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Name: Chris Palmer Faculty: Haskayne School of Business Email: | palmercm@ucalgary.

ca June 2011 Monthly Report

1. Student Legislative Council Meetings SLC 69/03 June 7, 2011 VP Operations & Finance Patrick Straw gave a presentation on the budget and took a number of questions. This budget is not all that dissimilar from the 2010 budget I voted on last June. A few small changes needed to be made, but once again the SU is committed to a balanced budget, with any profit generated being re-allocated to next year. We received an extensive presentation of student committees by VP Academic Ola Mohajer. The focus was on the two meetings to be voted on later in the meeting: Clubs Committee and Nominations Committee. SLC debated and chose the following council members for the Nominations Committee: Bobby Michaud, John McDonald, Kelsy Norman, Sarah Nasser & Michael Mahoney. SLC also debated and selected members to clubs committee: Raphael Jacob, Myself, Ben Cannon, Jack Siu, Michelle Huie, and Sarah Nasser. I look forward to working with Mr. Siu (who sat on the committee last year), and the new members. SLC 69/04 June 21, 2011 I was absent for this meeting due to employment obligations. Having attended faculty council early on the same day, I needed to recover the hours in the evening. 2. Faculty Work (and connecting with constituents) I continue to be available via twitter and facebook for student concerns. I have had a number of conversations this month regarding registration issues.

3. Committee Work Haskayne Faculty Council (June 21st, 2011): This was a short-notice ad-hoc faculty council. The only agenda item was the creation of a dean renewal committee. Current Haskayne dean Leonard Waverman, has offered to renew his contract by one year (Current expiry is June 2012, it would be extended to June 2013). This would allow him to see the new Strategic Plan, and AACSB renewal through to completion. The committee was not, however, formed, as Council decided to delay the vote upon learning that this same committee would act as the Dean Search Committee should they decline a renewal of Dr. Wavermans contract. Haskayne Student Levy Committee: The application deadline passed on June 15th. Myself & Ms. Nasser will now begin selection of the Chair, and working with that chair, the directors The full committee should be formed in mid-July 4. Other Haskayne Strategic Management Association: While not an SU project directly, I noticed earlier this year a shortcoming. The Haskayne School of Business does not currently have a management consulting club. I have decided to push ahead an form one over the course of this summer. If you are curious for further information, I invite you to contact me for details. 5. Goals Clubs trailer project: I have spoken about this project with Ms. Nasser, and will speak about it with CUS President Brittany Humphry. Uncertain what the direction is at this point. It should clear up by august. 2011 Haskayne Student Survey (Executive Lead Patrick Straw) Stalled. Currently waiting on approval from the SU executive to use the Students Union survey software 2011 HSB Strategic Plan & BComm Review: The strategic plan process has come to a close. The B.Comm review should begin by summers end.

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