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An essential guide


1 Adol

Teachers: Gianna Guastella
Laura Vacchiano
1 An Essential Guide to Writing
Prof. Gianna Guastella
2 An Essential Guide to Writing
Prof. Gianna Guastella

This year, we will learn about the process of writing. In this booklet, you will find what you
need to think about this process, along with different techniques that will help you to write
better each time to set out to do so.

Expect to learn:

➢ Why writing is a process.

➢ The different stages in the process of writing.
➢ How to structure different text types: opinion essays, for and against essays,
reviews and articles.
➢ Useful expressions to write different text types.
➢ What a paragraph is and how to structure it.
➢ Different techniques for starting and ending your writings.
➢ How writings are evaluated.

We will work with this booklet together with the book. Because of this, you should bring it
to class every day and take care of it. It is equally important that you do not lose it,
because this booklet was specially written for you, so as to help you become the writer you
are meant to be!

What you will learn by using this booklet will help you to write from now on until the last
year of school, so it is important that during writing classes you pay attention and
cooperate with the tasks that your teacher asks you to do.

Also, bear in mind that practice makes perfect: the material in this booklet alone is not
enough for you to improve and master the beautiful art of writing. You also need to hand in
the writings that you are asked to do. Besides, it is very important that you pay attention to
the corrections made by the teacher and ask if you have any questions: remember that
mistakes are what we really learn from.

Let’s start!

⓵ Look up the word “process” (as a noun) in the dictionary and write down the definition
given for it.

➔ PROCESS (noun):

⓶ Do you think that the following statement is true? Why (not)? Discuss as a class.

“Writing is a process that has three different stages, all connected between them: pre-
writing, writing and post-writing”

3 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
⓷ What do you think each stage pre-writing, writing and post-writing is about? Work in
pairs. In pencil, list your ideas under the correct column.


As we have just learnt, writing is a process. Up next, we will have a look at the different
stages in writing: pre-writing, writing and post-writing and the different steps in each



⓵ Discuss with a partner: has it ever happened to you that you have a writing task in front
of you but cannot think of anything to say? How do you feel when this happens?

☞ The first step in the pre-writing stage is the generation of ideas. Luckily, there are
different techniques that you can use to let out the writer inside you.

Technique 1:

Brainstorming: it consists of writing down as many words/ ideas connected to the topic of
your writing as you can think of.

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ You have one minute to write down as many words/ ideas as you can related to the
topic “sports”. In this case, write one idea per slip of paper. Use as many slips of papers as
you need.

⓶ Now compare and exchange your ideas with your partner. Pay attention to what he or
she thought of. Did he/ she think of anything that you didn’t?

4 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
⓷ Compare and exchange your ideas in groups of four. Make a final list of all the ideas
that you came up with related to the topic. Write the list below.

⓸ Use this list to write about 80 words on the topic “sports”. Was brainstorming useful for
you? Why (not)?

Technique 2:

Using questions: it consists of “asking” questions to the topic. The basic questions start
with the following wh-words “who?”, “what?”, “where?”, “when?”, “why?”, “how?”.

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ You have one minute to write down as many questions as you can related to the topic
“free time with my family”. In this case, write one question per slip of paper. Use as many
slips of papers as you need.

⓶ Now, compare and exchange your questions with your partner. Pay attention to what he
or she asked Did he/ she ask anything that you didn’t?

⓷ Compare and exchange your questions in groups of four. Make a final list of all the
questions that you came up with related to the topic. Write the list below.

⓸ Use that list to write around 80 words on the topic “free time with my family”. Was
asking questions useful for you? Why (not)?

5 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
Technique 3

Expanding information on given questions: sometimes you will be given some

questions to write about, but you may have to expand the information to be able to write
the number of words you are asked to write.

✎ Let’s try it!

This is part of a letter you receive from your penfriend James.

In your next letter, please tell me about the music you like.
What’s your favourite kind of music? Do you play an instrument?

⓵ Let’s play a game: in pairs, try to think of more information related to these two
questions. You have around three minutes. Here you have two examples.

What’s your favourite kind of music? Do you play an instrument?

• Last time I went to a concert by my • I started playing it when I was 8.

favourite singer.

⓶ Now, in groups of four, compare the information you would add to these questions and
make a final list. The group with more information added wins! Hurry up! You only have
two minutes.

What’s your favourite kind of music? Do you play an instrument?

6 An Essential Guide to Writing

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⓷ Write a letter to your friend answering the two questions in the email above. Use the
ideas on the list to give more information. Write between 100-120 words.

Now that you have come up with your own ideas it’s time to organise them. But how can
this be done?

☞ It’s time to focus on the second step in the pre-writing stage: organising ideas.
There are techniques for doing this. We will analyse two.

Technique 1:

Using headings

Here is a set of notes on the topic “camels” produced by a student who decided to use
three headings to organise his ideas.

The use of camels in transport Characteristics of camels

* ship of the desert * can tolerate arid conditions
* best means of desert transport * don’t need food and water for
Technique 2
* good memory for route a long time
* store water in stomach
Using spidergrams
The importance of camels
* a source of water
* a source of meat and milk
* fur can be used as garment and tents

Technique 2

Using spidergrams

Here is a spidergram a student wrote when asked to write a description of a person he


7 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
⓵ In groups discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using these two ways of
organising ideas. Which one would you like to try?

Using headings Spidergram

✎ Let’s try it!

You will write about your hobbies.


• First, you must generate ideas. For this, you may brainstorm ideas or ask
questions to the topic.
• Then, you must organise the ideas you had. For this, you may use headlines or a

⓵ Work in pairs to generate and organise the ideas about the topic.

⓶ When you have finished working on the two steps, show your work to your teacher.

⓷ Now it’s time for you to write. Write about “your hobbies” in more or less 100 words.

☞ Now that you know how to come up with ideas and how to organise them, it’s time to
go to the following step, the third and last step in the pre-writing stage. We’re talking
about structuring.

⓵ Look up the word “structure” (as a verb) in the dictionary. What’s the definition given?
How do you think this definition relates to the process of writing?

➔ STRUCTURE (verb):

⚠️Key concepts!

Before going into details related to different ways of arranging the information in a piece of
writing, we will work on some concepts which are key for you to remember from now on.

8 An Essential Guide to Writing

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⓵ Match the concept to the definition.

1) Sentence a) a sentence that is written at the beginning of the

paragraph. Its function is telling the reader what the
rest of the paragraph will be about.

