Full Spectrum Strength

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Wild Hunt Conditioning 1

Full Spectrum Strength

This program is a two week strength training plan intended to provide an
introduction to the Wild Hunt Conditioning System. We believe in
developing well rounded athletes and operators through full spectrum
training using a combination of traditional, historic and cutting edge
methods. Our programs develop strength, endurance, power, athleticism,
mobility and armored bodies while simultaneously forging an unbreakable
mindset. Our methods have been proven by both the latest scientific
testing and years of testing on the front lines. Time and time again our
athletes have been shown to be on another level. And now you can be too.

-Take responsibility for your training. If you encounter an exercise that
you aren’t familiar or comfortable with, educate yourself. Google and
YouTube are both great free resources.

-Quality always beats quantity in the long term, so execute all
programming with a focus on quality reps and give yourself extra time to
recover if needed.

-Active recovery is king. Using movement and light exercise to accelerate
recovery, while further improving technicality, is a staple of the Wild
Hunt Method. It is an essential aspect of a training program of this

-We recommend doing all possible exercises barefoot.

-Prehab is included in this program, and it is non-negotiable. If you wait
to address your joints until an injury has already occurred, you are too
late. Your joints and connective tissues need to be armored if they’re
going to sustain this sort of output. Do not neglect this.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 2

-By using different bars, weights, stances, grips, gear, etc., this training
template can be repeated over and over. (For example, a standard squat can
be substituted for a box squat, a bench press can be substituted for bench
press augmented by gear like bands or the Slingshot, etc.).

-The percentages referenced in the exercises within refer to intensity.
Most of our work takes place between 75% and 90% intensities, but while
the intensities will remain relatively consistent your weights should
slowly and consistently be increasing. You don’t need to max out
constantly to get stronger, you just need to consistently use progressive
overload in an intelligent fashion. Keep in mind that these percentages
are relative: your 85% on a day when you slept, ate and feel great will be
different from your 85% on a day when you’re getting over the flu. So
listen to your body and learn to self regulate. Use the guide below.

-Utilize cluster sets when necessary (if an exercise calls for three sets of
8 and you are unable to complete it on that given day, instead break down
the exercise into six sets of 4.

If part of the program doesn’t make sense to you, do it anyway. Trust the
process and it will pay off.

Never stop seeking to improve your form and technique.

Intensity Guide:
75% intensity= 5 reps left in the tank. 80% intensity= 3-4 reps left in the
tank. 85% intensity= 2-3 reps left in the tank. 90% intensity= 1 rep left in
the tank. 95% intensity= 0 reps left in the tank.

-Some of the exercises contained in this program call for special
equipment, notably the Belt Squat March and the Reverse Hyperextension.
If you do not have access to these machines, fear not. Both movements can be
mimicked by others means. We suggest searching Google or YouTube for ‘DIY
Belt Squat Machine’ or ‘Improvised Reverse Hyperextension Machine’, or
similar phrases, as there are many options. However here are a few:

Wild Hunt Conditioning 3

Reverse Hyperextension:
-Simply lay your upper body face down on any flat elevated surface (with
somewhere for your hands to grip), so that your legs hang off the edge
freely from the waist down. Using a band, ankle weights or even a dumbbell
to provide resistance, initiate the movement.
-Attach a low cable to your ankle, bend at the waist to 90 degrees and grip
the handle or cable tower. Conduct the Reverse Hyperextension in this
manner one leg at a time.

Belt Squat March:

-Set a cable at its lowest height, put on a weightlifting belt, squat down
and secure cable to the front of the belt. Simply squat the weight up and
begin marching in place. It may be necessary to stand on a pair of boxes to
get proper clearance. -Loop a heavy band through the front a
weightlifting belt so that the large loop of the band hangs down towards
the ground. Step both feet into the band and begin marching in place,
using your hands to keep band clear of your knees if necessary. You may
hang additional weight from the belt or carry a kettlebell in the suitcase,
rack or goblet position for additional resistance.


General Physical Preparedness, or ‘GPP’, refers to a form of functional,
real world training used heavily by Wild Hunt Conditioning to develop
work capacity, power output, durability and athleticism. Examples
-Weighted Carries or Marches (Farmer, Zercher, Suitcase, Front Rack,
Overhead). -Sleds (Push, Pull, Drag, Sideways Drag).
-Rucking: 1-2 miles at a moderate pace with 20% of your own bodyweight in
a pack (preferably with a cross strap) or weighted vest.
-Chopping wood. -Digging with a shovel. -Wheelbarrow. -Battle ropes.


