R Thorn 1997 Meas. Sci. Technol. 8 691

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Meas. Sci. Technol. 8 (1997) 691–701. Printed in the UK PII: S0957-0233(97)81063-6


Recent developments in three-phase

flow measurement
R Thorn†§, G A Johansen‡k and E A Hammer‡¶
† Department of Fluid Engineering and Instrumentation, Cranfield University,
Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK
‡ Department of Physics, University of Bergen, Allégaten 55, N-5007 Bergen,

Received 20 January 1997, accepted for publication 7 March 1997

Abstract. The problem of how to meter oil–water–gas mixtures has been a

significant one in the oil industry since the early 1980s. Since then, considerable
research has been conducted into the development of a three-phase flowmeter
suitable for use in an offshore environment. This work discusses why three-phase
flow measurement is important, the principal strategies and technologies which
may be used to meter three-phase flows, and reviews the status of some currently
available solutions.

Richard Thorn obtained a Erling Hammer obtained a

PhD from Bradford Univer- PhD from the University of
sity in 1979 for work on Manchester, Institute of Sci-
cross-correlation flow mea- ence and Technology
surement, and is currently a (UMIST), for work on three-
Senior Lecturer in the De- phase flow measurement,
partment of Fluid Engineer- and is currently a Professor of
ing and Instrumentation at Instrumentation in the Applied
Cranfield University. Previ- Physics and Technology Sec-
ous to this he was at Chr tion, Department of Physics,
Michelsen Institute, Bergen, University of Bergen, Nor-
and then the School of Elec- way. Previous to this he
tronic Engineering, University was at Chr Michelsen In-
of South Australia. He has stitute, Bergen, where he
co-authored three books and worked as a Researcher,
many papers on measure- Section Leader, Senior Scientist and Assistant Director. He
ment science and instrumentation. His main research has written a book on Instrumentation and Measurement
interests are the development of multiphase instrumentation Technology and co-authored two other books. He has
and the structured design of measurement systems. written many papers and research reports on process
instrumentation and measurement, and has been invited
as a keynote speaker to many conferences on multiphase
flowmetering. His main research interests are multiphase
instrumentation and process tomography.

Geir Anton Johansen is

an Associate Professor and
Manager of the Industrial 1. Introduction
Instrumentation Programme
in the Applied Physics and Multiphase flows are common in the petroleum indus-
Technology Section, Depart- try, and yet their measurement nearly always presents
ment of Physics, University difficulties to the process engineer. The traditional solution
of Bergen. He received his
Dr Scient degree (PhD) for to the problem of metering multiphase flows is to sepa-
research on nuclear radia- rate the components of the flow first, and then measure
tion detectors in 1990, and
since then nucleonic instru- § Tel: (01234) 754739. Fax: (01234) 750728. E-mail address:
mentation has remained a r.thorn@cranfield.ac.uk
field of special interest to him. k Tel: + 4755 582745. Fax: + 4755 589440. E-mail address:
His other research interests geir.johansen@fi.uib.no
are industrial instrumentation systems, such as gamma-ray ¶ Tel: + 4755 582703. Fax: + 4755 589440. E-mail address:
densitometry and tomography systems. erling.hammer@fi.uib.no

