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Course: Biotechnology
Target 4th year students
Academic year 2015 E.C
Semester II






CHAPTER 5···································································································3
5. Biotechnology in industry·················································································3
5.1. Recovery and purification of recombinant proteins·················································4
5.2. Enzyme technology······················································································4
CHAPTER 6···································································································5
6.Environmental biotechnology·············································································5
 Environmental applications of biotechnology··························································5
 Waste and wastewater treatment·········································································6
What is wastewater, and why treat it?······································································6
Why Treat Wastewater?······················································································7
Effects of wastewater pollutants············································································7
The Basic Processes of Wastewater Treatment···························································9
The stages of water treatment················································································9
Wastewater treatment·······················································································10
Biotechnology in the energy sector········································································10
Bio-fuel production··························································································11
CHAPTER 7··································································································11
Biosafety issues······························································································11
General concerns about biotechnology applications····················································12
Social issues··································································································13
Public awareness about biotechnology products························································13
Ethical issues·································································································14

5. Biotechnology in industry

 Biotechnology in industry refers to the use of biological systems, organisms, or derivatives

to develop products, processes, or technologies that can be used in various industrial
applications. This can include the use of genetic engineering, molecular biology, and other
cutting-edge techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of industrial processes.

 Biotechnology has been applied in a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals,

agriculture, food and beverage, energy, environmental remediation, and more. In
pharmaceuticals, for example, biotechnology has revolutionized the development of new
drugs, including the production of biologic drugs such as vaccines and monoclonal

 In agriculture, biotechnology has led to the development of genetically modified crops that
are more resistant to pests and diseases, as well as more tolerant to environmental stresses.
This has helped to increase crop yields and reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

 In the food and beverage industry, biotechnology has been used to develop new food
ingredients, improve food safety, and create more sustainable production processes.

 In energy, biotechnology has been applied to develop biofuels and other renewable energy
sources, as well as to improve the efficiency of industrial processes such as fermentation and
waste treatment.

 Overall, biotechnology has the potential to revolutionize many industries by providing
innovative solutions to complex challenges, improving efficiency and sustainability, and
creating new opportunities for economic growth.

5.1. Recovery and purification of recombinant proteins

 Biotechnology has also been instrumental in the recovery and purification of recombinant
proteins, which are proteins that are produced through genetic engineering techniques. These
proteins have a wide range of industrial and pharmaceutical applications, but their
production and purification can be complex and challenging.
 Biotechnology has enabled the development of advanced techniques for the recovery and
purification of recombinant proteins, including chromatography, filtration, and other
separation methods. These techniques help to isolate and purify the proteins from complex
mixtures, ensuring their quality and efficacy for use in various industrial applications.
 Overall, biotechnology plays a crucial role in the recovery and purification of recombinant
proteins, enabling their efficient production and ensuring their quality and purity for use in a
wide range of industries.

5.2. Enzyme technology

 Enzyme technology is another important aspect of biotechnology, as it involves the use of

enzymes for various industrial processes. Enzymes are biological catalysts that can speed up
chemical reactions, and they are used in a wide range of industries such as food and
beverage production, textile manufacturing, and biofuel production.
 Biotechnology has played a key role in the development and optimization of enzyme
technology, including the engineering of enzymes for specific industrial applications, the
production of enzymes through microbial fermentation, and the development of enzyme
immobilization techniques for improved stability and reusability.

 Enzyme technology has also been instrumental in the development of sustainable and
environmentally friendly processes, such as the use of enzymes for waste treatment and the
production of bio-based materials. Overall, biotechnology has revolutionized enzyme
technology, enabling the efficient and sustainable use of enzymes in various industrial


6.Environmental biotechnology

 Environmental biotechnology is another important aspect of biotechnology, focusing on the

use of biological processes and organisms to solve environmental problems and improve
sustainability. This includes applications such as wastewater treatment, air pollution control,
and the remediation of contaminated sites.
 Biotechnological approaches are used to develop innovative solutions for environmental
challenges, such as the use of genetically engineered microorganisms for bioremediation, or
the production of bio-based materials as alternatives to traditional petroleum-based products.
These approaches not only help to address environmental issues, but also contribute to the
development of sustainable and eco-friendly technologies.
 Overall, environmental biotechnology plays a crucial role in promoting environmental
sustainability and addressing global challenges such as pollution and resource depletion. It
harnesses the power of biological systems to create innovative solutions for a cleaner and
healthier planet.

