Occult Brand of The Outsider

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Occult Brand: The Outsider

Those who embrace the Brand of the Outsider as Recallers form a bond with entities existing beyond our
comprehension, all in pursuit of unlocking forbidden wisdom and revealing the hidden truths of the

Occult Brand Spells

Spell Level Spells

1st Disguise Self, Wrathful Smite

2nd Alter Self, Phantasmal Force

3rd Hypnotic Pattern, Water Breathing

4th Evard's Black Tentacles, Hallucinatory


5th Dream, Seeming

Far Realm Sage

When you choose this occult brand at 2nd Level, you gain the ability to summon Aberrations when you
use Occult Summoning. You have advantage on skill checks to interact with or recall information on

Aberrant Form
At 2nd level your body undergoes a strange metamorphosis. Although on the surface you appear to be
normal, your body is a writhing mass of tentacles beneath the skin. You have a swimming speed of 30
feet, and as an action you can extend a mass of tentacles up to 30 feet away to grapple an object, pulling
you directly toward the object by the shortest possible path. If you weigh more than the object, the
object is instead drawn directly toward you by the shortest possible path.

If you grapple an object that is being worn or carried by a creature, you must make a ranged spell attack
against the target creature. On a hit, you successfully take the object. If the target is wearing the object,
the creature is pulled with it.

Aspect of the Ancients

Starting at 6th level, you constantly emanate a mind-shielding aura in a 20-foot radius while you're not
incapacitated. Each creature of your choice within the radius has resistance to psychic damage and
advantage on saving throws against being stunned.
Symbiotic Connection
At 10th level, your connection to the creatures you summon deepens. You gain the ability to
communicate telepathically with any creature you summon as long as you are on the same plane of
existence, and they gain the same telepathic ability to communicate with you. You also share your senses
with your summons, and they share theirs with you.

Herald of the Eldritch Truth

When you reach 17th level, you become a living archive of forbidden knowledge. When you make a
check to recall knowledge, roll a d6: On a 6, you immediately learn the information you were seeking, as
if you always knew the knowledge. On a 5 or lower, you learn some crucial hint about where to find the
knowledge, and on a 1 on the d6 you suffer short-term madness.

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