2) Topic sentence b) a set of words that is complete in itself, typically

containing a subject and predicate

3) Paragraph c) a short part of a text consisting of at least

one sentence and beginning on a new line. It
usually deals with a single event, idea, etc.

⓶ Complete the paragraph using the list of words/ expressions.

a) specific examples
b) topic sentence
c) connectors
d) reasons
e) general statement

A well-written paragraph usually begins with a clear (1)…………………….. that states your
main idea. The paragraph then develops with a series of (2)……………………., and each
of them is supported by (3)…………………… or (4)………………………… . Along the way,
(5)…………………………… are used to help the writer move from one sentence to the

In the writing process it is important to stop and think about two things:

✔ What information you are going to include: you may have had many ideas and
may have organised them correctly. However, sometimes you won’t be able to
include EVERYTHING, because your writing may end up being very long. That is
why you have to select what information you will include. One way of doing this is
going idea by idea and asking yourself: “can I develop this idea? Will I have
interesting information to give about it?” If the answer to these questions is yes,
then probably you should write about that idea! If the answer to these questions is
no, maybe it is better to leave it aside.

✔ How you are going to arrange the information: once you have selected what
information you are going to include, it is important to think about how you will
arrange it or structure it. How you arrange the information will depend on the
text type you are asked to write. Examples of different text types include: short
stories, informal emails, essays, reviews, articles, etc.

9 An Essential Guide to Writing

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✎ Let’s analyse how an informal email is structured.

10 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
⓵ Match the part of the letter to its function

1) Greeting a) Saying goodbye

2) Opening paragraph b) Ending your email in a friendly way
3) Main paragraph 1 c) Writing your name
4) Main paragraph 2 d) Answering the first question. This
5) Closing paragraph paragraph is part of what we call the
6) Goodbye main body of the email.
7) Signature e) Saying hi to your friend
f) Starting your letter in a friendly way
before answering the questions.
g) Answering the second question. This
paragraph is part of what call the main
body of the email.

As we have seen and as you know by now, an email has a particular structure that you
have to follow when you write it. This year, we are going to learn about the structure of
other text types, like essays, reviews and articles.

There are many types of essays. This year we are going to learn how to write opinion
essays (in unit 1) and for and against essays (in unit 4).


Opinion essays are pieces of writing in which you present your personal opinion on a
particular topic. Your opinion must be stated clearly and supported by justifications.

An opinion essay consists of:

➢ a) An introduction in which you introduce the subject and state your opinion
➢ b) A main body consisting of two or more paragraphs (each presenting a separate
viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples).
➢ c) a conclusion, in which you restate your opinion using different words.


➢ You normally use present tenses in this type of writing.

➢ Opinion essays are normally written in a formal style, that is why you must avoid
colloquial expressions, informal connectors and contracted forms.

11 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

Paragraph 1

• Introduce the subject and state your opinion on it clearly.

Main body

Paragraph 2

• First viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples.

Paragraph 3

• Second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

Paragraph 4

• Third viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples


Paragraph 5

• Restate your opinion (the one you gave in the first paragraph) using different words

► It is important to know that the number of paragraphs will depend on how many
viewpoints you decide or are required to give.

⚠️Starting and ending your essay

Do you have problems beginning or ending your essay? No problem! There are different
techniques that you can use to solve this. To attract the reader’s interest and make the
beginning or ending of your essay more effective, you can use some of the following
writing techniques:

► Address the reader directly.

When you address the reader directly, it means that you use the pronoun “you”. E.g. If you
take the time to train your dog, it will learn to obey you.

► Include a quotation.
A quotation is a sentence or phrase taken from a book, play, etc. When you use a
quotation, it is necessary to mention the name of the person who said it/ wrote it. E.g. As
George Orwell wrote, “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

12 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
► Include a rhetorical question.
Rhetorical questions are questions for which you do not expect an answer. E.g. Is it true
that a dog is man’s best friend?

📖 Read and analyse

⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 1

English and Math are the most important subjects taught at school. Do you agree?
Write about:
✔ everyday use
✔ future jobs

Write an essay in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

It is unfortunate that in today’s society there are so many people who cannot
read, write or even do arithmetic. I strongly believe that these two subjects
are a fundamental part of our education.

Firstly, when you know how to read and write, you have the tools required to
deal with everyday matters. For example, being able to read and write can
help you communicate and express yourself clearly. Moreover, you must know
basic maths to deal with everyday calculations. These can appear in a variety
of contexts, for example when you go to the supermarket.

In addition, a lot of future professions will be related to maths, as is the case

with new types of engineering. Because of this, people who know maths and
are good at it will probably be highly required by employers. Apart from this,
proficient language users will also be highly required. As a result of
globalisation, translators will earn a lot of money as well.

To sum up, in my opinion, both English and Math are the foundations for a
good education because they give us useful tools to handle everyday situations.
Furthermore, a lot of future jobs will require people who know maths and are
good at it and also people who can use the language properly. After all, as

13 An Essential Guide to Writing

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Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to
change the world”.

⓶ Analyse the essay written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) What’s the writer’s opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

2) What are the reasons/ examples the writer provides to support each viewpoint?
(everyday use and future jobs)

3) What linking words can you spot? Which are used for…

• listing viewpoints:
• giving reasons:
• adding information:
• concluding:

4) What expression(s) used to give an opinion can you spot?

5) Which technique did the author of the essay use in the conclusion?

⚠️Useful phrases for writing an opinion essay

● Listing points: First,...; Firstly,…; First of all,...; To begin with,…; Second,…;
Secondly,…; Third,…; Thirdly,...

● Adding information:, What is more,…; Additionally,…; In addition (to this),…; Apart

from that/ this,….; Moreover,…; Furthermore,...

● Giving examples: Such as, For example, For instance.

● Expressing contrast: However,…; In contrast,…; But; Although + clause; Even

though + clause; in spite of + NP or +ing; despite + NP or +ing; On the one hand,…;
On the other hand,…

14 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
● Expressing results: Consequently,…; As a consequence,…; As a result,…;

● Giving reasons: Because of this,…; For this reason,…; This is the main reason

● Expressing your opinion: In my opinion,…; In my view,…; To my mind,…;

Personally,…; It seems to me (that)…; It is my view (that)…; I would argue (that)…

● Expressing someone else’s opinion: According to…; Some people say (that)…; It
is said (that)….; It has been said (that)…

● Concluding: To conclude,…; In conclusion,…; To summarise,…; To sum up,…; In


⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 2

Video games are a good way to keep fit. Do you agree?