 Environmental applications of biotechnology

Some specific environmental applications of biotechnology include:
1. Wastewater treatment: Biotechnological processes are used to treat wastewater and remove
pollutants, such as organic compounds and heavy metals, using microorganisms and

2. . Air pollution control: Biotechnology is used to develop biofilters and bioreactors that use
microorganisms to remove pollutants from the air, such as volatile organic compounds and
nitrogen oxides.
3. . Bioremediation: Genetically engineered microorganisms are used to clean up contaminated
sites by breaking down or transforming pollutants into less harmful substances.
4. . Bio-based materials: Biotechnology is used to produce bio-based materials, such as
bioplastics and biofuels, as sustainable alternatives to traditional petroleum-based products.
5. . Environmental monitoring: Biotechnological tools, such as biosensors and molecular
techniques, are used for monitoring environmental pollutants and assessing the impact of
human activities on ecosystems.

These applications of environmental biotechnology contribute to the protection and

preservation of the environment, promoting a more sustainable and healthier planet for future

 Waste and wastewater treatment

What is wastewater, and why treat it?

We consider wastewater treatment as a water use because it is so interconnected with the other
uses of water. Much of the water used by homes, industries, and businesses must be treated
before it is released back to the environment.

If the term "wastewater treatment" is confusing to you, you might think of it as "sewage
treatment." Nature has an amazing ability to cope with small amounts of water wastes and
pollution, but it would be overwhelmed if we didn't treat the billions of gallons of wastewater
and sewage produced every day before releasing it back to the environment. Treatment plants
reduce pollutants in wastewater to a level nature can handle.

Wastewater also includes storm runoff. Although some people assume that the rain that runs
down the street during a storm is fairly clean, it isn't. Harmful substances that wash off roads,
parking lots, and rooftops can harm our rivers and lakes.

Why Treat Wastewater?

It's a matter of caring for our environment and for our own health. There are a lot of good
reasons why keeping our water clean is an important priority:

FISHERIES: Clean water is critical to plants and animals that live in water. This is important to
the fishing industry, sport fishing enthusiasts, and future generations.

WILDLIFE HABITATS: Our rivers and ocean waters teem with life that depends on shoreline,
beaches and marshes. They are critical habitats for hundreds of species of fish and other aquatic
life. Migratory water birds use the areas for resting and feeding.

RECREATION AND QUALITY OF LIFE: Water is a great playground for us all. The
scenic and recreational values of our waters are reasons many people choose to live where they
do. Visitors are drawn to water activities such as swimming, fishing, boating and picnicking.

HEALTH CONCERNS: If it is not properly cleaned, water can carry disease. Since we live,
work and play so close to water, harmful bacteria have to be removed to make water safe.

Effects of wastewater pollutants

If wastewater is not properly treated, then the environment and human health can be negatively
impacted. These impacts can include harm to fish and wildlife populations, oxygen depletion,
beach closures and other restrictions on recreational water use, restrictions on fish and shellfish
harvesting and contamination of drinking water. Environment Canada provides some examples
of pollutants that can be found in wastewater and the potentially harmful effects these substances
can have on ecosystems and human health:

 Decaying organic matter and debris can use up the dissolved oxygen in a lake so fish and
other aquatic biota cannot survive;
 Excessive nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen (including ammonia), can cause
eutrophication, or over-fertilization of receiving waters, which can be toxic to aquatic
organisms, promote excessive plant growth, reduce available oxygen, harm spawning
grounds, alter habitat and lead to a decline in certain species;
 Chlorine compounds and inorganic chloramines can be toxic to aquatic invertebrates,
algae and fish;
 Bacteria, viruses and disease-causing pathogens can pollute beaches and contaminate
shellfish populations, leading to restrictions on human recreation, drinking water
consumption and shellfish consumption;
 Metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium and arsenic can have acute and
chronic toxic effects on species.

 Other substances such as some pharmaceutical and personal care products, primarily
entering the environment in wastewater effluents, may also pose threats to human health,
aquatic life and wildlife.

