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UNIVERSITY OF DUHOK COLLEGE OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND APPLIED GEOSCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED GEOSCIENCES FINAL YEAR PROJECT Groundwater quality assessment using Water Quality index (WQI) Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Submitted by Cl sihan Mohammed naif Jabbar Nora Kareein mohammed Hojeen Merxan Sleman Avevan shokry salih Jowan Mohammed Shareef Derin nawzad Abdullah Supervisor: Dr. Jalal H. YOUNIS | meee eet Scanned with CamScanner | ] ] 1 (aN ¢ wank. | CO) 25 eget EB oli ig thes 5 ] ] ] | Scanned with CamScanner x —) =a Abstract the ¢ center of Gemel District /, D Gistibuted i k Governorate bx selecting) 8) Geht de deep wells) "m, Over a period of fours months, st farting, from November 2015 to 1a le results showed the average value for each parameter of ‘monthly ———Water quality in different locations, this average value has been taken into account average 1 “each Parameter where the study included the chemical analyzes of the basic positive ions such as calcium 2¢Ca magnesium {gd} sodium "Na, potassium K,, and basic negative ions such as(6icarbonaté 3 HCO, sulfate 3, SO, J a chloride CT, nitrate NO, in addition to phosphate PO and, physical examinations, such \ as” water temy erature, ranged betwe 18222.7) : Yater temperature, ranged betweeh (1892.7). Keywords: water-quality index; Suitability-for-drinking. = = Acknowledgement First and foremost, praises and thanks to the Allah, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout our research work to complete the research successfully. I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to our research supervisor, DrJalal, and the management of university of Duhok department of applied geosciences, for giving us the opportunity to do research and providing invaluable guidance throughout this research. He has taught me the methodology to carry out the research and to present the research works as clearly as possible. We are extending my heartfelt thanks to our family for their acceptance and patience during the discussion we have with him on research work and project preparation. We are extremely grateful to my parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating and preparing me for my future. 1 Scanned with CamScanner / We are very much thankful to our family for their love, understanding, prayers and continuing support to complete this research work. Ue oe 1 Introduction Db ee Se - : Fas 1 Eres E Oi 5 CIAL os @® i = , oundwaieri of€ eof thei imponantGoures fate in the world for economic, health and reereatonal uses, according io its spsifcation, especially in rural the years, the drilling of we ‘of wells find thei their use ¢ rarious diseases dias {Caio TSeRSeD has sceased without ut any 16 5 conduct s stildies on the qiality of aor Me Jolt! sh. 5, “groundwater, which means s several things depending onthe fapeséa and Purpose ofits 2 use, which. must hav have several Sj ecifcatons id standards; as drinkin ae requires ] v Seva pct and nda as inking vate require high standards, Ask for the bad specifications for watering animals, they are of a broader range than the standards of drinking water for humans, and also forhe-walecrequired cless-standards than ss seander Ta groundwater inthe study area in generals the result of leachi g Ne | Se sie A high ] due to falling rainwater and filtration _of water_in_de s, despite the high ool otk permeability of the se sedimens of the fur gs Which eve Serve as(Feservoit Yo feed the (Tower layer’, but the“presence)of a small levee formation leads to the seasonal few {ALObaidi, 2010). The amount of jin'and thea fant ‘of leaching ya a1, Fecharge area) area)of the groundwater, as it is stored incéracks and recesses Fecesses ‘planning. Therefore, it has, become ices jptoms-of the -Lord,-they-require spe ] for thi fluctuations of groundwater levels beit 1 |groundwater sepeods maily on the @inual budget of (aswell a [erm inis tanks (and Safin, 2004); 1.2 Aims of the Study: ee Scanned with CamScanner J Academic year 2021-2022 l Table of Contents ] Abstract Acknowledgement 1 Introduetion.. ] Preface. 1.2 Aims of the Study: ] 1.3 Locations of Study area: .. 