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Crochet; é -¢ SOFT TOYS Os IAA Assssds AAAAAAA \AAsssaaada AAAAAAAS AAAAAAAA AAasasad AAAAAAAA rVVVVVVWVVWVWVVTVWV Velcome to Create Crochet +e SOFT TOYS «- ‘Amigurumi the Japanese art of crocheting small stuffed creatures, ‘made of yar. Literally speaking am! means knitted or crocheted‘ and ‘nuigurum! means Stuffed dol It has become vasty popular over the last decade, with people able to sel finshed products for aver £100! More often than not, you will come across adorable translations of your favourte characters, or cartoon versions ofreabfe animals that make them even cuter than you could possibly imagine, Ten of course, theres the other end ofthe spectrum, with people taking inanimate ‘objects and giving them same treatment. Realy, the possiblities are endless, and its super simple, worked mostly in dauble crachets in the ‘ound. With over 20 projects to choose fom, there's enough in here to keep you busy fora long time. So pick up your hook, select your yarn and get crocheting! 4 i FUTURE 4 r Crochet +« SOFT TOYS «- | Contents 10° Yarns 32 Starting in the round 12 Amigurumikitbag 36 Increasing 14 Read a pattern 38 Decreasing 4 16 Foundation chain 4 40 Working in the round 18 Working the chain 4 20 Worksubsequent rows 43° Amigurumitension Tail a 22 Yarnover 44° Fixing mistakes f 23 Slipstitch 45 Fastening off 24 Double crochet 26 Treble crochet 28 Half treble crochet 48 Joining amigurumi 30 Double treble crochet 52 Readingastitch pattern 46 Joinanewyam {6 Create wth Crochet ‘Throughout this book, al crochet pattems and tutorials use UK er re ee Vere eet Co hire eet es These star ratings indicate difficulty level so pick a pattem based on your ality: Cute turtle sok Teddy bear toe Little dress-up doll I Baby sloth sk Prairie bunny seek Tiny princess kk Rob the raptor sok Happy horse II Rachel doll Stated Tiny luck elephant ak Proud lion dee Magical unicorn toe Yeti & Bigfoot ek Chubby baby ek Stegosaurus ak Trex yok Triceratops the Little bunny Jo Pearl the dolphin ok Frog, snail & log cos Jumbo doll IO Baby guinea pigs sok Flemish lop bunny tee Football captain tokk Giant mouse Joiek Cup of bear toe Halloween rat tok Wedding dolls tk Chubby Santa & elf Glossary Abbreviations Special stitches Create with Crochet 7 | Getting started Get to grips with the basics 10 Yarns 32 _ Starting in the round 12. Amigurumikitbag 36 Increasing 14 Read a pattern 38 Decreasing 16 Foundation chain 40 Working in theround 20 Worksubsequentrows 43. Amigurumitension 22 Yamover 44 Fixing mistakes 23 Slip stitch 45. Fastening off 24 Double crochet 46 Joinanew yarn 26 Treble crochet 48 Joining amigurumi 28 Half treble crochet 52 Reading astitch pattern 30 Doubletreble crochet “A crochet hook can feel a bit unnatural in your hand at first, but you'll soon get used to the way it feels” 8 Create with Crochet | Getting started From chunky wool to 4-ply acrylic, there is a wide variety of yarns with which you can crochet 10 begin crocheting, all you need are two essential pieces of ‘equipment:a crochet hook and a ball of yarn. The yarn that you decide to use wil play apart in determining which hook {you will work wit, so let's stat by looking atthe many types of yarn available to you Yarns are made with a wide valety of ores most are natura sorne are synthetic, and others blend different res together, llyamns have different textures and properties, and wil affect the look and fee! of your finished project. For example, wool s stretchy and tough, alpaca i soft Wool [cme Wool is very warm and tough which makes it ‘reat for winter wear can befine and soft or ough and scratchy, but wll soften with washing. It's most affordable, durable ‘and a good choice forthe ew crochete Mohai Mohair isa sictke fibre that comes from the “Angora goat. I's a yarn that dyes particulary well ‘and is commonly blended vith other fies ‘makes fr fantastic winter ‘garments asitis warm and durable eae eed Alpaca with long and fine fies, alpaca yar can sometimes be haity looking but tis one of the warmest and most luxurious woo's out here, iis abo incredibly sof, and comes in varieties such as baby and royal which ar even soe Pe. 10 Create with Crochet and luxurious, while natural and synthetic blends are durable with other enhanced properties. \When choosing a yam you also need to considers thicknes, usually called its weightDifferent weight affect the appearance of your project and the number of stitches needed, ‘When leaming to crochet, i's a good idea to start with a medium- ‘weight yam that fees comfortable in your hand and s smooth but not too slippery. A yain descrived as worsted, Aran or 1O-ply in wool ora ‘wool blend is ideal Cotton his natural vegetable fibres typieally ess elastic than wot and isknown for its robustness and washabity. Cotton has alovely stitch definition when crocheted, and is good forhromewares and bags However itcan bea bit hard fon the hands Acryl Made fiom polacryonitie, acrylic yarns both affordable and washable. This synthetic yarn wety soft tothe touch and comes ina wide variety of colours and textures, ‘crf commonly blended with other yarns inorder to add durabilty Natural and synthetic blends Blending natal and man mma res oten estes yarns trator stonger and moe vesatiettcanaboenhance trerapperence king them fever ore vir Bended yrs fen vesicle king eset fergumensforeisten 1d) Did you know? Every ball of yarn comes with ‘a recommended hook size, which is printed on the label. itis ‘suggested for amigurumi that you should use a smaller hook to keep the tension tight so you can't see the Reon a arian Lace,2-py fingering Extremely ght Lace yam prodcesa verydeiate Lace 225m tertureon 2mm (USO needles Bigger needles wil produce amore open fabric Fine 4-ply, sport, baby Fine yarns reat for socks, and can also be used in Light jumpers, 35-45mm eao7 items thatfeature slighty more delcate textures babywear sock, Aan mel worsted, With many yams inthis thickness using avaity of Jumpers, cabled 5565mm 19t0K1012 Aéghon 127 forestomake them machine washable, ranyamn garments blankets, isgoodforgarments wit thckcabled detaland hats scarves mittens functional tems. Super chunky, super Commonly used with very large needles, Super Heavy blankets, 9s, ‘mms bulky, bulky, roving, chunky yarn crochet up very quicky.Largesstitches _thickscarves ‘e-plyand upwards make mistakes easy to spot Getting started Amigurumi kit bag Although just a hook and a ball of yarn will get you pretty far in crochet, many other helpful tools are available Case Ce er Top tip! in place. However, s crochet hooks are only small, you could alternatively use 2 you need to use a stitch ‘pencil case (as pictured) to keep everything in one place. * marker but don’t have one stitch or even a bobby sucha re bobby substitutes. Row counter ow counters are used for marking off how many rows youve worked, Just turn itance when you finish a row and itil keep track for you. Scissors Yarn needles ‘ [A sharp pairof sclsors sone ofthe most ‘Aso called tapestry needle ora daring needle this handy tol will important tools a crocheter can keep to hand, as be useful for frshing off your projects neatly s these needles are you wil use them frequently for cutting yam. Try to thick, blunt tipped and havea large eye to fit the yarn ito they ae the {avaid using a blunt paras this can cause yarn to fay, perfect 00 for weaving in ends and stitching pleces together, ging a ‘making itil to werk with. professional rsh to your pieces. 12 Create with Crochet Stitch markers With matipe uses, stitch markers are some ofthe handiest tools rochetercan keepin their bag, Their main purpose ito mark stiches. Pace one in the fist stitch ofa rw so youdont lose your place ina pater, Tomake sue that the toys you make are suitable for children, Use safety eyes as they ‘won't come out even ‘hen tugged on! fo For stuffing your amigurumi projects you wil ibrefill eed ‘toy stuffing also known asfibrefl. You can buy itn good craft stores or simply use the innards ofa plow! Hook sizes Hook sizes are measured in milimeties, measured by the width across the shank, They are avalable from as small as 2mm tas age as 20m or bigger. The ze of hook you wil neds related othe thickness of yarn that you use ~ "thicker yams need lager hooks. tis suggested that you use a smallerhook than ‘recommended for amigurum projects ~the patterns willl you. Hook size table: a 2mm, 2.25mm 3mm, 325mm, a 375mm, 4mm i et = as Pn Hook materials rasa iaaeie eee een eee ain ene Ce eee Se re eee eee mes ‘Ccate with Crochet 13 | Getting started How to read a pattern Most crochet projects are made by following a pattern. Although they may look daunting at first, they're easy to read once you understand the terms hen you've decided on what you want your fist crochet projet tobe - whether it’s simple scarf or an amigurumi character - you will mos key follow a pattem to create it Patterns are the instructions that tell you what stiches to use and how to combine them to make the item youre working on. You can find aigurumi pattems from page 56 in thisbook ‘As crochet patterns are witen in shorthand, tothe untrained eye they can just look like meaningless lists of jumbled letters, but theyre actualy prety accessible once you've mastered the terms. They are ven this way so as to not take up too much space on the page, and also to make them easier to follow Instead of along list of words that you could easly lose your pace in patterns ave concise and simple to read. All patterns should flow the same conventions, o ance you've learned how to read ther, any that you pick up should make sense Read on to learn all about crochet patterns Starting instructions Atthe top ofastch pattem wll narmaly be very important information thatyou need to know before beginning work onthe pattern, This wl inchade what se hookand weight of yams advised, as welas the tension. There may ako be information