PHD Proposal - Bonn University

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PhD Proposal

1/12/2023 Political Science

Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism in
Middle East

Proposed Title:

The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict and

Terrorism in the Middle East with the Causes
of Refugee flows to EU:
A Comparative Study of Iraq, Syria, and

Candidate: Dana Hameed Mahmood

Master’s degree Holder

The Middle East is a region that has been plagued by ethnic conflict and terrorism
for decades. The conflicts and terrorism in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon serve as
examples of the complex dynamics that underlie ethnic conflict and terrorism in the
region. This proposed study aims to understand the underlying causes and
consequences of ethnic conflict and terrorism in these three countries. The study will
employ a comparative approach, examining the historical, political, economic, and
social factors that have contributed to the outbreak and persistence of ethnic conflict
and terrorism in each country.
Ethnic and religious conflict are considered a major issue in the Middle East which
have led the flow of refugees to Europe and make a human crisis in particular
countries like Iraq and Syria. These conflicts caused agony to certain groups of
people and nations in the Middle East, mostly Kurds and the Yezidis from religious
point of view who are the biggest nation without a nation state. They have been
under suppression and discrimination for decades however Yezidis were being
eradicated on the hand of ISIS due to their religious differences. .
The study focuses on ethnic and religious conflict along with terrorism causes, a
solution to refugee crisis in Middle East and Iraq and the flow of refugees to Europe.


Ethnic conflict and terrorism in the Middle East has had a profound impact on the
region, leading to the displacement of millions of people, the destruction of
infrastructure, and the loss of countless lives. The conflicts in Iraq, Syria, and
Lebanon have been particularly devastating, with each country experiencing a
different trajectory of ethnic conflict. Iraq has experienced sectarian violence and
terrorism since the US-led liberation in 2003, Syria has been embroiled in a civil war
since 2011, and Lebanon has a long history of ethno-religious conflict dating back
to the civil war of 1975-1990.

Research Questions:

What are the historical, political, economic, and social factors that have contributed
to the outbreak and persistence of ethnic conflict and terrorism in Iraq, Syria, and
How have these conflicts affected the lives of ethnic and religious minorities in each
What are the similarities and differences in the dynamics of ethnic conflict and
terrorism in these three countries?


This study will employ a comparative approach, analyzing the factors that have
contributed to the outbreak and persistence of ethnic conflict in Iraq, Syria, and
Lebanon. The study will make use of both primary and secondary sources, including
government documents, academic literature, and media reports. The study will also
make use of qualitative data, such as interviews with ethnic and religious minorities
who have been affected by the conflicts along with the outstanding leaders who were
involved in the conflicts and the impacts of Western countries to resolve the issues
in terms of politics.


This study will contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of ethnic conflict in
the Middle East by providing a comparative analysis of the conflicts in Iraq, Syria,
and Lebanon. The study will also shed light on the experiences of ethnic and
religious minorities who have been affected by the conflicts. The findings of this
study will be of interest to scholars of Middle East politics, ethnic conflict, and
human rights, as well as policymakers and practitioners working in the region.

Ethnic Conflict and the Kurds:

Ethnic conflict is a conflict among a community or inside a state between two

nations who share many differences in costume, language, religion, and traditions.
However, divisions of majority and minority; and bad governance and power could
be the main reasons, which drag both nations to a constant conflict.
The mountains remained a shelter for the Kurds as been divided among Iraq, Iran
Syria and Turkey for centuries.. Many revolts broke out due to the constant cruelties
the Kurds suffered because of ethnic differences. However, since Kurdistan was
divided by boundaries imposed on it by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, a perceived
sense of injustice served to sharpen Kurdish nationalist views in the different


Literature review: 6 months

Data collection: 12 months
Data analysis: 12 months
Writing and revisions: 12 months

Total: 3 years.


This dissertation helps to analyze the causes and the roots of the migration of Middle
Eastern citizens to take refuge to EU as it has burden EU and England due to the
flock of the refugees to take asylum in order to address the causes of that. I will be
working closely on how to resolve the causes of the refugee crisis with home
government and European Union.
However, resolving the refugee crisis in Europe is a complex and multifaceted issue
that requires a comprehensive approach. Some potential solutions include:

1- Researching on the causes of terrorism in the Middle East in particular Iraq,

Syria and Lebanon.
2- Addressing the root causes of displacement: This can include addressing
economic and political instability, human rights abuses, and conflicts in the
countries from which refugees are fleeing.
3- Increasing international cooperation: This can include working with other
countries, organizations, and international bodies to develop and implement a
coordinated response to the refugee crisis.
4- Strengthening border control and management: This can include
implementing stricter regulations and increasing resources for border patrol
and security, in order to deter illegal immigration and better manage the flow
of refugees.
5- Providing safe and legal routes for refugees: This can include increasing the
number of refugee resettlement places, creating humanitarian visa programs,
and establishing safe corridors for refugees to travel through.
6- Improving conditions in refugee camps: This can include providing better
living conditions, access to healthcare and education, and economic
opportunities for refugees living in camps.
7- Addressing the integration of refugees in the host communities: This can
include providing language classes, job training and education, access to
social services and housing, and promoting cultural awareness and

To conclude the dissertation, many other questions are answered during the analysis.

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