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Submitted to Ass.Prof Endaweke

Submission Date 17/2/216
effectively sets the stage for the essay by introducing the topic of good legal writing
and highlighting the importance of clarity. It also establishes the writer's credibility
by mentioning the source of the essay and acknowledging the struggles that law
students face in achieving clear writing. The promise to share ideas on achieving
clear legal prose creates anticipation for the rest of the essay. Additionally, the
mention of editing and communication suggests a practical approach to improving
writing skills.
elements that contribute to good legal writing. One important aspect is the clarity
and conciseness of the content. Legal writing should be free from unnecessary
jargon and complex language that may confuse the reader. Instead, it should use
plain language that is easily understandable to a wide audience.
Furthermore, a coherent and consistent form is crucial in legal writing. This includes
organizing the content into logical sections with clear headings and subheadings. By
doing so, the reader can easily navigate through the document and understand the
main points being made. Additionally, integrating facts, court analysis, and policies
into a unified structure helps to support the writer's argument and provide a
comprehensive analysis.

The process of writing also plays a significant role in producing good legal writing. It
involves generating content and blending it effectively with the chosen form. This
requires careful planning and organization, ensuring that each component part of
the analysis is addressed in a logical and systematic manner.

A strong introduction is essential in engaging the reader and setting the stage for the
paper. It should clearly state the thesis or main point of the writing and provide a
roadmap for the reader to follow. The writer should then develop their argument in
a well-structured manner, using smooth transitions between paragraphs to guide the
reader through their analysis.

Thorough but brief case discussions are important in legal writing. While it is
necessary to provide enough information about relevant cases to support the
argument, it is equally important to be concise and avoid excessive detail.
Addressing opposing arguments respectfully demonstrates a fair and balanced
approach to the topic, further enhancing the credibility of the writer's argument.

Finally, proper form should be observed in legal writing. This includes following
citation formats accurately and consistently, as well as using precise and accurate
language throughout the document. Attention to detail in these areas helps to
maintain professionalism and credibility.

By adhering to these guidelines, legal writers can enhance the quality and
effectiveness of their work. Clear and concise content, a coherent and consistent
form, and a thoughtful and organized process all contribute to producing well-
written legal documents that effectively convey the writer's ideas to their audience.
it is crucial to include your analysis early in your research paper or study. By doing
so, you capture the reader's attention from the start and keep them engaged
throughout. Additionally, by reminding the reader of your thesis or main argument,
you ensure that your analysis remains focused and coherent. Delaying the analysis
until later in the paper can lead to a loss of interest and may make it harder for the
reader to follow your argument. Therefore, starting your analysis early is essential
for effective and compelling legal writing.

By doing thorough and sufficient research, you ensure that your analysis is well-
informed and credible. It is important to find a balance between gathering enough
information to support your thesis and arguments, without overwhelming your
paper with excessive or irrelevant sources.

Consider the deadline for your paper and prioritize your time accordingly. If time is
limited, focus on finding the most relevant and reliable sources that directly relate to
your topic. This will help you avoid wasting time on unnecessary research and allow
you to allocate more time for analyzing and synthesizing the information you have

Remember that the quality of your research is more important than the quantity. It
is better to have a few strong and reliable sources that support your arguments
effectively, rather than a large number of sources that are not directly relevant or

the article provides six specific rules for good legal writing.
The first rule is to have a clear point or thesis. This means that the writer should
clearly state their argument or position and make it the focal point of their writing.
By doing so, they can ensure that their message is clear and that the reader
understands their main point.

The second rule is to get to the point quickly. Legal writing should not be filled with
unnecessary fluff or lengthy introductions. Instead, the writer should dive right into
their argument and present their points concisely and directly. This helps to keep the
reader engaged and focused on the main argument.

The third rule is to adopt a structure that integrates facts, court analysis, and
policies. Good legal writing should not simply present facts or arguments in isolation.
Instead, it should provide a clear and logical structure that connects these different
elements together. This helps the reader to understand how each piece of
information contributes to the overall argument.

