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by Crystal Bemis on October 4, 2022.


The diameter symbol is used to indicate that the size of a circular feature is being
dimensioned using the diameter of that feature. The diameter symbol can only be used on
circular features that are greater than 180 degrees. (For features with less than a 180
degree curve, the feature is dimensioned using radius, rather than diameter.)
When dimensioning a circular feature using its diameter, the diameter symbol is placed
before the size dimension. The diameter symbol is most commonly used on full circular
diameters, but as mentioned above, the diameter symbol can be used on any circular
feature greater than 180 degrees.

In the example below, two similar parts, both with semi-circular features, are shown. The
feature on the top part is dimensioned using diameter because the curve is greater than 180
degrees. You will notice that the feature on the bottom part has a curve that is less than 180
degrees, and thus it is dimensioned using Radius.

Circular Features with Diameter and Radius Dimensions

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