Casom Manifesto

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against Sexual
Offenses in
We, the concerned students of Maria's Public School, united by a common purpose and shared values,
hereby present our manifesto for the establishment of the "Committee Against Sexual Offenses in
Maria's." Our mission is to create a safe and respectful environment within our school, where each
student can feel free to open up about any instance of harassment, assault, or any form of sexual
misconduct that they have faced or fear the threat of,

Recognizing the importance of maintaining a secure and inclusive learning environment, we The
Commission, hereby pledge to address the issue of sexual offences within our school community by
bringing forth a committee of dependable students and teachers who will ensure confidentiality of the
matter and necessary actions henceforth. Our manifesto outlines a comprehensive approach to
identify, address and then prevent incidents of sexual misconduct and promote a culture of respect,
understanding, and accountability,

a. Prevention and Awareness:

 Prescribes the study of sex education as the primary method of prevention amongst students
and teachers, through a reliable source.
 Makes it a strict requirement for members of the committee to be conceptually clear on the
relevant areas of sex education along with a unanimously accepted definition of such.
(definitions are to be referred to the document on Comprehensive Sexuality Education
attached in the Appendix)

 Advocates open dialogue about sex and related issues in class, amongst peers and teachers.
 Recommends reaching out to student guardians regarding the need to approach sex and
related topics at home, so as to break down the mental barrier created around these subjects in
the child’s mind and allow for safe and open discussion with their parents and trusted ones.
 As a preventive measure as well as awareness, members of the committee would be carrying
out rounds twice a month, in classes 5 to 12 as a means of inquiry into any troublesome
activities and also ensure the approachability and efficiency of the committee.

b. Education and Empowerment:

 Collaborate with educators to integrate age-appropriate discussions, webinars, and workshops

into the curriculum, focusing on consent and respect. If possible, integrate sex education into
the curriculum.
 Empower students to become active bystanders, encouraging them to intervene, support, and
celebrate survivors and advocates, inspiring others when necessary.
 Create a nurturing environment, building trust with students, where survivors are encouraged
to seek assistance and are provided with the necessary resources for their healing.

c. Community Engagement:

 Organize forums, and seminars to engage parents, teachers, and local NGOs in addressing the
issue. This includes awareness campaigns on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
Act (POCSO) and related topics, informing students about their rights and protection.

 Establish partnerships with local law enforcement agencies, NGOs with similar objectives,
and support networks to enhance the safety of students both within and outside of school.


Reporting and Support:

It is imperative to understand that reporting is the very first step in obtaining a reasonable solution.

 The committee aims to create a safe space for students to be able to approach any COSOM
members regarding cases of sexual offenses they have experienced/ suspected may have
happened to them.
 The report may even be filed by a friend/ well-wisher of the victim if the latter is afraid of
approaching but it will not be legitimized unless the victim has given his/her consent. Here,
committee members may urge the victim to speak up, without use of coercion, blackmail or
 Report/complaint may be submitted anonymously if that is what the complainant wishes.
 Reports may not be restricted to events within the school ground, for occurrences of offenses
by a student of Maria’s onto another is considered unacceptable if it has taken place either
inside or outside school premises. Although since the powers of the committee are quite
limited, cases which are only partially connected with the school, stands a very intermittent
chance of getting a decent Process of Investigation.

 Reports may be brought up to any member of the committee.

 Once the complaint has been filed, all committee members will be bided by an ORAL
CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT, wherein they must refrain from disclosing any
information about the report filed and then later the details of investigation. The names and
identities of both the accused and the complainant will be considered as extremely sensitive
confidential material. CASOM members found indulging in deliberate rumour-spreading shall
be immediately be suspended.

Accountability And Discipline - [PROCESS OF INVESTIGATION]:

