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Name: Jocelyn D.

Course & Year Level: BEED, Level III
Professor: Ms. Sarah Jane Guban

Finals- Assignment 2

Discuss the importance of ensuring the validity, reliability, and practicality of a prepared

In making a test it is important to ensure that it meets the desired understanding of

students about the course content and their level of competency in applying what they
are learning. The importance of validity is to ensure the ability of a prepared test and to
assess the intended outcome of what students learned, the validity of a test must be
guaranteed by selecting a question item that is aligned with the objectives and content of
the lessons, how the test measure aligned to what is expected learning outcome of
students and how designing a test must be reliable and correlated to what students
learned about the lesson contents. The reliability of the test has to do with the consistency
of the results of the test obtaining that it can be tested through test-retest, parallel form,
internal consistency, and split half, to ensure the reliability of a prepared test it is important
that test items are appropriate to the learning of students to determine or measure the
result of test scores from the given set of test items. Lastly, practicality which has a
conclusion in the test occurs in the aspects of what is the interpretation and the results of
the test given to the students, to ensure the practicality in a test, it is necessary for a
teacher to design a test that is clear and easy to administer, the set of characteristics to
establish a test that will improve the students learning. In addition, it is important to ensure
the practicality of making a test because it will reflect on how students comprehend the
test, and how it will determine if the target learning outcomes are met.

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