0957-0233/97/070691+11$19.50 c 1997 IOP Publishing Ltd 691

R Thorn et al

the flowrate of each using conventional single-phase in-

struments. For example when metering the production of
an oil well for fiscal purposes, the oil–water–gas mixture
produced by the well is separated and then the oil and gas
components metered, usually using turbine meters and ori-
fice plates.
While there is currently no alternative to separation and
metering for fiscal purposes, there are other parts of the
oil production process, such as well monitoring, where this
solution is both inconvenient and expensive. In applications
Figure 1. The basic elements of a typical offshore
such as this, there is a need for a three-phase flowmeter.
production system.
The problem of how to meter oil–water–gas mixtures
has been of interest to the petroleum industry since the
early 1980s. Since then considerable research has been
conducted into the development of a three-phase flowmeter
suitable for use in an industrial environment (Mackley
1993). Ideally such an instrument needs to be reasonably
accurate (typically ±5% of rate for each phase), non-
intrusive, reliable, flow regime independent, and suitable
for use over the full component fraction range. In
spite of the large number of solutions that have been
proposed in recent years, no commercially available three-
phase flowmeter yet meets all these requirements, although
some are getting close. Three-phase flow measurement
therefore remains a problem, and not surprisingly, the Flow
Panel of the recent UK Measurement Foresight Programme Figure 2. Potential applications for a three-phase
concluded that oil–water–gas flow measurement was still a flowmeter on an offshore production facility.
research area of strategic performance (DTI 1995).
This paper discusses why three-phase flow measurement
production platform for separation and metering. The satel-
is important, and why it has proved such a difficult problem
lite fields may be owned by different operators. In order to
to solve. Some of the principal technologies and strate-
meet fiscal standards of accuracy, the metering of a well’s
gies which have been developed over the last ten years for
output can at present only be performed after separation.
three-phase flow measurement are described. Finally, fu-
The paper by Gold (1986) gives a good account of fiscal
ture developments in this area are considered. While this
metering systems used in the petroleum industry.
paper focuses specifically on oil–water–gas measurement,
Despite the fact that three-component flowmeters
there are many other examples of multiphase flow in the
are currently not accurate enough for fiscal metering
process industry. Information on other types of multiphase applications, there are two other areas of the oil and
flow measurement can be found in review papers by Baker gas production process in which they are playing an
(1991), Rajan et al (1993) and Pal (1994). increasingly important role; these are well testing and
allocation measurement (Dykesteen 1995).
2. The need for a three-phase flowmeter In order to optimize the production and life of a field,
operators need to be able to regularly monitor the output
The output of an oil–gas reservoir can vary greatly, de- of each well in the field. The conventional way of doing
pending on the location and age of the well. In addition to this is to use a test separator. Test separators are expensive,
the oil and gas components, water, sand and wax may also occupy valuable space on a production platform and take
be present in the produced well stream. Since the location a long time to monitor each well because of the stabilized
and output of a well can vary so widely, then not surpris- flow conditions required. In addition, test separators are
ingly, the systems that have been designed to collect and only moderately accurate (typically ±5 to 10% of each
process this output also vary considerably. In addition new phase flowrate) and cannot be used for continuous well
concepts are continually being developed to take account of monitoring. A three-phase flowmeter could be used in the
the difficult locations of new finds (such as deep water) and first instance instead of a test separator and in the long term
increasingly competitive economic conditions. In the North as a permanent installation on each well (figure 2).
Sea sector for example, in order to facilitate the develop- Allocation metering is needed when a common pipeline
ment of small and marginal fields, the move has been away is used to transport the output from a number of wells
from the use of expensive fixed platforms for each field, owned by different companies to a processing facility.
and towards satellite fields with shared separation and pro- This is currently achieved by passing the output of each
cessing facilities. Figure 1 shows the main elements of an well through a test separator before it enters the common
offshore production system. In this case the output from a pipeline. However, in addition to the disadvantages of
number of satellite fields is collected at a production mani- the test separator described above, dedicated test pipelines
fold and transported through a common pipeline to a central to each well are also required. A permanently installed