about ay speci stches you red and any uncommon abbreviations. To begin yourpate the ist instruction wil usualy be to create a foundation chain for werking in rows) ora chain ile or magic ring for working in the rund fyou are not werking to exact easements lag out inthe pattern you willbe toi to make a foundation chan in a mutpl. This needed to ensure that any repeats dott get cutoff halfiay through when you come tothe end of ows we as smal "numberof stitches forthe tuning hain. For example ch amulple of 6 55 pls 3! means youneed to chan ary multiple of (6, 12, 18 24 et) pls three mote chains tthe end for the turning chain Rows and rounds Crochet avays worked ether in rove or rounds, and pattems ge you the instructions fr what you should do in each row or round you are about to create, They wl be numbered ow 1, Row 2 or i ind 2 «et to make iesyforyou to keep your place when working through thelist At the end of each instruction the numberof stiches you should have worked in that undow walbe given. fyouhave crocheted more 114 Create with Crochet cor fewer than ths then you know a mistake has been made. This gives you an opportunity to comrectit before you move on, Working into specific stitches ‘As wel as tel you which sch torake nex, pattem wil ako tell you where to make it the pattem says to work nt the ned stitch youneed to crochet inx the very next stitch For example, dein next st means double caochetinthe nent stich fitsays to worka multiple of stiches ito a mule number of stitches you ned to cochet te same stich however many tes it asks forinothe number of stitches itasksyou to For example, tr in next 2.ts'mears make two tebe crochets inthe next sch and two tebe Crochet inthe one afte, fr a toa four sitches made. When cere stich types are gven in brackets, you nee to make al ofthe stiches gen inthe sch tasking you to For example ch ‘Winnextst means makea treble crochet in the next sth then chain then treble crochet inthe same sch asthe fest weble crochet. apattem asks you to wotka stitch int a spec stitch, then you kip allthe anes tha come before and work ino the top ofthe stitch ts 28king you to. For example, in next hy means double crochet in the next af weble crochet no mater what comes before in ther. fa pater asks yout workthe next stchintoa chain space (chp, then you needto insert yout hookinthe space underneath lop that was created by 2 chain inthe ro bev Repeats instead of wing out repeatedinstructons, the wl be dented n pattes ether using brackets ofan asterisk or other symbol followed by aninstruction of how many times they shouldbe repeated within your chosen pate Repeated instructions given in brackets for example, 2dcin next st tri nex st) times’ means thatthe sequence inside the brackets need tobe followed rom beginning to end,as mary times sidered bby the number outside the brackets. In this case, four times. Repeated instuctons dented with an asterisk —fr example," inex chs ch sk next 2 chs rep from* 3 times’ ~ means thatthe sequence that begins atthe asters and ends a the semicolon needs tobefolowed, and then repeated the number oftimes tated Soin this case the instruction willbe flowed fou times. Repeated instructions can ako dec that they be worked until the end ofthe row, or until the | stitches. For example, 3trin next st, ch 2 step fom * across to last 2s rin ast 2 ts! means repeat the sequence between the astersk and row (or round) at which point you end the repeat and the further instruct ‘pattein may offer you multiple sizes to make something in, whichis partcualy common with terns foc infants and young children When thishappens, the malest size willbe given fst with rackets. For example Information for th ‘This means that to make the smallest ite, you ‘eed to folow the fist instruction for the medium Sie the first instruction inside the br the largest the second instruction given inside the etsand for brackets. Make sue to not use the wrong instruct or ese you may find the garment wont ft Chain (ch) Treble crochet (tt) Double treble crochet (dtr) Chain (ch) Double crochet (de) ‘Triple (treble) crochet (tt) ste with Crochet 15 Getting started Foundation chain When working in rows or starting certain patterns in the round, you will need to create a foundation chain to work your first row of stitches into Make a chain start your very first stitch 01 Start with a slipknot 02 Yarn over Theft step ito create aston your hook Move yout hook undemesth our yan to rest yam ove 04Keep going Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to make more chains. Hold the stitches you've akeady made nyour eft hand closet the hook or stably Your ptm ltl you how many you need chain, 03 Pull through Move the hook bckthrough the oa aed on your hook aking Suretocath the working yam You nevenow made your ist chan 16 Createwith Crochet Make the chain correctly Don't let it get tangled O1 Even stitches 2 Not too tight “Tyyto make all the chains smi sze to ensure you are making astiong_I’sbesto keep the cans qt loose to begin with, sight chains wll foundation fr you piece some ae very nose and athersarentthe be very ificukto make schesin when itcomes othe nex ou 25 effect willbe a wavy edge 1 your pice THs wlltake some pracice. you stuggle to set yout hook nto them and plit tough again. Counting chains ‘When begining a project the pattem you ate flowing wile you how many chains you need to cea ether in total or a rrukiple. important create exact the fight number 25 geting this wrong wll mean {yu have to unravel your work when you find out youve ether got too mary oF not enough atthe end of your fist row To count ‘the chains, identify the Vs on the side that's: facing you, Each of these sone chain. The above the sipknots your frst chain but do not count the f09p on yout hook This the working loop and does not count asa chain you ate crating avery long chain, might help to mark every ten or 20 stitches witha sutch mater. Turning chain height Dre stches red See ets tg chan wh Stitch (UK) Number of turning chains accommodates for the height ofthe sich about tbe made sett However the standard turing chain heights may not always work for Dabeoctet) i {you 35 it depends on how loosely ortihty you create chain sche. f EEE 34 find your turning chains bulge out ofthe fabric, try chaining one ess ‘than specified. Altemativey if they ar ight and distorting the edge of Treble crochet | 3 the Fabri try chaining one more than specified Use the table to find the ey standard turing chain lengths for basi stitches. ey) Create with Crochet 17 | Getting started Chain anatomy Get to know the parts of the chain 01 Front of the chain 2 Back of the chain Looking atthe front side ofyour chain you wil see arowofsideways Vs, When you lok atthe backside ofthe chain, you wile aline of ups e2ch wth tp loop and a bttom op. inbetween the loops. These ae called the back bumps Under the top loop Use the most common way to work the chain “ Al P loop ies y / Toptip! > / Be careful when making 'yourfirstchain loops asit | can be easy totwistthem. | Ttshould look uniform all! the way up,ifitdoesn't, ‘you won'tbeableto | / work the stitches. 01 Find the top loop (2 Insert your hook Fortis method, hook under theta loop only Move yourhookto inset itunder the top loop of 18 Createwith Crochet Under the top loop and back bump work the chain differently Top ti pl Working under the top loop is the easiest ‘method for beginners, but does not create ‘as neat an edge as ‘working under the back bumps. 01 Under two 02 Insert your hook Hooking under both the top loop andthe backbumpissometimes Move yout hooker unde the back bump atop loop of refered to 35 the tp two loops ofthe cai, acain Under the back bump work the chain in reverse (02 Insert your hook Mave our hookto eer under the back bump, 01 Find the back bump “Tum aver your chain so that the back bumps are facing you. Create with Crochet 19 | Getting started Working into subsequent rows When you've completed your first row, the only way is up. The next step is to build on the row you've just worked 10 work into the row you've just crocheted, you wl first ‘Wher looking atthe top ofthe row you will se the Vs of the stitches. need to crochet a turning chain (-ch, which you can eam To workinto the next row, you can either crochet under the backloop, how to create on page 17. When you've made this the length under the front loop or under both loops ofthe stich onthe row below. suggested on the pattem forthe stich that you are working, your pattem doesnt specify which loops to werk int, the standard youll then crochet into the row you just created in very similar way way’ to insert your hook under both, as crocheting under one creates & ‘to worklng into the foundation chain, ridge along the base ofthe ow from the urwiorked loops. Top tip! There canbe severalV shapes when looking a your yarn. To identify your Site, ook atthe hock aed where he reeds meet rom that loop wor that V. 20 Create with Crochet Under the front and back loops — Hook under the front and back loops 01 Under both Hooking under the font and back loops ofthe stitch isthe most ‘common way to work into a row, Under the front loops only (flo) 01 Identify the front loop \Wotngintothe font loop fhe Voy crete arg along the fortomef the ow onthe Sd o the wes harifaing ay fom yu. Under the back loops only (blo) G1 Identify the back loop \Wotkngintothe back op ofthe Von cestesaridge long the boftomof the ow on the deo the werk thas ac ou 02 Insert your hook Ate the ting cha asilstatedn Sep Dinsert yourhookso that itgoesn unde bth the font and backlops othe (2 Insert your hook ake sure your hook only goes under the fontoop ofthe @2 Insert your hook "Nake sre yourhook only goes under the backloop onthe. ‘Create with Crochet 21 Getting started Yarn over This is the single most basic step in creating crochet stitches, and a technique that’s important to master before moving on Make a yarn over Master the