The Basic Processes of Wastewater Treatment

Water is a precious commodity. To protect our natural waters and to support drinking water
production, all wastewater is therefore first cleansed of containments and pollutants before it is
returned to the water cycle. To treat the water and to achieve the best possible, natural water
quality, different processes are used. Generally, the treatment of wastewater can be divided into
two basic types . Firstly, problematic substances are removed from the water. This is done with
cleaning, iron removal, manganese removal, sterilisation, desalination or softening. Secondly,
substances are specifically supplemented to improve the quality and influence parameters such as
pH value or conductivity.

The stages of water treatment

Several processes are at your disposal for implementing the various preparation stages of water

 Physical processes for mechanical preparation such as aeration, sedimentation or thermal

influence. This also includes the use of screens, filters and sieves.
 Biological processes such as anaerobic wastewater treatment, biochemical oxidation or
sludge digestion
 Chemical processes such as neutralisation, disinfection, flocculation and precipitation
 Membrane processes such as filtration, osmosis and nanofiltration

The highest volume of wastewater to be treated is in municipal wastewater treatment plants,

which is why a more diverse combination and more effective procedure is necessary here. The
procedures used depend on the type of wastewater treatment plant.

Wastewater treatment
The major aim of wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the suspended solids as possible
before the remaining water, called effluent, is discharged back to the environment. As solid
material decays, it uses up oxygen, which is needed by the plants and animals living in the water.

"Primary treatment" removes about 60 percent of suspended solids from wastewater. This
treatment also involves aerating (stirring up) the wastewater, to put oxygen back in. Secondary
treatment removes more than 90 percent of suspended solids.

Biodegradation of pollutants in soil and water.

Biological control of pests and invasive species.
Conservation and restoration of endangered species and ecosystems.
Development of sustainable agricultural practices, such as genetically modified crops with increased
resistance to pests and diseases.
Carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation through the use of bioenergy and biochar

Biotechnology in the energy sector

 Bioremediation of contaminated sites through the use of microorganisms to break down

 Biological wastewater treatment to remove organic matter and nutrients from water.
 Bioaugmentation, which involves adding specific microorganisms to enhance natural
processes for environmental remediation.
 Phytoremediation, using plants to remove, degrade, or stabilize contaminants in soil and
 Biofouling control in marine environments, preventing the accumulation of organisms on
submerged surfaces.

 Biologically-based alternative pest control methods, such as using natural predators or
pathogens to manage pest populations.
 Biological monitoring of environmental quality, using living organisms as indicators of
pollution levels and ecosystem health.

Bio-fuel production
 These are just a few examples of the diverse applications of biotechnology in environmental
management and sustainability. By harnessing the power of living organisms, biotechnology
offers innovative solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges we face
today. From cleaning up contaminated sites to producing renewable energy sources,
biotechnology has the potential to play a significant role in creating a more sustainable and
healthy planet for future generations.

Biosafety issues
 One important aspect of biotechnology in environmental management is ensuring the safety
of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other biotechnological products. Biosafety
measures and regulations are put in place to prevent any potential harm to human health and
the environment. This includes risk assessments, containment protocols, and monitoring of
GMOs to minimize any potential negative impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.

 Bioremediation.
 Bioremediation is a process that uses living organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and plants, to
remove or neutralize pollutants from contaminated sites. This can include cleaning up oil
spills, industrial waste, and other forms of pollution. Biotechnology plays a key role in
enhancing the effectiveness of bioremediation processes by engineering microorganisms to
better degrade specific pollutants and by developing new bioremediation techniques.

 Biogas production.
 Biotechnology is also used in the production of biogas, a renewable energy source derived
from the breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms in anaerobic conditions. Biogas
can be used for heating, electricity generation, and as a vehicle fuel. Biotechnological
advancements have improved the efficiency and scalability of biogas production, making it a
more viable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

 Bioplastics.
 Bioplastics are a type of plastic derived from renewable biomass sources, such as plants and
microorganisms, rather than from fossil fuels. Biotechnology has enabled the development
of new bioplastic materials with improved properties and reduced environmental impact. By
replacing traditional plastics with biodegradable and compostable bioplastics, biotechnology
contributes to reducing plastic pollution and promoting a circular economy.

 These examples highlight the wide-ranging impact of biotechnology on environmental

management and sustainability. As the field continues to advance, we can expect to see even
more innovative applications that contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet.