Recent developments in three-phase flow measurement

three-phase flowmeter would offer significant advantages

for allocation metering.
Although the use of a three-phase flowmeter offers op-
erational advantages in well testing and allocation applica-
tions, they also offer significant economic advantages. For
example, Barson et al (1993) compared the cost of using a
three-phase flowmeter to that of using a conventional top-
side separator with test lines, for the subsea metering of a
satellite well. They showed the total cost of a three-phase
flowmeter taken over the lifetime of the field to be at least
47% less than that of the conventional solution.
Figure 3. The inferential method of three-phase flow
3. Performance requirements of a three-phase
flowmeter make independent direct measurements of each of these
quantities. Unfortunately, direct mass flowmeters for use
Most people in the petroleum industry would agree that the with two-phase flows are rare and do not exist at all for use
ideal three-phase flowmeter does not yet exist. However with three-phase flows.
there is far less agreement on the target specification that An alternative to direct mass flow measurement is to use
flowmeter developers should be aiming for in order to an inferential method. An inferential mass method requires
produce an instrument which is of use. both the instantaneous velocity and cross sectional fraction
An ideal three-component flowmeter should be able to of each component to be known in order to calculate
measure accurately over the complete fraction range of the individual component mass flowrates and total mixture
each component—but what range and accuracy are good mass flowrate M (figure 3).
enough until that ideal flowmeter is developed? A group Since density information on the oil, water and gas
of major oil companies have reviewed their multiphase components is readily available from other parts of the
metering needs and identified common range and accuracy production process, the problem is therefore to measure
requirements (Slijkerman et al 1995). A gas volume the oil, water and gas velocities (vo , vw and vg ) and two of
fraction range of 0–99%, and a water cut range of 0– the component fractions (usually gas void fraction α and
90%, with the ability to measure total liquid flowrate water fraction β):
and gas flowrate with a relative error of less than ±5%–
±10% was suggested, the more accurate performance M = αvg σg + βvw σw + [1 − (α + β)]vo σo (1)
being required for production allocation applications. It where σg , σw and σo are the densities of the gas, water and
was also suggested that the absolute error in water cut oil fractions.
measurement be less than ±2%. The reason for this is Two strategies have been used to try and reduce the
that companies are now operating in fields where oil can be difficulty of the above measurement—partial separation
economically produced with water fractions above 90%. In and homogenization (Hewitt 1989). Partial separation
such circumstances the water fraction has to be accurately of a three-phase flow into, for instance, gas and liquid
measured in order to optimize the life of the field. While the components allows more conventional single- and two-
above are of course only a guide, they show how changes phase techniques to be used for measurement of each of
in production techniques and the exploitation of marginal the separated flows. If the flow is homogenized before
fields are producing the need to meter over wider and wider being measured then it is assumed that the phase velocities
component fraction ranges. are equal, and that the density of the mixture is the same
As far as mechanical construction is concerned, it has across the pipe cross section, thus reducing the number and
long been suggested that a three-component flowmeter difficulty of measurements required.
should ideally be non-intrusive in order to avoid sensor Techniques which can be used to measure the
erosion and pressure drop. Wolff (1993) suggests that a component fraction and component velocity of an oil–
pressure drop across a flowmeter of 100 kPa is probably water–gas mixture will be discussed in the following
the maximum that could be tolerated in future satellite sections.
production stations. With high-temperature and high-
pressure wells becoming more common, reducing the 5. Component fraction measurement
number of access holes required in a pipeline is increasingly
important. While flowmeter complexity in itself is not a The two most commonly used methods for measuring
problem, the need for reliability and minimum maintenance gas and water fractions in a multiphase flow are based
is important, especially for subsea flowmeters. on γ -ray attenuation and electrical impedance techniques.
In addition to these methods, there are a number of
4. Measurement strategies alternative techniques for measuring component fractions
which have been used or are being developed for industrial
The primary information required from the user of a three- applications. These include microwave attenuation and
phase flowmeter is the mass flowrate of the oil, water and phase shift, pulsed neutron activation (PNA) and nuclear
gas components in the flow. An ideal flowmeter would magnetic resonance (NMR).

R Thorn et al

intensity, the energy level of the two sources to be used

is also important. Van Santen et al (1995) have developed
guidelines for selection of the two photon energies to be
Although γ -ray methods can be used over the complete
range of component fractions, the salinity of the water
component can cause problems. Since salt has a high
attenuation coefficient compared to that of water, a change
in the salinity of the water phase will cause a significant
error in the measured water fraction, unless this is
compensated for. Scheers and Letton (1996) have described
a triple-energy γ -ray absorption system in which a third
Figure 4. Cross section of a conventional γ -ray
densitometer showing beam attenuation for gas, oil and
energy level is used to calculate the salinity of the water
water components. fraction.
All of the dual-energy methods described so far use
a single radiation beam. The limitation of single-beam
5.1. γ-ray attenuation methods methods is that they are flow regime dependent. The
If a source of γ -radiation I0 is placed on one side of a component fractions calculated from equation (2) will only
pipe in which an oil–water–gas mixture is flowing, then be representative of the complete flow cross section if
the intensity of the beam of radiation I after it has passed the oil, water and gas components are homogeneously
through the flow is given by: mixed. Multibeam arrangements may be used to overcome
the problems of flow regime dependency, although they
I = I0 B exp[−d(χ µo + βµw + αµg )] (2) are more complex and more expensive than single-beam
devices. Single-energy multibeam γ -ray systems have been
where µo , µw , µg are the linear attenuation coefficients developed as part of a dual-sensor flow imaging system
of the oil, water and gas components, d is the effective (Johansen et al 1996).
inner diameter of the pipe and B is the build-up factor γ -ray attenuation is a non-intrusive, reliable and
due to scattered radiation (figure 4). The terms attenuation relatively inexpensive method of component fraction
and absorption are often used interchangeably in the measurement whose accuracy is independent of the flow’s
flow measurement community. Attenuation is, however, component ratio. The use of low-energy radiation reduces
preferred since it includes all the interaction mechanisms the radiation hazards involved, but requires radiation
(e.g. scattering and absorption) that take place between windows to be embedded in the pipe (Johansen and Åbro
the radiation and the fluid. In order to determine the 1996). The clamp-on potential of the technique is then lost,
oil, water and gas fractions (χ , β and α) using this but this is not an essential requirement for most three-phase
technique two independent measurements are required. metering applications.
One option is to obtain a second measurement using a
different technology such as capacitance measurements (see 5.2. Electrical impedance methods
for example Dykesteen (1992)). However if the use of
only one technology is preferred, then two independent The basic principle of the impedance method of component
measurements can be obtained using the dual-energy fraction measurement is shown in figure 5. If the electrical
technique. impedance (Ze ) is measured across two electrodes, between
If two radiation sources with different photon which an oil–water–gas mixture is flowing, then the
energies (and attenuation coefficients) are used, then two measured resistance (Re ) and capacitance (Ce ) will be given
independent equations of the type shown in equation (2) by:
can be obtained and combined with the fact that the cross 1 + ω 2 Rm
(Cm + Cp )2
Re = (3)
sectional sum of the oil, water and gas fractions equals one ω Rm Cp2

