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Unofficial Railroad Ink & Railroad Ink Challenge

Dice Expansion Compendium

This guide provides comprehensive rules for the expansions provided in the following
Railroad Ink & Railroad Ink Challenge base games, and Expansion Packs:

 Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition  Electricity Expansion Pack

 Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition  Engineer Expansion Pack
 Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green Edition  Futuristic Expansion Pack
 Railroad Ink Challenge: Shining Yellow Edition  Sky Expansion Pack
 Arcade Expansion Pack  Underground Expansion Pack
 Eldritch Expansion Pack

General Guidelines

When playing with an expansion, you must roll the respective Expansion dice along with the 4 Route dice at the beginning of
each round.

 The expansion being played may change the number of rounds; players are to play the number of rounds listed for
the expansion being played instead of the default 7 rounds.

 During the game, players are to follow the same rules as a regular game of Railroad Ink/Railroad Ink Challenge with
the additional changes listed for the expansion being played, as described on the following pages.

 When scoring at the end of the game, players should write the number of points they have earned from the
expansion being played in the designated space ( ) on the Scoring table of their Player board.

This unofficial guide was compiled by Out of the Closet Gaming.

For more cheat sheets, visit

Table of Contents

Game/Expansion Pack Expansion Page

Lava Dice 1
Blazing Red Edition
Meteor Dice 2

Lake Dice 3
Deep Blue Edition
River Dice 4

Forest Dice 5
Lush Green Edition
Trail Dice 6

Canyon Dice 7
Shining Yellow Edition
Desert Dice 8

Galactic Invaders Die 9

Pluck-Man Die 10
Arcade Expansion Pack
Rainbow Die 11
Tetromino Die 12

Investigation Die 13
Portal Die 14
Eldritch Expansion Pack
Ritual Die 15
Tentacle Die 16

Power Grid Dice 17

Electricity Expansion Pack
Street Lamps Dice 18

Construction Die 19
Renovation Die 20
Engineer Expansion Pack
Separation Die 20
Special Die 21

Alien Farmer Die 21

Futuristic Expansion Pack City Builder Dice 22
Super Connection Die 23

Airline Dice 24
Sky Expansion Pack
Weather Dice 25

Underground Expansion Pack Underground Dice 26

Difficulty: Easy
Lava Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Volcanoes start erupting, but the Route building must go on! Work your way around lakes of Lava
and prevent them from destroying your Routes. Confine the Lava streams to gain extra points.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round, players must draw the result of at least one Lava die.

At the start of the game: Before rolling the dice for the first round of the game, each player draws a Volcano

( ) in the centremost space of their board; this space is considered to be filled with Lava.

 The results of the Lava dice must to be connected to pre-existing Lava.

 At any point during a round, a player may draw a new Volcano on their board, so long as it is not orthogonally
adjacent to any pre-existing Lava they have drawn; this space is considered to be filled with Lava.

 If a player has no free spaces orthogonally adjacent to any open Lava lake sides, they must either create a new
Volcano, or erase a Route to make space for it.

Scoring: The end of the game, each player gets 5 points for each Lava lake they have created that does not have any open

 Additionally, players receive 1 point for each space that is occupied by their largest Lava lake, regardless of whether
the lake has open sides or not.

 Open Lava lake sides count as Errors ( ) at the end of the game.

Example: This player would get 5 points

for their single Lava lake in the top left-
hand corner as it has no open side, and
11 points for their largest Lava lake.

Difficulty: Hard
Meteor Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Meteors will wreak havoc and destruction, but they also bring precious minerals and ores to Earth.
1 Meteor will hit each round, creating a Crater on your Board and destroying any Route it hits.
But, if you lead Routes into the Craters, you can gather precious resources and gain additional points.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round, players must resolve the effect shown on the Meteor dice.

 The curved line shown on the bottom of faces on the direction die indicates the bottom of a player’s board,
regardless of where they are sitting relative to the die.

 At any point during a round, a player can erase a Crater ( ) from their board to draw a new Route in its place.

Targeting: Together, the two Meteor dice show where the Meteor will hit; one die shows a direction and the other
shows a distance.

 A Meteor hits based on the space most recently hit by a Meteor on a player’s board; the combined dice
result will indicate the direction and number of spaces away from the last Meteor hit that the current
Meteor will hit.

 On the first round of the game, as there is no previous Meteor hit, the direction and number of spaces are
counted from the centremost space of a player’s board.

 If when targeting its next target, the Meteor reaches the edge of a player’s board, it bounces back in the
direction from which it came to move the total number of spaces shown on the dice.

 If the Meteor is to hit a space that already contains a Crater, it keeps moving into the same direction until it
reaches a space without a Crater; if by doing the Meteor would hit outside of a player’s board, it bounces
back in the direction from which it came, as per above.

