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A project presented to Department of Information Technology Wisconsin International

University College, Ghana in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award Diploma in
Information Technology

JUNE, 2022
Candidate’s Declaration

We hereby declare that this project work is the result of our own original research and that no
part of it has been presented for another diploma in Wisconsin international university or

.................................................................................... Date...................................



.......................................... .......................................... Date...................................



Supervisor’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the project work were supervised in
accordance with the guidelines on supervision of dissertation laid down by Wisconsin
international university college.




Mobile games have been the center of the latest digital hype. Due to this reason, we chose Role
Playing Game (RPG) as our project topic. Being first in the software development world, the
problem statement was the lack of Game Simulation Centers for testing of newly developed
Game Applications. To begin with, we worked on the purpose of the study which was to use
mobile gaming as a graphical leaning tool for all software applications. We analyze objectives of
the project which is “to investigate the actual benefited of mobile gaming, to know the process
that takes pace when building an application” and actual benefits of mobile gaming and to
exercise our ability in software development. The study then explores the findings and history of
mobile game development and literature review, whereby learning theories were about Royce
Kimmon’s research on technology development. Onwards, we discussed the system
development used for the proposed RPG, which is the Waterfall Model that involved
requirements, design implement testing and maintenance. The computer languages used
in developing of the software were java and xml. Lasty, the study focused also on
analyzing and testing of the mobile application game which we used android oreo for the
application to work. In conclusion, we made sure that our application size had to be minimized
and be compressed to fit the android limit space and for the application to satisfy our aim we
hope to make it easily accessible on the internet.

KEYWORDS: Role-Playing Games, experimentation, culture, storytelling, game masters,

emotion modeling


We are sincerely grateful to our supervisor, Mr. Prince Yanum for his valuable support

throughout this project work.

We are also grateful to our parent and their tremendous support throughout the writing of this


Our sincere appreciation also goes to Mr. Kwame Assa-Agyie

We are grateful to you all Thanks you very much. We are eternally grateful.


This project is dedicated to our friends and families.


Contents Page


ABSTRACT....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.




LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................viii

CHAPTER ONE: : INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1

1.1 Statement of Problem..............................................................................................................1

1.2 Purpose of the Study...............................................................................................................2

1.3 Objective of the Project..........................................................................................................2

1.4 Research Questions.................................................................................................................2

1.5 Significance of the Study........................................................................................................2

1.6 Organizing of the Study..........................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................4

2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................4

2.2 History of Mobile Gaming......................................................................................................4

2.3 Advantages of Mobile Games.................................................................................................5

2.4 Disadvantages of Mobile Gaming..........................................................................................6

2.5 History of role Playing Game(Rpg)........................................................................................7

2.6 The Evolution of RPG............................................................................................................8

2.7 Related Literature...................................................................................................................9

2.9 Motivation for History and the topic of the middle Ages.....................................................14

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................16

Implementation of RPG..............................................................................................................16

3.1 Waterfall Model....................................................................................................................16

3.2 Requirement..........................................................................................................................18

3.3 Analysis................................................................................................................................18

3.4 Design...................................................................................................................................19


3.5 Design of Settings.................................................................................................................27

3.2.1 Character Design and Illustration......................................................................................29

CHAPTER FOUR: ANALYSIS AND TESTING.........................................................................40

4.1 Software testing method.......................................................................................................40


5.1 Summary...............................................................................................................................43

5.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................................43

5.3 Recommendation..................................................................................................................44



Figure Page

1 Waterfall-Model Diagram 20

2: Character Movement and Control 28

3: Character assembling and performance 28

4: Designing of Infinity Blade Component with Unreal 31

5: Importing of Infinity Component to unreal engine 4. 31

6: Completion of Masterpiece Plan 32

7: Various Characters at Mixamo That Can be downloaded. 33

8: Modification of Animation 33

9. A scape of unreal engine 4 in display 36

10. The layout of a Game development 37

11. Setting memory in Unity Game Development 40

12: The Interface of our RPG 41

13: Testing and Analyzing Mobile Application. 44

14: A successful landing page. 45


Mobile games and entertainment have been at the center of the latest digital hype, even though
consumers have been somewhat uncertain as to whether they are as enthusiastic as the industry
wants them to be the gaming industry as well as the mobile phone business has been pushing
mobile games as the next bestseller in digital culture with a rhetorical combination of
technological evolution and revolution. The Nokia N-Gage mobile media phone (2003), which
actually has recently turned out to be a less successful market product, was still a few years ago a
perfect expression of this enthusiasm and belief in the newness or particularity of mobile gaming:
"N-Gage is a totally new way to game. Computer games present themselves as one of the
enjoyable and effective approaches to improve cognitive abilities, particularly when dealing with
children. Compared to the traditional approach, computer games are certainly more engaging and
entertaining. Besides, computer games have the ability to impact a wider aspect of cognitive
abilities such as visual short-memory, multitasking and spatial cognition, which can all be
enhanced by playing games. The objective of this study is to evaluate players’ enjoyment using
RPG Model on mobile games. The evaluation of SuBingo was carried out by conducting expert
review session. Five expert reviewers were involved in this session. The result proved that the
experts agreed that SuBingo was enjoyable and can help users to further improve their mental
arithmetic skills. As a conclusion, the SuBingo game almost fulfills the criteria of RPG as one of
enjoyable mobile game. The results of the study are especially interesting for mobile game
developers and mobile phone operators as they shed light on the demographics and choices of
mobile gamers. We argue that if mobile games are ever to be diffused in greater extent to the
market, then a deeper understanding of the values and needs of the potential mobile game users
must be obtained. Role-Playing Games (RPGs) form one of the primary genres of games, and is
possibly one of the most widely varying game forms around. Furthermore, RPGs have been
designed for or ported between every existing hardware platform produced for games, in addition
to tabletop and live-action variations. RPGs formed one of the primary sources of inspiration for
the early evolution of computer games, and retain a strong influence to this date.