in order to determine the oil, water and gas fractions. Dual-

[1 + ω2 Rm
Cm (Cm + Cp )]Cp
energy component fraction measurement systems have been Ce = . (4)
investigated by a number of groups including Abouelwafa 1 + ω Rm
2 2 (C + C )2
m p

and Kendall (1980), Roach et al (1994), Van Santen et al The resistance (Rm ) and capacitance (Cm ) of the mixture
(1995) and Hewitt et al (1995). flowing through the pipe depends on the permittivity and
While in principle dual-energy γ -ray attenuation conductivity of the oil, water and gas components, the
methods are elegant, in practice a number of difficulties void fraction and water fraction of the flow, and the flow
have to be overcome. As with all radiation measurement regime. The resistance and capacitance measured across
methods, because of the statistical nature of the source there the electrodes will in turn depend upon Rm , Cm , the
is a compromise between measurement time and accuracy. excitation frequency ω of the detection electronics and the
The greater the accuracy required, the longer will be the geometry and materials of the sensor. For a particular
measurement period. More intense sources can be used sensor geometry (and hence fixed Cp ) and flow regime,
to reduce the measurement period, but at the expense the measured impedance will be a direct function of the
of increased safety precautions. In addition to source flow’s component ratio.

Recent developments in three-phase flow measurement

with water fractions of up to 80%. However, the point

at which a flow will change from an oil or gas continuous
to water continuous mixture is not stable and depends on
many factors including the fluids’ properties, temperature
and pressure. Adding corrosion inhibitors to the flow can
also cause problems since this will lower the water fraction
at which a flow becomes water continuous. In common
with all resistance and capacitance methods of component
fraction measurement, the calibration of an impedance
component fraction meter is dependent on the flow regime
of the flow being monitored. They therefore cannot be
Figure 5. The impedance method of component fraction used in applications where the flow regime is unknown or
Two approaches have been investigated to reduce the
As with γ -ray attenuation methods two independent flow regime dependency of such instruments. Merilo et al
measurements are required to determine the oil, water and (1977) devised a measurement system which consisted of
gas fractions. Hybrid options combine the measurement of three pairs of electrodes spaced around the outside of the
sensor capacitance or sensor resistance with that obtained pipe. By sequentially measuring the conductance between
using a second technology. Capacitance and γ -ray each electrode and the three electrodes opposite, a rotating
attenuation systems are a commonly used example of this field is produced within the sensor with the result that
strategy (see for example Fischer (1994)). If the use some averaging of the measuring field occurs. Lucas
of a purely electrical technology is preferred then two and Simonian (1991) also investigated the rotating field
independent measurements can be obtained using both the technique, but using multi-electrode capacitance sensors
resistance and capacitance of the sensor. However, in oil with oil–gas and oil–water flows. They showed that by
continuous mixtures Re is large and can be difficult to using this technique the maximum to minimum value of the
measure reliably. local electrostatic field sensitivity was reduced by a factor
Dykesteen et al (1985) investigated an impedance of at least 40, thus reducing flow regime dependency. The
method for component fraction measurement in oil–water– dynamic response of this type of sensor is worse than for a
gas flows. A mathematical model of the dielectric simple electrode pair because of the averaging time required
properties of the three-component mixture was used to to obtain repeatable component fraction measurements.
relate the resistance and capacitance measured across the An alternative to the rotating field sensor is the helical
sensor to the void fraction and water fraction of the flow. sensor. This technique uses spatial rather than an electrical
This method was tested experimentally for homogeneous form of averaging to reduce flow regime dependency.
mixtures. Although the sensor is of complex mechanical construction,
Impedance methods of component fraction measurement tests with air–water and air–oil flows (Albouelwafa and
have attracted a great deal of interest because, like γ -ray Kendall 1979) and oil–water flows (Hammer et al 1989)