Meteor Hit: When a Meteor hits a space, players must draw a Crater inside of that space.

 A player may cross off one of their available Special Routes on their board to ignore the Meteor die; this
counts as using one of their three Special Routes for the game.

 If the space contains a Route, the player must erase that Route to draw the Crater.

 A space hit by a Meteor is marked with a dot in the top left-hand corner as a reminder; when a new Meteor
hit takes place, the previous dot is erased (only the most recent dot is to remain).

Scoring: At the end of the game, players gain 2 points for each of their Routes that have an open end connected to a Crater.

 Open ends that connect to Craters do not count as Errors ( ).

Difficulty: Easy
Lake Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Lakes have two advantages. First of all, they allow you to create bigger Networks by connecting your Routes to a
Lake with the Pier faces on the Lake dice. You also score additional points for the Smallest Lake on your Board.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Lake dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of the Lake
dice once per round.

 The results of Lake dice do not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes and/or previous Lake dice results.

 Networks that are connected to the same Lake by Piers (Stations that are on Lake spaces) are also connected to
each other.

 If an empty space has 3 sides that are all adjacent to the open side of Lakes, it is automatically and immediately
filled with water; the filled space counts as a Lake space (see below).

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player scores 1 point for each space that is occupied by their Smallest Lake.

 Open Lakes do not count as Errors ( ).

Difficulty: Easy
River Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Rivers are a third kind of Route. Sort of. They can’t be used to connect
Exits, but they can be connected to each other to create a River.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the River dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of the
River dice once per round.

 The results of River dice do not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes and/or previous River dice results.

 Rivers cannot be connected with other kinds or Routes or Exits ( ).

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player chooses one of their Rivers and scores 1 point for each space that makes up the
uninterrupted River.

 If both ends of the River being scored connect to the outer edges of a player’s board, the player scores an additional
3 points.

 Each River that does not connect to another River or the outer edge of the board counts as an Error ( ).

Difficulty: Easy
Forest Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Build lush forests and make them seamlessly interweave with your regular
networks to create beautiful scenic routes in a natural paradise.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Forest dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of the
Forest dice once per round.

 The results of Forest dice do not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes and/or previous Trees.

 Each group of orthogonally adjacent spaces with Trees on them, regardless of whether they contain Routes, make
up a Forest.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player chooses up to 2 different Forests on their board; they gain 2 points for each
space occupied by the first Forest they chose and 1 point for each space occupied by their second Forest.

 Each Forest can only be scored once, never twice.

Difficulty: Hard
Trail Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Build panoramic trails and turn your board into a hiker’s dream! Your goal is to connect
Stations to each other through a parallel network of Trails, to score bonus points.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Trail dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of the Trail
dice once per round.

 The results of the Trail dice must to be connected to pre-existing Routes and/or Trails.

 When a Trail is touching the corner of a space containing a Station, it automatically and immediately connects to
that Station through the shortest diagonal path (see below).

Scoring: At the end of the game, players score each set of Stations connected to each other via the same Network of Trails.

 The number of points scored by each Network of Trails is calculated by adding up the number of connected Stations
and using the corresponding points value from the Network Values track, divided by 2 (for a maximum of 23 points).

 Trails with open ends do not count as Errors ( ) at the end of the game.

Difficulty: Hard
Canyon Dice
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Mix your transportation network with majestic canyons! Your goal

is to create the longest Canyon you can, to score bonus points.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Canyon dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of the
Canyon dice once per round.

 Canyons run along the edges of spaces, not through them.

 When a player draws the result of a Canyon die, they must draw the shown pattern in its entirety; if a player cannot
fit the entire pattern on their board, they may not draw it.

 Players may freely rotate and mirror the pattern shown on a Canyon die.

 The results of the Canyon dice must be connected to the edge of a player’s board, or the open end of a pre-existing

 Canyons cannot connect to the middle of a pre-existing Canyon i.e. branch.

Bridges: If a player wants to draw a Route that crosses over or touches a Canyon, they must spend 1 Bridge point to
create a bridge over the Canyon to make the Route fit (see below).

 Each player has a total of 12 Bridge points that can be tracked on the Network Value table at the top of
their board; whenever a player spends a Bridge point, they cross off one space on their Network Value

 Once a player has marked all 12 spaces on their Network Value table, they cannot create any more bridges.

Example: To draw the Route marked in red,

the player would need to spend 1 Bridge
point. To draw the Route marked in green,
the player would need to spend 2 Bridge

Scoring: At the end of the game, player’s gain 1 point for each segment that makes up their Longest Canyon.

 Players gain an additional 2 points for each individual Canyon in which both ends are connected to the edges of their

 Canyons with open ends do not count as Errors ( ) at the end of the game.

