Xenobioticos e Microbiota

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◥ metabolic reactions are linked to a variety of

REVIEW SUMMARY health benefits, as well as disease susceptibilities.
Gut microbes are also able to transform indus-
trial chemicals and pollutants, altering their
toxicities and lifetimes in the body. Similarly,
microbial transformations
Chemical transformation of

of drugs can change their
Read the full article pharmacokinetic proper-

xenobiotics by the human at http://dx.doi.

ties, be critical for prodrug
activation, and lead to un-

gut microbiota
science.aag2770 desirable side effects or
loss of efficacy. In the vast
majority of cases, the individual microbes and
Nitzan Koppel, Vayu Maini Rekdal, Emily P. Balskus* enzymes that mediate these reactions are
BACKGROUND: Humans ingest a multitude tion of xenobiotics have revealed that these or- Fueled by findings underscoring the relevance
of small molecules that are foreign to the body ganisms collectively have a larger metabolic of microbial xenobiotic metabolism to human
(xenobiotics), including dietary components, repertoire than human cells. The chemical dif- health, scientists are increasingly seeking to
environmental chemicals, and pharmaceuti- ferences between human and microbial trans- discover and manipulate the enzymatic chem-
cals. The trillions of microorganisms that in- formations of ingested compounds arise not istry involved in these transformations. Recent
habit our gastrointestinal tract (the human gut only from the increased diversity of enzymes work exploring how gut microbes metabolize

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microbiota) can directly alter the chemical present in this complex and variable community the drugs digoxin and irinotecan, as well as
structures of such compounds, thus modifying but also from the distinct selection pressures the dietary nutrient choline, provides guidance
their lifetimes, bioavailabilities, and biological that have shaped these activities. For example, for such investigations. These studies, which
effects. Our knowledge of how gut microbial whereas host metabolism evolved to facilitate combine traditional methods with modern
transformations of xenobiotics affect human excretion of many xenobiotics from the body, approaches, illustrate how a molecular under-
health is in its infancy, which is surprising given microbial modifications of these compounds standing of gut microbial xenobiotic metabo-
the importance of the gut microbiota. We cur- and their human metabolites often support mi- lism can guide hypothesis-driven research into
rently lack an understanding of the extent to crobial growth through provision of nutrients or the roles these reactions play in both micro-
which this metabolism varies between individ- production of energy. Notably, the chemistry of biota and host biology.
uals, the mechanisms by which these microbial microbial transformations often opposes or reverses
activities influence human biology, and how we that of host metabolism, altering the pharmaco- OUTLOOK: We still face a myriad of chal-
might rationally manipulate these reactions. kinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of lenges in understanding the gut microbiota’s
This deficiency stems largely from the difficulty xenobiotics and associated metabolites. contribution to xenobiotic metabolism. It is
of connecting this microbial chemistry to spe- The range of xenobiotics subject to gut micro- imperative that we connect the many known
cific organisms, genes, and enzymes. bial metabolism is impressive and expanding. microbial transformations with the genes and
Gut microbes modify many classes of dietary enzymes responsible for these activities, and
ADVANCES: Over the past several decades, compounds, including complex polysaccha- knowledge of enzyme mechanism and bio-
studies of gut microbiota–mediated modifica- rides, lipids, proteins, and phytochemicals. These chemical logic will facilitate this objective.
There also remains a great need to uncover
currently unappreciated activities associated
Dietary compounds Disease risk with this community. Revealing the full scope
HO O O of microbially mediated transformations in
Me Me
Me H H
Me the gut may give us new insights into the many
O Me
Me H Me
variable and contradictory studies regarding
H H Bioavailability the effects of diet, pollutants, and drugs on
N Me
human health. Microbial genes and enzymes
Me H
Me will provide both specific targets for manipu-
Industrial chemicals HO lation and diagnostic markers that can be
Human gut
and pollutants incorporated into clinical studies and prac-
microbiota Toxicity
H tice. Ultimately, a molecular understanding
NH2 Chemical NH 2
HN NH of gut microbial xenobiotic metabolism will
NH 2 N N
H2N N NH 2
O inform personalized nutrition, toxicology risk
assessment, precision medicine, and drug

N H N Me O
Me H HO NH 2 Me
Me O O Me O O H OH Me H
O Me
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email: balskus@chemistry.harvard.edu
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution license
Human gut microbes metabolize xenobiotics. The microorganisms that inhabit the human gut (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which
alter the chemical structures of ingested compounds, including dietary components, industrial permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
chemicals, and drugs.These changes affect xenobiotic toxicity, biological activity, and bioavailability.The Cite this article as N. Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770
gutmicrobialenzymesresponsibleformanyofthesetransformationsarepoorlyunderstood.Me,methyl. (2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aag2770

Koppel et al., Science 356, 1246 (2017) 23 June 2017 1 of 1


◥ inate, large variability in community composition

REVIEW is observed among individuals (9, 10).
Microbial metabolism of xenobiotics must be
understood in the context of the concurrent and
MICROBIOTA often competing metabolic processes occurring
in the human host. Orally ingested compounds

Chemical transformation of pass through the upper GI tract to the small in-
testine where they can be modified by digestive

xenobiotics by the human

enzymes and absorbed by host tissues (11). Read-
ily absorbed xenobiotics pass between or through
intestinal epithelial cells, where they may be pro-

gut microbiota cessed by host enzymes before transport to the

liver via the portal vein. Following exposure to the
liver’s rich collection of metabolic enzymes, xeno-
Nitzan Koppel,1 Vayu Maini Rekdal,1 Emily P. Balskus1,2* biotics and their metabolites enter systemic circu-
lation, distributing into tissues and potentially
The human gut microbiota makes key contributions to the metabolism of affecting distal organs. By contrast, intravenous-
ingested compounds (xenobiotics), transforming hundreds of dietary components, ly administered compounds circumvent this “first-
industrial chemicals, and pharmaceuticals into metabolites with altered activities, pass” metabolism and are immediately introduced
toxicities, and lifetimes within the body. The chemistry of gut microbial xenobiotic into systemic circulation. Compounds in the circu-
metabolism is often distinct from that of host enzymes. Despite their important latory system are eventually further metabolized
consequences for human biology, the gut microbes, genes, and enzymes involved and/or excreted, which generally occurs either via