attenuation methods, they can be used as the basis of a have shown that a flow regime independent calibration
non-intrusive instrument. However, they have the advan- is achievable. Water-in-oil flowmeters which use a
tage over γ -ray methods that an almost instantaneous dy- helical capacitance sensor are now commercially available.
namic response can be achieved without running into safety Neither the rotating field nor the helical sensor technique
problems. have yet been used as part of a commercial three-phase
Impedance based methods suffer from two important flowmeter, however there is no reason why these techniques
limitations—they cannot be used over the full component should not be applicable to oil–water–gas flows.
fraction range and are flow regime dependent. For flows
in which water is the continuous phase, a short circuiting
effect will occur caused by the conductive water, and as 5.3. Other methods
a result the measured Ce will remain constant even when Apart from γ -ray attenuation and impedance techniques
the water fraction in the flow varies (Hammer and Thorn there are a number of other methods which have been
1985). This effect occurs at sensor excitation frequencies: used, or are being developed, for component fraction
σw measurement of oil–water–gas flows. The most promising
fc < (5) of these are microwave, PNA and NMR techniques.
2πε0 εw
All microwave component fraction methods are based
where σw and εw are the conductivity and permittivity on the measurement of the dielectric properties of the
of the water component respectively. For process water, flowing mixture at microwave frequencies. This can be
where typically σw = 5 S m−1 and εw = 70, the achieved by measuring the amplitude change and phase
shorting effect will occur at frequencies below 1.3 GHz. change of a microwave signal after it has passed through
Therefore for operation below microwave frequencies the the flow (Ashton et al 1994) or by using a resonant cavity
impedance technique is limited to flows in which oil or technique (Gainsford and Hide 1993). A limitation of
gas is the continuous component. This can still mean resonant cavity methods is that they cannot be used with
that the technique can sometimes be used for mixtures water continuous flows as the cavity will not resonate if

R Thorn et al

the conductivity of the mixture is too high. Although

microwave methods require more complex excitation and
detection circuitry than impedance methods, they have been
used successfully in a number of three-phase flowmeters.
The pulsed neutron activation (PNA) technique uses
a high-energy source of neutrons to irradiate the flowing
mixture. This irradiation of the flow causes gamma
radiation to be produced, and the spectra of this radiation
is related to the chemical composition and phase fractions
of the mixture. Either electrical or chemical generators
are used but both are complex and not yet suited to
applications in the field. The technology associated with
PNA is expensive, but this technique is not sensitive to
the flow regime and can be used to determine component
fractions over a wide range. Although no commercial
PNA multiphase flowmeter yet exists, the viability of the
technique has been demonstrated on a pilot plant (Bird
Although nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a
well established technique for analysing multicomponent
mixtures in many areas of the process industry, the
potential of this technique for industrial flow measurement
applications has not yet been fully explored. In this
technique a magnetic field is applied to the flow to align
spin states of the nuclei in the mixture. The realignment
in spin states that takes place once the mixture has left the Figure 6. The cross correlation method of component
magnetic field is related to the chemical composition, and velocity measurement.
hence the phase fractions. Like PNA, NMR uses complex
and high-cost technology, but is inherently flow regime
independent and suitable for use over the complete range of where R̂xy (τ ) is the value of the cross-correlation function
fractions. Although NMR has yet to be demonstrated with when the upstream signal y(t) has been delayed by a time
oil–water–gas flows, Kruger et al (1996) have used this τ.
technique to measure the mass flowrate of a water–nitrogen The transit time of the flow between the two sensors
flow in a 42 mm diameter pipe. Accuracies of better than is usually found by observing the time lag τm at which the
±5% over a flow velocity range of 0.1 to 5 m s−1 have cross correlation function is a maximum. The velocity of
been reported. the tracer signal v can be found from:

6. Component velocity measurement v= (7)
At present, the cross correlation technique is the most where L is the sensor spacing.
commonly used component velocity measurement method This technique has been incorporated into three-phase
in three-phase flowmeters. However a number of other flowmeters using a variety of sensors such as microwave
techniques have been used or have potential for further (Økland and Berentsen 1994), γ -ray (Roach and Watt 1996)
development. and capacitance (Olsvik et al 1995). The accuracy of this
method depends on the validity of the relationship used to
6.1. Cross correlation method connect the velocity inferred from the correlation function’s
peak position to the mean velocity of the flow. In the
The cross correlation technique is frequently used for
case of an oil–water–gas flow, since what is actually being
velocity measurement of multiphase flows (Beck and
measured is the velocity of one of the dispersed phases,
Plaskowski 1987). The principle of this technique is shown
then if slip is present between the components measurement
in figure 6. Two sensors are used to monitor the flow, one
errors will occur.
being positioned downstream of the other. These sensors
are used to detect temporal variations in some property of Two methods are currently used to reduce the velocity
the flow such as density, permittivity or conductivity. measurement errors due to slip. The first is to homogenize
The time delay between the output signals of the two the flow upstream of the sensors, to try and ensure
sensors can be found by computing the cross correlation that all components are travelling at the same velocity.
function of these signals x(t) and y(t) over a measurement Traditional in-line mixers are not suitable for this, since
period T. The cross correlation function is given by: they cannot homogenize the flow over the wide fraction
ranges and velocity range that would be required in most
1 T flow measurement applications. Hewitt et al (1995) have
R̂xy (τ ) = x(t)y(t − τ ) dt (6)
T 0 used a mixer based on a twin-cell rotational principle and

Recent developments in three-phase flow measurement

claim good homogenization over a velocity range of 2 to

6 m s−1 . The disadvantages of all in-line homogenization
methods are the increased pressure drop created by the
device, and the restriction it places on pigging operations.
Fluenta AS have used an alternative strategy to reduce
errors due to slip (Olsvik et al 1995). In this method
capacitance sensors are used to measure the velocity of the
gas phase. Two sets of sensors are used—one to measure
the velocity of large gas bubbles which is assumed to be the
velocity of the dispersed phase, and the second to measure
the velocity of the small gas bubbles which are assumed
to be travelling at the same velocity as the non-dispersed
liquid phase.
Watt et al (1991) have used dual-energy γ -ray sensors
to determine gas and liquid velocities. Cross correlation
of either the high- or low-energy γ -rays alone is used
to determine gas velocity, while cross correlation of the
combined signals can be used to determine the velocity of
the liquids as long as the mass fraction of gas is small
compared with that of the liquids. This technique has been
demonstrated experimentally and is being tested in the field. Figure 7. Example of a three-phase flowmeter which uses
Despite its limitations, the cross correlation technique is partial flow separation (courtesy of Agar Corporation Inc).
an important part of many three-phase flowmeters, and with
further research the measurement uncertainty associated The metering systems shown in table 1 can be classified
with this technique can be reduced. into three basic groups—those which partially separate the
flow before measurement, those which homogenize the flow
6.2. Other methods before measurement, and those which use no form of flow
In situations where the flow is well mixed, single-phase
flowmeters such as the Venturi meter can be used to
7.1. Partial separation based systems
determine the mixture flowrate (Olsen 1993). Such
techniques must be used with care since any departure As their name suggests partial separation based measurement
from a totally homogenous flow will result in unpredictable systems partially separate the flow, usually into pre-
errors. dominantly liquid and predominantly gas streams, before
For instance, the pressure drop across a Venturi meter measurement. As a result, each flow stream then only needs
(1P ) can be used to determine liquid flowrate (QL ) in a to be measured over a limited range of component fractions.
liquid–gas flow if the gas fraction (α) and liquid density A number of techniques have been used to partially separate
(ρL ) are known (Hammer and Nordtvedt 1991): the flow including gravity separators and flow diverters.
s A commercially available example of this type of
(1 − α)1P system is the MPFM-400 which has been developed by
QL = . (8) Agar Corporation Inc and is shown in figure 7 (Tuss et
al 1996). In this flowmeter, the oil–water–gas mixture is
PNA and NMR techniques can be used to measure the separated into two streams, one mainly gas and one mainly
velocity of an individual component, but as yet these have liquid, using a fluidic diversion principle. A fluidic flow
only been investigated using two-phase flows in laboratory diverter diverts most of the free gas into a gas bypass
conditions (Newling et al 1996). loop. The volumetric flow rate of the wet gas stream
is measured with an accuracy of ±10% of reading using
a two-phase flowmeter. An algorithm is employed to
7. Three-phase flow metering systems measure the gas stream and correct for residual liquids.
The liquid stream, which may still contain a small amount
Table 1 gives an overview of three-phase flow metering of gas, is passed though a measurement section consisting
systems which are commercially available, or at an of a positive displacement flowmeter, Venturi meter and
advanced stage of development. Most of these systems microwave component fraction meter. The outputs of
use combinations of the phase fraction and phase velocity these three devices are combined to obtain the volumetric
measurement techniques described in sections 5 and 6. flowrate of the oil, water and gas components in the liquid
Each combination has its own advantages and limitations, stream (Colmenares et al 1995). Component volumetric
but because as yet there is no accepted way of defining the flowrates in the ‘liquid’ stream are measured with an
performance of a multiphase flowmeter, it is not possible uncertainty of better than ±2% of full scale. The gas and
to say which combination of techniques provides the ‘best’ liquid streams are recombined into a single stream before
solution. leaving the measurement system.

