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Task 1. Learn new words for the next time.

Topic: Suggesting Ideas

🟢to suggest /to offer – предлагать;
🟢suggestions – предложения;
🟢to come up with – придумать;
🟢to doubt – сомневаться;
🟢to offer a solution – предложить решение;
🟢to share your ideas – поделиться своими идеями;
🟢to define – определить;
🟢to make an impression – произвести впечатление;
🟢to hint – подсказать, намекнуть;
🟢compulsory – обязательно;
🟢to clarify – уточнить;
🟢to overhear – подслушивать;
🟢to find common ground – найти общий язык;
🟢to complain – жаловаться
🟢to take into account – принять во внимание;
🟢to gossip – сплетничать;
🟢to let down – подводить;
🟢intrusive – навязчивый
🟢mindset – мышление;
🟢coincidence – совпадение;
🟢to impose an opinion – навязать свое мнение
🟢My mind's gone blank! – вылетело из головы
Task 2. Learn phrases for the next time.


Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form (active or passive).
Task 4. Choose the correct option and complete the text.

Task 5. Make sentences below in the Passive Voice.

Task 6. Lia is starting as an intern at a computer games company. Listen to the
conversation and correct one false information in each sentence.

1. Lia will be working at the company for three months.

2. Ric works in planning and he likes creating puzzle games.
3. Danny, who also works in planning, helps to design the game’s levels.
4. The testing team, headed by Remi, has the easiest job.
5. Natasha from the launch team isn’t in the office because she’s working from
6. Lia doesn’t know much about computer games.

Task 7.Listen again and choose the option that you hear for each sentence.

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