Wild Hunt Conditioning 4

-In Ancient Greece there were heated debates between athletes who
followed carnivore and vegetarian diets, even Olympic champions, with
many of their followers and fans following suit. Ultimately what you eat
is your choice. However whatever your diet, make sure it is high in
protein, high in micronutrients and provides appropriate calories for
your individual needs. The approach we recommend, as it has consistently
proven effective over thousands of years, is this: become a master of the
basics. The biggest biohacking secret ever discovered is to be impeccable
in your basic nutrition, sleep, active recovery and cultivation of a
supporting lifestyle.
-While it is not essential, we recommend monitoring macronutrient
intake. If you want to operate your body like a precision machine, it is
very useful to track the fuel, oil and fluid levels. In order to do this,
calculate how many calories you burn in a day (there are plenty of free
apps and calculators online): this number is referred to as your
“maintenance calories”.
-If you wish to maintain your current weight, seek to consume exactly
your maintenance calories while ingesting 1 gram of protein for every
pound of your current bodyweight.
-If you wish to bulk up, look to consume 1 gram of protein for every pound
of your body weight and maintain a daily caloric goal of 10% more than
your maintenance calories. Bulking is not an excuse to eat any and
everything. If you want put on quality mass without hindering your
athletic performance, you must build it from quality materials and put it
on slowly.
-If you wish to ‘cut’ to get leaner, aim for 1.2 grams of protein per pound
(yes, you need more protein in a cut than in a bulk), while consuming a
daily caloric intake of 20% less than your maintenance calories (up to 25%
in more urgent situations). Every 2-3 weeks, spend 5-7 days consuming
your maintenance calories in order to let your body recover and reset.
Then repeat the process. This is known as a ‘diet break’ and it helps
preserve lean muscle mass, maintain performance levels and keep the body

(For a vegetarian diet, increase all recommended protein intake by an

additional ten percent).

Wild Hunt Conditioning 5

-Regardless of whether you are cutting, bulking or maintaining you still
want to understand that a balanced, micronutrient dense diet is essential
for maximum performance and recovery. You can still have a burger and a
piece of cheesecake from time to time, but make sure you cover the basics
by eating a daily diet with plenty of clean protein, fruit, vegetables and
greens. It makes a bigger difference than you might think.
-We recommend a small amount of protein and carbohydrates 30-90 minutes
before a training session, followed by larger servings of both shortly
-Be sure to supplement your electrolyte intake with electrolyte products
or natural sources. This is one of the most ignored aspects of
supplementation even among professional athletes. Do not overlook this.
-Fiber and probiotics are another factor overlooked by many athletes.
When your gut and brain work better, you work better. Fermented foods,
fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources.
-Do not neglect general health. Eat your protein, fruit and veggies, take
care of your body and mind, and get your sleep (develop a calming nightly
ritual before bed and aim for at least 7 hours of sleep in a cool, dark and
quiet room).
-While active recovery will always be king, if you are looking for an
additional recovery protocol, soaking in a hot bath for 20 minutes after
training will stimulate recovery by increasing blood flow and relaxing
the nervous system.
-Control the stresses in your personal life. Your body can’t tell the
difference between the stress imposed by training and the stress imposed
by life, and personal stress impairs focus.
-Fancy supplements and additional recovery protocols are fine, but only
once you’ve mastered the basics: nutrition, sleep, active recovery and

-Protein powder: protein powder can be an indispensable resource in
pursuit of adequate protein intake. Whey protein is the most readily
available and has consistently proven to be at the top of the pile when it
comes to amino acid profile and absorbability.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 6

-Creatine monohydrate: aids in repeated power production as well as gut
and brain function.
-Electrolyte powder: maintains proper hydration, recovery and brain
-A complete greens powder, powdered superfoods or food based
multivitamins: fills any gaps in the diet or deficiencies created by
intense training.
-Magnesium: host to a wide range of health and performance benefits, most
individuals on a modern diet are deficient.
-Citrulline Malate: useful before lifting to support vasodilation and
muscle function.
-Caffeine: moderately dosed pre-training, if tolerated well.