R Thorn et al

Table 1. Three-phase flow metering systems.

Three-phase flow measurement system

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Component fraction measurement method
Single-energy γ -ray absorption – – – – ✓ – – – ✓ – ✓ – –
Multi-energy γ -ray absorption – – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – – – ✓ – – –
(capacitance and/or resistance) – – – – ✓ – – ✓ – – ✓ – –
Microwave – ✓ – – – – – – ✓ – – ✓ –
Pulsed neutron activation (PNA) ✓ – – – – – – – – – – – –
Component velocity measurement method
Cross correlation – – ✓ – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Venturi – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ – ✓ – –
Pulsed neutron activation ✓ – – – – – – – – – – – –
Other – – – – – – – – – ✓ – – –
Other measurement methods
PD flowmeter—
mixture volumetric flowrate – ✓ – – – – ✓ – – – – – –
γ -ray densitometer—
mixture density – – – – – – ✓ – – – – – –
Single-phase gas meter – ✓ – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
Single-phase liquid meter – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
In-line mixture analysis – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓
Partial flow separation required No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Homogenized flow required No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No
Reference for further details a b c d e f g h i j k l m

Key reference for developing organisations

1 AEA Technology, UK. 2 Agar Corporation Incorporated, USA. 3 CSIRO, Australia. 4 Daniel Industries Incorporated,
USA/Shell. 5 Fluenta AS, Norway. 6 Framo Engineering AS, Norway. 7 ISA Controls, UK/BP. 8 Kongsberg Offshore AS,
Norway/Shell. 9 Multi-Fluid International AS, Norway. 10 SGS Redwood/Imperial College, UK. 11 Tecnomare/AGIP, Italy.
12 Texaco, USA. 13 WellComp, USA.
Key to references
a Bird (1995). b Tuss et al (1996). c Roach and Watt (1996). d Scheers and Letton (1996). e Olsvik et al (1995). f Hanssen
and Torkildsen (1995). g Priddy (1994). h Hatlo and Sten-Halvorsen (1995). i Økland and Berentsen (1994). j Hewitt et al
(1995). k Andreussi et al (1993). l Marrelli (1996). m Golike et al (1995).

This multiphase flowmeter is intended for use with determine the oil, water and gas fractions. The flowmeter
flows containing a high gas fraction. Tests have shown has been tested on a three-phase flowloop and on an
that this instrument can measure oil, water and gas flow offshore installation. Oil and water flowrate was measured
rates with an uncertainty of better than ±10% of reading, to an uncertainty of better than ±5% of total flowrate over
at gas fractions of up to 99.4%. the full fraction range. Gas fractions were measured to
Other three-phase flowmeters which partially separate an uncertainty of better than ±5% of total flowrate for
the flow before measurement have been reported by Golike gas fractions less than 70%. Tests were performed over
et al (1995) and Andreussi et al (1993). a wide range of flow regimes (Olsen and Hanssen 1994).
This flowmeter has now been constructed for subsea use
7.2. Homogenization based systems (Hanssen and Torkildsen 1995).
Other three-phase flowmeters which homogenize the
In homogenization based systems the flow is pre-mixed flow include those reported by Hewitt et al (1995) and
to try and ensure that all measurements are made with Andreussi et al (1993). Although the measurement
a homogenous flow, thus removing the problem of flow uncertainty of systems such as these are not generally flow
regime dependency. regime dependent, the intrusive homogenization section
An example of a commercially available three-phase produces an increased pressure drop and causes difficulties
flowmeter which uses this strategy is shown in figure 8. if the pipeline needs to be pigged.
The Framo multiphase flowmeter uses a tank mixer to
homogenize the flow both radially and axially. The
7.3. Systems requiring no flow pre-conditioning
homogenized flow then passes through a Venturi meter
which is used to measure the velocity of the mixture, An example of a commercially available flowmeter which
and a dual-energy γ -ray attenuation meter which uses requires no pre-conditioning of the flow is the Fluenta
two different energy levels of the Barium 133 isotope to 1900VI (figure 9). This instrument uses a single-energy