General concerns about biotechnology applications

 While biotechnology has the potential to offer numerous benefits for environmental
management, there are also some general concerns associated with its applications. These
concerns include the potential for unintended consequences, such as the spread of
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into natural ecosystems and the development of
resistance to biotechnological products.

 There is also a concern about the ethical and social implications of biotechnology, including
issues related to ownership of genetic resources, access to biotechnological products, and the
potential for unequal distribution of benefits. Additionally, there is a need to ensure that
biotechnological applications are regulated and monitored to prevent any negative impacts
on human health and the environment.

 Overall, while biotechnology offers great potential for addressing environmental challenges,
it is important to carefully consider and address these concerns in order to ensure the
responsible and sustainable use of biotechnological innovations.

Social issues

 Some of the social issues associated with biotechnology include concerns about the unequal
distribution of benefits and access to biotechnological products. There is a worry that only
certain groups or countries will have access to the benefits of biotechnology, leading to
further inequality and social injustice. Additionally, there are ethical concerns related to
ownership of genetic resources and the potential exploitation of indigenous or marginalized
communities for their genetic resources.

 Furthermore, there is a need to consider the potential impacts of biotechnological

applications on traditional farming practices and livelihoods, as well as the potential
displacement of small-scale farmers by large biotechnology corporations. It is important to
ensure that the development and implementation of biotechnological innovations take into
account the social implications and prioritize the well-being of all communities involved.

 Overall, addressing these social issues is crucial for the responsible and equitable use of
biotechnology in addressing environmental challenges. It is important to engage in
transparent and inclusive decision-making processes that consider the diverse social and
cultural contexts in which biotechnological applications are being implemented.

Public awareness about biotechnology products

 Another social issue related to biotechnology is the lack of public awareness and
understanding about biotechnological products. This can lead to fear, misinformation, and
distrust of biotechnology, which can hinder its acceptance and utilization. It is important to

engage in education and outreach efforts to increase public understanding of biotechnology
and its potential benefits, as well as to address any concerns or misconceptions.

 Additionally, there is a need to ensure that biotechnological products are properly labeled
and regulated to provide consumers with accurate information about their composition and
potential impacts. This can help to build trust and confidence in biotechnology and ensure
that consumers are able to make informed choices about the products they use.

 Overall, addressing these social issues related to biotechnology requires collaboration and
dialogue between scientists, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and the public to ensure
that biotechnological innovations are developed and implemented in a way that is socially
responsible and beneficial for all.

Ethical issues

 Ethical issues related to biotechnology include concerns about the potential misuse of
biotechnological advancements, such as the development of bioweapons or the creation of
genetically modified organisms that could have unintended negative consequences for the
environment or human health.

 There are also ethical considerations surrounding the use of biotechnology in areas such as
agriculture, medicine, and reproduction. For example, there are debates about the ethical
implications of genetically modifying crops and animals, as well as the use of biotechnology
in assisted reproductive technologies and gene editing.

 Furthermore, there are concerns about equity and access to biotechnological advancements,
as well as the potential for biotechnology to exacerbate existing social inequalities. For
example, there are concerns about the unequal distribution of benefits from biotechnological
innovations and the potential for biotechnology to widen the gap between the wealthy and
the disadvantaged.

 It is important for policymakers, scientists, and industry stakeholders to consider these
ethical issues and to engage in dialogue with the public to ensure that biotechnological
advancements are developed and implemented in a way that is ethical and socially
responsible. This may involve the development of regulations and guidelines to address
ethical concerns, as well as ongoing ethical discussions and considerations in the
development and use of biotechnological products.


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3 16. Dunnill, P., “Biotechnology and Industry”, Chemistry and Industry, 4 April 1981, pp. 204–217.
4. Jarvis, B. and Holmes, A.W., “Biotechnology in relation to the Food industry, Proc. 2nd European
Congress on Biotechnology”, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., vol. 32, 1982, pp. 224–232.
5.Marstrand, P.K., “Patterns of Change in Biotechnology”, Occasional Paper Series No. 15, pp. 83 et
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6. Perlman, D., “Fermentation Industries ... Quo Vadis?” Chemical Technology, vol. 7, 1977, pp. 434-443
7. . Tong, G.E., “Industrial Chemicals from Fermentation”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol. 1,
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8. Yamada, K., “Bioengineering Report: Recent Advances in Industrial Fermentation in Japan”,
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 19, 1977, pp. 1563–1621.


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