The diverse range of RPGs, which despite a strong variation across and within formats, share a
similar focus on providing the player with a character that grows and

1.1 Statement of Problem

Recent research has focused on tools that support the creation, review and sharing of student-

generated content for peer learning. However, we know little about the student perspective of

such activities just because software applications are mostly not available such is mobile gaming

and interactive software this leads to the lack of student who lack the ability to create something

new also Game Simulation Centers for testing is a major crisis in the development of mobile

software application since it is lacked in the African continent.

1.2 Purpose of the Study

The project focuses building a mobile game that has a first-person shooter graphical ability and

tend to interact with the user who plays. The game is of a Role-Playing Game ability that make

use of mobile factional imputations, in the entertainment world mobile games sees to decrees

depression such as our RPG.;

1.3 Objective of the Project

The purpose of this study was to find out how games affect the students' intellectual capacity in

relation to their academic performance and social behavior.

The key objectives are:

1. To investigate the actual benefit of mobile gaming.

2. To know the process and abilities that takes place when building major application


3. To exercise our ability in computer programing language.

1.4 Research Questions

1. How much would you be willing to pay for a mobile game?

2. What features in mobile games are you looking for?

3. Revenue that can be generated from mobile gaming.

4. How to implement mobile gaming for effective social interaction.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Gaming on smartphones and tablets, collectively denoted as mobile gaming, has increased

significantly during the last decade and is now a predominant form of gaming. Mobile gaming

generated US $77.2 billion in revenue and represented 49% of the global games market in 2020.

Despite this popularity, there has been relatively little research on mobile gaming compared to

non-mobile forms of gaming.

Gaming is a fantastic platform by which you can connect to strangers in a healthy competitive

way. Many mobile games allow people to interact and play together like new casinos 2020

games, action or fight games.

In the modern era, our lives have become so mu h busy and scheduled that it is quite difficult for

a person to take a break of days and relax. In this challenging time, mobile gaming acts as a

savior who has the potential to let you rescue from the tight scheduling and enjoy.

1.6 Organizing of the Study

Chapter one provides a general overview of the study area. It highlight the concept of mobile

gaming in RPG as an enterprise software solution, statement of the problem, purpose of the

study, the objective of the research as well as the research questions, the significance of the

study, delimitation of the study, limitation of the study and the organization of the rest of the


Chapter two reviews relevant literature of the study pertaining to the implementation of mobile

gaming on RPG

Chapter three captures the research methodology

Chapter four present the implementation of the solution and all design consideration

Chapter five discusses the summary, recommendation and conclusions with references and




2.1 Introduction

Currently, 3D applications appear to be one of the most modern and fast-growing software fields

from industrial point of view. The most popular subcategory among 3D applications is

considered to be mobile games. In 2007, the video game industry revenue was approximately

$60 billion; that almost equals the size of the US Department of Defense expenditures on

research. Furthermore, the game industry is so innovative that in many cases, the hardware and

software technological advancement, are applied to games before being adopted by other

scientific domains. Additionally, among the young game playing hours surpass television

watching and listening to music. Finally, concerning open-source communities, games appear to

be thriving.

2.2 History of Mobile Gaming

Many people think that the first mobile game was Snake, launched in 1997 on the Nokia 6110,

but that is not the case. The first mobile game was introduced three years earlier. In 1994 the

Hagenuk MT-2000 had a version of the popular arcade game Tetris pre-installed on the device,

which marked the beginning of what would become a majorly successful and profitable industry.

The mobile interface is now a multi-variant medium that incorporates a number of platforms—

predominantly smartphones and tablets or pads supported by iOS and Android operating

systems, but also inclusive of Nintendo and Sony portable game consoles and supported

software. It also circumscribes an expanding range of use-contexts and, as we have suggested, is

fast emerging as a significant space for gaming and playful social activities more broadly. Web-

capable smartphones are rapidly becoming ubiquitous, and together with app-based media

ecologies and the uptake of gamification strategies by businesses and developers, mobile games

are now increasingly infused into our mundane day-to-day media and communication practices.

This chapter provides a critical and historical overview of mobile gaming against the backdrop

of mobile media—from discrete offline casual games and portable console gaming to location-

based, mixed reality, cross-platform, and urban games, and more recently, the array of

downloadable playful and social applications for the touchscreen smartphone and handheld

tablet or pad. Since the launch of the first mobile game, thousands have followed, with over

900,000 active games on the App Store, making up 22% of the total. In 1997 when Snake was

first introduced, it became a worldwide phenomenon due to its simple gameplay, addictive

premise and the fact that it was suitable for all ages. The game even made a comeback in 2017

with the re launch of the Nokia 3310 at Mobile World Congress. Being the first games on

handheld phones with simple gameplay and short session lengths, Tetris and Snake are

predecessors of the genre known today as ‘hyper-casual games’, which are once again

populating the app stores.