essential crochet technique e 01 Move your hook, not the yarn Wii t sounds tke ayn over yo) should be made by moving the yarn cover the hook,’ ease to keep the yarn stl and guide the crochet hhook around it With your ook in your ght hand and the working yarn in youre. pass yourhook undemeaththe yan fom right et. The wrong way Moving the hook under the ya fom let torght wl make creating sttchesincedoy dict and you do manage then the stitches thatyou have ceted wil become wisted andangled @2 Make another “There willbe times when you need to yam over twice, and to do thi justrepeat the motion from Step 1, making sure to move the hook from Fight tole. 22 Create with Crochet 03 Three loops ‘Aerio yan vers thee wile tre ops on your hook the ‘ing bop on thet that you jist made by wrap theyam ertvice 04Drawing up a loop Te draw up aloop you needto ise yout hook nto the sth nated conyout pattern cete yen ove and then move your hook back through the work making sur t catch the yam veri the trot of Your hook There i now be two foopson yout hook theloop tht you have jst craw up andthe one you started wth. While rarely used on its own to create a pattern, this versatile stitch is really handy for joining stitches and moving the position of the hook and yarn without adding height Make a slip stitch Work a stitch made for construction not height 01 Foundation chain "Make a foundation chain fo the required length. Fora precise number ; of stitches, chain that many plus one. Identify the second chain from @2 Into chain your hook Insert your hook into the second chain from the haok Yam over (0 Ss 04 Pull through Avoiding the urge yam over continue to pul the yam through the second loop onthe hook You have completed the sith and shou yourhook have one oop on your hook. 08 Draw up a loop Rllyour hook back tough the chin, Thee should be two los on ‘Create with Crochet 23 Getting started Double crochet The easiest crochet stitch creates short and compact stitches Couble crochet (dis avery important stitch incrochet as common sttch in amigurum and toy making as the compact fabric Itisone of the simplest, and therefore the one that most created I very good for holding stufing in Make sure you use a smaller cocheters tend to learn to use first. Mastering thisstich hook than requested (ee page 43) willaso help you when it comes to creating tale stitches, ifyou plan to double crochet into a foundation chain, as we wil as most are created by ust adding stepsto the method for making a inthis tuto then you will nee to make one more chain than the double crochet ‘number of stitches you want to create, asthe fist stich is never worked Using only double crachets creates a very compact, dense fabric, Into the fist chain ftom the hook However, this willbe accounted for in hich makes it great for thick warm winter garment. It isalso the most a patter, so aways chain the number stated Make a double crochet The essential amigurumi stitch 01 Foundation chain ‘Make a foundation chain to the required length. if you just want to @2 Insert hook pacts, start by making about 0 chains. Fyou want to make apiece identify the second chain from your hook and then insert your ‘exactly 20stitches wide, chain 21 hook here > Ca 03 Draw up a loop 04 Pull through two Yarnover eh then daw upatoop.Youwilnaw tavetwolzopson Yam over and then fw the yom though bath ops on he hook your coche hock You tae onelooplefton your hook You have competed the sth 2A Create with Crochet \_ crochets. 05 Keep going Continue making double crachets by inserting your hook into each reining cain and epesing Steps 3and4 When you have nse theron can one 07 Start a new row Identify the rst stitch ofthe row fot the turing chain Insert your hookhere. , : ; / Top tip! For your double crochet turning chain you only need complete one Sitch totakethe row upbefore working! ~ Your next double 1s ° 06 Time to turn “Tur your work counterclockwise, so thatthe next stitches ready tobe. ‘worked into are tothe lft ofthe hook 08 Repeat Folow Sep 3and 410 complete the stich Create with Crochet 25 Getting started Treble crochet This stitch is twice the size of the single crochet, and worked in a very similar way he treble crochet (tsa very common stitch that is simple__common and recognisable stitch, as seen in granny squares. When ‘to-create, especially once you've mastered the technique of | svorking a treble crachet nto a foundation chain you must make two making a double crochet (dd tis created simply by adding 3 rote chains than your desied numberof stitches. Thisis because 3 couple of steps to the method for cating adouble crochet. treble crochet I usually worked into the fourth chain from the hook Dye tots increased height, this stitch creates a much ess compact _ when being worked into a foundation chain, and the three unwworked and therefore more versatile fabric than the double crochet isa very chains wil fr your fist treble crochet stitch. Make a treble crochet Building up your skill 01 Foundation chain @2 Yarn over [Make 3 foundation chain tothe required length. Fora precise numberof Make a yarn ove (jo) and then insert your hook into the fourth chain stitches, chain that many plus two. Find the fourth chain from the hook. from the hook 03 Draw up a loop 04 Pull through two Yamnover then daw upa loop. Thee should now be tieeloops on Yam ove then da ihe am trough two of the ops on your hook yourhook There should now be two ops on your hock. 26 Create with Crochet = OM 05 Complete the stitch Yam ove and then daw the yam through the two loops lft on the hook. You have completed thestch and should nowy have one loop on your hook “This stitch creates a much less compact and therefore more versatile fabric than the double crochet” 06 Keep going Continue making treble crochets by making a yam over and then inserting our hook nf each remaining chan and epeating taps 3.0 5. When you have finshed theron, chain thee, 07 Turn Tun your work counterclockwise ready to start the next row. The two chains you just made count asthe firststtch, so your next stitch will reed to be made inthe second stitch ofthe ro. 08 Continue down the row ‘Yair over, put yourhook into the next sith and repeat Steps 3t0 5 to ‘make the stitch, Continue tothe end ofthe row, remembering to put ‘the final treble into the top ofthe tuning chain of the row below. ‘Create with Crochet 27 Getting started Half treble crochet Aless common stitch that is taller than double crochet but not quite as tall as treble crochet his stitch is strange when compared to the double crochet (de) and treble crochet (un the way that it's made. Instead ‘of drawing a loop through two loops, the yarn isinstead pulled through tree to create a half ele crochet (nt). This produces sich that’s about half as tall asthe treble crochet, but taller than the double crochet. This can be quit icky to get the hang ofthe first time, soa ite practice may be necessary. When used on ts Own, the half treble crochet produces a fairly compact fabric, which fs similar Make a half treble crochet Combining techniques 01 Foundation chain [Make a foundation chain tothe required length, not forgetting to chain ‘one more than the numberof stiches you deste. Identify the thi chain from the hook 08 Draw up aloop Yarn oer then daw upa loop. Thre should nowbe tre loops on your hook 28 Createwith Crochet In texture to that created when using double crochet by isle. Mastering the techniques used to create the double and tele crochet wilhelp greatly when creating the haf treble crochet. Luke with working a double crochet into a foundation chain, you wll need to make one more chai than your dested number of stitches Thisis because the treble crochet wl be worked into the third chain from the hook, and the two unworked chains wil for your frst half treble crochet sth, 02 Yarn over ‘Make yarn over (yo) and then insert your hockinto the thi chain fom te hook a 04 Pull through three Yam oes, then daw he yom trough aller loops.onyourhook The Sitasnow compete an thee should be one oop on your hook 05 Keep going Continue maiing halfneble crochet ty making ayer over iseting your hook nto tech remaining chan end repeating Seps 03 and O& When you have fried the ron, chain two 06 Turn “Tun your work counterclockwise ready to start the next row. The two chains you just made count as the first stitch, so your next stitch will 07 Start new row reed to be made inthe second stitch of the rv. Yarn aver and inert your hookinta the second stitch of the row. ~ Top tip! When working with hurin the rou you wil want to use multiples. of 8 stitches for itto ioytee 08 Continue to crochet Repeat Steps 3and 410 complete the stitch, Create with Crochet 29 Getting started Double treble crochet This common stitch is much taller than the treble crochet, and this size allows it to be worked into a piece of fabric fairly quickly hile the other stitches you have learned create quite the fistloop, ass very easy fr the second yarn over to sip off the close, compact stitches, the double treble crochet hook before you insert into your fabric without you even noticing, (dt) creates very tl stitches that make a loose, However tis sa valuable stitch because when compared to the stretchy fabric. For this reason the double treble double crochet (dc which works up rather slow t's very easy 10 crochet s most often found in lace work. create large piece of fabric quilt withthe double teble crochet, The double treble crochet is crested by making two yan ovets When creating a foundation chain to work double treble crochets (yo) before inserting the hook inta the stich or chain below and this into youneed to make three mare chains than the desired number of can make it quite feldly to work with. I’ important to check that you stitches, as the ist stitch will be worked into the fifth chain fom the have the correct number ofloops.on your hook after youve drawn up hook, with the four chains making the fist