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Synergie Fitness Club

Table of Contents
Current Market Conditions.................................................................................................................2
Market Trends.....................................................................................................................................2
Economic Trends................................................................................................................................2
Population Trends...............................................................................................................................2
SWOT Analysis...................................................................................................................................2
Competitor Analysis............................................................................................................................3
Results of Members’ Survey.............................................................................................................3
Future Emphasis.................................................................................................................................4

23/3/2023 Phone Than Sin Thwin
Synergie Fitness Club


The UK fitness market has reached a crucial point in its development. Market
growth has slowed due to a combination of factors. The credit crunch and the
associated economic recession along with low consumer confidence have served to
render the market more or less immobile. This report will:

a) summarise the challenges faced by the industry

b) set out plans to cope with these difficult trading conditions
c) highlight opportunities that may be pursued

Current Market Conditions

The UK fitness market today is worth £3.8 billion (Fitness Industry Association). The
market is dominated by a few large companies. There are also many independent
clubs associated with sports associations, local councils, etc.

Market Trends

There is a continued interest in the gym as the main form of exercise and a trend
away from participation in competitive sports. After considerable growth in the
previous five years, the fitness market has slowed recently. During a recession one
of the first cutbacks made by individuals is gym membership. With lower disposable
income, members may switch to cheaper, public facilities. It will be important
therefore for all franchisees to monitor their local market carefully. It will be
necessary to get back to basics and maximise non-tangible benefits.

Economic Trends

Government estimates predict very slow economic growth right through to 2012.
Unemployment will continue to rise. Inflation is predicted to fall to nearer the
government target of 2% over the next few years. The slow economic growth will
result in very tough trading conditions ahead.

Population Trends

The UK population is set to grow over the next 5 years but very slowly and will have
minimal impact on the fitness market. The make-up of the population will be more
significant with continued ageing of the population and women continuing to
outnumber men.

23/3/2023 Phone Than Sin Thwin
Synergie Fitness Club

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Interest in fitness continues to grow Limited growth

Excellent reputation
Healthy financial situation
Committed and well qualified staff
Leading edge technology

Opportunities Threats

Government programmes to tackle Economic Recession

obesity Members switching to cheaper options
Large untapped sectors of population Ageing population
Increased concern with children’s fitness Strong competition
Public sector cuts
Increased interest through
Commonwealth Games

Competitor Analysis


Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

129000 148000 174371 186218
% Change 15% 18% 7%

KC Fitness
Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
43770 44750 51520 50231
% Change 2% 15% -3%

Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
271526 287194 331512 342866
% Change 6% 15% 3%

Results of Members’ Survey

23/3/2023 Phone Than Sin Thwin
Synergie Fitness Club

The recent survey provided very valuable information on the quality of our service
and for the future direction of the brand. Positive results were obtained in the
following areas:

Customer service
Product knowledge
Quality of advice
Effectiveness of programmes
Value for money

Issues were highlighted regarding the following:

Variety of classes
Lack of crèche facilities
Availability of spa treatments

Future Emphasis

As a result of our research and feedback, Synergie will have the following key
strategic targets

 Continued improvement in customer service

 Development of spa facilities

 Targetting of mature age group

 Greater customisation of programmes

 Emphasis on exercise as preventative therapy

 Introduction of new dance-style classes

23/3/2023 Phone Than Sin Thwin

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