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Name: Jocelyn Chuo Wan Qi Day: 18.2.


Class: 6B1 Date: Saturday

Exercise 5

You attended a talk by a non-government agency, which was organized by the local town council.
The following comment was made by the speaker:

Young people today face more challenges in life.

Write an essay expressing your opinion on the statement. Write an essay of at least 250 words.

Every generation has their own struggles, and most of the people perceived that parents’
generation has face more challenges in their life. However, in wider scope, young people nowadays,
mostly in the domain of Generation Z, are facing different kinds of challenges in their life because
they are granted high hopes and expectations. These hopes and expectations will make young
people face mental challenges like depression and anxiety. So, I agree with the statement that says
“young people today face more challenges in life” which includes, high parental expectations, social
problems, and unemployment.

First and foremost, high expectations from parents are the challenges that face by young people in
life. Mostly, every parent always hopes their children success in their life. With that, parent pressure
to excel their children to accomplish the best in their academics even at young age. Parents are not
satisfied their children gets second best in school but expected them to get straight As in their every
subject they have learnt. Parents always emphasis their children to get academic excellence and this
make young people do not have social life. Young people will get depress because they are not
interested in the things they do. They do these things like dancing, ballet, playing piano or even
attend a tuition class make them fall depress easily. Young people must work hard to keep up with
parents’ s high expectations. Thus, high parental expectation is the challenge that young people face
in life.

Next, one of the challenges that young people face in their life is exposed to social problems.
Generation nowadays is not like parents ’s generation. Today, there are exposing many types of
social problems rampant in today ’s society. For example, substance abuse, alcoholism, and vape
culture. Young people today have strong desire and curiosity to experience in the new things. These
identities make young people fall into traps and cause society issues. Moreover, peer pressures give
them sense of belonging to force to grasp these social atrocities. These problems put young people
in dilemma which fall into the abyss or fight until the end. Young people will feel unsafe and insecure
in their life. Thus, exposed to social problem is the challenge that young people face in their life.

Last but not least, unemployment is also a challenge that young people face in their life.
Unemployment means lack of job opportunities. The reason why young people slaving for years,
using time and effort invested in university, hard working to score high marks is hopes to get a job
easily after graduation. Reality, it is full of disappointment in life. It is not as easy as it looks to find a
job in real life. There have many competitive between every employee to get a suitable job to full fill
young people’ s expectation. Sometimes, they get a job but that job not their interest. Then, because
of high expectation, they spend time to seek job they want but in final, they still unemployment. Low
pay and not interest jobs make young people always want to find a high pay jobs to make sure they
can sustain their living expenses. This problem makes them unemployment in the market. Thus,
unemployment is the challenge that young people face in their life.

In conclusion, there are many challenges that young people face in life which includes, high
parental expectation, social problems, and unemployment. Challenges that are hardship always
plague the young people today. Life is never easy for young people. Thus, I totally agree that young
people face more challenges in life.

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