double teble crochet hook Make a double treble crochet master the longest crochet stitch 01 Foundation chain Make a foundation chan to the required length, making su to chain, three more than the number of stitches you need. Identify the ith chain from the hook. 02 Yarn over twice ake tno yam overs nd then ser yourhookintothefithchainfrom 03 Draw up a loop the hook Yam over and daw up loop. There should be four loops on your hook 30 Createwith Crochet Pr 04 Pull through two 05 And again... ‘Yam over then cathe yarn through two of the loops onyour hook Yam over then cra the yan though two ofthe lops on yourhook ‘There siould now be three oops on your hook agin Tete shoud now be to loops on your hook 07 Complete the row Repeat Stes 21 6 into each emining cain o fh theron When 06 ...and once more you reach the endothe ow cain our and tur yur vesk cockise Yam over then dw theyem though the woloopsonyourhook ‘The chain four counts as theistic, you wil need to make the “There should now be one lop on yout hook rertintothesecondstich fom the en 08 Carry on crocheting Ya over twice inser the haokso the second stich from the en ofthe ow and repeat Steps 310610 complete te stch Create with Crochet 34 Getting started Starting in the round There are two options when working in the round, both of which you can apply to all of your amigurumi projects hen you are working in the round you have two ‘options for how to start your project. Usually 2 pattern wl tellyou which it would prefer for you to begin with — 2 chain or a magic ing, both of which wll be covered on the folowing pages. The most simple method to beain with isa chain, which will see you connect short chain together into a cicle and work your fist round Into the mile ofthe chain. The second method, starting with a magic ring’ litle mote complicated, but it produces tighter fist round, {and a more secure final product. tees you work your stitches onto 3 oop of yar, which you later pull tight before proceeding to work your stitches into the round, It should be pointed out that fyou find that you prefer one method ‘over the other and a project suggests you use the one you anit so keen ont wouldnt actually affect the final product too much to use the alternate method, Do what fels most comfortable, Single chain start Begin your circular project with a single chain Workallthe stitches into this chain 01 Make a chain Chain two. 02 Double crochet Now make a double crochet (d) into the second chain from yourhook 132 Create with Crochet Top tip! Donat workinto the incvdual chains when starting you profect with multiple chain ar Tis will create a rather ugly a stvourd tht yu dot went, 08 Continue into the chain Make the est of your double crochets into the same chain stitch as your fist double crochet, Multiple chain start create a ring using multiple chains 01 Create a chain a Wake sor chan dependingonthe pate hatyoue folowing, 2p stitch Hee ve hove shown ve chs, Create Si stich (0 into the fis chain that you crested. 8 Into the centre Workyour ist round into the middle ofthe ring you hhave created. Now either continue to work ina spral lorconnect the last double crochet othe first with asp stitch, create your turning chains and continue on, Didyou », know? 4 1 Crochetistjustfun ttsgood 1 | foryou, too! Ithas been proven ‘tohelp with your hand-eye» counatonsndevce your maths skis. ‘Create with Crochet 33 | Getting started Magic ring start your project with a bit of ‘magic’ 01 Make a loop Tobegin create aloop the loop crosses ove with the stating tan fon and inset you needle fom font to back 1 03 Make your first stitch ‘Yarn over your hook agin ths time from above the loop and pull yough to create a chain on your ring, Ves ier Sener erie cna ith Crochet as ifto create asipknat hold the yan where 02 Yarn over \With the working yarn, yar over (yo) your hook and pull up a loop back through tothe front: Make sure you are not using the stating yarn — this wal simply unravel O4 Insert your hook To create your fst double crochet (6) ,nsert your hook nt then, with both the loop and starting tl above your hook Your stitches wil now be cested sound both ars. 05 Crochet a stitch Yamn over and draw up aloop backto the front ofthe rng. Create your stitch as you would usualy a 06 Keep going Carty on with the previous two steps untl you have created your ting, 07 Secure ‘Once you have created all ofyour stitches keep your hook inthe loop and hold it and your round in your dominant hand, Now pullon the starting tall nti the gap is closed. Continue working as shown on page 40 ‘Create with Crochet 35 Getting started Increasing he number of stitches in a row, simply crochet two or mor nto the To incr e same stitch ‘creasing isa very useful technique in crochet and one that’s To increase the numberof stitches in your round or row simply Incredibly easy to execute. Increasing is essential when working in. crochet two or more stitches into one stich ofthe row below. For the round to create something fat as the extra stitches add width, example ifyou have just crocheted a round of eight sttches, then |withour increasing, you would just build upwards, not outwards. crochet two of each stitch into each stitch below — your next round Increasing also very useful when shaping items such as amigurumi will have 16 stitches. In patterns, increasing is wrten as the number of asitcan be combined with decreases to make the shapes you need, stitches to be made ito the stitch below. For example, tri next st ‘Standard Increases Keep your in the round work flat When youte working inthe round you wil need to make sue that you add certain numberof stitches to each round in order to keep your work at fh isthe desired effec). Adding too mary sttches ll result in your work starting to ruffle but not adding enough wil result in Double Ss gS a ball starting to form, which actualy perfec for amigurum,somake | ENE 5 a sue you check the pattern f you thinkyou have taken a wrong ture. The numberof stitches that you add perrow depends on what typeof Treble’ 2 2 stitch you have used, Refer tothe table ight) to decipher how many Pas nm 0 stitches you wil need to add each round Making lots of increases in ‘one place will make bulges (and shells), so if you just want to make the piece larger ‘without distorting the fabric, spread your increases out across the lenath of the round or row. 36 Createwith Crochet Adding stitches make a treble crochet increase in the next stitch (2 tr in next st) LS PO hae ig @2 Into the same stitch 01 Treble crochet Make another tebe rchet inthe same stich Youhave inceased your Nake a tebe coche nthe next sich stich count by one Increasing at the start of a row Make a treble crochet increase in the next stitch (2 tr in next st) pe Q2 Into the first stitch 01 Chain three and turn Where you would normally make your ist 03 Two stitches Asthe turing chain normally counts as 2 stitch into the second stitch from thehook, to The sttch youve just made and the turning stitch except in double crochet increasing at increas, insert your hook nto the fst stitch at___ chain count a two stitches, and you have the star ofa row issightly diferent. the base ofthe chain and make the stich. made an increase Create with Crochet 37” Getting started Decreasing Often worked in conjunction with increases when shaping crochet, decrease stitches reduce the number of stitches in a row bile the easiest way to reduce the numberof stitches ina row sto simply kip stitches, this creates hole, Which is not always the desired effect. To avoid this hole, decrease stitches work multiple stitches together, thereby eliminating stiches while ao filing inthe gap, Decrease stitches ae named after the numer and type of stches belng| crocheted together For example de2tog' means that two double crochet stitches will be combined into one. When the number inthe smile increases, this means even more stitches willbe crocheted into ‘one. While decreases have many lffeent names and forms, the basic formula isthe same: make al the stiches up to the final step so that they areallon the hook, then complete all he stiches together Double crochet two stitches together combine two double crochet stitches (dc2tog) O1 Insert hook Insert your ookinto the next stitch, as ifto make a double crochet, Draw upa loop. 38 Createwith Crochet (2 Insert hook again \ithout completing the sich insert your hookint the next stich tomate ante dovble crochet. Draw up aloop. You should now have three loops on your hook 03 Through three ‘Yatn over (yo) and draw theloop trough alee Stcheson out hook Having worked totwo stiches ut iy cenalone youlare deuesed by one Treble crochet three stitches together combine three stitches (tr3tog) oa 02 our hookinto the nex nd insert your hook into the out completing the stitch, yarn over ‘ext stitch, Draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through two loop the hook There should now be thee laops on your hook, 03. Repeat Step 2 your hook, ford 1enext stich. Thete should now be four loops on incomplete treble crochet stitches. Create with Crochet 39 Getting started Working in the round Following on from your chain start or magic ring, start working in the round migurumi isthe biggest purveyor of using in the round ‘Working in joined rounds works well when you ae using longer ‘workings for crochet. While most patterns willuse 8 stitches. It consists ofjoning the tops ofthe stitches together a the end Continuous spiral method, some will use joined rounds ‘of each round, and using a collection of chains in order to create the fist 2s well stitch of the next round, ‘Working in a spiral works best when you are working with double \When working the round, to produce flat pieces you will need a crochet (de) stitches because larger sttches are harder to dsguise at ——_certain amaunt of increases, which you can see on page 36, the end ofthe rounds, Having said that fyou have todo isnt Here we will show you both techniques. Your pattern may not impossible see example on the opposite page) At the end of your specify whether to use a spi or joined technique, but it will become working you willhie the lst jog of sttches with an indie irish, ‘obvious ifyou ae asked to join each round with asp stitch Continuous spiral Keep your circular projects going in one long ‘line’ et Crochet derives from traditional practices in Arabia, China and South America, but there is lttle evidence of ‘crocheting being popular in Europe until the 19th century. 