Ficha Tecnica Apatita 3

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Fecha: 07-11-23
Elaborado: L.R

Apatite is a mineral that is composed of calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl). It is a
member of the apatite group of minerals, which also includes hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite. Apatite is a relatively
common mineral that can occur in a variety of colors, including yellow, green, blue, and purple. It is an important
mineral in the formation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and can also be found in biological tissues
such as bones and teeth. Due to its chemical and physical properties, apatite has various industrial applications,
including the production of fertilizers, phosphoric acid, and dental materials.

Chemical formula: Ca5(PO4)3(F, CL, OH


fluorapatite (Logrosán, Extremadura, Spain)
Etymology: where it was first found.

Crystallography: hexagonal crystalline, which means it has sixfold

✔ System and class: symmetry. Its crystalline network is
✔ Space group: formed by repeating units of phosphate
tetrahedra (PO4) and calcium ions (Ca).

Origin name apatite

Daughter of the Night, gem to the Gods.

2. Physical Properties

Physical Properties
Colorless, white, yellow, green, blue, purple and

Ordinary State Solid (diamagnetic).

4,5–5 (Mohs).

3.1 y 3.4 g/cm³.


hexagonal crystalline
Crystalline system

hexagonal crystalline.Sedimentary deposits in

Origin and environment
marine environments and lacustrine and zones of
geological hydrothermal alteration.

Nitric acid


Associated minerals
Actinolite, biotite, diopside, hematite.

no = 1,633 - 1,667; ne = 1,630 - 1,664

Refractive index

3. Uses of the Product:

Use off apatite

⮚ Fertilizer production.
⮚ Phosphoric acid.
⮚ As elemental phosphorus.
⮚ In the chemical industry, the phosphate
compound is needed.
⮚ Esoteric use

4. Apatite Deposits
Apatite mines can be located in different countries around the world. Some exploited by man are located in Mexico,
Spain, Burma, Brazil, Czech Republic, Canada and Germany.
In the town of Murcia, the formation of apatite is linked to the existence of stones of volcanic origin that were altered
by hydrothermalism. Likewise, it is linked to a type of sedimentary stone that has the shape of earthy masses.

5. Origin, formation and geological environment

Apatite or apatite can form in the sedimentary deposits of marine or lacustrine environments, this is due to the
accumulation of phosphatic organic remains such as bones, fecal material, scales, which subsequently mineralized
by the process of diagenesis.
Apatite is considered a secondary mineral in high-temperature hydrothermal alteration zones such as potassium
alteration in porphyry systems, specifically associated with more mafic intrusions.

This mineral is also found in zonal alteration systems associated with silicic to intermediate intrusive rocks,
particularly in continental arc environments.

It is an accessory constituent of all types of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, but large crystals are
commonly found in granitic pegmatites and hydrothermal veins.


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