Distribution Short Circuit Analysis

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DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS - A. gid Approach ‘Tulane Chen Mo-Shing hen _Weien Lee Paul Kotas Peer Van Olinda Members EEE" "Fellow IEEE” Member IEEE ‘Member, EEE ergy Systems Research Center Console alson Company ‘The University of Texas at Aragion Arlington, Texas 7019 ABSIRACE spr i pms wn SRST ett us Hd pom when cso ace oe on eis ae ‘atin ta et a pies se pss me Sot tans alte eae naam rn Sie ethane es orcs ol Shes aivetmaigh cy a core SERS aly eed ayo Sis ea tana ae resi a Seba popu chanel ena net ne ae peeeettannys sees eee i Spy ae ant Yu ey ean SSS ah etme Sot en ee SSS unee inane uaa fai pee Se Sap eter a an ie ESSE poy hairs eer ee ame a, Kormores Corrraur mde, tomes Model Shr ce. rimary feeder, Secondary network nected caren Uaioe sytem, Sabwansentrecince . ANTRODUCTION 11th ination of his paper insatuc a method of short rcuit analysis applicable tp more rigid study of large-scale buon sts. This approach sone toward appcatons in distribution system operation analyse rather than plang pe analysis. This lference. shold be properly ‘emphatisea Cherise, the misuse of the planing typ method to teva he peational bchavior of the sytem wil dot the xplanaios oe ‘clad esl an lead w incon concise asennad vas developed fet requements of + isibution system combining primary and secondy network ‘These requirements arise primal from the general charsteries of the diseibaion system operated by” Consokaated Eason Gompany of New Yo Inthe patina thi eearc neal features ofthe Con Edison spe enpacting thc poses Asien ocho emenied “Portions ofthe system ae basically unbalanced due to single ingen acl Goble phase ral spas 09 pay feeders, and unequal tre-phas loads ‘of New Yor, In ‘ving Pace, New York NY 10003, ja aden oe as = Tre min rt se sso “Therefore the smaaions st be Bed pon actual phase Ee aan ent ama Faremthioree eaneeieicteis System sufficiently Elanced, so longer sable Trees, Be Siac eet rae ar Eatin we peta mene aimee ety ret sere Ss pe cheer ay mar ictemtirewerne eniee bead Ser ee ae er ee orem ie ga tection rg Si meleceamennaeeeie ine iigrate eon Spite Sn eT onan muerte tee daca ha Sieur sk amt diac at etch ce Rae Re nsenciet memset drapana ace tag och arse ald nS mes eae teeter te comply Seance See ly Ps iene fear ee «tas ea Hiei attacks Anh teenth ae 7a ee ny of me crepe ip owt only one factorization procedure Tequied. Agencia!” “aa eet ee Hose Pasenaae rate arte iota edt ateel gucanf Sane wnt aepepenictnents cuanto pera ete Sau ements nacitaerastett Petrie eager ta rtd Sceseah at eatin mare Seale eee errata ected oa petal Ds enna ane te gas Beene marae oer soesoaelicwen eine aatat aa See yon chistes kee Spero nie th St at ‘cuss 991000 002510001991 IEE, aun teri tna auaasetas camara eerie Se smuistes boweve, more manana i em rgaer amare nt ton eae a Serena aa at een Saawe sites teins aeachacee fimultaneousis. allowing the cross-country, double three- soca ar etree Soe mite meet ee eae Hoachna terete ae he cortm ai samedi ae oo Ee erent TEE oe er cts Cea oem is Sra iies mises SR Se cs Sones “BBE tamer pee Eee stacey SSE eee eer (Poss coaeale cite parnnaerriimen ations sat soe tmee suomi amc eat Sethe oeatceteans Moov tax odes fo proved sess he TECHNICAL APPROACH “The to primary considerations in developing of an effective soli eshigue forse ct alyssa de "Format ofa tathematal desertion of components such fs cogeneritrs, transformers, feeders, shunt element, and loaase + Selection of a suitable numerical metho “he enn so Cae hem anti of these wo factors af he input ofthe chosen method, considering he xncmcly large-seale sytem simulation, convergence, execution fine, and data requiem nts secon Gesigneiteria andthe component models are snrodyced fs followed by x description of te sluton eee ‘ome base requirements in demotion shor ceo analysis inpacig he desig of he GDAS sho inal poe ed "A deteiled transformer model is needed 10 calculate transfonner backend eure. “The contibuton of cogenerstoe othe ful curent mast be coasisered «Load eutents may not be small compared 10 the shor-icut {ures so the load erent est be included. ‘The vllage characters ics of the load must Be considered in ‘he load made. Based. upon the sequirements described, above, the ‘methadogls forthe GDAS shor creat analy fied below ‘Sfransiormess are represented by more detailed models ‘onsidenng the core a copper losses, apchanging ase Shing re connec fe anfomers « Copenciators are represented propery. Inherent imbalance Chaactrscs defo system unbalance are considered: a + Disrbution loads are represented by constant impedance ‘busin from the power low result. Although this & ap Spprouimation, it less so compared with conventional ‘ibs which neglect the lou etrely or we the Ped ond to ‘mt te ead peda «Primary and secongnry networks are represented by actual Dhise quantiies, “The primary feeders are represented By ies tnpedance and shunt capacitance, bat he secondary ‘ables are represented by sre amine oly, + Aniteraive compensation method sued L.COMPONENT MODELS For a gd sho cit ution, he indian yee components ms ed by igoroas mathematical models ‘Ri gpproinute ber physical behavior These components nee ‘ondidon cogenertrs, earsformes loads emands), and shunt fSpacto ta the ODAS program, companents a tideled by {Ei equivalent civeuits tm terms of Inductance, capacitance, fesisuinge, and injected: curren and use an individual phase ‘presentation “These tema component medls depend upon ‘Eger ef ansyao be pared an hese, may rock ody ‘of these required models, conductors, capacitors, and demands have premously developed standard riplementatons for {Rees Gauss wlan, hie wes no he cae for he wansformer ie copenerator models; whic requed an additional esearch eff iotdesgn and plement new meds forthe Zaye method. THs thvelopinet i adazesed i [7]. Far a detaled discussion of feeer ‘els for ath coupled and uncoupled feder, see references [8] [Dt and [10| and veterence (11) fora more dead discussion of thea mode used for power Now analysis “The so-called lows energy model foreach individual load component andthe load window concept used i the power ow orton of the GDAS program aze nor suitable for short circuit ‘mulation due to large voltage variance, Therefore, a conian impedance made! was ured in he sor cit portion othe GDAS ‘Props The nial power low simultion provides pre fault bus Toltipes and demund caren. Post fault lads ae calcul ving ‘hss and th postaultvoage. "The acta oad impedance st {cuted explily, aconstnt impedance mode is sed, however. ‘Th ond fpesei erally ay ap nected eure, 2. SOLUTION TECHNIQUE ‘The iterative compenstion method, « modifiation of the compensation method, wa selected forthe sor ict portion of SCGDAS for demied dacassion ofthe compensation method ‘elerto{, Astuly the proposed metho ses oly the concept of the compensation theory Tom the compensation method. Other ‘eaurcs ee combined withthe compensation teary taive athe erate compersauon method such a SUSnp he power flow analysis program co obtain the Eegurconios ing component dui: 1Ushg erat opie cortae ayy {Binloying supenogiion theory the voltage of each bus is Shsumad fo arse from two different contbutions the peciica source voltage, she other const ofall eas, ‘Zeenertrseapacors actor ine charging and fasts,

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