02 Start the next round Tostart each new round, work the fist sttch - ino the topofthefist sch ofthe astreund. 8 Continue your pattern Now add yourstich maker ito thisstich by Now conte to stich the rest of yourround sipping t through thesttch a youwould as stated inthe patter. Here we are doing ‘cochet into ton the next round two double cochets ino each sith, 01 Crochet your round Crochet each of your stitches into your chain start or maging youre wing double crochet do si sttches fora rebes (ht) Use eight ad for bles (se 40 Create with Crochet When using a magic ring, make sure to pull {your ring tightly closed al 04 Work the end of the round ‘Continue around unti you each the stich before the marker you Inserted eatler. This isthe last stitch ofthe round Top tip! ind secure itor it will ‘make your circle wonky. 05 Start the next round “Tossttch your next round, remove the matker, crochet the stitch as ‘normal and then replace the marker int the sich you have just created 06 Finishing your spiral Tenn yoursprl you wil need to "moat out the ump nse becoeen tons To doo si stch tote next Sitch. Forte stiches, gradual crochet Shortersttenes shown the two imageson hele Double crochet spiral Toend a double cochet spa simply so stich int the ne stich to hide the jog between rows Treble crochet spiral Ifyou have worked your spiral using double crochets you wil need to end your spiral witha hal treble crochet, uble crochet slip stitch, ‘Ccate with Crochet 41 Getting started Working in joined rounds Use slip stitches to join your rounds 02 Make a slip stitch Toon te ows make asi sth ito the op ofthe fist sich ofthe 01 Crochet your first round round -thswilbe as you ae cresting the net sch for double Fh your fest rund itching veblechesino yourroundng ng. Gochet- rote ope te turing can ay nger stiches 4 04 Start round two 8 Completed round To rete your next ound, ree a chan tothe height of your stich Now youhavefrished your fst round and crested your cide Cnefor coubl two forhl treble thre for treble and soon 42 Create with Crochet Amigurumi tension To ensure you get the best results from your amigurumi creations it’s important to understand a little about tension (gauge) rllke when making larger crochet projects or garments, are to sit upright. Too loasea tension and you willbe able to see the achieving exact tension i not critical for amigurumi. stuffing through the small gaps between stiches: your project may turn However it isimportant to note that tension should always out considerably larger than anticipate, and you may aso use more bbe quite tight, and thsi achieved by using a sealer ya than the pattern recommends. Size hook than you might otherwise expect, and small than that ‘The hook sz listed in pattems is only a recommendation or starting recommends on the ball band of your yam, For example, DK welght point. tis important to remember that eveyone has ther in tension yin might usualy be worked on a4 mm hook but foramigurumiyou _ ~some people crochet more tightly o loosely than others. This is might use a3 mm hook or even smalec normal and nota problem, you just need to be aware oft and know ‘Aight tension helps prevent the amigurumi gure from being how to adjust your tension to that required, Thiss easly achieved by floppy, whichis particularly important for figures that Using a smaller or larger hook. Top tip! Your pater wil vise | you what size hook to 1 ee Buei ening the ‘yarn weight, go down a ‘© size or two from the. Tension too loose Ifyouknitatanomalorloose tension, you wil find that you wile able ro se the stufin betwen the stiches, which detracts fom the finshed appearance of your project. f your crochet looks ike this, you should consi using a smaller hook than the one suggested by the pattern Wee * oy eae kane oS 4 Aa Correct tension Here you will see the stitches are much loser together and so the stuffing is barely visible t's dificult to be t00 tight with ‘amigurumi, however you should stillbe able to worksttches reasonably easly. you are working too tightly this can fee dificult and uncomfortable on your hands, and you should consider changing toa lager hook. ‘Create with Crochet 43 Getting started Fixing mistakes A benefit of crochet is how easy it is to undo mistakes — all you have to do is unravel to the point where you messed up, then make it right! ne of the joys oferochet patterns is that they are designed to help you identify a mistake a the earliest possible opportunity. the numberof stitches youve ‘crocheted doesnt match the number at the end of the row on the patter, you know that youve made a mistake Is abo quite Fix mistakes Don't panic, frog it 2sy 0.crochet one stitch when you actually meant to make another, especially if you are changing between two of more in te sare OW, Lucky, mistakes in crochet ae easy to fix and iFyou catch them ealy enough, they wort st you back too much at all Here’ alook at how tofix mistakes and get yourself back on tack. Did 01 Remove hook ‘When you notice that things have gone airy take your hook out ofthe working loop and grab hold of the working yam, you know? Unravelling works called fogging because you'ripit.ripitripit, ‘which sounds abit lke the noise a frog makes 2 Unravel Pull onthe working yarn to unravel the stitches one by one. This process 'sabo known as frogaing 8 Find the mistake Keep puling the working yan until youve unraveled the mistake Stop poling just after youve removed it. {44 Create with Crochet N 04Resume Insert your hookinto the working laop and begin redoing the work youve just undone, but this time without the mistake! Fastening off When you've finished a project, prevent it from unravelling by fastening off ‘prevent all your hard work from going to waste and The next steps to weave in your ends using a yan needle. This Unraveling before your eyes, one of the most important _iseally simple, as you can simple insert your needle through the steps in a projects fastening of. This incredibly simple step crocheted stitches and hide the end. Alternatively if you are about 10 willlockyour workin place and keep all the stitches secure, _jin anew ball of yarn you can simple stch ove the yarn tallas you Uniess otherwise statedin your patter, always asten off yourwork create your new stitches effectively hiding the loose end.’ nt too ‘when you come to the end of the instructions and the pieces complete. complicated, and its easy to secure your work! Fastening off secure your yarn to complete Pia 1 Cut the yarn When you've fied your prec cuthe woking yamabout ism 2 Pull through (6 fom te ast stchorlonger your pattem stated Yam over yo) Paltheyem trough the logp on your hook and eeppullng unt the withthe ta cutend goes trough the loon Top tip | When fastening off your ‘work, take a yarn needle ‘and thread the end around the row below the last to secure it. f you're changing colour, you ‘can stitch over the end. 8 Pull tight Gea te tal and pull ta, t0 close the ast oop Your stiches Create with Crochet 45 The next step ften projects will use up more than one ball of yarn, and certainly in amigurum you wil use lots of different colours, which means youll need to move from using ‘one bal tothe other. Thisis very easy todo and there are hods 0 neither simply drop the yarn fiom ist bal (before you run out atthe end ofa row and pick up wy oe from, You Join a new yarn you left off with the new ball or join the yams together wth aknat or other technique. Each method has its own pros and cons and one may be mexe stable for certain projects than the other. In amigurumi this is particularly easy because you can hide the yarn ends inside your, projects when you stuff them. You can draw up the new yarn as fyou ‘were working with the previous yam and te them of ah Crochet Join a new yarn Make a seamless move to a new ball or colour > 01 The last stitch ‘When you think theres not enough yam letinyourcurent bl or you . need to change colour to compete another on, begin he st sitchof 02 Pick up the new yarn “your current row with the old yarn, but stop before you reach the final ‘Make a yarn over (yo) with the new ball of yam and complete the stitch, step (yam over and draw through all loops on hook) Leave ata tall of at least a 1Sem (59in) on the new yarn, 08 Drop the old yarn Continue cochetngwithibe ream and cop the oy, “ucon hie the ndsinthe inde o your project. Create with Crochet 47 Getting started Joining amigurumi Make sure that all your pieces are firmly joined together in the final shape ‘ining your amigurumi pieces together is arguably the most Important part ofthe patter. You don‘t want the piece tobe ‘coming apart at any point once youve finished the product. tcan be dificult to master making your stitching laokneat and tidy, but ‘don't worry, k's really easy to unpick and do a stitch again ifyou think youive done it wrong, Amigurumis very forgiving that way There ae several techniques to pick ror fistly there the standard joining technique, which sees you simply put the yam needle through Join a flat piece secure your pieces together 01 Pin your pieces Pin your pieces together, making sure that your attaching piece is exactly where you want 48 Create with Crochet the two pieces of abies repeatedly to join them together. Thereis aso sucha thing asthe invisible join, which sees you match up the sttches from one piece to another in order to create what appears to bea