warrior.

As they shouted their spells, they loaded their will on the sword, and the
surroundings of Il-sun became calm and dark.
Only the shapes of the sprayers remained dimly in the blurred vision, but
the distance was easier than it was clear.

Naturally, Multa's rune and spirit armor were released. Even the least spirit
to protect the body has turned into a "will to cut" and is melting into a

So for a dozen seconds or so, while Qin and Captain Salsu confronted each

Faye and the Salss failed to attack the still-standing Qin hastily.

It was because the difference between the Jins and the captain-level spray
was forming a barrier that was invisible to them.

Crossing the curtain was only allowed for those who reached the same

And Pei and the Salsu were believing.

The general-grade spray will slaughter the camp this time.

Even if they don't kill themselves, they will at least leave enough fatal
wounds to finish.

'It's coming.'

Almost at the same time, the sword of Qin and blacksmith-class spray

The flashing lights and dark spirits crossed between the two. Two quick
blades of light pierced each other's bodies.

Such a shining sword is not necessarily something that only geniuses can

Anyone who had dedicated his life to the sword could get it once through a
real resolution.
For a general-grade spray, this was the moment. The very moment when the
flames were about to go out.

It was dangerous.

'I'm sure he had a fatal wound.'

If he had known in advance the number of the last spleen Jean had, he must
have dealt a fatal blow.

Sweeped past the black camp of the blacksmith's spray.

There was a shriveled fire on his back that had passed through the camp.
The power of Tess in Chunghwa, Bradamante.

'If it weren't for the medium pressure...….'

At the last moment of the sword's collision, the heavy pressure of

Chunghwa crushed the colon-level spray.

In the midst of a fierce battle with the Ghosts, the power that was not used
on purpose was finally determined.

The University of Ghosts knew from the beginning that Jin was a horse
prosecutor and that he was a contractor for the Phoenix Tess.

But since Qin did not summon Tess throughout the battle, Chunghwa was
ruled out.

It was nonexistent for the phoenix to put its power in the contractor's sword
in their head.


A smithy spray pierced through the middle of the chest gave out the last
breath, as if scratching iron.

At the same time the Faye and the Salss had struck the camp, but they, who
had lost their balance, could now not be a match for the camp.
Blood and flesh began to cover the broken room. It didn't take three minutes
for the remaining four to die.

It was because the poison was spreading. They were said to have taken the
antidote in advance, but they were not as close as gin.

Soon only Pay Prochmann, who survived alone, stared at Jean with tears of

The injuries she suffered during the battle had also spread poison all over
her body, which had begun to paralyze her.

"By all means, my Orabi Rata Prochi will kill you. On behalf of me,
Grimol, and the dead ghosts."

"Was this guy's name Grimol?"

Jean looked back at the body of Grymall, the dead captain-level sprayer.

At that moment Pei threw himself with all his might, but Jean lightly
dodged her sword.

Faye fainted after it was over it.

"I'll remember."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 381

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:54 AM

Chapter 381: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

With the complete fall of the Varya central mobile gate, Jean managed to
reach Calone only at night.

"Do, Master. Master Chin...!”

In a hurry, the first thing to run was the butler Petro.

After Mary publicized the contents of Temer's tomb at the meeting, he came
out to the main mobile gate of Hufester every day and waited for Jean to

It had already been ten days since Mary spoke at the meeting on September
15. During those ten days, Petro was so worried that his soy sauce had
melted away that he was worried about Jean.

"I knew you'd be the first to visit me again.”

Unlike Petro, who was sweating nervously, Jean smiled with a calm

However, it looked very difficult for Petro because he was covered with
blood from the band's sprayers.
"Where are you hurt?! Look! Call the medical staff right now, and bring a
heated towel!"

"That's enough medical staff."

"Lord, and what the hell is that big sack?"

"Oh, this."


Jean put down the lobes she was carrying on her shoulders like sacks on the

The reflection of what was inside the sack immediately killed Petro'says
Peter's face.

"This guy... ...Ram. Isn't that the Fay Prochi of the Ghost University?"

Inside the sack were still unconscious, and there was a pony of hands and

"A negotiating prisoner."

Jean kept Pei alive because she was very valuable as a prisoner. They could
only live deeper in their grudges if they were killed, but they could be
useful if they were saved.

"You mean the ghost hit you?"

A petro that grinds its teeth with a fist.

"Yes. Rata Prochi sent 10 sprayers with her brother. And as you can see,
Fey was captured by me.”

"'s the presbytery."

Petro immediately inferred the subject of the request. At this time of year,
the only people who could entrust the ghost college were the senior

Jean nodded.

"Since Lady Mary revealed the information she received from you, I have
been thinking that there will be some movement in the senate. But I couldn't
prepare because I didn't know how fast it would be. I'm sorry."

"What's there to be prepared for? It's all right. What about Gilly?"

Petro's expression rapidly darkened when Gilly's name came out.

"We're in custody."

Jin's eyes were full of life.

However, he quickly regained his calm gaze.

"Where? You wouldn't be in a dungeon. If I had, Murakhan wouldn't have

stayed still.”

"When we talked about detention, Mr. Murakhan destroyed some of the

sword's gardens. The guards worked hard to stop you."

"Nothing has been done with Murakan, has it?”


Murakan was not punished otherwise, even though he broke some of the
Sword's Garden, or even though he knew the most about Jean like Gilly.

"If Gilly hadn't stopped him, something irreversible might have happened."

It was thanks to the fact that he did not exceed the limit of his honorable
treatment as a "long-time guardian of the family." Even Murakan could not
be safe if he had crossed the line.

"Good thing you're unhappy."

"And I heard that Gilly was detained in one of the secret residences of the
senate instead of in prison. You don't have to worry too much about it,
because you've promised me a humane treatment."

Gilly had been detained by the senate for visiting Temer's grave with Jean.

Also, as Jin's nanny, she knew more about Jin than anyone else, so it was
only natural for the senate to question her.

"The Tomb of Temar" was information that forced him to react sensitively
in Looncandel.

'It was a pity that there was no Murakan in the Wantaramo Forest, but I'm
glad I left it in my family. With him, no one could have been so rude to
Gilly. It would have been dangerous if you crossed the line.'

In addition, the chairman of the committee, Telot, took good care of Gilly
again. It was too much for him to stop the detention, but he was as
considerate as possible of Jin.

"You must have a lot to do as soon as you get back.”

Jin wiped the blood on his face with a towel brought by his servant.

It was time to bury new blood.

"Let's go."

Riding a steel wagon, he moved to the Sword's Garden.

Other guardian knights at the mobile gate went to the Sword Garden faster
than that to announce Jin's return.

I can't believe it's...!

The sound of the latch on the sword's garden gate was unusually heavy.

As expected, the sword's garden was in an unusual mood from the entrance.
Hundreds of guardian knights stood in a commanding line, and in front of
them stood the elders' association and the riders stood tall.

Soon Jean got out of the carriage.

The sword of your sack tightened Jean's neck. It was the sword of the
executive knights.

"12 flag, disarm."

Jean smiled at the low voice of the executioners.

"You feel like a traitor."

"I told you to disarm."

"If not?"

"There is no choice but to follow the law."

Chairman of the senate!

Suddenly the gin screamed. A loud voice with condensed energy tore the
stillness of the garden.

It was impossible.

For the youngest member of the family, the 12th-term leader, to call the
elder so profanely.

Immediately a thick vein of blood had sprung up on Jorden's forehead, and

the elders were in awe and almost the pupils of their eyes were sticking out.

'Wow, that crazy guy. He's my brother, but he's such a wonderful nutcase.'

Among the jockeys, Maryman's fists were clenched and felt somewhat

The rest of the riders were just staring at Jean, doubting their ears. Even
Luntia, who always said everything was annoying, was blinking her eyes.
"Well, well... ..!

"Malse! How dare you call the elder of the family so profanely!"

The elders, who had belatedly come to their senses, scold and looked at
Jorden's countenance.

Jorden seemed to be quite shocked, and until then he was just staring at
Jean with a rather enamored look.

The executioners still had a blade on Jean's neck with an expressionless



"Puh-huh. Hm, hm."

In the end, Mary couldn't hold back her laughter and coughed in vain.

In fact, she was quite angry with Jin, who didn't show up at the meeting, but
the youngest was always so funny that she couldn't hate him.

"I don't think you're going to kill me here anyway, so why don't you take it
a little bit more lightly?"


"The family will have a lot to hear from me. How will you find the tomb of
Sijo without me, and how will you recreate the old glory of the family?”

The gap between the eyes of Jorden has narrowed.

He was now barely holding on to reason and staring at Jean as if he were

going to kill him.

"Do you believe that and run like this, 12 riders?"

Unlike the murderous look in his eyes, Jorden was very gentle.

"You're not wasting your life. The information that you've informed the
seventh rider is not really worth it."

"You must be proud of your honor."

A word, a word, scratched Gorden's nerves fiercely. The swelling of the

blood seemed to burst at any momentarily.

"Do you think you can say honor to me?"

"What else can't you say? I rather called the honor out of the desire to help
the Chairman of the Senate Majority Leader. He brought in the Black
Swordsmen and put a knife in my throat.….”

Tock, tock.

Jin continued to talk back, touching the blade of the executioner with his

"This. If you don't cut me, what kind of disgrace is that? It's not just one or
two people watching. It means you can't stop the rumors."

Standing next to him, Petro felt his life was cut by several years for every
word Jean said. A cold sweat flowed from Petro's face, which was white as
a sheet.

But Jean could be sure.

'The presbytery doesn't kill me.'

It's not that I can't.

It was possible enough for Jorden to order the executioners to bring Jin's
neck in anger over the provocation.

However, it is only possible, and it does not benefit Jordan at all.

On the contrary, they were forced to suffer huge losses. Not only will there
be no means of keeping Joshua in check, but if other forces benefit from the
Temer's grave in the future, there will be backbiting.

It wasn't even possible for Jorden to kill Jean if he wanted to.

"Even if the senior chairman turns around and orders the executive knights
to kill me, there is a high possibility that his mother will stop him."'

Unless Rosa has more information about Temer's grave than Jean. From her
point of view, Jean should not die yet.

Gorden's losing his mind, Rosa's stopping him. Not all of them, but Jean
was confident.

Jean peeped up her eyes and looked at the inner quarters of the black
garden. He even smiled, focusing on Rosa's office.

There was a silence.

There would be nothing better to describe than the unprecedented situation.

"... ...that's arrogant and self-indulgent. You can lift the flag of Looncandel,
so times have changed."

When he decided to press Jean, who had just returned, with executive
knights, Jordan naturally did not expect this picture.

What he wanted was for Jin to recognize the seriousness of the situation and
ask for help from others to calm the situation.

If Jean had offered a deal to other riders or Tellot to pass on the pressure of
the senate, Jorden would have used it as an excuse to figure out exactly who
Jean and his tentative allies were.

I didn't know that Jin would come out so soon. Always, just like everyone
who's been dealing with Jean.

That's why Jorden had no choice but to make a choice.

If you really just let it go here, you'll have no choice but to get the disgrace
right, as Jean said.

"It's not easy to adapt to change, sir."

"Yes. That's right. But you still haven't disarmed him.”

Gorden shook his head and spoke behind his back.

"Cut your arms."


As soon as Jordan's orders were issued, the executioners simply cut off
Jean's arms without hesitation.

Took, tuck.

The severed arm fell to the floor and made a dull sound.

And Jean didn't even look at my fallen arm once.

One step, Jean came close to Jorden.

"Are you done?"

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 382

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:53 AM

Chapter 382: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Blood fountains spilled from the cutting surface. A pool of blood stood on
the floor in an instant, and the executioners had taken a step back with the

Still Jean looked calm. And kept his eyes open from Jorden.

For Jordan, the calm gaze of the green man could not be so eerie. Far from
being armed, I was just crawling along with my arms cut off, but for some
reason I felt as if I had been cut in the back.

'It's a leap...!'

The thought flashed through the mind of Jorden, who had gritted his teeth.

a leap forward

It's a leap forward to see the youthful Ciron Looncandel from that arrogant
blood right now.

In those days, only once when competing with Ciron as the runner-up.
Jorden had received a silent warning from Ciron.
The look in one's eye

If you keep trying, you'll get rid of it.

Young Georden was saved only after facing the calm warning of Zion. He
and I were different in class, different in the world we live in, and different
in dimensions.

He was only one ant that Siron could trample to death at any time.

'The housekeeping at that time was already the pinnacle of the world. He
was literally a self-respecting man.'

But why do those 12 riders with their arms cut off have the same aura? That
terrible aura I've never experienced in anyone since Zion!


As I closed my eyes once and opened them, I felt them as fast as a light.

All this sense of deja vu melted into a moment of barely blinking eyes.

Medical personnel, call medical personnel.…!

The sound of someone shouting in a hurry fell into my ears as if I were

listening in the water.

Oh, my goodness!

It was only then that Jorden could escape the sense of deja vu, swallowing
his breath. There was a chill of iron powder on the neck.

"Hurry up and get the medic! Damn it, quick!"

It was the butler Petro who was shouting like that.

The elders and riders are standing in front of them, but the butler cannot do
such evil. There was only one thought in Hana Petro's head that Jean's arm
should begin treatment before necrosis.
Even for top-notch healers, it is not easy to treat amputations perfectly.

It's simple to reattach a fallen body, but the arms of a warrior are different
from those of ordinary people. Without a complete recovery of its original
function, the warrior was as good as a broken wing.

Even some of the continent's leading healers can't return to their original
state if they miss a moment right after the amputation.

"Medical staff!"

Mary also called the medical staff, biting her lower lip. Her knights ran
madly toward the medical center.

In less than 20 seconds, the drivers carrying the medical staff returned.
Meanwhile, Dipus and Mary worked hard to stop Jean's arms.

'Gorden Dangsuk, you won't end well.'

In the midst of confusion Jean swallowed a smile of triumph into her mind.

However, everyone who watched the scene from the central government
knew that Jin hid his smile. Which of the two, Gene or Jordan, is the

"Stick up, please!"

"You two go and get the meds! We only need first aid, and we need to move
a 12-gear into the operating room!"

The Looncandel healers shouted as they looked over Jean's body.

"Is the youngest all right?! Can you turn your arms back!"

The Tonya brothers, who had been keeping their eyes on the ride, also
jumped and asked questions to the medical staff.

"I can't give you a definite answer!"

The situation was not so good, as the bleeding was severe and Jean had
already accumulated fatigue from dealing with the assassins before
returning to her family.

Looncandel's medical center is obviously made up of the best healers of

Hufester, but they were not sure if they would be able to turn their arms

"Perfect treatment, surely!"

"Seven riders, I'm fine, so don't worry too much."

Jean smiled lightly at Mary. The healers, who were pouring mana into the
cut, had a rough breathing.

"And I'm sorry I left the meeting alone."

"Don't mind that shit, damn it. I still have to fight you for a long time."


"Yes, Master!"

Jean jagged at Fay in the carriage.

"That's my trophy.”

Which means that while you're in surgery, don't let anyone pay or check.

Originally it was a heavy order for Petro to carry out. Under these
circumstances, it was Petro's position and his position as the main soldier,
Jin, that had no choice but to offer pay if the senate demanded it.

However, the name Jean Looncandel has gained a higher rank in the family.

No one is allowed to touch 12 riders, not just 12 riders.

Even the senior chairman pressed Jin for a reasonable reason. Now that this
disgrace has spread, it has become a matter of real determination to touch
Jean within the family.


Although he was worried about Jean, Petro seemed to be poking at the pride
of rising from the depths of his heart.

"Twelfth Class, we're moving to the O.R.

"Please take good care of me."

"I'll do my best."

After completing first aid, the medical team began to move Jean to the
operating room.

Jorden and the elders watched the figure for a while and said nothing.

The senate chairman still has a job to do with the 12th-term, so they'll all
step down, or dare the butler to scold the medical staff for breaking the law,
or tell them not to make a fuss because it's reasonable for the chief of staff
to cut off the arms of a rider who broke the law.….

The senate was not in the mood to do such things.

First of all, Jordan has lost some of its former.

'Though it was momentary, this Jordon was terrified by that young man
only with a sense of deja vu.'

Is the fear that you felt when you were young so great? Or did the 12-time
leader show an indescribable will? One way or the other, I didn't know

'One thing for sure, he's never easy to see...…!'

In fact, Jorden has long recognized the potential of Qin. The same was true
of the fact that Jin was clearly more unusual than other riders.
Nevertheless, he has never judged himself to be a "real fight" opponent.

It was as if they thought they could be trampled on at any time as if the old
theory had been.

And the idea was completely changed by today's humiliation. It was the
first time in my life that I felt like I had lost even though I had my
opponent's will.

'Joshua, he could be a bigger threat to me than a second-term player. No,


I couldn't turn back, but Jordan was aware of Rosa's gaze, which was being
told from the women's quarters.

'It can be more dangerous than Lord Rosa.'

There was one more person who had a similar idea as Jorden.

Joshua Looncandel, second-term member of the family. He looked down at

the pool of blood that had been drained by the gin, wrapped in an ominous

' seemed reckless at first glance, but it was certainly all calculated. He
must have been ready to detonate a bomb on the family since Mary first
urged the public to discuss the tomb of the first family member.'

The battle just unfolded with the elder Zorden is just the beginning.

Joshua was so sure.

'He's never gonna end up like this. You must have done this because you
have a certain belief.'

After Mary broke the information she heard from Jean at the last meeting.

Joshua has been thinking about what Jin's intentions are.

Mary had clearly said that there were some legacies left by Solderlet for
Jean in the tomb of the first patriarch.

"It's not just because I thought it was too much to find the heritage alone
from some point in time. There's something else. What is it, Jean.'

Before the operation was over, it was necessary to find out Jean's intentions.

As soon as the surgery is over, it will cause another disturbance in the


Joshua thought the youngest was a great man.

I had to deal with it. If he was carried away by unexpected developments

like just now, he could not keep up with his youngest son's plans.

The number of cases disturbed Joshua's mind. I felt like my head was going
to explode, and my heart was stuffy with some unknown anxiety.

'There must be something inherently. The youngest's actions will ultimately

be to get what he wants.'

Joshua, who had been agonizing over and over, was soon able to reach a

The competition for housekeeping!

I wondered why I couldn't think of it right away.

"The youngest leaked information about the first family member to Mary to
gain an advantage in the competition for the family.'

He induced other Looncandels to participate in the search for the tomb

through Mary, to attend Maryman's meeting, to lose his arms as soon as he
returned, and to degrade Gorden's prestige.

They were all actions to gain the upper hand in the competition for
'Mary leaked information about the guest housekeeper in order to gain
justification. Mary's only presence at the meeting would have been in the
meantime to take care of her last legacy without borrowing the power of her
family. And the honor of the senate...….'

a show of presence

Joshua, who had concluded, looked around once.

What you see, the rungs of the Runkandels.

Every move of Qin was now having a considerable impact on Looncandel.

From some point on, Jin does not look at the family atmosphere, but rather
follows the flow of Jin.

That meant a considerable weight gain in the rank of 12 riders.

It also meant that he could have a crack in his position as the next
housekeeper who has been firmly established.


Joshua found his butler.

"Yes, Lord."

"After today, those who stake their fate on the youngest will begin to

Then Howard, with a start of surprise, made eye contact with Joshua.

"Not to be surprised. He's the one my father's eyes were on in the first
place, so it's natural. Very few, but it's only for a moment that the rolling
snowballs grow."

"How are you going to deal with it?”

"Collect all my knights into the Sword Garden. All the people who can
arrive before the youngest's operation is over, every single one of them."


The reason Joshua gathered the knights was no different.

When Jean wakes up after the surgery, whatever other bomb she detonates.

It was because it was necessary to show the dignity of the second member
of the family and the next household.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 383

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:52 AM

Chapter 383: Episode 117. Who's the Real Looncandel (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Upon hearing the news late, Murakan tried to make another disturbance, but
Petro desperately blocked him.

"You madmen, how dare you cut off the arm of the last contractor of
solderlet......? Besides, I'm the guardian dragon. Ha! I'm so pissed off that I
locked up the strawberry pie, but are we really going to try it?"

"Mr. Marmurakan, please fix it. I'm sure you have a plan."

"You damn bastards! I'll rip it all up and give it to you for rice with a wild

"You can't leave, Mr. Murakhan! Please! If you don't mind. No, it's just that
you're in more trouble!"

Petro desperately stood in the way of Murakan.

Of course, it is impossible to stop Murakan with the strength of a writer.

Instead, Petraeus has repeatedly stressed that if Murakan moves, he will be
in trouble.

"It's an arm. That's a warrior's arm! If it doesn't stick properly, you can't
swing it the same way you did before."
The room was shaking in the wrath of Murakan.

Everyone in the Sword's Garden had recognized his energy. Therefore,

hundreds of drivers were waiting outside with a lot of tension.

"I know that. But Murakan is a guardian dragon, so it is right to make a

choice for you under any circumstances. Fix it, Master, and wait until the
end of the operation."


"It's not too late to vent your anger when you're really wrong. Please stop,
Mr. Murakhan. I'll say it earnestly......! Think of Gilly, too!"

Petro was about to choke on the energy of Murakan. My pale lips were


The mooring Murakan, barely holding his pant leg.

Fortunately, Petro's solicitation worked. Murakan decided to accept Petro's

words for now.

"......yes, you're right. Nicely dried, butler. Not just the little ones, but the
strawberry pie can get in trouble."

"Good thinking! I'll get you a drink to cool your head off...….”

Murakan passing through Petro.

"Oh, where are you going?! Mr. Murakan!"

"No matter how hard it is, I can't stay still when I'm a guardian dragon. At
least we should warn them. There are places to go."

When Murakan went out into the hallway and turned into his true self, Petro
had no choice but to be contemplated once again.

Kudeuk! Kadeuk!

Fragments fell as the hall walls and ceilings smashed into the huge body of
Murakan. The servants galloped away, and Murakhan flew high into the sky
through the ceiling.

'Well, the Sword's Garden has been destroyed again...….'

It was the first thing anyone in the family, not to mention Petro. For the
sword's garden to break so often every few days.

Murakan looked down at the Sword Garden, covering the moon. The
darkness of the night sky deepened, and knights were conducting a check-

[Solderet's contractor, Jean Looncandel's arm is not restored to its original


Murakhan continued his backstabbing, shining in the glare.

[That day the destruction will begin to come to Looncandel.]

The voice could be heard by everyone in Looncandel, and they did not
know that it was impossible for the present Murakhan to destroy
Looncandel by himself.

It was just a horse.

But it was a language of gruesome curses. Perhaps because Luncandel

sometimes tends to worship strange superstitions, somehow the members of
the family came heavy as if the words had been placed on their hearts.

By that way Murakhan left the Sword Garden and began to fly somewhere.

Surgery was going on all through the dawn.

Healing cuts requires extreme concentration, and the family's healers all
looked as if they were about to be exhausted.

"Sir, there is an intermittent twitch in the articulated arm......! I can't get


"I have eyes and a head, so shut up and pour in your mana. What we're
attaching is not the ordinary person, but the arm of the Runkandel rider."

The arms were long back together, but the convulsions of unknown causes

That drove the medical team crazy. Without complete control of the
convulsions, the surgery was no different from a failure.

"If you don`t completely turn back the arm of a 12-year-old, the entire
medical team will die together. Damn, there was no necrosis. What the hell
is this damn twitch? Hey! Run fast and get some more data!"


Suddenly the door of the operating room opened, and the medical director
jumped to his feet and shouted.

"Some crazy bastard gets into the operating room!"

Even if this is the garden of the sword.

At least in the operating room, the head of the medical center was the
highest authority. Even if the person who came in was a public opinion, the
nutmeg of the head of the medical center was legitimate.

As such, Looncandel treated the medical staff. Even when he was injured
on duty, even during wartime. If the medical center doesn't support them,
they can't fight properly.
Naturally, the head of the medical center thought that the man who came to
the operating room so carelessly was a hindrance to the senate.

So I got even angrier.

No matter what political strife or struggle is going on in the family, the

authority of the medical center should be protected. It has been a tradition
for medical centers to take complete neutrality within the family since
ancient times.

"Get out of here right now! Get the hell out of here!….”

The medical director, who was screaming nervously again, was speechless.

The medical staff, who had just seen the face of an intruder with his hood
tilted, almost burst out of surprise.

"Seo, it's King Seong......The Holy King of Vanquela!"

The head of the medical center had no choice but to say so without realizing

King Rani Salome.

She had just arrived in the Sword Garden. Murakan himself went to the
Holy Land and brought her to sleep.

It was only Qin and Murakhan who could summon the sleeping king for
personal business in the world.

"A religious man at best. No, I brought King Seong. It's crazy, don't you call
it right? Huh?"

The medical staff bowed their heads as Murakan, who was standing behind
Laney, growled.

"See you, Your Holiness!"

For the medical staff, it felt like a savior came.

"I came today not as the lord of the Holy Land, but as a friend of Qin's, so
you don't have to be so hard on me."

Laney knelt beside Jean.

"What's the situation?"

"The bonding is complete, but the spasms of unknown causes continue."

Laney nodded as if she knew.

"I'll take a look."


As soon as Laney arrived, the medical staff naturally focused on her


Although they are the best medical staff in Hufester, no medical staff in the
world could have been greater than King Seong.


As Laney began to show his energy, the operating room quickly became
yellowish and sacred.

Her sanctity was deepening day by day even after becoming King Seong.

"Ayula will protect my friend."


It was in the morning that Jean awoke from the anesthesia.

And as soon as I saw Rani sitting next to me, I smiled. Like I knew you'd

"You woke up.”

"What do you mean?"

Was the operation successful, judging from the look on his face, he didn't
have to ask such a question.

"Thank you."

"You use me like a very personal healer."

Lani had visited Tikan a few months ago to treat Valeria, who fell into a
mana reflux.

"A black cat was by the window in the early morning, so I thought of
Murakan. But you didn't know it was really Murakhan, did you?”

Jean's expression grew serious at the remark.

"Isn't the security of Seongwang's bedroom rather lax? Do you want me to

give you some swords?"

"Well, let's think about it. I'm actually getting a lot of money from you, and
I'm a little sorry to get some support.”

Jean was steadily sponsoring Laney with state funds. After the success of
the cosmetics business, astronomical amounts of money are flowing into the
Holy Land every month.

The financial difficulties of the Holy Land, which began with the threats
and conciliatory gestures of the Jipple, were quickly ending based on the

"Because it's worth my arm. It's better than before it was cut."

When I swung my arm around, it was very light.

"The fate of the Holy Land that you saved was more than that. So don't
worry, it's new."

"Religious! Good work, son."

membrane (prepared by Petro) When he entered the room with a drink,
Murakan said, ruffled Rani's hair carelessly.

"I'd like to spend a night deep with a drink, not a drink, but I can't do that
right now. There's a mountain of people to beat to death. Next time, I'll go
on a trip without any business, so put some good liquor in your bedroom."

Murakan treated Rani as if he were his close cousin.

"......Murukan, however comfortable, how can you think of drinking in the

Sung Wang's bedroom?"

"I like it. Kyung-do is coming. Don't always tell me to come."

"I like it, too. Why are you the only one who's playing around, kid."

As the two giggled for a while, Jindo smiled. To Laney, the two were more
precious friends than anyone else.

"I'm going to have to get back."

"Yes, I think it's going to be difficult to see you off.”

"I'll get that straight. The garden of the sword, which is known for its
ferociousness, is literally infested with life."

Rani had heard of the rough situation from Murakan before Jean woke up.

"You don't think I'm going to have to come here again this morning to treat

"It won't happen. Our medical staff may be a little busy today."

"You're not sorry for your arm, are you? We barely got back together."

Laney only wished the good fortune of the Looncandel medical staff, who
had been exhausted from all night treating gin.

"Give your arm a chance to play."

Shake shake, Rani shook his head.

"You're not going to rebel, are you?"

"Did I look so stupid in your eyes, Laney?”

"Not that. Anyway, I hope I'm not called in again today. See you later.
Sometimes you should take care of yourself.

As if he promised when Laney left.

Life spread in the eyes of Qin and Murakhan.

"Great patience, Murakan."

"I'm still holding it in. I'd like to chew on the senate, the cowardly, lost
blood right now. Yeah, I'm sure there's a plan in your head. What are you
going to do?"

"I'll make a declaration."

"Declaration? What declaration?"

At the next moment, Jean's answer was this.

"declaration to return Looncandel back to the family of the Magistrate."

a war for the throne of the family

In the war, Qin intended to put forward a feat that only he could achieve in
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 384

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:50 AM

Chapter 384: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Blank. Blank.

For a while, Murakhan's eyes were blinking as if he doubted his ears. He

was dumbfounded, and soon his eyes glistened and showed an evil smile.

"Hahaha! You're going to declare that you're going back to the family of the
Magistrates? Is that true!"

a child-like, excited voice given by an unexpected gift

"You must be kidding, then."

"Did you find an answer in his fourth grave? We can get rid of the curse
that the Gipple and their gods have put down."

A thousand years ago, a curse named Runkandel's humiliation, which he

experienced from the Jipple.

Do not use magic again.

Also, do not worship ancestors who used magic.

The reason why Looncandel, who was the only member of the Magistrate
family, has become an ordinary knight family. As a result of the curse, all
the Looncandels since Themeer were born with no mana available.

"No, it's not."


"Looking back at Temar's tombs, I just made up my mind. At this rate,

there's no future in Looncandel."

In the recording device of solderlet left behind in every grave, Qin peeped
at the dignity of the old Looncandel.

As the red-tongued who inherited their will, they confirmed the occult, and
experienced firsthand the ignorance of the great horsemen.

The old Looncandel was certainly an indescribably brilliant family.


Even the brilliant Looncandel of those days knelt before the power of the

In the face of that dark and enormous power of manipulating reality and
history at will, even the great maggots had no choice.

Except to leave a small embers for the future.

"Their ability to manipulate history is nothing to compare to your time. Just

as we are regaining the history of the old Looncandel, Jipple will be
running to regain the power of that time."

The jipple at that time was not unharmed either. Jipple also suffered
massive damage by defeating the old Looncandel.

If the war had ended without much damage, it would have been impossible
for Looncandel to even exist now.
It's been a thousand years, but Runkandel and Jipple. He was unable to
regain his old power.

"I suppose so. Just looking back at trying to recreate the root stone, they
were determined to take complete control of the world.”

"I think as it stands, it's more likely that Jipple will regain its old power
sooner. So I need to start moving in earnest from now on.”

So far, it has not.

Since the regression, Qin has been hiding power in the family for most of
the time.

At the end of the preliminary jockey, he revealed to the world that he was a
horse prosecutor, and even after wearing the uniform, he did not show his
full ability in front of the members of the family.

It can't be because it's fun to hide power. There's no way it wouldn't have
been frustrating.

It was just because it was necessary. Until he is confident that he can

withstand the pressure of his family when his power is revealed.

Jean judged that this was the right time.

The youngest.

Yes, Father.

Appointing you as a jockey is a great loss to Looncandel. I'll see if you're

worth the loss.

All right.

For me, there's not much time left. The appointment ceremony will begin in
an hour, so stay here until then and come out.
On the day I became a jockey, I remembered the conversation I had with

The fact that there was not much time left for the debate meant only one

In other words, the world's strongest knight does not have much time to
defend Looncandel.

'As long as your father is around, Jipple doesn't hit the Looncandel.'

Jean came to that conclusion not long ago.

Everyone knows that the reason why Jipple avoids an all-out war with
Looncandel is because of the theory.

However, it was widely believed that the two powers would end up fighting
a big fight if there was an opportunity for them not to back down.

But Chin's conclusion was that there would be no full-scale war, even if
there were sufficient momentum and justification between the two forces.
As long as the theory exists, never.

'I've already broken the covenant Looncandel and Gipple made a long time

Is that all?

The team also took a few steps away from Andrey, Carl and Muron, which
are pure blood jipples, as well as the best power in the jipple,
Mangryeongdae. There was also a history of breaking down the ship
project, which symbolizes the power of the Jipple, twice.

In particular, during the Sungguk incident, Jin, a backup jockey, played a

trick by dropping the prestige of Jipple to the bottom, and recently, he was
scratching Jipple's insides with the cosmetics business.

Although they prevented the problem from growing every time by leaving
no trace or creating justification, it was no wonder if it spread to an all-out

'Still, Jipple is not hitting the Looncandel. Even though I raise all those four
moons, and my father is in the Black Sea."

That's because the theory is too much.

That's probably because Jipple is also aware that Ciron doesn't have much
time left, Jean thought.

They'll think it's their victory if they just wait.….'

I don't have much time left.

Jean now seemed to know why Zion left the words to him.

"Now no one in the Sword's Garden can punish me recklessly, even if I

declare that I will return Looncandel to the House of Horsemen again.
Because my presence has grown so big."

"Hey, my little boy. with a serious look of face and shame You must be
confident. Huh?"

Smiling, Jin and Murakan laughed at the same time.

Far from punishing me, the factions will be divided. With progressive
forces insisting on going back to the Ma family and conservative forces
insisting on adhering to existing legitimacy."

"You and Joshua will be in charge of one axis each.”

"That's what it'll be."

"Wouldn't your mother be in the way?”

"Mother probably won't be a big problem. It's burdensome to get rid of me

now, and most of all. Now that I've spoken about Themeer's grave myself,
there's so much I need to find out. There's a lot to use."
"He's an annoying human being. By the way, tell me what you found out in
the fourth grave. I was dying of curiosity while I was waiting for your guy."

"In the fourth grave...….”

Jean explained to Murakhan what he had been through in Wantara Forest

for a while. Murakan listens with his eyes wide open.

"......heh, the hysteric kid was a fairy descendant? Besides, the elves in the
Wantaramo Forest were cursed by Heluram?"


"Damn it, I can hardly think of the fairies at the time. I don't know now
whether it's because of a goddamn history fabrication or because I slept too

Murakan poked his forehead. Every time he encountered the fact that his
memory was not intact, he felt dizzy with a deep void.

Whatever the reason, it was caused by the sense of shame that he had
forgotten his comrades and the helplessness that he had survived alone.

"We can find you in a minute, Murakan. Don't blame yourself."

Murakan smiled faintly at Jean's words.

"Yes, kid. With you, you'll get everything back. And that Valeria guy."


"I think maybe he's one of Soldier's arrangements.”

"That's possible. In fact, the heaster is the only one who can respond
perfectly to the Jipple's fabrication of history."

"Where are you now? I'd like to talk to you. Like I looked at your records,
wouldn't I be able to look at my records and bring back memories?”
"Balleria must be wandering all over the world now looking for a fifth
grave. I have some addresses I can contact, so I'll arrange a table soon.”

"Well, he can use record magic, so he'll find it much better than us and our
enemies. That's great. When I met the Hister kid, I'd expect something in
my records, too.”

"I think it's pretty organized, so I'd better get out of here.”

While Jean was in the operating room, the Sword's garden remained in a
state of emergency.

It was because they were worried that Murakan would make a disturbance,
but they were all aware of it. When the 12th rider wakes up, he'll never let it
go. The Sword's Garden will begin to stir.

As soon as Jean leaves the room, a new meeting will begin.

"Okay, let's go. I'll have to wait and see how the faces of the Looncandels
change in your declaration.”

"No, the shape won't live with you."


"I like the painting when I declare it by myself and deal with the aftermath
that happens right after it. When Looncandel is facing Looncandel, should
he be carrying a guardian dragon on his back?”

"There's a chance in the world, kid. What if you hear your declaration and
you follow it, or your mother tries to kill you?"

Then Jean shrugged.

"It won't happen. Would I die, even if I did?"

Jean was confident of taking refuge in the worst-case scenario. It was

possible with the help of Mary and a few others who were sure to like her.
"Well, it seems like yesterday you were joking about a kid's athletic
competition. You've grown a lot, kid."

"And you have something else to do.”

"What is it?"

"Strawberry, no. You have to get Gilly."

As soon as Gilly's name came out, the forehead of Murakan narrowed.

"I'll tell you in advance, if you have a little scratch on a strawberry pie. If
you stop him then he'll kill all those directly involved."

"The obvious story. First you go out and tell Lord Tellot where Gillie's been
detained, and bring her back. I think it'll be reassuring if you bring it

When Murakan left the room, Jean picked out a breath.


It's a lie if you're not nervous at all. The anticipation was also accompanied
by the tension that kept Hana's chest tight.

Knock, knock!

After confirming Murakan's flight outside the window, as he opened the

door, the sunlight seemed to be exceptionally bright.

"Dear old man!

Petro approached Jean and bowed his head.

"Thanks to you, my arms are well attached. Thank you. I was a little

"It's not think so."

"Is the mother, the rider and the elders in the central conference room?"

Petro shook his head with a heavy look at the question.

"He's in the arena."

"A battleground?"

"Yes. I told you to bring me here as soon as you wake up......I don't feel
right. It's so obvious why I had to call you to the battleground."

This means that we will resolve the issue by force.

Unlike worried Petro, Jean smiled as if she had done better.

"It was a bit burdensome to smash the conference room, but it's better than


"Get me some simple food. Something like a sandwich."

While Petro opened his eyes wide, Jean said this back.

"You can't swing a knife into an empty stomach."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 385

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:48 AM

Chapter 385: Episode 117. Who's the Real Looncandel (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Okay, Master."

It's Hoda!

After a while it was a sandwich full of meat that Petro brought to sweat on
his feet. Petro wondered if it was right to find a sandwich in this situation,
but Jean had a relaxed face.

"Oh, just right. Good work."



"Are you sure you're all right?"

"When Gillie and Murakan come back, we're all waiting for a delicious
meal together.”

"......I wish you good luck, Master!"

To overshadow Petro's solemn voice, Jean moved on, chewing the sandwich
with a restless face.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, yum...….

The sound of Jin chewing sandwiches stood out as the sword's garden was
so desolate.

And there were sharp eyes on the figure.

"How many of my family's waiting guardian knights?'

Rosa and the senate put the knights on standby, and Joshua also called up
all available forces, so knights stood like columns at every corner of the

Their gaze at Jean cannot be favorable. Hiding as much as possible, the

majority of the knights were hostile to Qin.

The confusion that Qin caused in the family was unwelcome to the knights.
Jean swallowed only the sandwich eagerly, regardless of their gaze.

'People would think Looncandel was preparing for war.'

It really was.

The knight was not confined to the sword's garden. The streets of the city of
Kalon were sealed off, and in between, guardian knights were placed.

Intelligence was spreading all over the world. It's unusual for knights to
gather on Calone, so you need to be extra careful.

Gipple, Beams, Kinselo, and other forces. I was very keen to see if
Looncandel was really preparing for war.

The world was nervous because of the only 12 riders, Jean Luncandel.

I ate sandwiches all the way through my leisurely walk.

Soon as he reached the front gate of the Daeryeon Hall, Qin set off a light
spark in his palm and burned the wrapping paper.
The gatekeepers almost flinched at the sight.

It is no secret that the 12th rider is a horse prosecutor, but it was

embarrassing enough to see Looncandel using magic in the Sword Garden
without such care.

"Open the door."

Jin speaking while wiping his mouth.

The gatekeepers were also guardian knights. It meant that he had been
training to the limit for ordinary humans, and that he could read the energy
contained in Jin's voice.

So I had no choice but to be surprised.

I was not surprised to see you writing magic, but the dignity in Qin's voice
was certainly strange and deeply powerful.

"......12 riders have arrived!"

Kei Ik...!

When the huge iron door opened, the first thing I saw was Rosa sitting at
the top of the Daeryeonjang.

The jockeys and elders standing below her turned to Qin, and the guardian
knights standing behind her changed their eyes. With eyes that can strike a
chord whenever an order is given.

I'm late, Mother. It is rude of me to have kept you waiting.

This kind of greeting.

Aren't there too many people here to scare me? I didn't expect Looncandel
to look so nervous because of that one.

He didn't even spit out this sarcastic sound.

Jean just stood tall for a while and hit them head-on.

Like a beast who came alone to visit the den of old enemies.

And just as old enemies wait to bark first.

"12 jockey!"

When someone called herself nervously, Jean smiled inwardly.

'Yes, I thought if you barked first, of course you'd be sisters.'

It was Mu.

Without hiding any intention of murder, she was full of expectations and
aspirations to see Jean's body today.

a face-pinching life

But Jean knew that the living was not for Mew and Ann. As all the fighters
above nine feel in this arena.

"Is this where you can stand like a stone?"

"Right now, bow down and be courteous to the acting governor, and to the
top riders and elders!"

Mu and Ann's ready, carangkarang voices crossed the cataclysm.

Jean's been gone a long time.

He did not answer the voices of his sisters. I acted like a man who had not
heard such a loud voice.

That alone is an unacceptable humiliation for Mu and Anne. Chimi's face

turned red with anger, and the veins on her throat swelled as if they were
about to burst.

"You cheeky bastard.”


a sighing gin

Mu and Ann, who were reaching out with their waist swords, had no choice
but to hesitate at the sight. It's shocking, the fact that Jin breathed a stifling

But in the shock of Mu and Ann, there was a awe that I never wanted to

Well, would I do the same if I were standing there?

Will I be able to sigh when I see you trying to pull a sword and attack me?
Can we just pause by sighing?

And why the hell.

No one gets angry at that cocky look, right?

In a very short moment, all kinds of questions passed through their heads.


Or you can't win. The moment you pull out the sword, you will be
disgraced in front of everyone. Mu and Ann's intuition warned.

Nevertheless, the two had to pull out their swords. Otherwise, it's not

"It's nice to hear a sigh. When I was only you, I had a lot of things to sigh

It was fortunate for Mu and Ann.

Mary took a step forward and naturally bit them. It was to help the
immature and weak younger brothers not to lose everything by a single
Mu and Ann were feeling their pulses running frantically with their sword

"Seven riders..."...! Get out of the way!"

"If you're going to be polite to a jockey, you guys should look around, too.
The acting governor hasn't said anything yet, but do you think he's allowed
to run like this? I'm afraid I'll knock it out. Be good, when you say good

It was no humiliation for Mu and Ann to lose to Mary. At least externally.

Because everyone in Looncandel knows there's an obvious pecking order
between the three in the first place.

Mary didn't have to give Mu and Ann a chance.

It was because if they were cut off by the youngest now and their wings
were completely broken, it would be a loss at the whole level of

Even for Mu and Ann, the intuitive future could not have been seen by

Even in Mary's eyes, it was obvious that Mu and Ann, who were so excited,
were attacked by Jean and then beaten by a single sword.

"I'm warning you, don't even bring up the same annoying noise at me. Stay
crushed like an invoice until the situation is over.”

Mu and Ann managed to control their emotions and fix their posture.

Silence came again.

Jean had not said anything until then. In a heavy silence like suffocation,
each of the people gathered in the battlegrounds had various impressions.

Most had no choice but to admire Jin to some extent. As Mu and Ann felt, I
wondered who else could show this attitude here.
Some elders were even feeling a sense of deja vu.

I'm reminded of the first rider.'

The day the first rider announced that he would give up his position.'

First-time, Luna Looncandel.

Of all the families, she was literally expected by Siron. When he declared
that he would give up the competition for housekeeping, he was so
confident and restless.

No one seemed to be able to stop him.

However, there is a huge difference between Luna at the time and Jin now.

Jean came here to make the exact opposite declaration.

"12 jockey."

At last Rosa's voice in the top seat fell.

"Yes, acting as a housekeeper."

Jean looking up at Rosa.

"Your destiny here is a weak, light thing that can be determined in seconds
by even a few words of mine."


"So make sure you tell the truth to what I ask."


"Why did you spill the story of the tomb of the first family member to the
seventh rider?"
"Because I believed that the seventh term would be made public on my

"That's what you said. So, what are you going to do now?"

"I'd like to hear from all the people here, including the acting president of

Jean looked around for a moment and said the backstreet.

"I've felt this since I was a backup jockey, visiting the tombs of the first
family. The Looncandel will never beat the Zipple."

"Hold it!"

"What are you talking about?"

He was the first to respond in the senate, especially in Jordan's Black


"What I want to hear is an opinion. Not an ephemeral. "Do the elders think
there is a chance in the future when there is a war with the Zipple?"

"What the..."!

"If you really think so, please put your nose in the water of your plate and
search it right away."


The elders who shouted pulled out the sword.

"You're way over the line, you bloodthirsty bastard."

"Dreaming of a baseless future against empty hope is only appropriate for a

weak, rotten group. We don't need such a man in Looncandel."

"What does your man know? To the point of sounding the war between
Looncandel and Jipple, to measure its success or failure! Do you think there
is something you have contributed to this family? Do you think you've
fought your enemies that much?"

"Let me twist the question. It's been a long time since we've been in
Changseong, but we haven't had an all-out war with Gipple. What is the

Jean glared at the elders.

"Because, needless to say, you decided you couldn't win. Even a father who
can dust off the people who are here! But how dare the elders say that we
have a chance of fighting against the Zipple?"

The elders stared at Jean without answering. Jin has nothing to say when he
directly mentions the theory.

"It won't be there. No one here can have more power than a housekeeper."

And when Qin added one more word, the elders, who had taken out the
sword, could not bear it any longer.

"But I have a way."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 386

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:47 AM

Chapter 386: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"The sin of insulting the housekeeper will be repaid with death!"

Two senior members of the Black Sword Society flew toward the camp.

Even though they had been retired for a long time, they were once well-
known knights. The swords of the two men, stained with colorful oracles,
caused a sharp pagong sound.

It is a move that is not lacking compared to young guardian knights. The

space where the sword penetrated was exquisite, and the trajectory that
followed was difficult to read.

Hana Chin easily swiveled herself away from the swords of the elders. Not
even the edge of the coat touched, the sword of the elders carelessly cut
through the air.

The moment Ilsun Jin disappeared from sight, the elders had to feel a chill
that seemed to have been sprinkled with thin ice on their backs.

"I dare."

Elders jerking their heads along the voice.

What caught their eyes were the straight-out fists, and the compressed air
along the direction in which the fists were stretched, distorted.

Boom! Boom!

The elders managed to block the fist that led to a series of hits, but they
couldn't help but they couldn't help it. Before the elders, who had been
pushed back scratching the ground with their heels, could hold their center,
Jean once again punched them with their faces.

If hit, the whole head will disappear. Without a trace...….

an idea co-emerged in the minds of elders

I couldn't avoid it. All the elders could do was just look up their eyes so that
this empty last moment would not be seen as servile.

The view darkened.

It was because of a fist that stopped right in front of him. The stony elders
could not, in any way, answer the mercy of Qin.

"Was he an insult? Only a few words."

Jean turning with her fists clenched.

"I won't stop next time. Return to your seat."

Most of those watching were simply dumbfounded.

I've heard that the 12th-term martial arts are great, but I've got two senior
members of the Black Sword Society...….'

"I overpowered him without even pulling the sword...…!'

Is this how much it was?'

In particular, Mu and Ann, who were the first to challenge Jin, were almost
You have to thank me, you probably didn't save me. I had no choice but to
admit the whispering voice of Mary.

" , Upp!"

The Tonya brothers let out a sigh without even realizing it. He hurriedly
shut his mouth.

Anyone would have blamed the Tonya brothers. How can you show such a
clumsy side of yourself?

No one uttered bitter words to the Tonya brothers. Everyone is speechless

with the shock of stabbing their brains like a knife.

Of course not everyone in the duel was so embarrassed.

"Stop it and come back! Don't lose face any more."

It was Lynn Milcano, head of the court of law.

She had been showing signs of displeasure since the elders who had been
beaten by Jean first spoke up.

"And you are no longer in the senate."

"Mr. President of the Court... ...!”

"Stop it. Or are you really going to die with your nose in the water of a
plate, just like the twelve horsemen said?”

Lin's eyes were sharpened and eventually the two wons had no choice but to
return to their seats without a word. It was because I knew that I would not
be able to save my life if I said something useless at times like this.

"12 jockey."

"Yes, chairman of the law firm."

Jean and Lin's eyes met.

"It doesn't look so good to see a man named Kisoo bragging about his
strength against old people.”

"If I really had a show of strength, this battleground would disappear

without a trace."

"You're always over-spirited.”

"Wasn't it too simple for me to even call it a show of strength?”

In reply, Jean was correcting information about Lin in her head.

Lynn Milcano, the chairman of the law-abiding council, has considerable

influence on senior members of the Black Swordsmen's Council. He has
been more concerned than Jorden Dangsuk.'

It was not easy to read anything from Lin's calm expression.

'If possible, I'd like to have the chairman on my side.'

Needless to say, the support of the senate is an absolutely necessary factor

to become a future housekeeper.

Of course, it's not a problem if you achieve incomparably and exterminate

the elders who oppose it.

It was realistically difficult. Unless Joshua goes up to Changseong before he

becomes a housekeeper.

'Now the chairman of the Ho Min and his uncle Jed are tentative allies, but
they are not enough.'

What kind of person is Lynn Milcano? What does she want?

While the question came to mind for a moment, Lin opened his mouth

"Simple, then I think it would be a good idea to take a proper look.”


Lin gently pulled out the sword.

"The way you can beat the jipple you mentioned. It probably means your
qualifications as a prosecutor. Am I right?"

"That's right."

"Then give it a try, show off your strength."

"Would you not regret it?"

"That depends on what you show."

"Okay, I will."

Jean continued the back story, picking Brada Mante.

"We will return Looncandel to the names of the horsemen."

A heavy silence weighed down the cataclysm.

But the shame of the elders was that they did not act like pyramids, and
they all wanted to tear this arrogant 12-gear right away.

" one is speaking, but I think I hear a lot of noise. Your remarks just
now are a direct denial of the legitimacy of the great swordsman."


The edge of Bradamante's sword was covered with mana.

"Among the Looncandels here, I wonder if there's anyone who can say the
legitimacy in front of me. A thousand years ago, Looncandel was originally
a family of horsemen."

The fact is a family secret, not everyone in Looncandel knows it.

For those who didn't know the inside story, Jean was just talking that crazy.

"After losing to the Zipple, the family made a humiliating covenant and lost
its magic...….”


Then, the mana that swept through the Bradamante set off a spark.

"The glorious old history has been erased, and the names and pride of our
ancestors who kept Looncandel have been forgotten.”

As the blue fire, the power and darkness of Tess, and the spirit of Solderet
dyed the blade one more time, the sound of sword-picking sounded

"I am the enemy of the Looncandel Magum, the contractor of the sword god
Soldert, and the only descendant in memory of the souls of my ancestors.
One thousand years ago, who inherited Looncandel's brilliant will."

Then Qin's whole body was covered with fierce flames, and his eyes were
set on fire.

Lin held on to the sword more firmly, unable to maintain a calm face any

Who dares speak of legitimacy to me?

Who is the real Looncandel?

A deep echo knocked on the lungs of those gathered in the battleground. It

was the energy of the old Looncandel that began to pour out from Qin.

"This fire belongs to the teenage knight Sarah Looncandel."

Looncandel Magum Biggie

Sarah Looncandel
Suddenly, a volcano seemed to have erupted in the middle of the

Flames spreading through the loon characters carved on Jin's entire body
led from point to line and from line to face, instantly covering the
battleground red.

At that time, the first rider to face the crisis was Luntia.

She, who always seemed sleepy and bored, showed herself throwing herself
in front of Lin faster than anyone else.

"Lord of Good Laws."

"Three riders..."!"

"I'm sorry for my rudeness. One, for the sake of the order of the court of
law, please understand. Defender knights, open up a check-up and form a
defensive formation."

Chuck, Chuck!

Under Luntia's order, guardian knights conducted a checkup.

The same was true of other riders. The fact that Luntia is moving so
urgently has reduced the seriousness of the situation.


The fires that were in the fire began to explode.

If Luntia had stepped out a little later, there would have already been deaths
at this point. The swordsmen were barely keeping out the explosion.

Screams poured out from all over the place, but even he could not be heard
buried in the flames of the fire. Those who were relatively deficient in
martial arts had to leave their lives to their colleagues in a daze, and the
battlegrounds had already burst and melted and lost their original form.
However, it was only the beginning of the game.

In the blazing flames, a shriveled blackness was pouring down.

Jean regarded her work as Sarah's Ilgal.

Punishment for the fact that one thousand years ago, when one's forefathers
dared to call legitimacy to the Magum's deficit, using names that had been
kept until the time after life and death.

The sword with fire and spirit stifled the Looncandels.

When blocked, the sword melted, and when avoided, it was a tent of fire.
Most of the guardian knights and elders did not have the power to advance
through the curtain.

the fatal shears

If this was a battlefield, all of them would have been ashes in a dozen
seconds. It was thanks to the other fighters who rose to the ranks of the
supermen that they could endure without dying.

The riders, the mainstay of the senate, and the executive knights. They were
constantly swinging swords to protect those who were before death.

There was no time to be shocked by the majesty of the old Magum Bigi,
which was played by the 12th jockey. You can't think of anything else just
because you're desperately pushing out the flames so that no one dies.

There is a lot of pressure in the heating industry. Like the blue lips of a dead
body, the deaf-mute cyanide weighed on the looncandel.

A shambles, or a horseman.

In the midst of the raging fire and swords, Qin cried out one more time like

Who, really Looncandel!

It sounded like a voice of fire to the Looncandels.

The question of Qin was clearly being told to all, while even a scream like a
herd of beasts was being buried.

a growing densities of fire

The eyeglasses that shone exceptionally in the flames, by far, belonged to

Jin's. And his black was facing Luntia.

I've been curious for a long time.

Who is the strongest among the riders except Luna?

And what will happen when you stretch your sword with all your might
toward the strongest?

Oh, my God!

The burned bradamante fell to Luntia's forehead.

When Luntia struck, the fires that had been clung near her bounced and
exploded everywhere.

Jean and Luntia's eyes met.

"... bother me so much every time."

Then Chin smiled sizzlingly.

"If you don't like it, you'd better cut my throat now."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 387

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:46 AM

Chapter 387: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Like a landscape of hell, a wave of fire was raging, with two men at the

The fires, which clung tenaciously to the Looncandels, rather than getting
weaker, became more intense.

The swords poured out of Jin's sword once resembled the fire of an
industrial painting, so they did not disappear easily anywhere they were

As if it were a wind, it was bouncing back and forth in the flames of the up-

A bunch of black flags poured out of the fire crushed the spirits of the
protected knights.

But the swords were not reaching Luntia, who was just in front of the gin.

It was because the energy that shone on her body was pushing away the

luntia looncandel
Jean really knew little about her. In previous life, even encounters were
rare, even in present life.

'Luna's the only brother she finds difficult.'

Also strangely bored, quite a few people were still counting on Luntia. It's
not Joshua, it's her turn to be the next singer.

'Come to think of it, even if I feel the memory of my past life. I don't think
even my father or mother has ever taken Luntia lightly.'

Luntia, Lan, Vigo.

Yes, Mother.

Mew and Ann are responsible for the same flagging of the ladder.
Especially Luntia, I'm very disappointed in you. You should have a time of
self-reflection for a while, and return each of Lan and Vigo's swords.

When Rosa was a cadet, she said to blame the riders in the sight of Jin.

At that time, I thought that only Luntia was punished for being a "self-
reflection" because she treated him only as a third-term player.

It wasn't.

Luntia certainly had a different speciality from other brothers.


Luntia sighed as she narrowed her brows.

It was not a sigh because Jin's remarks were trivial. At the time of the
operation, no one here could look down on the camp.

However, Luntia was annoyed by the situation itself and was about to go
Jean was a grave threat to her long-standing goal and attitude of wanting to
live without anything tiring, just as her existence itself was flowing.

That was the case from the day I first left Storm Castle to visit the Sword

A little boy, who is only 10 years old, scratches on his brothers all of a
sudden, and when Jin went on a mission to Mamit while he was a cadet, he
was told to self-reflect himself.

When he was a backup jockey, he suddenly broke the rules and turned his
family upside down, and even during the Sungguk incident, he was
dispatched because of Jin. That way, always looking back, Jean has caused
a troublesome gust of wind.

Luntia was able to affirm.

For nearly a decade, no one has made himself more tired than Jean. No one
who knew the character had provoked Luntia.

After a long time, Luntia felt a simmering rage from the depths of her heart.
There was nothing in the world that angered her more than to create an
unwanted, over-the-top stir in her own tranquil world.

"I can't help it, you."


As soon as the horse was finished, the blade of a blue-colored blade dug
into Luntia's arms once again. Bradamante and Luntia's "Shael" contrasted
with the flames.

At first glance, it's a thin, long sword that looks like it's about to break. But
the next moment Luntia's stabbing seemed to paint a phenomenon that
didn't exist in the world.

For example, hard light is rushing in.

Charles' sword stroke punctured Bradamante's blade exactly.

Slowly swimming through the air and accurately stabbing a strand of thread
that falls can be called a novelty.

Luntia's stabbing was far more than that. The blade of a sword falling at the
speed of seconds was precisely stabbed. Bradamante bounced at right
angles, and Jean had to feel a sense of crumbling her wrist.

'Is this the third member of the family?…!'

That single blow, was enough to explain Luntia.

It's a speed that can't be followed with eyes.

A swift sword that does not miss the movement of the shoulder and cannot
react unless it predicts its trajectory. In the heat of the hot and unheated
Daeryeonjang, Jin's back became cool.

As soon as I blinked once, the next stab flew in. The charles that grazed
Jean's cheek caught fire instead of blood.

The gale seemed to have started out of nowhere. As the wind was not
visible, neither was Luntia's sword.

A dangerous sense that something is flying at an unrecognizable speed.

Confidence that if you can't avoid or get rid of it once, you must die.


Whenever I met an overwhelming enemy, I always felt the same way.

There was nothing new, nothing to fear. You can fight back and give your
opponent the same feeling.

The flames in Jean's eyes deepened.

"It's a bit harsh, by the way.

Fishet, Pick!

Charles continued to rub Jin's whole body and sneeze.

"But it doesn't seem enough to stop me. It's disappointing for you to say

The swordsmen, who were fired by fire, began to gather in one place
according to Jin's will. The move is as if dozens of snipers were aiming at it
all at once.

As the swords poured down on Luntia in unison, the poking that had been
raging went away.

The sword had fallen out, but it wasn't a little more relaxed for the
Looncandels, who were caught up in the fire.

Now, the flames of the industry, which are heading for its peak, are even

The space that was already called the "contest" has almost disappeared.

Even the sunlight entering the melted and burst ceiling was colored by fire,
and even the blue sky looked red like blood.

Below it the swords of Qin and Luntia were again mingling.

"It's strange that fire, instead of blood, flows from the wound."

"It's not easy for someone to use a sword like this."

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I told you. I'm going to bring Looncandel back to the family of the

Kajik, Kajjeokay!
There was a sound of a giant beast chewing something like a bone, not a
knife striking. The sound was distorted and the space twisted by the shock
waves caused by the two men's workshop.

On the surface, an equal workshop, but the level of swordsmanship was

clearly ahead of Luntia.

That's why Luntia kept thinking this whenever Jean showed a loophole.

This is the end.

This is really the end.

No... that it?

Apparently, the blades seemed to have seen the end of each other over and
over again as they scanned each other's bodies. When I realized I had
pierced Hana's neck, I brushed my ear, and when I felt like I had stabbed
her in the heart, fire poured out of her shoulders.

'Why? There was definitely a loophole in the youngest, so why does

Charles only bring vain results?'

It was strange. He is fully aware of the youngest's movements, but he is not


It's Ki Hyun-sang that his sword is not touching the youngest.

And there was a sense of deja vu.

This happened when I was dealing with Luna.'

Similar things happen when you mix Luna and Sword.

And Luntia had found the answer very soon then. The reason why your
sword keeps wasting time is that the problem lies with you, not your

'I was... ...too bothered to get hurt.'

When fighting against tough opponents, including Luna.

Luntia would unconsciously choose to avoid injury as much as possible.

Getting hurt is more tiring than anything in the world, and in this situation,
Luntia was more anxious to see this annoying time pass quickly than her
desire to beat her opponent.

That's why the edge of the knife got shorter and the stride narrowed. It's
more comfortable to lose moderately than to suffer from an injury.

'I didn't know you'd do this against the youngest. This has never happened
before in my life.….'

I didn't take Jin's ignorance lightly, but I didn't think it was a fight to risk his
life or death.

It was a judgment that had to be revised.

'I'll risk my life, too.

Of course, when the fight is over, the former is much more likely to come
out of life or death.

Nevertheless, there was a big difference between risking one's life and not
fighting. Just as the consequences depend on what attitude the wild beasts
of the grassland have in front of the big game.

Unconsciously avoiding injuries when she encountered a tricky enemy, was

also evidence.

Luntia Looncandel is a small human being.

No, evidence of the fact that "injured" itself is a strong man who has not
had many injuries throughout his life.

For Luntia, all the fighting except for those few times was just an act of
almost the same risk as breathing, filling her stomach and slumbering.
But that's not the case with the truth.

Luntia recognized that the fight was lost on either side and lost everything.
So every moment, the desire for survival and victory was a battle ahead of

"Now you seem to have the heart to do it right, Sister."

Jean immediately recognized the change in Luntia.

It was only natural that the stifling pressure of Luntia suddenly disappeared.
Her up-and-coming was sinking calmly like calm water.

"You're strong. You've grown up well."

Luntia held her postures and continued.

"But you shouldn't have provoked me today."

Orser was no longer like a barrier, so the fire of Qin penetrated the crack.
Luntia was quickly engulfed in flames, leaving only dark phosphorus.

They are embracing the flames of business with their bare bodies.

At that moment, as Luntia recalled Luna from Jean.

Jin also had no choice but to look at Luntia and think of her first sister.
Looncandel's blessed body, by far the best known...….

Stronger than Luna's transcendental flesh.

Lundtia was coming to Jin in full swing. Not even a small blister was
visible in her body, which was glimpsed through the twisting fire.

"Oh, my God."

a gin for collecting fire spread all around.

Flames that were spreading terrible heat, like plague, to the outside of the
convulsion field, were being absorbed into the bradamante.

"I've never imagined that one of my brothers would be stronger than Luna's

Not only Qin, but all the other brothers did.

Except for one Luna man, no one thought there would be such a brother.

Because other brothers have never instilled a sense of crisis in Luntia.

"I didn't know I'd fight you with all my strength, so we don't have to be
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 388

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:44 AM

Chapter 388: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (8)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Jean and Luntia, slowly narrowing the distance between the two.

And there was a belated shriek on the ground that was the battleground.

Argh! Argh!…!

At a rough estimate, more than a hundred guardian knights groaned, lying

on all sides.

The fighters who had defended them only took a breath, but now they had a
hunch that a new shock would come.

'The third rider was angry...….'

'I was busy trying to save the knights, but now I can't even step in.'

In particular, those who "know little about Luntia" (mainly the elders)
judged that it would be difficult to stop the fight from happening again.

They know how dangerous Runtia is, who pushed out boredom.

There was also no need to dry.

'The family's guardian knights were burned to death.'

'What if this is not treason?'

The entire central battleground of the family was removed, and dozens of
guardian knights could have been turned into ashes.

Thanks to the hard work of Kisoo and other top fighters, no one was killed.

It was worth mentioning the charge of treason. From the point of view of
the attacked Looncandels, they even saw Jin making remarks that
undermined the legitimacy of the family.

Of course, Jin carried out his business in the belief that the jockeys and top
fighters would be able to protect their guardian knights enough, and there
was a situation in which Lin Milcano called for the situation by calling it a
"strong boast."

But it's hard to be the reason for taking it into account, and there's
something to it.

From now on, what Jin had to show was nothing different.


To prove that the declaration to return Looncandel to the family of the

Magistrate is not just a mere word.

To do that, needless to say.

'You have to win.'

The moment of defeat in the fight against Luntia.

No matter how shocking language it was, how great a challenge it was, how
intense a warning it was, how brilliant the truth it was.

All the words spoken by Jean are lost in value is lost in value.
Originally, it would have been a remarkable achievement just to fight a
plausible battle with a third rider, but not now.

I had to take responsibility for the heavy words that contained a thousand
years of stories. as a person's looncandel

Leaving ten steps between, Jean and Luntia glared at each other without a
word for a moment.

The fighting spirit, and the will to kill, filled the flame-soaked eyes of Jean
and the mysterious eyes of Luntia.

Sword that swallowed a commercial fire and sword that held an oracle.

Bradamante and Charles were vibrating. Swords raised sharp resonances

like beasts trying to tear each other to death.

There's no signal.

Nevertheless, the two men fired swords at each other without a single error.

With no esophagus, no brother, as if swinging a club, not a sword. So was

the first clash between the two, which began again.


The two men's energy, which had been tied to the sword, was released,
creating a roar and shock wave. And the swords struck each other one more
time before the shock wave even escaped the ground where it was a

As if the huge glass were breaking, fire and fire poured out of the blades of
the two men's swords.


A handful of iron nails seemed embedded in the bones and organs. Jean's
expression was distorted in pain, and Luntia remained tight-lipped.
Luntia is rather relaxed while wearing flames like clothes. Plus, riding in a
brawl, dealing with the essence of business flowing from Bradamante.

I'll kill you.

I didn't open my mouth, but I could hear Luntia's voice. Her flesh seemed to
poke in her head with some form.

'There's no way he's really not being hit.'

No matter how tough Luntia is.

What Jean unfolded was the Magum Beech of Sarah Looncandel. It is still
not enough to compare Sarah's heyday to what she used to do, but it was the
sword that pressured the entire Looncandel, who was in the battleground
until just now.

'You can't keep up like this, sister. It is impossible for anyone in the world
except my father.'

Attitude is not really unimpressed. The karma in the bradamante was

constantly gnawing at Luntia's flesh.

But Jean is also breaking up. at a much faster pace than Luntia

'Commercialization alone is not enough.'

It might have been a different story if it had been unfolded to harm only one
Luntia from the start.

However, the power of up-and-coming has been consumed by more than 50

percent of the work against other Looncandels. There was nothing I could
do about Luntia by collecting the rest of the fire.

'My sister hasn't even taken out the duel yet. At this rate, I'm sure I'll get it.'

We had to make a winning move.

With a sword that has the destructive power to rival or exceed the trade.

Jean opened the streets by pouring out the last remaining fires in
Bradamante. Flames were bubbling with spirit and twirling around Luntia.

That's when Luntia first appeared to falter.

But it was only for a short time.

The next moment, when Luntia gave off an auror, the karma was becoming
a residual fire, giving off a faint glow.

The fire that was surrounding the camp was also dissipating. The body that
was blazing with fire is returning to its original color.

Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo...…!

Jean's breathing was rough. Blood flowed between the dry lips. Blood was
now pouring from the live sneezes that had been on fire, and the appearance
of the twisting seemed about to collapse.

Luntia, on the other hand, seemed to have become lighter, as her tormenting
business had disappeared. He didn't even exhale as unstable as Jean.

'That's it......'

'It was obviously great, but it's a three-time winner. Judging from the
condition of the 12th jockey, the game is going to be over in three minutes.'

'The third rider won't keep the 12th rider alive. Even if you hold your
breath, you'll maim it.'

It was natural for those who watched to make such a judgment.

It's clear that Jin showed a tremendous force as a horseman that they
wouldn't understand.

In the first place, the three riders mentioned as the strongest except Luna,
and the now 19-year-old 12 were so different in weight class.
However, it was still shocking.

Some Looncandels were almost frantic with grief that Jean would end up
like this. Only a dozen minutes ago, they saw the behavior of a 12-year-old
and thought they wanted to hit their own throats.

They were thrilled by the power of the Magum shown by Jean. He felt
persuasive when Jin said that the power could be a chance to defeat the

So I was thinking these things.

'If the acting housekeeper comes forward, we can revive the 12th term.'

'Killing the 12th rider will make it a long way to find out about the tomb of
the first family member. Before the third rider dies, if the acting governor is
willing to use his hands...…!'

Contradictory thoughts hovered in the heads of the Looncandels.

However, those who wished for Qin's death and those who wished to live
had one common thought.

The fate of Jean is in Rosa's hands.

Rosa Looncandel, the chief of the battleground where she sits, remained
exactly the same as before the business.

Sitting on the flames of the swarming up-and-coming business, she pushed

everything away without a change of expression.

While the jockeys and the top fighters protected the guardian knights, Rosa
watched the fight between Jin and Luntia from start to finish.

"Third Riders."

At Rosa's call, Luntia stopped walking.

If Rosa hadn't called, she would have gone two steps further and cut off
Jean's breathing.


"Will you kill him?"


Rosa did not add anything else to Luntia's answer.

Jean's harsh breathing, which stood out in silence, was exceptionally loud.
Those who did not know the sword heard that his physical strength had
reached its limit.

A dozen seconds passed like that, and Luntia had no choice but to ask.

"Is there something wrong with killing the 12th rider? I'd like to ask you
why you didn't say anything.”

Then Rosa shook her head slowly.

"For questioning, I was thinking a little."

"What question...….”

"I wonder why everyone thinks the fight is over."

At Rosa's words, the Looncandels turned to Jean in unison. Still breathing

heavily, he was seen searching for Bradamante.

And was taking out a new sword. The blade of the sword leaving the sword
was as pale as the dawn sky.

a beacon signature

The Ming Dynasty's new sword inherited by the Class of the Tuition.

I mean...
The blade of a brainwashed knife was making a low, gloomy cry.

The eyes of the Looncandels, who saw it, were filled with consternation.

You still have the strength to fight?…!?'

'With the sword of the mad flames out to the last minute, you still have

"No, the acting governor just looked at the fact that there was a will left for
the 12th generation. Practical stamina doesn't support me anymore.'

Jean has no more power to fight.

Even if there is, it will never be enough to change the situation. The
Looncandels were thinking so.

"Hoo...... I thought I'd beat it all up, but there was one left.”

Soon after Jean opened her mouth, Luntia felt her hair stand on end.

She also thought Rosa's words meant the will left for Jean.

It wasn't that.

"The chief, where my mother is sitting. I think we need to get rid of all that
so that the declaration I made today will be more meaningful."

The words forced the Looncandels to be dazed, as if they had been struck
with another blunt weapon on the head.

Pluto d'Attractor 10th Sword

King's Imperial Sword Reformed Sword

Jean's bloodshot eyes filled her brain.

The ground was warped, the blackened ground split and vomited brain
energy. Another vicious heat from the flames of the up-and-down was
quickly eroding all over the place, riding on a brain battle.

[All eyes wide open...]...take a good look. What is the real Looncandel,
what has defended Looncandel. And.]

What Looncandel is forgetting.

Jean looked back at the Looncandels with her sparkling eyes and said the

The brain of the Ming and Wang Rim Sword covered the dizzyingly broken
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 389

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:43 AM

Chapter 389: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (9).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The power of the Ming Dynasty to fight was being reproduced over the
molten Daeryeonjang.

The strongest beings on earth who challenged the gods as losers of the
world half a million years ago. In the wistle-blue brain-spirited resembling
their souls, Qin looked at the eyes of the Looncandels fixed to him.

Fear flashed through the eyes of the protected and embarrassment at the
eyes of the protected. They were all clenched their teeth.

Who would have expected that the 12th-term member of the family, the
horseman, would show this kind of martial arts against the entire
Looncandel? After the business has already passed.

[And I will give one order to the members of the House of Horsemen.]

A resonant voice, as many as dozens of Ming kings speak at once. Members

of the family were feeling a kind of awe in the voice.

They had never met the fighting spirit of the Ming dynasty, but instinctively
they felt her aura pouring from Qin.
Protect them with all your might, so that not a single guardian of my sword
may die.]


The thunder that covered Jean's body swirled and sparkled. The pale light of
the signposts of the Ming kings stood out from the grasp of the brain-
stained hands to the fingernails.

Pale as if death had a color.

The heat of the fire is still lingering, and the brain of the Ming and Wang
Rim Sword has been added.

With the hot air so hot that the rock melted and burst heavily over the lungs,
the Looncandels had to be enveloped in a sense of cooling their whole
bodies as if they were touching an old dead body strangely.

"Everyone, get out of course.…!”

Soon after the sword began to draw its trajectory, it was none other than
Luntia who shouted as if he were evil.

I let my guard down.

The youngest, who thought she could end it now and kill it whenever she
wanted, was a monster far beyond her expectations.

I should have realized the fact earlier. I should have known earlier that I
would have risked my life, and that I could not have beaten him with such

Blinking eyes, what you can see is the youngest's sword rushing through the

At the speed of thunder, the force of the blow was never insufficient
compared to any sword Luntia had ever experienced.
The body, it didn't react immediately. It was the source of trouble that he
raised his voice for the safety of the drivers behind him.


From the middle of Luntia's chest, a red blood spattered. If I had only
stepped back one step less, I would not have ended there, but I would have
split in half.


Fortunately, there was no damage to the organs.

Yet the focus of Luntia was once again shaken by an injury that could never
be called shallow.

Before he could even get into position, Sigmund's thunderstorm struck


A terrible pain broke out as if my whole body was burning.

A strong body that surpasses even Luna.

To build this body, how much pain did you have to endure?

Since Luna announced her abandonment of her family home, Luntia has
had many expectations for a few alternatives in a short period of time.

The reason Luna is strangely difficult on Luntia, and weak on her. Luna had
been watching Luntia 'kill' herself to have such a strong body.

That's how I got it.

The power gained by going down to the unfortunate answer that life is
nothing but boredom and pain, and that it is complacency not to think or act
in it.

The strong body was breaking apart.

The flesh is torn, the bones are cut, and the blood is bursting. The creepy
pain of digging into the wound took my breath away.

"Damn it..."

Luntia clenches her teeth and sharles.

It wasn't even easy to find the exact location because of the brain covering
the space like a dense fog. There was also a sense of uneasiness that seemed
to lose its luster for ever in every moment of the sharp cerebral palsy that
poked the eye.

But what rang in Luntia's head at that moment wasn't the desire to get out of
here and not to get hurt or survive.

'The knights will die, if it stays like this way.'

There are mothers and riders, as well as senior members and executive
knights. No matter how powerful Qin is, he is showing. By all means, it
was absurd to surpass them all.

But "fighting" and "protecting" are clearly different areas.

In this thunderstorm, will other strongmen be able to protect all the knights
on the brink of death?

I couldn't bring myself to be sure. First of all, his knights, who were the first
to jump in to stop the flames of business, had no one to protect them.

Their main soldier himself is fighting with Jean.

Above all.

'She's not the kind of person to protect the knights.'

a gnawing luntia Rosa was still sitting at the top of her class and not taking
any other action.

It wasn't because she hated Rosa that she was so sure.

Just Rosa Looncandel, my mother...….

It was a perception that he would not save enough guardian knights to be

swept away by the sword of the 12th rider.

I think they're useless in Looncandel.

Or they try to leave more powerful articles in the Sword Garden. Rosa,
recognized by Luntia, was such a person.

The same was true of Rosa, which is perceived by others.

She was a great man enough to do that.

No screams could be heard, as was the case with the up-and-down. But
everyone knew, not to mention Luntia.

How agonizingly shrieked the guards who were burned by flames and

Charles was infused with the light of a new ogre.

She decided how to end this fight.

"The youngest, for you have shown me the glorious sword......I'll have to
answer the sword that matches it."

What was in her eyes, full of flesh and shock, a new will.

a long-forgotten sense of responsibility as a rider

Looncandel Third Vigy

As Luntia stretched Charles forward, there was only one egg-sized circle in
the air filled with brain energy. The circle was emitting a foreign glow
alone, seemingly disallowing no intrusion.

Jean's signature towards the circle bounced off.

It was unexpected that the signature, strengthened by the Ming and Wang
Rim sword, was bouncing so much, and the circle of Geum Hwan-sik was
getting bigger and bigger and expanding its territory.

Though strong enough to bounce off the sigmund, Qin strangely did not feel
the circle of Geum Hwan-sik threatening.

'Conduct? Or is it Vigie? Either way, it's a sword with a strange feeling of


a sword of no intention of murder

Not long after, Qin was able to recognize that the purpose of this sword was
not in murder.

As expected, the third Bigi Geumhwansik was the only sword in

Looncandel to protect others. A hard sword that draws a circle acts as a

I came to a conclusion without difficulty.

'If it breaks, that's enough.'

The blood of the brain and the body of a fighter were bubbling up in the
photocardium. If the blow didn't bring him down, he would have wielded a
deeper and stronger force again.

I didn't mean to finish it properly today because I was too tired.

I didn't mean to use only enough power not to kill my opponent. To see the
end in some form.

It was a sword that endured even the great sword of teenage knight
No matter how solid Runtia's gold exchange system is. However, it was not
possible to keep the Ming Dynasty sword from being stopped.

Pajigit, jabbing!

The same result came out again this time when Sigmund flashed again. The
blade of the knife bounced off the ring of the larger gold medal ceremony.

But in the whirlpool and in the brain, Jean saw clearly. Luntia, who blocked
the second inspection, spits out a handful of blood.

He was already seriously injured before the gold exchange ceremony.

It was unclear whether the dogs could be stopped even if they were
unfolded while their bodies were intact.

It is natural for Luntia to feel heavy, as she unfolded with severe injuries.

She risked her life.

However, his determination to deal with Jin was different. Not to kill Jean,
but to protect his knights from him.

The roar of a sword and a ring striking.

Not a single word of conversation could come and go in between, but Chin
could understand her mindset.

It was because I have seen many times what the faces of those who wanted
to save people are like.

'You're not the kind of person to take lightly, my second sister.'

It was rather reassuring.

If she tries her best to stop the Ming Dynasty, the innocent guards will not

Even so.
I don't intend to bury mercy at the end of the knife.

Jean was wielding her signature with a mind that it would not matter if
Luntia died.

It is a place where everyone in the family is watching.

If you don't look good, the declaration will lose its meaning.

"If you live, you will be recognized as a worthy competitor, sister."

Crack! Crack!

A huge molar seemed to rip the prey apart. Runtia's bleeding increased as
the test continued to fall over the ring.

On the other hand, Sigmund became more and more fierce. The
thunderstorms that moved along the Sigmund poured onto the ring of
goldfish, like a heavy rain.

Charles' sword holding the ring was shaking. She has already endured more
than 50 percent of the power of the Ming and Wang Rim Sword for more
than thirty years, so the limit has come.

Suddenly, the shape of the brain that hit the ring changed.

3rd Sword Penalty.

The awning of Dan sin, which contained the power of Ming and Gunnim
swords, had overwhelming energy even in the midst of the brain energy that
had encroached everywhere.

When the five awls pushed in at the same time, the ring of Geum Hwan-sik
was finally broken. Luntia did not miss Charles until the end.

The thunder of Ming and Dagger were already sweeping her and flying
toward knights holding out outside.
As soon as she was about to give off her brain one more time, Chin saw the
phosphorus of Luntia, who had stopped in the same posture as the gold
exchange ceremony.

Lost consciousness, dead. There was no need to confirm either.

a stride-footed gin

It was Rosa, sitting at the top like a lyric, that Jean's gaze was on. Now it
was time to break the boss.

As soon as I'm about to give off one more stroke.


Suddenly something hard and sharp poked Jin's back lightly.

It was Charles, the sword of Luntia.

Nevertheless, Chin turned around and did not confirm the appearance of her
second sister. Knowing that barely putting the Charles on her back is the
last force left for her.

Jean thought it wasn't Charles that touched her back, but the will that held

It's a will to respect a man as a brother and a warrior.


Soon after Luntia collapsed, the eyes of Jean and Rosa met.

[Can you keep sitting like that?]

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 390

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:42 AM

Chapter 390: Episode 117. Who is the real Looncandel (10)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The spirits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were getting stronger and

It was as if lightning from all over the world was pouring into the garden of
the sword. While the earth was being broken into pieces by the lightning. A
golden hwansik's oracle fluttered like a petal between the mother and father
and mother.

For a few seconds, Rosa looked down at her youngest son without

With all the cataclysmic fields smashed, only the chief seat where Rosa sat
was as tall as a giant tree left alone. Neither the flames of the fire nor the
brain of the Ming and Wang dynasties were able to penetrate her energy.

Just by capturing Rosa's gaze, Jean was overwhelmed with a sense of being
weighed down by the mountains.

Even though Rosa has yet to show her strength, she is suffocated by the
sharp energy that comes through her brain.

'Stronger than I've ever imagined.'

I can affirm.

His mother, Rosa Looncandel, is more powerful than any enemy Jean has
ever met. He has the power to go far beyond what he had expected.

Also, of course it had to be.

The person sitting in that upper seat and looking down at himself is none
other than the second-in-command of the great Looncandel.

The second king of Looncandel, who has long led the Sword Garden on
behalf of Xiron, has been recognized by all families in name and reality,
and is admired and praised by all swordsmen in the world.

It would have been rather disappointing if he had not felt this much pressure
to confront such a location-oriented character.


Rosa rose from her seat.

Just a little bit higher in sight, but the sense of hypocrisy has multiplied
beyond comparison with sitting. The body became heavy as if it had been

"I was careless, but I never thought I'd beat Luntia and come to this
mother's door."

You can't read any emotion in a calm voice.

In Jin's head, memories of Ilsun Rosa passed like a scene that passed by
quickly. The memories of the past, not of the enemy, but of the time when
we recognized them as "mothers."

A mother who had been suspended for two days after she was deported.
Before he was deported, he had broken the rules of his family and handed
over some information in case he became a jockey.
'I'm sure you knew Joshua had cursed me when I was in the cradle, but why
the hell?'

Why was he so abominable when dealing with himself?

Was it his last conscience as a mother? Rosa Looncandel can't be a weak

human being with a conscience.

Unable to know.

I don't want to know, and I won't be able to understand the reason forever.

But the only thing that matters is breaking that chair.

One symbol of the Looncandel that Rosa is showing now, a great blemish
on the authority of the second-in-command.

Sigmund's brain was thickened.

I didn't know she was so relaxed yet, either.]

"Stay talking."

[If it were my father, I'm sure he'd still be there.]]

Rosa grinned.

"I'll admit that you have achieved great growth."

[Maybe, I could give you a chance.]

"An opportunity..."

[Everyone in the family saw my strength. It means that Looncandel saw the
possibility of winning the lottery.]

Rosa's sword came out of the cut, and there was a faint, sharp sound.
[In this situation, do you really think a second-term player can be a

"So, do you want me to give you strength, not second-term?"

[No, I don't need your strength to ascend the throne.]

Jin went on to say this.

[Gone somewhere in due course. When I become a housekeeper, there is no

place for my mother in the Sword Garden.]

Despite such a strong provocation, Rosa was not angry.

Rather, she seemed to smile contentedly.

Yeah, you know what's Looncandel, that's the look.

It also meant she recognized Jean.

On the other hand, it was a smile that suggested that Jin was not yet his

'I'll break that arrogant thought.'

There was a bloody smell in his mouth. The use of the Ming and
Wanggeorim swords followed by the commercial paintings has led to the
danger of reverse flow.

Rosa was also relaxed because she knew it.

She also regarded this incident as a victory for Jin by just coming all the
way here anyway.

As he said, he showed off his strength in front of everyone in the family,

and now there will be a big and definite variable in the succession structure
of the family.
Perhaps the family fell into uncontrollable confusion. Rosa had already
been predicting that this day would come one day, from the moment Jean
returned, from the time when Zion forgave him.

"You are too greedy to stop now that you have gained practical benefits."

Rosa opened her mouth with her sword standing.

"Come up, son."

Her aegum, 'grazed' was colored with dazzling light. A sword that shines
like a lighthouse in a storm of shriveled brain.

There was a scene of broken rocks rising into the air like bubbles and
breaking under Rosa's energy.

Before long, Jean began to move slowly.

And as soon as he took his first step, those gathered here felt another
ominous sense of incompatibility weighing on their shoulders.

It was because of the sudden earthquake.

Following Qin's steps, the entire Sword Garden began to fluctuate little by

Boom, boom, boom. In the intense noise of the brain, a new heavy sound
was rising.

The earthquake was the sound of drums announcing the change of the Ming
and Wang Rim Sword.

Only those who passed the sigmunds could sing it.

Pluto dagger thrower type 10 dagger type 2

Battle of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

A roar, indicating that one person has reached the pinnacle among the kings
of light.

It's nothing more than a boost in energy before a fight begins.

It is only after the second battle that the enemy will be destroyed.

Rosa's eyes widened.

Again, and more.

To witness the megalomaniac of Jean was a phenomenon that even she

could not help but be shocked.

"You still have this kind of power?…!'

a mystery

The first thing Rosa thought of.

Living as a warrior for decades, I've never seen anything like this. I didn't
think it would be strange to fall into the backflow right now, and I could
have been more overwhelming than I've ever shown!

But Jin, his youngest son was human.

As long as we were human beings, we couldn't help paying no price for

going against the rules of the world. Rosa immediately recognized what
Jean had walked on.


It was his own life that Jean had secured to spread this power.

Are you saying that you're going to risk your death for breaking one of the
symbols, the boss I'm sitting on? Right after getting so much?'

Even if you don't have to break Rosa's boss.

Today Jean got a lot of things beyond description. Even if he were to fall
down immediately, what would come to his eyes after he awoke would be
numerous swordsmen who were willing to offer their loyalty.

And yet you risk your life, what the hell is that...….

Rosa, who thought so far, gritted her teeth.

Just a moment ago, the mind that I had thought of gin with scorn. Yes, you
know what the Looncandel is, judgment made with a smile.

He realized that the judgment was wrong and arrogant.

'This is Looncandel, Mother.'

Like a man forever thirsty for struggle, not backing down when he has to
fight. Even an enemy who is clearly stronger than himself is getting tired of
the fighting spirit.

Even when the opponent thinks the fight is over, it creates a strange
phenomenon that can deny it.

That was what Jean thought, what members of the old Looncandel thought.

Out of nowhere, black clouds covered the sky, as if tens of millions of

migratory birds had flown in.

Under that sinister cloud, all that can be intact is the Ming king and the one
who reigns over it.


A sheer absurdity of epilepsy poured in.

Thousands of streams of thunder were striking the ground without warning.

A tidal wave of brainwashing through the Sword Garden.

Riders and elders fought battles everywhere. With all your might, with a
breathless face. Somehow, to protect the knights from this disaster, a
decisive battle was fought.

But even a dozen simultaneous duels seemed as small as the struggle of a

microorganism amid thousands and tens of thousands of brainwashes.

Can I call this a sword?

Shouldn't we call it power?

The swordsmen who stopped the epilepsy felt like they were in a long, dark

I couldn't believe with my eyes that this terrible dream began with a jockey.

Rosa, who had been relaxed all along, was also frantic.

Every time her sword drew its trajectory, a bunch of thunder had been
erased, but the clouds had grown more and more ferocious in throwing up
the epilepsy.

Jean was tramping through the mess. Like a king walking in his own
territory, he was moving proudly toward Rosa.

A sign with a powerful resonant sound.

It is Rosa's neck that the blade is facing. Sitting in a high-altitude manner

was uncanny bitterness in the sight of a mad-wielding mother everywhere.

It was time to adorn the grand finale of the declaration.


When Jean lifted the sign, like a lie.

The thunder stopped. The noisy epilepsy that seemed to signal the end of
the world just now disappeared.

Like those who awoke from their nightmares, the swordsmen who looked
around, suddenly calm, were enchanted.
But thunder is not gone.

The thunder was just converging towards the edge of the Sigmund's blade at
high speed. So many brains were entering without a hitch with just one of a
single sword.

It's the first time everyone's seen for the first time.

I knew what would happen next. That pale blade that devoured all that
demonic brain, will now fall to Rosa.

The distance between the two facing each other was short.

Jean hit the sword honestly, with her center.

Rosa can't avoid this sword anyway. The only choice she could make was a
head-on counter-offer as second-in-command of Looncandel.


The moment Sigmund and the frenzy hit each other, the veins burst in
Rosa's eyes. In an instant the red-eyed eyes were thinning and growing and

It was the first time I saw Rosa's crying face, even though it was blood

The boss she was sitting on, the high ground that was standing alone,
collapsed like a giant's finger.

[I, 12th-class Jean Luncandel.]

Just before the ceremony was clouded, Jean managed to finish her last

[The housekeeper... ...will be.]

When Jean collapsed, Rosa threw up a handful of blood.

The swordsmen had no choice but to fall into a strange separation as if
reality were falling apart when they saw her blue face and a faint gin.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 391

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:40 AM

Chapter 391: 118. Uncoverable (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

October 1, 1799.

the heart of the Black Sea

There is a man running with dark blood, intestines, and flesh all over his

It's the Guardian Khan. In his arms was a letter from an executive engineer
who came to the beginning of the Black Sea.

It has already been more than 10 years since the letter about Qin was
delivered to the public. Khan had a more serious face than ever.

I couldn't look at the contents of the letter, but I heard from the executive
engineer what happened to my family.

'You have to go as soon as possible. Before the Lord entered the realm of
the Five Kings of the Black Sea...….'

The territory of the Five Kings of the Black Sea.

Zion and his knights were now to go beyond the depths into the land ruled
by the kings of the Black Sea themselves.
Khan was last seen by an executive engineer while inspecting the entrance
and vicinity of the Black Sea.

This cursed land has always been the case, but from the realm of the Five
Kings of the Black Sea, it has been a completely unknown world.

Perhaps it will be completely cut off from the outside world for a while
after entering the country.

There were a lot of mana that stuck to me today. One, one, and one, are the
ones who could be the devil of mine with time and opportunity, and Khan
had to fight for another full day even as he entered the heart.

Whoo-hoo. Whoo-hoo. ....

It was when the main body of Zion began to be seen, and it was at a point
where it could not stand any longer. Fortunately, they were still before
entering the Black Sea 5th King's Zone.

The Siron and the knights were taking a short break after a long time,
making fire with the dead bodies of mana.

"My lord."

Khan lowered his head, breathing. The foul smell of the devil's carcass
stung my nose.

"What's the matter, Khan?"

Siron floated in the air, as always in its upright position. The knights'
haggard faces were contrasting his clean faces.

"I have an urgent letter from home. It's about the 12th jockey."

a wide-eyed theory

"Come on."

Khan extended his letter to him in an extremely polite gesture.


For other knights except Khan, it was very unfamiliar for him to open the
seal with a curious look.

Khan felt a curious pride in the fact.

'It's the first time since the first term that a housekeeper has been seen like

'I've heard it a few times from senior black knights, but it seems like the
expectations the owner has on the 12th rider are great.'

While the black knights were amazed, there was one thing that made them
wonder if it would be okay to step in.

[Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!]

It was a legendary mare, Ozdock.

Of course, Ciron never responded to Ozdock's flattering voice.

Instead, it was the black knight's chilly eyes that flew to Ozdock. To close
the mouth immediately and quietly sit in the corner.

Unfortunately, Ozdock could not read the current (even take the inaction of
the poem as a positive sign) and continued to speak cheerfully.

Because I was tired.

Without a word of conversation, the days of murder and battle, which

continued in a dull manner every day, were a burden even for him, the inner
mana who had lived for two thousand years.

A light joke, or a little chatter! Ozdock wanted to say anything, please.

[He, if you're a 12th grader. You're the youngest son who fought with me.
The one that took off my inner seams. Oh, of course that doesn't mean it's a
waste. It'll be used for something valuable...... hehe. Your son was a
wonderful man. He was handsome......haha! Don't hit me. I'm sorry!]

Eventually, when the ugly knights came forward and tried to shut Ozdock's
mouth, Xiron lightly raised his hand to restrain them.

"Leave it alone."


Ozdock scratched his back head awkwardly as he bowed with a fist that the
black knights were about to make.

[Sorry, sir. I just felt like I was having fun with you. Well, um...... I'll get the
car out of here!]

As Ozdock said, there was already a faint smile around the mouth of Siron.

I started to read the letter.

(Gaju, a 12-gear accident.)

"That's Zedro."

I could tell as soon as I saw the first line. When he was young, he was the
only brother among his own brothers who kept his handwriting alive.

(He leaked information about the tomb of the first family member through
the 7th rider. You've probably known about him before, but that alone has
caused a stir in the family.

Do you know what happened while everyone was waiting to check the
authenticity of the case when he came back?

As soon as he got back, he had a fight with the elder Zorden. So the elder
cut off his arms. King Seong came and treated him, but he almost never
wielded the sword like he used to.)
As the gap between the lines narrowed, Ozdok knelt down and said, "No, a
teacup." He thrust out the skull of a demon containing tea water.

The teboiled fire was a fire made by the corpse of a demon, and it was
indeed a terrible tea. But no one will believe that the car is one of the
greatest luxuries to enjoy here.

(Anyways, right after the treatment...)... he declared that he would return

Looncandel to the names of the horsemen.

Then he overpowered the elders who blocked him, and the third rider went

The eyes of the poet grew bigger. The sight of Ozdock and the black
knights had no choice but to be surprised.

Three-timer, Luntia.

If the child had lost to Jean, it must have been because he was careless.
Even so, Luntia's defeat to Jin came as a fresh shock to Ciron as well.

Whether it's because of one carelessness or the result of Jin reaching

another level.

To lose is to lose.

(The battleground where the incident happened disappeared without a trace,

and almost destroyed the courtyard and the women's quarters.

Following the fire-wielding Magum, the frantic lightning...... this is hard to

explain. You should have seen it yourself.

I knew the madman would turn the family upside down one day, but I didn't
know he would have such a big accident.

Below is a summary of the damage done to the Sword Garden to cover the
12th term.

an acting housekeeper
2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th.

A third-term player;a serious injury.

Twelve riders, critical.

The Black Prosecutor's Office Chairman, the Court President, and the
People's Association President Gyeongsang-do Province

a moderate injury of more than 50 per cent in the senate

Defensive knights 1st place, 40 percent or more.

12 heavy injuries, 54 minor injuries.

a large number of others injured

No combat personnel dead.

No casualties in noncombat personnel.

At the request of my family, the second phase of the Hupester King's

Emergency Paid, the entire blockade of the Hupester Allies' Mobile Gate
and the control of the press.

The Sword's Garden brings back all the dispatched drivers and maintains a
wartime status.

......The exact list of casualties is detailed in the last chapter.

The acting governor suffered a deep internal injury because he did not avoid
a blow that contained his soul at the end.

The medical staff says you need to be extremely stable for a while.That'sir.

Can you believe it? It's not a sudden raid by the Jipple headquarters, it's not
a bismantle, it's not a rebellion.
It's all because of the force of a 12-year-old individual. By the force of that
bravado, not yet twenty years old!

elder brother

If possible, you'd better come back for a while. It will be a great help to the
members of the family.

It'll be a pleasure to see him grow up in person.)


a sudden burst of laughter

Ozdock tried to laugh softly, but when his eyes met Zion, he had no choice
but to shut his mouth tightly.

Since the theory erased the laughter at that moment.

At this point, the articles were anxious to find out the contents of the letter.

So I glanced at Khan. You've been in charge of correspondence on the 12th

rider for a while, so give it a try.

"Lady, is the situation at home not so bad as I have heard?”

"What did you hear?”

"I've heard from Cron that the entire Hufester has been sealed off and is in a
state of war."

"That's what the letter says. That doesn't mean it's a problem to be covered,
but everyone must have been very shocked."

"Honestly, I'm worried about the 12th rider."

"What we have to worry about is the land beyond."

Khan and the knights nodded heavily. Beyond the depths of the heart were
the gaze of the kings of the Black Sea.

Five kings of the Black Sea, now only a few more days to reach. One day
ahead, Luna, Vanessa and Tuben were scouting.

There will be many days on the land where even the arguments will have to
be fought with all their might.

Srreuk, Xiron handed the letter back to the front page. It was to re-watch
what had been annoying since the first reading.

Twelve riders, critical.

Serious and serious are quite different in meaning. After the 'declaration of
a horse prosecutor', Jin was still unconscious and unable to get out of his

At the end of the letter, as Jed asked Ciron to come back for a while, it was
no different.

It meant that the 12-year-old's flame should not be extinguished as it is. If

possible, it also meant empowering.

Ciron was the first time in his life that Jed had asked him to do so.

"It would be rude to have a battle with the kings of the Black Sea and to
care about the family story."

Though asked by Jed, Ciron had no intention of coming back and looking at
it himself.

"But before we miss the time, we must pay reasonable compensation."

The compensation that Ciron says was not about the incident that Jin caused
this time.

I'll report to the Lord that the first man to find this beast was a twelve-gear.
If the Lord judges that the devil is worthy, there will be rewards.
The words Tuben left to Jean as he took Ozdock.

Ozdock was proving his full value after joining Siron's expedition.

Although his memory was a bit hazy, he made a great contribution to

finding the territory of the kings of the Black Sea.

After entering the realm of kings, he was still useful.


"Yes, my lord."

"Contact your home at once, and take action so that Jean can use it."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 392

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:38 AM

Chapter 392: 118. Uncoverable (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


As Siron said, it was not something that could be obscured.

He blocked the entire Hufester, controlled all the media, and strictly
prohibited anyone waiting in the family at the time of the "declaration of a
state prosecutor."

In the middle of the Sword Garden, the dogs, jeon, and a dozen duel
machines were held at once, following the Uphwa.

The fight in the heart of the city's Carlon is something the residents can't
help but know.

It means that covering was not a battle of scale.

Through the informants of each force already mixed among the residents,
the blue created by Qin was quickly spreading beyond the Sword Garden to
all parts of the world.

The speed at which the rumor expanded was thundering fast and intense.

Even if you block it or cover it, the waves hit it.

"...oh, my God, I asked you if you were going to commit treason, and I
didn't know you'd do this. If it's not treason, what is it?”

The Holy Land of Vanquela, the Oval Office of King Seong.

As soon as he heard the news from the church's spies, Lani touched his
forehead with a disturbed face. As soon as the godfather sneaks out at dawn
and heals you, he's in this big accident...….

"I should have looked into it from when I had to give my arm a chance.
Hoo, what do you think? Do you think Lord Qin is safe at the momentarily.

The gentlemen shook their heads.

"The boundaries were too tight to recognize for themselves, but according
to the leaks from residents of the city of Kalon and from each power source.
I don't think it's very good."

"There are rumors that he's in critical condition, as well as that he's already

"What, death!"

" one has been able to identify Jean Looncandel since the incident."


A gentleman stepped forward and opened his mouth as if he had made up

his mind.

"Your Majesty, as a priest, as a child of the grace of Ayula. If I dare say a

word...... you must make a decision for the benefactor of your country."

After the Sungguk incident, the symbol of the name "Jin Looncandel" in the
Sungguk was comparable to that of King Seong.

Moreover, the well-known people are aware that Jin has been giving
astronomical support to the Holy Land ever since, so this is a
straightforward statement.
Laney said, "I've been agonizing over my serious face for a while.

"...okay, Hufester has issued phase 2 of the emergency.Ji-man, if I formally

ask for a visit, I'll have no choice but to respond. I'll go myself and check
his condition, and I'll take care of it. But."

Laney continued his backbiting as he looked at the determined newbies.

"As far as I know, he's always someone with a plan. I'm sure it wasn't
thought. Maybe I'll come forward and give his enemies a strange excuse in
the future. Besides, Lord Qin or his guardian dragon have not asked me
directly yet. I'll wait for more news first!"

The gods bowed to Laney's decision.

If there were serious problems with Jean's life and death, the Holy Father
was going to help him by all means possible.



At the same time, talks about Qin were also going on in Beemont's
Geomhwangseong Fortress.

The moment Dante found Ron with an urgent face, he was hearing the same
news from the knights of the Highlands.

And he also touched his forehead just like Rani.

It was not because of Jean that he was disturbed. Obviously, there is no way
to appease his grandson, who will shout, "I will run to the Sword Garden
right away."

"Is our grandson here?"

"Soja, I dare say. Soza may be the last time she sees you today."