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in xenobiotic metabolism are poorly understood. Linking these microbial the biliary duct back into the gut lumen (biliary
transformations to enzymes and elucidating their biological effects is undoubtedly excretion) or through the kidneys into the urine.
challenging. However, recent studies demonstrate that integrating traditional and Metabolites returned to the gut lumen can either
emerging technologies can enable progress toward this goal. Ultimately, a molecular continue on to the large intestine, where they will
understanding of gut microbial xenobiotic metabolism will guide personalized medicine eventually be excreted in the feces, or they can
and nutrition, inform toxicology risk assessment, and improve drug discovery potentially be reabsorbed by host cells in the small
and development. intestine through a process known as enterohe-

patic circulation.
he human gut microbiota is a diverse and ability, and toxicity and can interfere with the Xenobiotics can therefore encounter gut microbes
complex community of microorganisms that activities of human xenobiotic-metabolizing en- via multiple routes. In contrast to compounds
has evolved with its host (1) and is deeply zymes to affect the fates of other ingested mol- that are absorbed in the small intestine, poorly
intertwined with human biology. The esti- ecules. Despite the diverse and physiologically absorbed xenobiotics continue through the small
mated 1013 microbes that inhabit the hu- important consequences of these modifications, intestine into the large intestine and may be
man gastrointestinal (GI) tract play a central role relatively little is known about the specific gut transformed by gut microbes. Readily absorbed
in many processes, including colonization resist- microbial strains, genes, and enzymes that me- compounds and compounds administered via
ance, immune system modulation, synthesis of diate xenobiotic metabolism. other routes (e.g., intravenous injection) can also
essential vitamins and nutrients, and digestion Here we review our current knowledge of how reach gut microbes through biliary excretion.
of polysaccharides (2–4). Gut microbes also modi- the gut microbiota directly modifies dietary com- The products of gut microbial metabolism can be
fy the chemical structures of numerous ingested, pounds, environmental pollutants, and pharma- absorbed by the host and circulated systemically
foreign compounds (xenobiotics), including die- ceuticals. We discuss critical differences between or interact locally with the epithelial cells lining
tary components, environmental pollutants, and the chemistry of microbial and host xenobiotic the GI tract. Ultimately, these microbial metab-
pharmaceuticals. Such transformations were iden- metabolism and highlight opportunities for en- olites are excreted in feces or filtered by the
tified as early as the 1950s in humans, animal zyme discovery and characterization. By exam- kidneys and eliminated in the urine. Overall,
models, fecal samples, and individual microbes. ining several recent studies, we show how gaining human and microbial transformations generate
In these studies, changes in metabolism in the a molecular understanding of microbial xeno- a complex intertwined metabolic network that
absence of microbes [i.e., germ-free (GF) animals] biotic modifications can illuminate their con- affects both the host and the members of the
or upon microbial perturbation (i.e., antibiotic nections to human health. Finally, we discuss microbiota.
treatment or dietary modulation) indicated the strategies for uncovering the genetic and bio-
gut microbiota’s involvement in xenobiotic pro- chemical bases of these microbial activities and The complementary chemistry of
cessing (5, 6). provide an outlook on how understanding gut microbial xenobiotic metabolism
The human gut microbiota encodes a broad microbial xenobiotic metabolism will influence Within the distinctive and complex ecology of the
diversity of enzymes, many of which are exclu- personalized nutrition, toxicology, and medicine. human gut, microorganisms transform ingested
sively microbial, thus expanding the repertoire of substrates via a broad range of enzymatic reac-
metabolic reactions occurring within the human Gut microbial interactions tions. Gut microbes primarily use hydrolytic and
body. Although clinical studies have revealed with xenobiotics reductive reactions to metabolize xenobiotics (5),
marked interindividual variability in these micro- The majority of human microbiota-xenobiotic many of which are distinct to these organisms.
bial transformations, most of these reactions have interactions occur within the GI tract. The dif- This is in stark contrast to host enzymes, which
consequences for the host that are not completely ferent regions of this organ system vary in epi- typically use oxidative and conjugative chemis-
understood. Gut microbial xenobiotic metabolites thelial cell physiology, pH, oxygen levels, and try. These differences are partially due to physio-
are known to have altered bioactivity, bioavail- nutrient content, thus providing distinct habitats logical context, but they also reflect distinct
for microorganisms and influencing the types of evolutionary pressures. Additionally, it is likely
metabolic processes that occur (7, 8). Hundreds that certain gut microbial enzymes were not evo-
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard
University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
of distinct microbial species colonize the human lutionarily selected to process specific xenobio-
Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. gut. Although obligate anaerobes such as the tics, but rather that metabolism arises from
*Corresponding author. Email: balskus@chemistry.harvard.edu Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla typically dom- relaxed substrate specificity. Thus, the combined

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 1 of 11


metabolisms of host and microbiota generate prevalent protein families in this environment atic to infer gut microbial metabolic capabilities
metabolites that would not be synthesized by (17, 18). It is therefore likely that many important from phylogenetic analyses alone. This issue high-
the host alone and can substantially alter the transformations of xenobiotics may be performed lights the value of culture-based experiments
bioactivities and lifetimes of xenobiotics within by multiple different phylogenetic groups of gut and rigorous biochemical characterization of gut
the human body. microbes. However, it is critical to note that broad microbial enzymes in understanding xenobiotic
Many of the enzyme classes associated with annotations are not predictive of substrate spec- metabolism.
xenobiotic metabolism (hydrolases, lyases, oxi- ificity, as enzymes with high sequence similarity
doreductases, and transferases) and highlighted can catalyze distinct chemical reactions. Metabol- Host xenobiotic metabolism
here are widely distributed among sequenced ic activities can also be discontinuously distrib- Any discussion of microbial xenobiotic trans-
gut microorganisms (12–16). Metagenomic anal- uted across closely related strains and acquired formations must also consider host chemical ca-
yses have also revealed them to be among the most via horizontal gene transfer, making it problem- pabilities. Human xenobiotic metabolism generally

Box 1. The chemistry of gut microbial and host xenobiotic metabolism. (A) Chemical logic of host xenobiotic metabolism. Commonly used
chemical strategies for microbial xenobiotic metabolism include (B) hydrolytic transformations, (C) lyase reactions, (D) reductive transformations,
(E) functional group transfer reactions, and (F) transformations mediated by radical enzymes. Enz, enzyme; PLP, pyridoxal 5-phosphate; NAD(P)H, NADH
or NADPH; FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; FMN, flavin mononucleotide; Me, methyl; CoA, coenzyme A; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine.