Difficulty: Easy
Desert Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Build your network in an arid desert landscape. Your goal is to make as many cacti as possible
survive until the end of the game to score bonus points, but beware! If they are not placed next to an
oasis when the next heat wave appears, they will be destroyed by the harsh desert climate.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the results of the Desert dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of
either/both of the Desert dice once per round.

 The results of Desert dice do not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes and/or Cacti.

Heatwave: If an Arid face ( ) appears, before players draw the dice results for the current round, all players
must erase all Cacti from their board that are not adjacent to an Oasis ( ).

 Alternatively, a player may cross off one of their available Special Routes on their board to ignore the Arid
face; this counts as using one of their three Special Routes for the game.

 When Cacti are erased, the Routes in the space in which they were removed from are not erased.

At the end of the 6 round: Before end of game scoring, the Desert dice are rolled one more time; Routes are not
placed but if an Arid face appears, Cacti must be erased as per above; a player may negate this effect by crossing off
one of their Special Routes, if they have one available.

 Routes and Cacti are not drawn as a result of this roll.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 point for each individual surviving Cactus on their board i.e. if a space
contains two Cacti, a player gets 2 points for that space.

Difficulty: Medium
Galactic Invaders Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Send Aliens to attack your opponents while trying to defend against those that are invading you.
When Aliens attack, they destroy any structures in their space. Get rid of Aliens by drawing
something in the same space they are in, but beware: this will not work on Aliens that have
raised their Shield. At the end of the game, you will lose points for each Alien left on your board.’

Rule Changes/Additions: At the end of each round, roll the Galactic Invaders die; each player resolves the effect of the result.

 The die is not rolled at the start of each round.

At the start of the game: Before rolling the dice for the first round of the game, each player draws 2 Aliens ( ) on
the board of the player to their right; each Alien is to be drawn in a bottom right-hand corner of a different space.

 When a player draws something on a space that contains an Alien without a Shield (uncircled), they must erase that

 Aliens with a Shield (circled) can only be destroyed with a Nuke die ( ) result.

 If a player destroys a Special Building ( / / ), the player does not lose the effect obtained from its
activation, and the Special Building can even be activated again by drawing another Route in its space.

The Alien die has 3 faces:

Alien: The player draws an Alien in the bottom right-hand corner of any empty space on the
board of the player to their right.

 Each space an only contain a single Alien.

Attack: The Aliens on all players’ boards activate their Shield (players draw a circle around
each Unshielded Alien) and then each Alien attacks, destroying anything in the space.

 Everything in the space is destroyed and must be erased, except for the Alien.

Nuke: The player chooses 1 Alien on their board, even one with a Shield, and erases it.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player loses 1 point for each Alien ( ) that remains on their board.

Difficulty: Medium
Pluck-Man Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Draw Pluck-Man, Ghosts, and Fruits next to your unused Exits. At the end of the game, the more Ghosts
you connected to Pluck-Man, the more bonus points you will score... as long as a Fruit is also connected
to that same network to feed Pluck-Man with the energy needed to catch all those pesky Ghosts!’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round players’ must draw the result of the Pluck-Man die next to one of their unused Exits (an
Exit that has nothing connected to it).

 If a player has no unused Exits available, they cannot draw the Pluck-Man die for that round.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 3 points for each Network they have that contains at least 1 Pluck-Man
Exit ( ). Additionally:

Note: If a Network only contains Ghost Exits ( ) and Fruit Exits ( ), no points are gained/lost and the following
conditions do not apply.

 If a Network contains 1 or more Ghost Exits but no Fruit Exits, the player loses 2 points for each Ghost Exit in the

 If a Network contains 1 or more Ghost Exits and at least 1 Fruit Exit, the player gains 2 points for each Ghost Exit in
the Network.

Difficulty: Medium
Rainbow Die
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Cars and trains are flying on colourful rainbows, and the enchanted creatures living underneath clovers
harness the power of those rainbows. But not all is cupcakes and sprinkles. Dark clouds are lurking beyond
the horizon. Draw colourful rainbows on your boards and send ominous clouds to your opponents!’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round players’ must apply the effect shown on the Rainbow die.

 Rainbows, Rain Clouds, and Clovers occupy a whole space; nothing else can be drawn in a space with any of these

 Networks that are connected to the same space with a Rainbow are connected to each other.

The Rainbow die has 3 faces:

Rainbow: The player draws a Rainbow in an empty space on their board or erases a Rain
Cloud from a space and replaces it with a Rainbow, providing the space is not orthogonally
adjacent to another Rainbow.

Rain: The player draws a Rain Cloud that is orthogonally adjacent to a pre-existing Rainbow
on an empty space of the board of the player to their left; if no such space exists, they can
draw it on any empty space of that player’s board.