Write about:

✔Different types of video games

✔Where to play them

Write an essay in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

Up next, you will read the essay a student wrote answering this task. However, it is not in
order. Do not worry about this for the time being.

___ In addition, you can play them wherever you want, for example at home
or at your friend’s house. However, you cannot play them in the open air. As
we know, being outside in the fresh air has a lot of advantages, but you
cannot be outside if it rains or if it is very hot. In that case, video games are a
great alternative.

___ To conclude, I think that video games are a great way to keep fit. There
are a lot of options to choose from, so there is a video game for everyone.
Moreover, I think that they are a good option when you cannot do exercise
outside because of weather conditions.

15 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
___ There are lots of different types of video games that require different
movements from the player. You can play basketball, water-skiing and dance
video games. And, what is more, you can play them in the comfort of your
own home. Because of this wide variety of games to choose from, all of us can
find one we like.

___ Nowadays, many teenagers have got video consoles at home and they often
like playing them with friends. I firmly believe that active video games are a
good way of keeping fit.

⓶ Analyse the essay written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Put the paragraphs in the correct order

2) What’s the writer’s opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3) What are the reasons/ examples the writer provides to support each viewpoint?
(different types of video games/ where to play them)

4) What linking words can you spot? Which are used for

• giving reasons:
• adding information:
• concluding:

5) What expression(s) to give an opinion can you spot?

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ Go to page 13 from the SB. You are going to answer the writing task in exercise 6.

⓶ Before you do, take a look at the booklet again. What are the steps in the process of
writing that you must take into account in each stage pre-writing, writing, and post-writing?
List them under the correct column.

16 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

⓷ Once you write down all the steps in the different stages, try to think which technique
you are going to use for generating ideas and organising them.

⓸ Now it is time to write. Go step by step. Remember writing is a process. Before you
start writing, take a moment to read the following piece of advise.

⚠️Take into account:

❈ The task:

➢ Register: remember that this task asks you to write an essay. Essays are formal,
so you must use formal expressions and avoid informal language.
➢ Task completion: remember that you MUST answer your opinion on the statement
given in connection with three topics (school and friends) and one that you will add
as your own idea. If you do not give your opinion on the statement in
connection to ALL OF THEM, the task will be INCOMPLETE.
➢ Number of words (140-190)

❈ Generating and organising ideas:

➢ In a separate sheet of paper work on the generation of ideas and their organisation.
Remember, you MUST write about three ideas: two are already given, but one
must come from you.
➢ When you finish generating ideas, remember that you must select which idea you
are going to talk about. Remember, in this case it is only one idea that will
come from you. Two are already given in the task. Once you have selected the
idea that you will include and organised the three of them, move on to structuring.

❈ Structuring and paragraph division:

➢ Divide your writing into paragraphs correctly. If you change the topic, change the
➢ Remember to write topic sentences. They are a good way of organising your
➢ Use this clean copy of the structure of an opinion essay to write an idea,
paragraph by paragraph, of what you are going to say.

17 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

Paragraph 1 → Introduce SUBJECT and GIVE OPINION

Main body

Paragraph 2 → FIRST VIEWPOINT supported by reasons/ examples.

Paragraph 3 → SECOND VIEWPOINT supported by reasons/ examples

Paragraph 4 → THIRD VIEWPOINT supported by reasons/ examples


Paragraph 5 → RESTATE OPINION using different words.

❈ Drafting:

➢ Write the draft (or a rough copy) in a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to your
teacher together with the final piece.

18 An Essential Guide to Writing

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❈ Editing:

➢ Check that the ideas you want to convey are clear enough. In order to make sure
they are, it is important that you keep your ideas simple. It is better to write simple
ideas that you could think in English than writing complicated ones that you thought
in Spanish and translated into English.
➢ Check that you used a variety of connectors correctly.

❈ Proofreading:

➢ Check your writing for spelling and punctuation mistakes.

➢ Check that grammar and language are used correctly. Make sure you use a
consistent register throughout. That is, if the writing is formal, there must be no
instances of informality.


“For and against” essays are pieces of writing in which you discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of a specific topic.

A “For and against” essay consists of:

➢ a) an introduction in which you present the topic, making a general comment

about it without giving your opinion.
➢ b) a main body in which you present the points for and the points against in
separate paragraphs, supporting your arguments with justifications/ examples
➢ c) a conclusion which includes your opinion or a balanced summary of the topic.


➢ You will write your opinion only in the conclusion (if you decide to give it).
Remember that you may decide to provide a balanced summary of the topic
➢ Opinion essays are normally written in a formal style, that is why you must avoid
colloquial expressions, informal connectors, and contracted forms.



Paragraph 1

• Introduce the subject clearly, without stating your opinion.

19 An Essential Guide to Writing

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Main body

Paragraph 2

• Arguments for, supported by justifications/ examples.

Paragraph 3

• Arguments against, supported by justifications/ examples.


Paragraph 4

• Give your opinion on the subject OR provide a balanced summary of it (i.e. write a
conclusion in which both arguments for and against are included).

⚠️Starting and ending your essay

The same techniques that you can use to start and ending an opinion essay can be used
to write a for and against essay. Go to page 12 from the booklet to have a look at them

📖 Read and analyse

⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 1

You have had a class discussion about different forms of travel.

Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay presenting the arguments
for and against travelling by boat.

Write about:
✔ comfort
✔ safety
✔ time spent travelling

Write an essay in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

Did you know that the boat was one of the first forms of transport? A
hundred years ago, the only way to make a journey across the sea was by
boat. Nowadays, however, it is possible to fly from one continent to another in
the space of a few hours. So, is there any reason to travel by boat?

20 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
Although the boat is an old-fashioned way of travelling, it has certain
advantages. To begin with, boats are usually more comfortable than planes or
cars. Instead of staying in your seat for the whole journey, you can go for a
walk on the deck, eat in a restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space
to move around makes the journey much more pleasant. Furthermore, boats
are a safe alternative to cars and planes. According to some research done by
experts, there are fewer accidents at sea than in the air or on the roads.

However, travelling by boat does have its disadvantages. It usually takes much
longer than other forms of travel. As a result, it can be more tiring, or may
be a useless alternative if you really need to arrive somewhere fast.

