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Simple B-17 Play Aid

by Robert Anderson ( , rev 3: 2009-09-02

Pre-mission Steps

1. target determination: G1, G2, G3

2. bomber position: G4
3. formation position: G4
4. zone information: G11

Mission Steps

1. move bomber
2. determine fighter cover for zone: G5
(missions 1-5 always "Good")
3. to resolve combat, see Combat Steps below
4. in target zone, see Target Zone Steps below
5. returning to zone 1, see Zone 1 Steps below

Combat Steps

1. number of fighter waves: B1, B2

2. specific fighters: B3
3. fighter cover defense: M4
4. assign defensive fire: M1
5. German pilot experience: M6
6. resolve defensive fire against fighters: M1, M2
7. German fighter attacks: M3
8. number of German fighter shell hits: B4
9. shell locations: B5
10. hit details against B-17: pink & blue cards
11. successive attacks: B6, then start at step 3 above
12. 2nd & 3rd fighter waves (if any): start at step 2 above

Target Zone Steps

1. weather over target: O1

2. combat with weather effects: see Combat Steps above
3. AA fire: O2, O3, O4, O5
4. bomb run: O6, O7
5. turn bomber around in same zone
6. combat with weather effects: see Combat Steps above

Zone 1 Steps

1. weather over base: O1

2. landing: G9
3. landing survival for wounded crew: BL4

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