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100 Tweet Templates with


💡 __ is an underrated vibe

💡 __ is the biggest cause of unhappiness

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💡 Learn to master __ first, before you master anything else

💡 __ and __ lead to growth

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💡 __now. _ later

💡 You will never know _ without knowing _

💡 _ focus on problems. _ focus on solutions.

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💡 _ today usually lead to _ tomorrow

💡 _ is purchased with your mind and nothing else.

💡 You think you lack _ But you really lack _

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💡 _ is the best indicator of success.

💡 _ is more important than talent

💡 — is poisonous to growth

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💡 The modern devil is _

💡 You win when you fall in love with _

💡 _ is the greatest medicine

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💡 Strive for _ Not _

💡 Nothing is more attractive than _

💡 Where there is _ and _ there is growth

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💡 Two of the most important values in life are _ and _

💡 All paths to success have _ and _ in them

💡 _ is the best place to grow

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💡 _ is the thing that will keep you moving forward everyday

💡 You weren't born with _, you learned it here

💡 _ is a choice, not a result

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💡 _ is what separates the best from the rest

💡 Not caring about _ is a sign of self-confidence.

💡 _ is inevitable once you spend more time with people who bring out the best
in you.

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💡 _ finds you faster when you're focused on the work.

💡 It's not the lack of _, it's the lack of focus that is stopping you.

💡 Focus on your _. You will naturally get lucky.

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💡 _ is a habit. Get addicted to it.

💡 Make your _ your motivation.

💡 If you fear _ you will never get _.

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💡 Your ability to _ determines your _ level.

💡 _ is the only solution to change your life.

💡 _ is the key to achieve more in less time.

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💡 _ is overrated _ is underrated

💡 There is no _ without _.

💡 _ is the ultimate motivation.

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💡 Realizing your _ will set you up for self-mastery

💡 Beware of getting _ before you can handle it

💡 Avoiding _ is a show of strength

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💡 The person who chooses _ over _ is a powerful person.

💡 _ is the flywheel for a better life.

💡 If your mind is at _, there is _ everywhere.

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💡 _ & _ is more important than IQ.

💡 Remind yourself of your _, it will kill your self-doubts for future.

💡 _ are necessary. _ are not

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💡 You are easy to control when you're _

💡 Without _ nothing happens

💡 Someone will always be _. But they will never be you

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💡 Your _ creates your reality

💡 _ is a sign of maturity

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💡 If you are afraid of _, you are not ready for _

💡 Conquering _ will ultimately allow you to build your dream life.

💡 _ is the greatest gift you can give yourself

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💡 If you can't handle _, you won't handle _

💡 You are one _ away from success

💡 Life is too great to be _

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💡 _is the vehicle. _ is the destination

💡 _ is a mindset not an outcome

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💡 _ and _ are two pillars of success

💡 Your _ will create or destroy your reality

💡 _ is an underrated skill

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💡 _ is a drug

💡 _ is the weapon of choice.

💡 _ is found at the intersection of _ and _

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💡 Don't wait for _. Start taking action now, and _ will follow.

💡 _ are illusions created by how you perceive your reality.

💡 _ kills _.

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💡 The biggest success hack is not _, it's _.

💡 There's always an opportunity to _. Look around

💡 _ is the biggest life hack

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💡 _ is needed to build both health and wealth

💡 _ attracts luck

💡 _ speaks much louder than anything you'll ever say.

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💡 _ won't make you rich. _ will.

💡 Success without _ is impossible.

💡 _ is the path to freedom.

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💡 _ is the greatest form of learning.

💡 It costs $0.00 to be _.

💡 Meeting people with the same _ as you is magical

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💡 Nothing will bring you greater peace, than _.

💡 _ is the creator of _.

💡 You don't need more time, you need more _.

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💡 Quality of _ over Quantity

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💡 _ people do 'x'. _ people do '-x'

💡 If you can do X, you can also do...

💡 We all _. We don't all _

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💡 _ isn't the most valuable skill. _ is.

💡 Instead of _ start/do _

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💡 Doing _ is the easy part.The hard part is _

💡 Do less _. Do more _

💡 Everyone does _. The trick is to _

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💡 Successful people (something unimaginable) more than you think.

💡 Being a __ is hard. Not being a __ is worse

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