Day 1:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: one set of 6-10/per side. Use only
bodyweight or light kettlebell/dumbbell.
-Side Lunge: one set of 6-10/per side. Use only bodyweight or light
kettlebell/ dumbbell.
-Pull Up: three sets of 6.
-Box Jumps: three sets of 5.

-Deadlift: work up to three sets of 3 @ 85%.
-Bulgarian Split Squat: three sets of 6 @ 85%.
-Heavy Sled Pull: four sets of 25 yards @ 90%.
-Good Morning: three sets of 8 @ 75%.
-Sissy Squat: three sets of 8 @ 80%. (Use dumbbells, barbells or kettlebell.
Elevate heels approximately 2 inches).

-Sissy Squat: 2 x 5.
-Bulgarian Split Squat: 1 x 5.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 7

-Side Lunge: 2 x 5/per side.
-Pigeon Stretch: three sets of 10/per side.

Day 2:
WARM UP (50 feet each): -Walking Romanian Deadlift -Walking Lunge
-High Knees
-Bear Crawl
-Duck Walk
-Band Pull-Aparts: 2 sets of 15.

-Dips: 3 x 30 seconds.
-Air Squats: 2 x 1 minute.
-KB Overhead Squats: 2 x 1 minute/per side. -KB Goblet Squat: 2 x 1 minute.
-KB Goblet Press: 2 x 1 minute.
-KB Goblet Press/KB Goblet Squat/KB Goblet Reverse Lunge Complex: 5 x 1

-Lying Dumbbell Internal Rotation: 3 sets of 8 @ 85%. Slowly seek to expand
range of motion. If you don’t have a light dumbbell, use a light band or
even a light household object.
-Dumbbell Upright Row: 3 sets of 12 @ 80%.
-Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 3 sets of 12 @ 90%.

Day 3:
-Active Recovery: 20 minute jog, ruck, hike, swim or bike at light
intensity. -10 minutes stretching, yoga or movement.

Day 4:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Barbell Rear Military Press: two sets of 8-15 using just the bar.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 8

-Face Pull: two sets of 8-15. Use cable or band, light-moderate resistance.
-Pull Up: three sets of 5.
-Long Jumps: two sets of 5.

-Single Arm Barbell Press: five sets of 5 @ 85%.
-Single Arm Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: three sets of 8 @ 90%.

-Zercher March: three sets of 30 seconds @ 90%. -Seated Row: three sets of
12 @ 90%.
-Skull Crusher: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Barbell Curl: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Barbell Rollout: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Dead Hang: 2x/failure.
-External Rotations (standing): 3 sets of 12. -Lying Single Arm Crossbody
Fly: 3 sets of 12. -Thread the Needle Stretch: 3 x 10/per side. -Roll Soles
of Feet on Small, Firm Frozen Ball. —
Day 5:
-Pogo Jumps: 40 jumps (10 in each direction). -Skipping: 200 yards.
-Bulgarian Split Squat: two sets of 5. -Alternating Side Lunge: two sets of
-Short run at light to moderate pace.
Distance Guide- Beginner: 1-3 miles Moderate: 3-5 miles Advanced: 5-7
-Sissy Squat: 2 sets of 5.
-Poliquin Step Up: 2 sets of 10.
-Banded Ankle Stirrup: three sets of 10/per side. —
Week 2- Day 1:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Bulgarian Split Squat: two sets of 6/per side. Use only bodyweight or
light kettlebell/dumbbell.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 9

-Hip Abduction with Band or Cable: two sets of 8/per side.
-Air Squat: three sets of 10.
-Box Jumps: three sets of 5.

-Squat: three sets of 3 @ 80%.
-Romanian Deadlift: three sets of 6 @ 80%.
-Hex Bar Carry:
-Two sets of 15 yards @ 70%, forward and backwards (carry 15 yards forward
and then walk back backwards in reverse to starting point).
-Three sets of 25 yards @ 90%. (Forward carry only).
-Reverse Hyperextensions: three sets of 15 @ 80%.
-Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge- three sets of 6/per side @ 80%. Focus on
achieving full depth.

-Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: one set of 6-10/per side. Use only
bodyweight or light kettlebell/dumbbell.
-Tibialis Raise: 2 x 15.
-Russian Twist: three sets of 20. Body weight or kettlebell.
-Pigeon Stretch: three sets of 20 seconds/per side.
-90/90 Stretch: three sets of 10/per side.