2.3 Advantages of Mobile Games

i. Mobile Gaming Improves Your Mood: If you don’t believe that playing video games can

boost one’s mood, download FFXV A New Empire or Civilization Revolution 2 and start

building your own empire. You’ll soon see how good it feels when you work out how to

play a game. All of your cares just melt away, and you can be truly in the moment. A

good game can get you into a flow state, which can help you manage conditions like

anxiety and depression. Of course, you shouldn’t try to use games in place of medical

help or throw out your medication. But spending an hour or two on a favorite title really

won’t hurt and might actually help you to feel better.

ii. Mobile Gaming Brings People Together: It’s fair to say that many mobile games, like

Words with Friends 2 and Scrabble, are great at bringing people together. It might be

difficult to visit with granny when she lives three states away, but you can play with her

every night using online games. More and more people are doing just that – using mobile

games to maintain relationships. Many are even creating new communities with people

all over the world.

iii. Mobile Gaming Improves Problem Solving: Playing titles like Inspector Layton can help

to improve your problem-solving abilities. We all face lots of challenges in daily life that

require us to solve problems. Therefor training our brains to solve problems by playing

games is a great way to improve your critical skills. This will be particularly beneficial

for kids who struggle with problem-solving tasks at school. It’s easier to engage them in

a game than a school-work task that they may be struggling with.

iv. Boost your Brain Power: Mobile gaming can help to keep your brain engaged, improve

spatial awareness and even boost your memory when played regularly. That is why older

people should consider playing these games. Even playing just a few minutes each day

can be beneficial to memory, reflexes, and eyesight.

2.4 Disadvantages of Mobile Gaming

i. Dangerous Distractions: The first negative effect of mobile gaming is the potential for

distraction when performing another more important activity, such as driving. Video

games should never be played while driving. Some mobile games use the internet and

have the ability to push information and notifications to a player even when the player is

not actively playing. The game may send these alerts while a player is driving, and the

player may not identify the alert's origin as being from a game, or be tempted to check it

anyways, creating a potentially dangerous situation.

ii. Loss of Productivity: Many mobile games have a social aspect, or rely on other players

taking turns or participating in the game. In games like this, it's common to have alerts

and updates throughout the day about various things happening in different games. It's

also very tempting to take several minutes and quickly check on a game, or make a

quick move. These micro-transactions can quickly add up over the course of a day or

week, resulting in many wasted hours of productivity.

iii. Many mobile games have a social aspect, or rely on other players taking turns or

participating in the game. In games like this, it's common to have alerts and updates

throughout the day about various things happening in different games. It's also very

tempting to take several minutes and quickly check on a game, or make a quick move.

These micro transactions can quickly add up over the course of a day or week, resulting

in many wasted hours of productivity.

iv. Out of Control Spending: Many mobile games operate on a "free to premium" business

model, where the basic game is free, but extras within the game cost money. Some

players have found themselves spending large sums of money while playing games, in

an out of-control fashion. These types of games are potentially very dangerous to gamers

with any type of addictive personalities. There have also been reports of parents

allowing their children to use their devices to play their free games, and their children

have somehow managed to purchase items accidentally, with no way for the parent to

receive a refund.

2.5 History of Role-Playing Game (RPG)

The role-playing video game genre began in the mid-1970s on mainframe computers, inspired by

pen-and-paper role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons. Several other sources of

inspiration for early role-playing video games also included tabletop wargames, sports simulation

games, adventure games such as Colossal Cave Adventure, fantasy writings by authors such as J.

R. R. Tolkien, traditional strategy games such as chess, and ancient epic literature dating back to

Epic of Gilgamesh which followed the same basic structure of setting off in various quests in

order to accomplish goals.

After the success of role-playing video games such as Ultima and Wizardry, which in turn

served as the blueprint for Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, the role-playing genre eventually

diverged into two styles, Eastern role-playing games and Western role-playing games, due to

cultural differences, though roughly mirroring the platform divide between consoles and

computers, respectively. Finally, while the first RPGs offered strictly a single player experience,

the popularity of multiplayer modes rose sharply during the early to mid-1990s with action role-

playing games such as Secret of Mana and Diablo. With the advent of the Internet, multiplayer

games have grown to become massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG),

including Lineage, Final Fantasy XI, and World of Warcraft.

The role-playing video game genre began in the mid-1970s, as an offshoot of early University

mainframe text-based RPGs on PDP-10 and Unix-based computers, such as Dungeon, Pedit5

and DND. In 1980, a very popular dungeon crawler, Rogue, was released. Featuring ASCII

graphics where the setting, monsters and items were represented by letters and a deep system of

gameplay, it inspired a whole genre of similar clones on mainframe and home computers called


2.6 The Evolution of RPG

The Role-Playing Game, or RPG, is one of the most popular, and enduring genres in video

games, and continuous to grow stronger and stronger, making the most of the various advances

in technology. It’s spawned many sub-genres and regional variations, such as the JRPG

(Japanese Role-Playing Game), and RPG mechanics have found their way into other types of

game, including FPS, action adventures, and even sports. The deeper mechanics, and more

personal progression RPG’s allow enhances almost any game, and gives many a bigger sense of

achievement, as you’re not simply advancing through levels or quests, but improving your own

character, which is often designed and named by you. It’s your hero, your adventure, and so

you’re far more invested than playing a generic soldier, unrealistically busty heroine, or faceless

protagonist. Of course, with the more simplistic technology available, the RPG wasn’t always

the impressive romp around amazing virtual worlds we have today, and the likes of Skyrim,

Mass Effect, and Dragon Age were far away. In many ways, though, the core basics of the RPG

have always been present, whilst the genre as a whole has arguably grown more than any other.

