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Camels – The Big and Awkward Desert Animals

Camel Anatomy
Camel anatomy is unique and fascinating. One of the most noticeable features of a camel is its hump
or humps. These humps do not store water; instead, they store fat which the camel’s body can
convert to water and energy.
Their long legs help keep their bodies away from the hot desert ground, and their broad, tough feet
prevent them from sinking into the sand. Camels have three eyelids and two rows of long lashes to
keep sand out of their eyes. Their noses can close completely, protecting their respiratory system
from dust storms.
Camel Behavior and Communication
These large mammals are known for their gentle and social nature. They usually live in groups called
herds, led by a dominant male. Camels communicate using sounds like moans, grunts, and bellows.
Interestingly, when they are upset, they may spit as a form of defense. They also use body language
to communicate. For instance, when a camel lowers its head and neck, it is usually a sign of
aggression. Moreover, camels are known for their extraordinary memory, they can recognize and
remember other camels and humans they’ve interacted with for years.
Camel Breeding and Lifespan
Typically, camels reach their breeding age when they are about 3 to 4 years old. The female camel,
called a cow, carries her baby, known as a calf, for a period of 12 to 14 months before giving birth.
Usually, only a single calf is born, but on rare occasions, twins may be born. After the calf is born, it
can run and keep up with the herd within only a few hours! Camels have a long lifespan compared to
many other animals. They can live for 40 to 50 years, with some even reaching the age of 60. Camel
Domestication History
Camel Diet and Water Conservation
Camels can eat a variety of vegetation, including plants that are too prickly or dry for other animals,
thanks to their tough mouths. But what’s really amazing is their ability to conserve water. Camels can
drink up to 30 gallons of water in just 13 minutes, and their bodies store this water efficiently to use
over several days or even weeks. This ability to store water, combined with a low sweat rate and the
ability to withstand a body temperature rise, allows them to go for long periods without drinking.
Camel Distribution and Habitat
The two main species of camels are the Dromedary, which has one hump and lives in the Middle East
and northern parts of Africa, and the Bactrian, which has two humps and is found in Central Asia.
They are also found in some parts of Western China and Mongolia. Camels are truly masters of
survival in some of the world’s most extreme habitats!
Camels in Culture and Religion
In the Middle East and North Africa, camels are often seen as symbols of patience, tolerance, and
endurance due to their ability to travel long distances without water. In Islamic tradition, camels are
considered a gift from God and their treatment is subject to certain religious laws. They also feature
in numerous stories and proverbs. In many cultures, camels are also celebrated in festivals and races,
demonstrating their importance not just as beasts of burden, but as part of cultural and religious
Human-Camel Interaction and Uses
They have been used by humans for transportation across arduous desert terrains, making human
travel and trade across vast desert regions possible. Camels also provide humans with milk, meat, and
wool, contributing significantly to the livelihood of people in arid regions. Their dung can be used as
fuel, and their hides are used for making tents and clothing.
Fun Facts about Camels for Kids
Dromedary camels live in the Middle East. They have one hump. Bactrian camels live only
in China and Mongolia. They have two humps.
People in the Middle East use camels like horses. They ride them and use them to carry things. Camels
can carry up to 200 pounds.
They can reach a height of 7 ft.
Camels look big and awkward, but they can move as fast as a horse. As fast as 40 mph.
Camels have long eyelashes and a protective eyelid to keep out sand in the desert during sandstorms.
They can even close their nostrils.
Camels are born without humps.
A baby camel is call a calf, a male adult is a bull and a female adult is a cow.
The scientific name for a camel is “Camelus”.
A camel will spit and kick if provoked in self defense. The spit is vomit, not nice.
A cow (female camel) will give birth to one calf.
Although there are still wild, camels became domesticated around 5,000 years ago.
Camel racing is a very popular sport.
Apart from being a beautiful looking animal the word camel actually means “beauty” in Arabic.

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