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Mathematics - III

Module - II :: Lecture - 7

Dr. H. K. Patel
Department of Mathematics
Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain

July - December’ 2020

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Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
Fourier Transforms:
Finite Fourier Cosine Transform
Finite Fourier Sine Transform

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Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
1. Finite Fourier Transforms
The Fourier cosine and sine transforms are
defined on [0, ∞) and were obtained from
Fourier cosine and sine integral
representations of the functions. However, in
many applications, we are to deal with
problems defined on finite intervals. In this
case, we define the finite Fourier cosine and
sine transforms and are obtained from the
Fourier cosine and sine series.
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Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
Finite Fourier Cosine Transform:
Let the given function f (t) be piecewise
continuous on [0, π]. Then the finite Fourier
cosine transform of f (t) is defined by
Z π
Fc (n) = f (t) cos ntdt

where n is an non-negative integer,

n = 0, 1, 2, .... This transform is also denoted
by Cn [f (t)].
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The half-range cosine series is given by

π ∞ Z π 
1 2X
f (t ) = f (τ )d τ + f (τ ) cos nτ d τ cos nt .
π 0 π n=1 0

In terms of the finite Fourier cosine

transform, we can write this equation as

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" #
1 X
f (t) = Fc (0) + 2 Fc (n) cos nt .
π n=1

This result is known as the inverse finite

Fourier cosine transform.

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Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
Finite Fourier Sine Transform:
Let the given function f (t) be piecewise
continuous on [0, π]. Then the finite Fourier
sine transform of f (t) is defined by
Z π
Fs (n) = f (t) sin ntdt

where n is an integer and n = 1, 2, .... This

transform is also denoted by Sn [f (t)].
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The half-range sine series is given by
∞ Z π 
f (t ) = f (τ ) sin nτ d τ sin nt .
π n=1 0

In terms of the finite Fourier sine transform,

we can write this equation as

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f (t) = Fs (n) sin nt.
π n=1

This result is known as the inverse finite

Fourier sine transform.

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2. Finite Transforms of Derivatives
Transforms of First Derivatives:
Assume that f (t) is continuous and f 0(t) is
piecewise continuous on [0, π]. Then

Cn [f 0(t)] = nFs (n) + (−1)n f (π) − f (0)

Sn [f 0(t)] = −nFc (n)
where n = 1, 2, ... 10/ 22
Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
Transforms of Second Derivatives:
Assume that f (t) and f 0(t) are continuous
and f 00(t) is piecewise continuous on [0, π].

Cn [f 00(t)] = −n2Fc (n) + (−1)n f 0(π) − f 0(0)


Sn [f 00(t)] = −n2Fs (n) − n(−1)n f (π) + nf (0)

where n = 1, 2, ... 11/ 22
Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
REMARKS: In case the functions are
defined in the interval [0, c], then we use the
following formulae for FFCT.
Z c  nπt 
Fc (n) = f (t) cos dt
0 c
and then the inversion formula would be

" #
1 X  nπt 
f (t) = Fc (0) + 2 Fc (n) cos .
c n=1

Similarly for FFST. 12/ 22

Dr. H. K. Patel Mathematics - IIIModule - II :: Lecture - 7
3. Examples
Example 1 Find the finite Fourier sine
transform of f (t) = 1 on (0, 1). Also use the
inverse transform to write the result.
Solution: Applying the finite sine transform
to this function, we obtain
Z 1 h cos nπt i1
Sn {f (t)} = sin nπtdt = −
0 nπ 0
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1 − cos nπ  , n odd
= = nπ
nπ  0, n even.

Applying the inverse sine transform yields

4 X sin(2n − 1)πt
1= . 
π n=1 (2n − 1)

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Example 2 Find the finite Fourier cosine
and sine transform of the function f (t) = t
defined in [0, π].
Solution: FFCT: By definition, for n = 0.
Z π
C0[f (t)] = tdt = .
0 2
and for n = 1, 2, 3, ...
Z π
Cn [f (t)] = t cos ntdt.
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Using integration by parts, we get
sin nt cos nt 
Cn [f (t)] = t − − 2
n n 0

cos nπ − 1
= .
 2
 π ,

Cn [f (t)] = 2
 cos nπ − 1 , n = 1, 2, ...

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FFST: By definition, for n = 1, 2, ...
Z π
Fs (n) = Sn [f (t)] = t sin ntdt.

By integration by parts
cos nt  sin nt
Fs (n) = t − +
n n2 0
cos nπ
⇒ Fs (n) = − . 
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Example 3 Find the finite Fourier cosine
and sine transform of the function
f (t) = sinh at defined in [0, π].
Solution: FFCT: By definition, for n = 0.
Z π
Fc (0) = C0[f (t)] = sinh atdt
cosh at (cosh aπ − 1)
= = .
a 0 a
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and for n = 1, 2, ...
Z π
Fc (n) = Cn [f (t)] = sinh at cos ntdt
(e at − e −at )
= cos ntdt
0 2

e at

= (a cos nt + n sin nt)
2 (a2 + n2) 0
e −at
− (−a cos nt + n sin nt)
2 (a2 + n2) 0
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a aπ −aπ
= [(e cos nπ−1)+(e cos nπ−1)]
2(a2 + n2)
= (cosh aπ cos nπ −1).
(a2 + n2)

FFST: Proceeding as above, we get

Fs (n) = − sinh aπ cos nπ. 
(a2 + n2)

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4. Exercises

1 The following functions are defined on

[0, π]. Find the FFST and FFCT of
(a) f (t) = e −t

(b) f (t) = sin at, a > 0

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