Recent developments in three-phase flow measurement

Figure 8. Example of a three-phase flowmeter which uses Figure 9. Example of a three-phase flowmeter which uses
flow homogenization (courtesy of Framo Engineering AS). neither flow separation nor homogenization (courtesy of
Fluenta AS).

γ -ray attenuation method combined with an electrical 8. Future developments

capacitance sensor for oil continuous mixtures and a
conductivity sensor for water continuous mixtures to A considerable amount of effort has been devoted towards
measure component fractions of the flow. Both the cross the development of an oil–water–gas flowmeter over the
correlation technique and a Venturi meter are used to past ten years. A number of commercial three-phase
flowmeters now exist, with more on the way, but the target
measure component velocity. The flow regimes which can
uncertainty of ±5% of reading over all fraction ranges
flow through the meter are limited to bubble, churn, slug
and flow regimes has yet to be reached. Current solutions
and annular by restricting installation to vertical upwards
use a combination of measurements to determine the mass
flow. Gas flowrate has been measured with an uncertainty
flowrate of the oil, water and gas fractions, and the product
of ±10% of actual flowrate over gas fraction ranges of 30 of errors makes a total measurement uncertainty of only a
to 60%, and 80 to 100%, with the uncertainty increasing few per cent difficult to achieve using this strategy.
to ±15% over the range 60 to 80%. Total liquid flowrate Techniques such as NMR and PNA which can measure
can be measured with a typical uncertainty of ±10%, and phase velocity and fraction directly have potential for
water cut with a typical uncertainty of ±7% (Olsvik et al development, but their complexity and cost are substantial
1995). A version of this meter has recently been marinized barriers which will need to be overcome if they are to be
and installed for subsea operation in the South Scott field suitable for use in the field.
(Hodgson 1996). Process tomography is an area which has seen a
Other three-phase flowmeters which require no flow significant growth over the last five years, with imaging
pre-conditioning include those reported by Mehdizadeh and systems having been developed for many two-phase flow
Farchy (1995), Roach and Watt (1996) and Scheers and applications (Plaskowski et al 1995). However, although
Letton (1996). three-phase imaging has recently been demonstrated using

R Thorn et al

microwave techniques (Constant and Falcimaigne 1995), Golike C, Cardellini D and Albuja F 1995 WellComp multiphase
it is not clear whether such techniques could be used flow meter—Oxy field experience with replacement of
to measure component flowrate any more accurately than traditional well test separators Proc. 13th North Sea Flow
Measurement Workshop (Lillehammer, Norway)
existing solutions. Hanssen B V and Torkildsen B H 1995 Status of the Framo
Finally, now that commercial three-phase flowmeters subsea multiphase flowmeter Proc. 13th North Sea Flow
exist, other areas that will need further development in the Measurement Workshop (Lillehammer, Norway)
near future are performance specification, standardization Hammer E A and Nordtvedt J E 1991 The application of a
and in situ calibration. The last of these may prove to be Venturimeter to multiphase flow meters for oil well
production Proc. 5th Conf. Sensors and Applications
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Abouelwafa M S A and Kendall E J M 1979 Analysis and Hatlo A and Sten-Halvorsen V 1995 The KOS MCF 351
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Mazzoni A 1993 Development of a multiphase flowmeter Hewitt G F, Harrison P S, Parry S J and Shires G L 1995
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Production (Cannes, France) (Mechanical Engineering meter Proc. 13th North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Publications) (Lillehammer, Norway)
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Recent developments in three-phase flow measurement

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Nucl. Geophys. 8 225–42 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop (Bergen, Norway)


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