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Wicca and Sex

Discover Wicca's beliefs about sex
and break all taboos!

Justine J. Scott

Copyright 2019 Justine J. Scott. Do not reproduce in any form.


Wicca and Sex: Is Sex a Bad thing in Wicca? ...................... 5

Wicca and Fertility ......................................................... 6

Wicca Tools being Sexual Symbols ................................. 7

The Great Rite ................................................................... 9

Sex Magic? .................................................................. 11

Wicca and Human Sexuality ............................................ 12

Conclusion—For More information ................................. 16

Wicca and Sex:
Is Sex a Bad thing in Wicca?

When we hear about sex, oftentimes, it’s viewed as

something sinful and terrible. Just look at Christianity,
where it says in their holy text that it’s only reserved for one
man, one woman that are married. Oftentimes, when it
comes to sex and sexual exploits, it’s not always something
that is encouraged in religions.

But, did you know that Wicca does have its own views on
sex, and they’re a little different than what you’re used to?

Many times, when people first hear about Wicca, they may
hear about the sexual connotation that’s there. In fact,
some people are shocked because they hear the concept of
a god having sex.

In most religions, it’s not like that. The idea in other religions
is that god simply brought forth the world, and after that,
it’s brought about by immaculate conception, which is
essentially the birth of Jesus through a conception that just
so happens without sex. Remember Mary was a virgin when

she had Jesus, so it was impossible for her to have sex

But, Wicca is a little different from that. Wicca has the

concept of being a fertility religion attached to it. What that
means, is that instead of condemning sex, they actually
encourage it, and believe it to be something important
within the religion. In fact, it actually has a connection to
different rituals and rites too. There is of course more to
sex than just having sex as well. From here, let’s talk about
this, and how Wicca fits into it.

Wicca and Fertility

Wicca is a fertility religion. While most of us know it as a
nature-based one, it’s actually more than that. It is a sexual

But of course, sex isn’t just the act itself. Sex is oftentimes
an expression that you love someone. Sex ensures that the
species will continue, and it helps push the species further
and further. Remember, plants and animals reproduce
sexually too. Our planet is fertile, and sex is an affirmation
of life and what it’s about.

Fertility symbols are used both in nature, but also in Wicca
itself. The wheel of the year for example isn’t just a cycle of
agriculture, but also a cycle of the fertility of the earth.
Oftentimes, the mythology that’s associated with the
seasons itself has to go with sex. Both the goddess and the
god have sex, and when she becomes pregnant, he dies
once again and then is reborn once more, with the cycle

Of course, rape and incest are not encouraged, but Wicca

teaches many of us that the energies of these are
intertwined with fertility cycles within the nature of the

Wicca Tools being Sexual Symbols

Did you know that there are Wiccan tools and sexual
symbols that we see all the time? Did you know that the
altar and the tools there all have sexual symbols to them
most of the tools have a gender assigned to them, and those
that are assigned to the female look like the womb and
vagina, which are receptive and passive, and the tools
associated with the male phallic symbols are more
projective and active.

The knife and sword are examples of phallic energies, same
with the wand. In contrast, the cup, cauldron, and pentacle
are both passive and receptive yonic symbols.

These tools are used together, and as they come together,

they become one. Just like how in sex, two bodies come
together, and become ne through the practice of sexual

So yes, there is a lot of symbolism to sex in Wicca, and there

is a lot that you can learn from this, and in the next section,
we’ll highlight how a couple of rites and rituals apply sex
within them.

The Great Rite

The Great Rite is a ritual that actually is a little different

from other religions. In Christianity for example, and in
other religions, the battle is between both evil and good,
but in Wicca, it’s the mingling of genders, which are
opposite, but equal. The goal isn’t for ne to one-up the
other, but instead, to come together in a harmonious

Phallus is of course the name for the penis, which is the

force that generates action in nature. Yonic is Sanskrit for
the word womb, which is receptive, and the meeting of
these is called The Great Rite.

Typically, this ceremony is performed in a symbolic way,

with the knife being plunged into the chalice, which
symbolizes the physical sex act, but also the unification of
these opposites, which represents the forces of nature
coming together, with the meeting of these two poles,
creating one whole. Typically, it is performed in a symbolic

However, that isn’t always the case in covens. Sometimes,
the high priest and the high priestess will perform this
ritual, and usually, those two are a couple that’s involved.
It’s a private affair though, so the other participants of the
rituals leave, or they’re a private place for them to engage
in the act.

However, not everyone who reserve this rite are involved.

Oftentimes, when the third degree is reached in their
coven, both the high priest and the high priestess are
considered the vessels acting as the god and goddess, and
the point is to put the ego aside, and from there, channel
the deities. While hang-ups about sex are hard to shake,
oftentimes, having sex with someone in Wicca is done for
religious reasons more than anything else, however this can
be hard to shake, especially in our society where sex is
something that’s still considered a taboo affair. But of
course, some Wiccans will practice this, albeit in private.
Other times, people won’t do this at all, since they don’t
want to get judged by the outside world. The actual act of
sex is much rarer than the symbolic rite of sex, since you can
usually do that by yourself, and imagine the imagery of the
god and goddess coming together.