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Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 2 of 11


transforms nonpolar compounds into hydrophilic, tible polysaccharides (30), and the products of gut, where oxygen is largely unavailable to serve
higher–molecular weight metabolites that are more hydrolytic reactions (sugars, amino acids, and as a terminal electron acceptor. Although reduc-
readily excreted (Box 1A). This process occurs in two sulfate) often support microbial growth and tase enzymes are found in humans, many re-
stages: installation or exposure of polar func- survival in the gut. ductive transformations are exclusively microbial
tional groups (“phase I”) and conjugation of these (6, 37, 40) and have not yet been linked to known
groups to more-polar metabolites (“phase II”). Lyases enzymes or organisms.
Phase I enzymes perform oxidative, reductive, or Lyase enzymes break C–C or C–X bonds (where
hydrolytic reactions to generate hydroxyl groups, X = O, N, S, P, or halides) without relying on Functional group transfer reactions
epoxides, thiols, and amines. The largest class of oxidation or the addition of water. Microbial Transferase enzymes move functional groups
phase I enzymes is the cytochrome P-450s, but polysaccharide lyases (PLs) modify polysacchar- between two substrates via nucleophilic substi-
carboxylesterases and flavin monooxygenases ides that contain a glycosidic bond at the b posi- tution reactions. The gut microbiota transfers
(FMOs) are also important in xenobiotic process- tion relative to a carboxylic acid (e.g., alginate, methyl and acyl groups to or from xenobiotic
ing (11). Transferase enzymes predominate in pectin, chondroitin, and heparan) (Box 1C). The scaffolds (Box 1E). Addition reactions require
phase II metabolism, appending glucuronyl, methyl, presence of the carboxylate enables removal of chemically activated cosubstrates, such as acetyl
acetyl, sulfonyl, and glutathionyl groups onto the a proton and subsequent b-elimination to yield coenzyme A, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or
xenobiotics or phase I metabolites (19). Polymor- an a,b-unsaturated sugar and a hemiacetal (12). S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). Whereas enzymes
phisms in xenobiotic-metabolizing genes influ- El Kaoutari et al. found that a single human gut that remove acyl groups generally rely on hy-
ence how individuals respond to both dietary and microbiome encoded >5000 PLs (15), suggesting drolysis, demethylating enzymes use cofactors ca-
pharmaceutical interventions. an enormous diversity of transformations that pable of nucleophilic catalysis [e.g., cob(I)alamin
could support microbial growth. and tetrahydrofolate] (41, 42).
Hydrolytic reactions Microbial C–S b-lyases cleave C–S bonds found Installation and removal of these functional
Both the host and gut microbiota use hydrolytic in both dietary compounds and cysteine-S-conjugates groups can affect the lifetimes and bioactivities

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chemistry to break down large ingested com- of xenobiotics, which are formed by liver enzymes of xenobiotics in various ways. For instance, ace-
pounds into smaller products that may be fur- (Box 1C). These enzymes generate an aldimine tylation can serve as a detoxification mechanism
ther metabolized. Hydrolase enzymes catalyze linkage between pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) and by decreasing polarity and facilitating excretion
the addition of a water molecule to a substrate, the a-amino group of the cysteine-derived substit- from microbial cells. A notable example is the
followed by bond cleavage (Box 1B). The most uent, acidifying the adjacent proton. b-elimination N-acetylation of the anti-inflammatory compound
abundant and relevant hydrolases in the GI tract releases a thiol-containing metabolite and amino- 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) by microbial N-
are proteases, glycosidases, and sulfatases, with acrylate, the latter of which spontaneously breaks acetyltransferases (43), which yields a therapeuti-
the microbiota contributing a broader range of down to form ammonia and pyruvate (31). Microbes cally inactive metabolite. Host demethylation of
activities than host enzymes. Proteases cleave the can further metabolize these thiols, altering their xenobiotics liberates polar groups for further con-
peptide bonds linking the amino acids in poly- physical properties and localization within the jugation and excretion from the body (44), but in
peptide chains. Whereas the small intestine is body. For example, gut bacterial C–S b-lyases microorganisms, demethylation can provide a
dominated by pancreatic serine proteases, the cleave cysteine-S-conjugates of polychlorinated carbon source for growth (41).
colon contains many microbial cysteine- and biphenyls to produce thiol metabolites that are
metalloproteases (20) with different substrate further methylated and accumulate in lipophilic Radical chemistry
specificities and potentially different clinical con- host tissues (32). The consequences of C–S lyase Radical enzymes generate high-energy interme-
sequences (21). Glycosidases hydrolyze glycosidic chemistry for the microbiota are not well under- diates containing an unpaired electron. Such
bonds using a dyad of carboxylic acid residues stood. This activity may derive from promiscuous processes are often oxygen-sensitive and ener-
and a water molecule, releasing free sugars (22). PLP-dependent enzymes involved in “house- getically demanding, but enable microbes to per-
These enzymes process a huge diversity of glyco- keeping” functions (31); however, ammonia gene- form chemically challenging reactions that are
conjugates and oligosaccharides and are broadly rated by C–S b-lyases can serve as a sole nitrogen inaccessible by other modes of catalysis, includ-
distributed across gut microbes (15, 23). Sulfa- source (33), pointing to a potential role in nutrient ing bond cleavage and formation (both C–C and
tases, which are also widespread, hydrolyze sul- acquisition. C–X, where X = N, O, or halides) and skeletal
fate esters generated by phase II host metabolism rearrangements (45). Many radical enzymes used
using the unusual amino acid formylglycine (24). Reductive transformations in anaerobic metabolism share a common chem-
The hydrate form of this residue is thought to Gut microbes can reduce a wide range of func- ical logic. By using an enzyme- or cofactor-based
undergo transesterification with a sulfate ester tional groups, including alkenes and a,b-unsaturated radical species, these enzymes typically generate
substrate to generate a tetrahedral intermediate carboxylic acid derivatives, nitro, N-oxide, azo, a substrate-based radical intermediate through
that breaks down to release sulfate and reform and sulfoxide groups (Box 1D). Reductase enzymes single-electron transfer or homolytic bond cleav-
the aldehyde (25). make use of various cofactors [e.g., NAD(P)H (i.e., age (Box 1F). This initial substrate-based radical
Hydrolytic reactions alter both the physical NADH or NADPH), flavin, Fe–S clusters, (siro) is then converted to a product-based radical.
properties and activities of xenobiotics and their heme, molybdenum cofactor, and other metallo- Formation of the final product often regenerates
metabolites. For example, removal of a glucuro- cofactors] to mediate the transfer of electrons or the initial enzyme- or cofactor-based radical to
nide in the gut lumen is generally accompanied hydride equivalents (H+, 2e–) to substrates (34–36). complete the catalytic cycle.
by a decrease in polarity that can allow reab- Biochemical and structural characterization of Key classes of gut microbial radical enzymes
sorption by host cells and thereby extend the gut microbial reductases has uncovered individ- include radical SAM enzymes, cobalamin (B12)–
lifetime of a molecule within the body, as seen ual enzymes that display broad substrate scope dependent enzymes, and glycyl radical enzymes
with glucuronide conjugates of nonsteroidal anti- and can transform multiple functional groups; (GREs). These enzymes often mediate primary
inflammatory drugs and the cancer therapy iri- consequently, their endogenous substrates and metabolism in anaerobic microbes and can di-
notecan (26, 27). Hydrolysis can also alter the in vivo relevance are often unclear. rectly or indirectly influence the fate of xenobio-
biological activity or toxicity of xenobiotics, as Reduction typically decreases the polarity of tics in the human body. Reactions catalyzed by
observed for plant-derived glycosides like amyg- compounds and can alter charge, hybridization, gut microbial GREs include generation of tri-
dalin and the artificial sweetener cyclamate and electrophilicity, which can affect the life- methylamine (TMA) by choline trimethylamine-
(28, 29). Moreover, hydrolysis is often a prereq- times and activities of metabolites in the body lyase (CutC) (46) and decarboxylation of the
uisite for further transformations, such as the (37–39). Notably, electron transfer to xenobiotics tyrosine-derived metabolite p-hydroxyphenylacetate
fermentation of sugars released from indiges- may enable anaerobic respiration in the human by p-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase (47).

