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Veronica E. Chavez

Instructor McCann

English 1301.129

15 September 2023

Pillow Talk (intimacy + women’s health + relationship advice) is a community of women

whose goal is to create a sanctuary for women of all ages. Some of these women may have some

questions that they do not feel comfortable talking about in person. This community can be

found on Facebook, and in order to join this community, it is required to send a request to be

accepted. It takes up to a day for the community to accept a request. What can be found when

accepted in this community is “Top Contributors” posting “OPEN DISCUSSION” questions for

others in the community to share their thoughts. The Pillow Talk community uses Facebook to

share advice about female topics, to post questions with the hopes that community members

respond, and to provide a safe space to discuss any type of issue without judgment.

To begin with, the Pillow Talk community shares advice on female topics via their

Facebook page. The priority of the advice given and being received by its members is one of the

main reasons members are in this community. Many members are seeking advice for their

personal life problems. The overflowing positive responses that they receive in their comment

sections are a great reinforcement for people in need of that reassurance. Although it is not all

consistent with positive responses, it is also full of helpful more informational suggestions that

users share with others.

To go into more detail about what occurs in the Pillow Talk community, let's dive deeper

into the Pillow Talk community and the topics spoken about. The members of this community
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often ask questions regarding topics they are unsure of all in the realm of women’s issues. This

can range from questions on their menstrual cycle and can go as serious to women dealing with

post-partum depression and how they overcome it. All the topics discussed in the Pillow Talk

community are from members who are either just curious or sometimes in need of a second

opinion on situations going on in their own homes. A few of the topics are also at-home hacks to

make life easier for fellow community members. More of the light-hearted topics such as “What

are your pet peeves?” get an assortment of responses spewing their personal thoughts on the


The Pillow Talk community is a very positive open community where members are very

comfortable asking questions about anything they are concerned about. In this community, the

focal point is based on the members being somewhat of a sisterhood there for each other’s

support. The way this is done is by how every member is able to have a voice in this community

and able to open-mindedly give and receive advice. When members ask questions to the

community, they are often met with very positive comments answering their questions or

directing them to a source that can better assist them in finding their answer.

One thing that is eye-catching is the ability to post anonymously. This allows people to

ask questions without fear of being judged on a personal level. The positive of this is that other

women may have been wondering the same question but were too scared to ask it publicly. One

anonymous member even posted “So I have to be anonymous because I don't know if people

know me here from real life or not…” (Pillow Talk (intimacy+ Women’s Health))
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The Pillow Talk community is not solely based on informational topics, it also is filled

with an entertainment portion of the community. The community members often post memes

related to common female issues. Another very popular entertainment-based post that is made

within the community is the topic questions spoken about previously, called “Open Discussion”.

This allows members to This group is also extremely supportive and even encourages the

members to post a new outfit or a new item of clothing they recently purchased to give members

an opportunity to share what they bought. This also provides positive reinforcement to members,

which also gives them a sense of solace.

Referring to that solace mentioned previously, that is one common factor that is portrayed

in this community. It is plain to see that this community is a solace or sanctuary for women to

have an outlet to vent to. The Pillow Talk community not only provides members with a place to

release their thoughts but also gives members a sisterhood. Members often post questions in

thoughts that they are alone in that experience and come to find other members who seem to be

dealing with the same situation. This allows women in this community to always have someone

who can relate to their situation to whom they can communicate to share their experiences.

The Pillow Talk community is a community that utilizes Facebook to share advice on

anything women related. The community gives members the opportunity to post questions and

receive helpful responses. This community also provides a safe space to discuss any type of issue

without judgment.

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