The last time, it was Ron Hai-lan, who had a thick head from the start.
"......what's wrong with my grandson? What did you eat wrong? Hmhmhm.

"The device will immediately head to the Sword Garden."

"Well, it's Dante."

"Even if you stop me, I will definitely go. Even if you and your family are
all laughing at me, I'm determined to go. But shamefully, I would like to ask
you one last favor."

"He, heh, heh... Just tell me."

"Help me save my friend. Also, just in case. If, indeed, my friend is already
dead. Please respect whatever my choice is."

If Qin died, he would hit the sword in the garden alone. Naturally, at the
end of it would be the humiliation of the entire Highland struggling to save
death or maim life, or Dante.

It's not food. It's evil.

From the first time Ron saw the scumbag who lured his pure grandson, no. I
felt some ominousness since I was so excited that my grandson met his
friend after coming back from the foot-and-mouth village.

"If you give your grandson the crotch, he may fall into the hands of the
devil, as a result."

The thought alone cost me a thousand dollars. It just seemed like a good
result that Jean was already dead. It's a family that's been grooming so hard
to give it to your grandson!

"Dante Hailan, my dear grandson."

"Yes, grandpa."

"First of all, calm down. This old man didn't teach you that much."
"I know. To my shame, however, the element cannot be valued more than
the family or friends. The element is not enough to become a household."

Dante was enough, even if he had given up his next post as a housekeeper
and lost all his rights, he would go alone to the Sword Garden. That was the
grandson Ron knew.

Of course you can't look at it with your eyes open.

"That's not what I mean. You don't trust your friends."

Then Dante's eyes became round, as if he had been beaten in the back of his

I got caught, Ron thought so.

"As far as I know, to kill......No, your naked Looncandel. He's not the one to
go so vain. a dirty schemer always behind him I'm sure he'll show up
without a hitch."

I didn't mean it. I thought that there was nothing strange about dying
because I had such a big accident, but I needed to mix lies because I had to
stop my grandson first.

It's just amazing how simple it is. Only one word left Dante very impressed
him a lot.

"My grandfather..."! Come to think of it, I think so! No, that's right. There
must be a possibility for him! Soza thought rashly!"

"Huh, yes. So just sit tight and wait. There's nothing better than closed
training. If you're a friend, you have to trust your friend. If it's known that
you're in a situation where you have to make a decision, this old man will
come forward himself."

Dante lowered his head with his eyes glistening.

"Thank you, grandfather! I'll go to the training center right away!"

"Yes, hold the sword and let your head cool."

Hustled, Dante had no choice but to retreat gladly. I didn't expect my

grandfather's promise to come forward, but I felt like my burden was going
down when I came out so cooperative.

And as soon as Dante entered the training camp, Ron called up the knights
and gave them orders:

"As soon as Jean Looncandel is confirmed to be maimed or dead, take

measures to ensure that the closure training of cattlemen continues for ten
years. Block it tightly so it can never come out. No sadness, no despair, no
anger in it. To sublimate them all to the sword."

"Your name!"

That was the best I could do for my beloved grandson if Jean went wrong.

Ten years without seeing his grandson is more painful than any torture, but
he cannot let his grandson die because of his camp or wage war with


"Yes, my son-in-law......What do I do?"

a tragic palace

said Talaris, lying sideways in a bed made of ice.

The peddlers at the top of the goldfish trimmed her nails and claws
ceaselessly, and the water-tailed people were massaging her scalp with a
slow touch.

"Daughter, your husband. He might be dead."

"Jin. Die. Inside."

"Hey, dark flames. Change the word order. That's a load of crap!”
The top glared at the dark flame.

"Ann, Jean, die."

"Oh, not like that!"

"Dead, Jean, An."

"Ha, there you go. I'm the one who expected it. If you're going to do that,
why don't you just go kill him?"

"Loud, just concentrate on what you're doing. Huh? Lovers are coming
soon. If you don't like fingernails or claws then, you're all kicked out. I'll
pretend I don't know if I'm eaten by a wild animal or something."

Ssak ssak!

While the little Sioux were busy moving, Talaris looked at his daughter's
back with a playful face.

"Oh yeah, why don't you go and see if you're worried?”

"I don't think that's necessary, given her reaction. I'll be damned if I go

"Oh, you mean you're worried?"


Siris stood up, punching lightly against the ice table.

"Mother, do you think I'm a fool?"

"Oh, I'm surprised. Why are you so angry all of a sudden?”

"One thing disappeared from the warehouse. You don't think I know that the
first deacon of Looncandel came and took it?"

The reason why Siris was angry was no different.

"When else have you searched the warehouse?”

"It's already been 10 years since my mother stopped managing underwater

warehouses. I checked every single day on behalf of my mother when I was
waiting at the palace.”

A new item that had been enshrined for a long time in the basement of the

Numerus blood.

She knew that the drop of blood that the butler Heinz had visited belonged
to the palace.

But now that Looncandel has claimed ownership, he is in a bad mood.

"Well, when did I ever tell you that it was our thing...….”

"Whose warehouse is that? It belongs to a tragic palace. It means that

Looncandel can't be used recklessly.

"That's something I made a long time ago from Zion, anyway. I tried to
steal ownership while you were in charge, but I failed.”

"Anyways, I'm upset to see Looncandel treating us like a warehouse."

"Then why don't you pay for anything? Jean, to him. Don't be mean to your

"I'm planning to do so anyway.

Talaris, who shakes his head as Siris jerks around and escapes from

"She's my daughter, but sometimes it's heavy. Anyway, it's originally from
Looncandel, and it's used to save his husband. What's so annoying about

"That, that, all."

Suddenly, when the Dark Flame opened its mouth, the eyes of Talaris and
the little Su-in gathered.

"Ae, Justice, Well, Bad, Table, Hyun. Hump, silver, friendship, uh, frown.

"Oh, yeah. He wanted to give it back to him, even if he did? That makes

At that point, Fang had no choice but to cry out with his eyes wide open.

"Yi, yi. yi! Look at this. You can speak in the right order! Hey, why did you
do that earlier!"

"I did, I tried."


"Now even these things are getting angry in front of me. You really want to
be kicked out? When you're done trimming your nails, get a special flavor."

While the Geumseol people hurried to prepare for the trip.

Talaris thought about what choice Kellyak Zipple would make. About Jin's
'declaration of a horse prosecutor'.

'Siron will soon enter the realm of the Five Kings of the Black Sea......I
hope Kellyak doesn't know that.'

If you know.

It was also possible for Zipple to declare an all-out war on Looncandel.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 393

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:37 AM

Chapter 393: Episode 118. Uncoverable (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was two people.

Gilly with red eyes full of weeping, Murakan comforting her shoulders.

Confident that the two would have been around all the time, I felt wrapped
up in something like silk that could no longer be warm.


"Dear old man!

Gilly and Murakhan lowered themselves and checked the condition of Qin.

"Gilly, Murakan."

"Sir, are you sure you're feeling better? Are you anywhere uncomfortable or

"Nothing like that at all. Dead. Dead? Do I have a dead knight in my hand?"

It was a problem that I was worried about until just before I collapsed.
He did not want to kill innocent knights in his family's fight.

Of course, the majority were obviously weaker than themselves and loyal to
their families, even if they were "enemies."

Even when such articles are to be cut down in the future, they want to deal
with them through honorable fights or proper purges, not with this kind of
"attack." Just like when he dealt with Joshua's knights who followed behind
him in Samil.

"No, sir."

"Good thing."

[And I will give one order to the members of the House of Horsemen.]

Protect them with all your might, so that not a single guardian of my sword
may die.]

It was also meaningful that what he said during the Ming and Wang Rim
sword was kept.

The members under the banner didn't really throw themselves to follow
Jin's orders, but the result is that they look like that.

"Are you sure you're worried about the knights as soon as you wake up,
kid? Strawberry pie and how long I've been...….”

"I know, I'm sorry to have worried you.”

Gilly breathed a sigh of relief as Jean gently hugged the two. Murakhan
said it was gross, so he got out right away.

"No, I was very worried as soon as you returned."

"What's Gilly worried about? The family just gave them too much

Jean naturally turned to Murakhan.

"Murakan, did Lord Tellot really give Gilly a humane treatment?"

"Oh, he knows something. I thought you made me feel more comfortable

here than when I was cleaning up for you."

"Ho Min-ho, of course you did. But after the incident, it occurred to me that
Gilden and other elders might have been involved in Gilly's sake.”

"If I had, would I have let it alone?"

"That's true."

"And there's no one who's jumping out of his way to mess with you in this
situation? Hahaha, it's crazy. Your mother and her third-term are still in
intensive care, and the senate boys are all in a state of distraction."

Still, the sword's garden was in shock. Jin's performance easily surpassed
the expectations of all Looncandel.

Of course, everyone who watched Jean immediately lost consciousness and

spread a dangerous sword with her life as security.

But he is only 19.

At an age when the terms and around the corner. At that age, is there
anyone else who can overturn Looncandel even if he risked his life?

All those who had experienced it could affirm. It remains to be seen

whether even the 19-year-old Luna could have done like Jean.

Even at the end, Rosa was seriously injured. Rosa and Luntia are still
undergoing intensive medical treatment.

Even those who hated Jin had to admit that he had more potential than

"It's worth seeing."

"Dumb little bastard, how many days have you been lying down for a little

"A little bit, I was pretty great."

That's great.

In the garden of the sword, which had been flowing in a lukewarm manner,
I felt that it was not embarrassing to express it by myself. Thanks to him,
my arms were cut off as soon as I got here, and I was lost.

"Yes, it was great. But if we do it one more time, then there will be no

"How long have I fainted?”

"Ten days."

"It means he almost died. I think I owe Lani too much lately.”

"You were in a state where even the divine power of a religious man could
not guarantee recovery, little one."

"Then who cured me? It would have been difficult for the family medical

Suddenly Jean stopped talking and looked around. Come to think of it, I
was in too good shape for just waking up.

"... ...wasn't it Numerus' blood?"

Murakan and Gilly nodded.

Until just three minutes ago, his pulse was faint, his breathing was irregular,
and he was unconscious. Even the photovoltaic heart was as lightless as a
extinguished lamp.

The body absorbed a drop of blood left by the extinct God and quickly
regained vitality. As if all the fighting that was so great were dreams.
"Who the hell?"

"Your father."

"You're kidding, aren't you?"

Unconsciously, such an answer popped up.

All my life, not once.

Siron Looncandel, I have never imagined that my father would help me in

this way.

My father has long been aware of his good judgment, but this has been a
separate matter.

It was a direct boost to the sequencing war.

No brothers had ever received such support from Ciron.

"My lord, the former butler just brought it himself. He told me it was the
only item in the family.”

"Unfit, why such a stupid look?"

"Just, frankly, a little surprised."

I couldn't immediately think of what to say in a daze.

"No one in the family knows yet that Numerus' blood was used against you
except me, Murakan and the butler."

"Nobody knows?"


Members of the family thought that Heinz's visit to Jin's room was just to
see how it looked. No one expected that Gju himself would have offered the
blood of Numerus.

Jean burst into laughter.


"Why are you laughing?"

"There must be a reason why my father gave Numerus blood without

anyone knowing. I think I've been wrong about my father.”

"If it's for a reason..."

"You don't have to tell me you're going to hide it. Three of us can spend
some time together for a couple of days. If you go out right away, the butler
will suspect you.”


Recognizing the meaning, Gillie clapped her hands.

"You don't plan to reveal that you have received Numerus' blood?"

"Yes. Of the humans out there, at least half would want me dead. I wonder
what they'll look like in a few days.”

"Can I do that? Since you suddenly woke up anyway, it will soon be

revealed that you used Numerus's new product."

"You can say it was something you got when you were a backup jockey.
Believe it or not, they don't have the means to prove that it's from their

"But it's a gift from the Lord himself......I am afraid that I will be offended
by your loss."

"You wouldn't have given it to me secretly if you wanted to give it to me.

You gave it to me, which means I can do as I please. More than that, tell me
more about the family atmosphere. How many people are trying to get on

"I don't know for sure. But Petro looked at the air currents, and he said,
roughly one-tenth of the number of guardian knights, very few of the
executive knights seemed to have a favor in you."

"For now, it's going to be hard to make sure of the identification of the pia.
If the articles of neutrality and other riders are about 20%, the rest are the
forces of the senate and Joshua."


Even if all the neutral forces were assembled (even though it would not be
easy), it was still an overwhelmingly advantageous battle between the
Senate and Joshua.

It is clear that Qin caused tremendous repercussions.

Nevertheless, "stern vested interests" do not always collapse easily. It was a

popular story not only for Looncandel but also for all the groups that exist
in the world.

"In addition, most of Hufester's other shamanists have long since Joshua
completed the siege, so the people who are attached to Joshua will not
easily change their positions in the future.”

"I don't understand what human beings are. You're the only one who's seen
half the sword's garden and doesn't change?"

"Nobody's dead.”

It was fortunate that no one was killed at the time.

On the other hand, it also showed the limits of an individual's power.

The reason why there was no single death in the terrible sword and brain
sword that literally spread out as a raid was because this was Looncandel.
"When I was a backup jockey, even Luna's sister was in trouble when she
came to see me and my father. It's true that individual force is very
important, but you can never deal with Looncandel alone. Everyone knows
that, so they keep supporting Joshua. Because it's stable."

"Then those who seem to have a favor for you said 10 percent, so I'll have
to make sure they get it. Shall I meet him?”


"But I'm still quite symbolic of this damn Looncandel, aren't I? If I start
bringing in the knights in earnest, it'll work pretty well...….”

Jin and Gilly, who imagined the scene, burst into laughter at the same time.

"Is that funny?"

"It will only hurt your self-esteem, Murakan. If they were the ones who
would turn around looking at you, they would have."

"Hurry up and get your strength back, ha!"

"And I have no intention of meeting people who have a good will for me.”

"What? Why?"

"You seem to like me, so please be on my side. It's not very attractive. I'll
make them follow me, saying they'll swear allegiance to me even if I stay
still. I'll only show you when I need to. That's how he's gonna expand his
power in Looncandel.….”

Jean made eye contact with the two and said the back story.

"First of all, it is the other forces that need to be met in person."

As usual, Jean intended to build up her strength from the outside.

"Beams and Lutheran magic federal families, Hufester's Mucha, which is

still open to overture, the super-first mercenaries such as the Black Kings
and the Ghosts, and other big neutral forces." That's where the expansion of
power starts.”

Jean first intended to prove through them that her abilities were not only in
powerful martial arts.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 394

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:36 AM

Chapter 394: Episode 118. Uncoverable (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


In the midst of the tightness, the whole Looncandel was infested with the
'declaration of the Magistrate'.

The riders, the elders, and the knights that followed them talked about Qin
whenever they had the chance to gather.

Will Jin be able to wake up, what kind of punishment will be there if he
wakes up, and how many of the swordsmen will be attached to him?

Among them, there was only one last thing the Looncandels could predict.

The fact that about ten percent of the knights will support Jean. Therefore,
although the game may change, the Looncandels thought that it would be
difficult to realize a complete reversal.

"......this is the atmosphere. That's why. At this point, I think it would be

nice if she moved a little bit more than before."

Mu and Ann came to Luntia and have been making such claims for a while.
I explained it for more than 30 minutes, but since the youngest revealed his
fangs, it was about giving Joshua a proper boost so that he would not be

It wasn't what Joshua ordered. However, they are taking this opportunity to
prove their loyalty to the next week.

'When Joshua Oravany becomes the next housekeeper, the sovereignty of

the five eastern regions is ours.'

'Even if we can't find a human being named Hester.'

Since they decided to be Joshua's people a long time ago, they have never
dreamed of becoming a household. Through Joshua, he only wished for the
sovereignty and survival of the five eastern regions and other territories.

They were expecting Joshua to purge most of the other brothers when he
became a household owner.

"Luntia sister?"

Luntia looked only at the milky-white ceiling.

Due to the properties of her rigid body, she will need more time to complete
her recovery, but the important treatment had already been completed a few
days ago.

"Are you listening to us?”

Luntia never answered while the two were chatting.

Did I lose...….

After the treatment, that was all I had in my head.

For the past 12 days, she hasn't opened her mouth no matter who comes. It
was just as if he had aphasia, as if he were out of his mind.

"......I understand the shock of being seriously injured by the youngest."

"But if you keep doing this, you'll only make her laugh."

Mu and Ann avoided the word 'defeat'. Instead, he said he was seriously

In fact, they didn't think Luntia was defeated by Jean. Luntia's collapse was
only an accident, and I was sure that if she was formally re-attended, she
would definitely have different results.

Not only Mu and Ann, but everyone in Looncandel had similar ideas.

But Luntia wasn't herself.

Luntia wasn't just left the bed in shock.

Bok-ki, she's been looking back on her fight with Jin. For 12 days, never a
minute off.

Even if we fight again, even if we don't let our guard down and put all our
energy in the first place to place.

I wasn't sure if I could change the outcome of the fight, Luntia still wasn't

There were many things he didn't show, but there must be so many cards
that Jean didn't bring up.

A strange heat was rising in Luntia's hollow eyes. It was a heat that could
not be felt yet from the stage of Mu and Ann.

Mu and Ann shook their heads, exchanging glances.

"Well, think about what we said anyway. You were thinking Joshua's
brother was going to be a housekeeper anyway.

"If you help me in this situation, it'll be a great help. I'll be waiting for you,
so feel free to call me whenever you're okay."
When Mu and Ann left, this time an old lady entered the room. It was
Lysham, the nanny of Luntia.


Luntia turned only slightly to face Lisham.

"I think the youngest master just woke up."


Lysham smiled at Luntia, who was quick to raise herself. Lisham saw
Luntia react like this in almost 20 years.

"What? Can he hold the sword again?"

Looncandel did not yet know that Jean used Numerus' blood. That's why
Luntia asked this question first.

"They say he's surprisingly fine. Enough to recreate the fight right now."

"My sword and rider coat...….”

"I thought you'd find it."

Lysham handed over the conquest of Lundtia's Aegeom Charles, who had
already been taken care of, and the closely folded rider.

When Li Sham looked at Luntia in a hurry to dress, she recalled her


The young Luntia, who used to say that he wanted to be the strongest in the
family, was a habit.

'Looking back, after the first rider gave up everything, you have been like a
man who has lost the meaning of life...….'

lisham blushing with tears

She also had a dream, as all the other nannies of the family did. I want to
see my lady stand tall at the apex of this family one day and command the

But Luntia lost her goal too early. Up to the top, Luna faced a huge star and
proved that she could shine brighter than him was the only thing that
stimulated Luntia.

The ennui began after the giant star disappeared. A life full of quiet and
meaningless inner peace has begun.

And Lisham had a hunch.

When the 12-gear sword cut off Luntia's chest, when his own lady, who was
more precious than life, fell before the pale blade.

The fact that a new star has finally emerged in your heart.

"Where's the youngest? Are you going to see your mother?"

"No, I heard you were heading to Yeongmyo."

As soon as Luntia was leaving the room, Lisham opened his mouth.



"Good luck to you good luck. It has been, and will be, forever."

Turning, Luntia looked at Lisham's back for a while.

Then he began to walk briskly again. Like a general on the field.

No more heavy boredom could be found in her eyes. The aspirations that
Mu and Ann had not found were shining brighter and brighter.

Already, many riders, elders, and knights following them had visited
Yeongmyo to confirm the awakening of Qin.
It is the first time in years that so many people have visited Yeongmyo all at

But among those who filled the tomb, Luntia could only see the sight of
Qin. When I saw the youngest standing tall surrounded by people, a smile
was built without my knowledge.

"You look fine as if you were lying about being in a coma until the day
before yesterday.”

"How the hell did you wake up?"

"If I had woken up, I should have visited the acting governor first. Why did
you find Yeongmyo first, 12 jockeys?"

At the voices of the elders, Jean only looked around without answering.

Then, when Joshua's eyes met, he fixed his eyes.

"I heard you had a hard time cleaning up, second-term. I hear you've called
up the knights in advance, and that's great."

Joshua quickly stabilized the sword's garden after the declaration of the Ma
prosecutor, using the knights he had called in advance when Jin's arms were
cut off. He is the next heir to the family.

If Joshua hadn't predicted the situation and left the articles as they were, at
least a few more days of confusion would have ensued. In the worst case
scenario, there might have been an invasion by outside forces that grasped
the situation.

The majority of the combatants, including seriously injured Rosa and

Luntia, were injured both large and small, making it perfectly appropriate
for the enemy to invade Luncandel.

Even though the 12th-term player was talking as if he were evaluating the
second-term, no one criticized Jin. Neither did Joshua, the party concerned,
show any signs of displeasure.
"The rider does not disturb the family, but exists to keep them in order and
lead. I just did what was natural."

It was an easy language that anyone could understand even though he was
speaking modestly. Meaning I did what was natural, while you put the
family at risk.

"I just made my way into the water that was rotting away. Knowing that,
you don't punish me either?"

"My mother doesn't punish you because she thinks you're useful. It has to
do with why you went to Yeongmyo as soon as you woke up."

The heritage of Themeer and the old Looncandel.

Everyone watched the power clearly. The power of Jin, who is only 12
years old, to turn the sword's garden upside down.

Greedy eyes were staring at Jean. If the old Luncandel knights can be
served in Yeongmyo again, it is expected that the twelve riders will not be
the only ones who can use the power.

Therefore, there was only one story that the elders now wanted to hear from

Do you have a way to turn yourself into a "magic test" right now?

It was a watershed for Jin. I will share the secret with those who follow me
immediately, and a considerable number of elders would show favor with
Jean at the moment they said so.

"How to take the guest housekeeper and his forefathers to this cemetery,
you must have something planned.

"I think there's nothing but the whole bunch of idiots.”

Suddenly Jean wrinkled her expression with displeasure.

"If you want to know that, run outside. Challenge me, struggle and win.
Follow what I showed you that day. Otherwise, you will not be able to write
a single line in history until you die."

"Don't delude yourself that only you can use that power, twelve jockeys."

"Don't be on the same level as me to do all kinds of wicked things through

the existence of the prophet."

The Prophet. Joshua was not surprised, even though Jean had spoken
directly about him.

Very few of the elders, even those who already knew about the existence of
prophets, were.

In the reaction, Jin could expect Joshua also to have finished his plan to
bring the prophet to the fore sooner or later.

'You must also let yourself know that the legacy of the old Looncandel has
the power to cope with the power of the Jipple. The Kinselo and the Beams
will soon begin to use the Golem as a weapon. Joshua is likely to know that
much information.'

In his previous life, when Gipple began to hold mass production wizards,
the landscape of world power had been tilted.

Master and Master, which are being produced by Hana Kinselo and
Beemont, have unparalleled power such as mass-production wizards.

In a 'normal' way, it's not easy for Looncandel to deal with them in their true

in a fit of anger

After putting the embers on the center of the tomb with mana, Jin walked
past Joshua. And as soon as he was about to get out of Yeongmyo, Luntia
stood in the way.

Jean and Luntia looked at each other silently for a few seconds or so.
"I will also be a housekeeper."

At the moment Luntia uttered the words, those gathered at the cemetery had
no choice but to doubt their ears. Even Joshua's eyes are wide open as if it is
hard to hide his feelings.

Smiling, Jean said with a burst of laughter.

"I thought you were just a fool, but you did have the real one. Let's do well,
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 395

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:34 AM

Chapter 395: Episode 118. Can't hide (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was impossible to keep the Sword's Garden on a wartime level, and to

block the entire Hufester.

It was because war did not actually break out. Although Looncandel was no
matter how powerful Hufester was, he could not continue to restrain the
convenience of all the residents without any particular justification.

Furthermore, the cause of the incident had already been spread out by
Carlon residents and spies.

Jean Looncandel had an accident.

And rumors were spreading. Just like the buoy that rises to the surface
when pressed and pressed, words about gin are circulating among the
Hufester residents.

Starting with the exact story that the 12th rider is in critical condition.

Not to mention rumors of treason in the Sword Garden, but also dangerous
rumors that the 12th rider had beaten all the riders to the acting governor.

Amid the uncontrollable flood of rumors, Looncandel had to make a

Eventually, before five days had passed since Jean awoke, Looncandel
lifted all the blockade and brought Hufester back to its original condition.

It was because it was better to spread the reduced truth than the rumor,
unless we should punish Jin.

The greatest swordsman on the whole continent, Looncandel, the twelve

flagpole, Jean Looncandel. Destroy the Sword's Garden!

The Sword family was originally the Magum family. The thrill, declaration
of turbulence and Hufester's return of Looncandel to Magumga again.

The identity of the brain that Jean Looncandel used as a backup jockey in
the past was the power of the old Suin people that disappeared thousands of
years reference to the fact that...

Will Looncandel see Jean Looncandel as a traitor or a rider of evolution?

It will be a household name. A word that made the Sword's Garden hot......
3rd-term Luntia Luncandel is known to have made the same declaration.
Luncandel succession structure, likely to turn into a three-way war.

A palatial declaration that spreads like a fever! To once again express one's
will that he has not given up on the throne of the fourth-term Diffus
Looncandel and the seventh-term Mary Looncandel. Is it a five-way race?

Is second-tier Joshua Looncandel still in position?

Where is he now, the cry of the people of Hufester who want Jean

Immediately after the blockade was lifted, articles began to pour out like

Led by Dino Zaglan, as always, reporters who were favorable to Jin had no
day off for a while.

The appearance of a hero is always cheerful. The public has been

enthusiastic about the character Jean Looncandel since the Holy Land
incident, and since then the name has long become synonymous with

Originally, Looncandel would not have left the newsletters writing such
articles alone.

For now, however, it was quite burdensome to suppress the media. There
was nothing good about killing those who were friendly to Jean.

It would rather be poison. In addition, similar articles are already appearing

outside Hufester, so Jin's presence is now indistinguishable.

Of course, in addition to the endless lines of praise, reporters from the camp
at odds with Jin were also spending hectic days.

Looncandel was Magumga? True, Looncandel became the loser of the

continent with only one sword. How dare a twelve-stringed man undermine
its illustrious history?

Denying the legitimacy of the family is treason, when the stern judgment of
Looncandel is needed.

The limits of the Magistrate have already proved many times in the past
history of mankind, and should not be misled by the absurd story of a 12-

It's too much to say that it's a simple deviation. Those who describe it as
just a surprise should split their heads with axes and display it at the
entrance of the sword's garden.

Although the lower riders declared their departure, the second rider
remained solid. Second term, 'good competition is always necessary,' he
said, encouraging the lower ranks....a dignity worthy of the next household.

Where the hell is the madman now?

Disqualify 12th-class Jin Looncandel as a jockey!

Knights stained with praise and malice are stirring the world.
There was only one thing the two media wanted to know in common.
Where is Jean Looncandel now? Since his visit to Yeongmyo, Jin has only
been reported to have left the Sword Garden, but his whereabouts have not
been known.

"Ha ha..."

The first tower of the Jipple, the tower of the story.

Kellyak Zipple was sitting in front of the crystal ball on the top floor as
usual. Next to him was a mess of newsletters from each country he had
already read.

a boyish face contrary to what is known to the public The sight of him
reading the newsletter underlining was a white-haired nobleman.

[What's funny, again!]

Hwayong Kadun was far away and was cooking a skewer nearly five
meters in the nose wind. Despite his true appearance, his face was full of

"I've felt it before, the youngest of Looncandel. This is a funny guy."

[Funny? Are you out of your mind?]

"Why? You're at that age alone making Looncandel a complete mess. It's
something that even we couldn't do. I'm so thrilled, too."


Cardun chewed the half-baked skewer nervously.

[How much have you lost so far because of that asshole? Your brother is
dead, and your alliance with Kinselo has been twisted, not enough to break
the drinking stones. The Holy Land case......I don't want to talk about it.
Besides, I lost my black knight's mole not too long ago, Kelly!]

"It should include the loss of some of the specter."

[Yes, that should be included, too. That's it? Ma'am....! The little one is
breaking the oath!]

That was why Cardun was angry.

One right of the Looncandel, a thousand years ago, so hard taken away by
himself and the Zipple at that time, magic.

It was understandable that the losing individual was stirring the world as a
horse prosecutor. It's a matter of finding and killing whenever you need it,
when you have the chance.

It was unbearable for Hana Chin to declare that she would return the entire
Looncandel to the Ma family.

The mere thought of how powerful Looncandel was in those days makes
me shudder and shudder.

"Calm down, Kadun."

[You don't know because you haven't been through a thousand years. If it
wasn't for them......the world has already been ours since then. I've been
waiting a thousand more years for those terrible horsemen.]

"A thousand years isn't a long time for a dragon, is it?”

[A thousand years for dragons!] God damn it, don't you see how sensitive I

"I know. How important it is."

[Assistant acting Looncandel should meet again and pressure them.

Remember the oath.]

Then Kellyak smiled sizzlingly.

"No, it's a problem that doesn't have to be."

[There should be a good explanation.]

"Of course. Think about it, Kadun. As I've seen, Looncandel's 12th rider is
never the kind of person who does things thoughtlessly. He openly talked
about the family of the Magistrates because they have certain safeguards."

[Siron Looncandel?]]

"Yes, Siron Looncandel. It would be his father that the twelve riders
believe. I don't know how far Xiron shared the secrets of the Black Sea with
my youngest son, but I'm sure...….”

Siron Looncandel has not yet entered the Black Sea Fifth King's zone.

Kadun's eyes grew bigger as Kellyak continued to talk behind his back.

[ way. We've been exploring for decades with some of the strongest
knights in Looncandel. I'm sure we should have found the Fifth King's Zone
by now.]

"I expected it to be enough for Siron and his knights. But judging by the
behavior of the twelve riders, he would rather not seek the land of the Black
Sea kings. There's a good chance you're still wandering around."

If Zion had already found the territory of the kings of the Black Sea, it
would have been impossible to escape for a while.

Jean wouldn't have declared a mana prosecutor.

That was Kellyak's judgment.

"The Black Sea is simply an unknown land. There's nothing strange even if
Zion has yet to find the land of kings."

[Well, that's true.]

"Maybe he gave up looking for the land of the Black Sea kings. So when
he's in good health, maybe he's just trying to get a chance to destroy the
onslaught with a jockey."

[Both of them are annoying.]

"Kadoon, Ciron is human anyway. And he won't get what he wants."

Kadun nodded his head at the remark. Humans, with only a few minutes

As soon as Ciron disappeared, Looncandel would have been no problem

from then on.

"In addition, the oath is just a symbol, and what is actually carved in
Looncandel's blood is a curse. So don't be in a hurry, let's watch. It's pretty
fun, too.”

[Okay, but you'd better at least check Jean Looncandel's material first. I feel

"That's true. Let's see, let's see the crystal ball...….”

[You can't see anything!]]

While Kadoon was shouting out of absurdity, it was beneath the crystal ball
that caught Kellyak's eyes.

There was a sealed letter there. Flying to his precious son, Veradine Zipple.

"......don't need to see it. Found it, I'm sure it'll go here."

Kellyak waving the letter.

[What's that?]


While everyone was wondering about Jean's whereabouts, she was just
spending time with her colleagues at the Tikan Free City mansion.

He was eating Littra cookies and checking the newsletter.

Meanwhile, Jet was rushing in and reaching out a letter to Qin.

"My Lord! I received this letter under the pseudonym of Nari in Tikan. I
think it's an invitation."

"Give it to me."

Jin responded that he already knew the invitation would come.


When the seal was torn off, the first thing I saw was the shape of a lion
biting the sword, the seal of the sword.

Only the lord of the Black Star can use it.

(Paul Grey Mick!) I invite you to the feast of the sword.

Attend and enjoy the scenery of Geomhwangseong Fortress, and shine your

Ron Heilan, the Black Star.

P.S. I have no choice but to send this invitation to you because of my

grandson. Don't come if you can.

Ozzy, don't!)

Jean, who looked at the story, burst into a giggle.

How earnestly Dante asked Ron Heiran to hold a banquet and invite him
seemed to be visible.

Zet, who glanced at the content, let out a sighs.

"Hi, I'll just tell you not to come. Why did he send the invitation? That's a
little bit of a pussy, even a man named Gum-hwang."


"Yes, sir!"
"Any clothes to wear to the banquet?"

"I do, but... Why do you ask?"

"Then get ready. Let other colleagues know. Let's all go together, to see the
little one."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 396

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:33 AM

Chapter 396: 119. A banquet (1) in Geomhwangseong Fortress

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

October 25, 1799.

Hufester, Beams, and the leading families and forces of the Rutero Magic
Union were gathering at the home of the High Ran.

The feast of Geomhwangseong Fortress began.

The sight of them forming a procession was spectacular. The colors of the
markets of each force spread out all over the place of Geomhwangseong
Fortress, which stands out in a majestic manner, looked like a flower garden
from afar.

Each and every one of them is the core and the mainstay of each power.

Compared to Looncandel, which is hard to expect every 10 years, Hai-lan

was a family that held a banquet on a whim.

But not every time so many of the main figures of each power were present.
Depending on who's the host, the person who doesn't become the host

In this sense, the Geomhwangseong Fortress banquet was comparable to the

Luncandel banquet held when the camp was 15. The organizer is the black-
and-white Ron Highland.

It was only 22 years since Ron himself had a banquet, when he had
gathered people for his newborn grandson. At any rate, he was a terrible
grandson fool.

"Wow, Confucius! I've never had a party like this before. Everyone, look
over there. Sir John Sina of the Knights of the Dragon King! And next to
him is Sir Seri, the Royal Wizard, and he's...….”

"Hahaha. Miss Enya, what are you looking at so strangely? They're not
even that hot these days compared to our country."

"I actually think so, too. However, with so many celebrities gathered, I
thought it makes sense to react a little intensely."

"That's a funny story, ."

Enya and Jet still hit it off. Veris and Kuzan shook their heads at the sight
(Yulian was not present to take care of Caltor), Gilly burst into small
laughter, and Murakan kicked his tongue.

Alisa and Kashmir looked rather stiff.

"Kashmir, Alisa. Are you concerned that you might run into the Emperor?"

quikantel asked. She is still an unofficial wanted man with Enya, but now
she didn't have to hide as far as she used to be.

It was because Jin became a jockey and a force that could no longer be

"Not necessarily, but it feels strange."

a shoulder-waving alisa

"I don't know the emperor, but I'm sure the members of the imperial family
will run into a few people. As long as we're trying to upgrade Tikan to a
state, we can't stay away from it forever.”
The group had all been cremated close to disguising themselves using gold
snow products. Like in the past when we carried out a compass-deception

However, people did not pay much attention to the group despite their
colorful decorations. As there were many high-profile people, Jin and his
party were only recognized as fashionable aristocrats who could be easily
seen anywhere.

"It's almost our turn."

The party had already been in line for five hours since early in the morning.

"Show me the invitation."

The gatekeeper's eyebrows were twitching when he looked at the invitation

letter from Jin.

"Paul Grey Mick? I've never seen this name before. Besides, the
housekeeper left a postscript not to come, and you accompanied him?”

"If you must enter, your companions should leave."

"Oh, the nobles in front of you let their companions in, didn't they?"

When Enya asked, the gatekeepers exchanged glances as if embarrassed.

"That's, by the way. I can't help it because you don't seem
to welcome him. You'd better be the only one to enter."

"Wait your ears."


The gatekeepers' eyes widened as Jean whispered something in his ear.

"'re Jean Looncandel?"

"Lord Ron has invited me to my alias, so I have come under that alias. So
I'd appreciate it if you could lower your voice a little.”

"If you're a 12-year-old Runkandelian, show me the evidence!"

Suddenly the gatekeeper shouted, the eyes of the other aristocrats in the
next row were glistening.

"Are you really Jean Looncandel?”

"What! Jean Looncandel is here? Where? Who is it? That guy?"

Indeed, attention was immediately focused on Jin and his party. Some
aristocrats even shouted that he was the real Jean Looncandel, saying they
had seen "that colorful blonde" in the Empire of Belado.

Since the recent Sword Garden crisis, which is now commonly referred to
as the "Declaration of the Youngest," Jin's whereabouts have become a
matter of great concern. It was natural for the issue-sensitive aristocrats to
make a fuss.

And as soon as the unrest began, there was a man driving a wedge.

"Oh! Welcome, Jean!"

It was Dante Hailan, standing on the wall and looking down at the guests.
Next to him was Ron Hai-lan, standing with an disapproving face.

Another one.

As soon as I heard the name Jean Looncandel, there was a figure who
jerked his head away from the entrance for the VIPs over there.

"Jin? Jean's here? Where, where!"

The white-haired young man, looking around like a good nerd, is none
other than the next housekeeper of the Zipple.
It was Veradine Zipple. As he pulled his neck around and tried to confirm
Jean's appearance, the attendants dried him with their foreheads on.

"Stranger, keep your dignity."

"I'm a rider on the enemy line. If you act so pleased...….”

Despite his entourage's dissuasion, Veradin continued to look for the camp.
And everyone nearby was watching it.

"Princess Veradine is here too!"

Dante waved at Veradin.

At that moment Veradin shook his hand when his eyes met with Qin, and
Chin naturally dodged his gaze and moved his steps inside the Black Star.

It was because of the thought that Veradin might be embarrassed.

As a result, those who came to the banquet waved Dante's gesture, thinking
it was welcoming them, and the nobles on Veradin's side waved to Veradin.

That's still the case, somehow. In the past, similar situations have been
created at the respective stadiums of Cosmos.

'I didn't know he'd be there either. Are you sober today?'

On the other hand, I felt bitter inside.

The last time we met, we had a battle with Veradin. Instead of welcoming
Jean as he is now, Veradin at the time acted like a man anxious to kill him.

I couldn't jump to conclusions yet. Unless we meet and talk.

'No, even if I had to talk to him in person......can you be sure he's not in a
controlled state of mind?'

It was probably difficult. We don't have any solid data on the level of
Zipple's mental manipulation.
Still, it wasn't too bad to see a friend who seemed to be fine after a long

As I entered the castle, the drawing room was full of people.

If it had not been revealed that Jean was Looncandel, he would have had to
wait still in the drawing room until evening. Only after all the VIPs were
seated did the general public enter.

Thanks to the unrest, Jin and his party were able to immediately enter the
banquet hall.

"It's useless to dress up as much as I can. I wanted to see Lord Ron holding
his neck when he was happy that I didn't come."

News had already been reported to the real exhausts at the banquet hall.
They were openly looking over the party, revealing their curiosity.

It's amazing that Jin came to the banquet hall, but his colleagues were very
unfamiliar to them except for a few people.

Heiran has not officially sent an invitation to Looncandel. As Rosa is still

recovering, it was Ron's judgment considering the situation. Ron doesn't
want to welcome Looncandel.

As soon as he sat down at the table guided by the marketers, a man found
his company with a curious gait.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Jean Looncandel!"

Her skin is so white that she can't be believed to be human, and she has a
slim figure and a face that even gins are surprised.

It was my first time seeing a woman. And the woman was hanging a huge
weapon, an" axe sword" on her back that was out of place.

'An ax sword......? Is there anyone else who uses this as a weapon other than
Luna's sister?'
His body was partially covered, but he could clearly recognize it was an ax

"What, you?"

As Jean looked at the axe sword, Murakan asked in a rather harsh tone.

"Oh, I'm Zephyrin of the Black Kingdom. I've always admired Lord Jin, so
I came here to say hello."

"Who do you admire? This? Why the hell? Are you like this guy?"

The moment Murakhan pointed to Enya.

"Hey, Zephyrin!"

Someone called Zephyrin in an urgent voice. I saw a man running behind

her, who had a connection with Jean.

"Uh, boss!"


As soon as Zeppirin answered, Murkah, the leader of the Third Army of the
Black Royal Army, pressed her back to lower her back. He looks natural as
if he is dealing with a student who is often in trouble. It seemed to happen

"What the hell are you doing around here? Hm, hm! I'm sorry, Sir Jean
Looncandel. I was rude because I couldn't crack down on my subordinates.
He just joined, and he's such a troublemaker. If the new guy's lucky enough
to get here thanks to you, he'll stay calm.…!”

"Never mind, Lord Murka. Long time no see."

Murka had escorted Jean as she left the storm. The nickname "Young King"
given by the Black Kings who carried out the camp was being reexamined
along with the recent incident.
"You seem to have been promoted to captain."

"It was painted shortly after escorting the police."

"It's very late, but I'd like to congratulate you now.”

While talking to Murkah, Jean continued to care about Zephyrn's side.

Is it because of the ax sword? I don't know why, but I feel weird.….'

Recognizing the fact, Murkah pointed to her axe sword as if she knew it.

"His actual equipment is a common long sword. This axe sword is only
swung once or twice, and he always carries it on his back, saying he
respects Sir Luna. I'd appreciate it if you didn't think it too bad."

Murka also scolded Zephyrin whenever she had time during a conversation
with Jean, but she was showing her affection for her subordinates.

"Of course."

"I just appreciate your understanding. Hey, hey! Why aren't you saying

"Thank you!"

Once again, when Zephyrin bowed down (a sword with an axe hit the back
of his head) Murakan shook his head with confidence.

"Oh, I'm tired. One big fan is enough. Go away quickly."

"Yes, I'll see you next time. Have a nice banquet, then."

The party exchanged glances as Murkah and Zephyrin retreated.

"Well, we're just sitting there and a beautiful woman like that comes on her
own. As expected!"

"That girl named Zephyrin, she's a little suspicious.”

"You feel that way because you think you're going to be your competitor.
What's suspicious, he's just a little short."

Between Jet and Enya and Murakhan adding a word.

Jean and Quikantel continued to look at the back of Zephyrin, narrowing

the gap between their eyebrows.


"Yes, Mr. Quikantel."

"That Zephyrin, I don't think he's human."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 397

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:31 AM

Chapter 397: 119. A banquet in Geomhwangseong Fortress (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Quikantel's words once again touched the back of Murkawa Zephyrin.

Murkah was scolding Zephyrin throughout her return to the Black King's

"Huh? What do you mean, Quikantel?”

"Quickantel, man. Are you saying that you won't even treat people who are
that short? I didn't see him like that."

Quikantel sighed as Jet and Murakan expressed doubt.

"Murakan, how can you be so slow when you're a dragon? Oh, yeah. He's a
no-nonsense guy, but you."

"I'm not in the right place to hear that from you."

"Does he smell anything?”

"What smell? All I could smell was a strange perfume. People who are new
to this kind of banquet always put on a lot of perfume. I don't know if I
don't wash up often.….”
At the same time Enya and Jet sniffed at Murakan's words, snorting at their
collar. They also sprayed a lot of perfume because it was their first time
having a banquet.

"Well, it's not like they don't usually wash up...…?”

"Ma, that's right. Haha, I was touching a perfume bottle in the morning and
my hands slipped and I stopped."

Of course, the smell that Quicantel was talking about was not the scent of

"It was the smell of blood of my fellow countrymen, Murakhan."

Colleagues looking at Quikantel with a bewildered look.


"It was covered in perfume, but I'm sure. The smell from that human being
is what comes when the blood of his own people, and even the blood of
several species, is mixed."

It is impossible to hide the smell of blood from a number of mercenaries

who have been on the battlefield.

The smell of blood deep in them was as strong and intense as the sizzling

But dragon blood was nothing like human blood.

The dragons had a different blood smell from species to species, and there
was a peculiar strange aroma that was hard to recognize by human sensory

"The fear of the Antérés. It was thicker than it was from that man."

"Hmi, my God. ID Quikantel said. Are you saying that a girl named
Zephyrin is a dragon hunter?”
"A dragon hunter? Nothing like that ever existed in the world, you bastard.
That Vanessa Olsen must have been similar. Well, the smell of blood from
his own people......So the perfume was deliberately covered to cover up the

"There's a possibility."

"If you're telling the truth, then that's either a horse or a demon dragon. "But
as far as I know, no one in the Ma tribe can transform into a perfect human
figure, so it's highly likely that it's on the side of the Devil Dragon."

a devil dragon

They meant the dragons who served the King of Mercy or the Devil. The
same name was given to those who had been made by Ma Xin from the
beginning, and those who had been serving other gods and moved to Ma

"The last time the Devil Dragon appeared on Inse was during the reign of
King Seongguksu. Before that, a thousand and two hundred years ago,
when Heluram ascended the demons."

"It's often found before Masin Gangrim. Then I'll go and ask. Are you a
demon dragon?"

"What if you say yes?"

"You have to kick it."

"Yes, you'd better stay still, Murakan."

Murakan shrugged as Jean restrained him.


"No, there's no way to prove it. It might not be honest. Above all, if you
make a sudden fuss about your identity, there's no answer. This is Lord
Ron's banquet hall."
If Murakan's actions would ruin the banquet, it would have been entirely up
to Jin.

"Jin's right, Murakan. Why on earth are you wearing a hair? Besides, maybe
their blood smells like weapons. It's unlikely, but in that case, it might be a
normal human being. Only weapons belonged to someone like the Devil
Dragon or Vanessa."

Zephyrn must have been scolded, but he turned around scratching his back

Then naturally Jin and her eyes met, and she smiled and waved her hand.

"Hey, if you're as strong as I am, you don't have much to think about. What
do you know? Oh, by the way, that Jaffirin or whatever, he's a hopeless

"By the way, Quikantel. If he's really a demon, I'm sure he came to see me
for a reason. I think... .. That must be the horse book. Rontelgius's."

Rontelgius's Mar book.

The thing that came to my mind a few months ago when I raided Joshua's
secret villa. If the devil had anything to do with himself, that would be all.

"I think so, too, Jean. We'll need to find out about Zephyrin when the

"I have business with the Black Kings anyway. After the banquet, I'll visit
the main building of the Heukwangdan. If you have a chance, it would be
nice to meet the leader of the Black King at the banquet hall.”

The world's best mercenaries, the Black Royal Army, were among the most
important neutral forces the Qin should embrace.

It is a mercenary group with potential that even Looncandel cannot ignore.

"And when it turns out that Jaffirin has something to do with Rontelgius,
we can look forward to finding out about Joshua and their relationship."
"But Confucius."

"Yes, it's En."

"How did Jephirin know that Confucius had a mador?”

"Maybe it's because you felt the unique mana of a horse or a demon dragon,
Enya. We've had that ominous thing by our side for the last few months, so
it must have caught you."

Quikantel answered on behalf of Jean.

"Oh, then the Devil Dragon is a great baboon...….”

After finding Mado, Tikan has been searching for information about

But since there has been no income so far, the appearance of Zephyrin
could have been a clue.

Also, the presence of the Devil Dragon cannot have a good effect on the
world of humanity.

It was also important to reveal the identity and purpose of the Zephyrin as
soon as possible.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with her being an ordinary human being.

While the party was talking about Zephyrin, another figure came to their

And he approached, unlike Zephyrin, with a look full of apparent murder

and malice.

He did not even try to conceal his energy, so that others who had read his
life had fixed their eyes.

"Whoa, what the hell is that? It's been a long time since I've seen such an
ugly eye."
Murakan, who was offended by the attitude, narrowed his forehead. Other
colleagues did not react differently.

"Gin Looncandel."

Jin, who raises his head and makes eye contact with him.

Jean could immediately identify who he was.

Rata Prochi. The family of Pei Prochi, captured by Jean not long ago, and
the young head of the ghost band.

"Little boy. Pass my word on to this fearless bastard. If you don't open your
eyes well, I'll never let you see again."

"It says so, Mr. Rata. Prochi's demons, what's your business with me?”

Despite Murakan's remarks and Jin's calm voice, Rata's feelings remained

However, it seemed that it was not because he regained his composure, but
because he came with anger all the way to his head in the first place, there
was nothing more to turn.

"Did you kill him?”

It was a story about Pay.

"I saved it."

"I won't ask you twice. Tell me what you want."

There was a commotion around. This was because it had a distinctly

different tendency from Looncandel's banquets and single-wooded parties.
It is not a feast to fight recklessly just because we have a grudge against
each other.

Nevertheless, everyone seemed to expect it.

Runkandel's twelve flagpole, which is said to have devastated the sword's
garden with a single body, and the ghost leader who is considered to be the
reforestation of Smarion.

It's hard to find a better spectacle anywhere.

'Will the 12th Runkandel's rider have another wave in the world?'

'Lata Prochi is also a monster. If the 12th rider defeats him, the top riders in
Looncandel will be threatened again.'

The viewers were looking forward to it.

Jean didn't want to fight Rata.

It was because the Ghost University, like the Black Royal Army, was an
important neutral force to recruit as a ally.

As the main camp is located in Beimant, the ghost band could also be of
great help in keeping the future empire in check if it could be recruited.

Of course, big powers such as Looncandel, Zipple, and Beacon have been
working hard to recruit them as allies for a long time. There is a good
reason why forces such as the Black Kings and the Ghosts have been

Naturally, it was because if one side was wrong, the group's existence itself
would be in jeopardy.

That's why the neutral forces of scale have existed in Looncandel

sometimes, sometimes in the jipple, sometimes in the bison, sometimes out
of business with nowhere.

'But now all neutral forces must gather. To go beyond me to the throne of
Looncandel, to bring down the Zipple. By all means.'

When Jipple completes the drinking stones, and they start to achieve what
they want.
Not only Looncandel but also those standing in the gray area will be done
by then.

In a manipulated world, it would be impossible to even exist in its own


'I have to let everyone know that I'm the only one getting the means to stop

While Jean was thinking about it for a while, Rata was showing
increasingly strong hostility.

He must be really tired to make us allies. Perhaps if I had answered that I

had killed Pei, I would have pushed the sword in without hesitation.'

It was certainly a notorious ghost captain in front of me.

But for Jin, he felt only as a rebel suffering from severe puberty.

They should be coaxed into guiding them to the right path.

"I haven't thought of anything yet.”

"Then think about it right away."

"What if you don't?”

"I said I wouldn't ask twice. There's no negotiation, and you're an enemy
with me forever."

"It sounds like you're going to turn the whole Looncandel into an enemy."

"I believe in the family, and I've heard it's not a kind of installation. Well,
you can interpret it that way if you want. Here's Veradine Zipple, and I'm
ready to talk to him, too.

Despite his carelessness, Rata was indeed the head of the Ghosts.
He knows what can most effectively pressure Jean even when anger is
rising to the top of his head.

in the midst of agonizing over what answer to offer

I could see Veradin standing behind Latah and coughing in vain.

He grinned at Jean, and said,

"Well, Mr. Rata. I'm not ready to talk to you. When did the Ghosts and the
Looncandel form an alliance?"
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 398

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:30 AM

Chapter 398: 119. A banquet (3) in Geomhwangseong Fortress.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Rata jerked his head and made eye contact with Veradin.

As if the sudden story was quite embarrassing, Rata's eyes, which were wet
with anger, shook in a momentarily.

Not only Rata but also others at the banquet seemed surprised. It was
because Veradin spoke so lightly about sensitive issues such as "the alliance
between Looncandel and the Ghosts."

'Funny guy.'

Jean almost smiled. It was Veradin's unexpected behavior after a long time.

Suddenly, on the first day I was heading to the Sword Garden, I

remembered Veradin, who I encountered at the gate of Mitel's mobile home.

Jean Looncandel. That's pretty funny.

I'm Veradine Zipple. I've said a few words because I wanted to ask, but I
apologize formally.

'At the time, I thought he was just a half-ass.'

Veradin, who actually experienced it, was the person with the burning sense
of justice. enough to risk one's life to correct one's family's mistakes.

The biggest enemy was the ones who used the good, stupid guy like a

I was just as happy as I was, and now I look like I'm helping, but......I can't
be sure Veradin is sane.'

mental manipulation

Jean didn't know much about the grotesque magic.

At the time of the Black Knight murder mission, he was just a charlatan. We
could not rule out the possibility that more sophisticated manipulation could
be possible when psycho-manipulation magic developed over the
subsequent period, or when it was not in combat.

I can't trust my friend even if he seems to show good intentions at first

sight. The fact made me feel uncomfortable.

"......alliance? What are you talking about? Veradine Zipple."

"Oh, I thought you two were so close that I thought you had an ally. Isn't
that right?"

"Did you come here to make fun of me?"

"Huh? Why does that interpretation work? Weren't you close?”

At least one person could have laughed at the sight.

However, since the three of them are such great characters during the
conversation, we don't know what will happen if they intervene. Especially
when Rata seems to be flocking, if he laughs at her for no reason, the party's
responsibility would be terrible.

The smiling Veradin and the seemingly explosive eyes of Rata were met.
"You can think of what you did to me today as a representative of the

"Haha, I'm not that great."

The flesh that had been spilled on Jean was now directed at Veradin.

'Lata Prochi, this man's got no back. Even if it's because of my brother, I
have so many eyes and show my teeth against the Jipple. That's just because
I feel bad.'

It also means that the ghost band had its potential, but Jin seemed to be a
frog in a well that did not know the world.

'After the Scaryon Prochi removed Seigalga, the head of the haunted house,
Rata smoothly took over power. Perhaps that's why the situation is like a
fire moth.'

However, even though he was at the bottom of the ladder as the head of a
group, there was a reason for him to take the post of general.

'I wonder if that's personal force or Rataman's power I don't know.'

The latter may be, but the former might be a sand castle.

As soon as Jean thought so far, Rata turned her head again and glared at

"Aligned? Ghosts don't hold hands with any of the forces. We only have a
client and a client. Jean Looncandel, apply for a duel."

Cough, Cough!

Jin was forced to cough up a false cough after Rata's sudden application for
a duel.

Fight? What kind of crazy bastard is this?'

The onlookers also looked perplexed as if they had never thought of such
developments. No one expected a person to make such a mess at a banquet
hosted by Ron Heiran for the first time in 22 years.

"The Ghost Captain, Rata Prochi!"

"Dear the Devil of the Proach!"

While everyone was dumbfounded, a voice came from one side of the
spectators cheering for Rata. They were the ghosts who followed Rata.

"What are you so embarrassed about, Jean Looncandel?"

"The only people who aren't embarrassed by Rata's behavior right now are
the ghosts."

"You're not going to take it out, are you?"

"I refuse."

"You don't have yourself.

"This is a banquet hosted by Lord Ron. Fighting here is an insult to Lord


"Then it's a matter to be passed after the banquet."

Now that this has happened, I had no choice but to confront him.

'I've always wanted to be a ally without fighting, but I can't help it. Well,
this kind of thing doesn't even feel like hawk medicine.'

a shrug gin

"That's true. But I'm not interested in beating a weaker opponent than I am."

For some reason, I could hear a strand of string holding on to the opposite
sex in Rata's head.
"Tell me again."

"A few days ago I fought against the whole Looncandel. And we got some
sort of decision-making result. Do you think it would hurt to fight with

Rata's eyes grew bigger, and the tumultuous surroundings quickly became

It wasn't the static that arose because Jean effectively provoked Rata.
Spectators were shocked by the expression "fight with the whole

"The rumor has it that tongue and guts are worth knowing, that's true. You
know how to use a sword, right?”

"I was watching you. But if you cross the line like this, you'll have to pay
for it. Let's do it, duel. But it just doesn't pay to fight. As you know, I've
been a businessman.”

"Do you want to bet in a duel?"

"Don't I have someone to look for?"

"I'll take the blood before I kill you.”

"Blood or whatever. If you win, I'll do whatever you want. It means that I
can take my life or do anything that can insult me with just my breath. Only,
if I win."

Jean smiled back and said,

"The ghost must carry out one of my requests."

There are only requests and clients.

I took note of that remark. I was going to break Lata and then tie it up with
a leash.

"I have a lot of eyes. I hope you won't let me down by saying something
else later. Let's go now.”

When the conversation was over, Rata was not as angry as she was at first.

Rather, his eyes were filled with joy and laughter.

They are excited about the expectation of destroying the camp.

And people were thinking this way about it.

Veradin pretended to help and rather made Jean's situation more tired. With
just a few words, Jin ended up in a duel with Rata, and Zipple had nothing
to lose no matter which side won, so it was not a wrong interpretation.

"You're a hot-tempered man, ghost captain. I just came here to say hello and
I got jealous for no reason. How are you, Jean!"

Veradin spoke cheerfully and asked Jean to shake hands.

Looking at the scene, I felt a moment of mixed emotions.

The onlookers were once again forced to indulge in intense curiosity. It is

not immediately clear whether there was any connection between
Looncandel's 12th rider and Zipple's next singer, or Veradin's mere

"I don't think we're in a good time to say hello, Veradine Zipple."

Jean solved the curiosity at once.

"How can you say that? That's a wound!"

Veradine with an exaggerated expression.

Jean didn't answer and completely ignored him.

Whether Veradin is in his right mind or being used for impure purposes in a
fabricated spirit. There was nothing good about showing him close at the

Most of all, it has not been days since he declared that he would break the
humiliating pledge he made with Jipple.

If Veradin and his friendly manner were introduced to the Sword's Garden,
the cause of Jin's death will be damaged.

'If it's manipulated, it's the right thing to do, and even if it's sane, Veradin
doesn't know what I'm trying to do.'

In the end Veradin left his seat holding out his hand. He kept his signature
smile alive.

Naturally the spectators were also scattered. From today on, the stories of
the three men, Gene, Veradin and Rata, were to be perverted from their
mouths to their mouths, to their mouths, to their mouths, to their mouths, to
their mouths.

And there was one person who was looking down very disapprovingly at
the unrest so far, hiding his energy from the top floor of the banquet hall.


Ron Heiran, he was dumbfounded by the fearless installation of young

bloods at his banquet.

"Yes, grandpa."

"Do you have to get along with those things? There are plenty of good
enough guys in the world."

"Unlike Soza, they are fighting against their families. So the element can't
be better than them, so to me, they're beyond my means."

"Huh, you seem to value those junk more than this old man."
"That's not true!"

Ron disheveled Dante's hair and smiled.

"Well, that's the case with Looncandel. What does it mean that Gipple's
morose is against the family? As the old man knows, Veradin, unlike Jean,
has been nominated as the next housekeeper and has benefited from all
kinds of benefits."

Dante had not yet told Ron about Veradin's mental manipulation.

The moment we talked about the problem, it was because Hylan had to
make a choice.

Whether to turn the world's most important people, who are capable of
"mental manipulation," into an enemy or to strengthen friendly relations as
slowly as they are now.

Therefore, talking about veradine to the owner as a small housekeeper was

a matter of prudence.

Resolutions have long been made,but they haven't had the right opportunity.

"Grandfather, if magic can manipulate human spirit and memory at will,

can you believe it?"

Ron's eyes deepened as Dante spoke in a serious voice.

"Jipple for the last few years. Perhaps longer than that, he's been using
manipulation magic to play the ball like a doll. And even in that situation,
Lord Veradin has stood up to the evils that his family is secretly doing."

"Continue talking."

For some time Dante began to explain what had been hidden behind the
Holy Land incident.

Veradin's burning of gold bars, the specter's pursuit of Qin, Veradin's diary
and confession, etc.
"......I would never have told my grandfather my wishes if I had made a
decision in a negative way as a friend. But as a small housekeeper in the
Highlands, the manipulative jipple is considered a force of evil that must be

"So now it is your claim to ally with Looncandel and keep Zipple in check."

"Yes, my grandfather."

Then Ron shook his head, as if he had nothing to worry about.

"Dante, my only grandson. What you usually have to look forward to in this
case is the co-destruction of Looncandel and Zipple in a fight. Or when the
two forces were at war and one side was weakened, there should have been
talk of a chastity."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 399

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:28 AM

Chapter 399: 119. A banquet (4) in Geomhwangseong Fortress.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

As expected, Dante calmly looked up at his grandfather.

The pupils of the eyes disturbed Ron's mind.

Dante, the grandson he thought, was a tough man.

No one in Hylan had ever imagined that his grandson, born naturally weak
and dwarf, would become the next housekeeper.

Ron's full support is due to Dante's strong support until he beats his father,
his brothers and all his brothers to become the next perfect housekeeper.

Behind the support was tough training.

Dante's struggle to climb the stairs of the sword, trying hard to make his
neck hang, was an unforgettable impression to Ron.

It was not the spirit or will that people often call great.

It was a training that even the most powerful and rare of the ten-star fighters
had to have the will to speak their tongues.

It's already been 17 years since all the training started at the age of five.
If you've endured that harsh growth, or if you can bear it. Everyone will
have no choice but to embrace a huge evil spirit deep in their hearts.

Therefore, Ron has believed that his grandson would not be a good and
righteous man.

The world was not a fairy tale. Sometimes there were times when we had to
not hesitate with the mob like Looncandel, and sometimes we had to do all
kinds of dirty things, just like all the other big powers.

To do such a thing without any remorse, is fundamental to becoming the

head of a group.

But contrary to faith, Dante, who had been watching, had never fallen in
love with his innate good nature.

'Yes, Dante. My grandson. You were originally such a child.'

Suddenly, such an idea passed through Ron's mind.

Even if Dante becomes a housekeeper or rolls in the mud, it is only his wish
to seize power and command the world.

'You've endured so much pain to keep yourself as yourself. Or maybe the

way he wielded the sword was because he liked it.'

If I change my mind a little bit.

The superhuman will might have kept Dante's character straight.

Anyone could fall into temptation once or twice.

The temptation to be stronger easily, to gain power more easily, to get rid of
competitors more easily...….

His grandson had never shown interest in such temptations. He just swung
the sword silently.

"... ...that would be the value only you have, grandson."

"Your grandfather?"

Ron smiled as Dante questioned the contextless story.

"Dante. You can't form an alliance with Looncandel. Because no one in the
family wants that."

To Dante, who nods heavily.

"I know that."

"But in the future, when you use memory manipulation magic, you will
need a means to stop it."

Ron put his hand on Dante's shoulder and continued to talk.

"This old man is Jean Looncandel, your friend is looking for the means. I
think it's already in possession."

Gradually Dante's eyes grew bigger.

"So let you not be the man of Jean Looncandel, but let Jean Looncandel be
your man. Then when you become a housekeeper, no one will object to
your decision."


"Of course it's possible then when your friend is that useful."

It was an unexpected story even for Dante. He was well aware that his
grandfather was sometimes more cold-hearted than anyone else.

Nevertheless, Ron's covert affirmation of Dante's opinion meant that the

issue of "mental manipulation" was so serious.

No matter how tough a warrior is, if his mind is manipulated. It is possible

to act for a jipple without knowing it.
'If the zipple's mental manipulation is at the level Dante said, and if it
continues to develop further. Anyone could be like that. The swords of the
Heiran who will assist Dante, Dante. Maybe even me.'

That's exactly what Ron was worried about.

"Mental manipulation has never appeared in the world's power structure.

'There will be very few forces aware of the Zipple's mental manipulation.
Even I just found out through Dante...... I don't know many people in
Looncandel, except for that demon.'

Xiron Looncandel.

Does the man who has been his lifelong opponent know that? Such a
question came into my mind.

There must be a good reason why the monster, even if he knows, is not
leaving the Black Sea.'

Ron turned to Jean.

Not only himself, but everyone was looking at Jean.

Originally, Ron was going to use the banquet to announce once again to
everyone that Dante was the next housekeeper.

I wanted to make sure that Dante's brothers, who seem to be having a

different heart these days, were also there.

Assisting Dante is the only way you can get to the city of Gumhwang.

But I didn't like it because he was the main character at his first banquet in
22 years, which he could call an uninvited guest.

'Now that we're here, I'd rather use him for Dante.'

Ron stroked his beard.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, grandpa. I'll keep that in mind!"

"Huh, yes. Now that all the VIPs have gathered, I must announce the
beginning of the banquet."


Ron clapped his hands lightly, and the cluttered banquet hall became quiet
at once. Even though it was just applause, it contained deep and huge
energy, so those who reached the stage could get a glimpse of Ron's

Naturally everyone looked up at Ron and Dante.

"Thank you for coming to see me, Ron Heiran, the Great Black Star.”

Ron waves to those who respond with applause for a while.

Originally, the next step should be to thank the "hwangs" who came to the

But Ron continued, as if he didn't care about the royal family.

"It was my grandson here who had a banquet today. To celebrate Dante
Highran. As you all know, I'm a famous grandson. My heart is overflowing
at the thought that this fellow will soon inherit my sword."

The imperial family apparently showed no signs of displeasure, even

though they were ignored.

Rather, he bursts into laughter at Ron's story.

It was a glimpse of how much power Ron had in the bison.

'Even if there was an emperor here, not an emperor, Lord Ron would not
have thanked him separately.'
Jin thought, looking at the table where the imperial family sat.

the mystics of the Empire

That's what Hufester called the Viment's royal family.

It was because they rarely came to the front except for the Emperor.

It was almost all the imperial family had to do in this way to attend a
banquet of big names, or to show up at a big event in the empire.

'And yet, the royal family has the same power as Lord Ron and other
meritorious retainers because they're in charge of excavating the Imperial
Guard and the Special Forces.'

The right of appointment to the Imperial Guard and the Special Forces was
the inherent authority of the Imperial Family.

The biogolems seen in the Wantaramo forest are also likely to be the works
of the royal family. I'll let you know sooner or later that it's not mysticism,
it's just stinky bastards.'

An eye met with an imperial family. Jean thought of it by greeting him with
her eyes naturally.

On the other hand, I could see some people barely smiling.

Any of several pure-blood hyrands except Dante. They were not openly
showing signs of displeasure, but their presence itself seemed to be a pain
in the neck.

"By the way, I think there are some people who want to make a scene on
this pleasant day."

The moment Ron suddenly wiped out his laughter and said so, the pure-
blooded Highans were startled and fixed their posture.

But it wasn't them that Ron targeted.

"The twelve flag-bearer and ghost-captain of the Looncandel. Your actions
were such a great discourtesy that I could scold them at will."

The eyes of the people gathered again to Jean and Rata.

"Sorry, Lord Ron."

"I'm sorry."

Ron smiled again as the two answered.

"It's a time of great vitality, and I understand. But I have to pay for it. That's
what I was thinking, and I should have prepared something for the VIPs
who came. This old man's face is not enough."

Then Rata's eyes glistened.

The two groups were usually quite friendly, as the Ghost University had its
main building in Beemont. So Rata understood that Ron was helping her.

So you can beat the gin straight away.

"I hope two of you will celebrate my grandson through a duel at midnight
today. You don't have to wait until the party's over. Everyone seems to be
curious about the results."

"I will gladly accept the consideration and offer of Lord Rata Prochi, the
Ghost Captain."

At that moment cheers came from all over the place. Naturally, people
thought that the duel between Jin and Rata would end in secret where there
was no one.

'You naturally raise Dante's dignity by scolding me and Rata.'

The Highlands are obviously one of the world's greatest names, but it was
also true that they were inferior to Looncandel.
However, if Jin was to fight a duel "to celebrate Dante," it was natural that
Dante's level would rise.

"Runcandel 12th, I accept."

Ron smiled contentedly at Jean's answer.

"Okay, then let's all enjoy the wine and food I've prepared, and let's see the
martial arts of the two gods at midnight."

The banquet hall was swarming with fever.

A group of people sitting behind Jean were having this conversation.

"Thanks to Rata Prochi's unexpected behavior, it would be better to hold a

big event."

"After midnight, Zipple and Hai Lan are enemies."

No one was watching them carefully, but only one.

Zephyrin was smiling at them.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 400

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:27 AM

Chapter 400: 119. A banquet (5) in Geomhwangseong Fortress.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

When Ron's greetings were over, the banquet began in earnest.

The imperial band sent by the emperor himself entered the hall playing
music, and with a pleasing melody, a congratulatory message burst from all
sides of the banquet hall, with colorful petals pouring down.

Various productions prepared by the Vision Magic Theater were also


Fire, ice and brain energy formed by mana were decorating the interior like
a huge colored paper.

Beams, among them, are popular.

Luncandel's banquet is in fact a very bloody atmosphere as a decisive place

to resolve a grudge, while Jipple's banquet is hard and boring. It was
because Hai Lan was a lively and beautiful place for social intercourse
worthy of the name of banquet.

The aristocrats, who were waiting in the reception room, entered the
banquet hall one by one.
The well-dressed good-looking men and women gave high-profile fighters a
look of envy. For those born of nobility, the fighters gathered here were
simply John Jae, a star in the sky.

The most brilliant of them is Dante Hailan, the main character of the

Twenty-two years old, Hai Lan's cowhide. The supernova of Beemont,

known for her boyish appearance and good behavior and character.

Those who wished for a contract with Dante, regardless of gender, were
almost kicked out of the beat.

Once upon a time, every time Dante waved his hand, a roar of cheers broke
out among the nobles.

Rumor had it among the nobles that the banquet was held by Ron Hai-lan to
find a mate for his grandson.

However, Dante only showed interest in Jin. With Veradin near it. Rata was
also staring at the camp with fierce liveliness.

"Hey, kid. Let that thing just smash at midnight. Tell me what happens if I
get caught in the wrong way while I keep my eyes open."

Gilly lowered her eyebrows anxiously.

"There is still a tendency to devalue as a young man, but the ghost

commander is one of the strongest in the three mercenaries. Along with
Amela, a substitute soldier of the Gaifa Islands, and the leader of the Black
Kings, they are also called the three major mercenaries. Will it be all right,

When Gilly said so, his colleagues tilted their heads in unison.

"The little boy just smashed the Sword Garden and turned the third
Runkandel into a half-dead body. What's he talking about?"
"The ghost commander is called the three mercenaries, but he is definitely
less famous than Amela or the Black King. I think the lost Confucius will
win the victory without difficulty.”

"In addition, if Confucius loses a duel in the presence of Lord Ron, he will
not lose his life will not be lost. If you lose, the name value is different, so
Confucius lost is not a loss. Of course I think Confucius will win."

Kashmir and Alisa added the same opinion.

As Alisa said, Rata, the ghost captain, was now more obscure than Jean.

Jin's defeat of the third term this time was due to a number of articles being
poured out, but not yet at the stage of being known as "the established
theory." Less than a month has passed.

It was the interest of the nobles that Dante, Veradine, and other fighters'
eyes were fixed on Qin.

"That's Jean Looncandel?"

"It's the same face on the billboard. You didn't have to glorify it.”

"You should try that cosmetic too, you can't use anything else again."

"Oh, look over there. Isn't that Siris Endorma of the Vigung? Looks like it's
going to Lord Qin!"

The next thing that came to Jean was Siris.

brilliantly dyed blonde and brilliant silver hair As the two stood facing each
other, the aristocrats looked reminiscent with strange expectations.


"Siris, long time no see. You came to the banquet."

"Good thing you look good."

"Were you worried?"

Siris nods when asked unexpectedly. The sight embarrassed Jean inwardly.
It is somewhat strange that Siris treats him as a close person.

"The blood droplet you used was kept by our palace."

Jean and her colleagues had no idea of the fact. I only knew that the butler
Heinz had brought it.

"I didn't know. I must thank you. Was it given to you by Talaris?”

"......not that, Lord Ciron left it to his mother a long time ago. My mother
never told me, so I thought it was a Bibung's thing from the start."


"And I was told by my mother that Lord Xiron had not yet paid the price."

"If there's anything you want, say anything. I'll pay for him."

"Then dance with me."


"I think we should let the Zipple know that Sigung has a friendly
relationship with you. Just in time, Zipple's next princess is watching, so it's
no better than sending a message."

said Siris, reaching out his hand.

It was a moment when not only the nobles but also the uninhabited.

Siris Endorma, as the fighters know it, is by no means a kind of person who
shows interest in others in the banquet hall.

"Okay, I'll take it as an honor.”

When Jin stood up holding his hand together, some of the fighters agreed as
if they knew it would happen.

Four years ago, those who attended Looncandel's banquet and

"misinterpreted" the relationship between Jin and Siris did.

There was a strange atmosphere between the two at the Runkandel Outer
Tree Bridge party.'

'I remember the 4th Runkandel deploring the bold physical contact between
the two.'

'Maybe Looncandel would like to send a 12-time son-in-law to Vigung. It is

not the right time to break the already solidly established second-term
power structure. It would be beneficial in many ways to secure a strong ally
called Pigung."

'Anyway, isn't that a good match?'

Of course, the two actually fought in a duel without anyone knowing, but it
was still a secret that only colleagues knew.

The majority of middle-aged fighters smiled pleasantly as if they were

looking good, and the young generation somehow had to assuage the
boiling anger and jealousy.

And two years ago, the nobles who visited the gambling house in the
Empire of Belado were feeling a strange sense of deja vu.

'Oh, back then, Sir Jean Looncandel was active under the name of Barmel.
Now that I think of a woman named Zelia at the gambling house, she looks
like Sir Sir Sir...…?'

Did Jean Looncandel work with her when she was a backup jockey? The
Zelia at the gambling house was Siris Endorma?'

while one's feelings pass by

Jean and Siris were coming out to the stage and dancing beautifully.
The dancing of the two will be sung throughout the continent by minstrels
as of today.

There were also painters who took the two men to the canvas, saying they
were already beautiful to the point of silence.

"I envy you, sir...I can't even remember when this Jet has been dancing with
a woman...….”

"Dance with me!"

The main character of the lively voice was Zephyrin.

He came to Jin's table to escape Murkah's eyes.

"What a time to be thankful! Oh, my God!…!”

As soon as Jet answered with joy, Quikantel pinched Murakhan's side.

It meant 'you go and find out about Zephyrin.'

"Did you say jeffirin? You play with me.”

"Oh, you remembered my name! Shall we?"

"No, Mr. Murakhan! Is this how you do it? Mr. Murakhan? Excuse me?"

Murakhan had already left to dance with Zephyrin.

Murkah, who belatedly discovered Zephyrin, had no choice but to shake her
fist with a deep sigh to make the ground go out once again.

Jet glared at the back of Murakan and Zephyrin with their eyes wide open,
and in the end Gilly reached out to Jet.

"Well, Jet. What if I don't mind?"

"I'm just glad, strawberry-flavored, no. Gilly!"

This time, Murakan glared at Jet as if he were going to kill him. If he didn't
have eyes, he would have turned Jet into a dead body.

Jet was just grateful that even a person like him could dance at such a grand

Kashmir also went out to dance with Alisa, and so did Kuzan and Veris.

Only Quikantel and Enya remained at the table and were eating
refreshments, and as if they had waited, all sorts of fighters and nobles
came to ask the two to dance.

Enya was paired with Veradin, and Quikantel was paired with Dante. The
strange composition was also another pleasure for those who came to the

Dante, in particular, knew that Enya and Quikantel were the Empire's
unofficial wanted men.

That is why he intended to withdraw his wanted order by revealing his

friendship with the two.

"Oh! I want to dance, too!"

Meanwhile, one person who is sad to see the procession leading to the

Margiela Ibliano. She also attended the banquet as Evliano. Vishkel and
disguised Bubar were guarding her side.

Vishkel's expression was dark.

"Hey, it's not a day or two since I've been in a wheelchair. Don't be so sorry,

"That's right, Mr. Vishkel. By the way, this croquet here is really
awesome...Vishkel, you're familiar with the Highlands, aren't you? If
possible, get this croquet at least once a week.”
As usual, Bubar was racking his already melancholy bishkel's heart, rousing
his temper.

Shut up, Bubar. Vishkel was so overcome with grief that it was hard to
shoot back like that.

"Are you my brother?"

"Margiela. I...... the fact that I have to use you for this sort of thing is

Then Margiela smiled sizzly.

"That's exactly what I do, brother.”


"Don't be so heartbroken. And Mr. Bubar, stop eating croquette. You're

supposed to be slim, aren't you?”

"Hahahaha. Shall we? Miss Margiela."

The night was drawing near.

The banquet is scheduled to continue tomorrow, so people were supposed to

be left out by evening.

Not a single person left the banquet hall until midnight. Naturally, it was to
watch the match between Jin and Rata.

No one ordered it, but at midnight all the guests sat in their places and
waited for Ron.

"Everyone's been waiting a long time. From now on, the knights will begin
to guide us, so let's go to the battleground."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 401

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:26 AM

Chapter 401: 119. A banquet (6) in Geomhwangseong Fortress.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The central battleground of Geomhwangseong Fortress was known to be

the largest in the world.

It was also a place that could not be visited normally unless it was under the
authority of the Haeran.

The foreigners who entered the arena gulped down their breath in the
ridiculously wide and long-spread battlegrounds.

Knights of the High Ran were lined up in the middle of the battleground.

When Ron beckoned, the articles split from side to side and blocked the

The seats were being filled quickly and in an orderly fashion.

Jean and Rata faced each other in the middle of the battleground, and Ron
settled between them.

There were so many people gathered that I couldn't even hear a breath.
Everyone just wanted the person who cheered in their hearts to win.

"Lata Prochi, Jean Looncandel."

"Yes, Lord Ron."


"I don't know what the background is between the two. But as a senior
warrior, as the master of the planet Geomhwang, I must give you one piece
of advice."

"Please tell me."

"Do not maim or kill your opponent. I will put the sword directly against
him who breaks it."

It was actually a story to Rata. Rata's unilateral hostility could be seen by

those who did not know the circumstances between the two.

Murder at the banquet was strictly forbidden at Looncandel's one-legged


"I'll be clear."

"The victor will have glory, the loser will have learning. I hope it will be a
great fight for my grandson and the people who are gathered."

As Ron stepped back to the audience, an article hit the huge drum on one
side of the battleground.


It signaled the beginning of the duel. And even before the drumming faded
away, Rata stretched out the player.

Like Fei, he also uses a double sword.


The two blades of the sword and the sign were interlocked with a roaring
sound of the head.
'I expected it, but it's pretty heavy.'

There was a crack in the solid floor where the two men stood. Those in the
audience who did not know that the battle was strong enough to break down
from the beginning were surprised.

"He's a lot older than me and he's a great unknown, so I thought he'd give
up the player."

"Because he's not the kind of guy I like to show such generosity."

Squeak, smiling gin.

"Well, in terms of pure ignorance, regardless of senior, junior, or unknown,

this is the right picture."

At the words, Rata couldn't get angry.

I felt it as soon as I mixed the sword.

'The word that you made that disturbance in the Sword Garden...' Garden of wasn't a lie.'

The blade of the double sword 'ghost' was shaking at the mighty energy of
Qin. The shudder that followed from the tremor of the sword went past
Rata's back coolly.


Rata originally thought Jean was lucky, or that his men had made some
mistakes and survived.

Aside from his younger brother who secretly participated in the mission, he
thought that "Greemall" would not fail because he was with him.

But it wasn't.

"It was something that I and my immediate subordinates had to do in the

first place. Or we should've made a head-level job like Grimol.'
I underestimated the weight of the name 12 jockey.

It was not known, but in the past, Rata had won a battle against another
rider in Looncandel.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three swords went on to mingle, causing heavy drinking.

I admit Jean is strong, but that doesn't mean Rata's anger has died down.

Also he was still judging that he couldn't lose to Jean. Rata was also a man
who had defeated numerous strong opponents every time.

Enemies who seemed never to be able to win eventually knelt down. The
future of the 12th Runkandelian would have been no different.

On the other hand, Jin could not feel the strong impression of Rata.

Rata's sword didn't seem very threatening, even considering Ron's strict
orders that he should never kill his opponent. Even though the two swords
are touching each other or piercing under the ears.

'......Am I fighting only against too strong enemies these days?'

It has been less than a month since he fought with all his might against the
entire Looncandel.

In that fight, Jean had overcome several death throats, which meant that she
had crossed the wall of growth that much.

I would say.

Jean's sword is more mature than it was then. There was insight that could
not be achieved at this age, and the depth that even those who reached the
stage could not easily read was ingrained.

Rata's sword seemed to have a pre-seen trajectory.

"It looks like Looncandel's 12th flag is falling behind.”

"It's too early to get past the ghost register."

Those who couldn't reach the level predicted the result.

But the fighters, who were watching the flow of the fight precisely,
managed to hide their amazing minds.

"Is that really a 12-year-old?"

"At this rate, the ghost captain will surely be defeated."

Amid mixed reviews, Ron was confident.

Jean and Rata are already living in a different world.

'That demon was already climbing the ranks of the supermen...... the ghost
commander has quite a potential, but he still remains in the criminal world.'

The criminal's strongest, the super weak.

It was such a fight, for example. On the surface, the camp is backing away,
but it is not because it is on the defensive, but because it can be attacked
with ease.

Ron turned his head and looked at his grandson.

Sure enough, Dante looked almost mesmerized as if he had been a believer

in God.

"You may feel jealous or competitive, but are you just excited about the
achievements your friend has made?'

I felt strange.

Dante used to think that he would be the only one in the world who gave
such a look. In fact, Dante in his childhood had always looked at Ron that
He had regarded himself as the ultimate destination.

The moment I thought about that.

Suddenly Ron was able to realize one of the biggest differences between
Dante and Jean.

'Gin Looncandel, that demon, unlike my lovely grandson...….'

There is no end point.

He must have recognized his father and the world's strongest knight, Siron
Looncandel, as just one "wall."

You must be thinking that the extreme point you have to reach is
somewhere beyond.

The realization of the fact gave me goose bumps all over.

It's really been a long time. What made you feel that way when you saw
other people fighting?


Suddenly the blood hopped in the air.

It was Qin's blood. The double sword ghost cut the back of Qin's hand. If it
were a little deeper, my hand would have been cut off.

Jean scurried across the street.

That's what it means to Rata's eyes.

'Why didn't you just dig in and make it a game, 12 jockeys!'

The double sword ghost fell diagonally. The sword seemed unavoidable for
Jean, who had already been disorganized.

I cut myself.
No, I should have cut myself. The moment the double-black ghost scratched
the air, Rata felt as if the world's clock had stopped for a moment.

No, it was definitely a perfect distance.…!'

The next thing I saw in Rata's eyes, one dot.

It was the edge of Jean's sword. I couldn't quite understand at what point
this sharp stabbing was made.


Blood spattered from Rata's cheek. He turned his head just before Sigmund
reached and escaped from anger.

The avoidance was also a miracle that could only be done to a warrior as
little as Rata.

But Rata knew.

'I purposely stabbed him in the face, so that I could avoid a fatal wound.'

In a fight, the face is of course one of the worst points.

However, it was also the easiest body to protect. With a slight turn of the
head or a slight bend of the body, most attacks on the face can be handled.

Therefore, the fighters' fights often ended with fatal injuries to other areas
than their necks or faces.

If Jean was aiming for the heart, not the face. No matter how he responded,
he would have suffered an injury that would have forced him to win.


Shivering with shame.

"Do as you please, Jean Looncandel."

"What's the problem this time?"

"I'm going to ask you to...….”

"I aimed for the face because I thought it was safer than the other side. If he
was aiming for the heart or the abdomen, he would have fought back even if
he risked his death.”

It wasn't a lie.

If that happens, Jin may also suffer any injuries, and one side must have
died or suffered equivalent damage.

"And if I do it right, Rata can't survive."

to one's chagrin

The words didn't sound 'haughty' to Rata. It sounded like just a natural
assessment of a man who is obviously stronger than himself.

"At least that's what I mean in this arena. If this was a battlefield or my
bedroom, it would be a different story."

The significance of the ghosthood is not in the one-on-one duel of knights.

A group of mercenaries specialized in efficiently dealing with stronger

opponents. Rata was the head of the force.

This does not mean that one's physical strength is low, but one cannot help
it when one's opponent is not good.

For a while the two looked at each other still.

Some in the audience were reading it as a new quest, and some were
reading it in silence, recognizing victory or defeat.

And Rata felt ashamed.

It was not a shame to lose. It was no shame that he didn't recognize his
opponent's skills and started a quarrel like a thunderbolt.

I was just ashamed that I had a smaller bowl than the one before me.

Jean has spared my brother, who has come as an assassin, and has yet to
make excessive demands on him.

Rata barked like a scared dog in the hope of getting his brother back.

in the midst of silence

Jean suddenly felt a great deal of energy being released from Rata.

You had a winning look and a accepting look.'

Rata was thinking the same thing as Jean. It's not himself, it's Jin's
dangerous energy.

So Rata was going to tell him to cut one part of his body, with an unarmed
mind that follows the result.

I thought it was natural for Jean to be angry.

But the dangerous energy was neither Jin's nor Rata's.

It was starting right under their feet.



Two people who realized the fact shouted at the same time.

The next moment, the whole floor of the Daeryeon Hall split apart and
something huge soared, and Ron had already pulled out the sword and was
ready to stop it.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 402

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:24 AM

Chapter 402: 119. A banquet in the Geomhwangseong (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was the first monster I've ever seen in my life that came through the floor
of the battleground.

'What a madman, a demon! Why would you suddenly...…!'

He seemed to have an incredibly large body.

Jean and Rata hit his muzzle and rose into the air, where Ron dug in and
struck a blow.

The sword, "Lashid," which only the housekeeper of the High Ran could
carry, was colored with dazzling light.


As the waves hit, the space was swaying along the trajectory of Rashid's

Although it did not reach the stage of the debate on the complete extinction
of objects, it was a blow to the strongest article ever.

The mountain-like body of the demon, which had just emerged, was
splitting in half like a lie.
Black blood poured out like a flood, followed by a series of collisions that
broke the floor into hundreds of pieces.

"Hairan's swords protect guests first and foremost. Gather all the knights
waiting in the castle. Conduct a first-degree terrorist response!"

When Dante gave the order, the knights conducted a thorough examination.

Screams from the general public spread everywhere.

The real danger has come, pushing aside the pleasant tension that the battle
between Jin and Rata has been brewing. Naturally, the majority of guests
have never experienced such a terrorist attack.

The same was true of a warrior.

Who would have imagined, the Black Star. It is also the first time in 22
years that such a terrorist attack will take place at a banquet hosted by Ron

Coujeo, go!

It wasn't just one.

Massive mana continued to appear throughout the vast battleground.

There was an earthquake as they jumped through the floor, and the ceiling
shook as if it were about to collapse.

The pillars standing like giant trees were broken, adding to the confusion
with the shrieking of the general public.

Fortunately, however, more than 30 percent of the people who were sitting
in the audience were fighters who visited Geomhwangseong Fortress as

"We'll help you!"

"I'll open the way, and the knights of the Highlands, please evacuate the

"The Black Kings, guard the guests. You get paid later!"

The fighters shouted, taking out their respective arms.

If it had been a tricky situation, Hai Lan would have refused their help.

Pride could not be tolerated to lean on the power of outside forces at their

Now, however, there were too many customers who would die a dog's
death, and the fact that terrorism had already been "proceeded" itself was a

If those who attended the banquet returned to their bodies, they would
suffer irreparable wounds to the reputation of the Highland Sword.

"What the hell is this...…!”

Rata, who landed on the floor, looked up at the mana. One had already torn
enough for Ron to make it difficult for him to recognize the shape, but there
were about a dozen visible ones right now.

Even that wasn't the end.

Intense vibrations were constantly felt from the floor. Such evil creatures
are hitting the High Ran in a row by row.


Ron tore up the second mana and found his grandson.

"Yes, grandpa!"

"The knights are not collectible. They're already out there."

"As a knight to be the master of the Black Star, take responsibility and
evacuate the common people."

Only Ron was aware of the spread of mana outside the Great Battlefield.

Just as Qin and Rata live in a different world, he was different in class from
every warrior here.

Dante nodded heavily.

'The outside is under attack, too.

The moment Ron mentioned outside.

These were the two letters that came to the minds of the fighters at the same


Someone declared war in the form of surprise in the Highlands, or in the


It was on a scale that no one could see as simple terrorism.

And the power to carry out these evil creatures...….

to have none

As they know, no one was using mana at the moment. In the first place,
man cannot play the devil.

If there was a possibility, it was a jipple. But they had never fought a war
with a demon, nor did they suddenly strike the High Ran.

"How come I feel like a demon dragon?... Are you a horseman?"

said Quikantel, striking the shield.

She, Murakan and all the dragons in the battleground were reminded of the
Ma tribe.

All dragons, unlike the uninhabited ones, remember seeing the horsemen
perform evil deeds at least once.

"Quickantel. Those demons, they're a little crude, aren't they?”

"It's a strong energy that you can't have even a faint superior mana, but it's

"It's not a matter of strength and weakness, it's a strangely unnatural flow of
energy. Like someone forced it. It's also the first time I've seen it."

"That's what it feels like. Why do you have such a good reasoning,
Murakan? It's not normal anyway. You too, come on, protect your

Qin had already spread the Ming sword and was dealing with the demons.
Although it is not possible to turn a giant monster into a meat ball in an
instant like Ron, the damage to the audience has been reduced thanks to Jin
and Rata guarding the center.


Murakan turned into his true self and soared into the sky.

By then, the ceiling had already been broken and stones as big as a house
were falling in all directions.

"Murakan! Help Dante, the devil keeps coming!"

[I am Murakhan, the guardian dragon of Jean Looncandel. I will protect you

at the will of the contractor, so don't be afraid.]

The deep, dark voice of Murakan spread and the sky turned black. The
curtain of youth spread behind his two wings covered the sky.
Many contract wizards of the Empire were also present as it was a banquet
held in Bemont. Their guardian dragon also followed Murakhan and soared
into the sky.

The Murakhan became the center of dragons very naturally. The dragons of
other contractors were not like mana, but they were afraid of this black
dragon, which woke up after a thousand years, so they could not show their


Giant demons held out their muzzles at the dragons.

The muzzle was gathering mana. It looked like a mana gun, and the sphere
gathered at the mouth of the devil had the same effect as it.

However, the problem was that they had a different energy than ordinary
mana guns.

It has firepower that cannot be compared to the capture of the project, but is
not short of calling it a disaster.

Twelve giant mana were gathering mana like that.

As soon as they fired guns at the same time, the white light made my eyes
smart. The small citadel seemed to be the power to turn it into powder
without a trace.

[You little bastards don't know the subject.]

Murakhan easily stopped their mana guns. The curtain of his youth was
devouring the mana gun, creating a whirlpool.

But it wasn't all that was shot from the battleground.

The outer mana was firing a mana gun at the outer wall of
Geomhwangseong Fortress. The impact of the collapse of the outer wall
was conveyed into the castle, and from then on, there was nothing I could
Unless you are omnipotent in everything and everything.

There is nothing we can do about the casualties. There's a lot more mana
outside than the battleground.

It was impossible to completely prevent all the damage, even if the theory,
not Ron, was here.

But the raid is only just beginning.

Unexpectedly, fragments of a giant monster torn by Ron and the fighters

were causing a strange mutation.

As clay clumps together, the flesh is mixed together to create a new shape.

I don't know what it is.

Before the change was over, he constantly shook his brain and cut off his
signature. It was impossible to get rid of tens of thousands of pieces of


The procrastinating flesh was taking a more human form.

biometric golem using mana

That was the flesh filling the eyes of the fighters.

In the section, veterans who have been through all kinds of battles also
looked puzzled.

It seemed possible to believe that the gates of hell had opened on the planet.

Dante, Latado, other fighters, wizards. The surging bio-golem was crushing
with its teeth clenched.

Regardless of Mui's confession, everyone is shocked by this strange and

terrible situation.
Jean had the most calm eyes among those fighters. It's not like you've
encountered a goddamn biogolem once or twice. I even felt a sense of deja

'Kindelo, Zipple, Beemance. The Great Mana is the Golem created by one
of the three.'

All three of them directly confirmed that they were developing biogolems.

It was not immediately clear which of them was responsible and why they
hit the High Ran at this point.

One thing for sure.

No matter which of the three was responsible, the High Ran would never
suffer a small blow.

It was like a bolt out of the blue as a losing team.

It happened when he was fighting against Rata.

The central battleground of Hailan, which was like a beautiful white desert,
could no longer be found.

It was just full of swarming bio-golem and giant mana.

Quaduk, Kurr...…!

In the end, the entire wall over there collapsed, revealing the scenery

There was more chaos than the Daeryeon Hall.

Knights and dragons are holding back, but human bodies have been seen
everywhere. It was a body of servants or ordinary soldiers.

There were also a number of casualties inside the battleground.

A reflexive turn of the head examined the position of Veradin.

His magic hasn't been seen yet.

That was making Jean nervous. It was a sudden question whether he would
be conducting the attack because he was mentally manipulated.

If Jean knew Veradin, she had to save people harder than anyone else at
times like this.

It was not a leisurely situation to confirm Veradin's appearance.

The number of bio-golems grew more and more, and Jean had been
breaking through the siege since a while ago.

Every time Sigmund spewed a brain clot, a pile of bio-goles were swept
out. The moment Jean, who was cutting them, cutting them, and cutting
them off, stopped walking.

It was when the familiar lobes came into view, far between the biome golem
and the remains of the beast.

A group of humans wearing gray robes without any patterns.

As soon as she saw them, Jean had to feel her hair stand on end.

The gray lobes belonged to the 'ghosters'.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 403

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:23 AM

Chapter 403: 119. A banquet (8) in Geomhwangseong Fortress.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Very few people knew what the grey lobes symbolized. Unlike
Looncandel's black knight, the specter is not an armed group that has been
revealed to the world.

They stood in the middle of the mare watching the crumbling

Geomhwangseong Fortress.

It was as if the wall of the central battleground had been waiting for it to

Slowly, they were coming towards the central convent.

'Waiting near the Black Castle, showing up to escort Veradin?'

It can be.

But Jean was feeling a strange sense of incompatibility in the grey lobes.
Somehow they seem to be playing mana and bio-golem.

I could immediately realize that it wasn't just a gap.

Bio golem is to open the way in which they walk.

Ron looked indifferent at the sight. It was not a result of composure, but a
sense of calmness unique to the theater.


Red-colored mana was forming on the staff of the grey lobes.

And it was the magic that Jean had experienced in person at Veradin's villa
at the end of the reserve rider.

I can't say a word even if the old specter are kicking out of the grave.]

At that time, Missha informed me that the magical name was Red

Massive red stains began to spread throughout the wet sky under Young-ki's
tent. At that time, the Great Warring Magic and Red Heart Yeon, which can
be called the decisive battle of the specter, fought against the spirits of the
black dragons.

It was one of the most dangerous moments of Jean's life.

So everything came to mind vividly. Blood knives and chains that poured
out of the red-colored sky, the sensation that felt as if the palms of the hands
were torn as they were struck out.

And one thing, there was an impression that Jean clearly remembered.

'There are some awkward elements in the process of complementing each

other's mana.'

It was a feeling that I felt while reading the flow of red abyss played by the
15 ghosts.

Based on that fact, Jean sensed that red abyss was a magic that needed more

'But now their mana is so neat.'

The gray lobes that came to the Black Castle totaled six.

Even the fifteen are perfecting the magic that was unfolded awkwardly due
to lack of mana.

Of course, it was impossible with the magical knowledge that Jean knew.

At first, I thought that what gray lobes unfolded was the red abyss of the
ghosts, as it was a magic that I had only seen once and could not even
access with books.

On closer examination, though similar, it was clearly a different magic.

'It's not a haunted house. All six of them are great enough to imitate the
specter and their vision magic.'

Jean was the only one who saw through the fact exactly.

It was because few of the uninhabited people here knew about the existence
of the ghostly band, and they had never experienced a red abyss.

It was possible for the Jipple to attack the High Ran, but it was impossible
to use a combination of ghostly and evil.

It's crazy to overlay the image of the ship that crashed after the Sungkuk

'Not a zipple. There seems to be a lot more reason for the former to hit the
highland, Kinselo and Beacon. It's strange to say that the Emperor did this
to keep Sir Ron in check.'


Anger soared over what they were trying to do this time.

There must have been a reason why he pretended to be a secret sorcerer's


The atmosphere was vibrating with the regurgitation magic of gray lobes.
From the red spots of the sky, red swords and chains of mana poured out.

It's nothing compared to the ghostly red abyss. As it was also the equivalent
of the sorcerer's regimental magic, it possessed a terrifying destructive

The Murakans and dragons could not stop them all. If it was only a role to
offset that, there was not much room for it, as giant monsters were
constantly shooting guns on the ground.

"It's disgusting to use power in the Beacon, but I can't.”

Eventually, Quikantel decided to transform himself into a true figure and

use the power of time.

[En, you open up the Yonghua Barrier. Don't stay away from me.]


Quikantel did not fly, but fired power into the air. A silver wave stretched
from her forehead was followed by a string of lotus magic.

As the power of time and the blocking of Yonghwa unfolded, things on the
ground seemed to be getting better enough to take a breather.

However, the death toll continued to rise. Some of the fighters were fatally
wounded or killed immediately.


A woman threw herself to the floor and uttered a shrill cry.


Vishkel screamed in a blood-sucking voice.

She was rolling on the floor with her wheelchair broken down in a series of
magical shrapnel.
From a moment ago, Vishkeel cut down on whatever came to protect his
brother. Not only the flesh and bones of mana, but also the magic of mana,
but also others.

Vishkel didn't cut everyone, but he wasn't hard on those who jumped
recklessly enough to threaten Margiela.

Bubar was already seriously wounded and barely holding himself behind

In the midst of a hectic mana cut, the sight of Jean came across it.

Rather, the fact that Margiela was placed in a precarious state made the
doubt certain.

However, Jin seemed confident that he would recognize the culprit at this
point in the first place.

As soon as Ilsun Jin and her eyes met, Margiela made a mouth.

You'll get a big advantage, Jean.

I could read clearly.

Margiela's so confident appearance meant that Kinselo had already

achieved his desired purpose.

'......I see, it didn't matter if it turned out that the wizards who imitated the
ghosthood were not jipples.'

Jean looked around, thinking so.

I was almost horrified by the displeasure, but it was not a situation where I
could go over there and argue right away.

There was no sign of a decline in the number of giant monsters rising


In the end, with the ominous noise of the ground collapsing, there was a
scene of the whole land being destroyed from all sides. Every time a dark
pit formed, there was a pile of people who fell into it and disappeared
leaving a long scream.

Still, the desperate efforts of knights and fighters in the Geomhwangseong

Fortress were not in vain.

More than half of those who were already at the central battleground are
escaping from tolerance.

However, as the monsters outside continued to attack the outer walls, safety
could not be guaranteed unless they were finished.

Who would think this was a raid by Kinselo?

There are few means to prove it, and if you try to torture the Bishkels, you
won't be able to get a confession.

Of course, I'm going to face the enemy clearly.

Other small families affected by the raid were in different circumstances.

Rumor has it among the victims that he is using Kinselo to hide that he has
been "hit by a jipple."

Ron's reputation is not what it used to be.

Of course, the Zipple will reach out for the troubled Hai Lan.

Or, as soon as the Geomhwangseong asked for an explanation, he could bite

the highland, saying, "They are subjected to other forces and use

Either way, Hai Lan was a huge loss.

'Sir Ron will refuse any deal that Zipple offers, and this will end with only
Hylan being a fool.'
That was Jean's calculation.

So what does Kinselo want to get in the process?

'The hostile relationship between Hai Lan and Zipple. They hope other big
powers will be more active in checking the Zipple.'

It could be a leap.

But Chin concluded that if he didn't miss the "last piece" of the case, it
would be a matter of complete certainty.

'You must tell Lord Ron what it is!'

Gray lobes were conjugating alveolar magic. One is that it is only a

arrangement for a new attack, not an intention to retreat.

Then a beam of flash was fired into the grey lobes.

The flash pierced four giant mana, swept away hundreds of bio-golems,
ripped open layers of protective film, and eventually pierced the chest of a
gray lobster.

The lame, five-year-old gray lobes scattered and rearranged the shield.

"Did you think I'd be fooled if I wore that gray robe? Your guys are the men
of Octavian Zipple."

More than a hundred mana have already been cut off, and thousands of
biogoles have been cut, but Ron's energy was growing bigger and bigger
and bigger and bigger and bigger.

For Ron, it was meaningless whether the number of mana or biogolems was
any unit. Just as there's no point in front of the storm when there's too much

Nevertheless, there is only one reason why he is not ending the situation.
It was because the "criminal" who visited and guarded the city were held

It's been a long time since I've had a thousand dollars cut off. There seemed
to be more anger than when he admitted to defeat himself in the race
against Ciron.

