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Database test questions

1. ( Jan 2023 P2) #3.

(ii) Queries
(iii) Tables, forms
(iv) Queries
(b)(i) Numeric
(ii) Numeric
(iii) Boolean(Yes/No)
ID First Name Last Name Phone Number Street City
Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers

☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒

(d) The ID(s) are 2,7 &10 for the records extracted.
2. May 2022 # 3b & C
(b)(i) The feature that is used to establish and maintain the accuracy of data between the two
database tables is foreign key.
(ii) It is necessary to maintain the accuracy of data between two database tables for
matching data to create the connection or relationship between the two tables.
(iii) The one-to-many relationship is formed between the two database tables by one record
in a table matching several identical records in another table.

ID First Name Last Name Married Phone SportNo Sport Name

☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☒
(2 marks)
(d)The record IDs of the record(s) that would be extracted when the query designed in (c) is
executed are 1,3,6,7 & 14.
3. June 2023 #3D

Variable Date Type
Staff1D Numerical
Full-Time Boolean(Yes/No)
Salary Numerical

(ii) The file access method which would be used to load the salary data from the file in (d) is
Random Access.

4. 2017 #8

(a)(i) The number of records in the school table is 6.

(ii) The field that can be used as a primary key in the school table is RCode.
(iii) An appropriate data type for the NoofStudents field is numerical.
(iv) The field that can be used to join the two tables is RCode.
RCode School Name NoofStudents
S Caster College <500
S Realise Secondary
C Care Academy
(c) The RCode and School Name that would be at the top of the table if the SCHOOL table on
page 14 was sorted in descending order by RCode and then by School Name is C(RCode) and
Care Academy( School Name).
Field Name Data Type
Activity Number Text
Activity Description Text
Event Date/Time

(b)(i) The data type for the Tickets Taken field in the ALLOCATION table is numerical.
(ii) The most appropriate field in the ACTIVITY and ALLOCATION tables that can be considered
a primary key are Activity Number and Allocation Number.

Table Field that can be considered Primary Keys

ACTIVITY Activity Number
ALLOCATION Allocation Number
(iii) A field in the ACTIVITY table that is a candidate key is Activity Description.
(iv) The name of the field used to join Table 1 and Table 2 is Activity Number.
Amount of money returned
13 500
(ii) The number 13 500 represents the amount of money returned which is $13,500.
(iii)The name of the table that was used in this query is a Query Table.
(i) The field used to group the records in the report is Parent,

(ii) The field used to sort the records in the report is Tickets Taken

(iii) One summary feature and its field used in the report is Grand Total.

(iv) The title of the report is Summary of Allocations.

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