Se, let’s have a look at this evolution, which has lead us all the way to the upcoming release of

our own RPG.

2.7 Related Literature

2.7.1 Foreign Literature

In line with Capcom, a game development company; develop an action role playing game (RPG)

named “Monster Hunter”. Monster Hunter gameplay follows a newbie hunter who must

complete quests given to him by a village elder. These tasks mainly include tracking and hunting

specific creatures, with the goal sometimes to kill and other times just to capture. Basic weapons,

armor, and other equipment can be purchased from village shops but most equipment is

constructed from collected resources including the spoils from defeating monsters and can

collect from various parts of a monster like hides, horns, and tails. A quest will generally

assigned how much time the player has to complete the quest generally 50 minutes, the goals of

the quest, the location of the quest, and other restrictions.

In a Japanese anime and manga Toriko series written and illustrate by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro,

is about the adventure of Toriko one of the hunters having his dream to find the most precious

foods in the world and create the ultimate dinner course. As one of the most skilled hunters in

the world he is regularly hired by restaurants and the rich to seek out new ingredients and rare

animals. A man with inhuman ability, he utilizes his incredible strength and knowledge of the

animal kingdom to capture ferocious, evasive and rare beasts to further his final goal, the

ultimate dinner course composed of the most delicious food in the world. He is currently

accompanied by a weak and timid chef who, inspired by Toriko’s ambition, travels with him to

improve his culinary skills and find rare ingredients.

Gods Eater Burst is a 2011 PSP action role playing experience with an interesting adventure that

has players hunting down monsters with massive swords and guns. Focused on the collection of

items from slain enemies in order to enhance your weaponry that set in a futuristic Japan the

world has been ravished by a monster race known as the Aragami. This came in all shapes and

sizes as well as having their unique weaknesses which successful characters will aim to

capitalize on. These humans that fight against the Aragami belong to the Fenrir organization and

use their powerful God Arcs as weapons. The God Arcs are powerful weapons that can switch

between a gun and blade form quickly which gives players two distinct options in combat and

are often encouraged to switch between the two for maximum effect as in order to fire your gun

it will first need to be charged through melee attacks. Another important element of combat is

the ability for your weapons to literally take a bite out of the enemy, allowing you to enter Burst

Mode which increases your power and abilities for a short time. The battles aren’t a solo affair

either in Gods Eater Burst with 3 AI companions (or friends) joining players for each and every

encounter. With more than 100 missions packed into the game these team members will serve

you well and can be customized with a range of cosmetic clothing. Other items such as bullets

can also be customized heavily in Gods Eater Burst by obtaining items from slain enemies.

Dragomon Hunter, called Dragon Slayer Online in Asia, is an anime inspired fantasy monster

collecting MMORPG with hundreds of unique Dragomons to collect. The game features action-

oriented combat where individual attacks must be aimed manually. It is the latest in X-Legend’s

growing catalogue to reach a Western audience. The Aeria-published MMORPG features a nice,

cel-shaded style with a bright, vibrant look to it and chibi characters. It has seen a number of

comparisons to Monster Hunter and Pokemon since it was first announced. The world of

Dragomon Hunter is just waiting to be explored with every corner of the anime themed game

world teeming with creatures of all shapes and sizes. From the ferocious dinosaur like creatures

to those that are timider but just as deadly each battle will put your skills and tactics to the test.

Unlike more traditional MMOs that are simply about grinding out monsters for experience

Dragomon Hunter changes up the formula to directly reward players for their hunting with loot,

materials and even a potential new mount. With every enemy in the Dragomon Hunter game

world a potential mount through taming there has never been a better way to show off your latest

conquest to other players. Whether you’re goal is to collect all the monsters that inhabitant the

world, craft the best possible gear by focusing on only the rarest of foes or teaming up with

friends for the ultimate hunt Dragomon Hunter has so much to offer.

Based on Chris Roper, Sony Computer Entertainment's team behind the critically acclaimed ICO

developed a game Shadow of the Colossus. Players take the role of a young man seeking the

truth of an ancient tale of power hidden in a mystical land. Shadow of the Colossus is a majestic

journey through ancient lands to seek out and destroy gigantic mythical beasts. With a trusty

horse at your side, players explore the spacious lands and unearth each towering Colossus

creature. The uneasy task of defeating a Colossus relies on intelligent puzzle solving and action

oriented-gameplay. Armed with strong wits, a mystical sword and a sturdy bow, players use

cunning and strategy to topple each behemoth.

2.8 Learning Theories

Learning theory refers to how a student receives, processes, and retains knowledge during

learning. There are 5 main learning theories, namely:

Programmed instruction: A new method of teaching which features careful

organization of the subject matter and active participation by the student.

Constructivism: This focuses on the importance of socio-cultural context in

understanding what occurs in the world through social interaction

Behaviorism: To be produced by stimulation and reinforcement; in addition, it proposes
that learning is manifested by a change in behavior

Cognitivism: Cognitivists consider learning not to be simply stimulation and

reinforcement, that involve thinking abilities.

Humanism: Instantiated within game-based learning. The central assumption of

humanism is that individuals act with intentionality and values.

These 5 major learning theories shape the modern discussions surrounding technology

integration, Kimmons, R. (2018).