"Lon Hai-lan, you're mistaken. To deceive you is not included in our plan in
the first place."

"I'll listen to what the plan is gradually tearing your noses apart. So, did you
show them everything you could show them?"

The grey lobes did not answer.

They were preparing to smash the last piece of the incident that Jean

"Sir Ron!"

Ron turned his eyes and looked at Jean.

"There's something more important than killing them. We need to find



"The moment Veradin returns home with an injury, the Duke of Kinselo
becomes too much to handle. The Highlands will be clearly hostile to the

Ron's eyes widened at the words.

The numbers of cases that Jean had just thought of, momentarily, exactly
the same. It was passing through Ron's mind.

Jean was right.

If Veradin fails to return safely, the Highland and the Jipple will inevitably
become enemies no matter how the situation goes.

Even if Kinselo remains ignorant, even if the victims suspect Hairan, even
if Jipple uses them to press Hairan.

If only Veradin is returned to his home without any injury, he will be able to
cope with all the cases.

Hiding with the hood, Jean seemed to see the bewildered faces of the grey
lobes. The distorted face of the Vishkel gang pretending to be injured in the

"Surely there will be more wizards at that level, and they'll be chasing

Ron opened his eyes.

"May I leave it to you, Jean Looncandel!"

He had an immediate obligation to save the dying power and guests.

"Of course, Lord Ron. I'll take it as an honor."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 404

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:22 AM

Chapter 404: 119. A banquet in Geomhwangseong (9).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The red-hot prison that I took out of my arms glowed.


When Jin climbed onto Shri's back, Ron opened the way for him.


Ron's huge sword swept past the mana in front of him. Blood and flesh
splashed like a fountain, and Shri ran through it.

After seeing it, Murakan quickly descended and transformed into a human
being. The black wind seemed to have poured toward the camp.

"Where are you going, kid?"

"We have to find Veradin."

"Why would you doing that?"

"Kinselo is a terrorist force. Their purpose is the hostile relationship

between the Highlands and the Zipple."
Murakan tilted his head once, and soon understood.

"Well, I get it.”

"Did you see Veradin up there?”

"No, I don't think so."

"Go back up and check it out. Let me know as soon as you see it, and if you
don't, you keep up the air."

"You're going to go find him alone? I knew something else would pop out."

"You can't leave evidence, so there won't be anyone like Veracchi. If you're
in a situation that's too much for yourself, I'll signal you."


The Murakhan returned to its original form and soared into the sky.

There was no other signal from Murakan even after a moment's

observation. Veradin is already out of the field.

There was also a terrorist force inside the audience. Veradin moved away
from them.'

Who was sitting near Veradin?

The masked royal family was closest. Veradin is the next housekeeper of
the Jipple, so naturally he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the royal
family in the Beams.

It was most reasonable to think that Veradin was attacked by them and was
on the run.

On the front of the battlefield, where the outer wall had been torn down,
were Qin, Rata and Ron. With the exception of the inner passage, there was
no possibility that Veradin had escaped as it was the only way out.
'You took advantage of the fact that the imperial family always wears
masks, the Kinselos.'

Shri's turn was reversed.

He was convinced that he should look inside the castle first, not toward the
outer wall.

However, normal passageways could not be used. Still, the passage was
completely saturated as fighters evacuated the general public.

Jean wrapped an auror around the sword without hesitation.


A thick wall was cut like a sheet of paper by a dagger.

The fighters in the back were unable to clear their way because of the
pressure on them to stop the crowd, to protect the guests, and to damage the
planet's blackness.


The square-cut wall fell, creating a heavy noise.

"Move to the aisle!"

Jin first left the central battleground, leaving the words behind.

Congestion was the same in the castle. The servants were running like
crazy, and one by one the biological golem that flowed from the outer walls
was visible.

As soon as the bio golem was about to hit a group of servants, Shuri leaped
and swung her front paws.

The servants shrieked with white-faced faces as the demon's head burst.

"Thank you..."!”
"Have anyone seen Veradin?"

"Who, who do you mean?"

"Beradine Zipple. Long white hair and a white coat."

"I didn't see it."

"By the way, Lord Qin. Lord Veradin didn't see it, but it went wild on the
side of the castle's china storehouse."

They were warehouse management servants.

"Tell me more details.”

"We heard the news of terrorism at the central battleground, and we tried to
spread it to others. And suddenly, there was an explosion in the warehouse,
and I was avoiding it.”

"I don't know, but the cause of the explosion seemed to be magic. The
guards went in to check, but we haven't heard from them since."

As soon as he entered, he seemed to have found a clue.

"Which way is the warehouse?”

"I'll follow you and let you know."

"I'm not sure I can handle things while protecting you. Draw me a map."

The servant hurriedly took the paper and pen out of his arms and drew a
map of the map.

"Here you are."

"Other fighters will be out soon, so don't move and wait here."

I followed the directions straight to the china warehouse.

The porcelain warehouse was one of the largest warehouses in
Geomhwangseong Fortress. A warehouse where more than 90 percent of
the pottery collected over a hundred years from Ron and the previous owner
is stored.

The warehouse had been completely smashed from the entrance.

Flames were seen everywhere.

'It's not a typical fire, it's a trail of flame magic. That's more than nine.'

Veradin's main system was flames.

As I stepped inside, the pieces of pottery broke at Shree's step.

And there were traces of other magic unfolded, not flames.

Earth, ice, blitz.

And darkness.

There were lumps of dark mana rolling around looking like black beads.
I've never seen much dark magic, but it was a form that I couldn't explain

'The Dark Wizardry totally destroyed it, where did Kinselo get those

There could not have been any famous cannabis involved in attacking the
High Ran. Magicians like Chukon Toldor, Susan Lilletta, Kidad Hall are
already dead.

There are more unknown wizards inside Kinselo, or helpers.

For the moment, finding Veradin was the first priority. There must have
been a fierce battle already, so it was an urgent situation.

Only broken pottery and debris could be seen, and the terrorists in Veradin
and Kinselo seemed to have already moved elsewhere.
'There was no sign of battle except at the entrance. There's another passage
that leads inside the china warehouse.'

The map also had a passageway drawn inside the ceramic warehouse.

It was a long dark passage. The road continued even after a long ride in

Jin stopped Shiri while running because he found the body. The three
bodies were Veradin's escort warriors seen at the banquet hall.

Of course they're not everything, but it's not hard to guess that Veradin is on
the defensive.

When I got out of the aisle, I saw the drain. The passageway in the
porcelain warehouse was one of the exits in case of emergency.

Behind Jin's back, I could see a dark sky stained with spirit. Distant binge
drinking and shock waves from the battlefield were still signaling a fierce

Which direction should I go?

There were no footprints in sighted. There were too many obstacles to

identify the route using land and wind magic.

In the midst of agonizing, there was a beam of red light in the distance.

The familiar light that used to appear when the flame jade exploded,
Veradin's magic was evident.

And as soon as Jin saw the magic, he had to be sure that Veradin had
already been 'injured'.

It was because Veradin's magic, which is already nine years old, was
unstable and weak.

"Let's go, Shree!"


Finally, it was on the plains that confirmed Veradin's appearance.

Veradin was fighting a battle with two remaining escorts, wizards in gray
robes, and the biogoles they were playing.


Veradin turns his head to Jean's voice.



The thunderclap of the camp exploded the bio-golem surrounding Veradin.

Jean ploughed through it and examined Veradin's condition.

Blood was flowing from his lips, and his whole body was filled with
wounds. Fortunately, there were no fatal injuries, but if the bleeding was so
severe that the battle continued, there would be nothing strange about

"I knew you'd come."

said Veradin with a faint smile.

The remark came with a strangely significant feeling.

"You don't know what you're talking about, you stupid assholes."

"Very strong, the authors. I wonder if there was a wizard like this among
those I didn't know. At first, I thought they were real Auntie's men.”

At that moment, this was the question that flashed through Jean's mind.

'Is Veradin in perfect condition now?'

Even if it wasn't intact, it wouldn't change the fact that Veradin was saved,
but suddenly one strange thing came to mind.

Why didn't Veradin send a rescue signal while he was coming all the way

Even if you didn't have a flare, you could have used magic to signal.

Even if he was distracted by the attack of the royal family in the audience,
he could still sound. There were certainly many other fighters on the side
where Veradin was.

"If you are in a state of mind, you intentionally created this situation. It
would be beneficial in many ways for Hylan to get into trouble.'

The traces of magic that remained throughout the pottery warehouse were
also somewhat artificial, as if they had been intentionally left behind.

In particular, it was on my mind that traces of dark magic remained visible.

It remained as if Veradin had struggled alone with those who used dark
magic. Inside the blackness that is so common that a warrior is kicked by
his foot.

But Veradin, who breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Jean, was a
familiar white-haired moron.

'I can't be sure. as was the case at the banquet.'

Jean turned back and looked at the gray lobes.

The gray lobes had paused their attacks at the appearance of Qin, and
seemed to be invisible but bewildered by the hood.

"Veradine Zipple."

"Yes, Jean."

"Why didn't you send a rescue signal?"

"There was no time for that. I was ambushed from the audience, so I was
busy taking refuge."

It was an expected answer.

And Jean concluded that Veradin's spirit was not "completely" intact at

"Runcandel the 12th rider, Jean Looncandel, came to rescue you on the
special mission of Lord Ron Heilan, the sword's chief. Be sure to remember
this fact. Do you understand?"

"......I see. I owe you Lord Ron.”

"Just get yourself together with the guards. I'll deal with them.”

As Qin lifted up his energy, the small stones of the plain began to rise into
the air. Gray lobes were also releasing mana again.

'It's definitely lower than the specter.'

Still, there were four sorceresses who could imitate the ghostly band.

'If they really planned to kill Veradine, the grey lobes in the Black Planet
would have been after Veradine. Veradin was fighting alone and sent only
enough numbers to barely escape, on purpose."

If the four sorcerers are at the level where Veradin can run away in a fight.

He said he was no match for Jin.

As long as Jin is careful of dark magic, which is an unknown territory.

"Don't even think about going back alive."

At the same time that Sigmund shone, mana swirled and gathered over the
palm of Qin.

The legacy of the Magician Kidad Hall.

It was a mana to spread the weight lifting.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 405

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:20 AM

Chapter 405: 119. A banquet (10) in Geomhwangseong Fortress.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


A sharp noise spread as the mana sphere gathered in the grasp rotated. The
grey lobes immediately recognized the magic and hurriedly unfolded the

Under the dark night sky, the sphere of the station stream was shining like
the moon.

A thunderbolt struck the sphere. The lightning was constantly hitting the
shields of gray lobes.

Originally, it was impossible to penetrate the protective membrane of gray

lobes due to the power of the Plain Plain of the Ming Dynasty. They are
also great wizards.

However, the power of the station stream was the problem.

The tight-knit protective barrier was shaking as if it were about to collapse.

Also, lightning was not a means to break the shield, but to disturb their
Paz, Pajit!

The epilepsy that hit the protective membrane was scattered, disrupting the
eyes of gray lobes. Because of this, they could not easily grasp Jean's


The bio-golem leapt toward the gin. Each one has considerable strength, but
it is meaningless if it is not touched.

When lightning was converted to oppressions, the bionic golem lost its
balance and slowed down.

Jean did not miss the moment and sprayed the sword in all directions to
make them six at once.

Close-up battle that made it to the ranks of the supermen, magic operation
that would not cause any sense of incompatibility even if called the
Magician right now. Such a gin could not be a threat to such a gin like this.

"Is this Joe's work, too?"

asked Jean, concentrating the mana of the weight against the grey lobes.

A cold joe.

Rolt Joe's brother and the head of the Dark Wizard's Council, he was
creating a golem called "Master" that mimicked the Ming dynasty.

It's a crude biogolem compared to a master. You must have sent me this
stuff on purpose. To conceal that the terror was the work of Kinselo.'

Gray lobes agglomerated mana without answering.

Jin had a separate question.

How did you make this large number of biogoles? It's for simple
There are about three hundred biogoles in this plain now, and the biogolems
we saw earlier in the Geomhwangseong Fortress were sure to easily go
beyond work.

At the minimum, more than 10,000 people were used as a material for

It was even very likely that that wasn't all.

'Someone is helping the supply and demand of Kinselo.'

It was a difficult number to supply and demand Kinselo itself. Meaning

there exists a patron of at least the uppermost empires, or more than the

When the headquarters of the Dark Wizard Society was located in Oterium,
it was Kinselo who managed to supply 1,000 units of humans using the
Holy Land.

'I'd like to capture them alive if possible, but they're not sloppy enough to
hand over information to torture. There will be suicide measures.'


Before I knew it, Jean, who had flooded the shields of gray lobes, struck the

The gray lobes were blinded by lightning and did not recognize the moment
when Jean attacked.

The blade bounced off, but the shield was broken. Fragments scattered, and
the rest of the posturing Jean pushed the sign into it.

A familiar sense of the flesh and bones hanging on the edge of the knife
was conveyed. What Jean stabbed was the shoulder of the wizard at the
front, after which other wizards were singing attack magic.

It was two mana rays and a glacial sword.

Avoiding the mana rays, the glacial sword spread out the sword. The blood
spattered as the broken piece of ice scratched Jean's cheek.

But then the gray lobes, stabbed in the shoulder, met their lives. The sword,
which had been struck by an ice blade, was his entire body.

'There are three left.'

The hood came off when the dead grey lobes fell.

I've never seen a wizard like this before, but I've never seen him before.

It was not known whether Bubar disguised himself or was a wizard who
was active in the dark.

The sphere of the station stream was spinning faster and faster. The wizard,
who unfolded the ice sword, bowed down with blood, and the other two
again maintained their shields.

The reaction of the mana reflux is coming.

I thought I could end the fight without difficulty. It is true that gray lobes
are excellent wizards, but as most of the world does, they were also
unfamiliar with the fight against Ma.

It is impossible for even the top fighters to control the distance in close
combat with Jin.

Far from it, there could not be much the wizards could do against Jean.
Without reverse, they might be able to widen the distance through other
magic, but maintaining the shield did not give them a chance to perform
other magic.

Bio golem kept gin in check, but every time they managed to get stuck, they
were swept away like leaves.

"Cuck, big!"
The other two gray lobes were also falling into the mana backflow. Not to
mention the gray lobes, even the gin would lose its fighting power sharply
when the backflow began.

"Why do you look so embarrassed? You didn't know this was going to
happen. I thought you were ready to die."

The Great Wall was in turmoil because their attack was "terrorist."

Gray lobes, giant mana, and bio-golem were not weak. Small and medium-
sized countries could have dealt a blow close to extinction by themselves.

However, it is impossible to face off against Geomhwangseong Fortress,

which has Ron Heiran.

If they had come head-on, not terror, they would have come to Ron's sword
before it even reached the planet. Ron would have been swept away by the
knights of the High Ran without having to appear.

Aside from the background of Beemance, Hai Lan was one of the most
powerful families in the world.


The right arm of another gray robe was cut off when Sigmund drew the
trajectory. The edge of the knife was just off because of the shield, and the
fact that he's about to die will not change.

Jean was becoming more and more relaxed, while wizards were constantly
on the defensive.

Even the mana of Yeokcheon was now at its peak.

Wrinkles were forming in the hands of the wizards revealed through the
gray lobes.

It is a common phenomenon when forcing backflows to be blocked, and

even a short time later, the whole body will shrink and blood will pour out
of all the holes in the body.
Veradin's guards at the back had turned white as they watched Jean fight.

It seems somewhat distant that their main forces should compete against
such a human being.

There also seemed to be some kind of friendship between the Lord and the
Qin, but the two were eventually Luncandel and Jipple.

It was because Jin handled the wizards here, and suddenly changed his
mind, and there was nothing strange about pushing the sword at the Lord.

On the contrary, the common sense of the guards was that Jean had the
advantage of Veradin and of killing them in many ways.

Although he came to save Veradin on Ron's special mission, Jean is far

from Runkandel.

There was no need to carry out Ron's specialization, and the opportunity to
kill the next household of Zipple without any witnesses was a chance that
would never happen twice in life. There's even something to be overwritten.

In fact, if it were the other Looncandel, there was no one to keep Veradin

As if reading the idea, Veradin made eye contact with the guards.

"Jin isn't that kind of guy, wait with peace of mind."


Now, whenever lightning struck, gray lobes screamed.

Even if he was hit by a protective shield, he could no longer withstand the


The grey lobes are being driven to death only through peacetime and magic,
even without having to perform the Ming-gum season or the jumping
The grey robes breathed heavily as if they were about to fall.

Jean was staring at their shabby shield with cold eyes.

It was time to finish.

But the moment you stepped off to cut off the breath of the grey lobes.

Jean looked back in dismay.

It was because I felt that powerful and familiar energy was spreading out
from the back.


At a moment the whole area was brightened with a shriveled light.

The scenery you can see around, the Black Star.

There were thousands of thunderstorms. It was no match for the tidal wave
of thunder that Jean caused in Looncandel, but as far as she knew, it was of
a scale that could not be explained by the 10-star magic of blitzkrieg.

Above all, it was not magic that formed the thunder.

"The power of the brothers...…!?'

The strongest combat species in history, the power of the Ming dynasty.

The thunder that was beating the Black Star certainly resembled its

It was subtly different, but it was similar enough to make even Jin

a master of art.

The two letters that come straight to Jean's head.

"Is the cold Joe's master finished? Even if it's finished, I thought you sent
me other failed biogoles to hide that it was Kinselo's work.…!'

Kle, Kleckle!

With the sudden change in the situation tingling in the back of his head, an
unpleasant laugh came to him. The sound of laughter from the mouths of
dying gray lobes.

"Monsters like you used to make little of what we've been doing all our

"So we decided to be monsters, too. "You, born as a monster, will not

understand your desperate determination until you die."

Wizards were loosening up the gray lobes that were covering their bodies
and faces. When their bare bodies were revealed, Jean had no choice but to
swallow her breath without realizing it.

It was because they had a jewel similar to a "gwang heart" embedded in

their chests.

"You would have hoped that this power would be entirely your own,
Runkandel's 12th rider."

"A new world opens. There will be no place for you to stand there!"

When the jewel in the heart of the sorcerer's heart gave out a glow, Jean
clenched her teeth.

It wasn't because the "brain" that wizards are pulling up had unexpected

a feeling of displeasure

An unbearably terrible displeasure that I felt when I met unfinished masters

in the Oterium in the past.

Jean's expression was distorted with anger.


No matter how much the jewel in the hearts of wizards resembles the
optical heart, or how powerful the power in it is.

The power they had was, in itself, a phony that insulted their brothers.

"You're way over the line."

As if it were not worth watching anymore, Jean rushed in and sigmunded.


They punched out the signature with their fists, showing a different level of
physical ability than when they were covered in gray robes.

So they thought they could beat Jean, but the next moment.


Jean also grabbed the head of the wizard at the front with her bare hands.

When he clenched his fist, his head was smashed and scattered everywhere.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 406

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:19 AM

Chapter 406: 119. A banquet in Geomhwangseong (11)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The master didn't fall down even though his head was smashed. He also
wielded a fist wrapped around Jin's brain.

Jean turned the bounced sigmund back into place and struck the master's
fist with a knife.

When the fist was laid down down, the front of the master was empty, and
Jean flung a blade through it.

The blade pierced the chest, but again the master did not fall. Rather, he
held the blade with both hands to prevent the camp from moving.

Two other masters were rushing in. Jin, who looked at their attack trajectory
quickly, cut the master's body in half and struck out the incoming attack.

The movement wasn't bad.

The moment Jean dodged, the masters twisted the trajectory of their fists. It
was a difficult move for even the smart fighters to imitate.

"They've just been wizards, and they've got a very high level of unmanned
behavior. It seems to regenerate almost instantly.'
And the irritating power of the brain.

There was anger and irritation from the depths of my heart.

The master, whose head was smashed and his body split in half, was
regenerating the body at a rapid pace.

Veradin's guards let out a vain nausea at the grotesque figure.

The same was true of the gray lobes that died first. Obviously, he stopped
breathing, but before he knew it, the blue energy was shining from the
jewels of his heart.

Four again, the masters seemed to be no longer able to use magic.

"Did you want to get that fake power, even denying your whole life as a

The masters burst into laughter at Jean's cold voice.

"The mortal is a phony of the immortal.….”

"What are you laughing at, crazy?"


When Sigmund drew the island, the neck of the master, who had just stood
up, rolled on the floor. The fallen head spread out the fire-bombs and
destroyed them, and fell down the Ming-gum-jeolgi Falls on its body.

The brains of the swordsmen poured out and covered the master. As the
name implies, when all the thunder that poured out like a waterfall passed,
only one large pit could be seen where the master was standing.

Only a few small, tanned lumps were scattered near the pit.

No one can easily imagine that it was the flesh and bones of life.
But Jean was intuitively feeling it wasn't the end, and neither did the
masters erase their laughter.

"You don't seem to know the definition of the word immortal, Looncandel

The burnt flesh quickly regained its original color.

The bones and organs of unknown origin were being newly formed from
the air where the master was standing.

The masters were quite proud of the fact. I guess it's because Jin's
expressionless face was shocked.

Hana Jean was just gross. I got goose bumps as if a cockroach had sprung
out of the bedside.

reflexively trample on worms

The lightning struck again on the regenerating body. The other masters did
not defend him, so he had to be defenseless and scattered all over again.

And the replay that continues.

By then the masters had gone beyond what they were proud of, and had a
triumphant look on their faces.

in normal circumstances

When you get to this point, you'll be gripped by an unknown fear. There
will be an instinct to run away thinking that you have met an enemy that
cannot be killed no matter what you do.

The masters, of course, thought Jean would do the same. I'm only 19 years
old if I'm strong, and I don't think I've ever fought against a Buddhist monk.


Chin shrugging her shoulders and sighing.

"You've got it. Immortal? This is just a super-renewal, you mongrels who
are no longer human beings or anything."

Jean is not the first to see supernova. Looking back at the ancient inner
manatees and Ozdocs that fought not long ago, they had this super-
renewable ability.

"It's a laughable sight to see all the great sorcerers being misled by vain

Paching, Tsutsug!

Suddenly, ice grains formed in the hands of Jean. The ice crystals, which
repeatedly grew and shrunk in a ferocious spirit, were creating an ominous

"You can't kill us anyway."


The masters didn't seem to grasp the situation yet.

'This is how it was done, probably?'

Jean's ice magic was used by her teacher, Valeria Heister.

ice seal

Jean was recalling a scene in the Wantaramo forest where Valeria sealed the
body of the mind of Beiment.

I've asked you a couple of times because I thought it was magic with a lot
of things to use....I don't know if I can make it at once.'

During his days with Jonah and Valeria outside the Wantaramo forest at the
time, Chin had sought magical advice from Valeria whenever he had the

Then came the memory of hearing some clues to the ice-cold seal.
Anyone can use a magic seal on the ice. But to seal it properly, and keep it
at will, you need to know how to completely separate the mana from the
body. It forms a kind of lock with its separate magic.

How do you separate the mana?

It's hard to explain. You've got a simple concept, so practice on your own.

Valeria's explanation was wrong from the start.

During the ice-cold magic, the seal was a magic with the highest level of
difficulty. In the first place, very few of the professional wizards in the ice
world can handle seals.

Besides, keeping the seal at will was a completely different area. The seals
of ordinary wizards were kept only until the mana had run out.

Valeria is the most talented wizard in the world as Jean knows. And Jean
was the only disciple she recognized.

Separate mana from body.

Suddenly, I remembered when I went on my first mission as a cadet.

'At the time, after fighting Pazito Trucka and opening the sword with spirit,
we separated it from the body even when the binge broke out. I think it's
that kind of feeling.'

I had a feeling. The ice crystals that had been changing recklessly on the
palms were gradually finding stability.

"You're not gonna die. Instead, they'll be sealed and studied."

Soon after Jean reached out, a white energy poured from the ice crystals and
wound the regenerating master.


In an instant, the frozen master seemed to stop regenerating.

The only terrible thing was that the heart of the ice-capped master was still

Using a separate mana in the body, he sprayed another mana to maintain the

I felt no longer running out of other mana, which meant success.

'It works at once. I've never been so easy in my past life when I was taught
by my teacher.'

The bodies that have not yet been regenerated have been sealed equally.
The rest of the masters' faces were all smiles as the ice crystals that sealed
the master's body spilled onto the bottom of the hoodie.

"It seems like you guys don't know the definition of the word immortal, do
you think?"

"You son of a...!"

"If you just think it's invincible to regenerate your body indefinitely, that's
all your world is. People like me used to deny what you've been doing all
your life?"

Jean burst out laughing.

"You've only denied yourself, because you no longer have the will to do
something. And just, is the measure of nothing the standard of setting value
in life?"

"......your mana won't be infinite anyway. You can't keep that seal."

"You're still mistaken. You can go on, you just don't have to. You'll be
sealed in pieces and handed over to the research wizards. From then on,
your juniors will take care of themselves and keep the new seal."

at a moment's notice

The masters felt a sense of the power of "fortunes" they had gained.
It was rather a terrible curse that if you were stuck in the lab of wizards as
Jean said, you couldn't die on your own.

The master, who was particularly afraid of the fact, was the first to turn
around and run.

I'm trying to run away.


The shot sword cut off his legs. Reproduction took place quickly, but it
didn't mean that the mind was regenerated.

The legs that were attached again didn't move. Fearful and reflexively
quivering, the brain energy was not only spreading indiscriminately, but
also posing a threat to other masters.

" ."

While the other masters avoided the master's brain, Jean skillfully dug
between them and wielded the sign.

It didn't take much time to cut them into pieces.

'It's more annoying when you're a magician.'

I felt a bit bitter when I saw a brain war that was hitting me in a chaotic
way, regardless of whether I was a fan or not.

The fact that countless strong men in the world are abandoning themselves
to the absurd promises of Kinselo or Zipple.

Psz , Zzzzak, Pak...…!

Soon all the masters were seen lying on the floor, trapped in the ice seal of

Jean turned around and called Veradin's guards.

"Come back to the Black Castle separately. I'll take Veradin first. Shree, bite
all of this."


Shri bit the seal with her mouth full, and Jean got on it and reached out to

Veradin looked at the hand for a moment.

"I can't believe you got hit by these things. When I look back at fighting in
the Ventica conflict with me."

Not convinced.

I didn't ask for help from the beginning, and Veradin was driven to the brink
of death by these bastards. With the power Veradin showed in Ventica, I
could deal with this man as much as much as I could.

The more that happened, the more Jean became suspicious of Veradin. To
be exact, not Veradin, but the jipple that is controlling him.

"I wasn't who I was then, Jean."

"You can do that now. The offer I made before still stands."

I have a suggestion for you.

What's up?

Drop the name Jipple.

At the end of the reserve jockey, the words suggested at Veradin's villa.

Two people recalled that time at the same time.

Veradin did not answer and took Jean's hand together and climbed to Shuri.
Since then, the two have not had a single word of conversation until they
return to the city of Geomhwang.

That's because Veradin fainted because he couldn't overcome the bleeding,

but it would have been the same if he were awake in good health.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 407

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:17 AM

Chapter 407: Episode 120. Why the Highland (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The blackness was pushing the thunder away.

It was Ron's sword. Every time he swung Rashid, the tsunami-like sword
soared into the sky.

Even the thunder, which seemed likely to cover the entire city of
Geomhwang, seemed just a child's play of fire in front of Ron's sword.

How many people in the world can protect a castle this big by spreading the
sword like an umbrella?'

As soon as I saw the scenery, it was a question that came to my mind. A 10-
star article, especially one that can only be made for those who contend for
the best.

What's more surprising was the fact that Ron was never exhausted even
though he was constantly spraying that kind of sword.

"Sir Ron!"

Ron turned his head when Jean shouted. He checked Veradin, who was tied
to Shri, fainted, and nodded his head hard at Jean.
Well done!

It was that kind of face. Although Veradin was not in a state of being
unharmed, Chin's mere rescue of him made him less able to handle the
enemy's farce.

And Rata, who is still on the front line dealing with mana and biogolem,
felt a strange feeling when she saw Jean back.

A kind of respect, for example.

It was a feeling that I felt after a long time.

Jin fought with himself, passed the duel leisurely, immediately looked at the
situation as the unexpected terror began, and brought Veradin alone to the

No matter what the relationship with Qin has been so far, there is no reason
not to admire it. Even Ron hasn't figured out that Veradin is the key.

'That's a nice guy. I didn't expect this latta to come against a man.'

Shuri stepped on the giant monsters and landed next to Ron.

"I don't know why I forgot him. Was the injury serious?"

"It's not life-threatening."

"I see. I'll give you a reasonable reward after the situation has passed. Those
ice cubes......I get it.”

Ron has only cut himself almost to powder every time the wizards play it.

There was no use of the means of 'sealing'. It was because he did not have a
magical way of thinking, and all the wizards waiting in the castle were in a
state of limbo.

Also, Ron was never tired of spraying so much blackness, so he didn't have
to find any other means.
"Listen to the Holy Wizards! Seal the golem using the brain!"

When Ron gave the order, the knights in the back opened the way in perfect
order. Wizards escape through it and spread the magic of the ice.

'But it's weird. Why isn't the thunder subsiding?'

With the advent of the wizards, there were ice cubes everywhere that sealed
the bodies of the masters, but the thunderstorms from heaven showed no
sign of calm.

Is there another master? Lord Ron's sword is so great that it's buried, but it's
a brain that's not even three or four masters. I didn't think about it because I
was in a hurry.'

A master of at least 500 or more.

Or something other than a master. Otherwise it was an inexplicable


At first glance, all six men who attacked the planet seemed to have been

But the brain is getting stronger, and now I'm convinced. There's something

Ron was thinking the same thing as Jean.

"It feels very different from the ones trapped in the ice seal...….”

Ron's eyes narrowed as he looked at the sky.

The sky, a mixture of spirit, black and thunder, was shimmering with

"I'll have to see what it is."

Ron, who followed the back horse, collected the sword that he was
emitting. The thunder poured down as if the bank had burst, but it had
become incomparably weaker until now.

And out of nowhere.

The sky was 'open'.

Between them, it looked like the lower part of the ship.

'What is that......!'

As everyone here, including Qin, knows, there was only one ship in the
world that was floating in the sky.

Cosech, jipple's aerial combat weapon.

But it wasn't the Cochac that came out pushing the blackened clouds. It was
a completely different flying ship, with only similar shapes.

"... ...and now that we're on the ship, I think they could really be Octavia's

Ron laughed and shrugged.

"It must be Kinselo, not Zipple, Lord Ron."

"I suppose so, but do you really think it's not relevant?"

Jean shook her head.

"I don't think at this point that Jipple has anything to do with this attack.
Even if they didn't buy it directly, it would be in their interest, and there
would be a tacit passage after the incident."

"It's a bunch of course.

Pajijik, Pajit...…!

Dark clouds were gathering near the ship. The ship seemed to have a much
more complex structure than the Cosek, and the bumps on the hull were
shaped like dark clouds by gathering mana.

When the ship appeared, the Ilsun battlefield became calm.

The madmen, who were frantic, also stopped moving, and the fighters were
holding their eyes to the ship with dazed eyes as they picked their breath.

Most were instinctively atrophied. It is natural that a giant mana, a

biogolem, a master, and a flying ship have appeared.

Jean turned her head and made eye contact with Murakan and Quikantel.
The two vessels seem to have never seen each other before, but they are not

Ron was the only one who didn't have a single disturbance.

"Give me your name, uninvited guest."

It was a voice full of sublime energy. Even though he spoke comfortably,

Ron's voice was touching the ship with strong resonance.

It was familiar faces that soon appeared at the head of the ship.

"To speak of this man, Veracte Sidriker! The great White Rang warrior,
chief of the Siddriker tribe, master of the Roskal Plains, the absolute ruler
of the Anthomac Mountains...….”

The man who introduced Veract instead was a cold Joe.

"Shut up, introduce briefly. Joe."

"Then let's skip a little bit...... General Manager of our Kinselo!"

It was not easy to read Jindo's plans this time.

They did not expect to openly reveal their true identity, as they did not
commit terrorist attacks.
But the overwhelming power was the words that popped out of Joe's mouth
the next moment.

"It was to save the vice-chief of Bon Dan and his brother that we drove the
ship Granil to the Geomhwangseong Fortress."

Crazy guys...

Reflectively, the nutmeg popped out of the insides.

'They terrorized and came to save Vishkel and Margiela?'

It was no wonder that Jin failed to read their intentions.

Because it was too brazen and simple. I wondered if he was doing

something like calculating.

"Was it intended to encourage Vishkel and Margiela to get injured on

purpose, and in the name of that, they would argue that they are not related
to terrorism?"'

Of course it doesn't make sense.

On the one hand, however, it was also possible. Everyone knows that
Vishkel cares about his brother the most.

No one would have expected Vishkel to carry out such a terror attack even
by taking advantage of his brother's safety.

Above all, there was no evidence.

The ship Grnil is handling the brain through mana, but with the exception
of the mind, there is no perfect means to prove that the master, the bio
golem and the devil belong to Kinselo.

Or, Lord Ron's attitude is that he has nothing to do with defining himself as
the culprit. I'm totally looking down on the High Ran.'

Did he plan to do this from the start?

On the sudden question, Qin concluded that he was not.

'I'm sure he was thinking of doing it in moderation and stepping down. But
when I rescued Veradin, they got in trouble, too.'

If Veradin were to return, the hostile relationship between the Highlands

and the Jipple could hardly be established.

Rather, Jin rescued Veradin on Ron's special mission, so there is no

justification for hostility.

There was no need to think about the only reason why he showed up despite
the failure of the plan.

'Kindelo intends to deal a serious blow to the Highlands somehow. For they
have lost the cause of creating hostilities with the Jipple, so they feel rather
like they are going to crush the Highlands themselves."

Otherwise, Veracte and Joe would never show up and scratch Ron's
stomach like this.

What Veracte and Joe were showing was like a fight.


Ron once again burst into a hollow laugh.

"Even the emperor speaks with his own voice when he talks to me.
Besides... ...I didn't know I'd be looking up at someone in this planet. Come
down, Su-in."

Then Veract burst into a giggle.

"What will you do if you don't like it, the sword of the human race?"

"You have to make it come down."

Ron did not ask Veract and Joe to explain the different circumstances. Why
did you attack the planet Black? What a mess this is this?
That was to ask when there was room for dialogue. Ron is determined, too.
To go to war with Kinselo.

It's like they're playing along. Lord Ron can't be unaware of it.'

Nevertheless, it was an indelible painting. The moment Kinselo stepped

down despite coming out like this, Ron's Hailan would never regain his
prestige again.

Since the advent of the ship Granil, everyone here has the same sentiment
about Kinselo.

Rashid's blade was blazing.

"I'll warn you just once. Come down right now and be polite."

"I have clearly informed you of my purpose. Hand over the deputy head of
Kinselo and his brother's recruits."

"I don't think their lives are very precious.”

A sword raised toward the ship vomited Ore.

Ron's sword momentarily stained the whole area with dazzling light.

The ship Grnil looked as if it had fallen into the sea, completely buried in
the black.

People all waited for the light to disappear, holding their breath. Even if the
ship Granil was a combat weapon of the same class as the Cosek, it was
unlikely that it would be fine with such a sword.

It was a sincere blow.

The ten-star knight, which Ron Heiran seriously stretched out, surprisingly.

It looked like a small scratch on the ship Granil.

Ron Heiran's eyes shook finely.

Grnil was still as rich as it appeared in the sky.

"If you really want to fight with me, why don't we just move on, Ron
Heilan, the human race' If you and I fight here, not a single one will
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 408

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:16 AM

Chapter 408: Episode 120. Why the Highlands (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

All the fighters who saw the sight were left in shock. Many of the fighters
were shocked by Grnil's flawless appearance.

It was not used for a showdown or a tie.

It was just a proper blow, not a blow with all the power.

Even so, it was unimaginable for anyone here to see Ron Heilan's sword
bring such a vain result.

Except for Veract and Joe, who are at the forefront of Grnil.

Lord Ron's's completely blocked?'

He was shocked by the earthquake and couldn't take his eyes off Grnil for a

'It's a shield. There's an invisible shield all over the hull.'

Just because of the dizzying energy of the brain and the blackness, Grnil
was wrapped in an intangible shield made up of mana.
It was not known by what principle it formed an invisible shield. I only
guessed that some kind of power was added to mana.

There was a heavy silence among the uninhabited, and the great mana and
the bio-golems were moaning again and wandering through the castle.

The spirits of mana and biogolms were not as great as before.

They also seemed to be afraid of Grnil floating in the sky, and seemed to be
somewhat intimidated.

Ron and Veracte's eyes met in the middle of the air.

Only briefly embarrassed by the fact that the blackness was blocked, Ron
was again giving the planet's absolute self-respecting look.

Veract recognized at once the desire that lurched in those deep eyes.

It's been a long time since Veract, the eyes of a fierce beast who meets an
opponent, and the eyes of a fierce beast, had such eyes.

Whoa, hot!


Suddenly Ron touched his forehead and burst into laughter. As if it was a
funny joke that would never happen twice in life, tears gathered around her

Every time Ron gave out a laugh, the axis was shaking.

Giant demons were crushed by the energy contained in the sound and
stopped moving, and bio-golems rolled over the floor. Even the nearby
fighters had to set up protective shields.

It was only after a minute or so of laughing that Ron brought up the next
"You seem to think you're a Ciron Looncandel, Veracte Siddler. Or are you
overconfident about that scrap of iron?"

Ron shaking his head, wiping away tears.

On the other hand, Veracte's subtle smile was fading.

It wasn't because he thought he was insulted, or because Ron's boisterous

laugh was offensive.

I'm feeling it.

The fact that Ron was emitting an explosive flow of ore is changing.

The oracle, which had been raging like an active volcano, was quickly
being refined.

Like the light converging on a single point, it is gathering into Rashid

incredibly fast and quietly.

Those who did not reach the stage did not notice at all that such a change
was taking place.

But most of those on the ground were unaware that Ron swung the sword
once shortly after Orser was refined.

Something just happened.….'

Cut through the air.

Even Jean, who was right next to him, recognized that Rashid had drawn a
trajectory in the air half a beat late. But it was only perceived, not visually.

The island was that fast.


The transparent protective membrane surrounding the granules cracked.

The sword that tore the shield is intangible, colorless, soundless, and

There's only the realization of a world-class warrior named Ron Heilan.

It was one of the poles of a sword touched by only Ron Heilan among the
unarmed men of the present generation.

Heilan, who reached the stage of what the public called an intangible
sword, was able to become the true master of the title of "gumhwang."

It's just a different class from using the title as the owner of
Geomhwangseong Fortress.

"Baeknang, Suin."


An intangible sword pierced the protective membrane of Grnil once again.

Joe hid behind Veract without understanding why the shield was being

Just as the fighters had never imagined Ron's sword would not strike Grnil,
neither had Joe ever thought that his shield would be broken by a strange
force unseen.

"You're a beast, to say it. Sometimes there are animals that are beneficial
and commendable like loyal dogs, but most of them are screeched and
barking without knowing no subject.”

Every time the transparent protective membrane was cut by an intangible

sword, the surrounding space of Grnil was distorted.

"A handshake that threatens people without fear, especially like yours, must
be stopped whenever it is seen."

"Geumhwang among the human race, given its own courtesy. It's a cheap
pun coming back. Who is the beast?….”
"Beraket Sidriker, a harmful beast. You're still looking down at me on the

As soon as Ron finished speaking, he pulled out the sword Veract was
hanging on his back.


Soon after, an intangible sword completely ripped off Granil's shield and
beat Veract's sword.

Dozens of invisible swords were scratching every corner of Grnil. The

bumps that were forming the thunderstorm were cut off helplessly, followed
by debris splashing and hull shaking.

Kuggkeuk. . . . .!

The unsteady-shaking Grnil seemed to have nothing strange to do with the

crash right away.

a scratch on a massive sword that momentarily illuminates the whole area.

I couldn't believe it was a ship that never existed.

Just a blow with "power" and a blow with "acquaintance" belong to a

completely different dimension.

Ron was rather using a much smaller number of an auror than when he first
shot the sword at Grnil.

That much, something else, like mental strength and will, is being

'Is this the level of a warrior who has been competing with his father for the
longest time?'

Seeing Ron's sword, Jean felt a chill in her spine.

The limits and horizons of the sword, which Qin had known so far, seemed
to break down and open a new area.

Apart from the urgent and chaotic situation, Ron's Intangible Sword was
coveted to the point where his fluffy hair stood on edge.

"Ve, Mr. Veract! Something's wrong. I don't know what's breaking the
granules....! Did that goddamn little boy play some kind of trick?"

Cold Joe, he's been unable to shake off his fear of Jean ever since the Dark
Magician was annihilated.

Chukon Tolderer was not afraid of him for nothing then.…!'

Moreover, with his poor eyesight and senses, he cannot recognize that Ron
wields a sword, nor has he ever experienced the unique and transcendent
state of an intangible sword. He mistook the power of crushing granules for
Jin's of Qin.

Veract was dumbfounded by such a group.

"Joe, you scumbag......he's the one!"

Boom! Kigigigig!

Veract's horse was cut off once to block the intangible sword.

"This invisible sword is not that young man, but the power of Ron Hai-lan.
Get a hold of yourself right now and find a party of deputy commanders,
before you chew and kill them!"

"Huh, I see! Invisible blackness, that's right. I don't think he's got this much
power, but I must have lost my reason for a while."

"Shut up and find the vice-captain's party!"

a party of vice-captain

Ron knew it meant Vishkel and Margiela and their attendants.

That's why curiosity soared.

Before the revelation of the fact that it was Kinselo, Vishkel was known as
a hope of rekindling the decadent Iblianoga.

It wasn't to the point where it was considered to have the potential to shake
up the world in the future, so to speak, enough to watch fighters like Siron
and Ron with keen interest.

However, a white tiger who has the power to shake the world, and an
unidentified ship came to Hairan to rescue the Vishkel group.

'Is it because he's blinded by terrorism or because he has something

extraordinary in him? It was also strange that Vishkel Ibliano was the vice-
captain of those righteous bastards in the first place.'

It was necessary to keep them.

"The Black Star! Secure the recruits of Vishkel Ibliano and his sacks."


"If the resistance is too intense, you can shoot it. Raw artillery and dead,
one of them must be carried out!"

"Your name!"

Giant mana and biogolems were almost cleared up, but the ship Granil, Joe
operating it, and Veracte's energy were at stake.


At Veract's roar, the knights on the ground flinched and stopped.

Especially, the outstanding ones protected their bodies by spreading

reflective shields, but those who failed to do so shed blood on their ears and

Veracet's roar damaged the internal organs and torn eardrums.

When the drivers' movements slowed down, they had to make a progress.

Is it right to look for Vishkel, as you did for Veradin?

"......this time, it is right to protect the inside of the castle.'

I came to that conclusion without thinking long.

The battle between Ron and Veracet was now in its beginning stage.

When the two began to fight in earnest, the shock wave alone could have
killed people every second.

Veract's words that every single meal soul in the Black Planet will die are
not just bluffing.

Knowing that, Ron didn't give Jean a special order this time to find Vishkel.

Among the fighters in Jin and Geomhwangseong Fortress, what should the
ranks of the supermen do? It was a fight between two men and a guard
against others from the ship Grnil.

Intangible swords were pouring into granules more and more violently.
Veract had been hammering out the transparent sword with his senses alone,
but now he seemed to have hit the limit.

Even Veracra could not fight while guarding Grnil from an intangible

He could not afford to lose Grnil in vain, and in the end Veract was forced
to throw himself to throw himself to the ground.

If Grnil is destroyed, there will be a serious setback in the return of the

vice-captain's group.


Veract landed on the ground, narrowing the gap between his eyes.
Ron smiled at Veract, pointing his sword at him.

"Now you're down, beast."

"Ron Hailan, you will regret bringing me down."

"By the way, you're a big beast. You still have a higher eye level than I do."

Suddenly Veracet's right thigh was cut and blood splashed.

It wasn't deep, but as soon as he got off Grnil, he allowed a valid hit.

Ron didn't even swing the lashid directly at Veract.

The intangible swords, which were floating in the air like the wind, were
gathered and cut by will.

"If you kneel, you'll be just the right height, won't you?"

Ron smiled and said so.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 409

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:14 AM

Chapter 409: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Intangible swordsmen roamed the vicinity of Ron and Veracte, creating a

chilly pagong.

Veracte grinned.

"You're arrogant."

The bleeding from his thigh was rapidly stopping. The wound was not
fundamentally healed, but it seemed to be Veract's own way of controlling
the body.

Jean was feeling a strange sense of incompatibility in Veracet's smile.

No, not exactly a sense of incompatibility, but a sense of crisis.

"Sir Ron is next to me, but it's such an ominous sense of crisis.'

As soon as Murakan first saw it, even Luna said, "I can't guarantee it."

Veract was not surprised at all when he cut his thigh with Ron's intangible
Rather, his eyes are filled with such strange pride that he had met stronger
beings and defeated them all.

The power of the ship Grnil has not yet been fully revealed.'

So far, I've only shown you a transparent shield and thunderstorms, but
that's not all.

A crisis has arrived in the Highlands.

It was a common conclusion not only for Qin but also for most of those
here. The same was true of Ron, who still seemed relaxed.

Veracte took a good posture and began to move.

"There will never be a few humans who are swept to death by fighting. And
they all die because of you, Ron Heilan.”

Boom, boom, boom...…!

Veract's steps were quickly getting heavy.

Even though it was just "walking," the ground was cracked and a heavy
echo was heard from deep underground. It was as if the earth was trampled
on by Veract and screamed.

The walk was causing an earthquake in a matter of seconds.

"I wish I had listened to you when I said I was stepping down nicely.”

Ron's intangibles were gathering at Veract, but he was not easily reached.

It was because the oracles emitted by Veracet were distorting the

surrounding space.

A swirl of fist-sized swirls spread over the distorted space, and piles of
stones rising by the energy were being sucked into the swirl, becoming fine
Intangible swords also seemed to be influenced by the gravitational pull of
the vortex.

Although it did not literally decompose like rocks or dirt, the Ron could not
move as the original target trajectory as the paper that touched the heat

Swords whose trajectory has changed have turned into a whitish color,
revealing them to the eye.

The earthquake, which began at Veracet's pace, was growing with every
second passing.

When the distance from Ron was narrowed to ten steps, Veract hit the
ground with a great sword.

An exorbitant black swarm broke through the earth and the air and poured
into Ron. It was larger than the sword Ron shot at the ship Granil.

Ron did not avoid the sword. Rather, he went forward and swung Rashid,
like a lie when the white blade touched him.

It was Veract's blackness disappearing.

It was a fight between those who were close to the strongest. Every time the
two men wielded a sword, the landscape of the battlefield was constantly

Soon the swords of the two men, who had narrowed the distance, met.

When the Great Sword and the Long Sword collided, the entire area of the
earth collapsed around them. Even the strong shock waves that require even
the gin to pull out are tearing up everywhere.

The problem was that the one clash was only the beginning.

The screaming Veracte and Ron's sword were constantly bumping together.
Each time, the outer walls of Geomhwangseong Fortress were divided by
the spreading shock waves.

At this rate, the planet will collapse.


There was a strange gathering of energy on the ship.

It was a hambour. Like that of Cosech, it was full of gunpowder that

revealed its golden mana. Once the warship began to fall, the blackness
could not stand.

'I won't shoot the warship right now. Until the Vishkel gang is secured.'

Knights of the High Ran are looking for Vishkel, but it was not easy
because the war was chaotic.

"You, too, find Bishkel!"

[All right.]

In the dizzy battlefield, Jean's mind was also flowing with complexity.

It's important to take the Bishkel clan hostage, but they must have other

If it's you.

If the Kinselo gang, who attacked the planet, were themselves, what choice
would they make? How do we pressure the blackness to be most effective?

Soon Jean could answer.

As soon as Kinselo appeared, he deliberately said the name of the Bishkel

clan. Like I'll go back if I find them.'
Everyone's nerves in Geomhwangseong Fortress, so to speak, have turned
to the Vishkel clan.

In the meantime, what if Dante Highan falls into the hands of Kinselo?

'The moment Dante gets caught, this fight is over. The Black Star loses

Dante Highland.

If Jean had belonged to Kinselo, he would have kidnapped Dante in this

situation. I couldn't win this fight more easily than that.

I had to find Dante.



Jean climbed back into the Shuri and looked around. Shri still had Veradine
tied to her back.

"Let's go inside the castle, we must find Dante!"


Shri took a leap and began to run into the battlefield, and Veracte did not
miss it in the midst of a fight with Ron.

'12 flag bearer in Looncandel...... is that he's not going to look for Dante
Heiran? Joe, that stupid guy should keep him in check.'

But Joe was not even aware of Jean's movements.


Everywhere Vishkel is gone, he just drops his ship's thunder and laughs like
a madman. It seemed completely intoxicated by the overwhelming power of
the ship Grnil.
'I'm a fool to expect that from him.'

But Veract couldn't give Joe orders.

If he raised his voice to give orders, he could move in earnest to find Dante,
and when the situation was over from the moment he mentioned Dante, all
means to back out would disappear.

"Mr. Quikantel!"

Before entering the castle completely, Chin stopped by his colleagues.


"We need to find Dante. Please take care of Veradin."

Jean handed Veradine over to her colleagues. Coincidentally, others were

busy with their hands, so Enya seemed to carry Veradin on his back.

"Oh, it's lighter than I thought...... No, that's not it. Confucius, where are
you going?!”

"In the castle, we have to find Dante Heiran. I'm sure Kinselo's after him."

"Not Lord Vishkel, but Lord Dante?"

"The same goes for Vishkel. I think they've already pushed us to safety, but
I'm not sure. Secure me if you see it."

Colleagues couldn't move with Jean. Because one of the pillars of defense
they were in charge of was quite large, they could not avoid massive
casualties as soon as they fell out.

As I entered the castle, I could see the scene even more chaotic.

Many parts of the castle had already collapsed, unable to overcome the
shock waves of Ron and Veract.
Fortunately, the reporters inside secured a retreat to the rear gate, but
ordinary people on the walls and ceilings that were collapsing every
moment were screaming death.

"Where is Dante Hailan!"

"Before, we were saving lives on the side of Daejeon!"

At the soldier's answer, Qin began to move straight to the Great Hall. The
map drawn by the servants earlier included Daejeondang.

As soon as I entered the Great Hall.

Jean was able to realize that her judgment was right.


Dante was seen surrounded by gunmen wearing robes.

He breathed as if he were fighting a pretty tough fight. He was already

injured all over his body, and his clothes were filled with blood.


Near Dante, dozens of bodies were piled up. They were the sacks of the
High Ran that Dante was rescuing.

Even the body of a high-ranking High-Ran knight was seen. Until just now
it was the body of a high-ranking knight who fought against the gunmen
with Dante.

'It's not the smallpox.'

There were only three unidentified men.

It means that only three of us completely overwhelmed the high-ranking

It's obvious that the person in Kinselo was, but no one came to mind right
now. Most of the talented people in Kinselo, which Jean has been through
so far, were either wizards or watermen.

On the other hand, the gunmen were unmanned.

I could tell intuitively. Unlike the gray lobes they fought earlier, they're pure
human fighters.

"As far as I know, Kinselo was in dire straits, is he getting his asses right

"Gin, they're not normal."

"I know, are you all right?"

To Dante, who smiles bitterly instead of answering. As Jean approached,

two of the three unidentified men stood in front of him.


Bradamante got out of the cut.

"What are you doing in the banquet hall of others, madmen?"

The first one to whom the sword was laid was the unidentified men.

At the same time, two unidentified men extended their swords to Qin, and
they were fierce.

'At least eight stars, but these two don't matter.'

What bothers me was one person who is still pressing Dante. He had a
strong sense of danger that was different from two others.

Even if he and Dante fight together, I feel like we have to bring out the
match machine and the sword tie to deal with it.
And not many of the known fighters had such transcendent impunity. Only
for those who reach the end of the ninth or tenth star.

However, it was unlikely that such a famous warrior joined the Kinselo out
of nowhere. In Daejeon, other swords of the High Ran will come if the fight
is prolonged, so even 10 provinces cannot hide in the mask for long.

Once the identity is revealed, it is inevitable to become hostile to Hai Lan in

the future.

I had to quickly clear up two people and help Dante.

The sword of two unidentified men cut through the air.

And the next moment, Jean was able to cut off one's neck with a single
blow. It was because the gunmen habitually fought like they did when
dealing with "general articles."

Chaeng, Squirt!

The unidentified man, whose neck was cut off, apparently struck out
Brathamante, but it was a black blade that cut the man's neck.

A double-edged sword, a pair of scissors cut his throat.

Perhaps he didn't expect one person to die in the first sum against the 12th
Runkandel, and the other widened the distance with a sense of shame.

He had not recognized what had cut his colleague's throat. I'm just aware
that something black has gone by like a trick.

"When you hit Heilan, you'll be ready to die, so you won't regret it."

Once more, the black blade of scissors flooded the assailant.

If only I could see one more time, I could have prevented a few odd
He finally realized that a blade was forming behind his back, and death
seemed inevitable.

However, the man who was dealing with Dante threw himself to block the
black blade. The shock pushed the gin back and chose to breathe.

Somehow the sword of the man who struck the scissors felt familiar, and
because of it, there was a group that came to mind.

'......Black Knight?!'

Jin fixed his sword and looked at the look of an unidentified man beyond
the mask.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 410

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:13 AM

Chapter 410: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Of course it could have been a leap. We've only just made one. There was
no evidence anywhere that he was a black knight.

'But the unique sense of crisis that I used to feel when I ran into black's too similar.'

After the fight, the sword was pushed back again.

The blade of Bradamante's darkened blade between the two men's swords
was pushed in, and Dante took advantage of the crack and struck the
enemy's rear.

The unidentified man, who felt Qin was a black knight, drew a circle with a
sword to prevent the two men's attack at the same time, and the rest of the
unidentified man turned back and aimed at Dante's neck.

As he was already exhausted and his original goal was to deal with Dante

" !"

Dante stepped on the back of the sword and scattered it. Even though the
bleeding seemed quite severe, the shining oracle was fierce.
We haven't had much of a fight together, but we've always been. Jin and
Dante are reading each other's swords flexibly, just like those who have
been working together for a long time.

It was natural for the war to change, and the gunmen had to admit that the
plan was going wrong.


Jean ploughed through the swords of the unidentified men and settled
beside Dante.

When I looked down and looked, Dante's grip on the sword was shaking.

It wasn't because of fear.

It was because I was angry. The numerous bodies lying around were all the
ones Dante was trying to save, or Dante was trying to save.


Yes, grandpa!

All the knights are unenforceable. They're already out there.

Outside as well...!

As a knight to be the master of the Geomhwangseong Fortress, take

responsibility and evacuate the general public.

When things began, Ron gave Dante such an order.

But Dante was thinking he had driven more people to death, let alone to
carry out the order.

I could see the mind clearly, and I felt bad progress.

"Dante, you must keep your head straight."

I couldn't comfort you right now. It's not a system of questions that can be
improved by comforting.

"......I know. You've brought me to my senses."

The tremor of the hand holding the sword stopped.

Dante's dark-set eyes glared at the unidentified men.

But a brilliant Orser was painting the blade of Dante's sword, which he
could not believe to be unfolded by one such dark pupil.

'Buy me some time.'

I could see Dante's intentions without having to speak out loud.

a royal sword

Hylan's sword of victory over the deficit. The tie is about to unfold.

The men who recognized the sword began to stretch it again. Jean blocked
Dante's sword so that he could lift Orr safely.

One man was not a problem, but the sword of a black knight-class man was

It had the same power as the high-ranking martial artist's season with a
single blow and a good blow.

Even the common bell-baby, which seems to have been wielded casually,
has a lot of weight.

Like perfect pure gold, refined swordsmanship without a grain of


Those who could swing this sword were really uncommon. Black knight,
once again the name flashed upon Jean's mind.

The sword of the unidentified man brushed Jean's nose. It was a sword
handed down while a black knight-class gunman broke his posture, and if
he hadn't responded, he would have cut his throat.

Three blades of the knife were blazing dizzy. The heat from the sword
makes sweat and blood droplets evaporate as soon as they splash into the

'Too tight, damn it.

At first glance, the battle seemed to be going at a good angle.

It was only because the black knight-class gunman was not doing his best

He had been strangely saving his strength since Jean's appearance, not
knowing whether it was to apply prudence or because he had other ideas.

In the meantime, I had to reduce any number.

'I don't know why you're not doing your best, but you have to kill someone
who's not good enough.'


Black spirits gathered near the camp. In an instant, coffin-like curtains of

spirit appeared everywhere, and Qin went back and forth between them and
shot black.

In the meantime, I didn't forget to protect Dante.

About a dozen seconds, the time needed for Dante to fully unfold the

I wouldn't have wasted so much time if I had been in good shape, but I
couldn't help it because of the already severe bleeding.

Given Dante's chronic problem of "strength," bringing out the tie itself was
a great deal.

The black sword shot from the shroud cut off the arm of the unidentified

It was an arm holding a sword. As soon as he was about to flinch and pick
up the sword, Bradamante flooded his neck.


As expected, a black knight-class gunman was attacking Bradamante.

"I'm so annoyed.!'

But at that moment.

Dante's tie is complete. The sword of Dante, at a much faster pace than the
Qin and the unidentified men had expected, was already heading to the
unidentified men.

As if a flash of light had burst, a flash of light filled the entire Great Hall.

Then there was the sound. The sharp noise of the blade cutting through the
air was amplified to the point of ringing the ears.

"Did you take Hai Lan for a laugh...…!”

The sword came out of the light.

It wasn't one sack. White swords were pouring from all over Gwanghwi,
which dyed the Great Hall.

Beige of the King's Sword


The name of the sword Dante unfolded.

Like its name, Ore's Gwanghwi, which filled the Great Hall, looked just like
the sun. Even the tents of Young-gi, which were spread out by Jin, were
buried in them and could not be seen.

It was hundreds of swords.

A black knight-class man stopped Jin's sword, but he could not stop all the
swords of the sun.

A sword was inserted in the back of a man with a severed arm.

He shuddered to avoid it, but the swordsmen flying from all sides couldn't
help it.

New swords were stabbing him in the stomach, chest, neck and head before
he could utter a single scream.

He soon disappeared from the sun without a trace. Even the flesh, bones,
and blood that fell were ashes to Orser's heat.

'You're strong, Dante.

Heiran was also the world's second-largest swordsman, who matched

Looncandel's shoulders, and Dante was the next housekeeper. It has the
power to match it.

What's left now is a black knight-class gunman.

He was also constantly inundated with swords of the sun.

But unlike the dead man, he showed the power of striking out the hundreds
of swords without missing a single one.

The robe is being torn, but Dante's sword can't cut him directly even after a
few more seconds.

'You've already forced yourself out in a state of exhaustion, so Biggie won't

be able to get her full strength.'
It was Jean's idea.

Even if his opponent is a monster of the black knight class of Looncandel, it

was impossible for Dante not to suffer any minor injuries to his tie.

Dante showed up in a blaze of light.

His eyes were shining coolly, although he was filled with anger at the fact
that he could not help the mysterious man despite the spread of the Biggie

Whoo, whoo...!

I could feel Dante's breathing standing next to me. a state several times
rougher than the first visit of Jean Jean had a hunch that Dante had reached
his limit.

It was the same with the Black Knight-class gunman. He was also clearly
aware that Dante's fight was more of a miracle.

"If you use more force there, you may die. The next Highlander."

For the first time, a black knight-class gunman spoke out.

It was a voice that was mangled somewhere and modulated. However, even
the real voice was meaningless because there were only a few black knights
Jin could recognize.

'As expected, you don't want to kill Dante.'

It was best to kill Dante, just if the fall of the High Ran was for the purpose.

One already had countless chances to kill Dante. The reason why the black
knight-class gunman continued to fight Dante despite his overwhelming
ability was because of the battle for capture.

"It is not for those who do not know honor to worry, my life."

Then a black knight-class gunman shook his head.

"You look like you can't stand, but you'll have to maim for the rest of your
life when the backflow starts. Are you saying it's okay though?"

The unidentified man was right.

As usual, the top Healers of the High Ran could not cure Dante straight

To become crippled, lose or die. There were only those three cases Dante
could experience when the reverse began.

'And in that case, the value of the hostage drops dramatically. It's probably
the case that a weirdo wants to avoid the most.'

The purpose of the gang is to kidnap Dante. Later on, he will use Dante to
negotiate with the Highlands and other families.

If Dante is not well at that time, there will be a problem.

But of course, Dante was never in the mood to step down.

It's Dante Highan who doesn't back down or make a humiliating choice
under any circumstances.

It never occurred to me that Dante would make a more efficient choice even
if he begged for his life or damaged his faith.

'Though you're cool and nice.'

I couldn't just watch my friend maimed or died.

"You said it was a problem that you couldn't worry about...…!”


Jean slapped Dante's Adam's Adam's Adam's Adam's apple with a hand

Dante threw up a handful of blood on the road and fell forward, and there
was no time to argue or be angry with Jin, saying, "What are you doing?"

He really hit his Adam's apple with a near force, to the point that he could

Otherwise, I can't stop this upright friend.

'How did Veradin and Dante do that? I think I often faint like this.'

The fallen Dante flinched and stopped moving.

Jean immediately picked up his pulse and checked the counter-current

response, and fortunately she seemed to have lost consciousness.


He breathed a sigh of relief. A blow could have started the reverse flow.

It was a big gamble for Jin as well.

The sun, which dyed the Great Hall, died down at once.

For a moment, there was a silence between Qin and the Black knight-class
unidentified man.

"No matter how much you think. I think you're the black knight of the

Whirik, Jean turned Bradamante and aimed at the unidentified man.

"If you're a black knight, I recommend you just walk away. Wouldn't it be
rather unprofitable to be in line with the next of his family's household
trying to bring down the High Ran?"


Bradamante was opening to the skies, revealing the blue flames of Tess.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 411

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:11 AM

Chapter 411: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (5).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The unidentified man was silent. I couldn't imagine what the expression
would look like beyond the masked face.

" attack Dante Hailan, I thought he would finally make the right
decision. You complicate things, Jean Looncandel."

A proper judgment, the reason why the gunman described Dante as being
kidnapped, was no different.

Because that's in Looncandel's favor.

After Looncandel, Hairan is a sword and a key force in the Viment, an axis
of the four powers.

Thus, the collapse of the Highlands is like the Beacon taking a serious blow.

Among the four major forces, Looncandel and Zipple are clearly at odds.

Beacon and Kinselo were not yet clear about the enemy.

But Beaumont has had a lot of exchanges, if not a full alliance with the
Jipple, and if you must choose one of the Looncandel and Jipple and hold
hands, It was a force likely to choose the jipple.
"You're the one that complicates things. "I've been making Hai Lan my ally
at the best of my ability, and I'm putting this ash on my ashes on my
finished rice?"

Srack! The black blade struck the face of an unidentified man. The assailant
stopped the sword, but did not fight against it as if the force of the heavy
pressure was on him.

'I'm sure from what you're saying. It's a black knight.'

I decided to have confidence.

Whether he was a black knight or no other warrior was not a matter of

particular importance. The gunman is moving for the benefit of
Looncandel, and it's obvious that he has the skills of a black knight.

"If you knew, get the hell out of here, Joshua's dog."

Every time he gave up Bradamante, Young-ki and Chun-hwa combined,

leaving a sharp trajectory.

Unlike when he blocked the first joint, the gunman did not put his sword
directly together and avoided Jin's sword.

There aren't really so many fighters in the world who can so neatly avoid
the attacks that Jean is determined to make.

However, it was clear that the fighters who could continue to be "relaxedly"
avoided were among the few.

At first glance, the unidentified man did not appear to be relaxed. As Jin's
attack continues, the radius of avoidance is narrowing.


Jean smiled inwardly and looked at the sword of the unidentified man.

An ordinary steel sword, that's why the gunman avoid mixing the sword.
Since Jin's attack was never avoided in a relaxed manner, he was not
avoiding it in order to overpower it with a single sword at the right moment.

"If you had brought your own sword or famous name sword, it would have
been proof that you couldn't take it out.'

Of course, even by Qin's standards, it was a sword that would be considered

excellent in any blacksmith's case.

But it is Bradamante that the ordinary steel sword is confronting.

One of the greatest masterpieces completed by the legendary blacksmith

Picon Mince as a god.

The public tends to think that the name sword is meaningless to the fighters
who are often enlightened, so to speak, the quality of the weapon is so
strong that it doesn't matter.

But it's just a wild imagination of those who haven't had a proper grip on
the sword.

If two fighters with exactly the same power fight, of course the winner is
the better side of the weapon.

That's why Sirondo used a powerful Ming sword called Barisada, Ron used
Rashid, and Talaris used Manbing. The same was true of all the other

Even a common steel sword could break no matter how well it was
intended, when the user had transcendent power.

"The durability of that steel sword is already bottoming out to beat out the
tie between my sword and Dante, and to deal with the knights of the High
Ran before."'

If a weapon is broken while continuing the battle in such a situation.

No matter how dark a knight, he could not face Jean with his bare hands.
And it's sad for Dante, but fortunately for Jean.
Until just now, the sword of all the corpses on the floor had been damaged,
thanks to the fact that the King's Sword Bigger Sun filled the Great Hall.

Even if the sword is broken right now, the gunman cannot acquire another

Sikh, Jean smiled.

"What if you're so outspoken and worried about your weapons, Black


Speeded up.

Again the curtain of Young-gi was opened, and he went back and forth
between them, constantly shooting the sword. The heavy-pressure
blackness was weighing heavily on the unidentified man.

The gunman seemed to be able to avoid it any longer, but he was able to
attack part of the sword.

He was in a hurry to stop the attack, but he couldn't have used his power
properly. Jean, on the other hand, comfortably poured out her blackness.

'The only weapon he can take is Dante's sword.'

Conscious of the fallen Dante, he took his position. It was natural for a
black knight to get Dante's sword, and the tide of the war would turn again.

"Why didn't you bring some extra weapons?"


An deafening roar broke out when the gunman suddenly struck a blow from
Jin, who had narrowed the distance.

Between the roar, a unique vibration was felt in the metal. It was a fact that
I couldn't hide even if I was covering it up.

"Oh, were you originally going to use the swords of other knights in case?"
The blade of the sword scissors was stretching out behind the man's back.
Although he managed to duck out, he could not avoid the bell-bottoms that
followed shortly after.

The blood spattered.

The edge of Bradamante's knife brushed past his shoulder. The wound was
not deep, but it was important that he made a good hit first.

"Get away. Your mission is a failure."

"I don't know.”

a shoulder-shrugging rascal

"Just because you have a friendship with Dante Hailan, did you really think
Hai Lan would stand on Looncandel's side?"

"Why can't you?"

"I didn't know there was such an innocent corner."

"That naivety will bring about the result of my Runkandel and Hylan
together. Your master or the rotten Looncandel now has no value."

"That doesn't make sense.”

"It's okay, we're not supposed to be on the same wavelength."

Boom! Quagagagagak!

This time it wasn't a noise from the battle between Jin and the gang.

It was outside. The fight between Ron and Veract is getting stronger. Even
though it was so far away, the powerful energy of the two men seemed to be

The whole castle was filled with precarious tremors.

"Let's do what we've been doing."

Sword type 1 soul cut.

Without a sound, the long sword that went like a shadow scratched the front
of the unidentified man. It was a manifestation of Jin's willingness to cut
down on whatever he was most confident in.

The blow eventually knocked the unidentified man's sword to the ground.

Bboong bboong!

But the gunman did not seem to be embarrassed as if he had expected it to


Something sharp out of his sleeve is a new one.


It was a weapon that not many people used. It was also a weapon
symbolizing Gilly's home, MacLoranga.

Black knight from McLoran?

at the moment of such doubt

Clawing like an arrow, the gunman's kloe came to his eyes.

Was it a weapon that Kloe saw it was...…!'

I thought it was fortunate to have a weapon of little importance.

But the real weapon of the assailant was this chloe. The object, which was
clearly made of ancient fountain iron, could no longer be said to have the
advantage of weapons.

"You have a knack for surprising people, don'”

Kagagagak, that!
Chloe and the blade of the knife interlocked, spreading an unpleasant
frictional sound. The gunman, who took out a new weapon, was showing a
completely different movement than before.

"Somehow, as soon as I first saw the unidentified man, I thought that he

was not very great compared to such a dangerous intuition. I thought it was
just a weapon.'

Every time Chlo moved, three branches of the sword were fired. Two
chloes, which move dozens of times per second, are blinded by the
blackness they pour out.

If he had not activated his armor, he would have suffered minor cuts all
over his body.

"Wasn't you supposed to hide your identity? Using weapons that can be so

"If you don't leave a witness, that's enough."

"I'm the only witness?"

"Yes, it means I'm going to get rid of you."

"I don't like such a bloody joke. Killing me now would be a great loss for

The unidentified man stretched out the klo without answering.

The experience of dealing with a warrior using a claw machine is in my

hands. When Gilly was virtually unsealed after becoming a jockey, he only
had to do was fight a few times.

I'm definitely stronger than Gilly, and it feels pretty tricky.

Chloe is nothing like a sword, Master. There's no reason to be afraid of the

use of clumsy people, but when you meet the right users......the sword will
rarely move at your will during the battle.
The conversation I had with Gilly while having a light sparring.

As her advice, it was not easy to keep the sword at will. The sword is
caught between the teeth of Klo, limiting movement.

The sword was sealed with the left hand, and the attack was poured from
the near distance with the right hand. Even though Muleta's run was
activated, every time Chloe brushed his face, I was appalled.

'That's not a joke.

Several counterattacks were made during the push, but not enough to repel
his spirits.

'Dante is too dangerous to spread a fire or a Ming Dynasty sword.'

First of all, I had to widen the distance.

Young-ki's armor protects them, but if the close-up fight gets longer, they
will eventually be fatally injured. However, the unidentified man still sticks
to Jin even if he steps on the back of his foot.

A series of soul-bowing was unfolded, but the kloe of the unidentified man
could not have broken like a steel sword. However, Chloe, which seemed to
have not caused any shock, died down every momentarily.

Thanks to that, he was able to secure a distance of about ten steps, and Jean
planned to keep the distance and continue the fight.

Unless they had superior swordsmanship than the gunmen, there was very
little they could do in close combat.


At that time, the gunman turned around and changed his goal.

It was Dante who was after the unidentified man from the beginning. He
intentionally induced Jin to widen the distance and then tried to escape by
securing his original goal, Dante.

Jin and the unidentified man threw themselves at Dante at the same time.

As there was a ten-step difference, it was an eccentric to reach Dante first.

A brilliant chloe of an unidentified man was heading to the neck of the

fallen Dante. Like it doesn't matter if you don't kidnap Dante and kill him.

As soon as Chloe was about to pierce Dante's neck. Jean threw Bradamante
to block Klo's route, and at the same time pulled out the sign.

However, it was inevitable that his posture was disturbed by the forced
throwing of the sword, and the gunman was returning Chloe, who was
headed for Dante, to Jin.


Chloe stabbed Young-ki's armor, and Jean vomited a handful of blood.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 412

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:10 AM

Chapter 412: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Oh, my God!

The spot where Chlo stabbed was the neck. The armor of Yeonggi had no
joints, so the neck was perfectly protected, but it was impossible to prevent
the black knight-class monster's blow without any impact.

Blood overflowed into the pitch formed by Multa's run. The whole body
was filled with creepy pain that made me think that my Adam's apple had
been torn.

Quaduck! Kuck!

Chloe once again struck Jean's neck. In the anguish of the hairy rise, gave
out a sign.

"You've been talking about the next governor, and you're risking your life
too easily. What's a friendship? If it weren't for armor, I'd be dead."

I pushed you because I had armor, and I stabbed you because you knew

Even though I wanted to answer that, my voice didn't come out right away.
Cahak, only the sound of blood boiling through your throat.
"You've had a blow, it hurts like hell...…!'

The precondition of kidnapping Dante without killing him.

I forgot about it because of the man's sudden behavior. If Jean had stayed
still, the man's Chloe would have stopped before he could pierce Dante's

But it wasn't just progress.

Behind the madman's frantic claws, a black sphere of spirit was suddenly
rising. It was a sphere that began with Bradamante stuck in the ground.

And the gunman didn't notice the energy. It was because spiritual energy
was a force that could not be felt unlike mana.


Sigmund's brilliant display of brain energy made it harder for the

unidentified man to care more about the rear.

However, every time Chloe and the blade of the knife hit each other, the
brain was pounding, but the unidentified man endured it without hesitation.

"Whoa, now I'm talking. You keep telling me you risked your life only to
me and Dante.... You?"

Shouldn't you be walking, too?

Jin uttered backstabbing words and opened the Myeongwanggeomjeolgi


Scraps of countless brain waves from the sword were disturbing the view of
the unidentified man.

In the meantime, Chloe intentionally slowed down the tempo pretending to

take a breath.

Bite it.
With the fisherman's heart that had thrown the fishing rod, Chin was hoping
that the unidentified man would come too hard to finish him.

Because the gunman still didn't know what was going on behind him.

'I got caught.'

An unidentified man narrowed the distance to the camp by taking part of

the waterfall's brain with his body. Beyond the mask, the glistening glare of
the eyes makes my spine cool.

As hard as he could, he gave a sign. It is too much to take a blow with one

Instead, the gunman overlapped the clay to block the signature, then twisted
the blade down and stabbed Jin's Adam's apple again.

No matter how great your armor is, if you continue to be hit by the same
area, you'll end up dead.

'You're overconfident. "If it was a blow with all its strength, did you think I
would back down a little?"

But it was only then that the spirit sphere formed after the unidentified man
began to move.

It can only be described as their unique sixth sense, which has gone through
numerous battlefields of life and death.

"Suddenly, what the...…!'

A feeling of danger, as if a blade had touched the neck.

I'm sure the 12th rider in front of me is blocked, so I'll have to allow him a
valid hit, somehow. Jin's face, hidden by the pitch, seemed to be smiling.

I got the claws that were close to my neck.

The only thing a mysterious man can get when he collects the claw is a
momentary gap that he can barely forget.

In order to buy such a short time, he gave up a blow that might cause Jean
to faint.

'Great, black knight.'

Jean was genuinely admiring the look. In this situation, he knew that giving
up a valid hit and preparing for defense was not an easy decision.

'Well, if he died, it would have been a problem.'

Had it not been for that brief gap, the gunman would have lost his life. Jean
was so sure.

" ..."...!

Something crossed the man's back.

It was a black sword poured from the spheres of the spirit. Just before
throwing Bradamante, it was a spirit held by Jean.

As in forming a tent or harmony, the spirit moves according to the will of

Qin. It was possible because the attack, which could never be achieved with
an oracle, belonged to the "power" rather than just "power."

Because of the blackness from the spheres of the spirit, the disordered side
was rather a mysterious one.

Jean could not have missed that time. Sigmund was pouring into the
unidentified man. with one's

The gunman decided that even if a black streak of blackness allowed him to
cut his back, the first thing to do was to block the signature.

Even he wasn't a real attack.

We can't end this hard-won opportunity with a punch.'


Suddenly, a lump of mana with the properties of light burst on Jin's palm.

Scintillation, the legacy of the ancient Magician Chen Mei. It's a magic
that's of little use to the highest level of unmanned men, but under the
current circumstances, the story was different.

No matter how dark a knight is, he cannot help it if he has a flash of light in
his eyes when he can't help it. Unless there's a level gap enough to fight
with your eyes closed.

Blood spattered.

Sigmund cut the man's chest. This time it was never a shallow wound.
There was a heavy sense of bone and flesh on the edge of the knife.

The gunman hurriedly set up a chloro shield, but it was not the end. Even if
a warrior is trained to the limit, his eyes that are exposed to a flashlight do
not easily return.

Until the eyes of the unidentified man had recovered, the initiative had no
choice but to be completely taken over by Jin.

"What do you say, it's probably the first time you've had a fight with a
horseman, maybe?"


This time, he pierced his thigh through the shield. In the meantime, the
unidentified assailant showed an immediate response whenever he was
attacked, but even if his vision returned, it seemed difficult to regain

Five seconds passed by, like hell for the assailant, sweet desert springs for
the gin. It was time for the man's eyesight to return.

Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo....
Unlike before, when he was relaxed all the time, the strange man's
breathing was rough.

Jean looked at him with a smile and said:

"I don't think I understood what you said before, so I'll tell you again. Come
back, the mission is a failure. Tell your master that I will deal with Hai Lan
in my own way."

I've heard rumors that a 12-time player is great.

Not long ago, I didn't see him flip the sword's garden with a single body,
but even those who tried to reject the 12th flag said that the force was great,
so I wanted to face the sword.

Also, I wanted to see what kind of person he is.

At first it was disappointing.

To blow up the opportunity to destroy the High Ran under the influence of
friendship, the rumors of a great struggle seemed to be false.

Then I felt like I was using a dirty sword. I wondered if he didn't know yet
that he could never reach the far end of the sword with his abilities such as
catching and twigs.

But he was now winning the game by the catch.

Even though he has the upper hand in objective power.

'No......I am, too, but the 12th rider has not yet pulled out all his force. I
can't guarantee if both of you fight for your lives.'

It's strange.

It occurred to me as I was facing Jean. Even though it doesn't sound like

Looncandel....why the way you look at yourself, so.
I couldn't tell if it contained the dignity of the king. What he does is a crook
who catches and plays, but his eyes contained a depth that was not easily
commented on.

The atmosphere was unique to other riders.

It was a worry.

To secure Dante, even if forced, and to retreat as it is. Which of the two is
the better judgment?

And Jean was looking right through the heart.

"You can't do that, black knight."

The eyes of an unidentified man growing under the mask.

"You're a black pitch for the family, not a rider. All you need is an efficient
mission, not a struggle. It is a great loss for the family to risk their lives for
a mission that has already failed. Go back and get ready for the next."

Kuddeuk, Kurr...…!

The shock waves from the fight outside continued to pass through the

The inner wall of the Daejeon party cracked as soon as possible, and stone
dust poured from the ceiling.

The pillar supporting it is seen shaking dangerously as if it would break

when tapped.

"It's about to be a good time to leave.”

As soon as Qin continued his words, a pillar broke and the floor collapsed.

The destruction of the Great Hall meant that the entire Great Wall was
In the end, the gang turned.

And he put the bodies of the other dead men on his shoulders. Before
leaving, the unidentified man said, without turning back.

"I'll pretend I didn't see you bluffing. If your choice today comes back as a
threat to Looncandel, then the black pitches will come to take your own

Before Jean could answer, the gunman had just escaped from the Great Hall
through a wall that had been pierced.

And as he disappeared from sight, Jean fell on one knee and breathed a hard

Even though the armor protected me, I've got a proper internal injury.….'

If the gunman had continued to fight, he would have suffered considerable


With the last resort of black calling, he would have never lost his life, but it
was unclear whether he could have protected Dante. We don't know what
kind of choice he would have made when he was cornered.

Dante's death is also not a completely bad result for Looncandel.

The fatigue of a series of wild fights was pouring in at once.

'Dante needs to escort him, and look outside.'


The whole ceiling began to crumble. Jin quickly took Dante and left the
Great Hall and headed to the outer castle.

The outer walls near the main hall of Daejeon were all torn down. The
scenery seen as a fine exterior wall is the battlefield where Ron and Veract
are fighting.
There was nothing left near the battlefield. The central Daeryeon Hall
disappeared without shape, and all the nearby buildings also collapsed,
filled with only traces of destruction.

"Uh, uh......."

Dante, who regained consciousness, let out a heavy groan.

Are you awake, Dante?

But Jean couldn't ask that.

Ron Hai-ran, who was out of breath in blood, was mesmerized by the
shocking sight. There was also a similarly wounded Veract in front of it.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 413

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:09 AM

Chapter 413: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (7)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Joe... Bu......."

He uttered evil, but Dante's voice did not resonate much, perhaps because
he had just awakened and had no energy. It was a little voice that could
barely be heard by Jean right next to it.

But at the small call Ron turned his head. His gaze was precisely on the
outer wall where Jean and Dante stood.

"Joe, madam!"


Ron smiled at his grandson. He was covered in blood, but fortunately it

wasn't all Ron's blood.

Lord Ron was injured that much.... Veract is definitely one of the world's
most powerful men, so I expected it to be a great fight.'

When I saw Ron, who was actually injured, it didn't feel real at all. Except
for the theory of poetry, he is a figure who fights for the throne when
discussing the strongest in the world.
'In addition, Veract's injury looks a little lighter on the surface.'

Is Veract stronger than Ron?

Somehow I was not readily convinced. While Ron has received numerous
stories and praises from his previous life, Veract was the first person to
know about him in his life.

Not long ago I figured out that Veract was Rosa's opponent, but that was all.

Obviously Veracet was not a very famous figure in Inse. Even Ron and
Veract seemed to have met for the first time.

"Calm down, Dante."

Dante was struggling. It was a struggle to go to my grandfather, but I was

exhausted and barely floundering.

"Ha, Ziman. My grandfather.”

"This is the Black Castle, and that is Ron Heilan, the best knight in the
world. But your grandfather wouldn't get it?"

In the middle of the Black Star, Ron Heilan is beaten by someone...….

No one in the world could easily imagine such a sight. It was a universal
perception that unless Looncandel or Zipple made a full-scale attack, it
would be impossible.

Even if the emperor Beemment led the great army in person, there were
many differences over what could be done to the sword that Ron protects.

The world is wide.

Even if Veract was stronger than Ron, it never made no sense.

However, Jean had a hunch that something else might have been involved.

Calmly reexamined the battlefield, soothing the startled heart.

The shape of the collapsed outer walls and buildings was strange. The
cutting surface was too bumpy for a sword destroyed. A hideous form, as of
some giant ripping away recklessly.

Of course, the broken pieces of the two men's sword may have splashed
wildly, or broken into shock waves, but that alone lacked explanation. Most
of the wreckage was due to its charred appearance.

Jean looked up at the sky.

Grnil. . . ..'

Kinselo's airship Grnil.

Black smoke was soaring from the warship stretching at the head of Grnil.

'Is Sir Ron being pushed back to stop that cannon?'

As soon as I thought about it, I saw mana gathering in Hampo.

It's a piece of cake!

Even by Qin's standards, a great amount of brain energy was being piled up
on the poxin. It's shocking to be able to gather such brains without a sign.

'Oh, my God!

Just before the cannon was fired, Qin hurriedly put up a protective shield.


The blazes emitted simply an absurdly large epilepsy.

His son-in-law's eyes were dazzled by the flashing light, and the shock
waves spreading around the warship were hitting the ground as well as
tearing the clouds apart.

And an intangible sword, invisible to the eye but able to guess its enormous
size, blocked the capture.
It was Ron Heiran's sword. The sword was the role of disassembling the
warship before it reached the ground.

The black-washed warship was pounding the Black Planet like a meteor
filled with ominous blue. Knights of the High Ran and fighters desperately
blocking debris from the warship.

The aftereffects of the warship pounded the camped protective shield


Dante's blood-stained eyes were shaking when he gritted his teeth with
helplessness. He threw up a handful of blood, but his anger accelerated his
reaction to the backflow.


"Dante, please listen to me. I'll escort you immediately after the explosion,
so calm down. The backflow is getting worse. Please, for Lord Ron's sake,
he wouldn't want you to get hurt any more."

In the past, I remembered the moment when I was dealing with the project
at the Colon site.

I could affirm.

The strength of the ship Granil is incomparably stronger than that of the
time. At that time, Talaris alone blocked most of the warship, and Jean
almost died while trying to extort falling debris from the natives.

There were now thousands of knights and fighters in the Geomhwangseong

Fortress. Unlike the Colon days, it seemed not enough to stop the blackness
from breaking, even though they were all picking up debris.

Is this why you were so proud to break into the Great Wall?'

But black is black.

If it were to be true, it would not be strange if the entire fortress collapsed

once or twice. Ron was holding out.
His intangible sword, like the broken one, was blocking fragments of the
warship that were divided into small pieces and fell to the ground.

Ron is not only dealing with Veract, so to speak, but with the protection of
our entire camp.

a great sword that cannot be described only by the adjective 'strong'

That's why the war is definitely not good news. Qin did not paint a future in
which the Imperial City was finished today.

'Kindelo, those sons of bitches don't plan on destroying the Highlands

either. If they did, they wouldn't have created a painting of Vishkel's
isolation from the planet.'

Also, firing a warship meant that they had already secured a group of
Vishkel, and that they were likely to retreat soon.

The shock wave that beat the shield was going away.

"Schri, send Dante to the healers. The therapist seems to have collapsed,
too, to the healers who look the best in the rear of the battlefield."


Jean said, tying Dante to Shri's back. Dante had no strength left to hold on
to Shri.

Just before Shri moved on, Jean grabbed Dante by the shoulder.

"My fight is yours, and yours is mine. I'm fighting for your share today. I'll
never just send those scumbags back, so take care of yourself.”

Dante replaced the answer with a blinking red eye.

Jean's eyes sank coldly as Shri began to jump down the outer wall and
As soon as the aftermath was over, Ron and Verat's swords were bumping

"It would have been nice if you had moved to my suggestion, the corpse
would be mountain-climbing, Ron Hai-lan!"

Ron just swung Rashid without answering.

However, it was not that he could not answer because he was too strong, but
that he had nothing to say about a beast who had no honor.

The fight between the two was flowing in a boiling shape. Perhaps without
the ship Grnil, Ron would have had some advantage.

You'll get a big advantage, Jean.

Suddenly, when the situation began, the shape of the mouth that Margiela
showed came to mind.

Looking at the half-washed Geomhwangseong Fortress, something hot

soared from inside.

Geomhwangseong Fortress was the home of a friend. They were also

people who would one day be comrades who would fight against Jipple
with them.

Benefit? I'll let you guys lose enough money to never do this again.….'


Young-gi was gathering in Bradamante. It was an inspiration to carry out

the last resort saved when dealing with the unidentified man.

Special formula for the zero-goldark

Black Call

The sword enveloped in spirit cut through the air.

Then, the space was blackened along the track where the sword had passed.
What the spirit formed, a black door leading to the world of the Old Ming

It is impossible to predict which brothers will come out through the black

Even if one general warrior is summoned, Jin finished the special ceremony
with a concentration of his mind, as it would be a great help in reversing the
war situation.

And when the spirits scattered and the brothers emerged from the black

Jean had no choice but to smile with remorse.

Coming out of the door, it was Linfa, the king of the struggle.

"Long time... Man, the Qin brothers. I won... I won."

It wasn't long after I finished my golden words, so I didn't speak very well,
but in those few words,

All the Ilsun battlefields were shocked and had deep and strong energy
enough to look up to the outer walls.

"Who the hell is he?"

No way, is it a new enemy?…!'

'No, I'm with Jean Looncandel. Looks like you're my ally.'

'Even so, where'd it come from all of a sudden?'

While the fighters exchanged glances and opinions reflexively, Linpa pulled
a sword on his back.

Heavy black wind was fluttering in all directions, even though it was just a
pull of a sword.

"Sorry to call you out, Brother Linfa."

"No... I like it. Are they... enemies?"

Linfa pointed to the ship Grenil and Veract with the Supreme Sword.

"What do you want... The Qin Brothers."

"Defeat of the Enemy."

Linfa nodded at the determined answer.


The ship Grnil was reloading its guns. Ron raised his strength to stop the
capture, and Veract couldn't take his eyes off Linfa.

'Is that... ...the Ming dynasty, as the leader said?'

The strange feeling that I felt for the first time in my life was disturbing
Veract's mind.

Never even touched a knife. Of course, I have never fought with the Ming
and I was told that the power was great. There was nothing I experienced

Nevertheless, to the point where the vomiting soared, the hair of the whole
body stood up, and to the point where I was convinced that if it had been
not himself, but other white men, the legs would have been relaxed.

A terrible sense of crisis is weighing on the whole body. It was Veract who
faced Ron Heiran but didn't even feel a bit of fear.

'Oh, shit. . . .I'm Verac Siddler, the best warrior of the White Rangs. How
strong can a mere thing be?'

Veracte roared and held his heart together. Now it was not fear that filled his
heart, but anger at Linfa.

"I am... great... The fourth king of the Ming Dynasty... Linfa."

The warship was finishing its sight, and everyone on the battlefield was
preparing for the hellish aftermath.

But Linfa continued to speak with her eyes, with a voice that was calm and
calm, of the immense brain in the warship.

"During the call of my brother... Now that you're here. My job is to get his...
To become a sword. Enemies..."

To leave a will.


As soon as Linfa finished speaking, the blazes shot out a cerebral palsy,
turning the ground blue.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 414

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:07 AM

Chapter 414: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (8)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

This time, even before Ron's intangibles stopped the cannon, the sword
shimmering more slowly than the cannon blocked it.

Everyone on the battlefield was shocked.

It was shaped like two giant stems of light interlocking together. Linfa's
sword and the gun of the ship Granil collided.


The gun split and hail-blue debris fell. But this time other fighters didn't
have to deal with the shrapnel.

It was because Ron's intangible sword, which followed the blue sword, was
sweeping debris from the air. Fragments disappeared without a trace, as if
dust were swept away by strong winds.

When Joe saw it, he had no choice but to shout.

"Oh, my God, what's going on!"

I'm leaning...!
The ship Grnil was seen leaning to one side. Linfa's blackness cut through
the blisters and even pierced the transparent protective membrane, dealing a
direct blow to the hull.

What could have been done with a single sword was due to Ron's hit on the
transparent shield so far.

A monster of different dimensions.

Linfa was awe-inspiring at a single blow to the fighters on the ground. The
fourth most powerful combat species ever destroyed, the Tuwang-like
martial arts.

As much as the public did not know the existence of the Ming dynasty, they
thought she was just one of Qin's companions. It was only amazing that
such a great being fought for Jean.

"Ahhh, Uncle Joe. Didn't you say you'd be safe from the moment you got
back to the ship?”

cried Margiela.

She was rescued and being treated on board with Vishkel and Bubar while
Jean and the gunman were fighting.

"You know, it's supposed to be, but suddenly there's an unexpected


"Margiela, the wound is open, don't move."

"Oh, my, my back! Mr. Vishkel, my waist!"

"Shut up, Bubar!"

Joe stood up with a cane and looked at the war again.

At first, he was embarrassed and couldn't see properly, but it was definitely
the Ming Dynasty that hit the hull.
He is the basis of the biogolem, the "master" that he is studying.

"And, Ming Dynasty...…!”

Joe smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"The Ming Dynasty, Margiela! Samples, if you get samples, you must be
able to manufacture a perfect master......hrrrrrrrrrrr!"


Another shock was delivered inside the hull.

This time, Ron's intangible sword was the result of hitting the lead. Because
the protective film was not completely broken, it did not fully gain the
power of the intangible sword, but that alone was causing a disturbance in
the ship.



"Huh, waist. My waist!"

"Sample, you need to grab a sample...…!”

in the midst of their reflective utterance

Something black was flying in through the window at the front. At first
glance, it was like a rock splashing from the ground at the feast of
blackness, but the Kinselos on board could see its glare.

It was Linfa.

From the outer wall to the lead of the ship Granil with a single leap. The
outer wall she ran against was tearing down because she couldn't overcome
its strength.
The Kinselos swallowed their breath, and the next moment they faced was
Linfa's Supreme Sword.

It was as if a giant animal in myth had wielded its claws. The trajectory of
the Great Sword, drawn in the air, was the size of a ship that would have
crossed Granil.

Quaddeuk! Pajit!

The shriveled sword scratched the hull.

At a moment the ship's granil's altitude was lowered, and all kinds of
complex devices decorating the entire hull were broken and debris fell like


The land on which Linfa landed was dug and a deep hole in the form of a
semicircle was formed.

Even before the tremor was over, she took another leap and aimed for the
lower part of the hull.

Even Barton, the black knight, used black as a propulsion, but the Linfa
brothers......just jumping and flying.'

It was the first time that Linpa was on the strong side of King Tu, but I saw
her use her strength properly in Lafarosa.

Suddenly, the memory of Linfa's sarcastic remarks at first crossed my mind.

Thinking about it again made me feel dizzy.


When Linfa's great sword hit the bottom of the hull, this time there was a
black hole. A simple stabbing, nothing special, caused a crack that was as
big as a house on the hull.
And as soon as Linfa was about to land again.

Suddenly a thunderstorm of epilepsy roamed the ship Granil. It was even

more intense than the hell-like blazes that had just been fired at the
Geomhwangseong Fortress.

Linfa was unable to land in the thunderstorm.

That was the common idea in the minds of the fighters who saw the
unexpected blow when they were floating defenselessly in the air.

Can Jean's colleague be fine when he gets out of that thunderstorm?

It was a difficult story in the common sense of the fighters. You may be
able to get out of it, but you are not expected to be successful.

Tens of thousands of thunder seemed to have set up flies on the ship Granil.
The whole area of the Geomhwangseong Fortress was colored with flashing
blue, and the shadows of those standing on the ground were getting longer.

In the meantime, Ron and Veract's swords were still in conflict. Ron was
much more relaxed, but he seemed rather tired because he had been
guarding the entire fortress.

Of course, tiredness did not mean that the dignity of the sword would
disappear. A lot of blood has been shed, and despite being exhausted, Ron's
Intangible Sword is becoming increasingly acute.

Jean was still ruling over the war, looking down from the outer walls, and
of course he was not at all worried about Linfa, who was trapped in a

'I didn't know there was such an attack besides the warship. Crazy bastards,
that'll only stimulate the Linfa brothers.'


The thunderstorm was clearing away. And upsetting everyone's

expectations except Jean.
Linfa was sitting on the ground looking perfectly intact.

This was the first word she uttered as soon as she reached the ground.

"Our... imitation of power... Fake. Disgusting...….”

The thunder gathered at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office gave off a sharper

Linfa did not jump back toward the ship, but turned her eyes toward Ron
and Veract.

The ship has already been destroyed to the point where it is difficult to
function properly, so the first thing to do is to kill the enemy on the ground.

a white-bellied race

In fact, from the first time she was summoned, Linfa had been in a strange
mood when she smelled the peculiar smell of the Baengnang people.

I feel like I'm facing an old toy I've forgotten.….

Eye-catching Veract opened the street to Ron. Now Veracte was also
exhaling rough, heavy breathing.

"Come in, too, I'll deal with you two at once."

Veract said in a voice full of solemnity.

The Baengnang Warrior, its name is by no means easily obtainable.

It was never easy to crush even the absolute fear of the Ming dynasty,
which has been imprinted on the blood for thousands of years, with a single

Among the numbers present in this generation, those who could suppress
their fears with will could be counted with one hand.
From Veract's point of view, it was not a bluff to say that he would deal
with Linfa.

He is also a fighter who has reached the extreme, so he has absolute

confidence in his own ignorance.

However, from Linfa's point of view, it was no different from the barking of
a day dog.

"You're... you've always been... When you're scared, you have a habit of
barking first. Excellent for a white-eyed person. I think it's him."

Linfa and Ron flooded into Veract at the same time.

I couldn't avoid it. Veract set up a great sword and took two swords at the
same time, followed by the sinking of the entire land he was on.

"I don't know who, but thank you. Thanks to you, my knights can take a

If this was a one-on-one battle on honor, Ron would never have allowed
Linfa to participate.

For Ron, however, the battle was just a battle against the terrorists and
beasts that attacked the city. There was no need to think of honor in
catching animals more efficiently.

"Greetings to my... Do it to your brother... Because I don't remember what

happened today anyway."

It was the first reason Jean didn't want to call her brothers.

The Ming royal family, who are engaged in black calling, are technically
more like guardians of spirit and spirit than summons.

The soul forgets everything it has gone through in Inse when it goes back to
I feel like I can't do this to my brothers who have already fallen and

"Is Jean Looncandel your brother?"

Ron was not able to watch Linfa escape from the black door because he was
dealing with Veract.

He was the only one defending the entire planet.


"After the battle is over, I will personally thank you."

"With me in front of you, how dare you...…!”

Veracte roared and raised the sword, but it was impossible to bear the power
of both at once.

Bloodstained fur and flesh were being torn.

If it had been for air support, it wouldn't have been this far behind, but the
ship Granil had not been able to collect the epilepsy as quickly as before.

a complete rout

That was Jean's goal. I wanted to destroy Grnil and, if possible, cut my
breath to Veracte and the Kinselo gang.

However, there was one problem in mind.

'If the war is pushed this far, it is highly likely that the leader will
appear......I can get them out of here with me, just like I did at the Dark

But it wasn't just Ron and Linfa on the battlefield.

The sky still had dragons, including Murakan and Quikantel, and no more
debris fell, so even the uninhabited fighters on the ground could join the
battle again.

Even if you come, you won't be able to escape as easily as then.

Jean clenched her teeth and came to that conclusion, and at that moment.


Suddenly, a "iron piece" gathered in front of the lead of the ship Grnil.

Recognizing the iron gate, Murakan sat down next to Jin and showed his

[Jin. It's him.]

"Yes, I knew you'd come. You're a bad guy."

an unpleasantly narrower Murakan

Fortunately before the iron gate of the head of the Kinselo was completed,
Jean was able to recover herself and prepare one magic spell.

"Let's deal with that, Murakan."

said Jean, lifting up his mana.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 415

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:06 AM

Chapter 415: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (9).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Most of the earth's humans did not recognize what iron gates were forming
in the sky out of nowhere.

However, I could feel intuitively that whatever was getting out of the iron
gate would not be our ally.

"What is that... ...?”


"It's so blurry that I can'”

While the fighters exchanged glances and stories, Ron, Linfa and Veracte
looked up at the sky, stopping their fighting.

Then the leader escaped from the iron gate.

The signature whitish body, the sparkling glow that surrounds it.

Surprisingly, the leader was floating in the sky. Standing in front of Grnil's
lead with no wings or any devices, he looked down at the ground for a few
seconds. As if he were God himself.
The battlefield seemed to be reliable even if God really descended. Giant
demons, wizards, bio-golems, flying ships, and that white, flashing figure.

Most of the fighters in the Ilsoon battlefield felt strange fears and alienation
from the leader of the Kinselo. An ominous premonition that the war could
be overturned again disturbed the heads of the fighters.

And Jean didn't like the fact that the fighters felt that way when they saw
the outfit.

A divine being, or strange fear.

Jean thinks such a grandiose image did not go well with the head of

"Cracking off crime."

It's nothing more or Nothing less.

He was even the one who should have given the modifier.

'If you wanted to give me a big advantage, you shouldn't have approached
me like this.'

I'm so angry...!

Flames shot up in Jin's grasp.

It was a faint spark. But the tiny shadow of the embers, which were like
dots on the palm of their hands, was about to become the spirit that would
cover the sky.

Sulfur final form of emphysema salt ointment

The shadow of the embers soared into the sky.

Murakan's eternity tent, which was filling the entire sky, had been torn and
perforated everywhere. However, when Mahwang's legacy was in
existence, it was quickly being filled.
It was the result that Jin and Haneul, who opened their spirits, began to

Like the atrocities that Kinselo has carried out in Geomhwangseong

Fortress so far, the suddenly pitch-black sky was also a strange sight to the

Unlike the appearance of the leader, however, fighters are to whom or what
this power is. I was able to recognize it correctly.

the spirit of life

SOLDERET's Contractor, the power of the RUNKANDEL 12th rider.

Maybe that's why, not in line with the situation. The fighters were also
excited about what would happen to Jin.



"Fill up some lack of vigor."

He recovered a little, but not perfect.

[All right.]

