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ELEARNING Área personal Mis cursos Español - Internacional (es) Busca

Área personal › Mis cursos › P0040_FC_FCBF_FIS_2_1_FISTB11 › › QUIZ 1

* Navegación por el cuestionario INGLES II

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 Tiempo restante 0:38:16

Pregunta 1 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Choose the correct form of the verbs in the present tense.

Yusuf doesn't like playing team games.

Pregunta 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 7,00 Marcar pregunta

Complete the conversation with the present simple or present continuous of the verbs

SARAH Hi, Mark. What are you doing (do)?

MARK Hi. Sarah. I am making (make) dinner. I make (make) dinner very Saturday

SARAH That's nice!

MARK And I am looking after (look after) the kids this evening!

SARAH Where's Emma?

MARK She has having (have) a drink with some friends. I can send her a text

SARAH No, don't worry. She always calls (call) me on Sundays. I'll talk to her about it then!

Pregunta 3 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 8,00 Marcar pregunta

Complete the conversation with the correct form of be

LLILY: Excuse me, Are you here for the teacher's conference?

MAX: Yes, I am

LILY: Oh, good. I'm here for the conference, too. My name's Lily. I'm from China. What nationality are you ?

MAX: I'm American - from Mason, Ohio. Nice to meet you

LILY: Nice to meet you, too. Sorry, but I don't know the US. Is Mason a big city?

MAX: No, it isn't . It's a small town near Cincinnati. Where are you from?

LILY: Beijing, the capital of China. Oh, it's time for the conference. Are we in Hall 3?

MAX: No, we aren't . We're in Hall 5

Pregunta 4 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Choose the correct form of the verbs in the present tense.

My brother doesn't enjoy being on his own.

Pregunta 5 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Choose the correct form of the verbs in the present tense.

Yusuf doesn't like playing team games.

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