1.4 Sample collection and method: ’] 2 Water Quality Index WO a- of Sub Index or Quality Rating (qn). | b- Calculation of Quality Rating for pH. c- Calculation of Unit Weight (Wn).... D-Calculation of WQI | 4. Results and dissection (2. Conclusion \] $- Reference: 1 I Scanned with CamScanner ee ee = ea — | Figure 2. wells location at Semel 1.4 Sample collection and method: Eight wells were used in the research area as sl hown in (Figure 1) at simeel,duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. And the Teble 1. Show th le name and the site note of each well. Scanned with CamScanner aS KH HP HSH Ss Ss i as a ss os ia ie a Il Table 1. Describes the characteristics of the wells under study Population and Inside a house in an old agricultural activity residential BH Population and [200 | Neara farm animal bam south of the | agricultural activity and in the middle of an tower empty land BH3 | Civil Defense | Population and | 200 Tn the middle of agricultural activity government departments near an old residential neighborhood BH-4 Population and | 200 | Between a residential area Smil pool | agricultural activity and agricultural land BH-S | Oxygen Population and |~ 200 | Inthe middle of the Laboratory | agricultural activity industrial area BH | NewSmil |” Populationand |~ 200 | Inthe middle ofan empty (near the lab) | agricultural activity land near an animal field veterinary department BH-7 | NewSmil | Population and | 200 | Inthe middle of the park (near the park) | agricultural activity ‘grounds and an animal pen inside BH-8 | Mansour cycle | Population and | 200 Tn the middle ofa agricultural activity residential neighborhood 5 Scanned with CamScanner — ee ee ee eee | a } (bs joo 42° . web FY vel b> GrJs an approach by which water quality data is summarized for reporting to the public in a consistent manner. It is a quality index, and it tells us, quality of drinking water is from a drinking water supply. Sli e,> 2 Water Quality Index (WQ) in simple terms, what the 1.3 Locations of Study area: ‘The study areas located in the mortem part of Ira inthe center of Semel distich, west ofthe city of Dohuk{Teis about 16 km away from the city cenig, and geographically itis limited to longitude (424940.55-42521 1.45) east and latitude (365045,31-365159.25) (figure 1) in the north, and (8) wells ‘were randomly selected inthe center of Semel district, to represent the distiet (Figure 2), considered one of the deep wells because its depth exceeds (20) m (Al-Najmawi, 2010) and it is Figure 1. location of study area Scanned with CamScanner rer nee © Calculation of Unit Weight (Wn) J] Tistlnttion of unit veg 4) for deren Gatr qual parame Relevant suggested stn standards Parameters alu Sr. = KIS. 6). Where: ‘Wo unit weight for the n® parameters; = standard value for n"™ parameter; K = constant for Proportionality. Wal is calculated from the following equation: 54 SWn) os (4) Table 2. Classification of WQI ] 1° | am I< “D-Calculation of WQI | I | | | Si) Excellent water (50 -100 | (Good water) 100-200) Poor water, = ——") 200-300) Wery poor water | $300 Unsuitable for drinking) | 1. Results and dissection for all the samples taken wereCcalculated according to the procedure explained Previously in maferials and methods. The Water quali y index of the ground water samples | 8 established on-important various physiochemical parameters for eight sites, ffom 7 Scanned with CamScanner La. f S Me Boy > i ce OW Sy phy emel,_ Various physiochemical parameters were calculated for jvater quality index. WQI 1 1 1 ] ] 1 ] ] ] ] ] | | | indicates the quality of water in terms offindex numbe? which represents overall quality of water for any intended uses(On the basis of the WQI, the(Water quality index obtained for ground water samples in different B-H are (73.63-109.02-84.96-84.82-61.40-83.55- 68.92- and 78,12). The WQI results obtained for théifferent ampli »were found to fall under the class front pore water qual ine yo) Ger vality-(76_100 ie point for the water quality assessment Wéeal acquired | 185). The pH values ranging between the minimum value af 7.143) 2), it } while, the important in Evaluation t the sultabilt ity of water maximum value was.7.6! investigated ranged between (802.7 to 1370.35) pS oml at B-H (Lan 9) OTS value Ranged from the minimum value of TDS was§13.72)mg-Tat (B-HIl) and maxinium value GEE hg at Be HQ). widely concerned a5 an important parameter for drinking water. The minimum value (0,095 NTO) recorded from (B-H7)and maximum value (5.16 NTU) recorded at (B-H6). ium) maximum value was 353.12 at(B-H4) and minimum value was 163.62 at(B-Hl). The(Calcium enters water byfTeack ‘from minerals within apaquifer) some_human_activities involved sing Concentration of carbon dioxide which form the Garb dissolve the bituminous lime rocks (Boyd, 2000). Studied waters were ranged between (217.11 t6421.53) mg FT at BH am—7j, respectively. Total Hardness varies from (380.8 to 742.85) mg I-1 ag CaCO3 at B-H (1-2) respectively. Total hardness mainly a reflect the major ions, e.