The fourth rule is to break down the analysis into organized component parts.
Instead of presenting a long and convoluted analysis, the writer should break it down
into smaller, more manageable parts. This makes it easier for the reader to follow
along and understand the reasoning behind each point.
The fifth rule is to adopt a measured tone. Legal writing should be professional and
objective, avoiding overly emotional or biased language. By adopting a measured
tone, the writer can present their arguments in a persuasive and credible manner.

The sixth and final rule is to be concrete and simplify whenever possible. Legal
concepts can often be complex and difficult to understand. Therefore, it is important
for legal writers to use concrete examples and simplify their language whenever
possible. This helps to make the writing more accessible to a wider audience.

Legal writing is a skill that is crucial for any aspiring lawyer or law student. It requires
not only a deep understanding of the law, but also the ability to communicate
complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. In this paper, we will explore the
importance of good legal writing and how it can be achieved.

The introduction to a legal analysis serves as a roadmap for the reader, providing a
clear outline of the major themes and components of the analysis. It is essential to
avoid using suspense as a technique in legal writing, as readers want to know where
you're headed and what issues will be discussed. By providing a clear and concise
introduction, you can engage the reader from the start and set their expectations for
the rest of the paper.

Furthermore, it is important to make the reader excited about the topic and your
thesis by demonstrating its importance or interest. Whether it is a groundbreaking
legal argument or a timely issue, capturing the reader's attention in the introduction
can make them more invested in your analysis.

A good introduction should engage the reader and make them anticipate what will
be discussed in the paper. By setting the stage and highlighting the significance of
clear legal prose, we will explore practical ideas on how to improve writing skills,
including editing techniques and effective communication strategies.

In conclusion, this paper aims to shed light on the importance of good legal writing
and provide practical tips for achieving clarity in legal prose. By following these
guidelines, law students and aspiring lawyers can enhance their writing skills and
effectively communicate their ideas in the legal field.
Overall, the article provides a clear and concise overview of how to improve the
quality of research papers by addressing two common shortcomings.
The article does a good job of explaining why both depth and breadth are important
in research.
The guidance provided in the article is practical and actionable. It suggests specific
steps that researchers can take to address these shortcomings, such as conducting a
comprehensive literature review, considering alternative viewpoints, and conducting
additional data analysis or experiments. However, the article could benefit from
providing more specific examples or case studies to illustrate the points made.
Additionally, the article could delve deeper into the potential consequences of these
In terms of structure and readability, the article is well-organized and easy to follow.
The language used is clear and concise, making it accessible to a wide range of
Overall, the article provides valuable guidance for researchers looking to improve the
quality of their research papers. With some additional examples and deeper
exploration of the consequences of these shortcomings, it could be even more
Consider the deadline for your paper and prioritize your time accordingly. If time is
limited, focus on finding the most relevant and reliable sources that directly relate to
your topic. This will help you avoid wasting time on unnecessary research and allow
you to allocate more time for analyzing and synthesizing the information you have
Remember that the quality of your research is more important than the quantity. It
is better to have a few strong and reliable sources that support your arguments
effectively, rather than a large number of sources that are not directly relevant or
When conducting your research, make sure to critically evaluate the sources you
find. Consider the author's credibility, the publication's reputation, and any potential
biases that may be present. This will help you determine if the source is reliable and
if the information provided is accurate and unbiased.
Additionally, take notes as you conduct your research to keep track of important
information and ideas. This will make it easier to organize and synthesize your
findings later on.
Once you have gathered enough research, carefully analyze and synthesize the
information to support your thesis and arguments. Look for patterns, connections,
and gaps in the literature to develop a comprehensive and well-supported analysis.
When incorporating your research into your paper, make sure to properly cite your
sources using the appropriate citation style. This not only gives credit to the original
authors but also helps to strengthen the credibility of your analysis

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