In the last years, several studies have been conducted that reviewed works related to the use of

RPG in education. But, normally, with a reduced scope, in the following ways:

 focused on a specific type of application, addressing the issues associated with

pedagogical aspects of the student learning outcomes, evaluating the impact of RPG

in the student’s motivation and performance, etc. These studies are also quite

different, regarding the number of works analyzed and the period under analysis

Review Year Focus Studies Timespan

1) 2019 Trends in mobile game-based learning 113 2007–2016

2) 2018 Augmented reality RPG: pedagogical, technological, and gaming aspects 31 2012–


3) 2017 Augmented reality RPG: impact on student's motivation and performance 17 2012–


4) 2017 Augmented reality RPG: efficacy, effects on students learning outcomes and social

interactions 26 2006–2016

5) 2015 Augmented reality RPG: outcomes regarding student learning 7 2000–

2014 [6] 2012 RPG: narrative structure and interaction modes 2004–2010

Finally, where we found that there are still technical barriers to wider adoption of RPG in

education; many opportunities for innovation and further work remain in the area. New

frameworks and libraries to facilitate development and content creation by users that have no

formation in the area can still be created or improved in usability and technologies included.

New strategies, possibly borrowed from other popular mobile game genres can be applied to

make location-based game learning more appealing.

This special collection includes revised versions of six papers from the thematic sessions. Four

of them describe case studies while two others are more theoretical and methodological. Three

of the papers are published in this issue, and the remaining three will be published in the next

issue of JASSS, in June 2003.

Etienne et al. describe the use of both RPG and Account-Based Marketing (ABM) tools within

an ongoing negotiation process. They use an Account-Based Marketing (ABM) within an

interactive setting concerned with local planning issues. Their simulation interface resembles the

territory covered by the negotiation. The use of various viewpoints about the evolution of the

land was important because it made the discussion about acceptable trends easier.

Etienne used RPG sessions to learn from the behaviors of players so that he might improve his

representations for further versions of the (Account-Based Marketing) he was building.

Repetition of sessions with various sets of players enabled him to identify a typology of

emergent collective behavioral patterns, constituting benchmarks for the calibration of his ABM.

Although his RPG initially aimed at providing inputs for the ABM design, it also proved to be

suitable for learning. This experiment shows that even if quite different goals are at stake when

designing these experiments, multi-objective tools may be considered, and potential side-effects

must be dealt with.

Barreteau proposes a classification of joint uses of RPG and models, based on the case studies

presented at the ISEE conference in Sousse, as well as other experiments published elsewhere.

These come from experimental economics and policy exercises. This classification leads him to

consider the use of RPG and models together as a post-normal version of an experimental

approach to complex systems.

In a paper in the next issue, D'Aquino et al. presented a methodology for using ABM and RPG in

local planning. They have gone the furthest with the idea of participatory modeling: for them, an

RPG is the expression of the model collectively designed by stakeholders, while an ABM is its

computerized implementation was to ease the simulation of various scenarios.

Also in the next issue, Duijn et al. described an experiment at the heart of negotiation processes,

tested through a simulation of negotiation. They made use of a traffic simulation in a virtual

Dutch city. Their approach separated the representation of "physical processes” (traffic, city

development) in the computer model from the social interactions in the game model. The

benefits of this approach for the outcome of the negotiation process arose from the quick and

easily understandable feedback to participants about the implications of the proposed options.

Finally, Dare and Barreteau discussed the connection between what is happening in an RPG and

real social relationships: the extent to which real village life is represented in the RPG. They

proposed a methodology for such an assessment built upon the analysis of sessions of an RPG,

aiming at developing an ABM of an irrigated system in a Senegal River valley.

2.9 Motivation for History and the topic of the middle-Ages

In our analysis of covariance, no significant differences were found between playing the game

versus attending regular lessons with respect to motivation for the subject of History in general

or the topic of the Middle Ages in particular. As technical problems might have influenced the

motivational results, the analyses were repeated for the data when split into days 1–3 and 4–10,

but still no significant differences were found for the game versus regular instruction groups.

Hypothesis 1, namely that the motivation for History in general and the topic of the Middle Ages

in particular would differ for those pupils playing the Frequency RPG versus those pupils

receiving a regular class on motivation.



Implementation of RPG

In this chapter the project presents the system development methodology used in the developing

of the proposed RPG.

The chapter also presents the systems requirement for the RPG while highlighting on the

software methods used in and the android OS capable of maintaining our RPG.

The proposed methodology used was that of the Waterfall Model

3.1 Waterfall Model

Figure1 Waterfall-Model Diagram

In implementing the RPG software pack to meet the client or player requirement, it is imperative

the study is able to take the requirement given by the client in non-technical terms and deduce

from it, a working system that meets these requirements. Most often, players will have an idea of

getting the work done is the sole responsibility of the design and the Implementation engineers.

They are for taking the ideas of the players and bringing it to life.

The waterfall model ensures a modular approach to system development thereby ensuring that

all stages are completed before the next phase can begin. In doing so the player is kept updated

on every step of gateway in t6he design and implementation cycle of the solution.

3.2 Requirement

During the requirement gathering phase, key attributes the solution must address are collected.

This ranges from the number of extension/users to required service such as the mobility, Instant

Messaging and Presence. From a system development perspective based on the waterfall model,

the requirement will be looked at in terms of functional and non

Functional requirement


i. Epic Lancher

ii. Unreal Engine 4

iii. Daz 3D studio


v. Unity Game development

vi. Core Game design

vii. Infinity Blade Component

viii. Android studio

ix. Android oreo

Non-Functional Requirement

i. GDL.dll (application extension)

ii. Bottom data xenom (configuration setting)

iii. Data2com (BH file)

iv. launch.dat (DAT File) Note: A DAT file is a data file that contains specific information

about the program.

