Shahzad Marketing

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Marketing Division, setup in July, 1978 is responsible for all marketing operations
including planning, distribution, sales, farm advisory services, field warehousing,
finance and administration. With the commencement of commercial production in
June 1982, the company started marketing its urea under the brand name "Sona".

The company markets not only Sona urea but also imported nitrogen,
phosphate and potash based fertilizers.
The Company is also marketing half a million tonnes of sona urea granular
manufactured by Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim (formerly FFC – Jordan Fertilizer Co. Ltd).
When FFC came into the market with its production in June 1982, the other
manufacturers namely Engro, Dawood Hercules and National Fertilizer Corporation
were already well established in the market. The brands of Engro (Engro) and
Dawood Hercules (Babber Sher) were considered premium brands in Sindh and
Central Punjab respectively. FFC had to face very tough competition from the
beginning. This competition coupled with the huge surplus of urea in the domestic
market posed a great challenge to the company in the initial years. FFC not only met
the challenge by capturing the desired market share but in the process, enhanced
the brand image of its product Sona urea which has become the number one brand.
During the period 1983 to 1986 when a large urea surplus existed in the country,
FFC pioneered urea exports which not only helped in stabilizing domestic urea but
also earned valuable foreign exchange for the country.

The Government of Pakistan deregulated the trade and prices of phosphatic

fertilizers on 21 August 1993. Subsequent to this decision FFC started import of
these fertilizers and as a result timely supplies were arranged. Farmers were thus
provided with quality product in bags with guaranteed correct weight and this
brought about a very positive qualitative change in the phosphatic fertilizer business
in the country. The Marketing Division now has the necessary expertise to handle
fertilizer imports and exports.
FFC believes in selling a programme rather than just a product. For this, the
company has adopted a customer oriented strategy, marketing quality products
backed by efficient and effective support services with emphasis on developing the
market through practical and innovative farmer education.


After the successful start-up of the first plant in mid 1982, a group of selected
engineers was assigned to Technology Division-TD (then called CED) Head Office
with the objective of providing engineering and technical backup to the plant
Additional responsibilities that are assigned to TD, include monitoring plant
performance, development of new projects, handling capital investment projects,
advising management on technical matters and development of a technological base
along with consultancy functions.

Since 1982, TD has made tremendous progress in the field of Plant Engineering,
Project Management, Project Feasibilities and Project Development.

The development of TD was equally supported by the FFC management which

has recognized the need to promote research and technological development

TD is manned by a team of highly trained project engineers, process engineers and

IT specialists. Nearly half of the strength is located at the plant to provide on-the-
spot assistance to the manufacturing units besides feeding vital plant data to the
Head Office for immediate processing.

TD is equipped with latest computing facilities along with engineering

software from world famous engineering designer M/s Haldor Topsoe of Denmark
and other technical software purchased from the engineering companies as well as
in-house developed software related to engineering and other general purpose need
of the company. This technology enables TD to undertake detailed
process/engineering design related assignments and to provide most valuable
assistance to other departments within the company.

TD’s most significant contributions to date have been successful project

management of FFC Project 1 debottlenecking, FFC Plant Expansion Project 2 and the
Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim (formerly FJFC) Project. TD’s role in all projects starts from
the conceptual stage and concludes at the successful commissioning and handing
over of the project to the Operation Group. The success achieved so far by TD proves
that FFC now possesses requisite in-house capabilities to ensure successful
completion of large scale projects within allocated budgets and assigned project

The largest urea manufacturing facility of Pakistan consisting of two
ammonia/urea units owned by FFC, is built at Goth Machhi in district Rahim Yar
Khan.Goth Machhi is situated at a distance of 2 kms from the main Lahore-Karachi
highway and is adjacent to the main railway line.

The two plants are based on natural gas from Mari Gas Fields and have an
annual designed production capacity of 1.3 million tons of urea.

Over the years, the plants have demonstrated an operational excellence

which has become a reference for the engineering companies whose process
technologies are used here. Delegations from China, Middle East and Far East keep
visiting the plant site for gaining first hand knowledge before deciding to purchase a
new plant.

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