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 3 of 11


This latter reaction produces p-cresol, a molecule Gut microbes can also metabolize amino ac- fundamental gaps in our understanding of gut
that competes with xenobiotics for O-sulfation ids obtained from dietary protein, including L- microbial enzymes.
and detoxification by host enzymes (48). phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, and L-tryptophan, into
a range of bioactive products (54). For example, Artificial sweeteners
Uncharacterized xenobiotic metabolism gut bacteria can metabolize L-tryptophan into The microbiome may also interact with compo-
The vast majority of gut microbial xenobiotic many products, including the antioxidant indole- nents of our diets that are added in the process of
transformations cannot be linked to specific en- 3-propionic acid, the neurotransmitter tryptamine, food manufacturing (e.g., artificial sweeteners,
zymes and organisms. Whereas certain reactions and indole, the latter of which can undergo hy- emulsifiers, and preservatives). For instance, al-
can, with reasonable confidence, be associated droxylation and sulfation by hepatic enzymes though many artificial sweeteners are poorly
with one of the enzyme classes highlighted above, to generate the uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate metabolized by humans, studies demonstrate that
other uncharacterized metabolic activities can- (55–57). they are susceptible to microbial transformation.
not be readily explained with known biochem- Gut microbes convert the artificial sweetener cy-
istry. Below we discuss prominent gaps in our Dietary lipids clamate into cyclohexylamine via hydrolytic clea-
knowledge of gut microbial xenobiotic metab- Variable gut microbial metabolism of lipids and vage of its sulfamate linkage. Cyclamate was
olism, focusing on transformations with in- lipid-derived compounds is associated with a banned in the United States after studies sug-
triguing but poorly understood links to human variety of human diseases (58, 59). One notable gested that cyclohexylamine was carcinogenic,
health. Although not comprehensive, this over- example involves dietary cholesterol, a major and both this finding and the continued use of
view highlights particularly notable opportu- component of Western diets that is associated this sweetener remain controversial (70). A cy-
nities for gut microbial enzyme discovery and with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (60). clamate hydrolyzing enzyme has been partially
characterization. While ingested cholesterol is absorbed in the purified from a guinea pig–associated strain, but
small intestine and subsequently undergoes bil- human gut microbial hydrolases with this acti-
Metabolism of dietary compounds iary excretion and enterohepatic circulation, gut vity have not been identified (29). Gut microbes

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Gut microbes process an enormous variety of microbial reduction of cholesterol generates co- can also metabolize the artificial sweeteners ste-
dietary compounds to extract nutrients and en- prostanol, which cannot be reabsorbed and is ex- vioside and xylitol using unknown enzymes
ergy (49). The types and extent of these mod- creted. This transformation therefore effectively (71, 72). The gut microbiota acquires the ability to
ifications vary substantially among individuals, removes cholesterol from circulation. Coprostanol transform xylitol and cyclohexamate after pro-
presumably due to differences in the presence comprises up to 50% of the steroids in human longed exposure, suggesting that long-term in-
and abundance of gut microbial enzymes, and feces (61), and GF mice colonized with microbes gestion of dietary components can select for
the bioactivities of the resulting metabolites from high- and low-cholesterol–reducing patients particular microbial metabolic functions (73).
range from beneficial to acutely toxic. As much produce distinct amounts of coprostanol (62). Understanding the microbiota’s role in metab-
attention has been focused on microbial metab- Animal experiments also suggest that cholesterol- olizing components of processed foods could
olism of complex, plant-derived polysaccharides reducing bacteria may decrease serum cholesterol be important for assessing food safety and the
(4, 50, 51), we have chosen to highlight transfor- (61). Studies of the cholesterol-reducing gut bac- long-term effects of food additives on human
mations of noncarbohydrate dietary components. teria Eubacterium coprostanoligenes indicate that health.
coprostanol synthesis may involve oxidation to 5-
Dietary protein cholesten-3-one followed by alkene isomerization Heterocyclic amines
Dietary protein is necessary for supplying hu- to 4-cholesten-3-one, conjugate reduction, and Finally, an understanding of gut microbial meta-
mans with essential amino acids, but the source ketone reduction (63). Identifying the enzymes bolic activities could provide new insights into
and amount of protein can vary substantially responsible for these transformations and char- the biological consequences of cooking practices
between different diets. The gut lumen is rich in acterizing their abundance in patients may be and food preparation. The mutagenic potential
both host and microbial proteases, and studies particularly interesting, given that inhibition of of heterocyclic amines, poorly absorbed mole-
increasingly indicate that differential microbial cholesterol reabsorption is a clinically validated cules produced during charring of meat and
proteolytic activity may directly contribute to strategy for lowering cholesterol (64). fish, can be altered by gut microbial metabo-
human disease. For example, the gut microbiota lism. For example, gut microbes convert 2-amino-
is associated with celiac disease (CD), a common Dietary phytochemicals 3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) into the
autoimmune disorder characterized by an in- Identifying and characterizing gut microbial en- potential mutagen 7-hydroxy IQ (74) and can hy-
flammatory response to dietary gluten found in zymes may also help us to better understand drolyze IQ-glucuronide conjugates, prolonging
wheat-based foods. This proline-rich protein dietary compounds that are associated with health the lifetime of IQ in the body (75). Gnotobiotic
evades complete digestion by host proteases, re- benefits. For example, numerous studies impli- rats monoassociated with an Escherichia coli
sulting in the generation of high–molecular weight, cate the gut microbiota in metabolizing poorly strain encoding a b-glucuronidase (uidA) have
immunogenic peptides. The gut microbiota may absorbed, polyphenolic compounds from plant- higher levels of unconjugated IQ and increased
affect CD by altering gluten proteolysis. Fecal sus- derived foods (65) including soy isoflavones, colonic DNA damage compared with rats colon-
pensions from healthy individuals and CD pa- lignans from flaxseed and sesame seeds, flavo- ized with an isogenic uidA mutant (75). These
tients process gluten proteins and immunogenic noids like the catechins and gallate esters found results appear to implicate the gut microbiota
peptides differently (52). For instance, gluten-derived in tea, and ellagic acid from nuts and berries in the known link between charred meat and
peptides generated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, (66–69). These molecules are processed using a cancer (76).
an opportunistic pathogen in CD patients, are range of transformations, including ring cleav-
prone to translocation across the mouse intestine age, demethylation, and dehydroxylation, which Metabolism of industrial chemicals
and elicit an enhanced gluten-specific immune generally produce metabolites with higher oral and pollutants
response in comparison with peptides produced bioavailability, increased bioactivity, and a cor- Although there is an emerging appreciation for
by Lactobacillus spp. from healthy individuals relation with lowered disease risk (67, 68). Poly- the role of the gut microbiota in metabolizing
(53). Identification of specific proteases respon- phenol metabolism varies widely among individuals pollutants and industrial chemicals, our knowl-
sible for gut microbial gluten processing could (67), and further research is needed to elucidate edge of the specific transformations, strains, and
not only enable a better understanding of CD whether these microbial products can directly enzymes involved lags far behind that of envi-
but also inform therapeutic interventions for affect host biology or are biomarkers for di- ronmental microbes. However, it is clear that
this disease1, including enzymatic or probiotic sease susceptibility. From a chemical standpoint, microbial activities can alter the toxicity and bio-
treatments. studying polyphenol metabolism will also address availability of these compounds, as well as extend