All things considered, although it is a bit slower than other forms of travelling,
I believe that travelling by boat is a very enjoyable experience. Journeys may
take longer, but if you have time to spare, you can take advantage of the
many facilities which boats have to offer and enjoy a pleasant voyage.

⓶ Analyse the essay written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Does the writer think that the points he had to write about are advantages or
disadvantages of travelling by boat? Complete the chart.

Time spent travelling

2) What are the reasons/ examples the writer provides to support what he says about
comfort, safety and time spent travelling?

3) What linking words can you spot? Which are used for
• showing contrast:
• expressing result:
• adding information:

21 An Essential Guide to Writing

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• concluding:

4) What expression(s) to give an opinion can you spot?

5) What technique did the writer of this essay use to start his/ her piece of writing?

⚠️Useful phrases for writing an for and against essay

The same phrases that you can use to write an opinion essay can be used to write a for
and against essay. Go to pages 14 and 15 from the booklet to have a look at them again.

⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 2

Are there more advantages or disadvantages to teenagers using the internet?

Write about:
✔ homework
✔ online games
✔ learning a new language

Write an essay in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

Up next, you will read the essay a student wrote answering this task. However, it is not in
order. Do not worry about this for the time being.

____ One advantage of the internet is that young people can do research for
their schoolwork and homework. This often helps teenagers to widen their
knowledge and improve their grades. Another advantage that the internet has
is that teenagers can practise foreign languages by chatting to friends in other
countries. This is also a good way of keeping in touch with friends and family
around the world.

22 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
____ To sum up, spending time on the internet can have a negative impact on
young people, but it also has many advantages. Personally, I think the
internet is an incredible tool and the benefits of internet access are more than
the dangers. However, teenagers should be careful not to use the internet

____ It is now easier than ever to access the internet, whether you are using a
computer, phone, or tablet. There is no doubt that many young people are
spending more and more time online. But does the internet stand in the way
of teenagers having a healthy lifestyle?

____ Nonetheless, there are also negative aspects. Some young people become
addicted to online gaming and this can mean that they waste too much time
playing these games. This can have a negative effect on their schoolwork the
amount of exercise they get and their social lives.

⓶ Analyse the essay written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Does the writer think that the points he had to write about are advantages or
disadvantages of teenagers using the internet? Complete the chart.

Online games
Learning a new language

2) What are the reasons/ examples the writer provides to support what he says about
homework, online games and learning a new language?

3) What linking words can you spot? Which are used for
• showing contrast:
• listing advantages:
• concluding:

23 An Essential Guide to Writing

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4) What expression(s) to give an opinion can you spot?

5) What techniques did the author of the essay use to end his piece of writing?

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ Go to page 45 from the SB. You are going to answer the writing task in exercise 4.

⓶ Before you do, take a look at the booklet again. What are the steps in the process of
writing that you must take into account in each stage pre-writing, writing, and post-writing?
List them under the correct column.


⓷ Once you write down all the steps at the different stages, try to think which technique
you are going to use for generating ideas and organising them.

⓸ Now it is time to write. Go step by step. Remember writing is a process. Before you
start writing, take a moment to read the following piece of advise.

⚠️Take into account:

❈ The task:

➢ Register: remember that this task asks you to write an essay. Essays are formal,
so you must use formal expressions and avoid informal language.
➢ Task completion: remember that you MUST think whether the three topics
(events and facilities, cost of living and your own idea) represent an advantage or
a disadvantage to living in a city. You must include ALL THREE VIEWPOINTS
in your essay, or else the task will be INCOMPLETE.

24 An Essential Guide to Writing

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➢ Number of words (140-190)

❈ Generating and organising ideas:

➢ In a separate sheet of paper work on the generation of ideas and their organisation.
Remember, you MUST write about three ideas: two are already given, but one
must come from you. Also, you cannot have only advantages or only
disadvantages. Out of the three ideas, at least one MUST represent an
advantage or a disadvantage. Remember that for and against essays analyse a
claim from both sides, so you MUST include arguments for (advantages) AND
arguments against (disadvantages)
➢ When you finish generating ideas, remember that you must select wich idea you are
going to talk about. Remember, in this case it is only one idea that will come
from you. Two are already given in the task. Once you have selected the idea that
you will include and organised the three of them, move on to structuring.

❈ Structuring and paragraph division:

➢ Divide your writing into paragraphs correctly. If you change the topic, change the
➢ Remember to write topic sentences. They are a good way of organising your
➢ Use this clean copy of the structure of a for and against essay to write an idea,
paragraph by paragraph, of what you are going to say.


Paragraph 1 → Introduce SUBJECT clearly, without giving your opinion.

Main body

Paragraph 2 → ADVANTAGES supported by reasons/ examples.

Paragraph 3 → DISADVANTAGES supported by reasons/ examples

25 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

Paragraph 4 → PERSONAL OPINION or BALANCED SUMMARY of the topic.

❈ Drafting:

➢ Write the draft (or rough copy) in a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to your
teacher together with the final piece.

❈ Editing:

➢ Check that the ideas you want to convey are clear enough. In order to make sure
they are, it is important that you keep your ideas simple. It is better to write simple
ideas that you could think in English than writing complicated ones that you thought
in Spanish and translated into English.
➢ Check that you used a variety of connectors correctly.

❈ Proofreading:

➢ Check your writing for spelling and punctuation mistakes.

➢ Check that grammar and language are used correctly. Make sure you use a
consistent register throughout. That is, if the writing is formal, there must be no
instances of informality.

Reviews can be written about a variety of things. This year you are going to write a review
of a YouTube channel (in unit 3) and of a movie (in unit 9).

Reviews are short descriptions of books, films, plays, TV programmes, YouTube channels,
etc. They are written to inform readers and viewers, and to give them your opinion/
recommendation about whether (or not) they should read a book, or see a film/ play/ etc.

A review consists of:

26 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
➢ a) a title in which you say what you are reviewing.
➢ b) an introduction in which you say what you are reviewing.
➢ c) a main body in which you answer all the questions you are asked, or include all
the information you are asked to give.
➢ d) a conclusion in which you say whether you would or would not recommend the
book/ film/ YouTube channel and why.