3.3 Analysis

The next step is to perform an analysis of the requirement to determine what is achievable and

what is not. Usually, customers will bring out requirement that is not feasible with the current

implementation of the solution. For the purpose of the project work, we will work with the scope

of the functional and non-functional requirement as addressed in 3.2.ii.

3.4 Design

In this section we design our solution to be able to meet the requirement mentioning in section

3.2 this requires looking at hardware requirement for the solution, the network layout and any

other design consideration that should be taking into consideration such as choice of codes as

well as quality of service considerations.

The choices of code were Java and XML (Extensible Markup Language)


XML provides a standard method to access information, making it easier

for applications and devices of all kinds to use, store, transmit, and display

data also XML makes it easier to express metadata in a portable, reusable


[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<module name="">


<entry key="af" split="" />

<entry key="am" split="" />

<entry key="ar" split="" />

<entry key="as" split="" />

<entry key="az" split="" />

<entry key="be" split="" />

<entry key="bg" split="" />

<entry key="bn" split="" />

<entry key="bs" split="" />

<entry key="ca" split="" />

<entry key="zu" split="" />






Java is used to write applications for different platforms that run JRE and supports applications

that run on a single device like a desktop or mobile phone. Java can also be used to develop

applications that work in a distributed manner. That means the same application can be

distributed between servers or clients in a network and can be executed synchronously.

Java is used for:

 GUI applications

 Mobile applications

 Embedded systems


Public final Object invoke (Object object, Method method, Object,arrobject)

{ Object object2;

Object object3 = object2 = this.a;

synchronized (object3) {

if (this.b == 0L) {

return null;

try {

return JNIBridge.invoke(this.b, method.getDeclaringClass(), method,

arrobject); }

catch (NoSuchMethodError noSuchMethodError) {

if (this.c == null) {

System.err.println("JNIBridge error: Java interface default methods are only supported since

Android Oreo");

throw noSuchMethodError;

if ((1024 & method.getModifiers()) != 0) throw noSuchMethodError;

return a.super.a(object, method, arrobject);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="fill_parent"

android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:minHeight="40.0dip"

android:paddingStart="15.0dip" android:paddingEnd="15.0dip">

<ImageView android:id="@id/browser_actions_menu_item_icon"

android:paddingTop="10.0dip" android:paddingBottom="10.0dip"

android:layout_width="20.0dip" android:layout_height="fill_parent"

android:scaleType="centerInside" android:contentDescription="@null" />

<TextView android:textSize="15.0sp"



android:id="@id/browser_actions_menu_item_text" android:layout_width="0.0dip"

android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1.0"

android:layout_marginStart="10.0dip" />




Figure 2: character movement and control

Figure 3: Character assembling and performance

Properties and Capabilities

Our RPG game was crated with Unreal engine and Epic game development the game was also

programmed in XML and Java language, users control animation through Android screen

rotation and senses

The properties of Our RPG include:

Interactivity: One common property of every RPG game is about it interactivity the player who

assume the role off his device interact with a, intelligent retrieval, neural-networks.

Participatory simulation: the players themselves act out key parts in an immersive recreation of a

dynamic system. Each player carries a networked device (phone) which allows them to become

part of the dynamic system they are learning about.

User input: In some situations in the game, user input is required and players are able to input

information when required which improve player’s critical thinking abilities and choice making.

Skills Arena: (Lee et al 2004) is a mathematics video game, implemented using the Nintendo

Game Boy Advance system, that supplements traditional curricula and teaching methods. Drills

in addition and subtraction are presented as a game with advanced scoring and recordkeeping,

character creation and variable difficulty level. Players can select the name and physical traits of

their character, which they use to compete.

Skills Arena (Lee et al 2004) is a mathematics video game, implemented using the Nintendo

Game Boy Advance system that supplements traditional curricula and teaching methods. Drills

in addition and subtraction are presented as a game with advanced scoring and recordkeeping,

character creation and variable difficulty level. Students can select the name and physical traits

of their character, which they use to compete.

Mixed Media: Our RPG is made up of many animation and graphical content that include 3D,

Motion Graphics, Stop Motion and traditional Animation.

You see, in this day of amazing technology, lightning fast communications and constant, exciting

innovation, there is nothing that comes close to role-playing. That's because we utilize thultimate

computer, the one that can think for itself, imagine and dream - the human mind

3.5 Design of Settings

The Setting (including the time, place and season of the game) was created with epic launcher

that was used to download and use the infinity blade asset

Infinity Blade Temple is a collection of high quality Eastern-inspired and desert environment

pieces. Rediscover the original Infinity Blade franchise with one of four free environment packs

built from a collection of mobile ready assets.

A search on the vault of infinity blade

Figure 2: Designing Of Infinity Blade Component with Unreal

Figure 3: Importing of Infinity Component to unreal engine 4.

Figure 4: Completion of Masterpiece Plan

3.2.1 Character Design and Illustration

Characters were downloaded from edited with DAZ 3D studios then imported

unreal engine 4.27.2 to be used and modify the various animations for the characters were also

downloaded for the example of the characters for the protagonist to die, walk, smile, etc had to

be attached with the download characters.

Figure 5: Various Characters at Mixamo That Can be downloaded.

