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Course instructor: M.A Trịnh Minh Phương

Student: Đường Tự Thạch
Class: TA47C1
Student code: TA47C1-0391
I. Poetry

British Poetry

1. In Sonnet 116 by Shakespeare, he expressed the eternal nature of love.

The poem emphasizes that true love remains steadfast and unchanging, even in
the face of difficulties or the passage of time. It is described as an “ever-fixed
mark” that endures storms and remains unshaken. He presents love as a guiding
star that navigates the paths of all “wand'ring bark”. This is a force that is
relevant and valuable to every individual, regardless of circumstances and social
status. Shakespeare argues that the genuine value of love cannot be fully
understood or assessed. Ultimately, Shakespeare’s message conveyed through
the sonnet is that love is a fundamental and an indispensable aspect of human

2. Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 presentsed concepts about love from the

medieval times. He had placed a strong emphasis on the consistency and
persistence of love yet contemporary viewpoints on love frequently recognise
the complexity and flow of romantic relationships. In today’s age, love is
frequently viewed as a dynamic journey that couples may travel together as they
deal with challenges and experiences personal development. Also, there is a
growing understanding of the value respect for one another and personal
freedom in the relationship among the young people nowadays. However,
modern ideas of love continue to emphasize the concept of love as a
transformational and significant force that can improve and provide fulfillment
to people's lives, much like Shakespeare did.

3. Shakespeare uses a metaphor to equate love with a star guiding a

stranded ship. The word “bark” describes a little boat or sailboat. In the
turbulent path of life, the metaphor implies that love acts as a compass or a
steady point of reference and it offers direction and stability in the erratic and
irrational pathways of people, much as a star gives direction to a ship lost at sea.
The analogy emphasizes the importance of love as a dependable and constant
force that would provides a feeling of direction and purpose for navigating life’s
difficulties and uncertainties.

American Poetry

1. In comparing lightning to a "yellow fork," Emily Dickinson uses a

metaphor that help sparks the reader's imagination and engages our senses. By
associating lightning with a familiar object like a fork, she provides a visual that
helps us conceptualize and relate to the phenomenon of lightning better. The
choice of a "yellow" fork adds a specific color, further enhancing the sensory

2. Firstly, she had linked the appearance and character of lightning to a

“yellow fork” this comparison vividly conveys the sudden and striking nature of
lightning. Secondly, Dickinson compares the source of lightning to “tables in the
sky” and refers to the hidden aspects as "mansions." This metaphorical
comparison suggests that lightning offers a glimpse into hidden and mysterious
realms that symbolized by the mansion imagery. These two comparisons deepen
the poem's exploration of the mesmerizing and intriguing characteristics of
lightning as well as the secrets entwined within the natural world.

II. Prose

British Prose

1. Thackeray's attitude towards Sir Pitt is revealed in this extract where

there is a certain skepticism and criticism in the author's portrayal of him. She
depicted Sir Pitt as persistent and somewhat desperate in his pursuit of Rebecca,
highlighting his shortcomings and lack of understanding. The author's tone
suggests a certain degree of mockery and amusement towards Sir Pitt's earnest
yet flawed attempts to win over Rebecca.
2. In my opinion, Rebbeca’s tears were not entirely genuine. He described
her as someone who never loses her presence of mind, yet she suddenly displays
genuine tears in this particular moment. Through Thackeray's writing, it offers
hints that suggest Rebecca's manipulative nature. The author’s choice of words,
such as “wept some of the most genuine tears” suggests a level of skepticism,
which subtly implying that Rebecca’s tears and crying before were not genuine,
and maybe she is employing her acting skills to manipulate the situation to her

3. Thackeray satirizes the societal norms and expectations surrounding

marriage, particularly the idea of marrying for wealth and status. The passage
also satirizes the characters such as Miss Crawley’s reluctance to engage with
her brother and Rebecca's calculated responses, exposing the disingenuousness
and manipulative nature that can be found within individuals in society.
Additionally, Sir Pitt’s exaggerated and almost comical display of affection who
falling to his knees like a satyr, adds a satirical touch to the scene and highlight
the absurdity of the situation and the characters involved.