Clover: The player draws a Clover in an empty space on their board.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each Rainbow ( ) is worth 2 points for each Clover ( ) that is orthogonally adjacent
to it.

 Rainbows interrupt a player’s longest Highway and/or Railway.

 Open-ended Routes that lead into a space that contains a Rainbow, Rain Cloud and/or Clover do not count as Errors
( ).

Difficulty: Easy
Tetromino Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Are you ready for some next-level urban planning? Declare where you are going to build in advance: if you
respect your commitment you will gain points at the end of the game. If not, you will lose points instead.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Tetromino die is optional; each player may choose to draw the result of the Tetromino
die each round before drawing any Routes.

 To use the Tetromino die, a player must ‘enhance’ empty spaces on their board following the same pattern shown
on the die by drawing small squares around the white squares used to mark the round number.

 The full pattern on the Tetromino die must fit on the player’s board; if a player cannot find a patch of empty spaces
that match the pattern shown on the die, they cannot use the result of the die this round.

 A player may freely rotate and/or mirror the pattern shown on the Tetromino die.

 Spaces that are enhanced cannot be enhanced again.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 point for each enhanced space that contains something (either a Route
or some other drawn element).

 Additionally, each player loses 1 point for each empty enhanced space.

Difficulty: Medium
Investigation Die
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Mysterious things are happening in your county. Send your Investigator

to collect Clues that are appearing on your board and solve the case.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Portal die is optional; when a player draws Routes, they may draw the Investigation die
result following the normal placement rules, ensuring to draw the Clue ( ), but not the footsteps.

 When a player moves their Investigator, they erase them from their current position and redraw them at their final
destination space, after spending all of their Movement points for the round.

 If after spending a Movement point, a player’s Investigator lands on a space that contains a Clue, the player draws a
circle around the Clue to indicate that it has been collected.

 An Investigator can collect more than one Clue during a single round as collecting a Clue does not end their

At the start of the game: Before rolling the dice for the first round of the game, each player chooses an Exit ( )
and draws their Investigator next to it (see below).

At the end of a round: Each player may spend a number of Movement points equal to the number of Footsteps
shown in the Investigation die. Each Movement point can be spent to perform the one of the following actions:

a) A player can move their Investigator to an adjacent space that is connected to their starting space by using
a Highway Route.

b) A player can move their Investigator from a space with a Station or a Railway Exit to a space with a Station
that is connected to their starting space by 1 or more Railway Routes.

 When moving their Investigator this way, the player must stop at the first Station along the path
that their Investigator encounters; they cannot skip Stations.

Example: For 3 Movement points the Investigator starts

from the Railway Exit and moves along the Railway to
the first Station for 1 point, moves along the Railway to
the next Station for 1 point, and uses their last point to
move 1 Highway space to collect the Clue.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 point for each Clue that they have collected, plus 4 additional points if
they collected all of the clues.

Difficulty: Easy
Portal Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Reality is tearing itself apart and immense holes are opening, showing glimpses of the unthinkable.
But not all that is supernatural will hurt or scare. You can safely travel to work by going through
these portals of doom. Open Portals to connect distant areas of your Network as if they were next
to each other. However, not all Portals are the same: there are three kinds of Portals (marked with
the letters A, B, and C) and only two Portals of the same kind (same letter) are connected to each other.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Portal die is optional; for each round, each player may choose to use the Portal die once
during the round following the normal placement rules.

 Networks connected to Portals of the same letter are connected to each other, even if there is a Highway on one
side of a Portal and a Railway on the other.

 If a player has already drawn 2 Portals with the same letter, they cannot draw a third Portal of the same letter.

Scoring: Portals do not interrupt a player’s Highways and Railways when calculating their Longest Highway and Longest

Difficulty: Hard
Ritual Die
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Cultists are trying to create a Madness Network, a set of Ritual Sites connected to an evil dimension through Portals.
Try to create the biggest Madness Network while separating it from the ordinary people of your cities. Each Round,
you will have the option to open new Portals at the edges of your board and add a Ritual to your Madness Network.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round players’ must draw the result of the Ritual die.

 The result of the Ritual die does not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes.

 At the end of each round, each player may draw 1 Portal ( ) next to one of their Country Routes (Routes with an
open-ended connection to the outer edge of their board, in a space without an Exit ).

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains points for each of the Madness Network (set of Rituals and Portals
connected to each other).

 The number of points scored by each Madness Network is calculated by adding up the number of Portals and Rituals
together and using the corresponding points value from the Network Values track (example below).

 When players score their regular Networks, they ignore any Exits ( ) that are connected to at least 1 Ritual
and/or Portal.