➢ The number of paragraphs in the main body will depend on how many questions
you have to answer or how much information you have to include.
➢ If you are reviewing a book, a film, etc., you must not reveal the end of the story to
your reader.
➢ Apart from saying what you are reviewing, a title should be eye-catching, so that
the reader wants to read your review.
➢ Reviews can be formal or neutral (i.e. not very formal nor very informal). Whether
you must use formal or more neutral vocabulary and language will depend on who
will read your review, or the intended reader. For example, if you have to write for a
website that is read by teenagers, you will use a neutral register.
➢ You normally use present tenses and a variety of adjectives to describe the plot.
Using adjectives will make your writing sound more vivid and this will make it even
more appealing for the reader.
➢ A review is not just a list of facts. It is largely your opinion. Do not forget to give
your opinion on the different aspects you were asked to write about.



• Say what you are reviewing in an eye-catching way.


Paragraph 1

• Explain what you are reviewing

Main body

Paragraph 2

• Answer the first question on the play/ book/ TV programme and give your opinion
on that question.

Paragraph 3

27 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
• Answer the second question on the play/ book/ TV programme and give your
opinion on that question.

Note: you may have more paragraphs in the main body. As said before, the number of
paragraphs you end up with will vary according to the number of questions you have.


Paragraph 4

• Say whether you would recommend what you have just reviewed and give reasons.

⚠️Useful phrases for writing a review

● Expressing likes: I really liked…; I thought… worked well; I was really impressed
by…; I was pleasantly surprised by…

● Expressing dislikes: I found… disappointing; I didn’t really like…; I wasn’t

impressed by…at all.

● Making recommendations: I would certainly recommend; I’m happy to

recommend this… to….; I think (young/ older) people would really enjoy this…

● Review of books: This book is based on/ is set in; The main characters are…; This
book was written by…; The plot revolves around…

● Reviews of films/ TV programmes/ plays: This film/ TV programme/ play stars….;

This film/ TV programme/ play is set in….; This film/ TV programme/ play was
written by…; The plot revolves around…; In this film/ TV programme/ play…. plays

● Review of shops, hotels, etc.: This shop/ hotel is located in…; The service is
good/ poor; This shop/ hotel is run by…; This shop/ hotel is reasonably
priced…;This shop/ hotel is overpriced.

28 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
📖 Read and analyse
⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 1

You have seen this announcement in your college English-language magazine.

Music reviews wanted

Have you been to a great music concert recently?

Write us a review of the concert, telling us about the lead singer and the performance of the band.
Say whether you would recommend seeing them perform live.

We will publish the best reviews next month.

Write a review in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

A gig to remember

A gig to remember

Without doubt, the British rock band Arctic Monkeys have given this year's
best live show. As teenagers a few years ago, they made the fastest selling
album ever but seemed shy and awkward on stage. Now they have matured
and become an amazing live act.

Since the frontman Alex decided to cut his hair and dress like a skinny rock
star of the 1950s, he moves confidently around the stage, waving his arms
and encouraging us to shake our hips. People were ecstatic!

The set began with their hit, “Do I wanna know?”. The guitar playing was
great!, as always, and the rhythm was supported by Matt's powerful
drumming. The band was amazing, winning fans with a list that combined
older with new hits.

29 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
Overall, it was a performance to remember and all fans should try and catch
them while they're on tour. I’d definitely recommend seeing them on stage,
because their performance combines great music and great lyrics, which
combined form a show like no other.

⓶ Analyse the review written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Who will read this review? Where will it appear?

2) What aspects of the concert was the author asked to review? Underline them in the

3) Did he review all of the aspects he was asked to review? Did he give his opinion about
each of them? Underline the aspects reviewed and the writer’s opinion in the text.

4) Considering where the review will be published, do you think that the register used was
formal or neutral?

5) What contributes to the register being that way? Find instances in the text.

⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 2

You have seen this announcement in a website aimed at teenagers.

Book reviews wanted

Have your read a book recently with a story that has held your attention? Write a review of the book,
explaining what the story is about and whether the characters are convincing.
Tell us whether or not you would recommend it both to younger and older readers
The best reviews will be published in the magazine.

We will publish the best reviews next month.

Write a review in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

30 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
“Animal Farm”. An amazing book by George Orwell

This is an unusual book, set on a farm. The characters, led by the pigs, are
mainly animals, who get rid of the cruel, drunken human owner and take
over the farm. They create a government of their own.

The story isn't exciting but it's clever. At first, after the revolution, the
animals are equal but later the pigs become more powerful and start to
change everything. By the end of the novel, the animals realise they have gone
back to where they started. In one way, the story is obviously not a true
story! But in another way, it is meant to tell the story of communism from a
satirical point of view.

The characters are very convincing. Napoleon, the leader of the pigs, is strong
and corrupt. Other animals are honest but weak. They all represent people
and the events in Russia in the 1920s and 30s.

Although I enjoyed this book, I can imagine older people who were brought up
when communism was still strong in the world and have probably read a lot
about the Russian Revolution, would enjoy it even more.

⓶ Analyse the review written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Who will read this review? Where will it appear?

2) What aspects of the book was the author asked to review? Underline them in the task.

3) Did he review all of the aspects he was asked to review? Did he give his opinion about
each of them? Underline the aspects reviewed and the writer’s opinion in the text.

4) Considering where the review will be published, do you think that the register used was
formal or neutral?

5) What contributes to the register being that way? Find instances in the text.

6) What connectors can you spot in the text? Why are they used? (For expressing reason?
For expressing contrast?, For listing?, etc.)

31 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
7) What typical expressions used for reviewing a book can you spot? Underline them in
the text.

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ Go to page 34 from the SB. You are going to answer the writing task in exercise 4.

⓶ Before you do, take a look at the booklet again. What are the steps in the process of
writing that you must take into account in each stage pre-writing, writing, and post-writing?
List them under the correct column.


⓷ Once you write down all the steps in he different stages, try to think which technique
you are going to use for organising your ideas. Notice that in this case, what you have to
write about is already provided. That is why you do not have to generate any ideas. You
just need to organise them.

⓸ Now it is time to write. Go step by step. Remember writing is a process. Before you
start writing, take a moment to read the following piece of advise.

⚠️Take into account:

❈ The task:

➢ Register: remember that this task asks you to write a review. Reviews can be
formal or neutral, depending on the intended reader. That is why you must always
read the task carefully.
➢ Task completion: remember that you MUST include all the information you are
asked to.
➢ Number of words (140-190)

❈ Generating and organising ideas:

➢ In this case, you are already told what information to include. So you do not
need to generate any ideas. You can move directly into organising.
➢ Remember to organise the information you are asked to include before starting the
structuring stage. Once you have done that, you may move on to structuring.

