Affiti - Magazine.chapter.1. .2003 AEROHOLICS

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EVERY ACT OF CREATION 16 FIRSTOF ALL ANACT oF DESTRUCTION _ pte eee een etna annette, Hoff senamert ee Uke the warrior ho grasps sword, so does the uniter lease for the confinements of 0 1 A thot is-defined by the system ule sharpen our blades along the coor is releosed ent wshen’-our-érecticx may Pip upon our brows but the strength comes from uithin. Abe bellies okin to the Somura! os he enters the bottle oui © wots reody in our jar design Is set Ing wildstyles thot deconstruct the confinement thot lies woiting to be twisted ond of language mou lon g sido donned upon a wx Only. 0 feu m truly comprehend or und: stond, but It is within this confinement thot “Lic’ as uriters are sot free ana fer ges Erirmrtelt) Gea eee cree Serene ae aes STE oe est aed | wos interested lived no-one was doing it. | hed at my preference to B es ic Boogalaa). Bact Street ho f wile | wos broking b member my friends they liked Elect we it come here ond ué really died in about 84. | started graff in 85. is 0 crew that Stylez (Fob 4) named and | wx Ik wos olways about a small number oF Now its really Just three of us. fi jobs. stuf like thot SUK; Mate from Suit me to be in alre yeah, BCF hay let onyone in SUK It mokes me proud to be on Aussi many good winters with style and techni organized. Italy. Croatia, Bosnia, New York, Bal etter is oll tis the art Farm, i try bo put Ui letter is writing F grate dope intings just to she You see millions ol characters ond perf fut when you see good letters Wy validates the ci New York. Yes this foundation for what coll winters do whether they emby or There is formula you Inow. You have to learn it and Know its hi ’ Denying is fuckin stupid. that ore avoiding letters with wishy wos cond in hase pieces dont omount t orticulor generation of Mv style that | practice me. is from 80 Lets soy this is the stufF we sow fi see so many people worldwid in Fustrotio, We were lucky the letters were already developed .80 - 85 (Bronx, Brooklyn, Monhotton) this is 20h oF letter development Daim and ™: mould and cholteng i> shit, thei ‘abstract god), Delta from Amsterdam, hat breaks t radition. but oll history and hou people know th came Fram Me ‘ork sty ring n those people [those people works ate board: for.exomple, the writers ‘ore marketable ond interesting, ts not it helps those thot work hard earn @ living Moybe. not reoll you get thot it Feel ‘© major motivation for me. but if end, up in ells wioy to much, the one memory that stonds out fs ‘when? “om? | getting out of here.” LL wos e nothing ever is ‘un swing on things ony something new with these influences, om alu meet pe hos always been o Sudney handful here in IF | see anyone fram my city does come out till | cant st iti me ond dor (the spint of wniter/bboy \ | get the occasiong. much beef, piéce Fucked up but thot hoppens when you here, ss me off but | dont even think about i anygmar con be violent e city that in busine the roads. every aspect of life seems to be o fight to get chead her se what t sting he world sow wi from Son unstoppable, To That would be nice, don't see much association here with using ond hop (breaking or music]. The cultures ore completely ‘ond really separated. Thats ok note: In _my cd ployer King Gedorah, L s. Tony Tauch REB no. 3 Tle Ath s | Ei ye Me He Rhys Lee. tum, Motalie Wood, Puzle, Richy to do something for zp | ~ highest covering ~ 10 years lightfast coca. signtast - fastest drying True Euro Colours PO. Box 3298 Manuka 2603 ACT Tel: (041) 4240460 Fax: (02) 62473852 E-Mail: Web: LCIT BRESENTS Sects es Fo ow) (Seen weincehe free Neth eece teat S06 Cea iL Bo EELS Te ats Reet die MISSI Bunn ie RAINS % & 3 5 & Wane dan S| é Ss cae % y \ A Wet ws Ld x E Pale , ees -4) | 2 iY le / ALITTLE DEEPER! COLLAB You stupiD. IVE TURKE "destructien, innecence and lack ef knewledge." Taking over in 2004 A.D. event nt) Steele eReota) pt eteslettoisaarad Nella) erage eta Sane Gececccuceacs 3 er koa cae oe ya FTP The disintegrotion of tradtioncl standards of greotness in |) ort is the story of the 20th Century. Uuhat could be 44 more onothema to the perfection of Rophoet - the THROWLP (ELEOURNE] + NOCTURTALPLRSUT + Hes) § HAND (MELSOLATE] + "AMT" sprapant on cummam (CAATCUFLAGESHOU > POSTUP OELAE rotres usta park (ADELADEL 4 e610 Geta) | think style development is the mast important in all ms ~ hondstyles. throwups. blocklelters, technical styles. The fist generotion of winters laid down some serious design | eirca B8] which gave Austrlio the Ute recognition it hos 3. | hope usrters try and dovelop things beyond that ll of them. | would love to exhibit averseos with artists who have cushed their work into gollery shows but maintain their nce in the uring / design world. Im olso inte ng projects creating or collaborating on products-such as Hs, prints, toys etc, | just pointed lange wot with Kono in Mebourne F coats later we sil ore creating work topethen 5 of pontings for a Future exhibiion designing prits with for aur clothing ronge [OHIOI) and chosing some nice } projects for myself and others. Beyond that | would be ing my mouth, Rs belter to do things before you tolh St ther! 20 Im also making Its hard to be proud of particulor things, os to maintain motivation you need ta look ot the next thing 2 of my Lotest paintings im the mast hoppy with, | suppose Our label OHIO wos born out of selling hand printed 225 out oF my bochpoch, prints ore limited as we dont alot of every design. Other artists such as