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11/18/23, 1:47 PM Your Rubric - Print View

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Teacher Name: Mrs. Vincent

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 0
Demonstrates Consistently Usually takes Occasionally Rarely takes Does not take
Turn-Taking takes turns using turns with 1-2 takes turns with turns with 5+ turns using toys
toys or materials prompts from 3-4 prompts from prompts from or materials in a
in a cooperative adults when adults when adults when cooperative
manner with using toys or using toys or using toys or manner with
adults and peers materials in a materials in a materials in a adults and
cooperative cooperative cooperative peers.
manner with manner with manner with
adults and adults and peers. adults and
peers. peers.
Cooperation Consistently Usually Occasionally Rarely Does not
with Peers cooperates with cooperates with cooperates with cooperates with cooperate with
peers during 1-2 prompts 3-4 prompts from 5+ prompts from peers during
turn-taking from adults adults during adults during turn-taking
activities. during turn- turn-taking turn-taking activities.
taking activities activities with activities with
with peers. peers. peers.
Cooperation Consistently Usually Occasionally Rarely Does not
with Adults cooperates with cooperates with cooperates with cooperates with cooperate with
adults during 1-2 prompts 3-4 prompts from 5+ prompts from adults during
turn-taking from adults adults during adults during turn-taking
activities. during turn- turn-taking turn-taking activities.
taking activities activities with activities with
with adults. adults. adults.

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