32 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
❈ Structuring and paragraph division:

➢ Divide your writing into paragraphs correctly. If you change the topic, change the
➢ Remember to write topic sentences. They are a good way of organising your
➢ Use this clean copy of the structure of a for and against essay to write an idea,
paragraph by paragraph, of what you are going to say.


Say what you are reviewing in an eye-catching way.


Paragraph 1 → EXPLAIN what you are reviewing.

Main body

Paragraph 2 → talk about the QUALITY OF THE VIDEOS VIDEOS and their CONTENT.
Include your OPINION on these two things.

(Notice that in one paragraph you will answer two questions, but this is because the topic
of the two questions is the same: the videos on the YouTube channel that you decide to

Paragraph 3 → talk about the PRESENTER. Include your OPINION on him/ her.


Paragraph 4 → Say if you would RECOMMEND this channel and WHY

33 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
❈ Drafting:

➢ Write the draft (or rough copy) in a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to your
teacher together with the final piece.

❈ Editing:

➢ Check that the ideas you want to convey are clear enough. In order to make sure
they are, it is important that you keep your ideas simple. It is better to write simple
ideas that you could think in English than writing complicated ones that you thought
in Spanish and translated into English.
➢ Check that you used a variety of connectors correctly.

❈ Proofreading:

➢ Check your writing for spelling and punctuation mistakes.

➢ Check that grammar and language are used correctly. Make sure you use a
consistent register throughout. That is, if the writing is formal, there must be
no instances of informality.

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ Go to page 101 from the SB. You are going to answer the writing task in exercise 4.

⓶ Before you do, take a look at the booklet again. What are the steps in the process of
writing that you must take into account in each stage pre-writing, writing, and post-writing?
List them under the correct column.


⓷ Once you write down all the steps at the different stages, try to think which technique
you are going to use for generating ideas and organising them.

⓸ Now it is time to write. Go step by step. Remember writing is a process. Before you
start writing, take a moment to read the following piece of advise.

34 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
⚠️Take into account:
❈ The task:

➢ Register: remember that this task asks you to write a review. Reviews can be
formal or neutral, depending on the intended reader. That is why you must always
read the task carefully.
➢ Task completion: remember that you MUST include all the information you are
asked to. A good way of making sure you do not leave anything aside is underlining
the information you are asked to give in the task.
➢ Number of words (140-190)

❈ Generating and organising ideas:

➢ In a separate sheet of paper work on the generation of ideas and their organisation.
Remember, you MUST write about the plot, the cast, the music and other relevant
information, so you must generate ideas related to what other information to
➢ When you finish generating, remember that you must select what idea(s) you are
going to talk about. Since the task says to include “other relevant information”, you
may decide to include more than one idea. However, be careful with the number of
words! Once you have selected the idea(s) that you will include and organised
them, move on to structuring.

❈ Structuring and paragraph division:

➢ Divide your writing into paragraphs correctly. If you change the topic, change the
➢ Remember to write topic sentences. They are a good way of organising your
➢ Use this clean copy of the structure of a for and against essay to write an idea,
paragraph by paragraph, of what you are going to say.


Say what you are reviewing in an eye-catching way.


Paragraph 1 → EXPLAIN what you are reviewing. INTRODUCE the film and engage and
interest the reader.

35 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
Main body

Option 1
Paragraph 2 → DESCRIBE the PLOT and the CAST and GIVE YOUR OPINION


Option 2
Paragraph 2 → DESCRIBE the PLOT, the CAST, give other RELEVANT INFORMATION

(Note: in this case, the plot and the cast are two fundamental parts of any movie, so the
topic of this paragraph is “fundamental parts of the movie”. This is why plot and cast
must go together. However, you may also add “relevant information” here if this
information is also a fundamental part to the movie)

Paragraph 3 → DESCRIBE the SINGING and give other RELEVANT INFORMATION and

(Note: singing is not a fundamental part to a movie, that is why you must write it in a
different paragraph. If the “relevant information” you decide to give is also not a
fundamental part to the movie, you must also include it in this paragraph)

36 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

Paragraph 4 → Say if you would RECOMMEND this movie for people your age and WHY

❈ Drafting:

➢ Write the draft (or rough copy) in a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to your
teacher together with the final piece.

❈ Editing:

➢ Check that the ideas you want to convey are clear enough. In order to make sure
they are, it is important that you keep your ideas simple. It is better to write simple
ideas that you could think in English than writing complicated ones that you thought
in Spanish and translated into English.
➢ Check that you used a variety of connectors correctly.

❈ Proofreading:

➢ Check your writing for spelling and punctuation mistakes.

➢ Check that grammar and language are used correctly. Make sure you use a
consistent register throughout. That is, if the writing is formal, there must be
no instances of informality.

Articles can be written about a variety of things. This year you are going to write an article
about unusual or interesting sayings about health and fitness (in unit 6)


Articles are pieces of writing whose aim is to inform, interest and engage the reader, so
there should be some opinion or comment at some point.

An article consists of:

➢ a) a title in which you catch the reader’s attention. Because of this, it must be
relevant to the task and eye- catching.

37 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
➢ b) an introduction in which you engage the reader and get them interested in the
subject. In articles, as is the case with essays, you may use a variety of techniques
to engage the reader: addressing the reader directly, ask a rhetorical question or
use a quotation.
➢ c) a main body, in which you answer all the questions you are asked, or include all
the information you are asked to give. The number of paragraphs you write will
depend on how many questions you have to answer or how much information you
have to include.
➢ d) a conclusion in which you summarise the ideas developed in the article. Also, it
may be a good idea to include your opinion or comment about the topic at this point.


➢ Articles can be formal or neutral (i.e. not very formal nor very informal). Whether
you must use formal or more neutral vocabulary and language will depend on who
will read your article, that is, the intended reader. For example, if you have to write
for a website that is read by teenagers, you will use a neutral register.

⚠️Useful phrases for writing an article

● Rhetorical questions: Do you usually…?, Are you one of those people who…?,
● Have you ever…?, Do you ever…?, Just imagine…, How would you feel if…?, What
would life be like if…?

● Listing points: First,...; Firstly,…; First of all,...; To begin with,…; Second,…;

Secondly,…; Third,…; Thirdly,...