Merde, Kano, etc hove done designs under the name OKI ARMY. This also refers to They are ple who wear our clothing, all port of the ory! The store [AREALOII sells clothing, books, imported point markers etc. ule have exhibtions there with good turn outs. There ore updates on events ot Hab: This yeor as been with Sooz. Hono, Dmote, Duel, Puzle Blotchuromon and alot of other creative types | would hove to say fiction, os people follow some of the worst lobels/design work like a flack of sheep being lead to the stoughter. hots popular is based on wihot you are told is popular. from magazines or o friend wha “Anows’ whats in this week, or shautd i say “Weok’. | Uke the smoller lobels or tart based labels for the ork not because someone wha drow Uke 0 kid ith © box of croyons is Fashionable fe dope little suc FL toys fed by abch, on “FAT” stores in Melba in the st ryng t grommets. Favor 1d host to the lop secret s lots oF alcohol wos consumed and a good time wos ll, Artillery wos treated to a priv fore the final cut ond we con hone Frlillery is ciming to the yecr. ening of the iy soy thot its The DUD uit me for Santa eduction, uney in “Theres something about those Hiui’s. For such © small. country they really hick arse ot winat they do, The lotest instollment from the Disrupt crew is na exception Issue 2 has a super sign ond Layout te with o recycled cardboard aver painted feel. Hi juny chat unt! Is Kinky ore IF last with Semi he 4 ogc ng to go by it will be rent 2004, must attend event for any creative individual, This yeors line has been announced r lucky rophic Havoc . David Carson . Black & Lune . Mill . Monster Children . OFFF . Phunk Studio . SBS . This Is Mogazine Newstoday . MHI2 and 1 other mo yet to ne Sydney Ath of Apri nced. Conuention 6 So get yo arse Exhibitor prepares the 16th 6 ew book Locks pretty cool, I This hos 19 full length Interviews with th rs of the groffiti worl of the artists invol read, Os Gemeos. Atom Spice, Unique and Bates. The crazy bastards at Schuipe have just released a new ronge: to celebrate they ore giving Artilery reoders the chance iget some free stuff. “Luhot is the most retordonist thing y con do in schwipe tshirt?” Send in 0 photo to . Best photos win a shirt ond got inted in our next issue uw (ryevolution yi 10 NEW colours: iE OTE ocd SE marc Reet a eel Rae Box 3298, Manuka 2603 A.C.1, Tel: (041) 4240460 Fax: (02) 62473 ert Teac © BGs BURGER - KONTARTBEAUTER NACHSTE SPRECHSTUNDE AML fda Hofer scoping out o new 45 minute See eee cel ee aati Be eee Tee Ga ar aan ee te ue! cca tal seca or Geet ea fs Dohnsy legged it deeper into the bush | threw my tins ond Laid stil, Out ‘oF the car stepped this mochine of 0 mon, only Firmold in The We on the main maybe do worse time ‘atched the Fuck f 0 great holidoy, forgot my worries. seeing those red trains reminded me that thes hod been wonting oll my Ufe ting to get into the yord wos o shit 9 spotted by roving sac Copenhagen is one o 00 smoath and uios truly a news train world, Copenhagen would be its nome jever heard of Erfurt before. its only cloim to fame fore spots ond we ‘worry about gun the hell outto dodge Regrauring later, Dahns and | headed to the main station ta cotch fichs of the damage. This station wos home to the heodquarters of the BGS [Germon tronsit squad) in Erfurt and our ponels laid up focing their offices. Picking aur mament precisely 0 possing freight train provided rattle off Flicks. us couer flashes llled the night. the driver fiuho wos. sti in the corridgel come lumbering out screaming Gerrnon obscenities only to be drowned aut by the roar of the freight Uke clockwork we clombered of lost freight the station Just 05 th conriage passed us by. Tlot satisfied with thot we decided to try our the middle oF or & ogoin in onother spot. E wis in industrial estate so being in this orea after hours meant you were defintely up to no good matte “just jump in t ving by the your dick in your got storted, quic door to door, We were quite proud of ourselves. Aft in the street cbout 50m wey from the pa coming in the distance, on us wie legged t into some ne bi Fis bod luck would hove i, it wos 0 police car and they had spotts with point stil ponels you cre least impressed usth run Ue managed to spray oul about ene and (avid he on PT the Longest time, Aer running tho a olf end to ends unt high beoms it : circuit For a weeh. people storted to think the tron It wos o con hiting Full speed sleep in th h and Ive thot Senso wos Bock in tous down 0 drt trock olong side the tron Lost my Friends” routne, He Like Ughing, everyone scitred ond got Geced ty let me go tring | wos just some dumb tourist. He even ocded o Friendly “toke care of y shook id ond wished me on my woy Before | londed in Athens it wos supposedly one of the easiest places to point, ith stories of whole trains completed just months eorlier ond panels unning for up te two months, | wos fed to get there, But this is my re talking about. Drastic char curred. Security on EVERY loy-up ond terminator. IF trains were pointed, the security would lose 50 panel and be Fired for ulhat the hell, a bit of nyone? action never hurt out this four cor subux od except for the three guords ond comer motto. | security Remembering the Security wos an the sides so | di ront runner, Jumped the fuck out the yard and gat the hell out the oreo. | come bock the next day to see some pissed off secunty buffing the troin themselves to sove their wages. haha! Skew, Kawps. Doar, Fista Toxic. Dail. Raiden and Noto. ™~

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