Difficulty: Medium
Tentacle Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Tentacles are entering your little safe oasis of sanity, but a little madness is ok. Try to have as many
Tentacles as possible in your territory and make people lose their minds while driving next to them.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Tentacle die is optional; at the end of each round, each player may draw 1 Tentacle.

 When drawing a Tentacle, a player must start on a space that is on the outer edge of their board that does not
contain an Exit ( ).

 When drawing a Tentacle, it must be a number of spaces in length equal to the number show on the Tentacle die; a
Tentacle cannot be drawn partially.

 When drawing normal Routes, a player cannot draw them in a space that contains a pre-existing Tentacle.

 Tentacles can be drawn with straight and/or curved sections, in any combination of the player’s choosing.

 When drawing the final space of a Tentacle, the player closes it off by drawing an end tip.

Tentacles stretches may only be drawn into:

Empty spaces: Either as straight or curved Tentacle sections.

Spaces that contain a straight Route: These must be draw as a straight Tentacle underpass that crosses a
pre-existing Route/Tentacle in a perpendicular fashion.

Spaces that contain a curved Route: These must be drawn as a curved Tentacle section that crosses
through the 2 unoccupied sides of a space with a pre-existing Route/Tentacle.

Scoring: At the end of the game, players get 2 points for each Tentacle they drew, regardless of its length.

 Players additionally gain 1 point for each space on their board that contains both a Tentacle and a Route.

Difficulty: Hard
Power Grid Dice
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Manage an infrastructure of Power Lines on top of your Route Networks and connect your
cities to the Accumulator to ensure a constant supply of energy. Charge the Accumulator
at the centre of your board and build Power Lines connecting to your Exits.’

Rule Changes/Additions:

At the start of the game: Before rolling the dice for the first round of the game, each player draws an Accumulator

( ) in the centremost space of their board.

 The Accumulator does not count towards the 3 Universities required ( ) to trigger the University’s Special
Building effect.

At the end of a round: Each player may use the results of the Power Grid dice to electrify their Routes starting from
an Exit ( ) or an already electrified space on their board and continuing to move in the direction indicated by the
direction die.

 The curved line on the direction die indicates the bottom of a player’s board, regardless of where they are
sitting relative to the die.

 When electrifying a Route, a player may electrify as many spaces as they wish providing they are moving in
a straight line and electrifying every consecutive space; the Routes are not required to be connected, just

 When electrifying a space, they player marks it by drawing a lightning bolt in the bottom left-hand corner of
the space.

Rules for electrification: The following rules must be followed when electrifying a space.

 A player can only electrify a space that contains a Route.

 A player cannot electrify a space that is already electrified.

 A player cannot electrify their Accumulator.

Charging the Accumulator: When electrifying, if a player starts from an already electrified space that is
orthogonally adjacent to their Accumulator and they direction die points towards the Accumulator, they
charge the Accumulator 1 point.

 Each time a player charges their Accumulator by 1 point, they fill in one of the three circles on
their Accumulator; an Accumulator can hold a maximum of 3 points.

 A player’s electrification ends immediately when they charge their Accumulator in this way.

Continued on the following page.

Question Mark face: When a Power Grid die results in a ‘?’, a player can use it to electrify any one space
that is anywhere on their board.

 Alternatively, a player may use the result to charge their Accumulator by 1 point.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains points equal to the number of charges on their Accumulator multiplied by
the number of Exits ( ) they have connected to their Accumulator.

 An Exit is connected to the Accumulator if there is an unbroken chain of consecutive and orthogonally adjacent
electrified spaces.

 Routes that are directly connected to an Accumulator do not count as Errors ( ).

Difficulty: Easy
Street Lamps Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Shine a spotlight on your Longest Highways with the Street Lamps Expansion. Draw additional Highways accompanied by
Street Lamps but remember that you also have to turn them on to gain bonus points. With the addition of two dice containing
only Highways, you will reach unprecedented Longest Highways, and you will also gain points for your activated lights.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Street Lamp dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of
the Street Lamp dice once per round.

 Street Lamp dice results must be drawn following the normal placement rules.

Every time a player uses a Special Route, including when activating their 3 University ( ), they must choose a row
or column and put an asterisk on all spaces containing Street Lamps in that row or column; these lamps are now

 The player does not need to choose the same row or column in which they placed their Special Route to activate
Street Lamps.

 Each unique Street Lamp can only be activated once per game.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 point for each Street Lamp that they have activated.

Difficulty: Medium
Construction Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Newly acquired machinery is opening up a great variety of new options: move or destroy already
placed Routes. And thanks to the building permits, place a Route wherever you want.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Construction die is optional; each player may choose to use the result of the Construction
die once per round.

 This expansion can be combined with other expansions, including those from the Engineer Expansion Pack.