 The Process of Investigation [abbreviated from here on as POI], shall consist of four
1. Substantiation on the legitimacy of the complainant.
2. Investigation based on the complainant made.
3. Intervention Session or Confrontation, to resolve.
4. CASOM’s report on the investigation.
[Each stage is described in detail below the general ground rules,]
 The first three stages of the POI may or may not run parallel to each other, based on
the will of the investigating team.
 The investigating team shall consist of two-three student members along with 1 head
teacher investigator whilst the other teacher(s) shall provide assistance when and if
necessary. Any step taken during the investigation will first go through the Head
 The investigating CASOM team, is only a statuary and temporary body, and can only
submit suggestions, resolutions, and information found based on the report to the
school authorities. The team can only take direct action with due permission of the
aforementioned authority, which may differ, case to case.
 After the POI is complete, it is to be CASOM’s duty, to look into the aftermath, a
fortnight after the report, so as to check if the complainant’s issue has been resolved or
not, and if he/she has been harassed in any manner following the POI.
 It is the team’s duty to be unbiased in the case, to as strict extent as possible. This may
even lead, but is not limited, to the non-eligibility of certain CASOM members in
certain cases.
 The entire course of the investigation must not take longer than 2 working weeks (3
weeks maximum). Elongating the investigation would bring in disinterest, reduce the
impact of the judgement and unnecessarily waste precious working hours.

1. SUBSTANTIATION on the legitimacy of the complaint.

 Once a complaint is filed, a temporary team is to be setup on immediate notice.
The first objective is to check the legitimacy of the complaint.
 Firstly, the complaint is to be registered. This report is then scrutinised, wherein the
complainant[s] gives details of the happening, to as much extent [and comfort] as
possible. At minimum, this description needs to contain the time and place of the
happening, and the person[s] involved in it, be it accused or people present
[witness] at the scene or series of events [if any.] While more details and evidence
are appreciated, do not be insensitive or hyper-scrutinising through the process.
 Secondly, assess the credibility of both the complainant and the accused by
considering their past behaviour, motives, and any potential biases, possibly by
indirect questioning of the complainant[s]. However, avoid victim-blaming or
making assumptions solely based on character.
 Thirdly, analyse the consistency of the complainant's statements over time and
across interviews. Inconsistencies may raise concerns about the validity of the
 Fourthly, covertly investigate the accused's alibi or defense. They may have
evidence, witnesses, or explanations that challenge the allegations. This step may
be dissuaded or overlooked, looking at the gravity of the case.
 Lastly, confirm the same from the above-mentioned witnesses, if any. In doing so,
it is important to note, whether the witness may bear a bias in their answer to the
question so posed to them. This process shall only happen if there are more than
two witnesses reported in a complaint. This step could run parallel to the second
stage of the POI.
 If a no is provided by more than one neutral witness, let the complainant
be told about it, and ask them again, if their case is true, for verbal
evidence denies the same. If the complainant persists, directly move to
meeting the accused in the complaint.
 If a yes is provided by more than one neutral witness, directly move to
meeting the accused in the complaint.
 If less than two neutral witnesses provide a yes/no statement, directly
move to meeting the accused in the complaint.
 If no witnesses were present, directly move to meeting the accused in the
 This stage in the POI should not go beyond 15 school working hours [or 2 to 3
work days] after the complaint has been filed, for it would be distressing to the
complainant’s belief and assumed honesty, be a waste of time for the investigative
team, and thus be against the core ideals of CASOM. To avoid such misapplication
of time, it is recommended thus to run the first two to three stages parallel to each
other, if possible.

In the end, the legitimacy of the complaint would be entirely subjective so the judgement
should be made after taking a vote in the committee, after all the members have been
thoroughly briefed about each and every detail of the case, by the investigating team. The
majority decision of the committee will be final.

2. INVESTIGATION based on the complaint made.

 Based on the complaint filed and its substantiation thus conducted, an investigation
is to be conducted. Note that the POI may become informally public at this stage.
CASOM members are commanded not to make any comments on the case in the
private or public domain.
 The investigation, informally starts right at the time a complaint is filed, but only
after its substantiation is it to be considered a formal investigation.
 In this stage, the complaint is formally investigated by the concerned investigating
CASOM team, The investigation on the very onset, firstly makes a background
check on the accused, looking specifically, but not limited to, reports of delinquency
and other misconducts to which the accused may be attached to.
 The investigating team is obligated to also keep a check at the immediate safety of
the complainant. If the situation is ongoing or poses an immediate threat to anyone
involved, prioritize the safety of all parties, through immediately notifying to the
school and other concerned authorities.
 The investigating team is to examine electronic evidence if any, as well as collect
witness accounts [through interviews], case specifics from the complainant[s], other
tied or related cases [if any], preserve any such evidence, and unbiasedly document
all the findings for the culminating report.
 If an interview or questioning round is conducted for the accused, they
will be minutely questioned about their defences, supposed motives and
alibis [if any.] Based on the credibility of such alibis, the POI may revert
back to the first stage [could be merged with the third stage] with the or
move to the third stage. The interview is to be thoroughly recorded, in
written at the very minimum.
 If the accused is found to be guilty of the offence during this stage, move
directly to the third stage.
 If an interview or questioning round is conducted for the witnesses, it is
to solely get witness accounts from them. No in-depth scrutinising of
these accounts is appreciated, apart from that of simple follow ups. The
interview is to be thoroughly recorded, in written at the very minimum.
 If a confrontation takes place, the team is suggested not to resort to
intimidating tactics. Such confrontations are to be conducted without
knowledge of the accused, and could serve as precursor to interviews
conducted thereafter.
 There are no guidelines for covert investigations and interviews, except
from that of not resorting to foul methods in the process or being biased
in any manner to the complainant[s] or the accused.