However, with Murakan, there was no shortage of the legacy of the Riol

Flapping, hoo-oops!

As Murakan spread his wings and released his spirit, black particles spread
like waves throughout the area. Particles soared into the sky, twisting gin
and mooracan.

It was like opening the door.

The particles of spirit that stretched long to the sky were drawing a line. A
line that cuts the sky in half.

It was not long before the line split, and in the middle of the sky opened an
absurdly huge cavity, and the shining run-words of the Riol Jipple stood
upon Jean's whole body.

The rune letters gently rolled through the air like a glittering snowflake.

[Oh! Damn it!]

What's the matter, boss?

[I left it behind. Damn, the situation was so urgent that I didn't think about
taking it. Oh, my God, you made a mistake.…!]

For what it is. Oh, come on...!

[Dead-of-the-dark, salt-burning final form] The legacy of the Riol Jipple,

which had been kept at the Dark Wizard's home......I didn't pack it. Joe, did
you take it? Please say yes.]

Huh. Well, that. Sir, I wasn't in a hurry either...….

You useless piece of shit! Joe, you're the head of the Dark Wizard, and you
forgot that? I'm just saying, should the general manager pay attention to

At that moment, the members of the Kinselo were forced to recall the
conversation at that time.

Jean's powerful marijuana was obtained by destroying the Dark Magic


Riol's legacy, which was not taken care of by the leader and Jo at the time,
would now be a disaster that would cover the fleet of ships Granil and
Rune characters running through the air were signs. As the signs pointed to
members of Grnil and Kinselo, a red sphere appeared in the open sky.

People thought of it as the sun in a moment. Otherwise, a huge firework

that could hardly be convinced was casting a heavy, intense heat over the

"Oh, my, my, my, my God! This is Riol Jipple's...…!”

"Joe! Spread the shield!"

"Grenil hasn't been repaired yet......Growl!"


Cheeez! Whoo!

A shower of fire was pouring down from the flames. Instead of hitting the
ground, the shower was a convergent feature of the ship and the leader.

Thousands and tens of thousands of tentacles of fire had already tied up the
ship's granules. Grnil was in a state of disarray like a trap-trapped beast, and
the leader's white figure was completely obscured by fire.

Under the black and red-red sky, the noise of ship granil being destroyed
was spreading with fire.

Quasik, Quaddeuk......! The whip of fire smashed the hull every time it hit,
and the shrapnel appeared to be ash and scattered before it even reached the


Veracte clenched his teeth and wielded the great sword.

As soon as the leader appeared, the useless Joe could not cope again, and
the vice-chief had just been rescued with an injury, so he was the only one
who could shoot Jean.
'You have to get rid of that goddamn magic. If you don't mind, you can have
problems with the leader's vitality!'

Sighing and bleeding, he ran madly down the Great Sword, but his
opponents were Ron and Linfa. The two were leisurely blocking Veract's

"You're desperate, your master must be in danger."

Ron looked right through his innermost thoughts, and Veract replaced the
answer with a roar. However, Veracte's roar could not have been as
frightening as before.

If Ron and Linfa hadn't already destroyed the ship Granil, they wouldn't
have been able to put them on the defensive so quickly right after the

The first grand figure was nowhere to be found, and the fiery ship Grnil was
about to be shot down.

On the other hand, it was noticeable that the fire, which was spreading in
the final form of emphysema, was getting stronger and stronger and

The fighters on the ground naturally judged that the situation had changed.

Hana Qin, Murakhan and some outstanding fighters were feeling a strange
sense of incompatibility.

'It's only a matter of time before the ship Grnil is crushed, but the leader.
He's not over.'

The leader was simply a veiled figure. Therefore, Jin and his colleagues, as
well as other forces, had no exact grasp of how great he was.

However, as he led a huge force called "Kinselo" and used the power he
deserved even if he called it power, he thought it could not end up like this.

Kuzizik, Kuzik......! Phew!

Eventually, the ship Granil began to crash.

It was split in half and destroyed so many parts of it could not be

recognized. It would be hard for anyone to imagine the ship Granil
returning to its original form.

As soon as the giant hull was stuck on the ground, the group of Vishkels on
board was likely to end up together.

But even at the moment of the ship's crash, I felt a chill in my back
somehow. What should I say, like a cold lump of iron passing by...….

Jean, who came up to there, jerked around.

A lump of iron;steel.

The coolness felt in the back was not just a sensation that began with an
ominous sense of incompatibility.

It was a sense that started with real things. Out of nowhere, black iron balls,
which are unknown where they were formed, are soaring into the sky near
the gin and Murakhan.

The lumps of iron were upsetting not only the two men but also the whole
battlefield. A whirlpool of iron encroached on the battlefield.

[It's his power, kid.]

"......uh, I suppose so."

The head of the Kinselo had the power to handle iron like the god of

And I had a hunch when Picon Mince, who became the god of the new
blacksmith, was using iron power. The power of the leader is superior to
that of the Picon.

Rune letters marked the rising blocks of iron in the air. The chains of fire
were flooded with signs, but they could not be wiped out.
An enormous amount of iron is smearing the air to overwhelm the fire of
the camp.

Fortunately, there's no particularly dangerous energy in the metal itself. In

the first place... it not for killing?'

The iron balls did not strike the enemies down like the fire of the gin.

Instead, it wrapped the ship's Grnil in the crash. Before I knew it, a huge
hand of iron formed to support the granules.

[As expected, the welcoming ceremony is grand. The legacy of the Riol
Jipple....I have a lot of memories of all the trouble. I'm afraid the sorcerer
doesn't fit me.]

The flame was lifted and the leader was revealed again.

Unlike the first, which was just a white, shiny figure, his body was forming
what he might call a "bone."

I used the power of steel to make bones.…?'

Well, judging by the way you thought of Murakan's memory earlier, I think
it's time for cheap psychological counseling. I'll try to guess your mind this
time. You came here because you wanted to save them, and you set some
sort of trap. But I'm kind of sick right now. Because I don't think we're
going to get caught.


What are you laughing at, a bugger or something? Am I wrong? What are
you going to eat? Answer me.

[You've had a good blow. That's what you say, Jean Looncandel. Almost
everything was right. I can't handle you guys properly right now. As you
can see, I have no bones.

A conversation with the leader on the first encounter.

The leader, who formed the "steel bone," was spreading unparalleled

The face was blurry and could not be seen well, but Jean could be sure. The
leader is smiling.

[Long time no see, Jean Looncandel. How have you been?]

"We're glad to say hello or ask...….”

Jean stopped talking and turned to the back of the leader.

There, the ship Granil, which was apparently crushed, was seen escaping
the huge steel grip in good shape.

It was just the way it was at first. It was restored to its original state without
a small scratch.

"......don't you think?"

The leader shook his head as Jean continued his back talk.

[I'm sorry if you think so. I've missed you so much. We must retrieve the
stolen legacy of the Magician.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 416

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:04 AM

Chapter 416: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (10)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I can't believe it.... does this make sense?'

Watching the perfectly recovered ship, Grnil, I was speechless.

Not only Qin but also other fighters were stunned by the fact that the
terrible ship had returned.

Even the Jipple was spending a considerable amount of time on the

maintenance of the ship project. Depending on the extent of the damage,
repairs are often made on a minimum monthly or annual basis.

However, it took only a few seconds for the leader to repair the project.

The fact that it's hard to see and accept with your own eyes, is it possible to
call this a repair?

Jin and the fighters were forced to think such things unconsciously.

Pazz, I mean...!

The ship Grnil has already formed a new thunderstorm, casting an ominous
darkness over the ground.
In front of it, pieces of metal gathered at the hands of General Manager
Kinselo to form a sword.

It is the sword that ended the sorcerer Susan Lilletta and Chukon Tolderer
in the Oterium in the past.

"Liol's legacy has been stolen? I don't think that's an appropriate expression.
It's not your stuff in the first place.”

[It's ours because we kept it.]

"By that logic, now that I have it, it's mine.”

[Wow, come to think of it, that's what happens.]

The leader smiled.

I have been constantly confronted with the Kinselo gang, but it was the first
time I saw the leader in person since the reserve rider.

Suddenly, I remembered the moment I saw him in the record in Themeer's

second tomb.

[What a piece of shit.]

[Manipulation] "As a lucky man whose well-being is too good to be

weighed down, I only want to do good to the poor orphans."

[Fuck it and get the hell out of it. Before I kill you, too.

[Don't be so sharp, listen to my suggestion. My old friend. This body has a

good future for everyone.]

In the records, the leader appeared in front of the fighting Temer, teenage
knights and Murakan in the Black Sea.

I've been wondering all along.

What is the relationship between the leader and Murakan, and what is a
good future for everyone that the leader has "proposed" in the second

'One thing is for sure, the leader has enormous power a thousand years ago
and now.'

A thousand years ago, there were not many beings who could cross
Murakan's front, and the leader was the only one who could use "moment
movement" in the present era and restore the ship at once.

Moreover, the leader's power was not the end there.

"In the end, you're making our leader use his strength...….”

The large and small wounds that had covered his whole body, the Great
Warrior Veract, were washing away.

Instead of pressuring him again, Ron and Linfa were careful looking at the
war situation.

There was a silence.

It was the result of a series of shocking scenes following the appearance of

the leader. I thought I finally put the terrorists on the defensive, but it's back
to square one.

No, the situation was worse than the origin. It is hard to know the limit of
the leader's ability to regenerate.

[Kinselo, every time I see that, I just feel bad. Hey, hey. Where are you
pretending to be omnipotent? a mere devil of a man You have to get hit
until you're dead.]

Whoo-wook, kua...…!

Murakan exhaled black breath to the leader. Black Young-ki poured in as if

to remove the leader, but he swung the sword and easily cut off his breath.

[He's calling his name again because he's crazy. Don't even think about
going back to fine today.]

Jean didn't stop Murakan, who revealed his speculation to the fullest.
Unlike when he first met the leader, he did not seem to have lost his reason.

[Well, I can't help it if you want to fight that much.]

The battle resumed when Murakhan flooded the leader.

The ship Grnil spread thunderstorms, and Veract was rioting with a fully
recovered body.

However, even if the injury was cleaned up, the situation was similar.

It's impossible to deal with Ron and Linda at the same time in the first

"Baekrangs... I... Take charge."

Ron nodded at Linfa's words, meaning leave Veracte alone and go to deal
with the captain and ship Grenil.


Of course, Veracte swung his sword at the sight of Ron leaving, but was
overwhelmed by Linfa's offensive.

"Dung-gae... I'm, your natural enemy. Situation... Get a grip."

The ship Grnil was still unable to strike the thunder recklessly as it had
been for the first time.

The final sentence of Qin's death, dark salt, and sulfur is not over yet.

Qin was still continuing his cannabis on the outer wall, and chains of fire
were clamping down on the ship Granil.
"Foreigning the're dealing with Murakan quite leisurely.'

Murakhan had also used a lot of force to keep the ground. But even
considering that, the leader was definitely a strong man beyond Murakan.

In particular, his handling of the sword was overwhelming. The sword of

the chief had a depth that would never be inferior to any sword that Qin had
ever seen.

Murakan continued to transform human transformation and his true self,

engaging in a close race with the leader in the air.

The leader moved as if there was land in the air, and it seemed familiar with
the air warfare.

[I felt it then, but I wonder if it's the Murakhan I knew. Why are you so
weak, buddy? I'm about to cry when I recall you from your majestic days.]

[Really? It's weakened, this is it. Admit it, I've gained some strength, but it's
nothing compared to the old days. So there's one thing I've learned.]

Murakan seems to accept it without getting angry.

[The more I go, the more amazing I am. What do you mean, Murakan in the
world is learning? What is it?]

[Human beings put what I've learned, or put out a woodpecker, or put up a
woodpecker. He said so.]


The wind brushed past the leader's back. It was the wind that held Ron's
intangible sword. The sound of friction that tore the eardrum spread when
the intangible black scratched the steel bone of the Danjang.

"It's iron, it's an unpleasant sensation.

Ron's sword, which took off, cut the leader's torso horizontally.
The steel bones were broken so easily that they were wasted on the
intangible sword, but the reattaching was so easy.

The hazy part of an ordinary human being, which should have flesh and
muscles, just shook like smoke and didn't cut it cut.

Ron's sword, so to speak, just seemed to have passed the water, but it wasn't
without a real blow to the leader.

"In the end, it will also be just a regeneration, and it cannot be infinite. I'll
cut you off until you can't play it again.….”

Jean and Murakhan were the same judgments as Ron.

They did not make such a judgment when they saw a change in Veract's
behavior, rather than a leader who could not quite see what was going on

"Since the leader appeared and began to show his power, Veract has shown
signs of rapid impatience. It is highly likely that the leader's power requires
more than just imagination.'

the price of a Beracte figure to lose his 'peace'

'The leader's own vitality, or something very important to Kinselo.'

When Murakan swung his front foot to make a gap, Ron cut the leader's
spine again. His steel sword also brushed Murakan's forehead, but it was
not fatal.

On the ground, Linfa pressed Verakt, and the rest of the fighters escorted
the wounded.

Among them, only the knights of the High Ran maintained their ranks,
camped out, and poured swords on the ship Granil bound by marijuana.

The rapid stabilization of the war was visible.

The problem, however, was that Jean alone held the ship Granil.
If Jean misses Grnil, the attack will begin again on the ground, and there
will be no harm to the heavy fighters.

Ordinary people who have not yet left the battlefield, and low-ranking
fighters, will die.


A pimple of blood leaked out from my lips. It's about to start a mana

'Not yet, not yet.'

If there is someone else's attack, we will not be able to maintain marijuana

while suppressing the reverse flow, but for now, we can concentrate entirely
on magic.

'I don't know if the leader's powers will be exhausted first, or if my

backflow will blow first. I think it's the former.'

It's about time they came.

Jean spat out blood and looked far into the sky. This fight will go back to
Hai Lan's victory the moment they arrive anyway.

'Brave knight.'

There are black knights in Luncandel, white nights and ghosts in Jiplene,
and pro-women and special forces in Beemment.

And Hai Lan also had some of the finest knights to match the world's top
three families. The most powerful knights of the High Ran, called the

Jean only had to hold out until they came.

Even if Jean was leaving the battlefield right now, no one would be able to
point a finger.
Already Jin was making the highest level of balls in a fight that he wouldn't
have to do as a foreigner.


From beyond the dark dawn sky came a shrill cry of something. Soon after
the sound was heard, a smile hung around Jin's mouth.

The same was true of Ron and the faces of other fighters.

A group of dragons, which looked like dragons, were seen approaching

Geomhwangseong Fortress as quickly as a meteor.

He was thirty.

'I've never seen you before.'

Courts spread out their ranks and surrounded the battlefield.

Although it seems that the concept of "capturing" cannot be established

because they are only 30 years old, each of them is the best sword in the

The whole battlefield was turning into a life of warriors in a moment.

"Capacity Division Commander!"

When Ron shouted, the man in the biggest shell raised the sword.

"Chung! Order!"

"Ban clears the ground, and half follow me. I will annihilate the enemy."

Without having to direct separately, the container men were divided into
pieces. Half the way down, half the way up, gathered by Ron and

At that moment Jean released the mana that was holding onto the ship
The chains of fire, which were stirring the sky, gathered in unison into the
flames, and Jean pointed with her fingers at the ship Granil.

Then again the black sky opened its mouth and vomited out a huge fire-
hole. The last form of the final form of the final form of the Sansal
Amcheon Flame Octopus.

Grnil quickly powered up and tried to get out of the fireplace, but the
warriors blocked him.

Soon after, when the flame jade beat the hull, Grnil had to suffer the
humiliation of being half-washed once more.

The leader was already buried in the swords of Ron, Murakan, and the
warriors, and could not be found at all.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 417

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:03 AM

Chapter 417: Episode 120. Why the High Ran (11)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The broken remains of Grnil could not even fall to the ground.

It was because of the swords that filled the black sky. Fragments swept
away by the sword only fluttered in dust, and the leader failed to maintain
shape like smoke scattering.

'That's it.

Now that the warriors have arrived, the war will not be turned over again.

That's how Jean judged. Unless Zipple suddenly sends reinforcements to

Kinselo, or the Beams betray, there will never be a turnaround.

The alliance between Zipple and Kinselo was broken once upon a time, so
the former had no hope, nor the latter. In the first place, the valiant belonged
to the High Ran, but the command was to the emperor.

It was the result of a hereditary check of the High Ran in the imperial
family. The warriors came to protect their homes under the orders of the

'Before you run away, you must do as much damage as possible.'

Even if the brave men joined us, it was impossible to completely
exterminate Kinselo here today. He couldn't have come without a means of
escape while hitting the High Ran.

The Quadde Graughts...!

The flame-hole, which had been spinning fiercely, was stopping its
movement. Like a giant bite, a huge semicircle formed at the front of Grnil,
where the flame was.

Soon the flames died down completely, and Jean wiped the blood off her

There was no need to worry about the reverse flow anymore. From now on,
all Jean had to do was watch the fight.

On the ground, Linfa and the warriors continued to press Veract. The heavy
body, which had been recovered clean, was covered with wounds again.

However, Veract also proved to be one of the world's most powerful

players, and could not easily deliver a decisive blow.

Courts were digging into the lead of the broken ship Grnil. It seemed a
matter of time, although it was not easy to get in due to the resistance of the
Kinselo party inside and the structure of the ship.

After a while, Chin was able to confirm that the leader, who was in the
midst of a torn body, suddenly reappeared at the forefront of Grnil.

The scattered hazy energy formed in front of the lead. Obviously, it was an
action to prevent the container workers from entering the interior.

Also, as if the process had passed quite a while, the newly formed body of
the leader was shaking like a four-leaf tree.

I think you're overdoing it. To protect Grnil.'

Not only Qin but everyone who saw the sight felt so.
'Exactly, it's not a granny, it's an act to protect the passengers.'

All aboard Grnil were key members of the Kinselo.

Bubar the Chaos sculptor, Vishkel the vice-captain, Joe for Master
Development, and Margiela.

I don't know exactly what capacity Margiela has, but looking back on her
treatment, it wasn't just because she was Vishkel's brother. She's also
involved in Chaos.

"The airmen, strike the ships!"

When Ron gave the order, the warriors gathered in unison to form a line. A
sharp wave pierced the ear as a stream of crude dragons poured in.

Now that Jean had already half-washed it with cannabis, the brave men
seemed to be able to crush the granules in an instant.

But at that moment.

Everyone on the battlefield had to realize that Kinselo's power was not
everything he had ever shown.

The leader's body, which was just blurry, became thicker.

His dark red eyes, like blood, showed his big eyes. It wasn't a special look
of flesh or energy, but it felt indescribably ominous.

The steel sword of the leader caused an island in the middle of the air, and
looking at the sword stretched out from it.

Jean had no choice but to swallow her breath.

Luna's sister......Simgum?!?!

Reddish blackness.
It was the sword that Jean saw once so far, when Luna cut the Andrey
Jipple using the drinking stone.

At that time, it was not exactly the same shape as Luna's "Simgeom
Jeokwol," but the red sword that the leader spread out certainly resembled
Luna's sword. To the point where it can be trusted even if it's the sword of
the same person.

"Be careful!"

"Stop it!"

Ron and the commander of the Courage Division shouted at the same time.

The flood of dragons twisted their bodies rapidly, and the warriors opened
the black screen instead of the sword.

The leader's sword showed a powerful force, tearing the swords of the High
Ran's best knights like paper. It's not just the appearance of Luna's sword.

Fortunately, no brave man was killed or fatally wounded by the red sword.
One, the red sword only stopped running after it passed the warriors and
came into contact with Rashid's radiance.

'When I was saving Oral's pendant, Luna said she cut her horse. Was the
leader of the Kinselo a maniac who had something to do with it?'

I couldn't confirm it right now.

Courts who had almost entered the ship at first were also being pushed
back. Those who were too close had their wings torn by a series of red
swords sprayed by the leader.


Other warriors descended to save the falling dragon.

At that point, Jean clenched her fist unconsciously. It was because there was
a gap that any talented person like the leader would never miss.
'There's going to be a crack in the ranks of the brave.'

Losing ranks once in such a difficult situation was a blow beyond

imagination. In particular, it is inevitable that one loses his ability to carry
out aerial warfare if one loses his or her dragons.

But the leader could not push the sword through the gap.


Rather, the leader revealed that he had been overusing his power. He
showed weakness that should never be seen by the enemy.

As predicted from the beginning, the leader was certainly not in perfect

But can that really be good news for Jean and her colleagues, for everyone
who has to fight the Kinselo?

It was a matter that I could affirm no.

'Even now, when you're barely forming the whole body with your own
special powers, you're showing this strength, and when you're fully

I couldn't even imagine how strong he was.

'Maybe he's not short compared to his father.'

With the exception of the half-assault and the Temer, no one has ever made
such an impression on Jean. The power shown by the leader was that much


Murakan rushed to the leader with Ron on his back. The leader was reeling
in the air, missing a gap between the brave men.

Of course, even he's only a very short gap.

If those who rush into the gap are Black Dragon Murakan and Black Yellow
Ron, the story will be different.

[Break it, Ron Heilan!]]

Murakan unfolded the shield with spirit and wound his body.

It was a shield to protect itself from Ron's sword. The shield also served as
a kind of shroud, blocking the leader's view.

Ron's whole body is covered with light.

Soon after he took off from the Murakhan, a dazzling light lit up the whole

Beige of the King's Sword


A tie Dante played against a mysterious man in the castle.

But Ron's Sun and Dante's Sun were of course a sword of different
dimensions, only by the same name.


The light of the oracle spread from the Ron was literally forming a sun-like
sphere. The leader and the ship Granil were also buried in the sphere.

Courage workers who saved their fallen colleague also joined the team
again. They played a role in forming a safe zone so that the power of the
Bigi Sun would not spread to allies on the ground.

Deep and huge pits were forming all over the earth, even though the
warriors were filtering out. Just the shock waves alone vibrated the entire
axis, and the crumbling Geomhwangseong Fortress was shaking
dangerously as if it had completely collapsed.
The deafening noise, the glaring, piercing light of the eye like a fine blade
of a knife.

It seemed impossible for life to come out of the sun that Ron unfolded. Tens
of thousands of blades fired from inside the sphere were slaughtering the
ship's granules and the leader.

"Dress up!"

Veract looked anxiously up into the sky. But before even looking at Ron's
sun properly, it was Linfa's great sword that filled his vision.

The Supreme Sword cut Veracet's chest. The ensuing attack cut his ears,
and two toes fell off just before he opened the streets again.

Linfa, on the other hand, had not yet been hurt.

"Now... ...die."

As soon as Linfa tried to swing the sword to cut Veracet's breathing.



One man's roar from the sky, and the sharp noise of the sun being 'broken'

It was the roar of General Manager Kinselo.

A red light was spreading through cracks that spread throughout the sun,
apparently what he had produced. The reddish blackness was the light that
was puking.

The sun is broken.

This time, Ron's bid, which he did his best, was being broken by someone
else's sword under the sky of Geomhwangseong Fortress.
As the waves receded, the sun and red-black lights filled the sky faded.
Even the spirit of Murakan, who was blackening the whole sky, could not
overcome the shock.

The sky quickly went for its original color.

And in the midst of it, half-wrecked Grnil was blocking the dawn, and the
leader stood at the front.

It wasn't a blurry figure as it was until now. It was a very close-knit form of


My whole body was torn and burst, so I couldn't really recognize it. The
body was torn to shreds to the point that it was half gone, and the blood was

With only half the head left to vomit blood, it was a hideous figure.

In front of the leader was a Murakan crouching its wings.


When Murakhan spread his wings, Ron Heiran, who had been hidden, was
revealed. Unlike the captain, who became a six-piece alive, he was not
more injured.

But Jean and the Mercenaries, and Murakhan, knew.

The fact that Ron suffered internal injuries that could be dangerous if he
continued the battle any longer.

On the other hand, while the leader was tearing up and vomiting blood, he
felt a sense of composure. The ship Granil, which he was trying to protect,
was exactly the same as being half-destroyed by marijuana.

Whoo, whoo...
The leader exhaled a harsh breath and lifted the steel sword with one
remaining arm.

Then the steel gate, larger than the ship Granil, filled the sky, and the
warriors tried to fly so that Granil would not head for the door.

Ron stopped them with his eyes. It was because they didn't know what
would happen if there were more fights.

The leader nodded as if such Ron's judgment were correct, and looked
down at the gin as Grnil passed through the steel door.

Then he lifted the half-mouthed corners of his mouth, smiling softly out of
the iron door.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 418

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:01 AM

Chapter 418: Episode 121. Betrayal (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

What the hell is going on here?….

Everyone had no choice but to think so.

Who would have expected that the nature of the highest cost of the beat,
which seemed to never be broken unless a world war broke out, would be
so devastating and unannounced?

The seeds that destroyed the planet have already taken advantage of their
unknown power to leave.

At the end of the battle, even the brave soldiers participated in the war, but
the terrorists did not seem to have resigned due to the deadly damage.

a literal rout

Black smoke only rose carelessly throughout the nearly ruined

Geomhwangseong Fortress.


"The Qin Brothers."

Murakan and Linfa came to the side of Qin. Murakan was the face of battle
fatigue, and Linfa was as tranquil as she was first summoned.

Murakan, along with Ron, desperately prevented the attack of the warship
and the leader, but Linfa had no chance of making full force.

Shudder, as Il-sun Chin's body leaned forward, Lin-fa assisted him.

Jin felt sorry for Linfa again this time, as he did when he summoned
Garmund in the past. It was a pity that she would not remember anything
when she returned to Laparosa.

Linfa nodded as if she knew without saying.

"The outside world... has changed a lot. The toys... have never been so
stubborn, I've never seen them."

"Brothers are the only ones in the world who can describe Veracet Sidriker
as a toy."

"I'll... ...go back. There'll be a lot to do.”

"Thank you, Brother Linfa."

Linfa grumbled Jean's hair and smiled with a smile.

Then he said, with a heavy look on his face.

"That horse... ...looks familiar."

"You mean the head of Kinselo?”

Linfa nods her head.

"Surely... I've run into him. We... brothers."

Jean's eyes met with Linfa in dismay at the remark.

"What is that? You've fought with the Ming brothers?”

"Until that... I'm not sure. It's just... I'm sure. I ran into...….”

Linfa tried to think of the leader, but she seemed to remember nothing else
but the feeling that she had met him was certain.

General Kinselo, I ran into him a thousand years ago......? I thought you
were just a man of some sort. You must have something to do with me.

Suddenly, after leaving Temer's second tomb, I remembered the moment

when I talked about Murakan and Danjang.

It was shortly after a glimpse of Murakan and other teenage knights, as well
as Temer and Kinselo, who visited the Tower of the Black Sea in a record
kept by guardian Sarah.

'I just thought Murakhan had a memory problem and couldn't remember
what it was about......maybe.'

The record itself may have been fabricated.

It occurred to me.

Murakan seemed quite familiar with the leader a thousand years ago in the
records, and Linfa was convinced, as soon as she saw him, "I know, but I
don't remember."

'If you've manipulated history and records about the leader, it's obviously a
jipple. But why the hell?'

The clear reason was not immediately clear. However, it was a matter that
could be thought too simply.

'Cause it's a threat.'

The power and power shown by the leader must have been a threat to the
Jipple a thousand years ago.

Everyone saw how unstable it seemed to be, but it was clear that the entire
Geomhwangseong Fortress was pressed with a single stroke, blocked Ron
and Murakan, and continued to recover our forces in real time.

Everyone had a hunch.

If the leader of the Kinselo had been "perfect," the battle would not have
ended at this point.

"Be careful... Jean. It's a dangerous... ...he."


"Next time... meet."


Linfa's body was slowly blurring as it turned into spirit particles. Jean took
a bitter breath, looking at Linfa's fading image.

I looked at the war situation.

The swords of the High Ran, including the Dragon Warrior, looked at those
who were crushed or injured in the wreckage, and the forces that fought
together were recovering their respective forces.

Veradin was still on Enya's back, and before he knew it, Shri, who had
come near, announced that Dante had been safely escorted away.

The fact that they are safe means that they have avoided the worst.'

At the height of the struggle, Jean was the first to move to save the two
men. What's left now is a back-up and a counterattack, and that's not Jin's


Commander of the Courage Division descended to Ron's side.

Ron was looking around, bleeding dark red through his lips. Again, I felt
that even that was unrealistic.
Whoo, whoo...

Although it was quite far away, Ron's harsh breath seemed to be

transmitted. Though his hair was scattered and his whole body was full of
large and small wounds, he still felt a strange dignity.

Ron strode toward Jean.

All the fighters watching at the scene were startled and blinked their eyes.
Immediately after the battle, he looked for the rider of Looncandel before
the people of the Highlands.

Eyes chased two people. Soon as he was close to Jean, Ron wiped the blood
off his mouth and grabbed Jean's right arm.


Ron then raised Jin's right arm to the sky. Like the way one pays homage to
the winner of a game.

For the uninhabited, it was a shocking scene following the terror attacks.
Some people held their mouths shut with their hands and swallowed their

It was so unrealistic for the governor of Gumhwang and Hai Ran to

celebrate the 12th term of Looncandel right after the terrorist attacks.

Jean was puzzled at heart,, in fact, he was, too, surprised to

swallow his breath like a warrior who covered his mouth with both hands.
He kept his expressionless face as much as possible.

Of course, apart from the surprises, Ron immediately realized why he was
the first to flatter himself.

'To stop the Looncandel.'

The attack destroyed the city of Gomhwang, and Ron Heiran suffered
serious internal injuries.
The best time for predators to attack other predators is when their
opponents are injured - outside forces trying to keep Hai Ran in check will
have the best chance for some time after today.

Looncandel was, not to mention, the most prickly of them. If Looncandel

were determined to grasp the situation and then rushed in, Hailan could not
afford to stop it.

The only place to lean on is the imperial family and the Jipple, who were
wary of the High Ran to the point of tying up the warriors from the
beginning, and the Jipple was more dangerous than the imperial family to
reach out recklessly.

In such a situation, what if Jean was the first to attend the banquet as the
"representative" of Looncandel?

No matter how hard the Looncandel of the ruling party is, he cannot hit the
High Ran immediately after the warm atmosphere (and all the forces at the
banquet watched it).

'Well, if Lord Ron hadn't done this, it's unlikely that Looncandel would hit
the High Ran, but......there's no more efficient and safer choice than the one
he can choose.'

In some ways, it was creepy. The fact that he made such a sharp judgment
right after the chaotic situation. The world's best knight in a good position
to have an arrogant mind.

"Jin Looncandel, Lord Ron Heilan of the Black Yellow Star, will never
forget your hard work and courage for this."

But one thing Jean never thought of was this.

Not only is Ron's old-fashioned politician the same mind, but he is full of
sincerity. Ron was actually the most appreciative of Jean's role in the

Instead of answering, Jean bowed her head quietly.

"Also, the Highlands are deeply grateful for the dedication of those who
fought alongside them in the wake of the terrorist attacks...... my
condolences. Too many people have been victimized by terrorism. I
promise to take responsibility in any form."

As Ron lowered his head, the other fighters who were watching were forced
to lower their bodies.

The eyes of the fighters, who raised their heads again, naturally turned to

It was burdensome to keep looking at Ron, and it was natural that

Looncandel's 12th flag, which recently shook the Sword Garden and made
his mark in the Black Star, felt strange.

Among them, Jean turned her eyes to the particularly shining Rata Prochi's
eyes, and looked at Zephyrin, who was being scolded by Murcah in the
corner over there.

"The Devil's Dragon."

Of course, there is no confirmation yet that Jephirin is a demon dragon, but

once the situation calms down, I thought I should meet the leader of the
Black King as soon as possible.

For the time being, everyone here will not be able to leave the Highlands
for a fact-finding mission.


On November 10, 1799, about two weeks have passed since the 'Black Star
Terror' incident.

The entire beat, as well as the Highlands, was still in the shock of the day.
The same was true of the people of other regions who had heard only
through the paper.

Geomhwangseong Fortress was still half-washed.

The restoration has not yet begun. Most of the people lived in tents near
Geomhwangseong Fortress, which seemed to be why only
Geomhwangseong Fortress in Beemment's territory was at war.

In fact, the Black Star was fighting a war.

Against those who believed they were allies. The Beacon imperial family
did not help Hai Lan.

Beyond not helping, he defended Kinselo strangely. The emperor's pens had
not yet called Kinselo a terrorist, even though the main body of the attack
and the damage they caused to the Highlands were clear.

He's just using the vague expression "incredible thinking." The imperial
family even said it could not be sure that the giant mana and biogolems
used in the attacks belonged to Kinselo.

Not many people expected the imperial family to show such a lukewarm
response. However, those who saw the current attitude were able to infer
the same content.

After the incident, there was some kind of deal between the imperial family,
Kinselo, and Zipple.

Not only Kinselo but also Zipple took the position that they had nothing to
do with terrorism since taking Veradin, and the imperial family has been
acquiescing to it.

As there were circumstances in which Kinselo had originally targeted

Veradin, Jipple had to pay for it to the Highlands.

Taming, or killing. Those were the ways the imperial family treated the
High Ran.

For example, Hai Lan was betrayed by the imperial family.

A black-and-yellow cellar, Dante sighed with a tired face. The underground
spaces of Geomhwangseong Fortress were generally intact compared to the

Jean laid her hand on Dante's shoulder.

"Are you nervous about meeting him, Dante?"

"If you don't, you'll be lying."

"Let's hope his diary is still an inviolable territory."

Tuk, tuk, tuk.

Footsteps were heard from beyond the darkness. Soon there was a man in a
robe and a knight who had led him.

It was Veradin.

When Dante beckoned, the knights retreated, and Veradin took off his hood
and showed his face. The shadows of three people were deep among the
empty basement.

When Dante met someone who was really pleased to meet him, he did not
give a kind yet polite greeting, and Veradin remained tight-lipped.

It was Veradin who opened his mouth first, amid a heavy silence for some
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 419

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:59:00 AM

Chapter 419: Episode 121. Betrayal (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Fuck, shit. I can't. Hit me, Dante."

"What is that?"

"It means to turn my chin around until I feel better."

It seemed sincere. Jean and Dante looked at each other as Veradin pulled
out his chin.

"Because my family and the imperial family are salty and they're screwing
up the High Ran. If I also lose until I'm displeased."

"Say something that makes sense, Veradin. If Dante hits you with a little
sincerity, it won't end up as an injury. Can you bear your wretched body?"

"Damn it, I know."

"Why does a man who knows talk nonsense?"

"I'm so sorry, but I feel stuffy and crazy inside, so I have to say
something......that's to make me feel better after all.”

"Looking at the way you speak, it wouldn't be bad to just get hit."
"The ball is not at fault."

Veradin sighed at the words of Jean and Dante.

"I knew you'd say that. Dante, tell me anything I can do to help......! On
behalf of the family, I will apologize in any way.”

When Veradin looked at him with a helpless face, Jean and Dante were not
at ease either.

If Veradin is guilty, it's just the fact that he was born as a gifle and used by
my father.

"You don't have to use excessive words like apology. I called you not to
argue, but to ask you as a friend. The situation on the Zipple side must be
extraordinary, and I must thank you for coming."

"Ugh...... Dante, you character!”

Jean kicked her tongue as Veradin hugged Dante with exaggerated tears in
his eyes.

Anyway, as Dante said, Veradin's secret visit to the Geomhwangseong

Fortress at this point was a matter of his own risk.

The Zipple continues to insist that it is not responsible for the incident. If
Veradin's secret affair was revealed, the argument was bound to lose steam.

Only then did Dante have a faint smile around his mouth when he rubbed a
lot of liquid on his shirt that he might not know if it was tears or fake tears.

It was the first time to see Jindo Dante smile after the incident. The
situation inside Highland was not that good.

In addition to the imperial family's dirty backdoor dealings with terrorist

forces, there have been a number of traitors inside.

Even the main pillars of betrayal were Dante's brothers and relatives. He's
always been treated like a 'no man' by Ron Heilan.
They never dreamed of betrayal. Rather than die a dog for touching Dante
for no reason, he was rather pinning his hopes on the generations after

Ron has been in complete control of the Highlands for a long time, and
Dante was neatly transferring the power.

In the meantime, an opportunity that never happened again. If they had only
suffered massive damage from the terrorist attacks, they would never have
dreamed of betrayal like me, but the imperial family claimed to be their

It was okay up to here. Ron and his Highan are enough to sort out traitors
and stand up without anyone's help.

However, the problem was that too many "victims, not hyran," were caused
by the terrorist attacks. There were more than one or two issues to
compensate the royal family and numerous aristocrats, as well as the heavy

'Lord Ron was expecting things to go like this to a little bit. That's why they
gave me priority just in case.'

A little bit of progress was expected progress.

However, there was one more story that Jean had never imagined.

'The reason the imperial family is pushing the High Ran even in some kind
of deal with Kinselo and Zipple.'

It was for the purpose of obtaining the "objects" that the High Ran had kept
for generations.

To be exact, it should be described as an object that has been kept by the

"Gaju of the High Ran," not the High Ran.

Even the existence or absence of an item is a matter that only the owner can
But Ron announced the existence of the object from the moment he spotted
Dante as a housekeeper, and Dante recently broke the taboo to pass the
secret only on to the housekeeper of Hairan.

He also informed Jin of the existence of the goods.

......white stones, ominous gravel, wedge pointing to the end, etc. The past
masters have called the stone by many names.

If there are so many names, it sounds like no one knows the real name.

You might think so. You're right. When you first announced the existence of
the stone to me, my grandfather described it as the greatest archrival of the

The greatest archrival of the High Ran family?

The meaning of the stone, which is passed only from the housekeeper to the
housekeeper, lies in cutting it. It's the highest place in the history of the
High Ran.

I don't think there's any reason for the imperial family to covet things that
are just about it.

You're right.

I get it. The stone is a dangerous thing that should never be known to
anyone in the world. So, the first time he acquired the item, he tried to get
rid of it, and he would have failed. After that, he left an order to destroy
things without informing them of their identity so that future generations
would not be greedy.

You inferred all that from my brief explanation? That's shocking.

It is even more shocking that not only all the lyricists of the High Ran, but
also Lord Ron, have not been able to cut the stone. What the hell is this
stone like?

I've never seen it myself. My grandfather keeps it.

Either way, the imperial family covets stones because they want to put the
danger in their grasp that the former owners of the Highlands had kept in

The conversation I had with Dante a few days ago.

The imperial family was in a frenzy to take away the "stone" from the High
Ran, as if they had waited for such an opportunity to come. There was
nothing strange about the fact that the imperial family had ordered terror to
get rocks.

Dante informed Jin of the stone because he concluded that it would not be
bad to get some help from Jin in keeping it.

Of course it was Dante's opinion, but Ron readily agreed.

He suffered serious internal injuries, his family's status dropped, his traitors
appeared, and Geomhwangseong has yet to begin restoration work, and
there are no allies. The brave men have also returned to the imperial family.

For example, Ron was a person who put his grandson's safety before his
family's secrets in a situation where he could be isolated if he had a
grandson who wouldn't be hurt.

Above all, I am sure that Qin is not the type to covet stones and hit the back
of his head.

A wife's memory.

Jean took off the veradine that clung to Dante. The wobbly shape felt like
dealing with a child.

"Princess Veradine."

Dante wiped off his laughter and made eye contact with Veradin.

Jean and Dante had decided not to share with Veradin anything about the
stone yet. No wonder I'm not sure Veradin's mind is intact.
But without knowing the information, there was no problem helping Jean
and Dante.

"Yes, come on. Dante. What do you have to ask me?"

"Please urge Zipple to press Hai Lan directly."


"Now Zipple has been putting indirect pressure on the Highlands through
the imperial family. It's not that, it's that you want Zipple to come to the
front and make it look like he's attacking the Highlands."

"Why the hell? Hey, Jean. What are you talking about?"

"Why ask me?"

"Dante couldn't have thought of a plan like this! Explain it to me, why do
you have to?”

"To make the Hai Lan more distinctly distinguish Pia."


"It's that we need to find out which one the imperial family considers more
important, Zipple or Highland. If the imperial family doesn't change its
attitude even though you're pushing it to the limit, it doesn't have to be a
member of the empire anymore."

Precisely, it was a number to check which of the jipples, hai-lan, or stone

the imperial family considers the most important.

"I know what you mean. "Then the imperial family chooses the jipple, and
sets the direction to end Hai Lan with us?"

"That's on your own."

"I'm the next one, not the next one. You don't have that much?"
"Just kidding, and then Looncandel will join the Highlands."

"You're not the lyricist of Looncandel, you're the next.”

"I have that much authority. To be exact, I am confident that I will commit
the number of Highland and Alliance, and then bring the family together."

As if the words and attitudes were wonderful, Veradin lit his eyes and
coughed in vain.

This was not the time to play in praise of Jean as usual.

"I see, isn't there too many variables? And the imperial family wouldn't
abandon the High Ran and choose the Jipple. The whole world is

"You don't know that."

"... ...if Bonsa steps out, he could get hurt beyond recovery.”

"Isn't that too disrespectful of Hai Lan? With Dante in front."

"Hmm, hmm. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry, but it's still such an important....and besides, I'm in a state of
insanity, so what if this plan leads to the best flow of our family?”

"That's really the worst case, but we have our own safeguards, so don't

"Oh? Safety! What is it?"

"Can I just let you know that?"

Veradin smiled bitterly at Jean's words.

"Be careful, Veradin, until you get your mind back and forth. We'll be
careful of you, too."

a nod of veradine

"Let's sort out the enemy, and see the goals and priorities of the imperial
family and the Zipple. If possible, let's see what the imperial family used to
do behind-the-scenes deals with Kinselo and Zipple."

Jin, Dante and Veradin are doing this under the water under the water.

It was up to Ron and his knights to keep their balance internally and
externally and sustain the High Ran.

"Even if the families are strictly enemies externally, we only need the three
of us to be a sure ally. Then we can reverse our external relationship when
we each take over the family.”

"You're right."


The moment the three men said so, a knight found the basement. It was one
of the first articles to lead Veradin.

"Dear Soju."

"What's going on?"


The knight glanced at Veradin's countenance and continued his backbiting.

"The Emperor says he is looking for Lord Qin."

"Jin? Why?"

"I don't know exactly, but from the rumors among the patients......that he
seems to be trying to reward you for this."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 420

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:58 AM

Chapter 420: Episode 121. Betrayal (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again



Dante and Veradin asked back at the same time.

"Yes, my lord."

"Hairan is also your territory, so do you want to pay tribute to that


"That's what it looks like."

Dante's expression darkened. It was due to the emperor's abominable

treatment of praising Qin in front and pressuring Hai Lan in the back.

Dante was very upset because of his good character and speech and his

The article that delivered the news also seemed to suppress the miserable

"Bad bastard, very. How nice Dante is, and he doesn't know that. Children."
When Veradin said so, Dante and the knight's eyes grew bigger.

They've never heard anyone describe the emperor as an epithet. Even Ron,
who is usually known not to give the emperor a title, has never done a baby

"I thought it was time for the courtesans to take a look at the plaque they
dare call Cheonan . That's great."

When I added a word of progress, Dante and the article looked around
without realizing it. It was clear that there were no listening ears, but it was
a reflex.

Even without this incident, Qin did not have good feelings for the emperor.
I've been involved with special forces a few times, and I recently fought
with my own in the Wantaramo Forest.

Moreover, there was no room for good attention, including the fact that
Tikan Free City was being ridiculed or that it was secretly producing

"Hmm, hmm. Friends. But he's a real empire.….”

"Nana Jean's not even a Beaunt, it's okay. It's okay."

Eventually Dante smiled awkwardly. I was relieved of what they said.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Well, so am I. Dante!"

Dante and Veradin looked at Jean at the same time. Say so too, with that
look on your face.

Jean lightly ignored their little aspirations, though.

"I wonder what you're going to give me. Can I just go right now?"

"Yes, Lord Qin."

Jean who stands up from her seat, stretching.

"As other forces are leaving Geomhwangseong Fortress today, I should stop
by the palace and go back to my home.”

"Suddenly like this?"

Veradin said, with round eyes.

"Not suddenly. You just got here, but I've been here for about 15 days. Now
that we've got a rough idea of what we're talking about, shouldn't we go
find my place? The Looncandel rider is pretty busy."

Dante felt no less sorry than Veradin, but he could not hold on.

In the first place, Jean could go back any time if she wanted to go back.

If it was not Jin at the scene of the attack, Hai Lan would not have asked
Looncandel to stay until the investigation was completed.

Jean is purely a friend who has taken time to help Dante. It was time to go
back and do your job.

"But I just got here."

"Yes, now go back and do your best to put pressure on the High Ran in
earnest. You're busy too."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

Just before leaving the basement following the article, Jean looked around
her friends once.

Veradin was rapidly depressed by grief, and Dante was patting such
Veradin's back.

"In any situation, only the three of us don't betray each other."

When I saw my friends nodding their heads, I laughed.

If he had been born as the first child instead of the youngest in an ordinary
family other than Looncandel, wouldn't he have had such younger siblings?
It struck me that way.

"Be careful, Jean. See you soon. And then a drink!"

"Bio the Guntu, thee."

As I followed the driver out of the basement, the bright sunlight pierced my

Under the cool, cloudless sky, half-washed, blackened blackness was

creating a sense of separation.

"I must say hello to Lord Ron, where are you?"

"I'd like to invite you."

Ron was sitting alone in Daejeon, almost completely destroyed.

Although it is all broken, the constellation of Geomhwangseong Fortress in

Daejeon is still intact.

To Jean, it seemed to symbolize the situation in the High Ran. Even if

attacked both inside and outside, a great warrior named Ron Hai-lan
seemed likely to protect that constellation in the end.

Maybe you just want to think that way because you know Ron is in bad

"The Emperor called you, didn't he?”

Ron, who felt like he was popular, opened his mouth and the driver left.


"The Imperialist has a great talent for asking busy people to come. I'm
going to be damned for listening to the obvious.”
The attitude toward Qin has changed. Ron no longer perceived Jean as a
"devil who possessed his grandson."

This is because since the time of the terrorist attacks, Jin has shown his
loyalty and affection for Dante as well as his ability.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not good."

It is true that he suffered serious internal injuries while dealing with

Kinselo, but it has never been fatal enough to prevent a recovery from
starting yet.

But Ron's internal injuries showed no signs of improvement.

Rather, it was getting worse over time. To the point where the ten-star
warrior might be overshadowed.

"It's a big deal."

Dante didn't know Ron's condition. Only about five of Ron's closest allies
and Jean knew about this.

"It's a big deal, to the extent that I have to borrow your hand to protect my

He said, "It is no big deal." It's not a bluff, it's a result of his confidence that
even if he has this kind of injury, there won't be any big problems.

However, if Ron's injury turns out to be much more serious than it is

known, it was only natural that things would be too much for the current
High Ran to handle.

"I don't know if that red sword was the problem, or if there was another
factor. I thought, of course, it would be the day to mix your father and your
sword....the head of a group known not long ago as a third-rate terrorist
group, which is amazing."
"It just wasn't revealed, it would be a great horse race."

"I'm sure so. It seemed obvious that he couldn't show all his strength, but he
was. When you're complete, you must be in the same ranks as your father."

Jean did not consider Ron's assessment an insult to his father. Because he
felt the same way.


Ron breathed a deep sigh.

It wasn't because of internal injuries. It is heartbreaking to think of a

grandson who will have to fight against such a being in the future.

'We've been hoping that the second generation of giants will compete
fiercely with each other, and that Dante will finally be at the pinnacle's not the time for such rosy imaginations.'

It would not be enough for the second generation to compete against such a
horse, but to fight together.

Not only the Majokites, but also the Jipple.

"What did Veradine Zipple sound like?"

Grandfather, if magic can manipulate human spirit and memory at will, can
you believe it?

The words spoken by grandson at the banquet hall.

Ron has been concerned about mental manipulation ever since.

"You look fine on the outside. There's no immediate way to determine

whether you're mentally ill or not."

"Hidden Mana, mental manipulation. It's a dirty and difficult era just
thinking about those things. When I was young, I could conquer the world
with just one sword."
"Simple and romantic.”

"It was not me who realized the romance, but your father."

Ron shrugged and looked up at the sky with a hollow ceiling. The deep
crease around the eyes seemed to smudge bitterness.

"After the division of the pia is over and this side is cleared, I will help you
to make it easier for you to seize the throne of Looncandel."

Ron didn't say he would make it impossible. I just say that it helps me get
what I can easily done anyway.

Already Ron had no doubt that Jean would become the king of the
Looncandel swordsmen. It's hard to picture other riders in Looncandel
taking on this steel-thin-like guy.

"Thanks for the word, Lord Ron."

"Just go and see."


"Oh, and."

When Jean turned around, Ron smiled with a sizzling, somehow evil

"Tell the Emperor."

"What should I say?"

"In many ways, you'd better make a good choice."


In the capital city of Beiment, wherever he was, he could turn his head to
see the imperial palace.

A huge spire that glows yellow, soaring like a cloud, and a palace that
stretches beneath it, a four-pronged river that encircles them round, and a
new white, vast pavement stretching between them.

The Imperialists were proud of the majestic appearance of the largest

building in the arena and enjoyed what they called the palace, not the

Any palace that exists in the world will be nothing more than a heap of
stones on the ground than the Beemment Imperial Palace.

'The palace, it feels completely different from what I've seen in the distance
before returning. I've heard it's luxurious and magnificent, but...….'

I didn't expect to boast such a magnificent scale.

Moreover, how many species are in control, not a single small foreign
object was seen on the white roads, which are likely to be hundreds of steps

All right, all right, all right.….

When the imperial carriage carrying the camp stopped gently, the guards
lined up in this row gave a salute. Qin was naturally censored, and the
emperor was watching the vantage and its appearance from the height of the

"What do you think, Jean Looncandel, will accept Jim's offer?"

The doctors did not answer the emperor's question, but only bowed their

"Well, if we could know that in advance, we wouldn't have to meet like this.
I shouldn't have asked you questions.”

Again, the patients bowed their heads.

In fact, all the patients the emperor brought to the spire were those who lost
their voices a long time ago, and could not answer them in the first place.

"Instead, I can see with my own eyes the basic human tendency of Jean
Looncandel, using you."

Knock, knock!

Suddenly, the emperor threw the window wide open and grabbed the neck
of the coroner, who was tightening his head closest to him.

Then, without a moment's hesitation, he lifted up the hall lightly and threw
it out of the window.

The hallucination did not scream, but Jean did not miss him falling to the
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 421

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:57 AM

Chapter 421: Episode 122. Emperor (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

From the point of view of the falling hallucinations, it was fortunate that
Qin recognized the Imperial Palace as an enemy.

He was pulling up his senses. Thanks to this, Jin was able to recognize that
there was something unusual going on from the height of the spire.


No matter how high the spire is, the fall is quick.

There was no time to think about who was falling and what was going on
after the war.

The body moved reflexively.


As the force erupted from the swollen thigh, the white pavement sank and
cracked, and Chin's body bounced into the air like an arrow that left the

It was too fast for the nearby guards to block even though there were no
backup movements. The guards opened their eyes wide and looked only at
the back of the flying Qin.

And the emperor revealed his teeth as he saw the Qin approaching the spire.

'It's close, but you can get it.'

At such a certain moment, familiar and sharp sounds of iron came to Jin's

There were dozens of swords coming out of the cuts and even a glimpse of

This is the Imperial Palace.

In other words, the most heavily guarded space in the world. In sight, out of
sight. There were swords everywhere in the palace guarding the emperor.

Since the arrival of the camp, the royal court, which had been hiding in
various parts of the palace, had been paying keen attention.

Even if they are trying to save the fallen, they are obliged to subdue the
camp as long as this is the emperor's palace.

Every movement in the palace had to be universal and common sense. A

"surprise leap" was an act that threatened the safety of the emperor.


The swords of the leaping golden men poured into Qin. Jin dodged the
attack by spinning only his body in the air without pulling the sword.

No matter how outstanding Jin was, however, he could not let go of all the
attacks of the golden men. I don't know if it's on the ground, but if it's in the
air with an urgent heart, it's even more.

Several blades of knife brushed past Jean's body. Due to several wounds at
once, blood drops splashed loudly, but all of them were minor cuts.
As much injury was allowed, there was also a gap. Jean was able to escape
between the blades of the gold and draw out the hallucinations that were
about to fall.

"Are you all right?"

At the same time, the swords of the fallen goldmen were pointed at Jin in
all directions.


"This is the Imperial Palace, Jean Looncandel."

Jean did not answer and looked at the condition of the man she had saved.

'It was a hallucination.

I could tell from the clothes. The scar on the neck of the coroner's eye was
visible, and it was immediately recognized that the wound was deliberately
made to prevent the voice from being heard.

At this time, there were only two occasions when such a hallucination
would fall from the imperial spire.

Suicide, or dusk.

All other possibilities were too slim.

Though it moved reflexively in the spirit of human death.

From the moment he jumped, Jean thought it was likely the latter. The
emperor ordered him to jump in. It is too coincidental that someone's
suicide and his visit overlap.

I raised my hallucinations and looked up on the spire. The emperor's

appearance was not seen, and the slow closing spire window movement felt
as if the corners of someone's mouth were rising.
It was obvious that the emperor had thrown himself into the vantage.
Intended to look at how one reacts.

'Purgeon General.'

Jean shrugged her shoulders and looked at the gold.

"Get rid of it, for you have only accepted the Emperor's greetings.”

The horse was full of flesh in the eyes of the golden men, but from afar a
group of servants came running and shouting.

"Stop the golden ones!"

"Your Majesty's guest, how can you show such rudeness!"

The emperor invited Qin as a top guest and assigned his entourage. They
were also embarrassed by the unexpected actions of Qin and the emperor,
but unlike the Geumwi, they immediately recognized the real meaning of
the emperor and responded to it.

"It's Barcam the first time. I apologize for your rudeness on behalf of the

Jean made eye contact with Barkham for a moment and said:

"It's a comfortable position."

Hwang Jwa Ran. The backbiting was omitted, but Barcam and his servants
understood what he meant and were forced to conceal their embarrassment
in their hearts.

The opponent was rude first, so I decided not to be polite. There's no one
outside the Looncandel who's above the Looncandel horseman.

"I'll take you to your Majesty."

I walked through the palace for about an hour along with the servants of
The palace showed the height of the splendor foreseen in the grandeur of
the outside. It is the third group in the world to have power after Zipple and
Looncandel, and luxury worthy of the name of the continent's only empire.

Soon after, when they reached Yongjeon, the inner gold guards and the pro-
Western forces blocked the camp.

"Return the weapon.”


"What the hell is that?" Sound?"

"I mean to face the Emperor with a weapon."


"Wouldn't there be the best fighters in the palace right next to the emperor
anyway? If it doesn't work, I'll just go back."

It was the first such case since the present emperor's accession.

While the committee and the pro-defense forces were agonizing over how
to deal with the situation, voices of hallucinations were heard from inside
the dragon.

"He, just, just listen!"

A thin, shiny cloth covering the entrance to Al-Reality was rolled up,
followed by dozens of archers showing up somewhere, peeling colorful,
palm-sized pieces of cloth on the floor like a long rug.

As they moved on, the archers retrieved the pieces of cloth from the
position where the gin was excessive, and laid new pieces of cloth on the
floor that had not yet been reached.

At the end of the cloth, the archers retreated into the darkness on both sides,
and when they looked up, they could see the throne, which seemed as high
as a crab.
Originally, those who stood there should bow to each other regardless of
their status, but it did not apply to Looncandel and Jipple.

Amir Beacon...….'

Jin thought about him for a moment, recalling the emperor's name.

A person who is Kashmir's brother and was originally the owner of the Lun
of Muleta in his previous life, and who encourages biopsy.

"In my past life, I thought I was just a good wire walker between
Looncandel and Jipple. In fact, most of the world is so critical of the present

The emperor's external first impression was far from the one that seemed to
be good at tightrope walking. A coolly stretched nose, dark eyebrows, and
glistening eyes with dignity. He looked just like a general who had come to
enlightenment in numerous wars.

The emperor opened his mouth first as Jean stared up at him.

"Good work coming, Lord Jean Luncandel."

"The Emperor must have had a hard time getting back to his seat after the
rough reception."

The Emperor smiled at his provocative words and deeds.

"Was it unpleasant?"


"As I've heard, he's a fiery man. Jim was just curious about you."

"Do you mean you threw me into a hallucination because you were curious
about my personality?"

"Yes, it's hot, but you're a little softer than Jim thought. How come you're
only looking ahead?"
The emperor tilted his head and continued his speech.

"The hospitality you have saved is a felony. I dared to covet the courtesan,
and a few years ago Jim urged me to live a miserable life and be laughed

"Is that so?"

"How did you put the good guards at risk to save a man who was not as sick
as a wild dog?"

Squeeze! Squeeze!

In the darkness on both sides of Al-Reality, iron bars opened, and there
came the sound of chains dragging.

The guards, who had first baptized Jin from the dark, walked out. Jin was
beaten up all the way to Al-Reality.

The emperor smiled and continued talking.

"They were beaten and dismissed for failing to stop your unexpected
behavior, and will return all the green light you have received while
working as a guard. It's a small punishment compared to not being able to
stop the threat to me, but it's a tragedy for them."

Jean did not budge at the guards.

"I mean, you destroyed them and their families trying to save the garbage.
Even this is the Imperial Palace, the land of Jim......your actions have been a
serious discourtesy from the very beginning. Whatever happens here, you
have no right to stop it. You have stopped Jim's execution."

Jean nodded as the emperor spoke emphatically.

"You're saying all sorts of funny things.”

"Ask Jim for forgiveness at least now."

"And there's one misunderstanding."

"I'm mistaken?

"Do you think I was trying to save the guesthouse without knowing it was a

The emperor's eyes have become thinner.

"I don't agree with the sophistry the Emperor has laid out, but in the first
place I moved without calculating it. The feeling of testing me is strong, so
I just acted on my own."


"Do you really think the Emperor of Viment can test the rider of

The Emperor's laughter ceased laughing.

But he didn't erase his laughter by revealing his displeasure. Rather, the
emperor's eyes were shining as if they were exciting.

"There are many swords here that can kill you. Even if Jim wields the
sword to kill you, Looncandel will not retaliate. Jim took out the stone for
me. It's full of cause."

It wasn't very wrong.

If the emperor killed Jean, Joshua and his forces could cover up the case at
any reasonable level. As long as Jin's body is returned.

"I've often been in this situation in my life...... there's something I say every

"What is it?"

"Try, if you're confident.”


Suddenly the emperor rose from his seat and spat out admiration.

"By the way, you broke the Sword Garden a few days ago. It can't be
difficult here. Jim has no choice but to praise your guts!"

The way he clapped his hands with the face above seemed to be truly

"Release the guards, reinstate them, and then lower the golden crown."

The emperor smiled again as the inner gold guards took the guards.

"I think Jim knows a little about you now."

"I don't know much about the Emperor yet."

The eyes of Qin and the emperor clashed.

"You'd better get to know him better. Today, Jim has called you to reward
you, so won't you be able to develop into a good relationship?"

"What will you give me?"


The emperor looked down at the camp and said,

"I will give you the power to devour Looncandel and to fight against the
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 422

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:56 AM

Chapter 422: Episode 122. Emperor (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'......look at yourself.'

A silent smile came through my lips.

I was expecting to propose something like an alliance under the pretext of a


It was obvious that the whole world knew that the imperial family was
hitting the back of the head of the High Ran, and he called himself out to
give a reward.

"The power to devour the Looncandel, and to go against the Jipple."

"How come, isn't it a tempting story?"

Jean looked at the glistening eyes of the Emperor in Jamsil.

'Still the emperor of the Empire, that's a pretty hard look.'

It was not easy to read what was beyond the pupil.

"Do you know?"


"A few days ago, the day I proved my ability in the Sword Garden. That
day I declared myself to be a housekeeper."

"How could you not? On that day, your majesty was named after the
Magum Regression and the Gazoo Declaration. For a while the Beemance
whole was filled with your songs sung by the minstrels. Jim also enjoyed
the song and ordered the imperial band to play it."

"I'm ashamed that such a thing happened. Anyway, the reason I declared in
front of everyone is no different. Already......."

It means I have the power to be a housekeeper.

The emperor gently blinked his eyes as Qin continued.

"I've heard that not only the senate, but also the executive and black knights
have already fallen into the hands of the second-term. On the other hand,
isn't your power somewhat feeble?"

The remark forced Jean to burst out laughing again.

"That's how I look to outsiders.”

Be weak.

There was definitely a time like that. When Qin was in the storm, when we
had only one ally.

But since waking Murakan from a stormy secret underground glass tube,
Qin's forces have never been feeble by absolute standards.

Although he had lost some of his strength, Murakan was always able to join
the ranks of the strongest if he had a chance to recover.

Following Murakan, colleagues in Luna, Tikan Free City, Ming dynasty of

Vigung, Lafrrosa, Sungguk, Misha, Solderette's Sabae, Small Suin,
Wantaramo Forest, and Highan of Ron and Dante.
In addition, Jonah and some elders in Looncandel, articles showing favor to
Jin after the declaration of the housekeeping, Veradin in a state of sound
mind, etc. Besides these, there were also considerable forces that could be
called "temporary allies."

Jin's power now stands out in the world, and its future scalability is also

But when I heard that I was weak, I couldn't hide my funny feelings.

"It's because you've formed such a good image of the outside world. I know
that the power you are hiding is enormous."

"It's not as desperate as it is to get help from the emperor."

"One, I don't know the power of the second Looncandel......I thought you
were familiar with the power of the Zipple."

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know their power?"

"They're dominating the whole world with just the tip of the iceberg. Jim
asked if you ever peeped under the surface of the Zipple, if you did...….”

The emperor paused.

Then he trembled because he remembered the "real power" of the Jipple,

which he had peeked at. A tremor that is hard to tell whether it is a thrill or

"You will not be able to say that you are not in need of anyone."

"The Emperor must be afraid of Jipple."

"Are you not afraid of them?"

"You just said you knew me a little, and you're talking nonsense."

"The first baroness of Looncandel, Themeer Looncandel."

The emperor suddenly took out the name. Jean didn't lose her calm

Who are you? The other forces looking for Demar's grave.

Who do you think it is?


Correct! But that's not all.

The Imperial Household of Beemment is also looking for the tomb of

Looncandel's first family. Your movements have been exposed to them

Not long ago, a conversation Veracte had with Margiela when she visited

It was then the first time I knew that forces other than Looncandel and
Zipple were searching for Themeer's tomb. Even what Beacon wants is
Themeer's body.

'I didn't know you'd bring up the story about Temar first.

Jean made eye contact with the emperor and waited for the next horse.

"To remain in the record, he had the strongest power in history.Even more
so, no one of the greatest beings of the time dared to do anything about
Temer Looncandel.….”

"Where is that record left?”

"Even he couldn't get past the wall of Jipple, but can you deal with the evil

"I asked where you checked the records."

"I'll show it to you if you become my person."

Suddenly, a strong energy was emitted from the camp, as a volcano
exploded without warning. There was a crack on the floor, and the
momentary heavy air sank down.

There was no reason to hold back anger even if this was an imperial palace.

The theme is the ancestor of the Looncandel, and the record that even the
Looncandel did not have is not worth mentioning.

As soon as the committee and the pro-Western forces were about to move,
the emperor raised his hand to restrain them. It gave off no more energy
than a magnitude.

"Now that the Emperor has restrained the swords, I'll assume that this was
not the case you just committed against me."

Jean said in a calm voice. The "mines" of Beemont encountered in the

Wantaramo forest came to mind and filled my heart with hot things.

Beacon is trying to use Themeer's body to complete the manne.

From the forest of Wantaramo, Jean had such a mind in the bison.

The conviction came closer to certainty with the meeting with the emperor
today, and when it became certain. The destruction of the imperial family
was not enough.

"And I'll warn you only once, Emperor. If Emperor Haengyeo gained the
body of the first housekeeper and made a crude doll......and thousands of
years of Beaumont's history will come to nothing."

"Hoo-hoo, the conversation with you is as thrilling as a single line.”

"at any time, at any time, anywhere. If you find any clues about the tomb of
Looncandel's first family member, you must make sure to report to

The emperor did not express anger or displeasure, no matter how Qin said
"I'll think about it after you become king of the swordsmen."

He seemed to speak lightly, but his intentions were expressed.

You probably can't be a housekeeper without my help, the emperor was

saying so.

"Anyway, right now, Jim can't be your ally. But what should I do, I've
already decided to reward you...….”

The Emperor, who had said so far, clapped his hands as if something had
come to mind.

"Hai Lan. All right, why don't you have the whole family? I called for a
reward for saving Hai Lan in the first place."

"You sound like you can handle Hai Lan at will.”

"Of course, there's nothing Jim can't do in Beacon."

"To take a family, loyalty must come first. Even if the Emperor bestows me
intangible control, Lord Ron and Dante pledge allegiance to me? It's a
laughing stock."

"You find simple difficult. Do you really think there's no way?"

"Pressing Lord Ron by taking Dante hostage?"

"That's not bad either, but there are a few more."

"At the time of the attack, I did my best to minimize the damage to the
Highlands. Do you think I'll hit the back of the head of Hai-lan like an
imperial family?"


It was the first time that the emperor had so intensely expressed his feelings
during the conversation.
The emperor was wondering. A face that I can't quite understand why Jin
protects Hai Lan.

"When I heard that you were active in Geomhwangseong Fortress, I was

very curious. I can't think of a good reason why you protected the High Ran
when it's a terror that can take so much profit from the perspective of
Looncandel. What is it?"

"You don't need a big reason to help your friends."

"......what, my friend?"

The emperor sprang up. I screamed and prayed as if I was dumbfounded.

"That's why you're giving up your gains!”

The most disappointing way of speaking, Chin only shrugged at his furious

"Is it a problem?"

Soon the emperor, who sat down again sighed.

"The emotion and thrill I felt while I was talking to you cool off. I never
thought you'd spit out that soft sound.….”

"Are you displeased?"

"If that's the way it is, you won't be able to survive the fight ahead."

"I've always lived that way."

Now there was even a sense of bewilderment in the eyes of the emperor, but
soon the emperor shook his head again with a serene face.


"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Put down the golden crown on Lord Jean Looncandel."

At the words Jean gave a short salute and turned back.

"Sir Qin."

When he began to walk away from Al Shil, the emperor called in Qin and

"Today, you and Jim have no chance of becoming allies. Make sure you
know that, and the next time you bump into me...Be more respectful than...

After talking to Qin, the emperor is not stepping on the line as he is now,
but when he must belong to either side.

It was concluded that there was no need to join forces with Looncandel.

If you can't see any new possibilities in Looncandel other than Jean by the
time that comes, you never have to.

So I was saying that I would never treat him this much after today.

"Oh, come to think of it, I've forgotten something. Lord Ron asked me to
deliver it to the Emperor. You'd better make a good choice in many ways."

The emperor did not answer, and Qin finished off the backstabbing, leaving
Al Shil.

"In other words, it's a good line. Don't regret it."

After Qin had left the al-Hyeonsil, the emperor had only stared at the spot
where the back had been for some time.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 423

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:54 AM

Chapter 423: Episode 123. So suddenly?(1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Hey, hey, bald. Do you know what it is? Huh?"

said Murakan, holding the incarnation pecon in Bin Branche's body,

shaking it.

Jin had left the palace and visited the ruins of Volta with Murakan and

After hearing that General Manager Kinselo had the ability to handle "iron"
as if he were the god of a blacksmith, Tired had told him to get a piece of it.

Fortunately, the iron formed by his powers still remained on the battlefield
after Kinselo stepped down with his gang.

Most of the iron was retrieved by Hai Lan and commissioned the wizards to
conduct research, and some of the progress was taken.

[You quick-tempered bastard, do you think analysis ends right away?] You
need time to analyze it.]

"How long does it take?”

[A week if short.]
"Can't you do it faster?"

[A week goes by so fast. If you're unlucky, you could eat for months, or you
could have no income. You think it's easy to get your information out of
these pieces of iron?]

"Ha! Who the hell is he?"

the head of the Kinselo

There were two things that became clear about him after this battle. The
first is the fact that he is a maniac, and the second is that he has enormous

[Ten-star knight and a maniac with enough power to overwhelm you? If

you're that much of a horse, you'll definitely have your own magic left in
the iron, so just wait and see.]

"All right, all right."

[But what are the remaining iron for?]

The pickon pointed to the iron left in Jean's hand.

"I'm going to hand it over to Aria Heister."

[That record wizard. That's a good idea, maybe the wizard can provide
more information than I do.]

Valeria was now the busiest of Jean's colleagues.

She is tracking the missing Hysterics, restoring the recording devices she
received from Jean, and even searching for Temer's grave by herself.

'I wish I could see you soon, but I'm sure you'll be busy. I'll have to enclose
it in the letter. Prepare a gift for the Emperor."

The golden crown, which the emperor gave as a reward, had already passed
through the mobile gate and arrived in the Sword Garden.
It was necessary to reciprocate him.

'Mine body.'

Captain Rick Helter and his men encountered in Wantaramo Forest.

After they chose to be Mayn, they thought their bodies would be oxidized
without a trace. Valeria's ice seal had left some of the bodies as evidence.

Jean planned to make it public soon.

'After the conversation, the emperor is ready to abandon the High Ran. He
seemed to want to get rid of the High Ran as soon as he recovered the

Therefore, Kinselo gives way, and Jipple does not help Hailan because the
imperial family comes forward even though he is secretly pressuring him.

"Sending a valor at the end was an inevitable choice for the sake of the
royal authority, as well as for the eyes of the beholder." Find the
whereabouts of the stones. At that time, he would have expected the
collapse of the Highlands.'

Instead of Ron's Highland, which was 'prudent and completely out of

control,' the emperor wanted another Highland to be a good listener.

It is certainly a painful loss to lose Dante, the next best grandson of Ron

'But it's not an irreplaceable power from the time the Mains were born. The
emperor judged that Sir Ron and Dante could threaten the imperial family
as a bigger problem.'

Body deformations? Like biogolems?

It's similar, but a little different. The old dark sorcerers called this a
"minhwa." It's not the perfect magic team.
I think so, too. It's slow in motion, and at a glance it's uselessly complicated
and crude.

Talk about Valeria and Maine in the Wantaramo Forest, according to her,
Biment's Main was not complete.

Nevertheless, the emperor thought that he could make up for the loss of
power by losing Ron and Dante with his mind.

'By all means, I can give the imperial family an irreparable loss of image,
just like when the biorhythmia of the Jipple broke out.'

After the attacks, the imperial family seems to be helping Kinselo, not the

However, not all the people were fools, and rumors were circulating that the
imperial family was trying to reject the High Ran even when the media was
manipulated and controlled.

Highland and Gene's pens constantly sent out articles like that.

In the process, it was nothing less than that the people of Beiment were
most angry.

Giant demon that seems to follow biogolems and human orders.

Especially after the Holy Land incident, the majority of ordinary people
were very nervous about 'the golem of life'.

It is thanks to Jin's public disclosure of how vicious and cruel the process of
producing bio golem is.

"Hey, kid. What are you thinking?"

"The idea that the public can't tell the difference between the mind and the

"Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

"I'm going to publish an article that says Maine's body from the Wantaramo
forest is not Kinselo, but the living golem of the imperial family.”

"Do you think it's okay.

"It's fabricated information, but the imperial family could cut off the
highland faster than I thought, so we should stop it. The bio-golem
controversy is fatal, and you can't touch the High Ran properly while you
explain it and cover it."

As soon as the article and evidence of "The Imperial Household Biomedical

Golem" began to circulate, the imperial family would even pay for
defending Kinselo secretly.

It was also forced to draw a clear line with Kinselo. If you continue to be
ambiguous, the bio-golem that attacked the High Ran in the first place
could be framed as "Empress-owned."

Then, the imperial family seems to have failed to purge the best famous
song of Beemance by joining hands with terrorist groups without any

"It sounds like it. The Emperor said he didn't know you had a Mine corpse,
did he?

"Yes, I don't know. That's why I was so proud. If you knew, you'd have no
choice but to offer me a low-key deal. I'm sure you didn't get it. Dino's
going to be very busy for the time being."

Jean smiled, recalling the face of the emperor. I wondered what he would
look like when an article about Mine's body hit all over the Beacon.

"It's because you're in the wrong times, Ron Heilan, who would have been
born without your father, would not have been short of the strongest title.
Compared to Siron Looncandel, he's so rude.”

Murakhan shrugged.
"Anyway, Mr. Picone. We should get going now. Please contact us as soon
as you have any leads after the analysis."

[All right.]


Upon arriving at the city's Carlon through the mobile gate, the party was
forced to open its eyes wide to unexpected welcome and cheers.


"Hero of the High Ran!"

"A rider recognized by the sword!"

"The Great Black Dragon!"

Residents who are likely to reach 10,000 units welcomed the group. They
had all been lodging near the mobile gate for several days, waiting for the
camp to arrive.

Jin stayed in Geomhwangseong Fortress until just before, and was not able
to feel it because he had stopped by the palace and returned right away.

The outside world was already praising Qin as a hero of the sword-humped
terror. The ignorance shown by Jin and Murakan on that day is spreading
throughout the continent, including Hufester.

Of course, many of the other fighters did a great job that day, but it was
only natural that Jin and Murakan stood out.

Murakan protected the Geomhwangseong Fortress by painting the skies of

the area completely with spirit, and Qin fought alongside the Geomhwang
on the front line.

There was even talk among the public that without Qin and Murakhan, the
Geomhwangseong Fortress would have been over that day.
"Dear Black Dragon, please look this way!"

Of course, normally I wouldn't dare to make such a fuss in downtown


As the mobile gates were especially used for missions, it was common to
keep them in order.

It is impossible for people to gather to welcome the 12th rider who is

rumored to be out of sight.

Nevertheless, it was the result of the "10 percent" of supporters who

gathered and welcomed the 12th flag.

"What are they?"

The way he spoke was blunt, but the voices of men praising him were not
so bad.

"They must be supporters of you."

"Strawberry pie, is it this crazy to have helped the Black Star?"

"You've played a part in Lord Ron's presence, so...... many people will
expect this to lead to an alliance between Looncandel and Hailan."

The alliance between Looncandel and Hai Ran has been a topic often
mentioned among the public.

Right now, Jipple is ahead of Looncandel, but everyone has such

expectations about how much the gap will be narrowed if Hylan is included
in the Hufester.

Of course, it was a story with little reality, but it was just in case, given the
recent appearance of the imperial family checking the High Ran and Jin's

"It seems to me that more people came to see you than I did, Murakan."
"That's what I feel."

"Why me?"

"You've been the patron saint of Looncandel for the past thousand years,
and you've shown quite great dignity in the Highlands. Don't keep such a
prickly face, just smile a little and do it."

"Why should I?"

The answer was yes, but Murakan waved and laughed, unlike his words,
and more intense cheers came from among the residents.

And a man in a single eyeglasses came up to the party with his guardian

It was first-class butler Petro.

"You're here, Master!"

"It's been a long time since you've greeted me so calmly.”

As the saying goes, Petro mostly puffed out for him when Jean came. Most
of the time, Jin visited the Sword Garden with his family or his family in
trouble, and there were always people who wanted to eat him.

This time, Jin came back from an accident. Although the situation was a
situation, it provided too much help to the Highlands. We've also stopped a
suspected black knight.

"You don't have any sacks waiting for me this time, do you?"

"Not really, but I've seen a lot less hostility toward you like I used to."

"Good story to hear.”

"Instead. A visitor just came in, sir."

"Who is it?"
"Lata Prochi, the Ghost Captain. He came to the Sword Garden without
warning to meet the master. With a bunch of fearless, armed mercenaries...

said Petro, sighing.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 424

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:53 AM

Chapter 424: Episode 123. All of a sudden? (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"You came with armed mercenaries? In the Sword's Garden?"

"Yes, sir. The number of mercenaries I brought with me was over five

"Five hundred have the guts. I think it's almost crazy.
When did you arrive?"

"I've been hospitalized for about three hours."

"The mercenaries couldn't be admitted.”

As he said, it was only Rata Prochi who entered the Sword's Garden.

Rata and the Ghosts had also stayed in the Geomhwangseong Fortress for a
while, just like Qin. In other words, Rata was the first to find the Sword
Garden as soon as she left the Black Castle.

Of course, Looncandelo could not accept them, for he had come to the great
army without any prior notice.

'You're a ghost, so you're free from the misery.'

If a shabby mercenary group had made an unannounced visit on such a
scale, Looncandel would have killed them all.

Ghosts are neutral forces that belong to the largest group, and their home
turf, the Necropolis, is used as a venue for talks by large powers, so they are
safe from such discourtesy.


"That bad-eyed bastard came to see you. It must be my brother, but why did
you bring 500 men? What, do you mean you're going to make a cute

"I don't know why I brought my men. You'll find out when you go."

The cheers were growing fast as the party began to move.

Especially, a group of boys and girls shouting out Murakan's name was the
crowning power, and Gilly slipped Murakan's back so they wouldn't be

"You're young friends, please wave your hands. Mr. Murakan."

"Strawberry pie, if you want...….”

In the near future, Jin and Gilly were very shocked by the fact that when
Murakan smiled at them, a number of people suddenly fainted among the
group of boys and girls.

"Oh, my God, I thought only Enya was like that."

"I don't think Miss Eya has ever fainted either."

He got out of the mobile gate and got on the steel wagon.

The red sunset enveloped the whole city warmly, but Jean shook her head
with a hunch that something tiring was about to happen.

In the midst of the sword's garden, Qin stopped the carriage.


It was because they identified Rata's men standing on the way to the
entrance of the Sword Garden.

Even though there were as many as 500 people, they were just standing in
the grass. It is impossible to venture a tent near the Sword Garden in
Looncandel's territory.

However, there was no inn for 500 mercenaries who suddenly came in.

Therefore, Rata's men had no choice but to stand there as if they were being

As Jean pulled her head out of the carriage, the mercenaries' eyes gathered
in unison.

"Follow me."

After only saying so, Chin set off the carriage again, and Rata's men
exchanged glances for a moment before quietly following suit.

"The 12th rider is in the hospital!"

The gate latch was lifted, and the guards patrolling the floor saluted.

'The last time I got back, the executioners pushed their swords in.'

It was the day I declared my coming home. Even if it wasn't that day, Jin
had little memory of being welcomed back to his home since his days as a
backup rider.

It would be nice to say that there is no such thing as Gilly and Petro except
for the welcome.

Brother or elder. Always someone showed hostility and intent to kill, and
they were all formidable opponents.

But today was different.

Defensive knights, 100 percent, very few executive knights and elders.

There were fighters who welcomed the return of the camp, which, so to
speak, was a little less than 10% of the total power of Looncandel.

"Chung, thank you for your hard work. Twelve Horsemen!"

"Have you come, 12 jockey. In the meantime, your ignorance has caused a
stir in the Sword Garden.”

When the knights and elders met first greeted him in that way, it occurred to
me that he was finally the rider of Looncandel.

However, those who greeted Jin seemed to be wondering why Jin brought
the mercenaries who were waiting outside.

And far away, from the women's quarters, there were those who walked
toward the camp with their faces crumpled.

Mu and Ann, it was them.

"12 jockey."

"What is this doing now?"

It was admirable in some ways to see the women quarreling with ferocious

Should I say stupid?

Or should I say I'm fearless?

What was certain was that they had a spirit that even Jean had to admit.

The evidence was that the power gap at the time of the Gaza Declaration
was so wide, but they were still arguing.

At that time, the girls even felt confident that they could not "absolutely"
beat Jean even if they fought together, but there was no change in their

"What the hell were you thinking about getting those junk hospitalized?”

"Ha, since you're acting like this, you're making fun of the Sword Garden
these days, even the little things. Last time, even the animals in Kinselo
came in without a word and found you. The family looks like shit. You can't
kick him out right now!"

Jean stared at her sisters without answering for a while, then burst into a

"Are you laughing?"

"I almost felt sorry for you, sisters. Someone has to yell at me like this to
make me feel like I'm home.

"What, what?"

"You son of a... ..."!”

"These are my guests. I just couldn't announce the visit in advance, as I was
not in the same state of affairs as I was in the wake of the sword attack a
while ago."

"What kind of customer leads over 500 mercenaries to the hospital without

"What's wrong with that? Five hundred ghosts in the Sword Garden are a
threat to the extent that five hundred fallen leaves have fallen. Rather, she
was just showing me courtesy by bringing in as many attendants as she

Unlike her furious sisters, Jean had a smiling face.

That strange war of nerves, no. Actually, it's not a cheap......the mercenaries
who followed the scene of Jean's unilateral overpowering her sisters were
'I'm sure 12 riders are more crazy than our captain. Can I do that to the top

'We can just stay outside and go back quietly when the captain comes, but I
don't feel so bad.'

'We've got a lot of earbuds, but this place is more than comparable.'

'But I think we're a little bit ignored. I can't believe it's fallen leaves.….'

There were no mercenaries yelling at the sound of Jin's fallen leaves.

Rather, Mew and Anne continue their bubbling voices.

"Five hundred fallen leaves! There's nothing you can't say that you've
reached your mark. As you say, the ghost captain has been courteous to
you, and you're making remarks that ignore them.”

"I don't think it's too rude for a horse to stand outside."

As Ann took a step forward to Jean, Mu interrupted her.

'You can't do this, but now you're not funny enough to look cute. Ann trying
to step up, Marley Mew. It looks like you've planned this pattern of
behavior in advance.'

Mu then said, gritting his teeth with Ann.

"You, can you take responsibility?”


"I mean, can you take responsibility for any trouble you have caused with
the guests you've brought?"

"You say it's bound to be a problem. Well, let's do that. I'll take

As Mu and Ann turned around and moved on, Gillie swept her chest.

It wasn't because Jean was worried that she had swept her chest.

"Phew, I don't know how nervous I was if you cut them off."

"They have a lot of trouble, and there's no need to clean up already."

"Your other sisters are not so cheap, but I don't know how they're the only
ones in this shape. Kid, I'm going to play with the strawberry pie and eat it
now, so you can meet the eyeball on your own."

Murakan gave Gilly a fairly sparkling glance, but Gilly avoided looking,
coughing in vain.

"No, Murakan. You have work to do."


"Take some of your ghost friends to my private training camp."

"Ha! Hey, kid. This body is a great black dragon. Didn't you see all those
people praising me earlier? Would you mind making me do such chores?

"And protect."

"What? What protection all of a sudden?"

"At a very high probability, the soldiers of the Ghost Legs will be attacked.
Why would my sisters leave the room talking about responsibility? From
your point of view, it's a perfect opportunity to give me a blow."

"What... ...don't tell me. Such a thing?"

"There's nothing you can't do. There's nothing wrong with being careful.
Shall we make a bet? I bet no matter what, I bet your men are hitting
mercenaries. Wouldn't it be funny that I said I'd take responsibility if there
was no damage then?”
That's why I told them to take the mercenaries to the training ground, not to
the guest room or the drawing room. It's much easier to protect them all
together in a spacious training ground.

Murakhan narrowed the middle of the forehead.

"Damn it, pick it up. I call the other side. If I win, it's 15 days of absolute
vacation for Strawberry Pie since the ghost college went back. Even if you
don't want to go, it's an order-based vacation. Do you understand?"

"I don't need much vacation...….”


"What are your terms, little man?"

"There's no condition for me. We're going to win anyway. Instead, take care
not to hurt a single mercenary."

"No pansori later. Haha, let's go! You mercenaries!"

Murakan hummed and led the mercenaries to the training ground. I'm
already so excited to spend 15 happy days with Gilly.

Jean was forced to burst into laughter at the back, and Gilly smiled

"The acting housekeeper said we could skip the report."

Petro said.

Rosa was still in the process of treating internal injuries that she suffered
when she was declared to leave the country.

"Then you can meet Rata right away. Did he say he was in the drawing

"Yes, master. Do you want another room?”

"No, I'll just go and see you in person."

The spacious drawing room was full of guests. Merchants, nobles,

mercenaries employed in missions, etc. dealing with Looncandel.

One of the most outstanding was Lata, who was surrounded by heavy and
sharp energy. He was leaning against the wall and closing his eyes, and
about ten steps around it, no one was standing.

"Mr. Rata."

When Jin entered the drawing room and called out his name, Rata opened
her eyes wide.

And then he approached Jean with a very fast, threatening step...….


When he was one step ahead of Jin, he suddenly took a dagger out of his
arms and scared the people around him and the waiting guardian.


The guardian knights shouted and threw themselves. Rata's dagger seemed
to draw a trajectory toward the camp.


But where Rata's dagger touched was not the body of Qin.

It was Rata's right index finger that fell to the floor with a thud and a dry
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 425

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:52 AM

Chapter 425: Episode 123. All of a sudden? (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again



Uneducated aristocrats and merchants screamed reflexively. They mistook

Rata for attacking the camp, and even after seeing the index finger of the
fallen Rata, it was difficult to grasp the situation straight away.

"What is this, Rata Prochi!"

"This is the Sword Garden!"

The eyes of the guardian knights pointed a sword at Rata's neck were
glistening. Ten swords were strangling their necks, but the guards felt it.

The fact that if Rata were willing, they would be able to strike out all the
swords they aimed at and move freely.

'A ghost captain, a man more dangerous than rumors. You're overwhelming
us even with my index finger cut naked.'

'It's a shame he cut off his finger, if he'd hit the 12th...….'
The guardian knights, who thought so far, shook their heads inside.

'I'm sure everything's okay. A 12-year-old is no ordinary monster.'

Sticky blood flowed down from the surface of Rata's index finger, and Jean
looked at it without moving.

What are you doing?

Jean didn't ask such a question. I just waited with an expressionless face.
Let Rata first explain the reason for his actions.

That's why he suddenly took out his weapons, and the side that made the
sudden move even at Latime. On the contrary, Jin showed even more
strange power.

The weight is different in the first place. Jin has an indescribable dignity,
regardless of his majesty...….

That's how Rata felt. To the wonder of why he realized it so late, Qin had
something clearly different from the other divinity he had met so far.

"I will introduce myself formally again, you know. This body is Rata
Prochi, the master of the Necropolis and the head of the Killer's Guild."

The polite way of speaking made those in the hall surprised once again.

It was a natural response because all of them had heard rumors about the
ghost leader once or twice. That was the image of the king of brutal killers,
who had no blood or tears, the ghost captain, which the ordinary public
thought was.

"12th Runkandel. Jean Runkandel."

"I came to you today to apologize for the rudeness I had committed in the
last city of Geomhwang."

a gin overlooking the fallen index finger

"So you cut your index finger?"


The loss of one index finger did not cause serious damage to Rata's
ignorance. For those who are already on the right track, this level of
disability is no problem.

However, Rata's cut of her index finger meant that she would pay for the

"Get rid of the sword."

Under Qin's command, the guards pulled out the sword that touched Rata's

"Sir Rata."


"There is no grudge between you and me. So you don't have to apologize to
me, and your fingers have no value to me."

Rata's eyes trembled.

But it wasn't quivering under disgrace or insult. The feeling in his eyes
seemed closer to anxiety.

"......even if I cut a few more?"

No, why do you keep trying to cut your finger?

Instead of asking like that, I chose a different answer.

"You can cut your arms, not your fingers."

"Shame on you, I should have prepared something else. How can I cover up
my mistakes? Tell me, I'll try to get as many things as I can.”
Those in the hall were now at the point of exchanging glances. Are you sure
he's the ghost captain? Everyone responded like that, and the guardian
knights were not able to express their feelings, but they were quite shocked.

Even Jin could not help but feel embarrassed inside.

'Lata Prochi, I don't think it's a character like this. Why are you so

It was no different why Jean now treats Rata rather coldly.

A kind of human being like a lata. In other words, the attitude was derived
from the judgment that it needed to look scary and difficult when dealing
with a beastly character.

The beast thought that he needed to know that he was clearly superior to
Rata, as the order was very important.

Jin was therefore anticipating another duel with Rata in the process.

Jin was actually the winner of the battle at Geomhwangseong Fortress, but
the result was that the victory or defeat was not decided because of

'If Rata were furious with my attitude, I would have fought a duel with it.'

Of course, the picture of defeating the ghost captain in front of everyone in

the family was not bad.

Then, they acknowledge each other and create a warm atmosphere, and
naturally announce that they are receiving a lot of favor from the ghosts.

That's what Jean wanted from this meeting.

'If this comes out, we don't have to fight.'

Without having to duel again and kneel down, Rata was clearly low-key by
anyone's eyes.
'Then during his stay in the city of Geomhwang after the terrorist attacks,
Rata kept hovering around me. I thought you were trying to ask for Pei's
release on different terms, but were you looking for a chance to apologize to

Ttuk, ttuk. The thick drops of blood flowing from Rata's index finger
continued to color the floor.

"Sir Rata, I honestly thought you'd pick me up again."

"I'm not that stupid. That's when I realized I wasn't the black sheep to fight
the 12."

In the end, the words made people buzz.

'What's that noise?'

'At the time of the Black Star attack, the two fought a duel. There was a
rumor that the 12th grader had the upper hand.'

'However, can there be such a big difference that the ghost captain says so?'

At the time of the duel, many fighters had the upper hand of Rata over Jin,
so the "12th Runkandel" and "The Ghost Captain" were originally more
weighty positions for the latter.

"Then Lord Rata should not apologize to me, but repay my debts. Do you

You want to bet on a duel?

Don't you have someone to look for in me?

I'll take the blood before I kill you.

Blood letter or whatever. If you win, I'll give you whatever you want. It
means that I can take my life or do anything that can insult me with just my
breath. Only if I win. Ghost University must carry out one of my requests.
Jean said, recalling the conversation at the time of the duel.

"Of course, I remember."

"To fulfill my request, Sir Rata needs to be stronger than she is now. It's not
the time to cut your fingers. However, I wonder if you're really someone
who can handle my request. Guardians, quickly escort the medical director
to my room.”



Jin then took care of Rata's fingers, which had fallen, by performing the ice
seal magic.

"Follow me."

On the way out of the drawing room, there suddenly was a strong vibration
inside the sword's garden. It was not a natural phenomenon like an
earthquake, but a phenomenon that happened when someone used
enormous power.

Besides, the sky is dyed in pitch-black darkness.

Rata has already experienced this phenomenon once. When Murakan

revealed his power in the Geomhwangseong Fortress.

"This is your guardian dragon...….”

"Oh, I think it's started. You don't have to worry."

I was wondering what started, but Rata didn't ask me any more. Since Jean
didn't seem to want it.

On his way to the room, Jean wondered what the hell Rata was thinking

'I hope you don't show up like this without thinking.'

The head of the medical center called by the guardian driver arrived in the
room first and was waiting. In a flash he glued Rata's finger and

"......thank you."

"No thanks, let's just listen. Why are you doing this?”


"Sir Rata, whom I remember, was quite hostile to me, and he was very
careless. So I almost humiliated myself by fighting a duel.”

"Hmm, hmm! That's...….”

"Tell me why your attitude has suddenly changed so suddenly. Without a

convincing explanation, I will not accept the price of victory from you."

Rata's eyes grew bigger. And soon, as determined, nodded and opened his

"I have a crush on a man named Jean Looncandel."

Jean almost spewed out the tea that Gilly had brought out.

"I have a crush on you, I don't understand that. For all that and all that's all.

Qin, who narrows the middle of the forehead and connects the back of the
horse. The face was angry for the first time.

"The elders of my family would have commissioned the ghosthood to

assassinate me. Then you'll have to make up for your failure and do your
request again, does it make sense for you to stick with me?"

Seriously, if Rata is a jerk who does this just because he's in love. Jean had
no intention of accepting him as a ally.

"It doesn't make sense. Not if I'm a man of no family like you. But Lord
Qin, I'm just a knife-eating mercenary. Despicable and acted like a depraved
beast that it doesn't matter. If it's like this these days, even more."

"Such a situation these days? Keep talking."

"I fought a battle with Gyeonge, and together we went through the terror of
the Imperial City. After that, he stayed in Geomhwangseong for about 15
days and watched how the incident went. As a result, I was able to come to
a conclusion."

"What's the conclusion?"

"The fact that if the ghosthood is to survive, it must no longer be neutral."

Alliance? Ghosts don't hold hands with any of the forces. We only have a
client and a client. Jean Looncandel, apply for a duel.

That was not only what Rata said at the banquet, but also a direct denial of
the value that the mercenary group called Ghosts has kept.

"It was a special day. It was a moment when I realized my arrogance

through a duel with you, and I was convinced that the future war and power
structure would flow in a completely different form than I had ever known.”

A cave and a mare, a biogolem, a giant ship, a wizard whose body is

transformed, and a horse race that has shown overwhelming power by
regenerating all that.

As Rata said, the attacks that Kinselo committed on that day were in the
form of breaking the common sense that most people had ever had.

"And yet the imperial family did not protect the Highlands afterwards. Even
though such a crazy group destroyed the planet. As if the Imperial City,
where Lord Ron is, is of little use to the imperial family."

"The Emperor may have thought it was a good opportunity to keep Hai Lan
in check."

"For that to think of it, Lord Ron has too much power. The imperial family
must have been trying to throw away the High Ran because they've already
prepared something. The imperial family is ready for that, but I was
wondering if you'd like a jiffle or a looncandel. Kinselo showed his own

Since that day, Rata has had a premonition that a "new era" has opened.

A time has opened when it is difficult to continue to be a pure warrior and a

mercenary group. Even Ron Heilan is treated as unnecessary, and not to
mention a ghost.

That's why they decided that they should choose who will take the
hegemony of the new era and form a strong alliance with him.

"In that sense, I'm sure Lord Qin will be the loser of Looncandel in the
future. That's why I came here to be with you. Has this been a convincing
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 426

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:49 AM

Chapter 426: Episode 123. All of a sudden? (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

For a while the two looked at each other without a word.

Is this what Rata Prochi did?'

Ghost squad and ghost leader Rata Prochi.

In fact, Jean's perception of them was not very good. Even when he was
attacked by the ghost squads led by Pei, and when Rata started arguing with
him afterwards. They were both foolish in the sense of Jean.

But I didn't know Rata had this much insight. It was surprising to see the
situation and the trend after the terrorist attacks.

'No, no. No matter how hard I think about it, I wasn't that smart. Someone
may have given Rata information, or he may be manipulating him.'

Jean shook her head inward, suppressing her admiration.

It's almost, oh, is it? It's an unexpected good judgment, it almost went too

'Who is it? Zipple? Kinselo? No, the two groups of people were in a
situation where they could not reach Rata. We were all stranded on the
planet Black.'

For about 15 days of their stay in Geomhwangseong Fortress, those who

remained, of course, were under intense scrutiny, even if they helped put
down the attacks. The Highland did not find any of the gifles and kinselos.


Suddenly, the woman believed to be the demon dragon came to mind.

Maybe she's behind Rata.

Zephyrin has not yet been identified. So it's no wonder she belongs to Jipple
and Kinselo, either side.

'But that's an overstatement. No matter what the purpose of Jephirin's

approach to Rata, she can't be so low-key.'

It was not Zephyrin, but anyone else.

It was hard to imagine a ghost leader giving up his reputation as someone

else's best friend.

At this moment, if Jin didn't accept Rata and kicked him out as he was, the
weight of the name Ghost Captain would fall into the abyss at once.

There are not a few people who have seen Jean and Latta since the drawing
room. Of course, it's not that difficult to keep them in line, but if you don't
form an alliance with Rata, you don't have to take care of them.

Jin, who had been pondering for a while, concluded that Rata had come to
him with complete free will and insight.

"Sir Qin, what do you think? Is there something strange about what I'm

"No, it's not weird. Rather, I'm reading the situation so clearly that I wonder
if Lord Rata really had an insight into it."

Lata, who bursts into a cheerful yet sharp laugh.

"Well, from your point of view, that's possible. My brother and I haven't
been very good together. But Lord Qin, I'm also the head of a group. That's
a very recognized leader."

Rata continued to look at his index finger, which was attached without any
trace of being cut.

"Five hundred of my men, for whom the police have hospitalized, do you
know why they followed me?"

It was a question of curiosity. Five hundred was a far short number to show
off one's power and to buy time when he had trouble in the Sword Garden.

Also, please accept us as your subordinates, which is an ambiguous number

for the size of the ghost band to be considered as the number brought in
with such a heart.

"I don't know."

Sikh, Rata smiled.

"They were five hundred, who never backed down, when they stopped and


"I told you I'd cut your index finger and apologize, which means you were
forced to follow. They should follow me and give my index finger to you."

This time, Jin's eyes were bound to grow bigger.

Is it real?

Rata had such a questioning look in her eyes. Anyone who makes eye
contact with Rata now can feel the pride he has.
"At first, a lot more men said they would join me. If he had brought them
all, he'd have thought we were at war. Anyway, the men I came with didn't
step down, so I had to bring them."

"So if I tell them to, do they all cut their index finger?”


"Strange loyalty.”

"It's hard to see anywhere. They all went crazy because they couldn't see me
lose my finger. Now do you see how much of a recognized captain I am?"

"Isn't there a way to keep your fingers together?"

"Luncandel 12th, with your permission, it would be possible.

"I mean, was there any way you didn't think about it or didn't implement it
in the first place?"

"If a man has sinned, he must pay. If you want to be close to your opponent
in the future, even more."

"You said a moment ago that you were no different than a mean, low-
caliber beast, not a human being."

"Yes, is that a problem?”

Jean shook her head with a limp as she felt the indescribableness.

And for a moment I remembered what the faces of Rata's men, whom
Murakhan took away, were wearing.

They all looked thoughtless. Maybe soon I'll lose a part of my body that I've
been attached to for the rest of my life with my lord.

'You weren't such a boring person, Rata Prochi.'

If everything you've said so far is true, Rata has been a worthy leader.
No matter how good Rata's martial arts are, there is a reason why she took
over the ghost band so young.

"I have a question. Lord Rata."

"What is it?"

"Why did you act like a third-rate in the banquet hall in


The Rata Prochi of today and that day, felt by Jean, was a completely
different human being.

"This body is competent and a great leader in most situations, but

sometimes imperfect personalities are revealed. For example, a single blood
relative has been taken hostage."

"Your brother is treated so well that there is no problem with the most
stringent war-code prisoner treaty."

"Well, thank you, but he's a tough guy, so it doesn't matter if he's treated
like he's alive. And then again... ... You can do that even when you lose a
subordinate who is on your most precious side."

The day that Pei attacked him came to mind.

Did you say "gri-mol"?'

The most overwhelming or only person who had a hard time with himself
among the ghost squads. He had used a sword far superior to Pei.

"I sent it without any pain. The last thing the spray called Grimol showed
me was something that shone to me. I tried to save Pay Proch to the end."

"......I was wondering what would have happened to him at the end of the
day, but for a mercenary, he died an honorable death. We've been together
for a long time, but Grymall was more like a knight than a flier."
Rata was seen for a moment in memory of Grimol with his eyes closed

"In retrospect, I paid dearly for looking down on you. I shouldn't have been
asked to do it in the first place, and if I did, I should have had the best
sprayers, including myself. So I'm going to make the best choice this time
without making any mistakes. Help me."

There was a genuine feeling in his calm tone.

Of course, just because you feel honest now doesn't mean you can pick up
the rash remarks he made a while ago.

But Jean also knew that anyone could make mistakes.

"Sir Rata Prochi."

"Tell me."

"If you really want to ally with me, show me your trust. You can't get in the
same boat with me just by saying that you're going to cut your finger and
see meaningless blood."

Rata finally smiled like he threw off his stuffy clothes.

"What do you want, what do you want me to show you?"

