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From what we

The process of how we to know

How it is Formed?
Value System

When the winds change, we must change

PA is a Set of Sails How we

success and
The Importance of New happiness information
Getting it

Review of past experience

Opinions of Others

An example to be followed

An example to be avoided


Study people who do well
Manner of Dress

The Power of Positive People we admire

People that inspires us

What is going on in our industry?

Our community?
What are facing our government?
Our neighbourhood

What are the new New opportunities?

breakthrough...? New tools and new
Chapter: One
Who are the new personalities
Developing Powerful that are influencing world and
Personal Philosophy local community?

Develop a of selective listening

To capture present moments for future review

Capture emotions for future re-experience

to think more objectively
Writing helps us
develop effective communication skills

Writing about Failures
Record our progress

What we
Determents what we
Thinking Process Influence what we
Defines what we
Attracts what we

accumulation of poor thinking

Failure is a result of
poor choices

Changing daily errors to daily disciplines

Repairs our thinking

Looking for errors to convert it to discipline

Failure is a function of Neglect

use it as a school, not as a weapon

past lessons
The Past Miracles of our future lies in the past past errors
past success

Make every day a opportunity begin a process of change

The Present
Mind has the capacity to and also has the ability to
The Future
Past experience and future excitement becomes today's servant
Designing Better Future Pulled by the , guided by the

Price Tags of Progress

Future Has Its Price Tags
Chapter: Two

We need each other's inspiration and cooperation

We Cannot Succeed By Ourselves
Avoid negative association Friends that influence us

Limited association
Finding people who have value,
Expanded Association and spending more time with them

Determines our of potential

Attitude Produces the of our activity
Attitude is Everything Predicts the of the result

Jim Rohn
Dreams has to be converted to energy
The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle Push ourselves in the present to experience the milder pain of discipline
pain of discipline weights only ounces while the pain of regret weights tons
All that we
Zygman Harnessing The Vision of Future All that we

than we have
Our to
than we are

Doing less than we should, is also being less than we could

What we
Enterprise is Better Than Ease Choosing action over ease, or labour over rest, develops
How we Fundamentals of Success
What we
Don't rest to long, because weed will take over your garden

The Human Comfort Zone The Ratio of Activity to Rest Make a rest necessity , not an objective

Chapter: Three We should never allow a affirmation to replace actions

Feeling better is not a substitute for doing better
Brings Danger of Short-Cut to Success Whatever we affirm must be the
The Two-Minute Warning We created our circumstances by our past choices
Change Begins With Choice We have the ability and the responsibility to make better choices every day
Conclusion To produce desired results, we must put intelligence and intensity into our activity
if not you'll be drowned in the River of Time Developing: Sense of Urgency
Learn To See A Picture Of Future in Advance The Need of Intelligent Activity Activity must be planned , refined and executed

Use to plan

Listen to the small voice within us

Creative Visualisation
Activity Must Be Planned
A Good Plan Is A Simple Plan
Activity Must Be Disciplined


Personal Possession Bank account

1. Looking at what we


To Plan
To Labour
To Measure
2. Use Your Time
To Invest
To Share
How to Measure Our Results
To Refine

What sort of people have we attracted

Are we well respected by others?
Do we honour our beliefs?
Do we try to see someone else point of view?
3. Looking at what we have
Do we express our sincere appreciation to our

Are we happy with who and what we have ?

We Attract by What We Become

Personal values is the magnet that attracts all good things into our lives
The greater our the greater our

Chapter: Four

Ways of Increasing
Success Must be Attracted, Not Pursued

Giving Careful Attention to

Life and labour get easier when knowledge is combined with new skills
The Value of New Skills Skills is the of our current abilities added to the of new talents

to earn less
to have less
To be then we have to read less
to think less
to try ess
The Two Choices We Face
to read every book that we can
to give and share
To all that we can be
to earn as much we can
to strive and produce and accomplish

Lifestyle is Reflection of Where we go

What we do
How we feel once we are there

Amount Doing the , but special in an way

more meaningful
making our hard more rewarding and
Lifestyle Is Not
Automatic Reward ultimately more productive
means ways to live uniquely
is a skill to be not condition to be pursued

is Art

not Accident
Lifestyle Must Be
Whit What You
Chapter: Five

You Strive For What You

Where Ever You Are There Master the art of

let it touch you

let emotions in

by thinking
by feeling
by acting
Letting Life Touch Us
by thinking
by feeling
by acting

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