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1.Complete with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the first or second conditional.
0. If we take care of the environment, natural resources will last forever.
1. If I ___________ (stop) using my car, air pollution would decrease.
2. My family and I will go on vacation if I _____________ (get) good grades.
3. My mom ______________(buy) me a new CD if I cleaned up my room.
4. If my friends organize a party, the whole class ___________ (be) there.
5. If you ________________(take) reusable bags to the market, they would give you a discount.
6. We ______________(help) you if we knew how.
7. My brother would buy a sports car if he ____________(have) the money.
8. If I feel better, I__________________ (go) to the movies with you.

2. Underline the correct option.

1. I (hadn’t done / wouldn’t have done) my homework if you hadn’t reminded me.
2. If she (hadn’t/hasn’t) gone to the supermarket, I wouldn’t have seen her.
3. My grandma would have cooked dinner if you (asked/had asked) her to.
4. If Eric had read the book, he wouldn’t (fail/have failed) the test.
5. If the band weren’t so talented, the record (hadn’t been/ wouldn’t have been) so good.
6. Our parents wouldn’t (be/had been) so happy if my sister hadn’t been home tonight.

3. Find and cross out the mistake in each sentence. Then write the correct verb form.
I would eat the salad if it hadn’t had peanuts. Have eaten____________________________
We wouldn’t have been late if you didn’t oversleep. ________________________________
Mary had gone to that school if she hadn’t moved to Canada. ________________________
If we hadn’t bought those train tickets, we hadn’t been here on time. __________________
If Elena and I brought an umbrella, our textbooks wouldn’t be wet. ____________________
You wouldn’t have gotten the flu if you don’t wash your hands more often. _______________
Marc and Rob wouldn’t have stayed home tonight if they passed their exams. _________________

.4. Read and write Third Conditional sentences.

1) Helen forgot to make an appointment at the hairdresser’s. She cut her hair herself. She looked
awful at the party.
If she hadn’t forgotten to make an appointment at the hairdresser’s, she wouldn’t have cut her hair herself.
If she hadn’t cut her hair herself, she wouldn’t have looked awful at the party.
2) Peter ate three bars of chocolate. He had a terrible stomach ache. He couldn’t go to the cinema
with Stanley and Leslie.
3) Mary sat in the sun too long. She was red and sore. She didn’t enjoy herself at the barbecue that
4) Pauline watched TV until three o’clock in the morning! She was late for the school bus. She
missed the school excursion.
5) Mr Davis tried to lift a heavy suitcase. He hurt his back. He couldn’t play golf.

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