Sex Magic?
One other aspect of Wicca and sex is of course, sex magic.
Sex is sometimes used within Wicca in order to enhance
magic. Sometimes, this is performed by anyone that
engages in it, not just high priests and priestesses, but
essentially anyone that wants to channel the divine and
perform this can do so.

Of course, the idea behind this is that this will raise the
energy towards a goal, so this is something that’s used to
enhance more than anything else. Sex is a very powerful
means of building up energy, and then releasing this at a
climax. Those that practice magic together will typically do
this within their home in order to enhance their own magic.
Sometimes, solitary Wiccans will masturbate as well in
order to enhance sexual magic, and that’s a valid practice in

Wicca and Human Sexuality

Wiccans are actually very open about sex, and they see it as
a natural, affirming, an life-positive act, so they accept the
sexual nature of Wiccan as being human, so they don't’ see
anything wrong with nudity, since this is something that
happens within a natural state, so there's no distinctions
made about having sex before or after marriage, so long as
it’s a healthy expression of the love between two adults
that’s consenting.

But this is also your choice. You don’t have to be sexually

active, or even have multiple sexual partners. Some will be
abstinent, celibate, or just have sex in serious relationships.
Essentially, it’s your choice on how you want to have sex or
go about this.

Another aspect of this is of course, sexual orientation. We

know in certain religions same-sex relations are frowned
upon, but Wicca is a newer religion, however at the
beginning it did suffer the same homophobic issues as other
religions. But attitudes have markedly changed in the last
50 years, with many of them being liberal about
identifications or sexual orientations that assume, and
many are either part of the LGBT community or are
supportive of such.

However, just because they are open about sex, it doesn’t

mean anything goes. If there is an imbalance of power, such
as sex that isn’t on equal footing or if it’s happening
between some person in power and a new person, there is
something wrong there, and that’s frowned upon.

Pedophilia, incest, teacher/student, or employer/employee

relations are not only frowned upon in Wicca, but also
condemned too in many of these cases.

It also isn’t just about sex period. It isn’t just the action
itself, but rather it’s the connection that’s intimate with
another individual, and a tool that’s used to help bring
someone together. If it’s manipulative, used to fill voids, or
becomes obsessive, that’s a sign of abuse, and someone
needs to deal with the issue underneath.

Also, Wicca never condones rape, or manipulative sex in

order to push for control and violence.

They also encourage safe sex. They never expose

themselves to disease or unwanted children that they’re
not ready to take responsibility for.

Overall, Wicca is a very progressive religion that uses sex
and sexuality embracing in order to help improve their life.
While Wicca oftentimes is seen as strange for this, it’s
actually a very logical way of looking at sex. It allows you to
embrace and express your sexuality as needed, whether it
be through having lots of sex, or just having sex with a
serious partner as part of The Great Rite. Or maybe you’re
fine with being alone and take to masturbation since you’re
not interested in that connection. Remember that if you
choose to do this, this is all on your own.

Some people think that embracing this is a “wild and crazy”

idea. It’s not. It’s something that Wiccans respect, and they
see it as a natural part of life. That’s because it’s a part of
human nature, and it isn’t just about following some
arbitrary ideals, but instead using logical, sound judgement
in order to make the correct choices in life.

Literally, as long as you’re not harming nature, and acting

responsible in the way you conduct yourself, then you’re
doing it right. Also, balance is a big part of it. Don’t obsess
over sex, but instead just see it as a part of life.

Also, Wiccans see sexuality as something to embrace and

understand, rather than shame or guilt about. Wiccans that

are starting out should realize that unlike Christianity or
other religions, sex isn’t something that’s sinful, that’s
something that is taboo, or something frowned upon, but
instead, it’s something that two consenting adults can have
in a responsible manner, in order to exchange a balance of
power, and it is a natural energy. Even their liturgies have
this at the core.

Wicca is a very different religion from others, because it

doesn’t view this as taboo, and it’s something that’s
embraced and accepted, rather than hushed and

Conclusion—For More information

As you can see here, Wicca and sex is quite an interesting

topic, and it’s something that is actually accepted by many
as a healthy action to undertake. This book touched upon
this one Wiccan concept, and it’s a taste of the type of
content you’ll real in the books of Justine J. Scott.

You saw here a few terms used, such as the altar, and rite
tools. You may wonder what those are, and what the
purpose of Wiccan rites are. For example, if you get our
book, “Wicca for Beginners”, you’ll learn everything there is
to know about Wicca, and the ceremonies that are there.
You’ll understand the overall purpose of it, and why it’s an
important concept for you to understand. Wicca isn’t just a
religion of witchcraft, but there is far more to it than you’d
expect, and here, you got a taste of what there is out there,
and you can find out more information in our book on what
Wicca believes in, not just about nature, but in life itself.


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