Figure 6: Modification of Animation

System Requirement

System requirement very from implementations to implementations. Depending on the number

file and software programs needed to create the applications more RAM will be needed in the

first place. The major determining factor for this is how long we will need to generate an RPG

application in less than 3 weeks with less testing and trials settings, for the project work the

entire development will be done in an engine studio (unreal and unity game development)

This required an android application to be built on Windows Operating System;

Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)

3 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended (plus 1 GB for the Android Emulator)

2 GB of available disk space minimum, 4 GB recommended (500 MB for IDE plus 1.5 GB for

Android SDK and emulator system image)

1280 x 800 minimum screen resolutions.

Installations of the software

Unity helps game developers’ teams work collaboratively and create games with 2D and 3D

development features. It is a cross-platform game engine that supports different desktop, mobile,

and other platforms. Unity is popular for indie game development and is also easy to use for

beginner developers.

Besides 2D and 3D games, users can create interactive simulations for video gaming and

animation for film making, automotive, engineering, and other industries. Moreover, Unity

allows importing asses from other 3D applications or you can also buy the assets directly from

other stores. Since Unity is one of the most used and most famous development platforms, users

can find help materials, guides and get community support very easily.

Supported platforms:

Mobile platforms like iOS and Android

Desktop platforms - Windows, Mac and Linux

Web platform - WebGL

Console platforms like PS4, PS5 and Xbox

Virtual/Extended reality platforms like Oculus and PlayStation VR

Unreal Engine is another popular game engine platform. It is mostly used for the development of

3D games, but other industries are also using Unreal Engine. For instance, the film industry uses

it for the creation of virtual sets and animated movies.

Unreal Engine is considered to be user-friendly and one of its biggest advantages is that it

doesn’t require programming skills. There is also a marketplace where developers can get paid

and free store assets to use with the platform. Just like Unity, Unreal Engine supports desktop,

mobile, and other platforms, which is another strong feature for game developers.

Supported platforms:

Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux

Android and iOS

Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Series X/S] and Stadia Magic Leap,

HTC Vive, Oculus, PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR, and HoloLens 2 Architecture,

Layout and Simulation Test Bed

Figure 2. A scape of unreal engine 4 in display

Application architecture is a set of technologies and models for the development of fully

structured mobile programs based on industry and vendor-specific standards. As you develop the

architecture of your app, you also consider programs that work on wireless devices such as

smartphones and tablets.

Typically, even a visually perfect and thoughtful design will reveal its invisible imperfections

when put into production. A design usually looks perfect at the artist’s big screen, but it doesn’t

look the same on the user’s smartphone. That’s why it’s crucial to test the game with real players

on various devices to ensure it surpasses all expectations.


Ask real players to complete your game. Based on the data of testing, you’ll notice the unseen

flaws in the design.

Always do a comprehensive assessment of your game. Improve the gameplay using gathered

analytics and users’ ratings.

Figure 3. The layout of a Game development

How the Emulator Works: All computers–including mobile devices–work on an ISA, that is,

Instruction Set Architecture. This is a set of instructions written in machine-language that your

processor understands. Different processor families (think Intel, AMD, ARM, etc.) have their

own instruction set architectures, which they implement in their own ways.

The emulator mimics the target/mobile device processor. Then it translates its ISA into the one

used by your computer, through a process called binary translation. This binary (ABI–or

Application Binary Interface) can be equipped with a compatible operating system and APIs.

Capabilities: The emulator can give you virtual device instances with near-native capabilities

and extended controls to adjust the devices’ physical sensors, battery state, geo-location, and


Limitations: These near-native capabilities come with a significant performance overhead,

mostly due to binary translation.

It is possible to speed up the ABI translation through hardware-assisted virtualization (also

Known as hardware acceleration). If the mobile device you’re emulating has the same ISA as

your computer, the emulator can skip the translation and run the virtual device directly on your

workstation’s hardware.

There are two problems with this. First, there’s the precondition–the ISAs of your computer and

target mobile device need to match. Most commercially available mobile devices run on ARM’s

architecture. Almost all computers work on Intel x86. Their ISAs are categorically different from

each other.

You also need a sizable list of hypervisor components just to enable hardware acceleration.

These are tricky to set up, even for the more experienced programmers.

In honesty, virtual mobile device emulators can be rather unreliable when it comes to testing

Android apps and websites. Given their various limitations, they simply cannot replicate real

world conditions, thus leading to inconclusive and inaccurate results. They cannot be trusted to

test apps and websites for public release.

It is far easier and more trustworthy to test on real Android devices. That way, you know exactly

how the site or app will operate in the hands of end-users.

Test on Real Android Devices

Setting the Memory for the Application

Before you can fix the memory usage problems in your app, you first need to find them. The

Memory Profiler in Android Studio helps you find and diagnose memory issues in the following


See how your app allocates memory over time. The Memory Profiler shows a real-time graph of

how much memory your app is using, the number of allocated Java objects, and when garbage

collection occurs

Initiate garbage collection events and take a snapshot of the Java heap while your app runs.

Record your app's memory allocations and then inspect all allocated objects, view the stack trace

for each allocation, and jump to the corresponding code in the Android Studio editor.

Figure 4. Setting memory in Unity Game Development

Setting an Interface

The interface design of mobile games is always a HUGE challenge. It requires such a wide range

of skill sets to take it from concept to completion. On Top of that, most mobile games are their

interfaces, with a vast majority of the game taking place within the interface, unlike many of

their PC & console cousins. To make it exponentially harder, interface designers must also

understand monetization, retention, and many other topics related to mobile games. There are

many reasons why designing the interface for a game is so complicated and it’s important that

you try to understand all of the various problems you will or might face in order to make your

game successful. Whether you are a UI or a UX designer, do both, are a game designer, a

Product Manager or are involved with the design of the game's interface in any ways, it’s

important you keep some of the interface design best practices in mind as you work.