● Adding information:, What is more,…; Additionally,…; In addition (to this),…; Apart

from that/ this,….; Moreover,…; Furthermore,...

● Giving examples: Such as, For example, For instance.

● Expressing contrast: However,…; In contrast,…; But; Although + clause; Even

though + clause; in spite of sth; despite + ing; On the one hand,…; On the other

● Expressing results: Consequently,…; As a consequence,…; As a result,…;


● Giving reasons: Because of this,…; For this reason,…; This is the main reason

● Expressing your opinion: In my opinion,…; In my view,…; To my mind,…;

Personally,…; It seems to me (that)…; It is my view (that)…; I would argue (that)…

● Expressing someone else’s opinion: According to…; Some people say (that)…; It
is said (that)….; It has been said (that)…

38 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
● Concluding: To conclude,…; In conclusion,…; To summarise,…; To sum up,…; In

⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 1

You see this announcement on an English-language website.

A charity event to remember

Tell us about the most unusual way you've raised money for charity. What did you have to do?
Was the event a success? Would you do it again?

Write us an article answering these questions.

We 📖will Read
best articles on our website.
⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Write an article in an appropriate style.
Write 140-190
Task 1 words.

A Charity Event to Remember

So why did I decide to do a 90-km walk in six days along the Great Wall of
China? Well, the reason was that our local children's hospital needed to raise
money or it’d close down forever. However, I didn't realise how big a challenge
it would be.

Before I went, I thought that I would be walking along a flat surface but when
I saw the Great Wall, I almost fainted! Part of the time we had to trek up
hundreds of high steps and, which was extremely tiring. However, after a
while, I started to love the experience. I was in one of the most amazing places
on earth and the views were incredible!

In the end, the adventure was a great success. The hospital was delighted
because a group of us managed to raise several thousand pounds.

Would I be keen to help the hospital again next year? Yes, but I think I'll try
and find an easier challenge next time.

⓶ Analyse the article written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Who will read this article? Where will it appear?

39 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
2) What aspects of the way of raising money was the author asked to review? Underline
them in the task.

3) Did he include in the article all of the aspects he was asked to include? Underline them
in the text.

4) Considering where the article will be published, do you think that the register used was
formal or neutral?

5) What contributes to the register being that way? Find instances in the text and underline

6) What connectors can you spot in the text? Why are they used? (For expressing reason?
For expressing contrast?, For listing?, etc.)

7) What technique did the author use to end and to finish his article? Name it and
underline it in the text.

⓵ Read carefully the following task and the response to it from a student.
Task 2

You have seen this announcement in an international magazine aimed at teenagers.

Life on a Desert Island

Imagine you were on a desert island. What important object, person or place in your life would you
miss most? What would be the reasons?

Write us an article answering these questions.

We will publish the best articles in the magazine.

Write an article in an appropriate style.

Write 140-190 words.

Life on a Desert Island

How would you feel about living on a desert island? I can't imagine anything
worse! I'd miss a lot of things but most of all, I would miss my home.

40 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
My home is a small house on the outskirts of a city. It was built about 50
years ago and has a small garden. In the summer, our country gets very hot
but our house is always cool. You'd probably think our house is nothing special,
but I have lived there all my life and all my friends live nearby. It's a happy
place, where I feel completely safe. Whenever I go away, I look forward to
coming back, lying on my bed, reading a book and listening to my brother
and sister arguing downstairs!

I love travelling and meeting new people, but if I were on a desert island, I'd
be away from the place I love most: my home; and I would hate that.

⓶ Analyse the article written by the student and answer the following questions.

1) Who will read this article? Where will it appear?

2) What aspects of living on a desert island was the author asked to review? Underline
them in the task.

3) Did he include in the article all of the aspects he was asked to include? Underline them
in the text.

4) Considering where the article will be published, do you think that the register used was
formal or neutral?

5) What contributes to the register being that way? Find instances in the text.

6) What connectors can you spot in the text? Why are they used? (For expressing reason?
For expressing contrast?, For listing?, etc.)

✎ Let’s try it!

⓵ Go to page 67 from the SB. You are going to answer the writing task in exercise 5.

⓶ Before you do, take a look at the booklet again. What are the steps in the process of
writing that you must take into account in each stage pre-writing, writing, and post-writing?
List them under the correct column.

41 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

⓷ Once you write down all the steps at the different stages, try to think which technique
you are going to use for organising your ideas. Notice that in this case, what you have to
write about is already provided. That is why you do not have to generate any ideas. You
just need to organise them.

⓸ Now it is time to write. Go step by step. Remember writing is a process. Before you
start writing, take a moment to read the following piece of advise.

⚠️Take into account:

❈ The task:

➢ Register: remember that this task asks you to write an article. Articles can be
formal or neutral, depending on the intended reader. That is why you must always
read the task carefully.
➢ Task completion: remember that you MUST include all the information you are
asked to. A good way of making sure you do not leave anything aside is underlining
the information you are asked to give in the task.
➢ Number of words (140-190)

❈ Generating and organising ideas:

➢ In this case, you are already told what information to include. So you do not
need to generate any ideas. You can move directly on to organising.
➢ Remember to organise the information you are asked to include before starting the
structuring stage. Once you have done that, you may move on to structuring.

❈ Structuring and paragraph division:

➢ Divide your writing into paragraphs correctly. If you change the topic, change the
➢ Remember to write topic sentences. They are a good way of organising your
➢ Use this clean copy of the structure of a for and against essay to write an idea,
paragraph by paragraph, of what you are going to say.

42 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

Say what your article is about in an eye-catching way.


Paragraph 1 → ENGAGE the reader and make them INTERESTED in the SUBJECT.

(Note: Remember that you can use rhetorical questions to make your writing sound more

Main body

Paragraph 2 → DESCRIBE the saying and SAY when people use it

(Notice that in one paragraph you will answer two questions, but this is because the topic
of the two questions is the same: describing generalities of the saying)

Paragraph 3 → EXPLAIN why the saying is unusual or interesting.

(Note: In this paragraph you will add extra information to the generalities described in
paragraph 2. This is why they are written in two different paragraphs)

43 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

Paragraph 4 → Make an OVERALL SUMMARY of what you have just said.

❈ Drafting:

➢ Write the draft (or rough copy) in a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to your
teacher together with the final piece.