"I and the ghosts met for the first time as targets of elimination and spray."

Then Rata's eyes narrowed.

"If that bad relationship is to be turned into fate, at least the neck of those
who ordered me to kill you must be in front of me."

Assassinate the Looncandel elders.

It was, of course, one of the worst requests a sprinkler could get.

"It would have been better if I had taken their necks before I spoke. I know
why Lord Rata didn't."

As if caught off guard, Rata flinched and smiled awkwardly.

"Because he didn't want to take any chances. I brought the heads of the
elders, but if I don't accept the alliance, the back will disappear.”

"......I feel once again, you are really out of the ordinary."

"Also, even if you brought the old men's necks and I welcomed them with
my double-headed hands, you must have wondered if the 12th rank would
protect them from Looncandel's retribution."

Chin stood up from the chair. Then he slowly moved behind Rata's back,
unable to get up and sat still.

A few seconds later, Jin's grip, which lightly touches his shoulder, felt as
cool as a dead body's sickle.

"If you really believe me, if you're sure I'll be the loser of Looncandel. Take
an adventure, Rata Prochi."

An icy voice, goosebumps spread over the back of my back.

"I'll give you a week."

Jean said, taking her hand off Rata's shoulder.

"Bring in it the neck of those who were trying to kill me. Don't try to be
clumsy and do things. I'll take care of the rest. Do you understand?"

a heavy nod of the head

Twelve, this is an unthinkable development.….'

Of course, Rata sincerely believed that Jean would one day become the
housekeeper of Looncandel.
But I didn't think I had much power in Looncandel right now. Therefore, he
planned to join hands first and then help Jin step by step to help him gain

Within a week, a trend has been formed to become an enemy of the existing

'I was supposed to be on the side of the 12-man squad anyway, but this is a
dead end.'

Show trust.

While Rata was brooding over what Jin had just said, Jin opened his mouth.

"If supply and demand do not come in after the date, I will judge that Lord
Rata has joined hands with other forces other than me. That means you and
I will be enemies again."

"That's what it'.”

"Please make a wise choice."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 427

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:48 AM

Chapter 427: Episode 124. Elders of Crisis (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

After the ghost troop left, Murakan was unable to control his anger.

I dreamed of a happy time with Strawberry Pie, but this time again, the
situation eventually went as expected by the "bugging little guy."

As many as a hundred guardian knights attacked Jin's private training


By no means, it was a number that Mu and Ann could not think to just warn
Qin and the Ghosts, so Murakhan vented his wrath as soon as he saw them.

The whole sky was blackened with spirit, and Jin's private training ground
was half-washed and the ceiling pierced in several breaths of Murakan.

The guards, the men who gave orders to them, and the 500 mercenaries who
sat on the dirt floor of the training ground, watching the eyes of the rough
black dragon.

In the midst of the unexpected situation, Murakan simply overpowered the


As a guardian, it was a better choice to be moderately overpowered.

Although there was an order from Mu and Ann, they judged that it would
be crazy to fight the family guardian deity with death because of the ghost

In the first place, Mu and Ann also didn't expect Murakhan to be guarding
the Ghost Legs.

"Hey! You nutty, you bastards to kill. Didn't you do a lead-up first after
looking at this body? Huh? Head straight, head straight. Neither you nor I
can sleep tonight. Do you understand? Oh, my God.….”

After the ghost college left safely, a rare scene was unfolding in the
courtyard of the Sword Garden.

Murakan is trying to intimidate the guardians who attacked him.

"Dear the great Black Dragon at one, do not mess with two. You in front of
me, uh, yeah. You're the representative. One."

"Dear the Black Dragon of Wei."


"Kidding... no."

It was a scene that was not realistic, but no one came out to dry Murakhan.
If Jean was like this, Murakhan was somewhat of an inconvenience to
everyone in the family.

And there were people out of the window in the women's quarters who were
furious at the sight.

"Ha! Seriously, this shit ain't shit. Does it make sense that the Sword's
Garden goes back to this corner?”

"Come on, it's really not this. Not the youngest, that strange black dragon!"

Mu and Ann were on the edge of Joshua's room when they saw unexpected
results and drowsiness.
Joshua did not reply to his younger brothers' sharp voices and was still lost
in thought.

'Mu and Ann just had a little bit of a fight, did you expect all this to happen,
the youngest?'

judgment beyond words of good caution And yet, there's always the
audacity and impact of the family...….

He had an expressionless face, but he was impatient.

I feel like the youngest has already chased me under the chin. The youngest,
who seemed capable of being trampled to death at any time, no longer

" ... the youngest forward to the left hand, think and act again.”

When Joshua opened his mouth, Mu and Ann blinked at each other. A
totally unexpected answer came out.

"Are you my brother?"

"What is that?"

"It means you two poke the hive too thoughtlessly. You'll be the only one
who finds it funny if you try to pick a fight with the Tony brothers."

Looking at Mu and Ann clenched their teeth, Joshua smiled softly.

"And your reputation affects me, too."

Mu and Ann looked up at Joshua with a startling look.

Luna, who has always disapproved of them, Luntia, who has always been
annoyed by their good feelings, Diffus and Mary, who are not interested in
each other, Vigo.

Among those older brothers, Joshua was the only one who cared and
recognized them. It's been a long time since Joshua spoke so coldly.
"I'm sorry, brother.”

"I'll do my best in the future."

"......yes. All we have to do is arrange the family he's messing with. And
you can't poke me any more clumsyly. Surely we must conserve our
strength, and when the time comes, we must wage an all-out war."


"I'll be clear."

"No matter what the youngest does, we'd better not lose our pace.”

"Okay, brother.”

Joshua looked out the window. The scene of Murakan punishing the
guardian knights made my mind flutter.

"Ghosts... ...there's another fight between the youngest and the senate.'

Joshua was aware of the fact that the senate had commissioned the ghost
squad to kill Jean.

'The request failed, and rather some kind of relationship was formed
between Qin and the ghost. Then as a ghost, I'd have to cover or clean up
my clients' mouths. I wonder how Lord Commander Jordan can handle

Jorden Looncandel, chairman of the Black Sword.

Joshua was hoping that Jean would fight him, squander his strength, and, by
extension, defeat him. And in the end, Jordan will reach out to him first.


On November 16, 1799, a villa east of Hufester.

A group of elderly people are sitting on an open roadway and looking at the
beach. On the large round wooden table was full of luxurious gambling
cards, and the clutches that held them seemed incredibly firm and powerful
as old men.

"Dead, damn it. The cards aren't keeping up.”

"You're going to lose all your pension later on, you. Is there something on
your mind? You're running too fast."

"I'm still bothered by the ghost captain's visit to the 12th rider. I don't think
he told the 12-year-old that he had a request."

"What if I told you? You can't mess with us anyway, 12 riders, or the
Ghosts. We'll be turning the whole Looncandel into an enemy. And if
there's a rumor that you've sold off your client's identity, the ghosthood's
reputation will fall to the ground. No one's going to use the ghost band."

"The ghost captain wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"We were going to have a talk with the senate sooner or later anyway, so
let's wait and see."

They were the elders of Looncandel.

Elders are those who do not have to stay in the Sword Garden without
having to take a leave of absence unless they are in special circumstances.

Some were dedicated to training to improve their martial arts, others to keep
their places in the Sword Garden, and others spent the rest of their lives
enjoying fun and pleasure.

There were not a few women in the Yugwak who only dealt with those in
power above the Beacon royal family, and bottles of hundreds of gold coins
per bottle rolled over the floor.

"Why don't you stop here, sir?"

"That's right, let's go to the beach and chill a little."

As soon as the women said so.

The elders' eyes changed.

"Shh, quiet."

The eyes of the elders, who stood up in unison, turned to the dark sea. In the
night sea without a speck of moonlight, there was only the sound of the
waves rolling, but the elders were feeling the other scent buried between

"What, ferryboat?"

Naturally, the beach with the seniors' villa was generally a position that
could not be reached.

"I don't think he's a lost fisherman, and he has a guess...….”


The dagger, who appeared somewhere, stabbed the old man in the neck.
Holding the dagger is the woman who wanted to go out to the beach.

At that moment, the rest of the elders searched and stabbed her. Shouting!
The floor of the old age split and a group of unidentified men popped out
and blocked the sword.

"Even my brother is a monster," he said, "and everyone is playing too


The woman took off her mask and revealed her true self. Fei Proch, another
round neck fell as she shrugged.

The elders, all of whom have survived in Luncandel so far, have blunt their
swords with habits and carelessness.
The entertainment that always takes place in the same place, no assassin
will touch the Runkandel Monroe.

That was exactly why the elders were helplessly taken by the ghosts today.

Soon after, when Rata appeared, the blood in the elders' throats broke out.

"Ghost Captain..."

"You crazy bastard!"

"As expected, I'm not getting any goose bumps at all.”

Chick, Rata lit a cigarette and looked at the besieged elders.

Just as Faye camped out the other day, the interior of the villa had already
been filled with paralytic poison. In addition, dozens of snipers everywhere
even hit poisoned arrows on the arms and legs of the elders.

Nevertheless, the elders, especially outstanding, showed their spirit with

their loud cries. Even when they were all fine, they couldn't deal with Rata.

There are even some of the most elite ghosts led by Rata, so the moment
they were allowed to infiltrate, death was scheduled.

"Goosebumps? What......Are you talking, ghost captain?"

"You don't have any of that chilling sensation you felt when you faced the
12th rider."

"Do you think you'll be okay with this? Even if it kills us, the fact that
you've been asked to do it remains in writing. The senate, Looncandel! I'll
destroy you. The nebula will disappear without a trace!"

The elders did not beg for their lives. With a voice filled with conviction,
the ghostly band only shouts that it will be finished.

"I picked a good man. Seeing that the words were not at all frightening.”
"Are you talking about the 12th jockey?"

"Yes, why would I go all the way to the Sword Garden and find the twelve
riders? To get on the same boat with him. Blame your complacency and
incompetence for not being prepared for it. The Looncandel background,
sometimes makes people so stupid."



The elders' necks fell off as Rata began to wield ghosts.

Then, after killing all the furnaces with the crew, Rata said:

"Take care of your neck, and load your body on the ferry."


The next day, the senate president.

"... ...near ten of them have been found dead without a neck. What the hell
is going on here?"

"This is an insult to Looncandel, a challenge! Who they are, who's behind

them! Make sure it's clear and pay for the blood."

"What kind of crazy shit did this...….”

Almost all the elders were gathering to talk about the assassination last
night. The elder Jorden was not seen.

"Leader of the Court! Please say something. How should our elders take

As soon as Lynn Milcano is about to answer, pull!

The senior chairman's gate opened and a person appeared.

"Good morning, elders."

It was none other than Jin who came in greeting. With a black bag on his
shoulder, and a piece of paper in his hand.

As soon as Qin entered, the elders were intuitively aware that something
was wrong.

"......what are you carrying on your shoulders?"

When an elder asked in a thin trembling voice, Chin put down a sack on the
long table in the conference room. Degour, the dead elders' throats rolled
over the table last night.

"This is the neck of the elders who were after me. This is a contract that the
dead elders asked me to assassinate them.”

The moment Jean spoke calmly, the elders of the Godfather had to feel the
sensation of something cool and sharp going through their backs.

It's, the feelings they've forgotten for quite a long time.

It was a horror.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 428

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:47 AM

Chapter 428: Episode 124. Elders of Crisis (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'What the hell is going on here?'

'Only if you're not crazy...…!'

The elders could barely conceal their apprehension.

The bluish necks disturbed the long table.

As if the figure were cumbersome, Jean swept the neck in front of me and
put the contract on the spot.

"Just in case, I've been making some copies. It won't be bad if you read it
once. The elders, if they want to kill me in the future, will have to pay at
least this price to the level of a ghost squad."

How come?

Why, isn't it easy to yell at that crazy 12 jockey......a stone seemed to be

blocking his throat, and the heavy sinking air of the chairman of the Hoe
felt as if it were boundless stuffy.

Jin, on the other hand, smiled softly and said back.

"Oh, of course it means the minimum cost. If you don't get lucky after
paying that much, that's what happens."

The conference room was quiet enough to hear even the sound of breath.

Jin calmly examined the faces of the elders, and it was not easy for them to
grasp where to look.

They are certainly the elders of Looncandel.

He was classified as a genius from childhood and became a cadet of

Looncandel. After becoming an engineer, he survived for a long time to
establish numerous majors, and finally, even though he was old, he proudly
took up a spot in the Sword Garden.

The reason why they are so rigid was not because of the monster ignorance
that Jean showed not long ago.

If it's a fight, if you're a warrior with overwhelming power, you've had

enough of it.

However, there was definitely something else in Jean.

Something that can't be explained just by saying that ignorance is excellent,

and that guts are beyond imagination.

It was like looking at the wall.

A wall that can never be crossed, and that cannot be broken no matter what.

The elders, for example, were looking at Jin's youthful epistemies.

However, just because you can see the theory at first glance, it does not
mean that Qin is a true theory.

Being crushed for fear was also something the elder Looncandel could not
"Have you seen such a madman! Twelve horsemen, do you know what your
ass did to him? How dare you show such a fool!

"I can't find any respect for the family elders. Dead elders tried to kill you?
Did you bring that piece of paper as evidence? After killing as many as ten
of them...…!”

"This is an insult to the senate, what you have done is treason against the

As the blocked bank burst, the elders who sprang to their feet shouted evil.
The faces distorted with anger seemed to swallow up the gin at any

His whole body ached with the flesh of the elders, but now he was nothing
but a great force to Jin.

"respect, slander, treason."

Smiling... ...

A sneer came through my lips.

It wasn't forced to laugh to make the elders more angry.

From the bottom of my heart, Jean sounded funny what the elders said.

I was disgusted by the fact that I shared the name "Luncandel" with those
old and rotten humans.

"Are you laughing? You're mad.…!”

"You rotten old-fashioned ghosts, do you not know that you are truly

Once again, the elders had no choice but to blink their eyes.

I felt like I was hit in the head by a heavy blunt weapon.

"You want me to respect you guys? Did I tell you not to blaspheme

This time, Jin's expression was distorted with anger.

His eyes were full of life, but his mouth was smiling, making him look like
a demon.

"It's your men who are blaspheming the name of this brilliant struggle,
Looncandeluncandel! It's disgusting that I'm using the same name as you
guys who are sitting in the old age position swallowing up power."

"12 jockey!"

"Shut up, before you put that neck together on the table. You guys will have
to listen carefully to what I say from now on."

The elders were on the verge of pulling out the sword at any moment, but
the chairman of the court, Lynn Milcano, raised his hand to restrain the

Although he was keeping his composure, Lin was also shaking his hands

It was a tremor from anger and shudder.

She was one of the first to see the grandeur he showed at the time of Jin's
"Gju Declaration."

"Don't forget the essence. For I have killed the elders and humiliated them
so much, because they have been defeated in the fight against me. If this is
upsetting, you should crush me and trample on me too. In any way!"

a pecking order war

Jean was so accepting of the fight between herself and the elders.

It's not a fight between a rider and a rider, it's a fight between a runner and a
In the midst of another stillness, the harsh breath of Qin's vomit stood out.

When the blood on his eyes died down, his breathing was refined, and Jin
looked as calm as usual.

"Please... ...from now on. I hope I'm not ashamed to fight back, elders."

After finishing his speech, Jin was seen leaving the conference room
without hearing the answers of the elders.

The elders were silent, glaring at where Jean had disappeared, all sharing
the same feelings.

It was a feeling of heat loss, disgrace, and anger.

"Ha, after the last disturbance, the elder said that the 12th-term had a lot of
work to do for the family for the time being, but...I've gone too far. We need
to take action, and we can't let it go on forever."

"The twelve riders are mad as hell! First, prepare the funeral of the
deceased elders, and then inform the funeral of the deceased and the acting
governor of Gaza. A matter that requires severe punishment...….”

Again, again, again!

Suddenly, the sound of shoe feet came from the hallway.

Black leopard Rosa Looncandel, was her footsteps.

"The elders don't have to tell me the news. I've already heard it and seen it.”

As Rosa entered the conference room, the elders rose and bowed their

Her expressionless face, but the elders didn't miss the dangerous
atmosphere she had.

'You must have run into the 12th rider who just went out, did the acting
governor take no action?'
I'm sure it's not like the acting housekeeper and the 12th rider have joined
hands.I have a bad feeling about...'

As the elders thought, Jean ran into Rosa on her way in, but the hat did not
exchange a word or wink.

Like a predator who avoids the fighting of an unfavorable time.

Rosa looking down at the neck on the table.

Soon there was a white-white ore formed in its grasp, and without a
moment's hesitation, it was the sight of eliminating the supply and demand
of the furnace that had died of it.

No blood, no bones, no flesh, no brain.

Supply and demand are neatly evaporated by the heat extended from her

The sight left the elders stunned again.

'I'm sure the acting housekeeper hasn't recovered from his internal affairs
yet. What the hell is this?'

'I got a new realization. Otherwise......! It's like I'm looking at the Sword of

a phase of complete extinction of things

What Rosa has just seen resembles the state of things that Zion has touched,
but it can never be the same.

Rosa herself felt the fact most acutely.

'Since the youngest got a full-fledged blow that's been a long time
since I've had a new realization. "But the land you are still in is a long way
off, my lord."
After being seriously injured by Qin's sword, Rosa was able to tear down a
single layer of wall.

Apart from the highness of her power, the sword that Jean wielded that day
shocked her more than any sword she had ever experienced.

It was the first time that the results were shown to the elders today.

"Congratulations, acting Gaju! You've reached a new area."

"With the family in disarray, this slope......I don't think he's fully recovered
yet, but it's a great strength."

As soon as the elders began to offer congratulations, Rosa's eyes chilled.

The elders had to feel the cold gaze freeze all over their organs.

"What did you want me to do to let you know the behavior of the twelve

The elders, who smiled and congratulated him, hardened their faces.

"Did you want me to punish the twelve jockeys on behalf of the senate?”

"Actress of housekeeping, that's."

"Or do you want the 12th rider to be a shield against further harm to the

I can't believe it.

I couldn't answer no. As if it were hard to bear the shame, the old men's
wrinkled faces were turning red.

"Please answer the chairman of the court."

When Rosa pointed out, Lin picked one breath.

"I'm just ashamed of this old man because he must have a point in what the
acting governor said."

"After today."

said Rosa, looking back at the elders.

"The old society will have to prove its existence and its value anew. If
you're disappointed in me one more time, I'll shut the senate down until she
comes back."

"No, go, acting Cage! What are you talking about?"

"You're going to shut down the old society temporarily, that's too much."

I'm not talking.

The originator who tried to say so could not carry on.

Squirt! Because the sword stretched out from Rosa's palm had split him in

Ps. . . . .

On the cut surface, white particles colored in the oreo instead of blood
flowed to color the air.

When the flowing particles stopped, the bodies of the dead elder were in a
strange form, as if they had been burned.

"I don't think there are any more people who believe that just free time
gives me the power to disobey my words."

When Lin Milcano knelt on one knee, the rest of the elders lowered
themselves in unison following her.

Rosa looked down at them and said,

"To fight hard, to live like a bugger. Depending on what choice you make,
I'm to the elders, and to those bloods. Keep in mind that you can be
endlessly merciful or cruel."

At Rosa's last words, the elders just turned white.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 429

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:45 AM

Chapter 429: Episode 124. Elders in Crisis (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


This dark forest, which is unlikely to pass even a single piece of sunlight,
has long been rumored to be haunted or demonized.


Jean was riding on Shri and running on that complex dark forest path. There
was no other colleague.

The road was so complicated that I thought the maze was better that I
would have regretted coming here alone if it weren't for Shuri.

Sir, I sincerely ask that this nanny go with Murakan.

Confucius, are you all right? If he goes alone and makes a bad decision, it
won't be easy to secure a retreat.

Is there a reason why you have to go alone?

Before they left, their colleagues all joined up to worry about Jean.

It was because it was not yet possible to fully trust the owner of this land.
Bewh, Booh-woo.

As the forest deepened, the gloomier and ominous earbuds heard from all
sides grew.

"Grape-shapegoat. What a fitting name.'

It was actually the first time I had actually been here, but as usual, Shree
was able to arrive skillfully looking for a way and not wandering around.

Black and huge.

So was the impression that came to mind when I faced the fortress that rose
out of nowhere at the end of the forest.

The mist covered the strange ears that were spewing from the earwax.

Just standing in front of you gives off a breath-taking spell.

It was amazing that the owner of this amazing castle was Rata Pro, and he
actually beat him.

Shree was sent back to the Red Prison and waited for the gate to open for a

Some time later the door opened, and there was no sign of who had
unfastened the latch and opened the thick iron door.

I wondered if it was opened in the first place.

It seemed as if the wind or ghost had opened and passed, and it was not the
plain view of the castle that came straight into view, but another darkness.

Going into it seemed to be no different from jumping down a cliff of a

thousand roads.

However, Qin was seen stroking forward, without giving any new force to
the grasp of the waist-length sword.
It's a moment when I feel like I'm passing through a scene of nightmare
because of the earbuds and the chilly wind.

Suddenly a dark vacant lot unfolded.

"Twelfth Class, thank you for coming."

I could hear the familiar voice of Rata Prochi.

Did he just fight or torture those who have been locked up in the basement
of the Necropolis? There was a strong, fishy smell of blood in Rata.

"You smell like blood.”

"Because what we do is not a very pleasant kind. Aren't you used to it?"

"I'm just saying."

As he approached, his face glistened with the torch that Rata was holding.

"I never thought you'd come alone."

Rata was genuinely surprised that Jean had found the Necropolis alone.

Not only Rata but all the other ghosts felt the same way.

At least after Rata became the ghost commander, no. Even before then,
when the Smarion Prochi led the Ghost Leg.

No one came to the Necropolis by himself.

Even when the leaders of Looncandel and Jipple hold secret talks, there are
always more than a certain number of people who can fight.

It was a matter of course. Although it has maintained neutrality in its own

way, the ghost band has never been a force with considerable influence.

Especially in the main camp, Gwigoksaesaeseong, they were clearly among

the top neutral forces.
Even though Beemment is located in their territory, they are able to
recognize autonomy instead of making a fuss.

"Since the College of Ghosts took the risk to carry out my request, I should
show this much trust."

Rata nodded impressively at the remark.

Jean was somehow embarrassed by the reaction but didn't reveal it.

"As expected, that's wonderful. All right, I'll write the contract now."

Sending the supply and demand of the elders, Rata immediately left a call
to visit the Necropolis.

The reason was to write a contract for the alliance.

The paper that Rata put out was made up of the simplest sentence that Jin
had ever received.

Also, it was unexpected.

(Rata Prochi and his ghost will serve Jean Looncandel as the Lord's Army,
an issue that has been fully agreed upon by all the remaining ghosts.)

It was more like a pledge of loyalty, not a contract.

"It's not a simple alliance, it's a kind of blood alliance between the monarch
and his men."

"......what is this?"

Qin was judging that he should first form an alliance with the Ghosts, and
gradually form a close bond in the future.

I never expected it to come out like this.

"You don't like it, do you?"

"No, that's not true. It's a little embarrassing."

"This body held a high regard for you in the Geomhwangseong Fortress,
and then I thought I was more afraid of Jean Looncandel than Looncandel.
So I killed the elders."

On the day I met Jean in the Sword's Garden, Rata decided to serve him as
the Lord's Army.

With the conviction that it is the only way for the ghost band to survive in
the 'new era'.

"And I'm also an absolute being in a haunted house. My meaning is that

every ghost will be, and the ghost will be your most important force.”

There are countless leaders in the world, but not many have received
absolute support from their subordinates.

Rata was one of the best men among them.

Jean took the dagger out of her bosom.

When he drew his palm and carved a plate of blood on the paper, Rata also
engraved his own blood on the paper.

"I accept it, Ser Rata."

"Follow me, Lord."

As I entered the inner center hall along Rata, I saw the demons lined up.

Thousands of mercenaries, many of whom were wearing black spray suits,

remained immovable.

Soon Rata stood in the lead of them empty, facing the camp, and giving a

The rest of the ghosts raised their swords all together.

It was the moment when Jean became the new owner of the ghost band.

Also, it was the first time that the ghost band was completely out of neutral.

"I'll introduce you one by one."


Jean looked again at the sentence on the paper.

It caught my eye that "all the remaining ghosts agreed perfectly."

"It doesn't seem to be much different from the usual size of the haunted
house, did many people object to becoming blood allies with me?”

"Some of the people who served my father objected. They're elders, so to


"You don't get along very well with me or the elders. What happened to

"Everyone left the Necropolis."

"Is there any special secret they know, or something that could be a
weakness of the ghosthood?"

Rata showed a look of surprise at the remark.

"I didn't know you'd think of it right away. Yes, I do. And I'm ashamed of it,
but I haven't dealt with them yet. We're tracking it."

"It's been a few days already, so it's highly likely that he surrendered to
other forces and asked for protection.”

"I'm sorry to have been sloppy from the start."

"No, just in case, I'll use a man to find the elders who fled. Please tell us the
weaknesses and secrets of Necropolis that they know."
"a monster sealed at the base of the Gureoksaeseong Fortress."


When Jin expressed doubt, Rata continued to explain with a bitter smile.

"It's a monster that can't be helped at the moment. They're trapped

underground, they can't eat anything, they're still alive decades later, and the
seals that keep them from getting lighter every year."

"You must be a monster in an old story."

"You don't seem to be very upset because it's a surprise.”

"Because I've faced a sealed inner mana."

Naturally, Qin predicted that what was sealed in the basement of

Gwigoksaeseseong Fortress would be an inner devil.

"How strong are you to speak in such a way that even the progressives and
demons can't help it?"

"Not even a man. It's hard to explain...... Would you like to go and take a
look at it together?"

I walked down the stairs to the basement along Rata. As he went down the
deep, long stairs, Jean could feel a sense of gloom and vicious energy
weighing on her whole body.

"Is this the source of the deep-seated earwax all over the castle?"'

It wasn't just the dreary atmosphere of the castle that spread the suffocating

"We're here."

When I reached the bottom, I saw a huge iron gate and a red seal carved on
Although it was the first type of seal he saw, Jean could intuitively realize
that humans were used as materials for the seal.

That's how much he's a seal with control.

"This is..."

"Even the ghost commanders of all time said it was a seal that had been
handed down only to the elders. This seal was made by other elders except
those who fled this time. Using themselves as a material."

As I approached the seal, I could feel the ear pressing heavily all over my

"You mean this seal is getting weaker every year?"


In response, Jean realized why Rata proposed to become blood-blind so


'If a monster beyond that seal is released, the ghost cannot survive unless
the castle is abandoned.'

Of course, it is unlikely that the seal will be released immediately, and Rata
did not propose a blood alliance just for that reason, but it was never a small

"The first thing I showed you here is because it's the biggest and only
problem of the Ghosts. It's a shame, but you can also say that this seal
threatens the existence of the ghosthood."

Now that we are blood-blind, we needed to discuss and resolve this issue

Although it shows weakness right after he became a blood ally, Jin did not
feel that Rata was mean or funny.
In the first place, it was because Rata chose herself, not Looncandel or
Jipple, the imperial family or Kinselo.

If Rata had been attached to either the Looncandel or the Zipple, not Jean
Looncandel, it was at least as likely to be as easy as solving this seal.

"Surely... the energy that comes out of the seal makes me feel that way.
What the hell is in there?"

Rata shook her head at Jean's question.

"Not a horse, Lord."

"Not a demon?"

"What's sealed in there is my father."

Smarion Prochi.

The monster, which was sealed at the bottom of the Necropolis, was the
leader of the National Prehistoric Site.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 430

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:44 AM

Chapter 430: Episode 124. Elders in Crisis (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Smarion Prochi.

Jean didn't know much about him. However, as everyone knows, he is a

near mutant, as anyone who has any interest in the history of the warrior

Smarion was born into an ordinary peasant family.

But from childhood, he was good at harming humans as if there was a god
of murder, and the first thing he killed was my parents.

Soon after, a mythical figure who destroyed the "Seigalga," which ruled the
ghosthood for hundreds of years, and put the flag of Prochi in the nebula.

That was Smarion, who was the father of Rata and Pei.

'Smarion was dead by the time Rata entered his boyhood.'

I couldn't readily understand that the owner of this ear was Smarion.

"......what does that mean?"

"My father was born a demon. He killed my parents himself, and he tried to
kill me and Pei countless times.”

However, it was for "education" that Smarion was trying to kill the Prochi
brothers, as was the case with other assassins' families and the harsh
atmosphere of the shaman.

I don't want to admit it, but Rata and Faye didn't not know that they had
become strong. That's to say, Smarion has always been insanity with some
consequence in mind.

"But before the elders who were close to me died as a material for this seal,
they said, at some point, something like a line has disappeared. You've
become a madman."

Rata added, continuing to explain.

According to the elders of the time, it was when Rata reached the age of ten
that Smarion began to "smell."

Smarion was originally famous for being a mad killer, but unlike the former
ghost commander, he was famous for saving his men dearly.

Thus the demons showed infinite loyalty to him, and he also gave them

After the "change" began, actions gradually changed.

"He said he used all sorts of bizarre ways to torture and kill the crew and
their families.”

"I've never heard such a bad rumor about a former ghost commander."

"For the dead elders have completely prevented the record or story of the
time from being known to the outside world. He wasn't even vicious
towards his subordinates. He says he's been horribly self-inflicted.

"If the former ghost commander had really shown such anomalies, it
wouldn't have ended just to the extent of the backlash."
"There have been several rebellions. Every time I was crushed by the
overwhelming force of my father. You probably don't even know my father
had a fight with Siron."

"My father and the head of the National Preceptor...…?”

Jean did not know that there was such a secret between Kandel and the
Ghost Leg.

In fact, the records were not stored in documents in the Necropolis, and
Looncandel remained a top secret that only a housekeeper could identify.

"I didn't see it myself. It was before I was born. However, the fight
continued until the whole day, and in the end, Sir Siron was responsible for
the victory, but somehow my father did not take his own throat.More."

Poetry won't take the loser's throat.

Jin could not easily imagine such a scene, but in those days he thought he
could do it because he was young.

"After that, Sir Siron often came to visit this castle. You know, you know,
you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you
know, you


"I don't know about the fight that lasted a whole day, but Sir Ciron and Faye
and I have seen our father drink several times."

Si-ron talks with someone, taking a glass of wine.

He was also hard to draw for Jin.

"At that time, the crazy man became a very kind father. I laughed a lot with
my brother and sister sitting on their knees.”

"It must be a good memory for you."

"Now that I think about it, I think my father wanted to look good to Sir

"Do you remember what kind of conversations you two usually had?"

What was there between my father, Siron Looncandel, and Smyrion Proch?
An intense curiosity arose as a terrible ear pierced the whole body.

"I was too young, so I remember very little. Only."

Rata looked at the red seal and said the backstabbing.

"There's a scene that I remember clearly. I was sitting next to him with Faye
in my arms, eating snacks for the first time in a while, and Sir Siron
watched us for a moment and asked my father this question.”

Smearon. These days, is that all right?


"And my father replied to that's what he said."

You can't be all right, Siron. You know, I don't have much time left.

"When my father finally became a complete monster like that, so the elders
who cared for me became the material of the seal. My father was madly
resentful. But somehow it reminded me of that scene. We don't have much
time left, the father who was saying that."

A sense of deja vu shot up at the point.

On the day he returned from Laparosa and became a jockey, Jean had heard
the same thing from Ciron.

'We don't have much time. What the hell does that mean...…?'

At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the words.

To be exact, instead of thinking about why there was not much time left for
Siron, he placed more importance on the meaning of the words.

He focused on the conclusion that he should be a lyricist before the time of

the debate runs out.

Smearon. These days, is that all right?


Suddenly, I thought that it was the link between Zion and Siron.

'Smarion became a monster because of something he described as it, and if

he had the same problem...…?'

That may be why Zion often interacted with Ciron.

That's where the thought went, and one scary and terrible assumption came
to mind.

'Daddy can be... ...a monster. Like the Smarion Proch, beyond this seal."

More and more such assumptions could not be dismissed because of what
Smarion said, "You know." That's usually only when you know your
opponent is also going through it.

The heart was beating two ways, and the blood was getting faster.

"Sir Rata, have you never heard what your father said?"

"I'm afraid not. I've asked the dead elders a few times, but they don't know.
Only Lord Xiron would know."

Black Sea.

There's something to do with the dark ground.

I was convinced of that. It must be deeply related to why the theory is so

obsessed with the Black Sea.
"The reason why my father is obsessed with the Black Sea, and something I
find there, can only be heard when Luna's sister returns.'

And the monster beyond this red seal could be something of a clue. Of
course, it's the biggest weakness of ghosthood before the possibility of
being a clue.

Jin arranged his thoughts and made eye contact with Rata.

"I can't open it to my father right now, so we need to find out what it is.”

"Yes, Lord."

"But more urgent than that, the elders who fled. They don't just have
information about this seal, but they know that you and I are blood allies."

Jin, for the time being, did not want to publicize to the world that the
ghosthood had become his force.

It's not too bad to know, but it was because I wanted to grow a little more
and then reveal how much "the power of Jean Luncandel" was.

In particular, the ghost band needed to keep a window open for interacting
with outside forces, pretending to be neutral.


"The problem is bigger than expected. It's highly likely he's already
surrendered, but...... let's hope you haven't done it yet. Zipple, Kinselo,
imperial family, or even Looncandel. There's no answer if one of them
breaks the seal and comes into the Necropolis."

"You have no face, Lord."

"I'll go back right away and scatter people. Please hand over the map
showing the expected route of escape and the mode information about the

"And Lord Rata."

"Speak, Lord."

Jean smiled back and said,

"I look forward to working with you."

"Just me."


Meanwhile, while Qin was sworn loyalty to Rata and the Ghosts in the

The elders of Looncandel were holding another somber meeting. The fire
broke out, and such an adage really suited him.

"I didn't know the acting governor would come out like that."

"You can't do this. How much blood have we seen for acting Cage?"

"Huh, proving the significance and value of the senate......what more do we

have to do!"


The door opened as the elders spoke out in frustration.

"You're here, sir!"

"Old Master!"

"Old man, you heard what happened...….”

The new figure was the elder, Jorden Looncandel. The elders were waiting
for him to arrive.
It was because there was a belief that Jordan would somehow overcome the

Had it not been for a series of recent events centered on Qin.

Jorden must have been very pleased with these old ghosts who had been
waiting for him like a baby bird. I've never been able to make a proper
judgment because of their sweet need for acknowledgement.

But not anymore.

"You pathetic bastards...….'

Anger and nausea rushed to the scene of welcoming him.

When will it start?

Since when have the sharpest swords in Looncandel come to this......I felt as
if all the bones in my heart were broken by the question and remorse of the

I wish I could cut off all these rotten quirks right now.

Gorden had not forgotten that they were the biggest support base left for
him. And the fact that he, if not as much as they were, was at some point
immersed in inertia.

'Me too, you guys. We must reform and become an axis of Looncandel

Otherwise, not only are they crowned the throne, but they are also uncertain
about surviving in the Sword Garden.

"I can't help but be disappointed with you and myself.”

"Mr. Elder..."

Jorden looked at the elders, changing his gaze.

"I think the time has come to restore lost wildness and spirits. At this rate,
we shall perish. As of today, the senate will never have a safe fight, so let
those who are afraid leave in advance."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 431

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:42 AM

Chapter 431: Episode 124. Elders of Crisis (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The elders didn't take the words of Jorden very seriously. I just thought it
meant nothing as much as sometimes Jorden used to show his dignity
without work.

"Haha, how dare you say who's going to wipe us? My lord."

"Of course not, but we're all prepared to accept your wishes."

"Oh, yes! If the senate wishes, he'd like to return to active duty...….”

Jorden's eyes chilled as the elders habitually beat the tune. I was fed up with
empty answers that didn't contain any sincerity.

"Really? Everybody knows my mind. You don't have to go back to active

duty. But, like I just said...... as of this time, we will start a war with the
second and 12th riders."

From then on, the elders could realize that something was wrong.

"Older brother, war is a...…?”

" Literally. I'm going to clean up the ranks of the 12."

"How can I help you?"

"Tikan Free City."

The elders' expressions hardened when the name came out of Jorden's

"It's the most important base of the 12-gear, and the people in it are the ones
that most depend on."

"You mean you're going to hit the Tikan?"


"Ha, but sir. Haven't you forgotten one thing?"

"Tikan is in a state where no Looncandel can be trespassed, sir."

I can't believe you lied to me. I was just a little lucky. As soon as I arrived
in Tikan, I had a relationship with Sir Kashmir.

Okay, anyway, you pass the test. As of today, no Looncandel will be able to
step on the Tikan land without your permission. Even if it is this Ciron

Thank you, Father.

A conversation between Jin and Si-ron, who broke the taboo and returned to
the family for a while when he was a backup rider.

At that time, Jean was able to pass the test of Zion to ensure the freedom of
the stronghold, and no matter what accident she had caused afterwards,
Looncandel had never directly attacked Tikan. Even when the wanted order
was issued at the end of the reserve jockey, the guardian knights did not
come to Tikan in person.

The household name is absolute. Since Xiron had never taken its command,
Tikan was still a land of no choice but the other Looncandel, except Qin.
"You're right. But it's not that there's no way. Send those who are not

The elders were forced to open their eyes wide again.

"Sir, that's not the wrong story, but...... in fact, it's just a pun, isn't it? Your
name would also prohibit Looncandel from giving a third party a saju and
hitting the Tikan."

"That's right, sir. And what happens when you use outside forces to play the
12th term...... we've all seen it ourselves.

When the elders recalled the moment when Qin filled the sack with the
supply and demand of the dead elders, the air somehow seemed to be
getting cold.

"Everyone must feel uncomfortable fighting the 12th jockey. Well, it is.
Those who are under my command hit the Tikan, which is only a pun that
violates the commands of the housekeeper. But how many times has the 12-
year-old jockey been playing with us?"

Jorden was right.

When he was a backup rider, Jin broke the rules several times, and every
time he used his tongue to win prizes rather than bees.

"That's the way we should do. Now we're at a point where head-to-head
competition doesn't answer. I made it clear. There's no safe fight anymore.
"Those who are afraid may be left out, but the old Looncandel must be put

At the moment, the elders mostly recalled Jorden in his youth. Even before
leading the Black Sword, Jordan used to set up a sprinkler tank to remove
those who were against him.

Even in the early days of becoming the Black Sword Chairman, he had
been purging blood for years.
In other words, if you choose to leave your prison here. It meant that one
day, on the blade of the Black Sword, one day, one's neck would fall.

"The 12th rider is... ... As far as I know, you haven't had much of the deaths
of your neighbors. As the elder of the family, I will remind you of the pain."

Gorden went on to say.

"... ..Old Master, then. Who are you planning to send to Tikan?”


any nameless desert east of the empire of Cascal.

With Jordan and the elders trying to hit Tikan, Jean was tracking down the
elders of the ghosthood who had fled with some of his colleagues.

"I didn't know Seigalga had a secret fortress on this remote land. And the
fact that the elders who had fled had continued to communicate with them."

said Rata, sitting next to Jean. Jean, disguised herself, was sitting in a
restaurant in a nearby village and drinking tea.


The heads of the ghosthoods were mostly killed and destroyed by the
former Smarion Prochi.

But as he ruled the Ghosts for hundreds of years, the Seigal family hid its
last remaining potential in this desolate little desert.

The combination of the Seven Colors and the Ghosts showed efficiency
beyond expectations. He discovered this desert less than three days before
he became blood-blind.

"Has it been confirmed that the traitors had leaked the secret of the
nebulous nature to the outside world?"

Rata nodded heavily.

"Yes. But Beams and Gipples, Kinselo, and other forces. We don't know
exactly which side they gave us the information.

"I guess we can find out about that from now on. What is the size of the
Seigal family left in the fort?"

"With the exception of the housekeeper and servant, there are not many
combatants. But before my father became a housekeeper. There were some
big brothers, the Rocks, the Lax Seigal, and some big ones. The elders are
not dull either."

Rocks, Rocks Seigal. It was a name that I've seen several times in books on
Jindo War history. If it weren't for Smarion, they would have easily become

Although he had been hiding for a long time without any presence, he
would still be a great power if he hadn't let go of the sword completely.

"If you wait, I and my men will go and take care of it."

"No, I'm coming with you. We're going to figure out our strength, and we're
going to work together."

Fei formed a siege with the troops, and Qin and Rata, and some of each
leader, decided to strike the fortifications.

"There may be important data, so please be as careful as possible about the

destruction of the interior. If possible, we'll subdue them quickly and

"Yes, Lord."

"And if there are civilians, they should all be classified as rescue targets.
That means you shouldn't just kill people for being annoying."

Unlike a noble family of nobles, imperial families, or aristocrats.

Mercenaries usually handled things that way. If a civilian, especially a
civilian who does not make money, is found to be in the process of carrying
out the request, he or she will kill him or her if something bothers him or

But now the ghost wasn't just a mercenary. It was necessary to follow the
style of Minga, since it came under the leadership of Qin.

"I'll be clear."

Soon after, Fei signaled that he had finished building the siege network, and
the gin, Latah and the leaders seeped into the darkened desert.

Seigalga's last stronghold was an underground fort.

They accumulated wealth by distributing drugs and various black goods

here, and were dreaming of pushing away the Prochi brothers and sisters
and taking over the ghost band again with betrayed elders.

A soft, treading sand floor made me feel particularly stiff. It was the
entrance to the underground fort.

As soon as I swept the sand to check the door, I heard a voice.

"Who is it?"

As it was a secret fortress, there were no guards outside, but there were
always people under the door.

Before he could again ask the identity of the party, a group leader lowered a
poisoned bowel over the door.

Fucking! A short tremor was passed from beyond the door with a small
noise, and it quickly stopped.

The doorknob was a shiver. The other team then blew the lock without a
sound using the explosives specially manufactured by the ghost band.

As the world's two largest mercenaries, they have also shown their specialty
in infiltrating.
Entering the interior revealed a large space. It was like seeing a huge ant
cave, and the party was able to run into the remnants of Seigalga.


It's the mouth!

Not a single one of them has finished spreading the danger inside. All of
them fell their necks on the swords of Qin and the Ghosts, leaving no
screams of death.

Jean saved only one man and gave him a chance to speak for a while.

"Sa, please save me. I'm just a hired mercenary."

"Where are the Segal brothers?"

"In the innermost room of the center...... please."

He has no direct grudge, and he has given us the position of the Seigal
brothers, and he is not a threat to them in the future, and he is only a hired

Jean did not spare him.

It is a principle to avoid useless killing, but Qin was not a soft-hearted man
enough to show mercy to the enemy soldiers.

Puck! The leaders who followed nodded inwardly as Jean cut off his

"I was worried that he might look so soft to say let's save civilians.'

'My boss wouldn't have asked me to swear allegiance to such an asshole.

I'm sure you won't worry about it.'

Jean shook off the blood from the blade and gave the leaders a wink.
"I'll try to disperse from here to the west. Me and Rata are going to take
care of the Seigal brothers, so the leaders should search the rest of the


The leaders dispersed, and Jin and Rata quickly and covertly moved to the
residence of the Seigal brothers.

As they were two exceptionally talented people, most of them on their way
died without even realizing them.

Soon after reaching the last room, the two were able to face the Seigal
brothers standing armed and standing.

"Lata Prochi, your...…!”

"How did you know to come here?"

Rata didn't answer and turned the double swords lightly.

"Okay, this is how it ends. But do you think you can deal with us alone?"

"Come on!"

They were completely excluding the assumption that the man standing next
to Rata, Jean, was a superior warrior.

That's why Rox Seigal was so focused on Rata's movements that he had to
face the humiliation of being cut off immediately.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 432

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:41 AM

Chapter 432: Episode 124. Elders of Crisis (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Sigmund cut Rox's bones and flesh, causing a sharp noise.

Rox was not originally such a simple character, but the result of his
nervousness only on the part of Rata was disastrous.

He responded belatedly and tried to pull himself out, but blood fountains
were pouring out from the amputation of his already severed leg.


At the time of the loss of the legs, the fight is almost over.

Jean relaxedly cut off Rox's other leg, then turned to Rocks, who managed
to hold his breath.

"Be sure to make sure that interest does not die, Ser Rata."

"Hold it, Rox!"

"What? You know who I am and you talk like that, Lax Seigal."

The sharp edge of Jean's blade fell to Lax's forehead. Lax responded easily
to the blow, but was shocked by the force of his sword.

'What kind of power!'

We just had a joint, but the wrists were wringing and the muscles that held
our positions were all about to be torn.

Who the hell is this guy, as soon as such a question crossed his mind.


The epilepsy spread from Sigmund's scans, which glowed blue and hazy.

Until a few years ago, what brain warfare symbolized was the contractor of
Feytel, but not anymore.

Jean Looncandel, the thunder gushing from the sword was now a force
symbolizing him.

"Gin Looncandel... ...!”

"If you know it, take the sword gently."

The Plain Plain of the Ming Dynasty fell over Rocks' head. As Rocks is a
self-contained warrior, he showed a resilient response to the first type of

But that was all.

In the first place, even in pure swordsmanship, Jean was far ahead of
Rocks. As soon as the battle began in earnest, Lax was only pushed back.

"Did you really become Looncandel's dog, as the elders said? Rata Prochi!"

Rata shrugged off Rox's shoulders, stoking roughly on the leg.

"The traitors must have misrepresented themselves, Lax. Similar, but a little
different. Not Looncandel, but Jean Looncandel's dog."

"He doesn't know the figures."

"The shame? In the mercenary world, losing is the biggest shame. You and
the elders have made the wrong choice, and they're just paying the price."

Lax fluttered his eyes at Rata, but Jean simply stood in front of him.


Sigmund and his knife collided, sparking flames.

Not only can you not win, but you can't even get out of course. Lax Seigal
was forced to make such a conclusion quickly.

"Rox Seigal. We just met as enemies, and so far we have no other feelings.
So if you answer some of my questions, I'll let you go without pain."

"It's a shame that the throne was taken away by a monster named Smarion
who appeared out of nowhere. I didn't expect to hear this from a 12-time

"Can I take it as a sign of rejection of my offer?”

While Jin was asking, some of the leaders headed to the other side entered
the Seigal brothers' room.

"Lord! We've got you."

The leaders have seized the elders who betrayed them in the other room. He
had been poisoned so that he could barely speak.

Rata's eyes, looking down at the elders, shone with a sparkle of life.

"You old rats...... did you think you could live against my will? And he was
looking for other forces to get in touch with Seigal.
Naturally, the betrayal of the elders of the ghost band did not come
emotionally to Jin emotionally.

However, their betrayal was a significant shock to Rata. The elders were
also members of the Seigal family, but Ratawa had long been in sympathy.

"Thanks to you, as soon as we had a blood alliance, we had to make the

Lord bear the risk factors of the ghosthood. So from now on, try to answer
my questions sincerely."

Rata sat Rox next to the elders and continued to speak.

"First, what power did you choose? Second, have you told them the secrets
of my lord's alliance and of the new meadow? If the answer is not sincere,
not only your people, but also your innocent blood relatives, relatives, and
dogs will all be put on flesh one by one to kill them."

It was never empty talk. Rata is a great man enough to do that.


There was a moment of silence, and an old man who had been caught burst
into a sudden laugh.

"Lata Prochi! Do you think killing blood relatives and relatives will be a
great pain for us?"


"What do you think, Jean Looncandel? Do you think we'd have left the
Necropolis if we were afraid of that?”

Not only the elders, but also Lax Seigal was raising the corners of his

"Lata, you just told me. Me, Rox, and the elders have made the wrong
choice and are paying for it. The most shameful thing in the mercenary
world is losing. Yeah... ...that's not wrong."
said Lax in a calmer voice as he picked his breath.

A strangely confident face, Jean seemed to have seen that kind of

expression somewhere.

"By the way, are we the ones who made the wrong choice?"

"Rox Seigal, what the hell are you talking about?"

"It means, in my opinion, that in the end it will be you, not us, who will pay
the price. Looncandel? It's you who's wrong, Rata."

The Seigal brothers and elders were showing signs of elation even though it
was obviously a desperate situation. There is no such thing as servile or

It is not courage or pride in the background.

Jean made such judgments intuitively. Then there was one person who
suddenly came to mind.

'Barton Bichena.'

The only black knight who betrayed Looncandel and stood on the side of
the Zipple.

His last appearance was like this.

There is truth that will never change, even if you kill me today. The first is
that if Sir Xiron disappears, Looncandel will surely perish. Second, I can
exist longer than you even if my body is destroyed.

By then, you'll have no choice but to admit that Barton Vichena's choice
was not wrong.

The elders who betrayed Seigal had the same eyes as Barton of the day. The
eyes that only those who think that they have entered a world where death
has no meaning.
"It's a jipple, isn't it?

Eyes gathered as Jean opened her mouth.

"You're on the jipple, you've leaked information. And they would have been
promised eternal life or transcendental power. So you're not afraid of death

Jean, who fixed the sword and looked at Rocks.

"And you know what? There was someone who told me that before. To
him, I told him an anecdote that my sister and I broke the drinking stone."

The three Igal brothers and elders showed their dismay when the word
"Massinseok" came out.

"So...'d better not be too blind to the drinking stones. If it's a stone
with that much power in the first place, it doesn't make sense for you to die
here. Lord Rata."

"Yes, Lord."

"I don't have any more information to find out. Kill them all.”

As soon as Rata nodded, Rocks glared at Jean.

"Give me a present, Jean Looncandel."

"No need..."


Suddenly, the red letters flashed across Lax's whole body. The same was
true of the captured Roxes and the elders.

And Gene and Rata, just a while ago, had seen something very similar to
the red letter.

'It's the same seal that's holding him...…!'

A seal used as a material for the life of a drinker, which has been handed
down only to the elders of the ghosthood for generations.

Seigal's remnants were last about to unfold the seal. Rox and Rox have
already received the seal from the elders who betrayed Rata a long time

"You'll be like your father, Rata!"

"You crazy bastards......! Are you going to kill all the food on your own?"

Lax giggled at Rata's question.

"Why would you take care of that stuff, to me? We'll get the ghost band
back in the future and get it back."

Segal's remnants were attempting to self-destruct, so to speak.

There was no telling whether it was true to say that the remaining flesh and
blood in the fort were not worth anything, or whether they were bluffing,
saying that they were not hit.

However, it was clear that they really intended to seal the entire fortress.

The bodies of the red-colored remnants continued to swell as if they were

about to burst.

"Who really made the wrong choice, think carefully in hell!"

Hahaha, ah, ah, ah, ah...…!

Locks' laughter, which had continued for a long time, died down rapidly.

Red seals were drawn everywhere, and the bodies of the Seigal remnants
were twisted and broken and sucked into them.

The same seal as the one that locked up Smarion is trying to lock up the
party. Like a giant's grip was being squeezed, the red energy was narrowing.
Latah and the leaders reflexively swung swords at the seal.

The blade touched, but the cut like water quickly returned to its original

"Lord! Me and the leaders will make way. At least get out of here."

Not even a few days after becoming blood-blind, Rata said so without a
single word of hesitation.

"Before the seal recovers, if you continue to cut it, there could be a gap in
the state's way out."

While Rata was talking, he was checking the characteristics of Jindo's seal.
When cut with an oracle, it came back as straight as the Rata herd did, and
when the brain was used, recovery was certainly slow.

It seemed that we could escape together if we spread our solar terms or

dialysis machines consecutively, but we didn't have to do so.

'I felt it in the past when Muron Zipple broke the hell door, but this is
definitely the best way to live.'

The seal was being cut off like a sheet of paper when I wielded the spirit
around the bradamante.

Even the restoration was extremely slow, unlike its predecessors.

"Sir Rata, I don't think we have to risk our lives together. I'll open the way,
so let's get out.”

At that word, Rata and the leaders could realize once again.

In a new era ahead, it was definitely them who grabbed the best line.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 433

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:40 AM

Chapter 433: Episode 125. Scouts, Brothers (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Steam rose over a large pot. The pleasant air bubbles and smells were
coming up from the crab, shrimp, abalone, and octopus inside.

Seafood soup.

It was the food that Kashmir and Alisa's only daughter, Yuria, had liked
since she was two years old.

Now nine years old, she couldn't go to school for a few reasons, but was
spending days not lonely or bored with Enya's brother Pinte (and old dog
Poopy) and Jet's son Cow.

And Yuria's favorite day was the moment when children and adults gathered
together to eat seafood soup.

"Seafood soup, seafood soup."

The children all sang such strange songs because of the color of the Yuria.
Of course, it was so cute that even Veris, who is usually recognized as a
witch, smiled.

In particular, Kashmir and Alisa often felt hot and strong feelings when they
saw such a uria, as if something like butter was cut off from one breast and

"If it weren't for Confucius Jean, then Euria would...….'

How great a blessing to see her like that.'

Putting seafood soup in the bowl of children who thought like daughters
and children, the couple were bound to be moved.

"Eat a lot, boys. Chew well so that you don't get indigestion."


Adults bumped into their glasses as a snack for their children. A truly
harmonious time is unfolding.

"And so could we save the Yuria. If it weren't for Confucius Qin, he

wouldn't have seen this."

"That's right, Lord Kashmir. Thanks to you, people who had never met were
gathered together and tied up as a family. Big, sweet, sweet. It's been a long
time since I drank. I'm sorry you don't have a wife, but...….”

Tikan's colleagues also had such a leisurely time for the first time since the
terror attacks on the Imperial City.

Along with the things that have not been handled during his stay in
Geomhwangseong Fortress, there has been a mountain of information to
find out.

"Mr. Jean today, no. It's a shame you don't have a brother."

When Yuria spoke, the children and colleagues all nodded.

"And Aunt Strawberry Pie."

"Butterfly, too."

"Yes, we're sorry too. Is it delicious?"

"Yes, yes."

"You said Confucius supervised the promotion test for a guardian knight,

"That's right, Miss Enya. You know Confucius's schedule, too. I think we're
going to check the promotion of the guardian knights so that they don't just
follow the elders' wishes. Murakan also said he would support Confucius's

Colleagues couldn't see the scenery in person, but it was easy to imagine
Murakhan disturbing it. I am the protector of the family and the great black
dragon, and the image of him shouting back.

"Murakan is probably the only one in the world who can give the
Looncandel guardians a rush."

"The senate was determined to do that in the near future.”

My colleagues licked up their appetite as if they were disappointed.

I felt sorry to think that only Jin, Murakan and Gilly could not feel this cozy
and warm moment.

"Next time I'll invite Confucius and the ghost commander to have a meal.”

"I heard you acted like a real crazy dog at first, and you risked your life to
protect yourself again. Haha, he's the right man to replace me."

"Jet. If you go somewhere and say that, you can really disappear without
knowing it. I let it slide because I'm cute, but Rata Prochi isn't that kind of

"Maybe a few fingers would have disappeared if they were in front of us.
Does the ghost captain look like water?"

At the words of Kuzan and Veris, Zet replied, without any qualms.
"I'm just pretending to be strong at times like this. What are you arguing
about so much, these people. Come to think of it, you're my replacement.”

On the other hand, Julian, who was next to them, looked at Jet and nodded
as if she were positive.

His guardian dragon Caltor had yet to wake up, even though Quicantel fed
him the master spirit every day.

However, after the day when Jin brought in Ozdock's inner circle, Julian
took a very favorable attitude toward all his colleagues.

In the midst of this and that, Alisa brought a new drink and looked at her

"You'll be busy again for a while after today, everyone. You're all aware that
Confucius Jean is quite worried about Tikan, right?”

As he said, Tikan was one of Jean's biggest worries these days.

After the announcement of the Gaza Declaration, the "house fight"

intensified in earnest, and recently there was a war of nerves with the
emperor, and Jipple and Kinselo continued to make unusual moves.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world now knows that Tikan is the
power of Jin, so it is no wonder when it is attacked.

"It's a good thing Looncandel can't hit us directly, thanks to Confucius who
lost. You said you would soon support the troops of the Ghost Leg, but you
can't always live with Confucius. We have to be prepared as we are."

Of course, those residing in Tikan had the power to exceed the troops of a
small country.

However, the problem was that the individual's armed forces were very
good, but the number of combatants was too small.

"The war and disaster preparedness system that Confucius had been
preparing since he was a backup jockey is about to be completed."
"That alone is not enough, darling. And besides, the system is specialized in
flight, not defense or counterattacks. Well, should we really find and raise
the juniors who were abandoned in the imperial family?"

"Special lease dropouts are too dangerous."

"I know, I just said it out of frustration. I'd like to hire a substitute Amela.”

Amela, a substitute soldier in the Gaifa Islands, was one of the top three
mercenaries in the world who fought for the rank of the Black King.

"I don't know Amela, but I've been thinking about the Black Kings. I'll have
to see the Black King before Confucius comes.”

a squeaking sound

When Kashmir finished saying that, someone came to the party with a brisk

"Dessert, special Retra Cookie! Fresh and fresh, the same deadly taste and
texture that is too dangerous for children to eat!"

It was Ratri. At his appearance the children were instantly enchanted and
fixed their eyes, and the adults had their palates.

"Give it to me!"

"Give it to me!"

As the children rushed in, Ratri gave a hearty smile.

But after a while, Ratri, who was handing out cookies, was startled and
turned to Yuria.

Unlike the children, Yuria did not rush for cookies, and was staring into
space with empty eyes.

"You, Yuria!"
As soon as Ratri shouted in an urgent voice, his colleagues could feel

That the power of Azmil is being expressed to Yuria.

Much better than when she was very young, Yuria still had no complete
control over Azmil's powers. It was a side effect of seeing too much future
in infancy.

Ratri tried to quickly start a 'fairness,' but it didn't happen as simply as Euria
was when she was very young.

"Latree, Euria, are you all right?!”

"You have to transform yourself and enter...….”

"No, it's all right, Ratri."

It was the voice of Yuria. She was still staring into the future that was
unfolding in her head, but unlike before, she was aware of the boundaries
between what she "looked" and what she is now.

"Can you hear my voice, Euria?"

"Yes, I can hear you."

"Isn't that disgusting?"

"I don't see anything like that yet."

Latri and her colleagues exchanged glances.

Soon, Ratri sat in front of Yuria and closed her eyes. Still no resonance has
been achieved. Instead, Ratri calmly decided to ask what Yuria was looking

"Yuria, tell me what you see."

Yuria, who answers in a dreamy voice, as if she were asleep.

"Where in Tikan? Our mansion, or our refreshments, the streets?"

"Overall. I see the whole seen from afar."

"What are you riding? Is it Murakan or me?"

"Not both."

"Then what do you think it is?”

I haven't heard an answer for a while. It was the result of focusing on the
exact background of the timing of Azmil's power.

"Pears... ...pears. A small boat. And."


Suddenly, Yuria opened her eyes with a scream.

Latry and her colleagues hugged Yuria at the same time, and she was
trembling as if she had seen a very scary scene.


Yuria spoke backward in a quivering voice.

"You'll be attacked."




As soon as Uriah's words were finished, a far cry came from outside the
Vibration was also accompanied by a slight earthquake.

Something with considerable power is impacting the outer walls of a free


"Ha, is that a warship? Mana Bomb?"

Jet was looking out the window reflexively, shouting, but Quicantel and the
fighters were already aware it wasn't.

It was the sword of a warrior that was attacking the free city. That's more
than nine stars, a number of them.

"Get the kids out of the way, get everyone ready for battle. It's not the usual.
Get in touch with Jean and the Ghosts right now!"

While Quikantel was shouting, heavy drinking and vibration were being


In the middle of the Sword Garden, in a solemn atmosphere, guardian

knights were taking a promotion test.

Jin and Murakan were seen sitting on the other side of the elders and
evaluating them. It was a location selection not only for guardian knights
but also for seniors who evaluate them.

"Older ones, if it weren't for you, I would have promoted only the ones that
fit their taste. It is a problem even if there are too many geniuses in the
family. We're still running like this, but we've got a lot of great knights
running like this, ."

"Those who failed to get promoted despite their excellent skills were going
to each rider. Well, that guy doesn't look bad."

While Jin and Murakan were examining the jade stones of the jade stones,
there was one person who rushed to the training ground.
Knock, knock!

It was Petro the butler who opened the door.

Petro had a calm face as much as he could not be seen by his enemies, but
Jean saw through precisely his anxious and anxious heart.

'Sir, Tikan's sending an emergency signal.'

The moment Petro came up and whispered, he almost couldn't hide his

Instead, Jin calmly asked the situation.

What exactly is it about?'

'It is said that more than nine armed men invaded the area. There was no
further signal yet.'

If there were no additional signals until they reached the mobile gate, it
meant that it was urgent enough that even he could not be sent.

'You must have contacted the gatekeeper, right?'

'Of course.

'I'm leaving right now. And were there any of my friendly forces near Tikan

Without it, something terrible seemed to happen.

But the good thing about the misfortune, Petro gave this answer.

'Datona and Haytona have been sitting near Tikan to see you for days.'
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 434

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:38 AM

Chapter 434: Episode 125. Assaulters, Brothers (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The Tonya brothers were fishing on a small uninhabited island just near

The weapon was hidden in a ferryboat, disguised as a straw hat, and looked
like a prodigal man.

"When on earth can I see the youngest?”

The moment Heitona spoke, the fish bit the prey.

Poppong, poppong.

When the scissors shook, Daytona jerked at the fishing rod.

The lush lines drawn in the air by sea water and fishing lines should be a
sign of a great harvest, but what was in hand was a lonely little pyramid.

Watching the fluttering pyrami, Tonya's brother again.

"It seems that the youngest has become too big a deal now that such guys as
us are meeting recklessly."

Carefully took the needle out and sent the pyrami back to the sea.
Naturally, that pyrammy couldn't belong to the main characters of these vast

A tiny creature that is but not a single one among all predators, including
whales and sharks.

No matter how hard they fight, they will not be able to survive, let alone
become masters of the sea.

That's why the Tonya brothers seemed to be seeing themselves from the
back of the pirami swimming around.

These days, the two have been feeling a deeper sense of crisis than before.

He was treated like nothing more than air among his brothers, and neither
Siron nor Rosa had any expectation.

At least the youngest showed interest in them, so I wanted to get closer.

As Emma said, she wants to take a place in the family by taking advantage
of the power of the youngest, or to help her survive. I wanted to talk
without much meaning.

For example, it is an unconscious desire to be encouraged and comforted by

an admirer.

But the Tonya brothers didn't know what it was like. No one has told me
that sometimes humans can feel such emotions naturally when they are tired
and in need.

It was Looncandel where the brothers were born and raised.

"That's true. It's not someone you can meet without any special business,
the youngest. But it's actually a problem after we meet. When I ask why I'm
here, it'll be pathetic if I just think of it and say I'm here, right?”

"That's true, though.”

"Whew, would the youngest have thought of us a little better if we hadn't
been fooled around when we were kids?"

"You were so fearless back then, both of us."

Beyond the fishing rod, eyes turned to Tikan Free City, towering over the
blue sea.

The island, towering like a tower, was a shining stronghold achieved by the

I thought it would be more meaningful to belong to that island, not to

Looncandel. It is unlikely that they will gain more than a certain value in
the Sword Garden.

"......let's go back. Even if I meet the youngest like this, I will only
disappoint them. What happened to your hair for a moment, you were just
going to tell that you were just here to see a guy so busy."

"Yes, let's go and catch and kill the Zipple's followers, or check the
management area."


The incident happened when the brothers sighed with a fishing rod in a tight

It was just then.

"Uh, uh!"


It was a small vessel that the Tona brothers jumped to their feet and pointed
at. The vessel had a different purpose from several other fishing boats in the
waters near Tikan.

The ship that the brothers pointed to was boarded by fighters, not
The warrior who appeared on the ship was twenty.

The ship was very close to Tikan, and the fighters pulled out their swords
and began firing their swords at the free city without any hesitation.

Shiaak, Quangang, Kjeojeok...…!

The outer walls, which had been treated with strength by magic, were being
cut and burst like tofu in the pouring black.

"What the hell are they?!”

I couldn't identify myself quickly.

However, as soon as the terror attack began, the brothers were immediately
convinced that they were a sprayer composed of great powers.

A minimum of seven to a maximum of nine stars. Maybe more.

Where the hell did you get those powers? Are they mercenaries? There
aren't a lot of big mercenaries out there. Is it a jipple? Or the imperial

Whoever sent it, if you fight. Can we win?

You can't win. There is also no reason to fight strictly. You don't know
what's going to happen if you get caught up in it. Isn't Tikan the youngest's
colleagues anyway?

In a moment, all kinds of thoughts hit the brother's head.

Naturally a reasonable judgment is to remain in place or step down, but the

Tonya brothers shouted at the same time:

"Let's go!"

Being able to 'just' see the youngest meant that he could just fight for him.
Without weighing the pros and cons.
While jumping from ferry to Tikan, the brothers didn't even think it was a
"visible" opportunity for the youngest. I just want to stop them as soon as

He used it as a driving force in the wake of the gale. The short distance
allowed the brothers to reach the outer wall of the Tikan quickly.

You can't fight and win, you made such a conclusion before you arrived, but
when the battle was imminent, laughter spread around the mouths of the
Tona brothers.

The public did not give their brothers the nickname "the son of hell" for

"Kkeut, Key. Stop, you bastards. Crack, no. Just die!"

Daytona's eyes twinkled and shouted. The sword wielded at the same time
was directed at the sprayers who were about to enter the Tikan.

Whoo! Whoo!

The sword spread from the Supreme Prosecutors' Office heavily divided the
wind. At the same time, Heitona also unfolded the chain sword.

The brothers are both now at seven stars, but the sword with the unique
strength of Looncandel was clearly a form that could be compared to those
of those who achieved higher achievements.

Five sprayers took the sword. The other fifteen had already entered the
Tikan and started fighting with their inner colleagues.


Daytona and Heitona spewing black again.

Four out of five sprayers showed signs of slowing down. It took a great deal
of skill in itself to prevent such a sword on a shaky ship.

But the four did not have to strike out the swords of the Tona brothers.
It was because the other one blocked it perfectly. He was the blacksmith of
the five remaining fountains outside the island.

Whether it was to cover up the specific belonging, the sprayers all had
ordinary long swords.

"This wasn't in the story.”

"What do I do?"

said the captain and the sprayers.

They showed only a lukewarm response to the curious appearance of the

Tonya brothers. Like pyramids like you don't have any variables.

Like you can decide whether to save or kill him.

It was driving the Tonya brothers crazy.

"What do I do, "? You guys, did you just discuss what to do with us two?"

"Khahak, with two riders in front of him......I feel like I'm crazy because I
can't relax. It's even the base of a 12-gear.”

The Tonya brothers shot the black flag once more, but this time the captain
scattered it away without difficulty.

"Datona Looncandel and Heitona Looncandel. I've heard it's stupid, but I
didn't know it was this bad."

a head-shaking captain


"Didn't you get a hunch on the first sum? Even if you're dead and awake,
you can't deal with me."

The Tonya brothers couldn't deny the word.

"Oh, persimmon. It's here. But why?"

"You don't seem to know how much your life is worth. Even if you're going
to kill me here, do you think the next 12 riders will recognize you?”

"Puh-huh, are you saying, I will show you mercy, so you must retreat


"Sadly, someone recently reminded me that the struggle against a stronger

opponent is an essential virtue of Looncandel. I can't do that.”

When the Tonya brothers jumped at the same time, the boat broke into
pieces. The landing site was reddish with the eyes of the Tonya brothers on
the ship with the sprayers.

"If you have to kick the chance to live, I won't stop you."

"It's been a long time since we've mixed swords with the undeterred ones of
the Looncandel name."

"Come in, huck! No, I'm going in!"

The moment Heitona and Daytona stormed, the captain swung a single
sword and pushed the brothers away, saying:

"I'm the only one left out there. I'll organize and join you as soon as
possible, so you'll join the people who entered the interior first."

The sprayers dispersed. The Tonya brothers did not stop the sprayers
entering the Tikan. It would have to be said that I couldn't do it exactly.

It was because I knew that there was actually no answer to the only colon
left on the ship.

I'm just standing there, and I feel great pressure....a second-term, or

someone hired by the senate. Where the hell did you come from?'
'There are at least a few more people inside the Tikan who are this ignorant.
At least one person and Daytona and I have to cut it down, and that's hard to
see from that guy's ignorance.….'

The expected results of the Tonya brothers were no different.

To hold out.

'I'm sure the youngest member has been told Tikan was attacked. I'll hold
out until then. It'll be a minute if you come to the mobile gate.'

Of course Jin's colleagues inside the Tikan could have come out to support
themselves, beating the spray.

But the possibility was not so high.

It was only natural that the number of colon-level sprayers headed inward
was far higher, and that spray that penetrated other channels could be

The swords of the Tona brothers and the captain struck and roared.

Every time they were hit, the Tonya brothers gritted their teeth, and the
captain seemed relaxed as if he were playing with mischief.

"Maybe he's looking forward to a painting of a dozen riders or other forces

coming in.”

In the midst of the battle, the captain pointed to the sky, saying so. It was
strangely overcast.

"Mobile gates must not be unaware that they cannot be used when snow or
rain is severe."

Rumbling! Hoody!

As soon as the captain's words ended, thunderstorms struck from the sky
and heavy raindrops began to pour down.
"How... ...did you control the weather?"

When Heitona asked, the captain shrugged.

"Let's say it was an area of observation, prediction and experience. It will

last at least two days. After that time, your guys and Tikan don't exist in this


Between the sound of rain and wind, and the voice of Tonya's brother's

Suddenly, a cry of retribution came to me. It was the cry of Mott the eyelid.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 435

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:37 AM

Chapter 435: Episode 125. Assaulters, Brothers (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Out of nowhere, the middle of the air cracked and Motte appeared between

"Uh, what is that!"

"Wen toad..."!?”

The Tonya brothers shouted at the same time. Motte's white, giant body cast
a shadow on the ships of the Tona brothers and the Salsa.

"What is that?" he shouted, but the brothers did not not not know that the
eyelid Mott was the redemption of the Necessity. I just shouted reflexively
because it was my first time seeing it in person, and the situation was a

The large-scale smelting, which was covered by a hood but confronted with
his brother, also had bigger pupils.

"Strong liquor, Talaris Endorma...…!?'

For him, there was no way to know why that monster visited here.
In the first place, I didn't even hear about the Tonya brothers from the
elders, but that was a manageable variable.

But Talaris has a different story.

The spider of the abyss, often called Talarius that. But very few people
knew exactly why they were given such a nickname.

If you look at the elements that make up Tallaris and Bibung, such as the
Tower of the West Sea Alone, Manbing, and Winter, you will find other
people's names more suitable.

Therefore, many people often wondered whether it was simply because of

the dark and fearful image of the words abyss and spiders, or whether she
was simply a symbol of the enormous manhood.

The gaze of the spray and the Talaris clashed. Mott's descent looked very
slow to him.

From the standpoint of the spray, it literally felt like the end was sinking.

Tough, big, big!

Before Motte's four big feet could reach the sea water, something rapidly
froze and burst.

It was the sound of the freezing of the waters around Tikan.

The white cold air extending from the Talaris covers the sea like a spider

The pouring downpour froze, and the waves died down.

The waves did not stop completely, but they stretched frantically toward the
sky in the cold.

It took less than five seconds for the frozen waves to become a sort of
protective shield covering the Tikan. Until the entire island is covered.
The ice obscured the sky, but the bay ice held by Talaris was flashing with
cold air and an aura.

"Yes, you stupid toad. Should have arrived at the mansion inside the island,
not here?"


Talaris shrugged Mort with a pint. As she said, they were originally going
to enter the mansion, but Mott made a mistake and fell on the sea.

Fortunately, it worked as a great fortune for the Tonya brothers.

"Hey, baby!"


The Tonya brothers shouted at the same time.

Mort was not the only one riding a talarisman. Along with Qin, Murakhan,
and the Seven Swords of Pigung, Siris was riding the Mott.

"Well, you did a good job, though. Mott. Not a very inappropriate position."


"Those half-jumped bastards trying to fight for our son-in-law, right? Yeah,
I'm proud of you.….”

While Talaris was speaking, Salsu jerked himself over to the Tonya
brothers. The distance was very close, as we were just exchanging
bickering, and the spraying was a dosage to overpower Tonya's brothers and
use them as hostages.

If Jean had come alone, it would have been difficult to stand in the way.
Because the distance was that short.

But Talaris did not take his foot off Mott's back, and just a light gesture
blocked the spray from approaching the Tonya brothers.
Whiz! Pszik!

An ice column soared between them following the beckon of the Tallaris.
Salsu hurriedly swung the sword, but failed to break the ice, and the Tona
brothers pulled straight toward Mott.

"You know, rude in speaking people."

"Are you all right, brothers?"

Tonya brothers nodding violently.

It made Jean feel strange, but she was very proud of them.

They've been such a bully in my past life.... now you're trying to fight to
protect my colleagues.'

At first glance, few Tonya brothers could not handle it. Nevertheless, the
two did not back down and tried to fight.

"It's all right!"

"Thanks to your coming."

The Tonya brothers, who answered like that, were full of energy at once.

Thuddock, Thuddock!

Raindrops, which turned into hail in cold weather, constantly pounded the
ice curtain, creating a pleasant noise.

'If it were a little late, they wouldn't be able to survive.'

There would be enemies inside the Tikan, so all of his colleagues couldn't
be safe. The damage to the private sector must have been enormous.

If it weren't for the palace, Jean would only have arrived here after the
terrorist attacks.
Master, the air currents and the weather around Tikan are so bad that you
can't use the mobile gates.

......Painter! What is the gateway to the palace?

A conversation with the butler Petro just before coming to Tikan.

Vigung was in a state of instantaneous movement between Looncandel and

the gate, and Jin was fortunate to be able to ask Talaris for help.

Also, thanks to the "hotline" of Lucas Manfran, a seven-color disclosure

agent at the palace, Talaris had already recognized the situation just before
Jean arrived.

Without Jean's own search, Talarias would have moved the Mott to help

From the moment the 'Elona Gipple' was shown, or before that, the moment
Talaris stared at Jean.

Vigung was the strongest ally of Qin.


"Yes, Mother."

"Take your son-in-law and your seven swordsmen and protect the inside of
the island."

"Okay. Seven Swords, move quickly inside! The goal is to protect the Tikan
forces and civilians, to subdue the enemy as much as possible, but don't
place too much restrictions on the death penalty."

"Your name!"

"Our darling. No, why don't you turn yourself into a good-looking brother
and take a look at the war?"

[I was about to do that. But who's our baby?]

"Ugh, a slip of the tongue."

Murakan transformed and revealed his black and huge wings. Chin climbed
on it and reached out to the brothers Tonya.

"Why don't you get on board and help me finish?"

The Tonya brothers answered with a look on their face.

Ooh, can we really get on the back of the great Black Dragon? That's the

Murakan asked Tonya's brother in his mouth instead of putting him on his

[Where are you going to put these things on my back?] I'll drop you guys in
the right place, so get your major up there, okay?]

Whoo-woong! As Murakan flew up, Siris and Vigung 7 swords headed

inside in a mot, only Talaris and Salsu remained outside.

"Do you want to surrender and die painlessly, or die vicious and cruel? I'd
like a friend who knows how to choose a wise answer.”

said Talaris, aiming at the ice. Now that she appeared, the sprayers had
virtually no choice of going back alive.

The spray fixed its posture.

Unusual energy flowed from him. The face of the man was Talaris, so the
light faded, and he was never a warrior who would disappear without a
name in the early night.

" does the Lord of the Rungs move for the 12th Runkandel?”

"May I take the latter as my choice?”

Tallaris glided on the ice and swung the ice. Salsu takes the blow and
sprinkles the sword.

Of course, he didn't devote all his energy from the first blow, but Talaris
seemed to have not known how clean the spray would be.

"My son-in-law told me before he came. I'm sure it's the senate that hired
you. I thought, of course, they were Blackwangdan or Amela's mercenaries,
but that's not how it feels at all."

Talaris had many battles with the Black Kings and Amela's mercenaries
when he was young. The patterns seen in them and the sword of the spray
showed a completely different texture.

However, the sword was more familiar than the Black Kingdom and Amela.

"Spray. You've seen me somewhere, haven't you? It smells familiar."

It's true that we exchanged quite plausible bickering with Talaris, but we
couldn't afford to answer them one by one. The spray was going all out,
while Talaris was dealing with him lightly.

"I'm a little curious. Why don't you tell me which company you belong to?”

When Talaris raised the tempo, the complement of the spray was rapidly

On the sea, armed with ice, Talarius is a near invincible warrior. In addition
to the physical ability unique to the top ten articles, the power of ice rising
from all sides was frantically pressing the spray.


Soon Talaris' sword brushed the right cheek of the spray. The wind stripped
the hood and revealed its face, which was a surprise to Talaris.

The skin on the face almost covered the eyes, and the lips almost
disappeared, revealing the teeth without opening the mouth, and the ears
were crushed and invisible.
A face that doesn't seem to make an opponent like that. Breathing sounds,
such as a harsh frictional sound, were telling him that he also had a
respiratory problem.

Cayit, Cayit, wash...…!

Salsu drew his breath, and Talaris stared at him, stopping the attack.

It was because he could see a familiar figure at first glance through his
messy face.

"You, no way."

Tallaris' eyes grew bigger. I remembered who he was. To be exact, it's not
his name, it's his.

"Isn't that the Runcandel Executive? You've come at me all together before,
haven't you?

As if to know what happened, Talaris nodded.

"Oh, now you're not an executioner, you're an exiled. Seeing that my face is
like that. Somehow, the way he was facing me with the sword was unusual.
Yeah, it's obvious. I remember mixing the sword a long time ago. He was
the first team leader of the executioner. The name is..."

"No name."

"Why not, I think I remember.”

Joo Woo-wook! said the spray, tearing the hood and writing like a mask.

"As long as you're here, none of us will survive. Kill him cruelly or at ease.
Do as you please."

Again, the sword of the spray, which lifted up the energy, was blazing with

And looking at the spray, Talaris smiled evilly.

"No? Why kill you? We'd better keep him alive if we can.”

"What are you talking about, Bigungju?"

"Because I think my son-in-law can use you if he does well. First of all...
...just pray. I hope the men inside didn't hurt their sons-in-law's people."

Then even if I wanted to save you, I wouldn't be able to. Talaris followed up
and spread cold air to the spray.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 436

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:36 AM

Chapter 436: Episode 125. Assaulters, Brothers (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The cold air spreading like a spider's web tied the spray fast. He tried to get
out, but was helplessly tied up to avoid the sword of Talaris.

" ..."...!

Within seconds the spray was trapped in a long stretch of ice-cold crystals,
unable to move, and after a little longer it was only possible to roll its eyes
in the ice.

It was because she was Talaris Endorma that could defeat a nine-star fighter
so easily.

"Huh, it's hardened very nicely. Just wait in there calmly until it's cleared
up. Don't try to commit suicide or commit suicide. You can't lift a finger in
the first place."

Entering inside the Tikan with the spray behind him, Talaris once again
thought about where he had seen him.

'Yes, about 30 years ago. It was the day I went to see Zion.'

One day about 30 years ago, Talaris once visited the secret residence of
There was only one reason why Talaris in those days sought Ciron.

an affair of honor

I couldn't even remember how many times I had applied for a duel. Until
then, Talarias had been losing at least 100 times to Ciron.

Even after losing the day, I felt much more angry than usual.

Therefore, he continued to make a fuss even after the duel was over, hoping
to see the end.

He had broken the secret dwelling of Zion, uttered all sorts of vulgarities to
him, and shouted, "Let's keep fighting until one side dies."

"Uh... ..I haven't had such a dark history in a long time. At that time, I
thought I would go crazy if I didn't do that.'

Although Vigung has never exceeded Looncandel's power in the past

thousand years, it has often been a case for Vigungju to possess a higher
level of military power than Looncandel's.

Talaris also challenged Ciron every day with that goal. I never succeeded.

At any rate, Ciron had given clemency to the riotous Talaris.

Talaris. Rather than aim to win me, I'd rather dream of a tragic turn over

For Ciron, Talarias was almost the only friend he had ever had, and there
was no reason to kill him, because he was the one who could help the most
if he was eroded by " Chaos."

But to some of the executioners of the time who watched it all, Talarias was
a thorn in the side.

Not only was her profane attitude toward the public opinion, but also the
rumours between the two that had spread like plague at that time. It was
rumored that the theory could not cut Talarias because it felt sympathy.
'Oh, I remember at last. Lutton Ferman, it was definitely that name.'

Luton Ferman.

He was just beaten by Talaris and tied to coldness all over, and was the
leader of the first team of executive engineers 30 years ago at a young age.

Lutton and other executive engineers at the time thought they had to deal
with Talarias. That's what we thought was the way for the prestige of Zion
and the authority of the family.

Naturally, Ciron never ordered to hit Talarius, but neither did the order not
to hit him.

That was the trigger for the first group of executive engineers in Luton's
group to attack Talarias.

' bigung, the chopping and sent to death, to get mixed up. without notice.'

Even then, Lutton and his crew were mostly nine-star, or nearby, powerful
men, but could not be matched by Talaris. Especially within the palace.

Slashing and overpowering the executive knights, Talaris had thought their
excessive loyalty was cute.

I also felt fortunate to have such a hot subordinate in a cold human being
like Siron.

In other words, the rudeness committed by Lutton and his team members
was not enough to hate.

Talaris has not told Siron about the deviation of the executive drivers, and
they have challenged her every time (even though they all fight together).

Like Talaris did to Ciron.

Violent, pure and beastly bastards, Talaris had recognized Lutton and his
crew as such.
As a result, I had a short relationship with some of them. Lutton was one of

With a smirk, the memory that began to come to mind clearly, Talaris burst
into laughter.

Soon after, however, he had no choice but to think like this with a firm

'You seem to have been living like a nameless woman, but why would a
man so loyal be like that? Maybe the others who hit the island are also
made up of deportees. I don't think Zion would have been like that.'

If the three tribes were destroyed neatly, they were destroyed, and it was not
the way of the argument to make their faces look like that.

It wasn't so good that I couldn't forget, but I was a little sad and curious as I
realized that I didn't hate them.

Whatever it is, it's Looncandel's business, so it's none of my business. But if

possible, I'd like my son-in-law to absorb those honorable beasts.'

Whether Jean becomes the housekeeper of the Looncandel or the mistress

of the palace. In the eyes of Talaris, as long as the gin absorbed well, the
deportees would be a considerable force.

The deportees were those who could be an important cause for future senate
strikes, even if not necessarily absorbed by electricity.

At first glance, the interior of the Tikan seemed to be in chaos.

The sky was darkly colored with ice and the spirit of Murakan, and below it
was a mixture of stairs (the free city of Tikan is a tower-shaped structure)
and a mana, causing an explosion.

However, the inside of the building was not damaged.

It was thanks to the largest power in the palace, the territory was small, and
dragons were able to fly through the small territory and look at it in an

Murakan and Quikantel flew between floors and took care of civilians who
had not escaped.

The wild beasts were being stopped by Jin and Siris, the Vigung Seven
Swords, the Tonya Brothers and Tikan's colleagues.

Talarias quickly toured all those floors on the ice of Manbing, empowering
the seemingly needy side.

"My son-in-law, I've found out who these men are...….”

Talaris, who found Jean, approached him and opened his mouth. However,
he stopped without finishing his words because he had never seen such a
scene before.

Jean, who kills the sprayers, had an almost evil-looking face. The flesh and
venom were so deep and so thick that even Talaris was astounded.

'This looks just like my father.'

As a young man, there was a glimpse of a poem that was lost and hated by
his colleagues.

Perhaps more sensitive than that. No one among his colleagues has been
confirmed to have suffered casualties.

Although not all of them were exiled as executive engineers, they were
quite powerful. But Jean was cutting them down as easily as a leaf.

"You ripping shit, how dare you...…!”

What a shame!

Jean jerked her head around and looked at Talarias.

She belatedly felt her presence and caught the opposite sex, which had been
buried in anger.
"Sorry, Mr. Talaris. I didn't hear you well. Please say that again."

"I said I'd found out who they were. The Looncandel deportees.”

"I thought it might be. There are only a limited number of organizations that
can move these levels of mercenaries.….”

"Huh-huh. Some of them, including the one I faced outside, will be from
the executive engineer. Before we kill them all, if Tikan's damage isn't
great, then maybe we should have a conversation. They weren't so bad in
my memory."

nodding gin

"I will, Mr. Talaris."

"You've just been a mad demon, but you've regained your composure."

Jean smiled embarrassedly at the remark.

"It was a mistake. I was mindful that this could happen, but it's not easy to
control my anger because I'm confronted with it in person.”

What if Talaris were absent? What if Mott couldn't move dimensionally?

What if he was in a position where he couldn't hear straight from Kashmir
and Petro?

Such assumptions were angering Jean.

"On the way here, fortunately, there seems to be no other major damage.
There was not a single casualty in sight once."

"Including civilians?"

"Yes. The buildings and facilities were pretty much damaged. Finish up and
check the exact damage. I also recommend that you show a little mercy,
because the Salss may be your swords because of their status as deportees."

"Thank you, Mr. Talaris."

"If you're grateful, marry my daughter quickly."

Jean didn't answer the question and just bowed her head.

On the night of talking to Jin and Siris at the palace, they kissed to ignore
the talarisman's marriage.


Quikantel, who found Jean in the flight, called him down.

"Mr. Quikantel! Is everyone all right?”

There is no damage to the mansion. Thanks to you, Murakhan, and Vigung

coming at once.]

At the words Jean swept her chest inward, and Quikantel and Talaris
exchanged greetings with a wink.

[Thank you, 51st Bibongju.]

"Not at all. I've heard you've often had connections with your predecessors.
I look forward to working with you, too.”

It was only half an hour after Jin, Murakan and Bigung's party arrived in
Tikan that the terror was completely suppressed.

The spray that attacked Tikan was a total one. There were initially 20
confirmed by the Tonya brothers, as well as 50 others who entered from the
other side.

And Talarias, who checked the scale, decided that even if they hadn't come
in the first place, Tikan wouldn't have happened to them.

"The old men of your family seem to have sent only this man because they
thought Quikantel was not here."

If it weren't for Quikantel, and if Jean hadn't come quickly. Enough was
enough to destroy the Tikan completely.
Jean was captured alive and looked down at the sprayers who had been
captured in the mansion.

It was all about Lutton Ferman, who was tied to the chill of Manbing,
another executive engineer-turned-exporting man, and three regular

The rest were all killed by Jean and her colleagues.

Jean asked three of them, looking at the regular spray.

"Are you also those who have been banished from Looncandel?"


"If the position had been the opposite, I would have been the same, so don't
take it unjustly."


Jean took the three lives without mercy.

I didn't wield a sword in anger like before. They could not have hit their
own land without such determination, so they just thought they had to pay.

What's left is two evictees of the executioner.

Jean's gaze at them was cold.

"I don't understand how you thought of touching this place as a refugee.
Tell me what the elders promised you. Or, have even family members been
taken hostage by those old men?"

"The whole family has been murdered for a long time. It was the very day
we were banished. You asked me why I was being ordered by the elders on
the subject of deportation, 12 jockeys?"

Lutton shook his head and continued his back talk.

"For revenge."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 437

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:34 AM

Chapter 437: Episode 125. Assaulters, Brothers (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Revenge. There was no grudge between you and me. Until today's event.
So the reason you hit me is to realize your revenge through the power of the

When Jean answered, Lutton's gaze turned to Talaris. I didn't look at him to
beg for my life using old times' affection.

"Huh, why are you looking at me? You couldn't help Tikan without me
anyway. You haven't lost your touch enough to not even calculate that, have
you can't even calculate, have you?"

Those who attacked the Tikan had no power to destroy a small country.

Without Quikantel, Tikan would have suffered great damage, or would have
completely disappeared.

"......I know. We haven't heard that Eun-ryong is here either. Just as our
swords have become dull, I think the senate has become more incompetent
than my memories and perceptions. All prior information was inconsistent
and variable.”

"Wasn't it the Looncandel executioners who must carry out their duties in
spite of such variables?"
"You're right, Talaris. But now we're only deportees, not enforcement
knights. Anyway, I find it strange that you're moving for the 12th jockey.”

"Why is it strange? I helped my son-in-law."

Sight, a grotesque smile leaked from the distorted mouths of the deportees.

"I had a foregone conclusion that one day I would die so vainly. I don't
know if the last time I met an old friend was a curse or a blessing.”

"It's more of a blessing if you insist. Even when you were young, you used
to talk about things that were useless. Lutton, tell me what happened. I
thought some of you had become black knights, because I've never heard
from you."

Talaris seemed to wonder how they had come to this. It was natural that
they were not friends, but they were attached to each other.

They were questioning the expulsion of figures about the magnitude of the
"executive engineer."

With the exception of ten black pitches, the executive driver was generally
in the best position to be posted by a member of the Looncandel.

If he had committed treason, he would have taken his life, not just for
deportation. However, except for treason or betrayal, the executive engineer
will not be punished more than exiled.'


The word came to mind.

'I get it.'

Again the eyes of Jean and Luton clashed.

For quite a long time, Luton just stared at Jean without a word. Never once
did they think that their last was going to be decorated by a 12-gear.
Sight, height, again, with a leaky smile, Lutton opened his mouth.

"12 Horsemen, we were knights and swords of Looncandel before you were
born. Although I couldn't use the black helmet, it was close to being the
best of the executioners at the time."

If his face had been crushed and he had not suffered terrible injuries all over
his body, Lutton would have been a black knight.

"Ciron Looncandel, around the time he was in the Black Sea. We were
transferred under the order of the First Lord."

"Luna's sister?"

It was the first time I heard it. As the only white whale in the world,
Baekkyung, Luna was famous for her habit of not flocking.

"It was a time when everyone was certain that the first-term would be the
next singer. But, 12 jockey, I think it was around your time you were you

For a first-time rider to declare that he will not be a housekeeper.

Lutton followed up. Even though his face was all squashed, Jean could see
that he had a very bitter look on his face.

"From the family's guardian to the executive, to the housekeeper's, and to

the first rider's...... for decades we've changed our affiliation this way."

Then, the right order was to become a knight of another flag or to be a

member of the Senior Citizens' Association and serve as a family executive.

But Lutton and his crew had to face an unthinkable future.

"Second Class..."

Joshua Looncandel, Luton paused, saying the name.

"We thought we'd be his knights. Since before the first rider gave up his
throne, Lord Rosa has often shown signs of empowering him.”

At that time, Zion was overwhelmingly longer in the Black Sea than in the
Sword Garden.

So it was Rosa's job to actually command the family as it is now.

Rosa did not employ the deportees as a second-term knight.

At that time, the members of Lutton's group were 15, which meant the top-
level executive engineer was 15.

"As if it wasn't worth it, he just abandoned us.”

Rosa began purging them, as Jean predicted at the beginning of the


As if to make Lutton and his group of people who never existed in the
world from the beginning, Rosa got rid of all of them.

Your life, your family, your family, your family, your pets, your

Although Lutton and his team members had great ignorance, it was helpless
to be stabbed.

They never thought the family would abandon them.

"With the help of the blacksmith, four out of fifteen people were able to
survive. Even though I've become like this. But one of the four died shortly
after, and one died a few years ago helping the senate."

"So it's only you two left?"


What was the reason why he had to be purged so brutally and miserably,
even though he devoted his life to Looncandel?
Executives who became exiled could not be free from the question for life.

"Mother must think you're a hard-to-handle sword."

"......maybe. Otherwise, there's no reason to purge us."

Lutton and his crew were men who used to attack Talarius without his
orders, even in those days when he was a knight of the Siron. There was a
corner where Talaris went wild enough to say he was like a "radical beast."

So Rosa didn't make them Joshua's knights.

Also, the failure to assign a family member of the senate was a result of
caution against having more power than needed.

They had to be purged without the opportunity to offer their allegiance to

other brothers who had not yet been or had become flag-bearers at that

Of course, that's why they can't be convinced.

But there was no power to resist an unconvincing absurdity. Because the

opponent was Rosa Looncandel.

"Huh... ...Lutton, I have a question about the story."

Talaris narrowed his forehead and opened his mouth.

"What the hell was Ciron doing to get to that point? While Lord Rosa
exterminated you without cause, did Siron stay still?"

Slowly, Lutton nodded.


"Why the hell?"

"'re not asking because you don't really know, Talaris."

Talaris sighed.

It was because from some time ago, I remembered a friend who was less
emotional than a desert in the dry season.

"However, 30 years ago, I really cared about really haven't done
anything to get to that point?"

"Since the first rider gave up his throne, Gju has acted with disappointment
in everything in the world for a while. That might have made us less
concerned. You've never wondered about us, have you?”

"That's because I thought, of course, there wouldn't be a big problem with

you. How do I know what's going on inside Looncandel? You can't compare
my views with mine, a foreigner, to looking at you."

"That's true. The housekeeper doesn't look at us, so there's no reason for
you to know our news. Except we were closest to you, except for Gaza."

Looking at the hesitant Talarius, Lutton spoke behind his back.

"Of course, I didn't bring it up to resent you."

"Yes, you know that. You can't blame me. If you've ever come to the palace
to ask for help after surviving, wouldn't you know?"

"Yes, we didn't think you had anything to do with this. My team and I lived
a life of no one around, so you were the closest, but that wasn't at an
objective level. To you, we must have been just a past connection."

The Tallaris shrugged.

But if he did, he would have helped you in any way.

Talaris didn't say the word out of his mouth. It was because there was no

There was a moment of silence.

"I have nothing more to say."

"That's my call. I still have a few questions to ask."

Jean said.

"I said earlier that the reason for hitting me was revenge, is the target my


"Why does that happen?"

"The Blacksmith would have given me orders for his own good. And all he
does is act to be a housekeeper."

"Do you really think the elder Jordan can defeat Joshua and become a
housekeeper, really?"

When Jean gave a genuinely mysterious look, Lutton shook his head.

"There's no point in the degree of possibility. Because we can't do anything

other than that."

"In other words, you're going to realize your revenge through the Black
Sword. I don't think he's moving in the grace that saved you."

"Great? He used us like dogs whenever he wanted, and I paid it all back. I
could have been a little more grateful if I had saved your life without
making this skeleton.”

Indeed, the expelled officers were moving on the basis of revenge.

"Okay, then I'll ask you one last question."

"What is it?"

"You said you survived with the help of the Black Prosecutor General,
Jorden Looncandel. By the way, does your mother know that?"
"I don't know."

"I'm sure so. If my mother had known, she would never have been alive.
And the fact is, you're the only way to get realistic revenge on your
mother......I will offer you a little more valuable death."

"......A worthy death?"

"You'll never see the future of the Black Sword being a housekeeper
anyway. If you die in my hands like this, it's just over, so your revenge
cannot be realized."

"What do you want to say, 12 jockeys?"

When Lutton raised his head, Jean continued:

"Go back to the Sword Garden. Go and let them know that the Black
Attorney General's orders were a nuisance. Crack your mother's power.
That's the most significant revenge you can ever do."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 438

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:33 AM

Chapter 438: Episode 126. Someday, when you forget, like an unannounced
disaster (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It's been five days since the deportees and the langs hit the tequan.

However, as the 12th-term has yet to make any significant moves, the
senior members were struggling with mounting anxiety day by day by day.

A senate villa in the city of Calon, Jorden and his elders sat together at a
round table with a stuffy dark expression.

Ahead of them was a bundle of newsletters from around the world covering
a recent incident.

Tikan Free City, attacked by unidentified gunmen.

Some facilities and objects have been destroyed, but no casualties have
been reported...….

About the reason why the Tikan Free City garrison became the Ironman's
army, Jean Looncandel.

As evidenced by the Great Depression, the 12th Runkandel has something

extraordinary to counter terrorism.
If you're a rider of Looncandel, it's not that you're particularly good at it.….

Twelve wounded, dead! All terrorists killed, the dignity of the free city.

Shortly after the attack on the Black Planet, why are terrorists on the rise
these days?

The identity of the terrorists is still unknown...... what kind of response will
the 12th jockey show?

All the front pages of the newsletter were plastered with information about
the Tikan terrorist attacks. Not only Hufester, but also some newsletters
from the Federation of Beams and Rutero.

Some of the elders overlooking the newsletter sighed.

In fact, everyone wanted to sigh, but they were holding back from watching
the eyes of Jorden, who was shaking with rage. It was only a privilege for
senior citizens to take a breather.

"There's not a single dead person... ...and there's not a single one.…!”

Gorden exclaimed, grasping roughly at the newsletter in front of him. His

bloodshot eyes were filled with grim anger.

"This is a possible shame!"


The round table broke to pieces at Jorden's fist and debris splashed

When he decided to send the deportees to Tikan, Jorden naturally did not
think this would come out.

It would be impossible to get rid of the Tikan completely, but at least.

Along with the devastating level of civilian damage, Jin's colleagues were
expected to take away the lives of several of them.
Since two deportees and at least seven people committed terrorism, it was
never too much to expect such damage.

"That's nonsense, sir. Hundreds of civilians, no. That's too little, too little.
It's normal to have at least 1,000 units of civilian damage."

"Fix it, sir. Here, drink some cold water. Hey! Get me some cooler water!"

"It's clear that the deportees were betrayed."

"What on earth are they betraying? Their goal is revenge. Those who know
the power of the Black Sword Council better than anyone else, and they
can't have rated the 12th flag higher than the senate."

"But if it's not betrayal, it doesn't make sense, does it? Besides, these
articles are based on the information that the 12-year-old intentionally
leaked to the press. It means that even the death of all the deportees and
langs is likely to be false."

"Then isn't it also a lie that there's no Tikan dead?"

"You've been through the 12th term, and yet you say that? The devil never
does anything against him. The truth will be revealed when determined and
investigated, and the damage to Tikan has already been verified by other
agencies in each country."

"Ha, by the way. Twelve jockeys. The guy who was bold enough to bring
the dead elders' throats last time, is still not moving, so I'm more anxious."

All the old men who spoke this and that were looking only at Jorden's

It was because depending on what decision he made, the case could be well
covered or enlarged.

The harsh breath of Jorden, like the sound of seed, washing and iron, was
gradually dying down. He is barely calming his anger.
"......I understand your concern. Twelve jockeys, the madman is silent now.
There's no way I'll let it go. I will surely avenge you, just as I brought the
heads of the elders last time."

The elder's expression darkened once again as Jorden opened his mouth.

Some of them even commented that Jordon had "lost his touch." He seemed
to take out the secret number, saying, "I will fight against the 12th jockey,"
but it is disappointing that the result came from the beginning.

"Then what should we do? My lord."

"What the acting governor said last time is on my mind. If you let me down
one more time, you said you'd shut down the senate temporarily.….”

"Oh, no such negatives!"

Jorden touched his forehead on those words.

"First of all, I'd like to...….”

As soon as Jorden was about to answer, he heard someone running from the

"Old man, we're in big trouble!"

He was a guardian of the senate.

In his urgent attitude, distorted expression, and anxious eyes, Jorden and the
elders had to be caught up in this intuition.

I think the 12th-term player has begun to retaliate properly.

"What's the matter, speak calmly."

Jorden's eyebrows, which were inquiring calmly, were shaking finely.

"The exile has come to the Sword's Garden."

At the reply of the guardian knight, the elders had to sigh from the bottom
of their hearts.

"Right now... ...prepare the carriage!"


In December, winter was in full swing, but it was raining cats and dogs.

The guardian knights, guarding the Sword Garden in strangely gloomy and
bizarre weather, often looked up at the sky without any work.

The sky seemed to be crying sadly.