American prose
1. Hãy luôn luôn vâng lời cha mẹ của bạn khi họ còn có mặt. Đây là
phương pháp tốt nhất về lâu dài, bởi vì họ sẽ bắt bạn làm nếu bạn không làm
như vậy. Hầu hế các bậc cha mẹ nghĩ rằng họ biết nhiều hơn bạn, nhìn chung
bạn có thể được lợi hơn hơn bằng cách làm hài lòng niềm tin đó hơn là hành
động theo phán đoán tốt hơn của chính mình. Hãy tôn trọng cấp trên của bạn,
nếu có, cả với người lạ và đôi khi với người khác. Nếu một người xúc phạm bạn
và bạn nghi ngờ liệu họ có cố ý hay không, đừng dùng đến các biện pháp cực
đoan; chỉ cần xem cơ hội của bạn và đánh hắn bằng một viên gạch. Điều đó sẽ là
đủ. Nếu bạn thấy rằng anh ta không có ý định xúc phạm, hãy thẳng thắn và thú
nhận rằng bạn đã sai khi bạn đánh anh ta; hãy thừa nhận nó như một người đàn
ông và hãy nói rằng bạn không cố ý. Đúng vậy, luôn luôn tránh bạo lực; thời
gian đã trôi qua cho những điều như vậy trong thời buổi thiện nguyện và tử tế
này rồi. Hãy để ngòi nổ ở mức thấp và đừng tinh chế nó.
Bây giờ là vấn đề nói dối. Bạn hãy thật cẩn thận về việc nói dối; nếu không
bạn gần như chắc chắn sẽ bị bắt. Một khi bị bắt, bạn không bao giờ có thể trở lại
trong mắt những người tốt và thuần khiết như trước đây. Nhiều người trẻ đã tự
tổn thương mình vĩnh viễn chỉ vì một lời nói dối vụng về và tồi tệ, kết quả của
sự bất cẩn sinh ra từ việc đào tạo không đầy đủ. Một số nhà chức trách cho rằng
những người trẻ tuổi không nên nói dối chút nào. Tất nhiên, điều này là khiến nó
nghiêm trọng hơn mức cần thiết; Tuy nhiên, trong khi tôi không thể đi xa đến
mức đấy, Tôi vẫn khẳng định, và tôi tin rằng mình đúng, rằng những người trẻ
tuổi nên tiết chế trong việc sử dụng nghệ thuật tuyệt vời này cho đến khi thực
hành và kinh nghiệm sẽ mang lại cho họ sự tự tin, tao nhã và chính xác, những
thứ chỉ có thể khiến thành quả trở nên duyên dáng và sinh lợi.

2. One of America's greatest social critics of all time Mark Twain has
raised the seeming moral conundrums that young people encounter on a daily
basis in his brief essay "Advice to Youth". The first piece of advice Mark Twain
offers to young people is to always obey their parents, at least when they are
there or if they are fortunate enough to have them. He advised the youth to go
along and obey with what their parents tell them, since parents generally assume
they know everything or atleast better then their kid. Hence, the youth with deal
with predicament with hularity else the parent would make them to listen
anyway. Mark also suggest the youth to show respect to their superiors and to
strangers. The youth are advised not to use extreme measures against someone
that offended them, but wait instead for the right opportunity to hit them back.
And if you happen to find out the person you assaulted turn out to be innocent,
be sincere and respectfully apologize for your misjustment. Times of ferocity
and cruelty has long been over, so Mark advised the youth to leave anger behind
and behave in a civilized manner. The next topic of his agenda is lying, or to be
more accurate learning the art of lying. According to Twain, lying is inevitable
and “truth is mighty and will prevail”, so his best advice on the matter is to start
practicing the art at a young age. The youth should be careful appraching the art
of lying, as they can almost certainly be caught everytime they do try to lie to
the adult. Once caught, one might never redeem his purity image in other’s eye.