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 4 of 11


host exposure to harmful substances. When eval- may affect mercury toxicity and lifetime in the that are responsible for prodrug activation in-
uating the safety of these compounds, it is thus body. Rat fecal samples reduce methylmercury clude reduction of the sulfoxide found in the
crucial to consider the consequences of gut mi- (CH3Hg+) to the less toxic inorganic mercury, anti-inflammatory compound sulindac (95) and
crobial metabolism. Here we discuss several types thereby facilitating mercury excretion from the reduction of the N-oxide of the anti-diarrheal drug
of chemicals that have been implicated in human host (84). Depletion of the gut flora in rats and loperamide (39). Gaining a better understanding
disease risk and for which there is evidence mice can result in the accumulation of methyl- of the specific organisms and enzymes responsi-
that gut microbial metabolism affects toxicity. mercury, thereby causing neurological symptoms ble for these activities and their presence in
(85). The enzymes responsible for this protective patients could aid in drug selection and dosing.
Chemicals used in activity could include homologs of the demethyl-
industrial manufacturing ating, organomercuric lyase (MerB) and mercuric Cancer chemotherapy
Gut microbes reductively metabolize azo com- reductase (MerA), which have been identified Patient response to chemotherapy can differ dra-
pounds, some of the first industrially important in human isolates (86). However, the abun- matically between individuals, in terms of effi-
synthetic chemicals (40). Despite their use for dance of mer genes did not correlate with fecal cacy as well as the severity of side effects, and
>150 years as textile dyes, food colorings, and methylmercury levels in a recent clinical study, emerging studies suggest that differences in the
pharmaceuticals, we have an incomplete under- raising the possibility of additional enzymes or gut microbiota may contribute to this phenom-
standing of the organisms and enzymes that indirect effects (87). Notably, incubation of a mix- enon. In addition to modulating the host im-
process these molecules. The reductive cleavage ture of 16 metal(oid)s with suspensions from an mune system, gut microbes can directly alter
of azo linkages yields aniline products, and this in vitro simulator of the GI tract resulted in vol- the structures of cancer therapies and their me-
reaction can be performed by flavin- or NAD(P)H- atilization of many metal species and the produc- tabolites, affecting their interactions with host
dependent enzymes found in many eukaryotes tion of As/S compounds not previously observed cells. Recent work indicates that microbes may
and bacteria (13). Azoreductases have not yet been in biological systems (88). These studies indicate have a high potential for modifying the chemical
extensively characterized from many human gut that there are major gaps in our knowledge of the structures of commonly used chemotherapeutics

