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Excel test.

Please answer all questions

1) A sample of the list of clients is shown below (june 2023 P2 #1 E& F)

(e)(i) The function that would achieve the total number of clients is the COUNT function.

(ii) There are seven female clients.

(i) The COUNTIF can be utilized here to extract these clients.
(ii) There are five male clients.

2) June 2023 # 3
(a)(i) =SUM(B5:F5)

(ii) =B12*5

(b) The spreadsheet feature that allows a user to summarize and manipulate data without making
changes on the worksheet are the sort and filter features.

(c) =AVG(B3:F3) which is the average feature that was used here.

(d) P1: Look up Value

P2: Table Reference

P3: Column Index

P4: Return Value

3)( Jan 2023 P2 # 2)

(i) I would change the row label field from salesperson to region.
(iii) =SUM(C2:C16)
(iv) =Quarter1Sales!C17
(v) =B1/C1*100
4)( June 2021 P2 # 3 C)

(2 marks)

(i) The steps are as follows; go to insert, then charts, after column graph and finally format the
graph based on the naming of the axes such as naming the y-axis the number of students
and the x-axis being the days.
(ii) =AVG(E2:E11)
(iii) =IF(E2>30,”YES”,”NO”)
(iv) The formula can be copied through the following cell range by dragging the formula down
the cell range along the column from the bottom right of the cell be dragged down.

5)(Jan 2022 P 2 #1C)

(i) =B3/C3*100
(ii) The reason for the result displayed in cell D9 is because there was no value in cell C9 to
divide cell B9 by hence it meant dividing cell B9 by 0 which is an undefined operation
givingv the error #DIV/0!.

(d)(i)Numeric data is displayed as numbers in a cell.

(ii)Alphanumeric or text data is displayed as letters in a cell.

(e) =B3/$B$10*100

(f)(i) Relative cell addressing

(ii) Absolute cell addressing

(iii) This type of cell addressing was used here in cell E3 to retain the cell address of B10 when the
formula is copied through the cell range E4:E10.
6)( June 2019 #8)

(a) d/m/y



7) (Jan 2019 #2 in productivity tools section)

(a)(i) =SUM(B2:B5)

(ii) =AVG(C2:C5)

(iii) =C2*D2

(c)(i) The range of cells to perform the sort is C2:C5.

(ii) Dinner as an activity would be at the bottom after the sorting is completed.

8)(June 2018 #7)

(a)(i) The names of the functions that produced the results in cells D9 and D10 are the sum and
average functions.
(b) =IF(D5>2,”Yes”,”No”)

(c) The appropriate range of cells that would be selected to create a chart that compares the
number of trips and pieces of luggage for each passenger are B3:B7 and D3:D7.

9) (June 2017 #7)

(a) The type of alignment that has been applied to column A is centered alignment.

(b) The values in column F are displayed as decimals because they percentages that are numbers
formatted into the text format representing the percent as a decimal.
(c) The new formula is =E3/$E$5.

(d) The two cells whose values will be affected are E3 and F3.

10) (Jan 2018 # 8)

(a) =B2*C2
(b) Hover the cursor over the bottom right corner of cell D2 and drag all the way down to D8 to copy
the formula down the column within the cell range.

(c)(i) The cost per item was the field used to sort the spreadsheet.

(ii) Ascending order was used to sort the field.

(Total 89)

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