seamles final look You can choose whatever technique wotks best for you - some pattems may suggest what they recommend fr your joining technique, but others wl leave it down to you. In these examples we have used 2 a OK (KX CH CH stitches belong to “Teasing 73 A D> * Top tip! Even rows are normally po How to read a chart Now that youhave our handy reference tables to determine what all the diferent crochet symbols mean you wil ned to know how > put them together in an actual piece of crochet. The diagram below represents the sttches a you wil see them fom the right side ofthe work(s opposed tothe wrong side} and you wil notice that each stich isshown above the one that it need to be crocheted ro, When woking in rows roma stitch dagram, you almost always begin with the foundation chain and then start to work Row I fom Fight oleft. When you get to Row 2ifyou ae turning your work you ‘need to work rom left to right. Al subsequent odd rows should be followed from ight left and even rows from left ight ‘When woking in rounds (as you wl forthe majority of amigurumi projects start from the central ing and folow the stitches ina counterclockwise drecton. Do ths forever round, unless an arto at the star of the round indicates to change diecton inthis case, turn the work and follow the pattem round clockwise “When working in rounds start from the central ring and follow stitches in a counterclockwise direction” ‘ 1 ‘Create with Crochet $3 ; Project gallery Practise your new skills with these adorable amigurumi patterns 56 Cute turtle 110 Little bunny oko wien 60 Teddy bear tk 112. Pearl the dolphin ke 62 _ Little dress-up doll kn 116 Frog, snail and log 66 Babysloth oe ek 68 Prairie bunny MB -fumbo dll SSK tek 72. Tiny princess 122. Baby guinea pigs ok rire 74 Rob the raptor eek 126 Flemish lop bunny 78 Happy horse tan ee 130 Football captain 80 Rachel doll tek ok 84 Tinyluckelephant 1A# Giant mouse. ak ke 86 Proud lion 138 Cup of bear ok eed 90 Magical unicom ak 142 Halloween rat 94 Yeti &Bigfoot ites ek 144 Wedding dolls 98 Chubby baby ke ke 100 Trio of dinosaurs 148 Chubby Santa and elf otk ok 54 Create with Crochet WAIVE: AMY KEMBER BIO: Amy beookins sed bookstore Instantly hock Since 2 twwetsy.comi/shopy ‘myst? DIFFICULTY: HOOK YARN NOTIONS i (MEASUREMENTS [APPROX TIME TAKEN Cute turtle Take your time with this turtle’s big shell and little smile, and he's bound to win the race for cuteness! Cute turtle HEAD Using 375 mm hookand co, make a magic ing Rd 1:6 dcinto ing and palit closed. 6 ts) Rnd 2:2 dein each de. 12) Rnd 3:(1 de in next de, 2c next dl 6 ties, 8s) Rd 4:(1 de in each ofrext 2d, 2 dein next 6 times, Paste) Rnd 5:(1 dein each of next 3 d,2 den next de 6 times. 0st) Rd 6:(1 de in each ofnext de, 2 dein next de 6 times 6513) Rd 7:(1 dc in each of next 5d, 2d in next de 6 mes fest Rds 8121 din each de (5 mds of 42 sts) Rd 13:1 ssn each de, 2 t) Rd 14% (1 dc in each ofrext 6 de, 2 de in next de 6 times. (43s) Rnd 15: (1 dc in each ofnext 7d, 2d in next de 6 mes. (4st) Rd 16: (1 de in each ofrext 8d, 2 de in next de 6 times. eos) nds 1721: 1 dein each de (5 nds of 60st) nd 22: dein each of next & de de2t09 over next 2s) times (4 st) nd 23:1 dcin each of next 7d de2t09 over next 2s) Stes 8 st) nd 24 din each of next 6 dc, de2t0g over next 2s) Grimes. 2st) Rnd 25:1 din each of next 5d de2t0g over next 2s) 6times. 6 st) nd 26: dcin each of next 4d de2t09 over next 2s) times, 80st) nd 271 de in each ofnext 3. de de2t0g over next 2st) times. 24st) Fasten off. Bopy Using cot 2, make a magic ring. Fd 1:6 dc itoring and pull t osed. (ts) Find 2:2 de in each de (12st) nd 3:(1 dein next de, 2 dcin next de 6 times aBsts) Find (1 de in each ofnext 2d, 2 dein next) times, 4sts) ‘Create with Crochet 57 | Pattern gallery '58 Create with Crochet Rand 5:(1 den each of next 3d, 2 dein next do 6 times sts) Rnd 6:(1 dein each ofnext 4 de, 2 den next de 6 times. G6.) Rad 7:(1 dein each of next Sd, 2 din next dl 6 tes fess) Rind 8:(1 dc in each ofnext6 de, 2 dein next de 6 times. east finds 9-18:1 dc in each dc (10 mds of 48 sts) Rand 19: (1 de in each of ext 6 bc, dc2t09 aver nex 2 st) times. (425) Rnd 201 de in cach de find 21: (1 dein each of next 5 de, de2t0g overex 2st) times. 6st) Rnd 22:1 de in each de Rand 23 (1 de in each of next 4d, de2t0g over next 2s) 6times. Ost) Rnd 24 | die Fasten off de. B0sts) ARMS (MAKE 2) Using col 1,makea magic ing Rand 1:6 dint ring and pull t closed. (6 sts) Rad 2:2 de in each de. (12) Fads 38:1 dcin each de. (6 nds of 12) Fasten off. LEGS (MAKE2) Using col, make a magic ring Rd 1:6.d¢ itoring and pull t closed. 6 ss) Rad 2:2 dein each de. (12 ts) Rnd 3:(1 dein nex dc, 2d¢ in next de 6 tes. (18) Rnd s(1 de in each ofnext 2d 2 dein next de) times. 24s) Rds 571 de in each de (ends of 24 ts) nd (1 dc in each of next 2 de, dc2tog over next 2st) Stimes (8st) Fasten off. SHELL Col 3, makea magicting Rad 1:6 de into ring and palit closed. 6 sts) nd 2:2 dein each de. (12st) Rnd 3:() dc in next de 2d in next de 6 times. (18) Rad 4s (1 de in each ofnext2de.2 dein next de) 6 times. 24s) Rad (1 de in each ofnext 3d, 2 den nent de times. 0st) Rnd 6:(1 dc in each of next 4d, 2 dein next) 6 times. 6st) Rnd 7:(1 din each of next 5 de, 2 dein nest de) 6 times. (ess) Fads 81: 1 dc in each oc. (4mnds of 42 ts) Rd 12:(1 de in each of next 5 de, dc2tog ave next 2 ts) 6times. 86sts) Rd 13:1 din front loops ony in each dc. 36 sts) Rad 14:3 rin each de (1083) Rd 15: | htrin each (108 ts) Fasten off. Finishing ASSEMBLE THEFACE ett Drmovalaety ejesbetseen dann 2 the ead on postion pam stop Enbrotiramouthon m2 sing ees ned and bloke Suh head fy. ASSEMBLE THE BODY Stuff the body, rms, legs and shel Sew the body to the head, NOTE: Thetei one extra decease nd onthe head than con te body so the lst nd ofthe body nd 28 should be sewn around the second to lst onthe head tnd 28, Sew the arms tothe body berween rnd 19and nd 22, 2and postion them 6 ts apatin theron Sew the lags to the body between nd 6 and md 10. and Poston them 3 sts apartin the font Sew the shel othe back of the body between nd 9 and md 21 using the back loops on nd 13 ofthe hel Embroider a mouth on nd 21 using tapestry needle and black yarn Stuff the head ely. Top tip! Youcan change the turtle’s (and any projects’) face spi oy move hereyou emer the det Weve gone or haney andcutel Teddy bear Create a sweet companion in the form of a teddy bear with this quick and easy project that would make a perfect baby gift! 16 Create with Crochet | NAME: AMY KEMBER BIO: Amy isa technical vite ining in Ota, Canada Herinteretin Crochet began when she ‘dscovered an amiguruml bookin used bookstore. ‘fer making pig she was instantly hooked, Since 2010 | Amy hasbeen designing and patterns on Ey. | wetsycom/shop! ‘mysGurumis! DIFFICULTY: see HOOK | YARN Inthis projec we have used Bernat Haneerafer Coton | Yon nee tose Ot wih Colour skin ah “nonons ica | MEASUREMENTS | APPROXTIME TAKEN Teddy bear HexD Using 375 mm hook, make a magic rng. Rnd 1:6 deintoring and pull closed. 6 ts) find 2:2 dein each dc (12st) Rnd 3: (1 dein next, 2 din pet de 6 tes (iBsts) nd 1 de in each de (18st) Find 5: (1 de in each ofnext 2d, 2de in next ce) 6 times. 4st Rind 6: (I de in each of next 3.d, 2d in next) 6 ties. ost) Rd 7: (1 dc in each ofnext 4 de, 2 den next 6 ties. Gost) nds 81:1 din each def nds of 36 ts) fd 12:(1 de in each of next 4 de, dc2t0g in next 2 de) 6 times. GDsts) Rd 13:(1 de in each ofnext’3 de dc2t0g in next 2016 times 2455), Fd 141 de in each ofnext 2d de2t0g in next 2 de)6 times (18st) [ASSEMBLE THE FACE Insert 6 mm safety eyes between ind 1 and ind 2 ofthe head and postion them 4 ts apart fom each other. Embroidera nose and mouth between the eyes on the magic lop and nd 1 using ayarn needle and brown yan. stuff the head fry, nd 15: (28) Find 16 (dc2t0g in next 2d) 6 times. (6 st) Rnd 17: dc2I0g in next 2 del 3 times. sts) Hook yam and pulthrough these3 sts to close Fasten off de innext de, de2tog in next 2 de) 6 ties Booy Make a magic ring Rd 1: Work 6 into ring and pul it closed. (6 ss) Rnd 2:2dc in each de (12st) Rnd 3: (1 de in next, 2 din next de) 6 times, (3s) Find (1 de in each of next 2.de,2de in ext) ties. 24st) Find 5(1 dc in each of next 3.dc 2d in next 6 ties. BOst9 Finds 6-13: 1 dcin each de. (8 nds of 30 sts) Find 14: dcin each of next 3d, de2t09 in next 2d) 6 times (288) find 15:1 din each de (24 ts) nd 16: dcin each of next 2d de2t0g in next 2d 6 times (1815) Fasten off EARS (MAKE2) ‘ake a magic ing find 1:6 de into rng and puilt sed. 6 ts) Finds 23:1 dcin each de @ mds of6 st) Fasten of [ARMS (MAKE 2) Make a magic ring. find 1: $ dc into ring and pullit closet 5st) find 2:2. in each de (1053) Find 3-2: 1 dcin each dc (10 nds of 1st) Fasten off Less (mane 2) Nakeamage tha fd 8 et ng and pul closed st) Fid2:2dcneachoe 1639) Fd dcineachde (os) Fad rine onent 1 din exch of ext 10 (ss) Fred (209nnest2) 3s dcineach of next tode ts Fnds@-8 | cineach de Bsc 1359 Fate Finishing Sau the body ams and es. Sev the boay othe ea Seo the ast the body between md Sand nd 16 ard postin them 6s apart hte Fert Seles atte bt of he body etme red Yond’ andposten the cose gehen he one ‘Ccate with Crochet 61 Cee eres Little dress-up doll Little dress-up doll's head, body and legs are crocheted as one piece so there are fewer pieces to assemble NAME: AMY KEMBER BIO: Amy isa technical weiter ing in Ota, Canada Herintretin crochet began when she book ina used bookstore instant hooked. Since 210, selling her own amigurur patterns on Ey rwtsyconshop! -AmysGurumis DIFFICULTY: HOOK YARN NOTIONS MEASUREMENTS [APPROX TIME TAKEN Little dress-up doll HAD, BoD¥, ANDLEGS Congas token! maka maging. fd 6 othe nga pul cord 69 fred 2:2dk neon 258 Fred (den net 2 de ext 6 tes tes fd (0 dcin each of nent 2,2 din next ies, ors fed ( dln ech of nest 3,2 den next 6s, boss) fds 6181 dcineach dc @ sof 3059 Tred 0 deh ech nent 3d deztog pent 2406 tres 48) fred 1 den eachofnent 2 de2ogin next 2406 tre 0838) [ASSEMBLE THE FACE Insert 6mm safety eyes between md 9 andrnd 10 ofthe head and postion ther 3 stiches apart. Embroider a mouth between the eyes on ind and ml 'Busing a yin needle and blackyeamn. Stuff the head firmly, Fd 161 de in next, de2tog in next 2 times, (2s) Rd 17: (dc2t0g in next 2 del 6 tenes, (5) nd 18: 2d in each de (12st) Fd 181 de in next de, 2dcin next de 6 tes (3s) Find 20:1 dcin each of next 2d 2 din next de) 6 times. 