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11/18/23, 5:14 PM Add Business Details to Google | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google for Developers

Establish your business details with

You can enhance the appearance and coverage of your
official website and presence in Search results by first
establishing it with Google. This makes it easier for users to
recognize your official site and reach information you provide
more easily when they search.

Google offers a variety of ways to help you provide key

business details so that they show up for users in Search
results. This guide describes how to make your businesses
location, official site, and content info available for results,
Google knowledge panel, and Google Maps.

Claim your local business

Manage how your business appears on Google Maps and Google Search by claiming your
Business Profile ( Once you verify yourself as the owner of a listing,
you can provide or edit your address, contact info, business type, and photos. This enables
your local business information to show up in Google Maps and Google knowledge panel.

Register your website with Search Console

The first step in establishing your website as an official presence is to verify website ownership
in Search Console ( This process verifies
the owners and operators of the site. Once you've verified your website, you can use Search
Console to understand and monitor how Google displays information about your site.

Update your site's Google knowledge panel 1/3
11/18/23, 5:14 PM Add Business Details to Google | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google for Developers

Google algorithms find information, like your site's name, corporate contact information, and
social profiles, that is publicly available on the web. You can update or provide more
information for your site for broader reach and recognition in Search results. If you're verified
as an official representative, you can update your Google knowledge panel
( to override the information Google
finds automatically.

Add structured data

Google Search works hard to understand the content of a page. You can help us by providing
explicit clues about the meaning of a page to Google by including structured data on the page.
Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and
classifying the page content. Learn more about structured data

Here are some structured data features that all websites can benefit from:

Site logo: You can specify which image that you want Google to use for your
organization's logo in Search results and your Google knowledge panel. To do this, add
Logo structured data (/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/logo) to your official website
that identifies the location of your preferred logo.

Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb trails on a page indicate the page's position in the site
hierarchy. A user can navigate all the way up in the site hierarchy, one level at a time, by
starting from the last breadcrumb in the breadcrumb trail. To help Google understand
your breadcrumbs, you can add Breadcrumb structured data
(/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/breadcrumb) to your site.

Highlight your customer support methods

Customers are often looking for ways to contact businesses, and Google works to show the
best available information to help them in a variety of ways
(/search/docs/appearance/visual-elements-gallery). You can highlight your customer support
methods in Google Search by following several best practices
(/search/blog/2021/07/customer-support) that help ensure we're showing the most accurate
information for your business or service. 2/3
11/18/23, 5:14 PM Add Business Details to Google | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google for Developers

If you're experiencing issues with your site's information, try the following troubleshooting tips:

Make suggested changes to your Google knowledge panel.

If you have waited at least one week since your marked-up page was last crawled by
Google, report information that you believe is incorrect in a Google knowledge panel, by
clicking the Feedback link at the bottom of the Google knowledge panel. If you are a
recognized authority or the site or entity represented in the Google knowledge panel, you
can view more options for providing specific edits.

Learn more about how to update your Google knowledge panel


Use the Rich Results Test ( to test your markup.

Give our system a week to find and update your site details in Search results.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License
( For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies
( Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2023-11-17 UTC. 3/3

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