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bacterial strains in which this activity has been gut microbiota’s interactions with heavy metals (96). Co-incubation with either E. coli or Listeria
observed, and isolates can vary in their ability to and the resulting toxicological implications. welshimeri either increased or decreased the ef-
reduce different dyes (77). The biological conse- ficacy of half of a panel of 30 anticancer drugs
quences of azo reduction vary depending on the Metabolism of pharmaceuticals toward cancer cell lines. Assays with E. coli and a
substrate. For example, although microbial trans- Apart from antibiotics, the human gut microbiota subset of these drugs (gemcitabine, fludarabine,
formation of azo food dyes generates metabolites is known to transform >50 pharmaceuticals, span- and CB1954) revealed evidence for direct chem-
that are considered to be nontoxic (34, 78), workers ning many indications and host targets, into ical modification by the bacteria. Finally, the
with long-term exposure to textile dyes have an metabolites with altered pharmacological prop- presence of E. coli altered the efficacy of che-
increased risk of bladder cancers (79). Feeding azo erties (5, 89). In some cases, the teratogenic (90), motherapy in vivo in a manner consistent with
textile dyes to conventional, but not GF, mice leads toxic (26, 27), and even lethal (91) effects of these the observed metabolic activities. These prelim-
to the accumulation of the mutagenic bis-aniline microbial metabolic activities were not recog- inary observations suggest that structural mod-
benzidine in urine, which implicates microbial nized until drugs were on the market. Ongoing ification of drugs by gut or tumor-associated
metabolism in increasing carcinogen exposure studies have illuminated a complex interplay be- microbes could contribute to interindividual var-
(80). Thus, the toxic effects of azo compounds tween drugs and gut microbes (92, 93), but we iation in cancer therapy, but examination of
may depend on both the individual dye backbone focus here on examples of direct microbial larger panels of microbes and detailed charac-
and the presence of specific metabolizing organisms. modifications. terization of drug metabolites are needed to ex-
Gut microbes also metabolize the s-triazine tend these findings.
compound melamine, an industrial chemical used Anti-inflammatory and GI agents
in the production of various plastics, enhancing Multiple drugs that target the GI tract are affected Central nervous system (CNS) drugs
its toxicity in humans. Melamine added to infant by gut microbes, either by direct chemical modi- In addition to affecting drugs that act locally, gut
formula in China caused kidney stones in 300,000 fication or indirectly through the many inter- microbial metabolism can also influence the ef-
children and led to at least six deaths (81). Sub- actions these organisms have with host cells in ficacy of therapeutics that target distant organ
sequent studies in mice revealed that gut microbes this environment. Notably, many of these agents systems. Many prominent examples can be found
deaminate melamine to generate ammonia and rely on microbial metabolism for converting inac- among CNS drugs. For example, oral levodopa
cyanuric acid (82), the latter of which forms an tive precursors (prodrugs) to pharmaceutically (L-dopa) is used to treat Parkinson’s disease, a
insoluble complex with melamine in vivo, leading active compounds. Prominent examples are anti- condition characterized by dopaminergic-neuronal
to renal toxicity (83). Klebsiella species are asso- inflammatory drugs that contain azo linkages, death. L-dopa crosses the blood-brain barrier, where
ciated with cyanuric acid production in mice and including the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) it is decarboxylated by host enzymes to restore
generate this metabolite in vitro (82), but it re- medication sulfasalazine (38). Gut microbes reduce dopamine levels (97). However, extensive metab-
mains unclear whether the gut microbiota or this sulfasalazine into sulfapyridine and the active anti- olism within the gut by both host and micro-
organism contribute to melamine toxicity in hu- inflammatory agent 5-ASA, and various intestinal bial enzymes affects the concentration of drug
mans. As environmental bacteria use similar hy- bacteria can further metabolize 5-ASA into N-acetyl reaching the brain. Microbial decarboxylation
drolytic chemistry to metabolize other industrially 5-ASA, a metabolite that lacks anti-inflammatory (98) and p-dehydroxylation convert L-dopa to m-
relevant s-triazines, including the herbicide atra- activity. Considerable variability in acetylation rates tyramine, which can be further oxidized to m-
zine, these studies also raise the possibility that the has been observed in human fecal samples (94). To- hydroxyphenylacetic acid (99). Differences in these
gut microbiota may transform additional com- gether with differences in azo reduction, this ob- activities may contribute to the substantial varia-
pounds in this class. servation could potentially explain variable tion observed in patient response to L-dopa (100).
therapeutic efficacy of sulfasalazine in patients. Although a tyrosine decarboxylase from a food-
Heavy metals N-acetyl ASA inhibits the growth of anaerobes, associated strain of Lactobacillus brevis accepts
In addition to organic pollutants, human gut including Clostridium difficile (43), which sug- L-dopa in vitro (101), the human gut microbes
microbes modify the structures and alter the gests that this activity could affect gut micro- and enzymes responsible for L-dopa metabolism
toxicities of various heavy metals, including bis- biome composition. This observation is particularly are unknown. As studies continue to reveal con-
muth, arsenic, and mercury. Mercury bioaccu- noteworthy given our increasing appreciation nections between the gut microbiota and various
mulates in living organisms, posing a threat to of the participation of the gut microbiota in neurological diseases (102), it will become in-
human health, and gut microbial metabolism IBD pathogenesis. Other gut microbial activities creasingly important to identify and characterize

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 5 of 11


additional microbial interactions with CNS- tween ingestion of xenobiotics processed by gut found to completely metabolize digoxin. Subse-
targeted drugs. microbes and health status, we have limited in- quent isolation of digoxin-metabolizing microbes
formation about the distribution of these ac- revealed that a single organism, Eubacterium
Herbal supplements and tivities in patient populations. Metabolic functions lentum (renamed Eggerthella lenta), was respon-
traditional medicines rarely correlate directly with microbial phylogeny, sible (113). However, E. lenta was also found in
Similar to dietary phytochemicals, gut microbes and considerable strain-level variation exists even patients who did not excrete dihydrodigoxin,
can also transform poorly absorbed constituents within the same species (108), which limits the illustrating that the presence of this species alone
of herbal and traditional remedies, which can information gained from assessing the compo- was not predictive of activity.
lead to potential health benefits or harmful side sition of the gut microbiota alone. Large-scale Although E. lenta’s role in digoxin metabolism
effects. There are many examples of the variable metagenomic analyses that claim to detect dif- has been appreciated for decades, challenges in
efficacy of traditional medicines, which may be ferences in putative xenobiotic metabolism path- growing the organism and a lack of genetic tools
partly due to the complexity of active ingredients, ways (109, 110) have not provided experimental hampered efforts to understand this transfor-
as well as to differences in gut microbial metabo- evidence supporting predicted changes in activ- mation. More recently, Turnbaugh and co-workers
lism of these treatments. For example, amygdalin ities. To elucidate how gut microbial metabolism used RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and comparative
is a mandelonitrile glycoside found in almonds and influences human health, it is critical to connect genomics to identify a digoxin-inducible gene clus-
fruit pits that was used as an alternative cancer functions of interest with genes and enzymes. Re- ter present only in digoxin-metabolizing E. lenta
treatment in the 1960s (103), although clinical cent studies show how the combination of tradi- strains (37) (Fig. 1B). The cardiac glycoside re-
trials demonstrated no improvements in cancer tional methods with emerging technologies can ductase (cgr) operon from this organism encodes
survival or symptoms (104). In fact, subsequent enable functional analysis. These examples also two proteins that resemble bacterial reductases
animal experiments showed that gut microbes show how a molecular understanding of gut mi- involved in anaerobic respiration. Bioinformatic
hydrolyze the glycosidic linkage of amygdalin to crobial xenobiotic metabolism can aid in manip- analyses suggest that a membrane-associated cy-
release mandelonitrile, which spontaneously ulating these activities to benefit health outcomes. tochrome (Cgr1) transfers electrons through a