"It's midday and it feels like night. What kind of rain it's raining like this."

"I feel depressed on a day like this. When it's over, I'll have a strong drink...

The gatekeepers, who were chatting, fixed their posture and closed their
mouths. It was because a knight in shining gray armor from afar saw him

The grey armor represented the fact that he was a knight in the family's
code of law.

A rank desired and respected by all the family's guardian knights, as well as
black pitching.


Guardian knights saluted with full military discipline.

The executioner answered with discipline, and the gate leading to the
Sword Garden was opened.

The guardian knights did not lower their saluted hands until the executioner
disappeared from sight.
"Surely, the atmosphere is different from ordinary guardian knights from
executive knights."

"But wasn't that the old executioner's armor that the one that just passed by
was wearing? I think I saw it in a textbook when I was a cadet."

"Did I? I don't know. We don't see each other often, so...... One day, we'll be
wearing our own armor."

The gatekeepers never dreamed that he was a purged knight a long time

Even if the armor is old, I don't think there will be a madman in the world
who makes and impersonates Looncandel's executioner.

Especially in the garden of Hufester Calone and Sword.

"It's an armor that no one can wear, so we have so much respect."

Stubborn, flustered, flustered.

Mud and water were trampled on the deportee's feet.

The unusually heavy wet cloak felt like the weight of time before it came
back here.

The twelve riders were right.

Defaming Rosa's authority, crying out for truth, and ferocious oxidation
were the best revenge they could ever do.

'Why haven't I thought so simple? '

The deportees knew the answer.

Because their revenge was directed at Rosa Looncandel, not at Looncandel.

If he goes into the Sword Garden and reveals that he is still alive, Rosa will
certainly suffer a considerable blow.
But that wasn't the end.

If other knights find out that the price of loyalty and devotion to the family
was this terrible purges and purges...….

Enough was a problem that could shake the whole Looncandel.

Although fiercely denied, the deportees have always loved Looncandel

even after being purged. Someone must laugh at me for being a twisted
heart, but I liked it.

The days when they were most shining are surely attributed to this land.

As the 12-year-old said, that's the only revenge we can do. But what we're
going to do is threaten not only Lord Rosa, but also the entire Looncandel.

I guess so.

The unity of the family will be weakened, and it will be an opportunity for
the big powers, including the Giffle. You don't know that?

Is that what you want from Looncandel?


If you don't hide the stench, you won't be the Looncandel you want to be
eaten by your family is dirty and weak enough to be eaten by your enemies.
The choice is up to you anyway. Whether to die to me or go to reveal the

Suddenly, before finding the Sword's Garden, a conversation with the 12th
rider came to mind.

'If a 12-year-old had been born a little faster, we would have been his
knight. You could have kept your honor to the end.'

One step, one step, one step, asking for the regret of the frightening rise.
They walked, savoring the garden of the sword they had cultivated.
I stopped for a moment, looking at countless swords all over the garden,
and when I met the familiar faces of the old butler and the writers, I thought
of their names in my mind.

At a time when I thought it was no different from before I was deported, I

saw a scene where repair work was in full swing on one side.

'Is that a 12-gear piece?'

It was Jin's "declaration of residence" at the central battleground. The

deportee stood there for a moment and imagined how intense and great the
battle of the day was.

The raindrops inadvertently trickling into the armor were cold.

It was the courtyard just in front of the women's quarters that the deportee
stopped walking again.

Eyes gathered little by little toward the deportee, who stood tall and looked
up at the main building. Everyone is beginning to feel that his behavior is

"Why is the executioner so still?'

'Has there been an executioner wearing an old armor these days?'

in the midst of questioning one by one

The deportee shouted at the man who was on the women's quarters, who
had hated him so much.

In a loud, deep-pitched voice like thunder.

"Journey, Rosa Looncandel, come out and listen to our story!"

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 439

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:31 AM

Chapter 439: Episode 126. Someday, when you forget, like an unannounced
disaster (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A sharp, resounding voice rang out like a tear through the dark night sky.

The raindrops were scattered round, unable to reach the deportee, in the
energy contained in the voice.

Knight, Rosa Looncandel, step outside and listen to our story...….

It was a voice that anyone living in the Sword's Garden had no choice but to
doubt the ears.

Not only the executive but also the black knight could not call Rosa that.

I thought it was a dream. For those who passed by him, it is a scene that
cannot be understood unless it is a dream.

"The weather was weird and cloudy....was it a sign of this happening?'

'I was anxious to see you standing in front of the women's quarters!'

The swordsmen were confused in their heads. Judging from the strong and
heavy energy, he was certainly an executive engineer, but there was no way
to know why he was doing this.

They were sure to be no match for each other. However, there will be other
executive knights or riders waiting for the floor anyway, so we had to hold
out until then.

The deportee easily knocked out the swords of the two-pronged guardian

At a single blow, the guardian knights bounced off and rolled around the
wet lawn, and the deportee shouted again.

"You'll remember my voice, Rosa Looncandel. Show yourself!"

There were riders all over the women's quarters looking down at it.

"Wow... ...I thought my ears were wrong?"

"I've never seen such a madman. What the hell is going on here?"

Mu and Ann in the study. The sister almost dropped the teacup she was
holding. Just like Ran and Vogo sitting in front of it.

"... ...from the looks of his ability, he's a real executive engineer.”

"Old armor, a man who was removed from the family a long time ago?"

As Lan and Vigo spoke, the blood puffed up Mu's neck.

"Damn it! What the hell is the family discipline doing? The youngest
always gets into trouble, and now the younger ones are going crazy. Don't
you, brother?"

Dipus and Mary were also looking down at the deportee from the other
room. They were speechless for a while and could not say anything.

"......Huh, what's going on? Hey, brother, do you have any idea?”
"No, but seem to have something to do with the

"The youngest? The armor says he was already an executive engineer

before the youngest was born. Shall we?"

"Just a hunch."

"Well, it's the youngest's way. To turn the family upside down like this.
Hmm... ...let's go down for now. We need to hear what the executioner's
mind was to do this before he was killed. See if he really has something to
do with the youngest."

The deportee continued to push back the guards who joined forces with the
other patrollers.

Although the nine-star knight's dignity, called the Ilil Corps, stands out, it
was a sword garden.

Not only could we continue to deal with so many of those guardian knights
alone, but also high-ranking knights who were aware of the emergency
were appearing one by one.

Knights dressed in gray armor, almost the same as deportees, began to

appear throughout the garden. They were the executioners of the family
chauffeur of the family.

They showed no signs of embarrassment despite the sudden unprecedented


I wasn't interested in why the deportee was doing this, nor in which of his
executive knights. It's just a desire to subdue him as quickly as possible so
that the owners of the family can make a decision quietly.


The guardian knights, who were close to the roar of the deportee, backed
That was the last straw of the deportee. Between the guardians came the
blade of as many as ten executive knights, and he had no more resources to

The first few blades could be struck. But soon the executioners, who were
about the same, or superior to him, pierced his sword and armor in a flash.

Like a dizzy haze, oracle-lit swords were tearing apart the exiled old gray

The upper arm was pierced, the chest was cut, the clavicle was crushed, and
the corvina burst.

Blood and muddy water splashed indiscriminately, but fierce rain did not
give his blood a chance to leave a red mark.


Blood poured through the pitches of the deportee.

In time, the executive knights were able to kneel down the deportee in the
middle of the central government.

Bug! Bug!

Executives stabbed the deportee's thigh to the floor with a sword to prevent
him from making any more disturbances, and trampled him on his back so
that he could not raise his head proudly, that he would bend over.

It was as if young hunters had captured and displayed an old and fierce

The deportee did not scream a single time, even when the sword penetrated
his thigh and knee and was inserted into the floor.

The same was true when he broke his arms to the point of kicking the
executive knights.
The subjugation is complete. All that remained now was the disposal of the
decision maker.

All riders, except Luna, who went to the Black Sea, and Luntia, who were
on a continental mission, were moving to the Jungjeong Pavilion.

Executives tried to cut down the pitch when Joshua came out so that he
could see the face of the deportee closely.

But at that moment Mary screamed like this.

"Stop! Let him have mercy to take off his helmet alone."

Mary thought it was right to protect the honor of being able to take off the
helmet on her own, whatever the reason for the traitor's treason.

Executives carried out Mary's orders only after Joshua nodded.

It took quite a long time for the deportee to shake off his broken arm, in the
meantime, the leading figures of the jockey and family came to him.

Steel carriages of Zorden and other elders also entered the courtyard, and
the face of the deportee who took off his helmet was revealed. The face of
an old executioner who was crushed and distorted.

Jordan, who had just arrived, was going crazy with a heartache. Because the
moment he began to utter nonsense, there would certainly be trouble in his

But we can't make a fuss about killing him right now. Gorden was forced to
watch the situation quietly, stifling his anxious mind.

"Give me your name."

The eyes of Joshua and the deportee clashed.

Instead of letting him know his name, the deportee raised his voice again.
"Rosa Looncandel! It doesn't come out to the end. But you'll be listening to

"I asked you to give me your name."

"There is no name to reveal to your son, second rider. We have been

crushed and trampled by Rosa without even a chance to be your knight, so
if you are curious about my name, ask your mother."

Joshua's eyes grew bigger.

He had no idea that because of himself the old executive knights had been
purged by Rosa.

"......what does that mean?"

"Puh-huh, what does that mean? You don't know anything. I can't help

"Tell me so I can understand."

"I and my colleagues had served a housekeeper in the past, and a flag
bearer. But I couldn't serve you, second rider. It was the result of Rosa
Looncandel's judgment that we were not fit for you. Your guy has decided
he can't control us like a first-time rider."

Direct comparisons with Luna have always been a material that evokes a
sense of inferiority deep inside Joshua.

But Joshua did not seem very perturbed by the words.

"Yes, did you commit treason out of injustice?"

"Rebel? I'm just revealing the truth. There are people who commit treason.
It's strange, second-class, the fact that I've been alive all this time, even
though the black leopard has purged it himself."

The deportee turned his head painfully to find Jorden and the elders. Jorden
was driven to cut him off when his eyes met, but managed not to reveal

"Head of the Black Prosecutor's Office, Jorden Looncandel. The author

saved me and some of my colleagues. So that your mother doesn't know."

The horse turned the riders to Jorden.

Of the riders, only Joshua looked at Jean, not Jordan.

'Your ass...... that's what you did.

'Your Looncandel is so full of lies and treachery, Joshua.'

While the thoughts of the two crossed, Jorden was finally able to vent his

"What are you talking about, you filthy traitor! I saved your life? This is the
body that checked your supply and demand to the last minute according to
the order of the acting governor at the time."

"So he saved us by creating fake supply and demand. You're very good at
acting, Black Sword Chief."

"And you guys were purged for a transfer, not for a lack of second-term
players. When it's time to die, do you have a desire for fame that you didn't
have, and you're making up lies?"

"Lies? I have found the garden of the sword by my feet, my death. Nothing
else can be the reason except the truth."

The moment Jorden was about to answer that desperate cry.

"There is no evidence anywhere that you are not a traitor, as the Black
Attorney General said."

Joshua said.

"And everything the acting housekeeper does is for the family. A few words
of a dirty traitor cannot tarnish the faith that Looncandel has. Your plan is a

That was also what I said to Jean.

Srrrung, black sword kainer's black blade escaped the sword.

"If you have anything to say for the last time, talk it out. I'll listen."


The gaze of the deportee, who began the will, was directed at the camp.

"When you are forgetting, like an unannounced disaster."

The deportee had a faint smile with his torn mouth, and Jean decided to
forget that he had tried to kill his colleagues.

"A spirit of compassion will appear and let the whole world know your
filthy appearance."


'Thanks, 12 riders.

The moment the black sword kainer cut his throat, the deportee thought.

The last remaining deportee, Lutton Ferman, one day he will be reinstated
through his 12th term and return to this land. The day when the spirit of the
unjustly deceased executive knights will return.


The exiled man's neck fell to the ground.

"Let the dogs eat the bodies."

When Joshua turned around saying so, the people who had gathered in the
central government began to disperse.
All those who watched the end of the exile had to ask one question.

Was he really a traitor?

In the midst of betrayal and doubt and death, Qin stood tall and held his
place until everyone left the central government.

Then he took out a tune he had prepared in his arms and placed it on the
chest of the deportee, and retrieved his broken sword.

It was to put it in the garden of the sword one day.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 440

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:30 AM

Chapter 440: Episode 127. The Black Kings (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

After the death of the deportee, no one has spoken out of it.

There was a strange air flowing among the authorities of the family. There
were many dubious aspects of the deportation's death, so it was natural.

"Do you think the words of the deportee are true?”

"What do you mean?"

The two guardian knights, who had just started to rest after work, were

"The acting governor purged the executive knights because he was worried
about the second term."

The guardian knight, who was listening to him, looked around for no
reason. Talking about the bad side of the second-term player was because it
could be irreversible.

"Speak carefully!"

"There's no one in this backyard at this hour. To know and be surprised. It's
the most breathing space in the Sword Garden."
"Yes, but the banter is already dead, so the truth of the word is unknown."

"It was a situation where a full-scale fact-finding mission was likely to

begin, but the summary execution of the second term seems strange."

Joshua's summary execution certainly seemed an act to cover up the case


"The same is true of the Black Swordsman's behavior. If you didn't really
save the deportee, I think it would have been better to save him somehow
and prove him innocent.”

After a brief pause in conversation, the guardian knights seemed to have a

complicated mind.

"... the exile said. I have no choice but to think that the price of long
devotion to the family is so cruel. The acting governor hasn't said anything

"Someday we don't want to be like that."

"Oh, it's a nasty end of the year...….”

All of a sudden!

Suddenly there was a sound of a door opening on the ground. The sound
startled the guards and alerted them.

It was the Tonya brothers who opened the door that had been covered in
dirt. The guardian knights had no choice but to turn pale in an instant.


The Tonya brothers coughed in vain as they watched the saluting guards.

"You don't seem to waste your life, seeing how dangerous the story is.”

"Hey, hey. You guys are less than two years old. Are you crazy to die?”

The guardian knights bowed their heads.

There was one thing that they, as well as all the knights who had been
resting in this backyard, did not know.

This was also the most comfortable place in the garden for the Tonya

Tired of the pressure and oppression of Mu and Ann, the brothers once
created their own shelter in this backyard.

Although it was a simple underground space with burrowed and roughly

covered with doors, the Tona brothers were harvesting more here than they

Just as it is now, I could hear the stories of the authorities looking for this

As the Tonya brothers pretended to shake off the dirt from their bodies, the
guardians quickly and carefully clung together. Contrary to words, I had a
feeling that somehow the brothers didn't think very badly of them.

"If that's a lie, why don't you die and visit the Sword Garden? How unfair
would I have?"


At Daytona's words, the guardian knights' eyes grew bigger.

"The wills of the deportee. We think it's not a lie."

"That's right, that's right."

The Tonya brothers have never been involved in a sequencing war before.
Except for a brief quarrel with Jin when he was a cadet. It was also a
famous story among the guardian knights.
But now the Tonya brothers were openly speaking against the second term.

While the guardian knights could not answer, the brothers opened their
mouths again.

"The reason I'm not doing a fact-finding mission is because I have a big
brother or a senior officer."

"And let the dogs eat the bodies. If it weren't for the youngest, it would
have been like that. Only the youngest was willing to take care of his eldest
brother's body."

"What do you think?”

At Daytona's question, the guardian knights were dying.

It was only natural that the guardian knights were newbies who had yet to
decide which side.


"No, it worked. I'm afraid we've put you in a bind.”


"The youngest said so.”

"The elder brother and the elder statesman should have kept him alive.

"Why did you do that?"

The guardian knights were forced to nod their heads.

"That's because there's one more deportee who hasn't found the Sword
Garden yet."

"If the elder brother or elder brother somehow recruited or brainwashed the
deportee who came this time without killing him. When the surviving exiles
came, they could have used his words as a means of denial. Was his name,
Lutton Ferman? I heard you were the leader of the first team of the
executive engineer.”

He seemed to be sitting on thorns all the time, but in the end, the guardian
knights felt a strong curiosity.

"Is the story true? There's one more...….”


Heitona covered herself and her guardian knights with her index finger.
Then he smiled a smile.

"This was the story we wanted to tell.”

"The youngest knows the value of loyalty well. That's why we're also going
to get involved in the sequencing war with our youngest in earnest."

"So you too."

"You'd better think well in the future. If you want to get the right price for
your shining dedication. You've got to go."

"Watch your tongue everywhere!"

The guardian knights left the backyard, blinking their eyes.

"Shall we stop here for today? Heitona."

"Let's do that. Everyone's mouth is so heavy, it's really hard to spread the

The Tonya brothers were deliberately waiting for guardian knights looking
for the backyard.

They are only contacting those who are listening to the story in the cave and
seem to be questioning the recent situation.
"The youngest said so. They're all well-trained and they're going to need
some time before the rumors get around. Let's wait and see. I'm sure we'll
get results. Just like everything the youngest does.”


"When rumors begin to spread, the power of the family is bound to be

questioned. Why two-term knights and some members of the senate are
always looking for something.”

The eyes gathered as Chin spoke, Sigung. The gaze of Talaris, lying in an
ice bed and under the massage of the Golden Snow, and of Luton sitting
next to him, and Murakan and Siris opposite him.

"If it turns out that the move was not aimed at solving the family's troubles,
but at hiding the stench again. They're both really going to suffer a lot

Jean had no intention of ending the exile's death by merely creating a

disturbed atmosphere in the family.

He wanted to shake the position and foundation of the second term and the

"Huh. The day of Lutton's return will be the day of the worst scandal in
Looncandel's history.”

The 12th rider is right, but one must survive. Leader, please see their end.
And one day when Looncandel became his, if the 12th rider would allow it.
Please live for us who have died for us.

Luton was recalling the last words he had left, touching the sword of the
dead exiled man brought by Jean.

Then Luton wanted to say he was going to die.

But I couldn't bring it out of my mouth. This is because he knows better

than anyone how painful it is for a person who has lost everything to
continue his life only by hatred.
Surviving was the hardest and heaviest thing to do. Luton, not the member
of the group, but himself, who survived to take more responsibility.

"......what should I do now?"

Lutton said.

"Restore yourself first."

After the exile died, Jean and Luton used honorifics to each other.

Jin forgave Tikan for attacking Tikan, and now he thinks it is right to treat
them as an executive engineer, and Luton decided to become his sword, so
he should use the appropriate language.

"Yes, it's been too weak. I think it's still about nine stars, but you weren't
getting overpowered that quickly by me, were you?”

After the senate had built up all over his face and body, Luton had lost quite
a bit of selflessness.

Although he is still nine, he was the closest person to the black knight as he
was originally the leader of the executive engineer, "First-Jin."

The Black Knights of the War, which are considered the "greatest in
history," and the Black Knights of the Siron.

If tragedy hadn't happened, Luton was enough to be a black knight.

"I think I need a recovery, but there's no other way.”

"You have to go to King Seong for treatment."


"Unless she uses Numerus' legacy, there will be limits for her as well. But
no one can do better than King Seong, right? I'll write you a letter, so please
go before the end of the year."
"In the days of Michael's reign, even the family couldn't use him easily.
That's great."

"You have to go and make sure you don't expose yourself to anyone."

"Of course, it's not that difficult."

"Yes, King Seong's treatment will definitely improve to some extent. Let's
get our old skills back and help our son-in-law well, Lutton."

"After treatment?"

"You should be the teacher of my knights."

the youngest division

Jean planned to entrust Luton with their education.

"Like an executive engineer, please train without mercy."

The youngest division had to be the centerpiece of the knights to gather for
Jin in the future.

In order to do so, you need to have the corresponding skills.

The current youngest division, except for Belop, Mesa, and Scut, needed to
grow fast as the rest of them barely reached the average level of guardian

"That way you could die. And those who have just become guardians, they
don't want to do new training once they want to."

Since he had gone through a terrible process to become a guardian knight, it

was natural for human beings to seek compensation for a while.

"If there are people who don't like it, you can just strike it out without
reporting it to me. But there won't be anyone to do that."
"Okay. I'll go to King Seong tomorrow, so please send the new recruits right
away. I think we'd better get started right away.”

"By the way, Jean."

"Yes, Mr. Talaris."

"When do you plan to visit the main building of the Black Royal Family?"

"I'm thinking of going straight tomorrow. We'd better find a force to protect
Tikan as soon as possible."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 441

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:29 AM

Chapter 441: Episode 127. The Black Kings (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"Huh, just tomorrow? Why don't you hang out with my daughter a little

"Mother! Am I a child? Why do you keep saying weird things?….”

When Siris jerked his eyes open, Talaris coughed in vain. It was because
Siris didn't speak so sharply.

"Hmm, hmm! I'm just saying, wouldn't this make me feel a little

"And if there's no more like today, Jean should save the troops as soon as
possible. She can't protect Tikan every time."

"You're right, Siris."

When Jean answered, Siris' eyebrows twitched strangely.

"That doesn't mean no. We're allies anyway, so it's natural to protect each
other. However, my mother or I are not always on the waiting list, which
means we need more measures."
As Siris said, it has become more certain with this. The fact that we need to
find the power to protect Tikan as soon as possible.

'You can't always be as lucky as this one.'

It was a close call that no damage was done except for property and
facilities to the raids of Luton and the deportees.

Of course, Jin and his colleagues have always been wary of invading
enemies. If Talaris had been a little late or absent, he wouldn't have been
able to defend himself so perfectly.

It was clear that future enemies would come by calculating whether the
mobile gates could be opened like Lutton.

"Runcandel will still not be able to attack me directly, but like the elders,
there will be more people trying to attack me by pulling outside forces.'

Besides, Kinselo, Zipple, Beemance.

As Kinselo continues to be somewhat friendly, chances are low that he will

suddenly lose to Jin and Chuck.

'I don't like that fact, but it's not bad in terms of the safety of my

On the other hand, Jipple and Beaumont were not at all.

They could hit the Tikan at any time without any notice. Tikan has
effectively put down the long-standing value of neutrality since its launch
under the name of "free city."

'Especially between the two forces, Tikan looks like a thorn in the eye.'

The emperor, an unpleasant encounter with him came to mind. He

suggested an alliance, suggesting that he had hidden power, and Jean coldly
Moreover, Tikan was also a city of Kashmir, the emperors could strike here

My enemies in Looncandel and the emperor may form a temporary alliance.

Days have passed since the death of the deportee. No changes had yet taken
place between the senate, Rosa and Joshua.

'The one holding the leash is my mother. There may be some kind of deal
between her mother and the senate, or she may not be able to determine
what kind of action she will take against the senate.'

It was a problem that could only be a concern for Rosa.

As soon as she holds a senior meeting, she admits to having purged the
executive engineer a long time ago.

Of course, you can bring up the cause a long time ago that the Black
Prosecutors' Office did not properly purge the executive drivers who
committed the transfer, but it was a story that was hard to have power in the
family atmosphere.

However, it was too big a matter to be passed on without any problems.

Whether it was an unjustifiable purge or not. In any case, the senate failed
to carry out the acting president's order decades ago.

In the end Rosa had to punish the senate in any way.

If the punishment is too big, the backlash will be severe, and if it is too
small, the acting governor's authority will be broken.

'Electronic is a problem in which the senate may be completely separated

from Joshua, while the latter is a problem in which the family's laws go
against each other.'

Gorden has his own ambitions, but on the surface, he was close to Joshua's
And Rosa was pushing for Joshua's image as a very prominent next-
generation housekeeper who took control of both the black knight and the

In the meantime, a new threatening competitor of 12 and 3 is emerging, and

it was a painful blow for the senate to turn around and lose its image.

'Even though the mother holds the leash, there are more options for the
senate. Those old men could stick to Diffus, Mary, or Luntia's sister, and
there's no possibility of betraying Luncandel and joining the outside forces
at all.'

For example, the Sword Garden has taken another turn.

In a frantic fast-paced situation, the most important thing is victory.

And for victory, our security has always been a top priority.

"I'll have Liu and Hitten, two of the seven swordsmen, stationed in the

Tallaris' eyes grew bigger. I didn't know Siris would bring up such a
shocking story.

Clap clap!

Talaris clapped in the heart of progress between the two, and Lutton patted
her hands as she watched her wits.

When the little men clapped their hands together, they even joined
Murakhan, and only Qin and Siris did not know why.

"Thanks for thinking, Siris."

"Yes, I'm going to have to get some rest.”

As Siris rose from his seat, Talaris stabbed Murakhan in the side.
"Oh yeah, what do you think of your handsome brother? If my son-in-law
marries something else later, I'm afraid it'll be a big trouble, right?"

"Are you threatening the kid?"

"Not necessarily. Anyway, tomorrow. The Black King said he'd meet you?”

"I'm going to visit him for now. There's a strange figure you need to find out
about the Heukwangdan."

"Strange character?"

"She's a new mercenary named Zeppirin, and Murakhan and Quikantel say
she's highly likely to be a demon dragon.”

The leader of the Kinselo, believed to be the Ma people, the master, the
Smarion Prochi sealed in the basement of the Ghost University, the emperor
and the man who proposed a rather tasteless alliance, and the devil dragon.

"The times have changed. Those weird things didn't get installed when I
was young. Besides, your biggest enemy, the second rider, has something to
do with a prophet or something? Let it go, let it go.”

Tallaris shrugged tiredly.

Until recently, she had heard most of the information Jean had obtained.

"Among them, I have some guesses about the Smarion Prochi.”

"If you hope to go."

"The Power of Chaos."

"What is it?”

Jean's eyes narrowed.

"It's a curious force that often appears in the world. Your little sister, Jonah
Have you ever thought it was unfair?

What? Only I watched you? Like I said before, when you're taking a bath or
doing business...….

Not that one. You've been treated like a murderous doll all along the way.
Since I was so young. That's ridiculous, terrible, considering it's pure blood,

Is that bad?

It's bad.

Has the youngest ever killed someone?

It's not that kind of problem.

Hehe, this is how I was born in the first place. So you don't have to be sad.

You were born like that. What the hell is that?….

Naturally, I remembered the story I had with Jonah when I was a backup

Since then, she has never been honest about what power she was born with.
He just said, "Don't you have a secret?"

"Not only Jonah's sister, but also Marziela of Iblianoga and Bubar of
Kinselo have unique powers. Does that mean it's the power of chaos?"

"Yes. It can be innate, it can be acquired. I don't know the details, but for
certain, the owner of that power can be eaten into chaos at any time."

"You can't say it's going to go down."

Smarion Prochi, sealed at the bottom, crossed my mind.

"It means you're a monster like the Scallion Prochi. I've also dealt with
people who turned into chaos when I was young."
At that point Talaris paused. It was because the memory that I didn't want to
recall came back in a momentarily.

Talaris opened his mouth after stifling those bitter and agonizing memories
for a while.

"On the other hand, I saw people who ended their lives beautifully without
being tainted by Chaos. In my experience, it seems to me that changing into
a monster has something to do with the will of the owner or the size of the
chaos he has.”

"Mr. Talaris."


"By any chance, does my father have anything to do with the power of

It was a secret that very few knew.

Talaris did not intend to say that much, but decided that it was not necessary
to deny it.

"Yes, Siron has been fighting that power for a long time, too. How did you
know that?"

"I inferred to Lord Rata when I heard the conversation my father and
Smarion Prochi had during their lifetime."

Jean had no choice but to be rapidly disturbed.

It was already predicted from the moment I first saw him in Necropolis that
Zion would have the "same problem" with him.

But I didn't know that it wasn't just a matter of Siron and Smarion.

'Yona's sister and father. You mean you could suddenly become a monster
one day...…!'
Just imagining my sister and father becoming like that made my heart

Judging from its immense ability, the size of the chaos the two had seemed
never to be small.

It occurred to me that it was clear that the ark of Bubarna Margiela would
be different.

"The theory is acquired, and Jonah is born. It's a story I heard directly from
your father."

"That's why he's obsessed with the Black Sea.”

"Yes, but Siron, even a friend, has not told me everything about his Chaos,
so I have nothing more to tell you."

"That's enough."

"The important thing is, the Smarion Prochi must be removed. Chaos only
gets bigger and bigger once it eats into people."

The power of the sealed smarion was getting stronger and stronger. It's
something he has to get rid of before he becomes something he can't handle.

"By the way, the handsome brother doesn't seem to know much about the
power of Chaos. It's something you should know best. Why does this power
disturb the royalty and where do you base it? Do you know anything?”

Everyone's eyes turned to Murakhan. He looked as if he didn't know.

"I don't know. Maybe it's gone from memory. Maybe he didn't know. I hate
to see you, but......I think it's a question worth meeting my sister and asking

Groom! Murakhan sighed in frustration and said back.

"Little boy, let's stop by the horseman before we meet with him or
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 442

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:27 AM

Chapter 442: Episode 127. The Black Kings (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


By the next day, Luton went to the Holy Land, and Qin and Murakhan
found the kingdom of Mila.

It was to stop by Grace Shield's top-of-the-line secret bar, "The Tent."

The waiter recognized the two right away, but told the same story as the last
time he visited here.

"The Lord is not here right now."

"It was the same when you visited a few months ago.

"Since your last visit, your master has never returned."

It was common for Missha to be away for a month or two. It is only natural
that she spends her days very busy as an agent of solderlet and has
numerous hiding places besides the tents.

However, few people never visited the tents to make the seasons change.

"Did you leave any separate correspondence with me and this friend?"
"No, we haven't done this in a long time, and we were worried about you."

"When you come back, please tell him to contact me here."

Jin took out a paper with an address and a small bag of gold coins, and the
waiter bowed his head in a dignified manner.

The two rode through the gates several times until evening to visit other
hiding places that Missha had told them. I couldn't meet her anywhere, as I

"Well, dog poop isn't for medicine!"

Murakhan seemed pleased that he simply didn't have to meet her.

"You like it too much. You might be a little worried."

"What are you worried about? It's no big deal that dragons are away for
months, not decades. You'll be playing around somewhere."

"I have a strange bad feeling."

When Jean said, Murakan snorted.

"You don't have a good feeling? That's good. I'd rather some powerful ones
to suffer and to die is also not bad. To be a person. The problem is, there's
probably no one in the world who can control him like that."

As Murakhan said, it was safe to say that no one could catch Missha.

In the first thousand years of Murakhan's sleep, Missha was never caught in
battle with the specter.

"Yes, but."

As for Jin, there were a lot of stories that he wanted to meet Missha as soon
as possible and hear her opinions.
Them's tomb, the leader of the Kinselo, the Devil Dragon, Chaos, Valeria,
etc. Missha wouldn't be able to give everything a clear picture, but she
seemed to offer some clues.

Only she could tell the most appropriate stories, especially about Valeria
and the "recording device restoration" she was doing.

"Don't worry, let's go visit the Black Kings."


Heukwangsanchae was located in the "Vise Kingdom," a representative

unprotected area of the central continent.

The Bisei Kingdom is a small country that does not belong to any of the
three major powers and is now the fourth (Gipple, Looncandel, Beacon, and
Kinselo). The royal family and the army are maintained, but virtually no
one considered the master of the kingdom of Vise as a royal family.

The Black Kings and their leaders recognize that they are the true masters
of a non-sexual kingdom.

It was a common belief. The Heukwangdan has the power to destroy a non-
sexual kingdom with just a part of the Third Army.

It was widely believed that the Heukwangdan did not take control of the
kingdom just to maintain its identity as a "dragon soldier."

"Well, they're great."


"Normally, when armed groups are established in such a small country, they
take control of the royal family and commit exploitation and tyranny
against the civilian population."

The Black Kings were very far from him. They were providing
considerable support to the royal family and the private sector, as it is no
exaggeration to say that they support the non-sexual kingdom.
Therefore, Vise Kingdom was recognized as a good country to live in, and
applications for immigration continued, and numerous ancient monuments
and relics remained clean, making it a crowded place every year with the
steps of academy professors, scholars and students.

"It's contrary to the image of money-madness, which usually comes to mind

when it comes to mercenaries."

"They're nice and cute, unlike their names. This, if it comes out
uncooperative, you can hit me a little bit more gently.”

"Good boy, is that so?"

Jean laughed back at the remark.

"Why? Is there something wrong?”

"It's not because they're good-hearted philanthropists that the Black Kings
are in charge of and managing the Vise Kingdom. The Kingdom of Vise
here, is a hostage repository for the Black Kings."

As Qin said, the Black Kings were using the Vise Kingdom as a hostage
repository and as the best shield they could maintain "neutral."

It is a structure that must be trampled on by any giant force to subdue and

absorb the Black Kingdom by force. It was bound to be accompanied by the
deaths of countless residents and the destruction of ancient ruins.

When Jean explained this, Murakan opened his eyes wide.

"Wow... you're taking the image and the practicality at the same time by
doing such a villain thing? They were very bad-natured, smart bastards. I
don't like using the name Black King."

Of course, the Black Kingdom had the power to remain neutral without a
non-sexual kingdom, but the more means in any power, the better.

"Well, no hostages have been killed since I was born. We're almost there,
we'd better transform.”
Poong, nyang!

Murakan sat on Jin's shoulder, transforming himself into a butterfly,

Looncandel. Neither the gatekeepers nor the civilians of the Visae Kingdom
recognized Jin because he had dyed his face red and fixed his face with
gold snow products.

But Jin was convinced that if he went around the kingdom of Vise in this
way, someone in the Black Kingdom would recognize him.

'Murka's third-tier crew would never have forgotten this.'

When it was revealed that the black cat that Jean had when she left the
storm was Murakan, the story continued for a while in the Black Kings.
Again, the "Little King" couldn't have just had a normal cat.

Jin and Murakan did not receive much attention as they were cities
frequented by foreigners.

Qin was wandering around the Wangseong Fortress, looking around

billboards and newsletters on the top of the golden pin.

Under six stars gave off an aura that they couldn't feel.

And not long after, Jin felt a mercenary approaching him as expected.

"... ...the cat. You, no way."

It seemed a bit of a quirk, but the mercenary soon convinced him that he
was Jean Luncandel, who had been on his own escort long ago.

"Senior Ratam."

Jean opened her mouth first before the mercenary could speak any more.
The mercenary had no choice but to stare at Jean with astonishment. I didn't
know Jin would remember his name.

"I didn't expect you to remember my name. I'm ashamed that I didn't
recognize you right away."
Ratam replied in a hurried silence.

"I remember standing mainly next to Lord Murka, the Third Army captain
at the time, nice to meet you."

As soon as he shook hands, Ratam was able to realize that there was no
falsehood in the rumors about Qin, who is circling the world these days. I
was deeply impressed by the powerful power that came from my grasp.

"I don't think you just came. Do you have anything to do with the General

The fact that he spoke straight to the leader, not to the other superiors, was
an indication of how much he was assessing the level of Jin.


"I'll show you myself since you're still alive. However, there are guests who
came first, so please understand."

He could meet the leader at any time without contacting him as the 12th
rider of Looncandel, but he could not meet all other guests.

And Jean could read one piece of information out of Ratam's words.

'You mean you have a higher class of customers than I do.'

It was accurate.

At present, a guest with a higher position than the camp was on standby in
the standard of the leader. So Jean had to wait until his business was over.

Who is it?

There weren't many characters that came to mind right away. As I will find
out when I go there anyway, I hoped that this coincidental meeting would
not be very uncomfortable.

"Of course, I understand."

"Thank you, follow me."

It was close to midnight when I arrived at Heukwangsanchae along Ratam.

Although there was no such great sense of hearing as the Gureoksaeseseong

Fortress, there seemed to be a special energy in the rugged mountain range
where the mountain was located.

No distinguished guest could be beautiful and comfortable when looking

for Heukwangsanchae. If you don't have the power to ride the mountain
range, you have to be carried on someone's back and look ugly.

Only a few people in the world could come by dragon or flying ship to
maintain dignity, but only a few people could fly over the

Soon after, Jin expressed his admiration as he faced the spectacular view of
the Heukwangsanchae located on the middle of the mountain.

Suddenly, the hollows seemed to have been dug up by a giant, and there
was a line of black and huge fortresses on top of them, and at first glance, it
felt like a solid defensive wall had been built.

The piled-up mana guns, even with the dragon's invasion in mind, headed
up to the sky, and all kinds of magic devices and traps seemed to wriggle
like snakes.

'Looking at this, the Sword's Garden looks so simple.'

As they entered the central mountain house, a row of mercenaries saluted.

Qin's visit had already spread throughout the mountain range before it
reached it.

"Hello, Sir Jean Looncandel! See you again."

Murkah welcomed Jean. On his way to the drawing room, Jean often
looked for Zephyrin with a wink.
As soon as I was curious, I could hear Jaffirin's unique cheerful voice from
over there. It was right in front of the Black King's drawing room.

"Sorry, Captain!"

"Sorry is all, right? It's just. I don't know how upset you're going to be with
the three captains. Huh? What if you do such rudeness in front of the
leader's guest!"

"I didn't know!"

"No, you didn't even call me, so why would you come to me to serve you?
Is this a place to join? I can't believe it again. Besides, why would you want
to meet Looncandel 1st?….”

"I'm going to hit my head!"

"Oh, my head. Hey, somebody get this out of my sight right now!

Like the first time I saw him at the Gumhwangseong banquet hall, Jephirin
was being scolded again for making a mistake.

"Ha... ...that, that. Ha! I'm sorry, Lord Jean. You're acting like this again."

"It's all right."

"How the hell should I make a man out of that, man! Zephyrin! Come here

Zephyrn, who rushed in, smiled at Jean again this time.

Jean and Murakhan could not take their eyes off the axe sword that looked
bigger than her body, again on her back, for a while.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 443

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:25 AM

Chapter 443: Episode 127. The Black Kings (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


The thick sack of the axe sword struck Zephyrin in the back of the head. It
was not someone who hit, but what happened was that he bent over to


Looking at Zephyrin, who was holding her head in the back, Murkah felt
frustrated and punched her in the chest.

There was no way to know where this was rolling in and blurring the
discipline of the 3rd Army.

"Sorry, boss!"

"If you're sorry, your mercenary life is over...….”

"Oh, it's Lord Jean Looncandel!”

Zephyrn looked at Jean with his eyes glistening.

Jin and Murakan felt strange that this rather silly-looking young woman
might be a demon dragon.

However, Murakan was carefully smelling the scent that was coming from

Murakan, how can you be so slow? Oh, yeah. He's a no-nonsense guy, you

I don't think I'm gonna hear that from you.

Doesn't he smell anything?

A conversation between Murakan and Quikantel at a banquet hall in

Geomhwangseong Fortress.

Zephyrin smelled of the blood of a dark, terrible dragon, unrecognizable by

the human sensory organs. It also smells like a mixture of different kinds of


Suddenly, Murakhan bristled up with a threatening noise.

He smelled something he didn't recognize at the banquet hall. Therefore,

Murakhan was about to scratch Zephyrin's face right away with his sharp


Zephyrn stepped back in a fit of surprise. Murkah understood that it was a

sign that Murakan was displeased with her behavior.

"......I'm terribly sorry, Lord Qin. "Mr. Murakhan, you're still looking at the
preceding guests and their business, and when it's your turn, your men will
tell you."

said Murkah, suppressing the boiling anger as much as possible. Soon he

took Zephyrin and disappeared, and in the hallways of the reception room
there were only the mercenaries on duty, and only Qin and Murakhan.

"Why did you do that just now? Did you smell what Quikantel said last


"Transform and talk to people."


"Yes, it was the smell. If Quicantel hadn't told me, I wouldn't have noticed it
this time because of the smell of perfume.”

"What do you think?"

"Do you think she's a demon dragon?"


"Well, like Quikantel said, it could be the smell of weapons.”

If Zephyrin were a demon dragon, both of the two meetings so far could not
have been a coincidence.

In that case, it occurred to me that the only thing Zephyrn would approach
intentionally was Rontelgius's Mar book.

'I want to meet the first rider, is that really just a word?'

According to Murcah, the reason Zephyrin carries an ax sword that cannot

be used properly was because of her yearning for Luna.

If she was a pure human being, she would just think that she was a little
eccentric, but suddenly she remembered how Luna saved "Orgal's Pendant."

'My sister used to say that she got the pendant by cutting off a horse.'
Pendant obtained by cutting off the horse, Ma book obtained by killing the
horse, and Devil Dragon.

There were puzzles that fit together, not just coincidentally. When Jean said
this, Murakan nodded and replied:

"Let's just get dressed up and ask ourselves after we've done our business.
Are you a demon? I couldn't ask because I was a banquet hall at the time,
but I can't because I feel uncomfortable."

"Yes, that would be better. I can't tell you what it is."

"Don't worry, there's a way to check everything. If he turns out to be a

demon, you'll find out about your brother's relationship with Rontelgius.
Enough until you blow everything you know."

"There's a possibility he's stronger than us, right?”

"Where in the world is a dragon stronger than this Murakan......after, yes.

Maybe it's because you haven't recovered all your strength yet. Then you
have to run, well."

a shrug gin

"By the way, that guy in there, I think it's Looncandel. Jaffirin wants to
meet the first rider. Oh my gosh.”

"One of the top riders, or their agent. I think it's on the second-tier side.”

As conflicts with the senate arose, Joshua would need a force to repair the
power he lacked. As the next singer, he needs to show his ability to recruit
and rally neutral forces.

'But since the Black Royal Army has been a neutral force for a long time, it
can never be embraced at a reasonable price.'

Anyone who is currently meeting with the leader of the Black King could
not rule out the possibility of holding such a hand if he came for "possip,"
not just a request.
The servants of the living brought out some simple refreshments and tea.
The two ate it up and waited quietly for the turn to come.

It was around 3 a.m. that the gate of the Black King's reception room was

"See you again tomorrow morning, Black King."


The voice of the Black King and the guest was heard.

The story seemed to be about to continue tomorrow.

The figure outside the drawing-room was covering his whole body with
lobes and hoods, and Chin noticed at a glance that he was not Joshua or any
other top rider, but their vicarious execution.

He also recognized Jean and Murakan. Then he tried to pass the two men
without a word, but Jean first spoke to him.


The lobes stopped and looked back at the gin.

"You were the one, weren't you?"

That's the guy.

A mysterious black knight who tried to kidnap Dante in the banquet hall of
the Geomhwangseong Fortress. Jean was convinced that Rob was exactly

"I was confused, but I can see for sure when I get close. Chloe users can tell
a little when they walk. Should I say there's a signature gesture?"

Chloe is not a commonly used weapon, but Jean has been with Gilly all the
time, so she was well aware of its characteristics.
"You think the second-term player is trying to put a pretty big case in?
Based on the black knight. Tell me what's going on inside. I have to meet
the Black King now, too.

" still have a good toothache. There's a black dragon next to you, so
you're not afraid of anything."

"Well, it wasn't that different when Murakan wasn't there at the first
meeting. If you had gone all the way back then, would you have been able
to find this place alive now?”

Rob turned back without answering. He judged that he could be wronged

with Murakan if he was caught up in dealing with Jin.

"Tell the black knights. I'm always open."

"Black pitches won't be your sword."

"And you too.”

When Rob left, the mercenaries on duty signaled to enter the Black King's
drawing room.

"Come in."

"Just in case, Murakan."

"What is it?"

"Even if the Black King isn't as polite as you expect, I'll return your chin
instead of opening your eyes nicely."You shouldn't say that."

"......Am I a fool?”

"Just worried."

The drawing room boasted a vast grandeur, to the extent that such a space
was unfolded at the end of the hall, which was not so wide.

Large glass poured out of the impressive ceiling with early morning
moonlight and starlight. a dreamy spectacle that does not blend in with the
dark profession of mercenaries

Below him, the Black King general, Valcas Kran, sat at his desk and greeted
the two.

Amela, a substitute soldier in the Gaffia Islands, Balkas Kran, the leader of
the Black King, and Rata Prochi, the leader. One of the top three
mercenaries in the world, Amela and Amela are fighting for the top spot.

'Surely, it's a lot more powerful than Rata.'

First impression of Valcas, he seemed taller than Jean even though he was

Jean didn't know much about him better than the public. So to speak, what
legendary majors did he put up before he became a general manager, how
great martial arts he built, and roughly what personality he had? I only
knew that much.

It was because there was no encounter in the past or in the present life. He
is not a person who has a lot of publicly known information.

Valkas Kran. Hmm. That's more romantic than I thought.


Should I say that I care a lot? That's why the Black Kings, the best
mercenaries in the world, are generally friendly.


Except for the family, the problem is that the rest of us are treated only as
paying clients or as living meat.
Before finding the Black Mountain Cham, a word came to mind that Talaris
had commented on Valkas.

'Is it because of the love of one's subordinates that Zephyrn makes such a
mistake and ends up being scolded?'

Or is it because Valcas also suspected Zephyrin and ordered him to watch as

much as possible.

It seemed like the latter. care for one's subordinates no matter how much
However, the Heukwangdan is also famous for its strong military discipline
and sharpness.

Valcas raised his hand and opened his mouth.

"Welcome, Rooncandel's 12th Flagship."

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Valkas. Thank you for your hospitality."

"You're welcome. "Is the man beside you, a great black dragon?"

Even in a rather profane way of speaking, Murakan nodded silently.

Fortunately, Valcas did not commit any more disrespect.

"Your men have told me so much about you. I guess the memory of
escorting you as a young man remains quite a pleasant memory for the
Third Army."

"Is that so?"

"And if not necessarily my men, isn't the 12th Runkandel the hottest man in
the world now? There's no choice but to talk about it everywhere. I wanted
to meet you at least once because I was curious.”

Jean and Valcas. The eyes of two smiling men met.

For some reason, Jean had a feeling that he was seeing through what he had
come to undertake.
And the feeling became true in seconds.

"You've come to me to probably ask me to protect the Tikan free city. Am I


Though inwardly embarrassed, Jean nodded without showing any sign.

"I'm under the illusion that I've given you a letter of request in advance.
Yes, Lord Valkas."

Jin's need for "tikan protection" was a matter most of the world's powers
knew to some extent.

Valcas can't be unaware of it either.

Above all, Valcas was more conscious of the problem because Joshua's
agent had just visited.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to accept that request.”

"You haven't even heard of the terms."

"That's true, but it means you're a step behind."

Joshua did not send a man to capture the Black Kings.

He sent a person to urge Jin not to "receive" his request.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 444

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:24 AM

Chapter 444: Episode 127. The Black Kingdom (5).

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A black knight came across from the corridor.

"At the entrance to the drawing room, he decided to meet the Black King
again in the morning.'

In general, you would think it was a process of moderately socializing after

writing the contract, but it wasn't anyone else, it was a black knight.

'If the deal is done, there is no way that a black knight would be hanging out
here. It's not a place to relax like that.'

I could be sure. Valcas has yet to take over Joshua's request brought by the
black knight.

Nevertheless, there were plenty of reasons why the Black Kings would not
be asked by Jin.

In the present world situation, the character Jean Luncandel is like a

venomous Holy Grail.

If you drink recklessly, you'll end up with the "supreme power" players in
real odds are high.
Although Jin is a supernova among the supernovae, it was unclear whether
Jin would be able to break down the solid walls of the rulers.

No, no one thought so unless you were close to Jean or someone you knew

Most people thought it was the future of Qin that one day it would
eventually break down or be absorbed by a larger star.

No matter how brilliant Jin's achievements and achievements he has made

so far, miracles will come to an end someday.

The criminals who make up the majority of the world could neither imagine
nor be sure of continuing miracles.

Still, the public regarded the next owner of the Sword Garden as Joshua
Looncandel, and the perception was equally applicable to people like
Balkas Kran, who were well beyond the criminal's category.

You don't want to take my request and buy Joshua's grudges.'

Not just Joshua.

With the "Seongguk Incident," Jin also engraved indelible stain on the
Jipple, and recently rumors have spread that he is not getting along with the
imperial family of Beaumont.

It was only gold that the emperor granted Jin after meeting him. The
emperor even ordered the meeting with Qin not to be covered on the front
page by newsletters in the beat. It's not a serious incident.

In other words, Jean was not on good terms with Looncandel's next family,
Jipple and Beemance. There is nothing strange about being wronged and
subjected to any harsh conditions.

Valcas said all of these reasons in a single word: 'I'm a step late.' He
expressed his firm refusal, keeping his opponent from being offended.
Joshua, too, did not touch the pride of Valcas, citing a direct demand: "Don't
help Jin." It was a veiled warning just by sending a black knight here.

Both of them were showing a strong and old-fashioned attitude.

'In the meantime, I can't be the only one stuck up.'

I was a little annoyed, but I had to peek at the opportunity. In this case,
disobedience to rejection was not only a sewage method but also a bad

To change Valcas' mind, there had to be a clear hand. He'll be Jean's

tentative ally even at all risks. Protecting the Tikan is not a simple request.

There was no such hand at the moment.

Jin was not aware of the character Valcas Kran yet, and he was not very
cooperative either, so it was unlikely that such a hand would be created in
the near future.


There is such information as that that the Blackwangdan troublemaker

might be a demon dragon, but it was not worth much.

If she was found innocent while investigating her without any certainty, it
would only have serious adverse effects.

'Should the Black Royal Army try to recruit a little more after Joshua and
Jipple's bare face is revealed?'

We reached a conclusion quickly.

I didn't come here with such high expectations in the first place. Jin also
knows his background.

Of course Jean was confident.

In the not-too-distant future, there will be a day when the Black Royal
Army comes to him first or regrets that today's story has not progressed

I'm going to visit Amela, a substitute soldier in the Gaifa Islands. Seeing
that the knight is here, he must have already sent Amela a man.'

For Joshua, it was a significant blow to Jin after a long time.

It wasn't a fatal blow, but it was as annoying as a small thorn in the sole of
the foot.

If all the means of the Black Royal Army and the substitute soldiers
disappear, the protection of the Tikan will be too dependent on the palace.

"You're a step late, then I can't help it.”

When Jean spoke in a calm voice, Valcas narrowed the gap between his

"Hooh, you're unexpectedly soft-going.”

"The rumor that Lord Valkas has told you about me seems to be not very
good. Seeing how they put up an unexpected formula.”

"Well, that's not like that. Anything you want comes true......I've talked
about it a lot. Especially because the Third Army likes you."


said Valcas, taking the glass out of the drawer and pouring the wine.

"We don't have to talk about work, so let's just drink lightly." Balkas was
expressing his favor.

Although I couldn't get the request, I didn't hate Jin himself. Balkas rather
thought that if Jean had been a second-term player, not a 12-year-old, he
would have been able to join hands at any time.
"Thank you, Lord Valkas."

"Would you like a drink, too, Black Dragon? It's a good drink."

"Oh, give it to me."

Three glasses struck lightly and made a pleasant sound.

Jean thought the situation was not so bad. The request was broken before I
could even bring it up, so it was no wonder I went back without having a
word with him.

"Our mercenaries and some kites say you were the strongest in the world in
the past.”

Although Valcas was the leader of the Black King, he did not forget simple
ways to make the more classy feel better.

It was also intentional to speak to Murakan in a rather profane way at first.

It's not until you lower your expectations that the conversation gets more

"It certainly was for the sky. I'm the strongest ever and the best ever."

"Oh, the dragons' story was true. But you sound like you had an adversary
on the ground."

"There were a few opponents, just enough to call them that. I couldn't tell
who was stronger. If I had fought to the end, I would have won.”

"If it was a time of great vitality, I would have challenged Murakhan now.
It's not easy to meet a strong and historical being."

"Well... ...even in my time, you would have been a bit of a brute.”

"Hoo-hoo, you're flattered."

Black King Leader who refills the glass that Murakhan empties. He was
satisfying his opponent's sense of superiority without lowering himself too

'That's the best of all human beings I've ever met.

When it comes to individual force, Valcas was also a superhuman who

reached 10 years ago.

This was not usually found in such supermen.

It was because he was confident that he didn't have to look at anyone or that
any stronger person or force could touch him without permission (you
would die a lot if you touched me.

Valcas was clearly different from other candles. He was still treading
carefully among the great powers as neutral. Even though I can do the same
as other candles.

The reason was no different.

It was because the Black King Balkas Kran cared very much for his

It was Valcas' theory that if he made a little effort, the members did not
have to be meaninglessly sacrificed in the fight of the big powers.

Jean was seeing through exactly that heart of Valcas.

It wasn't a difficult task. If not for that reason, it is an attitude that can never
come from a figure as much as Valcas.

'You know why you started drinking with us.'

Jin was then realizing the meaning of the drinking party.

Surely this drinking party would not stop until the sun rose in the morning,
until Joshua's black knight found it again.

As Joshua sent a black knight to Valcas, urging him not to be involved with
Valcas also intended to express his innermost thoughts by showing the three
of them drinking happily together to a black knight.

I won't go too far against your will, but I'll also keep my eye on the growth
of the 12-gear.

That was the message Valcas was trying to convey to Joshua.

Thinking so far, Jean nodded inwardly.

'It's just a one-night encounter, but he has something to learn.'

Jindo naturally got into the conversation and started drinking. The
conversation was mainly led by Murakan, and Jin and Balkas put in chimes.

Murakan thinks the greatest fighters of all time, wizards, most affluent
times, peaceful times, the greatest difference between dragons and humans,
life and death, apples and watermelons, the most beautiful beasts, etc.

It was around 10:00 a.m. that the story of Zephyrin began while all kinds of
topics were riding on the stream of consciousness.

"How the hell did that weird guy get in here? Little boy says the Black
Royal Army is the best mercenary in the world."

"It may seem a bit clumsy, but one of them is the best. He even taught
himself, and I thought he was a genius."

"What? You're good with swords? Besides, genius?"

"We don't have enough space to show off our destructive power. It seems
like he is born with a poor build up. In many ways, I think it's strange and

Coo! Coincidentally, at that moment Jaffirin came into the drawing room.
He had the same axe sword on his back that he saw last night.

Next to him stood a black knight who was supposed to meet again in the
It was hidden from the hood, but he had no choice but to look unpleasant at
the drinking board. It is unexpected that Valcas will come out this way.

"Captain, I've got a visitor!"

"... ...yes, Zephyrin. By the way, I heard that the 2nd captain of the
Looncandel 2nd class decided to bring in the guests. Why did you come?"

"Oh, that's."

Zephyrin shrugged her shoulders with her signature lively and exaggerated

And Jean, Murakhan and Valkas had no choice but to doubt their eyes on
the scenery that followed.


It was because Jephirin's hand suddenly penetrated the side of the black

Originally, it was aimed at the chest, but the black knight responded and
stabbed him in the ribs.

Her purple nails looked like a poisoned dagger, and the black knight was
hurriedly opening his distance from her, vomiting blood.

"Kuck, kuck... ...!”

"Do you really need to know? The general manager is going to die now."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 445

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:22 AM

Chapter 445: Episode 128. Zephyrin (1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Blood poured out of the black knight's hood. How intense the poison in his
nails was, the stab wounds on his side were already turning black.

It was one black knight who let his guard down. A black pitch allowed for
only 10 of the numerous Looncandel guardian knights, he made an
immediate counterattack even with serious injuries.

But Chloe, who had sprained through the sleeves of the lobes, could not
reach Zephyrin. He swung at his neck, but the blade of his blade left a
trajectory in the air.

Swoah! Zephyrn's fingernails, which flew again, collided with the black
knight's clone.

The body that was severely poisoned was not as usual. The knight backed
away at a single stroke, and again spewed blood and spread the streets.

If the black knight had been alone, the game would have been split at that
moment. The black knight, who was already fatally wounded, had no talent
to withstand Zephyrin's onslaught.

Three people, Jean, Murakhan and Valkas, stepped forward at the same
'What the hell is this?!'

The reaction was surprisingly fast, but all three looked perplexed.

Jin was shocked, among other things, that the "black knight" was struck by
a blow.

It is impossible to say that he was careless. Unless you have the ability of
Jonah's sister or King Muhmyong, or the power of force above the black

Capabilities and force. Zephyrn could have had either one or both.

One thing for sure was the fact that she was a very heavy enemy for the

"Oh, the Runkandel Black Knights are amazing. I didn't know you'd avoid

The black knight could not answer, but he had only squirted his already
blue lips had already turned blue.

They cannot afford to answer because they are trying to suppress the
extreme poison spreading all over their bodies.

"Jeffirin, your man! You're not the second captain.…!”

The two captains who originally decided to bring in the black knight.

Valcas was the first to worry about him and other members of his staff.

Worries arising from the judgment that it is possible to assassinate and visit
them with the force Zephyrin has just shown.

When Valcas glared with his eyes full of flesh, Zeppirin smiled broadly.

"I told you you don't need to know, the leader is going to die. I wanted to let
you go, but if you keep asking useless questions, you can kill them
Murakan snorted at the horse.

"The Quikantel guy saw it exactly. "Hey, man. You demon-ryong, I wanted
to ask you anyway, but thank you for revealing your identity first."


As Murakan transformed into his true self, there was a lot of spirit all over
the spacious drawing room.

I'm pretty sure it's the Rontelgius horseman....Yes, it's probably because you
know you have this Murakan, but you have that much confidence, right?]

In the past, before the Mayan society disappeared from humanity. Murakan
once fought with numerous demon dragons who betrayed his own people.

And never lost a single time. It has always won a landslide victory over the
powerful demons, and from some point on, even the best demons of the
four greatest duchess of the time would not have made it possible to
encounter Murakan.

Murakhan's obscurity was not just high in Inse. Even in the Mayan society,
the name was known as the absolute ruler of heaven.

However, none of Murakan's powerful demons used the name "Jeffirin."

'Is it because I have a memory problem, or is it because I've never

experienced it? Well, I think all the well-known demons at the time were
beaten up by me. Where'd this guy come out?'

I couldn't make a quick judgment.

Zeppirin turns his head and looks at Jean and Murakhan.

"Haha, you're still arrogant. ID Murakan said."

[You sound like you know me. I don't remember seeing anything like you.]
"Memory." ...that's possible. Is there a dragon in the world that doesn't
know you? You were the only dragon who could rule the blue and beautiful
sky of the Inse.”

[So my attitude is not arrogance but truth. Identify the truth.]

"You're not going to kill like the leader. Instead, you'll have to fall into a
deep sleep with your heart broken again. When you wake up, you'll have to
see a different world than you knew. Just like it was this time."


Suddenly, a violet energy spread from the grasp of Zeppirin.

'Magic? No, it's different. It feels a lot deeper and darker than that, although
it's similar to when the dead Rontelgius' horsemen performed an English-
language magic.'

thought, responding to the violet energy spreading by the gin.

What Zephyrn unfolded was not mana, but magic. of a scale that even the
Murakhan was surprised to see.

Maggie quickly wrapped the entire drawing-room, and Jean could

intuitively tell that it was forming a kind of "a space."

As soon as Maggie spread, Jean and Valcas rushed to Zephyrin.

In the violet darkness, the pale blades and brains of Sigmund flashed, and
the heavy anoras surrounded by the fists of Valcas.

Along with his name as one of the top three mercenaries, he was also
classified as one of the world's best fighters.


Zephyrin, who was holding an axe sword on his back, was seen beating
back his fist.
As soon as the fist and axe swords touched, the shock wave spread, and if
Maggie had not encroached on the space, most of the inside of the drawing
room would have been smashed.

The magi-covered subspace looked like a completely different empty space,

not a drawing-room.

In the gap, Jean pushed the blade into the side of Zephyrin, but Zephyrin
broke the axe sword and stopped it without difficulty.

Both Jean and Valcas felt a tremendous shock that was passed down on
their wrists.

The ax sword, which appears to have been lightly wielded by Zeppirin, is

both a blessed body of Looncandel and a strong body of a ten-star warrior.


As soon as the two men naturally stepped on the prosthesis after the attack,
Murakhan let out a dark breath of spirit. A small fortress was a breath that
could be knocked down by a blow, but Zephyrin was even lightly bragging
about it.

His face was full of laughter.

"You have a warm breath, Mr. Murakhan."

Without answering, Murakan formed spirit on both wings and shot black

Jean and Valcas attack Zephyrn once in a while between the awls, as if they
were performing feats.

Watching the flamboyant moving ax sword, I felt as if I were looking at


Zephyrn remained relaxed while taking all the attacks from Jean, Valcas
and Murakan.
a strong rival among the strong

Ah-hha, bursting into laughter and wielding an ax sword, Zephyrin just

seemed pleased with this situation.

Quasik! Kedduck! Ch'ang!

The two swords, fists and spirits were mixed together to make a mess of the
dark space.

At first glance, the fight seemed like a whistle.

We are at a disadvantage, even if it's really a whistle.'

Behind the group's back was a dying black knight.

Of course, he is Joshua's man, and Joshua sent him to the

Heukwangsanchae to disturb the camp. The Black Knight was certainly one
of Looncandel's best forces.

Losing such a black knight in vain was a matter directly related to the
family's history. From a very strict point of view, he's not exactly Joshua's
person, but also the next Gaju.

'Right now we need the treatment of King Seong and his healers, or the
Kuzan-level poisonous snake.'

If it wasn't for the ten-star strong body, the moment he was stabbed in the
fingernail, his death was already confirmed.

Even Qin, who had a panacea, was so terrible that he instinctively felt that
he could not be completely immune.

How long will the black knight last? Seeing how he was shaking and
pouring out blood bubbles, he couldn't expect a long time.

Speeded up. He was also extremely sensitive to the death of a black knight
in his own land because it could cause problems.
Listen, I've searched every demon I had to take out my breath.]

"That's true. But I could have been friends with other ordinary dragons,
right? Anyway, it was probably Oman at one time. I feel like an old man
who has never forgotten his old age. As shown in the Castle Black, you'd
better fight properly.”

Then Murakan snorted again.

[Right?] I couldn't fight because I was protecting the humans. I'll let you go
to hell as you wish.]

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it!"

The sword stretched from the axe sword scratched and scratched

The curtain of Young-gi, which Murakan unfolded, was torn, and Jean and
Valkas frantically stepped on the prosthetic and shot the sword.

It's obviously a great and enormous sword, but by then.

Jin's party was aware of the strange sloppy workmanship of Zeppirin.

'Surely the power is fierce, but somehow the swordsmanship is strangely


'It's like you're moving in a suit that doesn''

He is good at blocking and swinging, but the way the sword moves was not

Of course that's what it looks like, because Jean and Valcas are in the
middle of nowhere, and a man under eight could not recognize the feeling
at all.

Suddenly, an unpleasant and anxious feeling was sweeping through the

minds of the party.
"No way, the axe sword is not the main armour...…!'

At first, I was so busy mixing the balls that I didn't notice because my
physical ability was so good. The fact that Zephyrin is using a very sloppy

The intuition soon turned into certainty, and a heavy shudder came to the
back and forearm of Ososo.

Although all three suppressed their perplexed hearts, Zeppirin was looking
right through it.

And now, as if he knew it, he shrugged and said,

"Well, it looks fun, too. I was curious about it, so I tried it on......... As
expected, it's very poor? Haha."

as he was when he pretended to be human

Zephyrin had never properly mastered an axe sword in her life. She was just
curious about what it was like to cut one of her guardian targets.

Boo-woong, Hong!

Zephyrn playfully turned the axe sword into the air.

And then, as if they were not interested, it would be hard to kill you all. I
threw the axe sword on the floor without any trouble.

The fallen axe sword caused a heavy noise.

"However, I don't think it's polite to smash Murakhan's heart with this. But
I'll pay a little respect and put you to sleep."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 446

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:20 AM

Chapter 446: Episode 128. Zephyrin (2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Dark and long fingernails grew from the fingers of Zeppirin, who threw the
axe sword. The fingernail that stabbed the black knight, that was Zephyrin's
main means of attack.

The purple magpie, shining brilliantly from the fingernails, was fierce.
When Zephyrn teased his feet, he heard a sharp pagong sound. Crossed
fingernails scratched the air and the party.

Jean blocked her attack with a sword and Valcas with a fist. Swords, fists,
and fingernails were tangled, and flames, come and go, and pieces of magi
were splashing.

Using a familiar weapon affects everyone. Abandoned with the ax sword,

she looked better in posture and balance, and lighter in body movements.

Even so, the enemy felt as a strong enemy became stronger. The problem is,
I am strongly convinced that this is not the end.

She was a dragon.

It has not yet been revealed, nor can it be known what abilities it has as a
"evil dragon."
"Even if we look at the force revealed now, it is at least 10 stars in terms of
human standards.'

It occurred to me that perhaps my father, Siron Looncandel, was a strong


It was fortunate that Jin could not feel the aura of the absolute strong man,
which only half of his father and half of his body had among those whom
he had seen in person. I don't know if you don't even have it, or if you just
don't feel it.


Zephyrn took the gin and the balkas apart and rushed to Murakhan. It was
followed by a picture of purple nails cutting off one side of his wing.

The fingernails were cut and passed by were perpetuated wings. The wings
were nothing but flutter like smoke, and rather Murakhan did not miss the
moment she approached.

Murakan's whole body turned into black smoke and wrapped Zephyrin.
Then when the smoke formed the shape of Murakan again, Zeppirin
became trapped inside his wings.

Inside the wing, which was folded like a prison, it was invisible from the
outside. The awning pierced the flesh and bones, causing a chilling noise.

But just as Murakan kept his body young just before he was attacked,
Jephirin also avoided the attack using magi.

Apart from Mouyu's confession, the battle of dragons had a different aspect
from the battle of men.

[Well, that sounds like the best demon I've ever met. Did you hold your
breath until a thousand years ago because you were afraid of me? I wonder
where he came from.]

Zephyrin, which had been scattered with violet smoke, appeared far from
"Haha, you're cute. How dare you judge me like that, you don't seem to
have a clue yet? ID Murakan said."


A sharp horse stretched from Zephyrin's fingernails, this time cutting

through Murakhan's torso in half.

Again this time, it was not a major blow thanks to the sublimation, but if the
subjugation was consumed in this way, Murakan would soon be exhausted.

"I wouldn't have been too afraid to deal with you in the front line. The only
reason you don't know me well is because I couldn't fight you back then."

[Can't fight?]]

"I've had some trouble. Something you might know. No, can't you not

Let's say!

The Ming-gum Jeolgi Falls were falling on the head of Zeppirin. At the
same time, Valcas punched with all his might.

The hollows of the space were distorted by the two men's brain and the
aneur. The waterfall fell on the floor, and the fist blew into the air.

Murakan flew like a hawk to Jephirin, who threw himself away. The black
breath covered the zeppelin, but after it was all shot she didn't seem to have
been hit hard.

However, before the crash, Jin's advance of the Ming-gum seasonal

thunderclap and Balcas' tie for the Black King were effective.

Dozens of brain blades formed on the ground and a giant oracle that spread
from the fists of Valcas were tying down the zeppelin.

This time, Jephirin also failed to convert his body into a horse. All over her
body was cut on the day of the thunder, and the fist of Valcas beat her right
in the middle of the back.


With the deafening sound of hitting, Zephyrin threw up a handful of blood

and bounced to the other side of the party.

If she were a human being, it would have been a fatal wound that would
have destroyed all the bones and organs of her body, but the party was
intuitively aware that she would not have been hit hard by the wall of space.
Even the screams sounded playful.

Murakan turned into a human and stood beside Jin.



"Don't you really know who that demon dragon is?”

"Yes. I thought it might be one of the guardian dragons of the Lontelgius

Ma tribe you killed, but I don't think it's enough."

"What do you think you're going to?"

"a direct use of the existence of a madman. That's for sure."

Can we win?

Jean didn't bother to broach the question. It was because it's been a long
time since I saw Murakan with such a serious face.

an unexpected disaster

Zephyrin was, so to speak, such a thing. I wondered what the connection

was between the weak Ma tribe and Zephyrn, who easily killed them at
Joshua's villa.
"Are you sure you have a grudge against me for the Ma book you got

When Zephyrin was first suspected as a demon dragon at a banquet hall in

Geomhwangseong Fortress.

Jin and colleagues, of course, recognized that she had taken a deliberate and
cautious approach because of the book.

Otherwise, I don't think there's anything to do with being like the Ma tribe
or the Devil Dragon.

But now Jaffirin was acting as if he didn't care about the Mar book.

Or I can put Murakhan to rest, and when I'm the only one left after he kills
me, I can find out as much as I want about Madodos....No, wait a minute.'

At a moment when the thought came up to there, it occurred to me that the

only person Zephyrn clearly expressed that he would "kill" was the Black
King leader.

'Murukan said he would put me to sleep, and the circumstances suggest I'm
not going to kill him.'

Why do you have to do that?

Within seconds Jin could recall an example.

I'll compliment you on this surprise. But you and your god will be the most
important ingredients of the drinking stone. Jean Looncandel....!

What Andrei Zipple said when he was a backup jockey, using a drinking

'Andrey said at the time that the power of Soldert was the key to drinking.'

Looking back, those who wanted to get drinking stones, or equivalent

strange power, tended to be strangely obsessed with the "Solderet's
The revelation of the fact is typical of Andrey in Jipple and Joshua in

Moreover, considering that the creator of 'Massin Stone' is Bubar Gaston,

the power of solderlet for Kinselo must have a very special value for their
great work.

'That's why the Kinselos kept trying to appease me.'

Kuddeuk, Kuduk!

Zephyrn was standing up, recovering his bizarre twisting and cutting body.
In an instant, the joints of the bones found their place, and the torn wounds
were biting.

Even if she tore and crushed her whole body, Zephyrin seemed to
regenerate. Just as Kinselo did at the time of the Imperial City terror attack.


Jean soon had a hunch that Zephyrin was a member of the crazy group.

'Gifle would have moved with the specter. However, if you are a member of
Kinselo, it is not understandable. Zephyrin is doing something completely
different from what Kinselo has shown me.'

Jean loathe Kinselo, but he has always been generous to Jin.

It is clearly against their attitude to raid the camp like now.

"Principal of Kinselo. I think it's his dragon."

"That moody bastard? It can be. The power he showed at the time of the
Imperial City terror was divine."

"......Murukan, and the 12th rider, I'm afraid there won't be an answer if the
fight gets longer.

Jean nodded as Valcas said.

In the back, the black knight is dying, and the zeppelin shows the power of
regeneration in an instant even if the whole body is crushed. She didn't even
look tired.

"There's no answer when it's long? It's not that bad. That's never gonna

At Murakan's words the eyes of Jean and Valkas grew bigger.

Jean, in particular, was even more surprised. I've never thought of a picture
of the self-respecting Murakan so easily accepting defeat.

in any case

There was only one answer, needless to worry, to the extent that Murakan
said so.

"I'll run away.”

When Jean said, Murakhan nodded, and Balkas shook his eyes in a twitch.

This place was the Heukwangsanchae, and Valcas had nothing more
valuable than the lives of his men. It's impossible to leave your men and run

Valcas thought that if the party ran away, Zephyrin would not leave the
black royal quarters alone, and that she had the power to destroy them in a
short period of time.

The numerous defense equipment and traps in the Heukwangsanchae would

have been meaningless in front of that terrible demon.

"I can't run away, Mr. Murakhan."

"I know, son. Who said we should leave all the kids and run away?"

"I'll tie it up somehow, and you'll escape with the little ones. I then shake
that thing off and join."



"Are you going to be okay alone?"

Of course, not all three of them, Jean, Valkas and Murakhan, have used
their full strength yet.

Even when the three of them fought together, they were overwhelmed. It is
worrisome that Murakan will be able to beat Zeppirin alone.


Suddenly Murakan burst into laughter.

"No matter how hard this body is, it has recovered its 40 percent strength.
Kid. Even if a demon like Orgal comes, not a demon dragon, that's as
generous as that."

"I can't believe it."

"Don't worry, you won't die first. And this is for the best anyway, you

Murakan pointed to one side of the subspace and continued to talk.

"First of all, destroy this subspace first. You've done a lot of this, you know
how to do it, right?

The first type of spirit cutting and the power of Tess. When cutting down
the space of unwanted heresy, they never let Jean down.

A great deal of spirit began to gather at Murakhan. The entire purple
subspace was quickly dyed black, as if a bucket were wet with black ink.

Literally, the power of the present Murakan is unfolding.

[Hey, Zephyrin. Let's have fun with dragons. I will judge myself whether
your words are true or not that I can stand up against myself in my prime.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 447

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:18 AM

Chapter 447: Episode 128. Zephyrin (3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Murakhan flew up and roared. The spaces stained with magi in the energy
vibrated unsteadily, and the spirits seeped through the cracks.

It was as if it had become one giant black fire, swaying. The sharp-glowing
amber-colored eyes indeed bore the dignity to suit the dragon, who once
ruled the sky.

As if he had been waiting for this, Jaffirin smiled.

"Now I can feel a little bit of energy!”


Murakan opened his dark mouth and breathed. It was an unprecedentedly

powerful performance before opening up all of its strength.

Not only that, but black lines like breath poured out from his flocks of
sheep, and from the tents of spirit spread out everywhere.

Dozens of black and bland lines were pounding the ground where Zephyrin
The lines were like swamps. A nail cut, or a sheath, is again a tie for a
zephyrin. It was like the crotch of dozens of snakes entering one cave at a

'This is the dragon fight.'

Valcas saw other dragons fighting about a few times in his life, but it
occurred to him that they were all fakes.

The battle now unfolding before his eyes and the battle of the other dragons
he saw were not to dare compare. There was an insurmountable wall
between the highest and ordinary dragons, as human fighters and wizards

But even to him who doesn't know much about the Dragon War.

It was Zephyrin who was still on the edge of power. She was still in her
place under attack from Murakan, who had not revealed her true self.

"I don't know how long Mukan will hold out, so I'll have to get ready to
escape as soon as possible."

Jean said, searching Sigmund.

I wanted to fight with Murakhan.

Just as Murakhan had only just begun to reveal all his strength, Jean and
Valcas were also full of strength that had not yet been taken out.

Especially for Jin, the legacy of the Riol Jipple, the tie of Sarah's Magum,
and the sword of the Ming Dynasty. Under no circumstances did the
ultimate means remain that had never faded.

Murakan was sure he 'would never win,' but with all that means, he might
be able to beat that mad demon dragon.

But the possibility would be infinitely low, and Qin had no intention of
risking his life here.
The right choice was to save as much strength as possible, destroy the
subspace, and then escape with the entire Black Wangdan.

They use all their strength to defeat Zephyrin or cause serious damage.
Even so, they'll die with a high probability.

They had to somehow escape, figure out what exactly Zephyrin's affiliation
and purpose were, and find ways to cope with it.

'And how many strong enemies there are at this level.'

A new era has opened.

Rata Prochi had such thoughts after meeting Jin, and he would often bring
up stories about him when he was with Jean.

Suddenly, the idea was empathized with Jean. After the terror attack on the
Imperial City, Qin was feeling that the enemies he had met and the beings
on different levels were lurking everywhere.

Kinselo and Jipple, Beemance.

Of the three forces, the non-action is definitely lower than Looncandel.

Zipple was initially rated superior to Looncandel, and Kinselo revealed his
power in earnest in the wake of the sword attack.

'Jeffirin probably belongs to Kinselo, and they don't have this many dragons
or humans. Zephyrin won't be everything.'

a candle before the wind

Maybe Looncandel is in such a situation.

As Jean knows, Looncandel had no 'hidden power' like other forces. Of

course, there are the Chiron and the Black Knights of the War, but they are
all bound by the Black Sea.
"But it is only because of the presence of his father, Siron Looncandel, that
he can still be alive."'

I was convinced of that. As soon as the theory disappears, Looncandel will

have no choice but to follow the course of destruction.

'Your mother strongly supports Joshua because she believes he has the
means to deal with these terrible enemies in the future.'

It's big, right?

The fingernails of Murakan's Young-ki and Zephyrin kept tangling. The

dark lines became more and more intense, and the trajectory of the violet
nails gradually faded. It seemed to be evidence that being human was
getting harder and harder.

"I will pierce the subspace. Lord Valcas, please look at the black knight."

"Okay, Twelve Horsemen."


The white blade of Bradamante's blade escaped the search.

The shining blade quickly turned black with spirit.

'I didn't expect this to happen again so soon. If successful, it will not be
available for the time being.'

Before breaking through the subspace, Jean was thinking of opening the
door of Laparosa first.

So far, Murakhan has managed to keep it off himself, but things will
definitely change after Jaffirin reveals himself.

If this subspace wasn't just a "dead space" like that of Solderlet, it didn't
interfere with the black singing.

The blade of the blackened knife cut through the air.

'That's a relief. ..!'

The moment I swung the sword, I felt it. The feeling that the door to
Laparosa is opening.

What was a little disappointing was the fact that it was not the Tuwang but
the general warrior who ran out of the just-formed black door.

"Oh, this is me!"

The Ming dynasty, which appeared with a bright shout, was Shaku.

Myeongwang people who had the most trials before Jin won the recognition
of all 12 kings in Laparosa and became true brothers. At that time, he
fought with Jin more than 50 times and won all the games.

"I'm sorry to call you out, Brother Shaku."

"No, it's an honor to fight for the brothers. What do you want!"

Shaku said, putting a long sword on his back that was stained with brains.
Before the fall of Shaku in the lightning, before the Ming dynasty, such a
formula had been hung before his name.

"Help him."

"Okay, I see what's going on. Do we have to get through here and go with
the royalty?"

"That's right."

Shaku's gaze touched Zephyrin, trapped in black lines.

"The horse, no. No. You're a demon, aren't you? I haven't seen such a
terrible horse in a long time. The Tuwang brothers should have been
summoned, not me. Get out of here, I'll try to stop him as much as I can
with the Black Dragon.”
When Shaku joined the battle, the brain was mixed again between Young-gi
and Magi. Shaku was not discouraged even between the swirling spirits and
the Magi.

Although they are ordinary warriors, the Ming dynasty is a Ming dynasty.
The unique toughness of the body shone especially amid such a struggle.

Watching the figure, Valcas could not help but be surprised inside again.
Although Jin has already been summoned from Geomhwangseong Fortress,
it is strange and strange to see again.

I also had a similar idea with Rata Prochi.

'Whatever Zephyrin belongs to, and whatever the reason. You're making a
mess like this in the Heukwangsanchae....may mean there is no place in the
world for neutrality anymore.'

Under the circumstances, it was clear that Zephyrin responded by looking at

Qin and Murakhan.

However, Jin could not be held accountable in the future.

Runkandel's rider and knight came to visit Heukwangsanchae. Jin or Joshua

are in a position to hold them accountable because they are caught up in
unexpected risks.

'First of all, you must escape somehow with your men along with the twelve
riders. Even if I had to throw away the black king's salad!'

Valcas clenched his teeth and thought.

And strangely enough, Valcas was somehow feeling a sense of trust. The
12th rider, Jean Luncandel, will achieve what he wants this time, as he has
always done.

"After reaching 10 stars, I've never felt this kind of trust in a person who
lacked my dignity.'

The blade of the blackened bradamante's blade was blinding blue flames.

Tess is still unable to respond directly to summons as he is recovering

himself, but the heavy-pressure force he carved on Bradamante was
growing stronger and stronger with Qin.

A pale flame spread from the sword began to weigh on the space stained
with magi.

The trembling spaces seemed as if they had been frightened as a human

being. The blade, which had not even a slight tremor, was slowly preparing
to cut down the space.

It was only then that Zephyrin, who had been taking only Murakan and
Shaku's attacks all along, responded.

"Cheonghua! It's a foul to bring such transcendent power to the fight of the
underworld, 12 riders."

As Murakan and Quikantel did when they first faced Tess.

Zephyrin was also afraid of the power of Tess. She also knows what
prestige Tess has in the flame world.

That's why although Qin's handling of blue flowers is no less small than the
real power of Tess, Zephyrin felt an instinctive fear. It was as if I was

The fear was only felt by those who saw the "Master of the Flame" in

Urrrrrrrr, Kwajic!

Maybe it's because I've been paying attention to Chunghwa for a while, or
because I've reached the limit of nothing I can do as a human being.

Zephyrin's defense shield, which had been holding out well all the time,
was pierced. Murakan's spirit and Shaku's brain warfare covered her and
tore her whole body.
Zephyrin did not scream once, even as the body was disfigured and

Instead of blood, the purple magi particles spread everywhere, like echoes.
A long, dreary stream of laughter was heard.

Ha ha ha... ha ha, ha...…!

Soon after that ominous laughter stopped, from the air where the zephyrin
had suddenly been torn up, a huge purple smoke formed as a cloud.

It was a performance that would easily surpass Murakan's several times.

And what the smoke was hiding, was the true image of Zephyrin. As if a
mountain was moving as if it were a whole, the Murakan in front of it
looked small.

Seemingly visible between the smoke, the zephyrin was more of a "snake,"
not a dragon that the public generally knew.

[Oh, really. The blue flames don't make me feel good. Stop turning it off
before you get angry and try to wait calmly.]

Zephyrin said, showing her head outside the smoke.

Jean didn't react to the remark and kept her mind focused. Just as he did
when he cut the Hell Gate of Muron, he had to open the space at once by
spreading the power of one type of sword and Tess at the same time.


As soon as Geffirin was about to say something more, Murakhan flew in

like a shot and stabbed her in the eye with his claws.

But the pupil was not hit at all, and rather it was Murakan who was bounced
back by its repulsion.

[Oh, man! What's so hard about it?

Murakan shouted, re-positioning in the air.

Instead of reacting to Murakan, Zeppirin was preparing to exhale to Jean.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 448

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:16 AM

Chapter 448: Episode 128. Zephyrin (4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Zephyrin's throat, breathing in the magi, swelled ominously.

Along with Murakan, Shaku shook her opposite eyeball, but couldn't slow
down the gathering pace.

It was just a breath of breath, but what was contained in it was simply a
tremendous amount of power, and even Murakan and Balkas were

But Jean was able to keep calm even though Zephyrin's breath was
precisely aimed at her.

It was because he was confident.

'Jeffirin doesn't kill me.'

Or, I can't.

To make something terrible, whether it's a drinking stone or something else.

The strength of the solderlet that Jean had was the most important factor.
As we deduced in his days as a backup jockey, Zipple and Kinselo both
know how to transfer God's contract.

Jean had a notion that the means were not very simple for her. If easily
possible, the three should all be more active in killing themselves.

It was also a story of the same line that Jephirin was not serious about
fighting with this much power now.

'If the aim was to exterminate us, it would have been much more powerful.'

Zephyrn's breath in one breath was certainly shocking, but nothing strange,
considering the transcendent ignorance she showed.

Nor was it beyond the control of the party. Zephyrin, for example, has no
choice but to forcefully control its power to avoid killing Jean.


As Zephyrin opened her huge muzzle, the wind in the open space fluttered
wildly with Maggie, as if a storm had begun.

From her vomited breath, the force that spread recklessly, the wind pressure
from her repulsion, and the violet ray of breath, were falling toward the

[Chuck, that's annoying!]]

Murakan was seen rushing down and blocking Zephyrin's breath. Breath
first touched the curtain of the spirit spread out with Murakhan's wings
before reaching the ground.

Maggie was mostly sucked into the Yeongi tent, but shards and other rays
of light had to be taken out by Shaku and Valcas.

The whole of the subspace was shaking dangerously in the energy of the
dragon and the people.
Ordinary fighters will find it difficult even to withstand the pressures of this
battlefield. Every time strength and strength collided, ears and bones were
bruised and the whole body was full of thrill.

Perhaps because the party blocked it well, Zephyrin shot a second breath
with a stronger horse.

She has lived longer than Murakan, but she has never had such a fight as
most have.

Killed, trampled thoroughly, destroyed without a trace.

Such a battle would not be difficult, but the situation in which Shaku and
Valkas had to be killed, Murakan attacked only enough not to die, and Jean
had to be captured alive was quite annoying for Zephyrin.

Besides, it is good enough to rot.

Murakan's resistance was well beyond Zephyrin's expectations. I was told

that he seemed to have recovered some of his strength, but I didn't know it
was this strong.

Zephyrin was also feeling it.

'You cunning...' You're sure I won't kill you, Jean Looncandel."

The sparks of chung-hwa twirling around the gin were appalled to the

Even at this rate, the flame will soon tear up some of the subspace.

Suddenly, I thought it would have been better to peek at a better opportunity

on another day, not today. It may have been done on a somewhat impulsive.

'I think I know why the owner is looking at you.'

Crazy! Psychiatrist...…!

The second breath was offset by a collision with the spirit shroud.
It seemed like he was barely on defense, but Murakhan was slowly
preparing to counterattack.

[I think you shot just right, but you're pretty powerful.]

[Compliments aren't very welcome, haha.]

[Yes, I suppose so. And I won't be happy for this either.]

As soon as Murakan finished his words, just as the shadows moved by the
light, the huge tents were divided into three masses.

One was at the back of Murakan for continued defense, and the other two
settled on the left and right sides of Zephyrin.

Due to the nature of the power of spirit, Zephyrin did not notice that the
tents had spread out on her left and right sides. Unlike other forces,
spirituality is almost impossible to read no matter how great its power is.

The huge body, which is several times larger than Murakan's, also
contributed to the failure to check the curtains on the left and right.

If you can't feel the flow of power, you have no choice but to check it by

But Zeppirin's viewing angles were limited, and even her own body, which
was still covered in violet smoke, seemed unable to capture her at a glance.

[What else are you bluffing...]... Ah!]

It was the moment when "Maggy" began to slip out of the spirit curtain that
Murakhan unfolded on her left and right, that Zeppirin noticed something
was wrong.

To return the breath absorbed by the shroud to her.

A spirit, ie a shadow.
The power wasn't just two stars more efficient than an anore or a mana.
Ordinary forces also had specialities that could never be imitated.

To imitate or copy something as if a shadow were being seen.

It was that principle that Murakan was returning the breath of Zephyrin to
the shroud.

'I didn't want to use it because it's the horse's way.'

It wasn't the way Murakan preferred. In the past, he did not need to be used
because he was strong enough to handle this characteristic of Yeonggi as a

Missha, on the other hand, was good at dealing with the infinite scalability
of Young-ki, as she showed from her first meeting with Jin.

'I didn't expect this day to come when you were bullied by that asshole. If I
hadn't regained 40 percent of my strength, I wouldn't be able to do that.'

Hmph! Murakhan snorted, erasing Missha's hideous skeleton that came to

his mind.


The curtains spread from side to side, causing a sharp noise and shooting
the horse.

The horse had more strength than the breath of Zephyrin's vomit with added
vigor. It was too much to avoid Maggie with the giant body of Zephyrin.

[Ha! Where did you learn such a bad thing...]…!]

There was no time to unfold the shield.

Most of them played an advantageous role in the battle, but the response
was uncomfortable in these unexpected attacks.
Maggie hit Jephirin in the body, and a heavy roar came as if the fortress had
collapsed. The tukttuk scales were broken and the sound of the flesh and
bones hidden inside them made the hair stand on end.


There was a scream that seemed never to be heard.

[Maybe it's the first time he's been hit by his own breath, huh?]

Murakhan spoke in a laugh-filled evil voice, and Zeppirin struggled with

pain for a while.

Reflectively wielding their tails, exhaling in all directions, and venting

madly to paint the air like poison glands.

Murakan and Shaku avoided Zephyrin's disturbance and were awash in

their senses. They could all be fatally wounded if they were caught in the
simple struggle of Zephyrin.

The two flying men, a close-knit horse and a wagged tail, leaping between
their bodies, were both thinking the same thing.

Now may be the best or last chance they have in this battle.

Valcas, who was only protecting the black knight, threw himself to the
battlefield for a while because he couldn't miss this moment.

The three men frantically searched for the open wound. Before Zephyrn
recovered, he had to somehow inflict additional damage through the
wounds he suffered from the horse.

Shaku shrieked and thunderstruck, and Valcas took power with all his

The moment after the lightning and the regime fell on the spot of the scale,
what unfolded before the party's eyes was a terrible fountain of blood that
even they, who had been covered in the blood of the battlefield all their
lives, were embarrassed.

A cascade of blood poured through the flesh of Zeppirin. The blood carried
the poison that had left the black knight in a coma.

Finally, Murakan broke through the poison and flew into the wounds that
Balkas and Shaku had set off.

It was about the middle part of the body, which is called the abdomen when
compared to humans. It was, so to speak, a vital point for all eyes.

Murakhan exhaled the breath that had lifted all his strength into the wound,
which was so narrow as to look like a cave.

Soon the dark lines of the matte lines penetrated the body of Zephyrin.

It would be fair to say that your waist is broken. The whole party was
intuitively aware that Geffirin's spine was broken by Murakan's breath.

Hoo-wook, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo...…!

Murakan took his place in the air, breathing hard. Valcas and Shaku also
stood below it and took a breath.

The surprisingly noisy battlefield became so quiet that I could hear the
harsh breathing of Il-soon's party.

It was a very short silence. Jephirin, who had no movement with her body
bent backwards, raised her head with her breath up.

[......Wow, this is amazing?]

Maggies spread all over the place, filling the hollow abdomen. It was so fast
that I couldn't do anything about it.

I don't know how long it's been since I've been sick like this.]

It's not that it hasn't been hit at all.

Murakan was so sure. It's impossible for him in his prime. However, it was
also judged that the Zephyrn did not have a problem in continuing the battle
even if he suffered damage.

'You're the one who's got one.'

If you're lucky.

It was the fact that Jin's mental concentration to cut down on the subspace
was just over.

I had been distracted by unexpected blows and pain. The eyes of Zephyrin
darkened when he saw the burning chung-hwa in Brada Mante with the


Bradamante's blade painted a blue and sharp trajectory in the dark space.

Then, as if the gate was opened, the subspace opened and the scene of the
stampede was revealed.

The scenery beyond that was the drawing room where the party was, and
the furniture was intact.

And the next moment.

The party was able to find one weakness of Zephyrin, which they were not

'As soon as I cut down on the subspace, his body is getting smaller...….'

I could sense it intuitively.

The fact that Zephyrin can only be transformed into what it is in this
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 449

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:15 AM

Chapter 449: Episode 128. Zephyrin (5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The open subspace in Bradamante was like a bank burst.

At the will of Zeppirin, he tried to return to his original state, but the
chrysanthemum stuck to the tear in the open space was not acceptable.

Cracks are sealed, torn again, burned.

The subspace was reacting like a creature to the blue flames of the gin.
Every time the space was torn, it gave a shrill scream, and a purple horse
spilled like blood.

Zephyrin's appearance was constantly changing as the subspace struggled.

It is becoming smaller, distorted, and ugly.

It was clear evidence that her transformation was only valid within "a space
in a normal state."

[Kkkkkak, khkkkekkkkkkkak!]

Murakan, excited by the look, burst into laughter. He seemed to be having a

hard time holding back his savory heart even though he was choosing to
breathe hard.
[Hooray, you bastard. Out of bounds, you're a nobody! Somehow I thought
it was too strong. I've never seen or heard of you.]


Zephyrn gave up a short groan. He seemed to be putting a lot of effort into

keeping his twisted body as normal as possible.

Chunghwa, as soon as I saw that cursing power, I felt something bad!'

As a contractor for Soldierlet, Zephyrin naturally expected Jean to be able

to cut off her own subspace.

But I didn't think it would have a significant impact on the transformation

and the management of the workforce. It was because his horse was far
beyond the spirit of Jean and Murakhan.

The problem was that the power of Chunghwa was not included in the

The first time the subspace was torn was by the power of Young-ki, or
Chunghwa, which was suppressing the crack to heal again.

To put it precisely, he was even aware that Jean was a contractor for Tess.

However, I was convinced that the power of Chunghwa that Jin could
operate would be very limited.

'And then, Jean Looncandel. How can you use this dense Chunghwa
without summoning Tess...…?'

When Jin first took out Chunghwa, he didn't think of it. I'm just tired of
instinctive fear and rejection.

But now the blue flame that tore open and burned the subspace was much
deeper and deeper than the other "human contractor of Tess" Zephyrn had
experienced several times in the past.
Like the owner of the flame didn't "borrow" a speck of power, but "pass" a
whole piece of himself.….

Don't tell me...!

As the thought went up to there, the pupils of Zephyrin's eyes widened.

[The original attack side couldn't make it better, but your phoenix. Thanks
to the flame of Tess, there is a new power in the bird that I don't know. You
call it medium pressure, don't you think?]

The words spoken by the incarnation of Peacon Minche through Bin

Branche during the strengthening of Bradamante.

Tess permanently breathed some of his own strength into the contractor's
sword that day in the flame gauge.

under any circumstances In other words, it was the result of the desire to
use a strong medium-pressure force regardless of whether or not mana
exists in the face of such a powerful enemy.

It was also to warn Jin if he met a "strong enemy" who had met Tess

The one who harms this child.

Be my enemy.

The blue flowers in Bradamante were the seals and vouchers of the flame's

Only those who have met Tess in person can recognize it.

It was unthinkable for Zephyrn to give his strength to a mere human


For Tess, a human contractor was just a tool for amusement and vigilance.
At least as far as Zephyrn knows.
Sometimes I heard there was a contractor who pleased him, but it was
certainly the first time that Tess provided his own strength.

What's the shame of being able to destroy the god of the median of the
royalty in one breath?…!


Zephyrin clenched her teeth.

'This is cheating. To this kind of human being that I said I could not give to
my master."

Anger quickly rose to the point where he wanted to rip everything out of

It would have been possible if the subspace was not collapsing. But Tess's
real fire seemed to have no sign of going out.

I mean, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, ki-i...…!

I couldn't even breathe at will because of my twisted body.

Further, Murakan was shouting (without stopping laughing).

[Laughing] [Laughing out loud!] Hey, what are you doing? George, let's get
that tepot ready!]

Murakan vomited black breaths, and Valkas and Shaku also leaped and
hurled O'Rea and brain warfare. Jean protected the black knight on behalf
of Valcas.

When Zephyrn showed a full recovery with great regenerative power,

everyone was in fact in fact.

But if Zephyrin continues to fall into this state of instability, it is now worth
a try. I don't know if it's life or death, but I thought it wouldn't be too much
to achieve the goal of escape.

Zephyrin screamed as the group's attack began. Surely, unlike so far, the
attack of the party is working properly.

Nevertheless, it did not completely lose its combat capability.

Just as Zeppelin struggled, each move was still a threat to the fighting party.

The avalanche of magi from Zephyrin's body was also dangerous. The fight
is being fought because the party has excellent fighting power in the first

The word that Murakan began to prefer, "Daguri," became more persistent
as the seconds went by. It's hard to tell which side is the villain just by
looking at it.



"For the Jin brothers!"

But in some ways, the light and rhythmic flow of the woodpecker, like a
well-ripe sesame, could be seen as evidence of the anxiety the party has.

Right now, it is not possible because of the burning subspace, but there is an
ominous premonition that Zephyrin will eventually regain her strength and
seek means.

There are too many cracks.

The subspace was no longer complete and independent structure. Through

the cracks, the scene of the drawing room was visible, and the members of
the Black Kings were standing with stiff faces.

Until Jean cut down on the subspace, the members did not know what was
going on inside the maggot-ridden drawing room.
When some of the noisy units opened the drawing room, it was just purple
darkness, and the rest of the captains immediately declared a state of

"It's the leader! He's in battle!"

"Confirmed the life and death of the leader and the guests!"

The urgent voices of the members were heard.

Almost all the people in Heukwangsanchae were waiting in the drawing

room and nearby.

They seemed to be coming into the subspace and trying to join, and seemed
to be shocked at the sight of the leader fighting desperately.

If the First Black Royal Army joins the battle, the victory will be tilted
toward the party once again.

But Qin was still convinced that the purpose of the battle should be met
with escape, not victory. We don't know what else is going to happen, and
it's being burned down in Chunghwaiting for now.

The subspace was clearly the most beneficial area for the enemy.

"No, don't come in! Get back right now!"

"What are you talking about!"

The members, of course, did not intend to hear Jin's story.

But when Valcas, who saw his men late, shouted just like Jean, the Black
Kingdom immediately stopped entering.

"The Black Kings! Follow the twelve-strand's guidance, until orders are
given again as of this time!"

Before cutting down the subspace, Murakan had told Valkas to take his men
with him to escape because he would take on the Zephyrin.
The opportunity came, but Balkas decided that he should not escape
without Murakan. As a leader, it was impossible to borrow other people's
hands to protect one's subordinates.

"Your name!"


The members did not question Valcas' order. This shows how reliable he is.

[Where are these things?]…!]


With the ear-splitting roar, Zephyrin suddenly gave off an explosive spell.

She then changed into a human figure again, giving up on maintaining her
true self. In a situation where space is unstable, it is more efficient to
maintain the human form and fight.

Now Zeppirin was desperate, too. Sharp maggots were pouring from her
fingernails, which had begun to flutter again.

Even that wasn't all.

'Cleaners are dying down little by little...…!'

Even if it's completely off, it won't be the same as before, because it's
already been so traumatized.

At that time, the party was also exhausted, so it was more likely to be a
dangerous fight than before.

Therefore, they had to escape the Black Kings as soon as possible.

[Everything, tear...]...I'll kill you, you worm!]

If only the owner had been fine, there would have been no such ridiculous
At the thought of it, Jephirin felt his chest blocked.

Though not comparable to Murakan, Zephyrin had also been weakened by

the poor condition of its owner.

Of all things, the reason why the owner's condition has deteriorated recently
is because of their role.


When Zephyrin said Sang-sori instead of Gyeong-eo, which he had been

using all the time, Muragan laughed again.

[Hen, guys like you have to be in the corner to reveal their true colors. Hey,
kid! Don't worry and get out of here with the underlings.]

"Twelfth Class, please take care of your men!

"Go, brother!"

Jean nodded and replied:

"I'll let them escape and join you again!"

[Oh, I don't have to, so I'll see you at home]



The enemy prison shone and Shri was summoned.

Jin seems to know what's going on even if he doesn't say anything, and he is
biting the black knight.


Shri, who burned the gin, ran like a shot and crossed the cracks in the open
space. The light air of the royalty pierced my nose.
The Black Kings in front of the subspace were waiting for the camp to
come out.

"Down with the order, Twelve Horsemen!"

"Everyone is escaping. The 3rd Army will take top priority and the 2nd
Army will help the wounded and non-combat forces escape. The 1st Army
will be pulled out in its entirety, and the detailed orders will be arranged by
each captain and officers below."


When Qin gave the order, the members dispersed quickly, and the cracks
and flames in the open space behind it seemed noticeably smaller.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 450

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:13 AM

Chapter 450: Episode 128. Zephyrin (6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

"And the healer and the viper who are good at deciphering, please look at
the interest right now."

The knight didn't even shiver now. He seemed to be dying soon because he
just breathed out a faint breath.

The members carried the black knight into the stretcher.

"You must hold your breath. If he dies, it will not be good for the Black
Kings nor for me. It's especially likely that the Black Kingdom won't end up

"Don't worry, Lord Qin!"

When Murkah, the third captain, answered, the healing mercenary and
doctors from the Black Royal Corps clung to the stretcher.

"On the other hand, if you save it, it will be a great team for me and for the
Black Kings."

If the black knight died on the land of the Black Kings, for whatever reason,
Joshua had no choice but to put pressure on Valcas.
However, it was not Joshua but Balkas who could ask for compensation if
the opposition were against him. Jin also didn't have to lose one of the
strongest pitches in the family, and perhaps even tried to negotiate directly
with the black knight.

"I've saved more than once."

"I'll catch my breath!"

It's big, kook!

As soon as the medical staff rushed out with first aid, a sudden binge of
heavy drinking and shaking vibrations came across the entire

Like a volcano, magi, spirit, and brain organs were erupting between cracks
in the cramped open space. Immediately after Qin came out, the battlefield
energy became more intense.

'The monster is the monster. The subspace collapsed and seemed to be on

the defensive, but it shows this power again.'

Murakhan doesn't have to come back.

But I was still worried. I thought I'd have to evacuate the Blackwangdan as
soon as possible and then join them.