245), nds 21-32: | dcin each dc. (12 nds of 285), Stuff the body fy MAKE LEGS Insert haokin the 12th de of nd 32 adjoin with sst0 Separate body into 2 sections forthe legs dust the de ‘tatu insert the hook into to make sue that the space where the body divides nes up with the eyes and mouth inthe middle ofthe head), nds 33-46: 1 dc in each de round the 1st halfof the body toform te tstleg. (14 mds of 12st Fasten oft Insert crochet hookinto adc onthe 2nd leg opening, nds 1-14: 1 dc in each de around the 2ng half ofthe ‘body ofr the 2nd leg. 4 nds of 25) Stuff the legs fly. EARS (MAKE2) Using col, make a magic ing ‘Work 6 dc itoring an pull closed, Fasten off [ARMS (MAKE 2) Using col, make a magic rng Rd 1:4 dc into ring and pull t closed. ts) and 2:2 dc in each de (819) ands 35:1 de in each de rnd of 8s) Rand 6: 2109 in next 2 del 4 times. 4s) Rind 7: 2 dcin each dc. (819) ands 8-19 | de in each de (12 rds oF 83) Fasten off FEET (MAKE2) Using col, make a mage ring Rad 1:6 drt ring and pull closed. (6 ts) find 2:2 dcin each de. (12 5) find 3:(2 de in each ofnext 3c, 1 dein each ofnext 3 do 2times (819) Rand 4:11 in each ofnext 10,1 dein each ofnext 8 de. ies) Rind 5:(dc209 in next 2S times, 1 de in each ofnext 8 de. (135). Fasten off Ccate with Crochet 63 HAIR (MAKE 2) Using ol 2, make a magic rng, Rd 1:6 de into ring and pul closed. 6 88%) Rd (1 din each ofnext 2d, 2 4s) Rd (transition from mds to row sn next 6 tines, deineach of 3 dc 2de Innext de) 6 tes, turn (30 ow 6:ch I, 1 dcin each ofnext 10.6, 1 10dc. turn. 20s leaving 1Ode urworked) Row 7:ch 11 ineach of next 10%, de in each of next Ode turn 20st) ofnext Row 8:ch 1,1 dein each of next 10-6, 11 in each ofrext Rows 9-11:ch I, 1 dc ineach stu. (3 Rows of 20st) FORM CURLS ow 12 (form curs “ch 16, begin with 2nd ch from ook 1 ssn each of next 15 ch skip 1, sn next de (one cut formed repeat from "to last st ch 16, begin with nd chfom hook, sin each of next 15 ch, sin next de, (10 cuts made) Fasten off leaving along al ress Using col3, ch 21 ow 1:1. dcinto 2nd ch fomook,1dcin ach ch to end, tun. 20's) Row 2:ch 11 dein each of next 3 de, dein next de 4 times, 1 dc in each afrnext 4 3, ten (24s) Row 3:ch 1 (1 de each of next 4 de, 2 dei next 4 times 1c in each ofrext 4 dtm (28 3) Row ich 1,1 dein each ofnextS de, 2dcin next d 34 times, 1 dein each ofrext 4 de, tun (2s) Row S:ch 1 (1 dein each of next 6 de, de next de 4 times, 1 dc in each afnex 4.3, tun (6 5) ow 6:ch 11 dein each d, tum. (35 5) MAKE SLEEVES: Fd 7 transition from rows to rnd): ch 1 dein each cofrext $e, 2 ch, skip 7 deoin in 3th de ith, 1 din teach of nex 10d, 2 ch, skip 7 dc, join in 3st wth 5,1 de ineach ofrext dc. join wth ssand begin working in ids. 248) not count the sip sts from this mda sts inthe nds 8111 dein each de (4 nds of 2 ts) Rd 12 (1 rin ext de, 21 ext de) 12 times, G9 nds 1315-1 tin each (3 mds of 36 st) Rd 16:1 in ach tr tolast 35s, 1 hi 1c. aolds jog at oi. Fasten of [ASSEMBLE THE DRESS Tofngh off the cess ch 3 ands nto the Ist st at the to ofthe dress to frm the button hale then continue toss 164 Create with Crochet ‘along the opening of the dress until you reach the opposite Side of the opening and fasten off Using the other yam end on the lft side of the dress ‘opening anda yan needle fasten a white button tothe cess and weavein the ends, SHOES (MAKE 2) Using col 4 make a magic ing Rnd 1:6 into ring and pull closed. 6s) nd 2:2de leach de Rnd 3:2 dc in each ofr ice (Bt) 3d dein ch ofnext3.de) Find 4:1 trin each of next 10 de, 1 de in each of next 8 de (3st) Rnd 5: (e209 in next 2195 times, 1 dein each of next 8 de do nat fasten of (13s [MAKE SHOE STRAP (Ch5, skip dejo in th de with ss Fasten off Stuff the ams and fet, Sev the ha tothe head itch up the side ofthe head, ‘along the font, down the other sede ofthe head and then in between the hair piece and the curs long the back, Seve the eas tothe he Sev the arms othe body between md 19 and nd 20 and postion them 8 stitches apartin the font Sew the feet othe bottom of te legs Baby sloth This darling critter loves hanging around! With tiny magnets in its paws, your baby sloth can hang just about anywhere! 16 Create with Crochet NAME: JASMIN WANG BlO:saemin ean artist nd crafter who enjoys ustating, pai sewing orgam and of ‘course crocheting She ‘nd other concept tie Northwest home, rwatsycomishopSylemn, ‘rv facebockcom ‘SweetSotes DIFFICULTY: HOOK YARN MEASUREMENTS ‘APPROX TIME TAKEN Baby sloth HEAD AND BODY CSingaaeinmrockandcol makes raging. fd rece mrrogicg, jn wih st) fred 2c 2dexch de acura jon wh 1259 Fre 301, denon 2 de next 6 tne on wath (859) fi ch den exh fren 24 2écinnoxtd86 teres jan ths 4) fren 0 ok exh ofrent 3c 2d inno d6 tres an ths 00) fins 60h 1c: tuna on wth, 00589 fred Wich 1 deine cl nent 3 de det 6 tires, nts Ost) fd Tc (de neachof next 6,209) times, wasn 2150 fd 1:ch 1 deur on wth 219) fd ich i de nent netede2 den next 3 tress a) fede Sc ron on wth. 9 Donotasen cf FACE Using the pattem below (or your ont, cutout one face from beige felt and two eye patches fom dark brown ft. Make ahole inthe eye patch by poking through with a yarn needle or cutting small sits with scissors The holes wil efor inserting plastic safety eyes. Marthe eye location onthe face and make holes for fiting the plastic safety eyes Postion the face over the soths head, Make sure the ps ofthe safety eyes canbe completly inserted. NOTE: We have placed the face between md 6 and nd 14. The eyes were postioned between md 10and nd 11) Using blank stitch, sew the face onto the sloth, Secure the safety eyes onto the sloth oDy (CONT) Continue crocheting the it's body. Rnd 16:ch 1 d in each of ext 7 dc, 2 de in next de) 3 times, join with 5. 27s) find 17: ch 1, { dein each ofnext 8 de, 2 dein next de) 3 ties, join with GOs) Rnd 18 ch 1 de in each ofnext 9d, 2de in next de 3 times, join wth 5. 3 3) nds 19-20: ch |, de round, join. (33) nd 2: ch I, de in each ofnext 9 de, dc2toq) 3 ties, join with ss. sts) nd 22:ch (1 dcin each of next 8d, de2t0g) 3 times, Join wth 5.27 st) find 23:ch (1 dcin each of next 7 de, de2tog) 3 times, jon with 5.24 st) Donat fasten off yet Begin stuffing the head and upper body firmly butdo not stretch the stiches, nd 24:ch (1 dcin each of next de, ‘de2to9) 6 times join with 5. 8st5) and 25:ch 1 de in next de, de2tog) 6 times, jin with ss (2st) Do not fasten off yet Finish sting the body. find 26: ch 1, 6209 around join wth 5. (6 st) Fasten off wth long tal and stitch the bottom closed. [ARMS (MAKE 2) Using col 2, make a magic ring. Rad 1:6 dcin magic ng, jin, 6) find 2: ch 1,1 dein each ofnext 3 6, 2 dein next de 1 de ineachot ext 2d jln with. (7st) finds 3-4:ch 1,dc around jon with. (7st) Change tocol finds 5-7 ch 1, dc round, join with s(t) Donot fasten offyet. Push one magnet into the hand, Keep it place by stitching through both ayers ofthe hand using belge yarn. ands 8-20: ch 1,dc around, join with 7 sts) Fasten off leaving a long tal for attaching tothe body, LEGS (MAKE 2) Follw instructions for nds 1-18 ofthe am. The los re :wo ows shorter than the arms, Do not go toma 20. sow Using cl ch fd to Sth ch fom hook counts sch and deh otcn4 ch 4 ch. lino same ch Fasten of th long fer rapping ound the centre ofthe bon Weave nthe ends Finishing Postion the ams ad legs on the sts bod Make sure the magnetsin the two hands and two fet sick togethe: Using yan need seth leces othe sits boy Using bown ya embroidery tread se thee nes covereach po Lamy oe the bow and ew tonto the sth ead Template Eye Patch x2 ‘cate with Crochet 67 Prairie bunny Have fun crocheting a collection of prairie bunnies with brightly coloured bonnets and coordinating fabrics inside the ears! | NAME: AMY KEMBER BIO: Ayia technical Canada. Her intrestin ‘scovered an amigurumi book ina used bookstore ‘iter making pig she was instantly hooked, Since 2010, Bim hasbeen designing and vrwetsycomshop/ mysGurumis! DIFFICULTY: tae g z MEASUREMENTS ‘APPROX TIME TAKEN Prairie bunny weno Ung 475mm hook acl make 209g. fd k6dctoringand pl dosed 39 fied 22k neocon 58 fred 3 dent 2 nthe rex 6 ties (is fred (| dcin each ont 2,2 din next times oso Find (dein each of next 34,24 inne 6 tes boss) Fd dcineach of next ce, din next times Sos Fd 70 dcn ech of nest 2 din ert 6 tires, (os) Fred (0 dcineach of net 6c, 2d in next 6 tes os) finds 9:46 1 dcineach de Binds 489) Tred deh exchofned 6d S209 nest 2406 fre 20) Fred 181 deineachof next de, 20g next 246 tres 0850) fd den eachof next 4d. 3209 pnt 2406 tres 60509 fre 200 den exch of nert3 de. de2ogn net 2406 fines (459), Bre den echofred 2d dag in newt 2406 tres (850), fed 221 din next de dig in nest 2d 6 times (ass Fasten oft Boo Using col 3,makea magic tna. Rnd 1:6 dc into rng and pull t cosed. 63) Rnd 2:2dc in each de (12st) nd 3: (1 de in next, 2 dn next de 6 times (3s) Find (1 de in each of next 2.de,2de in ext ties. 419 Rnd 5: (1 de in each of nex 3d, 2de in ext ce) 6 ties Gost) Find 6: (Ide in each of next 4d, 2 de in next ce) 6 ies. (55) Finds 7121 din each de 6 mas of 36 ts) fd 13(1 de in each of next 4 de, dc2t0g in next 2d6)6 times. BDsts) Rd 14:1 dc in each ofnext 3d, dc2t0g in next 2 de) 6 times 2455) Rnd 15:(1 dein each of next 2d, de2to in next 2) 6 times (85) Fasten oft EARS (MAKE2) Using col, mae a magic ing Rd 1:6 dc into ring and pull t losed. (6) find 2:2 dcin each de. 02) find 3:(1 dein next dc 2 dc in next de) 6 tines. (18st) Rnd 4:() dc in each of rext 2d, 2d in next de 6 mes ats) Rnd 5:1 dein each de 24st) Fasten of ‘Create with Crochet 68 | Pattern gallery 70 Create with Crochet ARMS (MAKE 2) Using col I, make a magic ring. find 1:6 de into rng and pull t closed. 