Day 2:
-Forward arm circles: one set of 10.
-Backwards arm circles: one set of 10.
-Air Squats: two sets of 10.
-Dips: three sets of 8. If dip bar is unavailable, use a chair to do prison

-GPP Freestyle: 30 minutes, light to moderate intensity. Choose between:
weighted carries, sleds, club swings, wheelbarrow, digging or swimming.


Wild Hunt Conditioning 10

-Tibialis Raise: 2 x 15. -Bodyweight Split Squat: 2 x 6.

Day 3:
-Active Recovery: 20 minute walk, hike, swim or bike at light intensity.
-Fingertip Plank or Push Up: 3 sets to failure. Start with plank and
proceed to push up.
-10 minutes stretching, yoga or movement.

Day 4:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Barbell Rear Military Press: two sets of 8-15 using just the bar.
-Face Pull: two sets of 8-15. Use cable or band, light-moderate resistance.
-Pull Up: three sets of 5.
-Long Jumps: two sets of 5.

-Bench Press: five sets of 5 @ 85%.
-Barbell Row: three sets of 8 @ 85%.
-Overhead Kettlebell Carry: three sets of 25 yards (carry 25 yards forward
and then walk back backwards in reverse to starting point) @ 85%.
-Dumbbell Pullover: three sets of 12 @ 90%.
-Lying Dumbbell External Shoulder Rotations: three sets of 12 @ 85%. (Lie
on a bench on your side).
-Incline Hammer Curl: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: three sets of 12 @ 90%.

-Dead Hang: 2x/failure.
-External Rotations (standing): 3 sets of 12. -Lying Single Arm Crossbody
Fly: 3 sets of 12. -Thread the Needle Stretch: 3 x 10/per side.

Day 5:
-Pogo Jumps: 40 jumps (10 in each direction). -Skipping: 200 yards.
-Bunny Hop: two sets of 5.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 11

-High Knees: two sets of 20 yards.

-Tempo Run: 3 x 30 yards at 70-80% intensity.
-Sprint: 4 x 10 yards, 3 x 20 yards, 2 x 40 yards. (Note: if you aren’t used to
sprinting, start at 80% intensity and slowly build up over multiple weeks
to give your body a chance to acclimate).

-Sissy Squat: 2 sets of 5.
-Poliquin Step Up: 2 sets of 10.
-Banded Ankle Stirrup: three sets of 10/per side.

Day 2:
WARM UP (50 feet each): -Walking Romanian Deadlift -Walking Lunge
-High Knees
-Bear Crawl
-Duck Walk
-Band Pull-Aparts: 2 sets of 15.

-Dips: 3 x 30 seconds.
-Air Squats: 2 x 1 minute.
-KB Overhead Squats: 2 x 1 minute/per side. -KB Goblet Squat: 2 x 1 minute.
-KB Goblet Press: 2 x 1 minute.
-KB Goblet Press/KB Goblet Squat/KB Goblet Reverse Lunge Complex: 5 x 1

-Lying Dumbbell Internal Rotation: 3 sets of 8 @ 85%. Slowly seek to expand
range of motion. If you don’t have a light dumbbell, use a light band or
even a light household object.
-Dumbbell Upright Row: 3 sets of 12 @ 80%.
-Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 3 sets of 12 @ 90%.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 12

Day 3:
-Active Recovery: 20 minute jog, ruck, hike, swim or bike at light
intensity. -10 minutes stretching, yoga or movement.

Day 4:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Barbell Rear Military Press: two sets of 8-15 using just the bar.
-Face Pull: two sets of 8-15. Use cable or band, light-moderate resistance.
-Pull Up: three sets of 5.
-Long Jumps: two sets of 5.

-Single Arm Barbell Press: five sets of 5 @ 85%.
-Single Arm Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Zercher March: three sets of 30 seconds @ 90%. -Seated Row: three sets of
12 @ 90%.
-Skull Crusher: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Barbell Curl: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Barbell Rollout: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Dead Hang: 2x/failure.
-External Rotations (standing): 3 sets of 12. -Lying Single Arm Crossbody
Fly: 3 sets of 12. -Thread the Needle Stretch: 3 x 10/per side. -Roll Soles
of Feet on Small, Firm Frozen Ball.

