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The pie graph depicts the key motivations for people’s movement to work by either car or bicycle.

Overall, while physical wel-being and environmental problems are the primary motives for bikers, the
majority of drivers want comfort. Notably, for an almost equal proportion of people, their chosen
method is faster than the other one.

With regard to bikers, whilst ‘health and fitness’ and ‘less pollution’ each makeup less than a third of
the total, a much smaller proportion of people choose bikes for the sake of cheapness and parking
problems, ranging from 13-15%. Meanwhile, more than one in ten bikers say that cycling is faster than

As for cars, people using it by virtue of comfort take the lion’s share, with 40%. By contrast, those
who opt for cars because of distance account for over a fifth of the total, which is double that of safety
reasons (11%). The remaining 30% was taken up by the ‘need to carry things to work’ and ‘faster than
cycling’ reasons, with equal percentage for each one.

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