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ASSESSING Un Jour Du Cowboy

The aim of the assessment is to identify the essential narrative structure, stories,
characters, and the basic plot of the work PLUS what makes all of these original and




Ask the following questions of the piece of work

under consideration:

A) In a premise statement (if there is one) - Who is the

narrative about? What is/are their problem/s? And why
can’t they solve it? Is there a clear antagonistic force?

Cowboy who wants to reach mother

He has to pass the desert

There are always some practical obstacles, like, lack of water, too much of water, etc.


B) In an outline - How many stories are there? What type

of stories are they? Which character/s’ story, or stories
are providing the main plot structure for the narrative?

{How many stories are there?}

{What type of stories are they?}

{Which character/s’ story, or stories are providing the main plot structure for the

C) Does the main plot-line have a clear beginning middle

and end - either for the narrative as a whole and/or for the




D) What is the genre of the piece? What is still needed to

emphasis the genre aspects of the narrative.

the genre is {personal drama/romance/triller/horror}

{it still needs this and that to work}

E) Is it clear yet what the narrative is really about? What is

its theme?

The narrative is really about {this and that}

{the theme is}

F) What is the tone of the work and how is this reflected in

the writing or the notes?

{the tone of the work}

{the tone is reflected like this}

G) What is original about it? What is familiar?

{original is}

{familiar is}
For the short - do the stories fit the short format, what length
does it appear to be, and who is/are the central characters?

For series – do the characters have the basis to generate

numerous stories, are there enough story ideas, are they of equal
weight and substantial enough to support a series?

For the feature film - Who is it about? What makes it a feature

film? What are the two main stories?

" When giving notes remember: "

1. " Think up possible solutions to the problem/s. "
2. " Present the problems you have identified in a clear logical order with the
potential solutions. "

3. " Identify possible sources of research for developing the work. "

" When receiving comments take notes. Note down any

new ideas/questions that spring out of the comments. Then
gather your thoughts at the end of the discussion, and feed

them back to the group. "

" With respect to the points a-g. It is not expected that you
will necessarily have an answer to all the questions raised.

However, if you could provide some thoughts on each point

it will help you, and everyone else, in the workshop as we

undertake the further development of the projects. "

" You may answer the points as listed, or in a short note
covering all the points you want to make. "

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