Day 5:
-Pogo Jumps: 40 jumps (10 in each direction). -Skipping: 200 yards.
-Bulgarian Split Squat: two sets of 5. -Alternating Side Lunge: two sets of

-Short run at light to moderate pace.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 13

Distance Guide- Beginner: 1-3 miles Moderate: 3-5 miles Advanced: 5-7

-Sissy Squat: 2 sets of 5.
-Poliquin Step Up: 2 sets of 10.
-Banded Ankle Stirrup: three sets of 10/per side. —
Day 1:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Bulgarian Split Squat: two sets of 6/per side. Use only bodyweight or
light kettlebell/dumbbell.
-Hip Abduction with Band or Cable: two sets of 8/per side.
-Air Squat: three sets of 10.
-Box Jumps: three sets of 5.

-Squat: three sets of 3 @ 80%.
-Romanian Deadlift: three sets of 6 @ 80%.
-Hex Bar Carry:
-Two sets of 15 yards @ 70%, forward and backwards (carry 15 yards forward
and then walk back backwards in reverse to starting point).
-Three sets of 25 yards @ 90%. (Forward carry only).
-Reverse Hyperextensions: three sets of 15 @ 80%.
-Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge- three sets of 6/per side @ 80%. Focus on
achieving full depth.

-Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: one set of 6-10/per side. Use only
bodyweight or light kettlebell/dumbbell.
-Tibialis Raise: 2 x 15.
-Russian Twist: three sets of 20. Body weight or kettlebell.
-Pigeon Stretch: three sets of 20 seconds/per side.
-90/90 Stretch: three sets of 10/per side.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 14

Day 2:
-Forward arm circles: one set of 10.
-Backwards arm circles: one set of 10.
-Air Squats: two sets of 10.
-Dips: three sets of 8. If dip bar is unavailable, use a chair to do prison

-GPP Freestyle: 30 minutes, light to moderate intensity. Choose between:
weighted carries, sleds, club swings, wheelbarrow, digging or swimming.

-Tibialis Raise: 2 x 15. -Bodyweight Split Squat: 2 x 6.

Day 3:
-Active Recovery: 20 minute walk, hike, swim or bike at light intensity.
-Fingertip Plank or Push Up: 3 sets to failure. Start with plank and
proceed to push up.
-10 minutes stretching, yoga or movement.

Day 4:
-Bear Crawl: 15 yards in all four directions.
-Barbell Rear Military Press: two sets of 8-15 using just the bar.
-Face Pull: two sets of 8-15. Use cable or band, light-moderate resistance.
-Pull Up: three sets of 5.
-Long Jumps: two sets of 5.

-Bench Press: five sets of 5 @ 85%.
-Barbell Row: three sets of 8 @ 85%.
-Overhead Kettlebell Carry: three sets of 25 yards (carry 25 yards forward
and then walk back backwards in reverse to starting point) @ 85%.
-Dumbbell Pullover: three sets of 12 @ 90%.

Wild Hunt Conditioning 15

-Lying Dumbbell External Shoulder Rotations: three sets of 12 @ 85%. (Lie
on a bench on your side).
-Incline Hammer Curl: three sets of 8 @ 90%.
-Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: three sets of 12 @ 90%.

-Dead Hang: 2x/failure.
-External Rotations (standing): 3 sets of 12. -Lying Single Arm Crossbody
Fly: 3 sets of 12. -Thread the Needle Stretch: 3 x 10/per side.

Day 5:
-Pogo Jumps: 40 jumps (10 in each direction). -Skipping: 200 yards.
-Bunny Hop: two sets of 5.
-High Knees: two sets of 20 yards.

-Tempo Run: 3 x 30 yards at 70-80% intensity.
-Sprint: 4 x 10 yards, 3 x 20 yards, 2 x 40 yards. (Note: if you aren’t used to
sprinting, start at 80% intensity and slowly build up over multiple weeks
to give your body a chance to acclimate).

-Sissy Squat: 2 sets of 5.
-Poliquin Step Up: 2 sets of 10.
-Banded Ankle Stirrup: three sets of 10/per side.

If you enjoyed this style of training, check out our other training plans
here: https://wildhuntconditioning.myshopify.com/

Wild Hunt Conditioning 16

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