 The effects of the Construction die results cannot be applied to the results of other Expansion dice, with the
exception of other Engineer Expansion dice.

 If a player destroys or removes a Special Building ( / / ), the player does not lose the effect obtained from
its activation, and the Special Building can even be activated again by drawing another Route in its space.

The Construction die has 3 faces:

Destroy: The player may erase a space that has already been drawn in on their board; this
can include one drawn in the current round.

Move: The player may choose a space that has already been drawn in on their board and
draw its result in another legal location by following the normal placement rules; this can
include one drawn in the current round.

Free Placement: The player may draw one of the Routes rolled in the current round without
having to connect it to a pre-existing Route or Exit ( ).

Difficulty: Medium
Renovation Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Sometimes you just plan badly. But now, with the Renovation Expansion, you have the possibility to make it even worse.
With the Renovation die you can add features to your existing Routes and create new Route configurations.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Renovation die is optional; each player may choose to use the result of the Renovation
die once per round.

 This expansion can be combined with other expansions, including those from the Engineer Expansion Pack.

 A player may only use the Renovation die on spaces that already contain a Route and spaces that are compatible
with constraints indicated by the dotted lines on the die.

 A Route is only deemed compatible if it can be completely placed inside of the dotted lines.

 2 face of the die have a dotted square in the centre, these can only be used to add connections to an existing

 A player may only ever renovate basic Routes, never the results of an Expansion die.

Difficulty: Easy
Separation Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Make your life as a city planner a hell on earth with the Separation die!’

Rule Changes/Additions: When playing with this expansion, the Separation die replaces one basic white Route die of the
players’ choice for the duration of the game.

 This expansion can be combined with other expansions, including those from the Engineer Expansion Pack.

 The Separation die is considered a Route die and as such, using the die is mandatory during each round.

 As the Separation die is a Route die, it can be duplicated by Factories ( ) and triggers all the effects of Route dice.

Difficulty: Easy
Special Die
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Build bigger Networks with the Special die.’

Rule Changes/Additions: When playing with this expansion, the Special die replaces one basic white Route die of the players’
choice for the duration of the game.

 This expansion can be combined with other expansions, including those from the Engineer Expansion Pack.

 The Special die is considered a Route die and as such, using the die is mandatory during each round.

 As the Special die is a Route die, it can be duplicated by Factories ( ) and triggers all the effects of Route dice.

 Players can still use the Special Routes on the top of their board, as per normal, when playing with the Special die.

 When combining expansions, a player cannot sacrifice the result of the Special die to trigger special effects i.e.
avoiding a Heatwave ( ) result in the Desert Expansion.

Difficulty: Easy
Alien Farmer Die
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Farming—and especially wool production—has gotten a lot easier after the introduction of “abduction rays”.
Manage your farms and UFOs and maximize your output of wool. UFOs can take wool from Sheep that are
in the same row and/or column. More than one UFO can take wool from the same Sheep farm.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Alien Farmer die is optional; each player may choose to use the result of the Alien Farmer
die once per round.

 The results of the Alien Farmer die do not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes.

 A UFO ( ) occupies an entire space; nothing else may be drawn in a space occupied by a UFO.

 When placing a Special Building, a player may instead place a UFO on their board; this can include when activating
their third University ( ).

Scoring: At the end of the game, players gain 2 points for each Sheep ( ) that a UFO on their board can reach.

 A UFO can only reach a Sheep if it is in the same row or column as the UFO.

 The same Sheep can be scored for each UFO it shares a row or column with i.e. the same Sheep can potentially be
scored multiple times.

Difficulty: Medium
City Builder Dice
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘Gain money by pleasing investors and spend it to create futuristic buildings in your county.
Investors are going to evaluate your conduct and give you money according to how well
you followed their vision. You will then use that money to build your empire.’

Rule Changes/Additions: During each round, after a player draws their normal Routes, they gain money based on the Income

 Each player should keep track of their Coins on the Network Value track at the top of their Player board by circling
the Exit ( ) number that matches their current number of Coins.

 Each player can have a maximum of 12 Coins.

The Income die has 4 faces:

Adjacent Construction: A player gains Coins for their biggest group of orthogonally adjacent,
connected Routes (including Special Routes) they drew this round at a rate of 1 Coin per
space drawn.

Early Interconnection: A player gains 1 Coin for each Exit in their current largest Network.

Central Development: A player gains 1 Coin for each occupied space in the Central Area of
their board.

Urbanisation: A player gains 2 Coins, plus 1 Coin for each space that contains a Building.

Building: After receiving income, a player may build 1 or more copies of the Building shown on the Building die by
paying the cost printed on the Building die result.

 Each Building can contain 1 – 3 Towers.

 A Building can be drawn on any empty space of a player’s board.