"......what kind of fight is going on inside! Zephyrn, you mean that damn
thing was really that monster!"

The second captain spoke in a voice of dismay.

I couldn't believe how human-turned-Jeffirin fought with the leader and

Jin's group.


Recently, she was the youngest of the Black Royal Corps' troublemaker,
making all her seniors and managers most difficult.
On the other hand, however, he was the youngest who could not hate him
for spreading his unique cheerful and cheerful energy, even though he was
cursed and scolded every day.

Zephyrin, who had been doing so, has now turned into a monster that is
putting the black and blue corvina into an unprecedented crisis. There was a
surge of vomiting in the form of a huge snake that was hidden from time to

"Sir Valcas was most worried that his men, including Captain Two, might
have been under the author's spell. No one in the Black Kings was beaten
by Zeppirin?”

"Not at all, twelve horsemen."

"Thank God."

The problem that Valcas was most worried about has not yet occurred.

'If we're sure to evacuate without damaging the power supply afterwards,
we can look forward to a positive trend when we talk to Lord Valkas in the


From beyond the cracks in the subspace came the roar of Zeppirin. It
sounded distant, but even the members who had never experienced it before
could imagine its power.

The escape was picking up speed.

It's never happened before, but all the fortresses do. Heukwangsanchae also
had many special passages, devices, and guidelines for escape.

Ladders spread all over the place these days, and magic instruments were
activated to lower supplies.

Apart from the urgent and gloomy situation, it was quite a spectacle. Huge
clusters of fortresses lined up in the mountains are moving in perfect order
like an organism.

Jin took a look at the escape of the Black Wang Dan as he escaped from the
central fortress where the Black Wang Dan's drawing room was located.

Hundreds of special ropes intertwined between the fortress and the fortress,
with people and supplies moving incessantly like sophisticated machinery.

What kind of device is installed in the rugged mountain ranges that

surround the fortress? When a small explosion is heard somewhere, a
landslide occurs near the fortress and leads to a slippery slope.

Material and noncombat personnel used the route to descend the mountain
range, and in the meantime, shields were spread throughout the fortress and

It was not the members, but the shield from the magical equipment set up
by the Black Royal Army. Such shields were spreading out so much that it
was hard to comprehend.

'This is what I see, and I don't know how much it cost.'

Money is money, but in order to get this much equipment, it had to be very
close to each magic tool maker in the Empire and the Rutero Federation of

That was possible because the Black Kings were neutral forces and
mercenaries. Magic tool makers are no different from transferring goods to
Looncandel. Most of the war magic tools Looncandel could obtain were
trophies of combat victory.

The escape was going very smoothly.

Just like the world's best mercenaries, the Black Royal Army showed a non-
hurried response even in the first time.

The mountain range, which used to be a living quarters, collapsed almost

Below it, most of the units had already completed their escape, and the Qin,
the captain and the cadres were watching the battlefields of the central
fortress, clinging to the ropes of the road made by the landslide.

To be exact, we watched the central fortress collapse.



The forces that came through the subspace were crushing the central

The flames of Chunghwa on the crack were still much less frequent than
before, but the forces continued to tear the cracks, which seemed to work in
an invincible way.

'It looks like the subspace is about to be completely torn apart.'

What happens next?

It would be impossible for Zephyrin to change into her true self, but the
fight would continue. Even human-type zeppelins have at least 10 different

However, the fight won't last very long. Zephyrin was exhausted after
several blows, and so was Jin and Valcas, so what was left was a short fight.

'You can't kill Zephyrin here. Once the members have freed themselves
from great danger, the best result is to retreat from the line of no fatal blows
to each other.'

Even if he was tired, he didn't know what else could be left for Zephyrin.
Judging from the shocking ignorance she showed, the tide could change

Above all.
If the fight spreads to "outside the subspace," people will surely come from
outside forces.

The Black Kingdom is a neutral force that everyone in the world is

watching. If more than a certain size of fighting took place in
Heukwangsanchae, nearby forces could not be unaware of the fact.

"In the first place, you created a subspace in the drawing room without
killing the second captain and his men, so you could keep quiet about what
you were aiming for.'

An unprotected area in the middle of the continent with black royal

mountain quarters;a non-sexual kingdom.

The Vise Kingdom does not belong to any of the four powers, but
geographically it was quite close to the territory of Jipple and Beimant.

And recently, Kinselo isn't very friendly with them.

'If they're even mindful of what they're going to find, Zephyrin will choose
to run away unconditionally.'

The moment I thought about that.


Eventually, I heard the sound of the subspace being torn. The Qin and the
Black Kings looked up at the collapsed central fortress, swallowing dry

The landscape of the battlefield, which was sparsely visible between the
cracks, was so cluttered that it was hard to tell for sure what was going on


The first to appear outside the crack was Murakan.

He roared and showed off his dignity, and then exhaled his breath at
Zephyrin, who had escaped.

Jean swept her chest down to the scene.

"You've been safe and sound.

However, seeing the images of Balkas and Shaku, especially Shaku, I was

Shaku was so fatally wounded that it seemed difficult to stand.

Although he did not see for himself what the battle was like, Jin
immediately noticed that Shaku's condition was a sign of sacrifice.

As a guardian of soul and spirit, Shaku's death and injury are not real.
Therefore, Shaku naturally had no reason to be reluctant to sacrifice his
body for Jin and his colleagues.

It would have been the same if it had been a real body, not a body made of
spirit. The brotherhood of the Ming Dynasty was like that.

"Brother Shaku!"

I didn't have to say sorry or thank you. Responding to Jin's voice, Shaku
turned his head, and smiled as his eyes met.

"Be sure to tell me how I was today later, Brother Chin."

Shaku's body was scattered with spirit, and Jean clenched her teeth and
lifted up her spirits. The moment has come to end the fight.

"Continue protecting the members of the captain and the cadres!"

You were much more efficient than fighting together.

While there is no certainty that the generals can kill Zephyrn just because
they join forces, the chances are too low that ordinary members will not be
harmed by her attacks.

Once again, there was spirit and chung-hwa in Bradamante. If I could, I'd
like to play the game right away, but the members might be swept away.


The sword of the leaping Jean fell to Zephyrin's forehead.

Zephyrn easily blocked the sword with his fingernails, but he seemed to be
quite burdened with the blue flowers that stretched out just around his nose.

And visibly weakened. Of course, it only meant that she was weak
compared to her true self, but still had enormous power.

Aww, kwagagagagak!

Bradamante and his fingernails engaged and caused a rupture. Murakhan

assisted Qin by going back and forth between his true self and human form,
and Valkas was holding his breath.

Not as much as Shaku, but Valcas is also seriously injured and addicted to
Zephyrin's poison.

"Gin Looncandel, your...…!”

Zephyrin said, competing with Jean for strength.

"Be as confident as you were before. You said it like you could kill us at
any time.”

Zephyrn narrowed the middle of his forehead to the horse.

But soon she returned to her smiling face and said:

"We'll see each other again soon, Jean Looncandel."

"Yes, you guys must say that before you run...….”

As soon as Jin was about to continue his talk.

Suddenly, Zephyrin's whole body turned purple and began to "boil." I'm
about to pop, like it's about to burst.

Jean's intuition wasn't alone.


Before Murakan shouted so, Jean was already heading to Valkas, stretching
the streets.

"Then, bye!"


The body of Zephyrin, swollen with magi, set off an explosion.

There was an intense earthquake throughout the mountain range, and the
trees and stones around the start of the explosion disappeared without a

It was a huge explosion that would destroy the entire Heukwangsanchae,

but its power was not transcendent.

Because Jephirin had no intention of killing Jean, as he had done from the
beginning. They just set off an explosion to escape.

It was fortunate that Jin, Murakan, the general, and the senior members still
had enough space to spare.

"Stop it!"

"The twelve riders have taken care of the leader! The first, second and third
armies protect each other!"

The Magi explosion was destroying the mountain range.

If most of the units had not been evacuated in advance, the disaster would
have literally happened. The Qin, Murakhan and the Black Kings
desperately fished out the explosions and the aftermath.

In particular, Murakan squeezed the remaining spirit and formed tents

throughout the mountain range, which saved the most people.

[You're doing the same thing to the end!]

It was nearly an hour later that the explosion, the resulting landslides and
earthquakes stopped.

In the end, the group blocked all the explosions without any major

However, all the magnificent black royal houses were destroyed and buried
under the collapsed mountain ranges, and the groans and sorrows of the
members of the Black Royal Family were spreading everywhere.

Still wet with spirit and floating in the dreary night sky, Murakan looked
down at the Black Wangdan, feeling a little pity.

For those of you who know everything, you know that it's due to a pity.

As soon as they sensed the battle, which had just arrived, the men and
dragons rushed by Jipple and Beacon did not.

"Hey, what's going on......?!? Heukwangsanchae!"

[Murakan?] No way, Murakhan?]

[Murakan brother...]..?!? Your brother did this?]

[Mu, Mu, Murakan...]…?]

"Then the twelve flagpole of Looncandel, the Black Kings...…!”

Those from Jipple and Beimance were forced to fall into a great
misunderstanding as they looked at the scene of destruction and Murakan.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 451

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:12 AM

Chapter 451: 129. The majesty of Murakan.

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Running from Beemance were Jiryong Lavus and Untiel, and the wizards
who had relations with them.

Running from the Jipple were Theo the Dragon, Laramakua the Blue
Dragon, and the wizards under their power.

A total of four dragons and eight sorcerers were wide-eyed, gazing at the
spirit-drenched sky, the crumbling black-wangsanchae, and the Murakan.

In particular, all four dragons have experienced Murakan in their prime.

The wizards were feeling a madly fast heartbeat coming from the backs of
the dragons on board.

'The dragons... ...are scared?!'

'I've never seen anything like this before. Are you all right?!

extreme tension

The dragons were so stiff that the wizards had no choice but to do so did the
It was already known to the public that the guardian dragon of the 12th
Runkandel was strong in the wake of the terrorist attacks in the Great Wall.

At that time, Murakhan defended the air almost alone.

Moreover, given the extraordinary moves and ignorance of the twelve-term,

it was only natural for wizards to carry out such misconceptions.

'Runcandel the 12th rider attacked the Heukwangsanchae with his own
guardian dragon...….'

'And we won!'

Gulp, the sorcerers thought, swallowing thick saliva at the same time.

"I knew I was regaining my strength, but I'm already up to the point where I
can clean up the Heukwangsanchae by myself?"

'The speed of regaining old power is unusual. When we met a few years
ago, I couldn't even write to Quikantel.'

Laboux and Untiel coughed in vain, looking at Murakhan's wits.

[Hmmm, hmhhhm! Soh, friend of Soldert, ruler of Mount Murakhan, Black

Dragon Murakan. I didn't expect to see you here.]

[I didn't expect to see you here. Have you been well, great Black Dragon?]

said Laboux and Untiel, taking their braces off.

When he was a backup rider, he was a dragon he had met before.

'The dragons I met the first day I saw Quikantel. You saved your face then.'

Murakan made eye contact with the two dragons.

To be exact, they looked at Murakan Labus and Untiel, and they dared not
even make eye contact with Murakhan.
The two dragons were among those who were hit most by Murakan in his

[Labus, Untiel] What have you come for?]

We've just come here to see some unusual airflow in the kingdom of Vise.]

[I think there's been a big fight, he. If you don't mind, you can give us the
details...]... Mmm!]


Before Untiel could finish his words, Murakhan made a big flap.

It was a gesture of dragons expressing displeasure, which could be said to

be tantamount to a slamming of their fists when compared to a person.

[Little earth dragons, dare you tell me now to see, go, and tell you what
happened here?]

[No, brother. It's not that.]

[Murakan, misconception] Boy, how could we ask you to do that? I'm just
asking you, if, if possible, to tell me a story......of course it's inevitable if
you don't like it.]

The tone changed right away. I couldn't help it even though I was
embarrassed. If Murakan has "all" regained his old power, there is no
presence in the world that blocks him. At least that was the perception of
the earth dragons.

In that case, it was the empire that had to be wary of Murakan turning them
into anti-dead bodies and killing all the wizards.

[Really? I've been feeling it since last time, but it's been a long time. "The
attitudes of my fellow countrymen toward me are not as cautious as they
used to be, and this very unpleasant heart is only growing day by day."

The spirit that covered the sky began to deepen.

[And especially you guys are crazy to die.]

In an instant, from the black sky, there were spikes of spirit. Laboux and
Untiel shook their heads in a fit of fright.

[Oppa, it's not like that. We're sorry!]

[I think I made a mistake, let's calm down and talk!]

The black awl casually drilled through the protective barrier they had
hurriedly unfolded.

Even the earth dragons did not respond properly. If Murakan had made up
his mind, he could have been fatally wounded with this blow.

In the first place, the targets of the Songgeo of Yeonggi were not the
Jiryong but the Hwayong and the Blue Dragon behind it.

Theo and Laramakua quickly descended, rotated and dodged Murakhan's


But they didn't counterattack. As if he knew how big the problem could be
if he does.

The reason why Murakhan was so suddenly angry was no different.

The Dragon Theo.

He was the blood of Kadun, the flower of the Kellyak Zipple, and also the
face of Murakan.

Murakan and Kadun have not been so on good terms since ancient times,
and Murakan almost lost all his strength in the raid on Kadun just before the
Holy Land incident.

For Murakan, a hwaryong is a tribe that wants to be torn to death just by

looking at it.
Didn't your king tell you that? Never run into me. Unfortunately, if you run
into him, clench your teeth and run away as soon as possible.]

Again the spirit awnings were formed and the wizards of Theo, Laramakua
and Jipple managed to hide their bewildered innermost thoughts.

"The great energy that had been felt until an hour ago, was it that crazy
black dragon...…!'

It was, of course, Theo's illusion.

The force that brought down the Heukwangsanchae was not the spirit of
Murakan, but the Magi of Zephyrin.

But Maggie could not think that it was not the power of Murakan, for
Zephyrin had left, exploded and disappeared without a trace.

'It's suicidal to fight the Murakhan, who has regained his strength to be so
arrogant, no matter how much.'

'I thought it might have been Valcas and Amela's decision, but it's way too
far from what I expected. We must retreat, now!'

Like almost all dragons in the world, Theo and Laramakua were also afraid
of Murakan in its heyday.

In particular, Theo had a deeper fear because he had seen many of the
hwaryong and the red dragon suffer just because he had a relationship with

[Reply, Theo. And Laramacua. I will decide whether to exterminate you or

maim you according to how good and reasonable the answer is. And the
answer will also affect the fate of the earth dragons.]

[Oppa? Woo, why us? We didn't do anything wrong. Let's not do this.]

[Yes, we'll get out of here!]

Murakan stared at Theo and Laramakua without answering the earnest
voices of the earth dragons. Without knowing what to do, the earth dragons
waved their wings.

The dragons were all shivering. His eyes were all agitated, and he could not
find any confident corner.

"Wow, Murakan...I mean, I can't get used to it's like this.'

Jin was much more familiar with the gruesome, somewhat vile feeling of
Murakan, who scratched her thighs while looking at the Chunhwa house
and had a perfect taste for strawberry pie.

When the dignity of a thousand years ago stood out, he looked like a
completely different being.

Nor was it clear of the "evidence" that he had regained all his old powers,
but Murakan was freezing the jipples and the Imperial dragons.

The Dragon Theo and the Blue Dragon Laramacua were never low-profile,
though the earth dragons did not know.

'By the way, if they decide to fight back, they might have a headache.'

In fact, Murakhan was exhausted.

Jean was the only contractor who shared the spirit and was feeling the fact.

Murakhan has already used almost all his strength in a battle against

Nevertheless, it is only his "character" that Murakhan so confidently

reproaches dragons.

Murakan has lived as the strongest being for more than 3,000 years since
his birth.

Whether you've regained all your old powers, if you've only got 40%, or
even one left. Murakan couldn't even imagine himself having a completely
different attitude than in his prime.

It was in a similar vein that Jean did not step forward even though she knew
that Murakan was tired.

I didn't want to scratch his pride. When dragons attacked, they fought with
Murakan. In the kingdom of Vise, neither the Zipple nor the Empire can
have a cause.

On the other hand, the Looncandelian himself had a cause for helping the
Black Kingdom until just now.

'It seems certain that those who came to see us misunderstand that we had
been destroyed, let alone thought we had helped the Black Kingdom.'

Amidst the misunderstanding and tense tension, the Black Kingdom was

Maybe it's right to say that you're not doing it.

Most of Zephyrin's officers were seriously injured or are still looking for
members, while Balkas was unconscious.

The Black Royal Army had to show extremely careful behavior. I didn't
know what kind of development would unfold after trying to correct the

Above all

Valcas handed the order over to Jean before he lost consciousness.

Then I had to stay still before Jean stepped out.

Jin, who soon put his thoughts together, was able to reach this conclusion.

'As long as the dragons of Jipple and Beaumont step back as they are, they
can solve the situation to my advantage in any way.'

As long as the dragons of Jipple and Beaumont stand back like this is.
Such a pile of chaff was attached to the conclusion because Jin still did not
deeply "feel" the status of Murakan among the dragons.

Although the fact that his guardian dragon was great in the past has been
heard everywhere, it was an area that could not be fully felt unless they
spent a thousand years together.

In other words, the dragons of Jipple did not dare to think of confronting

[......Murakan, I apologize for unintentionally disrespecting you. I and the

Dragon Theo will leave quickly, so can you please take your anger back just

said Laramakua. Jean was surprised at the inside, because she was only
calm in tone, but in reality an indescribably servile answer.

Of course.

Murakan had no intention of being so indescribable. It made him even

angrier that the other dragon had come.

So when I was about to answer, "I'll only make you mutilated."

Jean opened her mouth first.

"I'll take it! Be sure to return to your home country as soon as possible,
Jipple and Beacon dragons. Before my guardian dragon's mind changes."

At the words, the dragons of Jipple and Beaumont looked down at the camp
with surprise, and Murakan.

Immediately grasped Jean's intentions, he regained the leash of reason. He

realized that not calming his anger here is tantamount to putting the
contractor in danger.

The earth dragons kept rolling only their eyes, and the hwaryong and the
blue dragon made eye contact with the Qin.
In time they had no choice but to answer.

[Great.......] To the Black Dragon's contractor, thank you for clearing the
misunderstanding. I hope we can meet next time.]

Laramakua's answer sounded like 'I'm just going away today, but I won't
forget this disgrace,' but Jin smiled.

"You're welcome. Take a look, everybody."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 452

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:10 AM

Chapter 452: Episode 130. New Year, Rumor, Grand Construction (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Special breaking news, the Heukwangsanchae has been destroyed!

What is the fate of the kingdom of Vise?

Black-headed Balkas Kran, now known as critical. I think it's true,

considering that you don't make any public announcements yourself.

Why was the Heukwangsanchae attacked?

The most well-known suspects so far are Looncandel XII and his guardian,
Murakan.... Was there a grudge between them?

The power of the Black Royal Army was a bubble? A myth in the
mercenary world that has collapsed on one dragon and one man.

Black Dragon Murakan, trample on the Black Royal Sanchae!

Runkandel, the 12th Runkandel, has been rumored to have brought down
the "ghost squad" before the incident.... do you rally neutral forces?

What will happen to the fate of the Black Kings?

As always, articles were pouring in like mad.

And as everyone is, all those articles were not perfect.

The Vise Kingdom and nearby newsletters were incapable of covering such
incidents in depth, and outside newsletters had to make them based on
articles from such non-Vise Kingdom.

Thus, misunderstanding and lack of information, and the contents added for
the imaginary inputs and stimuli to fill him, were somehow describing Qin
as the Destroyer of the Black Kingdom.

The reason for this was largely because the Black Royal Army did not
properly control the media.

Although the Bisei Kingdom and its neighboring Hanjeong can only have
articles that suit their taste, the Black Kingdom is not a huge force like
Looncandel, Jipple, Beams, and Kinselo.

Even the four major powers could not fully control events at this level. You
can't stop the waves with your hands.

In addition, the Black Kingdom was highly perceived as "finished" by the

incident has led to a strong sense of "end." Large newsletters even judged
that they no longer had to read their minds.

Valcas is in critical condition (as is actually the case), and the living
quarters are smashed, so that's what we have to see.

" , ha ha ha......! What a great year-end event."

Kellyak Zipple.

As usual, he was sitting on the top floor of the Jipple One Tower, the story's
Tower, looking at the newsletter. A more boyish face that resembles Veradin
is full of laughter.

[Ha, are you laughing?]

"Kadoon! Isn't this funny to you? I think it's a lot more funny than the farce
you and Octavia had last time."
[Screaming! What's wrong with you every time? Last time, he said it was
funny when he was talking about Magum's return.]

Kadoon was now going crazy when Kellyak showed up like this.

[Funny? Are you out of your mind?]

Why? You're the only one at that age who's destroying Looncandel. It's
something that even we couldn't do. I feel good about everything.

[How much have you lost so far because of that asshole? Your brother is
dead, and your alliance with Kinselo has been twisted, not enough to break
the drinking stones. The Holy Land case......I don't want to talk about it.
Besides, he lost his black knight's spy a while ago. Kellyak!]

It should include the loss of a part of the specter.

[Yes, that should be included, too. That's it? Ma'am....! The little one is
breaking the oath!]

This was the conversation we had about a month and a half ago when we
received the banquet hall of the Emperor.

Even then, Kadun said he needed to pressure Looncandel immediately, but

he could not go against Kellyak's will.

The same was true even now. Kadun thinks it's not time for Kellyak to be so

'This is because I've never been to Looncandel a thousand years ago.

Kellyak doesn't know how dangerous they are!'

Whether or not he knew what Kadoon was thinking, Kellyak just smiled.


"Oh, my ears are going to drop. Kadun, why are you so angry?”

[That's what I'm saying now...]…!]

"Is it such a big deal that a 12-year-old black belt has been knocked down?
No, no, no. It's not exactly the 12th rider, but his guardian, Murakan."

[That's why it's more of a problem. Murakan is regaining his strength.]


That's why Kadun is so sensitive about the incident.

It was a story directly told by Theo the Dragon and Laramakua the Blue
Dragon. I think Murakan is regaining his strength.

[Gin Looncandel succumbed to the Black Kings, absorbed it, or just won
the fight. That doesn't really matter. But if Murakhan is going back to his
prime, he should never let it go.]

As Kellyak did before, Kadoon's reaction was just as interesting.

"You're too conscious of the black dragon, aren't you?"

[Unlike the last time he ran into me near Santel in the Scholl Empire, he
certainly recovered part of his heart. Without a drinking seat.]

At that time, Cardun had so easily pushed Murakhan into a corner.

Murakan could not be an opponent of Kadun because he was trying to

rescue even the innocent people of the city of Santel, who were victimized
by Kadun's fire.

At that time, Kadun was much stronger in the first place because he had
little power back.

Anyway, after the fight, Murakhan survived and showed his strength in
front of everyone.

At the site of the terror attack in the Geomhwangseong Fortress and the
Heukwangsanchae just a few days ago.

When he heard the news of the Imperial City, Kadun was worried.
Was the weak Murakan encountered in Santel recovered, or was he not able
to fight properly because he was fighting inefficiently?

[Now it's clear. Kellyak, we need to figure it out before he regains all his
old powers.]

"It's scary, you."


Kadoon admitted the fact unexpectedly without a doubt.

"A thousand years ago, didn't you say you were the dragon that was closest
to Murakan's power?”

[Closer and equivalent are different. I'm afraid he was definitely the
strongest. So listen to me seriously. Don't let that little boy and Murakhan
go on the rampage anymore!]

For the first time, the smile was erased from Kellyak's face.

"I admit you have a point. But for me, Kadun, it's more of a gamble for me
to mess with the twelve riders and their guardian dragons."

[Because of Xiron Looncandel?]]

"Yes. If only he disappears anyway, the world will come into our hands.
And he certainly didn't have much time left. Looncandel, the 12th rider.
Will it really go beyond the horizons of poetry in it said.

It's absolutely impossible.

Kellyak followed the back horse and made eye contact with Kadun.

"I've had my own nineteen-year-old theory. I don't think the current 12th
term is better than the old theory. The twelve riders never reach his level."

[As you went through the arguments, I also went through the Looncandel
and Murakhan at that time.]
"I know. But Kadun, look at the situation right now. As far as I can tell, the
fight is over when the theory is gone. The world will be ours. You just have
to adjust the variables properly and wait for the end of the hour of the
debate, do you really have to pick a hive? I didn't get a chance."

pick a hive

It was nothing less than Kellyak's expression. The remark came from the
idea that if you touch the twelve flagpole poorly, Zion might return from the
Black Sea.

Cardun did not answer.

I didn't think Kellyak was wrong. However, it was hard to tell how to
explain how the unknown feeling of discomfort fills the heart.

"If you're so worried, I'll order you to increase the number of people
tracking Missha. This should help ease your anxiety, right?"

In the end, Cardun had no choice but to nod his head.

[... All right, I get it. I think it would be much better to keep Murakan's

"It's kind of a shame I missed a few days ago by a narrow margin. Anyway,
I'm more concerned about my son than the 12th rider or the Black Dragon.”


"Yes, because of the lack of operational magic stability, or if something else

had an effect on him...... it's been getting harder to touch his mind and
memory lately.”

A factor that might affect Veradin's mental world.

Kellyak could not know what it was. It was because it was a feeling he had
forgotten so long ago.

[Because I think 12 riders and Dante Hyran are influencing Veradin.]

"No matter how it affects Veradin, the only result will be hatred and
betrayal, and if that's the case, I'll have to be more careful about hitting the
12th rider. Until the perfect moment comes."


As Kadun shrugged, Kellyak touched the crystal ball without saying a word
for a while.


The main meeting of the Kinselo, the land of the Sioux.

The faces of the Vishkel and Veracte and Joe gathered in the conference
room were dark. The table where they sat was piled with newsletters about

But unlike Zipple, they did not mistake the person who caused the ladder
was Murakan.

"Hmm, Zephyrin......he's had an accident."

Joe looked on Veracet's countenance and said,


Although Kinselo did not send anyone to the scene of the collapsed
Heukwangsanchae, he was fully aware that it was her brutality.

It was because the general manager's condition deteriorated rapidly right

after the collapse of the Heukwangsanchae.

It means that the leader himself either used excessive force or...... meant
that someone used the power of the leader.

There is no doubt that there is only one and only Zephyrin in the world who
can borrow power without the permission of the leader.
"No, the. The leader's condition, chomping, chomping! Is he that much,
choo-choo, bad? Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! It's the devil's

said Bubar, devouring sweet potato croquette.

Vishkeel and Veracte were driven to kill that fat immediately, but only
shook their fists.

"Assistant Manager."

"Yes, Lord Veract."

"What do you think?"

"In my opinion, this deviant Zephyrn has gone too far. After the Imperial
City, you had to take extreme rest with the General Manager."

"And when Kinselo was in his place, he didn't show up. I think we should
be punished severely."

"Lord Veract, you are something we cannot punish."

"I know, but I'm just asking the vice-chief if he has any tricks. Slow
recovery of the Danjang will slow down the big business.”

At the words, Vishkel closed his eyes and for a while seemed to be lost in

"......then I'll meet you in person and ask you a favor. I'm asking you to stay
with Jipple for a while as a spy. For us, this seems to be the maximum we
can ask of you."

"It seems highly probable that you won't follow suit.”

"I'll be sure to say yes."

Veract nodded with satisfaction.

It was because Vishkel always remembered that he kept what he said.

"Okay, I'll trust the vice-captain and wait."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 453

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:09 AM

Chapter 453: Episode 130. New Year, Rumor, Grand Construction (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


"There must be a problem."

A warrior said with a dark look. It was to report to Runkandel, second-time

Runkandel, Joshua Runkandel.

For some time, the cigarette was burned down without a word. Joshua, in
the light, had a sterner face than the reporter.

Because I've never imagined this would happen.

Not anyone else, but a black knight.

The strongest guardian of the family, a black helmet that can only be worn
by ten people. Black knights never failed their mission.

One in ten thousand.

Even if it fails, it must come up with something else and if it encounters an

incomprehensible variable that it can't afford alone, it should have returned
If it's even impossible, if it's a situation where you have to die in battle to
die in. I had to leave a message to my family.

For example, no matter what happens. It was impossible for a black knight
to disappear without any news.

At least that's what Joshua thinks of as a black knight. Most of the others
except him.

However, it has already been a few days since articles about the "Black
Kingdom crisis" began to pour out, and the black knight, who sent him to
meet Valkas, has not yet heard from him.

'It is clear that he was involved in the battle at Heukwangsanchae...….'

Whoo-hoo, a deep sigh of grey smoke wafted through the darkness.

I wanted to cut the reporter's throat.

I wanted to ask you, even if you didn't say it, I knew it, and what I was
trying to do to get what everyone knew out of my mouth.

No one can punish or blame himself even if he is cut off for his unrelenting
hatred and doubt.

The fingers that caught the cigarette trembled slightly. Five seconds after
the intense impulse. Joshua was able to regain his composure without
slashing the reporter.

It was five seconds, like thousands of bugs crawling all over the body, but
Joshua has neither shown his feelings nor budged.

It seems to be a great pride to be able to control even such terrible impulses

on one's own.

"I know, so go away. Call Howard."

"Yes, sir."
When the reporter went out, Joshua was lost in thought again. The snow
was directed at the newsletters piled up on the desk.

With the Black Dragon Murakan destroying the Black Royal Sanchae,
neither the 12th-tier nor the Black Royal Army has given a clear reason for
the war......what are some of the most likely developments that will follow?

Keep refusing to interview or comment on dragons and their contractors

who know Murakan.

Judging from their great fear, this may have been caused only by the
discomfort of the Black Dragon Murakan...….

A thousand years ago, a dragon called the Lord of the Sky and made the
world panic.... What is Murakhan like?

The newsletters were plastered with information about Qin and Murakan,
especially Murakan.

'If the black knight had died.'

Naturally, it was most likely Murakhan's death.

The world's best Balkas Kran could not have joined the killing of a black
knight, saying the opportunity had come.

Murakan, why the hell?

Like countless newsletters, Joshua was not giving a clear answer.

'The youngest couldn't have told Sukho-ryong Murakan to kill the black

The youngest, 12 riders.

Joshua has always acknowledged Jean. Even when the other brothers
treated Jean as just a fearless baby, Joshua saw the shining talent and
potential of the youngest.
The youngest was certainly a distinguished figure.

Not just about swordsmanship or magic talent or contracts. So was the

monarch who led a group.

The virtues of the monarch must be countless, but one of the most
important things Joshua thinks is his affection for the ruling object.

'In that sense, the youngest doesn't kill the black knight just because he's my
person, not himself. Never!'

The youngest was also the one who loved Looncandel more than anyone

'I've heard from my mother, and I've been through it myself. The Black
Dragon Murakhan is very capricious and fierce. If Murakhan had killed the
Black Knight, it would have been an accident against Jin's will.'

That meant Jean was not in control of Murakan properly.

But Joshua soon concluded that was not the case. If Murakan was out of
control of Jin, there were too many moments when there was nothing
strange about having already caused a bigger accident.


A man with clean white hair and straight waist entered the room. It was
Howard, the first-class butler.

"You called, Lord."

"Howard, what do you think?"

Without explanation, Howard did not seem to be embarrassed when asked

out of the blue. He already knows what Joshua is worried about.

"There are two possible cases. Death, and escape, I think, whatever the
consequences may be, there's a betrayal in it.”
Betrayal, when the word came out, Joshua's eyes narrowed.

"Betrayal. He...the nanny of... the youngest child Gilly, it was his brother,
maybe. Before I became a black knight."

I remembered what the relationship between Gilly and McLoran was like.

"......and Gilly McLoran, I think he has a great hatred for MacLoran.”

"That's what I feel."

"The black knight reported exposing the use of chloro in the Black Star to
the youngest. Then the youngest would easily have guessed that the black
knight had something to do with McLoran."

The youngest betrayed the family and killed the black knight.

Howard was saying that. Unlike Joshua, he didn't think that the twelve-term
truly loved the family.

Since Gilly is superior to Jin's family, he killed the black knight to release
her resentment and to hurt Joshua.

'It's a pretty good situation, considering that the youngest cares about Gilly

But Joshua shook his head soon.

"I have a point, but I don't think the youngest will be that emotional.”

"Yes, Lord."

"Gilly's vengeance will probably solve it in a different way. So if it's related

to betrayal, it's rather the same case as Barton Viche."

"You mean the traitor."

"Yes. If the black knight who's not coming back was in the same situation
as Barton, I understand that the youngest killed him. You've killed a traitor
to your family.”

"Lord, but in that case, it means there's a problem with our solidarity. If it
turns out there's another traitor in the family...….”

Howard blurted out the back of the story.

Joshua was hoping it wasn't all that. If he was a traitor, it means he wasn't
even aware of it, unlike Barton.

When I met Howard, nothing was sorted out. in the midst of a feeling of
frustration as if wandering in the fog

Joshua suddenly realized what he had to do.

"The fact that the knight was involved in the Blackwangdan incident
anyway is a political fact that has yet to be disclosed to the public. Not only
for the general, but also for the enemy forces.”

The fact that there was a black knight was information that only the Black
Royal Army and Jin knew.

'And the youngest, who loves the family, you will never hand over the
information to the Zipple or any other force. Even if it could do me a great
deal of damage, you'd think of Looncandel's loss first.'

In other words, whether the knight betrayed or not. At least externally,

Looncandel and Joshua had nothing to lose.

"If only the twelve riders and the Black Kings shut their mouths, there will
be no further disclosure of information."

Of course they said so because they didn't know the existence of Zeppirin.

"It's indescribably painful to lose a black knight, but the family should
make the most of the practical use of this."

Howard bowed his head.

"Just say it."

"Write and distribute articles promoting the 12th flag. It was the argument
that the Black Kings were defeated by the Qin and went under it. The
feeling of being true, not rumors, should be strong. It would be unpleasant,
but the Balkas Kran won't be able to react recklessly. The fate of the Black
Kings is at stake it.”


"And distribute articles praising Murakan's authority. Spread the rumor that
the dragon of the dragon is guarding the Looncandel, and that the Jipple is
afraid of him."

This time, Howard couldn't help but ask.

"......are you sure you don't mind? Lord, it could be like putting wings on
the back of a 12-gear. Besides, what's so stimulating about the zipple?"

"A neutral force, one of the largest, swallowed by the youngest out of

Howard bowed his head again.

"It's been a few days since such nonsense happened, but Jipple hasn't been
making a proper statement. What do you think this means?”

Jipple is not meant to fight.

Joshua went on to say the last word.

"I'm afraid of my father, or I'm really afraid of Murakhan, as I have ever

been. Either way, Jipple gave up the Black Royal College. You've been
taken away by the eye, Looncandel."

Joshua was able to organize his response not to the Jipple, but to the case
where the Heukwangdan resists.
"Balcas Kran could be violently opposed. Why do you keep saying
nonsense when you never surrendered, and if you keep doing this, you'll
trust yourself with the Jipple."

It happened to be a question Howard wanted to ask.

"If Valcas comes out like that, it's enough to get rid of the Black Kings from
the world."


Howard, who realized the word a beat late, let out a sigh.

Already, Zipple has indicated that he does not intend to wage an all-out war
with Looncandel to win the Black Kingdom. In that situation, the Black
Kings are leaving their bodies to the Zipple? If we stand out in an all-out
war-fighting attitude, Jipple will never help the Black Kings."

"I'll do it right away."

"Yes, the detailed order shall be directed and executed by you yourself."

"Yes, Lord."

As Howard walked out of the room, Joshua leaned his back as if he were
buried in a chair. The sound of ash burning was especially loud when the
new cigarette was lit.

It's like putting wings on a 12-year-old...….

What Howard said was hovering in my head.

That was right. This will bring Jin's status back to life.

'However, anyway.'

Everything that Jin has, everything that he makes sense. It is bound to come
back to me in the end...….
Between the grey smoke that filled the air, Joshua had such conviction.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 454

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:08 AM

Chapter 454: Episode 130. New Year's, Rumor, Grand Construction (3)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


January 1, 1800.

The new year has dawned.

Tikan's family gathered at the Litra refreshment store to simply celebrate

each other's year.

The sound of children breaking cookies with their teeth was pleasantly
heard, and candles everywhere shed colorful colors.

What about the smell of baking bread and cookies? The magical smell of
Latri in the kitchen made my mouth water, regardless of whether I was an
adult or a child.

Indeed, the idyllic yet sophisticated scene of New Year's Day, the old dog
Poopy yawned and moved toward the children's side.

It was because on the tables near where Poopy had just sat, there were dark-
faced clumsiness men who were quite at odds with this warm atmosphere.
Bloodstained clothes haven't been changed yet, nor have they combed their
scattered hair.

All the way through, frowning, tapping his fingers on the table, expressing a
very, very upset mood.

It was the leader and senior officials of the Black Royal Army. The fact that
they didn't change clothes was a way of expressing their loyalty that they
were still fighting with Valcas, who were still in a coma.

The reason why they were not here on New Year's Day was that they could
not recover the collapsed Heukwangsanchae.

To be exact, they were robbed of the rights.

It was because of Looncandel.

In 1800, with the start of a new century, the star of the 12th Runkandel was
the first to shine.

The world's best mercenaries, the Black Kings! The reason why they were
incorporated under the banner of the 12th term.

Balkas Kran, the leader of the Black King, was found to have sworn
allegiance to the 12th rider in the Tikan Free City in strict secrecy...….

Of Looncandel, the black pearl of a non-sexual kingdom that no great

power could embrace.

Will the momentum continue this year, in 1799 when it was actually the
year of Jean Looncandel?

The War of the Twelve Horsemen and the Black Kings is one of the greatest
events of the previous century, and the winners are the Twelve Horsemen
and the Looncandel.

The Lord of Heaven, the Great Black Dragon! Murakhan, let the world roar
Dragon among dragons, ruler of the sky. The name that even Jipple fears!



The Black Kings breathed sighs and sighs at the newsletters on the table.

One letter, one letter. I couldn't understand why it was so full of unfair and
passionate content.

I wanted to visit Looncandel and question him. How funny you think we
are, and when are we going to get under the 12? Did you say that?

after a flood of articles

Looncandel sent articles and people to keep the Black Kingdom from
getting involved in the recovery of the Heukwangsanchae.

Although Looncandel claims to be a royal family, he is a royal family

member who takes the place of the "spirited black royal corps."

In fact, it meant that the Black Kings belonged to Looncandel now, so

follow our control. It is also an act of trying to clarify the membership of
the Heukwangdan in the eyes of the outside world once again.

I felt a fit of anger.

I don't understand why you lost your place in a moment, but these figures
and insults...…!



The sound of children breaking snacks and the sound of the Black Kings
clenching their teeth were contrasting.
It was as if he had drawn a line in the middle of the drawing paper and
painted a completely different picture on each side. The side where the
Tikan family is and the side where the Black Kings sit.

"Why don't you loosen up some expressions, friends?"

A man came over to the Black Kings' table from Tikan side and said, sitting

"The Lord has given us such a wonderful place, can we keep sitting with
such a worm-chewing face? Have you guys ever had this kind of cookie in
your mercenary life? It's my first time."

It was Rata Prochi, the ghost captain. He had come to greet Jean on New
Year's Day.

Rata's brother, Pay Prochi, also came next to him and helped him out.

"Yes, don't look so ugly when you've got kids. Because I want to rip it all

The Ghosts and the Black Kings did not get along very well. Rata, in
particular, has been considered the weakest of the three mercenaries, and
has always been waiting for a chance to reverse the story.

Now that Jin's heart and soul are not as strong as it used to be, he was
dumbfounded by the way the Heukwangdan is showing this attitude.


"Say something informally, my friend. Except for Lord Valkas, none of you
are above me. You're going to be eating in the future, so you have to be sure
of your rank, right?

"Hansotbap? Who's eating with you!"

When one of the officials shouted, there was an earful in Rata's eyes.
Then the officer flinched, and the captains gave strength to their eyes. Rata
burst into laughter as if she were tolerating it.

"I know how you feel, you guys. This isn't the time. Why can't you read the
story? When Lord Valkas wakes up, what judgment do you think he'll
make? You really think you're gonna say you're going to be a neutral force

There was a tense atmosphere between Rata and the Black Kings. As Rata
said, Balkas had not yet regained consciousness.

Shortly after the Black Royal Army incident, Qin took Balchas and Black
Knight and headed straight to the Holy Land.

Lani, king of the castle, has decided that no one else would be able to
decipher Zephyrin's poison without her.

For this time, Laney could not cure them completely by sheer divine power

She asked for about five hundred medicines needed for treatment, including
rare items that even Looncandel could obtain if classified as a first-class

Thanks to this, Jin and some colleagues had a hectic day even today, when
the New Year was bright. They explored remote areas around the world and
traveled to dangerous and unprotected areas to find medicinal materials.

The hardest of them were Rata, his ghostly band, and Kuzan.

Hana Rata had no intention of telling the members of the Black Kings, who
were suppressing her anger.

It was because I thought it was for the Lord, not for the Black Kings.

"......Sir Rata, do you really think our general manager will be under the
rank of twelve?"
"Yes. I don't want to admit it, but Lord Valkas is superior to me in every
way. force, situation, judgment, experience, etc Oh, I think I'm more of a
loser. I feel like I'm going to be bigger."

"A figure is better, though, brother."

Fei made a sickening gesture by saying so funnyly. Their brother and sister
were usually very friendly, but they didn't seem to consider each other
beautiful. However, it felt like a compliment to others because they were in
front of them.

"Anyway. Such Lord Valkas. What I saw, what I read? Now, being a force
of the main force is the best and the only option. The Black Kings will be
shunned by Looncandel and by Jipple for no reason. It could lead to

"It's a matter for you to decide after you wake up. It's none of your

"Okay, but they've been talking way too much...….”

"There, mercenaries. Are there only you guys here? Let's cut it short. If it's
funny, can I teach you a lesson?”

Liu and Hitten of the Seven Swords of the Vigung, who reside in Tikan
under the orders of Talaris. They were sitting on the side of the Tikan
family enjoying tea and cookies.

"Ha! What? Say it again. . . . .!”


At the moment when Rata and the Black Kingdom were angry, the door
opened and a voice was heard.

"Oh, what the heck! Why are there so many dreary guys from New Year's
Day? Huh? You bastards, fight? Did you guys fight? They're playing over
It was Murakhan. In the voice Rata and Pei immediately gave an example,
and the Black Kings turned their eyes in vain, coughing.

"I'm sorry."

"Quickantel, why didn't you say something to these things? They're going
to fight from New Year's Day, and they're going crazy."

"I let it go because I was afraid I'd kill it if I lost it.”

"Oh, yeah. Well done. Ratri, bring me some cookies. Hurry up. It smells
very good."

"I was wondering where you were going."

Next to Murakan was Rani, the black knight wrapped in a bandage and
carried on a stretcher, and the king of castle wearing a hood, just like
Balkas, who was bandaged and wrapped all over the body.

The knight was still unconscious.

When Laney took off her hood, a deep, sacred energy seemed to wrap up
the inside of the snack bar.

The mercenaries bowed unconsciously to the curious dignity.

Knowing that she was treating their bowels made me feel more nervous.

"See you King Seong!"

"Today I found my place as Tikan's friend. It's a burden, so please raise

your head quickly, mercenaries."

Laney then shrugged as she looked at Jean and Valcas.

"By the way, looking at the atmosphere, I think you're going to have a hard
time in the future, you two. Anyway, give me some cookies, too. We have
to go back to the New Year's ceremony after eating.”
She had made time to visit the Tikan in the recess of the ceremony. Then
when Laney naturally mingled with the Tikan family and exchanged words
of blessing, the Black Kings raised their voices.

"Dear Leader!"

"Are you all right!"

"It's all right, so don't make a fuss. And everyone, don't be so hard on
yourself and get on with it.”

The Black Kings bowed their heads in unison at the words of Valkas.

"Do you want me to talk, or will Lord Valkas speak?"

Jin said, looking at the figure.

Jean and Valcas had already finished discussing the future of the Black
Kings before coming to Tikan.

"Let me tell you. I think this is my last chance to speak to you as the
independent leader of the Heukwangdan."

At the words, the Black Kings opened their eyes wide, and Rata nodded as
if she knew it would.

The Black Kings did not know that Valcas would accept this forced choice.

Valcas knew exactly that it was the only way for the Black Kings to survive,
as Rata predicted.

"As of today, the Black Kings will serve the Lord the Twelve. This means
not just a captain with the meaning of following the order of the mercenary
world woven with money and money, but a lord of blood alliance bound by
faith and loyalty."

Rather than Rata's complete grip on the ghost band except for some of the
old, the Black Royal Army was giving Balkas a stronger trust.
The members soon gathered their heads and nodded, though his sudden
decision was embarrassing.

"Yes, sir!"

"And from now on. All the equipment in Heukwangsanchae will be moved
here to Tikan Free City. It's going to be the whole Tikan Free City being
renovated, so everyone stay alert and get ready to pick up their gear."

It was the moment when the Tikan maximum defense system was set.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 455

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:06 AM

Chapter 455: Episode 130. New Year's, Rumor, Grand Construction (4)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


From that day on, the great work immediately.

Jin and his colleagues had to spend their busy days properly greeting new
families, sharing New Year's blessings, and not having time to get to know
each other.

It was literally because construction began.


Kashmir stood beside the camp.

They were standing on a sailboat encircling the Tikan Free City and
watching the construction status.

With few outside personnel, the Black Kings moved and installed their own

The battle ships were also brought by the Black Kings.

Although the sanchae was their home, they also had a lot of equipment for
maritime warfare as they were mercenaries.

"Sir Kashmir."

Jean looked around Kashmir.

"Thanks to Confucius, this day is coming to Tikan. With the exception of

the big powers, there are few areas in the world that have Tikan-level

Casimir's expression was very touching and his moist eyes were impressive
as tears rolled down his eyes at any moment.

Suddenly, I remembered the thoughts I had before I first met Kashmir on

Jindo Island.

"When I was trying to build a base in Tikan, I thought what Lord Kashmir
needed most was the basis of national power after the city was promoted to
a state in the city was promoted to a state.'

Tikan has a small population and accordingly has few talent and no

As the land relies solely on the information power of the Seven Colors, it
could not escape the status of a small country before and after the return of
the Qin Dynasty and after the promotion of the country.

'So when I didn't know the dangers of a new mirror of colons, I thought I
should offer a deal to share the benefits.'

The mirror did not have to be used, but formed a level of defense after the
great forces.

Jindo, Kashmirado.

When we first met each other, we had such a great result that we never
When the construction was completed, Tikan was highly likely to be
promoted to a "state" beyond a "free city."

That was why Kashmir was so thrilled.

"As soon as the construction is finished, I would like to declare to the major
powers and nations that we have also become a nation."

Kashmir said, turning the emotion floating on his face into resolution.

"Yes, I thought so."

"And if you wish, you shall be crowned the first king of Tikan."

It was an unexpected suggestion.

It was also a proposal that he had no intention of accepting.

"Why the hell am I?"

"Because there's more to be achieved by the landscape."

It was all the more embarrassing because I felt that I meant it, not just to

"Isn't there any flagpole in Looncandel that serves as the king of some

"It only has symbolic meaning. In fact, the king does not perform his duties
directly, but only receives the crown for protection. It's not my favorite
form of protection."

"I know that. And that's not what I meant."

Jean shrugged and shook her head.

"No, Lord Kashmir. The king of the free world must be a lord. And I'm a
double-edged sword in Tikan."
"What a double-edged sword! I can't believe it. What makes you think so?”

Because I have seen, before the return, the people of Gyeonhuan turned
Tikan into a free country without anyone's help.

Jean didn't take the word out of her mouth, but made eye contact with

"You'll know. When Tikan declares that he has become a nation, the great
powers. Especially the fact that Looncandel and the imperial family will be
the least of them.

the four great powers

Luncandel, Zipple, Beemance, Kinselo.

Among them, Zipple and Kinselo were unlikely to put direct pressure on
Tikan even if he became a nation.

'While my father's here, Jipple won't mess with me, Looncandel. I can put
pressure on you, but.'

Although Zephyrn was aiming for Jean this time, Kinselo also fled with
considerable damage.

'At least you won't attack me until you recover. And Zephyrin's behavior at
Heukwangsanchae was so different from the way Kinselo had been dealing
with me. We cannot rule out the possibility that the act of attacking me in
the first place was his dogma.'

After the Black Wangdan incident, Qin and his colleagues had tentatively
concluded that Zephyrin was the demon dragon of "Kinselo leader."

I'm sure that's what Murakan said. There are few things that come to mind
right away, and I still don't know the name Zephyrin at all. An ancient horse
race that had never been active in the time of me and Murakhan, or a being
erased from history. It's either one of the two.

Erased from history...…?

It's not only about the old Looncandel that Jipple erased history. As you
know, there are a lot of people who have been erased from the heads of
dragons who have lived in those days.

Then maybe the leader was also involved in the fabrication of history. I
thought so when I saw the Linpa brothers saying that they had met the

Even if it's not, it could be a lost and forgotten existence in an ancient

struggle for hegemony. In any case, Zephyrin will recover slowly recover.
Such demons usually bring strength from a drink or equivalent, because the
leader was already in poor condition during the time of Geomhwangseong

Talk with Quikantel after the Black Kingdom crisis.

Although many suspicions and unresolved questions remain, one thing

Quikantel insisted for sure was that Zephyrin would be slow to recover
because it was for the leader.

There was this reason why Jipple and Kinselo decided that they would not
step forward in person even if Tikan's promotion to the country was

On the other hand, Looncandel and the imperial family had different stories.

"Runcandel will depend on what judgment your mother makes, but perhaps
he will set the tone for the family to benefit the most from the Tikan. You
may ask for a minimum payment and a maximum assignment. You can use
it as one of the strongholds of the Knights of the Guard."

Of course, I don't mean to be left alone, but Tikan itself could have been a
big burden.

"That's something I'm prepared for. And without Confucius, the pressure of
the great powers was inevitable. Moreover, the imperial family, perhaps
Confucius, has said that he recently rejected the emperor's offer and that he
intends to release evidence of biological experiments."
Kashmir followed with a bitter smile.

"The Tikan has been a thorn in the eyes of the Emperor for a long time.
Rather, Confucius is the reason why we can't do it carelessly. So Tikan's
national promotion......I think Confucius has the greatest virtue."

Kashmir didn't know.

Before Jean's return, Kashmir promoted Tikan to a free country without

anyone's help.

At that time, Tikan was still a small country, but Kashmir was called King
Seong and kept its own small grounds.

At least as Jean knows, no power has threatened Tikan.

That's why Jin felt sorry.

For himself Kashmir and Alisa have regained their Euria, and have become
more powerful than the weaker nations before their return.

That's how much more risk they have.

Can Tikan really enjoy a better situation than before he returned to war?'

It has often been an idea since Tikan's companions deepened in mind.

Is his return really only good for them, or maybe he's been forced to carry
more dangerous fate than necessary.….

Of course, no matter how much I agonized over it, I couldn't answer it.

Soon Kashmir nodded as if he knew all the feelings.

Of course he knew nothing of Jean's return, but he understood her troubles


Aside from the element of regression, having a deep relationship with a

special character named Jean Luncandel was a lot of risk in the first place.
From the moment I found Yuria, Qin to Kashmir and Alisa were always a

The same was true of other families.

From the moment Quikantel saved Enya, from the moment Jet accepted
himself and his son, from the moment Jin informed and collected the truth
of Taichung, from the moment Julian saved the brain dragon Caltor.

The recently joined ghost squads and the Black Kings were also owed the
lives of Pei and his members, respectively.

As such, all Tikan's members became family members after Jean gave them
a lot first.

A relationship that only counts profit and loss is beyond the old days.

"We are always ready to sacrifice for each other. Isn't it so? Confucius. So
don't think too much. Especially the double-edged sword-like expression is
very sad."

Jean smiled and nodded.

"But I can't be king."

"Then I'll just do it. In fact, it's not important who wears the crown among
us. I was just going to give it to Confucius if he wanted to."

"Oh...... wouldn't you mind if I did it?"

It was Jet who cut in like that.

Jet was sweating like mercenaries to carry luggage and install equipment.

He was swimming in the tension between the Black Royal Army and the
Ghosts with his unique four-year-old face, but was taking measures to keep
both people from feeling bad.
Therefore, colleagues thought that Jet would play an important role in
resolving the conflict between mercenaries.

It was just amazing that such a competent author was in the back alley in
his previous life.

"Are you serious? If you want to, well......I won't stop you. It's obvious what
the future will be like.”

"Hah, I'm kidding, Lord Kashmir. Actually, I just dropped by to tell you
something. I heard this while I was carrying my luggage through the hall....
Oh, there he is.”

A woman was waving to the side of Jet's eye.

It was Quikantel. As soon as I saw her, Jean and Kashmir could realize
what news Jet was trying to convey.

"Jin! He just regained consciousness. Come on in."

Quikantel described him as a black knight from the Heukwangsanchae.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 456

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:05 AM

Chapter 456: Episode 130. New Year, Rumor, Grand Construction (5)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I immediately took a walk to a temporarily arranged healing room in the

basement of the mansion.

It was no different from having a healing room underground. It was because

the poison of Zephyrin in the black knight's body contaminated the air.

When I opened the door leading to the basement, I could smell the acrid
smell. It was the smell that Kuzan smelled from the black knight because he
had spread the poison from the black knight.

"You're here, Confucius."

Kuzan said with a tired face. Next to it were the top healers sent by Laney
and the ghostly band of vultures collapsed exhausted.

It's been almost 15 days since the New Year began. Now that the knight has
just woken up, they have not been able to fall asleep properly.

"Jet, take the healers to the stable. And this month, increase the amount of
gold to the Holy Land fivefold."

Five times the usual figure accounts for more than 30 percent of the Sung
nation's annual budget, but there was no need to worry about money.
The bigger the issue about gin, the more things at the top of the gilt are sold
like hot cakes. Looking back on Lani's recent activities, it is not a waste to
give her 50 times as much as five times.

Shortly after the article that Runkandel the 12th rider had received the
Black King, the marchers at the top of the goldfish smelled money like a

The company has started selling products called "Heukryong Murakan

Limited Edition Cosmetics" in high-end and general-type models.

Even the golden snowflakes were deliberately limiting their sales volume to
increase the value of limited editions. Therefore, stores have been stretched
out in long lines of customers day after day, and limited editions have been
traded at prices dozens of times the cost on the black market.

Then those who could not get the limited edition flocked to other products.
Products such as air fresheners, soap, and indoor shoes with images of gin
and Murakan.

All that was selling like hot cakes, so money was pouring in like a

"Yay, sir!"

"Kuzan, you should go up and get some rest, too. You can take a couple of
days off somewhere quiet with Veris

"I'll go on vacation after the construction, Confucius."

"By the way, Kuzan is a workaholic too, hehe. Then let's have a quick drink
tonight. I'll ask my Lord Valkas and Lord Rata, too."

Kuzan, Jet and Healers escaped from the cellar.

a squeaking sound

When I opened the door, I saw a black knight sitting on the bed.
As I heard from Quikantel on the way, he hasn't kept himself well yet.
However, since the detoxification was over, only medicine, stability, and
time were needed.

"Black Knight."

As Jean approached him, the knight slowly raised his head.

He looked as if he had just awakened from a dream. Even the ten strong
bodies have been so strong that they have been through their bodies for 15
days that their spirits have not returned.

"No, you don't mind calling me Docs McLoran, do you?"

Dox MacLoran.

It was a name he found out while he fainted.

The exact personal information of the black knight could not be obtained
under the authority of a 12-year-old. Only when they are recognized as
fourth-term players or equivalent in rank can they access the personal
information of active black drivers.

But in order to find out the name of the Dox, this time there was no need to
ask anyone else in the family for information, as was the case with Barton.

It was because he was a member of Gilly's family.

"12 flag..."

Dox glanced around his lips. He looked for weapons reflexively, but his
arms and legs were pounding. It was a specially-made chain that was tied
up in case of emergency.

Jean freed the chains.

"I've never imagined that a black knight would be this defenseless. You
will, too."
Dox just stared at Jean without saying anything.

One thing was not to choose what to answer, but to clean up the poison left
in your body. It was also a time to recall past memories that I had not
looked back on since I just woke up.

What the hell is going on? God damn it, the black helmet looks like this.…!'

Zephyrin, until the moment I was ambushed by the strange mercenary, I

clearly remembered.

My body trembled again when I remembered the chilling sensation of a

sudden purple nail piercing through my body.

However, the situation afterwards was a chaotic memory like broken glass.

'I had lost consciousness immediately because of the poison I had never
experienced. The mercenary continued to attack me, and was unable to stop
it because of the poison. I thought he was dead.'

In fact, if it had not been for the Jin group, the Dox would have died neatly
when additional attacks followed after the raid.

'Then... ... suddenly a strange space was formed, and the twelve riders, the
Murakan, and the leader of the Black King, covered me in battle.'

Twelve jockeys saved me. Dox was able to reach such a conclusion without

So why the hell? Dawes later did not know how the battle between Jin's
party, the Black Royal Army and Zephyrin was carried out.

And if you're powerful enough to end yourself with a single blow, it's
absolutely difficult for a 12-time rider and a guardian to fight while
covering yourself.

Thus the 12-time rider should have deserted himself and fled. In particular,
the 12th-term player is in sharp conflict with the second-term runner, which
is all the more so.
"Beyond the confrontation with the second-term, did you think that was the
judgment for the family? If you've used the Black Royal Army as a shield,
it's possible, but...….'

The 12th rider risked his life to save himself, so to speak, for his family?
Even though it is an act of helping a second rider?

A sudden headache and a sudden headache seized the head by the Dox.

" ..."...!

"Don't try to force your venom away. I don't even think about torturing you
for information about the second rider or holding you prisoner, so relax."

Chin pulled the chair and sat in front of the Dox.

"Of course, you won't be able to open the black knight's mouth with torture,
and if you take him prisoner, Joshua won't save you."

"Did you, have you saved me?"

"Yes. Me, Murakhan, and the Black Kings fought the monster and guarded


"After the escape, King Seong himself treated you at my request."

Up to that point, it was a development that was difficult for the Dox to
imagine. No one in Looncandel doesn't know the relationship between Jean
and Laney.

But the next moment Jean said, Dox had no choice but to flinch with his
eyes wide open, wondering what a black knight's face was.

"But even Laney couldn't cure you completely. So we opened the eternity
warehouse and used one of the last numerus blood droplets left in the Holy
Coughing! Hahaha!

Dox was so perplexed that he almost coughed. It was the first time I had
coughed in this way since I became a black knight.

"You'd know best about yourself who was in that extreme poison. No matter
how great the Holy Spirit of King Seong is, it wasn't a cureable poison.
Even with the blood droplets of Numerus, you woke up almost 15 days

"Ha, like that."

"Do you think it's a lie?"

Jean said, making eye contact with the Dox.

Of course, it was a lie.

Numerus' blood had never been used. The Docks had been restored solely
to Laney's divine power and the power of the Holy Land.

But for the Dox, there was no doubt. As Jean said, it was not strange to
think that poison could not be cured unless it was just a drop of blood from
Numerus. I've never used it, and no one can tell me who saw what was

"Why on earth? I can thank you as a member of the family, but do you think
I'll swear allegiance to you for using such a new thing?”

It was a black knight. The black pitches weren't shallow enough to betray
the main army just because the opponent was a lifesaver.

Then Jean burst into a giggle. Jin didn't mean it for that either, but he
brought it up because it was a lie that would never hurt to just do it.

"Loyalty? Well, I didn't expect that to happen. Let's look at this and talk
about it."

Jean pounced on a bundle of newsletters.

These were the newsletters of Joshua's pens, with articles praising Qin and

'What the hell is this? They are definitely second-term journalists. You
mean the second rider ordered you to publish the article in this tone?
Besides, nowhere in the article is there a story about Zephyrin. It's full of
stories about the 12th Su and Sooho-ryong taking over the Black Kings.'

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was filled with things that I couldn't


But what these articles meant was clear.

It's not the result of a 12-year-old using me to trade with a 2-year-old. The
second rider thinks I'm dead. And even if you put wings on the 12th rider,
you've decided that this is the way for the family.'

Dox thought he knew Joshua better than anyone else.

It wasn't very wrong. After joining Joshua with the consent of the patriarch
and acting governor, he has always been served by his closest aides as a
black knight.

"You don't need me to explain why Joshua published these articles, do


"......I get it. Zephyrn ran away, and you stole the ball that brought down the
Black Kings. The second rider didn't know that, so he published this

"Exactly, but nothing will change if you tell Joshua the existence of
Zephyrin. And even if we go back, Joshua will no longer trust you."

That's what Jean thinks Joshua was.

Once out of his control, he doesn't trust again whatever the reason is.

The knight, who thought he was dead, returns and tells the story of a new
soldier in the Black Royal Army who blitzed him and the 12th rider saved

For Joshua, it's a setback in his calculations. He's already taken advantage
of the family's prestige and practicality at the risk of losing one black
knight. Most of all, trusting a black knight who was saved by me is

The loss of a black knight is indescribably painful, but the family should
make the most of its profit from this incident.

What Joshua said while talking to Howard.

Jean didn't hear it herself, but the calculations for Joshua were exactly right.

"... ...think as you please. What are you going to do with me now?"

"What do you expect? I'll send it back to Joshua. Whether he trusts you
again, or not. Because you won't betray Joshua anyway. Joshua and I are at
war of rank, but in a broad sense you are the most important force in the
family. That's why we used new products to save them."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I mean it. But before that, I need to get paid for saving your life.
Before you go to Joshua, as soon as your body recovers, try to carry out
only one of my orders."

Dox looked up at Jean.

Suddenly, I couldn't quickly figure out what the 12th rider was thinking.

"I'll let you know if you will carry out the order or not. But if you don't
answer...... After I have the family hegemony, it will be up to me no matter
how I look at you."

"You sound like you're going to be a patriarch.”

"You don't know about people, do you? What are you going to do? It's not a
difficult order, so it's nothing for the black knight's life."
For the Dox, there was no reason to refuse immediately.

If Jean changed her attitude after refusing, there was no answer.

It's not too late to decide whether or not the order should be carried out once
it has recovered and left here.

"Okay, take it. Tell me what the order is."

Jean grinned at the horse.

"Richalton, a city in southern Hufester province, as soon as it recovers,

head there. And get to the bottom of what's going on in Lycalton."


It was supposed to be Joshua's place to supply "human materials" for his

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 457

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:04 AM

Chapter 457: Episode 131. Those who have a good feeling, those who have
a bad feeling (1)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

At the end of January 1800. Still, Tikan Free City was busy moving and
installing equipment for the Heukwangsanchae.

At first, the guards Looncandel sent to Heukwangsanchae were a source of

pride and pride for the members of the Heukwangdan, but now the
members thought it was convenient.

They are holding out in the Visae Kingdom, so the flies can't get twisted.

Without Looncandel, the corresponding Tikan's forces should have taken its
place. It was quite a tiring role in the international situation, which was
trickling along with the sudden collapse of the Heukwangsanchae.

Most of all, the members were pleased with the change in the conductors of
the guardian knights stationed in the Visae Kingdom.

"Hmm, those guys. I'm sure you're looking like an innocent loser. Now that
you're here, everyone seems to have accepted your defeat calmly. No,
beyond that, you feel something satisfying, right?"

Mary bit the apple and said, The man standing next to him was, of course,
Dipus Looncandel.

They came here to prevent mishaps in which other riders and senior
members (although the atmosphere is almost folded to Jin) do not carefully
deal with "the youngest's trophies."

Sure enough.

When he first visited Korea, the knights of Joshua, who were stationed here,
were seen treating the members of the Black Kings.

The Black Kings endured the unpleasant manner so that the new Lord
would not be caught up in useless conflict, and only after Mary and Dipus
came could they do things pleasantly.

The two men held the banner of the guardian knights. And the act didn't just
stem from the thought of the youngest.

Stimulation, anxiety that something might happen to the family if someone

messes with the youngest.

Even Mary, who can be described as "crazy" in the fight, thinks that the
recent Looncandel needs to have a period of stability.

"Well, on the first day we were here to be umbrellas, they were all very
poisonous. Not gin, but second-tier bottoms.”

said Dipus, receiving an apology thrown by Mary.

For a while, siblings sat in trees, destroying dozens of apples and watching
the Black Kings working.

"If I'd known, I'd have tried a lot with the entire Black Royal Army. That's
too bad. I envy you! The youngest one."

It was more envious of Mary that she had made a decision with the Black
Kings than she had won the Black Kings.
"To be exact, the youngest didn't fight alone. Murakan, without him, these
results could never have come out."

"I don't know again. It has been revealed that Murakan's power is great, but
his pen pendants are strangely persistent in writing articles praising him.
Just as we're trying to completely rule out Qin's military and performance in
the Black Wangdan Incident."

"To praise Marmurakan too much, to keep Qin's strength from standing

"I think so. Second term, us, all the others in the family that day. You saw it
with your own eyes, didn't you? The day I declared my house, how
enormous he was."

Magum bigi business and Mingwanggurimgum,

It gave me goose bumps and shivers when I recalled Jin's half-washed

sword garden.

"At the time, he showed that kind of brute force right after he recovered his
severed arms. It's very unlikely that he was in his best condition. Maybe it
was close to the worst."

"Isn't that too far away? If you've made that mess in your worst condition,
it's already up to the youngest to go."

"But can't you imagine?”


"The sight of him alone smashing the black-and-white mountain vegetable.

With all those massive swords and Ming daggers...….”

Mary's mouth was watering as if she was thinking of delicious food.

Dipus shook his head with a limp but could not deny the words of his
beloved brother. It's something you can imagine, without difficulty.
It seemed like a strange idea that the figure who alone destroyed the garden
of the sword could not do anything about the Heuwangsanchae.

"If it's the result of Marmurakan's fight instead, would the Black Kings be
working as if they were so pleased? They look as if they've met the lord,
whom they can admit in their hearts and minds. To a little boy who believes
in the guardian dragon? That can't be true."

"It makes sense.”

"And after a few days of observation, the equipment in the

Heukwangsanchae. The important things are strangely fine. I don't think
that's just luck.”

" mean the youngest might have fought while controlling his
strength? To ensure that important trophies are not damaged?"


To be honest, it didn't make sense.

But a strange extent that... None of the most expensive and
hard-to-get equipment was damaged beyond recycling.

I don't know about siblings.

It was purely a realm of luck.

On the day of Zephyrin's rampage, her attack luckily missed all the best-
priced equipment of the Black Royal Army. Even the incessant landslide
failed to destroy the equipment.

Just by luck!

Mary's imagination was flying far away because of the exclusion of that
incomprehensible level of luck. Even the Dipus felt like, "No way, no way,"
"Ginga," "Minga," and so on.
In the midst of another silence between the brothers and sisters, the
members of the Black King's troupe were beating up the mountain range.


Dogak, Mary broke the last remaining apple heart with her teeth and
continued her back talk.

"We, we need to be a little strong. That's what my gut tells me.”


"To fight the youngest one.”

Whether it's fighting back or beside you.

To Dipus, it sounded as if Mary's voice had such a backbiting.

"I've always wanted to be strong without a reason, but I'm not so sure."

"My beloved brother and archrival, the mountain we must cross over to
each other! Ah. Isn't this nice? It's thrilling."

Strangely, I felt sad, but Deepus burst into a laugh.

"When I go back, I'll see what medicine I need for my sick head, and I
know what you mean."

Then Mary glistened her eyes, and Dipus went on like this.

"Do whatever you want for the time being. Do whatever you want, do
whatever you want to do whatever you want. I'll take care of the rest."

"As expected, my second brother is the only one who knows my heart!"

"Are you my brother only in this situation? When will you be human, you."

"No nonsense later. The great Looncandel's fourth rider won't say anything
in one bite. I'll be right there, so this place is supervised by my brother. My
duties will be done by my brother for a while."

"Uh, man. Hey, Mary! Hey!"

With no time for Dipus to catch, Mary was already frantically running down
the mountain range. The trees were breaking and dusting up in her sprint.

"Ha...... that's not going to cause an accident like it used to be, is it? Should
I have chosen more words?"

Suddenly a strong sense of uneasiness lurked through the back of the Dipus.


Dox McLoran still hasn't fully recovered.

But when it reached the stage of reclaiming the Claw and moving to its
usual level of 30 percent, the Docks immediately left the Tikan Free City.
leaving only these notes

(I won't forget that Numerus' blood, even its new property, has been saved
to save me. I admit, if it weren't for your hard work, I wouldn't have died in
vain and devoted the rest of my life to my family.

Nevertheless, you cannot carry out your orders as a black knight.

Instead, I will carry out your order as Dox McLoran. I'll send you a letter as
soon as I'm done, so please know I didn't break my promise and run away.)

To my surprise.

"To anyone," Dawson left Tikan undetected.

That meant that opposition was possible.

Joshua's black knights have not infiltrated the Tikan so far, not because of
their lack of ability, but because of the order of the poet.

He's not ungrateful. I didn't know you'd give me a present.'

Jean knew that by sneaking away, the Dox had made this a secret

"Sir Valcas."

"Speak, Lord."

"When all the equipment is moved, how much more can the Tikan's
boundaries be improved?"

"That depends on how much the state spends on its borders."

"Whether it's human or money. Please hold everything you need to the

"So was my heart. You saw exactly the message that the knight left. With
the less recovered black knight out like this, not to mention the perfect
black knight."

Valcas decided to support Jean as the main force, but on the other hand, he
was also a test for him whenever he had a chance. Before Qin and as the
head of a long and successful force. Jean was very pleased with Valcas'
selection of such a role.

"Yes, Lord. What's next?”

When power suddenly rises, the royal road for a leader to choose from is
the unity of power and order of rank.

Valcas hoped Jean would not give such a textbook answer.

"It's time to rally and rank."


"But that's not my job. No, to be exact, the existing Tikan members, except
me, will do their best to clean up the atmosphere, but it's up to them to
arrange the order. I'm not going to intervene."
"No intervention?"

"As a member of the family all of a sudden, isn't fighting inevitable. If I

intervene, I'll have no choice but to side with someone, so let the winner
and loser take their own ranks. However, killing or maiming each other is
prohibited. I'll cut my throat myself at least that."

Valcas had no choice but to clap his hands inward.

'Lata Prochi, it's not strange that the young crazy dog became a puppy.
More than a decade ago, a little boy called the Third Army the Little King,
is now a giant playing the Balcas and the Black Kings.'

Suddenly I remembered what Rata and Jet said at the drinking party last

Lord Valcas is perhaps rather lucky. I found his worth only after I lost my
most cherished subordinate to you, my only brother was captured, and my
quarrel was broken.

Well, thanks to you...... Hahaha, literally, I've had a hard time. When I was
playing Veradine Zipple, it was so plausible. When I first came to Tikan, I
was a total beggar. I lived in the kingdom of Arkin as a well-off zombie, but
I was able to become a valuable human being when I was involved with

On the other hand, didn't the Black Kingdom lose its reputation only? Even
that's almost all the important equipment left, and fame......I'm sure. When
the Lord ascends to the throne of the world, the Black Kings will have a
reputation that shines dozens of times more than they had before. Me, too,
so is his Jet.

Valcas smiled sizzlingly.

"Good answer, Lord. So, what's the Lord's job?”

Then Chin replied, "I didn't think about it for a moment."

"A substitute Amela."

That was the answer.

"We have to bring her in. If it's impossible, you have to make sure it's
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 458

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:02 AM

Chapter 458: Episode 131. Those with a good hunch, those with a bad
hunch (2)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Amela, the substitute soldier of the Gaifa Islands, was a very little known
person compared to his reputation as one of the top three mercenaries.

Everyone praised the obscurity, and every year, there were many feature
stories about Amela.

It is natural that Amela has carried out at least one request for war every
year, and always brings about "great" results.

But the information was not solid. Amela was safe to say that it was a
purely imaginative article, as few reporters had met in person or appeared in

Jin of his previous life also encountered a character named Amela only with
such articles.

Just once. Master, Valeria Heister once told a story about Amela.

Amela wears the skins of the people she killed? As I often feel, there are a
lot of strange articles about this person.

Isn't it because the reporters don't specifically sanction false reports?

That's true, but this is the fact that journalists write these articles about
themselves, and how they are implanting their image to the public. You
have no idea.

You have no idea?

Yes, they were seriously indifferent to what's going on in the world. From
what I see. And he was incredibly innocent.

......pure? It sounds like crap to me to wear human skin, but I'm sure you
have a tremendous war capability. But how can he be pure?

Being innocent doesn't necessarily mean anything good. Anyway, when

you're done with tea, let's go train.

It was a conversation we had one day in our previous lives, having

breakfast together and looking through the newsletters.

At that time, I didn't think Amela was important, so I didn't put much
meaning on her.

Innocent doesn't necessarily mean good.….'

Now that I think about it, it was obvious what that meant.

Amela is a person with a sparse concept of good and evil.

"Why do you think so?"

Valcas asked the last question. They want to hear why Amela should be
captured and checked.

"The fact that the Black Kings and the Ghosts have allied with me."

"It's not an alliance, it's a relationship between the Lord and His Majesty,
and you don't have to choose too many words for me or for Rata'

"Everyone in the world now knows that. In fact, I wanted to hide it until it
became stronger. Anyway, there are now two of the biggest neutral forces
left in the world. The substitute Amela, and the Vigung."

"Yes, sir."

"It's not yet known to the world that Sigung is an ally with me, but I'm sure
all the big powers have some idea."

"Well... ..the public will not only perceive it as an alliance, but as a

prospective family. The rumor of marriage between the lord and the palace
is so old.”

"There's only one Amela left, anyone. Even Amela can't help but feel
uncomfortable about me being recruited. I've been out of sorts lately, but
other forces may already be trying to contact Amela. If you're unlucky,
maybe you've already decided to belong somewhere.”

owing to the recent march of Qin The world has changed.

Watching the long-standing neutral forces belong to the 12th Runkandelian,

the tension between the big powers is getting tighter.

All those who lay in the gray area were making choices. Which side will I
stand on? Neutrals are disappearing from time to time.

"Maybe it's unlikely you've already belonged somewhere, Lord. He's such
an unpredictable character."

"Do you know well?"

"Maybe, by Amela's standards, he's pretty close. By common standards, we

ran into each other a few times on the battlefield and had a couple of meals

As both Amela and Valcas were famous mercenaries, they had been on the
same battlefield at different commissions.

I narrowed my forehead, recalling the moments that Valcas did.

"Do you know? Lord, Amela has no mercenary of her own."

"Yes, he's a soloist."

"But when I ran into Amela on the battlefield, I never won her."

"You mean there's such a gap between Kyung and Amela?"

"Not me and Amela, but the gap between the Heukwangdan and Amela."

Jean's eyes grew bigger.

"What the hell is that?".”

"I don't want to admit it, but at least Amela has the upper hand in fighting
with the entire Black Royal Army, including me. If it's a one-on-one duel,
not a war, it might be a different story, but I'm confident. That didn't give
you a chance to compete.”

Valcas made eye contact with Jean and continued his back talk.

"That means Amela must be made a lordly man. It's just a matter of
temporary fighting and being an obvious enemy because of different clients
are different. Personally, if you think you're going to be an enemy, I think
you should consider killing them."

Jean nodded at the determined voice.

"I see what you mean. It's a top priority to figure out what Amela wants. Do
you have any particular knowledge?"



"Amela has been wandering and exploring the world all her life. After the
battle, when we were having a meal together, I thought you were looking
for something with great eagerness.... he didn't tell me exactly what it was.”

If I find out what it is, I can easily make it my person.

Such a strong intuition struck my mind.

'I'm seriously not interested in what's going on in the world. Maybe that's
what the teacher described in her previous life because Amela was buried in
her own goal.'

He also needed to ask Valeria if she knew Amela. You could come with me.

"Anyway, we'll have to meet and talk.”

"Yes, Lord. And it might help to take the Prochi brothers and sisters."

"Rata and Pay?"

"When the three of us ran into each other on the battlefield before, Amela
seemed to think they were strangely cute. Rata seemed to hate it."

I couldn't imagine him as a person who thinks Rata is cute, but I didn't think
it would be bad to take him away.


"Then I'll go back to supervising the construction. If Amela comes out

cooperative, please say hello to me.”

As if he had waited when Valcas left, one man found Jean.

It was Gilly.


"Yes, Gilly."

Jin has been. No, to be exact, I've known recently that Gilly seems to want
to talk to him about something.

She was waiting for her luck when she had finished organizing her
'Dogs kept me on the edge of my seat.'

Even when McLoranga didn't greet him after becoming a jockey, he left
without saying anything (in fact, it feels like Jin received a message as a gift
to raise the alert level).

Gilly acted as if he had sinned.

"My brother..." No, I'm worried about what to do if the knight doesn't carry
out his orders."

"Why are you worried about Gilly?”

"He, my family."

Gilly, who paused, went on to say in an unconfident voice:

"The man of my family...It's...."

"The family doesn't mean anything to the black knight. And like I said last

Ts'ao managed to stifle his anger and stopped talking.

Naturally the anger was not directed at Gilly, but at McLoranga, who was
making Gilly smaller.

"I'm not going to have any special bad feelings for McLoran. Unless they
openly harm Gilly. So don't worry."

I couldn't control my progress on Gilly.

The horse was telling him not to worry, but Jin's eyes were so deep in flesh
that it would not be strange to exterminate McLoranga immediately.

Gilly couldn't raise his head in agony, and Jean noticed it a beat late.

It was always hard to know and practice that Gillie's mind should come
before anger.

But it was because Jean knew.

Because I remember clearly.

When he was banished from his previous life, and Gilly had the same fate...

McLoranga did not extend a helping hand to Gilly. With McLoran's

presence in Hufester, he could have helped Gilly as much as he could.

Of course it was impossible to help her become a warrior again, but at least
it could have prevented her from facing a lonely and miserable death.

That was why Jean was angry with MacLoran.

"Well, and the black knight has no choice but to give me meaningful
information whether he accepts the order or not. If you don't respond, we
can calculate that all active black drivers are involved in the Rikalton. If
you will, you will dig up Joshua's secret for me."

said Jean, controlling her anger once more.

"And Joshua will no longer trust the black knight, so he's more likely to end
up being mine one day. Unless Joshua kills me before I become a


"I'll save you."


"If you think Dox is going to be killed by Joshua, I'll save you. As I said,
he's not McLoran's warrior, but a black knight. Extremely sensitive family
power, he futilely no idea let die. That's why I saved it this time."
Jean shrugged as Gilly bowed.

"You know that Gilly has nothing to worry about, now. I'm leaving for the
Gaifa Islands straight away, so please get ready. I should go with a feeling
that Gilly takes care of me after a long time.”

"Okay, Master. We'll get ready soon."

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 459

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:01 AM

Chapter 459: Episode 131. Those who have a good hunch, those who have a
bad hunch.
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

When Gilly went out to prepare for Jin's trip, this time Murakan found his

He looked at Gilly on the way in and forced his face to turn his eyes (to
make her laugh), but she just greeted him and passed by.

"Well, today I see the response of the strawberry pie, it's 20 percent upset,
30 percent sadness and 50 percent bitterness. There's not a single inch of
error in this calculation, kid. Do you know that?"

"What nonsense, again?"

"Well, what do you know? You know how to make strawberry pie."

Blood gushed up my forehead.

"And the great Black Dragon knows how to throw a shabby chu-pa?"

"What kind of chupa is that?"

"With a mix of cheap jokes."

"You don't know how much strawberry pie laughs at that joke."

"Yes, I don't need that kind of joke. Gilly just smiles at my face."

"Ha! Look at you talking, you're a thousand-year-old contractor, nothing

very visible. I raised you wrong. I should have known since I threatened to
get rid of the Chunghwa house!"

"Really? Murakhan, you'd better see me better now. It's been a while since
I've been here with you, and I've been scratching my nerves."


"Because I can give you a cause."

Then Murakhan coughed, a typical vain cough.

"Cough, Cough, Cough, Big."

Jean burst out laughing.

"Go and you too, strawberry, no. Help Gilly."

That's exactly what the cause was.

Without this justification, if you tell Gilly that you will help him, only the
answer is that you don't have to worry about it.

On the other hand, if the cause was taken, natural collaboration was
possible, saying, "Oh, the master?"

" , good. Baby girl, kid. That sounds like a very good story to me. So
while your guy's gone looking for an amelage or a chamelage, I'm gonna
have a strawberry pie and a backlog of chores...….”

"I'm coming with you. And I've never been behind in my chores."

"Yes, I'm with......why, why?"

"You're a guardian dragon, aren't you?"

"No, that's so. Sometimes privacy is necessary."

"I'd love to keep up with your expectations, but I have to go with you this
time. It can be quite dangerous."

"I think it'll be fine unless someone like Zephyrn pops out. Don't you think
it's better to keep your Tikan safe?”

"There's no way Jaffirin can't come out again. And in the Gaifa Islands, we
need a moderate halo."

Murakan's forehead was twitching at the word halo.

"Hu-gwang? You mean you're going to use this body as a halo?"

"Yes. If you go to the Gaifa Islands, all four major powers will be gathered.
I'm sure there are big names.

"So I don't want to be lost among them, you say."

In fact, even without Murakan, Latta and Fei, Jin would never look funny to

Until just a year or two ago, many would have thought he was a 12th

Now Jean has risen to the ranks of the real giants.

Previously, he was a great newcomer who shook the world and caused a
stir, but after swallowing the Ghosts and the Black Kingdom, he became an
unquestionable giant.

So even without Murakan, his status would not be lost, but he felt that it
was a multi-tasking line.

In a small cage called the Gaifa Islands, the predators of the world gathered.
It means that even a small embers could cause a frantic fight, and at that
time, it was highly likely that Jin and Prochi alone would not be enough.
Enemies will have a lot of men under them.

"That's right. We need to be prepared for a rainy day."

"Well, I can make a scene."

"Well, then we're going? When you come back from Gilly, I'll have some
comments ready for you to use in the Gaifa Islands."

"A comment? What kind of comment?

"There is, such a thing."


The clear sea is calm, the warm winds blow through all seasons, the forests
full of sea view, the trees filled with covetous fruits, this place full of
nameless wild animals, the Gaifa Islands.

It was a really useless area.

The nearby sea is calm, but even a little out of the archipelago, terrible
currents and unidentified vortexes are unfolded, so there is no normal sea

The warm winds that blow every day are often not suitable for setting up
mobile gates, covering the island with dry sand and water drops.

The pretty-colored land produced only a meaningless level of resources to


Even those who sometimes come to settle down could not last long, as there
was an unknown endemic disease every year for many people to live in

It was a devil to focus on this worst condition. The Gaifa Islands were
unprotected. It is not enough to be classified as a high-risk area, but about a
couple of times a week, or so, orcs roam around the island.

Therefore, the Gaifa Islands could not be used as a tourist destination, as a

residential area, or as a shelter for the rich.

Sometimes, there were people who tried to invest in the island through all
these bad conditions or made personal space.

But even that has all disappeared since the substitute Amela settled on this
huge, useless archipelago more than thirty years ago.

Chalbang, Charrung...….

The oars were gently cutting through the misty sea.

It was Rata Prochi, who paddled alone all the way to the archipelago.

"There have been many rumors about the reason, Lord."

"Why have there been fewer people approaching the Gaifa Islands since
Amela came?"

"It was rumored that Amela hid something in the Kaifa Islands and killed
everyone who came. I hid my lover. Hidden the kidnapped children. You
know, things like that."

"Of course there must have been some talk about hiding the treasure.”

"Yes. So quite a few mercenaries and pirates came to visit the Gaifa Islands.
They were all one could ever see them again.”

If one or two people had disappeared, if the group had disappeared, I had no
choice but to say that Amela had done it.

"Sometimes, the lucky ones who came back from life were so enamoured
that they were terrified when Amela's only son came out."

The false rumor that Amela was covered in human skin or cannibalized
began with this very phenomenon.
"I can see one thing for sure. Amela hates guests coming to the

Outside the fog area, the Gaifa archipelago was revealed.


More guests gathered in the Gaifa archipelago than ever before.

Rata was sure. Amela won't meet the guests.

But if you meet him, it must be for war, not hospitality.

"By the way, Amela, um...... Sir Rata and Faye are rumored to be in favor."

"I don't care if Lord Valkas said so, so don't look at our feelings, Lord Qin."

Pei said. I had heard the same thing from Valcas before my departure. Then
she went on to say the last word.

"And good feelings...I don't know if I can say that... I think Lord Valcas said
that because he happened to eat together on the battlefield. On top of that,
she and I often saw Amela."

"What if it's not good?"

"It's hard to put into words. It seemed like we were toys and playmates. You
say the horse is bored, but your hands are wielding a knife."

"I'm ashamed of it, but I've once cut my forehead in a blitzkrieg."

at that point

While listening to the story about Amela, Jin was able to realize what the
strange sense of deja vu was.

To act that the boundaries between good and evil are vague, playful, and
can kill an opponent.
There was such a figure among Jin's loved ones.

'Yona's sister.'

From what I've heard so far, Amela has a lot of similarities with Jonah.

And one word that naturally comes to mind.


'Maybe Amelado, like Sister Jonah, may have Chaos in her.'

Of course, it may just be the owner of a twisted personality, but other

circumstances worked out well, too.

This was also the case when he overwhelmed the entire Black Royal Army
with his short stature in the war.

Valcas is not Amela's owner of transcendental impunity beyond the late

tenth star. He said that he has special abilities.

Amela has been wandering and exploring the world all her life. After the
battle, when we were having a meal together, I thought you were looking
for something with great eagerness.... he didn't tell me exactly what it was.

I recalled what Valcas had said.

A sharp intuition flew in from all directions and seemed to stab me in the

'What Amela is looking for is something about Chaos.'

The source, reason, or method of controlling or eliminating the chaos one


'If that's what Amela is looking for, what can I give her?'

Jean didn't know very much about the information called Chaos. It's almost
everything Talaris told me not too long ago.
On the other hand, how much do the enemies know?

The imperial family, for some reason, seemed to have more information
than they did. Especially, the leader of the Kinselo is presumed to be a
drinking party.

'If Amela's goal is really information about Chaos. I'm in a very

disadvantageous position. I think I was the last to arrive at the archipelago
in the first place.'

As soon as I thought about it.

A familiar scene came in the eyes of Jin and his party. Black smoke and
flames began to soar from the middle of the Gaifa archipelago.

Needless to say, it was an act that meant a battle had taken place. And it was
developing so quickly that it could be seen.


"What should I do?”

When Rata and Fei asked, Jean immediately reached a conclusion.

If there was only one giant power that visited the Gaifa Islands, he would
have run right away.

Because it's a fight between Amela and the giant.

But not now.

It could have been a battle of great forces, a battle of amelas, or a battle of

amelas and some great powers.

And they all want Amela.

Unless the four major powers joined forces to decide to take Amela, Amela
was in fact the safest under any circumstances. Anyone will try to save her.
"Let's go in slower. And if possible, let's hide in the right place and see how
they're hitting."
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 460

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:58:00 AM

Chapter 460: Episode 131. Those with a good hunch, those with bad hunch
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Tied a ship on a reef and climbed to the island.

"It looks like the guards were standing a little while ago. Um...... the stride
smells like special leases."

said Rata, looking at the footprints taken nearby.

"Special lease? Can you recognize it just by looking at the footprints?"

"It's some kind of hunch and experience, Lord. Because of the nature of my
job, I often got involved with them. There's a strange pattern that's hard to

"To the extent that my brother would say this, it would certainly be a special

"These aren't animals, they recognize everything. Don't you, kid?"

It was amazing to see Prochi siblings so convinced by their footprints. It

was an ability that he didn't have. It's a story when it was revealed that there
really was a special unit.
Looking closely, the battle was not just in the center of the island. Smoke
and flames were rising from all over the large and small islands that were
clustered in a row.

For example, local wars were breaking out everywhere.

The gap between the islands was close enough to move enough by
swimming or taking off. We decided to go around the archipelago to look at
the war situation.


Every time I moved, I heard a shriek somewhere.

The sunny weather, the beautiful islands that harbor unspoiled nature, and
the elements that were not in keeping with the warm wind were growing.

The party was forced to feel a strange sense of separation.

"Hey, kid."


"These screams, isn't something strange?”

Jean nodded.

"It's like a scream of terror from an untrained commoner.”

"That's what I hear, Lord."

It was too loud to be called the screams of islanders or other ordinary

people. It contains the unique energy of an unmanned vehicle with at least
six stars.

Of course, just because you are well-trained and familiar with war doesn't
mean you should scream nicely.
However, those who visited the Gaifa Islands today are members of the four
major powers. It also brought all four major powers to the realization that
they could be at odds with each other.

At a minimum, they should be made up of people who are considered elite.

It was hard to understand why such people screamed in fear.

The newly arrived island was shaped like a low hill. As I reached the top
thanks to the relatively high altitude, I could see the island in front of me at
a glance.

And the group was able to face a shocking scene that they had never
imagined before.



It was as if a group of people were running wild, screaming like animals

running away in fear.

"Huh, what is it. What's the situation?"

"The imperial family..." ...the army, Mr. Murakhan."

The runners were imperial elite soldiers.

Even the flags symbolizing the Beacon Imperial House were torn and laid
in a mess on the floor. The Imperial Army was running on it.

Why are the imperial elite soldiers so damaged? There was nothing visible
at the moment.

But it was only a few seconds away seconds. What is driving the Imperial
Army crazy?

"Lord, this is probably...….”

"You didn't fight anyone else."

The imperial elite, whom the party was watching were fighting among
themselves. with no skill or gesture so sloppy as to be considered a elite

It's as if you're possessed by something, and you can't see anything. They
screamed incessantly and wielded their weapons.

Puck! Squirt! Uh-oh......! For a while the party lay face down on a rock and
watched how they acted.

And lost in thought. What the hell is going on in the archipelago?

"There's no smell left to be called hallucinogenic. This much of a

fascinating hallucinogen is bound to have a strong scent."

"It's not even a drug."

said the Prochi brothers and sisters.

While they were figuring out the smell, Jean was checking to see if they had
any traces of mana. It was because it could be the result of dark magic or
spiritual magic that Jean did not know. There's even a zipple here.

However, there was no sign of mana anywhere on the small island, where
the Imperial Army was painting a scene of chaos.

It's neither medicine nor magic. Otherwise, I wondered what trick could
make the Imperial Army this way.

He turned and turned his eyes to other islands. Heavy drinking, flames, and
black smoke were seen.

'The footprints Lord Rata said were not those of the imperial elite, but of the
special forces. And unlike them, the footprints remained a constant step. So
the special rentals were on guard and began to move after finding out that
there was something wrong with the Imperial Army.'
A hypothesis quickly came to mind.

What makes people crazy is unknown, but it doesn't work for people above
a certain level.

“Let's go.”

It was not a difficult hypothesis to confirm. We can only compare the other
islands where the battle is taking place.

On the next island we found, we saw the wizards of the Jipple fighting
among themselves.



They are attacking each other like the Imperial Army, but the situation was
incomparably bad.

"Well, that's a little disgusting."

Murakhan frowned.

The wizards of the Jipple were fighting not with magic, but with their cane
and bare hands.

While the Imperial Army usually kills each other at one stroke because they
have the strength of a warrior even though they are out of their minds, the
wizards need a disastrous process to kill each other without magic.

"It's clear that this isn't what Zipple did. Let's find the next island. The
Kinselo guys would have come."

It was especially easy to find the island where Kinselo was located.

From the island right in front of it came the sound of an animal barking. It
was the sound of the water in Kinselo.
It was the Red Lakes who were fighting on the island.

Kinselo was also not the main culprit of the incident, as the numbers of
people scratched and bit each other and made their eyes open.

"When was it, about 1,500 years ago? Was it before that? It felt like this
when Heluram spread a strange plague. Everyone's completely gone."

"It's unlikely that the witch was involved, right?”

"I don't think there is. Helluram's plague started with a curse, so these
snake-eyed friends should have been affected. If there's Helluram here, it's
just you and me who can be completely free from that curse, kid."

I looked around a few more islands that smelled of battle. It was similar to
the islands we saw earlier.

If there was one other thing, it was the fact that on some islands, each
power was intertwined and fighting.

There were places where the imperial elite army and the Red Tiger fought
together, and there were also islands where the Red Tiger and the Jipple, or
the three of them, gathered together to fight.

Crazy people were just showing a habit of attacking everything in sight.

The only reason we were fighting on the first three islands was because they
were stationed there.

The hypothesis was right.

Jean could now be almost certain.

"Looks like it's seven stars, BoA. It's probably Amela's fault with a high

The eyes of the party gathered as Chin spoke.

"What are you talking about, kid?"

"I don't know exactly what drives people crazy, but the standard is seven
stars. From 7 stars, you can be unaffected or resistive.”

The Imperial Household Expeditionary Force was not a knight, but a group
that selected only the best of its soldiers. Therefore, except for the
commander, all the members were made up of less than six stars.

The same was true of the wizards that killed each other. They were not
white nights or ghosts or first-groups of each tower, but wizards of less than
six stars.

The Red Tiger was also under six stars, with no commander in sight.

There were no corpses of commanders over six provinces in all the islands
where the 3 powers were fighting. It means the commanders took refuge
after the trouble. That's how Lord Rata spoke of the special lease."

The reason why we concluded that it was seven is because all of them are
estimated to be less than six.

The biggest reason was this.

"And I don't see the crazy Looncandel."

Looncandel does not send a six-star guardian to the Hufester external

mission. In other words, all the guardian knights who came here consisted
of at least seven members.

With all three forces in the vicinity, Looncandel would have built a
campsite nearby. But not a single person is seen, which means they all
escaped safely.

First of all, I had to find commanders of other forces and islands where
Looncandel is located.


"I'd rather just fly."

The reason why he used the uncomfortable boat to get here was no

The Gaifa archipelago is Amela's residence, and the party came to recruit
her. However, it was judged that flying over other people's territory was a
huge discourtesy.

It was also meant to differentiate itself, as large powers would have brought
troops to show off their power anyway.


The Murakhan fluttered its wings as it turned into its true self. As they
climbed up to the sky, they could look down at the Gaifa archipelago at a

Immediately in the middle of the archipelago, the largest island stood out.
The place was black as if the whole island had been eaten up by molds.

At first glance, it looked similar to Young-gi, but it felt much thicker and

Anyone could intuit that the main culprit driving people crazy was the

And the "uncrazy" of each force had settled all over the great black energy.

They were sweating to stop the black energy from proliferating, and soon
the party was able to see the shape of the energy change like clay.

Stretch, wriggle!

What the hell is that? Humans?

What the black energy that covered the island formed was a form of a
human being.
Smaller than Zeppirin, but much larger than Murakhan.

And the figure, strangely, resembled a human being whom Jean loathed
quite a bit.


The moment Jin remembered his name, the black figure that had just been
made opened his mouth.

[You guys, you've been bugging me too much.]

Immediately after that, the black figure breathed in as if to exhale like a

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 461

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:58 AM

Chapter 461: Episode 131. Those with a good hunch, those with a bad
hunch (5).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

'But the voice is not for Bubar.'

It was not a voice that gave a narrow impression of being stuck in a lump of
oil unique to Bubar and a nervous tone that matched it.

It was a clear but low voice of a woman.

'It wasn't Margiela's voice either. Then who is it?'

Anyone else in Kinselo? Or, Amela?

At the moment of doubt, a huge, murky sphere gathered into the mouth of

Despite the sudden form of Bubar and Breath, the people of the big powers
were unfazed and unfazed. As some types of mental attacks do not work, it
is to remain calm even when it comes to first-time experiences.


Bubar's breath expanded rapidly, creating a powerful noise as if it were

about to explode.
At a rough estimate, I could expect a tremendous amount of energy to be

Just before they burst out of breath, the shields of the giant forces flashed
out. The first place the shot reached was the place where the people of
Looncandel were seated.


The man at the head of the Looncandel camp gave a loud shout.

It seemed that he cut his breath in half only by the shout. It was because the
breath was broken before the sound could be echoed, but in reality the
man's sword was struck.

He used the sword and shield as the main armament, peculiar to the
Looncandelian, and was spewing enormous energy every time he wrote

'In Looncandel, V was here.'

Vigo Looncandel, the fourth son of Zion and the sixth ruler of the family.
Behind him were the guardian knights and two executive knights.

'I thought Joshua was coming in person, but is he doing something else?'

As Amela was almost the only remaining major neutral force, Jin had
expected the top riders of the family to come.

Between the first and fourth riders, for example, one of the top riders will

V is certainly not lacking, but since the issue is an issue, the enemy must
have sent someone who can match the rank of Runkandel.

Turning his eyes to the Jipple camp, however, Chin was able to realize that
they, too, did not have a top rider.

Midor Elner...…?'
His face was first identified. The breath of the Looncandel was sharply
dampened toward the Jipple, so other people were covered, but no one
seemed to have a higher position.

The illegitimate child of Kellyak Zipple, who came to save Muron Zipple
during the Colon Aboriginal Massacre. He was in debt.

At the time, Kellyak's powerful "space explosion" almost ended the Colon.


The day came to mind, and my teeth split reflexively.

One thing was very difficult, but as a result, Midor was rather a help to
Jean. That's how Kellyak learned that space can be 'knocked' by him.

We also looked at the power of the Kinselo and the imperial family.

Except for the giant-shape Bubar, Kinselo also saw none of the officials
Jean knew.

The royal family covered their faces, but it seemed to consist only of
special forces and their own guards.

Even if the Highlands were unable to participate in the war due to recent
terrorism and political pressure, only the crew members should have come,
at least the heads of the country's top families or equivalent.

Of course, the members of each of the forces in the Gaifa archipelago now
were those who could wield power anywhere in the world.

However, there was a clear sense that the four major powers would not be
able to come to the position of representative.

[Hey, kid. Didn't you say you'd need my halo?]

said Murakan.
Now Bubar's breath was headed toward the imperial court after hitting
Kinselo, who even snorted at the sight.

[Sighs. What kind of toy spinning doll is that? I've never seen you throw up
your breath like that before. It's funny how you get weaker every time you
bump into something. Anyway, I think there are only those guys who don't
need my halo. It's a bit of a bad luck, but honestly, you're better than them,
aren't you?]

"It's an insult in itself to compare with the state."

You're a snake's eye at first, and you're pretty good at Abu.]

"Thank you, Mr. Murakhan. But, I think...... I think the people who were
supposed to be here are somewhere else.”

Jean nodded at Rata's words.

He was making the same judgment.

'There are other cases, much larger than Amela, that I don't know...…!'

Otherwise, there is no way that only V Go figures are gathered here right

There was nothing that came to mind quickly, what other cases had to be
won even by giving up Amela.

I felt like I was hit hard in the back of my head.

[Huh? Where are the guys in here?]

"There's something more important than Amela. At the moment, I can't

even guess what it is."

[So that's a blow?] What did you even start here in the Gaifa Islands?]

Meanwhile, the giant Bubar was gathering breath again.

"You can't necessarily the case."


"Now that the lower weight competitors are here, we can clear this place up
as quickly as possible and go where they are."

[Until then, if no one else has won something more important than Amela.]

"That's the realm of luck. But we haven't been bad lately, have we? Luck."

When you first breathe, and even now when you're preparing for a new
breath. The giant Bubar moved in a very slow motion.

Nevertheless, each group was unable to respond quickly to the actions of

the giant Bubar.

He also failed to make a proper. The fighters shot the sword in place, and
the sorcerers used long-range attack magic, but most of them were less
powerful than their level.

