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。 淵淋]"2■ lh‖ .I
淵胤淋 PI認尾
SubieCt: Political Science・ l Paper: ll-A (New Course) Time:3 Hrs, Marks:100

″Orerハ 確 pr ar7y FryE Qyes″ 0"s.ハ ″q"esrliOrs ca″ γ eq“ a′ marks.

Qコ圏曲 n l Disarsin dmil納 醗 8ystm輔詭 topluml揃 na灘 薇饉鐵

轟 彙 ♂ 麟 出調碑 出 ♂ が,が リ メ J亀 藤
QueStiOn 2 Whatis essmceofsoveminandn曜 耐 げ of曲 幹?
子 Jlぉ S`…
ご れ場 」


n3】 継 薇 gis ofStb輌 ぬ―

無 nceゎ fOrぉ
"働 …
轟 彙 薇 調哺碑 が l■lび 鈍 ぶ 椰 ハ
騨 襲中 が鈍

Q■ 輔 磯 4 How did philo岬 け of pOlitid wience develop7 Dimuss how Plitid

philosophy覇閥 働 叩 轟 血 Ou麟 繭 弱・

響 laメ がど手ハ出毬dぃ ぃ
義 碑 ― 警
曝 島 榔 房

QttdOnsHowdid Socmte詢 暉 deve10pmentoFpoltt mimce7

井 ♂ぶ メお び dい 押ど Ll井
Q慟 劇 o■ 面 搬枷3
6搬 did― haVe on plitid曲 鱚 ?Di― 搬機
lintof鍮 爛 伽山戯 晦
轟 彙 夢 め び 軌 藤 み 琴 静 占り 中 出 軸 ど 騨 餞
● ●tlon 7馳威お 搬 impomceご demomy httlintof輔 曲 山 繭 and Fublic


軸 │い 中 Jわ が ♂ り ♂ ′ J自藤 :び
'ど …
QICtiOn 3ヽ 臓 絆aお 劇 回 nob on協 麒 曲 Of鶴 田鵬 Hobbesわ 醸 隅
響 毎 静 饉 ‐ 絆薇 メ が 如 碑 癬 ハ 軸
伽 酬 誡 9 HOW did Jtt Jacq8 Ro― imprt p擬 直 壺勧 "?What tt his Social
cOnmt¶ 闘 げ
?♂ 事 戸螂 録 JJ琴 井 4`■ メ ど J」 ぴ榛 い
`二 …
QndOn10職 鶴 anot m
酬 朧 ofglov―「
On go― mer.Aso鵬 山 濃コ
募 メ 轟 毬二
離 が 亀丼 膠 岬 轟 要彙 井
呻 L.L.B.(05 Years〕
SubieCt: Polit:cal Science‐ :
Part… : Annua:Examl
Paper: lll(Old Cource)


Time:3 Hrso Marks:loo

:・ :丁 :・ ::.!,

Note: Attempt any FIVE Quesfion s. All questions carry equat marks.

Qucfion I Write adctailed no& on idcalism, utilituianim and individuatis

{SdJ tff * €$lJtl -rd .rS"t c+Sil ry.$"g qI3.
@cdlon 2 Whs are the ditrere,ns betrrm sarc md goveinmeu( stet€ and society and
statc and associations?

?-f &.t LS u. gJtt *l -ul,:&liJ.ul a-Jitr Jrl cd{J r€legfir J st rt J

Quertion 3 Whd is political soiencc? Whd is the cysEm aproach and ths bchsviomt

fa$ d* jJL Jrl JX,t "Ilil ls rttil Iat lS r!4#Jr.

Querfion { Writs a dstailed aots on the formr of goverme,nt
?,;1 t$ €lrL. Jil €i..;lir$ ;,rutOS r;J*.rJ rr5 Cr+

Qustlon 5 Write a dctailed note on firndamoutrt righb in constitntion of Tu*ey

耐`等 ハ 出 襲f目 が 畿 ト
Qunt10t 6憮 震 機 薇mmoes獅 回 Fidmtid and輝 鰤 曲 げ fOms of
Jい 中 山い ヽj轟 融 JJl脚 ‐
Qucaon 7Whatttthe珂 ∝ご田 b曲 ぱ憮 饉 耐 鴇,憮 legidmmdj饉岬
い― Jlい が 轟 JJ工 `鰤
Q■ maon3 W壼 蜂 admiled n● ● On ch漁 剛 5md薇 勁 眼 薦
J騨 `等 ハ 」 義ヽ JJl到国

Q●●t3om 9■ 価 おlaw nd mat“ its sO-7 matttthe面 臨 疇 b― laVJ and

耐 げ
JJい 中 釧 出 :J“ 盤?喘 い` が J Jlど いが
QueSt10n loヽ 随 ademilednotonpublicqttimmdpm― 中
“ .sSJ tly uJFit * r;rrri rirx $ e 4t
uNtvERsrry oF rHE PUNJAB i';",;;;: .-:-: ._..._ :
L.L.B. (05 Yearsl Part- l Annual Examination - 2021 !....................!
Politicalsciencel Paper: ll-A (New Course) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any FIVE Quesfion s. All questions carry equal marks.

Q 1: Wrib a d00ail0d uo& on potitical scicncc and cxflain its roldioffhip wi& otta social

;$ dilu 1r$ * 'i{&, {f,{ .rS il!" u+L.. 8.S. iS gI#J{. ourSJ &1i {rls..e a clplp
Q 2t Discuss in d€eit tbs tboorics of r0ctccrd ad drsw a aomprativa table fe ditise asd
s$r;S;,rlt3l5ril &S rrt tJ rLir-$.rxts,l&Jl {dlr.llilir u$Jda 0i

Q 3: Write r detnild $otc on imporftncc of Stos


Q {: Tlh* is sovereignty? Ttbd uc impotht fcatres ofneoessity of $eb?

tcg t$ r:J* nl- r i 1$ ,S .irlu.,'r dI c!*J fd $ .rIFl J[r3$

Q * IMrite adctriled nots or origins of SatF and its rtldod tteodx

ur*J &l ulr-.e ;q clU&,.&L $ ls t C'"'{*l
Q & Writc adctailod mtc sn Soorarfs
u#J,33i r$".f *$Ji-
Q ?: Whdis ptblic opinim? Disuss in &ail
uf$.!lt rl*.O ?.* lS ^.{* #;

Q 8: Writc a detaitod nots olt dmocracy and dcmosatic stylc of govcrumcd

13t J {* Jg crlJfi. j.*. cruj1l+
Q 9: Write a dotailsd notc on philomphy ofpolitictl roiencc

ursl &; r}..f 'J.rl * €ilI J sllfr..

Q 10: Writs ltc ditreruce betrvew potidctl scicooe ad phitosophy


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