 Each Building occupies an entire space; nothing else can be drawn in a space that contains a Building.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 point for each of their Towers.

 A single space can contain up to 3 Towers.

 Open-ended Routes connecting to spaces that contain Buildings do not count as Errors ( ).

Difficulty: Easy
Superconnection Die
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘The Superconnection technology is a new and very efficient way to travel. Both cars and trains can
be loaded on top of super-fast, magnetically suspended vehicles. Superconnections can be used
to connect both Highways and Railways thanks to “Superstations” (drawn as a triangular shape).’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round, players must draw the result of the Superconnection die following the normal
placement rules.

 When drawing Superconnection Routes, players may connect to any type of Route via Superstations (denoted by the
triangles on the end of Superconnection Routes.

Scoring: Superconnection Routes are considered both Highways and Railways when a player scores their Longest Highway
and Railway.

Difficulty: Medium
Airline Dice
Duration: 6 Rounds

‘Airways are a third kind of route. They can’t be used to connect Exits, but they can be connected to each
other to create Airway Networks, which can be connected to your regular Routes by building Airports.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Using the Airline dice is optional; each player may choose to use the results of either/both of the
Airline dice once per round.

Airport Airway Route

 The results of Airline do not have to be connected to pre-existing Routes and/or previous Airline dice results.

 Airway Routes cannot be connected to other types of Routes or Exits ( ).

 Rail and Road Networks that are connected to the same Airway Network (via Airports and Airway Routes) are also
connected to each other.

 Instead of using a Special Route normally, a player may cross off one of their available Special Routes to draw an
Airport in any empty space of their board; this can include when activating their third University ( ).

 When a player draws an Airport, it automatically connects to any pre-existing Route with an open end that leads
into the space with the Airport (see below); likewise Routes with an open end leading into a space with an Airport
automatically connect to the Airport.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 2 points for each space that makes up their Longest Airway

 When counting spaces for their Longest Airway, a player must count the spaces from the edge of their board or an
Airport and must end counting at the edge of their board or another Airport.

 Additionally, players lose 2 points for each open-ended Airway Route (Error – ) and 4 points for each Airport that
is not connected to any Airway Route.

 Airports do not interrupt a player’s Longest Highway and/or Longest Railway.

Example: This player’s Longest Airway Route is 18

points (9 spaces long); however, they lose 2 points
for one open-ended Airway Route and 4 points for
the Airport without an Airway connected to it.

Difficulty: Easy
Weather Dice
Duration: 7 Rounds

‘With the new meteorological control system you are able to control the skies over your county.
Try to avoid putting different types of clouds next to each other to avoid unstable weather.’

Rule Changes/Additions: Each round, players must draw both of the Weather symbols (Cloud – , Storm – , or
Snow – ) rolled on the Weather dice in 2 spaces in which they drew Routes this round; this can include Special Routes.

 The player draws each of the Weather symbols in the lower right-hand corner of different spaces of Routes that they
drew during the current round.

Scoring: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 point for each space in their biggest area of orthogonally adjacent Cloud
( ) spaces; players repeat this process for their biggest Storm ( ) and Snow ( ) areas.

 If two areas of different types are orthogonally and/or diagonally adjacent to each other, they cannot be scored.

Example: This player would score 8 points; 6 for

their Cloud with an area of 6 spaces and 2 for
their Storm with an area of 2 spaces.

Their Storm area of 3 spaces and Snow area of 3

spaces do not count as they are diagonally

Difficulty: Hard
Underground Dice
Duration: 7/14 Rounds

‘Manage an underground network of Subways and Water Pipes. You can use the Underground
dice either as an Expansion to the base game or as a standalone game.’

Set-Up: Each player will require 2 Player boards; one to be their Surface board and the other to be their Underground board.

 The 4 Underground dice are placed on the table, but are not to be mixed with the white Route dice.

Surface Board: Either chooses a classic Railroad Ink board (Blue/Red edition) or Railroad Ink Challenge board
(Green/Yellow edition); all players must use the same type of board.

Underground Board: Each player’s second board can be of any type; it does not matter which version of the game
the board is taken from.

Variants: Underground dice can be played as an expansion to a Railroad Ink base game or as a standalone game.

 When played as an expansion, each player’s Surface board and Underground boards are treated as two different
levels of the same area; a ground level and a subterranean level directly beneath it.

Standalone Variant: When played as the standalone variant, players are to play using only an Underground board
(refer to the Underground Rounds section under the Expansion Variant) with the following rules changes:

 The game is made up of 7 consecutive Underground rounds, not 14 alternating rounds.

 Players do not use a Surface board or the white Route dice.

 All Interaction rules between Surface boards and Underground boards are to be ignored.