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breaks down to produce benzaldehyde and toxic series of hemes to a predicted flavin-dependent
cyanide (28, 105). Gut microbes also metabolize Digoxin: Identifying a predictive reductase (Cgr2) that converts digoxin to dihy-
the plant-derived benzoisoquinoline alkaloid ber- biomarker for drug metabolism drodigoxin. The presence of cgr genes correlates
berine in a way that allows intestinal absorption Digitalis purpurea (foxglove) plant extracts were with digoxin reduction by E. lenta strains. Fur-
(106) and convert ginsenosides, the major bioactive first used to treat “dropsy” (congestive heart fail- thermore, experiments in GF mice monoassoci-
components of ginseng, into metabolites that in- ure) more than 230 years ago (111). The active ated with E. lenta strains and incubations with
hibit cytochrome P-450s and affect host xenobiotic constituent of foxglove is the cardiac glycoside human fecal samples indicate that these genes
metabolism (107). Because these remedies are not digoxin, which inhibits Na+/K+ ATPases in could be useful biomarkers for digoxin inacti-
regulated to the same extent as pharmaceuticals, cardiac myocytes, causing an influx of calcium vation (37). Consequently, knowledge of the con-
their modes of action are typically less well char- and enhanced muscular contraction. Digoxin has ditions influencing cgr gene expression successfully
acterized. Elucidating how gut microbes process a very narrow therapeutic window, requiring care- informed the design of a dietary intervention that
these compounds may contribute extensively to ful monitoring to avoid toxicity. More than 10% reduces digoxin metabolism in vivo (37). Overall,
our fundamental understanding of their effects. of patients taking digoxin excrete high levels of this work delineated an approach that may be
dihydrodigoxin, an inactive metabolite derived from generalized to study additional inducible micro-
Gut microbial biotransformation comes reduction of an a,b-unsaturated lactone (Fig. 1A). bial metabolic activities.
of age: Recent case studies Early studies implicated the gut microbiota in
Attempts to decipher the biological consequences drug inactivation, as coadministering digoxin with Choline: Uncovering a broadly
of gut microbial xenobiotic metabolism have been antibiotics decreased or abolished dihydrodi- distributed disease-associated activity
hindered by our poor understanding of these trans- goxin production (112). Moreover, fecal samples Gut microbes anaerobically convert choline, an
formations. Although many associations exist be- from dihydrodigoxin-excreting individuals were essential nutrient found in meat, eggs, and milk,

Fig. 1. Identifying gut microbial genes that predict cardiac drug metabolism. (A) E. lenta reductive metabolism leads to cardiac drug inactivation.
(B) A combination of culture-based studies, sequencing, and bioinformatics helped to identify microbial genes associated with digoxin metabolism in humans.

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 6 of 11


into TMA, which is further transformed into bacterial b-glucuronidase enzymes hydrolyze excellent starting points for developing microbiota-
trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) by FMOs in the SN-38G in the large intestine to regenerate targeted drugs.
liver (Fig. 2A). This co-metabolic pathway is im- the active chemotherapeutic agent (26). SN-38
plicated in several human diseases, including then enters colonic epithelial cells, causing in- Outlook and challenges
cardiovascular disease (58, 59). A chemically guided, testinal damage and severe diarrhea, side ef- Although our appreciation of the human gut
rational genome-mining effort ultimately identified fects that limit the use of this otherwise effective microbiota’s role in transforming xenobiotics has
the genes and enzymes that mediate this process drug. increased, our understanding of the biological
(Fig. 2B) (114). Choline fermentation begins with Inhibition of gut bacterial b-glucuronidases is implications of these reactions is limited. The
a C–N bond cleavage reaction that resembles the an intriguing approach for preventing drug re- future challenges lie in identifying the organisms,
first step in ethanolamine utilization, a transforma- activation. As these enzymes are broadly distrib- genes, and enzymes involved in known metabolic
tion catalyzed by a B12-dependent radical enzyme uted in commensal bacteria and are present in processes; uncovering important but currently
(ethanolamine ammonia-lyase). Hypothesizing that humans, inhibitors need to be selective for bac- unappreciated activities; and elucidating the effects
these pathways might share certain reactions, we terial b-glucuronidases and nontoxic to both host of this chemistry on both host and microbiota.
searched the genome of the choline-metabolizing, cells and other gut microbes. Redinbo and co-
animal-associated strain Desulfovibrio desulfuricans workers have used an in vitro high-throughput Connecting xenobiotic metabolism to
for homologs of known ethanolamine-degrading screen to successfully identify potent and selec- organisms, genes, and enzymes
enzymes from the pathogen Salmonella enterica. tive inhibitors of gut bacterial b-glucuronidases As we have discussed above, most examples of
This analysis revealed the choline utilization (cut) (Fig. 3B) (26). These inhibitors were effective gut microbial xenobiotic metabolism are asso-
gene cluster and CutC, a GRE that converts choline against multiple, distantly related gut bacteria ciated with the whole gut community. Surveys of
into TMA and acetaldehyde (46, 114, 115). but did not target the human b-glucuronidase. human gut isolates, such as Human Microbiome
Biochemical and structural studies have re- Structural studies revealed that these compounds Project (HMP) reference strains (118), or cul-
vealed CutC active-site residues that interact with interact with an active-site loop distinct to bac- turing from human fecal samples can identify

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the trimethylammonium group of choline and terial b-glucuronidases, which explains their se- individual organisms with particular metabolic
mediate C–N bond cleavage (46, 115). These con- lectivity. Administration of one of these inhibitors capabilities. Examining intact communities via
served amino acids are specific to this particular to mice prevented reactivation of SN-38 in the approaches like stable isotope probing, fluores-
GRE and have enabled accurate identification of the gut and concomitant toxicity. Further work ex- cence in situ hybridization, and imaging mass
cut pathway in numerous, phylogenetically di- amining the crystal structures and activities of spectrometry can also be used to detect individ-
verse human gut bacteria (14). The discovery of additional gut bacterial b-glucuronidases identi- ual cells that metabolize particular compounds
CutC has aided interventions to modulate choline fied a conserved Asn-Lys motif that interacts with (119). Coupled with single-cell genomics, these
metabolism in vivo, including the design of gut the carboxylic acid of the glucuronic acid sugar. methods may aid investigations of activities as-
communities with decreased TMA production This motif is absent from glycosidases that ac- sociated with organisms that are challenging to
(116) and small-molecule inhibitors targeting this cept different substrates, which will help to cultivate (120).
pathway (117). Such inhibitors could be potential identify these enzymes in sequencing data sets Both traditional approaches (chemical or trans-
therapeutics to treat diseases linked to TMA and and elucidate the effects of inhibitors on differ- poson mutagenesis and activity-guided protein
TMAO production. ent types of gut organisms (23). Because bacterial purification) and more recent strategies (rational
b-glucuronidases can deconjugate glucuronides genome mining, comparative genomics, RNA-seq,
Irinotecan: Inhibiting derived from many dietary compounds and drugs, and functional metagenomics) may be used to link
microbiota-mediated toxicity inhibitors of these enzymes may be useful in other metabolic activities with genes (37, 114, 121). How-
Irinotecan (CPT-11) is a prodrug of SN-38, a topo- therapeutic contexts (27). By modulating specific ever, a lack of genetic tools for many gut microbes
isomerase inhibitor used for treating cancer metabolic activities, additional small-molecule and the narrow range of heterologous hosts avail-
(Fig. 3A). SN-38 is glucuronidated by host liver inhibitors of microbial gut enzymes may help able for functional characterization still limit prog-
enzymes into an inactive conjugate (SN-38G), to uncover the roles of particular transforma- ress toward this objective. An appreciation of
which enters the gut via biliary excretion. Gut tions in this complex habitat and could be the chemical reactivity required for xenobiotic

Fig. 2. Uncovering gut microbial enzymes that convert dietary choline to disease-associated metabolites. (A) Choline is metabolized by a gut
microbial-human co-metabolic pathway into the disease-associated metabolites trimethylamine (TMA) and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO).
(B) A chemically guided, rational genome-mining effort enabled the identification and characterization of enzymes involved in gut microbial anaerobic
choline metabolism.