¢(Ca2+, Mg2#CO32=and HCO3-, being present in.the water. Th pteg-the ground water by leaching from minerals Ciehde 3s one_of the most important er quality) In the present'study the concentration o ebloride 91.27)) mg I-lat B-H (1-2) respectively. TheS@iltae Were ranged from o(170.23) mg I-1at B-H(7-5) enerally, Iraqi Kurdistan region inland Waters watally contain significant . While the dissolution of gypsum fro tary rocks required @ (Contacting with ground water containing low concentration of sulfat ue to the rocks formation of the area Is rich in gypsum. ee eypau 8 Scanned with CamScanner & 2 Water Quality Index WOH ) \ (wars yyas caleulated for the samples taken from the ells using the ighted arithmetic index ) inethd (Brown eta, 1972) Nine para used to determine the WO in this study. Water quality Standard recommended by thé World Health Organization (WHO, 2011) was used | as a reference for the WQI obtained. The following steps were used for calculating the WQI: G@ Sub Indedor Quality Rating (4a), (Wz P. 7 Let's say there are n Water quality parameters, and the quality Parameter is a umber that reflects the felative valub of of these parameters in the ie polluted water in Comparison to the sa ‘standard permitted value. The following expression is used to calculate the value of qn. “Le oS = 100 [Va-Vo] /{S-vo] te Where: gn = quality rating for thet” water quality parameter; Va estimated value of the n" parameter S, = standard permissible value of the n® parameter; Vo = ideal value of n'* Parameter | For all other parameters, Save pH) which (€7_))and dissolved oxygen = 14,ymgy|, all ideal 1) values are set to zero (0) for drinking water (Tripathy and Sahu, 2005). 100 infers that, the contaminants are over the standards limits, ae 6 Scanned with CamScanner Seas Sse ee eS Ss — i | well1 73.63 Well2 109.028 Well3 84.96 well4 84,82 wellS 61.40 well6 83.55 well7 68.92 well8 78.12 Table 4: The water quality index of each well 10 Scanned with CamScanner ESOT Table 5. Measured Values of the Physiochemical Parameters at Location 802.7 1 Site2 | 7.14 | 137035 | 9824 [74285 | 32131 | 42133 | 6775 | 18 | 9127 | 1.2] 327 | 1s Site3 | 7.16 | 1087.22 | 695.8 | 625.6 | 314.86 | 310.66] 2587 | 135 | 5645 | 125.75] 462] 0.15 Sited | 7.2 ] 1106.82 | 708.37 | 6543 [353.12 30097] 1975 | 1.05] 56 | 168 | 4808] 0.12 | aes one pear 423.4 | 165 | 258.4 | 115.75 | 2.02 | 6485 | 17025| 2497] 1.88 Site6 | 7.36 | 992.92 | 635.45 | 463.6 [220 | 243.6 | 1025 | 157 | 8825 | 1485 | 2245 | S16 1 Site7 | 737 | 815.62 | 52197 | 4489 | 20068] 239.21 | 51 | 142] 50.75 | G485 | D402 | 00S | [Ste8 | 728 | 5807 | S4e35 [Sars | aara7 pasaee | cas os | a |S 2.65 | 0.16 Table 6. Calculation of water quality index soo [e027 | 137038” | tosraa_| 110882] _ 98096 | oa] ais] a 1000 | 513.72 aa O58 78s7 | em | asas | sa] ae. 300 | 3808 7285 56 43 | (ata 46 a9 7 | 18a | aa 3486 | 35812 1S 20 720968 | 247, aM 30 [aia _|—aarss | ines | —sons7 258s 236 wasat_| 299, | 200 | oan os 2557 1975 Tis75 ia2s mt 2. @ 1H 18 135 105 2a 17 Ta 08 230 | _a967 327 3645 36 aas 825 95 % n Scanned with CamScanner and much less than that sheeleieS Tis differences between sodiuin and potassium values al t the waters possibly are related to thé soil formation within the study y.area. The sodium and potassium concentrations were ranged (19.75 tq 115.75 ind Q.95 to 2.02¥mg I-1 were withi issibl recommended by (O (250 and12) ) mg I-1 respectively, for drinking water, js naturally ion that are part of nitro; gen cyclé)Nitrate ion in water is undesirable. theciiffate value varies from (22.65 to 48.08) mg I-1. The groundwater scomrate value varies fron resources in the area of the study are unsuitable for ‘drinking because the physiochemical Parameters are high value and this thing impact on the health of human and causes of illnesses, » we io cp Gh gh ahah sh ge SLL LL LIK Ss & ” ner ——— a comparative evaluation of the water quality of sampling stations Iti i: , Tt is helpful for the public to understand the quality of water as well as being pa tool in many ways in the field of water quality management. 3, Reference: . Ahmad, A. B. (2014). Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Index for drinking purpose from some villages around Darbandikhan district, Kurdistan Region-Iraq. IOSR Journal of agriculture and veterinary science, 7(9), 34-41 Ahmed, Ch. I. (2019). Groundwater quality assessment Quality index (WQN, 1-15 Bilal, U. S. (2016). Assessment 0} Semel district / Dohuk governorate uses,1-142 _ Yisa, J. and Jimoh, T. (201 0) of river Landzu’, American Journal of Applies 10.3844/ajassp.2010.453.458. . Akoteyon, I. S. et al. (201 1) ‘Determination of water quality index and suitability of Urban River for municipal water supply in Lagos- Nigeria’, European Journal of Scientific Research, 54(2), pp. 263-271. using Water nN f the suitability of groundwater in for domestic and agricultural » “Analytical studies on water quality index d Sciences. doi: w 4 2. = = om zabamta ome eo Scanned with CamScanner 10078 13.12 1375 164 17025 138s as oe 3002 7 2 4808 2497 as 242 me Tit 13 ons oR 188 316 0.085 on as 8 7s - te Pee ee oe | | J | | | | es ee Total Hardness TH | 00 700 1 00 so0 00 200 | 200 2 Scanned with CamScanner

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