6 ss) find 2:2.dcin each de (25) Finds 3-8: 1 dcin each de. (6 mds of 12st) Find 9:-21096 times (65) Fasten off LEGS (MAKE 2) Using col, make a magic ring. Find 1:6 de into rng and ult closed. 6s), Find 2:2 din each de (25) find 3(1 dein next de, 2 dein next de) 6 times. (8ts) finds 45:1 dein each de. mds of 18 st) Find 6 { dc in next de, de2t0g in next 2 de) 6 times. (231) Fasten off, ‘SUN BONNET Using col 2, make a magic ring find 1:6 de into rng and pull t closed. 6 sts), Find 2:2 din each de (2st) Find 3(1 din next de, 2 dcin next do 6 times. (8st) Find 4:1 dein each of next 2d 2 de in net de) 6 tenes. 24519 Find 5(1 dc in each of next 3d, 2 din next) 6 ties Bost Find 6: dcin each of next 4 dc 2 de in next de) 6 times Gost Find 7(1 in each of next S de, 2 din next) 6 times. (2519) Rd 8:(1 de in each ofnext 6 de 2 dein next de times. 8st) Rnd 9.10:1 dein each de. (2 nds of 48 sts) Tun and begin working in rows. Row Tizch 1 dcin each of next 4 delving 6 dc Unworked forthe neck opening turn. (42 st) Rows 12-141, dc in each de, ten (rows oF 42 ts) Row 15 (make opening for ears chi, dcin each of next 'Sde,ch6 skip S de oinin Ist de with sch, skip 5 1, jainin 27th de with s, 1 dcin each of next 15d tum. (42 sts-do not count sip sts rom ths nd as st inthe following ena) Row 16: ch, 1 de in each de, wun (2st) Row Tech 1,1 ssin each de tun. (2 st) Row 18: ch 1) trineach ofrext2 55,21 in next) 13 times, 1 trin each ofthe next 3 dc tum. (5 st) Row 19: ch 1 11rin each tun 55s) Row 20 (make tes for sunbonnet} ch 21, beginning with 2nd ch from hook, 1 ssn each of next 20 ch ss evenly ‘cross the bottom neckne ofthe sunbonnet,ch 21, beginning with 2nd ch ftom hook, 15s in each of next ach Fasten off and weavein ends. [ASSEMBLETHE FACE Insert mm safety eyes between nd 13and ind 14 ofthe head and postion them 6 stitches apart. Stuff the head firmly. ‘Cut outa pink et nose and a cream fet mouth tothe shape of your choice ‘Ge the nose tothe mouth using a hot glue un, Poston the mouth and nose between the eyes but sgh higher upon the face between mn 1! and md 16. ‘Gue the mouth and nose to praie bunny face using a hot ge gun. Finishing Sufthe bod aad Sev the boy tote head theres oe ex decease indon the hed thanon the boys the stn of re ody tn shouldbe sem ound te sean st nd nthe ead tr) Sewn ms tothe body beteen nd 4and md 1 and poston tem ésithesaparn te ert Sen telegs tothe body between nd and nd and poston them 2shches prt the fon Cut out two fabric ears using the ear template below. Gusta nse each coveted ear ung aha ge gan Pace thesurboneton Poti bunn/s heats detarne the poeton ofthe exo ey can phe ough tee cpenngsin re sotboned Bete sng anor thehea ae the arta the fran wig. yarneede sp steam tea {Peed ea ough eh ach pug oS Supe een Onto ew stiches ae equtedtosewthe ear toate Bunny easy the needetoughthe same aes where the ashes ete gathered togeer noerto fen tothehand {Gua por-pom Pai bunyslowebackbeween ind Sand mao thebody ung aot ke . few Tiny princess Create princesses, flower girls or bridesmaids that are quick to make, easily customisable and serve as lovely handmade gifts 72 Create with Crochet NAME: JASMIN WANG BlO:saemin ean artist and crafter who enjoys ltustrating, painting sewing orgam| and of ‘ours crocheting! She loves bringing gues ideas ‘nd other concept tie ‘through the at of coche. Jasmin also enjoys spending Inthar American Pale Northwest home, rwatsycomishopSylemn, ‘rv facebockcom ‘SweetSotes DIFFICULTY: HOOK YARN Colour & ink foddment NOTIONS Beadle fr wlghted (MEASUREMENTS ‘APPROX TIME TAKEN Tiny princess HexD Ug 325m ookand ca ake aging ind .édcinmupicmg omens 659 fd a:ch.2dctreac an wh (2 89 fnd:ch (deiner de 2d nner dd 6 tes oh vase (Bsa deen ( dcinexth fret 2,2 dein nent 6 Gres ln ts) fs 3.01 aur vith nds of 2419 find .ch 1 neal nest 2d dezog tines Join wth ss. (18 t) Rnd 11: (1 dein next de de2t0} 6 times join with ss.(2sts) Fasten off Stuff head firmly but be careful not to stetch sts HAIR-CAP Start with hai colow. Using col 3, make a magic rng. Complete a for nds 1-8 of head fasten off leaving along tal for attaching to head later. HAIR BUN, Using ol 3, make a magic rng. Rd 1:6 dein magicring, join with 5. (6) nd 2:ch 1, 2.de each de around join with (2s) Rnd 3:ch 1,1 dc in next 3 d,2 din next de) 3 times, join wth ss. (5 sts) nds 45:ch I, dc around, join with 5. (2mds of 5s) (Change tocol? to ceate a contrasting hair teibbon. nd 6ch 1, 6 next 3 de, de2tog) 3 tees, jn with ss. (sts) Faster off faving along tal attaching othe hair cap biter Boo Using cot 2, make a magi rng Rd 1:6 dc in magic ring, on with ss. (61) Rnd 2:ch1,2.dcin each de around, join with (ss) Rnd 3:ch 1,1 de in next de, 2 dein next de 6 mes join wth. (8) find 4 (lok: ch 1,1 din each de, jin with s. (8 sts) Rnd 5-6:ch 1, dc around, jin with s. 2 nds oF 8st) Rnd 7:ch 11 dein each ofnext 7 dc. de2tog) twice, in with. (655) Bnd 8 ch 1,1 dein each de join with (16st) find ch 1,1 din each of next 6, de2t09) twice, jin wth. (4st) Rd 10:ch 1,1 dcin each de join with ss.(14 sts) Rd T:ch 1 (1 dein each of next S de, de2t0g) twice join with ss. (25) Bnd 12:ch 1,1 de in each doin with (12 ts) Fasten off leaking along talfor attaching tthe head att, NOTE: When suing the body add some beads/pelets tothe bottom to provide some weight and stability then stuff the rest ofthe body wit Merl stuffing, DRESS NOTE: Dees isatached tothe body Hold the body upside down (with the neck opening facing down) Using col2, attach yan tothe starting ston the Bottom ofthe princess's body t md Rnd 1: ch 1,dcaround join with 5. (14 st) find 2:3 ch {I tin each of next 6,2 trin next sic, jin ith ss. (16) find 3:3ch, {1 tin each of next 31,2 tin next) 4times, Join with ss. 20s) Rand 4 (scalloped edging): ch 1,*1 den next (he) in next (1161 hen next tT de in ext ep from *S times join with 5,6 scalops made) Fasten off and weave in ends [ARMS (MAKE 2) Using col ch | dcinto and ch fom hook, 1 dc ino each ch to end, we Fasten off with al for attaching, Finishing Ata top ols salty esto the ead ve pt them bamcen nT anda sisopa Ung nembrodey ned rented ew mouhonotre dots ace Using bck ees othe corns of tegen Surtneho tun ih Pete abun verb Gin ard sein ang ayo reed Then pete harp oe he dts Nand osen en Ach Your Rebonthoneede sd reas NOTE: See the Wedding dal patter on page 144 for ferent hasty ideas for your Tiny princess. Sew the arms onto the ad then sew the head firmly conto the body ‘Ccate with Crochet 73 Rob the raptor Rob is a friendly, chubby raptor who would rather keep you company than chase smaller dinosaurs. Rob is made with basic stitches and less than 45g of yarn! |WAIWE: SARAH SLOYER BIO: when Sarah loer frstalecovered amigurum, the became determined teach hesefhow to crochet fo she could make them! ‘Meer lots of practice she She has more patterns ‘lable fore downoad Shc purchase at avely.comy ots/rtterbeans, DIFFICULTY: NOTIONS (MEASUREMENTS. ‘APPROX TIME TAKEN SPECIAL STITCH USED Rob the raptor HEAD AND BOD: freuen fred) 1 din 2c fom hook 1 din nest 2ch {dein isch ote and wor ang oppose sd of feundatonch 1 deen 2s540- nests Youn fovea sal vl Poe mren ret ile te Fett ofertroureh (959 Bd 2 oe on 45, 3c neat S,2 in nest 1 Scinnont ats 2detnnent 3st (9509 fd de est 23 206 nrent sd 6tnes, 1 den rots asst) Rd I deine 2.2 erst cin est sts Docn nents ster den next 25 9059 fd seinest Pas oe nots Lee inne 5 times 1 einnet 1358 659 Md6! center 855, 2ce nnedst din nests) Gtimes | den next 6s hanging tool 2 on ast yok Gh deernet ts dec nner | deh nents (42st) fred din fst changing tcl ents yoo 1 Scinnodat a1 ck mre chngagte ca 2ondst yours acinnoats Fd Geist changing toch onlstyo oft 1 ccinerainng 43, Bd9t de nw 295,2deinnentst dein neat DikZdcinnentst (hdc net 338, 2c nets toes teeinnen st Rnd 1c dennest2t2 dc nets wie, dn porte ton 1 deinen 8s dz | defn next nas find :1 inne 1st. detog 1 dein nest I s32 Gcinnods | den peat ss ela netstcargh 0 Colzontstyoerse tdeinnests.2dennestst den revtauts Zornes denne as 85) Pace ees between nds 2and 3 on the ight and 3 and ‘son the ight Rad 12:2 dein fest st, 1 dcin next st, 1 dcin net st ‘changing tocol on ast yo oft 1 dc in next 4st, 2 de inet st, dcin next 5st, de2t0g, | din next ss {de2tog, dein next 10st, 1 din next st changing to col 2onlastyoof st, deinnext 13sts. 48st) Rnd 13: 1 dein next 3s, 1 dc innext st changing tocol Ton astyoof st, 1 dein next 10st, de2t0g, 1 dcin next 7 sts dc2t0g,1 din next 7 st,2dcin next st, (1 dcin next Ssts 2de next st twice, 1 de in next 3 ts. 9 sts) Rnd 14:1 dein next 2ts,2dcin next st, dein next 5 sts 2deinnextst 1 dein next 5 sts, de2tog, 1 den next 6s, de2t0g, 1 dein next 255, 493) Rd 15:1 dc in next 16 sts, dc2t09, 1 dein next 4st, 20g, | dc in next 9sts,2de in next (Ide in next 8 sts 2de in next st) 3 times (51 sts) Fd 161 de in next 7 sts, 2. in next, | dein next 7 Sts (dc2tog) 5 times, 1 dein next 3 ts, 2 din next, Te innext 4st, 2dcin next st changing to col on last yo ‘fin second stof inc (1 dcin next 4sts, 2d next 0 3 times, I dein next 2sts 52st) Rd 17:1 de innext 2st, 2 deinnext st 1 dein next 2 sts, 1 dein next st changing to co on ast yo oft, de Innext st 2dcin next st 1 dcin nest 4st, 2 dein next st 1 dein next 3 sts (dc2t0g) 3 times, 1 dein next 9sts, 1 de lnnext st changing tol on ast yo oft 1 dc in next 20 sts 62st) Fd 18:1 deinnext6 sts, | dc next st changing tocol Tonlastyoofst, 1 dein next 1 st, (de2t0g) twice, T dn nee 30sts 60st) Rd 181 de in next 9st, 2d in next 5 tenes, 5s) Rnd 20:1 dcin ech st 65 sts) Rnd 21:1 dein next 5 sts, dein next st 1 dein next 10 sts 2de in next st 4 times, de in next 5s (60st) nds 22-23: 1 de in each st. 12 mds oF 60st) nd 24 din nex 9st, 2d Inet st) 6 tes. 5613) Create with Crochet 75

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