III. Essay writing

Louisa May Alcott’s novel, “Little Women”, stands as a timeless piece of

literature that reflects feminist ideals and explores the experiences of women in
the 19th century. It was published during a time when women's rights were
limited and societal expectations were restrictive, the novel offers a powerful
portrayal of female independence and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. This
essay will delve into the ways in which “Little Women” reflects feminism and
analyzing the novel’s depiction of female characters.

The story follows the journey of the four March sisters - Meg, Amy, Beth
and Jo - to womanhood as they grow up during the American Civil War. It has
depicted about the situation in the old period of America. The women struggle to
maintain their rights; the freedom to choose based on the women's desire, the
chance to have equality such as education, work outside of their home. Though
largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is
represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women’s
rights and interests (Britannica, 2023). The novel has concluded multiple notions
and aspects of feminism decades before the actual modern establishment off
The concept of woman raising voice that there is a gap between men and
women such as rules, norms, or principles is a prominent aspect of feminism.
Such feminist values has seen in Little Women novel. Especially through Jo’s
characters, who challenged the normative norm which woman as the stereotypes
in society seen in the following excerpt:
…“Jo does use such slang words!” observed Amy, with a reproving look at
the long figure stretched on the rug.
“Jo immediately sat up, put her hands in her pockets, and began to whistle.
“Don't, Jo. It's so boyish!”
“That's why I do it.”
“I detest rude, unladylike girls!”
“I hate affected, niminy-piminy chits!” (LW)
From the excerpt above, the authors describe Jo’s character that has a
men’s style. It seems in the sentence "Jo does use such slang words!”. It means
that in the Victorian period the woman should have a kind of attitude, and
graceful. When Jo says the slang word like a man, it means that Jo wants to have
the similarity between women and men. It was seen at the sentence below;
“That’s why I do it”. On the other hand, through Amy criticism of Jo’s constant
displays of masculinity, Alcott aligns Meg as the correct and respectable version
of young womanhood and forces Jo to inhabit the opposite. However, Jo stoll
chooses to embrace masculine manners that separate her from her sisters and
utilizes these mannerisms to resist suffocating forms of femininity.
In additions, the protagonist Jo were depicted in the struggle and how she
challenges the limitations imposed on women in society. Jo aspires to overcome
traditional gender roles and believes that her writing is her pathway to financial
independence and freedom. As Jo publishes her work and receives praise, she
realizes that her writing can provide her with the means to support herself and
her family, challenging the idea that a woman's only path to security is through
marriage. Jo's passion for writing allows her to escape the social restrictions
placed on young women and assert her role as a provider. Additionally, the class
and wealth disparities portrayed in the novel emphasize the importance of
financial independence for women like Jo. The contrasting situations of the
March family and the impoverished Hummels has showcased the risks of
relying on marriage for stability. Overall, Jo had represented the defiance of
restrictive gender norms and serves as an inspiration for girls and women who
strive to break free from traditional roles and pursue their ambitions.
In conclusion, Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" is a remarkable work
that captures the essence of feminism and provides a profound exploration of
women's experiences in the 19th century. The novel not only reflects the
limitations and societal expectations placed on women during that time but also
portrays the relentless pursuit of female independence and personal fulfillment.
Through the protagonist’s journey to womanhood, the novel has raised questions
on traditional gender roles and reminds us the struggles faced by women then
and nowadays in maintaining their rights and pursuing equality.

Alcott, L. M.(1868). LittleWomen. RobertsBrothers.
UWCollegeofArts&Sciences. (2022, November 19).
Eka Desmawati (2018). “Analysis Of Feminism In The Novel Of Little
Women By Louisa May Alcott”. Journal of Language and Literature: Vol 6 No
Novita Yolanda Santi, Awliya Rahmi (2019). “FEMINISM VALUES IN
LOUISA MAY ALCOTT’S LITTLE WOMEN”. Islamic manuscript of
Linguistic and Humanity
Smith, Shardai (2021) "Dismantling Gender Roles and Redefining
Womanhood in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women," Locus: The Seton Hall
Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 4 , Article 12.

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