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Isabella Ginocchetti

Professor Plank

MAR 4156


International marketing is great for growing businesses to increase sales by bringing in

new customers. It allows a company to expand and target more customers. While this is very

beneficial for flourishing businesses, with international marketing, companies need to be

strategic. It is important to be aware of the cultural difference varying in each country including

religion, language, environment, laws, etc.

During the simulation, my group has chosen to do business with Brazil, Chile, and

Argentina. Each of these countries in South America have cultural differences from the United

States that our company needs to be aware of. Let’s dive into some ethical issues we could face

from marketing internationally.

First and foremost, there could be promotional issues like false advertising. This includes

not being completely honest about all the product like the ingredients utilized. With toothpaste,

we need to make sure that all the used ingredients are listed and not containing anything that

goes against their religion to be consumed. Furthermore, our advertisements should be

communicated with the language of the country we are doing business with. In Brazil, the main

language is Portuguese in which our advertisements should be communicated through this and

only reflect cultural abiding symbols/words. Different cultures can find some words to be

offensive or even symbols as simple has a hand sign. We want to be respectful of other cultures
and gain their trust which will indicate how our business thrives in their country. Before

releasing any campaigns or promotions, I would take into consideration each culture to ensure it

is appropriate.

Product issues can also be a setback for marketing internationally as well. Our products

should be made only of legal ingredients and chemicals. Every single ingredient needs to be

listed on the toothpaste box to ensure we are honest about our product, and it abides the food

and drug administration laws. I feel that our products should have a stamp like, “FDA approved”

to reassure consumers with knowing that the product is safe to consume.

Last but not least, distribution issues also factor into international marketing. These

issues can revolve around child labor laws, working conditions, working regulations, human

rights, and diversity in the workplace. For example, the working conditions should be safe and

comfortable for all employees along with equal standards. Our company will not discriminate

when hiring but be welcoming to diversity. We will place a quota that has to be met to ensure

we withhold our commitment to diversity. Also, we can display our diversity when creating

commercials by having different races for each actor performing. Every new hire will also have

equal opportunity and chances to move up within the company. Child labor laws will be

followed accurately so that employees under eighteen will only be allowed to work up to a set

number of hours, especially for school nights. As a marketing manager, my goal is to consistently

follow all the rules and regulations set into place to keep our company strong. Additionally, it is

imperative that we utilize the correct currency for each country and make sure there are no

counterfeit issues that will make our business look frowned upon.
Ultimately, marketing internationally is about gaining the trust and respect of your

consumers to sell your products and overall grow your businesses. As a marketing manager, I

would ensure that I am in tune to the cultural barriers amongst each country and find ways to

target our consumer population the right way. If I were to lose the trust of our consumers, then

it would be extremely difficult to persuade them into purchasing anymore of our products.

When making each decision, I will put on that hat of what a consumer would expect when

buying toothpaste. As long as the needs and wants of the consumers are met, our business will

continue to thrive.

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