 Whenever a player draws a Subway Station (i.e. ), if there is no Hub in the same row and/or column,
they must immediately transform the Subway Station into a Hub.

Expansion Variant: Players play 14 rounds, alternating between Surface and Underground rounds.

 The game starts with a Surface Round

Surface Rounds: The white Route dice are rolled and players draw the results according to the normal rules
that match the version of the boards chosen (either Railroad Ink or Railroad Ink Challenge).

Underground Rounds: The Underground dice are rolled and players draw the results according to the
Underground Placement Restrictions.

 Each player must draw the results of all of the Underground dice if they are able to.

 If using a Railroad Ink Challenge board, ignore the effects of all Special Buildings ( , , and
Gameplay: The following rules cover the use of Underground dice:

Underground Route Types: The Underground dice introduce 2 new types of Routes, Subway Routes and Water

 Subway Routes and Water Pipes can never be connected to each other.

 Some dice results have a combination of Subway Routes and Water Pipes.

Subway Routes: Subway Routes are depicted with a single line.

 Some Subway Routes also have Subway Stations, depicted by an empty circle

(i.e. ).

Water Pipes: Water Pipes are depicted with a double line with connectors at each end.

Underground Placement Restrictions: When drawing a Route on an Underground board, it must be connected to a
pre-existing Route and/or Exit ( ).

 A Subway Route can only be attached to a Railway Exit or another Subway Route.

 A Water Pipe can only be attached to a Highway Exit or another Water Pipe.

Interaction between Surface and Underground Boards: There are two types of interactions that happen between a
player’s Surface board and Underground board: creating Hubs and breaking Water Pipes.

Courtesy Rules: To help players keep track of the interactions between their Surface and Underground
boards, players should adhere to the following rules:

 Whenever a player draws a Subway Station on their Underground board, they should draw a circle
in the bottom right-hand corner of the corresponding space on their Surface board.

 Whenever a player draws a Station on their Surface board, they should draw a circle in the bottom
right-hand corner of the corresponding space of their Underground board.

Creating a Hub: If a Station on a player’s Surface board and a Subway Station on their Underground board
share the same space on their respective boards, they are to fill in the circle of the Subway Station, this
creates a Hub.

Breaking Pipes: If a player draws a Station on their Surface board and there is a Water Pipe on the space
directly beneath it, the Water Pipe becomes broken; the player draws a zigzag through the width of the
Pipe to mark it as broken.

 If a player draws a Water Pipe beneath an already existing Station, the Pipe does not become

Duplication Power: At any point during an Underground round, a player may choose to use a duplication power to
duplicate the results of one of the Underground die results (i.e. use it twice).

 When a player uses a Duplication Power, they cross off a Special Route at the top of their Underground

 A player may only use a Duplication Power once per round.

 A player has a maximum of 3 Duplication Powers to use over the course of the game.

 When a player uses a Duplication Power, it does not count as using a Special Route on their Surface board;
the Special Routes on each board are handled separately.

Scoring: After 7 rounds (standalone)/14 rounds (expansion game), players calculate their scores as follows:

Surface Board: Players calculate their score for their Surface board according to the normal rules that match the
version of the boards chosen (either Railroad Ink or Railroad Ink Challenge).

 Surface board scoring does not take place in a standalone game.

 Players add their Underground score to the Expansion scoring space of their Surface board to calculate
their final score.

Underground Board: Players add up the total of their Underground board to calculate their Underground score.

 In a standalone game, a player’s Underground score will be their only score.

Networks: Each player calculates the combined point total of their Water Pipe Networks and Subway
Networks, adds them together, and then writes the total in the Network scoring space of their
Underground board.

Water Pipe Network: Each set of Exits ( ) that are connected to each other by Water Pipes
form a Network; each Network scores on the Network Value track based on the number of
connected Exits that form that Network.

Subway Network: All Exits and Hubs that are connected to each other by Subway Routes form a
Network; each Network scores on the Network Value track based on the number of connected
Exits and Hubs that form that Network.

Longest Water Pipeline: Each player calculates their Longest Water Pipeline by the same rules as though it
was their Longest Highway, doubles that number, and then writes it in the Longest Highway section of their
Underground board.

 Broken Water Pipes do not interrupt a player’s Longest Water Pipeline.

Longest Subway Line: Each player calculates their Longest Subway Line by the same rules as though it was
their Longest Railway and then writes that number in the Longest Railway section of their Underground

Centre Spaces: Each player scores 1 point for each Central Space of their Underground board that contains
a Route, as per normal.

Errors ( ): Each player adds up all of their negative points from their Errors.

 Players lose 1 point for each open-ended Subway Route or Water Pipe.

 Players lose 2 points for each broken Water Pipe.

 Subway Routes and Water Pipes that connect to the edge of the board do not count as Errors.


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