Note: The difference between UI and UX.

If you are new to interface design it is important that you understand the differences between UI

and UX. At the most basic level UI (User Interface) is more about making an interface look good

(i.e. the art behind it), while UX (User Experience) is about how the interface functions

Figure 5: The interface of our RPG


Research Questions

Why do people need to engage in mobile gaming?

Why do students tend to be bored when it comes to their studies?

And how mobile gaming can fix that?

How does Role-Playing Game increase the cognitive abilities of students? How does game-

based learning create a risk-free environment for people?

1.3 Problem Statement

History of Problem

One thing worth recognizing in our society is the lack of technological expansion. In Africa it’s

not easy for the low class to have a real excitement about how to use digital automation. The

game which is free to access and play will improve the society and make it better to know more

about mobile gaming and application.

The game will also open opportunities for many who have been inspired to make up and build

mobile and computer-based applications.

1.4 Significance

This project brings in knowledge on how animations and 3-dimension of artwork function also it

brings about the use of software blueprint to establish something unique.

The game being nonfiction also brings in the life story of a narcotics drug dealer that plays the

role of historical background.

This project added to the amount of knowledge by providing additional information on the role

of Educational games in enhancing students' cognitive capacity.

In addition, this project aimed to create an RP GAME for the students of Wisconsin International

University College, imitating their experiences at the university.

1.6 Limitations and Assumptions

1.6.1 Assumptions

The assumptions made at the start of this project to end are as follows:

1. That no one had ventured into this same project topic.

2. Coding and illustrating this game should have taken a couple of months and may not be

finished by the time of deadline for submission of this project. So, it was assumed all

were taken into consideration with enough time with testing.

1.6.2 Limitations

1. Looking for references and resources for this project proved to be a challenge as there were

no records of such a project being made?

2. The prices of land components, sounds used for the project was really expensive that we

couldn’t purchase.

3. The creation of this project took a lot of time because, in addition to numerous blocks of code,

I also had to illustrate all the characters and the design of the blueprint, and the artificial




4.1 Software testing method.

We conducted research on mobile app testing in two ways: First, the test method of the mobile

app. Second, test the test methods and tools commonly used in mobile apps in software

companies. We learn from others in these two areas and learn about mobile app testing.

Figure 6: Testing and analyzing mobile application.

Figure 7: A successful landing page.

In designing the instrument, we started the process by defining the decision context, which in

this case is “whether or not to buy a mobile game”. We searched the literature for constructs to

be used in the questionnaire. From those studies, we gathered constructs related to the consumer

values on mobile games. As a result of this literature review, we formulated an initial

questionnaire. This initial questionnaire was then sent out to experts for a review in order to

complete and validate the questionnaire I

nstrument from a practitioner point of view. The group of experts included teleoperators, mobile

game developers, and a handset manufacturer. During this round of expert revision, two or three

questions were added and the phrasing of some of the questions was modified. After the expert

revision, we wanted to make sure that the questionnaire is scientifically rigorous. Therefore, we

summoned a group of researchers (two ISS professors, one ISS assistant professor and four PhD

students) to test the questionnaire. During the focus group, two or three questions were modified.

The final set of 62 constructs (25 fundamental objectives and 37 means objectives).



5.1 Summary

The study shows that, RPG is becoming an attractive media options for consumers. Given that

the trend towards lower fees for basic mobile gaming service and the brisk adoption of software

applications about RPG usage should only gain popularity with time. However, as RPG usage

increases, so will the potential threats to the typical gaming addict while RPG vulnerabilities are

typically similar to every mobile application, it very difficult for developers in Africa to


RPG is fetching more popular than previous, and is sketching rapid mounting interest from all

participants inloved. Due to the cost-effectiveness, flexibility and promise that leverginga single

on mobile applications, it is no wonder that institutions are looking hard at the RPG technology

and trying to figure out how to use it to their advantages.

5.2 Conclusion

In conclusion, graphics are presumably progressive in the creative field of computer games. The

more reasonable the visuals, the higher the framework prerequisites and the more costly the

equipment. Due to this issue gamer around the globe have to improve their PCs and computer

game consoles have a rich history which shows their improvement with time. The headways in

the improvements increment the proficiency of the consoles. Most recent structures and3

advancements will in general be much easier to understand than the ones before. These

progressions have consistently caused fervor in the diversion area for individuals who are keen on

it. This recommends future changes and improvements in innovation are probably going to

happen. In this way, these intuitive PCs may stay at the highest point of the world gaming market

for quite a while to come.

5.3 Recommendation

The project also recognizes the fact that Wisconsin International University has train and

equipped young programmers for such a task ahead in the computing world, much recognitions

goes to Mr Kwame Assa-Agyei and Mr Prince Yanum for the guidance and teachings. RPG as a

major brand in the mobile communication is making head ways to and bringing societies

together Ongoing interaction is one of the frequently utilized words in the game community, at

the same time its significance isn’t clear. This can fluctuate from assaulting the adversary in

first-person shooters to giving orders for the development of new structures in technique games.

Thus, gameplay is an even structure of cooperation and communication that permits the players

to do what they want to do. A decent ongoing interaction concedes the player a fitting interaction

within the game world yet additionally sets certain limits without impeding wanted activities.


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