❈ Editing:

➢ Check that the ideas you want to convey are clear enough. In order to make sure
they are, it is important that you keep your ideas simple. It is better to write simple
ideas that you could think in English than writing complicated ones that you thought
in Spanish and translated into English.
➢ Check that you used a variety of connectors correctly.

❈ Proofreading:

➢ Check your writing for spelling and punctuation mistakes.

➢ Check that grammar and language are used correctly. Make sure you use a
consistent register throughout. That is, if the writing is formal, there must be
no instances of informality.


So far we have talked about all the processes involved before you actually sit down to
write something. Complete the chart with the information in this booklet.


Step 1: Step 1:

• • Drafting

Techniques for improving step 1:

44 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
Step 2:

Techniques for improving step 2:

Step 3:

Different text types that have different


As we have seen, writers who have gone through all the steps in the pre-writing stage are
now making the transition from the writer-based writing to the reader-based writing,
so now the concerns of the reader are much more significant than on the previous stage.
In addition to considering how best to organise information and ideas for their readers,
writes now have to think of how to attract the attention of their audience, how to
continue appealing to them, and how to lead them through the text to a conclusion which,
often by referring directly or indirectly to the opening, ends the text with a sense of
It is said that the two most critical and exciting manoeuvres in flying are taking off and
landing, and the same is true of writing. A good beginning will attract the reader’s
attention; a good ending will send the reader away satisfied and stimulated.
Less exciting, although not less important than taking off and landing is the business of
staying airborne. As a pilot has to keep the craft and its passengers safely in the air, so a
writer has to keep the text flowing and sustain the reader’s interest.

☞ Part of this task will involve filling out a text already written, or drafting. Drafting
is the only step in the writing stage.

Fundamental to understanding writing as a process are the processes of “write-revise-

rewrite”, all of which should be done at least once before handing in your work to your
teacher. The piece of writing that you produce before you come up with the final
piece of writing is called a draft (or a rough copy).

45 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
⓵ Are these sentence T or F? Justify the false statements.

1) In the drafting stage it is very important to have the reader in mind.

2) In the drafting stage we work specially on the beginning and the ending, both of which
must be interesting for the reader.

3) In the drafting stage we do not pay attention at all to the body of the writing.

⓶ The following are beginnings and endings of different texts. Do you find them
interesting? Why (not)? Discuss with a partner and be ready to be prepared for a class
discussion. Makes notes if necessary.

1) Why are people so obsessed with the weather? In my opinion,

the climate plays a major role in the way we behave.

2) I am sure that most of you, at some point in your lives,

have considered starting your own business.
However, I doubt that many of you have actually done so.

3) It was a dark, stormy night. Frank was alone in the wooden cabin
at the top of the snow covered mountain.
The wind was howling and Frank was afraid.
Suddenly, there was a strange scratching at the door.

4) Mason woke up to the sound of rain drumming on the rooftop.

Exhausted from the previous day, e slowly got out of bed and made himself
a cup of coffee and some breakfast.
He decided to call in sick as he felt too weak to go to work.

46 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
5) All in all, adolescence can be a difficult time. But as George Bernard Shaw once
said, “Life is not meant to be easy, but take courage, it can be delightful.”

⓷ Here you have a list of different techniques you can use to start and end your writings.
Match the names of the techniques with the beginnings and endings in exercise 2.

using rhetorical questions – using quotations – setting the scene –addressing the
reader directly – using a variety of verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

⚠️Be careful: some techniques are used to write specific text types, but not others. For
example, using rhetorical questions can be used for writing essays, but not short stories.
Your teacher will let you know which technique can be used when we examine each text
type carefully.

So far we have analysed different ways of beginning and ending your compositions.
However, as you know by now, it is also very important to develop your ideas in the body
of your writing in an interesting way to make the reader go on reading.
Here there are some ideas to make sure the body of your composition is solid:

➢ Check that you are answering all the questions you are asked.
➢ Use connectors. They will make your composition flow and sound much more


The post-writing stage has two steps: editing and proofreading.

☞ Once you have created a draft and made sure your reader is interested in the topic and
that you have answered all the questions you were asked, it is important to focus on

At this step in the post-writing stage, you will have a look at your draft again and focus on
the following:

➢ Are my ideas simple and clear?

➢ Did I use connectors and connected my ideas correctly?

☞ Once you have edited your draft, it is time to focus on the last step in the process of
writing, that is, proofreading.

47 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
At this step in the post-writing stage, you will have a look at your draft again and focus on
the following:

➢ Are there any spelling mistakes? When in doubt, use a dictionary.

➢ Are there any grammatical mistakes? When in doubt, check with your book.
➢ Are there any punctuation mistakes? When in doubt, use Appendix 2
➢ Are there any capitalisation mistakes? When in doubt, use Appendix 2
➢ Did I use a consistent register throughout? When in doubt, use Appendix 1

After you have edited and proofreading your draft, you must create a clean, readable
copy for your teacher.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to hand in your work!

48 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella


Before you even start your pre-writing stage, it is important to understand what you have
to write about and how to write about it. Don’t worry! Here are some tips for you to use:

➢ In the task, underline what you are supposed to answer in your writing: this will
help you to make sure you know exactly what to write about.
➢ In the task, underline the text type you are supposed to write: this will help you
to make sure you are structuring it correctly, that is to say, will tell you how to
organise your writing.
➢ In the task, underline where the piece of writing will be published: this will tell
you if the language you need to use is formal, informal, or neutral.


⓵ Complete the chart with the information from this booklet.


Step 1: Step 1: Step 1

• • •

Techniques for improving Techniques for making What to look for in your draft:
step 1: beginnings and endings
more interesting:
• •

• •

Step 2:
• Step 2:

Techniques for improving What to pay attention to
step 2: when writing the body of What to look for in your draft:
your composition

• •

• •

49 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella
Step 3: •

• •

Different text types that have

different structures:


(See appendix 1)


(See appendix 2)


• Mann, M. and Taylore-Knowles, S. (2017) Optimise B1+

London, UK: Macmillan Publisher.
• Evans, V. (2000) Successful Writing Intermediate
London, UK: Express Publishing.
• Arndt, V. and White, R. (1991) Process Writing
Essex, UK: Longman Publisher.
• Valero, R.(March 2019) FCE Article. Recovered from
• Valero, R.(March 2019) FCE Review. Recovered from
• The British Council (March 2019) A For and Against Essay about the Internet.
Recovered from

50 An Essential Guide to Writing

Prof. Gianna Guastella

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