Most of the time, they are not able to perform well because something has
been interrupted them. Among them, especially those who were
outstanding, such as Vgo and the executive engineer, were protecting those
who were not.

Even the forces have yet to recognize Murakan and his party in the sky.

Dust clouds have risen like crazy due to the collision of murky energy,
breath, and protective membranes, and outstanding people are busy
defending their guards.

"Except for the state, a small number of people, everyone is moving like
they're poisoned by neurology."

"It must have been caused by that growing black energy. Like the ones on
the island we saw earlier, under seven stars are completely insane.”

Rata and Fei said.

"Sir Rata, do you still think it's not poison or hallucinogens?"

"Yes, Lord. Earlier, we judged that there was no residual scent, but given
the size and color, there was a smell that poison must give off. These
colored poisonous plants are limited."

Murakhan was turning black and lowering the altitude of his flight.

The losing party is still unexposed to other forces.

He judged that it was better to hide his presence as long as possible.

But as the tableware spread around the giant Bubar, something began to
change for the Prochi brothers and sisters.



Rata and Fei suddenly grabbed their heads. He even took off his hand
holding the scales on Murakan's back and groaned as if it was painful.

It seemed to be useless to wear a protective shield just in case it approached

the tableware.

"Sir Rata!"? Faye?"

Jean caught the two men who almost fell.

Although it was only a few seconds after getting close to the tableware, the
Prochi brothers and sisters were sweating like rain with their faces turning

"Get a hold of yourself!"

[Hey, hey. What's wrong with you guys all of a sudden?]]

"Murakan! Let's get out of the!"

Whick! Fit!

Something sharp brushed Jean's coat collar.

The front of the collar was cut a little because Jean reacted and avoided it
hurriedly. Originally, it was a fingernail that flew for the neck.

Fey's fingernails.

Jin's eyes, which have grown so big, showed Pei's skin color changing.

Her skin, which had changed before she knew it, was a color that resembled
that of the giant Bubar's tableware.

And one last time, Pei shook his head with all his might.

It's not my will, it was my act to convey the word, and that's the last thing I
want to do. Faye was completely out of reason.


The moment Faye attacked again, Jean punched her to faint.

Although the sense of jaw turning was conveyed by the squeaky fist, Fey
continued to attack as if he had not been hit.

And next to him, Rata was trembling, bending over. He couldn't keep hold
of Murakan's back scales.

He is struggling to resist the tableware that is polluting his mind to the last
minute. As Rata's achievement was higher than Pei's, he seemed to resist a
little more.

But it seemed like a thread that might break off at any time.

" "... state, state...…!”

"Sir Rata!"
"Something, my head!"

At that moment, Murakan rose and escaped the table.

[Ha! Star. What is it? Kid, do you think they're coming to your senses?]

At the same time, Rata and Fei's eyes and skin color continued to return to
their original colors, but the brothers and sisters breathed as if the shock
were lingering.

'That tableware, what are you? Why does it only affect Sir Rata and Faye?
He also completely ignored the shield.'

It wasn't poison, as the Prochi brothers said. Because the Manchurian in my

body is not responding at all.

But the tableware was showing almost akin to poison, or to indescribably

powerful drugs or hallucinogens.

Members of the big powers were also struggling with the tableware, so they
were not particularly responsive to the Prochi brothers and sisters. Even the
best in each force are not "completely" free from table tennis.

In other words, Jin and Murakan are the only ones not affected by the
tableware in the Gaifa Islands.

'It affects everyone in the world, but it can't hurt me and Murakhan.'

There was a word that flashed across my mind.


It was accurate.

The tableware covering the whole island was the energy of the curse. That
was why only Jean and Murakhan, the contractors and black dragons of
Soldert, were unaffected.
'I am the most advantageous of all forces, even if I flee Lord Rata and Faye,
and move alone. In this situation.'

So when I was about to tell Murakan to fly to another island.

[Oh, what is it!] All of a sudden.]

Suddenly, the tableware was stretching out like a tentacle from Bubar.
Murakhan avoided the tableware without difficulty.

The Rata brothers and sisters jumped into the tableware as if possessed by a

Then the tentacle-like tableware turned into a cradle, and he was sucked
inside, covering his brother and sister.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 462

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:57 AM

Chapter 462: Episode 131. Those with a good hunch, those with bad hunch
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

It was so fast that I couldn't hold onto it.

"Murakan, let's go!"

The descent has begun again. Leaning his wings narrowly down, Murakan
made a nervous sound.

[Bad, what's so fast?]]

The remark was made by looking at the cradle of the tableware wrapped
around the Prochi brothers and sisters.

The cot is much faster than the Murakan, which is going down at full
speed...he was running away, leaving a strange trajectory to be described
as... disorderly.

The cradle, which was one, was divided into two separate siblings, and then
merged into one and repeated the spin.

The view on the tableware turned blurry, making the cradle look even more
[Oh my, my babies. How much you've missed me, you've come here, huh?]

In addition, another woman's voice was heard. It was not the mouth of the
giant boulevard formed outside, but the voice that spread from the inner

Now Jean and Murakhan could be sure that the voice's owner was Amela.

She also thought she wouldn't kill Rata and Fey right away.

What if it's not good?

It's hard to put into words. It seemed like we were toys and playmates. He
says he's bored, but his hands are wielding a knife.

It's a shame, but I once got my forehead cut in a surprise attack.

Like the conversation that the party had while entering the archipelago, like
the part where Amela is talking about "my babies."

To Amela, the Prochi brothers and sisters were lovely toys. unable to let it
break easily

[Good night, boys.]

Amela was even singing a lullaby.

I felt like I was in someone's playful dream because of the loud cradle and
the lullaby of Amela echoing with table tennis.


Murakan slowed down. The cradle was no longer visible in the eyes of Qin
and Murakhan.

[Amela sounds like a pretty heady guy, too. I think that's how all the things
we're seeing these days. Zephyrn, so is that asshole.]
Instead of the cradle, I could see a thicker, black mass of tableware. The
cradle went into it and disappeared.

[What's he doing?] [Little one.

Are you going to pursue beyond that darkness or seek other means? There
was no need to worry.

"The effect of the tableware is a curse. Well, we're immune anyway, and
seeing the giant Bubar exhale, he seems to have physical destructive power,
but it's not too much to handle it. Follow me, but."


"Until we have direct communication with Amela, let us defend or evade,

even if there is an attack. Without a counterattack."

[What a piece of shit!

"Do you remember what Amela said as soon as she arrived at the central

[You guys, you've been bugging me too much.]

It was definitely the voice of Amela, though spoken by the giant Bubar.

[Why is that?]

"I don't know exactly what happened with Amela when the four major
powers came here before me. But Amela described it as annoying enough to
kill them all."

It wasn't just words.

Luncandel seems to have not yet been killed, but Jipple, Kinselo and
Beacon have already suffered irreversible levels of damage.

The reason why the four major powers gathered here in the first place is to
recruit Amela.
However, the four major powers who visited the archipelago were not in a
strange situation even if they made a life-or-death decision with her, let
alone Posub.

If the expression "tired" came from an ordinary human being, he would

have thought there would be other intentions, but the person who is
believed to be imbued with "confusion."

Amela seemed willing to lose to the four great powers and to the fullest
enemies for such trivial reasons. Compared to Jonah.

"They're already out there, and we don't have to provoke Amela and be a
nuisance, do we?”

When Jean explained and said this, Murakan sighed.

[Ha! I can't believe this Murakan has to be beaten up. It's miserable and

"And, Lord Valkas and Lord Rata have not heard of this."

Such a story meant Amela's way of fighting.

The three largest mercenaries and the world's best substitute recognized
even by Balcas as one-man capability.

Valcas and Rata have encountered Amela several times on the battlefield,
and in particular, Valcas said she was better at war than the entire Black

There was no indication that Amela used curses or such unheard-of


"There was only an expression that the use of technology and various war
equipment was unsurpassed, and that strategic tactics were insane. He also
said he was moving alone, but he planted so many traps and equipment all
over the battlefield that he couldn't understand."

[Hmm, that's true. So Amela was hiding her abilities?]

"If you've hidden that much and you've crushed the Black Kings alone in
the war, it means Amela is actually close to Changseong. I don't think so. I
think some sort of reason might have changed Amela."


"If the chaos of Bubar Gaston and Amela met and any amplification was
made. And it's working in Amela's favor over Bubar.”

It was a judgment based on intuition, but it was not without any grounds.

The giant boulevard formed outside was almost certain to be controlled by

Amela. It is unlikely that Amela would have made Bubar with a tableware
for no particular reason.

Bubar's tableware, so to speak.

We have no choice but to use his figure because it controls the power of
chaos that Bubar has.

Jean was soon able to reach such a conjecture.

[Hmm, it's like a leap, it's like a plausible one.]

"It's likely that Chaos is the reason Amela is particularly interested and
likable to Prochi siblings."

[Snake eyes are different from your sister or Amela, aren't they?]

"Different. But their father is the Smarion Prochi. He's a monster who's
been eaten upholstery. Maybe his Chaos is a little bit buried in the Prochi
brothers and sisters, and Amela is feeling good for it.”

[Then what about Boovar?] Why are you so kind to the Prochi brothers and
sisters and doing that to Bubar?]

"I don't know that. Everything we've said so far is a guess anyway. Well,
but......but Bubar seems to be a bit of averse to be honest. I wonder if I need
a different reason to hate him."
[Oh, my head hurts. Whatever it is, I'll have to meet you in person to find
out what your hypothesis is. Let's go. Without striking back.]

Quaia, cock! Kugugung...…!

The distant rumbling from the outside was getting more and more intense.
The intensity of the battle between the giant forces and Amela is increasing.

When I focused my mind for a while, there was a sound of general-level

figures shouting evil.

"Based on your chauffeurs, conduct a defensive check-up......! I'll open the


"You've got the captain, back off! The tableware is crowding!"

"Follow the supreme warriors and the royals, and all the red-hands showing
their backs will be killed!"

"Don't miss the fire of the Tower! If you get out of the fire, you'll be eroded
by the tableware...…!”

Despite the considerable distance, their voices were heard quite clearly. Just
as Amela decided to listen for a moment to examine their reactions.

[Hey, let's kill all our cuties. That would be good, wouldn't it, pretty girls?]

Amela, who said so, was convinced.

He thinks he will win, let alone lose, even though he is dealing with all four
major forces.

'Just by hearing the voices of the people outside, it seems that Amela's side
is overwhelmed.'

That's why Jean could be even more certain. For some reason, Amela has
much stronger power than usual.
Although not all the top riders were sent by each force, there were really
only a few people in the world who could overwhelm this kind of person

Even considering the Gaifa archipelago is her home base, it is absolutely

impossible to compare it to the explanations of Valcas and Rata.

Murakhan's black wings were cutting the table air without a sound.

As the cradle entered the missing lump of tableware, the full darkness
unfolded beyond the cloudy one. The darkness did not fade even if the
flame formed on the palm of the hand.

He kept moving forward with open mind and full of nerves.

It was a milestone in the distant singing and humming from the inside, and
the pleasant whisper of words.

[Lulu, you're an older brother, you're a younger brother. I am the Devil!]

It was as if a child who was absorbed in puppet play was talking to himself.
I got goosebumps, but on the other hand, I felt strangely sorry for Jonah.

The hum of Amela was getting closer. And as it got closer, the darkness of
the tableware slowly lifted away.

It was because there was a shining space in the distance. Jean and
Murakhan were naturally able to realize that the shining space was the core
of the tableware that covered the whole island.

Amela sat in the middle.

She was wearing a camouflage suit commonly used by mercenaries. But the
camouflage, made of grass and branches, was woven in such a large way
that it could not be compared to ordinary objects.

So Amela was dressed.Rather than the flag, it seemed to be buried in a

round bush, covering its whole body.
Two hands peeping out of the camouflage were fiddling with something
like a small wooden doll.

It was a total of three wooden dolls, and Jean immediately recognized what
each of them meant.

They were Prochi brothers and sisters and Bubar.

Actual figures responding to each doll were floating in front of Amela and
moving along with her hand.

'But... ..but Bubar is like a soul, and there is no substance.'

While the Prochi brothers and sisters were just the way they were, Bubar
was shaped like a shining soul.

And Bubar's dolls fell far away from the Prochi brothers and sisters and
punched each other (which seemed to be the behavior of the giant Bubar)
and the Prochi brothers and sisters had tea or conversation.

Murakan turned into a human and set foot on the ground with Jin. Then
came Amela, who turned her head in dismay.

She had no idea that Murakan and Jean had come all the way here.

[......ha? What is it? What are you guys? You've come all this way. How are
you alive?]

said Amela, blushing her eyes. He tilted his head as if he didn't understand.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 463

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:55 AM

Chapter 463: Episode 131. People with good senses, people with bad senses
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

See it!

As soon as Amela finished speaking, something like a blade popped out

from the back of the clumped table. Jin and Murakan are not difficult to
avoid, as expected.

'I knew you'd look like Jonah, but you're a little bit more crazy than I

The blades of the tableware were embedded in the place where Qin and
Murakhan stood. Just by looking at the way the ground was cut like water,
we could see that the attack was not just a threat.

Murakan tried to fight back reflexively and gained strength. It was because
Jin's words, "Let's only defend and avoid until we communicate with
Amela," came to mind.

'Oh, man! It's annoying to just avoid.'

Less than five seconds later, more than a hundred blades fell for Qin and
And Amela was just sitting in place, controlling the process with only a
wink and a small gesture.

'It's like a god of this space.'

Jean thought, hitting a blade of a tabletop that flew right in front of her
nose. Fragments of the blade broken in the fist flew back toward the camp
without falling to the floor.

It was something that could not be done by magic. It would have been a
power of chaos, a movement that would only be possible with a special
kind of power.

[Hmph] [Hmph] That's fast. Let's see where we can keep avoiding it!]

The number of blades formed in the air began to increase rapidly. More than
twice as many blades as they seem were pressing Jean and Murakhan from
all sides.

Even he avoided it all or broke it with his bare hands, and Amela rolled her
foot once and vented her anger.

The entire space then vibrated unsteadily as if it were about to collapse, and
the blades multiplied once again to about 500.


It is impossible to avoid and remove all the blades of the same number even
if it is Jin, so I took out the sign.

[Hen, look, you can't just stand the heat, can you?]

"I took it out to defend it, so hang in there a little longer."

Shiaaaah! More than five hundred blades fired in unison covered the
appearance of Jinsun and Murakan.

But at the next moment, Qin mixed the Ming-gum Jeolgi Falls with a plain-
style thunderbolt and broke all the blades of the tableware.
When Jin and Murah Khan first entered this space, they broke the tableware
so easily. Amela had no choice but to panic.

How come they're not affected? Why aren't you crazy?'

She was not yet aware that Jean was a contractor for Solderlet.

To be exact, they didn't even know that the men in front of them were Jean
Looncandel and Black Dragon Murakan, and they didn't even know what
kind of ripples they were causing in the world recently.

Amela was, so to speak, really not interested in the way of the world. Just
as Valeria expressed in her previous life.

"Army Amela, I am Jean Luncandel, the twelve-time Looncandel of


[Man of Looncandel?]]


[But I can't spare you.]

Jipple, Kinselo, and imperial soldiers, who had already been cursed outside
and killed each other, were going over a thousand units. Amela wouldn't
have done it in the first place if she cared about the future.

"You were no further than the rumor.”

As soon as he answered, the shape of the swords that had been floating in
the air began to muffle and change.

The tableware, which quickly became a new form, now looked like a gun,
not a blade.


All the artillery pieces, which could only be seen in large-scale wars, fought
the Qin and the Murakans.
Furberbung! Poof... Pawbuck...…!

Unlike the Nansha, the ordinary gun, the gun made up of tableware did not
need to change. At Amela's will, bullets are constantly formed and fired.

I couldn't see the guns knocking on the shield. It seemed that to pierce these
guns without Bradamante's spirit armor, one would have to use a throw-in
machine, a power-fusion, or equivalent.

'For that to happen, Sir Rata and Fay could be in danger.'

Bubariah, you feel like you have only soul without substance, and you don't
have to worry about it, even if you suffer damage. It was unclear whether
Amela would protect the lovely toys even in the extreme.

"I wanted to solve the problem with the Ming sword even if I had to
overpower it.'

the spirit of life

The reason why Jin first took out his signature instead of Bradamante was
his habit (to expose his opponent's weapon of spirit as little as possible), but
it was also because of his experience.

I lose my reason when I see Young-ki. You don't have to be sorry because I
didn't explain it. Hey, I thought the youngest would hide that power from
me at least until he became a jockey...….

When she was a backup jockey, Jonah, facing Jin's spirit, almost killed her
beloved youngest brother on the spot.

There's no way Amela would react the same way as Jonah, but there's
nothing wrong with being careful. Jean came here to be her ally.

At this point, however, Jin had no choice. I've never thought that dialogue
would be so impossible.

The shelling stopped for a moment.

It didn't stop because Amela was tired. That was why Jin and Murakan were
trying to make sure they were finished.

[Fast of it, persistent!] If you show me this much effort, shouldn't you die?]

Of course, the two stood in perfect shape. Even though the protective film
was seriously damaged than the worn mop, it was poured down.

Jean and Amela's eyes met.

"You look too comfortable to say you've tried. You're not even breathing.”

While Qin and Murakhan used energy as much as they had formed a
protective shield, Amela's tableware had not been consumed at all after so
many artillery were poured out.

[That's right. My power here is limitless. So why don't we not relax and just
finish it? I'll tell you in advance, that strange cramming sword can't hurt

Suddenly, a dagger was formed in the grasp of Amela.

'That's interesting. Can anything be formed with a tabletop? Besides, here.

As I expected, it seems clear that something special has temporarily given
Amela transcendental powers.'

And Amela cut off my left wrist with a dagger without even thinking for a

But the wrists that had sprained outside the bush clothes spread smoke-like
tableware from the affected area instead of blood, and immediately
appeared to form anew.

"You're tough, Lord Amela."

Murakhan shook his head as if dumbfounded.

"That kind of super-renewal is my specialty, but now even humans are. Hey,
hey. Did you say Amela? You're going to believe that and you're going
through it's true."

You're the ones who die anyway. I just want to give you a chance to die
comfortably. I wish I could stop interrupting my precious time with my

"I've got as much examples as I can, Amela. So let me ask you one last
question. Have any of the people in the Gaifa Islands decided to join hands
with you?"

Outside, the figure of the giant Bubar, still controlled by Amela, and the
four major powers continue to fight, but they asked deliberately.

Judging from his personality, it was no wonder that the alliance did not stop
the attack, saying, "We should accept a price that bothered us."

[What's the point of knowing that?]]

"I also came here to recruit you, just like those outside. I hear you're
wandering around the world, exploring, looking for something. I think it
has something to do with this murky energy, Chaos."

[You know Chaos?]]

"I don't know."

[You can't be friends with me then.]

Jean's gaze turned to the soul of Bubar, who was hammering hard into the
air and exhaling.

"Then you became friends with Boubar Gaston?"

asked in a quiet tone, as if asking a child. Jin thought Bubar was obsessed
with Kinselo a little while ago.

Unlike the Prochi brothers and sisters, however, given that Bubar has only
soul-like things, it occurred to me that it might not be.
'Kinselo probably has a lot more information about Chaos than I do. That
soul-like Boubar may also be a form of chaos or a piece of his sculpture,
and that may have amplified Amela's power.'

Amela nodded with a slight pause.

[Such...] It's like.]

He seemed to be reluctantly positive. I had no choice but to be friends

because of the information about Chaos, but in fact, I don't want to be close
to him.

Jean's eyes chilled at the answer.

"For example, you belong to Kinselo.”

I'm not sure about that...... Wait, why should I be being interrogated by you
like this? You just have to kill him!]

"I'll kill you....I was asking to judge that, too, substitute Amela."

The gag, the gag, the gag...…!

There was a sudden crack in the ground on which the camp was taking. As
he lifted up his spirits, the air sank heavily in an instantaneously.

And the shining blade of Bradamante escaped the sword.

In the first place, Qin did not visit this land on the condition that Amela
would be "possessed unconditionally."

We have to bring her in. If it's impossible, you should make sure you check

As I said to Valcas, she was also mindful of being an enemy.

Check, it was intended to be determined by the power or ability of Amela.

For example, whether to kill her, save her, stop at the vanguard of the
enemy, or not keep her in check.

Of course, this ability was the first.

In the future, if the day comes when Looncandel will have an all-out war
with Kinselo, then the Amela of that time will come to the battlefield with a
force as close to infinity as it is now.

How many Looncandels will die then? In order to avoid such a future,
Amela was a must-kill.

"I have not been welcomed to visit your land, but I have no feeling. Even if
you refused my offer with more courtesy, my choice would not have
changed if you would be my enemy's friend. I don't think you should have
any hatred."


Bradamante was black with spirit.

At that moment Amela had no choice but to be frightened with her eyes
wide open.

'Yeo...... Young-ki?! So, you're not saying he's Soldert's...…!'

The gun has already begun to fire, responding quickly to Jean's movements.

But Qin, protected himself in his spirit armor, was wielding a bradamante at
Amela, going straight through the fire.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 464

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:54 AM

Chapter 464: Episode 131. People with good senses, people with bad senses
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The black swordsmen with spirit were shot at Amela, cutting through the
dense fire.

It was a sword that flew in every direction.

There was also a strong and strong flesh in Jin's eyeglasses, which glistened
through the torn saturation.

In other words, I meant it.

Jean is determined to kill Amela.

As if to become a dark and poisonous lump, Amela's vivid flesh made her
spine cool.


As they blinked at each other, Jean and Amela were competing against each
other in arms.

Bradamante and the cannon balls formed by tableware collided, causing an

unpleasant frictional sound.
'For now, I don't think you're losing your mind when you're young like
Jonah's sister. Is it because the type and size of Chaos are different? Or is
there something else?'

I don't know for sure why, but it wasn't important for an immediate fight.

Rather, it would have been more comfortable if he had lost his reason.

I wouldn't have shown all my skills.

I tried to take off the blade that touched Posein and swing it again, but Jean
felt something hard grasping Bradamante.

It was a thorn.

Out of nowhere the thorns that covered the foreshadow like a hedgehog
clasped together and held on to Bradamante.

There was a gap for a while because I had to tear it off by force.

Amela, of course, did not miss it and set off a bomb on Jean's head.

A bomb made in a flash by a table.

My eardrums were bursting at the roar.

However, Multa's rune and armor prevented any real damage.

In the meantime, Murakan tried to take care of Rata and Fay, but suddenly
felt something strange and dangerous under his feet while running, so he
quickly pulled himself out.

If he had pulled out a moment later, he would have suffered a considerable

level of injury.

An explosion was also taking place in the place where Murakan left.

"Ha, me. That's bizarre. What kind of bomb goes off under the ground?"
Murakan kicked his tongue, looking at the round ground.

This kind of attack was a form commensurate with what was told
beforehand by Valcas.

There were ways only Amela used.

Bombs from beneath feet, arrows fired over time, various traps and strange

Originally, it would take a lot of time and preparation in advance, but

infinite tableware was filling it.

Weapons and traps were constantly being formed everywhere, following her

artillery and bombs, huge guillotine, thorn nets, serial crosshairs, etc.

Maybe if it was someone else, not the Jin and Murakan duo.

If it had been another unmanned or wizard less than 10 stars, it would have
been helpless.

It was the same even if the entire Knights and Wizards came.

But it was too bad even if it was bad.

Cursors do not work at all, so she cannot make a gap, and the firearms and
weapons she handles are suitable for mass murder, but they are not suitable
to break down the walls of the super-class unmanned and wizards.

Of course.

Because of the infinite power of table tennis, it didn't matter whether it was
Sangseong or not.

It was Amela's victory if the fight continues until either side dies.

Because the opponent will get tired someday.


Bradamante sharply drew a diagonal line.

Despite the pouring gunfire and working traps, Jean was continuing to
narrow her distance from Amela, holding out with evasive and spiritual

'Your response to my attack is no match for the top-notch knights I know.'

When fighting with each other completely exposed and without even prior
preparation, without infinite strength, Amela could never defeat Jean.

'If it's not infinite strength and superplay, it's not a very difficult opponent.'

What Jean believed was the flame of Tess.

When you cut the hell gate of Muron, when you cut the subspace of
Zephyrin. Chunghwa has proved itself.

If this core-like space on the table is the source of unlimited power for
Amela, it can be solved no differently.

Even if the whole island is destroyed if the pressure cannot be resolved.

Or even if the whole archipelago is wiped off the map.

Jean was determined to make a decision with Amela.

There was only one strange thing.

'But why are you fighting so stupid?'

Fight stupidly, the reason why Jean expressed it was no different.

It was because Amela continued to "escape or prevent" the attack of Jin.

It's as if you don't have super-renewable power.

To give flesh to take a bone.

With the level of super-renewal power Amela had just shown, the maxim
could be applied at every moment.

Intentionally allowing an attack, creating a gap, letting one's opponent off

guard, or often attempting to self-destruct.

If he had super-renewable powers, Jean would naturally fight that way.

Not like Amela, with her teeth clenched, hurriedly avoiding the black blade.

Is it just because I hate the pain itself, regardless of the initial regeneration?

To think so, it is not explained that the left wrist was cut off by itself and
proved to be a supernova.

'No way.'

In Muleta's rune, Jean's eyes narrowed.

Sneaking to Murakhan, the tableware continued to form bombs and shields.

Murakan was not piercing because he was afraid his brother and sister
would get hurt, but black spirits stood out between the tableware.

And I could feel that the breath of Amela changed slightly every time she
showed her vigor.

with difficulty in suppressing fear

I can't fool you can't fool you.

Fear was a weakness that could not be fooled or hidden against a character
like Jin, who was a poor warrior.

"The wound that was perpetrated seems irreparable, Ser Amela."

Amela's eyes swelled in the bush hood.

'How did you know that?'

I almost answered out loud, but I couldn't do it the next moment because I
was gasping for breath.

Bradamante, who was fiercely beaten, brushed his shoulder and passed by.


A chunk of camouflage on the shoulder fell and the fallen leaves and
branches were broken.

There was a clear, red drop of blood splashed through it.

Amela did not respond properly to the stabbing.

Still, it was quick for the camouflage to be fixed by the table, but Jean did
not miss the moment before the leaves and branches were formed.

'The shoulders were not regenerated.'

It was definitely not natural for the camouflage to regenerate before the

So Jean could be sure.

Young-gi can cover up Chaos, at least some of Amela's Chaos abilities.

"I guess it's true that the talkative man has become quiet.”


A flaming flame was coiled over the spirit surrounding the blade.

"I'll let you go, not too painful."

Young-ki and Chun-hwa were getting thicker and thicker.

Amela had to feel this intuition as she looked at the edge of the sword
aimed at her without a flutter.

'At this rate, I'm definitely going to die!'

She has been involved in numerous battles.

substitute soldiers, incarnation of the battlefield, nightmare of the Gaifa

Archipelago, etc. The titles that followed Amela were representing what life
he had lived.

There were breathtakingly fierce wars, and comfortable battlefields like


She enjoyed the war, but never once had she felt as intense a death threat as
she is now.

As with many titles, the names that Amela obtained did not represent the
reverse at all.

For example, after so many wars, she did not care much about the world,
and she did not even know the name Jean Looncandel, who heated the
world the most during those years.


Amela has listened only to the voice of Chaos spreading within her life.

Chaos kept her from permeating universal life, and from paying attention to
others and the outside world.

The Prochi siblings are an exception because they have a "smell of chaos."

No one told her what loneliness was in the life and death of the battlefield,
and it was also very hard to meet someone strong enough to teach and guide
her on the battlefield.

Even if they encounter each other, such ties will never be formed in a place
where they use evil to kill each other.
The power of Chaos obscured the numerous feelings she deserved.

Amela, for example, was a child left alone in her own world.

The power of Chaos naturally made her a substitute, but she was not much
different from the beast.

'Scared......! I don't want to die!'

Someone would laugh at Amela thinking she wants to live.

Amela has killed countless people on the battlefield, and has rarely kept
those who bother her alive.

But is it the will of a poor baby who was abandoned in a well as soon as he
was born or the will of chaos?

One thing for sure was that no one had ever led Amela.

Young-ki and Chun-hwa were now not rising out of saturation, but rather
being huge, pushing out the fire altogether.

"Little! I got the eyes of the snake, now let's take it easy and crush it!"

While Amela was terrified and lost her concentration, Murakhan was able
to recover the Prochi brothers.

There was no need to control the force anymore.

"With a sword like this, it would be the last thing you have ever built."

Blue flames and spirits spread everywhere quickly to Qin.

Soon Jean became a dark blue Chunghwa itself.

Sarah Looncandel's Magum Biggie, Uphwa.

Jean looked down at Amela with burning eyes like a judge.

Chunghwa was illuminating her face hidden by the bush hood.

Amela had an incredibly young face of the same age as Valcas.

For some reason, I felt uneasy.

It's been a long time since I got used to the world where I had to die and

'I wish it had been a good relationship.'

As soon as he was about to clear his thoughts and wield his sword to
develop his up-hwa.

[Ha, surrender!]

Suddenly Amela stretched out her hands recklessly, and waved and shouted

[Submission!] I'm sorry, please stop...…!]

Amela even sat down and shook her head like crazy.


At the moment of Amela's unexpected behavior, 50,000 thoughts struck my


'Is it a trap to escape the situation, or is it true? Even if it's the latter, is it
right to let him live? Amela's already decided to join the Kinselo.'

If he forced the already half-expanded business, he could fall into a serious

internal trauma.

But Jean made a decision.

Let's save him for now.

However, they could not stop the operation.


The dark blue bradamante fell toward Amela, and Qin clenched his teeth
and called out the name of the guardian dragon.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 465

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:52 AM

Chapter 465: Episode 131. Those with a good hunch, those with a bad
hunch (9)
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

I managed to twist the sword.

If he hadn't changed his orbit, the blade would have burned down Amela at
once. I was relieved that Amela had been saved, but worried that Murakhan
would be able to handle the business.

"Oh, my God!"

Indeed, Murakan was the guardian dragon of Jin. He understood exactly

what Jean wanted even though it was all she called her name.


Murakan threw himself toward Amela and quickly turned into his real self.

[I got the eyes of a snake, and now I'm telling you to take this, too!


First, he swung his front foot and hit Amela to the back of the Prochi
brothers and sisters. The body bouncing like a ball and breaking a bone, but
it was quickly regenerated.
If it had reached the industrialization, it would not have been able to

The moment she fell between the Prochi siblings, she instinctively realized
she could survive.

Surrender, please stop.

It was no different why Amela said so to Jean.


He said, "You can't survive by moving your body in fear or trying to block
it. If you ask for help like this, I think Jin will reach out his hand out his

Her hunch was exactly right.

[Crazy Arcade!]

And Murakhan had no choice but to tighten his lower abdomen and shout

It was because Young-gi and Chung-hwa were spreading like tidal waves on
the Bradamante. Now Murakhan had to take charge of Jin's up-and-down
on behalf of Amela.

The dark blue energy colored the core of the tableware, the space where
they stood at once.

The tableware, which was twisting around, was receding at a rapid pace, as
the insects in contact with the light hid themselves somewhere.

That meant that Murakhan's business to be blocked was huge.

Murakan's amber eyes were blackened with spirit. Darker spirits formed a
shroud than dark blue upflowers in the current highest level of spiritual
liberation that Murakan can spread.
Unhwa tore the curtain so easily.

However, when the curtain was torn, it immediately opened up and blocked
the flow of business.

[Ai, stop, please!]

Each time the curtain was torn apart, the fire of the upshoe was getting
closer and closer to Murakan.

The rope is burning.

After quite a long time, Murakan was thinking of those five letters. No
matter how great you are, you're past your prime, and if you're not fully
recovered, you're going to get it right.….

A limp, a bow, has been bent. When I thought that I could be bullied by
Missha under the pretense of treatment if I had no luck or recuperation due
to at least serious injury, I struggled until the tip of my toenail.

Maybe you can have a happy and enjoyable time with a light or moderate
injury, and with the care of a strawberry pie. Maybe I'm worrying too much
about the little guy's fire?

As soon as I thought so, the more fierce business turned sour. I was
dumbfounded with laughter.

It can't be. Without all your might, it could have been a blot on the history
of the great Black Dragon Murakan.

(Murakan the Black Dragon, struck by the sword of his guardian

object...)...was he the vanquished king of heaven a thousand years ago?)

(Kellyak Zipple's Hwryong Kadoon's testimony, 'He's actually weak,' and

the truth?)

(Gin Looncandel, as the contractor of Solderlet, severely punished Sooho-

ryong, who was negligent, as if he were Looncandel himself, and took the
order of hierarchy.)
(The twelve flagpole that toppled the guardian dragon on a single sword.
Who is defending who? The world's countless guardian dragons, including
the Black Dragon Murakan, should be alert...….)

At a moment, I remembered a future in which such ridiculous articles

soaked the world in my head.

A life that has been reigning as a defeated king for more than 3,000 years,
such a stigma could not be left. I'd rather die, I didn't want to live so

Young-ki's tent was now unable to keep out the fire. Fireballs poured
through the torn tents, and Murakan had no choice but to take it away,
protecting himself with spirit.

I tore my throat and screamed. As soon as the fireball touched the scales,
terrible pain seemed to stab and scratch all over the brain like an awl.


The black and heavy body was shaking to push out the fireball. The
clenched teeth were also unsteady, and I felt a stream of cold sweat flowing
under the scales.

The crumpled face was all the more grotesquely distorted by exertion.

I was convinced that it would be over if I took a step backwards at least

once. Although she would never die, Amela would be ashes with no bones


Jean called Murakhan once again out of concern.

[Don't talk to me!] I can't concentrate!]

"Uh, I'm sorry!"

The energy used for industrialization was gradually being restored to the
extent that deep internal injuries were not coming.

However, since the technology itself is so enormous and has been unfolded
with all its might, it was no different from tilting the already poured glass
again. A few drops can be sorted out, but most have already slipped out.

'Cock! A man worth this much, amelaine or something, grass...'... Now,

hold on. What are you talking about?'


From deep down in the chest came a disturbing sound that seemed to break

It was near the heart. And Murakhan was not the first to hear this.

"Shi, the heart...…!'

A similar sound was made when the heart was broken by Themeer. Scales
were on the edge of the assault anxiety.

But it was strange.

If there is a crack in the heart, the strength should be weakened rapidly, but
rather, the feeling of spring is coming.

Like a spring that never dries up, or as if an oil field burst in the middle of
the desert!

The power that was running close to stopping the fire was surging from the
heart. The excitement and fullness of the spirit that rises from the heart and
spreads all over the body, makes my back ache.

Is that old power?...are they coming back? The strength of your body

Broken near the heart was the work of his sister, Missha, whom he so
In the past, when Murakan was treated, Missha had put some kind of
safeguard in his heart. To prevent him from using too much force to his
once-injured heart when the operation was successful.

At that time, Missha felt that the safety zone was 40%. It was judged that
using more than 40 percent of the old power could ruin the heart that began
to recover.

And just now, Murakhan has released one safety device heading for 50
percent. without one's knowledge

It was in the same vein that some of the "silbab" was removed when
compared to recovering human wounds.

Also, the safety device was released not because Murakan felt so much of a
crisis and forced to use force, but because his heart had already recovered
as much as Missha had expected.

The 10 per cent difference is by no means small. Like a wall between ten
and nine stars, like a sky.

Haha, hahaha!

Suddenly Murakan burst into a roar of laughter.

The tableware, which had already been withdrawn from the fire, was
removed, and the core they were standing at, cracked like glass, finding the
original color of the Gaifa archipelago.

So to speak, all sides are open and the sky is open.

The image of the giant Bubar, which stood tall in the middle of the central
island and threatened the four major powers, is about to disappear.

In the first place, the giant Bubar had almost stopped moving since Amela
was dealing with Jean, but now she is about to disappear.

And the laughter that vibrates the whole island horribly.

The four major powers, struggling outside, were surprised as if their hearts
were pounding.

"This sound!"

"It is the voice of the Six Horsemen, the guardian of the family, Murakan!"

"You don't tell me, the youngest...…!”

The knights of Vigo and Looncandel opened their eyes wide.

"The Black Dragon Murakan? Jean Looncandel was here, too!"

"Captain, among the imperial wizards, contractors have told us to avoid

black dragons if we encounter them on duty!"

"During the Black Kingdom, even the flamingos and the blue dragons of
Jipple ran away in fear...…!”

The Beaumont crew freaked out, too.

"Wow, Wang Ho! Oh, I can't stand up because my mouth is numb!"

"You stupid red-hailing bastards, don't you wake up? Wang-hos! I'm sure
our Baengnangs care about this...... Oh, what if even your big-name men are

"You, too, will be rich, I'm sure, floating, shivering. Well, if you get close to
that's......! Daughter-in-law, it smells like the Ming Dynasty! You have to

The Kinselo's numbers, especially the Red-Ho, immediately appeared to

panic and panic violently.

Unlike the Baengnangs, the Red Tiger has only good combat power and has
a less warrior-like feel. It is also a race trait, but the Red Hoes had a more
sensitive intuition than the White Rangs in fear and crisis.

"Ha, Black Dragon? Then... Jean... ...that Looncandel is here...….”

Finally, as soon as he heard the laughter of Murakan, the Zipple, among
others, Miedor Elner, sharpened his fists with red eyes.

Who are Jean Looncandel and Murakan? He was the enemy of Muron
Zipple, the most beloved brother in the world.

"Even the Dragon Theo and the Blue Dragon Laramacua ran into Murakhan
and came back. We must retreat, the Mower!"

"Given the disappearance of the giant figure, it is highly likely that the
substitute Amela has already been beaten by Murakan! The Seven Waves, I
know I want to avenge the Mastains, but I have to step down now!"

I'm angry!

Midor set off the flames with mana.

"Seven Wires!"

"Fix it!"

The seven-horse tower wizards were in a mood to dry Midor, regardless of

seniority or generality.

But there was only one woman who was laughing at such a Midor.

Midor, too, was only looking at her eyes, even with anger rising to the top
of her head.

"......If Sandra asks me to retreat, I will."

"Hahahahahahahaha, the bastard trained well. Look at me in this situation,

though, huh? Proud, very."

Her name was Sandra Zipple and Kellyak's daughter.

When Sandra was about to end up laughing.

Suddenly, the earthquake that shook the entire island became even more

It was a phenomenon that happened when Murakan pushed out the

"commercialization" that he was blocking with his body.

And he, like, unwitting his heart's safety, unintentionally.

He was flying into the sky with his shoes in his arms.

Moreover, the karma became darker, arguing and mixing with Murakhan's
spirit, so there was not much sign of blue flames.

[I am, Murakhan!]

exclaimed Murakan, throwing the business he had possessed to the ground.

People had no choice but to mistake that it was some kind of technique that
Murakan unfolded in the first place, not Jin.


"Wanghoes again, no! Get back behind the top warriors! Begles take care of
the enemy lakes!"

"Protection, shield! Come on!"

"Damn it! A shield that clumps up!"

The four major powers were shocked to see the commercialization thrown
by Murakhan.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 466

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:51 AM

Chapter 466: Episode 131. Those with a good hunch, those with a bad
hunch (10).
If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Black tidal waves from the sky are hitting the ground.

That was exactly the case at the time of the four major forces rushing to put
up protective shields. The ruthless black tidal waves were likely to
devastate the whole island.

Due to the heavy pressure in Chunghwa, the weight was overwhelming.

Blimey, blimey!

There were huge cracks all over the island even before the flowers reached,
so humans on the ground had no choice but to wonder if it would be like
this if they faced the end of the world.

In fact, if the shields of the four major powers could not hold out, the
business that Murakan threw away had the power to erase the entire island.

This was because there was a kind of upward effect.

In other words, Jin's up-and-coming has been added to Murakan's (the last
50 percent power).
Instead of encroaching on and offsetting each other, the up-and-coming and
uplifted spirits were combined as if they had aimed at it from the beginning,
showing off even more powerful power.

Even Qin's solo work had the power to turn the guardian knights in the
Sword Garden into ashes. If Luntia couldn't stop it.

Not to mention the commercialization, which added to Murakan's strength.

Of course, Sarah in her prime is no match for what she has done herself, but
she has become comparable.

In other words, none of the four major forces that came to the archipelago
were able to stop the commercialization by themselves.


The business has begun to ravage the earth.

As soon as the end of the Black Tsunami began to sweep the shields,
humans on the ground had to shake themselves green with fear and shock.

Dozens of layers, if not the best, of the four major forces' first-groups, were
crumbling so easily like dried leaves.

Bark, Bark, Puck!

Fragments of the broken protective membrane splashed and reflected light.

It didn't take a second for the dark upshoes to cover up all the light.



Screams poured out simultaneously.

Unhwa was turning everything it could reach into ashes. The tip of my
finger eroded my whole body, and I couldn't escape because of the energy
of the pressure. Even if you can run away, it's hard to have any other

The humans under the Black Tsunami seemed to be standing in a scene of


And if there was a God in that hell, it was with the idea that it was
Murakan, who was watching those terrible black dragons, burning human
beings (actually staring everywhere) and laughing like mad.

[Hahaha, hahaha, hahahaha!]

The laughter was just an expression of uncontrollable joy, but it was simply
not acceptable to humans on earth.

A gruesome creature who can crush an ant like the first army of the four

"Crrrrrrrrrrrr! You really have to fight that stuff, bastard? That black dragon,
you'll be in big trouble if you mess with it. If you want to be like Muron
Orabunny, I can recommend any other way.”

Sandra unfolded her ice-cold magic and shouted, pushing her up. Sweat
poured down her face as if it were raining away from the black flames.

"Every day, they...I imagined... killing it. They're the enemies of Muron.

Midor was protecting himself and the wizards nearby, using space
explosions and flame-meter magic.

"Really? Muron O'Rabunny's enemy, it'll be hard to find a funny guy like
you. You talk like a brother is dead!"

Unlike horses, Sandra was not sarcastic at all, but rather spoke in a tone of
strange vivacity.

"Well, do as you please! I don't think you should wake up from the point of
waking up. I've always wanted to meet Jean Looncandel......Argh!"
Suddenly, without warning, Sandra screamed as the business became

All the senior wizards who were near her, who failed to respond quickly to
change, were lost in spirit.

In a single amplification, the Jipple side lost nearly half of the wizards.

Nevertheless, Sandra just smiled.

"Ha, I almost went, too. Attractive, very!"

Things were worse for the Kinselo side.

Unlike the Baengnangs, the Red-Ho people were doing nothing to cope
with the situation.

Beyond that, there were not a few enemy ships that dragged the white
herons to death like water ghosts.

"Hey, you crazy red-handed bastards! Let go! Let go!"

"Sa, save me! I'm sorry! I won't do that from now on!"

"You don't do that!"

"Save me, too, haha!"

"Your people are killing all my people...…!”

In the end, the top warriors and senior fighters of the Baengnang tribe were
forced to either block the way ahead or hammer down the heads of the
intrusive enemy ships.

Otherwise, annihilation was final. Occasionally, Wang Ho's men fought

back, but their wielding fingernails were not a threat to the Baek Rangs.

Although the two tribes were largely at odds, the white-langs had no choice
but to feel "sad" by killing the enemy's.
I can't believe the soldiers for the great job died in vain.…!'

It was a particularly painful loss to lose such a bewildering royal family,

even though the general Red Tiger warrior may not know. Wangho is a title
given only to those who are equal to the "best warriors" of the white-collar

The heads and bodies of the enemy's lakes were flying in all directions,
disappearing into the black flames. Even the relatively low-flying white
herons are dying.

While Kinselo was wandering through the chaos of Asura, members of the
Beacon were also enduring a terrible time.

It was ridiculous to fight Amela all the time, but this time it was Murakhan
the Black Dragon.…!'

Rats, the third special lease, gritted his teeth thinking.

Like the rest of the forces, the members of the Beiment could not have
imagined this would happen when they visited the Gaifa Islands.

Who could have imagined that Amela would fight all four major powers?
It's a curse.

He also thought that even if the four major powers had a minor conflict,
there would be no real battle to take place.

It was because it was clear that everyone would be wary. It's okay to send a
large number of people to power, but it was a huge loss for everyone to lead
to the actual battle. Whoever got Amela, we'd rather negotiate if we had a

But I didn't know there would be a wide-area attack like this.

Even the attack was only just beginning, and Murakhan was overwhelming
the four major powers by itself.
Ratz and the leaders felt a sense of dizziness in the back when they saw the
crew dying nonstop.

It was not one or two. It was not even clear how much time and budget it
would take to supplement that number of special rentals. It was unclear
whether he could survive here and return to the empire.

Zipple, Kinselo, Beemance.

The three forces, of course, think that industry is Murakan's technology, but
Looncandel was making a different judgment.

This is not Murakan's power....the power of the youngest!'

Vigo swallowed dry saliva by cutting down the upshoes.

Although somewhat different from what was unfolded at the time of the
Gaza Declaration, Vigo was clearly aware that the business was a Magum

'It's more powerful than Luntia's sister stopped, but it's obvious. It's not
Murakan, it's the youngest's sword!'

The cold edge of the knife gave me goose bumps as if it had swept my

In addition, strange feelings of passion, admiration, shame, shame, and

determination were mixed up, making it difficult to describe.

It was because the black tidal waves of the upland were spreading
particularly weakly on the side of Looncandel.

Of course it was controlled by Murakan, but he was running and mistaking

Jean for caring for himself and his family.

In any case, Looncandel, unlike other forces, did not have a single death.

In other words, the Looncandel knights thought their lives depended on

Jean. If Jean wants to kill him, he'll die. If he wants to save him, he lives.
[Yes, feel it!] You little bastards. Realize the power of the great Black
Dragon and die, it will be the best moment of your humble life.]

Murakan said so, stopping laughing for a moment.

He also looked at the ground where the business was booming with a very
happy face. It is to appreciate the strength of one'

A thrilling and spontaneous laugh came out. The appearance of his wide
mouth hanging in his ear was dignified, but fortunately no one was able to
see his face because he was blocking the fire.

Just one man, Jean looked up at him and breathed a sigh of relief.

'That guy, he's suddenly become incredibly strong. What is it? It feels like
some kind of restriction has disappeared.'

Whatever the reason, it was a good thing without having to worry.

Amela was saved, Murakhan became stronger, and even paintings

unexpectedly overwhelmed the four major powers.

He quickly rolled his head on how to make the most of the profit. You didn't
have to worry so much.

"Sir Amela."

[Yes, no. Yes. Buy, thank you for saving me.]

"We will listen to your greetings and details after the situation is over.
Instead, I'm going to make you a suggestion from now on."

[Say anything! I'll be your friend now, not the friend of Bubar and Kinselo.]

"That's a matter to watch. It's important whether I can accept you as a

friend. Anyway, hide yourself."


Shri was summoned from the enemy prison. As soon as Amela saw Shri,
her eyes glistened as if she were looking at the Prochi brothers and sisters.

"He'll help you. Before the mess passes, you hide as fast as you can. Not too
far from the archipelago, until I say it's okay to come out."

Jean was thinking of turning Amela into a 'dead man.'

Amela has already turned her back on the four major powers, so she
decided that it would be better to treat them as dead, but to belong to her
own power without anyone knowing.

Of course, that's the next story after she was able to trust Amela, but after
the up-and-down, Amela wouldn't have a chance to hide.

[With him? Really?] Can I take the cuties?]

"No, and if you deceive me or run away, then wherever you are, no matter
whose protection you are, you must find and kill...….”

[That won't happen!] See you later, then.]


As Amela went away in Shuri, Jean could confirm that the spirit of Bubar,
who had been tied up with the Prochi brothers and sisters, was rapidly

I'm going to tell Amela about it.... now, let's finish up here.'

The eyes of Qin and Murakhan met.

And Jean said this to Murakhan through her mouth.

'Prepare the third line, Murakan.'

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 467

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:49 AM

Chapter 467: Episode 132. Exterminate, and strange...….(1)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

A halo? You mean you want to use this body as a halo?

Yes. If you go to the Gaifa Islands, all four major powers will be gathered.
I'm sure there will be big names here.

So I don't want to be torn between them, you say.

That's right. We need to be prepared for a rainy day.

Well, maybe we can have a fight.

Anyway, so we're going? If you come back after Gilly's help, I'll prepare
some comments that you'll use to suit the situation in the Gaifa Islands.

A comment? What comment?

There's something like that.

The conversation we had just before we set off for the Gaifa Islands from

The reason for preparing the comment in advance was no different.

It was because this event, in which the four major powers gathered together
and competed, was thought to be the best place to create a suitable rumor.

Rumor has it that the 12th rider and his guardian dragon have already
reached the throne of Looncandel.

The need for halo wasn't just for Murakan's feelings.

Murakan was equipped with all the elements. The legitimacy and
symbolism that has been revered as the guardian deity of the Looncandel,
the prestige that no one has followed in the past, the speciality of the Black

There is only one thing that Murakan lacks today: "the dignity of the

However, even he had to continue his momentum as he had unintentionally

become unknown due to the "Black Kingdom incident" not long ago.

A few more glories of martial arts would make Murakhan a shining halo
more than anyone else, and Jean was very satisfied that the situation had
come this way.

'Amela was already fighting against the four major forces, and the business
became something similar unintentionally. It's a little different from what I
expected, but it's better. I wonder if there could have been a better situation.'

It is perfect for spreading 'false' rumors, as in the case of the Black

Kingdom. Jin suddenly felt proud of the time when he had been thinking
about what to use while holding on to a black dragon that didn't listen to

'Message number three?'

Murakan asked back with a wink.

'Yes, comment number three!'

As Jean lifted her three fingers and tightened her eyes, Murakhan nodded
vigorously. as if one understood correctly

Then he said in a solemn tone and a low voice.

[Little men, power...] Do you want...?]

When Murakan opened his mouth, Jin had no choice but to grab the back of
his neck after a long time.

It wasn't number three, it was number 33.

'Murakan, it's not 33, it's number three. Number three!

Number 33 is a comment that the enemy has thought about using only to
swear allegiance with a clear surrender. Naturally it was very out of place
with the current situation.


Now the up-and-down was in full swing, creating the final blaze of fire.

The black tidal waves destroyed humans, things, and nature, and the
desperate scream of those who wanted to survive, reached its peak.

Therefore, an indescribably loud roar buried Murakan's mistake. It was

fortunate that number 33 was not the kind of loudly shouting comment.

'Fortunately, no one seems to have heard.'

It was rather a crack in dignity to say nonsense out of the blue.

He swept his chest down. Murakan looked puzzled as to whether he knew

something was wrong.

Murakan looked again at Jean's three fingers. Soon he realized his mistake
and opened his mouth again.

[Here as of this time, the Gaifa archipelago is the land of this Murakan.]
Unlike the majestic and low voice, this time it was a voice full of dignity,
stretching out and full of strength.

Even in a terrible mess, everyone could clearly hear Murakhan's voice.

"It's my land? No way, did the youngest kill the substitute Amela?'

As Vigo, he had no choice but to understand that.

If she was just "subjecting" her, she'd have to show herself a corpse.

"As expected, Amela was beaten by the 12th rider and Murakhan!"

That's what Rats.

It also occurred to me that he would have killed Amela even if he were

Jean. If Amela does not express her will to be loyal, she will only become
an enemy belonging to other forces at best.

No one can mess with Amela after she belongs to another giant. In Latz's
view, this was the best time for Jean to kill Amela without any burden.

'Also, it's the best time to kill all the witnesses...…!'

At a moment, a terrible future passed through Rats' head.

What if only Qin, Murakan, and Vigo and other Looncandel knights survive
in the Gaifa Islands, and the rest are all dead?

So what choice did Amela make, what kind of death she faced, and how the
four major forces that visited her ended.

Even if Looncandel published the article according to their taste, other

forces had no means of refuting it. Unless there is a witness left who has
watched the fight of the Gaifa Islands.

"If it's any other Looncandel, the 12th-term is especially good at public
opinion. We have to stop it from happening!'
In other words, you must survive. I had to survive somehow and tell the
emperor clearly what I saw and experienced today.

And you have invaded my land; not a single one will survive.]

When Murakan finished his third comment, Rats gritted his teeth, and Jean
breathed a sigh of relief.

I'll kill every single one of you.

That's exactly what the third comment meant, but in fact, Jin did not intend
to kill every single one of them.

Some people will have to go back alive if the rumors are to work.

"But I will never let a man like Midor Elner live."

Except for Looncandel, the rest are less than five people per camp, not the
most important. That was just about the mercy Jean was willing to give.

The black tidal wave was fading away. The business is coming to an end.

As soon as the energy of the business was completely lifted, what appeared
on the ground was a desolate landscape of ash and death.

No groans and screams were heard. I couldn't even hear the sound of pain
leaning against me somewhere.

All I could hear was the burning of the remaining bodies, and the breath of
the survivors.

For example, no one was injured. All those who couldn't hold out are dead.

'Speak six.'

When Jean gave the new signal, Murakan looked down at the ground.

[Hooray, I didn't know there were so many bugs that wouldn't die just to
tread lightly. It's quite unpleasant.]
The sixth line was not all words.


As soon as the speech was over, Murakan gave up his black breath. The
place where the breath was shot was on the side of Kinselo, and one of the
best Baengnang warriors was immediately killed after being hit by it.

Murakhan's power reached 50%, and everyone was frantic to stop the up-
and-coming, so they didn't respond.

Of course, even considering such factors, there were not many beings in the
world who could easily get rid of the best warriors of the Baengnang tribe.


Fortunately, the Red Tiger Wang Ho, who survived, was frightened and
backed away. He was once more terrified to see only the ankles of the
highest Baengnang warrior who had just died on the ground.

Now, not only the enemy but also the white herons seem to be having a
hard time suppressing fear.


Others watching unconsciously kept swallowing dryness.


At Jin's signal, Murakhan turned his head toward the presence of Vigo and

[And let Looncandel leave the island as soon as possible and return to the
family. And tell Rosa Looncandel. I dare to question you for sending family
knights to my land without permission. There should be a proper

The eyes of Vigo and the guardian knights grew bigger. My ears were in
'No, I just heard that as of this time the Gaifa Islands have become his own
land. You're going to question your mother for sending us to her land
without permission? We're here first, what the hell are you talking about?'

As Vigo thought, Murakhan's words did not add up. In addition, it was
clearly a line that ignored the acting of the family's family.

But Vgo couldn't argue with him.

It was because they did not know what would happen if they confronted the
situation recklessly. Also, when you confront Murakan, it's going to be

"......I see, Mr. Murakhan. I'll pass it on. By the way, may I ask you a

Sneaking, Murakhan looked down at Jean. Jean nodded.

[Huh, Vigo Looncandel.]

"What happened to the substitute Amela?"

Jean showed a neck-cutting gesture to Murakan, who lowered his eyes



Everyone was expecting that to happen. However, when Murakhan spoke in

person, his heart seemed empty in vain.

I ran to capture Amela, but there was only too much loss.

She was even killed by an unexpected black dragon, and now she's going to
kill all of them. I was talking.

No one died in Looncandel, and it wasn't so bad that Vigo and his knights
just struggled in vain.
[On the way back, if you look out for the sea there, there might be the ashes
of the stupid mercenary left.]

"......thank you for letting me know, Mr. Murakhan."

[Go on.]

"Murakan, can you give us more chances?"

As Vigo said one more word, Murakan narrowed the middle of his

[What are you talking about all of a sudden?]]

"The imperial family and the Kinselo will not be a problem with Murakan's
slaughter. One, soon enough, Jipple will have reinforcements from the
tower. This is because there is a mower here. We'll help you."

a mower's wand

As the flag bearer of the Looncandel, Vigo knew information about the
tower state's cane, which had driven the gin into crisis in Colon in the past.

The function of calling the main army in case of an emergency.

Jean shook her head and frowned as much as she could, and Murakhan
made the most hideous expression he could make accordingly.

[Bugo Looncandel, you think this Murakan is very funny. You think you're
gonna help me? To deal with the Zipple's main army?]

"Mr. Murakhan, I have no other intention...….”

[One more word and I'll kill you too. Get out of here...]

"I didn't call you!"

Suddenly, someone cut off Murakan's horse and shouted in a bright voice.
It was Sandra Zipple. All eyes were on her, including Murakan.

"I didn't get the Wand of the Tower to activate. So, stop being a puppet to
the great Black Dragon. The hidden puppeteer, Jean Looncandel. Why don't
you come forward once?"

I really wanted to meet you.

Sandra smiled back.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 468

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:48 AM

Chapter 468: Episode 132. Exterminate, and strange...….(2)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Murakhan did not forgive Sandra Zipple's rudeness.

He didn't have to roll his eyes to get Jin's permission or choose a comment.

All you have to do is make them pay as much as they are unpleasant.


The remnants of the spirit and the chunghua near Sandra were swaying in
accordance with Murakan's will.

Without a sound, the small fire soon became the same shape as the awl.

And as fast as a descending hawk, it flooded into Sandra.

There were eight. Most of Zipple's wizards couldn't even respond because
they were about to run out of energy.

Several wizards, including Midor, were aware of Murakan's attack, but did
not come forward.

I didn't know what I was going to do to help her.

Surprisingly, Sandra avoided three of the eight awls.

Unwizard-like agile, light-weight bodywork, another three with a protective

shield outstretched.

But the remaining two were problems.



One pierced Sandra's shoulders and one through her calves. At first glance,
the appearance of the flesh and blood splashing is also serious.

Murakhan looked down at Sandra, who was shaking with a collapsed body.

It means that they seriously injure a pure-blooded jipple without worrying

about it for a second.

That meant that it would be possible only if such martial arts were
supported, and that an all-out war could be waged with the "all-zipple."

At least that's what other members of the big force watching Murakhan had
to think.

"Actress Gaga, you said you'd question the black jaguar Rosa Looncandel,
and...... is it not just the symbolism of being a guardian deity, but also the
practical power of Looncandel? More power than acting as a housekeeper?

'Actually the acting Looncandel's acting governor could be the Black

Dragon Murakan now...….'

'Then what is the rank of the 12th rider?'

'By the way, Sandra Zipple is dead. I can't believe you've just seen the best
white warrior die with his ankle left in one've lived too long
with a zipple, you've become numb with fear.'

The special renters had such a notion.

The Baiklangs and Red-Ho people in Kinselo had no idea. They are just
looking around in fear.

'Sandra Zipple isn't the only thing that' Zipple's support unit was the only
hope we could survive...…!'

Rats' eyes were shaking.

Not a single person would survive, Rats had been convinced that what
Murakhan had just said was by no means a bluff.

The men present here could not do even a valid level of damage, let alone
combat with Murakan.

So Rats decided that in order for them to survive, they had no choice but to
bury themselves in the jeeple.

Sandra did not activate the tower's staff, and was seriously wounded by a

He'll be dead soon.

Rats was almost ready to shout.

The Mower is not Sandra, not you, Midor Elner. Activate the wand, please.

[Not immediately, just because I wonder what kind of confidence your

arrogance and heavyness are derived from. A puppet? A puppeteer? Talk
again, Zipple.]

With a cold, low voice, the members of the big force had to feel the chills
once more.

"Huuu, huuuuu."

Sandra picked out the breath. Of course, I thought I was breathing faster
because I was floundering in fear of death.

But she was just a little surprised by the more pain than she thought.
Kirick, Kirillit...….

There was a sudden sound of a cog turning somewhere.

It was a sound from Sandra. And everyone who was looking at her had to
doubt my eyes.

It was because the pierced shoulders and thighs were healing rapidly.

'Hoe, he's recovering. Man!'

The Baengnang and the Red-Ho people had never seen humans undergo

On the other hand, Ratz and the crew opened their eyes wide with a prick.

Are you saying that the zipple's bio-test has already progressed to that
level? It's comparable to the mind procedure the guards received!'

a biological experiment

Giffles, Beams, and Kinselo have been experimenting with life for a long

To make a perfect biogolem, Beacon to make a mind, and Kinselo to make

a master.

When it comes to recent biomedical experiments, Beaumont clearly had the

confidence that they were running at the top.

It is still in the experimental stage and there are many unstable parts. As
evidenced by the loss of reason after Rick Helter, the pro-guardian, turned
to Maine in the past.

However, Sandra's initial regeneration was similar to that of May and

remained rational.

Ratz thinks it was impossible without a biogolecule procedure, and without

its dominance over the Empire-developed mindhwa magic.
'There may be a man inside the empire who leaked information to the
jipple. It's quite possible...….'

As the Ratz was grinding his teeth, he watched Sandra play a beat late.

Jin had just escaped the core of the broken tableware, erasing his presence
as much as possible with Young-ki.

It seemed that it was necessary to check the way the situation was going.

'......recovery!' ??? ??? ???????????????????

It was something that I never dreamed of seeing a super-renewal in Sandra

after Amela. As Murakan said while looking at Amela, the first
regeneration is the specialty of the inner mana or the horse race.

Amela has a special power of chaos and tableware, and it is possible

because it was amplified.

"Is Sandra born with chaos?" I don't think I'd have been so helpless with the

Sandra, as Jean thought, was an ordinary human being who was not imbued
with Chaos.

And others don't notice.

In Jin's view, Sandra's super-renewal was somewhat different from the way
he had been.

"Sandra's super-renewal doesn't feel like the wound itself is healing, but it
seems like the time of the wound is turning back."'

I wasn't sure. The wound recovered too quickly, and the distance was too
far, so I couldn't look closely.

Sandra Zipple.

Jean has never been involved with her in her present life.
But in his previous life, he was a person he had run into.

While waiting for Valeria at the fountain, she happened to have a few words
about magic.

About the magical three-step division claimed by Matthew Morniak? Wow,

you're reading an interesting book. It's hard to get.

Who is this?

I usually misjudge Matthew Morniak as Matthew Wanniak, and I read

books by crooks. I guess you're the kind of person who can'

Do you know me?

I'm not that smart to be swindled, but sometimes I get fooled. Isn't it cute?

'I didn't know that it was Sandra Zipple until about a year later.'

I thought it was just a common enchantment in parks, but I remember being

surprised when I checked my face in the newsletter.

'Looking back, maybe it was a deliberate approach. You must have

wondered how miserable the exiled Looncandel is and why he snoops in the
Wizards' section.'

That was all I had to do with Sandra.

So even in this life, Jean didn't think much about her.

It was because she was not famous as a wizard or contributing to the family
as a mower, just like Kellyak's other children.

Just looking at the wizards of Jipple who came to the Kaifa Islands right
away, Midor Elner, the seven-horse tower owner, had the highest external

She was, so to speak, a pure-blooded jipple located in the second rank, or

lower rank, of Looncandel.
However, Sandra's attitude and Midor's eyes could tell everything. In fact,
Sandra has a class advantage over Midor.

Did he intentionally hide his power and skills like Octavia Zipple? I thought
Octavia wasn't the only one, but Sandra really is a surprise."

It was no different why Jean thought Sandra was unexpected.

It was because the article in the newsletter that informed him that the
woman who spoke to him at the fountain was Sandra was "marriage."

She married a low-ranking royal family in the former life of Jean.

It was not only a jipple but also a way for many forces in the world to use it
well. To tie second-generation people like "next-door branches" into
marriage to each other, or to solve something else.

"If Sandra had been a powerful person who hid her strength in my previous
life, I would have retired or remained in seclusion like Octavia, but I can't
think of why I had a political marriage.'

As soon as Jean thought about it, Sandra opened her mouth.

"Oh, this hurts so much. Uh, I don't get it. Did I say something offended?
Mr. Murakan."


"I stopped my bastard from trying to activate the tower's cane because I was
afraid he might get in trouble. Instead, I just wanted to meet Jean
Looncandel once and fight him, and I wonder if it's such a bad thing to do!"

Sandra is sincere.

I thought there was nothing wrong with expressing it because I was a

puppet and a puppet. For her, it's only a fact of which pleasure and
displeasure cannot be shared.

In the same vein, he said sarcastically to Midor.

"It's not enough to be praised. I know he's strong, but I think it's best to
avoid anyone's troubles. Don't you?"

Even Murakan was speechless for a while at that point.

Sandra's so calm when she talks, she's got is inevitable to think

"Well, that's not wrong."

said Jean, showing up.

It could have been rather a shorn of his dignity to keep Murakhan up

against her.

That's why he thought he had better deal with it. There is also a need to
check in more detail what type of super-renewal is.

"Oh! Jean Looncandel!"

Sandra shouted, her eyes twinkling.

"You want to fight me?"

The eyes of the two met.

And as soon as Sandra nodded and tried to answer yes.


In an instant, Jin, who narrowed the distance, stabbed Bradamante in

Sandra's collarbone.

"A little short for that, Sandra Zipple."

Even before I pulled the blade off my collarbone, Kiriq!

The sound of a cog scratched the ear.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 469

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:47 AM

Chapter 469: Episode 132. Exterminate, and strange...….(3)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


Sandra vomited blood and broke her waist. Bradamante had completely
penetrated her clavicle and escaped outwards.

If it were a human being, it should have ended there. The healing power of
King Lani and the legacy of Numerus were fatal injuries that could not be
reversed unless they were used.

But Jean was feeling some intangible force pushing the blade of Sandra's

Of course not.

But it was not even magic.

It's like....'

power and power

It was also very similar to the kind of power Jean knew.

The power often demonstrated by the dragon of Olta, the dragon of
Eunryong Quicantel. The power of time and words.

'As expected, I didn't see it wrong the first time. So why is Sandra using the
power of time?'

Sandra could not have been Olta's contractor. It's been a long time since
Enya was contracted. As in Jin's previous life, Jipple killed Enya and failed
to take away the contract.

God's power is often granted the right to be blessed, served, or used in other
ways, even if it is not necessarily a contractor.

However, such cases could only serve a "low level of power."


Jean swung the blade back and cut Sandra's neck.

But Bradamante could not reach her neck. It was because the space near
Sandra was strangely distorted. Swinging a sword into it only ripples like
cutting water, and it could not strike.

It's the same day I first met Quikantel. Quikantel then offset my attack in
this way.'

The power to turn back time in an instant to recover critical injury and to
ensure safety while regeneration is taking place.

It couldn't have been a low level of power.

Kirit, Kirillit, Tick!

The sound of the cogs engaged rapidly grew louder and louder. The only
difference between Quikantel and Sandra was that such noise occurs when
using power.

Murakhan was also looking into Sandra's power. He even blinked as if he

had been shocked.
The knights of Vigo and Looncandel also managed to keep their absurd
minds under control.

'I'm still seeing variables not included in the mission information.

Apparently, Sandra Jipple's ability is part of a biogolecule experiment, but
is it that pure blood Jipple has become a direct experiment? Kellyak's

As the sixth rider of the Looncandel, Vigo had an insight into the biological
experiments of the Jipple.

As far as he knows, Jipple has never used pure blood to conduct a biopsy. It
was all about using the wizards of extreme followers, ordinary people, or
lower families as experiments.

Does that mean you've achieved enough stable results to experiment with
pure blood? Or is there another reason?'

Anyway, this alone was a discovery. Although they didn't have Amela, they
were able to write a line of anything unusual about the report to Rosa.

Thanks to Sandra's special power, Vigo carefully looked at Jin and

Murakhan. If I stayed more in the archipelago, I thought I could somehow
take a bigger number of reports.

"Whoa, you're hurt many times today. I don't want to be sick. I admit, I'm a
little short of a fight."

Sandra shrugged her shoulders as she fixed her dress.

"That's quite an offensive ability, Sandra Zipple."

"You're a lot more handsome than I've seen on the billboard for the Gold
Pinks, aren't you? I think it's better to have a relationship than a fight."

"Wouldn't it be better to activate the Tower Lord's wand now?”

"Shall we go eat? Or a car?"

Is it because they are confident enough not to be nervous about themselves,
or are they just people who have a lot of problems with communication and

When I ran into him for a while in my past life, he said what he wanted to

It was difficult for Jean to grasp Sandra Zipple quickly.

"Oh, my God, how I feel right now. It seems like a prince who came to meet
the princess over the obstacles of the Black Dragon Murakan.”

Sandra was literally babbling incessantly.

There is no need to continue talking to a person who has no dialogue at all.

'If possible, subdue and capture.'

came to a conclusion It was because Sandra needed to learn about her


However, the reason for attaching the premise of "if possible" was no

Sandra's capture means that Zipple's biological experiments will be

revealed to the world once again, and that the results of the experiments
could be used by other big powers.

The jipple couldn't have been so sloppy.

'So far, I've been caught in a loophole since I was a backup jockey, but I
can't let Sandra be captured alive.'

It was highly likely that there were already strong reinforcements nearby, or
other means to prevent information leakage, even without the use of a tower
state's cane. Just as the mind of the Beacon reaches its limit, it completely
oxidizes and disappears.
"No matter how fearless you are, you must be so proud of yourself because
you have faith."

Ice seal learned from Valeria.

Jean was thinking of using it to leave a "evidence" called Sandra Jipple. It

seems difficult to defy the power of time, but there was nothing wrong with


Bradamante resonated with spirit and anor.

Sandra hurriedly opened up the mana to open the shield. The flame-tipped
shield blared threateningly, but that was all.

The attack magic in the hands of Sandra, who was ambushed by a single
sword, did nothing to Jin.

Jean, on the other hand, inflicted more than three serious injuries on Sandra
less than 10 seconds later. Including the initial perforation of the collarbone,
Sandra could be said to have already been killed four times by Jean.

Sandra wasn't weak.

The gin has only become too strong. Vigo and the guardian knights who
saw the "Gaju Declaration" in person have known it for a long time.

With the exception of Su-in, who was still in a panic as a group, the
members of Beacon and Jipple had no choice but to sigh inwardly at the
sight of the fight between the two.

The Murakan alone is already beyond control and faces a future of

extermination, but it's dark to see the force of the 12th rider again.

I deceived.

It wasn't just him.


Two people emerged from the core of the broken tableware.

They were Prochi siblings who had just awakened from the curse.

"Just give me an order, and I and Faye will slaughter you all."

Black Dragon with its majestic wings flapping, and the ghostly Prochi
siblings standing below it. He was so different in weight class from other


Sandra somehow grew faster and faster to regenerate every time the wound
stretched. Instead, Sandra can't counterattack and focus on recovery.

When the recovery reached its maximum speed, Jean could not cut down
Sandra at all. It was because the wound healed before the blade of the knife
left the affected area.

It was a strange fight.

To those who are not familiar with it, Jin seems to be unilaterally harassing
the weak.

Jean continued to cut down Sandra with expressionless eyes.

There is no limitless power in the world.

Jean believed so, and has always broken the faith of her enemies, who often
claimed to be infallible. Amelo, whose ping-pong was amplified right now.

"Ha, you're going to fall for it."


It was the first time that Qin stopped the sword.

At this point, even Jin has no choice but to feel the cooling sensation in his

'Human beings could have gone this far without being affected by Chaos.'

Jean replied with a smile.

"Sound of horrors.

"May I marry you? I heard you're going to have a marriage with a tragic
love affair. How about me?"

"If you tell me the secret of your super-renewal, I'll consider it."

"Really? It's not a difficult condition. Do you think I'm a drunk? It allowed
us to imitate some of the gods' powers...….”


Suddenly an explosion occurred in the air between Qin and Sandra.

Jean pulled herself out of the room at a moment's notice, and Sandra
couldn't react, so half of her head had disappeared.

Space explosion.

It was the power of the Kellyak Zipple used by Midor Elner.

There was a will to kill in the eyes of Jin, who turned his head.

"Sandra! What the hell are you talking about!"

"You bastard bastard, what are you doing! Can't you see I'm interacting with
Jean Looncandel? You were acting like you were well educated before.…!”

For Midor, he was dumbfounded. I didn't know Sandra would say anything
about "Masinseok."

The progress was equally surprising.

Judging from Midor's reaction, the drinking stone is still Jipple's top secret.
Of course I have to. It must be extremely careful that the name itself
becomes known to the outside world.'

Sandra wasn't even just saying her name.

He even said that he was able to imitate the power of some gods. It was an
unexpected harvest for Qin, and Midor and Giflor were mad and crazy.

"Just step in one more time, and I'll really kill you then! All right? I'm
gonna rip your limbs and chew them, throw them away, crush them!
Answer me now, bastard!"

It was such an evil voice that was so different from the one that had just
been soft on Jean. Even Murakan was laughing in vain at the ferocious

"You're such a crazy person......! I can't even guess how far Sandra will
blow if I leave it like this.'

What will you do?

While Midor made his judgment, Bradamante drew a sharp trajectory.

"You bastard, how could you do this to me? He's not answering...... Ugh!"


It was Sandra's right hand that Bradamante cut.

A carelessness, or loss of concentration.

Sandra had briefly lost the pace of her super-renewal, which she had put to
the highest level in a torrent of anger and hatred at Midor.

Jean can't miss that moment. Unlike just now, Sandra's wounds did not heal
immediately. So after the fight began, he suffered his first amputation.

The severed right arm was falling to the floor, so to speak.


Jean immediately formed an ice seal before her right arm reached the

Immediately Jean was able to see Sandra's affected area. Unlike until now,
the cutting surface did not recover as time recoiled, and was shaped like a
normal super-renewal.

Now that we have the evidence, we don't have to hesitate.



"Wipe it all out!"

When Jean shouted like that, Murakan smiled.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 470

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:45 AM

Chapter 470: Episode 132. Exterminate, and strange...….(4)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


As if the black paint had been released from the transparent bucket, the
spirit that had escaped from Murakhan began to color the sky.

The speed was very fast. In an instant, as if it had become a moonlit night,
Murakan's amber eyes stood out.

It looked just like the eyes of an envoy. To those who look up at Murakan
under the dark sky.

If I tell you to wipe it all out, then you'll know and use all the comments
after 100 times in harmony.

After 100? It's all about death or destruction.

Yes, I mean use those comments properly and kill them if possible. There
are only about five people left in each camp who don't have much weight.

Heng, kid. I think you're mistaken. Such things can be done well without
having to decide or tell them. Rather, your comments seem to be used by
sloppy people who just needlessly weigh themselves. Real exhausts like me
scare you a little more plainly.
I know, but I said it because I need a bluff.

What, bluffing?

You're not as strong as you were in your prime, yet. Let's bluff as much as
we can until we find our strength. You know your prestige is on the verge of
breaking through the sky after the Black Royal Army incident, right?

Chet, I don't like it. I'll do as you say. I will be Murakan, the worst
nightmare that a mortal can suffer, and you will never dream of becoming a
dead man, and how did you choose the same shriveling comment?

Was that 107? Why, I don't think it's bad. Anyway, when you kill your
enemies, use techniques that look as good as you can. Something
inefficient, but cool and grand.

All right, all right.

The conversation we had when we were making a comment.

Although he said he didn't like it, Murakan was in fact pleased with the fact
that his status had risen significantly since the Black Royal Army incident.

Of course, when it feels like a dragon is treated as if it's not even a new
foot's blood and claws compared to the dignity of its heyday, but it's hard to
let go of the feeling of being shabby.

The opportunity has come, so to speak, to raise the satisfaction one more

[I am Murakan.]

Vortexes were forming all over the pitch-black sky.

Hundreds of vortexes were created in a moment, and in the middle of all

vortex black and giant awls were escaping.

They were black awls that would follow Murakan's will.

[The worst nightmare that a mortal can suffer.]

A solemn yet sullen voice weighed heavily on the entire archipelago. They
echoes in all directions in the tent of Young-gi, and the beasts and worms of
the island hurriedly hid themselves in the gloomy vibration.

The birds flew out of the island, and wild animals and worms dug deep into
their burrows.

After regaining the power of 50%.

All the movements of the rice plants seemed to be transmitted one by one.

The sound of birds flying and closing their wings; the sense of the mudflats
shaking with their front feet to open their hideouts; the running and flight of
insects digging deeper into the forest.

Murakhan was feeling it all, floating in the sky.

I was savoring it.

A thousand years ago, the senses were often appreciated on behalf of music
or Chunhwa Book. What I had forgotten until I got back 50%.

So he waited still for a while.

So that the rice plants can avoid their bodies enough. They were forced to
check the location of the seaweeds they could not avoid. It was to take care
not to die when the massacre began.

The movement of the rice plants is so clear.

I couldn't help feeling the fear of the humans right below me.

'I'm just developing my strength, and this kind of pressure......! The imperial
dragons were not afraid for nothing.'

Apparently, he hurt his heart. Is this really the power of being hurt? Has
everyone recovered?'
'Scared, scared, save me!'

The imperial family, the Jipple and the Suin of Kinselo thought,

Their heartbeat and tremors felt like a good tune to listen to.

'Yes, that's exactly what it felt like. I feel like I can kill and save everything
my way!'

The thrilling sensation in a thousand years made my tail stiff and my heart

You can't still savor this feeling against the world's most powerful, but right
now you're no different than the god of the archipelago.

All the enemies of Qin were extremely nervous, with no mouth to mouth.

Only one man, Sandra Zipple, was constantly shouting.

"Midor Elner, you ungrateful bastard! I'm warning you, just activate the
tower's wand without my permission. Huh? I'll cut my throat with a sashimi
knife myself and give you a filial piety in the middle of Drogka Square."

She seemed completely uninterested in having her arms cut and sealed.

The cutting surface was somewhat recovered, and blood was stopped by
normal healing magic, not by the power of time.

It wasn't just a constant stream of curses on Midor. He said to Jin in an

endless soft voice.

"We had some problems with our date because of the bastard we wouldn't
miss feeding the wild dog. Will you kindly understand me with a heart as
handsome as your face?”

I think it's better not to get involved with this man.

Such an instinctive signal was rumbling through Jean's mind.

Beyond the coolness of my back, the kind of strange fear I had for the first
time made my whole body shudder.

"How far were we, by the way?”

"He, um. Drinking stone."

"Oh, that's right. Drinking Stone. How hard it is to make it without


"Sandra! No, you crazy man! Don't worry about it's okay.…!”

Just as Sandra was about to make another fuss over Midor's urgent cry,
Murakhan realized that all the delicacies had now left or settled.

[You shall be the dead that you will never dream of again.

Murakan to wrap up the 107th line.

He then looked over the ground with a satisfied look. The awls have been
positioned to fall.

From the whirlpool of spirit the black and sharp rain began to fall.

Each vortex was constantly throwing up one huge awl and hundreds of
small ones formed near it.

From afar, it seemed like a swarm of locusts had struck the archipelago.

What was scarier was the fact that the awls were falling without a sound.
Silence was one of the most superior attributes of power: shadow,

"Hey, stop it!"

"Save Sandra, the damned!"

All I could hear was the scream and the noise of something being
destroyed, even though so many awnings were pouring in.

Usually, when magic or technology of this size is used, some damage to

allies is to be tolerated.

However, none of Young-ki's awls fell on the side where the Knights of
Looncandel stood.

It was falling within a span of time. It was as if only the Looncandel camp
had been covered with umbrellas.


The eyes of the Looncandels were bound to face Qin and Murakhan.

He was especially heading for Jean. In some ways, the camp, which just
stood with a heartless face and appreciates the enemies killed, came more
ferocious than the Murakan who was pouring out awls.

For the Looncandels, it felt as if they had glimpsed the relationship between
Shanghai and Shanghai.

Command like that, that is the youngest ' to act without any trace of
bitterness? Although the relationship between Sukho-ryong and the
contractor is usually somewhat understaffed by the former, isn't this a
complete master and subordinate!'

Beyond just stabbing and penetrating, Murakan's awl was literally

"crushing" enemies.

Even if you combine all your own guardian and executive knights, will you
be able to follow one Murakan?

I was convinced that I could never.

'My guardian knights can't even be compared, and maybe even your older
You may not be able to handle Murakan.

It struck me that way.

Of course it was a wrong idea. No matter how much Murakhan regained his
power of 50%, Joshua had a black knight, the best executive knights of the
family and the greatest guardian.

If Murakhan could deal with them all by himself, Jean would be a

housekeeper tomorrow.

Vigo was really under the impression that he was intimidated by the
overwhelming force and production that he had seen in a long time. And the
illusion, after his return, was about to become a big rumour of a thread that
circled the Sword's Garden.

Sandra was torn to shreds, too.

"Uh, ooh, think, ie, try it, marry me."

Surprisingly, and as it has been all this time. She kept her eyes fixed on
Jean, playing her body over and over again.



The elders who came running to save her left a death cry while hitting the
shield. With Midor's order, we have to save it, but in fact, the power of the
elders was not enough.

Midor was aware of the fact.

The pure blood is being torn right in front of my eyes, and I just gave the
order because I didn't know what would happen in the future if I didn't take
any action.

It was also necessary to create a cause.

There have been so many sacrifices to save Sandra, but in the end she
couldn't get out of the state of being unable to carry out operational

Therefore, he had no choice but to take full power and command instead.

"Seven Wires, that's enough. Now the Lord of the Mower will take
command of it, and the Lord of the Rites will understand it.…!”

"At this rate, Lady Sandra's regeneration is not limitless. To save your must use that method!"

A furnace said, looking at the awl that broke through the shield.

Midor nodded, biting his lips as if he couldn't help it.

Given the disappearance of the giant figure, it is highly likely that the
substitute Amela has already been beaten by Murakan! I know you want to
avenge your majesty, but you must step down now!

Seven Wonders!

Fix it!

The method.

That was the basis for Midor Elner's unwillingness to step down even after
seeing the commercialization of Murakan and Jin from the start.


Midor caught his breath once. It was to hide the wild breath of excitement
that he could finally get revenge.

It's rather good. If Sandra had just asked me to step down, I'd have to get
stuck with my enemy in front of me.

said Midor, taking something out of his bosom.
Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 471

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:44 AM

Chapter 471: Episode 132. Exterminate, and strange...….(5)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

What Midor Elner took out looked like a cube a little smaller than a fist.

Midor's face as he looked at things showed his full expectations. The cube
was covered with a bluish blue color.

"I can finally get revenge on Muron...…!'

Muron Zipple.

When I recalled the life of the brothers who had gone to the scream, I felt
something in my heart.

Midor has been utterly incomprehensible. The fact that despite the fact that
Looncandel, who killed Muron, has been on a roll, Jipple has not done the
right revenge.

Whak, click...!

When Midor injected mana into the cube, the blue became even darker. It
was bright enough to stand out even under a storm of black spirit.

'What's that blue light?'

I was checking the blue light of the cube far away from Jindo Island.

'I don't think it's magic, Artifact?'

The black awls didn't give me much detail. At first glance, however, it was
clear that it was a kind of artifact he didn't know.

There was also a bad feeling. At this moment, he was also offended by the
sordid expression that seemed to burst into a giggle by himself.

The face that you see before you show them the hidden shot.

Murakhan was also narrowing his forehead to the image of Midor.

In all times, there are always people who want to advance death.]


Midor suddenly leaned back and burst into laughter. The cubes in his grasp
floated in the air with each side open.

"12th Runkandel, Gene Looncandel, and the Black Dragon Murakan! I've
been waiting for this day. Only days when your dirty blood can soothe
Muron's soul...…!”

[I can't hear you. I'll let you disappear.]


Murakhan shot Miedor and Zipple's wizards.

It was a breath of considerable emotion and anger. This means that it is

more powerful than the disappearance of one of the best warriors of the
Baengnang tribe with only his ankle left.

In addition, the Yeonggi spikes, which were being sprinkled between the
breath-taking tracks, were added to the scale of a slight reduction in the
mountain range.
Murakan himself and Jean were the only ones here who could completely
stop the breath.

At the moment that breath hit Zipple's camp, Midor and the surviving
wizards were forced to make a fuss with their eyes wide open.

"Oh, still open!"


The elders, who shouted in a hurry, were swept away in breath without
finishing their words, turning into black particles.

The other wizards then squeezed out the shield to the point where they
thought it was too much. Murakan's breath was simply ruthlessly trawling
the Jipple's cordon.

Like a war wagon that stopped moving only after rolling down steep hills
and destroying dozens of houses.

Murakan's light exhaled breath only stopped after he crushed the thirty or so
of the furnace into powder and smashed it to the protective membrane that
was formed right in front of Midor.

Haha, there is no longer a look of excitement left over from laughing and

Midor was just blinking his eyes with pores all over him. The confidence
that he had by invoking a cube has already been dampened.

'......are you sure this is the breath that you shot without any sign or

The intuition that he must have made a mistake in calculation stabbed

Midor in the chest like a knife.

I was actually feeling a little bit when the black awls began to fall.

Is today really the right moment to carry out revenge?

There was no turning back to do the calculation again. Even Murakhan was
angrier at the sight of Midor, who survived the breath. He hurt his pride.

[Blocking him?] Uh, block him? Crazy, hectic, huh? Ha, me. You punk. It's

Therefore, Murakhan's usual way of speaking was somewhat out of line, but
the enemies felt more afraid. Somewhere out of place, the capricious
strongman was always scary.


This time, Murakan took a deep breath. He has properly raised his strength
to exhale.

Young-ki's outbursts, which had been pouring out without a sound, died
down in a moment.m. Young-gi, who was being used in the awl storm, was
the result of breath addition.

The ground, where the eternity was stopped, looked as desolate as the test
site of the magic artillery attack. There was not a single flat ground left, and
corpses with only part of their bodies rolled on the floor like dust.

Viment's crew managed to hold their spirits and rearrange the ranks, while
the watermen of Kinselo were completely unconscious, and were popping
up in tears in a flutter.

On the side of the Zipple, only a few Midor and the elders were left to

And in front of Jin, Sandra Zipple finds a human form and regenerates

The sound of the keyriks, the keyrits and the cogwheels seemed to be
significantly slower than before.

'This makes me think that the power of time is greater than the power of
It is true that the power of time is great, but Jin knows that it was
impossible to recover to this level even when the damage reached a definite
death. Even Quikantel can't undo a body that is decomposed into flesh.

'The power of the malt and the biogolem. It seems certain that the two are
being used together. If Jipple can continue to create a Sandrlike existence...

Suddenly, a memory of my past life came to mind.

Mirror, fountain of mana.

In his previous life, Zipple acquired the colon's body and constantly printed
a seven-star wizard. Called the Yangsan Wizard, they were used to further
strengthen the dominance of the Gipple.

Sandra's regenerative power was no match for the mass-production wizard

of her previous life.

Is it a change in my regression?

Could his return to stimulating the jipple have had some profound impact
on their research direction or performance? So isn't that why Looncandel
has become more disadvantageous now than it was then?

The thought flashed on my mind, but soon Jean shook her head.

"No, come to think of it now, the mass-production wizard alone has not
allowed the Gipple to dominate that much. Even if there are a few people
with 7 horsepower, I can't handle 9 or 10 stars.'

The mass-production wizard at that time would have been nothing but a test
piece or material to make 'weapon' like the current Sandra Jipple.

"At the time, the mass-production wizard was a tool to advertise the
dominance of the Jipple externally, and in fact, people like Sandra Jipple
were probably in large quantities and engaged in battles that were not
exposed to the media."'
Since they didn't get a mirror in Jean's life, it was highly likely that the
biogolem study was much later than in its previous life.

Even assuming that, the biorhythms of the Jipple had reached this level. It's
coming back even if your whole body breaks down dozens of times.

'Even the secret of the Jipple I'm going to see today, I don't think this is all...

a shimmering cube

What is it that makes me wonder if Midor is so confident.

Even though it feels like the spirit has been dampened by a breath.

"Yi........Ki.... Fortune, bastard bird, talent. That, only......."

Sandra, whose face was partially returned, was the first to say.

Midor was listening to the words clearly. Those who were close to the
silence could hear each other's breath.

But Midor, pretending not to hear Sandra's orders, seized his fear.

That's what I think.

'Yes, you can win. Let's not be afraid. Today is definitely a day when you
can drink the blood of your enemies in a pure gold glass.'

With you.

There is no reason not to do so.

Midor knelt down and raised his hands in a polite figure. Like a believer in

It was Midorman's ritual, which had nothing to do with the 'complete

opening' of a cube. A ceremony to welcome and show respect to one's elder
brother, who has indeed met for the first time in a long time.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Light spread like water from a completely open six-sided surface. Light
from the cube was flowing through the air like waves.

Dark and gloomy blue light streams seemed to paint on the space as a
drawing paper.

Except for Zipple, Murakan has lived for 3,000 years.

It was a strange scene that everyone here had never seen before.

'The lights are forming something...... ha, my God.'

After watching the light of the cube for a while, Jin had to suppress the
desire that came up in his absurd mind.

The first thing light formed, a human being.

It was a Muron Zipple.

"Hello, brother...…!”

Midor raised his head and looked up at Muron with glistening eyes.

Before I knew it, the Muron had a form of material, so to speak, not light,
with a texture and weight.

Unlike when we met in Colon, however, it was not a fully alive person.

The skin was dark blue, like an old corpse, and peeled off all over the place,
revealing things like bones, teeth, and so on. The pupils of the eyes were
dark and dazed, and it just looked as if the body was moving.

Also, Muron was not the only thing that formed the light of a cube.


A battle weapon of the Jipple, a ship symbolizing the scourge of heaven.

A flying ship resembling the Cosek was also forming behind the Muron.

The shriveled ship was rather larger than the Cosek, giving off a greater
show of dignity by its appearance alone.

There were numerous light-forming wizards on board the ship.

In other words, Jipple's ships and troops were formed in the middle of the
island out of nowhere.

Those holding their heads together at the shocking sight had to forget what
everyone had to say.

Even Jin's eyes are blindingly speechless.

[Good air, Midor.]

When Muron finally opened his mouth and spoke in a friendly yet dignified
voice, Midor looked as if he was about to cry in a moment of emotion.

Now you can avenge yourself with your brother, and take the road of
recognition by your father...…!

My whole body was shaking like mad at the thrill that began with such
conviction. For a moment, I felt foolish to doubt the strength of my brother
and his ship and the army.

[And long time no see, Jean Lunkan...]….]

[Oh, I've been looking at you for a while, and this shit just popped out of
nowhere. Huh? Bad luck!]

It was then.

What the Murakhan breathed together.

There was a deluge of spiritual energy that was so dense that it was no
match for the black awl that had just poured out, that it was pouring into
Muron and his army.

Neither Midor nor Muron.

I didn't even think that the breath would break the ship.

So, after one defense, the Jin group only planned to continue their attack
with a shiverable ambassador.

But the next moment, the giant ship that just light formed was so easy.

It was as simple as a torch-carved hanji was burned through the center of

Murakan's breath and was crushed.

Kudddeuk, Kaddeuk, Kiki-gi!

Boom, boom! Gag! Ting! Taetang!

Muron and Midor had no choice but to doubt their ears at the sound of the
ship breaking. It sounded strange because the brothers had no sense of

[What a bunch of bastards sat on the dirt of their weight, anyway. To


Murakan only rinsed and snorted.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son
Chapter 472

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:43 AM

Chapter 472: Episode 132. Exterminate, and strange...….(6)

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again


'This is... ..what's going on?'

Muron and Midor had to feel the unfamiliar sensation of something getting
out of their bodies.

Soul, or soul. Such was the element that escaped from their bodies.

It wasn't realistic at all.

I just knocked it out in one breath, no. It was not enough to say that it was a
complete defeat. What kind of ship is a ship that is literally a "powder"?

It was a mass-production ship modeled after the battle weapon project of

Jipple, which was nicknamed "the power to destroy the world."

Although mass-production is a thing, even the developers of the project

have assured us that the maximum performance of the original is more than
50%. It's not easy to make just because it's mass-produced.

It was, so to speak, a ship that should never be broken so vainly. The

'Cosec2 Muron' was a ship built to rule the world.
Hoodie, Tuddeuk, Tuk...…!

Such ships were now pouring in just rain.

It used to be the rain of a black awning, and now it was the rubble of a giant
ship that was broken. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of
broken pieces blackened the air like a swarm of insects.

In fact, if the Muron and the passengers were fully prepared from the start
and could only activate the protective shield properly upon their
appearance, they would not have been so wasted.

'My, my ship......the line......! My Project 2 Muron!'

It was smashed to pieces.

As if it had gone bad, the eyes of the bluish Muron stood red with blood.

Do you think only the ship was broken?

It wasn't. The pouring debris, like rain, was a mixture of human flesh and
bones as well as the materials of the ship.

Hundreds of wizards aboard the ship were also wiped out.

Even the Cosec2 Muron and its wizards made their debut in 'After Living'
today. Their debut opponents were Jean and Murakan, who killed Muron.

There can't be a better debut stage than this, but it's such a disastrous result!

[What, are you crying?] Are you crying? Is he crying?]

Murakhan raised one eyebrow and narrowed his eyes.

The distance was quite far and the shrapnel was covered, but moist tears
seemed to be glistening around Muron's eyes.

"Hi, brother! Brother Muron!"

Midor's voice, urgently calling Muron, cracked and heard a leak.

It made the already broken dignity and atmosphere all the more funny, but it
was not the time to be ashamed of it.

"Brother, you have to hold on to the opposite sex, Brother Muron!"


[Hey, show me something before you pull yourself together. Especially

you! You've come back from death. Shouldn't you be a part of Murakan's

Murakan snorted as if his brother's devastated cock was ridiculous.

And the knights of Vigo and Looncandel were once again misunderstood. It
was because they did not know that the project 2 Muron had lower
performance than the original.

It's a matter of course. The Cosec2 Muron and the cube that summoned it
has just been revealed to the world.

"Nose, you're going to break down the project with one breath?'


'No, that ship was bigger than Cochac. Oh, my God, who can break a
project like this......I think, one father is everything.'

The Beaumont crew was thinking the same thing as the Looncandel.

Even on their common sense ships, it was impossible to finish a project-

class ship with one breath. Unless you are the only Changsheng knight in
the world, Siron Looncandel.

The rumor of Murakhan's immorality was in such an absurdly large order.

[Ha, that. I don't think he used to be such a slob. Don't you, kid?]
Jean did not answer and fixed her gaze on Muron and Midor, on the cubes
he was holding.

To be exact, it wasn't that he didn't answer, it was that he Unlike Murakan,

and just like all the other forces. Jean was also speechless.

However, it was not due to Murakan's ignorance like other forces.

There are some facts that everyone is forgetting because of the shocking
sight of the ship being smashed at once.

First resurrection.

Muron resurrected in a way that apparently did not use Numerus' tears.

The resurrection of the Muron, like Sandra's regeneration, is the power of

the drinking stone. No wonder I couldn't get Muron's body back then
because of the support from the Zipple headquarters.'

Muron's resurrection came after the production of the "new drinking stone."

When the body was first recovered to the Zipple, Luna had destroyed the
first Zipple's drinking stone. The same drinking stone that Andrei Zipple

Jipple would have promised you eternal life and the strongest power, or
something like that. And you've seen with your own eyes the hard evidence
and the hard evidence for it.

Maybe it's a drinking party. I've seen the dead resurrect and gain
tremendous strength from the strange thing. It was a mysterious force that
anyone could have had.

But Barton, you know what? I have also experienced the broken stone of
the Runkandel sword. Even my father knew it existed. So don't dream of
anything. The death you face today is complete. Resurrection, eternity, such
vain things don't happen.
Suddenly, words to Barton Bichena came to mind during his mission to kill
the black knight.

In fact, the resurrection itself was not much of a novelty. I've already had a
showdown with Andrey when I was a backup rider, and I've had a chance to
save Buretta by drinking.

What really surprised Jean was the existence of a cube rather than a

'What the hell is that cube?'

I didn't think it would be a drinking seat. It was unlikely that Midor would
have such an important item at this moment. It looks very different from
what Andrei had.

'You can say that the shape has changed because of the improvement, but
there's no unique creepy feeling. Most of all, Murakhan is not very
responsive to that thing.'

The drinking stone evokes instinctive fear in the dragons. When fighting
Andrei, Murakan showed immunity, but Quikantel was almost in a state of
inability to fight as soon as he saw the drinking stone.

Then the answer was simple.

'New technology, new means of war.'

The driving principle of cubes was unknown. But the use was very clear.


'That's a kind of gateway to travel. Smaller than current gates, with greater
performance. Maybe it's something greater than my imagination and my

None of the current mobile gates could accommodate this size of personnel
at once. Furthermore, it was completely impossible to move a giant flying
Heart beating, heart beating!

Suddenly the heart beat double.

In front of your eyes, you have a sample symbolizing the "best technology
that has never been leaked" of the world's first and largest archrival of

'Maybe Joshua and the other top riders of the forces went somewhere else,
not the Gaifa archipelago, which may have something to do with that

It could have been a greater harvest than Amela (who became a potential
ally) if she could have.

[Keeps squeezing. I hate the sight of it. Stop dying, it's annoying.]


Murakhan had gathered his breath again to kill Muron, Midor and the rest
of the remnants.

"Stop, Murakan!"

[Kehek, !]

Murakan, who was about to exhale, hurriedly closed his throat and

[Oh, why all of a sudden?]

Jean was already gushing Midor with her eyes glistening.

"Kkeut, damn it!"

Quang! Feng!

Midor set off a space explosion with evil. Don't let the gin come near you.
But the space explosion could not easily pierce Multa's rune and spirit
armor. The gin that Midor encountered in Colon and the current gin were
completely different.

Midor also tried extremely hard to be strong for revenge, but his courage
and determination were different in the first place.

It was an insurmountable difference.

"I never forgot to trouble you at Colon, Midor Elner."


Bradamante drew a diagonal line.

Midor, the glad sword, the wizard, could not react with ease even the
fighters who reached the ninth star, was all about one flinch.

The mana was exhausted from stopping Murakan's attack the whole time.
The shield was no longer in place, nor was it able to fight back.

Believing in panic, the elder brother was muttering to himself even though
Cheol-cheon Ji-su passed by him and was reaching out to his brother. a
dead look

Fishet! The blood fountain shot up.

Midor's right arm was cut off and the middle of his chest was a blood
fountain. And between the red drops of blood, came the cube, giving off a
gloomy blue color.

Mana, which is characterized by ice crystals, wrapped a cube around it.

'There must be a device for security leaks.'

It was as expected. Just as Beemant's Mines oxidized to leave no trace.

In the case of cubes, it was an explosion. In that short space, they sense the
threat and try to blow it up right away.

For a moment he put the bradamante in the ground, and with his two hands
stretched out the seal of ice, he wrapped the cubes around him.

The explosion was inevitable, but he held it in his chest so that it would
explode while maintaining even a little of its original form.

There was a roar in my hands and in front of my chest. It was a powerful

explosion, as if the fingers and breast bones were all broken, even with
blessed strong bodies and young armor.

Soon after, I opened my hand and found that the cube was broken in a mess,
but most of the parts remained the same.

With this level of damage, we can fully analyze it. If you're a world-class

A smile came out of satisfaction.

Midor, on the other hand, was screaming like this with his eyes full of hair.

"Muron, you idiot! Are you a jipple or how could you disappoint me like
this? The years I've spent so much blood for your revenge......through!"


Midor pointed to Jean with a stick he was holding in his left hand.

It was the tower's wand, and the run letter calling the main army was

"You wanted to kill me? Yes, Jean Looncandel. Kill him. But my revenge
won't end today."

Midor thought Jean had made a "mistake."

He failed to calculate the tower's wand because he wanted to obtain a

specimen of a cube.
However, Midor was able to activate the tower's wand because Jean
intentionally left her left arm.

"In the beginning and resurrection, the Zipple seems to have lost quite a bit
of death. But Midor Elner, don't you think you did something stupid?"

Jean strode to Midor and said,

"If there's more broken cubes, it's too slow to call the main post with that
stick, isn't it? By the time they get here, I'm already going home to take a
warm bath and have dinner.”

"If it weren't for Talaris that day, your ass...…!”

"If you show up again in front of me, I'll understand that as proof that the
Zipple can be resurrected without a corpse. So let's not s

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