 The motive of investigation is to find out approximate series of happenings, the

motive of the accused/convict in the so reported event, its implication[s] on the
complainant[s] and ways to address them and amend them, through
recommendations and schooling.

3. Intervention Session or Confrontation, to RESOLVE.

 Based on the investigation conducted, and evidences and statements recorded, for
and against both the complainant[s] and the accused [if convicted, all statements
necessarily point against them, invalidating this point,] a private confrontation is
setup to find a solution or reprimand and way forward for both parties involved
from there on.
 Choose a private and secure location and ensure that participation on either side is
voluntary. Have a trained counsellor or mediator (teacher) present at all the duration
of the session.
 Make sure to have ground rules set for this confrontation. It is a resolution
communique on both sides, and not a dispute row. Establish respectful and focused
communication, setting a time limit if necessary.
 There are no guidelines as to how a private session is to be moderated and how an
agreement or resolution is to be reached upon [there is in fact no guarantee of an
agreement, depending on the gravity of the case], but the counsellor or mediator
must ensure atleast these predicaments, to ensure a smooth conversation between
the two parties-
 Keep a record, given both parties consent to the same.
 Provide emotional support and de-escalate possibly heated arguments.
 Suggest topics which need to be addressed.
 Provide access to additional support and counselling to both parties,
offer follow-up sessions and resources.
 The counsellor or mediator guides the conversation and encourages
active listening, promoting understanding, not blaming each other.
 Ensure and strictly advise that no party resolves to violent or
intimidating tactics.
 Immediately halt the session if the sanctity of the conversation [as per
the will of the moderator] is unrestrained in any way.

 The aim of this private intervention/confrontation session is to not aggravate

disagreements, but to resolve the mistakes committed by both parties, especially
that by the accused/convicted in the POI. This stage of the POI, looks for
learning points, resolutions, and a way forward [for both parties and
authorities,] so that the CASOM can come up with ways to reduce such
happenings in the future.

4. CASOM’s REPORT on the investigation.

 Following the three stages of the POI, the investigating CASOM team shall
release a joint report based on the complaint. The report shall consist of, but is not
limited to-
i. The complaint filed.
ii. Its substantiation [if any.]
iii. The complainant[s] account of happenings.
iv. The witness accounts and interviews of the happenings [if any.]
v. The investigative team’s findings.
vi. Names of the participating CASOM members in the investigation and their
vii. The accused’s statement[s] [from interviews and confrontations conducted,
if any.]
viii. Observers report on the third stage of the POI [if requested by the school
authority. Could omit personal details.]
ix. Concerned teacher[s] statement.
x. The investigative team’s learnings and suggestions to the school

 The report is supposed to be unbiased in its findings, only making statements in

adherence to the above numbered specifics, never making personal opinions or
remarks on the complainant[s] or the accused/convicted, except for those in

As members of the CASOM "Committee Against Sexual Offenses in Maria's", we are committed to
fostering an environment where every student feels safe, respected, and empowered. By adhering to
the principles outlined in this manifesto, we aim to eliminate sexual misconduct within our school and
create a positive change that will resonate throughout our community.

Let our collective voice be heard as we stand united against sexual offenders and work tirelessly to
create a brighter, safer future for all.

Members of the Drafting Committee:

Additya Bhattacharjee

Anusna Hazarika

Ayana Chakrabarty

Sammajit Ghosh

Signatures –

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