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DE100 Investigating Psychology Module Map

Week AV assets Collaborative Personal

No. Reading Online Activities
beginning audio video Activities events
Investigating Intelligence 1.1: Introduction to
Introduction DE100 Welcome video/ 1.3: Assessment and 1.4: Introducing
1 October 5 Measuring intelligence study materials and 1.2: Getting organised
Chapter 1: Measuring Intelligence Investigating psychology assignments collaborative learning
DE100 website

Investigating Intelligence 2.2: Psychology 2.3: Summarising

Limitations of intelligence resources in the OU information in your own 2.4: Reflective and Collaborative activity 1:
2 Chapter 2: Explaining differences in IQ –the numbers game (BBC) 2.1: Heritability
testing library words independent learning Measuring intelligence
Investigating Intelligence 3.2: Looking back Collaborative activity 2:
3.1: Preparing for TMA at Investigating
3 Chapter 3: Beyond the IQ Intelligence and the brain Testing the emotions (BBC) 3.3: Interactive timeline 3.4: Reflection on skills Learning from
01 Intelligence
Conclusion experience
4 TMA01 Deadline date:
Investigating Psychology
Introduction, Introduction to Part I 5.1: Quantitative and 5.2: Constructing
5 Chapter 1: Exposing the Authoritarian Personality profile (BBC) Interview with Michael Billig 5.3: Questionnaires 5.4: Accessing e-books Collaborative activity 3:
qualitative data scales
Personality Questionnaires and
Investigating Methods
6.1: Research 6.3: Referencing (Part
6 Introduction, Chapter 1: Why methods Personality 6.2: Interviews 6.4: Quiz 1
questions 1) – Why reference?
Investigating Psychology 7.2: Writing in your 7.3: Referencing (Part 7.4: Searching the
7 Milgram on Milgram (BBC) Solomon Asch (BBC) 7.1: Research ethics own words 2) – How to reference? internet
Chapter 2: Just following orders?
Part 1

Investigating Methods
8.2: Essay writing 8.3: Working with tutor
8 Chapter 2: The importance of Replicating Milgram (BBC) Interview with Stephen Gibson 8.1: Sampling 8.4: Quiz 2
(part 1) feedback
Investigating Psychology 9.1: Experiments 9.2: Essay writing 9.4: Exploring the
9 Albert Bandura Researching young children 9.3: Observation
Chapter 3: Learning from watching (Part 1) (part 2) timeline Collaborative activity 4:
Investigating Methods Applying marking
Chapter 3: Measuring and 10.1: Experiments 10.2: Preparing for 10.4: Reflections on criteria
10 Interview with Sonia Livingstone 10.3: Quiz 3
manipulating variables (Part 2) TMA 02 Part 1 of DE100
11 TMA02 Deadline date:
Investigating Psychology
12.1: Understanding 12.2: Constructing an 12:3: Accessing 12.4: Reporting
12 Introduction to Part 2 The power of reinforcement Wolpe and phobias (BBC)
conditioning terms argument psychology journals psychological research
Chapter 4: Changing behaviour Collaborative activity 5:
13.1: The mean, 13.3: Constructing 13.4: DE100 Ethics
Investigating Methods 13.2:
13 Researching animals the mode and the and interpreting bar project - 13.5: Quiz 4
Chapter 4: Describing quantitative data Distribution
median charts Introduction
Investigating Psychology 14.1: Researching 14.2:Looking for video 14.3: What is 14.4: DE100 project –
14 Harry Harlow (BBC) Mary Ainsworth (BBC)
Part 2

Chapter 5: Determined to love? animals and humans content online evaluation Ethics Collaborative Activity 6:
Investigating Methods Anna Freud and child 15.1: Interpreting 15.2: DE100 Project – 15.3: Working 15.4: Quiz 5 Designing a study
15 OU graduate podcast 1 and 2
Chapter 5: Making associations observation (BBC) correlation Procedure collaboratively
Investigating Psychology 16.1: Using observation in 16.2: DE100 project –
16 Interview with Carly Butler Friendship, ageing and culture 16.3: Exploring the timeline
Chapter 6: Making Friends research Collecting data Collaborative activity 7:
Investigating Methods 17.1: DE100 Project
17 Researching friendship 17.2:Preparing for 17.3: Preparing for 17.4: Reflections
Chapter 6: Addressing qualitative data Analysing 17.5: Quiz 6
TMA 03 (Part 1) TMA 03 (Part 2) on Part 2 of DE100
through thematic analysis recorded data
18 TMA03 Deadline date:
Investigating Psychology The case of
Graduate podcast 19.1: Introducing the 19.2: Understanding
19 Introduction to Part 3, Chapter 7: Phineas Gage Mind myths (BBC)
3, 4 and 5 structure of the brain neurons and synapses
Language and the brain (BBC)
Investigating Methods
Researching language
20 Chapter 7: Evaluating measures and Lobotomists (BBC) 20.1: Cycle of Enquiry 20.2: Transferable skills 20.3: Quiz 7
their findings
Investigating Psychology 21.3: Different ways of
21 Researching attention Donald Broadbent (BBC) 21.1: Dichotic listening 21.2: Contingency tables
Chapter 8: Paying attention doing the DE100 project Collaborative activity 8:
22.2: Chi- 22.3: DE100 22.4: DE100 project Evaluating the DE100
Part 3

Investigating Methods Functional brain imaging (BBC) 22.1: Chi- project

22 square project – – Writing the Results 22.5: Quiz 8
Chapter 8: Drawing inferences square
calculator Analysing data section
Investigating Psychology Frederic Bartlett Researching 23.1: Revisiting 23.2: Preparing for 23.3: Exploring the
23 Chapter 9: Witnessing and Exploring memory
(BBC) working memory research methods the iCMA timeline
24.1: DE100 project -
Investigating Methods 24.2: ‘Generation 24.3: Reflections on
24 Elizabeth Loftus and eyewitness testimony (BBC) Introduction, Discussion 24.4: Quiz 9
Chapter 9: Reporting experiments game’ memory study Part 3 of DE100
and Abstract
25 iCMA (part of OCAS) Opens: Closes:
26 TMA04 Deadline date:
Revision weeks 27.1: Preparing for the EMA
EMA Deadline date:
SUP 048835

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