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 7 of 11


degradation is vital for informing genome and and substrates. Conversely, an understanding of malnutrition. This knowledge can also inform
metagenome mining, as well as interpreting and the chemistry involved in known xenobiotic metab- personalized nutrition, in which diets are indi-
rationalizing results from other methods. Microbes olism may pinpoint particular enzyme super- vidually customized for patients’ metabolic pro-
in which enzymes and metabolic pathways are families as starting points to prospect for additional files and gut microbiotas (Fig. 4B) (125).
better studied, including pathogens and environ- transformations. Similarly to dietary studies, attempts to cor-
mental strains involved in bioremediation, may Comprehensively characterizing proteins that relate pollutant exposure with health outcomes
also offer clues to support microbiome-focused lack homology to known enzymes presents a more often yield conflicting results that could, in part,
discovery efforts. substantial challenge and will likely require novel arise from variations in microbial metabolic acti-
The examples of xenobiotic metabolism sur- approaches that incorporate automation and high- vities (126). Gut microbial enzymes that alter the
veyed above likely represent a small fraction throughput assay formats. Meanwhile, it is critical toxicity of industrial chemicals and environmental
of the transformations taking place in the gut to prioritize uncharacterized proteins for further pollutants could serve as biomarkers to inform risk
community. Metabolomics in human subjects study by considering both ecological context (i.e., assessments among populations exposed to these
will play a key role in illuminating currently un- abundance and distribution in the gut micro- compounds (Fig. 4C). It may also become possible
appreciated gut microbial metabolic processes, biome) and host health status, including expo- to use gut microbial metabolism to help remove
particularly for transformations that depend on sure to xenobiotics (16, 124). harmful compounds from the body and prevent
additional microbial and host activities or inter- disease, analogous to bioremediation of polluted
actions (122). Harnessing knowledge of microbial environments (127).
metabolism to improve human health Finally, knowledge of how gut microbes trans-
Linking uncharacterized genes in Deciphering how gut microbial transformation form pharmaceuticals should be further integrated
microbiomes to xenobiotic metabolism of xenobiotics affects host health will require the into drug development, clinical trial design, and
We should expect to uncover interesting gut mi- integration of clinical studies with mechanistic clinical practice. Understanding which functional
crobial activities by investigating the vast num- experiments in model systems and organisms groups are prone to microbial metabolism allows

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ber of uncharacterized or misannotated genes (Fig. 4A). These efforts will necessitate identi- medicinal chemists to either avoid these structural
present in human gut microbiomes. Notably, fying microbial genes and/or metabolites that features or incorporate them into prodrugs to en-
86% of the genes from HMP stool metagenomes are reliable, diagnostic markers for activities of able selective activation in the GI tract (38, 39). Gut
cannot be assigned to known metabolic path- interest. Obtaining data from patients is partic- microbial enzymes that mediate harmful metabolic
ways, and half cannot be annotated (10). Many ularly important, and existing epidemiological activities may also represent a new class of drug
members of large enzyme superfamilies also have studies linking diet or xenobiotic exposure to targets. Finally, knowledge of gut microbial metab-
unknown functions and are typically misanno- health outcomes should be reexamined with gut olism could shape clinical trial design and clinical
tated. Collaborative efforts such as the Enzyme microbial participation in mind. practice by allowing physicians to screen for det-
Function Initiative have advanced bioinformatic Diet is clearly a cornerstone of human health. rimental or beneficial activities before prescribing
and experimental approaches for functionally Though many epidemiological studies linking drugs (Fig. 4D). Ultimately, personalized medicine
characterizing such enzymes (123), including pro- dietary patterns with health outcomes yield con- will require a better understanding of the distri-
tein sequence similarity and genome neighbor- flicting results, few have taken gut microbial bution of specific microbial metabolic functions
hood network analyses, high-throughput ligand metabolic capabilities into account. A comprehen- within human populations.
docking, and structural genomics. These methods sive molecular understanding of how gut microbes
highlight divergent sequences that likely possess process dietary components is essential for the Conclusions
distinct functions and provide context for linking rational use of “functional foods” or prebiotics to A major challenge facing human gut microbiota
uncharacterized enzymes with metabolic pathways treat conditions such as metabolic disease and research is the need to move beyond cataloging

Fig. 3. Preventing drug reactivation and toxicity by inhibiting gut microbial enzymes. (A) Microbial cleavage of the glucuronidated drug conjugate of
the cancer chemotherapeutic SN-38 leads to drug reactivation and toxicity within the gut. UDP, uridine diphosphate. (B) High-throughput screening identified
specific inhibitors of bacterial b-glucuronidases. These compounds alleviated the GI toxicity associated with irinotecan metabolism. Et, ethyl.

Koppel et al., Science 356, eaag2770 (2017) 23 June 2017 8 of 11


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understanding of microbial transformations, along with knowledge of host genetics and metabolism, could (B) inform personalized nutrition, (C) improve
toxicological risk assessment, and (D) enable personalized medicine.

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Chemical transformation of xenobiotics by the human gut microbiota
Nitzan Koppel, Vayu Maini Rekdal and Emily P. Balskus

Science 356 (6344), eaag2770.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aag2770

One person's meat is another's poison

The human gut is packed with actively metabolizing microorganisms. These have a transformative effect on what
we ingest−−whether food, drugs, or pollutants. Koppel et al. review the distinguishing features of microbial xenobiotic
metabolism, its interaction with somatic metabolism, and interindividual variation. Depending on the functional
composition of microorganisms in the gut, the subsequent products may have nutritionally beneficial effects, modify
pharmaceuticals, or be toxic. All of these consequences of our companion microbes can have important impacts on

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human health and well-being.
Science, this issue p. eaag2770

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